Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees:

a. refugees, all arab, arab, arab palestinian, arab palestinians, because arab, claim, contracting states, count folke bernadotte, eastern poland, egyptian foreign minister, fatah web, gaza strip, general assembly, general assembly resolution, horst hannum, in december, in lebanon, international, international covenant, international law, israel, jewish, mahmud abbas, malicious intent, muhammad salah, n. feinberg, near east, neue zuercher zeitung, new israeli shekels, numerous palestinians, palestine refugees, palestinian, palestinian arab, palestinian arabs, palestinian prisoners, palestinian refugees, palestinians, people history, political rights, political rights however, president nasser, problem, progress report, ralph galloway, recognizing resolution, refugee, refugees, resolution, resolution 194, return, second world war, soviet republics, soviet union, stig jagerskiold, terence prittie, united nations, united nations high commissioner, united nations mediator, united nations relief, united states, west bank, works agency, yasser arafat