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european union

What Russia proposed in Istanbul in March 2022 (tags)

Sachs writes that Russia has proposed negotiating security arrangements with the US for the fifth time since 2008. NATO, led by the US, has steadily expanded its alliance to the east, which has contributed to the current crisis in Ukraine. Putin's fourth offer of negotiations came in March 2022, which led to Russia and Ukraine almost concluding a peace agreement.

Military poisoning of society (tags)

Military, political and social leaders are misrepresenting the genesis of the Ukraine war with half-truths, for example by hiding CIA chief Burns' memo against NATO's eastward expansion; they are building a rollback of society on such misinformation by permeating many areas of society with militarization.

Saving the planet means saving the world (tags)

Instead of today’s economic system, which increases inequality, a new system is indispensable, according to Rockström and colleagues. What is needed is a ‘wellbeing economy’ which serves people and the planet—rather than people and the planet serving the economy, as the Wellbeing Economic Alliance (WeAll) puts it.

The Looming War Against China (tags)

In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.

What is literature for? (tags)

Since 1989 and the fall of the Berlin Wall, humankind has made a tremendous leap backward. We are witnessing the systematic dismantling of the welfare state, the atomization of the working class, the collapse of union membership, the abandonment of any attachment to republican principles. Mainstream discourse encourages us to resign.

De-escalartion instead of war of attrition (tags)

The call for negotiations alone is no longer enough. In a situation in which parts of the Western alliance are struggling to find ways out of the war & at the same time more & more heavy weapons are being supplied for a war that will last for years, the social left should campaign more strongly than before for "mutual de-escalation" & security guarantees, for European independence

Welcome to post-democracy! (tags)

In the current systemic crisis, this capitalist pseudo-democracy is producing a real dystopia on a par with the nightmares of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley: the apparently responsible citizen (in reality a powerless object in the heteronomous process of capital exploitation) chooses the way in which his intensified exploitation and alienation is to be concretely organized and perfected.

Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History (tags)

We live in a world facing existential threats while extreme inequality is tearing our societies apart and democracy is in sharp decline. The U.S., meanwhile, is bent on maintaining global hegemony when international collaboration is urgently needed to address the planet’s numerous challenges.

"The war in Ukraine is a war for the dollar" - part 2 of 3 (tags)

Moscow has really threatened the U.S. dollar on the international stage, and with it the entire U.S. economy behind it. Since Putin took office, well before 2021 and even before the anti-Russian coup in Ukraine in 2014, Russia, a leading energy power, has begun the process of liquidating U.S. dollar-denominated bonds. Russia halved the number of U.S. bonds it held.

Who determines the rules of the "rules-based world order"? (tags)

Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States - that is the global West, for too long imagined that it was the world. In fact, colonialist exploitation & forced labor - were the foundation of its power. But the world has changed.

Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty) (tags)

Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent.

Financial crisis and The time of change (tags)

A utopian society will have learned to decentralize power, to keep it manageable and controllable, instead of creating supranational institutions and conglomerates. Look at the EU & Brussels, an estimated 25,000 lobbyists besiege and work the deputies and commissioners.

Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)

Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again.

The coup from above and The Decline of Civilization (tags)

Ignazio Silone (14), an important theorist of Italian fascism is reported to have said: When fascism returns, it will not say: 'I am fascism' No, it will say: 'I am anti-fascism'." And I say: we are on the threshold of an internationalized super-fascism.

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

What are the chances for peace in Ukraine? (tags)

There must be another way to peace. But there can only be if we stop believing that only weapons or the annexation of foreign territories can bring peace; if we accept that the world does not belong only to the West, that there will be no single world power, the USA.

Reflections on the Political Crisis and Right-wing Populism (tags)

The policies of neoliberal globalization have driven an enormous strengthening of transnational corporations and finance capital, and at the same time the division between rich and poor, between the top "1%" and the rest of the "99%"[28].

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)

This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.

Farewell to the unipolar world and Disaster capitalism (tags)

The sanctions have already proved to be a dangerous boomerang because they hit Europe harder than Russia... It is a suicidal illusion to try to win a war against the raw materials giant Russia - which possesses more than a third of all fossil energies and raw materials on earth...

In the Trap of NATO and The Collapse of US Hegemony (tags)

Even before the outbreak of the global Covid pandemic, it was widely recognized that U.S. hegemony was in irreversible decline. In August 2021, the Taliban captured Kabul as U.S. forces withdrew. Only about six months later, war broke out between Russia and Ukraine.

Who can afford capitalism anymore? and Why are prices rising? (tags)

When the state now debates the need to create relief packages for employees, pensioners, unemployment benefit recipients, trainees and families, this is official confirmation that the result of wage labor is also poverty. The majority of citizens find themselves in a dual role...

In the eye of the typhoon, Hardened fronts & The Nuclear War Bluff (tags)

Nuclear war is a big bluff & the last means of the cult to enforce its Great Reset to control & decimate humanity. Now is the time to recognize this & not be fooled again by the dilettantes in the Western governments. The growing worldwide resistance will end all plans of the globalists.

The property question and A new age of censorship is dawning (tags)

There is another good news, if not two good news, which are directly connected. A majority of people reject capitalism and want a different system. It is not difficult to link the global crises that threaten our very existence to our prevailing economic and social order.

Nobody knew China landed on the moon and Bill Gates (tags)

In 2020, China was the second and so far only country besides the USA that was able to put a flag on the moon.

We are witnessing the collapse of diplomacy (tags)

We, who keep this society running, are footing the bill, while the super-rich and big corporations are lining their pockets, making profits from the crises.

How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbachev (tags)

Gorbachev wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a closed, repressive system into an open, communicative socialist system that would be part of the European family. This effort was called glasnost (openness) and was advanced through the reform movement called perestroika.

Economic war instead of climate policy and Russia is enemy (tags)

Sustainability and capitalism do not go together. Because capitalism needs growth and drives environmental destruction. The consequences: Species extinction, drought stress for trees, water scarcity. A consistent climate policy is overshadowed by the economic war.

The war cannot be won (tags)

NATO has propped up dictatorships in its own sphere of influence. It has covered up or condoned wars in which crimes against humanity have been committed. What is happening right now because of Russia has not changed my opinion about NATO there.

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)

Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)

History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.

Making yourself comfortable in capitalism (tags)

"Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21).

The New NATO Strategic Concept: 6 Articles (tags)

Collective pressure in a broad societal dimension is necessary for a cease-fire - in a viable European security architecture... At the core of a sustainable compromise between Russia, Ukraine and the US could be a guarantee of Ukraine's full sovereignty and military neutrality.

95 Theses Against the Rule of the Financial Markets (tags)

The financial markets have made themselves independent of the real economy. As the selling of indulgences led to Martin Luther's 95 Theses in 1517, the rule of speculative financial markets has led to revenue shortfalls of US cities and states. Tax havens hide between $22-33 trillion.

No fear of peace negotiations (tags)

For Ukraine, security means that a peace agreement will not be followed by renewed Russian threats or incursions. For Russia, security means that their withdrawal from Ukraine will not be followed by NATO's eastward expansion.

Criticism of US/Nato policy is extremely censored (tags)

The benefits of endless fighting in Ukraine are as immense as they are obvious. The military budget is skyrocketing. Archenemies Russia and Putin are punished. They remain embroiled in a war from which Ukrainians suffer the most.

Address at the Easter march in Berlin (tags)

1), we need to end the war in Ukraine as quickly as possible. The German government should stop adding fuel to the fire. 2): We must prevent "dark eagles" in Europe.3) We must become a broad movement that prevents the rearmament mania in this country.

The real Zelensky (tags)

A possible oil and gas embargo against Russia, for example, will bring the social question to the fore and bring many people to the streets. More and more voices, it is hoped, will then rise up against war and the militarization of our lives.

Open letter and Breaking the logic of violence (tags)

The delivery of large quantities of heavy weapons, could make Germany itself a party to the war. A Russian counterattack could then trigger the mutual assistance clause under the NATO treaty and thus the immediate danger of a world war. Zelensky's outlawing of parties is dictatorial.

Nuclear deterrence and Negotiate and peace now! (tags)

"I believe the Administration's recommendation to admit new members to NATO at this time is misguided. If adopted by the United States Senate, it could go down in history as the greatest strategic blunder since the end of the Cold War..." Jack F. Matlock Jr, U.S. ambassador

Democracy = not more than a brand name (tags)

The USA, a hegemonic power threatened with decline, is struggling to maintain and expand a monopolistic world order. This is supposed to be justified by surrounding itself with an aura of freedom and democracy.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

Ukraine: No to Putin's war! No to NATO's escalation! (tags)

Nato expansion to the east: an imperialist act Putin bears full responsibility for the current Ukraine war. However, Scholz's rearmament speech is a reminder that the foundation for the escalation that is now culminating in Russian aggression was laid by NATO and the EU.

Lay down your arms! (tags)

There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

Armament Madness (tags)

The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!

Manifesto against war, March 19, 2022 (tags)

It is therefore high time for the mobilization of a broad anti-militarist resistance that is integrated comprehensively and transnationally into the social struggles. This approach is by no means without chance, as the inclusion of the resistance against the Vietnam War showed.

War as crisis accelerator (tags)

Opportunistic parts of the German left are already sorting themselves into NATO supporters and cheerleaders of hollow Western values, who are peddling the stale bourgeois-liberal ideology one last time before the Western states also sink into barbarism.

Much wants more and loses all (tags)

It is the West that cannot imagine a life without money and the resultant luxuries. Sanctions or no sanctions, Western companies will sooner or later (I bet: sooner) resume business with Russia because – as everybody in the West knows – “money makes the world go round”.

In the Amnesic Dizziness of a "Turn of the Times" (tags)

When, with the disappearance of the Warsaw Pact, the entire military alliance of this rival collapsed, this could/must have been the prelude, according to rational criteria, to mothballing NATO in return. But exactly the opposite was to occur.

Shooting resumes in the Donbass civil war (tags)

Not so long ago, Ukraine was committed to neutrality. If Ireland can be neutral, if Austria can be neutral, if Finland can be neutral, then why not Ukraine? After all, this was the official Ukrainian policy until the neo-nationalists came to power in 2014.

Today's Crisis Over Ukraine (tags)

What President Putin is demanding, an end to NATO expansion and creation of a security structure in Europe that insures Russia’s security along with that of others is eminently reasonable... It is in the interest of the United States to promote peace, not conflict.

The Ukraine-Russia conflict (tags)

"The West must negotiate with Russia" NATO should also agree to talk about a new European security architecture if Russia is also willing to agree to de-escalating and confidence-building measures in the relationship with Ukraine."

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

The road to barbarism (tags)

Capital is losing its capacity for productive investment and is turning to the financial markets, which are more profitable. It is with this money that the war machine and the trade deficit are financed. The US is under great pressure to constantly show that it is in control.

The Virtues of a 28-hour Week: Work less, pollute less (tags)

The number of workers is growing faster than the amount of work available. We live in a society where work is poorly distributed. Three days off for every four days worked could be liberating. The goal would be increased well-being, gaining time and losing a kind of consumption not really synonymous with pleasure.

We face the alternative: system change or collapse (tags)

Swedish neutrality refers to Sweden's former policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, whic (tags)

Swedish neutrality refers to Sweden's former policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, which was in effect from the early 19th century, until 2009, when Sweden entered into various mutual defence treaties with the European Union (EU), and other Nordic countries.[1] Sweden's previous neutrality policy had originated largely as a result of Sweden's involvement in the Napoleonic Wars during which over a third of the country's territory was lost, including the traumatic loss of Finland to Russia.

For a democratic polarization (tags)

The new world economic crisis has shown yet again that one can't leave it to the market to provide for a strong economy. In any case, it is a truism that a community with a certain quality of life depends to a great extent on resources that the market does not produce.

On Anti-War Day 2021 (tags)

It is long past time to finally bury the intervention doctrine, which has been marketed under the euphonious title "responsibility to protect"[5] since 2001, and to brand it for what it was from the beginning: a neocolonial project.

The mystery of `populism' and The anarchism stereotype (tags)

How many hours would we really have to work to maintain a functioning society - that is, if we got rid of all the useless or destructive jobs like telemarketers, lawyers, prison guards, financial analysts, public relations experts, bureaucrats, and politicians?

The media response to Putin's conciliatory essay (tags)

On the exact 80th anniversary of the German invasion of the Soviet Union, which cost that country nearly 27 million lives, the Russian president himself published an essay in the former flagship of détente whose title already signaled a willingness to reconcile.

Our World is Not For Sale! (tags)

People's Global Action (PGA) was organized in a decentralized way by movements from all parts of the world. But we had no staff and no fixed funding. Everything was through crowdfunding. People were inspired by what PGA stood for, which was, first, the rejection of capitalism.

Corona vaccines-nothing would work without public funding (tags)

"The Covid 19 crisis is a perfect test of whether a more public health approach to innovation and production will prevail in the years ahead. Although recent vaccine news has raised hopes, it has also exposed the broken business model of the pharmaceutical industry and cast doubt on the prospects of getting a vaccine to people..."

Open Letter: Write off debt, win the future! (tags)

We are fortunate to have a creditor that does not have to fear losing its money: the ECB (European Central Bank). Our proposal is therefore very simple: let us conclude an agreement between the European states and the ECB. The ECB writes off the debt it holds (or converts it into perpetual interest-free debt).

Strengthening the welfare state (tags)

Trump's smear campaigns, scapegoating, fear mongering, $8-trillion tax heists, corporate welfare, attacking the poor, minorities, seniors, disabled, children and students have left democracy in intensive care. Helicopter money, a Marshall Plan for journalism and ending wars could revive the debate culture.

Easing into a New Normality of the Crisis (tags)

With the intertwining of the Corona and economic crises, massive distribution struggles are already looming. Society, in a collective effort to prevent illness, has downsized its economic activity. This collective decision must not serve to enrich a few. The radical taxation of the great fortunes is indispensable.

The US election as a turning point (tags)

We seek emancipatory methods of decision-making that organize social life without leaders, command and obedience. We need enlightenment, a free press critical of domination, counter-publics, and social movements that fight for the dignity of all people. We will write history from below

The long struggle for a post-capitalist society (tags)

The (Corona) crisis has relentlessly exposed the inability of neoliberal capitalism and its political personnel to meet the elementary needs of the people. Even if it is not felt to the same extent in Germany due to the depressing political conditions: the neoliberal offensive is in a deep existential crisis.

Journalism reeks of betrayal of democracy (tags)

A "new normality" has taken root in our society. A climate of fear and severe, permanent encroachments on fundamental rights are shaping politics and social life. From the beginning of the pandemic, the media and politics have created a reality that almost treats the principles of democracy with contempt.

The tale of the stolen winner (tags)

The man unable to speak for a minute without lying, who had neither values nor ideals, who never read a book and knew nothing about music tried in an incredible and ridiculous way to create the fairy tale of the cheated victor. Nevertheless, a majority of American voters rejected Trump's lies and demagogic failures.

Biggest humanitarian crisis in the world-US government complicit (tags)

Trump concluded an arms deal worth almost $110 billion with the ultra-conservative kingdom. In total, the deal included arms purchases worth about $350 billion over a ten-year period. Saudi King Salman Abdulaziz then presented the U.S. President with the Kingdom's highest medal.

Democracy beyond Corona (tags)

Whether the experiences of the lockdown will result in lasting damage in the sense of a democratically consumptive "new normality" depends not least on whether it is possible to take up and strengthen the very existing democracy-building impulses and initiatives - from "Black Lives Matter" to "Fridays for Future".

Dirty tricks of the autocrats (tags)

Donald Trump tries to get re-elected with partly illegal tricks. This is undemocratic and dangerous for the USA and its allies. Defending democracy is becoming the challenge of our time.

Europe needs an effective guarantee of youth solidarity (tags)

The Youth Guarantee could create an entry-level job market in the public or non-profit sector - in other words, jobs that serve the common good. It is the austerity policy in the wake of the financial and economic crisis that has delayed the socio- and ecological transformation.

The Job Guarantee in the Corona Pandemic (tags)

If the tax system is not reformed in an equitable manner, this will probably mean 10 to 20 years of cutbacks, starving basic services such as education, health, and care, as was the case in many European countries after the 2008 financial crisis.

Boris Johnson and the Long Shadow of Stalinism (tags)

The capitalist bourgeoisie needs and defends democracy as a form of social freedom only as long as it is useful to its own class rule. Their understanding of democracy & freedom is structurally limited. The 26 community centers in Vancouver could revive freedom and democracy.

Poor Despite Work (tags)

Vancouver B.C. has 26 community centers that give an identity to working and nonworking persons. Three hours of free computer use, libraries, gyms, theaters, game rooms and $4 casserole dinners are among the many amenities.

How Misguided Financial Policy Strengthens the Right-Wing (tags)

Capitalism has shown how democratic processes can be easily evaded. The Chicago boys carried out their radical reform program that was known as shock therapy. This included dismantling social state structures, opening the market to foreign investors and shattering unions

The US Tramples on International Law (tags)

The US surprise attack on Iraq in March 2003 was a primal catastrophe. International law was eliminated and replaced by the imperial dictatorship of the US. Those who destroyed a whole people and have a million casualties on their conscience are not punished in any way.

From Punitive Tariffs and Trade Conflicts to Economic War (tags)

Trump's punitive attacks on several trading partners, above all China, are changing suddenly into a destruction of the multilateral structures of the world market. With "America first," the president wants to restore the past hegemony. The wrecking ball is not the only model!

Sanctions and Double Standards (tags)

Sanctions are war with other means-and not an alternative to war. The civilian population pays the price with their bodies and their lives. Export restrictions on the most important revenues of a country cause immense suffering. That Iran has not attacked another country is unmentioned.

Double Standards in Iran Reporting (tags)

Iran has not attacked any country militarily in the last 100 years. Demonizations occur in the Iran reporting. In comparison, reporting about human rights in Saudi Arabia is not on the agenda.

Aliyah: Consolation And The Return Of The Jews To Israel (tags)

Biblical Prophecy Fulfilled, Jews Return Home!

Fighting the Causes of Flight (tags)

The refugee debate is back but only the symptoms are in the spotlight. Refugees are fought instead of the causes of flight. The political failure is as dreadful as the forgetfulness of the media and politics. More than 70 million persons are fleeing from war, persecution and conflicts.

Venezuela and International Law (tags)

International law professors explain a US military incursion in Venezuela would violate the UN Charter. "All nations must desist from any threat or use of force in their international relations. The media and governments denounce violations of international law very selectively.

Utopia, Technology and Struggle. Ways out of the Crisis of Social Democracy (tags)

The big question is still open. Must an emancipatory project aim at a changed distribution of incomes or is hedging capitalism through regulation and redistribution enough? In other words, is shifting to an eco-Keynesian path sufficient to create equal life chances?

We the Scattered in the Insult Society (tags)

Hans-Peter Martin is the author of "Game Over. Prosperity for a Few, Democracy for No One and Nationalism for Everyone" (2018). Now it is Game Over for the West, for our civilization model. Capitalism functions without democracy, without observing liberal human rights.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives and discussed.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives are discussed.

What are the Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization? (tags)

Capitalism seemed to have a more social or civilized face for a time. After Roosevelt's New Deal and the defeat of fascism, gradual development of the social state occurred in Europe. Unions were accepted. The rulers were forced to political and social concessions.

Ten Years After the Financial Crash (tags)

US economic statistics are dubious since financial markets are based on financial products and money out of nothing. Tax havens, micro-second betting, stock buybacks and corruption through lobbying are market-distorting and cause revenue shortfalls.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

The Global Justice Project and Human Survival: We're Badly Off Track (tags)

Something has gone seriously, seriously wrong.

From Progressive Neoliberalism to Trump - and Beyond (tags)

At first sight, today’s crisis appears to be political. Its most spectacular expression is right here, in the United States: Donald Trump—his election, his presidency, and the contention surrounding it. But there is no shortage of analogues elsewhere:

Debt and Tax Policies Needed to Prevent Crisis Says Finance Watchdog Group (tags)

Financial institutions, experts and economists fear a new wave of financial crises hitting countries from Ghana to Italy.

Google Abuses: Worldwide Spying, Censorship, War Promotion, Spying On Children, Etc (tags)

There is growing opposition to Google, the world's biggest censor.

Crisis Regulation in Global Capitalism (tags)

The globalization euphoria waned with the 1997 Asian crisis. Hundreds of billions were needed to bailout bankrupt banks. The US with its high solvent demand stabilized the world economy for a long time. The US could become indebted in its own currency.

Is the Financial Crash 2.0 Coming? (tags)

Market ideology has been on the advance since the 1980s. Only a few voices warned of the risks and instability of the liberalized financial markets. After they profited from the generous bailout packages, the banks began to speculate against the most indebted countries.

Philippines – Duterte 2 Years on: Destructive, Divisive, and Despotic (tags)

When Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency in 2016, some even among the left toyed early on with the idea that a “maverick” president could just be what the country needed to stir things up, and jolt us from almost 30 years of elite-dominated rule.

The Shortwave Report 07/27/136/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Radio Deutsche-Welle, and Sputnik Radio.

Globalization: hope on the horizon despite Fake Liberals. (tags)

I consider the Fake Liberals as the greatest threat to global freedom and western civilization. They promote globalization, using racism as a political weapon labeling opposition as racist, fascist or white nationalists. Globalization has Corporate and right wing support creating the swamp which is being opposed.

Social Policy as Social Infrastructure (tags)

Work and income must be uncoupled. In Germany, thanks to higher productivity and information technology, 30% more was produced from 1970-2010 with 30% fewer workers. Demonizing China will not resuscitate the Rust Belt. Social policy is crucial.

Google, World's Biggest Censor, Was Founded By The CIA (tags)

Google censors by totally erasing some search links, hiding others in the back pages, designing algorithms to generate more negative than positive links, placing old data first,

The (Temporary) End of Globalization (tags)

Protectionist measures could lead to losses of prosperity and increase the pressure to introduce more measures. Before the 2008 crisis, world trade grew over 6% per year (now 2%). Why must US consumers pay more for imports from the EU? Why are European consumers punished?

Amazon, the Elephant in the Bookshop (tags)

Amazon is one of many examples of a gigantic problem. International corporation s shirk from contributing their just share to financing the community. Hosts of advisers and lawyers have created a "tax avoidance industry."

Trade War and Zero Deficit Myth (tags)

State debts are often necessary and are not automatically bad economically. Investments are prerequisites of future prosperity. When private parties spend too little, the state must step into the breach.

Why has the US gone mad? (tags)

Donald Trump blames scapegoats. Why does the US permanently seek new conflicts, send terrorists to Syria, organize the Ukraine coup, escalate with North Korea and threaten to bomb wherever it siuts them? The real reason could be that the US is bankrupt.

Detente Policy and Media Hysteria (tags)

Antje Vollmer is a Green politician who was vice-president of the German Bundestag from 1994 to 2005. She urges a robust public debate over the new hard-line German foreign policy that forgets the war and Russian help in reunification. What has the politics of regime change brought?

Ultimatums instead of Diplomacy (tags)

In what phase is NATO's confrontation with Russia? Contrary to a promise to Gorbachev, NATO expanded eastward from 16 to 28 states. A military system is built along the Russian border. Military maneuvers with 10,000 soldiers are staged at Russia's border.

The West Must Take the First Steps to Russia (tags)

Russia acts out of a strategic defensive and does not pursue an aggressive, expansive policy. It will defend itself against a policy of Nato that sees it as aggressive... That Nato is willing to rethink must be one of the visible signs.

Prohibiting Micro-Second Betting on the Exchanges (tags)

The financial sector that has gone off course should serve the real economy again in the future. The exchange functions like a gigantic casino. Throwing some sand int he gears with a transactions tax would slow down the speculation.

5 Reasohns for UN Agreements Regulating Corporations (tags)

Countless cases of human rights violations by corporations show voluntary self-commitments of businesses cannot ensure social and ecological standards. UN agreements create rights for persons instead of companies.

The Struggle against Aggressive Tax Avoidance (tags)

Experts estimate a fifth of world wealth is hidden from the tax authorities of states and considerable parts of international corporate profits are not taxed. Google and Amazon parked billions in shadow financial centers. Tax avoidance makes a functioning state impossible

5 Questions on Tax Justice (tags)

Tax justice must be created and tax avoidance stopped to fight inequality and poverty. Apple paid 0.0005% tax on its profits in Ireland - merely 50 euros on a million euros profits. Corporations dodge their just contribution as part of society through tax avoidance.

Crisis 2.0: A Policy for the 99% (tags)

The capital surpluses are a constant source of new speculative waves and maneuvers. The crisis of state finances is mainly a crisis of tax refusal. The elites shifted the tax burden from businesses and high incomes to consumer taxes and fees.

Do Germans really want to align themselves with evil? (tags)

In Germany many women are being subjected to sexual abuse by Muslim migrants but their leader Angela Merkel seems captured by the EU and UN and unable to properly defend the country's culture and way of life. My recent book describes the creation of an 'evil' ideology at the UN.

State Investments and the Public Sector (tags)

The public infrastructure is something positive, even from a business perspective. it is a kind of advance concession, increases the entrepreneurial production potential and lowers the production costs. If state investments are trifling, this will have negative long-term effects

Endf Russophobia! Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

NATO's eastern expansion (from 16 to 28 states) was and is a serious strain on relations with Russia. This is also true for the missile defense system in Poland and Rumania. A simple good-evil scheme is all too often dominant. Moral judgments are used instead of political analysis.

Researching Islamic Terrorism in Europe. (tags)

Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes some aspects which require further research e.g on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration which showed that in the case of Bangladesh this certainly appeared to result i a major eruption of violence by Muslim extremists who are anti-secular. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally.

Sharing, not Killing (tags)

Refused sharing and rediscovery of sharing are signs of this time. "This economy kills." So Pope Francis judges socio-economic conditions. Taxing the rich is vital. With additional revenue, workers would not feel threatened by immigrants

Republicans against the Poor and the Sick (tags)

The US is experiencing a dramatic deterioration of its public health. President Trump is now trying to make the ACA "implode" through decrees. The insured are reacting to their higher premiums. A series of states have filed actions against the decrees.

The Shortwave Report 10/20/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

Europe's Conquest by the US (tags)

The US and NATO have troops at the Russian border. Russia has no troops at the US borders with Canada and Mexico. Who staged the 2014 coup in the Ukraine? Who promised Gorbatchev there would be no NATO expansion to the East? Who is the stabilizer and who is the destabilizer?

Tax Avoidance: Drastic Consequences for the Public (tags)

Taxes are the most important foundation of all government activities and public services. Corporate economic activity and profits cannot be clearly assigned to individual nation states anymore. Founding offshore centers is child's play Tax avoidance and tax fraud lead to revenue crisis

Memorandum 2017: Alternatives for a Solidarity Europe: Instead of "Germany First" (tags)

The European Union is at a crossroads. The reason lies in the neoliberal redistribution policy favoring capital incomes over many years. "Mass unemployment intensified and was not ended in Europe. Millions of those with work are in precarious working conditions."

Competition Ideology and Power Reality (tags)

Competition cannot be an end-in-itself. Uncontrolled private power leads to misuse. Uncontrolled competition increasingly destroys itself through concentration and centralization processes. Bastard Keynesianism helps the banks. People diverted from real cause of crises

The Missile Attack Ordered by Trump is a Serious Crime (tags)

Assad's regime defends itself against an international alliance that seeks his overthrow in violation of international law. Whoever wants to see Assad overthrown should answer the question whether we would rather see the Nusra Front in power.

Polish citizens attacked by electromagnetic weapons - Opoen letter to European Commission (tags)

The Polish defense minister promised to establish a commission to investigate electromagnetic attacks on Polish citizens, then the defense ministry declared those attacks national security information

Ramsay Discusses Milloscope Development (tags)

“This week‘s Armchair Hour talk has the issues of the state terrorism against local dissidents in the aftermath of the nuclear waste irregularity and the massive losses in bee populations found by harvesters.”

Europe turn left (tags)

After the economic crisis in 2008, the neoliberal fairytale of austerity was given a new boost. The neoliberal ideology reflects the idea the dismantling of the welfare state is urgently needed. Austerity means that all state expenditures are reduced to a minimum...

Incoming Thai King Advised On Silicon Valley Transition (tags)

It has been swarmed by rumours busying special media top dogs over the last weeks, but is in fact the compass of the scared Buddhist country‘s clergy after the military coup there: Leading religious figures above Bangkok’s corruption-ridden administration have concurred to the conclusion of an earlier Islamic State verdict on the future of the hotbed of monopoly online corporations near the North American half-continent‘s Eastern coast which is also being claimed by the Unitedstates‘ military-industrial complex. It says as to preempt them from obtaining a more dangerous position in world heritage handling than was the Catholic church’s pre-industrial scripture monopoly in central Europe which in the seventh century split the Abrahamic faith, legacy cartels from the global war economy are to be handled according to a twentieth century template taken from the Hiroshima and Nagasaki ultimatum.

Attempt the Impossible! Theses for a New Left Majority (tags)

The Brexit vote and the American presidential election have dramatically accelerated the crises of classical neoliberal policy. The exit from neoliberalism can only succeed in a social movement and cannot only be a matter of a government or of the parties.

