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first world war

Regaining peacekeeping capabiities (tags)

The war could have been settled by the end of March 2022 if the USA had joined in. The question is who is the aggressor here. Vladimir Putin crossed a red line with the invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022. NATO and the United States under Barack Obama crossed a red line with the Maidan coup they staged in 2014, and even before that with NATO's eastward expansion.

Labor migration has always existed (tags)

Labor migration to Germany has a history: Italian guest workers in the 1960s The labor shortage in the countryside is becoming increasingly noticeable, and it is becoming more and more difficult to find local workers; on the other hand, the demand for migrant workers, mainly foreigners, is increasing. (...)

A Conversation on our "Nihilistic Age" (tags)

As religious authority wanes, fundamental values—including the very value of truth—don’t die, but rather lose their absolute status and go a little haywire as a result... When the value of values declines, values don’t vanish but become trivial, fungible, instrumentalizable.

The sun is setting in the West (tags)

The West's misjudgement also applies to the course of the war, where the Russian army is advancing again after the failed counter-offensive in Ukraine. There is a shortage of weapons, ammunition and soldiers. The strategy of wearing down the West seems to be working. In the US, the Biden administration is already encountering difficulties in mobilizing further war credits.

The difference between wanting to and being able to (tags)

The war has exacted an enormous price in terms of human lives, destruction, economic and political collateral damage in Ukraine, in the EU and worldwide. Its continuation would further increase the horrors.The war has changed shape: it has become a proxy war and a war of world order between the West and Russia.

The great uprooting (tags)

People's disorientation makes them controllable & manageable. The pseudo-pandemic, alleged man-made climate change, Russophobia and gender madness confirm this every day. Disoriented masses can be swayed in any direction by ideologies and media propaganda and are therefore exactly what those in power want. Uprooting people has been going on for centuries.

The military will not solve a single problem (tags)

Solidarity could also be understood and implemented differently: as a concept that reduces violence and aims at protecting human lives in concrete terms. This includes not only refugee aid, humanitarian aid & all conceivable diplomacy. It is also important to examine whether social resistance measures planned for the short term make sense in this highly escalated situation.

How can we regain peace and how can we keep it? (tags)

There is no doubt that Mahatma Gandhi is right. Peace does not come from the motivation of fear, on the contrary, only from the strength of one’s own person; through loyalty to oneself, and through the courage to have one’s own conscience. In Indian: Satyagraha (persistent adherence to the truth), “think for yourself” Kant would have said, “remain yourself.”

From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences (tags)

Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming.

Elisabeth Bronfen: "What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress" (tags)

We've greatly reduced the required reading... Five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, plus the one compulsory piece of Shakespeare from the basic course and vampire and fantasy stories. If very little is read, diversity goes out the window, too.

The UN Charter must be the heart and coul of any new peace architecture (tags)

The Ukrainian war will also end one day, and we will have to strive again for a new peace order to "save future generations from the scourge of war." A peaceful and fair world for the soon to be 10 billion inhabitants of the earth, 9 billion from the 'Global South', must be built on the principles of the UN Charter. The UN Charter must therefore be at the center of every peace movement.

Welcome to post-democracy! (tags)

In the current systemic crisis, this capitalist pseudo-democracy is producing a real dystopia on a par with the nightmares of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley: the apparently responsible citizen (in reality a powerless object in the heteronomous process of capital exploitation) chooses the way in which his intensified exploitation and alienation is to be concretely organized and perfected.

The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals (tags)

Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler).

Ukraine war: Why is the Pentagon actually running out of ammunition? (tags)

The larger problem is financialization. Step by step, this conquered all areas of society. And finally it also reached the holy grail of the military-industrial complex. With financialization came the neoliberal market doctrines of capacity reduction, downsizing, "lean inventories," and cutting costs.

War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.

Defensive Invasion & Strategies of Power (tags)

Imagine it's war and no one goes! This dream is being hurled into the dustbin of history by NATO. War is socially acceptable again, new lifestyle. Many voices cry for revenge, cry for the most modern weapons. It all seems like a duplicate of the US founding story.

