Why has the US gone mad?
alexander hamilton, america, american foreign policy, american war, amy goodman, andrew jackson, anne applebaum, barack obama, basic books, charles krauthammer, cold war, colum lynch, congressional record, consensus, daniele ganser, david ignatius, deep state, democratic party, does, dominican republic, donald, donald trump, donald tusk, dwight d. eisenhower, east coast, edward snowden, european union, evan thomas, fake news, first world war, foreign, foreign policy, george w. bush, george washington, german basic law, german empire, global domination, global leadership, harry truman, harvard university press, international, international politics, iraq war, jimmy carter, john f. kennedy, john ikenberry, john quincy adams, michelle goldberg, monroe doctrine, moral, nathan hodge, native americans, new york, new york times, nikki haley, north american, north american free trade agreement, north korea, oval office, peloponnesian war, policy, presidency, president, president andrew jackson, president carter, president thomas jefferson, president truman, president trump, president woodrow wilson, ray mc, richard nixon, ronald reagan, roosevelt, second world war, since bush, south america, south korea, state department, that russia, theodore roosevelt, thomas jefferson, trade, trump, united states, us foreign, us foreign policy, walter russell mead, war, warren harding, washington post, wesley clarke, when wilson, white house, will trump, william mc, wilson, woodrow wilson, world, world bank, world power, zbigniew brzezinski