Trumpism and the Working Class (tags)

Trumpism understood via Dimitrof

Strategic Emergency Declared Upon Eastern Europe (tags)

In a statement at Moscow International Relations School (Mirsch), newly appointed Unitednations chairman Antonin Guderez today declared the condition of formal strategic emergency over the region of Eastern Europe. According to the body‘s charter, this means that the Secretary General has vetoed any form of military or political confrontation taken by any member or non-member states, and made change an unavoidable precondition for his own activity there. The short statement was delivered at the end of a question and answer session of a lesson on the history of the Soviet Union, which the politician has attended as a guest. Over the recent days and weeks, the region has seen a rush of deployments and tactical material shipments far beyond the usual conflict hotspots.

My book exposes the Human Rights Malpractice of the Liberal Left. (tags)

My book has just been released. It exposes the human rights malpractice of the liberal left. If it were reported in the mainstream media it would send shock waves globally because it uncovers major human rights truths hidden from the global public .

Rethinking Economic Policy! (tags)

The economic crisis calls for social-democratic answers. The fading mass purchasing power (in Germany) is due to the increasing inequality of income and wealth. Deregulation promotes social problems like precariousness and greater income inequality.

Trump and the Consequences: Democracy at a Crossroads (tags)

What appears here is another form of democracy, without the constitutional state and without opposition. Trump could operate with enemy declarations. Today Donald Trump is a radicalized Nixon. Democracy is always endangered and never given as a present.

Nuclear Shutdown News January 2017 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry, in the US and abroad, and highlights the efforts of those who're working to create a nuclear free world. Here is our January 2017 report

US Election as a Turn of an Era (tags)

Karl Marx modified a Hegel quotation that world-historical events always occurred twice, the first time as tragedy and the next time as farce. Since November 9, 2016, we know they can occur as tragedy and farce at once.

Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)

This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.

#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story (tags)

#EmailGate Obama Lynch Clintons Assange Guccifer 2 The Inside Story

Democracy Dissolves (tags)

Worldview parties mutate to popular or catchall parties and gradually lost their clear profile and their voters. Citizens have long known something is rotten in the state. Politics first despised the trust of the population and then lost that trust.

Communications Workers of America District 9 Action at AT&T Shareholders (tags)

Observe Randall Stephenson and the AT&T Board of Directors and Shareholders; their connections to BIG MONEY. Learn about their efforts to silence the voices of labor and progressive shareholders seeking transparency in their political donations and lobbying.

The Shortwave Report 05/13/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

38 Arguments Against TTIP (tags)

TTIP (Transatlantic Trade & Investment Partnership) agreement continues an old thinking instead of everyone sharing int he profits of a few. The private arbitration courts enable corporations to sue states and could have a chilling effect on labor and environmental protection.

TTIP and CETA Must Be Prevented (tags)

Under TTIP, TPP and TiSA, corporations can sue states for lost profits. The German Judges Union calls additional protection of foreign investors "nonsense" that undermines democracy and the constitutional state.

How Much State Does the Social Market Economy Need? (tags)

The use of property is only legitimate within the limits of the public interest. Whoever takes a risk must bear it and be liable for the losses. The state has the political task of laying down effective rules for risk assessment, liability and providing transparency. Distributive battles intensify.

Social Inequality Today (tags)

The neoliberal rollback has created growing instabilities. An advancing process of de-democratization and social re-feudalization is connected with the rise of the new "super-rich." Piketty warned of the growing inequality between rich and poor.

In the Logic of War (tags)

The so-called War on Terror after the attacks of September 2001 was a mistake. There are more terrorists than before. Europeans are now taking the same measures after November 13. Instead of determining and tackling the causes of terror, they use the terrorists as a pretext for open war.

The Shortwave Report 12/18/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Sputnik Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and China Radio International.

Capitalism is the Problem (tags)

Prosperity in large part is based on the ecological and social exploitation of poor countries in Africa and Asia. Today 20% of humanity consume 80% of global resources. The poor are played off against each other while the richest hide billions in tax havens.

Time for a New Detente Policy (tags)

The past subordination under the US policy oriented to regime change and chaos in the Middle East must be ended. A diplomatic offensive to end the war in Syria on the path of negotiation with Russia is necessary. Since March 1999, NATO was expanded with a dozen countries.

Latest NYT Big Lie: Russia Responsible for Syrian Refugee "Surge" (tags)


Fall 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Migrant’s Human Rights Violations, Syria Refugee Crisis – Proudly Made by U.S.A. + Dump the Trump!

Tax Flight, Tax Avoidance and the Contribution of the Rich to Society (tags)

Multinational businesses cause the greatest losses through tax flight and tax avoidance. Between $21 and $32 trillion are invested in tax havens. Tax flight is a problem for democracy. Without tax revenues, politics renounces on creative possibilities.

Further redistribution of wealth from West to rest very likely. (tags)

Top sustainable development goal is to end poverty which very likely means a massive redistribution of wealth from West to rest. However, to achieve this the UN has seriously violated the Universal Declaration it claims as its authority.

Thousands Of Poisons In Mammal, Bird And Fish Flesh (tags)

Mother Jones reported recently that included in the food given to cows are ground limestone, sawdust, candy and candy wrappers, chicken waste (called wastelage by commercial interests) and crab guts. Natural News reported strange hairlike fibers in McNuggets. There are more toxins in animal flesh now than ever before.

Veto-Proof Senate Margin Achieved for Iran Nuclear Deal (tags)


Greece demonstrate (tags)

At the end of yet another «historic» marathon session Brussels negotiations between the Greek government and its creditors, a «definitive» agreement has yet again been found to «resolve" the Greek crisis: Greek Prime Minister Tsipras and his team have come to accept as a condition for new loans to the virtually bankrupt Greek government, a plan of austerity measures significantly harsher than he had rejected a week earlier and against which he had, supposedly, held a referendum! The only point where he apparently got something concrete, is that of the reduction in military spending: the creditors have accepted that it is weaker than what they asked for...

Tsipras Banishing Ministers Opposing His Sellout (tags)


Greek Voters Reject Financing Plan (tags)

Article on recent election in Greece, concerning its debt.

Greek Bailouts for Creditors, not Economic Recovery (tags)


BDS Effect on Israel's Economy (tags)


EU Bashes "Russian Propaganda" (tags)


TTIP: Trifling Economic Advantages at the Cost of Democracy and the Public Interest (tags)

TTIP represents a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state. Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO describes the TTIP as “secret tribunals” where only “foreign investors” can sue. Frank Bsirske of the German Verdi service union said the TTIP is a “black box” transferring sovereignty.

Viacom CBS' Sumner Redstone Promotes Brutal Treatment Of Pot Smokers (tags)

Antipot enforcement is a racist, familybusting, economically stupid tactic of a fearmongering police state

European Parliament Surrenders to Washington on Russia Policy (tags)


The obscure legal system that lets corporations sue countries (tags)

Fast Track, TTIP, TPP and TISA should be scrapped! Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO described the TTIP as "secret tribunals" where only "foreign investors" can sue. This article from The Guardian UK focuses on El Salvador. and Pacific Rim.

Toxins In Cow, Pig, Sheep, Bird, Fish Flesh, And Animal Products A Partial List (tags)

Meat is a cadaver food. No amount of irradiation, preservative, freezing, dehydrating, butting, scrubbing, boiling can prevent its toxic affects.

At G7 Summit Trade and Debt Policies Take Center Stage; Bishops Call on G7 to Enact Global (tags)

G7, Jubilee USA Network, Debt

Russian Travel Blacklist: Critics Ignore Their Own Policies (tags)


CBS Shills For War, Violence, Toxic Drugs, Animal Flesh, Lower Broadcast Standards (tags)

Billionaire Sumner Redstone and his nephew Les Moonves are ultimately responsible for the hawkish, fearmongering, violent programming shown on the CBS network.

The Shortwave Report 05/22/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, China Radio International, and Sputnik Radio.

A Partial Privatization of Justice (tags)

On, Richard Trumka of the AFL-CIO warns that the TTIP is a secret tribunal where only foreign investors can sue. The TTIP brings a crisis for democracy and the constitutional state by creating a parallel private arbitration system with irrevocable decisions.

Free Trade and Economic Growth instead of Democracy and Ecology (tags)

The TTIP agreement between the EU and the US creates a parallel private arbitration system where corporations can sue states for lost profits and decisions are irrevocable. Labor and environmental regulations can be invalidated as “takings” or “indirect expropriation.”

Breaking the Silence: A Middleman For Anonymous Sources (tags)

Too often, when it comes to reporting on Israel and the Palestinians, unverified “eyewitnesses” or unnamed sources are a feature of media stories, especially those that impact negatively on Israel.

6 Articles On PBS Promotion of Animal Products, War Propaganda, Deforestation Etc (tags)

PBS is aligned to the Pentagon agenda and corporate America

Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Fast Track, TPP and TTIP Should Be Scrapped! (tags)

How scandalous that communities and states should lose sovereignty to corporations! In the TTIP, corporations can sue states for lost profits. Public interest legislation can be called a trade barrier or indirect expropriation.

Bashing Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsiras's Moscow Visit (tags)


The Allies at Gallipoli: Defeat in 1915, Disgrace in 2015 (tags)

Turkey enjoys the spectacle of defeated foreigners trudging to Gallipoli.

Greece Proposes Plans to Tackle Tax Evasion and Corruption (tags)

Greece submitted a list of economic reforms to the European Union (EU) in an effort to secure emergency financing.

Seeing behind the Global iron Curtain. (tags)

What I saw behind the Global iron Curtain which, in my view, exists between the UN and the rest of humanity. I describe what I consider to be very much of enormous and profound importance hidden from people.

The New York Times War on Truth Revisited (tags)


Democracy for Sale: Stop Fast Track and TTIP! (tags)

The investment protection clause of the TTIP grants investors special protection regarding their so-called :"legitimate expectation." Businesses can sue when they feel restricted in their business activity by new laws in the public interest. Financial services are an important sector for US investors.

Homo Economicus and Dethronement of the Profit Principle (tags)

Max Frisch summarized economism int he formula: "what brings profit is rational." Economism is a business ethics conception, a justification theory for profit maximization that declares ethics superfluous. Ultimately this is an "ethic" without morality.

Canadian Pigs Beaten, Electroshocked, Frozen, Suffocated, Injured, Die Of Thirst, Heat (tags)

torture of pigs video'd at Western Hog Exchange in Edmonton and elsewhere

Poroshenko Wants NATO Troops in Donbass (tags)


Munich's March to War with Russia (tags)


Outrageous MSM Putin Bashing (tags)


TTIP: Redistribution of Power, not Free Trade (tags)

The TTIP (Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement) involves the redistribution of power away from the parliaments and to the executive and its unelected lobbyists. The TTIP does not involve freedom of trade.

March Against Air France (tags)

Join The Bunny Alliance and Empty Cages LA for a protest against Air France – KLM. Air France-KLM is the number one transporter of animals to laboratories, and the number one Airline deporting asylum seekers and migrants out of France. Take a stand against the import of animals to labs, and the deportation of migrants!

Heading for War with Russia? (tags)


Russia Responds to Obama's Bombastic State of the Union Address (tags)


Message of Profound Importance to the UN. (tags)

Consider it of Profound Concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also Islamic terrorists should be informed that America opposed extending the secular domain to include economic, social and cultural rights which it has not ratified (also see PS. below)

Message of Profound Importance to UN. (tags)

Consider it of profound concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also, Islamic terrorists should be informed that at the UN it was very largely America that opposed collectivization and secularization of whole Universal Declaration.

Nicht to War in Europe (tags)


ADI awards Congressman Jim Moran the 2014 Animal Champion Award for his dedication to end (tags)

ADI General Counsel Christina Scaringe presents Rep. Moran with the ADI Animal Champion Award in Washington DC.

Review of E San Juan's AMBIL (tags)

Filipino activist Karlo Mongaya reviews the avant-garde postconceptual writing of E San Juan Jr., and its critique of author-centered institutionalized expression in the neoliberal regime of Aquino in neocolonial Philippines.

Former Ukrainian Parliamentarian Exposes Kiev Ruthlessness (tags)


Academic Groups For and Against BDS (tags)


Lawless US Sanctions on Venezuela (tags)


Gorbachev and Lavrov on US/Russian Relations (tags)


United Nations Votes for Process to Create Global Bankruptcy Framework (tags)

UN Process Could Limit Default and Stop Predatory Funds

Victory of the Economy over Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

The person exists as an end-in-him/herself and not merely as a means... On the other hand, the principle of the worldwide market economy is based on treating persons and their needs as means to the end of profit realization.

Kissinger Geopolitics (tags)


Ukraine: Fascist Dictatorship Masquerading As Democracy (tags)


Risking War with Russia (tags)


US House Declares Cold War on Russia (tags)


Monsanto Growth Hormone Causes Suffering To Cows and Disease To Human Beings (tags)

Monsanto, Eli Lilly, Upjohn and American Cyanamid have caused disease to humans and suffering to cows with their mastitis engendering growth hormone.

Southeastern Ukrainian Elections: Scoundrel Media Misreporting (tags)


America's Rogue Agenda (tags)


In Ohio Governor Race, Disturbing Facts About John Kasich Emerge (tags)

Kasich's role in fleecing Ohio pension funds, his signing of a bill that rape counselors lose state funding for listing abortion as an option, his campaign prevarication about Fitzgerald license, etc etc.

Lavrov on Ukraine (tags)


Duplicitous Ukrainian Electoral Postmortems (tags)


Farcical Ukrainian Parliamentary Elections (tags)


New thoughts on capital in the twenty-first century, 21 min (tags)

Thomas Piketty is the author of the 2014 bestseller "Capital in the 21st Century."

Russia: On the Right Side of History (tags)


Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies (tags)


Wind power is cheaper than coal, 70pp (tags)

A leaked report shows wind is the cheapest energy source in Europe, beating the presumably dirt-cheap coal and gas by a mile. Conventional wisdom holds that clean energy is more expensive than its fossil-fueled counterparts. competition.

UN's Gross Deceit: ethical human rights needed (tags)

Desc UN's gross deceit omitting certain human rights to enable operation IMF (human rights free zone) which pursues elitist globalization. Activists serious lack of understand of political globalization which sees dominance of bureaucrats. Also, decimation animal population.

A Brave New Transatlantic Partnership, 32pp (tags)

Talks between the European Union and the United States on a Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) took off in the summer of 2013 with many political and business leaders hailing the deal as a silver bullet against the difficult economic recovery affecting both sides of the Atlantic.

Irresponsible NYT Putin Bashing (tags)


Lavrov Counters Irresponsible Western Policies (tags)


Asian Socialism Conference in the Philippines (tags)

The Asian Socialism Conference will be held in Manila from November 28 to 29, 2014. The conference will be capped by the participation of guests and delegates to the November 30 rally in Manila to commemorate Bonifacio Day, a national hero who led the armed struggle in the revolution against Spain.

Flashback to 2001: President Assad to Prime Minister Blair:'Stop bombing Afghan civilians' (tags)

Reading the transcript of a joint press conference by Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, which was held on the 25th day of the Anglo-American-led invasion of Afghanistan, makes it abundantly clear why another Anglo-American-led genocidal war had been launched against Syria nearly ten years later.

Why Millions Will Vote Against Gov Kasich of Ohio (tags)

execution, promotion of war, killer vaccines, killing mass transit plans, inaction on factory farms etc

Mocking Putin's Good Faith Ukraine Peace Plan (tags)


Kiev Fascists Murder Russian Journalist (tags)


Hard Truths on Ukraine MSM Suppress (tags)


The Free Trade Trap (tags)

Political economies are calibrated to a form of economics oriented exclusively in competitiveness and high profits...The selling off of public services through the agreement on trade with services and the new edition of MAI were prevented because of social protest.

Anti-Democratic Straitjackets (tags)

The TTIP Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (also called TAFTA) is an undemocratic corporate investment agreement that allows corporations to sue sovereign states for lost profits. This agreement negotiated in secret since 2013 does not allow states to sue.

TTIP: Threat to Democracy and the Constitutional State (tags)

The TTIP, the largest free trade zone comprising 800 million of the EU and the US is being secretly negotiated. Democracy and the constitutional state are threatened by 3-person arbitration courts where corporations can sue states and decisions are irreversible.

Analysis of the TTIP chapter on food safety (tags)

The TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, being negotiated behind closed doors allows corporations to sue states for lost profits in 3-person arbitration courts. Only corporations can sue and judgments are not reviewable.

TTIP Undermines the Constitutional State (tags)

TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, is a deregulation agreement, a great redistribution project benefiting mammoth corporations at the expense of women and the 99%. Loud protest caused the EU commission to suspend negotiation on the investor right to sue.

Learning from Roosevelt: HIs "New Deal" (tags)

The Civilian Conservation Corps helped overcome the basic pessimistic mood in society. Within a few months, 500,000 young persons had hope again. The government should intervene in case of an economic emergency.

The ‘Asian Century’ and ASEAN integration: contradictions and challenges (tags)

Talk given by Sonny Melencio, Chairperson of Partido Lakas ng Masa-Philippines (PLM), during the Socialist Alliance Conference in Sydney, Australia on June 7, 2014

TTIP: Deregulation, Attack on Jobs and End to Democracy (tags)

This booklet, written by John Hilary, Executive Director of War on Want, explains in short what TTIP is and how it will affect the lives of all of us if it comes into force. The Rosa-Luxemburg-foundation tries to cast some light into this secretly negotiated treaty.

Human rights groups close ranks after Pope urges UN resist Culture of Death. (tags)

Human rights group members ignore posts in which Pope urges UN to resist Culture of Death and UN Watch reports the rise of repressive States to prominent UN positions.

Political Myths and Elite Misanthropy (tags)

In his new book "Political Myths and Elite Misanthropy," professor Herbert Schui explains the myth of the achiever, the myth of state indebtedness, the myth of the market and competition and the myth of market conforming democracy.

Putin in St. Petersburg (tags)

Putin and Lavrov

New York Times War on Truth (tags)


Hidden neoliberal absolutism more evident in rise of repressive regimes. (tags)

Effects of the UN's neoliberal absolutism on 10 Dec 2008 has been hidden from the public by the UN and leadership of major human rights organizations but seen in GFC 2008/9 and now the rise of repressive regimes at UN.

Apple, the State and Social Rights (tags)

Apple only gained its profits with the iPhone through state promotion and investments in the Internet and language recognition software. The state suffers a revenue crisis in part because Apple, Google and dominant corporations transfer profits to tax havens or dummy Irish corporations.

State Department Big Lies (tags)

police state

Stoking Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Fact Checking Scoundrel Media Lies (tags)


Russia Bashing Escalates (tags)


NYT Russia Bashing Stench (tags)


Outrageous Pro-Kiev Op-Ed (tags)


Russia Bashing Continues (tags)


Kiev Violates Four-Party Agreement (tags)


Flashback to 2003: "Major combat in Iraq is over, U.S. warns rogue Syria" (tags)

Living in an age of dis-information, not many people do remember the deadly serious Anglo-American threats of war against Syria on the 26th day of the “shock and awe” genocide in Iraq.

What Ukraine Propaganda Looks Like (tags)


Myriad Google Crimes (tags)

Some Categories Of Google Crimes: Promoting Illegal Wars, Worldwide Sleuthing, Censorship, Spying on Chidlren

Turkey’s Latest Jihad on Christian Armenians (tags)

Far from being repentant of the Armenian Genocide, Turkey, under the leadership of Prime Minister Erdogan, is again, like its Ottoman forbear, targeting Armenians; is again causing their death and dislocation.

'Profound' Arrogance at UN creates elitist human rights (tags)

Describes the 'Profound' Arrogance of bureaucratic elites at the UN in disregarding history, as it they 'know', to reinvent human rights to emphasize elites rather than individuals. Discussion with Islamic Assist Professor of Law on global ethical human rights.

Beware of Monotones! (tags)

There are voices beyond the monotone, nuances from the side of writers, scholars and economic experts.. Every war and conflict needs a narrative that defines good and evil, that classifies, simplifies and serves interests.

Crimean False Flag Attack? (tags)


White House Crime Boss Powwow (tags)


NYT Editors Wage War on Truth (tags)


Dueling East/West Agendas (tags)


Propaganda War on Russia (tags)


Evidence Shows Kiev Putschists Recruited Euromaidan Snipers (tags)


Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights. (tags)

Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives opportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting the 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoliberal absolutism'.

East/West Confrontation Looms (tags)


Ukraine: Potential Flashpoint for Global War (tags)


Cheerleading Ukrainian Fascism (tags)


On the Global Conjuncture, February 2014 (tags)

The key feature of the global landscape is the continuing stagnation of the centers of the global economy, the United States and the European Union. The promise of sustained recovery from the financial implosion has eluded the United States for over three years now while most of Europe remains mired in very deep recession, with the notable exception of Germany.

Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), 41 pp (tags)

The Investor-State Dispute mechanism gives corporations the status of nation states. The Swedish energy corporation Vattenfall is suing Germany for 1 billion Euros for stopping nuclear power too quickly!

The Free Trade Agreement TTIP - New Version of the "Golden Age" (tags)

Lobbyists and think tanks of transnational corporations dreamt of a global market without limits. With enticing slogans like more economic growth or creation of new jobs, the population should accept the trade-and investment agreement.

Kerry and Lavrov in Munich (tags)


Governments give themselves a ‘free trade’ offer they can’t refuse (tags)

The secret agreement Obama doesn’t want you to know about will have secret tribunals as well.

Media Scoundrels Target Ukraine (tags)


Great World can be achieved by Great States ensuring an ethical human rights 'bottom-line' (tags)

Describes what I see as the UN’s gross neglect of duty re UN Charter (in my opinion, a ‘global crime against humanity’) to uphold UDHR. Also I consider greater political and national unity is planned to execute a ‘near absolute’ control in States.

Ohio Republicans Promote Human Disease, Animal Agony, And Disinformation (tags)

State agency justifies a lust for blood sports and the stalking of innocent animals... while lying about the hazards of meat.

Hardball US Geopolitics (tags)


Ukrainian Protests Continue (tags)


Unsafe at any speed - Irans nuclear ambitions (tags)

(original article on: )

Orange Revolution 2.0? (tags)


Bashing Ukraine (tags)


From Obamacare to Trade (tags)

Superversion not subversion is the new and very real threat to the state.

From Summit to Summit: Lost Generation and Lost Decade (tags)

Neoliberal economic thinking explains unemployment as a balance phenomenon with only supply-side causes: poorly trained, wrong place, excessive wage demands and an overly generous social state.. Youth unemployment of 30 or 60% is a catastrophe.

Who is System Relevant - Banks or the People? (tags)

We are experiencing the most brutal form of the neoliberal credo since the financial crisis: privatization of profits and socialization of losses. EU crisis policy bails out banks and drives the population into misery. We must change direction. We need a change of paradigms in policy.

Chemical Weapons Directed By Corporations Against Us All (tags)

Corporate biochemicals are poisoning us all

Helen Clark ignores question on global ethical human rights. (tags)

When Helen Clark, Head of the United Nations Development Program, was asked during question time after delivering a lecture why the UN says nothing about the new plan for the world, global ethical human rights, she ignored the question.

Israeli Democracy: A Convenient Illusion (tags)


EU Guidelines on Israel: Part II (tags)


Spying? Who cares? Profits are at stake! (tags)

Despite the displays of anger and assertions of sovereignty, European government showed themselves not only subordinate to the U.S. but to their own industrialists and financiers. The U.S. government is similarly a captive of its own big business interests.

The Ideological Mantra "Competitiveness" (tags)

The policy that Merkel and Co. forced on the crisis countries has led to social catastrophes...The competition ideology has managed to establish the notion that generalized competition is the real human condition.

Europe Cravenly Colluding with U.S. in Criminality (tags)

It is hard to know which is the more outrageous: the US government’s forced landing this week of the Bolivian President Evo Morales’ official jet in Europe; or the European authorities’ compliance with the Americans in their act of international piracy.

Five Articles In One On Superior Health With Nonviolent Diet (tags)

The 5 articles are 1. Blood Sweat and Tears: Ingredients In Animal Flesh 2. Of Sex and Diet 3. Superior Brain Function of Vegetarian, Vegan and Fruitarian Diet 4. Fish Can't Scream And Their Flesh is Neurotoxic 5. Myriad Reasons To Be Vegetarian

Syria Is Becoming Obama's Iraq (tags)

In perfect Bush-like fashion, President Obama has invented a bogus pretense for military intervention in yet another Middle East country. The president’s claim that the Syrian government has used chemical weapons — and thus crossed Obama’s imaginary “red line” — will likely fool very few Americans, who already distrust their president after the massive NSA spying scandal.

Killing the Messenger: Official Greek Government Policy (tags)

police state

"Politics prepared the ground for financial war" (tags)

The current economic crisis is a product of political mistakes, economic incompetence and criminal energy. Capitalism altogether has been a declaration of war. Politics bungled deregulation. The wisdom of the market never existed.

How Obama and Al-Qaeda Became Syrian Bedfellows (tags)

For a president that is executing Bush’s “war on terror” against Al-Qaeda and “its affiliates,” it seems odd that President Obama has targeted the secular Syrian government for “regime change.”

Syrian foes move towards talks but fighting rages (tags)

Syria's opposition and the government of President Bashar al-Assad seem to be preparing to take part in an international peace conference against a background of some of the worst fighting this year.

Creative Destruction (tags)

The exodus from the casino capitalism producing ever faster and ever deeper crises cannot succeed without a broad and powerful democratic base. Parliamentary democracy is urged to finally take up the struggle around the primacy of politics

Greece’s depression is IMF’s idea of ‘progress’ (tags)

Austerity programs are designed with ideology in mind, not with economics based on the real world.

Our Proposal for Changing the System and not the Climate (tags)

The capitalist system has exploited and abused nature, pushing the planet to its limits, so much so that the system has accelerated dangerous and fundamental changes in the climate.

High Noon in Cyprus (tags)

class war

U.S. Companies Under Pressure to End Animal Tests as Europe Bans the Sale of Cosmetics Tes (tags)

The sale of cosmetics tested on animals is now banned in the European Union -- Animal Defenders International is working hard to make America follow in their footsteps.

30 Hour Work Week (tags)

Reduced working hours is the only logically and historically consistent answer to the annual productivity increases that are above the real growth rates of the economy and without reduced working hours lead to a decline of work volume and unemployment.

Tax Evasion and the Social State (tags)

The good social state invests in the social, in the education of children of the new lower classes... Taxes is the price we pay for a civilized society (Oliver Wendell Holmes).. The state share must increase in a developed society since ever greater demands are made on the state.

‘Transatlantic Partnership’ intended to duplicate secret Trans-Pacific Partnership (tags)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership, an 11-country trade negotiation intended to go well beyond NAFTA, appears to the be model for proposed United States–European Union trade agreement.

Profile of Imperial Lawlessness (tags)


What the 1% Heard During Obama’s State of the Union Speech (tags)

When President Obama speaks, most Americans hear what he wants them to hear: lofty rhetoric and a “progressive” vision. But just below the surface the president has a subtly-delivered message for the 1%, whose ears prick up when their buzzwords are mentioned. Obama’s state of the union address was such a speech — a pro-corporate agenda packaged with chocolate covered rhetoric for the masses, easy to swallow, but deadly poisonous.

The Liberal-Regressive Modern Age (tags)

The financial crisis of the states-dramatically intensified by the costs of bailing out the banks-shifts the costs to the broad population without touching the wealth of the economic elites. Political governing is increasingly uncoupled from the approval and influence of citizens.

Economic Straight Talk (tags)

class war

The Shortwave Report 02/08/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK Japan

The Shortwave Report 02/01/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and the Voice of Russia.

Cancellation of Illegitmate Debts Instead of Bailout Umbrellas for Financiers (tags)

The inflation of public indebtedness was an essential element for the enhanced power of financial capital. That inflation was a result of a conscious under-financing of the state and is a lever to enforce an austerity policy. Financialization intensified the pressure to precariousness.

Israel Complicit in Global State Terrorism (tags)


Crisis in Greece (tags)

In Greece, the functioning society was undermined until it finally collapsed. The crisis has destroyed the social state. A person becomes a kind of predatory wild animal in dramatic situations as now seen in Greece. He only sees himself and his own survival.

A Western Rebellion could ensure global ethical human rights 'bottom-line' for all. (tags)

Rebellion justified.The adoption of a human rights instrument by the UN General Assembly in Dec 2008 led to the Global Financial Crisis in 2009.Involving international h.rights law it strongly favored Devel Asia, incl China, over the West.

US and European Union rebuke Israel’s new settlement plans in East Jerusalem (tags)

The White House Tuesday rebuked Israel for officially endorsing 1,500 new Jewish residences in Arab East Jerusalem, saying the action makes suspicious Israel’s pledge to peace talks and an independent Palestinian state. A number of European Union countries also condemned the Israeli move.

Why UN Climate Agreements Fail (tags)

History will undoubtedly deliver the harshest condemnations of the UN climate talks currently underway in Doha, Qatar. But the conference was laughable before it began; the inept “goals” of the talks stand in tragic-comic opposition to what we already know about climate change — that the climate has already changed in profound ways and its trajectory spells doom for civilization if drastic, coordinated steps are not taken in the immediate future.

U.N. Vote on Palestinian Recognition Blocked by U.S., Israel and Germany (tags)

The right wing government of Germany under Chancellor Angela Merkel has made the unfortunate choice to side with the U.S. and Israel in blocking Palestinian recognition in the upcoming United Nations vote. However France, Spain, U.K. and many other nations are going to act with ethics to support Palestinian statehood instead of caving in to the imperialist whims of U.S. and Israeli pressures to maintain their state sanctioned apartheid and discrimination against the Palestinian people.

Abbas Submits Weak UN Status Bid (tags)


Abbas: Collaborating with the Enemy (tags)


On the Way to the Digital Society (tags)

The net must be understood for what it is: a marvelous creative space that forces us to question traditional norms and values, organizational forms and superficially accepted conditions to find new ways into the future.

