Practice to Deceive-- Chaos in the MiddleEast is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario--

  , administration, al jazeera, american, as johns hopkins university, baltic sea, bering strait, black sea, brent scowcroft, bush, bush white house, by joshua micah marshall, central europe, cold war, crown prince abdullah, democratic, egyptian president hosni mubarak, elliot abrams, ending saddam hussein, foreign affairs, foreign relations, fouad ajami, frank gaffney, gulf war, hawks, hawks', henry kissinger, in february, in ronald reagan, iran, iraq, irish republican army, jeffrey bell, john bolton, joshua micah marshall, ken adelman, lyndon johnson, max boot, middle, middle east, mikhail gorbachev, moral cloudiness, neocons, nicaraguan contras, norman podhoretz, north korea, o. reagan, orange alert, palestinian authority, paul wolfowitz, placing u., power, prime minister, regimes, richard perle, saddam, saddam hussein, saudi, saudi arabia, saudi arabian, soviet union, state department, sunni arabs, talking points memo, third world, truth uncensored, united, united nations, united states, vietnam democrats, war, washington monthly, west bank, western europe, western hashemite, western islamic, what boot, when palestinians, when president clinton, when syria, white house, william kristol, world war, yasir arafat