The final system question Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory" has been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

The geopolitical confrontation between China and the West and Peace logic (tags)

The main issue is monopolarity or multipolarity. And this also raises the question of geopolitical hegemony. In other words, whether Western interests will remain supreme and Western value systems will therefore be of universal significance?

In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)

Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.

Peace and Provocation: Is Zelensky intent on WW3? (tags)

A quiet voice inside you could be saying: "Thou shalt not kill!" So you take the rifle and break it over your knees. Then you have them all against you, the press, the priests, public opinion. Then you're a contrarian, a fantasist, a pacifist. But you said 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself."

The birth of propaganda and The war of perception (tags)

One of the founding fathers of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays, therefore also openly admitted that especially in democracies, where the majority of people decide, the control of thoughts and feelings is a central tool. "Public relations involves 'the engineering of consent.'"

Putin's authoritarian regime poses as resistance fighter (tags)

After the collapse of ‘really existing socialism,’ the liberal fairy tale we were told had it that democracy and a market economy would open the way to freedom and prosperity for all members of world society. This illusion has disgraced itself miserably.

The historic push of East Central Europe into Nato (tags)

What is the end of the war song? It is and was destruction, death, human suffering and traumatized populations. And in our time, in addition, it is the suspension of the necessary global and joint efforts of all nations in the fight against the threat of climate catastrophe.

We need a real debate on the Ukraine war (tags)

The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the risk of a nuclear accident or incident. And given the strategy of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration to "weaken" Russia through large-scale arms shipments. The United States and NATO are in a proxy war with Russia.

Imperialism (tags)

It was the West that, immediately after the end of the East-West confrontation, once again made war a "normal means" of international politics. Russia is now following suit, more than twenty years behind.

Ukraine: No to Putin's war! No to NATO's escalation! (tags)

Nato expansion to the east: an imperialist act Putin bears full responsibility for the current Ukraine war. However, Scholz's rearmament speech is a reminder that the foundation for the escalation that is now culminating in Russian aggression was laid by NATO and the EU.

"I feel like I've been transported back 80 years" (tags)

People are desperately fleeing from bombs and rockets. I feel transported back almost 80 years and become pensive. Europe had sworn to itself: Never again fascism! Never again war! The scars remain - at the age of 94, I feel them more strongly than ever.

Will Orwell's prediction in `1984' become reality? (tags)

Basic elements of a development such as Orwell describes are emerging from the fog of current war propaganda, as it is being pursued by the West, attempts to drive the population into acceptance of a constant exceptional situation where war appears as the guarantor of peace.

The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)

In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.

FemApocalypse - How underprivileged is the institutionalized woman? (tags)

"Meglio un asino vivo che un dottore morto"... Before I join the canon, for the sake of my sexuality, that puts forward women's rights for Ilse Koch (Witch of Buchenwald), I am of the opinion that the issue of gender equality requires an objective analysis, because not only women and women, men and men, Men and women but according to Dr. Edith Butler up to 16 genders have different views on this dualistic construct at first sight. Before equality between men and women, however, for logic reasons, equality between men should first be achieved.

Walkthrought: continuity of German national socialist History of Psychiatry (tags)

Hobby Intelligence Service (HobbyIS) Introducing to Who is who in the German History of Psychiatry (Google translated Wikipedia de) which still influencing ICD and DSM diagnosis catalogues...

The crown of creation (tags)

The real plague is the pandemic spread of shareholder value to institutions of general interest such as hospitals, nursing homes, old-age care and education. The dogma of "private before state" has become deeply ingrained in official thinking.

The turn to less: Corona and the consumption dilemma (tags)

The Corona crisis could be the beginning of a better normality. Corona could make a turning point in history. The global North has benefited from unequal trade relations. Global employment has lost its role as the center of life. We must get out of the old path dependencies.

Economic impact of corona lockdowns (tags)

Even before the current lockdown-induced economic depression, the assets of the lowest 20 percent of US households - between 2007 and 2019 - had fallen by about a third according to the Wall Street Journal, and their incomes had fallen by 2 percent in real terms

On the Power of Money: Three by Eugen Drewermann (tags)

Only faith (as in a religion), the "invisible hand," the "law" of the "free" market can judge everything. State interventions can only be annoying. The market itself is allegedly "social". Everyone acts according to his advantage. The system is not social but criminal and unjust.

