Call for an International Congress of the IV International

abu mazen, agrarian question, american metropolis, buenos aires, capitalist left, center left, class, cold war, congress, coordinating committee, crisis, democracia socialista, european anti, european social forum, evo morales, fourth, fourth international, fourth internationals, franco grisolia, geneva peace plan, genoa declaration, government, i. the, international, international congress, iraq, israeli jews, jorge altamira, jose rainha, labor zionists, left, leon trotsky, ligue communiste revolutionnaire, michael savas matsas, middle east, miguel rosseto, movement, national congress, october revolution, peter johnson, political, presidential elections, r. the, revolution, revolutionary, road map, saudi arabia, sharon zionist, social, social movements, socialist, soviet russia, united secretariat, united states, working, working class, world, world congress, world social forum