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white house

Supreme Court's liberal justices warn of a "law-free zone" (tags)

"The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under the majority's reasoning, he now will be insulated from criminal prosecution," she wrote. "Orders the Navy's Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Justice Sotomayor

What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)

Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.

UNRWA and Co: Netanyahu's war against the truth (tags)

Journalists and Israel critics as Hamas accomplices. The Netanyahu government has also been very successful in spreading narratives that declare anyone who supports the Palestinians in Gaza with humanitarian aid, reports on their suffering & criticizes the actions of the Israeli government as Hamas accomplices, Hamas anti-Semites.

On the Ukraine War: "The end result will be a frozen conflict" (tags)

The West, primarily the USA, will not accept a final peace agreement in which Russia retains a substantial part of Ukrainian territory. Even if it is a frozen conflict, the West and the Ukrainians will go to great lengths to undermine Russia's position in the areas of Ukraine it has conquered. The Russians will go to great lengths to ensure that the Ukrainian rump state remains weak.

The disease of concealment: An open letter to future historians (tags)

We are afflicted with what I would call the disease of silence. We are confronted with the results of decades of propaganda, and with the insidious power of language when it is cynically misused. We look, but we don't recognize it. We hear, but we don't listen. The effectiveness of propaganda is so great that most of us are not even aware of our complicity in the genocide of a people

Joe Biden and the Gaza war (tags)

This Netanyahu, supported by the extremists in his cabinet and among his followers, disavows the US President at every opportunity. Recently, there have been repeated signs that he is not at all opposed to the idea of a "second Nakba" - a forced emigration of the Gaza population to Egypt and elsewhere. "Hamas must be destroyed, Gaza must be demilitarized."

John Pilger warns of a new fascism (tags)

Democracy is now fictitious. There is the all-powerful business elite that has merged with the state and its claims to "identity". US admirals are paid thousands of dollars a day by Australian taxpayers for "advice". Across the West, our political imaginations have been soothed by PR and distracted from the machinations of corrupt politicians who can be had extremely cheaply.

We can either have billionaires or democracy. Not both. (tags)

Political debate on wealth redistribution is a fight for fairness Call it socialism - as the wealthy GOP does - or call it progressive taxation or economic justice. It doesn't matter; the nation's fiscal conservatives will demonize any idea of redistributing wealth and try to stoke unfounded fears of creeping communism no matter what specific language we use around fairness.

Ukraine's attack on NordStream 2 (tags)

The CIA learned last June through a European spy agency that a six-member team of Ukrainian special forces intended to sabotage the natural gas project between Russia and Germany. Three months before saboteurs bombed the Nord Stream natural gas pipeline, the Biden administration learned from a close ally that the Ukrainian military had planned a covert attack.

Too big to fail, too weak to lead (tags)

Through the World Bank and IMF, they were able to push through privatization and the dismantling of social benefits and trade union rights in the over-indebted countries of the South. They also pursued this policy domestically, while corporations and the upper income brackets were spoiled with tax gifts. There were also massive arms orders.

The greatest show on earth (tags)

"It takes considerable fragmentation in the media portrayal of these crimes and radical recontextualization as a 'struggle for democracy and human rights' for crimes of this magnitude, as well as their historical continuity, to become virtually invisible to the public. Although all of this is extensively documented, these crimes are virtually absent from the public consciousness."

Who fuels war and profits from it (tags)

It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.

The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)

This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.

Special counsel John Durham concludes FBI never should have launched full Trump-Russia pr (tags)

China's rise as a superpower and the crumbling US empire (tags)

Chinese diplomacy seems to me to be more imaginative and potentially more effective. That means that the world is changing in important and dramatic ways in terms of the distribution of power and influence around the world.

Why the US Bank Crisis is Not Over (tags)

There must always be a financial crash at some point. That is because interest-bearing debt grows exponentially, but the economy follows an S-curve and then turns down. And when the economy turns down... the magnitude of financial claims on the economy exceeds the ability to pay.

Inflation, Ukraine & China (tags)

What impresses me is China's diplomatic engagement. And I say that also in terms of their role in restoring diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia. Our diplomacy, American diplomacy, seems to me reactive, unimaginative, and ineffective. Chinese diplomacy, on the other hand, seems to me to be more imaginative.

War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.

A terribly powerful family (tags)

The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the façade of official government...

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

Russia's war against Ukraine and What are the war aims? (tags)

Erich Vad is an ex-brigade general. From 2006 to 2013, he was the military policy advisor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He is one of the rare voices who spoke out publicly against arms deliveries to Ukraine early on, without political strategy or diplomatic efforts.

Utopias and Dystopias and Cooperation with China (tags)

Joe Biden and his foreign policy team are in many ways still entrenched in the Cold War era, and his administration has generally taken a far more antagonistic stance toward China than Obama.

Misjudgments and Biden's foreign policy (tags)

Russia is to blame for our gas shortage, rising prices and high inflation. That's what the newspapers say, that's what you hear on the news and that's what presenters claim. Of course, this is not true. But the constant repetition shapes the public consciousness.

The Slave State (tags)

"Nord Stream 2 energy is an indispensable part of understanding what this is all about," Beattie said. "It's all about who controls Europe. Europe, we have since learned, is even more of a vassal state of the United States than we imagined.

Underhanded History of the USA (tags)

From Grade 5, many schools are becoming binary and anti-racist. "Attitude instead of Education" is by Willy Meyer.

Nobody knew China landed on the moon and Bill Gates (tags)

In 2020, China was the second and so far only country besides the USA that was able to put a flag on the moon.

The necessary breach and Rackets and Rockets (tags)

The climate movement should not be afraid of being accused of radicalism. It is a matter of sheer collective will to survive to solve this monstrous problem. Capitalism, in its compulsion to grow, is incapable of reducing resource consumption and emissions.

The war cannot be won (tags)

NATO has propped up dictatorships in its own sphere of influence. It has covered up or condoned wars in which crimes against humanity have been committed. What is happening right now because of Russia has not changed my opinion about NATO there.

Have the January 6 hearings damaged Trump's political prospects? Don't count on it (tags)

"He chose not to act," declared Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger at the outset of Thursday's January 6 committee hearings. With those words, the congressman got right to the heart of the final hearing of the summer.

Making yourself comfortable in capitalism (tags)

"Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21).

The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating (tags)

On January 20, 2021, Donald Trump departed the White House on a helicopter that took him to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where he delivered the final remarks of his presidency to some of his supporters. Before boarding Air Force One for the flight to Mar-a-Lago, his gilded palace in Florida, Trump promised them, “We will be back in some form.”

From Reagan to Trump (tags)

The 1960s, when incomes rose for almost all workers, ended with a massive wave of strikes. Since the 1980s, the incomes of most Americans have fallen, working hours have risen massively, and job security has become a foreign word. But strikes have been extremely rare.

Ukraine's decoupling was foolish and dangerous (tags)

Promote peace, don't fuel conflict. There are only two ways to end a war. Either with a negotiated settlement. Or with the annihilation of one side or the other. That's how wars end, unfortunately, when there is no negotiated settlement...There must be a diplomatic solution.

The ban on violence (tags)

We can only free ourselves from this spiral of violence if we return to the principles of international law and end both the use and the threat of force. For they both pursue the same goal - the subjugation of the adversary.

US: Domestic political gridlock and The Ukraine War (tags)

The Ukraine War: In Asia, Africa, and the Arab world, the prevailing view is that Europe is heading for disaster - and that the international order is falling apart. In much of Asia, Africa & the Middle East, the reaction to the war in Ukraine has been restrained. It is resounding silence.

More weapons is not the solution and Julian Assange (tags)

What is insane, however, is the belief that peace can be secured for the future with even more weapons. SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz has announced that he wants to invest an additional hundred billion euros in Germany's army.

Cuba and the Ukraine crisis (tags)

History repeats itself after all. What as the Cuban Missile Crisis left the world balancing on the precipice is exemplified by the Ukraine crisis. Starting in 1959, the USA stationed nuclear-tipped medium-range missiles in Italy and Turkey aimed at the USSR. The latter responded.

In the Amnesic Dizziness of a "Turn of the Times" (tags)

When, with the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact, the entire military alliance of this rival collapsed, this could/must have been the prelude, according to rational criteria, to mothballing NATO in return. But exactly the opposite was to occur.

"The victor is not the one who wins the battles" (tags)

Stubborn resistance Although the war is still in its infancy, it is no walk in the park for Russian forces, which are facing fierce resistance. It will be difficult for the Russian army to gain control of cities, towns, and highways and hold them in the face of attacks by regular and guerrilla forces...

America's disastrous 60-year war (tags)

America's 60-year war, a losing proposition for many, turned out to be a clear winner for a few, In his book,1984, Orwell wrote about permanent war as a way to consume the products of modern capitalism without a higher standard of living for workers..

The hatchet not buried (tags)

In short: Either we accept the cultural and historical plurality as well as the legitimate security interests of all states on our globe - and not only of the West - and actively support UN international law or we will perish together.

Bidenomics, One Year Later (tags)

The Center for American Progress takes a different approach, examining the successes of President Biden’s bold economic policies and calling for the continuation and expansion of those policies in the years ahead by making permanent expansions to the safety net.

Obituary for Russiagate (tags)

What are the consequences of the Russiagate scam? If it rested on lies start-to-finish, this is not to say it did not exact its price. It did. The price is high, and we are fated to pay it for some time to come.

The road to barbarism (tags)

Capital is losing its capacity for productive investment and is turning to the financial markets, which are more profitable. It is with this money that the war machine and the trade deficit are financed. The US is under great pressure to constantly show that it is in control.

The US Lost in Afghanistan. But US Imperialism Isn't Going Anywhere (tags)

With the “Vietnam syndrome” reloaded, there is a strong mistrust against large-scale foreign expeditions among the US public, including the US military.

The Vaccinated are Dying (tags)

Like it or not, if you truly research all the data, and not just what mainstream media is saying, all the while producing no data, following the same pattern of lies that were told previously. You will find it is the vaccinated that are getting sick, hospitalized, and dying.


Watch explosive interview with Dr Zelenko: ‘We need to inform the world’ - Anyone, especially those who call themselves medical and health professional, who are pushing this covid-19 mask and vaccination agenda, are participants in genocide and crimes against humanity. For medical professionals, there is no excuse.


Someone posted information calling the CDC is a members of the We Commit Crimes Against Humanity Group. Well, the director of the CDC just confirmed it. CDC Director Lies to America Announcing Latest "Pandemic" - "Pandemic of the Unvaccinated" Confirming another CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY.

The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)

Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.

Time to end the panic mode (tags)

Tyrannies reverse the rule of law. They turn law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in false legality. They use the outward decorum of courts and trials to disguise their criminality.

How are the Children? - Silent Screams (tags)

How could adults do this to them when the risk of contracting Covid-19 is extremely low compared to other risks in life? A lost generation is growing up under our eyes. Those who remain silent and only watch are sinning against growing, still malleable souls and against the future of all of us.

Bidenomics: Doomed to success (tags)

America has an acute fascism problem. Joe Biden is doomed to succeed. He must convince enough of Trump's rather less educated supporters of a better future in a fair and democratic America through successful progressive economic policies.

Hysteria in Suburbia (tags)

Our leading scholars are disciples of post-structuralism; our best college graduates are recruited by the CIA; our best newspapers blur the line between reporting and opinion; our most influential political actors are the spin doctors whose job is to bend the facts this way and that.

Message to the Grass Roots (tags)

Text of the speech from November 10, 1963, at the Northern Negro Grass Roots Leadership Conference, which was held at King Solomon Baptist Church in Detroit, Michigan.

Struggles in the Shadow of the Pandemic (tags)

For Trump, wealth, privilege, and power was even license to invent reality as he saw fit. Thus any divergence from his worldview and interests were ‘fake news’. Trump ensured the plutocratic wealthy were no longer in the political shadows but now in the mainstream.

Trump's White Mob (tags)

Trump may have been unusually heavy-handed in his race-baiting. But his approach fits perfectly with the party's approach, which it has taken at least since Republicans adopted the "Southern Strategy" in the 1968 election in the wake of the Civil Rights Acts.

Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace (tags)

“We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power"

The end of Trumpism? (tags)

We should not minimize the contrast between a right-wing extremist and a (neoliberal) democrat. It makes a great difference when a man is president who hates women, hates minorities, calls Mexicans animals, and promotes torture and sexual violence,

The US election as a turning point (tags)

We seek emancipatory methods of decision-making that organize social life without leaders, command and obedience. We need enlightenment, a free press critical of domination, counter-publics, and social movements that fight for the dignity of all people. We will write history from below

Thoughts on the Silence of Republican Lawmakers (tags)

Coronavirus continues to devastate the country, with official deaths topping 281,000 today, but it turns out that the Trump administration did not actually have a plan for distribution of vaccines. Federal officials have drastically slashed the amount of vaccine they promised to states before the election.

"We have delegated our moral judgment to the markets" (tags)

"Yes, we can" was a call to solidarity and common goals. The legend that everyone in America can rise as high as their talents can carry them goes back to Ronald Reagan. Access to education should not be a substitute for policies that directly address the roots of inequality and the dignity of work.

The tale of the stolen winner (tags)

The man unable to speak for a minute without lying, who had neither values nor ideals, who never read a book and knew nothing about music tried in an incredible and ridiculous way to create the fairy tale of the cheated victor. Nevertheless, a majority of American voters rejected Trump's lies and demagogic failures.

US billionaires got $1 trillion richer during Corona (tags)

A recent study by the Institute for Policy Studies determined that the 647 billionaires in the USA have been able to increase their assets by $960 billion since the beginning of the corona crisis in mid-March by the cut-off date of November 17.

Trump is defeated (tags)

Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are the new presidential team of the United States. In the weeks leading up to their inauguration on January 20, 2021, the incumbent who has been voted out of office puts many obstacles in their way. Donald Trump still sees himself as the winner of the election and tries to overturn the result.

Trump's United States looks more and more like a banana republic (tags)

"The country that was once an exemplary democracy is becoming a Third World banana republic." For a week now, Joe Biden has been declared the winner of the election and future president. But the loser and previous incumbent Donald Trump refuses to acknowledge this. Trump claims he won the election.

America: The Right Wave is Broken (tags)

Morales' return was made possible by the victory of his left-wing movement for socialism (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) in the first democratic elections after a coup a year ago, on November 10, 2019. In his first speech after returning home, Morales affirmed that there was no fraud in the 2019 election.

Biden's victory shifts the balance of power in Washington (tags)

Oh, it's going to be so nice when you hardly hear from Trump any more. Daniel Haufler is the responsible editor for the online debate magazine Gegenblende and its podcasts.

The election as a farce: Donald Trump and the rise of the autocrats (tags)

To elect a demagogue is always dangerous, but it does not condemn a country to the collapse of its democracy. Strong institutions can keep corrupt or autocratic leaders in check. That is exactly what the U.S. Constitution is designed to do, and for much of our history it has been successful in doing so.

Is Trump failing in the fight against the pandemic and the shattered economy? (tags)

The state of the economy is rightly considered the most important factor influencing the re-election or de-election of an American president. Voters* tend to blame the leader in the Oval Office for their personal situation in the labor market and the economic situation in general.

Trump's fight against the law (tags)

Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie.

The Great Barrington Declaration (tags)

The ship was saved but all the passengers drowned - a Reaganomics cartoon

Dirty tricks of the autocrats (tags)

Donald Trump tries to get re-elected with partly illegal tricks. This is undemocratic and dangerous for the USA and its allies. Defending democracy is becoming the challenge of our time.

Can U.S. Democracy Be Fixed? (tags)

To distract and divert, scapegoating becomes a core tactics of these moves away from democratic cohesion. In a world of inequalities and global warming, there has arisen a frightening receptivity to blaming the stranger or the other

Russiagate Or Impeachment, Because Those Were Fake Things (tags)

Caitlin Johnstone writes about the end of illusions. "Peace is not everything but without it, everything becomes nothing" (Willy Brandt). You can have peace or the US empire. You can't have both.

After Hiroshima (tags)

The fight for nuclear disarmament and the fight against climate change belong together, Rhodes said. They are the great challenge to the young generation that is gaining authority in the world. To pass both, he said, is the chance to renew and preserve the world.

Kamala Harris seals Trump's re-election (tags)

The appointment of Kamala Harris as Biden's vice candidate is now the result of the Democratic establishment's pathological fear of anything that could even begin to smell left. The cause of this pathology lies in the historical shift to the right of the US party system described by Chomsky.

Re’eh: God’s Chosen Place for the Temple in Jerusalem (tags)

Jerusalem, The Temple Mount, The Peace Accord Between Israel and the UAE, in the Light of the Torah

Trump's Mafia State (tags)

The recovery process will only be possible as a reinvention of institutions - as a redefinition of all that politics means to us, of what it means to be a democracy, if that is what we want to be.

Large corona aid for "small" companies (tags)

Dozens of tenants in buildings owned or managed by Trump received funds. More than 20 companies registered at 40 Wall Street, an office building Trump has owned since the mid-1990s, have also reportedly received government loans of at least $20 million.

Escalation of State Power (tags)

Uprising in America. The time has come to tear down the system and create a "different America." "The moderate white man for whom order is more important than justice is the greatest obstacle to freedom," said Martin Luther King.

Corona epidemic and Yemen (tags)

Authorities first wanted to calm down and played down the pandemic. Afterward, they had to convince the population to keep unusual physical distance, to wash their hands well at all times, and to refrain from major events. Finally, they wanted the population to accept the lockdown.

America Boils Over (tags)

A lot will depend on how hot this summer gets. If people think sensibly in November, it is hard to imagine that they will cast enough votes to keep this hair-raising government in power for another four years. But fear is the worst enemy of reason.

The misunderstood class warrior Martin Luther King (tags)

Today, 50 years after his assassination, Martin Luther King is more glorified than ever...The memory of the social revolutionary was politically instrumentalized, King was appropriated. Tto tell the story of the reconciled nation, the dissident had to be erased from memory.

Blame the Covid-19 failure on your governments, not on China (tags)

The anti-Chinese narrative is based on false statements and serves to distract people from the failure of neoliberalism. Build hospitals and expand health care! Cut military spending in half!

There Goes the Rule of Law (tags)

Trump weaponized and disfigured the rule of law by making the Dept of Justice go after his political opponents and pardoned white collar criminals to show white collar crime does not exist at all. The constitutional state is being replaced by the security state.

Economics in the times of the coronavirus (tags)

Most people’s thinking is determined by the development of the Covid-19 crisis, the return of “the hour of executive power” (Gerhard A. Ritter), i.e. state of exception legislation, and the fears which it evokes as well as the economic measures in response to the health crisis.

How South Korea will contain coronavirus without curfew (tags)

South Korea tests almost 3 times as many people as Germany, 84K a week. Social distancing works in Japan and South Korea. Japan has closed schools but lets restaurants and shops stay open.

Super Tuesday and Standing up to Racists (tags)

Sanders said you can't beat Trump with yesterday's recipes and figures. That would be Biden's strategy to evoke the nostalgia of the Obama years. It would work for a lot of black people and some of the "urban" upper class. In fact, however, these forces have already lost.

Sowing Egoism and Harvesting Trump (tags)

Thomas Straubhaar urges rethinking globalization and inequality. "We have believed too long in the theory that free trade, free entrepreneurship and little state automatically lead to balance and that everyone would be rewarded in the end...We need a new reconciliation of social values."

Chaos.Thbe New Age of Revolutions (tags)

The End of the Megamachine brings to light the roots of the destructive forces threatening the future of humankind today. Dismantling Western progress mythologies, Scheidler shows how the logics of endless capital accumulation have devastated both human societies & ecosystems

Religious: Senate Pass Transparency Legislation (tags)

More than 80 national religious bodies and local churches, synagogues and Muslim groups sent a letter to the Senate urging passage of the ILLICIT CASH Act (S.2563) and the Corporate Transparency Act (S.1978).

The US Tramples on International Law (tags)

The US surprise attack on Iraq in March 2003 was a primal catastrophe. International law was eliminated and replaced by the imperial dictatorship of the US. Those who destroyed a whole people and have a million casualties on their conscience are not punished in any way.

Uncle Joe and the Violence of the Liberal Middle (tags)

To many, Joe Biden represents the feelings of normality and reconciliation. Many Americans seem to like this mix of nostalgia and belief in progress, a kind of tranquilizer-patriotism. Whoever listens to Biden will hear vague promises, conjurations and Obama anecdotes

The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith (tags)

Near the end of the twentieth century, the Brookings Institution calculated America's total military spending since World War II, and concluded that it amounted to more than $20 trillion--with more than a third of that spent on nuclear weapons alone.

Disaster Food Assistance Funds Distributed in Puerto Rico (tags)

The Government of Puerto Rico began distribution of emergency disaster food assistance Monday. In May, Congress approved $600 million for the Puerto Rico Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP) as part of disaster relief measures to benefit Americans recovering from disasters such as wildfires and hurricanes.

Venezuela and International Law (tags)

International law professors explain a US military incursion in Venezuela would violate the UN Charter. "All nations must desist from any threat or use of force in their international relations. The media and governments denounce violations of international law very selectively.

Disaster Relief Fails to Pass House of Representatives for Third Time (tags)

The disaster relief bill with support for Puerto Rico fails for a third time. Eric Lecompte, Executive Director of Jubilee USA, responded.

The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)

The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

Houses Passes Disaster Aid Package for Puerto Rico, US States and Territories (tags)

On Friday, the House of Representatives passed disaster relief legislation to benefit US States, Territories and municipalities recovering from wildfires, floods and hurricanes.

Reform Islam Now or Get More Ilhan Omars (tags)

Muslims Need To Speak Out Against Their Own Extremists

Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress (tags)

Justin Amash is the loneliest Republican in Congress

Kwangju City history, see the panorama (tags)

South Koreans take to boxing.Unfortunately they got burned by extreme rightist elements during a short lived citizens uprising that was not communist nor socialist driven beginning may 1, 1980.

Public Good or Private Wealth (tags)

The deep and growing chasm between the rich and the poor is not an accident. This gulf is the result of political decisions. Many rich countries have lowered or abolished property taxes. Governments reduce spending on education and health care.

The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)

The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.


Is Meyssan right that AA77 never crashed into the Pentagon?

Judge Delays Ruling on Puerto Rico Debt Deal White House Opposes Island's Food Assistance (tags)

On Thursday, Judge Laura Taylor Swain delayed approval of a $17 billion debt deal between Puerto Rico "COFINA" creditors and the island's oversight board.

Markets as a Fetish, Globalization, and Dissent Management (tags)

Economic inequality must be reduced and democratic participation regained. Resisting tax avoidance, financial market regulations, climate policy, and globally combating poverty should be priorities.

Socialism in American English (tags)

The attacks of Republicans on the welfare system are driving the US population to the left. Proposals for a universal health care enjoy the support of around 70% of US citizens. Teacher strikes in West Virginia, Oklahoma, Arizona, and Colorado demand a political change.

94 Of Rick Scott's, Brian Kemp's, the Mississippi GOP's & Other Republican Campaign Crime (tags)

Florida Republiicans did not honor tens of thousands of Democrat absentee ballot requests, designed a ballot which hid the senate race so that 26,000 heavily Democratic Broward County ballots showed a vote for governor but not Senator Nelson, had hacakable machines, repeated the tricks of Roger Stone, Brett Kavanaugh, and John Bolton in Florida who organized rent a mobs called the Brooks Brothers (all 3 of whom are in the Trump regime).

Republican Vote Fraud Reached A New Level In Midterms (tags)

No power cords in Georgia, one of Brian Kemp's countless crimes... Florida Republicans did not honor many Democrat absentee ballot requests.. Arizona GOP kept young voters in several hour queues.. Supreme Court pentocracy rubberstamped racist gerrymandering in TX, OH and allowed exclusion of Native Americans in ND 3 operatives in the Bush theft of the 2000 election (Brett Kavanaugh, John Bolton, and Roger Stone) have been involved in the Trump campaign between 2016 and now.

Trumponomics and Wall Street Rejoices (tags)

Economics should be a part of life, not a steamroller crushing creativity and self-determination. The state should serve the public interest and reduce poverty. Trumponomics is a disaster. The poor, seniors, children and students are under a vicious attack.

75 Election Tricks Of The Party Of The Rich (tags)

The 3 biggest crimimnal vote purgers in the US are Brian Kemp of Georgia, Jon Husted of Ohio and Kris Kobach of Kansas.Racist gerrymandering, phone jamming, ESS voting machine remote controls, suing a woman for helping her blind mother vote, ownership of 95% of radio stations etc.

100 Ways GOP Have Stolen Elections Since 1876 (tags)

A Few Of Many Impeachable Acts by Trump Sessions And Others (tags)

Brett Kavanaugh Filled The 5th Circuit With Execution Judges (tags)

Kavanaugh by force denied a teen abortion, by force prevented handicapped victims of guardians from refusing medical procedures, convinced Bush to nominate torture brief writing John Roberts, filled the 5th circuit with pro execution and antiabortion judges, making it the most executing circuit court of all,

Please Oppose Warmonger, Execution and Torture Supporting Bush Operative Brett Kavanaugh (tags)

Kavanaugh worked with G W Bush for the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan and the torture of prisoners. He supports big business over employees, wardens over prisoners, the rights of the wealthy to steal elections. He refused a detained teen the right of an abortion. He ratified a DC agency forcing medical procedures on the disabled against their will.

Globalization: hope on the horizon despite Fake Liberals. (tags)

I consider the Fake Liberals as the greatest threat to global freedom and western civilization. They promote globalization, using racism as a political weapon labeling opposition as racist, fascist or white nationalists. Globalization has Corporate and right wing support creating the swamp which is being opposed.

Vol I: 84 Varieties Of GOP Election Fraud (tags)

The party of the rich, the Republican one, has always been a minority party and therefore has been involved in voter suppression and election thefts

Please Work For The Defeat Of Brett Kavanaugh And Why (tags)

Brett Kavanaugh: warmonger, advocate of judicial murder, voted to deny an imprisoned teen immigrant an abortion, worked with G W Bush to steal the the White House from the elected Gore, worked to violate the privacy of Bill Clinton's consensual sex life, helped Ken Starr spend 45 million dollars trying to impeach Clinton etc.

Stopping The Supreme Court Pentocracy by S Shriver 30 Jun 2018 Who is guilty of contempt (tags)

Who is guilty of contempt for our Supreme Court? The entire world.

The Beam in the White House (tags)

Iran is the "greatest supporter of terror," declared president Donald Trump. With that, he justified his peace-endangering cancellation of the nuclear agreement with Iran. Reducing foreign policy to scapegoating is Hitlerian.

Summer 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Trump's Animals ICE And Prisoner Sexual Abuse Racists Are On The Loose!

Israeli Manipulation Of US 2016 & Other Elections (tags)

Netanyahu and other prime ministers of Israel have manipulated US elections for many decades.

G7 Hurricane Debt Relief Caribbean/Small Islands (tags)

“This is the first time that Finance and Development Ministers are meeting jointly at the G7 and they can promote solutions for when financial crises and humanitarian crises collide" note Eric LeCompte, Jubilee USA Network Executive Director.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

The Endless War (tags)

According to the ACLU, the Corker-Kaine bill is "broader and more dangerous than the current law." Article 1 of the US Constitution grants Congress the exclusive right to declare war. The new edition of the AUMF undermines this to the maximum.

Systematic Lies and Disinformation From Above (tags)

"In Oct 1962, John F. Kennedy, a level-headed president, sat in the White House and spoke with the Soviet leader Khrushchev through a secret "back channel" behind the backs of his generals and secret services and prevented Cuba's bombing and invasion.

Trump & Republican Party: Party Of Animal Cruelty, War & Denial Of Human Rights (tags)

The Republican Party is the party of animal cruelty and violation of human rights.. Please read of their crimes of cruelty and vote out all who stand for election in primaries and general elections of 2018. Many of these people name themselves 'prolife' as they vote for illegal wars, heinous judicial and gubernatorial execution murders, and animal slaughter.

EPA Head Scott Pruitt: Of Cages And Sirens (tags)

Scott Pruitt used a drug in an Oklahoma execution knowing it was banned. He sued California and tried to make chickens' factory farm cages smaller. He has made our water poisonous and our air dirty.

Millions Boycott The Sponsors Of Laura Ingraham (tags)

Laura Ingraham's Racist Warmongering And Pattern Of Insults Have Caused A Massive Response

Spring 2018 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Support DACA, Support Clean DREAM Act, No to the Border Wall, Racist Trump's Shithole Rhetoric!

Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released (tags)

Steve Mnuchin video at UCLA released

Researching Islamic Terrorism in Europe. (tags)

Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes some aspects which require further research e.g on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration which showed that in the case of Bangladesh this certainly appeared to result i a major eruption of violence by Muslim extremists who are anti-secular. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally.

New Law Provides Disaster Relief and Medicaid Funds for Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands (tags)

As the Sun rose over the Capitol, Congress voted for a bipartisan spending package to end a brief government shutdown.

A Year of Trump and Right-wing Populism (tags)

In the GOP tax bill, $5 trillion is given to households with over $1 million income. Seniors, the poor, children and students are attacked. The severe cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, HUD, Low Income Housing Tax Credits, Pell grants, SNAP, WIC food assistance are sadistic.

America Reacts to a Low-Point (tags)

With Doug Jones' victory in the Alabama senate race, the end of the Trump era moves a little closer. The left and moderates can only win together. In the GOP tax heist, the rich and the richest will be given permanent Christmas presents.The social contract means compromise

Government Shutdown Solutions Could Leave Out Disaster Aid for Puerto Rico (tags)

As the Senate and White House struggle to avert a government shutdown, US disaster victims from Puerto Rico to Texas worry a deal on relief and recovery aid will continue to be delayed.

Video: "Frasnklin D. Roosevelt," 1 hr 17 min (tags)

Historian Robert Dallek examined the political acumen of President Franklin D. Roosevelt throughout his four presidential terms.

Jerusalem: Reality vs Impracticality – The Protection Racket of the Jewish State (tags)

In that tight piece of geography, two nations simply cannot be constructed justly; the one with the bigger guns will always dictate the terms. And it is truly no ordinary piece of geography. It is so steeped in the history and intermingling cultures of all three Abrahamic religions that try as the transplanted European Zionists may, to obliterate the vestiges of the other two, its history and its emotional affiliations cannot be divorced from that geography. Abolishing apartheid and eliminating the racist Zionist philosophy, and replacing it with a society with secular, civil and moral laws that are based on the common moral teachings of all three religions and which treat all three peoples as equals, permitting each to practice their own faith, to hold sacred their own heritage without encroaching upon the rights of each other, is the only just solution today. That is the actual ground reality when primacy is replaced with fairness. It is also the solution that the ordinary Palestinian peoples themselves demand. It is high time the Palestinian and Muslim leaders listened, and dared to lead as history's actors in their own right. Other nations' leaders will follow suit once the singular demand is tabled by the Palestinian and Muslim leaders, with no back-off whatever the pressure and consequence. In time, all wounds will heal naturally, as all three peoples have far more in common than they have the courage to recognize and accept. The status of Jerusalem is then naturally and organically resolved as the common sacred heritage of all three faiths. Surely some formula for administering the holy city in fairness to the peoples of all three faiths can then be devised by the citizens themselves and ratified as the fair law of the sacred land that is named in the Holy Scriptures of all three faiths as “The City of Peace”.

What the State Can Do (tags)

The power of ideology is so great it easily creates a distorted perception of facts. Where money is spent is crucial, not the size of the public sector. The Internet, the touch screen, semi-conductors and the GPS were developed with state risk capital. Tax havens cause revenue shortfalls.

Lessons in Nazi Trivialization and Russophobia (tags)

Gabriele Krone-Schmalz warns of a relapse into simple-minded thinking and cold war stereotypes. Could not Russia be acting out of a strategic defensive and trying to maintain its sphere of influence> Who acts and who reacts?

The Shortwave Report 10/27/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Trump is More than "Silly Tricks" (tags)

Trump will run the US as a big business is run. Trump did not come out of nowhere. Trumpism is an expression of a reactionary revolt of those angry because they were politically stripped of power. Trump turns reality upside down.


Trump is an absolute asshole who is scaring America and the World. Trumps adolescent rhetoric is playing right into North Korea hand, and Trump is just too stupid to see it.

Darkness over the White House (tags)

Trump is rightly criticized by the old elites: trade sanctions against Russia and the EU, fire and fury against North Korea and justification for white fascists Generals have assumed power in the government alongside multi-millionaires.

nuclear Shutdown News 8-17 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News August 2017

Fall 2017 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest and News Alert! (tags)

Charlottesville, The Returns of Racist KKK Nazi Violence, and More Trump’s Anti-Immigrant Horror, FIGHT BACK!

Plantations Were Prisons: Mobilizing for the Aug. 19 Prisoners Human Rights March (tags)

Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell confronts the history and legacy of slavery head-on, asserting: "When it comes to African Americans, we have been incarcerated from the time we arrived in this country. Plantations were prisons. The change from incarceration on a plantation, to incarceration in custodial institutions, to incarceration where there are no physical limitations, but where one exists in a state of civic and political oppression, in my view, is nothing more than semantics. Mass incarceration started when slavery started."

Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)

The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?

The Shortwave Report 06/30/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

How the World Heads for the Next Crash (tags)

Governments secure the money of the rich. State debts have grown in nearly all countries of the world since 2010. Ten years after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the economy is again in a standstill or mired in crisis. Trump wants to cancel the recent bank regulations and cut corp taxes.

Israeli Jews Say, It’s Our Jerusalem! (tags)

A review of some Israeli opinions about Jerusalem.

This Week in Palestine, May 5, 2017 (tags)

Ex-Palestinian political detainee dies this week due to hunger strike as more political detainees join the protest, in the meantime US President Trump promise this week to push the stalled peace process forward. These stories, and more, coming up, stay tuned.

A Generation is Lost (tags)

Thousands upon thousands of researchers demonstrate for the freedom of science and research funding. Public policy isn't a wrecking-ball or a sledgehammer. Democracy isn't following autocratic orders without compromise, negotiations and countermeasures

Tom Marino Drug Czar; Another Prohibitionist Profiteer! (tags)

Trump's pick for drug czar Tom Marino (R-PA) is another Reagan-era drug warrior looking to continue the revolving door of prohibitionist policies.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

This Week in Palestine, March 31, 2017 (tags)

Welcome to this Week in Palestine, a service of the International Middle East Media Center,, for March 25, to the 31, 2017.

Donald Trump and the Rise of the Nationalist Right (tags)

Examining How Trump Won the Us Presidency, 16 pages

The Shortwave Report 03/10/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Sputnik Radio, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

America under Donald Trump (tags)

The "elite-mass split," the tear between the establishment and the masses, damages American democracy. As a damaged democracy, there is very low trust in the competence of the government. The official unemployment figure of 4.9% is regarded as a distortion of reality.

PCJF Opposes Appointment of Free Speech/Civil Rights Violator to be Next D.C. Police Chief (tags)

PCJF Opposes Appointment of Free Speech/Civil Rights Violator to be Next D.C. Police Chief

Kucinich Warns of Deep State's Plans for War Post-Trump Impeachment (tags)

Long time anti-war Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) warns people of the deep state's plans to unseat Trump and replace him with warmonger Pence. The military-industrial complex despises Trump due to his unpredictability and general non-interventionist approach.

Resistance Recess (tags)

I wanted to share this MoveOn email. Resistance must be our response to the one-hour press conference and the "fine-tuned machine" where 3 billion live on $2 a day and 6 million children die before their fifth birthday!

IG Leaflet: LET THEM IN! (tags)

No Ban, No Wall – Full Citizenship Rights for All! Smash Racist Ban on Muslims, Refugees

The Shortwave Report 01/27/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Trump, spokesman slam U.S. media over inaugural crowd coverage (tags)

Washington city authorities do not provide official crowd counts but TV footage clearly showed the gathering did not stretch all the way to the Washington Monument as Trump asserted

Nuclear Shutdown News December 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our December 2016 report: Nuclear Shutdown News December 2016

Anti-Mall '16: Buy Back the Farm! / Stop DAPL / Free Peltier (tags)

The winter 2016 Anti-Mall was in solidarity with Stop the Dakota Pipeline and Buy Back the Farm! (and there were multiple ways for guests to support them). Clemency for Leonard Peltier was also promoted. And as always, the Anti-Mall was a chance for shoppers to put their money into the activist-artist community and practice sustainable living (e.g., repairing more and throwing away less).

Chomsky at MIT: Between the war scientists and the anti-war students (tags)

It is now fifty years since Noam Chomsky published his celebrated article, 'The Responsibility of Intellectuals'. Few other writings had a greater impact on the turbulent political atmosphere on US campuses in the 1960s. The essay launched Chomsky's political career as the world's most intransigent and cogent critic of US foreign policy - a position he has held to this day.

Trump and the Hospice of Hope (tags)

That the political culture in the US could wash up a television star and notorious racist to the top of the country was not entirely bizarre. Voter turnout in the US was always low. lists the names of all 538 electors who vote on Dec 19. If 37 change their minds, Trump could be blocked.

US Election as a Turn of an Era (tags)

Karl Marx modified a Hegel quotation that world-historical events always occurred twice, the first time as tragedy and the next time as farce. Since November 9, 2016, we know they can occur as tragedy and farce at once.

Secession (tags)

Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump. States, regions, counties, towns, and cities should secede from the United States. Cities and states where most people did not vote for Trump must secede from the US. The United States is not worth saving.

The First 100 Days Resistance Agenda (tags)

The New York Times' First Profile of Hitler: His Anti-Semitism Is Not as "Genuine or Violent" as It Sounds (1922) —The New York Times published its first profile, and explained his demagoguery away. The article, titled "New Popular Idol Rises in Bavaria," begins with several alarming subheadings: "Hitler credited with extraordinary powers of swaying crowds to his will," "forms gray-shirted army... They obey orders implicitly," "Leader a reactionary," "Anti-Red and Anti-Semitic." It then goes on to undermine these charges.

A Nation, Founded on LIES, Part Five (tags)

An Article prove that the Fifth Amendment is a lie.

Large Turnout for Dakota Pipeline Protest (tags)

At the time of this writing there was no official estimate, but turnout appeared to be in the hundreds. The only mainstream media said to be present was Channel 11, which interviewed Gloria Arellanes, et al live. ….... Multiple speakers advised people to take money out of banks invested in the Dakota Access Pipeline. Jay Ponti identified HSBC, Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, and Citi Bank as such investors. Besides closing accounts, he suggested reporting it on social media. #BankExit. Actress-activist Susan Sarandon, one of the delegates to go into the building, reiterated this and cited the role of boycotts in affecting South Africa.

Secession (tags)

Secession is the departure of a group or community from a larger organization such as a state, province, country, or empire. Talk of secession has increased since Trump won the presidential election. Secession is the correct response to the election of Trump.

To Defeat Trump … And the Democrats, Fight for Workers Revolution (tags)

After all the media hype, suddenly it turned out that Republican Donald Trump was elected. The racist, sexist, immigrant-bashing, woman-molesting Trump would be the next CEO of the United States and commander-in-chief of U.S. imperialism. In deep shock and disbelief, tens of millions asked, how could this happen? In Muslim, Latino, African American and immigrant families there was raw fear. Soon mass protests began, with many chanting “Not My President” (as if Democrat Clinton, a certified warmonger, would have been?). At the same time, racist incidents multiplied. It is urgently necessary to fight back, but the question is how? The answer depends on understanding what happened, and why. Trump certainly mobilized the hard-core racist vote, and better-off middle class voters. But what put him over the top was the vote of residents of dying small towns and white workers in the Rust Belt, who have seen their jobs destroyed and cities devastated. The fact is that with their economic policies, the Democrats pushed millions of workers into the arms of Trump. What is urgently needed is to break from the Democrats, Republicans and all capitalist parties and build a class-struggle workers party. Such a party would fight for a program of mass workers action against the deportations, for workers defense guards against racist attacks, and to oppose the imperialist war drive in a struggle leading to workers revolution.

US mergers set new record in October (tags)

With Qualcomm’s announcement Thursday of a $39 billion deal to acquire NXP Semiconductors NV, October has set a new monthly record for US mergers and acquisitions.

Clinton beginning informal talks with congressional Republicans (tags)

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has begun back-channel discussions with congressional Republican leaders over the shape of a Clinton administration, according to several media reports Monday

The Shortwave Report 09/23/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Ohio Voters Subjected To Hundreds of Millions in Koch brothers ads (tags)

Hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by the Koch Brothers in Ohio trying to buy a senate seat for Rob Portman, former Bush operative,warmonger, called one of the 5 worst senators by the Sierra Club, NRDC, EDF, League of Conservation Voters etc, debate coach for Mitt Romney, who outsourced countless jobs to China, who tried to bring hunting to national parks which would have endangered children, international and domestic tourists as well as animals.

Nuclear Shudown News Aufust 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is our August 2016 edition:

Sen. Rob Portman: Warmonger, Hunters' Tool, Deforester, Voted 5 Times No On Women's Pay (tags)

31 reasons to vote against former Bush operative Rob Portman on whom the Koch Brothers have spent 81 million on the first ad buy of many.

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like? (tags)

What Would Trump Fascism Look Like?

Bernie Sanders Wins at the End (tags)

Sanders has a quality that gives him an advantage in the US election campaign that is based largely on sympathies: authenticity...The logical consequence of "Not Me.Us" is that the individual fights for improvement of social conditions, not for himself and his personal success.

#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story (tags)

#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story

Nuclear Shutdown News May 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the US nuclear power industry at home and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who are fighting to create a nuclear free future. Here is our May issue:

44 Reasons To Say No To Hillary Clinton (tags)

The Huffington Post has reported that 33% of Sanders voters will not vote for Clinton. Some will vote third party. Some will vote for Trump. Some will not vote. Bernie Sanders has won 19 states. In May he won West Virginia by 15%. Please help elect him president

38 Arguments Against TTIP (tags)

TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership) agreement continues an old thinking instead of everyone sharing int he profits of a few. The private arbitration courts enable corporations to sue states and could have a chilling effect on labor and environmental protection.

Philippines' Bernie Sanders: A Conversation with Walden Bello (tags)

Without a doubt, Sanders has captured the imagination of people, especially the millennials, around the world.

Michael Chertoff The Man & His Star-Crossed Past (tags)

Poster's note: Chertoff made the Dept of Homeland Security an Israeli agency and has hired Michael Hayden, the man who made the NSA a universal snoop and was also head of the CIA, for his Chertoff Group)

White House petition to determine whether Donald Trump violated any federal laws (tags)

Yeah, it's kinda anticlimactic to go after Trump for a fraud case when he's planning hideous attacks on minorities, but remember that Al Capone wasn't convicted of gangsterism, but of income tax evasion.

Jubilee USA Launches Puerto Rico Radio Spots Ahead of Super Tuesday (tags)

The religious development coalition Jubilee USA is launching radio spots focused on Puerto Rico's debt crisis ahead of "Super Tuesday" presidential primary elections.

28 Reasons To Defeat Jeb Bush's Presidential Ambitions (tags)

Jeb Bush: 11 of 28 reasons to vote against yet another Bush 1. cocreator of 2 wars and promoter of 3 current wars 2. wants Guantanamo kept open 3. thief of the 2000 presidential election through acts of treason 4. executioner of 21 5. advocate of fracking, offshore drilling, the Keystone Pipeline 6. has offshore private equity firm 7. advocate of waterboarding 8. George Bush's presidential advisers are now Jeb's 9. supporter of eminent domain to seize private land for oil 10.supporter of the Patriot Act and NSA mass surveillance 11.a history of privatization

Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Parable That Supports US Empire (tags)

Why Star Wars: The Force Awakens Is A Parable That Supports US Empire 10 comparisons and 11 reasons to consider A review/commentary

GOP Vote Fraud In OH, KY, VA, FL, AZ, CO, NV, MN, NH And Elsewhere (tags)

In the November 2015 elections, Ohio Republican vote fraud robbed Ohioans of their ratification of pot decriminalization In Kentucky a fraudulently elected Republican was installed in the governor's chair

“None Dare Call It Conspiracy:” How U.S. Elites Made Islamist Militants the New Red Menace (tags)

The American Establishment’s Quarter-Century Scheme to Replace Defunct Soviet Communism with “Expansionist” Militant Islam. And Why We Need Former U.S. Senator turned diplomat Gary Hart, Who “Thinks Differently” About U.S.-Russia Relations, to Join the 2016 Presidential Race

Monsanto Patenting World's Seeds, Controlling World's Food, Causing Cancer, Killing Bees, (tags)

Monsanto Patenting World's Seeds, Controlling World's Food, Causing Cancer, Killing Bees, Using PCB's, DDT, Agent Orange, Carcinogenic Growth Hormones, Brain Lesion Causing Aspartame

New Book Rips Hillary Clinton (tags)


US Intends "Direct Action on the Ground" Supporting ISIS (tags)


Solidarity in Moscow Against US-Supported Terrorism (tags)


Some Notes about Palestinian History 2015 (tags)

IN 1987 there wasa large and long lasting intifadah or shaking off or shivering.The areas were mobilized by the United National Leadership of the Uprising whicj was largely secular. Notices were given to small businesses to honor the strike, and not cooperate with Israelis.

Obama Could Stop Israeli State Terror with One Phone Call He Won't Make (tags)


The MH17 Big Lie: The Russians Did It (tags)


The Latest Nobel Committee Peace Prize Award Hypocrisy (tags)


Further redistribution of wealth from West to rest very likely. (tags)

Top sustainable development goal is to end poverty which very likely means a massive redistribution of wealth from West to rest. However, to achieve this the UN has seriously violated the Universal Declaration it claims as its authority.

Lunatics in Washington Want Direct Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Former Israeli Prime Minister's Critique of Settlements (tags)


Putin and Obama to Meet at UN (tags)


Obama's Duplicitous Remarks Welcoming Pope Francis (tags)


Threatening Jeremy Corbyn (tags)


US Presidential Candidates Denigrate Muslims and Hugo Chavez (tags)

Trump and Sanders

21 Categories Of Jeb Bush's Criminal Record (tags)

Please pass on this text to others

ISIS made world forget Palestinians (tags)

As the world focuses its attention on millions of refugees uprooted from Syria and Iraq in part because of the rise of Islamic State (ISIS), no other cause has suffered as much as that of the Palestinians.

US Media Ignore US Responsibility for Refugee Crisis (tags)


Senate Fails to Block Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Israel's Failed Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Campaign (tags)


Propaganda alert: 6 weeks after nuclear deal: "Israel more ready than ever to strike Iran" (tags)

Only weeks after signing a “historic” nuclear agreement with Iran in Vienna on July 14th, the NATO axis and its prime ally Israel are already escalating their threats of an overt multi-front war on Iran, Lebanon and Syria. Meanwhile, the brutality of NATO- and Israel-led genocidal overt and covert wars on Yemen, Syria and Iraq reaches new extremes...

Donald Trump Makes Ukraine's Enemies List (tags)


Bernie Sanders - Halfway There? (tags)

Consider this: Apple and GE, two of America's most profitable corporations, are paying Zero federal taxes. Their aggregate taxes paid to governments worldwide is 0% and 3%. Apple -- always the most innovative -- declares itself headquartered somewhere in cyber space...

Obama and Putin to Address General Assembly in September (tags)


Propaganda Works: New Polls Show Most Americans Oppose Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Hillary Clinton's Scandalous Record (tags)


America's Sham Democracy (tags)

police state

Anti-Iranian Nuclear Deal Blitzkrieg in Full Swing (tags)


Balkanizing Syria Planned (tags)



Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and all of the US nuclear industry, and spotlights those who are working for a nuke free future.

Jonathan Pollard's Release Imminent? (tags)


The Shortwave Report 07/10/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Radio Deutsche-Welle.

Deadlock in Vienna (tags)


Hillary Clinton Threatens World Peace (tags)


Senate Caves on Fast Track (tags)


TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracy and the Public Interest (tags)

TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO describes the TTIP as “secret tribunals” where only “foreign investors” can sue. Frank Bsirske of the German Verdi service union said the TTIP is a “black box” transferring sovereignty.

Thousands in St. Petersburg Defy US Sanctions (tags)


Dirty Fast Track Politics (tags)


TPP designed to make medicine more expensive (tags)

The TPP is the latest and most important new trade agreement that seeks to create new standards for intellectual property that are more friendly to pharmaceutical companies and publishers. The TPP chapter on intellectual property expands and extends drug monopolies.

US Escalates Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Hillary Clinton: Profile of Rogue Leadership (tags)


Presstitute Media Support Anti-Consumer Fast Track Legislation (tags)


House Rejects Fast Track Authority - For Now (tags)


Israel Spied on Hotels Used for Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


G-7 Leaders Stay Tough on Russia (tags)


Second Anniversary of Edward Snowden's NSA Spying Revelations (tags)

police state

HIV-Negative AIDS: Is it CFS, GWS, or AIDS? (tags)

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.

US-Supported Islamic State Terrorists Seize Palmyra (tags)


Hillary Clinton Endorses GMOs (tags)


Senate Defeats Anti-Consumer Trade Bill Fast Track Authority (tags)


Obama DID NOT Kill Bin Laden! (tags)

bin Laden

Proposed US Strategy for Dominating China (tags)


Kiev's Poroshenko Vows Continued War (tags)


Washington Blocks Security Council Action on Vital Yemeni Humanitarian Needs (tags)


6 Articles On PBS Promotion of Animal Products, War Propaganda, Deforestation Etc (tags)

PBS is aligned to the Pentagon agenda and corporate America

Aftershocks Pummel Highly Indebted Nepal: Poor Country Spends 217 Million Annually on Debt (tags)

As Nepal experiences aftershocks from Saturday's earthquake, it may find relief in the IMF's Catastrophe Containment and Relief Trust, a fund that cancels the debt of poor countries in crisis.

US-Sponsored Slow-Motion Genocide in Yemen (tags)


Toxic Vaccines News Updates (tags)

The US media censored the news that an Italian court has ruled that vaccines cause autism. Merck has recalled 1 million doses of contaminated meningitis vaccine etc.

Spring 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Immigration Law in Limbo, But Mass Detention and Deportation Continues….

New York Times Editors Endorse Murdering Millions of Iranians (tags)


Phony US Support for Ending Palestime's Occupation (tags)


Secret US Intelligence on Yemen Compromised (tags)


More US-Sponsored Middle East Aggression (tags)


Vaccines' Toxic Ingredients Fueled by Drug Company Liability Immunity And Greed (tags)

As the CDC, FDA, and corporate media attempt to silence the truth about vaccines, the public become more organized against the attempt to force vaccines down people's throats and through poisoned needles into their children.

Israel Wants Iran Nuclear Deal Blocked (tags)


President Obama Insults Intelligence of America’s Youth By Dictating Priorities (tags)

Rather than listening to his young constituents, President Obama disregards their highest priority—ending the failed pot prohibition policy of the United States—and condescendingly substitutes his own narrow-minded vision for the future.

US Provocations on Russia's Borders (tags)


Global Iron Curtain: Repressive States control human rights at UN. (tags)

American Professor describes the World's State Criminals as deciding human rights at the UN. In my view, a Global Iron Curtain exists with the UN hiding very much of enormous and profound importance from humanity.

Biden Congratulates Poroshenko for Violating Minsk (tags)


Israeli Election Postmortems (tags)


Obama Declares Venezuelan Democracy a Threat to US National Security (tags)


Obama's Neocon Infested Administration (tags)


Netanyahu at AIPAC (tags)


NYT Editors Supp;ort Fascist Extremism (tags)


The Scourge of US-Installed Fascism in Europe's Heartland (tags)


Grand Theft Netanyahu? (tags)


US Diplomats Paid to Lie (tags)


Kiev Junta Plans Renewed Aggression (tags)


NJ Bill to Legalize Cannabis, Gov. Christie Threatens Veto (tags)

In New Jersey, Senator Nicholas Scutari has introduced a bill (S1896) that would tax and regulate cannabis like alcohol. Despite several deaths (Sabina Rose and others) resulting from the state's ineffective medical cannabis program, Gov. Chris Christie remains stubbornly in denial of the scientifically proven medical benefits of this outlawed plant.

Russia Bashing Big Lies Persist (tags)


Obama's Demagoguery on Counteering Viiolent Extremism (tags)


Bashing Russia and Rebels for Kiev Crimes (tags)


Ceasefire in Donbass? (tags)



New 2015 White House Petition: MAKE MARIJUANA LEGAL! Until your petition reaches 150 signatures, it will not be publicly viewable on the Open Petitions section of We the People, so be sure to share this URL: Short URL: Save and Share this URL: "we petition the obama administration to: MAKE MARIJUANA LEGAL!" Published Date: Feb 12, 2015 Issues: Agriculture, Civil Rights and Liberties, Regulatory Reform

What's Next in Donbas? (tags)


The Illusion of Peace in Ukraine (tags)


Obama's New National Security Strategy: Ugly Business As Usual (tags)


Obama Wants Congressional Authorization for Unlimited War (tags)


The Shortwave Report 02/06/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Lunatics Run the Washington Asylum (tags)


Proposed Congressional Legislative Sanctions on Iran (tags)


US/UK Special Relationship: Partners in High Crimes Against Humanity (tags)


Defiant Charlie Hebdo (tags)

police state

Message of Profound Importance to the UN. (tags)

Consider it of Profound Concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also Islamic terrorists should be informed that America opposed extending the secular domain to include economic, social and cultural rights which it has not ratified (also see PS. below)

Charlie Hebdo Fallout in America (tags)

police state

Message of Profound Importance to UN. (tags)

Consider it of profound concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also, Islamic terrorists should be informed that at the UN it was very largely America that opposed collectivization and secularization of whole Universal Declaration.

Paris Killings Aftermath: War on Civil Liberties (tags)

police state

Paris Killings: Terrorism or False Flag? (tags)

false flag

Revised: Michael Brown Story Killed All Focus To Semitic Hate Crimes in Gaza (January 4, 2 (tags)

In the first week of August heat was really coming to boil over massive and blatant war crimes perpetrated by Israelis against Palestinian civilians in Gaza this summer of 2014. Even Benjamin Netanyahu was busy contacting supposedly our U. S. Congress-people then in early August to shield his-self, and his likes, from war crime allegations and potential tribunals. Suddenly along came to the media radar Michael Brown’s death just when the world was in a real uproar about repeated violence and blatant attacks on civilians and children —knowing intuitively such attacks were deliberate crimes.

100,000 Tweets on Oscar López Rivera’s Birthday! (tags)

On January 6, 2015 La Respuesta magazine and National Boricua Human Rights Network (NBHRN) call on you to act on behalf of the Puerto Rican people’s longest-held political prisoner,Oscar López Rivera.

US/Russia Reset? Hold the Cheers (tags)


Discussing ethical human rights and change in Pakistan following reported Taliban violence (tags)

Discussing possible change within Pakistan, whether the State could adopt ethical human rights or the possibility of an Islamic political party being formed with ethical human rights as its non-political and spiritual base.

Ethical human rights will not only turn America around but take it forward. (tags)

Mitch McConnell the presumptive leader of the Republicans who recently won a majority in the US Senate said that there is now a race to turn America around. In my view, ethical human rights will not only turn it around but take it forward.

BBC: Propaganda Bullhorn Specialists (tags)


Israel Bombs Gaza (tags)




Longstanding US Cuba Policy: Regime Change (tags)


Thaw in US/Cuban Relations? (tags)


Ashton Carter at DOD Means More War (tags)


Straight Talk and Reflections (tags)


UN Committee Against Torture Criticizes US Policy (tags)

police state

Systemic Injustice in America (tags)

police state

Keystone XL Pipeline: Down but not Out (tags)


Ignored Root Cause of Occupied Palestine Violence (tags)


George Harrison, Steve Jobs, And Paramahansa Yogananda (tags)

Los Angeles was the second home to the great yogi Paramahansa Yogananda who opened up the first US vegetarain restaurant here, who brought meditation and yoga to the West. He died at the Ambassador Hotel.

Looming US Ground Wars in Iraq and Syria (tags)


US Brings Jubilee Ebola Debt Relief Request to G20 (tags)

Treasury Secretary Lew Brings Jubilee USA Request for Debt Relief for Ebola-Stricken Countries to G20. US Seeks to Move IMF to Cancel $100 Million in Debt for Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea.

Stop the TTIP! (tags)

The European Commission suspended the secret TTIP negotiations for four months to get citizen consultation on the Investor-State-Dispute SettlementThis proposed parallel system with 3-person courts of arbitration allows corporations to sue for lost profits. Decisions are irrevocable.

Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? (tags)


Election Fraud Litan (tags)

There are hundreds if not thousands of varieties of election fraud with tens of millions of individual incidents.

Kiev Reneges on Donbas Self-Rule Status (tags)


CT Repub. Candidate Tom Foley's Role As G W Bush's Biggest Crony During the Iraq War (tags)

Like Paul Bremer, 'czar' in Iraq with his famous executive order 19 preventing Iraqi farmers from saving their own crop seeds, Tom Foley did the bidding of Bush and Kissinger in Iraq.

Ray McGovern Brutally Arrested (tags)

police state

Ukraine in the Eye of the Storm (tags)


The Day Israel Attacked America (tags)


Cracks in US/Israeli Special Relationship? (tags)


We're All Palestinians (tags)


Dueling Ideologies: America v. Russia and Venezuela (tags)


How Obama's Rumors About Pres. Al-Assad Led to ISIS Growth (tags)

Since the beginning of the Syrian coup against Pres. Bashar Al-Assad the growth of fundamentalist terrorists in ISIS has grown exponentially in power every month. The seeds of the rebellion against the legitimate president of Syria originate in the rumor mill of the U.S. military-industrial complex under the reigns of one Barack Obama.

Joe Biden's Rhetorical Ineptness (tags)


Obama Targets Free Expression (tags)

police state

Fear-Mongering Ahead of Another US False Flag? (tags)


Ukrainian President Poroshenko in Washington (tags)


Ukraine's President in Ottawa and Washingto (tags)


Obama Intends Escalating Middle East Aggression (tags)


Fall 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

In This Issue: 1) National Religious Leaders Send One-Sentence Letter to Obama: Don’t Trade Kids' Lives in Immigration Action! 2) The U.S. Is Deporting Cambodian Refugees and Orphaning Their Children 3) New Report Details Prejudice and Pretext in Georgia's Hyper Immigration Enforcement 4) Unaccompanied Minors: Their Arduous Journey and Their Unknown Fate 5) As Migrant Children Face Backlash, Communities Mobilize to Drown Out Hate 6) Updates, Please Support NISN! Subscribe the Newsletter!

Anti-Russan Sanctions Wars Continue (tags)


Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats. (tags)

Describes a Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination. Driven by the bureaucrats in the interest of secular, liberal collectivists it required a hijacking of human rights hidden by a 'divide and rule'.

Feds report Terrorist Attacks on the U.S. Mexican Border from Galveston to San Diego Immin (tags)

El Paso TX. Ft. Bliss military base that’s charged with the defense of our borders with Mexico is reported to be on alert. ISIS/ISIL and other related Islamic terrorist groups are operating in Mexico and are preparing attacks along the U.S. Mexican border from Galveston Texas to San Diego California.

Fact-Checking Obama (tags)


Obama Declares War on Syria (tags)


in-human rights in the U.S. (tags)

The reality does not match the president's descriptions of the Great American matrix.

Irresponsible Putin Bashing Escalates (tags)


World Humanitarian Day Hypocrisy (tags)


TTIP: Threat to Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

The TTIP, the largest free trade zone comprising 800 million of the EU and the US is being secretly negotiated. Democracy and the constitutional state are threatened by 3-person arbitration courts where corporations can sue states and decisions are irreversible.

L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 4 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 4 of 4

L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 3 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 3 of 4

L.A Supports August 2nd International Gaza Protest Photoset 2 (tags)

Los Angeles Families Join The Chorus of the Outraged Over the latest Gazan Massacres. Photoset 2 of 4

Statement by American Muslim Organizations: End Israeli Aggression and Occupation, Uphold American Principles (tags)

Muslim Organizations and Individuals Statement by American Muslim Organizations: End Israeli Aggression and Occupation, Uphold American principle

Political Thriller Citizen Koch Premieres in Los Angeles (tags)

Citizen Koch director Carl Deal joined a political panel moderated by Lauren Steiner following Friday night’s theatrical premiere at the Sundance Sunset Cinema.

Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt Case (tags)

Supreme Court Refuses Argentina Debt and Validates Hedge Fund Predatory Behavior

Supreme Court Justices Consider Hearing Argentina Hedge Fund Debt Case (tags)

US Supreme Court justices will decide next steps in the Argentina vs NML Capital debt case today. The case dates back to 2001 when Argentina defaulted on its debts and a group of predatory hedge funds purchased some debt for pennies on the dollar. The hedge fund NML Capital leads a group of hold-out creditors in suing the country for more than $1 billion. The case will set a precedent that will impact the functioning of the global financial system. Supreme Court justices will decide to formally hear the case or ask the US Justice Department to issue an opinion.

Summer 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Summer Report: People Rise to Fight Against Mass Detention & Deportations In This Issue: 1) Why Immigrant Detainees Are Turning to Civil Disobedience 2) President Obama's Backhanded Maneuver Targets Anti-Deportation Movement 3) Judge Rules to Limit Mandatory Detention of Immigrants in CA 4) TFWP Moratorium: Mass deportation, racism Canadian-style 5) Texas Releases Hundreds of Immigrants Due to Lack of Space in Detention Centers

The Shortwave Report 06/06/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, NHK World Radio Japan, and Spanish National Radio.

HIV-Negative AIDS: is it CFS, GWS, or AIDS? (tags)

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.

Irresponsible Scoundrel Media China Bashing (tags)


Sacking NYT Executive Editor Jill Abramson (tags)


Fake Ukrainian National Unity Talks (tags)


Eastern Ukrainians Vote (tags)


Fascist Killers (tags)


Kiev Losing Control? (tags)


More Lawless US Sanctions on Russia (tags)


Obama's War on Net Neutrality (tags)

police state

Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)

Repost (correction). Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, the latter virtually seeing themselves as God when reinventing the UDHR to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.

Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement (tags)


Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)

Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, seeing themselves as God when reinventing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.

Flashback to 2003: "Major combat in Iraq is over, U.S. warns rogue Syria" (tags)

Living in an age of dis-information, not many people do remember the deadly serious Anglo-American threats of war against Syria on the 26th day of the “shock and awe” genocide in Iraq.

More NATO Forces for Eastern Europe (tags)


Obama Heads for War in Ukraine (tags)


US-Anti-Iranian Arrogance (tags)


Ukrainians Denied Democracy (tags)


Captain America 2 (tags)

Reflections on an irrelevant movie.

Escalating War on Syria (tags)


Meet Obama's New HHS Chief (tags)


Obama's War on Immigrants (tags)

police state

Madness in Ukraine (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks Flounder (tags)


Reviewing James Petras' The Politics of Empire (Part II) (tags)


Another False Flag Chemical Weapons Attack Planned (tags)


Debunking Western Propaganda (tags)


UN Human Rights Committee Denounces US Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

The Shortwave Report 03/21/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice of Russia, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Crimean False Flag Attack? (tags)


Putin Signs Crimean Reunification Treaty (tags)


Pre and Post-Crimean Independence Treaty Propaganda (tags)


Crimeans Choose Russia (tags)


White House Crime Boss Powwow (tags)


Meet Obama's New Ukrainian Friends (tags)


NYT Editors Wage War on Truth (tags)


HIV-Negative AIDS: Is it CFS, ME, GWS, or AIDS? (tags)

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.

Yatsenyuk Comes to Washington (tags)


Heightened US/Russian Tensions (tags)


The Snowdown - Wikileaks - Sibel Edmonds - Whistleblower Effect By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption.

Israel Hypes Nonexistent Iranian Threat (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia (tags)


Crisis in Ukraine (tags)


East/West Confrontation Looms (tags)


Scoundrel Media War on Russia (tags)


The Damn Fool in the White House (tags)


Ukrainian Neo-Nazis Mobilize for War (tags)


Obama Warns Russia (tags)


Turmoil in Ukraine (tags)


Flashback to 1991: "Kuwait freed, Iraqis crushed" (tags)

"The [1991] war on Iraq was portrayed in the U.S. as a war without casualties. Yet, on the first day of air strikes against Iraq (Jan. 17, 1991), the U.S. dropped explosives equivalent to the explosive power of the Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Throughout the duration of the bombing, explosives equivalent to seven nuclear bombs were dropped, in addition to internationally banned biological and chemical weapons."

Cheerleading Ukrainian Fascism (tags)


Scoundrel Media Putin Bashing (tags)


Obama Includes Iranian Missiles in Nuclear Talks (tags)



What will be the next nuclear plants to shut down? Nixon knows.

Fascism's Ugly Face in Ukraine (tags)


Briatain Harasses Human Rights Lawyer (tags)

police state

Stop NY Gov Cuomo From Massacring 165,000 Geese And Mute Swans (tags)

For untold decades, the USDA has secretly acted to kill millions of birds. Now it is behind the scenes in Governor Cuomo's plan to murder 165,000 geese as well as mute swans.

Argentina Files Final Supreme Court Appeal in Global Hedge Fund Debt Case (tags)

Religious Community Joins IMF, Legitimate Investors and Governments in Opposing Exploitative Hedge Fund Behavior

Street Violence in Venezuela (tags)


Duplicitous Geneva Diplomacy (tags)


Grand Theft Healthcare (tags)


Obama's Kill List (tags)


30 Kinds of (approved) TORTURE currently being used by the C.I.A. (tags)

Bush administration’s program of kidnapping “suspects,” a covert operation also known as “rendition,” continues under the Obama administration according to Reprieve Founding Director, Attorney Clive Stafford Smith. The following is a partial list of C.I.A. forms of torture:

HIV-Negative AIDS: Is it CFS, ME, or AIDS? (tags)

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.

ADL Honors George Bush (tags)


Washington's Dirty Game (tags)


Farm Bill Fiasco (tags)

class war

Obamacare Harms America's Workforce (tags)


Kerry Backs Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)


Obama's MyRA Proposal: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Obamacare Enrollment Misinformation (tags)


Kerry in Davos (tags)


US Trade Representative Dodges Senate Fast Track Hearing (tags)

The US Trade Representative (USTR) declined an invitation to testify at the Senate Finance Committee opening hearing on the controversial “Fast Track” legislation – leaving an Ohio Republican, Sen. Rob Portman, in the position of representing the White House...

Obama Maintains a State of National Emergency (tags)


Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)

“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...

UK War Crimes Exposed (tags)


Obama Defends the Indefensible (tags)


Rafik Hariri Murder Trial (tags)


Beating Up on Syria and Iran Persists (tags)


Net Neutrality: RIP? (tags)

net neutrality

Obama Nominates Three Fed Governors (tags)


Billy Graham: Pro Christ or Anti Christ (tags)

Billy Graham was more a representative of the imperial American elite than a follower of the meek and humble Jesus. He comforted every president for 70 years in their shameful Korean War, Vietnam War and Iraq War. Fast cleaning and Graham soap marked "God's machine gun."

Supreme Court Decides to Hear Argentine Objection to Predatory Hedge Funds Targeting Argen (tags)

The Supreme Court will review a lower court's order for banks to give information on Argentine assets, including those assets held outside of US jurisdiction, to a group of hedge funds seeking to collect from Argentina's 2001 default. Additionally, the High Court will review if it is legal for these predatory hedge funds to target assets for collection outside of a US jurisdiction.

Anti-Iranian Sentiment Persists (tags)


HIV-Negative AIDS: is it CFIDS or AIDS? (tags)

Allied NATO Government is hiding millions of infectious NON HIV AIDS cases (like mine) under the "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)" ICD-code.

Media lies while Syrians die: Media disinformation and the Syrian war (tags)

Months after the events took place, Pulitzer prize winning journalists and others are finally reporting about the lies and manipulations of the US government regarding the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria. Far from shining a light on the true situation in the country, however, these reports continue to avoid the underlying causes and explanations for what is happening in Syria, and the forces that are behind it. Perhaps the most remarkable thing about the Syrian war coverage of the mainstream media is not its underlying bias—that was always to be expected—but how remarkably ineffective that coverage has been in convincing the public of the need for military intervention in the country. After nearly three years of relentless propaganda attempting to convince the public of the virtue of the terrorist insurgency and the incomparable evil of Assad, the seemingly inevitable march toward war in the wake of the Ghouta chemical weapons attack faltered after public opinion overwhelmingly came down on the side of non-interventionist policies. Perhaps reading public sentiment, many mainstream outlets even took to pointing out the media bias on the war and trying to retroactively position themselves against military intervention. This has to be credited to a remarkable, global, grassroots phenomenon of independent citizen media breaking through the layers of propaganda to provide true, cogent analysis of the situation on the ground in Syria.

US and Israeli Season's Greetings (tags)


Hail to the Thief (tags)

grand theft

Conflict in South Sudan (tags)

South Sudan

Bush Nazi Housing * (tags)

Bah! Bush Nazis! Really brave cowards! (a.& c.) They say, "He can't hear. He can't do anything about it! NoBody is going to do anything about it!" "We won't be held guilty."(Zech. 11:5)

Russian Ukrainian Aid v. US/EU Neoliberal Harshness (tags)


Predatory Hedge Funds and Argentina Face Supreme Court Showdown in Landmark Global Poverty (tags)

Argentina is expected to appeal to the US Supreme Court by mid-February in response to a US 2nd Circuit Court ruling ordering the country to pay $1.33 billion to predatory hedge funds. The precedent the case sets will hurt poor countries in financial distress and could allow a small group of hedge funds to target assets that benefit vulnerable populations. At the same time, debt holders who restructured their debt with Argentina have hired lawyers to help negotiate the dispute between holdout hedge funds and Argentina. Nearly 93% of debt holders restructured their debt with Argentina after the 2001 default. The majority of bondholders are concerned that their settlements could be disrupted if hedge funds win the final ruling.

Beltway Bandit Named Senior Obama Adviser (tags)


The Battle for Ukraine (tags)


AIPAC Pressure Threatens Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Western Officials Collaborating Against Ukraine's Government (tags)


Unindicted US War Criminals v. Iran (tags)


Healthcare.Gov Still Troubled (tags)


Contesting Stolen Honduran Election (tags)


Provoking Iran (tags)


Hunger in America (tags)


Undermining Geneva (tags)


TPP: NAFTA on Steroids (tags)


Greenpeace International Supporters Tell Russia's Putin "We Are Our Own Sovereign Nation " (tags)

Japan & Russia might be having problems over who gets which islands,but they both conspired to teach Greenpeace Activists a whale of a lesson..

Iraq Today: America's Genocidal Legacy (tags)


Remembering Michael Mandel (tags)

a true hero

Obama Encourages Spying on World Leaders (tags)


Consumers Abandoning (tags)


NSA Spying on World Leaders (tags)


Merkel in NSA's Crosshairs (tags)


Lawless Drone Killings (tags)


Iranian Nuclear Talks Continue (tags)


Labor Needs to Recalibrate and Fight (tags)

While the U.S. media has been obsessed with the in-fighting between Democrats and Republicans, as well as the recent government shutdown and the global/domestic ramifications of a possible government default, little attention has been paid to a looming disaster confronting working people: Obama is again threatening to cut “entitlement” programs, meaning Social Security and Medicare.

The United States of Inequality (tags)

class war

Police in America: Licensed to Kill (tags)

police state

AP Interviews Obama (tags)

police state

Longstanding US/Iranian Relations (tags)


Netanyahu in Washington (tags)


What a Way to Run the Country (tags)


Lavrov: Insurgents Have Chemical Weapons (tags)


Another Fake US Terror Alert (tags)

police state

Assad Fears US Aggression (tags)


Remembering Edward Said (tags)

Edward Said

Janet Yellen Likely New Fed Chairwoman: Hold the Cheers (tags)

class war

Syria Gas Attack: Assad Wrongfully Blamed (tags)


Obama's War Plans on Syria Unchanged (tags)


Obamacare Rips Off Americans (tags)


Putin Challenges Obama Responsibly (tags)


NSA Conspires with Israel Against Americans (tags)


Undermining Russian/Syrian Peace Deal (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Delayed, Not Deterred (tags)


Lavrov Calls Kerry's Bluff (tags)


It’s war that sells (tags)

The war on Iraq won’t be remembered for how it was waged so much as for how it was sold. It was a propaganda war, a war of perception management, where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us.


Remember all the months of U.S. frustration with Iran not laying down and rolling over—that is after all the one-sided demands by the United States that feels it never has to treat any country like an equal—save its constant kissing of AIPAC, NEOCON, and Israel’s asses nonstop? Well all the horseshit about precise, punitive strikes is a stratagem to settle the Middle East situation once and for all. “To swallow and follow, weather old doctrine or new propaganda, is a weakness still dominating the human mind.” William E. Gladstone

G20 Focuses on Debt, Taxes, Corruption, Syria and IMF Quotas (tags)

G20 Focuses on Debt, Taxes, Corruption, Syria and IMF Quotas

Anti-Syrian Media Bias (tags)


John Kerry Is A Ghoul In The Night of Living Dead (tags)

John Kerry now walks onto the graves of many, many to-soon-be-dead humans beings. He adamantly plays his well-crafted, seemingly rational justifications for more war; but his whole stage-craft of lies about knowing who is behind the chemical attacks, is a fraud of deceit as Biblical proportions. He is already a living corpse, a puppet for another Zionist-minted atrocity, similar to our Manchurian Candidate Barack Obama, both who lead this repeat of professional propaganda campaign, expecting the American public to swallow another pack of lies for another military and political fiasco (as if the U.S. can never learn from previous mistakes). Both have sold their souls to the devil of political push and shove.

NATO Chief Urges War on Syria (tags)


Declaring Syria Regime Illegitimate Sends Strong Human Rights Message and Exposes Lenders (tags)

Over the last year, a religious antipoverty organization has met with U.S. Treasury and White House officials to encourage them to declare the Syrian government of President Bashar al-Assad an illegitimate government. This action would impose restrictions on lending to Syria that supports its military or the needs of the Assad regime. When governments or financial institutions make this declaration it lets lenders know that if they lend to Syria they may not receive a return on their investment. Types of lending and financing that could be affected are arms contracts with Russia and oil investment from Iran.

How the U.S. Political Left is Failing Over Syria (tags)

It’s now painfully clear that Obama’s war on Syria is a replay of Bush’s march to war in Iraq, both built on lies. Zero evidence has been put forth that proves the Syrian government used chemical weapons. On the contrary, evidence has been recorded that suggests the U.S.-backed Syrian rebels are responsible for the attack.

Lies, Damn Lies and John Kerry Lies (tags)


Obama Invented Pretext for Lawless Aggression (tags)


Nobel Peace Laureate Obama Plans War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Obama's World: Peace a Convenient Illusion (tags)


Obama's War on Syria Based on Lies (tags)


Obama's Cruise Missile Diplomacy (tags)


War With Syria and Its Repercussions (tags)

A U.S. invasion of Syria could be the first war based on a YouTube video. After a video was released showing victims of an alleged chemical weapons attack, England immediately declared the Syrian government responsible, while Obama began drawing up military plans, saying there was “little doubt” the Syrian Government was at fault (zero evidence currently exists to suggest this). An extra U.S. warship has already been deployed in response.

John Kerry's Colin Powell's Moment (tags)


Will You Let Obama And Hagel Drag You Into Another War? (tags)

Stop Obama from involving us in another criminally stupid and illegal war It's time to impeach or force the resignation of all those in our government who are puppets of the Netanyahu agenda.

Imperial Madness (tags)


Imminent US War on Syria? (tags)


False Flag Syrian Chemical Weapons Attack (tags)


Drumbeat for War on Syria (tags)


Israel Behind Egypt's Coup? (tags)


Al Jazeera America Set to Debut (tags)


Fear Grips Egypt (tags)


Honoring Bayard Rustin, Freedom fighter (tags)

Labor leader and civil rights activist Bayard Rustin has been posthumously awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the United States. Along with Rustin, 15 others will be honored at a White House ceremony later this year.

Egypt's Bloody Wednesday (tags)


To question Helen Clark regarding UN silence on global ethical human rights to rule world (tags)

Hope to question Helen Clark, head of the UNDP and considered one of the world's most powerful women, why the UN has failed to inform the global mainstream of new plan to rule the world, global ethical human rights, for over five years and despite the significant support it is receiving.

Obama Appoints Spy Chief to Head NSA Investigation (tags)


Larry Summers: Wall Street's Man (tags)


Obama Spurns NSA Spying Reform (tags)

police state

Presidential Medal of Freedom Hypocrisy Redux (tags)

police state

Temper Tantrum Politics (tags)

Russia bashing

Obama Shoots Himself in the Foot (tags)


Fake Terror Alert Extended (tags)

police state

Heightened Russia Bashing (tags)


XKeyscore: Instrument of Mass Surveillance (tags)

police state

Hardwired Inequality in America (tags)

class war

Lies, Damn Lies and US Promises (tags)

police state

America: Super-Bully Nation (tags)


Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Dead on Arrival (tags)


Helen Thomas: Dead at 92 (tags)

Helen Thomas

Lawlessness Is Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Syria Discovers Terrorist-Used Chemical Weapons Factory (tags)


Rage Against the System: Why It Matters (tags)

police state

Ongoing Fighting in Sinai (tags)


When Is a Coup not One? (tags)


Targeting Foreign Leaders: Longstanding US Policy (tags)

police state

What's Next in Egypt? (tags)


Obama's New Climate Plan (tags)


Whistleblower Russell Tice Tells More (tags)

police state

Lynne Stewart Denied Compassionate Release (tags)

police state

Enemies of Syria Plan Escalated Aggression (tags)


Obama: The Worst of Nixon/Bush II Writ Large (tags)

police state

Obama's Nuclear Arms Reduction Hoax (tags)


Hassan Rohani: Iran's President-Elect (tags)


The Chemical Weapons Hoax (tags)


Obama Ups the Stakes in Syria (tags)


New York Times Editors Defend the Indefensible (tags)


Bilderberg Conference Convenes (tags)


History, subordination weigh heavily on unfinished Arab Spring (tags)

Western imperial powers have a long history of interference in Egyptian affairs. The failures of the Arab Spring can’t be disentangled from this history.

Israel Threatens Syria (tags)


Israel Threatens Russia (tags)


How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (tags)

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”

Obama's War on Free Expression (tags)

police state

IRS Scandal: More Than Meets the Eye (tags)


Uncensored Manifesto from Retired LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner (tags)

Uncensored Manifesto of Christopher Dorner

Spies "R" Us (tags)

police state

Another Anti-Assad False Flag (tags)


UN Human Rights Council Duplicity (tags)


US-Style Free Trade in Good Hands with Michael Froman (tags)


US False Flag Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


America's Addiction: Waging War on Humanity (tags)


Creating a Pretext for War on Syria (tags)


White Youth Can Be Muslim Terrorists Too (tags)

Proving what you say can be a difficult thing. Oftentimes, the only thing to if not the best, is to allow what you say to be proven organically. Sure, not having your hand on something to manipulate the message can be a test of will for those that need to control and manipulate constantly, or are even obsessed with it. But for the rest of us, sometimes if you give the thing you have been asserting space to prove itself, you will be rewarded by the simplicity of how easy it is to get to the truth. Just be patient.

Boston Bombing Suspect Charged (tags)

police state

Anatomy of a False Flag (tags)

false flag

Venezuela's Maduro Inaugurated (tags)


Post-Boston Bombings Fear-Mongering (tags)

state terror

Bush Does Boston (tags)

That is GHW Bush the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3), as should have been well-publicized for his birthday last year: , but his supporters delete every comment.

Marathon Terror: Homegrown or State-Sponsored? (tags)

false flag

Thatcher's funeral: Britain's new opportunity for war propaganda and domestic repression (tags)

True to form, Britain's political establishment is preparing to use former British Prime Minister (1979-1990) Margaret Thatcher's funeral in London as a stage for imperialist war propaganda and domestic repression.

Social security cuts: Work until you drop (tags)

We have something here bigger than Barack Obama and whatever character flaws he might be perceived as possessing. Austerity is a bipartisan project.

Obama's War on Social America (tags)


First Time in History; Democrat Cuts Social Security with Chained CPI (tags)

The upcoming cuts to Social Security are being done by a Democrat President who is supposedly the party of the elderly, the disabled, veterans and the poor. The cuts to Social Security under President Obama include the "chained CPI" that would reduce the regular cost of living increases to the checks each year depending upon the rate of inflation. There is a bipartisan effort to block the latest Social Security cuts being led by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont who has a petition on his website telling Pres. Obama "NO CUTS to Social Security!"

Iranian Nuclear Talks (tags)


Monsanto Protection Act (tags)


Monsanto Protection Act (tags)


How Obama Chose War Over Peace in Syria (tags)

With Syria on the brink of national genocide, outside nations have only two options: help reverse the catastrophe or plunge this torn nation deeper into the abyss. Countries can either work towards a peaceful political solution or they can continue to pour money, guns, and fighters into the country to ensure a steady gushing into the bloodbath.

Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Washington Escalates War on Syria (tags)


Lawless NYPD Spying on Muslims (tags)


New York Times Hypocrisy (tags)


Obama’s Still Shopping for a Grand Bargain (tags)

President Obama’s recent closed-door sessions with Republican congressmen to reach a “grand bargain” has roused suspiciously little attention in the mainstream media. What scant reporting has occurred presents the following narrative: President Obama is a “middle ground” politician attempting to breach political divides with erstwhile Republican opponents. In reality these meetings are not between political opposites, but kindred spirits; perfectly matched ideologies that differ only in implementation, and only by degrees.

Escalating Syria's War (tags)


Obama Heads to Israel (tags)


A Government to be Feared (tags)

A Government to be Feared

Media Scoundrels Pillory Chavez Before He's Buried (tags)


Jewish Voice for peace or "Jewish voice for Stupidity" ? (tags)

JVP does not speak for me

Austerity USA Begins March 1st (tags)

U.S. politicians have cried wolf over austerity long enough for the public to ignore them. A perfect time, then, for politicians to actually unleash the wolves. Barring an unlikely last minute deal, here’s a short list of some of the massive, national bi-partisan-created austerity cuts, according to the New York Times.

Sequester Chicken (tags)

class war

CISPA Is Back (tags)


U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason (tags)

Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.

Terminator Empire (tags)

Reality and fiction mixed here and now.

America's Deplorable State of the Union (tags)

class war

Obama’s Shakedown of Medicare (tags)

In a political era of corporate dominance it was inevitable that doublespeak would become the official language of Washington, DC. Now “cuts” to social programs are referred to as “savings,” while the destruction of these programs is “reform.” This is the essence of President Obama’s doublespeakish “Race to the Top” public education “reform,” as well as his yet-to-be-announced deficit plan based on Medicare “savings.”

Whitewashing Extrajudicial Killing (tags)


Washington and Israel Target Iran (tags)


Extrajudicial Killing: Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Israeli/Palestinian Peace Process Hypocrisy (tags)


2nd Drone Survey! Answer 5 Questions! January 27, 2013 (tags)

President Barack Obama is Commander in Chief of the United States Military. The Central Intelligence Agency is NOT part of the United States Military; but, the C.I.A. is ordering the deployment of most of the missile strikes from un-manned computer controlled Drones. Therefore, under whose authority are these strikes taking place? If the United Nations investigation, which is currently going on, proves that the U.S.A. committed "war crimes", then does President Obama avoid responsibility for authorization of these drone strikes under Separation of Powers clause in the U.S. Constitution?

United Nations is Investigating the Foreign Policy of the United States: Killer DRONES ! ! (tags)

The United Nations started an investigation of the "foreign policy" of the United States of America because President Obama has been authorizing killer drone strikes deploying missles allegedly aimed at "terrorists" but which also are killing children and innocent civilians in foreign countries under the guise of fighting the War on Terrorism; and simultaneously President Barack Obama has been violating the sovereign rights of foreign countries by aiming un-manned computer controlled drone missle strikes at them when the U.S. Congress has not officially declared War. President Obama thinks that he has legal precedence because previous U.S. President George Bush got away with this behaviour.

We Need 32 More Signatures for "End the DRONES" petition! (tags)

Please help us out, we need 32 more signatures for "End the DRONES" petition at the White House "We the People" website. There is a real concern that the staff at "We the People" is with-holding confirmation emails and subverting the petition process because the White House is embarrassed at how many children have been killed by Drone Strikes ordered by President Barack Obama.

Imagine a 3 Day Weekend Every Week - Uranusday is the Solution (tags)

It is time we had a three day weekend, every week.

Stop Sale of A123 (lithium battery maker) SALE TO CHINA (tags)

You can view and sign the petition here: Here's some more information about this petition: *Company received nearly $300 million dollars in bailout money from American Taxpayers! Stop the Sale of Lithium Battery Maker A123 to China. Stop US Government Sale of A123, (A Corporation specializing in the manufacture and distribution of lithium batteries) to the country of China.

Jets Fly Over Residential Neighborhoods, So, Will DRONES Be Accepted? (tags)

News reports say that DRONES wil be flying in the same domestic air space as passenger jets. Is that O.K. with you? Is a DRONE just an up-graded super-cop helicopter with missles instead of guns?

Four More Years (tags)


Targeting Mali (tags)


Help! We Need 53 More Petition Signatures Right Now! (tags)

Help! The White House website requires that you have 150 signatures before your petition can go "Public" on the White House website, and we need 53 more signatures! Please hurry and help us out! End Drone Strikes Killing Children was written by Rosemarie Jackowski of Bennington, Vermont, USA. She is a 75 year old war protester.

Please Expunge Your "Kill List" President Barack Obama! (tags)

Boys will be boys, but don't you think President Barack Obama has gone too far with his Boy Toys by creating a "Kill List"? Please sign the White House petition to protect children from White House, Commander in Chief, computer controlled Drone Strikes

Aaron Swartz: Suicide or Murder? (tags)


Obama v. Netanyahu Round Two (tags)


The Central Intelligence Agency is Confused! (tags)

Does the Teachers' Union buy M155s? Does the Electrical Brothers' Union buy Goats? Why is the C.I.A. deploying un-manned Drone Strikes killing children and innocent civilians? How stupid can they be? Those job duties are NOT listed on their "Mission" statement!

We Want Some Facts From President Obama on his Inaugeration Day February 2013! (tags)

President Barack Obama, will you please provide us with some "transparency" and tell us exactly how many "terrorists" have been killed with U.S. Military Un-Manned Drone Strikes, and then how many CHILDREN and innocent civilians have been killed with drone strikes; and then, which number is larger? After you Swear your Oath of Office on the Holy Bible, Mr. President Barack Obama, will you please tell us the truth? Isn't it true that MORE children and innocent civilians have been killed by drone strikes than "terrorists"?

US Law Prohibits Transferring Guantanamo Prisoners to America (tags)


Obama Picks Jack Lew for Treasury (tags)

class war

The Shortwave Report 01/11/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, China Radio International, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and the Voice of Russia.

Chavez Inauguration Postponed (tags)


Stop Killing Children with U.S. Military Drone Strikes! (tags)

Please sign this White House petition to stop killing children and innocent civilians in countries like Afghanistan with Un-Manned U.S. Military Drone Strikes. Remember, it's not just about the war they tell you about, it's about the war on drugs, the war on the best marijuana seeds that come from Afghanistan, and the "threat" that if marijuana is legalized in the U.S.A., that countries like Afghanistan will compete with Mexican and Canadian BC bud. But guess what? A lot of BC bud comes from Afghanistan seeds. Can you IMAGINE if U.S. Drones were striking Mexico or BC Canada? Show some compassion for children worldwide and sign this petition to stop DRONE strikes! Isn't it bad enough that Los Angeles has all those helicopters flying overhead?

Institutionalized Inequality in America (tags)

class war

Cliff Notes (tags)

class war

The Fiscal Cliff Is A Diversion: The Derivatives Tsunami and the Dollar Bubble (tags)

The fiscal cliff is a bipartisan excuse to introduce austerity measures in the form of "needed" cuts to social safety net programs such as Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. The stage is set for "Jason vs. Freddy" or Obama vs. Boehner as we the people wait to see which politician serial killer will be cutting the U.S. people with their sharp knives of austerity.

More Evidence of Chupacabra than Bipartisan Fiscal Cliff Hype (tags)

The bipartisan hype over the so-called "fiscal cliff" is an attempt my the status quo to institute severe austerity measures that would effect seniors, disabled and other people dependent upon the social safety net that is set up on the chopping block by BOTH Democrats and Republicans. There may be more evidence of the mythical chupacabra (goat sucker) than there is proof of any upcoming fiscal cliff. Either way we are dealing with some really mangy bloodsuckers!

Islamofascist Killers Threaten Syria (tags)


Gun Violence in America (tags)


Obama drops the ball (and Susan Rice) again (tags)

"(T)he confirmation process would be lengthy, disruptive, and costly -- to you and to our most pressing national and international priorities. That trade-off is simply not worth it to our country." -- Susan RiceSusan Rice, letter to President Obama

The "Fiscal Cliff" Is a Hoax ... and a Mel Brooks Routine (tags)

The "fiscal cliff" comedy routine in Washington DC is a staged act where Democrats play the "good cop" who want to tax the rich and cut social welfare programs vs. the "bad cop" Republicans who don't want to tax the rich and promise heavy cuts on social welfare programs. Where is the voice of reason that says maybe this so-called fiscal cliff isn't really such a big deal after all?

Fiscal cliff is a hoax, may be bipartisan excuse to kill off U.S. poor people! (tags)

The media hype about the so-called fiscal cliff is just another bipartisan excuse to increase the gap between the wealthy and ever increasing number of poor people in the U.S. Notice both parties are advocating large cuts to social safety net programs when people are already struggling with poverty, while U.S. military bases remain operational on foreign soil through the Earth and only Presidential candidate Ron Paul was willing to save money by closing ALL overseas bases.

U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)

The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.

A Pretty Good Election, but the Right Still Rules (tags)

The November 6, 2012 election turned out fairly well for progressives — from Barack Obama retaining the presidency to a true Left-wing Democrat like Bob Filner winning for Mayor of San Diego — but the Right is still strong. The issue agendas and terms of discussion continue to be dictated by an increasingly militant Right wing and America's pathetic, ill-organized remnant of a Left no longer has the power to put pressure on the political system for progressive reforms the way it did in the 1890's, 1930's and 1960's.

In the Blockade Trap (tags)

Barack Obama must stimulate the economy with state spending. The astonishing example of Europe could convince republicans who in the past blocked everything... The monetary policy of a central bank cannot replace fiscal policy,

Deconstructing the reality behind The Reality of the "Lesser Evil" (tags)

Which is why core policies of the state do not change by changing the front faces in the White House. Often minor domestic policy changes are put on the table and “then, vigorous debate is encouraged within the limits imposed by unstated doctrinal orthodoxy” just to maintain the facade of democracy and elections being the harbingers of the much needed change.

Christian Zionists Encourage Military-Industrial Complex Never Ending War (tags)

The Zionists in Israel and the U.S. (Christian Zionists) are encouraging the proliferation of the military-industrial complex with their escalation of religious warfare against the occupied Palestinians. The AIPAC lobby and military weapons contractors give campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans, making both status quo political parties of the U.S. puppets of greedy individuals bent on never ending warfare with soldiers and civilians paying the ultimate price with their lives.

Petraeus: Resignation or Sacking? (tags)


Money Party Wins US Election (tags)


2012 Presidential Election & Cal Props Results (tags)

All elections confirm the class struggle that has preceded them and the 2012 presidential general election confirms the fact that there has not been much class struggle in this country. There has been some effort to bring this backward country into the fold of civilization with the placing of a repeal of the California death penalty, Prop 34, on the ballot by the voters, but as of 5 a.m., 11/7/12, it has 47% of the vote. The presidential election, with the re-election of the latest fascist war criminal in the White House with a bare 50.3% of the vote is no mandate and this termed out president is now a lame duck president. The 2016 presidential election begins today.

Profile of a Police State (tags)

police state

Obama's Disposition Matrix (tags)

police state

Paul Wellstone: Tenth Anniversary of His Assassination (tags)


Hooked Into You (tags)

Reinvigorated, jump started, reenergized, pumped up and ready to go, just the right amount of boost, we hear them all when it comes to the last stretch of elections. “Getting all tingly and excited for the next four years that I know I will be spending with you.” “The American people will be making the right decision by voting for me.” “Out with the old and in with the new.” “Now's not the time to give in.” Either way both of them seem to agree, “You'll be making the right decision by voting for me this coming election.”

The Demonization of Dissent in the United States (tags)

On Oct. 3rd, 2012 Wired.Com’s (or Wired Magazine’s) Danger Room came out with Spencer Ackerman’s story of a leaked although unclassified U.S. Army “chart” that lists indicators and behaviors for identifying people who are supposedly becoming radicalized to terrorist potential. But what is so startling about this Army’s presumptively rational analysis (more like propagandic analysis) is its broad categorization of symptoms for identifying those thought alienated enough to become potential terrorist material.

Obama vs. Romney (tags)

The strength of the democrats is the folly and mean-spiritedness of republicans. Programs to support the economy were rejected every time with the sole goal of bad economic data. Romney/Ryan rely on the short memory of voters who blame only Obama for the faltering economy Obstructionism should be the issue.

Remembering Russell Means (tags)


Direct US/Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)



The Americans contend, other people laugh.

Beating Up on Russia, Syria and Iran (tags)


California governor vetoes bills tied to individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act (tags)

California is proceeding with caution in fulfilling the requirements of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). Gov. Jerry BrownJerry Brown vetoed Assembly bills 961 and 1461 last week to prevent unintended consequences of how the ACA could be changed depending on who will be in the White House after November.

Neocon Ubeer-Hawks Want War on Iran (tags)


Fatah Israeli Collaborators (tags)


America's Right-Wing Reinterprets the Crisis (tags)

A state is not a hardware store. It must contract debts in crisis times. Four years after the collapse of the US economy, the republicans send a former investment banker into the race who stands for a policy that got us into the real messThe right-wing was very successful in changing the discourse.

ACLU Sues CIA Over Drone Killings (tags)


US Media War on Islam (tags)


Bailout Fraud and Unaccountability (tags)


The Death of the American Dream - The Book (tags)

Special Thanks to everyone who contributed. This would not have been possible without you.

Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)

The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.

America Kaputt (tags)

To laugh a lot of Americans.

Obama v. Netanyahu (tags)


The Executor (tags)

The economic crisis, the massive indebtedness of the country and Obama's election have radicalized politics and voters. Ryan's budget proposal was recently described as a fairy tale that would in no way stop the economic decline. Others call his plan a joke.

Chicago: America's Epicenter of Resistance (tags)


And The Workers Suffered (tags)

Politics has become so much a show about the candidates. We love a good show, after all the film industry as we know it and Hollywood were born right here in the good old USA. I'm a huge movie person, and the things that remove us from our everyday struggles for a small time, and don't leave us with life destroying addictions and/ or blow apart our bonds with the people we are closest to, are good things. After all, the people that actually do the work that build the wealth and corporations into what they are deserve it.

CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed (tags)

CIA/FBI Film-faker and Famous Church of Satan Agents Exposed in Mind Control Black-Op to Neutralize "Dissidents"

Wall Street South Livestreams Protests of DNC (tags)

The protests of the Democrats we have been waiting for have finally started. Wall Street South is carrying the whole show on livestream. KPFA news, 9/2/12 at 6 p.m., 94.1 FM reported 3,000 showed up today to protest the latest fascist warmonger in the White House who happens to be a Democrat in North Carolina, an anti-union state.

Netanyahu in New York (tags)


Enter Karl Rove—Need One Say More? (tags)

The hate machine, and lie machine, and the money machine is on full blast with intent to kill any chance liberals have standing—especially Obama. The President had better find a fighter within himself because he is being challenged in a awfully big way. Americans are angry across the divide. “Many” republicans are angry as well. They know that Mitt Romney did not truly win the nomination. Rather they well realize he was foisted on the party by the sophisticated propaganda machine, the mainstream media and people like Karl Rove and billionaire donors like Sheldon Adelson. We Americans need to be reminded, again and again, in loud and bold terms, of Karl Rove’s last protégé. Another disaster in the making, with Rove’s knack for choosing people who don’t understand moral ethics, despite rhetoric to the contrary. “Karl Rove Is Back With HIS New Choice*!*!*” ought be the clarion call for today’s Paul Revere. Which brings us to an important question, if lying to the public like a psychopath, were the criteria to judge those who work in the capital who would be left standing? Certainly not Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan?

Risking Nuclear Armageddon (tags)


Gary Johnson vs. Scott Rasmussen: The voters lose (tags)

As we move toward the hype and hoopla of the Republican National Convention in Tampa next week and the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte early next month, The American Pundit Writing Assignment for the second half of August focuses on the condition of political reporting in United States:

Drumbeat for War on Iran (tags)


GLP Expands Safety Net from Soc Sec & Public Assistance in Times of Economic Uncertainty (tags)

While the establishment Republicans and Democrats are dependent on corporations for lobbyist funding and thus return the favor by rewarding corporations with taxpayer subsidies, the Green Liberty Party is immune to the disease of corporate dependency.

The Shortwave Report 8/10/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, the Voice Of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK Japan.

Full-Scale War in Syria (tags)


Cybersecurity Bills Threaten Freedom (tags)


Death Squad Atrocities in Syria (tags)


The Shortwave Report 8/03/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, China Radio International, the Voice Of Russia, and Spanish National Radio.

BLM’s new “alternative” on Vegas pipe (tags)

Ever heard of the Council on Environmental Quality? Chaired by former LA Deputy Mayor Nancy Sutley, it’s a White House office that according to its website ”coordinates Federal environmental efforts.” To judge by a recent update from the Bureau of Land Management, Sutley’s office may just hold the key for a compromise in a long-running battle over rural groundwater between Utah and Nevada. Using powers supposedly afforded by the Council, the Bureau is adding a new alternative to an environmental impact statement that may allow Vegas to pump and Utah to keep its water too. The only clear loser is the environment.

Washington's Aleppo Strategy Failed (tags)


Approaching Financial Abyss (tags)

class war

Security Council Showdown Afternath (tags)


For president - vote 'none of the above' (tags)

If ever there was a need to have Montgomery "Monty" Brewster on a ballot, the 2012 presidential election would be the perfect time.

Why Hillary Rod-Iron Clinton Should Be Retired (tags)

Hillary Clinton seems much a mess. Possessed actually, as her appearance, attitude and demeanor, at times, suggests she is in some movie and her character is veering to evil antagonist or machination machine—militantly bureaucratic and all gang mobsters of huge government might imply. Enough with feminist, protectionism claims she is being judged because she is a woman to different standards. Yes there was a terrible and concerted propaganda war to incite hatred against Bill in any way possible as well as everything Democrats ever stood for (or purported). Yet now she is equally manipulated by forces beyond her ken as psychologically blind invalid—because she has need to lash out at something—something society and powerful special interests will allow her unconscious anger to focus. One doesn’t have to understand the likes of Thomas Scheff’s Emotions and Violence: Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts to realize where she is coming from and likely to go. Deliberate and accidental humiliation does indeed motivate people to engage violence, which seems the very modus operandi of both Israel and the United States in relation to several Muslim groups.

America's Left and Romney's Economic Agenda (tags)

Axel-Fair Schulz is a professor of political science at the State University of New York, Potsdam.

Israel Likely Killed Arafat (tags)


Extreme liberal responses to Supreme Court health care ruling increase polarization (tags)

Democrats consider the health care decision by the Supreme Court to be a victory, while Republicans are feeling a loss. As Republicans regroup and plan the next step toward getting the law repealed, Democrats are enjoying their win.

Are Republican election predictions honest or flights of fancy? (tags)

Many Conservatives and Republicans, the two are far from being the same thing, have taken the option that the Supreme Court upholding Obama Care will sway the elections on all levels in their direction.

Summer 2012 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Dream Come True: Obama Administration Announces Relief for DREAMers! BUT SB 1070 Continue, DREAM Still Long Ways to Go !

Big Win for Predatory Healthcare Giants (tags)

class war

State of War in Syria (tags)


Money, Power, and Politics (tags)

There has been much talk recently about the impact of money on politics, especially in the wake of the Citizens United ruling that has ratcheted up the role of corporate money in political campaigns. Organized labor was quick to blame this ruling for its defeat in Wisconsin. And many have assumed that the relation of money to politics is like a law of nature: the more money one has, the more political power one can wield.

Republicrats Campaign About Jobs and Do Nothing About High Unemployment (tags)

Recently, Mitt Romney made a stop on his “Jobs Tour” in upper Bucks County, Pennsylvania just outside of Philadelphia. His appearance was supposed to be, interestingly, at a local WAWA store (for those out-of-state, WAWA is a convenience store chain) Why is this interesting? Because WAWA, like so many employers these days, is a low wage, no benefit “job creator.”

Putiin/Obama Talks (tags)


Presidential Medal of Freedom (tags)


Stepped Up Media War on Syria (tags)


Heated Anti-Assad Rhetoric Promotes War (tags)


Murder Inc: Official Obama Policy (tags)


Obama Prioritizes War (tags)


Obama Plans War on Syria (tags)


Anti-Syrian Propaganda Promotes War (tags)


Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom (tags)

Our enemies are not several hundred thousand miles away. They are right here in front of us - Mike Prysner Right. We need to blame the politicians criminally responsible, that Alex Jones forbids his cult to fairly consider as empowered.

The Left, Labor and Occupy (tags)

Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.

Waging Total War on Islam (tags)


Another Foiled False Flag (tags)

false flags

Washington Targets OWS (tags)

police state

A Challenge to All Supporters of Medical Marijuana (tags)

Advocates of medical marijuana need to act NOW! Send e-mails to the White House and the Department of Justice to demand that President Obama and Attorney General Holder stop the concerted campaign to use federal enforcement agents to put medical marijuana dispensaries out of business, and return to Obama's campaign promise not to use federal law against medical marijuana in states where it is legal.

Glorifying Israel Shames Harvard (tags)


Archive Of Housing News by Lynda Carson: Struggle for Just Cause / Tenant's Rights (tags)

The battle over rent control, just cause eviction protections, tenant's rights and poverty issues are a never ending struggle.

BTL:U.S. Network TV News Misleads on Iranian Nuclear Threat (tags)

Interview with Jeremy Holden, research director with Media Matters for America, conducted by Scott Harris

A Nation of Morons (tags)


Israel Using Oslo Accords to Steal West Bank Land (tags)


Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan (tags)

I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !

Calm Before Greater Storm in Syria (tags)


Iran Nuclear Talks (tags)


Obama Authorizes Greater Wall Street Theft (tags)

class war

Draconian Cybersecurity Bills (tags)

police state

The View from Istanbul (tags)


Obama's War on Iran (tags)


Lynch Law U.S.A.: State Defends Murderer of Trayvon Martin (tags)

Outrage over the murder of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin compounds daily as the killer remains free, facing no criminal charges for gunning down the unarmed black youth from Miami Gardens, Florida. On February 26, George Zimmerman, a white self-appointed captain of a "neighborhood watch" team in a gated community in the Orlando suburb of Sanford, shot Martin, a black high-school student, who was returning to the home in the development where he and his father were staying. Police and local prosecutors never charged Zimmerman and accepted his cynical claim that he shot the unarmed youth in "self-defense." Thousands have demonstrated around the country, particularly after police tapes of 911 calls by Zimmerman were released, showing that he was stalking Martin. But the main thrust of liberals is to divert the protests into a movement for gun control laws and to get rid of "Stand Your Ground" laws such as Florida's which make it legal to shoot in self-defense. The ruling-class response deliberately tries to obscure the key fact that this was racist murder. Trayvon Martin was killed for the "crime" of "walking while black."

The Criminal Class in Washington is Bipartisan (tags)


Washington Admits Aiding Syrian Opposition (tags)


A letter to Katha Pollitt of The Nation Magazine (tags)

A letter to Katha Pollitt of The Nation Magazine

Rape and Murder in Afghanistan (tags)


Message 4 Actress Rooney Mara (tags)

Thanks for the inspiration...we needed it at Occupy D.C.!

Spring 2012 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

In This Issue: 1) May Day 2012 Call To Action! 2) The NDAA's Historic Assault on American Liberty 3) ‘Trespass Bill’ will make protest illegal 4) ICE Detainee Death in CA 5) Immig detention is no hospitality suite 6)3/23 Newark, NJ :Conf on Immigrant Detainees

Imperial Rage for War (tags)


Obama's Broken Resolutions and Occupy White House (tags)

Generalized security requires a social net, not lies and trillions to the banks. There has been a 30-year war in which the voice of business became louder. The financial sector must be shriveled. Private losses cannot become public losses. 14 million jobs can be created.

Martial Law State of Emergency (tags)

Will a State of Emergency Be Used to Supersede Our Constitution?

BTL:GOP Presidential Candidates Revive Christian Right Culture War to Rally Its Extremist (tags)

Interview with Peter Montgomery, senior fellow with People for the American Way, conducted by Scott Harris

Targeting Free Expression (tags)



The bellicose American elite has the Ayatollah Ali Khamenei your best ally.

Soiling for War on Syria (tags)


Irresponsible Anti-Iranian Fear-Mongering (tags)


BTL: 2012 Campaign Spending Breaking New Records as Groups Fight to Overturn Supreme Court (tags)

Interview with Jeff Clements, author of the book, "Corporations Are Not People", conducted by Scott Harris

Wall Street Excess and Main Street Distress: the Apple Connection (tags)

Apple’s march to market supremacy has been accomplished at tremendous cost to both American and Chinese workers

Heading for War on Syria (tags)


Consensus 9/11: Seeking Truth, Dispelling Lies (tags)


Obama hosts George H.W. and Jeb Bush at the White House (tags)

Unbeknownst to the press, President Obama met Friday evening with former president George H.W. Bush and his son, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, in the Oval Office.

Targeting AIPAC (tags)


Gay Refugees in the U.S.: Becley Aigbuza risk deportation (tags)

Becley Aigbuza, a young Nigerian homosexual who lives in San Diego, risks being deported back to his homeland where he was raped and tortured. EveryOne Group is appealing to the President of the United States, Barack Obama, the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, and the Governor of California, Edmund Brown Jr.

Queer Liberation Started in San Francisco, Not Stonewall (tags)

The legend says America's — and the world's — Queer liberation movement began with the riot at the Stonewall Inn bar in New York City in June 1969. But three months before, militant Queer activists in San Francisco had launched the Committee for Homosexual Freedom (CHF) and mounted the first-ever picket against a private employer for discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation. Leo Laurence and Pat Brown, two veterans of that movement, brought their story to Activist San Diego June 16.

Protesting Internet Censorship (tags)


SOPA and PIPA (tags)

Militarization of the Internet can only be confronted with direct action.

Waging Covert War on Iran (tags)



Ironies of a country that sees itself as being different, but which is actually equal.

Obama's New Military Strategy (tags)


Based On What We Believe (tags)

Last night Republicans in Iowa showed they believe Mitt Romney to be the best candidate to go up against President Obama in 2012. But it wasn't an easy victory for the man most believe to be the GOP establishment pick. He won by the slimmest of margins and could have very easily lost to Rick Santorum had a few more sof the votes gone the former Senator's way. People came out in support of Santorum in part due to his strong Christian conservative values, his stance on the increasing defense spending, his opposition to gay marriage, his anti-abortion stance and more.

Why the Establishment is Terrified of Ron Paul (tags)

It’s fascinating to watch the long knives coming out for Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul, now that according to some mainstream polls he has become the front-running candidate in the Jan. 3 GOP caucus race in Iowa, and perhaps also in the first primary campaign in New Hampshire.

Occupy Riverside Challenges Indefinite Military Detention (tags)

Friday, December 23, 2011
RIVERSIDE (CA) - Occupy Riverside demonstrated at the offices of Ken Calvert and Barbara Boxer to protest their support of the latest effort to codify the police state.

Russian v. US Elections (tags)


Occupy Your Home (tags)

Does anybody care? PLEASE read this article ( and then SIGN the petition ( located on the White House's "WE the PEOPLE" website to stop foreclosures on mortgages made to individual homeowners belonging to the bottom 99%. Also, please help this go viral! It needs 150 signatures to be publicly visible on the site, and 25,000 by January 2, 2012 to be guaranteed a response.

Destroying the American Dream (tags)

class war

Banner Drops Urge Veto of NDAA (tags)

December 16, 2011
RIVERSIDE (California) - Approximately six banners were hung from various freeway overpasses urging morning rush hour commuters to call Obama and ask him to veto the National Defense Authorization Act.

Obama Approves Draconian Police State Law (tags)

police state

Occupy the Library (tags)

America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy. Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.

Want to legalize drugs? Vote for Ron Paul!!! (tags)

If you want to end America's insane, unconstitutional war on drugs, Ron Paul is the man to vote for! Same goes for ending the the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and bringing home all the American troops stationed in 100+ countries around the world!

Obama's `Free Trade' Follies (tags)

The three pending "free trade" agreements portend more unemployment and corporate enrichment. Countries like Argentina have broken with the Washington Consensus (deregulation, privatization and liberalized markets). Argentina is free from the bondage of structural adjustment.

Occupy The Library (tags)

America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy. Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.

America's Weak Jobs Report (tags)

class war

Obama Orders Treason Against Occupy Wall Street (tags)

More details are being fished out of the pool of obscured coverage of the Obama regime's orders issued to the Department of Homeland Security, ordering the violent, treasonous assaults against peaceful, law-abiding citizens who are demanding true Democracy and sane Capitalism, something that our nation's enemies must stop at all cost.

Misplaced attack on 'ObamaCare' (tags)

Prior to the latest bi-partisan focus on "constraining" the Federal deficit--in which both D & R political parties now unite to use this heaven-sent battering ram to beat up on the working class even more, the Right Wing had been concentrating its Fire and Fury on the so-called ObamaCare...