Vienna: Housing is a Human Right (tags)

Housing as a human right is subverted by the right of speculation. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up potential development land and prevents speculation. Rents in Vienna are half the rents in Munich.

The Populist Makers and Dangerous Optimism (tags)

The people vote and capital decides. Another capitalism appears that is marked by an anti-liberal and intolerant culture. The goal of the new capitalists is the same as the old capitalists: to make the rich even richer. The governing elites gamble away the future of coming generations.

Crisis Regulation in Global Capitalism (tags)

The globalization euphoria waned with the 1997 Asian crisis. Hundreds of billions were needed to bailout bankrupt banks. The US with its high solvent demand stabilized the world economy for a long time. The US could become indebted in its own currency.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

The Struggle against Aggressive Tax Avoidance (tags)

Experts estimate a fifth of world wealth is hidden from the tax authorities of states and considerable parts of international corporate profits are not taxed. Google and Amazon parked billions in shadow financial centers. Tax avoidance makes a functioning state impossible

Sharing, not Killing (tags)

Refused sharing and rediscovery of sharing are signs of this time. "This economy kills." So Pope Francis judges socio-economic conditions. Taxing the rich is vital. With additional revenue, workers would not feel threatened by immigrants

Lessons in Nazi Trivialization and Russophobia (tags)

Gabriele Krone-Schmalz warns of a relapse into simple-minded thinking and cold war stereotypes. Could not Russia be acting out of a strategic defensive and trying to maintain its sphere of influence> Who acts and who reacts?

Trump is More than "Silly Tricks" (tags)

Trump will run the US as a big business is run. Trump did not come out of nowhere. Trumpism is an expression of a reactionary revolt of those angry because they were politically stripped of power. Trump turns reality upside down.

FDR's First 100 Days (tags)

The Works Progress Administration created 651K miles of highway, 124K bridges, 8K parks and 125K public buildings including 41K schools. In the US of Amnesia, corporate subsidies are called public necessities and public welfare unnecessary Orwell warned us of this inversion of language.

Michael Chertoff The Man & His Star-Crossed Past (tags)

Poster's note: Chertoff made the Dept of Homeland Security an Israeli agency and has hired Michael Hayden, the man who made the NSA a universal snoop and was also head of the CIA, for his Chertoff Group)

Social Inequality Today (tags)

The neoliberal rollback has created growing instabilities. An advancing process of de-democratization and social re-feudalization is connected with the rise of the new "super-rich." Piketty warned of the growing inequality between rich and poor.

Can Keynes Rescue Europe from the Euro Crisis? (tags)

Keynes' theories and concepts were pushed back with the rise of neoliberalism in the 1980s. A complete change of course occurred when state spending cuts, lower wages and devaluations failed. The state spent money to create demand for products and services.

Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Capitalism and Its Crisis Proclivity (tags)

The liberal economists of the 19th century claimed no crises could occur in capitalism since every supply creates its demand. On the other hand, Marx and Engels recognized early on the causes for crises in capitalism. The contradictions of the accumulation process lead to crises.

Piketty's Big Data (tags)

The empirical-historical analysis of the top incomes and their wealth are in the center with Thomas Piketty's "Capital" (2014). The share of the top 10% was never below 60% from 1917 to 2012. A wealth tax is vital to reverse the exploding inequality.

UN and The Guardian whitewash attempts to illegally smuggle EU weapons into Syria (tags)

In legal terms, the British government and the Guardian and Independent 'news' media have been caught in the act of trying to cover up the illegality of attempts to smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. This article documents evidence that can be used in a court of law, which shows the British government working with the 'news' media in their attempts to illegally smuggle weapons from European governments into Syria. At no time has a member of the British government provided -legal grounds- for weapons supplied by European governments to the Iraqi peshmerga in Iraq, to be smuggled through Turkey into Syria.

The Myth of the Unexpected Crisis and Security (tags)

Many knew the rise of housing prices had to end some time or other... Four theses explain why the Fed was not active during the real estate boom: power of lobbyists, market ideology, trust in abstract academic models and inflation targeting.

