fix articles 463, vietnam war Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : vietnam war

vietnam war

The Looming War Against China (tags)

In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.

How can we regain peace and how can we keep it? (tags)

There is no doubt that Mahatma Gandhi is right. Peace does not come from the motivation of fear, on the contrary, only from the strength of one’s own person; through loyalty to oneself, and through the courage to have one’s own conscience. In Indian: Satyagraha (persistent adherence to the truth), “think for yourself” Kant would have said, “remain yourself.”

From war to ecocide in Ukraine: these are the global consequences (tags)

Today peasants are fighting and dying in the war. They have lost everything. The processes of free land sale and purchase are increasingly liberalized and advertised. This threatens the rights of Ukrainians to their land, for which they give their lives. This portends that an industrial model of agriculture will prevail in Ukraine, based on large-scale monoculture farming.

Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)

We are now in a situation where the best-case scenario is that this war will continue for years as a slow, bloody war of attrition with hundreds of thousands more dead, with progressive destruction of the Ukrainian economy and infrastructure, with progressive impoverishment of the European population. The worst-case scenario is a global nuclear war.

The greatest show on earth (tags)

"It takes considerable fragmentation in the media portrayal of these crimes and radical recontextualization as a 'struggle for democracy and human rights' for crimes of this magnitude, as well as their historical continuity, to become virtually invisible to the public. Although all of this is extensively documented, these crimes are virtually absent from the public consciousness."

Is the USa Failed State with Michael Hudson (tags)

It’s a failed state because its economy is paralyzed and we’re in a debt deflation, an economic polarization, that is just transferring all wealth and income away from labor, away from industry, into really the financial sector and what I call the finance, insurance, and real estate sector.

Michael Hudson on de-dollarization (tags)

Krugman is saying that other people have no reason at all for what they’re doing. And when they move out of the dollar, there’s no reason for them to do it. If you read what these countries say, they explain why they’re doing what they’re doing. .

Militarization and rearmament must be confronted (tags)

Mysticism always fertilizes the political through its transcending power. What is meant by this is that it not only points beyond the status quo, but also questions the conditions in their foundations and overall architecture. Mystical thinking always introduces a hint of how things could be.

Nord Stream 1 and 2 (tags)

As is well known, in war the truth is the first casualty, and so it is in the Ukraine war. Since the beginning of the war in Ukraine, politics and the mainstream in the press, radio and TV have been conducting an unprecedented game of confusion, combined with disinformation and agitation.

War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.

Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)

Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again.

Turn of the times and Negotiations instead of truce (tags)

"Public opinion continues to cling to pragmatism and pacifism. Skepticism toward military means has even increased since the beginning of the war." "The most important thing is to end the war as soon as possible, even if that means Ukraine ceding control of territory to Russia."

The American century was yesterday (tags)

"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)

The subjectless rule of capital and Working class hero (tags)

Fortunately, his death did not silence him. The opposite is the case. Because John Winston Lennon became more immortal through the assassination than he already was as a member of the most successful band of all times. Not a martyr - but a working class hero.

Guidance to the system change, Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex, any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests were suppressed.

Peace Policy and Every military solution leads to disaster (tags)

"Our Common Security" (April 21, 1982) called the Palme Report revealed a new way of thinking that helped make German unity and the overcoming of the European divide possible in 1989.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

Ukraine: No to Putin's war! No to NATO's escalation! (tags)

Nato expansion to the east: an imperialist act Putin bears full responsibility for the current Ukraine war. However, Scholz's rearmament speech is a reminder that the foundation for the escalation that is now culminating in Russian aggression was laid by NATO and the EU.

Manifesto against war, March 19, 2022 (tags)

It is therefore high time for the mobilization of a broad anti-militarist resistance that is integrated comprehensively and transnationally into the social struggles. This approach is by no means without chance, as the inclusion of the resistance against the Vietnam War showed.

Truth dies first and then intelligence (tags)

The war in Ukraine is an exception to the rule of thumb that in war the truth dies first. The truth was already dead before the war began... War is the greatest crime imaginable. War creates endless suffering, whoever starts war is a war criminal. (Note: There is only one exception)

America's disastrous 60-year war (tags)

America's 60-year war, a losing proposition for many, turned out to be a clear winner for a few, In his book,1984, Orwell wrote about permanent war as a way to consume the products of modern capitalism without a higher standard of living for workers..