Greece: Profile of a Failed State (tags)


Champion of the Rich and Militarists (tags)

While the foreign-and military policy of President Obama is everything other than worthy of a Nobel Prize for peace, the positions of his challenger lead to total fear and worry. America has a one-party system with two right-wings (Gore Vidal)

Tepid Palestinian Authority UN Upgrade Bid (tags)


European parliament approves EU-Israel trade agreement/Letter of protest to mrs Ashton, EU (tags)

With the approval of the European Parliament of the ACCA trade agreement with Israel, the EU sets further steps in supporting Israel, despite its occupation, illegal settlements policy and warcrimes This and the EU international role of political, economical and military domination and exploitation of the Thirld World, the inhuman asylumpolicy, the wars in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Trojka starvation of the Greeks, makes the Nobelprize for Peace to the EU a mockery of Justice

There are no national solutions for Greece, or any other country (tags)

In what can be interpreted as a dry run for other countries, financiers intend to reduce Greece to a vassal state that has no control over its finances, with its tax revenues used to pay banks instead of for government functions.

Climate Change Policy Gap Between USA and Europe Grows, as Norway Sets New Carbon Tax (tags)

Ignored in the Presidential debates -- climate change policies in the USA and Europe are diverting - wildly. Norway just set a new national carbon tax, while the US House of Representatives recently voted to ban CO2 regulations. Like we live on different planets.

The Sanctions Game (tags)


Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)


Nobel Hypocrisy Wins Again (tags)


"We struck Syria": Turkish press jubilant as Turkey marches to war (tags)

Apart from a few exceptions, the entire Turkish press is treacherously rejoicing over Turkey's march to war with Syria.

European Bank Socialism (tags)

The motto "Too big to fail" frees the financial sector from all chains. In the future, the banks will not have to assume any liability for taking irrational risks. Instead they can commit fraud without limit-in a system that already leads us to the brink and creates millions of unemployed.

Another Road for Europe (tags)

Europe is in crisis because it has been hijacked by neoliberalism and finance. Along the road to another Europe, visions of change, protest and alternatives have to be woven into a common framework. Finance should be prevented from destroying the economy.

Activist San Diego Shows “Genetic Roulette” Film (tags)

Activist San Diego screened “Genetic Roulette” Saturday, September 22 at the Joyce Beers Community Center. The film is directed by Jeffrey M. Smith and is based on his book of the same title, an exposé of the health risks of genetically modified organisms (GMO's) in the food supply. The showing was co-sponsored with the Yes on 37 campaign, which supports Proposition 37 on the November ballot, that would require genetically modified foods sold in California to be labeled as such.

German High Court Capitulates to Bankers (tags)

class war

Beirut Patriarch: EU Doesn't Care About the Fate of Christians in the Middle East (tags)

WikiLeaks cable: Gaddafi funded, trained CPP-NPA rebels (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Libyan strongman Moammar Gaddafi was a key financier of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its military wing, the New People's Army (NPA), according to a US Secretary of State secret cable published by anti-secrecy group WikiLeaks.

Top academics rebel against State capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights. (tags)

Top academics rebel against State capture and discuss ethical approach to human rights,development, globalization to replace neoliberalism and omitted children's rights. Former emphasizes bottom-up, unleashes potential the latter is top-down, crushes potential.

Repaired Shoes or New Shoes (tags)

The economy demonstrates-in the Marxist sense-its primacy over politics. Whose interests are realized? New holes opened up after every bailout action in the last four years. Greece is only the tip of the iceberg. The debtor is not to blame for the disaster.

Washington's Total War on Syria (tags)


Support shown by UN,US,maybe NZ for ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism (tags)

A new idea, an ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization to replace neoliberalism, gives people a choice.The ethical human rights approach is being supported on the social networking sites by the US government, the UN while the NZ government maybe sympathetic.

The Shortwave Report 06/29 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.

The world’s richest 22 people own more than Switzerland produces (tags)

Four heirs to the Wal-Mart fortune, the two Koch brothers who inherited their father’s company and two software moguls piggybacking on the government-created Internet are among those whose wealth is in the stratosphere.

You can vote as bankers dictate, but is that democracy? (tags)

Officials of the European Central Bank and the European Union apparatus quickly served notice that the pressure is not off by demanding the formation of a government to their liking.

NAFTA and European Union: Different sides of the Atlantic but same function (tags)

The logic of the multi-national euro currency is tighter economic integration and loss of popular sovereignty.

The Systemic Causes of the Crisis (tags)

The crisis is 30 years old, not 4 years old. The causes of the crisis can be found in the real goods-producing economy, not in the financial markets. The wildly proliferating financial markets did not drag the industry into crisis but kept alive the industry through credit-financed demand.

Economic Dictatorship (tags)

In the crisis, there was a paradigm based on the belief in unlimited economic growth on a planet with infinite resources. This paradigm identifies happiness with wealth, well-being with accumulation of material goods and progress with consumerism.

European monetary fables tell a story, but for whom? (tags)

It's German wage cuts, not "lazy" Greeks

When The Shop Keepers Join The Revolt! (tags)

When the shop keepers join the revolt things must be very bad indeed.

BBC: Caught in the Act (tags)


Khader Adnan's Heroic Struggle for Justice (tags)


Act Up Against ACTA (tags)


Europe's Losing Game (tags)


ACTA: Worse Than SOPA and PIPA (tags)

Internet freedom

The Crisis Explained (tags)

So much crisis was never analyzed with a crisis-conditioned satisfaction guarantee! Instead of seeking culprits, we must seek the systemic causes of the indebtedness dynamic. These gigantic debt mountains were necessary to keep capitalism functioning. Fewer and fewer workers can producer more and more goods in an ever-shorter time.

BTL:Assassination of Iranian Nuclear Scientists: A Provocation for War? (tags)

Interview with Muhammad Sahimi, professor of Chemical engineering at the University of Southern California, conducted by Scott Harris

Copyright Hypocrisy and the Assault on the Internet (tags)

When the producers of the hit film "The Adjustment Bureau" tried to stiff the daughters of Philip K. Dick, who wrote the story on which the film was based, out of their rights payments on the ground that the story's copyright was invalid, they unwittingly exposed the hypocrisy surrounding the entertainment industry's aggressive attempts to stop so-called "Internet piracy." Bills like the SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) in the House and PROTECT IP in the Senate would destroy Internet freedom and turn ISP's into content police in the name of continuing a copyright system that is no longer technologically sustainable.

EU Protests Israeli Occupation Policies (tags)


"The illegitimate debts must be cancelled" (tags)

A neoliberal tax policy followed for twenty years drastically lowered the taxes paid by private corporations on their profits, above all by big business. The debts are not an incomprehensible plague but the result of a conscious and completely unjust policy.

The Crisis, Trust and Homeowners (tags)

Capitalism cannot function any more without credit-financed debt on account of its increasing productivity. The recession will come because the indebtedness-dynamic can hardly be maintained with which the capitalist zombie-economy is kept alive in its pseudo-life.

Beyond Possessive Individualism (tags)

Shrinking the financial sector and abandoning neoliberal myths are vital to prevent the next crisis. The authors, German Young Socialists in their 30s, decry the myths that incomes are just, self-interest leads to public interest and economics and politics are separate.

For a Human Revolution - MDS Statement on the Occupy Movement (tags)

Movement for a Democratic Society (MDS) issues statement of solidarity. Suggests demands that draw on the past, while looking to the future.

When Financial Management Paralyzes Democracy (tags)

The 2010 Attac Bank Tribunal in Berlin was a civil society legal proceeding that decried the speculative business model: take excessive risks and burden taxpayers with the costs. Rating agencies should be public. Banks that are too big to fail are too big to exist and should be broken up

Collapsing Debt Towers (tags)

The crisis is 30 years old, not three years old. The causes of the crisis should be tracked down in the real goods-producing economy, not in the financial markets. The financial markets were keep alive up to the collapse of the speculative bubble by credit-financed demand.

Learning Nothing in 80 Years (tags)

The crisis began in the US where the government became heavily indebted after September 11, 2001 in the war against terror and where property owners, banks and hedge funds long lived openly on credit. The German government was laughed at when it prohibited short-selling in 2010

Israeli State Terror Belies Wanting Peace (tags)


Palestinian UN Membership Roulette (tags)


Imploding Bubble Economies (tags)


Face-Off: Palestine v. Washington/Israel on Statehood (tags)


Manifesto of Appalled Economists: The Shocked and the Outraged (tags)

Tax cuts for the super-rich and corporations promised economic growth and more jobs but produced exploding inequality and generalized insecurity. The US faces a revenue crisis and a war spending crisis. Tax cuts, wars and bailouts of banks and firms caused massive US deficit.

BTL:New Confidence Required to Overcome Americans' Political Passivity (tags)

Interview with Bruce Levine, psychiatrist and author, conducted by Scott Harris

New York Times Support for Imperial Wars (tags)

corrupt media

Philippine peace process gaining headway (tags)

Upon assuming office a year ago, President Benigno S. Aquino III declared that the government was ready to resume peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Communist National Democratic Front (NDF) without pre-condition and repeated it in his first State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA).

Debts and a New Beginning (tags)

Problems don't disappear when they are ignored. Through deregulation, the law of profit maximization and government failure, the financial sector was expanded and made independent of the real economy. 14 million jobs could be created through the Internet.

The implications of China?s increasingly active role in multilateral Institutions (tags)

The implications for Asia Pacific security due to the active role and growing influence from the Peoples? Republic of China?s (PRC) approach to particular multilateral institutions are both economic and strategic. The PRC has also been active in several regional multilateral institutions such as the Asia Pacific Economic Community (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) and the Asian Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) but it is with the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) where the PRC?s greatest multilateral engagement has been witnessed.

The Crisis of Financial Market Capitalism as a Challenge for the Left (tags)

The crisis of neoliberal financial market capitalism broke out in its center and has one central systemic cause. This crisis was triggered by the independence of the financial sphere... A solidarity mixed economy, democracy and peace are alternatives.

BTL:Greeks Fight for Alternatives to Austerity Policies Provoking Economic Hardship (tags)

Interview with Peter G. Prontzos, professor of political science at Langara College, conducted by Scott Harris

Greek Tragedy Goes Global (tags)

financial terrorism

Greece must deny to pay an odious debt (tags)

In times of harsh neoliberal austerity and limited national sovereingty, the denial to pay an odious and illegitimate debt is a moral, political and social need. (by Nicolas Mottas/American Chronicle)

Turkey cancels participation in Free gaza Flotilla (tags)

Turkey has disallowed local participation in teh Free gaza Flotilla, scheduled for late June

Money and Justice (tags)

We live on credit, shift costs and risks into the future and make possible a prosperity with the help of a policy of cheap money that is paid for by others. An interest-free money system would be a counter model to the growth pressure inherent in the present system.

Palestinian Statehood and Other Political Issues (tags)


Response to 'Leaked Zionist strategy Paper to counter BDS' By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

A ruling state cannot be dictated to by other nations, but it can and does dictate to other nations, including to the world's sole superpower! Does the Jewsonly State of Israel fit that bill? When Zionistan can bomb and kill and burn men women and children with impunity in front of the entire world's powerless spectating eyes, when every Western statesman from the Queen to the President pays homage to them, especially their visit on Israel's 60th birthday bash while their own Bibles were being burnt downtown, and when their sugar-daddy owns/controls all the Western world's central banks thus controlling their national/supra-national laws, someone expects me to believe that Israel is afraid of the BDS movement?

Causes and Consequences of the Financial Crisis (tags)

The neoliberal restructuring and globalization of capitalism has led to states becoming the spoils of financial capital. The neoliberal program is enforced with the help of states. Governments only react to the conditions set by the economically powerful. This is the end of politics.

Bretton Woods 2.0: Soros New World Order Conference (tags)

new world order

The World Social Forum (Feb 6-11, 2011) (tags)

"Another world is possible," Susan George declared at Porto Alegre. 80,000 activists came to Dakar. The world has changed, not only through the financial crisis that showed the market often causes more problems than it solves. The WSF has become a source of hope for a just world.

BBC: US and UK Imperial Tool (tags)


Remember Saddam Hussain? (tags)

"The capture of numerous British military and intelligence operatives—six SAS men and an MI5 agent—by rebel forces in Benghazi made clear that the powers that be are already hard at work to this end. It has since been revealed by the Daily Mail that ministers have approved “a presence on the ground” of the SAS and MI6, who “will link up with Special Forces already in Libya to provide protection and give informal military advice to the Libyan opposition.”

Voices of Dissent Spreading Across Middle East, Now Being Raised Against Saudi Kingdom (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley (tags)

We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.

Libya: Is Washington Pushing for Civil War to Justify a US-NATO Military Intervention? (tags)

“There is now talk about a “humanitarian intervention” in Libya, similar to Yugoslavia and Iraq. A “no-fly zone” over Libya has been mentioned, as has NATO military intervention. The aims behind such statements are not humanitarian, but are intended to justify foreign interference, which could potentially lead to an invasion. Should this come to fruition, Libya would become an occupied country. Its resources would be plundered and its assets privatized and controlled by foreign corporations as in the case of Iraq. Today, in Libya and the Arab World the ghosts of Omar Mukhtar and Saladin are still very much alive and active. Getting rid of Gaddafi and his sons alone is not the solution. The entire corrupt system of governance in Libya and the culture of political corruption must be dismantled. At the same time, however, foreign interference or domination should also not be allowed to take root in Libya. If the Libyan people are mobilized and steadfast, they can fight such schemes.”

Calls for military intervention in Libya? (tags)

"The Imperialist powers, they’re economies wrecked by the hubris endemic to their systems, would like nothing better than to seize, Libya’s petroleum assets during this time of eternal turmoil. And why wouldn’t they desire to invade now? They get to derail revolution and they get the oil! This would be London and Washington’s wet dream. And it would be a disaster for the people everywhere! In fact we may ultimately find that their dirty, greedy hands were behind the disaster in Libya in order to create pretexts for actions “imperial in nature” all over Africa. At any rate, no progressive person can believe that “western intervention” will be other than another grotesque rape of the people of the African continent. Please do all you can to resist this horrible possibility? The western powers simply cannot be trusted. Defend the Libyan nations’ right, and indeed all the revolutionary peoples’ of Africa’s’ right to self-determination. No less, and in fact, much more is at stake."

Mubarak Toppled by CIA Because He Opposed US Plans for War with Iran? (tags)

"In terms of imperialist mentality, not all that much has changed since the days of 1956, when British Prime Minister Anthony Eden would become apoplectic at the mere sight of Colonel Amal abd-el Nasser, the gallant Egyptian leader who successfully nationalized the Suez Canal in defiance of the British and the French. When the imperialists look across the northern edge of Africa, the valuable assets they see are the oil of Algeria and Libya, and above all the Suez Canal, one of the classical naval choke points of the world, through which 8% of world maritime trade currently passes. The Anglo Americans are acutely aware of the endless possibilities for mischief against countries like Iran, China, and Russia that could be derived from a reassertion of the old imperialist control of Suez. If some pretext could be found for banning Chinese ships from the Suez Canal, China’s entire trade with Europe would be severely disrupted. However, in order to make a grab for Suez politically feasible, Egypt would have to descend into chaos. This may in fact be one of the prime motivations of what is currently going on. If the national states collapse, then the empire is free to step in and seize what it wants."

Manifesto of Appalled Economists (tags)

State debts may be caused more by reduced corporate tax revenues than excess spending. Through "location competition," corporations play off state and countries and harvest tax write-offs and sweetheart-assessments. Through "state capture," the state becomes a trough.

The PA is and arm of Imperialism/Zionism (tags)

"Meanwhile, yesterday’s “impromptu” attack on an al-Jazeera office in the West Bank turns out to have been anything but, as local journalists confirmed that the people leading the attackers were PA police officers wearing civilian clothes. PA negotiator Saeb Erekat sought further action against al-Jazeera, insisting they were guilty of inciting violence against him and his family for reporting his involvement in past negotiations, including comments that seemed to eschew the right of return."

Tunisia: Talking About A Revolution (tags)

Lina Ben Mhenni … is a Tunisian assistant lecturer in linguistics at Tunis University and a blogger. Lina is mainly blogging about freedom of speech, human rights (especially women’s rights and students’ rights), social problems, and organ donation awareness. She likes photography, reading, writing, watching movies. Lina is also an athlete but within a special team: The Tunisian National Organ Transplant Team.

USDA; Try "Coexistence" w/ Monsanto; HELL NO! (tags)

Scientific studies show increasing links between consumption of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and severe health risks, yet under Obama's USDA censorship remains business as usual. Lack of truth in labeling of GMO products deprive consumers of freedom of choice and the right to know what is in the food we are eating. Instead of protecting consumers, the USDA becomes the "long arm of Monsanto" by protecting their unregulated experiments on consumers in North America and elsewhere by exposing people to GMO products against their knowledge and consent.

Desperate to stop the "truth telling" (tags)

"The imperialists of the world are desperate to stop the "truth telling" of wikileaks. To do so they have thrown away the cover of respect of "freedom of speech" in particular and "support of democratic principals" in general. They are naked now in their hatred of democracy. Organize, resist, do all that you can to protect these true heros from attack. Most importantly, aid them in their efforts to reveal the truths that just may "set us free."

More Fraud, Intimidation and Illegitimacy Assured in Haiti's Electoral Runoff (tags)

tyranny in Haiti

Seven Reasons Why the Economy Can't Recover (tags)

As the recession grinds on, politicians in most industrial countries have an incentive to make exaggerated claims about the supposed coming economic recovery. Some say the recession is over. Obama is in the group that claims we're on "the road to recovery,” while other nations can only spot recovery "on the horizon.” Below are seven important social phenomena that point to a more realistic economic and political outlook. 1) Central Banks are Dumbfounded. The usual tricks that U.S. and European central banks use to avoid recessions are long-exhausted. Interest rates cannot get any lower. And because cheap money wasn't working, the printing press was turned up a notch, into what the U.S. federal reserve calls quantitative easing -- injecting hundreds of billions of dollars into the world economy, escalating an emerging trade war.

The Shortwave Report 12/03 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Germany, Cuba, and Russia. 

What’s Going On In Europe? (tags)

"The attack on education is an international phenomenon. In the UK on Wednesday, tens of thousands of students walked out of classes over tripled tuition fees. Thousands participated in a demonstration in London, where more than 1,000 were penned in and contained by police for hours. Police used batons to beat back students attempting to reach parliament. The demonstrations in Britain came two weeks after more than 55,000 took to the streets throughout the UK. A crackdown by the government has included the arrest of dozens of students. In the US, there have been mass protests and, in some cases, occupations in the state of California against tuition fee increases of more than 30 per cent. The education cuts in Italy and the UK are part of a wave of austerity measures throughout Europe aimed at forcing workers and young people to pay for an ongoing economic crisis."

Global Warfare: After NATO Summit, U.S. To Intensify Military Drive Into Asia (tags)

"No fewer than 38 European nations have supplied NATO troops for the Afghanistan-Pakistan war as well as providing training grounds and transport centers to support the war effort. As envisioned for at least a century, through peaceful means or otherwise, Europe has been united, not so much by the European Union as under the NATO flag and on the killing fields of Afghanistan. It is now relegated to the role of pre-deployment training area and forward operating base for military campaigns downrange: The Middle East, Africa and Asia."

World Geopolitics and The Battle for the Mediterranean (tags)

"If one were to live in a city where the only form of employment was a coal mine and there was no means to leave the city then one would have no choice but to work at the coal mine. Control of labour movement is a cornerstone to the socio-economic objectives of the U.S., the E.U., the World Bank, and a league of associated international financial institutions (IFIs). By rendering work forces immobile in any given geographic locality the rights of employment choice and occupational alternatives are removed and a new form of monopoly is established — a forced acceptance of work on whole pools of individuals. Rising fuel prices are also adding to the erosion of mobility rights.??The security agenda behind controlling movements is heavily tied to economic objectives, as are the international disease scares like avian influenza (bird flu) and the swine flue that lock up human movement. Control of mobility in the oceans and international waters of the world is also part of this objective. The internationally illegal Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI) was initiated by the U.S. government, with the support of the E.U., in 2003 as part of the “Global War on Terror.” The Proliferation Security Initiative is presented as a means to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMDs), however it can be applied to bring about a hold over global maritime mobility. The strategy is a threat to international movement on the high seas and maritime trade. There is good reason why it is illegal under international law and the 1982 U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea.??Industrial De-location in the European Union and the Global Economic Crisis??This process of industrial de-location has already been underway in the E.U. for years, under which industries have been relocated to Eastern Europe and other global regions. Under this neo-liberal paradigm jobs and industries can gradually be removed from wealthier E.U. states to Southern Mediterranean nations, where cheap and immobile labour forces will be awaiting."

G20: A Threat to Peoples’ Economic and Political Rights! (tags)

The G20 and its global economic agenda are an affront and a threat to people’s rights and welfare. The detention and deportation of Filipino activists from Seoul and the harassment and intimidation of a number of other activists at the hands of Korean immigration authorities are manifestations of the undemocratic and anti-people nature of the G20 and further exposed the illegitimacy of this group of self-proclaimed caretakers of the global economy.

The IMF Dictates More Than Ever (tags)

"Many developing countries that were independent in food production at the start of the 1980s import food necessary for their populations today. The subsidized agriculture of western countries has flooded the cou9ntries of the South. Haiti imports the rice that it once cultivated.."

"Our America is Coming" : Social Movements Assembly Declaration - August 2010 (tags)

Social movements present at the IV Americas Social Forum, in Asuncion, Paraguay, we reaffirm our solidarity and commitment to Paraguayan people to the urgent need for progress in their process to sovereignty recovery over its territory, goods common, energy resources, land reform and democratization.

Emergency Convocation (tags)

It is imperative that you should sign the petition to the government of The Hellenic Republic for the granting of asylum to the Iranian hunger strikers. You may sign at the following address:


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expressed elation over the supposed resumption of peace negotiations between the NDFP and the GRP. The Alliance-Philippines is happy that after 24 years and four different sets of government from Aquino to Arroyo negotiating panels, the 3-month-old Aquino administration Thursday signaled its readiness to talk peace with communist rebels, hoping that a political settlement of the 41-year-old insurgency will finally be forged under its watch.

The Migrant Condition (tags)

When I was recently named chairman of the Committee on Overseas Workers’ Affairs of the House of Representatives of the Philippines, I was approached by members of the press for my views on migrant labor. I remembered a speech I delivered last year at the Global Forum for Migration and Development in Athens, Greece. The thrust of the speech was that migrants’ rights have to be addressed on two fronts: ending the neoliberal policies that are responsible for creating poverty in their home countries, thus forcing them to emigrate, and demanding that they are given full rights in their host countries.

The Cuban Five: Victims of US State Terrorism (tags)

US lawlessness

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."

The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."

"Manufacturing Dissent": the Anti-globalization Movement is Funded by the Corporate Elites (tags)

"How is the process of manufacturing dissent achieved? Essentially by "funding dissent", namely by channelling financial resources from those who are the object of the protest movement to those who are involved in organizing the protest movement. Co-optation is not limited to buying the favors of politicians. The economic elites --which control major foundations-- also oversee the funding of numerous NGOs and civil society organizations, which historically have been involved in the protest movement against the established economic and social order. The programs of many NGOs and people's movements rely heavily on both public as well as private funding agencies including the Ford, Rockefeller, McCarthy foundations, among others. The anti-globalization movement is opposed to Wall Street and the Texas oil giants controlled by Rockefeller, et al. Yet the foundations and charities of Rockefeller et al will generously fund progressive anti-capitalist networks as well as environmentalists (opposed to Big Oil) with a view to ultimately overseeing and shaping their various activities."

The Shortwave Report 09/03 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia. 

Capitalists, Global Warming, and the Climate Justice Movement (tags)

(This essay was published in Anarcho-Syndicalist Review, #54, Summer 2010, pages 23-28. For this internet edition I've made a few more changes and additions). An urgent analysis of the climate crisis and call to action.

Peru: stop to the plan to reintroduce the death penalty (tags)

EveryOne Group: “We have written to the Peruvian authorities, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Council of Europe and human rights organizations all over the world to remind them that Peru has signed the Pact of San Jose (which excludes the reintroduction of the death penalty) in an attempt to prevent the serious barbarization of Peruvian society”. ... Gruppo EveryOne: "Hemos escrito a las Instituciones del Perú, al Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, al Consejo de Europa y las organizaciones humanitarias internacionales a fin de recordarles que el Estado sudamericano ha firmado el Pacto de San José, que excluye la reintroducción de la pena capital, y para evitar una grave barbarización de la sociedad peruana ".

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

The Shortwave Report 07/23 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Cuba, Germany, and Russia. 

Sri Lanka Crushing of the Tigers, A Lesson for Noynoy Aquino III? (tags)

If the Aquino administration is to deliver on its promise to crush the decades-long insurgencies in the Philippines by 2013, it might be worthwhile to study Sri Lanka’s success in defeating terrorism. On July 3, newly appointed military Chief of Staff Ricardo David Jr. said the Aquino government hopes to crush the communist New People’s Army and the separatist Moro Islamic Liberation Front by 2013. Three years may appear overly ambitious given the experience of former President Gloria Arroyo in 2006, when her government vowed—but failed—to end the twin insurgencies before her term ended on June 30.

Kangaroo Court in the Philippine Underground Movement (tags)

It is clear that the Communist Party of the Philippines’ theory and practice of due process is based on the assumption of innocence or diminished criminal culpability when cadres toe the official line, but becomes assumed guilt when cadres raise questions against the central leadership.

The Zionist Attack on the Free Gaza Flotilla (tags)

South African activists describe this flagrant assault as Israel’s Sharpeville, referring to the 1960 massacre in South Africa that marked a turning point in international support of anti-apartheid resistance. There certainly appears to be a great deal of active support for the BDS campaign. Let’s hope it culminates in the eventual realization of a one-state democracy inclusive of all residents, Arab and Jewish, living in peaceful coexistence under a secular, democratic government. Free Palestine now!

What “Jobless Recovery” Means in Capitalism (tags)

The phrase “jobless recovery” entered the capitalist lexicon in 2002. But since then nobody want to be associated with these phrase. Although a lot of economist tried to use this term as a byword. Still noboy want to own up to this infamous phrase. The term “jobless recovery “ had been associated with the terms of momentary statistical growth and corporate profits on books of accounts and in the stock market rather than in terms of production, employment and improvement of the people's living conditions.

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order (tags)

"The global debt crisis, which is beginning in Greece, and spreading throughout the euro-zone economies of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and ultimately the entire EU, will further consume the UK, Japan and go all the way to America.[50] This will be a truly global debt crisis. Government measures to address the issue of debt focus on the implementation of ‘fiscal austerity measures’ to reduce the debt burdens and make interest payments on their debts. ‘Fiscal austerity’ is a vague term that in actuality refers to cutting social spending and increasing taxes. The effect this has is that the public sector is devastated, as all assets are privatized, public workers are fired en masse, unemployment becomes rampant, health and education disappear, taxes rise dramatically, and currencies are devalued to make all assets cheaper for international corporations and banks to buy up, while internally causing inflation – dramatically increasing the costs of fuel and food. In short, ‘fiscal austerity’ implies ‘social destruction’ as the social foundations of nations and peoples are pulled out from under them. States then become despotic and oppress the people, who naturally revolt against ‘austerity’: the sterilization of society."

Greece. The IMF, the E.U.'s Dictate and German Responsibility (tags)

The unrelenting pressure to cut fiscal spending imposed by the IMF and the European Union has exacerbated the crisis. By dictating the austerity program, it leaves those people to pay for the crisis who played no part in bringing it about and already shoulder the burden of capitalism's crisis.

State Terrorism and massacres: constant characteristics of the policy of the Israeli bourgeoisie (tags)

The Israeli attack on the “Freedom Flotilla” of pacifist organizations under the guidance of the Turkish NGO Insani Vafki Yardim, which wanted to break the blockade to bring medicine and food to the people of Gaza, starving and subjected to terrible imprisonment since June 16, 2007, is another demonstration of the military and repressive nature of the “only democratic country in the Middle East.”

Solidarity with the Freedom Flotilla to Gaza (tags)

STATEMENT OF SOLIDARITY from the STOP the War Coalition Philippines

Synthetic Telepathy - The Hidden Truth (tags)

The following article is an entry that appeared on Wikipedia. Within the last 24 hours a major "edit war" broke out and it appeared, at least to me, that the information was being suppressed. The article goes into depth about a field of espionage that employs a technology known as "silent sound" or "Synthetic telepathy". If you're interested in high tech espionage, this makes for a very good read.

Wilson Center Desecrates Namesake’s Legacy, Violates Congressional Mandate (tags)

Woodrow Wilson, the 28th American president, is looking down in horror at what the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars is doing in his name.

Preparing Haiti for Exploitation and Plunder (tags)

America plans to ruthlessly plunder Haiti for profit

This is not a social state any more (tags)

Building community centers (as in Vancouver BC), redistributing income and assets from top to bottom, reducing working hours, expanding the public non-profit sector and accepting housing, education and health care as rights not privileges would be important steps to a bright future.

The Global Economic Crisis: Riots, Rebellion and Revolution (tags)

"In the same month, the highest-ranking general in the United States, “Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, ranks the financial crisis as a higher priority and greater risk to security than current wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.” He explained, “It's a global crisis. And as that impacts security issues, or feeds greater instability, I think it will impact on our national security in ways that we quite haven't figured out yet.”[22] Rest assured, they’ve figured it out, but they don’t want to tell you."