Heading for War on Syria? (tags)


BTL:Environmental Opponents Take Credit for Obama Administration's Delaying Keystone XL Ta (tags)

Interview with Susan Casey Lefkowitz, director of the Natural Resources Defense Council’s international program, conducted by Scott Harris

Occupy The Library (tags)

America’s majority who supported the Occupy Wall Street movement (OWS), within the 99% of all Americans, are being smeared by agent propagandists within the punditry of mainstream media (MSM). For example, Michael Gerson’s black demagoguery, of the closet-right-wing Washington Post, is a good example. In one of his recent columns he declared the OWS movement seems little more than a “…confused set of grievances…” and paints the movement to have little ideological coherence save Marxist socialism and anarchy. Equally he attempts to blame the Democratic Party (that he claims is their “desperate” political calculation) for this phenomenon of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement.

Election 2012- Stewart Alexander Calls for an End to Attacks on Occupy Movement (tags)

Presidential Candidate Alexander says “Remember well who is behind these assaults on you; these are the men and women who are bought and sold like commodities by corporations. These are not just Republican officials, but also the Democratic Party that are assaulting your rights to free speech. Your calls for social and economic justice do not sit well with their owners. When the Democrats try to sweet talk you into believing they support the 99%: forget their words and remember their actions.”

US State Dept Orders Special Review of Keystone XL Pipeline (tags)

12,000 surrounded the White House on Nov 6 to urge President Obama to reject the Keystone XL pipeline. Trust begins when government is more than an errand boy for the banks and a rubber stamp for profiteering corporations.

Iran: WMDs Redux (tags)


Dispatch from Occupy DC "Occupy the Kochs" Action (tags)

Friday, November , 2011
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Occupy DC, in support of Common Cause and other organizations, supported a "guerrilla drive-in" at the Washington DC convention center. We followed that with a militant action of our own, detaining Koch supporters for approximately to hours.

The Cycle of fear (tags)

The Cycle of fear is my second article on hate and fear

Obama's Legacy of Shame (tags)

class war

US Finds Culprit (tags)

Critical thinking and cultural shock have the power to turn the world upside down (like Jesus' parables and zen koans). Trivializing structural/systemic economic problems as motivational, psychological, bumps in the road or industrial accidents is a perversion.

Presidential Candidate Alexander Wants Unemployment Benefits Extended Indefinitely (tags)

If elected president in 2012, Alexander says his administration will support the provisions of a livable guaranteed annual income. A Guaranteed Livable Income would be an unconditional and universal income administered by the federal government and granted to individuals to ensure that no person’s income falls below what is necessary for health, life and dignity.

Hazardous Hydrofracking in America (tags)


Obama’s Justice Department Declares War on Medical Pot (tags)

The federal government recently escalated its war against medical marijuana. In San Diego and other southern California counties, instead of targeting medical marijuana dispensaries themselves, they are threatening the dispensaries' landlords with having their properties seized if they continue to rent to the dispensaries. They are also threatening publications like "Kush" and "Nug" aimed at the market for medical marijuana. This is yet another about-face for the Obama administration from its former assurances that they would leave medical marijuana dispensaries alone if they complied with state law.

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Occupy Wall Street Could Extend Past 2015 (tags)

To clearly define the needs of working people and to establish a new social and economic order, Stewart Alexander says he would commission an Occupy Wall Street Council. The OWS Council would be comprised of thousands of working people from local communities, states and throughout the nation. Alexander emphasized his choice to head this national council would be peace activist Cindy Sheehan. Alexander says, ?It is my hope that the Occupy Wall Street movement and the OWS Council will help establish true democracy in America.?

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander Says Occupy Wall Street Could Extend Past 2015 (tags)

To clearly define the needs of working people and to establish a new social and economic order, Stewart Alexander says he would commission an Occupy Wall Street Council. The OWS Council would be comprised of thousands of working people from local communities, states and throughout the nation. Alexander emphasized his choice to head this national council would be peace activist Cindy Sheehan. Alexander says, ?It is my hope that the Occupy Wall Street movement and the OWS Council will help establish true democracy in America.?

Dominant Finance Capital Institutions (tags)

money power

British tabloid: Shocking revelation on the 10th anniversary of the war on Afghanistan (tags)

The real shocking issue is the persistent denial of the genocide of the Afghan people.

Stop the Machine Occupies Washington (tags)

social justice

International Day in Solidarity with Leonard Peltier (tags)

International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier: Clemency Now! The Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee calls on supporters worldwide to protest against the injustice suffered by Indigenous activist Leonard Peltier. Gather on February 4, 2012, at every federal court house and U.S. embassy or consulate worldwide to demand the freedom of a man wrongfully convicted and illegal imprisoned for 36 years!

BTL:Despite Almost Certain U.S. Job Losses, Obama Pushes for Bush-Era Free Trade Agreement (tags)

Interview with Arthur Stamoulis, executive director of the Citizens Trade Campaign, conducted by Scott Harris

Obama-Style Deficit Reduction (tags)

class war

Imperial Arrogance and Hypocrisy (tags)

state terrorism

Hard Times Getting Harder (tags)


BTL:Study Finds 25 Top CEOs' Pay Exceeds Corporate Taxes Paid (tags)

Interview with Scott Klinger, Institute for Policy Studies associate fellow, conducted by Scott Harris

US Election 2012: Stewart Alexander Expecting Little from Obama?s Jobs Speech (tags)

Presidential Candidate Alexander says, ?I would not place too much faith in Obama?s jobs program; I think it?s too little and it is almost too late.? Alexander also question Obama?s commitment to tax big corporation and the super rich; ?It is the capitalist elite who will back Obama for a second term in the White House.?

Media Manipulation of 9/11 Truth (tags)


Is Syria Next? (tags)

regime change

Lawlessness and Injustice Define America and Israel (tags)

rogue states

BTL:Protests Pressure Obama to Reject Proposed Alberta-to-Texas Tar Sands Oil Pipeline (tags)

Interview with May Boeve, executive director with the environmental group, conducted by Scott Harris

General Assembly Palestinian Statehood Vote (tags)


The Shortwave Report 08/26 (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Tea Party America and How to Fight It (tags)

The recent debate in Washington, D.C. over raising the debt ceiling has underscored just how totally the radical Right in general and the "Tea Party" in particular have taken over America's political debate and the economic and social consciousness of a majority of Americans. The remnant of a Left that still survives in America can only fight back if it first realizes, like a rehab patient, that we've "hit bottom" and then musters the kind of internal and external discipline it will take to mount an effective counter-attack. Instead of critiquing ourselves in public, we need to settle our differences behind closed doors, present an image of rock-solid unity to the outside world and get rid once and for all of the insanity of "consensus decision-making."

NATO's Planned Bloodbath in Tripoli (tags)


The Shortwave Report 08/19 (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Spanish National Radio, the Voice of Russia, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

U.S. Election 2012: Alexander Wants Billy Wharton as W.H. Chief of Staff (tags)

U.S. Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander notes that Billy Wharton is his choice for White House Chief of Staff because ?he is for the people.? As Co-Chairperson for the Socialist Party USA, Wharton has demonstrated strong leadership mobilizing the left to stop cuts to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Recently, Wharton spoke-out against raising the U.S. debt ceiling and has spoken against cutting U.S. debt on the backs of working people. Wharton has been a national leader in defense of education and has been an out-spoken critic of U.S. military aggression.

From the Debt Showdown into Recession (tags)

The scenario of an economic double-dip is very likely without additional economic measures. The budget cuts may bring about a recession. The republicans in Congress threaten to concoct an economic crisis if they are not allowed to cut spending. Our greatest problem is low spending.

New York Times Opposition to Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Vilifying Muslims in America (tags)



The American comic opera in two words.

Israeli Street Protests: Suppressed by US Media (tags)

class war


? The Dark Days of August Spreads its Gloom.? The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and its allied organizations is appalled by the so ?called ?debt ceiling crisis? drama and its compromise solution that did not tax the rich but passed the burden to the working poor of this nation. The JFAV is alarmed due to the fact, the bill speaks not of cutting ?defense spending? but ?security spending,? which includes the Department of Veterans Affairs. (DVA) Instead of scaling back the forces of war, repression and domestic surveillance, these ?security? cuts may easily be aimed at veterans' health care and retirement benefits.

America's Media: Dancing Around the Budget Debate Charade (tags)

corporate medias

The Fix Is In: Washington's Planned Social Contract Destruction (tags)


Habitat Fragmentation and Natural Gas Instability Applied to Ruby Pipeline Project (tags)

This report details the risks presented to the endemic species of the sagebrush ecosystems of northeastern Nevada by El Paso Energy Corporation?s Ruby Pipeline proposed to stretch from Opal, Wyoming to Malin, Oregon.

BTL:"Gang of Six" Senate Debt Ceiling Deal Would Make Deep Cuts to Social Security Benefit (tags)

Interview with Eric Kingson, co-director of the Strengthen Social Security Campaign, conducted by Scott Harris

Debt Ceiling Debate Charade Masks Planned Entitlement Cuts (tags)

criminal plan

BTL:Obama Adopts GOP Agenda, Offers Deep Cuts in Social Safety Net Programs to Get Debt Ce (tags)

Interview with Richard Eskow, senior fellow with Campaign for America's Future, conducted by Scott Harris

U.S. Election 2012- Socialist Stewart Alexander: Don?t raise the debt limit (tags)

Presidential Candidate Stewart Alexander says ?Working people should not fear the August 2nd deadline to raise the debt ceiling; the government will not collapse. It is time for President Obama and the professional politicians to attend credit counseling.?

War Is A Crime Preparation for Feb 7, 2012 Cal Primary (tags)

California will be part of Super Tuesday on February 7, 2012 when Alabama, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri, Montana Republican caucuses, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Utah have their presidential primaries. The two peace parties on the California ballot are Peace & Freedom Party and the Green Party. Below is a partial list of the war crimes and human rights violations of the current Democrat in the White House.

U.S. Election 2012: Alexander Will Only Seek SPUSA, PFP Nominations for President (tags)

Stewart Alexander says his presidential campaign is a left campaign to President Obama?s broken promises to working people. Alexander?s campaign has emphasized ending the U.S. war campaigns in Asia and Africa, introducing a single-payer health care system for working people, ending the big corporate tax breaks for big corporations, protecting Medicare, and creating millions of good paying jobs for working people.

U.S. Election 2012- Alexander: Obama?s war strategy is obvious, Election 2012 (tags)

Alexander says, Obama?s troop withdrawal strategy is politically motivated; ?President Obama has fine-tuned the political rhetoric that kept President Bush in office for two terms.? But Obama will need more than political rhetoric to stay in office for a second term; approaching 10 years of war, Americans want the troops back home and Obama has not offered any plans that will help restore the economy and create good paying jobs.

Bahrain Sues to Suppress Police State Terror Truths (tags)

state terrorism

Remote Control Killing Like Sport (tags)


British government: We wasted millions chasing wrong terrorist threats (tags)

British government's outrageous new "counter-terrorism" measures are receiving a public relations backlash because of their extreme, fascist overtones.

The Obama Doctrine: Lawless Imperial Aggression (tags)


Palestinian Divisions on Statehood (tags)


BTL:As Afghan War Approaches Second Decade, Activists Organize October Anti-War Protest (tags)

Interview with David Swanson, co-founder of, conducted by Scott Harris

The US government has gone into the business of managing the public's perceptions (tags)

"The US government has gone into the business of managing the public?s perceptions of news and events. Apparently, the Pentagon has implemented Perception Management Psychological Operations. There are also reports that the State Department and other US agencies use Facebook and Twitter to stir up problems for the Syrian, Iranian, Russian, Chinese, and Venezuela governments in efforts to unseat governments not controlled by Washington."

Internet Censorship Bill Introduced (tags)


The anarchist Stuart Christie and his neo-conservative literary bedfellow (tags)

"The Floodgates of Anarchy" and a fan of a government that boils people to death...

Hanna: An "Alternative" Movie Review (as more interesting and informative than your typica (tags)

This review is not meant to give you all the typical facts and highlights of the movie. Standard movie reviewers have already presented their perspectives, the basic story line. Whereas this essay is meant to take more seriously what is really a rather stupid plot, but still within a beautiful movie and action packed piece of entertainment, and to speculate how it may fit ?within? the too often vacuous audience culture that might watch it, as well as the movie industry that created it and critiqued it. And, granted, it is often presumptuous to interpret a work of art as something that can be criticized as more subjectively serious?but the idea of juxtaposing a fairy tale with CIA operatives is just too tempting to ?not? deconstruct.

Obama Plans Gutting Regulations for Corporate Favorites (tags)


Encircling Russia with US Bases (tags)


Alleged Obama - Netanyahu Rift (tags)


Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)


BTL:U.S.-NATO Drone Attacks and Civilian Deaths in Afghanistan and Pakistan Provoke Hatred (tags)

Interview with Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, conducted by Scott Harris

Bin Laden: Justice or Revenge? (tags)

The recent killing of Osama bin Laden by a U.S. Navy SEAL team spells an end to a remarkably successful terror operation that, by mounting one effective attack on September 11, 2001, ratcheted up the level of terror and fear in the U.S.; provided public support for a long-standing radical-Right agenda to effectively eliminate the due-process rights of the U.S. Constitution and put Americans under continuous surveillance; gave the Bush administration the pretext to invade Afghanistan and Iraq (the Obama administration has upped the number of wars the U.S. is fighting against Muslim nations from two to three by participating in the so-called ?no-fly zone? in Libya); and in general undermined American security while also encouraging millions of people in the Muslim world to take up terrorism out of hatred against America. The climate of fear carefully created by the U.S. government and corporate media around bin Laden is too useful to the Right-wing corporate agenda for them to allow it to be dispelled simply because bin Laden is no more.

U.S. Election 2012: Alexander says Republicans Can?t Win against Obama (tags)

President Obama has fallen far short of fulfilling has campaign promises that led him to victory in 2008; however, approaching U.S. Election 2012, the field of Republican presidential candidates is the worse since 1964; according to Stewart Alexander. Some members in the Republican leadership are already writing off the 2012 Election and are setting their hopes on 2016. By 2012, President Obama could win the presidential election by a landslide.

Amtrak Officials Back Schumer's Proposal For ?No Ride List? (tags)

The officials at Amtrak have supported the asinine proposal by NY Sen. Charles Schumer to create a "no ride" list for Amtrak, despite the obvious fact that anyone could take out a train bridge or tracks without EVER BOARDING A TRAIN!

Osama bin Laden killed by US Forces/No justice without a trial (tags)

Not only killing the unarmed Osama bin Laden is a warcrime, as any other human being he had a right on a fair and independent trial No justice without a trial

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander Says Obama Could Lose in 2012 (tags)

In an article that was written this week by Billy Wharton, Co-Chair Socialist Party USA, Mr. Wharton writes, “Simultaneously, voters should consider withdrawing their support from President Obama when re-election time comes. Obama has time and time again proven willing to use the war machine in a way that is every bit as ruthless as his predecessor. A Socialist Party USA candidate for the White House will place the dismantlement of the military industrial complex on the top of their campaign agenda. We will present a real candidate of peace.”

False Flags: An American Tradition (tags)

false flags

Staged Bin Laden Killing Hokum (tags)

false flag


We will do what want anywhere - the White House said.

Lies, Damn Lies, and Bin Laden's Death (tags)



Immigrants all of nationalities under attack, what should we do? Rise up, Fight Back! The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) is calling all immigrants and their advocates in Los Angeles to mobilize and hit the streets of LA on May 1. For the EPCC --May 1, International Workers' Day, marks the fifth anniversary of the historic nationwide immigrant workers’ strike. On that day, millions upon millions of immigrant workers—documented and undocumented—flooded the streets of Los Angeles with millions of their supporters also in small towns and large cities demanding respect for all workers.

Republicans Win Without a Shutdown (tags)

The first fight over the federal budget in 2011 is over, and the Republicans have won. For at least the past 30 years Republican ideas — that government is bad, that the private sector is always more efficient than the public sector, that wages and benefits need to be cut to make America's workers "competitive" with the rest of the world, and government spending needs to be cut even if it risks turning the current recession into a full-fledged depression — have ruled. Progressives need to understand the depth of the Republicans’ triumph in order to begin the task of reversing it.

Response to 'Leaked Zionist strategy Paper to counter BDS' By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

A ruling state cannot be dictated to by other nations, but it can and does dictate to other nations, including to the world's sole superpower! Does the Jewsonly State of Israel fit that bill? When Zionistan can bomb and kill and burn men women and children with impunity in front of the entire world's powerless spectating eyes, when every Western statesman from the Queen to the President pays homage to them, especially their visit on Israel's 60th birthday bash while their own Bibles were being burnt downtown, and when their sugar-daddy owns/controls all the Western world's central banks thus controlling their national/supra-national laws, someone expects me to believe that Israel is afraid of the BDS movement?

Obamanomics: Waging War on American Workers (tags)


The Mighty Wurlitzer: Wikileaks and Imperial Mobilization By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

This 'grand organ' is now able to even more effectively synthesize, implant, and reinforce, all the right set of beliefs (myths) among the entire world's public – by suitably combining 'events' with imaginative 'expos' writing – which appropriately primes the world populations to acquiesce to the oligarchic agendas. While playing this orchestra is now an integral part of all state-craft, its major musical themes are entirely determined by the behind the scenes owners of the system. While some might refer to the underlying techniques as propaganda and psy-ops, 'Mighty Wurlitzer' singularly captures the messaging-system controlled under a unified purpose of command which is both highly compartmentalized and cellularized. Only the Mighty Wurlitzer knows the entire tune.

The End of the Dollar (tags)

The financial crisis became an economic crisis and mutated into a state budget crisis when trillions were given to "system relevant" banks and private losses became public burdens. What is Plan B?How can the financial sector be shriveled? Can state banks (like NDakota) be a model?

Planned Regime Change in Libya (tags)

naked aggression

Obama in Brazil: hearts and minds operations (tags)

For the first time since John F. Kennedy, the USA has a charismatic leader to the point of being popular in other lands, becoming a reference for the electorates of different countries

Washington's UN War Resolution on Libya (tags)


Full Core Meltdown in Japan? (tags)

nuclear disaster

Our Man in Havana (tags)


Promises, Promises: Obama Rebuffs Invites to Stand with [Wisconsin] Workers (tags)

Send Obama and the Democrats a message and change your voter registration status to "Green Party" or "Peace & Freedom"! (Last years' Prop. 14 eliminated partisan primary elections, so there's really isn't any reason left to be a registered Democrat). Postage-paid voter registration cards are available at most libraries and post offices -- fill out one today!

Battleground Wisconsin: Corporate Power v. Worker Rights (tags)

worker struggles

War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley (tags)

We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.

Thank you Matt Damon! Let's replace RTTT with the Zinn Education Project (tags)

In defense of Matt Damon, who recently took a cogent and principled stand against this administration's reactionary neoliberal education policies. In response, many HuffPost readers unleashed vicious invective against him. Rather than defending education policies that originated from Heritage, Fordham, and Hoover, we should be advocating progressive education policies and curriculum.

The Shortwave Report 03/04 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Germany, and Cuba.

America's Total Surveillance Society (tags)


Hillary Clinton,Cocaina Traficante:Mexico,Guantanamo (tags)

Hillary Clinton viajó en el avión propiedad de la empresa vinculados a entregas de la CIA y la fecha del crimen organizado publicación: 15 de Oct de 2007 anterior | próximo 15 de octubre de 2007 - Hillary Clinton viajó en el avión propiedad de la empresa vinculados a entregas de la CIA y el crimen organizado El 24 de septiembre 2007 , un Gulfstream II (cola número N987SA) se estrelló en Yucatán, México con 3,3 toneladas métricas (3,7 toneladas) de cocaína a bordo........

Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with Iran? (tags)

"In terms of imperialist mentality, not all that much has changed since the days of 1956, when British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would become apoplectic at the mere sight of Colonel Amal abd-el Nasser, the gallant Egyptian leader who successfully nationalized the Suez Canal in defiance of the British and the French. When the imperialists look across the northern edge of Africa, the valuable assets they see are the oil of Algeria and Libya, and above all the Suez Canal, one of the classical naval choke points of the world, through which 8% of world maritime trade currently passes. The Anglo Americans are acutely aware of the endless possibilities for mischief against countries like Iran, China, and Russia that could be derived from a reassertion of the old imperialist control of Suez. If some pretext could be found for banning Chinese ships from the Suez Canal, China’s entire trade with Europe would be severely disrupted. However, in order to make a grab for Suez politically feasible, Egypt would have to descend into chaos. This may in fact be one of the prime motivations of what is currently going on. If the national states collapse, then the empire is free to step in and seize what it wants."

Waging War on Chicago Workers (tags)

labor struggles

U.S. Election 2012- Stewart Alexander: Obama’s Budget is a Plan for Austerity (tags)

President Obama’s budget will face an uphill battle in Congress because it fails to reign-in spending and will increase the federal debt by more than $20 billion over the next decade. Republicans in Congress have failed to offer any viable alternatives to the president’s budget proposals, leaving millions of working people discouraged, believing that congressional Republicans are part of the problem rather than offering leadership for solutions.

Obama's Anti-Populist Budget (tags)


The Two Roads Out of Recession (tags)

Recent events in Washington, D.C. should provoke fear and outrage in the average American worker. As the jobs recession staggers on, politicians and labor leaders alike seem bizarrely distanced from reality, unable to advance any ideas that remotely correspond to the basic demands of those tens of millions of unemployed, under-employed, or poorly paid workers. Instead, what we get is President Obama's recent groveling to the corporate-dominated Chamber of Commerce, pleading with them to hire workers. The President's recent speech to the Chamber implied many dangers, which neither labor federation-- AFL-CIO and Change to Win -- bothered to point out. In fact, the AFL-CIO applauded sections of the speech, rather than condemning its sinister motives. If labor unions align themselves with the President's and the Chamber's pro-corporate path out of the recession, a workers’ road to recovery will be bypassed.

Mubarak's Failed Bait and Switch (tags)

liberating struggles

Essentials on the situation in Egyp (tags)

"Then, over the weekend, came the public statement by Frank Wisner, the former ambassador to Cairo tapped by the Obama administration to serve as its envoy to Mubarak. Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Wisner declared, “President Mubarak remains utterly critical in the days ahead as we sort our way toward the future.” He added that the dictator “must stay in office in order to steer those changes through.” The State Department immediately responded that Wisner was speaking in a personal capacity and had not cleared his remarks first with the US government. While mortified that Wisner had the audacity to say publicly what the administration—behind all its phony rhetoric about democracy—is actually doing, no one disputed the content of Wisner’s statement. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs found a somewhat more elegant way to echo Wisner’s view, declaring that the issue was one of “process not personality.”

George Bush: Preliminary Indictment for Torture (tags)


Field Notes on American-Style Democracy (tags)


End Game in Egypt (tags)


Heroic resistance in Cairo to state-orchestrated repression (tags)

"A significant piece of direct evidence of collusion is the texts sent out by the government via various mobile phone networks to rally its forces. One published on Flickr gallery states, “The Armed Forces asks Egypt's honest and loyal men to confront the traitors and criminals and protect our people and honor and our precious Egypt.” The fact is that the army and the police are headed by the same people who control the government, with Mubarak's newly appointed vice-president, Omar Suleiman, acting as the prime culprit."

Alan Dershowitz Supporting Tyranny? (tags)


Egypt's Revolution: Obama Backing Regime Change? (tags)


Revolutionary Middle East Change (tags)

sweeping change

Chicago's Mayoral Election: Rahm Emanuel's Eligibility At Issue (tags)

city politics

Dexia Holding v Countrywide and the Sub-prime Crisis - the Scope of the Fraud May Begin to (tags)

The complaint signals a break of ranks in the tight formation of banks, attorneys, judges, and regulators, and rebellion by northeastern states against fraud epidemic that was spawned in the southwest. "Corruption of the courts and the legal profession" is at the crux of the fraud.

Mass Street Protests in Egypt (tags)

liberation protests

The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)

"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."

The "Palestine Papers" Revealed (tags)

treachery revealed

Marriage Activists Discuss “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal (tags)

Members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) discussed the bill Congress passed last December aimed at repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy excluding open Queers from serving in the U.S. military. The discussion, at their regular meeting January 11, revealed mixed feelings; S.A.M.E. members supported “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal as a civil rights issue, but many of them are also anti-war and want Queers to have the right to be in the military — and the good sense not to join.

Let Aristide Return! (tags)

justice for Aristide

Nation Wide Protests for Jobs Now! (tags)

It is time to hit the streets

Turmoil in Lebanon (tags)

Lebanon crisis

BTL:Obama's Staff Shake-Up Signals Less Hope, Less Change (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Post-Quake Haiti: One Year Later (tags)

Haiti worse off than ever

Obama's New Chief of Staff and Economic Team (tags)

Wall Street dominated

Britain's War on Islam (tags)

vilifying Muslims

Annabel Melongo: Victimized and Imprisoned (tags)

another political prisoner

Hail to the Thief: The New York Times Defends Mikhail Khodorkovsky (tags)

supporting mega theft

Looking Forward Towards Change (tags)

Focusing ahead on this coming New Year in many ways is very exciting. We have a new diverse set of viewpoints to shape our legislation. We have promises made by both sides, and as some were kept via last minute legislation this year there is hope momentum will be followed through to 2011. There is a hope through diversity we will see a new vision and even direction arise.

Looking Forward Towards Change (tags)

Focusing ahead on this coming New Year in many ways is very exciting. We have a new diverse set of viewpoints to shape our legislation. We have promises made by both sides, and as some were kept via last minute legislation this year there is hope momentum will be followed through to 2011. There is a hope through diversity we will see a new vision and even direction arise.

USDA; Try "Coexistence" w/ Monsanto; HELL NO! (tags)

Scientific studies show increasing links between consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and severe health risks, yet under Obama's USDA censorship remains business as usual. Lack of truth in labeling of GMO products deprive consumers of freedom of choice and the right to know what is in the food we are eating. Instead of protecting consumers, the USDA becomes the "long arm of Monsanto" by protecting their unregulated experiments on consumers in North America and elsewhere by exposing people to GMO products against their knowledge and consent.

Israel Hardens Repression as Palestinian Recognition Increases (tags)

holiday season state terrorism

Kosovo's Prime Minister Accused of Running Human Organ, Drug Trafficking (tags)

"As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic." Once organs were removed from the victims they were auctioned off to the highest bidder and sold by a global trafficking ring still "operating" today.

Start Treaty Hypocrisy (tags)

more hype than substance

The True Richard Holbrooke Legacy (tags)

another war criminal

The Fix Is In: Expect Democrats to Buckle (tags)

Democrats will cave

The Dictatorship of America's Aristocracy (tags)

Obama's betrayal

Corporate Media's Version of Economic Justice (tags)

middle class destructions

FBI Sting Entraps Another Victim (tags)

another likely victim of US injustice

Obama Cutting Social Security Funds in Deal to Extend Tax Cuts (tags)

To provide political cover for this giveaway to the rich, the plan includes an extension of federal long-term unemployment benefits for 13 months and a one-year reduction in the Social Security payroll tax from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. While this would temporarily increase paychecks for tens of millions, it would also deprive Social Security of $120 billion in funding. The White House said this shortfall would be made up through general revenue sources, but these have not been specified. [And probably do not exist.]

Obama Capitulates to Republicans (tags)

Obama betrayal

Over 100 San Diegans Demonstrate for Marriage Equality on Eve of Court Hearing (tags)

Over 100 San Diego supporters of marriage equality took to the streets in Hillcrest Saturday, December 4 as part of a statewide mobilization, "Unite to Make It Right," two days before the scheduled Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals hearing on the legal challenge to Proposition 8, which banned legal recognition of same-sex marriage in California. The event consisted of two rallies and a march in between, and speakers called for more militant activism and more aggressive challenges aimed at President Obama and other elected officials who have talked the talk of Queer equality but have done little or nothing to bring it about.

Nine Obama Pardons Mock Equity and Justice (tags)

gross presidential hypocrisy

Obama's Decision to Push Bush's NAFTA-Style Korea Trade Deal Without Real Fixes Is Mistake (tags)

Press release by Public Citizen about the Korean trade agreement that's being pushed.

The persecution of WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange (tags)

"The documents obtained by WikiLeaks—only a small fraction of which have been released so far—help expose what is a permanent conspiracy against the democratic rights of the world’s population: from covering up US bombings of civilians in Yemen, to working behind the scenes to obstruct the prosecution of CIA agents guilty of torture, to spying on UN officials in violation of international treaties. Those who are leading the campaign against WikiLeaks are themselves responsible for horrific atrocities. In the face of allegations from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that WikiLeaks had placed lives in danger, Assange gave an appropriate response in an interview with Time magazine. WikiLeaks, he noted, “has never caused an individual … to come to any sort of physical harm or to be wrongly imprisoned and so on. That is a record compared to the organizations that we are trying to expose who have literally been involved in the deaths of hundreds or thousands or, potentially over the course of many years, millions.”

The New York Times Again Censoring WikiLeaks (tags)

willful New York Times censorship

The New York Times: What Passes for Journalism in the Newspaper of Record (tags)

corporate journalism

Latest North/South Korean Exchange (tags)

media reports obscure the facts

Barack lashes out at Americans (tags)

Barack lashes out at Americans

Obama Team's Deficit Cutting Proposal: Benefit the Few, Harm the Many (tags)

Obama's Robin Hood economics

The IMF Dictates More Than Ever (tags)

"Many developing countries that were independent in food production at the start of the 1980s import food necessary for their populations today. The subsidized agriculture of western countries has flooded the cou9ntries of the South. Haiti imports the rice that it once cultivated.."

TIME TO GET RAD: Post-Election Thoughts From the Socialist Party Los Angeles Local (tags)

The Left is fractured and weak, but there is hope in the form of a movement and Party whose very existence is aligned with the fight to protect civil liberties, provide basic necessities and deliver a swift counterpunch to the fat cats in Sacramento and D.C.

US Elections: America's Right Turn (tags)

misguided voters

Obama/Democratic Abandonment of Senior Citizen Voters Politically Stupid (tags)

Recognition finally coming in MSM that Obama has made a major political blunder in alienating senior citizens.

Reviewing Project Censored's Top 2009-10 Stories (tags)

PC's top censored stories

Censored from HuffPo / Chicago: "Who cares who wins the elections" (tags)

As a regular blogger on the Huffington Post / Chicago's website, I recently encountered a situation which I believe is censorship for failing to have a proper "line" on next Tuesday's elections. As allies of the Democratic Party in various sectors scramble to motivate the party's "base" for the elections, apparently a voice pouring cold water on such efforts was not welcome. That the piece showed that human rights progress is not beholden to Democratic Party advancement made it that much more toxic. Here it is so that you can judge for yourself.

Dick Cheney Was Right! Torture Works. (tags)

That's if you are torturing for the explicit purpose of having torture victims confess to crimes they didn't commit.

The War On Terror (tags)

"Pakistan warned Washington against future attacks. However, US military officials, under pressure from Obama to show progress in the endless Afghan war, responded to Pakistan’s warning by calling for expanding the Afghan war into Pakistan. On October 5 the Canadian journalist Eric Margolis wrote that “the US edges closer to invading Pakistan.” In his book, Obama’s Wars, Bob Woodward reports that America’s puppet president of Pakistan, Asif Ali Zardari, believes that terrorist bombing attacks inside Pakistan for which the Taliban are blamed are in fact CIA operations designed to destabilize Pakistan and allow Washington to seize Pakistan’s nuclear weapons."

New War Rumors: U.S. Plans To Seize Pakistan’s Nuclear Arsenal (tags)

"“The free-wheeling access to US covert military and intelligence operatives, both officials and private contractors, is another destabilising factor that we seem to be unable or unwilling to check. And now there are the NATO incursions into our territory and targeting of even our military personnel, which shows how servile a state we are living in at present. [10] As the war in Afghanistan, the largest and longest in the world, proceeds with record casualties among civilians and combatants alike on both sides of the Afghan-Pakistani border, plans are afoot to further expand the war into Pakistan and to threaten Iran as well. Comparisons to Washington’s war in Indochina have been mentioned. [11] But Pakistan with its 180 million people and nuclear weapons is not Cambodia and Iran with its population of over 70 million is not Laos."

War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Nov 9 (tags)

War criminal Karl Rove will speak in Phoenix on Tuesday, Nov 9 at the Sheraton Hotel in Phoenix. The event is sponsered by APS, SRP, Arizona Republic and a number of other businesses.

The Shortwave Report 10/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, and Russia. 

A view from Afghanistan (tags)

A view from Afghanistan

BTL:Despite Setbacks, Climate Change Activist Bill McKibben Sponsors Global Day of Action, (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Real Significance of the One Nation Rally (tags)

How are we to interpret the massive One Nation demonstration in Washington D.C. on October 2nd? Was this a rally to elect Democrats? A progressive movement hijacked by the Democratic Party? Or something else?

BTL:Obama Seeks Back Door Key to Spy on All Internet Communication (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Selling of the Woodrow Wilson Center (tags)

The DC-based Woodrow Wilson Center, established by Congress, has sold out to corporate America and political interests. Its president, former Congressman Lee H. Hamilton, has questionable corporate links.







BTL:Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining Opponents Work to Generate Clean Energy (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine



Ecuador's Correa Haunted by Honduras (tags)

"The co-ordinated actions in various cities, the takeover of Quito's airport by a section of the armed forces – all this indicated a planned coup attempt."

Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker Criticizes the Federal Reserve (tags)

"Altogether the 81-year old Volcker can hardly see anything good in the development of the financial system over the last 25 years."

Imperial Israel (tags)

Like America, Israel has imperial ambitions

Obama's Justice Dept's Forbidden Words & Spying on Skype, Facebook, Blackberry (tags)

The forbidden fruit always tastes the best, and here are Obama's Justice Dept's forbidden words that were the basis for the latest invasion of peace activists' homes and grand jury subpoenas: PALESTINE, SOCIALISM, CLASS STRUGGLE, IMPERIALISM, REVOLUTION, MARXISM, TROTSKYISM. Learn those words early and repeat them loudly everywhere.

Can America Stop An Israeli “Nuclear” 9/11? (tags)

“The American people are afraid, they see disaster coming. Everyone is waiting to see what city is chosen to be sacrificed. Will it be Phoenix or Sacramento or perhaps Atlanta? This is the real fear, the “not so secret” fear in the heart of every American.”

Obama's New Consumer Watchdog (tags)

consumer interests won't be much helped

From "Hizzhonor" to Dishonor (tags)

Rahm Emanuel will likely enter Chicago mayoral race

Obama Declares Another National Emergency When None Exists (tags)

Another national emergency?

Destroy Talk Radio and Fox News! (tags)

In order to reverse the seemingly inexorable march of American political and popular opinion to the Right, progressives and the Left in general MUST confront the power of talk radio and Fox News as Right-wing propaganda outlets that are brainwashing millions of Americans. This article, published as the editorial in the September 2010 Zenger's Newsmagazine, calls for a worldwide boycott of advertisers on talk radio and Fox News until the shareholders and managers of these corporations realize that their subsidy of Right-wing nutcase politics is going to hurt their bottom lines.

Fatah: Collaborationist Israeli Ally (tags)

Fatah betrays Palestinians

U.S. Aim in "Peace Process": Liquidation of Palestinian struggle (tags)

"On the day the talks began, a press conference in Gaza City by 12 Palestinian organizations including Hamas, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Islamic Jihad, Popular Resistance Committees, Palestine People's Party and others denounced the Washington talks as a sham and announced their intention to intensify the resistance against Israeli occupation. Renewed negotiations are taking place against a backdrop of the accelerated seizure of Palestinian land in the West Bank, a vast expansion of Israeli settlements and the continued blockade of Gaza. Today, there are more than 500,000 Israeli settlers in the West Bank. The extreme right-wing Israeli government, which includes outright fascist elements, has intensified repression against Palestinians who make up 20 percent of the population inside the 1948 borders"

WTC,9/11,ICTS International,NY Mosque:Netherlands Geert Wilders,Barack Obama Declare 9/11 (tags)

And why was WSJ reporter and Israeli-American, Daniel Pearl, not investigating Richard Reid the shoe bomber's visit to Israel instead of Pakistan ? Did Asra's former Wall Street Journal colleague , Daniel Pearl, know that his own Israel and Israelis of ICTS International,(that also 'guarded' Logan Airport in Boston on 9/11),had allowed and if fact aided Richard Reid to fly to Israel on El Al pre 9/11 to visit Hamas just as they would later facilitate his boarding of a flight from DeGualle Airport,Paris to the U.S. shortly after 9/11 !?



Israel/Palestine: More on the Sham Peace Talks (tags)

economic decline

Ripping Off Dead War Vets' Beneficiaries (tags)

stealing from the dead

Katrina five year anniversary; revisiting the good work of Rainbows and friends (tags)

This press release is from a year ago, the hurricane hit five years ago...and the Gulf Coast still needs help

Continuity of Government: Coup d'Etat Authority in America (tags)

America on a fast track toward despotism

Legislation for Greater Agribusiness Empowerment (tags)

food safety off the table in these bills



Fidel Castro Claims Osama Bin Laden Works for CIA (tags)

Fidel Castro has stated his belief that Osama Bin Laden is secretly working for the CIA, and Bush could summon up Osama's video threats whenever he needed to justify additional money to prop up the U.S. military adventures in either Afghanistan or Iraq.

The Charade Exposed: Latest Israeli No Peace/Peace Talks for September (tags)

Israel wants conflict, not peace

Arctic contaminants threaten polar bears (tags)

Arctic contaminants threaten polar bears

Why won't the Pentagon help WikiLeaks redact documents? (tags)

"But yesterday, WikiLeaks the DoD itself released a letter -- dated August 16 (two days before the Newsweek article) -- which makes clear that WikiLeaks did exactly that which DoD officials denied they did: namely, they asked DoD for help redacting these remaining documents. That letter, written by DoD Legal Counsel Jeh Charles Johnson to WikiLeak's counsel, Timothy Matusheski, explicitly recounts -- contrary to the emphatic denials in Newsweek -- that WikiLeaks' lawyer had contacted the Pentagon and requested help in the "harm minimization" process. The DoD, however, is explicitly refusing to offer any help whatsoever."

BP's Insidious Coverup and Propaganda Campaign: Out of Sight, Out of Mind (tags)

"Yesterday I spoke with Clint Guidry, a Louisiana fisherman who is on the Board of Directors of the Louisiana Shrimp Association and the Shrimp Harvester Representative on the Louisiana Shrimp Task Force created by Executive Order of Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal. “Right now, there is more oil in Barataria Bay than there has been since this whole thing started on April 20,” Guidry told me." BP oil is now turning up under the shells of post-larval blue crabs all across the northern Gulf of Mexico. Nearly all the crab larvae collected to date by researchers, from Grand Isle, Louisiana all the way over to Pensacola, Florida, have oil under their shells. Further analysis is showing that the crabs likely also contain BP’s Corexit dispersant. On August 5th it was reported that a pair of fishermen in Mississippi “made an alarming discovery that has many wondering what’s happening below the surface” of the Gulf of Mexico. They found several full-sized crabs filled with oil." To para phrase Orwell: "If you're going to lie, lie big!"

Top Serect - 2 Long but interesting articles on the NSA along with waste and bureaucray (tags)

Top Secret - 2 long but interesting articles from the Washington post on the NSA and the mind numbing bureaucracy and waste that goes on there. If you don't have time stash these two article off some where and read them later.

Obama's Gulf Swim Was Fake (tags)

Another Obama lie

Border Security Plan Adds 1,000 Federal Law Enforcement Border Patrol Agents (tags)

Obama said the 600 million additional funding for border security "answers my call to bolster the essential work of federal law enforcement officials," adding that the measures "will make an important difference as my administration continues to work with Congress toward bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform to secure our borders, and restore responsibility and accountability to our broken immigration system."





Trying To Bend Both Ways (tags)

There really isn’t any way to say you stand staunchly against a position if you hope to remain credible for long - not in the eyes of the public. It’s like a person claiming to be fasting from food for the greater good passionately and openly, but then getting caught feasting on barbeque spare ribs and lo mein at the Chinese restaurant on the opposite side of town. It’s like the person claiming to be against drugs getting videotaped selling crystal meth. It’s like the human rights activist businessman getting caught using child labor. Whether to the right or the left of the political spectrum no one likes it.

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

Pride Rally Reveals Queer Community’s Divisions Over Obama (tags)

The July 16 San Diego Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender pride rally, which opened the city's weekend of Pride events, revealed the deep-seated divisions within the Queer community over President Obama and the proper way of organizing. Stuart Milk, nephew of Queer martyr Harvey Milk, said he'd attended a meeting at the White House at which Obama endorsed virtually the entire agenda of the Queer rights movement — but Fresno-based activist Robin McGehee said that doesn't matter. McGehee and San Diego Transgender activist Autumn Sandeen, who joined together for a direct-action campaign against the White House over Obama's failure to seek repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that keeps openly Queer people from serving in the U.S. military, said that the Queer community should use nonviolent civil disobedience to confront Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate majority leader Harry Reid and other Democratic politicians who aren't delivering on their promises to the Queer community.



W Bush's,Barack Obama's Mass Murderer Robert Gates Says Wikileaks Has 'Blood On Its Hands' (tags)




Damage Control: Downplaying WikiLeaks Revelations (tags)

spin can't hide the importance of WikiLeaks documents

WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries" (tags)

a powerful indictment of all wars

Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)

f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."



U.S. Socialist Stewart Alexander Will Run for President in 2012 (tags)

Stewart Alexander says, as president he will focus on creating good paying jobs for working people repairing the nation’s infrastructure, creating jobs in the building and construction industry, and developing mass transportation. He will also work with Congress to address immigration reform and to create stronger relations with our southern neighbors. To address the needs of a global economy, Alexander says he will introduce a plan to establish a Universal Basic Income to alleviate poverty and homelessness.

Under Threat: A Free and Open Internet (tags)

Internet threatened

Leak Hampers BP Effort to Shut Off Well and Halt Spill (tags)

ABOARD THE RESOLUTE, 50 miles off Louisiana — BP stopped collecting oil from its runaway well on Wednesday afternoon, laying the groundwork for a critical test that could halt the rush of oil into the Gulf of Mexico for the first time since the disaster began three months ago. The test involves closing valves on a new tight-fitting cap to increase pressure in the well, so that BP can assess the rest of the well’s condition.

Obama and Netanyahu Plan Conflict, not Resolution (tags)

Permanent conflict is US and Israeli policy

The Zionist Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla (tags)

South African activists describe this flagrant assault as Israel’s Sharpeville, referring to the 1960 massacre in South Africa that marked a turning point in international support of anti-apartheid resistance. There certainly appears to be a great deal of active support for the BDS campaign. Let’s hope it culminates in the eventual realization of a one-state democracy inclusive of all residents, Arab and Jewish, living in peaceful coexistence under a secular, democratic government. Free Palestine now!

Deficit Hysteria: Wrongheaded in Times of Depression (tags)

proposed policies are wrecking economies





Sacking McChrystal: Testimony to a Lost War (tags)

the illegal, lost Afghan war

BTL:Deteriorating Military Situation in Afghan War Erodes Congressional Support (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine


The Brazilian corpses in the closets of the White House.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 2009 Annual Report (tags)

another year of Israeli crimes


A republic on the way to the empire?

Oval Office Duplicity: Cover for Corporate Criminality (tags)

government/corporate crime

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Goldstone Commission II Essential (tags)

independent investigation essential

VIDEO: "We Pray for the People of Palestine and Gaza" (tags)

Zionism is a political movement within Judaism. Remove Zionism and we can live as we lived for hundreds of years. Zionism is the transformation of Judaism into nationalism with exclusion of God.

End the Gaza Siege (tags)

illegal by any international standard

Targeting Whistleblowers: Truth Telling Endangered (tags)

dissent and whistleblowers in America endangered.

Torture Research and Experimentation: Official Policy under Bush and Obama (tags)

Torture is official US policy

Was the Obama Administration involved in the Planning of the Israeli Attack (tags)

"The Israeli Navy Commando had prior knowledge of who was on the Turkish ship including where passengers were residing in terms of cabin layout. According to Swedish author Henning Mankell, who was on board the Marmara , "the Israeli forces attacked sleeping civilians."

The Flotilla Aftermath: Historical Perspective, Aftermath and Implications (tags)

Commandos had names and photos of activists to be assassinated

North Korean Ship Sinking: Another False Flag? (tags)

Washington, not N. Korea the likely suspect

US Media's Pro-Israeli Bias: Response to the Freedom Flotilla Slaughter (tags)

appalling major media coverage

Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea (tags)

more Israeli crimes against humanity

Brave Israeli Commandos Slaughter Aid Activists at Sea (tags)

Murder at sea

Condemnation Follows Israeli Raid On Flotilla (tags)

" Hamas won an election for control of Gaza over the more conservative pro U.S. Fatah group favored by the U.S. and Israel. In the aftermath of a bloody struggle the more centrist faction was defeated militarily and by the ballot. Please remember this as most western press services have consigned important setails to Orwell’s “memory hole.” "Officials in Israel said the elite naval units were attacked as they attempted to board one of the ships, and that the commandos used live fire only when they felt their lives were threatened. Dozens of passengers and at least five Israeli soldiers were wounded in the confrontation in international waters."

Obama's Gulf Commission: Distortion, Obstruction and Whitewash Assured (tags)

Obama's Gulf commission assures coverup

Massacre in Thailand: Obama's Bloody Hands (tags)

When the White House is quiet as protestors are butchered in the streets of Bangkok Thailand, suspicions are raised. Silence often equals complicacy. One can only imagine what the U.S.’ response would be to a Venezuelan government slaughter: the U.S. media and Obama would loudly condemn such an act, in contrast to the muted response to Thailand’s blood bath. The history of U.S.-Thailand relations explains why. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. used Thailand as one of the main “anti-communist” bulwarks in an area that included China, Vietnam, Burma, and other countries that were challenging capitalism.

Betrayed trust (tags)

Betrayed trust

Congressional Climate Bills: Stealth Schemes to Raise Energy Prices and Enrich Wall Street (tags)

climate bills are solely for profit


Official American propaganda contaminates the Brazilian press.

Using Alleged Terrorism to Escalate Wars and Homeland Repression (tags)

NY bomb incident may unleash a wave of homeland repression

Wilson Center Desecrates Namesake’s Legacy, Violates Congressional Mandate (tags)

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th American president, is looking down in horror at what the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is doing in his name.


May Day in the United States was day for workers and immigrants! More than 500,000 people protested and filled the streets of LA and other 75 other US Cities in their hundreds of thousands. One of the rally organizers, ANSWER-LA, TV Channel 54 and 62 estimates the crowd as high as 250,000 while the LAPD has a low estimate of 60,000.

Rush Is Right about a BP Horizon Terror Attack (tags)

Rush Limbaugh, the superstar of right-wing talk radio, has always been quick to savage conspiracy theories. On Thursday though he revealed his own.

¡Reforma Sí! ¡Migra No! Inland Empire stands with Arizona (tags)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

SAN BERNARDINO - Large crowds of people from throughout the Inland Empire gathered in San Bernardino to march for the human rights of immigrants and to denounce the racist Arizona law SB 1070. La Plaza Park on San Bernardino's east side was the point of convergence, and music and announcements welcomed the arrivees until about 11, when the ranks began making their way down the sidewalk and across the 215 bridge toward city hall, where a rally was held with music and speeches. Peaceful resistance was the spirit of the day, and careful attention to hydration and mutual respect among attendees was the hallmark of the day's beauty.

Preparing Haiti for Exploitation and Plunder (tags)

America plans to ruthlessly plunder Haiti for profit

Gulf oil spill threatens economic, environmental catastrophe (tags)

"According to a report in the Wall Street Journal, the Deepwater Horizon oil rig lacked a device called an acoustic switch that could have shut off the flow of oil. The remote controlled device sends acoustic impulses through the water that can trigger an underwater valve to shut down the well. All offshore rigs have one main switch to shut off the flow of oil by closing a valve located on the ocean floor. There is also supposed to be a backup, a so-called “dead man,” that will shut down the well in the event of a catastrophe on the rig. Apparently neither of these devices worked on the Deepwater Horizon rig. The crewmembers who would have been closest to the shutoff switch are among those missing and presumed dead. With an acoustic trigger a crew can shut down a well even if the rig is damaged or evacuated. However, BP, which reported profits of $5.598 billion for the first quarter of 2010, vigorously resisted changes to US regulations that would have required acoustic triggers on deep sea rigs, citing effectiveness and costs, about $500,000 per unit. Compliant US regulators agreed, saying other backup plans were sufficient. They called the acoustic triggers unreliable and prone to causing unnecessary shutdowns."

Iraq Today: Afflicted by Violence, Devastation, Corruption, anDevastation, and Desperation (tags)

Think Iraq and imagine an image of hell

Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice (tags)

Britain and America partnered for injustice

Next Supreme Court Justice to Solidify Right Wing, Neoliberal Control (tags)

Obama likely to shift the court more to the right

Behind The Scheme To Privatize NASA Elon Musk, The Downey Connection & Google Owners (tags)

Elon Musk who is planning to build "green" electric auto assembly plant in Downey is also working with Pres Obama to privatize the NASA program and turn the program over to him

Israel's Infiltration Prevention Bill (tags)

Israel accelerating toward fascism

Venezuela: Coup and Countercoup, Revolution (tags)

"But the coup resistance grew to millions of people, flooding the areas surrounding the presidential palace, and the presidential guard, still loyal to Chavez, moved to retake the palace. Word of the resistance reached military barracks throughout the country, and one in Maracay, outside of Caracas, acted quickly to locate and rescue Chavez and return him to the presidential palace.??By the early morning hours of April 14, Chavez had returned, brought back by the will and power of the Venezuelan people and the loyal armed forces.??These events changed Venezuela forever and awoke the consciousness of many who had underestimated the importance and vulnerability of their Revolution."

Obama's Brave Nuke World (tags)

smoke and mirrors, not policy change

Montcoal, WV; Massey Energy Cited 1,300 Times For Safety Violations (tags)

Following the recent cave in of a coal mine in Montcoal, WV evidence shows that despite over 1,300 safey violations Massey CEO Don Blankenship failed to act as needed to provide workers with a safe work environment. Once again profit placed over human lives by short-sighted CEO of Massey. The current body count of 25 miners with four still missing shows neglecting safety can have tragic consequences.

Nazi Covenant - "With Hell are We at Agreement! (tags)

Samaria's Nazi Health Care; Killing You with Kindness - "Woe to Samaria!", for Samaria gets rich treating intentionally induced illnesses! (Amos 6:1)

Internet revolution in Venezuela and No Going Back (tags)

"There's an Australian journalist and documentary film-maker, John Pilger, who said that, 'What you're seeing is really an unprecedented propaganda campaign that's being waged against the Chavez government' – 

FF: It's a media war – 

KJ: It really is a media war. And I think if you go to Venezuela and see what the media says, this will become clear immediately. You often hear the claim that there is no freedom of speech and so on, but internally in Venezuela there are more than 50 daily newspapers and about 45 of those newspapers support the opposition and are constantly attacking the government everyday – including having front page headlines calling for the military overthrow of the government... Then you have those 4 newspapers that support the Bolivarian process; and then you have one newspaper that, you know, presents itself as being neutral. So, on the level of the print media, the opposition to the government is overwhelmingly dominant... A lot of the television stations are extremely hostile as well. 

The other important aspect to note is that, as a result of the Bolivarian process, you actually have a massive explosion of community media in Venezuela, in particular community radio stations in the Barrios...but also a number of community television stations and other independent media websites and so on. So this is like the first time where a lot of the grassroots groups and Venezuelan poor are actually getting to participate themselves in the production of the their own media; whereas prior to the Chavez government, they didn't have a voice in politics or the media."

Go Away, Barky, I've Work to Do (tags)

"Obama and Netanyahu initially conferred for about 90 minutes in the Oval Office — a half-hour longer than scheduled. After that meeting, Obama retired to the residence while Netanyahu stayed behind in the White House to consult with his staff in the Roosevelt Room, a White House official said late Tuesday."

Queer Democrats’ Surprising Lieutenant Governor Endorsement (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club made a surprising choice in the June 8 Democratic primary for lieutenant governor. San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom became a nationwide hero to the Queer community in February 2004 when he unilaterally ordered city officials to grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples, but the club rejected him in favor of Los Angeles City Councilmember Janice Hahn. Members’ concerns about Newsom included his less than progressive stands on economic issues, his notoriously messy personal life, his potentially rocky relationship with presumed Democratic gubernatorial nominee Jerry Brown, and the risks of going into a statewide election with two white men at the top of the ticket against likely Republican nominees Meg Whitman for governor and Abel Maldonado for lieutenant governor.

Dueling Strategies in the Defense of Public Education, Part 2 (tags)

In Part I of this essay we looked at strategies in defense of public education that are referred to as “ultra-left,” meaning that they veer so far left that they sever ties with the working class and consequently lose all traction when it comes to influencing the movement. Here we will examine strategies that veer to the right, often ending up in the camp of opportunism, which means sacrificing principles and working class independence for the sake of quick but illusory gains. The interests of working people are subordinated to those of the capitalist class and the politicians who represent them, be they Democrats or Republicans. Finally, we will return to the question of how to proceed forward.

The American military/industrial complex [Gen Petraeus] says (tags)

Israel’s insults to the US are becoming tiresome and a danger to the US..



Peace Process Hypocrisy: Stillborn from Inception (tags)

The peace process is a charade

Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

In fact, some of the best cloaking devices for clandestine covert-operations and hidden agendas have been invented by the most brilliant minds – here is one exposition for instance from Ezra Pound: “invent two lies and have the public keep arguing which one of them might be true”. Another is by Leo Strauss – the erudite teacher of the majority of the neo-cons – called “Noble Lies”. A third by the White House, often referred to as “plausible deniability”. Lastly, we also have the “limited hangout” and “modified limited hangout” conspiracies to mislead the public in case “plausible deniability” for governmental wrong-doing doesn't work. But wait, we also have “beneficial cognitive diversity” through “cognitive infiltration” - previously known as COINTELPRO and undercover operations - thanks to the academic regurgitation of Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, now President Obama's Chief Information Officer.


“ The test of the pudding is in the eating” The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and the Coalition for the Defense of immigrant Rights (CDIR) learned that leaders of the National Immigration Forum and Chair of the Reform Immigration for America Campaign met with President Obama and was joined by other immigrant rights leaders from grassroots, labor, and faith organizations for a meeting at the White House on next steps for comprehensive immigration reform legislation.

Permanent Aggression, War on the horizon in Latin America (tags)

"A military conflict is not initiated from one day to the next. It’s a process that involves first influencing public perception and opinion – demonizing the target leader or government in order to justify aggression. Subsequently, armed forces are strategically deployed in the region in order to guarantee an effective military action. Tactics, such as subversion and counterinsurgency, are utilized in order to debilitate and destabilize the target nation from within, increasing its vulnerability and weakening its defenses. This plan has been active against Venezuela for several years. The consolidation of regional unity and Latin American integration threatens US possibilities of regaining domination and control in the hemisphere. And the advances of the Bolivarian Revolution have impeded its “self-destruction”, provoked by internal subversion funded and directed by US agencies. However, the Empire will not cease its attempts to achieve its final objective, and a potential military conflict in the region remains on the horizon." "The time to defend Venezuela is now. The empire is preparing to destroy this beacon of hope. Certain nations have the potential to lead the world away from destruction. Venezuela with it’s progressive leadership, a well mobilized working class, and other “conscious” sectors, in addition to abundant natural wealth which includes oil, can any one doubt what U.S. planners are preparing? No serious person who wishes to help preserve our world can deny her need to take this stand and become involved in this work. You out there who were involved in the Central American solidarity actions are called upon again now. Your efforts then in the face of the empire helped make this day possible. We did not save the world then. We helped keep it alive. We should rejoin the effort now. How beautiful the outcome may be this time."

Above the Law (tags)

The business sector of the U.S. — particularly the giant corporations that dominate our economy — literally regard themselves as above the law. Not only do they pay millions of dollars in legal bribes to politicians under the guise of “campaign contributions” to gain legislation that makes them BILLIONS in additional profits, they merrily disregard existing laws on issues ranging from labor to the environment to health and safety and paying their taxes. And a U.S. population brainwashed by decades of Right-wing propaganda extolling the private sector and the “free market” as good, efficient and honest — and damning the public sector as ineffective and hopelessly corrupt — has led most Americans to see government, not corporations, as their real enemy.

“Hail to the Cheat,” a political novel, by Ted Venetoulis - A Review (tags)

Americans need a good laugh. After eight years of Dubya, and one year of President Barack Obama, who prefers to be loved and not feared, a political spoof has arrived to save the day. It’s Ted Venetoulis’ fun-filled novel, “Hail to the Cheat.” President Lance Billingsley gets caught by the First Lady, Jessica Berringer, “doing” her dear friend, Sondra Heatherstone, on the carpet and in the buff in the Oval Office! Fireworks quickly erupt!

Applying the Emergency Brake (tags)

"The US bank model forces others in indebtedness, inflates the money supply, devalues assets and generates virtual dollars..Wall Street banks are involved in a `systemic risk' that endangers the capitalist reproduction process.."

America's Permanent War Agenda (tags)

permanent wars for permanent peace

Honduras: A selective and low-intensity human hunt (tags)

Another murder in broad daylight

America's Supremes: Court Over Constitution (tags)

America governs lawlessly

War Criminal Alex Haig Praised by Obama (tags)

People are known by the company they keep and Democrat Obama's praise for the late war criminal Republican General Alexander Haig is the latest sign that we are dealing with yet another fascist president, EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE LAST FASCIST PRESIDENT, GEORGE BUSH. The biography of war criminal Haig (1924-2010) is below.

CNN's cover-up of the corporate fraud of Globalization. (tags)

I am informing through Indymedia International, all the workers of the World that they themselves must build their own jobs. All institutions in America public or private are robbing the citizens. Each American must deal with the problem directly.

The Shortwave Report 02/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Truth in the Service of Empire: Response to Yvonne Ridley's 'Truth about US justice' (tags)

In my view, the prima facie “Truth about US justice” is that “truth” is in the service of empire! The madam Ambassador of the United States to Pakistan has only executed the core purpose of her post rather faithfully in the service of her empire. “Truth” in these times, like everything else, including science, politics, history, literature, cinema, and of course political-science, is continually put in the diabolical service of empire.

30 Gaza high school students visit the US (tags)

The U.S. Department of State sponsored a two-week visit to the U.S. focused on human rights and democracy for a group of 30 high school students from Gaza

Ten Years After Seattle (tags)

We must develop a new strategy for the movement. Neoliberal policy destroys the idea of the public. Neoliberalism privatizes and instrumentalizes production, communication, language and emotions. We should prepare for a long phase of barbarism and violence.

The Shortwave Report 01/29 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Union of the Unemployed (tags)

Friday, January 15, 2010, marks the start of a movement.

Imp Tossing! Keelhauling! What Not? 1/24 (tags)

Imp tossing probably started in Ithaca with their favorite imp, Terry Garahan pushing alleged suicides into the gorges from grassy overlooks - "This is my favorite spot!" Now I hear that they have been tossing imps from high rises in the midwest. Is this the rage of the future?

Haiti: Workers Solidarity, Yes! Imperialist Occupation, No! (tags)

The January 12 earthquake in Haiti that devastated the capital city, leaving well over 100,000 dead and a million homeless, was one of the worst geological calamities of modern times. The earthquake was a natural disaster, but the horrendous death toll and monumental destruction were caused by capitalism and imperialism. Now the human suffering has been enormously compounded by to the militarization of the relief effort and reoccupation of Haiti by the United States. More than a dozen flights by aid groups, carrying rescue squads, tons of medical supplies and entire field hospitals, were refused permission to land at the Port-au-Prince airport by U.S. military air controllers who are now in charge. Food was already stocked in warehouses, but agencies refused to distribute it for fear of "riots." The media blitz is a propaganda war to embellish the image of U.S. imperialism. This phony humanitarianism are being used to disguise a new U.S. occupation of Haiti. We demand an end to the imperialist occupation, U.S./U.N. forces get out of Haiti and stop blocking entry of Haitian refugees.

Emergency Vigil in Support of Haiti (tags)

An emergency vigil was held asking people "to donate money to go to grassroots women and their families, and therefore communities, rather than to thieving elites and their corrupt NGOs."


Who knows the history prospers... and it takes revenge.

The Big One Devastates Haiti (tags)

Haiti is now ripe for plunder

She Did It (tags)

After the 2008 elections many in the Republican party went on the record stating the party needed to reach beyond it's traditional constituency and diversify. The new Chairman of the Republican National Committee said, "there was underlying concerns we had become too regionalized and the party needed to reach beyond our comfort" zones. Many discussed minorities and women as demographics they needed to bring in, but there has been a conspicuous lack of action regarding this. In some cases when they have talked it has seemed the opposite.

WAT (tags)

Witness Against Torture continues the campaign to shut down Guantanamo and end torture.

Another DC Stand Down-As Radioactive Groundwater Due to Hit Chesapeake Bay (tags)

Not 1 or 2 but fully all the nuclear power plants in the Chesapeake Watershed are leaking radioactive water. What's going on? Why is this a big deal for all of the US?

Obama's War on Yemen (tags)

Obama's expanded war agenda

Iran's Revolution vs. The Democrats (tags)

On Sunday in Iran, mass protests were drowned in blood by government authorities; at least ten reportedly have been killed with hundreds injured. The events have been given ample coverage in the U.S. media, with the intention of further demonizing Iran’s repressive government. Absent in the American media are the deeper implications of the protests, which, to anyone paying close attention, constitute a powerful revolutionary movement. This movement has grown exponentially in a very short period of time. Although only beginning in June over allegations of voter fraud, the movement is now endorsed by millions of combative Iranians, demanding “death to the dictator,” while they waive an Iranian flag that’s missing the Muslim insignia. Massive demonstrations in the streets and university campuses have directly confronted police repression and in some cases have overcome it. The New York Times describes a scene found only in instances of revolution:

Obama Year One: Betrayal and Failure (Part II) (tags)

Worse than Bush


Don't I trust the American government? And you?

Defeat U.S. War on Afghanistan and Iraq! (tags)

On December 1, President Barack Obama officially announced a massive escalation of the U.S. war on Afghanistan, tripling the number of American military personnel there since Obama took office. This move marks a decision by Washington to continue the colonial occupation of Afghanistan indefinitely, and with it the bloody slaughter of the Afghan people. Obama’s claim that he would “begin the transfer” of U.S. forces by mid-2011 was just sucker bait for gullible liberals. “Afghanistan Is Now Obama’s War,” proclaimed the media from New York to London to Mumbai. But Afghanistan has been the Democrats’ war since the moment it was launched, in September 2001, and together with the war on Iraq, it is a bipartisan imperialist war. No one in Washington thinks the Afghan puppet army will be able to handle the Taliban. The actual U.S. strategy is not to defeat the Taliban but to weaken it enough so that elements of the Islamists can be brought into a political deal. It is striking that in the United States, a majority of the population is turning against the war even though there hasn’t been a major national antiwar march in more than two years – ever since the start of the last presidential election campaign. At protests following Obama’s announcement of more troops to Afghanistan, organizers carefully avoided any signs mentioning the president by name. Our Internationalist contingent, in contrast, carried signs including, “Hey Obama, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today? Defeat Imperialist Slaughter in Afghanistan, Iraq.”

The Process Continues (tags)

In 2008 after the national elections and all the votes were tallied everyone presumed Democrats had a strong position in Washington. Their candidate Barack Obama won the White House with a solid showing that November. They ended up with a huge majority in the House of Representatives. These two things were healthy and an upbeat sign for those who voted for change in Congress.

Are the Democrats Fighting the Banks? (tags)

How pathetic. President Obama sat at a table surrounded by super rich bankers, pleading with them to lend money to small businesses and workers. The media mislabeled Obama’s groveling as “encouraging,” “imploring,” and “pressing,” but a man who refuses to take action is powerless; and powerless people can only beg. This disgraceful meeting happened shortly after Obama got “radical” on national TV, calling the bankers “fat cats” and other tough words. But words are only that.

The Earth Has a Fever (tags)

Worldwide 136 cities of millions at the coasts are directly endangered by the rising sea level.. The president cannot win a two-front war against the conservatives.. Over 100 German regions resolved to be completely renewable by 2025.

Targeting Lawyers - The Case of Paul Bergrin (tags)

police state targeting of lawyers

Ben Carnes on the film "Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier" (tags)

In advance of his appearance this week at an L.A. screening of "Warrior: The Life of Leonard Peltier," Ben Carnes of the Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee discussed that film, Leonard Peltier, and a variety of other Native American issues.

The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Is the Entire World the Target? (tags)

"The longest war in American history prior to the current one was that in Vietnam. U.S. military advisers were present in the country from the late 1950s onward and covert operations were carried on in the early 1960s, but only in the year after the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident - 1965 - did the Pentagon begin major combat operations in the south and regular bombing raids in the north. The last American combat unit left South Vietnam in 1972, seven years later. The U.S. (and Britain) began bombing the Afghan capital of Kabul on October 7, 2001 with Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships and submarines and bombs dropped from warplanes and shortly thereafter American special forces began ground operations, a task that has been conducted since by regular Army and Marine units. The bombing and the ground combat operations continue more than eight years later and both will be intensified to record levels in short order."

It’s My Party and I’ll Crash If I Want To (tags)

Michaele and Tareq Salahi weren’t the first to maneuver past Secret Service. I have done the same thing. Twice....I am pleased that the media who once hoarded the most valuable commodities in America—information and ideas—have been forced to pull extra chairs to the table.

BTL:Obama Ups the Ante in Afghanistan, Graveyard of Empires (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Abolish the Fed and Return Money Creation Power to Congress (tags)

Only Congress empowered to create money


Chronicle of a disguised military dictatorship.

The War Prayer & Grandma's Battlecry (tags)

As the latest Hitler in the White House goes before his gang of warlords at West Point instead of Congress as this country because increasingly fascist on December 2, 2009 to promote yet another blood for oil war, it is worth remembering Mark Twain's "War Prayer" and the peacenik response, "Grandma's Battlecry."

Mumia’s Life Is On the Line: Mobilize Labor/Black Power to Free Him Now! (tags)

The threat to Mumia Abu-Jamal's life is increasingly ominous. His lead attorney, Robert Bryan, warns: "There is an escalated effort by the authorities to see him die at the hands of the executioner. This is the most dangerous time for Mumia since his 1981 arrest." The U.S. Supreme Court has turned down Jamal's two appeals. If it were to rule in favor of the prosecution's appeal, this would open the way for Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell to issue a third warrant of execution, which he has vowed to do. Contrary to the misplaced expectations of many, the Obama administration is not about to save Mumia. Around the world, hundreds of thousands have marched for this courageous champion of oppressed. Trade unions representing millions of members have rallied to the defense of Mumia. It is urgent to expand this support into powerful labor/black action, appealing to the integrated union movement to join with the black, Latino and immigrant poor to demand that he be liberated.

Fascist Obama Jails Framed Ill People's Lawyer Lynne Stewart (tags)

Almost every day we hear about another reactionary act by the latest fascist in the White House, Democratic millionaire, warmonger, death penalty promoter Obama. The latest is the fact that he refuses to drop the charges and dismiss the frame-up of 70-year-old seriously ill people's lawyer Lynne Stewart and her co-defendants but instead allows the 2d Circuit to immediately jail her. The protests must be loud and clear as this is fascism.

A Year of Obama (tags)

"Not learning lessons from the bank collapse reproduces or strengthens the dominance of the financial sector. The danger of a repetition of the crisis grows..The political right-wing slanders the health reform project as an `attack on freedom.'"

Osama bin Laden as U.S. Anti-Christ: (tags)

The greatest terrorist known to the Christian world is the Anti-Christ—he represents all the fear mongering any religion could possibly create. Ever since the axis of newsmedia, government and American naivete succumbed to the improbable story of highjackers commandeering huge airliners, which they were not trained to fly, with mere box cutters no doubt, Osama bin Laden has become the greatest threat to the United States of Feeblemindedness. So great is his cunning prowess that he threatens the gigantism of the American pentagon and White House cabinetry, as tax-holic corruption galore, from bat caves thousands of miles away. Only a devil could be so wily. Apparently one of his evil attitudes is that he doesn’t support drug cartels or their profit motive.

David Victor said (tags)

anytime I want

Trouble in U.S. Ranks and Not All Powerful Nations Bow to Israel (tags)

"Sixteen American soldiers killed themselves in October, an unusually high monthly toll that has senior military officers worried about the impact of sending tens of thousands of new troops into Afghanistan. WSJ's Yochi Dreazen reports. .The Army's top generals worry that surging tens of thousands more troops into Afghanistan could increase the strain felt by many military personnel after years of repeated deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. The October suicide figures mean that at least 134 active-duty soldiers have taken their own lives so far this year, putting the Army on pace to break last year's record of 140 active-duty suicides. The number of Army suicides has risen 37% since 2006, and last year, the suicide rate surpassed that of the U.S. population for the first time. The health of ground combat forces is emerging as an element of the Obama administration's review of its Afghanistan strategy. Conditions there have deteriorated in recent months amid lingering political instability and a worsening Taliban-led insurgency. Gen. Stanley McChrystal, the top American commander in Kabul, wants more than 40,000 new troops, in addition to the 68,000 that will be in Afghanistan by year-end, and has warned that the U.S. faces possible "mission failure" unless it adopts a new strategy and quickly deploys significant reinforcements." and "Ever since the 22 day brutal and merciless bombardment of homes, schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza by the Israeli criminal regime, many Israeli tourists are receiving the cold shoulder in countries they visit and some do not want them at all. It is no surprise that high level Israeli government and military officials do not dare set foot in certain countries for fear of being arrested but snubbing the regular Israeli citizen is a relative new phenomena."

Obama Praises Repub Bob Gates & Signs More War & Fascism Spending Bills (tags)

Honesty is always the best policy and Democrat Obama told the truth as to who he is on 10/28/09 when he praised Bush's War Sec, Republican Bob Gates as he signed the National Defense Authorization Act and on 10/29/09, a bill for the Gestapo, the "Homeland" Security Dept, giving $724 billion for war and fascism while we have poverty, no schools, no healthcare, no jobs. Democrat Obama ALWAYS WAS AND STILL IS a millionaire, warmonger, death penalty promoter. This is what you voted for when you voted either Democrat or Republican in November 2008.

The Untold Story of the Cuban 5 (tags)

The Cuban 5 are 5 Cuban anti-terrorists working in Miami to expose terrorism against Cuba. They were framed up in Miami and are serving long prison terms here in the U.S. for doing nothing illegal. Below is part one of a series about their case.

Push to legalize marijuana gains ground in California (tags)

Push to legalize marijuana gains ground in California

Jailed New York City's former police chief Bernard Kerik is in a psychiatric unit and on s (tags)

Kerik is displaying worrisome, risky behavior in jail, a federal judge said Friday after speaking with the jail's psychiatric director

A New Paradigm: The New Deal of the 1930s (tags)

The New Deal that led out of the worldwide economic crisis in the 1930s was based on the combination of a new technical-economic model with a new socio-economic model. Obama's achievement is not turning the necessity of overcoming the crisis against the social principle

Obama Supports Food Inc.'s World Domination and All We Get Is the White House Garden? (tags)

While Michele Obama took the needed steps in tearing out the White House lawn and planting an organic garden, her husband isn't so quick to drop the old pandering to biotechnology habits of big agribusiness corporations. With Obama's chosen staff of Tom Vilsack, Rajiv Shah, and Islam Siddiqui we have a continuation of the revolving door between corporate agribusiness, biotechnology and government regulators.

Obamacare Targets Entitlements (tags)

the plan is to make America Guatemala

Behind the "debate" over Afghanistan (tags)

October 7 marked the eighth year of the U.S. invasion and occupation of Afghanistan, making it one of the longest wars in U.S. history, and the end is nowhere in sight. Instead, today the imperialists are facing mounting difficulties and staring into the abyss of possible defeat.

In His Mother’s Footsteps: LA Man Jailed for 5 Days After Sit-In at Blue Cross Office (tags)

On Thursday, Sam Pullen was arrested at the Los Angeles offices of the insurance giant Blue Cross. He refused to give his information to police and vowed to remain in prison until Blue Cross agreed to hear demands that it stop denying doctor-recommended medical treatment to seriously ill patients.

No More Police Murders! No More Stolen Lives! (tags)

October 22nd is the National Day of Protest to STOP Police Brutality, Repression and the Criminalization of a Generation. It is the day to begin to stand up and resist the outrage of police brutality and police murder. FIGHT BACK! WEAR BLACK!

Afghanistan; Our Alpine Quagmire, 8 Years is Enough! (tags)

After eight years of hunting OBL throughout the mountains of Afghanistan with no luck, can we finally say "enough is enough" and begin the process of U.S. troop withdrawal from this alpine quagmire??

The Gaza War's Effect on Women (tags)

they suffered terribly

Economic recovery underway - a cruel deception (tags)

Behind the Coup Regime Curtain (tags)

"Providing an example of what else these citizens in civil resistance are up against, the pro-coup media then takes the demonstrators’ attempt to remain within the coup decree’s 20-person limit on public assemblies, and portrays it as a sign that the resistance has lost steam. The daily Heraldo, for example, covered that same demonstration with these dishonest words: “The security lines remain, and an important number of national and international journalists, and, of course, demonstrations, which are already almost insignificant for the number of participants."

Reviewing Project Censored's Latest Top 25 Censored Stories (tags)

Project Censored's fabulous new book.

Obama failure in office (tags)

Must be down to his bosses.


Visit of the President of Iran to Brazil is harassed by the press.


Interview of Noam Chomsky

Queer Democrats Can’t Agree on Marriage Strategy (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club discussed whether to seek the repeal of Proposition 8 in 2010 or 2012 at its regular meeting September 24 — and turned out to be as divided on that topic as the rest of California’s Queer community. The two major statewide Queer organizations, Equality California and the Courage Campaign, have taken totally different tacks on the issue. The Courage Campaign not only favors 2010 but is already organizing for the earlier date, while Equality California’s leaders are convinced that 2010 is premature. Both the club’s invited panelists and its own members differed widely on whether to go in 2010 or 2012, and both proposals for the club to take action on the issue were voted down by wide margins.

The First Shots of the Trade War (tags)

With the G-20 summit approaching, cheerful talk of “international cooperation” fills the White House press-room. These comments carry with them the implication that “free trade” is integral to “cooperation,” a fact made explicit in the last meeting of the G-20. There, in the name of “united action,” world leaders agreed not to install any new protectionist measures. Since then, protectionist measures have flourished. Instead of global cooperation we have its opposite: international tensions are on the rise as trade disputes sharpen.

October 10th – Call for a Pro-LGBT Picket of the White House (tags)

-- Please circulate widely --

6 PM, Saturday, Oct. 10th
Lafayette Park (on H Street just north of the White House)

Many of us watched in disgust this past January as the homophobic Reverend Rick Warren was given an honored place at the inaugural festivities. It was as if a leader of the White Citizens Council had been invited to the White House.

Wall Street Under Obama: Bigger and Riskier (tags)

After the financial levees broke and the crumbling banks ushered in the economic crisis, angry people clamored for drastic change in the financial system. Obama reflected these feelings well, at times using radical rhetoric to denounce the banking titans. What he promised was deep regulatory change so that such a crisis “would never happen again.” Like every other promise of substance, Obama’s pledge to “rein in” the banks has fallen by the wayside; the well-timed rhetoric smoothed over public tensions and now business is back to usual. The New York Times remarks:

Afghanistan: Back Door to War on Iran (tags)

Neocons support war with Afghanistan in order to get war with Iran

Blase Bonpane Denounces U.S. Support of Honduran Coup (tags)

Blase Bonpane, who's been fighing the good fight against U.S. militarism and imperialism for over 40 years, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego September 8 and said the recent coup in Honduras couldn't have happened without the approval of the U.S. government and corporations. He reviewed America's long history of direct intervention in Latin America in general and Honduras in particular, and said the U.S. backed the Honduran coup now as an attack on the Bolivarian Alternative for the Americas (ALBA), organized by Venezuelan president Hugo Chávez as a network of Latin American countries with Leftist governments who want to be out from under the thumb of oligarchs, corporate elites, international bankers and local militaries trained at the infamous School of the Americas in Fort Benning, Georgia.


Deeply inspired by your promise of “Change We Could Believe In” during the last presidential campaign we would like to reiterate our support to your administration. We believed you would put a stop to the bankrupt policies espoused by your opponent, Senator John McCain and his fellow Republicans. With regard to the Philippines, our country of ancestry, we hoped that the “Change” you were talking about would mean a re-thinking of U.S. support for the administration of incumbent President Gloria Arroyo, whose record of corruption and violation of human rights has now surpassed that of the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos.

Twenty Minutes with the President (tags)

I recently had the pleasure of sitting down with our 44th President of the United States of America, Barack Hussein Obama, while he was out promoting his health care reform initiative. I requested 30 minutes given the scope and detail of my inquiry; they said I could have 20. Twenty minutes, 1200 seconds, not a lot of time to question the President about one of the most important events in our nation’s history. The following is a transcript of our remarkable discussion.

Former Obama Adviser Attacks Him at Freedom Awards (tags)

Steve Hildebrand has been described as Barack Obama's closest Gay friend and the person he listens to on Gay issues, but at the August 22 Freedom Awards, the main fundraiser for the predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club, he bluntly said, “The problem is Obama isn’t listening enough.” At the event, Hildebrand delivered a slashing attack on Obama and the Democrats in Congress -- both the so-called “Blue Dogs” in the House and the “moderates” in the Senate, as well as leaders like Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid who are letting them get away with hijacking Obama’s agenda and pushing him to the Right. Hildebrand predicted that the Democrats will lose their Congressional majority if they continue to tack Rightward and fail to do the things they were elected to do.

How to Lower the U.S. Deficit Without Killing Social Security (tags)

When it was recently announced that the federal deficit was $2 trillion higher than previously estimated, corporate vultures — after years of high-altitude circling — began their descent. The dying entity they’re after is the U.S. social safety net — Social Security, Medicare, etc. Years of waiting have finally paid off; the long awaited pretext for scavenging has arrived in the huge federal deficit.

Amazing Organizing in Honduras (tags)

“Who led the march?” he asked, then answering: “The young people, and also children and senior citizens did. We went into the streets with our drums. Our drums have accompanied this process since the beginning. Last night at this event’s inauguration the energy was high because our culture was here with us, and with us the voices of the ancestors, as we go forward constructing the new nation, the new community. A better future for the community depends on each one of you.”

America's Tortured Past (tags)

America's sordid legacy

The Smearing of Mary Robinson (tags)

The Israel Worshippers (IWs) are clever! As I write, 1.5 million Gazans are languishing under Israeli occupation. The IDF’s siege of Gaza from Dec. 27, 2008 to Jan. 18, 2009, took about 1,400 innocent lives. To change the subject from Gaza, the IWs orchestrated a campaign against Mary Robinson, whom President Obama had nominated for a “medal of freedom.” The IWs’ campaign failed. Ms. Robinson got her medal and the focus remains on Gaza.

Obama's secret surrender to Israel (tags)

Will be signed in London on Aug. 26, 2009.


On October 5, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR), along with other national peace groups, will carry out direct action at the White House to end the war in Afghanistan and demand reparations for the people of Afghanistan.

The Obstacles to Real Health Reform - Private Insurers and Big PhRMA (tags)

Predatory providers are the real problem

BTL:Rise of Extreme Right Anti-Government Groups Seen at Health Care Protests (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Global Depression and Regional Wars - Part II (tags)

continued imperial plunder

It's Official: Healthcare Reform is Dead (tags)

The “transparent government” that President Obama guaranteed during his electoral campaign has become yet another broken promise. On August 14th, the Huffington Post revealed a memo containing details of “the deal” that Obama cut with health care mega-corporations in secret White House meetings. And although the White House denies the authenticity of the memo, the details are consistent with earlier reports from other national media outlets.

Obama has lost "single payer" (tags)

He should go back to teaching.

The Fellowship with The AIPAC and Goebbels Murdoch. (tags)

Are chipping away at American Democracy.

Nuclear Obama's "Vibrant Response" (tags)

These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now deserves the love and thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell not easily conquered. -- Patrick Henry, December 23, 1775

Former U.S. Ambassador Roger Noriega hired to push Honduran putsch agenda (tags)

"On one side are foreign oligarchs seeking to cloak their self-interested pecuniary agenda under the mantle of U.S. national security and from that concealed, disingenuous platform are working to trump even democracy. On the other side, in the streets of Honduras, and from below all across the Americas, are the forces of authentic democracy, fighting back the only way they can — with their hearts, minds and the blood of their convictions. Stay tuned …."

MELISSA ROXAS: As Palparan Fails to Break Roxas in Manila, US Legal Team Files Complaint.. (tags)

While former Philippine military leader-turned-lawmaker Jovito Palparan fails to break the credibility of American citizen Melissa Roxas’ testimony that it was the Philippine military that tortured and abducted her last May during a hearing before the Philippine House Committee on Human Rights in Manila, official complaints of torture have already been filed by Roxas’ US legal team with the United Nations in Geneva and United States State Department.

9/11,Carl Levin,Senator Jane Harman International,Kuwait Securacom, Marvin Bush,Al Sabah (tags)

After all they are royalty,both Sheikh Sabah al Sabah of Kuwait and Queen Jane Harman of Venice, California,aren't they ? And now one of the Sheikh most loyal subjects and leader of the Kuwait orchestrated illegal Harman International NYSE pump and dump to defraud American small investors is dead.Just goes to show as that old saying goes dead men or dead subjects of the Sheikh can't tell tales.

Honduras imposes State of Siege in South: The Struggle Shaking "America" (tags)

"People here have been fighting for Zelaya’s return for a month now. They are incredibly committed and won’t back down,” he said. He urged people to call Congress and the White House and demand that the U.S. government pressure Micheletti to lift the siege. White House comment line: 202-456-1111 Congressional switchboard: 202-224-3121 Send an email to Barack Obama using the Latin America Solidarity Coalition/School of the Americas Watch site

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)

the threat of totalitarian democracy

Attac France on the Stiglitz Report (tags)

If the world really lives through a systemic crisis, solutions must also be sou9ght on this plane. Regrettably the mandate limits the commission to reform the international monetary system. The UN is the only institution with a democratic legitimacy.

Dethrone the Dollar (tags)

Political countervailing power of the G-millions against the economism of the neoliberals can only be formed with a long breath.. The grass grows from below; words fall empty from the top.

Fed refuses to disclose recipients of US $2-trillion (tags)

Fed refuses to disclose recipients of US $2-trillion

Bring the Bushite Enemy to Justice (tags)

"We don't give them a bail out on top of a bail out, they'll run Americans into the ground - is the for sure crime of extortion"


In early October, the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance (NCNR) will carry out direct action at the White House to end the war in Afghanistan and to close Bagram prison and end torture.

Obama Snubs Africa, Then African Americans (tags)

Many people believed that after Bush had left the White House, rampant arrogance combined with stunning hypocrisy had also gone. Events have proven otherwise. A recent speech delivered in Africa — and one later directed specifically at African Americans — carried with them all the baggage of the Bush years, to the extent that one could safely claim that absolutely nothing had changed. And although Obama is able to give a more compassionate and intelligent speech than was possible with Bush, the essence of their policies is identical. Both Africans and African Americans can expect no help from the U.S. government in addressing their serious and specific grievances, themselves the result of past and current U.S. government policy. Instead, both were given the same solution: if you want help, help yourselves, “no excuses.”

Hearing Voices? (tags)


Fernando Suárez del Solár Speaks at “Senseless Death” Screening (tags)

In 2003 Jesús Suárez del Solár became one of the first U.S. victims of the current war in Iraq -- and his father, Fernando, expressed his anger and sadness at the loss of his son by joining the San Diego anti-war movement and becoming one of its most powerful activists. On July 8 the San Diego Public Library showed “A Senseless Death,” a 2006 documentary by a French-Canadian filmmaker that told the story of Jesús and other so-called “green-card soldiers,” immigrants (both documented and undocumented) lured into the U.S. military and promised citizenship in return for becoming cannon fodder for U.S. imperalism.

Lobbyist Lanny Davis Seeks a Rematch with Obama over Honduras Coup (tags)

"And Zelaya is right. Playing along with such talks with an illegitimate coup regime any longer than they've gone on already would be folly. Diplomacy is for dealing with legitimate governments, not for criminals and terrorists. And, Mr. President, even if that story blows over in the news media, because Honduras is a relatively small country, you just know that if the Honduras coup succeeds in remaining in power that other military generals in other Latin American countries are going to take it as a green light to do the same. And when that happens, the next coup - in Bolivia, perhaps? El Salvador? Nicaragua? Or completing the circle from 1955, Guatemala, Señor Presidente? - will be known far and wide as “Obama’s coup,” because your administration will then be accurately perceived as having not lowered the boom – in all the economic, political and judicial ways that everybody knows you can and must do - on its predecessor. Worse, they’ll say you got beat by Lanny Davis. They’ll even say that kooky Lanny fellow was right about you in 2008. Those are his chips on the card table. Now show us yours. ----- Most Damning: Many will come to see that that (facilitate the coups) was what you were "hired" to do?" General Joe

Wanted for conspiracy (tags)

Obama meets Ben-Ami and the forty thieves at the White House.

It’s Still a Military Coup in Honduras (tags)

"We’ve already praised the singular work of TeleSur, and also of the courageous Hondurans who have broken the information blockade from below, filming coup abuses and the massive protests against them on their cell phones and uploading important videos to YouTube. And we’ve cheered as many corporate media organizations have become dependent on those reports-from-below in their own coverage. I’d like to add another media that deserves such recognition: Few have done the heavy lifting that Chiapas Indymedia has done, mainly in Spanish, to publish the communiqués, photos and videos that document the massive and organized nature of the Honduran grassroots movements with which it has worked and supported for years. (While the world mostly ignored Honduras in recent years, Chiapas Indymedia was shipping community radio transmitters and organizing communications workshops among Catrachos; that planting and cultivating bears significant fruit today in the information that does break out from behind the walls of censorship and simulation)."

The Coup in Honduras: A Teachable Moment for Obama? (tags)

President Barack Obama‘s main duty under the U.S. Constitution is to see to it that the laws are “faithfully executed.” By a UN Treaty, approved by the Senate, in 1994, torture is against U.S. law. No ifs, ands or buts about it. No exceptions! In Honduras, some apologists for the “de facto” regime, are pretending that they followed the law, when they gave their president the boot. Will Obama play the same “pretend game” on Torture? Stay Tuned. .

HR 2749 - A Stealth Agribusiness Empowerment Act (tags)

Obama targets small farmers for destruction

BRIIC (with Iran) (tags)

Obama wants to kill three rabbits with a wallop: to isolate Iran, to reduce the space for the Brazilian economical growth and to preserve the leadership of the potency financially ruined.

Showdown in Honduras: The Rise and Uncertain future of the Coup: Urgent please read now. (tags)

"Mobilizations and Strikes in Support of Zelaya Members of social, indigenous and labor organizations from around the country have concentrated in the city's capital,organizing barricades around the presidential palace, demanding Zelaya's return to power. "Thousands of Hondurans gathered outside the presidential palace singing the national hymn," Telesur reported. "While the battalions mobilized against protesters at the Presidential House, the TV channels did not report on the tense events."Bertha Cáceres, the leader of the Consejo Cívico de Organizaciones Populares yIndígenas, said that the ethnic communities of the country are ready for resistance and do not recognize the Micheletti government."

Democrats and Republicans Join Hands Over Immigration (tags)

Even the most optimistic Obama supporter should cringe in response to the White House’s recent “bi-partisan immigration talks.” What could Democrats and Republicans possibly have in common over immigration? Quite a lot it turns out. An enormous sell-out is being prepared for the U.S. immigrant population and Latinos especially — who came out in record numbers in many swing states to vote for Obama last year. Attached to these votes are huge expectations.

BTL:Media Watch Group: New York Times Acts as Propagandist for Pentagon on Danger Posed by (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Mass Protests Rock Iran: No to All Wings of the Mullah Regime! (tags)

For more than a week, Iran has been convulsed by mass demonstrations denouncing election fraud. Hundreds of thousands have repeatedly taken to the streets to denounce the government, which is now threatening, and beginning to carry out, a bloody crackdown. This time around, imperialist intervention is veiled: the White House feigns neutrality, the Western media go all out for the opposition, while in the background various agencies provide vital technical aid. In reality, all candidates in the presidential vote swear allegiance to the Islamic Republic, and the supposed moderate reformers are no less butchers and enemies of poor and working people than the conservative "populist" government. The situation cries out for revolutionary leadership independent of all factions of the theocracy, to wage a struggle for workers revolution against imperialism and clerical reaction.

BTL:Greenpeace and Other Environmental Groups Oppose Waxman-Markey Climate Bill (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Obama Needs a Bug Vacuum (tags)

There is a better way to deal with insects. Various companies make a science toy called the Bug Vacuum. (The one I've been using is made by a company called Summit, which I bought at a school supply store .) It sucks insects into a transparent holding area so that children can study them and then turn them loose. However, for the last several years, I've been using it to catch bugs in my home and set them free outside.

Afghanistan's Operation Phoenix (tags)

America's dirty war

Jim Gilchrist Supporter Arrested for Murder (tags)

The rise of right wing Christian terrorism has resulted in two more murders and the arrest of another Gilchrist supporter.

The USS Liberty Saga as Told by a Survivor’s Son (tags)

James Scott’s book, “Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on the U.S. Spy Ship,” makes for a compelling read. The onslaught, on June 8, 1967, in international waters, during the Six-Day War, off the coast of Sinai, killed 34 crew members and injured 171 others. Israel claimed that it was all “just an accident...a case of mistaken identity.” Scott makes a very strong case that the assault on the “Liberty” was deliberate.

Wall Street Ends Hope for Homeowners Via Congress (tags)

As if the bank bailouts weren’t proof enough that Wall Street owned Congress. History will likely show that these bailouts involved the largest transfer of wealth ever — from the working class to that small group of billionaires who own the corporations. This fact is recognized by most people now and is such common knowledge that even the mainstream media feels comfortable discussing it…matter-of-factly.

Daniel Estulin's "True Story of the Bilderberg Group" and What They May Be Plann (tags)

Their goal is a world with rulers and serfs, no middle class

BTL:Obama Adopts Bush-Lite Policies on Guantanamo Detainees (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

9/11, Who Benefited Versus Gulag Gitmo? (tags)

Dick Cheney more or less admitted his group’s guilt in his desperate attempt to take on Barack Obama’s sane and necessary policy of closing Guantanamo. To argue that a military machine that spends up to a half trillion dollars a year doesn’t have the where-with-all to guard prisoners already in handcuffs is to argue an extremely weak case. To think that the Republican party would have the jaded audacity to use the NIMBY excuse as a wedge issue is beyond the pale—given the enormous harm their public relations of Guantanomo and Gulag has already affected the world’s perception of Americans and U.S. foreign policy.

Shepard Fairey's Obama (tags)

Chris Burnett is host of "Indymedia On Air" on KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles

Reviewing Ellen Brown's "Web of Debt:" Part II (tags)

Part II of Brown's superb book.

Nazi "Swine" Flu - Bioterrorism for Dummies 5/7 (tags)

This Swine Flu "epidemic" is a good example of what happens when you tell dumkopf Nazi swine to " something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear." (Is. 41:23)

Dissolve the UNRWA (tags)

In this difficult economic climate, as American citizens are seeking ways to cut costs, the U.S. government must consider ways to eliminate waste. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is not only a wasteful expenditure but, unbeknownst to most U.S. taxpayers, this U.S.-funded agency serves as an incubator for Arab-Palestinian terrorists. In the 60 years of its existence, UNRWA has done little to rehabilitate and settle the Palestinian-Arab refugees and much to foster incitement, hate, and terror against Israel.

Egyptians to Obama: Mubarak not welcome in USA (tags)

Today, Egypt is at dangerous crossroads. As Mubarak enters his 28th year in power and his ninth decade, Egypt’s future is more uncertain than ever

Nazi "Swine" Terror for Dummies (tags)

News - Nazi Defamation League: This Swine Flu "epidemic" is a good example of what happens when you tell dumkopf Nazi swine to " something, whether good or bad, so that we will be dismayed and filled with fear." (Is. 41:23)

Biden Hopes Specter Backs Employee Free Choice Compromise (tags)

Vice President Joe Biden said Wednesday he believes Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter would have "an open mind" on voting for a bill that makes it easier to form unions if a compromise emerges.

Obama's Medical Marijuana Rhetoric Better Than His Actions (tags)

Despite the much-ballyhooed announcements from the Obama administration that they're going to stop prosecuting medical marijuana patients and providers as long as they abide by the laws of their states, little has changed, attorney Gerald Singleton and activist Dion Markgraaf told Activist San Diego at a meeting April 20. Patients and providers are still being raided, and the Justice Department disappointed medical marijuana advocates by recommending a five-year prison sentence for former Morro Bay dispensary operator Charles Lynch despite the request by the judge in the case for some legal ground to be more lenient.

The Nazis of the Synagogue of Satan * (tags)

Day of Due Payment (Hos. 9:7) Even though most of them are too stupid to know that they are Nazis and that they are not Jews; "Declare them guilty, O God! .. Banish them for their many sins, for they have rebelled against you." (Ps. 5:10) "They can stay here no longer!" (Lam. 4:15)

Obama and torture: Why did he go to CIA Headquarters? (tags)

Last week the Obama administration released more of the “torture memos” written by Department of Justice lawyers during the Bush regime. These and previous memos were written to provide legal cover for the torture of prisoners taken in the war of terror conducted by the Bush regime. After being given this legal cover, President Bush and other top officials of his criminal regime ordered torture and other illegal acts. We now know that there were regular meetings held at the White House where the specifics of torture were discussed by top administration officials.

Carwash Campaign Highlights Success of Community-Labor Teamwork (tags)

by James Parks, copied from the AFL-CIO Blog.

Barack Obama: Crime Boss (tags)

Obama's criminal partnership with Wall Street

BTL:Health Care Group Battles Insurance Companies to Include Single-Payer Bill in National (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

The Principals Committee viewed torture videos live (tags)

Cheney, Bush, Rumsfeld, Rice, Powell and Ashcroft saw the torture live.

ICRC's Damning Expose of US Torture (tags)

torture remains policy

Thank the AIPAC (tags)

For telling Netanyahu everything

Hey Fox-News-Fascists, Get a Job! (tags)

Bush II is not the right color.

EFCA on the ropes (tags)

Adam Turl reports on the bosses' backlash against the Employee Free Choice Act--and analyzes the shortcomings of organized labor's strategy.

Memories Of Madison - My Life In The New Left (tags)

"The Young Republicans were all dressed up—men in suits and ties, women in dresses—and looked like they were attending a business meeting at the country club. Even though the Young Republicans were all white and most of them came from Wisconsin, I can’t say that I related to them much. But I felt even more alien at the meeting of the antiwar committee. The attendees were dressed in a much more Bohemian style and there was a lot of intense talk about politics. And they were Jewish."

Who are the Zionist Shills? A Primer. (tags)

"What can they (Americans) do to us? We control congress, we control the media, we control show biz, and we control everything in America. In America you can criticize God, but you can't criticize Israel." - Israeli spokeswoman, Tzipora Menache

Media Release: ELF Press Office Applauds the Removal of General Motors' CEO Rick Wagoner (tags)

Force GM into Bankruptcy!

From God-damned Australia (tags)

Since You Have Censored The Word of have no rain!(Amos 4:17; Zech. 14:17) You have been serving sh*t-eating Nazis. I told you 7 years ago in "Fire! Rain! The Choice Remains!" And I don't think the sun fried your brains either! LA IMC is just as bad! Access blocked 6 days/week!

Obama: Lot's of Noise, Little Change (tags)

We've been had.

Obama to send even more troops to Afghanistan while he threatens to expand war more deeply (tags)

Using the “terrorist” excuse to justify escalation and the spreading of the war President Barack Obama continued with his latest escalation of the war in Afghanistan by announcing his plans to send an additional 4,000 U.S. troops to Afghanistan to train Afghan government puppet forces. He also announced plans to send hundreds of additional civilians to the country. Like his predecessor George W. Bush, he raised the specter of “terrorism” to justify his actions.

Antiwar Protests: 6 Years and Counting (tags)

Demonstrations on the sixth anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq were smaller than during the Bush years owing to the “Obama factor,” but more unified than ever against the occupations of Afghanistan and Palestine. The most visible opposition to antiwar has shifted from flag-waving ultra-nationalists to the defenders of Israel. Despite this, far more American Jews demonstrated against the occupations than in support of Israel.

March 21 Protest: Veterans to Lead Dramatic Actions in LA (tags)

Mass Protest on the 6th Anniversary of the Iraq War This Saturday, 12 noon Hollywood & Vine, Los Angeles

Employee Free Choice Act: "Reconciliation" is One way to Bypass Filibuster Rule (tags)

The "reconciliation" process which allows measures to pass the Senate on simple majority votes is nothing new. The legislative tactic is being considered to push through President Obama's global warming and health care programs, and perhaps his proposals to raise taxes on the wealthy.

"Fuel" (review) (tags)

I thought Fuel was very well-made, important, and informative--there's a lot to absorb. I don't agree with every point of view expressed in the film, but I realize the movie has to communicate to diverse people.

BTL:Single-Payer Marginalized at Obama Health Care Reform Summit (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Canadian Activists and Lawyers United for Justice: Canadians must bar or prosecute Bush (tags)

Canada must bar or prosecute Bush for torture, and mass murder. For he is a war criminal who lied that Saddam wouldn't let our inspectors in. And, with Cheney, closed 911 FBI investigations before we were finished nabbing the actual suspects for mass murder

BTL:Obama Budget Makes Clean Break with Bush Trickle-Down Ideology (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Call Sen. Feinstein to Demand Support of Employee Free Choice Act (tags)

Democratic Senators Dianne Feinstein(Cal), Harry Reid (NV), Ben Nelson (NEB), Mark Pryor and Blanche Lincoln (both Arkansas), Mary Landrieu (Louisiana) and Mark Udall (Colorado) are working hard to help the Republicans defeat the labor legislation, the Employee Free Choice Act. Call 1-866-207-2060 to be connected to your Senator free of charge to tell them that to oppose the EFCA as it is now is to be anti-labor, which means they are running for immediate retirement. California ZIP codes will be connected to Sen. Feinstein's office.

Health Care Reform, Obama Style (tags)

health care reform

Overstrained Capitalism (tags)

Neoliberalism has driven the world into the greatest disaster since Hitler and Stalin. With Ronald Reagan, a president entered the White House who constantly proclaimed the state in the end was something bad.

The Emerging Healthcare Sell-out (tags)

As the animal kingdom proves daily, it’s extremely difficult to build consensus between predator and prey. The national debate over healthcare contains a similarly unbridgeable gap, this time along class lines. One example of this is the recent departure of labor unions AFSCME and SEIU from the coalition Healthcare Reform Dialogue. This group is dominated by the very people who want to change nothing about the U.S. healthcare system: insurance companies, drug companies, and various mega-corporations.

March 11: Burn Your Health Insurance Bill Day (tags)

Why is single-payer off the table? A round-table with Dr. Quentin Young, national coordinator for Physicians for a National Health Program; Geri Jenkins, a registered nurse and the co-president of the California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee; and Russell Mokhiber, editor of the Corporate Crime Reporter. He is starting a new project called, "Single Payer Action."

Guantanamo Under Obama (tags)

Obama proving no different from Bush

The Big Lie of Recession Politics: 'Shared Sacrifice' (tags)

It’s everywhere you look and in every speech you listen to. Every time a politician or businessmen talks about the recession, an almost in-synch, repetitive mantra can be heard: “Shared sacrifice, equality of sacrifice, hard choices.” Oh my. There must be something to it, since EVERYBODY seems to be regurgitating the phrase in harmony.

Ronald Reagan: Betrayer of Main Street America! (tags)

William Kleinknecht takes the gloves off in his new book,”The Man Who Sold the World: Ronald Reagan and the Betrayal of Main Street America.” He shows that the so-called “great communicator,” was, in fact, the “great enabler of corporate greed.” The Vulture Capitalists were set loose on the people by “Reaganism.” I say: Take Reagan’s name off that airport in D.C. Let his Fat Cat cronies pay for his memorials, not the taxpayers.

Venezuela: Why Unlimited Re-election is Bad for the Revolution (tags)

A supporter of Hugo Chavez' anti-imperialist efforts explains why he is nevertheless opposed to Venezuela's recent constitutional amendment abolishing term limits.

BTL:Replace Wall Street's Phantom Wealth with Main Street's Real Wealth (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

S.D. Cracks Down on Medical Pot as Feds Loosen Up (tags)

Don Duncan, California statewide director of the national medical-marijuana advocacy group Americans for Safe Access (ASA), came to San Diego February 10 to tell local members that the outlook for medical marijuana is good. He pointed to a policy statement from a spokesperson for President Obama that said the federal government will stop using its police power to interfere with state medical marijuana laws. But that was cold comfort to many of the people in the room, especially those targeted by a flurry of raids in San Diego in the first week of February.

The Shortwave Report 02/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Obama George W. Bush Wacks Helen Thomas! (tags)

In the debut of president Barrack Obama's first press conference da Prez in an attempt to honor the grand dame of the white house press corp. gave a slightly more dramatic calling on Helen's turn to ask her "question"


The AJLPP learned today that a Federal Appeals court on Friday vacated the sentence of a former Philippine National Police officer imprisoned for possessing secret US documents. Michael Ray Aquino is serving a six-year, four-month sentence after pleading guilty to unauthorized possession of classified documents.The new ruling in US District Court concluded that the sentence was based on a mistaken interpretation of federal guidelines. "For the AJLPP the news of the release proves that the charade of injustice is ever present when it comes to the cabal of AFP men who served as worst human rights violator and proven puppets of the United Statesmilitary like the Lacson boys," AJLPP said.


The AJLPP learned today that a Federal Appeals court on Friday vacated the sentence of a former Philippine National Police officer imprisoned for possessing secret US documents. Michael Ray Aquino is serving a six-year, four-month sentence after pleading guilty to unauthorized possession of classified documents.The new ruling in US District Court concluded that the sentence was based on a mistaken interpretation of federal guidelines. "For the AJLPP the news of the release proves that the charade of injustice is ever present when it comes to the cabal of AFP men who served as worst human rights violator and proven puppets of the United Statesmilitary like the Lacson boys," AJLPP said.


The police killing of Oscar Grant on New Years Day in Oakland, California was an outrage. These murdering pigs took Oscar off a Bay Area Rapid Transit train. While cops kneeled on his back and punched him, another pig pulled out his gun and shot Oscar in the back. What can you call what they did to this brother but murder, execution style?

Can Ejidos Save Mexico from Collapsing Peso? (tags)

Rural Mexican villages restore their ejido communal farm land and introduce a new community currency modeled after ideas from Lazaro Cardenas to prepare for petrocollapse and the continuously devalued peso.

Obama Issues Pro-Labor Executive Orders (tags)

In what may be considered a gift to organized labor, President Obama issued a series of Executive Orders on Friday aimed at undoing Bush-era policies involving federal contractors. Issuing executive orders is a quick way to implement labor policy - and appease unions - without enduring the time and uncertainty inherent in the legislative process. Moreover, reversing the prior administration's executive orders has become a tradition whenever a new party takes over the White House.

The Long Night (tags)

a long night

Bush Nazi! You Can Stay Here No Longer! (tags)

Even if some dumkopf has convinced them that they were good Samaritans; they will hear; ""Go away! You are unclean!" people cry to them. "Away! Away!.." When they flee and wander about, people say, "They can stay here no longer.""(James 5:6; Lam. 4:15) 1/29 Bush Nazis bluffing blind men.

Scooter Libby Was Not Arrested (tags)

Some conservative commentators have tried to parallel the odd arrest of Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich on Dec. 9, 2008, and the indictment of I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby, Vice President Cheney’s Chief of Staff, on Oct. 28, 2005. There may be turn out to be similarities between the two legal matters, both prosecuted by Chicago U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, but there is little similarity in the treatment of the two men. To argue that Libby and Blagojevich were treated alike is false.

87% of Israelis enjoyed the genocide in Gaza. (tags)

Now comes the payback.

Terror Detention Facility (tags)

Terror Detention Facility

Obama Sworn In As The 44th U.S. President (tags)

More than 2 million people attend inaugural event in Washington D.C.

Antiwar Activists “Boot” Dubya Out the Door (tags)

A rally and march was held in Washington, D.C., on Jan. 19, 2009. It’s objective was to give President George W. Bush “the boot” as he exited an office that he has disgraced by his failure to uphold the law. David Swanson, cofounder of afterdowningstreet. org, was one of the speakers at the event. He underscored the importance of appointing a “Special Prosecutor” to look into and hold accountable the culpable members of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians (tags)

World outrage condemns Israeli war crimes

Immigration Reform Possible-CDIR (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) based in Los Angeles learned through immigrat rights sources that immigration reform can happen during the Obama adminstration. After two failed attempts in 2006 and 2007, immigration reform could finally be pushed through both houses of the US Congress starting in September, civil rights activists said. "We are confident and very optimistic that there’s likely to be a big window of opportunity between September 2009 and March 2010,” America’s Voice pro-reform group director Frank Sharry said in a telephone conference. As he spoke another immigrant rights conference is being planned in February in Chicago, Illinois. Immigrant Rights This was confirmed by the CDIR-USA Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia from People's CORE.

Some Thoughts on Obama and the US Empire (tags)

Chris Burnett is host of "Indymedia On Air" on KPFK 90.7 FM, Los Angeles

Is Bush's Stupidity Worthy of Death? (tags)

In his farewell address Dumb Boy "W" once again repeated the demented ruminations of the SERPENT that wants you to believe that the fabricated conflicts of religious fanatics are the principle terrorist threat while the Bush Nazis murder millions with toxic "harmless" stuff.

Asset Seizure (tags)

Taking down the whistleblowers...

Bush Legacy - Stupidity Worthy of Death (tags)

If Dumb Boy "W" falsely claimed that he was a college graduate when he never graduated from anyplace, he is is guilty of treason and shall suffer death. There is no point in letting him live, for he will just continue trying to manipulate things with his professed intelligence and his sweet-talk.

Do You Love Your Obama More than Huck Finn Loved Jim? (tags)

Seven Billion Jews Died!..and a suicide bomber did it! Ivy League-style Salvation - If you were convinced that stupidity was intelligence, would your Lord tell you He was bringing a sword? 1/10 Do you love your Obama as much as Huck Finn loved Jim?

Traumatic Cycle (tags)

Once called "battle fatigue" and "shell shock" Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), recognized as a clinical condition in 1980, has been a part of warfare for those serving in armed forces for as long as anyone can figure. People who suffer from the disease often experience vivid flashbacks so real some act out what they re-experience. Other symptoms may be feeling distant from others, severe depression, feeling unable to be happy. Having trouble falling asleep and suffering uncontrollable outbursts of anger may also accompany the disease.

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

Democrat Obama Cutting Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid (tags)

Before he even takes office, the ruling class' selected president, Democrat Barack Obama, announced his plans to cut Social Security, Medicarre and Medicaid. He did not say anything about cutting US aid to Israel, which receives $15 million a day from US taxpayers to murder Palestinians and steal Palestinian land and gas fields because he is 100% pro-Israel.

The Long March of the Cuban Revolution (tags)

In 1960, C. Wright Mills warned Americans that the revolution in Cuba was the start of a wider process that would spread to Latin America and the third world. On the occasion of its fiftieth anniversary, practically anyone can see that our continent has begun a new era...

A President Forgotten but Not Gone (tags)

"The man who emerges is a narcissist with no self-awareness whatsoever. The president famously couldn't name a single mistake of his presidency. He can, however, blame everyone else.."

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel (tags)

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.

Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza (tags)

Israeli genocide

Israel trying to wipe itself off the map (tags)

As in humans you get suicidal people. There are also suicidal nations. israel is one of them. We must be carefull they don't bring us with them

1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Invasion and Killing at Gaza

George W. Bush Movin' Out Campaign! (tags)

George W. Bush will be leaving his Washington, D.C. residence very soon. Our patriotic duty is to help a neighbor in need, yes? So...let's send Mr. Bush and wife, Laura, MOVING BOXES (with personal farewell messages) to aid in his SWIFT departure from the White House!

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game

1/1 Palestine: Cynthia McKinney-We Lived to Tell the Story: Lebanon Rescued Us (tags)

Former Rep. Cynthia McKinney says the aid ship she was on was rammed by an Israeli warship, an allegation Israel denies....

Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza (tags)

Israel's crimes of war and against humanity

Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High School (tags)

The earliest usage for the term 'naked short selling' or 'naked shorting' I have been able to verify is from an email to the U.S. SEC IN 1999.No academic or securities professional ever used it previously and Patrick Byrne's NCANS representative gave the Cheetah Club lap dance club in Las Vegas' address when a website was opened for that fraud in 2004 or 2005.I believe that had a professional or academic coined a term for counterfeitting of shares it might have been 'negative short selling' but because it was creating by a Washington,D.C. mafia composed of social perverts 'naked' was the only thing they could come up with. And Steve Forbes gives new meaning to the word pervert.

