fix articles 12228, ronald reagan Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : ronald reagan

ronald reagan

What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)

Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.

Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.


la cia stampava a Roma tutti i fogliacci di tutti gli assassini e loro patroni neri e rossi.

John Pilger warns of a new fascism (tags)

Democracy is now fictitious. There is the all-powerful business elite that has merged with the state and its claims to "identity". US admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by Australian taxpayers for "advice". Across the West, our political imaginations have been soothed by PR and distracted from the machinations of corrupt politicians who can be had extremely cheaply.

The Looming War Against China (tags)

In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.

Too big to fail, too weak to lead (tags)

Through the World Bank and IMF, they were able to push through privatization and the dismantling of social benefits and trade union rights in the over-indebted countries of the South. They also pursued this policy domestically, while corporations and the upper income brackets were spoiled with tax gifts. There were also massive arms orders.

Who fuels war and profits from it (tags)

It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.

The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)

This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.

The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle (tags)

Toward the end of the Cold War, capitalism created a military horror: the neutron bomb, a weapon that destroys life while leaving buildings intact. During the Fourth World War, however, a new wonder has been discovered: the financial bomb.This new bomb destroys the polis (nation)

The Octopus of Davos and The club of right-wing apostles (tags)

Decisions affecting all of humanity are being made undemocratically by a wealthy global elite. And yet most of us look the other way, as if the WEF were a charity that wants to make the world a better place - and not an unscrupulous community...

The subjectless rule of capital and Working class hero (tags)

Fortunately, his death did not silence him. The opposite is the case. Because John Winston Lennon became more immortal through the assassination than he already was as a member of the most successful band of all times. Not a martyr - but a working class hero.

The attacks on Nord Stream and the elephant in the room (tags)

In an interview with Berliner Zeitung, U.S. economist Jeffrey Sachs said that destroying Nord Stream would be contrary to Russia's interests; the country would lose "income, financial assets & bargaining power." The U.S., would "benefit strategically and financially."

How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbachev (tags)

Gorbachev wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a closed, repressive system into an open, communicative socialist system that would be part of the European family. This effort was called glasnost (openness) and was advanced through the reform movement called perestroika.

Hiroshima is everywhere. The never-ending struggle (tags)

Times have changed considerably. In the past two decades, almost all disarmament and arms control treaties have been scrapped - exclusively on the initiative of the USA - including the most important INF Treaty signed by Mikhail Gorbachev and Ronald Reagan at the end of 1987.

Have the January 6 hearings damaged Trump's political prospects? Don't count on it (tags)

"He chose not to act," declared Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger at the outset of Thursday's January 6 committee hearings. With those words, the congressman got right to the heart of the final hearing of the summer.

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

Mass Mind Control (tags)

Mind Control is intentional harm, violence. It is the influencing of someones thinking through manipulation and adversity. Secrecy is the main ingredient in successful mind control.

The Curse of Financial Entrepreneurship (tags)

We are not prisoners of bad decisions made in the past. We can and should rein in Wall Street, break up its five giant “too-big-to-fail” banks, support local and state banks, resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act’s divide between investment & commercial banking, tax all financial transactions

Bidenomics, One Year Later (tags)

The Center for American Progress takes a different approach, examining the successes of President Biden’s bold economic policies and calling for the continuation and expansion of those policies in the years ahead by making permanent expansions to the safety net.

What will it be like after the pandemic? (tags)

From the March outbreak to the end of May 2020 alone, over forty million people filed initial claims for unemployment benefits. Images of endless lines in front of soup kitchens went around the world. In the meantime, the USA threatened to sink into chaos.

Toward a new economic policy paradigm (tags)

Over the years, the institutionally enshrined budget discipline has created a considerable investment backlog. Important investments in infrastructure, education and climate protection have not taken place.

The US Lost in Afghanistan. But US Imperialism Isn't Going Anywhere (tags)

With the “Vietnam syndrome” reloaded, there is a strong mistrust against large-scale foreign expeditions among the US public, including the US military.

Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)

The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!

Why Karl Polanyi Still Matters (tags)

In The Great Transformation (1944), Karl Polanyi explains why the economy must be embedded in society and society must not be embedded in the economy. He describes land, labor and money as "fictitious commodities" since they cannot be multiplied and created on the market.

"We have delegated our moral judgment to the markets" (tags)

"Yes, we can" was a call to solidarity and common goals. The legend that everyone in America can rise as high as their talents can carry them goes back to Ronald Reagan. Access to education should not be a substitute for policies that directly address the roots of inequality and the dignity of work.

Biden's victory shifts the balance of power in Washington (tags)

Oh, it's going to be so nice when you hardly hear from Trump any more. Daniel Haufler is the responsible editor for the online debate magazine Gegenblende and its podcasts.

The election as a farce: Donald Trump and the rise of the autocrats (tags)

To elect a demagogue is always dangerous, but it does not condemn a country to the collapse of its democracy. Strong institutions can keep corrupt or autocratic leaders in check. That is exactly what the U.S. Constitution is designed to do, and for much of our history it has been successful in doing so.

Avoiding the Trump Trap (tags)

As US President Donald Trump's popularity continues to drop ahead of November's election, he has sought new ways to stoke the public fear and panic that led him to victory in 2016. The best strategy may be to make Trump's demagoguery a theme of his campaign.

After Hiroshima (tags)

The fight for nuclear disarmament and the fight against climate change belong together, Rhodes said. They are the great challenge to the young generation that is gaining authority in the world. To pass both, he said, is the chance to renew and preserve the world.

Balak: The Blessing of Isolation for Israel (tags)

Isolation From A Virus Or An Enemy Is Good For Jews And Israel. So, Its Time To Apply Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria, The Biblical Heartland Of Israel.

Hashtag#General Strike (tags)

How do you prepare for the time when the affluent society crumbles? French intellectuals have even declared a new science - "collapsology." Solidarity is the humane and enlightened answer, not the assault rifle. Rep. Omar proposes a rent and mortgage moratorium.

On the Power of Money: Three by Eugen Drewermann (tags)

Only faith (as in a religion), the "invisible hand," the "law" of the "free" market can judge everything. State interventions can only be annoying. The market itself is allegedly "social". Everyone acts according to his advantage. The system is not social but criminal and unjust.

From Ayn Rand to Paul Ryan: Capitalism as Morality (tags)

Society doesn't play any role in Ayn Rand's perspective. Rand reduced persons to the bourgeois who only thinks in economic categories and only needs to respect himself and no one else - unlike the citizen engaged in society and actively championing enlightenment.

Karl Polanyi on Unfettered Capitalism (tags)

Karl Polanyi condemned profit greed and deregulated markets. Today's capitalism critics are his heirs and don't know it. An unfettered capitalism is responsible for the world coming out of joint. "Finance capital was put in the driver's seat."

The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)

The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and the Wealth Tax (tags)

Warren's proposal earmarks a 2% tax on wealth between $50 million and a billion dollars and a 3% tax on wealth over a billion. Between 1930 and 1980, top incomes were taxed at 81% and top inherited wealth at 74%. Obviously, this did not destroy American capitalism.

Fukushima 8 Ywars On (tags)

8 years after Fukushima, the disaster and the coverup continue.

What are the Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization? (tags)

Capitalism seemed to have a more social or civilized face for a time. After Roosevelt's New Deal and the defeat of fascism, gradual development of the social state occurred in Europe. Unions were accepted. The rulers were forced to political and social concessions.

Capitalism and Worldwide Inequality (tags)

Thomas Piketty's motto "Inequality is always a problem when it is excessive" introduces the new World Inequality Report. Inequalities of income and wealth swell globally and in individual regions and nations.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

Unity Archive Project (tags)

Link to an archive of Unity newspaper from the 1980s.

Liberalization of Public Service: A Democratic Achievement is Subjected to Competition (tags)

Public service guarantees and influences the living conditions of our society and has a proven tradition in Germany for over 100 years. Privatizations have mainly led to private oligopolies. Corporations evade their responsibilities and expect intact infrastructure.

Tax Reform in the US: Trump's Attack on America (tags)

The tax reform of the Republicans is a blow against the welfare state and was prepared in the 1970s. The tax reform is profitable for Donald Trump but could cost the Republicans a re-election. $5 trillion goes to households with more than a million dollars income.

The Right to the City and the Greed of the Rich (tags)

Thanks to everyone who resisted the GOP tax giveaway! Unlike the security state, the constitutional state should mean compromises, negotiations, concessions, and countermeasures to reverse exploding inequality and precarious work.

Lessons in Nazi Trivialization and Russophobia (tags)

Gabriele Krone-Schmalz warns of a relapse into simple-minded thinking and cold war stereotypes. Could not Russia be acting out of a strategic defensive and trying to maintain its sphere of influence> Who acts and who reacts?

The Shortwave Report 07/14/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, Spanish National Radio.

The President as Businessman (tags)

Trump's gigantic tax cuts will only benefit the rich. Revenue losses of six trillion dollars are expected for the first decade after the Trumpian tax cuts start. Trump sells the illusion that the old order can be restored.

Trump's "Greatest Tax Reform of History" - A Windfall for Millionaires and Corporations (tags)

Under the Trumpian tax reform, the corporate tax rate could fall from 35 to 15%. The drastic reduction of the corporate tax will lead to lower tax revenues of $2 trillion in 10 years. "This is not fiscal policy but a robbery led by Trump."

Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps (tags)

The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies.

The Long History of Human Incapacitation by Politics and the Press (tags)

With the term "no alternatives," come-of-age citizens who don't join the mainstream press are incapacitated, stamped as troublemakers and not taken seriously. Democracy is not sought any more in a divided country, divided between those above and those below.

"Trump does not read much" (tags)

A new supposed weakness of the populist is now discovered: he doesn't read...Trump is certainly a new phenomenon. He pretends to be an outsider of the political system and of knowledge.

Low Taxes is an Act of Desperation (tags)

A low business tax can be counter-productive if a deadbeat infrastructure arises through lower state revenues. Lowering business tax rates leads first to enormous budget holes. Employees will bear this burden at the end.

Neoliberal Crisis Policy has Failed (tags)

The term "invisible hand of the market" goes back to Adam Smith. This assumes all economic activity promotes the common good. Neoliberalism's survival is surprising because its theoretical assumptions are dubious. People cling to neoliberal prescriptions against reality.

The Shortwave Report 04/01/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio .

Fukushima + 5: The Disaster Continues (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear industry, in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is this month's issue.

28 Reasons To Defeat Jeb Bush's Presidential Ambitions (tags)

Jeb Bush: 11 of 28 reasons to vote against yet another Bush 1. cocreator of 2 wars and promoter of 3 current wars 2. wants Guantanamo kept open 3. thief of the 2000 presidential election through acts of treason 4. executioner of 21 5. advocate of fracking, offshore drilling, the Keystone Pipeline 6. has offshore private equity firm 7. advocate of waterboarding 8. George Bush's presidential advisers are now Jeb's 9. supporter of eminent domain to seize private land for oil 10.supporter of the Patriot Act and NSA mass surveillance 11.a history of privatization

5 Whistleblowers Of Many Who Have Exposed CIA Role In Cocaine or Crack Distribution (tags)

50 years of CIA Drug Smuggling

Memorandum 2015 (tags)

For 40 years, the Bremen study group has published memorandums. The council of experts promoted the profits of businesses, not aggregate economic demand. Mass unemployment surpassed the 5 million mark because of neoliberal structural reforms.

21 Categories Of Jeb Bush's Criminal Record (tags)

Please pass on this text to others

Fabricated Pentagon Reports on ISIS (tags)


Help Me Ronda! “Billionaires For Bernie”: Why Sanders Needs an Independent SuperPAC (tags)

JFK Said: "Things Do Not Happen. Things Are Made to Happen." In 2015-2016, LIBERAL Billionaires Such as Ronda Stryker, Nick Hanauer, and Ted Turner (To Name a Few) Can Help Elect Bernie Sanders President by Giving His Supporters Fundraising and Spending Near-Parity With Hillary Clinton's $1 Billion.

Viacom CBS' Sumner Redstone Promotes Brutal Treatment Of Pot Smokers (tags)

Antipot enforcement is a racist, familybusting, economically stupid tactic of a fearmongering police state

Obama Bombs Libya (tags)


6 Articles On PBS Promotion of Animal Products, War Propaganda, Deforestation Etc (tags)

PBS is aligned to the Pentagon agenda and corporate America


Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the continuing decline of the US nuclear industry, and highlights efforts of those who are democratically working to bring about a renewable energy future. As nuclear plants in the US are approaching or surpassing their 40 year operating life, their ability to operate properly and safely lessens, creating more and more problems across the nation.

Tropical Malaria, Roche, The Pentagon, American, British And Irish Soldiers (tags)

Despite growing evidence, the Pentagon continued to force the suicide and homicide pill Lariam, made by Swiss company Roche, onto US soldiers between 1989 and 2008. Irish and British soldiers as well have been given the lethal drug.

America: The Real Evil Empire (tags)


Propaganda War on Islamic State Militants (tags)


Burn Cut Poison: Toxic Trillion Dollar Cancer Industrial Complex Of Radiation, Surgery, Ch (tags)

alternatives to the hazards of radiation, surgery, and chemotherapy

Ukraine's Fascist Roots (tags)


Crimeans Vote on Joining Russia (tags)


Obama Targets Press Freedom (tags)

police state

Obama Maintains a State of National Emergency (tags)


The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima (tags)

The Irradiated Sailors of Fukushima

Newspapers Push for Snowden Pardon (tags)

The New York Times and The Guardian (London) published major editorial statements on New Year's Day, reviewing the evidence that Edward Snowden's whistleblowing on NSA spying has largely been vindicated. They call for the creation of conditions that will allow Snowden to return home with dignity.

Fukushima Japan’s Nuclear Weapons Program Revealed by Akie Abe (tags)

This week Japan’s first lady Akie Abe revealed the existence of Fukushima Japan’s nuclear weapons program.

Rigging Foreign Exchange Markets (tags)


Tea Party: Extremism of the Middle (tags)

The Tea Party wants to return to an idyllic past that never really happened. The Tea Party wants to stop the accelerating descent of the white middle class by driving ideological ideas to the extreme. The right-wing hardliners believe capitalism could be reanimated if the state were shattered.

Chicken Illness (tags)

news stories which inform the public of the dangers of chicken flesh

How Innocent Birds Are Treated In Many Factory Farms (tags)

9 birds to a 3x1 ft cage, deaths by roasting or freezing with power outages in metal sheds, tornado vulnerability, never spreading their wings pollution, toxins to workers, 6 month old eggs sold, etc

AP Interviews Obama (tags)

police state

Obama Making More Enemies Than Friends (tags)


Obama Spurns NSA Spying Reform (tags)

police state


Women political prisoners in the Philippines experience torture under the neocolonial regime receiving US tax dollars in aid. We need to protest this barbarity and call on Congress to cut off aid to the Aquino regime and its brutal military and police agencies.

Labor Solidarity in Neoliberal Structural Change (tags)

The self-regulating market and the invisible hand were neoliberal theories of Frederick August von Hayek and Milton Friedman. Submission to the market was described as a natural law, as natural and self-evident as the rotation of the planets. Solidarity and unions were decried as barriers.

Chicken Haiku: A List Of Factory Farm Atrocities (tags)

From baby chicks in California sent through a chipper to chickens baking to death in an electricity outage in an Arkansas factory farm

Another Anti-Assad False Flag (tags)


Ding Dong! Thatcherism and sexism are alive (tags)

Margaret Thatcher is part of a system, not an individual deus ex machina, no matter how personally ambitious.

Terrorists "R" Us (tags)

police state

Targeting Iran (tags)


Budget Cuts and Happy Times (tags)

For around three decades, a Troika from Wall Street, the US Treasury Department and the Federal Reserve pushed global (capital) investments with a mixture of tax cuts, cheap credits and overrated securities.

Gold Drops Most in 30 Years (tags)


Chavez: Visionary Leader Extraordinaire (tags)


Democrats and Labor: A Tale of Abuse (tags)

The Democratic Party’s participation in the recent national “sequester” cuts is yet another big dent in their love affair with organized labor. But break-ups are often a protracted process. Before a relationship ends there is usually a gradual deterioration based on irreconcilable differences, until the split becomes inevitable. The decades-long marriage of labor unions and the Democratic Party is nearing such a divorce. Labor unions are becoming frustrated as the Democrats flaunt their affair with corporate America and Wall Street.

Chavez Inauguration Postponed (tags)


Cold War Politics Heats Up (tags)


Berkeley's Free Speech Movement (tags)


Islamofascist Killers Threaten Syria (tags)


Waging War on US Workers (tags)


From Financial Crisis to Stagnation: An Interview with Thomas Palley (tags)

"The way economies are organized and function is significantly the product of social choices, not the product of nature. Over the past thirty years we (society) have embraced a set of economic ideas..."

NNC News Interviews Lendman (tags)


A Pretty Good Election, but the Right Still Rules (tags)

The November 6, 2012 election turned out fairly well for progressives — from Barack Obama retaining the presidency to a true Left-wing Democrat like Bob Filner winning for Mayor of San Diego — but the Right is still strong. The issue agendas and terms of discussion continue to be dictated by an increasingly militant Right wing and America's pathetic, ill-organized remnant of a Left no longer has the power to put pressure on the political system for progressive reforms the way it did in the 1890's, 1930's and 1960's.

