fix articles 4884, foreign policy Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : foreign policy

foreign policy

Welcome to post-democracy! (tags)

In the current systemic crisis, this capitalist pseudo-democracy is producing a real dystopia on a par with the nightmares of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley: the apparently responsible citizen (in reality a powerless object in the heteronomous process of capital exploitation) chooses the way in which his intensified exploitation and alienation is to be concretely organized and perfected.

Ukraine will not win. Only a peace plan by the major powers can end the war (tags)

A genuine peace treaty would require agreement on a host of thorny issues (e.g., borders, reconstruction assistance, prisoner repatriation, accountability for war crimes, security guarantees, transit arrangements for the Black Sea and Sea of Azov, etc.),

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

Propaganda against war fatigue and 12 theses for survival (tags)

What peaceful alternatives and perspectives of reconciliation must we demand against the prevailing war propaganda? Let us demand: cease-fire! Negotiations! Disarmament and mutual security guarantees!

Plunder less and do more to preserve the one world (tags)

It is downright absurd that in our latitudes, half a century after "Limits to Growth" and a cascade of catastrophic ecological reports, every dip in economic growth rates is perceived as negative, even dramatic. Immediately shore up, revive, that's what politicians and the media agree on.

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

The US Lost in Afghanistan. But US Imperialism Isn't Going Anywhere (tags)

With the “Vietnam syndrome” reloaded, there is a strong mistrust against large-scale foreign expeditions among the US public, including the US military.

COVID-19 and Catastrophe Capitalism (tags)

The scale of the coronavirus pandemic and its consequences on world accumulation are unprecedented, with the global economic costs still increasing. At the end of March, some three billion people on the planet were in lockdown or social-distancing mode.36

Philippines – Duterte 2 Years on: Destructive, Divisive, and Despotic (tags)

When Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency in 2016, some even among the left toyed early on with the idea that a “maverick” president could just be what the country needed to stir things up, and jolt us from almost 30 years of elite-dominated rule.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

Detente Policy and Media Hysteria (tags)

Antje Vollmer is a Green politician who was vice-president of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2005. She urges a robust public debate over the new hard-line German foreign policy that forgets the war and Russian help in reunification. What has the politics of regime change brought?

US and China: International Policy as a Zero-Sum Game (tags)

After a half-year in office, a coherent foreign policy strategy under Donald Trump is not in sight. The US and China have very different ideas about creating prosperity and security. 600 million Chinese gained prosperity in the last 40 years.

Israel Must Recognize An Independent State of Kurdistan (tags)

This article surveys the historical mistreatment of the Kurds, and urges Israel to recognize Kurdish independence.

Pentagon Updating War Plans Against Russia (tags)


The Big Lie About Russian Forces in Syria (tags)


Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)


Poroshenko Wants NATO Troops in Donbass (tags)


US and Israel: Partners in High Crimes Against Peace (tags)


Inequality and Liberal Democracy: A Disturbing Association (tags)

How do we bring fundamental reforms about at a time when organized minorities and disorganized, quiescent majorities appear to be the norm in both the North and the South?

Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)


Libya in Free Fall (tags)


How to Combat ISIS Without War (tags)

The president yesterday announced his "strategy" for dealing with the threat posed by the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) in Iraq and Syria. He has given terror networks and the international arms industry cause for great celebration.

Promoting Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Video: Chaos in Iraq - Andrew Bacewich, 24 min (tags)

After the full broadcast interview, Bill so enjoyed his conversation with Bacevich that they kept talking, delving topics such as the Vietnam War, our evolving relationship with Iran and neoconservatives views on US foreign policy. Watch the extended interview

Cold War 2.0 (tags)


Ukrainians Resist (tags)


US-Anti-Iranian Arrogance (tags)


The Russians Aren't Coming (tags)


The Struggle for Ukraine's Soul Continues (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Talks Continue (tags)


The NSA Isn't Foiling Terrorist Plots (tags)

There's still no credible evidence that the NSA's massive digital surveillance has disrupted any terrorist plots.

Iran Bashing (tags)


NSA: The Ultimate Spy Machine (tags)


Israel's Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons Threaten World Peace (tags)


Is Capitalism to Blame for the Syrian War Drive? (tags)

Obama’s push for war in Syria seemed so deeply irrational, so crazed, that many people naturally asked, “Why is this happening?” And “who” wants it to happen? Few Americans actually believed that Nobel Peace Prizing winning Obama suddenly wanted to bomb Syria because “Assad gassed his own people” (especially when zero evidence was given to prove this).

Media Scoundrels Wrongfully Blame Assad for Gas Attack (tags)


Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)


Will or Won't Obama Attack Syria? (tags)


What's Next in Egypt? (tags)


How Edward Snowden and Syria Will Change Obama’s Foreign Policy (tags)

When the National Security Agency (NSA) spying scandal broke, so did the illusion that President Obama was significantly different than his predecessor, Bush Jr. Obama’s meticulously crafted image was specifically created as an alternative to Bush: Obama campaigned as a peace candidate who loved civil liberties and wanted to work with the UN instead of unilaterally launching wars.

The CIA, Qatar, and the Creation of Syria’s Jabhat al Nusra (tags)

Sending arms to the FSA is equivalent to helping the same group that planned the 9/11 attacks against the U.S. In our hurry to play hero and topple the Assad government of Syria by arming the rebels the U.S. government is providing material assiatance to the al Nusra organization that is itself allied with al Queda.

Bilderberg Conference Convenes (tags)


Syria Endgame Approaching Fast (tags)

The tempo of events in Syria has increased in recent weeks. The government forces have scored significant battlefield victories over the rebels, and this has provoked a number of responses from the U.S. and its anti-Assad allies: a mixture of war provocations and peace offers.

Israeli Lobby Power in America (tags)


Profile of Lawless Aggression (tags)


Yair Shamir: Profile of Israeli Extremism (tags)


US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Attacking Venezuela's Democratic Process (tags)


United Nations is Investigating the Foreign Policy of the United States: Killer DRONES ! ! (tags)

The United Nations started an investigation of the "foreign policy" of the United States of America because President Obama has been authorizing killer drone strikes deploying missles allegedly aimed at "terrorists" but which also are killing children and innocent civilians in foreign countries under the guise of fighting the War on Terrorism; and simultaneously President Barack Obama has been violating the sovereign rights of foreign countries by aiming un-manned computer controlled drone missle strikes at them when the U.S. Congress has not officially declared War. President Obama thinks that he has legal precedence because previous U.S. President George Bush got away with this behaviour.