Turkey’s Henchmen: Mass Media Butcher the Armenian Genocide (tags)

Washington Asserts Colonial-Style Control of Haiti at UN Donors’ Conference (tags)

"A Washington Post blog on Thursday noted: “Despite universal lip service about the necessity of Haitians taking ownership of their rebuilding, no one was really fooled. Hillary Clinton, as US secretary of state, was co-chair of the conference... Bill Clinton—the “United Nations special envoy for Haiti”—will be calling the shots in the near term in conjunction with Haiti’s prime minister as to the strategy, coordination and direction of that international aid. Can you say, ‘Mr. Viceroy?’” Of the $5.3 billion in short-term aid pledged at the conference, the US accounted for only $1.15 billion, less than the $1.7 billion pledged by the European Union and even less than Venezuela’s pledge of $1.3 billion. The US pledge to help a country whose devastation is largely the result of over a century of American imperialist domination, including repeated military occupations, is a tiny fraction of the amount allocated to bail out Wall Street."

Anatomy of Conspiracy Theory By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

In fact, some of the best cloaking devices for clandestine covert-operations and hidden agendas have been invented by the most brilliant minds – here is one exposition for instance from Ezra Pound: “invent two lies and have the public keep arguing which one of them might be true”. Another is by Leo Strauss – the erudite teacher of the majority of the neo-cons – called “Noble Lies”. A third by the White House, often referred to as “plausible deniability”. Lastly, we also have the “limited hangout” and “modified limited hangout” conspiracies to mislead the public in case “plausible deniability” for governmental wrong-doing doesn't work. But wait, we also have “beneficial cognitive diversity” through “cognitive infiltration” - previously known as COINTELPRO and undercover operations - thanks to the academic regurgitation of Harvard Law Professor Cass Sunstein, now President Obama's Chief Information Officer.

A Million Signatures Sought for GM Ban: GM Food: Facts Not Crops! (tags)

The EC has just allowed GM crops into Europe, ignoring the concerns of the public. We've signed an important new Avaaz petition for independent research and a moratorium on GM crop development.

Social State as Home (tags)

This society cannot afford to dismantle the social state. The social state guarantees inner peace. The strength of a people is measured by the well-being of the weak, those not born with a silver spoon. Solidarity, social justice and equal opportunities are key words and open doors.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: Barcelona Session (tags)

Explaining Israeli crimes

On the Benefits of Seceding from the United States (tags)

Time to disunite the states.

Witness to Police Misconduct Speaks to ACLU (tags)

Chris Carlino spoke at the annual meeting of the San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) February 18 and relived her experience being pepper-sprayed by an abusive sheriff's deputy at a fundraiser for Congressional candidate Francine Busby eight months earlier. Her attorney, Mike Marrinan, and Privacy Rights Clearinghouse director Beth Givens also spoke at the meeting, and San Diego ACLU staff attorney David Blair-Loy laid out the group's local legal agenda.


The arrest and torture of 43 medical and health professionals in the Philippines by the Arroyo military and police seeks to obscure the ongoing Ampatuwan-Arroyo trial and rehearse emergency martial-law schemes to prolong the Arroyo regime's corrupt and brutal domination. US citizens: will you allow millions of your tax-dollars to support Arroyo's military-police in fascist abuses?

The Planning of War Behind Closed Doors: Brussels, London, Istanbul: Week Of Western War (tags)

"If any further evidence was required that the United Nations is at the service of NATO and not vice versa, that the EU is NATO's civilian valet de chambre, and that all three are subordinated to the United States, the last week's events and the roster of attendees at them should suffice. ??The chain of command begins in Washington and orders barked out there work their way down to Brussels and New York City."


The "open economy" of the richest is closed.

The Shortwave Report 01/29 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Shortwave Report 01/22 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Coups d'État in Latin America and the Dangers Facing Venezuela (tags)

"For its part, the CIA provided Special Operations Group personnel under the command of a lieutenant colonel assigned by the Special Operations Command in Fort Bragg, N.C. They had been in Venezuela since 2001 and belonged to the U.S. Special Operations Intelligence Support Activity. They reportedly made contact with high-ranking officers in the Venezuelan Armed Forces, including Gen. Lucas Rincón, Vice Minister of Security; Gen. Luis Camacho Kairuz; businessmen and labor union leaders from the Venezuelan Workers Federation, among others. “The coup was also supported by Special Operations psychological warfare (PSYOPs) personnel deployed from Fort Bragg, North Carolina. They put together Spanish-language television announcements, purportedly from Venezuelan political and business leaders and aired by Venezuelan television and radio stations, saying Chavez "provoked" the crisis by ordering his supporters to fire on peaceful protesters in Caracas. U.S. electronic warfare technicians also helped to jam cell phone and radio frequencies in Caracas and other major cities in co-operation with the Intelligence Battalion Brig. Gen. Andrés Ibarra of the Venezuelan Army's high command.” The threat against Venezuela is certainly not a bizarre idea. It is up to all of us, as this year begins, to redouble our solidarity with the Venezuelan people and the defense of their Revolution." ----- 10,000 US Troops just arrived in Haiti... Are we sure their mission will be pruely a humanitarian one? Please spread widely. General Joe

Prerequisites for Overcoming the Financial Crisis (tags)

"In analyzing financial crises, real causes should be differentiated from the side-effects. One of the essential causes for the current crisis is the discrepancy between the linear growth of the real economy and the exponential growth of financial management created by the derivative-economy,"

Chávez: Netherlands and U.S. Planning Military Aggression Against Venezuela from Dutch Ant (tags)

"Today each year about 9.2 million children die before reaching their fifth year and 99.9 percent of these deaths occur in poorer countries. Infant mortality is 47 deaths per thousand live births, but is only 5 per thousand in rich countries. Life expectancy on the planet is 67 years, in rich countries it is 79, while in some poor nations is only 40 years. Additionally, there are 1.1 billion people without access to drinking water, 2.6 billion without sanitation services, over 800 million illiterate and 1.02 billion hungry people, that’s the global scenario. Now the cause, what is the cause? Let’s talk about the cause, let’s not evade responsibilities, and let’s not evade the depth of this problem. The cause, undoubtedly, I return to the theme of this whole disastrous panorama, is the destructive metabolic system of capital and its embodied model: Capitalism."

The Earth Has a Fever (tags)

Worldwide 136 cities of millions at the coasts are directly endangered by the rising sea level.. The president cannot win a two-front war against the conservatives.. Over 100 German regions resolved to be completely renewable by 2025.

Filipinos join global action in Copenhagen Vs Climate Change (tags)

As world leaders negotiate on carbon emission limits, Filipino activists join tens of thousands of activists all around the world in mobilizations dubbed “People’s Assembly to Reclaim Power and Avoid Climate Crisis.” “We are in solidarity with the people who fight for climate justice. This big protest action is a testament to the people’s demand for quick and meaningful action by national governments and international institutions like the United Nations,” said Filipino climate activist Clemente Bautista of Philippine Climate Watch Alliance. “But as expected, leaders and government of capitalist countries like the United States, Japan, and European Union are evading responsibility and sabotaging the negotiation,” he said in a statement e-mailed to media outfits.

Will Congress Criminalize Anti-Semitism and Israeli Criticism (tags)

criminalizing dissent

Protecting Capitalists or the Welfare State (tags)

Banks and hedge brought disaster upon themselves and their customers with their "innovations" and financial products.. Financial management may never be uncoupled from the real economy and lead a life of its own without economic justification or social responsibility.

The Shortwave Report 11/27 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty/EU Dirty Deal regarding human rights (tags)

With the EU guarantee to the Czech president, that the Czech State should not be exposed to property claims of expelled Germans after World War II, the EU not only implicitly consents with ethnical cleansings, it is also highly hypocritical, since the EU regularly points a finger to human rights violating countries like Sudan, Myanmar and Iran It is high time the EU should look in its own mirror, among else with regard to police abuse, racism and violation of the rights of migrants and real or alleged terrorsuspects

BTL:Obama Breaks with Latin America on Overturning Honduran Coup (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

World boycott campaign to Chiquita for its support to Honduran coup d'etat (tags)

we are promoting a world campaign to boycott Chiquita which supports the Coup d'Etat in Honduras. It is very important to spread the word in these critical moments and to try to help the Resistence to defeat coup participants.

On abduction, illegal detention, and torture of the Filipino-American Melissa Roxas (tags)

Torture is torture. Torture is barbaric. Torture of anyone is human rights violation. Torture of an NPA commander, member, trainee or sympathizer is still a torture. Torture will not bring the truth. A person undergoing torture may admit to anything he or she being accused of.

The Shortwave Report 09/25 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The H1N1 Swine Flu Pandemic: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Em (tags)

"There was no attempt to improve the process of data collection in terms of lab. confirmation. In fact quite the opposite. Following the level 6 Pandemic announcement, both the WHO and the CDC decided that data collection of individual confirmed and probable cases was no longer necessary to ascertain the spread of swine flu. As of July 10, one month after the announcement of the level six pandemic, the WHO discontinued the collection of confirmed cases. It does not require member countries to send in figures pertaining to confirmed or probable cases. WHO will no longer issue the global tables showing the numbers of confirmed cases for all countries. However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries. WHO will continue to request that these countries report the first confirmed cases and, as far as feasible, provide weekly aggregated case numbers and descriptive epidemiology of the early cases. (WHO, Briefing note, 2009)."

Satiation or Two Limits of Growth: John Maynard Keynes (tags)

"The first great economic crisis of the 21st century marks the end of a failed political-economic experiment..The past 30 years of redistribution from bottom to top were a glistening epoch for the owners of capital.."

We are here to remind our government that this is our country (tags)

We are here to remind our government that this is our country

Cracks Emerging in NAFTA (tags)

The once-solid North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) is starting to show its age. The 1994 trade agreement that laid the foundation for the economic/political integration of North America is encountering serious internal ruptures, threatening future “progress.” The problems are numerous: fights over trade, immigration, and military cooperation are all issues that Obama recently discussed in Mexico with his NAFTA partners, Mexico and Canada. The annual meeting that usually delivers plans for additional integration was instead used to remedy these heated issues, none of which were fully solved.

War, Occupation and Collision Course with Russia (tags)

Through civil-military cooperation, civil-actors are degraded to integral components of western military deployments and thus enemies for large parts of the local population.. "Global NATO," a competitive organization to the UN, is being created to counter Russia's and China's veto.

Distribute Food in the Morning, Bomb at Midday and Build a School at Night (tags)

Military deployments are more or less elegantly redefined as development policy. Poverty represents by far the most important cause of violent escalation of conflicts. Military stability export maintains poverty.

Attac France on the Stiglitz Report (tags)

If the world really lives through a systemic crisis, solutions must also be sou9ght on this plane. Regrettably the mandate limits the commission to reform the international monetary system. The UN is the only institution with a democratic legitimacy.

Dethrone the Dollar (tags)

Political countervailing power of the G-millions against the economism of the neoliberals can only be formed with a long breath.. The grass grows from below; words fall empty from the top.

The Face of Privatization (tags)

Under the present rule of neoliberal privatization, the all-embracing principle is conquest of the world transformed into rights of private property.. After destruction of the privatization myth, we need real democratization.

The Shortwave Report 07/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

The Shortwave Report 07/03 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Allah Hammers Iran’s Ayatollah Ali Khamenei in the Muslim Bible (tags)

The Supreme Leader fiddles as Tehran burns.

The Shortwave Report 06/26 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Decommissioning a Superpower (tags)

"From July to September 2008, China reduced its investment in the US real estate banks Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The US tgovt needs $1.5 billion in foreign credits day after day..The greatest debtor of the world cannot force the law of trade on its creditors any more.."

Mario Mauro must not be elected Pre (tags)

Mauro does not represent the values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, he is a promoter of homophobic and xenophobic ideologies and challenges European civil and democratic achievements.

Argentinization of the US and Currency War (tags)

"After the great killing of the bison, the basic food of Indians, the great killing of the US dollar, the basic food of today's credit-junkie, could now be imminent.. A deficit amounting to 13% of the GDP is more than four times what was established as the convergence criterion of the European Union."

UN Official Says Only a Worldwide Mass Movement Will Stop Israel's Oppression of Palestine (tags)

UC Santa Barbara professor Richard Falk, elected by the UN Human Relations Commission as special rapporteur on Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the occupied territories, spoke in San Diego June 5 and said only a worldwide mass movement, comparable to the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, can end Israel's oppression against the Palestinians and enable a truly just solution. He called on his listeners to take on the pro-Israel monopoly of opinion in American politics and the mainstream media, and help make Americans more aware of the depths of the suffering Palestinians experience under U.S.-funded Israeli arms.

The Misery of Economic Policy (tags)

The military Keynesianism since Reagan guided the streams of surplus global money-capital into the US as a "safe harbor." The orgies of deregulation and privatization cleared the way for the "assets inflation" of the financial bubble economy.

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate (tags)

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate

The Shortwave Report 05/22 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Attac Catalogue for Democratizing the Financial Markets (tags)

The financial industry contributed over $5 billion in the last year in campaign gifts and lobbying to ensure that Wall Street oligarchs have their way in the media and congress. Attac is a global justice network committed to shriveling the financial markets.

Water is a Human Right, not a Commodity (tags)

In Bolivia there was a bloody struggle over water. Indigenous persons led the water war in Cochabamba. Water is a human right and must be withdrawn from the logic of profit maximization.

Obama and the denial of genocide (tags)

Writer-activist David Boyajian’s investigative articles and commentaries have appeared in Armenian media outlets in the U.S., Europe, Middle East, and Armenia and the Newton Tab and USA Armenian Life newspapers named him among their "Top 10 Newsmakers of 2007." So, when Barack Obama paid a visit to Turkey last month, it seemed like a good time to ask Boyajian for his take on the new president's approach to the issue of the Armenian genocide.

Racism in Italy. Mario Mauro must not be elected President of the European Parliament (tags)

Mario Mauro does not represent the values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, he is a promoter of homophobic and xenophobic ideologies and challenges European civil and democratic achievements

EveryOne Group offers a gift symbolizing human rights to the Ambassador of Iraq in Italy (tags)

“We will soon be meeting His Excellency”, say the activists, “to discuss the situation of homosexuals in Iraq, the need to work towards peace in his tormented country, and the anti-Islamic sentiments rife in the West”.

The Foxes Guard the Henhouse (tags)

The banks must be forced to give credits to small and medium-size businesses. The general strike in France on January 29 was a sign of hope. Shriveling the financial markets must be the goal. Free trade is the wrong medicine.

Asylum for 300 Refugees from Africa in Milan (Italy) (tags)

EveryOne Group is asking the institutions to grant political asylum to the refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea in Bruzzano (Milan) according to the regulations laid down by international law.

New German Petitions for Mumia Abu-Jamal and Leonard Peltier (tags)

On the eve of the April 24 event for Mumia in LA, please be sure and sign these two new petitions. LOS ANGELES EVENT: Saturday, April 25 at the Southern California Library for Social Studies and Research, 6120 S. Vermont, from 5-7 PM.

Save Sulukule 2009 (tags)

Save Sulukule, the World's oldest Romani settlement



global economy, politics, jobs in the Chinese age: Johnson, Frank, Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

AI, EU Community Calls for Probe and End of Political Killings (tags)

Lawmakers of the European Union (EU) and the human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) have again urged the government to put an end to political killings. At the same time, Ambassador Alistair MacDonald of the European Commission condemned on Monday the abduction and murder early this month of Rebelyn Pitao, daughter of New People’s Army commander Leoncio Pitao.

Putin and China: US Responsible in the Economic Crisis (tags)

Investment banks, the pride of Wall Street, have practically ceased to exist, Putin added. In only twelve months, their losses exceeded the profits of the past 25 years. Wen said the blind pursuit of profit led to the worst crisis since the Great Depression of 1929.

The Shortwave Report 02/20 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Racism in Italy: urgent action! (tags)

The Italian institutions have approved with an emergency decree the presence of anti-Roma and anti-foreigner patrols, the filing of the homeless and ghetto-camps. The “security package” encourages doctors to report “illegal” immigrants. In the meantime ten Tunisian refugees awaiting deportation have attempted suicide on Lampedusa. EveryOne Group: “The “Padane” patrols are the equivalent of the Blackshirts whose aim is racial persecution. Extreme Right ideology prompted by racial hatred triumphs, while we are amazed at the insubstantiality of the protests coming from the democratic parties against such injustice. It is no longer a matter of politics, it is endless horror that mainly affects women, children and the most vulnerable. Urgent and determined intervention from the international institutions has now become necessary”. others have been sentenced. Many cases of ill-treatment have been reported in Monza, Lecco, Varese and in other cities in northern Italy: cases of torture, rape and the stealing from young Roma of money obtained from begging. Two “patrols” who carry out these crimes are known as the “Company of Death” (who wear green shirts) and the “Barboso Gang” (who according to the victims wear police uniforms). Officially founded in 1990, the Padane patrols follow the philosophy contained in the slogan coined by the Leghista Mario Borghezio: “Sticks against immigration”. Three years later Gianfranco Miglio, the ideologist of the Northern League and supporter of the anti-immigrant patrols, stated that “Lynching is the highest form of justice”.The associations defending the rights of the Roma people and immigrants have received dozens of reports of abuse carried out by these patrols. Often these patrols are copied by groups of racists – such as GAPE in Tuscany – who have been the protagonists of attacks in which Roma citizens have died a terrible death: we remember the fire of Livorno in which four young children perished.Since the emergency decree was approved, parties and racist groups have started to recruit members. There is a real danger that the 176,000 Italian racists active with violent slogans and statements against the Roma people on Facebook – only a part of the Italian xenophobic and Neo-Nazi movement – will join the patrols in order to carry out these “authorized” ethnic purges.Before the accusations of the victims, the militia will be covered by the institutions, and their testimonies will be considered on the same level as those of “public officials”. The decree has also cancelled out the law that says doctors do not have to report the immigrants who turn to them for health treatment, and it asks hospitals and clinics to report “illegal” immigrants - in violation of the Hippocratic Oath. The renewal of the foreigners’ residence permit will now cost up to 200 euros: an exorbitant sum that will hit already discriminated against immigrants, people who are often already reduced to slavery by the power Italian law grants their employers. While the Senate was approving the racist package, in Lampedusa a group of Tunisian refugees faced with deportation attempted suicide by hanging themselves with their own clothes. As for the running of the Roma settlements, Milan has officialized the new “security package” which transforms every camp into an authentic “closed” ghetto with 24-hour police surveillance, and where Roma citizens are deprived of any rights. Deputy mayor, De Corato, after confirming with satisfaction the responsibility of the Milanese authorities in the humanitarian tragedy of the “clearance of over 100 camps, some of which of large dimensions” has announced for 2009 “the demolition of squatter buildings and settlements in private areas” and “more rigid regulations” against the Roma community. We must emphasise that in the city of Milan alone, there have been hundreds of episodes of violence against women from the Roma ethnic group. They have often been thrown out onto the street on their own (or with small children) following camp clearances while their men, who could have protected them, were taken off to police HQ to have their documents checked. “We are asking the EU and UN institutions, the democratic nations and the human rights organizations to join us in our campaign against the persecution of the Roma people and immigrants in Italy”, say the worried leaders of EveryOne Group, Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau. “After the ethnic purge that wiped out or forced the majority of Roma to flee Italy, after the countless violations of human rights and tragic violence, Italy is now taking the European Union back to the times of the Brownshirts, the ghettoes and collaborationism.It has become necessary to take up a position of responsibility and intervene with determination to prevent these intolerant and uncivil measures being spread in the form of ideologies and “infecting” other Members States. The recent past has taught us that resolutions and warnings have had no effect, while the directives have been constantly sidestepped or ignored, and gone unpunished. Inertia is dangerous, and the presence of racist and xenophobic leaders in the European Parliament itself (even on the Civil Liberties Committee), and the re-emergence of intolerant and anti-Semitic ideologies, is symptomatic of a phenomenon that causes anguish and offers, instead of a Europe of human rights, the most sinister of ghosts”. Contact: (+39) 334 3449180 - 3313585406 - 334-8429527

No One Can Escape the Crisis (tags)

From a long-term perspective, the crisis could bring about a radical rethinking in politics and the economy away from the mantra of shareholder value and the pursuit of short-term profits. The neoliberal model of the Washington consensus has revealed its fundamental weaknesses.

Russia Backs Away from Kaliningrad Missile Plans (tags)

Russia's de-escalation should prompt the offloading of US Cold Warriors who have had their day.

An Umbrella for Workers (tags)

The economic crisis is a structural crisis where productivity has soured and wages have stagnated. The fraud in public regional banks must end. Unemployment benefits must increase. Michael Schlecht is a union spokesperson for the German Left party (Die Linke).

The Future Role of the State: Guaranteeing Rights (tags)

"The modern state as a constitutional state and participative democracy has a universal social security function and overall responsibility for the development of the economy according to basic rights."

new century war: by Frank, Johnson, George Zhibin Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

On the Financial Crisis in the 20:80 Society (tags)

The question is how we deal with the 20:80 society, not whether the 20:80 society is coming because the development is irreversible. In the long-term, work will disappear.. Jobless growth has become the normal condition.The end of work can be a great leap for humanity.

Israel, Bloody Executioner for the World Capitalist Order (tags)

On Saturday evening January 3, after one week of air raids which left more than 450 dead and more than 2000 wounded, the Israeli army began its land offensive into Gaza. Its military officials declare that the operation will be “long”. The odious Israeli propaganda, broadcast by the majority of the international media, presents this bloody attack as a “response” to the salvos of the “terrorists”of Hamas in power in Gaza.

1/3: Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza, Worldwide Protest Against Invasion (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Worldwide Protest Against Israeli Invasion and Killing at Gaza

Noam Chomsky (tags)

Religious fundamentalism

Saturday (12/20): Reports from Greece (tags)

Today it's two weeks since the murder of Alexis and the beginning of the revolt. It is also day of international solidarity and global day against the police and state terrorism. Here are the major protests and events of the day in Greece.

Day 7 of the revolt in Greece (tags)

The Greek Intifada continues and the government is unable to impose its control in the country, spreading fears among the ruling classes all over the European Union.

Human Rights Require International Freedom of Movement and Residence (tags)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 60 years old this week, has helped legitimate the supposed right of nation-states to regulate immigration, thus denying freedom of international mobility and residence, and undermining basic human rights in the process.

Memorandum 2008 Summary-Crisis Underrated (tags)

Without increasing internal demand, the upswing based on replacement investments and exports cannot continue. Without reduced working hours, adequate jobs will not be created in a world of reduced work volumes, rationalization and information technology.

Europe is going fascist again (tags)

Will you come and help us out again?

II-The international Crisis WS Report, Curitiba, Pr, Br (tags)

Watch it now at web tv at

After the Bankruptcy (Jurgen Habermas) (tags)

The privatization mania has ended. Politics is necessary for the public interest, not the market. A tension always exists between capitalism and democracy because the market and politics are based on opposite principles.

Financial Crisis: Bending and Breaking (tags)

The governments still strike the pose of successful crisis management. The points are set for a state-sanctioned survival of neoliberlaism through bending and breaking, Instead of raising mass income, the state finances capital investments to liven up the domestic economy.

The global crisis is a crisis of capitalism (tags)

It is time for the workers and the poor in the Philippines to prepare for the worse the moment its government keeps on repeating the mantra that the economic fundamentals remain good and thus there is little to worry about effects of the global recessionary trend. The world found itself in the present mess precisely because of such blind faith in neoliberal fundamentalism.

Rich of the World, Enrich Yourselves! (tags)

Financial jugglers speculating with food, oil and other raw materials caused double-digit inflation and made staple foods like rice and wheat into luxury items for millions. Neoliberalism with one blow managed to drive nation states to the defensive.

Human Rights Activist Recounts Path-Breaking Voyage to Break the Siege of Gaza (tags)

Paul Larudee, co-founder of the Free Gaza Movement, described the elaborate measures taken to certify that the first historic voyage to break the Israeli siege of Gaza was completely harmless, non-violent, and transparent. Speaking to supporters in Sunnyvale, California, he said, “We don’t preach non-violence, we practice it!”

Orwellian Alert! British Crackdown Threatens Us All (tags)

“Free speech cannot be defended by silence”

OMG, the stats are right ! check them out for yourself. (tags)

Wondering about rumors and exaggerations, we checked some stats and found these... see what they say about you, us, and 'them" too

Part 2- World Capitalist Crisis (tags)

We expect more of the use of cheap labour in the less developed countries like China and India in order to produce cheap raw materials and semi-manufactured consumer products for the imperialist countries and thereby maximize imperialist profits. In fact the US capitalist are hell bent on transferring high paying industries to the third world and even already cheap service industries like call centers and car assemblies and other production lines in a vain attempt to cut jobs, paying insurances and other workers benefits that the people are demanding in the face of the capitalist made crisis.

The Vilificationof a Zimbabwen journalist: Caesar Zvayi (tags)

where zimbabwe is concerned the EU pile up absurdities. Journalists who dont condemn president Mugabe are treated as terrorists. Witness the case of Caesar Zvayi

The White House Ghost (tags)

The President of the United States, George Bush, enters today his last 100 days in power overshadowed by very high unpopularity rates and one of the worst economic crises in recent decades.

Deforestation Costs More than Financial Crisis (tags)

It is a steep bill. Our shrinking forests cost us up to $5 trillion a year -- far more than the current banking crisis. Environmentalists hope the sobering calculation, made by a European Union commissioned team, will focus political will on funding conservation.

The Shortwave Report 10/10 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.


Very few people know that the US military is directly involved in the fierce fighting going on in the Philippines between the Moro insurgents and the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime supported by the Bush neocons and the warmongering Pentagon planners. Will you continue to allow US tax dollars to be wasted in this barbaric genocidal war against indigenous peoples? Over a thousand extrajudicial killings and "forced disappearances" under Arroyo's tenure, plus a few hundred Muslims dead as "collateral damage," may be the signs of US "benevolent hegemony" (Robert Kagan) and US "magnanimous imperial power" (Dinesh D'Souza). McKinley's "Benevolent Assimilation" lives on!

The Future as Possibility: Elmar Altvater (tags)

The state should not be a trough for the super-wealthy. Representatives representing money and not the people are marionettes of a corrupt campaign financing system. The system must be changed if it is to survive. Call Congress 1-800-270-0309.

Forget Wall Street! (tags)

Foreign countries will not finance US wars and US consumption for ever. The US must accept the new reality that countries want to diversity, not accumulate dollars. What becomes of a country that refuses systemic criticism and sets missions and agendas above facts and realities?

Energy and Climate - Hunger and Money (tags)

At the World Economic Forum, the extensive global crisis is trivialized to four "great risks." The neoliberal elite does not want a system change. It wants to assure itself against the threatening fourfold injustice. A 20% loss in the global social product could be avoided.

Stoking Tensions, Risking Confrontation (tags)

Risking world conflict.

Scientology Cult Exposes Foreign Workers to Deadly Carcinogen (tags)

The Scientology cult is once again to blame for an act of callous disregard for worker safety; indeed, for workers’ very lives. Once again, the scandal involves the cult’s 440 foot luxury ocean liner “Freewinds.” In this case, we have obtained some new and very disturbing information about the cult’s efforts to keep secret the extent to which their ship was contaminated with highly carcinogenic blue asbestos.

The Corporate State and the Welfare State (tags)

The idea of a "minimal state" may be passe. The author's two theses are: Liberalism is inconceivable without a strong state and liberalism undermines its own conditions of success. The modern welfare state is a child of democracy and can't be drowned in the bathtub.

War crimes in Darfur: The Arab League criticism on the ICC charges is rejectable (tags)

Regarding her criticism on the possible ICC charges against the Sudanese president Mr Bashir,in respect with Darfurian war crimes, the Arab League is showing a morally rejectable point of view and is measuring the double standard

Stillbirth of the WTO (tags)

"The negotiations in the NTO changed into a battle of the developed countries for their mammoth corporations over the market opening of developing countries. Access to education, health care, water-and energy-supply and telecommunciations should be human rights."


Racist Italy goes over the limit and through the words of the Rome Police Prefect comes up with an aberrant proposal: why don’t we use teenage Roma boys as “little slaves”?

No More U.S. Super Power Status (tags)

Russia has intercontinental ballistic missiles with war heads pointed at the United States and has the capability to strike every major city in America. Both Russia and China have larger standing armies and are building there war machines much faster then the U.S., which includes their navy and air force. The U.S. has few military options to respond to the aggression in Georgia by the Russians and can only fight back with diplomatic and economic retaliation, U.S. officials say

Uncoupling Happiness and Consumption (tags)

The promised happiness is not possible through more and more consumption. We tinker with a reality-construction, a "reality of the second order" that represses the "reality of the first order." The "good life" can be very well organized.

US, Israeli Roles in Georgian Crisis Raises Alarms (tags)

Since the attacks by Georgia which sparked the fighting (which, alone, suggests Georgia had been promised the support of a larger power) took place on the day that the last two US carrier groups started for the Strait of Hormuz, it would appear that one motive (besides the pipelines from the Caspian which rival the new ones the US built in Afghanistan) appears to be tying up Russia, in order to minimize its response to US/Israeli Aggression towards Iran.

zimbabwe journalist Zvayi deported from Botswana (tags)

the EU had a journalist on their sanctions list! their reason? 'The EU accuses Zvayi and Huni of "fueling violence" through their writings in the two state newspapers. ' Sure. But id call this a blatant act of censorship

UFW Demands EPA Ban on Organochlorine Endosulfan (tags)

Please help support farmworkers, consumers, residents and the ecosystem all together at once by sending a letter to demand that the EPA ban the application of known toxin endosulfan organochlorine pesticide from farms.