Witness to Rove election rigging dead in plane crash (tags)

Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation

bill richardsons bio (tags)

bio of a liar

South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds D.C. Money Launderer James Dale Davidson ! (tags)

'But his( South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford's)career took a dramatic turn after he heard James Dale Davidson, founder of the National Taxpayers Union, give what Sanford recalls as an "apocalyptic" speech about excessive government spending. Sanford decided to run for Congress, pledging to end the deficit, eschew pay hikes and serve only three terms.' - Dec 01, 2008 McClatchy-Tribune Information Services

Jeremy Scahill: This (Old) News Just In... Obama Doesn't Plan to End the Iraq Occupation (tags)

The New York Times is reporting about an "apparent evolution" in president-elect Barack Obama's thinking on Iraq, citing his recent statements about his plan to keep a "residual force" in the country and his pledge to "listen to the recommendations of my commanders" as Obama prepares to assume actual command of US forces. "At the Pentagon and the military headquarters in Iraq, the response to the statements this week from Mr. Obama and his national security team has been akin to the senior officer corps' letting out its collective breath," the Times reported. "The words sounded to them like the new president would take a measured approach on the question of troop levels."

Obama's War Cabinet (tags)

plan for continued wars

12/1 Lee Siu Hin: What We Should Expect from President Barak Obama? (tags)

If history can teach us something, the election of Obama and Clinton has many similarities: after the initial excitement we might experience the same disappointment and disillusion like Clinton-era--and even the possibility of Republicans can capitalize the public disappointment to regain the control of Congress at the future elections.....

Conning Congress for Bad Intentions (tags)

Is was reported by the L.A. Times and many others, this actual Israeli plan, of linking bin with Hussein, was in place days before 911 went down, according to German Intel.

A Public Letter to America from King Johnny (tags)

Wow! This was one powerful showing of our present circumstances. Let us all speak for Obama to order US in to formally arrest those responsible for 911, including the war crimes of Afghanistan and Iraq, Georgia and Lebanon too will not be impossible with 24 hour cop-o-rate news coverage following our investigators around, to joyously receiving Justice to the culprits

Israel tries to blackmail Obama (tags)

With Bush's help

Obama and the Economy (tags)

The economy elected Barack Obama President, and it will make or break his administration. Right now it seems likely to break it, as Obama's announced appointees to staff his government come almost exclusively from the moderate administration of Bill Clinton, thereby assuring the ruling class that "change you can believe in" means "change the rich and powerful won't have to worry about." Without a mass Left movement on the order of the socialists and communists who in the 1930's pushed Franklin Roosevelt to the Left, Obama's Presidency is likely to be yet another suck-up to corporate America and its anti-labor, anti-environment, anti-worker "free trade" agenda.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.20.08 (tags)

Some "Antiwar" Groups Excuse Obama's Pro-War Cabinet: Kevin Martin, executive director of the group Peace Action, said. . . . "There's so much Obama hero worship, we're having to walk this line where we can't directly criticize him" . . . . Tom Andrews, national director of Win Without War, said that although he finds Sen. Clinton's views "very troubling," Obama should be given the benefit of the doubt.

Jeremy Scahill: 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House (tags)

U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.18.08 (tags)

[I]t will be interesting to see how antiwar activists react to this. Are they antiwar or just anti-Republican?

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.14.08 (tags)

The campaign to elect the president is over. The campaign to make the president DO what he was elected FOR is underway.

hHe's Back: Israeli Terrorist Mass Murderer And Businessman Dominik Suter Applies (tags)

Dominik Suter, the mysterious figure behind the 9-11 dancing back

Racism in Italy. On the day of Barack Obama’s triumph... (tags)


Ronald Reagan: B Film Actor, Ladies’ Man and FBI Snitch (tags)

Ronald Reagan’s persona was crafted from 1937 to 1965, working in B films. The Shadow side of Reagan, however, reveals that he was a snitch for the FBI and ratted out his fellow members of the Screen Actors Guild (SAG), during the days of the “Red Scare.” He also was a notorious womanizer, according to Marc Eliot's expose: “Reagan: The Hollywood Years.” It was Reagan, too, as U.S. President, who ruthlessly busted PATCO in 1981.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.11.08 (tags)

We believe that veterans and active-duty GIs are in a key position to stop illegal and unjust war, and we are inspired by the resistance of troops who stood against the war in Vietnam.

Bush's False Flag Finale? (tags)

A Vigilant Shield Alert Update

Obama Mania (tags)

A reality check.

Obama and the Deep State: Is there Hope? (tags)

Recently some ominous statements by two very big political insiders has been making the buzz on certain blogs. It turns out that both Colin Powell and Senator Joe Biden have publicly stated that Obama will see a major international crisis early on in his presidency. According to Biden this crisis will test Obama's "mettle," and according to Powell, will "come along in the 21st or 22nd of January that we don’t even know about right now."

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.08.08 (tags)

Tens of millions of people want a new direction. The question is whether they can be organized to fight for it.

The Wages of Sin (tags)

The deepening economic crisis.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.06.08 (tags)

"The basic difference is going to be style."

Documents reveal how Ohio routed 2004 voting data through company that hosted external Bus (tags)

Newly obtained computer schematics provide further detail of how electronic voting data was routed during the 2004 election from Ohio’s Secretary of State’s office through a partisan Tennessee web hosting company.

Hey, Prez-Elect Obama: Say “Thanks” to Alan Greenspan! (tags)

Sen. John McCain’s presidential candidacy was done in mostly by a Wall Street-Financial Meltdown, in late Sept. 2008. This phenomenon took the issue of “national security,” which favored him, off the table, and replaced it with “the economy,” which was Sen. Obama’s strongest suit. The fact that Dubya is the most unpopular president in history, coupled with having $639 million to spend, all added up to a smashing victory for Prez-Elect Obama.

Rahm Emanuel: Face of Change? (tags)

A formal announcement by Obama of his chief-of-staff pick is expected this week. The name of former South Dakota Senator Tom Daschle, an early and ardent Obama backer, has long been high of the list of prospects. So, too, has that of Emanuel, although his divided loyalties--he was a close friend of Bill and Hillary Clinton and a congressman from Obama's hometown of Chicago--sidelined him during the Democratic primary campaign season.

Obama Sweeps Presidential Election (tags)

Barack Obama becomes the first black 44th U.S. President


Many have been said about the historical significance of the election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the United States Some says that the this is the apex of the four centuries, of African Americans enslavement, Jim Crow segregation, lynch mob terror and racist discrimination manifested in countless ways. Other says a final blow to racism against African Americans and other oppressed nationalities that has in reality been far more integral to so called American democracy. It will not suffice to say millions of people yearned for real change, for an end to war, unemployment, foreclosures, and more. The popular revolt expressed in millions of voters turning out, millions out in the streets waiting for the result of the election is an outpouring never seen before in American history. The sight of millions out in the streets of major cities like Washington DC, New York. Chicago and other areas for sure, send jitters to some of the ruling class who labeled Obama as “socia

Fannie Mae Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale Davidson, Lord Rees Mogg,LOM Bermuda (tags)

Now why does Chris Cox and his SEC (U.S.Securities Exchange Commission)allow Scott Lines and his LOM(Lines Overseas Management) of Bermuda Bahamas Isle of Man,etc.whose massive U.S. penny stock frauds and manipulations in collusion with disgraced Florida Democrat Rep.Tim Mahoney's vFinance and Charles Schwab has been covered up by the SEC itself to buy and sell Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,etc. shares ? And how can anyone know just how many they really buy and sell or short,(dump),over time ? Could these types of offshore hedge fund and securities fraudsters be what caused the collapse of Fannie Mae shares and NOT the lie Chrisopher Cox about 'naked shorting' Cox has sold to the public ?

More from the Front Lines of the Financial Crisis (tags)

The worst is yet to come.

America Looks Beyond the Bush Warriors (tags)

In his two terms in the White House, US President George W Bush has presided over a precipitous fall in America's reputation around the world. History is likely to judge him a failure. Now, his successor will have to dig the US out of a deep hole.

It’s The Money, Stupid!: Over $1 Billion Raised for Prez Race! (tags)

The candidates for the White House have raised over $1 billion in their quest to win the election on Nov. 4, 2008. The Dems’ Sen. Barack Obama has racked in $639 million, while the GOP’s nominee, John McCain, has taken in $360 million. The four other Third Party candidates for the presidency have brought in about $5.5 million. The only thing we know for sure is this: When big money contributions dominate the electoral process, the people lose!

Fannie Mae: Barnie Frank Goes Down On Moses,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts' (tags)

Of particular interest to me although not the biggest part of the Fannie Mae Freddie Mac money laundering fraud is the lie told by the SEC Chairman and social parasite and war criminal Chris Cox that Fannie Mae, were 'naked shorted' a term made up by penny stock manipulators meaning 'counterfeitted' when Cox can't point to a single example and those who have run penny stock scams and pump and dump money laundering ops are in fact protected by him and so continue to lie about their criminal enterprises or public companies being 'naked shorted' because they are never punished !

Syria massacre by US: NYT serving the empire (tags)

NYT defends US massacre in syria

Orwellian Alert! British Crackdown Threatens Us All (tags)

“Free speech cannot be defended by silence”


Change Colin Powell can believe in is exactly the kind of change we should fear.

Tinkering with Symptoms (tags)

The bailout plan does not tackle the causes of the financial crisis. The question remains why financial institutions should be saved from a crisis they created and in which they earlier earned vast amounts of money. The American government has no Plan B.

The Neediest Need Help Like the Banks (tags)

The same state haggles over every bowl of soup for welfare recipients. For banks, billions appeared overnight. There must also be money for higher wages and more social services.

This Time Is Different (tags)

Growing financial crisis.

The Concept of Work for Less (tags)

Work For Less laws (otherwise known as "Right To Work") are on the march, with backers attempting to add Colorado as their twenty-third state. Coalitions of labor, business, and religious organizations are fighting the onslaught, but they could use some help.

Leonard Bernstein’s “Mass” Speaks to Today’s World (tags)

Political and religious authority is crumbling in a crisis of faith. The late Leonard Bernstein put those themes, and much more, in his concert triumph, “Mass.” After eight years of Bush-Cheney, the priest/pedophile scandal, coupled with the costly Wall St. Bailout, the loss of trust in our institutions is rampant. If the people want real change, they are going to have to rely on themselves, and on each other to create, in unity, the world that they desire.

The American Patient (tags)

Capitalism changed into "finance-driven" capitalism. The profit rates for industrial capital fell in the past decades. Washington could be paralyzed under the debt yoke like Japan in the early 1990s. After decades of market idolization, the US has rediscovered political power.

WE HAVE A LIFT OFF !!!! (tags)



[B]oth Messrs. Obama and McCain are reiterating their commitment to good, old-fashioned American-style war making. . . . Rather than offering relief, the new entrant to the White House come January is likely to simply exacerbate the mayhem.

It's amazing (tags)

In the great US democracy, half of those eligible to vote are not registered, and half of those who are registered does not vote. Thus, the rulers are elected by only 25% of the electorate...

Reviewing Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of US Power (tags)

The destructive nexus between Zionism and militarism.

The White House Ghost (tags)

The President of the United States, George Bush, enters today his last 100 days in power overshadowed by very high unpopularity rates and one of the worst economic crises in recent decades.

Assassinations, Wars and Meltdowns: Who Benefits? (tags)

America has been subjected to the some severe shock therapy over the years. JFK, MLK, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were all murdered! Then, there was the Vietnam War (1963-75); the “Watergate” scandal; and the horrors of the 9/11 tragedy; followed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The latest hit is the Wall Street bailout, to wit: the economic and fiscal meltdowns. They all spell out the sharp decline of America. Is it by accident or by plan?

The Law of the Jungle (tags)

The current crisis of the developed capitalist system is taking place when the empire is about to change leadership in the elections to be held in a few days; it was all that was left to see.

Let's Have a New President November 5 (tags)

With the U.S. economy in free fall, this country doesn't have the luxury of waiting until January 20, 2009 to swear in the winner of this year's presidential election, This post presents a modest proposal for installing the election winner in the White House immediately, so he can get to work on fixing the economy right away.

The "haves and have-mores" must move on (tags)

And bring their "Masters of the Universe" with them

Justice Department scandal almost buried by financial crisis (tags)

Investigators from both the department’s Office of Inspector General and Office of Professional Responsibility found that political pressure did indeed drive the dismissal action against at least three of the nine federal prosecutors abruptly fired. At the time, then-Attorney General Alberto Gonzales insisted the individuals were all dismissed for inadequate performance, or failure to implement the President’s law enforcement agenda.

Justice for Yemeni Sheik (tags)

Important Appeals Court decision.

AJLPP Condemns Capitalist Bailout (tags)

he US House of Representatives approved a $700 billion bailout package for US banks, under pressure from all sides as the effort to head off a spreading financial crisis hung in the balance. President Bush happily signed the bill into a law at the White House today. October 3, 2008.

The clowns need money (tags)

A clown like Bush should never be let near the White House again.

Peace and Freedom Candidates Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez in Oakland (tags)

Over 500 people turned out to hear presidential candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate Matt Gonzalez at Oakland’s Grand Lake Theater Sept. 30. The two are on the ballot in 45 states this year as Independents or on various party lines, including the Peace and Freedom Party in California. Several P&F candidates also spoke, as well as Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent for Congress against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

P&F Congressional Candidate Calls For Closure Of Kaiser Hospital Complex In Downey CA (tags)

Peace and Freedom Party Congressional candidate Dina Padilla is calling for the closure of the Downey toxic site in which Kaiser has built a hospital complex and toxic site developer Stuart Lichter has built the Downey Studio. These sites have not been properly cleaned up and movie and Kaiser workers have gotten sick from contamination

Pelosi Pushed Book, While Taxpayers Revolted Over Bailout (tags)

When the Congress was debating the $700 billion bailout of the greedy bankers on Wall St., an overconfident Speaker Nancy Pelosi was in Baltimore hawking her book, “Know Your Power.” On Sept. 29, 2008, the House of Representatives, responding to a taxpayers’ revolt, rejected the Bush-Cheney Gang’s bailout scheme. Speaker Peolsi, in her library spiel, conveyed a false sense of security about the grim economic situation facing the nation.

Dollar is over, says Carlos Lessa (tags)

To Lessa, "dollar is over" and it’s necessary that a new "Bretton Woods" establishes new parameters to global economy.

Democrats push for quick adoption of Bush plan to bail out Wall Street (tags)

Where is the common ground between the libertarian and socialist perspective in opposing the GW Bush 700 billion for billionaires bailout? Why did Democrats bite into GW's fishhook by accepting this theft of taxpayer dollars to support irresponsible and criminal banking corporations??

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.

The biggest systematic looting of the US Treasury in history (tags)

The great depression is about to repeat itself. Investment banks and deposit banks are failing, money has frozen up. No loans business or personal. No money available for employers to make payroll. There will be millions of Americans with no jobs and therefore no money. Basics such as gas and food will be hard to come by and many American families will go to bed at night hungry

Remembering Edward Said Five Years On (tags)

Honoring this great man.

ARMAGEDDON: Bush Administration's Plan Reaches Next Plateau (tags)

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: All a part of the irresponsible Bushian design

The Fed, AIG, Congress, Third Party Candidates and the Debt (tags)

The Fed,” William Greider said, “decides who shall prosper and who shall fail.” American International Group (AIG), Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Bear Stearns, all private entities, will be bailed out by the taxpayers. Third Party candidates want an audit and investigation of “The Fed,” an unelected clique. “The Fed,” and the Treasury Dept., are currently submitting a Mother of All Bailout schemes to the Congress. It may cost the public $1 trillion!

The Bailout! News! From Just One Human! (tags)


US faces the F-16s it supplied to Pakistan (tags)

US faces the F-16s it supplied to Pakistan

Philippine Government Launches New War on Muslim Groups (tags)

War officially came to southern Philippines again as the government of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo unilaterally put an end to eleven years of negotiations with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) September 3. A month early the government abruptly broke off talks with the MILF on the eve of signing an autonomy pact. There are numerous reports of U.S. Special Forces accompanying Philippines Army units on their deadly sweeps in the Bangsamoro (land of the Moro people) region. More than 100 people have been killed so far and half a million refugees have fled from the fighting. Bourgeois liberals and the petty-bourgeois left lamely call on the government to resume the “peace process,” which in any case was only intended to wear down the insurgents. Revolutionaries instead seek to mobilize Philippine workers to drive out all U.S. forces, whatever their legal status; to force the withdrawal of the AFP from the contested southern areas; and to defend the Bangsamoro people and their right to self-determination.

The Ground Noise and the Static: A Chronicle of the Battle of Saint Paul (Illustrated) (tags)

“Please, please, my friends, my dear friends, please, please don’t be diverted by the ground noise and the static”—John McCain, on being interrupted just before he can accept the GOP’s nomination, 9/4/08

UE,Mexico,CIA,Avion De Rendicion,Estados Unidos Departamento de'Homeland Security' (tags)

Ciudad de México.- Un avión con matrícula de Estados Unidos, en el que fueron encontrados en México casi cuatro toneladas de cocaína, fue vinculado por la prensa con la CIA y con el traslado ilegal de presos de Al Qaeda a distintos campos de detención en el mundo. - DPA

NATO air strikes killing more Afghan civilians (tags)

NATO air strikes killing more Afghan civilians

Chile's September 11 (tags)

( Note: In the Philippines during the 20 years reign of Marcos, September 11 is marked by ostentatious cerwemonies marking the birthday of the dictator most specially during his 14-years dictatorship from 1973-1986. But on Sept 11, 1973, when the coup de tat was launched in Chile it cast a giant shadow on the dictatorship and the primacy of armed struggle against the martial law was upheld. The AJLPP decided to print a version of this article that was first published in the September 2006 issue of Socialism and Liberation magazine. Let everyone remember and never forget the dark days of US-imposed dictatorships in Chile and the Philippines.) ********

RNC ’08: Pit Bulls On Parade (tags)

If you thought, in the wake of the nightmare of the Bush years, and the euphoria of the Democratic Convention, that the political pendulum in the USA was swinging to the “left”… If you thought that the Bush regime was so widely and bitterly hated that a repackaged version couldn’t seriously contend for the presidency… If you thought that the Christian fundamentalist theocrats were passé… Then you got a shocking wake up call from the Republican National Convention.

9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware Corp ICTS International (tags)

Any review of the convicted,(in Israel)money launderer Menachem Atzmon's and Ezra Harel's's ICTS International would find that it was a securities,(stock),fraud as well as a security fraud. Joseph Biden,in allowing ICTS International to escape scrutiny and allowing his brother and his son to involve themselves with Paradigm hedge fund scum and penny stock operaters and pump and dump 'derivatives' scam artists is below contempt ....... and Barack Obama is rapidly catching up...

Oh, No! Not Joe Biden! (tags)

Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) was a lousy pick to be Barack Obama’s VP running mate. Delaware only has three electoral votes. Plus, Biden doesn’t represent either the “politics of hope” and/or of change. His record in the U.S. Senate reveals someone who has gone along with the Iraq War, while doing little or nothing to protect the Constitutional Rights of the people from the excesses of the Bush-Cheney Gang. I suspect the Democratic Party has a death wish!

Lofty words (tags)

Questionable deeds

Swissair 111,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky,AIPAC Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up (tags)

Morris Talansky the New York rabbi who bribed Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert is in danger of being investigated in the U.S.. Rabbi Talansky s far more than a far right wing Jew who resides outside Israel - Talansky is a big investor in ImageSat of the Israeli government's military public company Israel Aeronautics Industry and is sueing it for not selling its satelite images to Hugo Chavez and Venezuela among others in order to increase his stock investment.

Reinventing the Evil Empire (tags)

The risk of serious confrontation looms.

Facts for Working People (tags)

Labors Militant Voice (LMV) publishes a newspaper which aims to talk to the working class about issues effecting us. August issue: Why Gas Prices are so High, How to Apply for a Government Bail Out, Strikers in South Africa chant "Eat the Rich" and Why we Need a Workers Party Now.

Mid-Summer Alert—Update (tags)

Very Strange Timing for Little Georgia to Attack the Big Bear

Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack, Mozambique Coal Baron's Squalor (tags)

The original purpose of this article post was to point out that India's Gremach Infrastructure Equipments & Projects Ltd that is threatening to sue Google because of an anonymous poster 'using the name 'Toxic Writer' criticized the company on, a site that allows individuals to create blogs....' is no more than an India stock market version of U.S. incorporated penny stock pump and dump scams and has lost 80% or so of investor money in the last few months.If anything their own investors it should be sueing them. However when I say 'investors' -I do not mean such international stock sharks and hedge fund entities as Merrill Lynch or Templeton Funds or Eureopean Swiss Finance Corporation or Caytman Island based LB India Holdings Cayman II Ltd., offshores.These international securities parasites are in my opinion part of the problem and have aided and abetted Gremach and its insiders and promoters,such as or particularly Mr. Ratanlal Tamakuwala and Mr Rishi Raj Agarwal,to take retail or small investors for a ride.

Wag the Dog: How to Conceal Massive Economic Collapse (tags)

War and threats of war have been used historically to distract the population. As we watch the curtain rise on war in Eurasia, it is well to remember that things are not always as they seem. Markets are manipulated and wars are staged by Grand Chessmen behind the scenes.

John Edwards Fiddled While America Burned (tags)

John Edwards’ sleazy extramarital affair reminded me of the excesses in the final days of the Roman Empire. In 2006, Edwards began his trysts with his mistress. He stopped lying about the seedy affair on Aug. 8, 2008. Meanwhile, about 1,955 U.S. troops died in the Iraq War. While Edwards was “doing” his paramour, others in Washington, D.C., like House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have been “doing” the public about ending the war and impeachment.

Republicans Face Election Debacle (tags)

The Congressional elections on November 4 seem already decided. Republicans face an historical disaster given the rotten mood in the country and new scandals.

PSL on the ballot in Iowa, Utah, and New Jersey (tags)

The La Riva/Puryear PSL Presidential Campaign is proud to announce that we have achieved ballot status in New Jersey, Iowa and Utah! We are already on the ballot in five other states: Arkansas, Vermont, Colorado, Florida and Washington. Over the next five weeks, we will be working to gain ballot access in many additional states, including New York, Louisiana, Wisconsin and Rhode Island.

War with Iran On, Off or Undecided? (tags)

Strong crosscurrents both ways.

Question official version of Army bioweapons researcher Bruce Ivin's suicide (tags)

Questions arise following the death of U.S. Army scientist Bruce Ivins as a so-called suicide, when the hidden goings on at Fort Detrick bioweapons laboratories may "justify" the need for a scapegoat to blame the post 9/11 antrax attacks on without casting any suspicion on the Bush/Cheney regime who used the public panic following 9/11 and anthrax attacks to launch their Patriot Act and illegal invasion of Iraq..

Can the Coprophagic Prostitutes Be Saved? (tags)

Before we begin, I was wondering if you know that Billy Graham is a Devil worshipper? "Psst! Lets go to a crusade, pose as Christians, and get rid of anyone who is stupid enough to come down and assume the title of Jesus Christ!"

Ex prisoners to wed (tags)

And run for White House, together.

9/11 Truth and the Tuskegee 40 Year Coverup (tags)

Some say that 9/11 couldn’t have been an “inside job” because a coverup would be impossible; someone with inside knowledge would blow the whistle on such a horrible and criminal operation. The Tuskegee Syphilis experiment is one example of policy and decision makers in US federal, state and local governments conspiring to commit and cover up crimes against humanity; the “experiment” was in progress, and kept quiet, for 40 years.

Billy Graham is a Devil Worshipper! (tags)

Ha Ha! Fooled you! He is the Devil himself! "Psst! Lets go to a crusade, pose as Christians, and get rid of anyone who is stupid enough to come down and assume the title of Jesus Christ!" "You know what we do with Messiahs, don't you?"

Venezuela: The nationalisation of Banco de Venezuela (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

Chavez Nationalizes Bank of Venezuela (tags)

In a television programme broadcasted to the whole of the country on July 31st, President Chávez announced the nationalisation of Banco de Venezuela, the Venezuelan bank owned by the Spanish banking multinational Grupo Santander. "We are going to nationalize Banco de Venezuela. I make an appeal to Grupo Santander to come here so that we can start to negotiate". He added: "Months ago I received the information through intelligence sources that Banco de Venezuela, which had been privatized for years, was being sold by its Spanish owners; that an agreement had been signed between Grupo Santander and a Venezuelan private banker, then the Venezuelan banker needed the permission of the government to buy a bank, this is not a small operation (...) and then I sent a message to the Spanish and the Venezuelan banker, to tell them that the government wanted to buy the bank, we want to recover it. Then the owners said ‘no, we don't want to sell it'. So now I say ‘no, I will buy it, how much is it? We are going to pay for it, and we are going to nationalize Banco de Venezuela'." The President continued: "From this moment the media campaign on the part of the Spanish and international media is going to start. They are going to say that Chávez is an autocrat, that Chávez is a tyrant, I don't care, we are going to nationalize the bank regardless". "Ladran, luego cabalgamos" (the dogs bark, therefore the caravan is moving), he said, quoting from el Quijote.

Bush Signs President's Emergency Program for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) Legislation (tags)

President Bush signed the President’s Emergency Program (PEPFAR) into law yesterday at the White House.

The landmark bill, which passed in both the House and Senate by wide margins earlier this month, provides $48 billion over the next five years for the global fight of AIDS. Within the legislation is a directive to lift the HIV travel/immigration ban, which bars foreign travelers with HIV/AIDS from entering the United States unless they obtain a spouse or family waiver. That ban is blatantly discriminatory, particularly against gay men and lesbians with the illness, because under current US immigration law, their partners do not qualify as spouses or family.

Francis Boyle's "Palestine Palestinians and International Law" (tags)

Boyle's powerful case for Palestinian self-determination.

Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox News-Frank Luntz Connection (tags)

Campbell White,(the company whose computer was used along with a Yahoo! account to disseminate supposed Islamic terrorists message at or near time of recent Indian bombing), certainly has friends in far right,(Fox News),places or they at least admire far right commentators - particularly Frank Luntz of Fox News,etc. I also noted that while both Fox News and CNN gave coverage to bombings in both Iraq and Turkey that occured at about the time of the equally tragic,if not worse,Indian bombings - that at least on Fox and I believe CNN as well - THE INDIAN TRAGEDY WAS BLOCKED FROM BOTH THEIR 'NEWS' REPORTS ! Coincidence ? Why was India's plight not worth mention !?

Exposing Bush's historic abuse of power (tags)

Salon has uncovered new evidence of post 9/11 spying on Americans. Obtained documents point to a potential investigation of the White House that could rival Watergate.

It's make-or-break for Pinoy vets' bill (tags)

World War II veteran Guillermo Rumingan had a teleconference with other veterans and their supporters and plotted what could be the last chapter of a historic run to push the Filipino Veterans’ Equity Bill. From Hawaii to California to Washington State to Virginia, they weighed their options that seemed to thin with each passing hour. After a triumphant 96-1 Senate vote to pass S-1315, which contained provisions for Filipino veterans’ equity, the bill is now stalled in the House of Representatives. Although the 110th Congress is scheduled to hold sessions until the last week of September, veterans activists are looking at the week beginning August 4 as the last window to realize an over 60-year-old dream. If nothing happens by then, all the historic gains achieved this year will come to naught. They had an appointment with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, but she was not available and only one of her staff members faced the veterans led by Eric Lachica, executive director of the Virginia-based American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. "She wanted 290 sure votes for S-1315," Rumingan told ABS-CBN’s Balitang America.

Información de último momento sobre el Concurso “Descubra al Héroe” (tags)

¡¡EXTRA, EXTRA, Se amplía plazo para participar en GRAN Concurso “Descubra al Héroe”!!

Full Speed Against the Brick Wall (tags)

Massive capital has streamed into the raw material sector and crude oil. When we leave the market to speculators, panic rules. The economy falls into a double crisis-out of scarce raw materials and energy and falling profit rates and mass demand.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.


An impressive medley of military officers join Captain Eric H. May in alerting the public to the danger of Bush administration foul play in the upcoming terror drills Noble Resolve and Diablo Bravo.

Why Was JFK Murdered? (tags)

President John Fitzgerald Kennedy (JFK) was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas, TX, as the result of a conspiracy. Why did the Shadow Government decide to eliminate him? We now know he wanted to get U.S. troops out of South Vietnam. JFK had also been taking on Wall St. and The Fed. He threatened to disband the CIA and close tax loopholes beneficial to “Big Oil” and the multinationals. JFK made a lot of powerful enemies--one too many!

Is Dubya an Agent of the New World Order? (tags)

Conspiracy is as American as apple pie. Every day in America, in state and federal courts, some defendant faces charges of conspiracy. I submit that since 1891, a conspiracy has existed, forged by British imperialist Cecil Rhodes, and others, to reduce America to a vassal state of the New World Order. It is beyond cavil that the policies of Dubya (George W. Bush) have been an absolute disaster for America. Could Dubya be working for the NWO?

Meeting Your Expectations (tags)

Sometimes it feels Americans have been forced to settle for a lesser government over the last eight years. The Bush administration’s model involved doing what benefited them first and handing voters whatever was left. We were connived into following the drumbeat into Iraq and only afterwards discovered there were no articles of justification which weren’t smokescreen. As we pour billions of dollars annually into Iraq our economy is concurrently sinking and pulling out of this expensive embarrassment of a war isn’t even on the table.

Dianne Feinstein response to Cheney Impeachment (tags)

Dianne Feinstein's excuse: "At this time, however, I believe that impeachment proceedings against President George W. Bush or Vice President Cheney will only divide the country even further, frustrating our hopes for a meaningful change in direction, while having little chance of success."

Hidden Things You Do Not Know! 7/12 (tags)

The hidden work of the Bush Nazis! Illegal Eagles in the military?! Foolproof Bush Nazi murders. 5/24 Viral bacterias? Don't Google any bogus Yahoo sites! 5/29 Bush Nazi Freedoms. 7/12 Hitler's still "bugging" you!

E-Nazis; Time Warner, Microsoft, and Google (tags)

Hitler's Vindication: After WW II, Hitler faked his death and went to Argentina to reign from obscurity as the King of the South, controlling health care, starting wars, and promoting Nazism everywhere! Nazism was born in America! Replacing Dr. Goebbels, Hitler's Minister for Public Enlightment and Propaganda, we have Time-Warner, Microsoft, and Google.


With the subservience of the Arroyo regime, Bush continues the political-military intervention in the "killing field" of the Philippines, wasting millions of tax-dollars in suppressing the Moro insurgents and Filipino national-democrats, abetting the horrendous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and widespread poverty and oppression, all in the name of the war against "terrorism," a code-word for popular resistance against global capital's greed and inhumane devastation of the planet.

The Odds of Change: A Statistical Look at Our Democrat’s Voting Records (tags)

We want change. Obama says he will deliver change, as did the Democrats in '06. Yet nothing could be farther from the truth. Even the statistics prove the Democrats have failed us.

Barack Obama Is Taking On a Lot of Bum Advice (tags)

It’s painful to watch Sen. Barack Obama slide over to the Right on so many important issues, as the presidential election heats up in ‘08. FISA, NAFTA and Israel are a few. He’s also met with Colin Powell and suggested that he might keep Robert Gates on as his Secretary of Defense. What’s next? Irv “Scooter” Libby as head of his Justice Department? If Obama doesn’t want to flop, like Sen. John Kerry did in ‘04, he better ponder changing his ways.

H.R. 362: Proposed U.S. Naval Blockade on Iran Amounts to "an Act of War" (tags)

The National Intelligence Estimate released Dec. 3, 2007, states that Iran's nuclear weapons program was halted in 2003. The EU froze the assets of the biggest Iranian bank after Bush visited Britain in June. H.R. 362, introduced in Congress on May 22, 2008, would impose a naval blockade upon Iran which experts say would amount to "an act of war."


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) today expresses outrage over the passing of the more than $ 628 B budget to fund the Iraq –Afghanistan war yesterday, June 26 in the US Congress while that the Filipino Veterans Equity bill that was languishing in the US congress for more than 18 years was not even discussed. Aside approving the war budget, the high profile legislative visit or the lobby by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo took precedence in the House of Representatives. It is high point in mendicancy for the president of the Philippines to let herself be stereotyped as “cooks” and “Philippine-Americans” by no less President Bush during their White House meeting.

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle: (tags)

CBS' Lara Logan, CNN's Michael Ware Involved In Steamy Baghdad Love Triangle:


Money for the Filipino Veterans, Not a Penny for the war in Iraq! Money for People’s Needs, Not for the War! The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) today expresses outrage over the passing of the more than $ 628 B budget to fund the Iraq –Afghanistan war yesterday, June 26 in the US Congress while that the Filipino Veterans Equity bill that was languishing in the US congress for more than 18 years was not even discussed.

On the Recent 10-Day Visit of Phil. Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to the US (tags)

The 10-day visit of U.S.-backed Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) and ten of her Cabinet members to three states in the U.S. is nothing more than a spectacle starring a puppet president and her masters in the White House, the Capitol, and in the offices of Wall Street. The Filipino people have nothing to gain from this

Robert McChesney's The Political Economy of Media - Part II (tags)

Part II of McChesney's tour de force

Obama, at Last! (tags)

With Barack Obama having won the Democratic Presidential nomination, he'll face a well-established Republican attack machine and propaganda apparatus within the corporate media. This editorial in the July 2008 Zenger's Newsmagazine also argues that progressives should support Obama, but keep the pressure on him by street activism to make sure he doesn't cop out and govern as the moderate, pro-corporate Democrat Bill Clinton was.

If Israel Attacks Iran.... (tags)

"Friday's New York Times is reporting that multiple U.S. officials have stated that the Israeli military carried out what seemed to be a 'rehearsal' for a strike directed at Iran's nuclear facilities."
– The Raw Story

Obama's Accuser and the Surreal Scene at the NPC (tags)

The fur was flying fast and furiously at the National Press Club on June 18, 2008. Larry Sinclair was in town--the bete noire of U.S. Sen. Barrack Obama (D-IL). After making an opening statement, the media ripped into Sinclair, challenging just about every aspect of his anti-Obama yarn. It wasn’t a good day for the accuser. He was also arrested after his spiel by the DC cops and turned over to two Federal Marshals on an outstanding Delaware warrant.

How Corrupt is the US? (tags)

Corruption has become a cancerous disease of US society. No end or even weakening of the lies and deception is in sight. In the politics of the nation, corruption scandals have long reached the center of power.

Zimbabwe: Run-off: Numbers favour President (tags)

IF George W. Bush could lie 237 times over Iraq in two years, what are the chances he would tell the truth about Zimbabwe even once in seven years? If the MDC-T leadership could lie about the outcome of the elections on March 29, lies they knew could be easily exposed by collation of figures, to what extent would they go over claims of violence they know cannot be easily verified and which are gobbled in toto by the Western media to deodorise claims of Government repression?

Exposing Bush Administration Corruption (tags)

corruption goes right to the top.

The Blueprint for Forward Base America (tags)

This was the plan all along, no matter how they try to dress it up.

Can Nancy Pelosi single-handedly take Impeachment off the table? (tags)

Here is the Senate report which found the Bush Administration guilty of LYING about why it went to war in Iraq. Note that a live poll today ascertained that 86% of Americans support Impeachment.

Senate Report Exposes Key Role of the Israel Lobby in Fomenting War with Iran (tags)

It's no secret, this time around, that it is Israel demanding the US fight another war for its ruling Extremists, the real threat to the world.

US Politicians at AIPAC "Hate Iran Week" (tags)

Sadly, these fanatics don't care if something is true (or has been proven false). All they care is that they are allowed to repeat these LIES in order to create the illusion of a crisis, because it distracts from their actual plot to attack the country, in the process, once again committing "The Supreme International Crime". It's interesting to watch these criminals as they keep doing, over and over and over, exactly what they call their opposition "antisemitic" for pointing out ...

Arnaud de Borchgrave on McClellan, Neocons & Clean Break (tags)

Arnaud de Borchgrave on McClellan, Neocons & Clean Break

Disturbing 2008 Global Peace Index Report (tags)

GPI unfairly targets Venezuela.

Socialist Party VP nominee calls McCain “reckless” on Iran (tags)

The ongoing reckless statements by Senator McCain are another indication that the Republican presidential frontrunner is mapping a road to the White House by staying the course that has been paved by President Bush; a course that will continue to advance U.S. imperialism, a course that will continue to benefit the rich at the expense of working people, and a course that has spiraled the U.S. economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression.

PARA (tags)

These reckless statements by Senator McCain are another indication that the Republican presidential frontrunner is mapping a road to the White House by staying the course that has been paved by President Bush; a course that will continue to advance U.S. imperialism, a course that will continue to benefit the rich at the expense of working people, and a course that has spiraled the U.S. economy into the worst recession since the Great Depression.

Plan Colombia Heads for Mexico (tags)

Call it NAFTA on steroids.

Carter Urges 'Supine' Europe To Break With US Over Gaza Blockade (tags)

Carter said the Quartet's policy of not talking to Hamas unless it recognised Israel and fulfilled two other conditions had been drafted by Elliot Abrams, an official in the national security council at the White House. He called Abrams "a very militant supporter of Israel".

"Immoral Hazard" (tags)

Economic troubles are broad, deep and worrisome.

Israel Calls for US Blockade of Iran (tags)

The antiwar voices that brought Pelosi to power need to pay very close attention to this.

Spinning the News - the FARC-EP Files, Venezuela and Interpol (tags)

Interpol report suggests FARC-EP files are fake.

Socialists strongly criticize McCain’s Iraq War timetable (tags)

On March 19, 2008, the U.S. occupation of Iraq entered into the sixth year; now Republican presidential contender, Senator John McCain is saying that “he believes the Iraq War can be won by 2013,” according to the Associated Press. Socialists, nationwide are sharply critical of John McCain’s irresponsible statement to suggest that U.S. forces will remain in Iraq and Afghanistan for another five years.

Clinton Campaign Appears Stalled (tags)

A short article about the Clinton, and Obama race.

Obama vs. The Lobby (tags)

The fact that Obama places American interests above Israeli/Zionist Appeasement should be reason enough to support him.

Fire and Rain! (tags)

A Forum Topix post also known as A Sh*thead War. (Jer. 6:14; 8:11) 5/10 "A Nation of Sh*theads" 5/11 Anthrax Canadian-style. 5/14 Fire? Rain? The Choice Remains!

Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop an Attack on Iran (tags)

Why All of Our Efforts Won’t Stop an Attack on Iran

Disturbing Stirrings - Ratcheting Up For War On Iran (tags)

Worrisome signs resurfacing.

Stop the next war (tags)

"Yet as the years wear on and the facts pointing to the validity of my thesis accumulate, the reality can no longer be ignored. Why, in the name of all that's holy, are we expanding a war that has proven to be such a monumental failure? Why are our leaders ignoring the evaluation of our own National Intelligence Estimate on the question of Iran's nuclear program – which shows that they abandoned their nascent nukes, just as Saddam did – and insisting that Tehran will soon wield a nuclear sword, perhaps against Israel? Why are American politicians defying their own war-weary people and launching a conflict that will doubtless prove even less popular than the one in which we are currently engaged? None of this makes any sense unless we accept the hijacking thesis: U.S. policy is the captive of foreign interests, specifically Israeli interests. We are, all of us, held hostage by the Israel lobby, which has a stranglehold on the political establishment in this country. That's not a "conspiracy theory," because it's no secret: the effort to mold U.S. policy to suit Israeli interests is open to the point of brazenness."

May Day revival on three fronts: labor, immigrant, and antiwar (tags)

What started on May 1, 2006 as some of the largest political demonstrations in U.S. history for immigrants' rights have in 2008 brought together three fronts -- labor, immigrant, and antiwar -- in one struggle for peace and social justice.

Sixty Years of Palestinian Displacement, Occupation and Suffering (tags)

On May 14, remember the Nakba.

How business starves the world's poor (tags)

How business starves the world's poor

Socialists: Working people don’t need stimulus checks (tags)

The recent action taken by President Bush and the Feds, to reduce the time that 130 million Americans will need to wait before receiving their welfare checks, is another indication of the critical state the U.S. economy is now experiencing. Socialists believe it is necessary to create good paying jobs for working people rather than mailing millions of people a one time welfare check. Socialists have called for higher minimum wages and developing socially useful jobs for all working people.

Bolivia: An acid test (tags)

The conspiracy to divide Bolivia must be denounced

White Rabbits from the White House (tags)

"When politics threatens to destroy you, tell stories, stories of good and evil. Make every election into a morality play," Rove said. When politics becomes a spectacle and making more money out of money is stylized as the most noble pursuit, may our storytelling be life-giving!

Town hall calls for impeachment to save the Constitution (tags)

A regional town hall on the subject "Are Peace and Impeachment Possible?" was held in Oakland to reaffirm the need and political viability of impeaching Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush. It enjoined the audience to support new candidates running against Democratic Party leaders who have declined to challenge the Bush administration for its violations of the Constitution and international law.

No nuke material in Syria (tags)

Show us the evidence

Toxic e-waste pouring into Third World (tags)

Toxic e-waste pouring into Third World

$100 fill-ups arrive at gas pumps (tags)

$100 fill-ups arrive at gas pumps

Hunger plagues Haiti and the world (tags)

Hunger plagues Haiti and the world

Bush Has `Understood Nothing, Learned Nothing' (tags)

Bush's plan to fight global warming is to wait until 2025. His plan is a losership approach, not a leadership approach.

US looking at lead levels in artificial turf (tags)

US looking at lead levels in artificial turf

Hidden Things You Do Not Know! 4/19 (tags)

This just scrapes the surface of the work of the Bush Nazis and my IMC censors! Illegal Eagles in the military?! Foolproof Bush Nazi murders. "Free Doors tickets!" "She's got a ticket to ride!" Saddam's back! Fed-up with Hillary!

Ron Paul Is Right on Peace, Liberty and Ending the U.S. Empire (tags)

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has taken a lot of hits during his campaign for the White House. What scares folks about this guy? I went to hear him speak, on April 14, 2008, at Goucher College, Towson, MD. Unlike some dubious liberals in the Congress, Rep. Paul voted against the USA Patriot Act. He also wants to end the Iraq War and bring the troops home, now; and to dismantle America’s global empire before it bankrupts the country. Sounds like Ralph Nader to me!

Hidden Things You Do Not Know! (tags)

This just scrapes the surface of the work of the Bush Nazis and my IMC censors, especially the kind caring sensitive *ssholes of LA IMC! Illegal Eagles in the military?! Chemicalmongering Bush Nazis in my family and foolproof Bush Nazi murders. "Free Doors tickets!" "She's got a ticket to ride!" Saddam's back!

US undermining Afghan trials (tags)

US undermining Afghan trials

Peter Hallward's "Damming the Flood" - Part II (tags)

Part II of Hallward's superb book on Haiti.

False Flag Advisory -- Bush and Israel (tags)

Two courageous officers on mission of conscience, Marine Major William B. Fox and Army Captain Eric H. May, post an extended advisory on the prospects of Bush League treason. They are thoughtful and thorough in documenting and illustrating "false flag attacks."

BBC: Imperial Tool (tags)

People confuse what BBC reports with news.

US lawmakers invested in Iraq, Afghanistan wars (tags)

US lawmakers invested in Iraq, Afghanistan wars

Six Trillion Dollars (tags)

The US military occupation of Iraq cannot be won militarily and cannot be paid for. The military occupation was sold as a cheap war that would only help the US and the world: more security and a lower price of oil. Empire and double standards bring only nihilism and distrust.

Workers Pay for Their own Impoverishment (tags)

A whole series of factors are combining to undermine the financial position of banks. None of this happened by chance. It is only to be expected that brokers should seize every opportunity to line their pockets. They use innovations to kid themselves they can abolish risk.

Hothead McCain (tags)

Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to hear a politician not so removed from Reality saying "There will be peace" ... ? Be wary of Electronic Vote-rigging ... And get those "Neo-Conservative" War Criminals behind bars and away from the halls of power.

California Democratic Convention identifies problems, not solutions (tags)

The California State Democratic Party Convention held in San Jose was not about party platforms, but more of a media event and a giant sales meeting to market the party to its own delegates. Its objective was not solutions, but winning the White House.

Recession and Repression (tags)

The real inflation rate including energy and food amounted to 7.4 percent in January. The number of purchased homes reached an historic low. The compulsory auctions by banks have nearly doubled compared to the preceding twelve months.

TODAY: Internet Forum by Cuban Students about the Cuban Five (tags)

The main purpose of the forum will be to discuss what Cuban university students and those in the rest of the world could do to help the release of the Five Cuban men, who were arrested for having infiltrated Miami- based anti-Cuba groups and trying to prevent criminal actions against the island.

End of the Aviation Industry (tags)

Brought to us by the Bush Nazis and the censors of IMC! The final solution for the high-flying Bush Nazis. 3/27 "Bitter water! Gassified air! What you got? Flying machines in pieces on the ground!" 3/30 Remember TWA 800!

Regime Change: An American Addiction (tags)

I would like to blame the Neocons for America’s sordid record of “regime change” around the globe, but I can’t! For Iraq, yes! But, sadly, the U.S. has been in the dirty business of “regime change” for at least 110 years going back to the days that it unlawfully seized Hawaii. Author Stephen Kinzer’s book, “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change,” tells the story of how 14 countries, many in Central America, came under our hegemony.

"Science in the White House": David Baltimore (tags)

"The White House and the US Congress have shown little respect for science in the last years. The government obviously does not understand the importance of independence for science. Unfree scientific thinking does not work."

Heads-up warning to the American Peoples - Nuclear Attack on Iran appears imminent! (tags)

This heads-up wakeup call has embedded links for self-study so that the reader can affirm the truth or falsity of this warning and reach his or her own informed conclusions on the matter. The full url is

Saudi Arabia 'braces for nuclear war' (tags)

The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'

Commentary: Of yarmulkes and epithets (tags)

Commentary: Of yarmulkes and epithets

Mike Copass: Progressive Democrat Takes On Pro-War Incumbent (tags)

Though San Diego Congressmember Susan Davis voted against the original authorization for the war in Iraq, since then she's been a faithful supporter of funding the war and last year crossed party lines to vote for the open-ended, three-year commitment to the occupation pushed by the Bush administration. Mike Copass, scientist and legal consultant, is mounting a grass-roots primary campaign against her with the support of Progressive Democrats of America, who helped Donna Edwards mount a similar challenge in Maryland to a pro-war Democrat.

Boston-area convicts linked to CIA nexus (tags)

During the late 1980s and early 1990s, the CIA used al-Kifah to support covert operations overseas. With the full backing of the U.S. government, the organization set up branches in more than thirty American cities to raise funds and recruit fighters for the CIA’s anti-Soviet Afghan jihad. In the early 90s, once again with U.S. support and encouragement, al-Kifah shifted its focus to the Balkans, helping to instigate a civil war in Bosnia in 1992. This case, like so many others, proves the government’s so-called “war on terror” is really a chase for its own tail. As long as the truth is buried and the media remains silent, the hopeless pursuit will continue.

Democrat’s New Spy Bill – Lulling Americans Into False Sense of Security (tags)

The war on terror and the war on freedom are nonpartisan issues. Both Democrats and Republicans alike have consistently voted for legislation that, through the illusion of protecting our families and our homeland, have actually removed critical components of the U.S. Constitution. Will the Democrat’s new FISA Spy Bill be any different?

U.S. Fraud Corruption Kickbacks Abuse and Waste Worst in U.S. History (tags)

Almost 9 billion in cash simply vanished with no trace. What happened to all that cash? No one seems to know. There was not even so much as an investigation in to where it went.

"Father of Gay Leather" Makes Rare Public Appearance (tags)

Larry Townsend, author of "The Leatherman's Handbook" and many other pioneering works about Gay Leather sexuality, made a rare public appearance March 13 in San Diego to honor outgoing Mr. San Diego Leather, Lee Butler. He talked about the ways the Leather community has evolved in his nearly five decades in it, and particularly the responsibility of older Leathermen to steer young people away from drugs and STD's.

U.S. Military Headed For The Border To Protect Us Or What? (tags)

Americans are afraid that this is just subterfuge. That the real intent of this administration is to suppress decent, control the masses and some even fear it is designed by Bush to delay the elections in the fall. Invade Iran imprison many Americans and designed for him to remain President for as long as he can.

CUBA: “Desperate White House” (tags)

El último discurso de Bush contra Cuba ha sido inmediatamente reproducido con entusiasmo en las páginas de cuanto medio dócil al imperio existe sobre la faz planetaria. Y fue tanta la premura de algunos que realizan habitualmente la facturación de sus mentiras en idioma español, que tratando de bailar al ritmo del amo y no perder el paso, se apresuraron a transcribirlo directamente en el inglés original

Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA (tags)

That a scandal of this proportion, which entirely contradicts the perception of the 'crisis' painted by the media, remains relatively unreported and unaddressed - especially in an election cycle - is a testament to the tight control of the Western media, as well as the corruption of both sides of the RepubliCrat Party.

3/11 "Buffalo" Market - (A Date Code Decode) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence officer, offers a compelling case to prove that the recent record profits on Wall Street happened according to a schedule, or a "date code," as he calls it.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza (tags)

That this scandal remains hidden is a testament to the tight control the Government holds over our media.

Blooming Bush Demockracy *** (tags)

This is a Forum Topix post being removed everywhere. The only way that I could keep it posted was to keep posting comments on it. 3/14 Nazi Death Doctor fixes Governor's sexual problem. Oh gee! Plant a tree!

Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war' (tags)

Fallon 'may lose job over Iran war'

Colombia: ¿Es todavía hora para la Paz? (tags)

Ayer como hoy, el Pentágono, la White House y sus lacayos descorchan botellas de champán, refocilándose ante su efímero triunfo. Celebran la victoria de la mentira, sus millones y sus armas, reafirmando en cada brindis su compromiso con la muerte

Oh, That Trillion Dollar Financial Bubble, It’s Leaking! (tags)

It’s here! Author Charles R. Morris calls it: “The greatest credit bubble in history!” He insists that the “writedowns and defaults” of credit devices will “come out about $1 trillion.” Problem: President George W. Bush, Jr. is in denial about the crisis. Like that amiable dunce, President Ronald Reagan, he contributed to this horrible mess by turning the country over to the Vulture Capitalists and also by launching the Iraq War with its price tag of $3 trillion!

The Gaza Bombshell: Crisis Made in USA (tags)

The current crisis in Gaza is entirely the creation of Extremists in the US and Israel, who don't want to end Zionism's expansionist war on the Palestinians. Don't let the media ignore this story ...

Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud promotes pedophilia (tags)

I'm not saying that the Israeli PM Olmert has had any good role model to look up to or admire in the U.S.. After all W Bush invites penny stock scamsters such as vFinance's Charles Gonzalez to White House breakfeasts and allowed his ex Treasury Secretary John Snow to spy on international stock and financial transactions with CIA through the SWIFT in Brussels, Belgium and then resign to be be a Cerberus hedge fund executive with Dick Cheney's Kellogg Brown and Root boys,Stephen Feinberg and Dan Quayle and to then buy Bawag Bank Of Austria and part of Leumi Bank of Israel BOTH INFAMOUS FOR AIDING AND ABETTING U.S. PENNY STOCK FRAUD AND MONEY LAUNDERING !

Luis Posada Carriles: the versatile USAmerican terrorist still walking freely (tags)

While Arturo Hernández, Posada's attorney said: "Mr. Posada Carriles is not and has never been a terrorist"… "His lifelong ambition has been to bring democracy and freedom to his place of birth", declassified CIA and FBI documents, testimonies, and other compelling evidences suggest the contrary.

Funding for HIV/AIDS prevention tripled by House panel (tags)

A House panel today voted to more than triple spending for a global AIDS program that has proven to be one of the Bush administration’s most successful foreign policy initiatives.

Senate Advances Bill to Cut Iraq Funding (tags)

The measure by Democratic Sens. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin and Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada would cut off money for combat after 120 days.

Brzezinski Seizing Control (tags)

- The attack on the US embassy in Belgrade, Serbia by gangs of drunken students is a classic Brzezinski operation. The tactic of having an incensed rent-a-mob of swarming adolescent patsies attack the US Embassy in order to gin up a crisis is one of Zbigniew's signature specialties. During the time that Brzezinski was running the foreign policy of Trilateral puppet Jimmy Carter, there were bloody attacks on the US embassies in Pakistan and in Afghanistan, both countries that featured prominently in Brzezinski's arc of crisis theory-

The Neocons’ Ties to the 9/11 Commission’s Report (tags)

There was little chance that the 9/11 Commission was going to establish the full truth. One reason why: Its Executive Director, the Neocon-loving Philip D. Zelikow, had his own agenda, to wit: protecting the interest of the Bush-Cheney Gang and linking “Al-Qaeda to Iraq.” Zelikow had previously written a book with Condi Rice, authored a paper used to justify the preemptive attack on Iraq and worked on Bush’s presidential transition team in 2000/2001.

Potential Health Hazards of Genetically Engineered Foods (tags)

The dangers these foods pose to human health

Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby: (tags)

Congressman Howard Berman on Israel and the pro-Israel lobby:

GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil! (tags)

America's stupidity blooms and bears fruit. "Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! Anti-NAPHTHA? Tear off their wings! (Dan. 7:4) The Lord's USSR 666

The Republican Candidate (4 and 5) (tags)

If this is a subject of interest to you, in the United States today there are five Cuban prisoners, separated one from the other by thousands of miles. They have no area that can be sarcastically called the “Hanoi Hilton”. Their suffering and the injustice of which they are victims will be known the world over; don't doubt it for a minute

The Reflecting Pool (tags)

A narrative film challenging the official story of 9/11 premiered in Los Angeles in January and continues to show on weekends, including President's Day. This film is a damning look at the media's coverage of 9/11, propaganda, and a piercing look at the complex search for truth.

The Reflecting Pool (tags)

A narrative film challenging the official story of 9/11 premiered in Los Angeles in January and continues to show on weekends, including President's Day. This film is a damning look at the media's coverage of 9/11, propaganda, and a piercing look at the complex search for truth.

9/11:U.S.IRS,SEC,AG Mukasey,Homeland Security Michael Chertoff,Israeli ICTS International (tags)

Who within the U.S. IRS IS RESPONSIBLE FOR TERMINATING AN INVESTIGATION INTO TAX EVASION BY THE CRIMINALS OF ICTS INTERATIONAL !? ? ICTS evecutive Menachem Atzmon was even convicted in his own country of Israel for the equivalent of money laundering between Israeli government accounts Ariel Sharon's and his own Likud Party.And then the U.S. government allowed him and his far right Israeli partners to enter the U.S. and set up a stock 'securities' scam on the NASDAQ that defrauded American investors in order to buy Huntleigh airport rent-a-cops corp that conveniently had the contract to guard Boston's Logan Airport PRE 9/11 ! And I presume you know the results of that fiasco !

House Leaves Surveillance Law to Expire (tags)

The refusal of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Democrat of California, to schedule a vote on a surveillance measure approved Tuesday by the Senate touched off an intense partisan conflict over the national security questions that have colored federal elections since 2002 and are likely to play a significant role again in November.

F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II (tags)

Part II of this epic book.

The 2008 Elections and The Peace Movement (tags)

Even if the Democrats win, the progressive peace movement needs to continue to “bear witness” to the crimes that our government, the CIA, and the Pentagonians are committing in foreign lands against people that have never harmed or attacked America.

America's Stupidity Blooms (tags)

"Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) Bristol's World Beater USSR 666 "You don't know how lucky you are, boy!" 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! "You can check out any time you like!"

Bush to veto bill curbing waterboarding (tags)

Bush to veto bill curbing waterboarding

Sen. Obama Beat the Political Machine in Maryland (tags)

Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) gave Sen. Hillary Clinton a decisive thrashing in Maryland’s primary election on Feb. 12, 2008. He beat her by about 180,000 votes. Despite Clinton having the state’s senior U.S. Senator, Barbara Mikulski, in her corner, along with its governor, Martin O’Malley, and also the party’s entire political machine, Obama won by a 60% to 37% margin. David Lindorff is right: “Obama...may be creating...a constituency for real change.”

Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life" (tags)

The Western media is involved in a diabolical disinformation campaign, the purpose of which is to persuade public opinion that the only way to "create a nuclear free World" is to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis, against countries which "threaten our Western Way of Life." We are a dangerous crossroads: military planners believe their own propaganda. The military manuals state that this new generation of nuclear weapons are "safe" for use in the battlefield. They are no longer a weapon of last resort. There are no impediments or political obstacles to their use.

Infragard - Martial law enforcement has been privatized (tags)

Martial law enforcement has been privatized

Lies, Damn Lies and the Murdoch Empire (tags)

Murdock media lies and deceit.

bush admits, "we torture" --democrats stay silent (tags)

The White House publicly acknowledged on Wednesday that President Bush has authorized the use of waterboarding, and that he may do so again in the future. The statements amount to an open admission of criminal activity on the part of the US government. The acknowledgement from White House deputy spokesman Tony Fratto came a day after testimony from CIA Director Michael Hayden before the Senate Intelligence Committee. For the first time, Hayden officially stated that the Bush administration had used waterboarding on three prisoners in 2002 and 2003. Waterboarding is a form of torture used since the Spanish Inquisition. It involves pouring water over a prisoner’s head to cause drowning, and has been prosecuted as torture by the United States government in the past. While the Bush administration is now stretching language and credulity to claim that it should not be categorized as torture, the director of national intelligence, Mike McConnell, acknowledged on Wednesday that “taken to its extreme, [the consequences of waterboarding] could be death; you could drown someone.”

The case of the CUBAN FIVE, one of the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006-2007 (tags)

The case of the CUBAN FIVE, one of the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006-2007 in:

911:Willie Nelson says WTC "Imploded"! (tags)

Nelson is not the first high-profile public figure to question 9/11. In March 2006, actor Charlie Sheen voiced his doubts and was followed last year by his father Martin Sheen.

Jonathan Cook's "Israel and the Clash of Civilisations" (tags)

Israel, Iran, Iraq and the plan to remake the Middle East.

The Democrats' Trudeau? (tags)

"Love him or hate him, Obama is the most interesting American to enter politics for years."

Zenger's Endorses Obama for President (tags)

With the strongest progressive choices for the Democratic Presidential nomination, Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards, out of the race, Barack Obama is the only candidate left who offers a fresh vision instead of either a continuation of the Bush administration or a return to the trivial, gridlocked politics of the 1990's. On international affairs and the so-called "war on terror," Bill Clinton's policies were little better than Bush's.

The Ballad of The Bush League (tags)

A special Super Tuesday multimedia stage performance of "The Ballad of The Bush Leagues. February 5, 8:00 pm, Admission $5, cash bar. Approximately 45 minutes.

Lynn Rozar Wants Straight Answers from Socialist (tags)

In a letter dated December 31, 2007, Lynn Rozar and his wife, from Greeneville, Tennessee, want to know my position on some issues concerning the average person: WITH JUST SOME STRAIGHT SIMPLE ANSWERS FOR A CHANGE.

Jennifer Van Bergen's "The Twilight of Democracy" (tags)

How democracy is being undermined in America.

War and Peace: Bush in the Middle East (tags)

If truth is the first casualty of war, language, community, public spirit and mutual trust are the next victims. Normalization of war and militarization of foreign policy are evils that make the state of our nation into a nightmare, a squandered promise.

What Works and What Doesn't In Building A New Workers’ Movement (tags)

There are thousands of activists of one type or another who want to change society and recognize that we need a movement to do that. many of these people are in organizations and groupings, many are in Unions. What is causing the delay in the building of a new movement to throw back the present capitalist offensive. One major factor is the heads of Organized Labor, but they are not the only factor.

Institutionalized Spying on Americans (tags)

Big brother really is watching.

Ron Paul and the Left (tags)

A Slippery Slope?

Grand Opening: School of the Americas Watch West (part 1) (tags)

“Word began to spread as we researched the school and discovered what we had here was indeed a school of assassins, a school for dictators. These soldiers came here to learn counter insurgency. Who were the insurgency? They were the poor, the religious leaders, labor leaders, and many others. And then when the torture manuals were discovered in the curriculum, that got a lot of front-page coverage. Word began to spread, and our numbers in the movement grew.” -- Father Roy Bourgeois, founder, School of the Americas Watch

How I Won the War (tags)

"Wake it! Shake it! Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 1/9 The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Computerized voting? Sound the alarm in Zion!

George Bush Nostradamus Third Anti Christ and Iran’s Greatest Hero (tags)

This week George McGovern called George Bush a false prophet.

Queer Kennedy Blues (tags)

"Wake It! Shake It!...Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 1/9 The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Computerized voting? Blow the horn in Zion!

$11 Million to be slashed from CA HIV/AIDS Budget (tags)

The proposed budget that our governor has laid out will cut over 11 million dollars from California HIV/AIDS services.

A Bushite is an enemy of America (tags)

TO THE UNBELIEVERS : 40,000 pounds of bombs dropped by ANTICHRIST FORCES OF EVIL on a populated City THEY OCCUPY - American Women are Raped by Bushite and American men are too cowardly to call pro-child killer happy George Norry - Corporate News Whores are Evil to All Humans Being - Pentagon Won't Probe KBR [GANG] Rape Charges - "Heaven Won't Take Marines" - American corporations actively attempt to MURDER American women, and American "Men" refuse to phone someone who cares... - I'm willing to Challenge America to a Presidential Debate on successes we've achieved as the governed for enlightenment - Catholic Bishop: 9-11 was inside job - TO CON AMERICA TO DIE AS TRAITORS - Evidence is Everything - Al-Qaida = General Mahmoud Ahmad - WOW! - 'How Bush misled the world' - WOW!

A friend of CUBA passes away… (tags)

On the evening of Monday, January 7, Philip B. Agee passed away in Havana. The US citizen was a former Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) official until he broke with the agency in 1968 for ethical reasons.

"Wake It! Shake It!.....(1/7) (tags)

....Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. 12/31 Tiger hunting in San Francisco! The Queer Kennedys take the stage! Tell the Terminator to Come to Boston! Holy Smoke!

Heaven Won't Take Marines (tags)

LOOK! The lawless bushite is warring Humanity to bring about near what was there prior to them attacking.. THINK: they are trying to bring about the stability that their continuing conduct decreases through further LAWLESS rape, theft, and murder. Bill a bushite for God and America why don't you do it to save the atheists for Heaven as all included? Bushites are evil enemies of US all my friend, enemies of US all.

The United States' Selfish Solicitude (tags)

Interference with another country's internal affairs violates international law. In contrast to this, the neo-conservatives' revolutionary way of thinking preaches "democratic inter-ference" with all the consequences we are now observing in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Socialists Emerging as Democrats, Republicans Lose Voter Confidence (tags)

The socialist parties are emerging as a political force in American politics, addressing those issues that are important to millions of Americans and working people; ending the Iraq War, solving the nation’s health care needs, free education for college students, providing benefits for all veterans, protecting homeowners, creating affordable housing and providing for the needs of all working class people.

Bush's Watergate (tags)

The publication of the new NIE represented a Declaration of Independence of professional secret service analysist who were made absolute fools by the neoconservatives in the past decades. Journalist Saul Landau described the new NIE as Bush's Watergate.

Top 10 stories for Filipino Americans in 2007 (tags)

Filipino Americans can look back on 2007 with both elation and embarrassment.FilAms figured prominently in mainstream media news, headlining topics such as the 9/11 health crisis, boxing, TV entertainment as well as espionage in high places.

Kucinich for President (tags)

Zenger's Newsmagazine endorses Dennis Kucinich for President (as we did in 2004) over the so-called 'top-tier" Democrats, each of whom has serious liabilities but all of whom would make a better President than any of the Republican candidates. This editorial from the January 2008 Zenger's also contains recommendations on the seven state propositions on the February 5, 2008 ballot.

First Openly Gay Young Democrats President Interviewed (tags)

David Hardt, recently elected president of the national Young Democrats and the first openly Gay man to hold that position, came to San Diego December 6 for a Young Stonewall Democrats' fundraiser and did this interview with Zenger's Newsmagazine. He discussed the future of the Democratic party and the Queer presence within it.

ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews Presidential Candidate Frank Moore (tags)

Choose Your Vote (dot) Org interviews 2008 Presidential Candidate Frank Moore.

Neocon-Lite Sen. Mikulski Sets Dems’ Cynical Agenda (tags)

The 2008 presidential election is heating up. Neocon-Lite Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), in a spiel in the Baltimore Examiner, blasted President George W. Bush for shortchanging national priorities because of the cost of the Iraq War. She failed to mention, however, that she has been an enabler of that conflict and has done nothing to end it. The cynical Democratic Party strategy is to let the Iraq War continue and to blame Bush for everything.

Gov't message: Bush ok to have boyfriend, but it's not ok for Clinton to have girlfriend (tags)

The Bush White House gay sex scandal heats up, as new revelations show that fake reporter and male prostitute Jeff Gannon "slept over" on numerous occasions at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Gannon had previously advertised his services on the internet as a male prostitute "top" at $1200 per weekend. Since "Jeff Gannon" has given the term "media whore" a whole new definition, the question arises -- could "Jeff Gannon" be President George Bush's Lewinsky albeit in gay apparel?

Big Oil and the War on Drugs and Terrorism (tags)

The "Big Oil" chessgame, aided and abetted by the so-called wars on drugs and terrorism, has made most of humanity its pawns and has expanded corporate control over our lives.

Watch Hillary Clinton Vehemently Vow to Raise Taxes and Vote for War (tags)

A leopard doesn’t change its spots.

U.S. isolated on the Human Rights Issue in CUBA (tags)

The recent Cuban decision to sign the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Civil and Political Rights is a clear example of the island's conduct when it is not subjected to external pressures...

"Wake It! Shake It!... (tags)

..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere!

Coming to Town for Bushite Nasties (tags)

God is coming to town for bushite nasties on his sled of make believe. A halted bushite, is a mercy on our souls, in defense of ourselves the innocent. The innocent that a 'lawless' bushite holds for ransom in pain dying.

Police State America - A Look Back and Ahead (tags)

An analysis of how post-9/11 the republic was destroyed.

Ransmayr Attacks Bush's Permission for Barbarism (tags)

Ransmayr spoke of a strategically fomented panic that seizes all democratic societies in our day, making the abolition of civil rights, offensive war and mass murder seem inevitable as self-defense measures.

"Wake it! Shake it! ... (tags)

..Drag it out and break it!" That was Ken Kesey in Sometimes a Great Notion. Try to find any record of this quote anywhere!

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")

Contradictions Abound in Cuban Five Case (tags)

Contradictions Abound in Cuban Five Case

The war in Iraq and the assassination of Kennedy (tags)

AT 44 years since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the war in Iraq and the Bush family saga have magnified the need to declassify documents related to the November 22, 1963 attack that affected not only the United States but, to a surprising degree, Cuba, and the rest of the world.

Ritual Gloating Postmortems - The Corporate Media v. Hugo Chavez (tags)

Relentless media bashing of Hugo Chavez.

Blood In The Streets Of Oakland: Anniversary Death of Mary Jesus (tags)

In Memory of Mary Jesus... Today December 10, is the 3rd year anniversary death of Mary Jesus, who was hounded to death by Oakland's greedy landoords! Mary Jesus shook up downtown Oakland 3 years ago when she climbed onto the Oakland Tribune Tower and tossed down 100s of copies of a suicide note denouncing the plight of Oakland renters before leaping to a tragic bloody death...



Caught in Lies (tags)

With the NIE, President George W Bush was actually exposed as a liar. By fomenting war hysteria, he consciously made use of misinformation-as in the preparation of the Iraq war. When Bush threatened a `third world war,' he tried to blackmail the world.

The 2007 NIE: Disloyalty to Royalty (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, finds much cause for optimism in the 2007 NIE, which has undermined the Bush administration's plans for war on Iran. Could it be that US intelligence is working for the American people again, and not the neocon agenda?

Iran Intelligence It’s all about Oil Oil Oil (tags)

Iraq War oil, Iran War oil, everything else is a red herring.

Voices of the Iraq War Dissenters Ring Out (tags)

The horrific Iraq War, launched by the Bush-Cheney Gang, is now in its fifth year, with no end in sight. Nevertheless, there were some stouthearted souls inside both the governments of the U.S. and the UK, (Denmark and Australia, too), who tried to expose the lies of the wire pullers. In “Dissent: Voices of Conscience,” co-authors Col. (Ret.) Ann Wright and Susan Dixon tell their compelling stories. It’s current history and a great read, too.

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003 (tags)

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003

The Lobby Strikes Back (tags)

A new book riles the AIPAC crowd, but makes it to the bestseller list anyway. by Scott McConnell

History, Sublime, Terror: Notes on the Politics of Fear (tags)

"The new powers of violence that are out of the box after 1945 belong to the state. They are properties and prerogatives of the modern nation-state."

Queer Democrats Fail to Endorse for President (tags)

The predominantly Queer San Diego Democratic Club failed to endorse a candidate for President after a contentious meeting November 29. On the first ballot, Hillary Clinton received eight votes, John Edwards seven, Barack Obama three, Dennis Kucinich two and 14 club members voted against making an endorsement at all. The club also voted to oppose statewide Proposition 91 on the February ballot, which would block legislators from using gas tax money to balance the state budget.

Democrats shift further to the right (tags)

Six weeks after he denounced the American media and US politicians for undermining the war effort in Iraq and called for an all-out mobilization of American power to win victory, the former US commander in Baghdad, retired Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez, delivered the official Democratic Party response to President George W. Bush’s weekly Saturday radio address. The selection of Sanchez to make the broadcast November 24 is a calculated decision by the Democratic Party leadership to adopt a standpoint on the war in Iraq that criticizes the Bush administration largely from the right, rather than the left. The Democrats have rebuffed the desires of the vast majority of the American people, including those whose votes placed the Democrats in control of Congress a year ago, who want an end to the war as quickly as possible. Sanchez commanded US forces in Iraq from June 2003 to June 2004, the period immediately following the US invasion. He is indelibly linked to two episodes in the bloody record of American oppression in Iraq: the murderous onslaught on the city of Fallujah, then one of the strongholds of Iraqi resistance to the occupation, and the abuse of captured Iraqis in the American military prison at Abu Ghraib.

Tragedy and Travesty at Annapolis (tags)

The latest chapter in the sham Middle East peace process.

"Not in Our Name!" (tags)

At the conference, everything essential like participation of Hamas should be excluded. Residents of Tel Aviv could be among those who pay dearly for the mad plans of George W Bush. The Jews are made a pretext for a new crusade of Christian fundamentalists.

Independent Journalist Dahr Jamail Speaks on Iraq (tags)

Anti-war journalist Dahr Jamail spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego November 15 to promote his new book, "Beyond the Green Zone," about his experiences as an unembedded reporter in Iraq over eight months from November 2003 to February 2005. His most moving stories were about the two U.S. sieges of Falloujah in April and November 2004.

Hillary Clinton’s LYING she needs 60 votes to Leave Iraq (tags)

Hillary Clinton is passing the buck with an outright lie.

Coup E'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

The Bush administration aims to crush democracy in Venezuela.

Bill and Hillary Clinton did Irreparable Damage on Global Warming (tags)

Are you going to let them continue until we are no more?

U.S. Catholic Bishops “See No Evil” in the War Party (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang has been running the country into the ground the last seven years, while creating a framework for a fascist police state. It has also slaughtered 1.2 million Iraqis and sent 3,867 of our finest sons and daughters to a early grave in an illegal and immoral war. But, you wouldn’t know it from any of the results of the annual conference of U.S. Catholic Bishops. To them, abortion is the greatest evil facing Mankind! Go figure!

US dismisses IAEA report of “progress” over Iran’s nuclear programs (tags)

The Bush administration has rapidly rejected the findings of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report finalised on Thursday, which found that Iran had made “substantial progress” towards clarifying outstanding questions about its nuclear programs. The US confirmed its intention to press ahead with another UN Security Council resolution demanding that Iran halt its uranium enrichment and other nuclear programs. The US ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, declared that Washington would like to see more “biting” sanctions against Tehran than those imposed under UN resolutions passed last December and in March. The debate surrounding the latest IAEA report is not simply a rerun of previous arguments. Behind Washington’s demands for tougher UN sanctions is the barely concealed threat of a unilateral US military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. In response to a declaration last month by Russian President Vladimir Putin that there was “no objective evidence” that Iran was building nuclear weapons, US President Bush warned that Iran should be prevented from having the knowledge to make a bomb “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III”.


The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is using out-dated data to form it's report. The deadline for data was over a year ago for info from scientific research. That means all of their predictions are too rosy. And yet, the politicians in the IPCC are softening the language of the report. That's just great. Keep the public stupid about the facts.......they can't handle the truth.

Jeremy Scahill: Blackwater's loopholes (tags)

REMINDER: Jeremy Scahill, will be speaking in the Los Angeles area, at the United Teachers of LA, 3303 W. Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA, at 7:00 pm on Friday, Nov. 16th and at the First Unitarian Church of Studio City, 12355 Moorpark, Studio City, CA at 7:00 pm on Saturday, Nov. 17th, each with author Dahr Jamail, Beyond the Green Zone: Dispatches from an Unembedded Journalist in Occupied Iraq. For more information call: 213-309-2713.

Iranian Kurdistan: A simmering cauldron (tags)

Simmering discontent among Iran's ethnic Kurdish minority - aided by the government's conflict with a Turkish PKK offshoot - could spell major trouble for the Iranian government. The US government is fully aware of these tensions, and, according to published reports, is preparing several contingency plans to capitalize on mass discontent in these areas.

Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security' (tags)

''Increasing suspicion even more was the suggestion, in a report of a committee of the European Parliament, that in addition to having been used in drug trafficking the Gulfstream II had flown CIA rendition flights to Guantanamo.'' - Daniel Hopsicker ,

Why Bush Doesn’t Have to Suspend the Constitution! (tags)

President George W. Bush doesn’t have to mimic Pakistan's dictator, Gen. Pervez Musharraf, and suspend the Constitution, since he doesn’t have any opposition. The two major political parties are controlled by the same Wire Pullers. Meanwhile, an “Axis of Zionists,” Michael Mukasey at Justice, Michael Chertoff at Homeland Security and Joshua Bolten at the WH, now have a choke hold on key positions in our government. America is in deep doo-doo!

BREAKING: Kerik, Hillary, Giuliani, Spitzer, Schumer Tied to New York State PassportGate (tags)

It can now be reported that the indictment of Bernard Kerik, Rudy Giuliani’s former New York City Police Commissioner and business partner in Giuliani’s firm, also deals with the buying and selling of FAKE U.S. and foreign passports for ILLEGAL aliens, foreign nationals from the Middle East, including Arab and Israeli. Also linked to Passport-Gate is former New York Attorney General, now New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, both New York U.S. Senators Charles Schumer and unelectable CLOSET lesbian Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton and former New York City Major and Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani...

Full Spectrum Mercenaries: Blackwater Goes to Mexico (tags)

If and when private security contractor Blackwater USA and its heavily-armed operatives are forced to pull out of Iraq as the result of the September 16th rampage in downtown Baghdad when its employees massacred up to 28 Iraqis, Mexico could be a profitable option for the North Carolina-based company.

BREAKING: Unelectable Hillary and Giuliani Tied to 9-11 Dancing Israelis (tags)

The indictment of Rudy Giuliani's stooge, former New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik is just the tip of the iceberg. Kerik operated as chief facilitator, along with then MEGA MOSSAD Assistant U.S. Attorney General under the Bush Administration Michael Chertoff, in allowing the 9/11 "Dancing Israelis" to escape FBI interrogation and be allowed a free trip back to Israel.

CIA Rendition: The Smoking Gun Cable (tags)

In a CIA sub-station close to al Libi's jail cell, the CIA's "debriefers," who had been talking to al Libi for days after his return from Cairo, were typing out a series of operational cables to be sent Feb. 4 and Feb. 5 to the CIA Headquarters in Langley, Va. In the view of some insiders, these cables provide the "smoking gun" on the whole rendition program -- a convincing account of how the rendition program was, they say, illegally sending prisoners into the hands of torturers.

Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are Inciting Terrorism! (tags)

By honoring the writers's strike picket lines and not going to work at the Comedy Channel Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are inciting the American public to resort to acts of terrorism.

Wisconsin Death Trip becomes Hitler's Health Care (tags)

Sensing an abnormally strong Bush Nazi presence in the northern Midwest, I believe that the Nazis are trying to conceal that has been a stronghold of Nazism since the Second Reich, preying on anyone who challenges their stupidity.

Congressional Shame and Duplicity (tags)

Congress again betrays the public trust.

The Sun Sets Early on the American Century (tags)

This article appeared in: Le Monde diplomatique, October 2007. Sometimes hope comes from outside the bubble, outside the myopia dnde enforcede confo9rmity!

Crushing Defeat of US blockade of CUBA at UN General Assembly (tags)

For the sixteen consecutive time, United Nations members voted against the US economic, financial and commercial blockade of Cuba. The resolution presented by the island received 184 votes in favor, one more than in 2006, four against and one abstention.

Presidential Nominee Moore Polarizes Iraq War Issue (tags)

Today, there are two sides on the Iraq War debate; on the left there is Brian Moore, with Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party, and on the right there are the Democrats and Republicans. Brian Moore recently received the nomination for president by the Socialist Party USA; during the party’s National Convention, in St Louis, Missouri, Moore put the line in the sand, “immediate withdrawal from Iraq and Afghanistan.”

Call for the release of the Cuban Five (tags)

The Cuban chapter of the Defense of Humanity Network announced in Havana a new call for the release of the five anti-terrorist Cubans incarcerated for nine years with heavy sentences hanging over them.

When Is Torture Not Torture? (tags)

"Luban regards terms like "enhanced interrogation techniques" or "robust interrogations" as euphemisms bordering on Orwellian, or worse: "The Gestapo used the phase 'sharpened interrogation techniques.'"

CUBA responds to Bush (tags)

REPLYING to three spurious initiatives for Cuba proposed by George Bush in Washington on October 24, Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Pérez Roque set out 12 points “covering what the U.S. president should propose as aid” to the island.

Money for Firefighting & Prevention; Not for War (tags)

The World Socialist Website has 2 excllent articles providing the details of the Southern California fire crisis and their relation to the neglect of our domestic needs in favor of war profiteering.

Hillary: Democrats' Death Wish (tags)

Hillary Clinton probably has the power, money and organizational clout to win the Democratic nomination for President, but she cannot win the general election. The combination of her conservative principles — including her support for an ongoing U.S. military presence in Iraq — and her radical reputaton will alienate both moderates and progressives and drive white working-class voters back to the Republicans.

FCC wants to relax media ownership constraints (tags)

FCC wants to relax media ownership constraints

Why World War 3 is VERY possible (tags)

Following on the heels of President George W. Bush’s warning last week that those countries “interested in avoiding World War III” should align themselves with Washington’s escalating threats against Iran, a series of unfolding developments point to the danger of armed violence engulfing a broad swath of the Middle East and Central Asia and, indeed, posing the threat of a new world war. Six years after the US invasion of Afghanistan and four-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the continuation and deepening of the conflicts in both of these countries is setting into motion a political chain reaction of incalculable dimensions.

Bush invokes threat of “World War III” (tags)

The press conference held by President George W. Bush Wednesday was, like all of his press appearances, full of non-sequiturs, evasions and political bullying. Bush called the news conference to present himself as an opponent of excessive federal spending, by which he meant a few billion for children’s health insurance in the bill he vetoed last week, not the hundreds of billions his administration has squandered on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the trillions in tax cuts for the rich. The routine of his 20th press conference of the year was broken only when Bush was asked about the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, widely seen as undercutting the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate Iran and pave the way for military action against it. Putin took part in a meeting of the five states bordering on the Caspian Sea, each of them pledging not to allow their territory to be used for military action against any of the others.

Israel, our very worst ally, ever? (tags)

With friends like this, who needs enemies?

Congressional Democrats to unveil new domestic spying bill (tags)

The Democratic leadership in Congress is preparing to introduce new legislation this week that would permanently legalize the Bush administration’s warrantless domestic surveillance, while possibly providing a blanket amnesty for private telecommunications firms that helped the Bush administration illegally spy on their own customers. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (Democrat, Maryland) hastily called off a press conference called last Friday to introduce the bill, but indicated that a draft would be available by next week. The postponement apparently involved continuing differences within the Democratic caucus over the contents of the legislation.

The American Nightmare: Vietnam (tags)

The number of killed adversaries-the body count-was made the most important criterion of military success. Identifying a dead Vietnamese as Vietcong was the general rule. In free fire zones, the US armed forces moved in a law-free space. The war was without fronts.

California Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,GenesisIntermedia (tags)

In many ways it is Adnan Khashoggi as well as Paul Singer who are financing the campaign of Rudy Giuliani through money they made in the GenesisIntermedia pump and dump penny stock scam that collapsed around 9/11/01as well as money stolen from U.S. taxpayers and impoverished countries in Africa as well as Peru who were ripped off by the W Bush-Paul Singer 'Vulture Funds' fraud in which W Bush put U.S. funds in accounts directed at 3rd world debt only to have Mr. Singer come along and empty those accounts for his and the Republican Party's personal cash cow that was used to attempt changing California electoral voting system in favor of Rudy Giuliani and the Republican Party !

America infested with Mossad (tags)

who owns ya baby?

New Details in Attack on American Spy Ship (tags)

An Israeli military court of inquiry later acknowledged that their naval headquarters knew at least three hours before the attack that the odd-looking ship 13 miles off the Sinai Peninsula, sprouting more than 40 antennas capable of receiving every kind of radio transmission, was "an electromagnetic audio-surveillance ship of the U.S. Navy," a floating electronic vacuum cleaner. The Israeli inquiry later concluded that that information had simply gotten lost, never passed along to the ground controllers who directed the air attack nor to the crews of the three Israeli torpedo boats who picked up where the air force left off, strafing the Liberty's decks with their machine guns and launching a torpedo that blew a 39-foot hole in its starboard side.

BTL:Bush Photo Op in Iraq Precedes Congressional Debate on War Funding (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

The Killing Silence of Alan Greenspan (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang lied the country into the Iraq War. Now, Alan Greenspan, the ex-Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserves, has admitted: “’Everyone’ knows the Iraq War was largely about oil!” Greenspan should be forced to testify, under oath, before a Grand Jury and/or the House Judiciary Committee about this amazing disclosure. The American people are entitled to the truth and the liars should be punished.

The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.

9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked Securities Fraud (tags)

Mr.Giuliani never even realised that supposed WTC survivor and activist Tania Head was a 9/11 fraud just like himself ! While Tanya Head practiced for many years at being a WTC survivor her leading rival in post 9/11 fame or infamy as the case may be,was Rudy Giuliani,an unpopular NYC Mayor who had made a miraculous post 9/11 comeback along with his police commissioner Bernie Kerrik. Rudy Giuliani so full of himself and determined to promote or 'pump' his rising Myth American status never really noticed the holes in Tania Head's tale of survival in the WTC perhaps because he was too busy covering up his own.

Hate Preachers in Action (tags)

Many evangelics feel tricked by "born again" Bush on account of his lies about the Iraq war and his failure to honor the financing promises for welfare institutions. By Nov 2006, only $16 million was paid instead of the $6 billion promised in the election campaign.

The Temple of Love Endorses the Global Green Parties (tags)

It’s a matter of survival.

Rev. Billy Graham: A Prince of War Exposed (tags)

The Rev. Billy Graham, a darling of the Evangelical Right, has never seen a U.S. war that he couldn’t bless. He once advocated that President Richard M. Nixon bomb the “dikes” in the north of Vietnam. He also criticized the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. for speaking out against the war. A new book, “The Prince of War: Billy Graham’s Crusade for a Wholly Christian Empire,” by Cecil Bothwell exposes the camera-mugging preacher as a serial warmonger.

Bradley Whitford Partners with Courage Campaign (tags)

Bradley Whitford ("The West Wing") premieres YouTube video condemning the "Dirty Trick Initiative" in California

Questions to the Maestro Alan Greenspan (tags)

Listen to Thom Hartmann interview Alan Greenspan on Air America Monday Sept 24. Greenspan was responsible tor the credit problems that now shake the world finance markets. Did the maestro drastically lower interest rates to help the Bush administration?

Free speach under attack: Craig Murray's web site has been shut down (tags)

Craig Murray, the outspoken former British Ambassador in Uzbekistan has had his web site, taken down by it's UK host, Fasthosts,

The other (tags)

Karen Armstrong, the British theologian and author of numerous books on the great religions, has advanced the theory that fundamentalist religion is a response to and product of modern culture. A Catholic nun for seven years, she left her order while studying at Oxford University. She is one of the 18 leading group members of the Alliance of Civilizations, an initiative of the former UN General Secretary Kofi Annan, with the purpose of fighting extremism and furthering dialogue between the Western and Islamic worlds. Andrea Bistrich interviewed her for Share International.

Deliberate Lies, Strange Deaths and Agression to the World Economy (tags)

Fidel Castro denounced that the United States government is using unimaginable economic means to defend a right that violates the sovereignty of all the other countries...

Nostradamus Third Anti Christ Name Revealed by Peru Meteorite Crash (tags)

The Peru meteorite crash was the awaited sign of the advent of Nostradamus’ third anti Christ. Learn his real name.

Israel to be bombed (tags)

for trying to get nuclear weapons

Nuke Lies in Syria Attack (tags)

Update from Syria on the false claims of nuclear WMDs in Syria

Petraeus with a Kiss (A Critical Review) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, provides a searing review of the performance by General David Petraeus last week.

100,000 March for Peace on Wash.DC on Sept 15, 2007 (tags)

On Sept. 15, 2007, nearly 100,000 people -- led by anti-war Iraq veterans, military families and others -- marched from the White House to the Capitol in Washington, D.C. to demand an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq. The march concluded with a dramatic "die-in" of 5,000 people surrounding the Capitol. Almost 200 people were arrested when police prevented them taking an anti-war message to Congress.

AFRICOM: Wrong for Liberia, Disastrous for Africa (tags)

Just two months after U.S. aerial bombardments began in Somalia, the Bush administration solidified its militaristic engagement with Africa. In February 2007, the Department of Defense announced the creation of a new U.S. Africa Command infrastructure, code name AFRICOM, to “coordinate all U.S. military and security interests throughout the continent.”

Leonard Peltier: Silence Screama (tags)

Leonard Peltier has spent more than 31 years in prison.

September 15th Rally Is Unnerving Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang is shaken by the coming massive antiwar rally set for September 15th, in Washington, D.C. On Sept. 6, 2007, it disrupted the ANSWER Coalition’s promotion of that demonstration. A cop-on-horseback interrupted ANSWER’s press conference that day. Three activists were also arrested. Plus, the antiwar activist, the Rev. Lennox Yearwood Jr., was assaulted by six Capitol Hill cops on Sept. 10th.

Was a Covert Attempt to Bomb Iran with Nuclear Weapons foiled by a Military Leak? (tags)

Who ordered the loading of Advanced Cruise missiles on to a B-52 in violation of Air Force regulations? The quick reaction of the Air Force and the issuing of a public statement describing the seriousness of the issue and the launch of an immediate investigation, suggests that whatever occurred, was outside the regular chain of military command. If the regular chain of command was violated, then we have to inquire as to whether the B-52 incident was part of a covert project whose classification level exceeded that held by officers in charge of nuclear weapons at Minot AFB.

jorge slobbering over nukes (tags)

the stupid fundamentalist freak and nwo toady jorge bush arbusto is getting ready to use the nukes in an attempt to extricate himself and his cronies from public demands for an accounting....

Loose Nukes Looming Near (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, takes a much-needed look at the implications of the loose nukes story that has been reported (badly) by the mainstream media, and is still the focus of the cyber community.

BTL: Bush Photo Op in Iraq Precedes Congressional Debate on War Funding (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

911 General Strike Gaining Momentum (tags)

  “No Work, No School, No Shopping – Hit the Streets” The 911 General Strike called by a coalition of antiwar, 911 Truth, and pro impeachment groups is gaining strength with gatherings scheduled across the country and rapidly expanding activity on the Internet, where the idea originated.

Middle East Madness (tags)

The enormous risks of a widened war in the Middle East

Ex-Mossad chief+German uberspy+top-dollar GOP lobbyists = Kurds snag 15 tons of $100 bills (tags)

During Saddam Hussein’s rein, the Oil-for-Food “revenue was spent in Arab parts of Iraq but not in Kurdistan,” according to the Los Angeles Times. “Kurdistan’s share of the fund was set at 13%. At least $4 billion accrued in Kurdistan’s name, Kurdish officials say, and some contend that the amount could be as much as $5.5 billion.” The paper reported that in late June 2004, just five days before he turned Iraq back over to domestic rule and flew out of Iraq, then-top US official in Iraq Paul Bremer ordered the transfer by three U.S. military helicopters of $1.4 billion in 100 dollar bills to Kurdistan—his calculation of the Kurds’ share of Oil-for-Food funds; but the Kurds and their advocates believe they are owed a few billion more. It was so much cash—15 tons’ worth—the paper further reported, that no bank could be found in which to deposit it.

Foreshadows of "The Kennebunkport Warning" (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, wise in on the controversy surrounding The Kennebunkport Warning, which has been a non-stop item of conversation in the web since its publication Monday.

Pro-'surge' group is almost all Jewish (tags)

War for Israel.

New name for GOP (tags)

The Gay Old Party.

The War on Working Americans - Part II (tags)

Part II of how American workers are losing out.

Edwards Veers Hard Right, Supports Escalating Middle East Conflicts (tags)

During a speech at the Herzliya Conference, a major international gathering dedicated to Israeli security and diplomatic issues, Edwards stuck to his hawkish positions on Iran.”—The Jewish Daily/Forward John Edwards promised to be a progressive candidate, but he now appears to be a devotee of the Democratic Leadership Council who is obviously under the heady ether of the Israel Lobby.

Luis Posada Carriles, the White House terrorist (tags)

In an article published on April 10, 2007, president Fidel Castro declared, “Orders for Kathleen Cardone’s decision could only have come from the White House. President Bush constantly avoided the issue of the criminal and terrorist character of the accused. He was protected and charged with a simple immigration violation.”

The War on Working Americans - Part I (tags)

Working Americans are losing out in the war waged against them.

Israel in danger of being wiped off the map. (tags)

the AIPAC to be holocauster, this time.

Babylon, Pride of Man ***** (tags)

In Washington, D.C., Babylon on the Potomac was found "the blood of the saints and of all who have been slain on the earth." (Rev. 18) "O God! Pride of Man, fallen in the dust again!" Quicksilver Messenger Service. Samaria's Silent Murder Epidemic addressed.

Market Efficiency Hokum (tags)

Debunking the myth that free markets work best.

Census Bureau warns employees against speaking with the media (tags)

August 21, 2007 – As a result of a news tip provided to us through our Whistleblower web page last month, the Muckraker Report has been investigating a story involving potential theft, corruption, cover-up, and kickback schemes within the Department of Commerce’s U.S. Census Bureau.

The Empire Tastes an Unprecedented Moral Defeat (tags)

GERARDO, Ramón, René, Fernando and Antonio are still behind bars in the United States, three of them in maximum security prisons, and all of them subjected to the hateful revenge of those in Washington who have made them the target of reprisals against the Cuban Revolution.

White House Manual Details How to Deal With Protesters (tags)

A White House manual that came to light recently gives presidential advance staffers extensive instructions in the art of "deterring potential protestors" from President Bush's public appearances around the country.

War Against Iran: Hawks Winning the Argument? (tags)

"It could just stop exporting oil itself. Pulling only Iran’s three and a half million barrels per day off the market, in its present state, would send oil prices shooting up into the stratosphere. Or it could get tough and close down all oil-tanker traffic that comes within range of those missiles — which would mean little or no oil from Iraq, Saudi Arabia or the smaller Gulf states either. That would mean global oil rationing, industrial shutdowns, and the end of the present economic era." Maybe we should share this around? I wonder if these outcomes are what Cheney and his Neocon pals really want? Great for the price of "their" oil. Good cover for crimes of treason.

Iraq Progress Report (tags)

The real conditions on the ground in Iraq

Cindy Sheehan: "Inshallah" (tags)

...for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love...

Should Journalists be Certified? (tags)

Reasonable people here in the U.S. appreciate, and also assume, that our culture’s news industry of executives, editors and journalists be held to high standards of professional conduct. A democratic republic needs, as well as expects, truth in reporting, and adequate, if not comprehensive, coverage on “all” important issues. To refocus the question of media fraud to one of whether journalists ought to be certified, or accredited by some kind of professional board, in order to be recognized as “professional” journalists, is, to say the least, shortsighted.

US Hides the Truth on Cuban Five Case (tags)

"Someday the truth will prevail; meanwhile, we must persevere in our struggle to make the case known,"

Noble Resolve: Established Pattern for Such Drills to go Live (tags)

"Probability of London 7/7 Bombing drill and terror attack happening simultaneously (10yr mean): One chance in 3,715,592,613,265,750,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

Jose Padilla Trial a Fraud and a Sham! (tags)

According to his lawyers, Padilla was held in a windowless 9-by-7-foot cell with no mattress, pillow, clock, calendar or contact with the outside world. His period of total isolation lasted almost two years while, according to his lawyers, interrogators plied him with hallucinogenic drugs in an effort to extract information.

BTL:Democrats Surrender to Fear by... (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

The Shortwave Report 8/17/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Cuban Five: Mission against Terror and Hypocrisy (tags)

The allegation of «Conspiracy to gather and to transmit information on National Defense» is the technical charge, according to US criminal law (18USC & 794), commonly called «Conspiracy to commit espionage». It is without doubt the central topic of the legal process against five Cuban prisoners wrongly held in the United States...

America in Critical as Americans refuse to Speak for Freedom! (tags)

How so can all of Iranian Military Officers be "terrorists", while lawless bushite bomb defenseless innocent peoples indiscriminately routinely, with praises from the actual demon antichrist responsible personally for 911 I want to know.

$10,000 Penalty For Posters About Political Event ! (tags)

ANSWER Coalition, promoter of some of the largest. most successful Wash DC demonstrations, is threatened with $10,000 fines for posters promoting upcoming demos. This threatens ALL interests that may hope to gather peacefully to express grievances to officals and mainstream public.

Bush pardons Rove (tags)

In a pre-emptive strike

Staging the Portland Nuke (A Comedy of Terrors) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet military intelligence writer, has written his most detailed article to date on the highly suspicious Portland Nuke exercise, Noble Resolve. He names the names of the key players in the operation, and of the military and media figures who have joined the growing outcry about what may turn out to be a false flag version of the White Houses much- predicted terror nuke.

Reviewing Marjorie Cohn's "Cowboy Republic" (tags)

An incisive review of Bush administration crimes.

The 5:32 AM Train to Washington, D.C. (tags)

A lot has changed since 9/11, mostly all for the worse. When I took the commuter train from Baltimore to Washington, D.C., on the morning of Aug. 7, 2007, “Big Brother” knew I was on it, since an ID is needed to buy a ticket. When I got to D.C., “Big Brother’s’” cameras watched me get on and off the Metrorail. When I tried to videotape a demonstration at the DOE, a security guard threatened to confiscate my camcorder and to put me “in handcuffs!”

Ramsey Clark: Join me in DC on Sept. 15 (tags)

Below is an important message from former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark about the upcoming September 15 mass march and rally in Washington DC., the organization Ramsey Clark founded, and hundreds of other impeachment organizations are mobilizing with the anti-war movement for the September 15 Mass March. September 15 is when General David Petraeus makes his report to Congress about the Iraq war. Congress is expected to debate and vote on the question of Iraq war funding in mid-September. The latest this decision can come is Friday, September 28 - the last business day in the 2007 fiscal year. The impeachment movement is bringing thousands of people to join with the anti-war movement on September 15 to insist that Congress uphold its Constitutional mandate and introduce articles of impeachment against George W. Bush and Dick Cheney for High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Be in Washington DC on September 15 to make your voice heard!


The People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Donny Joaquin, the 5K Run/Walk Race Director. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the finish line.


Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The August 4-5 activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Dony Joaquin. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the fiish line.

A Dawning Dictatorship? (911-2B & NSPD-51) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May posts an update to his breaking story on the 911-2B Scenario.

190 000 weapons missing in Iraq (tags)

Since 2004 the military "has not consistently collected supporting records confirming the dates the equipment was received, the quantities of equipment delivered, or the Iraqi units receiving the items", the report said.

Press Release (tags)

Local citizens, Military families and military veterans to send moving boxes to White House

Bush Hiding Secrets of "Dictator Act" from HomeSecCom Chairman (tags)

Captain Eric May, the Internet intelligence writer, updates his investigation into a possible summer false flag and dictatorship by Bush.


Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, will join the 5th Historic Filipino Town Festival on August 4 and 5. Energized by recent victories JFAV veterans leaders led by Commanders Franco Arcebal,Peping Baclig, Jack Vergara and Nick Gadia will support the 5th year of commemorative activities on the designation by the city as Historic Filipinotown. The August 4-5 activities will be capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 300 runners and walkers will participate on the event.


I, as the Son of Man, DEMAND, America order millions of gallons of clean drinking water to be shipped immediately to Iraq to save the lives of US, the Human species. Please, help US make this a reality. Today. Please.

Forward: AIPAC Case: Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas (tags)

Forward: AIPAC Case: Bush Officials May Face New Subpoenas

Scientists mobilizing to fight President Bush (tags)

More than 60 influential scientists, including 20 Nobel laureates, are mobilizing scientists and citizens alike to push for reforms that will protect our health, safety, and environment. The Scientific Integrity Program from the Union of Concerned Scientists

(JINSA/PNAC associated) Cheney favors attack on Iran (for Israel, of course!) (tags)

Cheney wants US to attack Iran for Israel!

Peter DeFazio and the Portland Nuke (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, offers an update to his "Next 9/11, Summer 2007?" Since that publication last week, the Pacific Northwest has begun to mobilize a citizens movement against "Operation Noble Resolve," which includes a nuclear attack on Portland.

Israel Voices Satisfaction with U.S. Aid Increase (tags)

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert voiced satisfaction July 29 over Washington’s intention to offset a package of arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states with increased military aid for Israel.

Pluristem Placentas,James D Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud (tags)

Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance, he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington !

Reviewing Michael Parenti's "Democracy For the Few" - by Stephen Lendman (tags)

America's democracy serves only the privileged.

The three gangs (tags)

of the Middle East....hate each other

Rumsfeld Helped Al Qaeda Establish a Stronghold in Northwestern Pakistan (tags)

"Why? Did the Bush administration need to "recruit detainees" among the civilian population and pass them off as "terrorists" with a view to bearing out its resolve and commitment to the "global war on terrorism" (GWOT). Did they need to boost up the numbers "to fill the gap" resulting from the several thousand Al Qaeda fighters, who had been secretly evacuated, on the orders of Donald Rumsfeld and flown to safety? In other words, are these detentions part of the Pentagon's propaganda campaign?"

Can America save itself? (tags)

From the foreign agents within. Far more dangerous than The Bin.

Senators hammer Gonzales on Ashcroft hospital visit (tags)

Sparking the ire of several members of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales claimed on Tuesday that the controversial 2004 hospital visit he made to his predecessor, John Ashcroft, dealt not with the warrantless eavesdropping that the administration has confirmed but with an entirely different program.

No, with a smile (tags)

If the Arabs want to get peace they will have to cut off the AIPAC from Ccongress and the White House in the US.A long, if not impossible job.

Saving A President (tags)

More war ahead to save a criminal president

green vs green (tags)

On a cool spring morning a quarter century ago, a place in Pennsylvania called Three Mile Island exploded into the headlines and stopped the US nuclear power industry in its tracks. What had been billed as the clean, cheap, limitless energy source for a shining future was suddenly too hot to handle.

The King of America - Live broadcasts out in the fields, trumping evil demons by the power (tags)

They'll tell you, blame the shadows in the New World Order, but don't rely on evidence to form your conclusions on who PERSONALLY is responsible for criminal actions against YOUR rights to be free as ALIVE - Fight Back for Christ Sake God Damn You - "Al-Qaida" = "General Mahmoud Ahmad"

War Against Terror Costs US $12 Billion a Month (tags)

The promising title "The Way Forward" is a whitewash. Thorugh the invasion and occupation, Iraq first became a failed state where terrorist groups thrive.. The war that would only cost peanuts (Wolfowitz or Perle) may cost $1 trillion.

Dieback! Bel Bows Down! and PGW post *** (tags)

I declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you say, "My idols did them." (Is. 48:5) Re: Cornell; i.e. Big Red; i.e. ".. the Lady in Red! Take my advice, you'd be better off dead!" J. Garcia "Casey Jones"

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian Piece (tags)

Cindy Sheehan Hammered Hard in UK Guardian

WTC,9/11,Logan,Boston,Israeli ICTS 'Security'Trials:Judge Alvin Hellerstein Cover Up (tags)

You find below onlinejournal investigative reporter Jerry Mazza's take on this ongoing legal saga that has been dragging along for years,(when did 9/11 happen again ?),and proof that the 9/11 Commission NEVER began much less completed the task of a credible 9/11 investigation.

Re: Cindy Sheehan too cowardly yet again to address war for Israel agenda with Chris Matth (tags)

Plan Iraq - Permanent Occupation (tags)

Washington came to Iraq to stay.

Dieback! Bel Bows Down! and PGW post ** (tags)

I declared them to you from of old, before they came to pass I announced them to you, lest you say, "My idols did them." (Is. 48:5) (Psst!) "He's so Gad-damn stupid, he'd make a GREAT cop!"

US Senate unanimously passes threatening measure against Iran (tags)

A little publicised amendment to the defence spending bill denouncing Iran for the “murder” of US soldiers in Iraq was proposed by Independent Democrat Joseph Lieberman and passed unanimously in the US Senate on Wednesday. Republicans and Democrats all lined up to support the White House’s unsubstantiated accusations that Tehran is funding, training and arming Iraqi militias, “who are contributing to the destabilisation of Iraq and are responsible for the murder of members of the United States Armed Forces”. For all their antiwar posturing, not a single Democrat, including the leading presidential contenders Hilary Clinton, Barrack Obama and Joseph Biden, opposed the amendment. Having supported the Bush administration’s crimes in Iraq, the Democrats are lending credibility to another campaign of lies, half-truths and disinformation aimed at justifying a new military adventure.

The Earth as a Weapon (tags)

Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.

Memorial Service for Ferd Eggan (tags)

Ferd Eggan, writer, activist, revolutionary, died 07/07/07 of liver cancer related to AIDS.

Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's Terrorist List (tags)

Note that one of the first incidents that occured upon Christopher Cox becoming SEC Chair was that the San Francisco SEC office sent subpeonas to business journalists,including Dow Jones only real and award winning penny stock fraud investigator Carol Remond,all who were criticising the false naked shorting claim that Cox ands SEC Commissioner Paul Atkins and a number of scammy websites mentioned in this post have at some point promoted or aided and abetted.Yes,even the SEC Chairman Christopher 'Naked Shorts' Cox has been aiding U.S. penny stock fraud used offshore for money laundering by international criminals and the CIA who gives him a monthly 'briefing' !

Cheney “Fixes” Libby, Cons America and Thwarts Justice (tags)

Vice President Dick Cheney is a Halliburton-challenged-con-man extraordinaire! Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH) charged, via H Res 333, that he lied the nation into the Iraqi War and that he is also seeking, by hook or by crook, a war with Iran. Rep. Jim McDermott (D-WA) said Cheney acts like he is “above the law.” Rep. Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-IL) urged, after “Scooter” Libby, a Cheney stooge, got his sentence commuted, that it’s time for “an inquiry into these very serious crimes.” Bottom line: Impeach Dick Cheney!

Cheney looking for Walton (tags)

Walton on the run

Here Is Where Al Gore Is Coming From - You Had Best Be Aware (tags)

An Update of Climate Science From Around the World This is a collection of articles from google alerts, and a few sites such as NOAA from the past year and a half. It is very compelling information mostly not published in the American corporate media, and shows why the energy giants are spending many millions on their massive dis-information campaign. Please pass this on and post it everywhere you can. And please sign the petition being promoted this weekend with the global environmental music festival.

Cheney gets ice pick (tags)

for Walton

Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out (tags)

Francis A. Boyle, a law expert who worked as a bioweapons advisor in the 1980s, has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state.

Libby Pardon: Isn't Bush "Aiding and Abeting" a criminal? (tags)

...couldn't it also be legally deduced,that by offering a pardon to one of his criminal accomplices (i.e. Libby) President Bush committed a criminal act by "aidng & abeting" a criminal and a convicted felon?

The killing machine... (tags)

It was announced that the CIA would be declassifying hundreds of pages on illegal actions that included plans to eliminate the leaders of foreign governments. Suddenly the publication is halted and it is delayed one day. No coherent explanation was given. Perhaps someone in the White House looked over the material...

Pascal.Tesson: The Pride of Quebec (tags)

Although my account of Operation Desert Sabre lasted three days on Wikipedia, a Pascal.Tesson, an apparent Bush Nazi of Quebec City removed it. I guess that proves that Wikipedia is little more than the empty-headed reasoning of brainless Bush Nazis. >

Paris for President (tags)

and then some

The Underrated Power of Economists (tags)

During the Great Depression between the two world wars, the Brit John Maynard Keynes came to an insight that was implemented in the 1960s. The state must guide the economy by its spending to avert the danger of depression.

CIA Finally Releases 1973 "Family Jewels" Document - Partial Notes on Ch 1 (tags)

The CIA has, after a long battle against activists and journalists using the "Freedom of Information Act", finally released a document outlining the "most sensitive operations" it had undertaken from the 1950s through 1973.

Help Move GWB Out of the White House! (tags)

Santa Ana, CA, USA: On Saturday, June 23, 2007, Military Families Speak Out and supporters helped move President George W. Bush out of the White House. Moving boxes with personal messages addressed to President Bush at Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, D.C., were sent from the North Grand post office in Santa Ana.

A backroom deal on trade? (tags)

Four bilateral free trade agreements (FTAs)--with Colombia, Peru, Panama and South Korea--are on the agenda this month for congressional approval, along with a June 30 deadline to reauthorize “trade promotion authority” (TPA) for George Bush. TPA, also known as “fast track” authority, allows the president to negotiate trade deals that Congress must either accept or reject, without amendment.

Trial of One of Largest Mass Arrests Protesting Iraq War Begins Friday (tags)

Washington, D.C., June 20, 2007 – The trial of fourteen of the 222 citizens arrested during the March 17 Christian Peace Witness for Iraq civil disobedience in front of the White House will begin Friday, June 22 in Superior Court. The civil disobedience was one of the largest single civil disobedience actions at the White House, and the Christian Peace Witness was the largest Christian peace demonstration since the beginning of the Iraq war four years ago.

Comeupance! (tags)

In line for their own deaths.

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Reviewing Michel Chossudovsky's America's War on Terrorism (tags)

Exposing the war on terrorism as a cruel hoax

Not enough torture (tags)

For Rumsfeld

They will never have CUBA (tags)

“Whoever attempts to conquer Cuba will only gather the dust of her soil soaked in blood, if he does not perish in the fight”, exclaimed Maceo...

The “Cloud” over Dick Cheney Just Got Darker! (tags)

Lewis “Scooter” Libby is a dark cloud hanging over the head of Dick Cheney. The Special Prosecutor is convinced that Libby lied to protect his boss, the V.P., re: Joe Wilson/Valeri Plame smear. This dark cloud, coupled with the “Nightmare” of impeachment, is Cheney’s new reality. Rep. Dennis J. Kucinich (D-OH), et al, via H Res 333, intend to bring Cheney to Justice. It’s time for Rep. John Conyers of the Judiciary Committee to issue the subpoenas.

Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Mobilizes for June 24 Full Rights for All Immigrants (tags)

The AJLPP and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Council will mobilize upcoming June 24 Immigrant Rights March-Rally in Hollywood and Vine, Los Angeles. The June 24th Hollywood march-rally will also demand a stop to the increase on exorbitant fees on citizenship and other documents for immigrants to be implemented by the DHS this July 30, 2007. The proposed compromise bill on “Border Protection and Immigration Bill” also known as the “grand bargain” supported by the White House fell flat last week and was rejected by the conservatives in the Senate. The debate on the bill was not stopped by a narrow margin during the senate voting.

Gaza liberated (tags)

West Bank next

Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Mobilizes for June 24 Full Rights for All Immigrants (tags)

he Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Council will mobilize upcoming June 24 Immigrant Rights March-Rally in Hollywood and Vine, Los Angeles. The June 24th Hollywood march-rally will also demand a stop to the increase on exorbitant fees on citizenship and other documents for immigrants to be implemented by the DHS this July 30, 2007. The proposed compromise bill on “Border Protection and Immigration Bill” also known as the “grand bargain” supported by the White House fell flat last week and was rejected by the conservatives in the Senate. The debate on the bill was not stopped by a narrow margin during the senate voting.

Antarctic Glaciers Moving To Sea Faster (tags)

The British Antarctic Survey team studying 300 glaciers found that they are flowing into the sea at a faster pace than scientists have ever seen. As the glaciers melting is accelerated, the melt water contributes to the faster movement.

Remembering the USS Liberty: Four Decades Later (tags)

On June 8, 1967, the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans. They insist it was an “accident.” Lt. James M. Ennes, Jr., a Liberty veteran and an author, said it was “deliberate.” A book, “Operation Cyanide,” claims the attack was a set up to blame the Egyptians and bring the U.S. into the 1967 Six Day War on the side of Israel. Will the U.S. Congress do the Liberty justice? Lt. Ennes doubts it, but he adds: “We can’t stop asking for it.”