U.S. Cannot Tell Iran to Abandon its Nuclear Program (tags)

Interview conducted by Iranian journalist Kourosh Ziabari with Mark Vorpahl

Chavez Inauguration Postponed (tags)


Fiscal Cliff Postmortems (tags)

class war

Israel's Long Arm (tags)


Four More Years of War (tags)


Christian Zionists Encourage Military-Industrial Complex Never Ending War (tags)

The Zionists in Israel and the U.S. (Christian Zionists) are encouraging the proliferation of the military-industrial complex with their escalation of religious warfare against the occupied Palestinians. The AIPAC lobby and military weapons contractors give campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans, making both status quo political parties of the U.S. puppets of greedy individuals bent on never ending warfare with soldiers and civilians paying the ultimate price with their lives.

The Shortwave Report 11/2/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Beware Post-Elections (tags)



Marketwatch bravely reposts $43 trillion racketeering lawsuit story after CNBC takes it down

Champion of the Rich and Militarists (tags)

While the foreign-and military policy of President Obama is everything other than worthy of a Nobel Prize for peace, the positions of his challenger lead to total fear and worry. America has a one-party system with two right-wings (Gore Vidal)

No More Israel in 10 Years (tags)


Pressure Building for More Middle East War (tags)


BTL: Critics Separate Rhetoric from Reality in Obama's "Hope and Change" Foreign Policy (tags)

Interview with John Feffer, co-director of Foreign Policy in Focus at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Scott Harris

Let's Have Another War (tags)


AIPAC Wants War on Iran (tags)


The Next Stage in the Destruction of Syria (tags)

The U.S. media has made its intentions clear: the 'rebels' attacking Syria's government must have more support to advance Syria's "revolution.” This was the result of the much-hyped advance of Syria's rebels into the country’s two largest cities, which the western media portrayed as a defining moment in global democracy. But "journalists" like these have blood on their hands, with much more in the works.

High Stakes in Syria (tags)


War Without Mercy in Syria (tags)


Washington's Plan B for Syria (tags)


GLP 2012 Presidential Campaign; No Corporate Lobbyist Funding Allowed! (tags)

Green Liberty Party is a fusion party between the Greens and the Libertarians that provides an alternative to the current status quo of Republicans and Democrats that are both heavily under the infuence of corporate lobbyists. To alleviate the corporate lobbyist dependency the GLP will not accept any campaign contributions larger than 10.00 from any anonymous individuals, and no money from corporations or professional lobbyist groups.

Gulf of Tonkin Redux? (tags)


Washington's Imperial Brinksmanship (tags)


Non-Intervention: A Foreign Policy for the American Citizen (tags)

The policy of interventionism as practiced by CIA drone attacks with 17% civilian casualites is part of the reason why recruitment for Al Queda and the Taliban is on the increase.

Obama Prioritizes War (tags)


Anti-Iranian Propaganda (tags)


Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)


US/Israeli Special Relationship (tags)


What's Next in Syria? (tags)


Philippines: Annoying P-Noy (tags)

Because the Reds have time and again failed to sell to the majority of Filipinos their offered prescriptions to our national problems, they’ve resorted to all sorts of gimmicks in order to get our attention.

PLM Statement on increased US military presence in the Philippines (tags)

PLM Calls for an Independent Foreign Policy and a Non-Aligned ASEAN

The Shortwave Report 01/20 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China Radio International, NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, and Radio Havana Cuba.


AL CAPONE is the Founding Father of American foreign policy.

Haiti: Two Years Later (tags)


Shooting the Messenger in Syria (tags)


Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers (tags)

Top Republican presidential contender U.S. Rep. Ron Paul has been endorsed by former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden Unit” Michael Scheuer, reports Revolution PAC. In his endorsement, Scheuer backs Paul’s longstanding non-interventionist foreign policy views and warns of bankruptcy and increased hostility toward Americans both at home and abroad should current bipartisan foreign adventurism continue.

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy is Most Probable Path to Peaceful Relations (tags)

The proposal by the Sen. Ron Paul for President 2012 campaign is for U.S. foreign policy to change from primarily military interventions and long term occupations to a strictly non-interventionist foreign policy without engaging in any further military occupations or maintaining overseas military bases. The Ron Paul 2012 non-interventionist foreign policy plan is for the U.S. military to be utilized for defensive operations only. Our nation’s security does not require any overseas operations in order to be properly defended in the U.S. domestically. Proper defense allows for and encourages domestic U.S. military bases to be maintained, though does not support overseas bases to be maintained.

War: The Wrong Jobs Program (tags)

Abdul Fatah Younis Killing: War Death or Assassination? (tags)


NATO Using Nuclear Weapons in Libya (tags)


The Military as a Security Risk (tags)

You cannot have both democracy and concentration of wealth, Justice Brandeis warned. 20% of military spending is for defense; the rest is for empire. Endless war is not a future but the denial of a future. To Hitler, the soldier was the only model of courage.

America's Appalling Human Rights Record (tags)

human rights

Forum on Venezuela in LA May 8, A Resounding Success (tags)

- Last Sunday, Mother?s Day, the Los Angeles forum about Venezuela?s Bolivarian Revolution, featuring attorney and author Eva Golinger and a panel of Venezuela experts was a success. The forum that was held at the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Wislhire featured speaker was and Eva Golinger is a foreign policy advisor to the Venezuelan government, led by President Hugo Chavez.

Al Jazeera's War on Gaddafi (tags)


WikiLeaks at the Forefront of 21st-Century Journalism (tags)

"WikiLeaks is filling a void in traditional media, as the level of distrust of the mass media is now at record highs. A recent Gallup Poll found 57 percent of Americans do not trust the media, and a Pew Poll found a record low 29 percent trust the media. There is good reason for distrust. The New York Times helped start the Iraq War by publishing the false weapons of mass destruction story. It recently misled the public about a Blackwater employee arrested in Pakistan by hiding the fact that he worked for the CIA, while reporting that Obama said he was a diplomat. Even the way the Times and the Washington Post reported on WikiLeaks documents showed reason for distrust. WikiLeaks described Iranian long-range missiles that could hit European cities but also reported that Russian intelligence refuted the claim. The Times and the Post evidently made a decision to exaggerate Iranian capability and mislead readers by excluding the Russian intelligence report. The Times admits it provides WikiLeaks documents to the government in advance and excludes material at the request of the government."