Down with the Imperialist War in Iraq and Syria! (tags)

In early August the American government decided to launch a limited “humanitarian action” – in the form of mass bombing! – in Iraq, after an international campaign to mobilize public opinion over the plight of the Yazidi and Christian minorities who have been threatened with “genocide” by the advance of Islamist rebels of “the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant” (better known by the acronym ISIS).

Why a Global Wealth Tax Reduces Inequality (tags)

The distribution of income and assets is one of the most controversial themes today. History teaches us that economic forces press in different directions - either to more equality or away from equality. Which will prevail depends on what political decisions we make.

Karl Polanyi - Still Actual 50 Years After His Death (tags)

Karl Polanyi was the author of "The Great Transformation." As in Polanyi's times, the absurdity of the market utopia must be made clear and confronted with social reality. Freedom and democracy are goals to defend, not markets.

Wealth as a Problem (tags)

The wealth of others has become more a problem and less an incentive. Capital is blind, Thomas Piketty says. Capital grows faster than the economy. Differences in wealth are inherent in capitalism but do not represent a natural law. A society can accept them or act against them.

A Frenchman Admonishes Americans to Equality (tags)

With his book and the data, Thomas Piketty has shaken the self-understanding of American society.. In 2010 the richest one percent had around 20 percent of the total income. In the 1970s the share was under 10 percent.

The "Great Transformation" of the 21st Century (tags)

An end of the Great Crisis is not insight at the beginning of the 21st century... The regime of finance-market driven accumulation has not brought forth any new formation of capitalism capable of development.

The Middle Class Continues Shriveling (tags)

A century ago people said a progressive income tax would never happen. Today it is reality. The top tax rate in the US between 1930 and 1982 was 82 %. That was a very interesting experiment because very high incomes were covered.

Prevent the Comeback of the Cold Warriors! (tags)

What lessons were learned from Vietnam, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Iraq and Afghanistan? Can countries become incapable of learning? Is preemptive war, confusion of offense and defense, a Hitlerian perversion? Does cooking intelligence create cynicism instead of public spirit?

A Budding Alliance: Vietnam And The Philippines Confront China (tags)

Last year, the Philippines brought a complaint against China’s aggressive actions in the West Philippine Sea to the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal. The Chinese “were really unprepared for that and were really embarrassed by it,” one of Vietnam’s top experts on Chinese diplomacy told me during my recent visit to Hanoi.

Helmut Schmidt: Sanctions against Russia are a "Foolish Thing" (tags)

Schmidt considers the sanctions now imposed as a “foolish thing,” not as a sensible or appropriate reaction to the assimilation of the Crimea in the Russian Federation. Sharper sanctions should not be imposed. In his opinion that would be even greater nonsense.

On the Global Conjuncture, February 2014 (tags)

The key feature of the global landscape is the continuing stagnation of the centers of the global economy, the United States and the European Union. The promise of sustained recovery from the financial implosion has eluded the United States for over three years now while most of Europe remains mired in very deep recession, with the notable exception of Germany.

Book Review: "The Victory of Capital" (tags)

A society can only provide for the future by investing today in the production of tomorrow...What may be sensible economically for a private individual or individual business could be harmful for the national economy, particularly when the economy staggers.

Remembrance Day 2013: Celebrating 12th anniversary of Britain’s endless warfare (tags)

For the past 12 years, the British public has been constantly subjected to an intense war propaganda justifying Britain’s genocidal wars across Asia and Africa. Despite the absence of any real anti-war movement, the public exasparation with endless warfare became apparent in September with the Government's failure to obtain the necessary support to launch war on Syria. Held two months later, this year’s Remembrance Day events were by far the most elaborate. Apart from the habitual propaganda and fundraising for the Army, overt efforts to pressurise British Muslims into manifesting support for British imperialism and militarism were particularly sinister.

When Prevention Becomes Paranoia (tags)

According to Bernd Greiner, more Americans die annually from deadly bee stings than from terrorism. The 68-antiwar movement should have taught us to redefine security, health, strength and happiness and not fall into the traps of militarism or financialization. Jobs create true security.

