Allegations of abuse dismissed in Guadalajara: reluctance to investigate human rights viol

according, alfonso olvera, alfonso rodriguez, alfonso rodriguez olvera, american convention, amnesty, amnesty international, authorities, degrading treatment, eduardo carvajal, eduardo carvajal avila, effective investigation, elsa hernandez, elsa hernandez arguello, estado de jalisco, european union, first judicial district, first municipal judge, francisco ramirez acuna, fundamental freedoms, guadalajara, guadalajara special report, human, human rights, human rights commission, in guadalajara, in september, informe especial comision nacional de derechos, international, international covenant, istanbul protocol, jalisco, jalisco state public prosecutor, jalisco state public security office, jalisco state public security office direccion general de seguridad, jearim fernandez, jearim jesus fernandez sagrero, la jornada, law enforcement officials, ley estatal para prevenir, liga mexicana, liliana galaviz, matteo zanotti, may, mexican constitution, mexican federal congress, national human rights commission, national human rights commission comision nacional de derechos, ninth criminal court, norma martinez loustalot, office procuraduria general de justicia, other cruel, patrick leet, pedro moreno, police, political rights, protect universally recognised human rights, public, public prosecutor, public security, public security directorate, public security office, public security office direccion general de seguridad, publica del estado, puente grande, punish torture, red cross, republic procuraduria general de la republica, sectas libertad, security, silvia ordaz, special report, state law, state public prosecutor, state public security, state public security office, state public security office direccion general de seguridad, taken, torture, united nations, united nations convention against torture, united nations general assembly, united states, violations, when patrick leet