Building Bridges Radio:Immigration Debate and Day Care Union Busting in NYC (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

America’s Robespierre: President George W. Bush? (tags)

There is a Robespierre-like clone residing in our White House! His name is George W. Bush. Thanks to a book by Dr. Justin A. Frank, entitled: “Bush on a Couch,” we know a lot more about him and his dysfunctional upbringing. Like Robespierre, Bush is a fanatic on both politics and religion. A “dry drunk,” he won’t seek treatment or own up to his responsibility for the Iraqi War. In the mold of a whacky Robespierre, he also sees himself as the liberator of Iraq!

Evil Ways * Banned by Bristol IMC (tags)

As you know, the Devil assumes the appearance of an angel. They are sweet, kind, caring people, feigning distress 24/7. Did you catch Bush Daddy crying at Billy Graham Library dedication? Feigning distress as always? Forum Topix posts:

More Smoke on the Horizon in the Middle East War Theater (tags)

Must Read!!!:Under the National Emergencies Act the White House has only utilized provisions relating to the military and U.S. national security. The White House can exploit extraordinary powers that suspend civil liberties and can even challenge the American Constitution. Because of the uncertain and the shifting shape of the “Global War on Terror” that is continually being redefined, a moment may arise when a “Constitutional Dictatorship” is declared to ensure the continuity of government.

“There is No Apolitical Moment” – An interview with Majority Rules director Michael Burns (tags)

An interview with social justice filmmaker Michael Burns on his new series looking at how young people view democracy.

CNN Debate with "Fairytale Candidates"! (tags)

So America heres your answered prayer,your solution to and your salvation from the 8 year Bush/Cheney fiasco! Its a new 2008 Democratic Presidency which is going to carry on where Bush and his Neo-Cons left off!

Building Bridges Radio: :Immigration Debate and Day Care Union Busting in NYC (tags)

WBAI's Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Terrorism Defined (tags)

The real meaning of terrorism.

Company will track and fingerprint its content on the Web (tags)

Company will track and fingerprint its content on the Web

Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Supports Immigrant Rights Campaign (tags)

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) Council held its annual meeting last May 30 held at the Manila Terrace Social Hall, 2328 W. Temple St, Los Angeles and unanimously passed a resolution that will commit the EPCC to support the current immigrant rights campaign of the Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) and the April 7th Coalition, The EPCC decided to mobilize for the upcoming June 24 March and Rally in Los Angeles to demand for full rights for all immigrants. The April 7 Coalition including Latino Movement USA, Herman dad Mexican National, the ANSWER Coalition is leading this march rally on Sunday, June 24 at 12:00 noon at Hollywood and Vine in Hollywood.

Meadeboy Messenger Music * (tags)

Selected favorites and collected works of Bro Bubba Bob, Israel, Deaf Messenger.

Who Can Oppose the Beast? (tags)

As you know, the Devil assumes the appearance of an angel. They are sweet, kind, caring people, feigning distress 24/7 and posing as those who will inherit the earth.

North American Union Plan Headed To Congress In Fall (tags)

same perps as 911

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

"Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada"

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

this is when the money will change to world paper ready....

Living is Easy with Eyes Closed & Stop This Stupid War (tags)

Forum Topix posts. LA IMC must have that look on their faces. Send them to march and eat whale meat.

War with Iran : the Correct Political Perspective (tags)

Because of the bitterly partisan and rivalrous degeneration of the American political situation, which is the driving force behind the destruction of the Constitution among other things, I must ask readers to see if it might be possible to hear a person out when there position disagrees with your position, so that perhaps you might even have a chance to consider an issue thoughtfully before making up your mind, which would be a new development in American politics, and might even save the country from further turns towards Caesar, supported by many because of the onrushing disaster.

Made up intelligence (tags)

works every time

Israel to accept Arab Peace Plan (tags)

The 50 year war is over.

Ashcroft and the Night Visitors (tags)

"As if Attorney General Alberto Gonzales didn't have enough trouble, now comes word that, before coming to the Justice Department, Gonzales preyed on the infirm."

Breakdown FM_ Celebrating Malcolm X-Our Shining Black Prince (tags)

I'm still a Muslim. That is, my religion is still Islam. My religion is still Islam. I still credit Mr. Mohammed for what I know and what I am. He's the one who opened my eyes. ...

Cuba Protests at UN over Washington’s Terror Policy (tags)

Cuba accused the United States of maintaining a double standard policy on the fight against terrorism, in a letter sent Thursday to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon.

Why Bush is Always Right (tags)

With his signing statements, the president blurs the separation of powers and creates a grey zone where everythiing is possible.. Bush's crusade has become a murderous fiasco.. The coming constitutional crisis could develop into a purifying storm.

Review of End Times (tags)

The dismal state of the corporate print media.

Mothers For Peace Arrested on Capitol Hill (tags)

The “SWARM on Congress” campaign got off to a rousing start on May 14, 2007, in the nation’s capital. Cindy Sheehan spoke to the crowd at Lafayette Park; along with Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and activists Kevin Zeese, David Swanson, Debra Sweet, Ann Wright, the Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and others. After parading to Capitol Hill, 33 of the estimated 250 antiwar activists were arrested there for refusing a police order to disperse.


The US Senate, after a long delay will finally begin debates this coming Wednesday, May 16, on the much-awaited comprehensive immigration reform bill that will decide the fate of more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The issue: Amnesty or a guest worker program? Senator Arlan Specter wanted the Senate Bill 2611 to be revived while the White House proposes a very expensive “ temporary guest worker program” The democratic party promised a comprehensive immigration reform that will be favorable to the large immigrant community where it derived its support during the last elections. On the other hand, the traditionally anti-immigrant republican party is trying to win over the conservative sector of the immigrant population by giving a limited reform. President Bush, whose wife is a Mexican, promised an immigration reform bill by the end of this year. Senators Ted Kennedy and John McCain are also bent to revive their own immigration bill that died last year during the Senate debates that gave way to SB 2611 that the Republican controlled lower house killed in 2006. The senate killed the oppressive HR 4437 but gave way to some of its anti-immigrant features in the SB 2611 that did not pass the republican controlled lower house. CDIR Immigrant Rights Update

Bush's Epic Collapse (tags)

The leader incapable of leading has three characteristics that define his administration: arrogance, incompetence and cynicism.. According to attorney John Yoo, Bush can wage any war at any time against anyone without being bound to any laws.

Tomorrow! Worldwide demonstrations against the terrorist Posada (tags)

The people's mobilization is important to expose not only the U.S. government's hypocrisy of its "war on terror" but its active role in backing the Miami terrorists like Posada for over 45 years. More important than ever is the need for us to raise high the demand of immediate freedom for the Cuban Five Heroes...

The War on Free Expression (tags)

The struggle to save our First Amendment rights

Majority of Iraqi Lawmakers Now Reject Occupation (tags)

"On Tuesday, without note in the U.S. media, more than half of the members of Iraq's parliament rejected the continuing occupation of their country. 144 lawmakers signed onto a legislative petition calling on the United States to set a timetable for withdrawal, according to Nassar Al-Rubaie, a spokesman for the Al Sadr movement, the nationalist Shia group that sponsored the petition."

The Lone Star Iconoclast - News (tags)

Please accept this as an official Ghost Troop alert to the prospect of more government treason like 9/11. Please do not read my remarks as a prediction. The nature of the information contained in your article and my observations is not specific enough for this command to issue a prediction.

Cheney on DC Madam's list (tags)

Cheney said to have used DC escorts

Bratton's history in Boston, NY and LA (tags)

The attacks on May Day at MacArthur Park are consistent both with ICE/vigilante attacks on immigrants and Bratton's long history of attacks on poor and oppressed people in the interests of global capital, colonialism and gentrification.

Even the Mormons (tags)

The Mormons are no longer unanimously behind the war policy of their government.. Large actions sued Bush for crimes in office on April 28, Impeachment Day, in all 50 states with the support of a growing group of senators and representatives of Congress.

Movie Star Chris Becker to make Run for White House in 08 (tags)

Actor Chris Becker to make run for president

The Shortwave Report 5/4/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Look back in awe (tags)

At this war veteran

La Brea Tar Pits: A Metaphor for the America Republic? (tags)

President George W. Bush now has the power, thanks to a mostly cowardly Congress, to declare “Martial Law!” The Defense Authorization Act of 2006 gave him the green light. All he needs is a Reichstag-like incident and our Republic will be history. Like the animals who were trapped in the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, it has been sinking for years. Author Chalmers Johnson is convinced the U.S. Empire is headed the way of Greece’s and Rome’s.

50,000 dead. (tags)

Is that all?

Impeach Demonstration in Northeast LA (tags)

People came from nearby far parts of the county to participate. One organizer counted 28-30 demonstrators. In one case, a passerby stopped and joined in. Several people held an impeach banner, about 12 feet in length, made by local activist Mary Jacobs. Others held custom-made impeach signs.

Democratic presidential candidates debate where to wage war next (tags)

In the first debate between candidates for the Democratic Party’s 2008 presidential nomination, the leading contenders made clear that whatever their differences with the Bush administration’s handling of the war in Iraq, they are all committed to maintaining the US occupation of the oil-rich country and that, if elected president, they would not hesitate to use US military power anywhere in the world to defend the geo-political interests of American imperialism. The debate, which was broadcast by MSNBC television from South Carolina State University, included ostensible front runners New York Senator Hillary Clinton, Illinois Senator Barack Obama and former North Carolina senator and vice presidential candidate John Edwards, as well as Delaware Senator Joseph Biden, Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson. Also included were Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich and former Alaska senator Mike Gravel.

750 Private Screeners working at 2 Airports will soon have Union Rights (tags)

750 Private Screeners working at KC Airport and Rochester Airport in NY will soon be voting to have Union Rights.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of 5 veterans, 32 youth, student and 25 community organizations in Southern California, militantly supports the nationwide mass action on the International Worker Day, may 1, 2007 all over the United States/ On May 1, 2007 we will again march in Historic Filipinotown and join the march rally in MaArthur Park. We call for family reunification, justice for veterans and full rights for all immigrants, now! We strongly condemn the racist attacks and raids against immigrants all over the nation. More than 4,000 Filipinos has been deported because of such massive raids.

The Bush Temporary Guest Workers Program and the STRIVE Act Are Bad for All Immigrants (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) firmly stands for and demands amnesty and full rights for all immigrants and for family reunification for more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The CDIR also vehemently oppose President Bush or the White House proposal. Under the new White House plan on immigration reform, it calls for a “Z Visas” valid for three years and renewable indefinitely at cost of $3,500.00 each time. To become legal permanent residents with the green card, they will have to return to their home country and apply to re-enter to the legally and pay a $ 10,000 fine.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of 26 veterans, youth, student and community organizations in Southern California, militantly supports the nationwide mass action on the International Worker Day, may 1, 2007 all over the United States/ On May 1, 2007 we will again march in Historic Filipinotown and join the march rally in MaArthur Park. We call for family reunification, justice for veterans and full rights for all immigrants, now! We strongly condemn the racist attacks and raids against immigrants all over the nation. More than 4,000 Filipinos has been deported because of such massive raids.

Posada’s release exposes Washington’s hypocrisy (tags)

The decision by the US authorities to release the terrorist Luis Posada Carriles exposes before the eyes of the world the hypocritical attitude of the United States government to terrorism. Posada Carriles Posada is the author of the 1976 attack that brought down a Cubana de Aviación civilian airliner off the coast of Barbados, which cost the lives of 73 innocent people. By releasing this criminal, the US authorities have admitted that they support terrorism when this is in the interests of US imperialism. Bush's so-called war on terrorism therefore stands exposed as a shameful deception. In an editorial of April 20, the Los Angeles Times condemned the decision:

Scientists are VERY WORRIED About Atmospheric Warming (tags)

Recent reports of climatologists from around the world are revealing that their projections of warming and CO2 levels have been too low. They are startled by what their data is showing and how fast the changes have been happening in the past few years.

I want my mammy (tags)

As White House of cards comes falling down

Zapatistas! Cucapa fishing is impacted by Colorado dams/diversions (tags)

Zapatista peace camp with Cucapa on Rio Colorado defends fishing rights, address loss of freshwater to delta, theft of agua by agribusiness corporations..

The Bush Temporary Guest Workers Program and the STRIVE Act Are Bad for All Immigrants. (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) firmly stands for and demands amnesty and full rights for all immigrants and for family reunification for more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The CDIR also vehemently oppose President Bush or the White House proposal. Under the new White House plan on immigration reform, it calls for a “Z Visas” valid for three years and renewable indefinitely at cost of $3,500.00 each time. To become legal permanent residents with the green card, they will have to return to their home country and apply to re-enter to the legally and pay a $ 10,000 fine.

George W Bush: Flight from Reality (tags)

The doctrine of answering every defeat in Iraq with a new offensive is a grave mistake, worse than in Vietnam.. The battle between the executive and the legislture has begun.

Bush, Democrats meet on war funding as violence soars in Iraq (tags)

US President George W. Bush and Democratic congressional leaders staged a meeting in the White House Wednesday to discuss pending legislation that would provide more than $100 billion to continue and escalate the four-year-old US war and occupation in Iraq. The gathering took place against the backdrop of a bloody eruption of violence in Iraq. A series of mass killings in and around Baghdad made a mockery of Washington’s claims that the “surge” of additional US troops into the Iraqi capital that began nine weeks ago is creating greater peace and security.

Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)

White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”

As Opposition to 'Blackwater West' Grows, Author of Bestseller Blackwater Tours CA (tags)

As Local Residents and Their Congressman Move to Block Plans for ‘Blackwater West’ in California, Jeremy Scahill Author of NY Times Bestseller Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army Launches Book Tour Across State April 26th – May 5th

Don Imus's Folly Vs. Bush's Iraq War? (tags)

Imus angrily booted over a few nasty words - while Bush remains unscathyed despite his bloody Iraq War!

The Release of Posada Carriles: A BRUTAL REPLY (tags)

George W. Bush is undoubtedly the most genuine representative of a system of terror forced on the world by the technological, economic and political superiority of the most powerful country known to this planet.

This is an impressive crowd (tags)

of war profiteers

Fil-Ams in US call for immigration reforms (tags)

Filipino-American community leaders are at the forefront of a campaign by Asian advocacy groups to press for humane immigration reform in the United States in the face of proposals from the Bush administration that seek to limit visas for parents, children and siblings of US citizens. No two issues inflame the passions of Filipino-Americans more than family-based immigration preferences and full equity for Filipino World War 2 veterans so it came as no surprise when key leaders like Alma Kern and Gloria Caoile began to mobilize community opposition to any move that could jeopardize those twin goals.

Anti war warriors should go on a counter surge. (tags)

Every day, one thing.

Supreme Court Decides Against Bush Administration (tags)

Even if a refduction of greenhouse gases cannot reverse the climate warming, a national reduction would still delay this, irrespective of what happens in other countries.

Immigrants: 50,000 March for Immigration Reform (tags)

More than 50,000 immigrants and immigrant rights advocates filled the streets of Downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, April 7, 2007, to rally support for fair legislation for immigrants; and to protest against the recent White House plan that will further restrict the rights of immigrants across America. The March and rally was one of the largest in recent months and it further demonstrated the growing momentum of the immigration rights movement.

To those who are about to die (tags)

a peaceful weekend from a drunk

U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium SWIFT Finance Fraud (tags)

Sam Fox would be an economic,political and social parasite by any other name but to place him as U.S. Ambassador to Belgium after the W Bush Regime's SWIFT financial spying scandal by ex Treasury Secretary John Snow and the U.S. CIA in Belgium is a lot like putting a fox in charge of the chicken coop.

The Long Ordeal of Sami Al-Arian - Civil and Human Rights Advocate and Political Prisoner (tags)

Sami Al-Arian's long struggle for justice

The Shortwave Report 4/6/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

Iraq War "Justice" not a part of 2008 Democratic Election Platform! (tags)

In the end all the American voters are going to get in 2008 is a very slight change of government,a new "default" government that will offer them nothing,let alone any redress,or justice over the treasonous outrages and the genocidal war crimes of the Bush Regime!

Iraq War Justice not a part of 2008 Democratic platform! (tags)

In the end all the American voters are going to get in 2008 is a very slight change of government,a new "default" government that will offer them nothing,let alone any redress,or justice over the treasonous outrages and the genocidal war crimes of the Bush Regime!

Battle of Baghdad Cover-Up Four Years Later (tags)

nterview With CAPTAIN ERIC MAY Ghost Troop Commander

AIPAC and ADL to merge (tags)

Dagan, the head of Mossad, has ordered his two security service in the US to merge and go after Pelosi.

What has happened to the 5 iranians kidnapped by US? (tags)

- As the Western media turns its attention to the fate of 15 Britons detained for allegedly trespassing into Iranian waters over the weekend, the status of five Iranian officials captured in a U.S. military raid on a liaison office in northern Iraq on Jan. 11 remains a mystery.

Activist's 2007 Information Source (tags)

Seek & Yee Shall Find!

What Would You Do, If You Knew? (tags)

What if you knew the military and White House were under the control of a death cult that believes in death, torture, and sexual perversions? What would you do? Pretend it was normal?

David Flaum tell Cheney how it is (tags)

And to get on with it and bomb Iran

Reagan and GE-A Symbiosis (tags)

Reagan who defended democratic positions as a young man earned so much that he became increasingly conservative.. Because of "Playhouse 90" he became a friend of the family who mutated into an economist and theologian.

Democrats Give Bush Permission to Attack Iran (tags)

The AIPAC Girl

BTL:Protesting Iraq War, Over 200 Christian Peace Activists Arrested at the White House... (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Shaikh Ahamed Yassin Assassination, The Three-Year Anniversary (tags)

In Brussels, the European Union condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killing" as illegal and likely to further inflame violence.

Democracy broken into to (tags)

and corrupted

Rove - the next patsy (tags)

Scooter will have company in Jail

Iraq, Bush's God-Emboldened Narcissism and Parasitic Militarism (tags)

The moral priority is to dismantle the warfare state or the socio-economic structure that elevates the likes of GW Bush and Dick Cheney to positions of power..Arguably finding God further warped his character.

Why Won't MoveOn Move Forward? (tags)

What may seem like clever politics, therefore, produces horrible policy. When politicians and advocacy groups like MoveOn play anti-war games of political theater while effectively collaborating with the war's continuation, they merely add one more deception to the layers of lies in which this war has been wrapped. Like Bush and his supporters, they are sacrificing human lives simply for the sake of perpetuating an illusion.

Jerry Rubin Breaks Fast, Brings Scroll to Westwood (tags)

Peace activist Jerry Rubin ended his month-long anti-war hunger fast today, and displayed his 1000-foot message scroll for peace at the Westwood Federal Building. Around 100 people attended an adjoining 4th anniversary vigil.

Photos of the March on the Pentagon 3-17-07 (tags)

Images of Resistance to the terrorists who now control our government.

Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? (tags)

The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.

Sen. Patty Murray: "We are fighting a war with no cause" (tags)

Washington Senator dares to speak the truth. The needless troop deaths in Iraq are a waste.. From enlistment to retirement, this administration has failed our troops.

Clinton Wants US Troops in Iraq to Guard Oil (tags)

Hillary Clinton came right out and told the New York Times on 3/14/07 that US troops should stay in Iraq because "it is right in the heart of the oil region." Contrary to the Democrats' cynical belief that we have nowhere else to go, we can and must vote for the only 2 peace parties on the California ballot: Peace & Freedom and the Green Party

Fake Congressional Opposition to War (tags)

Congress again betrays the electorate

SOLD OUT ! (tags)

Top House Democrats retreated Monday from an attempt to limit President Bush's authority for taking military action against Iran as the leadership concentrated on a looming confrontation with the White House over the Iraq war.

Only the Debris of War is Left (tags)

Vietnam could not be conquered or defeated - despite all miloitary efforts. Three years after Johnson's ultimate demonstration of power, Nixon used the final exit strategy.. The Vietnamization of the war was Vietnamization of coffins.

Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner loses in U.S. Court (tags)

Even Moshe Katsav's and Michael Zwebners' partner in the UCSY or Universal Communications Systems fraud,Mohamed Hadid with his Saudi Arabian ties,has been protected by the Bush Regime that has covered up the Herndon, Virginia Islamic charities money laundering scandal for him and the Saudis.

A Minuteman meets his hour of crisis (tags)

Minuteman Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist is battling three of his board members in court for control of the organization. By Jennifer Delson, Times Staff Writer March 11, 2007

George Bush's Samson Option (tags)

George Bush's reckless agenda to plunge the Middle East in total war

My Very Own Juror: MAUREEN DOWD - Libby Trial; Rape Big Problem For Women Soldiers (tags)

DOWD: I had a potentially incestuous relationship with a source inside the Beltway. THE COMPLETE ARTICLE AND MORE

The set up (tags)

First man down

Scripted Libby Trial Ends on Cue: What Can Happen Next? (tags)

The Prosecutor, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, crafted the “Scooter” Libby case to protect the Bush-Cheney Gang. Even the members of Libby’s jury knew something was missing. Now, it’s time for the House’s Judiciary Committee to pick up the baton. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NEV) said Libby manipulated “intelligence” to get us into the war and that the case revealed “deeper truths” about VP Dick Cheney. I say: “Bring Cheney to the Bar of Justice!”

How Barack Obama learned to love Israel (tags)

Obama offered not a single word of criticism of Israel, of its relentless settlement and wall construction, of the closures that make life unlivable for millions of Palestinians.

THe Takeover of the Minuteman Project (tags)


the EPA insists are destroying the Ozone (tags)


The International Criminal Court Is a Racist! (tags)

Holy pigmentation, the president of Sudan is black guy! I thought the western media said he was an Arab. Oh, he's a Muslim with a Muslim name like millions of black people in Africa. Lt. Gen. Omar Ahmad al-Bashir, President of Sudan

Condi eloped (tags)

To marry Mullah Dadullah

A Review of Chalmers Johnson's Nemesis (tags)

A review of how the US is passing from a republic to tyranny

Bin laden at White House (tags)

with Nouri

GW Bush regime's war on Iran, fuel Shia/Sunni conflict (tags)

Article details the GW Bush regime's role in escalating tensions between Shia and Sunni factions in Iraq, the end result being a US military invasion of Iran..

Your Govt Working Hard to Keep You Uninformed - Evidence (tags)

The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee has received a few of the documents it has requested from the White House after months of filing requests in their "investigation into suspicions that the Bush White House has edited scientific reports to downplay the effects of global warming."

A Full Scale Invasion of Iran is the Only Option on the Table. (tags)

A full-scale invasion of Iran is the only possible option for several simple reasons.

BTL:Iranians Fear U.S. is Preparing to Attack (tags)

Interview with David Barsamian, author and radio producer, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The BBC Joins The Ranks Of The Untrustworthy United States Media (tags)

With the airing on BBC2 of “911: The Conspiracy Files,” one must ask the question will the BBC be joining the United States mainstream media in its failure to provide “truth in reporting?” Several of the guest make excellent points that seem to be completely disregarded by the producers of this program. There were many questions that could have been asked and observations that could have been made. In the end, however, we were left with more questions than answers.

The Lord's Press Release (tags)

The February 24th edition features secret words hidden until the time of the end. Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?



The Lord's Press Release (tags)

Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?

From George Washington to a Broomstick for a President (tags)

When Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) met with President George W. Bush, in the White House, on Feb. 15, 2007, he got the distinct impression that Bush’s “soul was shut down,” and that on the Iraqi War that his “mind was shut tight.” Non-binding Congressional Resolutions will not stop Bush’s “Surge.” Cutting off funds for the war will. Antiwar activists are showing the way on this issue by taking their campaign directly to the U.S. Congress.

Is the Media Fomenting War between Iran and the US? (tags)

Boredom strikingly prevails on the media stage despite the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the forgotten conflicts in other countries.

The Franklin Cover-up by John W. DeCamp E-Book (tags)

This is a PDF version of "The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" by John W. Decamp

ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law (tags)

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

ADL’s Insidious Hate Crime Law (tags)

This last month there have been reports on the Internet that the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) was re-introduci ng a federal hate law called the Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act. But the human reality is that you have a right to hate—it is part of your emotional makeup. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred. This law was designed to censor debate on the Zionist issue.

George Bush Psychotic Legacy Fears Drive Him to Nuke Iran (tags)

A psychotic clown in the White House.

Your Human Right to Hate (tags)

You have a human and animal right to hatred. Man has been described by philosophers and anthropologists as a creature somewhere between an angel and an ape. But irrespective of how idealistic and divine some people and groups think mankind is capable—the fact is we, Homo sapiens, are creatures of animal impulse and ego defensiveness. You have a right to be who you are—a creature of feelings and thoughts and attitudes. Or to put it another way, you have a right to be a “sentient” being which includes the right to experience hatred.

Gallo does Bush inpersonation in court (tags)

I just got finished reading Bob Gallo's testimony in the Parenzee case. For all the good his testimony will do, the prosecution might as well have called George W. Bush to the stand. I get the feeling that Gallo unwittingly associated himself with Bush in the eyes of the court.

Bush 2008 budget to brutalize humanity (tags)

Bush budget proposes to brutalize America!

Civil War in Iraq (tags)

The National Intelligence Estimate (NIE) con-tradicts assertions of the White House that iran and Syria are playing an important role in Iraq. "Actors from the outside do not decisive-ly influence the violence and the prospects for stability."

My Letter to William Cardinal Keeler (tags)

The RC Bishops in the U.S. are against abortion. Most of the RC laity is against it, too. They get the message from the Bishops on that issue. Yet, these same Bishops, and the Pope, too, are also, on moral grounds, against the war in Iraq. Nevertheless, that idea, strangely, hasn’t gotten down to most of the faithful. William Hughes asks Cardinal William Keeler why.

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.

$2.9 trillion US budget for 2008 - Thats $9,666 for every man, woman, and child in the USA (tags)

Wow! $2.9 trillion for the 2008 budget. Hmmmm thats $9,666 for every man, woman and child in the USA. And since children don't pay taxes thats about $19,332 for every adult in the USA. Which means that mythical family of 4 will pay $38,664 in taxes.

Challenge to Investigative Journalists. (tags)

The American public needs to see a lot more actual analysis of the Iraqi Constitution that the U.S. has attempted to dictate to the Iraqi people. Why has such an analysis been hid from us? Would it expose too much of U.S. government’s real intentions? This should be the focus of Washington’s legislative debate about supporting Iraq?

BTL:Libby Trial Window Into White House Iraq War Attack Machine (tags)

Interview with investigative journalist Robert Parry, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

IRAN (tags)


Understanding the Holocaust (tags)

How could it happen and could it happen again?

The Shortwave Report 1/26/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Russia, China, and Cuba.

Servant of Rulers (tags)

Extra! Saddam was the one who banished Bush Daddy and W. Gog of the land of Magog became an issue yesterday. Do you know Gog?

BTL:White House Reversal on Domestic Spying Program Shouldn't... (tags)

...Derail Congressional Investigation~Interview with Shayana Kadidal, Center for Constitutional Rights attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Col. Gardiner's Warning: Pieces in Place for Escalation (tags)

Regional diplomacy must replace empire-building and sabre-rattling. The strength of the law must replace the law of the stronger, the law of the clenched fist, the law of the jungle.

Message from AIPAC (tags)


Lt. Gen. William E. Odom: A Cassandra for Our Times (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang’s immoral and illegal war in Iraq “hugely advances” the interest of Al Qaeda and Iran. “No American interests” are served by that conflict, according to Lt. Gen. William E. Odom, USA, Rtd. The longer U.S. forces remain in Iraq, he said, “the worse it will get.” He added: “Staying the course makes no sense.” Leaving Iraq now, Gen. Odom insisted, “is the only way to recover from the greatest strategic mistake in American history.”

Demcrat Agenda Omissions (tags)

Democrats in Congress again betraying the public trust.

Terror trials will allow hearsay & coerced statements (tags)

The Pentagon set rules Thursday for detainee trials that could allow terror suspects to be convicted and perhaps executed using hearsay testimony and coerced statements, setting up a new clash between President Bush and Congress.

Libby’s Trial Crafted to Protect Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

Instead of going after the cabal that lied the country into the Iraqi War, Special Counsel, Patrick J. Fitzgerald, focused on only one defendant, Irving “Scooter” Libby. He also made sure no conspiracy count was utilized in the indictment against him. V.P. Dick Cheney will not testify at Libby’s trial. Fitzgerald, who has close ties to Rudy Giuliani, will continue to make sure that nothing comes out to hurt the interests of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

Bush: Congress can't block Iraq troop increase (tags)

President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney say they will not budge from sending more troops to Iraq no matter how much Congress opposes it.

The Word Recoils (tags)

"In the shuffling madness of the locomotive breath runs the all-time loser headlong to his death."

Dr. Suzan D. Johnson Cook Honors MLK Jr.’s Memory (tags)

Martin Luther King Jr., a hero of the Civil Rights Movement, was assassinated in Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968. His impressive legacy, however, lives on. For the last 25 years, the Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore has honored his memory with a commemorative lecture. On Jan. 13, 2007, Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook filled that role with distinction. She called on her audience to do their part, “to make a difference,” and to be “strengthened by our struggle.”


Bushfraud, the un-elected president of the United States, is about to defy the American people, about to defy his own Joint Chiefs of Staff, about to defy the Congress of the United States all in the name of taking 20,000 more troops into Iraq to continue to wage his war based on a lie. Zionist Benjamin Netanyahu, who is not even an official member of the Israeli government,is blackmailing Bushfraud vis a vis using Bush's homosexual sex and financial fraud, election fraud, criminal fraud, telling Bush either you do this in Iraq and Iran or else.

RICH: President Bush’s “new” Iraq policy leaves you wondering exactly who is still in the (tags)

RICH: President Bush’s “new” Iraq policy leaves you wondering exactly who is still in the bunker with the president besides the first lady and Barney. THE COMPLETE ARTICLE WITH ALL HYPERLINKS AND MORE

FOIA,Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales and SEC Chris Cox's Enron legal conflict (tags)

So SEC Chairman Christopher 'WMDS' Cox who lies about 'securities' the way he lied about WMDs in Iraq that sent thousands upon thousands of people to their deaths while allowing money to be laundered around the world post 911,including in known terrorist suspect money laundering havens such as Kuala Lumpur and Dubai through the help of U.S. 'market makers' such as Charles Schwab,Refco, vFinance,etc.,etc.,is being asked through use of the Freedom of Information Act or FOIA about conflict of interest in sweeping his law firm's former clients corrupt involvement with Enron under the rug.Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales also deserves much of the discredit for what is going on inside and outside the SEC as well.

BTL:Peace Movement Vows to Resist Bush Escalation of Iraq War (tags)

Interview with Gordon Clark, communications director with Peace Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Imaginary enemies, lousy friends (tags)

let's get Iran

A Very American Coup (tags)

The office of President was not on the ballot in November. Yet it was around that time that a sitting president began to feel the power oozing out of the White House.

The New Bush Plan - Same Old Shit! (tags)

The Plan. Did speech rhetoric square with facts? Same Old Shit? Congress divided over Bush war plan. Text of Bush's address

Protesters outside White House demand troop pullout from Iraq - Thu Jan 11 (tags)

Anti-war protesters demonstrate in front of the White House, Wednesday, Jan. 10, 2007, as President Bush was making his address to the nation about his new policy dealing with the Iraq war. Bush said he will send 21,500 additional U.S. troops to Iraq to quell its near-anarchy and for the first time acknowledged he had erred by failing to order a military buildup last year.

Daniel Ellsberg: “Bush is Dangerous. He has to Go!” (tags)

Daniel Ellsberg of “Pentagon Papers” fame was one of the riveting speakers at an event at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., held on Jan. 4, 2007. It was sponsored by the World Can’t Wait organization. Ellsberg said that President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney have to go. He labeled Bush “dangerous!” He urged activists to push for a two pronged Congressional strategy: First, to cut off all funding for the Iraqi War; and, secondly, to investigate the serial crimes of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

Millions Struggling to Survive On Low Wages (tags)

The 110th Congress is now in session and congressional leaders are expected to move on a broad range of critical matters that are a vital concern to the entire nation; topping the list is the Iraq War, the national debt, the balance of trade, affordable health care, immigration, solving the nation’s energy crisis, the environment, and minimum wage. Congress is expected to move quickly to raise the federal minimum wage from the present rate of $5.15 to $7.25 per hour by 2009; it will be the first such increase since 1997.

Israel leaks it’s plan to nuke Iran (tags)

A report in yesterday’s London-based Sunday Times revealed that the Israeli military has been training to use tactical nuclear weapons against Iran’s uranium enrichment plant at Natanz and other nuclear facilities. Based on several Israeli military sources, the article said two air force squadrons were involved, with the preparations being overseen by air force commander Major General Eliezer Shkedi. Israeli officials were quick to disparage the report. Foreign ministry spokesman Mark Regev “formally denied” the claim and restated the official stance that Israeli was committed to a diplomatic solution and supported last month’s UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran. Top government and military figures have repeatedly warned, however, that Israel would not allow Tehran to develop nuclear weapons.

US generals in revolt (tags)

Us generals refuse orders

Bush not seen Saddam execution video (tags)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Bush has not seen the illicit video of Saddam Hussein's execution because he is focused on the "way forward" in Iraq, the White House said on Wednesday.

Bush having nervous breakdown, again (tags)

He thinks Barney is President, now.

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads (tags)

Corporations taking over New Jersey's toll-roads

Former Longtime Confidant Accuses Ariel Sharon of Assassinating Yasser Arafat (tags)

Ariel Sharon likely poisoned Yasser Arafat

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic (tags)

Immense ice shelf breaks off in Canadian Arctic

Somalia: US Foreign Policy and Gangsterism + Leaked emails (tags)

The failed UN/US intervention of 1993 led directly to the triumph of the warlords, who plundered, raped, and murdered their way through the streets of Mogadishu, the Somalian capital, and reduced the country to Mad Max territory. The same deadly chaos - made in the US - now again foments more hate.

A Good Story (tags)

"From 200 years of American history, we have learned nothing is impossible." (Reagan) Occasionally this president replaced reality with his fictions. "The world changed every time a new technique of storytelling was intented." (Brian Ferren)

Tim Mahoney,vFin,Venus,Florida Methodist Church,Sayed Mustafa and Islamic Usary (tags)

Mr.Mustafa seems to have a way of bending his own supposed religious rules.However in my humble opinion,by involvement in penny stock scams with his fellow right wing Christian or other business partners he is committing usary or worse.Perhaps Tim Mahoney or Leonard Sokolow at vFIN can explain to Sayed Mustafa how penny stock scheisters take a suckers money first and give worthless penny stock shares and then charge them steep interest on their own money as the worthless shares they were conned to purchase are dumped by insiders till all psychological value of the truly worthless shares is also lost.

A Look Back and Ahead in an Age of Neocon Rule (tags)

A review of the past year and review of year ahead.

Annan, Mandela, Saud and Garland Prophesied Iraq Perfectly Beforehand (tags)

These people predicted Iraq perfectly in 2002 and they were all ignored.

BTL:Bush Signs Federal Legislation Expanding Power to Declare Martial Law (tags)

Interview with Frank Morales, writer & activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Aaron Burr and Dick Cheney: Two Treacherous VPs (tags)

V. P. Dick Cheney is a very powerful, but desperate individual. The idea that the Bush-Cheney Gang is planning to send 30,000 more troops into the Civil War in Iraq is insane. A planned war with Iran is also on Cheney’s agenda as a diversion to save himself and George W. Bush from impeachment. The Special Prosecutor will soon cross examine Cheney in the “Scooter” Libby case. Unless the U.S. Congress acts soon to impeach, say good-bye to the Republic!

Johnny’s Flying Jalopy (tags)

Corporate America's contempt for Justice is STILL killing American teens un-necessarily. All religions are in agreement - God is just - and if there is to ever be a heaven granting freedom to all, it's a world that treats all people equitably, like Mohamed, Hillel, and Jesus with Confucius, Buddha, and so on preaches to real believers...

Who are the Cuban Five? (tags)

Now is the time to demand the release of the Cuban Five. They were sentenced 5 years ago this month and have been imprisoned unjustly in the U.S. for 8 years for the crime of trying to defend their homeland against terrorist attacks...


Good fucking luck Democrats.



Omissions in the Iraq Study Group Report (tags)

Omissions in the ISG Report are more important than what's in it.


Many progressive Americans are hoping for a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy because President Bush lost control of Congress or after he leaves office — but the chances of this happening are not favorable.)

No evidence against an accused is US being truly abused (tags)

It looks like G.W. Bush is going to be a real bitch about all this nasty business of his capacity to conceive what we're saying actually as each other committed to reach beyond the 'grunt' stage in human developement eh? Typical.

Citing 1917 law, federal prosecutors pursue leak (tags)

Federal prosecutors are demanding the American Civil Liberties Union turn over all copies of a secret document it has obtained, in what is apparently the first time a criminal grand jury subpoena has been used in a bid to seize leaked material, the ACLU

Mythic Figures Spooking Dubya (tags)

President George W. Bush, the quintessential warmonger, is on the defensive! If you look close enough, you can see the fear in his eyes. Since 2005, Cindy Sheehan, an “Earth Mother,” has been challenging him to a face-to-face meeting. The cowardly Bush has declined. Meanwhile, other splendid activists, like the “Hero/Patriot” from the mythic past, are demanding the impeachment by the U.S. Congress of both Bush and V. P. Dick Cheney.

Pentagon: Up ante in Iraq (tags)

Looks like Emperor Bush just wants to keep his head in the sand!!!!


News sources today reported that the ruling of Makati trial court Judge Benjamin Pozon for convicted US Marine Daniel Smith to remain at the Makati City Jail “reflects a misunderstanding of Philippine obligations under the terms of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) during judicial proceedings,” the United States embassy said Wednesday. The embassy statement, issued a few hours after Pozon’s ruling, reiterated the American position that Smith, being a member of the US military, should remain in US custody pending final judicial proceedings -- including the appeal of the 40-year sentence on Smith for raping a Filipina last year -- of the case.

Should I stay or should I go? (tags)

General war in Middle East on the cards

White House hostility to Iraq report grows (tags)

I would hate for them to think that the government the US installed in Iraq after over throwing Saddam is a "puppet" government - "The worry is that the more Maliki is seen as our puppet, because he is abiding by our timelines and deadlines, the internal political dynamics will become so fragile that the whole government would collapse,"

BTL:Will the Bush Administration Bow to Public Pressure on Iraq War Policy? (tags)

Interview with Rahul Mahajan, journalist and author, conducted by Scott Harris

Bla...bla...bla (tags)

said the president

James Dale Davidson,Agora Inc.,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny stock fraud (tags)

The far right wing James Dale Davidson of Agora Inc.,Baltimore, Maryland, and the National Taxpayers Union of Alexandria,Virginia, as well as Stanford University also profited from the Endovasc fraud and consequent boiler room and probable money laundering by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.And both Tim Mahoney's VFIN and Charles Schwab's Charles Schwab profited from the fraud that was and still is Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas as they themselves document in SEC filings.

Net Neutrality Life on Earth Depends Upon It says World Peace Religion (tags)

Do you want the present neutral internet or the new biased internet?

Bin Laden at White House (tags)

He said Bush killed more Americans than him

Report tells Bush to get out of Iraq! Will George W. Hitler Listen? (tags)

Report confronts the president with a powerful argument that his policy in Iraq is not working and that he must move toward disengagement.

Deportation no longer a given with drug crimes (tags)

The Supreme Court on Tuesday rejected the White House's aggressive use of immigration laws to expel legal immigrants for minor drug crimes

The End of the Bush Dynasty (tags)

How George Bush hastened the demise of the Bush family political dynasty.

Jane Harman, the Manchurian Candidate (FINAL) (tags)

Nancy Pelosi was much more diplomatic than I will be in opposition to Jane Harman's bid for the chair of the House Intelligence Committee. Here's a picture of Ms. Harman without the redeye of a cheap flashbulb photog: a professional shot that reveals her as a deer in the headlights of the Neocons, as she sings the praises of what a "great job our intelligence people are doing in spite of great obstacles". Obstacles like Stud Terkel's lawsuit against AT&T, for instance, for helping the NSA spy on you and your neighbors. UPDATED 12-04-06

Law of the Land - We Rule (tags)

Look, man.. The Taliban had a girl school program. Hear,read, phone Mozzam Begg. Kimmitt claimed Zarqawi was a boom for relations because he wouldn't target troops, but kill children while blaming al-CIA-duh.



Bush visits Middle East to intensify Iraq war (tags)

The thrust of today’s talks in Jordan between George Bush and Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki is clear in advance. Bush, accompanied by US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, will insist that the Iraqi leader bow down to US demands for a bloody crackdown against the largest faction in his own government, the anti-occupation Sadrist movement headed by cleric Moqtada al-Sadr and its Mahdi Army militia. An unnamed senior US official bluntly told the New York Times: “It’s decision time and everybody knows it.”

Regime Change Still in the Future (tags)

With the Bush administration, there can be no improvement in bilateral relations. No detente is possible with the mad or insane.

Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God (tags)

See?, the zionist's hope is to create permanent war until it owns all as victim to slavery through censorship. Up on a cross somewhere Olmert would have you suffering as the Messiah forsaken. Steal your home, and everything you value as yours. Zionism is antithetical to the Jewish religion, for, as Hillel teaches us, to treat others as we would treat ourselves, would leave the innocent dying in some ungodly nazi concentration camp by the will of the Zionist criminal.

War Monger George W. Hitler out of touch with the public. (tags)

Bush favors temporary rise in GIs in Iraq

Cheney will bring us home in boxes (tags)

Of course, he was afraid to go to war himself.

Approval of Bush policy on Iraq declines (tags)

Americans' approval of President Bush's handling of Iraq has dropped to the lowest level ever,

President Authorized Abu Ghraib Torture, FBI Email Says (tags)

Among a new batch of documents rights groups have forced the gov't to release, a Bureau communication refers to a presidential Executive Order endorsing some forms of torture witnessed at Iraq prison.



Betrayed Already! (tags)

The article below makes clear that if the Dems are true to the people who just put them in power they will elect Rep Jack Murtha House Majority Leader. But Nooooo! Checking the news this afternoon you will learn that they have betrayed the American people already by selecting a pro Bush/pro war hawk. So much for the "opposition." Please spread this truth far and wide. jamie

UPDATE: AnthraxGate and MurdochGate (tags)

Anthrax case getting legs again. It can now be reported that Russian microbiologists working with rogue U.S. CIA and British Intelligence aka Gary Best Inc. had anthrax in frozen form transported to the U.K. in late Sept. 2001. The anthrax in perfume vials then found its way to none other than Pier 92 New York City, New York. Pier 92 linked to the FEMA Command and Control Center during the 9/11 Attack on America. Reference: Is it a coincidence that Bush had lunch with Putin in Moscow today on his way to Vietnam? What was the desert? Anthrax a la mode.



NEW TIME/PLACE: Protest Israeli PM Olmert in LA (tags)

Protest racist Israeli PM Ehud Olmert in Los Angeles. Olmert is responsible for the deaths of thousands. He helms the apartheid government of Israel.

Bush-Blair surrender (tags)

And what it will lead to.

"V" Meets The Secret Service (tags)

On Monday, November 6, 2006, "V" visited security check points at the White House, the main Treasury, IRS and Justice Department Buildings and the Capitol. "V"s' purpose was to deliver the People's Petitions for Redress of Grievances relating to the Government's violations of the war powers, tax, privacy and money clauses of the Constitution, and to inform key Government officials that at least 100 more "Vs" would be at their doorstep on November 14th expecting a response to the Petitions.

Impeachment Call Echoes Near Independence Hall (tags)

In 1974, Elizabeth Holtzman, then a Congresswoman from New York City, served on the House’s Judiciary Committee, which drafted Impeachment charges against then-President, Richard M. Nixon. On Nov. 11, 2006, she appeared on a panel, in Philadelphia, PA. Holtzman believes George W. Bush has “subverted the Constitution” and that “the people are ahead of the politicians” and will bring Bush and Dick Cheney “to impeachment.”

Protest Olmert @ Jewish General Assembly w 3000 (tags)

L.A. gets ready to be the center of Jewish universe 75th Annual General Assembly of the United Jewish Communities by Julie Gruenbaum Fax, Education Editor

Barack (Osama) Obama unmasked: Another G.E. Bush-Clinton stooge (tags)

It can now be reported that the new US Media pet Barack Obama Democrat Illinois has amassed a 21 million dollar slush fund. The money is tied to Texas Tejas Security, a major backer of the Bush family. Barack Osama Obama is also tied to a Chicago Washington Based law firm Skadden Arps. What makes this scandalous is...

Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y 'Acciones de Centavos' (tags)

Jerry Weller ,congresista estadounidense y esposo de Zury Ríos Montt o Zury Ríos Sosa, hija del ex dictador Guatemalteco Efrain Rios Montt, has recibido donaciones politicos de Refco en su estado de Illinois.Refco estuvo parte de Chicago Mercantile Exchange antes de su colapso. Ahora Bancafe de Guatemala o Barbados o Miami o Colombia o donde sea es sinonimo con Refco o deben hacer.Y el 'negocio' mas grande de Refco en cuanto a acciones o 'seguridades' fueron 'penny stocks' de los Estados Unidos o 'acciones de centavos' sin valor.

Notice to Activist: Two Acts must be revoked immediately! (tags)

NOTE TO FELLOW ACTIVISTS: the MOST PRESSING ISSUES TODAY are two bills that were signed into law on October 17, 2006. These new acts that were passed into law by congress -- The Military Commissions Act of 2006 and the John Warner Defense Authorization Act of 2007, trump any other issues out there today because these are the keys to ultimate tyranny. If these acts are NOT repealed we can kiss it all goodbye. I would suggest that we make this our first order of business and set aside all other none essential issues and focus on getting these repealed.

AIPAC and Emanuel (tags)

We can't allow the Israelis and their supporters to run America anymore.



Iraqi official: 150,000 civilians dead (tags)

Iraq's health minister estimated at least 150,000 civilians have been killed in the war - about three times previously accepted estimates. Straight from the mouth of the Bush puppet government!

Oppose and repeal The Military Commissions Act of 2006 (tags)

Now is the time to repeal the Military Commissions Act

BTL:Election Ends One-Party State: How Will Democrats Use Their New... (tags)

...Power to Investigate?~Interview with James Ridgeway, investigative journalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

UNDERSTANDING CHRIST - Death of a President (tags)

Exit strategy: Outlaw lawlessness. Murder, rape, and the thieving of billions from America.

To Defend the Innocent they Target for Mass Murder (tags)

Bushite as enemies to Humanity, are TRULY ungodly, and worth destroying to defend the innocent they target for mass murder as Satanic liars. Death to the bushite, death to Humanity's purposeless cowardly enemies of Johnny, God and Life. Death to the pro-bush torturers, rapists, and war profiteering THIEVES. So would say, my America.

Bush "I did not have sexual relations with that man" (tags)

Bush says he never had a blow-job from Ted.

Schwarzenegger, Rove, Bush, and Fascism (tags)

Thinking about voting for Schwarzenegger--or not voting at all for Governor? Please refresh your memory about Schwarzenegger's family heritage, and please consider Schwarzenegger's own words: "I was always dreaming about very powerful people - dictators and things like that...people who could be remembered for hundreds of years."

Pop Immigration-Politics Quiz (tags)

What is illegal immigration? Who makes it happen?

BTL:Former UN Weapons Inspector Declares President Bush Now Plans... (tags)

...War Against Iran. Interview with former UN Chief Weapons Inspector Scott Ritter, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Future Tax Shock (tags)

One of President Bush’s be-very-afraid lines this campaign season is that Democrats, if elected, will raise taxes.

Is It Martial Law Yet? (tags)

In a stealth maneuver, President Bush has signed into law a provision which, according to Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vermont), will actually encourage the President to declare federal martial law.

"October Surprise"? (tags)

...from Newsweek:

BTL:Harper's Magazine Editor Lewis Lapham Warns US Constitution is Under Attack (tags)

Interview with Lewis Lapham, editor of Harper's Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Scott Ritter, back from Iran, in Venice 11/3 (tags)

Scott Ritter was right about the Bush administration's false claims concerning weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Therefore, everyone who cares about such issues should listen very carefully to what he has to say. Ritter has just returned from Iran.

BTL:US Army Veteran Urges Immediate Withdrawal from Iraq as Violence Escalates (tags)

Interview with Iraq War veteran and former US Army Sgt Mark 'Gordie' Lachance, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The woman who would be speaker says (tags)

"Impeachment is off the table"

As Can Be Imagined - The Death of Freedom for America (tags)

So, those who supported blindly blaming the Taliban along with bin Laden for 9/11 while closing outstanding public inquiries are demon liars, who in materially supporting hostilities against the United States by refusing through censorship to Publicly support the arrest of those responsible for killing innocent Americans - became willingly, bonafide cahooting terrorists, true bad guy "enemy combatants".

Bush drops 'stay course' Iraq slogan (tags)

Looks like Bush has finally figured out that the American public know he is losing the war in Iraq!

The Lexington Comair Crash, Part One: The Hand on the Datastream (tags)

The NTSB and FAA blame pilot error, Comair is suing the FAA and Blue Grass Airport - but a look at the manifest for Flight 5191 reveals a number of the dead had ties to the criminalized intelligence sector and "homeland security" scandals. Part One examines the political ties of a passenger employed at Affiliated Computer Services, based in Dallas, a CIA front with its hands in votescam, torture at Guantanamo Bay and the current executive stock option back-dating scandal.

Will Jane Harman resign? (tags)

A new Department of Justice investigation of Jane Harman and her connection to the leaking of classified documents to agents of a foreign government was revealed by Time Magazine on Friday.

Bill Clinton's "Killer Prison Blood" Scandal - (tags)

BAD BLOOD Canadian media, including the Calgary Sun and Ottawa Citizen, are reporting that tainted blood from Arkansas prisons made its way to a Montreal blood broker in the 1980s when Bill Clinton was governor. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police are investigating. At the time, American sources were not accepting prisoners' blood because of possible HIV contamination. OTTAWA CITIZEN

Surrender meeting (tags)

What took so long?

Charles Schwab,Virginia Senator George Allen,Balmore Fund,Xybernaut,Endovasc offshores (tags)

Coincidentally the Virginia Israel Advisory Board has an address in Herndon,Virginia the same place a Moslem charity was raided a while back that a Mr. Mohamed Hadid was involved with.Herndon,Virginia is also the home of Mantas anti-money laundering company founded by SRA International that didn't work to stop Endovasc from running a pump and dump scam of 'up to 30 million' worthless Endovasc shares from one Charles Schwab account in 2002 while Mantas was hired by Schwab for that purpose.So Herndon appears to attract a lot of riff raff in its own right.

CA Green Candidate May Win US House Seat (tags)

He used to help produce hits for Ace of Base and Miami Sound Machine, but now Byron De Lear, 40, has a US Congressional seat in California's San Fernando Valley within his reach. If he wins, he would become the first US House member representing the Green Party.

GOP ad says vote Republican for more war and a bigger police state (tags)

If you want four more years of a war in Iraq and a war on the Bill of Rights vote Republican. At least that’s the message this GOP ad wants to put out.

US may accept Iranian nuclear bomb (tags)

AMERICA is going to have to learn to live with a nuclear Iran, US intelligence analysts have concluded at a secret meeting near Washington.

Academia Tracking Down Dissent (tags)

Why is the United States government spending millions of dollars to track down critics of George W. Bush in the press? And why have major American universities agreed to put this technology of tyranny into the state's hands?

Who needs a constitution when you got King George W Bush as your emperor (tags)

President tests new ground on habeas corpus. Bush flushes habeas corpus down the toilet!

Kenneth Lay's conviction erased from record (tags)

Kenneth Lay's conviction erased from record


Photos of Babies Deformed at Birth as a Result of Uranium Weapons

US vs THEM - A Johnny Commentary (tags)

Johnny Wizard has been arrested by irrational bushite for threatening the life of antiChrist enemy George W. bush, and with the bogus warrant made to undermine the true FBI, used the action to make fraudulent accusations in respect for Johnny's love of Children. Don't miss out in the trial of the Century!

Four score and... (tags)

Our fathers brought forth....

Behind the love/hate relationship of China and the U.S. (tags)

A zealous distrust of China is something most American’s learn at an early age. The lessons include stunning visuals of atrocities, complete with attacks on helpless Tibetan monks and nuns, fearless democracy-seeking students staring down advancing tanks, and innumerable horrors of life within the totalitarian ‘communist’ society (yes they are still calling themselves that, and yes our government still clings to the word— as an abusive epithet— in a McCarthy-like attempt to browbeat). China cannot be defended if one is on the side of democracy, equality, and freedom, but neither can many of the US’ allies, past and present, who’ve had similar records (the US itself is looking more and more like China every day). Because China is outside the domain of US dominance, it is viewed as a competitor, and a threat; therefore, Chinese human-rights violations are a god-send for the White House PR staff, who look for any reason to conjure fear and create misgivings towards a country who, for purely economic reasons, is the prime candidate to face the US in World War III.

Bush keeps revising war justification (tags)

I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, I didn't make a mistake invading Iraq, .... George W Bush

Why is the American press silent on the report of 655,000 Iraqi deaths? (tags)

The US media is virtually silent on a new scientific study that estimates the Iraqi death toll from the US war at 655,000. The study, conducted by Johns Hopkins University’s Bloomberg School of Public Health and funded by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, was posted Wednesday on the web site of the British medical journal, the Lancet.

Is War with Iran the October Surprise? (tags)

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer, Captain May, delves into the dark issue of whether the Bush admininstration has already planned its October surprise in the form of a war with Iran -- and whether the American Establishment is going along with the idea.

The Legacy of the Iraqi War Hawks (tags)

The body count goes up and up in Iraq; with more dead U.S. soldiers and Iraqi civilians. Chaos reigns! Yet, the man primarily responsible for this carnage, President George W. Bush, insists on “staying the course.” The evil legacy of this conflict metastasizes. The War Hawks, many in the U.S. Congress, some in the Media, along with the Neocons, bear culpability, too, in this matter. The Nov. election may be a last chance to restore sanity in Washington, D.C.

Bush & Public-deception on Number of Iraqi's Killed since His 2003 Invasion (tags)


Gov't workers got fake degrees (tags)

SPOKANE, Wash. - At least 135 federal employees, including a White House staff member and National Security Agency employees, bought bogus online college degrees from a diploma mill, a lawyer in the case against the mill operators said.



Take Back Washington Sends Film Crew To D.C. Next Stop: Las Vegas, NV (tags)

In response to the newly released documentary, One Nation Under Siege, the Take Back Washington crew is headed West for more input by fellow Americans trying to make a difference.

The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

Law of the Land - WE RULE - an indictment of the Bush regime (tags)

The UN-Elected Bush regime now states cowardly Americans have no longer any legal rights to defend themselves from unlawful arrest if commanded without reason by the lawless as godless, bushite enemy LIARS. Are YOU fooled?.. I didn't think so.

The Dow's phony new high (tags)

The Dow's phony new high

Congressional Candidate Byron De Lear Takes On Bush War Machine in Valley's 28th District (tags)

If Democrats want to end this war -- and they do -- they will need to replace every Berman in Washington with a De Lear.

Rove's top dog resigns after ties to corrupt sleazebag Abramoff revealed (tags)

Rove's top dog resigns after ties to corrupt sleazebag Abramoff revealed

Special Political Alert (tags)

Harris and Halpern are on Hillary’s ABC Mickey Mouse Disney Mossad payroll, just like Chris Matthews of MSNBC... It was duly elected US President Albert Gore Jr. that has given the dynamic speeches at the “Daughters of the American Revolution” and at that has fingered Bush for what he is a criminal fascist. Bill Clinton now attacks Al Gore in this ridiculous book written by these two in-the-closet misfits. Accordingly do not be fooled by Bill Clinton’s Fox News stunt. He remains Daddy Bush’s Bitch.

"Do I Make You Horny for Habeas Corpus." (tags)

As much fun as it is watching sexual hypocrisy in the Republican controlled Congress and what looks to be a criminal cover-up of said sexual hypocrisy within the ranks of the Republican Party leadership in Congress the real scandal is not the consensual e-mail communications between two sexually adult individuals, and what we will probably later find out to be actual underage sexual hookups between representative Foley (R)- Florida and some more than willing teenagers

Chicago plans to add 100 stealth cameras (tags)

Chicago plans to add 100 stealth cameras

Back Breaking News: Special Emergency Political Alert (tags)

Susan Ralston, former aide to Jack Abramoff and Karl Rove resigned today. She has been subpoenaed to reappear in front of the Fitzgerald Grand Jury vis a vis the Valerie Plame leak case. Interpol Intelligence sources are now reporting that 9-11/Oklahoma City (Murrah Building Bombing) aka Project Bojinka/WMD Plant/Greenberg Taurig/Tyco International and the Florida-Gate 2000 Dots have been connected.

Profiteering (tags)


millions of Medicare beneficiaries to be left without drug coverage (tags)

millions of Medicare beneficiaries to be left without drug coverage

Christ Crossed (tags)

Christ Crossed "The most powerful audio recording ever created."

Border fence could spell environmental disaster (tags)

Border fence could spell environmental disaster

Will a coup in Iraq follow the US elections? (tags)

Another comment has appeared in the American press foreshadowing a move by the Bush administration to remove the Shiite-dominated government of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki in Iraq. In an opinion piece in the October 2 Washington Post, the newspaper’s deputy editorial editor Jackson Diehl strongly suggested that Washington may dispense with Maliki’s regime shortly after the November 7 US congressional elections.

HOT HOT HOT Backbreaking News: Mark Foley+Karl Rove+Jeb Bush+Hassert+Frist+Baynard+... (tags)

Justice Dept. sources are now confirming that the FBI Inquiry of alleged pedophile Mark Foley reports that email and phone records have now been discovered linking White House political hack Karl Rove to direct communication with Republican Congressman Reynolds (R. NY.), Hassert (R. Illinois), Baynard (R. Ohio) and Frist (R. Tenn.) in the closet... MORE

Four Years of CODEPINK Rabble-Rousing for Peace (tags)

Medea Benjamin looks back on 4 years of the CODEPINK peace movement.

The Roadmap to Nowhere: An Interview with Tanya Reinhart (tags)

During his four years in office, Sharon stalled any chance of negotiations with the Palestinians. In 2003 - the road map period -the Palestinians accepted the plan and declared a cease fire, but while the Western world was celebrating the new era of peace, the Israeli army, under Sharon, intensified its policy of assassinations, maintained the daily harassment of the occupied Palestinians, and eventually declared an all-out-war on Hamas, killing all its first rank of military and political leaders. Later, as the Western world was holding its breath again, in a year and a half of waiting for the planned Gaza pullout, Sharon did everything possible to fail the Palestinian president, Mahmoud Abbas, who was elected in January 2005. Sharon declared that Abbas is not a suitable partner (because he does not fight terror) and turned down all his offers of renewed negotiations.

9/11: Pathetic "Left" Disinformation (tags)

The ravings of Alexander Cockburn / CounterPunch (among others) and the Limits of Permissable Discourse Concerning 9/11

Electrical shock to testicles NOT torture so says Congress (tags)

To use electrical shock on testicles is NOT torture so says our self-proclaimed 'Family Values', sold-out, extortion-friendly, NON-representative Congress!!! Presumably okay for female labia as well???

King George Bush and the Tortured Truth (tags)

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer gives a disturbing analysis of just what kind of plan the Neocons have in store for the United States with their recent legislation to spy and torture state enemies -- and what kind of man they have in George W. Bush to carry it out !

The American assassination of John Lennon by CIA and the White House. (tags)

Bcc to Buckingham Palace. (To Bcc or not to Bcc. That is the question...)

How did we sink so low in 6 years? (tags)

How did we sink so low in 6 years?

Bush and Islam (tags)

The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush's words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.

CDC's Pelican Bay abuse of prisoners, rural community (tags)

Calling for shutting down of CDC's Pelican Bay State Prison for human rights abuses of prisoners, economic exploitation of disadvantaged rural community during construction and CDC's exploitation of low income prisoners detained into coerced slave labor for corporations..

Political Whore Alert: BITCH & BUSH IN A SLEEZE BOX (tags)

Bill Clinton's Fox News outburst was scripted however Bill Clinton has told his wife Hillary (Republican in the closet) that she can’t win a Presidential election and is a Dukakis in a dress. Hillary also faces major problems if she is forced to turn over her medical records since she has congenital Herpes contacted from her White House lesbian prostitute Susan. This is a National Security problem.

Earth may be at warmest point in million years (tags)

Earth may be at warmest point in million years

How Israel is Engineering the "Clash of Civilizations" (tags)

The trajectory of a long-running campaign that gave birth this month to the preposterous all-party British parliamentary report into anti-Semitism in the UK can be traced back to intensive lobbying by the Israeli government that began more than four years ago, in early 2002.

Exploiting 9-11 (tags)

Bush is using the fifth anniversary to appear as the rescuer and protector of the US, freedom, democracy and civilization.. Other governments will now decry the shameless exploitation of the attacks that has made the world more insecure contrary to the mantra of the Bush administration.

Protest Iraq war in Hollywood Monday (tags)

Come to the Armed Forces Recuiting Center 10 AM Monday, Sept 25 Hollywood Blvd near La Brea

Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator Shelby 'a gangster' (tags)

If Patrick Byrne,the largest campaign contributer, or 'briber', of Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr., and Utah Senators Bob Bennett's and Orin Hatch's favorite 'securities' fraudster and Republican 'dirty tricks' financier says Alabama Republican Richard Shelby is a 'gangster'he must be speaking for them as well,after all all three of those right wing Mormon bozos support every lie he has had to offer so far as well as his generous Republican donations......

Israeli Diplomat Carrying Large Quantity Of Explosives Arrested In Argentina (tags)

Another Israeli false-flag "terror" plot is uncovered in Buenos Aires. This is the extreme zionists will go to to manipulate the world into supporting Israel. On a positive note, public awareness of their criminal insanity is growing geometrically

Pakistan leader says U.S. made bombing threats (tags)

US message to Pakistan - Support us or we will bomb you into the stone age!

BTL:Growing Worldwide Movement Demands International Intervention to... (tags)

...End Genocide in Darfur~Interview with Ann-Louise Colgan, acting co-director of Africa Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Using smoke and mirrors to tweak the constitutiona and bill of rights (tags)

Bush administration and its allies in Congress are trying to strip federal courts of their authority to review the detentions of almost all suspected terrorists.

Politics and Promise of Stem-Cell Research (tags)


BTL:Bush Warrantless Domestic Spying Program Ruled Unconstitutional (tags)

Interview with Michael Avery, president of the National Lawyers Guild, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

IMperialism 101 - The US Addiction to War, Mayhem and Madness - Part II (tags)


Bush wants a bloodbath in Baghdad (tags)

Increasingly desperate over the deteriorating situation in Iraq, the Bush administration is demanding that the US-installed government in Baghdad support a savage intensification of repression or give way to a dictatorial regime that will.

International/national Peace a Week of Actions (tags)

For immediate release For further information: September 18, 2006 Steven Gibson, (213) 489-1900 ext. 114 Georgie Noguera, (213) 489-1900 ext. 120 Week of Action in Support of National Declaration of Peace Culminating in Civil Disobedience to Shut Down Armed Forces Recruitment Center

More drug war propaganda from the Feds on the internet! (tags)

U.S. anti-drug videos hit YouTube

A belligerent Bush addresses the UN (tags)

In a speech to the opening session of the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday, US President George W. Bush delivered a remarkably belligerent warning to the peoples of the Middle East that Washington intends to continue and even widen its campaign of military aggression.

La Jornada: George W Bush, Culpable (tags)

La Jornada covers the Bush Crimes Commission verdict

AJLPP-USA Mobilize for the Martial Law Commemoration and International Global Days of Acti (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA in solidarity with the people of the Philippines in their militant protest against political killings, call to resume peace negotiations and in commemoration of the 34th year of the declaration of martial rule in the Philippines launches different types of activities from September 21-23 in four major cities in the United States.

Ahmadinejad arrested (tags)

Bush says he is to be tortured in gitmo

Kevin Zeese: “It’s Time to Try Diplomacy in Middle East!” (tags)

Since the end of WWII, the U.S. policy in the Middle East has created only “more anger-more hatred for our county,” said Kevin Zeese. Speaking on 09/13/06, at the Palestine Center, in D.C., Zeese ripped the Bush-Cheney Gang for giving Israel the “green light” to terrorize Lebanon for 33-days. Zeese also took it to task for abandoning the Palestinians and for its hostile attitude towards Iran. “It’s time to try diplomacy in the Middle East,” he said.

A Bavarian Provocation (tags)

Violence was and is not the prerogative of any single religion as the continuing Israeli occupation of Palestine demonstrates. During the Cold War the Vatican, with rare exceptions, supported the imperial wars. Both sides were blessed during the First and Second World wars; the US Cardinal Spellman was a leading warrior in the battles to destroy Communism during the Korean and Vietnam wars. The Vatican later punished the liberation theologists and peasant-priests in Latin America. Some were excommunicated.

Nuclear Holocaust and The Politics of Radiation (tags)

This event featured three speakers: Doug Rokke, a Vietnam and Gulf War I Veteran and the Army's expert on depleted uranium; Leuren Moret, a whistle-blower from Livermore National Laboratory, expert lecturer on the health effects of depleted uranium; and Veteran Staff Sergeant Dennis Kyne who served as an Army medic during Gulf War I. Because they speak out about depleted uranium (DU), all three of these people are constantly harassed by the US government and its agents. Both Rokke and Kyne are in extremely serious medical condition because of their exposure to depleted uranium and other toxicants that the military tells our valiant warriors are safe. You may listen to all three lectures on by clicking on the appropriate link below. Rokke's and Moret's have been transcribed. If you have time, please help us by transcribing Dennis Kyne's lecture and we will post it.


The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA in solidarity with the people of the Philippines in their militant protest against political killings, call to resume peace negotiations and in commemoration of the 34th year of the declaration of martial rule in the Philippines launches different types of activities from September 21-23 in four major cities in the United States. The following cities will ho

Action In Support of National Declaration Of Peace (tags)

Week of Action in Support of National Declaration of Peace Culminating in Civil Disobedience to Shut Down Armed Forces Recruitment Center Monday, September 25th (10 am – 1 pm) 7060 Hollywood Blvd.

Peace Candidate De Lear in Valley--New Video (tags)

10 Minute Documentary for the Byron De Lear for Congress Campaign, Green Party, in San Fernando Valley, California available for streaming on YouTube and Google Video.

Alan Dershowitz's Sinister Scheme: Paradigm? What Paradigm? (tags)

Dershowitz's claim that civil liberties require new government powers is eye-catching and remarkable for its initial appearance of absurdity. But tiresomely enough, he never resolves the apparent absurdity. There is no reconciliation of civil liberties with the kind of measures Dershowitz proposes. We can accept Dershowitz's defence of freedom, or his advocacy of new and rather sinister government powers. But we cannot accept both. One of these angles is there for appearance, one for content. It does not take much analysis to work out which is which.

“Good Night, and Good Luck” -- WMD, NIST, Popular Mechanics, 9/11 and Media Crimes (tags)

BBC1 Television, near 9/11/2001, interviewed 9/11 author and theologian, David Ray Griffin. What caught my attention was another guest (a writer for a prominent British newspaper) who scoffed at considering challenges to the official story of 9/11, because US media is so vast and free that if there were problems with the official story, he'd have heard about it via US media. There is a 9/11 cover up occurring.

BTL:Five Years After 9/11, Taliban Fighters Regaining Strength in Afghanistan (tags)

Interview with Sonali Kolhatkar, co-director of the Afghan Women's Mission conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Bush-Cheney Hit with “Mock” Guilty Verdicts for War Crimes (tags)

It was appropriate that the “Guilty” verdicts against the Bush-Cheney Gang for committing war crimes and crimes against humanity were announced at “Camp Democracy,” on the National Mall. On Sept. 13, 2006, Ann Wright, an ex-U.S. diplomat, read the “mock” verdicts. She was also one of the five jurists who heard the evidence compiled by the Bush Crimes Commission.

The Courts and Congress Will Not Halt the Surveillance Programs of Hereditary Kings (tags)

The Bush administration is pushing legislation to legalize its vast spy operations on the American people. Can we expect Congress to protect our rights? Do not count on it!

'Wag the Osama' the Terror War is Over Bin Laden is Dead (tags)

Breaking News #1: Sources close to Colin Powell confirm once again that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Bin Laden died in Pakistan in 2002 from kidney failure. Receipts from Pakistan Hospitals now in possession of the European Press indicate Pakistani Secret Police purchased eight dialysis machines for Bin Laden.

Parallels between Nazism, Zionists striking (tags)

Take this, Bill O'Reilly! Someone had to tell you...

An Open Letter To All U.S. Military Service Men and Women (tags)

911 was an inside job.

Report/review of 9/11 Press for Truth (tags)

by Carol Brouillet

This War on Terrorism is Bogus (tags)

"The plan shows Bush's cabinet intende3d to take military control of the Gulf region whether or not Saddam Hussein was in power."

Dissecting the war on terror (tags)

After five years of post 9/11 government, U.S. foreign and domestic policy continues to be dominated by the all-encompassing ‘war on terror’. Events have since exposed this so-called war for what it is: a gross propaganda campaign used to suppress civil liberties and launch global war.

Bush demands congressional rubber-stamp for police-state powers (tags)

In the fourth of a series of speeches aimed at fueling public fears of terrorism to boost his administration’s failing political standing, President Bush appeared before an audience of right-wing policy experts in Atlanta, Georgia Thursday. The speech was focused on the demand that Congress move quickly to legalize the program of warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the existence of which was revealed late last year.

Attention: Potpourri of Current Political Subject-Matter (tags)

ABC News blackmailing Daddy Bush’s Bitch William J.R. Clinton on 9-11. Could it be the Russian Oil Deeds handed over to Bill and Bitch aka Hillary (Republican-in-the-closet) Rodenhurst-Clinton by George Stephanopoulos last week mean that ABC Disney wants a piece of the action.



Mass Civil Nonviolent Resistance to Confront Lawmakers at U.S. Capitol (tags)

Invitation to join nonviolent direct actions with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance on Tuesday, September 26th, or Declaration of Peace on Wednesday, September 27.

The Muslim Public Affairs Committee is useless (tags)

The MPAC is useless. It can't even begin to imitate what The AIPAC does.

Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld speeches: A new drumbeat for war (tags)

In a coordinated series of speeches this week, the top officials of the Bush administration have begun a public campaign to smear and intimidate opponents of the war in Iraq while laying the political groundwork for dragging the American people into a new and even more terrible war—this time against Iran.

The Sovereignty of CUBA must be respected. (tags)

The Sovereignty of CUBA must be respected.

BTL:US Peace Activists, Iraqi Parlimentarians Promote Timetable to... (tags)

...End America's Occupation of Iraq~Interview with Medea Benjamin, cofounder of Code Pink Women for Peace & Global Exchange, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Armitage is the Leaker, not the Story: Black Ops and War Lies (tags)

The corporate media have focused on the outing of Plame but are ignoring the real story: why was the administration so focused and intent upon destroying Plame and her ambassador husband? The answer leads to a dark crime of lies and black ops aimed at promoting a pointless war in Iraq at all costs.

Destruction (tags)

Not construction, not instruction, DESTRUCTION.

Anger with the Establishment: Jean Ziegler (tags)

Free trade is like heavyweight champion Mike Tyson climbing in the boxing ring against a half-starved unemployed from northeast Brazil..Without social justice, the republic is worthless..The world order of globalized pre-datory capitalism seems like cruel absurdity

The Four Pillars of Wisdom for 911 Truth (tags)

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer looks at four key principles that should guide the 911 Truth Movement on its road to becoming a majority movement. The opportunities for 911 truth have never been greater -- nor have the perils.

Will Bush use this as a lame ass excuse to invade Iran????? (tags)

Some fear Iran threat played down

A MOM'S FYI: The Bush Wars, Saddam vs Usama (tags)

Looking for evidence of GWB linking Saddam Hussein, Iraq, and 9/11? Read on.... -------------------------------

US administration rejects Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations” (tags)

The Bush administration yesterday signalled its rejection of Iran’s offer of “serious negotiations,” setting the stage for punitive economic sanctions and an escalating confrontation with Tehran.

The Hidden Draft in Our Schools (tags)

With a vast majority of the US public disapproving of the quicksand war in Iraq, how can American educators continue to allow unchecked and unscrupulous recruiting in our high schools? A former Army officer takes a look at the problem of gutless school leaders who let their students be turned into Bush League cannon fodder -- then offers some suggestions on how to change things.

Doing the Wrong Thing in Afghanistan: Depleted Uranium: The Definitive Moral Paradox (tags)

By Michael Clarke

NSA Ops Here and Abroad (tags)

notice the reference to antennae

The Coming Repression (tags)

If one listens closely to those directing U.S. foreign policy, accusations, infighting, and panic are clearly audible. If one listens closer still, bursting seams can be heard. The U.S. corporate-ruled elite are in a crisis they can’t escape from; what this means for the public is easily discernable, if one only listens.

Recent History of Grass Roots Movements (Dreamed)Recent History of Grass Roots Movements ( (tags)


Title: Shambhala Music Festival! Was the British Columbian Playboy Mansion on the Beach. (tags)

Brief: The counter Culture Icon is dead; Hunter where have the “Bunny Hop,” parties of the sixties and seventies gone?

Rigging Elections in the USA (tags)

The USA has seen its last two presidential elections decided by voting fraud, each time wrongfully placing the Bush-Republican Far Right in the White House to perpetrate 9/11, wars, etc. 2008 is certain to be rigged also -- UNLESS we educate the Public to demand&enforce a fair election. And urge Hillary Clinton to fight for this.

After defeating pro-war incumbent Lieberman, Lamont reassures Wall Street (tags)

The victory of multi-millionaire cable executive Ned Lamont in the Connecticut Democratic primary August 8 has produced paroxysms of uncritical celebration in liberal publications like the Nation and from groups like, which campaigned heavily for Lamont and against incumbent senator Joseph Lieberman.

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 1 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

The US media and the London terror scare (tags)

Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.

Digitally Erasing a Massacre:Why Hezbollywood Was Born (tags)

Maybe they did win. While the bombardment of Lebanon has claimed hundreds of lives, the controversy over a single demolished apartment building kept the media spotlight on Qana. The argument here in the United States shifted away from the brutality of Israel's actions and U.S. culpability for it, and became entrenched in whether casualties on the ground took place at all. Debate about the morality or reasons behind the death, destruction went up in a cloud of digitally manufactured smoke.

Over 10,000 World Figures Back Cuba (tags)

The exigency to United States of respect Cuba's sovereignty has been combined so far by 10,141 figures of the world, including nine Nobel prizewinners, artists, writers, academics, humanists and social fighters.

Rogue Israeli State Protested at White House Rally (tags)

What are people of conscience suppose to do in response to the unspeakable acts of barbarism being perpetrated daily by Israel? In America, they can still go out on the streets and protest. This is what happened on Sat., Aug. 12, 2006, in Washington, D.C. A rally at Lafayette Park, near the White House, organized by Arab-Americans, protested the relentless terror bombing of innocent civilians in Gaza and Lebanon by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF).

the Excuse of all who oppose us (tags)


Britain’s airline terror plot: Questions that need to be answered (tags)

The claim that American and British security forces have thwarted a terrorist plot to blow up commercial flights between Britain and the United States should not be accepted uncritically. It is impossible to determine at this point whether or not such an attack was in the offing, although the mass media have, as usual, reported the assertions of the British and American governments as indisputable fact, without bothering to ask for any specific information that would substantiate the official story.

Swift,IBM and U.S.Government spying on stock transactions (tags)

Below are pertinent links to the Swift or Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications controversy over allowing the W Bush regime and its CIA and Treasury Department to spy on international banking and securities or stock data with no questions asked.As you will see from one link below,this may have not phased brain dead American public but it has indeed raised ire over seas where complaints against U.S. snooping have been filed in up to 32 countries !

Israeli Ambassador Caught Lying (tags)

Israel's ambassador to the United States, Daniel Ayalon, was questioned last Sunday in Washington DC as part of a press stakeout. Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy was there to ask the tough questions. He grilled Ayalon on Israel's targeting of civilians and use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, Israel's nuclear arsenal and its lack of adherence to United Nations Security Council resolutions. [includes rush transcript] Israel's cabinet authorized an expanded ground offensive into Lebanon on Wednesday, backing a push towards the Litani river which lies 18 miles from the border. The decision came on a day of fierce fighting in southern Lebanon. Fifteen Israeli soldiers were killed in action - the highest number in a single day since the conflict began almost a month ago.


Be counted amongst the tens of thousands who will be in Lafayette Park, across from the White House on Saturday, August 12 at 12 Noon. In addition to the Washington DC-based event, MAS Freedom Foundation local chapters across the nation are also organizing simultaneous protests in Denver, San Diego, Los Angeles, and Seattle.

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet (tags)

the terrorist alert level is raised to pink! or is that azul, sienna, pale violet red or maybe sandstone orange???? and remember the government has banned toothpaste, makeup, suntan lotion, and all other liquids and gels from carry on luggage for your protection!!!

Asbestos Attacks from the White House (tags)

The White House manipulated the reports of the EPA about the air quality in the environment of Ground Zero after the attacks and thus exposed all the relief workers, residents and employees in south Manhattan to extreme health risks.

UN resolution on Lebanon: blueprint for intensified war and colonial occupation (tags)

The US-French resolution that is to be voted on by the United Nations Security Council early this week represents an imperialist diktat to the people of Lebanon and an attempt by Washington to legitimize and consummate the geo-strategic goals pursued in the last month of US-Israeli war of aggression.


U.S. biodefense lab raises concerns United Press International 07/30/2006

Get your New Cameros Now! (tags)

Forget Uncle Sam sweetening the pot! For $40.000 an enlister is willing to trade his place onb the front for yours even if you are 42 Years Old! and if it becomes a hardship you get a WHOLE $750.00 a month can you say sustainability?

The US Media's "Special Relationship": Out to Lunch (tags)

The US media's biased coverage of the crisis in Lebanon should come as no surprise. While the White House and Congress claim a "special relationship" with Israel, our news outlets are not supposed to have a "special relationship" with anyone. Their job is to fairly reports on matters; anything less is a disservice to those watching their news programs and reading their newspapers.

A Message to Impeachment Supporters from Ramsey Clark (tags)

Bush Making More Enemies in the Middle East

Cease-Fire Now! Take Emergency Action (tags)

A Joint Call from United for Peace and Justice & the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Qana Victims Killed by Israel with U.S. Weapons Demand that Congress Support Cease-Fire Resolutions and End Weapons Deliveries to Israel Now! THIS WEEK: Call Congress and the White House Every Day NEXT WEEK: Emergency Week of Action, Aug. 7-11

Are you a Jew? (tags)

"The Jews are responsible for all the wars in my head"...Gibson.

The Tortured Language of War: Whitewashing Atroicites (tags)

If the deliberate slaughter of hundreds of civilians -- including more than a hundrend innocent children -- elicits such a timid, pathetic response from American-Arab human rights organizations--one cannot complain against the American media for being the Israeli government's apologists. If the ADC uses Orwellian language, covering up the Israeli government's heinous crimes -- can we really expect anything else from mainstream media?

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

What way forward in the struggle against war? (tags)

As the brutal US-Israeli war against the Lebanese people enters its fourth week, there is no sign that the massacre of innocent civilians is about to end. On the contrary, the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF), backed by air strikes and artillery fire, are pressing deeper into Lebanon, with the apparent aim of advancing 18 miles to the Litani River, either killing or driving out the entire population between it and the Israeli border.

Photos of 9/11 carnage posted on court website (tags)

Photographs of the carnage of Sept. 11 and tape-recorded final phone calls from victims in the World Trade Center were posted Monday by a federal court, a total of 1,202 exhibits from the Zacarias Moussaoui trial.

Bush seeks to extend Guantánamo procedures to American citizens (tags)

In draft legislation prepared in response to last month’s Supreme Court decision against the use of military tribunals for US prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, the Bush administration proposes to extend the practice of indefinite detention and summary trial by military commissions to include American citizens.

Medea Benjamin Disrupts Iraqi PM Speech (tags)

Medea broke into a chant saying: "Iraqis want the troops to leave, bring them home now! Listen to the Iraqis!"

Kuwait,Saudis,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton cocaine bust in Mexico (tags)

Ranked among the 100 wealthiest Americans, Rainwater backed George W. Bush in four separate business ventures, including the Texas Rangers baseball team from which Bush, who had been drilling “dry holes” until then, profited handsomely. In a heated 1994 Governor’s race, Texas Democratic Governor Ann Richards charged Rainwater “owned" her Republican opponent Bush.- Daniel Hopsicker,

BTL:Bush Stem Cell Bill Veto Another Christian Right Victory Over Common Good (tags)

Interview with Esther Kaplan, author of "With God on Their Side," conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris

Willful Blindness (tags)

Weapons bound for Israel said to pass through California

Holy War (tags)

A Texas Preacher Leads Campaign To Let Israel Fight

Six Fallacies of the U.S. Hizballah Campaign (tags)

The idea that the region is going to fall in line behind a U.S.-Israeli campaign against Hizballah is ludicrous.

46 conservative pedophiles (tags)

hide your kids...reinvestigate the franklin coverup

Conspirators as Illuminati: Bush Administration as Juntocracy (tags)

A parallel or shadow government, a Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush axis, was established.. Groups, offices and departments were elimi-nated and ad hoc groups formed.. The NSC was developed into a kind of parallel govern-ment.

Iran: The Next War (tags)

Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.

Diplomatic roads lead to Damascus (tags)

"Israel is losing this war," said Ralph Peters, a staunch pro-Israel columnist and military expert with the neo-conservative New York Post. "Israeli miscalculations have left Hezbollah alive and kicking."

Michael Ray pleads guilty (tags)

— A former protégé of Sen. Panfilo Lacson pleaded guilty on Monday to unauthorized possession of US government defense documents. Former police senior superintendent Michael Ray Aquino’s guilty plea spared himself a possible life sentence and also spared the US government a messy trial that could highlight weaknesses on how it guards its secrets.


URGENT! SEND A LETTER TO YOUR REPRESENTATIVE NOW! click here: Please copy, e-mail and distribute as widely as possible. *In the past few days Israel has killed hundreds of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians—in many cases wiping out entire families—in clear violation of international law. I am dismayed that, despite the indiscriminate bombing of civilian areas, the U.S. has stifled any attempts to bring the matter to the United Nations in hopes of reaching a resolution. I demand that my representatives speak out against the war crimes taking place in the Middle East right now.

Hezbollah, Hamas and Israel: Everything You Need To Know (tags)

A perilous excursion into the distant past, starting seven whole weeks ago

Dershowitz and Grades of Human Beings (tags)

So you see, one reason that you can just bomb the hell out of the Lebanese in general is that they aren't human beings at all. They are "animals."

Warnings she must heed: (tags)

All kinds of speculations have been aired since former agriculture undersecretary Jocelyn Bolante was arrested in the United States for entering the country without a visa. Could his arrest be a US government warning shot to the Arroyo administration? Opposition voices are saying his arrest was made on the initiative of the Arroyo administration. They allege the administration does not want Bolante to come back to the Philippines and be forced to spill the beans in congressional investigations about his alleged diversion of P728 million from funds for fertilizers to be shared with farmers to President Arroyo’s 2004 campaign kitty. Both the Philippine and American governments are not forthcoming with details. The Philippine government has in fact ordered a total blackout on statements and news about Bolante. US immigration experts are befuddled why Bolante was arrested and held. He is in a US Immigration and Customs Enforcement “processing center” in San Pedro, California.

American rushing bombs to Israel to help murder people in Lebanon (tags)

Makes you proud to be an Amerikan! Amerika the worlds number 1 terrorist!!!!! We're #1!! Heil Bush!!

Warnings she must heed: (tags)

All kinds of speculations have been aired since former agriculture undersecretary Jocelyn Bolante was arrested in the United States for entering the country without a visa. Could his arrest be a US government warning shot to the Arroyo administration? Opposition voices are saying his arrest was made on the initiative of the Arroyo administration. They allege the administration does not want Bolante to come back to the Philippines and be forced to spill the beans in congressional investigations about his alleged diversion of P728 million from funds for fertilizers to be shared with farmers to President Arroyo’s 2004 campaign kitty. Both the Philippine and American governments are not forthcoming with details.

BTL:"Troops Home Fast" Hunger Strikers Demand a Quick Withdrawal of... (tags)

...U.S. Forces from Iraq ~ Interview with Diane Wilson, hunger strike activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon JOIN US IN THE FIGHT AGAINST ISRAELI APARTHEID TERRORISM Take Action, sign up for political action alerts and tell Congress to stop using your tax dollars to support Israeli terrorism. For further political action and information see and and and Please copy, e-mail and distribute this as widely as possible.

BTL:Consensus Building in Congress to Uphold Geneva Conventions in... (tags)

...Treatment of Guantanamo Detainees ~ Interview with Wells Dixon, Center for Constitutional Rights attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

FilAm Vets Lobby Congress on July 26 (tags)

Filipino American World War II veterans will march again on Wednesday, July 26, 2006 on Capitol Hill to conduct face-to-face lobbying with members of congress, according to the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, a Washington-based advocacy group. The veterans from California, Texas, New York, New Jersey and other cities will mark the 65th anniversary of the 1941 Military Order of President Franklin D. Roosevelt that drafted morethan 140,000 Filipino soldiers into the U.S. Army by appealing to key House members and White House officials to pass the Filipino Veterans Family Reunification immigration amendment.

Cuban women in Miami to demand their right to travel to the island without restrictions (tags)

On Saturday, July 22, starting at 10:30 a.m., outside the Torch of Friendship in Las Palomas Park on Biscayne Boulevard and Second Street N.E. in downtown Miami, these women, resident in this city, will hold their protest to express their disagreement with the restrictions imposed by the White House limiting their visits to Cuba to once every three years.

Cuban women in Miami to demand their right to travel to the island without restrictions (tags)

(English/Spanish) FOR the fifth time in the last 10 weeks, the Association of Christian Women in Defense of the Cuban Family is organizing a demonstration to demand that the government of George W. Bush respects their right to travel to Cuba and visit their families without restrictions.

Happy Impeachment Day! (tags)

This is no time for political strategizing. Every member of Congress is sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, and it is being gravely threatened by this president.

Attorney general: Bush blocked eavesdropping-program probe (tags)

President Bush personally blocked a Justice Department investigation of the anti-terror eavesdropping program that intercepts Americans' international calls and e-mails, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales said Tuesday.

ACTION ALERT: Stop Israel's Attacks on Gaza & Lebanon (tags)

BACKGROUND: Israel is using weapons supplied by the United States to target Palestinian & Lebanese civilians and civilian infrastructure in the Gaza Strip and Lebanon in violation of the US Arms Export Control Act and the Geneva Conventions. * On July 12th, Israel killed 23 Palestinians in the Gaza Strip with missiles fired from aircraft and shells fired from tanks. Israel killed 9 members of one family in a missile strike on a house near Gaza City.

National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)

Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!

Foreign companies buying U.S. roads, bridges (tags)

Roads and bridges built by U-S- taxpayers are starting to be sold off -- and so far foreign-owned companies are doing the buying.

A Nice Mess Our President Has Made for US (tags)

This is not a smart guy, or even a dummy fronting for a bunch of smart guys. This is an idiot who is listening to a bunch of idiots.

A Century of Oil Imperialism (tags)

The current Iraq War, waged primarily to seize incredibly rich oil resources for the benefit of the U.S.-UK Oil Cartel, was predictable. This type of imperialistic evildoing has been going on for a century, and countries and individuals who get in the Cartel's way tend to meet violent ends.

June Protests - Innovative (tags)

And totally ignored by the corporate media.

If They Broke the Law, String 'Em Up (tags)

Bush, during his two terms as Texas governor, oversaw the executions of 152 people. If he’s a war criminal, and guilty of causing the deaths of captives at Guantanamo and elsewhere, it would be poetic justice for him to follow them on the long walk.

The Rev. Billy Graham is No Phil Berrigan! (tags)

The Rev. Billy Graham was in Baltimore recently doing his religious revival thing. For years, he was a crony of warmongering presidents, like Richard M. Nixon. Rev. Graham’s preaching never attracted me. However, the life work of the late Phil Berrigan, an ex-Josephite priest, had a profound influence on me, and others. Berrigan spoke the truth to power. He relentlessly took on the War Party and spent 11 of his 79 years in prison for his protest actions.

Self starting protests of Calderon's theft @ Mexican consulate (tags)

Theft of the election by Calderon comes at a perfect time for the Bush regime and their money hungry NAFTA/WTO/PPP sponsoring corporations thirsting for the agua, labor, bosques and cultural lifeblood of Mexico's southern Sierra Madre mountains, petroleum reserves etc.. Let's not allow Calderon, another imperialist lapdog from Fox's PAN party, to steal the Mexican presidency! Choicepoint and other corporate voter fraud devices need to be removed from interfering with the democratic electoral processes..

What's new about CUBA? (tags)

What's new about CUBA...

Bush Told Cheney to Discredit Wilson (tags)

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington

FBI "has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11" (tags)

Why does the FBI's "Most Wanted" poster for Osama/Usama Bin Laden NOT mention 9/11? According to the FBI, it's because "the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11." Might this explain why General Myers said "the goal has never been to get Bin Laden" and why Bush doesn't "spend that much time on" Bin Laden? No hard evidence--yet thousands of lives and hundreds of billions can be spent on "war"?

Miracle in Washington D.C (tags)

Freedom of Peace for former refugee orphan. Refuge for all Naturalized Citizens.

The Second American Revolution : Revolutionary Proverbs (tags)

A short collection of proverbs

Bush to pretend to obey Supreme Court decision and treat POWs fairly (tags)

U.S. will give detainees Geneva rights [well Bush will pretend to give them Geneva rights]

Kyl dismisses fuss over 'Congressional Record' (tags)

Kyl's right. The 'Congressional Record' is just a bunch of fairy tale propaganda that the house and senate members use to make themselfs looks good. A normal person should view it with a grain of salt.

Cocaína,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10:¿CIA,Republicanos Y PAN? (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de México estan discutiendo el escándalo de los 5.5 + toneladas de cocaina capturado por el ejercito mexicano en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10,2006 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matrícula N900SA.

BTL:Supreme Court Decision in Guantanamo Detainee Case Could Rein in... (tags)

...Unilateral Presidential Power ~ Interview with Bruce Ackerman, constitutional law professor at Yale University, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

How the Mexican Election was Stolen (tags)

When Lopez Obrador addressed the press at 8:30, he condemned "the spectacle of the dance of numbers" and announced that the PRD and its political allies would impugn the election -- he had proof of anomalies in 40,000 polling places (a third of the total)

Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche,Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN (tags)

Mientras que las noticias de Mexico estan discutiendo el escandalo de los 5.5 + tonelados de cocaina capturado por el ejercito Mexicana en el aeropuerto de Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico en Abril 10 ninguna de ellos estan escribiendo sobre los origenes del avion DC-9 con matricula N900SA.

Media Non-event of 6/26/2006 (tags)

An important story was buried by the mainstream media last week: the 6/26 Senate Democrats hearing on Pre-Iraq War Intelligence. I offer this analysis of the media non-coverage of that damning (ergo, ignored) event. I hope you find it both enjoyable and informative -- and lament that no one else has done this bit of writing yet! Your servant, CPTMAY

Congress searching for a double standard for US vs THEM (tags)

Congress wants one way for American POWs to be treated by and a 2nd way for the American Empire to treat Iraqi, Afgan and other Muslim POWs (wink torture!, torture!, torture).

Gaza: the Transparency of Naked Aggression (tags)

In spite of strict censorship, even blocking Reuters, a growing minority see proof that 9/11 was an inside job, a cynical self-terror act to ignite a new war of civilizations for total world domination. They endorse "9/11 Truth" as the only way to stop the war on Iraq and Iran. Here we explore parallels with the endless war on Palestine.

Military trials for detainees rejected (tags)

On the same day the Supreme Court struck down military tribunals for detainees being held in Cuba, Republicans in Congress began working to give the president the power to use them.

High Court has Ruled: Bush is a War Criminal (tags)

The media has missed this point, and the Justices kind of glided over the significance of what they were saying. So now the question is: What are we the people going to do about it?


Appropriately, much has been made of the recent survey conducted by Foreign Policy and the Center for American Progress, which found that 84 percent (of the more than 100) of America's top foreign policy experts believed that the United States is not winning the war on terror. Not only do they dispute President Bush's insular and politically self-serving assertion that America is winning that war, they also "see a national security apparatus in disrepair and a government that is failing to protect the public from the next attack." [See "The Terrorism Index," July/August 2006]

SEC Chris Cox,New York Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock f (tags)

This in truth is how Patrick and his billionaire daddy Jack Byrne donated to or bribed Republcans, both Utah and national,and gave over $1 million to them in the last presidential campaign alone! Patrick Byrne was also a big backer of the W Bush connected Swift Boat Captains Opposed To John Kerry.Don't you believe,Mr.King,that Republicans should raise political funds by other means than aiding stock frauds,penny stocks or other ?

Cindy Sheehan to provoke the Second American Revolution July 4th, 2006-Hunger Strike in DC (tags)

Locals to join national fast for peace WOODBURY -- About 10 people are expected to participate in the July 4 "Troops Home Fast" -- a nationwide fast to end the war in Iraq -- by gathering outside a congressman’s Woodbury office. Participants will spend 12 hours, from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, in front of the office of U.S. Rep. Robert Andrews, D-1, of Haddon Heights, according to members of the Coalition for Peace and Justice and the South Jersey Campaign for Peace and Justice. The office is at 63 N. Broad St. Nationally known celebrities and activists, led by Cindy Sheehan and Fernando Suarez del Solar, whose sons were killed in Operation Iraqi Freedom, will start their fast at 12:01 a.m. July 4. Some will continue their fast until Sept. 21, which is International Peace Day.

Bush is a coward. (tags)

Once a coward, always a coward.

New York Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud (tags)

Speaking of 'Swift' as in 'Swift Boat Captains For George Bush',not Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication,Peter King's Republican colleague,the mad Utah Mormon Senator Bob Bennett as well as Orin Hatch and Republican Gov.Jon Huntsman are supporting a penny stock scam called National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling' or NCANS,founded by's Patrick Byne and anonymous penny stock promoter.I believe James Dale Davidson of 'Clinton kiled Vince Foster' fame is involved in this fraud as he was a similar 'anti-naked shorting' scam called NAANSS.Do a google search.


Commentaries and news from Cheryl Seal Reports, June 23-29

For once I am speechless (tags)

But only for a moment. Go to the internet today, and what is the first thing I am greeted with?

Emergency LA Protest to Defend Palestine (tags)

Join a protest on Thurs, June 29, 4-6 pm to defend the Palestinian people against a brutal Israeli assault on Gaza. Stop the attack! No U.S. aid to Israel!

Total TIA Data Theft (tags)

level 7

Congress is Derelict. Replace It With People Who Take Their Oaths Seriously (tags)

The president has made a joke out of congress by his unbridled use of “signing statements” to invalidate laws. If Congress won’t stand up to this usurpation, it is signing its own, and the Constitution’s, death warrant.

US Rep. Maxine Waters (CA-35): End War in Iraq! Bring The Troops Home! (tags)

PRESS RELEASE: Waters is Chair of the Out of Iraq Caucus. The group explains its plans to end the war and to bring the troops home.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekend Edition (tags)

News from inside the "Bush Reich": Insurency escalates in Iraq, Suspicions grow re: murdered/tortured soldiers, Israeli arms dealers and mercenaries in No. Iraq, Halliburton investigated for human trafficking, The obscene 2007 budget...and more: Read it n' weep!

Pro-Israel Donors Rally For Joe, as Left Takes Aim (tags)

What is insidious about the two pro-Israel PACs mentioned. They don't reveal what they stand for in their names and both PACs are from outside of Connecticut. It is the policy of pro-Israel PACs across the country to only contribute money to politicians outside of their respective states based solely on a candidate's position on Israel. In other words, these Israel-Firsters, for they are nothing less than that, have made a policy decision that the welfare of Israel should have a higher priority than the desires of the voters in the states where they funnel their contributions. No dual-loyalty problem for these guys.

data theft huge and wholesale, and oth crimes ... - and - ... waves ... (tags)

the unprecedented physical theft of personal data by a U.S. intelligence operation to populate Total Information Awareness (TIA) surveillance databases ...

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekend edition (tags)

US Mainstream Media goes into propaganda overdrive....GOP hate crimes against blacks in 2004 election revealed by BBC and Greg Palast....

The Power of the Israel Lobby (tags)

Its Origins and Growth

Unexpected Guest Drops in on Iraqi Prime Minister (tags)

Guess who’s coming to dinner? The President of the United States. But for the U.S. media, this peculiar party crashing by President Bush was a Big Moment, not an embarrassment.

Bunker Time: Federal gov. to conduct large scale anti-terror drill (tags)

William Arkin reports in the Washington Post on the largest anti-terror drill yet to be conducted in the context of the "Continuity in Government" procedures. The drill is intended to prepare the country for "a Second 9/11".

Bush in Bagdad (tags)

President Bush’s trip to Baghdad Tuesday has been hailed by the American media and official Washington as something of a political masterstroke. In fact, the sudden trip, conducted in secrecy even from the Iraqi government that holds nominal sovereignty in the US-occupied country, was a demonstration of both the dire state of affairs in Iraq and the political isolation and disorientation of the Bush administration.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Deep Throat II Unmasks Ann Coulter! (tags)

He's baaaaaack! Our intrepid mouse in the White House (he objects to being called a mole) is back with his latest, most shocking revelations ever!



STOPPING WW3 - We're all we got, Baby! (tags)

Easy actions anyone can take to prevent future US pre-emptive agressive war.

May Saw a "First" in the Anti-War Movement (tags)

"America's first woman GI to declare herself a conscientious objector, Katherine Jashinski, was denied a discharge and courtmartialed on May 23rd. She is serving a 120 day prison sentence."

Who's Following the Money? (tags)

So where did all those missing billions wind up? Odds are, that money’s back here in the USA, and more than likely in the GOP.

Fundamentalist Christianity Weds the Military (tags)

Fundamentalist Christianity weds the military and their offspring is ecclesiastically induced genocidal war from the command center of Fatherland Patriarchy [1]

ANSWER Coalition: The Logic of War Crimes in a Criminal War (tags)

ANSWER Coalition Statement (June 2): The Logic of War Crimes in a Criminal War

Normalizing War (tags)

The pictures from the torture hell are the tip of the iceberg of an occupation hated nationwide.

White House: Haditha findings to be made public (tags)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The results of an investigation into the killings last year of 24 Iraqi civilians will be released to the public when the Marine Corps' investigation is complete, the White House said.

SEC,Chris Cox:W Bush Cedes Presidential Stock Fraud Ops To DNI John Negroponte.Why ? (tags)

Intelligence Czar Can Waive SEC Rules Now, the White House's top spymaster can cite national security to exempt businesses from reporting requirements President George W. Bush has bestowed on his intelligence czar, John Negroponte, broad authority, in the name of national security, to excuse publicly traded companies from their usual accounting and securities-disclosure obligations. Notice of the development came in a brief entry in the Federal Register, dated May 5, 2006, that was opaque to the untrained eye. - Dawn Kopecki , BusinessWeek

BTL:Ned Lamont Forces Aug. 8 Primary Against Conn.'s Sen. Joseph Lieberman (tags)

Interview with Ned Lamont, candidate challenging U.S. Sen. Joseph Lieberman, D-Conn., conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Constitutional crisis over FBI raid on US congressman (tags)

The conflict between the US Congress and the Bush administration over the FBI raid on US Representative William Jefferson’s congressional office has rapidly escalated into a constitutional crisis. The episode highlights the contempt with which the Bush administration views such fundamental issues as the separation of powers and the autonomy of the legislative branch. It also reveals the atmosphere of crisis and tension which pervades the American political system.

Liars’ Club Confab: Bush and Blair at White House (tags)

The prime members of the Anglo-American Liars’ Club, President George W. Bush and the UK’s Tony Blair, met at the White House on May 25, 2006. The bull session lead to more perpetual war propaganda, including an agreement to keep troops there until the new Iraqi government of occupation “takes control.” Protesters expected at the confab, include Ann Wright, who resigned her State Dept. job rather than endorse the Neocon-inspired war.

Mexico Drug Bust connected to John Negroponte's Dept.Homeland Security,9/11 (tags)

The DC-9 busted in Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Mexico on April 11 by the Mexican army is clearly connected to Republican business owners,the Titan Corp of San Diego,and penny stock fraud.It is also connected to Huffmann Aviation of Venice, Florida that played a role in 9/11. And Howard Dean used it in his 2004 presidential campaign !

FBI stages unprecedented raid on congressman’s office (tags)

The FBI conducted a search of the office of Louisiana Representative William Jefferson over the weekend in what is the first such intrusion by an agency of the executive branch into the office of a sitting congressman in US history. In a press conference on Monday, Jefferson, a Democrat, denounced the raid as an “outrageous intrusion into the separation of powers.” The raid on Jefferson’s office in the Rayburn House Office Building on Saturday night was a politically motivated breach of constitutional boundaries aimed at asserting the power of the executive branch over the legislative. It is yet another political marker in the government’s moves towards dictatorial forms of rule.

Should Noam Chomsky Reset His Compass? (tags)

Noam Chomsky was interviewed for the 2005 book, “Imperial Ambitions.” In it, he addressed the Iraqi War, but he failed to take on the hawkish Neocons. Chomsky said the war was about the “control of oil.” He also ignored the influential Israeli Lobby’s role in agitating for the conflict. In the introduction, a colleague said that he “misses nothing.” Question: How can that be true, if Chomsky missed the six ton elephant in the room - the Israeli Lobby?

SEC,Christopher Cox,Hillary Clinton and Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud (tags)

Before beginning any criticism of Barbara Boxer for anything whatsoever it would be unfair to not to praise her for her stance against the Bush Regime's Iraq war from the very beginning.Below is a list of the sad minority of Senators who had the courage or common sense not to place that decision in the hands of the mad man some call 'president', George W Bush.Of course the far right hypocrite Hillary Clinton is another story.She who cries of a 'far right conpiracy' against her and hubby Bill Clinton,is one.

The Bush Administration's Dual Loyalties (tags)

Since the long-forgotten days when the State Department's Middle East policy was run by a group of so-called Arabists, U.S. policy on Israel and the Arab world has increasingly become the purview of officials well known for tilting toward Israel. From the 1920s roughly to 1990, Arabists, who had a personal history and an educational background in the Arab world and were accused by supporters of Israel of being totally biased toward Arab interests, held sway at the State Department and, despite having limited power in the policymaking circles of any administration, helped maintain some semblance of U.S. balance by keeping policy from tipping over totally toward Israel. But Arabists have been steadily replaced by their exact opposites, what some observers are calling Israelists, and policymaking circles throughout government now no longer even make a pretense of exhibiting balance between Israeli and Arab, particularly Palestinian, interests.

US Senate declares English the “national language”: a boost to chauvinism and racism (tags)

The Socialist Equality Party unequivocally condemns the vote by the Senate on Thursday to make English the “national language” of the United States. The measure, added to the Senate immigration “reform” bill, is the but latest in a series of reactionary, ignorant and short-sighted moves aimed at shoring up the right-wing base of the Bush administration and the Republican Party, with the most far-reaching and anti-democratic implications. The proposal is a sop to right-wing and fascistic elements who are working to whip up intolerance and hatred against immigrants in general, and Hispanic Americans in particular. It underscores the deeply undemocratic and unconstitutional essence of all of the measures being enacted in the name of “securing the border.”

BTL:NSA Domestic Surveillance Tests Constitution (tags)

Interview with Chrisopher Pyle, former intelligence officer and professor constitutional law, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Sheehan Labels Bush’s White House: “A Crime Scene!” (tags)

On May 18, 2006, activists attempted to deliver a “Don't Attack Iran” Petition, which was signed by over 43,000 individuals, to a White House official. The bureaucrat refused to accept it, despite the fact that the Right to Petition the government for a redress of grievances is a right older than the Constitution and a cornerstone of the First Amendment. A defiant Cindy Sheehan then labeled George W. Bush’s White House: “A Crime Scene!”

New Book Lays Out Impeachment Crimes and Impeachment Roadmap (tags)

Here are excerpts from our new book, `The Case for Impeachment: The Legal Argument for Removing President George W. Bush from Office,' just released by St. Martin's Press.

U.S.Media Journalists going "Guerilla" over being Wire-Tapped? (tags)

"FBI Acknowledges: Journalists' Phone Records are Fair Game"

Bush’s immigration speech—an appeal to militarism and reaction (tags)

The Socialist Equality Party unequivocally condemns the vicious anti-immigrant policy put forward by President George W. Bush in his speech from the White House Oval Office Monday night. We condemn as well the craven response of the Democratic Party, which embraced in all essentials the administration’s attacks on millions of immigrant workers living and working in the US. Bush’s speech was ignorant, short-sighted and reactionary. While crafted with the short-term goal of satisfying both the prejudices of the Republican Party’s extreme right-wing base and the profit interests of the American Manufacturers Association, the proposals outlined by the US president have far-reaching and ominous implications.

Code Pink Challenges White House (tags)

Code Pink activists showed up on Mother’s Day to challenge the War Party. They took their case directly to the White House. In a rally that included a mini-parade, speeches, a sing along and the waving of plenty of roses, the Ladies in Pink were in great form. Cindy Sheehan said they are “making a difference.” And, Actress Susan Sarandon read an open letter to Laura Bush, in which she mocked Laura’s husband, “The Decider,” as a warmonger.

A Perfect Mother's Day Gift:Create a Peace Movement That Ends the Iraq Occupation (tags)

Join Cindy Sheehan and Ray McGovern 1pm at the White House then march to Rumsfeld's house May 18.

Framework for a police state – US government phone spying targets all Americans (tags)

The exposure in Thursday’s USA Today of a vast and secret National Security Agency data base tracking the phone calls of hundreds of millions of Americans is further evidence of the advanced preparations for the establishment of a police state in the United States. The NSA database is a blueprint for political repression and intimidation on a massive scale. The patently illegal government surveillance has nothing to do with preventing terrorist attacks, as claimed by President Bush and echoed by both the media and Democratic Party politicians who criticize various aspects of the program. It has been implemented by a state apparatus which sees its major opposition as coming from among the American people, not scattered bands of Islamic terrorists. At a time of growing social opposition, the government is systematically collecting data to find out what people are thinking and to whom they are talking.

The US Empire Versus Reality (tags)

The real danger confronting any nation, especially the US, is the belief that it is strong when it is not and maintaining a faith in the power of weapons and technology when they are wholly irrelevant-or even defective. This was surely the moral of the Vietnam War.


Sirota shows how corporate cash corrupts government at all levels

Christ Wars Bushite Enemies for the Love of our Living God (tags)

The Greatest Audio Recording Ever in the History of Our Humanity. So, don't miss it!

Warren Buffett,apologist for Utah Patrick Byrne,Senator Bennett stock fraud (tags)

Mr. Buffett acknowledged that he has a "friend" who is very concerned with naked short selling, a reference to Patrick Byrne, the chairman and chief executive of, an online "close-out" retailer. He said that while the many companies that attract a lot of interest from short sellers "very often" are later revealed to be frauds, he noted that "The one my friend runs is not at all." Mr. Buffett and Mr. Byrne go back a long way; Mr. Byrne's father, Jack Byrne, was long-time head of Geico, Berkshire's automobile-insurance subsidiary. - from Wall Street Journal

Stop the Neocons from Digging our Graves! (tags)

The Neocons are at it again! Besides Iran, they now are verbally assaulting Russian and China. Robert Kagan, the cofounder of the Zionist-dominated “Project for the New American Century,” (PNAC), accused those two nations of being protectors of a “league of dictators,” which includes Iran. Meanwhile, since “Imperialism,” is supposedly the bad guy, the Israeli Lobby and the Neocons, who helped to push the Iraqi War, continue to get a pass.

State Lawlessness (tags)

The Diowning Street memo revealed the deceit that Bush and Blair planned an invasion of Iraq from 2002. Cheney kept repeating the lie that Saddam caused 9/11. After he finally denied the connection, the media ignored his denial.

Ray McGovern & Cindy Sheehan to lead March on the White House (tags)

World Can’t Wait just announced their next major protest- October. Anyone else think that’s a little funny? Last year the Downing Street Memo came out on May 1st, soon after UFPJ announced the big rally for Sept 24th. Why do they always skip over the summer months? Because that’s when the weather is nice, and people might actually have the time to camp and stay.

Moussaoui says his story was a complete fabrication (tags)

This is no surprise to me...Its clear that the fellow was not involved in 9-11 in anyway, but his bull sh!t served the official conspiracy theory, lacking as it is in hard evidence!


This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...



Shameless Commerce: US Policy Towards China and Taiwan (tags)

Bush’s passion for “exporting democracy” doesn’t apply where U.S. corporations think there’s money to be made in a repressive dictatorship.

BTL:Special Prosecutor Seeking to Indict Karl Rove in CIA Leak Case (tags)

Interview with Jason Leopold, investigative reporter, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, Spain, and Russia.

The implications of the immigrant demonstrations for the class struggle in America (tags)

The demonstrations, strikes and boycotts by immigrant workers in cities across the United States are an indication of a sharpening of the class struggle, both in the US and internationally. Literally millions took to the streets May 1 in cities from Los Angeles to New York, Miami to Seattle and scores of towns in between. This mass protest movement, which has been building since March, is without precedent in both its size and its national scope.