Democracy promotion: America’s new regime change formula (tags)

"By the 1980s, the reign of terror that blazed across Latin America was too much for most people to stomach. From death squads to torture chambers and various massacres, the Latin American generals who trained in the US to spread democracy around the world quickly gained reputations for major human rights abuses. To replace the overt support for dictatorships, a new concept for regime change was born; one that sounds and looks better – democracy promotion."

Mubarak's Thirty-Year Dictatorship (tags)


Revolutionary Middle East Change (tags)

sweeping change

Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution? (tags)

"Understand that the “War on Terror” is a complete lie, a concoction meant to obscure the imperial attack on the worldwide insurrection of the people’s revolt the imperialist ruling class knew would be coming. Of course 911 was a false flag attack perpetrated largely by imperialism to serve as a defense against this revolt. But before that the outlines of this “defense of the system” was likely behind the crash of a jumbo jet in the ocean when an Egyptian pilot, with no record of radical ideas, supposedly crash dived a fully loaded passenger plane shouting, “God is great.” One can review and study these manipulations and begin to see the strategy and heartless efforts being waged by our rulers in a desperate attempt to maintain our world in bondage. The U.S. will claim to be defending democracy and human welfare while attempting to utterly crush both."

Bradley Manning and GI Resistance to US War Crimes --An interview with Dahr Jamail‏ (tags)

When someone becomes a soldier, they swear an oath to support and defend the US constitution by following “lawful” orders. Thus, they are legally obliged by their own oath to not follow unlawful orders. What Bradley Manning did by leaking this critical information has been to uphold his oath as a soldier in the most patriotic way. Now, compare that with how he has been raked over the coals by most of the mainstream media.

The True Richard Holbrooke Legacy (tags)

another war criminal

BTL:Talks, Not Threats, are Best Way to Reduce Tensions in Korea Crisis (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Magic and Mayhem: The Delusions of American Foreign Policy (tags)

"Misjudgments of this scale arise from a pattern of self-deception best describedas "magical thinking." When we see think magically, we conjure up beliefs that everyone wants to be like us and that America can accomplish anything out of sheer righteousness.."

Imperial Israel (tags)

Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions

Russian Spy Case: Espionage or Politics? (tags)

likely the latter

Democratic Party Defends Israeli Attack on Freedom Flotilla (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat instead of the pro-Palestinian Peace & Freedom Party or Green Party? The Democratic Party has come out in full force in support of the massacre of 15 members of the Freedom Flotilla, with 9 officially dead and 6 missing, reported thrown overboard by Israel's military, at US taxpayer expense. Here are the statements of the latest Democrats, defending Israel, after Democratic Vice President Joe Biden did the same, and the Republicans also do the same as both are 100% pro-Israel at all levels of office. And Critical Resistance's smuggled video is also here, showing the peaceful nature of the flotilla members.

Obama's National Security Strategy: A New Direction or Continuity (tags)

Obama's agenda assures permanent war

The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)

Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated


Official American propaganda contaminates the Brazilian press.

Tea Party Hijacked by Neocons as Ron Paul Foreign Policy is Pushed Aside (tags)

Tea Party Hijacked by Neocons as Ron Paul Foreign Policy is Pushed Aside

Obama's Brave Nuke World (tags)

smoke and mirrors, not policy change

Funding Israeli Militarism, Belligerence and Occupation (tags)

funding Israel's war on Palestinian civilians


Brazil media abuses and it asks to be controlled.

Israeli Prohibitions Against Free Expression and "Enemy Alien" Contacts (tags)

Erosion of civil liberties in Israel


The foreign policy of Obama for Latin America is inexistent or ineffective.


Who speaks that doesn't owe, it listens what doesn't want.

Afghanistan: Back Door to War on Iran (tags)

Neocons support war with Afghanistan in order to get war with Iran

Z Street - The New Zionist Extremist Group (tags)

The pro-Israeli front group spreading destructive Zionist dogma

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? (tags)

"Rather, what began Monday, September 15, 2008 was the beginning of a terminal and irreversible collapse of the global financial system, which is part of a controlled Model through which other objetives will be achieved."

Obama can't appoint the best (tags)

If the AIPAC objects


In a sweeping speech to international leaders and security experts on February 6 in Munich, US vice president Biden, prima facie, revealed to an international audience the core of the Obama regime's foreign policy program. Although emphasizing diplomacy and cooperation as its center piece, he gave a stern warning to the Imperialist allies and client states that they are expected to share the burdens of fighting extremism (whatever that is).

Time for a Bad Ideas Bank (tags)

The global economic disaster plunges economics into a legitimation crisis-not yet noticed by the vast majority of the affected. The current financial crisis involves dogmas that markets function best and correct their own mistakes.

Missing Links: An Intellectual Bailout (tags)

The financial crisis has killed the claim that economics deserves to be treated as a science. The measure of a science is its capacity to explain, predict, and prescribe. And most economists not only failed to anticipate the nature and evolution of the catastrophe, but their conflicting recommendations exposed the unreliability of their knowledge.

Swimming Up Stream (tags)

Somebody had to offer a calm and serene response even though this will have to swim up the powerful stream of hopes raised by Obama in the international public opinion...

Jeremy Scahill: 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House (tags)

U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

What “incredibly tough” foreign policy actions is Obama preparing? (tags)

"Obama won the Democratic presidential nomination by presenting himself as the more consistent antiwar candidate, and the Democratic ticket in public pledges to end the war in Iraq and adopt a less militaristic stance. But behind closed doors, before select audiences of the financial and political elite, Biden has given a glimpse of the real perspective of the Democratic wing of American imperialism."