The Movie J. Edgar; Just More Hollywood Lies (tags)

While the movie J. Edgar ignores J. Edgar Hoover’s many successes in silencing American Blacks, leftists, and persecution of homosexuals, it starts out by “justifying” the 1919 Palmer Raids. J. Edgar Hoover’s involvement in the Palmer Raids was at the beginning of his long sordid history of carrying out political repression in the United States. The Palmer Raids, led by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer with J. Edgar Hoover on his staff, rounded up leftists including Anarchists, Communists, and Socialists for prison and deportation. Among the many crimes committed by the government, hundreds were deported, including Emma Goldman, a leading anarchist and U.S. citizen who was deported to the USSR, Socialist Party leader Eugene Debs was thrown in prison, and the young communist movement was driven underground.

In the Towrope of the Financial Markets (tags)

"High growth has a well-known hook. Surpluses are only possible when natural resources from clear water to rare earth are available, when the energy supply is guaranteed and when the pollutant sinks are sufficient.. The debtors are now those states that had to become indebted.."

A Praise for Marx (tags)

Solidarity, social justice and sharing open doors while deregulation and trickle-down mythologty lead to exploding inequality and generalized insecurity. Karl Marx asked why capitalism cannot solve poverty, unemployment and exploitation.

Surveyiing Utopia (tags)

Raul Zelik and Elmar Altvater discuss the nature of utopia, economics, how growth and work become fetishes, how what is rational in micro-economics can become irrational in macro-economics, time prosperity and how Marx recognized the contradictions in capitalism.

The anarchist Stuart Christie and his neo-conservative literary bedfellow (tags)

"The Floodgates of Anarchy" and a fan of a government that boils people to death...

Fukushima and Capitalism (tags)

"Capitalism and its countless horrors seem more credible to us than an alternative. We believe in capital, the deadly promise of endless growth. We cynically pay it tribute as though the rule of people over people and nature were something dignified. A world of sharing and community is possible."

Flying the flag, faking the news (tags)

Loud noises from Washington about a US pull-out from Iraq are a poor disguise for America’s determination to keep waging war. And the same sort of spin is at work here in Britain

Worldwide Economic Crisis: Two Opposite Models as Answers (tags)

In a large part of the population, there is a consensus that capitalism has no answers to the great social challenges of social security, hunger and climate change. An alternative investment program (emphasizing children, culture and climate change) gives a long-term answer.

Open Letter from the Internationalist Group to the Spartacist League and ICL (tags)

The Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League it leads are in deep political trouble. On April 27, the International Executive Committee of the ICL issued a statement “Repudiating Our Position on Haiti Earthquake,” headlined “A Capitulation to U.S. Imperialism.” After three months of “zealous apologies for the U.S. imperialist military intervention” in the name of humanitarian aid, the ICL suddenly declared that this was a fundamental “betrayal” and the Internationalist Group had been right all along in demanding U.S./U.N. troops out. While agreeing with the IG’s characterization of the ICL’s policy as “social-imperialist”and calling for a “savage indictment” of its own line, the ICL’s explanation for this betrayal – failure to have a formal discussion – doesn’t answer how an entire organization which proclaims itself revolutionary Marxist and Trotskyist could swallow this support for imperialism for months. Its origins can be found in years of capitulation to U.S. imperialism, notably by abandoning the call for its defeat in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The Open Letter by the Internationalist Group urges those in the ICL who do not wish to continue gyrating in centrist confusion to examine the real record of their organization’s adaptations and capitulations to “its own” bourgeoisie over the past years.


The Armenian question or rather the Turkish-Armenian question is a very complex and deep-rooted one and as historical experience has demonstrated cannot be solved through simple formulas.

Who is the Enemy in the Afghanistan "War"? (tags)

In 1994 the US brought to power the Taliban, Koran students raised in Pakistan's refugee camps. Attacking Afghanistan on account of Al Qaida would be like bombing Germany on account of skinheads. Do German soldiers only defend the US' superpower claim, not our security?

Alternatives to Capitalism (tags)

Neoliberalism, financial market-driven capitalism, intensifies the crises. However the root of evil lies in the developmental laws of capitalism. Neoliberalism is based on double standards and double speak where CEOs are job creators and workers are cost factors.