What an Odd Bird that Elie Wiesel Is! (tags)

To some, Elie Wiesel is a “messenger to mankind.” Well, Alexander Cockburn doesn’t think so. He said that Wiesel, a devout Zionist, failed as a messenger when it comes to those “victimized” by the policies of the U.S. and Israel. After the first Persian Gulf War, Wiesel gave Dubya’s daddy, Bush I, a humanitarian award and called that bloodbath “a magnificent victory!” This supposed moralizer has also been silent about the evils of the Iraqi War.

Bush's CIA Pensioners Confess Their Lies (tags)

The war against Iraq was resolved as a policy. The US government was only interested in secret service information that supported this policy..Information that did not fit the long resolved war strategy was consciously ignored.

Washington offers no relief from soaring gas prices (tags)

News Junkie Scott's Blog (5/01/06)



Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error (tags)

Truly amazing audio performance called "Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error"



For May Day and Beyond: White People Step Up for Immigrant Rights (tags)

Open Letter to White Communities.

4/25: May 1 "A Day Without Immigrant" Strike/Boycott: Over 100 events at 60+ cit (tags)

As of April 24th, we have over 100 events at 60+ cities for the May 1st mobilization listed at our calendar!

4/22 Protest of Bush regime H2 greenwashing (tags)

Reportback on GW Bush visit to CA Fuel Cell Partnership in West Sacramento. Protesters expose the Bush hydrogen (IPHE) plan as a continuation of petroleum addiction and corporate subsidies. Greenwashing of Earth Day, shame on the Petroleum Puppet pResident..

Dangerous Times Ahead (tags)

Bush is losing support even in his base. Impeachment is closing in. The danger is that he and Rove will react with another war, or another 9/11.

"The War is Bad for the Economy": Joseph Stiglitz (tags)

Information channels into the White House were distorted. Bush wanted only certain information, and that's mostly what they supplied him with.. The only people benefiting in this war are Bush's friends in the oil industry.

US government arrests record numbers in factory raids (tags)

In a nationwide dragnet Wednesday, US immigration enforcement agents raided factories across the country arresting nearly 1,200 undocumented workers, a record number for a single operation. The raids come in the wake of massive demonstrations throughout the country protesting reactionary anti-immigrant legislation in Congress and demanding full legal status and citizenship rights for the millions of undocumented workers who have come to find jobs and a better life.

BTL:Bush & Cheney Face Legal Jeopardy in Covert CIA Agent Outing Investigation (tags)

Interview with Robert Parry, investigative reporter, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Terrorism cannot be fought everywhere but Palestine (tags)

Tashbih Sayyed, Ph.D. is editor-in-chief of Pakistan Today and Muslim World Today, California-based weekly newspapers, president of Council for Democracy and Tolerance and adjunct fellow of Hudson Institute.



Protest Bush In So. Cal. this weekend (tags)

Two independent sources confirm Bush trip to California this week.

The SEC,Adnan Khashoggi,GenesisIntermedia and me (tags)

Where could Mr.Adnan Khashoggi be ? Why can't the SEC contact Adnan Khashoggi or any other person who opens a public company using U.S. and or Nevada,(Khashoggi used Delaware incorporation I believe,perhaps to give his GenesisIntermedia scam a little more 'class' I guess), incorporation to do so ? And even more so for a Saudi national who wielded so much power as arms dealer and financier during the Iran-Contra era of the Reagan-Bush 1980's. Didn't Adnan Khashoggi have some 'business' in Armenia as recently as 2004 ? And why has the DOJ or FBI not stepped in to aid the SEC in its persuit ?


Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.

Minutemen Coming to L.A. (tags)

The minuteklan will be in town tomorrow April 13th, 2006

Wisconsin Towns Vote for Immediate US Military Withdrawal from Iraq (tags)

by wsws (reposted) On Tuesday, April 4, 32 communities in the state of Wisconsin voted on referenda calling for the immediate withdrawal of all American military forces from Iraq. Of these areas, 24 voted for immediate withdrawal, and eight voted against. In the Milwaukee suburb of Shorewood, 70 percent voted for immediate withdrawal.

Impeachment Clock Advances...Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock (tags)

Whether or not Bush jeopardized national security and violated several laws concerning the exposing of undercover agents depends on what the meaning of "lied" is.

No yellow ribbons from this ex-marine (tags)

We can and should support troops-to-be, but do so before they become troops. We should post a warning sign, and disclaimer, in all recruiting stations. Prospective enlistees should be told that their new employer will not be the Department of Defense, but the Department of War; and that their service will not be in the defense of freedom and democracy, but in the building of an empire for America's powerful elite. And that their countrymen, for all the yellow ribbons and pseudo-patriotic talk, will ultimately blame them for the added terrorism they instigate with their wars. Just like there is truth in lending, we should demand truth in recruitment.

May 1 Call to Action! "A day without an immigrant" Immigrant General Strike! (tags)

"El Gran Paro Americano 2006" "The Great American Boycott 2006" "Un dia sin immigrante" "A day without an immigrant"

JC Outs Himself. Ending Years of Denial He Says "I'm proud to be a Vigilante" (tags)

Founder of the anti-immigrant vigilante group, the Minuteman Project. Says he won’t try to stop violence by his members and “I’m proud to be a vigilante.”

Another Surreal Day in the Age of Bush (tags)

The baseball season opened on April 3, 2006. President George W. Bush was in Cincinnati and tossed out the “ceremonial” pitch. Jay Leno said it went off to the “far right.” Meanwhile, nine brave U.S. troops were killed in Iraq on that day; one for every inning Bush was at the game. Zacarias Moussaoui, a suspected mental case, faces the death penalty for 9/11. Also, corruption-tainted Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TX) fears a hammering from the justice system.

On 9/11: Was the Asbestos-Laced World Trade Center "Disposable"? (tags)

Millions in the U.S. and worldwide now know there is evidence that 9/11 was an "inside job"; "false-flag," state-sponsored terrorism to provide a pretext for a premeditated war. But in exposing this evidence, the 9/11 Truth effort is also shedding light on a significant story-within-the-story: that the World Trade Center (WTC) was obsolete and asbestos-laced, and that its destruction on 9/11 may, for certain interests in the U.S., have been both desirable and profitable--independent of any interest in war.

Huge Month of Demonstrations (tags)

Not to mention the immigration bill protests, March saw massive demonstrations all over the world. Two international action days - International Woman's Day, and the Iraq War anniversary - brought hundreds of thousands out protesting the war and the Bush Administration.

We are in a Chaos (tags)

American legitimacy is undermined. Hardly anyone believes in American morals any more. American credibility was shattered.. The present rests on errors of the past, lies and crimes. The Bush administration created a self-fulfilling prophecy with the Iraq invasion.

911 – the Need for an Independent Investigation (tags)

Written by: Keith Perkins 11 September 2001, the day the world changed forever. If ever there was a time of innocence it was no longer.

Tell the Sentate: Get some Ovaries, Censure Bush! (tags)

Amazingly, over 15 Senate Democrats voted to censure Clinton for a blow job, but now can't muster the indignation to tell Bush he was wrong for boldly defying U.S. law and ILLEGALLY spying on Americans! Right now there are only three sponsors of Russ Feingold's bill to censure Bush and it is set to be introduced on the Senate floor this Friday. Tell the cowering Senators: "GET some OVARIES or we will GET YOU OUT!!"

The Impeachment Debate (tags)

We are a republic; we don't want a king. Laws govern our nation, not men.. America doesn't want a president who believes "I am the law." A coalition of the unwilling is underway who see a breach of the constitu-tion in the monitoring practices.

Nader -- Bush's Divorce from Reality (tags)

author: Ralph Nader CounterPunch March 25 / 26, 2006 Impeachment or Resignation: Pick Your Poison

John Reed Stark UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic fraud Cyber fraud (tags)

Why does Securities Exchange Commission's John Reed Stark of internet enforcement not enforce ? Why have so many fraudulent internet websites proliferated under his reign of internet securities fraud and cyber fraud terror ? Is John Reed Stark aiding a sick psychological and stock fraud experiment as well as fraud upon investors by doing nothing to stop internet securities fraud and psychological abuse even using religion and death threats as well as fraudulent 'naked shorting' claims,etc. to promote stock fraud ? And the anonymous internet threats come from people he can and has identified already on the world wide web and on ragingbull and Yahoo and their extended websites and yet does nothing about it except to protect the criminals.John Reed Stark and other SEC officials are now responsible for allowing illegal pump and dump scams and probable money laundering with unaudited U.S. penny stocks in Dubai,UAE and for this reason alone should resign in mass or be convicted for this traitorous fraud against Americans.

After the Fiasco (tags)

Iran's strategic position today is better than ever. The EU was the first to feel this. America now feels this and wisely renounces on military strikes.. What lessons must America draw from this strategic fiasco?

In the Crosshairs of Preventive War (tags)

March 2006 Update of Bush Pre-emptive War National Security Strategy Targets Iran: An Interview with Preventive Warriors director Michael Burns

Hunger Strike to Stop Anti-Migrant Legislation (tags)

Dear Family, I have decided to hunger strike for 7 straight days to defend the rights of all immigrants and to inspire immigrants to stand up! We are part of many protests happening throughout the nation.

Declaration of Jury of Conscience (tags)

The jury in the World Tribunal in Istanbul concluded that the invasion of Iraq together with the continuing occupation of iraq constitutes a violation of the core obligation of the UN Charter.

Ex Undersecretary Commerce Robert Shapiro aids J. D. Davidson ,Attorney John O'Quinn fraud (tags)

Clinton Undersecretary of Commerce Robert Shapiro aids James Dale Davidson's , Attorney John O'Quinn's stock fraud :It must be remembered he(James Dale Davidson) claims to have been a supporter during Clinton's first election even though the writing below indicates he had very close ties to Papa Doc or 'Poppy' Bush in the 1980's.

Franklin kidnappings cover-up; 2006 update (tags)

Revisit the 1988 Franklin cover-up child kidnapping, involvement of Bush Sr. in pedophile sex parties..

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/17/06) (tags)

Florida Medicaid cuts target food for disabled children

A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition: Update on Anti-War Protests (tags)

Tens of thousands will protest in hundreds of local and regional actions on the third anniversary of the Iraq war

BTL:Bush Administration Budget Cuts Targeting U.S. Park Service Imperils Infrastructure (tags)

Interview with Alexander Brash, of the National Parks Conservation Association, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

V for Vendetta, a wake up call (tags)

New movie out on May 17 is sure to rattle the White House. Alan Moore and the Wachowsky brothers are giving us a wake up call -- again.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (3/10/06) (tags)

More space art from the "Cassini Imaging Team"

US Vice-President Threatens Iran Militarily (tags)

The UN was founded to remove the scourge of war. The UN Charter severely limits war to an absolute last means, to self-defense and approval of Security Council. Self-determina-tion and reparations are pillars of internation-al law. There is no alternative to diplomacy.

Nature of Good and Evil - Christ vs Antichrist (tags)

An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very real war senario of Christ vs. Antichrist.


About ten million Filipinos are now scattered in the U.S. and around the world, chiefly as exploited migrant labor. Meanwhile, 85 million Filipinos--with the exception of a tiny privileged minority--are sufffering and resisting the current repressive regime in a rapidly deteriorating neocolonized social order. The Philippines has one of the most durable and vibrant revolutionary traditions in the whole world--the first Asian people to revolt against Western colonialism. 4.1 million Filipinos died opposing U.S. domination in the Filipino-American War at the turn of the last century. Today Filipinos are engaged in a popular democratic revolutionary process against U.S. imperialism and its local agents. Can overseas Filipinos contribute to the radical transformation of a world afflicted by the atrocities and terrors of global capitalism?

SEC Commissioner Christopher Cox vows to bring James Dale Guckert/Jeff Gannon to Justice (tags)

According to a quote by Mr.Cox of a few days ago this would appear to be the case. The truth is more likely his and SEC attorneys' wish to gag both professional business journalists including at the WSJ as well as defrauded investors such as myself who wish to blow the whistle on SEC corruption and fraud.

BTL:Civil Liberties Advocates Maintain Bush's Illegal Conduct Constitutes... (tags)

...Impeachable Offenses ~ Interview with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide (tags)

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here....

Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore money laundering (tags)

I note also that your Fortress America partner ex-CIA Director Mr.James Woolsey has an offshore account in the Caymans(Palidin) famous or should I say infamous for penny stock fraud and money laundering.Yes you and he set a fine example along with Asa Hutchinson and Oklahoma's Don Nickles of how decent Americans should NOT behave. Somehow your priviledged lifestyles have led you to perceive American ethical standards legal or not are for other Americans and not for yourselves.

U.S. SEC to develop journalist subpoenas policy (tags)

All of this is in reponse to and a knee jerk reaction to 's Patrick Byrne who claims he is being attacked and 'naked shorted' by WSJ journalists Carol Remond and Herb Greenberg who are in the employ of a 'Sith Lord' as far as I can tell! I do admit I am confused. But then again I'm not a professional anything, just a defrauded investor.

Blair in secret plot with Bush to dupe U.N. (tags)

A White House leak revealing astonishing details of how Tony Blair and George Bush lied about the Iraq war is set to cause a worldwide political storm. A new book exposes how the two men connived to dupe the United Nations and blows the lid off Mr Blair's claim that he was a restraining influence on Mr Bush.

King George's landing in Kabul (tags)

In a sequel to his 'Midnite Cowboy does Baghdad' in November of 2003, the 'Crawford Coward did Kabul' yesterday, slipping once more into another of his colonial outposts, for yet one more Karl Rovian publicity stunt to show the folks back home that Chief Chickenhawk is indeed "bringing democracy" to Afghanistan.

Exposing agenda of Christian right w/ satire (tags)

Satire piece shows possible future if Christian right extremists take control of US. Added comment shows reality behind satire, from war on the environment, women's rights and Palestinians..

AIPAC, (the lobby that really runs your govt.) TO MEET IN WASHINGTON March 5-7, 2006: (tags)


“Best Director” Oscar for Ports Brouhaha Production (tags)

The Iraqi War has been raging for over three years with hardly a peep out of the Congress and/or the Media. Now, a deal which would permit an Arab-owned company to manage stevedore operations in six U.S. ports has sent both into a feeding frenzy. Why? The U.S. Coast Guard is in charge of security at the ports, not the stevedoring outfit. Whoever is behind this ports brouhaha affair deserves an Oscar nomination for - “best director!”

Israeli influence in Washington: Jeffrey Blankfort interview (a MUST read) (tags)

Tel-Aviv and Washington are linked in the Middle East. That's a fact. But the importance of this link in Washington's colonial politics is being debated in the anti-imperialist movement. For the US, Jewish, anti-Zionist journalist Jeffrey Blankfort, Israeli influence is central to US policy and the anti-war movement has failed because of its inability to understand the importance of this lobby. Having developed a radical approach to this question, going so far as to deny the energy factor in the war in Iraq, Mr. Blankfort nonetheless opens interesting paths on Zionist influence in the United States. We reproduce an interview he gave to journalist Silvia Cattori.

Bush's Bunker Crop of Bad News (tags)

With his supporters are slipping away as Iraq goes from horrible to worse, Bush seems to be looking for that White House bunker Nixon built.

Executive Order February 24, 2006 (tags)

Reality has set in at the White House.

Exposing agenda of Christian right extremists with satire (tags)

Satire piece shows possible future if Christian right extremists take control of US. Added comment shows reality behind satire, from war on the environment, women's rights and Palestinians..

Democrats in Congress Show Why They are so Useless (tags)

The supposed party of opposition is all worked up and ready to do battle over the silliest of things, while the whole country goes to hell.

NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11 (tags)

Those behind the scenes of this UAE corporation may not even be from UAE at all for all we know.Who ever is behind it,the CIA or far right no doubt approves.But since when has our corrupt CIA,that has been gutted by Porter Goss and his ilk as it is,had our interests at heart ? Their only interest is self enrichment and corruption and they have led our military into a trap in Iraq and Afghanistan almost willfully. Why ?

The REAL Story behind Bush's Handover of US Ports to Dubai (tags)

Bush claims he knew nothing of the sale of US port operations to a Saudi company. But all of the evidence suggests he not only KNEW - he helped make sure the deal went through unchallenged.

Sloshed: Journalist Says Secret Service Report Claims Cheney was Drunk (tags)

And anyhow, what kind of a guy would shoot a friend, and then pack him off to the hospital and not go hang around the waiting room to see how he’s doing, instead of going home and having dinner and a drink?

Good Girl Rice, Bad Boy Chavez? (tags)

Ms. Rice calls for a United Front against Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez. Why? What ar the objectives behind such a move? We look at it from a both, Latin (in this case Brazilian) and U.S., American persepective.

Ambulance chasing and the Vice President (tags)

Who knew that Cheney has had an ICU in tow all this time at taxpayer expense?

"Accuracy in Media" Validates Goering's Axiom (tags)

Why, of course, the people don't want war...But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship

[Democratic] voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them that they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country." --- Hermann Goering

Complete liberty of contradiction and disproving our opinion is the very condition which justifies us in assuming its truth for purposes of action; and on no other terms can a being with human faculties have any rational assurance of being right --- John Stuart Mill (from, On Liberty)

Land of the Puppet People (tags)

It oftentimes boggles the mind to try and understand the ease with which the Establishment can manipulate the American citizenry into another warmongering escapade..yet it is easy to comprehend this phenomenon, for we live inside the United States of Amnesia, a country where all semblance of the yesterday becomes but a haze of blatant forgetfulness and convenient whitewash.

Giving Iran the `Iraq Treatment' (tags)

People have fallen for the Bush propaganda but still do not support the long-planned aggressive invasion of the State. Nearly 7 of 10 of those surveyed say theya re concerned that the US will move prematurely to use force

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/15/06) (tags)

Israel to encircle Palestinian state.

After spy scandal, U.S. plans “massive” data sweep (tags)

"The volume of information harvested from telecommunication data and voice networks, without court-approved warrants, is much larger than the White House has acknowledged...” The New York Times once said.

To CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud money laundering (tags)

I am writing you specifically to ask what you might know about the promotion of shares in the CIA's SRA International investment by a boiler room operation called Bellador Group , , of Kuala Lumpur and Dubai.Did you know that this company, SRA Inernational , that is supposed to guard and protect our U.S. government IT security has had its shares recommended by a Kuala Lumpur and Dubai boiler room that promotes U.S.penny stocks offshore ?

Attacking Iran will Put the US at Risk as Never Before (tags)

It may sound tough to call for attacking Iran’s nuke facilities, but in doing so, the U.S. would open itself up to attack from Iran, and they don’t have to fight back by sending bombers over here. They can use other delivery systems.

"the intended target was Liberty Tower in Los Angeles" (tags)

A lie or just a slip of the tongue? Only Bush's handlers know for sure!

No Bravery (tags)

Please share this link with all you know.

'Not So Curious George' Protest Song (tags)

'Not So Curious George' coincides with the release of the 'Curious George' movie. We are counter-programming popular culture to distribute the freely downloadable MP3.

BTL:Bush Defense of NSA Domestic Spy Program is Challenged in Senate Hearing (tags)

Interview with Shayana Kadidal, attorney with the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush Protests-No MSM Airtime...Cartoon Protests-Tons of MSM Air (tags)

January saw a rash of demonstrations against the Bush Administration in the cold and rain but still there is no Main Stream Media coverage of any of those events.....not one word. News reports of protests over the cartoon of Mohamed, however, are everywhere, every day. The corporate media continues to close it's eyes to the growing dissent and calls for impeachment even by members of Congress. Many thousands of protesters in over 65 cities banged pots and pans and drums and chanted to drown out the State of the Union speech on Jan. 31.


US past and present policy using a broader definition of corruption

George Bush and Tomoyuki Yamashita (tags)

With great power comes great responsibility, and when you’re “commander-in-chief” that means responsibility for the crimes of your troops. 60 years ago this month, American troops executed a Japanese general using precisely that argument.

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow (tags)

Let it be known, that the senior management national news reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, and Myers.

Bush Regime's Terrorism Against America Continues (tags)

This fascist terrorist regime's crimes and treason against America continues

The Bush Diary (tags)

My choises for Pope and my visit to the troops.

Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ? (tags)

Ionatron that was a CIA investment that was 'touted' or promoted over the internet to increase demand and price of its shares that the CIA employee-investors then dumped on the market thus decreasing other investors share price,basically defrauding them...If the CIA wishes to use 911 to promote lesser civil liberties from now into the future perhaps they should at least pledge not to invest in and thus tamper with our stock markets.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/4/06) (tags)

Homeland Security announces "removal process" along entire US border.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (2/1/06) (tags)

NORTHCOM prepares for possible bird flu pandemic.

Cindy Sheehan: “Bush’s Presidency Is Illegitimate!” (tags)

Cindy Sheehan is back in Washington, D.C. She appeared at a Forum, on Jan. 30, 2006, proposing the impeachment of both President George W. Bush and his vice-president-in-mayhem, Dick Cheney. Sheehan believes Bush’s election in 2000, by the Supreme Court was illegitimate and that his abrogating to himself Congress’s war making powers to invade Iraq was unconstitutional. Congress won’t do anything, Sheehan said, “unless we make them” do it.


Your decision to run for Senate is a case of "right church, wrong pew" in that you will make an excellent spokeperson for peace as a Senate candidate, but wouldbe most effective challenging cheif hawk Hillary Clinton.

Green Party prepares rebuttal to Bush's State of the Union address (tags)

Green response to Bush and to the Democrats' rebuttal will include: call for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq; White House crimes and impeachment; need for National Health Insurance and dramatic steps to curb global warming.

Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee Statement on "World Can't Wait" (tags)

The following is a statement from the Seattle Anti-Imperialist Committee on "World Can't Wait" (WCW), the organizers of tomorrow's "Bush Step Down" protests.


A review of news, opinion, and photography recorded, from the Indymedia Newswire. With times and freqs for tuning in anywhere you can, at your leisure. Free to rebroadcast. The world & recorded for the community archive!

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict (tags)

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/27/06) (tags)

New Orleans could lose 80% of its Black population

Protest: Jan 31, Bush Step Down (tags)

On Tuesday, Jan. 31, as Bush delivers his State of the Union address, throughout the country, we will bring the noise and drown out Bush's lies

Alito Confirmation: A Straussian Neocon Fait Accompli (tags)

if I was a betting man, I'd say this is precisely what will happen: another nine eleven, possibly one of a larger magnitude, will put the finishing touches on the murder of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

A Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity - Last Call (tags)

These are the only motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity. A man arrested for threatening the continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jnr.

Bush Running Scared? (tags)

Little wonder that President Bush is defending his illegal and unconstitutional domestic spying program. He has no alternative but to try to convince the public not to consider him a criminal and a threat to the Republic.

He's already essentially said the old Nixon line, "I am not a crook."

And like Nixon, he is one.

It is becoming increasingly evident not just to liberals but to honest conservatives that unless this president who thinks he's a king is called to account on this and other violations of the Constitution, those "inalienable" rights we've always claimed as a birthright will have been alienated. That means gone the modern vernacular.

Today, the Washington Times, the Fox News of the print world, weighed in with a story in its magazine that claimed the White House is gearing up for an impeachment battle, predicting that even in the current Republican House, there will be an effort to impeach Bush over the NSA spying. The same article said the White House is worried about losing in the Judiciary Committee on that count, but thinks it can manage to get a tie vote.

I find that speculation a bit unlikely at this point, but who knows? The blatant unconstitutionality of this particular presidential transgression, and the fact that he was caught red-handed and had to admit to it, makes it what George Tenet would call a "slam dunk" case.

In a way, though, it would be unfortunate, because other presidential crimes are much worse--his use of 500 "signing documents" to ignore acts of Congress (no wonder the guy never vetoes bills!), his lying to get the country into a war of agression that is bleeding the nation and its youth, his multiple war crimes and his "crime against peace," his gross negligence in not responding to the Katrina disaster or the looming global warming threat...

The list goes on and on. It would be a tragedy if this Constitutional outlaw ended up being brought up just on a charge of illegal spying by a Republican Judiciary Committee, and then battled that one charge to an almost certain win in the full House, and that was the end of it.

Better, I think, to let the charges keep growing through the 2006 campaign year, and then hit him with all of them at once.

Still, it's nice to see the president starting to squirm.

For other stories by Lindorff, please go (at no charge) to This Can't Be Happening! .

Abramoff, I don't know you. (tags)

Bush now says he doesn't know Jack abramoff after all the money he took from him.

The Most Dangerous Double Standard in the Middle East (tags)

Iran and Israel: Ambiguous Nuclear Weapons At present, there is only one country in the Middle East with "secret" and ambiguous stockpiles of nuclear weapons. (full references and links at bottom)

Diabolus ex Machina: The Convenient Reappearance of Osama bin Laden (tags)

…from WTVD-TV (ABC News, Raleigh/Durham, NC): “A Duke professor says he is doubtful about Thursday's audiotape from Osama bin Laden. Bruce Lawrence has just published ‘Messages to the World: The Statements of Osama Bin Laden,’ a book translating bin Laden’s writing. He is skeptical of Thursday’s message. ‘It was like a voice from the grave,’ Lawrence said.”

Mis-portraying Conflict in Dar Fur and its Usages (tags)

The events of Dar Fur are tragic; but some of the activism arround it is not without its own agenda.

A (Very Short) Honor Roll of House Members Who Are Standing Up for the Constitution (tags)

While the representatives who have joined Rep. Conyers in calling for censure and for impeachment investigations of Bush and Cheney, the most remarkable thing about this little list is who is not on it.

Stan Goff: Lighting the Fuse (tags)

members of Veterans' for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Iraq Veterans Against the War, and Military Families Speak Out, at the call of the Mobile, Alabama Veterans for Peace Chapter, will conduct a 135-mile march between Mobile AL and New Orleans LA from March 14 to March 19, 2005


A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat to Hugo Chavez from the U.S.

Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder J.D.Davidson ? (tags)

Steve Forbes,shame on you for misleading your own reporter,and even worse your subscribers, about the true Beltway-Davidson origens of the 'anti-naked short selling' scam....It may be past time to ask the SEC to get the CIA out of stock investing.As they set a bad precedent.And other federal agencies may justify a similar scheme as the CIA and or NSA who both use the same IT that the GAO and the SEC and the White House etc etc all use and that appears to be SRA International's predominantly.

Christ's Recorded Statement to America (tags)

"Holy Christ.."

A Call to Conscience for the U.S. Congress (tags)

A campaign of nonviolent action to compel our elected representatives in Congress to meet the demands of justice and peace:

What We Don't Know Can Hurt Us (tags)

There is an bill in Congress to investigate Bush for impeachable crimes. Did you know that? If not, maybe you should be asking your local media outlets why you don’t know about it.

Cupid Killed by Homeland Security (tags)

Cupid has been blown out of the sky by Homeland Security. There will be no Valentines this year.

Bush says, "We do not torture***" (tags)

After getting no support even from Congress on his torture stand, the White House chief finally signed the so-called McCain anti-torture bill. But, wait, Bush adds a qualifier...

U.S. Government Report confirms Key 2004 Stolen Election Findings (tags)

As a legal noose appears to be tightening around the Bush/Cheney/Rove inner circle, a shocking government report shows the floor under the legitimacy of their alleged election to the White House is crumbling.

The Opposite of Good is Apathy (tags)

Hold your vigils and marches in relevant places: such as warmongering local Congressional offices. So many Senators and Congresspeople come to mind. Or in front of a recruiting station. Or Federal Buildings. Or military bases. Then instead of going home and cracking open a beer, or uncorking a bottle of wine, sit down and say "we aren’t leaving until you call for an immediate end to the occupation of Iraq." Put your butt on the line for humanity.

Manuel Valenzuela: The Army of Good Americans (tags)

Hard-hitting, truth-telling essay on those that comrpise Bush's support and how they are enabling the rise of fascism and police state

Push For Peace - Disabled Vets Wishing to Protest War (tags)

There are many home-bound, or otherwise disabled, American citizens and veterans that have been unable to participate in past marches supporting the peace message.

D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,D (tags)

By entering into the land of penny stocks to support their 'Homeland Security' penny stock operation they increase the chance that U.S.penny stocks might be used for money laundering and by operating like a typical offshore penny stock scheme they encourage others by their examples to do the same.If Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Tom McMillen can think of no better way to help their homeland perhaps they should all retire.

END TO END EVIL: The Real Abramoff Story (tags)

Filling in the blanks left by the mainstream media.

small WORLD interview with Richard M. Smith, Digital Privacy (tags)

Interview with Richard M. Smith about digital privacy.

Americans in the Bubble (tags)

What if we, the American citizenry, are the ones living in a bubble. isolated, clueless, without a clear fit in the world's puzzle?

George W. Falls (tags)

The unmistakable odor of failure hangs over Bush's so-called preventive war.. The Bush administration was increasingly overtaken by its own lies.. The majority of Americans in the course of 2005 noticed that president Bush stands naked,

Kerry's Bravado (tags)

Just listen to this bravado from Senator John Kerry: "With the pivotal 2006 elections approaching, we won't be blackmailed or denied. We won't stand for Swift Boat-style attacks. We won't be intimidated." --But isn't that essentially what this man told us back in 2004?

Distracting Americans From the Truth (tags)

Do not let the crooks distract you from their crimes.

More Insights into the Bush-Cheney-Vatican lie machine (tags)

The first version of this holiday gift was delivered December 23-25 to various sites worldwide. This New Year's adjunct sharpens the vision, so compare and contrast, both are valid and complimentary! The next four paragraphs offer a purposely verbose verifiable seal of authenticity, that will be further validated in space-time. Understand clearly, the sage's stone is a multi-dimensional unique key. Purposeful misuse leads to great peril. Pay very close attention to my instructions!

Three Cheers and Thanks to the Leaker (tags)

Let's extend our thanks to the spook who outed Bush.

Bush hits the bottle (tags)

George hit the bottle for six days over the Christmas.

Canada's Johnny Wizard VS. the demon antiChrist Our Mr. bush Jr. (tags)

Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush Administration, when, the Secret Service top secretly requested I be arrested quietly for threatening the life of George W. Bush.

BTL:Momentum Builds for Congressional Investigation of... (tags)

...Bush's Warantless Surveillance ~ Interview with Matthew Rothschild, editor of the Progressive Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Got Brains? (tags)

An Update on the Rapture

Time to Dump Bush and Keller (tags)

As an editor, holding a story is as biased and manipulative of public opinion as running one. No credible, honest journalist can make those decisions. If you've got it, you have to run it, and the Times' Keller failed that basic test, proving he's nothing but an administration shill.

BTL:Critics Say Bush Authorization of Domestic Spying Without... (tags)

...Court Warrants Constitutes an Impeachable Offense ~ Interview with Kit Gage, director of the First Amendment Foundation, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


Santa is a hoax.

Anatomy of a Bullshit Article Published Just When Bush Needed It (tags)

The New York Daily News blows a story out its ass.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (12/21/05) (tags)

Rescuers free 110 beached whales in New Zealand


A New Crime Revealed: Bush's Secret War at Home: The secret presidential edict, allowed massive spying, surveillance of phone calls and peoples' homes without any evidence of criminal activity, and without court order.

This is About Much More Than Just NSA Domestic Spying (tags)

This administration is attempting to establish totalitarian control, and has proved that it is not to be trusted with the Constitution. Impeachable offenses are being committed.

"Just a goddamned Piece of Paper!" (tags)

Bush is talking more and more like a would be dictator or a petulant spoiled brat, dissing the Constitution and calling himself commander-in-chief

Canada v. George W. Bush - Trial of the Millennium (tags)

I again, near the end of your free time here, am asking for Americans to help me protect our freedom as it pertains to the false allegations that have been leveled against myself as a true living god by your seriously criminal demon leader dictator, the truly evil, Mr. bush Jr.

Just A Goddamned Piece Of Paper (tags)

Last month, Republican Congressional leaders filed into the Oval Office to meet with President George W. Bush and talk about renewing the controversial USA Patriot Act.

Former Sen. Eugene McCarthy, 89, Dies (tags)

ormer Minnesota Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, whose insurgent campaign toppled a sitting president in 1968 and forced the Democratic Party to take seriously his message against the Vietnam War, died Saturday. He was 89.

Deeds not words (tags)

words are cheep

Religion for War (tags)

What if all this misanthropic ideology were artificially designed in the name of Christianity by some think tanks? To neoconservatives, war is the father of all things, the father of permanent revolution.

BTL:Peace Movement Works for Withdrawal of U.S. Troops from Iraq as... (tags)

...Congressional Debate Heats Up ~ Interview with Leslie Cagan, national coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

“From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” (tags)

UPdated RePort: ....! increasing art-threat level to... *Educationally EnChanTinG*....... ........greetings,.... a lengthy labor of love, sharing a salient, timely,..'associative' Composition on the story of NOW...___________- **** “From a marketing point of view, you don’t introduce new products in August.” ****..........It appears some Senate Republicans are suspiciously reluctant to investigate this 21st century war. They would relinquish any oversight role, -reviewing the commitment of money, resources and lives, to a foreign entanglement of highly dubious merit, justness, legality and beyond the determination of 'correctness', Illegality- because we are talking about right and wrong , Good OR Bad HERE....Morality.......... .........I believe seperation of powers, checks & balances assign this OverSight function to the Senate, so they become duty-bound by their oath of office to proceed, to simply respect, carry out and honor the law. ...........Besides are they not 'elected' public servants?... and right now almost 2/3rds of America believe the country was misled, deceived, manipulated and spooked with a calculated slick PR campaign to embroil the US into death and destruction, a fiasco and a wrong, the public wants no part of. ...........We say this government is not serving or respecting the People's wishes, and CALLS to demand and an about-face correction should begin to be set in motion !...forthrightly............ ........*arguments, actions, 'positions' a result and concern for narrow self or factional interests? OR a responsibilty to act out of a need to be concerned for the broad National Interest, what is just? and best for the 'whole' ?.............. .........When will we proceed with the creation of the Better World?......... ____________________________ ..things fall apart..the center cannot hold...mere anarchy is.. l o o s e d upON The Word,...The WORLD. The Blood-Dimmed Tide is L O O S E D! ...and Everywhere...the CEREMONY OF DR O w n e d.

Rice delivers a tortured 'Rendition' (tags)

The Bushed Cabal has raised its level of outlandish lies to an "Extraordinary Rendition." The latest song by Ms. 'Chevron' Rice before a European audience was so contrived even the Imperial apologists are gasping for air.

BTL:Cuban American Associates of Convicted Terrorist... (tags)

...Luis Posada-Carriles Arrested in Florida ~ Interview with Wayne Smith, senior fellow at the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

Iraq: A Rush for the Exits (tags)

With the pressure building for the US to start retreating from Iraq, and our coalition “allies” abandoning ship, what’s a soldier in Iraq to think? Déjà vu. It’s 1970 Vietnam.

BTL:In Growing Numbers, Public Opposes Iraq War, While... (tags)

...Most Congressional Democrats Play It "Safe" ~ Interview with David MacMichael, former CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bob Woodward - Junkyard Spy? (tags)

Bob Woodward of "Watergate" fame, who recently interjected himself in to the "Plame-gate" scandal, worked as a "gatekeeper" for the Office of Naval Intelligence [ONI], the Pentagon, the CIA and the White House while serving in the Navy, before he joined the Washington Post in late1971 . He may have been "carrying water" for his former Pentagon bosses in the Watergate scandal. Is he now doing the same for neo-cons?

The Last Testament of Mary Jesus (tags)

Blood In The Streets Of Oakland.

It's official, NeoCon Cheney may actually be a War Con (tags)

For the 1st time, a former Bush regime official, Lawrence Wilkerson, susgested to British press that Dick Cheney may have committed war crimes.

George W Bush is America's #1 Enemy (tags)

As for democracy, I'm all for it: it's far past due, and high time we try it! I'm not at all satisfied with the "democracy" we have: rather than just the ears and tail of the animal, I want the whole beast.

Bush Wanted to Bomb the Al Jazeera Broadcasting Center (tags)

According to the memo, Blair dissuaded Bush from the plan that would make the position of the US and Great Britian completely incredible and provoke a worldwide storm of protest.

An Open Letter to Patrick J. Fitzgerald (tags)

Details of the attempted murder of dissidents ordered by the Bush Administration

When Your Ostensible Ally Says Blowing Up Your Troops Isn't Terrorism, It's Time to Go (tags)

Maybe I’m missing something, but if killing our guys is patriotic resistance in the view of the people we’re supposedly “liberating,” then what are we doing sending our guys over there for? Target practice? Does this make sense to anybody besides Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld/Rice?

Why Ted Koppel Shouldn’t be Compared to Murrow (tags)

For 25 years, the boring Ted Koppel was the anchor on ABC TV’s “Nightline” program. He toed the Establishment line! Now, David Zurawik, a media critic for the Baltimore Sun, wants us to believe that Koppel is leaving behind “a legacy of innovation and integrity.” This is pure nonsense! Koppel, among other faults, failed to challenge the serial lies of the Bush-Cheney Gang, and the Neocons, too, that led us into the Iraqi War. That is his real legacy!

In Memory of Dr. Eugene Mallove (tags)    

A Re-publican Nation: the Born-again Publicans (tags)

A new era has descended upon us, indeed: the era of Re-publicanism; an era which is sure to irrevocably determine who amongst us is free. and who will not be.



Liars (tags)

The Lies and theTruth About the U.S. War on Iraq

Fallujah: The War Crimes Keep Piling Up (tags)

Are white phosphorus bombs chemical weapons? With the Bush administration, it depends on who’s using them, it turns out. When it’s us, the answer is no. When it’s Saddam, the answer is yes. For the victims, though, it scarcely matters.

The “awful truth” is at hand. (tags)

"The article below is a brutal message of betrayal. More than 2100 U.S. families are suffering indescribable loss as a direct consequence of this massive deception, while the “losses” for the people of Iraq are simply unimaginable."

A Letter to America (tags)

A Letter to America America, your un-elected demon leader is using your name to attempt falsely imprisoning me here in Canada through the tyranny of his blatant fascistic “top secret” behavior.

Vegetarians Between Meals: This War Cannot Be Stopped by a Loyal Opposition (tags)

The refrain of the Democrats about being misled into supporting the invasion of Iraq has become really tired. And someone other than the White House smearmongers needs to say it: The Democrats cannot be allowed to use faulty intelligence as a crutch to hold up their unforgivable support for the Iraq invasion.

Haiti: AFL-CIO and the Batay Ouvriye (tags)

For many activists, academics, and labor historians in the 1980’s the AFL-CIO became referred to as the AFL-CIA. Founded in 1961 the American Institute for Free Labor Development (AIFLD) was the AFL-CIO’s foreign organizing wing for Latin America and the Caribbean. Along with its counterparts in Africa, Asia, and Europe, AIFLD was used to undermine leftist trade movements, support dictators such as the Duvalier’s and back military coups in Chile and Brazil.

BTL:Mother of Slain U.S. Soldier Describes Her Grief and Opposition to Iraq War (tags)

Interview with Dolores Kesterson, mother of Army chief warrant officer Erik Kesterson killed in Iraq Nov. 15, 2003, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

GAO Report CONFIRMS Stolen 2004 Presidential Election (tags)

The latest critical confirmation of key indicators that the election of 2004 was stolen comes in an extremely powerful, penetrating report from the Government Accountability Office that has gotten virtually no mainstream media coverage. The GAO findings are particularly damning when set in the context of an election run in Ohio by a Secretary of State simultaneously working as co-chair of the Bush-Cheney campaign. Far from what election theft skeptics have long asserted, the GAO findings confirm that the electronic network on which 800,000 Ohio votes were cast was vulnerable enough to allow a a tiny handful of operatives -- or less -- to turn the whole vote count using personal computers operating on relatively simple software.

London and US (tags)

On Elusive Peace

LA Times Dumps Liberal Columnist (tags)

Los Angeles Times columnist Robert Scheer was fired on November 11 after nearly 30 years at the paper, the last 13 as one of its most progressive political columnists. In a published statement announcing op-ed page changes (11/10/05), the Times insisted that it is dedicated to "provid[ing] readers with a wide range of voices and perspectives," but in dumping Scheer, the paper has gotten rid of one of the few prominent progressive columnists in the country.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/17/05) (tags)

Foreign buying of US assets rises to record


They're coming in for the kill....

Shake & Bake: Who Would Jesus Burn? (tags)

The US has now matched Saddam, crime for crime, using chemical weapons against the Iraqi people. Coming next: Bush in the box?

The Bush Staff Goes To Morals School (tags)

Ethics morals and .........and the hush hush about Larry Franklin full links:

Joe Wilson Rips the Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

Ex-Ambassador Joe Wilson took the gloves off in a lecture that he gave on Nov. 14, 2005, in Baltimore. He ripped into the “Brownshirts” in the Bush-Cheney Gang; hack columnist, Bob Novak; and the indicted and “cowardly” White House operative, Irv “Scooter” Libby. Wilson speculated that the “outing” of his wife as a CIA agent was done in an attempt to make others “afraid” to speak out about how the country was dragged into the Iraqi war.

Not Just Another Word for Nothing Left to Lose--It's the Whole Ball of Wax (tags)

Americans have been, and remain, all to willing to trade away a heritage of freedom for a false promise of security being peddled by charlatans in Congress and the White House.


Bring them On!

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/11/05) (tags) offering two versions of same Jordan bombs story.

BTL:Some Congressional Democrats Now Push for White House Accountability on... (tags)

...False Pre-Iraq War Claims ~ Interview with U.S. Rep. Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y. conducted by Between the Lines' Richard Hill

Feds let Niger Forgeries (see photos) pass. What else? 9/11? (tags)

The Bush administration used FAKE intelligence to sell Congress on the Iraq war. FAKE intelligence, not faulty intelligence. We show photos of the forgeries here and point out the glaring errors in them, so you can see for yourself. The CIA and intelligence community let the forgeries slip by until after the war started. Then Joe Wilson exposed the forgeries, and his wife, Valerie Plame, got outed to pay him back and shut him up. WHAT ELSE DID THEY LET SLIP BY? 9/11 MAYBE?


Put the words NIGER FORGERIES and these photocopies (below) into the consciousness of Mr. and Mrs. America, and it could change the course of history. These 4 graphics are worth 4 million words. These are the cause/excuse for the Iraq war. They are not real (they are forgeries), but they are a REAL threat to the nation's existence! Why? Because they came from foreign sources. FOREIGN AGENTS HAVE BEEN DRIVING US POLICY. That is a bigger threat to America than knocking down the WTC, which "only" killed 0.014% of one metropolitan area. (Reminder: Bin Laden still is at large.) The $64-Million Questions: WHAT FOREIGNERS Made the Forgeries? WHAT AMERICANS SOLD OUT AMERICA by Using the Forgeries?

Impeach Bush the Unelected!!! (tags)

Join us in impeaching Bush the Unelected.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/5/05) (tags)

Huge iceberg breaks apart in Antarctica.

FLASH! A Majority Now Favors Impeaching Bush (tags)

Between June and October, Zogby has found that support for impeachment of the president has risen from 42 percent of the public to 53 percent. When will the Democrats act?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/4/05) (tags)

Palestinians hit by sonic boom air raids.

Perfect Storm: Citizen Action against Felony Murder from Fraud that Led to War (tags)

Imagine 2024 local prosecutions in all 50 States against the criminals who fraudulently led America to war in Iraq. The charge? Felony Murder. Chance for pardon by Bush? 0

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/3/05) (tags)

Secret CIA jails for Al-Qaeda.

BTL:Indictment of Vice President's Former Chief of Staff Prompts Demand to... (tags)

...Investigate White House Role in Misrepresenting Rationale for Iraq War ~ Interview with John Nichols, Washington correspondent for The Nation magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Suicidal Statecraft and Intrigues in Washington (tags)

Suicidal statecraft. Sadly for President George W Bush's place in history but-much more important-ominously for America's future, it has lately seemed as if that adroit phrase might be applicable to the politices pursued by the US since the cataclysm of 911

News Junkie Scott's Blog (11/1/05) (tags)

Delphi demands US auto workers accept poverty wages.

Digging Deeper: Why No Conspiracy Count for Libby? (tags)

The pre-Iraqi War intelligence was “fixed around the policy,” according to the Downing St. Memos. The perjury case of Irving “Scooter” Libby, Dick Cheney’s gofer, is only one small piece of the scheme to lie the country into war. Special Counsel Fitzgerald failed to use a conspiracy count against Libby, but he didn’t hesitate to do so in the Khaled Dumeisi case. Why the double standard? The Congress must get to the bottom of this cover-up.

November 2nd World Can't Wait (tags)

On November 2nd, in over 60 cities across the country including high schools and colleges in many of these cities, The World Can’t Wait Drive Out the Bush Regime launches the first national movement in American history dedicated to driving a sitting president out of office.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/31/05) (tags)

Syria accuses US of military raids

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/30/05) (tags)

Rexamining another completely ridiculous "flight 175" video clip. (attn: IMC, this is a repost because first attempt is unreadable.)

Revolution Interview with Cindy Sheehan (tags)

Travis Morales, who has been part of the World Can't Wait encampment in front of the White House, had an opportunity to interview antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan. This summer Sheehan had caught the attention of millions by setting up camp outside Bush's ranch in Crawford, Texas and demanding that Bush say what “noble cause” had sent her son as a soldier to Iraq, wher he was killed. When Travis caught up with Cindy, she had already been arrested twice that week protesting at the White House fence.

Email Campaign and Venezuela Solidarity Day (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/29/05) (tags)

Denver considering easing marijuana laws.

BTL:Media Spins 'Success' of Iraqi Troops in Bush War Plan (tags)

Interview with John R. MacArthur, publisher of Harper's magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Now Look Who's Calling for Presumption of Innocence and the Right to a Fair Trial (tags)

This president who has claimed the right to lock American citizens up without charge and to hold them indefinitely without the right to see a lawyer or to go to contest their captivity in court is suddenly touting all those rights, now that his own people are in the dock.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/28/05) (tags)

Record heat in UK raises climate fears

W's "ham sandwich" withdraws from Supreme Court (tags)

Among Washington DC insiders, the Harriet Miers nomination was considered a 'slam dunk' event, as the spineless Congress is said to approve even a 'ham sandwich' were Boy Emperor George to nominate such a quality nominee to his 'Supine Court.' Unfortunately for the slumping Pretzel, both the Right Wing & even the Dems finally got the nerve to challenge the mortally-wounded White House "W"easel of Mass Deception. Here are some juicy tidbits from a leaked version of Harriet's letter to Boy George,

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/27/05) (tags)

Xymphora - The ground war in Syria has begun.

Cindy Sheehan: Is Iraq War Another Vietnam? (tags)

On a sidewalk in front of the White House, on Oct. 26, 2005, anti-war activists, Cindy Sheehan, John Bruhns and Juan M. Torres, Sr., and others from groups, like “Veterans for Peace,” gathered at a Vigil to protest the conflict. The toll of U.S. military dead had just reached the grim 2,000 mark. Sheehan predicted the war will be another Vietnam, unless the people can bring it to an end.

Investigate the Muhammad Naeem Noor Khan leak! (tags)

Did the Dubya Administration give a “heads-up” to terrorists?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/26/05) (tags)

Eric Hufschmid explains an intelligence matrix.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/25/05) (tags)

Florida Medicaid privatization plan approved.

Revolke Judith Miller's Pulitzer (tags)

Even the Times is saying she has lied and deceived in her reporting on Iraq and al Qaeda. Once that happens, it’s time to look back at her earlier work, including the 2001 articles that won her a Pulitzer.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/24/05) (tags)

S 1873 eliminates liability for vaccine injuries.

World Can't Wait White House Encampment and Countdown to Nov. 2nd (tags)

The World Can’t Wait, Drive Out the Bush Regime! says,“Your government, on the basis of outrageous lies, is waging a murderous and utterly illegitimate war in Iraq, with other countries in their sights.” oin us! We are here from 10 am- 7 pm EVERY DAY. And at NOON each day, we cross the street, on the sidewalk in front of the White House, and directly serve notice about the number of the days til the beginning of the end of the Bush Regime.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/22/05) (tags)

U.S. forces fighting Syrians at Iraq's border.

CINDY SHEEHAN: They are Not Numbers (tags)

Cindy Sheehan shares letters she's received, little vignettes of pain from family members of US soldiers recently killed in Iraq. On the day that marks the 2000th soldier dead, Sheehan will be outside the White House, reminding officials that our people are not just numbers.

Saddaming the House of Assad. (tags)

Now that the U.S. coercion in the form of the Bolton recess appointment as U.S. ambassador to the U.N. has produced the U.N. Special Investigation Commission Report on the assassination of a former prime minister of Lebanon, it is time to ask the obvious question.

BTL:As CIA Leak Investigation Concludes, Critics Say Probe Should... (tags)

...Examine Possible Presidential Crimes Around Iraq War ~ Interview with John Bonifaz, constitutional attorney, conducted by Between the the Lines' Scott Harris

INDICTMENTS! KARL ROVE's and others' may expose fake war causes. (tags)

The Washington, DC, grand jury of US Attorney Fitzgerald will obtain indictments in the outing of CIA's Valerie Plame as early as next week, sources say, and one could be George Bush's closest advisor, Karl Rove.....In Alexandria, VA, the grand jury of Paul McNulty, investigating Israeli espionage against the US, has indicted a neocon Pentagon analyst, Larry Franklin.....With these and other probable indictments, there will be trials that will EXPOSE FIXED INTELLIGENCE and ISRAELI MANIPULATION that pushed us toward war.....Also, Italian officials promise to request soon the extradition of CIA man Bob Lady, a key figure in the IRAQ BETRAYAL. See how these events are converging.

Judy Miller, the Armstrong Williams of WMD (tags)

Miller did things a journalist should never do. She shilled for a White House disinformation campaign that was promoting an invasion of Iraq, accepted control from the Pentagon, and deceptively misidentified her sources. Yet she hasn’t been fired by her official employer, the NY Times. Was Times senior management in on the game?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/21/05) (tags)

Beware Senate Bill 1873.

TODAY's BUSH ALERT: Roads in the area of 405 Fwy & Sunset Blvd. Closed 4 -8 p.m (tags)

Bush Visits Southland Today, Thursday October 20 Roads in the area of the San Diego (405) Freeway and Sunset Boulevard To Be Closed From 4 p.m. to 8 p.m.

Bush calls domestic problems "background noise" (tags)

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush, hit by a series of domestic woes that have eroded his popularity, said on Thursday he was focused on his job and not on what he called "some background noise."

small WORLD interview with Bobbie Pires, George Bush voodoo dolls (tags)

Interview with artist, Bobbie Pires.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/19/2005) (tags)

Asia's poor build US bases in Iraq.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/18/2005) (tags)

Credit card payments to rise.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/17/2005) (tags)

American prison system: big business or a new form of slavery?

Gov. Arnold SS and Pres. BuSh fighting over money (tags)

Gov. Arnold SS and Pres. BuSh fighting over money Repost:

BTL:White House & Congress Link Gulf Coast Aid to Deep Cuts in Social Programs (tags)

Interview with Max Wolff, economist at the University of Massachusetts, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Bush to Visit LA Area Thursday & Friday (tags)

Bush is scheduled to attend a fundraiser in Los Angeles for the Republican National Committee on Thursday and help cut the ribbon Friday at the opening of the new Air Force One exhibit at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley.

Scott's Heavily Censored News Blog (10/15/05) (tags)

DC Indymedia Center censors news blog FOUR MINUTES after it is posted.

SAT. 10/15: Iraq Vets & CodePink to Challenge Sen. Clinton Support for War (tags)

As the Death Toll of American Troops in Iraq Nears the 2000 Mark, Iraq Veterans Against the War and CodePink Join Forces to Challenge Senator Hillary Clinton on her Pro-War Record Outside 'Hollywood' Star-Studded Fundraiser on Saturday WHEN: Saturday, October 15th at 12:30 PM WHERE: Outside Sen. Clinton Fundraiser at the home of Marta Kauffman 335 Rimpau (near 3rd St.) in Hancock Park section of Los Angeles

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/14/05) (tags)

White House, Congress plans for major cuts in social programs.

Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)


Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/12/05) (tags)

NY subway threat a hoax, security sources admit.


MORE ATTEMPTED MURDERS & DEATH THREATS BY U.S. BLACK OPS! SINCE POSTING THIS ARTICLE / October 5, 2005 on all INDY MEDIAS -- Leslie Oliver, Jesus Mendoza & Clare Wehrle have received MORE DEATH THREATS by Black Ops!

Potemkin Village Chief dines in luxury in New Orleans (tags)

While large portions of New Orleans remain unlivable, the clueless Coward from Crawford 'got a taste of one of New Orleans' finest restaurant last night in the French Quarter & stayed in the luxury hotel Windsor Court.' Marie Antoinette would have died in envy of such imperial decadence.

Behind the veil and beyond the hijab (tags)

By simplistic Western standards, Muslim women come with two labels: "subjugated" and "quasi-subjugated"

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/11/05) (tags)

"Al Qaeda" places jobs ads on Internet.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/10/05) (tags)

It's time to take seriously a US-led global recession.

"The People are Boiling with Rage" (tags)

Hurricane Katrina had blown the problems in GW Bush's face that he wanted to be rid of with churches and caritas. The chaotic emergency relief was also a consequence of a policy of state dismantling and deregulation

The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

Will President Bush Help Homeless? (tags)

Ending homelessness was a priority of President Bush. Is the Bush administration still willing to help?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/8/05) (tags)

"Al Qaeda consists of at most a couple of thousand fanatics."



News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/7/05) (tags)

Florida city considers eminent domain against poor, Black, coastal community.

Overturning Roe v Wade Grounds for Civil War. (tags)

You have the right to choose the course you will take and I advise you to choose wisely for there are a great deal more people that think like me then there are people that think like you.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/6/05) (tags)

Congress seeks to slash food aid for poor.

BTL:Indictment of House Majority Leader Tom DeLay Adds to... (tags)

...Growing Cloud of Corruption Charges Hanging Over GOP ~ Interview with Alex Knott, of the Center for Public Integrity, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

SAT. 10/8: Cindy Sheehan Joins Renowned Peacemaker Thich Nhat Hanh for LA Peace Walk (tags)

Cindy Sheehan Joins Renowned Vietnamese Peacemaker Thich Nhat Hanh for a Silent Peace Walk to Promote Healing in US on Saturday, October 8th at 10AM at McArthur Park

Judith Miller, Larry Franklin, Office of Special Plans, PNAC & WMDs (tags)

'Judith Miller & Larry Franklin, sitting in a tree...'

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/5/05) (tags)

Killer flu recreated in the lab.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/4/05) (tags)

Louisiana ecological harm called unprecedented.

The Butcher of New Orleans (tags)

9-11 Insider & Director of "Homeland Security" Michael Chertoff

Bush's unwelcome gift to NATO: Afghanistan (tags)

Economically, most Afghans see neither an improvement in their personal lot, or view the rebuilding of their country happening at an acceptable pace.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/3/05) (tags)

GOP proposal increases Pentagon surveillance over US citizens.



Sept 24-26 Washington DC Weekend of Resistance (tags)

Numbering around 200,000, activist from around the country converged on the White House in a show of unity resembling the biggest marches of the pre Iraq Invasion era.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (10/1/05) (tags)

New Orleans prisoners left to drown after Katrina struck.

Interview: Jodie Evans of CodePink on civil disobedience protests (tags)

A 15 minute telephone interview with Jodie Evans of CodePink. A short discussion about last Monday’s anti-war civil disobedience protests in front of the White House and the course of the growing anti-war movement.

Judith Miller's Strange Voluntary 85-Day Lock-Up (tags)

She went into jail a hero of sorts but it turns out she knew she didn’t have to go. She’d been free all along to reveal her source and her conversations with him. So why did Judith Miller want to be behind bars so bad?

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/30/05) (tags)

The unfeasibility of rebuilding New Orleans.

What Opposition Party? (tags)

The leading lights of the Democratic Party are hiding in the shadows on virtually every important issue, avoiding taking progressive stands on anything of consequence. Handed every conceivable opening by a corrupt and incompetent ruling party, they are refusing to offer an alternative. Roosevelt must be rolling in his grave.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/29/05) (tags)

Arctic ice "disappearing fast".

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/28/05) (tags)

25 questions about the murder of New Orleans.

Repealing Posse Comitatus Would Mean Iraq in the US. Do We Really Want This? (tags)

After watching what the Commander in Chief does with the military in Iraq and Afghanistan, do we really want to have the army going in every time there is some kind of natural disaster in America.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/27/05) (tags)

Israel pushing Palestinians out of Jerusalem.

Cindy Sheehan: My First Time Arrested (tags)

"Any lawyers out there want to help me challenge an unconstitutional law??"

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/26/05) (tags)

Bush urges larger role for military

Size Didn't Matter; It was the Message, and it was Big (tags)

The Sept. 24 march on the White House brought a power of message and a unity of purpose to the antiwar movement that it has been missing until now. Bush, Cheney and Rove can try to hide and deny it, but the country is listening.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/25/05) (tags)

Prisoners in New Orleans city jail were abandoned

The Washington March: Falsified Numbers (tags)

On our mainstream TV's and radios all over the world a different and false picture was mostly shown and heard, but it is safe to say that there were HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE marching against the US neocon government and the genocidal war in Iraq, yesterday in Washington.

The Mother of All Anti-War Rallies (tags)

The Anti-Iraqi War rally in Washington, DC., today, 09/24/05, put on by the “United for Peace and Justice” organization, was a highly-spirited event. The Ellipse was overflowing with protesters and the march around the White House seemed to go on forever. MP, George Galloway, blasted George W. Bush and Tony Blair as “war criminals.” He said that we owe it to the world to make it clear that these “war criminals are not acting in our name!”

Tired of marching in circles? Join the anti-war network (tags)

An invitation to people who are tired of wars to get involved in building a more effective alternative to meaningless marches around the White House.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/24/05) (tags)

Rewrite of endangered species law approved.

Liberators or Occupiers? Look Who Calls the Shots (tags)

The governments of Iraq and Afghanistan are complaining about the U.S. military’s brutality and its indiscriminate attacks, but the Pentagon and the White House are just blowing them off. Hey, forget “sovereignty.” We’re in charge here.

gannon and rove just tip of iceberg (tags)

Homosexuality, Gay Prostitution, Child Sex-rings, Pedophilia, George H. W. Bush, The White House, 911, Gosch/Guckert/Gannon, Hunter S. Thompson, Gary Webb, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, OSS, CIA, NSA, NASA, Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Blackmail & "Sex Magik". When will we tie all these things together?

Oil Price-Fixing (Gasp)? Of Course There's Oil Price-Fixing! (tags)

Tidy concepts like competition and free markets don’t apply in this industry, where the executives of each company know everything about the “competition” without even asking, and where the government is happy to let them suck the profits out of the public’s pockets like crude from a gusher.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/22/05) (tags)

Padilla Doctrine is the backdoor to military rule in America.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/21/05) (tags)

US jobless growth at 10-year high

RFK, Jr. Blasts Big Oil & Bush-Cheney Gang (tags)

The Bush-Cheney Gang gave the store away in the so-called “Energy Bill.” It granted $4 billion in tax breaks to Big Oil, despite the fact that ExxonMobil had profits of $24 billion last year! Now, environmentalists rallying in Washington, D.C., on 09/20/05, suspect that parts of the pristine Arctic Wildlife Refuge will soon be opened up to oil drilling. At the protest, RFK, Jr., labeled George Bush: “The worst environmental president in U.S. history!”

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/20/05) (tags)

Watch "Oil War", the "predict-umentary" which aired on Fox last June.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/19/05) (tags)

America has fallen to a Jacobin coup.

The Incompetent American (or, the "Ugly American" on Steroids) (tags)

Although some level of incompetence in government is universally expected, it started accelerating towards its pinnacle in the US after the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to install Bush in the presidency.

Bush's Blue Light Special (tags)

Things are not as they appear when the president speaks—not the backdrop, and not the promises he makes. In this land of Oz, where’s Toto when we need him?

Forcefully Remove All Skull And Bines People From US Govt (tags)

skull and bones has been a recruitment club for foreign powers since its inception...their allegience is to their club, and the foreign banks...praise satan and his servant jesus christ....

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/17/05) (tags)

The New York Times and Bush's New Orleans speech

One Emergency Away (tags)

Bushies are using Katrina to eliminate local governments and establish control from the White House through FEMA

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/16/05) (tags)

Virtual martial law in the Big Easy.

“Iraq is a No-Win, No-End War!” - Max Cleland (tags)

On Sept. 15, 2005, a Congressional “Forum” was held on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. It was chaired by anti-Iraqi War advocate, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). She accused the Bush-Cheney Gang of creating a “bloody and ruinous debacle,” in Iraq, and that it was long past the time to discuss exit strategies. Max Cleland, a witness at the Forum and a Vietnam War veteran, and ex-U.S. Senator, said, “Iraq is a No-Win, No-End War!”

CIvil War Rages in Iraq (tags)

Civil war been Sunnis and Shiites has been raging since August 31, yet the Bush administration continues to describe the situation as "pockets of insurgency" and to blame the escalating attacks on its favorite "catch-all" bogeyman: Al Qaeda. (I'm surprised he hasn't blamed Katrina on Al Qaeda)

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/15/05) (tags)

Delta and Northwest airlines declare bankruptcy

What the Hell happened to us, America? (tags)

Please think about this for awhile.



Roberts' bad decision (tags)

JUST FOUR DAYS before the Bush administration named John G. Roberts Jr. to fill retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's seat on the Supreme Court, the District of Columbia federal appeals court decided a case called Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld. In a crucial victory for the administration, the court upheld President Bush's creation of special military tribunals for trials of alleged terrorists and denied them the protection of the Geneva Convention. Roberts was one of the judges who decided that case, but he should have recused himself.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/14/05) (tags)

Ethnically cleansing the poor in New Orleans


Do republicans have the ability to be honest about those who they have elected? Apparently not. Republicans always put the interests of their political party above that of the best interests of the United States, and all Americans.

We need another "DAISY GIRL" advertisement to STOP BUSH (tags)

President Bush's Pentagon is now calling for the use of nuclear weapons to attack terrorists. What could be done with a few bullets the Bush administration wants to use nuclear weapons which could kill millions of innocent human beings.

Dog Bites Man! Roberts Vows "Open Mind"! (tags)

The media have treated Judge Roberts’ Senate hearing platitudes about restraint and having an open mind as if they were divine wisdom—as if, indeed, they meant something.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (9/13/05) (tags)

US military lays waste to Tal Afar

Stand Up and Be Counted: No War and Occupation: The George Galloway US Tour (tags)

September 13-24: Boston, New York, Toronto, Madison, Chicago, Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C.

Lessons of `Lawrence of Arabia' (tags)

"Bush #43, what he has done to us and the world, embodies the putrefication of everything good that has ever symbolized America. In the name of Jesus, no less.."

BUILDING A SECRET AIR FORCE : The CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs (tags)


Documents point to 911 attack on America by White House crime families (tags)

Sioux City, Iowa -- September 4, 2005 -- -- According to leaked documents from an intelligence file obtained through a military source in the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), on or about September 12, 1991 non-performing and unauthorized gold-backed debt instruments were used to purchase ten-year "Brady" bonds. The bonds in turn were illegally employed as collateral to borrow $240 billion--120 in Japanese Yen and 120 in Deutsch Marks--exchanged for U.S. currency under false pretenses; or counterfeit and unlawful conversion of collateral against which an unlimited amount of money could be created in derivatives and debt instruments.

W pal Brown to hand over FEMA 'sovereignty' (tags)

Today the Bush regime announced that FEMA boss M. Brown will hand over the 'sovereignty' of FEMA to a Coast Guard admiral. Homeland Insecure honcho Mike Chertoff is 'pre-empting' calls for his own 'handover' by firing his lieutenant.

BTL:Dismantling of FEMA Partly to Blame for Failed Federal Response to... (tags)

...Hurricane Katrina ~ Interview with Eric Holdeman, director of King County, Washington's Office of Emergency Management, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

what REALLY happened in New Orleans!?!? (tags)

is this what really happened in new orleans? i wonder....

Resolution To Kill The Resolution (tags)

The impotance of territorial compromise if true peace is ever to come between the 22 Arab states and the sole one of the Jews

The Right Of Return To and the Right To Remain In New Orleans. (tags)

As the White House launches its sociopathic defense of the FuckYou Government response to Hurricane Katrina the latest from the dry ground in New Orleans is that even neighborhoods that did not flood, that are high and dry must be evacuated.

Fidel Castro explains Cuban offer to send doctors to New Orleans (tags)

Yesterday Fidel Castro spoke on Cuban television's nightly news magazine, the Mesa Redonda (Round Table) where he explained in detail the effors which Cuba's government made DISCRETELY to send 1100 doctors to New Orleans immediately. No response has yet been received from the United States government. Cuba has provided such assistance to many countries all over the world for many years. This is the first of a two-part translation

New Orleans catastrophe: the product of a bankrupt system (tags)

This morning, September 1st, three of the worst looters appeared on CNN. President Bush himself along with two former presidents, Bush the father and Bill Clinton. The current Bush brought the two former one’s in as fundraisers. What hypocrites these characters are.

Baghdad on the Big Muddy (tags)

There seems to be an MO for how this White House handles urban crises: let the place descend into chaos and anarchy and only then go in. Could there be method to this madness?

Guard Belongs in New Orleans, Not Baghdad (tags)

Repost fron

White House as Madhouse (tags)

"Brains are not only washed but spin-dried. Soldiers become murder machines or pro-fessional killers..The Bush cavemen are convinced that they liberate their victims. Hitler was also convinced he had liberated Czechoslovakia.."

Nothing to report from Iraq's front, America (tags)

Here is a president who purposefully, if blindly, took his nation to war, brandishing with equal mastery ignorance and incompetence...

Christian theologian debunks 9-11 Commission report, is interviewed by LA Times (tags)

Distinguished theologian Dr. David Ray Griffin is shedding light on the truth (and the many non-truths) surrounding 9-11. His writings and speeches present evidence and insights that demand our attention, whatever our spiritual perspectives may be. And this weekend, the LA Times Magazine features an interview with Dr. Griffin.

Stormfront Abandons SaveourState to Support Cindy Sheehan (tags)

CAMPED OUT IN CRAWFORD White supremacists claim Cindy's cause Holding rally: 'We don't want leftist Johnny-come-latelys' to hijack issue . We don't want leftist Johnny-come-latelys who are misleadingly protesting this war – as if the war is about oil (not true), or as if it's right-wing patriots who launched this war (not true) – to hijack the issue from us," writes James Kelso, senior moderator of Stormfront. We want to challenge these leftists with the fact that their leftist leaders, like Hillary Clinton, are on the same war-for-Israel team as the cowardly Republicans who have been bought and paid for in the Senate, House, White House and media by the Jewish Neocon political machine." Kelso is an assistant to David Duke, the Ku Klux Klansman and activist for European-Americans who was elected to Louisiana's Legislature in 1989, and more recently has served prison time for mail fraud and filing a false tax return.

A News Birth! Independent World Television News! (tags)

Have you heard of the birth of Independent World Television News (IWT)?

BTL:Documents Reveal Supreme Court Nominee John Roberts Disparaged Anti... (tags)

...Discrimination Efforts ~ Interview with Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

U.S. Hands Off Venezuela Campaign Condemns Robertson Terrorist Call (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Bush's Obscene Tirades Rattle White House Aides (tags)

"I’m not meeting with that goddamned bitch," Bush screamed at aides who suggested he meet with Cindy Sheehan, the war-protesting mother whose son died in Iraq. "She can go to hell as far as I’m concerned!"

osama my buddy where are you (tags)

Osama my buddy where are you. No phone number, no e-mail, no address. I wanna talk to you. First let me talk about a serious personal grievance.

The UN as Stopgap by Eric Chauvistre (tags)

"First of all, the question must be raised whether Iraq is actually a military problem that could be solved with more troops. This is assumed by Bush and others.."

Washington Plays into the Hands of the Mullah (tags)

"In fact, political control in Iraq seems to be slipping away from Washington.. Before the 2003 Gulf invasion, so-called Middle East experts emphasized that a genuine cooperation between Iraqi and Iranian Shiites would never occur.."

News Junkie Scott's Blog (8/10/05) (tags)

Yo! New Yorkers: Get a f*****g clue!

2.000.000 prisoners - the USA is the world´s leading jailer! (tags)

- - - The U.S. is the world's leading jailer, imprisoning around 22 percent of the world's prison population in spite of representing only around 4.6 percent of the world's population - - -

War of BIG words: Anti-War activist attacked (tags)

Anti-war activist Ford Greene faces opposition from right-wing extremists

Still Hiding the Bush Bulge (tags)

Spiking of a story about the Bush bulge is an “internal matter,” a Pasadena paper says. -------------

Oil rich Mauritania: Coup against the US and Israel? (tags)

The US gov't continues to deal with the old President of Mauritania: the oncoming clash is another guerilla war in Africa. Which like many other continents has been 'robbed blind', but is blamed for not being able to see!

George W. Bush & Raffy Palmeiro: Birds of a Feather! (tags)

George W. Bush lied us into the Iraqi War, but remains unpunished for his wrongdoing. Meanwhile, on the sports front, Raffy Palmeiro of the Baltimore Orioles has tested positive for steroids and been suspended for ten days. Yet, he told Congress he had never used steroids. Rep. Chris Shays said he was “extremely disappointed” about Palmeiro. If so, what should the response of Congress be to all of Bush’s treachery? Think: Impeachment!

Statement of the International Marxist Tendency for the 16th WFSY (tags)

Bolivarian Revolution

A Revolutionary ‘Sound bite' (BKH) (tags)

Bring revolutionary clarity which is required to overcome and destroy counter revolutionary mass confusion, the product of the propaganda attacks and deceits of this current ruling system.

San Anselmo anti-war activists calls out activists (tags)

Local anti-war activist calls out for solidarity in the face of a Town Council that passed a new regulation specifically designed to silence his anti-war billboard.

Bizarre Racism Audio Files (tags)

The Eldorado Success has obtained audio recordings of Warren Jeffs, prophet of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. The recordings seem to support claims by former FLDS members that Jeffs teachings are racist, especially as they concern African-Americans.

Hey, Joe: An Open Letter to Joe Turner and SOS (tags)

Joe Turner of "Save our State" has a "new" strategy." One that will lead to the same old tragedy, based as it is on the premises of ethnic cleansing and a resort to Storm Trooper style violence. More below.

World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience (tags)

The World Tribunal on Iraq met in Istanbul from 24-26 June 2005. The principal objective of the WTI is to tell and disseminate the truth about the Iraq War, underscoring the accountability of those responsible and underlining the significance of justice for the Iraqi people. Here is the final declaration of the jury of conscience :

The 911 Cover-up is starting to Unravel (tags)

Happenings: Los Angles Grand Jury finds 911 story FALSE, Rove leak tied to diversion of AIPAC and top Cheney aids complicity in selling Iran nuclear detonators Are leading to the unravelling of the 911 Cover-Up.


Washington DC, July 11 – Last week’s London explosions carry the characteristic features of a state-sponsored, false flag, synthetic terror provocation by networks within the British intelligence services MI-5, MI-6, the Home Office, and the Metropolitan Police Special Branch who are favorable to a wider Anglo-American aggressive war in the Middle East, featuring especially an early pre-emptive attack on Iran, with a separate option on North Korea also included.-

Marvelous Marvin, the Man Who Seems to be in All the Right Places (tags)

Why does Bush’s younger brother get a free pass at influence peddling on his White House Connections, even when it involves a company that did the security for the World Trade Center in September, 2001, while anyone remotely linked to the Clinton’s was hounded by both the media and government investigators for the flimsiest of reasons? ----------


Time Magazine’s decision to surrender the name of a Deep Throat has been one of the most fatalistic blows to media freedom and a major coup for a political and corporate system determined to protect itself against scandals and whistleblowers.

Maxine Waters Out -of-Iraq Teach-In in LA (tags)

INGLEWOOD -- U-S Rep. Maxine Waters led a rally today calling for the United States to withdraw from Iraq.

SOSMM / NV Plan White Supremist Literature Spew (tags)

Racists plan on trying to disseminate white power literature widely.

BTL:The Downing Street Memos and Valerie Plame-CIA Scandal Reveal a... (tags)

...White House Bent on Misleading Public on Rationale for Iraq War ~ Interview with John Bonifaz, constitutional attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Karl Rove Getting Leaked On--By Grand Jury (tags)

President Bush now says he will fire for convictions, not mere leaks. The consensus of lawyers is that Karl Rove will be indicted in the Valerie Plame outing case -- and not for what you think. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald appears to have a slam-dunk case under Title 18, Sec. 641, USC (which is NOT about outing a covert agent) just as the DOJ did for leaker Jonathan Randel, who got a year in prison. Karl Rove was abandoned by both of his parents -- the man he called Dad left home, Rove found out "Dad" wasn't his father after all (his aunt and uncle "outed" this at the dinner table), and his mother committed suicide.

W updates decision on 'Plame-gate' leak (tags)

President Bush today issued his latest revisions on what constitutes a "crime" on the outing of CIA agent Valery Plame. Vowing to "remove all doubts that his Administration is tough on crime," Bush announced that anyone convicted of the crime of leaking vital personal data of CIA agents--including their social security numbers, weights & heights, their astrological signs, and/or their underwear sizes--will be seriously reprimanded, and in severe cases, those convicted will have their vacation leaves cut in half or more, if need be.

Karl Rove: PARENTS ABANDONED HIM--George Bush Can't (tags)

Today Bush says he will fire for convictions, not mere leaks. The consensus of lawyers is that Karl Rove will be indicted in the Valerie Plame outing case -- and not for what you think. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald appears to have a slam-dunk case under Title 18, Sec. 641, USC (which is NOT about outing a covert agent) just as the DOJ did for leaker Jonathan Randel, who got a year in prison. Karl Rove was abandoned by both of his parents -- the man he called Dad left home, Rove found out "Dad" wasn't his father after all (his aunt and uncle "outed" this at the dinner table), and his mother committed suicide.

Free Speach? Not on Conyors' blog this week. (tags)

I got suspened for a week writingabout historical facts that affect National Security. I think its only fair to let me reply!

Defaulting In The War Of Ideas - (Goebbels Does DC) (tags)

No Summary

Evidence links George Bush to Los Angeles drug operation (tags)


Whose ass is Judith Miller protecting: Her source's or her own? (tags)

Is Judith Miller, now in jail on a contempt charge for refusing to name her sources in the Valerie Plame outing case, a muckraking journalistic hero, or was she a journalistic poseur who was helping the White House slime whistleblower Joe Wilson? --------------

BTL:Despite Earlier Denials, Presidential Adviser Karl Rove Played Key Role in... (tags)

...Illegal Disclosure of CIA Agent's Identity ~ Interview with Robert Jensen, professor of journalism at the University of Texas, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Crying 'Wolf' tactic no longer working (tags)

After the London bombings, UK's Toady Blair tried to spin the cause of the attacks away from his Imperialist invasion of Iraq, but the British public isn't buying the Bush poodle's blame on Muslim fundamentalists.

Bush Fires Rove! (tags)

It is a federal crime to disclose the identity of an undercover CIA agent. “The White House's credibility is at issue here, and I believe very clearly Karl Rove ought to be fired,” said Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.


These things can be done, but there has to be support, and a belief that reason will ultimately win this war.

Protests Slowed But Important During June (tags)

LA, DC, Santa Cruz and Sacramento held demonstrations in front of the KTLA TV station, the Washington Post, the Santa Cruz Sentinal and the Sacramento Bee, respectively, to protest the "NO COVERAGE" of the Downing Street Minutes.

Bush and Blair to Stand Trial (tags)

These are the headlines in papers around the world, all we have to do is back the people to do it.

Indymedia Evens the Score (tags)

The right-wing controlled media in the United States is the biggest reason why this fascist regime was able to hijack two Presidential elections and to invade an innocent country and slaughter its people indiscriminately to seize control of their oil.

THURS 7PM: CodePink Vigil for Peace at British Consulate in WLA (tags)

CODEPINK Women’s Peace Group Holds Vigil This Evening at British Consulate in Los Angeles WHEN: 7 PM on Thursday, July 7 WHERE: British Consulate-General, 1766 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 1200 (between Bundy and Barrington) West Los Angeles

Richard Berman (tags)

Richard Berman claims to help the average consumer. In fact, he works for corporate America.

Reflections on Socialism (tags)

The main political task at this moment is to assemble the necessary social forces to defeat Bush and his counterparts in Congress and elsewhere.

BTL:Bush Call to 'Stay the Course in Iraq' Echoes Pronouncements Made During... (tags)

...Vietnam War ~ Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Hit-and-Run Village Idiot flees crime scene (tags)

Once more, the Texas of Evil has struck again. This time, his reckless bike 'ride' took out a Scottish police officer. And there were photographic evidence of mini-Shrub running away from his crime scene, without rendering aid to his victim. Since this is the 'third strike' on the White House vehicular Menace, the Scots ought to toss this serial drunken rider in jail for the rest of his wretched life(in the process, that'll save millions of innocent civilian lives from his mad WMDs).

Opportunism, ANSWER and Palestine (tags)

It is so important that the movement against the war in Iraq draw the connection to all the wars the U.S. government is waging around the world. Inclusion of Palestine is a vital issue and an important part of building solidarity. But solidarity with Palestine should not be used as just a maneuver in an organizational struggle between ANSWER and UFPJ.

Ground Zero - (Californians Lead The Way Off The Cliff) (tags)

No Summary

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all (tags)

A proud God loving bushite killer confesses all

A Mom's FYI: Reality Bites (tags)


Will Ben Stein Come Clean about the Iraqi War? (tags)

Ben Stein is a Neocon, author and comedic actor. He was also an ex-speech writing hack for Richard Nixon. He recently wrote an online piece in which he praised the U.S. troops as society’s “real stars.” What he left out of his spiel, however, was that he is a War Hawk, who helped to put those same troops in harm’s way based on a pack of lies. Stein has also claimed that the horrific abuse of inmates at Abu Ghraib was only “frat-boy mistreatment!”

White Washing War Crimes, by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Who will solve these war crimes?

Watergate: First in a series of ‘very American coups’ (tags)

WASHINGTON — Suddenly, the Watergate conspiracy is back in the headlines with the revelation that former FBI officer, W. Mark Felt, is the mysterious “Deep Throat” who fed Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward tips on the plot that gripped the nation in 1973-74.

Pew Poll - The radioactive image of the US (tags)

Anybody you know? The US and it's global War of Terror: In a group of 251 soldiers from a study in Mississippi who had all had normal babies before the 1991 Gulf War, 67 percent of their post-war babies were born with severe birth defects.*

New President of Iran 'is a terrorist' (tags)

And we all know what that means...

Media Deception (tags)

The Censorship of the Corporate Press is bad enough, but we also have a problem with the so called "Independent Press," and sometimes with our supposed ally- indymedia...

The Fix is In - American Media Ignore Downing Street Memo (tags)

Over the last month, the American media has studiously avoided a story that has dominated the rest of the world. A leak transcript of a meeting with the British Prime Minister well before the invasion of Iraq showed that the US had decided to go to war even though it had no proof of weapons of mass destruction. Mainstream media argue that there is no news, that the American people already knew that the Bush admistration was mistaken. Conservative talk show hosts continue to deny that there are any problems. In a small, cramped room in the Capitol, Cong. Conyers held hearings on the Downing Street Memo. Ralph Nader, the Green Party and Rep. Maurice Hinchey call for impeachment.

Did George W. Bush Steal America's 2004 Election? (tags)

A post-election headline from the Akron Beacon Journal cites a critical report by twelve prominent social scientists and statisticians, reporting: "Analysis Points to Election ‘Corruption': Group Says Chance of Exit Polls Being So Wrong in '04 Vote is One-in-959,000." Citing "Ohio's Odd Numbers," investigative reporter Christopher Hitchens, a Bush supporter, says in Vanity Fair: "Given what happened in that key state on Election Day 2004, both democracy and common sense cry out for a court-ordered inspection of its new voting machines."

God Begs (tags)

I beg you on behalf of myself and God, please!

translating Bush's speech (tags)

translating the speech from last night

Virtual Citizens, Virtual Government, Real Troubles (tags)

With Republicans admitting that the White House isn’t governing—just campaigning—we need to face the truth: We have a virtual government, a virtual opposition, virtual citizens and, in the end, a virtual democracy. Our problems, though—war, poverty, AIDS, global warming, etc.—are all too real. ---------



Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.

From Congress to union halls: Demand widens: Exit Iraq! (tags)

Lawmakers respond to public outcry WASHINGTON — "Let Conyers in!" the crowd chanted at the White House gate the evening of June 16. Rep. John Conyers Jr. (D-Mich.) and a dozen other lawmakers had come to deliver petitions signed by 566,000 people demanding that President George W. Bush answer for the so-called Downing Street Memo proving that he "fixed" intelligence to justify war on Iraq.

Here we go again. (tags)

With Biden announced, Clinton a near certainty, and maybe even Kerry wanting a second try at the White House, the 2007-8 Democratic primary season looks to be grim stuff, and the likelihood of continued Republican dominance good. The one possible wrench in Democratic party hacks’ suicide plans: Russ Feingold. ------------------

Oil, CO2, Environment, Climate, War (tags)

author: Caroline Arnold We need a new revolution - not an armed, adversarial revolution, but a peaceable revolution in what we buy, how we use energy, how we distribute and assess information, and in how we allow ourselves to be governed.

Stop the Nazi Lies of the "USS Liberty Lobby" (tags)

The USS LIberty Lobby are a pack of neonazis who lie about what happened

Rep. Conyers’ Spotlights Bush’s Pack of Lies (tags)

The Downing St. Memo was center stage on Capitol Hill, in Washington, DC, on June 16, 2005. Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) called a hearing to focus on that leaked document, which shows that President George W. Bush, Jr., and his cohorts, were looking to “cook the intelligence” on the Iraqi War. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Bush is “a liar” and it’s time to bring the troops home!

Profiling Muslims, Arabs, Persians, Asians, etc. etc.? (tags)

The state cannot stop with Arab Muslims. The threats are too varied, too many, and too often too white. Hulet will be giving a lecture July 8th at the Wyndham Commerce Hotel in Commerce CA at 7:30PM

Bush: Eight More Years (tags)

Craig B Hulet is giving a public lecture July 8th at the Wyndham Commerce hotel in Commerce Calif. 7:30PM. See website for info.

Critique Of Pure Treason: (tags)


Bush Forever? (tags)

`The twenty-second article of amendment to the Constitution of the United States is repealed.' Hulet is giving a public lecture July 8th in Commerce Calif. 7:30PM See website for info.

FBI Inspector General's Report: More Evidence of Government Complicity in 9/11 Attacks (tags)

author: wsws A report released June 9 by the FBI's Office of the Inspector General raises new questions about the role of the US government in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. The internal FBI study provides several important revelations about how US intelligence agencies ignored and even suppressed warnings in the period leading up to the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon that killed nearly 3,000 people.

Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Memo (tags)

by MFSO (No verified email address) 14 Jun 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 14, 2005 Contact: Cindy Sheehan 707-365-7750 Celeste Zappala 215-570-5484 Gold Star and Military Families Call for Truth Regarding Downing St. Minutes (memo), Members to Visit Congress

Bush as Absolute Monarch of Guantanamo (tags)

The camp in Guantanamo has become a "propaganda- and recruitment tool for terrorists," Biden said and proposed a gradual closure of the camp in Cuba.

HERO - A bushite killer speaks candidly (tags)

That is a high act of treason. And it's not, "oh well, but maybe it's not true.." No, we have the two documents of question. We have the positions that were offered to the bush administration on behalf of American intelligence. [the N.I.E.] That was their position, the bush administration censored that, re-wrote CRITICAL sentences. Fixed the intel.

1,400 at D.C. meet say 'Take Back America' (tags)

WASHINGTON — Hundreds of protesters, chanting "Hands off my Social Security" and "Not wise to privatize," marched to the White House in the rain June 3.

In God We Lust (tags)

The cable networks have decided to torture Americans by broadcasting the spotlight whore, Gloria Allred, ad nauseum, dousing viewers with her overly-priced two-cents worth.

Bush's Abuse of Power (tags)

The First Amendment, once the steward and protector of our freedom of being relentlessly reduced to oblivion, a near-forgotten dinosaur.

Mark Felt Hinted at Exotic Antigravity Project? (tags)

Woodward: Deep Throat Leads to "Fantastic" Discovery

Green Party: Impeach Bush Now! (tags)

author: Common Dreams The Downing Street Memo proves that invasion of Iraq wasn't the 'last resort' but Bush's intent all along, leading to cooked intelligence and other impeachable offenses; Greens note bipartisan and media complicity in overlooking evidence of deceit, urge public protest

Stratcom: One-Stop Shopping for Bush War Plans (tags)

Bush is likely to get us into more wars. Since critics are now aware that we were lied to about the reasons for the war on Iraq, he will have to start the next war so quickly that no debate is possible. Stratcom makes this possible.

More Proof - Bush Admin Distorts Truth (tags)

ANDREW C. REVKIN of the NYTimes reports "A White House official who once led the oil industry's fight against limits on greenhouse gases has repeatedly edited government climate reports in ways that play down links between such emissions and global warming, according to internal documents."

US Media Shamed by Brit Journalist at Bush/Blair Press Conference (tags)

The US media have ducked reporting on the August 2002 British intelligence memorandum to Tony Blair stating that the US had decided to invade Iraq and would “fix” the intelligence to make the case for war, but a Brit journalist at a typically sedate and orchestrated White House press conference, by asking the question of Bush, finally forced the story onto page one. ---------------

A bushite killer speaks freely (tags)

Where are Americans to stand up for the Christian virtues?, That are present within any concepualizations of who God would be? Is God not Just? Would not God wish to follow the crimes scene leads at the real murder scenes to arrest the true evil doers?

Report From Afghanistan by Sonali Kolhatkar, 5-27-05 (transcript) (tags)

". . . If the news media covers something [about Afghanistan], donations pour in. If they stop covering it, donations go down. . . . Our donations have plummeted. A lot of projects [are] closing down." -- Sonali Kolhatkar, co-director, Afghan Women's Mission

We Need More Anonymous Sources, Not Fewer (tags)

If the corporate media want viewers and readers to hold them in higher regard, they need to start doing real reporting again, and making aggressive use of anonymous sources who can point them to where there is corruption and abuse of power. The alternative is a media that just purveys press handouts. ------------------

Nader Mulls Bush Impeachment (tags)

"The I Word" author: Nader/Zeese THE IMPEACHMENT of President Bush and Vice President Cheney, under Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution, should be part of mainstream political discourse.

The Pretzeled Logic of America's KGB (tags)

It's absolutely astounding that the pretzeled logic of America's KGB(King George Bush) is displayed every time the White House Commander Chickenhawk speaks on TV. The latest faith-based(as opposed to evidence-based) whopper came yesterday when the Village Idiot claimed that the Amnesty International' s report of Guantanamo is writtten by "those who hate America"!

Filibuster Wars (tags)

Filibuster Wars Power Grab at the Height of the Empire The Senate was heading for a major showdown, as the Republican majority and Vice President Cheney conspired to strip the Democrat minority of their ability to even filibuster the most extreme judicial nominees. Then, after playing chicken for two weeks, a "Gang of 14" Senators suddenly announced they had reached a "historic compromise based on mutual trust" -- and they announced that they had saved the Senate from destruction. And the media oohed-and-aaaahed over the last minute development. But it quickly became pretty obvious, that nothing here was an obstacle to the most dangerous plans for remaking the courts. And did the compromise "safe the filibuster" as the media said? In fact, the compromise said "If you don't take the filibuster, we promise not to use it." Which, if you think about it, gives the top reactionaries what they want. Part of this "compromise" is that the Democrats immediately stopped their opposition to Precilla Owen and several other of Bush's judicial nominees -- these are people who are literally monsters of an extreme kind, who had been stalled in the Senate (in some cases for years.) So this "compromise" meant that these vultures are headed for powerful courts. And, it is also clear that huge new showdowns lie just ahead -- as the White House and Senate brace for a struggle over putting extreme rightwing judges on the supreme court. The following article (written just before the "compromise" was announced) lays bare the stakes and dynamics of this whole crisis.

In the fight for the future, CEOs are MIA (tags)

America faces a huge set of challenges if it is going to retain its competitive edge. As a nation, we have a mounting education deficit, energy deficit, budget deficit, health care deficit and ambition deficit. The administration is in denial on this..

Whigged Out: The Democrats Have Become a Vestigial Opposition (tags)

They’ll stand tall on small stuff like judicial nominees or a UN ambassador appointment, but when it’s an issue of substance—funding for the war, a pro-lender bankruptcy bill, or the PATRIOT Act, the Democrats are all compromise or cave-in. Where’s the opposition? ----------------

Shocking reports reveal U.S. torture widespread (tags)

This week, Human Rights Watch charged that U.S. FBI agents operating in Pakistan repeatedly interrogated and threatened two U.S. citizens of Pakistani origin who were unlawfully detained and tortured by Pakistani security services. The two were abducted from their Karachi home last August, and released this April without being charged. During eight months of interrogation and torture, they were questioned at least six times by FBI agents, who did nothing to stop the torture — including beatings with whips and rods — or provide consular help. Instead, the two said, the agents threatened to send them to Guantanamo if they did not “confess” to terrorist involvement.

Minutemen Car Hits 4 Protestors - 8 Felony Charges (tags)

Chican@ protestors + allies show fierce determination in the face of attempted murder by Minutemen and brutal suppression by police.

Why Such Drastic Changes Sought by Neo-cons? (tags)

Of course it is the inevitable, looming oil crisis that awaits the US (because of her thirst for oil) that has given this Administration the justification to invade Iraq on the "pack of lies" (1. Honorable George Galloway) that came out of this White House. That, although not justified in many people's minds, is pretty much understood by the rank and file.

USA beams "Baghdad Betty" into Iraq (tags)

A German news mag "Der Speigel" reveals that the Bush regime is providing US$120 Million funding for a TV station, Al-Hurra("the free one in Arabic"), that airs embedded American versions of "news"--from its plushy offices, fully equipped with designer furniture, flat-screen monitors in Virginia--back into Iraq. How's that for high-tech informational warfare?

The Vulgar Logger (tags)

With the Global Climate Change initiative, Bush presented an alternative to the rejected Kyoto protocol..Dan Kowalzig from the NGO Friends of the Earth described the initiative as merely a camouflage to protect industry.

Laura Bush trying to compete with Condoleezza Rice (tags)

Is Laura Bush jealous of Condoleezza Rice?

A current US program of involuntary human experimentation (tags)


Barbara Bush trying to compete with Condoleezza Rice (tags)

Why is Barbara Bush visiting the Western Wall and the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem's Old City?

Black Helicopters and the GOP (tags)

For years, people on the extreme right have warned of a takeover of America by the black helicopter army of the UN. Well, there is the danger of a fascist America, but, surprisingly, it is being ushered in by the right, not the left. -------------------


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Sen. Feingold, Lone Opponent of Original PATRIOT Act, Blasts Secret Plot to Make it Wors (tags)

Sen. Feingold, alone in opposing the PATRIOT Act in '01, blasts the White House attempt to use the Senate Intelligence Committee to produce an even worse bill in secret, behind the back of the Judiciary Committee.

BTL:War is not the Answer to Nuclear Weapons Proliferation (tags)

Interview with John Burroughs, executive director of the Lawyers' Committee on Nuclear Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Darth Vader and the New World Order (tags)

Alex Jones of compares the latest Star Wars film to the New World Order Elite.

Intelligence Committee in Maneuver to Pass Even Worse PATRIOT Act (tags)

With no announcement, the Senate Intelligence Committee has scheduled a closed door session to approve a version of the Patriot Act that would be even worse than the present act being considered by the Judiciary Committee. The hand of the White House seems to be behind the sneaky maneuver.

Isikoff and Rather: Different Strokes for Different Folks (tags)

Although the journalistic errors of Michael Isikoff and Dan Rather were similar—both involving some misinformation from a source—the way the political right and the White House have responded is quite at odds. Could it be Isikoff’s record as the reporter who brought us Monica Lewinsky? ---------------------

Part 2: Subsersive Comedy Opens in LA (tags)

This inflammatory comedy, which first opened during the 2004 Republican Convention in New York City, will be shown in the Los Angeles Area from May 20 to June 25. There will be two shows in Downtown LA, Friday, May 20, at 8 PM, and Saturday, May 1, at 10:30 PM. To see additional shows in Santa Barbara, Glendale, and Santa Monica, make your reservation by calling this toll free number: 1 (888) 475 6181.

A current US program of involuntary human experimentation (tags)

BTL:British Memo Indicates Bush Administration Fixed Intelligence to... (tags)

...Justify Iraq Invasion ~ Interview with Greg Palast, investigative reporter and author, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Googling for Fun Can Be Depressing (tags)

Pick an important story and google it. You’ll find plenty of hits, but f it’s critical of the current administration, odds are you won’t find many hits on corporate media sites—just on alternative and oversease media sites. No wonder the American public is turning away from mainstream purveyors of “news.”

Who dies in your place? (tags)

Republican Christians, do not enlist. They decide to allow thousands of non-American citizen-soldiers to die in their stead. 60,000 of these green-card holders have been serving in Iraq and Afghanistan while born-again white citizens stay home and live off their mommies and daddies.

You Support Bush's Wars? Enlist NOW ! (tags)

That each and every Republican flag-waving Christian male 18 to 39 could enlist in the Army at will says it all. Others which may be older could enlist in the numerous corporate security firms, like Blackwater,

Governor Arnold’s Racist Minutemen and Bush’s Wars (tags)

We have seen this all before! If these minisculemen were men at all they would have already enlisted and be patrolling the mean-streets of Baghdad, Mosul and Sadr City. All of them 17-39 years old could have enlisted. SUPPORT the WAR? ENLIST NOW!

Bush ‘means test’ would wreck Social Security (tags)

WASHINGTON — Defenders of Social Security charged this week that a “means test” on Social Security as proposed by President George W. Bush would inflict huge benefit cuts for 70 percent of recipients, clearing the way to destroy the system vital to Americans’ economic security.

Whitehouse now tied to Delay corruption scandal! (tags)

Bush Florida 2000 recount committee still owes lobbyist's former firm $314k

Governor Arnold’s Racist Minutemen and Bush’s Wars (tags)

Minutemen 17-39 years old could have enlisted ; those 40 to 55 would already be hired to perform such security duties in Iraq by Blackwater and other corporate security firms pulling ops in hostile lands.

The Web: Reforming Social Security online (tags)

Karl Rove reveals a secret plan to reform social security.

Weak Dollar and Strong Bush: China and US Debts (tags)

To stabilize the value of the dollar, the US needs a daily currency inflow of $1.8 billion.. The budget plan of the White House rests on unrealistic assumptions.. The Bush administration assumes higher revenues by means of the tax cuts.

Bush Has Grasped the Third Rail; It's Time to Turn on the Juice (tags)

Now that Bush has admitted his plan is to cut Social Security for the middle class, it’s time for progressives to take him down. No compromises, no cutbacks, and a call for the rich to pay Social Security taxes on all income, not just the first $90,000. ---------------------

BTL:U.S. Media Fails to Hold Government Accountable in War and.. (tags)

...During Electoral Campaigns~ Interview with Robert McChesney, founder and president of the media reform group Free Press, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

After kissing Prince, W still ends up with an empty Oil can (tags)

After kissing Prince Abdullah on the cheeks, Boy George was hoping for an oil handout, in the form of more Saudi oil being 'pumped.' Alas, his Oil robber baron/partner rubbed the pretzel the wrong way by ignoring his pathetic plea, only making some rhetorical promises about increasing future production capacity.

Shadowy Lobbyists (tags)

by Admin. (No verified email address) 24 Apr 2005 Here's a decent article I came across in the Reader.

U.S. can't keep "hands off" policy in Iraq anymore? (tags)

The most amazing spin from the White House today states that, frustrated by the impasse of its own quislings in Baghdad, the U.S. may not be able to keep its "hands off" policy much longer. Well, what about all that brow-beating on the 'sovereign' Iraqi government by Warlord Don 2 weeks ago? Or the barely-concealed threats issued by Ms. 'Chevron' Rice & Halliburton Dick that the Iraqi government better get going, or else?

Americaqn Values: Torture's Okay, But No Touching (tags)

There’s a great outcry over the Catholic church’s coverup of priestly perversions, but it’s hard to find too many Americans getting worked up over the much more ghastly coverup of an official policy of torture and murder of prisoners by the US government. -----------------------------------

Prejudice Against Blondes (tags)

There is a form of racist prejudice in this country that seldom is ever acknowledged—namely prejudicial stereotyping of blonde people (particularly in negative ways). Often it is subtle and other times notso; and yet it seems more pervasive than many people may be willing to believe.

Are Bush's Social Security Program and John Bolton Nomination Dumb Ideas or Diversions? (tags)

The Bush Social Security “reform” proposal is so ridiculous, and John Bolton is such a jerk, that you have to wonder: could there be a reason Bush is proposing such stupid things? Maybe they are meant to be outrageous, to keep us ineffectively spinning our wheels while the real dirty business gets done.


On April 9th three Palestinian youth were shot and killed by Israeli soldiers as they chased a soccer ball that was kicked near the Israeli apartheid wall.

Mossad - The Israeli Connection To 911 (tags)

I think this is a nice summary of the criminals in charge. And some interesting points I didn't know like:


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Cuba, and Russia.

Pedophile Investigation is Huge! (tags)

Preacher, teacher, politician, musician, el creepo, leave those kids alone!

blackout in Alabama and Canned Cheers for Bush's Social Security Scheme (tags)

A slick suburban magazine in Montgomery, Alabama, touts the President’s Social Security wrecking scheme, but it seems to be only talking to white folks.

‘Don’t pick our pockets to line your own’ (tags)

“Privatizing Social Security may be good business for Charles Schwab, but it’s a bad deal for working Americans,” Chicago Federation of Labor President Dennis Gannon told the multiracial and multigenerational crowd of 300 that overflowed the sidewalk in front of the giant investment firm’s office here. “The stock market is a gamble,” Gannon continued, “I’ve got a mother who is 83, a daughter who is 22 and I’m 52. Privatization puts us all in jeopardy.”

Voices In Wartime opens April 15th (tags)

Voices in Wartime is a feature-length documentary that delves into the experience of war through powerful images and the words of poets – unknown and world-famous.

Rumsfeld Uses FALSE Twin Towers/Iraq War Link in Medal of Honor Speech 4/5/05 (tags)


A Mom's FYI: George W. Bush Unfurls Christianity (tags)


Sons of Satan. (tags)

Question. Who was the only individual ever to have the death sentence commuted by Governor Bush? -He mass murdered over 100 people with his other friend. In these murders, Lucas and his friend (and sometimes forcing children they bring along to participate and watch) group-murdered, flayed, hacked, cut, disemboweled, and decapitated over 100 people. Sometimes this involved necrophilia and cannabalism.-

Dots: Social Security Reorganization (tags)

The real motivations and results of the social security debate on Americans and the World

Revolutionary Communists Take on Christian Fascists Over Schiavo (tags)

"One thing that God has brought to us is Terri Schiavo to elevate the visibility of what's going on in America."

Tom DeLay, Congressman from Texas, House Republican Majority Leader,
speaking to his co-thinkers of "Family Research Council"

Tom DeLay is a powerful right-winger who wraps his ambitions in a frenzied god-speak. He is the cynical manipulator, who redistricted Texas to disenfranchise political opponents, and is now rewriting congressional ethics procedures to rescue himself from his own colossal corruption. He is an aggressive liar, who recently dared describe Terri Schiavo as "lucid."

But, for a half second there among allies, he let out something true.

This huge national power struggle over Terri Schiavo's fate has, in fact, elevated the visibility of what's going on in America.

US Iran Policy: Newton's Law of Threat and Response at Work (tags)

With the U.S. threatening an invasion, and still occupying neighboring Iraq, which it invaded two years ago, is it any surprise Iraq is trying to buy all the high-tech arms it can, or that it is trying to get the bomb? What would any government do faced with such a threat? But is this good policy on America’s part?

Even U.S. Corporations Like Canada's National Health Plan (tags)

Even as they lobby in Washington against any move towards socializing the health care system, U.S. companies are shifting production to Canada where they don’t have the cost of paying for employee health care, and once there, they are joining Canadian firms in calling for better funding for health care and more extensive services. What’s going on here?

Things are going from bad to worse? - It has gotten worse, folks! (tags)

The neo-cons are aware that Americans are un-informed (by corporate design) and domicile (courtesy of ESPN). Americans will not leave the couch and a good game on TV to stand out on the street to protest anything nowadays. So the onslaught continues. Congress is making haste at taking away rights that have been built up through decades of struggle.

Through a Glass Darkly: Scott Ritter's Raw Story Interview (tags)

Eric David Stein critiques Scott Ritters latest comments on the neocons and the possibility of a terrorist attack in the US, suggesting that Ritter's views carry serious political liabilities.

Bush Sketches 'Wing-Clipping' Scenario for Syria's Exit from Lebanon (tags)

President Bush has sketched a wing-clipping scenario for Syria's exit from Lebanon, asserting that its intelligence organizations should no longer be allowed to influence government functions in Beirut and insisting the withdrawal should be completed before the spring elections for a new Lebanese parliament.

BTL:Critics Challenge White House Claims that Iraq War Responsible for... (tags)

...Tentative Moves Toward Middle East Democracy ~ Interview with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush sending propaganda to local news (tags)

This is an article from the NYC IMC by Stop the propaganda sent by the Bush administration to your local news channels!

Enter The Black Panther (tags)

A Marvel comic book with an anti-imperialist twist!?! Check it out!

Ritual Dance of the Child Killers (tags)

Photographer tied to WH child sex-ring arrested after Thompson suicide. The Justice Department, acting through the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Omaha, emerges from the record of the Franklin investigations not so much as a party to the cover-up, but as its coordinator. Rigging grand juries, harassment of witnesses, incitement to perjury and tampering with evidence--federal personnel were seen to apply all of those techniques in the Franklin case.

Against Bush's Demagogic Foreign Policy (tags)

The security advisor under President Carter criticizes the delusional US foreign policy and urges recognizing Iran as a stability factor.

Republican White House Sex Scandal (tags)

News of a sex scandal during the Reagan and Bush years hits the fan.

The Social Security Distraction Game (tags)

Left, Right, Center - not the real solution, just a distraction so they can continue pushing their real agenda - imperialism.

Former LA Times reporter's book railroaded (tags)

A book by former LA Times reporter Jason Leopold that lays bare the backbones of its author's journey through crime, drug addition, power politics in the newsroom and government and corporate scandal has brought its author head on against the very power politics about which he wrote.

What's a Neo-Con? (tags)

"Neo-Con"--founded by the New American Century dictatorial--a born-again Criminal

Bush is a Child Molester!! (tags)

spread to the four corners!!

"Progressive" Muslims Union: South African View (tags)

"Last year, three South Africans were invited to be on the Advisory Board of an organisation that was about to be launched in the US, the Progressive Muslims Union of North America. Quite an honour. However, after much reflection, istikharah and many emails, all three – Ebrahim Moosa, Farid Esack and I – declined." Suddenly, scholars who, just a few weeks earlier, had been criticising America’s imperialist role in the world, became Bush advisors. Suddenly, there was a stream of Muslims seeking the road to the White House and Pentagon."

Menage A Trois (tags)

Was Tony Blair Folded Over Like Dubya's Shotgun?

The Path to Absolute Power (tags)

"Whenever you have an efficient government, you have a dictatorship." -- Harry S. Truman

BTL:White House and Media Escalate War of Words Against... (tags)

...Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez ~ Interview with Eva Gollinger, attorney reporting from Caracas, Venezuela, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Hunter Thompson, Bush, and Jeff Gannon and much more... (tags)

If the secrets lie with Thompson, he is no longer able to talk about it. Now, there will have to be some gonzo guerilla journalists to pick up where Thompson left off.

Bush vs Putin - Adults only... (tags)

Extra: below you will find FPF's Secret audio - 'For Your Ears Only' - 55 seconds soundtrack - (adults only) :-) - * A Bushwhackers sound bite of 'bringing democracy'.

Bush vs Putin - Adults only... (tags)

Extra: FPF's Secret audio - 'For Your Ears Only' - 55 seconds soundtrack - (adults only) :-) - * Bushwhackers soundbite of 'bringing democracy'.

Attny Gen. Spitzer Pulls the Pants Down on Mega-Corps (tags)

This speech was given by Mr. Spitzer at the National Press Club on 1/31/05

BTL:U.S. Airstrikes Against Iran Could Trigger Backlash in Iraq (tags)

Interview with Wayne Madsen, investigative journalist and former security specialist with the National Security Agency, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Peace Movement Needs to Be More Militant, But Don't Write Off the Democrats Entirely (tags)

It was a mistake for the peace movement to give Kerry a pass during the campaign, and it needs to correct that error by becoming much more militant now. But that doesn't mean wholesale rejection of the Democratic Party.

BTL:Phony Journalist Exposed in Latest Scandal Involving... (tags)

...White House Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda Machine ~ Interview with Steve Rendall, senior analyst with Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, conducted by Scott Harris

United States government, 2005: If it walks like a goose… (Part I) (tags)

To see how the Bushies stack up against former regimes of a particular bent, read on.

Where are all the resignations of editors from news organizations that ran Bush propaganda (tags)

When CBS goofed up, people were fired and quit in disgrace. But when dozens, maybe hundreds of news outfits run Bush administration-made propaganda posing as legitimate news reports, nobody has to resign. What gives here?

Gannongate threatens to expose a huge GOP pedophile and male prostitution ring (tags)

Folks, this is THE issue that we can CRUCIFY the Bushites with.

BTL:U.S.-Held Prisoners Transferred Abroad Subjected to Torture (tags)

Interview with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Scott Harris

LawSuit to e-Vict Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ (tags)

DemocracyRE'scue - LawSuit to e-Vict Corp.TresPassers, Secret Vote Counting & Hasten Death of DRE'$ - CounTy, by CounTy by financiaLLy-$trapped COUNTy, to $ave moNeY, proTecT the Future and purrCHASE FREEd-ohmm! The man who knows what Freedom means will find a way to be FREE. e-Voting = e -VictSHUN. When it comes to something as fundamental as democracy, the government lacks the power, through contract, to cede that power of vote counting in a democracy to a multinational corporation or to any individual to operate in secret, because vote counting is a Public democratic Right. It is a Public Right for which the government has literally never been GIVEN the power to give away. The government, Plainly and Simply, combined with ALL of the world's corporations, UTTERLY LACK THE POWER to Privatize Our Votes. We ought not legitimize that privatization in ANY way by assuming it has any validity, because it is Void Ab Initio (from the beginning). Most importantly, (to put it plainly but crudely) WE DON'T NEED TO PROVE SHIT, THE VOTING MACHINE COMPANIES MUST SIMPLY GET THE HELL OUT of our democracy. Period. UNPRECENDENTED in American history for government to claim, assume THE Inalienable rights to rig, run, ruin and OWN YOUR LIFE! and help dig your grave , how are you and WE going to rescue our country and humanity from this dangerous abyss? Lets get real and ON THE BALL, pick it up a notch, for..., We have lost the ability to replace our government by the ballot box, (our creation) claims they don't need The people's consent anymore. We must talk and act on this affront DAILY. Lawyers have few higher callings than bringing the people together to discuss democracy. What happened to the AmeriCaN Dream? SORRY-thats classified. ReVeal NOT CONceal, People~over~Profit$, The Right OR Civil RIGHTS? DRE'$ = Democracy Reduction EnTiTies. Secret Vote Counting Delays OUR Dreams. ##############################

Patriots and Parrots: Imprisoning Tongues in America (tags)

It can be dangerous to engage in free speech. This year alone, 242 journalists, in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, have been tossed into jail for their words, and one has been killed.

Empire and Social Insecurity: Battle Plans of This White House (tags)

It was hard to sit still and watch his smug bully’s face during the February 2 State of the Union speech. It was infuriating to watch the standing ovations of the surrounding Congress, or hear the fawning patter of the news media.

In official traditions, the President tells Congress each year how the "Union" (meaning the United States) is doing. In reality, the State of the Union speech is a "bully pulpit" where presidents build public support for their next actions.

George W. Bush didn’t dare breathe a word of truth about the real "State of the Union." Bush couldn’t mention how most of the planet thinks he is a bloody cowboy who wants to rule like a new Roman emperor. He didn’t mention how the invasion of Iraq has turned into a brutal counterinsurgency. He didn’t discuss how bitterly the U.S. "homeland" is divided between "two Americas"—half of which hates the sight of him.

Refuse the national ID Card (tags)

When ever you allow your name to be spelled in capital letters you go from being a natural person with rights to the status of a slave with no rights. The truth is you should never accept any piece of ID, it always works agains you.

Response to Stewart Frameup: Expose 9/11 Inside Job (tags)

The frameup and unjustifiable conviction of outstanding workingclass attorney, Lynne Stewart, is not only an outrage that must be protested, and the conviction must be appealed, but it must be a wakeup call that EXPOSING THE 9/11 HOAX is just as important as all other activities of the peace and labor movements.

Killers without Borders (tags)

This probably disqualifies most of america, but this article is for smoeone with the intelligence to grasp its meaning...

Video: David Ray Griffin Feb 9/05 Interview, Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack (tags)

Video: David Ray Griffin Feb 9/05 Interview, Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack - a MUST SEE WingTV 12 Feb 2005 00:08 GMT Video: David Ray Griffin Feb 9/05 interview, author of "The 911 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions". The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions And Distortions by David Ray Griffin Interview:Thinking Unthinkable Thoughts Theologian Charges White House Complicity in 9/11 Attack The New Pearl Harbor: Disturbing Questions about the Bush Administration and 9/11, Updated Edition with a New Afterword by David Ray Griffin, Foreword by Richard Falk David Ray Griffin AUDIO 59 min tape - mp3

Gannon or Guckert: No Wonder Nobody Noticed This Guy! He Fit Right In (tags)

The scandal of a Republican operative posing for years as a reporter at the White House, asking puffball questions, isn’t so much that the White House has deceived the public. It’s that the real reporters were so much like him, no one noticed the difference.