US diplomacy tainted by 'militarization' (tags)

"Since the fall of the Berlin Wall [in 1989], the diplomatic capacity of the United States has been hollowed out," according to the 26-page report, "A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future", which said a continuation of the status quo cannot continue without serious damage to the US's "vital interests".

A Great Discrepancy (tags)

The contradictions in US foreign policy to various world events and their relationship to capitalism

9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International (tags)

Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's's ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud. Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...

Derail Doha, Save the Climate (tags)

A sharp U-turn in consumption and growth in the developed countries and a significant decrease in global trade are unavoidable if we want to have a viable strategy against climate change.


With the subservience of the Arroyo regime, Bush continues the political-military intervention in the "killing field" of the Philippines, wasting millions of tax-dollars in suppressing the Moro insurgents and Filipino national-democrats, abetting the horrendous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and widespread poverty and oppression, all in the name of the war against "terrorism," a code-word for popular resistance against global capital's greed and inhumane devastation of the planet.

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle: (tags)

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle:

Warning of the American Friend (tags)

What primarily motivates US foreign policy-economic interests or a religious mission consciousness? A special world view is added to the economic interests In this perspective, economic liberalism brings political freedom and both together lead to peace and free trade.

'The Transparent Cabal' (about the Jewish neocons and their war for Israel agenda) (tags)

(about the Jewish neocons and their war for Israel agenda)

Hothead McCain (tags)

Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to hear a politician not so removed from Reality saying "There will be peace" ... ? Be wary of Electronic Vote-rigging ... And get those "Neo-Conservative" War Criminals behind bars and away from the halls of power.

Obama Aligns Foreign Policy with GOP (tags)

Democratic millionaire warmonger pro-death penalty candidate for president Barack Obama said, "The truth is that my foreign policy is actually a return to the traditional bipartisan realistic policy of George Bush's father, of John F. Kennedy, of, in some ways, Ronald Reagan." Honesty is always the best policy; and your vote should be cast honestly too, for someone you truly support.

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

Dear Americans by Helmut Schmidt (tags)

Will America stop consuming a large share of the savings and capital formation of other nations? The trust of Europeans in American leadership is shaken today. We want to love America again. But we are skeptical because Washington seems focused on only troops and finances.

BTL:US Intensified Bombing Campaigns in Iraq & Afghanistan Breed Fear & Hatred (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

U.S. Secret Air War Pulverizes Afghanistan and Iraq (tags)

News from the 4th Reich military forces: According to Associated Press, there has been a five-fold increase in the number of bombs dropped on Iraq during the first six months of 2007 over the same period in 2006. More than 30 tons of those have been cluster weapons, which take an especially heavy toll on civilians. Balad, which currently conducts 10,000 air operations a week, is strengthening runways to handle the increase in air activity.

Fri 11/16 & Sat 11/17: Authors Scahill & Jamail- Blackwater & Beyond the Green Zone (tags)

Two Evenings with Two of the Most Dynamic Voices of the New Generation of Independent Unembedded Journalists: Dahr Jamail and Jeremy Scahill: Appearing Together in LA Area For Two Nights - Book Signing to Follow Friday, November 16th and Saturday, November 17th

Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt in the New York Times again today (tags)

Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt in the New York Times again today)

Mearsheimer and Walt to Speak in Los Angeles tonight , Sept. 18 and in the SF Bay area tom (tags)

Mearsheimer and Walt to Speak in Los Angeles tonight , Sept. 18 and in the SF Bay area tomorrow and the night after (access the 'appearances' link at the top of

Terrorism Defined (tags)

The real meaning of terrorism.

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

Global poll condemns Bush administration (tags)

"The global view of the role of the US in world affairs has dramatically deteriorated over the past year, according to a BBC World Service poll released Wednesday. The study documents mounting hostility to US foreign policy, its destabilizing effect on entire regions of the world, as well as growing awareness of the threat posed to the environmental health of the planet. "

Irrational fear of Cuba dissected (tags)

A Miami Herald commentator, who specializes in bashing Cuba's Fidel Castro and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez travels all the way to India, only to find that Castro and Chavez are very popular there. He tries, but fails, to convince his audiences that live in Venezuela is hell. I analyze his pitiful attempt.

Imperial Interventions (tags)

Interview with Gregory Elich about his new book, 'Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit'

Selective Justice and the Execution of Saddam Hussein (tags)

The transformation of Saddam Hussein from ally to enemy

Somalia: US Foreign Policy and Gangsterism + Leaked emails (tags)

The failed UN/US intervention of 1993 led directly to the triumph of the warlords, who plundered, raped, and murdered their way through the streets of Mogadishu, the Somalian capital, and reduced the country to Mad Max territory. The same deadly chaos - made in the US - now again foments more hate.


Many progressive Americans are hoping for a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy because President Bush lost control of Congress or after he leaves office — but the chances of this happening are not favorable.)

BTL:Latin American Left Continues to Win Electoral Victories (tags)

Interview with Laura Carlson, director of the International Relations Center's America's program, conducted by Scott Harris



Israel Sends in the Clowns: Debating the Lobby in Manhattan (tags)

The occasion was a "debate," hosted by the London Review of Books, on the question, "The Israel Lobby: Does it have too much influence on US foreign policy?"

Democrats defend “our president” against international criticism (tags)

The pretense that the Democratic Party represents some sort of opposition to the Bush administration was punctured again last week when leading Democrats vociferously condemned the anti-Bush speech given by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to the United Nations General Assembly.

Asymmetry (tags)

A skillful foreign policy keeps options open and avoids falling into cul-de-sacs.. German Middle East policy is more than unskillful. It is a catastrophe for everyone, for Germany, Israel, Lebanon and the Palestinians.

Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit (tags)

U.S. foreign policy as seen by those on the receiving end.

BTL:Lebanese & Israeli Civilians Clear Losers as... (tags)

..Cease-Fire Ends Israel's Offensive ~ Interview with Stephen Zunes, Middle East editor with Foreign Policy in Focus, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Great soul of power (tags)

THE great soul of power extends far beyond states, to every domain of life, from families to international affairs. And throughout, every form of authority and domination bears a severe burden of proof. It is not self-legitimising.