Will the Great Depression Be Repeated? (tags)

Global trade fell 30 percent three years after the crash. The US gross domestic product shriveled 40 percent. In 1932, every fourth American was without a job. In Germany, industry only produced half of what was produced three years before.

A New Paradigm: The New Deal of the 1930s (tags)

The New Deal that led out of the worldwide economic crisis in the 1930s was based on the combination of a new technical-economic model with a new socio-economic model. Obama's achievement is not turning the necessity of overcoming the crisis against the social principle

"Riverside Rejects Racism" Rally in Response to Neo-Nazi Demonstration (tags)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

RIVERSIDE, California -- In response to a planned neo-Nazi demonstration at a day labor site in Casa Blanca, Riverside's historically Latino community, numerous community groups united to oppose racism in their city. Over 30 organizations endorsed the rally, which saw the participation of over 150 people who listened to and gave speeches, shared fruit and water, and enjoyed music and a strong sense of solidarity.

The importance of the independent media (tags)

"The mass media form for us our image of the world and then tell us what to think about that image. Essentially everything we know—or think we know—about events outside our own neighborhood or circle of acquaintances comes to us via our daily newspaper, our weekly news magazine, our radio, or our television."

Back to the main topic - those who only think of Palestine as ok (tags)

Back to fighting on indy and every other newsmedia too.- to those who only think of Palestine as being Right and Victim and needs to be rescued, let's get more info = to clarify if all claimed is so,- see what at least simplief disputable Wiki says about how it all began, tho the info is always being 'disputed' ................and each and many sides claiming and demanding to be RIGHT and claim the Whole and Only Truth......... yeah, so many versions of Holy Truths as there are colors in the rainbow...people who write love to claim exaggerations as 'reality' and their versions as "not to be questioned" even on Indymedia, NO FREE THINKERS ALLOWED HERE either !

World and US Situation, 2008 (tags)

For more than two years, we revolutionaries had observed the impending total unravelling and complete discredit of the "free market" pretense of monopoly capitalism and the full bankruptcy of the policy of "neoliberal globalization." But the leaders of the US and other imperialist countries and the puppet states were always lying and boasting about the so-called strong fundamentals of their economies. Only recently have they been compelled by the circumstances to admit that the US and global capitalist system are beset by the worst economic and financial crisis since the Great Depression.

II-The international Crisis WS Report, Curitiba, Pr, Br (tags)

Watch it now at web tv at

God's Nation (tags)

The trinity of themes "Last Hope-Noble Victory-Disgraceful Defeat" has been the core of the US-American state religion, whether called the Monroe Doctrine, Cold War or War against Terror. A multipolar world with many civilizations is the best hope for the future.

Peak Oil: The Global War for Oil (tags)

Despite optimistic estimates, the market seems to accept peal oil since the rich oil companies are not investing in new refineries. The 150-year American expansion explains the military option. Speculation caused the tenfold increase of a barrel of oil from $10 (1998) to $100 (2008).

Vietnam Comparisons (tags)

Nixon was elected in 1968 because he loudly broadcast he had a "secret plan" to end the war in Vietnam. He knew the war could not be won any more but together with Kissinger delayed the withdrawal for six years to achieve an "honorable" peace.

The Sun Sets Early on the American Century (tags)

This article appeared in: Le Monde diplomatique, October 2007. Sometimes hope comes from outside the bubble, outside the myopia dnde enforcede confo9rmity!

Media and War (tags)

The news media in times of crisis and war reproduce and do not question the consciousness and attitudes of the elites. Wars are seen as exceptional situations by the media in which patriotism outweighs the journalistic self-image of critically distanced reporting.

Globalization - Christian Life in the One World (tags)

In the Bible, justice is always measured in the well-being of the weakest. Freedom could be understood as bond to community, not egomania. People are not commodities or a mass. There are no superfluous persons or superfluous continents. Ms Kassmann is a Lutheran bishop.

War Drumming and Bomb-ocracy (tags)

Isn't war the absolu9te negation of every human right?..The globalization of predator capitalism launched an attack on the whole world. War, the military arm of the economy, has brought us to the edge of a nuclear winter

The Welfare State and Democracy (tags)

The German presidential cabinets following the Mueller government cut the basic social rights of employees and unemployed at a breakneck speed and dismantled the welfare state and democracy.

