fix articles 232, united states
The Abandon Harris strategy is for people of conscience to punish Kamala Harris at the ballot box and then take the “blame”—or claim the credit—for her electoral defeat. Punishing the vice-president for her genocide would send a clear signal to the political landscape that genocide is not politically viable. It would create a political earthquake, soliciting a reckoning in the political parties. The Abandon Harris campaign’s goal is to ensure that Kamala Harris loses the swing states.
NATO Summit: Collectively Losing Their Minds (tags)
U.S.-led NATO could not launch its economic, information and proxy war against Russia without cause. That cause would be Russia invading Ukraine to defend ethnic Russians in a civil war that had raged since 2014, sparked when the U.S. helped to overthrow the democratically-elected government that year.
Supreme Court's liberal justices warn of a "law-free zone" (tags)
"The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution," she wrote. "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Justice Sotomayor
What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)
Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.
The Enemy and the Libidinal Economy of the Apocalypse (tags)
The West continues to avoid introspection by invoking the Other as pure evil. While the terminal crisis of capitalist civilization is truly global, and no emancipatory model can be seen on the geopolitical chessboard, it is also evident that today’s anti-Russian sentiment stems from a consolidated ideological framework. To West, Russians have always been an inferior race,
Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)
The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.
Regaining peacekeeping capabiities (tags)
The war could have been settled by the end of March 2022 if the USA had joined in. The question is who is the aggressor here. Vladimir Putin crossed a red line with the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. NATO and the United States under Barack Obama crossed a red line with the Maidan coup they staged in 2014, and even before that with NATO's eastward expansion.
Ukraine: Expansion of the battle zone (tags)
Russia is vastly superior in this type of warfare – which resembles an industrially operated process of destruction – because the Kremlin can draw on far greater reserves. Putin's gamble on a war of attrition is paying off. It is not just about the superiority of tanks, artillery and ammunition, or about the increasing Russian air superiority. It is above all about manpower.
How Religious Fundamentalism Hijacks the Brain (tags)
In moderation, religious and spiritual practices can be great for a person’s life and mental well-being. But religious fundamentalism—which refers to the belief in the absolute authority of a religious text or leaders—is almost never good for an individual. This is because fundamentalism discourages any logical reasoning or scientific evidence making it maladaptive.
Israeli paranoia is minimized or even excusable, an expression of timeless vulnerability and absolute victimhood, and has nothing to do with Zionism’s management of Jewish supremacy over the Palestinians. So, I am inclined to say the opposite. I do not believe that we will get very far unless we repeat the formula that “Zionism is a form of settler colonialism.”
Hoping that A.I. will restore homeless peoples rights to sit, lie and sleep outdoors. (tags)
Anti-homeless laws including L.A. 41.18 enforcement zones act of 2021 need to be repealed.
Trust in Institutions and the War Dividend (tags)
Even if almost no one wants to admit it, our “system” is obsolete, and for this reason it is now morphing into a “closed system” – totalitarian in nature. It is equally clear that the few who continue to benefit materially from the capitalist system (the 0.1%) are willing to do whatever it takes to prolong its obsolete existence. Debt is issued from one door and purchased from another.
Self-fulfilling Prophecy (tags)
The orchestrators of this global coup must be credited with a certain sadistic brilliance. Their sleight of hand succeeded, perhaps even beyond expectations. However, any power aiming at totalization is destined to fail, and this applies also to the high priests of the Covid religion and the institutional puppets they have mobilized to roll out the psyop.
A Phuilosopher's Critique (tags)
Because the declining middle classes are unable to see past individualism and economic self-interest, they stick with the fantasy that any loss of purchasing power is a temporary glitch awaiting systemic resolution – as if Capital were an eternal and inexhaustible mode of wealth creation.
Saving the planet means saving the world (tags)
Instead of today’s economic system, which increases inequality, a new system is indispensable, according to Rockström and colleagues. What is needed is a ‘wellbeing economy’ which serves people and the planet—rather than people and the planet serving the economy, as the Wellbeing Economic Alliance (WeAll) puts it.
Immigrants Are Not Hurting US-Born Workers (tags)
immigration is contributing to strong economic growth—with future immigration forecast to boost real gross domestic product by 2% over the next 10 years—as well as increasing government revenue. Immigrants are also complementing U.S.-born workers by contributing to overall population and workforce growth.
Dear Mr. High Commissioner: Help Free Assange! (tags)
Mr. Assange is a defender of human rights; an innovative journalist and creative publisher; he is one of us. He should not be locked up but standing with us in our office. Is he not persecuted for doing what every serious human rights investigator should be doing every day: investigating allegations and promoting truth, accountability and justice?
Youth & Memories of Hope in the Age of Disposability: The Personal & the Political (tags)
Youth and Memories of Hope in the Age of Disposability: Connecting the Personal and the Political. There is a war raging in neoliberal societies, especially in the United States, especially against working-class youth, Black and Brown youth, and impoverished youth.
John Pilger warns of a new fascism (tags)
Democracy is now fictitious. There is the all-powerful business elite that has merged with the state and its claims to "identity". US admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by Australian taxpayers for "advice". Across the West, our political imaginations have been soothed by PR and distracted from the machinations of corrupt politicians who can be had extremely cheaply.
Covid Myth Busting Before It Was Fact Using Some Commonsense - Get Ready for 2024 (tags)
Commonsense trumps real science - which needs real data, not commonsense... and that empirical data comes too late sometimes as a consequence of nefarious policies and disguised political agendas. There'd have been no covid injuries and vaccine uptake would have been near zero had the vast majority of public worldwide exercised some shrewd commonsense and recognized snake oil for what it was / still is. Modernity's greatest hijacking through behavior control is co-opting public's commonsense. Even coercion requires a measure of public's consent. How not to withhold consent is the entire edifice upon which oligarchic controls rest. Understanding this gets back to the public using their commonsense to preempt the dystopic oligarchic agendas.
The Looming War Against China (tags)
In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.
The division of the world (tags)
The USA is responsible for what is happening in Ukraine with this provoked war, which is currently being overshadowed in the media by the Middle East conflict, just as it has determined developments in Europe for more than a hundred years...It is becoming apparent that Germany is being systematically destabilized and ruined.
Is it permissible to criticize the West? (tags)
Children in the West today are brought up to believe that the West is superior in every way to Africa, Asia, China, Russia: that the world outside the West is a garden of horrors...It seems almost paradoxical that the West, which sees itself as the inventor of Enlightenment reason against dogmatism, still arrogates to itself the right to have a monopoly on reason
What is literature for? (tags)
Since 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall, humankind has made a tremendous leap backward. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, the atomization of the working class, the collapse of union membership, the abandonment of any attachment to republican principles. Mainstream discourse encourages us to resign.
Fascism 101: Why We Need To Spell It Out (tags)
We need to have a transformative vision that can compete with that of the far right, one based on genuine equality and genuine democratic empowerment that goes beyond the now discredited liberal democracy. Some call this vision socialism. Others would prefer another term, but the important thing is its message of radical, real equality beyond class, gender, and race.
We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. (tags)
Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness Call it socialism - as the wealthy GOP does - or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.
The presumption of mainstream economists and business journalists (as well as political and economic elites) is that the capitalist machine is the only possible one, and that it will work. Except it’s not: corporate profits have been growing (the red line in the chart above) but investment has been falling.
Neoliberalism, Democracy and the University as a Public Sphere (tags)
What can educators & others concerned about the future of higher education do to make sure it is not colonized by corporate & other antidemocratic interests? First, educators & others need to figure out how to defend more vigorously higher education as a public good & how central it is in producing the formative culture necessary to educate young people to be critical & engaged.
The Solution is Social Housing (tags)
The Swedish government set a goal of building 1 million new units in the mid-1960s when the population was only 8 million (or about the same size as New York City). Despite a few setbacks and problems, this goal was achieved in less than a decade — We suggest that 10 million new municipal housing units would be a viable ten-year goal.
Leaders of Largest US and Puerto Rico Churches Urge Congress to Pass Same Level of Food an (tags)
Puerto Rico should receive the same nutrition assistance benefits, popularly known as food stamps, as US states receive, noted 28 major religious leaders from Puerto Rico and the United States.
Ukraine's attack on NordStream 2 (tags)
The CIA learned last June through a European spy agency that a six-member team of Ukrainian special forces intended to sabotage the natural gas project between Russia and Germany. Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack.
From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences (tags)
Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming.
The refugee crises were triggered by warmongers (tags)
Preventing wars and sanctions would have a preventive effect against refugee movements. But once people are here, they must be treated with dignity. Racism does not solve the problems and it is rather a smokescreen behind which geopolitical causes can be hidden.
Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War (tags)
If the United States can’t learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.
Ice Age: Why Russia is Demonized and Why That is So Dangerous (tags)
A serious exit strategy has to deal with two crucial realities. First, the war in Ukraine is another proxy war between Russia & the political West. Secondly: As long as either side assumes it can win the war militarily - whatever that may mean in concrete terms - there is little willingness to negotiate.
Russia's victory in an economic war (tags)
If perspectives for ways out of the increasingly worsening crises of capitalist socialization are to emerge, it is indispensable to look at the whole of conditions and their complex entanglements. It is necessary to break with the myths and life lies of the 'free West' as well as with those of a mission for a Russian empire or any other autocratic fundamentalism.
De-escalartion instead of war of attrition (tags)
The call for negotiations alone is no longer enough. In a situation in which parts of the Western alliance are struggling to find ways out of the war & at the same time more & more heavy weapons are being supplied for a war that will last for years, the social left should campaign more strongly than before for "mutual de-escalation" & security guarantees, for European independence
The Jean Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever. Only in another - post-capitalist, social-ecological - Europe, from the Atlantic to the Urals, can peace and justice become a reality. Whether this is a realistic scenario? That is up to each and every one of us.
The UN Charter must be the heart and coul of any new peace architecture (tags)
The Ukrainian war will also end one day, and we will have to strive again for a new peace order to "save future generations from the scourge of war." A peaceful and fair world for the soon to be 10 billion inhabitants of the earth, 9 billion from the 'Global South', must be built on the principles of the UN Charter. The UN Charter must therefore be at the center of every peace movement.
Extradition of Julian Assange threatens First Amendment, Press Freedom (tags)
JURIST: My favorite Supreme Court Justice of all time is William O. Douglas. A staunch defender of the First Amendment, he asserted in his book Points of Rebellion, “We must realize that today’s Establishment is the new George III. Whether it will continue to adhere to his tactics, we do not know. If it does, the redress, honored in tradition, is also revolution.”
Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)
We are now in a situation where the best-case scenario is that this war will continue for years as a slow, bloody war of attrition with hundreds of thousands more dead, with progressive destruction of the Ukrainian economy and infrastructure, with progressive impoverishment of the European population. The worst-case scenario is a global nuclear war.
The greatest show on earth (tags)
"It takes considerable fragmentation in the media portrayal of these crimes and radical recontextualization as a 'struggle for democracy and human rights' for crimes of this magnitude, as well as their historical continuity, to become virtually invisible to the public. Although all of this is extensively documented, these crimes are virtually absent from the public consciousness."
Humanity cannot survive a nuclear war (tags)
In the face of the threat of nuclear war, I echo the appeals of the UN Secretary General, Pope Francis, and world leaders like President Lula: De-escalation, diplomatic intervention, and an end to this brutal war. The longer the fighting continues, the more lives are lost, the more our fragile climate is destroyed, and the greater the threat of total annihilation becomes for all of us.
Protection for PNW Street Medics (tags)
Resources and information to help street medics, activists, and anyone facing police brutality and harassment protect themselves against government spying, corruption, and abuse.
Religious Fundamentalism. An ambivalent phenomenon of the modern age (tags)
The conclusion that Thomas Meyer repeatedly puts forward is obvious: "Fundamentalism proves to be an indeterminate negation of the foundations of Enlightenment and modernization."
When everything tips over (tags)
So it's high time for the left to break out of its shock paralysis, to start politicizing knowledge again and to develop its own models and approaches that are both bigger and smaller than the warning about the end of humanity. First, by taking into account the economic structures.... And on the other hand, by going into the painstaking, everyday detail work.
The continuity of the lie (tags)
The U.S. public has once again been wheedled into sinking billions into another endless war. The script by which the pimps of war usually lure us into one military fiasco after another - including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine - always remains the same. "Freedom and democracy are at risk. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected."
Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History (tags)
We live in a world facing existential threats while extreme inequality is tearing our societies apart and democracy is in sharp decline. The U.S., meanwhile, is bent on maintaining global hegemony when international collaboration is urgently needed to address the planet’s numerous challenges.
Ukraine and the powerful resurgence of US empire (tags)
"NATO is not what it claims to be," reads the headline. Contrary to the claims of its architects and defenders, the alliance's primary purpose since its inception has not been to deter aggression from the East, much less to promote democracy, but to "bind Western Europe to a much broader project of a world order led by the United States."
Is the USa Failed State with Michael Hudson (tags)
It’s a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we’re in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.
"The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" - part 2 of 3 (tags)
Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.
Who fuels war and profits from it (tags)
It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.
China's further development has priority (tags)
The focus of Chinese policy remains the economic and social development of the country... Despite the enormous successes in economic and social development, there is still a long way to go before China catches up and can also keep up with the rich industrialized countries
The Great Leap Backward (tags)
Scoop, the swami from Miami, addressed KFOG listeners in the Bay Area as fogheads. The United States would be much better off without the self-appointed burden of keeping the world “safe” and “free” with the threat of our nuclear weapons.
The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)
This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.
Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment - And Things Should Stay That Way (tags)
The time has come for progressive nationalization and socialization. This includes the financial sector, because only if we gain control over the financing of socially necessary areas of production will it be possible to ensure that we as a society can plan our future.
Who determines the rules of the "rules-based world order"? (tags)
Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States - that is the global West, for too long imagined that it was the world. In fact, colonialist exploitation & forced labor - were the foundation of its power. But the world has changed.
Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) (tags)
Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent.
Loss of reality and bellicism (tags)
Ukraine is "worn out" here while it is supposed to fight a proxy war "until the last Ukrainian" and is equipped for this with weapons, ammunition, financial means, etc.... None of this is even remotely realistic.
Oppose U.S. weapon shipments to Ukraine (tags)
Does Putin have a right to ask the United Nations to vote on a potential resolution to ask the United States to stop shipping any additional weapons to the Ukraine??
Covert wars in the shadow of international law (tags)
In the years between the end of the Cold War in 1991 and 2022, the United States has carried out at least 251 military interventions in almost every country on earth. Going back to 1789, there were a total of 469. In all of these interventions, the United States formally declared war 11 times.
Why do the lambs remain silent? (tags)
James Madison (1751-1836), one of the founding fathers of the constitution, proclaimed that every form of government should be designed "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority".
The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals (tags)
Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler).
Can state-capitalist China inherit the USA as hegemon? (tags)
China's growth is also running on credit, and the People's Republic is similarly highly indebted as the descending Western centers of the world system.10 The Chinese deficit economy is generating even far greater speculative excesses than was the case in the U.S. or Western Europe,
Re-nationalizing Soviet History and Who breaks the international rules? (tags)
The construction of differentiated historical narratives that overcome one-dimensional perpetrator-victim polarizations in discourse with other affected nations and integrate one's own complicity step by step is an extremely laborious, painful process. It will probably take decades.
Michael Hudson on de-dollarization (tags)
Krugman is saying that other people have no reason at all for what they’re doing. And when they move out of the dollar, there’s no reason for them to do it. If you read what these countries say, they explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. .
US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine (tags)
The IMF granted large loans to the invaded country and enforces the so-called neoliberal "Washington Consensus"[1]. In a major privatization campaign, the Ukrainian government is selling off state assets. U.S. corporations such as ExxonMobil, Chevron & Halliburton participate.
Ukraine will not win. Only a peace plan by the major powers can end the war (tags)
A genuine peace treaty would require agreement on a host of thorny issues (e.g., borders, reconstruction assistance, prisoner repatriation, accountability for war crimes, security guarantees, transit arrangements for the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, etc.),
Why China wont replace the US as hegemon. Chaos instead of hegemony (tags)
China's growth is also running on credit; the People's Republic is similarly indebted to the descending Western centers of the world system. This trend toward de-dollarization can only be properly understood against the backdrop of the imperial descent of the United States.
China's rise as a superpower and the crumbling US empire (tags)
Chinese diplomacy seems to me to be more imaginative and potentially more effective. That means that the world is changing in important and dramatic ways in terms of the distribution of power and influence around the world.
Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? (tags)
For Putin, the intention to admit Ukraine to NATO was a breach of "the agreement made with NATO after the fall of the Berlin Wall not to expand it" (2:34:20). As the Americans claimed hegemony according to their "Monroe Doctrine," Putin considers Ukraine his "backyard."
Ukraine war: Why is the Pentagon actually running out of ammunition? (tags)
The larger problem is financialization. Step by step, this conquered all areas of society. And finally it also reached the holy grail of the military-industrial complex. With financialization came the neoliberal market doctrines of capacity reduction, downsizing, "lean inventories," and cutting costs.
Nord Stream as a reason for war (tags)
Only the blowing up of the Nord Stream pipelines ultimately cleared the way for the EU, and Germany in particular, to become long-term buyers of U.S. natural gas surpluses and to keep the price at a profitable level for U.S. fracked gas producers, even in the long term.
As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.
Brazil's Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance (tags)
“Why can’t a bank like that of the BRICS have a currency to finance trade relations between Brazil and China, between Brazil and other countries?" he continued. "It’s difficult because we are unaccustomed [to the idea]. Everyone depends on just one currency".
Blow up the banking system: A free account for all is possible (tags)
Harsh austerity policies for the vast majority of people and state socialism for bankers, both practiced at the same time in Europe and the U.S. after 2008 - this had two consequences for financialized capitalism of the past 14 years. First, this course poisoned the West's money.
Israel on the brink of civil war? (tags)
This time, the existential threat to Israel does not come from outside (e.g., from Iran), as has been and is repeatedly invoked inside and outside Israel. It comes from within Israeli society itself, because the new extremist government is also resolutely committed to confrontation.
Ukraine has already lost much of its population since 1990, War casualties and flight would further obstruct the country's future prospects. It was against this backdrop that Gen. Mark Milley and Anthony Blinken, stressed that "recapture of the territories taken by Russia is unrealistic."
The Legacy of Liberation Theology (tags)
Liberation theology was the theological promise of Latin America and sounded like a more colorful, people-friendly church. The Vatican saw things differently....Pope Francis is seeking dialogue and he also comes from Latin America.
The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle (tags)
Toward the end of the Cold War, capitalism created a military horror: the neutron bomb, a weapon that destroys life while leaving buildings intact. During the Fourth World War, however, a new wonder has been discovered: the financial bomb.This new bomb destroys the polis (nation)
Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war (tags)
Like every war in history, the Ukrainian war has a prehistory that does not begin with Russia's invasion of the neighboring country nearly a year ago, or even in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Second, the war has an immense potential for escalation.
Inflation, Ukraine & China (tags)
What impresses me is China's diplomatic engagement. And I say that also in terms of their role in restoring diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Our diplomacy, American diplomacy, seems to me reactive, unimaginative, and ineffective. Chinese diplomacy, on the other hand, seems to me to be more imaginative.
New old financial crisis (tags)
Since Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate Corporation, & Signature Bank all toppled within a week in the U.S. & now First Republic Bank has also run into trouble, there are increasing signs that the next big financial crisis could now erupt with force. $9 trillion has been injected into the "U.S. market."
War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)
After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.
"We should respect the red lines of both sides" & Gen Harald Kujat (tags)
We are on a path of extreme escalation & media lies or silence...This war began because of NATO expansion, U.S. involvement in a coup & the massive rearmament of Ukraine - then came the horrific invasion & further escalation. This war must stop before it leads to nuclear Armageddon.
UN Charter: Negotiations! and Good wars, bad wars? (tags)
The seriousness of the escalating conflict over NATO's expansion to Russia's borders, which has now led to war, has been clear to all involved since at least 1994. Russia has repeatedly warned that admitting Ukraine and Georgia to NATO would violate its elementary security.
China's peace plan & It's about everything (tags)
In times of crisis, right-wing populists, with the benevolent support of influential media, play the national card and pit disadvantaged groups of people against each other. Scapegoats, like Jews in the past and refugees today, are blamed for the collapse of the welfare state and security.
Journalism is in denial about itself & China's Mediation (tags)
If you live on a powder keg, you have to avoid sparks. Therefore, especially in crises, truthful, trustworthy communication and respectful communication in society is more important than ever. The fourth estate in the state is failing now - as it has in recent crises.
The final system question Parts 1 and 2 (tags)
The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory" has been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.
Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)
Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again.
January 30, 1933 and Media makes politics (tags)
Edward Bernays, an important developer of modern propaganda, wrote almost a hundred years ago: "The manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate form an invisible government..."
A terribly powerful family (tags)
The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the façade of official government...
No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence (tags)
The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government.
Stumbling into world war and Ukraine War (tags)
We are on a slippery slope that could end in a world war and a nuclear apocalypse. And it is also clear that for going to war, the West would have to sacrifice those "values" that have so far been used to justify war, first and foremost freedom of speech and democracy.
RAND Corporation: No one can win this war (tags)
Authors Samuel Charap and Miranda Priebe conclude "that in addition to averting a possible escalation toward a Russia-Nato war or Russian nuclear deployment, avoiding a protracted war is a higher priority for the United States" than regaining territorial control through Ukraine.
Democracies against Autocracies & Decline of Civilization (tags)
The time of decadence, i.e. the creeping decay of civilization, in which we find ourselves again today, is characterized by fear, nihilism, radicalism and depression. The decline is seen as the unalterable end of a nostalgically transfigured past while life loses all meaning.
There is nothing to fear from China (tags)
Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.
Turn of the times and Negotiations instead of truce (tags)
"Public opinion continues to cling to pragmatism and pacifism. Skepticism toward military means has even increased since the beginning of the war." "The most important thing is to end the war as soon as possible, even if that means Ukraine ceding control of territory to Russia."
Russia's war against Ukraine and What are the war aims? (tags)
Erich Vad is an ex-brigade general. From 2006 to 2013, he was the military policy advisor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He is one of the rare voices who spoke out publicly against arms deliveries to Ukraine early on, without political strategy or diplomatic efforts.
How foreign policy elites are losing contact with their citizens (tags)
In addition to the destruction of two countries, trillions of squandered dollars, a massive refugee crisis, a new generation of U.S. war veterans in need of lifelong assistance, and countless dead as well as wounded, these "elites" are largely responsible for the distrust.
What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? (tags)
There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA.
Negotiated Solution - No Alternative! (tags)
NATO intervention seems unlikely so far, after U.S. President Biden ruled out direct military intervention even in the run-up to the war...Nevertheless, a further escalation of the war cannot be ruled out. At present, the powerless left has only the option of fighting for peace. (TKonicz)
Cacophony of Corporatism, Subsidies & Inheritance Tax (tags)
History is written by the winners. The Orwellian "memory hole" has long been a reality and could soon lead to subsequent generations no longer being able to develop any awareness at all of what it means to lead a free and dignified life.
Battle for Social Democracy and Unfettered Capitalism (tags)
Two opposing schools of thought face each other at the sickbed: neoliberalism and social democracy. Didn't the death-bells of neoliberals ring in the course of the financial market crisis? Were not neoliberals unmasked who first caused the whole mess with their deregulation?
Reflections on the Political Crisis and Right-wing Populism (tags)
The policies of neoliberal globalization have driven an enormous strengthening of transnational corporations and finance capital, and at the same time the division between rich and poor, between the top "1%" and the rest of the "99%"[28].
Defense Against the Dark Arts (tags)
A Guide to Security Culture, Privacy & Underground Tradecraft
The Prince of Hell and Peace in Ukraine is possible (tags)
There is little truth in war. If you want to survive, any means must necessarily be acceptable. In this scenario, lying is not a sin, not something to be outlawed, but simply an option to achieve one's own goals. It is therefore normality.
Critique of religion and market religion and Post-colonialism (tags)
Critique of religion as critique of fetishism is a critique of earthly gods, which are false gods. "Man is the highest being for man." Marx develops it further in other words and formulates his idea of the liberation of man in the Communist Manifesto.
War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)
This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.
The American century was yesterday (tags)
"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)
The geopolitical confrontation between China and the West and Peace logic (tags)
The main issue is monopolarity or multipolarity. And this also raises the question of geopolitical hegemony. In other words, whether Western interests will remain supreme and Western value systems will therefore be of universal significance?
Russia's war in the mirror of western international law nihilism and propaganda (tags)
With Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine and the Western response, the world may be headed in leaps and bounds toward the nuclear abyss: The escalation dynamic is gaining speed. More and more conventional weapons are being moved by the West to Ukraine.
The psychology of the warmongerers and The war cannot be won (tags)
We should strive quite fundamentally for a different Europe and a different Russia, namely each freed from capitalist, parasitic oligarchy. The Jaurès maxim, "Capitalism carries war like the cloud carries rain," is more relevant than ever.
Misjudgments and Biden's foreign policy (tags)
Russia is to blame for our gas shortage, rising prices and high inflation. That's what the newspapers say, that's what you hear on the news and that's what presenters claim. Of course, this is not true. But the constant repetition shapes the public consciousness.
In the Trap of NATO and The Collapse of US Hegemony (tags)
Even before the outbreak of the global Covid pandemic, it was widely recognized that U.S. hegemony was in irreversible decline. In August 2021, the Taliban captured Kabul as U.S. forces withdrew. Only about six months later, war broke out between Russia and Ukraine.
Charity means toppling the powerful from their thrones and The cry of the poor (tags)
There is no distinction between structural violence, which is the basis of the capitalist social order, and counter-violence. "First of all, I would like to state that there is a violence from which all other violence derives: the violence of oppression." (Dom Helder Camara).
In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)
Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.
Negotiated solution - No Alternative! (tags)
Does anyone really believe that more and more state-of-the-art weapons, no matter how tough sanctions and huge financial injections could produce peace? ...The survival of humanity depends in part on this business of death no longer having a future.
The subjectless rule of capital and Working class hero (tags)
Fortunately, his death did not silence him. The opposite is the case. Because John Winston Lennon became more immortal through the assassination than he already was as a member of the most successful band of all times. Not a martyr - but a working class hero.
"Nord Stream 2 energy is an indispensable part of understanding what this is all about," Beattie said. "It's all about who controls Europe. Europe, we have since learned, is even more of a vassal state of the United States than we imagined.
The attacks on Nord Stream and the elephant in the room (tags)
In an interview with Berliner Zeitung, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs said that destroying Nord Stream would be contrary to Russia's interests; the country would lose "income, financial assets & bargaining power." The U.S., would "benefit strategically and financially."
We need an Enlightenment 2.0: Misguided Colonial and Gender Policy (tags)
Colonial knowledge was imposed by force. The West has set our planet on fire. To extinguish it, we need all archives of knowledge with their different references to the world. We cannot do it any other way. Therefore, it is urgent to initiate a paradigmatic change in education.
For an anti-imperialism solidarity (tags)
Ukraine is not an imperialist state, but a young country whose independence and own nation-building Russia does not accept. The governments of Europe and the United States share responsibility for the escalation of geopolitical tensions.
Question sanctions and The cry of the poor (tags)
In Germany, we tend to moralize and romanticize in politics. This prevents us from taking a sober view of world events. We fail to recognize that the U.S. is ruthlessly asserting its own interests, against enemy and friend. The interests of the EU and the U.S. have long since ceased to coincide.
How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbachev (tags)
Gorbachev wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a closed, repressive system into an open, communicative socialist system that would be part of the European family. This effort was called glasnost (openness) and was advanced through the reform movement called perestroika.
Economic war instead of climate policy and Russia is enemy (tags)
Sustainability and capitalism do not go together. Because capitalism needs growth and drives environmental destruction. The consequences: Species extinction, drought stress for trees, water scarcity. A consistent climate policy is overshadowed by the economic war.
End of the superpower and Catastrophic escalation (tags)
The coming offensive in the Donbass, which Russia's army is currently preparing despite all setbacks, also represents an escalation step in which both sides are raising the stakes... The West is supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine.
NATO has propped up dictatorships in its own sphere of influence. It has covered up or condoned wars in which crimes against humanity have been committed. What is happening right now because of Russia has not changed my opinion about NATO there.
The birth of propaganda and The war of perception (tags)
One of the founding fathers of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays, therefore also openly admitted that especially in democracies, where the majority of people decide, the control of thoughts and feelings is a central tool. "Public relations involves 'the engineering of consent.'"
Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)
Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?
Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)
History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.
Oregon: the toughest heat protection law in the US (tags)
Heat waves are becoming more frequent and longer. Farm workers, people on construction sites, and even firefighters have been largely dependent on the goodwill of their employers during a heat wave. How long Oregon's heat protection law will remain in effect is unknown.
The Unbroken: Evo Morales (tags)
Recent events give hope for a resurgence of the left on the continent. Morales points to recent electoral victories in Peru, Chile, Colombia, as well as Lula's soon expected return to the Brazilian presidency. "These times are coming again," he says.
Have the January 6 hearings damaged Trump's political prospects? Don't count on it (tags)
"He chose not to act," declared Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger at the outset of Thursday's January 6 committee hearings. With those words, the congressman got right to the heart of the final hearing of the summer.
Guidance to the system change, Parts 1 and 2 (tags)
World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex, any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests were suppressed.
Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of Leviathan (tags)
The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). RK was founder of Exit & Krisis blogs.
Putin's authoritarian regime poses as resistance fighter (tags)
After the collapse of ‘really existing socialism,’ the liberal fairy tale we were told had it that democracy and a market economy would open the way to freedom and prosperity for all members of world society. This illusion has disgraced itself miserably.
Making yourself comfortable in capitalism (tags)
"Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21).
Degrowth - not just Green New Deals! (tags)
We live in a time of many and accelerating crises. Climate breakdown is breathing down our neck. Biodiversity is collapsing in ecosystems around the world, and many natural safety nets – water cycles, soil fertility, fish stocks, microbial diversity – are unraveling.
The New NATO Strategic Concept: 6 Articles (tags)
Collective pressure in a broad societal dimension is necessary for a cease-fire - in a viable European security architecture... At the core of a sustainable compromise between Russia, Ukraine and the US could be a guarantee of Ukraine's full sovereignty and military neutrality.
Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship (tags)
Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO.
The work critique of millenials and A new universalism of emancipation (tags)
The 4-Hour League, an alliance founded in 2016 to campaign for the 4-hour day is concerned with pushing back wage labor to have more time for a good life, for a gender-just redistribution of care activities and putting an end to the over-exploitation of nature.
No fear of peace negotiations (tags)
For Ukraine, security means that a peace agreement will not be followed by renewed Russian threats or incursions. For Russia, security means that their withdrawal from Ukraine will not be followed by NATO's eastward expansion.
A new quality of crisis (tags)
From the systemic urge to self-destruction arises the survival necessity of the emancipatory overcoming of capital. The capitalist regime of constraint must be transformed into history. The struggle for the transformation of the system has to be the central moment of left practice.
The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating (tags)
On January 20, 2021, Donald Trump departed the White House on a helicopter that took him to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where he delivered the final remarks of his presidency to some of his supporters. Before boarding Air Force One for the flight to Mar-a-Lago, his gilded palace in Florida, Trump promised them, “We will be back in some form.”
The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.
No to Nato and war - Yes to peace (tags)
"Peace is too important to be left to politicians," the publicist stressed, which is why a strong peace movement is still needed. Historian Peter Brandt then spoke in favor of a European security architecture that includes Russia.
The historic push of East Central Europe into Nato (tags)
What is the end of the war song? It is and was destruction, death, human suffering and traumatized populations. And in our time, in addition, it is the suspension of the necessary global and joint efforts of all nations in the fight against the threat of climate catastrophe.
We need a real debate on the Ukraine war (tags)
The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the risk of a nuclear accident or incident. And given the strategy of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration to "weaken" Russia through large-scale arms shipments. The United States and NATO are in a proxy war with Russia.
Opinion: What the brewing interstate travel wars over abortion portend (tags)
The Supreme Court seems ready to undo Roe v. Wade, the landmark case recognizing the right to choose abortion, in a matter of weeks, and blue as well as red states are already preparing for what might be coming next: a conflict between states seeking to facilitate out-of-state travel for abortion and those trying to shut it down.
Address at the Easter march in Berlin (tags)
1), we need to end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible. The German government should stop adding fuel to the fire. 2): We must prevent "dark eagles" in Europe.3) We must become a broad movement that prevents the rearmament mania in this country.
The "West" and its war aims in Ukraine (tags)
The Western-oriented countries want to help Ukraine, but not all of them have the same goal in mind. Whereas shortly after the invasion the focus was on defense, since Ramstein the U.S. has been talking about Kiev's need to win the war.
The Great Reboot and Investing in death (tags)
The WEF continues to propagate a highly hierarchized society in which the most powerful actors decide how society should develop - far removed from democratic processes. The US is now spending $100K per minute on new nuclear weapons!
The modeling of the human and Final victory of materialism (tags)
Birgit Naujeck, clearly opposes 5G, transhumanism, any eugenics, and the disembodiment of our language, which leads to the rewriting of history and gender. The Final victory of materialism coincides with its implosion!
A possible oil and gas embargo against Russia, for example, will bring the social question to the fore and bring many people to the streets. More and more voices, it is hoped, will then rise up against war and the militarization of our lives.
The persecution of Julian Assange (tags)
Melzer has distilled his detailed research into a new book, The Trial of Julian Assange, that provides a shocking account of rampant lawlessness by the main states involved – Britain, Sweden, the US, and Ecuador.
Ukraine's decoupling was foolish and dangerous (tags)
Promote peace, don't fuel conflict. There are only two ways to end a war. Either with a negotiated settlement. Or with the annihilation of one side or the other. That's how wars end, unfortunately, when there is no negotiated settlement...There must be a diplomatic solution.
“An injury to one is the concern of all.” The events of 1886 – powerful displays of solidarity and mass strikes for an eight-hour work day followed by absolute abuses of state power in executing innocent labor organizers – continue to inspire workers to demand fair, just workplaces & laws.
Peace Policy and Every military solution leads to disaster (tags)
"Our Common Security" (April 21, 1982) called the Palme Report revealed a new way of thinking that helped make German unity and the overcoming of the European divide possible in 1989.
Nuclear deterrence and Negotiate and peace now! (tags)
"I believe the Administration's recommendation to admit new members to NATO at this time is misguided. If adopted by the United States Senate, it could go down in history as the greatest strategic blunder since the end of the Cold War..." Jack F. Matlock Jr, U.S. ambassador
The Secret History of Drugs (tags)
Here are some facts you probably never knew about the connection between street drugs and pharmaceutical companies.
In the run-up to the founding of NATO, those responsible in the USA knew: The Soviet Union posed no military threat. The weakened power could not sustain an attack on Western Europe even if it wanted to: The Soviet Union's economy is largely destroyed and technologically obsolete.
Was the policy of detente a political mistake? (tags)
It was the West that, immediately after the end of the East-West confrontation, once again made war a "normal means" of international politics. Russia is now following suit, more than twenty years behind.
Russia and China are no match for the United States’ Instruments of National Power. The Pale Blue Dot’s existence is at risk if nuclear weapons are employed by either one or both sides.
Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)
The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.
Waging war or building bridges (tags)
"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.
We can only free ourselves from this spiral of violence if we return to the principles of international law and end both the use and the threat of force. For they both pursue the same goal - the subjugation of the adversary.
Ukraine: No to Putin's war! No to NATO's escalation! (tags)
Nato expansion to the east: an imperialist act Putin bears full responsibility for the current Ukraine war. However, Scholz's rearmament speech is a reminder that the foundation for the escalation that is now culminating in Russian aggression was laid by NATO and the EU.
US: Domestic political gridlock and The Ukraine War (tags)
The Ukraine War: In Asia, Africa, and the Arab world, the prevailing view is that Europe is heading for disaster - and that the international order is falling apart. In much of Asia, Africa & the Middle East, the reaction to the war in Ukraine has been restrained. It is resounding silence.
Ukraine and Afghanistan (tags)
Never before has it been so obvious to share all knowledge, because this allows all communities and societies in the world to develop ever better and more intensively inwards. In this sense: Make Villages, Not War! We will rebuild a peaceful world from the grassroots!
The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!
More weapons is not the solution and Julian Assange (tags)
What is insane, however, is the belief that peace can be secured for the future with even more weapons. SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he wants to invest an additional hundred billion euros in Germany's army.
Animal Rights Victories Worldwide (tags)
Victories in animal and plant rights worldwide.. involving veganism, cancellation of lab testing, etc.
Biden and Putin play with fire (tags)
It is no exaggeration to say that what is currently unfolding in Europe represents the most dangerous moment in recent history. The Ukraine conflict is taking us as close to a Third World War as only the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 last did.
Ukraine: A war for the disintegrating world order (tags)
The consequences of rearmament and economic sanctions are foreseeable: among other things, the aggravation of crises through higher economic burdens. They can already be seen in the form of price increases for heating oil, fuel and gas.
Manifesto against war, March 19, 2022 (tags)
It is therefore high time for the mobilization of a broad anti-militarist resistance that is integrated comprehensively and transnationally into the social struggles. This approach is by no means without chance, as the inclusion of the resistance against the Vietnam War showed.
A radical peace movement is needed more than ever (tags)
The prevention of Ukraine's integration into NATO is likewise not a snap idea of an irrationally acting Russian President Vladimir Putin, but a basic consensus within the Russian state oligarchy.
Much wants more and loses all (tags)
It is the West that cannot imagine a life without money and the resultant luxuries. Sanctions or no sanctions, Western companies will sooner or later (I bet: sooner) resume business with Russia because – as everybody in the West knows – “money makes the world go round”.
The other side of the truth (tags)
Without U.S. President Obama's breach of international law eight years ago, Putin's illegal military invasion probably would not have happened... It is time to stop settling for half-truths from one side or the other and tell the story of the conflict in a complete and balanced way.
Cuba and the Ukraine crisis (tags)
History repeats itself after all. What as the Cuban Missile Crisis left the world balancing on the precipice is exemplified by the Ukraine crisis. Starting in 1959, the USA stationed nuclear-tipped medium-range missiles in Italy and Turkey aimed at the USSR. The latter responded.
Sanction the oligarchs, not the people! (tags)
It is time to develop a new kind of sanctions. They must be targeted specifically at the oligarchs who have become wealthy as a result of the regime. This would require the establishment of an international financial registry, a measure that will not please the Western wealthy.
In the Amnesic Dizziness of a "Turn of the Times" (tags)
When, with the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact, the entire military alliance of this rival collapsed, this could/must have been the prelude, according to rational criteria, to mothballing NATO in return. But exactly the opposite was to occur.
"The victor is not the one who wins the battles" (tags)
Stubborn resistance Although the war is still in its infancy, it is no walk in the park for Russian forces, which are facing fierce resistance. It will be difficult for the Russian army to gain control of cities, towns, and highways and hold them in the face of attacks by regular and guerrilla forces...
Truth dies first and then intelligence (tags)
The war in Ukraine is an exception to the rule of thumb that in war the truth dies first. The truth was already dead before the war began... War is the greatest crime imaginable. War creates endless suffering, whoever starts war is a war criminal. (Note: There is only one exception)
Shooting resumes in the Donbass civil war (tags)
Not so long ago, Ukraine was committed to neutrality. If Ireland can be neutral, if Austria can be neutral, if Finland can be neutral, then why not Ukraine? After all, this was the official Ukrainian policy until the neo-nationalists came to power in 2014.
No to the war over Ukraine (tags)
Right now we need an immediate ceasefire and serious negotiations on broader issues. That means urgent diplomacy — not more military force — to end this war. Every war eventually ends with diplomacy.
LeftEast condemns Putin's imperial war against Ukraine (tags)
We say "No!" to Moscow and "No!" to the false choice between Moscow and NATO in the future. We demand an immediate ceasefire and a return to the negotiating table. The interests of global capital and its military machine are not worth another drop of blood. Peace, land and bread!
Wars hardly achieve their intended goal anymore (tags)
The third Gulf War ended Saddam Hussein's rule but resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, the emergence of IS, and a dramatic crash in living standards. Intervention in Libya succeeded in toppling Gaddafi, but turned Libya into a failed state.
Diplomacy instead of preparation for war (tags)
All existing mutual obligations under international law should be used to achieve mutual security. Lasting security cannot be achieved against each other, but only with each other.
America's disastrous 60-year war (tags)
America's 60-year war, a losing proposition for many, turned out to be a clear winner for a few, In his book,1984, Orwell wrote about permanent war as a way to consume the products of modern capitalism without a higher standard of living for workers..
Today's Crisis Over Ukraine (tags)
What President Putin is demanding, an end to NATO expansion and creation of a security structure in Europe that insures Russia’s security along with that of others is eminently reasonable... It is in the interest of the United States to promote peace, not conflict.
In short: Either we accept the cultural and historical plurality as well as the legitimate security interests of all states on our globe - and not only of the West - and actively support UN international law or we will perish together.
Constant State of Emergency (tags)
The wars are waged by special forces, while the population is kept quiet in a permanent state of emergency under the slogan "war is peace" by full technical control, including mental and health surveillance. Anyone who questions this kind of peace is threatened with annihilation.
The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)
"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."
Enlargement to the East: How Nato broke its word (tags)
One point of contention, however, should have been settled by the declassified documents. They allow no other conclusion than that the West made a promise to Gorbachev to leave NATO in its former borders, but that this promise was already broken at the end of the 1990s.
Any NATO expansion that moves closer to Russia's borders must appear to Russian nationalists as a threat; to moderate Russians Bertram concludes, "It is therefore either thoughtless or dishonest to declare, as the West does, that NATO enlargement is inevitable."
Russia really wants only one thing: to prevent Ukraine from becoming a full NATO country. Against the background of the current overall political situation, the West's behavior points to one thing above all: Its own population is to be kept in suspense by a succession of shocks.
The question is why a man like Bernie Sanders (Democratic Party) is not U.S. president, but his colleague Joe Biden is. It will probably be because he says such sentences: Our government must work for ordinary Americans, not for the top 1%.
"The US is lying to itself" (tags)
The U.S. government, he said, should recognize the "brutal fact" of spheres of influence. Washington cannot continue to claim that "only brutal tyrants like Putin want to influence neighboring countries." Because the U.S. would be "lying to itself" by doing so.
The instrument of using half-truths is found in Nato propaganda where it cherry-picks Russian law-breaking in the Crimea crisis to portray Russia as a threat, forgetting the Western-blamed law-breaking in the weeks before: the pro-Western Yatsenyuk "interim government."
Bidenomics, One Year Later (tags)
The Center for American Progress takes a different approach, examining the successes of President Biden’s bold economic policies and calling for the continuation and expansion of those policies in the years ahead by making permanent expansions to the safety net.
"In 10- to 59-year-olds, there is a 15-fold higher risk of death from corona vaccination compared with corona infection" (6). The broad majority is always mistaken - or allows itself to be misled. Children need love and closeness, not coercion!
The pulverized humanity (tags)
Endless lockdowns, police-enforced quarantines, travel restrictions, compulsory vaccinations, the suppression of scientific data and scientific debate and large-scale censorship are consistently examples of dehumanizing measures.
Russia wants a treaty with NATO on eastern enlargement (tags)
There is now a need for "a treaty that prevents NATO from standing on the Russian border:" "We need to start negotiations on the new NATO expansion plans." Conceding such a "red line" to the Russians has so far been rejected by NATO
Whistleblower Network on Assange (tags)
" If the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is still to be worth anything, all politicians in Western liberal democracies must stand up and speak out. Those who - quite rightly - stand behind Alexei Nawalny must also stand up for Julian Assange. The credibility of our rule of law is at stake here. "
The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)
covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.
Capital is losing its capacity for productive investment and is turning to the financial markets, which are more profitable. It is with this money that the war machine and the trade deficit are financed. The US is under great pressure to constantly show that it is in control.
System Transformation or Barbarism (tags)
Overcoming capital is thus a necessity for survival. Consequently, the climate question is not a question of burden sharing, it is not a question of social security. The global exploitation process of capital, in which resources and energy are burned to make more money...
What will it be like after the pandemic? (tags)
From the March outbreak to the end of May 2020 alone, over forty million people filed initial claims for unemployment benefits. Images of endless lines in front of soup kitchens went around the world. In the meantime, the USA threatened to sink into chaos.
The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)
In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.
Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.
The Humanity Simulation (tags)
"Everything faded into mist. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth" - George Orwell. "The struggle of the people against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting" - Milan Kundera. Erasing, obliterating is an essential element in building the money machine and the illusion of democracy.
The Virtues of a 28-hour Week: Work less, pollute less (tags)
The number of workers is growing faster than the amount of work available. We live in a society where work is poorly distributed. Three days off for every four days worked could be liberating. The goal would be increased well-being, gaining time and losing a kind of consumption not really synonymous with pleasure.
Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)
Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.
Our goal is to protect lives and property (tags)
We can provide search and rescue, public school safety, force multiplier, and improved force protection, and all aspects of disaster relief. During man-made or natural disasters and other emergencies. USCDA will respond to requests from any Constitutional sheriff.
Biography - William Patrick Hitler (tags)
William Patrick Stuart-Houston (né Hitler; 12 March 1911 – 14 July 1987) was the half-nephew of Adolf Hitler. Born and raised in the Toxteth area of Liverpool to Adolf's half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. and his Irish wife Bridget Dowling, he later relocated to Germany to work for his half-uncle before emigrating to the United States, where he received American citizenship (in addition to his British citizenship) and ended up serving in the U.S. Navy against his half-uncle during World War II.
The war on the virus is a crucial backdrop for destabilization and fear, before which vast amounts of public funds are siphoned off in the name of saving lives, saving the environment, and saving people's livelihoods - all of which are attacked by the arbitrariness of this very capitalist rule.
Economic Crisis in the Anthropocene (tags)
They are in a life-and-death struggle for the future of American democracy and from their point of view – and I happen to share this view – that depends on their not losing the congressional majority to the GOP in 2022, which doesn’t necessarily end American democracy, but it takes us in a direction which is really bad.
The US Lost in Afghanistan. But US Imperialism Isn't Going Anywhere (tags)
With the “Vietnam syndrome” reloaded, there is a strong mistrust against large-scale foreign expeditions among the US public, including the US military.
I consume, theerefore I am (tags)
People who, according to Erich Fromm, are afraid of freedom, who, suffer from "mental constipation" according to Wilhelm Reich, With consumer freedom, the long tradition of Enlightenment thinking is simply erased:
Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)
The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!
It is long past time to finally bury the intervention doctrine, which has been marketed under the euphonious title "responsibility to protect"[5] since 2001, and to brand it for what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.
Rescue Plan of the Biden Administration (tags)
Thanks to the rescue plan, the US economy is expected to grow faster than at any time since 1984. The rest of the world will also benefit. Families with children will receive tax rebates. 70% of Americans are in favor of the plan.
Justice, Impoverishment and Fear (tags)
The defense of the welfare state is the defense of democracy...Democracy is as strong as it is fragile. It is strong when it is defended. It is strong when we do not allow ourselves to be fobbed off with answers that do not tolerate questions. But it disappears when we become indifferent to it.
More Proof of the Covid-19 Lies (tags)
Stop COVID Mandates {The Legal Way}
Workout. The Crisis of Labor and the Limits of Capitalist Society (tags)
The Third Industrial Revolution represents a qualitative break in the history of productivity growth. This is because microelectronics facilitated a radical reorganization in production overall such that labor lost the central importance that it previously had and the application of knowledge became the main force.
Collective working-time reduction is long overdue (tags)
The overall economic fact is further that from 1960 to 2019 the volume of work (despite reunification) increased only from 56.2 to 62.6 billion hours (by 11.4%), while the potential labor force grew from 26.3 to 46.5 million persons, i.e. by 76.8%.
The 4th of Many Documents That Prove Covid-19 is a Crime Against Humanity (tags)
Several sites say this is not true. However if you research the information give ant the site, you will find this to be true. A crime against humanity for which the same has been and still is being done to the American people by the United States Government.
The United States Intelligence Community (tags)
The Washington Post reported in 2010 that there were 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies in 10,000 locations in the United States that were working on counterterrorism, homeland security, and intelligence, and that the intelligence community as a whole would include 854,000 people holding top-secret clearances.[4] According to a 2008 study by the ODNI, private contractors make up 29% of the workforce in the U.S. intelligence community and account for 49% of their personnel budgets.[5]
The 'doo-doo' Running San Francisco (tags)
San Francisco has been named the ‘doo-doo’ capital of the United States
We, The Citizens, Must Do Our Part (tags)
Any state in the United States that is still enforcing any mask mandate, or even suggesting one, must be reported to that Nuremberg 2.0 site for participating in actions that have assisted in the production of genocide and crimes against humanity. We, the citizens, must do our part.
Attorney Files Lawsuit Against CDC Based on "Sworn Declaration" from Whistleblower Claiming 45,000 Deaths are Reported to VAERS - All Within 3 Days of COVID-19 Shots THIS STORY IS EVERYWHERE. We can hope this will lead to genocide and crime against humanity charges filed against the United States. If we can assist in anyway, we MUST!!!
Housing and Public Employment (tags)
How does the interplay of supply and demand affect the housing market? What influence does the financial market have on housing prices? What happens when tenant protection in tenancy law is relaxed and the market is given more leeway?
The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)
Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.
Criminal banks and criminal capitalism (tags)
Since the 1970s, the real economy and the financial economy have been increasingly diverging. Gigantic assets vagabond around the globe, desperately looking for profitable investment opportunities.
Time to end the panic mode (tags)
Tyrannies reverse the rule of law. They turn law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in false legality. They use the outward decorum of courts and trials to disguise their criminality.
The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)
On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.
Chicago School Economists Got it Wrong. Strong Antitrust Policy Boosts the Economy (tags)
When mergers increase market concentration, we know that competition has been harmed even if to a small extent. Since this is the case, it makes sense to ask the merging parties to establish that the merger will provide benefits to the economy.
Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)
Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...
Feds report Terrorist Attacks possible on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Di (tags)
According to the Government the alarming terrorist plan is to attack the United States with car bombs or other vehicle born improvised explosive devices
Police in Mexico were attacked with weaponized drones from the Mexican drug cartels (tags)
The attack has led to the growing fear that these weaponized drones pose another obstacle in the global fight against illegal drugs.
ISIS is operating a camp just a few miles from El Paso, (tags)
It is rumored that there are militia groups that are studying this issue very closely and intend a response by monitoring and surveying this dangerous situation.
Our World is Not For Sale! (tags)
People's Global Action (PGA) was organized in a decentralized way by movements from all parts of the world. But we had no staff and no fixed funding. Everything was through crowdfunding. People were inspired by what PGA stood for, which was, first, the rejection of capitalism.
Children do not need vaccination for their own protection. Healthy children are at almost no risk from COVID-19, with a mortality risk of only 1 in 2.5 million (9). No previously healthy child under 15 years of age died during the pandemic in the United Kingdom, and hospital or intensive care unit admissions are very rare.
Austerity's Hidden Purpose & From California Economics to Bidenomics (tags)
For governments pursuing austerity, spending cuts mean lower national income and fewer taxes. Unlike a household or a business, if the government cuts its spending during tough times, it is cutting its revenues, too.
Amazon's Meteoric Rise in World Capitalism (tags)
Amazon's meteoric rise is, in our view, a key moment in global capitalism. The company's rise to power reflects the increasing influence of neoliberal politics and corporate power in general. It represents a major shift in the global political economy, what we call Amazon capitalism.
a short history of chemtrails (tags)
Misinformation is when you have been misinformed. Disinformation is when you have been dissed.
How are the Children? - Silent Screams (tags)
How could adults do this to them when the risk of contracting Covid-19 is extremely low compared to other risks in life? A lost generation is growing up under our eyes. Those who remain silent and only watch are sinning against growing, still malleable souls and against the future of all of us.
The Fascism Construction Manual (tags)
Immediately after the proclamation of this pandemic, many elements of absolute all-around totalitarianism were put into effect in most countries of the West, even in countries that had previously been robust democracies. All of this happened very quickly and comprehensively.
Disempowering the US cartels (tags)
Technology corporations mostly form oligopolies, if not monopolies. U.S. President Joe Biden is signaling that his administration wants to crack down on monopolies... Klobuchar's bill aims to boost antitrust action in many ways: it seeks to increase funding for the FTC and the Justice Department's Antitrust Division.
The Perpetrator-Victim Reversal (tags)
The West refuses to give the Red Army credit for Germany's liberation from fascism - instead, it diligently stokes the Cold War with Russia. France and West Germany were liberated by the landing of the Western Allies in Normandy - but all of Eastern Europe must have shaken off the yoke of Nazism all by itself.
Why Karl Polanyi Still Matters (tags)
In The Great Transformation (1944), Karl Polanyi explains why the economy must be embedded in society and society must not be embedded in the economy. He describes land, labor and money as "fictitious commodities" since they cannot be multiplied and created on the market.
The Invention of Reality and the Second Phase (tags)
Being human thus becomes an unsolvable task in the technocratic society... An immense pressure to conform can arise in a technocratic society, since the devaluation of the subjective is accompanied by a suppression of needs, which, when an entire population is affected, leads less to rebelliousness than to social conformity.
We need to put money into housing initiatives, addiction and violence prevention programs, community centers and mental health infrastructures - and in parallel, dismantle the police step by step. We need to develop alternative structures for how we deal with violence as a society.
Noam Chomsky Without Regrets (tags)
We learn more about human beings and their nature from 19th-century novels than we do from academic psychology. It’s a way we not only enrich our lives, but enrich our understanding and conception of what it is to live a good life. Literature, arts, music or painting are some of the most profound ways of understanding.
Corporate Tax Avoidance in the First Year of the Trump Tax Law (tags)
The tax breaks identified in this report are highly concentrated among a few very large corporations. Just 25 companies claimed $37.1 billion in tax breaks in 2018. That’s almost exactly half the $73.9 billion in tax subsidies claimed by all 379 companies in our study.
Terrorist threaten United States through drug lords (tags)
Criminal organizations are constantly adapting their methods for trafficking across our borders
"Europe derived great power and huge profits from colonizing Asia, Asia has grown amazingly because of American and European outsourcing, and now the United States and Europe are propped up by infusions of Asian investment and talent. This is the true nature of the global system, not multipolar competition."
The Last Stage of the Middle Class (tags)
The emancipatory overcoming of the modern commodity-producing system and the associated separation requires a social intervention on a high level. The second article "The Collapse of Modernization" was published in Oct 2004. Robert Kurz, editor of the German leftist Krisis journal, died too early at 69.
Our leading scholars are disciples of post-structuralism; our best college graduates are recruited by the CIA; our best newspapers blur the line between reporting and opinion; our most influential political actors are the spin doctors whose job is to bend the facts this way and that.
Life Lies of the Islands of Prosperity (tags)
The embarrassing secret of the 'Western' model of society and development is that it only works under very specific political and economic, ecological and social conditions. Preconditions that lie essentially outside this model and are hidden or made invisible by the social actors of its glorifying preservation. '
State Of Mayhem: The Not So Perfect Days (tags)
This material was taken from the book "Memories Of Oblivion", written by Michael Lupa Jr.
Corona in global retreat (tags)
The number of reported cases in the US has fallen massively since the beginning of January-by around 60 percent. Experts consider the Corona measures in the US to be less stringent than in many European countries.
Open Letter: Write off debt, win the future! (tags)
We are fortunate to have a creditor that does not have to fear losing its money: the ECB (European Central Bank). Our proposal is therefore very simple: let us conclude an agreement between the European states and the ECB. The ECB writes off the debt it holds (or converts it into perpetual interest-free debt).
Corona and psychology: Fear works against democratic coexistence (tags)
The current "simultaneous consolidation and weakening of the state" (Nicos Poulantzas) are two sides of the same coin: the rise of the punitive state goes hand in hand with growing social insecurity and disenfranchisement, rather than an increase in rule-breaking and crime. State authority & police strengthen
Fighting the "Immigrant Threat" (tags)
The current rise in precarious work is better understood in the context of neoliberal reform, processes of deregulation, deindustrialization, and deunionization, as well as the growing inequality that has resulted.
Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace (tags)
“We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power"
It is up to workers to defang the fascists (tags)
How to stop the fascist upsurge.
What could change with Biden and Harris? (tags)
The next few years will be all about democracy in the U.S., about the social cohesion of a diverse population, about stopping environmental destruction, and about a successful structural change of the economy that goes hand in hand with the creation of sufficient, well-paid jobs and humane working conditions.
We should not minimize the contrast between a right-wing extremist and a (neoliberal) democrat. It makes a great difference when a man is president who hates women, hates minorities, calls Mexicans animals, and promotes torture and sexual violence,
Why capitalism compels renunciation and we could work less (tags)
How much human and natural resources are squandered on taxation, trade and advertising, how much on labor administration, justice, police, prisons, armaments, military? How many people work overtime without end, suffer heart attacks and burnout, wear themselves out in the brutal competition?
Mr. Assange never published false information (tags)
Biden Asked To Drop Execution Promoting Garland (tags)
Judge Garland as a prosecutor sought the death penalty, denied GTMO prisoners their rights, shut down third party voting rights, upheld the DEA's draconian classification of pot, paved the way for the ruling that $ was speech in Citizens United, was unmerciful re prisoners' clemency
Beguiled, Bedeviled and Bedazzled (tags)
Trump's Stop The Steal's Wild Protest Fizzles Out In L.A.
The US election as a turning point (tags)
We seek emancipatory methods of decision-making that organize social life without leaders, command and obedience. We need enlightenment, a free press critical of domination, counter-publics, and social movements that fight for the dignity of all people. We will write history from below
Jonathan Pollard for President of Israel (tags)
Pollard For President In Israel, Now That He's Home.
Privilege versus equality. "The central issue in the conflict between the government and doctors in Saskatchewan is not health insurance, but democracy," noted the Globe and Mail after the strike began. "The experts, no matter what their specialty, must always ultimately be subordinate to the laity."
The long struggle for a post-capitalist society (tags)
The (Corona) crisis has relentlessly exposed the inability of neoliberal capitalism and its political personnel to meet the elementary needs of the people. Even if it is not felt to the same extent in Germany due to the depressing political conditions: the neoliberal offensive is in a deep existential crisis.
Game over for monopolists? (tags)
Elizabeth Warren, for instance, seeks to break up large technology platforms and then use public utility rules to make sure that there are no conflicts of interest in the dominant platform business model. In other words, if you operate a marketplace and set its rules, you cannot also sell products on it.
"We have delegated our moral judgment to the markets" (tags)
"Yes, we can" was a call to solidarity and common goals. The legend that everyone in America can rise as high as their talents can carry them goes back to Ronald Reagan. Access to education should not be a substitute for policies that directly address the roots of inequality and the dignity of work.
Biggest humanitarian crisis in the world-US government complicit (tags)
Trump concluded an arms deal worth almost $110 billion with the ultra-conservative kingdom. In total, the deal included arms purchases worth about $350 billion over a ten-year period. Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz then presented the U.S. President with the Kingdom's highest medal.
Bolivia - the left returns to power (tags)
The Bolivian people have proven that reason, dignity and fighting spirit cannot be suppressed either by a military coup or by government repression. The election result has implications not only for Bolivia, where it is an important step towards the restoration of democracy, but for the entire Latin American region.
Pollard for President of Israel (tags)
Pollard for President of Israel, Give Him Justice
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the new presidential team of the United States. In the weeks leading up to their inauguration on January 20, 2021, the incumbent who has been voted out of office puts many obstacles in their way. Donald Trump still sees himself as the winner of the election and tries to overturn the result.
Trump's United States looks more and more like a banana republic (tags)
"The country that was once an exemplary democracy is becoming a Third World banana republic." For a week now, Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the election and future president. But the loser and previous incumbent Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge this. Trump claims he won the election.
The New Deal and Self-destructive Donald Trump (tags)
From 1929 to 1932 industrial production halved and in a chain reaction over 5000 banks went bankrupt. Farmers' incomes shrank by 70 percent, unemployment rose to 25 percent, and there were no welfare state measures to cushion the misery.
America's authoritarianism (tags)
Donald Trump declared himself the winner, although the votes are far from being counted. His contempt for democracy knows no bounds. Anyone who previously thought that the USA was clearly different from Hungary or Poland was mistaken. Americans voted for a liar, racist and macho who thinks little of democracy.
The US economy needs Joe Biden (tags)
The economic and socio-political record of US President Donald Trump is devastating. Wages stagnated even before the Corona crisis. Instead, the national debt increased because he lowered taxes for the rich - without any economic benefit. Joe Biden knows the reasons for the misery and knows what to do.
COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism (tags)
The scale of the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences on world accumulation are unprecedented, with the global economic costs still increasing. At the end of March, some three billion people on the planet were in lockdown or social-distancing mode.36
America: The Right Wave is Broken (tags)
Morales' return was made possible by the victory of his left-wing movement for socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) in the first democratic elections after a coup a year ago, on November 10, 2019. In his first speech after returning home, Morales affirmed that there was no fraud in the 2019 election.
Biden's victory shifts the balance of power in Washington (tags)
Oh, it's going to be so nice when you hardly hear from Trump any more. Daniel Haufler is the responsible editor for the online debate magazine Gegenblende and its podcasts.
Military draft registration might be expanded by Congress soon. (tags)
Congress might expand Selective Service registration and possibly also consider a peacetime U.S. military draft at least of healthcare workers.
Big Pharma profits at any price (tags)
"Almost all innovations today come from public research," says Marcia Angell. This often results in spin-offs that are then taken over by large pharmaceutical companies. "The pharmaceutical companies also locate themselves locally around the universities so that they can only cross the street to buy a patent.
The election as a farce: Donald Trump and the rise of the autocrats (tags)
To elect a demagogue is always dangerous, but it does not condemn a country to the collapse of its democracy. Strong institutions can keep corrupt or autocratic leaders in check. That is exactly what the U.S. Constitution is designed to do, and for much of our history it has been successful in doing so.
Is Trump failing in the fight against the pandemic and the shattered economy? (tags)
The state of the economy is rightly considered the most important factor influencing the re-election or de-election of an American president. Voters* tend to blame the leader in the Oval Office for their personal situation in the labor market and the economic situation in general.
USA under Trump: Back to Pinochet? (tags)
Only "political theater" is being staged to give Trump a "law and order" image in the election campaign. The president wants to make political capital out of the escalation, warned Governor Brown according to the news magazine Newsweek.
Trump's fight against the law (tags)
Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie.
The Political System in Historical Crisis (tags)
In his inaugural speech in 2017, Donald Trump emphasized that his presidency would return political power to the people. He sees himself as the only legitimate representative of the interests of the supposedly true people.
Corona vaccine development - they prefer not to ask about risks and side effects (tags)
Thousands or even millions could be vaccinated on the basis of "emergency approval." We will probably have to live with the virus. The current strategy of damaging measures until a vaccine is available is a bumpy path with incalculable risks, side effects and visible collateral damage.
The Divided Nation. White Nationalism in History and Society (tags)
Americans have always valued their liberal heritage and their political system which tends toward the vital center. Two souls dwell in the American breast to speak with Goethe. White privilege is a defining factor.
Dirty tricks of the autocrats (tags)
Donald Trump tries to get re-elected with partly illegal tricks. This is undemocratic and dangerous for the USA and its allies. Defending democracy is becoming the challenge of our time.
Avoiding the Trump Trap (tags)
As US President Donald Trump's popularity continues to drop ahead of November's election, he has sought new ways to stoke the public fear and panic that led him to victory in 2016. The best strategy may be to make Trump's demagoguery a theme of his campaign.
Trump's strategy of tension (tags)
"No one will be safe in Biden's America!" This was Donald Trump's message. The theme, for three days: Danger. Danger through crime, through China, through the supposedly radical agenda of the Democrats - and through "riots, looting, arson and violence" in the country's cities.
Tax haven USA wants to dry up other tax havens (tags)
Two US states lure with particularly lax laws for companies. Constructions such as mailbox companies, which help to conceal the true owners of companies, are flourishing. The American government can certainly be accused of double standards in this matter:
Can U.S. Democracy Be Fixed? (tags)
To distract and divert, scapegoating becomes a core tactics of these moves away from democratic cohesion. In a world of inequalities and global warming, there has arisen a frightening receptivity to blaming the stranger or the other
Russiagate Or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things (tags)
Caitlin Johnstone writes about the end of illusions. "Peace is not everything but without it, everything becomes nothing" (Willy Brandt). You can have peace or the US empire. You can't have both.
On the prohibition of the war of aggression (tags)
Happy Anti-War Day Sept 1, 2020! Peace is not everything but without peace, everything is nothing (Willy Brandt). The German Basic Law mentioned in this article is equivalent to our constitution.
Requesting opposition to potential peacetime U.S. military draft. (tags)
With such a huge amount of money being wasted on student financial aid without educating students there is fear that the Solomon Amendment will evolve into a peacetime U.S. military draft.
"Don't let them take democracy away from you" (tags)
"United we can and will overcome the time of darkness in America," he said. After four years of Trump's presidency, the Biden-Harris team wants to reunite the country, overcome the Corona crisis and boost the economy with millions of new jobs.
Kamala Harris seals Trump's re-election (tags)
The appointment of Kamala Harris as Biden's vice candidate is now the result of the Democratic establishment's pathological fear of anything that could even begin to smell left. The cause of this pathology lies in the historical shift to the right of the US party system described by Chomsky.
Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)
Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah
The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.
Trump's track record in the summer of the 2020 pandemic is disastrous, 1K deaths every day with a total of around 150K. More than 30 million Americans are receiving unemployment benefits. Trump is trying to turn Biden into the destroyer of America.
Colchicine or Colcrys - Enclosure of the Commons (tags)
A rundown of how the FDA helped make some big drug companies richer, and small drug companies bigger, by privatizing a 5000-year old drug.
We Can be Asian, if Necessary (tags)
Flood the system. Arab Americans are Asian Americans. We Demand Inclusion
Support Queer rights in Arab land. Buy Tahini
Escalation of State Power (tags)
Uprising in America. The time has come to tear down the system and create a "different America." "The moderate white man for whom order is more important than justice is the greatest obstacle to freedom," said Martin Luther King.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 14 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 13 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 12 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 11 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 10 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 9 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 8 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 7 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 6 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 5 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 4 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations set 3 0f 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District.
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations-Photo Set 2 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica And the Fairfax District Set 2 of
The Los Angeles George Floyd Demonstrations Photo Set 1 of 14 (tags)
Photos from The George Floyd Protests in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Santa Monica and the Fairfax District.
To the anarchist movement and everybody in the USA that participates in the struggle (tags)
Announcement of the Anarchist Federation (Greece) on the uprising in US
A lot will depend on how hot this summer gets. If people think sensibly in November, it is hard to imagine that they will cast enough votes to keep this hair-raising government in power for another four years. But fear is the worst enemy of reason.
