John Trudell and an artist discuss the perpetual war mentality

aldous huxley, american indian movement, brian glick, christopher simpson, counter intelligence program, edward bernays, eric fromm, escape from childhood, harold lasswell, howard zinn, human, inanout press, jackson browne, jacques ellul, john holt, john trudell, john wayne, lakota nation, man running, mother nature, my life as, noam chomsky, oppositional defiant disorder, ourselves, paola igliori, power, public relations, radical lawyer, read ward churchill, reality, really, reinhold niebuhr, russell means, ruth schultz, s. even, so trudell, spirit, statistical manual, studs terkel, t. trudell, things, thomas szasz, trudell, understand, upon, value, vietnam war, walter lippman, war, war at home, we have, we're, weimar republic, what is, what is right, wilbur schramm, william kunstler