Bush Quiz (tags)

If the global terrorists including those in White House do not succeed in the next years in wiping out human civilization and culture, the second part of our puzzle will be published in Ossietzky in 2008 at the inaugu-ration of Bush's brother and successor Jeb.

Killing a Story, Helping to Elect a Corrupt, Lying President (tags)

Finally revealed in Extra! magazine: The inside story of how the New York Times and Washington Post both killed the story of Bush’s cheating use of a secret hearing device in the presidential debates, possibly influencing the outcome of the presidential race.

Freedom and Democracy (tags)

Bush jr begins his second term between fantasy and reality6. More wars threaten instead of freedom and democracy.. Permanent war also prevailed in "1984". The "Ministry for Truth" was responsible for propaganda lies and torture.

Bill Moyers: There is no tomorrow (tags)

One of the biggest changes in politics in my lifetime is that the delusional is no longer marginal. It has come in from the fringe, to sit in the seat of power in the Oval Office and in Congress. For the first time in our history, ideology and theology hold a monopoly of power in Washington.

Did J20 Protest Have An Effect? Read This Excellent Report (tags)

January 20, 2005 DC Report the unreported news of inauguration day by Avram Friedman Visible Resistance to Bush Grows Geometrically in Fourteen Days

Bush Policymakers and Sycophantic Media Forget History's Lessons in Iraq (tags)

In touting the Iraq election as a Bush “victory,” they forget that the same thing was said about an election in South Vietnam in 1967—just a few months before the Tet Offensive.

Iragi Elections: The calm before the storm (tags)

In Defence of Marxism

First Brothers Profit From W. (tags)

Detailed account of financial involvement of Bush brothers in shady business deals.

Social Security Tele-Truth Campaign (tags)

Join the Social Security Tele-Truth Phone Campaign to call the DIRTY THREE!

Because We Could (tags)

President Bush sold himself as the "anti-Clinton". With the invasion of Iraq, the two are more alike then he knows.

Chertoff Buried Early Evidence of Bush Torture Campaign in Afghanistan (tags)

The nominee for new Homeland Security secretary, back in 2002, worked hard to keep the public from hearing courtroom testimony that would have revealed the Bush government’s new campaign of torture, allowing it to spread from Afghanistan to Guantanamo to Iraq.

Thousands assail Bush hypocrisy: Freedom for who? (tags)

Obscene spending at inaugural while millions go without

Amy Goodman Interviews Gore Vidal (tags)

GORE VIDAL: I don't see much future for the United States, and I put it on economic grounds. Forget moral grounds. We're far beyond any known morality, and we are embarked upon a kind of war against the rest of the world. I think that the thing that will save us, and it will probably come pretty fast, when they start monkeying around with Social Security, that will cause unrest. Meanwhile, the costs of the wars the cost of rebuilding the cities immediately after we knock them down

The Crusade for God and Global Conquest (tags)

“America, in this young century, proclaims liberty throughout all the world, and to all the inhabitants thereof.”

George W. Bush, second inaugural speech

“You think you know...but you have no idea...just what Bush has in store world...our future!”

Opening lines of the RCP’s statement
"The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought from Here Forward!"

George W. Bush swaggered to the podium of his inauguration and said he would put before "every ruler and every nation" a choice over whether to embrace his vision of "freedom." (Kinda like how the Godfather makes you an "offer you can’t refuse.")

Bush's secret journalistic payroll keeps getting longer (tags)

Word that the Bush administration has been paying journalistic shills to pimp for its programs tells us something about the state of the media, but also about those programs: they don’t stand up to genuine scrutiny and need paid propaganda to sell them to the public.

BTL:Angry U.S. Iraq War Veteran Criticizes Excesses of... (tags)

...Gala Bush Inaugural Celebrations ~ Speech by Aidan Delgado, U.S. Army reservist and Iraq war veteran, produced by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

George Bush at No. 1 Heart Hospital Thurs. for Private Meeting -- TREATMENT? (tags)

The Cleveland Plain Dealer reported Saturday that President George W. Bush would be at the Cleveland Clinic on Thursday, Jan. 27 for a "tech trip." The consultation in Cleveland is PRIVATE. White House spokesman Jim Morrel said it is part of a push to "discuss providing affordable health care to more Americans and other initiatives." However, the trip to Cleveland is said to be specifically to DISCUSS the benefits of "health information technology." Mr. Bush is not known to have any medical or information technology expertise but is known to have a heart irregularity.

Tug of War (tags)

Some view the election of George W. Bush as providing him with a mandate to pursue his reactionary policies at home and abroad.

Rev. Moon “funnels” $250,000 for Bush inaugural bash (tags)

Y'know I love this Moon. His right wing minions at the Washington Times, Insight on the News, and UPI (Gene Koporowski) like to spam this newswire with their dreck.

Groups charge Bush is lying: Social Security ‘crisis’ is phony (tags)

Huge coalition moves to stop privatization


YOU THINK YOU KNOW................BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA..............JUST WHAT BUSH HAS IN STORE FOR.....YOU.....US.....THE WORLD.....OUR FUTURE! Straight up—Bush and his people aren’t just ordinary Republicans. And they’re not ordinary Christians either. They are Christian Fascists—dangerous fanatics who aim to make the U.S. a religious dictatorship and to force this upon the world. If they get their way—and they are very far along the road to getting it—society will be plunged into a high-tech Dark Ages. Those who compare Bush to Hitler are right! But, don’t be waiting for people wearing little mustaches and marching the Nazi goose-step to come to your town. This brand of fascism is coming differently, and it's coming straight from the White House. Staring at Christian Fascism

It's Official: My Brother Died in Vain (tags)

Why My Brother Died After two years, the government has called off its fruitless hunt for WMD.

The Phony Social Security Crisis (tags)

Bush's Phony Social Security Crisis Gains National Attention!

The "Iraqi Resistance" video - a must see (tags)

Reuters carried this article yesterday which discusses the Iraqi video which asks Bush, ""George W. Bush; you have asked us to 'bring it on'. And so have we, like you never expected. Do you have another challenge?" And don't miss "Tom Ridge: US 'should not rule out torture'" Or: US Military Tactic: Collective Punishment And: This is war

BTL:Torture Victims Oppose Gonzalez Nomination for Attorney General (tags)

Interview with Orlando Tizon, human rights activist and torture survivor, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

We have met the enemy, and it is US (corporate media) (tags)

On December 18, I attended Gary Webb’s memorial service in Sacramento, along with about 250 other people.

GOV. HOWARD DEAN POSTS on I am providing the first public challenge (tags)

Let's see some action!

Donors Lead the Leaders (tags)

Bigshot assholes mug for the camera while people struggling for self-determination find themselves under the quiet heel of oppression, again. International sympathy might point to a hidden alliance between the common person in America, and the common person everywhere.

Building Bridges Radio: Wal-Mart's Template & Attorney General Gonzales? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

Unbelievably startling footage of tsunami hitting shore at Phuket (tags)

Unbelievably startling footage of tsunami hitting shore at Phuket plus Video Shows Suicide Attack on US Convoy

Building Bridges Radio: Wal-Mart's Template & Attorney General Gonzales? (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK BELOW

George Bush -- Take THIS Story to Your New Year's Party (tags)

George W. Bush apparently is using a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. This would mean he is at risk of sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) or sudden cardiac death (SCD).

Freedom Toast for Breakfast (tags)

According to thelegend, gaining power over the world is the only way of defending against the enemy. This scenario functions when the enemy is constructed as a world conspiracy. This enemy threatening the aggressor did not really exist and had to be invented.

W is both "stingy" and abrasive (tags)

The part-time White House occupier(he seems to spend an enormous amount of 'paid vacation' time at his Crawfor ranch)is chafing at criticism that the U.S. is being awfully 'stingy' in sending token amounts of aid to victims of the Asian tsunami over the weekend.

Iraq 04 like Vietrnam 66. (tags)

Iraq 04 like Vietrnam 66. CIA working with “Moonies.” Ghost jets take insurgents away for “questioning.” Interesting reading. Please circulate widely.

AP: U.S. Officials Knew of AIDS Drug Risks (tags)

WASHINGTON - Weeks before President Bush (news - web sites) announced a plan to protect African babies from AIDS (news - web sites), top U.S. health officials were warned that research on the key drug was flawed and may have underreported thousands of severe reactions including deaths, government documents show.

President George W. Bush: Will He Have to Step Aside for President Cheney? (Health) (tags)

George W. Bush apparently is wearing a medical device for "persons at risk of cardiac arrest." It is a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. He started using it sometime after his January 2002 fainting spell, which was attributed to choking. Based on photos showing him wearing the device, one can conclude the fainting was due to atrial fibrillation (AF), which his father also had.

PHOTOS Show George W. Bush Seriously Ill Physically (tags)

George W. Bush apparently is wearing a medical device for "persons at risk of cardiac arrest." It is a LifeVest wearable defibrillator. He started using it sometime after his January 2002 fainting spell, which was attributed to choking. Based on photos showing him wearing the device, one can conclude the fainting was due to atrial fibrillation (AF), which his father also had.

President Bush signed order to allow torture, says ACLU (tags)

News release and documents made public today by the ACLU points a finger at the President. The information releases indicates President Bush signed an executive order permitting inhumane interrogation methods against detainees in Iraq.

L.A.'s Social Security Now- Update (tags)

Stop The Privatization Of Social Security!

The Battle For The Future Will Be Fought From Here Forward! (tags)

Two futures confront each other. Will imperialism force a future of darkness and suffocation onto the people? Will tens of millions more needlessly suffer and die? OR, will the critical spirit be unleashed in a way that does a great GOOD for humanity? Will society move forward in a revolutionary direction and set about removing the great suffering and misery cast down on the people by capitalism?

Chief Chickenhawk still backs Warlord Don (tags)

Despite increasing calls--even from the normally spineless Congress--for the head of "Secretary of Offense" to roll, the White House occupier insists that the Pentagon Warlord is "doing a fine job" and wants him to stay for "4 more years" in running the U.S. "Operation Enduring FAILURE"...

100 Facts and 1 Opinion (tags)

From the Purple States to your brain

TRANSCRIPT: Interview with Gary Webb in 1998 Re-Broadcast Today on Democracy Now! (tags)

Gary Webb, a Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter who wrote a series of stories linking the CIA to crack cocaine trafficking in Los Angeles, is dead at age 49. We hear an 1998 interview with Gary Webb on Democracy Now! and we speak with his colleague, veteran investigative journalist Robert Parry. [includes rush transcript]

Old 'Cons' coin new slogans (tags)

Alarmed by the "Excess of Evil" committed by the "Neo-Cons" of the Bushwhacked Oil Cabal squatting in the White House these days, some traditional conservatives have revived & re-worked slogans from the '60s to combat the fascist trend of their newer 'upstarts.'

America's Debt to Journalist Gary Webb (tags)

In 1996, journalist Gary Webb wrote a series of articles that forced a long-overdue investigation of a very dark chapter of recent U.S. foreign policy – the Reagan-Bush administration’s protection of cocaine traffickers who operated under the cover of the Nicaraguan contra war in the 1980s.

George W. Bush Medical Results to Be Released Today -- Don't Believe 'em (tags)

Dr. Kenneth Cooper, M.D., of Dallas, the aerobics pioneer a long-time personal friend of George W. Bush, and the White House physician today released a letter saying President Bush is "fit for duty." Not so. They are supposed to release details later Saturday (today). President Bush presents with symptoms of Graves' disease and Wernicke's disease (which see on Google).

Bulldozer without Brakes (tags)

According to a CNN poll in the middle of November, 60% of Americans had a positive opinion of president Bush who proved his manliness..Twelve million American families worried about their daily bread.. However the president plans more tax relief.

Strategy for Coping With The Bush Problem (tags)

Are We There Yet? (tags)

Saddam Hussein has been universally and rightly condemned for filling thousands of mass graves. Might there be a new killer kid on the block? For more details, read on.

The Battle for the Future Will Be Fought From Here Forward! (tags)

Straight up—Bush and his people aren’t just ordinary Republicans. And they’re not ordinary Christians either. They are Christian Fascists—dangerous fanatics who aim to make the U.S. a religious dictatorship and to force this upon the world. If they get their way—and they are very far along the road to getting it—society will be plunged into a high-tech Dark Ages.

Thugs, Criminals Counting American Votes (tags)

author: Daniel Hopsicker "An electronic voting system is to a mechanical one what a nuclear bomb is to a hand grenade... If someone manages to sabotage it, the results can be catastrophic." This article was originally posted to the Portland IMC - 12/9/04.

Open Words about the Empire (tags)

Everyone who rises to prominence learns to think in the obsequious sentences of an English butler serving cookies to the Prince of Wales.. Wars as the US waged in the last 60 years always serve to prevent democracy at home.

Million Worker March in Washington defies AFL-CIO and calls for a fighting labor movement (tags)

The forward thrust of the March stood in stark contrast to the AFL-CIO’s failed strategy of support for John Kerry.

Investigative Reporter Jason Leopold Exposes Corporate Scandal, Dirty Politics & His Life (tags)

In Off the Record, Jason Leopold reveals in startling detail how his desire to land the scoop at any cost ended up costing him his career.

Bush's Votergate Mandate? (tags)

New Evidence of Nationwide Voting Fraud

White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software (tags)

From Online Journal:

Psst!~ Hey buddy, did you hear how great the Iraq war is going? (tags)

Corporate mind-controllers, having taken over the media, are now going after that last bastion of free communication: the grapevine. Can the Pentagon and White House be far behind?


Death Threats To Anyone Who Speaks The Truth

Outrageous! (tags)

Outrageous! That is what many are calling the war profiteering by U.S. corporations.

2+2=5 (tags)

There will never be another free and fair election in America ever again if George Bush is inaugurated as the President of the United States on January 20th. 2005 or at least until there is a civil war restablishing an open democracy.

Escalation in Iraq Follows a Campaign of Lies (tags)

After campaigning as a “peace” candidate who was about to start winding down U.S. military involvement in Iraq, Bush has seriously escalated the conflict. It was a campaign of lies. Now we need a campaign to elect an anti-war Congress in 2006.

Five Years After WTO Protests: Seattle Weekly Trashes Anti-Globalization Movement (tags)

The media spin cycle leading up to major anti-globalization protests has become so predictable that activists have been forced to come up with better media strategies to keep up with the lies and disinformation. The mainstream media starts the cycle several months in advance with articles and coverage about the upcoming summit and accompanying protests.

Preparing for a Crooked Election: Angst for Nothin’ (tags)

Question: What good are democratic solutions if democracy no longer exists? Answer: Good question. For one writer’s take on this conundrum, read on.

2 + 2 = Five (tags)

There will never be another free and fair election in America ever again if George Bush is inaugurated as the President of the United States on January 20th. 2005 or at least until there is a civil war establishing an open democracy.

US After the Election: Permanent Alarm (tags)

The election was an expression of fear combined with ignorance about the economy. The American majority that voted for Bush is a case study of repression. That the economy is sick, the country isolated and the ground begins to totter is denied.

To the Viktor Go the Spoils (tags)

Americans would do well to listen to listen to thousands of Ukrainians protesting a stolen election, even though they’re shouting in a foreign tongue and it would likely be hard to literally understand them but the message should still be able to be discerned anyway.

The President Plays Poker (tags)

The past tax cuts tore holes of billions in the federal Washington budget.. The ambitious reformer GWBush puts all his eggs in one basket, that his society of owners will not soon be mocked as a society of debtors.

Rumsfeld's War: Seymour Hersh (tags)

Did the government deceive itself? Or did it feed the Congress and the public with false information? Hersh concludes in the epilogue: This was Rumsfeld's war.. Rumsfeld did the dirty work and guarded the secrets..

Aids & the Weaponized Anthrax Mailings - Common Origins (tags)

Aids and the weaponized AMES strain anthrax mailings of 2001 are both creations of scientists at SAiC-USARMIID, Ft. Detrick. BioPort, Bayer and VaxGen manufacure anthrax "vaccine" - what we've seen this far is contaminated and ineffective against the Ames strain - and each has a roots in Nazi Germany and have their own histories of illicit human experimentation.

News Gathering Illegal Under New Patriot Act ll, Sec. 102 (tags)

SECTION 102 of the new Patriot Act ll states clearly that any information gathering, regardless of whether or not those activities are illegal, can be considered to be clandestine intelligence activities for a foreign power. This makes news gathering illegal.

The New Corporate Liberation Theology. Part 1 (tags)

The US government has privatized and sold whole sectors of the Iraqi economy. Economic policy and tax laws are rewritten. Foreign firms can now buy 100 percent of Iraqi firms and export the profits. This is a blatant violation of international law...

New World Order 101 (MP3 5 minute speech) - please distribute everywhere! (tags)

This is an important message. Actually it is the biggest untold news story in the history of the world. It is mind blowing, therefore most people won't be able to believe it, although the facts and conclusions are unmistakable. This is the challenge the misinformed masses will ultimately face one way or another.

Polls and the Power of Self-Manipulation (tags)

Does the polling process itself encourage participants to not tell the truth?

Who Can Stop Bush? A Coalition of Other Nations. (tags)

So, we lost here, but can we prevail elsewhere?

In three days 606 American myrmidons perished (tags)

A unfiltered Report never seen on patriotic lying american mass media


Recently, I was involved in a project that required a visit to every Independent Media Center in the country. I learned of an enormous movement happening across the United States that literally astounded me. There are protests and marches in every major city in the country.

Bush's Hidden Majority (tags)

Bush's Hidden Majority

A Bush/Rove plan to OUTLAW homosexuality (& dissent)? (tags)

In the wake of an election riddled with irregularities, before most states have certified their election results, with recounts being called for in several states, and long before the Electoral College has cast the only deciding "vote" for President, the Bush Gang is reportedly cooking up plans to continue marching toward religious dictatorship while shredding what's left of the Constitution. Read up, spread the word--and PLEASE DONATE NOW to the recount effort!

Statistics Don't Lie, But Don't Tell the Truth in Fallujah Either (tags)

U.S. dead are a consequence of a Bush campaign deception, while the number of “enemy” killed in Fallujah is certain to include many civilian victims.

No mandate, no surrender (tags)

Several months ago most pollsters predicted that the margin of difference between Kerry and Bush would be razor thin. I can’t recall anyone projecting a landslide for either candidate, let alone a major political realignment nationwide.



The Hill Takes a Leak on the Bush Bulge (tags)

A small Washington newsletter runs an anonymous Secret Service leak story attempting to debunk the Bush bulge as an armored vest, but raises more questions than it answers.

Standby :) (tags)

The immanent planned collapse ... US Silent As Euro Screams Higher

An open letter to the people of the United States regarding the future of humanity. (tags)

You Americans need to get of your high horse with all this "America is a great country" garbage. The American taxpayer funds a 500 billion dollar killing machine that has been committing genocide at home and abroad for hundreds of years.

what to do next (tags)

Millions of us turned out to oppose George W. Bush. We stood in lines for hours, in the rain, as part of the largest electoral turnout in our history. Bush received a record number of votes. So did John Kerry. I am asking you to turn out again.


from Skeeter Sanders' blog


As Diane Finstine appeared to night on kgo 7 news she blames Democratic defeats on the gay marrage Issue

The Kennedy Curse (tags)

Despite having the same initials as JFK, Kerry was unable to reverse the curse that began 40 years ago.

What Went Wrong? Wrong Candidate, Lying Media, Ignorant Voters (tags)

For progressives to come back from this election disaster, the first step will have to be to break the corporate media’s stranghold on information, which has produced a nation of uninformed and misled voters (or non-voters).

IN THE TIME OF KINGS, THE PEASANTS SHARPEN THEIR KNIVES: Anarchists and the 2004 Election (tags)

A statement on the 2004 elections by a Anarchist-Communist point of view that analyzes the reasons to reject the reformist pro-Kerry stance and puts forward an alternative vision of building popular and revolutionary movements.

LA Citizens Grand Jury Condemns US Government Roll In 911 And Subsequent Coverup (tags)

LOS ANGELES - In findings issued today, the Los Angeles Citizens' Grand Jury condemned the 9/11 Commission's official version of the events of September 11, 2001 as "physically impossible, untenable, contradictory, implausible and fraudulent" and called for the release of several documents specifically naming officials responsible for 9/11, being withheld until after the election.


Iran-contra alumni have been romancing al Qaeda for some time ... still do ...

The Public Stoning of Martha Stewart: A Lifting of the Veil (tags)

Members of the mainstream press flew into Martha Stewart with more than their usual viciousness following her setting out as a political victim. Having nothing substantial to use against her, they have given negative connotations to her success, mocked the domestic skills upon which she has built her life’s work, twisted what she said and misquoted her, and made hateful remarks that could not have gotten past the editor in the days of ethical media practices. . . .

For All Republicans (tags)

Are you "really" a republican?

Ralph Nader Speech Full Text (tags)

The speech Ralph Nader gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears. (recommended: paste to wordpad)


"I'm voting my conscience on Nov. 2; I'm voting for John Kerry....His policy proposals involve vision -- like alternative energy, more accessible health care, and funding all those children who have been left behind by the Bush administration."

How three of the nation's top newspapers killed a big Bulgegate scoop (tags)

When a top NASA research scientist offered three of the country’s top newspapers the enhanced photographs he’d worked on of the Bush debates, showing how Bush lied, they all took a dive—even that once great hero of the Watergate scandal, Bob Woodward, now assistant managing editor of the Washington Post

CHENEY & CO'S ROLE IN 9/11: on Air America Radio, Monday night! (tags)

Tune into Air America's Mike Malloy show this Monday night (Election Eve) to hear 9/11 researcher Mike Ruppert, author of "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil." According to Ruppert, VP Cheney and other government officials helped plan the 9/11 attacks--and Cheney played a pivotal role on the day of the attacks.

Was Bush Wired All 3 Times? Is He Lying Now? NASA Expert Says You Bet! (tags)

Using the same techniques he applies to the photos from the Cassini Saturn probe, a JPL photo expert at NASA examined pics of Bush’s back from all three debates. The astonishing images of what were under the jacket are all revealed here. So are the President’s lies.



TheOne-Dimensional Ariel Sharon (tags)

"The human longing for freedom is invincible as well as the struggle for independence of oppressed nations. Ignoring this is blindness, not realism. Even George W Bush a person not less primitive and brutal than Sharon learns that narrow limits are set.."

New Wrinkle: NASA Photo Expert Exposes Bush Bulge (tags)

The bulge under Bush’s jacket in the first has now now been analysed by a NASA satellite photo specialist . This is what the president is calling a case of bad tailoring.

From COINTELPRO to the Patriot Act: The long battle for justice and civil liberties (tags)

Jailed Black Panther calls for amnesty

More on Bulgegate: What's That Wire? (tags)

With a wire running behind his tie, a bulge on his back, and inexplicably goofy behavior at the debates, Bush has a lot of explaining to do, if only the gutless press would ask the obvious questions.

GOP loves revived Know Nothing Party (tags)

In mid-October, after the $1 Billion CIA Duelfer Report that definitively concluded Iraq had neither WMDs nor even active programs, 72% of Bush supporters still believed the opposite...

Nader aims to break up the two-party system (tags)

ANNAPOLIS, Md. -- Consumer activist Ralph Nader, running for president as the Reform Party candidate, sat down with Gannett News Service last week to talk about his campaign:

Bulgegate: The President's Newest Lie About What He Wore to the Debates (tags)

First it was a faked photo, then it was a pucker in the jacket. Now it’s a badly fitting shirt, but doesn’t this usually nattily dressed commander-in-chief change his shirts?

CNP? Religious Right and Bush (tags)

Who Is The Council For National Policy And What Are They Up To? And Why Don’t They Want You To Know?

Gay McCarthyism - ''Feel the (Heterophobic) Hate'' (tags)

[To Paul Krugman]: While Googling around the web recently, I stumbled across your Sept. 3 Op-Ed piece on the Republican convention, “Feel the Hate.” I’m not interested in getting into a discussion of what was said about Senator Kerry. But I would like to talk about why Sheri Dew should not have been included in the list of speakers you accused of hate speech. More importantly, I’d like to use this as a case study of the McCarthyesque tactics employed by the gay press.

73 Percent of Americans Agree: Cheney Related to Devil or Something Else Really Icky (tags)

Q.: What's more scary than the prospect of Bush in the White House for four more years? A.: Having Dick Cheney, the puppet monster, right behind him. For more details about why the most frightening being in American political history insists on hanging around and giving us the willies, read on. (But don’t forget to look under your bed first.)

Required Reading for Non-Swing-State Voters (tags)

The speech Ralph Nader gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears. (recommended: paste to wordpad)

A Bush pre-election strike on Iran 'imminent (tags)

eradicate bush


Why we should hold our noses and vote for Kerry to engage a potentially more moderate administration.

The Commander in Chief is a Coward. (tags)

Bush is a Coward. Pass it on.

an open letter to a president (tags)

it has to happen somewhere it has to happen soon what better place than here? what better time than NOW. RAGE

Noam Chomsky Interview (tags)

"There are some differences, and small differences in a system of enormous power can translate into substantial effects. The Bush administration, if it gets another mandate, may do very serious harm to the world and the country.."

Let's Boil it Down "Mr. Republican" (tags)

Are you "really" a republican?

Ralph Nader Speech Full Text (tags)

The speech he gave at Creighton Univ. on 8/25/04 and a portion of the Q and A afterward. Please remember that in "safe states" you can vote your heart rather than your fears. (recommended: paste to wordpad)


In his new book, "Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney's New World Order," Mark Crispin Miller paints a sobering picture of the American extreme right and its campaign to dismantle Constitutional government and replace it with a pseudo-religious, "Christo-fascist" theocracy in which Old Testament law--and the Ten Commandments--would be brutally enforced. Death by stoning for adultery, for abortion, for homosexuality, and even for disobedient children. Could it happen here? Is the Bush administration already pursuing this vision? And will we vote to reject this vision on November 2? Yes, we will!

CNP - The Greastest Danger Behind The Bush Agenda (tags)

Who Is The Council For National Policy And What Are They Up To? And Why Don’t They Want You To Know?

Election 2004: Remember, California, to Breathe Early and Often (tags)

Fear not, my worried friends: November 2 is almost upon us, and in a few days, it will all be over -- and I mean that in a good way. For additional calming details, read on.

A Bush Pre-Election Strike On Iran 'Imminent' (tags)

According to White House and Washington Beltway insiders, the Bush administration, worried that it could lose the presidential election to Senator John F. Kerry, has initiated plans to launch a military strike on Iran's top Islamic leadership, its nuclear reactor at Bushehr on the Persian Gulf, and key nuclear targets throughout the country, including the main underground research site at Natanz in central Iran and another in Isfahan. Targets of the planned U.S. attack reportedly include mosques in Tehran, Qom, and Isfahan known by the U.S. to headquarter Iran's top mullahs.

Delusions of Empire (tags)

Another great article by Raimondo, telling it like it is. The sun has set on the neo-con agenda. Time for justice.

We The People, IndyMedia, And The Neoliberal Project (tags)

Consider for a moment how important the Internet has become as a source of news and analysis. Over the past ten years, email lists and websites have evolved into a formidable alternative to commercial media. They provide people all over the world with timely eyewitness reports on developing events, along with a broad range of analysis and opinion.

Media Give Bush a Free Pass on the Bulge (tags)

While the story of Bush’s mystery bulge is still all over the web, and has become a source of yucks on the comedy circuit, the major media are failing to press the White House on the serious question: What is that thing and why does the president have to wear it, not just at debates, but even in his pickup truck on the ranch?

Confessions of a Swing State Voter (tags)

It should go without saying that Senator Kerry has supported President Bush in every major policy area during the past few years, including the Iraqi war resolution, No Child Left Behind, Patriot Act, coddling of the Chinese government, and oppression of the Palestinians. Looking to the future, Kerry has promised to "try to" withdraw U.S. troops from Iraq by the end of his first term (if circumstances permit). That's quite a promise to those of us who oppose the war! At least four more years of American troops killing and being killed in an occupied country. Kerry's approach to Iraq is identical to that of Bush, except he thinks he can talk some Europeans into sending troops to the quagmire for international political cover.

Kerry is more than just a County! (tags)

Defend yourself from self-defeat, Don't let Bush lull you into other four years!

First the Back-Door Draft, Next the Foot-in-the-Door Draft (tags)

Beware presidents asking for a few good women to tend the troops. If they push the door open a little way, the draft will come right on through.

CFL ALERT: More U.S. double standards in the Middle East (tags)

The current rhetoric coming out of Washington is demanding that Syria end its "occupation" of Lebanon. However, not a single word is being said about the decades-long illegal and immoral occupation of the Palestinian people.

More Evidence of Bush’s Secret Earpiece, and of Corporate Media Complacency (tags)

Bush can be seen jiggling his earpiece in a joint press conference with Jacques Chirac, and getting his lines fed to him. The rest of the world is learning all about this scandal, but not Americans.

Responsible Voting (tags)

Why you should vote for Nader/Camejo! (tags)

[V]oting for Kerry doesn’t necessarily mean voting against Bush’s policies. All that Kerry has said so far shows that the goals of his presidency would look a lot like the Bush administration’s.

Are We Safer Than We Were Before 9/11? by Don Monkerud (tags)

"Bush and his administration may continue to claim that we are safer as a result of his policies but evidence shows that the invasion and occupation of Iraq has only increased the number of terrorists.."

Technical Expert Confirms It: Bush is Wired (tags)

The Bush campaign still is claiming Bush isn’t wearing anything, and that he just has unusually large and oddly shaped wrinkles on the back of his clothes, but an expert says otherwise. He’s been wearing a high-tech earpiece at the debates.

Meet the Opposition (tags)


That Bush Earpiece and Wire: The Bush Campaign Explanations Make it Seem Even More Likely (tags)

After first trying to say the photos must have been doctored, the Bush administration is now trying to say that the peculiar bulge in his jacket was just an odd wrinkle.

Be American (tags)

Yeah?.. but what about the comments made by the bushite child killer phil smith? Maybe he'll tell us again why innocent children were targeted for murder to get rightly killed loyal enemy bushite nazi brethren?

Wired W still lost to an Embedded Kerry (tags)

The consensus among pundits after the 2 "presidential debates" is that the White House squatter lost both rounds to an "embedded" Flip-flopper named John Kerry...

About That Bush Wire: It's Not the Most Important Thing... (tags)

The evidence mounts that Bush is hearing very earthly voices in his ear, but the more important issue is what those voices are having him say about his plans for the next term.

BTL:U.S. Veteran Returning from Iraq Speaks Out Against the War and... (tags)

...Killing of Civilians ~ Excerpts of speech by Marine Staff Sgt. Jimmy Massey, produced by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

What we need today — a program for working people ELECTION PLATFORM 2004, COMMUNIST PARTY (tags)

This is no ordinary election year. Across our country, people are searching for security, hope and peace.

It's not about furthering our agenda (tags)

"Any reasonable analysis..must recognize the clear and present danger that Bush and his band of neo-cons and religious end time thinkers represent..They are potentially fascist..The Bush Republican party is serious about endless wars.."

Bush Doesn’t Want 4 More Years (tags)

When President Bush debated John Kerry last week in Florida, he basically told the American people: 1) I really do not want to be president for another four years, 2) I really do not know how to deal with the mess my administration has got us into, and 3) I can not sincerely defend the performance of my administration's past four years. He did not exactly say these things verbatim, but his heart sent these messages.

Be American (tags)

I don't know about you, but I hate bushite rapists and torturers celebrated by corporate American Talk Radio news censors. As enemies of God and all that is great with this world, the bushite bombers should be called out for a man to man fight for their core beliefs, or be rightly killed as better dead than allowed to continue in our names.

A MOM'S FYI: "The George W. Bush Wars: An Internet Primer for Dummies" (tags)

The George W. Bush Wars: An Internet Primer for Dummies

Saudi Entrepeneur Adnan Khashoggi Linked to 911 Terrorists (tags)

Saudi businessman Adnan Khashoggi, an Oliver Nort h intermediary in Iran-contra, surfaces yet again - this time in connection with Huffman Aviation, the trainin camp for Mohammed Atta's suicide-cult terrorist cell ...

Bush Beats Brutal Competition to Become Al-Qaida’s “Man of the Year” (tags)

Isn’t it funny how the guy who talks the most about defeating terrorists has done the absolute worst job of doing it? Well, no, it’s not, and what’s even more so not funny is that, if the U.S. gets hit again before the election, it would probably condemn us to another four years of the same bad routine. For more details, read on.

Fetishist Rumsfeld (tags)

"With Rumsfeld, one enters a plane of freely-floating aggressiveness not bound to any principles or any special competence. Psychological textbooks know unbridled ruthless tyrants as failures. Rumsfeld may be a successful cross-breeding.."

From plains to shining sea — The call is 'Dump Bush!' (tags)

Socialist Candidates on National Tour (tags)

In California, all three candidates are scheduled to appear in Los Angeles on Sat. Oct. 9, 4 p.m., at Workmen's Circle; Sun. Oct. 10, 4 p.m., KRST African Spirituality and Unity Center; and Mon. Oct. 11, 1 p.m., Sunset Hall Senior Center.

Kerry and the War Issue: Seymour Hirsch (tags)

"The rapid ascent of the neoconservatives surprises him.. They thought the march to Baghdad was essentialf or the war against terror and that afterwards democracy would flow like water from a fountain!.."

Gag and Bear It: Why We Lefties Have to Vote for Kerry (tags)

It’s time to face some hard realities—Nader is not going to bring us a third party, but too many votes and he could bring us Bush and the Republicans, and these days, that could mean we’re on the road to a real one-party state, not just a state with two parties that seem pretty indistinguishable.

The Secret Service Investigates Serious Threat to the President’s Balls (tags)

Homeland Security placed the nation at the highest terror threat level yesterday, red, as news of a new and credible threat to the President made its way around the Internet. Sue Niederer, mother of a US soldier killed in Iraq is reported to have publicly stated her desire to shoot the President in the “groined” area. Not since rumors alleging that Hitler had only one ball has a nation’s national security been threatened with such urgency.

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

How Can Kerry Beat Bush? Just the Facts, Man (tags)

If John Kerry is looking for a sure-fire way to fire George Bush and send him on his way, it’s simple: spread the truth about Dubya’s truly horrid record. For more details, read on.

Overheard at the White House (tags)

Monitored on the five meter band...

The Web: New views on the 'digital divide' (tags)

This is a great story on the problems of the digital divide.

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

The Schizophrenic State (tags)

Why we have allowed ourselves to be dragged into wars that do not enhance our security and diminish our global standing

The Schizophrenic State (tags)

Reasons behind the world's mistrust of America's motives in the global war on terror, and Iraq

A True Patriot Warrior (tags)

They just can't allow any one of US to publicly ask: what was the just cause, if the demon bush had complete unrestricted, one hundred percent access throughout Iraq prior to the conflict beginning?, following - that the unjustified war has only done what could be expected: LOWERED our ability to do any good. (What couldn't be done before the war began but for the rob and pillaging innocent pro-Iraqis part?)

A Trinity of Evil: George Bush, Big Oil, 9-11 (tags)

As more documents concerning 9-11 surfaces, it is becoming increasing clear the top officials in the Bush administration were at least complicit if not an active participants in the attacks. There is enough evidence now to bind George W. Bush, big oil companies and 9-11 into a trinity of evil. By allowing the 9-11 attacks to take place unhindered Bush and all of his top advisers are guilty of the mass murder of over 3000 innocent people.

America a Police State? No, Not Yet (tags)

There are certainly serious assaults on First Amendment freedoms underway, but the problem with prematurely characterizing America as a police state is that it plays right into the Bush/Rove/Ashcroft strategy of instilling fear in the public.

BTL:Former CIA, State Department and Pentagon Officials Call on... (tags)

...Current Government Employees to Blow Whistle on Bush's Iraq War Deceptions ~ Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former government employee who released the "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Los Angeles DREAM Fast Vigil (Day 5) (tags)

DREAM Act Fasters Highlight the Importance of Voting

Anniversary of the Assassination of Folke Bernadotte af Wisborg: September 17 1948 (tags)

Count Folke Bernadotte, special UN Mediator to Mid East ...responsibile for saving 20,000 Jews from Himmler was assassinated this day, September 17 1948. The man directly responsible for his death, Nathan Friedman-Yellin was sentenced, pardoned after 5 months and was allowed to serve on Knesset

Who seized Simona Torretta? (tags)

The Iraqi kidnapping has the mark of an undercoverpolice operation.

Bush’s Trampling of Dissent: Kerry’s Chance to Stand Up for Civil Liberties (tags)

The ACLU has filed suit on behalf of a couple arrested at a Bush rally for wearing T-shirts saying “No Bush”—more evidence that this president has no respect for the Constitution or basic American values.

Internet claim on Bush award disputed (tags)

This is an expose of the validity made by a Web site that said President Bush, when serving as an officer in the Texas Air National Guard, wore a ribbon he was not authorized to wear.

Democrats for Bush (tags)

Senator John Kerry and the Democrats are Peeing their Pants Cowards (tags)

Now that campaigning to the far right has failed to get a rise out of the American public all my Democratic Party friends are running around bumping into each other in fear and loathing realizing that the Democratic leadership Council and its lead poisoned leader Al From - who is cowering inside the pup tent he pitched inside the Big Tent to perform by pass surgery on Bill Clinton's heart (which is so full of saturated fat it really does need bypass surgery) so that Clinton could sign the child poverty creating Welfare Reform Act - has led Senator John Kerry down a rabbit hole.

Coup D' Tat in AMERICA (tags)

This should be read by every Americian before November!!

"President Bush, You Killed My Son! I dare you to tell me the Iraq war was justified! (tags)

An interview with Sue Niederer, Military Families Speak Out member, whose son Lt. Seth Dvorin was killed in Iraq on February 3rd, 2004

This Is What Democracy Looks Like (tags)

American democracy is up off the canvas. Come November 2, it will knock the power punch-drunk Crawford Chump so far out of the ring, he won’t know what hit him. Copyright © 2004 Mark Drolette. All rights reserved. Commercial use prohibited.

Better than I ever did (tags)

It should also be noted his faithful wife, spends her days, phoning wives of other potential bush bitch nazi whores, encouraging them to support the war crimes of her husband, by not mentioning the treason that foreigner Saudi blount has dedicated the sacrifice of American soldiers for.

Education is not a Commodity for Trade (tags)

"Educational policy can and must bring light into globalization.. The world is no longer as simploe as in biblical times when the traders could be simply chased from the temple. Education must remain master in its own house.. Education is not a commodity.."

Hammers, Velveeta® And The Blue Skinned Beast: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Adop (tags)

Orange Fizzy Drinks, George III, Blue Piss, Trenton, Hammers, Madness, Vernors Soda, Forwarded Emails, MoveOn PAC, The Blue Skinned Beast, Talking Not Acting, A Modest Proposal, And Adopting A Swing State

Greenspan Sounds Alert on Social Security (tags)

THERE WILL BE NONE FOR YOU!! For at least the fourth time this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan issued his warning that the White House and Congress need to come up quickly with a plan to trim the Social Security and Medicare benefits that 77 million baby boomers are scheduled to receive when they retire.

BTL:Guantanamo Detainees Subjected to Pentagon-Run "Kangaroo Court" (tags)

Interview with Michael Ratner, principal attorney for prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay, U.S. Naval Base conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)

Remembering an antiwar Vietnam veteran -- digging deeper into a painful memory that won't go away. This is a rewrite of an article I posted on IMC some time ago

The role of the left in these elections (tags)

RIP-OFF Massive pay cuts, longer hours loom for 6 million workers as Bush guts overtime (tags)

Women and working parents especially hard hit

Pesky Citizens Will Not Shut Up! (tags)

Dear Kerry Supporter (tags)

Kerry the War Hero is a Loser; Kerry the War Resister Would be a Winner (tags)

As long as Kerry has to defend his war record, he will be battered by Bush and right-wing Viet Vets. Only if he embraces his years as a war resister and joins the majority of Americans in opposing the current war can he hope to recover and win in November.

If Bush Wins His First Election: A Not So Far-Out View of the Not Too Far-Off Future (tags)

So you think things are bad now? Well, they hella are. But you ain’t seen nothing yet if Dubya wins (or is re-appointed) November 2. For a grim peek at how things may look should John Kerry come a cropper on Election Day, read on.

George W. Bush, The Neocons, & The Nazis: Ties That Bind (tags)

There are numerous connections between the Bush family and the Nazis. Moreover, the philosophy of the neocons within the Bush administration has already been connected with fascism. However, no article has attempted to present an overview of the fascist connections within the Bush administration.

Is Despair Spreading in the Bush Camp? (tags)

"The situation for Bush is really precarious if one considers the increasing signals that the economic system is much weaker than assumed.. Ultra-conservatives are worried about the great global instability.."

Why Venezuela has Voted Again for Their 'Negro e Indio' President (tags)

Baltimore Chronicle Monday, August 16, 2004 There's so much BS and baloney thrown around about Venezuela that I may be violating some rule of US journalism by providing some facts. Let's begin with this: 77% of Venezuela's farmland is owned by 3% of the population, the 'hacendados.'

The Costs of the Iraq War Shock the US Public (tags)

"If Bush wins again, the attack is the best defense delusion threatens and the realiza-tion of the self-fulfilling prophecy of the American rightwing that sees a coming clash of civilizations between Islam and the West."

George W. Bush and his Watergate (tags)

"Bush's famous speech of January 2002 wherfe he described Iraq, Iran and North Korea as the axis of evil was written by David Frum, a neoconservative ally of Perle. The neoconservatives were the chief authors of Bush's war on terrorism since September 11.

So it is written, so it shall be done (tags)

Traitor evil lawless bushite enemy, die for us instead of our good families of innocent men women and children.

Bush Making an Issue of Kerry’s Military Service Is Dumber Than--Well, Anything, Rea (tags)

Why would a president who did everything he could to not put on a uniform during wartime but couldn’t wait to don one years later as the most protected person on Earth, cast aspersions about a guy who volunteered to wear one in Vietnam and upon arriving back home as a decorated vet did everything he could to help other soldiers take theirs off? For more details about the Bush Baby’s last-gasp grasp at a straw man, read on.

Ralph Nader Takes Out The Trash: A Rebuttal To The ADL's Abe Foxman. (tags)

A letter to Abe Foxman of the ADL, after Foxman had issued one of his standard "he's a bigot" responses to Nader's criticism of Israeli policy.

BTL: Terrorist Alerts: Genuine Threats or Political Ploy? (tags)

Interview with Craig Eisendrath, senior fellow with the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Life and Lies Under the Terrordome (tags)

How intensely war moves on the "home front" are being escalated! How suspicious the timing of all this is! How completely flimsy all the supposed "evidence" turned out to be!

Contracts will be signed, and bushites will die (tags)

No respect for the American flag, nor the Constitution, while acquiescing to the, oh well, unaddressed rapes and torture of those evidenced innocent, while PUBLICLY claiming the rights to steal most everything, as the official definition of being lawwlessly "pro-Iraqi", while attacking any or all those demanding fair representation, or who honorably hold truces. Just imagine what the bushite's pro-Amerka will be like,

Filmmaker Moore Quotes Goss on Lack of CIA Credentials (tags)

Florida Republican Porter Goss told documentary-maker Michael Moore's production company during the filming "Fahrenheit 9/11" that; "I couldn't get a job with CIA today. I am not qualified"

Bush'ls Plan to Build a Better Octopus (tags)

The politicization of spy work

Bush is his own Enemy (tags)

"In the slipstream of the Iraq war, he carried out one of the greatest tax gifts for the economic elites in the history of the country. He cut pensions and income support and promoted the privatization of schools and the health system. He cut the pay of soldiers.."

CIA set to overthrow Chavez (tags)

CIA executives gathered in Santiago de Chile revealed in contingency plot to overthrow Venezuela's President Hugo Chavez Frias

Conservatives, liberals and blacks (tags)

Ten Ways to Become a Better Democrat (tags)

Fellow radicals: recent events have made it clear that the primary task facing good people everywhere is unconditional support for the Democratic Party, the only party capable not only of removing a very, very bad man from office, but also increasing the pay envelope of starving and desperate Nation, Salon, MoveOn, and Sierra Club coffee-coolata-warriors across America. I submit my humble contribution to this effort by offering a list of ten virtues to cultivate in your personal journey towards becoming a better Democrat.

Bush at Mount Rushmore: The Shrine of Hypocrisy (tags)

Teddy Roosevelt deserves a special mention because of his racist attitude towards Indians and others. As Roosevelt wrote in his book "The Winning of the West", "American and Indian“ .... wrote, "it is of incalculable importance that America, Australia, and Siberia should pass out of the hands of their red, black, and yellow aboriginal owners, and become the heritage of the dominant races of the world."

Weapons found in Iraq! (tags)

stunning events from Iraq!

Welcome to the Age of Aviating Swine (tags)

If there's a fair chance you're going to hell, be sure to take your parka and long johns, because the only explanation for continuing surreal happenings these days is that the river Styx has glaciated. Welcome to the America of George Bush, our very own Malice from Dunderland, where up is down and right is regularly wrong. For examples of once unimaginable scenes that now commonly appear like bad dreams, read on.

America's Last War (tags)

Things are a bit trickier for our Texas-grown dictator, George W. Bush, burdened as he is by our annoying insistence on forcing him to run for the office he stole fair and square. Now that the invasion of Iraq has been universally acknowledged as an unjustifiable, counterproductive distraction from a war on terror that has yet to begin, Bush needs a still bigger war to distract us even more. Then, he figures, we'll forget about Iraq the way Iraq made us forget about Afghanistan. North Korea.

White House Reporter: More Whispers of Looming Martial Law (tags)

A White House press corps member gives a chilling view from inside the oval office. See the July 31 entry for details on martial law preparations and internment camps.


There is nothing so in this entire history that more makes me feel sadness for our great love stolen, than the American public's silent contempt expressed for the lives of those innocent People fallen murdered by their cowardly unjust indecision on foregoing the immediate arrest or execution of the "escaping" demon bush and rumsfeld for the crimes of 9/11.

BTL:Influenced by Hard-core Exile Groups, Bush Imposes New Sanctions Against~ (tags)

~Cuba~Interview with Wayne Smith, senior fellow with the Center for International Policy, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari


This article is about third party politics, and the role progressives, disgruntled, and discarded voters can play in stirring our country to greener pastures.

Bush and Science at Loggerheads (tags)

Barriers to research and claims of suppressed data sully interactions between researchers and the Bush administration.

Bush Using Drugs to Control Depression, Erratic Behavior (tags)

The prescription drugs, administered by Col. Richard J. Tubb, the White House physician, can impair the President’s mental faculties and decrease both his physical capabilities and his ability to respond to a crisis, administration aides admit privately.

Persecution of young anarchist in Bulgaria (tags)

The political elite in Bulgaria, under uncrowned King Simeon II as Prime Minister, is closely allied to Washington and NATO. Specially beholden to the Bush administration and engineering its own new forms of Homeland Security, the political class in Sofia is now engaged in new efforts to suppress and silence dissent, branding anarchists as a threat to “national security.” The most flagrant example of this new wave of repression against alternative expression in the country is the arrest of Elitsa, a 20-year-old anarchist in mid-July, in the city of Dobrich in far northeastern Bulgaria.


Instead of Accountability and Full-Jurisdiction of OUR District Juries (and the Full-Ability to Use Them);we hear more empty-promises of the same old "Give Them Nothing Party" of the Revolutionary War of 1776....

Profit over Science (tags)

"The shortsighted criminality of capitalist society is clear. Mentally deficient and motor handicapped babies will be born becauwse the political state is an instrument of powerful industrial interests.."

The Lady of Liberty (tags)

Liberty Bound's Christine Rose shares her experience with police brutality at a protest.



Wanted: More Than a Million in NYC to Deliver a Big NO to Bush and All That He Stands For (tags)

We must issue a refusal--by more than a million--to live our lives as normal as long as "our" government continues to plunder the planet in illegitimate, immoral wars! A refusal--by more than a million--to sit by and let the machinery of elections and democracy "take its course"! A refusal-- by more than a million--to submit to the growing Christian fascist morals and enforcement at every level of society. A refusal--by more than a million--to stand by as Arabs, Muslims and South Asian are rounded up.

BTL:'Banana Republicans' Examines How GOP Gained Virtual Control over... (tags)

...U.S. Political Power~Interview with John Stauber, co-author of 'Banana Republicans: How the Right-Wing is Turning America into a One-Party State,' conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Welcome to the Machine (tags)

The only trouble is the lawless evil bushite child rapists, and repuglicon pension thieving war mongers, have no respect for American law, American lives, nor the God of any religion.

BTL:Kerry Campaign Works to Hold On to Progressive Voters~ (tags)

~Nader fails to move Democrats to the left ~Interview with David Moberg, senior editor, In These Times, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

9/11 Commission Invents Ties Between al-Qaeda and Iran (tags)

Senior U.S. officials have told TIME that the 9/11 Commission's report will cite newly inserted evidence suggesting that the 9/11 hijackers had previously passed through Iran, not to mention their mother's vaginas

Feminists Silent on Freedom for Iraqi Women (tags)

BTL:Senate Committee Slams CIA on Pre-Iraq War Intelligence (tags)

~Report on White House role in manipulating intelligence delayed until after election~Interview with author and former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Terror Threats To Be Used for 2004 Election Tampering (tags)

How a "terror threat" might be used to throw the 2004 elections.

Help me Daddy!!! (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of the brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

Yeah the wall is ILLEGAL (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their struggle against U.S. backed IsraHell's terror.

No to Bush Lite, Yes to Independent Workers' Campaign: WWP Candidates (tags)

While the Democratic Party's voting base is turning against war and corporate domination, Kerry is trying to drag everyone in the opposite direction.

'Ken who?' (tags)

Once again George W. Bush is relying upon the gullible and the naive to believe that he never really knew 'Kenny Boy' all that well.

US: Patriotic pride and fear (tags)

Exploring questions of societal madness and contemporary fascism, Goldstein interviews political scientist Michael Parenti and psychologist Daniel Burston.

The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)

Are Iraq veterans going to be treated the way Vietnam veterans were?

BTL:Amnesty International Calls for Special Counsel to Investigate Charges of~ (tags)

...Torture in U.S.-Run Military Prisons~Interview with Samer Rabadi, of Amnesty International conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Based on a true story (tags)

All of the individual events discussed below (except, of course, those in the epilogue) are documented. This article draws no conclusions about the origins of 9/11; indeed, no theory, either official or unofficial, has managed to expain fully the events of that day.

A Conservative answers a Leftie (tags)

QUOTE America had to start a war against terror. Why? Fallacy #1. We didn’t start the war. In 1996 Osama bin Laden declared jihad against America. He asked Muslims worldwide to kill anything American. Then 15 hijackers landed planes in the middle of New York City, Washington and Pennsylvania. They started the war, we’re just going to see it’s finished.

Green Strategy 2004-2008 (tags)

How did the David Cobb/Pat LaMarche ticket receive the Green Party nomination? And what does it mean for the Green Party in particular and American politics in general? My conclusion is that the so-called "red states" Greens, by rejecting Ralph Nader/Peter Camejo campaign, first of all served to diminish the Green Party's own strength in the "safe state" of California, ironically without helping the pro-war Democratic Party candidate John Kerry (despite the hope of the Cobb/LaMarche faction) in the most crucial "swing states": Ohio (20 electors/3.6% victory margin in 2000), Florida (27/0.0%), Pennsylvania (21/4.1%), and Michigan (17/5.1%).

Reagan Replace Hamilton on the Ten-Spot? Not! (tags)

A move is afoot to supplant Alexander Hamilton’s image on the very currency he helped strengthen with that of a recently-departed president whose main political achievement was establishing style over substance. Should we put Ronald Reagan’s mouth (and the rest of his face, and for that matter, his hair) where our money is? For the answer, read on.

US Taxpayer: Your itemized bill for the Iraq Occupation (tags)

Findings by the Institute for Policy Studies and Foreign Policy in Focus: over 9,000 Iraqi civilians were killed; al-Qaeda's membership stands at 18,000; costs will exceed $3,400 for every US household.

Flight 93 Shootdown Pilot Identified (tags)

Comment: Col. Don de Grand-pre first broke the story of the Happy Hooligans and the shootdown of Flight 93 during his interview on The Alex Jones Show back in February.

Kill Kimmitt for this. (tags)

Kill Kimmitt for this. Kimmitt pushes American GIs to die as thieving terrorists, who instead of arresting bad guys, bomb homes of innocent families, while refusing to go after those nazi bush bitches in the Berg film who are whitey overweight slobs with towels on their heads.

Aerial Drones Assigned to Arizona Border Patrol (tags)

Sadly, the drones will not be carrying bombs or machine guns.

The Liberal Matrix (tags)

BTL:Former Diplomats and Generals Publicly Condemn Bush Foreign Policy (tags)

Interview with Robert Oakley, career U.S. diplomat, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Politicians need to know... (tags)

What every politician ought to know before taking office

Hawkish Clothes Itch Doves (tags)

A childish response from the White House (tags)

We pour treasure and blood into Iraq for reasons that are less supportable everyday. And when you ask the White House to explain, out comes the flag and the proclaimation, "Because I said so!"

'No top terrorists at Guantanamo' (tags)

Senior American intelligence and military officials directly contradicted the Bush administration yesterday, saying not a single detainee at Guantanamo Bay was a high-ranking terrorist.

Action Alert - Western Shoshone: War not just in Iraq (tags)

Crescent Valley, NV - The United States Congressmen are mirroring the same deceptive tactics in Western Shoshone territory in Nevada as in Iraq, said Western Shoshone as legislation was pushed to compensate tribal members for Aboriginal land in an effort to seize it and open it up for mining, energy and nuclear corporations. While Western Shoshone maintain their Aboriginal land claim secured by the Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863, their sacred Yucca Mountain is being gutted for nuclear dumping, their horses and cattle seized to make way for geothermal industries and the earth mutilated for gold extraction. "If the war on terrorism is about protecting this country, then why is our own government trying to take away our homelands?" said Mary McCloud, Western Shoshone elder.

Nicaraguas Contra War Revisited (tags)

Pass-the-parcel threats, accompanying misrepresentation and downright falsehood, are routine in mainstream reporting on Venezuela just as they were on Nicaragua through the 1980s. Other similarities abound.

911 Panel tells Cheney to put up or shut up (tags)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Nearing the end of its work, the Sept. 11 commission is inviting Vice President Dick Cheney to provide any evidence he has that would show links between al-Qaida and Iraq under Saddam Hussein, a panel member said Saturday.

Pentagon NMCC director WINFIELD (CFR)asks substitute,9-10,to stand his watch 9-11,@8:30am (tags)

9-11 PLANNER: Brigadier General Montague Winfield "It's just too dangerous, you know, to risk myself, after planning this state terror attack. Yes, it's tomorrorow. Can you stand in for me during the Pentagon hit? Besides you're a rookie, and we want as much confusion as possible when the Bush family's drug dealing military corporate financier mafia takes over the whole damn U.S.A. on 9-11. You will, thanks. What a pal!" "I agreed and relieved Brigadier General Winfield at 0830 on 11 September 2001." [just as first WTC1 hit terror strike going toward NYC.]

Torture(d) Logic (tags)

Q: What’s worse (much worse, actually) than a U.S. Attorney General tussling with U.S. Senators over a definition of torture? A: Finding out the U.S. government has actively sought a way to commit it. Can anything be done to counter this insanity? There’d better be, for our country’s soul depends on it.

G8 backs HIV vaccine plan (tags)

The criminals engaged in the "Business of Disease" and of Tyranny, are planning a new weapon against humanity !! Know this: The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall of tyranny at the back of the theatre.

Resurgent America: Crimes and Times of Reagan (tags)

Ronald Reagan--the U.S. president from 1981 to 1989--relentlessly drove this planet to the very brink of nuclear world war--while preaching, with a fundamentalist fervor, that a nuclear Armageddon was "winnable." Now Reagan has finally died. And this empire, its leaders and its utterly shameless media are all honoring this monster. This myth-making, this utter reversal of right and wrong, says a lot about them and their system. And it says a lot about this moment in history--when American is in a midst of a new aggressive global offensive.

‘We won’t let Bush steal it again!’ (tags)

Florida voters sound alarm on voter purges

Texans can do no wrong (tags)

"After reading stacks of documents from the investigations and talking to energy experts, I found more smoking guns in California's energy crisis than in a Clint Eastwood movie, and none of them have Ken Lay's prints on them." -- Kathryn Jones, 2001

Heralding the arrival of End Times for Bush (tags)

"who can miss the delicious irony that one of the most corrupt and lying administrations of modern times is now taking the unprecedented step of trying to get their religious backers to bring politics to their pulpits."

BTL:Bush Administration Memos on Torture Policy Reveal Official Complicity in.. (tags)

...Abuse of Iraqi Prisoners~ Interview with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Document Sean Hannity Doesn't Want You To Read (tags)

Fox News' Sean Hannity challenged American Progress CEO John Podesta to "defend and explain one example where I -- where I said something that was so false." -- here are fifteen examples:

Reagan: more proof only the good die young (tags)

While the media is being oh so careful not to criticize Ronald Reagan and his legacy after his death last weekend, Greg Palast offers a reminder of his real legacy: he was a conman, a coward, and a killer.

DDay News Report (tags)

Here's how the landings at Normandy would have been covered by today's media. On the coast of France, June 6, 1944

Bush, Rumsfeld confronted in U.S., Europe, Asia (tags)

The first week of June was not a good time to be George W. Bush or Donald Rumsfeld.

Rat in a Drain Ditch, Caught on a Limb (tags)

It’s been a long, dark, strange trip these past three-plus years, but rejoice, dear readers: Bush is toast! How can this be, you ask, and how can one be so sure? Read on, and be ye comforted: Find out why the Bushman goeth come November.

Our Myopic Beeblebrox: Plausible Selective Memories (tags)

Pabst Blue Ribbon, ketchup, a Black Panther in Cuba, myopia, Pat Brown and Sci-Fi classics: an eclectic and selective obituary of Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th President of the United States of America.


The criminals who got away with 9/11 are planning more far larger scale attacks.

"Anything they'd ask you, you'd have to lie" (tags)

On May 17, 2001, Enron Chairman Ken Lay held a secret meeting in Beverly Hills for VIPs (including Arnold Schwarzenegger and Michael Milken) to lobby the Calif Legislature to protect deregulation. That same day the Bush/Cheney administration unveiled their national energy policy which adopted seven of Ken Lay's "suggestions."


this article is about our current political state of affairs, and the coming presidental elections that will be in the offing this coming November. Do we remain on this neoconic political course or shiftour weight into a new and braver course.

Ronald Reagan, 93, dies at California home (tags)

Ronald Reagan, the one-time movie actor who became one of the nation's most important 20th-century presidents, died today at his California home. He was 93.

White House Insiders Fear Bush has Become Mentally Ill (tags)

It appears that there is good reason to remove Bush from office immediately - his mental state is deteriorating dangerously.

In Memory: to veterans of war and peace (tags)

... I failed that young man. I should have confronted him, made him see what he must see by now -- if he is alive ...

Leaked name of CIA officer has Bush seeking legal advice (tags)

Abney couldn't explain why Bush had talked to an outside attorney, but it is a violation of federal law to reveal the name of a CIA operative.

Join the Emergency Protest on June 5 in LA (tags)

All out to protest war and occupation on June 5 in downtown LA! This demonstration is part of nationally coordinated demonstrations against the occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, and everywhere!

To spoil or not to spoil in '04? (tags)

"It's decision time for those of us inhabiting that lonely corner of the Nolan Chart where dope and porn elicit almost as much enthusiasm as capital gains tax cuts."

The paper trail - Did Cheney okay a deal? (tags)

TIME located the e-mail among documents provided by Judicial Watch, a conservative watchdog group.

The Feminism of Fools (tags)

With the White House justifying war and occupation in Afghanistan and Iraq with hypocritical appeals to women's liberation, activists must be on guard against anti-Arab and anti-Muslim prejudices.

WAR MACHINE: U.S. Casualties in Iraq Top 200 For April & May (tags)

American troops in Iraq died in May at a rate of more than two per day, pushing the combined death count for April and May beyond 200, according to Pentagon figures.

Red China (tags)

Freedom Rings Only In Our Ears

BTL:Israeli Raid on Rafah Refugee Camp Results in More than 50 Dead, and... (tags)

..Hundreds Homeless Interview with Maher Nasser, representative of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Immigrants Drain $30 Billion in Cash Annually (tags)

In the past nine years the cash that immigrants send from the United States back to their home countries has almost doubled, but the Bush Administration is planning to use the upcoming G-8 summit to discuss ways to increase the outward flow of cash.

Politicizing the War (tags)

"On Tuesday morning, a piece was torn out of our world. A patch of blue sky that should not have been there opened up in the New York skyline. In my neighborhood -- I live six blocks from the World Trade Center -- the heavens were raining human beings. Our city was changed forever. Our country was changed forever. Our world was changed forever."

"A Shadow on the Land" (tags)

LOS ANGELES, May 24, 2004 ( -- They've brought America to its knees. They're a ruthless band of fundamentalist religious fanatics that respect no international laws and seem destined to cause only death, misery, and destruction.

Military's officer corps: too political? (tags)

"There is a lot of dissension right now about the Iraq war plan, or lack of plan, within the uniformed community, both at leadership and rank and file levels. It may well be that more retired folks are speaking out because they feel that the uniformed folks cannot."


Help build for the June 5 protest to condemn the brutal occupation of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, and elsewhere in downtown LA!

Secret Memos Connect Bush and the Global Campaign of Torture (tags)

In Washington, Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld fumed that the "distraction" of Abu Ghraib prison has to end. This theme has been taken up by the Republican Right. One congressman said that he was "outraged over the outrage."

Amnesty International reveals pattern of torture in Iraq (tags)

One punishment involved 14 handcuffed, naked male inmates -- when told to open their legs they were beaten upwards, from behind, until they fell on the floor. The American personnel repeated this abuse specifically to injure the prisoner's genital organs.

Bush trips over Abu Ghraib pronunciation (tags)

CARLISLE, Pa., May 24 (Reuters) - Two rehearsals for his prime-time speech on Monday were not enough to keep U.S. President George W. Bush from mangling the name of the Abu Ghraib prison that brought shame to the U.S. mission in Iraq. During the half-hour televised address, Bush mispronounced Abu Ghraib each of the three times he mentioned it while announcing U.S. plans to tear down the infamous jail and replace it with a new facility.

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington (tags)

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington Lawmakers in both parties as well as some military leaders fear the occupation is heading for failure. Bush stands firm, but U.S. goals may be scaled back. By Doyle McManus Times Staff Writer May 23, 2004


Demonstrate against the occupations of Iraq, Palestine, Haiti, and Everywhere on June 5 in LA! Assemble 12 Noon, Olympic & Broadway.



CORRECTION~BTL:While Federal Contracts to Private Companies Proliferate... (tags)

...Government Oversight is Weak or Nonexistent~Interview with Michael Scherer, Washington correspondent for Mother Jones magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

White House Establishes New PR Office - Wants Input (tags)

My fellow Americans,

BTL:Bush Administration's Military Expenditures and Tax Cuts Lead to... (tags)

...Unprecedented Deficit Spending ~ Interview with Max Sawicki, economist with the Economic Policy Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Critics of Cuban Justice Should Look at Their Own Treatment of Prisoners (tags)

The UN Human Rights Commission narrowly passed an anti-Cuba resolution last month. This essay looks at how two countries behind the resolution treat their own prisoners.

Revelations Lead to Rumsfeld's Door (tags)

As we go to press, senior CIA officials, both past and present, have reportedly leaked that Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld approved the extreme interrogation methods used against Iraqi detainees under U.S. control.

BTL:Pentagon's Legacy of Training Latin American Soldiers in... (tags)

...Torture Techniques Haunts Probe Into Iraqi Prisoner Abuse Scandal ~ Interview with Eric LeCompte, organizing coordinator, School of the Americas Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Targets are Venezuela and Cuba-New Intrigues of US Imperialism (tags)


Kerry "Missteps" Get Lavish Media Attention, While Bush Falsehoods Ignored (tags)

The media is being easy on Bush (again).


George Bush's family offers a deep, dark mine of scandalous material as it threatens to become a self-serving dynasty that is bigger than the US Constitution. Kelley's book about the would-be dynasty could be the biggest obstacle to its becoming a reality, bigger than Michael Moore's film "Fahrenheit 9/11" because it will cause more discussion. Anyway, the big question remains, Did Sharon Bush spill the beans to Kitty Kelley? Read on.

Israeli Forces Kill 10 in Gaza, mostly children and teenagers (tags)

This is an AP article, please see website for alternative coverage. Thank you.

Section 8 Housing Voucher Programs In Crisis (tags)

The Nations Housing Voucher Programs Are In A Crisis!

The US nuclear option and the "War on Terrorism" (tags)

the Bush Administration has embarked upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

You too can become a Pioneer (tags)

Hundreds of wealthy Republicans gathered at the President Bush, Dick Cheney, and a host of celebrities gathered at the Ritz-Carlton Lodge here in the first weekend in April, not for a fundraiser but for a celebration of fundraisers. It was billed as an "appreciation weekend," and there was much to appreciate.

Operation 'Copper Green' (tags)

A senior C.I.A. official confirmed that Operation 'Copper Green' stemmed from Rumsfeld's long-standing desire to wrest control of America's clandestine and paramilitary operations from the C.I.A.

As war's tab mounts, GOP questions strategy (tags)

"we need to restrain what are growing messianic instincts - a sort of global social engineering where the United States feels it is both entitled and obligated to promote democracy - by force if necessary" -- Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kansas

BTL:Former Counsel to President Richard Nixon Declares that Misconduct in... (tags)

...Bush White House is 'Worse than Watergate' * Interview with John Dean, former counsel to President Richard Nixon, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Kerry and McCain Win BIG ! in Elections ‘04 (tags)

At least it’s not Bush, Chaney, Ashcroft and the Neo Convicts.

Torture in Iraq: The buck stops with Bush (tags)

George W. Bush and his minions are toiling to contain worldwide outrage over the torture of hundreds of Iraqi detainees by U.S. occupation soldiers at the infamous Abu Ghraib prison.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

5/13/04-CFL ALERT: 1,100 Palestinians Made Homeless in Gaza in 10 Days of Destruction (tags)

5/13/04-CFL ALERT: 1,100 Palestinians Made Homeless in Gaza in 10 Days of Destruction in Gaza. Contact your representatives today and demand an end to this devastation.

Exposed at Abu Ghraib: Torture of U.S. Rule (tags)

The U.S. interrogators, officially called "Human Exploitation Teams" (HETs) have been terrorizing, raping, torturing and murdering prisoners in Iraq...

The True Face of War Just Won't Go Away (tags)

"Perhaps if we saw more of the true face of war in all its disgusting horror we'd be a little less quick to accept its necessity from politicians.. Already it begins to look like President george W. Bush's political Waterloo.."

Parents blame Bush for son's execution (tags)

"That's really what cost my son his life, the fact that the United States government saw fit to keep him in custody for 13 days without any of his due process or civil rights" -- Mr Berg

Forget The Trial Get The Rope: Bush Approved The Torture!!! (tags)

While the shutter captured the gruesome horror in graphic detail, it missed capturing the full scope of the incident, as did CBS. This was not an isolated incident. It was not the result of a few rogues. Rather this incident was the result of careful long-term planning. In fact Bush and every other high official of this administration approved of the torture and we have their own words on that

Stripped Geres? (tags)

If any of you saw the Moving Image Awards last night for Richard Gere you'll know what I'm talking about.

Venezuela Week in Review- May 8th- HOV (tags)

Solidarity with venezuela

What's Behind the Attacks on the RCP and What's at Stake (tags)

On September 27, 2001, only 16 days after the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, the Washington Times ran an article entitled "Communists, Go Home." Ostensibly in response to a long-planned Washington mobilization against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund by forces in the anti- globalization movement, this article was a very clear call to put communists in the government's crosshairs immediately after 9/11.

Iraqi Rape Rooms: Under New Management (tags)

This is a sickening chronology of how the Bush administration lied about "liberating" Iraq to stop the "Rape Rooms and Mass Graves," but then continuing them "Under New Management"

Do You Condemn Rush Limbaugh? (tags)

"Rush Limbaugh says what happened over there (in Iraq) was no different than a fraternity initiation. He said these guys were blowing off some steam, having a good time. Do you endorse or do you condemn Rush Limbaugh's words?"

Bush must answer for torture of Iraqis (tags)

Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba used blunt language: “U.S. Army soldiers have committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at Abu Ghraib … sadistic, blatant, and criminal abuses.”

Bush runs out of options as chaos deepens (tags)

"I find even the administration's strongest supporters, including fervent advocates of the war a year ago and even some who could be labelled 'neo-conservatives', now despairing and looking for an exit"

America's Bar-B-Que Vote (tags)

While the angry white man (AWM) understands that John Kerry is a decorated Vietnan Vet who enjoys extreme sports, the AWM is ultimately dissatisfied because Kerry isn't the kind of guy he can talk to around the barbecue.

More pictures of Iraq and updates (tags)


George W. Bush vs. John "Me too" Kerry: Is this really a choice? (tags)

How horrible do the Democrats have to be before we say "no"? Now’s the time to build opposition to miserable policies of the Bush administration--and their "me too" counterparts in the Democratic Party.

'You should be ashamed of what you did to Tillman' (tags)

Bill O'Reilly called political cartoonist Ted Rall "a far left guy" who "makes (Gary) Trudeau look like Rush Limbaugh."

The Real Butchers of Baghdad: G. W. Bush and His Army of Corporate Mercenaries (tags)

Now the real reason that Bush refused to sign onto the International Court and worked so diligently to evade the Geneva Convention comes to light.

U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences (tags)

U.S. Is Losing Its Dominance in the Sciences

America Facing Collapse: Review of Richard Clarke's "Agaisnt All Enemies" (tags)

"After the first shock over September 11, the prescribed patriotism has given way to sober reflection. Many American intellectuals con-clude: Bush jr has deceived the country and drags the whole world into ruin..The Iraq war is the greatest gift to terrorists.."

'Vanishing Votes (tags)

by Greg Palast how african americans are being defrauded of the right to vote. Wake up people

BTL:White House Extends Deployment of Troops Serving in Iraq as... (tags)

...Violence Shakes U.S. Occupation* Interview with Nancy Lessin and Charlie Richardson, Military Families Speak Out, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

West Coast G8 Regional Mobilization in San Francisco (tags)

Call for a regional mobilization against the G8 in San Francisco, June 2004.

Savagely Stupid (tags)

...As I was listening to him go on and on about what a huge and growing influence of "liberalism", I thought to myself, what f*ing planet is this jerk living on?

Tell Bush the world says no to his regimes agenda! (tags)

Join with us in this virtual march taking place on the 29th August 2004 at 2PM US Central Standard Time, 7PM UK time, and send a message to the rogue regime that you do not support their stance on Iraq, the so called war on terrorism, environmental and defence issues.

Women’s march shakes Washington (tags)

WASHINGTON – “I know firsthand the anti-choice extremists now in control of the Capitol and of the White House are opposed to basic contraception,” House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi told the more than 1 million participants at the April 25 March for Women’s Lives.

Encounters with Hugo Chavez (tags)

Solidarity with Venezuela

Bush Sued under RICO cont... (tags)

The lawsuit brought by 9/11 widow Ellen Mariani moves forward.

Hate comes from fear (tags)

An op-ed piece on hate and fear and the people who publish on this website.

A Family Of Spies (tags)

An opinion piece on current elections using past events as a Point Of Reference.

GOP quandry: 'My party abandoned me' (tags)

The GOP 's iron-fisted discipline led to the takeover of Congress, the White House and a slew of state capitals. That's why dissident Republicans rarely open their mouths -- there is always a price to pay.

Dali Lama says Iraq War is Justified (tags)

Dali Lama

“Asteroid Hits Earth, Millions Die—GOP Says Clinton Responsible” (tags)

Bill Clinton has been blamed by his detractors for just about everything from curdled milk to genetic mutations. But might there be a more recent president whose own record of misdeeds puts Clinton's to shame? Read the following for why it just may be time for Clinton critics to quit caterwauling.

A Realistic Election Strategy the Left Can Really Get Behind (tags)

The US Left should decide today to become the most vociferous, activist constituency of the Bush campaign. Yeah, I know, it's a gobsmacker and jaw-dropper, but don't react – think. And consider: Bush has a good chance of winning. You want to back a winner, or a loser? Be realistic. And yeah, I know -- Bush is almost Hitler-like. No doubt about it. I hate him as much as you do. But do you want Kerry, an ardent militarist, and the richest man in the Senate, in the White House? He says he's going to spend more on the military than Bush, add 40,000 more troops to the Army, and insists the US remain the world's preeminent military power. He wants to exercise US power boldly, says he won't wait for a green light from allies or the UN to use military force, and has articulated a doctrine of preventive war. That sounds pretty Hitler-like to me.

BTL:Bush Endorses Israel's Plan to Make West Bank Settlements Permanent... (tags)

...Lights Middle East Fuse * Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

War costs to Pentagon approach $5 billion a month (tags)

Senior members of Congress, including some Republicans, urged the administration to detail war costs before the election, arguing it appeared that the military was running out of funds.

Bush Says World Owes Israel's Sharon a 'Thank You' (tags)

"my judgment, the whole world should have said, 'Thank you, Ariel. Now we have a chance to begin the construction of a peaceful Palestinian state"' -- George W Bush

The Armagedon Plan: Nightline Sells Martial Law (tags)

Will the US be under martial law by June, 2004? That is the impression some are expressing after witnessing a recent episode of Nightline (4/7/2004), with Ted Koppel. On this particular program Koppel is host to Richard Clarke, former Reagan officials Edwin Meese III and Kenneth M. Duberstein; former Clinton official Sally Katzen, author James Mann, and former Bush official Richard Clarke. The subject matter is named The Armageddon Plan.

Getting to know Senator Kerry (tags)

Kerry had battled the Viet Cong, the Nixon White House, and the extremes of the antiwar movement.

at least 33% of Republicans are morons (tags)

Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy George Monbiot Tuesday April 20, 2004 The Guardian

Nader asks if the peace movement is going to support "two pro-war candidates?" (tags)

"The way to save U.S. and Iraqi lives and reverse the escalating spiral of violence is for the United States to go back home," Nader said. He added: "The peace movement in this country’s going to have a very interesting choice: whether they’re going to basically support two pro-war candidates or whether they’re going to support a muscular peace candidate."

Nader calls for withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq (tags)

Kerry favors an internationalized effort in Iraq, but said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday that he supported sending in more U.S. troops, if necessary. "Now, he's got to out-Bush Bush," said Nader.

The October Surprise(s) (tags)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The White House and a top Saudi official denied Monday a report of a deal to lower gasoline prices before the November presidential election. "There was no secret deal," White House spokesman Dan Bartlett told CNN.

911 For The Truth (tags)

author: Bird Dog A message from Phil Berg, attorney for Ellen Mariani, wife of 911 victim. "Thank you in advance for spreading the word of our endeavors. Together, yes together, we will find the truth. It is time to unite - hand in hand and shoulder to shoulder."

Why does Kerry sound like Bush? (tags)

According to the logic of the Democratic Party establishment and their mouthpieces, the only candidate that can beat Bush is the one that’s just as tough as Bush. As for people who actually want to see an end to Bush’s rotten reign--people who opposed the war on Iraq and Bush’s giveaways to Corporate America--they should keep quiet, while Kerry moves to the right to look for more votes.

Today in the MidEAST 14TH of april (tags)


Some People Push Back (tags)

In April 2003, the United States was celebrating a “cakewalk” and on May 1, 2003, George Bush declared “the end of major combat operations” in front of a banner proclaiming “Mission Accomplished”. In April 2004, “cakewalk” has been replaced with “quagmire” and “Mission Accomplished” has been taken over by a “Nightmare Scenario.”

Bush erred on mustard gas (tags)

His own White House is even correcting him now, how embarrassing, but he doesn't seem to notice.

"The Glass Kerr Jar Man" (tags)

!! Radio Air America Wins Audiences !! Streaming leaves no state uninformed !

Palestinians ask Bush, Why should we be happy? (tags)

"This U.S. administration is dealing with the world as if it's a Texan farm"

Today in the MidEast (tags)


PA to nix any U.S. pledges that endanger final status issues (tags)

U.S.: Israel does not need to retreat to 1949 borders

Today in the MidEast 12th of april (tags)


They hijacked the Pentagon (tags)

In March 2003, career military official and registered Libertarian Karen Kwiatkowski knocked heads with "the neoconservative coup" during "the hijacking of the Pentagon." Now she tells all....

This is Pathetic ! (tags)

US Troops In Iraq Asked To Pray For George Bush


FROM THE LOS ANGELES TIMES VIA ZNET: Both Sunnis and Shiites have seen their homes attacked and their religious sites desecrated. Up against a shared enemy, they are beginning to bury ancient rivalries and join forces against the occupation. Instead of a civil war, they are on the verge of building a common front.


With questions of 9/11 and Africa's oil and "al-Qaeda" dominating headlines, it sure was lucky that Iraq returned to the front-page...or, was it more than just luck.

The $160 Billion war (tags)

In 2003, the cost of the war was put at $50 billion and now it is $160 billion and rising -- and this is an unprovoked war of choice.

The Democrats and “Bush’s war” (tags)

The war being waged against the Iraqi people is not just the criminal enterprise of the Bush administration, but a bipartisan policy. Behind all the hand-wringing by erstwhile Democratic liberals about not “abandoning” the Iraqi people lie the strategic interests of American imperialism in maintaining a military stranglehold over the oil resources of Iraq and the entire Middle East. The election of Kerry will not mean a withdrawal of American troops from the Iraq. They will continue to kill and die there in increasing numbers. Opposition to this slaughter can be advanced politically only through a decisive break with the Democratic party and the emergence of an independent political mass movement of working people determined to fight against war and social inequality.

Media Coverage of Iraq Called “Shameful” (tags)

Media Coverage of Iraq Called “Shameful” By Peers

Head of Sept. 11 Commission Said Iraq War for Israel (tags)

Head of Sept. 11 Commission Said Iraq War for Israel

Rice faces New Accusation on eve of testimony (tags)

"Imagine eight months before Pearl Harbor, an officially designated group of 14 Americans had told Roosevelt that the Japanese would attack some place somewhere and Roosevelt did nothing" -- that's what Bush did in early 2001.

"I saw the destroyed villages, I saw lives destroyed by what happened there" (tags)

feature articles from the new Traveling Soldier, an anti-war newsletter for GIs

Protest in Midwest over Media Mogul's manipulations (tags)

Murdoch's network slants the news to please right-wingers who can't stand the truth, and the fans of Fox News are the kinds of folks who like to call themselves "conservatives," as if that is a title that commands respect.

Secrets and Lies Becoming Commonplace (tags)

The initial refusal of President Bush to let his national security adviser appear under oath before the 9/11 Commission might have been in keeping with a principle followed by other presidents -- the principle being, according to Bush, that calling his advisers to testify under oath is a congressional encroachment on the executive branch's turf. (Never mind that this commission is not a congressional body, but one he created and whose members he handpicked.)

The Bushes and Saudi Arabia (tags)

In June 2001, the American embassy announced a Visa Express program, which allowed Saudis to get a visa to the U.S. without actually appearing at the consulate in person, allowing some of the 9/11 hijackers to enter the country.

Revealed! Why Rice Agreed to Testify (tags)

Zelikow warned the White House Counsel that Rice should yestified in public, because an incriminating photo would ' all over Washington in 24 hours' exposing Bush's stonewalling tactics.

Don’t rely on the politicians (tags)

To end US military aggression, we need to rely on the power of mass, grass-roots organisation, not saviours from corporate parties.

Will Clarke Provide the Spark? (tags)

Millions of us yearn for the breakthrough revelation that will finally open the eyes of those who have yet to see Bush and his administration for the scoundrels they are. Will Richard Clarke’s claims lead to that magical moment?

US knew al-Qa'ida would attack cities with aeroplanes' (tags)

A former translator for the FBI with top-secret security clearance says she has provided information to the panel investigating the 11 September attacks which proves senior officials knew of al-Qa'ida's plans to attack the US with aircraft months before the strikes happened.

BTL:White House Attack on Former Counter-Terrorism Chief Part of... (tags)

...Trend Toward Those Who Dare to Speak Out* Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. Defense Department analyst prosecuted for his release of now-famous "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Ms. Whistleblower: Officials knew Al Qaida would attack by air (tags)

Ms. Edmonds, a Turkish-American translator, said there was sufficient information in Spring and Summer 2001 of an attack being planned. But the White House is seeking to silence her with a court order citing "state secrets privilege".

Most in U.S. think Bush was lax on Terror (tags)

Bush's overall job approval rating is 51 percent, down slightly from November and just above the 50 percent level that heralds a danger zone for candidates seeking reelection.

Administration Targets Federal Employees, Removes Protections for Sexual Orientation (tags)

Recently, one of Scott Bloch’s first acts as newly appointed Special Counsel to the White House was to instill fear in ‘homosexual’ employees of the federal government. In an increasingly common curtailment of individual rights, the Bush Administration has removed decades-long protections from employment discrimination against those who serve our nation.

Bush Counsel Called 9/11 Panelist Before Clarke Testified (tags)

Waxman suggested that such contacts would be improper because "the conduct of the White House is one of the key issues being investigated by the commission."

Found notes may show Bush plan on Clarke (tags)

The Starbucks customer who found them gave them to the liberal advocacy group the Center for American Progress, which published them on its Web site Wednesday. Included in the notes was a hand-drawn map to Rumsfeld's house, which is largely blacked out on the Web site for security reasons.

9/11 Commission Hearings: The Logic of War and Empire (tags)

Countless eyes were glued to the days of public testimony on March 23 and 24 before the "National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States." The ten-member panel grilled policymakers from the Bush team and the previous Clinton administration. There were angry outbursts and finger-pointing. For days, charges and countercharges echoed back and forth outside the commission hearing--through the power structure and the intensifying electoral arena.

BOYCOTT FOX ! (tags)



ABC affiliate channel 13 in Houston confirmed many Albert Kada reports concerning local satanism and education problems in Texas. A Pasadena school official claimed a former student was killed fighting for GOD in Persia somewhere for the US Marines.

Experts see no law barring Rice testimony (tags)

There are several instances in which sitting national security advisers or White House aides testified before legislative bodies. Among them: Zbigniew Brzezinski and Sandy Berger

Fatal Blind Spot (tags)

As Richard Clarke's testimony demonstrated, the Bush administration believed their own campaign rhetoric instinctively rejected the Clinton administration's hard-won wisdom as worthless.

Terrorist threat---My Ass!!! (tags)

Terrorist threat---My Ass!!!---We've been lied to and I can prove it. Despite what the Bush junta tells us about a terrorist threat in this country---they're damn liars.

911 Commission Hearings--The Logic of War and Empire (tags)

The recent 911 Commission hearings reveal the grim truth--the rulers--both Republicans and Democratcs--actually plan to, if anything, more aggressively pursue their war against the people of the world in the name of their "war against terrorism"

911 Commission needs to talk about 911 AM (tags)

if the official 911 panel really wanted to know the truth, they'd be asking about 911 morning. like ....

The Dem/Rep 9/11 Cover Up Conspiracy, Richard Clarke. (tags)

As we have seen in the recent history of the United States of America when the conservative elites and their pals the U.S. military throw a temper tantrum like when they murdered president John F. Kennedy for not handing them Vietnam on the presidential silver platter Republicans come out swinging on the generals and Conservative elites behalf, Democrats feign opposition and vote complicity to cover up the crime so that the entire elite control of the U.S. economy foreign and domestic does not completely unravel as a result of the public actually using the levers of what available democracy there is in America.

Rice Orio cookie does the DC shuffle. (tags)

Being a token isn't all it's cracked up to be. Even for an overpaid petroleum shill.

Who's Lying - Rice And Bush, Or Clarke? (tags)

* RICE CLAIM: "I don't think anybody could have predicted that they would try to use an airplane as a missile, a hijacked airplane as a missile." National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, 5/16/02

Before 9/11, Bush said focusing on bin Laden was a mistake (tags)

"a senior Bush State Department official told CNN the U.S. government made a mistake in focusing so much energy on bin Laden."

BTL:International Protests Against Iraq War and... (tags)

...Occupation Mark Anniversary of U.S. Invasion* Interview with Leslie Cagan, national coordinator of United for Peace and Justice, conducted Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Jimmy Carter Lies Democrats Are Guys. (tags)

On Thursday night this week former president Jimmy Carter destroyed all and any credibility he had as an election observer by blaming Ralph Nader for former Vice President Al Gore's loss in his presidential bid in election 2000. The former president was also insulting toward presidential candidate Ralph Nader by telling him to "go back to umpiring softball games or examining the rear end of automobiles, and don't risk costing the Democrats the White House this year as you did four years ago."

Resident Bu$h, jokes about WMDs. (tags)

In this photo taken from video, resident bu$hco pretends to search the Oval Office for weapons of mass destruction in a frat boy spoof shown to a dinner for White House radio and television correspondents in Washington Wednesday night March 24, 2004. Nearly 600 American troops and over 10,000 Iraqi civilians have DIED because of bu$hco's lies concerning Iraq possessing WMDs. Now the resident makes it into a comedy routine. Well guess what America... THE JOKES ON YOU! (AP Photo/ APTN Pool)


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Pro-Israel Lobby vs Free Speech (tags)

CFL ALERT: Oppose H.R. 3077

Stern's Loose Lips Give Bush the Slip (tags)

If the Republicans ever worried what it might be like to have a left-leaning version of Limbaugh hacking them to bits, now they are finding out daily now that Howard Stern is waging war against the administration.

Bring on the Mission: An Aristide Demonizer Turns Saintly on Pacifica Radio (tags)

Dr. Robert Maguire, a spokesman for the Inter-American Foundation, smeared Aristide in the press before the coup. But in KPFK's "Background Briefing" on March 7, Dr. Maguire clung to a progressive perspective thinned down for consumption by Masters' progressive listening audience.

Kerry vs. Kerry-lite (tags)

As for Iraq, if Kerry has a problem with Bush, it's that he didn't drag France, Germany and Russia into the war, preferring to strike a grabby, it's all mine, pose, rather than the "let's divide up the loot" approach the Democrats favor. Apparently, a gang rape is better than a rape carried out by a lone assailant, which, I gather, would make a gang rapist a rapist-lite, and therefore more worthy of our backing than a rapist who goes it alone. But, for the record, Washington hasn't gone it alone in Iraq, managing to cobble together a coalition, though one lacking France, Germany and Russia, whose backing, in some perverted twist of reasoning, is supposed to have invested the rape of Iraq with legitimacy. Apparently, if you can lure other renowned rapists into a gang rape, it gives the whole sordid affair moral weight.

The Daily Grind 3/24/04 (tags)

Jacob finally has his White House press pass...

9/11 Commision Director, Philip Zelikow, has Major Conflict of Interest (tags)

Members of several 9/11 victim groups are calling for the Director of the 9/11 Commission, Philip Zelikow, to step down siting a conflict of

The Lord of the Rings: Good versus Evil (tags)

A comparison of a couple of the good versus evil theories propagated by the Bush administration with one that I think bears a closer resemblance to the truth.

As We Protest Today, Remember Those in Trouble for Speaking Out (tags)

As thousands protest in NYC and across the world today, we must remember those who face police reprisal for their protests. One is Camilo Viveiros, arrested protesting the Republican National Convention in 2000, whose trial is coming on April 5.

Zapatero to Kerry: Back Off, Senator, Our Troops Are Coming Home (tags)

The US presidential election is shaping up as a battle over manliness, a kind of political bodybuilding contest. Kerry wants to run as senator machismo. He doesn't want to pull out US forces. He wants to top Bush by calling up 40,000 more troops and inserting more European forces to join in the bloodbath. No wonder Kerry has a hard time naming the European leaders that want him in the White House.

Opening Doors for Closed Minds (tags)

Patrick Henry College requires its students to sign a Statement of Faith and share the beliefs set forth in the school's Statement of Biblical Worldview -- and this tiny institution currently provides 7 of the 100 interns in the White House.

The Usual Suspects, Fascists. (tags)

Aznar's Popular Party (being the haven of the Franco fascists just as the Christian Democrats in Germany became the haven of Nazis after World War Two) more than likely contracted the men arrested through their handlers (the Bush regime) to plant the bombs that went off Thursday in Spain in an attempt to shift a weakening or possible loss for the Popular Party in the Spanish parliament to a resounding victory for the Popular Party by blaming the attacks on the militant Basque separatists, the ETA.

John Kerry Skull and Bones Link (tags)

Interview with Dennis Kucinich (tags)

The Indy ( interviewed Democratic president candidate Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) on March 14, 2004, as he campaigned in Normal, Illinois before the Illinois primary

The Lessons of Spain (tags)


Spain's PM-elect pledges withdrawal from Iraq, slams Bush (tags)

Some protesters had shouted "Aznar: your war, our dead" as he cast his vote. The spanish people have spoken. In spontaneous protest they filled the streets and spoke their hearts...all the way to the voting booth where they threw Aznar out. WE CAN DO THIS TOO. COALITION OF THE WILLING IS DOWN TO TWO. BLAIR WILL BE THROWN OUT IN JULY. BUSH/KERRY OUT IN NOVEMEBER. TELL THE DNC WE CAN ACCEPT NO ONE BUT KUCINICH. NO MORE WAR!

Boycott the Democratic Party for Single Payer Health Care. (tags)

It is time to send the Democratic Party a clear and concise message that we the American public will not vote for any Democrats or write checks for any Democrats or volunteer for any Democrats until Presidential Candidate Senator John Kerry, Democratic National Committee Chairman Terry McAuliffe and the majority of elected Democrats as well as elected delegates to the National and state conventions swear an oath to make the "single payer universal health care system" the official health care plank in the Democratic party platform and campaign making the "single payer universal health care system" a central part of all Democratic party communications to the American public leading up to the 2004 elections.

BTL:Bush TV Ads and Noncooperation with 9/11 Commission Draws Fire from... (tags)

...Sept. 11 Victims' Families * Interview with Andrew Rice, steering committee member of September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Reveals Failure (tags)

Israeli Attack on U.S. Ship Reveals Failure

The rural movement to oust Bush (tags)

There’s more than bridges in Madison County

Elections or Resistance: Bolivar y Resistencia (tags)

US has military programs, bases or spies in every country in Latin America Only Cuba and Venezuela restrict US official activities. We want this entire military-espionage regime out! We won’t pay you anymore debt peonage and we take back all of our resources, our industries and our power

Fanatic Muslim Terrorists Srike Again (tags)

The Arabic newspaper Al-Quds al-Arabi said Thursday it had received a claim of responsibility for the Madrid train bombings issued in the name of al-Qaida.

12/03 VoteRigging insight to Pre-empt-- deleted from stories at some IMC's (tags)

Here is insight gleaned from listening to Kerry speak in early debate and written about in KucitiZeN IndyMedia story. The full comment is include at sites like Cleveland, SF and Vancouver which have the old form, but at sites like Boston,Madison and Chicago, it has been deleted-possibly through some back-door cyber window? This was even before Dean was being set-up for the fall. This is what the major players are realizing that with all the people on the Web ,doing their homework,Research and self-publishing, the bloggin' is cracking open their noggin's, Scribes not Scripts, Let the People GO! SEE for yourself!

Why John Kerry doesn’t deserve your support (tags)

For people who genuinely care about opposing the U.S. military machine and about standing up for justice and against oppression, there are many good reasons to vote against George Bush. But there are no good ones to vote for John Kerry. Kerry doesn’t represent an alternative to Bush, but rather another form of the same political program that Bush stands for--sometimes presented with a kinder, gentler face, and sometimes not even that. We deserve better than this two-party system which consistently produces a choice between two evils.

Kerry’s Support of Iraq Invasion & Bush Doctrine Still Unexplained (tags)

Back in October 2002, when Senator Kerry voted to grant President Bush a blank check to make war, he tried to scare the American public into thinking that such an invasion was essential to the defense of the United States. Despite a lack of credible evidence, Kerry categorically declared that “Iraq has chemical and biological weapons” and even claimed that most elements of Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons programs were “larger and more advanced than they were before the Gulf War.” Furthermore, Kerry asserted that Iraq was “attempting to develop nuclear weapons,” backing up this accusation by claiming that “all U.S. intelligence experts agree” with such an assessment. He also alleged that “Iraq is developing unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) capable of delivering chemical and biological warfare agents, which could threaten Iraq’s neighbors as well as American forces in the Persian Gulf.” Every single one of these claims, no less than similar claims by President Bush, was false.

The World a Safer Place? Yeah Right! (tags)

Democratic frontrunner declares he will be stronger "war president" than Bush (tags)

What makes Kerry’s contribution so valuable, in the eyes of the ruling elite, is that his campaign will deprive the American people of any significant choice on the most basic issue, war and peace. There will be no fundamental change in US foreign policy if Kerry wins the election.

Building Bridges Radio - The Secret White House Civil Rights Tapes of Pres. Johnson (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report brings you this 28 minute radio program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON INDYMEDIA. LINK.


Racicot was quoted as " Senator Kerry crossed a grave line when he dared to suggest the replacement of America 's commander-in- chief at a time when America is at war," while implying that Kerry was a traitorous renegade. Just to remind the snide Racicot, Kerry happens to be a war hero. He has the medals to prove it. The Army doesn't award Purple Hearts out for catching syphilis, in some Mexican whorehouse, while guarding the skies of Texas from VC infiltrators.

Gulags USA (tags)

Guantánamo Bay Prison Precursor of an America Gulag Establishing the Precedent for Concentration Camps in America

3/2: Urgents from Haiti: Aristide's Safety in Danger! Upcoming Terror in Haiti! (tags)

From: Americas Watch - Peace No War Network URL: For the complete story: Americas/News/March 2 04--Haiti.htm

Call for International Aid: Bring the Rule of Law to the US (tags)

Call for International Aid; Bring the Rule of Law to the US

I hate bushite (tags)

No words from the bushites who rule our communications through corporate news censorship, while Christian parents call out unheard: why has corporate america allowed forsaken soldiers to eat plutonium to murder God for a measly few dollars the bushmob will pocket for the up coming "unbiased" re-election news campaign?

BTL:Leading U.S. Scientists Condemn White House Censorship and Distortion of... (tags)

...Science Data. Interview with Dr. Kurt Gottfried, chairman of the Union of Concerned Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Offshoring of jobs a hot issue (tags)

Typically high paid middle class Information Technology workers are learning what blue collar workers have known for decades-- the offshoring of working people's jobs sucks.

Nazi ghosts (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

U.N. Spying and Evasions of American Journalism (tags)

by normon solomon British intelligence caught spying on Kofi Annan, scandal rocks blair govt; us journalists evasive.

Ralph Nader's campaign for President is growing very rapidly! (tags)

During the past couple of days, Mr. Nader has been traveling through Texas and visiting local universities to talk about his campaign for President. At each venue Nader has appeared at so far, upwards of 1,000 people have shown up to hear him speak. It's clear that interest in his candidacy is much bigger than some would like you to believe.

Democratic Party? (tags)

The Democratic Party is not a vehicle for ending corporate control of our lives. It is an obstacle to building a new society.

Congress abandons millions of jobless (tags)

HAMDEN, Conn. – While the White House backed off empty job creation claims last week, machinists, teamsters, building trades, and municipal workers crowded into the Job Center here, angry at the failure of the Republican-controlled Congress to extend unemployment benefits at a time of high job loss.

CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE: Deep Throat II Reveals Secret Bush Agenda!! (tags)

Our mouse in the White House has done it again!! Another investigative triumph!

A challenge to the politics of "lesser evilism" (tags)

This year, the man who is likely to win the nomination--John Kerry--has a reputation as a "liberal." Yet he voted for the Patriot Act, for the war on Iraq, for Bush’s "No Child Left Behind" law, for the North American Free Trade Agreement--and now he is on record opposing gay marriage and supporting the continued U.S. occupation of Iraq.

God or no God, I don't like that demon antiChrist, Our Mr. bush Jr. very much (tags)

By Annan not publicly addressing this very serious issue, will not be fooling me he hasn't heard it mentioned. The families of Iraq are accounted almost entirely by "comprehensive, extremely detailed" measurements. So what the hell is going on about supporting our world community by not condemning war crimes?, Just where is Annan on the issue of an international commitment kept I want asked religiously across this world. Now.

Pentagon report and global environmental crisis (tags)

The Pentagon is saying in the report printed below that world capitalism is going to be thrown into severe crisis by the developing environmental catastrophe. For all activists, and for the working class in general, this is the most important report to be made available to us in decades.

US Supreme court cover-up 911; Bush gov., CIA & NSA are behind 9-11 (tags)

Supreme court rejects appeal in secret sept. 11th case... Here the story that proofs why Bush government, CIA and NSA were behind 9-11 and therefore have to cover-up.

Nader's Nadir? (tags)

Nader is now publicly calling for the impeachment of the President. It is a reasonable request. Bush has led America into a war based on disinformation and lies. The Republicans attacked Clinton for a cigar and an intern, but the Democrats won't go after Bush for misleading Americans into war. Why? It's simple; the Democrats on the whole supported the illegal invasion, which was piggybacked on the Clinton and Gore Iraq Liberation Act signed back in 1998.

BTL:2004 Presidential Election Campaign To Break All... (tags)

...Spending Records Big contributors get what they pay for. Interview with Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:Bush Avoids Accountability in Iraq-WMD Blame Game (tags)

Interview with Scott Ritter, former chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Kusumi to activists: Activate This! (tags)

Especially for fair trade activists...

smallDems strategY? Combatative or Creative, Tough Fight Against to Dominate or Fair Fight (tags)

for what IS Right to Nurture..., Kucinich, an honest Friend By, For and Of regular, common working folks, has consistently,steadfastly presented a necessary vision which has inspired an understanding, and burdgeoning realization that his clear plans entail specific actions for Peace, Progress & Prosperity reminding to renew and Reclaim COMMON SENSE of COMMON PEOPLE,COMMON DREAMS, Aspirations motivating UNCOMMON ENERGY TO IN-COMMUNITY CREATE A COMMON DESTINY TO ACHIEVE THIS COMMON GOAL FOR OUR ENTANGLED COMMON FUTURE, by restoring our True Historical standing of Egalitarianism, beacon for Oppurtunity and the happiness of to pursue Life and liberty in a healing Rennaissance Epoch of caring,sharing and courageous daring for sustainable policies from a transparent Sunshine Goverment promoting the Public Interest to advance Domestic wellBEing.

Wierd Science (tags)

The President Is Subverting The Basic Elements Of Government Science And Research

BTL:Bush Avoids Accountability in Iraq-WMD Blame Game (tags)

Interview with Scott Ritter, former chief U.N. weapons inspector in Iraq, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


by William Rivers Pitt on the lies that led to war

Perle blames CIA: no mention of OSP (tags)

in the article, the Prince of Darkness does what he does best: lies. He fails to mention the Office of Special Plans as the root of the WMD deception

Is Libertarian candidate Gary Nolan a Neocon? (tags)

Free the Eagle helped rally members of Congress behind Lt Colonel Oliver North and the Contra cause and lent office space and public relations advice to anti-Communist freedom-fighter movements in Mozambique and Angola ... and Gary Nolan is a board member.

Time Could Be Running Out for the 'Endless War' Brigade (tags)

"Sept. 11 was not caused by American foreign policy. This is complete nonsense, complete rubbish. And if that is the issue upon which you hope to remove the American administration, you are in for a huge shock." - Richard Perle

The Smirk Has Not Been Wiped From the Chimp's Face. (tags)

(Iran and Bush Regime's Pretext to War.)

How to defeat Bushism in 2004. (tags)

The defeat of Bush will require an international effort.

A better world is possible: The struggle for socialism and democracy (tags)

The best hopes and dreams of the U.S. people do not lie with U.S. big corporations or the extreme right-wing movements they sponsor. In fact, the ultimate interest of the majority of our people is in a more democratic, a more egalitarian, and a more peaceful USA.

White House sold war with ‘smoke & mirrors’ (tags)

Which is worse, a president who doesn’t know what’s going on and is manipulated by others, or a president who launches a war knowingly using false or misleading information to sell it to the American people?

Bush's Immigrant Trap (tags)


BTL:President Stumbles in Reacting to the Public Unraveling of... (tags)

...White House Justification for Iraq War. Interview with Bill Hartung, World Policy Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush, The Wars of the Texas Succession (tags)

review and analysis provided by two recent books.

PR expert says "President Bush did fine" (tags)

"This is a dangerous world. I wish it wasn't. I'm a war President. I make decisions here in the Oval Office with war on my mind. The American people deserve someone who sees the world for what it is and acts decisively." President Bush on Meet the Press

Iraqi sovereignty - outsourced to North Carolina (tags)

Naomi Klein: "....The appetite for democracy among Iraqis keeps racing ahead of the plodding plans for "capacity building" [Research Triangle Institute] drew up before the invasion. In November the Washington Post reported that when RTI arrived in the province of Taji, armed with flowcharts and ready to set up local councils, it discovered that "the Iraqi people formed their own representative councils in this region months ago, and many of those were elected, not selected, as the occupation is proposing." The Post quoted one man telling a RTI contractor, "We feel we are going backwards"....

Feeding the herd with an empty bucket (tags)

In my experience, you can catch a clever horse twice with an empty feed bucket. Then the animal quits trusting you. By now, the White House chicanery has grown so brazen that one would expect that even dairy cows and GOP "team leaders" would suspect that they are being had.


Hit the theme from the old Mary Tyler Moore show. New lyric: stupidity is what's all around.

BTL:Many in Britain Call Hutton Inquiry Exonerating Tony Blair Over... (tags)

...Iraq Weapons Affair a 'Whitewash'. Interview with Greg Palast, BBC-TV investigative reporter conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


Attorneys for Kevin Cooper report that an ex-reporter told them that an ex-SBSD deputy said that he and others were ordered to plant evidence in this case.

A Republican's Case Against George W. Bush (tags)

"Bush is overwhelmed by the influence of religious zealots--both Zionist and fundamentalist Christian. He ignores America's own heavy guilt for the plight of Palestinians. He fails to recognize that more than a billion Muslims worldwide, along with many millions of non-Muslims, are deeply aggrieved at this complicity. " Paul Findley, former Republican Congressman speaks out about Palestine

The Liars War or the Case of the Vanishing WMD's (tags)


Slaying The Beast Before The Election Is Canceled (tags)

The Bush administration is guilty of so many crimes that they don’t dare give up the grips of power. The seriousness of their crimes rivals those brought to trial at Nuremberg. Every single senior member of this administration is guilty of war crimes, war mongering and crimes against humanity.

Bush the Deserter (tags)

When are they going to hang this guy?

The Secret Society That Ties Bush and Kerry (tags)

Slavery is get back to work and never mind what were up to!!

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS (tags)

Join the One-Minute Boycott of CBS

Talk Radio: Fascism or Democracy at Work? (tags)

Those attacking Clear Channel are the rringe elements - potentially violent radicals, anti-Semites, conspiracy mongers - including the various incarnations of the left-wing

Hanoi John (tags)

The book he doesn’t want you to see: When Kerry ran for election to the U.S. House of Representative in 1972, “he found it necessary to suppress reproduction of the cover picture appearing on his own book, The New Soldier. His political opponent pointed out that it depicted several unkempt youths crudely handling an American flag to mock the famous photo of the U.S. Marines at Iwo Jima,” according to Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry. “Suddenly, copies of the book became unavailable and even disappeared from libraries. But the Lowell (Mass.) Sun said of the type of person shown on its cover: ‘These people spit on the flag, they burn the flag, they carry the flag upside down, [and] they all but wipe their noses with it in their efforts to show their contempt for everything it still stands for,’” the New American reported. Even today it is hard to find this infamous photo and book.

The Role Of Think-tanks In Washington D.C. (tags)

Think-tanks like the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) and Project for the New American Century (PNAC) have considerable influence on US intelligence -- from data gathered in the the field on up to decisions in the Pentagon.

Morons in Space (tags)

state and corporate interests collude to militarize and colonize space

Daniel Ellsberg on VIETNAM - IRAQ (tags)

Leak against this war US and British officials must expose their leaders' lies about Iraq - as I did over Vietnam Daniel Ellsberg Tuesday January 27, 2004

Iraq war justified even without WMD: Ashcroft (tags)

Here you go ! NO WMD and a lot of weapons of mass deception.

Libertarians for the Dingbat (tags)

It strikes me that the Republicans as "the lesser evil" theory no longer carries any weight, notwithstanding their classical liberal rhetoric. A case can be made that Bill Clinton was a better "Republican" than the current ruler of the White House.

Bush Planned The War In Iraq Before 9/11 (tags)

An article about Paul O'neill's allegations in regard to Iraq, and the Karl Rove connection to the war.

[then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] (tags)

Demon Bush replied, "No, the intelligence I operated on [then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] was good, sound intelligence."

George W Bush and the real state of the Union (tags)

Today the President gives his annual address. As the election battle begins, how does his first term add up?

Engineering Google Results to Make a Political Point (tags)

The Liberty Round Table, a libertarian group, started a Google bomb that linked the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a nutrition advocacy group, with the term "food Nazis."

Prosecute The Washington Post for War Crimes (tags)

"What Katharine Graham warned against 26 years ago has already come to pass. The Post has moved considerably to the right of its readership base, which finds itself alienated from and revolted by the paper's robotic echoing of the administration's war propaganda."

The Top 100 Heroes of Peace (tags)

Everyone on this list have spoken at great risk to their jobs and their lives.Not a few of them have lost their jobs and too many have lost their lives speaking out against the Bushes and the Blairs and the Sharons.Suicides, Plane Crashes, Accidents.One was bulldozed to death.

BTL:Weakening of Environmental Regulations Undermine Appalachian Communities'.. (tags)

...Fight to Stop Coal Mining Industry Mountaintop Removal Interview with Joan Mulhern, senior legislative counsel with Earthjustice, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

The New White Supremacy in the Corporate Media (tags)

With NBC publishing their full-page color ad in The New York Times today illustrating who and how MSNBC will be covering what the ad titled as the "Battle for the White House" NBC has illustrated their commitment to news by whites and therefore, for whites. It wouldn't be so bad if the ad and NBC's news reporting practice illustrated a reasonable balance of coverage but it most certainly does not and for that matter nor does any other corporate network broadcasting America today.

Kerry Blood For OIl/Skull & Bones/War Criminal... (tags)

What Bush Skull & Bones Corporate Kerry Don't want You to Know/Remember...

Paranoid Shift (tags)

These are the facts, read em and weep...

Michael Moore: "I’ll Be Voting For Wesley Clark" (tags)

"That's right, a peacenik is voting for a general. What a country!"

The Access of Evil (tags)

There's something to be said for being able to tell the difference between your friends and your enemies.

Building Bridges Radio-Bush's Plan for Immigrants (tags)

Building Bridges: Your Community and Labor Report presents this 27 minute Radio Program. TO LISTEN CLICK ON WEB LINK

BTL:U.S. Labor Movement Opposes Bush Plan to Create... (tags)

...Immigrant Guest Workers Program Interview with Anna Avendano, senior adviser on immigration issues for the AFL-CIO, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush booed by Atlanta protesters (tags)

Several hundred protesters loudly booed Bush on Thursday as he laid a wreath at the grave of civil rights leader Martin Luther King.

Political appeals to bigotry grow (tags)

Conservative columnist Cal Thomas recently questioned Howard Dean's faith because his wife is Jewish. Marrying her, Thomas opined, was "strange at best, considering the two faiths take a distinctly different view of Jesus."

BTL:Secret Pentagon Unit Churned Out Dubious 'Intelligence' Used to Justify Iraq War (tags)

Interview with journalist Robert Dreyfuss, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Michael Moore endorses Wes Clark (tags)

If you've heard Wes Clark is a republican, Michael Moore is here to set the record straight.

Howard Dean Hype: The Pro-War Views of an "Anti-War" Candidate (tags)


CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: To Win in 2004, the Democratic Party Must Reclaim Its Soul (tags)

As Election Day 2004 approaches, Democrats and all liberals must confront the fact that the Bush Reich and neofascists in Congress have pulled the nation's center so far to the right we are about to topple over.

The Barreling Bushes (tags)

In case you missed it the Bush crime family is becoming mainstream knowledge...this should prove interesting...

Bush Reform of Immigration Policy may have a Hidden Agenda: Hispanis Beware! (tags)

Hispanics are Sitting Ducks: "We're addressing an important economic need (and) we're being compassionate to those undocumented workers who are here now ... many of (whom) are probably being abused and exploited,... part of this policy will help make America more secure because we'll know who's here." --White House spokesman Scott McClellan 01/08/04.

Are you Afraid of Bush? (tags)

This is simply a must read...

Corp. Media Bias,Polls,Waffling,VoteBuying SPARKS New Dynamic of Self-Publishing (tags)

The candidates believing the assessment by the weapons-manufacturer-owned-media and their ridiculous polls, because they get coverage fall into trap of having to accept and be defined by it. Later finding out their dependence on orchestrated reality control and conventional wisdom, causes the rug to be pulled out from under them> as events, time and the fluidity of the new info-sharing environment made possible by real peoples participation with self-publishing, pushes the envelope to more accurate and genuine picture, actual portrayal of the environment, Here on the ground in 2004.The truth, morality and validity of the progressive message is that powerful. NPR DEBATE OBSERVATIONS

The Road to Hell (tags)

It time to share the truth with others, please spread this far and wide...

