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by lynx-13
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 7:15 PM
 arnold_youre_terminated.jpeg, image/jpeg, 220x168
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by Ignatius
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 7:33 PM
...just the common leftists. Boy, Bob Mulholland has all you guys stirred up, doesn't he?
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by mediawater
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 8:36 PM
"Common people" may be a misleading term because it is somewhate condescending
in tone, but it definitely describes the everyday Calfornia's of all walks of life who are
fed up with Ah-nold and his bullshit. This not only includes women of all walks of
life, regardless of political affiliation, but also especially Latinos, especially those who
clean, garden, and harvest the food for the rest of this state. It is no surprise that Ah-nold's
invitation to a Mexican Indepedence celebration by a major Latino group was taken back
because of his offensive posture against immigrants (the f#$king hypocrite being an
immigrant himself) by saying he will do away with Davis' recent legislature giving the
right to a driver's liscense to undocumented people (who are documented in giving this
state taxes). He said they "have to earn their legitimacy." What the f##k does that mean
when immigrants wipe the ass of your babies, mow your lawns, serve your food,
pick your food, clean your corporate offices and get taxed for their pay? It is no
coincidence that he just got endorsed by the Calfornia Growers Association, the ones
who screw over farmworkers to begin with. So its true, the "common people" (not simply
leftists, many Latinos are non-partisan) are saying no to his Nazi-heritage-having, bush
and karl rove-having, sexist, racist, patriarchal ass!
Latinos could give a shit who Bob Mulholland is, so you need to quit...
As George Lopez put it recently on the Latin Grammy's broadcast, to Ah-nold we say
"Hasta la vista, puto!"
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by Joe
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 11:41 PM
I am hispanic myself but unfortuatelly I dont agree with most other hispanics, too many of them use every excuse to call a person a racist and I have seen those same people carry out racism alot worse then the people that they are accusing of it. I see too many of them want to vote for Cruz Bustamanre simply because he is Hispanic and they want to get special treatment. If someone is here illegally then they cant cry about not getting the benifits that us citizens get. they broke the law to get here anyways which means that ass soon as they crossed the border, they threw our laws out the window. Im not saying that illegals are bad people but it doesnt give them the right to break our immigration laws. Arnold is at least here legally and I respect him for it. As soon as a politician wants more enforcement of immigration laws then the idiots label him as a racist. They just want people of their own race to get special treatment because they would care less if the somalies and middle easterns etc. etc had a hard time getting into this country,.
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by Joe
Tuesday, Sep. 09, 2003 at 11:44 PM
Ohh yeah and George Lopez is a puto himelf and a piece of shit like the rest of the anti-everything crew
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by L.Beria
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 1:36 AM
Oh, mediawater, you poor, poor soul. You are so naive as to what the "common" people think. What we folks are fed up with is that scumbag governor squandering away billions of dollars and kissing brown ass. We are sick of mariachi music blaring at 8 am Sunday morning. We are sick of a guy selling hot-mayonnaised corn cobs in 100 degree weather. We are fed up with gang-bangers, low-riders, spics, wetbacks, beaners, mexicans, salvadorans, etc. We are sick of seeing the "chicken, pot leaf, and mescal worm" flag. We are sick of illegal aliens claiming that without them, this country is "nothing". Quitese la cabeza del culo, senor. Esta mierda se esta por acabar, por las buenas o por las malas. Ahora vaya a tomar su "cheve" y fumar su "mota", para poder seguir viviendo en su mundo dilusional. La verdad es que da pena...
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by lynx-13
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 7:00 PM
 egg.jpeg, image/jpeg, 250x236
i just had to swipe this photo for this thread.....
i got it from over here:
thanks to the original poster....
also i like 'mediawater's post so much - here it is again in it's entirety:
Yes, the common PEOPLE, especially LATINOS and WOMEN
by mediawater Monday September 08, 2003 08:36 AM
"Common people" may be a misleading term because it is somewhate condescending in tone, but it definitely describes the everyday Calfornia's of all walks of life who are fed up with Ah-nold and his bullshit. This not only includes women of all walks of life, regardless of political affiliation, but also especially Latinos, especially those who clean, garden, and harvest the food for the rest of this state. It is no surprise that Ah-nold's invitation to a Mexican Indepedence celebration by a major Latino group was taken back because of his offensive posture against immigrants (the f#$king hypocrite being an immigrant himself) by saying he will do away with Davis' recent legislature giving the right to a driver's liscense to undocumented people (who are documented in giving this state taxes). He said they "have to earn their legitimacy." What the f##k does that mean when immigrants wipe the ass of your babies, mow your lawns, serve your food, pick your food, clean your corporate offices and get taxed for their pay? It is no
coincidence that he just got endorsed by the Calfornia Growers Association, the ones who screw over farmworkers to begin with. So its true, the "common people" (not simply leftists, many Latinos are non-partisan) are saying no to his Nazi-heritage-having, bush and karl rove-having, sexist, racist, patriarchal ass!
Latinos could give a shit who Bob Mulholland is, so you need to quit...
As George Lopez put it recently on the Latin Grammy's broadcast, to Ah-nold we say "Hasta la vista, puto!"
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by George K.
Wednesday, Sep. 10, 2003 at 7:18 PM
This is what happens when too many parents think that little Johnny and little Janie should be going to college, and not a good trade school where they can actually learn a good vocational skill, like how to fix my car.
These kids also seemed to learn their political agenda from ?Hollywood?.
Sad bunch of idiots.
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by Ignatius
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:05 AM
Read it again, smarmy asshole. The Dem machine, commanded by this Bob Mulholland Mexicans don't care about, is now in full attack mode against Arnold,, as evidenced by the idiotic banner hung by equally idiotic leftians. Problem is, it'll probably get worse. And now, spurious reports from "black body builders" from 25 years ago abouty racial slurs. Did Santa Cruz Taxamonte say "nigger" not too long ago? Where was leftist outrage then? The same place as leftist feminist (sorry to repeat myself) outrage when Clinton was accuse of RAPE, that is , no where. After all, if he is there to advance a "progressive" platform, you have to take the good with the bad, eh?
And in the matter of illegals wiping baby's asses, mowing lawns, etc. the only answer is, "so what?" How in the fucking world do you imagine that means they should get driver's licenses? Please don't insult everyone's intelligence and talk about "road safety" or getting insurance. This bill was signed by this worthless hump JUST SO THE MEXICANS WHO CAN VOTE WILL NOT RECALL HIM. (And now, the Mexicans who can't vote will soon be able to. After all, they wipe our baby's asses, right? Why not just let 'em vote? Don't they have proper ID now?) What Mexicans should realize is that if this shameless hound Davis thought he could avoid recall by signing a bill to chop up all illegals for carnitas, then buy your tortillas now, because it's party time.
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by smashtheleft
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 11:58 AM
That was me having one of my temper tantrums. It's how I deal with things that I don't understand. I'm a conservative.
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by faker
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:31 PM
That was me pretending to be someone else. It's how I deal with things when I don't want to assume my own individual identity. I just steal others. I'm a liberal.
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by smashtheleft
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:33 PM
That was me pretending to be the faker who's in my head. I'm a conservative.
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by KPC
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:35 PM
Watch out! The faker is right down the street. You're more fucked than an anal virgin at a gay nightclub.
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by smashtheleft
Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 12:41 PM
Actually, the faker is everywhere I look. I'm a paranoid schizophrenic. I'm also a conservative.
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by pjl
Wednesday, Apr. 07, 2004 at 9:19 PM
Arnold could be programmed for the illuminati. His wife has the name.
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