Chossudovsky interview: "Al-Qaeda Is a U.S.-sponsored Intelligence Asset" (tags)

Michel Chossudovsky, author of the international bestseller America's War on Terrorism, personally graced the jam-packed local launch of his latest book held at the Asian Center at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City last June 24. During the launch, he gave a lecture about the imminent danger of a U.S.-made nuclear catastrophe amid the Bush administration's preparations for war with Iran. Joel Garduce of Center for Anti-Imperialist Studies (CAIS) caught up with the director of the Centre for Research in Globalization (CRG) during his short weekend stay in the Philippines and conducted the following interview.


Appropriately, much has been made of the recent survey conducted by Foreign Policy and the Center for American Progress, which found that 84 percent (of the more than 100) of America's top foreign policy experts believed that the United States is not winning the war on terror. Not only do they dispute President Bush's insular and politically self-serving assertion that America is winning that war, they also "see a national security apparatus in disrepair and a government that is failing to protect the public from the next attack." [See "The Terrorism Index," July/August 2006]

The Left's Israeli Lobby Denial (tags)

Unlike the lies and omissions of the mainstream, the Left is good on telling the truth about the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians. But its unwillingness to accept the Israel lobby's role in shaping American Middle East policy helps to maintain that very policy

THE LEFT AND THE ISRAEL LOBBY – by Joseph Anderson, Dissident Voice (tags)

Now that Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer have broken the taboo in the mainstream American media establishment of not only pointing out that the Israel lobby exists, but actually analyzing it from their perspective, the only place that open discussion, analysis and debate about the lobby remain firmly taboo is, ironically, ON THE LEFT! It’s a taboo imposed on the left by certain leftist icons and their suppression – if not censorship – of free expression and debate on this topic in progressive venues (lectures, panels, press or broadcast). Even some Palestinian-Americans have been forced to knuckle under to these leftist icons’ denial of the power of the Israel lobby in exchange for those icons’ or certain progressive/leftist groups’ political support. For example, as of this writing, where is an informed rebuttal to Noam Chomsky's dismissive position on the Lobby or at least an honest, open debate about the lobby on the national radio program Democracy Now? So, I wanted to incisively debunk at least some of the major arguments used by certain Left icons in denying the power and influence of the Israel lobby in U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East and in suppressing discussion of its power domestically. Now, some people will bring up a red herring list of other possible influences in U.S. Mideast foreign policy to deny my analysis, but here I am dealing with THE ISRAEL LOBBY and how leftist icons respond to that topic. My ultimate position is: whatever our positions on the lobby, do we get to honestly discuss and debate it in formal public settings? Please read more:

Unilateralism is Over. Resistance Grows. (tags)

The US government saw itself forced to climb down in two central foreign policy questions. Washington's efforts to completely cut off Palestinian authority's money supply were stopped. In the Iraq question, Bush was manoevered offside in the Security Council.

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy (tags)

In this paper, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science and Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government contend that the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy is its intimate relationship with Israel. The authors argue that although often justified as reflecting shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, the U.S. commitment to Israel is due primarily to the activities of the “Israel Lobby." This paper goes on to describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.

After the Fiasco (tags)

Iran's strategic position today is better than ever. The EU was the first to feel this. America now feels this and wisely renounces on military strikes.. What lessons must America draw from this strategic fiasco?

Illuminati Part 1 (tags)

Who really controls your life? You? hahahaha funny answer!

Americans in the Bubble (tags)

What if we, the American citizenry, are the ones living in a bubble. isolated, clueless, without a clear fit in the world's puzzle?

Suicidal Statecraft and Intrigues in Washington (tags)

Suicidal statecraft. Sadly for President George W Bush's place in history but-much more important-ominously for America's future, it has lately seemed as if that adroit phrase might be applicable to the politices pursued by the US since the cataclysm of 911

Manichaism (tags)

"In its religiosity, the US is more like an Islamic country than a western European country." Fuhndamentalism instrumentalizes religion to justify violence and revenge, distorts God's nature and replaces the option for the poor with the warrior cult.

AIPAC conference in LA 10/30- 10/31 (tags)

Just so folks are aware- see below for more info go by and say hi!

The Incompetent American (or, the "Ugly American" on Steroids) (tags)

Although some level of incompetence in government is universally expected, it started accelerating towards its pinnacle in the US after the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to install Bush in the presidency.

Comparison: USA v. USSR (tags)

Is life today in the USA like life yesterday in the USSR? The inexorable conflict between the totalitarian government’s need for repression and man’s desire for freedom can only be resolved by revolution.

McKinney's 9/11 hearing Wed-Cspan (tags)

C-SPAN has now set some times and dates for airing the event. August 31 They will air on C-SPAN from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm on Wednesday, August 31 And on Friday, September 2 from 8:00 pm to 1:00 am. It is broken into two parts as described below:

Quotes From Dr. Griffin's Lecture Shown on C-span (tags)

The truth about 9/11 is slowly making it's way out from the Internet. An extremely brave and intelligent University Professor named Dr. David Ray Griffin has written a book that is full of irrefutable facts about the 9/11 attacks that will stun people who have not been getting their news from non main stream sources. His lecture will re-air on C-span Saturday May 6, at 2:30 PM Eastern. It is extremely well done and extremely important information for all Americans.

...(Our) Leaders Planned.....Attacks of 9/11-Dr. Griffin (tags)

The truth about 9/11 is slowly making it's way out from the Internet. An extremely brave and intelligent University Professor named Dr. David Ray Griffin has written a book that is full of irrefutable facts about the 9/11 attacks that will stun people who have not been getting their news from non main stream sources. His lecture will re-air on C-span Saturday May 6, at 2:30 PM Eastern. It is extremely well done and extremely important information for all Americans.

A Guide To Racial Profiling and Jewish American Laws being created (tags)

A review of of Jewish Lawmaking in America

BTL: Bush Foreign Policy Continues to Alienate Friends and Enemies Around the... (tags)

...World. ~ Interview with Stephen Damours, author of "America The Almighty: The Maverick Superpower," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Against Bush's Demagogic Foreign Policy (tags)

The security advisor under President Carter criticizes the delusional US foreign policy and urges recognizing Iran as a stability factor.