Banks, Bankers and Banksters (tags)

An unrestrained speculative capitalism emerged out of investment capitalism. New financing instruments are invented. Risks are trivialized or glossed over to soothe the population. Boundless indebtedness becomes the norm. The new age led to immediate profit eclipsing investment.

Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)

The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.

Capitulation in Chicago? (tags)


The Executor (tags)

The economic crisis, the massive indebtedness of the country and Obama's election have radicalized politics and voters. Ryan's budget proposal was recently described as a fairy tale that would in no way stop the economic decline. Others call his plan a joke.

Canada: Selling Its Soul to America (tags)


Romney/Ryanism in Tampa (tags)


It’s not only jobs that are off-shored; the profits are as well (tags)

Trillions of dollars are hidden in secretive tax havens untaxed while austerity is imposed and jobs are lost.

Inventing an Iranian Threat (tags)


Gary Johnson vs. Scott Rasmussen: The voters lose (tags)

As we move toward the hype and hoopla of the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte early next month, The American Pundit Writing Assignment for the second half of August focuses on the condition of political reporting in United States:

Why Asylum For Julian Assange Is Central To Today’s Politics: Torture and the American Ch (tags)

If there were a lightening rod to energize political apathy in this heavily propagandized world democratic right of dissent, such as to challenge corrupt government practice, should be it. But certain U. S. leaders’ apparent intention to incarcerate and punish Julian Assange for leaking U.S. secrets puts our black methods in the limelight. What were his motives and equally what has been the character of U.S. foreign policy? It seems revelations were meant to highlight U.S. corruption as people around the world have come to fear American brutality. Many around the globe know the United States as a rogue bully of an empire that regularly uses intimidation to get its way. It takes a real macho government to push around countries like Ecuador, Sweden and lapdog England. As has been shown over and over the United States does not respect law, legal distinctions or diplomatic norms.

Will 2012 be the Final Election of Lesser Evilism? (tags)

Just when the Obama campaign couldn’t appear any less inspiring, Paul Ryan was put forth as the Republican vice presidential candidate. Suddenly team Obama was supplied with enough political munitions to scare every last American over the possible Ryan destruction of Medicare, Medicaid, cuts to Social Security and the various other evils inherent in his proposed national budget. Consequently, many Liberals and Leftists across the spectrum are now focused on preaching the horrors of a Republican presidential victory and thus the necessity of re-electing Obama.

Death Squad Atrocities in Syria (tags)


Illegitimate Sanctions on Iran (tags)


Remembering Gore Vidal (tags)

Gore Vidal

Sham Libyan Elections (tags)


The Supremes and Health Care: Second "Switch in Time" (tags)

In April 1937 Supreme Court Justice Owen Roberts switched sides, stopped voting that minimum-wage laws and the New Deal programs were unconstitutional and got on board with the Roosevelt administration's program to save the court from progressive political attacks. Likewise, current Chief Justice John Roberts cast the deciding vote to uphold the Affordable Care Act largely to preserve the court's reputation and neutralize Democrats' attempts to make the court's Republican majority and partisan 5-4 decisions like Citizens United an issue in the 2012 campaign.

Cold War Politics Redux (tags)


The U.S. Labor Movement at the Crossroads, in the Crosshairs (tags)

The labor movement had better do some deep soul searching, and fast. Although the defeat in Wisconsin is the horrible end to a local drama, the corporate winners hope to turn their victory into the beginning chapter of a national novel.

Economist criticizes "pathological allegience" to economic models (tags)

The crisis was born when Maggie Thatcher and then Bill Clinton deregulated the financial markets. The explosive force that was detonated was incalculable. Economics gave support because it provides models.

John Brooks: Occupy Inspires Neophyte to Run for Congress (tags)

John Brooks was a retired agent for the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife until he saw the Occupy San Diego protests on TV and was inspired to run for Congress as an alternative Democrat. Though he ran afoul of the San Diego Democrats for Equality's endorsement process, he's recently been endorsed by Progressive Democrats of America and his real views on Queer rights and women's choice are far more progressive than the Democrats for Equality's questionnaire made them sound.

Health Care and the Supremes (tags)

When the U.S. Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the constitutional challenge to the Affordable Care Act in late March, the vicious hostility of their comments signaled their intent not only to rule so-called "Obamacare" unconstitutional but to fundamentally recast the Court's jurisprudence. It's clear from the health-care hearings and from previous decisions like Citizens United that the Court's five-member Right-wing majority wants to return to the days before and during the New Deal when the Court quite consciously saw its mission as protecting the 1 percent by ruling any meaningful attempt at regulating the economy unconstitutional.

Will Rodriguez-Kennedy: Queer Republican Leader Becomes Democrat (tags)

In a dramatic scene at the February 23 meeting of San Diego Democrats for Equality, former San Diego County Log Cabin Republican Club president Will Rodriguez-Kennedy re-enacted his decision to switch parties and become a Democrat. His reason: he's not only tired of Republican Queer-bashing, he's put off by the hypocrisy of openly Queer San Diego Mayoral candidate Carl DeMaio, who has pandered to anti-Queer prejudices to get endorsements from the San Diego County Republican Central Committee and has taken money from donors to the anti-Queer Proposition 8.

Medrciless Samaritans and 10 Causes of the Crisis (tags)

"There is no society. There are only individual men and women," said Margaret Thatcher. Margaret Thatcher, the former British Prime Minister, had a great share in the crisis in which Europe, capitalism and democracy find themselves.

Koran Burning: Dehumanizing Muslims (tags)

Koran burning

Ron Paul’s Non-Interventionist Foreign Policy is Most Probable Path to Peaceful Relations (tags)

The proposal by the Sen. Ron Paul for President 2012 campaign is for U.S. foreign policy to change from primarily military interventions and long term occupations to a strictly non-interventionist foreign policy without engaging in any further military occupations or maintaining overseas military bases. The Ron Paul 2012 non-interventionist foreign policy plan is for the U.S. military to be utilized for defensive operations only. Our nation’s security does not require any overseas operations in order to be properly defended in the U.S. domestically. Proper defense allows for and encourages domestic U.S. military bases to be maintained, though does not support overseas bases to be maintained.

Fascism in America (tags)


America's Illegal Chemical Weapons Stockpile (tags)

chemical weapons

Dispatch from Occupy DC "Occupy the Kochs" Action (tags)

Friday, November , 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Occupy DC, in support of Common Cause and other organizations, supported a "guerrilla drive-in" at the Washington DC convention center. We followed that with a militant action of our own, detaining Koch supporters for approximately to hours.

Killing Gaddafi: Longstanding US Policy (tags)


Why Libya Was Attacked (tags)


Six Proposals for Helping the 99% (tags)

Solidarity, social justice and sharing open doors while tax cuts for the super-rich only lead to exploding inequality. double standards and cynicism. Access could replace excess. The empire could be superseded by the republic.

Dominant Finance Capital Institutions (tags)

money power

What Passes for Journalism and Opinion in America (tags)


Productivity is For Chumps: Don't Take a Piss Without Getting Paid (tags)

If you remember just one thing this Labor Day it should be this: Don't take a piss without getting paid for it. Larry Ellison gets paid for every dribble, every excretion, why should you be any different?

Obama's Budget Deal: Neoliberal March in the US (tags)

What should be the state's role in the future? What values and priorities should be set in a time when public resources become scarcer under the pressure of state indebtedness? Less state, less support for the unemployed, poor and sick occurs along with a free ride for billionaires and big corporations.

Anarchy in UK: La explosi?n de la rabia (tags)

No pretenden derrocar al gobierno, quieren arrasar con todo lo existente. No piden reformas ni mejoras ni transformaciones, s?lo liberan la ira, la frustraci?n, el delirio y las pasiones contenidas.

Is America Broke? (tags)

Hard Right Extremism in America and Europe (tags)


America's Media: Dancing Around the Budget Debate Charade (tags)

corporate medias

The Shortwave Report 06/24 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Spain, Germany, and Russia

Mammas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up to Be Governors Part II (tags)

Some parents look fondly at their kids and tell them, "Some day you could become the President." I say, "No you can't, not unless you're a lying, thieving whore."

Lies, Damn Lies, and Liberating Wars (tags)


The anarchist Stuart Christie and his neo-conservative literary bedfellow (tags)

"The Floodgates of Anarchy" and a fan of a government that boils people to death...

The Real Cost of Prisons --An interview with Lois Ahrens (tags)

The racist sub-text of the neo-liberal political agenda succeeded in creating acceptance of mass incarceration while simultaneously creating the laws and industries to police, prosecute, cage and control millions of people?almost all poor people and people of color. Neo-liberal policies have been in place for more than thirty years. As a result many people are not aware that our current political and economic situation is not the result of a natural course of events, but rather, of a systemically created ideology that has pervaded every aspect of our daily lives.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Bin Laden's Death (tags)


Republicans Win Without a Shutdown (tags)

The first fight over the federal budget in 2011 is over, and the Republicans have won. For at least the past 30 years Republican ideas — that government is bad, that the private sector is always more efficient than the public sector, that wages and benefits need to be cut to make America's workers "competitive" with the rest of the world, and government spending needs to be cut even if it risks turning the current recession into a full-fledged depression — have ruled. Progressives need to understand the depth of the Republicans’ triumph in order to begin the task of reversing it.

"We will not abandon our committment to Social Security" (tags)

"This is my vision for America-a vision where we live within our means while still investing in our future; where everyone makes sacrifices but no one bears all the burden; where we provide a basic measure of security for our citizens and we provide rising opportunity for our children.."

The Mighty Wurlitzer: Wikileaks and Imperial Mobilization By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

This 'grand organ' is now able to even more effectively synthesize, implant, and reinforce, all the right set of beliefs (myths) among the entire world's public – by suitably combining 'events' with imaginative 'expos' writing – which appropriately primes the world populations to acquiesce to the oligarchic agendas. While playing this orchestra is now an integral part of all state-craft, its major musical themes are entirely determined by the behind the scenes owners of the system. While some might refer to the underlying techniques as propaganda and psy-ops, 'Mighty Wurlitzer' singularly captures the messaging-system controlled under a unified purpose of command which is both highly compartmentalized and cellularized. Only the Mighty Wurlitzer knows the entire tune.

Target Israel, Not Libya (tags)

naked aggression

March 19 Anti-War Protesters Target Obama (tags)

The annual anti-war demonstration sponsored by the San Diego Coalition for Peace and Justice (SDCPJ) in mid-March had a markedly different tone this year from the actions in 2009 and 2010. Then the protesters and rally speakers had soft-pedaled criticism of President Obama, still holding out hope that he would fulfill his campaign promise to end the U.S. occupation of Iraq and would come to realize that the war in Afghanistan — already America’s longest-lasting combat — was unwinnable and would withdraw there, too. Instead, Obama chose the eighth anniversary of former President George W. Bush’s attack on Iraq to launch U.S. air raids on Libya, thereby getting us involved in a third war against a Muslim country — and one young man at the rally summed up the attitude of most of the 300 people there by wearing a T-shirt with the famous Shepard Fairey image of Obama, and under it the words “War Criminal.”

Hidden Provisions in Wisconsin Bill (tags)

worker struggles

States of Disunion (tags)

The following is an editorial written for the March 2011 issue of Zenger’s Newsmagazine before the uproar in Wisconsin over the bill introduced by that state’s governor, Scott Walker, which would essentially destroy public-sector unionism in that state and therefore likely be the final nail in the coffin of America’s labor movement as a whole. People — not just union workers directly affected by the proposal but others as well — have turned out in the streets and blockaded the state capitol, while “Tea Party” counter-protesters have been mobilized nationwide by talk radio and Fox News to come and support the governor. The Wisconsin protests have been compared to those that recently brought down Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak — though America’s corporate media have carefully avoided that analogy — but despite the uproar over Walker’s bill, America’s white working class has so far remained largely opposed to the progressive agenda and supportive of radical-Right attempts to destroy what’s left of America’s social safety net.

Wall Street versus the Poor and the Middle Class: Obama’s FY 2012 Budget Is A Tool Of Clas (tags)

"Please help alert the people before it’s too late. Share these articles with everyone. Organize teachings in your churches, union halls, schools, or other community groups, etc. We can stop this but we have to act. Don’t wait on someone else to do it. We can’t allow the people of this country to be fooled any longer. This is a life or death situation for our citizens, for most all of us. Spread everywhere. "

Scores For the City- Social Choreography & Imagination For Southern California (tags)

The Llano Del Rio working group’s “Scores For the City” is available now, free! This two sided guide maps locations that have supported oddball behavior in LA, including freeway puppet shows, civic dance pageants, riots, and the gatherings of witches.

People Power v. Duplicity in Egypt and Washington (tags)

people power

Pro-Mubarak Thugs are Traitors to Egypt! (tags)

The pro-Mubarak thugs in Egypt attacking peaceful pro-democracy protesters are traitors to their people and nation. The pro-Mubarak thugs are most likely plainclothes police fearful of losing their favored status once Mr. Mubarak accepts his status as a deceased dictator and steps down ASAP. Here in the U.S., we question our government's funding of Egypt's military and CIA collaboration with a thirty year tyrant!

Reagan Revisionism: Planned Centennial Commemoration Hoopla (tags)


America after the Attempted Assasination (tags)

For three decades, incomes and assets were increasingly unequally distributed in the US. While economic output increased 60% from 1990-2008, median income only rose 10%. All governments since Reagan's first term drove this development with their tax cuts, subsidies and neglect of educ.

The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)

"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"

Chavez Given Enabling Law Power (tags)

legal in Venezuela

Class Warfare Jeopardizing American Workers' Security (tags)

waging war against vital social benefits

November 2 Election: Any Democrat Over Any Republican! (tags)

This is not the year for American Leftists, progressives and liberals not to vote — or to cast protest votes for alternative parties. The extremely Right-wing Tea Party has virtually taken over the Republican Party and, if not stopped, has a good chance of winning control of the country in 2012 and instituting policies that will result in a full-blown depression, a corporate dictatorship and, ultimately, the end of the human race through unchecked global warming. We MUST vote to elect EVERY Democrat on the ballot in 2010 and 2012 — AND we must mount a massive direct-action movement to put pressure on the Democrats to govern progressively.

New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)

"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."

BTL:Despite Setbacks, Climate Change Activist Bill McKibben Sponsors Global Day of Action, (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine


I have a missing Hindu family needing compliance officer with authority to enforce the paperwork reduction act post facto no joke. Not only that but I seem to be downloading Jon Stewarts jokes. I blame the incident on KPFT for blaspheming too much on Thursday and Friday.


THEY PRETEND FOR THEIR FAMILY & FRIENDS TO CARE DEARLY ABOUT THEIR FELLOW MAN OTHER THEN THEIR FELLOW NEEDY AMERICANS.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Jerry Brown's first time as governor (tags)

Jerry Brown's first time as governor and the taxpayer revolt

The Shortwave Report 10/01 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Germany, Cuba, and Russia. 

The Political Consequences of Stagnation (tags)

My apologies to T. S. Eliot, but September, not April, is the cruelest month. Before 9/11/2001, there was 9/11/1973, when Gen. Pinochet toppled the Allende government in Chile and ushered in a 17-year reign of terror. More recently, on 9/15/2008, Lehman Brothers went bust and torpedoed the global economy, turning what had been a Wall Street crisis into a near-death experience for the global financial system.

Obama Declares Another National Emergency When None Exists (tags)

Another national emergency?

Destroy Talk Radio and Fox News! (tags)

In order to reverse the seemingly inexorable march of American political and popular opinion to the Right, progressives and the Left in general MUST confront the power of talk radio and Fox News as Right-wing propaganda outlets that are brainwashing millions of Americans. This article, published as the editorial in the September 2010 Zenger's Newsmagazine, calls for a worldwide boycott of advertisers on talk radio and Fox News until the shareholders and managers of these corporations realize that their subsidy of Right-wing nutcase politics is going to hurt their bottom lines.

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?

U.S. at a Turning Point (tags)

The real income of 90% of US families only increased ten percent since 1973. For many, the American dream has become a nightmare. More than half are even in a worse situation today than 37 years ago. The working class has not shared in the productivity growth.

Flying the flag, faking the news (tags)

Loud noises from Washington about a US pull-out from Iraq are a poor disguise for America’s determination to keep waging war. And the same sort of spin is at work here in Britain

Continuity of Government: Coup d'Etat Authority in America (tags)

America on a fast track toward despotism


As one who watched both Professor Robert Bartlett's 'Normans' and Dan Snow's 'Norman Walks', let me say how much I enjoy the BBC's sense of history and these two items in particular. BUT CAN THESE AUTHORS SEE THE WOOD FOR THE TREES/

PLAN SANTA BARBARA: Is It Really Adapting In Today’s Fast Changing Environment? (tags)

Some Thoughts Regarding Item 8. For Agenda of August 10, 2010

US Capitalism in Crisis: An Emperor With No Clothes (tags)

The champions of US capitalism are having to get used to a changing global stage on which they play a diminishing role

“Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” (tags)

Election fraud expert Steven Freeman headlined “Earth Is for People, Not for Corporations” at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego’s Hillcrest neighborhood July 1. The event featured a wide variety of anti-corporate presentations and showed the role of corporations in promoting and profiting from every current social evil, from war to the exploitation of immigrants and denial of the reality of climate change. It also exposed the role of corporate media and discussed ways people can challenge it.