Full Speed Against the Brick Wall (tags)

Massive capital has streamed into the raw material sector and crude oil. When we leave the market to speculators, panic rules. The economy falls into a double crisis-out of scarce raw materials and energy and falling profit rates and mass demand.

Hunger, The Silent Tsunami (tags)

Rice, the main food for nearly half of the world's population, costs twice as much as in December. The economic policy of the World Bank forced on countries on account of neocolonial trade relations is responsible for the unproductivity, not only the traditional small farmer system.

PHILIPPINES: Ban Endosulfan! (tags)

Citizens Press for Total Ban on Endosulfan to Put Off “Toxic Time Bomb”

End G8 Domination! (tags)

Joint Statement on the 34th G8 Summit in Tōyako, Hokkaidō, Japan

Hunger, GMOs and Speculation (tags)

Like many other countries, Kenya provided its own staple foods until the 1980s. Today the country imports 80% of its food. To buy up the entire grain harvest of the US, only $120 billion is needed-a small amount for speculators on currency market

A Measure of Compassion: Please Support Prop 2 (tags)

In November, Californians can hold corporate agriculture to basic standards of humanity by voting YES on Proposition 2, which will allow farmed animals to fully extend their limbs, lie comfortably and turn around. Prop 2, modeled on a reform passed by Arizona voters last year, would prohibit some of the most egregious practices in factory farming, including packing egg-laying hens into wire “battery cages” and confining pregnant pigs and baby calves in crates so small that the animals cannot even turn around or extend their limbs.

Israel "Reassures West": No Iran Attack in 2008 (tags)

"The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices - The immediate effect of his statement was a record increase in oil prices" "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," - "Iran realizes that the West is sensitive to pain and money, and won't embark on an operation that would significantly boost oil prices," Interesting to note that most of the criminal politicians starting these illegal wars draw most of their profits from the oil and defence industries ...

Iran Not the Belligerent Party (tags)

Orwell wrote an entire Dictionary about such circumstances ...

"The End Game" by Elmar Altvater (tags)

Exodus from the fossil energy regime may not be entrance into a nuclear energy regime since that could lead to catastrophe. No one can exclude a new Chernobyl with 1300 new nuclear reactors by 2050. Elmar Altvater is an emeritus professor at the Free University of Berlin.

Alternatives to Free Trade: Fair Trade and Beyond (tags)

The global debate around free-trade and its consequences has evolved tremendously in recent years, from tiny circles of leftist critics into a broad international protest movement. Although the movement began to bloom in response to the policies of the World Trade Organization (WTO), the biggest demonstrations have been in response to the now-popular "bi-lateral" free-trade agreements that economically powerful countries sign with poorer nations. Once one has become conscious of the problems created by free-trade agreements, whether they are international or regional, an immediate task presents itself: finding a feasible alternative. Yes, the trade policy advocated by most big business politicians is "free-trade," and yes, this policy has had devastating consequences for working and poor people worldwide, while filling the already-full bank accounts of the rich. But the issue of "free-trade" alone isn't sufficient to fully explain the vast social problems that plague so many countries.

How Much Democracy is Left? (tags)

Politics no longer determines the econmy; the mammoth econmy defines politics. The US has long been a plutocracy instead of a democracy and has prescribed this system of capital rule for the whole world. Capital rule is always central rule

The United States, Europe and Human Rights (tags)

The discredited way in which the European Union suspended its sanctions on Cuba on June 19 has been reported in 16 international press dispatches… Such hypocrisy is made all the more evident by the brutal European measure to expel illegal immigrants from Latin American countries.

Latin America rejects new EU law on illegal immigrants (tags)

Under the new law, all illegal immigrants living in the EU member states will have to leave the bloc within a period of seven to 30 days.

Deregulated Markets and Alternative Economics (tags)

In the last ten years there was more speculationthan ever, more than before the 1930 worldwide economic crisis. A policy of deregulated financial markets made this possible. That real investment profits turn out relatively small encourages the speculation tendency.

Revised: The Best 2008 Activist's People Resource Guide (tags)

Welcome to The Best 2008 Activist's People Search Resource Guide... Seek & Yee Shall Find... As a companion guide, don't miss the Best 2007 Activist's Information Source... See below...

The Eighth Plague (tags)

World Bank president Robert Zoelick compared the food shortage to the Old Testament's "seven plagues" but forgot to mentionthe eighth is the World Bank itself. The World Bank insists on agricultural production for export, not for the local supply of the population.

Bush Resurrects a Whopper (tags)

Where have we heard this before? War in the Ruins of Diplomacy Published: March 18, 2003 America is on its way to war. President Bush has told Saddam Hussein to depart or face attack. For Mr. Hussein, getting rid of weapons of mass destruction is no longer an option. Diplomacy has been dismissed. Arms inspectors, journalists and other civilians have been advised to leave Iraq. Oh yeah. The last time these War Criminals engineered a phony crisis about a fake threat, and used it to start another illegal war.

Prevention of Farm Animal Cruelty VOTE November 2008 (tags)

November 2008 vote to help pigs, veal calves and egg-laying chickens this is so exciting!!!! my friend Kath Rogers of Animal Rescue and Protection League worked so hard gathering 800,000 signatures to get this measure on the ballot. let's get out there and vote for more humane standards and bring California into the future with at least the European standard as a minimum!!!! This is a consumer safety issue!!! Don't be confused by the language on the ballot! vote yes! to end cruelty! don't sit at home, go vote November 2008! get registered and figure out where to go!!!!!

ALBA (Bolivarian Alternative) Has Brought Nicaragua out of Darkness (tags)

Nicaraguan foreign minister Samuel Santos explains how twice as many children are in school one year after the new government assumed power. Nicaragua now exports beans instead of importing beans. The South is helping itself.

Israel Calls for US Blockade of Iran (tags)

The antiwar voices that brought Pelosi to power need to pay very close attention to this.

On Independence Day, Israeli Arabs Reminded of Their Place (tags)

The media might have caught this violent act of repression on camera - if they hadn't been supressing the other side of the story.

World Bank and IMF Policies Caused Food Crisis (tags)

The IMF changed its economic direction and took a market radical neoliberal economic course at the beginning of the 1980s with the rise of monetarism. Hunger inthe world can only be overcome with long-term sustainable strategies, not with the short-term horizon of Wall Street.

No Middle East Peace Without Tough Love (tags)

It's great to finally see prominent voices addressing Zionist Extremism's rejection of peace, and their role in deliberately perpetuating their war. with the aim of destroying the chance of a Palestinians state. The shameful inaction of the International Community also features heavily, and a solution cannot be far off. Unfortunately, this has made these Extremists desperate, and their last-ditch effort to destroy Palestine threatens to be bloody.

Think Outside The Box (tags)

Let's not waste time cleaning up for the greedy.

Casilino 900: urgent appeal against the persecution of the Roma in Italy (tags)

The persecution of the Rroms (Roma) in Italy: EveryOne Group and the Committee for the Rights of the Roma of Casilino 900 have launched an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights following a serious humanitarian emergency at the Casilino 900 camp, in Rome.

Saudi Arabia 'braces for nuclear war' (tags)

The Kingdom 'braces for nuclear war'

On the 39th Year of the New People’s Army (NPA) and the People’s War in the Philippines (tags)

In the Philippines today, the New People's Army (NPA) is commemorating its 39th year anniversary. Nearly four decades ago, on March 29, 1969, the NPA was founded in a district in Tarlac, Central Luzon, Philippines and resumed the armed struggle to liberate the Filipino people from the clutches of US imperialism, domestic feudalism and the puppet reactionary state.

Obama advisor: US Jews Hinder Peace (tags)

Obama advisor: US Jews Hinder Peace

Psychology of Crisis (tags)

Psychology has a great influence on developments of the world econmy. In Tokyo, the G7 states agreed to avoid negative terms to not worsen the situation. Neither the extreme price drop of the dollar nor of the Yen were mentioned in the final declaration.


I have been informed that the International Action Committee Stuttgart, an organization in which Turkish, Palestinian and German people work together, is holding this forum to commemorate Political Prisoners Day. Thus, I have been invited to speak on my experience of imprisonment and torture in the Philippines, together with two other former political prisoners who shall speak about their own experiences in Turkey-Kurdistan and Palestine. I thank the organizers for inviting me. And I wish to express my warmest greetings of solidarity to all those who are present and to all the people in organizations that are represented here. I have strongly wished to be with you tonight. But unfortunately, the Dutch authorities do not issue travel papers to me for attending this forum. We have to resort therefore to the audio-visual techniques that are available to us. As instructed by the organizers, particularly by Ms. Elsbeth Sureau, I intend to present to you the following: 1. a summary of my imprisonment and torture, 2. the reasons for imprisonment and the political situation then obtaining in my country, 3. the protest and resistance within and outside prison, and 4. the perspectives. I shall use 15 minutes to speak and let the German translation run for another 15 minutes. I shall answer your questions in the open forum.

IMPEACH: Why I Believe Bush Must Go (tags)

... followed by jail. If we fail to punish this President for having lied us all into a war of conquest, then we send a message to all future presidents that it is permissible for them to lie us into wars of conquest. If, by our inaction, we send such a message of consent, then we bear the responsibility for the millions who will die in such wars. Their blood yet to be spilled stains us. It is up to We The People to take action. Congress has abandoned their responsibilities under the Constitution. Congress is no more capable of holding King George to account than Parliament was of holding King Charles I to account. And the American people are no more willing to sit still for it than the British were.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza: Gaza Crisis Made in USA (tags)

That a scandal of this proportion, which entirely contradicts the perception of the 'crisis' painted by the media, remains relatively unreported and unaddressed - especially in an election cycle - is a testament to the tight control of the Western media, as well as the corruption of both sides of the RepubliCrat Party.

Anatomy of Racism (tags)

Since Israel could not legally or morally defend its slaughter in Gaza, following months of illegal Collective Punishment, they took to Blaming the Victim, aided by the tightly-controlled media. However, in doing so, the racism underlying their violent, Cultish political Ideology was exposed.

Bay of Pigs in Gaza (tags)

That this scandal remains hidden is a testament to the tight control the Government holds over our media.

Anatomy of Racism (tags)

History will not look kindly on those who Appeased Zionism's Extremists, as they pursued a course of eliminating an entire People.

Queer. EveryOne Group: Mehdi Kazemi is safe! (tags)


EveryOne Group: Mehdi Kazemi is face! (tags)


EveryOne Group: "UK is a danger for the Refugees" - Mehdi Kazemi (tags)


Security is not War, Torture and Terror (tags)

"The swan that floats and doesn't sink represents the intransitory in the transitory." (Heidegger) "Truth is the first casualty in war." (Aristotle) "Every war has two losers." (Wm Stafford) We are called to resist the normalization of war and the militarization of foreign policy.

Interview with FARC Commander Raul Reyes (tags)

Following the March 1st attack by a Colombian military operation that resulted in the death of 20 FARC forces including rebel leader Raul Reyes. Interview with slain FARC leader from July 2007.

The Gaza Bombshell: Crisis Made in USA (tags)

The current crisis in Gaza is entirely the creation of Extremists in the US and Israel, who don't want to end Zionism's expansionist war on the Palestinians. Don't let the media ignore this story ...

BTL:House Defies Bush Demand for Telecom Warrantless Wiretap Immunity (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

Democracy and the WTO: Alternatives to Free Trade (tags)

Trade policies that benefit multinational corporations are undemocratic and promote exploding inequality. "The negotiations are carried out on a supra-national plane where democracy or civil society interests fall by the wayside."

CEO Salaries and the Minimum Wage (tags)

"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalism let its mask fall. Capitalism did not have to be social any more since socialism did not exist any longer as a counter-movement..Most economic leaders act irresponsibly today toward Europe's people and the future."

The Republican Candidate (4 and 5) (tags)

If this is a subject of interest to you, in the United States today there are five Cuban prisoners, separated one from the other by thousands of miles. They have no area that can be sarcastically called the “Hanoi Hilton”. Their suffering and the injustice of which they are victims will be known the world over; don't doubt it for a minute

Dear Americans by Helmut Schmidt (tags)

Will America stop consuming a large share of the savings and capital formation of other nations? The trust of Europeans in American leadership is shaken today. We want to love America again. But we are skeptical because Washington seems focused on only troops and finances.

F. William Engdahl's "A Century of War" - Part II (tags)

Part II of this epic book.

Middle East Nuclear Holocaust to Defend "The Western Way of Life" (tags)

The Western media is involved in a diabolical disinformation campaign, the purpose of which is to persuade public opinion that the only way to "create a nuclear free World" is to use nuclear weapons on a preemptive basis, against countries which "threaten our Western Way of Life." We are a dangerous crossroads: military planners believe their own propaganda. The military manuals state that this new generation of nuclear weapons are "safe" for use in the battlefield. They are no longer a weapon of last resort. There are no impediments or political obstacles to their use.

Life in Occupied Gaza (tags)

The current Gaza crisis reviewed.

The US Will Experience Its Big Surprise (tags)

The dollar devaluation has to do with many things, above all with the double deficit. The US must become indebted more and more. China and Dubai could go on a shopping spree and buy oil companies. The US must earn euros to pay for the oil to be imported.

The United States' Selfish Solicitude (tags)

Interference with another country's internal affairs violates international law. In contrast to this, the neo-conservatives' revolutionary way of thinking preaches "democratic inter-ference" with all the consequences we are now observing in Afghanistan and Iraq.

On the Anti-Democratic Character of Neoliberalism (tags)

Privatization, deregulation and cuts in social spending is the trinity of the free market, Naomi Klein explains. The consciou8s production of unemployment is anti-democratic. The conscious worsening of income- and assets distribution is anti-democratic.

ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews Presidential Candidate Frank Moore (tags)

Choose Your Vote (dot) Org interviews 2008 Presidential Candidate Frank Moore.

The French Connection: Libya Seeking Arms Deals (tags)

"...there have been widespread reports in recent days that France and Libya have signed a Memorandum of Understanding covering arms deals worth up to EUR 4.5 billion, including the first foreign sale of the Rafale fighter. Has France learned the lessons of Morocco and Saudi Arabia? Can the Rafale find an export home at last? Will the deals come to fruition? DID reports."


Massive human rights violations--extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, torture, massacres, dislocation of millions of peasants and rural folk--characterize the current Arroyo regime in the Philippines. US taxdollars are paying the Arroyo military and police to carry out such barbaric practices. US citizens, concerned with human rights, ought to protest Bush/Pentagon's aid to the corrupt Arroyo administration, and demand an end to US mililtary intervention in suppressing the Moro and National Democratic Front insurgents. In the following article, Prof. E. San Juan re-affirms the necessity of upholding human rights embodied in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which is an integral part of contemporary international law, to which every nation should adhere as member nation-states. The article pays tribute to the self-sacrificing work of thousands of Filipino activists fighting for national democracy, social justice, and genuine sovereignty, in particular the staff of KARAPATAN and its secretary-general, Marie Hilao Enriquez.

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic (tags)

On this God-forsaken island Bill Gates is investing tens of his millions along with the Rockefeller Foundation, Monsanto Corporation, Syngenta Foundation and the Government of Norway, among others, in what is called the ‘doomsday seed bank.’ Officially the project is named the Svalbard Global Seed Vault on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen, part of the Svalbard island group.

Investors beware of the Croatian Post Bank (tags)

The solvency of the Croatian Post Bank (Hrvatska postanska banka) may be at risk

Venezuela's Social Democracy Hits A Speed Bump (tags)

Venezuela's democratic spirit will rebound from Sunday's electoral setback.

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003 (tags)

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003

Racism in Italy against Gypsies: a New Holocaust (tags)

Human Rights Watch has brought to the attention of the international community the racism gypsies are being subjected to in Italy. Write me to subscribe the Campaign against the persecution of Gypsy People in Italy:

Gypsy in Italy: European Resolution against racism (tags)


Reforms and the System Question (tags)

According to Marxist perspectives, capitalism develops with crises and ruptures. Possibilities of revolutionary social upheavals open up in these crises. The old wisdom of the Fordist age that cars cannot buy cars has lost all value to the elites.

Punishing Gaza (tags)

Israel's unending war on Palestine.

The Sun Sets Early on the American Century (tags)

This article appeared in: Le Monde diplomatique, October 2007. Sometimes hope comes from outside the bubble, outside the myopia dnde enforcede confo9rmity!

The Radiation Poisoning of America (tags)

(and the world)

Something Is Rotten: Israel (tags)

The cat is out of the bag...

US Dept. of Veterans: 73,846 US troops dead, 1,620,906 disabled (tags)

The U.S. Department of Veteran's Affairs, in conjunction with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, has released the truth because they need all people to know the US military is literally destroyed. They are under orders to conceal the truth at all costs, so they let slip a report which now cannot be "un-slipped."

Gypsy children murdered in Italy: Petition (tags)

The EveryOne Group and the ?Amici degli Angeli? are asking concerned for the immediate release of the parents of the young victims, as well as immediate assistance, starting with a home and state benefit. The groups also request an all-out inquiry against GAPE, a gang of racist murderers, who are responsible for this monstrous crime.

Reviewing Naomi Klein's "The Shock Doctrine" (tags)

The human wreckage of disaster capitalism.

Israel to be bombed (tags)

for trying to get nuclear weapons

Lebanon: loans with World Bank, EU (tags)

The Lebanese government signed several loan agreements with the World Bank and the European Union on Friday to help the reform and reconstruction efforts. Prime Minister Fouad Siniora, who attended both signing ceremonies at the Grand Serail, underlined the importance of implementing reforms on time.


Colluding with U.S. & Filipino reactionaries, Dutch fascist authorities arrested Jose Maria Sison, a Filipino political refugee, and raided the National Democratic Front International Information Office in Holland. This is a clear example of State Terrorism working on behalf of predatory imperialist capital. All progressives and democrats everywhere should protest this outrage and support the Filipino people's struggle for justice, equality, and true independence.

Vatican seeks to become carbon neutral (tags)

TISZAKESZI, Hungary: This summer the cardinals at the Vatican accepted an unusual donation from a Hungarian start-up called Klimafa: The company said it would plant trees to restore an ancient forest on a denuded island by the Tizsa River to offset the Vatican's carbon emissions.

PHILIPPINES: Kintanar widow to testify against Joma Sison (tags)

Gloria “Joy” Jopson-Kintanar has blamed Sison for the murder of her husband, Romulo Kintanar, on Jan. 23, 2003. She and another widow, Veronica Tabara, filed complaints against Sison early last year that served as grounds for the arrest of the CPP founder in the Netherlands on Tuesday.

Capital Sources: The Next Terrorist Attack (tags)

The head of the National Counterterrorism Center speaks out on Al Qaeda's plans, America’s readiness—and the nature of the war on terror.

RALLY AUG.30 at 6;00 PM at Phil Consulate General (tags)

CALL TO ACTION: In Los Angeles, join AJLPP for the emergency mobilization to demand the release of Jose Maria Sison and call for the resumption of the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations Thursday, 8/30/07, at 6:00 pm at the Philippine Consulate: 3600 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010. If you have questions, please call (213) 241-0906.

For a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Free Prof. Jose Maria Sison Now! (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP or Alliance Philippines) vehemently condemns the arrest and detention today, August 28, 2007, by the Dutch authorities of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) chief political consultant, Prof. Jose Maria Sison. The arrest of Prof. Joma Sison impedes the course of a just and lasting peace in the Philippines. The incident derails the prospect of the resumption of peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the NDFP. The Filipino people’s prosperity and future depends on the resolution of the protracted civil war raging in the Philippines and the determined principled pursuit and eventual conclusion of GRP-NDFP peace talks.


The International Committee Defend condemns in the strongest terms the unjust arrest this morning, August 28, of Filipino political exile Prof. Jose Maria Sison, by the Dutch Police, on trumped-up charges, and the simultaneous police raids in Utrecht on several houses of Filipinos, including the NDF International Information Office. The arrest of Professor Sison came after the Philippine Supreme Court dismissed several politically-motivated cases filed against him and several others. The case filed against him by the Dutch police are similarly politically-motivated and must be dismissed immediately.

Philippine Democracy Under Arroyo’s Petty Tyranny (tags)

The rampant human rights violation under the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo government and her penchant for issuing policies that have curtailed the freedom of speech and assembly have been likened to the tyranny that reigned over our country during the time of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

America Before a New "New Deal" (tags)

The laissez-faire capitalism as practiced in the US turned out to be a flop. The New Deal and the welfare state built by Roosevelt and his direct successors was systematically slandered, delegitimated and then destroyed.

A "Slow Motion Train Wreck" (tags)

Financial market turmoil and the Federal Reserve increases it

Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization (tags)

Refusing to work out historical sins like colonialism, fascism and apartheid repeats the historical model of conquest, domination and exclusion. Kairos Europe is directed against a system and its structures. Its positive goal sets life and people in first place.

The High Social Cost of Low Corporate Taxes (tags)

It is now taken for granted that social services in the U.S. will be under-funded – if they are funded at all. This isn’t because average people think that such things are unimportant, but because we’ve been taught by “our” representatives in government that even a miniscule social safety net is economically impossible (it is never explained why – it just is). As this approach continues to dominate mainstream political life, the living standards of working people everywhere are being destroyed, and the meager reforms politicians have always promised us have devolved into even tinier crumbs and counter-reforms. Indeed, reforms that benefit the working class seem to be impossible in Washington now-a-days, precisely at a time when the wealth of the country has never been greater. To make sense out of such irrationality, one has to consider that this issue isn’t limited to the 50 states of the U.S. – it’s an international problem, and its cause is no accident.

Britain: Recruiting Kids to Kill (tags)

In the UK children of sixteen can be recruited, an age too young to legally drive a car, drink a pint, or have a credit card. School Students Against the War are a vibrant, informed organisation, growing across the U.K.. and have launched a campaign in response: 'Troops Out of Our Schools - Troops Out of Iraq'.

Joint Alliance-Philippines and International ANSWER Statement in Response to Philippine Pr (tags)

The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) or Alliance-Philippines, and the International ANSWER Steering Committee of which it is a member, strongly denounce Bush “ally” Philippine president Gloria Arroyo for going forward with the implementation of an Anti-Terror Law (ATL), euphemistically called the Human Security Act, in the Philippines. We express our militant solidarity with the progressive forces in the Philippines who will be staging protests against Arroyo in all major cities throughout the country when she delivers her State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 23. Besides spinning the usual lies and deceit about her regime’s accomplishments, US “major ally” Arroyo is expected to make the ATL the centerpiece of her SONA.

Government forces ready to foil communist attacks--PNP (tags)

Government forces are ready to thwart communist attacks, officials said following threats of more rebel offensives in response to President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s “outright threat to use state terror.” Philippine National Police (PNP) Director General Oscar Calderon on Thursday said he has ordered intensified security operations to stop the New People’s Army from staging deadly attacks on soldiers and policemen and destroying infrastructures like telecommunication towers.

Palace alarmed, denies slash: US State Dep’t cuts aid to RP military (tags)

Aid to the Philippine military has been from slashed from some $30 million to a mere $11 million for 2008 or a cut of two thirds, by the United States State Department, as shown in its Web site. Malacañang executives, clearly alarmed at the report, yesterday claimed that the report was false, while US Embassy spokesman Matthew Lussenhop failed to provide a categorical response on whether there was a slashing of military aid, saying instead that no US budget has been submitted as yet and that the budget is a “complex” and “negotiated” procedure by Congress, even when the Web site of the State Department showed the slashed figures, which the Washington Post reported was personally allocated by State Secretary Condoleezza Rice, country by country. The Congress Web site, moreover, showed a higher aid figure for the Philippines.

Saving A President (tags)

More war ahead to save a criminal president

Response to Philippine President Arroyo’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) on July 23 (tags)

The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) or Alliance-Philippines, , strongly denounce Bush “ally” Philippine president Gloria Arroyo for going forward with the implementation of an Anti-Terror Law (ATL), euphemistically called the Human Security Act, in the Philippines. Arroyo’s Puppet Hypocrisy and US Intervention AJLPP strongly denounce the hypocrisy of the US- Arroyo regime for painting a rosy picture of the Philippines while poverty, corruption and repression grips the land. The Arroyo regime pretends to be interested in resuming peace talks with both the Philippine revolutionary movement represented by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) while it ordered an attack against the MILF. The fascist regime continues its alarming spree of extra-judicial killings (now more than 870 since Arroyo took office in 2001) against political opponents and critics, and unleashes legalized fascism against the entire Filipino people through the implementation of the Anti-Terror Law.

Global Warming and Agriculture: Impact Estimates by Country (tags)

...while there is growing recognition that global warming is a problem, little attention has been paid to the likely impact at the country level, especially in the developing world. In this new book, William Cline, a joint senior fellow at CGD and the Peterson Institute for International Economics, provides the first ever estimates of the impact on agriculture by country, with a particular focus on social and economic implications in China, India, Brazil, and the poor countries of the tropical belt in Africa and Latin America.

The Militarization and Annexation of North America (tags)

NAFTA on steroids enforced with an iron fist

Lift terror tag, we talk' --NDF (tags)

Communist rebels are willing to resume peace talks, but only if the government initiates the dropping of the terror tag on the revolutionary movement, exiled Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) chairman Jose Ma. Sison said yesterday. Sison said they would only return to the negotiating table when the government moves to have the CPP and the New People’s Army (NPA) stricken off the lists of foreign terrorist organizations drawn up by the United States and the European Union. Sison said the government must also show it is sincere about stopping the military from carrying out extrajudicial killings, while also indemnifying victims of human rights violations.

Reds reject peace overture (tags)

The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) yesterday rejected a ceasefire offered by the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Gen. Hermogenes Esperon Jr. in a bid to revive stalled peace talks. CPP founder Jose Maria Sison, in a statement from the Netherlands, where he is in self-exile, said the group will only return to the negotiating table when the Philippine government moves to have it removed from a terrorist blacklisting in the United States and Europe. He stressed the Arroyo administration must also show it is sincere about stopping the military from carrying out political killings, while also indemnifying victims of human rights violations.

Joma wants terror tag lifted (tags)

xiled communist leader Jose Maria Sison hit the Dutch embassy in Manila and the Philippine government for defying a European Union Court order, which has ruled that his rights were violated when he was included in list of terrorists by the European Union. Sison said the European Union’s Court of Justice has ruled in his favor but the Dutch embassy in Manila and Philippine government have insisted that he remains in the terrorist watch list.

Competition and the Legal System (tags)

Competition is not always a fountain of economic development..Certain academic findings are dangerous for the functioning of norm systems. The critic becomes the delinquent. Several wicked mosquitos may be criticized, not mosquitos in general.


In its judgment issued in Luxembourg yesterday, in Case T-47/03 of Jose Maria Sison versus Council of the European Union, the European Court of First Instance (ECFI) in Luxembourg annulled the Council of the European Union (EU) decision blacklisting Prof. Sison as a “terrorist”. The ECFI ruled that the Council of the EU violated the rights of Prof. Sison to defense, the obligation to state reasons and the right to effective judicial protection. There had never been any competent judicial authority calling him to a criminal investigation or any court hearing regarding any terrorist act. The ECFI also ordered the Council of the EU to bear the costs of the litigation incurred by Prof. Sison and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) which acted as an intervener in his favor.


Of distinguished progressive lineage, Senator Jamby Madrigal of the Philippines takes a principle stand critical of the Arroyo regime's bloody and brutal repression of Filipinos backed by the Bush neocons. This article provides a context for the Philippine crisis and Senator Madrigal's views on U.S. imperialism in the neocolony and its complicity with State-terrorist repression.

DOJ Secretary Gonzalez eyes Abu Sayyaf, CPP and NPA for terror listing (tags)

Justice Secretary Raul Gonzalez listed the bandit group Abu Sayyaf, the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People's Army (NPA), among the groups being considered for inclusion in the terror list to be drawn up under the Human Security Act (HSA), said Tuesday. The outspoken Gonzalez also said he has already asked the Supreme Court to assign special courts to handle cases against suspected terrorists and terrorist organizations.

Privatization as a Threat (tags)

Privatization undermines the nature of the state, the state's reason to exist, and leads to the loss of identity and sovereignty. The state revenue side is weakened by privatizing profitable state expenses. Siegfried Bross is a judge on the German Constitutional Court.

G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)

Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.

The Underrated Power of Economists (tags)

During the Great Depression between the two world wars, the Brit John Maynard Keynes came to an insight that was implemented in the 1960s. The state must guide the economy by its spending to avert the danger of depression.

"Demonstration" Government in Palestine (tags)

IS-Israeli led coup against the democratically elected Hamas government

Trickle Down Economics (tags)

The big brother from the North misled the South.. The slogan "More Market, Less State" is losing a few old friends in Europe.. What is changing is the discourse, the eulogy of the market and its possibilities.

The Neoliberal Catechism (tags)

Turning away from the state causes old age poverty and endangers life and limb.. The consequences of privatization are faded out in the US and Germany.. Defining freedom as only entrepreneurial freedom and freedom of capital can be easily veiled.

Who Frees Us From Capital? (tags)

Whole continents bowed to the Washington Consensus..The World Bank must end its embittered attack on distribution policy.. Privatization awakened false hopes.. Evo Morales in Bolivia nationalized the oil and gas economy and raised the monthly minimum wage to $100.

Hanging from the brush... (tags)

"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...