The Forever War (tags)

Women's rights were to be strengthened and a Western-style form of government was to be implanted. In fact, according to the U.S.'s own statements, the hijackers of those planes that flew into the World Trade Center towers were primarily Saudis. The docile oil country of Saudi Arabia was never attacked.

Against all reason and The Afghan Debacle (tags)

Like the chaotic flight of the U.S. Army from Vietnam in 1975, the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021 highlights the failure of the geopolitically based "war and nation-building concept" of the U.S. and NATO countries.

Power, Profit and Prestige (tags)

The United States was also constantly at war, after independence, with Native Americans. The U.S. armed forces engaged in a thousand military operations, large and small, against Native Americans between 1868 and 1890!

The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)

Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.

Top Economist: As Pandemic Recedes, a Chance to Rethink Unemployment (tags)

The Chamber of Commerce, for example, has pushed the U.S. to stop expanded unemployment insurance benefits so that people will be forced to return to low-wage jobs. Some Republican-dominated states have jumped on board with this idea.

Lockdown for the military! (tags)

Life can only be saved with a consistent policy of social justice, of cooperation instead of capitalist competition for profit and supremacy. Peace is the basis of sustainable politics. The world is too small, too vulnerable, nature too endangered for wars and military. Climate justice requires no to war &yes to disarmament.

Big Pharma profits at any price (tags)

"Almost all innovations today come from public research," says Marcia Angell. This often results in spin-offs that are then taken over by large pharmaceutical companies. "The pharmaceutical companies also locate themselves locally around the universities so that they can only cross the street to buy a patent.

America Boils Over (tags)

A lot will depend on how hot this summer gets. If people think sensibly in November, it is hard to imagine that they will cast enough votes to keep this hair-raising government in power for another four years. But fear is the worst enemy of reason.

The misunderstood class warrior Martin Luther King (tags)

Today, 50 years after his assassination, Martin Luther King is more glorified than ever...The memory of the social revolutionary was politically instrumentalized, King was appropriated. Tto tell the story of the reconciled nation, the dissident had to be erased from memory.

The US Tramples on International Law (tags)

The US surprise attack on Iraq in March 2003 was a primal catastrophe. International law was eliminated and replaced by the imperial dictatorship of the US. Those who destroyed a whole people and have a million casualties on their conscience are not punished in any way.

From Punitive Tariffs and Trade Conflicts to Economic War (tags)

Trump's punitive attacks on several trading partners, above all China, are changing suddenly into a destruction of the multilateral structures of the world market. With "America first," the president wants to restore the past hegemony. The wrecking ball is not the only model!

Sanctions and Double Standards (tags)

Sanctions are war with other means-and not an alternative to war. The civilian population pays the price with their bodies and their lives. Export restrictions on the most important revenues of a country cause immense suffering. That Iran has not attacked another country is unmentioned.

Double Standards in Iran Reporting (tags)

Iran has not attacked any country militarily in the last 100 years. Demonizations occur in the Iran reporting. In comparison, reporting about human rights in Saudi Arabia is not on the agenda.









Memorial Day 2018 (tags)

Let's look at the reality for once on this day.

Under the Gun in Ireland (tags)

A visit to the occupied North of Ireland in 1983. Happy Paddy's Day!

FEMA has the authority to order martial law and open up FEMA camps for dissident Americans (tags)

Some people have referred to it as the "secret government" of the United States.

The Struggle to Influence GI,s during the VietnamWar (tags)

Protestors opened and maintained "GI Coffee houses" during the later years of the Vietnam war as the war transitioned from ground strategy to air war. Several bases in the US had businesses based ion coffee houses nearby where protestors and troops could talk and share ideas.

War Without End (tags)

The West likes to pose as the moral authority for the whole world. The West overran the world for years with disastrous and illegal wars. Glyphosate is the Agent Orange of our time. The US accused Vietnam of attacking one of its warships. But this attack was a fiction.

Trump and the Consequences: Democracy at a Crossroads (tags)

What appears here is another form of democracy, without the constitutional state and without opposition. Trump could operate with enemy declarations. Today Donald Trump is a radicalized Nixon. Democracy is always endangered and never given as a present.

The Shortwave Report 11/18/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

Maoist Communist Party of the Philippines supports state burial for Ferdinand Marcos (tags)

Philippine President-elect Rodrigo Duterte announced in the wake of his election in May that he intended to grant the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos a state burial in the Libingan ng mga Bayani (Heroes Cemetery). Preparations are now being made for a state funeral on September 11, the 99th birth anniversary of the former president.