Our normality is not returniing (tags)
If the government's response to the debt accumulated during the crisis is austerity, it will make the situation even worse. It is therefore right to call for a more active and visionary state policy that shows a way out of the crisis. What form will these policies take?
The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)
In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.
Wave of layoffs in the US election campaign (tags)
The corona pandemic triggered the most massive job losses in the USA since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Unemployment rose to its highest level in more than 70 years. In April alone, 20.5 million jobs outside agriculture were cut, according to the government
The Next Global Menace Ali Baba Plusplus: Alien Invasion by Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
Fashioning World Government with Psychological Warfare and Predictive Programming of Mankind. This book: The Next Global Menace Ali Baba Plusplus: Alien Invasion, is a compendium of my decade old essays which deconstruct that new menace before it is unveiled. It is my expectation that if the public can preempt that propaganda by focussing on unraveling the many facets and scenarios on what they Machiavellianly plan to do BEFORE they enact them just like they enacted 9/11, the vile psy-ops can surely be defeated BEFORE it becomes the new established “hard facts” on the ground for the globalists' coup de grâce: the final restructuring of the planet into world government.
Corona, capitalism and nature (tags)
"Radical reforms are needed. The policies of the last forty years must be reversed. The government must play a stronger role in the economy. It must no longer regard public services as costs but as investments. Redistribution is back on the agenda."
How do you prepare for the time when the affluent society crumbles? French intellectuals have even declared a new science - "collapsology." Solidarity is the humane and enlightened answer, not the assault rifle. Rep. Omar proposes a rent and mortgage moratorium.
Blame the Covid-19 failure on your governments, not on China (tags)
The anti-Chinese narrative is based on false statements and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism. Build hospitals and expand health care! Cut military spending in half!
Freedom of Asembly is Sick (tags)
The denial of these problems and the refusal to deal with the destructive effects of capitalism are the reason why the USA is particularly ill-equipped to face future challenges.
Comprehensive List: Coronavirus threatens luthiers/guitar builders everywhere (tags)
Because of the pandemic we are experiencing, and because no one really knows who may be struck next with the virus, or who may die as a result, it seemed appropriate to provide a list of artistic luthiers/guitar builders who make beautiful handmade custom built guitars.
How South Korea will contain coronavirus without curfew (tags)
South Korea tests almost 3 times as many people as Germany, 84K a week. Social distancing works in Japan and South Korea. Japan has closed schools but lets restaurants and shops stay open.
Bernie Sanders in Las Vegas: Being free, being high and eminent domain (tags)
The proclamation of a national climate emergency, the ban on oil and gas exports and the import of cheap medicines from Canada are to be implemented by means of the so-called "Executive Order"
Sanders Beats Trump and Trump Throws Dynamite in the Powder Keg (tags)
The final question remains: eyes, mouth, ears: are the Democrats imitating the three monkeys again or are they nominating Bernie Sanders? The future of the next four years depends on this decision - not only in the USA, but also in Europe and the world.
75 Years After Auschwitz And Not Much Learned (tags)
75 Years After Auschwitz, And Jew-Hatred Is Rising Globally!
Trans Day Of Remembrance 2020 West Hollywood A Memorial For The Gender Diverse Fallen.
Trans Day Of Remembrance 2020 West Hollywood A Memorial For The Gender Diverse fallen
Trans Day Of Remembrance 2019, West Hollywood A Memorial For The Gender Diverse Fallen
Chaos.Thbe New Age of Revolutions (tags)
The End of the Megamachine brings to light the roots of the destructive forces threatening the future of humankind today. Dismantling Western progress mythologies, Scheidler shows how the logics of endless capital accumulation have devastated both human societies & ecosystems
Vancouver B.C. has 26 community centers that give an identity to working and nonworking persons. Three hours of free computer use, libraries, gyms, theaters, game rooms and $4 casserole dinners are among the many amenities.
Sanctions Are Like Bombs (tags)
Venezuela is one of 41 states that depend on external food assistance to avert a humanitarian crisis. The US government is copying its blockade policy against Cuba. There is hardly any criticism of US sanctions. Six million, 60% of the population, are sustained by the food program.
Impeaching a President and Impeachment and Corruption (tags)
Resisting "corruption" has occupied the American republic since its origin-along with the search for "virtuous leaders." The impeachment process was understood as a remedy for corruption. The violation of the people's trust is the reason for removal from office.
The US Tramples on International Law (tags)
The US surprise attack on Iraq in March 2003 was a primal catastrophe. International law was eliminated and replaced by the imperial dictatorship of the US. Those who destroyed a whole people and have a million casualties on their conscience are not punished in any way.
US Army First Black Colonel Honored at Sequoia National Park Entrance (tags)
2019 Veterans Day Weekend, Colonel Charles Young will be honored at the entrance to Sequoia National Park
Woman shot and killed by police officer in her own home/Another victim of police violence (tags)
So many examples of police brutality in the USA. Racist based [against blacks, but also other people of colour], but also white people are victims. Partly racist, partly just trigger happiness, or a combination. A dirty State in a dirtier State, that is the American police. A criminal organisation! This time about a black woman, who is shot and killed by a white cop in her own home. Time for a 'j'accuse. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!
Kurdish Lives Matter, Shame on Trump, Israel Do It Now! (tags)
Free Kurdistan, Israel Do It Now!
The Left is Not Obsolete (tags)
"Propaganda is always the other. We are the principled," said Norman Birnbaum. The left is rooted philosophically in the Enlightenment with its rejection of throne and alter. The left sought material redistribution for moral reasons-for the sake of transforming human nature.
The Political Theology of the New Right (tags)
The new right-wing movements try to create a state of emergency with the help of apocalyptic rhetoric. Apocalypticists long for the final struggle between good and evil. Eschatologists are driven by a theology of hope.
New Senate Bill Combats Shell Companies United Nations Debates Tax Havens (tags)
Washington DC - A bipartisan group of Senators introduced the "Improving Laundering Laws and Increasing Comprehensive Information Tracking of Criminal Activity in Shell Holdings (ILLICIT CASH) Act" to stop the creation of shell corporations in the United States.
Israeli Policy Ideas: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)
A Jewish Affirmative Action Plan, To Right a Historic Wrong
Time for a Real Green New Deal w/Green presidential hopeful Howie Hawkins, Sunday Sept 22 (tags)
Archbishop, Evangelical Leader and Head of Catholic Charities Call for Puerto Rico Pension (tags)
San Juan, Puerto Rico - Archbishop Roberto González, the Secretary General of the Puerto Rico Bible Society Reverend Heriberto Martínez and the island's Catholic Charities head, Reverend Enrique Camacho released a statement calling for support of pension agreements and debt and disaster relief for the island on Friday.
Financial Transparency Legislation Clears House Financial Services Committee (tags)
The bill would create a database of the real "beneficial owners" of American companies, potentially unmasking the true owners of thousands of shell companies.
The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)
The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.
NLG Review - Death Penalty Focus (tags)
NLG Review
Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the Wealth Tax (tags)
Warren's proposal earmarks a 2% tax on wealth between $50 million and a billion dollars and a 3% tax on wealth over a billion. Between 1930 and 1980, top incomes were taxed at 81% and top inherited wealth at 74%. Obviously, this did not destroy American capitalism.
Assange Has Been Arrested for US Extradition (tags)
Extradited for journalism. In a blur, everything that Assange and WikiLeaks have been warning about for years has been proven correct, contrary to mountains of claims to the contrary by establishment loyalists everywhere.
The Crisis of Democracy (tags)
Decisions affecting social development are in the hands of private investors and state policy depends on their actions. The increasingly unequal income and wealth distribution was the result of a strategic government policy that reacted to a capitalist crisis.
House Hearing Reviews Financial Transparency Legislation (tags)
The House of Representatives is holding hearings on legislative initiatives to deter corruption and secrecy in the global financial system. The Financial Services Subcommittee on National Security, International Development and Monetary Policy convenes a March 13th hearing on "Promoting Corporate Transparency: Examining Legislative Proposals to Detect and Deter Financial Crime."
Needed: a Jewish Honor Guard on US Campuses (tags)
Anti-Semitism Is Growing Worldwide, Jewish Students On College Campuses Are Getting Attacked, Jews Need To Learn To Defend Themselves. Jewish Knowledge means Jewish Pride, Jewish Self-Defense means Jewish Security!
More nukes to shut down in the Chicago area (tags)
Cold weather, financial losses shutting more nukes.
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
LA Roars In The Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
LA roars for Women in the Third Women's March (tags)
The Third Women's March confirms, affirms and rejoices but remains resolute for greater change ahead.
The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)
The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.
If Trump Declares a AantionalEmergency, He'll Be Breaking the Law (tags)
Justice William O. Douglas wrote in his concurring opinion that the president cannot usurp Congress’s spending power to approve money to pay for the taking of the steel mill’s private property.
From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump - and Beyond (tags)
At first sight, today’s crisis appears to be political. Its most spectacular expression is right here, in the United States: Donald Trump—his election, his presidency, and the contention surrounding it. But there is no shortage of analogues elsewhere:
The Unification Church with Rev Moon is in La and Orange Counnties (tags)
The Unification Church{Moonies} owns hotels in a few South American nations, they also own sevral newspapers. The Moonies have marriages involving 450 people. The Moonies tell you who to marry and their is no chance of picking your own partner.
Hebron, Ben-Gurion, and UNESCO (tags)
Reviews Ben-Gurion's attitude about rebuilding Hebron and toward the UN. Then calls on the Israeli government to withdraw as planned from UNESCO.
Israel Quit UNESCO, Um-Shmum, Make Ben-Gurion Proud! (tags)
Reviews Hebron, UNESCO, Jewish Rights to the Land of Israel
Right-wing Populism: A Wave of Nostalgia (tags)
For decades, western societies were marked by pluralization, individualization, and liberalization. Why are attitudes and pressures of society against these trends becoming dominant? Right-wing populism is anti-liberal.
Right-wing Populism: Can More Madness Cure the Madness? (tags)
Neoliberal policy was always mad. But an even greater madness now appears with rightwing populism. Politics is mad because it writes off large parts of the population. Economic Darwinism has nested and established itself as market ideology in the brains of people.
Is the Financial Crash 2.0 Coming? (tags)
Market ideology has been on the advance since the 1980s. Only a few voices warned of the risks and instability of the liberalized financial markets. After they profited from the generous bailout packages, the banks began to speculate against the most indebted countries.
Black Ops Which Involved Us In War (tags)
War profiteer networks, CIA and Pentagon hawks, and egodriven presidents have caused many immoral wars and illegal invasions of other countries.
Stop confirmation of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (tags)
Stop Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh
Mapping the Resistance, May 2018, 28 pp (tags)
The 2016 election and one year in office for Donald Trump have resulted in an intensifying polarization in mainstream US politics. A many-sided attack is underway on democracy as it has been shaped by movements for protection of rights, living standards, and the environment over the course of the last century
Sorry President Trump,Ted Cruz Texas Judicial System,is Worse Than Many Shithole Countries (tags)
Frightening,two of the most critical pieces of Hank Skinner's exoneration court evidence in Texas law enforcement's possession,simply vanished,and Texas wants to execute~ murder Mr.Skinner as if that evidence never existed to begin with
Nation's Largest Voting Machine Co., ESS, Admits Lying Re Having Installed Remote Control (tags)
Election Systems And Software controls statewide voting machine systems in 18 states, 13 of which are GOP dominated.
Children Incorporated Earns 4-Star Rating on Charity Navigator (tags)
Children Incorporated Earns Coveted 4-Star Rating From Charity Navigator
For a World Free of Nuclear Risks (tags)
The International Uranium Film Festival will return this year to USA and show lots of films about nuclear power and uranium risks. And it kindly asks for your support and participation.
Dismantle the ICE Detention System (tags)
The entire detention system, which is a boondoggle for cops, should be dismantled.
Summer 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
Trump's Animals ICE And Prisoner Sexual Abuse Racists Are On The Loose!
“The official death count of 64 is a substantial underestimate of the true burden of mortality after Hurricane Maria,” researchers wrote. “Our estimate of 4,645 excess deaths from September 20 through December 31, 2017, is likely to be conservative since subsequent adjustments for survivor bias and household-size distributions increase this estimate to more than 5000.” FEMA Respond sable.
Willetts Design & Associates Earns Coveted Gold Nugget Honors (tags)
Willetts Design & Associates earned its Merit honors for Zenyara, which was honored for Best Custom Home over 8,000 sq. ft.
Why has the US gone mad? (tags)
Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.
Let's look at the reality for once on this day.
The real mission of fbi and cia (tags)
Here are list of fbi/cia goals, but see my reports on the true mission & goals of murderous fbi/cia.
The Shortwave Report 04/06/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.
Unemployment and New Ways (tags)
The rise of unemployment worldwide has reached unparalleled dimensions. In 1999, 700 million were affected. The neoliberal economic theory promotes the prosperity of the rich, not society as a whole. Profit maximization is often the only goal. Reducing working hours is vital.
OBEY Clothing Partner with Children Incorporated (tags)
OBEY Clothing Partner with Children Incorporated on New Tee-Shirts Designed by Artist Shepard Fairey
Spring 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
Support DACA, Support Clean DREAM Act, No to the Border Wall, Racist Trump's Shithole Rhetoric!
There is outrage over the nationalist economic policy of "America First." The parallels to the 1929 system crisis are obvious. The unstable house of cards could now finally collapse. Credit-financed demand is created for a goods-producing system that suffocates in its own productivity.
what does a mexican driver's license look like? (tags)
Chances are, you are looking for the Matricula Cosular
Tour Announcement: Whole Milk's California Cruising Tour 2018 (tags)
Whole Milk Tour Announcement
Last Time Iraq, This Time Iran, Time For Purim (tags)
This article reviews Iraqi & Iranian behavior toward Israel, in the light of Purim.
New Law Provides Disaster Relief and Medicaid Funds for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands (tags)
As the Sun rose over the Capitol, Congress voted for a bipartisan spending package to end a brief government shutdown.
LA Times Homicide Report (tags)
The Homicide Report is an interactive map, database and blog that chronicles homicides in Los Angeles County. Any death deemed a homicide by the coroner’s office -- the death of a human being by the hand of another -- is included in the database. Coroner's officials currently are providing a bi-weekly list of homicides to The Times. At a minimum, the Homicide Report provides basic details of each killing. In addition, the report includes in-depth reporting of cases and communities, as well as updates when arrests are made and suspects are tried in court.
The Shortwave Report 02/02/18 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 4 (tags)
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 3 (tags)
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 2 (tags)
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March
Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 1 (tags)
The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March
With U.S. Backing, Turkey Invades Kurdish Syrian Afrin (tags)
U.S. and Turkish Troops Out of Syria!
Government Shutdown Solutions Could Leave Out Disaster Aid for Puerto Rico (tags)
As the Senate and White House struggle to avert a government shutdown, US disaster victims from Puerto Rico to Texas worry a deal on relief and recovery aid will continue to be delayed.
Epilogue: Pakistan on the chopping block in 2018? Zahir Ebrahim | Project Humanbeingsfirst (tags)
Under president Trump's administration, the United States of America appears to be taking all the antagonistic steps against both Iran and Pakistan to make the Wakeup call of 2007 even more pertinent as the world enters 2018. Pakistan is also a nuclear state. There will always be even greater urgency to confront Pakistan and de-nuke it if any revolutionary clergy class of Pakistan, Shia and Sunni, ever comes to power. In its calculus of primacy and hegemony, the white man's burden simply cannot tolerate any Muslim nation possessing real nuclear weapons (as opposed to tolerating the illusion of possession). The massa class well understands all that they have destroyed and stolen of the Muslims in the centuries past and cannot risk losing Western hegemony and its vassal states to a revival of “revolutionary Islam” with teeth.
Brazil wants true justice for Lula! (tags)
Lula's trial must be annulled, Sergio Moro must be removed from the magistracy, dangerous element he is, and Wilson Center’s staff must recycle their behavior patterns! Humanity is tired of this mud! We all know that much more and much better is possible!
Video: "Frasnklin D. Roosevelt," 1 hr 17 min (tags)
Historian Robert Dallek examined the political acumen of President Franklin D. Roosevelt throughout his four presidential terms.
Imprisonment Extended. Free Ahed Tamimi, Nariman Tamimi, and Nour Tamimi! (tags)
{16-year-old Palestinian Ahed Tamimi shown here confronting an Israeli soldier. Credit Haim Schwarczenburg]
Of The Mythical 3,000 Year Conflict In Palestine (tags)
[Painting, early depiction of the historical Saint Nicholas.]
Community Rallies in Santa Barbara in Solidarity with Inmate Firefighters (tags)
Could the brave firefighter who risked life and limb to save your home have been paid only $1 per hour to do it? Up and down the state of California, on the front lines of deadly wildfires, thousands of prison inmates employed through the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation’s California Conservation Corps (CCC) program face the blazing heat and choking smoke for, on average, $2 per day plus $1 per hour of work. As southern California faces a new wave of inferno, at least one community gathered for a rally to call attention to these overlooked firefighters
Jerusalem: Reality vs Impracticality – The Protection Racket of the Jewish State (tags)
In that tight piece of geography, two nations simply cannot be constructed justly; the one with the bigger guns will always dictate the terms. And it is truly no ordinary piece of geography. It is so steeped in the history and intermingling cultures of all three Abrahamic religions that try as the transplanted European Zionists may, to obliterate the vestiges of the other two, its history and its emotional affiliations cannot be divorced from that geography. Abolishing apartheid and eliminating the racist Zionist philosophy, and replacing it with a society with secular, civil and moral laws that are based on the common moral teachings of all three religions and which treat all three peoples as equals, permitting each to practice their own faith, to hold sacred their own heritage without encroaching upon the rights of each other, is the only just solution today. That is the actual ground reality when primacy is replaced with fairness. It is also the solution that the ordinary Palestinian peoples themselves demand. It is high time the Palestinian and Muslim leaders listened, and dared to lead as history's actors in their own right. Other nations' leaders will follow suit once the singular demand is tabled by the Palestinian and Muslim leaders, with no back-off whatever the pressure and consequence. In time, all wounds will heal naturally, as all three peoples have far more in common than they have the courage to recognize and accept. The status of Jerusalem is then naturally and organically resolved as the common sacred heritage of all three faiths. Surely some formula for administering the holy city in fairness to the peoples of all three faiths can then be devised by the citizens themselves and ratified as the fair law of the sacred land that is named in the Holy Scriptures of all three faiths as “The City of Peace”.
The power of ideology is so great it easily creates a distorted perception of facts. Where money is spent is crucial, not the size of the public sector. The Internet, the touch screen, semi-conductors and the GPS were developed with state risk capital. Tax havens cause revenue shortfalls.
Asian Superstar's Book Finding Julia, Based on the Movie, Goes on Sale (tags)
Finding Julia, the book based on Asian singing and acting sensation Ha Phuong's new feature film, goes on sale Dec. 14, 2017.
I am the victim of murder for hire and need help to file a police report (tags)
I am a victim of murder for hire and cannot file a police report
Trillions in deficits will be paid for by trillions in cuts to vital programs necessary for low- and middle-income Americans: Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, WIC food assistance, SNAP, Pell grants, The Legal Corporation, PBS, EPA, heating assistance, school lunches, Meals-on-Wheels...
Congress Tax Reform Package Could Harm Poor, Warns Religious Development Group (tags)
As the Senate pushes tax reform, the head of a religious development group expressed concern over parts of the House and Senate proposals that could harm low income people in the United States and people in the developing world.
Religious Development Group Urges Stronger Corporate Reporting Standards (tags)
Jubilee USA, a religious development group, asked the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) to require greater disclosure of what payments corporations make to governments where they operate.
Lessons in Nazi Trivialization and Russophobia (tags)
Gabriele Krone-Schmalz warns of a relapse into simple-minded thinking and cold war stereotypes. Could not Russia be acting out of a strategic defensive and trying to maintain its sphere of influence> Who acts and who reacts?
Winter 2017 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Immigrant Shooter = Entire Community Guilty Muslim Shooter = Entire Religion Guilty Black Shooter = Entire Race Guilty White Shooter = Mentally Troubled Lone Wolf
The October 1917 Revolution and Lenin (tags)
Contribution to the Discussion on the Centinnial of the October 1917 BolsheviK Revolution
Palestinians of Hamas Condemn Saudi & U.S. Attempts to Label Hezbollah "Terrorist" (tags)
[Photo: Palestinian Gaza rally with Hamas and Hezbollah flags.] Saudi Arabian, Israeli, ISIS, al-Qaeda, & U.S. imperialist hands off Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Qatar, Palestine, Bahrain, and Iran!
Statement on the Trump Visit to the Philippines (tags)
Filipino left coalition condemns Trump's visit, demands end of support for Duterte's human rights abuses
"The Public Trust Doctrine," Wealth Inequality, and Iraq (tags)
"The Public Trust Doctrine" is a fundamental precursor to modern environmental law. The doctrine has often been characterized as an attribute of sovereignty that carries constitutional force.
Survival instead of Profit (tags)
Capital is a powerful machine of commodification. Since the capitalist market economy became autonomous and "separated" from society, capital has only functioned according to its own laws, the impersonal laws of profit and accumulation.
International Student Exchange Donates $100,000 to Children Incorporated (tags)
Donation will expand partnership with new program to support families in U.S.
Religious Groups Call for Aid and Debt Relief for Puerto Rico and Dominica (tags)
More than 130 faith communities across the United States are praying and acting for hurricane victims during religious services this weekend.
FEMA has the authority to order martial law and open up FEMA camps for dissident Americans (tags)
Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States.
Urban Official Report that several Latin American Countries Sendimg Pro Dictator to U.S. (tags)
Noy much is known about this, but right wing Haitians were reported moving to Florida and other states.There are other countries who have right wing or left wing officials who have to qualify to move.
FEMA unprepared and lacks pre strategic planning (tags)
The mayor of Puerto Rico’s capital city San Juan issued a plea for urgent help as she expressed frustration with the speed at which rescuers were being sent to work on the hurricane-ravaged U.S. territory. “This is a big S.O.S for anybody out there,”
Secession is the withdrawal of a state or place from a larger organization such as a country. In 2018 there might be a vote in California asking people if they want to secede from the United States. There are irreconcilable differences between the left and the right. Secession is a way to settle those differences without one side ruling over the other side or annihilating the other side.
Fake lives matter! A satirical look at corporate personhood (tags)
This is a satirical look at the racist origins of corporate personhood. This article shows how a slavery amendment (the 14th) was used to grant constitutional rights to corporations, while at the same time, denying those rights to freed slaves and their descendants. CC-BY-NC-SA
The US Superpower is Dangerous (tags)
Wars and threats of war are violations of the UN Charter. The US is not afraid of threatening military force in Europe and at the border with Russia. We are not living in a new world since the election of the new president.
There's a pretend world and a real world (tags)
The Supreme Court of the United States ($COTU$) granted constitutional rights to legal inventions (corporations) by pretending that property is a "person." CC-BY-NC-SA
Demonstrates how capitalism works using the board game Monopoly as an example. CC-BY-NC-SA
The Shortwave Report 09/15/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
Hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)
This article surveys the relationship between the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and catastrophic weather events in the US.
Donald Trump is an Extreme Narcissist (tags)
Hans-Jurgen Wirth, b. 1951, is a psychoanalyst with his own practice, a professor of psychoanalytic social psychology in Frankfurt and a publisher. His most important book is "Narcissism and Power" (2002).
Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)
This article points out how catastrophic weather events have coincided with the Peace Process initiatives.
Wells Fargo as the biggest US bank laundered billions from Mexican murderous drug cartels (tags)
Wells Fargo is profiting billions of dollars at the expense of all Americans.
Fall 2017 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert! (tags)
Charlottesville, The Returns of Racist KKK Nazi Violence, and More Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Horror, FIGHT BACK!
What separates leftists sipping coffee under the mural of a murderer in Oakland from those marching with tiki torches in Charlottesville? Both are convinced that they are doing the right thing and neither has any intention of honestly examining their own beliefs.
Philippine President Duterte's State of the Nation Address (Sona) (tags)
The Shortwave Report 08/18/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.
Trump's Neo-Nazis and the Rise of Illiberal Democracy (tags)
Trump has dispensed with the fiction of democracy because he believes that in the interest of power both people and the planet are disposable, excess to be plundered and discarded.
environment harmed by mandatory jury duty. (tags)
Driving to jury duty can be harmful to the environment.
Fbi Agents Rampantly Engage In Criminal Activity (tags)
This paper presents proof by clear and convincing evidence that fbi agents and operatives rampantly engage in criminal activity, corroding the pillars of civil society and subverting the very laws that they are sworn to uphold and honor.
Plantations Were Prisons: Mobilizing for the Aug. 19 Prisoners Human Rights March (tags)
Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell confronts the history and legacy of slavery head-on, asserting: "When it comes to African Americans, we have been incarcerated from the time we arrived in this country. Plantations were prisons. The change from incarceration on a plantation, to incarceration in custodial institutions, to incarceration where there are no physical limitations, but where one exists in a state of civic and political oppression, in my view, is nothing more than semantics. Mass incarceration started when slavery started."
Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)
The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?
Reem's bakery in Fruitvale. Mainstreaming Murder (tags)
An Oakland bakery with a mural of a convicted terrorist has neighbors upset
100 Years Ago African-Americans Marched Down 5th Avenue to Declare That Black Lives Matter (tags)
On the afternoon of Saturday, July 28, 1917, nearly 10,000 African-Americans marched down Fifth Avenue, in silence, to protest racial violence and white supremacy in the United States. New York City, and the nation, had never before witnessed such a remarkable scene. The “Silent Protest Parade,” as it came to be known, was the first mass African-American demonstration of its kind and marked a watershed moment in the history of the civil rights movement. As I have written in my book “Torchbearers of Democracy,” African-Americans during the World War I era challenged racism both abroad and at home. In taking to the streets to dramatize the brutal treatment of black people, the participants of the “Silent Protest Parade” indicted the United States as an unjust nation.
Brazil: A short letter to President Trump (tags)
This beautiful fugitive bird, Mr. President, the hope of a smarter, peaceful and productive world, moves my fingers and my heart as I write this short letter to you.
Class War on the Waterfront: Longshore Workers Under Attack (tags)
ILWU Local 10 retired longshoreman Jack Heyman talks about technology and the danger of a proposed 8 year contract.
European Union Votes on Corporate Transparency Regulations (tags)
The European Parliament is set to vote on landmark corporate transparency rules known as "country-by-country" reporting.
The President as Businessman (tags)
Trump's gigantic tax cuts will only benefit the rich. Revenue losses of six trillion dollars are expected for the first decade after the Trumpian tax cuts start. Trump sells the illusion that the old order can be restored.
The Shortwave Report 06/09/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.
The Shortwave Report 06/02/17 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK Japan.
Deep State Targets Duterte for Shaky Alliances, Not Drug Killings (tags)
The deep state is attempting to destabilize Duterte for his political instability, not his extrajudicial killings of civilians. The Philippines turning to Russia and China scares the intelligence community enough to use ISIS to stage a coup.
Israeli Jews Say, It’s Our Jerusalem! (tags)
A review of some Israeli opinions about Jerusalem.
Puerto Ricans Gather at Diaspora Summit as Island Begins Bankruptcy Process (tags)
Puerto Ricans from across the United States and the Caribbean island are meeting in New York City to discuss the island's economic crisis.
Israel’s Human Rights Spies (tags)
Haaretz: Israel infiltrates Amnesty International
Where is Our Personal Freedom Going. – Robert Tronge (tags)
I think it is time to take a look at where our political leaders are leading us. America has always been based on the concept that all men are free and there should be no barriers put up barring a person’s liberty or freedoms regardless of any defining characteristics that a person has. The most obvious examples are race, color, creed, and religion but there are also others.
The recent 'Insurgent Notes' conference in New York City (tags)
The people behind the ostensibly ultra-left Marxist web site 'Insurgent Notes' recently hosted a conference in New York City. The following was originally written in response to an account of this conference by a Trotskyist group on the U.S. Mid-Atlantic seaboard.
US-Mexico Border Worker Solidarity March/Action Against NAFTA & For Driscolls Agricultur (tags)
Mexican and US workers and activists joined on both sides of the border to oppose the wall, racist attacks and NAFTA. They also called for unity of US and Mexican workers against the multi-nationals that exploit workers on both sides of the border
Unemployment and Inequality (tags)
"The past will devour the future" if there is no radical change of direction in economic development. That is Thomas Piketty's prediction. Piketty sees the solution in a global capital tax or wealth tax.
Benjamin Tucker: Individualist Libertarian Market Socialist (Updated 2017) (tags)
American Individualist Libertarianism is a form of market socialism with self-employed individuals, co-operative businesses, and socialist employers. 1. (If your interested, please see: Benjamin Tucker’s State Socialism and Anarchism: Where they Agree and where they Differ) It differs from Mutualist market socialism because mutualist market socialism also has an agro-industrial federation and a regulated market (regulated market by the community or federation) to ensure equality of opportunity. 2. (If your interested, please see: Proudhon’s Principle of Federation)
America under Donald Trump (tags)
The "elite-mass split," the tear between the establishment and the masses, damages American democracy. As a damaged democracy, there is very low trust in the competence of the government. The official unemployment figure of 4.9% is regarded as a distortion of reality.
PCJF Opposes Appointment of Free Speech/Civil Rights Violator to be Next D.C. Police Chief (tags)
PCJF Opposes Appointment of Free Speech/Civil Rights Violator to be Next D.C. Police Chief
KLM refuses seven passengers following Trump's muslim ban/KLM accomplice to discrimination (tags)
Airline company KLM is accomplice to discrimination, Islamophobia and deportation of refugees. Concerning discrimination and Islamophobia, it is one of the executioners of Trump's policy, by refusing passengers from the seven banned muslim countries. It's complicity with deportation of refugees consists of flying deported refugees for the Dutch government. Both are crimes and KLM's full responsibility, because they have a choice to refuse.
Cloudflare’s Transparency Report for Second Half 2016 - FBI National Security Letter (tags)
Text of FBI NSL National Security Letter
What is the future of freedom? What does a free world look like? Anarchism is the best way to guarantee the freedom of humans and animals, now and in the future. Anarchists want to eliminate government and other forms of hierarchy.
The Unsung Heroes of American democracy (tags)
This article is my response to my wonderful fellow Americans for supporting us, Muslims
By Yair Rosenberg January 30, 2017 • 9:11 AM Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google Plus Pinterest On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order barring all immigrants and visa holders from entering the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. The order included green card holders and also banned all refugees for 120 days. Given the Jewish historical experience with being both refugees and subjected to religious loyalty tests, this directive unsurprisingly evoked a strong reaction from much of the American Jewish community. As so—contrary to some earlier claims—Jewish groups across the spectrum mobilized in opposition to the executive order, in a rare display of unity. The American Jewish Committee was one of the first out of the gate, offering a detailed rebuttal to the policy: “For more than 110 years, AJC has been a consistent voice for a fair, non-discriminatory, and generous U.S. refugee and immigration policy,” AJC CEO David Harris said. “We are all related to those fortunate enough to have been admitted to this country – in my case, my mother, father, wife, and daughters-in-law, and we believe that other deserving individuals merit the same opportunities to be considered for permanent entry.” Assuring security in the implementation of immigration laws and procedures is essential, but lost in the current discussion over the suspension of refugee admissions and the issuance of all visas to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries this week – as in the rhetoric of the presidential campaign – are several facts: • Refugees from Syria, Iraq and other states in violent upheaval are already laboriously and intrusively vetted by U.S. immigration authorities, assisted by U.S. intelligence agencies, in cooperation with other nations’ intelligence services. For those approved, it generally takes 18 to 24 months to gain U.S. admission; • Refugees from Central America are, almost exclusively, women and children who are at risk of violence, sexual assault, and even death if they are returned to their home countries. They deserve compassion and a fair hearing. • The terrorist threat attributed to refugees is a cruel and distracting fiction, especially when viewed against the actual incidence of mass violence committed with chilling frequency – in schools, churches, shopping malls and other venues – against Americans by Americans. In the 14 years ending in October 2015, a period in which 784,000 refugees were resettled in the United States, there were exactly three arrests for planning terrorist activities (none of which occurred); • Since the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, the United States and the international community as a whole have recognized an obligation to assist refugees. For America to close its eyes – and its borders – to even painstakingly vetted refugees contravenes that international treaty. President Trump, of course, is authorized to assert the sovereign right of the U.S. to assure the integrity of America’s borders and the effective enforcement of the country’s immigration and asylum laws… However, blanket suspensions of visas and refugee admission would suggest guilt by association – targeted primarily at Muslims fleeing violence and oppression. AJC regards such actions, contrary to international perceptions of a compassionate America and reinforcing anti-Muslim stereotypes, as both unjust and unwarranted. As the full scope of the executive order became clearer in airports across the country, the AJC later told reporters, “We are outraged by the new US refugee policy, its draconian face. This is not the American way.” The Anti-Defamation League was similarly scathing. “History will look back on this order as a sad moment in American History – the time when the president turned his back on people fleeing for their lives,” said ADL executive director Jonathan Greenblatt. “This will effectively shut America’s doors to the most vulnerable people in the world who seek refuge from unspeakable pain and suffering.” “For the Sunni family whose son languishes in prison in Iran because of his faith, for the former Army translator in Iraq who has been threatened because of his service,
"A Hostile Act": Mexico Braces for Trump's Border Wall (tags)
Numerous civil liberties and human rights organizations, meanwhile, blasted Trump’s immigration directives as emblematic of a horrifying descent into discriminatory and racist policy territory.
Trump, spokesman slam U.S. media over inaugural crowd coverage (tags)
Washington city authorities do not provide official crowd counts but TV footage clearly showed the gathering did not stretch all the way to the Washington Monument as Trump asserted
Los Angeles Braves Extended Downpour to Tell Trump Hell No (tags)
Angelenos show up in a long rain to give warning to the new President to keep his hands off of California and her inhabitants.
Los Angeles Braves Extended Downpour to Tell Trump Hell No (tags)
Angelenos show up in a long rain to give warning to the new President to keep his hands off of California and her inhabitants.
FBI's "Suicide Letter" to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dangers of Unchecked Survei (tags)
FBI's "Suicide Letter" to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the Dangers of Unchecked Surveillance
Civil Rights Groups Sue Caltrans to Stop Illegal Raids Against California's Homeless (tags)
Civil Rights Groups Sue Caltrans to Stop Illegal Raids Against California's Homeless
This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016 (tags)
This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016
Nurses Storm The Boulevard To Pressure Trump on the ACA (tags)
The California Nurses Association Rally in Hollywood to save the Affordable Care Act
Nurses Storm The Boulevard To Pressure Trump On the ACA (tags)
The California Nurses Association Rally in Hollywood to save the Affordable Care Act
The Effectiveness of Sex Offender Treatment Programs – Robert Tronge (tags)
In January of 1989, before the sex offender hysteria hit the legislative sector of our country, a study was conducted entitled ‘Sex Offender Recidivism a Review‘, by the noted researchers L. Furby, M.R.Weinroth, and L. Blackshaw. Although the primary purpose of this study was to try and determine the actual recidivism of people who are involved in sex crimes what it secondarily discovered was the effectiveness of treatment programs or lack thereof I should say in reducing recidivism.. Realize that today most treatment programs that use behavior modification follow the same type of guidelines that were used during this time. They were basically drug and alcohol programs that were modified to treat people with what therapists perceived as sexual control problems.
Trump and the Consequences: Democracy at a Crossroads (tags)
What appears here is another form of democracy, without the constitutional state and without opposition. Trump could operate with enemy declarations. Today Donald Trump is a radicalized Nixon. Democracy is always endangered and never given as a present.
The Real Story of the Recount (tags)
Jill Stein’s multi-state presidential recount was unprecedented. The idea originated from a group of computer scientists represented by attorney John Bonifaz, who after analyzing the U.S. computerized voting system found it to be vulnerable to hacking and manipulation. Social scientists and statisticians deemed some of the 2016 election results to be improbable. Election integrity volunteers and attorneys stepped up to help sort it out.
Philippine President Duterte: A fascist original (tags)
'Like the anti-Marcos resistance 4 decades back, the only certainty members of the anti-fascist front can count on is that they’re doing the right thing. And that, for some, is a certainty worth dying for'
Jane Fonda Divests From Wells Fargo (tags)
The actress-activist celebrated her birthday by joining #BankExit. “Don't forget how successful the divestment movement was in bringing down Apartheid,” she said. Later, a round dance took place in the busy intersection of Sunset and Vine, paralyzing traffic in all directions for several minutes (pictures following article).
Ethnic Cleansing in Syria (tags)
A guide to who's who.
Roar of approval as campaigners working to end circus suffering receive a “Barker” (tags)
Animal Defenders International founders Jan Creamer and Tim Phillips for ‘Extraordinary Achievement for Animal Rights’
Indybay Censorship, Sabotage, and Defamation (tags)
In organizing "Justice for Sean Arlt and Luke Smith protests, the Revolutionary Tendency works in a non-sectarian manner with protest co-sponsor Homeless United for Friendship and Freedom and with participation and support from Santa Cruz Food Not Bombs, 15-year-old Luke Smith’s mother, Luke Smith’s class mates, and with food and coffee provided by Joe Schultz of India Joze. As these are grass-roots community events, one would think that the “non-hierarchical” censors at Indybay could look beyond their unexplained and seemingly irrational hatred, censorship, sabotage, and defamation of these community events demanding justice for Sean Arlt and Luke Smith. Yet, this is not the case.
Nominate NoDAPL for the Nobel Peace Prize (tags)
NoDAPL may well be the model for resistance in the era of Drumpf/Trump.
Take a Step Back – Robert Tronge (tags)
I’m sure we’ve all heard the statement “walk a mile in his shoes”, but how many people are actually willing to step outside of their comfort zone and do this for a real. Most people are unwilling to see the other person’s point of view, especially when it violates their concept of right and wrong, whether that view of right or wrong is based on past experiences, ethnic, cultural, religious believes or outright bigotry.
US Election as a Turn of an Era (tags)
Karl Marx modified a Hegel quotation that world-historical events always occurred twice, the first time as tragedy and the next time as farce. Since November 9, 2016, we know they can occur as tragedy and farce at once.
Require a Citizenship and Constitutionality test for all Lawmaking Bodies – Robert George (tags)
Arizona Governor Doug Ducey on Thursday signed legislation that will require all Arizona High School students to take and pass the US Citizenship test before they are able to graduate.
Democracy and the Uncanny Power of Money (tags)
Growing inequality is the greatest political problem of our time. Governments are often only actors or puppets of an anonymous regime for the benefit of the privileged where the interests of simple people do not count.
Donald Trump as the Antithesis of Liberal Politics (tags)
Was this a victory of a show over substance? Was this a triumph of anti-intellectualism rampant for years? Trump capitalized on the economic plight of a very concrete section of the population. Today the US is a source of fear for the rest of the world
Twain in the nineteenth century exposed the excesses of America’s first Gilded Age and sought, without success, to avert the young nation’s lurch toward imperialism.
Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump. States, regions, counties, towns, and cities should secede from the United States. Cities and states where most people did not vote for Trump must secede from the US. The United States is not worth saving.
A Nation, Founded on LIES, Part Five (tags)
An Article prove that the Fifth Amendment is a lie.
Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump.
Video: Born on Third Base by Chuck Collins, 58 min (tags)
Chuck Collins talked about his book, Born on Third Base: A One Percenter Makes the Case for Tackling Inequality, Bringing Wealth Home, and Tthe Common Good, about inequality in the United States and what to do about it. Mr. Collins is the great-grandson of Oscar Mayer.
To Defeat Trump … And the Democrats, Fight for Workers Revolution (tags)
After all the media hype, suddenly it turned out that Republican Donald Trump was elected. The racist, sexist, immigrant-bashing, woman-molesting Trump would be the next CEO of the United States and commander-in-chief of U.S. imperialism. In deep shock and disbelief, tens of millions asked, how could this happen? In Muslim, Latino, African American and immigrant families there was raw fear. Soon mass protests began, with many chanting “Not My President” (as if Democrat Clinton, a certified warmonger, would have been?). At the same time, racist incidents multiplied. It is urgently necessary to fight back, but the question is how? The answer depends on understanding what happened, and why. Trump certainly mobilized the hard-core racist vote, and better-off middle class voters. But what put him over the top was the vote of residents of dying small towns and white workers in the Rust Belt, who have seen their jobs destroyed and cities devastated. The fact is that with their economic policies, the Democrats pushed millions of workers into the arms of Trump. What is urgently needed is to break from the Democrats, Republicans and all capitalist parties and build a class-struggle workers party. Such a party would fight for a program of mass workers action against the deportations, for workers defense guards against racist attacks, and to oppose the imperialist war drive in a struggle leading to workers revolution.
How Cities Can Protect People Threatened By Trumpism (tags)
Copied from Common Dreams
This report reflects my gratitude to all who seek freedom from violent oppression from psychopaths in government, especially those in fbi /cia.
Duterte's Strike Against the US Empire (tags)
Commentary on western news media's demonizing of President Duterte and the rub-out of history of US imperialism.
the crisis of the two-party system (tags)
The Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, along with former attorneys general, Republican as well as Democratic, have bitterly denounced Comey’s action.
US mergers set new record in October (tags)
With Qualcomm’s announcement Thursday of a $39 billion deal to acquire NXP Semiconductors NV, October has set a new monthly record for US mergers and acquisitions.
I offer criminal indictments against fbi et al. (tags)
I offer data to criminally indict fbi/police/congress/SCOTUS
renewed US pressure on Australia to line up against China (tags)
A report released last week by the United States Study Centre at Sydney University underscores the centrality of the Australian alliance to the Obama administration’s “pivot to Asia” against China
SAG-AFTRA video game performers on strike (tags)
In the early morning of Friday, the Screen Actors Guild‐American Federation of Television and Radio Artists (SAG-AFTRA) announced a strike against a dozen video game entertainment corporations, including Electronic Arts Productions, Inc., Disney Character Voices, Inc. and Warner Brothers Games, Inc.
The class struggle of th Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson (tags)
The Libertarians’ economic program voices the economic grievances of some of the more economically insecure layers of the American middle class through their criticisms of the domination of the major banks and corporations. Based on conceptions which originate in the right-wing and anticommunist Austrian School of bourgeois economics
What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US? (tags)
A major theme of the 2016 US presidential campaign has been the campaign to depict Russia as intent on manipulating the election through cyber warfare.
Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)
This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.
Self-Serving Politicians Behind Legislation – Robert G Tronge (tags)
To protect our children, It’s an emergency, if the passage of this law saves just one child then it has served its purpose. We have all heard these type of comments from our legislators. Friedrich August von Hayek once wisely said.
...And Then They Came For Me (tags)
See some parallels between jack booted thugs of Hitler's Nazi Gestapo and today's fascist fbi and police thugs in USA
Evidence that USA is run by criminals (tags)
See compelling evidence that the USA is run by de facto criminals.
Puerto Rico Oversight Board Holds First Meeting (tags)
Independent Experts Monitor Puerto Rico Board and "PROMESA" Legislation
USA's President Has Almost No Power Over fbi / cia assassins (tags)
The President of the United States of America has no real power over fbi/cia/dod assassins & mass murderers.
New Report Finds Corporate Offshore Tax Avoidance a Growing Problem (tags)
According to a new report, secretive offshore tax avoidance practices are on the rise among multinational businesses.
Venezuela's 3 Cent A Gallon Gas & Hugo Chavez' Death (tags)
It was Venezuela's 3 cent a gallon gas which attracted the destabilization of that country by the CIA
Government Sponsored Terrorism or Public safety? (tags)
This fact is basic psychology, Robert George Tronge. 1. You see something new 2. You learn to trust it and accept it. 3. You speak about it, passing on the information you were given to others. 4, You act upon the information given.
Why You Don't Hear About All These Bankruptcies (tags)
This is the root of Americas problems. Couple with deterioration of the voting process, and the power of the jury, our country is about dead. Americans imply consent to all this international legalese in numerous ways, but mostly by spending the cash of the federal reserve banking monopoly without qualifying that at every opportunity with the statement "All rights reserved".....b
It’s enough to read just a few lines of the bourgeois press to get an idea of what will happen after the failed coup of 15 July: “The iron fist of Erdogan after the failed coup in Turkey: I am ready to reinstate the death penalty. 8000 police officers were suspended, opponents were stripped naked and hog-tied. The European Union: If executions resume, Turkey will not enter Europe“(1).
Fusion Green Liberty Party 2016 Presidential Campaign (tags)
The Green Liberty Party is a fusion party that combines both Green and Libertarian concepts. Primarily the GLP is concerned with ending the rackets called "war on drugs" and "war on terror". GLP candidate Mark Paul Miller will use the Office of President to research, expose and stop these two government rackets that have taken lives and money from U.S. voters. It is possible for a write-in candidate to win the election if they get enough votes
Philippines: The Contradictions of the Duterte Regime (tags)
Based on a talk delivered at All Leaders Meeting of BMP-Sanlakas-PLM at Claret Parish Church on July 13, 2016.
See evidence that, among other corrupt agencies, the fbi leads in the moral and legal destruction of the USA.
America's Promise & The Grim Reality (tags)
Here are some cold irrefutable facts about the murderous corruption of fbi.
Bertolt Brecht Testifies Before the House Un-American Activities Committee (1947) 2 min (tags)
725 free movies, 700 free ebooks and 450 free audio books (including "1984") are ours on Enjoy the feast! How can anyone be hard-nosed with 725 freed movies?
#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story (tags)
#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story
God hacks a border crossing (tags)
New episode of crackbird saga
USA is run by the criminally insane (tags)
See the evidence, as the world's population now studies, that the very dangerous assassins of fbi/cia rule the globe.
International Day of Solidarity With Oscar López Rivera (tags)
Show your support for Oscar's release! #FreeOscarLópez #35paisesxOscar
Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines supports state burial for Ferdinand Marcos (tags)
Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte announced in the wake of his election in May that he intended to grant the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos a state burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes Cemetery). Preparations are now being made for a state funeral on September 11, the 99th birth anniversary of the former president.
KPFK Local Station Board Elections In-Progress (tags)
KPFK has begun the election process for its 2016 Local Station Board. The nomination process began on June 1, 2016 at 9:00 am PST and will close on June 30, 2016 at 9:00 pm PST. There are currently three Staff and nine Listener-Sponsor positions up for election.
The Shortwave Report 06/10/16 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Radio Havana Cuba.
Puerto Rico Archbishop Urges Congress, Governor and Creditors to Solve Debt Crisis (tags)
Ahead of a likely House vote this week, San Juan's Roman Catholic Archbishop, Roberto González Nieves OFM, announced his support for Puerto Rico debt crisis legislation in an op-ed to The Hill.
61 Reasons To Vote Against Hillary Clinton (tags)
California's primary can change the world.
Fbi murderous corruption, per validated " fbi whistleblower " (tags)
Former fbi agent survives 30 years of fbi assaults and presents this synthesis of his studies.
Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil (tags)
poster's note: Hillary's emails show 143 tons of gold held by Libya as well as oil were 2 of the factors along with others in the bombing of Libya
Excerpts from 2002 report on failed leadership USA (tags)
About 14 years ago I expressed my concern about the failed leadership in the USA. Today, the gross human rights violations by USA (especially the fbi/cia) punctuate my observations on topic.
The fbi's own crime spree (tags)
See this brief report and note that we can be assured of the fbi's own continued crime spree against innocent people.
Where to begin the overhaul of USA corrupt government! (tags)
To clean up the police state USA, first we get rid of all the 'burros' (i.e., the fbi) in government.
The Philippines’ New Strongman (tags)
Rodrigo Duterte’s authoritarian neoliberalism isn’t the answer to poverty and political abuse in the Philippines.
The Works Progress Administration created 651K miles of highway, 124K bridges, 8K parks and 125K public buildings including 41K schools. In the US of Amnesia, corporate subsidies are called public necessities and public welfare unnecessary Orwell warned us of this inversion of language.
Propaganda Countdown to WWIII: Armenians in the Crosshairs (tags)
True to their well-documented pattern, the Azeris felt compelled to come up with their own propagandized version of non-reality to show that they too can be victims of genocide --- ostensibly committed by Armenians.
Fbi forces Vets into suicide (tags)
This report from me (a Vet) presents evidence that the fbi ritually and often for sport engages in unconscionable crimes against our veterans.
Communications Workers of America District 9 Action at AT&T Shareholders (tags)
Observe Randall Stephenson and the AT&T Board of Directors and Shareholders; their connections to BIG MONEY. Learn about their efforts to silence the voices of labor and progressive shareholders seeking transparency in their political donations and lobbying.
Fbi are quite the murderous cowards (tags)
The United States of America belongs to cowardly & corrupt fbi assassins, not to the people.
Jesuit Priest And War Resister On Ethical Imperative of Vegetarianism (tags)
Ethical, Health, Spiritual and other reasons a Catholic antiwar priest decided to become vegetarian
Sleep: "Nature's soft nurse" (tags)
This report is another effort to address the global problem of assaults on human beings by subhumans using spaced based & inhumane weaponry.
Five myths about tax havens (tags)
When tax havens assist kleptocratic elites in hiding their cash with impunity, they don’t guard against corruption and despotism — they help perpetuate them. Tax havens provide an escape route from laws that is available only to a rich minority that can afford to use it...
A police state USA, unfettered by moral / legal constraints (tags)
This report summarizes how the police state evolved in the USA and suggests the need to STOP IT!
The Steep Cost of Tax Dodging (tags)
Supports to a bridge crumble in Iowa City, Iowa, in a photo taken on September 15, 2014. The long-deteriorating infrastructure of the United States is repaired and maintained with tax funds, much of which are currently being withheld in offshore accounts by large corporations...
Philippines: Rodrigo Duterte’s One-Man Revolution and the CPP (tags)
Rodrigo Duterte’s authoritarian vision is no way forward for the Philippines.
Former Circus Tiger Rescued in Peru by Animal Defenders International Arriving at MIA (tags)
After a lifetime of suffering in a Peruvian circus, Hoover the tiger will finally be flown to Miami International Airport (MIA)
Nationwide, New Laws Seek to Suppress Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) Campaigns R (tags)
4 of 5 Dem and Republican Candidates Are Supporters of Continued Netanyahu Violence. They are Clinton, Trump Cruz, Kasich
Executioner Merrick Garland, Denier Of Prisoner Rights (tags)
Obama's nomination of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court is more of the same, indicating an executioner justice who would continue policies of endless war.
"Panama Papers" Release Highlights Need for US Shell Company Legislation (tags)
More than 11 million leaked documents from a major Panama-based "off-shore" law firm reveal how the global financial system enables corruption and tax evasion.
Trump is out of touch.
Take Action on Land Day, March 30! (tags)
The Stop the JNF Campaign is calling for activists for Palestinian rights to take action between March 30 (Land Day) and April 18 (Tax Day) to amplify efforts targeting the Jewish National Fund for its role in the ongoing displacement of Palestinians from their land. Stay tuned for our big announcement on Wednesday!
EBALDC’s partnership with Urban Core has resulted in protests (tags)
Considering that EBALDC had a fund balance of $22,884,524 during 2014, it appears that EBALDC, a so-called nonprofit housing developer, may be sucking it’s buildings dry financially with it’s general and administration fees, property management fees, repairs and maintenance fees, developer fees, and other charges it uses to collect huge sums of money from its many buildings and properties.
Merrick Garland Opposed Guantanamo Prisoner Rights, Expanded Citizens United Theft (tags)
Garland's decisions on Guantanamo, Citizens United, defendants etc. have helped only the military and the rich. He may have coveredup the CIA role in the bombing of the OKC
Philippines' Bernie Sanders: A Conversation with Walden Bello (tags)
Without a doubt, Sanders has captured the imagination of people, especially the millennials, around the world.
Liberated Political Prisoner Sekou Odinga Speaks Out (tags)
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
IRVINE - In an unassuming classroom somewhere on the UCI campus, about 80 people, most of them students, gathered to hear the words of the recently-released Black Liberation Army prisoner Sekou Odinga, imprisoned for 33 years for his role in the 1979 emancipation of BLA soldier Assata Shakur.
Odinga is on tour speaking to students and community members, not only to tell his story, but also to encourage others to work to free US-held political prisoners and prisoners of war. This Wednesday's lecture was just one of a series that included colleges in Los Angeles, Orange County, and Santa Barbara, as well a presentation to the community at the South Central Library on Saturday.
The presentation on Wednesday was preceded by a video about political prisoners from the Black Liberation Struggle, and then some words from a professor.
Then Odinga took the mic.
The dirty fbi's overthrown United States of America (tags)
See my conclusionservice after 30 years of experience as a victim of the fbi crime spree against me.
Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, A Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency (tags)
Democrats need to seriously and pragmatically assess their strategy for defeating Trump. A Clinton run would be disastrous; Bernie Sanders is their only hope.
This first hand report reflects a monstrous program by world governments, especially the USA.
Walden Bello: Sanders as US President good for US, Philippines, and Asia (tags)
MANILA - “Bernie Sanders would be good not only for the United States but for the Philippines and Asia,” Walden Bello told the US media after he chatted briefly with the candidate for Democratic Party presidential nomination in Waterloo, Iowa on Sunday, 13 December 2015.
Michael Chertoff The Man & His Star-Crossed Past (tags)
Poster's note: Chertoff made the Dept of Homeland Security an Israeli agency and has hired Michael Hayden, the man who made the NSA a universal snoop and was also head of the CIA, for his Chertoff Group)
Facebook's Frolics
See my conclusion regarding the destruction of the fbi.
Former South African President Visits US to Stop "Illicit Financial Flows" (tags)
Former South African President Thabo Mbeki visits the United States February 16-19 to raise awareness on how the developing world loses money to corruption.
Divestment passes at UI Chicago (tags)
Text of Divestment resolution that passed unanimously in Chicago
The Disgraceful United States Supreme Court (tags)
This report on the United States Supreme Court (SCOTUS) is about thirty years in the making.
Super Bowl 50: Super Militarization and Super Inequality (tags)
The most expensive single sports game on Earth kicked off under unprecedented militarization of the police and the highest levels of inequality since the Great Depression.
Egyptian Writer Given 3 Years Jail for Criticizing Egyptian Sheep Murder (tags)
Egyptian writer Faitma Naoot sentenced to three years in prison for criticizing Egyptian sheep slaughter on Facebook.
Army Intelligence resents fbi cowards who attack combat vets (tags)
What does one do when his country has been overthrown by cowardly punks in fbi/cia! Answer: Resist.
French Circus Drops Elephant act After Abusive Past Emerges (tags)
Animal Defenders International launches its “Watch List” to track trainers who have been exposed abusing animals
How NAFPS and Al Carroll Are Under Attack by White Racists...Again (tags)
Native Americans have been fighting for their spiritual traditions for decades against New Age cultural appropriation and commercial exploitaton. NAFPS and Al Carroll have been at the forefront, and for that, white racists have always hated them, slandered them, and demonized them. The good news is, the racists have always failed.
Donald Trump Criticizes Corporate "Inversions" During Presidential Debate (tags)
Donald Trump has criticized corporate "inversions" as "one of the biggest problems" facing the United States.
The Military-Industrial Complex is the Greatest Threat for World Peace (tags)
Fighting the dominant culture of war that is promoted by all the media justifications of war and war propaganda is vital. This culture must be decoded as misanthropic and shattered. Building a culture of peace is the project of the century.
H.R. 3762 which repeals the individual mandate and restores the full 40 hour work week needs to have it's veto overridden.
Lakota Tribal Leader Leonard Peltier Held in U.S. Prisons Since 1976 Amnesty Int. US 2016 (tags)
LEONARD pELTIER is a 15/16th Lakota Sioux native American born near Pine Ridge on Rosebud Reservation on the North Dakota SOuth Dakota border.Leonard served in the U.S. Marines and was sentenced June 2, 1976 to 2 consecutive life terms pn a sham trial in Midwest
Puerto Rico Plans to Default on New Year's Day (tags)
Puerto Rico plans to default on part of its $1 billion debt payment due January 1.
The Rise of Fascism: Trump, Alex Jones (tags)
Progressive youth in college: thank you for protesting, but know that today, there are no “safe spaces” because we're witnessing the re-emergence of fascism in the United States, and globally.
Bombing Strengthens the Islamic State (tags)
The attempts to stop Islamic terror through military actions in Afghanistan and Iraq have brought about the opposite. These attempts destabilized societies in those countries, promoted terror and triggered great streams of refugees. So the policy of the West bears a joint responsibility.
Landmark UAW International Ruling Rejects Local BDS Resolution (tags)
BDS resolution defeated by bUAW international Union
Ted Cruz, Contemptuous Of International Law, Facilitator of Perry's Texecutions (tags)
: Ted Cruz argued before the Supreme Court that Texas had a right to execute prisoners without granting their Vienna Convention rights.
fbi can run and hide, but not forever (tags)
The fbi hides its atrocities from public view with the help of main street media , but not for much longer .
Evidence of fbi cyber crimes (tags)
More fbi pranks are shown in this report.
The Shortwave Report 11/27/15 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.
Casino Capitalism and Profit Maximization (tags)
In the 1960s the average holding time for stocks was 10 years. Now the holding time is not 9 months but 22 seconds. Like shareholder value, profit maximization leads to exploding inequality and the waste of resources. States are weakened by tax cuts.
“None Dare Call It Conspiracy:” How U.S. Elites Made Islamist Militants the New Red Menace (tags)
The American Establishment’s Quarter-Century Scheme to Replace Defunct Soviet Communism with “Expansionist” Militant Islam. And Why We Need Former U.S. Senator turned diplomat Gary Hart, Who “Thinks Differently” About U.S.-Russia Relations, to Join the 2016 Presidential Race
Following Paris Terror Attacks, Only Three Things are Guaranteed (tags)
The immediate response to the terror attacks in France was one of blatant militarism. As Anti-Media reported earlier today, the French government has deployed 10,000 troops to patrol the streets of France.
A Plea For Support From Will B (tags)
HIP HOP Artist William Bannister, also known as Will B was arrested on April 14th, 2015 while participating in a protest against police killings and brutality in this country. He will be going to trial and he is asking for letters to be written in his support by anyone in the community who knows him and is aware of his amazing work. Will B is a great activist, artist, and a wonderful person I"m including his letter, and below it, a letter by Frank Dorrel supporting Will.
While the people sleep with eyes wide open , the government of the United States of America continues a bloody and cruel crime spree globally.
10 Shocking Realities of the TPP (tags)
Now we see why the US Trade Representative and President Obama wanted to keep the TPP secret for four years after it was ratified. It if had not been for a very aggressive fight against fast track trade authority in which hundreds of thousands of people participated, we would not see the text.
Philippines: Unions decry deceptive, vague ‘labor agenda’ of APEC (tags)
ORGANIZED workers sneered at the so-called labor agenda in the upcoming Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit in Manila next month by describing it as deceptive and vague, which merely reaffirms APEC’s ideology based on the primacy of corporate power and profits over labor and trade union rights.
fbi tries to prevent my tsunami of data offerred globally (tags)
fbi operatives globally try to intimidate readers of my site.
A Reminder of Nazi Germany: USA is a Nation of Traitors (tags)
See the similarities between Nazi Germany and today's USA by reading my reports.
NYT Perpetuates the Myth about Obama Killing Osama (tags)
US Intends "Direct Action on the Ground" Supporting ISIS (tags)
Fall 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Migrant’s Human Rights Violations, Syria Refugee Crisis – Proudly Made by U.S.A. + Dump the Trump!
Walden Bello runs for senator of the Philippines, pushes reforms in governance (tags)
Rep. Walden Bello resigned from Congress on March 19, 2015, because he could no longer support a hypocritical good governance policy under which President Aquino went after his political enemies but protected his corrupt cronies. His resignation was also an act of protest at the president’s refusal to accept command responsibility for the Mamasapano tragedy. He felt that his voluntary stepping down was the ethical thing to do since his party Akbayan, of which he was the principal representative in the House of Representatives, maintained its support for Aquino.
Tax Justice for Social Justice (tags)
Every year states lose billions in tax revenues through the aggressive tax avoidance practices of international corporations. These companies profit from public services whose financing is left to citizens. 1 trillion euros are lost every year from European public budgets.
NYT Justifies US Afghan Hospital Bombing (tags)
Offshore Shell Games 2014, 56 pp (tags)
Ugland House is a modest five-story office building in the Cayman Islands, yet it is the registered address for 18,857 companies. The Cayman Islands, like many other offshore tax havens, levies no income taxes on companies incorporated there.
AIPAC's War on Palestine (tags)
Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make (tags)
USA Overthrown from Within (tags)
See how the USA has in fact been methodically transformed from a constitutional governement to a fascist state by fbi/cia.
NYC SJP questions the BDS Movem,ent (tags)
Many divestment campaigns have passed through student referendums and student government resolutions, but all but a few have been purely symbolic. No actual divestment, and no real boycotts against israeli universities have been established...
NATO to Deploy More Troops Near Russia's Borders (tags)
Cochabamba: Water as a Human Right (tags)
The economy should be part of life, not a steamroller crushing self-determination and creativity. The TTIP, TPP and TISA trade agreements create a parallel private arbitration system that gives corporations special rights to sue states. Labor and environmental arein danger.
Visa wars: Guatemala vs. El salvador (tags)
The internal and continual upheaval about national policies toward newcomers is taking a sharp turn in Mesoamerica or Central america. El Salvadorean nationals get Temporary Protected Status while Guatemalan travelers remain illegal in 9 times out of 10.Wheres the pope?
TTIP: Attack on Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)
A mass demonstration is planned for Saturday October 10 in Berlin against the TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership. A parallel private ad hoc arbitration system is created where corporations can sue states for lost profitsLabor and environmental rules undermined
Putin: The Best Hope for World Peace (tags)
Russia's Upper House Authorizes Aerial Operations in Syria (tags)
Dueling Ideologies in New York: Putin v. Obama (tags)
Protesters Enact Symbolic "Die In" to Unwelcome Narendra Modi to Silicon Valley (tags)
Over 2000 vibrant protesters from many different Indian American communities joined together outside the SAP Center in San Jose to counter Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of "Digital India" and Hindutva. They raised many issues with Modi's leadership, ranging from forced conversions to Hinduism, Internet surveillance, arrest of political bloggers, harassment of human rights activists, blind eye to rapes, dispossession of small farmers, rewriting of Indian history, and the 2002 Gujarat massacre.
Neoliberalism Blames Individuals for Inequality (tags)
In neoliberal theories, social justice is not a meaningful category and social inequality is a necessary result of market processes. Performance justice is a necessary illusion. Responsibility for poverty and misery is often shifted to individuals with the worst genes.
America: The World's Greatest Threat (tags)
Syria's Future: Another One-Sided NYT Debate (tags)
Corruption of USPI, fbi, Texas DPS (tags)
See my reports on the unmitigated corruption of the USPI by the hoodlums and gangsters of fbi .
Russia's Real Involvement in Syria (tags)
Threatening Jeremy Corbyn (tags)
Near Zero Percent Federal Funds Rate Since December 2008 (tags)
Cowardly and Murderous United States of America (tags)
Summary reports on the cowardice of the USA follows:
Irresponsible US China Bashing (tags)
fbi is a ythreat to national security (tags)
Would you serve a nation that would attack you for honorably defending that nation on the battlefield?
The Russians Are Coming, Again (tags)
Resistance to gentrification in San Francisco (tags)
Analysis from a long time opponent of what capitalism is doing to the city of San Francisco
Towers Productions & Ms. Weiner (tags)
Fifteen years ago I asked Towers Productions to consider publishing my information of the thugs of the fbi who targeted me for terror. They refused. Here is the summary of the story:
Senate Fails to Block Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
Obama's Covert Drone War on Syria (tags)
Propaganda alert: 6 weeks after nuclear deal: "Israel more ready than ever to strike Iran" (tags)
Only weeks after signing a “historic” nuclear agreement with Iran in Vienna on July 14th, the NATO axis and its prime ally Israel are already escalating their threats of an overt multi-front war on Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Meanwhile, the brutality of NATO- and Israel-led genocidal overt and covert wars on Yemen, Syria and Iraq reaches new extremes...
Veto-Proof Senate Margin Achieved for Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia (tags)
Puerto Rico’s Religious Leaders Call for Debt Relief and End to Austerity (tags)
Puerto Rico’s religious leaders called for debt relief in the face of the $72 billion financial crisis burdening the Caribbean US territory. At a press conference in San Juan, leaders of the principle religious groups laid out six principles to resolve the crisis.
Fbi methods are unconscionable (tags)
As of today the terrorist methods of the fbi are almost unheard of.
Florida State Attorney's Office, Unethical (tags)
State & federal prosecutors are quite the embarassment to humanity.
Fabricated Pentagon Reports on ISIS (tags)
Rabbis Against Peace and Stability (tags)
Misguided Calls for More QE (tags)
Jerry Hartfield: Victimized by US Police State Injustice (tags)
police state
KPFK= more. Tired of the turmoil? we are too. (tags)
KPFK programmer of important political interviews and one of the only-4 paid staff programmers on the station expresses his concerns and reveals his experiences with the new Gen'l Mgr. Recent changes to reduce staff work time may be the final 'shoe to drop' that will break whatever all stakeholders liked and paid for at Our Radio Station - paid for by listener-stakeholders. Excerpts of his latest revelations and plea is below.
Israel v. the World on Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
kPFK under threatening duress - even to it's long-established staff by new Gen'l Mgr (tags)
A staff member, Ian Masters, who hosts a regular newsworthy program 6 days/week [and also has a public forum at the Hammer musem too which promotes KPFK by ] , has written a clear letter indicating his concerns . He wrote a truthful explanation of what is happening to programming and what he said about this also on-air, and has been duly threatened. Anyone concerned over such unreasonable acts at Our Radio Stattion should write to the current new GM at and state your views, concerns, and or willingness to continue pledging $$$.... or not. His emailed letter is below:
Palestinian Hunger Striker Muhammad Allan's Life Hangs by a Thread (tags)
Facade of Diplomacy Masks Same Old US Latin American Policy (tags)
By the Bullet or the Burning Ballot (tags)
The week of June 7, 2015, Mexico´s midterm elections, saw an unprecedented surge in anti-government rebellion stemming from an electoral boycott and disruption called for by a diverse coalition of militant resistance groups. The legitimacy of government itself lay at stake in intense actions that signified state destitution. Among the manifestations, the indigenous autonomous pueblo of Álvaro Obregón called on anarchists to converge and help defend the community against the political party and police apparatus seeking to retake the territory. This piece outlines the regional events that unfolded, the general context of plummeting government legitimacy, and a firsthand account of anarchist-indigenous collaboration in defense of autonomous territory.