NDFP verifies that Prof. Sison is NDFP chief political consultant and belies GRP claims (tags)

The National Council of the National Democrat Front of the Philippines hereby verifies that Prof. Jose Maria Sison is the NDFP chief political consultant and belies the claim of the Manila government that he is chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and head of the New People’s Army (NPA).

France urges RP to back disappearances treaty (tags)

France appealed to the Philippine government to sign and ratify an international treaty on forced disappearances in view of the pending assistance of local authorities by human rights experts from Europe in solving the unabated political killings in the country. French Ambassador to the Philippines Gerard Chesnel yesterday stressed the need for all democratic governments to support the treaty on disappearances, which will criminalize and put an end to rampant state-sanctioned abductions.

"Capitalism is not the solution" (tags)

Attac turns against the unjust sides of globalization. We need the contagious power of the ideas of freedom, justice and equality. The last European revolution in 1989 succeeded despite dictatorial conditions.

The G-8 Meeting... (tags)

Perhaps someone with one of those new computer programs developed by Bill Gates could calculate the resources being used for war expenses at the cost of education, healthcare and culture for humanity...

North American Union Plan Headed To Congress In Fall (tags)

same perps as 911

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

"Powerful think tank prepares report on benefits of integration between U.S., Mexico, Canada"

North American union plan headed to Congress in fall (tags)

this is when the money will change to world paper ready....

War with Iran : the Correct Political Perspective (tags)

Because of the bitterly partisan and rivalrous degeneration of the American political situation, which is the driving force behind the destruction of the Constitution among other things, I must ask readers to see if it might be possible to hear a person out when there position disagrees with your position, so that perhaps you might even have a chance to consider an issue thoughtfully before making up your mind, which would be a new development in American politics, and might even save the country from further turns towards Caesar, supported by many because of the onrushing disaster.

Taxes and Finance Capital: Back to the Feudal State (tags)

Taxes are the corrective to the furious free market. They safeguard the public interest, redistribution, public functions and services..For the oligarchs, tax is a confiscation and tax officials are highway robbers.. Tax reductions for the rich are the direrct cause of the debility of community.

Globalization - Christian Life in the One World (tags)

In the Bible, justice is always measured in the well-being of the weakest. Freedom could be understood as bond to community, not egomania. People are not commodities or a mass. There are no superfluous persons or superfluous continents. Ms Kassmann is a Lutheran bishop.


The 2nd session of the Permanent People's Tribunal (March 21-25, The Hague, Netherlands) marks a historic milestone in the Filipino people's struggle for social justice and true independence from U.S. imperialism and predatory global capital. This brief report sums up the major achievement of the Tribunal, highlighting the role of progressive Filipina women in the fight for freedom and people's liberation.

Human Rights Activist Sentenced to Five Years (tags)

The Arroyo regime has scuttled the peace talks (tags)

Avoiding answering the question whether the Arroyo regime agrees with the report of United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston that the military is principally responsible for political killings, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo makes the false statement that the regime has a standing invitation to the National Democratic Front of the Philippines for peace talks. The Arroyo regime has scuttled the peace talks. It has declared its militarist plan to destroy the revolutionary movement before 2010. It has flagrantly violated the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) by committing crimes against humanity, perpetrating extrajudicial killings of more than 830 unarmed civilians, enforced disappearances on about 200 persons and frustrated killings on more than 350 persons, among other gross human rights violations.

* Philippine Government Apathetic Toward Human Rights Abuses * (tags)

UNITED Nations special rapporteur Philip Alston gave an oral report to the UN Human Rights Council yesterday of the preliminary findings and recommendations in connection with his 10-day visit to the country in February to investigate extrajudicial killings. In his report, Alston criticized key government agencies, particularly the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights, the Ombudsman, the Department of Justice, and Malacañang for shirking their responsibilities in upholding human rights in the Philippines.

Hilton Hotels Face Serious Dilemma (tags)

Hilton Hotel chain target of boycotts and demonstrations after banning Cuban officals in continued efforts to enforce U. S. blockade abroad.

Shaikh Ahamed Yassin Assassination, The Three-Year Anniversary (tags)

In Brussels, the European Union condemned Israel's "extra-judicial killing" as illegal and likely to further inflame violence.

the secret of all secrets (tags)

the secret of all secrets

bush Regime & Illegals : Arm In Arm They Pulled A Coup (tags)

los angeles mods are racist spic pieces of shit    

RP Accepts US offer to help solve killings (tags)

The Philippines police will accept technical assistance from the United States to help solve a wave of political murders targeting mostly leftist dissidents, a senior police official said Wednesday. Malacañang, however, was more guarded on the issue. Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita told reporters the government wants to be “more deliberate.” Ermita said Philippine and US officials are “in contact with each other” but that no decision has been made. A special United Nations Human Rights Commission rapporteur last week alleged that that some in the Armed Forces—one of the most powerful institutions in the country—were behind the unsolved killings, which human-rights groups have said numbered in the hundreds since 2001.


The Alliance for the Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP)-USA vehemently condemn the recent judgment by the European Court of Justice that dismissed the appeal of Prof. Jose Maria Sison for access to the secret documents used by the Council of the European Union. By putting Prof. Sison in the so-called terrorist list and imposing on him punitive sanctions, the European Court dealt the peace process in the Philippines, a very heavy blow


In the fevered minds of Bush administration ideologues, Palestine has become another front in what they conceive of as a new Cold War against "Islamofascism."

How the Rich Become Richer and the Poor Poorer (tags)

The rich become richer by taking more from the poorer and the poor.. How long will humanity fall to capitalism and the asocial drives of a small clique of beneficiaries?.. We can't afford the rich.

Optimism in the Kingdom of Phantasies (tags)

The credit-financing of the worldwide takeover batlles has built a gigantic bankrupt-cy potential in the private equity funds that can lead to a chain reaction in 2007. The hard landing of the consumer economy in the US seems programmed.

More Employment through a Different Distribution (tags)

More employment comes through reduced working hours and public investments more than tax subsidies. The state has destroyed jobs. The global attack of neoliberalism has gravely damaged the democratic welfare state.

Make Capitalism History (tags)

The iron fist of McDonald Douglas protects the soft fist of McDonalds. Militarism is the back side of capitalism. We must resist normalization of war and militarization of foreign policy. Love for life and the future can change priorities and perspectives.

The AJLPP-USA Year End Report, 2006 (tags)

The SolCom was able to gather more than 5,000 petitions, sent more than 2,000 signed postcards to the Europe, sold more than 500 books, issued thousands of postcards, hundreds of posters and buttons in its three years of action until AJLPP came into existence. It is worthwhile to look back and retrace the steps the AJLPP has taken during the last year 2006 so it can look forward in this current year 2007. It is but fitting to move forward with greater zeal and determination to serve the Filipino people and the Filipino American community in the United States.

Historic Danish Anarchist Center Faces Destruction (tags)

Undomgshuset, an historic Scandanavian anarchist youth center located in the an historic leftist/communist building, is slated for destruction by the new owners, an ultraconservative Christian sect.

Peace Initiatives for the Middle East (tags)

For decades, the Israeli and Palestinian people have lived as neighbors. Cooperation and joint development are possible. Instead their life is poisoned by war and violence. The Israeli occupation is the essential evil.

REQUEST to the Bulgarian Authorities (tags)

PLEASE send the request with a short supporting statement to:,,,,, Cc:

Philippines - 2006 worst year for rights since Marcos (tags)

Political murders in the Philippines reached their highest level in 2006 since the toppling of dictator Ferdinand Marcos more than 20 years ago, human-rights activists say. More than 180 activists—including journalists, human-rights workers, leftwing politicians, trade unionists and lawyers—were assassinated this year for their criticism of those in power, they say. “An average of three extrajudicial killings are occurring every week in the country,” a Canadian human-rights team concluded recently after a fact-finding mission to the Southeast Asian nation. “A clear pattern of state-perpetrated politically motivated extrajudicial killings” was occurring in the country, the team said.

Indian Press Silence on Sai Baba Weakening (tags)

One of Britain's top newspapers, The Guardian, has demonstrated ties between Duke of Edinburgh Awards personnel and Sathya Sai Baba (pron. satya si bubba), India's most famous and powerful guru.

Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia (tags)

We call on the concerned authorities and world community alike to boycott and reproach Bulgarian officials till enactment and enforcement of a modern Animal Protection Act takes an effect, one which will guarantee the protection and welfare of cats and dogs in Bulgaria.

Rightwing Anti-Capitalism (tags)

The interests of the working class are no longer defended by the dominant parties. On the background of this representation crisis (cf Gramsci), rightwing populist parties have electoral successes all over Europe.

Iran Begins Shift from Petrodollar to Eurodollar (tags)

Two Iranian news agencies are reporting that Iran has begun its long anticipated move away from the U.S. Dollar to the European Union’s Euro as the (Petrodollar and Eurodollar, respectively) method of payment for its oil transactions.

Boycott Bulgaria, Boycott Sofia (tags)

In a few weeks time Bulgaria will become a full EU member and will have to comply with the European Commission's Regulation No.998/2003. The missing legal cat & dog control is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals.

Boykott Bulgarian Officials Supporting Systematic Abuse of Cats and Dogs (tags)

The missing legal pet control in Bulgaria is replaced by criminal collection and abuse of the great number of healthy animals. That leads to the real reduction of both increasing populations. Bulgarian institutions are colluding with black-marketers in their revolting industry.



Viva La Chance! (tags)

The solution to the problem cannot be curfews and terar gas.. Profit and power are set above social peace. Who is really responsible when the villa surrounded by barbed wire is charred one morning?

The Rise and Fall of the UN (tags)

One’s opinion of the United Nations reveals a lot about political consciousness; and because perception is usually based on experience, it’s only natural that people from different countries have opposing views about the UN and its pillar institutions— the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the United States, familiarity of the UN is limited to vague notions of ‘international democracy’ and ‘peacekeeping’, words that inspire the noblest of intentions; the World Bank and IMF on the other hand are institutions that invoke little reaction among the US public. How and by whom the UN was formed, whose interests it serves, and the actual history of its ‘peacekeeping’ missions are all things rarely examined. It is the purpose of this essay to look at the formation and development of the UN, and in so doing, attempt to show the evolution of the capitalistic system itself, which was ‘reborn’ upon the back of these hardly-neutral organizations.

Philippines: AKBAYAN holds successful 3rd Congress (tags)

Amidst escalating repression and political crisis, the Akbayan Citizens Action Party recently held its Third Regular Congress last October 14 and 15, 2006, at the Riverbend Hotel in Marikina City. With the theme "Ipaglaban ang Dangal ng Pilipino, Ipaglaban ang Kinabukasan Ngayon" (Claim the Future Now), Akbayan marked its more than eight years existence as an alternative national political party in the Philippines.

Every School as a Small Business (tags)

The Bertelsmann foundation reorganizes German schools according to market criteria. A privatization of the political is occurring worldwide today.. Bertelsmann keeps a tight reign on public libraries, schools and universities through performance standards and control instruments.


Item: Yesterday on CNN and Fox News, V.P. Dick Cheney gave a tacit endorsement to Hillary Clinton for President in Nov 2008. This comes a week after Clinton visited major air bases in Canada aka British Intelligence MI-6 cells linked directly to Permindex, the British company that plotted and executed the murder of President JFK. Reference: True Colors, JFK Jr., and the attempted assassination of then V.P. Albert Gore Jr. in 1998 linked to the Bush-Clinton Crime Syndicate....

Rahm Emanuel heads North American Mossad + PROMIS + laundered profits to Israel/Russian (tags)

Rosen is also tied to Ted Olson, Coca Cola copyright controversy and a scandal now developing which will link Rosen to Rahm Emanuel and the Mossad in the sale of and transfer of PROMIS Software involving the alleged Russian spy Robert Hanson and the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and laundered profits to both Israel and the Russian Federation...

World silent as fascists join Israel government (tags)

It is time for action

Demographic Development: Reality and Media Distortion (tags)

Reducing uhemployment and intensive education for children and youth are prerequisites for mastering the future. Instead the economy and politics constantly refer to demography.. Catastrophic reports sell better than the truth.

The fake compassion of Europe's right-wing (tags)

It’s interesting to see what issues can infiltrate and corrupt the Left. Usually the offenses are blatant— supporting the ‘war on terror’, electing ‘progressive Democrats’, calling for military intervention into a troubled region (Yugoslavia— and now Sudan). Sometimes though, more subtle topics can confuse and disorientate the Left, the most recent example being the sudden reemergence of the WWI Armenian genocide as a hot-button issue.

Intelligence Briefing on Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate (tags)

Latest Intelligence Briefing on the Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate ...

Bush/Clinton Crime Syndicate: Barack Obama (tags)

Extortion-friendly John Harwood of the Wall Street Journal, reports that Senator Barack Obama will run in 2008 but Hillary Clinton will not. Don't be fooled folks, Obama is a stooge and firewall for the Bush Clinton Crime Syndicate....

Twenty-eight Palestinians killed this week in OPT (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

WTO Negotiations Collapse (tags)

Liberalization in the style of the WTO damagers the developing world..Trade can be a means for development. However the mechanism of the WTO subordinates development to free trade in the interest of corporations.

Gaza as Laboratory: The Great Experiment (tags)

IS IT possible to force a whole people to submit to foreign occupation by starving it?

EU will provide airline data to US (tags)

English Police State to sleep with the U.S. Police State



Hold Bayer Accountable for LL601 GE Contamination of Rice (tags)

USDA to retroactively approve Bayer's illegal LL601 GE rice after contamination discovered. Write letter to hold Bayer Crop Science accountable for contaminating US food supply with GE rice (LL601), aka "Liberty Link" rice, resistant to Bayer's manufactured "Liberty" glufosinate herbicide brand.

The Pope's Evil Legend (tags)

There is no escape from viewing them against the background of the new Crusade of Bush and his evangelist supporters, with his slogans of "Islamofascism" and the "Global War on Terrorism"--when "terrorism" has become a synonym for Muslims. For Bush's handlers, this is a cynical attempt to justify the domination of the world's oil resources. Not for the first time in history, a religious robe is spread to cover the nakedness of economic interests; not for the first time, a robbers' expedition becomes a Crusade.

No Wars are "Humanitarian" (tags)

Justice, democracy, freedom and human dignity should define our future, not the concepts of war strategies.

NPA'S BEATEN BY 2010- AFP (tags)

Government forces are geared up to accomplish their mission to neutralize the communist New People’s Army (NPA) before President Arroyo ends her term by 2010, Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) chief Gen. Hermogenes Esperon declared yesterday

Diabetes Epidemic in Europe (tags)

US Radiation Wars Thought To Be Cause

Netanyahu Beats Drum for U.S. War with Iran (tags)

Leave it to a Far Right Likudite, Benjamin Netanyahu, to show up on 09/06/06, in Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love,” and beat the drum for a U.S. war with Iran. What a lethal irony! In his spiel, Netanyahu, an ultra Israeli Hawk, sounded like President George W. Bush, while also ignoring Israel’s many wrongs against the peoples of Palestine and Lebanon.

BTL:Iran Defies UN on Uranium Enrichment, as US Pushes for Sanctions &... (tags)

...Contemplates "Other Consequences" ~ Interview with Arang Keshavarzian, assistant professor of government at Connecticut College, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

How Much Poverty Can a Society Endure? (tags)

Pretending that justice is possible with growing inequality is pure ideology. Distribu-tive justice is the key for a peaceful future.. Spending for the welfare state has not grown in Germany.

Anger with the Establishment: Jean Ziegler (tags)

Free trade is like heavyweight champion Mike Tyson climbing in the boxing ring against a half-starved unemployed from northeast Brazil..Without social justice, the republic is worthless..The world order of globalized pre-datory capitalism seems like cruel absurdity

Sensible Mandate (tags)

Peoples do not win wars, only governments. People only delight in war when they are poisoned by propaganda and indoctrinated by the school, media and religion.. War, this orgy of killing and destroying, is the absolute horror.



Armageddon and the Apocalyptic "Holocaust" (tags)

Originally Chriistianity was community opposing the idols of war and wealth. In the 20th century, Chrisitanity in the US was corrupted to a prosperity religion. To end-time fundamentalists, the worse it becomes the better.

Philipine Govt bars NDF from probe (tags)

THE government won’t allow the participation of the National Democratic Front (NDF) in an investigation into extrajudicial executions in the country, charging that the group itself is guilty of the crimes. National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales said the government is considering the possibility of setting up an independent body to monitor and investigate the killings and disappearances, but the NDF will have no part in it.

U..S. exports fantasies and weapons systems (tags)

In fact, 20 of our top 25 arms clients in the developing world in 2003 were undemocratic regimes or governments with records as major human-rights abusers. All too often, U.S. arms transfers fuel conflict, give weapons to human-rights abusers or fall into the hands of our adversaries. Far from serving as a force for security and stability, these sales frequently empower unstable, undemocratic regimes.

Kevin Zeese Challenges Rep. Cardin on Israel (tags)

Kevin Zeese, an Independent candidate for U.S. Senate from Maryland, is shaking up the Establishment. Despite the “unmatched power” the Israel Lobby exerts over our foreign policy, Zeese is challenging Rep. Ben Cardin to speak out about Israel’s “terror military policy” in Occupied Gaza and Lebanon. Cardin, who is also running for the U.S. Senate in MD, submitted a two sentence reply to Zeese. The people of Maryland deserve better!

Qana Massacre Protested at State Department Rally (tags)

As a result of the Israeli massacre of 56 civilians, mostly children, in the village of Qana, in Lebanon, a protest action was held in front of the State Department in Washington, D.C. on Monday, 07/31/06. The activists were there to protest the massacre and to demand an immediate ceasefire. Noura Erakat said, “Israel needs to be held accountable for its murders.” Four of the demonstrators were arrested in an act of civil disobedience.

Oil Wealth as a Curse (tags)

The world energy need will increase 50 percent by 2030 necessitating investments of billions in the energy infrastructures.. With its oil greed and balance of payments deficit, the US could endanger global peace and the stability of the world economy.

Deport Bolante Back to the Philippines, (tags)

The AJLPP calls on the US government to act and deport Arroyo’s bagman Bolante. We likewise call on the Philippine government to prosecute Bolante as soon as he is returned to the Philippines. Only then we can believe that they are both serious in fighting corruption in the Philippines. Otherwise, we are just watching another charade in the making. Peace will only be another victim in the altar of self-appointed high priests of immorality, corruption and greed.

Great soul of power (tags)

THE great soul of power extends far beyond states, to every domain of life, from families to international affairs. And throughout, every form of authority and domination bears a severe burden of proof. It is not self-legitimising.

Appeasement 2006: Europe capitulates to American-Israeli aggression (tags)

The international conference in Rome held Wednesday to address the crisis precipitated by the Israeli attack on Lebanon ended without a call for a ceasefire. According to numerous press accounts, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood virtually alone in opposing any language in the conference statement suggesting that the Israeli onslaught, which has already caused close to 500 civilian deaths and destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, should be ended any time soon.

Dismantle the US-Arroyo Fascist Puppet Regime, Resume Peace Negotiations Now! (tags)

For the sixth time, the fake president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will deliver her State of the Nation Address (SONA) as the traditional year-end report to elucidate new policies like all Philippine presidents do. But her sixth SONA will no different from her previous ones: all the high-tech glitz and fanfare in the world will not be able to hide its emptiness and utter lack of credibility

Global Trade Talks Break Down Over Farm Issues (tags)

Trade negoatiations aimed at reaching a new global trade agreement collapsed today, dealing a blow to the Bush administration’s international economic agenda and touching off a bitter new round of recriminations between the United States and Europe over farm trade barriers. After two days of discussions, the director general of the World Trade Organization, Pascal Lamy, formally suspended the talks. American trade officials said there appeared to be little prospect of resuming the talks any time soon, probably dooming the chances of a trade accord during President Bush’s remaining time in office.

Open Letter to The Middle East Quartet (tags)

An Open Letter to The Middle East Quartet by the Beijing International Peace Vigil

Bush's mein kampf and the beautiful sleeper… (tags)

(English) 10 DE JULY OF 2006 Bush approved “additional measures” against Cuba some of which point directly to those who trade with the Island or they have investments here. Among them it reiterates the possibility to begin the trials foreseen in the Title III of the Law Helms-Burton for some countries . (Spanish) EL 10 DE JULIO DEL 2006 Bush aprobó "medidas adicionales" contra Cuba algunas de las cuales apuntan directamente a quienes comercian con la Isla o tienen inversiones aquí. Entre ellas reitera la posibilidad de iniciar los juicios previstos en el Título III de la Ley Helms-Burton para algunos países

Worldwide Protests Slam G8 Support of Nuclear, Coal, Oil (tags)

The protests included large "banner drops" in multiple cities, protests of coal and oil companies, and rallies at the U.S. embassy in London and the Washington, DC home of U.S. Secretary of Energy Samuel Bodman. On Friday, protestors showed up at Bodman's home, demanding that the United States and the G8 abandon the focus on nuclear, coal, and on oil wars as "energy security." They chanted "No Coal, No Nukes, G-8 shut it down!" No arrests took place.

National Emergency Marches on Washington, LA & SF, Sat. Aug 12: Defend Palestine & Lebanon (tags)

Saturday, August 12, 12 Noon, at the White House: NATIONAL EMERGENCY MARCH ON WASHINGTON! Defend the People of Palestine and Lebanon! Stop the U.S.-Israeli War! From Iraq to Lebanon to Palestine, Occupation is a Crime! Stop U.S. Aid to Israel! Support the Palestinian People's Right to Return! Money for Jobs and Education, Not for War and Occupation!

Hamas, from islamic revival-movement to Palestinian government (tags)

In contary with the leading opinions of the American-European politicians and media, the aim of Hamas, calling by them the ''distruction'' of the State of Israel, is not to kill or expell the Israeli-Jewish population, but to dismantle the zionistic State Model and to make an end to 39 year Israeli occupation and settlementspolicy

Global Social Rights Worldwide! (tags)

Deregulation of finance markets leads to a concentration of power in the hands of a few banks and investment funds..Social rights gained by struggle are already sacrificed on the altar of the market.

What If Israel Had Never Been Created? (tags)

What would the world look like, if in 1948, the state of Israel hadn’t been created? Unfortunately, President Harry S. Truman, under the “influence of the Zionists,” gave his endorsement to that violence-inspiring project. Since that time, life for the Palestinans has become a hell-on-earth under the heel of Israel’s brutal Death-Mayhem-&-Occupation Machine. John Lennon said, “Imagine there’s no countries.” Okay, let’s imagine: There is no Israel!

Norway rules out resumption of talks (tags)

Norway rules out resumption of talks PEACE talks broker Norway said it saw no chance of a rapid resumption of the stalled peace talks between the Philippine government and the communist-led National Democratic Front (NDF). “I don’t see the prospect of talks resuming in the near future,” Tore Hattrem, director general of the section of peace and reconciliation at the Norwegian foreign ministry, told AFP after four days of consultations with the NDF.

In the Stagnation Trap: Capitalist Development (tags)

Demands for a different distribution and re-distribution, for economic democracy and social regulation opposing market radicalism must be in the foreground. Crisis and opportunity are represented by the same Chinese letter.

Gov’t sticks to war, rejects Reds’ peace bid (tags)

MALACAÑANG remains committed to pursuing its all-out war against communist rebels even if exiled leaders of the communist-led National Democratic Front have asked Norway to convince President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo to return to the negotiating table.In a statement, the NDF said it had sent its top leadership to Oslo on Monday for four days of consultations with the Norwegian foreign ministry. Norway had facilitated the peace talks between the Philippine government and the NDF before negotiations were scuttled in 2004.

NDF calls for peace talks resumption (tags)

The prospect for the resumption of the peace negotiations in the Philippines remains bright despite the all-out attack of the Arroyo regime against the NPA and the MILF. Pesante-USA.AJLPP reprints the news article on the armed conflict that besets the county. Amid the government’s all-out offensive against the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and its armed wing, the New People’s Army (NPA), the National Democratic Front (NDF) pushed yesterday for the resumption of peace talks with the government.

Spain to Negotiate With Basque Separatists (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted the story about Spain's peace talks with ETA. Meanwhile in the Philippines, the US-Arroyo regime sabotaged the peace negotiaitons and conducted large scale counter -insurgency operations against the NPA. While in Spain, In a politically risky move aimed at ending Europe's last armed conflict, Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero announced Thursday that he would open peace talks with ETA, the outlawed Basque guerrilla organization. The talks follow ETA's declaration in March of a "permanent" cease-fire in the group's four-decade fight for independence. Together, the developments represent what many here believe to be the best chance in years for a lasting peace.

Human rights in RP alarming — Oslo (tags)

A ranking Norwegian Foreign Ministry official has expressed alarm over the rise in political killings in the Philippines, describing the human rights situation in the country as “very difficult.” Speaking before a conflict and development seminar on the Philippines last June 20 in Oslo, Tore Hattrem, director general of the Section of Peace and Reconciliation of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, noted that the situation has stalled peace negotiations between the Arroyo administration and local communist rebels.

Will the US Bomb Minsk? (tags)

The US initiator of illegal wars with hundreds of thousands of dead, the inventor of torture light and extraordinary rendition reproaches the Belarus president for fundamentally undemocratic elections and violation of human rights by political repression.

CHERYL SEAL REPORTS: Weekend Edition (tags)

News from inside the "Bush Reich": Insurency escalates in Iraq, Suspicions grow re: murdered/tortured soldiers, Israeli arms dealers and mercenaries in No. Iraq, Halliburton investigated for human trafficking, The obscene 2007 budget...and more: Read it n' weep!

Cuba in the Human Rights Council (tags)

Cuba in the Human Rights Council, UN...

Europe’s leaders close ranks with Bush (tags)

On Tuesday, US President George Bush touched down in Vienna for the annual summit of US and European Union (EU) leaders. After brief talks in Vienna, Bush is due to fly to Budapest on Thursday for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Bush’s trip to Europe is the first in a round of visits over the next few weeks. Next month he will return to Europe to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Stralsund, before proceeding to Russia for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin prior to the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, to be held July 15-17.

Neoliberal Geo-Politics (tags)

In truth, the war on Iraq is lost. Military com-manders in the field admit this in reports to the Pentagon. In truth, American military power cannot contain the growing violence. War is part of neoliberalism since profit maximization is made the supreme goal.

Czech Greens enter right-wing government (tags)

Following the Czech parliamentary elections of June 2 and 3, the Green Party is now preparing to join the right-wing government of the arch-conservative Citizens Party (ODS). The Greens have now entered an Eastern European parliament for the first time, with Strana Zelenych (SZ) receiving 6.3 percent of the vote. Clearly, the Green Party in Prague is beginning its political odyssey at the point it left off in Germany—as a governing party; but this time no longer in alliance with the Social Democrats, but instead with politically conservative and right-wing parties.

Weary Optimism (tags)

In payback time in the culture of fear, important trade, budget and cable access bills are passed in the dead of night. The dominant elite consciusness is frozen, refuses alternatives and stylizes bankruptcy as normal business practice.

US, EU "Terror Lists" Promote Political Killings In The Philippines – Jalandoni (tags)

The Negotiating Panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines took another swipe today at governments maintaining "terrorist lists", saying that the inclusion of the Communist Party of the Philippines, the New People's Army and NDFP Chief Political Consultant Jose Maria Sison in such lists emboldens the government of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to continue on its rampage of extrajudicial killings of civilians, enforced disappearances and other human rights violatio


Unilateralism is Over. Resistance Grows. (tags)

The US government saw itself forced to climb down in two central foreign policy questions. Washington's efforts to completely cut off Palestinian authority's money supply were stopped. In the Iraq question, Bush was manoevered offside in the Security Council.

BTL:Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act Unnecessarily Punishes Innocents & Moderates (tags)

Interview with Josh Ruebner, U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

EU members want to ban Iranian president from World Cup (tags)

EU members want to ban Iranian president from World Cup

Worldwide Wars and Anti-Military Options (tags)

The author suggersts three reasons for the nerve-wracking calm in Germany: 1) objective and very cruel mass unemployment, 2) self-stigmatization and 3) people don't think there is anything to share. At the end he urgers: Be IMI-Instinctively Mainstream Ignoring.

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) 25 - 31 May 2006

Europe’s ‘Green’ militarists (tags)

The days when the German Green Party opposed international military operations by Germany’s armed forces, or at least criticized them, have long since passed. After seven years in government, the party has returned to the opposition benches, but it has by no means returned to its former pacifist positions. The Greens are among the most avid proponents of a German military mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one that could easily become the most extensive and dangerous foreign operation conducted by German soldiers since World War II.

Political Solution, Not a War on Iran! (tags)

War is the great terror. We seek de-escalation, non-aggression guarantees and renunciation of force. Nuclear weapon states should finally fulfill their obligation to disarm their nuclear arsenals.

No Peace to the Western War Policy and the Neoliberal System! (tags)

This war policy is justified as a completely selfless undertaking..When industrialists say a constitutional state must be built militarily, they really mean the right to plunder..What we witness now is the return to jungle law or double standards.

Pope asks God why he 'tolerated' Holocaust (tags)

I always thought god approved of the Holocaust? Or since god doesnt exist i guess i would say that the pope approved of the Holocaust. Wasnt the vatican sleeping with the big wigs of both the Nazi Germany and the Fasist Italy at the time of the Holocaust happened? For that matter I think that the Vatican got its status as a country because of deals it cut with the Italian government.

Irish Free State: an entity without a backbone or a soul (tags)

The 26-County Irish Free State: an entity without a backbone or a soul of its own. No to the 26 county neo-colonial state. No to the 6 county colonial state. Support the 32 county Irish Republic. Work towards a new Ireland. Support the EIRE NUA proposals!

Palestine Update (tags)

News, generally suppressed by US mainstream medias


Ivo Lesbaupin is a sociologist and professor of the School of Social Service of the UFRJ. He studied at a Dominican seminary, contemporary of frei Beto, frei Tito and others.


On Tuesday 30 May 2006 from 9 :30 a.m. onward, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities will examine the legality of the antiterrorist list adopted by the Council of the European Union in the case of Filipino professor Jose Maria Sison. Can the Ministers of the 25 European countries qualify a person as a terrorist and exclude him from economic life with neither evidence nor due process? The stake is crucial for all the defenders of fundamental rights in Europe.



Why Are Gas Prices So High? (tags)

A Primer on Oil: Past, Present, Future of Oil and Gas in the United States

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) · IOF shot dead a Palestinian woman the West Bank and extra-judicially executed a Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip. · Two Palestinians were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Bethlehem. · 17 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were wounded by IOF gunfire. ·

The Price of Growth (tags)

In "1984," George Orwell warned that war would become a domestic necessity to divert the people from economic contradictions. Inequality may promote productivity but also undermines public spirit and social ochesion

France: Government launches assault on immigrants (tags)

A demonstration called by a broad alliance of anti-racist organisations has been called in Paris today, assembling at the Place de la République at 2 p.m. The French government has launched a major racist offensive against immigrants. Despite the tenacity and extent of the protest movement against the First Job Contract (CPE—giving employers the right to fire young workers at will), which continued throughout February, March and much of April and witnessed days of action bringing up to 3 million university and high school students and workers onto the streets, the government is continuing its programme of reactionary legislation with the Immigration Bill. This bill, which will greatly increase the social and job insecurity of immigrants, is to be put before parliament May 2, without any disruption in its parliamentary schedule.

Illegal Immigration leads North American "community" to follow European Union (tags)

The Global Regime is hungry and rabid. It wants a body of slave labor to access anywhere in the world. The Ford Foundation and numerous transnationals have poured millions into preparing to remount dominance over workers in the U.S. It's developed a front to hide behind and the green light has been given for a full assault.

The Contradictions are our Hope (tags)

Multilateral trade agreements-like the WTO-are not per se something good, especially when they only codify the rules of the rich. Until trade policy changes, massive changes of social hierarchies of power are necessary Th WTO is undemocratic and unjust.

Terrorism cannot be fought everywhere but Palestine (tags)

Tashbih Sayyed, Ph.D. is editor-in-chief of Pakistan Today and Muslim World Today, California-based weekly newspapers, president of Council for Democracy and Tolerance and adjunct fellow of Hudson Institute.

Lucerne, Switzerland Becomes GATS-Free (tags)

Over 80 communities in Switzerland have insisted on stopping GATS-liberalization for social, ecological and democratic reasons.. In Europe, over 1000 communities have declared themselves GATS-free zones.


This article looks at Prime Minister-elect Olmert's contention that the elections were a referendum to carry out further withdrawals/expulsions from Judea/Samaria (the West Bank).

A socialist strategy for workers’ power: the only answer to France’s “First Job Contract” (tags)

The month-long struggle against the Gaullist government’s “First Job Contract” has brought to the fore the fundamental class and political issues facing workers and young people not only in France, but across Europe and internationally. The needs of youth and workers—decent-paying and secure jobs, education, health care, a future without war or repression—are in irreconcilable conflict with the interests of a financial elite who represent a failed political and economic system. This oligarchy of wealth and power is determined to make the working class pay for the crisis of the capitalist system.

After the Fiasco (tags)

Iran's strategic position today is better than ever. The EU was the first to feel this. America now feels this and wisely renounces on military strikes.. What lessons must America draw from this strategic fiasco?

Worldwide Wars and Anti-Military Options in the 21st Century (tags)

The wars at the beginning of the 21st century are marked by US unilateralism, distribution battles over dwindling resources, the growing gulf between poor and rich and the new role of Islam in this connection.. Offensive wars do not appear winnable today

An Immoral War Coalition (tags)

Waging a new war that would exceed all the wars since the Vietnam War with the reason that Iran could produce nuclear bombs in ten years is even more absurd than the lie of weapons of mass destruction with which the Iraq war was justified.

Captain Ahab and his Watery Grave (tags)

The novel Moby Dick appeared to Moltmann and others as the American myth. "Thewhite whale is the symbol of evil and Captain Ahab is the tragic hero. America's messianic dream becomes the tragic myth."

Iran and the US: A Fictional Dialogue (tags)

Who threatens who is clear. In 1953, the CIA overthrew our democratically elected Prime Minister Mossadegh only because he dared to nationalize the oil industry.

BTL:Israel & U.S. Attempt to Isolate New Palestinian Hardline Hamas Government (tags)

Interview with Lori Allen, post-doctoral fellow at Brown University, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Imperial Irrationalism (tags)

The new social and national demagogy entirely comaprable to German fascism conjures away the social question from mass consciousness..Rightwing ideologists know that the war goal and war are irrational.

Europe Failed Temporarily in Iran (tags)

Iran will need at least 3 to 5 years for producing highly enriched uranium for its first bombs and much longer to produce the necessary centrifuges. Whoevrer threatens with a preventive attack should not be surprised about proliferation.

Memorandum 2005: Alternative Economic Policy (tags)

In Germany and the US, the corporation is often stylized as the suffering servant. The market is made sacrosanct; all problems are defined as interferencs with the market. Profits soar and investments fall. Corporations pay increasingly less tax.

The Iranian Oil Bourse (tags)

The denomination of oil sales is a pyure transaction affair.. In the present situation, the oil bourse represents a symbolic manifestation of Iran's desire to be less dependent on a US-dominated dollar-world.

Calls for Dialogue in the Iran Crisis (tags)

Renunciation on force and non-aggression guarantees are crucial for de-activating the crisis along with convening a UN mediation commission. All military options must be excluded.

Appeal to Kofi Annan (tags)

A moratorium and a UN mediation commis-sion are vital to prevent escalation in the Iran nuclear conflict.. Since 1968, the nuclear weapon states have refused negotiations on total nuclear disarmament.

BTL:International WTO Opponents Strategize on... (tags)

...Blocking Hong Kong Accord's Implementation. ~ Excerpt of World Social Forum speech by Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch, produced by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

3 authors interviews: The China Factor and the Overstretch of the US Hegemony (tags)

3 books that can change your mind in 2005 about the geo-politic and geo-economic dynamics going on

Allegations of abuse dismissed in Guadalajara: reluctance to investigate human rights viol (tags)

Reports received by Amnesty International indicate that the men and women detained were subjected to serious human rights violations, including torture and ill treatment, by members of the different police units, in particular while they were being held at the Jalisco State Public Security Office Dirección General de Seguridad del Estado de Jalisco and the State Public Prosecutor’s Office Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) in Guadalajara. It has come to Amnesty International’s knowledge that several detainees were coerced, beaten or threatened into making confessions or giving the names of those suspected of having carried out acts of violence.

On the Scandinavian Model (tags)

The Scandinavian model could help us find our way to social compromise and true security through investments in education and apprenticeships. Has our wealth blinded us to alternatives and encouraged our altered state of paralysis, insecurity and fear?


A review of the Bolivarian Revolution achievements and the threat to Hugo Chavez from the U.S.

Mexico (tags)


LISTED: CIA Planes; EU Pacts for Lynching Muslims; CIA Front Co.s, Lawyers (tags)

CIA DDO (Jose Rodriguez), the chief spy? All are listed below. The 22 American CIA agents allegedly led by Robert Seldon Lady in the 2003 Milan kidnapping of Muslim cleric Abu Omar? The Italian secret service SISMI knew in advance of their operation, just as Mr. Lady claims. There is a document that proves, in writing, such operations involve the cooperation of EU governments. The Milan prosecutor Spataro knows this. Prime Minister Berlusconi knows this. Still, these two men are on a collision course as Spataro prepares for a show trail of the 22 "in absentia" while Berlusconi attempts to get away with denying everything.

LA Times biased reporting on Haiti (tags)

The Los Angeles Times is providing extremely biased one sided reporting on Haiti. We are asking that students and citizens from across Southern Calfiornia go here,0,4931549.htmlstory Enter in a comment about Carol J. Williams poor reporting. Let the Los Angeles Times know that this kind of biased one sided propaganda is too much.

BTL:Poor Nations Condemn World Trade Organization Agreements as Unfair (tags)

Interview with Anuradha Mittal, executive director of the Oakland Institute, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

BTL:Christian American Peace Activists Bring Protest Against Torture to... (tags)

...Gates of U.S. Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba ~ Interview with Simon Harak, Jesuit priest and organizer with the War Resisters League, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Launch More Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Rice Threatened EU to Retain US Control over Internet (tags)

This letter was sent to the EU regarding global governance of the Internet.

Free Mehmet Tarhan! Gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey (tags)

December 9, 2005, is an International Day of Action to support Mehmet Tarhan, gay conscientious objector jailed in Turkey. Turkey does not recognise conscientious objection and provides no alternative to military service.

Smoke Signals: Rebellion of the Periphery (tags)

The young French of North African descent are outraged over a policy of transforming labor markets into slave markets that began in the EU.. Being a slave has already become a privilege.

Longing for the North (tags)

Finland has the highest productivity in the EU and the lowest rich-poor differential. Inequality is not a panacea. According to a 2004 study, the Scandinavian model is the best protection against increasing income differences and poverty rates.

Paul Samuelson Attacks a Dogma (tags)

The best-known economist of the world doubts that shifting services to india and buying cheap goods from China bring advantages to Americans when the income of workers falls through foreign competition. The rich North will lose its monopoly profits under the conditions of globalization.

"The Days of the US Empire are Numbered" (tags)

"I love the US but I hate the American empire.. The US cou9ld escape a sudden downfall if it recognizes economic equality, appears as one country among others and abandons its military presence in the 140 countries where it presently stations troops.:"

CRFI Declaration on the youth uprisings in France (tags)

November 7 Declaration of the Coordinating Committee for the Refoundation of the Fourth International

Competition is not a Natural Law (tags)

Instead of working out and overcoming the causal problems, people put a veil of the fun society over the whole-as in the times of Rome..Ideologues elevate the principle of competition into a natural law to immunize the market econmy from all criticism.

Human Traffic Denounced (tags)

Human Traffic Denounced

29 day of hunger strike for Turkish conscientious objector in military jail (tags)

Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, now on 29th day of hunger strike in military prison, after being sentenced to four years for refusing to serve

Anchor Cultural Diversity in International Law! (tags)

Making the theme cultural diversity the subject of a conion was urgent through the extension of the WTO and its services agreement GATS to education, culture, social necessities and the media.

Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 3) (tags)

"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005

GATS as a Political Project (tags)

The goal of GATS is the worldwide liberalization in trade and investments for the service sector.. Call 1-800-828-0498 and urge your senators to reject any budget reconciliation that includes Medicade cuts.

"The Market Has No Heart": Paul Samuelson (tags)

A post-Katrina economics must emphasize parallel worlds, solidarity and human dignity to safeguard long-term necessities and creativity. If all countries only become more competitive, mass unemployment will result. What is public must remain public.

PART 2: The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

The Deregulated Catastrophe (tags)

The gigantic relief machinery first started almost a week after the beginning of the catastrophe.. Hyper-modern America found it shockingly difficult to act in the emergency and provide the fastest relief to the despairing

Killing Americans By Health Care Policy (tags)

Over and over, I have heard that America has the greatest health care system in the world.

Iran hangings: Chronicle of a manipulation (tags)

A mislead gay and lesbian movement mobilizes against Iran at the height of conflict between the West and the Teheran regime.

More Time for Life, Laughter and Love (tags)

"Fewer and fewer persons produce more and more goods in an ever shorter time through increasingly efficient technology, better training and growing labor intensity." Growth cannot solve mass unemployment.

Alternatives: Another World is Possible! (tags)

"The neoliberal policy of the last years is entangled in a deep legitimation crisis. Unemployment is not lowered through social cuts..Dismantling democracy and increased repression go along with militarization.. Another world is possible..."

Disinformation as a Strategy of Power (Part II) (tags)

"Perpetual growth is not possible in nature or anywhere else..Globalization, the free market with its absolute competition protected by the WTO agreements doesn't have anything to do with fair competition...A global network of resistance is developing.."

Myths of the Economy (tags)

"Redistribution to poorer groups can increase growth..The public debate about the economy and economic policy is dominated by the practical necessity logic. Desires, interests and goals of social groups play no role in the discussion of economic reforms."

Disinformation as a Strategy of Power (tags)

"What caused this development? How could an economic system be built where ever-larger parts of the population are excluded from sharing in growth? ..In neoliberalism, the person is not regarded as a person but downgraded to mere labor power.."

Manipulation by Language (tags)

"Before tyranny becomes visible for eveyrone, it begins when the word loses its dignity.. Rulers never manage without manipulation and propaganda.. In neuro-linguistic programming, language has the task of diverting people.."

London Underground Bombing 'Exercises': same time same places? (tags)

Quote - BBC: "At half past nine this morning we were actually running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the railway stations where it happened this morning, so I still have the hairs on the back of my neck standing up right now."

Sixth Declaration of the Selva Lacandona (tags)

We are now going to tell you what we want to do in the world and in Mexico, because we cannot watch everything that is happening on our planet and just remain quiet, as if it were only we were where we are.

Onward, Christian theocrats: the Yankee Taliban on the attack (tags)

“Our goal is a Christian nation,” says Terry Randal. “We are called by God to conquer this country.”

Reclaiming City Streets for People: Chaos or Quality of Life? (tags)

This book is available for free online in PDF format.

Totalitarian Techniques (tags)

"The occupying powers torpedo democratization in Araq by declaring there will be no binding date for their withdrawal.. The distinction of pro- and anti-American is a concept from the arsenal of totalitarian rule techniques.."

Snowed: US (Corporate) Media Ignore climate change (tags)

author: Ross Gelbspan / Mother Jones Jun 11, 2005 12:05 Though global climate change is breaking out all around us, the U.S. news media has remained silent. Not because climate change is a bad story-to the contrary: Conflict is the lifeblood of journalism, and the climate issue is riven with conflict.

URGENT Refusenik Mehmet Tarhan - Stop mistreatment and detention (tags)

We are urging support for Mehmet Tarhan, a conscientious objector who is a gay man, detained since 8 April in the military prison of Sivas, Turkey. We understand that he has been repeatedly and brutally attacked by other prisoners after prison staff told them that he was "a terrorist". His trial, which began on 26 May, has been postponed to 9 June. When he appeared in court on the 26th, Mr Tarhan had bruises all over his body and could not walk well. He is now on hunger strike against the abuse and against the refusal of the prison authorities to ensure his safety.

Mr. Greenspan and the German Way (tags)

Greenspan's dilemma is that interest rates must rise to reduce the trade deficit ($617B in 2004) and keep foreign investors ($2B a day) though this could burst the real estate bubble and raise consumer prices. US prosperity is a credit-b ased prosperity.

NWO Routed (tags)

French and Dutch Patriots Rout the New World Order


All member states of the European Union will soon have to agree to or reject the project of European Constitution. A European campaign has just been launched in order to contribute to develop a large movement against this project of constitution. This Sunday the French citizens are voting.

The Crisis of Work and its Future (tags)

"Producing more with less labor, distributing the fruits of technical progress better, crea-ting a new balance between required work and freely disposable time and giving every-one the possibility for a more relaxed life and more varied jobs are the new goals.."

The Unconditional Basic Income (tags)

Alternatives to the work society are necessary. A political movement is only credible today if it positions itself to the changes of the world of work and presents alternatives to the crisis of the work society. Basic income is a first step to freedom.

World Politics (tags)


BTL:Space for Political, Cultural and Religious Expression Opening up in Cuba (tags)

Interview with Joy Gordon, professor of philosophy at Fairfield University, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Without a Human Face (tags)

Hundreds of thousands of families are at risk with CAFTA, The import duties will be dompletely removed. Guatemala's small farmers will not be able to compete with the heavily subsidized products of the US agricultural industry.

EU and MERCOSUR Foster Negotations (tags)

EU member countries create an association with Brazil to foster commercial relations with MERCOSUR.

Weak Dollar and Strong Bush: China and US Debts (tags)

To stabilize the value of the dollar, the US needs a daily currency inflow of $1.8 billion.. The budget plan of the White House rests on unrealistic assumptions.. The Bush administration assumes higher revenues by means of the tax cuts.

Bolton, Posada, Cuba Action Day and MORE! (tags)

The struggle over John Bolton's confirmation, the presence of Cuban Terrorist Luis Posada Carriles in the United States, and a successful effort to lobby the US congress to end travel and trade restrictions against US citizens and businesses who wish to engage in normal commerce with Cuba

Ebay Pledges Against Allegiance (tags)

Opposing the European Rage of Privatization (tags)

Telecommunications, postal service, gas and transportation were the first public sectors that fell victim to the rage of unbridled liberalization..A drastic structural change of the state has occurred from a producing to a guaranteeing state.

What is Neoliberalism? (tags)

Every search for alternatives must question the "great narratives" of the free market, efficiency, competition and entrepreneurship. Economic laws could be analyzed as social constructions and economic models as social models.

Manifesto of Porto Alegre (unofficial translation) (tags)

Another devel,opment model should be realized based on an energy-saving way of life and democratic controls on natural mineral resources, particularly drinking water. Military bases of foreign countries should be closed.. Another world is possible.

UN sets April deadline for Syrian pullout (tags)

U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan has warned Syria it must withdraw all its forces from Lebanon by April in the latest escalation of tension between the international community and Damascus. The hardening of attitude comes as Syria said it will "redeploy" all of the 15,000 troops it has stationed in Lebanon to the country's eastern border with Syria in a last ditch attempt to defuse increasing international pressure against it.

The Bondage of Terror (tags)

The change for building a common security lies in recognizing oneself in the other.. Security based on trust is a hundred times more valuable than the most expensive defensive system.

former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri 'Hama Rules' (tags)

NY TIMES:About two weeks ago, a friend of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri stopped by my office to update me on Lebanon and pass on a message from Mr. Hariri, whom I have known since reporting from Beirut in the late 1970's. The message was that the Lebanese opposition to the Syrian occupation was getting united - inspired both by the example of Iraq and by the growing excesses of the Syrian occupation. Mr. Hariri, his friend said, was planning to use the coming Lebanese parliamentary elections, and a hoped-for victory by the opposition front, to send a real message to the Syrians: It's time for you to go.

The End of Globalization (tags)

The economy ought to serve humanity; humanity should not serve the econmy. Beware the neoliberal idolization of growth and competition! If growth becomes a law, ecological collapse is unavoidable. If com-petition is made absolute, mass unemployment will occur everywhere.

Empire and Social Insecurity: Battle Plans of This White House (tags)

It was hard to sit still and watch his smug bully’s face during the February 2 State of the Union speech. It was infuriating to watch the standing ovations of the surrounding Congress, or hear the fawning patter of the news media.

In official traditions, the President tells Congress each year how the "Union" (meaning the United States) is doing. In reality, the State of the Union speech is a "bully pulpit" where presidents build public support for their next actions.

George W. Bush didn’t dare breathe a word of truth about the real "State of the Union." Bush couldn’t mention how most of the planet thinks he is a bloody cowboy who wants to rule like a new Roman emperor. He didn’t mention how the invasion of Iraq has turned into a brutal counterinsurgency. He didn’t discuss how bitterly the U.S. "homeland" is divided between "two Americas"—half of which hates the sight of him.

Refuse the national ID Card (tags)

When ever you allow your name to be spelled in capital letters you go from being a natural person with rights to the status of a slave with no rights. The truth is you should never accept any piece of ID, it always works agains you.

Health in Neoliberalism (tags)

A cost explosion has not occurred in legal health insurance in Germany. If there is a financial problem, it is the problem of inadequate revenues. Mass unemployment is the central cause of the rising health premiums.

Tug of War (tags)

Some view the election of George W. Bush as providing him with a mandate to pursue his reactionary policies at home and abroad.

Current Globalization Sows Hatred and Terror (tags)

The future is very nebulous. Two different possibilities exist: balance or destruction.. A world in which 24,000 persons die of starvation everyday and several hundred million children are without a school educa-tion cannot be just and is unacceptable.


It looks at the new Labor-Likud-UTJ government in Israel and reviews the discussion about whether or not to have a referendum over Prime Minister Sharon's Gaza Plan.

Globalization and the Social State (tags)

The economy exists for people, not vice versa. The economy needs a framework offering orientation to economic actors and showing the limits of the tolerable. This framework is not a limitation of freedom but the necessary condition for success..

Wendy Campbell: See Syria For Yourself With This Documentary (tags)

If you can't make the trip to Syria in person, this is the next best thing. See for yourself the exquisite archeological treasures and beautiful countryside of Syria, and meet the friendly people who live there.

No Prospect for Improvement (tags)

The world cannot expect any impulses for a better world from the new president. The world must adjust to a superpower armed to the teeth whose political and economic elites are hardly concerned with the well-being of humanity.

The Economy of the Plundered South (tags)

The panacea of export orientation that the IMF and the World Bank promoted in the last 25 years for the South has led to absoute disaster..There is an alternative, abandoning export orientation and strengthening domestic demand.

Republicans Cry "Election Fraud" in Ukraine (tags)

Bush's cronies would know election fraud, wouldn't they? However, unlike John Kerry, in Ukraine the anti-Bush forces haven't rolled over and played dead - they're defending their country from a hostile takeover.

The Politics of Imperialism (tags)

Latin America provides a powerful reference point for the toilers of the world suffering from the imperial re-division of their countries.

Politicians and their Scapegoats (tags)

Politicians create scapegoats and use them for their goals. Politicians manipulate the population because it is easier to govern with scapegoats.

Syria-S Trouble (tags)

One key to stabilizing Iraq isn't even in the country, but next door in Syria.

Criticism of the Social State is Irrational (tags)

"Paul A Samuelson, an important economist of the 20th century, worries about the state of the US economy. He fears falling wages..`We in the US are on the way to a plutocratic democracy. Neither Bush nor Kerry can stop outsourcing'."

Rhine Capitalism, Anglo-Saxon Capitalism and Redistribution (tags)

Anglo-Saxon capitalism is an unbridled capi-talism whose profit logic overrules all social and environmental interests. Rhine capitali-sm has a social net so workers are not redu-ced to cost factors. "The Cold War against the social state leaves..another republic."

The Real Reasons Why Iran is the Next Target (tags)

The Iranians are about to commit an offense far greater than Saddam Hussein's conversion to the euro for his oil exports back in the fall of 2000. In March 2005 Iran is going to start competing with New York's NYMEX and London's IPE with respect to international oil trades - using a euro-based international oil-trading mechanism. Numerous articles have revealed Pentagon planning for operations against Iran in 2005. The publicly stated reasons will be over Iran's nuclear ambitions, but the following unspoken macroeconomic issues explain the Real Reasons regarding the 2nd stage of petrodollar warfare - Iran's upcoming euro-denominated oil Bourse.

Inflationary Deflation or the Dominance of the Global Financial Markets (tags)

"When real interests are above real growth rates of the GDP, debtors are structurally overstrained. The debt crisis of the 1980s and the financial crises of the past decade suggest that a kind of post-modern `plundering capitalism' is arising.."

The Weather Map of Globalization (tags)

"Globalization is a real process rooted in the crisis of worldwide capitalist exploitation and describing a new quality of capital export. Outsourcing particular economic areas in the global repression competition replaces the export of complete industrial products.."

Dear John - (An Open Letter To One Of The Johns) (tags)

Opinion/Editorial/Commentary - An Open Letter To One Of The Johns -- I'll let you figure out which one for yourselves.

Globalization Strikes Back (tags)

"The war against terror must be a war against poverty.. Washington reserved to itself the right to attack other states.. Distribu-tive justice is a demand of security policy, not only of morality and humanity.."

Social Security is Not for Sale (tags)

The market is a tool effective after fundamental political questions are answered: What kind of society do we want? Are education, health care, housing, water and land public goods or privileges?

Education is not a Commodity for Trade (tags)

"Educational policy can and must bring light into globalization.. The world is no longer as simploe as in biblical times when the traders could be simply chased from the temple. Education must remain master in its own house.. Education is not a commodity.."

30 Hours are Enough (tags)

Over 6 million jobs would be created in Germany if the 33 million employees worked 20 percent less. 100 billion Euro would be restored to state treasuries. All that is needed is political will, not neoliberal indifference.


It discusses the increasingly regular discriminatory treatment against Jewish settlers and settlement products by the international community and now the Israeli government itself. It raises the question, are there two types of Jews, and asks, will the settlers declare independence?

The High Priests of Economic Nonsense (tags)

"The rules of social state restraint of wild capitalism are ignored. The class struggle from above has long been a fact since the coalition of capital with the government is fairly stable and the media play along. Resistance is inevitable.."

The grass is not greener (tags)

Poor Euros. More evidence of the failure that is socialism. Socialists destroy the incentive to work and yet claim to support "Labor."

The World is not a Commodity: Another World is Possible (tags)

"Attac is an element of the anti-war and peace movement because a just world is impossible without peace.. We reject the militarization of foreign policy and war actions of the German army abroad.."

"Wars are Good for the Economy": The Global Free Trade System (tags)

"The international free market was created artificially in the 18th and 19th centuries with the force of the English colonial state and did not develop naturally from the free exchange of goods as neoliberals constantly claim.."

The Plight of Strays in Greece (tags)

Dogs (and cats, birds etc) are regularly poisoned, not only in Athens but all over Greece, including the islands.

The ICJ vs. Israel (tags)

Israel is forvever.

Up Against The Wall ! Israel ! (tags)

People who attack the World Court for its July 9 Ruling on the Israeli wall in the Occupied Territories should beware.

Against the War (tags)

"The first lesson is that war produces war. War against terrorism produces terrorist war. The second lesson is that domestic war corresponds to foreign war. The military question and the social question are closely connected.."

European Parliament 2004 elections and new constitution (tags)

The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.

The Torturers of Iraq (tags)

Fascist mass murderers and torturers that participated in the "dirty" wars against leftists in Latin America are being contracted by Blackwater to apply their disgusting techniques on the Iraqi people. The scum of the Earth are coming to Iraq!

European Parliament 2004 elections results: Throw the Bums Out! (tags)

The European Parliament elections, held June 10-13, showed a strong trend among voters against ruling parties that sided with Bush's war on Iraq, as well as those that have been imposing pro-business economic policies, as in Germany and France.


The criminals who got away with 9/11 are planning more far larger scale attacks.

~100 Dissapeared in Guadalajara (tags)

This is a fowarded e-mail from a contact in Mexico city ( el D.F.). It is concerning the arrest and possible dissaperance of nearly 100 anti globalization acitvists.

Repression and Torture in Guadalajara (tags)

Many protesters beaten tortured and imprisoned in the aftermath of the May 26-29 ALCUE protests in Guadalajara, MX

Security is Indivisible (tags)

The policy of preventive war has brought only chaos and disaster. The failure of this policy of Washington can be referred back to two errors. The first concerns the assumption that terrorism is the real sickness. The second is in overrating military weapons.

The Targets are Venezuela and Cuba-New Intrigues of US Imperialism (tags)


Stop the Zionazi hero (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Palestinian people and their resistance against U.S. backed IsraHell's ethnic cleasing.

Israeli Forces Kill 10 in Gaza, mostly children and teenagers (tags)

This is an AP article, please see website for alternative coverage. Thank you.

The US nuclear option and the "War on Terrorism" (tags)

the Bush Administration has embarked upon a military adventure which threatens the future of humanity.

U.S. Sanctions May Hurt Syria Politically (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria - Syrians brushed aside the significance of economic sanctions imposed by the United States, but some worried Tuesday about the long-term political ramifications of an escalating confrontation with a superpower.

Abolish the welfare state (tags)

at least 33% of Republicans are morons (tags)

Their beliefs are bonkers, but they are at the heart of power US Christian fundamentalists are driving Bush's Middle East policy George Monbiot Tuesday April 20, 2004 The Guardian

I Can No Longer Tolerate... (tags)

French Writer's commentary on forked tongued officials and how they deal with the Middle East

An anti-state communist perspective on the war (tags)

This is 2003 article about the Iraq War 2, just before it started. It's from Anarchy: a journal of desire armed. It's unusually prescient in its predictions of how the entire war will go. I post this because the journal has been criticized by some anarchistists as "primitivist", and Anarchism has been derided by the Left as everything from chaos to disruptive and unthinking. Liberals stereotype anarchists as young fashion victims, implying they are shallow. These are simplistic stereotypes at best, and fear mongering at the worst. Articles like this one below, I hope, give people pause to consider the relevance and usefulness of anti-state, anti-capitalist critique. Remember, this article was written before we invaded Iraq. So here goes. -- Just Another Anarchist

S. California Dead Zone one of 150 Worldwide (tags)

Human-kind is engaged in a gigantic, global, experiment as a result of the over-use of fertilizers, the discharge of untreated sewage and the ever rising emissions from vehicles and factories. The result, 150 dead zones -- one off the coast of Southern California.

On the Murder of Sheikh Yassin (tags)

there will never be a safer israel than a freer palestine

After Madrid attacks, Poland expects worst (tags)

The Madrid attacks have emboldened Polish critics of the war and have put an already fragile government, which has a 9 percent approval rating, on the defensive over its Iraq policy.

