fix articles 80621, trump Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : trump



the assassination attempt on trump is fake news


trump fakes attempt on his life to reap sympathy for electoral purposes

Supreme Court's liberal justices warn of a "law-free zone" (tags)

"The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution," she wrote. "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Justice Sotomayor

Trump and the Danger of Fascism (tags)

Peace is the imperative that should outweigh escalation and the unspeakable risk of global war! The constitutional state must not be confused with the security state or the emergency state as Rousseau and the social contract must not be confused with Thomas Hobbes and the punishing or fearsome state. People would fight endlessly without the state or Leviathan, he said.

Fascism 101: Why We Need To Spell It Out (tags)

We need to have a transformative vision that can compete with that of the far right, one based on genuine equality and genuine democratic empowerment that goes beyond the now discredited liberal democracy. Some call this vision socialism. Others would prefer another term, but the important thing is its message of radical, real equality beyond class, gender, and race.

We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. (tags)

Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness Call it socialism - as the wealthy GOP does - or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

Too big to fail, too weak to lead (tags)

Through the World Bank and IMF, they were able to push through privatization and the dismantling of social benefits and trade union rights in the over-indebted countries of the South. They also pursued this policy domestically, while corporations and the upper income brackets were spoiled with tax gifts. There were also massive arms orders.

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia pr (tags)

Have the January 6 hearings damaged Trump's political prospects? Don't count on it (tags)

"He chose not to act," declared Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger at the outset of Thursday's January 6 committee hearings. With those words, the congressman got right to the heart of the final hearing of the summer.

The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating (tags)

On January 20, 2021, Donald Trump departed the White House on a helicopter that took him to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where he delivered the final remarks of his presidency to some of his supporters. Before boarding Air Force One for the flight to Mar-a-Lago, his gilded palace in Florida, Trump promised them, “We will be back in some form.”

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

Capitalism In The Meat Industry Etc (tags)

Corruption in the animal agriculture industries as well as in arms sales, radio and tv licenses, animal researc etc.

Bidenomics: Doomed to success (tags)

America has an acute fascism problem. Joe Biden is doomed to succeed. He must convince enough of Trump's rather less educated supporters of a better future in a fair and democratic America through successful progressive economic policies.

Hysteria in Suburbia (tags)

Our leading scholars are disciples of post-structuralism; our best college graduates are recruited by the CIA; our best newspapers blur the line between reporting and opinion; our most influential political actors are the spin doctors whose job is to bend the facts this way and that.

Struggles in the Shadow of the Pandemic (tags)

For Trump, wealth, privilege, and power was even license to invent reality as he saw fit. Thus any divergence from his worldview and interests were ‘fake news’. Trump ensured the plutocratic wealthy were no longer in the political shadows but now in the mainstream.

Trump's White Mob (tags)

Trump may have been unusually heavy-handed in his race-baiting. But his approach fits perfectly with the party's approach, which it has taken at least since Republicans adopted the "Southern Strategy" in the 1968 election in the wake of the Civil Rights Acts.

Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace (tags)

“We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power"

It is up to workers to defang the fascists (tags)

How to stop the fascist upsurge.

What could change with Biden and Harris? (tags)

The next few years will be all about democracy in the U.S., about the social cohesion of a diverse population, about stopping environmental destruction, and about a successful structural change of the economy that goes hand in hand with the creation of sufficient, well-paid jobs and humane working conditions.

America's Post-Trump Reckoning (tags)

His startling disregard for expertise and science has resulted in the erosion and degradation of independent national institutions such as the US Postal Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the FBI, & US intelligence community.

The end of Trumpism? (tags)

We should not minimize the contrast between a right-wing extremist and a (neoliberal) democrat. It makes a great difference when a man is president who hates women, hates minorities, calls Mexicans animals, and promotes torture and sexual violence,

Rep. Jim Jordan Projects His Own Vote Fraud Onto Democrats (tags)

Representing the perhaps most gerrymandered congressional district in the country, Ohio's 4th, congressman Jim Jordan projected vote fraud onto Democrats.

Beguiled, Bedeviled and Bedazzled (tags)

Trump's Stop The Steal's Wild Protest Fizzles Out In L.A.

The US election as a turning point (tags)

We seek emancipatory methods of decision-making that organize social life without leaders, command and obedience. We need enlightenment, a free press critical of domination, counter-publics, and social movements that fight for the dignity of all people. We will write history from below

Thoughts on the Silence of Republican Lawmakers (tags)

Coronavirus continues to devastate the country, with official deaths topping 281,000 today, but it turns out that the Trump administration did not actually have a plan for distribution of vaccines. Federal officials have drastically slashed the amount of vaccine they promised to states before the election.

"We have delegated our moral judgment to the markets" (tags)

"Yes, we can" was a call to solidarity and common goals. The legend that everyone in America can rise as high as their talents can carry them goes back to Ronald Reagan. Access to education should not be a substitute for policies that directly address the roots of inequality and the dignity of work.

The tale of the stolen winner (tags)

The man unable to speak for a minute without lying, who had neither values nor ideals, who never read a book and knew nothing about music tried in an incredible and ridiculous way to create the fairy tale of the cheated victor. Nevertheless, a majority of American voters rejected Trump's lies and demagogic failures.

Biggest humanitarian crisis in the world-US government complicit (tags)

Trump concluded an arms deal worth almost $110 billion with the ultra-conservative kingdom. In total, the deal included arms purchases worth about $350 billion over a ten-year period. Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz then presented the U.S. President with the Kingdom's highest medal.

Trump is defeated (tags)

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the new presidential team of the United States. In the weeks leading up to their inauguration on January 20, 2021, the incumbent who has been voted out of office puts many obstacles in their way. Donald Trump still sees himself as the winner of the election and tries to overturn the result.

Trump's United States looks more and more like a banana republic (tags)

"The country that was once an exemplary democracy is becoming a Third World banana republic." For a week now, Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the election and future president. But the loser and previous incumbent Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge this. Trump claims he won the election.

The New Deal and Self-destructive Donald Trump (tags)

From 1929 to 1932 industrial production halved and in a chain reaction over 5000 banks went bankrupt. Farmers' incomes shrank by 70 percent, unemployment rose to 25 percent, and there were no welfare state measures to cushion the misery.

America's authoritarianism (tags)

Donald Trump declared himself the winner, although the votes are far from being counted. His contempt for democracy knows no bounds. Anyone who previously thought that the USA was clearly different from Hungary or Poland was mistaken. Americans voted for a liar, racist and macho who thinks little of democracy.

The US economy needs Joe Biden (tags)

The economic and socio-political record of US President Donald Trump is devastating. Wages stagnated even before the Corona crisis. Instead, the national debt increased because he lowered taxes for the rich - without any economic benefit. Joe Biden knows the reasons for the misery and knows what to do.

America: The Right Wave is Broken (tags)

Morales' return was made possible by the victory of his left-wing movement for socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) in the first democratic elections after a coup a year ago, on November 10, 2019. In his first speech after returning home, Morales affirmed that there was no fraud in the 2019 election.

Biden's victory shifts the balance of power in Washington (tags)

Oh, it's going to be so nice when you hardly hear from Trump any more. Daniel Haufler is the responsible editor for the online debate magazine Gegenblende and its podcasts.

The election as a farce: Donald Trump and the rise of the autocrats (tags)

To elect a demagogue is always dangerous, but it does not condemn a country to the collapse of its democracy. Strong institutions can keep corrupt or autocratic leaders in check. That is exactly what the U.S. Constitution is designed to do, and for much of our history it has been successful in doing so.

Is Trump failing in the fight against the pandemic and the shattered economy? (tags)

The state of the economy is rightly considered the most important factor influencing the re-election or de-election of an American president. Voters* tend to blame the leader in the Oval Office for their personal situation in the labor market and the economic situation in general.