Irresponsible NYT and CNN Venezuela Bashing (tags)
Political Debates: Theater, not Substance (tags)
Close Confidant's Emails to Hillary Bash Britain's Cameron (tags)
US Supports Egyptian Tyranny (tags)
More Illegal US Sanctions on Russia (tags)
At the end of yet another «historic» marathon session Brussels negotiations between the Greek government and its creditors, a «definitive» agreement has yet again been found to «resolve" the Greek crisis: Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and his team have come to accept as a condition for new loans to the virtually bankrupt Greek government, a plan of austerity measures significantly harsher than he had rejected a week earlier and against which he had, supposedly, held a referendum! The only point where he apparently got something concrete, is that of the reduction in military spending: the creditors have accepted that it is weaker than what they asked for...
Cleveland Police Attack Black Activists (tags)
police state
Half of cuba's Hockey Team defects to the USA (tags)
Half of the Cuban men's field hockey team at the Pan American Games in Toronto defected to the United States, a player and sources close to the Cuban delegation said.
Phony Claims About Syria Retaining Chemical Weapons (tags)
Hillary Clinton: War Goddess, Corporate Shill, Anti-Populist (tags)
The Shortwave Report 07/17/15 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Spanish National Radio.
Jade Helm Military Exercises: Preparing for Martial Law Enforcement? (tags)
police state
Israel Intends Blitzkrieg Against Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
Pope Francis in Ecuador (tags)
US Joint Chiefs Chairman Nominee Irresponsibly Calls Russia America's "Greatest Threat" (tags)
A Formal Response to California’s Death With Dignity Act Legislation (tags)
Recently a major and moral decision was made to quell California legislature as to whether people suffering with terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity. Democrats did not have enough votes although the legislation might come back later in the year? To the extent that there was much of a debate in the news it has been one-sided with a chorus of status quo preventivists. Religion has once again slammed up common sense and compassion
Hillary Clinton Wants BDS Campaign Undermined (tags)
The new name for this murderous nation:
White Supremacists tied to human trafficking and a series of unsolved murders (tags)
This is an long but worthwhile article that specifies the link between white supremacist hate groups in the United States, human trafficking and a series of unsolved murders. I hope someone uses this information usefully. I hope this shuts these morons up for good. We all deserve to live in peace without any white supremacists causing any more problems for anyone.
US-Orchestrated Coup Attempt in Ecuador (tags)
Pentagon Calls Russia, China, Iran and North Korea Threats to Global Peace (tags)
Former Science Ed of London Times: Smallpox Vaccine Triggered Aids (tags)
As Governor Brown, Dianne Feinstein, and Barbara Boxer have worked to violate the 1st amendment which guarantees religious freedom and to violate the health of children, it's time to examine again the data which indicates the WHO smallpox vaccine spread AIDS around the world.
The U.S. Social Forum Puts San José on the Map of Social Change (tags)
Another World is Possible! The United States Social Forum 2015 was held in San José at the end of June. A thousand activists from hundreds of organizations worked on strategies for necessary alternatives and system change.
BDS Effect on Israel's Economy (tags)
Restorative Justice Is Needed For Albert Woodfox, The Black Panther Party And The Nation (tags)
On Monday, June 8, 2015, US District Court Judge James Brady ruled that the Angola 3's Albert Woodfox be both immediately released and barred from a retrial. Among those who communicated with Albert during that emotional week was Southern University Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell. In the days following Judge Brady's ruling, she was a featured guest on several television and radio shows that focused on Albert's case, including National Public Radio. In this interview with Angola 3 News, Prof. Bell discusses her new law journal article and reflects upon the latest developments in Albert's fight for freedom. She argues that recent Angola 3-related media coverage in the US is becoming "more substantive," and that this month "the media got bolder and began digging deeper than just a soundbite."
Russia Blasts Increased NATO Provocations (tags)
The United States of America, A Killing Field (tags)
The true nature of USA leaders protrudes from the fog that keeps people in delusional stupor.
New York Times Big Lies (tags)
TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracy and the Public Interest (tags)
TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO describes the TTIP as “secret tribunals” where only “foreign investors” can sue. Frank Bsirske of the German Verdi service union said the TTIP is a “black box” transferring sovereignty.
Obama Wants Regime Change in Ecuador (tags)
Putin Straight Talk v. Obama Doubletalk (tags)
Kiev's Junta Forces Terror Bomb Donbass (tags)
TTIP - Why the World Should Beware, 61 pp (tags)
Radical free trade policies did not begin with the birth of NAFTA, nor with the founding of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995 – both had been in place in over 90 developing and transitional economies for over a decade through structural adjustment programes imposed by the World Bank and the IMF. (Walden Bello)
Jeb Bush Makes His Presidential Candidacy Official (tags)
Russia to Counter US Eastern European Buildup (tags)
CIA Human Experimentation (tags)
Summer 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Life and Death in the Border, Mass Detention: Another U.S. violation of Human Rights
Netanyahu: Serial Liar, Unindicted War Criminal (tags)
Presstitute Media Support Anti-Consumer Fast Track Legislation (tags)
The fbi's universal disregard for human rights: (tags)
My reports on the corruption of this country's society at the hands and feet of the fbi are required reading for those who seek to clean up the murderous mess caused by the government.
Leaked TPP Trade Bill Healthcare Annex (tags)
Kiev Pronounces Minsk Agreement Dead (tags)
Ramsey Clark's Amicus Brief Challenging Legality of Iraq War, 23 pp (tags)
Former US Attorney General Files Brief in Federal Lawsuit Challenging Legality of Iraq War, USLaw, June 4, 2015
G-7 Leaders Stay Tough on Russia (tags)
Irresponsible New York Times Russia Bashing (tags)
At G7 Summit Trade and Debt Policies Take Center Stage; Bishops Call on G7 to Enact Global (tags)
G7, Jubilee USA Network, Debt
US Solution to Everything: War (tags)
A new, evil nation is formed (tags)
Open ones eyes to the truth of our b overthrown government.
Serve the USA in combat and be falsely labeled a murderer by fbi/cia for such service (tags)
See my documentations of how the USA allows the fbi/cia to fraudulently discredit combat war vet.
Revisiting Patriot Act Police State Legislation (tags)
police state
The hidden costs of trade treaties (tags)
The free trade treaties with Canada (CETA) and the United States (TTIP) are not threatening European standards, the negotiators in Brussels assure us. Yet environmental and food safety regulations have already been weakened.
Jingoistic Media Scoundrels Bash China (tags)
Washington Wages War on International Soccer (tags)
Four Winds of March Against Monsanto Los Angeles Take The Streets of Hollywood (tags)
People of Los Angeles joined the global call to March Against Monsanto on Saturday, May 23, 2015, in solidarity with thousands of people spanning over 400 cities of the globe. In L.A. the march originated in four cardinal directions in the morning (North Hollywood/Valley, West L.A/Venice, South L.A., and downtown) and traveled via public transportation to the central rally in East Hollywood, followed by a march to Griffith Park for a non-GMO potluck and teach-in. Over five hundred people participated in #MAMLA #MAM2015 to say #HellNoGMO.
Obama Memorial Day Big Lies (tags)
Bernie Sanders: Populist or Opportunist? (tags)
G7 Finance Ministers Focus on Growth in Face of High Debt (tags)
Washington DC - G7 finance ministers gather in Dresden, Germany, to discuss promoting "sustainable growth" in the face of growing global debt. US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew is among the ministers gathering. The meeting takes place amid debt crises in the Eurozone and the developing world. The ministers meet after the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reported slow economic growth and increased debt burdens during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings. "It's impossible to experience sustainable growth, when wealthy and poor countries are struggling with unsustainable debts," stated Eric LeCompte, Executive Director of Jubilee USA Network, who is in Dresden for the meetings. The finance ministers gathered in Dresden include Joe Oliver of Canada, Michel Sapin of France, Wolfgang Schäuble of Germany, Pier Carlo Padoan of Italy, Taro Aso of Japan, George Osborne of the United Kingdom and Jacob Lew of the United States. Jubilee USA joined Jubilee Germany in Dresden for several G7 outreach events organized on the growing debt crisis.
China's Military Strategy (tags)
Venezuelan/Palestinian Relations: Based on Brotherhood, Solidarity and Mutual Support (tags)
Netanyahu: Hate-Mongering Racist, Mass Murderer, Serial Liar (tags)
US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)
Russians Traveling Abroad Risk Lawless US Abduction (tags)
police states
Washington Wants War on Donbass (tags)
Obama Vows More Middle East Wars (tags)
US/Iranian Relations: Back to Square One? (tags)
Free Trade and Economic Growth instead of Democracy and Ecology (tags)
The TTIP agreement between the EU and the US creates a parallel private arbitration system where corporations can sue states for lost profits and decisions are irrevocable. Labor and environmental regulations can be invalidated as “takings” or “indirect expropriation.”
Kiev's Ongoing Aggression on Donbass (tags)
US Defense Department's Fabricated Chinese Threat (tags)
Iran's Humanitarian "Rescue" Ship to Yemen (tags)
Deepening Sino/Russian Ties (tags)
This is the United States of America (tags)
This important report reveals how the USA Intel services drive their Targets insane.
California Community Colleges Reject BDS (tags)
Divestment from Israel is roundly defeated by the California Community College General Assembly
This is the United States of America (tags)
Read and weep, not for me, but for all mankind who suffer now and later from wicked, evil and inhumane USA government employees and supporters like you.
VIDEO: Cholita the abused ex-circus bear takes first steps to freedom! (tags)
Real life Paddington bear relocated to ADI rescue center ahead of ‘Spirit of Freedom’ flight to the US
Know The Brand Names of Water Thief Nestle's (tags)
27 years ago Nestle's permit to siphon off the people's water in California expired
Saudis Using US-Supplied Banned Terror Weapons Against Yemeni Civilians (tags)
My announcement 25 years in the making:
Video: Richard Trumka on TTIP (tags)
TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Corporations could sue states in parallel private arbitration courts. Labor and environmental regulations could be chilled or invalidated as indirect expropriation.
San Francisco Supervisors ban wild animal performances (tags)
Animal Performance ban in San Francisco
Free collection of articles.
Federal agents being accused of gross misconduct & assassinations (tags)
The Justice Department report unearthed many incidents where government agencies did not properly report incidents of sexual misconduct, many of which happened in the company of prostitutes.
US-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)
Obama's Endless War on Humanity (tags)
Dwell Time...A Conversation With Eric Foner (tags)
A brief, breezy look at historian Eric Foner
BREAKING: WikiLeaks Leaks TPP Draft!!! (tags)
An ambitious 12-nation trade accord pushed by President Obama would allow foreign corporations to sue the United States government for actions that undermine their investment “expectations” and hurts their business, according to a classified document.
Seek no help from PHD,MD IN PSYCHOLOGY / PSYCHIATRY (tags)
See my report before you trust in any so called expert in psychiatry / psychology
Spring 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
Immigration Law in Limbo, But Mass Detention and Deportation Continues….
Britain Prepares for Nonexistent Russian Attack (tags)
Nuclear Armed and Dangerous Israel Blasts Iran's Peaceful Program (tags)
“Censoring Palestine” event at UC Berkeley (tags)
Report on UC Berkeley Event: Censoring Palestine at the University and Academic Freedom at the Crossroads, March, 6, 2015, Boalt Law School- “Censoring Palestine” Event at UC Berkeley claims denial of free speech from perch at prestigious taxpayer-funded venue
Gov Susana Martinez petitions court to reject Chiricahua Fort Sill Apache Tribe's legal re (tags)
he tribe while waiting on the Governor to comply with the law is operating their popular open to the public travel center on its reservation at Akela Flats, 17 miles east of Deming on interstate 10 in Luna County. There is a full-service café, offering breakfast, lunch and dinner. While you are there check out the Indian jewelry, tobacco, beer and wine and other tax free liquor. There’s a boutique museum featuring old photos of Geronimo and early history of the tribe.
Secret US Intelligence on Yemen Compromised (tags)
Meet Green elected school board members, Sunday, March 29 in LA - 4pm (tags)
Meet Green elected officials Jose Lara, Vice President and Governing Board Member, El Rancho Unified School District, Pico Rivera (Los Angeles) and Sean Reagan, Governing Boardmember, Norwalk-La Mirada Unified School District, Norwalk. Saturday, March 29th, 4-6pm. Mercado La Paloma - 3655 S Grand Ave, Los Angeles. Food court on site, with vegetarian options.
Headlight File Photo in 2008, Governor Bill Richardson ordered the New Mexico State Police to form a blockade at the Apache Homelands Casino property in new Mexico
Next "Star Wars" to score in Los Angeles for First Time in Franchise History (tags)
In a reversal of the current tide of runaway production facing our local scoring community, the music scoring for the upcoming "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" is moving from London and coming stateside to Los Angeles.
Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Blocked (tags)
Paddington Creator Backs Campaign To Save Bear in Peru (tags)
Paddington Bear creator joins ADI to rescue Cholita.
Fascist US House Members Declare War on Russia (tags)
President Obama Insults Intelligence of America’s Youth By Dictating Priorities (tags)
Rather than listening to his young constituents, President Obama disregards their highest priority—ending the failed pot prohibition policy of the United States—and condescendingly substitutes his own narrow-minded vision for the future.
Ecuadorian Foreign Minister Calls America a Hemispheric Threat (tags)
Renowned War Resister Juanita Nelson Slips From Her Body (tags)
Juanita Nelson's first public act of courage occurred on a train from Cleveland to the South when she was put at the Mason Dixon Line into a Jim Crow car. Nearly 8 decades of war tax resistance, sitins at segregated restaurants, organic farming, simple living and peacemaking followed.
Paddington Bear to Hitch a Ride on Animal Defenders International Flight From Peru (tags)
Cholita hitches a ride with Animal Defenders International
Model Venezuelan Democracy v. US Imperial Lawlessness (tags)
Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)
Biden Congratulates Poroshenko for Violating Minsk (tags)
Israeli Election Postmortems (tags)
Western Lunatics Risk Nuclear War (tags)
Does Obama Plan Cuba-Style Blockade on Venezuela? (tags)
The Murderous Government of the United States of America (tags)
This is a report that should stir all human beings on earth to raise a fist in defiance of the inhumane tyranny of the USA.
Washington and Kiev Willfully Sabotaging Minsk Agreement (tags)
PHILIPPINES: Statement on International Women’s Day (tags)
The Philippines Should Stop Being US’s Pawn and Warfront
Venezuelan Anti-Imperialist Enabling Law (tags)
Fascism: Humanity's Scourge (tags)
Fascist Republican Senators Threaten Iran (tags)
The Unthinkable: Possible Nuclear War with Russia (tags)
Poroshenko Prepares for More War (tags)
Netanyahu's Congressional Rant (tags)
The CIA-Controlled Neocon Washington Post (tags)
Obama's War on Humanity at Home and Abroad: Roland John's Appalling Mistreatment (tags)
police state
NYT Editors Supp;ort Fascist Extremism (tags)
BACKGROUNDER: The Palestinian Claim to a “Right of Return” (tags)
Do Palestinians who fled Israel in 1948, and their descendants, have a legal or moral right to return to their former homes in Israel?
Kiev Junta Ascendancy to Power Big Lies (tags)
Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies in London (tags)
Intelligence Report on A Wave of Crimes By Police, fbi/cia (tags)
See my latest intelligence report which is prompted by contacts with me by fbi,cia,police, congress.
Russia Bashing Big Lies Persist (tags)
Obama's Demagoguery on Counteering Viiolent Extremism (tags)
domains gls Brazil
My report on the state of our country and of our people:
America's Interventionist Legacy (tags)
Britain and Canada Involved in Foiled US Venezuelan Coup Plot (tags)
The British Royal Family: 50 Personal Connections to Child Sexual Abuse (tags)
It goes way beyond Jeffrey Epstein and Prince Andrew. The British Royal Family have employed and befriended some 50 reported sex offenders. Why? It's time they answered some *very* urgent questions.
Venezuela Foils Obama's Coup Plot (tags)
Obama Wants To Be Czar... Asks For More Powers Of War (tags)
Obama has asked for war powers to bomb civilians, adults, voiceless beings with more tens of billions stolen from US taxpayers.... while 66,000 bridges at home need repair... etc etc
World Shock At USA,s Atrocities (tags)
See a summary of the global study of my reports on the complete corruption of the government of the USA.
Arming Ukraine: Ongoing Since Last Year (tags)
Charles W Freeman Jr Says the US Has Not Cauterized MidEast Problems But Metastasized Them (tags)
US policy toward Israeli leadership can be compared to giving car keys to a drunk.
Putin v. Obama and Netanyahu on Iran's Nuclear Program (tags)
Sami Al-Arian: Deported, Free at Last (tags)
police state
Russian Aggression: The Big Lie Blasted Worldwide Ad Nauseam (tags)
Munich's March to War with Russia (tags)
Anti-Israel Radicalism's Genocidal Nature at UC Davis (tags)
Again the anti-semitism at the heart of the BDS movement surfaces
Obama's New National Security Strategy: Ugly Business As Usual (tags)
Mindanao, Philippines: An Appeal for All-out Justice; All-out Peace (tags)
Today, we reiterate the collective call to give justice to all who have perished in this tragedy and to ask that we recommit ourselves to a lasting peace in Mindanao.
BDS resolution and antiSemitism at UC Davis (tags)
BDS and the poisonous effect on campus climate
Outrageous MSM Putin Bashing (tags)
Pharma Cartel Poisons Kids with Thimerosal Ethylmercury Vaccines (tags)
Several vaccines still contain Thimerosal and the ethylmercury compound believed to be linked with higher rates of autism in children and some adults. Unfortunately the corrupt western medical establishment under pharma cartel influences remains opposed to banning Thimerosal outright as suggested by the UN and continues to distribute these toxic vaccines in lower income countries and also in the U.S.
Promoting Escalated War on Donbas (tags)
Valentine’s Screening Of Award Winning Lion Ark At Cinema Verde Film Festival (tags)
“Animal Lovers” are most definitely welcomed to come and watch.
Washington's Ukraine Agenda Risks WW III (tags)
TTIP: Redistribution of Power, not Free Trade (tags)
The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement) involves the redistribution of power away from the parliaments and to the executive and its unelected lobbyists. The TTIP does not involve freedom of trade.
March Against Air France (tags)
Join The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA for a protest against Air France – KLM. Air France-KLM is the number one transporter of animals to laboratories, and the number one Airline deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France. Take a stand against the import of animals to labs, and the deportation of migrants!
Islamic State Recruiter Admits Getting Funds from America (tags)
understanding the sick criminals in fbi (tags)
fbi's cjis continues to harass me, now admitting their unlawful conduct
Fake Russian Spy Ring Announced (tags)
US Official Insults Cubans (tags)
Russia Responds to Obama's Bombastic State of the Union Address (tags)
Pacific Radio Discovers Audio Of Speech by Dr King To London Audience (tags)
Pacific Radio has discovered audio tape of a speech Dec 7 1964 Dr Martin Luther King gave in London days before his acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize as the youngest recipient ever at that time. It is in audio at and in text at
GITMO: Symbol of America's Moral Depravity (tags)
In San Francisco, "Dispatches Against Displacement" -- a review (tags)
A work by a prominent San Francisco housing activist in a context of ongoing defeat for San Francisco renters...
"Je Suis CIA"; Another False Flag Event to Boost Military-Industrial Complex Profit$ (tags)
Article copied from Global Research outlines the Charlie Hebdo incident as a CIA concocted false flag designed to provoke conflict between the West and Islam. The beneficiaries of this designed attack would be the military-industrial complex that thrives under the constant threat of war and terrorism. The Kouachi brothers were well known to intelligence officials and were being guided by their handlers for several years leading up to the timed strike in France.
US/UK Special Relationship: Partners in High Crimes Against Humanity (tags)
My Half Century Of Discovery: The Corruption of Murderous USA (tags)
See my summary of a half century of discoveries regarding the decadence of the murderous United States of America.
The attack against Charlie Hebdo (tags)
After the attack against Charlie Hebdo, all the formidable power of the media and bourgeois propaganda kicked in to use the emotion born of the bloody massacre to rouse support for "national unity" and the "values of the Republic." the Government, parties of the left, right and far- right (excised by the organizers of the Paris march, the far-right Front National (FN) of le Pen called for demonstrations in the provinces), trade union apparachniks and multiple associations called for large demonstrations of unity: so that rich and poor, unemployed and capitalists, workers and employers could march together for "freedom of expression" and against "terrorism", behind French political leaders and government officials and those of other countries, German, Spanish, English, etc. or even Turkish such as the Prime Minister of that government which has imprisoned dozens of journalists, which violently suppressed Kurdish demonstrators (thirty dead) and which supports the activities of jihadist groups in Syria, Israelis such as Netanyahu still dripping in blood from all its victims in Gaza, etc. a true imperialist Holy Alliance.
Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America (tags)
police state
Kiev Big Lie on Ending Donbas Conflict in Two Weeks (tags)
34 countries, 17 states represented "100,000 Tweets for Oscar" Campaign Reaches over 500,0 (tags)
Over 500,000 people were reached on January 6, 2015, Oscar's 72nd birthday, as the National Boricua Human Rights Network and La Respuesta coordinated the "Social Media Campaign for Oscar López."
Are the Times A-Changin' at UC Berkeley’s School of Law? (tags)
Torture Memo, Racial Unrest & (Perhaps) a Job Applicant’s Cover Letter Wake Up the School’s Faculty, Staff and Once-Floundering Social Justice Center
Paris Killings Aftermath: War on Civil Liberties (tags)
police state
Waging Phony War on Terror (tags)
Report rips Jewish Voice for Peace for its tactics (tags)
Extremist group JVP exposed
Revised: Michael Brown Story Killed All Focus To Semitic Hate Crimes in Gaza (January 4, 2 (tags)
In the first week of August heat was really coming to boil over massive and blatant war crimes perpetrated by Israelis against Palestinian civilians in Gaza this summer of 2014. Even Benjamin Netanyahu was busy contacting supposedly our U. S. Congress-people then in early August to shield his-self, and his likes, from war crime allegations and potential tribunals. Suddenly along came to the media radar Michael Brown’s death just when the world was in a real uproar about repeated violence and blatant attacks on civilians and children —knowing intuitively such attacks were deliberate crimes.
Global Shale Gas and the Anti-Fracking Movement (tags)
Water Contamination. The evidence strongly suggests that fracking poses serious dangers to workers, communities, and the natural environment with particularly severe impacts in terms of water contamination and access. Fracking just one well can use between 2 million to 5.6 million gallons of freshwater
Russia bashing
Occupy the Rose Parade: People’s Parade Follows Pasadena’s Tournament of Roses Parade (tags)
A people’s parade protesting the corporate takeover of our democracy trailed the official Tournament of Roses Parade. The Occupy the Rose Parade #OTRP tradition continued for the fourth year in a row on January 1, 2015.
Abbas Signs Rome Statute: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Comments on Palestine's UN Failure (tags)
US Vetoes Palestinian Statehood Resolution (tags)
Bahrain: Profile of a Police State (tags)
police state
Paalestine: Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)
This introduction to Tomasz Konicz' "On the Search for Alternatives to the Permanent Capitalist Crisis" (2014) is translated from the German. Empire could be replaced by republic as excess could be replaced by access and more by enough Capitalist contradictions/dislocations are signs.
Follow-Up Open Letter to New York Times Editors (tags)
America's War on Palestine (tags)
New York Times: Enemy of Truth (tags)
A Holiday Season Message (tags)
G-77 Countries+China Rebuke America (tags)
A New Perspective, Let My People Go (tags)
Message for peace on earth
North Korea: Longstanding US Punching Bag (tags)
North Korea
US/Israeli No Palestinian State Solution (tags)
US Attempted Color Revolution in Russia? (tags)
Organized labor unites in opposition to BDS (tags)
California Teamsters Issue scathing letter in opposition to BDS
Targeting Russia Escalates (tags)
ADI awards Congressman Jim Moran the 2014 Animal Champion Award for his dedication to end (tags)
ADI General Counsel Christina Scaringe presents Rep. Moran with the ADI Animal Champion Award in Washington DC.
US to Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid (tags)
Longstanding US Cuba Policy: Regime Change (tags)
Putin's Annual Marathon Press Conference Tour De Force (tags)
Thaw in US/Cuban Relations? (tags)
Review of E San Juan's AMBIL (tags)
Filipino activist Karlo Mongaya reviews the avant-garde postconceptual writing of E San Juan Jr., and its critique of author-centered institutionalized expression in the neoliberal regime of Aquino in neocolonial Philippines.
Jeb Bush Exploring White House Bid (tags)
police state
Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness (tags)
Obama's Phony Turning Point (tags)
NATO Delivering Arms to Ukraine (tags)
Academic Groups For and Against BDS (tags)
Washington's Master Plan: World Conquest (tags)
Lawless US Sanctions on Venezuela (tags)
Gorbachev and Lavrov on US/Russian Relations (tags)
Crime Without Punishment (tags)
United Nations Votes for Process to Create Global Bankruptcy Framework (tags)
UN Process Could Limit Default and Stop Predatory Funds
Ukraine: Fascist Dictatorship Masquerading As Democracy (tags)
Assad Affirms Syrian Sovereign Independence (tags)
US and Israel: Partners in High Crimes Against Peace (tags)
US House Declares Cold War on Russia (tags)
Ashton Carter at DOD Means More War (tags)
UN Committee Against Torture Criticizes US Policy (tags)
police state
Israeli Prosecutorial Overreach (tags)
Washington Covertly Arming Ukraine (tags)
Systemic Injustice in America (tags)
police state
Chris Dixon on Indymedia On Air (tags)
Chris Dixon author of Another Politics, interviewed on Indymedia on Air on KPFK.
Hagel Sacking Suggests More War (tags)
Deadlocked Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)
The poorest and weakest persons must pay the price for misguided political decisions. Political-economic decisions decide over the life and death of persons. The New Deal stands for an effective debt reduction. Germany has been an active driver of austerity.
Albert Woodfox: 41 Years in Solitary Unjustly (tags)
police state
Afghanistan: War Without End, Permanent US Occupation (tags)
A re-assessment of Carlos Bulosan's life and works in the context of his birth anniversary this November and Filipino-American Month.
Reviewing Carlos Bulosan's life and work in commemoration of his birth anniversary November 1911.
Obama's Sham Immigration Reform (tags)
Winter 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
Is Obama's Immigration Plan Too Modest? Proposals Cover Less Than Half of Nation's Undocumented
Monsanto Growth Hormone Causes Suffering To Cows and Disease To Human Beings (tags)
Monsanto, Eli Lilly, Upjohn and American Cyanamid have caused disease to humans and suffering to cows with their mastitis engendering growth hormone.
Putin: Sanctions Violate International Law (tags)
Politicized Persecution in America (tags)
police state
Duplicitous US State of Emergency with Iran (tags)
Kiev's War Without Mercy (tags)
Putin Prioritizes Strong Sino/Russian Ties (tags)
Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? (tags)
33.5 million dollars raised for Middle east Peace (tags)
More than 1,200 attended the FIDF Western Region GalaGala featured performances by Ricky Martin and David Foster and Friends
Individual Democrats can adapt to Republican majority (tags)
Individual democrats can improve their situation by trying to get along with Republicans and can benefit from cooperating with Republicans.
Ghosts of Wall Street Occupy Hollywood Blvd Halloween Night (tags)
“Nightmares from Wall Street haunt us all,” says Occupy Fights Foreclosures, as concerned citizens took to Hollywood Blvd to educate and awaken others about economic inequality and banker crimes.
US Electoral Postmortems (tags)
Philippines: Akbayan and Santiago file joint resolution to terminate VFA (tags)
Akbayan Representative Walden Bello and Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago today close ranks as they call for the termination of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) saying it is being used to shield US military personnel from Philippine laws for violations and criminal offenses done on Philippine soil.
Kiev Reneges on Donbas Self-Rule Status (tags)
Southeastern Ukrainian Elections: Scoundrel Media Misreporting (tags)
The Day Israel Attacked America (tags)
Ferguson: an episode in the war class (tags)
On August 9 in Ferguson, a small suburb of St. Louis, a cop killed Michael Brown firing 6 bullets into him: this young black man, unarmed, with his arms raised in the air, had made the mistake of not responding to his order to walk on the sidewalk. Michael Brown was left like a dog in the street for several hours without even his parents allowed to come close to his body.
Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)
Duplicitous Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems (tags)
Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems (tags)
Reinventing Vietnam War History (tags)
MSM Misinformation on Ukraine's Parliamentary Electioms (tags)
Sino/Russian Alliance Challenges West (tags)
Whitewashing Kiev Mass Murder (tags)
Killers, torturers and the new recommended registry for them (tags)
I propose a long overdue registry to protect us from government killers & torturers.
Russia: On the Right Side of History (tags)
Reinvented Scoundrel Media History (tags)
Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies (tags)
Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (Part II) (tags)
Healthcare: A Fundamental Human Right (tags)
U.S. Marine Suspected in Killing of Transgender Filipina (tags)
Akbayan sends letter to US Ambassador demanding the surrender of PFC Joseph Scott Pemberton
Venezuela Poised to Win Security Council Seat (tags)
Down with the Imperialist War in Iraq and Syria! (tags)
In early August the American government decided to launch a limited “humanitarian action” – in the form of mass bombing! – in Iraq, after an international campaign to mobilize public opinion over the plight of the Yazidi and Christian minorities who have been threatened with “genocide” by the advance of Islamist rebels of “the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (better known by the acronym ISIS).
A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership, 32pp (tags)
Talks between the European Union and the United States on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) took off in the summer of 2013 with many political and business leaders hailing the deal as a silver bullet against the difficult economic recovery affecting both sides of the Atlantic.
See my reports on the need to reverse the police state in USA.
Saber Rattling Ahead of Resumed Ukraine Conflict (tags)
Heading for Ground War in Syria and Iraq (tags)
The Warmongering Avicidal Texas Senator John Cornyn (tags)
Cornyn's brutal votes for war and a sadistic way of hunting
Washington's Bloated Defense Budget (tags)
Lavrov Counters Irresponsible Western Policies (tags)
Obama's Phony War on Islamic State Militants (tags)
Irresponsible New York Times Presstitution (tags)
Asian Socialism Conference in the Philippines (tags)
The Asian Socialism Conference will be held in Manila from November 28 to 29, 2014. The conference will be capped by the participation of guests and delegates to the November 30 rally in Manila to commemorate Bonifacio Day, a national hero who led the armed struggle in the revolution against Spain.
Reactiions to Obama's UN Address (tags)
Obama's Demagogic UN Address (tags)
Reactions to Obama's Naked Aggression Against Syria (tags)
Big Lies Launch Lawless Wars (tags)
Arab countries in anti Isis coalition (tags)
Five Arab countries have joined the coalition against ISIS
Israel Part of US Anti-Syrian Coalition (tags)
Dueling Ideologies: Lavrov v. Rasmussen (tags)
ISIS Destroys Memorial & Church of Armenian Genocide in Der Zor, Syria (tags)
ISIS has destroyed the on-site monument to the Armenian people who perished in the deserts of Der Zor in the Genocide of 1915. The church and memorial contained irreplaceable bones of the martyred dead.
Enlisting Support for Imperial War (tags)
Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (tags)
Scotland's Referendum: Fair or Foul Play? (tags)
Flashback to 2001: President Assad to Prime Minister Blair:'Stop bombing Afghan civilians' (tags)
Reading the transcript of a joint press conference by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, which was held on the 25th day of the Anglo-American-led invasion of Afghanistan, makes it abundantly clear why another Anglo-American-led genocidal war had been launched against Syria nearly ten years later.
Ukrainian President Poroshenko in Washington (tags)
War Winds Near Gale Force (tags)
Kiev Grants Donbas Limited Special Status: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Dreaming War, Threatening Humanity (tags)
Russell Tribunal on Ukraine (tags)
3 More NW Illinois Counties Show Insect Resistance to Monsanto's GMO Bt Corn (tags)
Five counties in northwestern Illinois have now shown resistance in western corn rootworms to Monsanto's GMO "Cry3Bb1" Bt protein. This trend of pest insects evolving resistance is expected to continue throughout the corn belt region of the Midwestern U.S., the result raising prices at the supermarkets. The recommendation is to avoid consumption of any and all corn products not specifically labeled "non-GMO" though even these are questionable due to pollen resistance. Humans will take longer developing resistance to GMO Bt toxins than the corn rootworm beetles and can expect long term health problems if GMO corn is ingested regularly.
Washington Hawks Want Greater Middle East Spending (tags)
MSM Ignore International and Constitutional Law (tags)
Amnesty International Fronts for Power (tags)
Lavrov on Syria, Ukraine and Terrorism (tags)
Obama Declares Open-Ended Middle East War (tags)
The BRICS: Challengers to the Global Status Quo (tags)
Can the BRICS wrest control of the global economy from the United States and Europe, or will their internal contradictions tear them apart?
Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)
Propaganda alert: Cameron: 'British air strikes on Syria would be legally justified' (tags)
One wonders how British Prime Minister David Cameron would try to justify his patently criminal statements in front of a war crimes tribunal...
UN Vote Tuesday Could Create Global Bankruptcy Process, Deter Predatory Funds (tags)
The UN General Assembly votes Tuesday at 3pm (EDT) on a resolution that could create a global bankruptcy mechanism. Such a process could protect poor countries from predatory funds and limit future defaults. Jubilee USA's leadership, a group of religious leaders and financial experts sent a letter to United States UN Ambassador Samantha Power urging her to support the resolution.
Fall 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
In This Issue: 1) National Religious Leaders Send One-Sentence Letter to Obama: Don’t Trade Kids' Lives in Immigration Action! 2) The U.S. Is Deporting Cambodian Refugees and Orphaning Their Children 3) New Report Details Prejudice and Pretext in Georgia's Hyper Immigration Enforcement 4) Unaccompanied Minors: Their Arduous Journey and Their Unknown Fate 5) As Migrant Children Face Backlash, Communities Mobilize to Drown Out Hate 6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!
Terrorism, COINTELPRO, and the Black Panthers -An interview with Angela A. Allen-Bell (tags)
In her new law journal article, “Activism Unshackled & Justice Unchained,” law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell concludes that the US government’s multi-faceted response to the BPP, primarily within the framework of the FBI’s infamous COINTELPRO, was indeed the very definition of terrorism. Bell writes that “the magnitude of the unwarranted harm done to the BPP has not yet been explored in an appropriate fashion. Much like a fugitive, it has eluded justice.” As a result, “the FBI's full-scale assault on the social movements of the 1960s and 1970s remains an open wound for the nation itself. This is more than a national tragedy; this is a human wrong.
Lunch with Lynne and Ralph (tags)
police states
Ukraine Peace Plan: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Why the Ukraine Crisis is the West's Fault (tags)
NATO's eastward expansion is at the heart of the Ukraine crisis. Sec of State Baker promised Gorbatchev that NATO would not expand eastward if the Berlin wall were allowed to fall. Can't the West understand Putin's security concerns if NATO extends to Russia's borders?
UN Treaty Could Enact Global Bankruptcy Process and Stop Predatory Funds (tags)
The UN General Assembly votes Tuesday on a convention that could enact a global bankruptcy process and stop predatory hedge funds. Bolivia proposed the resolution that if voted upon is expected to pass by a majority. The executive board officers of Jubilee USA sent United States UN Ambassador Samantha Power a letter urging her to support the resolution. Jubilee's 400 US faith communities are holding the Ambassador in prayer as she prepares to vote.
Mocking Putin's Good Faith Ukraine Peace Plan (tags)
Kiev Fascists Murder Russian Journalist (tags)
Castro Compares NATO to Nazis (tags)
Feds report Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Diego Immin (tags)
El Paso TX. Ft. Bliss military base that’s charged with the defense of our borders with Mexico is reported to be on alert. ISIS/ISIL and other related Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Mexico and are preparing attacks along the U.S. Mexican border from Galveston Texas to San Diego California.
Hard Truths on Ukraine MSM Suppress (tags)
Selling NATO's Killing Machine (tags)
Ravaging and Destroying Syria (tags)
Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia (tags)
Obama Declares War on Syria (tags)
America’s Mind Manipulators Meet New Members (tags)
See my summary report on how the corrupt and evil government of the United States of America snatches the free will of people globally via mind control and does so often at the expense of the enlightened members of our global community.
Shocks The Conscience, Offends Sensibilities (tags)
See my reports that suggest that atrocities are not limited to those committed by USA's enemies, but are committed globally (even against our own veterans) by our very own government.
Ukraine's Independence Day (tags)
Irresponsible Putin Bashing Escalates (tags)
Russian Humanitarian Aid Reaches Lugansk (tags)
World Humanitarian Day Hypocrisy (tags)
8 Things to Know About the Iraq Crisis (tags)
We have options to support the people of Iraq, as well as tackle this crisis in a way that reflects America's best interests and 21st century realities. The US can work through the United Nations.
Russia: Waging Peace in Ukraine (tags)
The risse of political extremism (tags)
When Muslim population remains around 1% of any given country they will be regarded as a peace-loving minority and not as a threat to anyone:
Southern California Swarms to Save the Bees in Solidarity with Honey Bee Day Around the Gl (tags)
Los Angeles joins “Bee Against Monsanto” to #SwarmTheGlobe #SaveTheBees to bring awareness to the importance of the bee, the dangers of pesticides, and the continuing threat of Colony Collapse Disorder to the bee population and our food supply.
The Great Israeli Iron Dome Hoax (tags)
Iron Dome
Blocking Russian Humanitarian Aid (tags)
A Frenchman Admonishes Americans to Equality (tags)
With his book and the data, Thomas Piketty has shaken the self-understanding of American society.. In 2010 the richest one percent had around 20 percent of the total income. In the 1970s the share was under 10 percent.
TTIP: Threat to Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)
The TTIP, the largest free trade zone comprising 800 million of the EU and the US is being secretly negotiated. Democracy and the constitutional state are threatened by 3-person arbitration courts where corporations can sue states and decisions are irreversible.
ADI holds Week of Action Against Circus Suffering (tags)
Animal Defenders International holds week of action asking the public to urge members of Congress to co-sponsor the Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act.
TTIP Undermines the Constitutional State (tags)
TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is a deregulation agreement, a great redistribution project benefiting mammoth corporations at the expense of women and the 99%. Loud protest caused the EU commission to suspend negotiation on the investor right to sue.
Political Thriller Citizen Koch Premieres in Los Angeles (tags)
Citizen Koch director Carl Deal joined a political panel moderated by Lauren Steiner following Friday night’s theatrical premiere at the Sundance Sunset Cinema.
The ‘Asian Century’ and ASEAN integration: contradictions and challenges (tags)
Talk given by Sonny Melencio, Chairperson of Partido Lakas ng Masa-Philippines (PLM), during the Socialist Alliance Conference in Sydney, Australia on June 7, 2014
Flashback: President Assad: US seeks war on Iraq in order to redraw the map of Middle East (tags)
“We all know the masks that were used. At first the United States proposed the issue of the return of [weapons] inspectors [to Iraq]. Later, it spoke about the implementation of the UN and Security Council resolutions. It then spoke about the weapons of mass destruction. Later they said the problem lay in the regime itself. They then began to talk about democracy and human rights. Now they give the promise of development in Iraq and our region in general after this war. […] The [real] issue was that of taking control of the world and the region. The issue was one of oil and oil was one of the instruments used to control the world. The issue was one of re-drawing the map in the manner that suited them and, of course, suited Israel […]. The issue is one of destroying the infrastructure of Iraq” [Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, speech at the Arab League summit, Sharm el-Sheikh, 1 March 2003. This speech was delivered three weeks before the invasion of Iraq.]
Struggle for National Democracy (tags)
This book by Jose Maria Sison is a historical record of the legal struggle for national liberation and democracy against U.S. imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism in the 60s and early 70s. It was the principal legal study material in discussion groups and schools of national democracy which educated the youth cadres and militants from 1967 through the First Quarter Storm of 1970 to the declaration of martial law in 1972.
Veteran and Families of Military hold Press Conference (tags)
Press conference to be held outside Veterans Administration to highlight heath care crisis at the VA. Today, it has become increasingly likely that the U.S. government will once again take military action in Iraq.
Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt Case (tags)
Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt and Validates Hedge Fund Predatory Behavior
Furious Homeowners Occupy Lobby of Fannie Mae in Pasadena (tags)
Members of the Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment (ACCE), Occupy Fights Foreclosures (OFF), Occupy Los Angeles (#OccupyLA), the Home Defenders League (HDL), and Strategic Action for a Just Economy rallied at Fannie Mae in Pasadena, CA to demand that the Federal Housing Finance Agency end its policies prohibiting principal reduction for underwater homeowners.
Argentina Battles in Two World Cups (tags)
While National Team Prepares to Face Bosnia, Government Fights Hedge Funds at US Supreme Court
Mayor Garcetti Supports Musicians’ Listen Up! Campaign (tags)
Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti joins the American Federation of Musicians in calling on film production companies to end their practice of offshoring film scoring jobs.
Don't work for IBM, Infosys, or Manpower (tags)
Don't work for IBM, Infosys, or Manpower. They discriminate against American workers in favor of guest workers.
Summer 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)
Summer Report: People Rise to Fight Against Mass Detention & Deportations In This Issue: 1) Why Immigrant Detainees Are Turning to Civil Disobedience 2) President Obama's Backhanded Maneuver Targets Anti-Deportation Movement 3) Judge Rules to Limit Mandatory Detention of Immigrants in CA 4) TFWP Moratorium: Mass deportation, racism Canadian-style 5) Texas Releases Hundreds of Immigrants Due to Lack of Space in Detention Centers
Washington Wants Maduro Dead (tags)
Battling for Ukraine's Soul (tags)
Manufacturing Crisis Irresponsibly (tags)
Reactions to Obama at West Point (tags)
Tax man's gloomy message: Thomas Piketty (tags)
“In 1900,” he said, “most people would have said a progressive income tax would never happen.” But it happened.
Los Angeles community members unite in Hollywood to #FarmLA and Plant Against Monsanto (tags)
On Saturday, May 24, 2014, Los Angeles joined the global march against Monsanto with an all-day collaborative food freedom rally around Sunset and Santa Monica Boulevards in Hollywood.
US-Led NATO's War on Humanity (tags)
Disgraceful Security Council Resolution on Syria (tags)
The West Marches East, Part 1 (tags)
Russia can only be said to be an “aggressive” and “imperial” power so long as one accepts the unrelenting hypocrisy of U.S. and Western leaders. After all, it was not Russia that invaded and occupied Afghanistan and Iraq, killing millions.
Washington Risks Global War (tags)
Irresponsible China Bashing (tags)
Irresponsible Scoundrel Media China Bashing (tags)
Los Angeles Joins Nationwide #WaveOfAction Occupation of FCC Offices to #SaveTheInternet (tags)
The #WaveOfAction to #SaveTheInternet swept through twenty cities across the United States on Thursday, May 15, 2014, as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) voted on new rules to drastically change how the Internet operates.
Fake Ukrainian National Unity Talks (tags)
One Hemisphere Indivisible (tags)
Freedom Socialist Party National Convention. One of our panels includes international scholars and activists. Join us!
New York Times War on Truth (tags)
Lavrov on Washington's Dirty War (tags)
George Soros' Predatory Worldview (tags)
The West Marches East, Part 1 (tags)
"Political language is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind... Language is an instrument we shape for our own purposes" (George Orwell).
Apple, the State and Social Rights (tags)
Apple only gained its profits with the iPhone through state promotion and investments in the Internet and language recognition software. The state suffers a revenue crisis in part because Apple, Google and dominant corporations transfer profits to tax havens or dummy Irish corporations.
Eastern Ukrainians Vote (tags)
Blackwater Killers in Ukraine (tags)
Bashing Putin's Diplomatic Proposal (tags)
Fascism's Willing Co-Conspirators (tags)
Kiev Plans False Flag Against Russia (tags)
Impeach Obama! Do It Now! (tags)
police state
State Department Big Lies (tags)
police state
"Proof of chemical attack": Same old lies ahead of the presidential election in Syria (tags)
In a desperate attempt to sabotage the upcoming presidential election in Syria, the mass media constantly reiterate the same old lies about “chemical weapon attacks”. They must be held to account for their major role in the three-year long NATO-led genocidal war on Syria.
US State-Sponsored Terrorism (tags)
police state
Stoking Confrontation with Russia (tags)
Caribbean Religious Leaders Demand Debt Forgiveness (tags)
Caribbean religious leaders gathered in Grenada last week to demand an end to austerity and debt policies harming poor communities in the region.
Historic Bill to End Use of Wild Animals in Traveling Circuses Launched in Congress (tags)
Animal Defenders International welcomes Traveling Exotic Animal Protection Act introduced by Congressman Jim Moran today
No to US Militarism in the Philippines and Asia-Pacific! (tags)
“To achieve enduring peace in the region, Asia must be de-militarized; its maritime waters assigned mainly for commerce; and its disputed territories declared as regional commons and war-free zones.”
US President Obama Visit in Manila (tags)
The small window of opportunity to forge an independent foreign policy that the Philippines gained with the expulsion of the US bases in 1992 will disappear with the impending signing of the Agreement on Enhanced Defense Cooperation with the US.
Confronting Russia and China Militarily (tags)
More Kerry Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies (tags)
Russia Bashing Escalates (tags)
Holocaust Day Remembrance Day Duplicity (tags)
More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia (tags)
What’s Up With the Beach Curfew? (tags)
Recent rumblings about the illegal Venice Beach and Ocean Front Walk closure.
Livestreamer @PMBeers interviews Bundy Ranch supporters during BLM stand-off (Part 2) (tags)
As tensions between Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management skyrocketed in early April 2014, mainstream media remained silent about the arrests as well as property destruction at the hands of the BLM. To learn the truth from the people on the ground, livestreamer Patti Beers (@PMBeers) carpooled to Bunkersville, NV to interview the hundreds of volunteers at Bundy Ranch. Her livestream audience grew to over 1,000 viewers by 9:00 AM on Saturday, April 12.
Obama Threatens Russia and China (tags)
Outrageous Pro-Kiev Op-Ed (tags)
Mormon Perspective on #BundyRanch, U.S. Federal Government, and Divinity of Constitution (tags)
In April 2014, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) acted on a court order to seize the cattle of southern Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy. Hundreds of western men and women traveled to Bunkersville, NV to stand with the Bundy family against federal tyranny. Several reporters from Los Angeles People's Media went to the site of the #BundyRanch #RangeWar to interview supporters about the stand-off.
Marwan Barghouti on Sham Peace Talks (tags)
Unacceptable State-Sponsored Murder (tags)
Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)
Repost (correction). Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, the latter virtually seeing themselves as God when reinventing the UDHR to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.
Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement (tags)
Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)
Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, seeing themselves as God when reinventing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.
Flashback to 2003: "Major combat in Iraq is over, U.S. warns rogue Syria" (tags)
Living in an age of dis-information, not many people do remember the deadly serious Anglo-American threats of war against Syria on the 26th day of the “shock and awe” genocide in Iraq.
Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)
Israel Seeks Regional Anti-Iranian Alliance (tags)
Public Relations - Propaganda as an Economic Branch (tags)
"The borders between skillful PR, dull propaganda and lobbyism and corruption are flowing. The only possibility for protecting oneself is to be informed as extensively and independently as possible. This is easier said than done; information costs energy and time and assumes a basic education."
What Ukraine Propaganda Looks Like (tags)
US-Anti-Iranian Arrogance (tags)
Escalating War on Syria (tags)
The anarchist subculture and the leftist protest ghetto: a review of 'Fireworks,' Issue 3 (tags)
A small contribution to understanding the larger problems of resistance in capitalist America...
IMF Annual Meetings Focus on High Debt Burdens and Global Inequality (tags)
The annual International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank meetings are focusing on the role of high debt burdens in both global economic recovery and increasing inequality. At the onset of the meetings, the G24 released an IMF statement noting that the IMF's failure to implement quota reform and the outcome of the US Supreme Court Argentina/NML Capital case impacts global inequality.
IMF World Economic Outlook: Economy Improves for Some as Inequality Persists (tags)
Debt Restructuring Process Discussed by IMF and G20
Growing East/West Divide (tags)
Casino Capitalism and Profit Maximization (tags)
“The state is consciously weakened to speed up the redistribution from bottom to top because that corresponds to the dogmas of the neoliberal ideology.” Our state was systematically weakened in the last 15 years by extensive tax cuts. I remember the lowering of the top income tax rate.
Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)
The concept of National Democracy aims to overthrow feudalism and achieve independence from colonialism.
Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Flounder (tags)
Kiev Sniper Shootings: Lies v. Truth (tags)
Reviewing James Petras' The Politics of Empire (Part II) (tags)
Palestine to Join 15 UN Bodies and Treaties (tags)
A Budding Alliance: Vietnam And The Philippines Confront China (tags)
Last year, the Philippines brought a complaint against China’s aggressive actions in the West Philippine Sea to the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal. The Chinese “were really unprepared for that and were really embarrassed by it,” one of Vietnam’s top experts on Chinese diplomacy told me during my recent visit to Hanoi.
The Philippines-Bangsamoro Agreement (tags)
The Bangsamoro Agreement: A Step towards Re-imagining and Rebuilding the Philippine Nation
Rejecting TTIP, AFDL-CIO's Trumka Calls for "Global New Deal" (tags)
The demonization of anyone who talks about the dangers of concentrated wealth is based on a misreading of both the past and the present. Such talk isn’t un-American; it’s very much in the American tradition. So who will be this generation’s Teddy Roosevelt? (Paul Krugman)
Kerry and Lavrov: World's Apart (tags)
The Russians Aren't Coming (tags)
Debunking Western Propaganda (tags)
UN Human Rights Committee Denounces US Human Rights Record (tags)
police state
New York Times Editors Front for Power (tags)
79 Religious and Development Institutions Join SCOTUS Filing in Argentina/NML Capital Case (tags)
Jubilee USA Network, a religious anti-poverty coalition, along with 78 other religious and development groups filed with the US Supreme Court in the case between Argentina and NML Capital
NATO's Rape of Yugoslavia (tags)
Rogue State Israeli Policies (tags)
Crimean Reunification Day (tags)
Jubilee USA Files to Supreme Court in Landmark Debt Case (tags)
75 Religious and Development Institutions Join SCOTUS Brief to Ensure Global Poor are Heard
Crimean False Flag Attack? (tags)
Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)
Putin Signs Crimean Reunification Treaty (tags)
Pre and Post-Crimean Independence Treaty Propaganda (tags)
Post-Crimean Referendum Propaganda (tags)
Irresponsible Iran/Syria Bashing (tags)
Washington's Dirty War on Venezuela (tags)
Propaganda War on Russia Rages (tags)
White House Crime Boss Powwow (tags)
NYT Editors Wage War on Truth (tags)
Dueling East/West Agendas (tags)
Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington (tags)
US Private Military Contractors in Ukraine? (tags)
Heightened US/Russian Tensions (tags)
The Snowdown - Wikileaks - Sibel Edmonds - Whistleblower Effect By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption.
Spring 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
The Obama Administration’s Fiscal Year 2015 budget proposal is of two minds about how to deal with the broken U.S. immigration system. On the one hand, the document calls for the creation of “a pathway to earned citizenship for hardworking men and women” who are in the United States without legal status. On the other hand, the budget would continue to devote significant sums of money to the detention and deportation of many of the same people for whom the administration would like to create a path to citizenship. In other words, the administration pledges that it will do its best to deport from the country the very same people it wants to help stay. While the budget underscores how we'll benefit from commonsense immigration reform by accounting for savings the Congressional Budget Office has forecast, it continues our dysfunctional and illogical immigration detention system. As in past years, the budget includes billions of dollars for the detention operations of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) — part of the Department of Homeland Security — including funding for 30,539 detention beds....
The Shortwave Report 03/07/14 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, and the Voice of Russia.
Propaganda War on Russia (tags)
Evidence Shows Kiev Putschists Recruited Euromaidan Snipers (tags)
Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights. (tags)
Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives opportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting the 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoliberal absolutism'.
The Damn Fool in the White House (tags)
Israel Accused of War Crimes in West Bank (tags)
Turning the World Right Side Up (tags)
Cheerleading Ukrainian Fascism (tags)
On the Global Conjuncture, February 2014 (tags)
The key feature of the global landscape is the continuing stagnation of the centers of the global economy, the United States and the European Union. The promise of sustained recovery from the financial implosion has eluded the United States for over three years now while most of Europe remains mired in very deep recession, with the notable exception of Germany.
An Open Letter to Barack Obama (tags)
Right-Wing Politicians Usurp Power in Ukraine (tags)
Venezuela - wag the dog (tags)
Obama Targets Press Freedom (tags)
police state
Peace Activist Nun Imprisoned (tags)
police state
US-Stoked Violence Rocks Ukraine (tags)
Argentina Requests Supreme Court Reverse Federal Court Rulings that favor Predatory Hedge (tags)
Argentina officially requested that the US Supreme Court hear an appeal in a debt case that will impact people living in extreme poverty around the world. The case dates back to Argentina's 2001 default, after which 92% of all Argentine bond holders restructured their defaulted debt. Predatory hedge fund, NML Capital leads a small group of holdouts who won judgments for payment in lower US Courts. NML Capital never invested in Argentina and bought the debt cheaply after Argentina's default. Because sovereign lending is contracted in the United States, the precedent the case sets impacts some of the poorest economies around the globe and allows these hedge funds to target assets that benefit poor people. The International Monetary Fund, the Paris Club, legitimate investors, the US and most governments oppose this predatory behavior because it cancels the benefits of debt relief, makes sovereign debt restructuring more difficult and limits credit to poor countries.
The Free Trade Agreement TTIP - New Version of the "Golden Age" (tags)
Lobbyists and think tanks of transnational corporations dreamt of a global market without limits. With enticing slogans like more economic growth or creation of new jobs, the population should accept the trade-and investment agreement.
US Press Freedom Threatened (tags)
police state
US Political Prisoner Near Death (tags)
police state
Obama Violates Iran Geneva Agreement - Again (tags)
Iran's 35th Islamic Revolution Anniversary (tags)
Pussy Riot Propaganda Is For Naïve Americans (tags)
Pussy Riot, a Russian female punk band of recent notoriety, very much seems to have one tunnel vision goal—at least as reported to Western audiences by Western media—and that is to discredit and defame Russian President Vladimir Putin. The band name ‘riot’ is not hard to understand, as their supposed “art form” resembles a riot, as punk music often enough does; but it is more anti-music in its ear-splitting aggression. Behind scenes of this shallow morality play …lays larger political stories, pseudo-stories, propaganda, foreign inspired revolutions with plenty of American tax money being circulated to bribe public relations schemes and more lately accusations that even NGOs that supposedly care about human rights and the environment have been infiltrated to the point that their real mission is to engage in propaganda operations.
Unconstitutional Protect Academic Freedom Act (tags)
police state
Obama Planning War on Syria? (tags)
Akbayan: the Philippines' New Left at 16 (tags)
Akbayan Rep. Walden Bello's closing remarks at Akbayan’s 16th Anniversary Event, Buffet International Cuisine, Quezon City, Jan 30, 2014
Obama's MyRA Proposal: Hold the Cheers (tags)
class war
Governments give themselves a ‘free trade’ offer they can’t refuse (tags)
The secret agreement Obama doesn’t want you to know about will have secret tribunals as well.
Obama's Abominable State of the Union (tags)
Media Scoundrels Target Ukraine (tags)
International Data Privacy Day (tags)
Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks (tags)
Mass Surveillance Called Illegal (tags)
Our Triple Jobs Problem (tags)
First, even as unemployment has inched down, the economy has created barely enough jobs to match population growth. Second, this enormous labor-market “slack” has stifled workers’ bargaining power and kept wages low. Third, policies over 30 years have undermined workers
US Trade Representative Dodges Senate Fast Track Hearing (tags)
The US Trade Representative (USTR) declined an invitation to testify at the Senate Finance Committee opening hearing on the controversial “Fast Track” legislation – leaving an Ohio Republican, Sen. Rob Portman, in the position of representing the White House...
Obama Maintains a State of National Emergency (tags)
New York Times Editors: On the Wrong Side of History (tags)
Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)
“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...
Promised Land Disenchantment (tags)
Governor Chris Christie Sacrifices Animals As Well As People (tags)
After legalizing bear murder in New Jersey, Goveror Chris Christie has vetoed a ban on the tiny gestation crates in which pigs are raised.
Obama Defends the Indefensible (tags)
Reactions to Obama's NSA Address (tags)
Philippines: Shield Yolanda rehab efforts from 'disaster capitalism' (tags)
Amid allegations of overpriced and substandard temporary shelters constructed for survivors of Typhoon Yolanda, Akbayan Partylist urged the government to shield the rehabilitation efforts from possible “disaster capitalism.”
Beating Up on Syria and Iran Persists (tags)
NSA's Fake War on Terror (tags)
Soft Science, Hard Time: The Expanding Sexual Regulatory State As Facilitated By Science- (tags)
Periodic social upheavals as a result of moral panic seem to be the norm for humanity, with large segments of society reacting, or overreacting, with almost virally propagated outrage to perceived threats. The moral panic of our current age, an obsession with sexual inviolability, illustrates our continued susceptibility to emotional and irrational fears.
Billy Graham: Pro Christ or Anti Christ (tags)
Billy Graham was more a representative of the imperial American elite than a follower of the meek and humble Jesus. He comforted every president for 70 years in their shameful Korean War, Vietnam War and Iraq War. Fast cleaning and Graham soap marked "God's machine gun."
Pope Francis Sends Poverty Message with Selection of New Cardinals (tags)
Yesterday, Pope Francis appointed nineteen new Cardinals from around the world. Sixteen of the nineteen are eligible to vote for the next Pope. There were no new Cardinals selected from the United States.
Eulogizing a Mass Murderer (tags)
NATO's propaganda outlet for progressives - The Guardian's board members (tags)
It is completely disingenuous for anyone to suggest that the Guardian reports on Edward Snowden's revelations are much more than a carefully managed propaganda exercise deployed in the internal power struggle of the US-Anglo elite about how best to manage their declining global power and influence. Likewise, it is absurd to suggest that the Guardian editors are implementing a "publish and be damned" policy, as Guardian writer Glenn Greenwald has suggested, when it is inconceivable that their editorial policy on publishing Edward Snowden's material will not have been closely coordinated on the basis of the Board's relations with colleagues in the British government, in British intelligence and in the US-Anglo corporate sector.
America's Imperial Agenda (tags)
The Third Battle of Fallujah (tags)
The Myth of Turkish Secularism (tags)
If Turkey is ever to be secular, it must allow the free exercise of all religions – including Islam – and guarantee the rights of the faithful to be free from harassment and compulsion.
Rand Paul v. NSA Spying (tags)
DEA framed Ramsey Muniz (tags)
Legal assistant and activist Ramsey Muniz was framed by the Drug Enforcement Agency
Newspapers Push for Snowden Pardon (tags)
The New York Times and The Guardian (London) published major editorial statements on New Year's Day, reviewing the evidence that Edward Snowden's whistleblowing on NSA spying has largely been vindicated. They call for the creation of conditions that will allow Snowden to return home with dignity.
Lynne Stewart Arrives Home (tags)
Lynne Stewart
Lynne Stewart Coming Home (tags)
Lynne Stewart
Terrorist Crimes Against Humanity (tags)
state terrorism
Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28 (tags)
Fukushima Jesus Christ Return the Sign from Isaiah 28
Iran Nuclear Talks Resume in Geneva (tags)
US Universities of Shame (tags)
US and Israeli Seasons's Greetings: Part II (tags)
Emergency Services: Enabling Life for Homeless People (tags)
All this talk from politicians (and the non-profit shills that rely on city funding) about how we are enabling people to remain homeless - should be shut down. It is enabling people to stay alive!
The clathrate gun has been fired (tags)
The U.S. has to put itself on a war footing, recall its entire military forces and set them to work on the massive change over to renewable energy that the country needs to undertake, if it wishes to survive the fast approaching catastrophe. The enemy now is Mother Nature who has infinite power at her disposal and intends to take no prisoners in this very short, absolutely brutal, 30 to 40 year war she has begun. I cannot emphasise more, how serious humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain final destruction and extinction in the next 30 to 40 years if we continue down the present path we are following .
Green Party of California Announces Its Statewide Endorsements for June 2014 (tags)
Mission Accomplished, Says Snowden (tags)
Los Angeles NYE Noise Demo (tags)
Call out for New Year's Eve Noise Demo outside Metropolitan Detention Center, Downtown LA
Los Angeles NYE Noise Demo (tags)
In response to the global call-out for New Years Eve's noise demos at prisons, jails, and detention centers around the world, we are calling all rebels and opponents of the Prison-Industrial Complex to convergence on the Metropolitan Detention Center in Downtown Los Angeles December 31st.
Jubilee USA Applauds FATCA Agreements between United States and Isles of Man, Jersey and G (tags)
On December 13th, the Isles of Man, Jersey and Guernsey signed an intergovernmental agreement with the United States to improve international tax compliance and implement the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), a US federal law designed to combat offshore tax evasion. The Isles signed a similar agreement with the United Kingdom in October.
100 Years of Financial Terrorism (tags)
Making War, Not Peace, in Syria (tags)
New Iran Sanctions Bill (tags)
Pakistani Divorce and U.S. Immigration (tags)
Citizens from Pakistan divorce their spouses and come to the United States seeking U.S. citizenship. They present their divorce decrees to the Immigration offices. But can these decrees be recognized by the immigration authorities?
Federal Judge Rules Against Mass Surveillance (tags)
police state
US Scholars Endorse Boycotting Israel (tags)
Washington's Dirty Game in Ukraine (tags)
The Iran Sanctions Game (tags)
Venezuelan v. US Budget Priorities (tags)
US Hawks Want War on Iran (tags)
Disturbing Obamacare Surprises (tags)
AIPAC Pressure Threatens Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)
human rights
John Kerry's Anti-Palestinian Agenda (tags)
Western Officials Collaborating Against Ukraine's Government (tags)
NSA Mass Monitoring Cell Phone Calls Globally (tags)
Free workshop helps undocumented youths become DACA-mented (tags)
The San José Peace and Justice Center and the Justice Studies Program at San José State University held a free workshop to assist undocumented youths in filling out the complex applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
EU Fines Financial Institutions $2.3bn Over Manipulation of LIBOR, One of Largest Banking (tags)
The EU recently handed down billions of Euros in fines for eight large financial institutions because of their role in rigging benchmark banking interest rates.
Unsafe at any speed - Irans nuclear ambitions (tags)
(original article on: )
Winter 2013 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
In This Issue: 1) 100,000 Immigration Prosecutions Reach All-time High in FY 2013 2) Does the President Have the Power to Stop All/Most Removals? 3) Chinese Americans protest against Jimmy Kimmel skit 4) Fact Sheet on U.S. "Constitution Free Zone" 5) UT's Young Conservatives Hosting "Catch an Illegal Immigrant" Game (and Cancelled!) 6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!
An Imperfect Peace: Colombia's Civil War Nearing End (tags)
There has been civil war in Colombia more or less continuously since 1948. It seems it may finally be coming to an end. It is ending the way most other long-lasting civil wars end.
Proposed Senate Bill Risks Undermining Geneva (tags)
US Saber Rattling Diplomacy (tags)
Philippine Debt Repayments from Marcos Regime Overshadow Typhoon Relief Funds (tags)
Two weeks after Typhoon Haiyan devastated the Philippines, the world has responded with astounding generosity, donating tens of millions of dollars to aid in the recovery effort--$37 million from the United States government alone. Unfortunately, since the typhoon struck on November 8th, the Philippines has spent more than $310 million paying off overseas debts, and it will spend a total of $6.7 billion this year alone. Some of those debts are from the corrupt and abusive regime of Ferdinand Marcos.
Ukraine Dodged a Bullet (tags)
Corporate power grab of Trans-Pacific Partnership clearer, but opposition building (tags)
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is crammed with corporate giveaways, confirmed by WikiLeaks publishing the intellectual property chapter.
Obamacare Restricts Choice of Hospitals and Doctors (tags)
Permanent US Afghanistan Occupation (tags)
Philippines: They Destroy, We Suffer (tags)
Capitalism is destroying the planet. Now we suffer. The devastating horror unleashed by monster-typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) upon the eastern and central Philippines regions is unspeakable. As of writing, estimates of the number of casualties and actual damages are tentative because many areas remain isolated and communications, power, road and port systems are down.
Remembering Jack Kennedy (tags)
Sabotaging Rapprochement with Iran (tags)
Israeli Rabbinical Scandals (tags)
Anti-Iranian Israeli/Saudi Alliance (tags)
Oil Espionage: Targeting OPEC (tags)
US Atrocities in Afghanistan (tags)
Super typhoon Haiyan is climate wake-up call (tags)
It seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.
Challenging Wrongful Convictions (tags)
police state
Rio de Janeiro, Lisbon, New Delhi, Mumbai, Berlin, München, Window Rock, Washington, New York City - The International Uranium Film Festival (IUFF) is travelling around the world with dozens of atomic & nuclear films. Next IUFF starts November 27 in New Mexico, Albuquerque.
Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)
Best And Worst Country And Corporate Recyclers (tags)
As a UN environmental report urges vegan diet for the protection of Mother Earth, some countries are doing better than others.
When Prevention Becomes Paranoia (tags)
According to Bernd Greiner, more Americans die annually from deadly bee stings than from terrorism. The 68-antiwar movement should have taught us to redefine security, health, strength and happiness and not fall into the traps of militarism or financialization. Jobs create true security.
police state
Greenpeace International Supporters Tell Russia's Putin "We Are Our Own Sovereign Nation " (tags)
Japan & Russia might be having problems over who gets which islands,but they both conspired to teach Greenpeace Activists a whale of a lesson..
Iraq Today: America's Genocidal Legacy (tags)
Appeals Court Stays Stop and Frisk Ruling (tags)
police state
Remembering Michael Mandel (tags)
a true hero
Fall 2013 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
In This Issue: 1) Don't neglect immigration reform 2) Rethink Immigration: A Homeless, Undocumented & Detained LGBT Teen's Struggle for Due Process 3) CA gives immigrants driver's licenses 4) ICE Public Affairs: Rogue office in a rogue agency 5) How Domestic Workers Won Their Rights: Five Big Lessons 6) More than 200 arrested at immigration rights rally in D.C. 7) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!
Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders (tags)
Chemotherapy Increases Cancer Cell Growth, Kills Healthy Cells (tags)
New research from Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle shows that chemotherapy damages healthy tissue around tumors and causes cancer cells to become resistant and using damaged DNA of healthy cells to create cancer "super" cells that grow faster than before treatment. The pharmaceutical industry monopolizes the treatment field with toxic chemotherapy while using their FDA puppets to suppress lower cost yet more effective alternative treatments currently only available outside the U.S. and at great cost to patients.