Playas NM New SS/OHS Training camp (tags)

Homeland Security Schutzstaffien And "Terrorists"

BTL:U.S. Emergency and Development Aid Comes with Many Strings Attached (tags)

Interview with Tom Barry, policy director of Foreign Policy in Focus, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

The Whole Democratic Leadership Should Be Sacked Immediately (tags)

While the pro-corporate leadership of the Democratic Party was busy blowing the US presidential election, they were taking millions from the State Department to join the Republican Party in helping to undermine the government of the Ukraine and—presumably—offering their demonstrab ly inept campaign expertise to Ukraine’s democratic opposition.

Chomsky in 2008 (tags)

It's time for Noam Chomsky to make an independent run for President in 2008.

The Public Stoning of Martha Stewart: A Lifting of the Veil (tags)

Members of the mainstream press flew into Martha Stewart with more than their usual viciousness following her setting out as a political victim. Having nothing substantial to use against her, they have given negative connotations to her success, mocked the domestic skills upon which she has built her life’s work, twisted what she said and misquoted her, and made hateful remarks that could not have gotten past the editor in the days of ethical media practices. . . .

Kerry the Neocon? (tags)

Despite the ways Kerry and his supporters might want to spin it, the Democratic nominee--like President Bush--is a militarist and a unilateralist quite willing to undermine the authority of the United Nations in order to assert American hegemony in that oil-rich region.

US Dollar Heading for Collapse: Robert Reich (tags)

In painting a bleak outlook for the US economy, Reich suggested the worst is yet to come, especially if President George W. Bush and the Republican party's agenda of tax less and spend more is re-elected in Nov

US Taxpayer: Your itemized bill for the Iraq Occupation (tags)

Findings by the Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in Focus: over 9,000 Iraqi civilians were killed; al-Qaeda's membership stands at 18,000; costs will exceed $3,400 for every US household.

Meet George W. Kerry (tags)

''The nightmare for Kerry is that all of his criticisms become moot, except the woulda-shoulda-coulda criticism about the war," said Walter Russell Mead, a fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. ''In this sense, voters are going to say to themselves: 'What's the difference? If I vote for Kerry, I will get a war in Iraq and someone who doesn't believe in the war but is going to have to fight it anyway. If I vote for Bush, I get a war in Iraq, fought by somebody who believes in the war.' "

A Priceless Cake Walk (tags)

Psychologists have noted that young children are prone to "magical thinking" -- the belief that if one wants something to be true, it is true. The Iraq hawks have engaged in magical thinking throughout the Iraq mission.

Don’t rely on the politicians (tags)

To end US military aggression, we need to rely on the power of mass, grass-roots organisation, not saviours from corporate parties.

Adois Bases: Bolivarian Resistance #2 (tags)

Be a Bolivarian Circle, spread the word ... Photos, inside stories & documents from US military activities in Latin America create interest and inspire other whistle-blowers. Interviews & research on insurgents, the fighting women.. the strategies to win the war: the war for hearts & minds…+ war for land & opportunity

Fatal Blind Spot (tags)

As Richard Clarke's testimony demonstrated, the Bush administration believed their own campaign rhetoric instinctively rejected the Clinton administration's hard-won wisdom as worthless.

debunking the media lies about president Aristide (tags)

by Justin Felux the necklacing lie is going the round again in the New York Times and American Spectator


Israel's Foreign Policy toward Syria should be built on the demands that it leave Lebanon unconditionally, end it's support for Hezbollah and "Palestinian" terror groups, dismantle it's Weapons of Mass Destruction, and keep it's hands off the Kurds. Israel's greater regional policy should be based on supporting the rights of minorities in the area. Only that way, based on democratization, liberation from oppressive regimes, and encouraging freedom, will the Middle East and North Africa be transformed into a region worthy its millennia old history.

Political Divisions in the White house (tags)

Jerry Harris, Professor of History at DeVry in Chicago, summarizes political groupings in the Bush White House. It's a new piece, posted along with new art work by Diego Rivera, ar the web site

Democratic frontrunner declares he will be stronger "war president" than Bush (tags)

What makes Kerry’s contribution so valuable, in the eyes of the ruling elite, is that his campaign will deprive the American people of any significant choice on the most basic issue, war and peace. There will be no fundamental change in US foreign policy if Kerry wins the election.

Is Libertarian candidate Gary Nolan a Neocon? (tags)

Free the Eagle helped rally members of Congress behind Lt Colonel Oliver North and the Contra cause and lent office space and public relations advice to anti-Communist freedom-fighter movements in Mozambique and Angola ... and Gary Nolan is a board member.

BTL:Troubled U.S. Timetable for Iraq's Transition to a... (tags)

...Provisional Government Linked to Bush Re-Election Campaign. Interview with Bruce St. John, author and commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Dean and the world: the nonradical candidate (tags)

The real Dean, judging by his prepared speeches rather than his oral flubs, offers something much more like the bipartisan, Cold War, leader-of-the-free-world policy Americans know and remember. Whether that is the best policy for the post-9-11 world is another question. But at least let us stop pretending that in foreign policy, Dean is something radical. He is not.

Demorats (tags)

It's hard to say which was worse for Howard Dean: the capture of Saddam Hussein or Al Gore's endorsement.

Mr. President, have you no shame? (tags)

Our Republican Party has outdone the worst of the Democrat taxers and spenders, all the while smugly touting the lie about which party overspends.

The other war party (tags)

Democrats are just as committed to advancing U.S. military, economic and political power across the globe as the Republicans. The means may differ between them. But the ends have always been the same.

Who Hates the Jews Now? (tags)

Story about the Surge in Global Anti-Semitism, Especially Among those who posture as being on the "Left"

Washington Post columnist discovers that Howard Dean is a warmonger like Bush (tags)

Howard Dean is no George McGovern. He opposed the Iraq war, he says, because it was "the wrong war at the wrong time," not because it was emblematic of a fundamentally misguided American foreign policy. Dean has not, in fact, challenged the reigning foreign policy paradigms of the post-9/11 era: the war on terrorism and the nexus between terrorism and rogue states with weapons of mass destruction. "I support the president's war on terrorism," he told Tim Russert this summer. He supported the war in Afghanistan. He even supported Israel's strike against a terrorist camp in Syria because Israel, like the United States, has the "right" to defend itself. (European Deanophiles take note.) Dean does not call for a reduction in American military power but talks about using the "iron fist" of our "superb military." He talks tough about North Korea and at times appears to be criticizing the Bush administration for not addressing that "imminent" threat more seriously. And he especially enjoys lacerating Bush for not taking the fight more effectively to al Qaeda, a bit like John F. Kennedy criticizing Eisenhower in 1960 for not being tough enough on communism.