100% Cal Assembly Honors Fascist Ronald Reagan (tags)

Are you still registered Democrat? On June 28, 2010, the entire California Assembly, Democrats and Republicans together, voted 100% to honor the fascist Ronald Reagan with a remembrance day, his birthday, February 6. In case you forgot or are too young to remember, here is a remembrance you should memorize, as you change your voter registration to Peace & Freedom or Green IMMEDIATELY.

Stanley Sporkin: BP's Ombudsman Fixer (tags)

corruption in high places

Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)

Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”

Rudacille’s Tome: A Must-Read for Labor Buffs (Review) (tags)

In 1959, Bethlehem’ Sparrows Point plant, outside Baltimore, was “the largest steelworks in the world.” In its heyday, it employed 36,000 workers. Bethlehem went into bankruptcy in 2001, and many of its retirees at the “Point” got screwed out of their benefits. Deborah Rudacille’s book, “Roots of Steel,” recreates, via compelling “oral histories,” the history of the Point; the collapse of Bethlehem, an industrial titan; and the baleful impact that it had on the lives of its union workers and communities that they lived in.

The Rebirth of Economic Thought from the Ashes of the Crisis (tags)

Reagan announced the state was "the problem" for the functioning of the economy. State action could not solve economic problems. The latest reality of economic crisis thoroughly destroyed the neoclassical theses. The crisis showed its ideological limitation and conditionality.

O filósofo brasileiro Olavo de Carvalho em Richmond, Va. (tags)

O filosofo-demagogo Olavo apenas vê candidatos de esquerda no Brasil. Puxa, que me ajude o ilustre intelectual: Eu gostaria ver ao menos um! Para saber quem apoiar!

“Hail to the Cheat,” a political novel, by Ted Venetoulis - A Review (tags)

Americans need a good laugh. After eight years of Dubya, and one year of President Barack Obama, who prefers to be loved and not feared, a political spoof has arrived to save the day. It’s Ted Venetoulis’ fun-filled novel, “Hail to the Cheat.” President Lance Billingsley gets caught by the First Lady, Jessica Berringer, “doing” her dear friend, Sondra Heatherstone, on the carpet and in the buff in the Oval Office! Fireworks quickly erupt!

Caravan to Rio Tinto to support miners locked out (tags)

On February 24th, a caravan of four big rig trucks and around 150 cars carried over 200 people and $30,000 in food to support the Rio Tinto miners in Boron, California.

Brewing Crisis in the South Atlantic: Oil Exploration in the Malvinas Islands (tags)

For Argentineans the long simmering territorial dispute between Britain and Argentina is coming to a head, as a British oil rig travels to what analysts say is a 60 billion barrel reserve of high-grade oil located in a 200 square mile zone surrounding the Malvinas (Falkland) Islands. This would make it one of the largest oil reserves in the world. Argentina had instituted a naval embargo of the islands but has recently permitted the oil rig to land in Port Stanley, capital of the island.

War Criminal Alex Haig Praised by Obama (tags)

People are known by the company they keep and Democrat Obama's praise for the late war criminal Republican General Alexander Haig is the latest sign that we are dealing with yet another fascist president, EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE LAST FASCIST PRESIDENT, GEORGE BUSH. The biography of war criminal Haig (1924-2010) is below.

Greed, the Corrupt System and Shadow Banking (tags)

A sudden change of thought patterns has occurred. For thirty years, the dogmas were in effect: trust in the self-healing powers of the market, the sleek state is the best of all possible states and economic policy will be unnecessary if the central banks fights inflation.

Remembering Howard Zinn (1922 - 2010) (tags)

He'll be sorely missed.

Frances Moore Lappé, Matthew Fox Speak in San Diego (tags)

Frances Moore Lappé and Matthew Fox, two powerful long-time activists who started in the 1970’s and both live in Oakland, came to San Diego to address the opening session of the Justice for Women and Children conference January 18 at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in San Diego. Lappé wrote the book “Diet for a Small Planet” and founded Food First to work on projects helping people in Third World countries to feed themselves in ways that respected their environment and heritage of biodiversity. Fox was a Roman Catholic priest who was thrown out by the current Pope for championing the spiritual power of women; he's now a priest in the Episcopal Church and works on education projects with so-called “at-risk” youth to channel their creativity in non-mainstream ways.

Outsourcing War: The Rise of Private Military Contractors (tags)

privatizing war

Dump the Health Insurance Bill (tags)

With the death of the “public option,” the Medicare buy-in and everything else in the proposed health insurance “reform” bill that might actually serve the public good, the bill is now nothing more than a giant, $1 trillion-plus corporate welfare program for the health insurance and pharmaceutical industries. Its meager promises of reform in the way the health insurance industry does business — no total caps on coverage or exclusion of “pre-existing conditions” — are likely to be flouted in practice. The progressive community made a serious mistake by not staging their own protests and disrupting Congressional town-hall meetings to demand single-payer and other progressive reforms — and as a result it will be the Republican Party and the Right in general which will reap the benefit of the putrid piece of corporate welfare the Democrats are trying to palm off on the American people as “health reform.”

Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure (tags)

Obama's shocking betrayal

End the Fed? Or End the Market Economy? (tags)

When Republican Congressman Ron Paul recently introduced legislation to audit the Federal Reserve, diverse sections of the political spectrum applauded. And rightfully so. The Fed’s role in the still-developing bank bailouts is one of utter secrecy; the total cost of which — as estimated by the bailout’s Special Inspector General, Neil Barofsky — could cost taxpayers $23.7 trillion. The fact that legislation needed to be introduced to raise the question of the whereabouts of these funds points to a larger breakdown in U.S. democracy.

Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)

Only Congress empowered to create money

More Arrests in America's War on Islam (tags)

America's political persecution continues

Drones: A slam-dunk weapons system or our ticket to hell? (tags)

"Whatever the short-term gains from introducing drone warfare in these past years, we are now locked into the 24/7 assassination trade - with the US's own set of non-suicide bombers on the job into eternity. This may pass for sanity in Washington, but it's surely helping to pave the road to hell. Haven't any of these folks ever seen a sci-fi film? Are none of them Terminator fans? Are they sure they want to open the way to unlimited robot war, keeping in mind that, if this is the latest game in town, it won't remain mainly an American one for long. And just wait until the first Iranian drone takes out the first Balochi guerrilla supported by American funds somewhere in Pakistan. Then let's see just what we think about the right of any nation to summarily execute its enemies - and anyone else in the vicinity - by drone. Is this actually what we Americans want to be known for? And if we let this happen, and General Atomics is working double or triple shifts to turn out ever more, ever-newer generations of robot warriors, while the nation suffers 10.2% unemployment, who exactly will think about shutting them down?

Is Growth Only Possible Through Inequality? (tags)

Does capitalism make the rich richer and the poor poorer instead of creating prosperity for everyone as promised? Inequality declined considerably between 1930 and 1970 in western industrial states.

The Reaction Will Be Televised (tags)

If you want to stop their Beckistas, unplug their televisions.

Michael Moore’s Movie ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ a Must See (tags)

Michael Moore’s movie, ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ will be a shocking revelation to the millions of Americans who believe in capitalism; however, socialists will understand that ‘Capitalism: A Love Story’ does not reveal the ultimate danger and damage that capitalism is wreaking on the working class and world economies on a global scale.

Alexander: Go See “Capitalism, a Love Story” (tags)

Michael Moore’s movie, “Capitalism, a Love Story” will be a shocking revelation to the millions of Americans who believe in capitalism; however, socialists will understand that “Capitalism, a Love Story” does not reveal the ultimate danger and damage that capitalism is wreaking on the working class and world economies on a global scale.

Talkin' Tea Party Paranoid Blues (tags)

Comic-satire on the Tea Party phenomenon set to the tune of Bob Dylan's Talkin' John Birch Paranoid Blues.

W.R. Grace Inc.’s Prior Knowledge of Risks of Asbestosis Ignored in Federal Court (tags)

A rewrite and update of an earlier article about the federal trail of W.R. Grace Inc. in Missoula, MT earlier this year, timed for the release of the "health care bill" as introduced by MT Senator Max Baucus. Think about prevention when it comes to corporate negligence and even malice when prior knowledge of health risks are ignored and justice for the workers in Libby, MT is derailed by a biased federal judge Donald Malloy..

R.I.P. Ted Kennedy: The Senate’s Last Liberal (tags)

The mainstream media’s eulogies for the late Senator Ted Kennedy predictably focused on his success as a deal-maker, pushing a liberal agenda but in ways that compromised and often won the support of Republicans and conservatives. But Kennedy’s deals were based on the existence of a Republican party that, despite its different priorities from the Democrats, still believed in government as a force for the public good. Today’s nihilistic, Right-wing dominated Republican Party no longer believes in government as anything but a repressive instrument for benefiting the rich and enforcing the discipline of “the Market” on working people both domestically and abroad who dare to challenge the imperatives of lassiez-faire capitalism. What the times call for are tough, no-nonsense progressive resistance to the bipartisan Market agenda, not support of capitalist politicians promoted as “pragmatists” in the corporate media.

Triumph of the Right? (tags)

Sep 2nd, 2009 9:09 PM Despite the sweeping Democratic victories in the elections of 2006 and 2008, the Republican party in general and the radical Right in particular have reasserted themselves with a vengeance, especially regarding the health insurance reform proposals of the Obama administration and Congress. They’ve been able to tap into the same reflexive anti-government sentiment that has powered American politics at least since Ronald Reagan’s election (and arguably earlier) to block the reform proposals and set the stage for a Republican return to power that will render Obama as irrelevant historically as Carter and Clinton -- and without a mass progressive movement to push Obama and the Democrats back to the Left, the Right will succeed and triumph.

Rob Us If You Must, But Socialism Scares Us (tags)

A possible explanation of why Americans are so complacent about being massively robbed by capitalists time after time.

No Letup in Political Witch-Hunts Under Obama (tags)

Obama political persecutions

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)

the threat of totalitarian democracy

The Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza Strip (tags)

A comparison of the present fascist policies of the Israeli government with the past atrocities of the Nazis

CHICAGO, NEW YORK, HOUSTON -- 2009 Top 9/11-2B Targets -- (tags)

The Coup in Honduras: A Teachable Moment for Obama? (tags)

President Barack Obama‘s main duty under the U.S. Constitution is to see to it that the laws are “faithfully executed.” By a UN Treaty, approved by the Senate, in 1994, torture is against U.S. law. No ifs, ands or buts about it. No exceptions! In Honduras, some apologists for the “de facto” regime, are pretending that they followed the law, when they gave their president the boot. Will Obama play the same “pretend game” on Torture? Stay Tuned. .

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance" (tags)

must-read on US imperial aims

Manipulation - How Markets Really Work (tags)

Insiders move markets up or down for profit.

California Apocalypse (tags)

Though a lot of so-called “progressives” voted no on the ballot measures on California’s May 19 special election ballot, the overwhelming defeat of these legislative compromises aimed at a short-term solution to California's budget problems has been a boon for the radical Right. For 43 years, ever since they elected Ronald Reagan as governor in 1966 and passed Proposition 13 in 1978, a cadre of radical-Right Republicans have been seeking to destroy the financial basis of California's government and thereby force the elimination of virtually all social welfare programs as well as scorched-earth cuts in education and health care. Now they’ve got their wish: after the budget dust settles, California will now no longer be in the business of helping working-class and lower-income people, and will instead be a low-tax,corporate-privilege Libertarian haven.

"Over the Rainbow" (tags)

dreams we dream can come true

FDR's New Deal v. Obamanomics in Their First 100 Days (tags)

stark mirror opposites

How the CIA Steals Money From Taxpayers (tags)

In 1989 Catherine Austin Fitts became Assistant Secretary for Housing in Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). She began to notice money was not properly tracked as it moved between different HUD departments and there was a lack of proper accounting mechanisms to deal with discrepancies in revenue indicated fraud at an alarming level. [28] She attempted to put in place some credible financial tracking mechanisms to identify where the money was going and to identify the responsible individuals and HUD departments, but after 18 months on the job she was suddenly fired by the Bush administration. Fitts was told the day after she left that her financial reforms through ‘place-based financial accounting and statements’ would also be terminated.

BTL:Obama Budget Makes Clean Break with Bush Trickle-Down Ideology (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Faith in the Invisible Hand of the Market is Over (tags)

The people will not be so easily convinced of liberalization, deregulation and privatization. On the contrary, people will have a clearer consciousness of the primacy of politics. The false incentive systems in the businesses must be removed.

A Bold Plan Sweeps Away Reagan Ideas (tags)

The old gives way to the new as the snow gives way to the spring. (Rilke)

get us BACK those faked BAIL OUTS ! right now ! (tags)

We have clearly not been heard nor heeded. We have written, called, demanded accountability from our govt and rec'd what ? ignore-ance...been ignored and bankers, financiers are paid off instead on OUR saved scarce money. NO BAILOUTS !!! Get It back ! Here are some pertinent and clever quotes to copy & paste out to use to send to your own government officials. Speak and Write your own version. Dont let 'them' all rob us...and let us not be blind. Never ! Watch it ! our $$$$ all go down the hollow dark hole - black hole of universal corruption.....

Ronald Reagan: Betrayer of Main Street America! (tags)

William Kleinknecht takes the gloves off in his new book,”The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America.” He shows that the so-called “great communicator,” was, in fact, the “great enabler of corporate greed.” The Vulture Capitalists were set loose on the people by “Reaganism.” I say: Take Reagan’s name off that airport in D.C. Let his Fat Cat cronies pay for his memorials, not the taxpayers.

Venezuela: Mis razones por creer que la reelección sin límites puede dañar la Revolución (tags)

Un amigo del movimiento antiimperialista explica por qué se opone a la enmienda reciente a la constitución venezolana que abolió los límites en la elección a la presidencia.

Venezuela: Why Unlimited Re-election is Bad for the Revolution (tags)

A supporter of Hugo Chavez' anti-imperialist efforts explains why he is nevertheless opposed to Venezuela's recent constitutional amendment abolishing term limits.

Toxic Plans for Toxic Assets (tags)

Obama stimulus from hell.

Addiction and Control (tags)

Meth is an upper. It is used as (inappropriate) self - medication for depression. Problems don’t come about without cause. The methamphetamine problem didn’t drop out of the sky. There are biological and social causes of meth abuse and they need to be fully discussed by an informed citizenry. Here’s why.

The Israeli lobby (tags)

Must be prosecuted for the Gaza genocide

The Shortwave Report 01/23 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Danger of Right-Wing Populism (tags)

A strange trend is appearing in the political realm of the Left. Self-proclaimed political conservatives — many current or former members of the Republican Party — are being given considerable room in Left publications, for example in Counterpunch and BuzzFlash. At first it seemed accidental, with only sporadic occurrences. Now these “renegade” right-wingers enjoy ample room in spaces formally reserved for “lefties only.” How is this to be explained?

Obama's War Cabinet (tags)

plan for continued wars

Swimming Up Stream (tags)

Somebody had to offer a calm and serene response even though this will have to swim up the powerful stream of hopes raised by Obama in the international public opinion...

Obama's Economic Dream Team? (tags)

indeed for Wall Street bankers

"Like the Fall of the Wall" (Joseph Stiglitz) (tags)

The mixture of low interests, excessive liquidity and lax oversight on money institutes led to the financial crisis. National indebtedness rose two-thirds in only eight years. The govt should immediately begin investing in the infrastructure, education and other projects.

Obama and the Economy (tags)

The economy elected Barack Obama President, and it will make or break his administration. Right now it seems likely to break it, as Obama's announced appointees to staff his government come almost exclusively from the moderate administration of Bill Clinton, thereby assuring the ruling class that "change you can believe in" means "change the rich and powerful won't have to worry about." Without a mass Left movement on the order of the socialists and communists who in the 1930's pushed Franklin Roosevelt to the Left, Obama's Presidency is likely to be yet another suck-up to corporate America and its anti-labor, anti-environment, anti-worker "free trade" agenda.

Ronald Reagan: B Film Actor, Ladies’ Man and FBI Snitch (tags)

Ronald Reagan’s persona was crafted from 1937 to 1965, working in B films. The Shadow side of Reagan, however, reveals that he was a snitch for the FBI and ratted out his fellow members of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), during the days of the “Red Scare.” He also was a notorious womanizer, according to Marc Eliot's expose: “Reagan: The Hollywood Years.” It was Reagan, too, as U.S. President, who ruthlessly busted PATCO in 1981.

el imperio muerde el polvo en la patria de Sandino (tags)

Tras una larga campaña intervencionista de los medios, que se inició en Paraguay durante la asunción del obispo Fernando Lugo, la contundente victoria sandinista marca una resonante derrota del imperialismo intervencionista y su prensa adicta.

Obama Mania (tags)

A reality check.

The Wages of Sin (tags)

The deepening economic crisis.

God's Nation (tags)

The trinity of themes "Last Hope-Noble Victory-Disgraceful Defeat" has been the core of the US-American state religion, whether called the Monroe Doctrine, Cold War or War against Terror. A multipolar world with many civilizations is the best hope for the future.

Socios Latinos de John McCain (tags)

Al mismo tiempo en que el obispo Fernando Lugo visitaba en Washington a George W. Bush, probablemente para agradecer el respaldo de James Cason, USAID, el NED y la IAF a su candidatura, la noticia de un encuentro entre Pinochet y McCain en 1985 conmocionó a América Latina.

