Nazi Influences on the Anti-Communist Delusions of the Cold War
nazi, 1950s, adolf hitler, after mc, against lattimore, anticommunist, anticommunist hysteria of, bensky, caller, christopher simpson, cold, cold war, cold war pacifica radio, communist delusions, dallas university, east european, frank seusenbrenner, general karl wolff, generals fritz kraemer, hermann priess, hitler, hysteria, influence, influences on the, joe, joe mc, john valentine grombach, johns hopkins university, joseph mc, larry bensky, lattimore, mae brussell, malmedy massacre, mccarthy, navy intelligence, nazi, nazi influences, nazi poppe, nazis, nikolai poppe, one nazi, operations paperclip, pacific relations, pacifica radio, poppe, professor owen lattimore, robert morris, s. christopher simpson, s. in, senate internal security subcommittee, senator joe, senator joe mc, sepp dietrick, state department, sunday salon, tibetan buddhism, united states, walter harnisfeger, wansee institute, war, world war