A bad day for 'Baby Bush' (tags)

Colombian President Uribe was dealt a diplomatic rebuff from the European Parliament when he arrived on 10th February after a controversial invite from the Socialist Group of MEPs. Campaigners had expressed deep concern at his imminent arrival in the wake of the Colombian government’s branding of human rights defenders as "terrorists".

Socialists win Spain! Bush's man, Aznar, on the way out! (tags)

People react in the street after hearing that Spain's opposition Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) was declared victor in the Spanish general elections in Madrid. The pro-Bush, pro-war Popular Party of Prime Minister Aznar suffered total defeat at the polls. (AFP/Christophe Simon) In a stunning turn of events, the Spanish people have kicked out the ruling Popular Party of Prime Minister Aznar for his close alignment to the U.S. over the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The great majority of Spain's people were, and are, against the war... to which Aznar committed over 1,000 troops. After the terror bombings in Madrid, large crowds began to gather to protest against Aznar and his Popular Party, blaming them for Spain's subservience to Bush and making the country a target of terrorists. The crowds held signs that read: "The bombs that fell on Baghdad exploded in Madrid." The unpopular Aznar government was defeated at the polls by the Socialist Worker's Party, whose candidate Rodriguez Zapatero now becomes President!

Haiti and Class Struggle (tags)

With the backdrop of peasant uprisings and land seizures in Zimbabwe, and the workers' rebellion in Argentina, the Haitian workers took to the streets four weeks ago -- releasing prisoners, and driving away the police. The Haitian masses in the streets were freeing the captives and burning down police stations.

Developing countries summit in Venezuela: "To recover the South-South identity" (tags)

The developing countries encounter will take place next February 26th to 28th in Caracas, Venezuela. It will count with the presence of the presidents of Argentina, Brazil, Mexico, Peru, Chile, among others.


The counter-revolutionary thugs who have named themselves, the "Haitian National Revolutionary Liberation Front" are directed by commanders like Guy Philippe - a U.S.-trained former Haitian soldier who has attempted at least three coups in the last four years. Commander Louis Jodel Chamblain, the #2 ranked leader of the notorious CIA-backed FRAPH death squads that terrorized Haiti in the 1990s. Chamblain was convicted in both the assassination of Antoine Izmery, a pro-democracy businessman in 1993, and the 1994 Raboteau massacre of innocent civilians. These are the so-called "rebels" the press lauds as leading the "rebellion" in Haiti. What we are witnessing is a U.S. backed coup against the twice democratically elected President Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

Winds of change sweep Cyprus (tags)

On Feb. 13 Greek and Turkish Cypriot leaders and the United Nations announced agreement on a historic framework that could result in the reunification of Cyprus by May 1

How to defeat Bushism in 2004. (tags)

The defeat of Bush will require an international effort.

Empire strikes out (tags)

First publicated on the trotskyist review Marxism Alive 6

Chemical bombs and rocket systems components destruction weapons hide Iraq in Syria (tags)

AMSTERDAM - The Iraqi weapons of mass destruction, which was the main reason for the United States to unleash the war last year, seem correct. And in Syria. A high Syrian information officer detailed data have played on about this to a compatriot in exile.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, and Cuba.

UK plan to pressure Syria on weapons (tags)

Britain is pressing to use the combined weight of the European Union's "big three" countries to put pressure on Syria baath party over weapons of mass destruction, terrorism and Iraq, the Guardian has learned. The move follows Libya's dramatic agreement to dismantle its WMD arsenal and is designed to show that Europe, galvanised by Britain, has the clout to help the US deal peacefully with security issues in the Middle East.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, China, and Cuba.

The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic (tags)

Another brilliant article by political analyst Michael Parenti challenging the orthodox viewpoints about the causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

The imperial counter offensive: contradictions, challenges and opportunities. (tags)

A victory or prolonged war by the guerrillas in Colombia will provide breathing room for the rest of the left. Thus it is essential that maximum support and solidarity be extended to the Colombian struggle. Internationalism is not only the solidarity network against the new imperial military offensive, in general, but in support of the Colombian peasants and workers organized in their "Peoples Army."

After the Failure of the World Trade Conference (tags)

"There is growing skepticism toward the past structure of the WTO and the procedures and results of previous world trade conferences. With the founding of the WTO in 1994, all 148 member countries were promised that there would `only be winners'."

People of Europe! Won’t you discuss “What kind of democracy you have?” (tags)

Date: 30 November 2003 Statement: 319 After the four bomb attacks, which came up in Istanbul on November 15th and 20th, some countries of Europe and organs of the European Union took decisions towards Turkey.

Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)

"It is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923

The 42-Hour Week (tags)

"Two currencies exist for prosperity: money and time.. What we need is shorter full-time work for everyone, a new culture of contented-ness and an intelligent working hours policy oriented in the needs of people." translated from the German

Accusing Israel’s critics of anti-Semitism will have dangerous consequences (tags)

...a man asked “How can one support justice for the Palestinians without being branded anti-Semitic?” Before I had a chance to respond, a woman stood up and said “So what if they call you anti-Semitic. The first time it may feel bad, but hey, trust me, you’ll get used to it. We all have!”


Five international political prisoners are currently on a hunger strike. some of them have been hunger striking for over 60 days. They are in prison because they were arrested at the EU summit protest in Greece that took place in June of this year. They cannot go on much longer and all are in critical condition. They need you to call the Greek Embassy or demonstrate at your local embassy NOW. Summary of the UK indymedia article plus phone numbers for the US

W. Virginia steel tests the mettle of Bush (tags)

West Virginians rely on manufacturing jobs, which earn about twice that of retail. But if Bush lifts the tariffs on imported steel, several thousand jobs could be lost in one fell swoop, and Republicans could lose the state in 2004.

The Learning Experience of Rakan (tags)

The Palestinian Political Prisoners We Do Not Hear About , the Children: The wretchedness of a 12 year old in Israeli military prison and the US Ambassador to the UN, a man known in Central Americas as one who "speaks five languages and knows when to be silent"

Arab states oppose UN measure on Israeli children (tags)

UNITED NATIONS - Arab nations will oppose an Israeli resolution condemning Palestinian attacks on Israeli children that is awaiting a vote this week in a UN General Assembly committee, a Palestinian diplomat said on Monday.

Pining for Freedom: Syrian occupation suffocates Lebanon (tags)

Syria's government, with its jackboot system, foul prisons, ruthless repression of dissent and support (in joint venture with Iran) of Hezbollah terrorists based in Lebanon, is utterly unfit to run Syria itself, let alone Lebanon. "All our intelligence agencies are under Syrian control," former Lebanese president Amin Gemayel tells me. Lebanon's Maronite Christian patriarch says that the entire Lebanese government has become "a creature of Syria." Lebanon is being transformed into a police

JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France (tags)

JINSA/PNAC Zionist Extremist Perle Warns Germany To Stop Backing France

US Will Deny Aid To Countries re: ICC (tags)

US Will Deny (Bribes) To Countries That Refuse Court Immunity Deals

Wiesenthal Center 'outraged' By Poll Calling Israel A Threat To World Peace (tags)

As the tanks roll over the refugee camps in Palestine and the apartite wall goes up, with open blatant racist policies with the mandatory wearing of special ID badges of non- “jewish” people, While "israel" "legalizes" the Murder of Palestians and Theft of more Palestinian land the destruction of Palestinian Property and isreal drains billions in blood money from US. The organization said it was outraged at published reports that 69 percent of 7,500 Europeans surveyed called Israel the Top threat to world peace.

Lebanese Farmers and the Syrian Occupation (tags)

it is in exchanging the gifts of the earth that you shall find abundance and be satisfied. Yet unless the exchange be in love and kindly justice, it will but lead some to greed and others to hunger."[1] Lebanese poet Khalil Gibran, 1923

Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians Funded By US Tax Dollars (tags)

"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

Answer me this? (tags)

15 things I don't understand about the Peace Process.

Public Servants reject WTO Tactics (tags)

Cancun Confrontation: Thousands Protest the WTO and Capitalist Globalization (tags)


Who is this piece of shit named ANDREW GIMSON? (tags)

See some of you propagandist bullshit about The NYC 9-11 Investigatory Film and Roundtable Program .The panel included former U.S. Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney; co-founder of the 911 Citizenswatch, John Judge; Publisher and Editor of "From the Wilderness", Mike Ruppert; former CIA analyst, Raymond L. McGovern; member of steering committee of Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity, David Mac Michael; author, Peter Lance, and filmmaker, writer, and media critique Danny Schechter. The Program is sponsored in conjunction with events in Berlin, Germany, in several cities in Canada, and several other cities in the U.S...

International day of solidarity for Thessaloniki prisoners (tags)

Sunday 21st September

The World condemns Israeli racism... (tags)

ISRAEL IS DEMOCRATIC? FREEDOM OF ASSOCIATION? THINK AGAIN.... JERUSALEM - Israeli leaders shrugged off condemnation of their decision to "remove" Yasser Arafat whenever they choose, saying Friday the Palestinian leader should have been ousted long ago and the world has no right to judge a nation facing constant suicide bombings.

Mr. Lee Kyung-Hae (tags)

In an article written for the periocical, Korea AgraFood (April 2003), Mr. Lee Kyung-hae talks about his own personal experiences and the reasons why he opposed the WTO.

Misery likes company George Bush has second thoughts on Irag (tags)


Protest the WTO at the US/Mexico Border this Saturday! (tags)

If you can't make it to Cancun, we call on people throughout the United States to join together at the San Diego/Tijuana border on September 13th to resist the WTO and the failed model of corporate globalization.

Gulliver Calls and the Dwarfs Follow (tags)

"Imperial overreach threatens Europe's economic resources and military arsenals already strained to the limit.. The emperor and his people should quickly understand that the Imperium Americanum cannot subjugate the globe." Translated fr German

GM Crops Failing In The Fields And Harming Farmers And The Environment (tags)

A new study published today by Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace demonstrates that the growing of GM crops in Spain is causing contamination of organic crops, producing low yields and its benefits are grossly overstated. The report is also highly critical of the Spanish Government for failing to properly control or monitor the situation. [1]

Caught in Consumerism (tags)

"Consumers ultimately copy the advertising, competition and achievement society produced by politics and the media and see no possibilities for exodus from this money- and success pressure..In Karl Polanyi's words, the market society is totalitarian."

"Stop GATS!" Against Privatization of Services (tags)

"The `Washington Consensus' from the 80s promised that a neoliberal policy - liberalization and deregulation - would be good for eveyrone. In fact, local structures are destroyed, human lives are annihilated through hunger and poverty.."Trans fr German

Can't make to cancun,protest at the sd/TJ border! (tags)

Cross border protest against free trade! Call to action!

Digging a hole in our treasury (tags)

You thought 12 years of Raygun/Bushit were bad? Hell, they were just warming this trainwreck up. Despirate people are more likely to follow the leader into fascism.

Israel?Palestine-Why Marxists oppose the Road Map (tags)

Road Map

More State Intervention (tags)

"The German economy has skidded into a recession.. In a recession, the state must take a leadership role in solving the main problem, inadequate demand.." Translated from the German

Liberia in the Bush administration’s crosshairs (tags)

This week, U.S. President George Bush embarked on his first trip to sub-Saharan Africa. His five-day itinerary included Senegal, South Africa, Botswana, Uganda and Nigeria. Ironically, media attention has largely focused on another African country this week: Liberia.

Burma relief mission (tags)

End the atrocities

Berlusconi Nazi Comment Triggers Outrage (tags)

German socialist Martin Schulz referred to Berlusconi's use of an Italian immunity law to sidestep bribery charges in a Milan court. "In Italy, they are making a movie on Nazi concentration camps," Berlusconi snapped back. "I will propose you for the role of capo,"

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

Argentina-attitude of revolutionary Socialists towards the Kirchner goverment (tags)

Argentina-Reformor Revolution

Latin America fights neolibralism (tags)

Despite the murderous repression that the Pinochet regime was known for, thousands of Chileans took to the streets in mass demonstrations. With the economy collapsing, the fascist government was forced to rehire public sector workers and reinstitute many of the laws and programs in place before the coup.

Student protests reveal weakness of Iranian regime (tags)



Prisioners charged with silly illusions - Expertise in international terrorism!

Lies spinning to fascism (tags)

As the bush cabal hurtles America towards fascism, war is about to be declared on the 'enemy within'...


French Anti-Globalization leader, Jose Bove, was arrested at his farmhouse by nearly 100 Policemen. Militants from the Peasant Confederation demonstrate in the courtyard of Rodez's police headquarters to protest the arrest of anti-globalization hero Jose Bove(AFP/Eric Cabanis)

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

U.S. Gets War Crimes Tribunal Exemption (tags)

The final deal dented the court's underlying principle that no one should be exempt from punishment for war crimes, and it angered court supporters and human rights groups.

HAVE A LAST STROKE & DIE (June 1, 2003 version) (tags)

Cheney is Qaeda. Qaeda is Cheney.

Israel seeks formal "Jewish" state label (tags)

Israel's diplomatic efforts appear to be focused on U.S. officials who are helping prepare Bush's subsequent meeting Wednesday in Aqaba, Jordan, with Bush, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, Palestinian Prime Minister Mahmoud Abbas, and Jordan's King Abdallah II expected to attend.

The masters of the universe (tags)

"Depending on the ideological prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered an ultra-VIP international lobby of the power elite of Europe and America, capable of steering international policy from behind closed doors; a harmless "discussion group" of politicians, academics and business tycoons; or a capitalist secret society operating entirely through self interest and plotting world domination. "

Via Campesina Requests Action in Sacramento (tags)

Via Campesina is an international movement which coordinates peasant organizations of small and middle-scale producers, agricultural workers, rural women, and indigenous communities from Asia, Africa, America, and Europe. It is an autonomous, pluralistic movement, independent from all political, economic, or other denomination. It is integrated by national and regional organizations whose autonomy is jealously respected.

After the War is Before the War (tags)

The Marburg professor of political science gave this address at the union conference "After the Kosovo War" on Sept 4, 1999. Translated from the German

BTL:Middle East Roadmap for Peace May Lead to a Dead End (tags)

Interview with Rabbi Michael Lerner, editor of Tikkun Magazine, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Sweet Taste of Death (tags)

Aspartame is also the reason for the epidemic of obesity as its a neurotoxic drug that makes you crave carbohydrates so you gain weight. (See protest of National Soft Drink Association on It is also makes the liver so toxic as it embalms you (Trocho Study, l998), that its hard to even lose weight.

U.S. Government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich (tags)

How has the secretive U.S.-based IMF/World Bank economically enslaved poor countries?

Economy for Human Needs (tags)

"If the peace movement, globalization critics and unions unite their struggles, sand can be thrown in the gears of neoliberal globalization. Then changing direction will be possible." Translated from the German

Ah-salam-ay-lakem (tags)

Great News! More peace-loving Arab freedom fighting to apologize for.

Questions of Life and Death (tags)

"Many politicians lack a moral imperative today. They act as though they have no options because the economy dictates conditions. This is not true. Politicians can still make decisions in the interests of many, not in the interests of a few.." From German

Hard Reality (tags)

"Without approval by the Security Council, no state may use force against another state except in the case of self-defense as an answer to an armed attack..On the eve of March 20, the Security Council declared that Iraq did not represent an immediate threat.."

"The System is always Fair", the Cat says to the Mouse (tags)

"Behind closed doors, the WTO negotiated GATS, an agreement on liberalization of services. Health conglomerates all over the world can steal solvent patients. The existential necessity water could soon be much more expensive." Trans. from German

GREECE: VIOLENCE ERUPTS NEAR EU SUMMIT,Militant Anti-War Demonstrations at EU Su (tags)


SARS And Bioterrorism; Green Testifies on Voting Reform (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

The Most Dangerous President Ever (tags)

I miss Ronald Reagan.

So where are they, Mr Blair? (tags)

Not one illegal warhead. Not one drum of chemicals. Not one incriminating document. Not one shred of evidence that Iraq has weapons of mass destruction in more than a month of war and occupation

EU Draws a Line in the Sand (tags)

Now that the European Union has drawn a line in the sand by bringing the exiled word "Central" back to center stage in a vote on Thursday April 17th. 2003 that demands that the U.N. play the "Central" role in rebuilding Iraq

U.S. corporations set to profit off Iraq (tags)

The Bush administration’s attempt to fashion for itself the sole role of ruler and victor in post-war Iraq is meeting growing domestic and international opposition.

Impact of Protests on U.S. Policy (tags)

With the U.S. in Baghdad, protests against the war are affecting more than just the U.S. campaign against Iraq.


Fidel Castro Rewards Free Speech with Prison Terms

Arms/oil biz/ PNAC (tags)

The clash between Great Powers ("Old Europe" versus and the Anglo-American military axis) broadly pertains to: 1 Defense and the military-industrial complex, 2. Control over Oil and Gas Reserves, 3. Money and currency systems: clash between the Euro and the Dollar.

Terrorist strikes begin in response to attack on Iraq (tags)

Two small bombings on British interests overseas have taken place, and are a harbinger of things to come. Dangerous times are ahead, but in no place on the planet is it going to be more dangerous than in America, as a looming scandal drives the extreme right wing to ever more reckless actions...

Athens, The anarchist bloc and the riots on March 21 anti-war demo (tags)

Athens, The anarchist bloc and the riots on March 21 anti-war demo

Invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq are preparation for invasion of Iran. (tags)

The ultimate purpose for the invasion of Iraq is not Iraq or Iraq's oil. There is ample evidence, from sources available to the public, to indicate that Iraq is not the real goal. Like Afghanistan, Iraq is being taken in preparation for the invasion of Iran.

U.S. Unilateralism Worries Trade Officials (tags)


Photos Shows Rachel Corey Was Murdered! (tags)

Photos show Rachel Corey was Murdered! Associated Press & Haaretz Reports Available Now.

Afghanistan and Iraq - preparation for invasion of Iran (tags)

The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are preparation for the invasion of Iran. The goal is control of the most profitable export route for transport of Caspian oil to the fastest growing and soon to become the most profitable oil market, East Asia

The Wealth-Transfer Machine (tags)

If you want to know how the country is controlled you have to understand the basics of how it's done. How is done - by keeping you poor and manipulating the politicians through the use of money and debt. These are not trivial issues and require some work to understand. However, if you want to understand it is worth the effort.

Helpless Britons appeal to France for "regime change" (tags)

With this grim situation before us, we feel we have no choice. We must appeal to the people of Old Europe, to immediately assemble a coalition of the willing to disarm our leader, expel the foreign cult and its horrible weapons, and to help us put in place a truly democratic republic. Please, President Chirac, act at once, before it is too late!

EU/WTO want to privatize Everything! (tags)

Now that we're totally distracted by the "War", the corporate dictators (EU & WTO) want to dismantle and privatize the US Postal Service, our schools, our water supplies, public power and anything else they can get away with!



Millions march against war: Around world (tags)

An unprecedented wave of anti war demonstrations swept the globe on Feb. 15, as an estimated 11 million demonstrators poured into the streets, determined to block the Bush administration’s drive to war against Iraq. As in the U.S., initiators and participants came from a very broad array of unions, political parties, religious organizations, youth and women’s organizations, left and progressive organizations including communist and workers parties.

Diplomatic Riffs (tags)

It's funny that the president brags about having the support of Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Denmark. Those countries together couldn't whip Iraq.

UN will sink into irrelevance -- Good! (tags)

The United Nations is on the verge of demonstrating finally and fatally its moral bankruptcy and its strategic irrelevance: moral bankruptcy, because it will have made a mockery of the very resolution on whose sanctity it insists; strategic irrelevance, because the United States is going to disarm Iraq anyway.

The Real but Unspoken Reasons for the Iraq War (tags)

Although completely suppressed in the U.S. media, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking. The upcoming war in Iraq is actually an OIL CURRENCY war. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration’s goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves. (This is a long essay)

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

The Mud is Up To Our Necks (tags)

The Bush administration firmly believes in its dreams of solving deeply rooted long-term problems in coups d'etats. When the dreamers awake, they will see that the mud is up to our necks..Washington sees international organizations as impairment..

Make Law, not War! (tags)

Make love, not war the time of the Vietnam war. Make law, not war is proclaimed by Europe at the threshold to the Iraq war. Bush acts according to the slogan: Make war, not law. The brave new world of military security replaces the logic of treaty..

Bush Seeks $3.5 Million for Group Building N. Korean Reactors (tags)

Rumsfeld was director of company that helped N. korea Build its Nuke plants before he became Secretary of Defense!

Wife Of European Central Bank Chief, Tells IT The Way It Is Re: Israel And The Palestinia (tags)

Man, this woman tells it the way it is. Good for her. No mealy mouth, "tsk tsk" of Israel, just the harsh truth.She shows the same courage as the Dutch who hid Jews from the Nazis.

Michael Parenti Article: To Kill Iraq: The Reasons Why (tags)

Arguments against a war on Iraq by noted political analyst and author Michael Parenti.

The European Summit in Copenhagen (tags)

European summit



Iran Student Movement (tags)

Student Movement Coordination Committee in Iran promotes Secularism and Democracy in Iran

Bush To Help Sharon Election By Blocking Settlement Freeze (tags)

Bush is blocking efforts to find peace in the Middle East, and stop the settlements. "Is it his (Bush's) desire to win the support of Jewish officials and tycoons, who have mostly lined up on Sharon's side? "

Towards Abolition of the Death Penalty (tags)

Professor Michael Radelet from the University of Colorado-Boulder presented the keynote address at the IADP event. Professor Radelet is co author of In Spite of Innocence and has been a consultant to the Illinois Governor's Commission on Death Penalty Moratorium, among many other contributions to the movement to abolish the death penalty.

The Veezuelan Revolution in Danger (tags)

Venezuelan Revolution


After shooting to death the chief UN Official (in the back by an Israeli sniper) last week , Israel now kills two more UN workers. (Israel hails raid as "successful")

Photos of war crimes in Burma (tags)

seeing is believing

Condemned to Empire (tags)

Does empire encourage untruthfulness, the rewriting of history and the crisis of language and community? Can the unipolar moment annul the multipolar reality? Does denial of interdependence plunge a cnation into paralysis? Translated from the German

Have A Last Stroke & Die (Nov.5, 2002 version) (tags)

Cheney is a terrorist liar. He’s about to unleash the next 911.

WTO Decision Making Group Coming To Chicago Nov. 7 & 8 (tags)

The ceo's are Coming!!!!

Help Ireland Throw a Spanner in the works of the GATS Machine. (tags)

Help Ireland Throw a Spanner in the works of the GATS ( Machine. A call to action Ireland ( to anti-GATS campaigners worldwide.

Online Petition: US CITIZENS OPPOSE WAR ON IRAQ (tags)

US citizens oppose war on Iraq


During the talks in Moscow between the US Undersecretary Grossman and Russian minister for Foreign Affairs Ivanov, also the fate of pilot Michael Speicher was mentioned. Which prompted minister Ivanov afterwards to confirm : " And yes, we will also help looking for survivors in Iraq...". But Speicher's death was proven a long time ago by a joint US, International Red Cross and Iraqi forensic team that visited the crash site.

An open letter to my fellow American Jews (tags)

American Jews must come to terms with our/Israeli faults before peace can exist.

Earth summit hits poverty, pollution (tags)

JOHANNESBURG – Delegates to the third Earth Summit reached a minimal agreement on policies aimed at lifting four billion people from poverty and curbing threats to the global environment.

New Colombian government slams door on peace (tags)

When Anne Patterson, U.S. ambassador to Colombia, called on the new government of ultra-rightist President Alvaro Uribe Velez to summon the reserves to fight against leftist guerrilla forces, Uribe’s minister of defense, Martha Lucia Ramirez, did just that on the following day.


ANNCOL exclusive interview with key figure in the Colombian opposition: Jaime Caicedo General Secretary of the Colombian Communist Party.

WorldWire: Global Issues Daily Headlines, Aug. 9th (tags)

Top news headlines on global issues, from WorldWire, for Friday, Aug. 9th

Black Supremist Mugabe blinded by anti-Whte hatred (tags)

Zimbabwe White Farmers Face Fight-Or-Flee Decision

Direct Action Versus Electoralism (tags)

Anarchists engage in direct action as opposed to voting. This anti-electoralism (or anti-parliamentarianism) may seem strange and even perverse to many. After all, virtually the whole left believes in the importance of voting. In the US, liberals and state socialists have voted for the Democrats with a steadfastness that is almost religious, even as the Democrats have steadily moved to the right. In Western Europe, they have voted consistently for the Socialist or Labor Parties (social democrats), or Communist Parties, or, more recently, ex-Communist Parties.

A New Olympic Event - Torture (tags)

As the 2004 Olympics approaches, animal torture in Greece is reaching ever higher levels.

Globalization Has Helped the Poor: Study says (tags)

Contrary to anti-globalizers study says that globalization has helped the poorest in the world

Latvia: the new apartheid (tags)

Latvia: the new apartheid

Labor Rally Thursday (tags)

Rally Thursday noon in Wilmington, CA to show support for the ILWU longshore workers.


The inclusion of the Colombian guerrilla organization FARC in the EU list of terrorist groups deals a fatal blow to the possibilities of striking humanitarian deals between rebels and government, says former peace broker Carlos Lozano.

June 24: Updates from Palestine (tags)

1) Palestinians, Israelis, Arabs and Jews’ Reactions to Bush’s Speech (Palestine Chronicle) 2) Israeli Helicopter Missiles Kill Six Palestinians, Wound 13 in Rafah (Palestine Chronicle)

The Shortwave Report 5/17/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, China, Germany, Spain, and Cuba

April 25 Updates on Palestine From (tags)

Images from Jenin News Summary From IMC-PALESTINE:April 25: Latest News from Palestine

The Shortwave Report 12/14/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Spain, Cuba

Thousands March in Brussels Ahead of Summit (tags)

Tens of thousands of trade unionists protest peacefully in Brussels ahead of the EU summit, but 22 people are arrested on the border.

U.S. Steel Industry Being Destroyed: 10's of 1,000's jobless! (tags)

"We hope this is the beginning of the end of the multi million dollar campaign by the U.S. Steel Industry to obtain and effective ban on vital steel imports." said Hidenori Tazawa current Chairman of the Japan Steel Information Center with offices in New York City. Before the 5-1 vote by the U.S. Int. Trade Commission.

An Anti-Terrorism War, or Genocide of Innocent People (Tehran Times) (tags)

Tehran Times is a Tehran-based English daily newspaper, established in 1979.

Marchers Across Europe Protest Against Possible Strikes (tags)

A girl holding a leaflet joins some 4,000 peace supporters in an anti-war vigil across the street from British Prime Minister Tony Blair's London residence on September 22, 2001. The U.S. is asembling a massive military force in the Gulf and Indian Ocean for a possible on Afghanistan. REUTERS/Chris Helgren

Cost-Benefit Analysis Of Vaporizing the Entire Middle East (tags)

Today, I was trying to eat a very tasty plate of spaghetti when the guy at the next table over echoed what seems to be the majority sentiment to, as he so cleverly and insightfully put it, "Achieve energy independence, then completely obliterate the entire Middle East." Never mind that Afghanistan is 1000 miles away; let's investigate this idea:

Re: EU's spying on anti-'capitalists' (tags)

an article link and opinion.

The coming global fascist state (tags)

The global corporate security state is erecting an oppressive intelligence and paramilitary force to crush the awakening democracy movement.

The Shortwave Report 8/3/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute weekly review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. Free to rebroadcast.With times and freqs for English-language broadcasts. 13.5MB Spain, Netherlands, Germany, China, Cuba

Missiles to protect summit leaders (tags)

A land-based battery of rockets with a range of nine miles and an altitude of 5,000 feet has been positioned in the latest security measure against perceived threats from terrorists and protesters.

Drug Possession No Longer Crime in Portugal (tags)

Portugal decriminalizes possession of personal amounts of drugs.... reported anywhere in the U.S.?? Not if the ruling Taliban holds its power... rock the corporations!~!

WTO chief blasts ' types' (tags)

"It would strengthen the hand of those who seek change if some NGOs would distance themselves from... anti-globalisation types who trot out slogans that are trite, shallow and superficial" WTO chief Mike Moore

Salzburg summit hit by protests (tags)

Clashes broke out when police tried to halt a march

Salzburg Protesters Sent Back to Vienna by Train (tags)

"Police charged and made a big push and the response from the demonstrators was to use flagpoles to start beating on police shields,"

Mass arrests at the EU Summit in Gothenburg, Sweden (tags)

IMC-UK's Breaking News As Of 6:50 AM PST, Friday, J15

Protesters Warm Up For President's Visit (tags)

On Sunday up to 20,000 activists from anti-globalisation and human rights groups held a warm-up march in Madrid., as protests against everything Bush stands for loom to greet him at every turn.

The Shortwave Report 6/8/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. Free to rebroadcast, please notify. Times and freqs for English-language broadcasts. Deutsche Welle, Netherlands, Russia, Cuba, China. (13.8MB/30:00)

The Shortwave Report 4/13 LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news stories recorded from a shortwave receiver. 13.6mb. FREE TO REBROADCAST! Stories from Netherlands, China, Germany, Russia, and Cuba. Global protests, global warming, euthanasia, spy plane, Kyoto protocols, Star Wars, Kossovo, KLA, stock market, Guatamalen immigrants.


A 30 minute review of stories recorded from a Shortwave radio. (13.7mb) FREE TO REBROADCAST UPON NOTIFICATION. This edition features Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle, Voice of Russia, Cuba. Stories include Zapatistas, South Africa & pharmacueticals, Greenpeace in court, Spies, Argentina, Palestine, and Operation Condor.

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