An Object Lesson in Investing (Or Being Taken for "a Ride") (tags)

Adam Smith, the father of modern economics much-quoted by conservatives, once said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices." It's a description that fits today's Wall Street to a tee.

BTL:Escalation of Guerrilla Attacks on U.S. Occupation Force in Iraq Shakes... (tags)

...White House Confidence. Interview with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

$87 billion for war: ‘senseless & reckless’ (tags)

Congress voted to approve the Bush administration’s $87 billion package for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, but not without vocal and sometimes vehement opposition by lawmakers and peace activists.

Americas Watch: 10/19 Urgent Actions on Colombia, Mexico and USA (tags)

Americas Watch: Urgent Actions on Colombia, Mexico and USA An occasional news series from Web: October 19, 2003 What happened in Bolivia truly shows the power of people's movement, the struggles against American empire and U.S.-supported semi-colonial puppet regime. However, let's don't forget there's still have many struggles lie ahead on Mexico, Colombia and of course, in the United States. Lee Siu Hin

US public moving to the middle on the Middle East (tags)

There is a pronounced movement among the US public toward persuing a more balanced Middle East policy. For example, one half of those polled now indicate that they "sympathize with both Israelis and Palestinians equally."

BTL:Bush's Pre-Emptive War Doctrine Condemned as Related Scandals Erupt in... (tags)

...White House. Interview with Ian Williams, author of "United Nations for Beginners," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris



American Psycho (tags)

The matter and manner of Bush's speaking are always an ordeal for thinking people. He seems convinced that every audience deserves the same approach given the pathologically credulous at a revival tent meeting.

Dollars for Terror (tags)

Carol Brouillet, who prints the Deception Dollars, and reviews a book that shows (or at least contends) how Osama bin Laden is part of the CIA terror network.

The Other Bush Lie (tags)

"The conclusion, then, is inescapable. The cadre of cheerleading hawks -- both inside and outside the administration -- who led the United States to war 19 months later had decided within 10 days of the terrorist attacks that 9/11 should be used as the pretext for Hussein's removal, even if there was absolutely no connection between the two."


On June 25, the anniversary of the Korean War, the Alliance of Scholars Concerned about Korea (ASCK) calls for the US and North Korea to negotiate peace, normalize relations, and end the Korean war.

Good analysis of our current language of lies. (tags)

Repost from Portland. About double speak in our times fresh from the rats that are feeding and screwing in our government.

Ajiaz Ahmed Speaks Jun 15 3PM @ Cerritos Sheraton (tags)

Aijaz Ahmad a prominent political analyst, scholar and activist will speak on US Foreign Policy in Middle East & South Asia at Cerritos Sheraton June 15 3:00 PM in City of Cerritos

Shrub is coming to town! (tags)

protest the little tyrant when he dares to come to l.a.

Aijaz Ahmed (tags)

Aijaz Ahmad a prominent political analyst, scholar and activist will speak on US Foreign Policy in Middle East & South Asia at Cerritos Sheraton June 15 3:00 PM in City of Cerritos

Aijaz Ahmad (tags)

Aijaz Ahmad a prominent political analyst, scholar and activist will speak on US Foreign Policy in Middle East & South Asia at Cerritos Sheraton June 15 3:00 PM in City of Cerritos.

Piracy is a Poor Type of Foreign Policy (tags)

Will we Americans simply be remembered by the world as just another band of pirates? Bigger but no better? Toward the end of the Golden Age of Pirates, the repercussions of resentment by land dwellers eventually overtook most of these buccaneers; those not killed in battle were captured and hung. 


MoveOn Bulletin Friday, May 9, 2003

BTL:Under White House Control, Iraq's Oil Wealth May Be Headed Toward... (tags)

...Privatization.Interview with Michael Renner, a senior researcher with World Watch Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Short-sighted U.S. Foreign Policy Spells Trouble Ahead (tags)

Myopic and lacking in considerable fore-sight, the Bush Administration did little to establish and implement a creditable US Foreign Policy in Iraq.....



The Weird Men Behind George W. Bush's War (tags)

"Most neoconservative defence intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti- communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history."


The NeoCons just can't seem to get it right. The Government is not the Country; the people are the Country.

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)

The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!

U.N. Resolution Violations other than Iraq (tags)

This is an interesting list and summary of U.N. Security Council Resolutions which are being violated by countries other than Iraq.

Israel’s foreign policy is the U.S.’s foreign policy (tags)

“Wag the dog” Who’s calling the foreign policy shots behind the scenes in the Bush administration?


"I, like many other supporters of the Constitution, have been asking since the 2000 election; exactly what drives the foreign policy of the Bush Administration. The answer is revealed in the doctrines of the Policy for the New American Century, (PNAC) "

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq.

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq. web link

SOA Trial Update: 35 Human Rights Advocates Begin Trial (tags)

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on Trial

Germany, 9/11 and Iraq: Why Regime Change matters (tags)

In the wake of 9/11 the foreign policy of historical revisionism of the Schröder-Fischer government has faced a strategic collapse which uncovered the roots of the conception. They are pointing to an extensive weakness in American post-1945 foreign policy which now can be corrected. In quest of an effective long-term strategy against global terrorism, Iraq could prove to be the prototype of a new post-war order.

Human Rights Activists On Trial for Action at SOA (tags)

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on Trial

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

Human Rights Activists On Trial for Action at SOA (tags)

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on Trial

Why Feminism is AWOL on Islam (tags)

U.S. feminists should be protesting the brutal oppression of Middle Eastern women. But doing so would reveal how little they have to complain about at home.

From Containment to Pax Americana (tags)

With the NSS, the US government gives a blank check to attack nearly every country on mere suspicion. A policy of possible military preemption hammers the last nail in the coffin of Article 51 of the UN Charter that only allows armed attack.