John McCain, candidato del pasado Terrorista (tags)

La entrevista de McCain con el dictador Pinochet, hecha pública en simultáneo con la visita del obispo Fernando Lugo a su compañero de trabajo George W. Bush, han dejado en claro quién representa todo lo malo del pasado Terrorista del Imperio.

John Mc Cain, Pinochet y el Operador del Plan Cóndor (tags)

La visita del obispo Fernando Lugo a Washington para aparecer en la última foto de George W. Bush, coincidió con revelaciones que no sólo atañen al candidato presidencial John McCain, también a sus principales publicistas.

John Mc Cain, Conrado Pappalardo y el Obispo (tags)

El Obispo Fernando Lugo comparte con John Mc Cain sus vínculos con amistades del fallecido dictador chileno Orlando Letelier.

The Neediest Need Help Like the Banks (tags)

The same state haggles over every bowl of soup for welfare recipients. For banks, billions appeared overnight. There must also be money for higher wages and more social services.


Like the Nazis the Republican campaign is spreading phobia against Marxism to cover up the Republican and Reaganite coddling of Wall Street capitalism, profiteering and deregulation and for the Bush-Paulsen-McCain bailout of Wall Street. Time to stop politicians plumbing out bail-out profits for Wall Street capitalism! Time for real, socialist, Marxist change!

Reviewing Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power (tags)

The destructive nexus between Zionism and militarism.

The October Surprise - Global Panic (tags)

It's not over.

The Fleecing of America (tags)

Public and private looting.


Very few people know that the US military is directly involved in the fierce fighting going on in the Philippines between the Moro insurgents and the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime supported by the Bush neocons and the warmongering Pentagon planners. Will you continue to allow US tax dollars to be wasted in this barbaric genocidal war against indigenous peoples? Over a thousand extrajudicial killings and "forced disappearances" under Arroyo's tenure, plus a few hundred Muslims dead as "collateral damage," may be the signs of US "benevolent hegemony" (Robert Kagan) and US "magnanimous imperial power" (Dinesh D'Souza). McKinley's "Benevolent Assimilation" lives on!

Project Censored's Media Democracy Advocacy (tags)

Project Censored's holding the dominant media accountable.

Industriales de la miseria, los nuevos dueños del Paraguay (tags)

Declarar estado de emergencia es para algunos comedores de carroña de Paraguay un gran negocio, que se traduce en millones de dólares.

Grand Theft America (tags)

The government-business looting of America.

Paulson go out. Truth about "unbelievable" big 2008 crash (tags)

Barack Obama: "No necesitamos sólo un plan para Wall Street. Hay que incorporar medidas de salvación para miles de ciudadanos" que están perdiendo sus casas y sus ahorros, declaró Obama. "Tampoco podemos cometer el error de que el dinero de los contribuyentes sea usado para corregir malas decisiones" ////////////////////// “Durante un par de años, el capital desafió a la ley del valor, inflando su valor más allá de su capacidad de reproducción real, pero la ley del valor se ha cobrado la afrenta a un precio enorme. Ha quedado de manifiesto que la ganancia capitalista es un objetivo muy estrecho para desenvolver productivamente la riqueza social acumulada. La crisis mundial plantea la reorganización social general sobre nuevas bases” ////////////////////////////////// La crisis no es culpa de las “subprime” o hipotecas ninha. La crisis tampoco es culpa de la codicia de unos banqueros. La crisis no se supera con una “regulación” sino con un cambio radical y con nuevos paradigmas que abandonen las trampas y falsedades neoliberales de la Escuela de Chicago por otras más acordes con la sociedad del conocimiento en que tenemos que avanzar. La actual crisis obliga a revisar el modelo entero y a decir la verdad: la globalización no ha producido nada de crecimiento ni bienestar para nadie ha sido un modelo fracasado y de muy corto alcance histórico pero a la vez ha permitido el robo y la concentración de poder y dinero como nunca antes en la historia de la humanidad en una casta dirigente parásita que no ha aportado nada a la sociedad. Crash 2008: la mayor estafa bancaria, bursátil y económica de la historia. Los datos más importantes. Paulson go out. All the truth about this "unbelievable" big 2008 crash

Bail-Out, Economic Democracy and the Socialist Path (tags)

David Schweickart, political philosopher, discusses the financial crisis, what it exposes about capitalism, how it can set the stage for economic democracy, and open the socialist path.

Pacifica Los Angeles KPFK Listeners Ask:Will Censorship of Socialist Perspectives Continue (tags)

With candidates of socialist perspective taking the lead on issues in the 2008 election, listeners of self-proclaimed Pacifica "Revolutionary Radio" KPFK wonder if the station will continue to censor their candidates and positions and ignore their core point that, as a matter of empirical fact, liberal reform has failed and shows no prospect for success with an Obama election.

Wall St's "Melt Down" is Ronald Reagan's "Legacy" on a Silver Platter! (tags)

The Scary Ghost of Ronnie Reagan: The Dow fell almost 450 points and the Nasdaq fell nearly 5 percent in its worst day since the aftermath of the September 11 attacks in 2001 as rattled investors worried about who could be the next victim of the global credit crisis.

The Purpose of the Bush Administration (tags)

There is a mission to the madness.

Celebrate Constitution Day On The 221st Anniversary Of The US Constitution (tags)

Tell her you still love her after all these years. Who? The Constitution! Join us 17 September 7PM in Los Feliz

Love of Place vs. Patriotism (tags)

Americanism creates anti-Americanism.

The Aquino Assasination, August 21, 1983, 25 years Later (tags)

Twenty-five years ago today, August 21, 1983, the armed minions of the US-Marcos dictatorship shot and killed Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. after arresting him inside the plane that took him home from his exile in the United States. Many articles have been written and will be written singing paeans to the late opposition leader and extolling him to high heavens but without understanding the reasons he went back to face his death in the Philippines.

Why the MSM Can't Tell The Truth About Georgia (tags)

"From Tbilisi to Teheran" Heightens Suspicions of Motive in Georgian Crisis Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up and/or demonizing Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran. The following article from the Jerusalem Post appears to support this, as does the US/Israeli line seen today, as well as the willingness of the bulk of the Western press to so horribly misrepresent this conflict.

Censurado video de Cubainformación en You Tube y amenazas de Armando Valladares (tags)

La redacción de Cubainformación ha recibido varios mensajes de usuarios de You Tube, a cuyas cuentas habían subido el video de Cubainformación titulado "Armando Valladares: de falso poeta inválido a especulador empresarial".

Republicans Face Election Debacle (tags)

The Congressional elections on November 4 seem already decided. Republicans face an historical disaster given the rotten mood in the country and new scandals.

William Greider Raps Predatory Usury Schemes (tags)

How did the country get into this unholy financial mess? Think usury! Acclaimed author William Greider points the finger at banks, and people of great wealth, “taking advantage of poor people by lending them money on terms that are sure to fail.” He blames others, too, like “The Fed,” under the reign of Alan Greenspan, the U.S. Congress, and Wall Street. Mr. Greider charges that these parties worked to “castrate” the watchdogs.

The Bush Administration's Secret Biowarfare Agenda (tags)

Part of the Bush administration's permanent war agenda.


Thanks to Bush, US ciizens' tax dollars are being wasted funding the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines. Arroyo has been condemned by Amnesty International. Human Rights Watch, Asia Commission on Human Rights, World Council of Churches ,UN Rapporteurs, and numerous organizations for committing thousands of extra-judicial murders of lawyers, journalists, church people, women and union organizers, indigenous minority peoples. We need to put a stop to this outrageous inhumanity.

McCain's Nomination - A Possible September Surprise? (tags)

potential September fireworks


Kasuka-suka at kasuklam-suklam ang ipinakitang sukdulang pagpapakatuta ni Gloria Arroyo sa kanyang imperyalistang amo nang bumisita siya sa US nitong huling linggo ng Hunyo. Sa kasagsagan ng pananalasa ng bagyong "Frank" sa Pilipinas, nilustay ni Arroyo ang kabang-yaman ng bayan sa walang kapararakan, magastos at magarbong pagbyahe. Malawakang galit at kaliwa't kanang batikos ang inudyok ng labis niyang pagwawalambahala sa kapakanan ng nagdurusang mamamayang Pilipino.


With the subservience of the Arroyo regime, Bush continues the political-military intervention in the "killing field" of the Philippines, wasting millions of tax-dollars in suppressing the Moro insurgents and Filipino national-democrats, abetting the horrendous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and widespread poverty and oppression, all in the name of the war against "terrorism," a code-word for popular resistance against global capital's greed and inhumane devastation of the planet.


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) today expresses outrage over the passing of the more than $ 628 B budget to fund the Iraq –Afghanistan war yesterday, June 26 in the US Congress while that the Filipino Veterans Equity bill that was languishing in the US congress for more than 18 years was not even discussed. Aside approving the war budget, the high profile legislative visit or the lobby by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took precedence in the House of Representatives. It is high point in mendicancy for the president of the Philippines to let herself be stereotyped as “cooks” and “Philippine-Americans” by no less President Bush during their White House meeting.


Money for the Filipino Veterans, Not a Penny for the war in Iraq! Money for People’s Needs, Not for the War! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) today expresses outrage over the passing of the more than $ 628 B budget to fund the Iraq –Afghanistan war yesterday, June 26 in the US Congress while that the Filipino Veterans Equity bill that was languishing in the US congress for more than 18 years was not even discussed.

Obama, at Last! (tags)

With Barack Obama having won the Democratic Presidential nomination, he'll face a well-established Republican attack machine and propaganda apparatus within the corporate media. This editorial in the July 2008 Zenger's Newsmagazine also argues that progressives should support Obama, but keep the pressure on him by street activism to make sure he doesn't cop out and govern as the moderate, pro-corporate Democrat Bill Clinton was.

Arnaud de Borchgrave on McClellan, Neocons & Clean Break (tags)

Arnaud de Borchgrave on McClellan, Neocons & Clean Break

Frances Fox Piven's "Challenging Authority" (tags)

Advancing disruptive social protests for change.

Homeless No More (tags)

The laws criminalizing homelessness may have a subterranean purpose.

White Rabbits from the White House (tags)

"When politics threatens to destroy you, tell stories, stories of good and evil. Make every election into a morality play," Rove said. When politics becomes a spectacle and making more money out of money is stylized as the most noble pursuit, may our storytelling be life-giving!

Terroristas autorizados por George W. Bush en Paraguay (tags)

Del mismo modo que los terroristas árabes invocan el islamismo para sus actos terroristas, algunos partidarios del Obispo Fernando Lugo invocan hoy la bendición del candidato de Dios para justificar los actos terroristas en los que se vieron envueltos en mayor o menor grado una buena parte de ellos y para colmo, con la autorización de la embajada norteamericana.

Destroying Public Education in America (tags)

Privatizations schemes to destroy public education.

Regime Change: An American Addiction (tags)

I would like to blame the Neocons for America’s sordid record of “regime change” around the globe, but I can’t! For Iraq, yes! But, sadly, the U.S. has been in the dirty business of “regime change” for at least 110 years going back to the days that it unlawfully seized Hawaii. Author Stephen Kinzer’s book, “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change,” tells the story of how 14 countries, many in Central America, came under our hegemony.

Obama Aligns Foreign Policy with GOP (tags)

Democratic millionaire warmonger pro-death penalty candidate for president Barack Obama said, "The truth is that my foreign policy is actually a return to the traditional bipartisan realistic policy of George Bush's father, of John F. Kennedy, of, in some ways, Ronald Reagan." Honesty is always the best policy; and your vote should be cast honestly too, for someone you truly support.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA (tags)

That a scandal of this proportion, which entirely contradicts the perception of the 'crisis' painted by the media, remains relatively unreported and unaddressed - especially in an election cycle - is a testament to the tight control of the Western media, as well as the corruption of both sides of the RepubliCrat Party.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza (tags)

That this scandal remains hidden is a testament to the tight control the Government holds over our media.

The Gaza Bombshell: Crisis Made in USA (tags)

The current crisis in Gaza is entirely the creation of Extremists in the US and Israel, who don't want to end Zionism's expansionist war on the Palestinians. Don't let the media ignore this story ...

Bush and the Mormons (tags)

the bush pedophile connexion, and much much more...

CEO Salaries and the Minimum Wage (tags)

"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalism let its mask fall. Capitalism did not have to be social any more since socialism did not exist any longer as a counter-movement..Most economic leaders act irresponsibly today toward Europe's people and the future."

The Republican Candidate (4 and 5) (tags)

If this is a subject of interest to you, in the United States today there are five Cuban prisoners, separated one from the other by thousands of miles. They have no area that can be sarcastically called the “Hanoi Hilton”. Their suffering and the injustice of which they are victims will be known the world over; don't doubt it for a minute

Dear Americans by Helmut Schmidt (tags)

Will America stop consuming a large share of the savings and capital formation of other nations? The trust of Europeans in American leadership is shaken today. We want to love America again. But we are skeptical because Washington seems focused on only troops and finances.

Obama: The “Best Face” For Imperialism (tags)

Sullivan writes that a (ruling class) “consensus” agenda for endless war and increased repression will be in effect regardless of who is president. He challenges the reader to pick who could best implement all this in the face of global isolation and profound domestic alienation. And, in the process, he sheds light on the real role of elections in this society.

Civil Resistance In the Age of Bush and Cheney (tags)

Civil Resistance to the wrongdoings of U.S. regimes has a long, and honorable, history. In his well documented tome, “Protesting Power: War, Resistance, and Law,” Professor Francis A. Boyle captures the essence of that story. He explains how “civil resistance” differs from “civil disobedience.” He also cites cases, where he was involved as an attorney and/or expert witness. Professor Boyle's book is, indeed, timely and needed.


After giving it a lot of thought, I have decided to endorse Mit Romney and Ralph Nader. This follows the Texas governor's lead in endorsing more than one candidate. Both of my endorsements may still have a chance. I think every society needs some one like Ralph Nader. One. You may already be starting to see the genius of this endorsement.

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

Big brother really is watching.

Grand Opening: School of the Americas Watch West (part 1) (tags)

“Word began to spread as we researched the school and discovered what we had here was indeed a school of assassins, a school for dictators. These soldiers came here to learn counter insurgency. Who were the insurgency? They were the poor, the religious leaders, labor leaders, and many others. And then when the torture manuals were discovered in the curriculum, that got a lot of front-page coverage. Word began to spread, and our numbers in the movement grew.” -- Father Roy Bourgeois, founder, School of the Americas Watch

Reviewing David Edwards and David Cromwell's Guardians of Power (tags)

A powerful critique of the dominant media

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction - Part II (tags)

Agribusiness giants aim to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered.

Kucinich for President (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine endorses Dennis Kucinich for President (as we did in 2004) over the so-called 'top-tier" Democrats, each of whom has serious liabilities but all of whom would make a better President than any of the Republican candidates. This editorial from the January 2008 Zenger's also contains recommendations on the seven state propositions on the February 5, 2008 ballot.

Reviewing James Petras and Henry Veltmeyer's "Multinationals on Trial" (tags)

How corporate giants plunder developing nations.





Nationa debt now at $9 trillion - your share is $30,000 (tags)

The national debt is now at $9 trillion. That means each and every one of the 300 million people in the USA owes $30,000 toward that debt. But if you include the other debt each person in the USA owes four times that or $120,000 toward the national debt

Neoliberalism in Crisis (tags)

Liberation theology warns the future of the first world is the third world. Everyday time is replaced by kairos time, the time of decision, when lawlessness masks as lawfulness. The language of proclamation runs crossway to the language of time. Cast your net on the other side!

48 Hour Health Care Vigil Downtown (tags)

It's Our Healthcare is protesting the Governor's veto of AB 8 and his proposed "health care" plan.

"Capitalism and Freedom" Unmasked (tags)

The dark side of Milton Friedman's economics.

Greenspan's Dark Legacy Unmasked (tags)

Alan Greenspan's true record of public disservice.

Hate Preachers in Action (tags)

Many evangelics feel tricked by "born again" Bush on account of his lies about the Iraq war and his failure to honor the financing promises for welfare institutions. By Nov 2006, only $16 million was paid instead of the $6 billion promised in the election campaign.

A Culture of Violence (tags)

America's tradition of war and violence

Deliberate Lies, Strange Deaths and Agression to the World Economy (tags)

Fidel Castro denounced that the United States government is using unimaginable economic means to defend a right that violates the sovereignty of all the other countries...

September 15th Rally Is Unnerving Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang is shaken by the coming massive antiwar rally set for September 15th, in Washington, D.C. On Sept. 6, 2007, it disrupted the ANSWER Coalition’s promotion of that demonstration. A cop-on-horseback interrupted ANSWER’s press conference that day. Three activists were also arrested. Plus, the antiwar activist, the Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., was assaulted by six Capitol Hill cops on Sept. 10th.

The War on Working Americans - Part II (tags)

Part II of how American workers are losing out.

The War on Working Americans - Part I (tags)

Working Americans are losing out in the war waged against them.

A Forbidden Truth Dissection of the Insane War Ritual (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the design, motivational, and operational structures of the Insane War Ritual, as practiced by the human species in the 21st century.