Maintaining Iran Sanctions (tags)
Israeli Responsibility for Hacking Millions of French Phones? (tags)
Some in the U.S. are fearful of speaking out against the wars and social injustice because of the surveillance state.
NSA Spying on World Leaders (tags)
Merkel in NSA's Crosshairs (tags)
FIDF raises 20 million in So Cal fundraiser (tags)
A beautiful, multicultural group of over 1,000 supporters showed up and raised 20 million dollars to help Israel. The people have spoken
Arab-American Attorney Abdeen Jabara: I Was Spied on by the NSA 40 Years Ago (tags)
Arab-American Attorney Abdeen Jabara: I Was Spied on by the NSA 40 Years Ago
America's Economic Dark Side (tags)
class war
Iranian Nuclear Talks: Hold the Cheers (tags)
From Obamacare to Trade (tags)
Superversion not subversion is the new and very real threat to the state.
New Iranian Nuclear Talks (tags)
class war
Columbus and The Legacy of Genocide (tags)
October 12th is Columbus Day, a day which is increasingly coming under criticism for celebrating a genocidal pirate, murderer, rapist, and enslaver who is credited with the “discovery” of the Western Hemisphere.
Nobel Hypocrisy Repeats (tags)
peace prize
Obamacare Compromises Privacy (tags)
Lies in Translation: Der Spiegel's Media Interview Attack on President Bashar al-Assad (tags)
Der Spiegel's combative interview with President Bashar al-Assad has received significant worldwide media attention. We published the original text of the interview as translated into English by SANA, the Syrian Arab News Agency. Since then we have received Spiegel's English translation and found some gross differences between the texts. The interview can not only be viewed as an effort to villainize President al-Assad in lock-step with the western media. It also serves an effort to gather intelligence. In the face of the many crass personal insults and dishonesty, disrespectful of a head of state by the Der Spiegel "interviewers," President Bashar al-Assad maintained an impressive amount of self-control with thoughtful, rational replies. His dignity exposed the weaknesses in Der Spiegel's western political positions. The primates who conducted this shameful attack were simply out of their league.
Protest and March Against Columbus and White Supremacy! (tags)
Join us for our Anti-Columbus and Anti-White Supremacy protest, Saturday, October 12,2013 @11am, Placita Olvera st. 12pm March to Los Angeles Cathedral 1pm march back to Placita Olvera! 1-2pm Protest and Rally on Lawn of Placita Olvera. Signs will be provided by Mexica Movement. Bring water and sunscreen. Arrive early for parking and do your best to carpool! ***This will be a PEACEFUL protest. No bs tolerated. BOYCOTT THE AMERICAN LATINO MUSEUM! We are not Latinos! We are not Hispanics! This planned museum completely destroys our Indigenous identity and erases our presence. It is a complete act of genocide. Read the report for yourself and see the obvious cover-up. We are not Latinos! We are not Hispanics!
Der Spiegel Interviews Assad (tags)
police state
Herman Wallace: Free at Last (tags)
police state
Saudi Arabian Backed Insurgents Responsible for Ghouta Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)
Israel and Washington Target Iran (tags)
Putin Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize (tags)
More on Inventing an Iranian Threat (tags)
Longstanding US/Iranian Relations (tags)
New Millennium Resource Wars (tags)
Syrian Chemical Weapons Deal: What Follows? (tags)
US/Iranian Foreign Ministers Meet (tags)
Netanyahu Exceeds Sharonian Evil (tags)
Another Fake US Terror Alert (tags)
police state
Assad Fears US Aggression (tags)
Obama's General Assembly Address (tags)
The Food Stamp Solution (tags)
Let's all get on food stamps.
Chemical Weapons Directed By Corporations Against Us All (tags)
Corporate biochemicals are poisoning us all
police state
Bernanke Stays the Course (tags)
Anti-Assad Death Squads Responsible for Gas Attack (tags)
UN Inspectors Gas Attack Report: A Manipulated Fraud (tags)
East/West Cracks on Syria (tags)
Obama's War Plans on Syria Unchanged (tags)
Anti-Assad Media War Continues (tags)
Obamacare Rips Off Americans (tags)
Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)
The Parasite Class Jealously Guards Its Host (tags)
The plantation master doesn't like competition.
Obama's Hell Bent for War on Syria (tags)
Putin Challenges Obama Responsibly (tags)
NSA Conspires with Israel Against Americans (tags)
Human Rights Watch Misinformation on Syria (tags)
Unbearable – Hell on wheels for circus bears touring the U.S. (tags)
Circus bears in touring America are undergoing unbearable conditions
No Change in Obama's War Plans (tags)
Obama's Rage for War on Syria (tags)
Obama’s War Grows as Support Shrinks (tags)
Some careful listening has exposed the lie that a U.S. attack (war) against Syria would be, as Obama put it, “a shot across the bow,” i.e. a “tiny war.” But even before the first missile is launched the birth of Obama’s baby war began to grow, and when it’s eventually unleashed it will resemble any other fully matured war, complete with massive destruction, the death of untold innocents and yet another Middle Eastern nation torn to pieces.
Lavrov Calls Kerry's Bluff (tags)
AIPAC Lobbies for War on Syria (tags)
Monday MoveOn Peace Events (tags)
Copied this from MoveOn.
Would Obama Open a Pandora's Box in a Strike on Syria? (tags)
"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" (Jeanette Rankin). "Every war has two losers (William Stafford). War is a horror and racket that has served as a profit-center and evasion. Orwell warned that war could become a domestic necessity to divert the people.
The war on Iraq won’t be remembered for how it was waged so much as for how it was sold. It was a propaganda war, a war of perception management, where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us.
In chatrooms and on blogs we may hear an argument like this: “Oh, I have friends in Syria, and I lived in Syria.” “I know that’s what the people want.” How does one address such an argument?
Obama Making More Enemies Than Friends (tags)
Global Opposition to Attacking Syria (tags)
Remember all the months of U.S. frustration with Iran not laying down and rolling over—that is after all the one-sided demands by the United States that feels it never has to treat any country like an equal—save its constant kissing of AIPAC, NEOCON, and Israel’s asses nonstop? Well all the horseshit about precise, punitive strikes is a stratagem to settle the Middle East situation once and for all. “To swallow and follow, weather old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.” William E. Gladstone
Stop Obama's War on Humanity: A Personal Statement (tags)
Obama's Planned Lawless Aggression Based on Lies, Damn Lies and Big Lies (tags)
Russia on Syria: Alternative to Peace is Bloody Chaos (tags)
The War on Syria and Noam Chomsky (tags)
A careful reading of the “Left” liberals’ response to the Western-backed terror in Syria, reveals that the “Left” liberals have display a staggering level of complacency, complicity and outright hostility to the Syrian people. Representatives of the milieu of the “Left” liberals led by the like of Noam Chomsky have lost credibility. Their arguments are part of the standard propaganda talking points that serve Israel-U.S. Zionist ideology.
John Kerry Is A Ghoul In The Night of Living Dead (tags)
John Kerry now walks onto the graves of many, many to-soon-be-dead humans beings. He adamantly plays his well-crafted, seemingly rational justifications for more war; but his whole stage-craft of lies about knowing who is behind the chemical attacks, is a fraud of deceit as Biblical proportions. He is already a living corpse, a puppet for another Zionist-minted atrocity, similar to our Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, both who lead this repeat of professional propaganda campaign, expecting the American public to swallow another pack of lies for another military and political fiasco (as if the U.S. can never learn from previous mistakes). Both have sold their souls to the devil of political push and shove.
Putin Says Kerry Lied About Al Nusra's Links to Al Qaeda (tags)
Russian Pres. Putin called out U.S. Sec of State John Kerry for lying about the known connections and support between Al Nusra and Al Qaeda. It is likely that the Syrian rebel groups are are by now hopelessly interwoven with the Al Nusra Front and thus any attacks on the legitimate Syrian government of Pres. Bashar Al Assad by the U.S. will encourage the growth of Al Nusra and then in time their attacks will turn on U.S. soldiers and civilians.
NATO Chief Urges War on Syria (tags)
So long as the United States is at war, their power is preserved, and now that they have attained empire the USA must expand the war or fall, for the arts of peace they know nothing and have never engaged in any employment higher than torture & war. Aristotle.
Britain, France, Germany and Israel Lie for Obama (tags)
Why Was Syria Attacked? (tags)
Obama's War on Syria Imminent (tags)
America's Intelligence Budget Black Hole (tags)
Israeli Lobby Targets Syria and Iran (tags)
Obama Intends Lawless Aggression on Syria (tags)
Lies, Damn Lies and John Kerry Lies (tags)
Duplicitous Anti-Syrian Editorials (tags)
Obama Invented Pretext for Lawless Aggression (tags)
Harsh Criticism of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)
Senator v. President Obama on War and Peace (tags)
The Shortwave Report 08/30/13 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.
Obama's Cruise Missile Diplomacy (tags)
John Kerry's Colin Powell's Moment (tags)
Roger Water's Calls On Musicians to Boycott Israel (tags)
Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has published a long-awaited open letter calling on his fellow musicians to boycott Israel. The letter explains that Waters has been part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for seven years, and has been mulling the letter over for some time. He condemns Israeli human rights violations and explains the reasons to act:
The AFL-CIO’s New Strategy: Inspiration or Hype? (tags)
After years of embarrassing denial, the AFL-CIO recently took its first baby step in addressing the crisis that has engulfed organized labor: it recognized there was a problem. In the run up to its national convention in early September in Los Angles, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka recently admitted that “what we’ve been doing isn’t working,” and consequently announced a new strategy that was, supposedly, a revolutionary break from the previously-failed strategy of organized labor.
Britain's Middle East Spy Station (tags)
police state
Monsanto's Harvest of Shame (tags)
Caravans Converge on Bakersfield to Press for a Path to Citizenship (tags)
The grassroots campaign for comprehensive immigration reform ramped up in California during the Congressional recess with bus and car caravans to Bakersfield to urge Congressman Kevin McCarthy to support a vote in the House on a path to citizenship.
Drumbeat for War on Syria (tags)
Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)
Increased rotational presence of US troops, decreased Philippine sovereignty (tags)
"Decreased sovereignty." This is how Akbayan Representative Walden Bello summed up the ongoing negotiations between the Philippine government and the United States to craft a framework for the increased rotational presence of American troops in the country.
Police State Terror in Egypt (tags)
Al Jazeera America Set to Debut (tags)
Torture by Design: Saying No to the Architecture of Solitary Confinement (tags)
Friday, August 16 marked the 40th consecutive day of a multi-ethnic statewide prisoner hunger strike initiated from inside the Security Housing Unit (SHU) of California's Pelican Bay State Prison. As the horror of solitary confinement comes under increasing scrutiny in the US and around the world, human rights activists are confronting this public health and safety epidemic from a variety of angles. One group, called Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility has challenged solitary confinement in US prisons by recently launching a petition asking the American Institute of Architects to amend its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct to prohibit the design of spaces for killing, torture, and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.
Honoring Bayard Rustin, Freedom fighter (tags)
Labor leader and civil rights activist Bayard Rustin has been posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Along with Rustin, 15 others will be honored at a White House ceremony later this year.
Egypt's Bloody Wednesday (tags)
Bradley Manning Addresses Sentencing Hearing (tags)
police state
Obama Appoints Spy Chief to Head NSA Investigation (tags)
America: Addicted to War (tags)
NYPD Stop and Frisk Ruled Unconstitutional (tags)
police state
Larry Summers: Wall Street's Man (tags)
Obama Spurns NSA Spying Reform (tags)
police state
New York Times Fuels Anti-Iranian Sentiment (tags)
Presidential Medal of Freedom Hypocrisy Redux (tags)
police state
Temper Tantrum Politics (tags)
Russia bashing
Decades of Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Failure : 50 Reasons Why (tags)
Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot (tags)
Fake Terror Alert Extended (tags)
police state
Scary> NAACP & Amnesty International Have Fallen Asleep At The Wheel !!! (tags)
NAACP & Amnesty International Bloggers Are Lost Along With Texas Losing Hank Skinner's Exoneration DNA !
Lynne Stewart Petitions for Release (tags)
police state
Women political prisoners in the Philippines experience torture under the neocolonial regime receiving US tax dollars in aid. We need to protest this barbarity and call on Congress to cut off aid to the Aquino regime and its brutal military and police agencies.
A Path Forward for Egypt (tags)
The battle for the future of Egypt is underway, and it’s chaos. There has been violence on both sides of the divide, with the military inflicting the heaviest doses on supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood. The violence combined with any lack of long-term solution could bode poorly for Egypt’s future, but the situation is in extreme flux, and by no means anywhere settled. There is still abundant hope for most Egyptians to achieve a better world, though time is of the essence.
AIPAC Promotes War on Iran (tags)
FBI Lets Informants Commit Crimes (tags)
police state
Filipinos in LA join global protest vs China (tags)
LOS ANGELES – On July 24, Filipinos in Los Angeles trooped to the Chinese Consulate offices in Shatto Place in Koreatown to protest the China’s aggression in the heated West Philippine Sea/South China Sea territorial dispute.
Summer 2013 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert! (tags)
Stopping the Trans-Pacific Partnership IS Immigrant Rights!
Wikileaks' Statement on Snowden's Successful Russian Asylum Bid (tags)
WikiLeaks commends Russia for accepting Snowden’s request and supporting him
Heightened Russia Bashing (tags)
Russia Grants Snowden One-Year Asylum (tags)
Bradley Manning: Victimized by Police State Injustice (tags)
police stat
Longstanding Bahraini State Terror (tags)
The Dislocation of Homo Oeconomicus (tags)
"Students rate the teachers and demand a very specific kind of knowledge from them: it should be measurable, packaged and practical and cannot contain any uncertainties. Experimenting or thinking is not desired. There is a relation between service-provider and customer..."
Why No Revolution Exists in Syria (tags)
The era of Arab Spring euphoria is long ended, having devolved into doubt, confusion or wholesale rejection. Libya and Syria put an abrupt end to the Arab Spring celebrations, with the current situation in Egypt adding to the frustration.
Climate-change summary and update. (tags)
These are the latest updates as of July 28 2013 from Guy Mcpherson's update page which is quite large, so I'm only publishing here the latest news.
Demonstration Will Be Held Outside Costa Rican Consulate in L.A. Demanding Justice for Mur (tags)
Demonstration Will Be Held Outside Costa Rican Consulate in L.A. Demanding Justice for Murdered Sea Turtle Activist Petition With 137,000 Signatures From More Than 150 Nations Delivered to Costa Rica Consulate in Los Angeles
Waging the Battle of Syria (tags)
Lies, Damn Lies and US Promises (tags)
police state
America: Super-Bully Nation (tags)
Three things nobody can avoid: Death, taxes and corporate lies (tags)
Dozens of the biggest corporations in the U.S. paid no taxes in years in which they racked up huge profits — taxes paid by Corporate America are so low that individuals account for eight times more in tax revenue than businesses.
Punishment by the People (tags)
Online groups are being manipulated to stalk, defame and harass Peace Activists, Whistleblowers, Writers and Educators because of supposed, un-American activities
EU Shamelessly Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization (tags)
Addicted to Liquidity Injections (tags)
Bernanke's announcing of lower monthly printing of money was enough to make stock exchanges collapse in many threshold countries. The monetary policy of printing money and zero interest is caught in a vicious circle. Liquidity glut generates credit growth.
Rail Disaster in Canada (tags)
The aftermath of the worst rail disaster in Canada for decades leaves at least 47 dead with many of the victims still unaccounted for.
Professional comments: global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism (tags)
More in the professional sector prepared to discuss global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism.
David Curtis launches campaign for Sec. of State, California (tags)
David Curtis launches his campaign for Secretary of State, California at the Mayflower Club in North Hollywood.
US Courts Approve Indefinite Detention and Torture (tags)
police state
New report rips apart Jewish voice for peace (tags)
Exposing the tactics and alliances of the extremist anti-Israel group, Jewish voice for peace
Statement on the Trayvon Martin case and voter suppression
Snowden: Nobel Peace Prize Nominee (tags)
Zimmerman’s Acquittal and the Call for a New Civil Rights Movement (tags)
George Zimmerman has been found innocent of both second-degree murder and manslaughter for the killing of Trayvon Martin. In spite of Zimmerman’s history as a neighborhood watchman employing racial profiling; in spite of the fact that he was armed with a gun and Trayvon was not; in spite of the fact that he stalked Trayvon in a way that anyone would find threatening; in spite of his recorded menacing comments about “f…king punks,” that “these assholes always get away”; and in spite of his defiance of a 911 operator who told him he did not need to follow Trayvon, Zimmerman is free.
When you are on top, ‘might makes right’ is ‘rule of law’ (tags)
The U.S. government has consistently refused to extradite former dictators, accused terrorists, torturers and others wanted by other countries. It is the height of hypocrisy for the Obama administration to give lectures about international obligations in its blunderbuss efforts to get Edward Snowden.
Lawlessness Is Official US Policy (tags)
police state
Obama Blocks Snowden's Asylum (tags)
Five-point approach to manage Chinese and US presence in the West Philippine Sea (tags)
Akbayan Partylist today proposed to the Aquino government a "five-point approach" in handling the current territorial dispute with China and the increasing involvement of the United States in the conflict.
Rage Against the System: Why It Matters (tags)
police state
Ongoing Fighting in Sinai (tags)
"The Circus is in Town!" (tags)
A six-day protest against Ringling Bros. begins at Staples Center.
Spying? Who cares? Profits are at stake! (tags)
Despite the displays of anger and assertions of sovereignty, European government showed themselves not only subordinate to the U.S. but to their own industrialists and financiers. The U.S. government is similarly a captive of its own big business interests.
Syrian Opposition in Disarray (tags)
Demonstration Agianst China Southern Airlines at LAX - July 13 (tags)
Animal rights activists will protest China Southern Airlines’ transport of primates to laboratories and educate travelers about the horrors of sending animals to be tortured. When: Saturday, July 13, 2013 from 6:30pm – 7:30pm Where: Tom Bradley International Terminal, LAX
Stasi's New Incarnation (tags)
police state
Exposing jewish voice for Peace (tags)
Important new report from NGO Monitor, on Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) , which views itself as the “Jewish wing” of the Palestinian solidarity movement. From NGO Monitor: Though JVP regards the organized Jewish community as its “enemy” and “opponent,” it nonetheless demands a seat at the communal table. The strategy, as stated by JVP’s executive director Rebecca Vilkomerson, is to create “a wedge” within the American Jewish community to generate the impression of polarization over Israel. The tactic is to dilute support for Israel in the Jewish community, toward the goal of reducing or eliminating the United States government’s economic, military, and political support for Israel.
Criticizing Venezuela's Maduro Irresponsibly (tags)
How Egypt Killed Political Islam (tags)
The rebirth of the Egyptian revolution ushered in the death of the first Muslim Brotherhood government. But some near-sighted analysts limit the events of Egypt to a military coup. Yes, the military is desperately trying to stay relevant — given the enormous initiative of the Egyptian masses — but the generals realize their own limitations in this context better than anybody else. This wasn’t a mere re-shuffling at the top of society, but a flood from the bottom.
Venezuela Grants Snowden Asylum (tags)
Europe Cravenly Colluding with U.S. in Criminality (tags)
It is hard to know which is the more outrageous: the US government’s forced landing this week of the Bolivian President Evo Morales’ official jet in Europe; or the European authorities’ compliance with the Americans in their act of international piracy.
Targeting Foreign Leaders: Longstanding US Policy (tags)
police state
Obama Threatens Humanity (tags)
police state
How Edward Snowden and Syria Will Change Obama’s Foreign Policy (tags)
When the National Security Agency (NSA) spying scandal broke, so did the illusion that President Obama was significantly different than his predecessor, Bush Jr. Obama’s meticulously crafted image was specifically created as an alternative to Bush: Obama campaigned as a peace candidate who loved civil liberties and wanted to work with the UN instead of unilaterally launching wars.
Kerry's Shuttle Diplomacy Excludes Peace in Our Time (tags)
Whistleblower Russell Tice Tells More (tags)
police state
Challenging US Lawlessness (tags)
police state
Supreme Court Guts Voting Rights Act (tags)
police state
Nobel Peace Laureates Urge Obama and Kerry to Nix Keystone XL (tags)
Firmly linking the Keystone XL pipeline with climate change, 10 Nobel Peace Prize winners are urging President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to reject the project.
America: Police State Ruthlessness Writ Large (tags)
police state
Trafficking in Lies about Syria (tags)
Washington v. Edward Snowden Update (tags)
police state
Enemies of Syria Plan Escalated Aggression (tags)
U.S. Government Playing Yahweh With Gulag Gitmo: (tags)
Many Americans, of Christian ancestry, were taught their (supposedly their) Judeo-Christian “God” (Anglo-Saxon term for Yahweh) knows all because he sees all. Yet if we put these powers into political terms and context—then these capacities are not much different from the current National Security Administration’s “Operation Prism” that has vast potential to know all about Americans and apparently the entire world of personal communications, as recently revealed by Glen Greenwald’s stories in British daily The Guardian. Thus we learn our Leviathan State can know everything and anything about anyone. By analyzing religion through a lens of political philosophy we can see the psychology of Judeo-Christian Yahweh’s exclusivity to power, as in “he” (anthropomorphized) holds all the cards, is thus the exemplar religious model for a political state of Monarchy (and privileges to a more or less self-select court elite).
Edward Snowden Charged Under the Espionage Act (tags)
police state
Obama: The Worst of Nixon/Bush II Writ Large (tags)
police state
Another Israeli War Criminal of the Year Award (tags)
police state
Syria Is Becoming Obama's Iraq (tags)
In perfect Bush-like fashion, President Obama has invented a bogus pretense for military intervention in yet another Middle East country. The president’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons — and thus crossed Obama’s imaginary “red line” — will likely fool very few Americans, who already distrust their president after the massive NSA spying scandal.
Obama's Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax (tags)
Fast-Tracking Toward War on Syria (tags)
Lawless NSA Global Spying (tags)
police state
Author explores controversial culture of Sur 13 gangs in new book (tags)
Urban Politics: The Political Culture of Sur 13 Gangs describes the political culture of Mexican American street gangs in the Los Angeles County. It dives into the various aspects of gang culture that are parallel to political organizations such as: the social contract, political parties, budgeting principles, and the progressive movement. The author, Rodrigo Ribera d’Ebre, is of Mexican American descent, has a blog about art, politics, history, and culture and is a regular contributor to The Huffington Post. His previous book focused on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), illegal immigration, and journalism.
The Chemical Weapons Hoax (tags)
One-Sided Anti-Syrian Human Rights Council Resolution (tags)
How Does Justice Come to the Economy? (tags)
Obama Ups the Stakes in Syria (tags)
Who Killed the Syrian Peace Talks? (tags)
The long awaited Syrian peace talks — instigated by power brokers Russia and the United States — had already passed their initial due date, and are now officially stillborn.
Los Angeles City Council Rejects BDS (tags)
BDS shot down in Los Angeles
Challenging Unconstitutional Spying (tags)
police state
The intellectual dead end of liberalism (tags)
Each fresh outrage by the Obama administration is met by a shrug of the shoulders or outright support by Democrats. With no clear ideas to fall back on, they meekly bleat “me, too” when the world’s industrialists and financiers pronounce their verdict on what is to be done.
America's National Security State (tags)
Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)
It doesn't surprise. On June 8, Haaretz headlined "What was the Israeli involvement in collecting US communications intel for NSA?" More on that below.
Syria’s Fake Sectarian War (tags)
The fate of Syria and the broader Middle East balances on a razor’s edge. The western media is giving dire warnings of an impending sectarian war between Sunni and Shia Muslims, a war that could drown the Middle East in a flood of blood.
Israeli Involvement in NSA Spying (tags)
police state
Freedom in America: Rest in Peace (tags)
police state
Unconstitutional US Data-Mining (tags)
police state
VIDEO: Austerity - The History of a Dangerous Idea (tags)
Mark Blyth is Professor of International Political Economy in the Department of Political Science at Brown University and a Faculty Fellow at Brown's Watson Institute for International Studies
Bilderberg Conference Convenes (tags)
We're All Bradley Manning (tags)
police state
Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced (tags)
police state
Bradley Manning Court-Martial: Secrecy and Injustice on Trial (tags)
police state
Testing, Testing Can You Hear Us ? (tags)
Los Angeles Marches With The World Against Monsanto and Agri-Tech Practices Photo Set 3 of 3
Testing, Testing Can You Hear Us ? (tags)
Los Angeles Marches With The World Against Monsanto and Agri-Tech Practices Photo Set 2 of 3
Testing, Testing Can You Hear Us ? (tags)
Los Angeles Marches With The World Against Monsanto and Agri-Tech Practices
police state
Bilderberg June 6 - 9 Conference (tags)
U.S. accuses currency exchange of laundering $6 billion (tags)
U.S. prosecutors have filed an indictment against the operators of digital currency exchange Liberty Reserve, accusing the Costa Rica-based company of helping criminals around the world launder more than $6 billion in illicit funds linked to everything from child pornography to software for hacking into banks.
Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo (tags)
How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (tags)
For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”
Obama calls Oklahoma tornado's toll 'hard to comprehend' (tags)
Standing by a pile of debris that once was an elementary school, President Barack Obama on Sunday called the destruction last week's tornado wrought in Moore, Oklahoma, "hard to comprehend" and vowed to provide long-term federal help in rebuilding.
Firing Up Action On Climate Change (tags)
As wildfire season commences in California, a local group of citizens is stepping forward on May 29 to ask Rep. Judy Chu of Pasadena to address the cause of the increase in fires by taking a leadership role in Congress on climate change legislation and resources, including ending the sequester which harms California's ability to combat fires..
Slaughter of Proletarians in Bangladesh: Capitalism is the Assassin! (tags)
On April 24 "Rana Plaza" a 9-storey building in an industrial suburb of Dhaka, capital of Bangladesh (14 million), collapsed on about 3,500 workers (their number is not known precisely) working there. The building contained five textile factories, as well as a bank and many shops. The official present death toll is 1128, the number of injured is unknown. Most of the victims are women, who constitute 80 to 90% of the workforce in the Bangladeshi textile industry.
Lebanon's Victory Day of National Resistance (tags)
Sheriff Joe guilty of profiling Mexicans (tags)
Arizona's racist Sheriff Joe Arpaio found guilty of profiling Mexicans and Latinos
Syrian foes move towards talks but fighting rages (tags)
Syria's opposition and the government of President Bashar al-Assad seem to be preparing to take part in an international peace conference against a background of some of the worst fighting this year.
America Honors Its Worst (tags)
police state
Colombia Takes Another Step Towards Circus Animal Ban (tags)
May 14, 2013, BOGOTA, COLOMBIA – TODAY, the Senate Commission V of Colombia amended and approved the draft law (Law 244/12) banning the use of animals in circuses, allowing Plenary to pass this initiative. The committee vote was seven in favor and none against.
Stop and Frisk: NYPD Racial Profiling (tags)
The Shortwave Report 05/17/13 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.
FBI Documents Suggest Feds Read Emails Without a Warrant (tags)
New documents from the FBI and U.S. Attorneys’ offices paint a troubling picture of the government’s email surveillance practices. Not only does the FBI claim it can read emails and other electronic communications without a warrant—even after a federal appeals court ruled that doing so violates the Fourth Amendment—but the documents strongly suggest that different U.S. Attorneys’ offices around the country are applying conflicting standards to access communications content (you can see the documents here - ).
Uncensored Manifesto from Retired LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner (tags)
Uncensored Manifesto of Christopher Dorner
Israeli Lobby Power in America (tags)
Profile of Lawless Aggression (tags)
Yair Shamir: Profile of Israeli Extremism (tags)
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (Part II) (tags)
Closing Guantanamo—Why it’s Symbolically, Spiritually and Materially Important. (tags)
President Barack Obama has made a clear and convincing case for closing Guantanamo! Mostly the same reasons finally articulated were just as true when he initially took office. Closing the stigma of war, crime and national shame has always been a high agenda item for many Americans. It is now the watermark battle ground that could begin to show who or what really runs this country. But think of the mindless excuses from war hawks (including complicity by the mainstream media) to try to stop any transparency about Guantanamo prisoners. But there is simply no way President Obama can close this base on his own without major and active U.S. citizen and world support. How can Congress possibly stand in the way of the reasons President Obama announced for closing the Bush Legacy? Where is the Free Speech movement, where are the campus protests at Madison and Kent State Ohio?
America and Israel: Imperial Partners in Crime (tags)
US-Style Free Trade in Good Hands with Michael Froman (tags)
US Hatched Terror Plots (tags)
state terror
False Flag Chemical Attack on Syria (tags)
Tiptoeing Toward War on Syria (tags)
Syria: Upping the Stakes (tags)
Obama and U.S. Military Divided Over Syria (tags)
Has Syria crossed the “red line” that warrants a U.S. military invasion? Has it not? The political establishment in the United States seems at odds over itself. Obama’s government cannot speak with one voice on the issue, and the U.S. media is likewise spewing from both sides of its mouth in an attempt to reconcile U.S. foreign policy with that most stubborn of annoyances, truth.
Corporations versus States: Arbitration Boards against Democracy (tags)
In 2012 Ecuador paid the largest compensation sum in history $1.76 billion to Occidental for cancelling its oil production contract. Germany is threatened with a compensation of 3.5 billion for turning off two nuclear reactors.
US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)
Creating a Pretext for War on Syria (tags)
Philippines: Akbayan slams Chinese incursion into Tubbataha Reef (tags)
Akbayan Party-list today slammed the incursion of a Chinese fishing vessel into the Tubbataha reef, which the group said is engaged in "state-led" poaching activities at the marine protected area in Palawan.
USA/Philippines: Feminism’s March from Nation to Home (tags)
Johanna Brenner interviews Filipina feminist activist and writer Ninotchka Rosca about organizing in a transnational world.
FBI Responsibility for US Terror Plots (tags)
false flags
Obama Heads Closer to War on Syria (tags)
America's War on Terror 2.0 (tags)
Ding Dong! Thatcherism and sexism are alive (tags)
Margaret Thatcher is part of a system, not an individual deus ex machina, no matter how personally ambitious.
police state
police state
Boston Bombing Suspect Charged (tags)
police state
America's War on Islam 2.0 (tags)
Venezuela's Maduro Inaugurated (tags)
"Hunt is over": US and British press jubilant over the extrajudicial execution of Tamerlan (tags)
The sequence of events and the nauseating propaganda following the Boston Marathon bombings indicate that the Obama administration has launched yet another major false-flag operation in parallel with its ever more explicit plans to invade Syria and Iran.
Bush and Obama: Dangerous Narcissists (tags)
police state
Washington v. Venezuela (tags)
Marathon Terror: Homegrown or State-Sponsored? (tags)
false flag
New York Times v. North Korea (tags)
a summery of a traitor
Creating a North Korean Threat (tags)
Lanza and Holmes Fathers Both Linked to LIBOR/FICO Scandal (tags)
The fathers of both Adam Lanza and James Holmes were both potential whistleblowers in the LIBOR/FICO scandal. Following the shootings committed by their sons, neither father will testify. This is the classic MK ULTRA scenario of mind controlled puppets distracting the public from real issues of upcoming economic collapse. The psychology of MK ULTRA is a low budget CIA tactic to disarm the people of the U.S. following controlled shootings by overmedicated individuals.
Attacking Venezuela's Democratic Process (tags)
Are Reforms of the Financial Sector Enough? (tags)
This article focuses on seven errors and seven remedies of the financial crisis. The financial crisis was also a crisis of easy money. For years and again today, speculators exploited the situation that money was and is very easy to borrow in the US and Japan.
Destabilizing Venezuela: Longstanding US Policy (tags)
More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)
Playing the North Korea Card (tags)
On the death of president Chavez/No hero/No dictator (tags)
The late Venezuelan president Chavez deserves appreciation for his social ''Bolivarian'' programs and his anti imperialist engagement. However, reprehensible sides of his reign are the repression in Venezuela and the oppression of the freedom of expression. His friendly relationships with dictators like Assad, Lushenko and Kaddafi are disgustable. Therefore he doesn't deserve the unconditional praise he gets from his leftist admirors.
Playing the Venezuelan Anti-Semitism Card (tags)
The ideology of the invisible hand of the market transforms all barbarism that is committed into human service.. The modern age is a doubled humanism..State terrorism presents itself as humanist realism, as the only true way of protecting life.
How Obama Chose War Over Peace in Syria (tags)
With Syria on the brink of national genocide, outside nations have only two options: help reverse the catastrophe or plunge this torn nation deeper into the abyss. Countries can either work towards a peaceful political solution or they can continue to pour money, guns, and fighters into the country to ensure a steady gushing into the bloodbath.
What Follows Turkish/Israeli Reconciliation (tags)
Payday Loans: Modern Day Usury (tags)
Liberal Agenda for More Gun Control Tied to a Totalitarian Agenda (tags)
The political agenda regarding foreign policy, stenographed by the lamestream media, is to continue to spend American resources on what is still far too much for Israel’s objectives (such as war with Syria and Iran), and at more great costs to our tax revenues. Certain industries and banker investors found such misadventures, as illegal wars, in the Middle East to be cash cows, equally parasitically bleeding America on the whole; as these goings-on continue to motivate more dismantlement of American Constitutional liberties here at home (in order to get away with their forms of betrayal (treason) to our founding fathers’ American Creed (which is not protecting the Holy Land) and to true interests of the American peoples. We now continue to live within a tyranny of corrupt betrayal. So to ban the personal right to own rapid-fire weapons here in the United States could happen within this significant context of an ever-evolving totalitarian reality that continues to wrap its dangerous tentacles around our quickly dying freedoms.
"Existential threat to Israel": Obama's relentless war effort against Iran and Syria (tags)
Syria and Iran are showing remarkable resilience and restraint in the face of extreme aggression by the U.S., Israel and NATO.
Unbreakable US/Israeli Ties (tags)
Washington Supports Venezuelan Opposition (tags)
Iraq: Ten Years After the Invasion (tags)
The wars begun in 2001 have been tremendously painful for millions of people in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Pakistan, and the United States, and economically costly as well. Each additional month and year of war will add to that toll.
New York Times Hypocrisy (tags)
Climate Space: Rethinking Strategies to Fight For Our Future (tags)
Open call to join the Climate Space at the World Social Forum in Tunisia, March 26-30, 2013
President Obama's hand in the Gift Fund (tags)
There's no "sequester" on President Obama's secret "gift" fund! 21 USCS Section 1702 Office of National Drug Control Policy 21 USCS 1702 (d)(1)(2)(3)
Back to Full Employment (tags)
Robert Pollin is Professor of Economics and Co-Director of the Political Economy Research Institute at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He is co-author of A Measure of Fairness.
Gitmo Atrocities Continue (tags)
Wrongheaded NYT Views When They're Right (tags)
A Government to be Feared (tags)
A Government to be Feared
Wanted Poster John Bahner
I’ll miss Hugo. When I first was introduced to him in Porto Alegre in 2003, he greeted me, “Mi padre,” and said he learned a lot from me. I was dubious about this and thought he was simply buttering me up, like any two-bit politician. Then he started telling me what he learned from Development Debacle, Deglobalization, and Dark Victory. I was stupefied; the guy actually read my stuff!
Syrian Death Squad Invaders Seize UN Peacekeepers (tags)
Chavez: A Personal Tribute (tags)
Obama Authorizes Killing Americans Domestically (tags)
Democrats and Labor: A Tale of Abuse (tags)
The Democratic Party’s participation in the recent national “sequester” cuts is yet another big dent in their love affair with organized labor. But break-ups are often a protracted process. Before a relationship ends there is usually a gradual deterioration based on irreconcilable differences, until the split becomes inevitable. The decades-long marriage of labor unions and the Democratic Party is nearing such a divorce. Labor unions are becoming frustrated as the Democrats flaunt their affair with corporate America and Wall Street.
Media Scoundrels Pillory Chavez Before He's Buried (tags)
Millions without enough food and billionaires with more (tags)
The world’s billionaires added $800 billion to their already obscene wealth in one year at the same time that tens of millions of people in the United States — not to mention billions of others around the world — go hungry.
AIPAC Conference Promotes War (tags)
Obama Wades Deeper Into Syria’s Morass (tags)
The recent announcement that the United States would increase its “non lethal” military aid to Syria’s rebels shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. Some speculated that Obama — having been repeatedly proved wrong about the Syria government’s stability — would leave Syria in silent humiliation.
Hawkish Senators Want War on Iran (tags)
Bradley Manning: Profile in Courage Above and Beyond the Call of Duty (tags)
Bradley Manning
Parallel Worlds: Water Management in Israel and California (tags)
Posted from Jerusalem by Kate Voss, UCCHM Water Policy Fellow. This is the second in a series of posts on our Water Diplomacy trip to Israel, Jordan and Palestine
Bob Barker Spearheads New Campaign on Elephant Rides as LA City Considers Ban (tags)
Bob Barker assists ADI in their nationwide initiative to ban the use of elephants for entertainment through a new documentary, "No Fun For Elephants."
‘Transatlantic Partnership’ intended to duplicate secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (tags)
The Trans-Pacific Partnership, an 11-country trade negotiation intended to go well beyond NAFTA, appears to the be model for proposed United States–European Union trade agreement.
Profile of Imperial Lawlessness (tags)
Washington Whitewashes Israeli Murder (tags)
The Great Tax-Cut Experiment and Corporate Taxes as % of Profits (tags)
Comparisons with Other Countries: Americans pay a smaller proportion of total income in taxes than do people in any other advanced capitalist economy. as in Western European countries.
What the 1% Heard During Obama’s State of the Union Speech (tags)
When President Obama speaks, most Americans hear what he wants them to hear: lofty rhetoric and a “progressive” vision. But just below the surface the president has a subtly-delivered message for the 1%, whose ears prick up when their buzzwords are mentioned. Obama’s state of the union address was such a speech — a pro-corporate agenda packaged with chocolate covered rhetoric for the masses, easy to swallow, but deadly poisonous.
Targeting Jeremy Hammond (tags)
An attack on Howard Zinn in American Educator reveals only the fear of exposure of the violence and inequality built into the structures of the United States.
Israel's War Criminal of the Year Award (tags)
Straight Talk on US/Israeli Relations (tags)
The Liberal-Regressive Modern Age (tags)
The financial crisis of the states-dramatically intensified by the costs of bailing out the banks-shifts the costs to the broad population without touching the wealth of the economic elites. Political governing is increasingly uncoupled from the approval and influence of citizens.
Shut It Down, Mr. President (tags)
LA rallys to have the Keystone XL cancelled. Photo set two of two
Shut It Down, Mr. President (tags)
LA rallys to have the Keystone XL cancelled Photo set one of two
Israel's Racist of the Year Award (tags)
U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason (tags)
Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.
Author Nancy Kurshan: Strategizing to Defeat Control Unit Prisons and Solitary Confinement (tags)
Author and longtime activist Nancy Kurshan’s new book, entitled Out of Control: A Fifteen Year Battle Against Control Unit Prisons, has just been released by the Freedom Archives. Kurshan’s book documents the work of The Committee to End the Marion Lockdown (CEML), which she co-founded in 1985 as a response to the lockdown at the federal prison in Marion, Illinois. It quickly turned into a broader campaign against control unit prisons and human rights violations in US prisons that lasted fifteen years, until 2000.
The toll of privatization and the ideology of “there is no alternative” (tags)
One million people are estimated to have died as a result of capitalist “shock therapy” in the former Soviet bloc; other health indications demonstrate a catastrophic toll from capitalist offensives.
Escalating Pressure on Iran (tags)
Beating Up on North Korea (tags)
Impeach Obama: A National Imperative (tags)
Vatican Changing of the Guard (tags)
Obama’s Shakedown of Medicare (tags)
In a political era of corporate dominance it was inevitable that doublespeak would become the official language of Washington, DC. Now “cuts” to social programs are referred to as “savings,” while the destruction of these programs is “reform.” This is the essence of President Obama’s doublespeakish “Race to the Top” public education “reform,” as well as his yet-to-be-announced deficit plan based on Medicare “savings.”
More Evidence Obamacare Ripped Off Americans (tags)
Whitewashing Extrajudicial Killing (tags)
Washington and Israel Target Iran (tags)
Reforming Prison’s Harshest Tactic –The Angola 3 case may help change the... (tags)
The Angola 3 case may help change the arbitrary and sometimes abusive use of solitary confinement.
More Austerity Cuts Coming to the States (tags)
The Great Recession has quietly devastated public services on a state-by-state basis, with Republican and Democratic governors taking turns leading the charge. Public education has been decimated, as well as health care, welfare, and the wages and benefits of public sector workers. The public sector itself is being smashed. Since the recession began, states have made combined austerity cuts of at least $337 billion, according to the Center of Budget and Policy Priorities
Extrajudicial Killing: Official US Policy (tags)
police state
a time to face the fire of hate and fear
MSM Blackout - The US Govt Executed Martin Luther King... Proven in US Court, 1999
North Korea video shows US city in flames after missile attack (tags)
It begins benignly enough, with an image of a sleeping young North Korean man, and a genteel piano version of the US feel-good pop anthem We Are the World providing the musical backdrop. But the YouTube video recently posted by Uriminzokkiri, North Korea's official website, quickly takes a more sinister turn as the man's dream continues into the realms of Stalinist fantasy.
Obama Declares Global Cyberwar (tags)
Freedom for Albert Woodfox of the Angola 3, After 40 Years in Solitary Confinement? (tags)
After four decades of solitary confinement in the nation's most populated maximum-security prison -- and one of its most historically brutal -- a member of the internationally known "Angola 3" has reasonable cause to expect that he will soon be released, his attorneys and supporters say. The request to set free Albert Woodfox, 65, is being heard by the same federal judge who in 2008 ordered that Woodfox be released, a ruling that Louisiana prosecutors successfully appealed and blocked.
Hillary Clinton: Profile of Imperial Arrogance and Lawlessness (tags)
Moscow to West: Hands Off Middle East/Africa (tags)
Responding to financial crisis: are austerity and suffering inevitable? (tags)
Austerity in a recession is counter-productive. Lower taxes and lower wages mean lower demand, lower GDP, lower state revenue and higher unemployment.
Down with French military intervention in Mali! (tags)
Commencing on January 11, the French government launched a military intervention in Mali under the pretext of “saving” the country against an alleged imminent terrorist threat and in “response” to a request for aid by the “interim president” of the country. But for several months the present “socialist” government, in continuity with the previous Sarkozy government, has multiplied its diplomatic maneuvering, its pressuring on the Government of Mali and the material preparation of military forces to organize a military attack against insurgents in northern Mali .
Down with French military intervention in Mali! (tags)
Commencing on January 11, the French government launched a military intervention in Mali under the pretext of “saving” the country against an alleged imminent terrorist threat and in “response” to a request for aid by the “interim president” of the country. But for several months the present “socialist” government, in continuity with the previous Sarkozy government, has multiplied its diplomatic maneuvering, its pressuring on the Government of Mali and the material preparation of military forces to organize a military attack against insurgents in northern Mali .
Nominee Hagel Bullied by Neocon Servants of Military-Industrial Complex (tags)
The neocon servants of the military-industrial complex (Lindsay Graham, etc...) have revealed their true allegience to the Zionist state of Israel and against the will of the U.S. people. Their betrayal of former friend and fellow Republican Chuck Hagel, a true conservative who doesn't want to waste taxpayer money on never ending wars, is evidence enough of their deception of U.S. interests in favor of Zionist Israel.
Premeditated Aggression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)
Washington's War of Aggression on Syria (tags)
Water Theft from Aquifers Benefit Developers at Expense of Ecosystems (tags)
Water theft from rural aquifers for the short term benefit of Las Vegas developers is a crime against the ecosystems and human communities that depend upon their water for survival. The theft of the aquifer water by SNWA is a sequel of the Owens Valley water grab by LADWP nearly a century ago. Any ELF actvists looking for training sites have over 200 miles of practice targets if this pipeline goes through. Maybe someone should send LADWP a message that water theft can be stopped by preventing transport. When the pipeline is ruptured in numerous places this water theft will become a more costly endeavor! The LADWP and SNWA needs to stop stealing water from aquifers and desert lakes!
Students threatened at UC Davis event (tags)
The UC are failing our students
2nd Drone Survey! Answer 5 Questions! January 27, 2013 (tags)
President Barack Obama is Commander in Chief of the United States Military. The Central Intelligence Agency is NOT part of the United States Military; but, the C.I.A. is ordering the deployment of most of the missile strikes from un-manned computer controlled Drones. Therefore, under whose authority are these strikes taking place? If the United Nations investigation, which is currently going on, proves that the U.S.A. committed "war crimes", then does President Obama avoid responsibility for authorization of these drone strikes under Separation of Powers clause in the U.S. Constitution?
Obama's War on Whistleblowers (tags)
police state
Orthopedic Knees for a Slightly Higher Fee (tags)
As made manifest by the medical profession, nutritionists, and the mainstream media. Note: I left the first draft of this article in my email and "cyberchondria" appeared on the news overnight
US and British press hail the 'liberal' policy that allows women to fight in the frontline (tags)
As even more countries fall victim to Anglo-American wars across Asia and Africa in the new year, The New York Times and The Times praise their respective governments’ plans to directly engage women soldiers in the ongoing genocides.
United Nations is Investigating the Foreign Policy of the United States: Killer DRONES ! ! (tags)
The United Nations started an investigation of the "foreign policy" of the United States of America because President Obama has been authorizing killer drone strikes deploying missles allegedly aimed at "terrorists" but which also are killing children and innocent civilians in foreign countries under the guise of fighting the War on Terrorism; and simultaneously President Barack Obama has been violating the sovereign rights of foreign countries by aiming un-manned computer controlled drone missle strikes at them when the U.S. Congress has not officially declared War. President Obama thinks that he has legal precedence because previous U.S. President George Bush got away with this behaviour.
Targeting Younas Abdullah Muhammad (tags)
Three Approaches to the Economic Crisis (tags)
Before 1980, wages, productivity, investments and production pushed one another and ensured general prosperity. After 1980 wages were dropped as a driving force of economic demand. Demand gaps were filled by consumer credits.
Lynne Stewart's Struggle for Justice Continues (tags)
police state
U.S. Cannot Tell Iran to Abandon its Nuclear Program (tags)
Interview conducted by Iranian journalist Kourosh Ziabari with Mark Vorpahl
“Red Cross, Where is Haiti's Money?” (tags)
“. . . All of the generous people who donate to the Red Cross have no idea that very little of those resources get to the victims of the disaster. It's being used for administrative costs. The CEO of the Red Cross is earning six-hundred thousand dollars a year." -- Margaret Prescod, Women of Color in Global Women's Strike
Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)
Israeli Apologist Benny Morris (tags)
Obama v. Netanyahu Round Two (tags)
The Central Intelligence Agency is Confused! (tags)
Does the Teachers' Union buy M155s? Does the Electrical Brothers' Union buy Goats? Why is the C.I.A. deploying un-manned Drone Strikes killing children and innocent civilians? How stupid can they be? Those job duties are NOT listed on their "Mission" statement!
The high cost of new and improved (tags)
A relentless push to induce more consumer purchases is endemic. The weight and size of what we buy is bigger. And it is wrapped up in ever more packaging. The social costs of all this unnecessary consumption are high, and are paid for in environmental destruction.
Chavez Shows Clinical Improvement (tags)
Campaign organizes to push back against Obama provision to arrest Americans (tags)
Detention prevention strategy goes national
FAIR v. Scoundrel Media Misreporting on Venezuela (tags)
Hagel Correctly Points out Influence of pro-Israeli Lobby in Politics (tags)
The future Sec. of Defense Chuck Hagel is correct in pointing out the influence of the pro-ISRAEL lobby, especially from CUFI and AIPAC. Being honest in politics is dangerous, as one statement however true can be blown out of proportion by enemies.
My Encounter with the 'Precarious and Service Workers Assembly' of Occupy Oakland (tags)
It's their party, and they'll cry if they want to...
We Want Some Facts From President Obama on his Inaugeration Day February 2013! (tags)
President Barack Obama, will you please provide us with some "transparency" and tell us exactly how many "terrorists" have been killed with U.S. Military Un-Manned Drone Strikes, and then how many CHILDREN and innocent civilians have been killed with drone strikes; and then, which number is larger? After you Swear your Oath of Office on the Holy Bible, Mr. President Barack Obama, will you please tell us the truth? Isn't it true that MORE children and innocent civilians have been killed by drone strikes than "terrorists"?
US Law Prohibits Transferring Guantanamo Prisoners to America (tags)
Fire the U.S. Congress for Treason: How Many Blatant Favors for AIPAC? (tags)
How many times will U.S. elected Representatives of the U.S. House and Senate have to kiss Israel’s ass, and in how many ways, before “our” country will build a true national security team—that is one actually focused on U.S. security and not primarily on Israel’s? It is bad enough when Jewish-Americans politicians (with more substantive allegiance to Israel than the U.S.) like junior Senator Ben Cardin for Maryland, claiming his decision on whether Chuck Hagel will be a good Secretary of Defense resides on whether he is onboard with Israel’s/AIPAC’s agenda of having war with Israel’s enemy Iran (at least as backup force); or NY Senator Chuck Schumer equivocating about not “feeling” comfortable with voting for Hagel because of some of Hagel’s past attitudes; but even more so with suck-ups like Lindsey Graham giving about the best ass-kissing one could expect (to think some confederates once had some principle of pride and independence).
Occupy Fights Foreclosure Protests $10 billion Settlement (tags)
Occupy Fights Foreclosure openly denounces the $10 billion settlement
Hagel and Brennan Nominations (tags)
Foreign Terrorists Wage War on Syria (tags)
Institutionalized Inequality in America (tags)
class war
Women’s rights: Turning point in India, triumph in Manila (tags)
Women’s rights have been in the forefront of international concern over the last few weeks.
The Fiscal Cliff Is A Diversion: The Derivatives Tsunami and the Dollar Bubble (tags)
The fiscal cliff is a bipartisan excuse to introduce austerity measures in the form of "needed" cuts to social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The stage is set for "Jason vs. Freddy" or Obama vs. Boehner as we the people wait to see which politician serial killer will be cutting the U.S. people with their sharp knives of austerity.
A Western Rebellion could ensure global ethical human rights 'bottom-line' for all. (tags)
Rebellion justified.The adoption of a human rights instrument by the UN General Assembly in Dec 2008 led to the Global Financial Crisis in 2009.Involving international h.rights law it strongly favored Devel Asia, incl China, over the West.
More Evidence of Chupacabra than Bipartisan Fiscal Cliff Hype (tags)
The bipartisan hype over the so-called "fiscal cliff" is an attempt my the status quo to institute severe austerity measures that would effect seniors, disabled and other people dependent upon the social safety net that is set up on the chopping block by BOTH Democrats and Republicans. There may be more evidence of the mythical chupacabra (goat sucker) than there is proof of any upcoming fiscal cliff. Either way we are dealing with some really mangy bloodsuckers!
UNICEF's Christmas appeals, Sir Alex Ferguson and gaping contradictions (tags)
As the United Nations Security Council passes a resolution for the deployment of foreign troops in Mali and the United States announces its plan to deploy troops to 35 African countries in 2013, UNICEF and The Independent launch a campaign “to help child soldiers in Central African Republic”.
Letter to All Americans About Gun Control from a Dissident Independent (tags)
Guns are an effective form of human violence, which is why they are so often employed in both war and crime. They are dangerous and deadly. Reasons for their existence are not always, or even often, noble. They kill. This is to say we human animals kill—and nowhere more so than for political reasons—such as a nation venturing abroad for purported reasons to exact war against terrorists, etc. (while not ironically understanding that war is terrorism). And yet there is something “more” dangerous than weapons and that is politics itself (that history reminds us over and over again). Guns do “not” exist in a vacuum—they are artifacts built for and by a corrupt species of creature. No government ever—no matter how much naïve trust by blind patriotism exist—should be trusted to the point citizens just hand over their right to defend themselves from those in power. ALL forms of government are corruptible, and so are ALL forms of institution. This government (and especially both major political parties and their lobby cronies), if not thoroughly corrupt, is still too corrupt—including its capacity to violate human rights. Banning of guns (or other Constitutional rights) here in the United States must be understood within these recent radical changes that have happened especially since 9/11. It could be the equivalent of giving Mafia thugs your last weapons.
Scrambling for Africa's Resources (tags)
Flashback to 2001: Hollywood celebrities salute Afghanistan’s “enduring freedom” (tags)
On October 7th, 2001 a US-led coalition launched the invasion of Afghanistan. NATO’s Incirlik Airbase in Turkey was one of the bases used in this invasion. Two months later, five Hollywood stars paid a visit to NATO’s Incirlik Airbase to show their appreciation for U.S. troops overseas. Immediately after the Los Angeles premiere, the cast members of the "Ocean's Eleven" film left for Turkey on a Warner Bros. chartered Boeing 757 for a special screening for the U.S. military personnel.
Institutionalizing Indefinite Detention (tags)
police state
This is the story of a black man from Nigeria, who married a white British women and how they immigrated to the United States to raise a family. The events of that day have now been documented and an investigation is now underway concerning the deaths of two of the children.
Berkeley's Free Speech Movement (tags)
Gun Violence in America (tags)
Defeating “Right to Work” (tags)
The passage in Michigan of the anti-worker legislation grotesquely misnamed “Right to Work” (RTW) should be putting the entire nation on red alert. The downward pressure on the standard of living such bills unleash on the vast majority extend well beyond the union ranks. The bill’s success in Michigan, a pivotal state for organized Labor, indicates the unfolding of a national campaign by RTW’s backers.
Everybody’s Home: An Unlikely Alliance Challenges the Financial Borg (tags)
Lawsuits for Information on Drones (tags)
police state
On Typhoon Bhopa and the Doha Conference (tags)
Typhoon Bhopa (Philippine name Pablo) have resulted to a total number of 647 casualties, with another 1,842 people injured, and 780 missing.
Obama Plans African Wars (tags)
Israel: Heading for a Political Cliff? (tags)
Why UN Climate Agreements Fail (tags)
History will undoubtedly deliver the harshest condemnations of the UN climate talks currently underway in Doha, Qatar. But the conference was laughable before it began; the inept “goals” of the talks stand in tragic-comic opposition to what we already know about climate change — that the climate has already changed in profound ways and its trajectory spells doom for civilization if drastic, coordinated steps are not taken in the immediate future.
Israeli Settlement Construction Fallout (tags)
Fiscal cliff is a hoax, may be bipartisan excuse to kill off U.S. poor people! (tags)
The media hype about the so-called fiscal cliff is just another bipartisan excuse to increase the gap between the wealthy and ever increasing number of poor people in the U.S. Notice both parties are advocating large cuts to social safety net programs when people are already struggling with poverty, while U.S. military bases remain operational on foreign soil through the Earth and only Presidential candidate Ron Paul was willing to save money by closing ALL overseas bases.
argument over video crowd controll
Bangladesh Sweatshop Fire (tags)
class war
U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)
The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.
Why is Obama Silent Over the New Congo War (tags)
The last Congo war that ended in 2003 killed 5.4 million people, the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II. The killing was directly enabled by international silence over the issue; the war was ignored and the causes obscured because governments were backing groups involved in the fighting. Now a new Congo war has begun and the silence is, again, deafening.
Israel Signals Hardline Policy Intentions (tags)
Israel's War on Palestine (tags)
Labor’s Call to Action: The Grand Bargain Betrayal (tags)
The labor movement is in terminal crisis. After decades of declining membership, the union movement has been targeted for destruction: private sector union membership is near eradication, and now the corporations are on a public-sector mopping up mission, using the city, state, and federal budget deficits as an excuse to target public sector unions. Obama’s Race to the Top education policy specifically targets the nation’s most powerful union workers, the teachers.
U.S. Senate bill Rewritten So Cops / Feds Can Read Your Email Without Warrants (tags)
After Sen. Leahy’s Internet Access bill is passed, what do you do if you get an email that erroneously appears to include you as a participant in a crime or conspiracy that U.S. Federal Agencies and cops can use in court (without a warrant) against you or your business?
The U.S. Role in Israel's Attack on Gaza (tags)
As Obama tours Southeast Asia to strengthen his alliances against China, Gazans are being killed and maimed by the hundreds, with the possibility of an incredibly bloody Israeli invasion. The United States still wields tremendous power internationally; its actions and inactions have direct consequences in international conflicts.
On the Israeli-Gaza Conflict (tags)
Manila, Philippines - Akbayan Party strongly and categorically condemns the Israeli armed forces’ (navy and air force) constant bombardment and shelling, numbering above 100, of the Gaza strip, hosting more than 1.7 million people in one of the most densely-populated areas in the world. Despite its claims of engaging in surgical operations against militant and ‘terrorist’ elements within Gaza, Israel’s air raids and naval shelling have contributed to rising casualties among civilians, including journalists and children, caught in the firing line.
“Killing by Remote Control”: Medea Benjamin Exposes Drones (tags)
Medea Benjamin, veteran peace activist and author of the new book "Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control," spoke in San Diego October 20 and showed photos of victims of U.S. drone attacks because the mainstream media are deliberately keeping these from the American people. She called on the peace movement to put massive pressure on the Obama administration to stop the drone attacks.
Hurricane Sandy's Austerity Lessons (tags)
While surely unintentional, this natural disaster has afforded those affected by it a small taste of how countless others around the rest of the world live – and many not just during a crisis, but on a regular basis.
Barack Obama must stimulate the economy with state spending. The astonishing example of Europe could convince republicans who in the past blocked everything... The monetary policy of a central bank cannot replace fiscal policy,
Canada Resurrects Vampire—bill C-30 That Will Suck Internet Freedom Dry (tags)
Can Canadians Hold Out Against Their Government's Forceful Efforts to Wiretap Their Lives? The Obama Government also wants the power (without a warrant) to introduce as evidence in U.S. Civil; Criminal and Administrative prosecutions any phone call record, email or Internet activity.
Republican Ideas on Copyright Silenced (tags)
A Republican Congressional committee wrote a paper on copyright that strongly aligned with the anti-SOPA movement, but it was quickly yanked after lobbying from the MPAA and RIAA.
Deconstructing the reality behind The Reality of the "Lesser Evil" (tags)
Which is why core policies of the state do not change by changing the front faces in the White House. Often minor domestic policy changes are put on the table and “then, vigorous debate is encouraged within the limits imposed by unstated doctrinal orthodoxy” just to maintain the facade of democracy and elections being the harbingers of the much needed change.
Targeting Civilians: Israel's Specialty (tags)
Media Cover for Israeli Crimes (tags)
Obama administration grants DACA relief to more than 50,000 undocumented immigrants (tags)
The Obama administration released updated statistics today that indicated that, as of yesterday, 53,273 undocumented youths have received relief under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.
Obama Nudges Syria Toward Regional War (tags)
Humanitarian catastrophes are surprisingly easy to predict. Take Syria for instance. Like Iraq, Syria has a complex mix of ethnicity and religion, with a long history of conflict. Enter the United States, who comes with guns and cash that it doles out to certain ethnic/religious groups, and not to others. The ensuing bloodbath is not a surprise, but a strategic plan to dismember the Syrian government.
Christian Zionists Encourage Military-Industrial Complex Never Ending War (tags)
The Zionists in Israel and the U.S. (Christian Zionists) are encouraging the proliferation of the military-industrial complex with their escalation of religious warfare against the occupied Palestinians. The AIPAC lobby and military weapons contractors give campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans, making both status quo political parties of the U.S. puppets of greedy individuals bent on never ending warfare with soldiers and civilians paying the ultimate price with their lives.
Filipinos slams US over toxic dumping; renews call for abrogation of VFA (tags)
'Not the trash bin of a superpower': Philippine solons, groups denounce U.S. toxic waste dumping in Subic
Obama's Post-Election Militancy (tags)
police state
Bradley Manning Seeks Plea Deal (tags)
police state
Fall 2012 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
The Election Over! Where’s Our Change? Our Demands to the President Obama at the Second Term! In This Issue: 1) CCR Commentary 2) FAMILIA LATINA UNIDA Commentary 3) NILC Commentary 4) Petition to Support Sergio 5) Latino voters in 2012 election 6) New Mexico, Border Election Highlights 7) LA council approves ID cards for city residents 8) Anti-Latino Laws Ignite The South
Israel's Dr. Strangelove (tags)
New York Times Opposes Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)
5% Protest Vote Against Military-Industrial Complex; Gary Johnson 4 Prez! (tags)
Since both Republicans and Democrats are heavily dependent upon lobbyist contributions from the military-industrial complex, our only result on Nov. 7th will be more of the same status quo whether it be Tweedledee Omaba or Tweedledum Romney. Please help break the bipartisan grip on democracy by giving third party Libertarian and anti-war candidate Gary Johnson your vote today!!
Overreach: America's Imperial Waterloo? (tags)
United States Unworthy To Defend (tags)
After two decades of criminal assaults on my person by fbi/cia assassins, here is the culmination of my reports to the global population:
America's Deplorable Human Rights Record (tags)
police state
Book Announcement: Hijacking the Holy Qur'an and Islam (tags)
Why is the Holy Qur'an and Islam so easy to Hijack for "imperial mobilization"?
Not so fast: The contradictions in China’s capitalist rise (tags)
Let’s not hold our breaths just yet — China is not nearly capable today of becoming the new capitalist center. Its military and economy are much too small.
You Will Love Single Payer Health Insurance (tags)
You will fall in love with single Payer health insurance.
Five Easy Post-Election Predictions (No Matter Who Wins) (tags)
It’s true that Barack Obama and Mitt Romney have many political differences. But they also agree on many essential policies; enough to make the next four years easily predictable, no matter who wins.
Marketwatch bravely reposts $43 trillion racketeering lawsuit story after CNBC takes it down
Champion of the Rich and Militarists (tags)
While the foreign-and military policy of President Obama is everything other than worthy of a Nobel Prize for peace, the positions of his challenger lead to total fear and worry. America has a one-party system with two right-wings (Gore Vidal)
Reinvigorated, jump started, reenergized, pumped up and ready to go, just the right amount of boost, we hear them all when it comes to the last stretch of elections. “Getting all tingly and excited for the next four years that I know I will be spending with you.” “The American people will be making the right decision by voting for me.” “Out with the old and in with the new.” “Now's not the time to give in.” Either way both of them seem to agree, “You'll be making the right decision by voting for me this coming election.”
Big Week for Justice Department Vigilantes (tags)
police state
The Demonization of Dissent in the United States (tags)
On Oct. 3rd, 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.
The strength of the democrats is the folly and mean-spiritedness of republicans. Programs to support the economy were rejected every time with the sole goal of bad economic data. Romney/Ryan rely on the short memory of voters who blame only Obama for the faltering economy Obstructionism should be the issue.
Remembering Russell Means (tags)
Direct US/Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)
Free Internet Book: "The World Crisis" (tags)
Once the source of hope, the US is often a source of fear. Closing most of the 700+ bases would be a step from empire to republic. Security is a political and social challenge, not only a military project. Development should be a right, not only a hope and a promise..
Dubious Reports About Fidel Castro's Health (tags)
the way we treat people, should be a clas 1 felony
On Philippine Cybercrime Act of 2012 (tags)
Technological developments, nay, social progress must lead to increased democratization and not to more curtailment of freedoms. The advent of the Internet and related technologies has opened a wide and free access to democratic space wherein ordinary citizens, including the oppressed workers and, in general, the laboring and propertyless masses, could participate in studying and gathering information and discussing social and political issues.
Beyond electronic voting machines - fraud in case management systems of the courts (tags)
The Los Angeles Superior Court implemented in 1985 a fraudulent electronic record system - SUSTAIN - and with it, the Court was transformed into a State Crime Organization.
Climate Change Policy Gap Between USA and Europe Grows, as Norway Sets New Carbon Tax (tags)
Ignored in the Presidential debates -- climate change policies in the USA and Europe are diverting - wildly. Norway just set a new national carbon tax, while the US House of Representatives recently voted to ban CO2 regulations. Like we live on different planets.
Nationalizing banks works for the short term; why not permanently? (tags)
Temporary nationalization of big banks worked in Norway and Sweden. Permanent nationalization would avoid a return to the speculation and destruction of bankers.
Turkey's High Risk Game (tags)
Holy Land Foundation Charity Case Goes to Supreme Court (tags)
police state
What are doing the day before the "election". On Monday, November 5th, members of the Burn the Ballot Caucus of Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS), allied activists and disgruntled voters will burn presidential ballots to draw attention to the fact that there is no democracy in the US and to say we will not, once again, go quietly into the polls!
Venezuelan Electoral Postmortems (tags)
Spring Snails Survival Threatened by SNWA Pipeline (tags)
The spring snails of the Great Basin region are threatened by construction of the SNWA pipeline to Las Vegas. Spring snails are vital as primary consumer herbivores to reduce algae and thereby prevent eutrophication, also being the base of the trophic food web pyramid that supports trout, eagles and humans. Spring snails should be protected under ESA and are more valuable than golf courses and sprawl development north of Las Vegas.
Worrisome Middle East Developments (tags)
Why Chavez Won BIG! A Comparison Between the Presidential Elections in the U.S. and Venezu (tags)
U.S. workers and those who are unemployed are frequently told that the current presidential elections are among the most important in this country’s history. With continuing high unemployment and underemployment, declining wages, and looming massive cuts to social programs that help workers, such as Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, we are at a grave point regarding the direction of this country. However, the policies of both presidential candidates and their parties have perpetuated the devastating effects of the Great Recession for workers. Wall Street, the banks, the corporations, and the wealthy have been the beneficiaries of these policies while the only thing workers have received has been more sacrifices.
Banks, Bankers and Banksters (tags)
An unrestrained speculative capitalism emerged out of investment capitalism. New financing instruments are invented. Risks are trivialized or glossed over to soothe the population. Boundless indebtedness becomes the norm. The new age led to immediate profit eclipsing investment.
Jack Welch, former GE CEO, Imagination At Work (tags)
Thanks to agressive warmongering and inflated government contracts, GE saw great growth and expansion under Mr. Welch's leadership. Today he returns to the limelight to bite the hand that feeds him, as he attacks the accuracy of current employment figures. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics,
No More Israel in 10 Years (tags)
America's Sham Electoral Process (tags)
Neocon Ubeer-Hawks Want War on Iran (tags)
Pressure Builds for Full-Scale War on Syria (tags)
Julian Assange Declared Enemy of the State (tags)
police state
Terry Williams: A Life in the Balance (tags)
police state
Drones: Instruments of State Terror (tags)
Boycott arab american day festival (tags)
Stop complicity in the Syrian genocide
ACLU Sues CIA Over Drone Killings (tags)
Score One for Hedges v. Obama (tags)
police state
Long Knives Target Iran (tags)
Amerika Is Dead, see the evidence
The Ban on Depleted Uranium Weapons (tags)
The International Coalition to Ban Uranium Weapons, Womens International League for Peace and Freedom, and Veterans for Peace work to call for a ban by The United Nations this Fall. To sign the petition go here:
The Risks Of Clearly Defining The Law. (tags)
analysis and implications of Hedges v. Obama et al.
Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)
The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.
Anti-Muslim Hate Film Incites Violence (tags)
San Jose Imam linked to Hezbollah arrested in Mexico (tags)
Rafic Mohammad Labboun Allaboun arrested in Mexico
Listen for Life Musicfest 2012 Peace Day Concerts-Mission Viejo/San Pedro/Hollywood/Hemet (tags)
Listen for Life is honored to bring an impressive roster of world-renowned musicians to four cross-cultural Listen for Life Musicfest 2012 events in Southern California, September 21-29, 2012, to celebrate this year’s International Day of Peace and kick-off a world tour to promote peace around the globe.
State Terror: Official Israeli Policy (tags)
Obama v. Romney on Issues Mattering Most (tags)
US brands Haqqani network as terrorist organization (tags)
Months long heated debate on notorious Haqqani network has almost come to an end with announcement by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham ClintonHillary Rodham Clinton as she said in a statement on Friday that Haqqani network – that is allegedly based in Pakistan – has been branded as a foreign terrorist outfit.
Legitimizing Illegal Spying (tags)
police state
In Service to Power: A First Read of Michelle Obama's Speech (tags)
As the U.S. sinks further and further into economic decline, with 23 million people unemployed or underemployed and one report after another detailing the everyday sense of dread the average working class family faces with a declining standard of living, cuts to education and vital services for those most in need, the tightly controlled spectacle called the Democratic National Convention featured First Lady Michelle Obama on Tuesday, September 4th. The convention appeared little different than parties built on the personality cult of the Great Leader upon whom all aspirations are placed. There was little to distinguish the Democratic National Convention from the gross rubber stamp party congresses of the old Stalinist parties, with functionaries clapping in approval, on cue, for popular consumption.
American films, largely absent in recent years, made a startling comeback to the 69th Venice Film Festival this month with a vivisection of an American society whose moral restraints have become as elastic as a worn rubber band, a malaise which, like American culture, has infected many parts of the world.
Will AB 2530 Unshackle Childbirth in California? -Interviewing Tina Reynolds and Vikki Law (tags)
A bill opposing the shackling of pregnant prisoners, AB 2530, has been passed unanimously by the California State Legislature and is now on Governor Jerry Brown’s desk, with thirty days to either approve or veto it. Last year, a previous version of this bill was also passed unanimously by the Legislature, but it was ultimately vetoed by Brown. With Brown’s decision expected anytime, local activists are urgently mobilizing to stop him from vetoing this important bill once again. AB 2530 supporters have created a webpage for the public (not just California residents) to contact the Governor.
Fars News Agency Interviews Lendman (tags)
And The Workers Suffered (tags)
Politics has become so much a show about the candidates. We love a good show, after all the film industry as we know it and Hollywood were born right here in the good old USA. I'm a huge movie person, and the things that remove us from our everyday struggles for a small time, and don't leave us with life destroying addictions and/ or blow apart our bonds with the people we are closest to, are good things. After all, the people that actually do the work that build the wealth and corporations into what they are deserve it.
The Social State: A Wondrous Promise (tags)
The social state is an instrument of social pacification. It was a reaction to the extreme social and political dislocations. While Europe sank into chaos and fascism, Roosevelt developed the social state in the US that was exported after the war to Western Europe.
Netanyahu: The Mouth that Roars (tags)
CAIR: Record Number of Muslim Delegates at DNC (tags)
CAIR: Record Number of Muslim Delegates at DNC
Labor Radicalism Alive & Well in U.S., Smith Says (tags)
Author and activist Sharon Smith came to San Diego to speak to Occupy San Diego's Labor Solidarity Committee, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) and other community members September 1, but it was her unannounced co-speaker -- a teachers' union activist from Chicago identified only as Becca -- who galvanized the crowd. Smith used the Chicago teachers' union struggle as an example that radical labor activism in the U.S. is alive and well despite decades of repression from the ruling class.
Sucking Up Shamelessly to Israel (tags)
Enter Karl Rove—Need One Say More? (tags)
The hate machine, and lie machine, and the money machine is on full blast with intent to kill any chance liberals have standing—especially Obama. The President had better find a fighter within himself because he is being challenged in a awfully big way. Americans are angry across the divide. “Many” republicans are angry as well. They know that Mitt Romney did not truly win the nomination. Rather they well realize he was foisted on the party by the sophisticated propaganda machine, the mainstream media and people like Karl Rove and billionaire donors like Sheldon Adelson. We Americans need to be reminded, again and again, in loud and bold terms, of Karl Rove’s last protégé. Another disaster in the making, with Rove’s knack for choosing people who don’t understand moral ethics, despite rhetoric to the contrary. “Karl Rove Is Back With HIS New Choice*!*!*” ought be the clarion call for today’s Paul Revere. Which brings us to an important question, if lying to the public like a psychopath, were the criteria to judge those who work in the capital who would be left standing? Certainly not Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?
Assad Resignation first Step to Peace and Democracy in Syria (tags)
Akbayan Party strongly condemns the continued violence and terror perpetrated by Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian government forces against Syrian citizens who have long demanded democracy and freedom from Assad’s authoritarian leadership. The Assad regime’s aggressive crackdown on pro-democracy forces has emboldened elements within the opposition to respond in a similarly destructive manner and has left Syria in a virtual state of civil war.
Israel's Anti-Rachel Corrie Verdict (tags)
Israel's verdict against Rachel Corrie, blaming her for her own death, was paid for with our tax dollars, $6 billion a year, as Israel is just an American military base to protect US oil profits in the Middle East and Israel does not make one move without explicit instructions from the US capitalist class, represented by the US government.
Ryan, Akin: Two More Reasons to Vote for Obama (tags)
On the eve of the Republican National Convention, two stories — Mitt Romney's choice of arch-conservative Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan as his running mate and Missouri Congressmember and Senate candidate Todd Akin's comment that women almost never get pregnant from "legitimate rape" — highlighted the vast differences between the two major parties. No progressive can possibly still believe that it makes no difference whether the Republicans or the Democrats win this year's election in the face of the overwhelming evidence that the Republicans plan (and, if they win, will enact) a sweeping change in U.S. government that will eliminate ALL business regulation, environmental protection and civil rights for women, people of color and Queers.
Cindy Sheehan Speaks at Reception in San Diego (tags)
For four years, from her emergence as an anti-war activist following the death of her son Casey in combat in Iraq, Cindy Sheehan was a hero among liberals and Democrats for her attempts to hold then-President George W. Bush to account for starting the Iraq war and taking her son's life in vain. Then she ran for Congress against Democratic icon Nancy Pelosi and made it clear she held both major parties responsible for the war and the rest of America's ills. Now she's Roseanne Barr's running mate in the Peace and Freedom Party's Presidential campaign, running on a socialist platform that says education, housing and health care are human rights.
Risking Nuclear Armageddon (tags)
The Shortwave Report 8/24/12 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice Of Russia, Spanish National Radio, and NHK Japan.
Gary Johnson vs. Scott Rasmussen: The voters lose (tags)
As we move toward the hype and hoopla of the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte early next month, The American Pundit Writing Assignment for the second half of August focuses on the condition of political reporting in United States:
Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law? --Interview w/ Hamja Ahsan & Aviva Stahl (tags)
An important ruling is expected early in September from the European Court of Human Rights, regarding whether or not US prisons respect human rights enough for the UK to extradite ‘war on terror' suspects to the US. We interview activist/journalist Aviva Stahl from alongside Hamja Ahsan, the brother of Talha Ahsan, one of the appellants that will be seriously affected by the September ruling, imprisoned since 2006.
Lawless National Security Letters (tags)
police state
Going Viral: Moors' Law for Oil says $7 a gallon gasoline in '17 (tags)
Moore's Law for transistor count is ending, but now there's Moors' Law for oil and it says gasoline -- US national average -- will be $7 in 2017 as oil reaches $120 a barrel. The law is named for Kent Moors, a professor Duquesne U. Specifically, the price of oil and the number of cars in China, which drives it, double every 5 years. These murderous prices change everything in society.
AIPAC Wants War on Iran (tags)
Agent Orange: A Deadly Legacy (tags)
Is Western Condemnation of Cultural Destruction Reserved Exclusively for Enemies? (tags)
Djulfa’s destruction, like that of the Bamiyan Buddhas and Timbuktu shrines, merits widespread coverage, unwavering condemnation, and international liability, no matter who the perpetrator is.
Why Asylum For Julian Assange Is Central To Today’s Politics: Torture and the American Ch (tags)
If there were a lightening rod to energize political apathy in this heavily propagandized world democratic right of dissent, such as to challenge corrupt government practice, should be it. But certain U. S. leaders’ apparent intention to incarcerate and punish Julian Assange for leaking U.S. secrets puts our black methods in the limelight. What were his motives and equally what has been the character of U.S. foreign policy? It seems revelations were meant to highlight U.S. corruption as people around the world have come to fear American brutality. Many around the globe know the United States as a rogue bully of an empire that regularly uses intimidation to get its way. It takes a real macho government to push around countries like Ecuador, Sweden and lapdog England. As has been shown over and over the United States does not respect law, legal distinctions or diplomatic norms.
Israelis Against War on Iran (tags)
Another Anti-Iranian Hate Group (tags)
Will 2012 be the Final Election of Lesser Evilism? (tags)
Just when the Obama campaign couldn’t appear any less inspiring, Paul Ryan was put forth as the Republican vice presidential candidate. Suddenly team Obama was supplied with enough political munitions to scare every last American over the possible Ryan destruction of Medicare, Medicaid, cuts to Social Security and the various other evils inherent in his proposed national budget. Consequently, many Liberals and Leftists across the spectrum are now focused on preaching the horrors of a Republican presidential victory and thus the necessity of re-electing Obama.
Unconscionable Media Warmongering (tags)
Full-Scale War in Syria (tags)
Out of the Slump: The Only Road (tags)
A real analysis of the United State’s economic history is rarely discussed by politicians or media alike, since the conclusions that would be inevitably drawn would be out of step with what politicians are currently advocating.
Syria’s “Liberated” Future: Ethnic-Religious Cleansing and Genocide (tags)
A fascinating shift has happened in the U.S. mainstream media: After a year of anti-Syria war propaganda and lies, glimmers of truth are making their way into the public’s view. This may be too little too late: the country is being torn at the seams into the nightmare of ethnic-religious cleansing and massacres.
Jose Maria “Joma” Sison, is a jingoist, pseudo-democrat, pseudo-feminist Stalinist demagog (tags)
Like Stalin, Sison's understanding of Marxism is pseudo-scientific and quasi-religious
Mad Dog Leaders Threaten Humanity (tags)
Inequalities, Taxes, and More Inequalities (tags)
Thanks to Occupy, most working people are well aware of the growing inequalities in wealth. But for those who lack the specifics, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich provides a useful overview: “…the rich have been getting a larger and larger portion of total income. From 9 percent in 1980, the top 1 percent’s take increased to 23.5 percent by 2007. CEOs who in the 1970s took home 40 times the compensation of average workers now rake in 350 times.” (“Confessions of a Class Warrior,” August 22, 2010).
USA: Human Rights Activist Ordered to Six Months of Jail (tags)
The case of Ed Frey is reminiscent of an earlier Santa Cruz case where Sandy Loranger did time in jail for feeding the homeless soup. When the judge offered her counseling instead of jail Sandy Loranger replied, "If feeding my fellow man is a crime, I am beyond rehabilitation."
Illegitimate Sanctions on Iran (tags)
Gore Vidal
Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution (tags)
The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good.
CIA Calls Israel Main US Regional Spy Threat (tags)
Successfully Embracing the Precautionary Principle & Right to Know (tags)
Children spend nearly one-third of their lives at school—what should be a safe space for learning and growing. However, with the best intentions, many school districts use large amounts of chemicals with serious health concerns, instead of opting for lower-risk alternative methods.
Fidel Castro: Absolved by History! (tags)
Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel Castro has been absolved by history, writes Nicolas Mottas on the 59th anniversary of the Moncada barracks attack.
Preventing More Middle East Wars Tops All Priorities (tags)
War Without Mercy in Syria (tags)
“Above the Fray” Like Pontius Pilate, PH President Aquino III washed his hand as the court let former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo filed her bail and was set free from her detention at the Veterans Memorial Hospital. In this scenario, Alliance Philippines (AJLPP), West Coast Coordinator Arturo Garcia... vehemently condemned this latest charade and travesty of justice. Garcia said that:“ The Alliance, the Filipino American community and all freedom loving people of the United States, detest and must expose this newest political “moro-moro “ of the Aquino III.” Garcia elucidated “ Aquino III actions seems to show that he is above the fray but in reality he tolerates and in cahoots with the schemes against the people.
Lawless Domestic Spying (tags)
police state
Solo geniuses who scorn the society that provides the shoulders they sit on (tags)
Without educational institutions, a court system to enforce their interests, police and military to suppress dissent at home and abroad, and “free trade” agreements that promote corporate interests above human rights, billionaires would not be able to become billionaires.
Support shown by UN,US,maybe NZ for ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism (tags)
A new idea, an ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization to replace neoliberalism, gives people a choice.The ethical human rights approach is being supported on the social networking sites by the US government, the UN while the NZ government maybe sympathetic.
Intense Anti-Assad Propaganda (tags)
Climate Change and the Next U.S. Revolution (tags)
The U.S. heat wave is slowly shaking the foundations of American politics. It may take years for the deep rumble to evolve into an above ground, institution-shattering earthquake, but U.S. society has changed for good.
PHILIPPINES: Much has been won; much still to be fought for (tags)
Akbayan on President Aquino’s 3rd State of the Nation Address
Security Council Showdown Afternath (tags)
US retail sales figures slip again, showing decrease for third straight month (tags)
The road to recovery, as they might be saying on the campaign trail, is a hard one and expecting a sudden change in fortunes is fool hardy. Ever since the global financial crash in 2008, governments, political leaders and all sorts of economic and financial wunderkinds have been struggling to recover, the bite being still as wicked as before.
Nothing Civil About Washington's War on Syria (tags)
GLP Mag-Lev Train and Floodwater to Drought Pipeline Alleviates Drought and Flooding (tags)
The Green Liberty Party (GLP) solution to seasonal flooding and drought concerns is to construct a pipeline that can regularly transport large amounts of water from flood prone regions to drought prone regions. This differs from current SNWA plans to drain northern Nevada's aquifers with a pipeline.
Reclaiming America: In Opposition to this State of Police (tags)
The funds do not exist in America to continue to pay for a racist, oppressive police force.
Opponents of Corrupt "Trade" Agreement Stage March, Rally July 7 (tags)
About 200 opponents of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the so-called "trade" agreement that has been negotiated in secret between government and corporate representatives, marched on the Bayfront Hilton Hotel in San Diego July 7 during the most recent round of TPP talks. The march and rally finished a week of events protesting the secret negotiations of a corporate-welfare treaty under the guise of "free trade."
Watching the Jerry Sandusky trial at times reminds me of when I was in college. I was at the University of Connecticut studying landscape architecture and I started experiencing discriminatory harassment. It started with one professor, and so I thought I could just ride it out as it was just comments under his breath from time to time and only when I passed him in the hallway or other times when not many people were within earshot. I just kept on going, but the harassment just kept growing in intensity and frequency.
Scoundrel Media Warmongering (tags)
Why Hillary Rod-Iron Clinton Should Be Retired (tags)
Hillary Clinton seems much a mess. Possessed actually, as her appearance, attitude and demeanor, at times, suggests she is in some movie and her character is veering to evil antagonist or machination machine—militantly bureaucratic and all gang mobsters of huge government might imply. Enough with feminist, protectionism claims she is being judged because she is a woman to different standards. Yes there was a terrible and concerted propaganda war to incite hatred against Bill in any way possible as well as everything Democrats ever stood for (or purported). Yet now she is equally manipulated by forces beyond her ken as psychologically blind invalid—because she has need to lash out at something—something society and powerful special interests will allow her unconscious anger to focus. One doesn’t have to understand the likes of Thomas Scheff’s Emotions and Violence: Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts to realize where she is coming from and likely to go. Deliberate and accidental humiliation does indeed motivate people to engage violence, which seems the very modus operandi of both Israel and the United States in relation to several Muslim groups.
America's Left and Romney's Economic Agenda (tags)
Axel-Fair Schulz is a professor of political science at the State University of New York, Potsdam.
Philippine government a "show-off" (tags)
MANILA, Philippines - The Philippine government’s decision to extend a US$1-billion loan to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to supplement the Fund’s Financial Transaction Plan (FTP) of $456 billion to contain the economic crisis in Europe is an “arrogant pretension of a country very much in debt,” according to the Freedom from Debt Coalition (FDC).
Egyptian President Morsi orders dissolved parliament to resume work (tags)
Egypt’s newly elected President Mohamed Morsi has ordered the country’s dissolved parliament to resume work.
US secretary of state warns Russia, China over Syria (tags)
A meeting about the Syrian crisis attended by representatives of more than 100 countries, including the United States, big European powers and the Arab nations, called in its final statement President Bashar al-Assad to step down as part of a transition in the crisis-torn nation.
Unresolved Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)
Venezuela: Interview with Rafael Uzcátegui (tags)
* Rafael Uzcategui is a member of the group that publishes the anarchist newspaper El Libertario in Caracas (Venezuela). As antimilitarist, he is also a member of the War Resisters’ International and works in a Venezuelan human rights NGO called Provea. He is author of the books “Heart of Ink” and “Venezuela: Revolution as Spectacle” in which he reports the so-called Bolivarian process of Chavez and the true face of his “revolutionary” government. Taking advantage of his conference tour in Germany, we interviewed Rafael for the magazine Gai Dao.
Attacks on critical thinking vs. cheers for scapegoating (tags)
The different responses between Occupy and the “Tea Party” lie in their messages.
RI Regains Mexican Presidency (tags)
Extreme liberal responses to Supreme Court health care ruling increase polarization (tags)
Democrats consider the health care decision by the Supreme Court to be a victory, while Republicans are feeling a loss. As Republicans regroup and plan the next step toward getting the law repealed, Democrats are enjoying their win.
Support Negotiations, Not War on Iran (tags)
There is no basis in law or common sense for the United States to launch a war against Iran. We must all tell elected officials: Not another war! America needs to come home and defend America!
Mexico elects PRI's Enrique Pena Nieto president: What's next for Mexican-US relations? (tags)
With more than 80 percent of the votes counted from Sunday's elections, Mexico's federal election institute put Pena Nieto of the opposition Institutional Revolutionary Party in the lead, winning 37 percent of the country's votes. Leftist candidate Andres Lopez Obrador gained 32 percent of the votes, and ruling party candidate Josefina Vasquez Mota trailed with 25 percent.
Lynne Stewart Loses Appeal (tags)
police state
Yitzhak Shamir's Criminal Legacy (tags)
European, US, and Canadian Government Funding Behind Anti-Israel Activism in Mainline Churches
Community Activist Join Labor Against Phony "Trade" Deal (tags)
Progressive San Diego's official opposition to the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) — a NAFTA-like agreement seeking to subject the U.S. and a wide range of other countries to corporate dictatorship — began July 2 with a rally outside the Bayfront Hilton Hotel, where the TPP's negotiators are meeting. Speakers from labor, environmental, women's and Queer organizations explained what the TPP means to them and why it should be stopped.
Are Republican election predictions honest or flights of fancy? (tags)
Many Conservatives and Republicans, the two are far from being the same thing, have taken the option that the Supreme Court upholding Obama Care will sway the elections on all levels in their direction.
Obama Planning More War (tags)
Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric (tags)
O'BS Insurance Profiteering Health Care Approved (tags)
In a 5 to 4 decision, the US Supreme Court upheld the insurance profiteering scam the Democrats are promoting as healthcare when it has nothing to do with healthcare and everything to do with maximizing insurance industry profits. The vote was Stephen Breyer, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elena Kagan, John Roberts and Sonia Sotomayor for, vs Samuel Alito, Anthony Kennedy, Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas. Yes, we still have to pay $700 a month to Kaiser if we are 60-64 plus $25 to see the doctor and $10 for lab tests. SOCIALIZED MEDICINE IS WHAT WE NEED TO PUT AN END TO ALL THAT GREED.
to all USA citizens & residents (tags)
See my reports on the freefall of USA.
Commemorating Anti-Torture Day (tags)
Groups urge world leaders to reject “Green Economy” in Rio+20 summit (tags)
MANILA, Philippines - Various cause-oriented groups warned the Philippine delegation and world leaders attending the three-day United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil not to fall into the trap of believing that the proposed "Green Economy" is "a tool and mechanism for sustainable development."
Republicrats Campaign About Jobs and Do Nothing About High Unemployment (tags)
Recently, Mitt Romney made a stop on his “Jobs Tour” in upper Bucks County, Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia. His appearance was supposed to be, interestingly, at a local WAWA store (for those out-of-state, WAWA is a convenience store chain) Why is this interesting? Because WAWA, like so many employers these days, is a low wage, no benefit “job creator.”
The Crisis and Beyond: Thinking Outside the Box (tags)
Claude Hillinger is a professor of economics at the University of Munich.
The Movie J. Edgar; Just More Hollywood Lies (tags)
While the movie J. Edgar ignores J. Edgar Hoover’s many successes in silencing American Blacks, leftists, and persecution of homosexuals, it starts out by “justifying” the 1919 Palmer Raids. J. Edgar Hoover’s involvement in the Palmer Raids was at the beginning of his long sordid history of carrying out political repression in the United States. The Palmer Raids, led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer with J. Edgar Hoover on his staff, rounded up leftists including Anarchists, Communists, and Socialists for prison and deportation. Among the many crimes committed by the government, hundreds were deported, including Emma Goldman, a leading anarchist and U.S. citizen who was deported to the USSR, Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs was thrown in prison, and the young communist movement was driven underground.
Occupy the Military Industrial Complex (report back) (tags)
A series of demonstrations drew attention to one of the biggest (and least-discussed) welfare programs: the Military Industrial Complex. Although Boeing was the main target, demonstrations also occurred in front of Northrop Grumman and Raytheon. By late afternoon, there were about 50 participants. That number increased to approximately 75 by early evening. Most response from vehicular traffic seemed positive.
Arrests & Terror at #626Wilshire (tags)
State violence is increasing as Angelenos lay siege to the perfect villain. (Link to full story w/ links & pictures at bottom)
The Unstoppable Dreamers (tags)
"Courage begets more courage. One sacrifice inspires another... instead of deciding it was advantageous to cave to anti-immigrant racists, Obama looked for a way to please a mobilized and dissatisfied Latino base. We have the DREAMers to thank.."
fbi operative admits to cyberstalking (tags)
Journey if you will into the sick criminal minds of fbi/cia homicidal sociopaths & operatives by reading their comments and threats to this Target.For example see comments by assassin J. Robert Upton (the living dead) at the following links:
When two Americans raised their fists in the Black Power salute in 1968 no one paid much attention to the third man. After all he had not raised his own fist though pinned to his chest was a button demanding equal rights for all mankind no matter what their color or creed.
Washington's Imperial Brinksmanship (tags)
Major Support: Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace neoliberalism. (tags)
Embedded tweets show major support for the ethical approach to human rights, development, globalization to replace neoliberalism.
Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)
Stepped Up Russia Bashing (tags)
U.S. Navy $176+ Million Unmanned Drone Crashed in Maryland Swamp (tags)
One would think for $176+ million we could get a drone that would fly without crashing into a Maryland swamp? Amazing how when Republican politicians grouse about the deficit they forget to mention how much those unmanned drones cost and how poorly they function. Then there's that 17% civilian casualites that just keeps pissing off occupied people enough for them to give up their families and their lives to become terrorists. Sounds like a cycle for perpetual warfare at the expense of the U.S. taxpayers for the sole benefit of the military-industrial complex..
Supreme Court Approves Police State Harshness (tags)
Time for Azerbaijan to Cease its Occupation of Territories Belonging to Armenia (tags)
To ensure stability in the region, prevailing arbitration over occupied lands must be implemented.
Non-Intervention: A Foreign Policy for the American Citizen (tags)
The policy of interventionism as practiced by CIA drone attacks with 17% civilian casualites is part of the reason why recruitment for Al Queda and the Taliban is on the increase.
Hillary Clinton Should Share the Blame for Killings of Armenian Soldiers (tags)
Absence of U.S. Warnings Emboldens Assassins Before State Visits.
Murder Inc: Official Obama Policy (tags)
Imagining the Post-Occupy Social Movement (tags)
If one were to honestly assess Occupy's current strengths and weaknesses as a movement, confusion must be the inevitable result.
Internet, Social Media Upcoming Tools in Civil Unrest (tags)
The use of Internet and Social Media will become the important tools in the immediate future to wage political advocacy, militant activism, organizing and mobilizing protest actions that may lead to civil unrest as to initiate social change.
Beyond Corporate Capitalism: Not So Wild a Dream (tags)
"The first step toward public ownership is recognizing that it is not the radical departure most imagine it to be. Two of the most cost-effective health providers in the United States—one a far-reaching insurance system, Medicare; the other a direct hands-on healthcare delivery system, the Veterans Administration—are run by the government.."
Anti-Syrian Propaganda Promotes War (tags)
Piling on Irresponsibly Against Syria (tags)
Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom (tags)
Our enemies are not several hundred thousand miles away. They are right here in front of us - Mike Prysner Right. We need to blame the politicians criminally responsible, that Alex Jones forbids his cult to fairly consider as empowered.
Will Johnson: Occupy Activist Says Movement's Alive & Well (tags)
According to Occupy San Diego activist Will Johnson, the movement is alive and well. It may no longer be running law-defying occupations in prominent public places, but it's still working out ways to challenge the vast and increasing inequality in the distribution of wealth and income in the U.S.
Spratly Islands Dispute: Unity Statement (tags)
The contending states claiming territorial jurisdiction over sections of the ‘Southeast Asian Sea’ are only heightening regional tensions to a frightening degree. In particular, the contentious row between the Philippines and China is being amplified by certain quarters to a near-conflict level for seemingly nationalistic, but in fact chauvinistic reasons. And as the almost daily sounds of fury raise the stakes for the region’s masses of humanity, many more sober voices of concern must now come out to be heard and not be silenced by the saber-rattling of a deluded few.
BTL:Judge's Preliminary Injunction Bars Indefinite Military Detention of U.S. Citizens Und (tags)
Interview with Carl J. Mayer, an attorney who filed a lawsuit on behalf of seven plaintiffs challenging Section 1021 of the NDAA, conducted by Scott Harris
Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)
The Taft-Hartley Act: ‘Neutrality’ as a weapon (tags)
All the new rules put into place by the act were directed against employees, despite the neutral-sounding language.
CIA financed Finnish Socialist (tags)
CIA financed Finnish Socialist between 1945 – 1954 and maybe onwards. IA was not willing to finance Finnish Capitalists 'as they already we on our side' say the document. Finnish geopolitical position creates opportunities for people in politics and working for government not to follow their own legal code as there is no punishment.
Pushing for War on Iran (tags)
Life in Occupied Chicago (tags)
San Diego Marriage Equality Trial Delayed (tags)
A funny thing happened to the six remaining defendants in the Equality Nine case — members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) who were arrested while demonstrating for marriage equality at the San Diego County Clerk’s office August 19, 2010 — on their way to a trial that was supposed to begin April 30. Judge Joan Weber, discovered that prosecutors had systematically excluded Queers from the jury pool, and she threw out the entire jury pool and decided that the case would have to start over September 18.
On the front lines: 'Lawfare' in Probate Court (tags)
“At some future date, historians will look back on this period in the United States as the equivalent of a Dark Ages in terms of political oppression, evidenced in part by corruption of the legal system."
Syria and Iran in Focus (tags)
See the evidence of the emerging fbi as MAFIA in modern times.
US/Israeli Special Relationship (tags)
The Left, Labor and Occupy (tags)
Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.
Waging Total War on Islam (tags)
Brookings: A Reliable Imperial Tool (tags)
Bayan Muna protests against China’s excursions in Scarborough Shoal (tags)
The progressive party-list Bayan Muna is protesting against China’s excursions in Panatag or Scarborough Shoal saying that China should order its vessels to leave the area and stop harassing Filipino fishermen.
Reasons to Oppose the Institution of Marriage (tags)
The recent announcement by President Obama in support of gay marriage leaves many questions unanswered. Why do we need to get permission from a religious authority figure to be with the one(s) we love and care about? Isn't monogamy really for the birds?
Guantanamo Show Trial Begins (tags)
FBI Entrapment Snares More Victims (tags)
police state
USA Laws Butchering Banks and Causing Murder, See San Bruno, See FDIC Act of 1991 (tags)
The USA government has gone into full butcher mode with murders galore in the San Francisco Bay area to vouch for mayhem caused by change in banking laws. A sort of Wal-Mart of Banking Laws in 1999 and 1991 allowing banks such as Wachovia to Be Buthchered.
John Brooks: Occupy Inspires Neophyte to Run for Congress (tags)
John Brooks was a retired agent for the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife until he saw the Occupy San Diego protests on TV and was inspired to run for Congress as an alternative Democrat. Though he ran afoul of the San Diego Democrats for Equality's endorsement process, he's recently been endorsed by Progressive Democrats of America and his real views on Queer rights and women's choice are far more progressive than the Democrats for Equality's questionnaire made them sound.
Hope in Chch rebuild, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential. (tags)
Despite all attempts to crush human potential, the purging of 'tall poppies', social class/socio-economic (wealth) discrimination, suppression of 'bottom-up' development hope still remains with the ethical human rights, development and globalization to replace neo liberalism and massive rebuild following tragic earthquakes.
Global May 11 protest vs 'China encroachment' on Philippine territory (tags)
MANILA, Philippines – Organizers of a multi-country protest against Chinese encroachment on Philippine territory are vowing to gather tens of thousands on May 11 in Manila alone, as they announced a roster of prominent Filipino personalities that they said have already pledged to show up in the rallies.
Afghanistan: Permanent Occupation Planned (tags)
fbi routinely sets up plots & then foils them fo publicity (tags)
Sosbee's Tribute To Our Brothers And Sisters Jailed Anywhere On Earth
Philippine unions support campaign of workers in Hyatt hotels in US (tags)
TRADE unions and other organizations picketed today the Hyatt Hotel and Casino Manila in the Malate area to air their support to the global campaign to boycott the Hyatt chain of hotels prompted by the rampant abuses against the workers in several Hyatt hotels in the US, even as they recall the almost similar plight suffered by the workers in the shuttered Hyatt Regency Manila.
Brain Trust: The Hidden Connection Between Mad Cow Disease and Misdiagnosed Alzheimer’s (tags)
Brain Trust summarizes a possible looming public health emergency in the United States. Health and Agriculture authorities in the United States and in Canada like to play down any suggestion that the food chain is unsafe, particularly when it comes to the dreaded mad cow disease that has killed over 150 people in the UK and Europe. Authorities assure us that there is nothing to worry about over here. Mad cow disease is predominantly a European problem, they say.
Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)
The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.
Hanford CAFO Conditions Creates Mad Cow Prions (tags)
The process in concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) includes feeding rendered cattle and chicken feces to living cattle. By turning cattle into carnivores against their knowledge and free will the CAFOs have opened to doorway to prions that form mad cow (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy). We humans have the Creutzfeldt-Jakob variant of BSE, and interspecies transmission is probable.
President Obama threatens Iran and Syria: "I will always stand with Israel" (tags)
Ever since the 2008 presidential campaign, President Obama has been using the Holocaust to justify his his war threats against Iran and “unshakeable commitment to Israel's security”. Mr Obama's latest Holocaust remembrance speech on April 23rd targeted Syria as well as Iran.
Los Angeles--Today, the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) stands with Armenians across LA and the United States to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. We must speak out and acknowledge the 1.5 million who lost their lives in the genocide in 1915. It is very revolting that until today the Turkish authorities and their allies in the United States refused to recognize and still denies the genocide also known as the “Great Calamity” which became the model of a later Holocaust by Nazi Germany in World War II.
Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander wants term limits for Congress and SCOTUS (tags)
U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says, “It is time to amend the U.S. Constitution with term limits on Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court to end the monopoly the Democrats, Republicans and big corporations have on the political process in Washington DC.”
The California 2012 June Primary Pre-Election Statement by Stewart Alexander (tags)
The California 2012 June Primary pre-election statement by Stewart Alexander is also available on the website of the California Secretary of State.
All Three Holding Hands, Skipping and Dancing (tags)
Politics is such an easy thing to get caught up in. This is especially true when there are issues of such critical importance as we face currently especially with regards to the economy and our military. Right now American politics seem so polarized and in many ways it can be, yet on the larger issues it hasn't been that way at all. The talk has been there, but when actual moves were made regarding the larger issues, the only two parties we have weren't so different at all.
Beating Up on North Korea and Iran (tags)
Akbayan calls on Filipinos to defend sovereignty against US and Chinese interests (tags)
Akbayan Party today called on Filipinos to be vigilant and engaged in defending the country's sovereignty from different foreign interests. The statement was made coinciding with the formal start of the United States' Balikatan military exercises with the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and several allies, and amid the unresolved tension at the Panatag shoal involving the Philippines and China.
On Philippine Foreign Policy (tags)
1) Needed: Firm but Deft Diplomacy, not War Games 2) Akbayan to Chinese government: Defuse standoff, pull vessels out of Scarborough shoal 3) Akbayan condemns North Korea’s planned rocket launch 4) Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) congratulates Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy
Worrisome Security Council Syrian Resolution (tags)
Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan (tags)
I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !
PHILIPPINES: How to Slay the Oil Price Monster (tags)
Leaders are elected in order to take decisive action to solve problems. What is demanded from a leader is–after a careful weighing of costs and benefits–action that cuts the Gordian Knot of a seemingly complex reality.
Open Letter to General Delfin Lorenzana, OVA. (tags)
Dear General, I have been informed by the JFAV in San Francisco the following concerning the WW ll Filipino Vets again today. The Embassy is only supporting appeals that were filed and not all the 24,000 that did not file appeals, after filing claims. I was quite surprised to hear this since the VA and NPRC have made it clear they will not accept any Philippine documents as proof of service and nothing has been reviewed with western leaders as to an agreement for all that have been denied. If it is true I would like to request a SUMMIT of the western states leadership area concerning this decision since all the input appears to have come from DC based sources to develop this policy and no request for input was asked or even put forth to get suggestions from the Filipino-American Veterans of America & Families who are fighting for denied veterans here in this state and California.
70th Bataan Day, A USAFFE Scout Remembers (tags)
he ALLIANCE NEWS reported today, on the 70th year of Bataan Day, that Sergeant Dominador Figuracion, 92, begged off from talking about the Fall of Bataan to the Japanese Imperial Army on April 9, 1942, and how he and some 70,000 Filipino and American soldiers had been forced to march to a concentration camp in Tarlac. Around 7,000 to 10,000 soldiers perished during the Death March. About 26,000 of the 50,000 Filipino prisoners of war at Camp O’Donnell in Tarlac died of dengue, malaria, dysentery or starvation when this was closed in January 1943, according to historical accounts.
JFAV 70th Bataan Day Benefit Dance-Dinner at FACLA, April 9, 2012 (tags)
“Remember Bataan, Honor our Heroes!” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and Seniors for Filipino American Community Empowerment (S4PACE) ,surviving the Filipino veterans especially the defenders of Bataan and their advocates will hold a commemoration of the 70th Bataan Day, on Monday, April 9, 2012 at FACLA Social Hall ,1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 at 5:00 PM. The event dubbed as “ Gabi ng Kasaysayan at Kasiyahan”.—a dinner dance party is a fundraiser of JFAV for its delegation that will lobby at the US Congress from April 16-18, 2012 in Washington DC.
Viktor Bout: Victimized by US Injustice (tags)
Obama's Defense of Strip Searching for Traffic Violations (tags)
The US Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling that guards can strip search and visually inspect the body cavities of people arrested for minor offenses who are admitted into a jail’s general population is based largely on arguments contained in the amicus curiae “friend of the court” brief filed in the case on behalf of the Obama administration.
Bob Brown on Global Democracy and World Parliament (tags)
Bob Brown delivers the 3rd annual Green Oration
April 7: Day of Action Against Human Trafficking (tags)
On April 7, 2012 the Radical Feminists of San Diego will mobilize a direct action in solidarity with 2012’s Sexual Assault Awareness Month (SAAM) campaign on a local, national and global level to demand the abolition of human trafficking, the modern-day form of slavery. The event will start at noon on the southeast corner of 30th Street and El Cajon Boulevard in North Park.
Obama Plans Regime Change in Syria (tags)
Owens Lake Reminders for SNWA Pipeline’s Water Grab from Northern Aquifers (tags)
The recent decision by the NV State Engineer to support the SNWA's proposed pipeline follows the same tactics used by San Fernando Valley developers who removed water from Owens Lake and Valley by using deception and purchasing land and favors from government officials.
California Safe Schools Celebrates Fourteen Years of Protecting Schools & Communities! (tags)
Fragging in Afghanistan? (tags)
Stand Your Ground Laws Legalize Murder (tags)
Solidarity for activist Carlos Montes as he goes to trial TUESDAY (tags)
Picketing will begin tomorrow morning outside Los Angeles County Superior Court as we perepare for the day's injustice. Carlos Montes is on the docket for a charge fabricated on the basis of a 42 year old misdemeanor. This is merely an excuse to disrupt his life by forcing him to go to trial. The lifetime of harassment suffered by Montes is how the United States rewards the struggle for peace and justice. Carlos will have his day in court tomorrow, on trumped up charges, simply because a faction of our Secret Police wants him shut up. Solidarity is mandatory. Show that you're human, love and don't surrender.
Afghanistan Crimes: Absolving Higher-Ups (tags)
Heading for Inevitable Disaster (tags)
Student Activists Receive Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award (tags)
Student Advocates for Higher Education (SAHE) was honored by the San José Peace and Justice Center for the service, activism, tenacity, and courage of its students, and especially of its undocumented members. Representatives Mike Honda and Zoe Lofgren participated in the ceremony held at San José State University.
Perils of Attacking Iran (tags)
The Keynesian past is past: Nostalgia is not the future (tags)
Keynesianism would be much better than austerity, but would do nothing to solve the underlying structural crisis of capitalism.
America and Israel: Modern Day Spartas (tags)
Asking the Wrong Questions About War (tags)
Washington Preparing for More War (tags)
Heading for War on Iran (tags)
A Decade of America Ravaging Afghanistan (tags)
war crimes
The Systemic Causes of the Crisis (tags)
The crisis is 30 years old, not 4 years old. The causes of the crisis can be found in the real goods-producing economy, not in the financial markets. The wildly proliferating financial markets did not drag the industry into crisis but kept alive the industry through credit-financed demand.
Recognition of UAE divorce in the United States (tags)
In 2005, the UAE enacted Federal Law No. 28 to govern matrimonial issues. The provisions of the Law apply to all emirates and cover rules over marriage, divorce, guardianship, maintenance and inheritance. This article addresses recognition by U.S Court of divorce decrees obtained in the UAE.
Targeted Killings: US and Israeli Specialties (tags)
rogue states
New York Times Wages War on Palestine (tags)
Obama Plans More Middle East Wars (tags)
To All Armed Forces of The United States Of America From Geral Sosbee (tags)
Summary of my service to USA and the personal cost to me.
Filipino Women March against US Military Expansion in the Philippines and the Pacific (tags)
On the occasion of the International Women’s Day 2012, we, Filipino women declare in strongest terms possible, our opposition not only to increased presence but to U.S. military presence per se on Philippine soil.
America: Land of the Poor (tags)
class war
NATO Intervening in Syria (tags)
It's not the Federal Reserve, it's the system it serves (tags)
If the Fed were eliminated, the exact same powerful capitalist interests would be continue to bend government policy to their preferred outcome and would continue to exercise the same dominance over government, social institutions and the mass media. The only difference would be that the economy would become more unstable than it already is because there would be less ability on the part of government to dampen excesses. Why would that be good?
Obama's Broken Resolutions and Occupy White House (tags)
Generalized security requires a social net, not lies and trillions to the banks. There has been a 30-year war in which the voice of business became louder. The financial sector must be shriveled. Private losses cannot become public losses. 14 million jobs can be created.
Martial Law State of Emergency (tags)
Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?
Targeting Free Expression (tags)
New York Times Promoting War on Iran (tags)
Marriage Equality Activists Face Trial March 28 (tags)
The Equality 9 — nine members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) who sat in at the San Diego county clerk's office August 19, 2010 to protest the delay in implementing the federal court decision that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional, are facing trial in San Diego County Superior Court March 28. They are asking for people to show up at 8 a.m. for a pre-trial march and rally and to contact San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith to urge him to drop the charges.
Where's OUR Religious Liberty? (tags)
The recent controversy over whether institutions owned by the Roman Catholic Church should be required to include birth control coverage in the health insurance they offer employees, the attempt in Virginia to require women seeking abortions to submit to medical rape, and the radical Right's reaction to the 9th Circuit appeals court ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional raises the question: why does it seem as if only bigoted Right-wing churches have "religious liberty" in this country? Why are America's officially tolerated spiritual belief systems seemingly limited to those of the Roman Catholics, Mormons and Southern Baptist Convention?
Socialists protest exclusion from California primary (tags)
When California Secretary of State Debra Bowen released the names of presidential candidates to be listed on the ballot for the June 5 state primary, she omitted two of four candidates submitted by the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) electoral coalition: Stephen Durham of the Freedom Socialist Party (FSP) and Peta Lindsay of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL).
NEXT: U.S. Deem 1st Amendment Activities—SUPPORT Terrorism, Hostilities, Belligerents? (tags)
Any Violent-Occupation or Protest even if caused by agent provocateurs, potentially can play into the hands of individuals, law enforcement and corporations that may want America turned into a Police State: Almost any criminal or physical act can be used by U.S. Government or Police to charge a person or group with advocating, supporting or committing terrorism.
Brutal Bahraini State Terror (tags)
What the Azeris Don't Want to Admit about Khojalu (tags)
Deconstructing the Azeri Propaganda War Against the Indigenous Armenian Republic of Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabagh)
Irresponsible Anti-Iranian Fear-Mongering (tags)
no one among you may were a crown (tags)
a govenor who thinks he is a king
PLM Statement on increased US military presence in the Philippines (tags)
PLM Calls for an Independent Foreign Policy and a Non-Aligned ASEAN
Aafia Siddiqui's Struggle for Justice (tags)
police state
Eye in the Sky Spying on Americans (tags)
police state
Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad (tags)
Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.
In new window Print all Turkish daily: Turkey’s plan to finish off Assad (tags)
Launched in late May 2011, Turkey’s policy of naked aggression against its neighbour Syria reaches a new height after the veto of the UN Security Council resolution on Syria.
Wall Street Excess and Main Street Distress: the Apple Connection (tags)
Apple’s march to market supremacy has been accomplished at tremendous cost to both American and Chinese workers
Republican presidential candidate and Texan congressman Ron Paul showed his support for HR 210 and Pilipino veterans last week with a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. HR 210, also known as the Filipino Veterans Fairness Act of 2011, was introduced by Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA) in January of last year as a way to provide equal benefits to Philippine soldiers that fought alongside the United States during World War II. Though the bill has 87 co-sponsors, both the House of Representatives and the Senate have yet to make any votes to pass or veto the proposal.
February 8, 2012 California Secretary of State Debra Bowen has given no explanation to the party's state chair for omitting two of the four presidential candidates in the Peace and Freedom Party from the primary ballot. Peace and Freedom Party State Chair C.T. Weber of Sacramento calls the omission "unlawful," and the omitted candidates are protesting the decision.
Targeting Syria and Iran (tags)
Iran: A Manufactured Threat (tags)
Israeli Political Prisoner Khader Adnan Near Death (tags)
ALLIANCE PHILIPPINES MARKS 113th Year Start of Filipino- American War (tags)
The Alliance Philippines marks 113 years ago, on February 4, 1899, the Philippine-American War (1899-1914) broke –out. Today we gather in protest and militant solidarity in almost 60 cities and several cities all over the world to condemn the US threat of war against Iran. The Filipino-American War begun by a United States sentry who shoots and kills a Filipino soldier making an attempt to cross the bridge in Sta. Mesa, Manila on February 4, 1899. This war deliberately provoked and started to legitimize America's colonial design to acquire Spanish colonies, the Philippines, Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Pacific and Atlantic oceans at the turn of the century. This is the same way that the US is going to provoke a war in Iran. The same way it use the sinking of the Maine in 1898, the Luisitania in 1916, the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, the Tonkin Gulf Crisis in the 60's and the 9/11 incident to attack Afghanistan and Iraq.
America's Racist Drug Laws (tags)
Repeal NAFTA to Restore Mexico's Economic Stability (tags)
The economic crisis in Mexico was worsened by the passage of NAFTA free trade agreement. Currently the neoliberal and neoconservative status quo politicians have appeared unable to try to repeal NAFTA, as if the document were written in stone and handed to William "Moses" Clinton by none other than God. Reality is that NAFTA was crafted by some very deceptive human beings who placed the interest of profits for corporations above the well being of the people of the U.S. and Mexico.
Several Reasons to Oppose Obama's Use of CIA Drone Strikes (tags)
Despite promises of "change" from the GW Bush regime foreign policy of interventionism, President Obama has chosen to follow the path of his predecessor GW by continuing the use of CIA drones to attack terrorist and "accidental" civilian targets. By killing innocent civilians along with their targets, CIA drones increase anger and thus aid in recruitment to terrorist organizations ("blowback"), thereby making more enemies and justification of an expensive military strategy that only benefits military weapons contractors.
What's Left for the Left? Building a Blue-Green Coalition (tags)
To build a strong electoral base for the Left, Green Party activists can build coalitions to pass ranked choice voting in cities throughout LA County, elect Greens to every non-partisan office - from neighborhood council to union leadership - and strategically support anti-war progressive Democrats running for state and federal office. From the ground up, we must build a diverse Green Party to protect our planet beyond the age of empire.
Russia and China Veto Syria Resolution (tags)
On The New Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Party (RT-SP) (tags)
The following statement of purpose was approved by the now forming Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Party (RT-SP) Jan. 7, 2012.
No to US and Chinese expansionism (tags)
PHILIPPINES: Akbayan Party condemns plans for increased United States military presence in the country amid burgeoning Chinese military expansionism. We believe these acts by the two superpowers will inevitably destabilize the West Philippine Sea and Southeast Asian region.
Former US Policymakers Promote War on Iran (tags)
Gains for Healthcare, Despite Obama (tags)
The movement for single-payer achieved its first major victory in the United States in 2011 when the Governor of Vermont signed a single-payer bill into law. Under rules of the Obama-care bill, however, Vermont will not be able to enact the legislation until 2017, but Vermont is seeking waivers to enact the bill in 2014. Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer is also asking for a waiver from the federal government to set-up single payer health care in Montana.
The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: Alternative Movie Review (tags)
Predictable lamestream media reviewers had little to say about how The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo is rife with current political, sociological, technological and religious implications. The movie is about a 24-year-old, gothic-punk-looking, cyberspace hacker, with an issue with men who have histories or sexual or violent predation. She is on a mission to right the world of a few rapists and killers. This is not a standard movie review. Plenty reviews already exist on the Internet for you to get the gist of the story and its characters. This critique is strictly in regards to the movie and is more about interesting political and social commentary in relation to the movie and some of its reviews.
U.S. Election 2012- Alexander: U.S.-Israel Should End Threats Against Iran (tags)
U.S. presidential candidate Stewart Alexander is calling on the Obama administration to seek peace in the Middle East and to allow the international community time to examine Iran’s nuclear program to determine the scope and dimension of the program.
The core of all western-individualist ideas of justice is the principle of personal responsibility. Everyone is responsible for the consequences of his/her actions. This motivates as well as disciplines. "We punish the virtuous and reward the squanderers."
Targeting Iranian Nationals (tags)
police state
Gay Refugees in the U.S.: Becley Aigbuza risk deportation (tags)
Becley Aigbuza, a young Nigerian homosexual who lives in San Diego, risks being deported back to his homeland where he was raped and tortured. EveryOne Group is appealing to the President of the United States, Barack Obama, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the Governor of California, Edmund Brown Jr.
'No Public Option! No Public Option!' (tags)
They don't fight for our rights to be measured fairly in defense - is what it is, to deny the evidence of war crimes to speak as ourselves falling further plundered
Narcissist Females Use False Allegations for Power (tags)
Females with narcissistic personality disorder often make false allegations of rape against men that do not submit to their control. False allegations of rape are counterproductive and injurious to women who experienced rape in reality. Not to mention the effect on innocent men who could face real rape in prison.
World Week for the Abolition of Meat: 23-30 January 2012 (tags)
The next WWAM will take place from 23 to 30 January 2012 and coincides with the World Day for the Abolition of Meat on 28 January 2012.
Whatever we think of the Democratic Party, like it or not, in the current political emergency, we are going to HAVE to align with them and vote for every Democrat on the ballot over every Republican — not because the Democrats are that progressive but because the Republicans plan a sweeping Right-wing revolution comparable to the changes Germany went through when Hitler took power in 1933, and the Democratic Party is one essential vehicle we will need to use to stop them.
“The Hard Edge” Comes to San Diego Jan. 26-29 (tags)
The Hard Edge, the four-day series of Leather events and workshops sponsored by Ms. San Diego Leather 2009 Christi Campbell, will take place Thursday, January 26 through Sunday, January 29. Online registrations will be open until Wednesday, January 25 at Registrations can also be made in person at Pleasures & Treasures adult store, 2525 University Avenue in North Park, and at the opening event: an introduction and reception for the presenters Thursday, January 26, 7 to 9 p.m. at 428 Fourth Avenue, suite C, downtown San Diego. Locations for the other events will be given out only after people register.
Postponing Joint US/Israeli Exercises (tags)
SOPA Censorship Bill Creates Corporatist Media Monopoly (tags)
The SOPA and PIPA Bills are attempts by the corporatists to control the dialogue under the guise of stopping "piracy". On the one hand the proponents of SOPA claim the need for jobs and then pass a law that will silence free exchange of ideas that can lead to independent innovations. However, passing SOPA will place a gag order on free speech activists and only allow government approved corporatist propaganda to get time over the internet. VOTE NO ON SOPA!!
Dancing the Apocalypso with the Microbial Gestapo (tags)
The Biological Weapons Convention meets in Geneva amidst allegations that the US has violated the treaty
The Laffer Curve
Students of the World UNITE (tags)
Stewart Alexander of California and Alex Mendoza of Texas have been nominated by the Socialist Party USA to run for the President and Vice President of the United States in 2012; the campaign wants to engage students and allow them participate in the current political landscape and the upcoming presidential election, even though they may not be old enough to vote.
Criminalizing Dissent in America (tags)
Planned Regime Change in Iran and Syria (tags)
Waging Covert War on Iran (tags)
GE and the rest of us
William Singletary, 65, Courageous Witness of Mumia's Innocence (tags)
"I learned from William Singletary's wife, Jeannette, that he died this morning. Bill was a courageous man who lived fighting to make the truth known that Mumia is innocent in the shooting death of police officer Daniel Faulkner. For that Bill suffered severe personal and financial consequences. I've known Bill since June 1990 when he came forward with his eyewitness testimony for Mumia and as a witness at the PCRA hearing in 1995, when I was co-counsel for Mumia." -Rachel Wolkenstein
Unaccountable: Private Military Contractor Abuses (tags)
On the New Revolutionary Tendency of the Socialist Party (RT-SP) (tags)
As the current crisis of capitalism threatens the break-down all that is left that is civil in our society, the Democrats charge ahead with the Republicans in making sure it is the poor, the working class, and the planet, who pay for the crisis of capitalism, not capitalist profits. The alternative to socialist revolution becomes increasingly clear as capitalist society becomes less and less able to take care of its people; climate change caused by capitalist greed becomes an increasing threat to the future of human civilization; the capitalist state becomes increasingly repressive; and the leading capitalist countries plunge the world into war after war of imperialist domination and conquest. As the great German revolutionary Rosa Luxemburg said in 1918, the alternatives are socialism or barbarism.
Freedom: An Endangered Species in America (tags)
Obama's New Military Strategy (tags)
Tribe Thanks Secretary Salazar For Righting Wrongs Of The Past (tags)
The Kawaiisu Tribe of Tejon thanks Secretary Ken Salazar for “Reaffirming” the Tribe to the list of Federally Recognized Tribes in the United States. “Reaffirming of Recognition,” means that Congress and the President of the United States recognize the Tribe through the Treaty, because the Treaty represents prior Federal Recognition. The United States now is back in compliance with the Treaty, except for the Tejon Reservation and Graves issues.
Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers (tags)
Top Republican presidential contender U.S. Rep. Ron Paul has been endorsed by former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden Unit” Michael Scheuer, reports Revolution PAC. In his endorsement, Scheuer backs Paul’s longstanding non-interventionist foreign policy views and warns of bankruptcy and increased hostility toward Americans both at home and abroad should current bipartisan foreign adventurism continue.
Ron Paul's Anti-Progressive Agenda (tags)
Banking Warfare, Gas Explosion San Bruno, FDIC bank examiner Injected causes brain Stroke (tags)
The gas pipeline explosion in San Bruno in 2010 was likely deliberately set to explode and killed many. I smelled the gas on Interstate 280 and did not report it because I have been tortured and caused to have a brain stroke due to forced injections by federal and state officials.
Time Protestor Person of the Year (tags)
Even if editorial staff at Time magazine dubbed “the Protestor” as this year’s “Person-of-the-Year” doesn’t necessarily mean people at the Time, or it’s backstage managers, has garnered much appreciation or respect for “personhood” of the average outspoken dissenter. Likely they surveyed the landscape and realized the inevitable conclusion—2011 has had a lot of ubiquitous protestation around the world. So then an inevitable conclusion became refreshingly obvious—popular dissent is here all over as many status quos are being challenged.
Escalating Anti-Iranian Tensions (tags)
Smear Attacks Have No Effect, Ron Paul Still On Course To Win Iowa (tags)
Despite a barrage of smear attacks from every single corner of the mainstream media over the last two weeks, Ron Paul’s chances of winning the Iowa Republican Primary have if anything increased, with a new poll showing Paul increasing his lead over Mitt Romney while the New York Times’ primary projection shows Paul’s chances of winning at 60% compared with Romney at 31%.
Occupy Riverside Challenges Indefinite Military Detention (tags)
Friday, December 23, 2011
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Occupy Riverside demonstrated at the offices of Ken Calvert and Barbara Boxer to protest their support of the latest effort to codify the police state.
Russian v. US Elections (tags)
Spoiling for a Fight with Syria and Iran (tags)
Election 2012- Former Green Governor Candidate Endorses Stewart Alexander for President (tags)
Deacon Alexander has agreed to assist Alexander’s presidential campaign in Los Angeles and throughout California. Alexander’s campaign is presently seeking volunteers who are ready to help build a left progressive movement for working people. Stewart Alexander says, “I am glad to have the ‘Deacon’ on board.”
Medicare Privatization Plans (tags)
Donate to Sagip Tulong-Pilipinas (tags)
Daig ng maagap ang masipag" Time and time again, the Philippine government has failed in protecting the people from natural and man-made disasters. Instead, the government succeeded in prolonging the agony of the people for failing to deliver basic services to the people who are victims of natural disasters. Thus ,the People's CORE , a 501 (C) 3 organization in Southern California announced that it is relaunching Sagip-Tulong Pilipinas (STP) and is accepting now, cash or check only donations for Sagip- Tulong Pilipinas (STP)-Emergency Relief to Mindanao flood victims. Please send checks or cash: to People’s CORE, 1610 Beverly Blvd. Suite No. 2, Los Angeles, CA 90026. Please also write in the memo: STP-Mindanao 2011. Sagip -Tulong Pilipinas (STP), 2011
An urgent call to all: Be generous this Christmas season, donate/give to STP Relief Drive for Mindanao 2011 and help the victims of the Mindanao flood victims, 2011. The ECPP NEWS reported today that the People's CORE , a 501 (C) 3 organization in Southern California announced Sagip-Tulong Pilipinas (STP) and is accepting now, cash or check only donations for Sagip- Tulong Pilipinas (STP)-Emergency Relief to Mindanao flood victims. Please send checks or cash: to People’s CORE, 1610 Beverly Blvd. Suite No. 2, Los Angeles, CA 90026. Pleasealso write in the memo: STP-Mindanao 2011.
Political Washington Abolishes Due Process Protections (tags)
Labor Candidate Stewart Alexander Calls for a Basic Income Guaranteed (tags)
Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says, “Wall Street has a basic income guaranteed; it is called, too big to fail. The time has now come to introduce a basic income guarantee that will help meet the basic needs of the unemployed, the poor, the elderly, college students, the homeless, the basic needs of veterans, single parents, and the disabled.”
Banker Occupation and Europain (tags)
class war
Obama Approves Draconian Police State Law (tags)
police state
Illegal FBI Spying on Community Groups (tags)
police state
Legislating Tyranny in America (tags)
America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy. Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.
Filipino Militant groups commemorate Bonifacio Day with mass protest (tags)
MANILA, Philippines—Various militant groups from the labor sector commemorated the 148th birth anniversary of Philippine national hero and revolutionary Andres Bonifacio Wednesday with mass protest action at the historic Don Chino Roces (formerly Mendiola) Bridge.
WE ALL KNOW, these demons represent less than one tenth of one percent as hijackers of good will, who only survive in our living spaces through censorship on the banksters and war criminals suckering American teens for death in stolen profit.
The Crisis, Trust and Homeowners (tags)
Capitalism cannot function any more without credit-financed debt on account of its increasing productivity. The recession will come because the indebtedness-dynamic can hardly be maintained with which the capitalist zombie-economy is kept alive in its pseudo-life.
Pulongbayan with Amb. Cusia in LA: Cusia Brags About US-RP Military Support vs China (tags)
Saying he was received with warmth in Los Angeles by the Filipino American community from the cold spell in the East Coast, Ambassador Jose L. Cusia Jr. regaled the capacity crowd with facts and figures on Filipino-American relations. The EPCC NEWS reported today that the newly designated Philippine Ambassador to the United States, Cusia held a Pulongbayan at the Rizal Hall of the Philippine Consulate General at 3600 Wilshire Blvd in Los Angeles last Friday Night, December 2, 2010 He was on his way to the 10th NAFFAA Regional Conference in San Diego on December 3, 2011 as a guest speaker.
America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy. Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.
CELAC: A Washington-Controlled OAS Alternative (tags)
Latin America
Occupation, Liberation, and Overcoming Contradictions Among the 99% (tags)
Which way forward for the Occupy movement and ideas on how to get there by embracing decolonization.
NEWS ADVISORY: Green Party presidential candidate forum, Saturday, December 3rd, LA (tags)
100 Mayors Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)
20% of the earth's people are using up 80% of the earth's resources. Time for resource-sparing lifestyles and work sharing! Will the US make the transition from empire to republic and from excess to access? Like capitalism, the Keystone XL pipeline is full of contradictions.
Indefinite Domestic Military Detentions (tags)
police state
Greg Palast Presents "Vultures’ Picnic" in San Diego (tags)
Though Greg Palast presented the manuscript of his book "Vultures' Picnic" to his publisher well before the Occupy movement started, when he spoke in San Diego November 15 to promote the book he made the line, "This is why we occupy," the refrain of his speech. Palast framed his tales of corporate greed and government enabling into a brief of support for the Occupy movement and its challenge to the "1 percent."
Urgent Call To Save the Occupation: Stay Up All Night (tags)
Occupiers call for all-night block party and vigil tonight to save the Occupation
Most Taliban bombs are just ammonium nitrate fertilizer (tags)
According to this Washington Post article most of the bombs the Taliban use against the Americans are simple bombs made out of nothing more then ammonium nitrate fertilizer which is set off with a blasting cap made out of a acid filled pen or glass tube.
Coming: Big Austerity Cuts (tags)
class war
FBI wants to send 500 agents to London Olympics (tags)
FBI wants to police London, England 2012 Olympics. I suspect this is a lame excuse to send 500 FBI agents on a taxpayer financed vacation to London
Some Critical Notes on the Nov. 2 Oakland General Strike (tags)
Remember, remember,the second of Novemeber -- and what can be imporved on next time...
class war
Election 2012: Alexander-Mendoza Campaign Calls for Lifting Sanctions on Iran (tags)
“The sanctions don’t hurt the Iranian government, they strengthen it,” explains Stewart Alexander, “They hurt the working people of Iran.”
Human Rights and Racial Justice (tags)
Human Rights are attained and maintained through struggle, organized movement building
Sexual Rights and Gender Justice On Tap for National Human Rights Conference (tags)
Human Rights Group Affirms Sexual Rights Are Human Rights
America's Media War on Syria (tags)
Deepening Debt Contagion (tags)
Election 2012- Stewart Alexander Calls for an End to Attacks on Occupy Movement (tags)
Presidential Candidate Alexander says “Remember well who is behind these assaults on you; these are the men and women who are bought and sold like commodities by corporations. These are not just Republican officials, but also the Democratic Party that are assaulting your rights to free speech. Your calls for social and economic justice do not sit well with their owners. When the Democrats try to sweet talk you into believing they support the 99%: forget their words and remember their actions.”
America's Unequal Heritage (tags)
Though a lot of the Tea Party's pretensions to be representing the original intent of the authors of the U.S. Constitution are wrong and even silly, there's one issue on which the Tea Party is right. The authors of the U.S. Constitution really did intend this country to be a limited republic, governed by an elite representing the large landowners who were the 1 percent of their day. The Constitution's principal author, James Madison, called "an equal division of property" one of the "improper or wicked projects" the Constitution was designed to prevent.
Nico D'Amico-Barbour: Canvass for a Cause Organizer on Marriage Equality, Occupation-print (tags)
Nico D'Amico Barbour, regional director of Canvass for a Cause -- an organization founded in San Diego two years ago to advocate for marriage equality which has since expanded to Los Angeles -- shows an entrepreneurial spirit and an almost born-again commitment to activism that's more commonly associated with the Right than the Left these days.
Arab League Pro-Western Despots (tags)
America's New World Order Agenda (tags)
`Ethical' strategy, failed on Keystone, say observers (tags)
The stunning Obama administration decision to put the brakes on a major pipeline expansion project linking Canadian oil to Texas refineries suggests the federal government needs to revisit its multimillion-dollar lobbying and marketing strategy...
Rally to Protect Free Speech from Police Brutality (tags)
Friday, November 11, 2011
RIVERSIDE, (CA) - In response to Sunday's police raid on the peaceful anti-Wall Street encampment at the downtown arts walk, Occupy Riverside marched on the police station and rallied there. In recognition of Veteran's Day and the significant contributions of veterans to the Occupy Movement and all social justice movements, we took a moment to honor the veterans in our movement and all veterans of the class war.
For a Human Revolution - MDS Statement on the Occupy Movement (tags)
Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) issues statement of solidarity. Suggests demands that draw on the past, while looking to the future.
Seven Billion ... And Rising (tags)
The world’s population surpassed 7 billion on October 31. But except for perhaps the anti-family planning lobby, this was a milestone that few were in a mood to celebrate.
Spoiling for Another Fight? (tags)
Oakland General Strike a Success, but Cops Seriously Injure another Vet (tags)
With over 50,000 people protesting in the street in three major protests through the course of the day, massive labor participation, and a shut down of the Port of Oakland, there is no question that the general strike was a success. Yet the corporate media is now blowing up the importance of a few acts of vandalism by protesters and agent provocateurs.
U.S Election 2012: Alexander and Mendoza Gives Perspective on US Jobs Situation (tags)
“We aren’t making economic progress,” says Stewart Alexander, Presidential Candidate for the Socialist Party USA, “we are simply going through a long term process of replacing poorly paying jobs with even worse jobs while corporate profits soar. The only ‘change’ Obama has given us jingles in our pockets.”
National Public Radio's War on Free Speech (tags)
Please Sign the petition to amend the Constitution for revoking corporate personhood at:
The Cycle of fear is my second article on hate and fear
Obama's Legacy of Shame (tags)
class war
Big Banksters on Wall St. Finance Military-Industrial Complex (tags)
Big corporate banks on Wall St. not only benefitted from the "too big to fail" bailouts handed to them by BOTH Bush AND Obama (how's that for change?), these banks also benefit from the multiple wars of imperial expansion the U.S. has waged in the recent decades.
Trio of Performing Artists Follow Lead of America’s Greats - (tags)
Three musical groups produce songs to help in the funding of the search for a missing college student, Lauren Spierer.
Critical thinking and cultural shock have the power to turn the world upside down (like Jesus' parables and zen koans). Trivializing structural/systemic economic problems as motivational, psychological, bumps in the road or industrial accidents is a perversion.
Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)
Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.
Presidential Candidate Alexander Wants Unemployment Benefits Extended Indefinitely (tags)
If elected president in 2012, Alexander says his administration will support the provisions of a livable guaranteed annual income. A Guaranteed Livable Income would be an unconditional and universal income administered by the federal government and granted to individuals to ensure that no person’s income falls below what is necessary for health, life and dignity.
Jan Perry's Attempt to Remove Green Space Requirement Gains Steam (tags)
After 90+ minutes of open discussion, City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee unanimously approved Councilwoman Jan Perry's proposal and made the announcement quickly and quietly. Perry was not present herself but filled the room with residents of the low-income housing project Pueblo Del Rio (who were bused in and treated to a free lunch) and employees of PIMA, the company which hopes to develop the entire property. The measure will now be reintroduced to the full City Council, probably in mid-November. The South Central Farm is calling on Angelinos to contact their City Council members (contact info. at the bottom of this article).
November 2011 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)
Occupy the Wall Street Occupy the ICE!! Many activist across the county are occupying their community to protest again the greedy top 1% and the corrupted U.S. government policies, immigrant rights activist should also joining this powerful movement to occupy their local Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) office to protest against their racist anti-immigrant policies!
Democracy Now! Co-Host Gonzalez Speaks in San Diego (tags)
"Democracy Now!" co-host Juan Gonzalez spoke in San Diego October 24 as part of a whirlwind tour in support of his new book, "News for All the People: The Epic Story of Race and the American Media." He made two main points in his talk: that there are three "strains" of American media — the corporate mainstream, the white alternative or "rebel" press, and media owned and controlled by people of color; and that since the 1840's the U.S. government has regulated every technological change in the media in a way that favors the interests of giant corporations over ordinary people.
Occupy Reality: It’s The Corruption Stupid (tags)
This level of community angst (there were a lot of people marching and a lot of occupied cities) is not so much about capitalism as a form of economic viability as it is about how criminality infiltrates capitalistic tendencies. There is probably “no” country more corrupt that our current empire here in the United States. That is the main issue. Not just corporate greed but its caustic effects in bribing Congress, the news media, the Executive branch of government, and the alienation of the majority of other countries against our lies, deceit, our government corrupting other peoples, the wars, and the torture, etc.