USA under Trump: Back to Pinochet? (tags)

Only "political theater" is being staged to give Trump a "law and order" image in the election campaign. The president wants to make political capital out of the escalation, warned Governor Brown according to the news magazine Newsweek.

Trump's fight against the law (tags)

Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie.

The Political System in Historical Crisis (tags)

In his inaugural speech in 2017, Donald Trump emphasized that his presidency would return political power to the people. He sees himself as the only legitimate representative of the interests of the supposedly true people.

Dirty tricks of the autocrats (tags)

Donald Trump tries to get re-elected with partly illegal tricks. This is undemocratic and dangerous for the USA and its allies. Defending democracy is becoming the challenge of our time.

Avoiding the Trump Trap (tags)

As US President Donald Trump's popularity continues to drop ahead of November's election, he has sought new ways to stoke the public fear and panic that led him to victory in 2016. The best strategy may be to make Trump's demagoguery a theme of his campaign.

Treading in Deep Waters (tags)

As one good reason for voting for Biden: should he win, Democrats will not be able to continually blame all of our sorry politics and capitalism’s contradictions on Trump. And the experience of a Biden government might well hasten the defection from a moribund Democratic Party.

Trump's strategy of tension (tags)

"No one will be safe in Biden's America!" This was Donald Trump's message. The theme, for three days: Danger. Danger through crime, through China, through the supposedly radical agenda of the Democrats - and through "riots, looting, arson and violence" in the country's cities.

Trump has no concrete strategy for restoring economic growth or for defeating CoViD19 (tags)

Trump is faking it on the economy, just as he’s faking it on the pandemic, just as he’s faked everything his whole life

Can U.S. Democracy Be Fixed? (tags)

To distract and divert, scapegoating becomes a core tactics of these moves away from democratic cohesion. In a world of inequalities and global warming, there has arisen a frightening receptivity to blaming the stranger or the other

Russiagate Or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things (tags)

Caitlin Johnstone writes about the end of illusions. "Peace is not everything but without it, everything becomes nothing" (Willy Brandt). You can have peace or the US empire. You can't have both.

"Don't let them take democracy away from you" (tags)

"United we can and will overcome the time of darkness in America," he said. After four years of Trump's presidency, the Biden-Harris team wants to reunite the country, overcome the Corona crisis and boost the economy with millions of new jobs.

Kamala Harris seals Trump's re-election (tags)

The appointment of Kamala Harris as Biden's vice candidate is now the result of the Democratic establishment's pathological fear of anything that could even begin to smell left. The cause of this pathology lies in the historical shift to the right of the US party system described by Chomsky.

Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)

Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah

Trump's Mafia State (tags)

The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.

Twitter against Trump (tags)

Trump's track record in the summer of the 2020 pandemic is disastrous, 1K deaths every day with a total of around 150K. More than 30 million Americans are receiving unemployment benefits. Trump is trying to turn Biden into the destroyer of America.

How to generate unemployment and deflation (tags)

The theory put forward by fair-weather philosophers that the pandemic will be a salutary shock leading to a better, more sustainable world is wrong. Less is not more, but less. Corona is not an opportunity, it is an evil. We can only hope that one day it will pass.

Large corona aid for "small" companies (tags)

Dozens of tenants in buildings owned or managed by Trump received funds. More than 20 companies registered at 40 Wall Street, an office building Trump has owned since the mid-1990s, have also reportedly received government loans of at least $20 million.

Corona epidemic and Yemen (tags)

Authorities first wanted to calm down and played down the pandemic. Afterward, they had to convince the population to keep unusual physical distance, to wash their hands well at all times, and to refrain from major events. Finally, they wanted the population to accept the lockdown.

America Boils Over (tags)

A lot will depend on how hot this summer gets. If people think sensibly in November, it is hard to imagine that they will cast enough votes to keep this hair-raising government in power for another four years. But fear is the worst enemy of reason.

Wave of layoffs in the US election campaign (tags)

The corona pandemic triggered the most massive job losses in the USA since the Great Depression in the 1930s. Unemployment rose to its highest level in more than 70 years. In April alone, 20.5 million jobs outside agriculture were cut, according to the government

"It's the economy stupid!" (tags)

US unemployment at the start of April 2020 is higher than at the peak of the 1929 Great Depression. Trump is to blame for the botched response to the Coronavirus that he initially called a hoax. The real hoax is Trump's commitment to America!

There Goes the Rule of Law (tags)

Trump weaponized and disfigured the rule of law by making the Dept of Justice go after his political opponents and pardoned white collar criminals to show white collar crime does not exist at all. The constitutional state is being replaced by the security state.

Super Tuesday and Standing up to Racists (tags)

Sanders said you can't beat Trump with yesterday's recipes and figures. That would be Biden's strategy to evoke the nostalgia of the Obama years. It would work for a lot of black people and some of the "urban" upper class. In fact, however, these forces have already lost.

Radical wins! Go Bernie! (tags)

With his promise of a dramatic expansion of the hardly existing US welfare state, Sanders is the only candidate who offers at least as radical solutions as Trump. For many, everyone else simply no longer seems trustworthy.

Trump and the Post-Factual (tags)

Trump's politics is naive and skeptical, gullible and cynical. Trump's relation with truth is like a generalization of conspiracy theory assumptions that see manipulative-conspiratorial activities at work behind observable reality. Beware pathological narcissists & path paranoids!

Sanders Beats Trump and Trump Throws Dynamite in the Powder Keg (tags)

The final question remains: eyes, mouth, ears: are the Democrats imitating the three monkeys again or are they nominating Bernie Sanders? The future of the next four years depends on this decision - not only in the USA, but also in Europe and the world.

Sowing Egoism and Harvesting Trump (tags)

Thomas Straubhaar urges rethinking globalization and inequality. "We have believed too long in the theory that free trade, free entrepreneurship and little state automatically lead to balance and that everyone would be rewarded in the end...We need a new reconciliation of social values."

LET US STOP WW3 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (tags)



The bilderbergs now want war on Iran - and they are trying to gather western consensus for it by the usual means : lies and wanton murder.


the wanton murder of a top Iranian general by trump and his zionazi slavemasters is a deliberate fuse for world war III

President Trump Authorizes Somalia Debt Relief (tags)

President Trump signed a year-end spending bill which authorizes the first phase of debt relief for Somalia.

Sanctions Are Like Bombs (tags)

Venezuela is one of 41 states that depend on external food assistance to avert a humanitarian crisis. The US government is copying its blockade policy against Cuba. There is hardly any criticism of US sanctions. Six million, 60% of the population, are sustained by the food program.

Impeaching a President and Impeachment and Corruption (tags)

Resisting "corruption" has occupied the American republic since its origin-along with the search for "virtuous leaders." The impeachment process was understood as a remedy for corruption. The violation of the people's trust is the reason for removal from office.

Uncle Joe and the Violence of the Liberal Middle (tags)

To many, Joe Biden represents the feelings of normality and reconciliation. Many Americans seem to like this mix of nostalgia and belief in progress, a kind of tranquilizer-patriotism. Whoever listens to Biden will hear vague promises, conjurations and Obama anecdotes

Kurdish Lives Matter, Shame on Trump, Israel Do It Now! (tags)

Free Kurdistan, Israel Do It Now!

The Way to Authoritarianism is Paved with Lies (tags)

Lying is part of the human condition. But democracy is in peril when politicians make lying into a "business principle." Lying is a second nature for Trump. Trump lies strategically and doesn't have a bad conscience. For Trump, the borders between true and false disappear.

From Punitive Tariffs and Trade Conflicts to Economic War (tags)

Trump's punitive attacks on several trading partners, above all China, are changing suddenly into a destruction of the multilateral structures of the world market. With "America first," the president wants to restore the past hegemony. The wrecking ball is not the only model!