Interview with LA activist Frank Dorrel (tags)

An interview with LA activist Frank Dorrel, creator of the video "What I've Learned about US Foreign Policy" and co-publisher of the new edition of the book "Addicted to War." (part 1 of 4 - see below for parts 2-4). (14:57 mins)

No Bomb? Your Screwed. Gotta Bomb? We're Cool. (tags)

Well, it is my opinion that someone just made the biggest horse's ass out of this Bush administration

Bush: Foreign Policy to Take Seriously (tags)

GWB to be taken seriously in the foreign policy arena.

Praise for the Peace Movement In America By Lloyd Hart (tags)

These conservative elites' in America and around the world don't give a damn about you or me or our children.

neighborhood bully (tags)

ramsey clark on american militarism

10,000 demand: Close U.S. terror school (tags)

Over 10,000 people from far and wide gathered at the gates of Ft. Benning, Ga., Nov. 17 to demand closure of the School of the Americas (SOA), better known as the “School of Assassins,” where many death squad officers from Latin America have been trained.

D.C. Council Opposes Military Action in Iraq (tags)

City councils in Takoma Park, Berkeley, Calif., Santa Fe, N.M., and several other cities also have passed resolutions opposing unilateral military action in Iraq. Similar resolutions are under discussion in Madison, Wis., and Baltimore.


This article should be must reading for all American Patriots who are forever whining about "anti-Americanism"--not to mention anti-war Liberals who may be opposed to America's wars, but refuse to fight the American Empire itself. As this article suggests, America's current Terror War is only an extension of the Cold War. One that "continues under new names but, in essence, it is now a 'North-South' struggle--an effort to prevent the rise of any society that may set a credible example of an alternative to the capitalist model, and to prevent the rise of any power that might challenge American supremacy."

ADDICTED TO WAR: Why the U.S. Can't Kick Militarism by Joel Andreas (tags)

ADDICTED TO WAR takes on the most active, powerful and destructive military in the world. Hard-hitting, carefully documented, and heavily illustrated, it reveals why the U.S. has been involved in more wars in recent years than any other country. Read ADDICTED TO WAR to find out who benefits from these military adventures, who pays and who dies.

LA Anarchist Anti-War conference THIS WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)






Anarchist Anti-War Conference THIS WEEKEND Oct. 25-27 (tags)


Anarchist Anti-War Conference THIS COMING WEEKEND Oct. 25-27 (tags)










“US Foreign Policy and Iraq: Making the Case for Peace” (tags)

Phyllis Bennis, an expert on Iraq, will speak in a public forum on Saturday, 10/19 in Pasadena. After her presentation, “US Foreign Policy and Iraq: Making the Case for Peace”, there will be a teach-in and book signing.

Anarchist Anti-War Conference Oct. 25-27 (tags)




Anarchist Anti War Conference Los Angeles (tags)

A three day Anti War Event organized by anarchist to educate and encourage people to act



Anarchist Anti-War Conference Oct. 25-27 (tags)


Anti-War conference Oct. 25-27 (tags)


Anti-War conference Oct. 25-27 (tags)




Anarchist Anti-War Conference Oct. 25-27 (tags)




Anarchist Anti-War Conference Oct 25-27 (tags)


Seeking Southern Cali. Music Bands/Performers!! (tags)



wwwoooo hooooooooo







Anarchist Anti War Conference OCT 25-27 (tags)




Anarchist Anti-War Conference in LA on OCT 25-27 (tags)

POWER - People Opposing War, Empires and Rulers

The Many Faces of War - An Anarchist Anti War Conference, Fri. OCT 25-27 (tags)


Finnish government bonds – independence insecure and questionable (tags)

Should you invest on government bonds?

ARTS IN ACTION - Grand Opening (tags)

A Grand Exhibition opens an Activist Art Space at the old Convergence Center, February 9th.

death act display's U.S foreign policy [anti-war rally/march] (tags)

death act display's U.S foreign policy

death act display's US foreign policy [anti-war rally/march] (tags)

death act display's US foreign policy

DEATH ACT displays the truth of US foreign policy [anti-war rally/march] (tags)

DEATH ACT display's the truth of US foreign policy

DEATH ACT display's the truth of US foreign policy [anti-war rally/march] (tags)

DEATH ACT display's the truth of US foreign policy

New Chomsky book on 9-11: repost (tags)

Hmm...let's try that again!

New book by Chomsky on 9-11 (tags)

"9-11" contains interviews conducted with Chomsky by a variety of interviewers during the first month following the attacks of 9-11. The interviews were conducted largely via email, many with foreign journalists who speak and write English as a second language.

Catholic Bishop Opposes U.S. War in Afghanistan... (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Catholic Bishop Thomas Gumbleton of Detroit. Gumbleton, who has been an outspoken critic of U.N. economic sanctions against Iraq, proclaims his opposition to the war in Afghanistan and argues for a thorough examination of U.S. foreign policy to strike at the roots of terrorism

Vietnam and Afeghanistan: U.S. foreign policy stands the same (cartoon serie) (tags)

Check link below. It's a cartoon serie I did about U.S. intervention in Vietnam. These images are hosted on, a web site maintened by open-minded (north) american Vietnam veterans. Looking at these cartoons, you will realize that U.S. foreign policy has not changed a single milimeter from Vietnam to Afeghanistan.

IPA: As Bombing Proceeds: Now What? (tags)

AS'AD ABUKHALIL: "Both Bin Laden and Bush say that you are either with them or against them; yet much of the Middle East stands in opposition to both." JOHN QUIGLEY: "Military action should have been done through the Security Council at the United Nations. As it is -- a U.S. and U.K. military action -- it is illegal under international law." MORE...

IPPN Executive Committee Statement (tags)

"The progressive movement must stand firm at this dangerous time in opposition to the scapegoating of Arab and Islamic people, in support of basic civil and democratic rights, and for a U.S. foreign policy which is about justice, fair trade, environmental sustainability and a raising of the living standards of all people, especially those in the countries of the Global South."

Henry Kissinger / War Criminal in SF (tags)

War Criminal comes home to ROAST!

Council On Foreign Relations: Expose The Criminals (tags)

The CFR’s Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states: "The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving theunderstanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.

Bushes foreign policy and the future of the world (tags)

Bushes foreign policy and the future of the world

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags