fix articles 3872, state department Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : state department

state department

What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)

Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.

Another imperialist scam by the USA (tags)

The United States has been the main sponsor of Israeli terrorism against the Palestinians since 1946, providing military, political, economic, financial, technical and propaganda support, which makes the United States complicit in Israeli genocide under Article III e of the 1948 Genocide Convention.

Framing Palestine (tags)

Israeli paranoia is minimized or even excusable, an expression of timeless vulnerability and absolute victimhood, and has nothing to do with Zionism’s management of Jewish supremacy over the Palestinians. So, I am inclined to say the opposite. I do not believe that we will get very far unless we repeat the formula that “Zionism is a form of settler colonialism.”


Caso Moro : tiri dall´alto, vere prigioni eccetera

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 9.10.2023 (tags)

Via Fani e via Caetani : golpe capitalfascista : le prove.

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 16.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 15.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 12.9.2023 bis (tags)

Via Fani, golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 12.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 8.9.2023 (tags)

Via Fani : golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 31.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 30.8.2023 (tags)

via Fani golpe di wall street

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 27.8.2023 (tags)

via Fani golpe atlantista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 25.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani e via Caetani : golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 23.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe atlantista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 21.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista : le prove

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 20.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 17.8.2023 (tags)

Via Fani, golpe capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 12.8.2023 (tags)

via Fani strage capitalfascista

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 2.8. 2023 (tags)

La strage di via Fani e rapimento di Moro = golpe n.a.t.o.

Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History (tags)

We live in a world facing existential threats while extreme inequality is tearing our societies apart and democracy is in sharp decline. The U.S., meanwhile, is bent on maintaining global hegemony when international collaboration is urgently needed to address the planet’s numerous challenges.

ALDO MORO DIVE SEI - 28.7.2023 (tags)

Il golpe di via Fani fu ideato ed attuato da wall street tramite la nato.

Is the USa Failed State with Michael Hudson (tags)

It’s a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we’re in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 15.7.2023 (tags)

Caso Moro : tiri dall´alto, vere prigioni eccetera

Who fuels war and profits from it (tags)

It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.

The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)

This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.

Covert wars in the shadow of international law (tags)

In the years between the end of the Cold War in 1991 and 2022, the United States has carried out at least 251 military interventions in almost every country on earth. Going back to 1789, there were a total of 469. In all of these interventions, the United States formally declared war 11 times.

Michael Hudson on de-dollarization (tags)

Krugman is saying that other people have no reason at all for what they’re doing. And when they move out of the dollar, there’s no reason for them to do it. If you read what these countries say, they explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. .

US corporations in the wings for post-war Ukraine (tags)

The IMF granted large loans to the invaded country and enforces the so-called neoliberal "Washington Consensus"[1]. In a major privatization campaign, the Ukrainian government is selling off state assets. U.S. corporations such as ExxonMobil, Chevron & Halliburton participate.

Brazil's Lula travels to China and calls to end US dollar dominance (tags)

“Why can’t a bank like that of the BRICS have a currency to finance trade relations between Brazil and China, between Brazil and other countries?" he continued. "It’s difficult because we are unaccustomed [to the idea]. Everyone depends on just one currency".

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)

This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 14.10.2022 (tags)

Caso Moro : assenzialismo, tiri dall´alto, vere prigioni eccetera

ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 11.10.2022 (tags)

Caso Moro : assenzialismo, tiri dall´alto, vere prigioni eccetera

Putin's authoritarian regime poses as resistance fighter (tags)

After the collapse of ‘really existing socialism,’ the liberal fairy tale we were told had it that democracy and a market economy would open the way to freedom and prosperity for all members of world society. This illusion has disgraced itself miserably.

The historic push of East Central Europe into Nato (tags)

What is the end of the war song? It is and was destruction, death, human suffering and traumatized populations. And in our time, in addition, it is the suspension of the necessary global and joint efforts of all nations in the fight against the threat of climate catastrophe.

NATO: The founding lie (tags)

In the run-up to the founding of NATO, those responsible in the USA knew: The Soviet Union posed no military threat. The weakened power could not sustain an attack on Western Europe even if it wanted to: The Soviet Union's economy is largely destroyed and technologically obsolete.

The other side of the truth (tags)

Without U.S. President Obama's breach of international law eight years ago, Putin's illegal military invasion probably would not have happened... It is time to stop settling for half-truths from one side or the other and tell the story of the conflict in a complete and balanced way.

In the Amnesic Dizziness of a "Turn of the Times" (tags)

When, with the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact, the entire military alliance of this rival collapsed, this could/must have been the prelude, according to rational criteria, to mothballing NATO in return. But exactly the opposite was to occur.

Shooting resumes in the Donbass civil war (tags)

Not so long ago, Ukraine was committed to neutrality. If Ireland can be neutral, if Austria can be neutral, if Finland can be neutral, then why not Ukraine? After all, this was the official Ukrainian policy until the neo-nationalists came to power in 2014.

The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)

"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."

Enlargement to the East: How Nato broke its word (tags)

One point of contention, however, should have been settled by the declassified documents. They allow no other conclusion than that the West made a promise to Gorbachev to leave NATO in its former borders, but that this promise was already broken at the end of the 1990s.

Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)

The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!

America's Post-Trump Reckoning (tags)

His startling disregard for expertise and science has resulted in the erosion and degradation of independent national institutions such as the US Postal Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the FBI, & US intelligence community.

America: The Right Wave is Broken (tags)

Morales' return was made possible by the victory of his left-wing movement for socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) in the first democratic elections after a coup a year ago, on November 10, 2019. In his first speech after returning home, Morales affirmed that there was no fraud in the 2019 election.

Avoiding the Trump Trap (tags)

As US President Donald Trump's popularity continues to drop ahead of November's election, he has sought new ways to stoke the public fear and panic that led him to victory in 2016. The best strategy may be to make Trump's demagoguery a theme of his campaign.

Trump's Mafia State (tags)

The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.

Corona epidemic and Yemen (tags)

Authorities first wanted to calm down and played down the pandemic. Afterward, they had to convince the population to keep unusual physical distance, to wash their hands well at all times, and to refrain from major events. Finally, they wanted the population to accept the lockdown.

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.


To:Guangzhou ACS Sent 06/15/2019 (5 months ago) I met with the deputy consul briefly while in detention in Shenzhen in February, 2019. I would like to follow-up with him regarding my experiences there, which were quite ugly and possibly not even legal.

Sanctions Are Like Bombs (tags)

Venezuela is one of 41 states that depend on external food assistance to avert a humanitarian crisis. The US government is copying its blockade policy against Cuba. There is hardly any criticism of US sanctions. Six million, 60% of the population, are sustained by the food program.


The police in Shenzhen refused to allow me a phone call to a lawyer; and illegally extended my stay in the temporary detention facility beyond the statutory limit of two-weeks for foreigners. This is a major problem because the facilities are severely overcrowded and they do NOT have an infirmary, which constitutes "torture" on its own merit. I am also physically disabled and I informed them of that.

Karl Polanyi on Unfettered Capitalism (tags)

Karl Polanyi condemned profit greed and deregulated markets. Today's capitalism critics are his heirs and don't know it. An unfettered capitalism is responsible for the world coming out of joint. "Finance capital was put in the driver's seat."


If Trump Declares a AantionalEmergency, He'll Be Breaking the Law (tags)

Justice William O. Douglas wrote in his concurring opinion that the president cannot usurp Congress’s spending power to approve money to pay for the taking of the steel mill’s private property.

Israeli Manipulation Of US 2016 & Other Elections (tags)

Netanyahu and other prime ministers of Israel have manipulated US elections for many decades.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

The Shortwave Report 05/18/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.

Researching Islamic Terrorism in Europe. (tags)

Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes some aspects which require further research e.g on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration which showed that in the case of Bangladesh this certainly appeared to result i a major eruption of violence by Muslim extremists who are anti-secular. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally.

Palestinians, Beware Jewish Days of Rage, Hanukkah is Coming to Israel! (tags)

This article surveys responses to Trumps declaration on Jerusalem.

I am the victim of murder for hire and need help to file a police report (tags)

I am a victim of murder for hire and cannot file a police report

The Fairy-tale of the End of the Financial Crisis (tags)

Between 2008 and 2010, the EU Commission approved state aid of 4.3 trillion euros. The potential crisis of the global economy has grown and not declined. A system crash was prevented by the actions of central banks and states.

Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)

The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?

The Shortwave Report 05/19/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK Japan.

Human rights Group applaudes Anti-Semitism Awareness Bill (tags)

LDB Commends Scott and Casey’s “Game-Changing” Bipartisan Anti-Semitism Awareness Act

The Shortwave Report 11/11/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.

Washington moves to silence WikiLeaks (tags)

The cutting off of Internet access for Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is one more ugly episode in a US presidential election campaign that has plumbed the depths of political degradation.

What is behind the anti-Russia campaign in the US? (tags)

A major theme of the 2016 US presidential campaign has been the campaign to depict Russia as intent on manipulating the election through cyber warfare.

The Supposed "Omnipotence" of Politicians (tags)

The key to a new peace policy could lie in denouncing mechanisms of economic coercion that are not only states and politicians. As the warnings of Eisenhower and JFK teach us, politics is massively subject to the influences of economic power.

Counterintelligence Operations Against A Target Are Global (tags)

This report seeks to show how the fbi uses foreign groups unethically and fraudulently for Intelligence purposes.

61 Reasons To Vote Against Hillary Clinton (tags)

California's primary can change the world.

The 12 Wars And Bombed Countries of Clinton and Obama (tags)

The California primary can change the destiny of the planet. Please vote against Clinton and Trump.

A Case Against Hillary Clinton, Candidate Of Endless War (tags)

More hawkish than Obama, more willing to murder prisoners than her husband, a tyrant who woudl force parents to submit their chidlren to toxic vaccines, Clinton is tied to the military industrial complex

Hillary Clinton Flunks Animal Rights And Environmental Issues (tags)

More hawkish even than Obama, Clinton has approved the bombing of animals as well as people in the 7 illegal and immoral wars he is waging now, bombs which kill soldiers, civilian adults and children, mammals, birds, reptiles, bees, trees etc.

Propaganda Countdown to WWIII: Armenians in the Crosshairs (tags)

True to their well-documented pattern, the Azeris felt compelled to come up with their own propagandized version of non-reality to show that they too can be victims of genocide --- ostensibly committed by Armenians.

44 Reasons To Say No To Hillary Clinton (tags)

The Huffington Post has reported that 33% of Sanders voters will not vote for Clinton. Some will vote third party. Some will vote for Trump. Some will not vote. Bernie Sanders has won 19 states. In May he won West Virginia by 15%. Please help elect him president

FBI Saboteur Runs Me Off The Road (tags)

Illegal alien, working as an FBI terrorist-saboteur, runs me off the road on FM 1479 in Harlingen Texas.

Who is the Radical? Bernie Sanders (tags)

Bernie Sanders is the candidate of young voters and sparks a movement in the social media. Sanders is the man of the people and Clinton is the woman of big money. Clinton compares Putin with Hitler. Sanders urges a diplomatic solution of problems. Who is the radical?

New Book Rips Hillary Clinton (tags)


Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make (tags)


Russia and Syria on the Offensive Against ISIS (tags)


Further redistribution of wealth from West to rest very likely. (tags)

Top sustainable development goal is to end poverty which very likely means a massive redistribution of wealth from West to rest. However, to achieve this the UN has seriously violated the Universal Declaration it claims as its authority.

All Eyes on Putin (tags)


Obama Talks Peace, Wages Endless Wars of Aggression (tags)


Putin v. Obama on Syria (tags)


The Russians Are Coming, Again (tags)


US/Media Misinformation on Russian/Syrian Relations (tags)


Congresswoman for Palestinian Rights (tags)


Iran to Get Upgraded Russian S-300 Missiles (tags)


Kiev Calls 567 Artists Threats to National Security (tags)


Irresponsible NYT and CNN Venezuela Bashing (tags)


Close Confidant's Emails to Hillary Bash Britain's Cameron (tags)


US Supports Egyptian Tyranny (tags)


Hillary Clinton's Scandalous Record (tags)


The Shortwave Report 07/31/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Russia Challenges America's Orwellian National Endowment for Democracy (tags)


Balkanizing Syria Planned (tags)


Phony Claims About Syria Retaining Chemical Weapons (tags)


A Formal Response to California’s Death With Dignity Act Legislation (tags)

Recently a major and moral decision was made to quell California legislature as to whether people suffering with terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity. Democrats did not have enough votes although the legislation might come back later in the year? To the extent that there was much of a debate in the news it has been one-sided with a chorus of status quo preventivists. Religion has once again slammed up common sense and compassion

Human Rights in Venezuela v. America (tags)

human rights

UN Declares Highest Humanitarian Emergency Level in Yemen (tags)


The Shortwave Report 06/26/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, China Radio International, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

John Kerry: War Criminal, Profiteering from Stolen Palestinian Natural Gas (tags)


UN Report on Israel's 2014 Gaza War Postmortems (tags)


Irresponsible US Iran Bashing (tags)


US Escalates Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Hillary Clinton: Profile of Rogue Leadership (tags)


Is Washington Planning Barbarossa II? (tags)


Poroshenko Hypes Nonexistent Russian Invasion Threat (tags)


Kiev Renounces Minsk Ceasefire (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks: Raising the Bar (tags)


Relentless Putin Bashing (tags)


Hillary Clinton Endorses GMOs (tags)


Russians Traveling Abroad Risk Lawless US Abduction (tags)

police states

Saudi Arabia: Headed Toward Becoming Nuclear Armed and Dangerous? (tags)

Saudi Arabia

Netanyahu Appoints Hardline Peace Negotiator (tags)


Kiev Recognizes Ultranationalist Nazi Era Collaborators as Freedom Fighters (tags)


Saudis Violate Agreed On 5-Day Truce in Yemen (tags)


Ukraine: A US-Supported Fascist Cancer in Europe's Heartland (tags)


Proposed US Strategy for Dominating China (tags)


The Shortwave Report 04/10/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.

Netanyahu Insists Iran Deal Include His Demands (tags)


Iran Nuclear Deal: Getting Close, Hold the Cheers (tags)


Are Jewish students safe at the University of California? (tags)

Tammi Rossman-Benjamin is faculty at the University of California, Santa Cruz and cofounder and director of the AMCHA Initiative, a non-profit organization that combats campus anti-Semitism.

Putin and Assad Address Western Imperialism (tags)


Secret US Intelligence on Yemen Compromised (tags)


US Provocations on Russia's Borders (tags)


Obama Reevaluating US Position on Israel? Don't Bet On It (tags)


Washington Declares Political and Economic War on Russia (tags)


Does Obama Plan Cuba-Style Blockade on Venezuela? (tags)


Netanyahu at AIPAC (tags)


NYT Editors Supp;ort Fascist Extremism (tags)


Nemtsov Murdeer: Anti-Putin False Flag! (tags)


US Diplomats Paid to Lie (tags)


Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies in London (tags)


Caracas Mayor Part of US Coup Plot (tags)


Russia Bashing Big Lies Persist (tags)


Obama's Ukraine Agenda (tags)


Steve Kim's Life Unjustly Ruined By Justice Department And FBI (tags)

Because he honored a State Department press officer's request to speak to a reporter, Steve Kim is in jail

Ukraine Conflict Continues Despite Ceasefire (tags)


Britain and Canada Involved in Foiled US Venezuelan Coup Plot (tags)


Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance (tags)

Akbayan statement on the video of killing of injured SAF trooper

Minsk Agreement: What's Most important to Know (tags)


Venezuela Foils Obama's Coup Plot (tags)


NATO Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


Nuland at Brookings (tags)


Blowback Against Israeli State Terror (tags)


Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum (tags)


NATO Commander Lies Claiming Possible Russian Invasion of Ukraine (tags)


Message of Profound Importance to the UN. (tags)

Consider it of Profound Concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also Islamic terrorists should be informed that America opposed extending the secular domain to include economic, social and cultural rights which it has not ratified (also see PS. below)

Message of Profound Importance to UN. (tags)

Consider it of profound concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also, Islamic terrorists should be informed that at the UN it was very largely America that opposed collectivization and secularization of whole Universal Declaration.

Waging Phony War on Terror (tags)


Revised: Michael Brown Story Killed All Focus To Semitic Hate Crimes in Gaza (January 4, 2 (tags)

In the first week of August heat was really coming to boil over massive and blatant war crimes perpetrated by Israelis against Palestinian civilians in Gaza this summer of 2014. Even Benjamin Netanyahu was busy contacting supposedly our U. S. Congress-people then in early August to shield his-self, and his likes, from war crime allegations and potential tribunals. Suddenly along came to the media radar Michael Brown’s death just when the world was in a real uproar about repeated violence and blatant attacks on civilians and children —knowing intuitively such attacks were deliberate crimes.

Who'll Sanction the Sanctioner? (tags)


Abbas Signs Rome Statute: Hold the Cheers (tags)


US/Russia Reset? Hold the Cheers (tags)


Discussing ethical human rights and change in Pakistan following reported Taliban violence (tags)

Discussing possible change within Pakistan, whether the State could adopt ethical human rights or the possibility of an Islamic political party being formed with ethical human rights as its non-political and spiritual base.

West?Russia Rapprochement? (tags)


Ethical human rights will not only turn America around but take it forward. (tags)

Mitch McConnell the presumptive leader of the Republicans who recently won a majority in the US Senate said that there is now a race to turn America around. In my view, ethical human rights will not only turn it around but take it forward.

Follow-Up Open Letter to New York Times Editors (tags)


US to Veto Palestinian Statehood Bid (tags)


Thaw in US/Cuban Relations? (tags)


EU Parliament Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Lawless US Sanctions on Venezuela (tags)


Egyptian-Style Justice (tags)


Washington Covertly Arming Ukraine (tags)


Over-the-Top Israeli Policies (tags)


Biden in Ukraine (tags)


Keystone XL Pipeline: Down but not Out (tags)


Israeli Settlements Prevent Peace (tags)


Duplicitous US State of Emergency with Iran (tags)


Another Fake Russian Ukrainian Invasion (tags)


Kiev Reneges on Donbas Self-Rule Status (tags)


Serial Killer Netanyahu Calls for Calm (tags)


Ray McGovern Brutally Arrested (tags)

police state

Sadistic Israeli Murder (tags)


The Day Israel Attacked America (tags)


Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)


Malicious Anti-Iranian Propaganda (tags)


WJ Columnist Mary O'Grady: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Obama's Syria Strategy (tags)


Illusory Ceasefire in Ukraine (tags)


Sweden Recognizes Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Libya in Free Fall (tags)


Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (tags)


Mocking Putin's Good Faith Ukraine Peace Plan (tags)


Big Lies Risk Confrontation with Russia (tags)


The Russians Are Coming Big Lies (tags)


Obama Declares War on Syria (tags)


Kiev's Dirty War (tags)


Failure in Cairo (tags)


Terrorizing Southeastern Ukrainians: Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Blocking Russian Humanitarian Aid (tags)


The Shortwave Report 07/04/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, The Voice Of Russia, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

American Exceptionalism Justifies War on Humanity (tags)


Palestinian Unity Governance (tags)


War on Fundamental Rights in Ukraine (tags)


War Without Mercy Continues (tags)


Kiev's War on Freedom (tags)


Washington Risks Global War (tags)


Kiev Wages War on Free Expression (tags)

police state

Ukraine's Fascist Roots (tags)


George Soros' Predatory Worldview (tags)


Eastern Ukrainian Referendum Post-Mortems (tags)


Democracy Landslide in Eastern Ukraine (tags)


Eastern Ukrainians Vote (tags)


Fascist Killers (tags)


Putin in Crimea (tags)


Bashing Putin's Diplomatic Proposal (tags)


State Department Big Lies (tags)

police state

US State-Sponsored Terrorism (tags)

police state

More Kerry Bullying, Bluster and Big Lies (tags)


Russia Bashing Escalates (tags)


Irresponsible RT International Bashing (tags)


Slavyansk Braces for Onslaught (tags)


Obama Threatens Russia and China (tags)


The Shortwave Report 04/25/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio,The Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

PLO/Hamas Detente? (tags)


US Threatens Russia (tags)


Cold War 2.0 (tags)


Russia Bashing Continues (tags)


Fake Donetsk Letter Circulating (tags)


Ukraine on the Brink (tags)


Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)


Israeli State Terrorism (tags)


Escalating War on Syria (tags)


Netanyahu Declares War on Palestine (tags)


Sham Peace Talks Continue (tags)


Does the NSA Spy On Confessionals, AA Groups, Shrink Visits, Class Action Lawsuit Conferen (tags)

virtually unlimited sleuthing by the NSA used for everything from imperialist military actions and assassination squads to blackmail, industrial espionage and insider trading

Jonathan Pollard's Imminent Release? (tags)


The Struggle for Ukraine's Soul Continues (tags)


Keystone XL: State Department tells the environment to drop dead (tags)

The U.S. State Department appears to be cooking the books in its studies of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Could this be a sign that the Obama administration is preparing to approve a project that potentially could be the tipping point for uncontrollable global warming?

New York Times Editors Front for Power (tags)


Media Prostitutes Defend the Indefensible (tags)


Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Dueling East/West Agendas (tags)


Heightened US/Russian Tensions (tags)


Israel Hypes Nonexistent Iranian Threat (tags)


Putin v. Obama: Geopolitical Opposites (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia (tags)


Crisis in Ukraine (tags)


Obama's Dirty Hands Manipulating Venezuelan Violence (tags)


Scoundrel Media Putin Bashing (tags)


Wall Street Journal Reinvented History (tags)


An Open Letter to Barack Obama (tags)


Fascism's Ugly Face in Ukraine (tags)


Scoundrel Media War on Ukraine (tags)


Destabilizing Venezuela Continues (tags)


US-Stoked Violence Rocks Ukraine (tags)


Preordained Failure in Geneva (tags)


Syrian Opposition Regime Change Plans (tags)


Street Violence in Venezuela (tags)


Washington's Dirty Game (tags)


Obama Shifts Closer to War on Syria (tags)


Kerry and Lavrov in Munich (tags)


Kerry Backs Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)


Deadlocked Syrian Peace Talks (tags)


Palestinians Against Fake Peace Talks (tags)


Western Manipulated Violence in Ukraine (tags)


Syrian Peace Talks: DOA (tags)


Obama Defends the Indefensible (tags)


The Ghost of Ariel Sharon (tags)


Obama Sabotaging Syrian Peace (tags)


The Third Battle of Fallujah (tags)


Peace Process Hypocrisy Continues (tags)


Media lies while Syrians die: Media disinformation and the Syrian war (tags)

Months after the events took place, Pulitzer prize winning journalists and others are finally reporting about the lies and manipulations of the US government regarding the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria. Far from shining a light on the true situation in the country, however, these reports continue to avoid the underlying causes and explanations for what is happening in Syria, and the forces that are behind it. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Syrian war coverage of the mainstream media is not its underlying bias—that was always to be expected—but how remarkably ineffective that coverage has been in convincing the public of the need for military intervention in the country. After nearly three years of relentless propaganda attempting to convince the public of the virtue of the terrorist insurgency and the incomparable evil of Assad, the seemingly inevitable march toward war in the wake of the Ghouta chemical weapons attack faltered after public opinion overwhelmingly came down on the side of non-interventionist policies. Perhaps reading public sentiment, many mainstream outlets even took to pointing out the media bias on the war and trying to retroactively position themselves against military intervention. This has to be credited to a remarkable, global, grassroots phenomenon of independent citizen media breaking through the layers of propaganda to provide true, cogent analysis of the situation on the ground in Syria.

Iran Nuclear Talks Resume in Geneva (tags)


New Iran Sanctions Bill (tags)


Washington Abuses Indian Diplomat (tags)

police state

Making the World Safe for War Profiteers (tags)


Hardball US Geopolitics (tags)


Peace Without Occupation (tags)


Proposed Senate Bill Risks Undermining Geneva (tags)


Bashing Ukraine (tags)


US/Israeli Iran Policy Remains Unchanged (tags)


Fraud, Intimidation and Vote Buying in Honduras (tags)


Rigged Honduran Elections (tags)


Permanent US Afghanistan Occupation (tags)


Anti-Iranian Israeli/Saudi Alliance (tags)


Oil Espionage: Targeting OPEC (tags)


Reported Iranian Nuclear Deal: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Lawyer Anas Barghouti (tags)


Maintaining Iran Sanctions (tags)


Merkel in NSA's Crosshairs (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Talks: Hold the Cheers (tags)


Appalling Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain (tags)


New Iranian Nuclear Talks (tags)


New Millennium Resource Wars (tags)


Deal Reached on Syrian Chemical Weapons (tags)


Another Fake US Terror Alert (tags)

police state

Rogue State America (tags)

police state

Assad Pledges Full Cooperation for Peace (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Delayed, Not Deterred (tags)


Lavrov Calls Kerry's Bluff (tags)


It’s war that sells (tags)

The war on Iraq won’t be remembered for how it was waged so much as for how it was sold. It was a propaganda war, a war of perception management, where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us.

Global Opposition to Attacking Syria (tags)



Remember all the months of U.S. frustration with Iran not laying down and rolling over—that is after all the one-sided demands by the United States that feels it never has to treat any country like an equal—save its constant kissing of AIPAC, NEOCON, and Israel’s asses nonstop? Well all the horseshit about precise, punitive strikes is a stratagem to settle the Middle East situation once and for all. “To swallow and follow, weather old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.” William E. Gladstone

John Kerry Is A Ghoul In The Night of Living Dead (tags)

John Kerry now walks onto the graves of many, many to-soon-be-dead humans beings. He adamantly plays his well-crafted, seemingly rational justifications for more war; but his whole stage-craft of lies about knowing who is behind the chemical attacks, is a fraud of deceit as Biblical proportions. He is already a living corpse, a puppet for another Zionist-minted atrocity, similar to our Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, both who lead this repeat of professional propaganda campaign, expecting the American public to swallow another pack of lies for another military and political fiasco (as if the U.S. can never learn from previous mistakes). Both have sold their souls to the devil of political push and shove.

America's Intelligence Budget Black Hole (tags)


Israeli Lobby Targets Syria and Iran (tags)


Nobel Peace Laureate Obama Plans War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Israel Attacks Palestinians During Peace Talks (tags)


NSA Bugs UN Headquarters (tags)


Israel Poised to Attack Syria? (tags)


McCarthyism Writ Large (tags)

police state

Imminent US War on Syria? (tags)


False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)


Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)


Egypt's Bloody Friday (tags)


Police State Egypt (tags)


Obama Appoints Spy Chief to Head NSA Investigation (tags)


Will or Won't Obama Attack Syria? (tags)


Anti-American Sentiment in Egypt (tags)


Joint Open Letter by 150 human rights, digital rights and media rights NGOs to Obama (tags)

Edward Snowden’s recent disclosures have triggered a necessary and long-delayed public debate about the acceptable boundaries of surveillance in a democratic country, a debate that on 5 June you welcomed having.

New York Times Editors Support Police State Persecution (tags)


Fake Terror Alert Extended (tags)

police state

Heightened Russia Bashing (tags)


Israeli Referendum Measure Blocks Land for Peace (tags)


Profile of a Rigged Peace Process (tags)


The Illusion of Israeli/Palestinian Peace for Our Time (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies and US Promises (tags)

police state

More Evidence of Fake Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


EU Shamelessly Declares Hezbollah a Terrorist Organization (tags)


Snowden and Latin America Expose Washington (tags)

One of America’s genuine heroes, Major General Smedley D Butler revealed in his memoirs the true, abhorrent nature of Washington’s foreign policy. Butler had led countless military operations in Central America and the Caribbean as a US Marines Corp commander in the era of «gunboat diplomacy» during the early 1900s. Years after his retirement, he spoke out candidly and ruefully of his highly decorated military service in a book entitled War is a Racket. Here is how Butler characterized with unsparing words his service for country in 1935, five years before his death:

Russia Bashing Redux (tags)


EU Guidelines on Israel: Part II (tags)


Lawlessness Is Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Obama Blocks Snowden's Asylum (tags)


Syrian Opposition in Disarray (tags)


Europe Cravenly Colluding with U.S. in Criminality (tags)

It is hard to know which is the more outrageous: the US government’s forced landing this week of the Bolivian President Evo Morales’ official jet in Europe; or the European authorities’ compliance with the Americans in their act of international piracy.

Targeting Foreign Leaders: Longstanding US Policy (tags)

police state

Obama's New Climate Plan (tags)


Kerry's Shuttle Diplomacy Excludes Peace in Our Time (tags)


Lynne Stewart Denied Compassionate Release (tags)

police state

Nobel Peace Laureates Urge Obama and Kerry to Nix Keystone XL (tags)

Firmly linking the Keystone XL pipeline with climate change, 10 Nobel Peace Prize winners are urging President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry to reject the project.

America: Police State Ruthlessness Writ Large (tags)

police state

Edward Snowden Charged Under the Espionage Act (tags)

police state

Another Israeli War Criminal of the Year Award (tags)

police state

Anti-Syrian Blame Game Escalates (tags)


Iran's June Presidential Election (tags)


State Department Terrorism Report: Upping the Stakes for War (tags)


Israel Threatens Syria (tags)


Israel Threatens Russia (tags)


Monsanto: Profits Above Human Health (tags)


Lebanon's Victory Day of National Resistance (tags)


Another Anti-Assad False Flag (tags)


Honduras: State-Sponsored Death Squad Terror (tags)

police state

False Flag Chemical Attack on Syria (tags)


US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


Washington v. Venezuela (tags)


More Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Talks (tags)


Honduran Police State Repression (tags)

police state

Washington Supports Venezuelan Opposition (tags)


New York Times Hypocrisy (tags)


UN Human Rights Council: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Chavez: A Personal Tribute (tags)


AFL-CIO’s Own Oil Disaster (tags)

With less than transparency, the AFL-CIO just issued a statement endorsing “expanding the nation’s pipeline system.” Although it did not explicitly endorse the Keystone XL pipeline, the labor federation nevertheless managed to extend its blessing to the project while hiding behind vague generalities. However, the logic of its position is unambiguous: the federation is in favor of extending pipelines in general and without qualification; the Keystone XL is a pipeline. Therefore logic compels us to infer that the federation supports the extension of the Keystone XL pipeline.

IAEA Report Confirms Iran's Peaceful Nuclear Program (tags)


Washington Whitewashes Israeli Murder (tags)


U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason (tags)

Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.

Nominee Hagel Bullied by Neocon Servants of Military-Industrial Complex (tags)

The neocon servants of the military-industrial complex (Lindsay Graham, etc...) have revealed their true allegience to the Zionist state of Israel and against the will of the U.S. people. Their betrayal of former friend and fellow Republican Chuck Hagel, a true conservative who doesn't want to waste taxpayer money on never ending wars, is evidence enough of their deception of U.S. interests in favor of Zionist Israel.

Premeditated Aggression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Obama's War on Whistleblowers (tags)

police state

Netanyahu Rejects Palestinian Sovereignty and Democratic Freedoms (tags)


Israel Complicit in Global State Terrorism (tags)


FAIR v. Scoundrel Media Misreporting on Venezuela (tags)


Hagel Correctly Points out Influence of pro-Israeli Lobby in Politics (tags)

The future Sec. of Defense Chuck Hagel is correct in pointing out the influence of the pro-ISRAEL lobby, especially from CUFI and AIPAC. Being honest in politics is dangerous, as one statement however true can be blown out of proportion by enemies.

Anti-Chavez Media War Rages (tags)


Hagel and Brennan Nominations (tags)


Western Media War on Syria (tags)


Bolivaranism in Venezuela (tags)


Venezuela's Future (tags)


Congress Extends Warrantless Spying (tags)

police state

Letter to All Americans About Gun Control from a Dissident Independent (tags)

Guns are an effective form of human violence, which is why they are so often employed in both war and crime. They are dangerous and deadly. Reasons for their existence are not always, or even often, noble. They kill. This is to say we human animals kill—and nowhere more so than for political reasons—such as a nation venturing abroad for purported reasons to exact war against terrorists, etc. (while not ironically understanding that war is terrorism). And yet there is something “more” dangerous than weapons and that is politics itself (that history reminds us over and over again). Guns do “not” exist in a vacuum—they are artifacts built for and by a corrupt species of creature. No government ever—no matter how much naïve trust by blind patriotism exist—should be trusted to the point citizens just hand over their right to defend themselves from those in power. ALL forms of government are corruptible, and so are ALL forms of institution. This government (and especially both major political parties and their lobby cronies), if not thoroughly corrupt, is still too corrupt—including its capacity to violate human rights. Banning of guns (or other Constitutional rights) here in the United States must be understood within these recent radical changes that have happened especially since 9/11. It could be the equivalent of giving Mafia thugs your last weapons.

The Syrian Revolution: Another Madness to Bring the Sharia Law (tags)

The so-called Syrian Revolution is being led by Wahhabist extremists against the rational secular government of Bashar al-Assad. The U.S. backed Wahhabists are seeking to overthrow the stable government of al-Assad to further escalate tensions between Iran and Israel. Once again U.S. foreign policy is in the same filthy gutter of deception where the GW Bush regime left off. Some change, eh?

Imperial Warrior Kerry at State (tags)


Odd Man Out (tags)


US and European Union rebuke Israel’s new settlement plans in East Jerusalem (tags)

The White House Tuesday rebuked Israel for officially endorsing 1,500 new Jewish residences in Arab East Jerusalem, saying the action makes suspicious Israel’s pledge to peace talks and an independent Palestinian state. A number of European Union countries also condemned the Israeli move.

Obama drops the ball (and Susan Rice) again (tags)

"(T)he confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive, and costly -- to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities. That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country." -- Susan RiceSusan Rice, letter to President Obama

Propaganda War on Syria Rages (tags)


Syria: Tightening the Noose (tags)


Susan Rice's Imperial Credentials (tags)


Abbas Submits Weak UN Status Bid (tags)


Naked Israeli Aggression (tags)


Syrian Opposition Unity Deal (tags)


Obama's Post-Election Militancy (tags)

police state

Overreach: America's Imperial Waterloo? (tags)


America's Deplorable Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

Predicting Protracted Hard Times (tags)

class war

Champion of the Rich and Militarists (tags)

While the foreign-and military policy of President Obama is everything other than worthy of a Nobel Prize for peace, the positions of his challenger lead to total fear and worry. America has a one-party system with two right-wings (Gore Vidal)

Obama's Disposition Matrix (tags)

police state

The Demonization of Dissent in the United States (tags)

On Oct. 3rd, 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.

Remembering Russell Means (tags)


Direct US/Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Beating Up on Russia, Syria and Iran (tags)


The Shortwave Report 10/19/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and the Voice of Russia.

EU Wages War on Free Expression (tags)


Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)


Washington Plays Hardball with Russia on Syria (tags)


US to Delist & Arm American-Killing Terror Cult (tags)

Continuity of Agenda: Neo-Cons and Obama administration sponsor global terror against Iran.

San Jose Imam linked to Hezbollah arrested in Mexico (tags)

Rafic Mohammad Labboun Allaboun arrested in Mexico

Settler Attacks on Palestinians (tags)


Washington Opposes Peace (tags)


Syrian False Flag Planned? (tags)


WikiLeaks cable: Gaddafi funded, trained CPP-NPA rebels (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Libyan strongman Moammar Gaddafi was a key financier of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its military wing, the New People's Army (NPA), according to a US Secretary of State secret cable published by anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

Is Western Condemnation of Cultural Destruction Reserved Exclusively for Enemies? (tags)

Djulfa’s destruction, like that of the Bamiyan Buddhas and Timbuktu shrines, merits widespread coverage, unwavering condemnation, and international liability, no matter who the perpetrator is.

Top academics rebel against State capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights. (tags)

Top academics rebel against State capture and discuss ethical approach to human rights,development, globalization to replace neoliberalism and omitted children's rights. Former emphasizes bottom-up, unleashes potential the latter is top-down, crushes potential.

Why Asylum For Julian Assange Is Central To Today’s Politics: Torture and the American Ch (tags)

If there were a lightening rod to energize political apathy in this heavily propagandized world democratic right of dissent, such as to challenge corrupt government practice, should be it. But certain U. S. leaders’ apparent intention to incarcerate and punish Julian Assange for leaking U.S. secrets puts our black methods in the limelight. What were his motives and equally what has been the character of U.S. foreign policy? It seems revelations were meant to highlight U.S. corruption as people around the world have come to fear American brutality. Many around the globe know the United States as a rogue bully of an empire that regularly uses intimidation to get its way. It takes a real macho government to push around countries like Ecuador, Sweden and lapdog England. As has been shown over and over the United States does not respect law, legal distinctions or diplomatic norms.

What Next in Syria? (tags)


Targeting Chavez (tags)


US Proxy Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria (tags)


Support shown by UN,US,maybe NZ for ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism (tags)

A new idea, an ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization to replace neoliberalism, gives people a choice.The ethical human rights approach is being supported on the social networking sites by the US government, the UN while the NZ government maybe sympathetic.

Syria Threatens No One (tags)


Washington's Plan B for Syria (tags)


Saudi Arabia Rocked by Protests (tags)

police state

Security Council Showdown Afternath (tags)


Syria Roulette (tags)


Divorce Scuttles Shotgun Likud/Kadmia Wedding (tags)


Ed Sandusky (tags)

Watching the Jerry Sandusky trial at times reminds me of when I was in college. I was at the University of Connecticut studying landscape architecture and I started experiencing discriminatory harassment. It started with one professor, and so I thought I could just ride it out as it was just comments under his breath from time to time and only when I passed him in the hallway or other times when not many people were within earshot. I just kept on going, but the harassment just kept growing in intensity and frequency.

Why Hillary Rod-Iron Clinton Should Be Retired (tags)

Hillary Clinton seems much a mess. Possessed actually, as her appearance, attitude and demeanor, at times, suggests she is in some movie and her character is veering to evil antagonist or machination machine—militantly bureaucratic and all gang mobsters of huge government might imply. Enough with feminist, protectionism claims she is being judged because she is a woman to different standards. Yes there was a terrible and concerted propaganda war to incite hatred against Bill in any way possible as well as everything Democrats ever stood for (or purported). Yet now she is equally manipulated by forces beyond her ken as psychologically blind invalid—because she has need to lash out at something—something society and powerful special interests will allow her unconscious anger to focus. One doesn’t have to understand the likes of Thomas Scheff’s Emotions and Violence: Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts to realize where she is coming from and likely to go. Deliberate and accidental humiliation does indeed motivate people to engage violence, which seems the very modus operandi of both Israel and the United States in relation to several Muslim groups.

Bullying, Bluster and Imperial Arrogance 101 (tags)


Boland Amendment Redux (tags)


War of Words Over Turkish Aircraft Incident (tags)


The Movie J. Edgar; Just More Hollywood Lies (tags)

While the movie J. Edgar ignores J. Edgar Hoover’s many successes in silencing American Blacks, leftists, and persecution of homosexuals, it starts out by “justifying” the 1919 Palmer Raids. J. Edgar Hoover’s involvement in the Palmer Raids was at the beginning of his long sordid history of carrying out political repression in the United States. The Palmer Raids, led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer with J. Edgar Hoover on his staff, rounded up leftists including Anarchists, Communists, and Socialists for prison and deportation. Among the many crimes committed by the government, hundreds were deported, including Emma Goldman, a leading anarchist and U.S. citizen who was deported to the USSR, Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs was thrown in prison, and the young communist movement was driven underground.

Cold War Politics Redux (tags)


UN Monitors Spy for Washington (tags)


Time for Azerbaijan to Cease its Occupation of Territories Belonging to Armenia (tags)

To ensure stability in the region, prevailing arbitration over occupied lands must be implemented.

More Syrian Blood on Obama's Hands (tags)


Reason for Hope and Despair in Palestine (tags)


Russian Journalist Exposes Propaganda Lies about Houla Massacre (tags)


Violence-Wracked Honduras (tags)

police state

Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom (tags)

Our enemies are not several hundred thousand miles away. They are right here in front of us - Mike Prysner Right. We need to blame the politicians criminally responsible, that Alex Jones forbids his cult to fairly consider as empowered.

Heightening Tensions for War on Iran (tags)


Syria and Iran in Focus (tags)


Israeli and Palestinian Protests (tags)


Fabricating Lies To Wage War On Iran (tags)

Turning Iran into a reliable pro-Western puppet state is a long-sought US goal. All options are considered, including war.

Another Foiled False Flag (tags)

false flags

Protesting for Justice in Bahrain (tags)


America's Gulf Disaster Revisited (tags)


Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan (tags)

I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !

The Winds of War (tags)


Obama Wreaks Duplicity (tags)


"Assad’s secret emails": Guardian and Independent's war propaganda shifts into higher gear (tags)

Although suffering from a plummeting credibility, The Guardian and The Independent are still escalating their sustained propaganda campaign against Syria.

Targeted Killings: US and Israeli Specialties (tags)

rogue states

Israel's Rogue Killing Machine (tags)


Irresponsible Anti-Iranian Fear-Mongering (tags)


BBC: Caught in the Act (tags)


Act Up Against ACTA (tags)


Targeting Syria and Iran (tags)


Israeli Political Prisoner Khader Adnan Near Death (tags)


Washington's War on Syria (tags)


Arab League Arrogance (tags)


Beating Up on Chavez (tags)


Dancing the Apocalypso with the Microbial Gestapo (tags)

The Biological Weapons Convention meets in Geneva amidst allegations that the US has violated the treaty

Planned Regime Change in Iran and Syria (tags)


Waging Covert War on Iran (tags)


Haiti: Two Years Later (tags)


Unaccountable: Private Military Contractor Abuses (tags)


Shooting the Messenger in Syria (tags)


Iowa’s Choice: Dr. Paul or U.S. bankruptcy, more wars, and many more dead soldiers (tags)

Top Republican presidential contender U.S. Rep. Ron Paul has been endorsed by former head of the CIA’s “Bin Laden Unit” Michael Scheuer, reports Revolution PAC. In his endorsement, Scheuer backs Paul’s longstanding non-interventionist foreign policy views and warns of bankruptcy and increased hostility toward Americans both at home and abroad should current bipartisan foreign adventurism continue.

State of Human Rights in Israel (tags)


Saudi Arabian State Terror (tags)

police state

Escalating Anti-Iranian Tensions (tags)


Netanyahu Rejects Peace (tags)


Russian v. US Elections (tags)


Is The Passed Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (retroactive) To Detain Americans? (tags)

The Defense Authorization Act of 2012) appears more threatening to Americans than Hitler's (1933 DISCRIMINATORY LAWS. Hitler's laws set time limits that Germans could be incarcerated for e.g., Serious Disturbance of the Peace and Rioting. But Senators Carl Levin and John McCain’s bill broadly mandates holding Americans indefinitely in Military Custody for being a Belligerent.

Behaving Honorably (tags)

Recently in addressing the issue of withdrawing troops from Iraq President Obama discussed the idea that to do so was honoring the troops that made so many sacrifices there. He discussed the idea that ending our mission there was the right thing to do. He essentially asserted that by ending the conflicts there and focusing on our home front that we as a nation were behaving honorably. He discussed honoring the Bush timeline as the right thing to do, though he didn't necessarily use those words.

Russia Bashing (tags)


100 Mayors Oppose Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)

20% of the earth's people are using up 80% of the earth's resources. Time for resource-sparing lifestyles and work sharing! Will the US make the transition from empire to republic and from excess to access? Like capitalism, the Keystone XL pipeline is full of contradictions.

Rage for Change in Egypt (tags)


War of Words on Iran (tags)


Fabricated IAEA Report on Iran Released (tags)


Israel Assaults Freedom Waves to Gaza Activists (tags)


America's Imperial Arrogance (tags)


Washington and Israel: Partners in State Terror (tags)

state terror

Killing Gaddafi: Longstanding US Policy (tags)


Obama's Imperial Arrogance (tags)


Libyan Loyalists Resist NATO, Rebels and Propaganda (tags)


Calls to Annex West Bank Settlements (tags)


Obstructing Palestinian Statehood Begins (tags)


Palestine's Rocky Road to Statehood (tags)


Anti-Israeli Friction Helps Palestinians (tags)


Allegedly Foiling Jerusalem Terrorist Attacks (tags)

state terror

Is Syria Next? (tags)

regime change

Obama?s Continued Failures on the Environment and Jobs (tags)

[Photo: Bridge in Felton, California built by workers in the Works Progress Administration which employed 3.8 million people from 1935 to 1941 and built 11,000 schools, 122,000 public buildings, 77,000 bridges, 285 airports, 24,000 miles of sewer, and 664,000 miles of road. Photo by Liberation News]

HR 2829 Targets Palestinian Statehood (tags)


NATO Style Liberation (tags)


RIP: America's Anti-War Movement (tags)


The Oslo Attacks: More False Flag Evidence (tags)

false flag

Denunciation of Israel's Anti-Boycott Law (tags)


A Decade of US War Costs (tags)


America's Dirty War on Islam (tags)


War Is A Crime Preparation for Feb 7, 2012 Cal Primary (tags)

California will be part of Super Tuesday on February 7, 2012 when Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Montana Republican caucuses, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah have their presidential primaries. The two peace parties on the California ballot are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Below is a partial list of the war crimes and human rights violations of the current Democrat in the White House.

Israeli Freedom Flotilla II Terrorism (tags)

state terror

The Business of America Is War (tags)


Breaching Gaza's Siege Update (tags)

Israeli state terror

Breaching Gaza's Siege (tags)


Lies, Damn Lies, and Liberating Wars (tags)


2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Bahrain (tags)

state terrorism

The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (Part II) (tags)


The US government has gone into the business of managing the public's perceptions (tags)

"The US government has gone into the business of managing the public?s perceptions of news and events. Apparently, the Pentagon has implemented Perception Management Psychological Operations. There are also reports that the State Department and other US agencies use Facebook and Twitter to stir up problems for the Syrian, Iranian, Russian, Chinese, and Venezuela governments in efforts to unseat governments not controlled by Washington."

Washington's War on Chavez (tags)


In Saakashvili's Georgia, the Bloom Is Off the Rose (tags)


The International Criminal Court: An Imperial Tool (tags)


America's Appalling Human Rights Record (tags)

human rights

Forum on Venezuela in LA May 8, A Resounding Success (tags)

- Last Sunday, Mother?s Day, the Los Angeles forum about Venezuela?s Bolivarian Revolution, featuring attorney and author Eva Golinger and a panel of Venezuela experts was a success. The forum that was held at the Emmanuel Presbyterian Church in Wislhire featured speaker was and Eva Golinger is a foreign policy advisor to the Venezuelan government, led by President Hugo Chavez.

Brutal State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

state terror

2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Haiti (tags)


US human rights report shines spotlight on Penan tribe (tags)

A new US government human rights report has highlighted the Penan tribe’s battle to protect their rainforests in Sarawak, in Malaysian Borneo, from logging. 

Poisoning Mother Earth: Fukushima and America's Gulf (tags)


2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Egypt (tags)


Mission Creep in Libya (tags)


The Shortwave Report 04/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Japan, Germany, Cuba, and Russia.

Police Brutality in Honduras (tags)


Sheriff Paul Babeu is a liar? (tags)

You have to shovel the BS if you want to get reelected.

Suppressing Truth and Promoting War: A New York Times Tradition (tags)

media lies

A War is a War is a War and It Ain't Gonna Be Cheap (tags)

If you ask liberal talking heads like Ed Schultz and other Nattering Nabobs of Progressivism, who would support Dick Cheney if he was a Democrat, they'll tell you, "Well, this is a cheaper war, a Democrat war and besides, it's not a war."

BBC: US and UK Imperial Tool (tags)


Venezuela's New Social Responsibility Law (tags)


Aristide Heading Home (tags)


Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Torturing Bradley Manning (tags)


Our Man in Pakistan (tags)




Imperialist Hands off Libya (tags)

""The "lap dog presses" in western nations will not assist in revealing the horrific imperial grab now shaping up in North Africa. The western powers are on the "counter attack" as naval might is now poised to "intervene" in Libya to "save the day," read still the victory, after the people themselves have deposed the dictator and begun to set up their own government. That is the west's' worst nightmare. Normal human beings, peacefully governing themselves? That would be a disaster and the most feared example from the "great white mans" perspective. And of course they want the oil and a potential launch pad for attacks (remember the contra war against revolutionary Nicaragua) on the new governments in Tunisia and Egypt should they deem to be too independent from the dictates of capital. Eh gads! They might decide to meet the needs of their citizens! The people of Libya will need to state to the entire world that they will defend they're independence and sovereignty with the force of arms from all invaders. Only then will the imperialist consider backing off. Expose the imperialist plan! "

Major Media Promote War on Libya (tags)


Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention? (tags)

“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq. Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”

Calls for military intervention in Libya? (tags)

"The Imperialist powers, they’re economies wrecked by the hubris endemic to their systems, would like nothing better than to seize, Libya’s petroleum assets during this time of eternal turmoil. And why wouldn’t they desire to invade now? They get to derail revolution and they get the oil! This would be London and Washington’s wet dream. And it would be a disaster for the people everywhere! In fact we may ultimately find that their dirty, greedy hands were behind the disaster in Libya in order to create pretexts for actions “imperial in nature” all over Africa. At any rate, no progressive person can believe that “western intervention” will be other than another grotesque rape of the people of the African continent. Please do all you can to resist this horrible possibility? The western powers simply cannot be trusted. Defend the Libyan nations’ right, and indeed all the revolutionary peoples’ of Africa’s’ right to self-determination. No less, and in fact, much more is at stake."

Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with Iran? (tags)

"In terms of imperialist mentality, not all that much has changed since the days of 1956, when British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would become apoplectic at the mere sight of Colonel Amal abd-el Nasser, the gallant Egyptian leader who successfully nationalized the Suez Canal in defiance of the British and the French. When the imperialists look across the northern edge of Africa, the valuable assets they see are the oil of Algeria and Libya, and above all the Suez Canal, one of the classical naval choke points of the world, through which 8% of world maritime trade currently passes. The Anglo Americans are acutely aware of the endless possibilities for mischief against countries like Iran, China, and Russia that could be derived from a reassertion of the old imperialist control of Suez. If some pretext could be found for banning Chinese ships from the Suez Canal, China’s entire trade with Europe would be severely disrupted. However, in order to make a grab for Suez politically feasible, Egypt would have to descend into chaos. This may in fact be one of the prime motivations of what is currently going on. If the national states collapse, then the empire is free to step in and seize what it wants."

Middle East Protests Continue (tags)

liberating struggles

Hold the Celebration: Egypt's Struggle Just Began (tags)

liberating struggles

Aristide Gets Diplomatic Passport (tags)


Grassroots Support for Aristide's Return (tags)

Aristide's return

Field Notes on American-Style Democracy (tags)


Heroic resistance in Cairo to state-orchestrated repression (tags)

"A significant piece of direct evidence of collusion is the texts sent out by the government via various mobile phone networks to rally its forces. One published on Flickr gallery states, “The Armed Forces asks Egypt's honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor and our precious Egypt.” The fact is that the army and the police are headed by the same people who control the government, with Mubarak's newly appointed vice-president, Omar Suleiman, acting as the prime culprit."

Alan Dershowitz Supporting Tyranny? (tags)


Egypt's Revolution: Obama Backing Regime Change? (tags)


Are We Witnessing the Start of a Global Revolution? (tags)

"Understand that the “War on Terror” is a complete lie, a concoction meant to obscure the imperial attack on the worldwide insurrection of the people’s revolt the imperialist ruling class knew would be coming. Of course 911 was a false flag attack perpetrated largely by imperialism to serve as a defense against this revolt. But before that the outlines of this “defense of the system” was likely behind the crash of a jumbo jet in the ocean when an Egyptian pilot, with no record of radical ideas, supposedly crash dived a fully loaded passenger plane shouting, “God is great.” One can review and study these manipulations and begin to see the strategy and heartless efforts being waged by our rulers in a desperate attempt to maintain our world in bondage. The U.S. will claim to be defending democracy and human welfare while attempting to utterly crush both."

Lebanon's Hezbollah-Led Government (tags)

stability jeopardized

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Bizarre Developments in Haiti (tags)

more despotism planned

Obama Challenges China on Human Rights (tags)

gross hypocrisy

Duvalier in the Dock (tags)

justice demanded

Turmoil in Tunisia (tags)

democracy struggle

Banking in Venezuela (tags)

responsible banking

The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III plus many mirrors (tags)

"Obama wasted no time in rapidly accelerating America’s imperial adventures. While dropping the term “War on Terror” from usage, the Pentagon adopted the term, “overseas contingency operations.”[4] This was to be the typical strategy of the Obama administration: change the appearance, not the substance. The name was changed, but the “War on Terror” remained, and not only that, it was rapidly accelerated to a level that would not have been possible if undertaken by the previous administration."

Turmoil in Lebanon (tags)

Lebanon crisis

Tunisia: The First WikiLeaks Revolution? (tags)

Tunisians didn't need any more reasons to protest when they took to the streets these past weeks -- food prices were rising, corruption was rampant, and unemployment was staggering.

Lanny Davis: Lobbyist for Despots (tags)

anything for a buck

Besieged Gaza Two Years After Cast Lead (tags)

suffocating Gaza

Hail to the Thief: The New York Times Defends Mikhail Khodorkovsky (tags)

supporting mega theft

Washington’s “humanitarian” war and the KLA’s crimes (tags)

"This may come as no surprise to those who have witnessed his rise from terrorist thug to head of the newly “independent” state. But what will be a shock to many is the grotesque way in the KLA helped finance its operations—by removing and selling body organs from kidnapped Serb and Kosovan Albanian civilian prisoners." "Any prosecution of the KLA was made “impossible” by Washington, which has been its main sponsor since at least 1998. Following the Bosnian war of 1995, the KLA, seeking to capitalise on popular resentment among Kosovan Albanians against the regime of Slobodan Milosevic in Serbia, pursued a strategy of destabilising Kosovo by acts of terrorism in the hope of provoking Western intervention." "US Senator Joseph Lieberman declared that “Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights."

Hail to the Chief: Spinning Obama's Presidency (tags)

spinning betrayal

Julian Assange arrested/Attack on freedom of press (tags)

The arrest case of Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks is politically motivated and therefore an attack on the freedom of press

Julian Assange and the defense of democratic rights (tags)

"The US government is determined to press ahead. Despite mobilizing US-based companies—including Amazon, PayPal, MasterCard, Visa and, most recently, Bank of America—the Obama administration has proven unable to prevent the continued leaking of the cables. One purpose of the sex charges is to divert attention from the revelations contained in the WikiLeaks documents, while involving Assange himself in an extremely costly and exhausting legal battle. On Sunday, US Vice President Joseph Biden took the very calculated step of calling Assange a “high tech terrorist.” Within the context of the police-state legal structures adopted by the US since the September 11 attacks, this outrageous charge—which bears absolutely no connection to any objective definition of the word “terrorist”—gives the government the power to arrest the named individuals without charge and hold them in a military prison, or assassinate them."

Spoiling for a Fight? (tags)

promoting war

Beware of Wikileaks: Or at least those leaks chosen by western “imperialist press" (tags)

"What is interesting here is the suggestion that the remarks are deep and valuable due to the author’s so-called ‘knowledge’ of the Euro-Asian mafia. The inclusion of Belarus in this ‘leak’ is particularly puzzling. Belarus has one of the lowest crime rates in Europe. The President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has been continuously re-elected since 1994, due to his progressive social policies and no one denies his obvious popularity. Yet he is consistently slandered as a ‘dictator’. While Belarus does have close connections with Russia, relations between the two countries have soured recently over energy disputes, geopolitical differences and Belarus’s refusal to pursue free-market policies. Belarus and Alexander Lukashenko in particular, has been indefatigably demonised in the international press for his refusal to privatise the Belarusian economy, opening up publicly owned industries to international, finance capital mafia. President Lukashenko’s refusal to indebt his country through IMF loans together with the robust performance of the Belarusian economy since the outbreak of the global economic crisis, have won the Belarusian leader the praise and close friendship of Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, who has described Belarus as model socialist economy. Yet Wikileaks considers a flippant and mendacious comment by a Spanish prosecutor to be ‘deep and valuable’? Here we can see ideology masquerading as objective truth. A flippant opinion by a Spanish prosecutor is considered ‘deep and valuable’ because he should know such things. The Wikileak is in reality not a revelation at all. It is simply the publication of a highly dubious statement with an ideological assumption appended. Here the Wikileak serves to bolster the negative view of the country engineered by the acolytes of the corporate media to demonise a respectable socialist democracy. Far from undermining US imperialism, this Wikileaks ‘revelation’ slanders a law-abiding country by associating it with criminality and terrorism."

Blackwater Founder in Deal to Sell Company to LA-Based Investors (tags)

Erik D. Prince, founder of the private security firm formerly known as Blackwater Worldwide, has reached a deal to sell his embattled firm to a small group of investors based in Los Angeles who have close ties to Mr. Prince, according to people briefed on the deal.

Desperate to stop the "truth telling" (tags)

"The imperialists of the world are desperate to stop the "truth telling" of wikileaks. To do so they have thrown away the cover of respect of "freedom of speech" in particular and "support of democratic principals" in general. They are naked now in their hatred of democracy. Organize, resist, do all that you can to protect these true heros from attack. Most importantly, aid them in their efforts to reveal the truths that just may "set us free."

The Empire Has No Clothes (tags)

The UN reviews (or does it?) the human rights record of the United States.

Antitrust Settlement: Visa, MasterCard Payoff for Anti-WikiLeaks Moves? (tags)

"While the and terms of the “settlement” certainly suggest Visa and MasterCard are on the receiving end of some very nice benefits for helping the Obama Administration with its efforts to censor WikiLeaks, this is hardly the first time the administration has made shilling for the companies a matter of public policy. Indeed a February cable from the US Embassy in Moscowshowed that the State Department conspired to lobby the Russian Duma (parliament) on behalf of credit card companies, fighting a draft law that would create a new national credit card payment system organized through Russia’s central bank, on the grounds that it would make Visa’s Russia operations unprofitable. A redacted commenter in the cable says the Russian government “assumes” that both Visa and MasterCard routinely spy on their customers on behalf of the US government, and that the attempt to make all payment processing in Russia a domestic venture was an attempt at countering this."

The persecution of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange (tags)

"The documents obtained by WikiLeaks—only a small fraction of which have been released so far—help expose what is a permanent conspiracy against the democratic rights of the world’s population: from covering up US bombings of civilians in Yemen, to working behind the scenes to obstruct the prosecution of CIA agents guilty of torture, to spying on UN officials in violation of international treaties. Those who are leading the campaign against WikiLeaks are themselves responsible for horrific atrocities. In the face of allegations from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that WikiLeaks had placed lives in danger, Assange gave an appropriate response in an interview with Time magazine. WikiLeaks, he noted, “has never caused an individual … to come to any sort of physical harm or to be wrongly imprisoned and so on. That is a record compared to the organizations that we are trying to expose who have literally been involved in the deaths of hundreds or thousands or, potentially over the course of many years, millions.”

The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks (tags)

willful New York Times censorship

Haiti's Deepening Cholera Crisis (tags)

an imperial crime

Report: WikiLeaks Docs to Show US Military Supporting PKK in Turkey’s Civil War (tags)

" It is doubly problematic in this case, however, as the PKK has been fighting Turkey, a NATO member and close military ally of the US." But they told us that there was nothing else of significance in the wiki docs?

Haiti's Sham Elections: Solidifying Imperial Control (tags)

no democracy in Haiti

Stonewalling Goldstone (tags)

trying to buy the findings

Are the United States and NATO are losing the War in Afghanistan? (tags)

In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.

Washington Backing Indonesian State Terror (tags)

funding state terror

Open Season on Muslims in America (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Obama administration braces for WikiLeaks release (tags)

'This article suggests that there is no need for you to investigate these doucments. As before they tell us there is nothing of interest in them? How quickly they read them? I think they are hoping many will not bother. So please get ready to head back to Wikileaks and spread widely."

San Diego Activists Turn Out to Support Bradley Manning (tags)

San Diego’s progressive community turned out for a downtown rally September 19 in support of Bradley Manning, alleged leaker of the 90,000 pages of documents about the war in Afghanistan and the so-called “Collateral Murder” video of a U.S. attack on civilians in Iraq in 2007, who’s currently being held awaiting trial in an Army brig. Law professor Marjorie Cohn, anti-war veteran Chuck Wynette and other speakers called for Manning to be set free whether he leaked the papers or not.

New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)

"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."

The Shortwave Report 10/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, and Russia. 

More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

Correa knows Washington wants him ousted.

Obama's Hard Line Neo-Con Agenda (tags)

police state America

Failed Washington-Sponsored Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

another Obama coup attempt

Nato's Secret Armies (tags)

waging war against peace

9/11 Documentary; "Who Killed John O'Neill?" (tags)

This 9/11, people will be asking more questions about prior knowledge and possible complicity within the GW Bush regime with the 9/11 Saudi hijackers. One question is also the title of an informative documentary, "Who Killed John O'Neill?", detailing events from before 9/11 when FBI agent John O'Neill repeatedly warned of impending attacks. Yet despite all his important work he was demoted and eventually worked at the WTC building, where he died on 9/11/01.

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?

As Iraq War Continues, a Surge in Contractors (tags)

BTL:Media Amplifies Voices of Hate in Ground Zero Mosque Debate (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Iraq Pullout: Mission Accomplished or Strategic Retreat? (tags)

daily violence rages

Bradley Manning: An American Hero (tags)

He needs and deserves our support

Honduran Junta Murdering Journalists (tags)

Honduran fascism

W Bush's,Barack Obama's Mass Murderer Robert Gates Says Wikileaks Has 'Blood On Its Hands' (tags)


Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)

f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."

BTL:Former Army Col. Ann Wright Recounts Israeli Assault on Gaza Aid Flotilla (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Marie Mason: Victimized by Green Scare State Terrorism (tags)

fighting for justice in America now criminalized

Misery and Despair Plague Haitians (tags)

endless Haitian misery

Sacking McChrystal: Testimony to a Lost War (tags)

the illegal, lost Afghan war

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order (tags)

"The global debt crisis, which is beginning in Greece, and spreading throughout the euro-zone economies of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and ultimately the entire EU, will further consume the UK, Japan and go all the way to America.[50] This will be a truly global debt crisis. Government measures to address the issue of debt focus on the implementation of ‘fiscal austerity measures’ to reduce the debt burdens and make interest payments on their debts. ‘Fiscal austerity’ is a vague term that in actuality refers to cutting social spending and increasing taxes. The effect this has is that the public sector is devastated, as all assets are privatized, public workers are fired en masse, unemployment becomes rampant, health and education disappear, taxes rise dramatically, and currencies are devalued to make all assets cheaper for international corporations and banks to buy up, while internally causing inflation – dramatically increasing the costs of fuel and food. In short, ‘fiscal austerity’ implies ‘social destruction’ as the social foundations of nations and peoples are pulled out from under them. States then become despotic and oppress the people, who naturally revolt against ‘austerity’: the sterilization of society."

Easing Gaza's Siege: Bogus and Unacceptable (tags)

Israel's easing bogus

The Shortwave Report 06/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

OCHA's Special Focus on Occupied Palestine (tags)

horrific Gaza conditions under siege

Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Endangered (tags)

dissent and whistleblowers in America endangered.

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)

"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."

North Korean Ship Sinking: Another False Flag? (tags)

Washington, not N. Korea the likely suspect

Analisis sa Eleksyong 2010 (tags)

Sa wari dahil nagsalita na ang taumbayan. Tinanggap na ang rebolusyonaryong kilusan ang hatol ng bayan at kinilala ang sintimyentong anti-GMA at maagap na naghain ng mga hamon at kahilingan sa bagong uupong pangulo. Ito ay dapat dahil kailangang singilin ang mga pulitiko sa kanilang mga pangako. Ang malakas na lakas ng agos ng sintimyentong anti-GMA ang nagtaboy sa mga hidhid na alipures ni GMA tulad nina Palparan, Gonzales,Ermita, Esperon, Devanadera, Bolante, Atienza at iba pa. Gayunman nakapanatili sa pwesto ang papaalis na pangulong GMA at ag kanyang mga alagad. Maging ang imperyalismong US ay hindi nakahuma at pumayag na lamang sa kosmetikong pagbabago paara payapain ang nagpupuyos na loob ng masa. Sa labanan ng dalawang departamento, nanalo ang manok ng State Department sa manok ng Depense department sa nakaraang eleksyon.

Analisis sa Eleksyong 2010 (tags)

Sa wari dahil nagsalita na ang taumbayan. Tinanggap na ang rebolusyonaryong kilusan ang hatol ng bayan at kinilala ang sintimyentong anti-GMA at maagap na naghain ng mga hamon at kahilingan sa bagong uupong pangulo. Ito ay dapat dahil kailangang singilin ang mga pulitiko sa kanilang mga pangako. Ang malakas na lakas ng agos ng sintimyentong anti-GMA ang nagtaboy sa mga hidhid na alipures ni GMA tulad nina Palparan, Gonzales,Ermita, Esperon, Devanadera, Bolante, Atienza at iba pa. Gayunman nakapanatili sa pwesto ang papaalis na pangulong GMA at ang kanyang mga alagad. Maging ang imperyalismong US ay hindi nakahuma at pumayag na lamang sa kosmetikong pagbabago paara payapain ang nagpupuyos na loob ng masa. Sa labanan ng dalawang departamento, nanalo ang manok ng State Department sa manok ng Depense department sa nakaraang eleksyon.

Sexual Offender As Label Versus the Zealotry of the Self-Righteous (tags)

Sexuality and eroticism has always been “offensive” to somebody. Especially is this so in this land of the blue-nose, which descended here from a long Christian paranoia of anything erotic and unclean. But where is this psychology of “erotophobia” mentioned in California’s latest crusade against anything that falls under the rubric of “sexual offender?”

Israel's Specialty: Targeting Civilians (tags)

how rogue states operate


Despite the election of Benigno Aquino III to succeed the corrupt brutal Arroyo, 43 healthworkers continue to suffer military torture. Five are confined to the military camp alleged as self-confessed New People's Army guerillas, while 38 were transferred to Camp Bagong Diwa, Bicutan, notorious for the massacre of Moro suspects. The five persons on which the fascist generals are concentrating their torture are: VALENTINO PAULINO, CHERRYLYN TAWAGON, ELLEN CARANDANG, JENNYLYN PIZZARO, & JOHN MARK BARRIENTOS. Carandang's children were taken from their home by the military," according to KARAPATAN, human rights monitor. Their relatives are threatened or offered bribes coercively to side with the military and incriminate themselves or their kin. We appeal to the international community to denounce this barbaric treatment and demand the immediate release of the Morong 43.

Ahmed Abu Ali: Guilty of Being Muslim in America at the Wrong Time (tags)

Muslims are target one in America for their faith and ethnicity

Wilson Center Desecrates Namesake’s Legacy, Violates Congressional Mandate (tags)

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th American president, is looking down in horror at what the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is doing in his name.

Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice (tags)

Britain and America partnered for injustice

Next Supreme Court Justice to Solidify Right Wing, Neoliberal Control (tags)

Obama likely to shift the court more to the right

Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, Revolution (tags)

"But the coup resistance grew to millions of people, flooding the areas surrounding the presidential palace, and the presidential guard, still loyal to Chavez, moved to retake the palace. Word of the resistance reached military barracks throughout the country, and one in Maracay, outside of Caracas, acted quickly to locate and rescue Chavez and return him to the presidential palace.??By the early morning hours of April 14, Chavez had returned, brought back by the will and power of the Venezuelan people and the loyal armed forces.??These events changed Venezuela forever and awoke the consciousness of many who had underestimated the importance and vulnerability of their Revolution."

Disappearing the Truth in Honduras (tags)

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide (tags)

Washington Asserts Colonial-Style Control of Haiti at UN Donors’ Conference (tags)

"A Washington Post blog on Thursday noted: “Despite universal lip service about the necessity of Haitians taking ownership of their rebuilding, no one was really fooled. Hillary Clinton, as US secretary of state, was co-chair of the conference... Bill Clinton—the “United Nations special envoy for Haiti”—will be calling the shots in the near term in conjunction with Haiti’s prime minister as to the strategy, coordination and direction of that international aid. Can you say, ‘Mr. Viceroy?’” Of the $5.3 billion in short-term aid pledged at the conference, the US accounted for only $1.15 billion, less than the $1.7 billion pledged by the European Union and even less than Venezuela’s pledge of $1.3 billion. The US pledge to help a country whose devastation is largely the result of over a century of American imperialist domination, including repeated military occupations, is a tiny fraction of the amount allocated to bail out Wall Street."

China's Documentation of US Human Rights Abuses (tags)

China's account is accurate and revealing

Expected Obama Administration Backing for Indonesia State Terror (tags)

Obama to back Indonesia state terror

Internet revolution in Venezuela and No Going Back (tags)

"There's an Australian journalist and documentary film-maker, John Pilger, who said that, 'What you're seeing is really an unprecedented propaganda campaign that's being waged against the Chavez government' – 

FF: It's a media war – 

KJ: It really is a media war. And I think if you go to Venezuela and see what the media says, this will become clear immediately. You often hear the claim that there is no freedom of speech and so on, but internally in Venezuela there are more than 50 daily newspapers and about 45 of those newspapers support the opposition and are constantly attacking the government everyday – including having front page headlines calling for the military overthrow of the government... Then you have those 4 newspapers that support the Bolivarian process; and then you have one newspaper that, you know, presents itself as being neutral. So, on the level of the print media, the opposition to the government is overwhelmingly dominant... A lot of the television stations are extremely hostile as well. 

The other important aspect to note is that, as a result of the Bolivarian process, you actually have a massive explosion of community media in Venezuela, in particular community radio stations in the Barrios...but also a number of community television stations and other independent media websites and so on. So this is like the first time where a lot of the grassroots groups and Venezuelan poor are actually getting to participate themselves in the production of the their own media; whereas prior to the Chavez government, they didn't have a voice in politics or the media."

Is Palin Marginalized—supporting McCain’s Campaign? See McCain’s Indefinite Detention Bill (tags)

Sen. McCain’s bill will drive lawful political activists underground, perhaps creating the domestic terrorists McCain said we needed to be protected from.

Venezuela in Washington's Crosshairs (tags)

trying to undermine Hugo Chavez

Political Killings still major problem in RP, says US (tags)

"At long last, the US State Department have stated the obvious" The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) News today through various news sources that the US State Department has reported that extrajudicial killings remained a major problem in the Philippines last year and that security forces and insurgent groups were both responsible. The “2009 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,” released to the US Congress on March 11, noted that concerns about impunity in the Philippines persisted.

Are You Scheduled For Government Interrogation If Senate bill 3081 Is Passed? (tags)

S.3081 is so broadly written, it appears any “individual” who writes on the Internet or verbally express an opinion against U.S. Government or its coalition partners, might potentially be detained on the basis he or she is an “unprivileged enemy belligerent”, “supporting hostilities against U.S. Government.


Millions of US taxpayers' money are supporting de facto President Arroyo's despotic rule in the Philippines. The continuing torture of 43 health workers may be an alibi to cover up the horrendous Ampatuan massacre and numerous corruption scandals, a preparation for martial rule by May 20. Fascist violence will surely be met by the enraged mobilization of the masses. The US public needs to protest the use of their taxdollars to fund Arroyo's extrajudicial killings, torture, and forced disappearances of thousands of Filipino civilians.

Sen. McCain bill S.3081 Can Disappear Americans (tags)

Compare below: is McCain’s March 4, 2010 bill worse than “Hitler’s Discriminatory Laws signed February 28, 1933?”

Permanent Aggression, War on the horizon in Latin America (tags)

"A military conflict is not initiated from one day to the next. It’s a process that involves first influencing public perception and opinion – demonizing the target leader or government in order to justify aggression. Subsequently, armed forces are strategically deployed in the region in order to guarantee an effective military action. Tactics, such as subversion and counterinsurgency, are utilized in order to debilitate and destabilize the target nation from within, increasing its vulnerability and weakening its defenses. This plan has been active against Venezuela for several years. The consolidation of regional unity and Latin American integration threatens US possibilities of regaining domination and control in the hemisphere. And the advances of the Bolivarian Revolution have impeded its “self-destruction”, provoked by internal subversion funded and directed by US agencies. However, the Empire will not cease its attempts to achieve its final objective, and a potential military conflict in the region remains on the horizon." "The time to defend Venezuela is now. The empire is preparing to destroy this beacon of hope. Certain nations have the potential to lead the world away from destruction. Venezuela with it’s progressive leadership, a well mobilized working class, and other “conscious” sectors, in addition to abundant natural wealth which includes oil, can any one doubt what U.S. planners are preparing? No serious person who wishes to help preserve our world can deny her need to take this stand and become involved in this work. You out there who were involved in the Central American solidarity actions are called upon again now. Your efforts then in the face of the empire helped make this day possible. We did not save the world then. We helped keep it alive. We should rejoin the effort now. How beautiful the outcome may be this time."

The Shortwave Report 03/05 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

War Criminal Alex Haig Praised by Obama (tags)

People are known by the company they keep and Democrat Obama's praise for the late war criminal Republican General Alexander Haig is the latest sign that we are dealing with yet another fascist president, EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE LAST FASCIST PRESIDENT, GEORGE BUSH. The biography of war criminal Haig (1924-2010) is below.

Child Slavery in Haiti (tags)

abusing Haitian children

The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti (tags)

"A US military occupation of Haiti under the guise of earthquake disaster ‘relief’ would give Washington and private business interests tied to it a geopolitical prize of the first order. Prior to the January 12 quake, the US Embassy in Port-au-Prince was the fifth largest US embassy in the world, comparable to its embassies in such geopolitically strategic places as Berlin and Beijing.[17] With huge new oil finds off Cuba being exploited by Russian companies, with clear indications that Haiti contains similar vast untapped oil as well as gold, copper, uranium and iridium, with Hugo Chavez’ Venezuela as a neighbor to the south of Haiti, a return of Aristide or any popular leader committed to developing the resources for the people of Haiti, -- the poorest nation in the Americas -- would constitute a devastating blow to the world’s sole Superpower. The fact that in the aftermath of the earthquake, UN Haiti Special Envoy Bill Clinton joined forces with Aristide foe George W. Bush to create something called the Clinton-Bush Haiti Fund ought to give everyone pause. According to Marguerite Laurent ('Ezili Dantò') of the Haitian Lawyers’ Leadership Network, under the guise of emergency relief work, the US, France and Canada are engaged in a balkanization of the island for future mineral control. She reports rumors that Canada wants the North of Haiti where Canadian mining interests are already present. The US wants Port-au-Prince and the island of La Gonaive just offshore – an area identified in Aristide’s development book as having vast oil resources, and which is bitterly contested by France. She further states that China, with UN veto power over the de facto UN-occupied country, may have something to say against such a US-France-Canada carve up of the vast wealth of the nation."

Outsourcing War: The Rise of Private Military Contractors (tags)

privatizing war

Disaster Capitalism Headed to Haiti (tags)

worker exploitation follows disaster

David Swanson Lays Out 16-Point Plan for U.S. Left (tags)

Activist David Swanson spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest July 15, ostensibly to promote his book “Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union,” but actually to deliver a 16-point plan for revitalizing the American Left. His speech was full of withering scorn not only for President Obama but also for progressives who supported him in the campaign and still believe in his good intentions.

Iranian Scientist Assassinated as US Steps Up War Threats (tags)

"In the absence of Security Council approval, Washington will likely impose its own unilateral sanctions, with the support of Britain and other allies. Legislation now pending in the US Congress would give the Obama administration the power to enforce an embargo on Iran’s importation of refined petroleum. With Iran dependent on imports for 40 percent of its refined petroleum, such a measure would have a crippling effect and would be tantamount to the launching of a war."

Obama's War on Yemen (tags)

Obama's expanded war agenda

Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure (Part II) (tags)

Worse than Bush

Nationwide Protests Demanding Justice for Maguindanao Massacre Victims (tags)

On the International Human Rights Day, and the whole week before that the Filipino American community was on the protest mode. The Alliance Philippines strongly expressed its militant support to the people’s movement in the Philippines oppose to the declaration of martial law and demanded justice for Maguindanao massacre victims by holding protests in key cities all over the United States from December 5 to 10, 2009. - Last December 5, Ugnayan ng mga Anak ng Bayan New York/New Jersey Chapter held their 5th anniversary celebrations by honoring the victims of the Maguindanao Massacre. The event was held at the Renaissance Charter Schoo at Jackson Height , new York City from 10:00 Am to 5:00 PM. - On December 8, a Community Forum led by the AJLPP, ANSWER-LA and AFFIRM was held at the FACLA Social Hall, 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, Ca 90026. A panel of speakers from different organizations condemning the massacre featured the event. A candle-light ceremony capped the tribute and honor to the 64 victims of untold cruelties. - On December 10, International Human Rights Day, scores of activists held a candle light vigil and a picket/rally at the Philippine Consulate at Wilshire Blvd. from 6:30 to 8:00 in the evening.

Electoral Fraud Proved in Honduras: More than 50 Percent Did Not Vote (tags)

"Freeston today publishes this bombshell report, above, on The Real News that documents definitively that Honduras electoral officials knowingly lied about their claims of more than 60 percent voter turnout. The hard results in possession of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE, in its Spanish initials) demonstrate only 49.2 percent turnout: That means that a majority - more than 50 percent - of Honduran citizens abstained in the "elections" that the National Front Against the Coup d'Etat had called unfair, unfree and placed under boycott."

More Arrests in America's War on Islam (tags)

America's political persecution continues


Meditations "meditabundas" on the press.

Targeting Muslim Charities in America (tags)

the face of a police state

Lynne Stewart: Heroic Human Rights Lawyer Jailed (tags)

The US criminal justice system betrayed this heroic woman

We. The Freedom to Believe that Justice is Ours (tags)

Peenacker America - a place where godless nazi savages rule their dying existence for escaping war criminals. Robbing US blind with as BOASTED!, a belligerent ignorance on the simplest precepts of Justice; such as evidence to actually convince ourselves of something. Bush closed 911 investigations.

US Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Three-Day Fact-Finding Mission in Honduras (tags)

"Schakowsky’s three day visit from November 10-12 included meetings with family members of victims that have died directly from violence from the coup, media outlets such as Channel 36 and Radio Globo that have been attacked for honestly reporting on the resistance movement, and also a visit to the Brazilian Embassy where ousted President Zelaya and approximately 40 others have taken refuge for the last 53 days. The Chicago Congresswoman commented on her opportunity to hear a recording of some of the sounds bombarded into the Embassy and see the blinding lights set up outside, in addition to the crane set up for the military to spy into the Embassy."

National Resistance Against the Coup d’Etat Announces Boycott of Elections (tags)

"So what conclusions can we draw from the US State Department visit? Considering the US Embassy’s media contacts list or following the mainstream media, one might be lead to believe that the State Department delegation truly was as historic as Secretary Clinton claimed it was. The walls of Tegucigalpa, though, shout a different message: “Solo el pueblo salva el pueblo,” (Only the people save the people). On the ground, most people never really trusted any of the diplomatic visits in the first place."

Obama Supports Food Inc.'s World Domination and All We Get Is the White House Garden? (tags)

While Michele Obama took the needed steps in tearing out the White House lawn and planting an organic garden, her husband isn't so quick to drop the old pandering to biotechnology habits of big agribusiness corporations. With Obama's chosen staff of Tom Vilsack, Rajiv Shah, and Islam Siddiqui we have a continuation of the revolving door between corporate agribusiness, biotechnology and government regulators.

Its Time for A Change at UGSOA. Hough For UGSOA President 2010 (tags)

Its Time The UGSOA Executive Board is Fairly Represented by People of Color!

Peace Prize for President with Blood on His Hands (tags)

When I woke up this morning I received an email from a friend telling me that U.S. President Barack Obama was chosen to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I had to think a moment to make sure it was not April 1st. I have been around awhile so I am not easily shocked, but this did shock me at first. I have been writing about Obama for a few years and have followed his career in politics and could not imagine why he had been chosen. But as I was more fully awake it made perfect sense to me, given some of the past winners of the Prize.

November Action to Shut The School of Assassins in Georgia (tags)

November 20 bus ride to join tens of thousands from around the world to change US foreign policy, rally, conference, vigil, peaceful protest and shut down the School of Assassins.

The justification offered for the new military bases in Colombia is the "war on drugs (tags)

"The justification offered for the new military bases in Colombia is the "war on drugs." The fact that the justification is even offered is remarkable. Suppose, for example, that Colombia, or China, or many others claimed the right to establish military bases in Mexico to implement their programs to eradicate tobacco in the U.S., by fumigation in North Carolina and Kentucky, interdiction by sea and air forces, and dispatch of inspectors to the U.S. to ensure it was eradicating this poison-which is, in fact, far more lethal even than alcohol, which in turn is far more lethal than cocaine or heroin, incomparably more than cannabis. The toll of tobacco use is truly fearsome, including "passive smokers" who are seriously affected though they do not use tobacco themselves. The death toll overwhelms the lethal effects of other dangerous substances."

Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories (tags)

Project Censored's fabulous new book.

Seven Million Hondurans Under House Arrest as Micheletti Writes of "Democracy" (tags)

"This has caused a generalized phenomenon throughout the metropolitan area: People have come en masse out of their homes, chased the police out of many of those neighborhoods, and erected barricades to keep them out. They are now organizing to maintain those barricades. The coup regime thus, overnight, has lost any semblance of control of considerable tracts of urban Honduras."

The President Has Returned: All Hell Breaks Loose in Honduras! (tags)

"This is a textbook example of what we've referred to before as "dilemma actions." It puts the coup regime on the horns of a dilemma, in which it has no good options. It can leave Zelaya to put together his government again from the Brazilian embassy with the active support of so many sectors of Honduran civil society, or it can try to arrest the President, provoking a nonviolent insurrection from the people of the kind that has toppled many a regime throughout history. Minute by minute, hour by hour, and, soon, day by day, the coup regime is losing its grip. At some point it will have to choose either to unleash a terrible violent wave of state terrorism upon the country's own people - which will provoke all out insurrection in response (guaranteed by Article 3 of the Honduran Constitution) - or Micheletti and his Simian Council can start packing their bags and seeking asylum someplace like Panama. Meanwhile, the people are coming down from the hills to meet their elected president. This, kind readers, is immediate history."

Goldstone Commission Gaza Conflict Findings and Reactions (tags)

Goldstone accuses Israel of war crimes

PHILIPPINES: Melissa Roxas' fighting stance against Arroyo regime (tags)

Melissa Roxas, member of BAYAN-USA and the cultural group Habi Arts in Los Angeles, California, returned to the country on July 20 to face head on those who abducted and tortured her and her two companions and pursue the cases she has filed against them. She attended a Court of Appeals hearing on her petition for a writ of amparo. She also testified before the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the Committee on Human Rights of the House of Representatives regarding her abduction and torture.

Glenn Beck's Demagoguery, Right Wing Extremism, and Racism (tags)

Beck is as bad as it gets

Money talks in U.S. policy toward Honduran putsch regime (tags)

"So, in effect, since the earliest days of the coup regime in Honduras, the U.S. has done little more than repackage and rebroadcast the same aid cuts to appease the media and to compliment its rhetorical position of being against the coup. But behind the scenes, the economic effect of the aid cuts has been little more than symbolic posturing." "Henry Kissinger was brutally honest about the U.S. diplomatic reality in Latin America, when commenting decades ago on the government of democratically elected President Salvador Allende of Chile — who was overthrown in a 1973 U.S.-backed coup that led to Allende’s assassination and a subsequent reign of terror by the dictator General Augusto Pinochet. I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its own people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." Henry Kissinger, Secretary of State under President Richard Nixon Under Secretary of State Clinton, that fundamentally anti-democratic foreign policy appears to continue to be the status quo for Latin America — absent a much more hands-on effort to change that course by the president of the United States.

Charlie Sheen to Obama: Investigate 9/11 Openly (tags)

Eight years on and in the aftermath of Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen's 9/11 challenge to President Barack Obama, journalists of the world's media conglomerates have been slow responders to follow the trail of evidence. Sheen posed numerous questions in a YouTube video directed at the President and held a "letter" of documentary evidence to back his claim that the official 9/11 story was a cover-up. The letter and its links support an argument that the 9/11 conspiracy fits an historical pattern of government-scripted attacks as pretexts to wage war.

Israel prepared to dismantle its nuclear weapons (tags)

As part of US/Iranian deal

U.S. Still Supports the Coup! (tags)

"Agency bankrolling “good governance” programs to ensure the “rule of law in the country” The taxpayer-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation has continued to move millions of dollars into Honduras since the June 28 coup d'état, but it is not alone, Narco News has now confirmed. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is slated to provide Honduras with nearly $47 million in funding in fiscal 2009, which ends Sept. 30, 2009. Nearly all of that money (some $43 million) is scheduled to be delivered as previously planned to Honduras — which is now under the leadership of a putsch regime that President Obama has already described as “not legal.”

Juan and Pedro Enter the Honduras Oil Import Business, Coup d’Etat Follows (tags)

"Padre Fausto later chronicled his own share of detentions, which included being kidnapped by paramilitaries in Honduras in 1981 on charges of inciting guerrilla activity based on his concern for campesino and indigenous rights. In captivity, Fausto was subjected to a schedule of sitting in rooms with torture instruments and being removed whenever someone needed to be tortured physically rather than psychologically. He subsequently spent a number of years in exile in Mexico; as for other Hondurans in exile, Fausto boasted that Zelaya had spoken with him and other Hondurans for four hours the previous day in Managua, neglecting a group of visiting European parliamentarians."

The Shortwave Report 08/21 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Urgent Plea from Radio Progreso (Honduras) (tags)

"All of the sudden, Gustavo Cardoza said that a policeman was pointing his weapon at him and immediately reported that other police were coming after him. Our reporter tried to run, and told them that he was a reporter for Radio Progreso. It was then that we heard his cries, and the blows that our reporter was receiving."

Urgent Plea from Radio Progreso (Honduras) (tags)

"All of the sudden, Gustavo Cardoza said that a policeman was pointing his weapon at him and immediately reported that other police were coming after him. Our reporter tried to run, and told them that he was a reporter for Radio Progreso. It was then that we heard his cries, and the blows that our reporter was receiving. The transmission from our reporter was abruptly suspended."

Cracks Emerging in NAFTA (tags)

The once-solid North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) is starting to show its age. The 1994 trade agreement that laid the foundation for the economic/political integration of North America is encountering serious internal ruptures, threatening future “progress.” The problems are numerous: fights over trade, immigration, and military cooperation are all issues that Obama recently discussed in Mexico with his NAFTA partners, Mexico and Canada. The annual meeting that usually delivers plans for additional integration was instead used to remedy these heated issues, none of which were fully solved.

Whose the Real Hypocrite Secretary Clinton? (tags)

"In the context of President Obama’s statement last weekend that those who urge the US to take stronger action against the Honduras coup regime “think that it’s appropriate for us to suddenly act in ways that in every other context they consider inappropriate,” calling it “hypocrisy.” The revelation that Clinton and MCC have already sanctioned the elected government of Nicaragua and its private sector in ways that it so far refuses to sanction the illegal coup regime of Honduras and its private backers has revealed one important fact: That Washington has already determined that “it’s appropriate” to deny MCC funds to a country for lighter and more transient reasons than those that exist to sanction a coup regime in another. Didn’t a certain US President, last weekend, speak the word “hypocrisy” in the context of the US and the Honduras coup?"

Obama Watch: August 11, 2009 (tags)

Six months of O'BS, the current president, is more than enough time to make the promised "change" and the only change is for the worse for the workingclass. There are now daily news reports of the horrors perpetrated by the Democrat O'BS.

Will Venezuelan Destabilization Follow the Honduran Coup? (tags)

Obama targets Chavez

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

Distribute Food in the Morning, Bomb at Midday and Build a School at Night (tags)

Military deployments are more or less elegantly redefined as development policy. Poverty represents by far the most important cause of violent escalation of conflicts. Military stability export maintains poverty.

Woodstock 2009: A Slow Learning Curve? (tags)

One generalization, that unfortunately holds true for “many” musicians and rock bands is, despite the fact they often have potentially huge audiences (the marketer’s dream), is that they often have little, if anything, intelligent and insightful to say about social and political issues. But more specifically, they will not likely assert the likelihood—that U.S. sponsored torture of Islamic prisoners has probably rendered “zero” results of quality or worthwhile intelligence (save perhaps what “Israeli” objectives might have wanted).

These are the Coup Leaders, They Will be Judged! (tags)

Their pictures at:

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)

"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."

MELISSA ROXAS: As Palparan Fails to Break Roxas in Manila, US Legal Team Files Complaint.. (tags)

While former Philippine military leader-turned-lawmaker Jovito Palparan fails to break the credibility of American citizen Melissa Roxas’ testimony that it was the Philippine military that tortured and abducted her last May during a hearing before the Philippine House Committee on Human Rights in Manila, official complaints of torture have already been filed by Roxas’ US legal team with the United Nations in Geneva and United States State Department.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)

the threat of totalitarian democracy

Honduran Democracy Can Only Be Asserted from Below (tags)

"Democracy, however, can always be asserted from below, when an organized people stand up. That is the next chapter in Honduras, its best - and probably its only - hope. Update: Arias' efforts to convene, today, eleventh hour last chance "talks," are officially not happening

Honduras: Anti-Chavez ‘free speech’ warriors linked to coup (tags)

"This is because, for the IAPA, there was no coup. Its July 14 statement said the democratically elected Honduran President Manuel Zelaya was simply “stood down” — not kidnapped and dumped in a different country by balaclava-clad soldiers. And if anyone can recognise a dictatorship, it is the IAPA. After all, as it points out, the IAPA has been fighting off dictatorships “for a long time” — in the form of the Chavez administration. Ironically, the only time in Venezuela that a TV channel was taken off air, constitutional rights suspended, and journalists arrested and assaulted since Chavez’s 1998 election was during the two days when he was removed from power in a short-lived coup in April 2002. "

Isolated and discredited 2 - the US in Latin America (tags)

"But no matter how hard they try on the masks of agreeableness, their arrogance, hubris and infatuation with US military power seep out all over the place. Barack Obama's aspiration to reclaim US leadership in Latin America means not just maintaining US military presence in the region but boosting it. For example, in Colombia the US is currently negotiating not one but five extra military bases. " How many more coups if we allow this one to go forward?

Reviewing Marjorie Cohn and Kathleen Gilberd's "Rules of Disengagement" (tags)

Right of GIs to refuse to fight in illegal wars

Color Revolutions, Old and New (tags)

Imperial America's ugly agenda

The Shortwave Report 06/26 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance" (tags)

must-read on US imperial aims

VIDEO: Santa Monica Activist Beaten by Israeli Police and Military (tags)

Israeli police and military violently shoved the group back into a wall. Delegation member Tighe Barry from Santa Monica, Cali. was struck in the face with the butt of a military rifle and pushed to the ground where he could barely breathe. He was taken by ambulance to the Trauma Center of Tal-Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv where he was treated for a concussion, an injured neck and an asthma attack.

A Look at our anti-Terrorism abilities (tags)

Terrorists have been able to develop their own sources of financing, which range from charities to illegal enterprises such as growing, producing and trafficking in narcotics, extortion, kidnapping and smuggling drugs and humans.

Zionism Is America’s Existential Threat: (tags)

We The People of the United States need a new “Declaration of Independence from Religious Oppression” in all its forms and insinuations. Zionism is based on the “delusion” that some “questionable” psychological character who once posed mythically as a high-god deity “gave,” or ordained, the Israel tribal lineage of people to the territory in Canaan at a particular historical point. We are supposed to be “past” the turbulent and insane ages of divine right for kings and it is equally time to recognize that we are also concomitantly past a time for divine right for nations.

Obama's Disastrous Afghan Plan (tags)

Last month President Barack Obama announced the deployment of 17,000 additional U.S. troops to Afghanistan, raising the total there to 53,000, only to add an additional 4,000 training troops this past week. Questions of a possible quagmire have begun to sprout faster than opium poppies. In an attempt to disarm his critics, Obama has defined his policy as pointed, specific, and winnable:



Scahill: President Obama, Why Did You Pay Blackwater $70 Million in February? (tags)

For those already outraged at the AIG bonus scandal, here is a fact that should add more fuel to the fire: The Obama administration has paid the mercenary firm formerly known as Blackwater nearly $70 million to operate in Iraq and, according to The Washington Times, may keep the company on the payroll months past the official expiration of its Iraq contract in May. I reviewed Blackwater's recent transactions with the Obama State Department and discovered a $45 million payment to Blackwater on February 4, 2009 for "protective services-Iraq." It is described as a "funding action only." Here is the interesting part: The estimated "Ultimate Completion Date" is 5/07/2011.

Employee Free Choice Act: Union Organizer Dir. Available For Comment or Debate on the EFCA (tags)

Union Organizer Director / Union Busting Expert with over 30 Years Experience is Available to Comment or Debate opposing opposition on the merits, Facts and Truth of WHY we need the Employee Free Choice Act

Ghost Troop: USA 666 WMD (3/11/09 - 9/9/09) -- An American Advisory to Police and Militar (tags)

Captain Eric H. May's Ghost Troop cyber-intelligence unit has included a US ambassador, a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy and seasoned military veterans from all services. Their advisory is full of words for the wise.

Modern Slavery in America (tags)

Slavery thrives in America. Only its form has changed.

US Discriminatory Immigration Policy Toward Haitians (tags)

Washington bashes Haiti.

Phoenix and Tucson police report over 400 kidnappings of Americans by Mexicans (tags)

Washington, DC is too obsessed with al Qaeda and other terrorists to care about what is happening in their own backyard right now, as waves of abductions hit Phoenix and other American cities. Washington is not paying enough attention. Many wonder why not?


US President Barack Obama is proving to be a very elusive prey for a Philippine President supposedly dogging him for a meeting. Instead Arroyo met withUS State Secretary Clinton. Ms Arroyo briefed Clinton on the government’s refocusing the campaign for peace in Mindanao from the armed groups to dialogues with communities, and that engagement with insurgent groups like the secessionist Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) would be about “disarmament, demobilization and rehabilitation”.


Federal prosecutors are investigating a Kuwaiti company with heavy ties to Halliburton International, probing allegations that foreign employees were brought to work on the massive Bagdhad US Embassy project against their will and prevented from leaving war ravaged Iraq. The United States Department of Justice launched the investigation of First Kuwaiti General Trading & Contracting Co. (FKTC) when former employees, mostly third world nationals charged that workers at the company were misled by recruiters. They were hired for civilian jobs in Kuwait and Dubai, only to wind up in Iraq instead. A group of Filipino workers attempted a mutiny when they learned of the company's real intention but was subdued by machine gun toting security personnels. According to the allegations, FKTC even confiscated the workers' passports to avert the possibility of escape from Iraq.

Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist (tags)

Palestinians are unbowed.

Mitchell goes to Israel (tags)

With a big stick

Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians (tags)

World outrage condemns Israeli war crimes

The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)

One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.

The Dark Night or NeoCon Artist: (tags)

One wonders why so many in the media and film industry are in such frenzy over Christopher Nolan’s film “The Dark Night”? Granted the movie is good, and in some ways great, but still the plot is really no more ingenious that what passes for standard fare on Law and Order. So why is it that the Powers-that-Be is such a tizzy? No doubt a fair share has to do with it portending to hold a mirror up to post-9/11 society—with a major theme of how terror can corrupt those that fear and fight terrorism.

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

The Long March of the Cuban Revolution (tags)

In 1960, C. Wright Mills warned Americans that the revolution in Cuba was the start of a wider process that would spread to Latin America and the third world. On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, practically anyone can see that our continent has begun a new era...

Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza (tags)

Israeli genocide

1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Invasion and Killing at Gaza

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game

Palestine Watch:1/2-1/3 Weekend of Worldwide Protests Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)

Over 60 protest at coming weekend across U.S. and Europe!

Gaza hospitals are overwhelmed (tags)

Gaza hospitals are overwhelmed

12/30: Latest Lists of Protest Worldwide Against Israeli Attacks on Gaza! (tags)

Over 60 protests will be schedule at the U.S. and the World on Tuesday December 30 and the following week!

3 Local Emergency Protests Against Gaza Massacre (tags)

Three local emergency protests are planned against massacre in Gaza. First one today (Sunday 12/28) in Anaheimat 2 PM. Two protests are planned for Tuesday (12/30) at Westwood Federal Building 3PM and another at 4:30 PM at Israeli Consulate. We must act now, to halt these brutal massacres! Over 200 people were killed in Gaza on Saturday, December 27 in a series of Israeli attacks - with US-made and paid for weaponry - upon the Palestinian people.

NYCLAW Antiwar Bulletin -- 12.23.08 (tags)

Read Between the Lines

Prof. Sison Greets the CPP on its 40th Year (tags)

As founding chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), I convey warmest greetings of comradeship to all CPP cadres and members on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the founding of the CPP. I share your joy in celebrating all the struggles waged and all the victories won by the CPP and the Filipino people in the last four decades of the new democratic revolution.

Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Obama is as hardline as Bush

Arctic melt passes the point of no return (tags)

Arctic melt passes the point of no return

Border Patrol shot at with automatic weapons while uncovering new smuggling tactic’s (tags)

A third vehicle was spotted south of the border fence where a subject was observed firing an automatic rifle in the direction of the agents. Several additional subjects with weapons were seen climbing over the fence and they began unloading marijuana from the Chevy Avalanche

Jeremy Scahill: 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House (tags)

U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

What's Going on at UGSOA? James D. Carney UGSOA President LOSES 710 members in one day. (tags)

Their is an uprising going on at UGSOA as 710 Security Police Professionals working for the State Department in Washington D.C., Virginia, Maryland, Colorado, Kentucky, New Orleans, Connecticut, California, South Carolina, Arizona and New York voted to DUMP UGSOA as their collective bargaining agent on 9/10/08. This was UGSOA's Largest Local Union.

Declassified Papers: DOJ Accepted AIPAC Parent's Demand for Secrecy (tags)

WASHINGTON, Oct. 27 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Papers kept secret for 43 years show that the US Department of Justice attempted to register the parent organization of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, as the foreign agent of Israel.

Well-known investigator exposes alliance between McCain and terrorists (tags)

ANN Louise Bardach, the U.S. reporter famous for her interviews with Luis Posada Carriles and her investigations into Cuban-American terrorism, has written an extensive article for the website on the close ties between Republican presidential candidate John McCain and notorious terrorists in Miami...

US Government Report Undermines Zimbabwe Opposition’s Claim of Independence Filed under: (tags)

The US government had a hand in formulating the policy platform of the Tsvangirai faction of the Movement for Democratic Change, Zimbabwe’s main opposition party, and funded community-based newsletters to create a platform to persuade Zimbabweans to accept Washington’s point of view, according to a US government report

US diplomacy tainted by 'militarization' (tags)

"Since the fall of the Berlin Wall [in 1989], the diplomatic capacity of the United States has been hollowed out," according to the 26-page report, "A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future", which said a continuation of the status quo cannot continue without serious damage to the US's "vital interests".

U.S. issues new travel alert to Mexico but no recommendation to avoid Mexico (tags)

The new travel alert up-date says “that while millions of U.S. Citizens safely visit Mexico each year, including thousands who cross the land border every day for study, tourism or business, increased levels of violence make it imperative that travelers understand the risks of travel to Mexico

US-India nuke deal is signed, sealed, and delivered (tags)

WASHINGTON: Generations to come may slice and dice the US-India nuclear cooperation deal, but for now it has been firmly stated by New Delhi and broadly accepted in Washington that India will be bound only by the bilateral 123 Agreement with regards to the terms of the deal, other sentiments of the US Congress notwithstanding.

Iraq Vet Paul Rieckhoff Speaks at City College (tags)

Paul Rieckhoff, Iraq War veteran, executive director of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) and author of a book about his war experiences called "Chasing Ghosts: Failures and Façades in Iraq," spoke October 4 at San Diego City College about the war, the needs of returning veterans and how various elected officials are responding to the veterans' issues his group regards as priorities.


Very few people know that the US military is directly involved in the fierce fighting going on in the Philippines between the Moro insurgents and the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime supported by the Bush neocons and the warmongering Pentagon planners. Will you continue to allow US tax dollars to be wasted in this barbaric genocidal war against indigenous peoples? Over a thousand extrajudicial killings and "forced disappearances" under Arroyo's tenure, plus a few hundred Muslims dead as "collateral damage," may be the signs of US "benevolent hegemony" (Robert Kagan) and US "magnanimous imperial power" (Dinesh D'Souza). McKinley's "Benevolent Assimilation" lives on!

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.


"The security cameras are just one part of a much broader high-tech surveillance and censorship program known in China as "Golden Shield." The end goal is to use the latest people-tracking technology — thoughtfully supplied by American giants like IBM, Honeywell and General Electric — to create an airtight consumer cocoon: a place where Visa cards, Adidas sneakers, China Mobile cellphones, McDonald's Happy Meals, Tsingtao beer and UPS delivery (to name just a few of the official sponsors of the Beijing Olympics) can be enjoyed under the unblinking eye of the state, without the threat of democracy breaking out."

U.S. Afghanistan and Pakistan Alliance has stimulated the Drug Trade worldwide (tags)

According to news reports in the past financial connections between Bush Republicans and Osama bin Laden go way back and the political and economic connections have remained unbroken for 25 years. And what appears to be a "new" alliance with Pakistan is merely a new manifestation of a decades-long partnership in the drug trade.

The Aquino Assasination, August 21, 1983, 25 years Later (tags)

Twenty-five years ago today, August 21, 1983, the armed minions of the US-Marcos dictatorship shot and killed Senator Benigno Aquino Jr. after arresting him inside the plane that took him home from his exile in the United States. Many articles have been written and will be written singing paeans to the late opposition leader and extolling him to high heavens but without understanding the reasons he went back to face his death in the Philippines.

Negative Image: Robert Mugabe through the Lens of Western Propaganda (tags)

If you ever wondered how you came to know what you know about Zimbabwe, here is your chance to find out.

War with Iran On, Off or Undecided? (tags)

Strong crosscurrents both ways.

Mexico’s Civil War Killing More Americans (tags)

Just since the beginning of this year more than 4,000 people have been murdered in Mexico in what authorities blame on the Mexican cartels and their criminal gangs and Para-military forces. Google or click on:

What Will It Take to Defeat the War? (tags)

On June 28-29, an “Open National Antiwar Conference” was held in Cleveland, called by a newly minted National Assembly to End the Iraq War and Occupation. Over objections from the conference organizers, centrally Socialist Action, the assembly voted to change the name to include reference to the war on Afghanistan, and to emphasize the connection with U.S. backing for the Zionist occupation of Palestine. (The sponsors of the confab were so right-wing that they feared losing “unity” with Democratic Party supporters of Israel and the Afghanistan war!) What did not change at all was the popular-front character of the new outfit, tying it to the bourgeois parties despite the fig leaf of electoral “independence.” Making this utterly clear, it was decided not to call a national antiwar mobilization prior to the November elections explicitly in order to court those forces who wish to aid the Democrats (and therefore want to avoid making problems for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama). Here is the leaflet issued by the Internationalist Group at the conference.

Sami Al-Arian: From Exoneration to Criminal Indictment (tags)

His long ordeal continues

Legitimizing Permanent Occupation of Iraq (tags)

Washington plans to stay

Deconstructing the Anti-Iran Resolutions (tags)

A blockade IS an act of war under international law. Since both sides of the RepubliCrat Party are collaborating in this, it will take a lot more than marching in a circle with a sign in your hand to reclaim this country from them, and stop this disaster.

Did U.S. Rep. Silvestre Reyes and ICE conspire in illegal activity? (tags)

The Great Rwanda "Genocide Coverup" (tags)

Everyones seen Hotel Rwanda. What they may not be aware of is that the 'genocide' in Rwanda in 1994,which had its origins with the assassination of president Habyarimana (a Hutu), seems to have been carried out by now president Kagame. Whereas Habyarimana was backed by France and Belgium, Kagamas supporters are UK and US....the same pair who have been attacking Zimbabwes government. The evidence is that the pentagon enabled the assassination of president Habyaimana to facilitate 'regime change' in Rwanda. This implicates US and UK govts in genocide. THATS NOT ALL. There is evidence US interfered in the ICTRs investigations, as reported by australian policeman-turned-lawyer Michael Hourigan.

The Shortwave Report 7/4 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Highlights of the US State Visit of President Arroyo of the Philippines (tags)

If we have to assess the highlights of the 10-day state visit of President Macapagal-Arroyo to the United States, we can sum it up in several points. Besides securing $ 700 million loans, talking with US investors and visiting her fellow Filipino psychopaths, one important agenda of PGMA in her visit are the “ getting to know you” meetings with the US Democratic Party presumptive presidential candidate Barack Obama and Republican Senator John McCain. Highlights of the US State Visit of President Arroyo of the Philippines

PGMA-Bush Summit, A Meeting of Terrorist (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns in the strongest terms possible the President Arroyo of the Philippines and US President Bush summit on June 24 in Washington DC and the coming President Arroyo’s visit to the United States from June 23 -27, 2008.The Arroyo-Bush summit is a meeting of two terrorist. It is a meeting of the most unpopular presidents in their respective countries, a summit between a colonial master and a puppet. Up for discussions are colonial relations, pure and simple. The Filipino people stand nothing to gain from such a meeting of two of the most criticized leaders in the world

How Corrupt is the US? (tags)

Corruption has become a cancerous disease of US society. No end or even weakening of the lies and deception is in sight. In the politics of the nation, corruption scandals have long reached the center of power.

Zimbabwe: Run-off: Numbers favour President (tags)

IF George W. Bush could lie 237 times over Iraq in two years, what are the chances he would tell the truth about Zimbabwe even once in seven years? If the MDC-T leadership could lie about the outcome of the elections on March 29, lies they knew could be easily exposed by collation of figures, to what extent would they go over claims of violence they know cannot be easily verified and which are gobbled in toto by the Western media to deodorise claims of Government repression?

The Shortwave Report 6/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Shortwave Report 6/6 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Plan Colombia Heads for Mexico (tags)

Call it NAFTA on steroids.

SAVE THIS DATE: Iraq Forum at CSULA Thursday May 29, with KPFK's Sonali Kolhatkar (tags)

On Thursday, May 29 at 7:30 PM, Sonali Kolhatkar of KPFK's morning show "Uprising" will moderate a forum on Iraq and Middle East Peace with Iraqi reconstruction activist Raed Jarrar, former US diplomat Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright, and Edgar Cuevas, a member of Iraqi Veterans Against the War. Col. Wright will also be selling copies of her book, "Dissent: Voices of Conscience," about government insiders who have risked their careers to oppose the Iraq War. At 7:30 PM, 3rd floor Golden Eagle ballroom, CSULA.

CUBA proves links of U.S. Diplomats with Terrorists (tags)

Cuba denounced on Monday the scandalous links between US diplomats based in Havana and terrorists resident in the United States, by means of which Cuban counterrevolutionaries receive financial and material support.

Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)

Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.

Disturbing Stirrings - Ratcheting Up For War On Iran (tags)

Worrisome signs resurfacing.

Conscientious Objector Status—Who Should Decide? (tags)

It is a fallacious and legalistic straw man ploy for any society or organization (such as the Department of Defense) to arrogate, as definition, that an individual must oppose “all” war on religious or ethical grounds to be considered a “conscientious objector”. Simply to be “conscientious” means to act from one’s “own” conscience—not from the collective hearsay of any particular group or on legalistic grounds of some corporate presumption. The individual conscience is the moral compass of conscientious authority.

Maoist China foreign policy: 1970s and 1980s (tags)

The Mandate of Heaven (Excerpt). A detailed account of Maoist Chinese foreign policy is beyond the scope of this article, but some examples will illustrate the central thesis: that China’s foreign policy is in no way different from that of other world powers. The Three-Worlds Theory was used to justify Chinese alliances with right-wing reactionary governments during the 1970s and 1980s. The Third World

Mr. Potato Heads Off Food Crisis! (tags)

Like a microcosm of what would eventually occur throughout most of the world, people in the US became increasingly dependent upon the agricultural, chemical, and petroleum industries for the production and delivery of "food." Diets that were once healthy became unnatural and based largely upon processed, powdered, light-weight, (easily shipped and stored) grains instead of locally grown, nutrient-dense, fresh organic vegetables and fruits. This dependency began in earnest around the 1930s, the years referred to by some as "the Dirty Thirties." Those were years when corporate profits at all costs seemed to take precedence and business became more important than people. ...............................................................................

4/25: Con. Protests New Blackwater Development Near Cal-Mex Border (tags)

“Residents of San Diego County rejected Blackwater’s proposed mercenary training facility in Potrero, and I cannot imagine that San Diegans will feel any differently about Otay Mesa,” said Congressman Filner. “The use of civilian-defense contractors is irresponsible, and should be stopped immediately. Not only are they unaccountable to the Military, the State Department and Congress; they are civilians serving in combat and combat-training. Many have been wounded or have wounded others, and yet, they are not veterans; there is no safety net when they come home. It is criminal to ask civilian men and women to perform the role of the military when they lack the support necessary to return to their civilian lives. The paramilitary-style training conducted at these facilities has no place in our backyards!”

U.S. State Department only up-graded Travel alert to Mexico (tags)

Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported. From Brownsville Texas to San Diego California the State Department has alerted Americans of the dangers of crossing the border.

Why not a Warning for Mexico travel or at least an up-grade to the existing alert? (tags)

Dozens of U.S. citizens have been kidnapped, held hostage and killed by their captors in Mexico and many cases remain unsolved. Moreover, new cases of disappearances and kidnap-for-ransom continue to be reported

Should the U.S. End Aid to Israel? (tags)

Since Israel maintains clandestine programs of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons (WMD), under existing US law, every one of the BILLIONS of dollars in tax money sent to Israel is illegal.

Lynne Stewart's Long Struggle for Justice (tags)

Police state America witch hunt persecutions

Anti-Arab Racism and Incitement in Israel (tags)

For more on this subject, the excellent documentary "Lessons In Hate" is required viewing. I thought it would find Palestinian schools disseminating hateful material, as the Israeli line goes. However, the producers found that, whereas Palestinian schools teach the reality of the conflict (what the Zionists refer to as 'spreading hate'), Israeli curriculum disseminates Revisionism to Israel's children, breeding misunderstanding and perpetuating hatred. This is designed, of course, to allow the Extremists who design this curriculum, to fool its population into allowing it to perpetuate its war to eliminate Palestine.

The U.S. placed Mexico under a travel alert As Thousands of Armed Mexican Troops Patrol th (tags)

The Mexican soldiers are armed with combat American supplied M-16 fully automatic rifles. This latest action by Mexican President Calderon now places Mexican armed soldiers on the U.S. Border with Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. This latest Mexican troop movement places more than 30,000 Mexican troops combating the Mexican cartels throughout the country.

Sami Al-Arian's Long Ordeal (tags)

police state America persecution

Feds deny passport to married gay man (tags)

Friday, March 21, 2008 / 06:16 PM SUMMARY: Massachusetts' Jason Hair-Wynn, going to Ghana to fight AIDS, needed a new passport with his married name; the feds tell him to change his name back.

3/19 Lee Siu Hin: 5 Years of U.S. Invasion At Iraq/What's Going On In Tibet? (tags)

I still clearly remember on the evening of Tuesday March 18th, 2003 (Iraq time morning of March 19th)....

Bush v. Chavez - An Update (tags)

Continued Bush administration efforts to destabilize Venezuela.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA (tags)

That a scandal of this proportion, which entirely contradicts the perception of the 'crisis' painted by the media, remains relatively unreported and unaddressed - especially in an election cycle - is a testament to the tight control of the Western media, as well as the corruption of both sides of the RepubliCrat Party.

Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing (tags)

US Government guilty of underwriting these crimes.

UN: Israel Must Halt Use of Excessive Force (tags)

The US Government is the #1 sponsor of these War Crimes. Taking no action to stop them using your tax dollars to fund this Ethnic Cleansing enables these Extremists.

Abbas: Israel Guilty of Ethnic Cleansing (tags)

Put the conflict in fast-forward. A shocking picture emerges. Your Government is this Crime's biggest sponsor.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza (tags)

That this scandal remains hidden is a testament to the tight control the Government holds over our media.

Condloezza Rice Picketed in Australia (tags)

Chanting “war criminal,” anti-war protesters waved blood-colored hands at U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, but police held them back as she left a Capitol Hill hearing room.

Condloezza Rice Picketed in Australia (tags)

Chanting “war criminal,” anti-war protesters waved blood-colored hands at U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on Wednesday, but police held them back as she left a Capitol Hill hearing room.

Yassin Aref's Struggle for Justice in Police State America (tags)

Witch hunt convictions in America

Controversial KPFK Talk Show Host Ian Masters Raises Doubts of Knowledge of the Middle Eas (tags)

Masters didn't know a basic fact of the Israel Palestine conflict: Genesis 15:18 specifies the boundaries of Israel as the Nile and the Euphrates in the Abrahamic Covenant.

US slashes AFP aid to RP, cites corruption, killings (tags)

he United States has slashed its development and military assistance to the Philippines from $116.6 million in 2008 to $99.2 million in 2009, citing corruption and extra-judicial killings as reasons, a report yesterday said. In its 2009 congressional budget justification report for East Asia and the Pacific, the State Department said the aid for the Philippines “represents an overall decrease from the FY 2008 level.”

The Gaza Bombshell: Crisis Made in USA (tags)

The current crisis in Gaza is entirely the creation of Extremists in the US and Israel, who don't want to end Zionism's expansionist war on the Palestinians. Don't let the media ignore this story ...

Francis A. Boyle's "Protesting Power - War, Resistance and Law (tags)

International law supports the right to resist state crimes.

Brzezinski Seizing Control (tags)

- The attack on the US embassy in Belgrade, Serbia by gangs of drunken students is a classic Brzezinski operation. The tactic of having an incensed rent-a-mob of swarming adolescent patsies attack the US Embassy in order to gin up a crisis is one of Zbigniew's signature specialties. During the time that Brzezinski was running the foreign policy of Trilateral puppet Jimmy Carter, there were bloody attacks on the US embassies in Pakistan and in Afghanistan, both countries that featured prominently in Brzezinski's arc of crisis theory-

Fidel Castro: Who wants to be in the Garbage Dump? (tags)

Today, by mere chance, I remembered that the OAS still exists, when I read a cable posted on the Internet which contained an article by Georgina Saldierna, published in La Jornada, titled “Insulza rules out the possibility of re-admitting Cuba into the OAS”. No one even remembered the OAS. Note how retrograde this line of reasoning is.

Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey Announce a Ser (tags)

The Department Of Justice and Homeland Security will strengthen legal efforts to keep international gang members out of the United States. Chertoff said, “Gangs are at the root of many U.S. crime problems today, and many of the most dangerous gangs draw significant membership from abroad.”

Bush and ExxonMobil v. Chavez (tags)

The latest salvo in Bush v. Chavez.

How the spooks took over the news (tags)

In his controversial new book, Nick Davies argues that shadowy intelligence agencies are pumping out black propaganda to manipulate public opinion – and that the media simply swallow it wholesale

US court nixes RP ‘privilege’ over real estate tax debts (tags)

In a legal debacle for Manila, a United States federal court judge has ruled that the Philippines cannot invoke diplomatic privilege so that it would not be compelled to pay $19 million worth of unpaid real estate taxes to the New York City government. The New York City government scored a victory over real estate tax-delinquent states, including the Philippines, India and Mongolia, after US District Judge Jed Rakoff, in a written opinion, ruled in favor of the city. Rakoff’s ruling will force the three countries, which are renting out offices and business establishments housed in diplomatic buildings in New York, to settle their financial obligations to the city’s government. Reports said India owed the city $39.4 million including taxes, while Mongolia has to pay $4.2 million.

Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)

The current Gaza crisis reviewed.

Fugitive Laurean took bus from Juarez to Guadalajara (tags)

Mexico has a longstanding record of refusing to extradite suspects to the United States if they face a possible death sentence upon conviction.

They're known as "Los Zetas (tags)

The men are known as the Zetas, former members of the Mexican army who defected to Mexico's so-called Gulf drug cartel in the late 1990s

What Mumia Abu-Jamal Never Learned (tags)

On the eve of the United States premiere of In Prison My Whole Life at the Sundance Festival on January 20-25, the battle for the life and freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal heats up in the news media and the streets of far-flung cities while he awaits a crucial appellate court ruling and prepares to publish his sixth book from death row. Media activists present photographic evidence disproving the case against him.

A Bushite is an enemy of America (tags)

TO THE UNBELIEVERS : 40,000 pounds of bombs dropped by ANTICHRIST FORCES OF EVIL on a populated City THEY OCCUPY - American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry - Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being - Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges - "Heaven Won't Take Marines" - American corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... - I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment - Catholic Bishop: 9-11 was inside job - TO CON AMERICA TO DIE AS TRAITORS - Evidence is Everything - Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad - WOW! - 'How Bush misled the world' - WOW!

Heaven Won't Take Marines (tags)

LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all.

The United States' Selfish Solicitude (tags)

Interference with another country's internal affairs violates international law. In contrast to this, the neo-conservatives' revolutionary way of thinking preaches "democratic inter-ference" with all the consequences we are now observing in Afghanistan and Iraq.

U.S. law firms could help shape Afghanistan's future — for price (tags)

Law firms that contribute money to the U.S. effort towards an effective and transparent justice system in Afghanistan will be given a say in the carrying out of those policies. Bigger contributors will have more involvement, including the opportunity to go on official trips to Afghanistan. Donations by law firms will be tax deductible, but they can't earmark donations for specific uses.Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice says the plan is "essential to the country's success" in combating corruption, drug trafficking and other major problems in the nation.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's Seeds of Destruction - Part II (tags)

Agribusiness giants aim to control food worldwide and make it all genetically engineered.

Bush's Watergate (tags)

The publication of the new NIE represented a Declaration of Independence of professional secret service analysist who were made absolute fools by the neoconservatives in the past decades. Journalist Saul Landau described the new NIE as Bush's Watergate.

Negroponte/Rosen visits to Pakistan November 2007 (tags)

"The real choice we face is not between Musharraf and a return to an effective democratic system, but between Musharraf and the possible collapse of Pakistan," Rosen wrote in a letter to the editor appearing in this week's edition of the Jewish Daily Forward. In addition to Musharraf, he met with General Ashfaq Kiyani, the deputy chief of staff who is expected to take over for Musharraf as head of the army, as well as ministers and intelligence officials.

Troubles in Pakistan: Benazir Bhutto’s Assassination and Its Implications (tags)

“She who rides the tiger ends up in it.” The tragic death by assassination of Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan highlights the failure of American foreign policy. For a person who was cultivated by the personal diplomacy of America and beholden to Anglo-American policy – promising to support the US against al-Qaeda and the unlimited use of Pakistan nuclear power in the service of America, Benazir Bhutto was foremost a willing American puppet. Her political opportunism stemmed from her desire to vindicate herself and to be in power as prime minister for the third time, and underscores the weakness of US diplomacy that was based on personality, populism and charisma

Traces of the Authoritarian Personality in the Three Abrahamic Religions (subtitle of enti (tags)

We will examine whether terror is institutionalized in the psychology of some religions. There are many interesting and provocative ideas discussed. Arguably, this work is as controversial as it is timely. Such an intelligence estimate, if you will, would not have been written had it not related to many important and critical political issues and crises of our day (particularly as related to dominant “cultural clashes” as so framed by various think-tanks). But this work also significantly relates to political theory, history, criminal justice, jurisprudence, as well as social and political psychology etc.

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - A Profile in Courage, Honor and Hope (tags)

The story of anti-fascist freedom fighters.

Message from Ramón Labañino, Cuban Five (tags)

Ramón is in lockdown since December 11 and for that reason he has not been able to send all the letters and salutations for the new year to his friends around the world...

Lakota Nation declares independence from U.S. Empire (tags)

Lakota Nation tribes withdraw from treaties with U.S. government, citing numerous treaty violations on part of U.S. and loss of cultural identity resulting from forced assimilation programs..

Coming to Town for Bushite Nasties (tags)

God is coming to town for bushite nasties on his sled of make believe. A halted bushite, is a mercy on our souls, in defense of ourselves the innocent. The innocent that a 'lawless' bushite holds for ransom in pain dying.

The Legality of Justice Versus Blind Faith (tags)

Are political guarantees just so man words on paper to be used for political speeches? Who is ultimately responsible for enforcing principles of law in a republic? Given the reality that justice is very much a human concept, what can people presume, if anything, about such abstract words as “justice” and “fairness: before the law? What informs these legal meanings that people too often take for granted? Dedicated to the prisoners at Guatanamo who are or were innocent and to their lawyers who are attempting to bring justice to bear.

The war in Iraq and the assassination of Kennedy (tags)

AT 44 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the war in Iraq and the Bush family saga have magnified the need to declassify documents related to the November 22, 1963 attack that affected not only the United States but, to a surprising degree, Cuba, and the rest of the world.

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

Blackwater's Bu$ine$$ (tags)

In one of the company's most bizarre recent actions, on December 1 Blackwater paratroopers staged a dramatic aerial landing, complete with Blackwater flags and parachutes--not in Baghdad or Kabul but in San Diego at Qualcomm Stadium during the halftime show at the San Diego State/BYU football game. The location was interesting, given that Blackwater is fighting fierce local opposition to its attempt to open a new camp--Blackwater West--on 824 acres in the small rural community of Potrero, just outside San Diego.

Demand open line communications to defend Freedom through Justice (tags)

"Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad" Defend freedom, and the FBI, by demanding Coast to Coast radio hosts allow free communications, absent their personal contempt for preserving freedom to be our America.

Demand America take our calls for Justice as all (tags)

Did You Know: the bushite is warring Humanity to bring about what was there prior to them criminally invading?

Voices of the Iraq War Dissenters Ring Out (tags)

The horrific Iraq War, launched by the Bush-Cheney Gang, is now in its fifth year, with no end in sight. Nevertheless, there were some stouthearted souls inside both the governments of the U.S. and the UK, (Denmark and Australia, too), who tried to expose the lies of the wire pullers. In “Dissent: Voices of Conscience,” co-authors Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright and Susan Dixon tell their compelling stories. It’s current history and a great read, too.

Mitt Romney:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl (tags)

And that,(getting Daniel Pearl killed by his advice and contacts in Pakistan)),was at least hopefully unintentional.Worse yet is when this scumbag Ijaz actually bribes,(donates),to our elected officials to influence their political decisions including in Pakistan and the Middle East that could or has come BACK TO HAUNT US ALL. :

Blackwater Faces New Death and Injury Claims and Drug Allegations (tags)

The estates of two more Iraqis killed when Blackwater USA personnel allegedly opened fire on civilians in Nisoor Square in Baghdad on Sept. 16 and an injured survivor of the incident joined the pending civil litigation against the private military contractor late Monday.

Reese Erlich: Stopping the War on Iran (tags)

Journalist Reese Erlich, author of "The Iran Agenda," spoke to a San Diego audience November 17 about the prospects for a U.S. attack on Iran. He exposed the lies being told to justify sucn an attack but also suggested the U.S. government might be backing away from the brink.

Blackwater and the Brothers Krongard: How Cookie Crumbled (tags)

Accused of blocking an investigation into Blackwater, State Department IG Howard Krongard told Congress that his brother Buzzy has no ties to the military contractor. Buzzy says different.

Demand Grows For bush To Reveal Details of Plan Mexico (tags)

billions to keep the price of illegal drugs up, but not one cent for the fence....

US steps up plans for military intervention in Pakistan (tags)

In the midst of public statements of support for “democracy” in Pakistan and the recent visit to Islamabad by the American envoy John Negroponte, Washington is quietly preparing for a stepped-up military intervention in the crisis-ridden country. According to the New York Times Monday, plans have been drawn up by the US military’s Special Operations Command for deploying Special Forces troops in Pakistan’s frontier regions for the purpose of training indigenous militias to combat forces aligned with the Taliban and Al Qaeda. Citing unnamed military officials, the newspaper reports that the proposal would “expand the presence of military trainers in Pakistan, directly finance a separate tribal paramilitary force that until now has proved largely ineffective and pay militias that agreed to fight Al Qaeda and foreign extremists.”

Coup E'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

The Bush administration aims to crush democracy in Venezuela.

The empire’s operatives exposed: The Krongards, 9/11, and Blackwater/Iraq (tags)

New bombshell testimony before Congress has revealed that Alvin B. “Buzzy” Krongard, the former CIA executive director connected to 9/11 insider trading, is a consultant and advisory board member of Blackwater USA, the New World Order’s leading intelligence-related corporate mercenary death squad now under investigation for war crimes, murder, arms smuggling, and fraud in Iraq.

Are Conspiracy Theorists out of Their Gourds? (tags)

Conspiracy theories are rampant!

Message to Brazil: Help Find and Release Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine (tags)

“The word we are getting is that all of these actions, even though they’re not huge actions, have an impact. You can bet that although the Brazilians have not come down, a report has already gone not only to Haiti but also back to Brazil that we’re out here. The Haitians are telling us, keep up what we’re doing because it is having an impact. They’re starting to feel some opening up that they hadn’t felt before the international action for fasting.” – Margaret Prescod

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater's Brothers (tags)

Every day, new revelations emerge in the mounting scandal rocking the Bush Administration and the mercenary company Blackwater Worldwide. Much of the attention focuses on the now infamous shooting spree in Baghdad's Nisour Square on September 16, in which seventeen Iraqi civilians were killed and twenty-four wounded. FBI investigators are now alleging that fourteen were victims of unjustified and unprovoked shooting--some were shot while they were fleeing. Investigators also say they found nothing to substantiate Blackwater's claims of being fired on by Iraqis. This comes a month after a US Army investigation determined there was "no enemy activity involved" and labeled the shootings a "criminal event." But while Blackwater gets hammered in the press, the behind-the-scenes actions of the company's paymaster, the State Department, grow more scandalous by the minute.

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater's loopholes (tags)

REMINDER: Jeremy Scahill, will be speaking in the Los Angeles area, at the United Teachers of LA, 3303 W. Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA, at 7:00 pm on Friday, Nov. 16th and at the First Unitarian Church of Studio City, 12355 Moorpark, Studio City, CA at 7:00 pm on Saturday, Nov. 17th, each with author Dahr Jamail, Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq. For more information call: 213-309-2713.

Iranian Kurdistan: A simmering cauldron (tags)

Simmering discontent among Iran's ethnic Kurdish minority - aided by the government's conflict with a Turkish PKK offshoot - could spell major trouble for the Iranian government. The US government is fully aware of these tensions, and, according to published reports, is preparing several contingency plans to capitalize on mass discontent in these areas.

The Shortwave Report 11/09/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Incompetence or Cover-Up? Air Force Report on the Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight (tags)

"It makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck." --Pentagon official

The Sun Sets Early on the American Century (tags)

This article appeared in: Le Monde diplomatique, October 2007. Sometimes hope comes from outside the bubble, outside the myopia dnde enforcede confo9rmity!

CUBA responds to Bush (tags)

REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.

Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide (tags)

The ugly face of US imperialism

Bush invokes threat of “World War III” (tags)

The press conference held by President George W. Bush Wednesday was, like all of his press appearances, full of non-sequiturs, evasions and political bullying. Bush called the news conference to present himself as an opponent of excessive federal spending, by which he meant a few billion for children’s health insurance in the bill he vetoed last week, not the hundreds of billions his administration has squandered on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the trillions in tax cuts for the rich. The routine of his 20th press conference of the year was broken only when Bush was asked about the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, widely seen as undercutting the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate Iran and pave the way for military action against it. Putin took part in a meeting of the five states bordering on the Caspian Sea, each of them pledging not to allow their territory to be used for military action against any of the others.

California Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,GenesisIntermedia (tags)

In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are financing the campaign of Rudy Giuliani through money they made in the GenesisIntermedia pump and dump penny stock scam that collapsed around 9/11/01as well as money stolen from U.S. taxpayers and impoverished countries in Africa as well as Peru who were ripped off by the W Bush-Paul Singer 'Vulture Funds' fraud in which W Bush put U.S. funds in accounts directed at 3rd world debt only to have Mr. Singer come along and empty those accounts for his and the Republican Party's personal cash cow that was used to attempt changing California electoral voting system in favor of Rudy Giuliani and the Republican Party !

Diplomatic License Plates (tags)

Photos of the old and new diplomatic licenses issued by the State Department

The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.

Documents describe human trafficking violations by DOD contractors in Iraq (tags)

With private security firm Blackwater USA under fire for its role in a recent shooting incident in Baghdad, new details are emerging about another problem involving contractors in Iraq: the working and living conditions of international laborers employed on U.S. government projects.

The Cuban Five (tags)

I attended a briefing by Leonard Weinglass (he of the Daniel Ellsberg/Pentagon Papers fame, of the Amy Carter tribulations, and other famous efforts to achieve justice against at times huge odds) at Howard University's Law School on Wednesday, 12 September. I was stunned by what counselor Weinglass revealed...

mercenaries without borders (tags)

privatisation of armies and security are a utter defeat of freedom and democracy. Read why.

Deliberate Lies, Strange Deaths and Agression to the World Economy (tags)

Fidel Castro denounced that the United States government is using unimaginable economic means to defend a right that violates the sovereignty of all the other countries...

Petraeus with a Kiss (A Critical Review) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, provides a searing review of the performance by General David Petraeus last week.

AFRICOM: Wrong for Liberia, Disastrous for Africa (tags)

Just two months after U.S. aerial bombardments began in Somalia, the Bush administration solidified its militaristic engagement with Africa. In February 2007, the Department of Defense announced the creation of a new U.S. Africa Command infrastructure, code name AFRICOM, to “coordinate all U.S. military and security interests throughout the continent.”

September 11: The empire and its lies (tags)

Cuban President Fidel Castro on Wednesday reflected on the six long years since the painful September 11 episode in the US, about which it is known there has been deliberate disinformation...

Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak? (tags)

Who ordered the loading of Advanced Cruise missiles on to a B-52 in violation of Air Force regulations? The quick reaction of the Air Force and the issuing of a public statement describing the seriousness of the issue and the launch of an immediate investigation, suggests that whatever occurred, was outside the regular chain of military command. If the regular chain of command was violated, then we have to inquire as to whether the B-52 incident was part of a covert project whose classification level exceeded that held by officers in charge of nuclear weapons at Minot AFB.

jorge slobbering over nukes (tags)

the stupid fundamentalist freak and nwo toady jorge bush arbusto is getting ready to use the nukes in an attempt to extricate himself and his cronies from public demands for an accounting....


Colluding with U.S. & Filipino reactionaries, Dutch fascist authorities arrested Jose Maria Sison, a Filipino political refugee, and raided the National Democratic Front International Information Office in Holland. This is a clear example of State Terrorism working on behalf of predatory imperialist capital. All progressives and democrats everywhere should protest this outrage and support the Filipino people's struggle for justice, equality, and true independence.

Middle East Madness (tags)

The enormous risks of a widened war in the Middle East

The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)

"Bush has declared himself to be the "decider." The "decider" decides whether Americans have any rights under the Constitution and whether Iran has any rights under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. As the "decider" has decided that Iran has no such rights, the "decider" decides whether to attack Iran. No one else has any say about it. The people’s representatives are just so much chaff in the wind. "

The War Criminal in the Living Room (tags)

The media is silent. Congress is absent. Americans are distracted as George W Bush prepares aggression against Iran.

Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist (tags)

In an article published on April 10, 2007, president Fidel Castro declared, “Orders for Kathleen Cardone’s decision could only have come from the White House. President Bush constantly avoided the issue of the criminal and terrorist character of the accused. He was protected and charged with a simple immigration violation.”

US Hides the Truth on Cuban Five Case (tags)

"Someday the truth will prevail; meanwhile, we must persevere in our struggle to make the case known,"

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban (tags)

The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997.

Is It Time to Rein in AIPAC? (tags)

The American Israel Public Affairs Committee, “AIPAC,” is the nine ton elephant in the room! It is the ultra-engine that drives the Israel Lobby. After the Walt/Mearsheimer Report came out in March, 2006, its cover was blown. Now, Grant F. Smith’s latest book, “Foreign Agents: AIPAC,” is hitting the streets. It is a searing indictment of AIPAC in the Court of Public Opinion and should be read by every American who cares about the fate of the Republic.

NeoCon 'Plan Africa' Oil Manifesto (tags)

“Along with Latin America, West Africa is expected to be one of the fastest growing sources of oil and gas for the American market. African oil tends to be of high quality and low in sulfur, making it suitable for stringent refined product requirements, and giving it a growing market share for the refining Centers on the East Coast of the U.S.” “National Energy Policy Report” Office of the Vice President Richard Cheney May 16, 2001

Forward: AIPAC Case: Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas (tags)

Forward: AIPAC Case: Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas

(JINSA/PNAC associated) Cheney favors attack on Iran (for Israel, of course!) (tags)

Cheney wants US to attack Iran for Israel!

U.S. Readying Saudi Arms Deal, Official Confirms (tags)

The Bush administration is preparing a package of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states that could be worth some $20 billion over the next 10 years, a senior U.S. defense official said July 28. The official largely confirmed reports of the deal in The New York Times and Washington Post ahead of a joint trip to Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern countries by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and Defense Secretary Robert Gates.

Israel Voices Satisfaction with U.S. Aid Increase (tags)

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert voiced satisfaction July 29 over Washington’s intention to offset a package of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states with increased military aid for Israel.

Rumsfeld Helped Al Qaeda Establish a Stronghold in Northwestern Pakistan (tags)

"Why? Did the Bush administration need to "recruit detainees" among the civilian population and pass them off as "terrorists" with a view to bearing out its resolve and commitment to the "global war on terrorism" (GWOT). Did they need to boost up the numbers "to fill the gap" resulting from the several thousand Al Qaeda fighters, who had been secretly evacuated, on the orders of Donald Rumsfeld and flown to safety? In other words, are these detentions part of the Pentagon's propaganda campaign?"

Palace alarmed, denies slash: US State Dep’t cuts aid to RP military (tags)

Aid to the Philippine military has been from slashed from some $30 million to a mere $11 million for 2008 or a cut of two thirds, by the United States State Department, as shown in its Web site. Malacañang executives, clearly alarmed at the report, yesterday claimed that the report was false, while US Embassy spokesman Matthew Lussenhop failed to provide a categorical response on whether there was a slashing of military aid, saying instead that no US budget has been submitted as yet and that the budget is a “complex” and “negotiated” procedure by Congress, even when the Web site of the State Department showed the slashed figures, which the Washington Post reported was personally allocated by State Secretary Condoleezza Rice, country by country. The Congress Web site, moreover, showed a higher aid figure for the Philippines.

War Against Terror Costs US $12 Billion a Month (tags)

The promising title "The Way Forward" is a whitewash. Thorugh the invasion and occupation, Iraq first became a failed state where terrorist groups thrive.. The war that would only cost peanuts (Wolfowitz or Perle) may cost $1 trillion.


World-renowned Filipino educator Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, former president of the University of the Philippines and head of the coalition, LABAN NG MASA, urges the formation of a revolutionary transitional government to replace the corrupt, brutal and illegitimate Arroyo regime backed by Bush neocons and predatory corporate elite. The following article provides a background to Dr. Nemenzo's principled critique of U.S.-Arroyo State terrorism.

The Earth as a Weapon (tags)

Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)

Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !

Questioning AFRICOM's intentions (tags)

As plans move ahead for a US Africa Command, African nations remain cool to the idea amid fears of mission creep and unclear US intentions.


Don't be a fool: Question 9/11 THE TOP 40 REASONS TO DOUBT THE OFFICIAL STORY OF SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001

Reinventing A War Criminal (tags)

Reinventing Tony Blair as a Trojan horse peacenik.

CIA Finally Releases 1973 "Family Jewels" Document - Partial Notes on Ch 1 (tags)

The CIA has, after a long battle against activists and journalists using the "Freedom of Information Act", finally released a document outlining the "most sensitive operations" it had undertaken from the 1950s through 1973.

Hanging from the brush... (tags)

"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

the Iraq War -- a Socialist perspective (tags)

The war in Iraq is at the heart of the instability in the Middle East – and the U.S. It is now the third-longest-running war in U.S. history: longer than the American Civil War, the First and Second World Wars, and the Korean War. Only the Philippine-American and Vietnam Wars have lasted longer. Although control over Iraq’s oil was a major reason for the invasion, it was not the main factor. Overall strategic control over the region and teaching a “lesson” to any country that dares “step out of line” was the main objective. However, none of U.S. imperialism’s political, economic, or military objectives have been achieved. Far from demonstrating its power, U.S. imperialism has demonstrated the limits of its power. The results will be far-reaching both internationally and within the U.S. itself.

Extremists in 3 faiths seen to share views (tags)

Violent Muslim, Christian and Jewish extremists invoke the same rhetoric of "good" and "evil" and the best way to fight them is to tackle the problems that drive people to extremism, according to a report obtained by Reuters.

Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)

Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.

Blackwater: The Christian Right and the War on America (tags)

the civil war that england has been after for a long time now you WILL sell out america, and worship lords and kings again, or you will die

Elections in RP successful – US (tags)

A US State Department official said yesterday the May 14 elections were generally successful despite reports of violence and fraud. “I know there have been some problems with violence. But I would say overall the elections have been very successful and a real sign that the Philippines has a very well-developed democracy. It has never been an easy process,” Christopher Hill, US State Department assistant secretary for East Asia and the Pacific, said over Radyo ng Bayan. Hill’s observation followed an earlier statement of concern from the US Embassy in Manila on reports of violence in many parts of the country during the elections.

Mitt Romney's Blackwater Connection (tags)

"Governor Mitt Romney today announced that Cofer Black, a former top counterterrorism official at the Central Intelligence Agency and State Department, has joined his campaign for President of the United States. Black will serve as Senior Adviser for counterterrorism and national security issues."

Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation (tags)

"On Tuesday, without note in the U.S. media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable for withdrawal, according to Nassar Al-Rubaie, a spokesman for the Al Sadr movement, the nationalist Shia group that sponsored the petition."

Quicksilver Times: a study in the infiltration and manipulation of alternative media (tags)

Some things change, some don't.

Uncle Sam Wants You Bad: Preventing The Militarization of our Schools (tags)

Article on Military Activities Scheduled at Cal State Fullerton University - and Community Resistance

Posada’s release exposes Washington’s hypocrisy (tags)

The decision by the US authorities to release the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles exposes before the eyes of the world the hypocritical attitude of the United States government to terrorism. Posada Carriles Posada is the author of the 1976 attack that brought down a Cubana de Aviación civilian airliner off the coast of Barbados, which cost the lives of 73 innocent people. By releasing this criminal, the US authorities have admitted that they support terrorism when this is in the interests of US imperialism. Bush's so-called war on terrorism therefore stands exposed as a shameful deception. In an editorial of April 20, the Los Angeles Times condemned the decision:

Human Rights Activist Sentenced to Five Years (tags)

A Review of Chris Hedges' American Fascists (tags)

Christian Right efforts to make America a theocratic fascist state

Iraqi Petroleum privatization, CIA MK-Ultra, PSYOPs (tags)

The upcoming petroleum privatization of Iraqi oil reserves is being watched by international community, never a better time for PSYOPS (psychological operations) military brainwashing campaigns here in north america. V. tech shootings distract the media from Iraqi oil heists by Halliburton, Exxon-Mobil, etc.. while promoting culture of police state mass hysteria at US universities. Brilliant timing Herr GW Bush, Der Fuhrer of US Empire!!

Some elements’ in RP security forces behind killings – US report (tags)

"Some elements" of Philippine security forces are "apparently" responsible for unexplained killings, disappearances, arbitrary arrest and illegal detentions, according to the US State Department. In its latest report, "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The US Record 2006," the State Department said members of security services committed acts of physical and psychological abuse on suspects and detainees, and even instances of torture. The report, which was released and submitted to the US Congress last week, said corruption remained a problem in all sectors of the criminal justice system, including police, prosecutorial, and judicial organs.

notes from new palestine: revolution overturns and destroys everything... (tags)

what is being done is selling the masses capitalism and calling it all liberation and now revolution -- b.u.t. what it really is is using our peoples -- a few select -- from oprah to jay z and obama as a tool to colonize afrika and our minds for the masters. it works well for the bourgeois classes -- for it advances their cause, class and position and therefore them = the 10 to 1% -- for them it is a revolution -- one of privilege and capital and not of movement and the masses.

Latin American School of Medicine (tags)

In the midst of all the US-Cuban relations stories, primarily, the focus is on the imposed economic sanctions against Castro’s Cuba. But, there is a story of unity, progression, and humanitarian efforts lying within those pages written about Cuba. It is one that is hardly, if ever, told; a story that calls attention to the concern for human life above economic strife.

On Current Issues TV Tonight: Capt Ward Boston who investigated USS Liberty attack (tags)

On Current Issues TV Tonight: Capt Ward Boston who investigated USS Liberty attack

What has happened to the 5 iranians kidnapped by US? (tags)

- As the Western media turns its attention to the fate of 15 Britons detained for allegedly trespassing into Iranian waters over the weekend, the status of five Iranian officials captured in a U.S. military raid on a liaison office in northern Iraq on Jan. 11 remains a mystery.

Activist's 2007 Information Source (tags)

Seek & Yee Shall Find!

Shaikh Ahamed Yassin Assassination, The Three-Year Anniversary (tags)

In Brussels, the European Union condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killing" as illegal and likely to further inflame violence.

Fake Congressional Opposition to War (tags)

Congress again betrays the electorate

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

The Shortwave Report 3/9/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

George Bush's Samson Option (tags)

George Bush's reckless agenda to plunge the Middle East in total war

Scripted Libby Trial Ends on Cue: What Can Happen Next? (tags)

The Prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, crafted the “Scooter” Libby case to protect the Bush-Cheney Gang. Even the members of Libby’s jury knew something was missing. Now, it’s time for the House’s Judiciary Committee to pick up the baton. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NEV) said Libby manipulated “intelligence” to get us into the war and that the case revealed “deeper truths” about VP Dick Cheney. I say: “Bring Cheney to the Bar of Justice!”

A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis (tags)

A review of how the US is passing from a republic to tyranny

Is the Media Fomenting War between Iran and the US? (tags)

Boredom strikingly prevails on the media stage despite the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the forgotten conflicts in other countries.

UN Peacekeeping Paramilitarism (tags)

How UN peacekeepers are used as thuggish paramilitaries for empire.

SEE Italy's Proof for Trial of CIA 26 (cr card/phone No.s, IDs) in Imam abduction ... (tags)

This is about blowing the CIA wide open -- with all their dirty tricks and secrets revealed. (Talk about lowlifes getting their comeuppance.)

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.

Rafik Hariri and the Salvador Option in Beirut (tags)

Suppressed evidence of US-Israel role in Lebanese PM Hariri's Killing

War Howls (tags)

Escalation will not finish the "job" that president George W Bush charged admiral William Fallon. The language of bombs is too simple for a complex matter like the Middle East.

Bush wants $800 of your money to help him kill (tags)

Bush wants you to pay $800 over then year and a half to help him kill Iraqi women, children, and freedom fighters. Think your getting your moneys worth?

The Peoples’ Counter State of the Union Message (tags)

George W. Bush, the Liar-in-Chief, did his thing on Tuesday night, Jan. 23, 2007. He delivered another one of his so-called “State of the Union” messages to the Congress, on Capitol Hill. Outside the building, however, by the reflective pool, activists, like: Col. Ann Wright, Medea Benjamin, Jeffrey Milliard and Travis Morales, offered a true representation of the state of our nation. They demanded an end to the Iraqi War and bringing our troops home.

Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards wants another war! (tags)

In another important news item conveniently ignored by the pro-war Zionist media… Democratic Presidential candidate John Edwards among others is in “Israel” pushing for an attack on Iran. Republicans and Democrats, two wings of the same old bird.

Why Capitalists support the war (tags)

To put it simply, they want to maximize their profits at the expense of the vast majority. This requires access to raw materials, markets, and cheap labor, not to mention juicy government contracts with built-in profits. But don't take our word for it. Here's what the representatives and defenders of U.S. capitalism have had to say about it over the years: "War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few at the expense of the masses... "It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle-man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism." - USMC General Smedley Butler, 1933 "...We have about 50 percent of the world's wealth, but only 6.3 percent of its population... Our real task in the coming period is to devise a pattern of relationships which will permit us to maintain this position of disparity without positive detriment to our national security. To do so, we will have to dispense with all sentimentality and daydreaming; and our attention will have to be concentrated everywhere on our immediate national objectives. We need not deceive ourselves that we can afford today the luxury of altruism and world-benefaction... We should cease to talk about vague and... unreal objectives such as human rights, the raising of the living standards, and democratization. The day is not far off when we are going to have to deal in straight power concepts. The less we are then hampered by idealistic slogans, the better." - George Kennan, State Department, 1948

The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)

Is Bush's War Winding Down or Heating Up? The Coming Attack on Iran On January 7 the London Times reported that it has learned from "several Israeli military sources" that "Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."

Holiday Hyposrisy (tags)

The corruption of US holidays for patriotism and profit.

Condi, the slave girl (tags)

The masser takes over

Selective Justice and the Execution of Saddam Hussein (tags)

The transformation of Saddam Hussein from ally to enemy

A Good Story (tags)

"From 200 years of American history, we have learned nothing is impossible." (Reagan) Occasionally this president replaced reality with his fictions. "The world changed every time a new technique of storytelling was intented." (Brian Ferren)

Indian Press Silence on Sai Baba Weakening (tags)

One of Britain's top newspapers, The Guardian, has demonstrated ties between Duke of Edinburgh Awards personnel and Sathya Sai Baba (pron. satya si bubba), India's most famous and powerful guru.

Pakistan secretly holds hundreds in prisons (tags)

Police broke up a protest by dozens of relatives of missing people and detained some as they tried to march towards the military headquarters. Rawalpindi, Pakistan - December 28, 2006

Omissions in the Iraq Study Group Report (tags)

Omissions in the ISG Report are more important than what's in it.

White House hostility to Iraq report grows (tags)

I would hate for them to think that the government the US installed in Iraq after over throwing Saddam is a "puppet" government - "The worry is that the more Maliki is seen as our puppet, because he is abiding by our timelines and deadlines, the internal political dynamics will become so fragile that the whole government would collapse,"

The Marla Ruzicka Story -- The *Real* Story (tags)

No one who was a threat -- let alone any real threat -- to the U.S. imperialist war machine would ever be gushingly and pervasively celebrated by it, the Congress, the President and the military, no less, and the political establishment's corporate media. Marla Ruzicka -- even posing for pictures on top of tanks and in group hugs with gun-posing American soldiers, let alone using the war and exploiting the misery of the Iraqi people to parlay that into a hoped-for lucrative cushy position inside the Pentagon or State Department, feathering her nest and her new career with military-industrial complex money (yet still a pittance of that spent on the bombs of war) -- served as a willing PR front for that machine. Furthermore, she was willing to collect and *give* that information directly to the US *military*, providing it with, in effect, valuable intelligence on the Iraqi people (how many males and females of which ages, including possible fighting age, in each family, and what their resources and professional/community positions were, perhaps a community critic of the US war, maybe an intellectual, a journalist, a teacher, or a doctor/nurse who could patch up Iraqi wounded resistace fighters, and who in each family might have gotten shot -- perhaps a resistance member? -- by the US military) under the guise of humanitarian relief. Here is what progressive journalist Christian Parenti had to say about the darling of the U.S. imperialist military machine:


It is my grave concern that American workers, especially Christian workers, and others who snub wisdom in spite of, or in lieu of faith, be paid on time, and on their regularly scheduled payday. Therefore I demand that Bush pay me what he owes me on time or God will surely torture him in hell for a minimum of 500 years. The current balance due would be about 100 million dollars.



Glimpse of Secret Gitmo Panels (tags)

Snip: "They relied instead on secret evidence that was classified," Denbeaux says. "And the government's procedure was, anything in that secret evidence was presumed to be valuable and valid. And then the detainee was given the opportunity to rebut the secret evidence. But he was never told what the secret evidence was."

Shock and awe. (tags)

Now Bush is in shock and awe.

Fox News reporters freed for $2 million (tags)

Terrorists used cash for arms to 'hit Zionists,' payment said to encourage more abductions

There is NOT a civil war in Iraq (honest! swear to god!) (tags)

There is NOT a civil war going on in Iraq! Everything is undercontrol! - Asked about his testimony in August that Iraq could fall into civil war ... , Gen. John Abizaid said that more recently the situation has improved

U.S. seeks better ties by aiding militaries (tags)

Who is the world worste terrorist??? From articles like this it is clear that the American government is!



Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller,Refco and the collapse of Guatemala's Bancafe Bank (tags)

Illinois Republican Jerry Weller does indeed have a conflict of interest in Guatemala besides his wife Zury Rios Sosa,daughter of ex-Guatemalan dictator General Efrain Rios Montt.Refco that donated to at least one of Jerry Weller's political campaigns in the past has collapsed and been found to be committing investor fraud and hiding certain transactions that should have been accounted for as losses.This has led to billions of dollars in investor losses worldwide.

Alberto Fernandez (tags)

Spoke the truth

Water for millions at risk (tags)

Water for millions at risk as glaciers melt faster than expected

Navy officer tapped to head LA schools (tags)

Navy officer with no experience tapped to head LA schools

U.S. bars victim of torture from entry to receive award (tags)

The American police state is starting to look more and more like the police states of Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union gulag and the iron fist rule of Red China.

New $20 ID card proposed for U.S. border crossers (tags)

And next it will be used for an internal passport.



Israeli / US Cluster Bombs Litter Lebanon: Desirable Duds (tags)

On September 26, the UN announced that the number of unexploded cluster "bomblets" left in southern Lebanon by Israeli forces may be three times higher than previous estimates. A million or more antipersonnel weapons may be strewn across a region one-third the size of Rhode Island.(1)

Bush keeps revising war justification (tags)

I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, .... George W Bush

Gov't workers got fake degrees (tags)

SPOKANE, Wash. - At least 135 federal employees, including a White House staff member and National Security Agency employees, bought bogus online college degrees from a diploma mill, a lawyer in the case against the mill operators said.

Double Standards of Morality: The Age of Terror (tags)

This reluctance to confront unpleasant truths diminishes the reader or viewer for whom Middle East reporting in the US media is almost incomprehensible to anyone who does not know the region. It also has its trickle-down effects even in theatres, universities and schools in America. The case of the play about Rachel Corrie--the young US activist twice run over by an Israeli bulldozer while trying to prevent the demolition of Palestinian homes--taken off the New York stage was one of the more deplorable of these. I was also surprised in the Bronx to find that Fieldston, a private school in Riverdale--was forced to cancel a college meeting with two Palestinian lecturers when parents objected to the absence of an Israeli on the panel. The fact that Israeli speakers were to be invited later made no difference. The school's principal later announced that the meeting would "not be appropriate given t! he sensitivity and complexity of the issue". Complex problems are supposed to be explained. But this could not be explained because, well, it was too complex and--the truth--would upset the usual Israeli lobbyists.

Article on CIA Child Trafficing (tags)

They count on the fact that the more bizarre and perverted they act the safer they are because the average joe cannot even fathom the depths of evil that this agency perpetrates.

Darfur Death Toll Is Hundreds of Thousands Higher Than Reported, Study Says (tags)

Darfur Death Toll Is Hundreds of Thousands Higher Than Reported, Study Says

Human trafficking in Israel a $ 1 billion industry (tags)

Israel the so-called "oasis of democracy and human rights" been cited by the United Nations and the US State Department was one of the worst offenders in this slave trade, a $ 1,000,000,000 dollar booming industry which contines to this day

Human Rights Experts: “Israel Committed War Crimes!” (tags)

On Sept. 27, 2006, two leading experts on Human Rights spoke at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C. Curt Goering of Amnesty International, said Israel’s massive bombing campaign in Lebanon, including dropping more than a million cluster bombs, was a “war crime.” His group is pressing the UN for a full inquiry. Joe Stork of Human Rights Watch called the Israelis’ destruction of Gaza’s only electric power generating plant a “war crime.”

US Senate votes 100-0 for $70 billion more in war spending (tags)

The unanimous vote by the US Senate on Friday to approve the Bush administration’s request for an additional $70 billion to finance the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan demonstrates a basic truth of American politics: the Democratic Party, no less than the Republicans, is a party of imperialist militarism and war.


The failure of the U.S. government as well as the Israelis to talk with leaders of governments they disagree with underlines the acute paucity of diplomacy being exercised at the current time, which can only jeopardize in the long run the security of ordinary people both in the Middle East and in the United States. It is time for governments to listen to their people, to start talking and stop preaching.

Democrats defend “our president” against international criticism (tags)

The pretense that the Democratic Party represents some sort of opposition to the Bush administration was punctured again last week when leading Democrats vociferously condemned the anti-Bush speech given by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to the United Nations General Assembly.

Pakistan leader says U.S. made bombing threats (tags)

US message to Pakistan - Support us or we will bomb you into the stone age!

A belligerent Bush addresses the UN (tags)

In a speech to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday, US President George W. Bush delivered a remarkably belligerent warning to the peoples of the Middle East that Washington intends to continue and even widen its campaign of military aggression.



Bush-Cheney Hit with “Mock” Guilty Verdicts for War Crimes (tags)

It was appropriate that the “Guilty” verdicts against the Bush-Cheney Gang for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity were announced at “Camp Democracy,” on the National Mall. On Sept. 13, 2006, Ann Wright, an ex-U.S. diplomat, read the “mock” verdicts. She was also one of the five jurists who heard the evidence compiled by the Bush Crimes Commission.

The Muslim Public Affairs Committee is useless (tags)

The MPAC is useless. It can't even begin to imitate what The AIPAC does.

Israel: Beyond Good and Evil? (tags)

Ehud Olmert's Nietzschean foreign policy

Armitage is the Leaker, not the Story: Black Ops and War Lies (tags)

The corporate media have focused on the outing of Plame but are ignoring the real story: why was the administration so focused and intent upon destroying Plame and her ambassador husband? The answer leads to a dark crime of lies and black ops aimed at promoting a pointless war in Iraq at all costs.

Army Retaliation against Sgt. Donald Buswell, the 911 NCO (tags)

The US Army has done the only thing it could do in its attempt to undermine the "911 NCO," Sergeant Donald Buswell, who has become a central figure in the 911 Truth Movement by calling for a new 911 investigation -- and being attacked for it. Sergeant Buswell, it turns out, has powerful comrades in the State Department who present a big problem for a military bent on defaming him for his position of principle and his mission of conscience.

Warning to the Teachers of Oaxaca, Beware the US Trojan Horse (tags)

Oaxaca teachers are taking the lead in the struggle against injustice, but a Trojan Horse is headed their way.

Will Bush use this as a lame ass excuse to invade Iran????? (tags)

Some fear Iran threat played down

Kevin Zeese: Attack on Iran May Lead to WWIII! (tags)

Takoma, Maryland’s City Hall was the scene for a lively discussion on Middle East issues, on Aug. 17, 2006. Kevin Zeese, the “Unity candidate” for the U.S. Senate in Maryland, and one of the panelists, said Israel’s attack on Lebanon was premeditated and that an attack on Iran might lead to WWIII. Noura Erakat said Lebanon had been devastated ‘on a humanitarian level” by Israel’s War Machine. She also denounced Israel as an “Apartheid state.”



Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 2 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 1 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

Israel Begs US for Terrorist Cluster Bombs (tags)

Israel has asked the Bush administration to speed delivery of short-range antipersonnel rockets armed with cluster munitions, which it could use to strike Hezbollah missile sites in Lebanon, according to two American officials. The request for M-26 artillery rockets, which are fired in barrages and carry hundreds of grenade-like bomblets that scatter and explode over a broad area, is likely to be approved shortly, along with other arms, a senior official said Thursday.

Israeli Ambassador Caught Lying (tags)

Israel's ambassador to the United States, Daniel Ayalon, was questioned last Sunday in Washington DC as part of a press stakeout. Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy was there to ask the tough questions. He grilled Ayalon on Israel's targeting of civilians and use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, Israel's nuclear arsenal and its lack of adherence to United Nations Security Council resolutions. [includes rush transcript] Israel's cabinet authorized an expanded ground offensive into Lebanon on Wednesday, backing a push towards the Litani river which lies 18 miles from the border. The decision came on a day of fierce fighting in southern Lebanon. Fifteen Israeli soldiers were killed in action - the highest number in a single day since the conflict began almost a month ago.

LA Welcomes Haitian Women Activists (tags)

Haitian activists Ginette Apollon and Rea Dol, in LA as part of their first visit to California, discuss the situation on the ground following the election of René Preval as President of Haiti and what are the demands of the grassroots.

Neocons’ Middle East Scheme Is Backfiring (tags)

Back in 1996, a clique of Neocons, led by Richard Perle, concocted a scheme for Israel to “destabilize” the Middle East. The Palestinians were to be crushed and Iraq and Lebanon balkanized. The U.S. and UK were conned into doing the Neocons’ dirty work in Iraq. Now, Hezbollah fighters have tossed a huge wrench into the not-so-clever plot. Instead of Israel becoming “safer,” the Neocons have put its citizens at risk and its army in danger of defeat.

Israeli war crimes aimed at “cleansing” south Lebanon (tags)

On Tuesday, Israeli warplanes struck the southern Lebanese town of Ghaziyeh, killing at least 14 people. Missiles demolished civilian homes just as some 1,500 mourners were participating in a procession to bury 15 of their relatives and neighbors slain just the day before. The explosions sent the crowd running in panic, dropping shrouded corpses in the street.

Osama Has Won (tags)

Anyone who even attempts to defend the killing of the children in Qana by Israeli air strikes is criminally insane. There can be no justification for slaughtering children, in any circumstances, anywhere.


Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.

Cease-Fire Now! Take Emergency Action (tags)

A Joint Call from United for Peace and Justice & the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Qana Victims Killed by Israel with U.S. Weapons Demand that Congress Support Cease-Fire Resolutions and End Weapons Deliveries to Israel Now! THIS WEEK: Call Congress and the White House Every Day NEXT WEEK: Emergency Week of Action, Aug. 7-11

What way forward in the struggle against war? (tags)

As the brutal US-Israeli war against the Lebanese people enters its fourth week, there is no sign that the massacre of innocent civilians is about to end. On the contrary, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), backed by air strikes and artillery fire, are pressing deeper into Lebanon, with the apparent aim of advancing 18 miles to the Litani River, either killing or driving out the entire population between it and the Israeli border.

Hizballah: A Primer (tags)

Middle EastHizballah, the Lebanese Shi‘i movement whose militia is fighting the Israeli army in south Lebanon, has been cast misleadingly in much media coverage of the ongoing war. Much more than a militia, the movement is also a political party that is a powerful actor in Lebanese politics and a provider of important social services. Not a creature of Iranian and Syrian sponsorship, Hizballah arose to battle Israel’s occupation of south Lebanon from 1982-2000 and, more broadly, to advocate for Lebanon’s historically disenfranchised Shi‘i Muslim community.

Qana Massacre Protested at State Department Rally (tags)

As a result of the Israeli massacre of 56 civilians, mostly children, in the village of Qana, in Lebanon, a protest action was held in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C. on Monday, 07/31/06. The activists were there to protest the massacre and to demand an immediate ceasefire. Noura Erakat said, “Israel needs to be held accountable for its murders.” Four of the demonstrators were arrested in an act of civil disobedience.

The Qana massacre: Slaughter of innocents in Lebanon (tags)

The repeated missile strikes, launched in the dead of night while the targeted victims were asleep, reduced a four-story apartment building and nearby houses to rubble, killing at least 57 residents, including 37 children.

Conspirators as Illuminati: Bush Administration as Juntocracy (tags)

A parallel or shadow government, a Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush axis, was established.. Groups, offices and departments were elimi-nated and ad hoc groups formed.. The NSC was developed into a kind of parallel govern-ment.

Iran: The Next War (tags)

Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.

"Missiles and Bombs Threaten the Future" (tags)

The spiral of vengeance is not a solution!.. Perhaps a change will come in the US; perhaps questions will be raised soon.. The attack itself was retaliation for the US policy of the "big stick," retribution for the "new world order" that creates so much poverty.

Warnings she must heed: (tags)

All kinds of speculations have been aired since former agriculture undersecretary Jocelyn Bolante was arrested in the United States for entering the country without a visa. Could his arrest be a US government warning shot to the Arroyo administration? Opposition voices are saying his arrest was made on the initiative of the Arroyo administration. They allege the administration does not want Bolante to come back to the Philippines and be forced to spill the beans in congressional investigations about his alleged diversion of P728 million from funds for fertilizers to be shared with farmers to President Arroyo’s 2004 campaign kitty. Both the Philippine and American governments are not forthcoming with details. The Philippine government has in fact ordered a total blackout on statements and news about Bolante. US immigration experts are befuddled why Bolante was arrested and held. He is in a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement “processing center” in San Pedro, California.

Warnings she must heed: (tags)

All kinds of speculations have been aired since former agriculture undersecretary Jocelyn Bolante was arrested in the United States for entering the country without a visa. Could his arrest be a US government warning shot to the Arroyo administration? Opposition voices are saying his arrest was made on the initiative of the Arroyo administration. They allege the administration does not want Bolante to come back to the Philippines and be forced to spill the beans in congressional investigations about his alleged diversion of P728 million from funds for fertilizers to be shared with farmers to President Arroyo’s 2004 campaign kitty. Both the Philippine and American governments are not forthcoming with details.


ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon JOIN US IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign up for political action alerts and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support Israeli terrorism. For further political action and information see and and and Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon (tags)

BACKGROUND: Israel is using weapons supplied by the United States to target Palestinian & Lebanese civilians and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon in violation of the US Arms Export Control Act and the Geneva Conventions. * On July 12th, Israel killed 23 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with missiles fired from aircraft and shells fired from tanks. Israel killed 9 members of one family in a missile strike on a house near Gaza City.

National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)

Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!

Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)

The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Flattened (tags)

A nation under fire and its rights, press and lives flattened

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Attacked (tags)

Attacks on free speech continue with increasing brazenness

A Century of Oil Imperialism (tags)

The current Iraq War, waged primarily to seize incredibly rich oil resources for the benefit of the U.S.-UK Oil Cartel, was predictable. This type of imperialistic evildoing has been going on for a century, and countries and individuals who get in the Cartel's way tend to meet violent ends.

"Realist" as Swearword in Bush's Iraq Quagmire (tags)

The great historical crisis of the 1860s proeduced Abraham Lincoln; the "Great Depression" produced Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We can only hope the political system of the US will produce similar leading figures.

Lebanon's Al Manar TV Targeted (tags)

targeting the media under "self-defense" and with holocaust immunity

Using American tax dollars to overthrow foreign governments under the guise of "democ (tags)

Foreign governments complain that these democracy-building groups maneuver behind the scenes to help destabilize and topple their governments, including in countries where the official U.S. policy has been to work through diplomatic channels with those same governments.

The Second American Revolution : Capitalism, Proverbs and Parables (tags)

I will speak to them in parables (sound bites). I will reveal to them mysteries and the secret things which have been kept hidden from them for long ages past. A revolution is a propaganda war and it the decisive battles are not fought with guns.

Diabetes and Depleted Uranium ll (tags)

Italian Embassy Cover up Continues

US arms Infusion boost to RP troops (tags)

THE United States Ambassador to the Philippines Kristie A. Kenney has assured the Philippines that the US will continue providing the Armed Forces of the Philippines with military hardware to strengthen its capability to fight terrorism and insurgency. At a roundtable at The Manila Times, Kenney said the AFP would also receive technical assistance to boost its firepower.

CIAs INDICTED (Romano, Castelli, Russomondo, De Sousa), also top Italy Spies (tags)

[JULY 5, 2006] Italy has just indicted three CIA officers and a U.S. Air Force officer on charges that they participated in the illegal 2003 rendition, or torture/kidnap, of a Muslim cleric in Milan. They are:

Total TIA Data Theft (tags)

level 7

Richard Perle: A Serial Warmonger! (tags)

Richard Perle is at it again! He tossed a hizzy fit when the Bush-Cheney Gang decided to have “talks” with Iran over their disputed nuclear program. The Mother of All Neocons implied President George W. Bush was a coward. He said the President “blinked” and that the Mullahs had “glared” him down. Perle has no shame! He helped to create the disaster which is the Iraqi War. Now, he wants to set the stage for a repeat U.S. performance with Iran.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekend Edition (tags)

News from inside the "Bush Reich": Insurency escalates in Iraq, Suspicions grow re: murdered/tortured soldiers, Israeli arms dealers and mercenaries in No. Iraq, Halliburton investigated for human trafficking, The obscene 2007 budget...and more: Read it n' weep!


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Spain, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

data theft huge and wholesale, and oth crimes ... - and - ... waves ... (tags)

the unprecedented physical theft of personal data by a U.S. intelligence operation to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases ...

The Power of the Israel Lobby (tags)

Its Origins and Growth

Action Alert - US Intervention in Nicaraguan Elections (tags)

For twenty-five years United States policy toward Nicaragua has been directed by two goals: working against Sandinista efforts to hold or retain power, and forcing free market ideology on the country in the form of trade agreements and harsh loan conditions from USAID, the World Bank, IMF and other institutions. This is not the policy of the people of the United States, and we need to make that clear.

Bunker Time: Federal gov. to conduct large scale anti-terror drill (tags)

William Arkin reports in the Washington Post on the largest anti-terror drill yet to be conducted in the context of the "Continuity in Government" procedures. The drill is intended to prepare the country for "a Second 9/11".

Comments on Greg Palast's New Book Armed Madhouse (tags)


STOPPING WW3 - We're all we got, Baby! (tags)

Easy actions anyone can take to prevent future US pre-emptive agressive war.

The Art of Propaganda (tags)

The genre of entertainment films about war and the military is described as mili-tainment Presenting war as entertainment means ignoring intellectual analysis tohighlight emotional war stories.



ANSWER Coalition: The Logic of War Crimes in a Criminal War (tags)

ANSWER Coalition Statement (June 2): The Logic of War Crimes in a Criminal War

PHILIPPINES: Local governor belies PDSP claims of communist atrocities in Bukidnon (tags)

The Pesante-USA published the article of Tonyo Cruz to dispute the anti-communist and anti-people propaganda of the soc-dem pro US-Arroyo regime PDSP- a social democratic party of National Security adviser Norberto Gonzales, a clerico-fascist stooge of US Imperialism anf fascists in the Philippines.

Liars’ Club Confab: Bush and Blair at White House (tags)

The prime members of the Anglo-American Liars’ Club, President George W. Bush and the UK’s Tony Blair, met at the White House on May 25, 2006. The bull session lead to more perpetual war propaganda, including an agreement to keep troops there until the new Iraqi government of occupation “takes control.” Protesters expected at the confab, include Ann Wright, who resigned her State Dept. job rather than endorse the Neocon-inspired war.

Mexico Drug Bust connected to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,9/11 (tags)

The DC-9 busted in Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico on April 11 by the Mexican army is clearly connected to Republican business owners,the Titan Corp of San Diego,and penny stock fraud.It is also connected to Huffmann Aviation of Venice, Florida that played a role in 9/11. And Howard Dean used it in his 2004 presidential campaign !

The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties (tags)

Since the long-forgotten days when the State Department's Middle East policy was run by a group of so-called Arabists, U.S. policy on Israel and the Arab world has increasingly become the purview of officials well known for tilting toward Israel. From the 1920s roughly to 1990, Arabists, who had a personal history and an educational background in the Arab world and were accused by supporters of Israel of being totally biased toward Arab interests, held sway at the State Department and, despite having limited power in the policymaking circles of any administration, helped maintain some semblance of U.S. balance by keeping policy from tipping over totally toward Israel. But Arabists have been steadily replaced by their exact opposites, what some observers are calling Israelists, and policymaking circles throughout government now no longer even make a pretense of exhibiting balance between Israeli and Arab, particularly Palestinian, interests.

JFAV Greets Senate Vote Giving Veterans Special Immigrant Status as a Tactical Victory, (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) greet the news that the US Senate unanimously approved by a voice vote on Thursday (Friday in Manila) an amendment in the proposed immigration reform bill that would allow Philippine-based single or married children of Filipino World War II veterans to join them in the United States, as a tactical victory in its 60 years of struggle for recognition, justice and equity.



Mission Impossible Again (tags)

While 1.5 million immigrants and their supporters marched throughout America on May Day, our Imperial Monarch, Dubya (or rather, his handlers), saw fit to address, not the growing immigrant rights movement, but rather the installation of the new puppet PM of Iraq.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA vehemently condemn in the strongest terms the ongoing strategic offensive of the fascist and reactionary Burmese military dictatorship military offensive against the Karen people, in the Karen state along the Burma-Thailand. The Karen people are a national minority group in Burma who are fighting for their self-determination against the fascist Burmese military regime.


We Fil-American students call on our fellow justice-loving students to raise their anti-imperialist voices on April 15 and May 1 to fight for full immigrant rights and forge an anti-imperialist solidarity with the working people and migrant peoples of the U.S..



Paul Wolfowitz’s Heart of Darkness (tags)

Now, War Hawks within the Bush-Cheney Gang are planning a First-Strike against Iran. It may come just before the Nov. midterm elections. The Neocon Paul Wolfowitz concocted the notion of a Pre-emptive War. His target, in 2003, was Iraq. Every time I hear Wolfowitz’s name mentioned, I curse him for all the deaths and suffering that his scheme has caused to the peoples of that unfortunate country, our brave troops and to our dwindling treasury.



911 – the Need for an Independent Investigation (tags)

Written by: Keith Perkins 11 September 2001, the day the world changed forever. If ever there was a time of innocence it was no longer.

Hezbollah Profiting From African Diamonds (tags)

Smash Hizbollah! Bomb Lebanon!



Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ? (tags)

The land of International penny stock fraud makes for strange bedfellows and here often right wing cons of all stripes lie together.So it should come as no surprise that by touting or allowing his name to be used to tout a Michael Zwebner pump and dump penny stock scam(one of many over the years) President of Israel Moshe Katzav not only mixes his name and reputation with American mafia and international crooks and gangsters but also Mr.Zwebner's business partner in a number of scams over the years including UCSY or Universal Communications Systems is the infamous Mohamed Hadid,a Palestinian of ill repute connected to the Herndon,Virginia Muslim charity suspected in both money laundering and terrorist funding activities,including Al Qaeda.

Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide (tags)

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here....


Exposing the lies and deception in the corporate media

AIPAC, (the lobby that really runs your govt.) TO MEET IN WASHINGTON March 5-7, 2006: (tags)


2/23 Iraq Watch: Newly Released Abu Ghraib Torture Photos & Videos, Take Action! (tags)

Newly Released Abu Ghraib Torture Photos and Videos Confirm Need for Independent Counsel, And Criminal Charges Against U.S. Officials!

5 REASONS to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

"You must end the illegal occupation." -Kofi Annan, addressing Israel in a meeting of the UN Security Council, March 12, 2002 "I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and West Bank could describe events in South Africa." -Archbishop Desmond Tutu

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/3/06) (tags)

The end of the Internet?

Illuminati Part 1 (tags)

Who really controls your life? You? hahahaha funny answer!


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/1/06) (tags)

NORTHCOM prepares for possible bird flu pandemic.

Thretening with the Checkbook (tags)

In 1984 the US cancelled its membership in the UN organization for education, science and culture (UNESCO) Down-is-up America,. the land of reversible cups, harvests fear and mockery as long as arrogance marginalizes criticism in the multipolar world.

Cindy Sheehan: “Bush’s Presidency Is Illegitimate!” (tags)

Cindy Sheehan is back in Washington, D.C. She appeared at a Forum, on Jan. 30, 2006, proposing the impeachment of both President George W. Bush and his vice-president-in-mayhem, Dick Cheney. Sheehan believes Bush’s election in 2000, by the Supreme Court was illegitimate and that his abrogating to himself Congress’s war making powers to invade Iraq was unconstitutional. Congress won’t do anything, Sheehan said, “unless we make them” do it.

The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East (tags)

Iran and Israel: Ambiguous Nuclear Weapons At present, there is only one country in the Middle East with "secret" and ambiguous stockpiles of nuclear weapons. (full references and links at bottom)

It Would Be Funny If It Weren't So Tragic (tags)

If the U.S. spend proportionately as much as Venezuela on arms, the US military budget would be $12 billion, instead of $441 billion.


The hidden threat to all planetary life from US use of depleted uranium weapons in 4 wars

Media under Military Control (tags)

The US buys journalists and dares to speak of freedom of the press. The gap between theory and praxis could hardly be greater.

LA Times biased reporting on Haiti (tags)

The Los Angeles Times is providing extremely biased one sided reporting on Haiti. We are asking that students and citizens from across Southern Calfiornia go here,0,4931549.htmlstory Enter in a comment about Carol J. Williams poor reporting. Let the Los Angeles Times know that this kind of biased one sided propaganda is too much.

Haiti: $100,000 NED Grant to Batay Ouvriye- Anti-Aristide "leftists" (tags)

Recently declassified National Endowment for Democracy (NED) documents reveal that a "leftist" workers' organization, Batay Ouvriye (BO), which promoted and called for the overthrow of the constitutionally elected government of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was the targeted beneficiary of a US $99,965 NED grant routed through the AFL-CIO's American Center for International Solidarity (ACILS). Listed in NED's "Summary of Projects Approved in FY 2005" for Haiti, the grant states, "ACILS will work with the May 1st Union Federation- Batay Ouvriye [ESPM-BO] to train workers to organize and educate fellow workers."

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/28/05) (tags)

VMann comments on the 7/7 coverup.

"Superpower without Leadership" (tags)

The arrogance and hubris of this administration was responsible. A glance at the region would have made that judgment impossible. We in the State Department never believed our soldiers in Iraq would be greeted as liberators with flowers.

Got Brains? (tags)

An Update on the Rapture

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/27/05) (tags)

Poisons may pass down generations

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/23/05) (tags)

What's the Fed up to with the money supply?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/22/05) (tags)

Russia to take Syria's side if US illegally invades.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/21/05) (tags)

Rescuers free 110 beached whales in New Zealand

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/20/05) (tags)

NYC transit workers face $1 million-a-day fine.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/19/05) (tags)

US House passes draconian anti-immigrant bill.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/18/05) (tags)

Video: Israel's 'Separation Wall' is Barbaric.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/16/05) (tags)

Pentagon wants $100 billion more for its illegal wars

Green Party’s Kevin Zeese Has New Approach (tags)

On Dec. 14, 2005, the Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate in MD, Kevin Zeese, ripped into President Bush calling his Annapolis speech, “filled with lies!” He also demanded the U.S. get out of Iraq and admit it’s a “failed policy.” He labeled the Military-Industrial Complex, the “greatest threat to our country.” Zeese also wants a “Single Payer” health care system, a “share the wealth” economy and a fair and balanced Middle East policy.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/15/05) (tags)

'Were the levees bombed in New Orleans?'

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/14/05) (tags)

Oliver Stone's 9/11 movie won't show planes striking the WTC.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/13/05) (tags)

Deal to renew USA Patriot Act extends police-state measures.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/12/05) (tags)

Big Box Mart

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/11/05) (tags)

The global death squad of George W. Bush.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/09/05) (tags)

European governments make peace with illegal renditions

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/08/05) (tags)

Report outlines plans for corporate plunder of Iraqi oil.

“From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” (tags)

UPdated RePort: ....! increasing art-threat level to... *Educationally EnChanTinG*....... ........greetings,.... a lengthy labor of love, sharing a salient, timely,..'associative' Composition on the story of NOW...___________- **** “From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” ****..........It appears some Senate Republicans are suspiciously reluctant to investigate this 21st century war. They would relinquish any oversight role, -reviewing the commitment of money, resources and lives, to a foreign entanglement of highly dubious merit, justness, legality and beyond the determination of 'correctness', Illegality- because we are talking about right and wrong , Good OR Bad HERE....Morality.......... .........I believe seperation of powers, checks & balances assign this OverSight function to the Senate, so they become duty-bound by their oath of office to proceed, to simply respect, carry out and honor the law. ...........Besides are they not 'elected' public servants?... and right now almost 2/3rds of America believe the country was misled, deceived, manipulated and spooked with a calculated slick PR campaign to embroil the US into death and destruction, a fiasco and a wrong, the public wants no part of. ...........We say this government is not serving or respecting the People's wishes, and CALLS to demand and an about-face correction should begin to be set in motion !...forthrightly............ ........*arguments, actions, 'positions' a result and concern for narrow self or factional interests? OR a responsibilty to act out of a need to be concerned for the broad National Interest, what is just? and best for the 'whole' ?.............. .........When will we proceed with the creation of the Better World?......... ____________________________ ..things fall apart..the center cannot hold...mere anarchy is.. l o o s e d upON The Word,...The WORLD. The Blood-Dimmed Tide is L O O S E D! ...and Everywhere...the CEREMONY OF DR O w n e d.

Haitian Mother Raped by UN forces (tags)

Haitian mother raped by UN forces

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/07/05) (tags)

Court to review law limiting insanity defense

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/06/05) (tags)

Rice defends illegal renditions.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/04/05) (tags)

Fat cats milked Ground Zero.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/02/05) (tags)

1,000th person executed in US since 1977

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/01/05) (tags)

Evidence of slowing ocean currents alarms scientists.


A scathing indictment of Bush-Cheney policy broadly with a special focus on the Iraq war and in a little historical context.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/30/05) (tags)

FEMA to stop paying hotel bills for 50,000 evacuees.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/29/05) (tags)

Burying college grads in debt.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/27/05) (tags)

Berlin stadium holds terror drill.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/25/05) (tags)

GM job cuts will devastate North American cities.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/23/05) (tags)

Iraqi families living on rotting garbage dumps.

Fallujah: The War Crimes Keep Piling Up (tags)

Are white phosphorus bombs chemical weapons? With the Bush administration, it depends on who’s using them, it turns out. When it’s us, the answer is no. When it’s Saddam, the answer is yes. For the victims, though, it scarcely matters.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/21/05) (tags)

New revelations of US military use of white phosphorus in Iraq.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/19/05) (tags)

Federal reserve will no longer report M3.

Should the Irish be Trusting the Brits? (tags)

The Irish people want peace, with justice, in the Brit-occupied Six Counties of N. Ireland. This is why, in 1998, they voted for the “Good Friday Agreement” (GFA), a formula for power sharing. At an Irish peace forum on 11/18/05, at Georgetown U., panelists debated the GFA. They all seem to agree the now-suspended Six County “Assembly,” had to be restored in order to make any additional progress. However, many other issues, like building trust, remain.

Haiti: AFL-CIO and the Batay Ouvriye (tags)

For many activists, academics, and labor historians in the 1980’s the AFL-CIO became referred to as the AFL-CIA. Founded in 1961 the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD) was the AFL-CIO’s foreign organizing wing for Latin America and the Caribbean. Along with its counterparts in Africa, Asia, and Europe, AIFLD was used to undermine leftist trade movements, support dictators such as the Duvalier’s and back military coups in Chile and Brazil.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/18/05) (tags)

The war games of September 11.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/17/05) (tags)

Foreign buying of US assets rises to record

Brazilian Consulate Talks to Pro-Aristide Demonstrators in Los Angeles (transcript) (tags)

Transcript of dialog between human rights activists and Brazilian Consulate Henrique Jenne regarding events in Haiti. Jenne eventually admitted that Aristide belongs in Haiti.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/16/05) (tags)

Senate approves $500 billion war budget.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/15/05) (tags)

Right to trial imperiled by Senate vote

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/14/05) (tags)

Guantanamo inmates to lose all rights.

The Future of Theology (tags)

"The social state is dismantled in favor of the globalization of industry..The democratic idea of equality is incompatible with ever-greater inequalities..If globalization produces third world conditions, theology of liberation logically becomes universal.."

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/12/05) (tags)

Flight 175 was an animation.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/11/05) (tags) offering two versions of same Jordan bombs story.

Feds let Niger Forgeries (see photos) pass. What else? 9/11? (tags)

The Bush administration used FAKE intelligence to sell Congress on the Iraq war. FAKE intelligence, not faulty intelligence. We show photos of the forgeries here and point out the glaring errors in them, so you can see for yourself. The CIA and intelligence community let the forgeries slip by until after the war started. Then Joe Wilson exposed the forgeries, and his wife, Valerie Plame, got outed to pay him back and shut him up. WHAT ELSE DID THEY LET SLIP BY? 9/11 MAYBE?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/10/05) (tags)

Mysterious bomb blasts kill 53 at Jordan hotels

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/9/05) (tags)

Surrender your DNA to the state.


Put the words NIGER FORGERIES and these photocopies (below) into the consciousness of Mr. and Mrs. America, and it could change the course of history. These 4 graphics are worth 4 million words. These are the cause/excuse for the Iraq war. They are not real (they are forgeries), but they are a REAL threat to the nation's existence! Why? Because they came from foreign sources. FOREIGN AGENTS HAVE BEEN DRIVING US POLICY. That is a bigger threat to America than knocking down the WTC, which "only" killed 0.014% of one metropolitan area. (Reminder: Bin Laden still is at large.) The $64-Million Questions: WHAT FOREIGNERS Made the Forgeries? WHAT AMERICANS SOLD OUT AMERICA by Using the Forgeries?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/8/05) (tags)

SCOTUS to review Guantanamo military tribunals.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/7/05) (tags)

Greenland becoming green again.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/5/05) (tags)

Huge iceberg breaks apart in Antarctica.

Harry Reid Uncovering GOP Plot to start a war based on fake WMD Intelligence (tags)

It's been four weeks since Senate Democratic Party leader Harry Reid launched his personal investigation into the Republican plot to manipulate intelligence to trick the American people into believing Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/4/05) (tags)

Palestinians hit by sonic boom air raids.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/3/05) (tags)

Secret CIA jails for Al-Qaeda.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/1/05) (tags)

Delphi demands US auto workers accept poverty wages.

The Federal Reserve is Privately owned (tags)

The secret to enslaving a nation.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/31/05) (tags)

Syria accuses US of military raids

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/30/05) (tags)

Rexamining another completely ridiculous "flight 175" video clip. (attn: IMC, this is a repost because first attempt is unreadable.)

Email Campaign and Venezuela Solidarity Day (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/29/05) (tags)

Denver considering easing marijuana laws.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/28/05) (tags)

Record heat in UK raises climate fears

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/27/05) (tags)

Xymphora - The ground war in Syria has begun.

Bush: The Iraqi People As Enemy? (tags)

Fateful twists in Bush's logic

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/26/05) (tags)

Eric Hufschmid explains an intelligence matrix.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/25/05) (tags)

Florida Medicaid privatization plan approved.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/24/05) (tags)

S 1873 eliminates liability for vaccine injuries.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/22/05) (tags)

U.S. forces fighting Syrians at Iraq's border.

INDICTMENTS! KARL ROVE's and others' may expose fake war causes. (tags)

The Washington, DC, grand jury of US Attorney Fitzgerald will obtain indictments in the outing of CIA's Valerie Plame as early as next week, sources say, and one could be George Bush's closest advisor, Karl Rove.....In Alexandria, VA, the grand jury of Paul McNulty, investigating Israeli espionage against the US, has indicted a neocon Pentagon analyst, Larry Franklin.....With these and other probable indictments, there will be trials that will EXPOSE FIXED INTELLIGENCE and ISRAELI MANIPULATION that pushed us toward war.....Also, Italian officials promise to request soon the extradition of CIA man Bob Lady, a key figure in the IRAQ BETRAYAL. See how these events are converging.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/21/05) (tags)

Beware Senate Bill 1873.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/19/2005) (tags)

Asia's poor build US bases in Iraq.

From Haiti to New Orleans, Yes to Justice and Relief, Not Death and Occupation (tags)

A protest against the US/UN occupation of Haiti and the massacre of Haitian people was held Sept. 30th outside the Brazilian Consulate in Beverly Hills. The LA event was part of an international day of outrage; actions took place in 40 cities in 15 countries.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/18/2005) (tags)

Credit card payments to rise.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/17/2005) (tags)

American prison system: big business or a new form of slavery?

Scott's Heavily Censored News Blog (10/15/05) (tags)

DC Indymedia Center censors news blog FOUR MINUTES after it is posted.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/14/05) (tags)

White House, Congress plans for major cuts in social programs.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)


Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/12/05) (tags)

NY subway threat a hoax, security sources admit.

Fed Privately Owned (tags)

Learn about the financial fraud that has enslaved you your whole life!

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/11/05) (tags)

"Al Qaeda" places jobs ads on Internet.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/10/05) (tags)

It's time to take seriously a US-led global recession.

PART 2: The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/8/05) (tags)

"Al Qaeda consists of at most a couple of thousand fanatics."

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/7/05) (tags)

Florida city considers eminent domain against poor, Black, coastal community.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/6/05) (tags)

Congress seeks to slash food aid for poor.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/5/05) (tags)

Killer flu recreated in the lab.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/4/05) (tags)

Louisiana ecological harm called unprecedented.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/3/05) (tags)

GOP proposal increases Pentagon surveillance over US citizens.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/1/05) (tags)

New Orleans prisoners left to drown after Katrina struck.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/30/05) (tags)

The unfeasibility of rebuilding New Orleans.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/29/05) (tags)

Arctic ice "disappearing fast".

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/28/05) (tags)

25 questions about the murder of New Orleans.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/27/05) (tags)

Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/26/05) (tags)

Bush urges larger role for military

British prison break and blown covert operation, exposes "war on terrorism" lie (tags)

Here is some information on what’s going on in our world plus a website ( at the end you can go to participate in the exciting work of some young people engaged in resisting the “madness.” Be there with them November 2. Cause “the world can’t wait!”

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/25/05) (tags)

Prisoners in New Orleans city jail were abandoned

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/24/05) (tags)

Rewrite of endangered species law approved.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/22/05) (tags)

Padilla Doctrine is the backdoor to military rule in America.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/21/05) (tags)

US jobless growth at 10-year high

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/20/05) (tags)

Watch "Oil War", the "predict-umentary" which aired on Fox last June.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/19/05) (tags)

America has fallen to a Jacobin coup.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/17/05) (tags)

The New York Times and Bush's New Orleans speech

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/16/05) (tags)

Virtual martial law in the Big Easy.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/15/05) (tags)

Delta and Northwest airlines declare bankruptcy

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/14/05) (tags)

Ethnically cleansing the poor in New Orleans

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/13/05) (tags)

US military lays waste to Tal Afar

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/12/05) (tags)

Roger Federer wins the US Open

the newer centurions (tags)

Blackwater Mercenaries Deploy in New Orleans

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/11/05) (tags)

Jose Padilla and the death of personal liberty.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/10/05) (tags)

New Orleans: the specter of military dictatorship

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/9/05) (tags)

The unexplained crack in the concrete-reinforced New Orleans seawall

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/7/05) (tags)

FEMA turned away aid, rescue crews, cut emergency communication lines

Resolution To Kill The Resolution (tags)

The impotance of territorial compromise if true peace is ever to come between the 22 Arab states and the sole one of the Jews


some minutemen are ex-intel using this on opposition to bush....the border guarding thing is an excuse...

No Friends...Just Interests (tags)

State Department 's ongoing undermining of Israel's security

Scheme to Assassinate Wayne Madsen? (tags)

Is the Bush Cabal So Desperate?


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Oil rich Mauritania: Coup against the US and Israel? (tags)

The US gov't continues to deal with the old President of Mauritania: the oncoming clash is another guerilla war in Africa. Which like many other continents has been 'robbed blind', but is blamed for not being able to see!

George W. Bush & Raffy Palmeiro: Birds of a Feather! (tags)

George W. Bush lied us into the Iraqi War, but remains unpunished for his wrongdoing. Meanwhile, on the sports front, Raffy Palmeiro of the Baltimore Orioles has tested positive for steroids and been suspended for ten days. Yet, he told Congress he had never used steroids. Rep. Chris Shays said he was “extremely disappointed” about Palmeiro. If so, what should the response of Congress be to all of Bush’s treachery? Think: Impeachment!

A Revolutionary ‘Sound bite' (BKH) (tags)

Bring revolutionary clarity which is required to overcome and destroy counter revolutionary mass confusion, the product of the propaganda attacks and deceits of this current ruling system.

The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)

Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.


Washington DC, July 11 – Last week’s London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included.-

The New Haitian Revolution: Resisting U.S. and U.N. Occupation (tags)

Reaching out for accurate news of Haiti, several hundred people, a majority representing the Black community and other communities of color in Los Angeles, took part in a public meeting June 16th at Holman United Methodist Church on the crisis in Haiti.

Free Speach? Not on Conyors' blog this week. (tags)

I got suspened for a week writingabout historical facts that affect National Security. I think its only fair to let me reply!

Evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation (tags)


Bush Fascism: Who's Watching the Watch List? (tags)

Thanks to this fascist regime, people traveling on business are routinely branded "terrorists." Don't Republicans realize that when they support and efend fascism, _they're_ going to eventually be victims of the very fascism they advocate and defend eventually?

Stop the Nazi Lies of the "USS Liberty Lobby" (tags)

The USS LIberty Lobby are a pack of neonazis who lie about what happened

U.S. Outburst at OAS Meeting: Chavez and the Bolivian Crisis (tags)

REPOST from The NarcoSphere Towards the end of the two-day session by the Organization of American States (OAS) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, the U.S. ambassador to the organism, Roger Noriega, threw a temper tantrum.

USA beams "Baghdad Betty" into Iraq (tags)

A German news mag "Der Speigel" reveals that the Bush regime is providing US$120 Million funding for a TV station, Al-Hurra("the free one in Arabic"), that airs embedded American versions of "news"--from its plushy offices, fully equipped with designer furniture, flat-screen monitors in Virginia--back into Iraq. How's that for high-tech informational warfare?

President of El Salvador Confronted over CAFTA (tags)


LOS ANGELES [May 9, 05] A frustrated and annoyed President Tony Saca of El Salvador cut short a question and answer period during a pro-CAFTA event here Monday morning when activists angrily confronted him with a first series of hostile questions.

PEACE IN COLOMBIA National Vigil & Call-in Day (tags)

The San José de Apartadó massacre: In February, eight members of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó were brutally killed (5 adults and 3 children); witnesses say that Colombian army troops are responsible. The Peace Community was formed when 17 towns and villages joined together in 1997 to insist that all armed groups stay out of their area. Since then, over 100 members have been killed or disappeared.

Facts? We don't need any stinkin' facts! (tags)

From Social Security to terror attacks, from pollution caps to casualties, Bush has used "fuzzy math" to cover up his financial interests. Never forget he is an oilman.

The Sinner who Refuses to Repent: John Bolton (tags)

On Tuesday, Bolton's conduct toward colleagues in the State Department was probed. Witnesses reported that the Under-secretary attempted to fire experts who doubted his assertions about Cuban bio-weapons. This is the last hour to email committee members.

From World Bank to America Bank (tags)

President Bush had a hard time explaining to the unenlightened rest of the world why he proposes a man completely lacking in development experience, international credi-bility in combating poverty and ability to forge international consensus.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, China, and Russia.

George Bush is a murderer! (tags)

Lizard loyalist GW Bush and skull and bones homo erect this, is a terrorist and should be shot on site going by the laws and edicts written up since his 911 mass a cure...

US Iran Policy: Newton's Law of Threat and Response at Work (tags)

With the U.S. threatening an invasion, and still occupying neighboring Iraq, which it invaded two years ago, is it any surprise Iraq is trying to buy all the high-tech arms it can, or that it is trying to get the bomb? What would any government do faced with such a threat? But is this good policy on America’s part?

WITHERED Arts Journalism in LA? (tags)

"All historic epochs have cynics who pontificate that everything under the sun has been accomplished, and that there are "no more movements" on the horizon. Such proclamations are the clearest sign that all hell is about to break loose. Artists have always reacted to the world around them - with their collective actions forming schools or movements. To declare that we are in a "post-movement" period while the world is burning is nothing short of delusional."

Rejecting the US "anti-Semitism" Act (tags)

Jews in the US and elsewhere continue to endeavor to make it a "crime" to criticize Judaism, organized Jewish politics and behavior, as well as the Jewish state of Israel. This is consistent with the Jewish “modus operandi” of oppressing and silencing others who attempt to reveal their innumerable historic-and ongoing-crimes. They are truly a race that deserves to be hated and hopefully destroyed!

VIDEO/Text: Secret Bush plans for Iraq's oil BEFORE 9/11, by Greg Palast (tags)

The Bush administration made plans for war and for Iraq's oil before the 9/11 attacks, sparking a policy battle between neo-cons and Big Oil, BBC's Newsnight has revealed.

Reporters Without Shame (tags)

This article from Sept. 2004 details how the founder of Reporters Without Borders, Robert Menard, was paying Cubans to write negative stories about their country -- and making a profit for himself.

Remembering Rachel, Recognizing Oppression (tags)

SUMMARY:The West Coastrecently hosted a visit by Amy Goodman, spurring some debate but widespread admiration. On Wednesday March 16, Democracy now spotlights the Corrie killing, also hotly debated in these parts. Stein asks if we recognize "sowing of bitterness, suspicion and intolerance as crimes in themselves".

"Progressive" Muslims Union: South African View (tags)

"Last year, three South Africans were invited to be on the Advisory Board of an organisation that was about to be launched in the US, the Progressive Muslims Union of North America. Quite an honour. However, after much reflection, istikharah and many emails, all three – Ebrahim Moosa, Farid Esack and I – declined." Suddenly, scholars who, just a few weeks earlier, had been criticising America’s imperialist role in the world, became Bush advisors. Suddenly, there was a stream of Muslims seeking the road to the White House and Pentagon."

Immigration Detainees Abused in San Pedro (tags)

On March 5 at the San Pedro detention center, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agent M. Lopez attacked Iranian immigration detainee Mohammed Mirmehdi, dragged him into a storage room and repeatedly punched and choked him.

John Negroponte, William Brownfield and Death Squads Inc. (tags)

Hands Off Venezuela

Killers without Borders (tags)

This probably disqualifies most of america, but this article is for smoeone with the intelligence to grasp its meaning...

Bush Policymakers and Sycophantic Media Forget History's Lessons in Iraq (tags)

In touting the Iraq election as a Bush “victory,” they forget that the same thing was said about an election in South Vietnam in 1967—just a few months before the Tet Offensive.

Memo reveals Bush OK’d torture (tags)

Memo Reveals Bush OKd Torture (tags)

Memo reveals Bush OKd torture by Tim Wheeler


It's a look at how US government policy is violating the civil rights of American Jews in Israel with the Peace Process and why it's important for everyone to help stop it.

Appeal: Emergency Donations to Asia Quake Victims! (tags)

I am appeal to you again in this holiday season, please give your helping hands by donate your money to support the Asian quake victims. So far there's 45 agencies accepting donations and/or sending emergency crews to the region, I prefer not to endorse anyone, so please read their descriptions and you decide which agency you want to donate (I will donate $50 to one of the following agency).


It's a look at how US government policy is violating the civil rights of American Jews in Israel with the Peace Process and why it's important for everyone to help stop it.

The Son of Man (tags)

THE SON OF MAN / / Anybody who supports George W. Bush is my ENEMY. George W. Bush committed 9/11 with his buddy, General Ahmad who funded the mastermind ring leader. That's according to the FBI. Any bushite who gets in my way, who says that isn't the case, I WILL KILL. \ \ / / Mr. Sattler, if you don't want US to arrest those responsible for 9/11, don't you thing we Americans should kill you? \ \

The Whole Democratic Leadership Should Be Sacked Immediately (tags)

While the pro-corporate leadership of the Democratic Party was busy blowing the US presidential election, they were taking millions from the State Department to join the Republican Party in helping to undermine the government of the Ukraine and—presumably—offering their demonstrab ly inept campaign expertise to Ukraine’s democratic opposition.

A special broadcast for the bushite nazi grunts (tags)

The reasons why, US true Christ like Patriot Warriors kill the enemy bushite for God and Freedom in America.

Open Words about the Empire (tags)

Everyone who rises to prominence learns to think in the obsequious sentences of an English butler serving cookies to the Prince of Wales.. Wars as the US waged in the last 60 years always serve to prevent democracy at home.

old nazi lies (tags)

REUTERS up to their old nazi tricks again. Jotiar Nafaa, "coordinator", should surely know, that it is 175 families that had requested for the help of Red Crescent totaled several days previous, (without phones, nor abilities to leave their homes (150?)), NOT, "left in the city". [THINK: how could they possibly know? (nazi bushite whores were ordered to murder innocents indiscriminately as enemies to God)]

A Bush Narco-regime--here in the USA? (tags)

The dirtiest of all Bush secrets?

DREAM JOB (tags)

Dream job. The future now looks like something worth fighting for. Please, pass this recording to our news agencies. I do not have the ability to do this job of ours all by myself, I need Your help. Please do US this small favor, and I'm sure this Universe will thank you for it. Word on high is, "Dream-Job", is the doorway to miracles. Wow! The beginning has begun!

WHY is Exposure, Investigation Critical? Prosecute electoral fraud = Quell Fascism. (tags)

Have republicans in both houses secured seats and hence majority status on the backs of voting machines instead of the backing of the People. Is their good fortune due more to faulty, partisan electronic malfeasence ? INSTEAD of selection made by the force of good ideas, positive path platforms and real, honest acceptance by committed, concerned constituents seeking genuine change. Alarm bells are rringing among the populace, with a recent poll saying 72% believe we are heading in the wrong direction! I believe the citizenry is activated, aware and aghast- WHY is this resonance not reflected in the representation, RutRoh!

God is Great (tags)

A person accused in our name(s) of a criminal offence, needs to be established somehow to be as such, and the only way to do that, is to present evidence that formed your/our conclusion. Without evidence our accused is ourselves as the innocent, being falsely imprisoned, tortured, or murdered.


Many Scale Barbed-Wire Fences and are Arrested While Calling for Closure of US Army’s School of the Americas

The Secret Wars of The CIA (tags)

John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public

Wizard War - Live recording broadcast - The Mission Statement of Earth - (tags)

This is your World that I wish to play servant of. As my subject; I promise a fight to return Justice through freedom for all. How? By believing in you to do as you should, demanding the immediate arrest or execution of bush, rumsfeld, and condi for the crimes of 9/11. Demanding the return of all stolen Iraqi assets, made by those who personally profited off the criminal transactions. Demand the arrest or execution of Allawi for the bombing campaign of Samara, along with bushite military commanders who organized the satanic attack.

Words of Advice (tags)

/ / Rumsfeld replied to a direct question yesterday as to whether he knew Zarqawi was in Fallujah with the answer: ``I have no idea if he is there.'' \ \ So, America! there is your reason for dying America's sons and daughters, Johnny's brothers and sisters. "No idea" rumsfeld states while his private partners cash in the blood checks for everything but the funeral services.

The King Commands (tags)

/ / Rumsfeld replied to a direct question yesterday as to whether he knew Zarqawi was in Fallujah with the answer: ``I have no idea if he is there.'' \ \ So, America! there is your reason for dying America's sons and daughters, Johnny's brothers and sisters. "No idea" rumsfeld states while his private partners cash in the blood checks for everything but the funeral services.

Is Bush Compromised by Israeli Intelligence? (tags)

Let's outline a scenario:

The E-Vote Factor: Kerry Conceded But Did He Really Lose? (tags)

Democracy Now! The E-Vote Factor: Kerry Conceded But Did He Really Lose? Monday, November 8th, 2004 Serious questions are being raised about the use of electronic voting machines in the 2004 presidential election. In an Ohio county, Bush mistakenly received some 3,900 extra votes. We speak Johns Hopkins University professor Aviel Rubin and investigative reporter Bev Harris

Getting Started (tags)

Yet, it was rummy and tommy franks who TREASONOUSLY threw out the State Department's semi-thought through ORHA plan of, securing the weapon sites and preventing anarchy, and, it was the IAEA that had tabs on the weapons before the bush demon kicked them out irrationally.

An Iran-contra/al Qaeda Reader (tags)

"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."

An Iran-Contra/al Quaeda Reader (tags)

"the presence of Secord in Best's Azerbaijani oil venture ought to have raised blood red flags around the world..."


A frame of the deep history of 911, connections to North's Enterprise, ChoicePoint, Inc. and a little-known military-industrial horror show called the Markle Foundation

What's up in Iraq (tags)

Resistance not responsible for abduction of aid worker. Will the CIA have her beheaded and offer another grisly video to assure the American people that our enemy is pure evil and that God is on “our side? The best protection we can offer her is to understand what is going on and spread that understanding. Wake up already. It’s 1984. jamie "She had been living in Iraq for 30 years and she was a humanitarian. The resistance did not kidnap her because this would have left a bad impression of the resistance in the world," said another commander. And much more..... -----

The "Days of Penitence": Gaza Sinks in a Sea of Blood (tags)

Los Angeles/Arab American woman for State Assembly (tags)

A local Arab American woman runs as a common sense candidate for California State Assembly

The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target (tags)

The Iranians are about to commit an offense far greater than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro for his oil exports back in the fall of 2000. In March 2005 Iran is going to start competing with New York's NYMEX and London's IPE with respect to international oil trades - using a euro-based international oil-trading mechanism. Numerous articles have revealed Pentagon planning for operations against Iran in 2005. The publicly stated reasons will be over Iran's nuclear ambitions, but the following unspoken macroeconomic issues explain the Real Reasons regarding the 2nd stage of petrodollar warfare - Iran's upcoming euro-denominated oil Bourse.

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

A True Patriot Warrior (tags)

They just can't allow any one of US to publicly ask: what was the just cause, if the demon bush had complete unrestricted, one hundred percent access throughout Iraq prior to the conflict beginning?, following - that the unjustified war has only done what could be expected: LOWERED our ability to do any good. (What couldn't be done before the war began but for the rob and pillaging innocent pro-Iraqis part?)

BTL:Former CIA, State Department and Pentagon Officials Call on... (tags)

...Current Government Employees to Blow Whistle on Bush's Iraq War Deceptions ~ Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former government employee who released the "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Anniversary of the Assassination of Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg: September 17 1948 (tags)

Count Folke Bernadotte, special UN Mediator to Mid East ...responsibile for saving 20,000 Jews from Himmler was assassinated this day, September 17 1948. The man directly responsible for his death, Nathan Friedman-Yellin was sentenced, pardoned after 5 months and was allowed to serve on Knesset

Globalization Strikes Back (tags)

"The war against terror must be a war against poverty.. Washington reserved to itself the right to attack other states.. Distribu-tive justice is a demand of security policy, not only of morality and humanity.."

9/5 Iraq: More dead in Iraq clashes (tags)

By: Iraq Watch - Peace No War Network September 5, 2004 URL:

Coup D' Tat in AMERICA (tags)

This should be read by every Americian before November!!

Better than I ever did (tags)

It should also be noted his faithful wife, spends her days, phoning wives of other potential bush bitch nazi whores, encouraging them to support the war crimes of her husband, by not mentioning the treason that foreigner Saudi blount has dedicated the sacrifice of American soldiers for.

Kerry the War Hero is a Loser; Kerry the War Resister Would be a Winner (tags)

As long as Kerry has to defend his war record, he will be battered by Bush and right-wing Viet Vets. Only if he embraces his years as a war resister and joins the majority of Americans in opposing the current war can he hope to recover and win in November.

If Bush Wins His First Election: A Not So Far-Out View of the Not Too Far-Off Future (tags)

So you think things are bad now? Well, they hella are. But you ain’t seen nothing yet if Dubya wins (or is re-appointed) November 2. For a grim peek at how things may look should John Kerry come a cropper on Election Day, read on.

Is Despair Spreading in the Bush Camp? (tags)

"The situation for Bush is really precarious if one considers the increasing signals that the economic system is much weaker than assumed.. Ultra-conservatives are worried about the great global instability.."

The Costs of the Iraq War Shock the US Public (tags)

"If Bush wins again, the attack is the best defense delusion threatens and the realiza-tion of the self-fulfilling prophecy of the American rightwing that sees a coming clash of civilizations between Islam and the West."

Contracts will be signed, and bushites will die (tags)

No respect for the American flag, nor the Constitution, while acquiescing to the, oh well, unaddressed rapes and torture of those evidenced innocent, while PUBLICLY claiming the rights to steal most everything, as the official definition of being lawwlessly "pro-Iraqi", while attacking any or all those demanding fair representation, or who honorably hold truces. Just imagine what the bushite's pro-Amerka will be like,


There is nothing so in this entire history that more makes me feel sadness for our great love stolen, than the American public's silent contempt expressed for the lives of those innocent People fallen murdered by their cowardly unjust indecision on foregoing the immediate arrest or execution of the "escaping" demon bush and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11.

A Tale of Two Kings (tags)

Colonialism changes form, but continues unabated as it has for over five hundred years. While reading King Leopold's Ghost, I was impressed by the similarity between the fabrications and lies Leopold used to justify his actions with those used by George W. Bush to justify the Iraq war. The economic motivation and incredible hypocrisy of both men are also similar.

Welcome to the Machine (tags)

The only trouble is the lawless evil bushite child rapists, and repuglicon pension thieving war mongers, have no respect for American law, American lives, nor the God of any religion.

Feminists Silent on Freedom for Iraqi Women (tags)

Based on a true story (tags)

All of the individual events discussed below (except, of course, those in the epilogue) are documented. This article draws no conclusions about the origins of 9/11; indeed, no theory, either official or unofficial, has managed to expain fully the events of that day.

US Taxpayer: Your itemized bill for the Iraq Occupation (tags)

Findings by the Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in Focus: over 9,000 Iraqi civilians were killed; al-Qaeda's membership stands at 18,000; costs will exceed $3,400 for every US household.

Preventive Warriors (tags)

The NSS two years later.

Nicaraguas Contra War Revisited (tags)

Pass-the-parcel threats, accompanying misrepresentation and downright falsehood, are routine in mainstream reporting on Venezuela just as they were on Nicaragua through the 1980s. Other similarities abound.

Philippines 2003: how 300 troops mutiny unmasked "war on terror" (tags)

[As you may notice, I’ve cut this part of the article because the question of peace talks between the left party RPMP-RPA-ABB and the Government has obviously nothing to do with the gangsters of GUAC. It's better to avoid any confusion. – Felix Zorba, October 7, 2003]

Halliburton/Cheney Investigated For Iran Deals (tags)

"This would be the first evidence that Halliburton was actively seeking business in Iran under Cheney in possible violation of U.S. laws" -- Dan Katz, chief counsel Sen. Frank Lautenberg, NJ

P10K Founder Beaten in Israeli Jail (tags)

Irish Political Activist Ken O'Keefe suffered concussion and bruising at the hands of an Israeli prison guard Monday evening, five days into his hunger strike against detention and possible deportation. He was arrested last Thursday for attempting to enter Gaza to discuss the P10K plan with representatives from Hamas and Islamic Jihad.

Activist on Hunger Strike in Israeli Jail - attempting "peace" talks with Hamas (tags)

Irish American political activist Ken O'Keefe is on hunger strike in an Israeli jail whilst fighting deportation after being arrested for attempting to enter Gaza on Thursday. Last year, the former US Marine and Gulf War veteran returned to Iraq with more than 500 Human Shields. After entering Gaza via a settlement, he was detained by 10 Israeli soldiers whilst walking along the beach into the Palestinian area.

Former Diplomats, Retired Military Leaders to Call for Bush Ouster (tags)

Among the group are 20 ambassadors, appointed by both Democratic and Republican presidents, other former State Department officials and military leaders whose careers span three decades.

The future of oil (tags)


A referendum to recall President Chavez as well as a number of anti-chavista elected officials is being called for August. US pressure to overthrow President Chavez and get its hands on the oil of the venezuelan people is greater than ever. We demand that the media report what is happening in Venezuela rather than act as employees of the hated and unelected Bush administration.

The United States has become the wild card (tags)

Wars are very complicated undertakings that require very simple politics. The more complicated the politics, the more difficult it is to prosecute a war, and this war have become extraordinarily complicated -- almost mind-boggling.

Secret Memos Connect Bush and the Global Campaign of Torture (tags)

In Washington, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld fumed that the "distraction" of Abu Ghraib prison has to end. This theme has been taken up by the Republican Right. One congressman said that he was "outraged over the outrage."

Amnesty International reveals pattern of torture in Iraq (tags)

One punishment involved 14 handcuffed, naked male inmates -- when told to open their legs they were beaten upwards, from behind, until they fell on the floor. The American personnel repeated this abuse specifically to injure the prisoner's genital organs.

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington (tags)

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington Lawmakers in both parties as well as some military leaders fear the occupation is heading for failure. Bush stands firm, but U.S. goals may be scaled back. By Doyle McManus Times Staff Writer May 23, 2004

The Targets are Venezuela and Cuba-New Intrigues of US Imperialism (tags)


Newsletter AL BA'ATH AL IRAQI - N°34 (tags)

Message Posted by the Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network On-line Group

News Article from August 1st, 1944 (tags)

No blank check for Donald Rumsfeld (tags)

Practical Idealism weighs the Rumsfeld matter

Venezuela Week in Review- May 8th- HOV (tags)

Solidarity with venezuela

What's Behind the Attacks on the RCP and What's at Stake (tags)

On September 27, 2001, only 16 days after the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, the Washington Times ran an article entitled "Communists, Go Home." Ostensibly in response to a long-planned Washington mobilization against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund by forces in the anti- globalization movement, this article was a very clear call to put communists in the government's crosshairs immediately after 9/11.

Bush runs out of options as chaos deepens (tags)

"I find even the administration's strongest supporters, including fervent advocates of the war a year ago and even some who could be labelled 'neo-conservatives', now despairing and looking for an exit"

Saddam's capture revisited (tags)

On 28 March the BBC aired an "expose" revealing the identity of Saddam Hussein's betrayer, but news of this had already broken by January. And what the BBC didn't mention was that a chain of events, beginning last July, signaled the start of the dictator's demise.

Bojinka: The Dog That Didn't Bark (tags)

That there is a huge cover-up in progress by the government and the media is obvious. However, there are two words that have not come from the lips of even Bush’s most virulent critics, the left-wing Democrats. Those two words are Project Bojinka.


With questions of 9/11 and Africa's oil and "al-Qaeda" dominating headlines, it sure was lucky that Iraq returned to the front-page...or, was it more than just luck.

BTL:Congresswoman Maxine Waters Decries U.S.-Installed... (tags)

...Haitian Government's Embrace of Death Squad Leaders Who Overthrew President Aristide* Interview with Congresswoman Maxine Waters, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Nazi Influences on the Anti-Communist Delusions of the Cold War (tags)

Pacifica Radio's Larry Bensky recently ridiculed a caller who asked a question about possible Nazi influences on the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s. Bensky was apparently unaware that McCarthy travelled with old guard Nazis and fascists in the intelligence community, and the hysteria was their group effort, despite the uninformed denials of "alternative" media figures who should know better.


That is four more dead troops in the bank for Persia. FOX NEWS CHANNEL lied as they paraphrased BIGADIER GENERAL MARK KIMETTE who will be dishonorably discharged from the military or I will deliver him personaly to the world court along with HENRY KISSINGER.

The fallacy of the 'anybody but Bush' movement (tags)

Just because Bush is a reactionary, that does not make Kerry a progressive. In fact Kerry, or whoever might have been chosen by the Democratic Party as a candidate to take over the running of the capitalist state, would be a solid representative of U.S. imperialism whose goal would be to strengthen and expand its domination on the world arena.

David Corn's Private Idaho (tags)

David Corn, Washington editor of The Nation, has adopted positions -- based, apparently, on thin air -- that exonerate the Bush administration from involvement in criminal conspiracies and mystify many of his progressive readers.

debunking the media lies about president Aristide (tags)

by Justin Felux the necklacing lie is going the round again in the New York Times and American Spectator

The Lord of the Rings: Good versus Evil (tags)

A comparison of a couple of the good versus evil theories propagated by the Bush administration with one that I think bears a closer resemblance to the truth.

Terrorist Organizations Syria supports (tags)

State sponsored terrorism is synonymous with Syria and more closely with the Assad regime. During the reign of Hafez al-Assad, and continuing with his son Baschar, Syria's al-Baath Party has embarked on strengthening its political hand by using the crudest of methods: Terrorism.

Syrian authorities break up rare protest. U.S. diplomat, journalists briefly detained (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria -- In a capital awash with Syrian flags, banners of support for President Bashar Assad and pamphlets declaring his party's achievements on its 41st anniversary, the paper banner raised by about 20 human rights activists urging freedom for political prisoners did not fit in.

Iraq civil war: Rumors and reality (tags)

While the Bush administration attempts to spin its way towards Iraq War vindication and clear of civil war blame, the facts present another view. Goldstein's 1 March piece provides them.

3/2: Urgents from Haiti: Aristide's Safety in Danger! Upcoming Terror in Haiti! (tags)

From: Americas Watch - Peace No War Network URL: For the complete story: Americas/News/March 2 04--Haiti.htm

Captain Ward Boston Blows Lid off USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

Ward Boston is right about Liberty attack

Call for International Aid: Bring the Rule of Law to the US (tags)

Call for International Aid; Bring the Rule of Law to the US

U.S. removed Aristide at gunpoint! (tags)

In the photographs an invading U.S. Marine stands guard at Port-au-Prince's airport, Haiti, on March 1, 2004, and thugs from the so-called "Haitian National Revolutionary Liberation Front" patrol the streets of Port-au-Prince. (note... the "rebels" who staged the coup against the democratically elected government are wearing U.S. Army uniforms and carry U.S. Army M-16 machine guns). Hundreds of US Marines have arrived in Haiti to secure their control over the island nation after U.S. troops forcibly removed the elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide at gunpoint. Congressmember Maxine Waters received a phone call from the kidnapped President of Haiti, who told her that he did NOT resign and had been abducted by the United States in the commission of a coup. The U.S. occupation troops have secured key sites... including the Presidential Palace. Aristide's private residence has been sacked and looted. The corporate press remains silent... preferring instead the U.S. State Department lie that Aristide has "resigned."

Aristide 'I Was Kidnapped' 'Tell The World It Is A Coup' (tags)

Multiple sources that just spoke with Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide told Democracy Now! that Aristide says he was "kidnapped" and taken by force to the Central African Republic.

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr. very much (tags)

By Annan not publicly addressing this very serious issue, will not be fooling me he hasn't heard it mentioned. The families of Iraq are accounted almost entirely by "comprehensive, extremely detailed" measurements. So what the hell is going on about supporting our world community by not condemning war crimes?, Just where is Annan on the issue of an international commitment kept I want asked religiously across this world. Now.

Haiti-there is no solution under Capitalism! (tags)



The counter-revolutionary thugs who have named themselves, the "Haitian National Revolutionary Liberation Front" are directed by commanders like Guy Philippe - a U.S.-trained former Haitian soldier who has attempted at least three coups in the last four years. Commander Louis Jodel Chamblain, the #2 ranked leader of the notorious CIA-backed FRAPH death squads that terrorized Haiti in the 1990s. Chamblain was convicted in both the assassination of Antoine Izmery, a pro-democracy businessman in 1993, and the 1994 Raboteau massacre of innocent civilians. These are the so-called "rebels" the press lauds as leading the "rebellion" in Haiti. What we are witnessing is a U.S. backed coup against the twice democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.


by William Rivers Pitt on the lies that led to war

congresswoman Maxine waters on the haiti coup (tags)

claims US is coup plotting yet again

Perle blames CIA: no mention of OSP (tags)

in the article, the Prince of Darkness does what he does best: lies. He fails to mention the Office of Special Plans as the root of the WMD deception

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up/San Diego Union Tribune Article on Captain Ward Boston (tags)

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up

Arafat and Sharon 2 Sides of the Same Coin (tags)

Palestinian journalists in Gaza and the West Bank have also come under attack by armed men - some associated with Fatah's military wing - who did not like what they wrote or broadcast.

End Israeli Settlement Activity (tags)


The Liars War or the Case of the Vanishing WMD's (tags)


Bush rewards allies in terror war with billion$ (tags)

The President's budget does not include funding for the US's military operations in Afghanistan or Iraq, expected to cost and additional 30 to 50 billion dollars.

Israel Wants US Report Held After the Hague (tags)

Israel has asked the U.S. administration to postpone publication of the State Department's annual report on human rights around the world, fearing it will be used against Israel in the discussion on the separation fence at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

US documents implicate Kissinger in Argentine atrocities (tags)

Secret archives released by the US State Department directly implicate former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and other top American officials in backing the brutal military regime of mass murder, “disappearances” and torture that ruled Argentina for more than seven years, beginning in March 1976.

[then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] (tags)

Demon Bush replied, "No, the intelligence I operated on [then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] was good, sound intelligence."

Producer says OK, copy his new Iraq war film (tags)

Filmmaker Robert Greenwald says that he will allow his movie "Uncovered: The Whole Truth About the Iraq War" to be copied by the general public.

USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

The USS Liberty, attacked by Israel, resurfaces on Washington

Are you Afraid of Bush? (tags)

This is simply a must read...

SOS- Gov't Persecution- Threats Against MY Life (tags)

A verifiable and truthful description of threats to falsely imprison , "commit",me, sell me into slavery, ship-me-out-the-back-door, forced into prostitution, sexual slavery, forced "matches", even forced pregnancy, by the powers that be,glimpses into the hidden government black market underground, economy in the slave trade.

USS Liberty Attack Panel Discussion at US State Department on January 12, 2004 (tags)

US State Department Panel Discussion on Treacherous Israeli Attack on USS Liberty

Controversy has raged for (tags)

Controversy has raged for years over the sinking of the Liberty, a signals intelligence ship, in international waters by Israeli jets and torpedo boats in which 34 US sailors were killed and 171 wounded. Israel

SOS - Government Persecution, Threats to My Life (tags)

A verifiable and truthful description of Threats to falsely imprison, "commit" me, silence me, ship- me- out -the back-door, sell me into slavery, by the powers that be, with glimpses into the government hidden, black-market underground.

Why Dennis Kucinich? (tags)

There are essentially two fundamental courses that America may take in the world, at this particular juncture: Imperialism or multilateralism.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #7 (tags)

Freedom of Information Act records show that the ADL played a major role in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s co/intell/pro racial matters' and white hate groups' operations targeting the civil rights movement as well as its opponents.

Who's Who On The 911 "Independent" Commission ( Part 1 Of 2) (tags)

A factual description of the 911 Commission's unholy host of ties to Osama Bin-LAden, Saudi Oil, Bush Administration, CIA, and those accused of the attacks. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

Who's Who On The 911 "Independent" Commission ( Part 1 Of 2) (tags)

A factual description of the 911 Commission's unholy host of ties to Osama Bin-LAden, Saudi Oil, Bush Administration, CIA, and those accused of the attacks.

LAPD: 'Pre-emptive' arrests made to get terror info (tags)

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- In response to the national terrorism alert, Los Angeles police have made "a number of pre-emptive arrests," a high-ranking LAPD source said Tuesday. Those arrests were made in the past 48 hours and included people who came to authorities' attention after the September 11, 2001, al Qaeda terror attacks in the United States.

12/23: Latest News from IRAQ - by PeaceNoWar (tags)

Peace No War Network Web: [To join the listserv, send e-mail to:]

Defining Terrorism (tags)

DEFINE TERRORIST And You Will Be Calling For An Israeli Accountability Act

The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic (tags)

Another brilliant article by political analyst Michael Parenti challenging the orthodox viewpoints about the causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

Declassified Documents of U.S. Support for Hussein (tags)

The National Security Archive at George Washington University has published a series of declassified U.S. documents detailing the U.S. embrace of Saddam Hussein in the early 1980’s. The collection of documents, published on the Web, include briefing materials, diplomatic reports of two Rumsfeld trips to Baghdad, reports on Iraqi chemical weapons use during the Reagan administration and presidential directives that ensure U.S. access to the region's oil and military expansion.

Don't kill bush for me, do it for Jesus (tags)

Demon bush must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to survive from his evil onslaught he has criminally dictated against our God and Humanity as war mongering monster liar.


After many years as a privacy advocate and author of privacy books, I now reluctantly believe that there's one citizen of the United States who is not entitled to any privacy or solitude, but should be subjected to a relentless campaign of intimidation, harassment, and knavery. In other words, patriotic Americans who believe in fair play should -- within the bounds of the law -- make this person's life a living hell.

The imperial counter offensive: contradictions, challenges and opportunities. (tags)

A victory or prolonged war by the guerrillas in Colombia will provide breathing room for the rest of the left. Thus it is essential that maximum support and solidarity be extended to the Colombian struggle. Internationalism is not only the solidarity network against the new imperial military offensive, in general, but in support of the Colombian peasants and workers organized in their "Peoples Army."

Politicizing War on FOX News (tags)

"FOX News exists to bludgeon even timid anti-imperialist voices, whether they emanate from the Right or Left."

The Boykin Affair Still simmers (tags)

One top U.S. official noted that when the Boykin story broke, it "was the worst day of my life. . . .It confirmed [the] conspiracy theory that the war on terrorism is really a war on Islam."

Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)

"It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923

Multi Lateral Matters (tags)

Why 30+ Years of Appeasing Muslim Terror Got the World Nowhere But Screwed

Bush & the Democrats: Liars in the service of imperialist conquest (tags)

Despite all their bickering with Bush, the Democrats too can scarcely contain their glee about the unchallenged power of U.S. armies of world conquest. After all, the Democrats like the Republicans are in the pockets of the big capitalists who want their domination of the world defended at all costs.

Outsourcing torture? (tags)

We should be the champion of democracy in the world, and human rights can't be separated from democracy. But if Bush expects to be taken seriously on this issue, he'll have to address the contradictions in his own policies. Just months after Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf became Bush's new best friend, he won a new term in an election everyone knows was a fraud. To get a military foothold north of Afghanistan, Bush cozied up to Uzbekistan's longtime dictator, a Stalinist not much better than Saddam Hussein. And Bush still refuses to deal with Yasser Arafat, the democratically elected leader of the Palestinian Authority. And if Bush wants to be taken seriously, he can't condemn Syrian torturers while at the same time his CIA outsources its interrogations to the same brutal thugs.

The New York Times: a proposal for ethnic cleansing in Iraq (tags)

While plans have been announced for Washington to erect a “sovereign” Iraqi regime by the middle of next year, this hollow exercise holds little prospect for ending a bitter conflict that is claiming the lives of American soldiers daily and creating growing political unrest in the US itself. Enter the New York Times with a modest proposal for a bloodbath. It advances what it terms a “three-state solution,” based on the partition of Iraq along ethnic and religious lines.

Who Benefits (tags)

One by one, the world's terror attacks bear more of the hallmarks of US Intelligence, 'Black Ops,' than of Islamic terrorism. The signs are unmistakable, the CIA backed industrio-religious crusaders are staging terror campaigns throughout the world - absolutely - positively.

Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)

Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979

The Learning Experience of Rakan (tags)

The Palestinian Political Prisoners We Do Not Hear About , the Children: The wretchedness of a 12 year old in Israeli military prison and the US Ambassador to the UN, a man known in Central Americas as one who "speaks five languages and knows when to be silent"

What ''Homeland Security'' is all about. (tags)

Please circulate:

Backyard terrorism (tags)

The US has been training terrorists at a camp in Georgia for years - and it's still at it

G.W.Bush. a Satanic mind. (tags)

Assassination is big business. It is the business of the CIA and any other power that can pay for the "hit" and control the assured getaway. The CIA brags that its operations in Iran in 1953 led to the pro-Western attitude of that important country. The CIA also takes credit for what it calls the "perfect job" in Guatemala. Both successes were achieved by assassination. What is this assassination business and how does it work? Col. L. Fletcher Prouty . Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Get bush INSTEAD (tags)

You know what is right, though you still may be blind, it's never too late to change your mind, we're all in agreement, in truth we rise, evil is just the deceived disguised

Big Brother (tags)

. In the New York Times (October 14, 2002), Leslie Wayne described how a very old war praxis is revived in the pentagon with the war against terror: the hiring of mercenaries. Today they are called “private military contractors”. Some of these mercenary firms are sub-contractors of corporations from the Fortune 500 list (the 500 largest in assets). “The Pentagon cannot wage war without them… Private military contractors are the new business face of war.” These agencies have their people in Bosnia, Nigeria, Macedonia, Colombia and elsewhere. MPRI, one of the leading military firms, boasts of “more generals per square foot than the Pentagon”. In peace times, they can carry out secret missions with the exclusion of the public. Without any chain of command, they are not accountable to the US Congress, only to their clients, the Pentagon or the State Department.

hush hush Richard N. Perle Secret lunch. (tags)

In January of this year, Khashoggi arranged a private lunch, in France, to bring together Harb Saleh al-Zuhair, a Saudi industrialist whose family fortune includes extensive holdings in construction, electronics, and engineering companies throughout the Middle East, and Richard N. Perle (member of 1-Council on Foreign Relations. 2-Zionist), the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, who is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war with Iraq.

Israel Destroys US-Built Water Wells In Gaza (tags)

Spokesmen at the American embassy were careful not to criticise the Israeli army. But according to reports in the Israeli press yesterday, they were less diplomatic behind the scenes. The newspaper Ma'ariv reported that the US had threatened to stop all reconstruction work unless the Israeli army promised not to demolish anything built by the Americans. (We couldn't have that. Criticizing War Crimes of Israel would be "anti-semitic" - or so the apologists for Israeli War Crimes would claim.)

US Will Deny Aid To Countries re: ICC (tags)

US Will Deny (Bribes) To Countries That Refuse Court Immunity Deals

Bush Got $500,000 From Companies (tags)

Forest Service Ignores Offers Of Russian Help With Fires (tags)

Forest Service Ignores Offers Of Russian Help With Fires

Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)

it is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923

Offers to Help Ignored (tags)

Giant Russian Water Air Tanker Still Ignored By US

Iraqi resistance kicked Wolfowitz's ass out of Iraq (by Latuff) (tags)

"...The effect of the 6:10 a.m. volley of rockets was dramatic: U.S. officials and officers fled from the Al Rasheed, some still in pajamas or shorts to a nearby convention center..."

Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lies Israel's Attack on the Liberty, Revisited (tags)

After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. An officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?" The wounded commander of the Liberty, Lt. William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."

BTL:Despite White House Intimidation Campaign... (tags)

...More Military and Intelligence Officials Condemn Bush's War Propaganda. Interview with David MacMichael, former CIA estimates officer, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace

Info War on USA Public (tags)

Info War on USA Public

Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians Funded By US Tax Dollars (tags)

"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."

Americas Watch: 10/19 Urgent Actions on Colombia, Mexico and USA (tags)

Americas Watch: Urgent Actions on Colombia, Mexico and USA An occasional news series from Web: October 19, 2003 What happened in Bolivia truly shows the power of people's movement, the struggles against American empire and U.S.-supported semi-colonial puppet regime. However, let's don't forget there's still have many struggles lie ahead on Mexico, Colombia and of course, in the United States. Lee Siu Hin

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

The Last Essay. I am honored to post with my name and hopefully await what respect Real Democracy teaches by its practice in a civil society.

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM (tags)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM

US Soldiers to America: Bring Us Home Now!: PART 2 (tags)

The following interview was with a Sergeant First Class in the United States Army. He has been deployed both in Afghanistan and most recently in Iraq in Falujah and in Kirkuk, which have been the heart of Iraqi resistance and attacks on US forces.

Is America Fascist? (tags)

It is no coincidence that the neo-cons are worried about comparisons between their policies and those of Hitler

Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway (tags)

Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

Not a Leak, Treason (tags)

Spin is All, and in the Plame Affair Bush still has the upper hand since reporters allow him to characterize this as "leaking classified information," like the specs for a bolt on an F-15 fighter.

Legislation to Expel Iranians (tags)

Congressman Introduces Legislation to Expel Iranian Visitors and Students from the U.S.

The Most Insidious of Traitors (tags)

The Bush administration pushed very hard the idea that America is in danger from WMDs being placed into the hands of terrorists. This was one of the central arguments behind the war in Iraq. Yet in order to protect Bush's political standing, a couple of "administration officials" blew Valerie Plame, and by proxy her network, completely out of the water in an attempt to shut her husband up. In short, in order to protect Bush from the ramifications of using fake evidence to support his war, this White House destroyed an intelligence network that was protecting us from the threat posed by chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.

Dignity, Solidarity and the Penal Colony (tags)

As of yesterday on CounterPunch at: there is a 13-page Said excerpt from the book ‘The Politics of Anti-Semitism’, from which further extracts below: --------------------------------------------------------

Soldiers’ dad to Bush: Stop playing with lives (tags)

WASHINGTON – Larry Syverson, father of two combat soldiers deployed in Iraq, told a National Press Club news conference Sept. 24 that George W. Bush is “playing with my sons’ lives” to secure control of Iraqi oil.

Time to Act (tags)

People as soldiers too, are actually, for real dying, no longer laughing, for no known reason but to criminally profit the demon bush gang on hopes for the next fixed election cycle, at the further victimization of Humanity suffering today. Falling US all for continuing with bush's embarrassing blunders, silly hijinx, and silently condoned murder rampages

Labor and Patriot Acts I and II: (tags)

A case for political action President George W. Bush heads the most viciously anti-worker, anti-labor administration we have seen in a long time. He and his corporate backers are hell-bent on blocking any new advances for labor and on rolling back existing labor rights.

Wesley Clark: Hero or Villain? (tags)

The hidden and ignored recent history of Yugoslavia and its relevance to the presidential candidacy of Wesley Clark.

I Love My Country -I Hate My President (tags)

I hate Mr. Bush and what he is doing to my country. I cannot believe the range of duplicities involved in his administration; the gratuitous lying to serve profit and political purpose.

I Love My Country - I Hate My President (tags)

I am repulsed by my president. He allowed the drums of war to get hammered over aluminum tubes, which were never meant for anything more deadly than the making of rockets. The whole notion of the tubes being part of the construction of a centrifuge had been refuted by several international organizations, including America's own Lawrence Livermore Laboratories

Misery likes company George Bush has second thoughts on Irag (tags)


US Has No Idea When Troops Will Pull Out Of Iraq (tags)

Oh, they know when they will pull out - when all of the Oil is exhausted or firmly under the control of Bush Family Cronies. This is the Mob - and this is your Country run by the Mob.



Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections To The Nazis (tags)

The Bush family has willingly and knowingly associated themselves with Nazis for over 80 years spanning three generations of Bushes. Prescott Bush was Hitler’s banker in America and was referred to by the New York Tribune as Hitler’s angel.

Impeachment Is Not Enough (tags)

By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s administration. He lied and good men died because he lied.

Big Brother (tags)

"There is every reason today to refer the negative utopia of George Orwell to the only remaining superpower - the America of George W. Bush. This is true for that schizophrenic form of mental indoctrination called `double think'.' Translated fr German

Philippines: 300 troops mutiny unmasks "war on terror" (tags)

A group of 296 soldiers - 70 junior officers and 226 enlisted men of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP)- staged on July 27 a siege of the Oakwood Premier luxury hotel at the Ayala Center in Makati.

The Pentagon has some explaining to do (tags)

After eight years of Bill Clinton, many military officers breathed a sigh of relief when George W. Bush was named president. I was in that plurality. At one time, I would have believed the administration's accusations of anti-Americanism against anyone who questioned the integrity and good faith of President Bush, Vice President Cheney or Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld.

40 lies of Bush the Bastard (tags)

Look at what I found @ Portland IMC.

Where is Iraq War Instigator, Richard Perle? (tags)

It?s a certainty that the idea of ?regime change? for Baghdad was first hustled in Zionist Israel. A 1996 paper concocted by Perle, Douglas Feith and David Wurmser, entitled, ?A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Security the Realm,? called for, inter alia, ?the removal of Saddam Hussein and the installation of a Hashemite monarchy in Baghdad.?

God Honest (tags)

When bush told Americans, americans didn't need any proof against Laden, bush really said, cowardly Americans no longer wish to protect Freedom by following the crime scene leads offered by the Justice departments. No Justice for Laden means, no documented arrest of actual criminal perpetrators. (Laden completely by himself was he?) Which incidentally, America's bush and rumsfeld had completely planned SECRETLY to NOT arrest for 9/11 before hand, with the official antichrist's, "invade Afghanistan without any evidence plan".

Palast the Iconoclast (tags)

Palast interviews retired Lt. Colonel Bill Burkett of the Texas Air National Guard (TANG), who states on camera that shortly after George W. became Texas' governor in the 1990s, he witnessed a speakerphone call from the Texas governor's office to TANG, and overheard the caller tell Guard officers to "clean [Bush's] records from his files." Palast says that after the call, Burkett "asked the officers if they'd carried out the questionable orders, and they said 'absolutely.'

Media Cover up (tags)

The time has come to hold the media responsible for the lies they have told on behalf of the criminal Bush administration!

Officials Say Forgeries on Iraqi Efforts Reached State Dept. Before Speech (tags)

The administration, facing increased criticism over the claims it made about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium, had said until now that it did not have the documents before the State of the Union speech.

CIA got report after Bush address (tags)

The CIA did not receive the now-discredited documents that were a key source of the Bush administration's claim that Iraq sought uranium in Africa until after President Bush's State of the Union address, U.S. officials say.

it blurs the line between war and peace (tags)

The Bush Plan for Korea ... TERRORISM!!!! Pentagon Insiders say the plan "blurs the lines between war and peace" .... war is peace ... slavery is freedom ...sickness is health ... cannon fodder is a job ... Bush is a President ;)

A Diplomat's Undiplomatic Truth: They Lied (tags)

They may have finally found the smoking gun that nails the culprit responsible for the Iraq war. Unfortunately, the incriminating evidence wasn't left in one of Saddam Hussein's palaces but rather in Vice President Dick Cheney's office.

Pattern of Corruption (tags)

More than half of the U.S. Army's combat strength is now bogged down in Iraq, which didn't have significant weapons of mass destruction and wasn't supporting Al Qaeda. We have lost all credibility with allies who might have provided meaningful support; Tony Blair is still with us, but has lost the trust of his public. All this puts us in a very weak position for dealing with real threats. Did I mention that North Korea has been extracting fissionable material from its fuel rods?

A Firm Basis for Impeachment (tags)

(2003-07-15) Does the president not read? Does his national security staff, led by Condoleezza Rice, keep him in the dark about the most pressing issues of the day? Or is this administration blatantly lying to the American people to secure its ideological ends?

The Other Bush Lie (tags)

"The conclusion, then, is inescapable. The cadre of cheerleading hawks -- both inside and outside the administration -- who led the United States to war 19 months later had decided within 10 days of the terrorist attacks that 9/11 should be used as the pretext for Hussein's removal, even if there was absolutely no connection between the two."

The Arrogance of Power (tags)

We are now, I believe, at the beginning of a long-delayed Washington political drama.

CIA Doubted Uranium Report (tags)

A key reason for the CIA's skepticism, according to a senior intelligence officer, was, "What do they need this [the ore] for? They've got tons of it already in Iraq."

Roadblocks Seen in Sept. 11 Inquiry (tags)

WASHINGTON -- The independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks says the Bush administration and Congress have failed to cooperate fully with requests for key documents and information and have presented other roadblocks to a thorough and timely inquiry.

Ex-Officials Dispute Iraq Tie to al-Qaida (tags)

``There was no significant pattern of cooperation between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist operation,'' former State Department intelligence official Greg Thielmann said this week.

Sidestepping Sanctions (tags)

While the Bush administration looks the other way, U.S. companies are dodging laws that bar them from doing business with nations accused of sponsoring terrorism.

war (tags)

repost from Portland. Nice to have a gang like these swine in arms on your team.

Bush Bit in Ass by Lies (tags)

The Rats are deserting the sinking ship. Fed up with the Bush Junta's deadly lies the insider Bureaucrats are beginning to leak and speak.

In The Beginning there was Terror (tags)

So, with the suppression of the actual History of the founding of Israel come the PR Flacks retelling a more palatable and "heroic" beginning. However, is the new revised story true?


We all KNOW factually, and freely confess without truthful contention, the UNJUST evil bush and blair, "sexed up" the falsehoods of a plagiarized essay, then bold faced lied as they continue today, to hide their "embarrassment" of indiscriminately murdering our Humanity for criminal thefts against a just rule of our god given rights Man.

BEYOND BUSH - Part I ( By Michael C. Ruppert ) (tags)

Michael C. Ruppert looks into the future and shares his thoughts (repost)

Ten Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq (tags)

Today, more than three months after Bush's stirring declaration of war and nearly two months since he declared victory, no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons have been found, nor any documentation of their existence, nor any sign they were deployed in the field.

Planted WMDs ?? (tags)

from a well known blog

Rage. Mistrust. Hatred. Fear. Uncle Sam's enemies within (tags)

A few things have happened recently that show just how powerful -- and, perhaps, unstoppable -- is the march of the right-wing machine in the US. This month the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a right-wing think tank umbilically tied to the Bush administration, declared open warfare on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deemed too left-wing and set up an organisation called NGOWatch to monitor these liberal pressure groups.

A Crack In Bush's Facade Growing WMD Scandal (tags)

Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction. He lied to us, the United Nations, and the soldiers he sent to die in Iraq. Bush's apologists defend his attempts to sell this obscene war as mere spin, but claiming certain knowledge of something that doesn't exist is hardly a question of emphasis. It's time to stop wondering where the WMDs are.

Listen to the MOCKINGBIRD (tags)

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

The Invisible (Toll of the Terror War and it's Lies) (tags)

The problem goes beyond religion. A new xenophobia is abroad. In Connecticut, a resident told police that he had heard two "Arabs" talking about anthrax. Whereupon police officers arrested two Pakistani men suspected of having had the conversation at a gas station. They also hauled in an Indian businessman who was minding the station temporarily for his uncle, the owner. The man was held for 18 days and then released without charge or compensation.

Liberals Feign Logic (tags)

Fifth column broken clock beatnik thrift store clothing wearing leftist trash wouldn't know logic if it stepped up to them and put its foot in their asses...

Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel (tags)

First published June 6th 2002 by UPI Terrorism Correspondent produced by your friend and ally for freedom Sy$teMF@iLuRe

URGENT: Our Journalist Under Attack In Indonesia, Needs Our Help (tags)

William (Billy) Nessen and his wife Shadia, are in serious danger and fear for their lives following recent threats from the Indonesian military. Please join efforts to ensure safe passage for the Nessens and an end to military aggression in Aceh and East Timor. Latest report, June 20, 2003, 'Nessen Could Be Punished By Death' see link in footer.

John Kerry was 'misled' (tags)

John Kerry says he and "every one of us" was misled by President Bush concerning Iraq having weapons of mass destruction. And he says the deception is one reason he is running for President. If he was misled, what do we make of his 156 Congressional colleagues who voted against the war resolution in October, 2002?

Bush Lied and Soldiers Died (tags)

Several weeks have now passed since the end of the war, and WMD’s have yet to be found in Iraq. Specialized teams of engineers, scientists, and intelligence agents have been searching for these weapons since the outbreak of war, yet have been unable to locate even the slightest trace of chemical and biological weapons.

Lies the Government Told Us Part 3 (tags)


Huwaida Arraf Arrested at Huwara Checkpoint Please Protest (tags)

From Bad To Worse: ISM founder Huwaida Arraf was taken into custody at Huwara Checkpoint near Nablus today after she protested the abusive treatment Palestinians were receiving from Israeli forces.

Rise of the Apologists (tags)

Apparently the more natural function of public intellectuals, at least most of them, is to explain the ways of power to the uninformed and perhaps unthinking public at large ? or in more cynical terms, to serve as apologists for those in power. In the wake of a certain amount of criticism of the Bush administration over the issues of "weapons of mass destruction" ? a misnomer from the get-go in that it lumps nuclear weapons with chemical and biological weapons that are difficult to use tactically and create less actual mass destruction than some artillery barrages ? Bush apologists are coming out of the woodwork.

Why come to Sacramento? (tags)

A major grassroots mobilization and convergence is planned in Sacramento from June 20-25. This is an opportunity for people to say no to a genetically engineered future, and to voice instead a living world vision, rooted in social justice and ecological sanity. It is also a chance to stand in solidarity with the people's movements and hundreds of peasant farmers groups from around the world that have called on social movements in the US to denounce and protest this meeting.

Irag-Two months after the fall-A Vietnamese trap for the coalition forces (tags)

Irag War

Report From The Apartheid Wall, First Phase (tags)

These reports are based on human rights monitoring and/or nonviolent direct action in resistance to the Israeli occupation. This report arrives from: International Women's Peace Service in Hares, Salfit, Palestine:

Members of U.S. Congress Urge Court to Proceed with Genocide Lawsuit (tags)

"This lawsuit was filed not to embarrass China, but to persuade the defendants to end their persecution of Falun Gong ... it is highly consistent with the goals set forth in [U.S. Department of State’s] annual review of human rights." -- Members of U.S. Congress

McCarthy's "Witches" (tags)

Witchhunt? The high-profile cases cited by McCarthy — Owen Lattimore, John Stewart Service, and Philip C. Jessup — all ended with the senator’s charges being validated. the end of 1954, 81 of those on McCarthy’s list had either resigned from their government posts or been dismissed.

Hamas Ties To Israeli Government (tags)

Israel and Hamas may currently be locked in deadly combat, but, according to several current and former U.S. intelligence officials, beginning in the late 1970s, Tel Aviv gave direct and indirect financial aid to Hamas over a period of years.

Pattern of Megalomania: The Bush Record (tags)

"There exists a chilling pattern of events surrounding the Bush regime’s rise to power and the emergence of Napoleon and Hitler."

Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad (tags)

Two of the highest-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in American custody have told the C.I.A. in separate interrogations that the terrorist organization did not work jointly with the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein, according to several intelligence officials.

Ex-Official: Evidence Distorted for War (tags)

The Bush administration distorted intelligence and presented conjecture as evidence to justify a U.S. invasion of Iraq, according to a retired intelligence official who served during the months before the war.

Mobilize Against US Agri-Imperialism (tags)

HUNGRY FOR JUSTICE? Want to resist the WTO, US Empire and Corporate Globalization? Fed up with genetically engineered trees, food, fish, future? Believe that access to healthy food and clean water is a fundamental human right?

Outline of Bush Family History (tags)

Oct. 20 ‘42: Leo T. Crowley, the US Alien Property Custodian - seized the stock shares of the Union Banking Corp. of New York, whose shareholders were: Chm./Dir. E. Rowland Harriman (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Pres./Dir. Cornelis Lievense (banking functionary for the Nazis); Treasurer/Dir. Harold D. Pennington (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Ray Morris (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Prescott S. Bush Snr.(of Brown Brothers Harriman); ...

Enron Used U.S. Government to Bully Developing Nations (tags)

WASHINGTON, May 29 (IPS) - Defunct energy giant Enron used the U.S. government to coerce the World Bank and poor nations to grant concessions and resolve its investment problems, according to documents and correspondence released by the Treasury Department.

Major Watergate-like scandal over WMD? (tags)

WASHINGTON, Jun 2 (IPS) - When all three major U.S. newsweeklies--Time, Newsweek and U.S. News & World Report--run major features on the same day on possible government lying, you can bet you have the makings of a major scandal.

War Upon the World (tags)

A Collection of Documentaries

Via Campesina Requests Action in Sacramento (tags)

Via Campesina is an international movement which coordinates peasant organizations of small and middle-scale producers, agricultural workers, rural women, and indigenous communities from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. It is an autonomous, pluralistic movement, independent from all political, economic, or other denomination. It is integrated by national and regional organizations whose autonomy is jealously respected.

Oh, What A Tangled Web Bush Weaves (tags)

But the CIA was correct in warning the White House and Pentagon that Iraq would turn into a tar-baby for the U.S. This is precisely what is now happening. Iraq is in chaos and near-anarchy. U.S. occupation forces have so far been unable to form even a puppet regime, as was done in Afghanistan.

Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas: Democracy Comes to Iraq (tags)

One month after the fall of Baghdad, the US has successfully liberated the people of Iraq from meaningful involvement in decisions about their own future.

Homeland Security: When The Phoenix Came Home To Roost (tags)

In order to institutionalize his "legally criminal" social structure, Bush signed the Homeland Security Act on 25 November 2002, creating the Department of Homeland Security under former Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Ridge. The Department's job is to coordinate the anti-terror elements of dozens of federal agencies, and secure the US "from terrorist threats or attacks," be they genuine or provoked by the Bush Régime for black propaganda purposes.

G.W. Bush: Drunk on Power (tags)

The president he got his wars folks don't know just what it's for; No one gives us a rhyme or reason have one doubt they call it treason. Eugene McDaniels "Compared to What?"

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia (tags)

Now that the United States has completed a so-called humanitarian intervention in Iraq, I believe it is very informative to look back at the previous one in Yugoslavia. A brilliant analysis by noted author and political scientist Michael Parenti.

Jay Garner Axed (tags)

Garner to Be Replaced by Former Diplomat


Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning, confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women. At 12:30pm on Friday, May 9, approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour.


It is difficult enough to try to stop people from hating you; you can try to be nice to them; that might work. But what about when people like you - or love you? Is it possible to stop them from feeling this? Sure it is, but to what end would anyone do that?

The office of Special Plans (tags)

Seymour Hersh has written several articles in The New Yorker on the dynamics operating within the Department of Defense. His most recent, "Selective Intelligence" in the May 12 issue is a must read. He reveals a small group of insiders who now control military intelligence: The Office of Special Plans.

BTL:Under White House Control, Iraq's Oil Wealth May Be Headed Toward... (tags)

...Privatization.Interview with Michael Renner, a senior researcher with World Watch Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bechtel tied to bin Ladens (tags)

Osama bin Laden family members invested $10M in an equity fund run by former Bechtel unit.


Squeak, squeak...

neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)

by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives

Isreal Seeks Pipeline For Iraqi Oil (tags)

Plans to build a pipeline to siphon oil from newly conquered Iraq to Israel are being discussed between Washington, Tel Aviv and potential future government figures in Baghdad.,11319,940109,00.html

Here's That List of Terrorists You Asked For... Mr. President (tags)

I have the latest update on that terrorist list you've been asking for, Mr. President. I keep submitting my reports to Sen. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee , Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Porter Goss, the Florida GOP Rep. and House Intelligence Committee Chairman, but they keep loosing the documents or forgetting I ever gave them the lists... Can you please send it to them for me. I know they will listen to you.

After The Airstrikes...Just Silence (tags)

There are no official estimates of how many Afghan civilians have been killed by U.S. bombs. A survey published last year by the human rights group Global Exchange estimated the number at more than 800.


US troops occupy the primary school in Fallujah, Iraq, Tuesday April 29, 2003. Iraqi school children staged a demonstration demanding the school be returned to the community. Anti-American chants ring out... someone throws a stone, U.S. Troops panic and open fire. 13 people are killed and up to 75 wounded. U.S. Troops claimed they were shot at and merely returned fire (AP Photo/David Guttenfelder).

Would the US Plant WMD’s – A Stroll Down Memory Lane (tags)

This article by ex-CIA officials discusses the question of US vs UN inspection teams looking for the notorious weapons of mass destruction. Also addresses the question of 'would the US plant evidence?......

Dumping Bush-Regime Change in 2004 (tags)

Makes the case for developing an electoral arm for the peace movement that can defeat Bush and the War Party in 2004. Stresses need for independent political action groups.

It's the Oil, Stupid (tags)

Oil had nothing to do with Washington's motives for the invasion, we were told. "The only interest the United States has in the region is furthering the cause of peace and stability, not in [Iraq's] ability to generate oil," said press secretary Ari Fleischer in late 2002. But at a January briefing an unnamed "senior Defense official" revealed that Gen. Tommy Franks and his staff "have crafted strategies that will allow us to secure and protect those fields as rapidly as possible in order to preserve those prior to destruction...

U.S. Diplomat's Letter of Resignation (tags)

A great moment in American History remembered...

U.S. Planners Surprised by Strength of Iraqi Shiites (tags)

U.S. Planners Surprised by Strength of Iraqi Shiites

The history of Runsfeld and Reagan's alliance with Saddam. (tags)

The U.S., having decided that an Iranian victory would not serve its interests, began supporting Iraq: measures already underway to upgrade U.S.-Iraq relations were accelerated, high-level officials exchanged visits, and in February 1982 the State Department removed Iraq from its list of states supporting international terrorism.

My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

The U.S. Occupation and the Resistance In Iraq (tags)


Anti-capitalist call to shut down the Sacramento (tags)

a more militant call to action

Practice to Deceive-- Chaos in the MiddleEast is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario-- (tags)

"In short, the administration is trying to roll the table--to use U.S. military force, or the threat of it, to reform or topple virtually every regime in the region, from foes like Syria to friends like Egypt, on the theory that it is the undemocratic nature of these regimes that ultimately breeds terrorism. So events that may seem negative--Hezbollah for the first time targeting American civilians; U.S. soldiers preparing for war with Syria--while unfortunate in themselves, are actually part of the hawks' broader agenda."

Anti-capCall to shut down the Sacramento ministerial (tags)

Come to Sacramento June 23-25th to shut down the WTO agricultural ministerial!!!

''Colombia: another front in broader U.S. war'' (tags)

By Matthew Riemer Columnist (United States)

How America Lost The War (tags)

We need, first of all, to get our terms straight so as to achieve a sense of clarity regarding the issue of America's moral standing on the matter.  Saddam Hussein was not defeated.  He was not overthrown, bested, beaten or destroyed.  Saddam Hussein was fired, relieved of his position by a nation that hired him for a dirty job way back in 1979.

How the CIA found and groomed Saddam Hussein (tags)

While many have thought that Saddam Hussein became involved with US intelligence agencies from the 1980 Iran-Iraq war, his first contacts date back to 1959 when he was part of a CIA-authorized six-man squad tasked with assassinating then Iraqi prime minister General Abd al-Karim Qasim.

Make Peace with SYria (tags)

Nuke em!

Wolfowitz and Rumsfeld give Ahmed Chalabi Iraq (tags)

OUTSIDE NASIRIYAH, Iraq. April 13 -- The Pentagon has ordered U.S. forces here to quickly deploy a U.S.-sponsored opposition militia to Baghdad and other Iraqi cities, American and Iraqi exile sources said today.

The Weird Men Behind George W. Bush's War (tags)

"Most neoconservative defence intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti- communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history."

U.S. White Nationalists Prepare for the Permanent Control of Iraq (tags)

This article provides information on Ahmed Chalabi, the U.S. puppet who is positioned to be the next leader of Iraq. Chalabi is a thief and the darling of the neo white nationalists (Cheney, Rumsfeld, Perle, Wolfowitz, Kristol, etc.) who currently control the U.S. government.

Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal: Yes, It Is About Oil (tags)

Titled "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein," this report traces an intense effort by Reagan officials in the mid-OE80s to win Hussein's approval for a $2-billion oil pipeline to be built by Bechtel, running from the Euphrates oilfields in southern Iraq westward to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba. A key player in that effort was Rumsfeld, then the CEO of Searle drugs, the giant phramaceutical company.

Doing the US's Dirty Work: The Colombian Paramilitaries and Israel (tags)

''I copied the concept of paramilitary forces from the Israelis.'' -Carlos Castano, Mi Confesion, 2002


Fidel Castro Rewards Free Speech with Prison Terms

William Mandel, American Dissident (tags)

"If you think that I am going to cooperate with this collection of Judases, of men who sit there in violation of the United States Constitution, if you think I will cooperate with you in any manner whatsoever, you are insane!" From William Mandel’s 1960 testimony before HUAC

Any person or state who gets in the way of the American Empire, beware! (tags)

It is remarkable that the US government is still going around dropping huge amounts of exceedingly powerful explosives on the heads of defenceless people. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

A patriotic U.S. media covers the war in the Iraq (tags)

This Reuters piece shows how the mainstream press understands full well that it is a propaganda organ of states. I found it published in Ha'aretz at


To Throw Down the BLACK HOUSE of GW Bush : We support armed struggle everywhere that is revolutionary. Revolutionary is anything that helps to kill USA imperialism: the Yankee-Gringo Empire of death and lies.

Anyone Remember Afghanistan? (tags)

Rumors about the death of the fanatics in Afghanistan were premature. Local bosses and drug traffickers are entering the vacuum created by the Karzai regime. The U.S., eager to bring the message of the West to Iraq, seems to be turning a blind eye...

George Bush II’s exit strategy after seizing Iraq’s oil: Seize South America’s oil. (tags)

Bush/Reich/U.S. oil companies/CIA stage coup attempt in Venezuela to oust democratically-elected President Hugo Chávez. U.S. government gains control of media outlets, trying to incite civil war in Venezuela to seize country’s oil revenues.

Third veteran US diplomat quits over Iraq war (tags)

WASHINGTON, March 20 (AFP) - Another veteran US diplomat has resigned from the State Department in protest over President George W. Bush's policy toward Iraq, becoming the third and the highest-ranking career foreign service officer to do so since last month...

Abe Magil: A tribute to a working class, Marxist journalist (tags)

Marxist journalist and pamphleteer. Devoted family man and friend. Poet. Editor. Political leader. All of these describe Abe Magil, who died in January.

Greens Call Bush Indictable for War Crimes. (tags)

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." (Roosevelt) Please repost on other US Indymedia sites.

Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)

The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!

Top Anti-Terror Official Resigns (tags)

WASHINGTON, March 19 (UPI) -- The top National Security Council official in the war on terror resigned this week for what a NSC spokesman said were personal reasons, but intelligence sources say the move reflects concern that the looming war with Iraq is hurting the fight against terrorism.

Photos Shows Rachel Corey Was Murdered! (tags)

Photos show Rachel Corey was Murdered! Associated Press & Haaretz Reports Available Now.

BTL:Resignations and Leaks in U.S. State Department Signal... (tags)

...Growing Dissent Against Iraq War. Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. government military analyst who released the "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Weapons of Mass Deception (tags)

In the year and a half since September 11 the Bush administration has been waging an aggressive military campaign against real and perceived enemies, coupled with a public relations campaign to win the "hearts and minds" of the world. In Afghanistan, at least, the military campaign has shown some success. The public relations campaign, however, has been an embarrassing failure.

Vatican Becomes Anti - War Rallying Point (tags)

But in some of the Vatican's strongest language against a possible war, its foreign minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran said a unilateral military strike would be a ``crime against peace'' with no justification on grounds of self-defense. . ``We want to say to America: Is it worth it to you? Won't you have have, afterward, decades of hostility in the Islamic world,'' asked the Vatican's No. 2 official, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

WHOSE WAR? (tags)

A neoconservative clique seeks to ensnare our country in a series of wars that are not in America’s interest.

Vatican Becomes Anti - War Rallying Point (tags)

But in some of the Vatican's strongest language against a possible war, its foreign minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran said a unilateral military strike would be a ``crime against peace'' with no justification on grounds of self-defense. ``We want to say to America: Is it worth it to you? Won't you have have, afterward, decades of hostility in the Islamic world,'' asked the Vatican's No. 2 official, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.


"Recently, there has been a thunderous outburst of accusations about "hating America" with lightning strokes crackling towards France and Germany. Some of this storm front rattled into Canada when a member of Parliament, upset over Mr. Bush's relentless demand for war, made the mistake of muttering an aside about hating Americans,..."



Lawrence 'Ari' Fleisher Wants To 'Liberate' People With Arial Weapons Of Mass Destruction (tags)

Ari Fleisher defends Bush's 3,000 Weapons of Mass Destruction to be rained on Iraq in 48 hours. A UN report claims up to 100,000 Iraqi people will lose their lives. Is there sufficient reason for us to be killing this many people? And to maim a few 100,000 more?

Israel’s foreign policy is the U.S.’s foreign policy (tags)

“Wag the dog” Who’s calling the foreign policy shots behind the scenes in the Bush administration?

Bush lies, lies, lies about WMD (tags)

Some Evidence on Iraq Called Fake U.N. Nuclear Inspector Says Documents on Purchases Were Forged By Joby Warrick Washington Post Staff Writer


With most of the mainstream media having joined the march towards war, individual critics and the alternative media have begun to strike back.

Bush's Arab and Muslim Propaganda Chief Quits (tags)

Bush's Arab and Muslim Propaganda Chief Quits Monday 3 March 2003 U.S. official: 'She didn't do anything that worked'

Has war with Iraq already started? (tags)

In military jargon, all these attacks look very like a systematic effort to ‘prepare the battlefield’ ahead of any ground invasion.

U.S. Activist Susan Barclay Faces Deportation From Palestine+Other ISM Reports (tags)

The Latest Reports From Palestine by Activists of The International Solidarity Movement

The President's Real Goal in Iraq (tags)

The official story on Iraq has never made sense. The connection that the Bush administration has tried to draw between Iraq and al-Qaida has always seemed contrived and artificial. In fact, it was hard to believe that smart people in the Bush administration would start a major war based on such flimsy evidence. The pieces just didn't fit. Something else had to be going on; something was missing.

Como Irak, Bush II prepara invadir Sudamérica para agarrar su aceite también. (tags)

El intento de golpe de Estado de etapa de compañías de aceite /CIA de Bush y los transnacionales imperios de EEUU en Venezuela para expulsar President Hugo Chávez quién fue democráticamente eligido. El gobierno de EEUU tomó control de medios informativos, tratando de incitar guerra civil en Venezuela para agarrar las ganancias de aceite del país.

Crimes of War and Crimes of Press Media: Bolivarian Republics of Colombia & Venezuela (tags)

Billionaire corporados control world's media, cause death of democracy & millions of people. Their crimes in the Andes means people worldwide must seize the presses, crush elite, remake the world. USA cornered & vulnerable - revolution whenever we want. We onlywant the world... Why wait. US out!

ANSWER & NION losing the battle 4 the hearts of millions (tags)


Staggering London Demo versus staggering hypocrisy (tags)

Tonto Blairs expensive education may have taught him how to spell the words hypocrisy and Morality but he sure as hell does not what they mean.

USA Bad Boys: Blackmail and US Intervention in latin America (tags)

US addictions haunt and terrorize world: OIL, WEAPONS, DRUGS. US BAD BOYS and friends in Latin America held power for decades. Now they are run out of town by Hugo Chavez, people of Bolivia and New Ideas. Guns and Money aren’t enough anymore–Hope lives –Struggle Consumes…

"Free Wang Bingzhang!" campaign warms up (tags)

Abducted Chinese dissident Dr. Wang Bingzhang should not be in China in the first place. Monday, Beijing sentenced him to life in prison. Reaction follows--

Introducing... the new "Leader" of Iraq! (tags)

The internal US Government debate over whether to go to war "is over"... and the new US imposed leader for Iraq has been choosen.

Manifetso on the Imperialist War against Irag (tags)


Critics Charge Control of Oil Behind Bush Drive for War with Iraq (tags)

Interview with Michael Klare,professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College,conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris

Fortune Magazine: After Sadam (tags)

"A prolonged, expensive, American-led occupation is also plausible, one that could turn U.S. troops into sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists, a la Lebanon in the 1980s."

UN will sink into irrelevance -- Good! (tags)

The United Nations is on the verge of demonstrating finally and fatally its moral bankruptcy and its strategic irrelevance: moral bankruptcy, because it will have made a mockery of the very resolution on whose sanctity it insists; strategic irrelevance, because the United States is going to disarm Iraq anyway.

BBC: US Senators Question Iraq Evidence (tags)

"However, the surprising mood of scepticism evident in the committee room was an indication that President Bush and Mr Powell still have work to do if they are to gain bipartisan support for their Iraq policy."

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

What is the deal w/ Ramsey Clark? (tags)


Bush Seeks $3.5 Million for Group Building N. Korean Reactors (tags)

Rumsfeld was director of company that helped N. korea Build its Nuke plants before he became Secretary of Defense!

5 Reasons to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

"I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and West Bank could describe events in South Africa." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

THE STAGING OF 911 (tags)

Nobody will ever find out the real criminals behind the scenes.

LA Anti-War Protest: at least 20,000 (tags)

At least 20,000 demonstrate in Los Angeles against the Bush Administration and their plans for war.

RENDON/Iraqi National Congress (tags)

"Were it not for Rendon," a State Department official remarked, "the Chalabi group wouldn't even be on the map." With funding first from the CIA throughout the 1990s and more recently the Pentagon, Rendon managed the INC's every move, an INC spokesperson acknowledges, even choosing its name, coordinating its annual strategy conferences, and orchestrating its meetings with diplomatic heavy hitters, such as James Baker and Brent Scowcroft.

From Containment to Pax Americana (tags)

With the NSS, the US government gives a blank check to attack nearly every country on mere suspicion. A policy of possible military preemption hammers the last nail in the coffin of Article 51 of the UN Charter that only allows armed attack.

Rumsfeld offered help to Saddam (tags)

The Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, even though they knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran.

Hundreds Are Detained After Visits to INS (tags)

From the LA Times.

Final drumbeat begins for war on Iraq (tags)

Never in my lifetime - not even through Vietnam and Watergate - have I witnessed such blatently transparent propaganda tactics as those used to promote the war on Iraq.

The Thug, the Thief, and the King (tags)

An excerpt from an article in the Guerilla News Network. Follow the link for the original.

venezuala: gunman may havebeen hired by anti-chavez general (tags)

agent provaceteur?


In 03,1984, with the Iran-Iraq war growing more brutal by the day, Rumsfeld was in Baghdad for meetings With Saddam Hussain. On the day of his visit, March 24th, UPI reported from the UN “Mustard gas laced with a nerve agent has been used on Iranian soldiers of war between Iran and Iraq, a team of U.N. experts has concluded...

Cold war cultural production returns (tags)

>The Bush administration has recruited prominent American >>writers to contribute to a State Department anthology and >>give readings around the globe in a campaign started after >>9/11 to use culture to further American diplomatic >>interests.

a timeline of CIA atrocities (tags)

the author Steve kangas was suicided in 1999

RENT-A-SPY, INC. (tags)

American corporation USDS involved in foreign and domestic espionage

10,000 demand: Close U.S. terror school (tags)

Over 10,000 people from far and wide gathered at the gates of Ft. Benning, Ga., Nov. 17 to demand closure of the School of the Americas (SOA), better known as the “School of Assassins,” where many death squad officers from Latin America have been trained.

As US intervention grows: Colombian army lays siege to Medellín neighborhood (tags)

"We’re under fire from machine-guns," one distraught woman told the local media. "The bullets come out of the helicopters and fall onto our roofs. It is terrifying. This is like Vietnam."


This article should be must reading for all American Patriots who are forever whining about "anti-Americanism"--not to mention anti-war Liberals who may be opposed to America's wars, but refuse to fight the American Empire itself. As this article suggests, America's current Terror War is only an extension of the Cold War. One that "continues under new names but, in essence, it is now a 'North-South' struggle--an effort to prevent the rise of any society that may set a credible example of an alternative to the capitalist model, and to prevent the rise of any power that might challenge American supremacy."

the mysterious ramsey clark (tags)

is he a genuine radical?

Israel is Buying Our Politicians! (tags)

According to a Fortune magazine survey of Washington insiders, the second most powerful lobby in the United States is the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC. A tape transcript in which former AIPAC president David Steiner discusses lobbying activities on behalf of the Israeli government reveals the blatant corruption in the American political system.

Christ I'm Actually Rising! (tags)

Chirst has like, actually come to take out the evil bushmob single handedly! He walks and talks like he's just human... Wow! Don't miss this incredible revelation!!


The most censored and ignored story of the last - and the next - five years must be: "Global Economy Caters to US Addictions." Half of the world's problems are caused by the US addictions to oil and all kinds of drugs. The illegal drug trade is the second largest sector of the global economy. Include all of the legal drugs that US citizens are addicted to and "Drugs" would be the largest sector by far.


What Nativism & Xenophobia have to do with Bilingual / Bicultural Education in America

Confronting the Warmongers (tags)

Challenging the justifications for war.

Oct 3: Latest News From Columbia--More US Military Aids, Special Forces to Columbia (tags)

By: 1) More US Military Aid Released to Colombia (Center for Defense Information, USA) 2) US Forces to Train Colombia Army (Assoicated Press)

Oc 4: Latest News From Iraq--US Hijack UN Resolutions? More US Air Attacks, More Dirty Sec (tags)

By: At the recent report done by the congressional budget office (CBO) in Washington DC., CBO estimates that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month-although how long such a war may last cannot be estimated. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion, CBO estimates.



Cuban Artists Missing from Latin Grammys (tags)

Cuban artists treated like terrorists and Los Angeles culture is hijacked more by Miami right-wingers.

Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism'' (tags)

Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.

Taliban Foreign Minister's Advance Warning of 9/11 Ignored, sez UK Independent (newspaper) (tags)

Weeks before the terrorist attacks on 11 September, the United States and the United Nations ignored warnings from a secret Taliban emissary that Osama bin Laden was planning a huge attack on American soil. ..The warnings were delivered by an aide of Wakil Ahmed Muttawakil, the Taliban Foreign Minister at the time, who was known to be deeply unhappy with the foreign militants in Afghanistan, including Arabs.

Daniel Pearl and The Paymaster of 9/11 (tags)

It was supposed to be the key chain of evidence linking the September 11 hijackers to Osama bin Laden - a wire transfer of $100,000 to lead hijacker Mohamed Atta. Yet less than five months later, the man initially fingered as the paymaster of 9/11 would be sitting in a Pakistani jail, accused of a wholly different crime - the murder of Daniel Pearl.


Why there will be no invasion of Iraq...

US is financing murder of possibly millions in Cauca (Columbia) (tags)

We must help to stop the murder... please read and spread the word.. public awareness deters the evil force

White House promotes terrorism and drug trafficking in Colombia (tags)

BOGOTA, — Just as another U.S. puppet, Alvaro Uribe Velez, begins his term determined to combat Washington's fear Colombia's communist guerrillas, the Bush administration has decided to publicly announce what has been up until now secret; the use of nearly $1.7 billion in U.S. military aid directly against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

The Saddam in Rumsfeld’s Closet (tags)

“Man and the turtle are very much alike. Neither makes any progress without sticking his neck out.” —Donald Rumsfeld

FTAA and Government Repression in Ecuador: an eyewitness account (tags)

Globalization is supposed to make communication easier. But when the leaders of Ecuador`s social movements tried to deliver a letter critiquing neoliberal globalization to Summit of the Presidents of S. America, they were arrested, roughed up, and their giant letter was destroyed. This highlights the need for international support for the massive protest planned at the 7th summit of the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Ecuador in October.


As they did in Vietnam 40 years ago the United States is subtly increasing its military intervention in Colombia. Here Alfredo Castro looks at what is known about current US military presence in the Latin American nation.

Open Letter To Committee to Protect Journalists (tags)

I write to inform you of specific acts and immediate threats against journalists in Venezuela, and to ask you 12 questions, as a journalist, about your organization's previous statements regarding press freedom issues in that country. I hope that your organization will take immediate action to defend these journalists at risk, and that you will offer full and honest answers to the 12 questions.

The politics of murder (tags)

Pressed as to why the U.S. has not done so after twenty two months in which barely a day has passed without U.S. weapons being used to add to the mounting list of Palestinian victims in the Occupied Territories, Boucher said: "All we've ever really answered in response to these questions is to note that we have not made such a report, and should we do so we'll tell you. At this point we haven't."

The Family that Preys Together (tags)

Something to tell your neighbours, before they start the TIPS program hahahahha

Critics pressing U.N. agency, despite little progress on case (tags)

Israel slandering the UN Relief Agency. Israelis want the Palestinians to starve to death.

The murky deals that fuelled international terrorism By Giles Foden (tags)

During the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan, US officials passed billions in funding and training to the mojahedin.


Christison: Full Story of Resolution 242.. A MUST READ (tags)

Kathleen Christison worked for 16 years as a political analyst with the CIA, dealing first with Vietnam and then with the Middle East

First the Carrot, Then the Stick: Behind the Carnage in Palestine (tags)

A MUST READ!, by Prof. Finkelstein, a jew whose parents were extermination camps survivors

Why is the US media blacking out documentary on war crimes in Afghanistan? (tags)

This major story, however, has received virtually no coverage in US newspapers or on network or cable television. Aside from stories on some alternative Internet publications, and a June 16 article on, the story has been essentially blacked out in the US. A search for news about the documentary in the major dailies—including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe and the Miami Herald —turned up empty. Web sites for ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News and CNN have likewise carried nothing on the film.

U.S. supports repressive regime in Nepal (tags)

In order to continue the "state of emergency" against the wishes of parliament, King Gyanendra dissolved parliament. The press is under strict censorship, and government security forces have been acting with impunity, engaging in torture and summary execution, and killing of noncombatants. Yet the U.S. has increased support for the Nepali state.

more foreknowledge (tags)

much more foreknowledge


humanitarian mission to assess the health needs in the Palestinian territories.

Detained doctor goes on hunger strike in Israel (tags)

Please contact Congressman Christopher Cox (R-CA) (Riad Abdelkarim's Congressman) Washington Office: Phone: (202) 225-5611 Fax: (202) 225-9177 E-mail:

Deportations & The Drug War (tags)



In a desperate ploy to justify increasing Washington's involvement in the Colombian civil war, the US State Department is bizarrely claiming that Al-Qaida and Hizbollah cells are active in the border area between Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.


Foreign Minister Shimon Peres Peres is very worried about the expected international reaction as soon as the world learns the details of the tough battle in the Jenin refugee camps, where more than 100 Palestinians have already been killed in fighting with IDF forces. In private, Peres is referring to the battle as a "massacre."

cheer, cheer la.imc, soros aint' so bad? (tags)

regarding all the flack we took regarding accepting soros money prior to 2000 DNC ( dem nat'l convention )... here's a cup of cheer for us all... perhaps the guy ain't so bad... but let's keep an eye on all them moneybags!!!

The Shortwave Report 3/15/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Russia, China, Germany, Cuba.


To bring down a structure,to irrevocably destroy it,a clear understanding of its material base is required,and it is towards this foundation that the coupe de grace must be dealt.Any other strategy will merely be absorbed or deflected,the base remaining unaltered.This is how we must also approach racism.


The globelized corporations, driven by intense competition for control of foreign markets and low cost natural resources and cheap labor make the same mitakes now that they did in the Korean and Viet wars.


In spite of the U.S. bombing in the Korean and Viet wars that united their people against the invader the Globelized corporations still are driven by intense competition to fight for the competitive advantage of controling foreign markets,cheap labor and natural resources.

For US imperialism, people fighting for national liberation are also terrorists (tags)

Asked if the same distinction would be made between fighting terrorists and fighting guerrillas, Francis X. Taylor, head of State's Office of Counterterrorism said the three Colombian groups "get the same treatment as any other terrorist group in terms of our interest in going after them and ceasing their terrorist activities." (FARC and ELN are allies fighting for national liberation. The AUC is a CIA backed right wing paramilitary organization; protecting the rich corrupt Colombian elite)

What do the Afghans need? Advertising! (tags)

If there was ever any doubt about the U.S. government's ties to global capitalism, this new strategy should put it to rest. Longtime ad executive Charlotte Beers, the State Department's new chief of public diplomacy (i.e. advertising and marketing) is considering running advertisements on Al Jazeera to let the Afghans know how we really feel. Clearly the bombs seem to have given them the wrong impression.

An Anti-Terrorism War, or Genocide of Innocent People (Tehran Times) (tags)

Tehran Times is a Tehran-based English daily newspaper, established in 1979.

U.S. Attack on Afghanistan Could Provoke Dangerous Backlash Across Muslim World (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Chris Toensing, editor of Middle East Report, who assesses reaction in the Muslim world to the U.S. bombing campaign and the possible repercussions for governments supporting the U.S. war against terrorism.


Hear an interview with the Wayne Smith, former head of the U.S. Interests Section in Cuba. Smith explains how Washington has helped Cuban terrorists to remain free in South Florida. Broadcast on October 10, 2001. Sound file available here. (I hope!)

Deja Vu: Bush jr's Administration says Sandinistas have Terrorist Ties (tags)

Here we go again: the Bush Administration says the Sandinistas, who might win the upcoming Nicaraugran elections, have terrorist ties. Is Iran/Contra II on the horizon? Osama/Contra, perhaps?

The US continues to meddle in Colombia's internal affairs (tags)

BOGOTA, Colombia -- FARC leader warned the United States on Monday of meddling in his country's internal affairs by sending ``hundreds of military advisers and mercenaries.''

U.S. propaganda attempts to justify military aid to Colombian terror state (tags)

Once again, the shameful U.S. propaganda newspaper the NY Times lies and attempts to deceive people with its disgusting news coverage. "Plan Colombia" is $7.5 billion mostly in military aid. It is well known that the Colombian military works hand in glove with the paramilitaries.

Chile Court OKs Kissinger Queries in 'Missing' Case (tags)

Chile's highest court on Monday gave the green light to a judge wanting to question former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger about the 1973 killing in Chile of a U.S. journalist.

How the US "State Department" used journalists during El Salvador war (tags)

Excerpt: So where were my images going? Former Washington Post investigative reporter Ronald Kessler, in his 1992 book, "Inside the CIA," reported that among all U.S. government agencies, only the CIA is authorized to allow its employees to identify themselves in the U.S. as representing other parts of the federal government. Was MacDonald actually working for the CIA,

Americans Blamed in Colombia Attack (tags)

BOGOTA -- Three American civilian airmen providing airborne security for a U.S. oil company coordinated an antiguerrilla raid in Colombia in 1998, marking targets and directing helicopter gunships that mistakenly killed 18 civilians, Colombian military pilots have alleged in a official inquiry.

More FARC information needed on IMC (tags)

A reminder to indymedia readers/activists: I usually see at least one piece of news on the Zapatistas every day (which is great) but not much on the FARC, who are just as deserving of our support.

kInKy SEx MakES the WoRlD gO ROunD (tags)

how it really goes

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