Paraguay: A Laboratory for Latin America’s New Militarism (tags)

Castillo, in his cool Asunción office, with the standard Paraguayan herbal tea, tereré in his hand, said these operations marked a shift in US military strategy. "The kind of training that used to just happen at the School of the Americas at Fort Benning, Georgia is now decentralized," he explained. "The US military is now establishing new mechanisms of cooperation and training with armed forces." Combined efforts, such as MEDRETEs, are part of this agenda.


I had the pleasure of watching ABC's Sunday morning political church coverage of the Republican presidential debate from Drake University. Other than the honesty of Ron Paul, Rudy led them all into a literal and spiritually satanic discussion answering some very good and honest questions from voters, the moderator, and a scholar.

Reviewing Linda McQuaig's "It's the Crude, Dude" (tags)

War, oil, Iraq, Big Oil, global warming and more in one package.

Pluristem Placentas,James D Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud (tags)

Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance, he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington !

Reviewing Michael Parenti's "Democracy For the Few" - by Stephen Lendman (tags)

America's democracy serves only the privileged.

Plan Iraq - Permanent Occupation (tags)

Washington came to Iraq to stay.

The Underrated Power of Economists (tags)

During the Great Depression between the two world wars, the Brit John Maynard Keynes came to an insight that was implemented in the 1960s. The state must guide the economy by its spending to avert the danger of depression.

WNV Spraying Benefits Pesticide Manufacturers, NOT People!! (tags)

Since the mosquito season is upon us, many regional vector control districts will use corporate PR myths to promote toxic pesticide spraying to combat WNV. However, this yearly cycle of spraying can increase mosquito populations by adversely reducing populations of beneficial predator species..

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Abu Sayyaf: The CIA’s Monster Gone Berserk (tags)

The Philippines is under watch by America’s “anti-terrorism” network. This is so not only because of the presence of active Moro and Marxist guerrillas but also because of its special concern on the Abu Sayyaf. In the ‘80s, just as it was waging its last surrogate wars against the Soviet Union, the U.S. was also engaged in new forms of covert operations -- the training of Islamic militants to fight the Russians in Afghanistan and elsewhere. A product of this war – the Abu Sayyaf – was once hailed by American presidents as a group of “freedom fighters.” It was an exaltation that would haunt them for years.

Terrorism Defined (tags)

The real meaning of terrorism.



How to Fix Capitalism (tags)

Book review of Benjamin Barber's "Consumed: How Markets Corrupt Children, Infantilize Adults and Swallow Citizens Whole"

A Review of Chris Hedges' American Fascists (tags)

Christian Right efforts to make America a theocratic fascist state

Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)

White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”

Losses as Profits: Review of Enron; The Smartest Guys in the Room (tags)

The firm's business idea consisted in showing future profits on the books as real profits.. In this "Darwinian tragedy," the Enron cadres ennobled their corrupt business practices by referring to "The Selfish Gene."

Locals Protest Vulture Capitalists and the Iraqi War (tags)

On March 19, 2007, the Baltimore City Council unanimously approved a Resolution condemning the Iraqi War, the lies that got us into it, George W. Bush’s insane “Surge,” and demanded the troops be “safely” withdrawn from that conflict. On that same night, a Peace Rally was held at St. Vincent de Paul RC Church. The Rev. Heber Brown III said: “It’s time for us to raise hell for peace in our churches.” The event was sponsored by the local UPJ group.

Reagan and GE-A Symbiosis (tags)

Reagan who defended democratic positions as a young man earned so much that he became increasingly conservative.. Because of "Playhouse 90" he became a friend of the family who mutated into an economist and theologian.

Fake Congressional Opposition to War (tags)

Congress again betrays the electorate

Euthanasia (tags)

Ceci n'est pas une pipe

A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis (tags)

A review of how the US is passing from a republic to tyranny

Evolution of species (tags)

Hiding in the bush

Holiday Hyposrisy (tags)

The corruption of US holidays for patriotism and profit.

Close Guantánamo! (tags)

GUANTÁNAMO.— Luchadores civiles estadounidenses, entre quienes se cuentan relevantes figuras del movimiento contra la guerra en Iraq, familiares de prisioneros y ex prisioneros, llegarán este jueves hasta las inmediaciones de la Base Naval para exigir el cese de la ocupación y el desmantelamiento de la ilegal cárcel que mantiene EE.UU. en esa instalación en la bahía de Guantánamo, territorio usurpado a Cuba.

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads (tags)

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic (tags)

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic

A Good Story (tags)

"From 200 years of American history, we have learned nothing is impossible." (Reagan) Occasionally this president replaced reality with his fictions. "The world changed every time a new technique of storytelling was intented." (Brian Ferren)

A Look Back and Ahead in an Age of Neocon Rule (tags)

A review of the past year and review of year ahead.

Omissions in the Iraq Study Group Report (tags)

Omissions in the ISG Report are more important than what's in it.

AJLPP-USA Statement on the Death of Chile's Dictator Augusto Pinochet (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the death of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, whose brutal 17 year rule became a symbol of Latin American military repression with anger and regret.

Apocalypto: The Cinematic Logic of Genocide (tags)

"A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within," is how Gibson puts it. In other words the Conquest was not genocide but a moral comeuppance; the civilization didn’t fall, in the final analysis, from climate change or inadvertent soil depletion or even war – it was conquered in god’s wrath against the forces of evil. And Gibson’s made sure you see the ancient Maya as a force of profound evil.

Exporting Values: On the Religious Aspect of the US War (tags)

When the institutions fail, a superhero arises out of the American people who can wage the just battle without regard for laws or institutions. Does George W Bush under-stand himself as the incarnation of this American myth?





Pop Immigration-Politics Quiz (tags)

What is illegal immigration? Who makes it happen?







The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

another Reporter takes Bribes (tags)

Another well known Columnist caught taking Bribes from the big Corporations. Who is your congressman taking campaign contributions (bribes) from? Does your congressman's spouse or relative have a sweetheart deal?



Mayor Compares ICE Raids to Nazi Germany (tags)

"This reminds me of what I read about Nazi Germany, the Gestapo coming in and yanking people up," Slater said.

La transición ya se produjo, ¡estúpido! (tags)

El problema de salud de Fidel tuvo el efecto de soltar la lengua del ocupante de la Casa Blanca y de la señorita Rice, quienes, dando rienda suelta a su afiebrada imaginación, comenzaron a hablar de la "transición" en Cuba.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

Pro-War Diane Feinstein, What Are The Alternatives? (tags)

Feinstein herself has directly profiteered from the U.S. imposed misery she voted for in Iraq. Her husband, Richard Blum, is a billionaire investor that together with CEO Ronald Tutor own investment companies that hold 75% of the voting stock in a company called Perini. On March 12, 2004 Perini was awarded a $500,000,000 contract for rebuilding the electrical infrastructure of southern Iraq. So Feinstein is profiting from the U.S. bombing of the Iraqi infrastructure as well as its inefficient rebuilding by private U.S. contractors.

A MOM'S FYI: The Bush Wars, Saddam vs Usama (tags)

Looking for evidence of GWB linking Saddam Hussein, Iraq, and 9/11? Read on.... -------------------------------

Armageddon and the Apocalyptic "Holocaust" (tags)

Originally Chriistianity was community opposing the idols of war and wealth. In the 20th century, Chrisitanity in the US was corrupted to a prosperity religion. To end-time fundamentalists, the worse it becomes the better.

The Battle of the Elect (tags)

The Iraq war involves a western ideology about a profane crusade - armed with a pseudo-theology and the same misuse of the Bible as a thousand years ago. According to the New Testament, an unconditional non-aggression to the end of time is in effect.

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 2 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

La transición ya se produjo, ¡estúpido! (tags)

En Cuba la transición ya se produjo, y tuvo lugar el Primero de Enero de 1959. Una doble transición: de la dictadura a la democracia, y del capitalismo al socialismo


"If this scenario is possible, why then would US, UK, Israeli, and other Western leaders who see what's going on, be willing to take the risk? Ahmed states what a growing number of knowledgeable observers now believe - that the Western, mainly US, so-called neoliberal imperial freewheeling "free-market" model is failing and may collapse short of a desperate "Hail Mary" military solution to try to save it even though the chance for success at best would be uncertain and in some views unlikely."

Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know (tags)

A perilous excursion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago

Ron Paul the only congressman who gets it! (tags)

In his legislative fantasies, the amiable Texas congressman would do away with the CIA and Federal Reserve. He would reinstate the gold standard. He would get rid of the Education Department and leave schooling to local governments because he believes that's what the Constitution intended.

The Rev. Billy Graham is No Phil Berrigan! (tags)

The Rev. Billy Graham was in Baltimore recently doing his religious revival thing. For years, he was a crony of warmongering presidents, like Richard M. Nixon. Rev. Graham’s preaching never attracted me. However, the life work of the late Phil Berrigan, an ex-Josephite priest, had a profound influence on me, and others. Berrigan spoke the truth to power. He relentlessly took on the War Party and spent 11 of his 79 years in prison for his protest actions.



Mexico Drug Bust connected to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,9/11 (tags)

The DC-9 busted in Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico on April 11 by the Mexican army is clearly connected to Republican business owners,the Titan Corp of San Diego,and penny stock fraud.It is also connected to Huffmann Aviation of Venice, Florida that played a role in 9/11. And Howard Dean used it in his 2004 presidential campaign !



Name Your Baby Lou Dobbs Challenge (tags)

The first undocumented immigrant to name their U.S. born child "Lou Dobbs," before September 16th, 2006, will win $500.00 worth of baby nursery items from participating East Los Angeles merchants supporting the Name Your Baby Lou Dobbs Challenge.



Armed siege of steel mill reveals escalating class war (tags)

Armed siege of steel mill reveals escalating class war

letter to president (tags)

wake up call

Hillary Clinton outlines Democrats’ big business agenda (tags)

New York’s Democratic Senator Hillary Clinton delivered a speech last week to the Economic Club of Chicago that served as an introduction to the right-wing economic platform upon which she and her party intend to run in the 2006 US midterm elections, as well as her own agenda in an expected bid for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008.

Liberal Hypocrits (tags)

Throwing The Book At Liberal Hypocrisy

The Power of Latinos (tags)

In the last weeks, the sleeping giant of American politics has growled: the young immigrant generation, the Latino population. E pluribus Unum - one out of many - is the national motto of the US inscribed on all kinds of public buildings.



Hey, General Assembly of MD: ”Reverse Deregulation!” (tags)

Most Marylanders can expect their electric bills to go up by $743 a year-a 74 % increase! In 1999, the legislature deregulated the industry. In a sweetheart deal, BGE was absorbed by Constellation Energy and required to begin buying its electricity on the open market. Meanwhile, BGE’s electric-generating assets, originally paid for by the people, were turned over to Constellation in “a cash-free shuffle.” The ratepayers are now being asked to pay again!

Women’s Rights Under Assault, Abortion Outlawed In South Dakota (tags)

The right to abortion was won in the United States in 1973 through a mass struggle in the streets that culminated in the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

Captain Ahab and his Watery Grave (tags)

The novel Moby Dick appeared to Moltmann and others as the American myth. "Thewhite whale is the symbol of evil and Captain Ahab is the tragic hero. America's messianic dream becomes the tragic myth."

Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide (tags)

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here....

Crimethinc: In Love With Love Itself (tags)

A true review in three parts of Crimethinc's "Recipes for Disaster: An Anarchist Cookbook"

Arab Port Deal Distorted for Political Gain (tags)

Recently, 8,600 U.S. companies have been taken over by foreign ownership, while 20 percent of all U.S. assets are held by foreigners. The politicians were silent. Now, a United Arab Emirates’ enterprise will soon be operating stevedoring companies in six U.S. ports, including Baltimore’s. Its Mayor, Martin O’Malley, almost broke a blood vessel complaining. However, he didn’t say a word while the preceding British outfit was doing the work. Go figure!


Ciertos asesores políticos extranjeros en México venden los secretos de anteriores campañas electorales al mejor postor: van con quien los contrate más allá de toda ideología o fidelidad partidista.


US past and present policy using a broader definition of corruption

AMERICA (tags)


how much is enough? how much is enough (tags)

read and learn

The Fat Years are Over (tags)

Hardly anyone today dares financing the social state by cutting the armament budget.. The fat years are over! Three cheers for dis-possession! Expropriation instead of representation!

Deeds not words (tags)

words are cheep

Why Ted Koppel Shouldn’t be Compared to Murrow (tags)

For 25 years, the boring Ted Koppel was the anchor on ABC TV’s “Nightline” program. He toed the Establishment line! Now, David Zurawik, a media critic for the Baltimore Sun, wants us to believe that Koppel is leaving behind “a legacy of innovation and integrity.” This is pure nonsense! Koppel, among other faults, failed to challenge the serial lies of the Bush-Cheney Gang, and the Neocons, too, that led us into the Iraqi War. That is his real legacy!

High-energy radio-frequency directed energyweapons (tags)


CHART, TABLE: CIA Secret Prison Planes--What the MSM Won't Tell (tags)

The European Commission said last week it will investigate published reports that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to detain high-profile terrorism suspects. The Commission says the governments of the EU's 25 member nations will be informally questioned about possible human rights violations. News media reported also that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to jail top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and WE PROVIDE A LIST OF THE 28 PLANES, 8 SHELL COMPANIES, AND SEVERAL CIA-RELATED COMPANIES.

It's official: Minuteman Jim Gilchrist is a nut! (tags)

Faced with increasingly tough questions from conservatives about his recently stated support for Peter Camejo, revolution and redistribution of the wealth, as well as his high praise of the Seattle anti-WTO demonstrators, Minuteman candidate says five Greens were charged for attempted murder in Garden Grove and that Greens are domestic terrorists.

EU, CIA's Secret Jails:a SCOOP on CIA Prison Planes (tags)

Two countries the media declined to name...a complete list of CIA shell companies and aircraft.... News media reported Thursday that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to hold top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and we provide a list of the planes.

George Bush Visits the Ronald Reagan Library in Simi Valley, California (tags)

Among the people gathered to protest Bush, was Tim, John and Aaron, three members of Iraq Veterans Against the War. I had the chance to speak with Tim, John and Aaron as well as David, Sue and Rachel. Listen to the interviews to hear all of them call for an end to the War in Iraq, and much more.

INDICTMENTS! KARL ROVE's and others' may expose fake war causes. (tags)

The Washington, DC, grand jury of US Attorney Fitzgerald will obtain indictments in the outing of CIA's Valerie Plame as early as next week, sources say, and one could be George Bush's closest advisor, Karl Rove.....In Alexandria, VA, the grand jury of Paul McNulty, investigating Israeli espionage against the US, has indicted a neocon Pentagon analyst, Larry Franklin.....With these and other probable indictments, there will be trials that will EXPOSE FIXED INTELLIGENCE and ISRAELI MANIPULATION that pushed us toward war.....Also, Italian officials promise to request soon the extradition of CIA man Bob Lady, a key figure in the IRAQ BETRAYAL. See how these events are converging.

"The Market Has No Heart": Paul Samuelson (tags)

A post-Katrina economics must emphasize parallel worlds, solidarity and human dignity to safeguard long-term necessities and creativity. If all countries only become more competitive, mass unemployment will result. What is public must remain public.


~~ Marking the 25th Anniversary of the founding of the FMLN, the party honors CISPES and other international solidarity organizations.

Not Good for USA Corp. (tags)

Congressional Democrats blasted former Education Secretary William Bennett on Thursday for saying that aborting "every black baby in this country" would reduce the crime rate, and demanded their Republican counterparts do the same.

British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie (tags)

Here is some information on what’s going on in our world plus a website ( at the end you can go to participate in the exciting work of some young people engaged in resisting the “madness.” Be there with them November 2. Cause “the world can’t wait!”

HIV: Auto-Report (tags)

The tragedy of how intellectual property claims on murder evidence papers were used to recruit The Beatles and The King Family into accomplice in the AIDS onslaught. If you don't read it here, you won't read it.


Reagan's tax cuts for the extremely wealthy was the biggest distribution of wealth in the history of the world, from the poor and middle classes, to the extremely rich. And what did the extremely wealthy do with all of those trillions of dollars? They horded it.

El Poder de las Pesadillas (tags)

Análisis en profundidad del documental de la BBC "El Poder de las Pesadillas", centrado en la base ideológica y desarrollo histórico de la "Guerra Contra el Terror" desde la perspectiva neo-conservadora estadounidense proveniente de Leo Strauss, y la islámica de Sayed Kotb y Zawahiri.


Washington DC, July 11 – Last week’s London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included.-

The Divided Camp (tags)

"There is no reason for the Iraq war, Buchanan said..The neoconservative approach is everything but conservative: they bomb a pseudo-democracy in the countries of the Middle East.."

Free Speach? Not on Conyors' blog this week. (tags)

I got suspened for a week writingabout historical facts that affect National Security. I think its only fair to let me reply!

Disinformation as a Strategy of Power (tags)

"What caused this development? How could an economic system be built where ever-larger parts of the population are excluded from sharing in growth? ..In neoliberalism, the person is not regarded as a person but downgraded to mere labor power.."



New President of Iran 'is a terrorist' (tags)

And we all know what that means...

Darth Vader and the New World Order (tags)

Alex Jones of compares the latest Star Wars film to the New World Order Elite.