Congress Passes Disaster Relief for Puerto Rico, US States and Territories (tags)

After repeated blocks by Republicans in the House of Representatives, a disaster relief bill is finally on its way to be signed by President Trump.

Portland Indymedia Moderates comments articles the owner doesn't like (tags)

the guy who runs this site trolls commenters who don't buy into the paranoid world view he pushes where nothing matters and you should stop using tech. When you point out what a tool he is, he freezes comments. But its' cool they've all been saved ....

The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)

The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

Assange Has Been Arrested for US Extradition (tags)

Extradited for journalism. In a blur, everything that Assange and WikiLeaks have been warning about for years has been proven correct, contrary to mountains of claims to the contrary by establishment loyalists everywhere.

The Struggle against Authoritarian Populism (tags)

The US finds itself in the worst crisis of its democracy in decades, perhaps even since the Civil War. The political system has failed. The Democrats are absolutely obliged to protect the country from an authoritarian coup from above. Voting Trump out of office is the only way.

Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress (tags)

Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress

The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)

The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.

If Trump Declares a AantionalEmergency, He'll Be Breaking the Law (tags)

Justice William O. Douglas wrote in his concurring opinion that the president cannot usurp Congress’s spending power to approve money to pay for the taking of the steel mill’s private property.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

1 year later, Viva L'Iranian People's Revolution To Gain Freedom, From the Dictatorship of the Mullahs

94 Of Rick Scott's, Brian Kemp's, the Mississippi GOP's & Other Republican Campaign Crime (tags)

Florida Republiicans did not honor tens of thousands of Democrat absentee ballot requests, designed a ballot which hid the senate race so that 26,000 heavily Democratic Broward County ballots showed a vote for governor but not Senator Nelson, had hacakable machines, repeated the tricks of Roger Stone, Brett Kavanaugh, and John Bolton in Florida who organized rent a mobs called the Brooks Brothers (all 3 of whom are in the Trump regime).

Republican Vote Fraud Reached A New Level In Midterms (tags)

No power cords in Georgia, one of Brian Kemp's countless crimes... Florida Republicans did not honor many Democrat absentee ballot requests.. Arizona GOP kept young voters in several hour queues.. Supreme Court pentocracy rubberstamped racist gerrymandering in TX, OH and allowed exclusion of Native Americans in ND 3 operatives in the Bush theft of the 2000 election (Brett Kavanaugh, John Bolton, and Roger Stone) have been involved in the Trump campaign between 2016 and now.

Trumponomics and Wall Street Rejoices (tags)

Economics should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The state should serve the public interest and reduce poverty. Trumponomics is a disaster. The poor, seniors, children and students are under a vicious attack.

Pity Yitzhak Rabin Wasn’t Israel’s Trump! (tags)

Rabin didn't care about attacks on Jews like Trump does.

Trump: A Disaster For Animals As Well As People (tags)

126 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals People Birds Fishes Butterflies Bees The Watershed and Mother Earth

26 Ways Trump Has Increased The National Debt By 4 to 5 Trillion Dollars (tags)

The corporate media boycott of Kevin De Leon, abolitionists of the death penalty, animal rights activists, vegans, and antiwar experts, There is a little more discussion about Trump's savaging of our national treasury.

75 Election Tricks Of The Party Of The Rich (tags)

The 3 biggest crimimnal vote purgers in the US are Brian Kemp of Georgia, Jon Husted of Ohio and Kris Kobach of Kansas.Racist gerrymandering, phone jamming, ESS voting machine remote controls, suing a woman for helping her blind mother vote, ownership of 95% of radio stations etc.

22 Ways Trump Has Increased US Deficit By 4 to 5 Trillion Dollars (tags)

Despite cutting money for the health of hundreds of millions of Americans, education, bridges, mass transit, environmental enforcement, etc Trump has added trillions to the deficit.

100 Ways GOP Have Stolen Elections Since 1876 (tags)

Trump & Palestine vs. Genesis, Rashi & The Land of Israel (tags)

This article looks at Trump's recent UN Press Conference

A Few Of Many Impeachable Acts by Trump Sessions And Others (tags)

Brett Kavanaugh Filled The 5th Circuit With Execution Judges (tags)

Kavanaugh by force denied a teen abortion, by force prevented handicapped victims of guardians from refusing medical procedures, convinced Bush to nominate torture brief writing John Roberts, filled the 5th circuit with pro execution and antiabortion judges, making it the most executing circuit court of all,

Please Oppose Warmonger, Execution and Torture Supporting Bush Operative Brett Kavanaugh (tags)

Kavanaugh worked with G W Bush for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture of prisoners. He supports big business over employees, wardens over prisoners, the rights of the wealthy to steal elections. He refused a detained teen the right of an abortion. He ratified a DC agency forcing medical procedures on the disabled against their will.

Ryan Zinke Is Charging Taxpayers For A Trophy Hunters' Council (tags)

Trophy hunters rarely hunt for meat but because they love to stalk terrorized animals, murder them, see them gutted, arrange for their stuffing by taxidermists and nail their heads to a wall.

Abolition News Re Executioners Mike DeWine, John Kasich, Greg Abbott, Rick Scott (tags)

Please help stop yet another Trump nominated execution supporter, Brett Kavanaugh and work to defeat Rick Scott in Florida, Greg Abbott in Texas, Mike DeWine in Ohio, and Brett Kavanaugh, Trump SCOTUS nominee.

Mapping the Resistance, May 2018, 28 pp (tags)

The 2016 election and one year in office for Donald Trump have resulted in an intensifying polarization in mainstream US politics. A many-sided attack is underway on democracy as it has been shaped by movements for protection of rights, living standards, and the environment over the course of the last century

Banks Enriched By Trump Deficit Increase Of 4 to 5 Trillion $ (tags)

The Trump regime under the guise of cutting government costs has increased them. Between 4 and 5 trillion dollars in costs have been added to the deficit enriching Chinese, Swiss, Japanese, British and American banksters.

14 Disturbing Facts About Scott Gottlieb, Trump's FDA Head (tags)

According to, the first use of the term nut milk in the West happened in the 12th Century Yet Scott Gottlieb Trump head of the FDA has ruled that only the cowkilling disease spreading dairy industry can use the term milk

The System Question as a Survival Question (tags)

A fundamental social alternative to the permanent capitalist chaos is sought. A rational social discourse on system alternatives would be an antidote to populism and to the irrational identity-mania that spreads. The public discusses headscarves while late capitalism sinks in crisis

Vol I: 84 Varieties Of GOP Election Fraud (tags)

The party of the rich, the Republican one, has always been a minority party and therefore has been involved in voter suppression and election thefts

Please Work For The Defeat Of Brett Kavanaugh And Why (tags)

Brett Kavanaugh: warmonger, advocate of judicial murder, voted to deny an imprisoned teen immigrant an abortion, worked with G W Bush to steal the the White House from the elected Gore, worked to violate the privacy of Bill Clinton's consensual sex life, helped Ken Starr spend 45 million dollars trying to impeach Clinton etc.

The (Temporary) End of Globalization (tags)

Protectionist measures could lead to losses of prosperity and increase the pressure to introduce more measures. Before the 2008 crisis, world trade grew over 6% per year (now 2%). Why must US consumers pay more for imports from the EU? Why are European consumers punished?

Judge Brett Kavanaugh: 12 Of Many Reasons To Oppose Him (tags)

Kavanaugh, helped Bush steal the presidency from the elected Al Gore, was a Ken Starr operative who called for Clinton's impeachment over private consensual sex, voted to deny a jailed immigrant teen the right to an abortion, is an advocate of execution, promotes unrestricted presidential power, would vote against indicting Trump for his crimes, etc. etc.

The Shortwave Report 07/06/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.

At Least 6 of Trump's 7 Supreme Court Candidates are Executioners (tags)

Of execution promoting Federalist Society's. Leonard Lee's and Trump's 'pro life' candidates, the 5 men are known executioners in actuality or advocacy Joan Lawsen is on the 6th Circuit, an execution court and in the Bush administration suppressed the truth of US government causation of the bombing of the World Trade Center.

Stopping The Supreme Court Pentocracy by S Shriver 30 Jun 2018 Who is guilty of contempt (tags)

Who is guilty of contempt for our Supreme Court? The entire world.

The Shortwave Report 6/29/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

Trump Restaurants: Over 150 Health Code Violations (tags)

Trump's attack on The Red Hen restaurant has come back to him 100 fold.

America is Suffering Under an Ego Driven Fascist Pig While Spineless GOP Proudly Looks On (tags)

Trump Destroys 200 years of Democracy While the Spineless Cowards that Make Up the GOP Proudly Looks on.

Authoritarian Capitalism and Digital Demagogue (tags)

Trump is not an individual phenomenon but one of many structural manifestations of the sudden change of neoliberalism into authoritarian capitalism.

Summer 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Trump's Animals ICE And Prisoner Sexual Abuse Racists Are On The Loose!

Asylum Seekers Heinously Abused By Trump, Sessions, Kelly, Nielsen, Miller Etc (tags)

a litany of crimes against the poor and helpless by Trump, Sessions and company

Israeli Manipulation Of US 2016 & Other Elections (tags)

Netanyahu and other prime ministers of Israel have manipulated US elections for many decades.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

Trump is Old King Coal.. Multiplying Harm (tags)

miner diseases and hazards, mountaintop mining, sulfuric acid turning to acid rain, poisoned watersheds The coal miners make good money.... Yes they make good money for the mine owners Meanwhile Appalachian coal country is still as it has always been ... a region of poverty.

The Endless War (tags)

According to the ACLU, the Corker-Kaine bill is "broader and more dangerous than the current law." Article 1 of the US Constitution grants Congress the exclusive right to declare war. The new edition of the AUMF undermines this to the maximum.

27 Of Many Reasons To Impeach Trump's Ryan Zinke (tags)

Zinke has removed dozens of Native Americans from powerful positions, has massacred bear cubs, mustangs, endangered whales, opened the Atlantic coast to drilling, eviscerated fracking regulations

Trump Accelerating and Multiplying The Ways Animals Are Harmed (tags)

speeding up slaughterhouse lines, letting stalking hunters into national parks, pardoning a slaughterhouse owner, putting more meat fish & dairy into school lunches, abandoning marine mammals etc

War in Syria (tags)

For diversion, an attack was ordered on alleged chemical weapon facilities in Syria with 100 "beautiful missiles" (Trump's words). A power demonstration was on the agenda in the interest of the powerful arms industry.

Say No To Waterboarder Gina Haspel And Trump (tags)

Reasons to ask senators to vote against waterboarding torturer Gina Haspel

Systematic Lies and Disinformation From Above (tags)

"In Oct 1962, John F. Kennedy, a level-headed president, sat in the White House and spoke with the Soviet leader Khrushchev through a secret "back channel" behind the backs of his generals and secret services and prevented Cuba's bombing and invasion.

Trump & Republican Party: Party Of Animal Cruelty, War & Denial Of Human Rights (tags)

The Republican Party is the party of animal cruelty and violation of human rights.. Please read of their crimes of cruelty and vote out all who stand for election in primaries and general elections of 2018. Many of these people name themselves 'prolife' as they vote for illegal wars, heinous judicial and gubernatorial execution murders, and animal slaughter.

Ohio Governor Race: Dennis Kucinich & Richard Cordray Run Against Mike DeWine (tags)

John Kerry in 2004 through myriad crimes. Robert F Kennedy Jr, Congressman John Conyers, and Free Press of Columbus have written books or articles about the theft.

Spring 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Support DACA, Support Clean DREAM Act, No to the Border Wall, Racist Trump's Shithole Rhetoric!

Trump - Hard as Steel (tags)

There is outrage over the nationalist economic policy of "America First." The parallels to the 1929 system crisis are obvious. The unstable house of cards could now finally collapse. Credit-financed demand is created for a goods-producing system that suffocates in its own productivity.

Authoritarian Capitalism (tags)

Phenomena like Trump and the new nationalisms confirm the actuality of the theory of the authoritarian personality articulated by Wilhelm Reich, Erich Fromm, and Theodor Adorno. By their structure, capitalist social media encourage narcissism and are not social media

50 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals (tags)

Virtually every species has been negatively affected by Trump, Zinke, Pruitt, And Others In His Regime

A Year of Trump and Right-wing Populism (tags)

In the GOP tax bill, $5 trillion is given to households with over $1 million income. Seniors, the poor, children and students are attacked. The severe cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, HUD, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Pell grants, SNAP, WIC food assistance are sadistic.

Trump's Immigration Wishlist Risks Running Afoul of U.S. Treaty Obligations (tags)

Trump's Immigration Wishlist Risks Running Afoul of U.S. Treaty Obligations

NATO vs. Trump/Putin's Nationalism; Slim Chance for Peace? (tags)

With several nationalist leaders (Trump, Putin, Duterte) in charge of powerful militaries, what chance is there for NATO nations with democratic governments to maintain peace while also protecting human rights of vulnerable populations?

 Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 4 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump Photoset 3 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 2 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

Women of LA Rise Again to Denounce Trump PhotoSet 1 (tags)

The Los Angeles left show their teeth in defiance of Trump in the Second Women’s March

America Reacts to a Low-Point (tags)

With Doug Jones' victory in the Alabama senate race, the end of the Trump era moves a little closer. The left and moderates can only win together. In the GOP tax heist, the rich and the richest will be given permanent Christmas presents.The social contract means compromise

Tax Reform in the US: Trump's Attack on America (tags)

The tax reform of the Republicans is a blow against the welfare state and was prepared in the 1970s. The tax reform is profitable for Donald Trump but could cost the Republicans a re-election. $5 trillion goes to households with more than a million dollars income.

The Trump Election (tags)

The democracy crisis, the neoliberalism crisis and the crisis in the Democratic Party led to the Trump victory. Capitalism is largely deregulated with a comparatively meager public sector except for the defense industry.. The legitimation crisis of neoliberalism helps the emancipatory left.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Open Letter - Israel's right to exist as an Apartheid Settler state in Palestine (tags)

Dateline California, Thursday, December 21, 2017, 11:00 pm: With the United States of America unilaterally recognizing Zionist sovereignty over Jerusalem by brazenly announcing moving her embassy from Tel Aviv to the Holy “City of Peace” earlier this month, and with the world's nations overwhelmingly adopting a resolution this morning calling for the reversal of that recognition in the 193-nation United Nations General Assembly with 128 to 9 votes and 35 abstentions, perhaps the resolution that should be tabled in the UN ab initio, is the demand for reversing Israel's very right to exist as an Apartheid Settler state in Palestine. The time is right as president Trump has finally shaken up the status quo, which to date has only helped the Zionist resettlement of Palestine with a cowardly complacent world watching from the sidelines. Today, 128 nations found the courage to speak up for Palestine in the United Nations, despite threats from President Trump to cut off their American aid. Soon, they shall also find the courage to act for Palestine. This Open Letter from 2005 forces thinkers to rethink Israel-Palestine.

The Shortwave Report 12/22/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, NHK Japan, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Treating Peace Process Delusional Disorder in Israel and Worldwide (tags)

It looks at the problem of peace process addiction and how to cure it.

The Shortwave Report 12/15/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Palestinians, Beware Jewish Days of Rage, Hanukkah is Coming to Israel! (tags)

This article surveys responses to Trumps declaration on Jerusalem.