Libya: Another Lost NATO War (tags)
SCF to Occupy LA City Hall (tags)
Farmers Join with Central–Alameda Residents and OccupyLA To Halt Sale of Last Piece of Urban Farm
Marriage Equality Protesters Have Day in Court Oct. 17 (tags)
The "Equality Nine," marriage equality protesters who were arrested in August 2010 for staging a sit-in at the San Diego County Clerk's office to protest the continuing denial of marriage licenses to same-sex couples, were back in court October 17. The city attorney, who has refused to drop the charges, has offered them a plea deal, but so far all but two have refused to take it.
Doubts About Gaddafi's Reported Assassination (tags)
Major Media Liars Never Quit (tags)
Islamic Yemeni Divorce in USA (tags)
Many Yemeni Muslim men with U.S. citizenship travel to Yemen in order to obtain a fast track ?triple talaq? divorce according to the Personal Status Law of Yemen. They then return to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Islamic Yemeni divorce in the U.S. But can such an ex parte divorce be recognized and enforced?
Pushing the Envelope for Confrontation with Iran (tags)
Six Proposals for Helping the 99% (tags)
Solidarity, social justice and sharing open doors while tax cuts for the super-rich only lead to exploding inequality. double standards and cynicism. Access could replace excess. The empire could be superseded by the republic.
Iran Falsely Charged with Fake Terror Plot (tags)
The crisis is 30 years old, not three years old. The causes of the crisis should be tracked down in the real goods-producing economy, not in the financial markets. The financial markets were keep alive up to the collapse of the speculative bubble by credit-financed demand.
Social Justice Occupations Head Everywhere (tags)
social justice
OCCUPY Protesters Unfocused? My Ass! (tags)
The OCCUPY protesters are expressing an emotional response, an appropriate emotional response. Their detractors who would paint them as bongo playing, naked hippies don't have much political memory.
15 Years of Giving Voice to Women and Transgender Prisoners in California (tags)
An interview with Diana Block, Pam Faden, and Dierdre Wilson --three members of the California Coalition for Women Prisoners, which is celebrating its 15th year with an event in SF on Friday Oct. 14.
Response 2 SNWA; NO Water Theft 4 Developers! (Part 2) (tags)
part 2
Response 2 SNWA; NO Water Theft 4 Developers! (tags)
This report is one of many public comments given throughout several locations in Nevada in opposition to the proposed SNWA 300 mile pipeline from the Snake and Spring Valley aquifer system to provide water for developers like Harvey Whittemore (Coyote Springs, U.S. 93 & NV 189), KB Homes and other developers interested in furthering the suburban sprawl outside of Las Vegas despite many homes remaining unoccupied and in foreclosure. The developers revealed their true motives as the only comments in favor of the SNWA pipeline were from homebuilders associations and other construction related industries.
The Shortwave Report 10/07 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Deal with disasters, not blame the masses (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States wrote to your newspaper to vehemently condemn the criminal neglect and the breast thumping of the Aquino III?s NDRRMC , the agency and its head, Benito Ramos. The NDRRMC is the agency who is task to mitigate disasters and warn the people of the impending disasters and conduct relief work such as the fury of the Thypoon Pedring and Quiel that hit the Philippines and devastated most of Northern and Central Luzon. Very poor Response And yet with no less than President Benigno C. Aquino in attendance during their televised briefing, there was nothing new on the typhoons and floodings that hit the country recently. Pedring has passed and another storm came in and had passed but still the waters released by the dams still has flooded the whole Metro Manila and Central Luzon.
Brief Anaylsis Of LA and Seattle Occupations (tags)
Philippine Airline workers intensify protest actions (tags)
The Philippine Airlines Employees? Association (PALEA) today asserted that Philippine Airlines (PAL) President Jaime Bautista?s announcement that they no longer acknowledge Gerry Rivera and Bong Palad as union officers exposes union busting as the real aim of outsourcing. ?Truly a fish is caught by its mouth. Actually PAL is not just recognizing me and Palad as union officers but 62% of PALEA?s leadership and 70% of its membership who have been illegally lockout and terminated. Outsourcing thus is tantamount to union busting,? stated Gerry Rivera, PALEA president and vice chair of Partido ng Manggagawa (PM - Labor Party).
Police State Justice Under Obama (tags)
police state
Islamic Jordanian Divorce in USA (tags)
Muslim men from Jordanian background may choose to go to their homeland in order to obtain Islamic divorce decree from the religious courts in that country. Can such a decree be recognized in the United States?
fbi & courts torture, mame or kill wrongly accused (tags)
An emerging evil now threatens people around the globe, especially in the United States of America. Fraudulently obtained court ordered commitment and psychoactive medications are being forced on our fellow citizens who are innocent , or who do not merit the kind of gross abuse put upon them by the fbi and other agencies.
Palestinian UN Membership Roulette (tags)
fbi and courts torture,maim or kill wrongly accused (tags)
See my updated report on how the fbi (et. al.)work with the courts to circumvent all human, civil and constitutional rights of the accused in efforts to destroy him/her.
Obama: A disaster for civil liberties (tags)
Obama is a police state thug, just like Bush!!!!
Imploding Bubble Economies (tags)
Presidential Candidate Alexander picks Darcy Richardson and Steve Trager for 2012 (tags)
Today, Stewart Alexander announced that Darcy Richardson from Florida will serve as his national policy advisor, and Steve Trager from Ohio will serve as his regional campaign director. Both Darcy Richardson and Steve Trager have been activists on the political left for more than two decades. Alexander says he would seek former U.S. Congressman Alan Grayson to step in as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. ?We need a Federal Reserve Chairman that will help steer the nation out of this depression; I want Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke out and Alan Grayson in.?
Obstructing Palestinian Statehood Begins (tags)
Plea bargains flush your right to a jury trial down the toilet (tags)
Cops use plea bargains to flush jury trials down the toilet! Well I guess I should say the government uses plea bargains to flush your right to a jury trial down the toilet. Cops are not the people that charge you with crimes and force you to trial, it's the government and more specifically government prosecutors.
Liminal, A Monthly Green Anarchist Quarterfold (tags)
A green anarchist journal is raising funds for printing and distributing their first issue by October 5. Order a copy delivered to the address of your choosing.
Israeli Lobby
Double-talk on FOI: Philippine gov?t long on promises, short on political will (tags)
On President Aquino?s Open Governance Partnership (OGP) ON 20 SEPTEMBER 2011 in New York, President Benigno S. Aquino III will deliver the keynote address at the Open Government Partnership (OGP) forum dubbed ?The Power of Open: A Global Discussion?. The conference brings together governments and representatives of civil society, industry, academe, and media. The panels will discuss the role of openness in improving government responsiveness and accountability, fighting corruption, and creating efficiencies, innovation and growth.
National Lawyers Guild Assists Anonymous (tags)
The NLG has published a website for "Anons"
Economic Leadership and direction (tags)
economic plan
Free Troy Davis! There?s No Justice in the Capitalist Courts! (tags)
Troy Davis was sentenced to death in 1991 for the killing of an off-duty Savannah policeman. Davis was found ?guilty? based on dubious accounts that he confessed to the killing and questionable ?eyewitness? identifications that included false eyewitness testimony coerced by the cops. Seven of the prosecution?s nine ?eyewitnesses? have since recanted. The only holdouts are one man who may be the actual killer and another who initially denied being able to identify the shooter only to pin it on Davis two years later. Three of the eyewitnesses say their testimony was coerced by the police. New eyewitnesses have come forth identifying another suspect.
Rage Against the System (tags)
American inhumanity
Imperial Arrogance and Hypocrisy (tags)
state terrorism
PATRICK McMAHON: Gay Adoptee Recalls His Search for His Birth Parents (tags)
Who am I? Who are my parents? Where did I come from? When, where and how was I born? Most of us take the answers to these questions for granted. But it?s not so easy if you were adopted. Then, as Patrick McMahon n? Shields found out in 1990, the authentic record of his birth was treated as if it were a state secret whose revelation would jeopardize national security. He details the story of his two-year search for his true origins in his new self-published book "Becoming Patrick," an extraordinarily well-written combination of self-discovery memoir, suspense thriller, soap opera and wrenching reunion story.
Immigrants Are Undocumented, Not "Illegal" (tags)
The following resolution, principally authored by Zenger?s associate editor Leo E. Laurence, was unanimously approved by the Committee on Diversity of the Society of Professional Journalists (SPJ) August 18 and will be presented to the SPJ at its national convention in New Orleans September 25-27.
Abbas Speech Signals Capitulation (tags)
Planned Peacekeeper Occupation of Libya (tags)
Philippines Anti-Bases Movement: Time to Assert National Sovereignty Once Again (tags)
With pride as a people, we commemorate a historic national event this coming September 16, the rejection of the US military bases twenty years ago
Anti-revisionist struggle and cultural revolution: Consequence to the CPP (tags)
I wish to speak on the significance and relevance of the Marxist-Leninist struggle against modern revisionism since 1956 and the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution (GPCR) since 1966. And I wish to deal with this large subject by examining the impact and consequences of the aforesaid historic events to the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP).
New York Times: Railing Against Palestinian Statehood (tags)
Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)
Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.
Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)
Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.
Imperialist War, Mass Murder, and Torture, But Did September 11th Change ?Everything?? (tags)
"Americans watched in horror as the World Trade Center collapsed. Yet it was a horror no different from what the U.S. government has done with it's bombing of civilian populations in Iraq, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Korea. The U.S. bombings of just these countries, not to mention many other U.S. acts of war, murdered millions of civilians. Terror against civilians is never justified. Now the U.S. government is preparing to terror bomb Afghanistan?" -Liberation News, September 11, 2001
What Passes for Journalism and Opinion in America (tags)
10 Year Since 9/11 Inside Job (tags)
September 11, 2011 is the 10th anniversary of the 9/11 Inside Job, the American Reichstag Fire, perpetrated for the same reason the Nazis burned their government building, the Reichstag: to perpetrate war and fascism so as to maximize profits for the capitalist class, the primary goal of capitalism, the greatest profits being in oil and munitions. Only a labor movement capable of carrying out a general strike can finally put an end to the private profit system, thereby saving the earth and humanity.
Systematic Israeli State Terror (tags)
state terror
Hotel Workers Use Labor Day to Press Boycott of Hyatt Regency Santa Clara (tags)
Hotel service workers of the union Unite Here! Local 19 marked Labor Day by picketed the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara, which has been the target of a boycott campaign launched by the union six months ago. Hyatt workers, who have been without a contract with the hotel, have been demanding recognition of the union through a card-check / neutrality agreement.
Politics in the Crisis Trap (tags)
A discontinuance of debt-financed economic programs leads to an economic slack period resulting in stagnation and recession. Crisis policy finds itself in a philosophical paradox. The political class can only choose between more indebtedness up to state bankruptcy (with hyper-inflation) or harsh austerity programs.
Los Angeles City Council Passes Resolution to Support AB 199 and AJR 6 for Filipino WWII V (tags)
The Los Angeles City Council today unanimously approved the resolution in support of California AB 199 and AJR 6 in a legislative effort to recognize the presence and contribution of Filipino World War II veterans in our history books, To support Asssemblyperson Fiona Ma?s effort City Coouncil member Richard Alarcon introduced the resolution. It was seconded by Councilmen Tom Lebonge, Eric Garcetti, Jose Huizar,Ed Reyes and Bill Rosendhal, a Vietnam War veteran. All of them spoke to support the resolution to the delight of the crowd.
Media Manipulation of 9/11 Truth (tags)
Obama?s Continued Failures on the Environment and Jobs (tags)
[Photo: Bridge in Felton, California built by workers in the Works Progress Administration which employed 3.8 million people from 1935 to 1941 and built 11,000 schools, 122,000 public buildings, 77,000 bridges, 285 airports, 24,000 miles of sewer, and 664,000 miles of road. Photo by Liberation News]
Libya: Coming Waste, Fraud, and Other Forms of Plunder on a Grand Scale (tags)
Promoting Fear and Hate in America (tags)
Islamic Lebanese Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)
American men with Lebanese ancestry may travel to Lebanon in order to obtain quick divorces. In such a situation, the man leaves most of his property, children, and wife in the United States. But could the divorce obtained in such a way be entitled to recognition and enforcement in the United States?
NATO's Genocidal Rape of Libya (tags)
Fall 2011 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert! (tags)
In This Issue: Obama skewers the immigrant justice movement (Pg 1); Obama Puts Bandage on Broken Immigration System (Pg 2); Obama's new deportation policy is PR spin (Pg 3); Immigration Appeals (Pg 4); Immigration and Mass Incarceration in the Obama Era (Pg 4);
Why Not Start by Unionizing the Major Banks? (tags)
Here's how to make Wall Street pay - organize bank workers.
Obama's Wars on Humanity (tags)
Peace through strength is a fallacy: Mark Hatfield (tags)
"We seem to have lost sight of the fact that every dollar we spend on bombs and bullets means that we are underfunding programs to meet the Nation's desperate human needs: health care, education, our war on drugs, low income housing, prison construction, AIDS research..."
Sheriff Joe Arpaio - Civil Rights Violations at U.S. 9th Cir. - San Francisco (tags)
Sheriff Joe's behind the scene scheming with a close lifelong friend is exposed in the United States 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco.
Campaign for the Just Treatment of International Corps of Educators (tags)
Over the past decade, the United States saw a growing shortage of teachers especially in inner-city and remote rural schools. This shortage was further compounded with the increased need for highly-qualified teachers as mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 mainly in core areas such as math, science and special education. In response to this shortage, school districts all over the country looked around the globe to recruit experienced and credentialed teachers to assist the country in educating its children. This was answered more than willingly by thousands of foreign teachers annually.
From the Debt Showdown into Recession (tags)
The scenario of an economic double-dip is very likely without additional economic measures. The budget cuts may bring about a recession. The republicans in Congress threaten to concoct an economic crisis if they are not allowed to cut spending. Our greatest problem is low spending.
Video: The Civil Wars in US Labor (tags)
Steve Early is labor journalist, whose writing has appeared in several publications, including The New York Times and The Nation. He is a former organizer for the Communications Workers of America. Mr. Early is the author of Embedded with Organized Labor: Journalistic Reflections of the Class War at Home.
Alejandra Hernandez thrown under the bus by Tony Rackauckas and Lamoreaux (tags)
Alejandra Hernandez, another domestic violence victim, dead as a result of Lamorequx's injustice
New York Times Support for Imperial Wars (tags)
corrupt media
The Shortwave Report 08/12 (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Japan, Spain, Germany, and Russia.
Strikes, riots, revolutions. This is the shape of the new Class War.
New York Times Opposition to Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)
Vilifying Muslims in America (tags)
Philippine peace process gaining headway (tags)
Upon assuming office a year ago, President Benigno S. Aquino III declared that the government was ready to resume peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Communist National Democratic Front (NDF) without pre-condition and repeated it in his first State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA).
class war
Bad Teacher Movie Review: Alternative Media (tags)
Bad Teacher is ?gratifying? as eye-candy and verbal shock. It is an enjoyable movie precisely because it is not lame?at least not as lame as many of its movie reviews. And in the final analysis there is little subtly to this dark comedy?how might we say?as Andrew Breitbart?s description of a certain Anthony Wiener cellphone photo he so nobly withheld as: ??beyond the beyond?? There is nothing wrong with comparing the ?psychology? of this new release to a maybe-to-be-released movie about Anthony Weiner?s downfall and destruction within America?s misandrynous climate. Brain cells are not what Bad Teacher is about?has the American movie industry produced a movie that has enhanced anyone?s brain cells?
Federal Court: Torture Suit Against Rumsfeld Should Go Forward (tags)
A federal court in Washington today released an opinion upholding the validity of a constitutional rights lawsuit against former Defense Sec't Donald Rumsfeld for his role in the torturing and illegal imprisonment of a U.S. citizen who was working as a translator in Iraq.
fbi covers up atrocities at Guantanamo Bay Prison (tags)
fbi covers up up crimes against humanity ongoing at Guantanamo Bay, evidently.
Bipartisan Debt Deal Betrayal (tags)
class war
Every year there are more than 400,000 American children who are torn away from their friends, schools and homes to pick the food we all eat. Zulema, Perla and Victor labor as migrant farm workers, sacrificing their own childhoods to help their families survive. THE HARVEST/LA COSECHA profiles these three as they journey from the scorching heat of Texas? onion fields to the winter snows of the Michigan apple orchards and back south to the humidity of Florida's tomato fields to follow the harvest. From the Producers of the Academy-Award? nominated film, WAR/DANCE and Executive Producer Eva Longoria, this award-winning documentary provides an intimate glimpse into the lives of these children who struggle to dream while working 12 ? 14 hours a day, 7 days a week to feed America. STARTS FRIDAY AUGUST 5 Laemmle?s Music Hall | 9036 Wilshire Blvd | Beverly Hills
Daily NATO War Crimes in Libya (tags)
DeChristopher Pre-Sentence Statement (tags)
The future is in good hands with young men like Tim DeChristopher, sentenced to 2 years in prison, a $10,000 fine and probation after continued Bush prosecution by Fascist Obama's Justice Department. His pre-sentencing statement is below.
The Fix Is In: Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction (tags)
Akbayan and the Struggle for a New Philippines (tags)
(Speech at the Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo Awards Event, Seattle University, Seattle, Washington State, July 2, 2011.)
Leonard Peltier: Victimized by Criminal Injustice (tags)
Closing Guantanamo: President Obama's Failed Promise (tags)
Nicolas Mottas and Myrsini Tsakiri write about President Barack Obama's broken promise to close down the "modern Auschwitz" - the Guantanamo detention camp.
Marching with S.A.M.E. at the San Diego Pride Parade (tags)
A lot of progressive Queers and Queer-friendly allies have written off the annual Pride events as overly commercial, corporate and mainstream. But that's not what it felt like to me when I marched with the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) in San Diego's Pride Parade July 16. In a mixed contingent that also included members of the Bradley Manning Support Group and the International Socialist Organization, I felt like part of a movement, participating in an island of militant political awareness that asserted the values on which Pride was founded that have largely got lost in the overall celebration. With nine S.A.M.E. members facing criminal charges for seeking marriage licenses following the federal district court ruling declaring Proposition 8 unconstitutional, some of the signs the contingent carried linked their members -- and Bradley Manning -- to notorious American political prisoners of the past.
The vote of the New York legislature to legally recognize same-sex marriage has produced a backlash of unexpected ferocity and scope. It comes from an Iowa-based organization called THE FAMiLY LEADER (that's the way it's printed on their logo) and it's called "The Marriage Vow." It's a far-reaching set of principles that goes beyond attacking same-sex marriage and supporting a Federal Marriage Amendment to ban it nationwide. It targets African-Americans in particular and says Black children born during the slave era were more likely to be raised by their mother and father than African-American infants born since Obama's election. It also calls for bans on adultery, "quickie" divorces, Sharia Islam and laws that don't conform to the Judeo-Christian agenda. The aim of its authors is to get all the current candidates for President to sign it ? and two Republicans, Michele Bachmann and Tim Pawlenty, already have.
The implications of China?s increasingly active role in multilateral Institutions (tags)
The implications for Asia Pacific security due to the active role and growing influence from the Peoples? Republic of China?s (PRC) approach to particular multilateral institutions are both economic and strategic. The PRC has also been active in several regional multilateral institutions such as the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) but it is with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) where the PRC?s greatest multilateral engagement has been witnessed.
Murdoch's World: Demagoguery, Propaganda, Scandal, Sleaze and Warmongering (tags)
Before we can determine if America has succumbed to fascism, we first must have a good definition and understanding of what fascism really is
Kudos to Egypt for Ditching the IMF (tags)
From the beginning of the Arab Spring revolts, many progressive commentators have expressed concern that people in countries such as Egypt and Tunisia might win greater political freedoms but would have their nations? economic policies hijacked...
Sensationalism in America's Media (tags)
Response to Alan Hart's 'Palestinian people power - could it be a game-changer?' (tags)
To just respond to Alan Hart's largely rhetorical question embedded in the title of his article, there is no real Palestinian power ? people or otherwise. Disenfranchised masses, the wretched of the earth, like any other mob, are only power in the hands of Machiavelli. This is self-evident. It is even a truism. In the case of Palestinians on ground zero, they stand at the threshold of annihilation while those in Diaspora look on. The only recourse for Palestinians today to overturn that dismal existential state of affairs they have been brought to, is to clean their own house first of their house negroes and fifth columnists.
Bad Teacher: An Alternative Movie Review. (tags)
Bad Teacher is ?gratifying? as eye-candy and verbal shock. It is an enjoyable movie precisely because it is not lame?at least not as lame as many of its movie reviews. And in the final analysis there is little subtly to this dark comedy?how might we say?as Andrew Breitbart?s description of a certain Anthony Wiener cellphone photo he so nobly withheld as: ??beyond the beyond?? And there is nothing wrong with comparing the ?psychology? of this new release to a maybe-to-be-released movie about Anthony Weiner?s downfall and destruction within America?s misandrynous climate. But brain cells are not what Bad Teacher is about?even if some missed this point entirely. Has the American movie industry produced a movie that has enhanced anyone?s brain cells?
Press Release Omissions in the CAIR Report on Islamophobia in the United States (tags)
Documenting symptoms of a disease with much fanfare while staying silent on its primary causes, serves only the interests of that which cause the disease, not of its victims.
The Man Who Never Died: The Life, Times, and Legacy of Joe Hill (tags)
Joe Hill — labor organizer, musician, song writer, revolutionary — was executed in 1915 by the state of Utah for a crime that many believe he did not commit. Now there's proof.
Health Care in Cuba and America (tags)
health care
A New Declaration of Independence, July 4, 2011 (tags)
As a free and independent people, we have full power to punish corporations for their criminal acts and to impeach, expel and dishonor our judiciary and our so-called representatives for their allegiance to corporate masters.
Independence Day Hypocrisy (tags)
PHILIPPINES: The Rough and Rugged Road toward Change (tags)
Akbayan Party?s Statement on the First Year of the Aquino Government
Urgent Appeal: Crackdown on Malaysian Socialists (tags)
Manila -- Around 70 members of Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) held a brief picket in front of the Malaysian Embassy this morning to protest the arrests and detention of 30 activists belonging to the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).
DPRK condemns South Korean "anti-DPRK policy" (tags)
PYONGYANG, June 25 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) accused the South Korean authorities Saturday of maintaining an anti-DPRK policy, the official KCNA news agency reported.
DPRK condemns South Korean "anti-DPRK policy" (tags)
PYONGYANG, June 25 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) accused the South Korean authorities Saturday of maintaining an anti-DPRK policy, the official KCNA news agency reported.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) based in the United States lauded the action of Foreign Secretary Albert del Rosario who has asked the US Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) to reconsider the cases of Filipino World War II (WWII) veterans who were denied benefits under a recently passed US law.
The Business of America Is War (tags)
FBI Entraps Two More Muslims (tags)
Breaching Gaza's Siege Update (tags)
Israeli state terror
Free Gary Johnson! Homelessness in California is now punishable by a year in jail. (tags)
Free Gary Johnson! Overturn the Convictions of Ed Frey, Arthur Bishoff, Collette Connolly! Hands Off Christopher Doyon! End Laws making it Illegal for the Homeless to Sleep at Night! Seize Housing From the Banks for those Who Need Housing! For a Nation Wide Jobs Program Building Housing for All!
Explained: Why the Wal-Mart Decision Matters (tags)
A short explanation of why the Wal Mart decision matters, what a class action lawsuit is, and potentially new standards applied to decisions about discrimination.
Prevent Pickens' Plan to Frack America (tags)
With mounting evidence that fracking for natural gas is poisoning our air and water, and a national movement against fracking that continues to grow, why is Congress poised to commit us to an energy policy that will encourage even more fracking? Take action to protect our water from the dangers of fracking!
US-Led Terror Bombings Target Civilians (tags)
McCain/Kerry Support Imperial War on Libya (tags)
No to Sabre-Rattling! A Negotiated Political Settlement to the Spratly Islands Dispute! (tags)
The Party of the Laboring Masses - Philippines condemns any actions that increase military tensions in the region and contribute to a regional military conflict, by countries that lay claim to the Spratly Islands. We are opposed to any sabre-rattling and stand for a negotiated, political settlement, of the disputed claims to the area. Therefore we deplore China?s strong-arm tactics and bullying, which undermines efforts towards a peaceful, political settlement, of the disputed claims.
Yet Another Gay/Queer ?History? Book Perpetuates Old Myths (tags)
Yet another so-called ?Gay history? book, Michael Bronski?s ?A Queer History of the United States,? recycles the tired New York-centric myth that the Queer Liberation movement sprung full-blown from the Stonewall Inn riots in New York City. Leo E. Laurence, who was present at the REAL creation of Queer liberation in San Francisco in March 1969, three months BEFORE Stonewall, comments on Bronski?s book and offers Lambda Literary Award finalist Gale Whittington?s ?Beyond Normal? as an accurate source for the real birth of Gay Lib.
Entrapping Innocent Muslims (tags)
I have documented for over a decade the tactics used by the fbi in their efforts to silence or neutralize me; THIS POST SUMMARIZES THE SALIENT ASPECTS OF MY REPORTS.
Duplicitous Congressional Posturing on Libya (tags)
Exxon Strategy Revealed: We Don't Ever Need a Majority in the Senate (tags)
The Senate voted on the bill to eliminate Big Oil subsidies--52 in favor and 48 opposed. The bill lost. WTF you say, the bill had a majority and lost? Of course it did.
Ayman al Zawahiri Says the US and Israel are Facing ALL of Islam (tags)
The only way out is interfaith harmony.
On June 14, 1945, one of the greatest battle of World War II ended in a victory for the Filipino and American soldiers in Bessang Pass, in the Cordilleras Northern Luzon, Philippines. Before the light of day, on June 14, 1945, units of the 121st Infantry launched the final assault of Bucual Ridge, In dramatic but costly rushes they obliterated the last enemy soldier on Bessang Pass. To the end with flourish, the greatest feat of Filipino arms in modern times, the Filipinos secured the hill held by the Japanese Imperial army. It was a payback for the defeat in Bataan, three years ago. Presidential Citation No higher honors can be bestowed on the heroes of the battle of Bessang Pass , who avenged the defeat of Bataan and Corregidor than the tribute of President Elpidio Quirino in 1952 to the United States Forces in Northern Luzon (USFIP-NL) during the 7th anniversary of the Battle of Bessang Pass: ?To win the liberation of Northen Luzon in which the USFIP-NL played a a major role, you accomplished no ordinary achievement. Your battle of bessang Pass in eastern ilocos Sur in n1945, for instance stands out prominently as one of the major decisive battles of the Philippine Liberation Campaign.?
Mountaintop Removal: Environmental and Human Destruction for Profit (tags)
JUNE 12, marking the independence of the Philippines from the Spanish empire, would not have been realized without the martyrdom of countless Filipinos foremost of whom is Jose Rizal. Andres Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan rebellion, honored Rizal's memory by using his name as a shibboleth. But the neocolonial politicians today have only fulfilled Rizal's nightmare that the slaves of yesterday will be the tyrants of today. This essay pays homage to Rizal on the 150th anniversary of his birth.
Obama's Slipping Popularity (tags)
Bilderberg Security Assaults EU Members of Parliament (tags)
During the secretive meeting of the globalist Bilderberg cabal, a member of the EU Committee on Civil Liberties was beaten and arrested by Bilderberg Security for attempting to gain entrance to the exclusionary meeting. The corporatist (ie., fascist) media in the U.S. has chosen to ignore this story entirely.
Is China?s Strategic Culture Anti-Militaristic? (tags)
The strategic culture of the People?s Republic of China (PRC) is a contested spiritual concept that is being debated both inside and outside of China and I hope my contribution will help add to this debate. In this paper I will explore the two main variants that go into making up the dualistic concept that is Chinese Strategic Culture so as to ascertain whether should be considered as anti-militaristic.
The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (tags)
Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)
Amnesty International Launches Global Angola 3 Campaign (tags)
This week Amnesty International launched a global campaign calling for US authorities to end the solitary confinement of Herman Wallace and Albert Woodfox, of the Angola 3. Amnesty is calling for people around the world to contact Governor Jindal.
-The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) wholeheartedly supports the class-action lawsuit filed Wednesday on behalf of four homeless veterans suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder and other ailments, the ACLU claims that the department is violating the property's deed by not providing the combination of housing and treatment that battle-scarred vets need. According to the LA Times: ? The lawsuit is just the latest attempt by advocates for homeless vets to light a fire under the federal government. ?The JFAV also filed a lawsuit against the DVA for denying more than 27,00 Filipino World War II veterans of their lump sum claims and their widows last year.
Global Economic Crisis Deepening (tags)
The anarchist Stuart Christie and his neo-conservative literary bedfellow (tags)
"The Floodgates of Anarchy" and a fan of a government that boils people to death...
Former Political Prisoner Geronimo Pratt Dies (tags)
Hanna: An "Alternative" Movie Review (as more interesting and informative than your typica (tags)
This review is not meant to give you all the typical facts and highlights of the movie. Standard movie reviewers have already presented their perspectives, the basic story line. Whereas this essay is meant to take more seriously what is really a rather stupid plot, but still within a beautiful movie and action packed piece of entertainment, and to speculate how it may fit ?within? the too often vacuous audience culture that might watch it, as well as the movie industry that created it and critiqued it. And, granted, it is often presumptuous to interpret a work of art as something that can be criticized as more subjectively serious?but the idea of juxtaposing a fairy tale with CIA operatives is just too tempting to ?not? deconstruct.
Forty-Four Years of Occupation (tags)
state terrorism
Escalating an Asian Arms Race (tags)
History and Resistance on Blair Mountain (tags)
Blair Mountain, a crucial site of labor history, is being threatened by the disastrous process of Mountain Top Removal. People from around the country are marching in early June to raise awareness and save the mountain.
Waging War at Home and Abroad While Pledging Peace (tags)
The Military as a Security Risk (tags)
You cannot have both democracy and concentration of wealth, Justice Brandeis warned. 20% of military spending is for defense; the rest is for empire. Endless war is not a future but the denial of a future. To Hitler, the soldier was the only model of courage.
Washington's War on Chavez (tags)
Obama Genuflects to AIPAC (tags)
FBI Director Robert Mueller Must Go! (tags)
Public corruption has reached a level never seen for a century. Corruption of the justice system in Los Angeles County and beyond is at the core of the current financial crisis. Unless corruption of the justice system is addressed, economic development and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve.
Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)
Hanna: An ?Alternative? Movie Review (as more interesting and informative than your typica (tags)
This review is not meant to give you all the typical facts and highlights of the movie. Standard movie reviewers have already presented their perspectives, the basic story line. Whereas this essay is meant to take more seriously what is really a rather stupid plot, but still within a beautiful movie and action packed piece of entertainment, and to speculate how it may fit ?within? the too often vacuous audience culture that might watch it, as well as the movie industry that created it and critiqued it. And, granted, it is often presumptuous to interpret a work of art as something that can be criticized as more subjectively serious?but the idea of juxtaposing a fairy tale with CIA operatives is just too tempting to ?not? deconstruct.
America's Appalling Human Rights Record (tags)
human rights
U.S. Election 2012: Alexander says Republicans Can?t Win against Obama (tags)
President Obama has fallen far short of fulfilling has campaign promises that led him to victory in 2008; however, approaching U.S. Election 2012, the field of Republican presidential candidates is the worse since 1964; according to Stewart Alexander. Some members in the Republican leadership are already writing off the 2012 Election and are setting their hopes on 2016. By 2012, President Obama could win the presidential election by a landslide.
The Socialist Party CA Presents an Evening With Black Panther Party Founder, Bobby Seale (tags)
On June 25th, the Socialist Party of California will host a special evening in Los Angeles with Bobby Seale, the Founder of the Black Panther Party. This event is open to the public.
Racketeering complaint against David Pasternak and the Los Angeles Superior Court posted b (tags)
?Rampart?, the movie, starring Steve Buscemi, Robin Wright, Sigourney Weaver, and Ice Cube, is expected to be release soon. ?Under conditions of the justice system of the United States today, a Hollywood movie is the best chance to finally get the Rampart-FIPs released. It is a Human Rights disaster of historic proportions. International scrutiny of the US justice system is urgently needed.?
U.S. House of Representatives: Stupid? Crooks? or Stupid Crooks? (tags)
Some of our representatives are just plain dumb as box of shale. They may even believe that American oil can be sold at Mom and Pop's Gas-It-Up.
Resurrecting the Bogus FARC-EP Files Venezuela Connection (tags)
Amtrak Officials Back Schumer's Proposal For ?No Ride List? (tags)
The officials at Amtrak have supported the asinine proposal by NY Sen. Charles Schumer to create a "no ride" list for Amtrak, despite the obvious fact that anyone could take out a train bridge or tracks without EVER BOARDING A TRAIN!
The Boogeyman Is Dead. Long Live The Boogeyman. (tags)
Unless you are a Blackwater "contractor" or an arms dealer or a Haliburton executive, you will not blindly accept that your money (or your childrens lives) should be spent chasing boogeyman after boogeyman.
Democracy, Haitian Style (tags)
California Safe Schools & LA Unified Celebrate Twelve Years of Protecting Student Health (tags)
Reformed Pesticide Policy Becomes National & International Model for Schools & Communities
Chuck Schumer (D) Calls for Train Station Gestapo Zones (tags)
New York (D) Senator Charles Schumer is calling for a no ride list for Amtrak passenger trains. Anti-war activists may be targeted (as they were on no fly lists) for this no ride list, thus preventing them from traveling via planes AND rail. Guess the anti-war activists will need to either hitchike or take Greyhound if they want to go somewhere without a car?
Richard Posner Asked for Ethics Opinions re: Racketeering in the Los Angeles Courts (tags)
Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law Professor, Asked for Ethics Opinions Regarding Racketeering in the Los Angeles Courts, Bet Tzedek, and ADL
New Bin Laden Tapes Appear Fake Like Earlier Ones (tags)
bin Laden
Labor Representatives Under Attack, Seek Queer Democrats’ Help (tags)
Three San Diego union leaders — Central Labor Council CEO/secretary-treasurer Lorena Gonzalez, Municipal Employees’ Association general manager Michael Zucchet, and SEIU Local 221 head Eric Banks — spoke to the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club April 28 on the state of the local labor movement. They focused on the attacks on public workers by the Republican party and the radical Right, which is aimed not only at driving public-sector wages and benefits below those offered by the private sector but also denying the one source of substantial campaign funding available to Democrats and thereby winning elections by eliminating effective competition. They also talked about the Right-wing bias of San Diego’s media and their success in demonizing public workers’ pensions as the source of San Diego’s financial ills.
Staged Bin Laden Killing Hokum (tags)
false flag
Palestinian Unity: Done Deal or Wobbly? (tags)
Muslim Iranian Divorce in USA (tags)
Muslim men with Iranian passports may choose to go back to Iran and obtain a fast track divorce in that country by stating three times, “I divorce my wife” in the presence of two male witnesses, show proof of the “mahr” payment, record the divorce in Iran, authenticate the documents, return back to the U.S. and seek recognition and enforcement of the Iranian divorce in a state court.
Lomas v Bank of America - Fraud and Extortion continue in the California Court of Appeal, (tags)
The case in the Los Angeles Superior Court, where proceedings were secretly noted as "off of the record", was opined as Fraud and Extortion by Bank of America in collusion with Judge Peter Meeka and Clerk John A Clarke. The California Court of Appeal, 2nd District, appears ready, willing, and able to follow suit in conducting a pretense appeal.
Media Lies and Misinformation on Bin Laden (tags)
media lies
Lies, Damn Lies, and Bin Laden's Death (tags)
The Alliance Philippines or the AJLPP strongly condemned the high-level visits here by American officials who have raised the prospect of a return of the United States’ military presence in this former naval base in Subic on the wake of disasters that hit Japan, which have delayed the planned US military build-up in Guam. Subic Naval Base was the deepest sea port of the US naval forces in the Philippines. The US naval base closed after the Philippine Senate terminated the US-RP Military Bases Pact in 1991. Only to be reversed later with the passage of the Visiting Forces Agreement during the tenure of Joseph Estrada in 1998.
Philippine CHR: We didn't clear the AFP in Melissa Roxas case (tags)
The Philippine Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said it did not clear the military in the human rights case of Filipino-American activist Melissa Roxas as accused by several militant organizations.
Lies, Damn Lies, and Misreporting about Gitmo Detainees (tags)
Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler is provided with additional evidence of large-scale c (tags)
The US courts computer systems - PACER and CM/ECF - enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in the US courts. The systems undermine both Human Rights and Banking Regulation in the United States. Prof Yochai Benkler, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to review the evidence and provide an opinion.
Immigrants all of nationalities under attack, what should we do? Rise up, Fight Back! The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) is calling all immigrants and their advocates in Los Angeles to mobilize and hit the streets of LA on May 1. For the EPCC --May 1, International Workers' Day, marks the fifth anniversary of the historic nationwide immigrant workers’ strike. On that day, millions upon millions of immigrant workers—documented and undocumented—flooded the streets of Los Angeles with millions of their supporters also in small towns and large cities demanding respect for all workers.
Pesante-USA slams Philippine CHR for Clearing the AFP on Mellisa Roxas Case (tags)
The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA), human rights group based in the United States today vehemently condemned the Commission of Human Rights (CHR) report that cleared the AFP on the abduction and torture of a US-based activist. The report, signed by CHR chair Loretta Rosales in February but released over the weekend, concluded Melissa Roxas was indeed abducted and apparently subjected to cruel treatment. But the Commission said it did not have enough evidence to put the blame on the military. The CHR also refused to use the word “torture” for the abuse Roxas suffered because “state actors” could not be pinpointed. Pesante is disappointed that Rosales a former political detainee and a victim of torture herself will clear the AFP of torture and wrongdoing. Pesante stated that: “ Rosales will join all traitors like Tayag,Tiglao, Barican, Morales and Olivar all former activist who have sold the Filipinos down the river.”
We live on credit, shift costs and risks into the future and make possible a prosperity with the help of a policy of cheap money that is paid for by others. An interest-free money system would be a counter model to the growth pressure inherent in the present system.
The History of May Day, Made in the USA (tags)
Leftist activists know about the eight men who were arrested and tried and convicted for terrorism related to Haymarket Square in Chicago. The bombing happened at a rally on the 4th, but it was due to events on May Day, when the city of Chicago went on strike.
Pakistani Islamic Divorce in U.S. Courts (tags)
Pakistani men residing in the U.S. travel to their homeland to get divorce decrees from Pakistan. They return back to the United States and seek recognition and enforcement of the Pakistani Islamic divorce decree in a state court. This article deals with the issues related to Pakistani Islamic divorce in U.S. courts.
Habeas Corpus in the United States - the case of Richard Fine (tags)
Due to the unusual cast of characters, the number of court cases filed by Richard Fine, and the meticulous documentation, the case as a whole provides unparalleled study of the justice system, Human Rights, and civil society conditions in the United States at the beginning of the 21st century.
“In financial crisis, no prosecutions of top figures”… Because of widespread corruption of (tags)
The widespread corruption of the US justice system is a key factor in the financial crisis, which is often overlooked.
Economic Recessions in America (tags)
The US economy, and for that matter the global economy, is a living, breathing thing. With that analogy in mind, we find that the comparison is closer than most of us would normally think.
The Israeli Lobby's Poisonous Influence on US Policy (tags)
BTL:Haiti's President-Elect Linked to Coup Plotters and Death Squads (tags)
Interview with Kim Ives, editor with Haiti Liberte, conducted by Scott Harris
Lomas v Bank of America – Fraud Turns into Extortion in the Los Angeles Superior Court (tags)
The case should be properly considered now Extortion, and no longer Fraud. All sides are now fully cognizant of the true nature of the litigation. Given the number of cases of this kind that have been recorded in the Los Angeles Superior Court, the Court should be considered a racket.
The White Man's Burden appears Uniformly Distributed By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
‘If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.’ -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War
The U.S. is More Greek than Greece (tags)
Deficit economies were organized mainly by finance capital. The expansion of this credit-financed mass demand went along with the expansion of the financial sector. Trillions of dollars and Euros were pumped in the stabilization of financial markets.
Chatting with the US Marshals… "Fool me once... etc." (tags)
Mutual interest, but some basic difficulties in communication…
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Reach out to Prisoner’s Families (tags)
Alexander also notes “Three Strikes” Laws are a violation against the human rights of hundreds of thousands of 3 Strikers and their families. “Across America, thousands of 3 Strikers are serving life sentences after committing minor offences. The punishment should fit the crime to allow these inmates to resume their live with their families.”
Arab Spring Yet to Bloom (tags)
Palestinian Statehood and Other Political Issues (tags)
Lomas files for disqualification of Judge Meeka, calls “quits” to charades in the Los Ange (tags)
The case is opined as Fraud on the Court. It is doubted that Judge Meeka will comply with the law. Los Angeles judges do not consider 'quits' part of the game of charades.
Harvard Law Prof Benkler is asked to review computer fraud in US courts (tags)
Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler has been asked to review the evidence of large-scale computer fraud in the courts ____ Computer systems enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in both the state and US courts. The key systems are Sustain and eCourt in the state courts, and PACER and CM/ECF in the US courts. Prof Yochai Benkler of Harvard Law School, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to provide an opinion. ____ View a PDF version of this press release at:
Border and Community Vigilantism (tags)
state terrorism
Fraud by Bank of America in the Los Angeles Court (tags)
BofA, Brian Moynihan are Asked to Disclose their Attorney of Record in the Los Angeles Superior Court. ____ Ongoing refusal of the US Government to subject Bank of America to the rule of law, combined with "corruption of the courts and the legal profession", undermine the US financial systems and violate the US obligations in international banking accords and Human Rights conventions.
Bribing of state and US judges by Bank of America must be a serious concern! (tags)
California Judge Peter Meeka Refuses to Disclose Financial Benefits to Him by Bank of America, Accord Due Process ____ Bribing of state and US judges by Bank of America must be a serious concern.
Controversy Comes to Villa Park (tags)
Protesters demonstrate against Anti-Muslim statements made by Villa Park Councilwoman Deborah Pauly.
.S.: Decline Monies from Japan's "Sympathy Budget" and End Military Dependence Now (tags)
The International Women's Network Against Militarism (IWNAM) demands that the U.S. and Japanese governments stop spending U.S. and Japanese taxpayer monies for the upkeep of U.S. military facilities in Japan and other territories. During these times of natural disasters, funds should directly help the needs of victims of the earthquake, tsunami, and radiation poisoning from damaged nuclear power plants in Japan, and also create alternatives for employment world wide that do not rely on militarism, or further interpersonal and ecological violence. (updated version).
BTL:Vermont Moves Closer to Establishing Nation's First Single-Payer Health Care System (tags)
Interview with Dr. Deborah Richter, president of Vermont for Single Payer, conducted by Scott Harris
US law schools faculty members finally waking up! (tags)
Previous protests were mostly by individual law professors. The two letters show that US law school faculty members are finally finding their voice!
Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar? (tags)
You have to shovel the BS if you want to get reelected.
Suppressing Truth and Promoting War: A New York Times Tradition (tags)
media lies
The Mighty Wurlitzer: Wikileaks and Imperial Mobilization By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)
This 'grand organ' is now able to even more effectively synthesize, implant, and reinforce, all the right set of beliefs (myths) among the entire world's public – by suitably combining 'events' with imaginative 'expos' writing – which appropriately primes the world populations to acquiesce to the oligarchic agendas. While playing this orchestra is now an integral part of all state-craft, its major musical themes are entirely determined by the behind the scenes owners of the system. While some might refer to the underlying techniques as propaganda and psy-ops, 'Mighty Wurlitzer' singularly captures the messaging-system controlled under a unified purpose of command which is both highly compartmentalized and cellularized. Only the Mighty Wurlitzer knows the entire tune.
Loopholes for Criminality in the State and US Courts – False Appearances by Attorneys (tags)
Regular citizens are not the beneficiaries of such loopholes. The privilege is reserved for large corporations (particularly banks) and government officials.
Join Robina Suwol, Founder of California Safe Schools at Earth Day Festival (tags)
Carson Eartth Day Festival Friday, April 15th 3:00-6:00pm Dolphin Park
BofA and its President Brian Moynihan - Public Corruption and Racketeering in Lomas v BofA (tags)
Ongoing tolerance of racketeering by Bank of America makes mockery of laws established by the US Congress in effort to restore the integrity of US financial systems. Real estate and financial institutions fraud under the guise of court actions in the Los Angeles Superior Court goes back for over a decade - a hallmark of the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).
Sandor Samuels is asked to stop fraud against California homeowner (tags)
Bet Tzedek - The House of Justice - President Sandor Samuels is asked to help in stopping fraud by Bank of America against a homeowner in the Los Angeles Superior Court ____ As Chief Legal Counsel of Countrywide and Associate General Counsel of Bank of America Sandor Samuels was integral to one of the largest frauds in the history of mankind - against the US taxpayers, against shareholders, and against homeowners from coast to coast. More recently he expressed his commitment to "repairing the world".
California Judge Meeka is asked to declare benefits from BofA (tags)
Lomas v BofA (KC059379) – California Judge Peter Meeka is Requested to Restore Due Process, Declare Any Financial Benefits to Him by BofA ____ The case is opined as Fraud on the Court through collusion of BofA, California Judge Peter Meeka, and Clerk of the Court John A Clarke.
Military Commissions Will Try 9/11 Suspects (tags)
Lomas v Bank of America (KC059379): “Request[s] for Judicial Notice” - Fraud on the Court (tags)
Lomas v Bank of America (KC059379): "Request[s] for Judicial Notice" filed on behalf of Bank of America for the March 23, 2011 Demurrer on Complaint - part of Fraud on the Court in foreclosure procedures. [5]
Habeas Corpus in the United States (tags)
Availability of Habeas Corpus petition forms does not amount to the safeguard of the right for Habeas Corpus.
June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marie Mason and Eric McDavid (tags)
International Day of Solidarity with Marie and Eric
Remember Libya: One of History's Terror Bombing Victims (tags)
Richard Goldstone's Fall from Grace (tags)
Muslim Brotherhood & the Middle East Upheaval (tags)
As the United States and its allies struggle to get to grips with its new challenges in the Middle East and North Africa, pundits, scholars and journalists have combed every inch of the Muslim Brotherhood’s history for clues to what might happen in the event the movement takes control over the region.
Japan's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered? (tags)
nuclear disaster
Palm Sunday Peace Parade: The Call for the End to War and Oppression is Louder than Ever (tags)
Join Christian Peacemaker Teams member and author James Loney and show your solidarity with those who march for an end to war and oppression around the globe.
President Hugo Chávez, backed by South American Presidents, Condemns the Attack on Libya (tags)
"Oppressed people around the world have only recently begun to unite in opposition to empire as awareness of the horror grows. In North Africa and the Middle East it began as a revolt against US backed dictators in Tunisia, then Egypt and spread to Bahrain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. In South America the rebellion grew out of the Bolivarian Revolution, spreading over the last decade from Venezuela to other Latin American states. Tonight, behind President Chavez' condemnation of the monster on VTV, Venezuela National Radio and TeleSur, Venezuelans have gathered en masse in Caracas and at the US and French embassies to declare their rebellion against the imperial war on the sovereign state of Libya."
Obama on Libya: Defending the Indefensible (tags)
naked aggression
Multiple Social Security numbers linked to President Obama - initial Fraud in Litigation (tags)
The case is characterized by the relatively simple underlying facts and law. The Chief Judge of the US District Court in Washington DC Royce Lamberth may proceed to dismiss the complaint under pretense of judicial review. However, the practice of pretense litigation undermines any remaining credibility of the US justice system.
US-Led Libyan Ground Assault Planned (tags)
naked aggression
Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations (tags)
For the first time since John F. Kennedy, the USA has a charismatic leader to the point of being popular in other lands, becoming a reference for the electorates of different countries
Venezuela's New Social Responsibility Law (tags)
NATO: America's Imperial Tool (tags)
naked aggression
No to imperialist military intervention in Libya! (tags)
Since Saturday, March 19, a US-led military coalition, including, besides English and French Forces, participation by Canadian, Italian, Spanish, and other countries, commenced the bombardment of military installations and concentrations of troops loyal to the Gaddafi government. The stated purpose of this military intervention which has been endorsed by the Security Council of the UN and the Arab League, is to get government forces off the offensive against the rebels, in order to avoid a “massacre of the civilian population”.
President Obama Divides the Nation over His War with Libya (tags)
The majority of Americans are tired of wars and the cost to fight these wars as the nation sinks deeper into a national recession. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have already cost $1 trillion and after one week in Libya, the cost is approaching $1 billion. When Americans are suffering cutbacks and layoffs, and 22 million Americans are out of work, the question is “Obama, where are the jobs?”
naked aggression
End the US-led Armed Intervention in Libya (tags)
Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) supports the democratic opposition in Libya that seeks to end the 43-year-old dictatorship of Muammar Ghadafie. It cannot, however, support the massive armed intervention launched by the United States, France, and Britain on Sunday, March 20.
Los Angeles Jewish Community Should Investigate Alleged Racketeering Among Its Leaders… (tags)
Los Angeles, March 22 – Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, launched a petition, calling on Los Angeles Jewish community to investigate allegations of racketeering by leaders of its organizations. ____ Please sign the Petition:
Lies, Damn Lies and Humanitarian Intervention (tags)
naked aggression
World Water Day: Global outrage over Ethiopia mega-dam (tags)
Almost 400 organizations have signed a petition against Africa’s tallest dam, which will be delivered to Ethiopian embassies across Europe and the United States to mark World Water Day on Tuesday March 22nd.
naked aggression
Pity President Barack Obama: Every time he tries to compromise with Republicans on energy reform by backing dirty or dangerous forms of power generation, a disaster occurs to demonstrate why pursuing such strategies is a bad idea.
Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos (tags)
Davy V. Confronts White America's Racism and prejudice against Latinos
CCMS – the new California courts Case Management System – a looming danger for Justice and (tags)
Sustain, the case management system, which originated in Los Angeles County under the tenure of Ronald George in the Los Angeles Superior Court, was opined as fraud. It is by now implemented in some dozen states! CCMS was an initiative of Ronald George as Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court and Chair of the California Judicial Council…
Multiples Worse than Chernobyl (tags)
nuclear disaster
Anti-Nuclear Peace Marches on March 19 (tags)
On this 8th anniversary of the illegal US invasion and occupation of Iraq in its agenda of blood for oil wars to maximize profits, we are also witnessing another profiteering horror, that of a nuclear holocaust caused by the breakdown of nuclear power in the face of earthquakes and tsunamis. Go to the nearest peace march on March 19 to support solar, wind and tidal power for clean, safe, renewable energy, for an end to blood for oil wars and an end to the whole deadly private profit system.
Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)
nuclear disaster
Torturing Bradley Manning (tags)
U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander: Oil Giants Price Gouge for Record Profits (tags)
Alexander is also proposing that working families receive a federal tax break for each family member traveling more than 20 miles round trip to work; Alexander say “these families should be permitted to receive a tax deduction or a minimum $300 tax credit for their entire annual fuel cost. As President of the United States, I would seek to make this retro-active back to January 1, 2011.”
Armageddon Scenario in Japan (tags)
nuclear disaster
Slovak Artist Igi Brezo Gives Major Artwork for Auction to Help Abused Children's Home (tags)
Internationally acclaimed abstract painter, Igi Brezo, donates major painting valued at 12,000 USD for The Agape Refuge Home in Pasadena for Gala Benefit and Auction
Latin American Nations Pledge for Peace in Libya (tags)
"For its part, ALBA member states also articulated their unanimous opposition to intervention on the part of the United States in the Libyan conflict. According to its published statement, the regional alliance, “categorically rejects any intervention from NATO or any foreign power in Libya as well as any attempt to take advantage…of the tragic situation in order to justify a war of conquest of the energy and water resources which are the patrimony of the Libyan people.”
Japan Atomic Emergency Bulletin #3 (tags)
"As incredible as it may sound, governments and corporations and they’re spin masters are busy trying to convince us that all is well and that nuclear energy “is still a wise and clean source for meeting our future energy demands.” Sorry Mr. Obama, but if can’t grow a pair and face your corporate masters down, you’re done and so are they."
SFQS -US Raises Concern On Nuclear Emergency in Japan: Revival of Bataan Nuke Plant Dang (tags)
The Samahang FQS in the United States based in San Francisco, California raised concern today following reports that the nuclear plant in Japan around 250 kilometers northeast of Tokyo had explosions and vented smoke to the environment. The SFQS-United States composed of Philippine activist groups is united with the Philippine group No to BNPP Revival! network as it reminded the Aquino administration of the dangers of reviving the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant (BNPP) here in the Philippines.
Dancing With Dynamite --An interview with Ben Dangl (tags)
Video-interviewed by Angola 3 News this week while touring the SF Bay Area with his new book Dancing With Dynamite (AK Press), author Benjamin Dangl argues that “because South American social movements have been so successful in the past decade, I think it is important to learn and understand what’s been successful and to apply those strategies and tactics here, where we are facing very similar challenges.”
Remember Saddam Hussain? (tags)
"The capture of numerous British military and intelligence operatives—six SAS men and an MI5 agent—by rebel forces in Benghazi made clear that the powers that be are already hard at work to this end. It has since been revealed by the Daily Mail that ministers have approved “a presence on the ground” of the SAS and MI6, who “will link up with Special Forces already in Libya to provide protection and give informal military advice to the Libyan opposition.”
Down with Gaddafi! No to US-NATO intervention! (tags)
"In this time when events seem to be moving so fast, we must maintain focus on the essential meaning and purpose of imperialist efforts. Elites in Washington and other capitals of the west are desperate and working with full dedication to "roll back" the popular advances being made in the Mideast and across North Africa. This article is offered in the effort to support a progressive analysis while the mainstream media works triple time to confuse and obfuscate an understanding of the "full on class war" unfolding before us. No to the budget cuts. No to intervention in Libya. Organize to stand up and fight wall street and the banksters, and ther're "agents" in media and government. Organize in your communities and beyond quickly now. "You have a world to win and only your chains to lose."
Pack Journalism Promotes War on Libya (tags)
Obama's Lawless Authorization of Military Commissions Injustice (tags)
World March of Women in the Philippines (tags)
Today, women in the Philippines and all over the world gather in different places and spaces to show our collective strength and make our collective voice heard as we speak out our sufferings, challenges, triumphs and aspirations. Our voices are joined together as we resist the abuses and marginalization wrought upon us by economic policies that discriminate against giving women productive employment, just wages and benefits at the workplace, and opportunities for livelihood and income; by societies that allow, or even promote, violence to be committed against women with impunity; by governments and public institutions that turn a blind eye to the human rights of women.
The End of the Long 20th Century (tags)
The US no longer has the necessary financial means to maintain its worldwide military machine (which now drives the US deeper in indebtedness to the international financial markets). The failure of the Project for a New American Century shows the US has not succeeded in subjecting the world
America's secret plan to arm Libya's rebels (tags)
"These “actions” by the US military can not be explained/excused away as “terrible, unfortunate. accidents. As was the case of the collateral murder release, the capacity of present day optics used by US pilots and gunners would have left no doubt that the human beings targeted were unarmed, often children. The US is simply engaged clearing vast areas of unwanted human populations. This is also known as imperialism."
War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley (tags)
We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.
Congressmen and their "Constituent services" (tags)
Congressmen use "Constituent services" to get 5 to 10 percent of their votes
Out-of-Control Human Rights Abuses in Iraq (tags)
Filipino Workers criticize shortcomings of EDSA 1 (tags)
The Partido ng Manggagawa (PM) and the anti-contractualization coalition KONTRA slammed the shortcomings of EDSA 1 in a symbolic mass action this afternoon. Scores of workers from PM and KONTRA assembled at the Ninoy Aquino monument at the corner of Timog and Quezon Avenues at around 5:30 pm.
Thank you Matt Damon! Let's replace RTTT with the Zinn Education Project (tags)
In defense of Matt Damon, who recently took a cogent and principled stand against this administration's reactionary neoliberal education policies. In response, many HuffPost readers unleashed vicious invective against him. Rather than defending education policies that originated from Heritage, Fordham, and Hoover, we should be advocating progressive education policies and curriculum.
Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)
""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "
Major Media Promote War on Libya (tags)
Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services (tags)
Rally March 2nd "Day of Action: Defend Public Education & Health and Human Services and Push The CA Dream Act"
Commander Faustino " Peping' Baclig, 1922-2011 (tags)
It is with deep sadness that the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) announced today that Commander Faustino "Peping" Baclig, founder/chair of Alyansa ng Komunidad, JFAV , Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE)-Los Angeles, Golden Agers (GALA) , Seniors for PACE and the pillar of the Filipino World War II veterans movement in the United States, passed away today at 3:00 am, February 27, 2011. He was 89 years old.He was born in Cabugao, Ilocos Sur on February 14, 1922 and died on February 27, 2011.
WikiLeaks at the Forefront of 21st-Century Journalism (tags)
"WikiLeaks is filling a void in traditional media, as the level of distrust of the mass media is now at record highs. A recent Gallup Poll found 57 percent of Americans do not trust the media, and a Pew Poll found a record low 29 percent trust the media. There is good reason for distrust. The New York Times helped start the Iraq War by publishing the false weapons of mass destruction story. It recently misled the public about a Blackwater employee arrested in Pakistan by hiding the fact that he worked for the CIA, while reporting that Obama said he was a diplomat. Even the way the Times and the Washington Post reported on WikiLeaks documents showed reason for distrust. WikiLeaks described Iranian long-range missiles that could hit European cities but also reported that Russian intelligence refuted the claim. The Times and the Post evidently made a decision to exaggerate Iranian capability and mislead readers by excluding the Russian intelligence report. The Times admits it provides WikiLeaks documents to the government in advance and excludes material at the request of the government."
A Few Things We'd Like to Say (tags)
The Socialist Party of California is inspired by the words, the actions and the lives of people who are dedicated to fighting for justice and equality. These are just some folks we'd like to say thanks to. ...
Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention? (tags)
“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq. Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”
Winter 2011 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)
From Madison, WI to May Day 2011 Immigrants, Workers, Peace Activists UNITED!
One Land, Two Economies (tags)
Economic prosperity and progress for the president are obviously synonymous with robustly higher profits for businessmen and stock speculators. The large majority of Americans must suffer more because the crisis is not over for them.
Over 1,000 Turn Out in San Diego to Support Wisconsin Workers (tags)
Over 1,000 people turned out for a rally outside the San Diego County Administrative Center February 26 at noon to support Wisconsin's unionized public workers against the threat by Governor Scott Walker and the Republican majority in the state legislature to pass a bill essentially eliminating the right of the state's public employees to unionize and bargain collectively. A wide range of speakers, including union activists, community leaders and elected officials, said that if Walker's bill and similar ones in other states pass, it will essentially mark the end of the American middle class. The rally was part of a nationwide mobilization, and many of those who braved the cold and the rain to attend mentioned that the protesters in Wisconsin itself are sleeping out in the cold and snow in weather far worse than that in San Diego.
Prof Erwin Chemerinsky is Asked to Take a Stand on US Court Corruption (tags)
The validity, integrity, and transparency of court records are at the foundation of Fair Hearing/Due Process and the Human, Constructional, and Civil Rights of the People. Widespread corruption of the US courts is key to the disintegration of socio-economic development and civil society in the United States under our watch.
Why isn't Wall Street in Jail? (tags)
Judicial corruption is at the heart of the matter.
Democracy promotion: America’s new regime change formula (tags)
"By the 1980s, the reign of terror that blazed across Latin America was too much for most people to stomach. From death squads to torture chambers and various massacres, the Latin American generals who trained in the US to spread democracy around the world quickly gained reputations for major human rights abuses. To replace the overt support for dictatorships, a new concept for regime change was born; one that sounds and looks better – democracy promotion."
Union Busting in America (tags)
worker struggles
CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human R (tags)
CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human Rights violations
Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with Iran? (tags)
"In terms of imperialist mentality, not all that much has changed since the days of 1956, when British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would become apoplectic at the mere sight of Colonel Amal abd-el Nasser, the gallant Egyptian leader who successfully nationalized the Suez Canal in defiance of the British and the French. When the imperialists look across the northern edge of Africa, the valuable assets they see are the oil of Algeria and Libya, and above all the Suez Canal, one of the classical naval choke points of the world, through which 8% of world maritime trade currently passes. The Anglo Americans are acutely aware of the endless possibilities for mischief against countries like Iran, China, and Russia that could be derived from a reassertion of the old imperialist control of Suez. If some pretext could be found for banning Chinese ships from the Suez Canal, China’s entire trade with Europe would be severely disrupted. However, in order to make a grab for Suez politically feasible, Egypt would have to descend into chaos. This may in fact be one of the prime motivations of what is currently going on. If the national states collapse, then the empire is free to step in and seize what it wants."
SPLA Calls Defunding of Planned Parenthood a Crime Against Women (tags)
The Socialist Party Los Angeles calls the proposed Acts to defund Planned Parenthood another attempt by the patriarchal U.S. government to strip women of their basic human rights.
Obama on Palestinian Rights: Nyet (tags)
resolution veto
Russia's Foremost LGBT Leader in LA! (tags)
In a bid to promote the prominence of this May's Moscow Pride and thus hopefully forestall threatened repression by the authorities, Russia's foremost gay leader, Nikolai Alekseev, will tour seven U.S. cities February 26 thru March 6.
Wall Street versus the Poor and the Middle Class: Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Is A Tool Of Clas (tags)
"Please help alert the people before it’s too late. Share these articles with everyone. Organize teachings in your churches, union halls, schools, or other community groups, etc. We can stop this but we have to act. Don’t wait on someone else to do it. We can’t allow the people of this country to be fooled any longer. This is a life or death situation for our citizens, for most all of us. Spread everywhere. "
Does "Indignez-vous!" in The Nation mag deny Hessel a bestseller in the USA? (tags)
Now Stephane Hessel has another reason for outrage, though at 94 he may be exempt from personal ambition and he always has been selfless, and that is the chance to also have a bestseller in the US.
The PESANTE BULETIN, the news service of PESANTE-USA bassed in the United States reported today that the Armed Force of the Philippines (AFP) is violating the mutually-declared ceasefire which began on 15 February 2011 and will end on 21 February 2011 by conducting military operations in the guise of “civil-military operations” (CMO), “Peace and Development Teams” (PDTs) or “Community Organizer for Peace and Development” (COPD) in many barangays in all provinces of Mindanao. According to Jorge MAdlos of the NDF-Mindanao, fully-armed AFP-PNP-CAFGU units enter barrios or communities in platoon or company formations under the guise of promoting “peace and development” in a desperate attempt to “win over” the people through deceit and intimidation, taking advantage of the NPA reciprocal ceasefire. They break into two groups, whereby one takes charge of psy-war operations in barrio or community centers, while another does the security clearing operations.
Obama's Anti-Populist Budget (tags)
'The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage' and more (tags)
"The struggle that is now unfolding in Egypt will be of a protracted character. The responsibility of revolutionary Marxists is to develop among workers, as they pass through colossal political experiences, an understanding of the necessity for an independent struggle for power. The revolutionary Marxists must counsel workers against all illusions that their democratic aspirations can be achieved under the aegis of bourgeois parties. They must expose ruthlessly the false promises of the political representatives of the capitalist class. They must encourage the creation of independent organs of workers’ power which can become, as the political struggle intensifies, the basis for the transfer of power to the working class. They must explain that the realization of the workers’ essential democratic demands is inseparable from the implementation of socialist policies. Above all, revolutionary Marxists must raise the political horizons of Egyptian workers beyond the borders of their own country. They must explain that the struggles that are now unfolding in Egypt are inextricably linked to an emerging global process of world socialist revolution, and that the victory of the revolution in Egypt requires not a national, but an international strategy. After all, the fight against the Mubarak-Suleiman regime and the Egyptian ruling class is, in the final analysis, a struggle against the entire Arab bourgeoisie, the Zionist regime in Israel and American and European imperialism."
Neocons Target Ron Paul After CPAC Poll Win (tags)
Following accusations by Ron Paul's supporters of Cheney being "war criminal" at the recent CPAC conference, neocon warmongers have started a campaign against Ron Paul for his non-interventionist and anti-military occupation positions, labeling him a "traitor" to the people. However, the facts show that Cheney and GW Bush are the real traitors, who authroized use of torture and deceit to engage the U.S. military in two illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
Hold the Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began (tags)
liberating struggles
Mubarak's Failed Bait and Switch (tags)
liberating struggles
Deliberately Misleading Testimony of Acting Inspector General Cynthia Schnedar, US DOJ (tags)
Given the abundance of official, expert, and media reports of large-scale false imprisonments, widespread corruption of the courts, and unprecedented fraudulent dispossession of homeowners throughout the United States, the testimony by the Acting Inspector General must be deemed false and deliberately misleading.
Essentials on the situation in Egyp (tags)
"Then, over the weekend, came the public statement by Frank Wisner, the former ambassador to Cairo tapped by the Obama administration to serve as its envoy to Mubarak. Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Wisner declared, “President Mubarak remains utterly critical in the days ahead as we sort our way toward the future.” He added that the dictator “must stay in office in order to steer those changes through.” The State Department immediately responded that Wisner was speaking in a personal capacity and had not cleared his remarks first with the US government. While mortified that Wisner had the audacity to say publicly what the administration—behind all its phony rhetoric about democracy—is actually doing, no one disputed the content of Wisner’s statement. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs found a somewhat more elegant way to echo Wisner’s view, declaring that the issue was one of “process not personality.”
George Bush: Preliminary Indictment for Torture (tags)
A powerful wave of anger among the poor and unemployed Arab masses shakes the young, voracious and brutal capitalism of the North African and Middle Eastern countries supported by the old and bloody capitalism in Europe and America. Anticipation of a social wave that can only be resolved in favor of the vast majority of the population by the emergence of the proletarian class.
Field Notes on American-Style Democracy (tags)
Heroic resistance in Cairo to state-orchestrated repression (tags)
"A significant piece of direct evidence of collusion is the texts sent out by the government via various mobile phone networks to rally its forces. One published on Flickr gallery states, “The Armed Forces asks Egypt's honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor and our precious Egypt.” The fact is that the army and the police are headed by the same people who control the government, with Mubarak's newly appointed vice-president, Omar Suleiman, acting as the prime culprit."
War Criminal Hosni Mubarak Must Stand Trial w/ GW Bush! (tags)
The thirty year tyrant and war criminal Hosni Mubarak must stand trail for complicity with untried war criminals of the GW Bush regime for enabling and assisting in CIA "black sites" torture of detainees. Not only did Mr. Mubarak torture many Egyptians, he also enabled CIA torture to occur in Egypt during his reign of terror. Mr. Mubarak is a traitor to Egypt and must step down from power and stand trial for war crimes!
Pro-Mubarak Thugs are Traitors to Egypt! (tags)
The pro-Mubarak thugs in Egypt attacking peaceful pro-democracy protesters are traitors to their people and nation. The pro-Mubarak thugs are most likely plainclothes police fearful of losing their favored status once Mr. Mubarak accepts his status as a deceased dictator and steps down ASAP. Here in the U.S., we question our government's funding of Egypt's military and CIA collaboration with a thirty year tyrant!
Criminological Perspective: Collapse of the US Justice System and the Financial Crisis (tags)
Like the Great Depression before it, the current financial crisis in its essence is a system-wide integrity crisis. Unless integrity of the financial and justice systems in the US is addressed, socio-economic and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future.
Alan Dershowitz Supporting Tyranny? (tags)
LSD is one of the most potent, mood-changing chemicals.
A national tour of mural art memorializing Afghan civilian casualties will be displayed in Los Angeles on Feb. 19. Windows and Mirrors: Reflections on the War in Afghanistan opens at the Social and Public Art Resource Center in Venice, CA.
Revolutionary Middle East Change (tags)
sweeping change
Windsor v Maid of the Mist (10-A690) in the US Supreme Court – Opined as “Shell Game Fraud (tags)
"Maybe Justice Thomas indeed denied your application, may not... maybe there is a valid record of the denial, certified by Justice Thomas, may there is none... what form the records of the US Supreme Court are in, the People are not permitted to know...."
CIA Puppet Mr. Hosni Mubarak MUST STEP DOWN! (tags)
It is illogical to assume that Hosni Mubarak's firing of his underlings will somehow restore democracy to Egypt when he himself is the source of the problem! Nor is it logical or probable that a thirty year dictator will step down "nicely" or "legally". Only when the Egyptian police grow weary of brutalzing their own people and rip off their badges and join the protests demanding Mubarak's full and complete resignation will democracy begin to emerge in Egypt!
The 1998 Rampart Scandal Continues to Reverberate in the LAPD (tags)
Below are: 1) The 1998 Rampart Scandal Continues to Reverberate in the LAPD, January 27, 2011, by "Jack Dunphy", an LAPD officer, calling for the repeal of rules requiring financial disclosures by some LAPD officers; 2) The Rampart Scandal - A Response - by Joseph Zernik, PhD, Human Rights Alert (NGO), January 28, 2011
Dr. Andrew Wakefield: No Fraud. No Hoax. (tags)
Allegations by BMJ journalist Brian Deer against Dr. Andrew Wakefield's '98 research paper showing links between vaccines and autism have no basis in fact and only demonstrate the scientific ignorance of Brian Deer.
Chicago's Mayoral Election: Rahm Emanuel's Eligibility At Issue (tags)
city politics
Dexia Holding v Countrywide and the Sub-prime Crisis - the Scope of the Fraud May Begin to (tags)
The complaint signals a break of ranks in the tight formation of banks, attorneys, judges, and regulators, and rebellion by northeastern states against fraud epidemic that was spawned in the southwest. "Corruption of the courts and the legal profession" is at the crux of the fraud.
Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution? (tags)
"Understand that the “War on Terror” is a complete lie, a concoction meant to obscure the imperial attack on the worldwide insurrection of the people’s revolt the imperialist ruling class knew would be coming. Of course 911 was a false flag attack perpetrated largely by imperialism to serve as a defense against this revolt. But before that the outlines of this “defense of the system” was likely behind the crash of a jumbo jet in the ocean when an Egyptian pilot, with no record of radical ideas, supposedly crash dived a fully loaded passenger plane shouting, “God is great.” One can review and study these manipulations and begin to see the strategy and heartless efforts being waged by our rulers in a desperate attempt to maintain our world in bondage. The U.S. will claim to be defending democracy and human welfare while attempting to utterly crush both."
America's Dire State of the Union (tags)
economic crisis
Lebanon's Hezbollah-Led Government (tags)
stability jeopardized
NDF-GRP Panels Held Preliminary Talks in Norway:Talks to Resume in February (tags)
The ALLIANCE NEWS, the news service of the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States reported today that the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Negotiating Panels held preliminary talks last 14-18 January 2011 in Oslo, Norway and agreed to resume formal peace talks. Formal talks could not be held for six years during the regime of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo because of the latter’s conspiracy with the US to put the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army and the NDFP Chief Political Consultant Jose Maria Sison on the US terrorist list and its refusal to resolve the socio-economic roots of the armed conflict.
Request Filed for Impeachment of US Supreme Court Clerk William Suter (tags)
The office of Clerk of the Court William Suter denies applicants and petitioners, as well as the public at large, the right to distinguish, which cases were duly reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States, and which one were not.
Oppose Brown’s cuts in California! Education must be a social right! (tags)
In his latest budget, California Governor Jerry Brown, a Democrat, is proposing drastic cuts that will affect the lives of students and workers throughout the state, including $1.4 billion in cuts to higher education. The net wealth of the 19 richest Californians is more than ten times the entire amount of proposed budget cuts!
A Meanness in This World (tags)
The January 8 shooting of Representative Gabrielle Giffords and murder of federal judge John Roll and five other people in Tucson, Arizona has been blamed on a lone nut, and both wings of the corporate media — center-Right and far-Right — have fallen over each other to absolve the ultra-Rightists of talk radio, Fox News and the Tea Party of blame for the alleged shooter’s actions. Nonsense. Not only did Sarah Palin’s Web page specifically “target” Congressmember Giffords for defeat last April — a piece of hysterical rhetoric Giffords called Palin out on at the time — but the radical Right’s incessant propaganda on talk radio and Fox News, with its ceaseless calls not only to defeat but “eliminate” its “enemies,” created a national climate that ensured that the killer’s madness took the form it did and his delusions led him to attack two individuals that had already been the targets of radical-Right bullying and harassment.
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit: Is the Docket Honest? (tags)
In 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, verification of validity of the dockets by Clerk Molly C Dwyer is requested. The Clerks of the US Courts hold a key position in the safeguard of integrity of the courts and Human Rights in the Digital Era.
‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’: Log Cabin Republicans Arguments - "handwaving" (tags)
In their opposition to the Motion to Intervene, the Log Cabin Republicans failed to do the obvious - produce the Certificate of the October 2010 Judgment. Of significance also is the lack of opposition to the intervention by the US Department of Justice, and the ongoing refusal of the US District Court to produce the Certificate.
justice for Aristide
Obama Challenges China on Human Rights (tags)
gross hypocrisy
Welcome To The Reservation (tags)
Since the Republic of Lakotah declared independence from the U.S., Russell Means has remained steadfast in refusing to recognize the illegal authority of the treaty violating U.S. government. During the 90 minute interview, Russell Means calls for a post-colonial world beyond the confines of U.S. empire.
Corruption of the courts and the legal profession in El Paso – Sealed in the Heart of Texa (tags)
"Public corruption is prevalent in the United States... Public corruption also is a Texas tradition"
The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)
"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"
California is not Alone: "Burlesque" in the highest court of Michigan and beyond... (tags)
Retired Justice Weaver may be unique as a judge that broke ranks with the judiciary. However, conditions that she documents in the Michigan Supreme Court are not unique at all...
U.S. Election 2012: Weak Labor Demands, Bad News for Obama (tags)
Alexander says he has a plan that will create employment for working people; he refers to his plan as “A Better Deal.” Alexander’s plan would create employment in housing restoring existing homes and building low income housing; automobile manufacturing building electric cars and light rail automobiles; building mass transportation; and repairing the nation’s infrastructure. Establishing a Universal Basic Income (UBI) is one unique element of A Better Deal. Alexander is proposing a UBI that will help to relieve poverty and homelessness.
Request Filed to Inspect and to Copy US Supreme Court Electronic Records (tags)
The outcome of petitions and applications by individuals against government or corporation remained vague and ambiguous. The Office of the Clerk sent invalid letters, as notices of "denial", while no judicial records were found in the paper court files as valid foundation for such letter. So far, no public access was permitted to the judicial records in the electronic case management of the US Supreme Court.
Alleged corruption of the office of the Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States (tags)
No signed orders and decisions can be found in the paper SCOTUS files; false and deliberately misleading dockets are published online by the office of the clerk; false and deliberately misleading letters are mailed by the office of the clerk.
Why Tunisia Changed the World (tags)
Tunisia woke up the Middle East with a thundering yawn. After years of domination by western-backed tyrants, the working people of the Arab world are rising from slumber. Once fully awake and aware of their surroundings, they'll shake off the influence of the western nations with a collective flick of the wrist. The elites of the Middle East and their western benefactors are petrified. The revolution in Tunisia deposed of two Presidents in 48 hours, and the vast energy of the people has already spilled over its borders, immediately affecting the politics of Algeria, Jordan, and Egypt. The Guardian reports:
Revolution in British: Billy Bragg (tags)
Happy MLK Day! There is good in every person. Our ideas about strength and security must change to reflect reality and not jingoistic imperialist delusions. Normalizing war and militarizing foreign policy are perversions that only bring mistrust and cynicism.
Tunisia: Talking About A Revolution (tags)
Lina Ben Mhenni … is a Tunisian assistant lecturer in linguistics at Tunis University and a blogger. Lina is mainly blogging about freedom of speech, human rights (especially women’s rights and students’ rights), social problems, and organ donation awareness. She likes photography, reading, writing, watching movies. Lina is also an athlete but within a special team: The Tunisian National Organ Transplant Team.
US and State Judges Likely among Swiss Bank Accounts Holders (tags)
Circumstantial evidence indicates financial benefits by large financial institutions to state and US judges, who allegedly engage in fraud on the courts in tight alliance wit such institutions, in disregard of the law.
Prepping Minds for War Against China (tags)
You'd think the U.S. was already at war with China, given the immense amount of anti-China rhetoric spouting from the government and media. But selling wars takes time. The average American hasn't bought in to this false advertising yet. So the big lie will be repeated until its roots are deeply sunk into the American psyche: China, says the U.S. government, is a threat that needs to be "dealt with.” This propaganda assault is multi-faceted, taking aim from all directions. Any China-related issue -- military, economic, and social -- is open for attack. For example, the head of the U.S. Department of Defense, Robert Gates, recently visited Asia and focused much of his trip talking about China as a "military threat.”
Abrogation in Islam and the Persecution of Christians (tags)
In the last few months, Muslim extremists attacked Christian worshippers in their churches: one in Iraq, the other in Egypt. These massacred resulted in killing innocent men, women and children while praying. Abrogation in Islam is one major cause for the atrocities that Muslim fundamentalists have against non-Muslims in general, and the Christian communities in the Islamic world, in particular. This article addresses the persecution of Christians under Islam within the doctrine of abrogation.
responsible banking
The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III plus many mirrors (tags)
"Obama wasted no time in rapidly accelerating America’s imperial adventures. While dropping the term “War on Terror” from usage, the Pentagon adopted the term, “overseas contingency operations.”[4] This was to be the typical strategy of the Obama administration: change the appearance, not the substance. The name was changed, but the “War on Terror” remained, and not only that, it was rapidly accelerated to a level that would not have been possible if undertaken by the previous administration."
Lebanon crisis
Corruption in the Courts, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, California (tags)
In 2010 the United Nations Human Rights Council Report summed up the situation as "corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in California".
Burlesque in the US Courts - Hijacking of the US Government (tags)
Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius in the US District Court – Constitutional Challenge to the Obama Health Care Law – Appears as Deliberately Invalid Litigation _____ The docket of the case reveals records that are inconsistent with litigation conducted in compliance with the US law. The clerk of the court and US Department of Justice Freedom of Information Office were requested to provide copies of the electronic certificates of authentication/attestation by the clerk of the records in the case.
Post-Quake Haiti: One Year Later (tags)
Haiti worse off than ever
Rabbi Susan Leider Joined Call-Stay the Execution of Kevin Cooper, Stop CA Death Penalty (tags)
Given the widespread corruption of the California government, religious leaders have been asked to spearhead the call for corrective actions.
The Tucson Shooting is a Warning to All Progressives (tags)
The shooting rampage on Saturday in Tucson, Arizona was clearly an act of right-wing terrorism. The gunman shot a total of 20 people, critically wounding Democratic Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killing Federal Judge John M. Roll and five others. In his first statement to the press, Pima County Sheriff Clarence W. Dupnik got it right when he placed the shootings in their political context. He denounced the "political vitriol" that animates the politics of the right and characterized Arizona as the national center of bigotry.
Investigation, Impeachment of US Judge Jed Rakoff, Clerk Ruby Krajick Requested (tags)
The US Government coerced merger of Merrill Lynch and BofA involved alleged criminality by US and BofA senior officers, including Brian Moynihan and Ben Bernanke. US Judge Jed Rakoff and Clerk Ruby Krajick engaged in conduct of invalid litigation in alleged violation of the US law, and the publication of null and void court records in alleged violation of their Oaths of Office, as part of efforts to cover-up the alleged criminality by senior BofA and US officers.
US government demands Twitter account information of WikiLeaks and followers (tags)
Following Tucson Shooting, Dissent Demonized (tags)
Following the tragic shooting in Tucson by a mentally disturbed individual, any and all anti-government speech is now being attacked by the corporate media. This sounds like an MK ULTRA CIA operation that pushes unstable individuals over the edge and causes the reactionary left to call for censorship of anti-government sentiment and ideas.
Drugging Guantanamo Detainees (tags)
more torture
‘Tama Na! Sobra Na!’ as a cry for peace (tags)
CALIFORNIA, United States—Twenty five years ago, Corazon Aquino rallied Filipinos against a despised dictatorship with the slogan, “Tama na! Sobra na! Palitan na!”—“We’ve had enough! Things have gone too far! It’s time for a change!”
Shield Act Targets First Amendment Freedoms (tags)
police state tactics
‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: Request to Dismiss Appeals from an Uncertified Judgment, on Docket (tags)
The Motion and concomitantly filed papers have not addressed the controversial ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy itself, and have not sided with either of the parties in the case - the Log Cabin Republicans, or the US Department of Justice. Instead, the Motion has limited itself to arguments regarding the validity, or lack thereof, of the uncertified October 2010 Judgment, from which the appeals were taken. The motion has also addressed the validity, or lack thereof of the docket of the US District Court, Central District of California in the case, as a whole, and the implementation of the US District Court’s online public access and case management systems (PACER and CM/ECF).
Wikileaks SEP-ISSE Public Meetings (tags)
"The significance of the WikiLeaks exposures can be measured by the fact that the organization’s founder, Julian Assange, has faced death threats from US politicians and media figures as well as calls for his trial and execution. Assange is currently threatened with extradition to Sweden on trumped-up sex charges, while the Obama administration has labeled the WikiLeaks founder a "high-tech terrorist.” The attack on WikiLeaks and Assange poses a grave threat to democratic rights and to all those who seek to expose the crimes of the US government."
Los Angeles Superior Court - Widespread Corruption and Refusal of US DOJ to Take Action (tags)
The Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, is the largest county court in the United States, with over 400 judges, serving the most populous county in the United States, with over 10 million residents. Official, expert, and media reports have documented widespread corruption of the court for over a decade, and consistent refusal of the US government to take action.
Israel's Knesset Targets Leftist Organizations (tags)
targeting dissent
THE PESANTE BULETIN based in the United States today reported that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas said today that the New People’s Army is undertaking steps to prevent civilian casualties over concerns of such occurring last Dec. 8 and Dec. 14 in Northern Samar. The PB reported that “In upholding the people’s war as just, correct and principled, it is important for the NPA to ensure the observance of the rights of civilians,” said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson. "This demonstrates the NPA’s firm unity with the people and differentiates it from the enemy, which is carrying out an unjust and unpincipled counterrevolutionary war backed by US imperialism. It is the people, not arms alone, who are decisive in war — contrary to the casual acceptance of so-called “collateral damage” as well as the willful targetting of civilians by the Armed Forces of the Philippines."
PFP Candidate Dina Padilla Endorse Stewart Alexander for U.S. President (tags)
Stewart Alexander is one of us and was raised in a working family. The son of a mother that was a nurse for more than 35 years and a father that was in construction all of his life, Alexander understands the challenges that working people are faced with on a daily basis. The many challenges in his life have made him a determine advocate for working people. Let’s elect Stewart Alexander as the next President of the United States.
Psychology and the Shrinking of America (tags)
Psychology and the Shrinking of America
Alleged of Criminality by BofA and Misconduct in the State and US Courts -Robber Baron Era (tags)
Alleged of Criminality by Bank of America [NYSE:BAC], Misconduct in the State and US Courts, and Muzzled US Media Amount to a Robber Baron Revival Era.
Surgeon v LA County - Opined as elaborate Fraud on the California Courts (tags)
The case is of the highest public policy significance. It reflects the conduct in concert of the California Government of all branches in a manner that undermines the prospect of honest court services in Los Angeles County, California, for years to come.
NEW RACIST OFFENSIVE: 14 states may target birthright citizenship (tags)
In an apparent racist offensive fanned by GOP gains in the US Congress, the EPCC NEWS reported today that some states like Arizona will introduce model legislation this week to encourage states to prevent children of illegal immigrants from being granted citizenship under the 14th Amendment. The EPCC NEWS reported that some legislators t least 14 states have said they are committed to passing the legislation targeting birthright citizenship.
Islamophobia in Western Media (tags)
Muslim vilification
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander to Seek PFP Presidential Nomination (tags)
Approaching 2012, Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander is hoping to gain support from five political parties that he says will be crucial to his campaign to become president; the Peace and Freedom Party- California, Socialist Party USA, the Green Party of the United States, the Freedom Socialist Party, and the Liberty Union Party- Vermont.
Human Rights Alert (NGO) Seeks Worldwide Submissions on JUDICIAL CORRUPTION for the 16th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, KOBE, JAPAN, AUGUST 5-9, 2011.
Threat by US Marshals Following Request for Correction of False Docket, US Court, CA (tags)
In both threats the US Deputy Marshal Darcy Smith was employed to suppress claims of judicial corruption at the US District Court, Southern District of Californina.
Washington’s “humanitarian” war and the KLA’s crimes (tags)
"This may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed his rise from terrorist thug to head of the newly “independent” state. But what will be a shock to many is the grotesque way in the KLA helped finance its operations—by removing and selling body organs from kidnapped Serb and Kosovan Albanian civilian prisoners." "Any prosecution of the KLA was made “impossible” by Washington, which has been its main sponsor since at least 1998. Following the Bosnian war of 1995, the KLA, seeking to capitalise on popular resentment among Kosovan Albanians against the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, pursued a strategy of destabilising Kosovo by acts of terrorism in the hope of provoking Western intervention." "US Senator Joseph Lieberman declared that “Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights."
Wikileaks Scandal Hits paraguayan president Fernando Lugo (tags)
Wikileaks scandal explodes in Paraguay: president Lugo is an U.S. and USAID agent
Opposition to war in Afghanistan at all-time high (tags)
"Maybe we should "be the media," I mean, help get the word out? Spread widely."
The Shortwave Report 12/31 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Germany, Cuba, and Russia.
Palestine Today: A Reality of Justice Denied (tags)
repression continues
Most Popular Publication in 2010: BofA and Brian Moynihan - Evidence of Racketeering (tags)
US mainstream media appear reluctant to report on evidence of criminality by BofA. A NYT editorial this week also expressed concerns of retribution by BofA against the NYT, if it publishes the WikiLeaks banking papers in January 2011.
Judgment in the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy Claimed to be Invalid (tags)
In filing the papers with the US Congress, Dr Zernik alleges that conduct of Judge Virginia Phillips and Clerk Terry Nafisi undermines the Rule of Law, and with it - Civil Rights, Banking Regulation, and management of the Armed Services.
Kosovo's Prime Minister Accused of Running Human Organ, Drug Trafficking (tags)
"As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic." Once organs were removed from the victims they were auctioned off to the highest bidder and sold by a global trafficking ring still "operating" today.
Rising Poverty in America and Israel (tags)
mostly unreported
Supporters Demand Justice for Aafia Siddiqui (tags)
8 years denied justice
more hype than substance
Will Hector Lopez be Free in Time for Midnight Mass? (tags)
Although 21-year-old Hector Lopez has reportedly been told that he can be released from a migrant detention center in Florence, AZ, he has also been advised that the paperwork for his release cannot be completed until after Christmas. But Dallas immigration advocate Ralph Isenberg is pressing for a pre-Christmas release.
U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Obama Fails Job Report (tags)
Socialists nationwide have sharply criticized this latest round of welfare for the rich, extending the Bush tax cuts, by holding hostage the nation’s unemployed, only to provide for their most basic needs. Alexander says “The nation’s wealthiest elite have gotten their tax breaks extended; they have gotten their bailouts, now President Obama must demand that corporate America deliver on the jobs that have been subsidized by the U.S. government.”
NV; Fatality from Ruby Pipeline Construction (tags)
El Paso corporation's rush to complete the Ruby Pipeline in northern Nevada resulted in a worker's fatality as safety procedures were skipped and work continued despite the frigid temps and icy surfaces. The time required to complete this project is being shortened by the corporate profit motive, and the human nature to make serious mistakes is increased as workers grow weary from long hours and colder temperatures.
promoting war
On the Supreme Court decision on the Visconde Massacre Case (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines send its deepest sympathy and outrage to Mr. Lauro Vizconde and his relatives and friends for the grave injustice perpetrated by the highest court of the land- the Philippine Supreme Court on its decision overturning the Court of Appeals and the lower court on the Visconde Massacre case. As an analysts put it: “The Supreme Court have killed Mr. Lauro Visconde twice.” It reminded us when the United States Supreme Court in 2001 decided in favor of GOP George Bush against Al Gore in the election recount case in Florida that made the presidency of George W. Bush Jr. from 2001-2009.
More on Haiti's Raging Cholera, Electoral Fraud and Deportations (tags)
exploiting Haiti
Dr William S Epps, Second Baptist Church, LA, Endorsed the Petition - End Death Penalty (tags)
Given the widespread corruption of the State of California justice system, religious leaders were asked to call upon the Governor of California to initiate corrective actions.
Rabbi Sharon Brous Endorsed the Petition Calling for an End to the Death Penalty in Califo (tags)
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.
Archbishop Jose Gomez is Asked to Endorse the Petition to End the Death Penalty in CA (tags)
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.
Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz Endorsed Petition: Stay Kevin Cooper's Execution End Death Penalty (tags)
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.
Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011 (tags)
Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists
Beware of Wikileaks: Or at least those leaks chosen by western “imperialist press" (tags)
"What is interesting here is the suggestion that the remarks are deep and valuable due to the author’s so-called ‘knowledge’ of the Euro-Asian mafia. The inclusion of Belarus in this ‘leak’ is particularly puzzling. Belarus has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe. The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has been continuously re-elected since 1994, due to his progressive social policies and no one denies his obvious popularity. Yet he is consistently slandered as a ‘dictator’. While Belarus does have close connections with Russia, relations between the two countries have soured recently over energy disputes, geopolitical differences and Belarus’s refusal to pursue free-market policies. Belarus and Alexander Lukashenko in particular, has been indefatigably demonised in the international press for his refusal to privatise the Belarusian economy, opening up publicly owned industries to international, finance capital mafia. President Lukashenko’s refusal to indebt his country through IMF loans together with the robust performance of the Belarusian economy since the outbreak of the global economic crisis, have won the Belarusian leader the praise and close friendship of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who has described Belarus as model socialist economy. Yet Wikileaks considers a flippant and mendacious comment by a Spanish prosecutor to be ‘deep and valuable’? Here we can see ideology masquerading as objective truth. A flippant opinion by a Spanish prosecutor is considered ‘deep and valuable’ because he should know such things. The Wikileak is in reality not a revelation at all. It is simply the publication of a highly dubious statement with an ideological assumption appended. Here the Wikileak serves to bolster the negative view of the country engineered by the acolytes of the corporate media to demonise a respectable socialist democracy. Far from undermining US imperialism, this Wikileaks ‘revelation’ slanders a law-abiding country by associating it with criminality and terrorism."
New Evidence Filed with US Congress of Conduct of Invalid Litigation in SEC v BofA (tags)
The evidence shows SEC, Bank of America, and the Court covered up alleged violations of the law by high-level corporate executives and US officers through conduct of invalid litigation in the US Court.
Banning Methane Mining - A Review of Gasland (tags)
An incisive critique of the movie Gasland.
Muslin Leaders Asked to Join Petition to Stay Kevin Cooper's Execution, End Death Penalty (tags)
The requests followed MPAC's stated mission of "promoting the Islamic values of mercy, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and equality for all." The petition called upon Governor Scharzenegger to stay the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose an immediate moratorium on the death penalty in California.
Net Neutrality Threatened (Part II) (tags)
Net Neutrality threatened
America's War on Islam: New Republican Offensive Planned (tags)
Republican witch-hunts planned
UCLA Hillel's Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller: Stay Kevin Cooper's Execution! (tags)
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.
UCLA Hillel's Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller: Stop Kevin Cooper's Execution (tags)
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions.
False Litigation Records and False Bank of America Banking Regulation (tags)
Actions by US Congress were asserted as essential not only for restoring the integrity of the US courts, but also for restoring the integrity of banking regulation and ending the current economic Depression.
Blackwater Founder in Deal to Sell Company to LA-Based Investors (tags)
Erik D. Prince, founder of the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, has reached a deal to sell his embattled firm to a small group of investors based in Los Angeles who have close ties to Mr. Prince, according to people briefed on the deal.
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.
Will Peace Break out in the Philippines? (tags)
Will peace break out at last? Much hope has been sparked by the coming resumption of peace talks between the National Democratic Front (NDF) and the Aquino government. Undoubtedly, this optimism stems from the widespread public perception that President Benigno Aquino III is genuinely interested in ending the four-decade-long war between the NDF and the Philippine government.
Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.
Survival calls on Obama to support the UN Declaration on indigenous rights (tags)
To mark tomorrow's opening of the White House Tribal Nations Conference, Survival International has called on President Obama to support the UN Declaration on the rights of indigenous peoples. The United States is the only country in the world that still opposes the Declaration.
Desperate to stop the "truth telling" (tags)
"The imperialists of the world are desperate to stop the "truth telling" of wikileaks. To do so they have thrown away the cover of respect of "freedom of speech" in particular and "support of democratic principals" in general. They are naked now in their hatred of democracy. Organize, resist, do all that you can to protect these true heros from attack. Most importantly, aid them in their efforts to reveal the truths that just may "set us free."
Hey, in case folks haven't heard yet, a general strike by prisoners throughout the Georgia prison system has shut down 10 prisons since Thursday.
Manning Assange Bring Regime Change in Iran Foreign Minister Gone (tags)
The keyboard is mightier than the sword.
The Empire Has No Clothes (tags)
The UN reviews (or does it?) the human rights record of the United States.
The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats to Buckle (tags)
Democrats will cave
Log Cabin Republicans v USA – ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ - Notice of Intent to Intervene (tags)
The litigation places the spotlight on the denial of Public Access to the ‘electronic document stamps’ and thus, the question of the integrity of judicial records and processes at the US District Court, Central District of California.
Free Julian Assange! Hands Off WikiLeaks! (tags)
The December 7 arrest in London of Julian Assange, the founder and editor-in-chief of the Internet investigative site WikiLeaks, is a threat to freedom of the press and an attempt to silence critics who expose the bloody deeds of imperialism. We are convinced, along with many others, that Assange is innocent of the trumped up accusations of the crimes of rape and sexual molestation that are being manipulated by Swedish authorities to request his detention and extradition. His main accuser is an anti-Communist social-democratic operative. It is clear that sinister forces are pushing the persecution of this courageous man, and his life could be in danger. The criminal forces who are behind this frame-up are first and foremost, the United States government of Barack Obama and its military and spy agencies. They seek to silence whistleblowers who have not only caused them diplomatic embarrassment but also lifted a corner of the veil on Washington’s Murder, Inc. We demand that Assange be freed, that all charges against him be dropped, including those now being prepared and that Private Bradley Manning, accused of leaking documents that incriminate the U.S., be freed as well.
We cannot commemorate this day until we realize fully the freedoms that the declaration guarantees. It will just be a continuing myth and not a reality. The reality is we have to fight for our freedoms and struggle to guarantee it.
A North American call out for a day of action against prisons in the New Year of 2011 (tags)
Noise demos outside of prisons in some countries are a continuing tradition. A way of expressing solidarity for people imprisoned during the New Year, remembering those held captive by the state. A noise demo breaks the isolation and alienation of the cells our enemies create, but it does not have to stop at that.
‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: US Court Clerk TERRY NAFISI Asked to Provide Judgments Attestation (tags)
The Clerk of the US Court is charged with attestation of judgments and the maintenance of honest dockets. On both accounts Clerk TERRY NAFISI was previously found at fault.
More on Obama's Capitulation and Betrayal (tags)
capitulating to Republicans
On the 69th Pearl Harbor Day, Fight Racism in the United States (tags)
The Day that will live in infamy” Today, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), AWARE and MHC marks the 69th year of the infamous Japanese fascist sneak attack on Pearl Harbor naval base in December 08, 1941 ( in the Philippines, Dec.7 Pacific Time). The public should know, that at that time the attack coincided with the bombing of the major cities of the Philippines and two days later, the Japanese invaded the country and the Philippines was involved in a colonial war not of its choosing. JFAV with People's CORE marked the day with a memorial meeting yesterday in FACLA with a private ceremonies and meeting. Scores of Filipino World War II veterans, widows and relatives as well as advocates attended the memorial.
Request for impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the US Court, New York (tags)
In a matter, where New York Attorney General uncovered alleged criminality by BofA and US government officers, pretense litigation was conducted at the US District Court in New York.
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Notice Given to Counsel for Parties of Alleged Fraud on the Court (tags)
Counsel's attention was requested for a matter alleged as Fraud on the Court.
Request for Impeachment of TERRY NAFISI - Clerk of US Court, Central District of CA (tags)
The request alleged that Clerk TERRY NAFISI violated her Oath of Office, including, but not limited to: denial of access to the courts, deprivation of rights under the color of law, and/or misprision of felonies; therefore - impeachable offences.
TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER is asked re: Immediate Moratorium on the Death Penalty in Ca (tags)
Corruption of the California justice system was well-documented. The Jewish community was vastly over-represented among judges and attorneys. Therefore, it should consider itself accountable for conditions of the justice system in California.
Reactionary PH Congress leaders urges talks w/o conditions to sabotage peace talks-AJLPP (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States scored the apparent moves to sabotage the peace talks by Congress leaders in the Philippines. Saying that to avoid hitches in the resumption of peace talks, the government and the communist-led National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) should not impose difficult preconditions, a former AFP chief of staff said Sunday.
Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Another Pretense Litigation by US Judge Virginia Phillips (tags)
US Judge Virginia Phillips appeared in the case with no due Assignment Order. Her "Judgment" was not recorded by the Court. Instead, the opposite Judgment was recorded - in favor of the United States. The Court continues to deny access to the authentication records...
Having trouble getting to wikileaks? Try these. F__Joe Leiberman! (tags)
"Having trouble getting to wikileaks? Try these. F__Joe Leiberman! Wikileaks Mirrors Find all the current Wikileaks Mirrors here. Helpful, if the main site - - is down."
Having trouble getting to wikileaks? Try these. F__Joe Leiberman! (tags)
"Having trouble getting to wikileaks? Try these. F__Joe Leiberman! Wikileaks Mirrors Find all the current Wikileaks Mirrors here. Helpful, if the main site - - is down."
Request for impeachment of US Judges JED RAKOFF, VIRGINIA PHILLIPS, JOHN WALTER, and US Ma (tags)
The request alleged that the conduct of the named judges and magistrate undermined Banking Regulation and/or Human Rights in the United States.
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ethanol Mistake “No Mistake” (tags)
Stewart Alexander says another “inconvenient truth” is that “Washington Democrats and Republicans know how to buy votes; take care of the corporations that produce ethanol, and in return it will generate campaign funding that will generate votes. The 2007 Energy Bill was only about buying political support.”
Nine Obama Pardons Mock Equity and Justice (tags)
gross presidential hypocrisy
Human Rights Alert (NGO): US *** Stars*** and Most Read Records on the Scribd Site (tags)
Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, marked the 200,000th read on the Scribd site, launched in January 2010, by releasing the list of best read documents and most read subjects.
The persecution of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange (tags)
"The documents obtained by WikiLeaks—only a small fraction of which have been released so far—help expose what is a permanent conspiracy against the democratic rights of the world’s population: from covering up US bombings of civilians in Yemen, to working behind the scenes to obstruct the prosecution of CIA agents guilty of torture, to spying on UN officials in violation of international treaties. Those who are leading the campaign against WikiLeaks are themselves responsible for horrific atrocities. In the face of allegations from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that WikiLeaks had placed lives in danger, Assange gave an appropriate response in an interview with Time magazine. WikiLeaks, he noted, “has never caused an individual … to come to any sort of physical harm or to be wrongly imprisoned and so on. That is a record compared to the organizations that we are trying to expose who have literally been involved in the deaths of hundreds or thousands or, potentially over the course of many years, millions.”
NGO Monitor Targets Truth for Israel (tags)
Israel's war against truth
WikiLeaks cables fuel hostility to US role in Pakistan (tags)
"Indeed, another cable cites a discussion between US Vice President Joe Biden and Zardari in early 2009 in which the Pakistani president expressed his concern that the “ISI director and [Gen. Ashfaq Parvez] Kayani will take me out.” The US government apparently knew more than it was sharing with Zardari. Another cable describes a conversation held during the same period in which General Kayani told Ambassador Patterson that he “might, however reluctantly,” move to force Zardari from office. Many of the cables expose Washington and Islamabad as partners in carrying out bloody crimes and deception against the Pakistani people. As the US has stepped up its military operations in the region, dubbing its intervention the “Afpak war,” the Zardari government has attempted to assuage popular anger by posing as an opponent of US violations of Pakistani sovereignty."
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy" (tags)
"This may not be reported in the newspapers, but it’s certainly familiar to the Israeli and U.S. governments and the ambassadors. What this reveals is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership."
The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks (tags)
willful New York Times censorship
TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, and the Los Angeles Jewish Community, Rampart FIPs (tags)
Following initial request for opinion, additional information was provided to Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, TIKKUN's Editor
ILPS Condemns War Provocations by the US, South Korea Puppets vs DPRK (tags)
We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent and ongoing provocations being made by the US and the South Korean puppet government against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.
TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, is asked re: The Los Angeles Jewish Community, Rampart FIPs (tags)
Rabbi Lerner was asked to take a stand in efforts to repair a Human Rights disgrace of historic proportions taking place under our watch, here in California.
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), a national alliance of Filipino World War II veterans, widows and their relatives, youth and students and community advocates and their allied organizations welcomes the a new face in Filipino-American leadership in the National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NAFFAA). JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia, in a statement after Thanksgiving Day, expressed great hope that after the Midwest region’s Michigan-based Ed Navarra became the new chair of the disintegrating national organization, things will become better for the the prime national organizations of Filipino-Americans in the United States. Garcia said, “JFAV is elated at Navarra’s statement that he wants to fight for more benefits for the Filipino World War II veterans who are dwindling in numbers.” JFAV pointed out the fact that out of the more than 46,000 war veterans who applied for lump sum claims, around 22,000 were denied by the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).
Oscar Lopez Rivera - Imprisoned for Supporting Puerto Rican Independence (tags)
another political prisoner
William Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States – Evidence of Public Corrup (tags)
Conditions that prevail at the US courts today undermine Human Rights and banking regulation, and contribute to disintegration of the frameworks of democratic government in the United States. Reform of the judiciary in the United States is also essential for addressing the current Depression.
Remembering Chalmers Ashby Johnson (8/6/31 - 11/20/10) (tags)
a powerful voice silenced
Destructive Neoliberal Austerity (tags)
austerity, not stimulus coming
California Ethics Questions for TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, in re: Karimi v Mithaiwala (tags)
Protesting and rebuking corruption of the courts was central to the teachings of the Hebrew prophets, and part of what made them universally admired. In pronouncing a clear and unambiguous stand on these issues Rabbi Lerner could indeed help transform California and the United States, as we know them today.
Haiti's Cholera Epidemic: Mounting Illnesses and Deaths, Inadequate Aid (tags)
Washington provided virtually no aid
Global Warfare: After NATO Summit, U.S. To Intensify Military Drive Into Asia (tags)
"No fewer than 38 European nations have supplied NATO troops for the Afghanistan-Pakistan war as well as providing training grounds and transport centers to support the war effort. As envisioned for at least a century, through peaceful means or otherwise, Europe has been united, not so much by the European Union as under the NATO flag and on the killing fields of Afghanistan. It is now relegated to the role of pre-deployment training area and forward operating base for military campaigns downrange: The Middle East, Africa and Asia."
Duties and Responsibilities of the Clerks are Key to Integrity Failure of the US Courts (tags)
US Congress is called upon to take action to restore the integrity of the US Courts, through placing the Clerks under authority of the US Attorney General and enacting federal rules of PACER and CM/ECF.
Ruling on Behalf of Wall Street's "Super Rich": The Financial End Time has Arrived (tags)
"Alas, the Obama administration has backed the Geithner-Bernanke policy that “the economy” cannot recover without saving the debt overhead. The reality is that it is the debt overhead that is destroying the economy. So we are dealing with the irreconcilable fact that the Obama position threatens to lower living standards from 10% to 20% over the coming few years – making the United States look more like Greece, Ireland and Latvia than what was promised in the last presidential election. Something has to give politically if the economy is to change course. More to the point, what has to give is favoritism for Wall Street at the expense of the economy at large. What has made the U.S. economy uncompetitive is primarily the degree to which debt service has been built into the cost of living and doing business. Post-classical “junk economics” treats interest and fees as payment for the “service” for providing credit. But interest (like economic rent and monopoly price extraction) is a transfer payment to bankers with the privilege of credit creation. The beneficiaries of providing tax favoritism for debt are the super-rich at the top of the economic pyramid – the 2% whom Mr. Obama’s tax giveaway will benefit by over $700 billion. If the present direction of tax “reform” is not reversed, Mr. Obama will shed crocodile tears for the middle class as he sponsors the Deficit Reduction Commission’s program of cutting back Social Security and revenue sharing to save states and cities from defaulting on their pensions. One third of U.S. real estate already is reported to have sunk into negative equity, squeezing state and local tax collection, forcing a choice to be made between bankruptcy, debt default, or shifting the losses onto the shoulders of labor, off those of the wealthy creditor layer of the economy responsible for loading it down with debt."
“Corruption of the courts and the legal profession” in California – Questions and Response (tags)
Protesting and rebuking corruption of the courts was central to the teachings of the Hebrew prophets, and part of what made them universally admired.
Are the United States and NATO are losing the War in Afghanistan? (tags)
In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Targets Health Care Law (tags)
Stewart Alexander, a U.S. Presidential Candidate for 2012, says the Republicans don’t get it; Americans want the health care law repealed; the entire bill. “I am running on an anti-Obama-care ticket. Working people want the health care bill repealed. Now the Republican members in Congress have less than two years to get the job done.”
Class Warfare Jeopardizing American Workers' Security (tags)
waging war against vital social benefits
The 3-mile long march began at around 10;45 Am. With the student groups like Kappa Psi Epsilon, Chi Rho , XPO, TBD, Samahang Pilipino at UCLA, Kababayan of UC Irvine. Katipunan UC Riverside, CalPoly BARKADA, FASA from CSUN, Long Beach PAC, San Marcos, Andres Bonifacio Samahan from San Diego,SDSU to mention a few leading the way. They were joined by student activist groups from Pro People Youth KMB, ANSWER-LA, BANTAY PILIPINAS-USA, EPCC, AJLPP, the EFJPP while ve veterans and widows from the Society of Guerilla and Scouts (SGS), United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV), VFP-UC Chapter, AWARE-LA, Seniors for PACE (SPACE ) rode in the vehicles. Big streamers calling for recognition, justice and equity as well as immigrant rights were very prominent. Filipino, AJLPP and KMB flags flew high and proud during the march. The youth and advocates shouted slogans all the way.
American Style Free Trade (tags)
nothing fair about free trade
homeland prison torture
Reinventing a War Criminal: Defending the Bush Legacy (tags)
the man symbolizes depravity
Netanyahu Nuclear False Flag: Arabesque Answers & Islamic Intelligence (tags)
HOUSTON, 11/11/10 (Veterans Day) -- With Netanyahu in the United States during a hastily announced nuclear national level exercise and nuclear emergencies occurring after his arrival, the readership of my false flag analysis shot up from 322,000 Saturday morning to over 400,000 on Sunday night, according to Google.
UN Human Rights Council to US: Ratify Human Rights Treaties, Abolish Death Penalty... (tags)
Human Rights Council to the US: Abolish Death Penalty, Criminalize Torture, Guarantee Habeas Corpus, Close Guantanamo Bay...
U.S. Election 2012: Defending Education, Capitalism has Failed Our Kids (tags)
Stewart Alexander says students can only enforce their demands and stop the tuition hikes by demanding radical change. “For the present, students must hold President Obama accountable. Students must also defect from the Democrats, Republicans and rightwing political candidates in 2012 and support progressive political parties and candidates; such as candidates representing the Socialist Party (SPUSA) and Green Party candidates in 2012.”
World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)
"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."
Cholera Outbreak Hits Port-au-Prince (tags)
an epidemic threatens Haiti
Shin Bet Mistreatment of Palestinian Detainees (tags)
detainees are tortured and abused
Biden/Bibi nuke war game begins with 4 real China Syndromes! (tags)
Just hours after I posted the breaking news about Saturday's surprise nuke exercise, the Indian Point nuclear power plant 24 miles from New York City was in a crisis.
MARCH FOR JUSTICE, EQUITY AND PEACE! Everbody is ready for the Ninth Veterans Day Protest March next Thursday, November 11, 2010 in Los Angeles! The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) still calls on all community organizations, school and youth organizations in Southern California; advocates of justice and peace, veterans groups, widows and relatives of veterans to join the protest march to downtown Federal building on Veterans Day, November 11, 2010. The assembly area is at Search to Involve the Filipino Americans (SIPA), 3200 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 at 9;00 AM. The march route will be from Temple St right at Glendale to 2nd St to downtown Federal building at 300 Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012. The march will start at 10:30 AM.
Western Shoshone Visit UN for Human Rights Review (tags)
Members of the Western Shoshone Defense Project traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the human rights record of the U.S. government pertaining to indigenous peoples. Despite the Treaty of Ruby Valley (1863) signed with the Shoshone Nation and the U.S., many harmful activities have been permitted to occur on Shoshone land "Newe Sogobia" including cyanide leach pit gold mining, military weapons testing, nuclear waste disposal and now the Ruby natural gas pipeline cutting through pristine sage grouse habitat and numerous indigenous archeological sites sacred to the Shoshone and Paiute.
Obama's Fake Muslim Outreach (tags)
Obama's agenda belies his rhetoric
SEC v Bank of America at the US District Court, NY - Opined as Fraud on the Court (tags)
Absent reform of the US courts, there was no way to establish effective banking regulation in the United States. Moreover, conditions at the US courts were opined as a cardinal sign of disintegration of democratic government frameworks, entailing risks to world peace and welfare.
Open Season on Muslims in America (tags)
targeting innocent Muslims
Capital’s most severe crisis in seventy years ought to be a moment of significant opportunity for the left. But as the right mobilizes disgruntled Americans via its vast radio, television, web, and print empires, the one mass medium available to the left is driving out its best and brightest.
The Shortwave Report 11/05 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, and Russia.
MARCH FOR JUSTICE, EQUITY AND PEACE! All is set for the Ninth Veterans Day Protest March next Thursday, November 11, 2010 in Los Angeles! We in JFAV calls on all community organizations, school and youth organizations in Southern California; advocates, veterans groups, widows and relatives of veterans to join the protest march to downtown Federal building on Veterans Day, November 11, 2010. The assembly area is at Search to Involve the Filipino Americans (SIPA) at 9;00 Am and the march route will be from Temple St right at Glendale to 2nd St to downtown Federal building. The march will start at 10;30 AM.
America: Land of Police State Repression (tags)
targeting the vulnerable and innocent
ANSWER conference to honor the Angola 3 and other political prisoners (tags)
ANSWER Coalition leaders and organizers will make presentations and receive awards at the upcoming National Conference on Socialism in Los Angeles. The Nov. 13 and 14 event will feature two days of speakers, panels, organizing sessions, discussion and entertainment at the University of Southern California campus. Hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation, hundreds of workers, students, organizers, anti-war activists and progressive people will come together from across the United States.
Flying Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for the Environment (tags)
Flying Is One of the Worst Things You Can Do for the Environment -- So Why Do So Many Well-Intentioned Folks Do It?
California Attorneys Appearing in Pretense Court Proceedings: A Legal Ethics Question (tags)
California legal ethics question: What are the duties and responsibilities of an attorney when appearing in pretense court proceedings before a corrupt judge? – Correspondence with a California Attorney.
Interpreting Jon Stewart's Politics (tags)
Any criticism of Jon Stewart must begin with enthusiastic praise: his Daily Show is where millions of people go for important news that is purposely ignored by the mainstream media. Consequently, both Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert have become icons of the political Left. During the Bush administration, their shows highlighted the lies and hypocrisies used to engage in foreign wars while destroying the civil liberties in the United States; Colbert's speech at the White House Correspondence dinner - with Bush present - will go down in history as a moment of great courage and confrontation between a satiric comedian and a war criminal.
David Broder: Symbol of Major Media Depravity (tags)
Broder flacks for power
Green U.S. Senate Candidate: We Need a Single-Payer "Medicare-for-all" Health Care System (tags)
"The so-called 'health care reform' bill signed into law by Democratic President Barack Obama earlier this year was in reality a thinly-disguised scheme to bailout Wall Street billionaires who made huge investments in private health insurance companies that lately had been experiencing a decline in revenues as a result of a rapidly shrinking customer base."
Computer Fraud Opined in the Online Public Access and Case Management Systems of US Courts (tags)
Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the UN Human Rights Council, was incorporated in the official staff report with reference to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in California". Two papers on the matter were also recently published in a peer reviewed international computer science journal. The current paper expanded on the role of the US courts computer systems in enabling the "corruption".
State Sponsored Terror U.S.A. (tags)
The government authored threat contained herein displays a custom, policy and procedure established in the United States for over a decade that is highly offensive to the United States Constitution and U.S. law.
Farooque Ahmed: Entrapped by an FBI Sting (tags)
more evidence of US lawlessness
Ecuador, Venezuela: Danger South of the Borde (tags)
"The reason there is a bizarre attempt to pretend that this coup attempt never happened, is to hope that people won’t ask who might have benefited from such an action. A quick examination of the actions of President Correa sheds considerable light on that. In 2006, working with President Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Correa moved to increase state control over oil production in the country.[9] In 2008, he announced that Ecuador would not pay several billions of its more than $10 billion foreign debt, calling it “illegitimate.”[10] In 2009, he refused to renew the lease of the U.S. military airbase in Manta, saying that “the only way the US could keep their military base in Ecuador, is if Ecuador were allowed to have one of its own in Florida.”[11] In 2009, he officially brought Ecuador into ALBA – the Bolivarian Alliance for the Americas led by Venezuela, Cuba and Bolivia. When a country increases state control, challenges illegitimate foreign debt, pushes the U.S. military out of the country and joins a regional alliance with Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba – it is clear that the forces that would benefit from a coup would be: a) corporate interests inside Ecuador; b) International Financial Institutions; and c) the United States and its allies. There is another reason why the right-wing, corporate elite and the imperialist countries might have an incentive to minimize what happened September 30. There is now a shamefully long list of recent coup attempts in Latin America and the Caribbean – four of them against members of ALBA."
Reviewing Project Censored's Top 2009-10 Stories (tags)
PC's top censored stories
French Lessons for U.S. Workers (tags)
The world watches as France once again erupts in protests, demonstrations, and strikes. So much is at stake. If France's corporate-dominated government is able to increase the retirement age, other governments will be empowered to follow through with their plans to do the same. If labor, student, and community groups succeed in stopping the pension reform -- or toppling the government -- workers in other countries will likewise be inspired to fight back and organize in the French fashion.
A `Dumb War': Taking Stock of the Iraq Invasion (tags)
With its invasion of Iraq, the United States rid the Iraqi people of a tyrant. But it also broke the law and destroyed tens of thousands of lives. With the release of close to 400,000 Iraq logs by WikiLeaks and the coming publication of George W. Bush's memoir, it is time to take stock of a war that was catastrophic for Iraq and America's standing in the world.
As the Target has documented for over a decade, the fbi/cia continue their criminal activity designed as a kind of war against him; this is a progress update of the battle.
Congressional Fleecing the Public Legislation (tags)
congressional fleecing
Banning Methane Mining A Review of the movie, Gasland (tags)
A very revealing examination about how corporate environmental organizations (NRDC) facilitate polluting industry and dupe an 'artist' into promoting them and the corrupt politicians they cover for. Although there was a New York City premiere of the movie about a month ago, the film continues to tour and premiere in cities across the country and is a likely candidate for a Best Documentary Oscar. Here's where an earlier incarnation was published: The full article below includes significant rewrites (and key hyperlinks that were omitted in the earlier publication).
Dick Cheney Was Right! Torture Works. (tags)
That's if you are torturing for the explicit purpose of having torture victims confess to crimes they didn't commit.
Instead of the traditional ceremonies, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marked the 66th year of the Leyte Landing, October 20, 1944 with a flurry of activities. - In the Pacific Northwest, in Seattle, Washington, veterans and widows marked the date with a series of meetings with the lawyers and advocates –The Filipino Lawyers of Washington (FLOW) ANSWER-Seattle and the Veterans for Peace. On October 22, more than 300 participated with the meeting with Congressman Mcdermmot. Widows, veterans and lawyers were present in the meeting and expressed support for the civil suit filed by JFAV in San Francisco last October 8, 2010
The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expressed elation over the supposed resumption of peace negotiations between the NDFP and the GRP. The Alliance-Philippines is happy that after 24 years and four different sets of government from Aquino to Arroyo negotiating panels, the 3-month-old Aquino administration Thursday signaled its readiness to talk peace with communist rebels, hoping that a political settlement of the 41-year-old insurgency will finally be forged under its watch.
Where the Hell is the Progressive Rebel Party? (tags)
Teabaggers are being “bagged” back into the same old two party system—that is not just corrupted but corroded—so the joke will ultimately be on them—exactly in the same way that the joke was on progressives, who equally thought a corporate owned “top-down” Democratic Party was going to deliver a new deal of any kind—even as the bottom up got many of them elected into office.
When I was recently named chairman of the Committee on Overseas Workers’ Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, I was approached by members of the press for my views on migrant labor. I remembered a speech I delivered last year at the Global Forum for Migration and Development in Athens, Greece. The thrust of the speech was that migrants’ rights have to be addressed on two fronts: ending the neoliberal policies that are responsible for creating poverty in their home countries, thus forcing them to emigrate, and demanding that they are given full rights in their host countries.
America's Tea Party Phenomenon (tags)
big money backs it
Green U.S. Senate Candidate Calls For Ending All U.S. Military and Economic Aid To Israel (tags)
“I call for ending all U.S. military and economic aid to Israel because I believe it to be morally wrong for taxpayers to continue financing this nation’s acts of state-sponsored terrorism against the Palestinian people. The $3 billion we give to this country each year would be better spent dealing with serious problems we face here at home, such as growing unemployment."
Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France (tags)
Message of Solidarity with the workers and students of France from the exploited masses of the United States
Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) October 17, 2010 First One Hundred Days of Failure and Broke (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) calls the 100 days of Benigno S Aquino III, the first one hundred days of failure and broken promises. This is a prelude to the tragic six-years we have to suffer under this new dispensation. Just look at what transpired during his first 100 days:
EPCC NEWS October 18, 2010 RP NURSES JOBS ON THE DECLINE IN THE US Los Angeles- The EPCC (tags)
The EPCC NEWS Reported today that number of Filipino nurses aspiring to practice their profession in the United States continued to drop year-on-year in the third quarter, the Trade Union Congress of the Philippines (TUCP) said over the weekend. In a news release, TUCP secretary-general and former senator Ernesto Herrera said only 2,227 Filipino nurses took the US NCLEX for the first time from July to September, down 38 percent or 1,355 fewer compared to the 3,582 in the same three-month period in 2009.
PLM statement on Philippine President's 100 days in office (tags)
Failure of Leadership Marks P-Noy’s 100 Days in Office President Noynoy Aquino’s first 100 days in office accentuated the problem we will be facing under the six-year term of the new administration: an incompetent leadership that lacks political will to carry through changes in the government and in society at large.
New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)
"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."
Some Smokers are Butting Out of the Storm Drains (tags)
Some people in L.A. are working to reduce the amount of cigarette stubs that pollute and poison our oceans.
The Cuban Five: Victims of US State Terrorism (tags)
US lawlessness
The Struggle for a Workers' Recovery (tags)
Stocks are booming; the Dow Jones soared past 11,000; the very wealthy are bursting from their financial seams. Meanwhile, mass unemployment continues, with 95,000 more jobs -- mostly teachers -- lost in September. As millions of Americans sink into desperation, President Obama continues to preach the good word of optimism, based on the gospel of "private sector job growth."
Sarah Davis: Midwife, Alternative Health Advocate, Activist (tags)
Sarah Davis got into midwifery as a career when she was writing a college paper on midwives in the African-American community — and was startled that midwifery wasn't just an historical relic but a living cultural and health-care tradition. She practices out of a birth center in Chula Vista and finds being a midwife by profession fits in with also being an alternative health advocate and a Left political activist convinced that Western medicine in general, and its treatment of pregnancy in particular, systematically disempowers women.
October-November 2010 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)
In This Issue: 1) Obama Declines to Push Immigration Reform 2) Deportations of Immigrants Hit Record High 3) NLG Emergency Hotline 4) FBI Harassments of Anti-War Activists 5) DREAM Act Debates 6) Fall Calendar of Actions 7) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!
A view from Afghanistan (tags)
A view from Afghanistan
Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism (tags)
a rogue Israeli politician
North Koreans celebrate newly anointed Kim Jong Eun (tags)
A military parade marks the 65th anniversary of the ruling Worker's Party and honors the successor to Kim Jong Il.
jews ARE white women because they never go to jail, AND they legaly sell pussy for money. Do jews commit crimes? I do not know. I do have bookmarked the official music page of the DPRK and was wondering if the music is legal to listen to in the United States.
Green U.S. Senate Candidate: End Overseas Wars to Pay for Tuition-Free Higher Education (tags)
"If elected to the U.S. Senate, I will introduce legislation to establish a nationwide program to fully guarantee that every high school graduate living within the United States--regardless of immigration status--is eligible to receive a tuition-free education at a public college, university, or technical trade school of their choosing. We can pay for this program by immediately withdrawing all U.S. troops, private mercenaries, and independent contractors from Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan."
The Cost of Telling the Truth in the United States (tags)
The Cost of Telling the Truth in the United States
The Selling of the Woodrow Wilson Center (tags)
The DC-based Woodrow Wilson Center, established by Congress, has sold out to corporate America and political interests. Its president, former Congressman Lee H. Hamilton, has questionable corporate links.
More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)
Correa knows Washington wants him ousted.
The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)
"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."
Ecuador's Correa Haunted by Honduras (tags)
"The co-ordinated actions in various cities, the takeover of Quito's airport by a section of the armed forces – all this indicated a planned coup attempt."
Peace Groups Enabling Killing of American Women (tags)
While claiming to support an end to violence in foreign lands, peace groups are helping to enable domestic abusers to kill their victims
The October 2 "One Nation" demonstration in Washington DC is a call for government job creation in the face of mass unemployment and human pain. FDR's creation of 4 million jobs within 4 months is an example of government responding to crisis.
Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker Criticizes the Federal Reserve (tags)
"Altogether the 81-year old Volcker can hardly see anything good in the development of the financial system over the last 25 years."
The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)
"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."
Chavez wins a parliamentary majority
Obama's Justice Dept's Forbidden Words & Spying on Skype, Facebook, Blackberry (tags)
The forbidden fruit always tastes the best, and here are Obama's Justice Dept's forbidden words that were the basis for the latest invasion of peace activists' homes and grand jury subpoenas: PALESTINE, SOCIALISM, CLASS STRUGGLE, IMPERIALISM, REVOLUTION, MARXISM, TROTSKYISM. Learn those words early and repeat them loudly everywhere.
Green U.S. Senate Candidate Backs "Immediate Amnesty" For Millions of Undocumented Workers (tags)
"As a longtime defender of immigrant rights, I strongly back the idea of granting immediate amnesty for the millions of undocumented workers currently living within the United States. An overwhelming majority of them work incredibly hard, are law abiding, and make invaluable contributions to the wealth of this country."
One of History's Greatest Crimes (tags)
Iraq as it was no longer exists
Obama's Justice Dept Attacks Peace Groups as "Terrorist" (tags)
Under Democrat Harry Truman, it was the Communist bogeyman that was used to destroy the Left that had built the labor movement; today Democrat Barack Obama uses the terrorist bogeyman to try to destroy the peace movement, both actions for the same goals: To maximize the profits of the capitalist class. Here is the news from Twin Cities and Chicago Indymedia of FBI terrorism across the country.
'Special Relationship With Israel' (tags)
“Contrary to the long-standing, official U.S. position, fewer than half of Americans show a readiness to defend Israel even against an unprovoked attack by a neighbor. Asked whether they would favor using U.S. troops in the event that Israel were attacked by a neighbor, only 47 percent say they would favor doing so, while 50 percent say they would oppose it …
The Bi-Partisan Attack on Public Workers (tags)
States everywhere across the United States are facing the common enemy of extreme budget deficits. Many states have deficits in the multi-billion dollar realm, as the budget crises dominate the debates for the upcoming gubernatorial elections. In these debates, Republican and Democratic candidates are finding it difficult to disagree on the most essential issues around the budget crises. The most crucial question for any incoming governor must be: how will you resolve the state’s budget crisis? The answer from both parties is a resounding: “Public workers and those who depend on their services will pay for the crisis”!
When All Else Fails – Give Them False Hope (tags)
For years and years two wealthy businessmen have worked hard to get policies instituted regarding limiting the scope of the American government. Their business was and still is what Forbes ranks the second largest company in the nation. The policies they have been working on seem to coincide with their business interests. It is a business they inherited in 1967 and worked hard to expand beyond anything their father imagined.
Aafia Siddiqui Sentenced: A Grievous Miscarriage of Justice (tags)
an innocent woman sentenced
The time to stop the USA's war on the people is now; here is the way to begin.
"Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites (tags)
"How is the process of manufacturing dissent achieved? Essentially by "funding dissent", namely by channelling financial resources from those who are the object of the protest movement to those who are involved in organizing the protest movement. Co-optation is not limited to buying the favors of politicians. The economic elites --which control major foundations-- also oversee the funding of numerous NGOs and civil society organizations, which historically have been involved in the protest movement against the established economic and social order. The programs of many NGOs and people's movements rely heavily on both public as well as private funding agencies including the Ford, Rockefeller, McCarthy foundations, among others. The anti-globalization movement is opposed to Wall Street and the Texas oil giants controlled by Rockefeller, et al. Yet the foundations and charities of Rockefeller et al will generously fund progressive anti-capitalist networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Big Oil) with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities."
The Sherrod factor
Growing Poverty in America (tags)
exponentially rising numbers
Can America Stop An Israeli “Nuclear” 9/11? (tags)
“The American people are afraid, they see disaster coming. Everyone is waiting to see what city is chosen to be sacrificed. Will it be Phoenix or Sacramento or perhaps Atlanta? This is the real fear, the “not so secret” fear in the heart of every American.”
U.S. Socialist Alexander: NBER Offers Christmas Report Regarding U.S. Recession (tags)
Alexander says “Working people have not seen any signs of an economic recovery; as many as 22 million Americans are out of work. U.S. home sales plunged to the lowest level in 15 years, millions of working people are in jeopardy of losing their homes, and jobless claims have risen to the highest levels in 9 months. The U.S. is in the deepest recession in the past 80 years and there are no signs of a recovery.”
The FBI’s War On Democracy --Claude Marks discusses the new film COINTELPRO 101 (tags)
Claude Marks, Director of The Freedom Archives,says "we undertook to make this new film, knowing that no government agent or agency has ever been held accountable for the assassinations of leaders, the destruction of organizations, the imprisonment and political targeting of so many people - people who still remain prisoners of the wars against movements for liberation and self-determination within the US borders."
Gulf alert: Entire La. communities where vomiting blood (tags)
The weapon of mass destruction unleashed on Americans is an act of war. People of the Gulf Coast are pleading for support. Thus far, the WikiLeaks modified limited hangout has distracted the anti-war and truth movements from a war being waged on millions of Americans needing their solidarity.
Internet ShutDown comming (tags)
Internet ShutDown comming
The Political Consequences of Stagnation (tags)
My apologies to T. S. Eliot, but September, not April, is the cruelest month. Before 9/11/2001, there was 9/11/1973, when Gen. Pinochet toppled the Allende government in Chile and ushered in a 17-year reign of terror. More recently, on 9/15/2008, Lehman Brothers went bust and torpedoed the global economy, turning what had been a Wall Street crisis into a near-death experience for the global financial system.
Days of Action for Bradley Manning (tags)
"On September 16-19, groups and individuals will call on the United States government to drop the charges against Army Private First Class Bradley Manning. Twenty-two year old Manning, held in solitary confinement since May, has been charged with releasing classified documents including a video that shows American troops shooting and killing Reuters journalists in 2007. (Watch the video at Manning’s imprisonment has resulted in an international outcry, with groups and activists throughout the US and abroad demanding his release and calling for transparency in America’s war policies. Famed Pentagon Papers whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg has called Mr. Manning, “A new hero of mine.” Act Locally! Activists should work within their communities to organize events locally during the International Days of Action. If you aren’t involved with a local group, contact your local affiliate of Veterans for Peace, Iraq Veterans Against the War or Code Pink, or look for activist groups in your area. Be Creative."
Nobody wants to say outright that victims of domestic violence are socially shameful and completely unacceptable, but the conviction is still there. Having your personal growth and perception of the world twisted like a rag at the hands of a sociopath is a popular taboo. It’s a stigma by which victims live with every single day of their lives. But this is the sort of thing we just don’t talk about at the dinner table.
the unreported war
Koran Burning versus Real Patriotism (tags)
Any fanatic can burn a book, or a flag, because it doesn’t require rational explanation. But anyone with the brain of a troglodyte could appreciate there is complexity to the reality of most religions and belief systems. Once again high-minded religion plays its hand in the human affairs of politics, as Jones also sees the trumped up Muslim Mosque controversy, to be built close to ground zero, as seriously provocation. But real patriotism includes having a willing to seek out the truth.
waging war against peace
"Americans mispercieve the world and their role in its evolution" (tags)
"The bedrock assumption to which all of official Washington adheres, liberal Democrats no less than conservative Republicans, is that the United States itself constitutes the axis around which history turns. We define the future..."
Firefight: BP agents fired upon on U.S. Mexican border (tags)
Inside sources say the illegal aliens were smuggling drugs and were armed with AK-47s. Once the Border Patrol arrived on the scene the illegals fired their weapons and BP agents returned fire.
"The right way to spend this day is to demand the truth through a new and truly independent investigation. Why do you think they melted the evidence down and sent it too be buried in third World landfills?"
9/11 Documentary; "Who Killed John O'Neill?" (tags)
This 9/11, people will be asking more questions about prior knowledge and possible complicity within the GW Bush regime with the 9/11 Saudi hijackers. One question is also the title of an informative documentary, "Who Killed John O'Neill?", detailing events from before 9/11 when FBI agent John O'Neill repeatedly warned of impending attacks. Yet despite all his important work he was demoted and eventually worked at the WTC building, where he died on 9/11/01.
A response to the recent actions in the Puget Sound against the police (tags)
This text is written from an anarchist analysis in response to the demo in Seattle, which was for five murders (now six) committed by the police in the general Puget Sound area. The text here is seen as more of a drawing of points for a larger discussion to occur on the very idea of the police, their role, place in society, and a strategy of how to act next:
U.S. Aim in "Peace Process": Liquidation of Palestinian struggle (tags)
"On the day the talks began, a press conference in Gaza City by 12 Palestinian organizations including Hamas, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Islamic Jihad, Popular Resistance Committees, Palestine People's Party and others denounced the Washington talks as a sham and announced their intention to intensify the resistance against Israeli occupation. Renewed negotiations are taking place against a backdrop of the accelerated seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank, a vast expansion of Israeli settlements and the continued blockade of Gaza. Today, there are more than 500,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank. The extreme right-wing Israeli government, which includes outright fascist elements, has intensified repression against Palestinians who make up 20 percent of the population inside the 1948 borders"
WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)
And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?
Der Zor Diary: A Pilgrimage to the Killing Fields of the Armenian Genocide (tags)
How could I let our ancestors know that the Armenian soul and our dreams of liberty, even in exile, did not die with them?
America's Grand Strategy: Militarizing Space (tags)
America plan war from space
Honduran Repression Continues Unabated (tags)
Washington supports Honduran terror
Not Heard on Grace Aaron/Ian Masters, Free Speech Radio KPFK (tags)
The Ann Arbor Socialist Equality Party Congress Presents: The Breakdown of Capitalism and the fight for Socialism in the United States: Program of the Socialist Equality Party
Labor Day: Immigrants build the U.S. Economy (tags)
Undocumented immigrants streaming into this country from south of the border drive down wages and steal jobs that could otherwise go to out-of-work Americans. Right? Wrong. As it turns out, immigrant workers play an important role in building our economy.
Jimmy Johns Labor Dispute Bursts onto National Stage with Coast-to-Coast Actions Planned f (tags)
Minimum wage workers fight for justice
U.S. Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Says Ben Bernanke Should Resign (tags)
U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander says, “Bernanke’s speech and response to the U.S. economic crisis has revealed that Chairman Bernanke has failed in his responsibility to the nation and should resign. While providing future guarantees to Wall Street, Bernanke’s message only provided optimistic illusions for the tens of millions of working people that are struggling nationwide.”
Continuity of Government: Coup d'Etat Authority in America (tags)
America on a fast track toward despotism
Israel Threatens War with Lebanon (tags)
more evidence of a pariah Israeli state
Capitalists, Global Warming, and the Climate Justice Movement (tags)
(This essay was published in Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, #54, Summer 2010, pages 23-28. For this internet edition I've made a few more changes and additions). An urgent analysis of the climate crisis and call to action.
Yale University's Pro-Israeli, Anti-Islamic Conference (tags)
hate and bigotry on display at Yale
Ramsey Muniz: Guilty of Being Latino and Activist in America (tags)
targeting the innocent unfairly
Honor our Heroes, Celebrate their Greatness on Aug. 30 at SIPA (tags)
Honor our Heroes, Celebrate their Greatness The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and Search to Involve the Pilipino Americans (SIPA) cordially invite the public for their very first Philippine National Heroes Day Celebration in the United States on Monday, August 30, 2010. The commemorative event will be held on Monday, August 30, 2010 at the Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA) Community Hall, 3200 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 around 6;30 PM.