Islamic Fascism Yhe New Hysteria (tags)

THE CHIEFTAINS of the never-ending "war on terror" are peddling a newly updated enemy: "Islamic fascism." When the rulers of the American political establishment start denouncing fascism, don't be deceived--they're out to promote an agenda of imperial conquest. No one who opposes U.S. wars and occupations should concede an inch to this lie.

How US Wars are Sold (tags)

One of the oldest representative democracies of the world changed in the First World War into a controlled undemocratic form of state..Local stations eagerly accepted the free propaganda films.


The election cycle of 2006-2008 has started, a time for all militants to run for cover. It will not be pretty and certainly is not for the faint-hearted. The Democrats smell blood in the water. The Greens smell that the Democrats smell blood. Various parliamentary leftists and some ostensibly socialists smell that the Greens smell blood. You get the drift. Before we go to ground let me make a point.

In Remembrance of the 91st Year of the Armenian Genocide by Turkish Authorities, April 24, (tags)

Every April 24, the Armenian community all over the world remembers the Turkish genocide of the Armenian people which began with the arrest of 250 prime leaders and intellectuals of the Armenian community in Turkey and their subsequent massacre in the hands of Turkish rulers on April 24, 1915 at the height of the First World War.

The Iraq war and the eruption of American imperialism (tags)

In the field of politics, there are events which mark a fundamental turning point in the historical process. There is no doubt that the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which began three years ago, was one of these. In September 2002, with the decision to invade Iraq having already been made, the Bush administration published its National Security Strategy (NSS). This document set out clearly and unambiguously that the United States was now reserving to itself the right to use military force pre-emptively in pursuit of its national interests and objectives on a global scale.

Auto-Cannibalism (tags)

Today's internationalization of capital is part of a drastic crisis process.. In the 1970s, several hundred so-called multis existed worldwide. Today there are 60,000 multi-national businesses with 50 million employees.

Religion for War (tags)

What if all this misanthropic ideology were artificially designed in the name of Christianity by some think tanks? To neoconservatives, war is the father of all things, the father of permanent revolution.

The Re-Nationalization of World Politics and the End of the Liberal Era (tags)

The empire has cut off its umbilical chord to the nation state and is no longer territorially limited..The US under George W Bush strives for a global monopoly.. Naked imperialist policy now replaces liberal globalization.. The US is resolved to undermine the existing world system.

America's "War against Terror": Part II (tags)

The American attempt to dominate the Middle East inevitably produces a strong counter-reaction.. America's hegemonial foreign policy has led to a geo-strategic alliance between China and Russia.. The lights could go out over the whole world.

60 Years Ago Dietrich Bonhoeffer was Murdered (tags)

"Translated in nearly all the languages of the world, Bonhoeffer's texts encourage liberating the Bible from the godless bonds of fundamentalist interpretations and protesting increasingly perfect weapons.."

Reactionary terror continues in Lebanon (tags)

Bombings and assassinations continue in Lebanon. The latest victim of this wave of terror was the 67-year old George Hawi, who was killed when a bomb detonated in his car; the former leader of the Lebanese Communist Party lost his life on June 21st, only a day after the so-called “anti-Syrian bloc” claimed victory in the parliamentary elections.

Mr. Greenspan and the German Way (tags)

Greenspan's dilemma is that interest rates must rise to reduce the trade deficit ($617B in 2004) and keep foreign investors ($2B a day) though this could burst the real estate bubble and raise consumer prices. US prosperity is a credit-b ased prosperity.

Ending State Terrorism (tags)

Since 1945 the US has intervened 67 times in foreign countries and caused twelve million dead, half through public overt actions (Pentagon) and the other half through secret covert actions (CIA). This is practically unknown to most Americans..

Forced uniformity (tags)

War helps the recovery of the state. War automatically sets in motion irresistible forces of uniformity in the whole society, that passionate agreement of the majority with the state leadership against minorities and individuals who lack the herd instinct..