It seems that ABC news is drifting toward making the Hilary Clinton for president question sound realistic in the United States of Delusions. The realistic qualifications for being president do change fast but the song remains the same. Can she handle a Jimmy Carter Hot Potato?

CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism (tags)

CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism

Paul Wolfowitz as Head of the World Bank (tags)

In an Internet poll, Wolfowitz is regarded as a global disaster by over 80% of respondents while less than 10% see Bush's decision as a master stroke..The political scientist Bernd Kubbig points to Wolfowitz' contradictory and sinister role in the iraq conflict.

A Government By The Terrorists And For The Terrorists (tags)

You think you know what happened on 9/11?

The Interest of Power in Brainwashing the Masses: Noam Chomsky (tags)

In a world full of potential danger, the risk for the global order and the norm of non-intervention on which this order rests is simply too great to accept unilateral actions against the collective interest. Allowing one means allowing everyone. (UN General Assembly 2004)

Dots: Social Security Reorganization (tags)

The real motivations and results of the social security debate on Americans and the World

The Strauss Factor and the War Without End (tags)

Using the neo-con takeover as a successful blueprint, we can build another kind of victory, not the war without end but the end of war - a victory for the people and the Earth.

John Negroponte, William Brownfield and Death Squads Inc. (tags)

Hands Off Venezuela

Hunter Thompson, Bush, and Jeff Gannon and much more... (tags)

If the secrets lie with Thompson, he is no longer able to talk about it. Now, there will have to be some gonzo guerilla journalists to pick up where Thompson left off.

Ward Churchill responds to attacks... (tags)

Press Release - by Ward Churchill January 31, 2005

DoubleThink v2 point "oh!" (tags)

george herbert walker bush, a known member of the satanist 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants' calling themselves "the Skull and Bones' was aCIA man for richard M. Nixon. During the infamous 'pentagon papers' scandal it was Bush who advisd Richard M. "tricky dick' nixon to resign -- because the lawyers and journalists investigating the ellsworth trials were getting very close to the sickening TRUTH --

TONIGHT 7 PM: Protest Against Execution of Brain Damaged Man (tags)

Schwarzenegger Denies Clemency Protest Against Execution of Brain Damaged Man WHEN: Tuesday, January 18th 7PM RALLY WHERE: WESTWOOD FEDERAL BUILDING 11000 Wilshire Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA (Corner of Veteran)

Scandal: Did Expatriate & SoldierVote COUNT? (tags)

U.S. CitiZeNs; ON The FrontLines Of Int. Relations- DID Expat. & SoldierVote get Left Behind? A Pivotal, Hotly contested 'election of a lifetime' spurring Worldwide interest saw OverSeas Voters registration increase fourfold as these Americans are the Country's spokespeople, and best face forward. Recalcitrant insistence on conflict creating perpetual war, was on the table for We Decide, you saw the BillBoards reminding US whose Will was to be measured- The People's! RiP van Winkle Voters came out of the woodwork, contributing herculean volunteer efforts & enthusiasm were unprecendented and encouraging. NEVER in U.S. Presidential politics have MASSIVE crowds shown up to endorse an incumbent. But to throw out, Reject malfeasence and Get Rid of incompetence! The 51st state, as American's abroad were called because of it's swing potential, an estimated 4million civilians and 500,000 military, of course many in dubious, difficult, dangerous and DeaDly situations, it's numbers giving it an impact larger than the 24 smallest states. Participation was cool this time, many expressing eager desire to voice their vote. Also though, a haunting anxiety that the systemic flaws characteristic of confusing procedures and snafus investigated by the GAO in previous efforts at smooth and fair election process run by a mosaic of federal & state agencies would DisCount NOT AcCount accurately the absentee Vote. Expatriates tend heavily liberal, outnumber military significantly and the soldiers especially rank and file were said to be more mixed, varied not so monolothic, or predictable as usually seen said veterans of multiple elections. However, the pentagon, which for some reason took over from the state department, the handling of ballots, was criticized for registration websites not working, unequal mishandling of the CivilianVote, absentee ballots mailed late in 8 of 15 swing states, ballots hard to get, too many hoops to jump through and doubts whether they would get back in time, count and be honored fairly as a private firm owned by a republican donor and of the reelection team, was handling ballots historically counted at local levels. Typically 8% of absentee votes are discarded, with Bush possibly winning the popular vote by 2-3%, HOW assured at Legit can we be? when you also ADD the percents lost of provisionals thrown out, the undervotes thrown out, unequal distribution of election hardware, not random in the stunting of turnout toward one of the choices, including GAINS from unreal certification of results with more votes than voters, when the long lines were in the democratic precints!. Registration going up, up, UP Machines going DOWN, down, down, DOH! What level of fraud is sufficient to BeSmirch Confidence? Reports below abound of systemic pre-election suppression and NOW BlackOut and silence of OverSeas results are Signs of a Sinister Scandal. These OverSeas American's are ambassadors, this vote should not be treated cavalierly but be traceable, honored and COUNTED, foreigners, frontlines in someone elses HomeLand, they REALLY understand Vote or Die. I asked my roomate for a historical quote which could speak to this unseemly realization, scenario we've allowed to happen? She said there is NONE, because it has never happened before. So I say, an UNprecendented, UNheard of, UNfair, UNacceptable, UNnatural Results can only be Remedied, Adjudicated, Balanced by SomeThing that hasn't happened before a NewVote to Ameliorate this WaterShed MoMent! POST AS COMMENTS WHAT YOU'VE HEARD, FOUND OUT, RESEARCHED ON THE ACCURACY & VALIDITY OF OVERSEAS VOTE COUNTS. NO SoldiersVote Left Behind.

Freedom Toast for Breakfast (tags)

According to thelegend, gaining power over the world is the only way of defending against the enemy. This scenario functions when the enemy is constructed as a world conspiracy. This enemy threatening the aggressor did not really exist and had to be invented.

TRANSCRIPT: Interview with Gary Webb in 1998 Re-Broadcast Today on Democracy Now! (tags)

Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. We hear an 1998 interview with Gary Webb on Democracy Now! and we speak with his colleague, veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry. [includes rush transcript]

America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb (tags)

In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation of a very dark chapter of recent U.S. foreign policy – the Reagan-Bush administration’s protection of cocaine traffickers who operated under the cover of the Nicaraguan contra war in the 1980s.

Thugs, Criminals Counting American Votes (tags)

author: Daniel Hopsicker "An electronic voting system is to a mechanical one what a nuclear bomb is to a hand grenade... If someone manages to sabotage it, the results can be catastrophic." This article was originally posted to the Portland IMC - 12/9/04.


En combattant la candidature de Ralph Nader, qui porte les idées progressistes depuis plusieurs décennies, pour donner un blanc-seing au clone démocrate de G.W. Bush, les notables du mouvement « N’importe Qui Sauf Bush » ont ruiné cinq années de mobilisation croissante depuis la naissance du mouvement alter-mondialiste en 1999 à Seattle, jusqu’au mouvement anti-guerre qui a rassemblé des millions de personnes dans le monde en 2003, et qui exige aujourd’hui la fin de l’occupation étrangère en Irak et en Palestine. Au moment où la prétendue "guerre contre le terrorisme" s'intensifie, le mouvement pacifiste reste à reconstruire.

America in Decline (tags)

The greatest problem I have with America is not Bush in himself. Rather it is that people no longer seem to care what their political leader tells them or how many lies are spread.. Bush completely ignores Europe and Nato..

The Secret Wars of The CIA (tags)

John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public

The Voting Trap (tags)

Addressing the problems of the United States two party system in response to Bush winning four more years of the Presidency.


Iran-contra alumni have been romancing al Qaeda for some time ... still do ...

Could Americans vote for a French President? (tags)

John Kerry very much sound like a French politician. He has the same superior and rather snobbish look typical of French high civil servant. Kerry is brilliant but one never knows what it means. He is flipflopping all the time. Kerry would be worst than French appeasers and French socialists.




The Gay Nation must NUKE THE CLOSET: Come out and use our real names! We must unify the Gay Nation, the Youth Nation, and Anarchy into a single concept and campaign, to overthrow the dark age and launch the Age of Light!

Voting in a Culture of Occupation: An Interview with Derrick Jensen (tags)

One of the things that I want to say about this that I haven't yet said is that a two party dictatorship is much smarter than a one party dictatorship. If you really want to control someone, what you do is you give them the illusion of choice. Then they perceive themselves as being free, and there's nobody more enslaved than the slave who doesn't even know that he or she is enslaved. One of the things the Nazis did...

Iran: A Bridge too Far? (tags)

The weapon that could defeat the US in the Gulf A word to the reader: The following paper is so shocking that, after preparing the initial draft, I didn’t want to believe it myself, and resolved to disprove it with more research. However, I only succeeded in turning up more evidence in support of my thesis. And I repeated this cycle of discovery and denial several more times before finally deciding to go with the article. I believe that a serious writer must follow the trail of evidence, no matter where it leads, and report back. So here is my story. Don’t be surprised if it causes you to squirm. Its purpose is not to make predictions –– history makes fools of those who claim to know the future –– but simply to describe the peril that awaits us in the Persian Gulf. By awakening to the extent of that danger, perhaps we can still find a way to save our nation and the world from disaster. If we are very lucky, we might even create an alternative future that holds some promise of resolving the monumental conflicts of our time. MG

Bush and the Cowboy Soul (tags)

"There is a very narrow concept of strength in this country, says David Paletz. Strength is something between Ronald Reagan and Arnold Schwartznegger and has a clear connection to militarism, killing animals and chopping down trees with the axe.."

A MOM'S FYI: George W. Bush....Buzzing for Your Vote!! (tags)


October Surprise and Senate Office Closings (tags)

The long awaited October Surprise is clearly on the horizon. Multimillionaire Senator Mark Dayton, Democrat, Minnesota, of the Target Corporation family, the 2d largest retailer in the US, closed his Washington office until after 11/2, and they all have received "hair-curling" briefings about alleged terrorist attacks pending in Wash, D.C.

We The People, IndyMedia, And The Neoliberal Project (tags)

Consider for a moment how important the Internet has become as a source of news and analysis. Over the past ten years, email lists and websites have evolved into a formidable alternative to commercial media. They provide people all over the world with timely eyewitness reports on developing events, along with a broad range of analysis and opinion.

American Politics 2004 the Kusumi version (tags)

Weighing the politics, the landscape and choices of 2004

Ronald Reagan's Legacy (tags)

"For the richestg 1%, the Reagan tax cuts were pure elixer.. Reagan's budgets slashed social spending. Domestic discretionary spending was the special target.. Hardest hit were programs for low-income Americans.."

A MOM'S FYI: "The George W. Bush Wars: An Internet Primer for Dummies" (tags)

The George W. Bush Wars: An Internet Primer for Dummies




Dear OPEC. Apparently it started happening before I was born but circa 1977 was a major turning point, Iranian Independence was the issue and the public almost unanimously agreed that the US was a victim of a terribly unjust kidnapping and that our embassy personnel in Iran were completely innocent.

Bush Administration Endangers the Middle Class (tags)

"Nation-wide the social descent of many families sees a real threat.. the number of newly created jobs still lags behind the population growth. More Americans have been completely dismissed from the labor market.."

The real stakes of the election (tags)

Democrats for Bush (tags)


HBO's Real Time with Bill Mahr is catching up with the American Blasphemer in casting Bush and his self proclaimed success, 911, into perspective. If the GOP were not so insistant that the event was a glorious triumph for Bush, I would not have to constantly remind them that Bush is largely to blame for the tragedy.

Illegal (tags)

Our responce to the attack of the Big Business Corporate Terrorist Machine Beast that relents not a undoing all the US citizens have fought to attain.

POLITICAL QUOTES: Who Said It?....A MOM'S FYI (tags)


Those Campaign Commercials (tags)

Life and Lies Under the Terrordome (tags)

How intensely war moves on the "home front" are being escalated! How suspicious the timing of all this is! How completely flimsy all the supposed "evidence" turned out to be!

Bush is his own Enemy (tags)

"In the slipstream of the Iraq war, he carried out one of the greatest tax gifts for the economic elites in the history of the country. He cut pensions and income support and promoted the privatization of schools and the health system. He cut the pay of soldiers.."

Leftist KPFA Appeasers READ THIS (tags)

childish regression to fantasy about politics

Bush and Science at Loggerheads (tags)

Barriers to research and claims of suppressed data sully interactions between researchers and the Bush administration.

Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior (tags)

The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the President’s mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration aides admit privately.

A Personal Farewell to Ronald Reagan (tags)

Kirby Krackle reports on his experience at the Lying in State of Ronald Wilson Reagan

Twin speeches move the China issue (tags)

When Communist China shot a Falun Gong activist in South Africa, these two activists took their shot in speeches against Communist China.

Deception: When Facts Aren't Real (tags)

Peanuts, French Fries, Broccoli, Homeland Security, Ho Hos, Weapons of Mass Destruction, Saddam and Al Qaeda, When Facts Aren't Real and Real Things Aren't Facts



A Conservative answers a Leftie (tags)

QUOTE America had to start a war against terror. Why? Fallacy #1. We didn’t start the war. In 1996 Osama bin Laden declared jihad against America. He asked Muslims worldwide to kill anything American. Then 15 hijackers landed planes in the middle of New York City, Washington and Pennsylvania. They started the war, we’re just going to see it’s finished.

Reagan Replace Hamilton on the Ten-Spot? Not! (tags)

A move is afoot to supplant Alexander Hamilton’s image on the very currency he helped strengthen with that of a recently-departed president whose main political achievement was establishing style over substance. Should we put Ronald Reagan’s mouth (and the rest of his face, and for that matter, his hair) where our money is? For the answer, read on.

The Forbidden Truths of the Genocidal Evil Human War and Military Structures (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the perverse and deranged human societal activities of warfare and military service.



Preventive Warriors (tags)

The NSS two years later.

Politicians need to know... (tags)

What every politician ought to know before taking office

Activist and Art Convergence in Northeast LA (tags)

October Surprise This is our city, lets live in it!

Numb and Nummer (tags)

The's coming. Let’s put in on the table for discussion BEFORE the election! Ask the questions. Insist on open dialogue. Demand accountability from the Press and the Politicians.

Building Bridges Radio-Reagan the Liberal and I.W.W. vs Starbucks (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON LA INDYMEDIA AUDIO LINK

Resurgent America: Crimes and Times of Reagan (tags)

Ronald Reagan--the U.S. president from 1981 to 1989--relentlessly drove this planet to the very brink of nuclear world war--while preaching, with a fundamentalist fervor, that a nuclear Armageddon was "winnable." Now Reagan has finally died. And this empire, its leaders and its utterly shameless media are all honoring this monster. This myth-making, this utter reversal of right and wrong, says a lot about them and their system. And it says a lot about this moment in history--when American is in a midst of a new aggressive global offensive.

Heralding the arrival of End Times for Bush (tags)

"who can miss the delicious irony that one of the most corrupt and lying administrations of modern times is now taking the unprecedented step of trying to get their religious backers to bring politics to their pulpits."

Did Ronald Reagan 'torture' blacks? (tags)

Reagan: more proof only the good die young (tags)

While the media is being oh so careful not to criticize Ronald Reagan and his legacy after his death last weekend, Greg Palast offers a reminder of his real legacy: he was a conman, a coward, and a killer.

To Ronald Reagan the Death of a Son Of a Bitch (tags)

To Ronald Reagan the Death of a Son Of a Bitch poem by Mario Benedetti

A Special Place in Hell for Ronald Reagan (tags)

This is Ronald Reagan’s real legacy: More state and federal prisons; a national debt running into the trillions of dollars; a crazed crack-cocaine- addicted population that terrorizes our cites; an imperial America, with military bases circulating the globe; a fragile environment open to further exploitation; an educational system in shambles; and, a political philosophy that reeks of a criminally negligent indifference to human suffering.

Heroes and Ghosts (The Reagan Years) (tags)

This Article examines the historical character of Ronald Reagan verses his recent posthumous herofication


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Cuba.

Beneath the Shadows of Abu Ghraib (tags)

This article examines the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in regards to current U.S. prison practices and the death of Ronald Reagan

I'll Piss On His Grave (tags)

With the death of Ronald Reagan the world will now face a weeklong orgy of grandiloquent of US military power and American Imperialism. Reagan was a cold-blooded murderer, a union busting parasite, con artist, and a good liar. Reagan was evil personified, he can rot in hell.

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead (tags)

Reagan's death is time to celebrate for working people

Ding Dong The Witch is Dead (tags)

Reagan's passing is a time to celebrate for working people

Lying About Reagan's Tax Cuts (tags)

Our Myopic Beeblebrox: Plausible Selective Memories (tags)

Pabst Blue Ribbon, ketchup, a Black Panther in Cuba, myopia, Pat Brown and Sci-Fi classics: an eclectic and selective obituary of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America.


... a unique ontology of cosmic horror and disaster...

The virulent venom of frustrated rage (tags)

Ronald W. Reagan -- A Serial Liar Who Made Americans Feel Good About Themselves (tags)

"Ronald Reagan, like his heir George W. Bush, was an amicable dunce. He could charm your socks off, but if you were a poor peasant with no spare socks, you were now stuck in a sockless situation and would be unlikely to afford socks or shoes."

Eulogy for Raygun (tags)

"Soldier of Fortune" Mark Vallen. Photo collage March 1985. Created as a street flyer for mass distribution.