What weapons of mass destruction? (tags)

"Weapons of mass destruction? Oh that. We were just fooling! When I said that I was "confident that we will find evidence" of wmd's, I was just pulling your leg! Yeah... I know that I was telling anyone who would listen that Iraq had tons of sarin, mustard and VX nerve gas... what's the harm in that? So it wasn't the truth? When I said that Iraq was pursuing an atomic weapons program... you didn't really BELIEVE me did you?! So now you know... we were just lying, er, pulling your leg. It was all a joke. Weapons of mass destruction? What weapons of mass destruction?"

BTL:2003: A Year of Reversals for White House Neo-Conservatives. (tags)

Interview with Tom Englehardt, author and columnist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

New Report Finds No WMD In Iraq (tags)

An article about the Carnegie WMD Report, Operation Rockingham, and the OSP.

BTL:Despite Ashcroft's Recusal from CIA Leak Case... (tags)

...White House Still Refuses to Appoint Independent Counsel. Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

CHILLING DEJA VU: The Original, Eerily Premonitive Bush:Hitler Comparison from July 2001 (tags)

When this essay comparing Hitler's rise to power with Bush, and the tactics of the present GOP with the 1930s Nazis and Stalin's communist regime was first published in July, 2001, I was the recipient of a flood of hate mail and even a couple of death threats from militant rightwingers. But the comparison hit home: the article has been been circulating all over the world, reprinted in at least five languages. Unlike the lame, even bizarre comparisons rightwingers try to make between Clinton, Dean, et al. and Hitler, the similarity between Bush's regime and the rise of the Nazis is REAL and has evoked a shock of recognition in readers - or, as the title says, a "Chilling Déja Vu."

We Must Do What We Can 2 (tags)

The time for action is now, are you human enough to answer the call?

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th 2004 Updates! (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Report Jan. 1-4, 2004 2. Newsletter From the International League of People's Struggle, formed by Comrade Jose Maria Sison, former head of the New People's Army of the Philippines (PDF) 3.***A Call to Support the March 20th Demonstrations!!!*** 4. Join the Anti-Imperialist Camp Delegation to Iraq! 5. ANSWER stands against Colonialism in Palestine, Iraq, the world! 6.International Progress Organization: PROSECUTION OF INTERNATIONAL CRIMES IN IRAQ – LACK OF CONSTITUTIONAL BASIS FOR WAR CRIMES TRIALS 7. The True Figures of Imperialist Casualities in Iraq! 8. Examples of online zionist hatred and racism against Palestinians

Freedom of Speech Bush Style (tags)

So this is America???

Watch List or Witch Hunt? (tags)

In 1962, a national security “watch list,” issued by the FBI, red-flagged all materials coming from Puerto Rico of an anti-American or pro-Soviet nature, peace groups going from the U.S. to the Soviet Union...


THE JAVITS CENTER SHUFFLE...discrimination, unequal distribution of work and the pitfalls of seeking workplace justice in the court system at New York City's convention center

The Karma of Spin (tags)

A look at Bush Admin. spin, how quickly it has collapsed, and a suggestion that spin is little different from false advertising.

Iraq | Pre-War Weapons Supply Syria indicated as main arms link (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria - A Syrian trading company with close ties to the ruling regime smuggled weapons and military hardware to Saddam Hussein between 2000 and 2003, helping Syria become the main channel for illicit arms transfers to Iraq despite a stringent U.N. embargo, documents recovered in Iraq show.

Imperialists Gloat over Capture of Former Henchman Saddam Hussein (tags)

The American imperialist butchers made clear, yet again, the kind of “democracy” they have in mind for Iraq when U.S. troops yesterday fired into a protest in support of Hussein in a town west of Baghdad, killing three people.

Medical Racism, Bush Bans Chinese Herb (tags)

With the banning of Ma Huang (Ephedra) a Traditional Chinese Medicinal herb without any real medical evidence of harm to the public and against the recommendations of an independent medical and scientific body, the Bush administration is committing an act of medical racism against the Chinese American community that relies on Ma Huang as a part of highly effective medical patent herbal remedies.

Government Will Be Abolished (tags)

The Free State project already has over 5,000 people committed to relocating to New Hampshire to form a libertarian voting block -- the long term goal being the removal of all regulations, taxes, and government.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #7 (tags)

Freedom of Information Act records show that the ADL played a major role in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s co/intell/pro racial matters' and white hate groups' operations targeting the civil rights movement as well as its opponents.



The Double-Whammy and the 50-50 Balance (tags)

Second- and third-generation Arab-Americans, many of them Christians who previously had little affinity for their ethnic roots, now find themselves under siege by the Bush administration -- and are fighting back in a united way.

Bush-Linked Company Handled Security For WTC and Dulles Airport (tags)

Oh. And here's one about Marvin Bush ( Yup, there's a Marvin Bush), and his ties to WTC and Dulles airport security. Again, credit the author. Hey Hollywood! Why haven't you been exposing them? ( By the way, the mobster mentioned in Hopsickers blueprint of Jeb Bush and Florida terror training, drug smuggling flight school associated with Jeb and "company", Alvin Molvik, is also providing Michael Jackson with his attorneys for his present case... By the way? Have you read anything about the CIA's and Saudis involvement in child-kidnapping, slavery, pedophile ring? Plenty of info available, including data from Center For Missing And Exploited Children. Anyway, again, credit the discoverers and investigators.

Who's Who On The 911 "Independent" Commission ( Part 1 Of 2) (tags)

A factual description of the 911 Commission's unholy host of ties to Osama Bin-LAden, Saudi Oil, Bush Administration, CIA, and those accused of the attacks. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!!!!

Who's Who On The 911 "Independent" Commission ( Part 1 Of 2) (tags)

A factual description of the 911 Commission's unholy host of ties to Osama Bin-LAden, Saudi Oil, Bush Administration, CIA, and those accused of the attacks.

The Man from Vermont is Not Green (He's Not Even a Liberal) (tags)

"Dean's attempts to run for president as an environmentalist is nothing but a fraud," Smith told Wild Matters. "He's destroyed the Agency of Natural Resources, he's refused to meet with environmentalists while constantly meeting with the development community, and he's made the permitting process one, big dysfunctional joke."

Hey, They're Taking Slash-and-Burn to Extremes! (tags)

Republican leaders are deploying scorched-earth tactics, as if they ruled the nation 80-20, not 51-49, because cooperating with Democrats would cost even more votes from the conservatives.

My Parents were victoms of Saddam (tags)

The Forbidden Truths of two recent george bush speeches (tags)

A Forbidden Truth rewrite of two recent public speeches made by the supreme leader of amerikkka.

BTL:Federal Courts Challenge President's Authority to... (tags)

...Hold Terror Suspects Without Due Process. Interview with Ken Hurwitz, staff attorney, Lawyers Committee on Human Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Dennis Kucinich: Candidate of the left? (tags)

Kucinich opposed busing programs to integrate Cleveland schools. Before the issue had even taken hold locally, he made a point to introduce a resolution in the city council asking Congress to oppose busing as a means of integration. While Kucinich supported social and economic programs that would benefit the white immigrant neighborhoods that made up the majority of the district he represented, he disparaged similar improvements in Black neighborhoods. One of his campaign workers remarked in 1972 that Kucinich has "learned to play dirty pool…. It’s a racial issue. There are a lot of bigots in that district and someone has to represent them, let’s face it."9

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #5 (tags)

University professors who criticize AIPAC or the Anti-Defamation League's activities are placed on a black list and labeled anti-semitic. Their lectures are monitored by spies who occasionally stage noisy disruptions. Their homes and cars are vandalized. University alumni linked to ADL and AIPAC threaten to pull financial backing from the schools unless the targeted faculty members are immediately fired or blocked from tenure.

Christmas Carols You Won't Hear at the White House (tags)

Christmas Carols You Won't Hear at the White House - parody of Christmas songs, poking fun at Dubya and his corrupt cohorts.

''They want to ram their agenda down America's collective throat'' (tags)

With an extremist, dominating Republican party in control, we have lost our system of checks and balances, and ANY functional national forum for the meaningful public debate.

The Clinton's Real Legacy (tags)

Bill Clinton benefited in a way from the myriad scandals that pervaded his tenure. Were it not for the diversion, the public might be better apprised of his many miserable policy failures.

Media manipulations (tags)

Day three of US media coverage of Hussein's capture: no let-up in the hysteria

Defining Terrorism (tags)

DEFINE TERRORIST And You Will Be Calling For An Israeli Accountability Act

Demorats (tags)

It's hard to say which was worse for Howard Dean: the capture of Saddam Hussein or Al Gore's endorsement.

George Dubya found caught in a dirt-tunnel hideout, 20 feet beneath the White House (tags)

"High Value Target" George W Bush was found caught in a dirt- tunnel hideout, 20 feet beneath the White House, 8 months after his defeat in the 2004 Presidential elections. "Troops clear the opening of the tunnel, revealing a vertical shaft about 2m deep. They discovered George W. Bush, sitting in the bottom of the tunnel cradling a pistol in his lap. When asked who he was, he reportedly replied "George Dubya"

Dirty political games in the 2004 campaign (tags)

An anonymous email campaign is circulating. With the subject line of "Jews Beware" it characterizes Howard Dean as anti-Israel: "I urge you that if you have any love for America and Israel you should not and cannot vote for Howard Dean."

Big Dough=Status Quo/ABC=Already Been Chosen, Please Fall in Line (tags)

Applause for Dennis at events the day after,the remarks broke into public AWAREness in a dramatic Way , a powerful Impression simply seeking to imperatively broaden debate!, --from Democracy NOW interview where executive top down decision called it mundanely Decided? The exec. said the protests were unfair and UNfortunate, You know whats REALLY Unfortunate? it is 2003! And it might as well BE 19Seventy ThREE, 1963! Trickle-Down Reality Control? We SAY Bubble up Truth, People of the Web---Close the Wisdom Gap! NO! Pop-Up ad Policies, when is the next debate? RoadReport from PeaceWalkers,claiming no debate necessary at end of post.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.

The Dean Deception (tags)

"Howard is not a liberal. He's a pro-business, Rockefeller Republican."

9-11 Truth--Finally, Shock & Awe! (tags)

9-11 Commission Chair Kean Declares 9-11 was Preventable!!!

The Campaign of Hate and Fear (tags)

Am I saying that critics of the war aren't patriotic? Not at all--I'm a critic of some aspects of the war. What I'm saying is that those who try to paint the bleakest, most anti-American, and most anti-Bush picture of the war, whose purpose is not criticism but deception in order to gain temporary political advantage, those people are indeed not patriotic. They have placed their own or their party's political gain ahead of the national struggle to destroy the power base of the terrorists who attacked Americans abroad and on American soil.

War In Iraq: The Punishment of Abu Hishma (tags)


"The truth will get you in whole lot of trouble here." (tags)

Friends of truth and the recognition it brings, Well all is backslapping and smiles as the Saddam monster (of US creation) is corralled. Looks like he’s been hit with a good course of benzodiazphines already, lest he begin to jabber about his old friends in the CIA and White House betraying him.

Don't kill bush for me, do it for Jesus (tags)

Demon bush must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to survive from his evil onslaught he has criminally dictated against our God and Humanity as war mongering monster liar.

Rush's drug use has Palm Beach in tizzy (tags)

One waitress said of Rush; "I wouldn't say much to him if he came in now," she said. "But I'd serve him... Then I'd go out there and ask him about what he said about finding the ones doing drugs and locking them up forever."

A Baghdad Thanksgiving's Lingering Aftertaste (tags)

More Fall-out from Duhbya's Thanksgiving Photo Op at the Baghdad Airport. It seems that a lot of hungry soldiers were turned away from Chow because they did not meet the "profile" that the Bush Junta wanted for the Photo Op. They were allowed the opportunity to come back and eat - at 9 P.M..

In the Secen Months Since May Day (parody song) (tags)

There's only one thing missing from this victory, however, (aside from a whole bunch of people that used to be alive, that is), and that's a theme song. No imperialist act of naked aggression should be without a theme song...we are pretty sure it says that somewhere in the PNAC document...

NDFSK: Anti-imperialist solidarity committee (USA) issued letter titled (tags)

On last November 27, the Anti-imperialist solidarity committee (USA) made public a letter titled "Message to the GI mercenaries on the further deployment of US troops".

Betrayed by Bush, GOP's anger is moot (tags)

Small-government Republicans have been stirred up by conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. But when the election comes, the libertarian faction's anger will be "almost irrelevant... Are they going to vote for Howard Dean?"

Operation Iron Hammer: Iraq: The War After The War (tags)



After many years as a privacy advocate and author of privacy books, I now reluctantly believe that there's one citizen of the United States who is not entitled to any privacy or solitude, but should be subjected to a relentless campaign of intimidation, harassment, and knavery. In other words, patriotic Americans who believe in fair play should -- within the bounds of the law -- make this person's life a living hell.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: with Bizarro News Clips (tags)

Ashcroft persecutes liberals; dollar may melt down, Congress lets Bush reignite nuclear arms race, Bizarro news clips, etc.

Speech - Genocidal Correctness, by John Kusumi (tags)


Is Bush a bigger liar than Clinton? (tags)

George W. Bush and his sleazy gang have but one guiding principle that dominates all they do. They use public power and influence for private gain and will do just about anything to keep the power in order to keep the gain.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekly Update with Twisted Photo Section (tags)

Bush peddles instruments of torture abroad, former Joint Chiefs of Staff advisor reveals truth about anthrax vaccine, rightwing Congressman claims his divorce caused by women in scarves

U.S. Kids Know How They Feel - Not How To Think! (tags)

The stupid government training camps are teaching kids how to feel - but not how to think.

The other war party (tags)

Democrats are just as committed to advancing U.S. military, economic and political power across the globe as the Republicans. The means may differ between them. But the ends have always been the same.

White House Changes Story on Bush Plane Incident (tags)

Would you believe that maybe we thought that the British Airways might have maybe heard the rumbel of our engines? Would you believe a Seagull saw us?

Green win could have impact beyond city race (tags)

Shaggy-haired Matt Gonzalez, darling of the young, the hip and the non-propertied classes, is within striking distance of an upset in next Tuesday's mayoral runoff. If the 38-year-old lawyer wins, this overwhelmingly Democratic city of 791,000 would become the USA's largest to be run by a Green mayor.

Does al-Qaeda exist? (tags)

Does Al-Qaeda even exist, or is it a PR invention along with much of the other Smoke and Mirrors the White House is trying to sell. Is it any more real than the "Fabled" Weapons of Mass Distortion?

The Boykin Affair Still simmers (tags)

One top U.S. official noted that when the Boykin story broke, it "was the worst day of my life. . . .It confirmed [the] conspiracy theory that the war on terrorism is really a war on Islam."



A Chickenhawk ThanksgivingIn Baghdad (tags)

But important, if unasked, questions linger about a president who foregoes both taste and honesty in his advancement of his agenda ö questions of integrity, character and ethics. They might be aptly summed up in a riposte posed to another Republican nearly five decades ago, Senator Joseph McCarthy, during his final days on Capitol Hill: "Finally, sir, have you no shame?"

Bush & the Democrats: Liars in the service of imperialist conquest (tags)

Despite all their bickering with Bush, the Democrats too can scarcely contain their glee about the unchallenged power of U.S. armies of world conquest. After all, the Democrats like the Republicans are in the pockets of the big capitalists who want their domination of the world defended at all costs.

Bush Delivers A Turkey (tags)

To President Bush, America's soldiers are nothing more than props for his never-ending campaign. They were props on May 1 and they were props on Thanksgiving Day. An appearance at the funeral of one of the soldiers who has died in a war that has increased the terrorist threat against America, not diminished it, would be far more meaningful. So would an appearance to greet the coffins coming back from Iraq, ending an unprecedented policy forbidding the media from filming the arrival of America's war dead. Of course, footage like that would not make for jolly White House political propaganda.

The Democrats don’t deserve our support (tags)

There is no reason to assume, as many do, that a Gore presidency would have avoided war after September 11. Clinton oversaw UN-sponsored sanctions against Iraq that led to the deaths of more than 1 million Iraqis, and U.S. warplanes dropped bombs on Iraq almost daily during his time in office. And Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998, calling for the U.S. "to seek to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein." Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admits in a recent Foreign Affairs article, "I personally felt [Bush’s new Iraq] war was justified on the basis of Saddam’s decade-long refusal to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on weapons of mass destruction."

JFK and the 9/11 Cover-Up(amsellem) (tags)

cartoon © 2003 by charles amsellem. all rights reserved. activists may reproduce for non-profit use only

Bush Is Cutting and Running Because Karl Rove Can Count (tags)

Nothing quite says "Blow off" like a George W. Bush promise. Pick an issue, any issue. Democratizing Iraq, liberating Afghanistan, preserving Medicare, protecting the environment, honoring free trade, funding education, caring for veterans, balancing the budget, any issue except those hallowed tax cuts -- on every one Bush called what seemed a determined play and promptly ran a misdirection. BushSpeak is more than amusing malapropisms or a looking glass of mental dishevelment. It is the most cynical politics ever practiced from the Oval Office.

''Parallels Between U.S. Occupation of Iraq and U.S. Involvement in Vietnam'' (tags)

Iraqi guerrillas are most likely aware that they will not be able to crush the U.S. military occupation in Iraq. They do know, however, that if they continue to kill and maim U.S. soldiers, it will only be a matter of time until the American public demands a return of U.S. troops and applies political pressure to the Bush administration. General Abizaid admitted as much, recently warning, "The goal of the enemy is not to defeat us militarily. The goal of the enemy is to break the will of the United States of America, to make us leave."

Byrd's Fable Fits Perfectly (tags)

"Those who have dared to expose the nakedness of the administration's policies in Iraq have been subjected to scorn. Those who have noticed the elephant in the room - that is, the fact that this war was based on falsehoods - have had our patriotism questioned. Those who have spoken aloud the thought shared by hundreds of thousands of military families across this country, that our troops should return quickly and safely from the dangers half a world away, have been accused of cowardice. We have then seen the untruths, the dissembling, the fabrication, the misleading inferences surrounding this rush to war in Iraq wrapped quickly in the flag."

Pleading with Americans to arrest bush for the love of children (tags)

The dumfuk bushite parasites have been PURPOSEFULLY blowing themselves up with mined cluster bombs as suicide bombers! Not dying for any noble cause, but to only further toll more American Patriot lives.

Bush... the BIG TURKEY visits Iraq! (tags)

Resident Bush grunts to U.S. occupation soldiers after secretly travelling to Baghdad to pay a surprise Thanksgiving Day visit. The actual reason for the Commando in Chief's trip was an attempt to illustrate that the U.S. is in complete control of the Arab nation. In an elaborate plan to ensure his security, Bush slipped away from his Texas ranch on Wednesday night, arrived in occupied Iraq on Thursday and spent only 2-1/2 hours with the troops. Word of Bush's visit wasn't released until after he was already in the air returning home. Photo by Reuters.

Bush Dishonors Fallen Soldiers (tags)

The Deserter-in-Chief, not content with cutting Veteran's benefits, Combat Pay, benefits for depends of those deployed, is now putting a blackout on those who have fallen in his ill begotten War to Steal Iraqi Oil. He will not even be seen anywhere near the Flag Draped Coffins of those he has consigned to death. What a Scumbag.

CHERYL SEAL ALERT: Bush Pentagon Plans to Orbit Monstrous Space Bomber (tags)

While America's is diverted by the Bush UK visit and the Energy and Medicare bills crises, Bush, aided and abetted by NASA and Boeing, are laying plans to create a fleet of space bombers

How the poor can win elections (tags)

It's been done before, and it's happening now.

The USA - Sans Soul (tags)

Market analyst Bill Bonner, a man whom I normally have a great deal of respect for, ( wrote recently that intelligent people don't take to the streets and demonstrate. But I would put to him, if I could but bend his ear, just how else do you bring broad attention to your cause when the mainstream press is corporate controlled? And after all, even if we had a free press these days, only a small per centage of the population reads? And what do you do when you write to your elected representatives till you're blue and you receive stock answers by way of reply, reeking of form letter?

Lawmakers block labeling food with Country of Origin (tags)

(In a massive sell-0ut) "Bargainers tying down the last details of a mammoth $390 billion spending bill agreed to block labels identifying which country food products come from for the next two years, lawmakers and aides said Saturday. "

Americans are forbidden to know... (tags)

Here's what a bushite's granmom's tax payment is going towards, minus the 1.5 billion per month of 4 that is secretly STOLEN by the bushmob as something Americans are forbidden to know of through their corporate news censorship stealing their very own demeaned values, dying.

Don't worry, be happy (tags)

There are a multitude of mixed messages being dispersed to the public by U.S. ministers of propaganda. The American people were encouraged, immediately after 9/11, to hang flags to show their patriotic love for their country, and to honor those who tragically lost their lives. Grieve, go home and grieve ... but not for too long. You must show the terrorists that they didn't get to us, so go out and live your lives the way you did before. Spend money!

Who Benefits (tags)

One by one, the world's terror attacks bear more of the hallmarks of US Intelligence, 'Black Ops,' than of Islamic terrorism. The signs are unmistakable, the CIA backed industrio-religious crusaders are staging terror campaigns throughout the world - absolutely - positively.

The Corporate Media's Numbers Racket (tags)

he number of times the corporate media have published articles, radio and television news stories about and interviewed Gov. Howard Dean on his run for the presidency of the United States of America compared to the other candidates running in the Democratic party presidential nomination process is running at approximately 30% more in Governor Dean’s favor.

Assassinating JFK memory. (tags)

It is obvious that the neo-cons are now intent on rewriting our history -- President Kennedy was a whoring, drug-induced rogue and George W. Bush is a saint who, under no circumstances can be compared to Hitler

JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (tags)

An organic reconsideration of US history and major "conspiracy theories" of the past 40 years, including those pertaining to the 9-11 attack, and how they shed light on America's present drift into fascism.

CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE: Sneak Preview of Time Magazine's 'Bush Goes to England' Special ! (tags)

Don't let those anti-Bush folks tell you that all those quaint English villages and villagers used in PR shots were staged! They were ABSOLUTELY AUTHENTIC! And here's the proof!

Does Syria sponsor terrorism? (tags)

Syria, a secular dictatorship with one of the worldâ??s worst human rights records, has been on the State Department list of countries sponsoring terrorism since the listâ??s inception in 1979

JFK remembered by one who was there (tags)

This writer was in the press corps. accompanying President Kennedy on the day he was shot in Dallas.

Yes, Bush lied (tags)

Even the pro-Republican World Net Daily now Admits that Bush LIED. Impeach the Liar. There is nothing in the Constitution which authorizes the pResident to lie to start a War.

No 'Right' side to the Medicare bill? (tags)

Steve Moore, president of the Club for the Growth, and his group oppose the Medicare bill: "Our members just hate this bill. They really do. . . . We can't in good conscience support the largest entitlement expansion in decades."

The best evidence to kill bush quickly (tags)

The evil is in plain sight, the danger only increases with denial

Dangerous New Law Targets Women's Rights (tags)


Democracy or oligarchy? (tags)

Cuba's government is the only one in the world today that is publicly standing up to the neoconservative ideology of the New World Order. Although many Third World governments apparently agree with and support the Cubans, they seem unwilling at this point to risk the capital disinvestment which would follow taking an independent path to development. There are enormous natural resources in the Third World and billions of possible workers and consumers.

Bush Ploans Bio Attack on America (tags)

Things are about to get a bit rough in America in the next few months, don't be fooled, don't be afraid, be courageous and determined to put these criminals where they belong!

First no WMDs, nukes, ties to al Queda and now... (tags)

Another Bush lie (#46) hits the shitter: 'In Washington late last month, officials estimated the number of foreign fighters in Iraq at 1,000 to 3,000,' General's say no way.

Their fear is my weapon; their screams are my reward. (tags)

The sky is blue the grass is green now get off your ass and join the Marines! -- Hondo

The Coward goes to London (tags)

The government of secrecy that is crushing democracy in America, destroying the environment, and ennabling criminal corps like ExxonMobil and Bechtel to determine who will live and who will die, all the while fiddling toward Armageddon goes to London this week. Let's hope the English have enough national pride to transform the impact of bush the psychotic traitord travels into another foreign disaster for him to deny an lie about when he comes back to America.

Governing With All The Keen Skill Of Delta House (tags)

Isn't it amazing, and sad, that the only consistent voice with any credibility when it comes to Iraq has been 20-year-old Jessica Lynch, the former Army private who has resisted efforts by the Pentagon to turn her into a Sgt. York of the Persian Gulf?

How We Know Bush Will "Cut and Run" from Iraq (tags)

It looks like it's official. We're going to "cut and run" from Iraq. Oh, to be sure, that's not what the standard press reports say. They say the president insists, "We will NOT cut and run from Iraq." But the media has proven singularly credulous (that's the most charitable way we can put it) regarding the administration's pronouncements on Iraq.

Activists Join Academics in Opposing Enola Gay Exhibit (tags)

DC activists are teaming up with prominent academics to oppose the Smithsonian's plans to exhibit the B-29 Enola Gay without referencing the human suffering caused by the atomic bomb this plane dropped on Hiroshima.

Case Closed (tags)

I don?t usually do this, but a reader sent me the complete transcript of the secret memo published by the Weekly Standard, and since their web site is still off line I?m going to mirror the article here, because it?s incredibly important news. ____________________________ Case Closed From the November 24, 2003 issue: The U.S. government's secret memo detailing cooperation between Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden. by Stephen F. Hayes 11/24/2003, Volume 009, Issue 11


UN to Bush: End the blockade against Cuba (tags)

Cuban Foreign Minister Felipe Perez Roque delivered a blistering speech to the United Nation General Assembly Nov. 4 calling for the end of the U.S.-imposed embargo against the socialist nation.

An Object Lesson in Investing (Or Being Taken for "a Ride") (tags)

Adam Smith, the father of modern economics much-quoted by conservatives, once said, "People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices." It's a description that fits today's Wall Street to a tee.

Bush to veterans: Drop Dead (tags)

Some more Salt for the hypocritical "Support Our Troops Scum".

Ban sought on US Military Death Weapons (tags)

If it wasn't already bad enough for the killers in the White House now that the Afghan/Iraqui misadventure is spiralling into chaos, now the people of the planet want to stop the US Military from building and dropping cluster bombs. What's a republican war monger to do with such a disgusting life-affirming development?

Action for Worldpeace (tags)

You might not be able to stop wars, but you can surely do something.

'We could lose this situation' (tags)

Reality begins to set in with the NeoCONs that the Iraqi People are not going over and play dead so that Georgie and Co. can Pillage the Oilfields and cut FAT no-bid reconstruction Contracts with their their Cronies. As the Bush Sycophants circle the Wagons and start snarling now is not the time to let up on the pressure. NO CONQUEST FOR OILSRAEL.

Why the Democrats are afraid of Howard Dean (tags)

Both power centers of the Democratic establishment — the Kennedy left and the Clinton middle — are frantic at the prospect of losing control of their party to Howard Dean. They fear a McGovernesque debacle that would hand the G.O.P. a super-majority in the Senate.

Soros Says .... (tags)

Soros Says Bush Reminds Him Of Nazis

The Implosion Of America (tags)

Nearly half a million jobs have gone missing in the information sector since March of 2001. Another 7,000 disappeared in telecommunications. 8,000 have lost jobs in computer systems design, while 10,000 positions in company management went missing.

Dreamers & Idiots (tags)

Britain And The US Did Everything To Avoid A Peaceful Solution In Iraq And Afghanistan



Veteran's Day truth (tags)

From Today's L.A. Times Patt Morrison column

Scotland Yard Fury Over Bush Visit (tags)

White House security demands covering This is really quite unprecedented - historic allies the U.S. and U.K. at loggerheads over preventing King George from having to pay any mind to the Peasantry's complaints about the evil he has sown. "President George Bush's controversial state visit to Britain have provoked a serious row with Scotland Yard. "

G.W.Bush. a Satanic mind. (tags)

Assassination is big business. It is the business of the CIA and any other power that can pay for the "hit" and control the assured getaway. The CIA brags that its operations in Iran in 1953 led to the pro-Western attitude of that important country. The CIA also takes credit for what it calls the "perfect job" in Guatemala. Both successes were achieved by assassination. What is this assassination business and how does it work? Col. L. Fletcher Prouty . Col. Prouty spent 9 of his 23 year military career in the Pentagon (1955-1964): 2 years with the Secretary of Defense, 2 years with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and 5 years with Headquarters, U.S. Air Force. In 1955 he was appointed the first "Focal Point" officer between the CIA and the Air Force for Clandestine Operations per National Security Council Directive 5412. He was Briefing Officer for the Secretary of Defense (1960-1961), and for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Global Warming and Climate Change - connecting the dots (tags)

A collection of links to some stories I have been posting in the recent past, gathered together, which describe changes taking place in the climate around the world. Any one of these stories might not seem significant, but taken together they indicate that weather patterns are being disturbed and are changing around the globe, with the greatest changes taking place over the last three decades, and the rate of change has been accelerating in the last decade.

50 False News Stories By Bush Propaganda Machine (tags)

Lies, damned lies, and Bush. The Bush War Machine seems to be less on Speaking Terms with the truth than Clinton was. What a memorable accomplishment.

Prescott Bush: Guilty of Treason (tags)

The following article confirms that Prescott Bush was guilty of treason and should have been hung at Nuremberg with the rest of the Nazis.

Bush-Nazi Dealings (tags)

Bush-Nazi Dealings Continued Until 1951 - Federal Docs

United States: US media subservient to the state (tags)

The Media Whores, marching lockstep (Goose Step?) with the Bush Regime's agenda has whored itself repeatedly because "War Sells". All those nice explosions and all that misery keep the Proles complacent and glued to the screen of the Programming machine.

CBC the fifth estate: "Conspiracy Theories" (9/11) DOC VIDEO (tags)

a canadian public TV documentary exposes links between the bushes, the bin ladens, and the saudi monarchy -- now available for download!

Market Forces Fed SoCal Flames (tags)

Mike Davis on the wildfires in Southern California "A market-driven recipe for disaster"

Big Brother (tags)

. In the New York Times (October 14, 2002), Leslie Wayne described how a very old war praxis is revived in the pentagon with the war against terror: the hiring of mercenaries. Today they are called “private military contractors”. Some of these mercenary firms are sub-contractors of corporations from the Fortune 500 list (the 500 largest in assets). “The Pentagon cannot wage war without them… Private military contractors are the new business face of war.” These agencies have their people in Bosnia, Nigeria, Macedonia, Colombia and elsewhere. MPRI, one of the leading military firms, boasts of “more generals per square foot than the Pentagon”. In peace times, they can carry out secret missions with the exclusion of the public. Without any chain of command, they are not accountable to the US Congress, only to their clients, the Pentagon or the State Department.

As Iraq death toll rises, so do war profits (tags)

WASHINGTON – As the roster of dead and wounded in Iraq grows longer, George W. Bush is pleading that the people of this country stay the course despite admissions by his administration that the occupation has become a “long, hard slog.”

America’s dress-up president won’t go near the wounded. But Cher will. (tags)

The "Hollywood Left" that pro-Bush/War Conservatives love to bash seem to be doing a better job of honoring our Soldiers than Der Fuhrer. Ironic? Or is it just a true reflection of his "character"?

hush hush Richard N. Perle Secret lunch. (tags)

In January of this year, Khashoggi arranged a private lunch, in France, to bring together Harb Saleh al-Zuhair, a Saudi industrialist whose family fortune includes extensive holdings in construction, electronics, and engineering companies throughout the Middle East, and Richard N. Perle (member of 1-Council on Foreign Relations. 2-Zionist), the chairman of the Defense Policy Board, who is one of the most outspoken and influential American advocates of war with Iraq.

Bush renames Body Bags, Transfer Tubes (tags)

As the saying goes, if you can't convince them, confuse them. With more lies told each day by President George Bush, here is yet another one. The US Department of Defense changed the name from "Body Bag" to "Transfer Tube" to describe how the bodies of our young warriors are returned home in the dark of night, with no official count of their growing numbers, and no solemn public ceremony to honor their proud service

Republicans Strip 'No War Profiteering' Section (tags)

The White House and the House Republicans took out a section of a bill that would have imposed stiff penalties for war profiteering. With one-party rule in Washington, there will be no oversight (and no penalties) if anyone steals any (or all) of the $87 billion dollars President George Bush wants to spend on the US - Iraq War

JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France (tags)

JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France

8 Simple Rules for Schwarzenegger to follow, or else get 'Clubbed' (tags)

A driving force behind the Conservative storm front in America will quite likely be the Governor\'s mentor -- and in the course, steer the socially-liberal Arnold toward a starkly Conservative agenda.

BTL:Thousands of Iraqis Killed During War Contributes Toward... (tags)

...Resistance Against U.S. Occupation. Interview with Carl Conetta, co-director at the Project on Defense Alternatives, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Howard Dean Video (tags)

This man just doen't get enough credit. Watch video of our next President.

Interview with Shane Messer, creator of Weapons of Mass Destruction hunt (tags)

An offer for lunch was extended to Shane Messer, in order to ask him a few questions about his massive hunt for Weapons of Mass Destruction real-life puzzle and it's origins.

Cheney wants to "remodel the entire middle east"--"Shadow Government" (tags)

Cheney wants to "remodel the entire middle east"--"Shadow Government"

US Attack on Syria Coming Soon as US Warplanes being Moved in Number?: (tags)

US Attack on Syria Coming Soon as US Warplanes being Moved in Number?:

Michael Powell: Up in Flames (tags)

Poor, poor, pitiful Michael Powell. His term as chairman of the Federal Communications Commission was supposed to be easy. He thought that like FCC chairs before him, his job was to jet around the country meeting at swank resorts with the CEOs of major media companies, take some notes and then quietly implement their sweeping agenda for loosening the last significant constraints on media consolidation in the United States.

Democracy Or ‘The Lieberman Effect,’ The Choice Is Ours (tags)

All is not right in the valley. That’s right, all is not right in the valley of democracy. (In theory, that is.) That would be the assertion Democratic nomination presidential candidate Senator Joe Lieberman is ‘unintentionally’ conveying as he tries to distinguish his message from the growing ‘anti-occupation’ sentiment which grows amongst the Democratic primary faithful as mid-west Republican angst rises with President Bush’s domestic farm policies.

L'affaire Boykin (tags)

The religious right, their Republican Party supporters, conservative columnists and television commentators all have leapt to defend General Boykin for stating that, "George Bush was not elected by a majority of the voters in the United States ... he was appointed by God ... He's in the White House because God put him there."

The Collapse of the Middle Class (tags)

There has always been a wealthy elite in this country, and there has always been a gap between the rich and the poor. But the disparities in wealth and income that currently exist in this country have not been seen in over a hundred years. Today, the richest one percent own more wealth than the bottom ninety-five percent, and the CEOs of large corporations earn more than 500 times what their average employees make.

Ghosts, Apocalypses and Lies (tags)

An op-ed piece.

Bolivia: The Uprising of Miners and Peasants (tags)


An Inspector Calls: (Bush hoist by own Petard) (tags)

But we were wrong. Far from being a whitewash, Kay's report has turned out to be one of the most devastating and unflinching exposes of war crimes in world history. In damning detail, Kay has revealed the torturous machinations and evil practices of a ruthless tyrant seeking to thwart the clear will of the UN Security Council and the international community, using false declarations and crude propaganda to mask his secret plans to abet terrorism, wage aggressive war and threaten the entire world with weapons of mass destruction. Those apologists for tyranny, who for months doubted the veracity of these charges, have now been shown to be nothing more than knaves, fools, lickspittles and dupes.

Countdown to 2004: A week of greater gods and weaker men (tags)

Arab Americans voters are called on by Presidential contenders, members of the House call for General Boykin to be censured, and the "sensitive" Trent Lott calls for Iraq to be dismembered.

Protests across the nation: ‘Bring the troops home’ (tags)

WASHINGTON – In the first major antiwar protest since Bush declared an end to combat operations in Iraq on May 1, tens of thousands marched near the White House Oct. 25 carrying placards reading, “Bush lied, thousands died” and chanting, “End the occupation now – Bring the troops home!”

Final Battle Over Controversial General's Promotion, NTAC Urges Action (tags)

After a delay of more than a year, the Senate Armed Services Committee has forwarded the nomination of Major General Robert T. Clark to the full Senate for confirmation. The decision drew disbelief and a call for action from the National Transgender Advocacy Coalition (NTAC).

Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy' (tags)

Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy'

Re The Loss of Liberty (tags)

Re The Loss of Liberty

Ned Lyle Invites You to Help George Bush (tags)

Ned Lyle signed me up for the Republican Leaders Program. Since then, I've been receiving these emails from the GOP. I decided to doctor one of them and provide it to the world. You can use it to send messages to the Bush Campaign. Ned shouldn't mind, since he signed an anarchist up for this stuff. After all, what does he expect from an anarchist?

Payrolls plunge 93,000, but unemployment rate edges down (tags)

Catch this: Payrolls plunge 93,000, but unemployment rate edges down. Hellloooooo! The number of people receiving a paycheck goes down but unemployment is down? I don't think so. The two are mutually contradictory.

BTL:Escalation of Guerrilla Attacks on U.S. Occupation Force in Iraq Shakes... (tags)

...White House Confidence. Interview with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush blames Saddam Hussein for solar storm (tags)



Bush Boys Play Doctor (tags)

For Jeb Bush, the implications of his legislating the "Feeding Tube" may come as a shock -- a backlash from conservatives who have ceaselessly preached freedom and small government. His law has exposed the rent in the Republican Party between the libertarian crowd and the Christian right.

The Crucial Alliance (tags)

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) proposes an immediate US retreat from Iraq. Fighting back in the Terror War is not optional, but that doesn't stop Kucinich. He'll grant a victory to terrorists as long as it helps take down president Bush.

White House Accused of Stalling 9-11 Probe (tags)

Members of both parties are beginning to notice that the White House has a strange reluctance to let information be known.

White House Still Stonewalling on 911 Documents (tags)

Former New Jersey governor Thomas Kean told the newspaper the White House was continuing to withhold several highly classified intelligence documents.

The KGB's Man (tags)

The Israeli government has vowed to expel Yasser Arafat, calling him an "obstacle" to peace. But the 72-year-old Palestinian leader is much more than that; he is a career terrorist, trained, armed and bankrolled by the Soviet Union and its satellites for decades.


new hampshire gazette reporter - tha last free journalist in the us - under 24-hr police "protection"

Protesters Want U.S. Out of Iraq (tags)

One of the most passionate remarks came from Fernando de Solar Suarez, the father of a U.S. Marine, who was killed in Iraq. Suarez moved the crowd to tears with his comments about losing his son.

Peace Train, All Aboard!! (tags)

Sunday Wash. Post on Peace Demo

Rockets, Napalm, Torpedoes & Lies Israel's Attack on the Liberty, Revisited (tags)

After more than two hours of unremitting assault, the Israelis finally halted their attack. One of the torpedo boats approached the Liberty. An officer asked in English over a bullhorn: "Do you need any help?" The wounded commander of the Liberty, Lt. William McGonagle, instructed the quartermaster to respond emphatically: "Fuck you."

Spy Finance and the Black Budget (tags)

".....a congressional investigation revealed that the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO), a supersecret agency whose existence was publicly acknowledged only a few years ago, lost track of a $2 billion slush fund because it was so highly classified even top intelligence officials had no control over it."

$87 billion for war: ‘senseless & reckless’ (tags)

Congress voted to approve the Bush administration’s $87 billion package for the occupation and reconstruction of Iraq and Afghanistan, but not without vocal and sometimes vehement opposition by lawmakers and peace activists.

Jobs Go Bye-Bye Under Bush (tags)

Another fine example of the ecomomic policies of the cheap labor conservatives.

Fiddling while Rome burns (tags)

America produces a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide emissions, the population has risen by 100 million since 1970 and when an area three times the size of Britain was recently opened up for mining, drilling, logging and road building, no one took much notice. What does the Bush administration do? It ignores all attempts to curb environmental damage. In a major investigation that took him from the Salton Sea in California to Crooked Creek in Florida, Matthew Engel reports on how America is ravaging the planet

BTL:Despite White House Intimidation Campaign... (tags)

...More Military and Intelligence Officials Condemn Bush's War Propaganda. Interview with David MacMichael, former CIA estimates officer, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

White House bans news coverage of coffins returning from Iraq (tags)

“Since the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed the remains of US soldiers arriving at air bases in flag-draped coffins,” wrote the Post’s White House reporter Dana Milbank. “To this problem, the Bush administration has found a simple solution: It has ended the public dissemination of such images by banning news coverage and photography of dead soldiers’ homecomings on all military bases.”

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace

Toronto Star: Lyndon Johnson Ordered USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

Lyndon Johnson ordered cover-up: Former navy lawyer

Universal fascism, freedom betrayed: What is Mr. Bush doing in your name? (tags)

In every age...the ultimate sources of war are the beliefs of those in power: their idea about what is of most fundamental importance and may therefore ultimately be worth a war. -- Evan Luard,

Protecting U.S. Oil Interests in Iraq. (tags)

In the short term, through the Development Fund and the Export-Import Bank programs, the Iraqi peoples’ oil will finance U.S. corporate entrees into Iraq. In the long term, Executive Order 13303 protects anything those corporations do.

Imperial ills: The Great American Problematic: The Youth and Imperial Justification (tags)

Here is but a taste of what the American regime, as nation-state, faces because of its manipulated misdirection into an all encompassing global regime: the American-led corporate global empire -- Imperium in Imperio.

Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior (tags)

It is this obviousness with Bush’s stalking-horse Clark that offends even the weakest minds. The obviousness that the vast majority of all the people, all the time, never even see at all. Lincoln was wrong!

The Future of America under the American-led Empire: A Realistic Sense of it. (tags)

That it is high-tech, well lighted, air conditioned and instantly gratifying in such a gratuitous fashion, will make it seem, to many, a benign kind of tyranny. A kind of benevolent beast. These four horsemen will seemingly come bearing new gifts for all.


ONE DOES NOT GET ATTACKED SO FOR BEING OFF COURSE. I am publishing sensitive material, sensitive to the Bush cartel, hiding behind a facade of national security. This is it folks. This is the information that the international order, the group that smacked our psyches upside the head on September 11, 2001, does not want out there.

Info War on USA Public (tags)

Info War on USA Public

The Bush Family Connections to the Nazis (tags)

The mainstream media only gets half of the story about Prescott Bush’ Nazi connections.

Full Text of Osama's Message To Americans (tags)

What the corporate media won't show you: the full text translation of Osama's latest message.


Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel) (tags)

Pentagon official: US may take action against Syria (for Israel)

Bush's Press Secretary's Pop pops on a former Pres. (tags)

A Texas attorney has just published a new book re LBJ and the JFK assassination. Another book on the 1963 coup is not that unusual. What is is that the author is the father of W. Bush's press secretary, Scott McCllellan.

Screw You Right Back - CIA FU! (tags)

When the CIA initiates proceedings, entire nations collapse in flames. Economies deflate like whoopee cushions. Powerful men are found dead in alleys with their heads encased in cheese wax. It might be said that the CIA has an extremely low hubris threshold. As it now stands, the president (after only a few months of doing nothing) has ordered his people to cooperate with his other people in finding the source of this leak in the scandal now known rather lamely as 'Intimigate' (I prefer 'What, her?-gate' myself).

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM (tags)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM


"You are all free, free to go!"

Is Arnold good for the libertarians? (tags)

"sensible people of individualist and anti-government leanings tend to give the Libertarian Party a wide berth"

This is What Rush Limbaugh Thinks About People Who use Drugs (tags)

Rush will rant on for sure, after proclaiming that sessions with Jerry Falwell have recommitted him to Christ. He will be “reborn.” He will “triumph over adversity.” He will be embraced by Bush as a true patriot and the betrayal of America will continue, leaving in its wake a trail of brazen lies and the ancient ruins of democracy.

Neophyte Gorge (tags)

The president has for the first time in months violated the all too common coincidence in political speeches of "lips moving" and "lying through teeth." He speaks the truth. Some people like George’s decisions, and some do not.

Get Rid of Bush & What do you Have in Clark? (tags)

His job is to guarantee Bush Junior gets reelected. His job is to see that no viable Democratic candidate survives the primaries. His job, should he miraculously get elected over Bush, is to then run, execute, implement the American-led Empire precisely as George Bush Junior would have done.

Retired General Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior and The Grey Men (tags)

Should Wesley Clark win the primary nomination for president for the Democratic party, America loses and Bush wins; or Clark wins the general election and America loses. America loses and Empire the only winner.

'I Was Protecting You From A Madman' Says Bush (tags)

"I acted because I was not about to leave the security of the American people in the hands of a madman," Mr Bush told National Guardsmen and reservists in New Hampshire. "I was not about to stand by and wait and trust in the sanity and restraint of Saddam Hussein."

Investigate Iraq WMD Disinformation (tags)

Enclosed is a "Dear Colleague" letter Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA/Oakland) sent out this morning. The Republicans have been sitting on 2 bills about Iraq intelligence abuse one for an independent commission another for a select committee of the House.

House Panel Approves Bush $87B Iraq Plan (tags)

The bottomless money pit called Iraq received an additional 87 billion dollars to fight the war... No WMD's , No Hussein and no terrorist connections... Within a few years the national deficit should read more that 500 billion. HOPE YA LIKE IT..CUZ YOUR PAYING FOR IT!!

Is America Fascist? (tags)

It is no coincidence that the neo-cons are worried about comparisons between their policies and those of Hitler

BTL:Critics Question Credibility of FBI Investigation into White House Leak... (tags)

...Exposing CIA Operative. Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway (tags)

Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

Californians Are The Dumbest People On The Face Of The Planet Earth (tags)

Californians Are The Dumbest People On The Face Of The Planet Earth

Yes, Bush lied (tags)

The CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency and the other U.S. spy agencies unanimously agreed that Baghdad:  had not sponsored past terrorist attacks against America,  was not operating in concert with al-Qaida,  and was not a terrorist threat to America.  "We have no specific intelligence information that Saddam's regime has directed attacks against U.S. territory," the report stated. 

Worth reading (tags)

Interesting article from the Asia Times. A different perspective than the usual propaganda from our Wall Street-controlled media.

Son of Nazi Becomes Governor (tags)

Its truly an incredible country where the son of a Nazi, admitted sexual harasser, and horrible actor becomes governor of the largest state in the United States, which also happens to be the fifth largest economy in the world. Like Don King says only in America.

Caiifornia recall debacle ends just as I predicted (tags)

A few months back I wrote a short piece arguing that the Republicans would win the recall vote, unless they gave up their attempt to salvage Davis's position. I sent that piece to Buzzflash, which chose not to publish it. Now my forecasts have been proven sound. When will Democrats learn?

FBI Funneled Money to Hamas for Terrorism in '90s (tags)

During the last years of the Clinton Admin., the FBI funneled cash to the reactionary Muslim fundamentalist Hamas group for terrorist attacks.

The Treasonous Lies of Bob Novak and Karl Rove (tags)

I watched "Meet the Press" on Sunday (Oct 5), a show that more accurately should be called the "Tim Russert Kiss-ass Hour" (or TRKA - which, appropriately, sounds like the title of one of the more knuckle-dragging species of college fraternities). The show's sole purpose for being is to allow Bush administration officials and other darlings of the rightwing to drop by for coffee-and-camera time each Sunday morning and present their slanted version of the latest outrage they have committed on America while Russert smiles, nods and simpers.


"Dubya" is owned by the Red Chinese Secret Police. He lives a fraudulent life, not as a "Christian family man", traveling around now, and since an early age, with his male sex-mate, Mayor of a sizeable southern city. And a sworn enemy of the U.S., Red China, is using this to blackmail Bush, compelling him to turn over U.S. financial, industrial, and MILITARY secrets. Fitting the U.S. Constitution's definition of TREASON. (Article Three, Section 3.)

Reasons for war--NOVEMBER 11--2002 (tags)


Renowned Economist Blasts Bush's Economic Policies (tags)

After Krugman's speech, Nobel laureate and UC Berkeley professor George Akerlof led a standing ovation and hundreds of people stood in line to buy Krugman's new book.

George Bush: A Menace To World Peace (tags)

Think deeply on this, ask yourself where do we stop these madmen. Iraq may be the only place to stop this madness. Every nation that desires freedom and democracy must resist the Bush Junta's pressure to participate. The welfare of the world may well rest in the tying down the US army in the soil of Iraq, at least until Bush can be removed from power.

Slime And Defend (tags)

Can you believe this? The gang that promised to restore honesty and integrity to the White House is, once again, going to "slime" the opposition for shedding light on the corruption which has bloomed and flourished under George W. Bush.

The U.S. and Israel's Criminal Intent and October 25th. (tags)

But the question is not whether the public can see the criminal behavior of these regimes but rather, where do these regimes go from here?

Not a Leak, Treason (tags)

Spin is All, and in the Plame Affair Bush still has the upper hand since reporters allow him to characterize this as "leaking classified information," like the specs for a bolt on an F-15 fighter.

The Partisan American media and the Whitehouse/CIA scandal (tags)

The effects of years of media consolidation certainly become obvious when you compare the treatment of 'scandal' during the Clinton Administration with the kid glove treatment given the Bush administration for genuine scandals about a hundred times worse...some cartoon commentary from Tom Tomorrow seems appropriate...

Hotel California: The White House is Run by Abaddon (tags)

Water flouridation and the CIA trafficking drugs are the least of our worries. The American Government is run by Satanic worshippers. The end is near...

Kucinich Proposes Unconditional Surrender in Iraq (tags)

Six out of ten Americans can't name a single one of the Democratic Presidential candidates. Dennis Kucinich is trying to get noticed by proposing unconditional surrender in Iraq. Ann nails the Democrats (again).

Learning from Limbaugh (tags)

Like the Limbaugh matter, Democrats smell blood, as the administration fumbles its way through the aftermath of the outing of former Ambassador Joseph Wilson's C.I.A agent wife.

Kleptocratic States of America (tags)

"Cronyism is an important factor in the Iraqi debacle. It's not just that reconstruction is much more expensive than it should be. The really important thing is that cronyism is warping policy: By treating contracts as prizes to be handed to their friends, administration officials are delaying Iraq's recovery, with potentially catastrophic consequences.

Nader shines light on Texas GOPs dark agenda (tags)

Nader called the Texas Republican Party's platform the most radically conservative he has ever seen, calling for: withdrawing from the UN, retaking the Panama Canal, repealing the minimum wage, and abolishing the Department of Education and the IRS.

BTL:Bush's Pre-Emptive War Doctrine Condemned as Related Scandals Erupt in... (tags)

...White House. Interview with Ian Williams, author of "United Nations for Beginners," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Schwarzenegger Threat: Progressives Debate What To Do Now (tags)

KPFA hosted an hour long discussion/debate on the subject of what progressives should do now that Arnold's poll numbers are strengthening. A variety of positions are aired, and while some of the arguments are the sort you would expect the debate is nonetheless thoughtful.

LA's Journal of Aesthetics and Protest Issue 2 out (tags)

"If our words were called human, heavy, anarchic, beatific, right on, poetic, it would all just feel so right. Of what use are ideas and actions that avoid market rationality? Of what use are ideas that disallow their own institutionalization? Of what use are words that avoid capitalist functionalization? Of what use are ideas that are dangerous? The flippant rumor circulated by the Right that the Clinton staff stole, upon vacating the White House, all the G's and W's from the computers clearly reveals the link between the written word and power." - From the editors Forward, issue #2

Say no to the California recall and Schwarzenegger the Liar (tags)

Schwarzenegger said in his announcement on Jay Leno’s show that he would not accept special interest money and would be beholden to no one but “the people.” Then he turned around and raised millions from special business interests for his campaign, including from at least one company that violated environmental laws. He is just another lying, hypocritical Republican.

America's Camp Delta, Guantanamo: 660 Prisoners, 42 Countries, No Rights, No Cha (tags)


The Intimidation of Ambassador Wilson and Ms. Plame and 76 Days. (tags)

Considering it was the corporate media that published Bob Novak's column that outed Ms. Plame as a "CIA operative" in order to punish and intimidate her husband, Ambassador Joseph C. Wilson for not playing ball with the Bush regime, how can anybody expect the corporate media to now report objectively about a conspiracy the corporate media participated in.

The Most Insidious of Traitors (tags)

The Bush administration pushed very hard the idea that America is in danger from WMDs being placed into the hands of terrorists. This was one of the central arguments behind the war in Iraq. Yet in order to protect Bush's political standing, a couple of "administration officials" blew Valerie Plame, and by proxy her network, completely out of the water in an attempt to shut her husband up. In short, in order to protect Bush from the ramifications of using fake evidence to support his war, this White House destroyed an intelligence network that was protecting us from the threat posed by chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons.

What To Do THIS Weekend (tags)

Only 4 days until the 3rd Green Reel Film Festival. Finally... a film fest that the masses can afford to attend!

Bush Still protecting Clinton (tags)


Shrub In Trouble over CIA Leak (tags)

Seems like da shrub is in some VERY hot water right now....

New firm with Bush ties consults on Iraq business (tags)

WASHINGTON - A company that was created to help clients take advantage of business opportunities in Iraq is made up of businessmen associated with President Bush, his family and his administration.

"We are the Greatest Backwoods of the World": Interview with Norman Birnbaum (tags)

"I am astonished or shocked at this total submissiveness toward my country. Intelligent people fade out the shady sides of our country, the broad trails of blood of our military interventions and the cynical contempt of the govt for its own citizens.. "

Overtime at Headquarters: Ray McGovern on CIA Manipulation (tags)

"Congress was deceived with the warning that Saddam Hussein would soon possess nuclear weapons. People shouldn't wait until a mushroom cloud provided the proof. In this atmosphere, representatives renounced on their constitutional rights."Trans from German

Arnold, Bush and Baghdad (tags)

"Bring them on." GEORGE W. BUSH (AP) JULY 1, 2003: “You guys are the true terminators" Speaking to US soldiers on a visit to Baghdad. ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER- (AP) JULY 4, 2003

Wesley Clark, Defender of KLA Terrorists, Joins Race to White House (tags)

My question to Presidential Candidate Wesley Clark is simple: “What exactly is your position these days on collaborating with drug dealers and terrorists? Have you changed your mind, or do you still think you were doing the right thing to turn Kosovo into a drug dealers’, terrorist and white slave traffic paradise it has become under NATO jurisdiction?”

CIA seeks probe of White House (tags)

CIA seeks probe of White House

Into the Meatgrinder, more National Guard Troops to be sent to Iraq (tags)

86 U.S. soldiers have been killed in Iraq since the man in the White House declaired the war over on May 1st. Now U.S. forces are engaged in a classic guerilla war with the people of Iraq... time to send more warm bodies. Hey George.... where are those weapons of mass destruction you launched the war to find?

Soldiers’ dad to Bush: Stop playing with lives (tags)

WASHINGTON – Larry Syverson, father of two combat soldiers deployed in Iraq, told a National Press Club news conference Sept. 24 that George W. Bush is “playing with my sons’ lives” to secure control of Iraqi oil.

On how to make enemies  (tags)

What attracted my attention to this article was the idea of the existence of a US bureau whose sole purpose is to propagate ideas which effectively create new enemies of the US.

October 4-5 Green Reel Film Festival in Hollywood (tags)

The Green Reel Film Festival 2003 - Hollywood, California - October 4 and 5 feature films • documentaries • shorts • cartoons • music videos The Green Reel Film Festival 2003 is the antidote to the constant beating of war-drums we are faced with every day in America, from our leaders and especially in our media. The Green Reel is Democracy in action: a true forum for ideas, and an opportunity for the otherwise stifled voices of progressive filmmakers from across the country and around the world to get their message across, whether regarding the environment, politics, LGBT issues, racism, and corporate power. Just a few of the many features this year are: Animated Shorts by Mark Fiore The Carlyle Connection Intimacy Afghanistan: From Ground Zero to Ground Zero Plan Colombia: Cashing In on the Drug War Failure Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election Human Resources A Different World is Possible Who’s Paying the Price? ...and so much more.

Tell me Moore (tags)

There was no question the filmmaker had dug himself a deep hole. The only question was, how was he going to get out of it? Would he say nothing, and pretend the whole thing hadn't happened, hoping that, after a time, everyone would forget? Would he say, I've learned when you make a bone-headed move, the best thing to do is fess-up? Or would he simply dig himself a bigger hole?

Time to Act (tags)

People as soldiers too, are actually, for real dying, no longer laughing, for no known reason but to criminally profit the demon bush gang on hopes for the next fixed election cycle, at the further victimization of Humanity suffering today. Falling US all for continuing with bush's embarrassing blunders, silly hijinx, and silently condoned murder rampages

Poor Americans continue to multiply under Bush as Republicans continue to ignore trend (tags)

A new federal report due out Sept. 26 will show poverty increasing even more. And still Republicans like Bush and Kelsey "Frazier" Grammer continue to ignore the problem.

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality (tags)

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality

A Texas Hoax May Be the President's Waterloo (tags)

Over the past year or so, getting headlines in Texas but only modest coverage elsewhere, the "Texas Miracle" has been disrobed. It was a scam, a hoax.

CHERYL SEAL EXCLUSIVE!!! Shocking Entry From the Diary of Barney the White House Dog!!! (tags)

This diary entry was sneaked out of the White House by a mouse who prefers to be known only as "Deep Throat II". After some bartering (which involved an undisclosed amount of oatmeal and cheddar cheese), I obtained the diary pages. Here is the entry. The illustrations are my interpretations of first-hand descriptions of certain incidents told to me by Deep Throat II, who secretly taped Barneys conversations with Lulu, a mouse that lives in the White House kitchen.

Hurricain on its way for the White House. (tags)

God is pissed.

Charities, Libertarianism failed by Human Nature (tags)

Contrary to the Libertarian View, non-profits face the very real prospect of significant, continuing declines in government funding, their second-largest source of revenue. Even worse, a recent study of 238 foundations found that they spent nearly $45 million on trustee fees, mostly to boards of directors, rather than using that money for charity.

Bush's Big Tent is torn on the Right (tags)

Young white men--the conservative Republican base since Nixon--are embracing Schwarzenegger's moderate politics in California. This can only strain the GOP coallition of the Christian Right, Libertarian Economics, Free Trade, and Conservative Main Street greed.


The continued and illegal theft of Palestinian land has killed the two state solution.

BOMBSHELL!" - General Garner is said to be 'livid' - "BOMBSHELL!" (tags)

The story. Jay, with the ORHA, prior to the irrational, unneeded criminal invasion of Iraq to murder untold thousands of God's children for generations with toxic, radio-active depleted uranium, submitted the "official" American war strategy to ALL involved war generals.

Who is this piece of shit named ANDREW GIMSON? (tags)

See some of you propagandist bullshit about The NYC 9-11 Investigatory Film and Roundtable Program .The panel included former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; co-founder of the 911 Citizenswatch, John Judge; Publisher and Editor of "From the Wilderness", Mike Ruppert; former CIA analyst, Raymond L. McGovern; member of steering committee of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, David Mac Michael; author, Peter Lance, and filmmaker, writer, and media critique Danny Schechter. The Program is sponsored in conjunction with events in Berlin, Germany, in several cities in Canada, and several other cities in the U.S...

The World condemns Israeli racism... (tags)

ISRAEL IS DEMOCRATIC? FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION? THINK AGAIN.... JERUSALEM - Israeli leaders shrugged off condemnation of their decision to "remove" Yasser Arafat whenever they choose, saying Friday the Palestinian leader should have been ousted long ago and the world has no right to judge a nation facing constant suicide bombings.

Could Tony Blair look at the internet now, please? (tags)

Why is the British Prime Minister the only person who seems to be unaware of the US hawks' agenda.

September 11- two years on (tags)


Fascism, Farm Subsidies and Suicide (tags)

As the fascists in the White House celebrate the success of the tragedy they helped make happen on 9/11 (September 11, 2001) on this day September 11, 2003, Lee Kyung-hae, a Korean farmer (who has been put out of business in Korea by cheap imports from the U.S. Global Economic Dictatorship) lies dead in a hospital morgue in Cancun, Mexico.

Morn the loss of MURDERED Saudi Anarchists on this day (tags)

The United States Government MURDERED ITS OWN CITIZENS. I support civil rights for unjustly held prisoners at Guantanamo Bay. Join the Anarchists Defense League

Do not be a coward! Stand up! (tags)

On this day two years ago, a clique within the United States Government, aided by Mossad, murdered 3,000 Americans in a deliberate act designed to seize power, strip Americans of their civil liberties, and wage an illegal and genocidal war against the people of the Middle East.


His Holly Rolly Pollyness... the most high and divine Dalai Lama Mamma Samma, met with his Excellency... the Great Leader of the Free World and Lord and Master of the Universe. The two leaders, who are touched by God's grace and wisdom... met at the White House Wednesday, September 10, 2003, and used big words to discuss world politics. The Great Leader offered his Holly Rolly Pollyness a six pack of Bud, but the divine one declined. However, he did accept a bag of Pork Rinds.

Dali Lama says Iraq War May Be Justified (tags)

The exiled Tibetan leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner said some wars, including the Korean War and World War II, helped "protect the rest of civilization, democracy."

Misery likes company George Bush has second thoughts on Irag (tags)


'Blood, oil, and tears - and the 2004 Bush campaign strategy' (tags)

Campaign Strategy: Kill more people have the Media portray the Carnage and misery as a humanitarian effort.

Controlling The News (tags)

In-House Memos on Television And Print Media News Presentations

urvey finds that most Americans are pretty damn ignorant (tags)

Self explanatory, and its not ingorance, just plain stupidity through watching too much television.

Wild West Show (tags)

Lewis H. Lapham is editor of Harper's magazine. Other articles can be found at

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election (tags)

Showing October 5, 2003 in Hollywood California at the Green Reel Film Festival, "Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election" is the powerful and eye-opening documentary surrounding BBC reporter Greg Palast's drive to uncover the truth about electoral shenanigans in Florida and the undermining of American democracy.

SNL 2000 Version of Bush Speech Reflects the White House in 2003 Better than Real thing! (tags)

This November, 2000 Saturday Night Live Parody of a "future Bush speech" sums up the Bush pResidency better than anything Dubya could say tonight during the "real thing"!

The Carlyle Group (tags)

Showing October 4 and 5, 2003 in Hollywood California at the Green Reel Film Festival, "The Carlyle Group" is a documentary that looks at the behind-the-scenes machinations of the wealthy power elite behind the Bush White House.

This War On Terrorism Is Bogus (tags)

The 9/11 attacks gave the US an ideal pretext to use force to secure its global domination.

Gulliver Calls and the Dwarfs Follow (tags)

"Imperial overreach threatens Europe's economic resources and military arsenals already strained to the limit.. The emperor and his people should quickly understand that the Imperium Americanum cannot subjugate the globe." Translated fr German

When will anyone admit that it has been a huge fraud? (tags)

"Oops. There are no weapons of mass destruction after all. ...That excuse for the U.S. intelligence failure in Iraq would be laughable were the circumstances not so appalling. It means Bush ignored all the cautions of career diplomats and intelligence experts in every branch of the U.S. government over the unsubstantiated word of Iraqi renegades."

The 2003 Green Reel Film Festival - October 4 and 5 (tags)

Oct 4 and 5, 2003 - is the antidote to the constant beating of war-drums we are faced with every day in America, from our leaders and especially in our media. The Green Reel is Democracy in action: a true forum for ideas, and an opportunity for the otherwise stifled voices of progressive filmmakers from across the country and around the world to get their message across, whether regarding the environment, politics, LGBT issues, racism, and corporate power.

BTL: Bombing of Shiite Holy Shrine Kills Powerful Cleric and... (tags)

...Further Destabilizes U.S.-Occupied Iraq. Interview with Erik Gustafson, president of the Education for Peace in Iraq Center, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Four More Years? (tags)

With polls showing that up to 16% of the electorate is philosophically libertarian, this could be the real swing vote in 2004. Will libertarians decide that the Democratic candidate is the lesser of two evils for once? Or will they simply stay home in disgust on Election Day?

Psychologist: Bush's Anger and Immaturity Now Rules the World (tags)

Psychologist Oliver James analyses the behaviour of the American president.



Condi's Phony History (tags)

If their lips are moving - they're lying.

The Lies Are Coming Home: Questions and Outrage Among Military Families (tags)


BTL:Bombing of U.N. Office in Baghdad Provokes Reassessment of... (tags)

...International Organization's Role in Occupied Iraq. Interview with Nathaniel Hurd, independent consultant to the United Nations, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.

The Vietnam II Preflight Check (tags)

Bush Regime prepared to take the entire country down the shitter. Check!

Saving face, losing a war (tags)

"Bring 'em on," the man said. He is not a brave man, but he plays one on television. When it came his turn to fight in a war, he hid behind Daddy. Then he had another drink and hid from the National Guard. Then he had another drink.

Treated as a terorist for seaching for his daughter in Iraq. UK man captured by USA. Iraq. (tags)

Along with Turkish Special Forces, Michael Todd, a British performance artist and writer was captured in North Iraq on 4th July. After been taken to Kirkuk Air Base the group were flown to Baghdad. The Turks were released on the 8th July but the British man, in Iraq to find his missing half-Iraqi daughter, was held as a prisoner of war / terrorist suspect for 3 weeks at Baghdad Airport under 24 hour armed guard. His crime? Walking down the street, searching for his daughter !

A Drug for the Addict (tags)

How the Israeli Junta conspired to kill the Road Map

Enlightened America has No Respect for God (tags)

Government today, which has become the new god, has reached a point where there just isn't enough room on the Grand Stage for two gods. Thus, the courts have consistently ruled in recent days that the 'Other God' and the Ten Commandments display must go.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Best Antidote to Bush Reich: an Anti-Indifference Vaccine? (tags)

Due to their laziness and indifference, most Americans have failed to learn about any philosophical point of view but their own. And most don't even go that far (just try questioning the average citizen closely about the contents of the Constitution - even the Cliff Notes version!). Instead, there is the vague but firmly held "belief" that God likes us best. Based on what, it is hard to determine.

One Giant Leap (tags)

A bushite soldier, to be proud of committing senseless murder for the American cop killer, the Iraqi bank robber, the demon bush Jr., along with WorldCom, Dutch-Shell, and Halliburton, is not only a cowardly traitor to victimized American families, but to all People our World over.

Oregon rains of Bush (tags)

He lost Afghansitan. He is losing Iraq. Even in America Bush can't get the people on his side.

A Shock to the System (tags)

In the deregulated environment, low-income families have little recourse when the bills pile up and you have to choose between paying the water bill, the doctor bill or the power bill.

British press reports Schwarzenegger’s groping and affair with former child actress (tags)

The British media reports on Schwarzenegger's gropings and affair with a former Little House on the Prairie actress. Meanwhile, the U.S. media continues to ignore reports of the Groping Governor Wannabe’s extramarital affairs and groping sessions.

George Bush, Pedophiles & The CIA (tags)

There have been other reports suggestive of a connection between child abuse and top officials. On June 29, 1989, the Washington Times, shook the Bush White House to its very roots with the front page headline "Call Boys Took Midnight Tour of White House.'' The paper reported, ``A homosexual prostitution ring is under investigation by federal and District authorities and includes among its clients key officials of the Reagan and Bush administrations, military officers, congressional aides and U.S. and foreign businessmen with close ties to Washington's political elite.''

Bush has put the White House Up for Sale! (tags)

So far, donors have given Bush: $ 49,225,000

John Kerry's war record (tags)

MICHAEL BENGE Foreign Service officer and former Vietnam POW (1968) remembers John Kerry in Vietnam

MLK, 40 Years, a Donkey, the Deregulation and Blackout of Our Civil Rights! (tags)

Yesterday I witnessed the most incredible irony as I monitored the corporate media. George Bush was giving a speech yesterday afternoon in front of a friendly only crowd of Marines when he stated "May God continue to bless America".


The Tale of The Brits Who Swiped 800 Jobs From New York, Carted Off $90 Million, Then Tonight, Turned Off Our Lights

The Republican Recall Hits California (tags)

The "Terminator" Becomes Bush's Weapon of Mass Destruction: Anatomy of a Heist An Overview of California's Gubernatorial Recall Election, Candidates, and Ballot Propositions from a Progressive Viewpoint

Kucinich for President Chapter Meets Thursday Night! (tags)

Kucinich for President Meeting on Thursday, August 14th 7 PM - Near 101 and Topanga. Contact to get address, directions, details.

Election Plan? (tags)

I think something more or less like this is what should have happened post election 2000, rather than relative dissolution after election day. Let’s learn from that mistake. Let’s not repeat it. Let’s demand of our process and its participants a strategy that has staying power.

Nader endorses Green Party candidate Peter Camejo for governor (tags)

Appearing at the Green Party's San Francisco headquarters, Nader said California voters should take advantage of the unprecedented recall, calling it "a great opportunity for people to rethink their role in a democratically governed system." He said Camejo understood the state's fiscal crisis better than other candidates.

Kucinich for President Chapter Meets Near Topanga / Woodland Hills (tags)

Kucinich for President Meeting on Thursday, August 14th 7 PM - Near 101 and Topanga. Contact to get address, directions, details.

Democrats Against Democracy (tags)

There is no parallel between the 2004 election and 1992. It's a whole different ballgame.

Furor Over Gay Marriages: The Insane Ravings of the Marriage Police (tags)


White House Link To 9-11 Plot Found (tags)

Condoleezza Rice warned SF mayor Willie Brown not to fly on 9-11.

Woman says she was harassed by family man Schwarzenegger for two days to have sex (tags)

A woman who worked behind the scenes in one of Schwarzenegger’s movie’s a few years ago says he harassed her for two days about having sex with him in his movie trailer. Is this a pattern with California's wannabe governor?

Impeachment Is Not Enough (tags)

By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s administration. He lied and good men died because he lied.

White House Psychic Hotline (tags)

White House Psychic Hotline

Big Brother (tags)

"There is every reason today to refer the negative utopia of George Orwell to the only remaining superpower - the America of George W. Bush. This is true for that schizophrenic form of mental indoctrination called `double think'.' Translated fr German

Schwarzenegger (tags)

Schwarzenegger supports Gun control, abortion, and gay adoption, so why not..........

Pentagon's Betting Parlor of Assassinations and Coups (tags)


The governator (tags)

He is a barely articulate, pumped-up bodybuilder with a cupboard full of skeletons. But could it be that Arnold Schwarzenegger was always destined for a career in politics? And if he becomes governor of California next month, is the White House next?

Protest message to White House: More jobs, less bull (tags)

CHICAGO – As George W. Bush settles into his Crawford ranch for his carefree, month-long vacation, working families are saddled with worries about jobs, health care and the state of the economy.

New book on PR industry ties to Bush regime (tags)

New book by Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber exposes the role that PR companies play in manufacturing consent for US wars. Go out and buy a copy today to help put this title on the bestseller lists.

Taking a Bullet for Bush: The REAL Reason the Terminator Is Running for Governor (tags)

What makes Arnold run? Could it be because the White House asked him to? Afterall, the 'Terminator' makes a great big media bullseye, drawing fire away from the Fuehrer

Watch Kucinich video (tags)

Watch Dennis on C-Span

The Superpower's Paralysis (tags)

"The triumphalism of the Bush administration has vanished for a long time..`From victorious liberators, we have quickly become hated occupiers.'.. More than two and a half million jobs were destroyed since Bush took office.." Translated fr German

PROtest PLANS Could MAKE Long, HOT, TEXas SUMmer FOR Bush (tags)

"Secret" maps of Texas "White House" and Camp David hideouts to aid protests. Texas posses will try to deny the Constitutional right to protest as they did last August. Here's how to hold peaceful protests against old "Shock and Awe" anyway.

Support H.R. 2625 (tags)

HR 2625 is a bill to create an Independent Commision on Intelligence about Iraq authored by Rep. Henry Waxman and now has 110 cosponsors. It needs 218 votes to pass the 435 member House. Reps Howard Berman and Jane Harman are the only L.A. County Democrats who have not cosponsored to date. Congress is on recess and they should be in their Districs. These are two hard nuts to crack, please help out.

40 lies of Bush the Bastard (tags)

Look at what I found @ Portland IMC.

BTL:White House Obstructs 9/11 Investigation. (tags)

Interview with David Potorti, cofounder of September Eleventh Families for Peaceful Tomorrows, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Breakdown of a Lie (tags)


Digging a hole in our treasury (tags)

You thought 12 years of Raygun/Bushit were bad? Hell, they were just warming this trainwreck up. Despirate people are more likely to follow the leader into fascism.

Democrats Considered "Too Liberal" (tags)

If Democrats are considered "too liberal", what does that make those who consider Democrats to be right-wing fascist?

BCCI Protected By CIA - Why? (tags)

The biggest drug launderer in the world - a block from the White House.

Bush Performs Major Surgery On 9/11 Report. Press Offers No Second Opinion (tags)

Intensive care taken by Administration to make sure U.S.-Saudi ties escape check-up

BIG BROTHER GETS BIGGER—Domestic Spying & the Global Intelligence Working Group (tags)

With virtually no media coverage or public scrutiny, a major reorganization of the US domestic law enforcement intelligence apparatus is well underway and, in fact, is partially completed.


Let's transform the "Recall Davis" campaign into one of "Total Recall" of all Democratic and Republican candidates.

Who's Unpatriotic Now? (tags)

Some nonrevisionist history:

Republican spending orgy (tags)

So here we are three years later, with not only a Republican Congress but a Republican president, too -- and the federal spending train is racing out of control. The Bush administration estimated last week that the government will end the current fiscal year with a budget deficit of $455 billion. Over the next five years, the public debt is expected to rise by $1.9 trillion.

Israel?Palestine-Why Marxists oppose the Road Map (tags)

Road Map

BTL:Bush Nominee to Federal Bench May Have Lied about His Participation in... (tags)

...GOP Attorney General Scheme to Shake Down Companies They Regulate. Interview with Elliot Minceberg, vice president and legal director, People for the American Way, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Clinton Makes Ammends for Own Piss-poor Mistakes (tags)

Bill Clinton says, "You know, everybody makes mistakes when they are president. Some of us perjure ourselves. Others of us simply state British intelligence might have valuable information."

BTL:Corporate Media Must Widen Their Iraq-Gate Investigation Beyond the... (tags)

..."16 Words". Interview with Steve Rendall, senior analyst with Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Surprising Backlash to FCC's Libertarian Ruling (tags)

Activist groups and lawmakers say the libertarian instincts of the FCC's Michael Powell are out of step -- many fear that large corporations will absorb local news outlets.

The Conservative's PlayBook for Gaining Absolute Power (tags)

Bush's disguise as a compassionate conservative prevents him from condemning the misguided Supreme Court decision on affirmative action and most city dwellers (and they are many) are still very much addicted to finding government solutions for every problem.

U.S. senator calls for probe into White House tactics over Iraq intelligence (tags)

...the U.S. administration illegally revealed the wife of former U.S. ambassador to Iraq Joseph Wilson works as a CIA operative.

Santa Cruz Residents Push City Council To Support Bush Impeachment (tags)

SANTA CRUZ — Angry peace protesters at City Hall displayed a realistic-looking, oversized layoff notice for President Bush on Tuesday, advising him to "vacate your office in 24 hours." "We want a resolution from the city to impeach Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Powell, Wolfowitz and Condoleeza Rice," said Sherry Conable, active in the impeachment movement. She and others also want the City Council to beef up a local resolution opposing the U.S. Patriot Act, by directing the city government not to cooperate with its provisions.

U.S. senator calls for probe into White House tactics over Iraq intelligence (tags)

...the U.S. administration illegally revealed the wife of former U.S. ambassador to Iraq Joseph Wilson works as a CIA operative...

Money + Media = Mind Manipulation (tags)

During the election of 2000, Katherine Harris, the Florida secretary of state under Jeb Bush, ordered the removal of 90,000 names from the voter roles because they were convicted felons; but not really. These people were Black. The eliminated voters’ race appears on the disqualifying list that was obtained and reported by Greg Palast in The Guardian. The story ran in Europe, South America and Canada. Palast maintains that he published the story within weeks of the election, but it did not appear until seven months after the election in the Washington Post.

Excerpts from Oct 02 Nat'l Intelligence Estimate on Iraqi WMDs (tags)

he following article contains excerpts from the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate that the Bush administration war criminals claim justifies their bloody mass murder of the Iraqi people in the recent War in Iraq.

CNN: Saddam's Sons Confirmed Dead; Bush, Blair, Cheney Still At Large (tags)

CNN is reporting that Saddam's sons,Qusay and Uday, have been killed by U.S. troops. Still unconfirmed is whether the Pentagon is lying again. Meanwhile, war criminals Bush, Blair, Cheney, and Rumsfeld are still at large.

Greens Call for Impeachment of Bush, Withdrawal of Troops by the Winter Holidays (tags)

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- On the final day of the 2003 national meeting of the Green Party of the United States, delegates from state Green Parties represented in the national party's Coordinating Committee approved two major proposals: (1) The Green Party endorsed a call to Congress to initiate impeachment proceedings and resolved to take political leadership in the growing movement for impeachment. (2) Greens endorsed a "Home by the Holidays" campaign calling for the U.S. to begin withdrawing troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Colombia, and the Philippines, with this year's winter holidays as a deadline for total return.

The Dishonesty Of the President (tags)

Face it Bush is a lying sack of oderiferous fecal matter deposited by a male bovine. In short he is a lying mass murderer who makes Jeffrey Dahmer look like small time. His lies have killed more people than Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Dahmer, Jack The Ripper, John Wayne Gacy, ...

Total Police State Takeover (tags)

A Brief Analysis of the Domestic Security Enhancement Act 2003, Also Known as Patriot Act II By Alex Jones (Posted Feb 10, 2003)

God Honest (tags)

When bush told Americans, americans didn't need any proof against Laden, bush really said, cowardly Americans no longer wish to protect Freedom by following the crime scene leads offered by the Justice departments. No Justice for Laden means, no documented arrest of actual criminal perpetrators. (Laden completely by himself was he?) Which incidentally, America's bush and rumsfeld had completely planned SECRETLY to NOT arrest for 9/11 before hand, with the official antichrist's, "invade Afghanistan without any evidence plan".

Bush Deserves To Be Impeached (tags)

Thanks to Bush's blundering, nearly 50% of U.S. Army combat units are now stuck in a spreading guerrilla war in Iraq , costing $4 billion US monthly, that is becoming the biggest, most expensive, and bloodiest foreign mess since Vietnam. This when the U.S. is threatening military action against North Korea.

The Death of Dr.Kelly-Britain rocked by Political crisis (tags)



But those words helped launch a thousand ships and a few hundred thousand U.S. men and women to Iraq, some to their deaths. Now, it's clear not only that the information was incorrect but that people at several levels of the administration knew it to be incorrect before the 16 words were uttered.

Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax:Behind the Iraq Dossier Hoax: Intelligence Cooked in Israel (tags)

In fact, at least 11 of the 16 pages were lifted, verbatim, from an Israeli journal, Middle East Review of International Affairs, whose sole proprieter is Dr. Barry Rubin, an American-born Israeli citizen. The 11 pages were drawn from two articles, by Ibrahim al-Marashi and Robert Rabil, that appeared in the September 2002 edition of that journal.

GOP's Double Standard On Presidential Lies (tags)

As the dying goes on, Bush has yet to prove the existence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. He now admits to using bad intelligence in his State of the Union address that Saddam Hussein was trying to purchase uranium in Africa for nuclear weapons.

September 11 commission complains of “intimidation” and stonewalling (tags)

The federal commission investigating the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington charged July 8 that its work was being hampered by the reluctance of federal agencies to hand over documents or provide witnesses for unimpeded interview by commission staff.

Palast the Iconoclast (tags)

Palast interviews retired Lt. Colonel Bill Burkett of the Texas Air National Guard (TANG), who states on camera that shortly after George W. became Texas' governor in the 1990s, he witnessed a speakerphone call from the Texas governor's office to TANG, and overheard the caller tell Guard officers to "clean [Bush's] records from his files." Palast says that after the call, Burkett "asked the officers if they'd carried out the questionable orders, and they said 'absolutely.'

Wading through the Bu$hit (tags)

Bush promises us that if we wait we will find that he was right. Bush's promise is hollow. The issue is not whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. The issue is whether Bush lied to the American people in order to sell a war that was unsupportable without resort to fraud. There is no debating the question of whether Bush lied.

Irag- History will forgive us or Mr.Bush's Poodle Barks again (tags)

Irag-Bush and Blair


I figured with the 911 Commission complaining about the Bush Junta Stone Walling and intimidating Witnesses it was time to remind people of another unsolved Crime.

BTL:Bush Africa Tour a 'Photo-Op,' Not a Serious Policy Initiative (tags)

Interview with Bill Fletcher, president of TransAfrica Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Officials Say Forgeries on Iraqi Efforts Reached State Dept. Before Speech (tags)

The administration, facing increased criticism over the claims it made about Iraq's attempts to buy uranium, had said until now that it did not have the documents before the State of the Union speech.

Pamphlet against the False Prophet, George W. Bush (tags)

"Sorry, Mr. president, you don't serve the God who liberates through grace and patience, love and affection. You serve a god with Texan features..You have dishonored thousands and tens of thousands of fathers and mothers.. Mr. president, be not anxious.".

Criminal Mastermind: Donald Rumsfeld (By the Balls) (tags)

Download the actual Joint Chiefs of Staff Document this article is based on (Adobe PDF):

Media Underplays U.S. Death Toll in Iraq (tags)

Any way you look at it, the news is bad enough. According to Thursday's press and television reports, 33 U.S. soldiers have now died in combat since President Bush declared an end to the major fighting in the war on May 2. This, of course, is a tragedy for the men killed and their families, and a problem for the White House.

Tape of U.S. attorney: Foster probe a fraud (tags)

Assistant U.S. Attorney Miquel Rodriguez is no longer speaking to the press, but a newly released audio recording purportedly contains excerpts of his candid comments on the case.

who forced Bush's nuke lies? (tags)

Wolfowitz, Cheney & Perle are the most obvious candidates

it blurs the line between war and peace (tags)

The Bush Plan for Korea ... TERRORISM!!!! Pentagon Insiders say the plan "blurs the lines between war and peace" .... war is peace ... slavery is freedom ...sickness is health ... cannon fodder is a job ... Bush is a President ;)

BTL:Iraq War is Looking Increasingly Like a Quagmire (tags)

Interview with former Calif. state Sen. Tom Hayden, antiwar activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

New Press Sec's Pop's Book:: LBJ Killed JFK ? (tags)

Barr McClellan, father of newly appointed Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan, is reportedly soon to publish a book claiming he helped Lyndon Johnson plot the killing of John Kennedy in 1963.

Questions Over War Taking Starch Out Of Bush Administration? (tags)

Controversy Over Why The U.S. Went To War Is Agitating The Media And Throwing The White House Spin Machine Into Overload. The Question Is: Will The President Run Out Of Quarters Before He Can Get Things Ironed Out?

Is Bush Using One Lie to Hide other bigger ones? (tags)

I ran into this letter to the Editor in my Web Wanderings and thought the author made a good point.

Gen. Wesley Clark Says White House Pushed Saddam Link Without Evidence (tags)

Sunday morning talk shows like ABC's This Week or Fox News Sunday often make news for days afterward. Since prominent government officials dominate the guest lists of the programs, it is not unusual for the Monday editions of major newspapers to report on interviews done by the Sunday chat shows.

Cheney Under Pressure to Quit Over False War Evidence (tags)

Anger grows on both sides of Atlantic at misleading claims on eve of Iraq conflict

Pattern of Corruption (tags)

More than half of the U.S. Army's combat strength is now bogged down in Iraq, which didn't have significant weapons of mass destruction and wasn't supporting Al Qaeda. We have lost all credibility with allies who might have provided meaningful support; Tony Blair is still with us, but has lost the trust of his public. All this puts us in a very weak position for dealing with real threats. Did I mention that North Korea has been extracting fissionable material from its fuel rods?

A Firm Basis for Impeachment (tags)

(2003-07-15) Does the president not read? Does his national security staff, led by Condoleezza Rice, keep him in the dark about the most pressing issues of the day? Or is this administration blatantly lying to the American people to secure its ideological ends?

The Other Bush Lie (tags)

"The conclusion, then, is inescapable. The cadre of cheerleading hawks -- both inside and outside the administration -- who led the United States to war 19 months later had decided within 10 days of the terrorist attacks that 9/11 should be used as the pretext for Hussein's removal, even if there was absolutely no connection between the two."


"American forces are living in a shooting gallery, and it's likely to get worse as the insurgents exploit the growing hostility toward the occupying troops." Bring em' on says the Deserter Chicken Hawk.

Ron Paul's War with Socialists, Neo-Cons, and the U.N. (tags)

How trustworthy are "allies" who wish to remedy 9/11 by getting "the U.S. out of the U.N.!" -- permanently alienating us from the rest of the world and humanity's struggle against poverty, disease, and ignorance.

9-11 Commission Covers Up Bush Family Ties (tags)

You expect maybe to find suck revelations in the New Yuk Times? Yeah, right. Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!

An Age Of Lies (tags)

The latest joke making the rounds on the internet is that truth has become so valuable that the government has embarked on a conservation program.

Nader Backs Kuccinich For Prez (tags)

Kucinich swore off corporate donations and relies heavily on relatively small fund-raisers such as a breakfast Saturday with about 40 supporters and community activists, where he waved his labor union card in calling for a "workers' White House."

Bush Energy Task Force Exposed (tags)

Alleged task force member includes: Thomas Kuhn, Edison Electric Institute president; Marc Racicot, current Republican National Committee (RNC) chairman; Haley Barbour, former RNC chairman; and Ken Lay, former Enron chairman.

Massive Security Breach (tags)

"America’s top spy catcher quit in the midst of a secret investigation into how Saddam and Osama bin Laden obtained state-of-the-art U.S. spy software." So, what did he find out that revolted him so much that he quit?

The Arrogance of Power (tags)

We are now, I believe, at the beginning of a long-delayed Washington political drama.

New York Times Reporter Judith Miller Accused of “Hijacking” Military Unit in Iraq (tags)

Three months into their occupation of Iraq, US military forces have failed to find any evidence of the supposed stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons that Washington claimed as the principal justification for invading the country. It is no longer possible to conceal the fact that the Bush administration lied to the American people to promote an unprovoked war of aggression.

CIA Doubted Uranium Report (tags)

A key reason for the CIA's skepticism, according to a senior intelligence officer, was, "What do they need this [the ore] for? They've got tons of it already in Iraq."

Spoon-Feeding Poison: EPA Opens the Door to Testing Bug Killers on People (tags)

The Bush administration is now moving to endorse the testing of noxious and lethal chemicals on human beings.

Roadblocks Seen in Sept. 11 Inquiry (tags)

WASHINGTON -- The independent commission investigating the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks says the Bush administration and Congress have failed to cooperate fully with requests for key documents and information and have presented other roadblocks to a thorough and timely inquiry.

Just Call Him Old Stonewall: Bush Isn't Talking (tags)

(CBS) On two fronts, investigating the causes of 9/11 and the pre-Iraq war intelligence, the Bush administration is stonewalling. In his latest Against the Grain commentary,'s Dick Meyer protests.

CIA Got Uranium Mention Cut in Oct. (tags)

July 13 — CIA Director George J. Tenet successfully intervened with White House officials to have a reference to Iraq seeking uranium from Niger removed from a presidential speech last October, three months before a less specific reference to the same intelligence appeared in the State of the Union address, according to senior administration officials.

Ex-Officials Dispute Iraq Tie to al-Qaida (tags)

``There was no significant pattern of cooperation between Iraq and the al-Qaida terrorist operation,'' former State Department intelligence official Greg Thielmann said this week.

CIA Got Uranium Reference Cut in Oct. Why Bush Cited It In Jan. Is Unclear (tags)

CIA Director George J. Tenet successfully intervened with White House officials to have a reference to Iraq seeking uranium from Niger removed from a presidential speech last October, three months before a less specific reference to the same intelligence appeared in the State of the Union address, according to senior administration officials.

Trading on fear (tags)

Trading on fear From the start, the invasion of Iraq was seen in the US as a marketing project. Selling 'Brand America' abroad was an abject failure; but at home, it worked. Manufacturers of 4x4s, oil prospectors, the nuclear power industry, politicians keen to roll back civil liberties - all seized the moment to capitalise on the war. PR analysts Sheldon Rampton and John Stauber explain how it worked.

Global Power Elites and the New Wars (tags)

"A representative republic was transformed into a plutocracy. Privatizing public property was a continuous tendency during the whole modern age." The average net worth of the 400 richest Americans rose tenfold by 1999..The Bush administration has martial plans, not a Marshall plan." From the German

war (tags)

repost from Portland. Nice to have a gang like these swine in arms on your team.

“All I want is World Peace…” (tags)

Ok, ok, so I was a Miss Australia contestant so you need to read this just for entertainment value… “What, Miss Australia, do you think America can do towards world peace”?

9/11 inquiry alleges witness intimidation (tags)

But Steven Push, whose wife died on September 11 and who represents victims' families, said: "I believe that there is stonewalling going on here." He added: "It's beginning to look like some type of a cover-up."

Why does 9/11 inquiry scare Bush? (tags)

The commission's leaders have taken the extraordinary step of accusing the White House of witness "intimidation," insisting that sensitive witnesses testify only in the presence of a "monitor" from their agency. The parallel to Saddam Hussein's refusal to let Iraqi scientists talk to U.N. weapons inspectors without a similar monitor is too glaring to miss and begs the obvious question: What has Mr. Bush got to hide?

Liberia in the Bush administration’s crosshairs (tags)

This week, U.S. President George Bush embarked on his first trip to sub-Saharan Africa. His five-day itinerary included Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria. Ironically, media attention has largely focused on another African country this week: Liberia.

White House lied to sell Iraq war (tags)

The White House finally admitted this week that it played fast and loose with the truth in President Bush’s State of the Union address.

As plans keep failing, Bush restates 'em . . . (tags)

As for the charge that Iraq was bristling with other weapons of mass destruction, none have yet been found, raising the possibility that this, too, will be restated and the Bush administration will take a one-time charge against future credibility.

Bush Bit in Ass by Lies (tags)

The Rats are deserting the sinking ship. Fed up with the Bush Junta's deadly lies the insider Bureaucrats are beginning to leak and speak.

Kucinich Is the One (tags)

This article can be found on the web at

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, Important read! (tags)

Insights to NESARA, Prosperity Programs, and Reality, the constitution could be law again!

Riddle As U.S. Spy Chief Quits (tags)

The official reason given for Redmond's abrupt departure was "health reasons." But stunned colleagues in the Homeland Security department in Washington, where Redmond had his office, insist the former Associate Director of the CIA was in perfect health.

ACLU Marks Independence Day With New Report On Main Street Movement To Protect Civil Liber (tags)

WASHINGTON – On the eve of this year’s Independence Day celebrations, the American Civil Liberties Union today released a new report documenting the ongoing grassroots movement in the United States to pass local community resolutions rejecting government policies that go beyond fighting terrorism and stray into the suppression of basic constitutional rights.

For Fourth, Bush Accentuates Military (tags)

Wrapping himself in the Flag, while wiping himself with the Constitution, the Coward-in-Chief hangues a Captive Military Audience, who dare not tell him what they thinky of the Sick Son of a Bitch, and attempts to tarnish the Founding Fathers by speaking of them out his vile orofice.

MAD AS HELL (tags)

As the ignorant sniveling sycophants of the Bush Junta continuing shoving the heads ever further up their ass more people are beginning to question the wisdom of that policy.

Unemployment rate at 6.4%. Highest in 9 years. (tags)

In a bleak start to the Fourth of July holiday weekend, the government reported today that the nation's unemployment rate climbed to its highest level in more than nine years during June.

George, Would You PLEASE Shut Up! (tags)

Are you sick of the Wussy in Chief yet? I know I am. According to David here I am not the only fed up with Gee Duhbya's Testosterone filled fantasies. Read on McDuff.

You Can Choose The Constitution or You Can Choose the Flag and the President (tags)

As Americans begin to celebrate the 4th of July it is important in my opinion to discuss what exactly is patriotism.

'Bring them on' - Bush on Iraqi militants - Hours later more Casualties (tags)

President George W. Bush on Wednesday defiantly challenged militants planning strikes on US forces in Iraq to "bring them on!" even as mounting casualties eroded US public support for the occupation.

BEYOND BUSH - Part I ( By Michael C. Ruppert ) (tags)

Michael C. Ruppert looks into the future and shares his thoughts (repost)

Broke and bitterly split, California is on skid row (tags)

The state of California, as of midnight last night, was officially broke. The richest, most populous state in the union - by some measures the world's fifth biggest economy - is facing a budget deficit of $38bn (£23bn).

Truth must come out (tags)

Despite the Bush Junta's attempts at controlling the story the TRUTH is slowly leaking out - and faster I think than the Spin-Meisters of the pResident would like. Keep up the Pressure don't let up.

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

Nothing but lip service (tags)

Then there’s military tax relief — or the lack thereof. As Bush and Republican leaders in Congress preach the mantra of tax cuts, they can’t seem to find time to make progress on minor tax provisions that would be a boon to military homeowners, reservists who travel long distances for training and parents deployed to combat zones, among others.

Ten Appalling Lies We Were Told About Iraq (tags)

Today, more than three months after Bush's stirring declaration of war and nearly two months since he declared victory, no chemical, biological or nuclear weapons have been found, nor any documentation of their existence, nor any sign they were deployed in the field.

Hail to the Psychopath (tags)

The psychopathology of Bush

Resistance Isn't Futile (tags)

The more action you see from Shills saying that resistance or Protests are futile the more you know it is working. If it was not working they would encourage it. They are, while really scared - Psychopaths don't get it, they are disturbed.

Rage. Mistrust. Hatred. Fear. Uncle Sam's enemies within (tags)

A few things have happened recently that show just how powerful -- and, perhaps, unstoppable -- is the march of the right-wing machine in the US. This month the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), a right-wing think tank umbilically tied to the Bush administration, declared open warfare on non-governmental organisations (NGOs) deemed too left-wing and set up an organisation called NGOWatch to monitor these liberal pressure groups.

A Crack In Bush's Facade Growing WMD Scandal (tags)

Bush lied about the weapons of mass destruction. He lied to us, the United Nations, and the soldiers he sent to die in Iraq. Bush's apologists defend his attempts to sell this obscene war as mere spin, but claiming certain knowledge of something that doesn't exist is hardly a question of emphasis. It's time to stop wondering where the WMDs are.

Pre-war predictions of quick exit, oil-financed reconstruction evaporate (tags)

Even as U.S. troops continue to be killed in Iraq at the rate of about one a day, the United States faces the prospect of occupying the country indefinitely and leading an international reconstruction effort costing tens of billions of dollars, according to several estimates.

Media walk on Ashcroft's leash (tags)

On March 1, give or take a day, in Columbus, Ohio, the FBI arrested an American citizen it says is Iyman Faris. There wasn't a word uttered. He vanished. No lawyer was notified. He made no phone calls and wrote no letters. He was a U.S. citizen who disappeared without a trace into a secret metal world.

Commencement Address by Neil Boortz (Excellent!) (tags)

This is pure dynamite. The guy rocks! Love to have been there to watch the faculty while he gave this speech - B.A.



Byrd Shreds Bush Over Iraq Lies, Coverups (tags)

The business of intelligence is secretive by necessity, but our government is open by design. We must be straight with the American people. Congress has the obligation to investigate the use of intelligence information by the Administration, in the open, so that the American people can see that those who exercise power, especially the awesome power of preemptive war, must be held accountable. We must not go down the road of cover-up. That is the road to ruin.

When 9-11 theories go bad (tags)

I won't argue that the U.S. government does not engage in brutal, murderous skulduggery from time to time. But the notion that the U.S. government either detected the attacks but allowed them to occur, or, worse, conspired to kill thousands of Americans to launch a war-for-oil in Afghanistan is absurd.

Bush's illusions (tags)

Almost two months after the president said major combat in Iraq had ended, U.S. troops are still being killed and the White House's plans are in disarray.

The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 35 (tags)

In even the largest reference libraries, there are almost no books stating the true history of America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court. The same is true of law libraries and those of law schools.

Bush's bogus war (tags)

I thought it would be an interesting comparison to pair together the following two articles. Interesting how the spin changes when the lies become too exposed.

Independence from Corporate Media Week (tags)

see below

The Myth of McCarthyism (tags)

Broken Clock Leftist fifth column trash love that word "McCarthyism", almost as much as their other buzzwords. You know like racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, ad nauseam...

BTL:Federal Court Upholds Secret Detentions; Another Victory for... (tags)

...White House Measures Eroding Civil Liberties. Interview with Arthur Spitzer, legal director of the ACLU's Washington, D.C. office conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Road to Coverup Is the Road to Ruin (tags)

US Senate Floor Remarks - June 24, 2003 Mr. President, last fall, the White House released a national security strategy that called for an end to the doctrines of deterrence and containment that have been a hallmark of American foreign policy for more than half a century....

Why let facts get in way of a perfectly good war? (tags)

This goes out with a big dose of PAXIL to all you Stockholm Conservatives.

Those Freaks on the "Left Coast" (tags)

Those freaks on the "Left Coast" and their wacked out elected officials. Those idiots on the 9th circuit court couldn't judge a little league baseball game if their lives depended on it.

The Doctrine of The Left (tags)

Liberal dementia is a crisis of epic proportions. No doubt.

What Part of the Word "JIHAD" Don't You Understand? (tags)

Substitute the word "activism" for "jihad", and the word "muslim" with "leftist", and you have essentially re-written this article to describe another dilemma faced by America. That being the one presented by our resident Fifth Columnist factions.

Lies spinning to fascism (tags)

As the bush cabal hurtles America towards fascism, war is about to be declared on the 'enemy within'...

HOMELAND INSECURITY Armed pilots banned 2 months before 9-11 (tags)

A 40-year-old Federal Aviation Administration rule that allowed commercial airline pilots to be armed was inexplicably rescinded two months before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, leading aviation security experts to lay at least some of the blame for the tragedy at the feet of airlines, none of which took advantage of the privilege while it was in effect.

Bechtel Gives to Democrats & Republicans (tags)

Bechtel Group, Inc., an engineering and construction firm just awarded a contract to build in Iraq, gives to both Democrats and Republicans.

911 Victims Families Accuse White House Of Cover Up (tags)

It is increasingly clear that the Bush Junta is not interested in actually doing an honest investigation of what occurred on 911 despite the many glaring inconsistencies in the official "story".


The Israeli army has arrested peace activist Huwaida Arraf for protesting the abuse of a Palestinian trying to cross an illegal checkpoint near Nablus. Peace groups around the world are dumbfounded by these malicious and confusing Israeli actions.

Celebrate July 4th by Declaring Independence from the Corporate Media! (tags)

Fed up with the mainstream media's lies, omissions and distortions? It's time to send them a message: we're not taking it anymore. During Independence Day week - June 30-July 6, 2003 - join with thousands of others across the country and put your daily newspaper subscription on hold, turn off your TV, and act to support independent media!

Pentagon admits Iraq guerrilla war (tags)

Despite the casualties, Mr Rumsfeld said he believed the US public felt the effort was “worthwhile” and that people “recognise the difficulty of the task”.

Fox Envy (tags)

Al Bore seeks to extend the liberal dominated media even further.

Huwaida Arraf Arrested at Huwara Checkpoint Please Protest (tags)

From Bad To Worse: ISM founder Huwaida Arraf was taken into custody at Huwara Checkpoint near Nablus today after she protested the abusive treatment Palestinians were receiving from Israeli forces.

'Roe' Seeks to Overturn Abortion Law (tags)

DALLAS (Reuters) - The woman once known as "Jane Roe" whose case led to the legalization of abortion in the United States 30 years ago filed a new court challenge on Tuesday in a bid to overturn the landmark Supreme Court decision.

Rise of the Apologists (tags)

Apparently the more natural function of public intellectuals, at least most of them, is to explain the ways of power to the uninformed and perhaps unthinking public at large ? or in more cynical terms, to serve as apologists for those in power. In the wake of a certain amount of criticism of the Bush administration over the issues of "weapons of mass destruction" ? a misnomer from the get-go in that it lumps nuclear weapons with chemical and biological weapons that are difficult to use tactically and create less actual mass destruction than some artillery barrages ? Bush apologists are coming out of the woodwork.


Cast you votes online to impeach Bush. Go to this web site to impeach Bush online:

The Israeli Spy Ring Scandal (tags)

Prior to 9/11, the FBI had discovered the presence of a massive spy ring inside the United States run by the government of Israel.

Triumph of Kleptocracy & Death of Reason (tags)

"The great danger of the lynch-mob terror-bubble we find ourselves trapped in, as the Germans under the Nazi regime were, is losing touch with the rest of the world..This is no longer our government, but has been stolen from us by country-sized corporations and their henchmen." from Slingshot 2003

Patriots call for Bush's impeachment (tags)

It is a violation of U.S. federal criminal law, including the broad U.S. federal anti-conspiracy statute, which renders it a felony "to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose." Manipulation or deliberate misuse of national security intelligence data, if proven, could be "a high crime" under the Constitution's impeachment clause. Let's try to put matters into perspective. President Bill Clinton was impeached (although not convicted) based on allegations that he lied about having sex with a White House intern. Serious stuff.

I Could Hardly Breathe (tags)

America's most admired woman writes about America's least admired woman (again).

BTL:Progressive Groups Gather in Washington, D.C. to "Take Back America" (tags)

Interview with Yaniz Iczkovits, Israeli reservist and cofounder of "Courage to Refuse," conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

The Dog Ate My WMDs (tags)

After several years teaching high school, I've heard all the excuses. I didn't get my homework done because my computer crashed, because my project partner didn't do their part, because I feel sick, because I left it on the bus, because I had a dance recital, because I was abducted by aliens and viciously probed.

Ashcroft Pushing PATRIOT II, Bush Hesitating (tags)

Several members of Congress, including Republicans like Rep. James Sensenbrenner of Wisconsin, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, have expressed concerns about providing law enforcement with much more authority, raising questions about civil liberties. ...Ashcroft is unapologetic, insisting that the USA-PATRIOT Act has resulted in "steady progress in America's war on terrorism."

D.C. rally targets 2004 elections: ‘Take back America’ (tags)

WASHINGTON – Wearing plastic top hats and chanting, “Who needs Medicare? I’m a millionaire!” over 1,000 mock-capitalists marched to Vice President Dick Cheney’s residence, June 6, to thank him for pushing through another trillion dollar tax cut for the rich while slashing Medicaid and education.

June 19, 1953: The murder of the Rosenbergs (tags)

Think back to the political climate of the early 1950s: Senator Joseph McCarthy on the prowl. Alger Hiss convicted of “losing China.” Eleven leaders of the Communist Party convicted of “conspiracy to teach and advocate the violent overthrow of the United States.” A U.S. attack on North Korea.

Media Parrots: Handout Photos Don't Tell the Whole Story (tags)

Manufacture News is a fact of life in America of the 21st Century. How often is the image you see one that was crafted to tug at your heart strings or provoke a specific emotional response? Media used as a tool of manipulation can take an honest image and use it to create a false message.

AMonomaniac with a Bad idea-Bush against the Economy (tags)

Bush and the economy

Corporate corruption and the Bush Administration (tags)


Drip, Drip, Drip (tags)

Stephen Moore, president of the Club for Growth, triumphantly predicts the result of the Bush tax cuts; "local towns or cities are going to say: 'Hell, no! You're not going to raise my taxes. Get rid of the welfare programs!' ''

Pattern of Megalomania: The Bush Record (tags)

"There exists a chilling pattern of events surrounding the Bush regime’s rise to power and the emergence of Napoleon and Hitler."

Bad Iraq data from start to finish (tags)

Ever since the tragedy of Sept. 11, the Bush administration has relied on selective and distorted intelligence data to make the case for invading Iraq. But the truth will out, and the White House is now scrambling to explain away its mendacity.

The impeachable offense (tags)

Finally, and far too late, the networks, the big dailies, and the national news magazines are discovering that the Bush Administration's case for invading Iraq was a combination of willfully gross exaggerations and flat-out lies.

Captives Deny Qaeda Worked With Baghdad (tags)

Two of the highest-ranking leaders of Al Qaeda in American custody have told the C.I.A. in separate interrogations that the terrorist organization did not work jointly with the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein, according to several intelligence officials.

The gang that couldn’t think straight (tags)

Now some U.S. lawmakers are calling for congressional hearings to find out whether the Bush Administration truly did overhype the threat posed by Iraq. Republican Sen. John Warner, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and a former secretary of the Navy (as well as one of Liz Taylor’s ex-husbands), has said his panel will take part in such a probe. But somehow House Majority Leader Tom DeLay thinks this is all unfair.

Ex-Official: Evidence Distorted for War (tags)

The Bush administration distorted intelligence and presented conjecture as evidence to justify a U.S. invasion of Iraq, according to a retired intelligence official who served during the months before the war.

So, What are You going to Do? (tags)

Michael Rivero hits another Home Run with today's Commentary at "We stand at a crossroads. The head-of-state of the most powerful nation on Earth has been caught justifying a war of conquest with fraud and deception. ..."

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (June 1, 2003 version) (tags)

Cheney is Qaeda. Qaeda is Cheney.

BTL:Amnesty International Declares U.S. War on Terrorism Has... (tags)

...Made the World a More Dangerous Place Interview with Josh Rubenstein, Amnesty International, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


As supporters of democracy, we must demand that President Bush and the American government truly and justly speak out for self-determination and sovereignty for Palestinians on their own land.

Lies the Government Told Us Part 2 (tags)


Wolfowitz: Iraq war about oil (tags)

US deputy secretary of defense Paul Wolfowitz claims that the US attacked Iraq because its "swimming in oil."



The Overthrow Of The American Republic Part 34 (tags)

CLASS STRUCTURE. Because of a brainwashing system of higher and lower education, most ordinary Americans, unlike Europeans, are almost completely blank when it comes to understanding CLASS.

The Troops Are Afraid To Go Out At Night (tags)

What he meant, I think, was that it wasn't safe for American soldiers after dark. Hours later, I went out in the streets of Nasiriyah for a chicken burger and the Iraqis who served me in a run-down cafe couldn't have been friendlier.

POETIC LICENCE: US intelligence hoax hits the fan (tags)

The Bush administration should have heeded Mark Twain’s advice: “When in doubt, speak the truth.” But it didn’t, and thought it could fool people into believing that Iraq possessed weapons of mass destruction, had links to Al Qaeda and was even involved in the 9/11 attacks on the US. This, of course, was rubbish, tripe of the highest order, as many of us had been saying for months. The truth, however, will out sooner or later. And the expletive deleted has finally hit the fan.

The Isaiah Crowd And How Their Neo-Christianity is Killing Us (tags)

Why Isaiah?  To this writer's taste, Isaiah was a pretty bloodthirsty fellow, certainly not someone I would have wanted my daughter to bring to dinner. In separate verse, he foretold the deaths of the people of Babylon:

Give it a chance (tags)

The Road Map is reason for hope, but the real dangers lay ahead and even an optimist must be wary. Extremists - Israeli, Palestinian and American - all remain committed to scuttling this still too feeble attempt to restart negotiations on the road to peace.

Nothing Sweeter To Bush Than Revenge (tags)

"Even more sinister, Secretary of State Colin Powell -- in an uncharacteristic role as the godfather-enforcer for the administration -- has been lecturing straying nations that they will be punished for their stand against the war. As he puts it, they will suffer the "consequences." The exact penalties are never spelled out but the ominous threat is left hanging. "

Gold Fillings, Auschwitz & George Bush (tags)

The reader should also be aware that two Americans were present during the secret meeting of the German elite that brought Hitler to power. Those two Americans were John Foster and Allen Dulles.

War Upon the World (tags)

A Collection of Documentaries

BTL:War-Weary World Seeking Alternatives to Cycles of Conflict and Violence (tags)

Interview with Jonathan Schell, Nation columnist and author of "The Unconquerable World," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

WMD just a convenient excuse for war, admits Wolfowitz (tags)

The Bush administration focused on alleged weapons of mass destruction as the primary justification for toppling Saddam Hussein by force because it was politically convenient, a top-level official at the Pentagon has acknowledged.

More myths, misconceptions and unanswered questions about the war in Iraq (tags)

In the wake of the war in Iraq, a number of questions have arisen about events during the war and Iraq's alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction and ties to Al Qaeda. As in our earlier columns about the Iraq debate, this article is intended to deal only with claims that have been addressed definitively or near-definitively in the public record. It is our hope that this column will serve to clarify some of the key issues being debated in the aftermath of the war and correct some of the most pervasive myths in circulation.

Where are all those Iraqi weapons? (tags)

“Where are the weapons of mass destruction?” That is the first of many awkward questions George W. Bush faces as the vaunted victory in Iraq unravels in chaos. Another question is: “How long will the occupation last and how much will it cost?”

A PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Mess (tags)

In the early-1990s, there was a group of ideologues and power-politicians on the fringe of the Republican Party's far-right. The members of this group in 1997 would found The Project for the New American Century (PNAC); their aim was to prepare for the day when the Republicans regained control of the White House -- and, it was hoped, the other two branches of government as well -- so that their vision of how the U.S. should move in the world would be in place and ready to go, straight off-the-shelf into official policy.