An open letter to the people of the United States regarding the future of humanity. (tags)

You Americans need to get of your high horse with all this "America is a great country" garbage. The American taxpayer funds a 500 billion dollar killing machine that has been committing genocide at home and abroad for hundreds of years.

Bush Regime Maintains Power Through Electoral Fraud (tags)

Whither Democracy In The United States?

The Costs of the Iraq War Shock the US Public (tags)

"If Bush wins again, the attack is the best defense delusion threatens and the realiza-tion of the self-fulfilling prophecy of the American rightwing that sees a coming clash of civilizations between Islam and the West."

Bush is his own Enemy (tags)

"In the slipstream of the Iraq war, he carried out one of the greatest tax gifts for the economic elites in the history of the country. He cut pensions and income support and promoted the privatization of schools and the health system. He cut the pay of soldiers.."

Our War Too - Gay Heroes, and Gay Necessities (tags)

A gay praise of the War Against Terrorism

War and the National Question-A reply to Luis Oviedo of the PO (tags)

War and the National Question

Miami FTAA Protest: Cops Rampage Against Youth, Labor (tags)

What Strategy to Defeat Imperialism?

The Democrats don’t deserve our support (tags)

There is no reason to assume, as many do, that a Gore presidency would have avoided war after September 11. Clinton oversaw UN-sponsored sanctions against Iraq that led to the deaths of more than 1 million Iraqis, and U.S. warplanes dropped bombs on Iraq almost daily during his time in office. And Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998, calling for the U.S. "to seek to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein." Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admits in a recent Foreign Affairs article, "I personally felt [Bush’s new Iraq] war was justified on the basis of Saddam’s decade-long refusal to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on weapons of mass destruction."

Labor and Patriot Acts I and II: (tags)

A case for political action President George W. Bush heads the most viciously anti-worker, anti-labor administration we have seen in a long time. He and his corporate backers are hell-bent on blocking any new advances for labor and on rolling back existing labor rights.

zionist myths (tags)

what israel hope yu dont learn

"Our Religion is called America": Interview with Norman Mailer (tags)

"Now we act as though we rescued these people from terror. There is no reason to eulogize or praise ourselves to the skies. America is not a noble country.. Flag conservatives live in the illusion that America is the good and the only hope for the world."

Through A Glass Darkly An Interpretation of Bush's Character (tags)

Bush never goes anywhere where his stage crew has not first assembled giant flags as background. He always wears a sizeable American-flag pin on his lapel. This kind of totemic, obsessive use of flags was absolutely characteristic of Hitler.






don't read if you have a weak stomach...

Making The World Safe...For Bankers (tags)

I do not neccessarily agree with everything Dr. Makow has to say. I sometimes find him a trifle sexist. However, this is provative food for thought so decided to throw it up on the wall for people to think about.

Weapons of Mass Deception (tags)

In the year and a half since September 11 the Bush administration has been waging an aggressive military campaign against real and perceived enemies, coupled with a public relations campaign to win the "hearts and minds" of the world. In Afghanistan, at least, the military campaign has shown some success. The public relations campaign, however, has been an embarrassing failure.


The danger that a Central Government free from it's historic restraints could run amok with self-serving self-justifications was something that our Nation's Founders warned of. Read Washington's Farewell Address for perspective on their viewpoint.



Perry Anderson: Pre-emptive Surrender (tags)

A critique of Perry Anderson's "Force and Consent"

U.S.Out of Cali! (tags)

With the Lemmings of the Congress in D.C. following the Shrub Piper over the precipice to WW3, the question for us out here in Cali is-do we want any more part of this Global Rogue State?

globalisation means war (tags)

The global Swiss banking syndicate that is backing the war effort

Sacco-Vanzetti 75th Anniversary - A Call for Writings from Anarchists (tags)

August 23 marks the 75th anniversary of the judicial murders of Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti


In 1916 the radical American journal, The Masses, published Robert Minor's infamous Cartoon, "AT LAST A PERFECT SOLDIER!" His Drawing landed him in prison.

Unleash The Dogs of War... Or Was That The War On Dogs??? (tags)

How crazy does jingoism make you? Consider this: Last week the Afghan Hound Club of America said some of its members have been threatened because of their pets' supposed "nationality."

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