Stop Trump's tax plan (tags)

Trillions in deficits will be paid for by trillions in cuts to vital programs necessary for low- and middle-income Americans: Medicaid, Medicare, food stamps, WIC food assistance, SNAP, Pell grants, The Legal Corporation, PBS, EPA, heating assistance, school lunches, Meals-on-Wheels...

Lessons in Nazi Trivialization and Russophobia (tags)

Gabriele Krone-Schmalz warns of a relapse into simple-minded thinking and cold war stereotypes. Could not Russia be acting out of a strategic defensive and trying to maintain its sphere of influence> Who acts and who reacts?

Winter 2017 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Immigrant Shooter = Entire Community Guilty Muslim Shooter = Entire Religion Guilty Black Shooter = Entire Race Guilty White Shooter = Mentally Troubled Lone Wolf

Statement on the Trump Visit to the Philippines (tags)

Filipino left coalition condemns Trump's visit, demands end of support for Duterte's human rights abuses

Republicans against the Poor and the Sick (tags)

The US is experiencing a dramatic deterioration of its public health. President Trump is now trying to make the ACA "implode" through decrees. The insured are reacting to their higher premiums. A series of states have filed actions against the decrees.

US and China: International Policy as a Zero-Sum Game (tags)

After a half-year in office, a coherent foreign policy strategy under Donald Trump is not in sight. The US and China have very different ideas about creating prosperity and security. 600 million Chinese gained prosperity in the last 40 years.

Trump is More than "Silly Tricks" (tags)

Trump will run the US as a big business is run. Trump did not come out of nowhere. Trumpism is an expression of a reactionary revolt of those angry because they were politically stripped of power. Trump turns reality upside down.

Trump Calls for Puerto Rico's Debt to be "Wiped Out" (tags)

In an interview with Fox News on Tuesday, President Trump called for Puerto Rico's debt to be wiped out.


Trump is an absolute asshole who is scaring America and the World. Trumps adolescent rhetoric is playing right into North Korea hand, and Trump is just too stupid to see it.

The US Superpower is Dangerous (tags)

Wars and threats of war are violations of the UN Charter. The US is not afraid of threatening military force in Europe and at the border with Russia. We are not living in a new world since the election of the new president.

The Shortwave Report 09/22/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Darkness over the White House (tags)

Trump is rightly criticized by the old elites: trade sanctions against Russia and the EU, fire and fury against North Korea and justification for white fascists Generals have assumed power in the government alongside multi-millionaires.

The World at Risk under Trump (tags)

The US president sounds like a warmonger. When will the inflammatory words trigger a nuclear chain reaction? The Roman emperor Caligula could help in understanding Trump. He allegedly awarded his horse a seat in the Senate

Trump and Climate Change (tags)

Human activities have contributed to the ice loss in the Arctic. In his short term in office, Trump and his accessories in the government rescinded two dozen regulations to protect the climate and the environment. The climate, peace and anti-racism movements must join forces.

The Problem of Illegal Immigrants in Israel and America (tags)

This article looks at the problems of illegal/legal immigrants in Israel and America. And also, describes the developing trends toward Globalist and Nationalist parties in Israel, America, and Europe.

Hurricanes Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)

This article surveys the relationship between the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process and catastrophic weather events in the US.

Donald Trump is an Extreme Narcissist (tags)

Hans-Jurgen Wirth, b. 1951, is a psychoanalyst with his own practice, a professor of psychoanalytic social psychology in Frankfurt and a publisher. His most important book is "Narcissism and Power" (2002).

Activists Opposing White Supremacy Rally Despite Cancellation (tags)

Saturday, September 9, 2017
UPLAND - As many as a hundred people joined today's "United4Love2" rally against white supremacy and more broadly, the Trump administration's policies. The diverse crowd heard speeches, poems, and musical performances for several hours in Memorial Park.

Hurricane Katrina, Harvey, Irma, and the Israeli-Palestinian Peace Process (tags)

This article points out how catastrophic weather events have coincided with the Peace Process initiatives.

The Purse is Mightier than the Pen (tags)

The climate crisis is here now, but a compromised, corrupted media doesn't want to know. What is salient is not important. What is important is not salient.

The Shortwave Report 09/01/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Sputnik Radio, China Radio international, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Harvey Didn’t Come Out of the Blue. Now is the Time to Talk About Climate Change. (tags)

Now is exactly the time to talk about climate change, and all the other systemic injustices — from racial profiling to economic austerity — that turn disasters like Harvey into human catastrophes.

Fall 2017 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert! (tags)

Charlottesville, The Returns of Racist KKK Nazi Violence, and More Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Horror, FIGHT BACK!

Why Tax Cuts for the Rich Solve Nothing by Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

In a country with so many problems – especially inequality – tax cuts for rich corporations will not solve any of them. This is a lesson for all countries contemplating corporate tax breaks – even those without the misfortune of being led by a callow, craven plutocrat.

The Shortwave Report 08/18/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Trump's Neo-Nazis and the Rise of Illiberal Democracy (tags)

Trump has dispensed with the fiction of democracy because he believes that in the interest of power both people and the planet are disposable, excess to be plundered and discarded.

The Shortwave Report 08/04/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.

Brazil: A short letter to President Trump (tags)

This beautiful fugitive bird, Mr. President, the hope of a smarter, peaceful and productive world, moves my fingers and my heart as I write this short letter to you.

The US's Public Housing Crisis May Worsen With Trump Budget (tags)

As of 2016, fully 90 percent of the nation's public housing households were headed by someone who is elderly, has disabilities, worked (or had recently worked) or was subject to work requirements through another program. Many are dependent on public housing...

How the World Heads for the Next Crash (tags)

Governments secure the money of the rich. State debts have grown in nearly all countries of the world since 2010. Ten years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the economy is again in a standstill or mired in crisis. Trump wants to cancel the recent bank regulations and cut corp taxes.

The Shortwave Report 06/23/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.

The President as Businessman (tags)

Trump's gigantic tax cuts will only benefit the rich. Revenue losses of six trillion dollars are expected for the first decade after the Trumpian tax cuts start. Trump sells the illusion that the old order can be restored.

The Great Trump Show (tags)

The bizarre billionaire becomes epic disaster when regulation is demonized, social necessities like food stamps and Medicaid are cut in the hundreds of billions and taxes for corporations are cut in half. The failure of the media was manifest when no one asked about Trump's tax plans.

Trump’s Rollback of Civil Rights (tags)

Trump’s budget isn’t just about massive tax cuts for rich and major cuts in assistance for the poor. He also wants to roll back civil rights.

The Shortwave Report 06/02/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK Japan.

Deep State Targets Duterte for Shaky Alliances, Not Drug Killings (tags)

The deep state is attempting to destabilize Duterte for his political instability, not his extrajudicial killings of civilians. The Philippines turning to Russia and China scares the intelligence community enough to use ISIS to stage a coup.

Punishing the Poor. The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity (tags)

Inequality hurts. Poverty returns with misguided policy

Israeli Jews Say, It’s Our Jerusalem! (tags)

A review of some Israeli opinions about Jerusalem.

Learning from History: Resistance in the 1850s and Today (tags)

A number of recent news commentaries have noted the strong similarities between what happened in the 1850s when the country was heavily divided around the issue of slavery and experiencing a great deal of Northern resistance to the Fugitive Slave Act and what’s happening now between Red states and Blue states and with people of conscience everywhere involved in the resistance to the Trump regime’s racist Executive Orders on immigrants and refugees.

This Week in Palestine, May 5, 2017 (tags)

Ex-Palestinian political detainee dies this week due to hunger strike as more political detainees join the protest, in the meantime US President Trump promise this week to push the stalled peace process forward. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

A Generation is Lost (tags)

Thousands upon thousands of researchers demonstrate for the freedom of science and research funding. Public policy isn't a wrecking-ball or a sledgehammer. Democracy isn't following autocratic orders without compromise, negotiations and countermeasures

Trump's "Greatest Tax Reform of History" - A Windfall for Millionaires and Corporations (tags)

Under the Trumpian tax reform, the corporate tax rate could fall from 35 to 15%. The drastic reduction of the corporate tax will lead to lower tax revenues of $2 trillion in 10 years. "This is not fiscal policy but a robbery led by Trump."

California won its first major battle over `sanctuary cities' (tags)

The judiciary can stop the wrecking-ball of Donald Trump!

Trumponomics: Failure Pre-Programmed (tags)

Macro-economic and ecological connections are simply ignored with the concentration on short-term profit. The planned reduction of corporate taxes from the current 35% to 15 or 20% recalls the Laffer-curve as the basis of Reagan's fiscal policy error.

Gramsci on US President Trump: "Delicate and Dangerous" (tags)

The rulers integrate the ruled in their "hegemony." Our essential task is conquering power for the working class. I believe life means taking sides. Indifference is apathy, parasitism, cowardice and iws the opposite of life.

Donald Trump is an International Law Breaker (tags)

Trump slips into `endless war' cycle or endless quagmire. The one thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history (Albert Einstein).

Slain SEAL's Father Calls for Expanded Investigation of Yemen Raid (tags)

William Owens, father of slain Navy SEAL William "Ryan" Owens is calling for an additional investigation of Trump's botched Yemen raid that killed nine children and his son. This inquiry will determine if politics was involved in Trump's unwise choice to order the deadly Yemen raid.

Trumponomics: causes and prospects (tags)

The odds for a Trump resignation are 11:10, almost even money - for the sake of the Trump brand!

Donald Trump and the Rise of the Nationalist Right (tags)

Examining How Trump Won the Us Presidency, 16 pages

The "Security Conference" - A Fraudulent Labeling (tags)

We say: No more world war fantasies and war preparations. Peace instead of NATO - Human dignity instead of the military - Reason instead of Trump.

Who Says It Can't Happen Here? (tags)

We have endured 40 years of creeping authoritarianism and it now appears that it may run right over democracy. We must resist and act in solidarity.

America under Donald Trump (tags)

The "elite-mass split," the tear between the establishment and the masses, damages American democracy. As a damaged democracy, there is very low trust in the competence of the government. The official unemployment figure of 4.9% is regarded as a distortion of reality.

The Shortwave Report 02/24/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Kucinich Warns of Deep State's Plans for War Post-Trump Impeachment (tags)

Long time anti-war Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) warns people of the deep state's plans to unseat Trump and replace him with warmonger Pence. The military-industrial complex despises Trump due to his unpredictability and general non-interventionist approach.

KLM refuses seven passengers following Trump's muslim ban/KLM accomplice to discrimination (tags)

Airline company KLM is accomplice to discrimination, Islamophobia and deportation of refugees. Concerning discrimination and Islamophobia, it is one of the executioners of Trump's policy, by refusing passengers from the seven banned muslim countries. It's complicity with deportation of refugees consists of flying deported refugees for the Dutch government. Both are crimes and KLM's full responsibility, because they have a choice to refuse.

Resistance Recess (tags)

I wanted to share this MoveOn email. Resistance must be our response to the one-hour press conference and the "fine-tuned machine" where 3 billion live on $2 a day and 6 million children die before their fifth birthday!

The Shortwave Report 02/17/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

Breaking: Miller On Bakersfield Incident (tags)

On the issue of the trailer of bomb-grade nuclear waste scheduled for military recycling which traffic controllers found abandoned at a Bakersfield refill stop last night, there is environmental crisis manager Winston Miller on the line.

Trump Voids Dodd-Frank 1504 Transparency Rule (tags)

President Trump signed into law Congressional action to void requirements that the oil, gas and mining industries report financial activity in countries where they operate.

Trumpism and the Working Class (tags)

Trumpism understood via Dimitrof

The Shortwave Report 02/10/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Steve Mnuchin Who Steals From Widows, Made Off With Madoff Loot (tags)

Steve Mnuchin's Purloining Path To Riches Steve Mnuchin, Trump nominee for Secretary of the Treasury, former Goldman Sachs partner, is one of the very few who profited from his association with Bernie Madoff. Estimates range from 2 milliont o over 100 million. He now heads Dune Capital Management.

President Trump - We are Witnesses of a Turn of an Era (tags)

Trump manageed to stage himself as a candidate who waged a crusade against the political establishment. Does politics only give more to the top 1% and lose sight of the remaining 99%. Insulting voters is not competence.

The Shortwave Report 02/03/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Jeff Sessions: Racist, Cruel, Pro Execution, Pro War, Pro Torture (tags)

Please call Senate at 202 224 3121 to ask for a no vote on Jeff Sessions who is racist, pro-war, pro-torture,

War on Facts (tags)

Trump's War on Facts may leave behind greater damage than Bush's War on Terror. While Bush and Rove created a fantasy world, Trump created a never ending nightmare. Trump is a semi-fictional figure. His election promises were fictional like his deportment as self-made man.

The Unsung Heroes of American democracy (tags)

This article is my response to my wonderful fellow Americans for supporting us, Muslims

Fact Checking Trump's Inaccurate Statements (tags)

Candidate Donald Trump had difficulty with facts. Now Trump is president, he continues to make misleading statements, based on incomplete information, inaccurate statistics or flights of fancy. Here’s an accounting of his public statements in the first seven days as president, not counting his error-plagued inauguration speech (which had eight problematic claims).


By Yair Rosenberg January 30, 2017 • 9:11 AM Facebook Twitter Pinterest Google Plus Pinterest On Friday, President Donald Trump issued an executive order barring all immigrants and visa holders from entering the U.S. from seven Muslim-majority countries for 90 days. The order included green card holders and also banned all refugees for 120 days. Given the Jewish historical experience with being both refugees and subjected to religious loyalty tests, this directive unsurprisingly evoked a strong reaction from much of the American Jewish community. As so—contrary to some earlier claims—Jewish groups across the spectrum mobilized in opposition to the executive order, in a rare display of unity. The American Jewish Committee was one of the first out of the gate, offering a detailed rebuttal to the policy: “For more than 110 years, AJC has been a consistent voice for a fair, non-discriminatory, and generous U.S. refugee and immigration policy,” AJC CEO David Harris said. “We are all related to those fortunate enough to have been admitted to this country – in my case, my mother, father, wife, and daughters-in-law, and we believe that other deserving individuals merit the same opportunities to be considered for permanent entry.” Assuring security in the implementation of immigration laws and procedures is essential, but lost in the current discussion over the suspension of refugee admissions and the issuance of all visas to citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries this week – as in the rhetoric of the presidential campaign – are several facts: • Refugees from Syria, Iraq and other states in violent upheaval are already laboriously and intrusively vetted by U.S. immigration authorities, assisted by U.S. intelligence agencies, in cooperation with other nations’ intelligence services. For those approved, it generally takes 18 to 24 months to gain U.S. admission; • Refugees from Central America are, almost exclusively, women and children who are at risk of violence, sexual assault, and even death if they are returned to their home countries. They deserve compassion and a fair hearing. • The terrorist threat attributed to refugees is a cruel and distracting fiction, especially when viewed against the actual incidence of mass violence committed with chilling frequency – in schools, churches, shopping malls and other venues – against Americans by Americans. In the 14 years ending in October 2015, a period in which 784,000 refugees were resettled in the United States, there were exactly three arrests for planning terrorist activities (none of which occurred); • Since the 1951 UN Refugee Convention, the United States and the international community as a whole have recognized an obligation to assist refugees. For America to close its eyes – and its borders – to even painstakingly vetted refugees contravenes that international treaty. President Trump, of course, is authorized to assert the sovereign right of the U.S. to assure the integrity of America’s borders and the effective enforcement of the country’s immigration and asylum laws… However, blanket suspensions of visas and refugee admission would suggest guilt by association – targeted primarily at Muslims fleeing violence and oppression. AJC regards such actions, contrary to international perceptions of a compassionate America and reinforcing anti-Muslim stereotypes, as both unjust and unwarranted. As the full scope of the executive order became clearer in airports across the country, the AJC later told reporters, “We are outraged by the new US refugee policy, its draconian face. This is not the American way.” The Anti-Defamation League was similarly scathing. “History will look back on this order as a sad moment in American History – the time when the president turned his back on people fleeing for their lives,” said ADL executive director Jonathan Greenblatt. “This will effectively shut America’s doors to the most vulnerable people in the world who seek refuge from unspeakable pain and suffering.” “For the Sunni family whose son languishes in prison in Iran because of his faith, for the former Army translator in Iraq who has been threatened because of his service,

"A Hostile Act": Mexico Braces for Trump's Border Wall (tags)

Numerous civil liberties and human rights organizations, meanwhile, blasted Trump’s immigration directives as emblematic of a horrifying descent into discriminatory and racist policy territory.

IG Leaflet: LET THEM IN! (tags)

No Ban, No Wall – Full Citizenship Rights for All! Smash Racist Ban on Muslims, Refugees

Donald Trump Warned Of A ‘Rigged’ Election, Was He Right? (tags)

With Donald Trump formally installed in the Oval Office, election integrity activist Jonathan Simon crunches the numbers and reflects on Election 2016, the death of electoral transparency and the thwarting of public will. By Jonathan D. Simon Follow @JonathanSimon14 @JonathanSimon14 | January 24, 2017

The Shortwave Report 01/27/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Staggering Turnout for Women's March L.A. (tags)

At one point, organizers reported a police count of 500,000. Later estimates were significantly higher. Messages on signs included, “See Jane overthrow patriarchy”; “Our descendants are looking back on us” (sign shaped like a pair of eyes); “Life is easier because of my white male privilege. That's not right”; “Stop Tweeting, start listening”; and “Abort Trump.” A number of signs had images of Carrie Fisher as Princess Leia; captions included references to rebellions being founded on hope. Some, including small children, even dressed as Princess Leia. (Additional signs are pictured following this article.)

Trump, spokesman slam U.S. media over inaugural crowd coverage (tags)

Washington city authorities do not provide official crowd counts but TV footage clearly showed the gathering did not stretch all the way to the Washington Monument as Trump asserted

Los Angeles Braves Extended Downpour to Tell Trump Hell No (tags)

Angelenos show up in a long rain to give warning to the new President to keep his hands off of California and her inhabitants.

Los Angeles Braves Extended Downpour to Tell Trump Hell No (tags)

Angelenos show up in a long rain to give warning to the new President to keep his hands off of California and her inhabitants.

The Shortwave Report 01/20/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

"Trump does not read much" (tags)

A new supposed weakness of the populist is now discovered: he doesn't read...Trump is certainly a new phenomenon. He pretends to be an outsider of the political system and of knowledge.

#J20 CalArts in SoCal Plan Walkout; NY Galleries & Nonprofits Plan Art Strike (tags)

#J20 CalArts in SoCal Plan Walkout; NY Galleries & Nonprofits Plan Art Strike

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016 (tags)

This Week in Palestine, January 13th, 2016

Trump and the Consequences: Democracy at a Crossroads (tags)

What appears here is another form of democracy, without the constitutional state and without opposition. Trump could operate with enemy declarations. Today Donald Trump is a radicalized Nixon. Democracy is always endangered and never given as a present.

Why Senate Should Vote Down Jeff Sessions (tags)

NPR Boston did an excellent radio show on the history of Jeff Sessions' racism. The audio link is below.

The Real Story of the Recount (tags)

Jill Stein’s multi-state presidential recount was unprecedented. The idea originated from a group of computer scientists represented by attorney John Bonifaz, who after analyzing the U.S. computerized voting system found it to be vulnerable to hacking and manipulation. Social scientists and statisticians deemed some of the 2016 election results to be improbable. Election integrity volunteers and attorneys stepped up to help sort it out.

Low Taxes is an Act of Desperation (tags)

A low business tax can be counter-productive if a deadbeat infrastructure arises through lower state revenues. Lowering business tax rates leads first to enormous budget holes. Employees will bear this burden at the end.

Indivisible: A Practical Guide for Resisting the Trump Agenda (tags)

Former congressional staffers reveal best practices for making Congress listen.

Trump and the Hospice of Hope (tags)

That the political culture in the US could wash up a television star and notorious racist to the top of the country was not entirely bizarre. Voter turnout in the US was always low. lists the names of all 538 electors who vote on Dec 19. If 37 change their minds, Trump could be blocked.

Rapist Donald Trump and His Collaborators vs Successful Revolution (tags)

Successful Revolution Now!

US Election as a Turn of an Era (tags)

Karl Marx modified a Hegel quotation that world-historical events always occurred twice, the first time as tragedy and the next time as farce. Since November 9, 2016, we know they can occur as tragedy and farce at once.

The Shortwave Report 12/09/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Stop Jeff Sesssions From Making U.S. into a Sadistic State! (tags)

Petition from to stop Sen. Jeffery Beauregard Sessions from becoming District Attorney of the U.S. under Pres. Trump. Reasons to prevent his appointment as DA include overt racism and outdated pre-Civil War thinking. He also doesn't respect state rights on cannabis legalization. Sen. Sessions will take the U.S. backwards into a state of sadistic racial feudalism.

Donald Trump as the Antithesis of Liberal Politics (tags)

Was this a victory of a show over substance? Was this a triumph of anti-intellectualism rampant for years? Trump capitalized on the economic plight of a very concrete section of the population. Today the US is a source of fear for the rest of the world

Secession (tags)

Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump. States, regions, counties, towns, and cities should secede from the United States. Cities and states where most people did not vote for Trump must secede from the US. The United States is not worth saving.

The First 100 Days Resistance Agenda (tags)

The New York Times' First Profile of Hitler: His Anti-Semitism Is Not as "Genuine or Violent" as It Sounds (1922) —The New York Times published its first profile, and explained his demagoguery away. The article, titled "New Popular Idol Rises in Bavaria," begins with several alarming subheadings: "Hitler credited with extraordinary powers of swaying crowds to his will," "forms gray-shirted army... They obey orders implicitly," "Leader a reactionary," "Anti-Red and Anti-Semitic." It then goes on to undermine these charges.

The Shortwave Report 11/18/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

Reckoning with a Trump Presidency and the Elite Democrats who Helped Deliver It (tags)

Deep trends destroyed the welfare and economic security of tens of millions and put them in a mindset where they want to destroy this system of authority. That is what caused Brexit and Trump. The Clintons are seen as corrupt royalty.

Secession (tags)

Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump.

To Defeat Trump … And the Democrats, Fight for Workers Revolution (tags)

After all the media hype, suddenly it turned out that Republican Donald Trump was elected. The racist, sexist, immigrant-bashing, woman-molesting Trump would be the next CEO of the United States and commander-in-chief of U.S. imperialism. In deep shock and disbelief, tens of millions asked, how could this happen? In Muslim, Latino, African American and immigrant families there was raw fear. Soon mass protests began, with many chanting “Not My President” (as if Democrat Clinton, a certified warmonger, would have been?). At the same time, racist incidents multiplied. It is urgently necessary to fight back, but the question is how? The answer depends on understanding what happened, and why. Trump certainly mobilized the hard-core racist vote, and better-off middle class voters. But what put him over the top was the vote of residents of dying small towns and white workers in the Rust Belt, who have seen their jobs destroyed and cities devastated. The fact is that with their economic policies, the Democrats pushed millions of workers into the arms of Trump. What is urgently needed is to break from the Democrats, Republicans and all capitalist parties and build a class-struggle workers party. Such a party would fight for a program of mass workers action against the deportations, for workers defense guards against racist attacks, and to oppose the imperialist war drive in a struggle leading to workers revolution.

How Cities Can Protect People Threatened By Trumpism (tags)

Copied from Common Dreams

The Shortwave Report 11/11/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.

The Consequences of a Trump Shock (tags)

Now is a good time to ask whether the global economy is in good enough shape to withstand another major negative shock. The answer, unfortunately, is that growth and employment around the world look fragile. A big adverse surprise – like the election of Donald Trump in the US – would likely cause the stock market to crash...

Share Widely: Free Documentary on Donald Trump (tags)

Forward to anyone thinking about voting for Trump.

the crisis of the two-party system (tags)

The Democratic Party and the Clinton campaign, along with former attorneys general, Republican as well as Democratic, have bitterly denounced Comey’s action.



Corrupt fbi, Comey, Kallstrom (tags)

See more information on the group of thugs in fbi who have destroyed this nation.

Clinton beginning informal talks with congressional Republicans (tags)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has begun back-channel discussions with congressional Republican leaders over the shape of a Clinton administration, according to several media reports Monday

The class struggle of th Libertarian presidential candidate Gary Johnson (tags)

The Libertarians’ economic program voices the economic grievances of some of the more economically insecure layers of the American middle class through their criticisms of the domination of the major banks and corporations. Based on conceptions which originate in the right-wing and anticommunist Austrian School of bourgeois economics

Trump, Crooked Hillery (CH) and fbi/cia mass murderers & assassins (tags)

Everyone on earth has a vested interstate in the USA election.

USA: Inhumane (tags)

Introduction: Modern Nazism  in the form of the fbi/cia/cops  unconscionable police state lives today in fbi/cia:

US Economy: False Diagnoses and False Solutions (tags)

Hillary Clinton's and Donald Trump's economic plans are too simplistic. Innovations and ideas are lacking. Many people despair. Washington did not always ignore the middle. FDR's New Deal built 165K public buildings.

Both Trump & Clinton Have Ties to Epstein's Pedo Island (tags)

Both Donald Trump and former President Bill Clinton have ties to convicted pedophile and Democratic donor, billionaire Jeffery Epstein and his pedophile island. 

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like? (tags)

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like?

Bernie Sanders Wins at the End (tags)

Sanders has a quality that gives him an advantage in the US election campaign that is based largely on sympathies: authenticity...The logical consequence of "Not Me.Us" is that the individual fights for improvement of social conditions, not for himself and his personal success.

Why Vote Third Party in 2016 (tags)

If you believe neither hawkish Hillary nor Torturing Trump should be president, you have options. The antiwar Green, Libertarian and Socialist parties are some options to Clinton and Trump.

Woman Touted As Trump VP Candidate (tags)

Speculation will accelerate re Trump's vp candidate choice.

44 Reasons To Say No To Hillary Clinton (tags)

The Huffington Post has reported that 33% of Sanders voters will not vote for Clinton. Some will vote third party. Some will vote for Trump. Some will not vote. Bernie Sanders has won 19 states. In May he won West Virginia by 15%. Please help elect him president

The Push to Make Sanders the Green Party's Candidate (tags)

Sanders and his ardent supporters, in other words, have a unique historic opportunity to shatter the asphyxiating two-party duopoly of two pro-corporate parties that has been the Bermuda Triangle of progressive politics for over a century.

Donald J. Trump is Pissing on America and About to Flush us into the Toilet! (tags)

Misogyny, Xenophobia, Narcissism, Bigotry, Fascism, Ignorance and Egotistical Arrogance are the only true assets Donald Trump has to bring to this country as President.

Trump not sensitive (tags)

Trump is out of touch.

Unless the Democrats Run Sanders, A Trump Nomination Means a Trump Presidency (tags)

Democrats need to seriously and pragmatically assess their strategy for defeating Trump. A Clinton run would be disastrous; Bernie Sanders is their only hope.

White House petition to determine whether Donald Trump violated any federal laws (tags)

Yeah, it's kinda anticlimactic to go after Trump for a fraud case when he's planning hideous attacks on minorities, but remember that Al Capone wasn't convicted of gangsterism, but of income tax evasion.

Mr. Trump : (tags)

My message to Mr. Trump follows.

Donald Trump Criticizes Corporate "Inversions" During Presidential Debate (tags)

Donald Trump has criticized corporate "inversions" as "one of the biggest problems" facing the United States.

2 minutes with Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister of Canada (tags)

May the New Year be full of good surprises - like learning from O Canada and living with humility, self-criticism and truthfulness!

The Rise of Fascism: Trump, Alex Jones (tags)

Progressive youth in college: thank you for protesting, but know that today, there are no “safe spaces” because we're witnessing the re-emergence of fascism in the United States, and globally.

USA leaders are rotten (tags)

What to do about a nation and its leaders who are on a one way trip to Hades!

From Adolph Hitler to a Fascist Donald Trump (tags)

From Adolph Hitler to a Fascist Donald Trump. Bigotry lives on in the republican party. Fascism Then and Now

Fall 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Migrant’s Human Rights Violations, Syria Refugee Crisis – Proudly Made by U.S.A. + Dump the Trump!

Sanders, Trump, NPR (tags)

NPR sees the two the same because they have a similar style.

US Presidential Candidates Denigrate Muslims and Hugo Chavez (tags)

Trump and Sanders

Support for Hillary Clinton Plunging (tags)


Kiev's Yalta European Strategy Forum (tags)


Donald Trump on the Issues (tags)


Donald Trump Makes Ukraine's Enemies List (tags)


Donald Trump: Billionaire Con Man, Presidential Aspirant (tags)


Behaving Honorably (tags)

Recently in addressing the issue of withdrawing troops from Iraq President Obama discussed the idea that to do so was honoring the troops that made so many sacrifices there. He discussed the idea that ending our mission there was the right thing to do. He essentially asserted that by ending the conflicts there and focusing on our home front that we as a nation were behaving honorably. He discussed honoring the Bush timeline as the right thing to do, though he didn't necessarily use those words.

What's the Difference Between a Comb-Over and Shaved Balls? (tags)

This is a before-and-after story endemic to politics everywhere. Self-aggrandizing, rich assholes hide their true motives to get elected. Once they're elected they fiddle while Rome burns.

Trump Mansion Sold To Russian Mobsters (tags)

The Enemy.

Going Undercover to Become Donald Trump’s Apprentice (tags)

Casting for next season's "The Apprentice" is underway in New York, Tampa, Denver, Memphis, Sacramento, Chicago, Hartford, Honolulu, San Diego, Washington DC, Las Vegas and Phoenix. I went undercover at the Los Angeles auditions to bring you details about how the process works.

Trump Seeks Widdow's Home Demolished (tags)

Donald Trump Wants Vera Cooking's Home Demolished To Make Room For Limousines To Turn Around Easily; Atlantic City Wants Him To Get His Way

'Fire' Bush Over Iraq Invasion (tags)

Billionaire Donald Trump, America's toughest employer, would like to fire the Bush Administration for its decision to invade Iraq, according to an interview in the August edition "Esquire," due to be released on Friday.

Photoshop for Democracy (tags)

New and old media groups are using parody and Adobe Photoshop to mobilize young voters for the 2004 elections. Their message? "Let's have a good laugh at the powers that be, and let's work together to make America a better place."


According to rumor(first heard Friday, Sept. 14,) Donald Trump and other real estate moguls allegedly are ALREADY discussing plans to erect ANOTHER TOWER on the site of the former WTC. As the world continues to mourn the 10,000+ dead, these CROOKS can only think of $$$$!! I wander if its design resembles one posted here on the same day?!?!

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