After the War is Before the War (tags)

The Marburg professor of political science gave this address at the union conference "After the Kosovo War" on Sept 4, 1999. Translated from the German

In The Kingdom Of Forgetting  (tags)

Memory can be an embarrassing thing. In politics, it's often more convenient to forget. The classic illustration of this idea was Orwell's dystopian Ministry of Truth, where functionaries fed any inconvenient bit of information down the memory hole -- "whereupon it would be whirled away on a current of warm air."

Four Days of Action Against Bechtel and the Corporate Invasion of Iraq: June 1 - June 5 (tags)

Activists in San Francisco are organizing four days of action against war profiteer, Bechtel! Join us, flyer your community, inform your comrades! Flyers available at: and let us know!


Tell the President and your Reps that you demand the removal of all Israeli settlements from the Palestinian territories.

Iraq War: Lies the Government Told Us (tags)


Oh, What A Tangled Web Bush Weaves (tags)

But the CIA was correct in warning the White House and Pentagon that Iraq would turn into a tar-baby for the U.S. This is precisely what is now happening. Iraq is in chaos and near-anarchy. U.S. occupation forces have so far been unable to form even a puppet regime, as was done in Afghanistan.

Sedition & Treason in the US Imperial State (tags)

    But as I’ve said on radio shows before, these Democrats who are holed up in the Holiday Inn SHOULD have been arrested. Why? Because they were in clear violation of the relevant statutes of the sedition act as now revised and expanded, thanks to the USA Patriot Act.

Unionists launch drive to win White House (tags)

DES MOINES – Nearly 1,000 union leaders and activists from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees got a close-up look at the Democratic presidential candidates at the union’s first-time Presidential Town Hall here on May 16 and 17. In his opening remarks AFSCME President Gerald McEntee blasted the Bush White House, calling the 2004 elections “critical for AFSCME members and all of America’s working families.”

Weapons failure (tags)

Many reasons have been offered for the failure of U.S. weapons experts and scientists to find a trace of nonconventional weapons in Iraq. Israeli intelligence sources claimed these weapons had been moved to Syria before the war began, but U.S. intelligence agencies never believed it.

George Bush, The CIA, Mind Control & Child Abuse (tags)

Not only did King’s pedophile ring lead to the top echelons of the Republican Party it also lead to the top of the Bush administration and the Oval Office. Several of the children in Kings prostitution ring recount stories of seeing George Bush at some of King’s Parties. While an outsider would not suspect anything amiss, the children in the ring would know what was taking place. At least one of King’s young prostitutes reported that at one party, she saw George Bush pay King and then depart with a young black man.

Sen Byrd: Gulf War illegal (tags)

"There is ample evidence that the horrific events of Sept. 11 have been carefully manipulated to switch public focus from Osama bin Laden and al-Qaida, who masterminded the Sept. 11th attacks, to Saddam Hussein who did not.

911 Families, Investigators Demand Truth About Air Security (tags)

Senator Robert Graham (D-FL), head of the Senate Intelligence Committee's investigation into the incident is calling the Bush administration's refusal to release the report of the Congressional joint inquiry to the Commission a "cover-up".

BTL:Critics Claim Bombings in Saudi Arabia, Morocco Expose Failure of... (tags)

...Bush War on Terror Interview with Beau Grosscup, California State University professor of international relations, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Liberals vs. Conservatives? It's the Corruption, Stupid (tags)

" about contrasting our noble beginnings to where we stand today? Thomas Jefferson's vision for our nation is imbued with John Locke's interpretation of government of, by and for the people. "Great mistakes in the ruling part, will be borne by the people without mutiny or murmur," Locke wrote. "But if a long train of abuses. . . . all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people . . . it is not to be wondered that they should then rouse themselves, and endeavorto put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the end for which government was at first erected."

World cracks down on Big Tobacco (tags)

To slow the spread of smoking, especially in poor nations, where smoking rates are soaring, the World Health Organization in Geneva voted for unprecedented and potentially deep restrictions on tobacco products.

An Open Letter to Lieutenant Layne McDowell (tags)

After the Dixie Chicks decided to do the unholy - express shame - one of our brave and bold fired off a letter to them talking about freedom of speech while simultaneously declaring his intent to participate in censorhip. Of course, Clear Channel put it up on a zillion radio web sites. Here's a rebuttal.

1,112 and Counting (tags)

The full text of the article that helped start the fight against AIDS.

Kerry attacks Bush on 'communitarian' grounds (tags)

The core divide in American politics now is not between liberals and conservatives, or between capitalists and socialists. It is between libertarians and commun-itarians.

Isreal Cracks Down on Peace Activists; Ithaca Celebrates France (tags)

Iraq in Chaos Media Ownership Rules in Jeopardy NY Green: Public Supports Same-SeX Marriages Airlines in Tailspin Rumsfeld Agenda Wold Gut US Democracy

Kick Their Ass and Take Their Gas: Democracy Comes to Iraq (tags)

One month after the fall of Baghdad, the US has successfully liberated the people of Iraq from meaningful involvement in decisions about their own future.


President Bush must demand without any ambiguity that Israel immediately cease building and expanding existing settlements and that they begin to dismantle all settlements in the Occupied Territories.

Barbs aside, 9/11 questions aren't going away (tags)

I fully expected to be labelled a "conspiracy theorist" after interviewing Vision TV's Barrie Zwicker and writing about his challenges to the official version of what happened at the World Trade Center. But I was surprised by the nature of the ensuing attacks. The Post, and the dozen or so readers who were similarly enraged by my column, didn't come up with a single argument or documented fact. It was all quivering jowls, wild insults and expostulations.

'Next rescue: Uncovering the truth about Jessica Lynch' (tags)

The day before the American forces burst into the hospital with guns blazing and helicopters swirling overhead, Kampfner found, the Iraqi military had fled. The hospital was completely unguarded. "We were surprised," said another doctor, Anmar Uday. "Why do this? There was no military, there were no soldiers in the hospital."

The Fulcrum of Evil (tags)

Check it out: We fought the wrong war.

BTL: Critics Say Bush AIDS Treatment Plan Flawed in Confronting Global Epidemic (tags)

Interview with Salih Booker, executive director of Africa Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

All the News That’s Fit To Print … and Then There’s the US Government (tags)

"Well, our special WMD search teams just returned home because they couldn’t find squat. And we won’t allow the UN inspectors back in, just in case they make us look bad for not finding squat. Making us look bad is apparently worse than proving we were right about the stockpiles. Note: truth has no place in this syllogism. "

BTL: Allegations of War Profiteering Leveled Against Halliburton and... (tags)

...Other Companies With Close Ties to White House. Interview with Charlie Cray, corporate reform campaigner at Citizen Works, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Conspiracy crusader doubts official 9/11 version (tags)

I sat down, with a fair degree of skepticism, to watch Zwicker's video, The Great Deception, which challenges the U.S. government's account of what really happened on 9/11. Slowly, a frightening chill came over me. These were the very questions I had asked myself on 9/11 and for several weeks after. Failing to find easy answers, I had locked the subject away.

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia (tags)

Now that the United States has completed a so-called humanitarian intervention in Iraq, I believe it is very informative to look back at the previous one in Yugoslavia. A brilliant analysis by noted author and political scientist Michael Parenti.

Say It Ain't So, Geo (tags)

Resuming nuclear testing in Nevada is a bad idea. Building "battlefield nukes" may be an even worse thing. But what about when Bush signs treaties with terrorists?

Analysis Of White House Obstruction Of 911 Investigations (tags)

* Why has the government refused to make public the recorded pilots conversations with Air Traffic Control, notifying them of a hijacking in progress? We know these conversations took place because the FAA has confirmed having reported the hijackings to NORAD within minutes of their commencement.

A Nation Of Cowards (tags)

We have seen this from the worst of world leaders before, the Stalins and Hitlers, and though our president may not rise to the same level of evil, he resembles them uncomfortably. They are the leaders that did what they did and smirked and swaggered while they did it because they were essentially cowards too.

Congressional Hispanic Caucus Press Conference (tags)

Press conference on Republicans' attempt to link migration and immigration policies to Mexico's cooperation with US oil interests.

Republican-Libertarians target moderates in bid for supremacy (tags)

Club for Growth leaders, a pantheon of conservative economic thinkers and tax-cut advocates, are "trying to be a conscience for the party," says Stephen Moore, president and co-founder. But the club's rising power and foray into ethical and moral debates have raised alarms.


Israeli forces raided the ISM office this morning, confiscating equipment and material and snatching three women. At 12:30pm on Friday, May 9, approximately 20 military vehicles, army jeeps and a large armored personnel carrier (intended for many arrests) surrounded the ISM media office in Beit Sahour.

New dangers and tasks for the new peace movement (tags)

We are living in exceedingly dangerous times. A decade ago, few of us expected this turn of events. With the end of the nuclear standoff between the United States and Soviet Union, millions of people felt enormous relief, believing that the nuclear arms race was giving way to a new era of peace.

Jobless rate climbs to nine-year high (tags)

EAST CHICAGO, Ill. – Bruce Gaddy is single. Tony McIntosh is married and has two children. Both live in this working-class suburb, 25 miles south of downtown Chicago. And both are unemployed: Gaddy because his plant closed, McIntosh because he was “down-sized” after working 22 years for AT&T.

BTL:GOP Energy Legislation Offers Corporate Subsidies to Build New... (tags)

...U.S. Nuclear Power Plants. Interview with Michael Mariotte, executive director of the Nuclear Information and Resource Service, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus.

BTL:Under White House Control, Iraq's Oil Wealth May Be Headed Toward... (tags)

...Privatization.Interview with Michael Renner, a senior researcher with World Watch Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

White House refuses to release Sept. 11 info (tags)

Disputed information includes a well publicized warning from an FBI agent that al-Qaida supporters might be training in U.S. flight schools and the names of the president and his national security adviser as people who may have received warnings that a terrorist attack was possible before Sept. 11, one official said.


Squeak, squeak...

neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)

by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives

U.S. political objectives in the Middle East will Fail--Is Iran the Target? (tags)

In every age...the ultimate sources of war are the beliefs of those in power: their idea about what is of most fundamental importance and may therefore ultimately be worth a war.

BTL:Rising Opposition to Occupation of Iraq Threatens Bush Agenda for... (tags)

...Restructuring the Oil-Rich Country. Interview with Mansour Farhang, Bennington College professor of political science, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Here's That List of Terrorists You Asked For... Mr. President (tags)

I have the latest update on that terrorist list you've been asking for, Mr. President. I keep submitting my reports to Sen. Richard Shelby, the top Republican on the Intelligence Committee , Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Porter Goss, the Florida GOP Rep. and House Intelligence Committee Chairman, but they keep loosing the documents or forgetting I ever gave them the lists... Can you please send it to them for me. I know they will listen to you.


Finally.....there's proof that Saddam used biological weapons!!!

The truth about the CROWN (tags)

You are a slave Neo, born into a world of bondage, a prison for your mind, blinded by a world that has been pulled down over your eyes to blind you from the truth...

ABC News Primetime interview: Country music group holds its own against right-wing attack (tags)

All in all, the Dixie Chicks held up well against the crude attempts by interviewer Diane Sawyer to browbeat them and convince them, as well as the viewing audience, that the vast majority of Americans consider any opposition to President Bush and the Iraq war tantamount to treason.



Would the US Plant WMD’s – A Stroll Down Memory Lane (tags)

This article by ex-CIA officials discusses the question of US vs UN inspection teams looking for the notorious weapons of mass destruction. Also addresses the question of 'would the US plant evidence?......


this is an article that was up on the cs monitor website plz read and leave comments Title: Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US Author: David R. Francis Publisher: The Christian Science Monitor Date: Dec 9, 2002 Copyright © 2002, The Christian Science Monitor

The Future of Alternative Media in America? Funding! (tags)

As America comes out of its shock and awe after September 11, 2001 and begins to sober up, Americans will be and are in definite need of information

But wait a minute GWB sez we won. (tags)

WASHINGTON -- President Bush will soon declare an official end to combat in Iraq, White House officials said Friday, previewing an address that also will outline his plans to rebuild the war-torn nation and sustain the global war on terrorism.



Short-sighted U.S. Foreign Policy Spells Trouble Ahead (tags)

Myopic and lacking in considerable fore-sight, the Bush Administration did little to establish and implement a creditable US Foreign Policy in Iraq.....

It's the Oil, Stupid (tags)

Oil had nothing to do with Washington's motives for the invasion, we were told. "The only interest the United States has in the region is furthering the cause of peace and stability, not in [Iraq's] ability to generate oil," said press secretary Ari Fleischer in late 2002. But at a January briefing an unnamed "senior Defense official" revealed that Gen. Tommy Franks and his staff "have crafted strategies that will allow us to secure and protect those fields as rapidly as possible in order to preserve those prior to destruction...

The war at home It's time to defend our liberties before protest becomes a crime (tags)

The War On Freedom launched by the Bush Junta continues. If you value your freedom, the right to speak freely your mind speak now or it will become a crime.

Don't F with the motha' f--kin' GW DYNASTY baby... (tags)

If most Americans knew this would they vote Bush in 04?

The Most Dangerous President Ever (tags)

I miss Ronald Reagan.

Rarely is the Question Asked (tags)

There's something to be said about a president who tells so many fish stories...

Practice to Deceive-- Chaos in the MiddleEast is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario-- (tags)

"In short, the administration is trying to roll the table--to use U.S. military force, or the threat of it, to reform or topple virtually every regime in the region, from foes like Syria to friends like Egypt, on the theory that it is the undemocratic nature of these regimes that ultimately breeds terrorism. So events that may seem negative--Hezbollah for the first time targeting American civilians; U.S. soldiers preparing for war with Syria--while unfortunate in themselves, are actually part of the hawks' broader agenda."

Shi'a Will To Power - Downfall of Bush, And The Neocons? (tags)

ronically, the Bushites will eventually regret getting rid of Saddam Hussein. In short order, Iraq will turn from a Ba'athist dictatorship into a Muslim theocracy.

Why the anti-war movement was right (tags)

Clear and present danger? Quick fall of Baghdad proves that might makes wrong

The errand and the fools (tags)

Why the Bush cabal's newfound mission to'liberate' Iraq, Syria, and the world is doomed to failure

EU Draws a Line in the Sand (tags)

Now that the European Union has drawn a line in the sand by bringing the exiled word "Central" back to center stage in a vote on Thursday April 17th. 2003 that demands that the U.N. play the "Central" role in rebuilding Iraq

Alma’s courage: Colombian journalist risks everything to tell the truth (tags)

“Death threats are not new for us. It is a way of life here. Every family in Colombia has come to terms with violence. Everyone in Colombia knows of a relative who has been tortured, disappeared, or killed – treated in the most grotesque ways.”

BTL:Iraq War and its Aftermath Sanitized by Shallow Corporate Media Coverage (tags)

Interview with Robert Jensen, professor of journalism at the University of Texas at Austin, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

War with Syria planned if Bush re-election in doubt. (tags)

"If Bush's re-election in 18 months should be endangered by the poor economic situation, his advisers could consider a new confrontation useful to get the voters back behind the commander-in-chief in the White House,"..

Deaths connected to Bush Crime Family (tags)

How many more have to die before something is done to put these criminals where they belong??


I hope people find this of use. It seems to be a good basic summary of the provisions of the Fourth Reich's "Enabling Act".

Feinstein Gets Richer (tags)

Perini Corporation Selected by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for $100 million in Construction Projects in U.S. Central Command's Area of Operations. Feinstein's husband Blum and his partner own 75% of Perini Corp.

The Weird Men Behind George W. Bush's War (tags)

"Most neoconservative defence intellectuals have their roots on the left, not the right. They are products of the largely Jewish-American Trotskyist movement of the 1930s and 1940s, which morphed into anti- communist liberalism between the 1950s and 1970s and finally into a kind of militaristic and imperial right with no precedents in American culture or political history."

Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election (review) (tags)

Review of "Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election," a documentary currently playing in and around L.A.

Secret Bechtel Documents Reveal: Yes, It Is About Oil (tags)

Titled "Crude Vision: How Oil Interests Obscured US Government Focus on Chemical Weapons Use by Saddam Hussein," this report traces an intense effort by Reagan officials in the mid-OE80s to win Hussein's approval for a $2-billion oil pipeline to be built by Bechtel, running from the Euphrates oilfields in southern Iraq westward to Jordan and the Gulf of Aqaba. A key player in that effort was Rumsfeld, then the CEO of Searle drugs, the giant phramaceutical company.

The Pay Offs Begin (tags)

As the Bush Crime family ramps up to take maximum advantage of this profit making opportunity massive contracts, no bid, are awarded to Dickie Chainey's oild company.

Garafalo Apology Watch (tags)

Well, where's our girl, er, buffoon? Somebody start breaking glass.

The War by Eduardo Galeano (tags)

"Who elected him president of this planet anyway?..Would we elect a president who was deaf to the population?" from:

The War by Eduardo Galeano (tags)

"Who elected him president of this planet anyway?..Would we elect a president who was deaf to the population? Would we elect a man incapable of hearing any but the echoes of his own voice? A man deaf to the ceaseless thunder of millions of voices..?"

Russian Spy Daily War Reports (tags)

Get the real scoop at

Gulf War Syndrome II (tags)

Soldiers now fighting in Iraq are being exposed to battlefield hazards that have been associated with the 'Gulf War Syndrome' that afflicts a quarter-million veterans of the 1991 war, said a former Central Command Army officer in Operation Desert Storm.

Tribulations: Terrror Targets Everwhere--Everyone (tags)

Danger from terrorism increase everywhere everyday. Be aware, be prepared and be brown skinned if you can (safer in most of the world from now on !). Al Qaeda and other terror cells laugh at US and its people who think their government spends good money to protect them

The War by Eduardo Galeano (tags)

"Who elected him president of this planet anyway?..Would we elect a president who was deaf to the population? Would we elect a man incapable of hearing any but the echoes of his own voice?" from:

Bush andBlair in Belfast : Interviews Available (tags)

"Individuals have international duties which transcend the national obligations of obedience. Therefore [individuals] have the duty to violate domestic laws to prevent crimes against peace and humanity from occurring." (NurembergTribunal)

Oil for White People! Woohoo, Dead Iraqi Children Now! (tags)

It seems that the corporate press cabal of CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, Regime controlled NPR and just about every major newspaper in America sets policy for press coverage week to week

Bush Daddy Does Monarchy (tags)

It's enough to make you larf.

BTL:"Embedded" U.S. Journalists and Their Media Outlets Provide a... (tags)

...Distorted View of Iraq War. Interview with John MacArthur, publisher of Harper's magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

RESIST DESPAIR: Paul Street (tags)

War has begun. Do mourn. DO ORGANIZE.

europe says Osama Bin Bush a religious fundamentalist (tags)

europe catches on to shrub's "crusade"

April 4: Latest News from Iraq (tags)

By: URL: ***Latest Estimated Iraqi Civilian Causalities: 547-733 people (According from Also, check:

Memphis 1968: We remember (tags)

An assassin’s bullet felled the Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. on April 4, 1968. King had come to Memphis to support a strike by the city’s sanitation workers.

Total war: resistance, humanitarian aid and the media (tags)

2003 is a year to live dangerously: of crimes against humanity and of heroic resistance; it is a time to reject the war and to extend our solidarity with the Iraqi people in this their moment of truth.

Colombia, not Iraq, is Haunting the Empire (tags)

Publisher's Note: While the population of the United States is transfixed in front of the screen, obsessed with the "war" that Power wants them to see, that Power designed to distract them from all other realities, a long-running war continues to rage in our own hemisphere; a 50 years war: The Colombian Civil War.

Any person or state who gets in the way of the American Empire, beware! (tags)

It is remarkable that the US government is still going around dropping huge amounts of exceedingly powerful explosives on the heads of defenceless people. It wasn't supposed to be this way.


THE reporter sacked by American TV for telling the truth about the war is joining the Daily Mirror



American, Dutch, English & Jewish ‘Nazi’s’ (tags)

A review about deception and the secret side of our history, the population is not allowed to know about.

Peace Vigil For George Bush (tags)

Tuesday Peace Vigil for George Bush

Online protest against Bush, Blair (tags)

A cyber protest against the White House and 10 Downing continues. Check out the tools available and lend a hand.

The Bush Dynasty (tags)

Had enough yet?


Los Angeles Black Community Rally for Peace & Justice WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER! and the Lying US News Media (tags)

Varlet expresses "Shock and Awe" (but not surprise) at the shameless lying of the US Govt and their puppet capitalist press.

From "Plain Sailing" to "Where the Hell Are We?" to "Up the Creek (tags)

Barely into its second week Operation Easy Sailing is in big trouble. One simple way of measuring just how big is by adding up all the time you hear the phrases “all according to Plan”, and the “Our strategy is sound”.


Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 22-28, 2003.

Iraq War Quiz (tags)

A quiz for the neo-con thugs

Vets tell Bush: Bring troops home (tags)

WASHINGTON – Behind a banner that read, “Bring The Troops Home Now,” and carrying upside down American flags as a signal of distress, war veterans and families of active duty soldiers marched on the White House March 23 to protest George W. Bush’s pre-emptive war on Iraq.

BTL:Dissent is Essential when Governments Engage in Illegal Conflict and... (tags)

...Impose Repressive Measures. Interview with Joy Gordon, Fairfield University philosophy professor conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

Washington hawks under fire for ignoring advice (tags)

BRITISH and American intelligence badly miscalculated the level of resistance that coalition forces would encounter in Iraq.

The 911 and why Bill Clinton tells americans to Support Bush (tags)


Let's bring the PsyOps War Home! (tags)

PsyOps, your taxes pay for it. It's time to give some back to your community.


GW Bush may be sending our boys overseas to fight, but he never seemed to make it there himself.

GULF WAR 2 TEST (tags)

found this on $$$ take the quiz and rate yourself below. $$$ sources are listed next to the answers $$$

My brother Marines are dying for nothing - AGAIN! (tags)

Irish philosopher Edmund Burke once said: "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing."

Part 2 of 2: Can George Bush II say “steal oil” in Spanish? Yes, he can. (tags)

The warmongers in the Pentagon, including Bush, Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle, are having a field day since Uribe’s election by routing the U.S. “foreign aid” money to U.S. “defense” contractors who in turn ship their arms to Uribe, so he can continue to kill thousands of Colombian political dissidents annually.

Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush (tags)

Monday, March 17, 2003: A Letter from Michael Moore to George W. Bush on the Eve of War


How much do you know about Iraq War II and our great government? found this on


Why are we not surprised? Any of us over the age of 50 remember the same Bullshit from Dick Nixon.

Not one penny for the war budget! and other articles at Frontlines (tags)

Visit us often as we update our website daily with news and analysis of interest for antiwar and left wing activists. Traductores al español se buscan.

From The Salt Mine (tags)

The enemy lies within. We are not weak.

The Lycaeum Launches New Alternative War News Portal Site (tags)

Today we have launched a war news portal that would be very beneficial to the growing activist movement in their attempt to find factual news.

Latest Russian Intelligence report (tags)

The following is the English translation of the IRAQWAR.RU report based on the Russian military intelligence reports.

partial analysis of an "alternative scenario" to the events of 9/11 (tags)

this is an exposure of the errors of fact, logic, and conclusion as found in an "alternative scenario" to official accountings of the events of 9/11 commonly known by its title GHOST RIDERS IN THE SKY

THE IRAQ WAR - MARCH 25, 2003 SUMMARY. (tags)

Summary of events, IRAQ War, March 25, 2003.

George Bush II’s exit strategy after seizing Iraq’s oil: Seize South America’s oil. (tags)

Bush/Reich/U.S. oil companies/CIA stage coup attempt in Venezuela to oust democratically-elected President Hugo Chávez. U.S. government gains control of media outlets, trying to incite civil war in Venezuela to seize country’s oil revenues.

Terrorist strikes begin in response to attack on Iraq (tags)

Two small bombings on British interests overseas have taken place, and are a harbinger of things to come. Dangerous times are ahead, but in no place on the planet is it going to be more dangerous than in America, as a looming scandal drives the extreme right wing to ever more reckless actions...


THE outrage and anger over the treatment of US prisoners of war by Iraq is very real (!!??). Their brutal and humiliating treatment - recorded in detail for television - is profoundly shocking.But not everyone is entitled to be outraged. The warmongers in the White House are not.Little more than a year ago, there were other prisoners of war. As United States forces swept victoriously through Afghanistan, they seized hundreds of men.

BITTER RICE: Beware the Shiites (tags)

George Bush is a primitive man, but the people behind him are far from being stupid. They are the oil barons and the arms industry giants. They want to do what great powers have always done: use their military might in order to acquire economic hegemony. In simple words: to rob the poor peoples in order to enrich themselves even more.


"There is a possibility that the fabrication of these documents may be part of a larger deception campaign aimed at manipulating public opinion and foreign policy regarding Iraq," Sen. John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV) wrote to FBI Director Robert Mueller on March 13.

All Americans are War Criminals (tags)

You are either for or against the war criminals in the White House!

Report from Wash DC: Attempted murder of a peace protester (tags)

We saw what happened yesterday at the Oscars. The police are stepping it up all over the country, especially at the White House, where fortifications and police actions make it look like a third world dictator's palace.

Mark Your Money (tags)

Quick and easy civil disobedience.

Anyone can help stop the propaganda machine (tags)

Join the CNN net-strike this weekend and others likely to follow. Visit this webpage and help us show "overwhelming" support for corporate media and encourage more anti-war coverage.

Why is the US bombing Iran? (tags)

why is the US military bombing Iran?

Questions, Questions (tags)

Why do we say that Saddam tortures people when the U.S. has now condoned torture of even the children of suspected terrorists?   Why does the Bush administration say they are liberating the Iraqi people, when even on the streets of Baghdad a person can buy guns, without a license, etc?

Greens Call Bush Indictable for War Crimes. (tags)

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." (Roosevelt) Please repost on other US Indymedia sites.

Plan B for the Peace Movement (tags)

Persistent protesters need to prepare for some unsettling possibilities

First Casualties (tags)

So far, 1 dead 14 injured, but how many more on the way? No one is going to give us the real numbers.

Expose the Links between Al Qaeda and the Bush Adminastration (tags)

The truth is Al Qaeda is a creation of the CIA, and they have closer links to the Bush adminastration than they do iraq!!!

BTL:A U.S. War on Iraq Violates U.N. Charter 'Uniting for peace' resolution... (tags)

...may be last option to stop conflict. Interview with Michael Ratner, president of the Center for Constitutional Rights conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Palestinian war-mongers (tags)

It's hard to protected regular Palestinians when Palestinian leadership and main organizations, for decades, have been impossible to deal with.

Iraq Crisis Hour By Hour (tags)

Notice in particular 1743. This is basically an admission that the war has nothing to do with Saddam Hussein or Weapons of Mass Destruction® (The White House 2001).

Into the Darkness - "Above all, do not succumb to despair" (tags)

This article is by William Rivers Pitt of the New York Times Syndicate. This, I think, reflects the fear all of us have over the ramifications of this war. But also, in the last paragraphs, reflects the need in our hearts and consciences to resist and not "succumb to despair." We owe America that much. Read on...

Catholic group to U.S. Soldiers: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!" (tags)

Catholic Group Pours Human Blood in Front of Military Recruitment Center. They call upon Catholic US soldiers to: "Refuse to Fight! Refuse to Kill!"

KISSINGER SPACED OUT HOOVER SPY REPORT ON PERLE (tags) FBI summary of a wiretap on the Israeli Embassy in which Richard N. Perle, an aide to Senator Henry Jackson, was overheard discussing classified information that had been supplied to him by someone on the National Security Council staff.


Articles have appeared during the past week -- including one on German television -- warning that an attack on Iraq carried out without UN Security Council authorization would be in violation of the UN Charter and international law, and that President Bush and Defense Secretary Rumsfeld could eventually find themselves charged with war crimes before the newly-inaugurated International Criminal Court (ICC).

The PNAC and it`s connection to the Bush Wars (tags)

Who pulls the strings in US foreign policy< what are their goals and who pays the price.

Jewish Organizations Worried About Backlash for Iraq War (tags)

"Buchanan responded that, 'Like a squid, Mr. Perle is emitting this inky fluid of alleged anti-Semitism to cover up his own tracks of warmongering. Let one and all read my 5,000-word article . . . and judge for themselves whether the charge against me is valid or Mr. Perle is an agent of influence of a foreign power.'"

Blair could face a maximum 30 years jail for war crimes (tags)

Mr Blair could face a maximum 30 years jail for war crimes if he launches war on Iraq without UN backing, international law expert Professor Nick Grief said.

Why Americans Tune in to Canada (tags)

My e-mail inbox overfloweth with missives from our neighbours to the south as, I expect, those of many of my Star colleagues do. Many Americans seem pathetically grateful for offshore, online sources for news and views of the world. Not that the Canadian media are perfect. We make our mistakes. We have our biases. But here, at least, there's a vigorous and wide-ranging debate on the looming war. So who can blame skeptical Americans for resorting to Canadians when their "most trusted" and "most watched'' media are marching in lockstep to the drums of war?

Families of military personnel and veterans speak out against war (tags)

The world has been galvanized into action against the Bush administration’s drive to war with Iraq. This is no less true in the United States. In all sectors of the U.S. population you will find anti-war sentiment – including in the armed forces and their families.

World says No to war (tags)

Growing opposition to a U.S. war against Iraq was clearly in evidence on March 10 when, Win Without War, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Artists United to Win Without War delivered petitions bearing more than a million names from 200 countries to the United Nations Security Council.

BTL:Resignations and Leaks in U.S. State Department Signal... (tags)

...Growing Dissent Against Iraq War. Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. government military analyst who released the "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Weapons of Mass Deception (tags)

In the year and a half since September 11 the Bush administration has been waging an aggressive military campaign against real and perceived enemies, coupled with a public relations campaign to win the "hearts and minds" of the world. In Afghanistan, at least, the military campaign has shown some success. The public relations campaign, however, has been an embarrassing failure.

Rapper Wil b Takes on the President and the War Against Iraq (tags)

Using his What!?! Wil b Radio Show, his talents as a rapper and poet, and his passion for peace, Columnist, Wil Bannister aka Wil b has a letter for the President with his song "Dear Mr. Bush" protesting the war and it's effects of the war in the urban communities in this nation and abroad.

Civil disobedience at Raytheon shows American & Iraqi casualties of war (tags)

Civil disobedience targets weapons manufacturer in El Segundo.

Lawrence 'Ari' Fleisher Wants To 'Liberate' People With Arial Weapons Of Mass Destruction (tags)

Ari Fleisher defends Bush's 3,000 Weapons of Mass Destruction to be rained on Iraq in 48 hours. A UN report claims up to 100,000 Iraqi people will lose their lives. Is there sufficient reason for us to be killing this many people? And to maim a few 100,000 more?

Anybody Got a Light? (tags)

Top 31 Bush - Iraq Lies: A Reference For Seekers of Truth So many lies have been spread by the Administration and their minions that it is hard to keep track. I suppose that’s part of their strategy. Overwhelm the opposition and the public with so much misinformation that the truth will never be clear. They can then press forward in an ambiguous cloud of fear and “what if?” scenarios.

Israel’s foreign policy is the U.S.’s foreign policy (tags)

“Wag the dog” Who’s calling the foreign policy shots behind the scenes in the Bush administration?

This war came from a think tank (tags)

As far back as 1998, ultra right US think tanks had developed and published plans for an era of US world domination, sidelining the UN and attacking Iraq

Americans ill-served by own media (tags)

Here are a few under-reported yet telling statistics from a Princeton Survey Research Associates poll conducted two months ago:

Saying No to War (tags)

"The fact that the United Nations might be irreparably weakened would not much bother his conservative po0litical base at home, nor would the outcry abroad..When the purpose is fuzzy, or based on questionable presuppositions, it's time to stop.."

Alice Walker, Amy Goodman & Other Notable Women Arrested in Anti-War Protest (tags)

Twenty three women, including nationally recognized award-winning authors Alice Walker and Maxine Hong Kingston, Pacifica Radio's Amy Goodman, were arrested in front of the White House on International Women’s Day, protesting against the Bush Administration’s proposed war on Iraq. They had marched from Malcolm X Park in Washington, DC, leading more than 5,000 peace activists associated with Code Pink, Women for Peace, to the White House.

Terror and Energy Security (tags)

The US will need 6 million more barrels of oil every day by 2020..Both the supply and the security of the US would be helped far more if energy savings and promotion of regenerative energy were vigorously emphasized. Translated from the German

Lies Lies Lies --- "Lies with a purpose" (tags)

"Lies with a purpose" Printed on Friday, March 07, 2003 @ 02:59:12 EST

The Lie Of The U.S. Military (tags)

I get this a lot: Hey Mark, you know what you should do, you pathetic piece of liberal S.F. scum? You should kneel down right now and thank our angry God there's a hard-ass non-pussified non-wimpy U.S. military out there protecting your pathetic little butt, baby. Isn't that thoughtful?

The Bush Outrage(s) of the Month list (tags)

(see related story below) As part of its campaign to put a four-year limit on George W. Bush’s tenure at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, the AFL-CIO has drawn up what might be called the “Outrage of the Month” list of attacks against working people by the Bush administration since taking office in January 2001.

The WMDs Are Thiiiiiiiis Biiiiiiiiiiig (tags)

Fitting to the fish story Mr. Bush laid out in his news conference this week timed for consumption just before Hans Blix reports to the UN the York Times published a photograph on the front page of Mr. Bush at the podium posed with his hands spread apart as if he were describing the size of the fish.

MARCH 8: Thousands of Women Stream into DC for Anti-War March & Rally Int'l Women's Day (tags)

Women from Kansas, Vermont, Oregon, Texas and dozens of other states have begun arriving in Washington, DC--dressed in pink--to participate in the women-led rally and march that will be held on Saturday, March 8, International Women's Day.


Asked by Bill Moyer about Perle's arguments for a war, Wilson said, ``Well, he's certainly the architect of a study that was produced in the mid-'90s for the Likud Israeli government called `A Clean Break, A New Strategy for the Realm.' and it makes the argument that the best way to secure Israeli security is through the changing of some of these regimes beginning with Iraq and also including Syria. And that's been since expanded to include Iran.''


With most of the mainstream media having joined the march towards war, individual critics and the alternative media have begun to strike back.

Advisors Warn Bush He Faces "Humiliating" Defeat on UN Resolution (tags)

(publisher's comment) Even the hawks are getting nervous, while the Bush junta consider doing it anyway. Hitler had the Treaty of Munich behind him when he invaded Czechoslovakia. It seems to me that if Bush goes it alone, this action would be unprecedented. Historians?

THOMAS JEFFERSON CALLING: The time for revolution is now (tags)

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that governments long established, should not be changed for light and transient causes; and, accordingly, all experience [has] shown that mankind are more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But, when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same object, evinces a design to reduce [the people] under absolute despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such government, and to provide new guards for their future security." Thomas Jefferson

Raelian Women to humbly disrobe publicly in LOS ANGELES on March 8th (tags)

Raelian women To humbly disrobe publicly At US peace rallies in DC and LA

Confronting the Warmakers (tags)

Letter from a young revolutionary communist Confronting the Warmakers, Visioning a Different Future by Sunsara

The Weekly Spin (tags)

THE WEEKLY SPIN, Wednesday, March 5, 2003 --------------------------------------------------------------------- sponsored by PR WATCH ( ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Clinton's Involved with World's Biggest Drug Launderers (tags)

From the book "False Profits: The Inside Story of BCCI, the World's Most Corrupt Financial Empire" by Peter Truell and Larry Gurwin 1992

Conspiracy of Silence video Child sex ring that reached Bush Sr's Whitehouse. (tags)

This documentary exposed a network of Washington politicians who flew children to Washington D.C. for sex orgies. This video was blocked from the air at the last minute. But here it is.

Thank You for Writing, Now Go Away (tags)

Thank You for Writing, Now Go Away by Tom Turner

Memo Exposes Bush's New Green Strategy (tags)

Oliver Burkeman The Guardian Tuesday 4 March 2003

Bush's Arab and Muslim Propaganda Chief Quits (tags)

Bush's Arab and Muslim Propaganda Chief Quits Monday 3 March 2003 U.S. official: 'She didn't do anything that worked'

Was 'Mastermind' Really Captured? (tags)

Was 'Mastermind' Really Captured? By Robert Fisk The Independent | The Toronto Star Monday 3 March 2003


Despite intense pressure from Washington and White House promises of Billions of Dollars in "aid" (bribery)... Turkey has REJECTED plans allowing U.S. Troops on their soil.

BTL:March 5 Antiwar Moratorium Calls for... (tags)

...No School, No Work, No Business as Usual. Interview with the Rev. Peter Laarman, March 5th Anti-War Moratorium organizer conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris

An Interview with a Poet Against the War, Chase Twichell (tags)

Poetry's not window cleaning. It breaks the glass." Chase Twichell

Public Readings of Lysistrata World-wide Condemn War (tags)

- On March 3, 2003, the Lysistrata Project will present worldwide readings of Aristophanes’ bawdy ancient Greek antiwar comedy Lysistrata. To date, 817 play readings are scheduled in 49 countries and in all 50 U.S. states to voice opposition to the war on Iraq

Great Depression. George Bush vs Einstein on economic policy (tags)

According to the mathematician, Albert Einstein, the policies of George Bush are likely to result in another Great Depression. To quote a recurring quip, 'I know George Bush, and let me tell you, George Bush is no Albert Einstein.'



Report- Poems Not Fit For the White House (tags)


The Project for the New American Century. (tags)

he People versus the Powerful is the oldest story in human history. At no point in history have the Powerful wielded so much control. At no point in history has the active and informed involvement of the People, all of them, been more absolutely required.

Ashcroft is at it again (tags)


Their Morals and Ours (tags)



"You are not going to decide whether there is war in Iraq or not," the diplomat said U.S. officials told him. "That decision is ours, and we have already made it. It is already final. The only question now is whether the council will go along with it or not."

Direct Action - a 911 inquiry (tags)

After considering how alternative summits have been held as a form of direct action, it seems to me that the best form of Direct Action at this time is not doing futile things that will actually play into the hands of the far right, such as cutting rail lines, but rather launching a 911 investigation.


Washington - There was only one problem with President George W. Bush's claim Thursday that the nation's top economists forecast substantial economic growth if Congress passed the president's tax cut: The forecast with that conclusion doesn't exist.

Confronting the Warmakers, Visioning a Different Future (tags)

Letter from a young revolutionary communist

BTL:Critics Say White House Successor to USA Patriot Act Threatens... (tags)

...Further Erosion of Civil Liberties. Under "secret" Domestic Security Enhancement Act, detainees could lose U.S. citizenship Interview with Nancy Chang, Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris

The United States' interventionist course of action: War and not peace. (tags)

The execution of this strategy of world domination, one of the priorities of the White House is the strengthening of its hegemonic presence in Latin America.

White House advisors looking for 'way out' of IraqWar (tags)

Some strategists within the Bush Administration are urging the President to look for an "exit strategy" on Iraq, warning the tough stance on war with the Arab country has left the country in a "no win" situation. In addition, Republican leaders in both the House and Senate are telling the Presidently privately that he is losing support in Congress for a "go it alone war" against Iraq. web link

Russian Federation Planned Department of Homeland Security and News Merger to End Civil Ri (tags)

Socialists have employed propaganda on the topic of terrorism in the hopes of frightening people wrongfully into accepting the loss of privacy as a cost of the Department of Homeland Security.

photoessay: CHANT DOWN BABYLON! artists against war, by Hans Bennett (tags)

On January 30, 2003, Chuck D, Ani Di Franco, Ozomatli, Saul Williams, and Michael Franti performed at an anti-war benefit concert for AWOL magazine. Includes essay and photos from the event.

Read and learn more... (tags)

Read and learn...

Leslie Cagan for Mayor! (tags)

Under the most bizarre orwelian nightmare, which was brought to you by that big fat liar Commissioner "Only 100,000 Marchers and we didn't use any pepper spray" Kelly and the Mayor "Bribe All the Ethnic Groups the Day of the Peace Rally with Millions of Dollars"Bloomberg and U.S. Attorney General John"I Don't Want to See Justice When I Come into Work in the Morning, Cover that Thing Up"Ashcroft and by Mr. George "Orange Alert Federal Judge Control"Bush, the United for Peace and Justice coalition was still able to pull off successful Marches and a Rally.

Millions march against war: At home (tags)

NEW YORK – Braving frigid cold, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators rallied near the United Nations, Feb. 15, to protest George W. Bush’s threatened war on Iraq and to support UN efforts to stop the war. The rally here was part of a coordinated one-day protest in 600 cities across the nation and around the world. According to Indymedia estimates, 11 million people marched and rallied against the Bush war plans, making it the largest peace outpouring in world history. Over 1 million rallied in U.S. cities and towns. About 300,000 marched in San Francisco, Feb. 16, the largest anti-war mobilization ever in the Bay Area.

U.S. Navy Scapegoats Riverside Muslims (tags)

The park in the Norco navy base (yes, there's such a thing) is closed. What's the biggest threat? No, it's not Osama bin Laden. It's Muslims from Riverside. Really. That's what the Navy says.

"Global empire meets global intifada" (tags)

From ten to thirty million people worldwide took to the streets on February 15th to express their revulsion at the White House's war fever. It was without doubt the biggest protest ever. The rise of a world public was the necessary counterpart to the transformation of the U.S. into a world empire. Global protest was born earlier, but Saturday's protest was the moment the masses of the world looked in the mirror and recognized themselves as members of one planet with one supreme interest, to live in peace with each other.

Appeasement is not the Answer (tags)

Appeasement is not the answer

A New America (tags)

The peace protestors inspire hope in a nation that seemed headed for its own destruction.


I would like to inform you that my son, Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi, is being held in INS Custody for 60 days without any legal bases. He is arrested illegally by the INS officers of San Bernardino, CA without any reasonable reason. Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi is a peace & human rights activist. He has been faithful and great supporter of USA for advancing world peace. It is unfair and injustice for a great and peaceful country like USA to treat its supporters in this way.


The frightening un-Patriot II is Gee Duhbya's legacy to the Founders. Cutting the Balls off of the Constitution. Circulated in secret Asscroft first claimed it was just a "draft of ideas" - except that copies had already been secretly sent to Dennis Hastert in the House of Representatives. These people are no friends to your liberty.

Toronto Star Column Hints at a Staged 9/11 as Pretext for War! (tags)

Roll over Chomsky, Corn and Albert! This one's dedicated to those self-proclaimed "anti-conspiratorialists" who won't even hear of the possibility and the REALITY of government/corporate/military conspiracies. Hats off to Landsberg for breaking the code of silence in the official press! Her subtle allusions to the events of 9/11 are to be commended.

ANSWER & NION losing the battle 4 the hearts of millions (tags)


Answering Moral Blackmail (tags)

Are millions of Canadian, American and In the midst of worldwide protest against an impending war with Iraq, the Bush Administration and its allies have trotted out their trump card...

You know that look (tilted head) dogs get when they're confused? (tags)

Bushy thoughts

Bush: Anti-war protests no deterrent (tags)

GW says that anti-war protesters are allowed to express their opinion, but it is of no importance to him.

Bush Calls Protests "Irrelevant" (tags)

Dubya tells millions worldwide to get stuffed.

Sick sick Fearmongers! (tags)

Orange alert Bushit!

How To Be Livid (tags)

Anger as a sane and appropriate response to the proposed war in Iraq. A guide for those still too shy to protest.

Area from Egypt to Iraq (tags)

The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.

AUSTRALIA +World NOWAR-round-up: Largest coordinated anti-war protest in history (tags)

Altogether 1 MILLION Australians marched against the oil war on Iraq and for bringing the troops home. This is a comprehensive preliminary round-up of the anti-war demonstrations that broke records in all bigger Australian cities, plus the world-wide coverage that will be printed in this weeks Green Left Weekly, Australia's largest indypendent and radical weekly newspaper.

USA Bad Boys: Blackmail and US Intervention in latin America (tags)

US addictions haunt and terrorize world: OIL, WEAPONS, DRUGS. US BAD BOYS and friends in Latin America held power for decades. Now they are run out of town by Hugo Chavez, people of Bolivia and New Ideas. Guns and Money aren’t enough anymore–Hope lives –Struggle Consumes…

BTL: Ten Nobel Laureates and Hundreds of Economists Condemn... (tags)

...White House Tax Cut Proposal. Interview with Lawrence Mishel, president of the Economic Policy Institute, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

The Wonders of Bushonomics (tags)

"...we face the worst hiring slump in twenty years; production as measured by the GDP minus government is falling; the deficit is ballooning; oil and gas prices are soaring even as retail and travel sectors slash prices; and all of Europe is clearly falling into recession. What's a government to do? Why, go to war, of course."

Rabbi Rift (tags)

Lerner, ANSWER, etc


The Real News Network ( has selected Jay Bookman's article "The President's Real Goal In Iraq" as the 1st Annual REAL NEWS STORY OF THE YEAR - 2002. Mr. Bookman is the Deputy Editorial Page Editor for the daily newspaper the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Bookman's powerful article revealed, in a mainstream medium no less, that there was and is much more behind the Bush Administration's publicly stated 'anti-terrorism' reasons for intervening in Iraq.

BTL: Ralph Nader Speaks Out Against War With Iraq (tags)

Interview with Ralph Nader, citizen activist and former Green Party presidential candidate, conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus

BTL: Key U.S.-European Allies Continue to Resist Bush War Plan (tags)

Interview with Susan Wright,University of Michigan research scientist, conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris

Tape shows bin Laden OPPOSES Hussein (tags)

"If bin Laden is effectively calling on Muslim Iraqis to overthrow Saddam ... how then can the U.S. administration use this message to prove Saddam and al-Qaeda are linked?" -- Snip from article

Let's Call Bush on his Bogus Terror Threats (tags)

The resistance is growing to the mind numbing propaganda from sources like CNN...

Let's Call Bush On His Bogus Terror Threats (tags)

Bush elevated the color-coded terrorism threat level to orange last week in response to the possibility of a chemical or biological attack. Ridge told reporters the other day the terrorism alert issued last week is "the most significant" since 911. "The threat is real," he warned. Yeah, right.

Flashpoints Feb 11: Tony Benn just back from Iraq; Iran the next target? (tags)

KPFA Flashpoints Radio Feb 11. 2003 - Famous British Labor MP Tony Benn just back from Iraq, interviewed Saddam.. a wide-ranging Bernstein interview with Benn, a survivor of WWII, who tells how Churchill ordered poison gas dropped on the 'uncivilized' Kurds of Iraq - Is Iran the next Britain/ US/ Israeli target?

Federal Judge Proves High Alert Is Strictly Political (tags)

Federal Judge Barbara S. Jones has proven herself to be an anti-democratic and constitutionally bankrupt lawyer as well showing her politics in the glaring light of public opinion by ruling against a peace march in New York City scheduled for Saturday the 15th February. Jones's ruling proves beyond a shadow of doubt that the high alert the White House put up last week is strictly political.


A good job of clearly demonstrating the lies put forth by Bush to stage his Master's War of Conquest.

Old Europe Gives the New World Colonists a Geo Political Lesson. (tags)

On Friday the 7th of February February 2003 it was reported in the New York Times that the U.S. in negotiations with Turkey was essentially offering the Turkish government a military foothold in the Kurdish region of northern Iraq.



Report Confirms Russia Armed Iraq, China, North Korea, and Iran for World War III (tags)

Bolsheviks Have Been Instigating World War III by arming Gulf nations and threatening officials.

Which Rogue State is Destroying Global Arms Control? (tags)

The US is offering humanity a choice: extinction or hegemony.

USA Patriot Act II--A$hcroft drafts secret sequel (tags)

The Bush Administration is preparing a bold, comprehensive sequel to the USA Patriot Act passed in the wake of September 11, 2001, which will give the government broad, sweeping new powers to increase domestic intelligence-gathering, surveillance and law enforcement prerogatives, and simultaneously decrease judicial review and public access to information. For additional information, watch the PBS program "Now With Bill Moyers" tonight at 9 P.M. EST. (local listings The show will also air an interview with Charles Lewis.


As the case for war collapses from the weight of lies we have entered a dangerous period where the criminals in the White House are likely, in desperation, to do anything to get their war.

British intel report cited by Powell to U.N. plagiarized grad student (tags)

Feb. 6, 2003, 2230 hrs, PST, (FTW) - A story is sweeping the world tonight and it says a great deal about those who are forcing the world into a war it does not want. The famed dossier presented by British Prime Minister Tony Blair to his Parliament was plagiarized from two articles and a September 2002 research paper submitted by a graduate student.

Manifetso on the Imperialist War against Irag (tags)


Critics Charge Control of Oil Behind Bush Drive for War with Iraq (tags)

Interview with Michael Klare,professor of peace and world security studies at Hampshire College,conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris


TERRY GROSS - NPR WARMONGER: 1/23/03 audio archive interview URLs to listen to her "FRESH (???) AIR" program interview where she bashes the anti-war movement!


Made up in the U.S.A

GWB's speeches (tags)

The president's base shares with him the conviction that nothing--nothing--is more important than the war on terrorism. Conservatives always think the first job of government is to look to our national security, keep defenses strong, ensure public safety. So Mr. Bush's base is willing to give him a lot of room to maneuver to get what he needs on security and safety.


Watch for the Shuttle accident to be cynically manipulated to whip up a phony "national unity" in the service of America's genocidial war against Iraq.

War, Ignorance, and Disinformation (tags)

To what degree do people actually make their decision to support or oppose Bush's War based on actual facts? How many base their conclusions on propaganda perpetuated by the PressWhores?

Has Al Qaeda Infiltrated the White House? (tags)

It's painfully obvious that someone in the White House is lying. Are we really supposed to believe that there is a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq? Oh come on, I know I'm not that stupid, are you?

If your enemy is hungry... feed him. (tags)

There is a grassroots campaign underway to protest war in Iraq in a simple, but potentially powerful way.

BartCop (tags)


RW: Twisted Logic of a Twisted Empire (tags)

RW Article

The Real but Unspoken Reasons for the Iraq War (tags)

Although completely suppressed in the U.S. media, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking. The upcoming war in Iraq is actually an OIL CURRENCY war. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration’s goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves. (This is a long essay)



Bush policies blasted At UN (tags)

Faced with growing international skepticism, George W. Bush used much of his State of the Union Address in an attempt to build support for his drive to war with Iraq.

Bush policies blasted At Home (tags)

George W. Bush attempted to win backing for his agenda of tax cuts for the rich and war on Iraq in his Jan. 28 State of the Union Speech. But mayors, governors, members of Congress and leaders of mass organizations sharply rejected his policies.

Tomorrow...Tommorrow... (tags)

A very wryly humorous perspective on the Deserter In Chief's State of the Union.

Only the Public Can Stop The White House Warriors (tags)

It appears that the only force that can derail the war machine at this point is American public opinion. The administration will back down only if it fears that by pursuing this conflict it will lose the White House in 2004.

Bush's state of the union speech-The die is cast (tags)

War Speech

Where The Bodies Went: Censorship In The First Gulf War (tags)

UPI Correspondent Leon Daniel, as did others who reported from Vietnam during the 1960s, knew about war and death. So he was puzzled by the lack of corpses at the tip of the Neutral Zone between Saudi Arabia and Iraq on Feb. 25, 1991. Clearly there had been plenty of killing. Where were all the bodies? The story unfolds...

We'll Plant WMDs, I Mean, We'll Find WMDs. (tags)

Gee, it was almost as if Frank Gaffney and the White House official were reading from the same page, a page produced from deep inside the White House sell machine but had more of a corrupt police network sound to it.

An Appeal by the Spanish Students Union to Stop Imperialist War (tags)


State of the Union - Early Release of Rejected Draft (tags)

Draft rejected. Too transparent.

An Idea (tags)

An idea for nonviolent protest

Thw war aims of the Graet Powers and the consequences of the coming invasion of Irag (tags)


The Split in the Western Alliance-Can Europe's opposition prevent war ? (tags)


Bush Daddy Crop (tags)

It's like Bush Daddy was farming poopheads.

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

Beating the drums for justice: Calls for Bush's impeachment for 9-11 (tags)

update on activisim re. impeachment

12,200 Articles Re: Anti War/Sample What The News Papers Are Saying (tags)

It's worth a glance to realize just how wide-spread, large and serious this movement has become here and around the world. "anti war"

RW: Who's the Real Rogue State? (tags)

U.S. Threatens North Korea as It Prepares Conquest of Iraq

Protests slow down Bush rush to war (tags)

WASHINGTON – George W. Bush’s rush toward war on Iraq ran into a human wall Jan. 18 as anti-war protesters packed the streets of Washington, San Francisco, Tucson, Portland, Oregon, Toronto, Canada and 20 other cities chanting “Peace now!” and “No blood for oil!”

The Message from the Bush Camp: 'It's War Within Weeks' (tags)

· Washington now concentrating on timing · State of union address to 'turn up the heat' · Blair faces nightmare scenario over war decision

No to Capitalist War, Yes to Anarchist Revolution! (tags)

The following is the text from a new poster from the Federation of Revolutionary Anarchist Collectives (FRAC). The poster is the first in a series and is in both english and spanish. This poster examines the root causes of the impending war, possible methods of resistance here in North America, and our vision of a free society.

BTL:As International Peace Movement Gains Momentum, Bush Prepares to... (tags)

...Launch War Against Iraq. Interview with Phyllis Bennis, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Scott Harris

New White House document "Apparatus of Lies" - prejudice instead of proof (tags)

The White House yesterday published its latest witch's brew of half-truths, distortions, and irrelevant facts calculated to win public support for its impending invasion of Iraq.

What is the deal w/ Ramsey Clark? (tags)


Resisting "Complexity Management" (tags)


WTO 12 trial Feb 10th (tags)

The WTO 12 are about to challange state authority to brutalize it's own citizens and they are doing it in a difficult yet effective way ... in court.

J-19 in Washington DC (tags)

Protests continued on January 19th in Washington. The Iraqi Pledge of Resistance and the Answer youth March converged on H street in front of the White House.

Minority Opinion (tags)

With his sudden plunge into domestic affairs, President Bush is dogging the wag...


Waiting for the next 'Gulf of Tonkin': Greens call the White House's stated reasons for invading Iraq a litany of deception and PR propaganda

Bush Daddy Brilliance (tags)

Deh make dark stuff look bright!

Lessons from the Lott exposé (tags)

The Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) scandal did more than expose the racist underbelly of the former Senate majority leader and the Republican Party. It also showed the growing importance of the struggle for equality and against racism in the political life of the nation.

36 cities tell Bush: Give peace a chance (tags)

Warning that war with Iraq will cost thousands of Iraqi and U.S. lives and waste billions of tax dollars needed for education and health care, the city council of Gary, Ind., unanimously approved a resolution Jan.7 opposing war on the oil-rich nation.

BTL:Reports of U.S.Complicity in Torture of Prisoners Triggers Demand for... (tags)

...a White House Investigation. Interview with Jamie Fellner, director of U.S. Programs at Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

A Coalition of the Elites (tags)

The extent of this admiistration's deceiving of the public is rather spectacular. I sometimes have the feeling that I don't live in one of the oldest democracies but in the Philippines under a new Marcos. This interview is translated from the German in Der Spiegel

Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel (tags)

Call White House-tell them "NO!" to Additional $14 Billion in Aid to Israel

Report on Layoffs Killed (tags)

The Bush administration, under fire for its handling of the economy, has quietly killed off a Labor department program that tracked mass layoffs by US companies. This article originally published in the San Francisco Chronicle is available on



Michael Parenti Article: To Kill Iraq: The Reasons Why (tags)

Arguments against a war on Iraq by noted political analyst and author Michael Parenti.

Part 2. No Bomb? Your Screwed. Gotta Bomb? We're Cool. (tags)

It's been an amazing week and a half of watching the Bush administration's own foreign-policy bite Bush in the ass so hard you could see him wince every time the showed his miserable face in public this week.

From Containment to Pax Americana (tags)

With the NSS, the US government gives a blank check to attack nearly every country on mere suspicion. A policy of possible military preemption hammers the last nail in the coffin of Article 51 of the UN Charter that only allows armed attack.

BTL:Korean Crisis Aggravated by Hostile Rhetoric and... (tags)

...U.S. Military Violence Against Civilians.Interview with Karin Lee,senior associate with the East Asia Policy Education Project at the Friends Committee on National Legislation, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris.

Rapper, Paris, Unleashes A ‘Sonic Jihad’ (tags)

--------'Sonic Jihad'------

Saturday rally at the INS - protest against mass detentions (tags)

Highlights from the rally at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in downtown LA last Saturday, Jan 4, 2003.

Hollywood Follies (tags)

Brave actors oppose a war with Iraq! City Journal 31 December 2002

Join The Localization Lobby (tags)

Localization as the only means to take back our economy and our democracy.

Rumsfeld offered help to Saddam (tags)

The Reagan administration and its special Middle East envoy, Donald Rumsfeld, did little to stop Iraq developing weapons of mass destruction in the 1980s, even though they knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons "almost daily" against Iran.

Oil coup-strike-lockout is for the rich. Help President Chavez! Search Venezuela news. (tags)

In 1974 80% of oil income went to the state. Today 80% of Venezuelan oil income goes to the rich, and to "operating costs." Only 20% goes to the state. Chavez reforms will help reverse this in January 2003. This is why the coup-plotters, "strike"-promoters, and corporate media are in such a hurry to overthrow the fairly-ELECTED Chavez government. They want to prevent these reforms, and reverse others already-implemented. Reforms that help the poor and lower middle class. Massive corporate-media disinformation, destabilization campaign going on inside Venezuela. Support President Chavez! Please forward widely.

No Bomb? Your Screwed. Gotta Bomb? We're Cool. (tags)

Well, it is my opinion that someone just made the biggest horse's ass out of this Bush administration


During a press conference at the Bush home in Crawford, Texas this morning without warning President Bush's pants caught on fire.

Bush Daddy Spam (tags)

Stupid postulations about and by morons.

New Chairman of 9/11 Commission (tags)

Now you would think that being a business partner of the brother in law and alleged financier of "Enemy No. 1" would be considered a bona fide "conflict of interest", particularly when your mandate --as part of the 9/11 Commission's work-- is to investigate "Enemy No. 1".

Charles's views not wanted in US (tags)

December 30 2002

A Left Wing New Years Resolution: Localization vs. Globalization (tags)

This is why it is good to get some union activist experience. You'll soon discover that people are mainly interested in how to improve their lives and the lives of their families first and foremost.

Wellspring of Sympathy Dries Up (tags)

America dissipated the goodwill out of its arrogance and incompetence..A survey recently published by the Pew Centre suggests antipathy toward the US is widespread..The superpower is regarded by its allies with a profound ambivalence.

BTL:White House Attack on Women's Reproductive Rights Undermines... (tags)

...International Accords. Interview with Francoise Girard, senior program officer of the International Women's Health Coalition, conducted by Between The Lines'Melinda Tuhus.

BTL:Critical Weeks Ahead for U.S. Peace Movement's Effort to... (tags)

...Derail Bush War Plan. Interview with Joanne Landy, co-director of the Campaign for Peace and Democracy, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

'Twas a fright at the White House (tags)

'Twas a fright at the White House


There's no help to be found here...

Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Lott; are Anti Christ? Ver.3 (tags)

Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Lott; are Anti Christ? Ver.3

Whole Lotta Lott Goin' On (tags)

Media Propaganda & Censorship 101

BTL:U.S. Media's Timid Role in 1991 Gulf War Likely to Repeat in... (tags)

...Any New Conflict with Iraq. Interview with John MacArthur, publisher of Harper's Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines'Scott Harris.

BTL:Venezuelan Elite Attack President Chavez to Block Reforms that... (tags)

...Benefit the Poor. Interview with Gregory Wilpert, sociologist and journalist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


Die for Israel! An article from the Wall Street Journal, about how the Israeli lobby, AIPAC secretly pushed for and got the first war with Iraq. Do you really think it's any different now? This article is long, but interesting.

Bush Daddy Arguement (tags)

It's another trick!

The Thug, the Thief, and the King (tags)

An excerpt from an article in the Guerilla News Network. Follow the link for the original.

Bush To Help Sharon Election By Blocking Settlement Freeze (tags)

Bush is blocking efforts to find peace in the Middle East, and stop the settlements. "Is it his (Bush's) desire to win the support of Jewish officials and tycoons, who have mostly lined up on Sharon's side? "

Venezuela: Class Conflict and US Intervention (tags)

The upper class and US CIA are a problem in many countries. Combined with a corrupt media they use protest tactics to cause disruption and chaos with staged media events and lock-outs masquerading as popular general strikes.


NEWSFLASH Mr. Bush's new criminal edict now states Americans can rise up for America to kill him as a terrorist and be thought Just and God Worthy. I Agree with bush finally.

venezuala: gunman may havebeen hired by anti-chavez general (tags)

agent provaceteur?



The Railroad Barons Are Back - And This Time They'll Finish the Job (tags)

This administration is set to complete what the railroad barons pushed the Grant administration to start: to take democracy and its institutions of governance from the hands of the human citizen/voters the Founders fought and died for, and give it to the very types of monopolistic corporations the Founders fought against when they led the Tea Party revolt against the East India Company in Boston Harbor in 1773.

Rule of the pirates, the $ 200 billion payday – exposing Bush, Cheney and Halliburton (tags)

The figure had been bouncing around think tanks and Capitol Hill for months, and on Dec. 1 made the front page of The Washington Post: Bush’s invasion and occupation of Iraq will cost the American taxpayer between $100 and $200 billion.


In 03,1984, with the Iran-Iraq war growing more brutal by the day, Rumsfeld was in Baghdad for meetings With Saddam Hussain. On the day of his visit, March 24th, UPI reported from the UN “Mustard gas laced with a nerve agent has been used on Iranian soldiers of war between Iran and Iraq, a team of U.N. experts has concluded...

BTL:Canadian-based Coalition Will Send Citizen Inspectors to... (tags)

...Examine U.S.Weapons of Mass Destruction This Winter. Interview with David Langille, director public affairs at the Centre for Social Justice in Toronto, Between The Lines' Scott Harris

Bush: Foreign Policy to Take Seriously (tags)

GWB to be taken seriously in the foreign policy arena.

BTL:U.N.-Iraq Weapons Inspection Process Provides an Opportunity for... (tags)

...Anti-War Groups to Make Their Case to the U.S. Public. Interview with Jeremy Brecher, author and activist, conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris

Cold war cultural production returns (tags)

>The Bush administration has recruited prominent American >>writers to contribute to a State Department anthology and >>give readings around the globe in a campaign started after >>9/11 to use culture to further American diplomatic >>interests.


Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today's population, that is more than $5,700 per person.

a timeline of CIA atrocities (tags)

the author Steve kangas was suicided in 1999

Anti-War activist Berrigan dies (tags)

Anti-war activist Philip Berrigan dies

SHOCKING REVELATIONS: US Government, Not Terrorists, Picked 9-11 Date (tags)

From the start, the Bush Administration has insisted that anything like the 'planes-as-weapons' scenario of 9-11 was 'unthinkable' before 9-11. That's a HUGE LIE!! On Sept. 11, 2001 they had a brand new counter-terror emergency response plan in place at the Pentagon for exactly that scenario, and had a counter-terror 'wargame' set to begin on exactly that scenario that very morning in the nation's capitol.

Congress skips town, snubs kids and jobless (tags)

The 107th Congress adjourned on Nov. 22 after refusing to provide extended unemployment benefits to nearly a million unemployed workers, cutting the availability of Section 8 housing vouchers, denying health care to more than 900,000 children and refusing to provided federal aid to states facing the worst fiscal crisis since World War II. It did, however, find the money for a $2 billion Election Day pay off to drug companies and a promised $100 billion to insurance companies.

Iraq under U.S. Occupation? (tags)

From the White House, reports leak out about plans for an Iraq after the Ba’th (the ruling party of Iraq). The main scenarios do not allow for the development of democracy in Iraq. Each of them is built on a racist assumption: that the Iraqis either need a military dictator or else a monarch – any form of democracy is impossible to imagine.


Give me blood, blood, blood...

The Clearest Evidence Of Complicity In the 9/11 Attacks. (tags)

They are going to kill us all anyway, so why not stand and fight now.

Holy Jesus Man! Johnny Wizard is staying for snacks! Holy Jesus Man! (tags)

Holy Jesus Man! Have you heard the Revelations from India's government to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's, General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist plan existing as once top secret presidential documents, and, that this same general, was also responsible for, according to several members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, ...

BTL:Bush Administration, Working with Auto Industry... (tags)

...Attacks California's Clean Air Standards.Interview with Daniel Becker, of the Sierra Club conducted by Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus.

BTL:U.S. Peace Movement is the One Force that Can Deter War with Iraq (tags)

Interview with Geov Parrish, a journalist with the Seattle Weekly conducted by Between The Lines' Scott Harris.

Orwellian Poindexter IAO planed BEFORE 911 !! (tags)

Just like unPatriot Act -- set in motion before 9-11 ... get the word out so the brain-dead corporate media doesn't roll over


STAY FOCUSED: if the TOTAL INFORMATION AWARENESS part of HOMELAND SECURITY isn't amended then there will be no future dissent; it's "BIG BROTHER"! CONTACT YOUR SENATORS NOW! (they're voting on it THIS WEEK!)


Lies and deception mar the Bush record on Iraq, with Administration fabrications forming the basis for war, reports investigative journalist Ritt Goldstein. While Goldstein published this article in Europe, the following piece is his original, un-edited copy.

UNANIMOUS! Teach-ins on Iraq in Oakland Schools! (tags)

The Oakland School Board Unanimously (with one abstention) passed a resolution to plan teach-ins throughout the School District on the war on Iraq Here is the FRONT PAGE! Oakland Tribune article and below is the School Board Resolution, cosponsored by Board Member Dan Siegel and Oakland Education Association president Sheila Quintana.

Protest Dachle (tags)

We need a Senate Dem. Leader that will stand up, rather than rollover. Dashcle is letting Bush and co. get away with murder by continuing his lack of leadership against the new right policies. I urge all to call write their senators and ask that they vote dashcle out as min. leader. Look at this latest legislation that dashcle thinks will pass- (that's your opposition- i think it will pass)... Maybe Boxer has a spine.

Bush Daddy Looks Under His Skirt (tags)

Why that's proud John Dryden!

ACTION! When Even Safire Is Afraid Of HOMELAND SECURITY Act, You Know It's BAD ! (tags)

When even right-wing fanatics like William Safire are afraid of the "Homeland Security Act", then you know it's scarey. Even though it doesn't have the gut appeal of the War On Iraq, CONTACT your senators NOW ! E-mail at or call NOW!

Iraq okays UN terms, Bush pushes war (tags)

Iraq has accepted a United Nations Security Council Resolution giving weapons inspectors sweeping new rights but allows many pretexts for the Bush administration to provoke a war. The resolution warns Iraq of “serious consequences” if it doesn’t comply – and the White House has made clear that anything it defines as a material breach will almost certainly mean a new war.

When Even Safire Is Afraid Of Homeland Security Act, You Know It's Bad ! (tags)

When even right-wing fanatics like William Safire are afraid of the "Homeland Security Act", then you know it's scarey. Even though it doesn't have the gut appeal of the War On Iraq, you should be contacting your senator NOW !

Introducing the Information Awareness Office (tags)

YOU ARE A SUSPECT: regarding the current homeland security act.

D.C. Council Opposes Military Action in Iraq (tags)

City councils in Takoma Park, Berkeley, Calif., Santa Fe, N.M., and several other cities also have passed resolutions opposing unilateral military action in Iraq. Similar resolutions are under discussion in Madison, Wis., and Baltimore.

did CIA fake terror bombings i philippines? (tags)

remember lavon affair in 1954? Has US done something similar here?

War By Deception (tags)

Mossad and the FBI list of 9-11 Suspects


Seeping up from the depths...

A Peace Poster Project (tags)

We created a poster that has appeared in around 20 states, and has been dowloaded over 1,000 times from the site ( created to support distribution. Appropriate text is now being developed for versions in Spanish, Japanese, Italian and Finnish. The poster features a powerful photograph of an Iraqi girl who was injured in a US bombing raid south of Basra in April, 1999. Download the poster by accessing You can also email a letter to Bush from the site.

Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

Best chance for change (tags)

The most revolutionary potential lies just beneath the surface...

Covert military ops ordered for North Korea? (tags)

I cut and pasted this article from the main IMC newswire. This could be VERY IMPORTANT.

A Bill Moyers Commentary (tags)

Bill Moyers shares his views on the results of the 2002 mid-term elections.

Working families say: We’ll fight Bush agenda (tags)

WASHINGTON – Despite setbacks in the Nov. 5 elections, the AFL-CIO, the National Organization for Women and other grassroots organizations vowed a determined fight to block the Bush administration from railroading its ultra-right agenda through Congress.

BTL:Language in UN Resolution on Iraq Critical in Legitimizing a Future U.S. War (tags)

Interview with Phyllis Bennis,with the Institute for Policy Studies conducted by Scott Harris

Have A Last Stroke & Die (Oct.31, 2002 version (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

Will Jeb Win Because of the Ethnic Cleansing of the Voter List   (tags)

Once Again the Ethnic Cleansing the Florida Voter List Proves the Bush Family are Racist.  

National security, or war on workers? (tags)

OAKLAND, Calif. – Like many Filipinos living in the San Francisco Bay Area, Erlinda Valencia found a job at the airport, screening carry-on bags for passengers. She worked for Argenbright Security for 14 years, most of that time at a minimum-wage job, barely able to support her family.

Who do you believe the NY Times or the NY Times? (tags)


the mysterious ramsey clark (tags)

is he a genuine radical?

Shake hands (Flash animation). (tags)

Flash animation about White House-diplomacy.

Narco News Reports on Wellstone (tags)

"Senator Paul Wellstone Takes the Lead Against 'Plan Colombia'" - from Associated Press, December 2, 2000 Photo: Wellstone in Colombia.

Israeli Zionists collaborated with German Nazis in the 30's and 40's (tags)

"Zionism promised independence; it has produced a society in which the Prime Minister must periodically affirm to the people that the existence of the nation depends on the delivery of fifty or a hundred Phantom jets from the United States... Zionism promised physical security to the Jews; Israel is the most dangerous place on earth today for a Jew, and it will remain so as long as Israeli-Jewish society retains its colonial character and its function as an instrument of imperialism." -- the Israeli Socialist Organization, in 1972

Uncle Sam's Kazoo (tags)


us govt not hijackers 'chose' the date of 9-11 attacks (tags)

by barbara honneger

Turnout key in dead-heat elections (tags)

We are “One Vote Away” from right-wing control of all three branches of the federal government warns People For the American Way (PFAW) in a television ad being aired in states where Senate races are too close to call.



BTL:Bush Reaction to North Korean Nuclear Weapons Program Contrasts Sharply with... (tags)

...War Drive Against Iraq. Interview with David Wright,of the Union of Concerned Scientists by Scott Harris.

Christ I'm Actually Rising! (tags)

Chirst has like, actually come to take out the evil bushmob single handedly! He walks and talks like he's just human... Wow! Don't miss this incredible revelation!!

A threat to humanity: Bush’s new military doctrine (tags)

People's Weekly World Newspaper, Oct 19, 2002   Three weeks ago the Bush administration announced a new strategic-military policy. Named “The National Security Strategy of the United States,” the document contains little that has not been said earlier by Bush and his foreign policy aides.

Falwell Email Touts New Theocratic Law School (tags)

Falwell moves to produce right wing lawyers.

The Laughing Tailor's Bloc (tags)

Civil disobedience with a twist

BTL:Ousted Chair of U.N. Climate Panel Says U.S. Role Critical to... (tags)

...Reverse Global Warming. Interview with Robert Watson, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change conducted by Melinda Tuhus.

Bush Daddy Death Trip (tags)

It'll be the end of them! Note: LA IMC has severe problems with hackers, for I was blocked totally from reposting my last article.

BTL:Congress Gives Green Light for War with Iraq as... (tags)

...Media Narrows National Debate. Interview with Norman Solomon,author and syndicated columnist by Scott Harris

White House issues formal statement of US Foreign Policy (tags)

Now the whole world knows.

October 6: Tens of thousands pledge: (tags)

Tens of thousands said it together on October 6--in dozens of rallies and gatherings across the U.S., on banners and T-shirts, signs and songs, in chants, speeches and a solemn common pledge of resistance. Everywhere, on banners, flyers, signs and shirts was that photo of our beautiful planet floating in space--as a symbol of unity across borders and dreams of a better world.

9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans (tags)

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

Bush rewards bosses, invokes Taft-Hartley (tags)

LOS ANGELES – The labor movement reacted with outrage to George W. Bush’s decision to invoke the unionbusting Taft-Hartley Act to end an employer lockout of the West Coast International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). It was the first use of the law against the union since Richard Nixon invoked it in 1971 to interrupt a strike.

BTL:Religious Leaders Oppose White House Drive for War with Iraq (tags)

Interview Robert Edgar, general secretary of the National Council of Churches by Scott Harris

Urgent call for Congressional investigation (tags)

DoD and intelligence officials coerced to cook books! Congress needs to investigate these charges NOW - BEFORE continuing its deliberations on the war powers resolution. This changes everything.

"Important" Bush address not so important after all (tags)

AP: "Bush's address drew little interest from the television networks. ABC, NBC and CBS said they would not cover it live. The White House did not ask the networks to interrupt their normal programs for his speech."

Confronting the Warmongers (tags)

Challenging the justifications for war.

Wolves Guarding the Sheep ::: What Lies Behind Bush's WarFront? (tags)

Can the educated and thoughtful people of the world overcome the obfuscating and diversionary tactics being deployed by the White House and CIA, before “Total Space Dominance” neutralizes any opposition, or we’re all “secured” in suspect camps, whichever comes first? Will anyone ask the difficult questions, or does it all really just end with a whimper? Will America finally lay down their guns for a moment and listen to their veterans?

Bush ignores public opinion in war drive (tags)

In the face of growing public opposition and a divided Congress, President George W. Bush continued a fanatical drive towards war with Iraq pushing a bipartisan resolution giving him free reign to launch unilateral military action. Despite captiulation by some leaders of Congress, members of Congress are mounting a campaign reflecting the overwhelming calls and e-mails that have swamped their offices from constituents saying no to war.

Thousands rally in capital against war and greed (tags)

WASHINGTON – For four days last week, the capital echoed with marching feet and chants of “corporate greed has got to go” and “No war for oil!”

Oc 4: Latest News From Iraq--US Hijack UN Resolutions? More US Air Attacks, More Dirty Sec (tags)

By: At the recent report done by the congressional budget office (CBO) in Washington DC., CBO estimates that the incremental costs of deploying a force to the Persian Gulf would be between $9 billion and $13 billion. Prosecuting a war would cost between $6 billion and $9 billion a month-although how long such a war may last cannot be estimated. After hostilities end, the costs to return U.S. forces to their home bases would range between $5 billion and $7 billion, CBO estimates.

Fereydoun Hoveyda Speaks His Heart and Mind on the Issues (tags)

From his secluded home in rural Virginia, former Iranian Ambassador to the United Nations, Fereydoun Hoveyda, speaks to Global News Net for three hours on issues of both heart and mind.

Manufacturing Anti-Semites (posted by Latuff) (tags)

Relevant article on anti-Semitism from Uri Avnery, founder and activist of Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom.

US to oppose Iraq weapons inspections (tags)

Im sure you all saw this, but woah, this is fucking hillarious.

Not In Our Name Protest October 6th (tags)

Sunday October 6 - War Without End? NOT IN OUR NAME! Westwood Federal Building 1pm

Who IS the enemy here? A call for action. (tags)

Trent Lott unwittingly put his finger right on it.



Who IS the enemy here? A call for action. (tags)

Trent Lott unwittingly put his finger right on it.

september 11: Thierrry Meyssan's view (tags)

Thierry Meyssan has suffered such abuse on the intenet. Lets hear what he has to say. Here is his speech in abu dhabi


Visit this Web page to quickly send a letter to Congressional leaders supporting the peace alternative to Bush's Iraq war resolution:

Sen. Byrd warns of another Gulf of Tonkin (tags)

see. LBJ tapes re: Gulf of Tonkin

The Hitler. Oops, I mean the Bush Doctrine (tags)

Recently the comparison was made that the tactics of the Bush regime were the same as Hitler's in the thirties. With the release of the so called Bush doctrine this week which should really be titled The American Global Primacy Plan, it should now be quite clear to our liberal friends in congress that the Fourth Reich has finally risen.

Zac In The Bush (Sept.21, 2002 version) (tags)

I explain why, arguably, 911 conspirator George Bush & his co-terrorists U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI director Robert Mueller and his predecessors Thomas Pickard and Louis Freeh ought to be shackled and goggled and flown to Guantanamo.

Medical Marijuana Protest in Sacramento on Monday (tags)

Thousands of patients, caregivers, students and concerned citizens will march to the state capital this Monday, Sept 23 to decry the Ashcroft Justice Department’s accelerated war on state approved and licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in California which serve mostly terminally ill patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other ailments.

Bush Daddy Religion (tags)

It's stupidity!

Washington: People's Strike Update (tags)

All the information on the People's Strike activities which will cause a shutdown of the government and downtown businesses of DC on Fri. morn. Sep. 27 and related activites...

The Bush administration charts course towards global catastrophe (tags)

The biggest threat to world peace and our nation’s security emanates not from the caves of Afghanistan, but from the Oval Office in the White House. If anyone thought that Bush’s talk about unending war was hyperbole, they now know they were wrong.

War Powers Abuses (tags)

Discussion of specifics regarding FBI's abuse of power.

Red Targets in the ''War on Terrorism'' (tags)

Think about that. Hundreds of al-Qaeda, demanding principally that the U.S. get its troops out of Saudi Arabia. Tens of thousands of communist-led guerrillas---and many millions who identify with the legacy of the historical left---demanding an end to exploitation and inequality on the planet.

Raise the qestions that need to be asked with Sidewalk Chalk! (tags)

Because of corporate control of the media, and their reliance on info from the Pentagon and the White House, there are lots of questions, clues, hints, lots of information in general that is not getting all the way through to the majority of American people. We can change that!

Sludge Report #140 - Thou Shalt Not Steal (tags)

In This Edition: Thou Shalt Not Steal - This Is Not About Persuasion, It Is About PR For A Decision Already Taken - The Countdown To War Has Begun - Poppy’s Friends Run Interference For Junior - The Prize – Cui Bono – Commanders In Thief - There Is Always An Alternative

The battle cry in Florida: Jeb must go! (tags)

PALM BEACH, Fla. – Hundreds of election campaigners who gathered here, Aug. 27, for a debate between Democratic candidates for Florida governor were divided on who should win the Sept. 10 primary. But they had a unanimous verdict for the incumbent: “Jeb Bush must go.”

Think About It (tags)

This article is the one written just weeks following 9-11 mentioned in "Leftist Conservatism" that was ignored by nearly all on the left

Protest War and Resident Bush with Sidewalk Chalk (tags)

Call for Anti-war, anti-terror, Chalking Action!

Opposition grows to war with Iraq (tags)

Growing opposition to the Bush administration’s planned attack on Iraq, even from prominent right-wing Republicans, provides a “window of opportunity” to prevent such a war, Kathy Kelly, coordinator of Voices in the Wilderness, a humanitarian group working to end economic sanctions against Iraq, told the World.

Bush Daddy Country (tags)

It spread like a "Serpent"!

2nd Call for Info Chalking Action (tags)

Sidewalk Chalk and a message!

Planning Events for NOT IN OUR NAME 06 (tags)


The Momentum Continues (tags)

Texans welcoming pResident Bush back to his self-adopted home, cuz you know , he's really not a Texan.

World Leaders Debate Environment and Economics at Largest UN Summit Ever Held (tags)

World leaders, activists, and business elite gather in Johannesburg to decide the fate of the planet in what is shaping up to be merely another clash between globolizatiion proponents who want to impose free markets and privatization as the path to sustainable development, versus environmental and social justice activists who say the neoliberal model is inherently unsustainable.

Cheney, Rumsfeld Help Coverup CIA Scientist's Murder (tags)

Secret documents have revealed that Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld helped cover up the murder of former senior CIA scientist Frank Olson, a key member of the CIAs secret brainwashing programme MK-ULTRA.


Many years passed before the great majority took notice that the revolutionaries of Vietnam fought for all humanity. One day something similar will happen with the FARC. The real enemy is the same. In another context, the women and men of the guerrilla movement of comandante Manuel Marulanda find themselves involved in a struggle that transcends the tragic Colombian scene. Resisting, they fight also for humanity.

A Cuban cartoonist talks of his art and Cuba (tags)

Arístides Esteban Hernández Guerrero, known as Ares, is an internationally acclaimed cartoonist living in Havana. His drawings have won hundreds of awards in world cartooning and satire competitions.

Iowa labor maps Election 2002 fight (tags)

WATERLOO, Iowa – The 46th convention of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, opened here Aug. 14 with a blistering attack on the policies of the Bush administration. It ended two days later with a plan of action aimed at electing worker-friendly candidates to Congress and the Iowa legislature, with a special emphasis on re-electing Sen. Tom Harkin.

Capitalist politicians divided whether US imperialism is good idea (tags)

BOGOTA -- Opposition to a U.S. order for Colombia to back immunity for U.S. troops before the International Criminal Court could spell difficulty for newly inaugurated White House representative Alvaro Uribe.

Call for anti-war Chalking Action! (tags)

Sidewalk Chalk and a message!

20 Things learned after 9-11 (tags)

Twenty Things We've Learned Nearly A Year After 911

ILWU faces historic moment for Union and Nation (tags)

ILWU faces historic moment for Union and Nation. story from portland indymedia.


Why there will be no invasion of Iraq...

White House promotes terrorism and drug trafficking in Colombia (tags)

BOGOTA, — Just as another U.S. puppet, Alvaro Uribe Velez, begins his term determined to combat Washington's fear Colombia's communist guerrillas, the Bush administration has decided to publicly announce what has been up until now secret; the use of nearly $1.7 billion in U.S. military aid directly against the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

Trouble Erupts In California Pollution Trading Market (tags)

News Analysis: Trouble Erupts In California Pollution Credit Market Just As President Proposes “Clear Skies” Market For Power Plants


Greens demand that critics of Bush's intended invasion be included in hearings, especially UN weapons inspectors

The Saddam in Rumsfeld’s Closet (tags)

“Man and the turtle are very much alike. Neither makes any progress without sticking his neck out.” —Donald Rumsfeld

Sachs says: 'Forget Debt, Spend on AIDS' (tags)

Columbia University economist Jeffrey Sachs says poor countries should simply stop making debt service payments and spend that money on health & education instead. As Jubilee South says, "Don't Owe, Won't Pay."

Resistance of Seattle (tags)

The intesification of the war with Iraq must be stopped but it can only be accomplished with widespread civil disobediance.

Main St. goes to Wall St. (tags)

NEW YORK – Workers chanting, “Who’s city? Our city!” rallied here outside the New York Stock Exchange with laid-off workers from WorldCom, Enron and Arthur Andersen to tell Corporate America, “No more business as usual!”

House Amendment Passes Calling for Independent Commission on 9-11 (tags)

Independent Commission on 9-11 Amendments Introduced by Tim Roemer (D), and Christopher Smith (R) Now Call for Inclusion of Victim Families Senate Action Pending – The Two Ends Don’t Meet

IMMORAL TENET & HIS BLIND-EYE SURVEILLANCE (July 25, 2002 version) (tags)

The CIA placed two Sept. 11 skyjackers under surveillance as early as January 2000 - arguably only to allow them to ram American Airlines 77 into the Pentagon on Sept. 11 (IF indeed AA77 ever crashed into the Pentagon).

Forbidden Truth:Mainstream Media Sellout (tags)

That Washington's media elite appears to be anesthetized to Bush's current drive to turning the United States into some mirror image of East Germany, China, or Pinochet's Chile cannot be overstated.

Coup-making in Venezuela: the Bush and oil factors (tags)

As efforts to overthrow Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez intensify, two facts are inescapable: the power elite in the United States has never been happy with democratically-elected Chávez, but it took the Bush administration, with its corporate oil and energy connections, to turn up the heat against him.

The politics of murder (tags)

Pressed as to why the U.S. has not done so after twenty two months in which barely a day has passed without U.S. weapons being used to add to the mounting list of Palestinian victims in the Occupied Territories, Boucher said: "All we've ever really answered in response to these questions is to note that we have not made such a report, and should we do so we'll tell you. At this point we haven't."

IAP Action Alert (tags)


Bush Daddy Alert! (tags)

Beware the calamity that arises from Bush Daddy!. Note: "Perpetual War" is good; but consider that WW II is still going on with the "closeted" Third Reich.



excerpts from 'A Very American Coup' (tags)

Michael Moore reports on the Florida 2000 "elections" in his book, STUPID WHITE MEN. There's a lot here but please read the numbers. The full chapter is at:


In a trial balloon by the regime to gauge public reaction, a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission (!) said in Detroit on Friday he could "foresee" a "scenario" in which "the public" would "demand" internment camps for ArabAmericans if "Arab terrorists" strike "again" in this country.

House Republicans move to kill Operation TIPS (tags)

The right-wing Washington Times is reporting that House Republicans are taking action to kill Operation TIPS. Apparently the growing public outcry over this program has made them queasy about supporting the Bush adminstration on this issue.

The Family that Preys Together (tags)

Something to tell your neighbours, before they start the TIPS program hahahahha

Today's Voice: 3-Strikes is Inhumane and Unjust (tags)

The Media tells us what is wrong with the world; Voice4change will tell you what to do about it! Our member organizations are busy organizing, so we want to bring their message to you. Our affiliates are doing great work every day. They need your support…We will be their link to you. Sign on to

The Bush Cabal: Turning the USA into a Banana Republic (tags)

The Bush Cabal: Turning the USA into a Banana Republic

Bush Texans, bullies at G8 (tags)

Ottawa says Bush 'Texans' tried to bully G8 host > 'In your face with a boxing glove'

To Attempt Shut Down of 9/11 Evidence (tags)

UQ Wire: DOJ To Attempt Shut Down of 9/11 Evidence Thursday, 11 July 2002, 6:53 pm

Bush covers for Wall Street thieves (tags)

WASHINGTON – Hammered with questions about his links to corporate crime, President George W. Bush hastily travelled to Wall Street July 9 and vowed to crack down on CEOs who enrich themselves through fraud while employees lose their jobs, pensions and health benefits.

Flashpoints Radio July 11: Inglewood videographer arrested; Jenin hit again; mo (tags)

KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 11, 2002: -Inglewood cop videographer arrested/ live screaming audio, Robert Knight report (4 min) -Vieques protests continue under charges Vieques crew helped Venezualan coup attempt (16 min) -ISM Cleva Butterly from Jenin where crazed Israelis open fire on marketplace once again, hitting a ten year old and two journalists (18 min) -Network Against Disinformation (NAD) action tomorrow Friday, noon, at the SF Chronicle building at 901 Mission Street cross street Fifth... PLEASE SHOW UP! -end of show (12 min

President Bush Announces Greed Office Defense Initiative (tags)

New cabinet-level office will help fight War on Capitalist Greed

Labor solidarity backs West Coast dockers (tags)

OAKLAND – Leaders of unions representing transport workers from around the world locked arms at a Solidarity Day rally here on June 27 in support of the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU). The ILWU is in the battle of its life, faced with a threatened lockout by the Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) – and the danger that President Bush will invoke the Taft-Hartley Act in the event of a strike or slowdown.

Saving and improving Social Security: The Communist Party’s solution (tags)

Marx’s observation that the task of a movement goes beyond mere interpretation of events was never more apt than when it comes to the struggle to defend – and improve – the Social Security system.

Los Angeles airport shooting kills 3: 'No indication' that terrorism involved (tags)

LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A gunman opened fire Thursday at Los Angeles International Airport while standing in line at the ticket counter of Israel's El Al Airlines, officials said, killing two and wounding four others before an airline security officer shot him dead.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/5/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.3MB & quick/streaming-3.3MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Spain, and Cuba

Arizona Burns, Chemtrail Complicity, Harrp Is Suspect (tags)

"... the goal is to learn how to manipulate the ionosphere on a more grand scale than the the Soviet Union could do with its similar facilities. HAARP would be the largest ionospheric heater in the world...

What Bush Doesn't Know About Palestine (tags)

Yasser Arafat established a Constitution Committee in 1999, long before either George Bush or Ariel Sharon came to power and assumed the right to tell Palestinians how to run their affairs.


Christison: Full Story of Resolution 242.. A MUST READ (tags)

Kathleen Christison worked for 16 years as a political analyst with the CIA, dealing first with Vietnam and then with the Middle East

Why is the US media blacking out documentary on war crimes in Afghanistan? (tags)

This major story, however, has received virtually no coverage in US newspapers or on network or cable television. Aside from stories on some alternative Internet publications, and a June 16 article on, the story has been essentially blacked out in the US. A search for news about the documentary in the major dailies—including the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Boston Globe and the Miami Herald —turned up empty. Web sites for ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News and CNN have likewise carried nothing on the film.

George w sued over NY terror attacks (tags)

how complicit is the us government- a court case attempts to find out , the corporate media ignores it

White House Assigns Itself the Power to Determine Who is a Terrorist... (tags)

White House Assigns Itself the Power to Determine Who is a Terrorist, While Denying an American Defendant Due Process and Access to Attorney. Between The Lines' Scott Harris Interviews Theresa Younger, executive director of the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union.

S.F. attorney: Bush allowed 9/11 (tags)

Reprinted from Sunday's SF Examiner, SF attorney Hilton, a former aide to Bob Dole, claims he has a stronger argument that Bush knew about 911 plot beforehand.

Bush Administration Ignores its Own EPA's Report... (tags)

...Acknowledging Growing Danger of Global Warming. Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus Interviews Jon Coifman, spokesperson of the National Resources Defense Council.


Does President Bush pull President Clinton's trick legally?

Pres. Bush & the Nazis (tags)

As George "War" Bush speaks at Normandy this Memorial Day, May 27, 2002, in an insulting attempt to cast himself in the image of a World War 2 hero, let us remember that the Bush family has a history of collaboration with the Nazis, and this latest American Hitler is carrying on that same tradition. His junior partners, the Zionists, also are well-known Nazi collaborators.

Proof Bush knew about Targets!!! (tags)

This proves the Bush adminastration knew of the targets, but they allowed it to happen because of the profits to be made by carlyle group etc... in which the Bush family has a large stake...

Hundreds of Israeli Army Reservists Refuse to Serve in Occupied Territories (tags)

Lt. Noam Wiener is a 27-year-old lieutenant in the Israeli Army Reserves and a law student who has signed the Courage to Refuse declaration. Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Lt. Wiener about why he has refused to serve in the occupied territories and in so doing, risk imprisonment.

Drunken Ozzy Bites Head Off Genetically Engineered Salmon at White House Dinner (tags)

The White House’s 88th annual Correspondents Association dinner ended unexpectedly this past weekend when widely publicized guest Ozzy Osbourne engaged in a wild geeking competition with Commander in Chief, George www. Bush. The dinner has come to serve as a traditional means for the White House to wine and dine those in the media who’ve been particularly instrumental in making the government look good, or at least better, in the public’s eye. However.... For the rest of this article, feel free to visit or just click on the link included.

Grassroots Campaign Launched to Oppose Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Dump and... (tags)

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Deborah Katz, executive director of the Citizens Awareness Network, which organized the Wesleyan conference.

Nation of Aztlan Issues a Call to Action (tags)

"We can not remain silent and immobile while the Palestinian people are being systematically exterminated by Ariel Sharon - the Butcher of Sabra, Shatila, Qibya, and Jenin." - Chairman Cuauhtemoc

Gina Record interview- one person's ideas (tags)

Gina Record participates in the Venice Peace March. Another IMC member suggested this interview.

Bono, the New Poster Boy for Globalization (tags)

NPR State Radio just aired a report stating that Bono of the band U2 agrees with the conditions that the IMF and the World Bank set before an already raped and pillaged nation can get a loan.


Your country is being taken over by a gang of fanatical Right Wing militarists from the White House to the Pentagon. This news report reveals that the USA is shifting its plan for use of Nuclear weapons from that of Deterrence to active (i.e. Offensive) war-fighting ability, including against non-nuclear states and under any pretext.

Arrogance of Power, American Czar (tags)


BTL White House Drive for New War with Iraq Faces International Opposition (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Denis Halliday, former Under-Secretary General at the UN in charge of Iraq's oil for food program, who resigned his post in protest of economic sanctions in 1998. Halliday examines Washington's war plans and the potential threat that Iraq poses to its neighbors and the U.S.

Canadian Newspaper Cracks Wide Open 911/CIA Story (tags)

Vancouver Sun article reveals the truth behind 9/11 – government and CIA complicity in the attacks on the WTC. Think the US media will follow suit?? It’s up to us to spread this story far and wide – congresspeople, media outlets, email lists, etc etc. The American people have the right to know that the real “enemy” is not “out there” but right here in the White House.

Denominational disaster as Bush mixes up his D-words (tags)

Oops. The Idiot tripped on his own tongue again. On, the person posting this story (ID#137159) proposes that Bush's apparent slip was, in fact, intentional -- so that his cronies could profit from the resultant currency fluctuation. Perhaps. More likely, the Moron just flubbed things up once again; and his Wall Street Dons, who knew he had merely mispoken, were probably able to take advantage in the interim before things were clarified.

John M Poindexter & the 'Information Awareness Office' (tags)

The Iran-Contra boys are back!

Cliff Baxter's Suicide (tags)

Former Enron vice-chairman, J. Clifford Baxter, was apparently "suicided" to protect the White House and Daddy Bush and his Family. This was similar to the way Clinton White House Deputy Counsel, Vincent W. Foster, Jr., was likewise "suicided" early in the Clinton Administration to prevent testimony from being available that most likely would have sent President Clinton and his wife to federal prison.

WEF's weak point! (tags)

The World Economic Forum has a weak point!

WEF Weak Point (tags)

The World Economic Forum has a weak point

Canadian Network Vision TV Broadcasts "What Really Happened on September 11th?" (tags)

Monday, Jan. 21st at 10:30 PM (EST), Vision TV (VSN) aired a segment about the discrepancies in the official story surrounding the events of September 11th.

Democracy in USA is fragile - a letter to the editor (tags)

Part I

Dead Men don't Talk (tags)

The war on drugs was to eliminate the competition against the CIA in drug sales and distribution. They created the Crips & Bloods and supplied both with drugs and set them against each other... more importantly they bought Bill Clinton the White House, and killed many honest Americans along the way...and they made you pay for it through taxes...

Bush's choke on coke (tags)

President Bush fainted briefly

''Enron's corruption ends at steps of the White House'' (tags)

(YellowTimes.ORG) – After the Houston-based energy company Enron filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection last month, the company’s trail of corruption leads directly to the Bush administration’s backyard. The connections between members of the Bush administration...

"Why, some of my best friends are Pakis." (tags)

In a little reported incident... President Bush has insulted the very people he calls "allies."

"THE RELATIVITY OF LOUTISM" by jim hightower (tags)

his newest column

My Resignation from the Democratic Party (tags)

The United States has effectively become a military dictatorship with a mere window dressing of democracy. This is unacceptable to myself and to the immortal soul of the Constitution of the United States of America.

More Puzzling Evidence - The Missing Osama Tape (tags)

Is there some other reason the White House is so sensitive to these conspiracy theories?

Fuehrer Bush OKs Military Trials for Civilians (tags)

President Bush signed an order Tuesday that would allow the government to try people accused of terrorism in front of a special military commission instead of in civilian court. Compare and contrast with the rise of Hitler's power in Nazi Germany.

Gore Won the 2000 Presidential Election! from Democracy Now! 11/13/01 (tags)

To listen to this remarkable and lengthy (27m) Democracy Now! segment go to: or simply go to

U.S. Government Had Prior Knoledge Of Emergency (tags)

Why Does The Dog Wag His Tail, Because He is Smarter, If The Tail Were Smarter, The Tail Would Wag The Dog. -Wag The Dog

Bush Begs Hollywood To Produce War Propaganda Films (tags)

HOLLYWOODis getting its call-up papers. The recruiting sergeant, in the person of President Bush's special adviser Karl Rove, arrives in Los Angeles tomorrow to meet the film industry's most important studio chiefs.

Total Media Domination Hinders One World Government (tags)

'Infinitely more shameful - and unethical - were the disgraceful words of Walter Isaacson, the chairman of CNN, to his staff. Showing the misery of Afghanistan ran the risk of promoting enemy propaganda, he said.

Top Bush Aide to Meet with Studios on War (tags)

Hollywood: Senior advisor Karl Rove is to lead dialogue on U.S. image with entertainment chiefs. Observers stress need to monitor any pact.

The last line of defense of American Civil Liberties is under attack. (tags)

As one might expect from the supreme court installed dictator in the White House and his pals in the congress, it now looks as though the last line of defense of American civil liberties is under attack.

Bush urges Diamondbacks to take a dive for national unity (tags)

Bush reps met with AZ Diamondbacks manager Monday night, urging his team to throw the World Series in the 7th game, for the sake of national unity

Rumsfeld & Tribune/LA Times History--Part I (tags)

Rumsfeld sat on Tribune media conglomerate board and Tribune's LA Times subsidiary has a history of being a pro-war propaganda instrument

Bush Signs Broad Anti-Terrorism Bill (tags)

"Today, we take an essential step in defeating terrorism while protecting the constitutional rights of all Americans," Bush said at a White House ceremony. "This government will enforce this law with all the urgency of a nation at war."

Call Bush on 10/24! National Anti-War Call-In Campaign (tags)

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and other national peace and justice organizations are calling for a National Call-In to the White House, Representatives, and Senators on Wednesday, October 24, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST, to STOP THE BOMBING OF AFGHANISTAN! Below is information about the action steps to take. Please take a few moments on 10/24 to make these calls! This is easy to do and our phone calls in huge numbers won't go unnoticed. And please forward this information to all your friends and family in the U.S. Thanks.

o27 - Int'l Day of Action vs. War & Racism (tags)


A different kind of TV war (tags)

We learned this week that if we can't bring Osama bin Laden to justice dead or alive, the White House can still slap him with that most American form of capital punishment - kicking him off network television. Commentary from the New York Times.

*URGENT* Senate to Vote on Drilling In ANWR!! (tags)

The White House's Attack on America continues pressuring the Senate to vote on ANWR drilling during an exceptionally vulnerable time for the United States.

Senator Blocks Attempt to Pass Bill (tags)

Call congressional reps and senators now! Call Feingold and urge him not to give in! Read below, and compare Feingold's relatively minor objections and then compare those to the other totalitarian police powers described in that he is NOT objecting to! The capitol switchboard number is 202.224.3121

WWIII Has Begun (tags)

October 7, 2001

Fast Track Now?? (tags)

In what should be recognized as scandalous opportunism, the Bush Administration and the pro-free trade think tanks have been exploiting the political leverage they've gained in the wake of the S11 tragedies to try to win "Fast Track Trade Authority" for the pResident.

DEPOSE BUSH!!! (tags)

There is now more than enough evidence of the Bush family's business dealings with Osama bin Laden, plus their history of collaborating with Nazi Germany to more than justify a Congressional investigation and impeachment.

Media's Role During the Nation's Crisis: Investigative Journalism or... (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with journalist and author Danny Schechter, executive editor at, who, over the last four decades, has worked for both corporate and independent media outlets. He examines the role of the press since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

Article -- S29 Anti-War Protesters March on D.C. (tags)

Led by the newly-formed A.N.S.W.E.R. Coalition, demonstrators marched on the capitol to protest President Bush's "New War" on terrorism.

U.S. Peace Movement Confronts Unique Set of Issues in Responding to... (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with peace activist David McReynolds, who has worked for many years with the War Resisters League based in New York City. McReynolds examines the issues confronting the U.S. peace movement, in the wake of assaults on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

facist Italian prime minister says Western civilization superior to Islamic (tags)

He told a news conference, "We must be aware of the superiority of our civilization, a system that has guaranteed well-being, respect for human rights and -- in contrast with Islamic countries -- respect for religious and political rights, a system that has as its values understandings of diversity and tolerance." hah! like he cares about human rights or freedom. dirty facist.

Hot spots of resistance (tags)

Almost not recognized by the media, there is more resistance than they let us believe...

S29 - Tell Bush: NO to Racism and War (tags)

S29 - Tell Bush: NO to Racism and War - A Message from the International Action Center

Right Wing Wigs Out-Falwell, Robertson, Coulter Go Over The Edge (tags)

Rightwing religious zealots Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson attempted to shift blame for the slaughter of innocents away from their fellow religious fanatics in the ranks of Islam, and put it squarely on the shoulders of secular and religious Americans who don't share their brand of bigotry. Meanwhile, anti-feminist columnist Ann Coulter called for an outright holy war. "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

Faith in corporate media is rooted in authoritarianism (tags)

This may be obvious to some

Salon: Bush Ignored Bipartisan Report Warning of Danger Last January (tags)

Former Sens. Gary Hart (D-CO), and Warren Rudman, (R-NH), co-chaired the U.S. Commission on National Security/21st Century, chartered by the Defense Department, which issued a report in January that got serious attention from Congress before the Bush Administration shot it down, promising to start from scratch with its own own commission-on Oct. 1.

This Means War!!!?!!! (tags)

1) Apparently, the FAA failed to track the aircraft despite standard procedure; 2) the US military failed to provide defense against the second attack on Manhattan despite ample time and resources to do so; 3) the aircraft supposedly targeting the White House instead hit a portion of the Pentagon which was conveniently under construction by workers; 4) the plummeting US stock markets were conveniently closed after the attack...

Support Free Speech lawsuit vs. DC Police (tags)

Join the Free Speech Lawsuit!!! The International Action Center is making a unique request to people to fill out an affidavit in support of the legal challenge to the "wall."

Surround the White House Sat, Sept 29 (tags)

The International Action Center - L.A., in coalition with others, is calling on the people of Los Angeles to surround the White House on Sat, Sept 29 to defeat the Bush program.

Friday 8/10 Phone & Fax Blast To Free Genoa Prisoners (tags)

Please participate in immediate action to release jailed PublixTheatre Caravan and other G8 prisoners.

"Bush Daddy Delusions" (tags)

Just as Bush Daddy probably never gave a speech when he was in the White House, he probably didn't have anything to do with what happened in the Persian Gulf War; but he makes like he did by acting like he is too modest to talk about it.

Loggers Try to Demonize Environmental Groups as 'Terrorists' (tags)

Last month, industry lobbyists, led by Boise Cascade, wrote to the Internal Revenue Service arguing that groups such as RAN had violated the terms of their tax-exempt status because they engaged in civil disobedience.

Public Citizen Report Exposes Drug Industry Spending Blitz to Keep Prices High (tags)

The pharmaceutical industry launched an unprecedented lobbying blitz last year to stop Congress from enacting a Medicare drug benefit, spending a record $262 million on political influence in the 1999-2000 election cycle, including $177 million on lobbying, $65 million on issue ads and $20 million on campaign contributions - more than any other industry in 1999-2000. It hired 625 different lobbyists last year - or more than one lobbyist for every member of Congress. More than half were either former members of Congress (21) or worked in Congress or other federal agencies (295).

Police Raid Protesters' Headquarters (tags)

Police take into custody some members of the anti-globalization Genoa Social Forum, after raiding their center in Genoa, Italy, early Sunday, July 22, 2001. Police entered the school, where most of the activists were camping in search of incriminating material after Friday and Saturday's violence in the streets of Genoa. Dozens were arrested while ambulances carried away several other injured people after the raid. (AP Photo/Luca Bruno)

Dagger Aimed at Sharon Really Meant for Israel (tags)

This week, Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, said that Sharon — now Israel's prime minister — should be put on trial as a war criminal for what happened in 1982. "There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity," says Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. I suppose this should make me sympathetic to the campaign to brand Sharon a war criminal. But I'm not, because I don't think Human Rights Watch is acting in good faith.

Dagger Aimed at Sharon Really Meant for Israel (tags)

This week, Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, said that Sharon — now Israel's prime minister — should be put on trial as a war criminal for what happened in 1982. "There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity," says Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. I suppose this should make me sympathetic to the campaign to brand Sharon a war criminal. But I'm not, because I don't think Human Rights Watch is acting in good faith.

White House Press Briefing with Ari Fleischer Monday, July 2, 2001 1:15 PM (tags)

Has the President expressed a view on the death penalty for corporate criminals -- that is, revoking the charter of a corporation that has been convicted of a crime that has resulted in death?

Company Linked To Bush Seeks Gag On Guardian (tags)

"Barrick is shopping around the world for libel courts which will hear its case and silence human rights workers and reporters. It is using the vicious British libel laws to gag freedom of speech."

Alert! Press Lynching by Libel Law (tags)


Republican's new emblem!! (tags)

funny funny funny

Has This Whole Planet Gone Rogue, Or What? (tags)

For the rest of this horribly interesting report you must, right now, go to!


Project Abolition to rally against Star Wars “national missile defense” and nuclear weapons

Conservatives Who Don't Conserve (tags)

A commentary on recent energy policies and those who propose them


Project Abolition to rally against Star Wars "national missile defense" and nuclear weapons

Bush Coming To Southern California (tags)

Bush Heading to State This Month

U.S. Gas Prices Up, Up and Away (tags)

U.S. retail gasoline prices hit an all-time high Monday the Energy Department reported on Monday. The Energy Department shows U.S. gasoline inventories at 199 million barrels, down 8 million barrels from a year ago and far below average levels for this time of year. Increased summer demand will continue to drive the price of gasoline to even higher levels


The Washington press corps is wowed by George W. Bush's handling of the China-plane crisis…the credulous treatment of the spin coming out of the White House is reminiscent of the Reagan-Bush era when author Mark Hertsgaard aptly described the national press corps as "on bended knee" before Ronald Reagan....

Major flooding in the White House - our beds are burning (tags)

- Bush's campaign for presidency was backed and financed by major US oil giants, which campaigned against the international treaty to prevent global warming. President George W Bush is commited to ruin the climate.

A Miracle Almost Happened Today, But It Was Not So Miraculous... (tags)

According to the associated press, a man brandishing a gun outside the White House fence was shot by a Secret Service officer Wednesday after a 10-minute standoff, officials said. The episode triggered a tight security clampdown

COUPWATCH: The Court Packs Itself (tags)

No Justice, No Justices--it's not just a wild-eyed idea from the fringe. After Lincoln's assassination the Congress blocked Andrew Johnson's threat to consolidate the conservative wing of the Court, preventing the replacement of retiring justices by the man made President by John Wilkes Booth. A similar logic applies today, argues distinguished political philosopher and constitutional scholar Bruce Ackerman (author of "Social Justice in the Liberal State") in an article published in The American Prospect.

Print this picture and send it to the White House, the Congress and the Press (tags)


COUPWATCH: OMB Watch on Faith-based initiatives (tags)

Under "charitable choice" there can be a merging of services and religious message even as federal funding is not used to pay for the non-secular message. The wall of separation is diminished. The irony is that one week ago President Bush, through executive memo, created an unusual wall of separation. He prohibited the use of government funds for international groups that use their own money to advocate for pro-choice or provide counseling on such issues. It seems political message may be more important that consistency.

Bush's Smear and Retreat Propaganda Tactics (tags)

After a coup, state-sponsored propaganda spoonfed to the media and masses is par for the course. Who cares if it was all totally fabricated, if the Bush administration broadcasted pure lies and GOP dupes and media swallowed it wholesale? That's how state-sponsored propaganda works! Hey, if it worked in the Soviet Union and Florida, it can work across the nation! The GOP's new motto: Don't just "get over it," get used to it!

Protests Work! (tags)

Inauguration protests were successful today

CA Power Crisis: The Enron/Bush Connection (tags)

California's power crisis goes all the way to the White House. Enron, Bu$h's largest donor, is the leading business connection behind our state's disconnection. Now Bush says we'll have to pollute more.

Important: DC RAAB Update, Assembly Point Change (tags)

Franklin Square between I and K on 14th Street

Sore Winners (tags)

Bushs' bullies cry foul at media recounts while the Shrub appoints an Attorney General whose first act may well be an attempt to reinstate burning at the stake.

Leonard Peltier - Action Alert (tags)

Free Leonard Peltier Demand that President Clinton grant clemency peition

Call to action (tags)

its time to get rad. the time is right. I lifted this from the main Indymedia site to bring to LA. Perhaps waiting until January is too late.

A Totally New Way to Vote (tags)

The idea behind allows dissatisfied Gore and Bush voters to make a pact in pairs and both cast their ballot for Nader (or any third party candidate). This way voters don't affect the balance between Gore and Bush, but give TWO additional votes to the third party candidate.

A vote for Gore will throw election (tags)

If you vote for Gore, you are throwing the election to Bush/Gore and their billionaire friends. Friends of democracy planning to vote for Gore can swing this election to a win for democracy...

White House Voices Support For Bush's Texas Record (tags)

According to this published report, the White House Has Plenty of Nice Things to Say About Gov. Bush's Record In Texas. This Contradicts Gore's Campaign.

a commercial (tags)


Environmentalists Against Gore Speak Out (tags)

After eight years of environmental betrayals, largely buried in the corporate press, grassroots environmetal leaders cry, "Enough!"


PINAR DEL RIO, Cuba -- President Fidel Castro celebrated the communist revolution he began more than 40 years ago by offering his analysis Saturday of the American presidential race, saying Texas Gov. George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore are "boring and insipid" candidates.

Democratic Party of CA Passed Resolution for Peltier Clemency (tags)

The Democratic Party of California passed a unanimous resolution in support of Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier (text below).

They want to win (tags)

ditto-head (tags)

ignored tags synonyms top tags bottom tags