Philippines' Bernie Sanders: A Conversation with Walden Bello (tags)

Without a doubt, Sanders has captured the imagination of people, especially the millennials, around the world.

Why are the Lambs Silent? (tags)

Techniques-fragmentation and propaganda- make serious violations of moral norms by the ruling elites morally and cognitively invisible to the population. With many examples, professor Mausfeld gives insight in the management of our democracy and how people are kept in apathy.

The Military-Industrial Complex is the Greatest Threat for World Peace (tags)

Fighting the dominant culture of war that is promoted by all the media justifications of war and war propaganda is vital. This culture must be decoded as misanthropic and shattered. Building a culture of peace is the project of the century.

“None Dare Call It Conspiracy:” How U.S. Elites Made Islamist Militants the New Red Menace (tags)

The American Establishment’s Quarter-Century Scheme to Replace Defunct Soviet Communism with “Expansionist” Militant Islam. And Why We Need Former U.S. Senator turned diplomat Gary Hart, Who “Thinks Differently” About U.S.-Russia Relations, to Join the 2016 Presidential Race

Memorandum 2015 (tags)

For 40 years, the Bremen study group has published memorandums. The council of experts promoted the profits of businesses, not aggregate economic demand. Mass unemployment surpassed the 5 million mark because of neoliberal structural reforms.

A Tidbit about anti-Vietnam War [US] History Coffee with Soldiers (tags)

The Vietnam War was a very unneccessary, long and monumentally grotesque with over a million deaths in sevral countries and over 5 countries providing material, aid or troops for "our side".Anti-war demonstrators met with US troops at coffee houses near US bases in the US

Help Me Ronda! “Billionaires For Bernie”: Why Sanders Needs an Independent SuperPAC (tags)

JFK Said: "Things Do Not Happen. Things Are Made to Happen." In 2015-2016, LIBERAL Billionaires Such as Ronda Stryker, Nick Hanauer, and Ted Turner (To Name a Few) Can Help Elect Bernie Sanders President by Giving His Supporters Fundraising and Spending Near-Parity With Hillary Clinton's $1 Billion.

John Kerry on the Vietnam War: Earlier and Now (tags)


Puerto Rico's Debt Crisis (tags)

Puerto Rico

A Formal Response to California’s Death With Dignity Act Legislation (tags)

Recently a major and moral decision was made to quell California legislature as to whether people suffering with terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity. Democrats did not have enough votes although the legislation might come back later in the year? To the extent that there was much of a debate in the news it has been one-sided with a chorus of status quo preventivists. Religion has once again slammed up common sense and compassion

Viacom CBS' Sumner Redstone Promotes Brutal Treatment Of Pot Smokers (tags)

Antipot enforcement is a racist, familybusting, economically stupid tactic of a fearmongering police state

CBS Shills For War, Violence, Toxic Drugs, Animal Flesh, Lower Broadcast Standards (tags)

Billionaire Sumner Redstone and his nephew Les Moonves are ultimately responsible for the hawkish, fearmongering, violent programming shown on the CBS network.

Press Freedom Banned in Ukraine (tags)


Hyping a Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


The Illusion of Peace in Ukraine (tags)


Obama Wants Congressional Authorization for Unlimited War (tags)


End Wars or They'll End Us (tags)


Kissinger Geopolitics (tags)


Mission Creep in Iraq (tags)


Reinventing Vietnam War History (tags)


Gary Webb Crucified For Revealing CIA Connection To Crack Cocaine (tags)

Gary Webb of the San Jose Mercury News revealed CIA creation of the crack cocaine epidemic in the US. The Los Angeles Times assigned 17! reporters to discredit him. A new movie "Kill The Messenger" tells the story.

8 Things to Know About the Iraq Crisis (tags)

We have options to support the people of Iraq, as well as tackle this crisis in a way that reflects America's best interests and 21st century realities. The US can work through the United Nations.

Video: Chaos in Iraq - Andrew Bacewich, 24 min (tags)

After the full broadcast interview, Bill so enjoyed his conversation with Bacevich that they kept talking, delving topics such as the Vietnam War, our evolving relationship with Iran and neoconservatives views on US foreign policy. Watch the extended interview

A Budding Alliance: Vietnam And The Philippines Confront China (tags)

Last year, the Philippines brought a complaint against China’s aggressive actions in the West Philippine Sea to the United Nations Arbitral Tribunal. The Chinese “were really unprepared for that and were really embarrassed by it,” one of Vietnam’s top experts on Chinese diplomacy told me during my recent visit to Hanoi.