The Reagan Legacy (tags)

Usually, I am very reluctant to criticize the dead. However, since the corporate media seem so fervent in their desire to glorify Ronald Reagan and will probably do so for weeks, if not months, I believe an alternative perspective is only fair.

Ronald Reagan, 93, dies at California home (tags)

Ronald Reagan, the one-time movie actor who became one of the nation's most important 20th-century presidents, died today at his California home. He was 93.

The Socialist Disease -- More Education Money Won’t Solve Problems (tags)

Copyright 2004

Red China (tags)

Freedom Rings Only In Our Ears

The Hyena Press (tags)


We do in large part bear much responsibility for the events that are transpiring, in Iraq as well as here at home ... We have sold our souls on the marketplace in exchange for the Wal-Martization of America.

How Many Gods in One Heaven? (tags)

Analysis of the Fourth World War in the Middle East

George W. Bush vs. John "Me too" Kerry: Is this really a choice? (tags)

How horrible do the Democrats have to be before we say "no"? Now’s the time to build opposition to miserable policies of the Bush administration--and their "me too" counterparts in the Democratic Party.

Pat Tillman: Hero or Wasted Life? (tags)

An argument against calling American soldiers engaged in an illegal and immoral war "heroes" as is done continuously by the corporate media. This is even more so in wars that leave a radioactive legacy of cancers and deformed children like the present wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Bush Ties To Royalty Prove Sell-Out Of America (tags)

The bush crime family, under perfect cover as the CIA, has sold America to the world bank, to create a new world odor of which they stink the biggest....

BTL:White House Attack on Former Counter-Terrorism Chief Part of... (tags)

...Trend Toward Those Who Dare to Speak Out* Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. Defense Department analyst prosecuted for his release of now-famous "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Radiation in Iraq Equals 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs (tags)

So, Just how much Radiation have we dumped on Iraq? How many shortened miserable lives has the Bush Criminal Cabal created? The amount is both astounding and sickening. The War Criminals in Washington should be Tried and Hung at a new Nuremburg.


William F. Buckley lied as usual, on the Dennis Miller Show on CNBC on my CATV system yesterday. He was trying to sell a book of lies about the Berlin Wall. The biggest whopper told was when he conceded to Dennis that WE WON THE COLD WAR. Nothing could be further from the truth.

An anti-state communist perspective on the war (tags)

This is 2003 article about the Iraq War 2, just before it started. It's from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. It's unusually prescient in its predictions of how the entire war will go. I post this because the journal has been criticized by some anarchistists as "primitivist", and Anarchism has been derided by the Left as everything from chaos to disruptive and unthinking. Liberals stereotype anarchists as young fashion victims, implying they are shallow. These are simplistic stereotypes at best, and fear mongering at the worst. Articles like this one below, I hope, give people pause to consider the relevance and usefulness of anti-state, anti-capitalist critique. Remember, this article was written before we invaded Iraq. So here goes. -- Just Another Anarchist

BOYCOTT FOX ! (tags)



The only thing that scares the British Empire more than a picture of Andrew Jackson is the ominous Paki fighting force never mentioned in polite company, THE WAZIRI TRIBE. THE WAZIRI TRIBE was the militant wing of the GHANDI underground.

Bring on the Mission: An Aristide Demonizer Turns Saintly on Pacifica Radio (tags)

Dr. Robert Maguire, a spokesman for the Inter-American Foundation, smeared Aristide in the press before the coup. But in KPFK's "Background Briefing" on March 7, Dr. Maguire clung to a progressive perspective thinned down for consumption by Masters' progressive listening audience.


Bill Cristol, forot to tell the lie, the universal lie, that was repeated by FOX NEWS CHANNEL, CNN, and other terrorist networks like DISNEY who also make cartoons like DAVE THE BARBARIAN. They forgot they played the BLAME GAME with me and BILL CLINTON for 25 years at least.


ERIC ALTEMAN, author of "What Liberal Media?" intellectually assasinated Dennis Miller, paid campaign staff member for the GOP, who owes Eric double pay for last night, which has prompted CNBC to give up the EGLB.


KIM JONG IL sent me a salute today on Fox News channel's newswire while other world leaders and the world's leading terrorist expert continues to obliterate all challengers so far. Pakistan wins the funniest terrorism award. The PCSCU won the award last year before General Musharaf wacked em.

U.S.-backed coup spurs terror in Haiti (tags)

Gays, God and Guns (tags)

Howard Dean warned that, if Democrats were not careful, Republicans would attempt to turn this election into a mandate on "gays, God and guns." As events of the past few weeks have demonstrated, Dean was right.

Offshoring of jobs a hot issue (tags)

Typically high paid middle class Information Technology workers are learning what blue collar workers have known for decades-- the offshoring of working people's jobs sucks.

smallDems strategY? Combatative or Creative, Tough Fight Against to Dominate or Fair Fight (tags)

for what IS Right to Nurture..., Kucinich, an honest Friend By, For and Of regular, common working folks, has consistently,steadfastly presented a necessary vision which has inspired an understanding, and burdgeoning realization that his clear plans entail specific actions for Peace, Progress & Prosperity reminding to renew and Reclaim COMMON SENSE of COMMON PEOPLE,COMMON DREAMS, Aspirations motivating UNCOMMON ENERGY TO IN-COMMUNITY CREATE A COMMON DESTINY TO ACHIEVE THIS COMMON GOAL FOR OUR ENTANGLED COMMON FUTURE, by restoring our True Historical standing of Egalitarianism, beacon for Oppurtunity and the happiness of to pursue Life and liberty in a healing Rennaissance Epoch of caring,sharing and courageous daring for sustainable policies from a transparent Sunshine Goverment promoting the Public Interest to advance Domestic wellBEing.

Dean's Rough Ride (tags)

From the narrow perspective [of the party establishment], Dean represented a political Antichrist. The unvarnished way he talked. The glint of unfamiliar, breakthrough ideas in his speeches. His lack of customary deference to party elders (and to the media's own cockeyed definition of reality).

Gary Nolan fights back (tags)

Gary Nolan has been called a Neocon. Absolutly NOT true.

How to defeat Bushism in 2004. (tags)

The defeat of Bush will require an international effort.

The Forbidden Truths of the Human War Ritual (tags)

War is the cathartic reflection of the homicidal rage that is created within the True Realities of you citizen-slaves by the lifetime of abuse, trauma, and victimization that your evil, diseased, and deranged societies inflict upon you.

Stay Granted in Kevin Cooper's execution (tags)

At the 11th hour, the appeals court grants a stay of execution for Kevin Cooper

General Strike Needed to Stop Lynching of Kevin Cooper (tags)

The pending lynching of Kevin Cooper is a good reminder of the need for a labor general strike not only to abolish the death penalty but also to shut down the prison system, promote education, and kick all of the death penalty Democrat-Republicans out of office.

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS (tags)

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS

The Top 100 Heroes of Peace (tags)

Everyone on this list have spoken at great risk to their jobs and their lives.Not a few of them have lost their jobs and too many have lost their lives speaking out against the Bushes and the Blairs and the Sharons.Suicides, Plane Crashes, Accidents.One was bulldozed to death.

The Access of Evil (tags)

There's something to be said for being able to tell the difference between your friends and your enemies.

The Barreling Bushes (tags)

In case you missed it the Bush crime family is becoming mainstream knowledge...this should prove interesting...

Are you Afraid of Bush? (tags)

This is simply a must read...

Dean and the world: the nonradical candidate (tags)

The real Dean, judging by his prepared speeches rather than his oral flubs, offers something much more like the bipartisan, Cold War, leader-of-the-free-world policy Americans know and remember. Whether that is the best policy for the post-9-11 world is another question. But at least let us stop pretending that in foreign policy, Dean is something radical. He is not.

How Will Bush Deal With the Deficits? Connecting the Dots to Iraq (tags)

Bush administration's perpetual war and attendant defecit spending responsible for illusory economic prolificacy.

''They want to ram their agenda down America's collective throat'' (tags)

With an extremist, dominating Republican party in control, we have lost our system of checks and balances, and ANY functional national forum for the meaningful public debate.

Media manipulations (tags)

Day three of US media coverage of Hussein's capture: no let-up in the hysteria

Reagan on a Dime (tags)

An argument against the perception of Ronald Reagan as a great President. In my opinion, he doesn't deserve to be on the dime or have his face chiseled into Mt. Rushmore as some conservatives have suggested.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #2 (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done. Update : Bill was killed by the Apache County Sherrifs Department during a raid on his home in November of 2001. He is now buried on a hill in Eagar, Arizona.

Big Dough=Status Quo/ABC=Already Been Chosen, Please Fall in Line (tags)

Applause for Dennis at events the day after,the remarks broke into public AWAREness in a dramatic Way , a powerful Impression simply seeking to imperatively broaden debate!, --from Democracy NOW interview where executive top down decision called it mundanely Decided? The exec. said the protests were unfair and UNfortunate, You know whats REALLY Unfortunate? it is 2003! And it might as well BE 19Seventy ThREE, 1963! Trickle-Down Reality Control? We SAY Bubble up Truth, People of the Web---Close the Wisdom Gap! NO! Pop-Up ad Policies, when is the next debate? RoadReport from PeaceWalkers,claiming no debate necessary at end of post.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.

Betrayed by Bush, GOP's anger is moot (tags)

Small-government Republicans have been stirred up by conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. But when the election comes, the libertarian faction's anger will be "almost irrelevant... Are they going to vote for Howard Dean?"

Governor, You're No George McGovern (tags)

Dean favored an alternative war resolution (sponsored by Sens. Joseph Biden, D-Del., and Richard Lugar, R-Ind.) that differed little from the one that passed. True, Biden-Lugar called on Bush to seek a United Nations Security Council resolution authorizing the war, but it did not require Bush to obtain such a resolution, if the Security Council balked. In other words, Dean favored a congressional resolution authorizing exactly the course that Bush took.

The Democrats don’t deserve our support (tags)

There is no reason to assume, as many do, that a Gore presidency would have avoided war after September 11. Clinton oversaw UN-sponsored sanctions against Iraq that led to the deaths of more than 1 million Iraqis, and U.S. warplanes dropped bombs on Iraq almost daily during his time in office. And Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998, calling for the U.S. "to seek to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein." Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admits in a recent Foreign Affairs article, "I personally felt [Bush’s new Iraq] war was justified on the basis of Saddam’s decade-long refusal to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on weapons of mass destruction."

If You Don't Want War: Why Don't You? (tags)

Scrawled on cardboard stuck to the telephone pole it said: "Fuck Bush!" ... that day in April when the US announced there would be no 2nd UN resolution on Iraq. The First Picture is Bush hiding you from me with his crimesof war. Or who is hiding who?

hush hush Richard N. Perle Secret lunch. (tags)

In January of this year, Khashoggi arranged a private lunch, in France, to bring together Harb Saleh al-Zuhair, a Saudi industrialist whose family fortune includes extensive holdings in construction, electronics, and engineering companies throughout the Middle East, and Richard N. Perle (member of 1-Council on Foreign Relations. 2-Zionist), the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, who is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war with Iraq.

8 Simple Rules for Schwarzenegger to follow, or else get 'Clubbed' (tags)

A driving force behind the Conservative storm front in America will quite likely be the Governor\'s mentor -- and in the course, steer the socially-liberal Arnold toward a starkly Conservative agenda.

Goverment boycott threats CBS (tags)

Fox News:Miles from 'fair and balanced' (tags)

LA Times article on bias at Fox News, and who's responsible.

FOX Whistleblower: Miles from 'fair and balanced' (tags)

"Daily life at [Fox] is all about management politics....Editorially, the FNC newsroom is under the constant control and vigilance of management....[Fox] is, to a large extent, 'Roger's [Murdoch] Revenge' against what he considers a liberal, pro-Democrat media establishment...."

Rat Pack Republicans (tags)

The old Republican conservatism, like that of Barry Goldwater, was essentially libertarian. But a new pack Republicans, like Arnold Schwarzenegger, are exuberant about issues the old gaurd deplored, like abortion and gay rights.

The Award on Drugs (tags)

It's unclear how recognizing Limbaugh fits into the Claremont Institute's mission "to restore the principles of the American Founding to their rightful, preeminent authority in our national life."

The Crucial Alliance (tags)

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) proposes an immediate US retreat from Iraq. Fighting back in the Terror War is not optional, but that doesn't stop Kucinich. He'll grant a victory to terrorists as long as it helps take down president Bush.

Fiddling while Rome burns (tags)

America produces a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, the population has risen by 100 million since 1970 and when an area three times the size of Britain was recently opened up for mining, drilling, logging and road building, no one took much notice. What does the Bush administration do? It ignores all attempts to curb environmental damage. In a major investigation that took him from the Salton Sea in California to Crooked Creek in Florida, Matthew Engel reports on how America is ravaging the planet

Protecting U.S. Oil Interests in Iraq. (tags)

In the short term, through the Development Fund and the Export-Import Bank programs, the Iraqi peoples’ oil will finance U.S. corporate entrees into Iraq. In the long term, Executive Order 13303 protects anything those corporations do.

Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior (tags)

It is this obviousness with Bush’s stalking-horse Clark that offends even the weakest minds. The obviousness that the vast majority of all the people, all the time, never even see at all. Lincoln was wrong!

Hegemony, Survival and Self-Deterrence (tags)

We are currently witnessing a major expansion in the US, hence Western, global military system.

Conservative-Libertarian Split: Liberals Get It, Conservatives Don't (tags)

The left is aware of the emerging conservative-libertarian schism while the right for the most part remains in denial.

US Soldiers to America: Bring Us Home Now!: PART 2 (tags)

The following interview was with a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army. He has been deployed both in Afghanistan and most recently in Iraq in Falujah and in Kirkuk, which have been the heart of Iraqi resistance and attacks on US forces.

Retired General Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior and The Grey Men (tags)

Should Wesley Clark win the primary nomination for president for the Democratic party, America loses and Bush wins; or Clark wins the general election and America loses. America loses and Empire the only winner.

The Corporate Media Engineers an Election By the Numbers (tags)

Never has there ever been a more profound example of the corporate media engineering an election and yes I mean a more profound example than even election 2000.

Worth reading (tags)

Interesting article from the Asia Times. A different perspective than the usual propaganda from our Wall Street-controlled media.

Overtime at Headquarters: Ray McGovern on CIA Manipulation (tags)

"Congress was deceived with the warning that Saddam Hussein would soon possess nuclear weapons. People shouldn't wait until a mushroom cloud provided the proof. In this atmosphere, representatives renounced on their constitutional rights."Trans from German

Not Fade Away (tags)

I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.

Rivals Question Clark Commitment to Dems (tags)

"It's for Democrats to judge how they feel about people's lives and history," Kerry said. "But while he was voting for Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, I was fighting against both of their policies."

The Truth about FEMA and the Future of America (tags)

This information can be backed up by the American Justice Federation

Not Fade Away (tags)

I say that while we should mourn the loss of Anna Lindh, coming so soon after the loss of Sergio de Mello, we should be inspired by what Dr. King said the night before he was assassinated.

Charities, Libertarianism failed by Human Nature (tags)

Contrary to the Libertarian View, non-profits face the very real prospect of significant, continuing declines in government funding, their second-largest source of revenue. Even worse, a recent study of 238 foundations found that they spent nearly $45 million on trustee fees, mostly to boards of directors, rather than using that money for charity.

Who is this piece of shit named ANDREW GIMSON? (tags)

See some of you propagandist bullshit about The NYC 9-11 Investigatory Film and Roundtable Program .The panel included former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; co-founder of the 911 Citizenswatch, John Judge; Publisher and Editor of "From the Wilderness", Mike Ruppert; former CIA analyst, Raymond L. McGovern; member of steering committee of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, David Mac Michael; author, Peter Lance, and filmmaker, writer, and media critique Danny Schechter. The Program is sponsored in conjunction with events in Berlin, Germany, in several cities in Canada, and several other cities in the U.S...

How to defeat the fascists (tags)

Marching in the streets is important work, but wouldn't we have greater success if we also took control of the United States government?

Wide Right (tags)

George W. Bush is doing for his Party what the Kremlin did for theirs...



The California Crisis (tags)

With a $38 billion state deficit, California is labeled the nation's basket case. The election to recall the governor will be held this fall. It will determine if Bush and his gang will gain control of the state.

Arnold -You've got some 'splain'in to do! (tags)

Arnold, before you get the keys to the gov'na's office, California voters of color and progressive Anglos may want an explaination of your alleged association with a group called "US English".

The Strongest Men In America (tags)

Arnold and Colin: A Contrast in Options

The governator (tags)

He is a barely articulate, pumped-up bodybuilder with a cupboard full of skeletons. But could it be that Arnold Schwarzenegger was always destined for a career in politics? And if he becomes governor of California next month, is the White House next?

A Vast Right-Wing Cry of Treason (tags)

Ann Coulter, the right wing's dial-900 girl—a rail-thin, chain-smoking, hard-drinking, big-eyed leggy blonde who winkingly serves up X-rated ideological smut on liberals—is at it again. "Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy," Coulter writes—or sneers—in Treason, her follow-up effort to the best-selling Slander. Like its predecessor, Treason sits atop the best-seller charts, riding higher than one of Coulter's signature miniskirts.

Republican spending orgy (tags)

So here we are three years later, with not only a Republican Congress but a Republican president, too -- and the federal spending train is racing out of control. The Bush administration estimated last week that the government will end the current fiscal year with a budget deficit of $455 billion. Over the next five years, the public debt is expected to rise by $1.9 trillion.

GOP Alliance may Split over Stem-Cells (tags)

For most of the 20th Century, leading conservatives and libertarians united against atheist-collectivists. To this day, a WWII-era alliance between US capitalists and moralists continues long after the defeat of the "Reds." And then came stem-cell research...

Swindled by the Great Republican Deception (tags)

The modern American Libertarian is very different from European-variety libertarians (anarchist-socialists) like Noam Chomsky, they are instead direct descendants of Republicans Barry Goldwater & Ronald Reagan. And they are battling for your body and soul.

An Interview with John Kusumi (tags)

Kusumi chides the media in this interview -- that goes to his presidential candidacy and the China Support Network

Free-Market Conservatives push anti-tax agenda at almost any cost (tags)

Stephen Moore, board member of American Conservative Union (ACU), was the former director of fiscal policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute. He now runs "The Club for Growth," which backs candidates that are friendly to big business.

War Dictatorship (tags)

"The US attacked Iraq. The US dictated this war to the whole world. They showed they considered nothing but their national security and their national interests.. This war dictatorship is the dictatorship of arbitrariness and unpredictability."


Michael Rivero Proudly Boasts of having been Banned from Free Republic for his heresy in telling truth unwelcome to Freeper "sensibilities". He is currently Web Master at

Ann Coulters Crummy New Screed (Character Assassination) (tags)

In short, Ann Coulter has once again revealed herself as one of the most destructive forces in American politics, repeatedly making outrageously irrational arguments and demonstrably false claims. "Treason" is the culmination of a dismaying trend toward factually misleading and inflammatory books from pundits such as Michael Moore, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. These authors may delight partisans and make their publishers rich, but their work impoverishes our political discourse.

War Dictatorship (tags)

"The US attacked Iraq. The US dictated this war to the whole world. They showed they considered nothing but their national security and their national interests.." Translated from the German in Utopie kreativ, May 2003

Liberal alternative patriotism (tags)

Correcting some liberal misconceptions about five great Americans: Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan.

Ann Coulter's great new book 'Treason' (tags)

From Ann Coulter: a blistering expose of liberal treachery against America -- from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

Listen to the MOCKINGBIRD (tags)

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

A bastard's manifesto: A call for corporate perestroika (tags)

Corporations are really all about colonialism, and the hyperinflation of their power through a top-heavy distribution of wealth must eventually tip over if our species is truly humane and democratic.

Carving Up The New Iraq (tags)

Carving Up The New Iraq By Neil Mackay The Sunday Herald Tuesday 15 April 2003

Are you sheep or americans? (tags)

Let's stir the pot a bit and see what comes to the surface, shall we? "Perhaps we should look at the most notable members of The Carlyle Group and see if we can discover what their new purposes might be"

Drip, Drip, Drip (tags)

Stephen Moore, president of the Club for Growth, triumphantly predicts the result of the Bush tax cuts; "local towns or cities are going to say: 'Hell, no! You're not going to raise my taxes. Get rid of the welfare programs!' ''

"Our Religion is called America": Interview with Norman Mailer (tags)

"Now we act as though we rescued these people from terror. There is no reason to eulogize or praise ourselves to the skies. America is not a noble country.. Flag conservatives live in the illusion that America is the good and the only hope for the world."

Outline of Bush Family History (tags)

Oct. 20 ‘42: Leo T. Crowley, the US Alien Property Custodian - seized the stock shares of the Union Banking Corp. of New York, whose shareholders were: Chm./Dir. E. Rowland Harriman (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Pres./Dir. Cornelis Lievense (banking functionary for the Nazis); Treasurer/Dir. Harold D. Pennington (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Ray Morris (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Prescott S. Bush Snr.(of Brown Brothers Harriman); ...

Lies the Government Told Us Part 2 (tags)


Tax Cuts and Class Warfare (tags)

An argument against the beneficial results of tax cuts for the wealthy and trickle-down economics.

War Upon the World (tags)

A Collection of Documentaries

Vonnegut on Twain (tags)

A good read.


Conservatives have lost their mind. Not their minds, but their mind. What the late Russell Kirk called “the conservative mind” seems to have disappeared from our political landscape.

Unionists launch drive to win White House (tags)

DES MOINES – Nearly 1,000 union leaders and activists from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees got a close-up look at the Democratic presidential candidates at the union’s first-time Presidential Town Hall here on May 16 and 17. In his opening remarks AFSCME President Gerald McEntee blasted the Bush White House, calling the 2004 elections “critical for AFSCME members and all of America’s working families.”

You Won The Battle But Lost The War (tags)

Today in the United States there are people who spit on the memory of your sacrifices -- people like Sen. Charles Schumer, who successfully pushes "gun control" laws that trash the Second Amendment, and Sen. John McCain, whose infamous "campaign finance" law made free speech a federal crime for independent advocacy groups. We shrink before officials who decree that unpopular opinions are "hate speech." We endure leaders who tell us that it's wrong to hate certain groups of people, but perfectly okay for those groups to hate and malign others.

Inside the 'Country'-Club for Growth (tags)

In 2002, the fiscally conservative Club targeted 19 congressional races and won 17. The 9,000-member Club is the No. 1 source of campaign funds for Republican congressional candidates, aside from the party itself. It targets Republican incumbents whom its officers deem too liberal...

The Fulcrum of Evil (tags)

Check it out: We fought the wrong war.

Questions of Life and Death (tags)

"Many politicians lack a moral imperative today. They act as though they have no options because the economy dictates conditions. This is not true. Politicians can still make decisions in the interests of many, not in the interests of a few.." From German

Republican-Libertarians target moderates in bid for supremacy (tags)

Club for Growth leaders, a pantheon of conservative economic thinkers and tax-cut advocates, are "trying to be a conscience for the party," says Stephen Moore, president and co-founder. But the club's rising power and foray into ethical and moral debates have raised alarms.

neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)

by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives

Would the US Plant WMD’s – A Stroll Down Memory Lane (tags)

This article by ex-CIA officials discusses the question of US vs UN inspection teams looking for the notorious weapons of mass destruction. Also addresses the question of 'would the US plant evidence?......

A Couple of Ethnic Syndicalists Discuss paranoia: Humor (tags)

The federal government has placed a temporary > restraining order on Irwin > Schiff from selling his book, "The Federal Mafia" and > from lecturing. > Please go to his sitw,, for > more info. This must not > be tolerated whatsoever.

I love the USA (tags)

As a leftist, I'm getting just a bit weary of hearing how much I "hate America." Ever since the big you-know-what in late 2001, that little zinger has been the comeback of choice for any objections to US foreign policy. Don't like our new wars? Gee, you must really hate this country.

The Most Dangerous President Ever (tags)

I miss Ronald Reagan.

EU Draws a Line in the Sand (tags)

Now that the European Union has drawn a line in the sand by bringing the exiled word "Central" back to center stage in a vote on Thursday April 17th. 2003 that demands that the U.N. play the "Central" role in rebuilding Iraq

U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq (tags)

The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.

The Octopus (tags)

Why are people being killed to keep this quiet? See for yourself...

slick (tags)

HOLOCAUST 2003 - The ONLY Solution is The Final Solution

The War by Eduardo Galeano (tags)

"Who elected him president of this planet anyway?..Would we elect a president who was deaf to the population?" from:

The War by Eduardo Galeano (tags)

"Who elected him president of this planet anyway?..Would we elect a president who was deaf to the population? Would we elect a man incapable of hearing any but the echoes of his own voice? A man deaf to the ceaseless thunder of millions of voices..?"

The Forbidden Truths of the Human War Ritual (tags)

All wars undertaken by nations are manifestations of the pathological mass torture, brainwashing, and abuse that the nation has itself inflicted upon each and every generation of it's own child-slaves.

The War by Eduardo Galeano (tags)

"Who elected him president of this planet anyway?..Would we elect a president who was deaf to the population? Would we elect a man incapable of hearing any but the echoes of his own voice?" from:

George Bush II’s exit strategy after seizing Iraq’s oil: Seize South America’s oil. (tags)

Bush/Reich/U.S. oil companies/CIA stage coup attempt in Venezuela to oust democratically-elected President Hugo Chávez. U.S. government gains control of media outlets, trying to incite civil war in Venezuela to seize country’s oil revenues.

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation

Bush Ranks Lowest IQ in 50 yrs. (tags)

In case you haven't noticed, or are somehow inclined to believe otherwise, this new report from the Lovenstein Institute confirms that President George W. Bush is officially a genuine moron!

ACTION ALERT: Academy Awards Peace Action (tags)

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences has enacted an unofficial blacklist of Hollywood stars, who will not be allowed to speak and "use the Awards as a platform to air anti-war views." Please come out and show your support for those in our entertainment community who have demonstrated the strength and courage to risk their careers and speak out for peace.

Weapons of Mass Deception (tags)

In the year and a half since September 11 the Bush administration has been waging an aggressive military campaign against real and perceived enemies, coupled with a public relations campaign to win the "hearts and minds" of the world. In Afghanistan, at least, the military campaign has shown some success. The public relations campaign, however, has been an embarrassing failure.

Lawrence 'Ari' Fleisher Wants To 'Liberate' People With Arial Weapons Of Mass Destruction (tags)

Ari Fleisher defends Bush's 3,000 Weapons of Mass Destruction to be rained on Iraq in 48 hours. A UN report claims up to 100,000 Iraqi people will lose their lives. Is there sufficient reason for us to be killing this many people? And to maim a few 100,000 more?

Fear of a spiral into Depression as job losses mount (tags)

Dismal sales at Christmas time were propped up by deflationary price cuts, and now the retail sector is among the hardest hit as one third of a million jobs are slashed in February. Not coincidentally, the same rise of the Extreme Right Wing is taking place as was seen during the depression of the 30s, with the same drive to seek relief in aggressive wars of conquest...

"Young Americans for Freedom" hold anti-French protest (tags)

The NEO-FASCIST "Young Americans for Freedom" (YAF) organized an anti-French protest in Westwood, March 7th 2003. Here's a brief history of the jackbooted frat boy fascists.

The WMDs Are Thiiiiiiiis Biiiiiiiiiiig (tags)

Fitting to the fish story Mr. Bush laid out in his news conference this week timed for consumption just before Hans Blix reports to the UN the York Times published a photograph on the front page of Mr. Bush at the podium posed with his hands spread apart as if he were describing the size of the fish.

Revolution of Consciousness on Long Beach City Council (tags)

In a few short weeks, the anti-war members of the Long Beach City Council have begun to speak out, while the pro-war members have fallen silent.

Great Depression. George Bush vs Einstein on economic policy (tags)

According to the mathematician, Albert Einstein, the policies of George Bush are likely to result in another Great Depression. To quote a recurring quip, 'I know George Bush, and let me tell you, George Bush is no Albert Einstein.'

The Project for the New American Century. (tags)

he People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

The United States' interventionist course of action: War and not peace. (tags)

The execution of this strategy of world domination, one of the priorities of the White House is the strengthening of its hegemonic presence in Latin America.

Como Irak, Bush II prepara invadir Sudamérica para agarrar su aceite también. (tags)

El intento de golpe de Estado de etapa de compañías de aceite /CIA de Bush y los transnacionales imperios de EEUU en Venezuela para expulsar President Hugo Chávez quién fue democráticamente eligido. El gobierno de EEUU tomó control de medios informativos, tratando de incitar guerra civil en Venezuela para agarrar las ganancias de aceite del país.




A good job of clearly demonstrating the lies put forth by Bush to stage his Master's War of Conquest.

The future, at a crossroads (tags)

Space shuttle tragedy prompts review, angst for Practical Idealism

The Will to Paralysis: The Crisis of Shareholder Capitalism (tags)

Scapegoats or black sheep are used to evade the crisis of the system. Considering matters more exactly would be very appropriate. Are manifestations of corruption and tax evasion normal side-effects of a system fixated on money?

Reagan's Dead (tags)

Everybody has a reason to celebrate the death of Ronald Reagan

Rumsfeld offered help to Saddam (tags)

The Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, even though they knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran.

We Watch For Guys With Your Profile (tags)

Mark Dankof notes that the problems Iranian immigrants are having in Los Angeles and Southern California with the Bush/Ashcroft National Security State may soon mirror similar difficulties for the average American.

did CIA fake terror bombings i philippines? (tags)

remember lavon affair in 1954? Has US done something similar here?

Australians protest against US exploitation of Latin America (tags)

US policies towards Latin America have caused an increase in hunger, unemployment, illness and infant mortality, Australian solidarity organisations say.

[PFMPE] Leaders Fit For Fools (tags)

Here we stand, willing victims of a system which not long ago collapsed the world's "economies."

Coffees Up. (tags)

Here's your wake up

9-11: burying the evidence? (tags)

read this and form your own opinions about what you have been told about 9-11

How did Iraq get its weapons? We sold them (tags)

THE US and Britain sold Saddam Hussein the technology and materials Iraq needed to develop nuclear, chemical and biological wea pons of mass destruction.

The Forbidden Truths of War as Practiced by the Human Species (tags)

War is a human ritual practiced as a toxic reflection of the genocidal evil that ultra-diseased human societies impose upon every generation of their child-slaves. This Essay exposes the Forbidden Truths on this issue. All Rights Are Reserved, Copyright 2002 The Seer of Forbidden Truth.

Ish Flory, A lifetime champion of equality (tags)

In Chicago the month of August is a special time for the residents of the South Side. Every year on the second Saturday of that month the community celebrates its past, its present and its future with a huge outdoor party kicked off by the Bud Billiken parade.

Bush covers for Wall Street thieves (tags)

WASHINGTON – Hammered with questions about his links to corporate crime, President George W. Bush hastily travelled to Wall Street July 9 and vowed to crack down on CEOs who enrich themselves through fraud while employees lose their jobs, pensions and health benefits.

The BUSHARON Global War - by Dr. Lev Grinberg (tags)

Dr. Lev Grinberg is a political analyst, senior lecturer at Ben-Gurion University, Israel, says, President George Bush's speech intensified the plight of the peace supporters in Israel, and in the entire Middle East.

Gov Davis Joins Fascist Bandwagon for Illegal Pledge of Allegiance (tags)

KPFA Morning News reported on June 28, 2002 that Democratic Gov Gray Davis is having the California attorney general file a brief opposing the excellent Church/State separation ruling tossing the religious, fascist Pledge of Allegiance. DO NOT EVER VOTE FOR THIS FASCIST GOVERNOR.

FBI, CIA Worked Covertly to Harass UC Students, Faculty, President (tags)

The FBI, working covertly with the CIA and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, spent years unlawfully trying to quash the voices and careers of students and faculty deemed subversive at the University of California. A 17-year legal challenge brought by a Chronicle reporter under the Freedom of Information Act forced the agency to release more than 200,000 pages of confidential records covering the 1940s to the 1970s.

FBI, CIA Worked Covertly to Harass UC Students, Faculty, President (tags)

The FBI, working covertly with the CIA and then-Gov. Ronald Reagan, spent years unlawfully trying to quash the voices and careers of students and faculty deemed subversive at the University of California. A 17-year legal challenge brought by a Chronicle reporter under the Freedom of Information Act forced the agency to release more than 200,000 pages of confidential records covering the 1940s to the 1970s.

Denominational disaster as Bush mixes up his D-words (tags)

Oops. The Idiot tripped on his own tongue again. On, the person posting this story (ID#137159) proposes that Bush's apparent slip was, in fact, intentional -- so that his cronies could profit from the resultant currency fluctuation. Perhaps. More likely, the Moron just flubbed things up once again; and his Wall Street Dons, who knew he had merely mispoken, were probably able to take advantage in the interim before things were clarified.

Top Elected Office Up For Grabs (tags)

Major UK magazine publishes a year of corrections about Bush

Who Aree the Terrorists? (tags)

"The Secret War, Strategy of Terror" was what the cloak & daggar crowd branded the war in Central America staged in Honduras during the 1980s.


FBI releases documents under FOIA linking former high level offical of the CIA with drug traffickers

Shadow of the Dark Christ Inc. (tags)

New Order hides Old World shadow


The Washington press corps is wowed by George W. Bush's handling of the China-plane crisis…the credulous treatment of the spin coming out of the White House is reminiscent of the Reagan-Bush era when author Mark Hertsgaard aptly described the national press corps as "on bended knee" before Ronald Reagan....

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) signals green light for Alaska Refuge drilling! (tags)

CHARLES SCHUMER: "... You know, the question here is exploration of oil. That’s a big position for the secretary of interior. We’re going to need more oil and natural gas in America."

Appalachia Throbbing From Assaults on People and Environment:Corruption Finds a (tags)

Appalachians are suffering in areas of mainly parts of 4 states with large areas of Kentucky, West Virginia, Ohio and Pennsylvania. This is where the poverty and lack of support is hurting the worst. Secondarly outside corporations are locating in these areas or leaving these areas with little or no regard for laws that were meant to protect these peoples. The federal government is robbing the Black Lung fund according to the Nation Magazine.

Bread and Roses Revisited (tags)

Opening the rally with songs from the Industrial Workers of the World and concluding with a nonviolent march, close to five hundred people walked to support valuing women’s work and women’s lives.

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