The United States Federal Government and Property Value Manipulation (tags)
President Obama said; “Failure is not an option”. I agree, failure is not an option, failure is a given.
The Israeli Lobby: Declassified Documents Expose Its Influence (tags)
Israeli Lobby exposed
False Charges Ricochet in the War on WikiLeaks (tags)
"Assange, however, quickly laid the blame on the Pentagon. He stated that he had been warned by Australian intelligence to be on guard against “honey traps”—the time-honored ploys that intelligence services use to lure a target into a sexual encounter with someone who then uses the encounter to damage the target’s reputation. Earlier today, however, Assange reversed course on these charges, telling the Sydney Morning Herald, “We don’t have direct evidence that this is coming from a U.S. or other intelligence service, but we can have some suspicions about who will benefit, but without direct evidence I won’t be making direct allegations.” The Pentagon quickly denounced the charges as “absurd.” But there is no doubt that the Pentagon is seeking to gain from them in its information war with WikiLeaks: when the case first emerged, the accusations were aggressively spread by the Pentagon via Twitter. As I wrote in “WikiLeaks: The National-Security State Strikes Back,” a highly classified Army Counterintelligence Center 32-page memorandum noted that to eliminate the threat presented by WikiLeaks, the United States would have to strike not simply servers and databases, but against the individuals who were critical to the operation of WikiLeaks. It repeatedly identifies Assange as a target, describes the leaks as criminal acts and advocates “successful prosecutions” to “destroy the center of gravity” of WikiLeaks. The suspicions raised by Assange are thus hardly unwarranted—they match the Pentagon’s own plan to take WikiLeaks out of action. However, there is as yet no direct evidence for the claim that the accusations leveled at Assange were the work of some intelligence service, and even if there were, Assange has plenty of governments anxious to shut him down aside from the United States. But as this incident makes clear, the war on WikiLeaks will be fought with unconventional tools and those following the story are advised to accept nothing at face value."
US Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Dismisses Obama’s Jobless Recovery (tags)
Alexander says financing the war and the U.S. occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan is costing U.S. jobs and hundreds of billions of dollars that could be used to rebuild and repair our nation’s infrastructure; “The war and occupation is taking the U.S. economy into a full scale depression.”
George Buffy's Farewell to the Wilderness (tags)
George Duffy was a wilderness hero, a U. S. Forest Service employee and tireless advocate for the environment and for the wilderness who worked (and at times bled green) within the system for the safety of the Angeles National Forest that he was charged with protecting. With his retirement and now his death it is sad to see a staunch advocate of what is wild fall by the wayside. Farewell, George, your friends, family, and the forest creatures who knew you will miss you.
Obama's Delusions: The Economy and Iraq (tags)
If you’ve listened to recent speeches the President has given about the economy and the Iraq war, you’d think that two of the biggest social issues facing working Americans are improving. But facts are stubborn things. Take for example the numbers of jobs lost in the last two months: 221,000 in June, 131,000 in July. Instead of taking the drastic measures needed to stop the continued hemorrhaging, the President had this to say on August 5th:
Arctic contaminants threaten polar bears (tags)
Arctic contaminants threaten polar bears
Free College Grants and Tuition Opportunities (tags)
The federal government is putting more money into the hands of college students than ever before and much of the impetus behind it is the No Child Left Behind Act. The measures help to assure that more primary and secondary schools are held accountable for making sure kids get the attention and education they deserve without prejudices. Which means a much higher percentage of high school students are earning diplomas. More students stand a chance of attending college when the right financial and social resources are available to them along with educators with the know-how and experience to guide them to the right academic and career choices.
Zenger’s Newsmagazine Editorial on Proposition 8 Decision (tags)
Written before the most recent development in the federal case challenging Proposition 8 — the good-news, bad-news decision of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals to delay same-sex marriages in California until at least December, but also to consider the all-important issue of whether the supporters of Proposition 8 even have legal standing to appeal — this editorial from the summer 2010 print edition of Zenger's Newsmagazine shows what a roller-coaster this issue has been and how the Queer community needs to be militant and ready for a long-term battle for full equality before the law, including marriage rights.
Marriage Victory Celebration Draws 3,000 to Hillcrest Streets (tags)
Account of the marriage equality celebration that occurred on the streets of Hillcrest, the San Diego neighborhood famous for its large Queer population, on August 4, 2010 — the day Judge Vaughn R. Walker announced his decision in the federal lawsuit challenging Proposition 8. Though Queer activists and allies have since been frustrated by the court-ordered delays in enforcing Walker's decision, they can be proud that a judge ruled that there is absolutely no rational basis for a ban on marriage between two partners of the same gender.
Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Will Seek Green Party Presidential Nomination (tags)
Stewart Alexander says his intentions to seek the presidential nomination for both political parties is based upon the common interests that are shared between the Green Party and the Socialist Party; addressing the needs of the working class, creating good paying jobs, protecting human rights, protecting the environment and ending the U.S. occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq.
A Permanent Housing Collapse? (tags)
The recent chaos that erupted when 30,000 people waited hours in the Atlanta, Georgia heat to receive applications for subsidized housing is a mere symptom of a worsening national problem. The housing market appears to be on a never-ending downward spiral, with the much-discussed "recovery" always around the next corner.
Why Zionism Will Loose the PR War (tags)
Even as Judeo-Christianity engages a new series of crusades on Islamism, in which case the intermediate outcomes could be very devastating for the world at large, still in the long run Abrahamic Religions, that is Judaism, Christianity, and Islamism, that is, their authoritarian ego psychology will little matter.
Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Finance (tags)
Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.
Prohibition of Interest in Islamic Banking and Finance (tags)
Since the early 70s, Islamic economics was introduced to world of finance as a new instrument, whose purpose was to follow an economic system based on Islamic Shari'a or the law of Islam. One of the main elements of the system is the prohibition on interest rates.
The Harmony Project is a way for individuals and small groups to directly and positively change the world and themselves –– with a minimum of effort. It's a simple,uncomplicated and powerful way for individuals to positively change consciousness.
Top Serect - 2 Long but interesting articles on the NSA along with waste and bureaucray (tags)
Top Secret - 2 long but interesting articles from the Washington post on the NSA and the mind numbing bureaucracy and waste that goes on there. If you don't have time stash these two article off some where and read them later.
The Real Aim of Israel’s Bomb Iran Campaign and... (tags)
“But Israel clearly cannot afford to risk a war with Iran without the assurance that the United States being committed to participate in it. That is why the Israeli lobby in Washington and its allies argue that Obama should support an Israeli strike, which would mean that he would have to attack Iran with full force if it retaliates against such an Israeli strike. The knowledge that Israel could not attack Iran without U.S. consent makes Israeli officials extremely sensitive about the possibility that Obama would explicitly reject an Israeli strike.”
Prison Abolition In Practice --Part two of an interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)
Let’s get rid of prison rape. Let’s reinstitute rehabilitation. Let’s repeal certain draconian sentencing laws. All good and essential ideas. But very little – in some cases, nothing - will fundamentally change unless those ideas, and more, are advanced within a strategic framework of abolition.
AFP Launches the biggest military offensive in the Philippines (tags)
"When they (the reactionaries) speak of peace, they wage war." The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expressed its utmost concern about the intention of the newly installed US-Aquino Regime as the AFP launched its biggest general offensive in Mindanao. The AJLPP learned that Jorge Madlos of the NDF-Mindanao said; " All the four divisions under the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) based in Mindanao are currently conducting massive and widespread military operations against the revolutionary forces in all the five NPA regions in the whole island, particularly more intense in the Southern Mindanao Region."
Why World War II ended with Mushroom Clouds (tags)
"Truman himself, however, hypocritically declared at the time that the purpose of the two nuclear bombardments had been “to bring the boys home,” that is, to quickly finish the war without any further major loss of life on the American side. This explanation was uncritically broadcast in the American media and it developed into a myth eagerly propagated by the majority of historians and media in the USA and throughout the “Western” world. That myth, which, incidentally, also serves to justify potential future nuclear strikes on targets such as Iran and North Korea, is still very much alive - just check your mainstream newspaper on August 6 and 9!" "These conditions mean that we are back to an August 1945 scenario. However, the consequences of a U.S./Israel atomic attack on Iran will constitute the greatest crime in human history. To destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities will require the use of multiple nuclear weapons of various types delivered in diverse ways. The U.S./Israel will be guilty in real time of the very actions they claim to be defending the world from. The flow of oil from multiple regions of the world be at risk to say the least. Millions could die. World opinion might be cemented against us for a hundred years."
Political Prisoners in America (tags)
many languish in US prisons
Restore Financial Sanity (tags)
Restore Financial Sanity and the People's Wealth
Bradley Manning: An American Hero (tags)
He needs and deserves our support
Emergency Senate spending bill approved $600M for Border protection (tags)
The new legislation if approved by the House and Senate committee's will include $176 million for 1,000 new border patrol agents to form a new and bigger task strike force to be deployed at critical choke points of the Mexican Drug Cartels smuggling corridors along the border and inland, that are used to bring drugs, undocumented immigrants and possible terrorist into this country.
The servants of these investors and money "managers," like corporate executives and our elected - excuse the expression -representatives, look from the side, taking a payoff, as we get economically raped. This is designed to prevent wage "inflation" (that's a raise in the minimum, or any other, wage) by keeping unemployment high,
Mexico and U.S. authorities join forces to fight back against the Mexican Drug Cartels (tags)
The 22-month multi-agency investigation called "Project Deliverance" resulted in the arrest of more than 2,200 individuals and the seizure of $154 million in U.S. currency, 1,262 pounds of methamphetamine, 2.5 tons of cocaine, 1,410 pounds of heroin, 69 tons of marijuana, 501 weapons, and 527 vehicles.
Court ruling online: Gay & Interracial Marriage Issues the Same (tags)
The Court ruling at is a history lesson that makes it clear that the fight over gay marriage is the same as the fight over interracial marriage and that religion has no place in our secular Constitution. In 1948, California legalized interracial marriage; in 1967 the US Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage. The hysteria over children and preserving marriage was the same for interracial marriage as it is for gay marriage. The backers of Proposition 8 are clearly religious idiots trying to turn back the clock of history. Judge Walker's stay of his own ruling pending appeal should be lifted immediately so gay marriages can proceed in California immediately.
Targeted Assassinations: Challenging US Policy (tags)
In America, the rule of law is dead
The Liberal Media: Rest in Peace (tags)
the myth of the liberal media
P3.1B ( $ 67 M) more for Filipino war vets (tags)
The EPCC NEWS based in Los Angeles learned through media sources in Manila that the United States has allocated $67 million (about P3.1 billion) for all eligible Filipino veterans of World War II whose claims for compensation were turned down and successfully appealed, it was learned Monday. House Resolution 4899, or the Supplemental Appropriations Act, included a provision for the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Program. On July 29, 2010, US President Barack Obama signed HR 4899 into law. Most veterans' claims have been decided and continue to be paid with the $198 million in original funding.
Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)
"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."
Dr. Steve Best on "The Left, Capitalism, and Animal Rights" (tags)
This is an excerpt of Jon Hoch interviewing Dr. Steven Best on April 29, 2010. To hear the entire interview, please see:
W Bush's,Barack Obama's Mass Murderer Robert Gates Says Wikileaks Has 'Blood On Its Hands' (tags)
Wkileaks founder 'dissapointed' in Gates (tags)
"Secretary Gates could have used his time, as other nations have done, to announce a broad inquiry into these killings," the statement said. "He could have announced specific criminal investigations into the deaths we have exposed. He could have announced a panel to hear the heartfelt dissent of U.S. soldiers, who know this war from the ground. He could have apologized to the Afghani people. "But he did none of these things. He decided to treat these issues and the countries affected by them with contempt. Instead of explaining how he would address these issues, he decided to announce how he would suppress them. "This behavior is unacceptable. We will not be suppressed. We will continue to expose abuses by this administration and others."
The Migrant Heritage Commission, a Washington, DC-based not-for-profit organization providing services to immigrants, yesterday lauded the decision of US District Judge Susan Bolton to temporarily suspend key parts of Arizona's State Bill 1070. MHC executive director and immigration lawyer Arnedo S. Valera said that Bolton's decision is a victory on the part of the community organizations and institutions who have lobbied against the bill saying that it is unconstitutional and the "wrong approach" to curb the burgeoning problem of illegal aliens in the US.
The Mexican Drug War is now a shooting war on both sides of the border and on streets of A (tags)
This war has now evolved into a shooting war along the U.S. Mexican border and beyond into most states across the country. This war is being waged between the Mexican Drug cartels, Mexico gangs, American gangs, U.S. Law enforcement and American Militia groups.
Mexico Bleeds: Free Media Against the Invisible Tyranny (tags)
We write to on behalf of the Ke Huelga, a free radio project in Mexico City which started in 1999 during a student strike. After 11 years of existence, we face a difficult situation because of interferences and government threats. This is why we have launched a campaign to inform and denounce about the actions against us. As a first step, we produced the text "Mexico bleeds". We invite you to read it and diffuse it.
Mexican Drug Cartels operating in the U.S. through street gangs (tags)
Mexican Drug Cartels have reached across the international border into the United States to kill people including Americans and their reach extends North, East and West across our nation. MDC’S have ordered the killings of drug dealers, American gang members, U.S. Consulate employees, a Detention Officer with the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office, DEA agent, ICE informant and U.S. Military personal. MDC’S are also responsible for many kidnapping’s of Americans on American soil and have taken Americans to Mexico to be tortured, maimed and murdered, with very little or no retaliation from the U.S. Government.
We urgently need alternatives to a future of stagnation and deficits. The community centers in Vancouver B.C. have a multiplier effect as surrogate counseling and class possibilities. Social justice, solidarity and sharing open doors.
Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)
f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."
Growing Health Crisis in the Gulf (tags)
criminal negligence at fault
The Sherrod Affair and Etta Rosales (tags)
CALIFORNIA, United States—By now, Shirley Sherrod’s fascinating story is well known.
Stop the Fascist Attacks on Immigants (tags)
A written a critical and sweeping analysis of SB 1070 that addresses not only what is at stake for immigrants and anyone who looks like an immigrant, but what’s at stake for society as a whole, and warns that long agreed upon social and legal norms in society are being shredded by this law. It digs deeply into the history of the U.S., whose rosy dawn was based on the genocide of Native Americans and the kidnapping and enslavement of African people. It reveals the larger economic pressures that compelled millions of undocumented immigrants to travel to the U.S. It analyzes the sharp present day polarization between the Republicans and the fascist and, yes, racist tea party followers, on the one hand, and the Democrats, on the other, and the reasons the Democrats are unwilling to call their social base into the streets. Most importantly, it speaks to the crucial need for resistance to SB 1070, why extreme times like these provide openings for advances to be made in preparing for revolution.
We Stand With Bradley Manning (tags)
"865 Fri Jul 23 13:23:58 EDT 2010 Darlene Wallach Justice for Palestinians Bradley Manning is a courageous hero for doing what is right! Free Bradley Manning. Arrest, indict, prosecute the real war criminals the Bush administrationl, the Obama administration, all members of congress."
If the U.S. economy eventually recovers and current trends continue, U.S. workers won’t be celebrating in the streets. The corporate establishment has made it clear that a “strong recovery” depends on U.S. workers making “great sacrifices” in the areas of wages, health care, pensions, and more ominously, reductions in so-called “entitlement programs” — Social Security, Medicare, and other social services. These plans have been discussed at length in corporate think tanks for years, and only recently has the mainstream media begun a coordinated attack to convince American workers of the “necessity” of adopting these policies. The New York Times speaks for the corporate establishment as a whole when it writes:
Chicago: "The National Capital of Police Repression" (tags)
police repression
PCORE /JFAV Community Forum on July 26, 2010 at the Silver Lake Medical Center (SLMC) (tags)
The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) marks the 69th year of the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) Day, July 26, 1941 with a community forum. The commemorative event will be held on Monday , July 26, 2010 at the Silver Lake Medical Center ground floor at the Cafeteria at 1711 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026 around 5;00 PM. The community forum will also discuss People’s CORE Smoke Free Apartment Project and issues about the veterans equity.
COINTELPRO and the Omaha Two --An interview with Michael Richardson (tags)
In 2007, veteran journalist Michael Richardson began writing a series of articles for about Ed Poindexter and Mondo we Langa, who are two Black Panther political prisoners known as the Omaha Two. Richardson argues that they were framed for the 1970 murder of a policeman as part of the FBI’s notorious counterintelligence program, dubbed “COINTELPRO.”
A review of Tzvetan Todorov's book.
Call out for images and stories about innovative and satirical political pranks, scams, street art and direct action from the U.S.
Combating Bullying International Day In Support of Victims of Torture (tags)
The United Nations’ International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is annually observed to remind people that human torture is unacceptable – and in many cases it is also a crime. On this day attention mostly goes to victims of war, prison and violent crimes, in countries of unrest predominately known for human rights violations. Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee points out that bullying is a form of torture here in the United States and across the globe, and a violation of Human Right #5, No Torture.
Race for Phillippine Senate presidency goes Global: From Asia to America (tags)
The EPCC NEWS sources have confirmed that race for the Philippine Senate presidency has turned global. EPCC NEWS also confirmed it's three way fight between Pangilinan of LP, Villar of NP and Enrile of the PMP. Enrile allied itself with LP in attacking Villar of the NP during the last presidential elections. This will have an effect on the senate presidensial race on the Congress opening in July 26.
Darkness in America: Lynne Stewart's Resentencing (tags)
Lynne's shocking resentencing
The United States Student Association (USSA), representing more than 4 million students nationwide has opposed Congress' legislative tying together of educational funding and the funding of war. Their own 63rd Congress convenes at UCLA July 15-20. Call for interviews.
Under Threat: A Free and Open Internet (tags)
Internet threatened
Police Brutality in America (tags)
state terrorism against minorities and Muslims
"The System is Incestuous" (tags)
"We have a two-po9le system with corporations that direct the economy and authorities that should protect us from market failure. The corporations hire people who come from the government and the government hires people from the corporations..."
Abolishing the Prison Industrial Complex --An interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)
Focusing on the prison abolitionist movement, we interview two co-editors of an exciting new series at Daily Kos, called Criminal InJustice Kos, a weekly series "devoted to exploring the myths of 'crime', 'criminals', and criminal justice and the intersection of race/ethnicity/class/gender/sexuality/age/disability in policing and punishment. Criminal Injustice Kos is committed to furthering action towards reducing inequity in the US criminal justice system." Look for Criminal InJustice Kos every Wednesday at 6 pm CST.
Philippine Situation After the 2010 Elections (tags)
We are here today because Benigno Aquino III was elected president of the Philippines. He has promised to bring CHANGE to the Philippine government, eliminate corruption, fix the education system, improve health care, improve the economy and provide housing for all Filipinos. He has said that he is the president because the people believed in HOPE. Does this sound familiar? The Reality of the history in the Islands: Economic Crisis The Reality of the Philippines is that the islands are still ruled by US imperialism, and run by its Filipino puppets. Aquino has assembled an economic team from the same breed of pro-imperialist pro neoliberlization economists who have dominated economic policy-making in the Philippines for the past three decades. Some of whom have even served the US arroyo regime.
Seeking a Safe Place to Live in 2010 United Nations Refugee Day (tags)
TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Every year 19 million youth flee their own country, seeking somewhere else that’s safe to live. Over 70% of them never make it. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. This is the message Youth for Human Rights International portrays in their PSA to help others understand Human Right # 14, “The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live”, for creating awareness on United Nations Refugee Day, and every other day.
The Lotus Festival Minus the Fireworks. And the Lotus (tags)
If you want an example on how the City and the Mayor of Los Angeles treats the Asian Americans just look at the Lotus Festival last July 10-11, 2010 in Echo Park. The Lotus Festival is taunted to be the Los Angeles’ annual tribute to cross-cultural Asian heritage. This year it reemerged in Echo Park this weekend after a one-year hiatus but still without one significant participant — the lotuses. What Kind of Tribute? The 32-year-old festival has grown over the years from a modest one-day event to a weekend-long extravaganza that has attracted as many as 150,000 people. This year, organizers said they expected roughly 30,000 visitors. Formerly the City of Los Angeles is responsible for the Festival started by API non-profits. But last year it was canceled. They say due to lack of funds and the city's budget problems. But the question asked is that why did the city did not cancel the CInco De Mayo or the Broadway Festival? IS there money for Latinos but not for Asians.?
Members of the Justice for Filipino-American Veterans (JFAV) and the Migrant Heritage Commission met with Congressman Bob Filner (D-CA) this morning in an effort to revive the lobby for full equity. Art Garcia, National Coordinator for JFAV says Filner, a staunch advocate for the Filipino veterans, is sympathetic to the 16,000 veterans whose claims lump sum claims were denied.
Why Debate the War? The Real Reason We Are in Afghanistan (tags)
"The president succumbed to the dominant assumptions of the last two decades... Our think tanks and governments have also developed their own metaphysical structures, labeling them "failed states," or "counter-insurgency.."
Sexual Offense in California (tags)
Yet, somehow the attitude for some citizens thus goes, after more legislation has been proposed, and in process of being enacted (Assembly Bill 1844 Chelsea’s Law), in California following the recent rape and killings by one John Gardener, a sexual offender released from prison and not very closely and competently monitored by the system, is that everyone, that is everyone thought to be a “good” citizen of the state of California, ought be able to live in a Utopian world in which “no one” feels offended—especially sexually offended—and this idealism should reside no matter how arbitrary and contradictory the propensity to feel offended may seem.
A former member of the Black Panther Party and the Black Liberation Army, Muntaqim is one of the world's longest held political prisoners, having been incarcerated in the United States since 1971.
The Case for War: The Iron Mountain Report (tags)
evidence of America's permanent war strategy
Israel: Strategic Ally or Liability? (tags)
srael: Strategic Ally or Liability?
Today in the United States, under the Democratic administration of Barack Obama, xenophobic and racist violence is escalating. The criminal agents of the Border Patrol have reached the point of killing in cold blood, before the eyes of hundreds of witnesses. On May 28, construction worker Anastasio Hernández Rojas was beaten to death by some 20 agents of the U.S. Border Patrol. Then on June 7 in Ciudad Juárez, across the river from El Paso, Border Patrol agents fired into a group of youths on the Mexican side of of the border, murdering 14-year-old Adrián Hernández with a shot to the head. These crimes are part of a policy of racist repression looking for scapegoats, typified by the legalization of xeonophobia and police use of racial profiling in Arizona’s SB 1070 law. But while Obama criticize the law, “Obama, listen, we are in the struggle,” his thugs are killing on the border. It is an illusion to think that the commander in chief of U.S. imperialism, or his counterpart and semi-colonial underling, Mexican president Felipe Calderón, will defend the workers. It is necessary to mobilize the power of the working class to defend immigrants.
Haiti Earthquake: Capitalism, Occupation and Revolution (tags)
The earthquake that wrecked the capital of Haiti and surrounding areas on January 12 produced human tragedy of almost unfathomable proportions. It has been termed “the most destructive natural disaster in modern times.” Five months later, Haiti is no longer in the headlines or on the nightly TV news, but for the hard-hit Haitian population the scene has hardly changed. Now a new disaster is in the making as the hurricane season begins. This was a calamity made by capitalism: the earthquake was predictable and was predicted; the inferior construction methods are the result of Haiti’s poverty, and the swollen slums were the result of U.S. policies that have destroyed Haitian agriculture, forcing peasants off the land. On top of everything, Haiti is under imperialist occupation: Washington makes sure it has ultimate control of the strategically placed island, as it has throughout the Cold War and since. Haiti's devastation is not the result of “natural” causes or even “neo-liberal” policies – it is the product of the oppression of this semi-colonial country by the imperial masters ever since black slaves rose up to abolish slavery and throw out the colonialists two centuries ago. No new “economic model” can resolve this: what’s required is a new Haitian Revolution, a workers revolution overthrowing capitalism throughout the Caribbean and extending into the heart of imperialism.
Erich Fromm and His Proposal for a Basic Income (tags)
Philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm never abandoned his vision of a humanist non-estranged society where persons were not commodified or mere goods producers. His book "Having or Being" was written at age 76.
Russian Spy Case: Espionage or Politics? (tags)
likely the latter
partisan backing for US escalation in Afghanistan (tags)
Are you still registered Democrat? 100% of the US Senate, Democrats and Republicans together, voted to approve the war criminal General Petreaus to make war to steal the oil and other minerals from the Caspian Sea and Afghanistan, and encircle Russia and China, the former being the biggest mineral prize of all, all at the behest of Democrat Pres Obama.
Posada Carriles (blew up Cuban airliner ‘76) marches w/ Gloria Estefan & Ladies in White (tags)
Posada Carriles (blew up Cuban airliner ‘76) marches w/ Gloria Estefan & Ladies in White
Five years after a failure: FARE STRIKE! San Francisco 2005: First-Hand Accounts (tags)
A review of a not-too-terribly accurate account of an attempt at a mass "self-reduction" movement on a big city public transit system in the United States...and some ideas on how to avoid the mistakes we made...
United for Human Rights Celebrates Juneteenth (tags)
Slavery stills exists: it’s human trafficking.
The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order (tags)
"The global debt crisis, which is beginning in Greece, and spreading throughout the euro-zone economies of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and ultimately the entire EU, will further consume the UK, Japan and go all the way to America.[50] This will be a truly global debt crisis. Government measures to address the issue of debt focus on the implementation of ‘fiscal austerity measures’ to reduce the debt burdens and make interest payments on their debts. ‘Fiscal austerity’ is a vague term that in actuality refers to cutting social spending and increasing taxes. The effect this has is that the public sector is devastated, as all assets are privatized, public workers are fired en masse, unemployment becomes rampant, health and education disappear, taxes rise dramatically, and currencies are devalued to make all assets cheaper for international corporations and banks to buy up, while internally causing inflation – dramatically increasing the costs of fuel and food. In short, ‘fiscal austerity’ implies ‘social destruction’ as the social foundations of nations and peoples are pulled out from under them. States then become despotic and oppress the people, who naturally revolt against ‘austerity’: the sterilization of society."
Philippines: The meaning of the `Noynoy’ Aquino presidency (tags)
On June 9 Senator Benigno Aquino III (“Noynoy” Aquino) of the Liberal Party, the son of former President Cory Aqunio, was proclaimed president by the Philippines Congress. Noynoy was a former senator “with little legislative record to speak of”, according to the Philippine Daily Inquirer newspaper, which nevertheless campaigned hard for Noynoy Aquino’s presidency, soon after Cory Aquino’s death in August 2009.
Court destroying our rights and welfare
Stanley Sporkin: BP's Ombudsman Fixer (tags)
corruption in high places
Updating Lynne Stewart's "Love Struggle:" Part II (tags)
Lynne's struggle for justice continues
It is interesting to study the tale of two political families in Asia. One in Pakistan. The other is the Philippines. The present president of Pakistan is the husband of martyr president Benazir Bhutto- Asif Ali Zardani while in the Philippines, the upcoming president is the son of the former president, Benigno Simeon Aquino III.
Labor for Palestine Salutes West Coast Dockers for Embargo on Israeli Cargo (tags)
Just as labor solidarity played a critical role in toppling South African apartheid, it now has the potential to cripple Israeli apartheid. We urge the entire ILWU and all trade unionists to stand behind and expand on this critical issue of conscience and solidarity.
Child Homelessness in America (tags)
worsening because Washington ignores it
World Cup is attacked by the extreme right of the United States (tags)
Fox News makes the Brazilians to laugh.
illegal by any international standard
Milow the Girl's CD Release "Days of Power" in association with the Humane Society (tags)
Milow the Girl's CD Release Party benefits the Humane Society in its fight against puppy mills. The event is open to the public and will feature celebrity musicians such as Kim Cameron of Side FX and Jimmy Sweet of L.U.V. Get tickets now!
Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack on Freedom Flotilla (tags)
Are you still registered Democrat instead of the pro-Palestinian Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party? The Democratic Party has come out in full force in support of the massacre of 15 members of the Freedom Flotilla, with 9 officially dead and 6 missing, reported thrown overboard by Israel's military, at US taxpayer expense. Here are the statements of the latest Democrats, defending Israel, after Democratic Vice President Joe Biden did the same, and the Republicans also do the same as both are 100% pro-Israel at all levels of office. And Critical Resistance's smuggled video is also here, showing the peaceful nature of the flotilla members.
Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Endangered (tags)
dissent and whistleblowers in America endangered.
AJLPP Forces Commemorates 112th Independence Day in the United States (tags)
On the anniversary of the 112th Independence Day from Spanish colonialism, June 12, 1898, the Alliance-Philippines and its allies commemorated the day of struggle in different cities of the United States in different forms. From San Francisco in the north to Los Angles in the south, and from New York in the east to Chicago in the Midwest different groups allied with or allies of AJLPP commemorated June 12 with renewed strength.
Mexican hostility toward U.S. Border Patrol (tags)
Hostility against U.S. Border Patrol is spreading across Mexico over the recently alleged illegal deaths of 15-year-old Sergio Adrian Hernandez by a U.S. border agent, (name withhold) which followed the May 28 death of Anastasio Hernández Rojas, a 42-year-old Mexican national who died after U.S. border agents used a stun gun against him as he reportedly resisted deportation near San Diego.
Commemorate the 112th Independence Day, Continue on the People's Struggle for Systemic Ch (tags)
-As we commemorate the 112th anniversary of the proclamation of the Philippine Independence on June 12, 1898 , we will witness a new era. That is the assumption to power of a new president coming from an old political dynasty and the exit of a despised leader who still cast a giant shadow on the new dispensation. We celebrate this short lived independence with bittersweet pride and with the unwavering aspirations of the Filipino people for real change and genuine independence. The Phillippines was the first bourgeois republic in Asia and the first Asian country to free itself from the stranglehold of colonialism.We were also the first colony of US Imperialism in this part of the world.
Commemorate the 112th Independence Day, Continue on the People's Struggle for Systemic Cha (tags)
Commemorate the 112th Independence Day, Continue on the People's Struggle for Systemic Change
Sitting-in for Human Rights, from Jim Crow to Juan Crow (tags)
The struggle for migrant rights--like the struggle against Jim Crow--is a matter of fundamental human rights and equality.
State Terrorism and massacres: constant characteristics of the policy of the Israeli bourgeoisie (tags)
The Israeli attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” of pacifist organizations under the guidance of the Turkish NGO Insani Vafki Yardim, which wanted to break the blockade to bring medicine and food to the people of Gaza, starving and subjected to terrible imprisonment since June 16, 2007, is another demonstration of the military and repressive nature of the “only democratic country in the Middle East.”
Is Obama Powerless Against BP ? (tags)
After BP successfully placed a cap to divert some of the spewing oil into tankers, thousands of gallons continue to flow daily into the gulf. August is slated as the earliest date that any permanent solution may emerge. BP remains totally in charge of potentially the largest environmental disaster in the earth’s recorded history, a fact that proves — in “check mate” fashion — that corporations dominate the inner workings of the U.S. government, a truth previously revealed by the bank bailouts. More than one gigantic eco-system may be destroyed by BP, and the President of the U.S. is sadly reduced to lecturing in “serious tones,” with daily adjustments of tone based on the results of polling agencies.
Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)
"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."
Obama's National Security Strategy: A New Direction or Continuity (tags)
Obama's agenda assures permanent war
Colorado Gives Marijuana Dispensaries Legal Status (tags)
Governor Signs Regulations for State’s Medical Marijuana Industry
Key US City Acts to Avoid 'Dirty' Tar Sands Fuel (tags)
Press Release
Prop 14 Bait and Switch (tags)
Arguments against Proposition 14 on California's June 8th primary ballot
North Korean Ship Sinking: Another False Flag? (tags)
Washington, not N. Korea the likely suspect
US Congress Hopelessly Corrupt (tags)
The congress and the courts of the United States allow the fbi/cia assassins to run murderously wild around the world; such abomination from the most powerful group of thugs ever to be in power in this country demands attention.
The Politics of FASCISM and IMMIGRANT BASHING (tags)
Grassroots KPFK Presents Forum and Panel Discussion The Politics of FASCISM and IMMIGRANT BASHING
Insurance Comm Candidate Padilla Opposes "Cap" On BP Ins-Calls For Seizure Of BP & Energy (tags)
Dina Padilla, Peace and Freedom Party candidate for California Insurance Commissioner has opposed any changes of insurance caps and instead is calling for the seizure of BP and public control of the entire energy under democratic worker management with the profits going to the public.
CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AND INALIENABLE RIGHTS: Obama has become the articulate Bush (tags)
The only change in the new administration is the voice and the color by Peter Stern
US Media's Pro-Israeli Bias: Response to the Freedom Flotilla Slaughter (tags)
appalling major media coverage
Stand Up for Local Media! Stop the Comcast/NBC Merger. (tags)
A Comcast takeover of NBC would mean higher prices, fewer choices, and could spark a wave of new media mergers. It would give one company too much control of what we can watch and how we can watch it.
The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in the United States condemns the P3 billion Quezon City Central Business District (QCCBD) project of the than World Bank itself. From its early inception WB has sold the idea of QCCBD as the mecca of new and forward looking economic development within Metro Manila area and outlying regions. Generally dubbed as a mixed-use commercial/residential/recreational district - the 250 hectare Triangle Park project will displace 16,000 poor families. Ironically the 37 hectare property where San Roque is nestled belongs to the National Housing Authority of the Philippines and is leased to Robinsons Land Corporation - one of the biggest mall and residential developer in the Philippines.
A Post-Sentencing Statement From Dave Solidarity (tags)
On June 1, I was sentenced to a 1 month stay in a Federal Prison, starting June 22nd, after being convicted of a 'violation of the terms of my supervised release.' To give a little bit of background, in 2006, I was convicted of damaging United States property' after setting fire to an Army recruiting center in the Bronx, and served 6 months in a federal prison, followed by 3 years of 'supervised release.' Last year, a few months before this term of supervised release was set to expire, I was arrested outside of the second occupation of the New School, and charged with assaulting an officer, rioting, resisting arrest and maybe a couple other things.
Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea (tags)
more Israeli crimes against humanity
ARIZONA MARCH GATHERS 50,000 VS SB 1070 (tags)
Que queremos? Legalización! Cuando? Ahora!” “Hey hey, ho ho, SB 1070 has got to go!” Over 50,000 people marched through the streets of Phoenix, Ariz., May 29 to demand an end to SB 1070 and all other racist attacks on immigrants. The national protest marched more than five miles in 100-degree heat to the steps of the state capitol. The action was coordinated with marches and demonstrations in several cities across the United States and in Mexico City. The Party for Socialism and Liberation worked with the ANSWER Coalition (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism) to organize two buses of dedicated activists to travel from the Los Angeles area to the national demonstration in Phoenix. Other organizations in the contingent included Vamos Unidos USA, AF3IRM, the Alliance-Philippines and KmB Pro-People Youth. The PSL also helped bring a 70-car caravan from San Diego, and PSL members in Phoenix held a preparatory meeting and passed out thousands of flyers to help build the march at ground zero. The huge outpouring of support for immigrants came mostly from workers in Arizona. But large delegations came not only from California but also Nevada, New Mexico, Colorado and Texas. Erica Maceda, who traveled on the buses from Los Angeles, said : “I am traveling to Arizona to fight for immigrant rights because the attack on immigrants there is an attack on all people. No human being can be considered ‘illegal.’” Protesters gathered in the morning outside a local park for an opening rally and ceremonial Indigenous dancing. Speakers denounced Arizona Governor Jan Brewer and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio for their blatant racism and xenophobic attacks on immigrant workers. As the march made its way through Phoenix, PSL members gathered hundreds of signatures supporting full rights for all immigrants. When asked at the opening rally why he decided to attend, Max Martinez of Phoenix said “Because SB 1070 is racist and wrong. No one with any sense contemplates whether or not white supremacy is wrong.” Martinez, a 20-year-old student, explained that he has been stopped by police and asked for proof of citizenship more times than he can count, despite being born in a local Phoenix hospital. ‘SB 1070 has got to go!’ ANSWER and the PSL led a militant contingent of hundreds of protesters chanting slogans. Protesters carried signs that read “Defeat SB 1070 in the streets!” and “Unity against racism: Full rights for immigrants!” The march ended with a rally at the Capitol building in downtown Phoenix. Initiated by Puente, an Arizona-based immigrant rights organization, and the National Day Laborer Organizing Network, the demonstration was multinational and pointed to a high degree of class-consciousness and solidarity among workers from all sectors of society. It exposed the myth of the right wing that Arizona monolithically supports SB 1070. Tens of thousands of people, who represent hundreds of thousands more, hit the streets under difficult conditions and with a massive police presence trying to intimidate them. Rally speakers included local politicians and community leaders as well as Richard Trumka, leader of the AFL-CIO. The message from the stage was one of workers’ unity and the need to put a stop to the divide-and-conquer tactics employed by the enemies of poor and working people. The national march to stop SB 1070 was a truly historic day in the growing movement for immigrant rights. It also marked a major step forward in the struggle against racism.
Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)
Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”
Complete Interview Transcript with Richard Falk from May 31st 2010 (tags)
DB "The Israelis say that these commandos who they say were armed with hand guns and paint guns were only defending themselves from armed and dangerous attacks by people on the boat. Your response to that? RF: There are two lines of response, and this is an area where the facts are contested and difficult to disentangle at this stage. The witnesses on the boats themselves, particularly the Turkish boats where most of the violence took place, claim that the commandos landed shooting, and that it was only after the initiation of that violence that there was some attempt at defense on the basis of very contrived and primitive weapons, as opposed to the kind of weaponry that the Israeli commandos were carrying. Beyond that, it’s fairly clear if unlawful attack of a vessel on the high seas is occurring, the passengers on that ship have some sort of right to self defense. So that’s one aspect of it. The second aspect is that even if there was some kind of defensive violence on the ship, that’s no excuse for an unprovoked attack carried out in this manner. If Israel didn’t want the ships to go to Gaza, they could have diverted them, and if they did what the other boats did in the Freedom Flotilla, except for the larger Turkish one, it seems pretty clear that this was a deliberate attack designed, I suppose, to punish the effort to carry out this humanitarian mission, which would obviously have disclosed the brutality of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has gone on now for almost three years. The Israeli arguments are not really seriously plausible. Given the overall circumstances it’s very difficult to give them any kind of serious credibility, and this seems to me to be as clear a violation of international humanitarian law, international law of the seas, and international criminal law, as we’re likely to see in the early part of the twenty-first century." RF
AF3IRM Calls for Justice for Killed/Wounded Freedom Flotilla Activists, People of Gaza (tags)
AF3IRM, formerly known as GABNet, condemns the Israeli military attack on the Freedom Flotilla on May 30, 2010.
More than three hundred protestors turned out in an emergency protest action called by ANSWER-LA at the Zionist consulate in Los Angeles, afternoon of Memorial Day, May 31. An Al Awda Speaker said: " There is only one Al Awda, we will never abandon our right to return." He also proclaimed that " We are all Palestinians!"
Condemnation Follows Israeli Raid On Flotilla (tags)
" Hamas won an election for control of Gaza over the more conservative pro U.S. Fatah group favored by the U.S. and Israel. In the aftermath of a bloody struggle the more centrist faction was defeated militarily and by the ballot. Please remember this as most western press services have consigned important setails to Orwell’s “memory hole.” "Officials in Israel said the elite naval units were attacked as they attempted to board one of the ships, and that the commandos used live fire only when they felt their lives were threatened. Dozens of passengers and at least five Israeli soldiers were wounded in the confrontation in international waters."
Piracy in the high seas and gunboat diplomacy is still alive and being practiced. The PESANTE-USA, a human rights advocacy group based in the United States, condemns Israel and its major backer- the United States in committing a blatant of piracy in international waters by attacking ships that is supposed to aid the blockaded people of Gaza.The raid cause the death of 10 people. PESANTE-USA also condemns the continued Israel blockade of Gaza and the Palestinian people. The economic blockade is an act of genocide aimed to choke and kill the Palestinian people and is a very inhuman act. Gunboat diplomacy The incident just goes to show that piracy is alive and being practiced by big powers and is their weapon of choice against their perceived enemies.The world knows the British, the United States, the Dutch used gunboat diplomacy and piracy for their selfish ends, and are still using it today. The United States and its proxy state Israel cries and condemns small acts of piracy but use it if it is convenient for them.The latest act of attack and boarding of ships loaded with aid and its continuing blockade shows how brutal and inhuman imperialists and their puppets are. They have blockaded China , Cuba, North Korea and their enemies with their naval fleets and air forces and even their armies to starve the revolutionary nations but they failed. The people of the world will not tolerate modern acts of piracy in pursuit of their " national interests." STOP THE BLOCKADE OF PALESTINE! LET PALESTINE LIVE! FREE, FREE PALESTINE! Los Angeles-- Piracy in the high seas and gunboat diplomacy is still alive and being practiced. The PESANTE-USA, a human rights advocacy group based in the United States, condemns Israel and its major backer- the United States in committing a blatant of piracy in international waters by attacking ships that is supposed to aid the blockaded people of Gaza.The raid cause the death of 10 people.
Us American we continued in the war business, Obama said.
Annotated Text of SB1070 (tags)
The text of the controversial Arizona law, with comments interspersed. Read it and pass it on. If you're protesting, you owe it to yourself to know the law.
The sinking of the Cheonan: Another Gulf of Tonkin incident (tags)
"Defense Ministry officials added that they had not detected any North Korean submarines in the area at the time of the incident. (4) According to Lee, “We didn’t detect any movement by North Korean submarines near” the area where the Cheonan went down."
As Asian-Americans and speaking in behalf of the progressive Filipino-American community, the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) expresses serious concern over the crisis in the Korean Peninsula. The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DRPK) or the North Korea ( as the US wants to call it) said Tuesday it was severing all relations with South Korea and cutting communications links in protest at claims that it had sunk one of Seoul's warships.
The Jena Generation --An interview with Jordan Flaherty (tags)
If this city is going to recover, the first step is getting out the truth that New Orleans is not okay. Most of the country believes either that New Orleans has been rebuilt, or that, if not, it’s because people here are lazy and/or corrupt and wasted the nation’s generous assistance. But New Orleans is still a city in crisis. The oft-promised aid, whether from FEMA or various federal and private agencies, has not arrived.
U.S. And NATO Accelerate Military Build-Up In Black Sea Region (tags)
"The establishment of U.S. and NATO naval, air and infantry bases and interceptor missile installations in Black Sea nations is the prototype for expansive and permanent military build-ups in Eastern Europe and into former Soviet space, which is being replicated in the Baltic Sea region. An imaginary Iranian threat is the subterfuge employed to justify the presence of U.S. and NATO warplanes, warships, troops, mechanized and airborne units, missile batteries, training centers and radar facilities in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea regions. Iran does not border either of the two seas and has neither the ability nor any reason to threaten nations that do."
The empire counterattacks. Hillary "Dart Vader" Clinton ahead of the troops.
US Envoy Meets Aquino , Vows To Cooperate with new RP leader (tags)
The United States has virtually acknowledged Sen. Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino as the country’s new President after its top envoy to Manila met with the presidential frontrunner yesterday. During the meeting, US Ambassador Harry Thomas conveyed to Aquino Washington’s satisfaction over the generally smooth conduct of the Philippines’ first-ever automated polls last May 10 where the Liberal Party candidate emerged as the apparent winner in the presidential race.
The Shortwave Report 05/21 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
FVECF "Hush Money" not Just Compensation or Justice (tags)
This is a clear case of the GRP acting as spokespersons for the DVA. A case of brazen puppetry of those who should represent Filipino interest but acting as otherwise. They who are paid by the Filipino nation acts as media persons for American interests and even taint the dignity of our people must so our veterans. How could we believe their propaganda that they given so much when the truth is that they have denied 17,000 veterans claims for the flimsy reasons and they given out 13,000 claims? These are crap!
Napolitano in Claremont (tags)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
CLAREMONT, California - The arrival of Homeland Security Secretary (and former Governor of Arizona) Janet Napolitano to this community at the far east end of Los Angeles county propelled a march and rally of about 300 people in denunciation of the policies of immigration agencies, which fall under her purview.
Leer este artículo en español: Napolitano en Claremont
Washington-Industry Complicity Behind the Gulf Disaster (tags)
Blame Washington-industry complicity
Dependence paralyzes superpowers. Washington urges Peking to upgrade its currency which China's economy cannot handle. China-bashing is an absolute necessity in the upcoming election campaigns.
Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)
climate bills are solely for profit
UPDATE - Ant-Fascist Rally in Riverisde (Memorial Weekend) (tags)
The previous post had the INCORRECT date. The date for this event is MAY 29th, **NOT** May 22nd.
Imprisoning Children for Life (tags)
only America and Israel do it
Anti-Fascist Rally in Riverside, CA (tags)
Stop the Black Market Sales of AIDS/HIV Medicine. Please Sign The Petition! (tags)
Leaked Email. “there is a major black market scam being worked on the $30 million a year in HIV/AIDS drugs we finance... I could easily name the in-house folks but my lips are sealed.” Carol Payne Flavell, Administrative Employee of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Presidential Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR). Sign
Greens congratulate Caroline Lucas, UK's first Green in Parliament, on victory (tags)
"The election of the first Green to the British House of Commons is cause for celebration among Greens in the US and for everyone who wants to see a new direction in politics and an end to the stranglehold of the pro-war pro-corporate old parties," said Cynthia McKinney, the Green Party's 2008 nominee for President of the United States and former member of the US House of Representatives from Georgia. "If Greens can win a seat in the UK, we can win one or more seats in Congress
Drug Czar Gil Kerlikowske admits drug war is a dismal failure (tags)
Drug czar Gil Kerlikowske admits drug war is a dismal failure. Of course if you ask all the cops who have been paid damn good money for jailing pot smokers and other victimless drug war criminals they will tell you the drug war is a huge success because it has made them very well off financially.
A Christian Perspective on Prisons --An interview with Stan Moody (tags)
Only as the public becomes aware of the enormous cost of the revolving door of incarceration will they begin to pay attention to what is going on inside and how we might change the dynamic. Corrections has taken full advantage of this denial by essentially saying, “You cannot possibly understand what we are up against.” They have built incarceration into a growth industry that is sapping our national strength and shredding our decency.
CA Governor Candidate Alexander, SPUSA: BP Oil Spill a Crime not a Disaster (tags)
The explosion on BP’s Deepwater Horizon rig that released millions of gallons of oil into the Gulf of Mexico has been called a “Disaster” by many. It isn’t a disaster. It is a crime.
US continues to detain, torture prisoners at secret Afghan base (tags)
The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has confirmed to the British Broadcasting Corporation that the US military is operating a second “black jail” at its Bagram airbase near Kabul in Afghanistan, contrary to the Pentagon’s public denials. Did you vote for this in 2008? The government of the US did not declare war on the government of Afghanistan or Iraq, and all of this is in violation of international law.
Look Out, Obama Seems to Be Planning for a Lot More War (tags)
"econd, while in the past the US concentrated on the ability to fight two big wars simultaneously, the QDR suggests that's not enough. Now, the Obama administration posits the "need for a robust force capable of protecting US interests against a multiplicity of threats, including two capable nation-state aggressors. Now it's two-plus wars - the plus being the obligation to "conduct large-scale counter-insurgency, stability and counter-terrorism operations in a wide range of environments", mainly in small, poor countries like Afghanistan. Other "plus" targets include "non-state actors" such as al-Qaeda, "failed states" such as Somali, and medium-size but well-defended states that do not bend the knee to Uncle Sam, such as Iran or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and some day perhaps Venezuela."
Using Alleged Terrorism to Escalate Wars and Homeland Repression (tags)
NY bomb incident may unleash a wave of homeland repression
Open Letter from the Internationalist Group to the Spartacist League and ICL (tags)
The Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League it leads are in deep political trouble. On April 27, the International Executive Committee of the ICL issued a statement “Repudiating Our Position on Haiti Earthquake,” headlined “A Capitulation to U.S. Imperialism.” After three months of “zealous apologies for the U.S. imperialist military intervention” in the name of humanitarian aid, the ICL suddenly declared that this was a fundamental “betrayal” and the Internationalist Group had been right all along in demanding U.S./U.N. troops out. While agreeing with the IG’s characterization of the ICL’s policy as “social-imperialist”and calling for a “savage indictment” of its own line, the ICL’s explanation for this betrayal – failure to have a formal discussion – doesn’t answer how an entire organization which proclaims itself revolutionary Marxist and Trotskyist could swallow this support for imperialism for months. Its origins can be found in years of capitulation to U.S. imperialism, notably by abandoning the call for its defeat in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The Open Letter by the Internationalist Group urges those in the ICL who do not wish to continue gyrating in centrist confusion to examine the real record of their organization’s adaptations and capitulations to “its own” bourgeoisie over the past years.
5/13 CA State Superintendent Of Public Instruction Candidate Leonard Martin Backs LA Court (tags)
Leonard Martin, the only candidate for CA State Superinendent For Public Instruction opposing charter schools is backing a law suit against the illegal establishment by the LA Unified School District of Birmingham High School in Los Angeles and will attend the court hearing on May 13.
In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)
The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.
fbi and University Texas In Illegal Collusion (tags)
fbi and University of Texas in colluusion seek a way to unlawfully arrest the Target. (portland indymedia prevents this publication)
Filipinos and Filipino Americans are excited about the elctions in the Philippines two days from now. Prayer meetings, masses, miting de avances and arms distribution became the order of the day in the Philippines. In the United States. Masses and prayer meetings of different candidates for a peaceful elections were held everywhere.
The Angola Three: 38 Years in Prison Hell (tags)
focusing on America's gulag
The Shortwave Report 05/07 Listen Globally! (tags)
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.
Palestinian Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons (tags)
Israel violates laws it's sworn to uphold
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All (tags)
The Best Immigration Law is No Law at All
New York Car Bomb Incident: Another False Flag? (tags)
Another suspicious false flag possibility
The Economics Behind Immigration Reform (tags)
How convenient for Goldman Sachs. Just as most working people were demanding that the Goldman bosses and other Wall Street criminals either be massively fined, jailed or worse, the nation’s attention is suddenly forced to react to the racist immigration law in Arizona. And although the two incidents are not directly related, they represent a trend that is likely to increase in the months and years ahead.
May Day in the United States was day for workers and immigrants! More than 500,000 people protested and filled the streets of LA and other 75 other US Cities in their hundreds of thousands. One of the rally organizers, ANSWER-LA, TV Channel 54 and 62 estimates the crowd as high as 250,000 while the LAPD has a low estimate of 60,000.
The US-Wide May Day Rallies in several major cities to defend immigrant rights and for genuine immigration reform was resounding success --In Los Angeles, the epicenter of the immigrant rights movement, hundreds of thousands turned out and filled 20 street blocks leading to Broadway and Temple St. Estimates range from as high as 500,000 to a low of 60,000.
Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack (tags)
Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own.
How Wars are Born: the US vs. China (tags)
Those of us making the “radical” claim that wars are the result of economic/corporate interests pushed abroad, were recently given a nod of approval from a typically unfriendly source, The New York Times. The corporate controlled New York Times published a revealing article about how U.S. foreign policy really works, and why. The motive behind the sincerity is that China’s foreign policy was being attacked. However, the article soon made it clear that China’s policy is the same as the U.S.’s : dominating regions that are of “economic (corporate) interest” — raw materials, cheap labor, shipping lanes, markets, etc. — through military buildup.
Preparing Haiti for Exploitation and Plunder (tags)
America plans to ruthlessly plunder Haiti for profit
WORKERS RIGHTS ARE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS! Diverse immigrant rights groups all over the United States will come out in a united full force for an all-out drive to push genuine immigration reform in 2010. In almost all major cities of the United States, immigrant rights groups led the labor unions, immigrant rights advocates and anti-war and racism forces like the International ANSWER Coalition will hold march and rallies for full immigrant rights and to commemorate International Workers Day. --For the first time after more than four years, all the immigrant rights groups will march together as one. The marches and rallies have been disunited and at least 4-5 immigrant groups hold their rallies separately since 2006.
Eve of May Day 2010 The Second American Revolution Has Begun (tags)
April 30, 2010, the eve of May Day, is Victory in Vietnam Day, 35 years ago, when the little people in black pajamas defeated the mightiest death machine the world had seen since Nazi Germany, the United States. The American death machine is now poisoning the earth worldwide and can only be stopped by a united workingclass ready to eliminate the profit motive that is the cause of war. That struggle has begun in the US in the form of the fight for public school education as we cannot have guns and butter.
RP Elections Update, May 2010 (tags)
With eleven days to the election day in the Philippines, the campaign heats up to the finish in the United States. - In Los Angeles, the BANTAY PILIPINAS, an election watch dog for the Philippines, held a forum debate last April 21 in Kapistahan Grill in Historic Filipinotown attended by spokespersons of the candidates. The debate was very civil but was heated. More than a hundred people attended the forum. The Villar camp was represented by Bobby Reyes, Teodoro by muralist Eliseo Art Silva, Eddie Villanueva by union leader Jay Valencia and Linda Cross, Aquino by Atty. Terry Herrera and Binay by Errol Santos. The moderators for the event was Austin Baul and Cheryl Zarate ably assisted by Cory Esguerra, Cilla Esguerra, Emily Chan and Wendy Natividad.
Clarifying Remarks On The International Anarchist Conspiracy (tags)
Read below
A new leaflet being passed out in Seattle. Spread the word about Obama's REAL ideas about immigration reform while building the movement for full rights for all immigrants, now. And wherever you are, march on May Day, the fighting holiday of the world's workers.
Art Exhibit Portrays a Haiti of Hope and Promotes the Right to Play (tags)
CLEARWATER: On Friday, April 30th, starting at 6pm, international photographers Gracia Bennish and Brad Kugler will showcasing their photos of Haiti at “For the Future/For the Children: Two Views of Haiti” exhibit at System Productions in downtown Clearwater. (34N. Garden Ave).
WORKERS RIGHTS ARE IMMIGRANT RIGHTS! Diverse immigrant rights groups all over the United States will come out in a united full force for an all-out drive to push genuine immigration reform in 2010. In almost all major cities of the United States, immigrant rights groups led the labor unions, immigrant rights advocates and anti-war and racism forces like the International ANSWER Coalition will hold march and rallies for full immigrant rights and to commemorate International Workers Day.
Statement of Solidarity for the Armenian Day of Remembrance, April 24, 2010 (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines expressed militant solidarity with the Armenian Community in the United States in commemorating their Day of Remembrance for the 1.5 million victims of the Turkish genocide of 1915. The Alliance highly criticized US president Obama’s posture who refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide. In a double speak, Obama in his statement to mark Armenian Remembrance Day, Obama described the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks as "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." Yet for the second year in a row, Obama avoided describing the episode as a genocide.
Emerging US fascism
“US Bases out of Okinawa, US Imperialism, Out of the Philippines!” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expresses its most militant solidarity with the people of Okinawa and Japan and supports their just demand to do away with US bases in their homeland.
Statement of Solidarity for the Armenian Day of Remembrance, April 24, 2010 (tags)
The Alliance-Philippines expressed militant solidarity with the Armenian Community in the United States in commemorating their Day of Remembrance for the 1.5 million victims of the Turkish genocide of 1915. The Alliance highly criticized US president Obama’s posture who refused to declare the 1915 mass killings of Armenians a genocide. In a double speak, Obama in his statement to mark Armenian Remembrance Day, Obama described the killings of 1.5 million Armenians by Ottoman Turks as "one of the worst atrocities of the 20th century." Yet for the second year in a row, Obama avoided describing the episode as a genocide.
Open Letter to President Obama
Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice (tags)
Britain and America partnered for injustice
Boycott Arizona until Arizona is given back to Mexico.
Media Advisory Echo Park Community Coalition(EPCC0 Contact; Jerry Esguerra (818) 7490272 April 24, 2010 New Anti-Immigrant Arizona law, Racist and Unjust Los Angeles- While the spin doctors are saying we are in a post-racial society and racism is dead, the racist administration in Arizona are proving them wrong. The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) vehemently condemns Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer who signed the toughest law against illegal immigration in the country. The Arizona law makes it a crime to be in the state illegally and requires police to check suspects for immigration paperwork. The EPCC commends the thousands of Arizona high school students who left their classes this week in protest, pouring into the plaza outside the state Capitol and urging a veto to no to no avail. The law creates the new misdemeanor and requires police to enforce it. The law's supporters argue that fears of widespread racial profiling are overblown and that the measure will instead be used sparingly by police to augment investigations into crimes. Provocation and an Invitation to Racism The tough Arizona law that many observers are smack of legal Nazism in the United States opened all immigrants to racial profiling and police dirty tactics. People should remember that Hitler’s Germany in 1933 started the anti Jewish pogroms and later a much bigger genocide with these legal edicts. The law is a provocation and if Obama and the democrats will again pay lip-service to the abrogation of such law, they are laying the grounds for greater disasters and bigger confrontation. It is a provocation for the legal advocates of immigration reform to act drastically and commit mistakes to derail genuine immigration reform. But we say, the people united will never be defeated. The immigrant rights movement will not be provoked and will act with restraint and fight on just grounds. We will turn this despicable act to our advantage. We say: ALL OUT FOR MAY 1 March /Rally in LA! AWAY WITH UNJUST, RACIST ANTI IMMIGRANT LAWS! VENCEREMOS, FULL RIGHTS FOR ALL MIIGRANTS NOW!
Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics? (tags)
Verily, if the origin of the word ‘holocaust’ meant ‘whole’ + ‘burning’ then surely the history of the persecution and killing of pagans and various heretical sects would qualify to this nomenclature? After all, how many supposed witches, were tortured and/or burned over the centuries? How many believers in the ‘wrong’ religions or denominations, according to those fanatics who thought themselves within ‘thee’ singularly right religion, were persecuted and murdered? We don’t know any kind of exact number but it is a frightening reality to behold nevertheless.
The UC8 Reporter: A Personal Account of Police Abuse of Power Against a Free Press (tags)
It's hard to know where to start. I'm not used to writing stories about myself. Usually, I am the one sharing news about other people through recordings and words. I cover events and publish reports to Indybay. I often report on street demonstrations, some more rowdy than others. And while I recognize the privilege my skin-tone grants me in our society and that I have not taken the types of risks war reporters do, I know enough from having seen what's happened to other journalists over the years that I am not immune from abuses by law enforcement authorities.
Harmful Effects of Prolonged Isolated Confinement (tags)
It crushes the human spirit
Richard I. Fine's Judicial Lynching (tags)
Targeting lawyers who challenge power
Robina Suwol of CA. Safe Schools, Local Hero Nominee for Heart of Green Award (tags)
Heart of Green Award 26 Real People Making a Real Difference
Behind The Scheme To Privatize NASA Elon Musk, The Downey Connection & Google Owners (tags)
Elon Musk who is planning to build "green" electric auto assembly plant in Downey is also working with Pres Obama to privatize the NASA program and turn the program over to him
The EPCC NEWS received a media advisory dated April 12 from a non-partisan group election watch dog called BANTAY PILIPINAS that they will be holding a presidential candidates from on April 21 at 7;00 PM in Los Angeles. The election debate among spokespersons of presidential candidates will be held at Kapistahan Grill, 1925 W. Temple St. Los Angeles in the heart of Historic Filipinotown, Los Angeles. According to Jerry Esguerra, BANTAY PILIPINAS convenor , the groups that signified to come are the Aquino-Roxas groups represented by Manny Lopez, , the Villar Camp by Eric Villar and Bobby Reyes,, the Teodoro Group by Eliseo Art Silva and Eddie Villanueva by Jay Valencia.
USA recruits young to do the ciberwar (tags)
USA war company.
Sen Boxer's Pro-Israel,Pro-War letter signed by 76 Senators (tags)
The Democrat and Republicans Parties are the twin parties of war and fascism, and that is most evident in their 100% support of the US military base, the anti-women theocracy called Israel. Senators Barbara Boxer and Johnny Iskason have submitted a letter in support of Israel from the warmongering, anti-communist gang called AIPAC to war criminal Democratic Secretary of State Hillary Clinton with the signatures of the 76 out of 100 US Senators promoting Israel. If you want peace in the Middle East, you have to support the socialist or Green candidates.
Overseas Voting Starts Abroad, Campaign Heats Up in the US (tags)
Overseas voting started on countries where Filipinos are from April 10 to May 10, 2010. In the United States, more than 61,000 voters will vote by mail. Postal voting is the mode of voting for OVA’s. They can either mail or personally deliver their accomplished ballot to any RP consulate in their states. Overall, there are only 143, 659 overseas voters for 2010 elections. This is higher than the 2007 elections registered voters of 142, 667. There is only 61,000 voters in the United States, with Los Angeles having 11, 975 voters.
Good American is American far away.
Overseas Voting Starts Abroad, Campaign Heats Up in the US (tags)
Overseas voting started on countries where Filipinos are from April 10 to may 10, 2010. In the United States, more than 61,000 voters will vote by mail. Postal voting is the mode of voting for OVA’s. They can either mail or personally deliver their accomplished ballot to any RP consulate in their states. Overall, there are only 143, 659 overseas voters for 2010 elections. This higher than the 2007 elections registered voters of 142, 667. There is only 61,000 voters in the United States, with Los Angeles having 11, 975 voters.
The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)
"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."
Arroyo’s US trip on April 11-13, A Summit of A Puppet with Her M (tags)
The Obama- Arroyo meeting will be crucial. Although Arroyo will not dare to stay in power beyond June 2010 without the consent of her imperialist masters, the US and her regime still can strike a deal . In that case, that means that the US has special interest in keeping her in power and will risk offending all those presidential candidates who have spent money and effort in the current electoral campaign. Another scenario is that the Arroyo is not indispensable to the US. But in any case the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the Arroyo trip to ingratiate itself to the Obama administration. The fact stands out. The United States anchors the US-Arroyo regime in it’s human rights violations, in its anti-people’s war in Mindanao and other parts of the nation and the path of keeping the Philippines under the neocolonial and neoliberal economic status.
Obama's Brave Nuke World (tags)
smoke and mirrors, not policy change
Obama’s Lies About Iran or What he was "hired" to do. (tags)
"Iran’s nuclear power capability is used to keep us frightened beyond all reason. That nation’s domestic turmoil wrought by last year’s disputed presidential election has also been used as proof that Iran is a terrorist state, or a “state sponsor of terror” or whatever new terms can be invented to make Americans believe that war is a necessity."
“ Bataan has fallen, but the spirit that made it stand cannot fall” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) in the United States will hold several 68th Year Commemorative events for the 68th Fall Of Bataan or Bataan Day in the Philippines. JFAV and AWARE will remember the 68th Fall of Bataan in Los Angeles, Panorama City and San Francisco, all in California. On April 9, 1942, the USAFFE surrendered to the Japanese Imperial Army, the largest US army garrison in the Pacific numbering 90,000 men. More than 30,000 US Army soldiers and 60, 000 Filipino soldiers of the Philippine Commonwealth surrendered after holding out for more than four months.
Arizona concealed weapons bill expected to become law (tags)
Arizona,concealed weapons,guns,gun laws,right to bear arms,U.S.Consitution,2nd amendment
RP Elections Update, May 2010 (tags)
As the Battle of surveys continues in the Philippines, all the camps of the current presidential candidates redoubled their efforts as the 4o days count down to the elections comes winding. Noynoy Aquino and Mar Roxas is still leading the surveys and seems to pull away as the Villar connection to President Arroyo became more evident with the latest defections from LAKAS-KAMPI.
Wkileaks is legit...check it out ! (tags)
Wikileaks is doing some outstanding reporting, and seems to be 'legitimate' and thus needs more than just readers, they need more support [see bottom of their web page]. Join in FREER info/ speech/ transparency ..dont be a passive public , do something worthwhile NOW !
Fascist Obama, like the Nazis, Orders Worldwide Assassinations (tags)
For the first time in history, an American president has officially ordered the assassination of a US citizen. [Democratic] President Barack Obama has approved the “targeted killing” of Anwar al-Awlaki, a US-born Muslim cleric who is reported to be in hiding in Yemen. No substantial evidence has been brought to bear against Awlaki, 38, who is accused of terrorism, and he will be afforded no legal recourse against the death sentence. He has not been charged, tried, or convicted of anything. DID YOU VOTE FOR THIS? WILL YOU NOW VOTE ONLY SOCIALIST OR GREEN?
Montcoal, WV; Massey Energy Cited 1,300 Times For Safety Violations (tags)
Following the recent cave in of a coal mine in Montcoal, WV evidence shows that despite over 1,300 safey violations Massey CEO Don Blankenship failed to act as needed to provide workers with a safe work environment. Once again profit placed over human lives by short-sighted CEO of Massey. The current body count of 25 miners with four still missing shows neglecting safety can have tragic consequences.
Hate Is Not A Family Value (tags)
Medical malpractice is a universal experience of torture victims. Dr. Steven Miles describes this terrifying trend in Oath Betrayed, America's Torture Doctors. "The news that the United States tortured prisoners in the war on terror has brought shame to the nation,..."
Latest Pedophelia Scandal Rocks the Vatican (tags)
The latest scandal has longstanding roots
JFAV salutes Commander Florencio C. Cadiente, age 89 (tags)
Another strong pillar of the Filipino veterans rights and equity movement has passed away. Commander Florencio C. Cadiente of the United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV), one of the pioneer Fil-Am veterans organizations in the United States based in Los Angeles, went back to his creator last March 28, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. Manong (Brother) Flor, as he is fondly known to the community, was born on January 3, 1921 in Narvacan, Ilocos Norte in Northern Luzon, Philippines.
Updating Lynne Stewart's "Love Struggle" (tags)
Lynne will be resentenced July 15
Washington Asserts Colonial-Style Control of Haiti at UN Donors’ Conference (tags)
"A Washington Post blog on Thursday noted: “Despite universal lip service about the necessity of Haitians taking ownership of their rebuilding, no one was really fooled. Hillary Clinton, as US secretary of state, was co-chair of the conference... Bill Clinton—the “United Nations special envoy for Haiti”—will be calling the shots in the near term in conjunction with Haiti’s prime minister as to the strategy, coordination and direction of that international aid. Can you say, ‘Mr. Viceroy?’” Of the $5.3 billion in short-term aid pledged at the conference, the US accounted for only $1.15 billion, less than the $1.7 billion pledged by the European Union and even less than Venezuela’s pledge of $1.3 billion. The US pledge to help a country whose devastation is largely the result of over a century of American imperialist domination, including repeated military occupations, is a tiny fraction of the amount allocated to bail out Wall Street."
China's Documentation of US Human Rights Abuses (tags)
China's account is accurate and revealing