Briatain Harasses Human Rights Lawyer (tags)

police state

30 Kinds of (approved) TORTURE currently being used by the C.I.A. (tags)

Bush administration’s program of kidnapping “suspects,” a covert operation also known as “rendition,” continues under the Obama administration according to Reprieve Founding Director, Attorney Clive Stafford Smith. The following is a partial list of C.I.A. forms of torture:

Militarism in Germany (tags)


Billy Graham: Pro Christ or Anti Christ (tags)

Billy Graham was more a representative of the imperial American elite than a follower of the meek and humble Jesus. He comforted every president for 70 years in their shameful Korean War, Vietnam War and Iraq War. Fast cleaning and Graham soap marked "God's machine gun."

Fukushima Japan’s Nuclear Weapons Program Revealed by Akie Abe (tags)

This week Japan’s first lady Akie Abe revealed the existence of Fukushima Japan’s nuclear weapons program.

Protest Underscores Continuing Privatization of Oregon Schools (tags)

The Oregon Business Association (OBA) held its annual Statesman Dinner on October 17 to honor the Statesman of the Year. The event was fraught with anomalies, not least of which was the fact that the award went to Sue Levin, the Executive Director of Stand for Children Oregon.

Shaking Voices (tags)

Some in the U.S. are fearful of speaking out against the wars and social injustice because of the surveillance state.

It’s war that sells (tags)

The war on Iraq won’t be remembered for how it was waged so much as for how it was sold. It was a propaganda war, a war of perception management, where loaded phrases, such as “weapons of mass destruction” and “rogue state” were hurled like precision weapons at the target audience: us.

Spurious Anti-Iranian Accusations (tags)


U.S. Senate Leaders Should Be Arrested and Charged With Treason (tags)

Despite the truth many Senators were willing to vote for Charles Hagel, as more than worthy choice for Secretary of Defense, on-the-ground facts show we Americans are stuck with defense contractor and Israel-firster suck-ups like Lindsey Graham, and his whiny, albeit slick, style of political correctness, such as his recent show-trial stigmatizing anything that suggests criticism of Israel’s right-wing agenda. Graham’s strategy-driven limelight approach (clever as if concocted by some backroom weasel committee) had the chutzpa to point-blank ask Hagel during a recent Senate confirmation hearing, about some of his previous statements, with all the solemnity of “ordained” mortal sins from a Catholic cardinal, such as 1) “…the Jewish Lobby has a tendency to intimidate people up here…” 2) “…I’m not a Israeli Senator I’m a U.S. Senator…” and 3) “…this pressure makes us do dumb things at times…”.

Imperial Warrior Kerry at State (tags)


Book Announcement: Hijacking the Holy Qur'an and Islam (tags)

Why is the Holy Qur'an and Islam so easy to Hijack for "imperial mobilization"?

Thoughts at Perhaps the Most Perilous Time in World History (tags)


Canada: Selling Its Soul to America (tags)


Why Asylum For Julian Assange Is Central To Today’s Politics: Torture and the American Ch (tags)

If there were a lightening rod to energize political apathy in this heavily propagandized world democratic right of dissent, such as to challenge corrupt government practice, should be it. But certain U. S. leaders’ apparent intention to incarcerate and punish Julian Assange for leaking U.S. secrets puts our black methods in the limelight. What were his motives and equally what has been the character of U.S. foreign policy? It seems revelations were meant to highlight U.S. corruption as people around the world have come to fear American brutality. Many around the globe know the United States as a rogue bully of an empire that regularly uses intimidation to get its way. It takes a real macho government to push around countries like Ecuador, Sweden and lapdog England. As has been shown over and over the United States does not respect law, legal distinctions or diplomatic norms.

America's Left and Romney's Economic Agenda (tags)

Axel-Fair Schulz is a professor of political science at the State University of New York, Potsdam.

Destroying Susiya Village to Save It (tags)


Battleground Chicago (tags)


Long Time Passing: Mothers Speak About War and Terror (tags)

Reclaiming Our Children and Humanity on Mother’s Day, Every Day.

Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan (tags)

I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !

Freedom Socialist Candidate for U.S. President tours California in April (tags)

Stephen Durham, who is vying for the Peace and Freedom Party (PFP) nomination in the California June presidential primary, will campaign in the state from April 12 to May 2. He will speak at several public appearances in and around LA between April 20 and May 2.

Targeting Free Expression (tags)


Koran Burning: Dehumanizing Muslims (tags)

Koran burning

PLM Statement on increased US military presence in the Philippines (tags)

PLM Calls for an Independent Foreign Policy and a Non-Aligned ASEAN

Halt Approval of Agent Orange Resistant Corn (tags)

The purpose of this event is to increase the number of public comments sent to the USDA to oppose this proposal by Dow Chemical Corporation. Given the trend at the USDA, it will take more than merely public comments top prevent this outrage, but this is the essential first step - to make certain the will of the people is in the public record.

Selling War (tags)



AL CAPONE is the Founding Father of American foreign policy.

America's Illegal Chemical Weapons Stockpile (tags)

chemical weapons

Rally to Protect Free Speech from Police Brutality (tags)

Friday, November 11, 2011
RIVERSIDE, (CA) - In response to Sunday's police raid on the peaceful anti-Wall Street encampment at the downtown arts walk, Occupy Riverside marched on the police station and rallied there. In recognition of Veteran's Day and the significant contributions of veterans to the Occupy Movement and all social justice movements, we took a moment to honor the veterans in our movement and all veterans of the class war.

Los Angeles City Council Passes Resolution to Support AB 199 and AJR 6 for Filipino WWII V (tags)

The Los Angeles City Council today unanimously approved the resolution in support of California AB 199 and AJR 6 in a legislative effort to recognize the presence and contribution of Filipino World War II veterans in our history books, To support Asssemblyperson Fiona Ma?s effort City Coouncil member Richard Alarcon introduced the resolution. It was seconded by Councilmen Tom Lebonge, Eric Garcetti, Jose Huizar,Ed Reyes and Bill Rosendhal, a Vietnam War veteran. All of them spoke to support the resolution to the delight of the crowd.

RIP: America's Anti-War Movement (tags)


9/11: Who Really Benefited? (tags)

Forget so-called conspiracy theories. Instead look at reality. Dare ask yourselves who actually seems to have benefited from the 9-11 calamity. In light of the debt ceiling debates and continuous politics as usual of Washington D.C., it is time for the American people and individual states of this federation to look at a troubling set of facts. There seems to have been ?several? beneficiaries of 9-11 that don?t exactly fit the story line we were constantly fed by the propaganda machine and mainstream media as to how to connect the dots (which we were rhetorically asked to do).

"Students Should Become Anarchists": Noam Chomsky (tags)

Anarchists try to identify power structures. They urge those exercising power to justify themselves. Then anarchists work at unmasking and mastering the structures, whether patriarchal families or the private tyrannies of the economy. Links to R Hahnel, C Milstein and M Albert.

McCain/Kerry Support Imperial War on Libya (tags)


Hanna: An "Alternative" Movie Review (as more interesting and informative than your typica (tags)

This review is not meant to give you all the typical facts and highlights of the movie. Standard movie reviewers have already presented their perspectives, the basic story line. Whereas this essay is meant to take more seriously what is really a rather stupid plot, but still within a beautiful movie and action packed piece of entertainment, and to speculate how it may fit ?within? the too often vacuous audience culture that might watch it, as well as the movie industry that created it and critiqued it. And, granted, it is often presumptuous to interpret a work of art as something that can be criticized as more subjectively serious?but the idea of juxtaposing a fairy tale with CIA operatives is just too tempting to ?not? deconstruct.

The Military as a Security Risk (tags)

You cannot have both democracy and concentration of wealth, Justice Brandeis warned. 20% of military spending is for defense; the rest is for empire. Endless war is not a future but the denial of a future. To Hitler, the soldier was the only model of courage.

Press Conference/Commemoration: (tags)

On 1-31-1971 Gustav Montag, Jewish Hungarian American supporter of the 8-29-1970 Chicano Moratorium Anti-Vietnam War protest was killed protesting the killings of Ruben F. Salazar, Lynn Ward and Angel Diaz who were killed by L.A. Co. Sheriff's Deputies. 1-31-2011 is the Commemoration event for the Chicana/o Community

The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)

"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"

Video: Why Might a Saudi King Want the US to Attack Iran? (tags)

Normalizing war and militarizing foreign policy are perversions, the bitter fruits of an elite democracy marginalizing and criminalizing criticism and independent intelligence.

WikiLeaks Cables Reveal "Profound Hatred for Democracy" (tags)

"This may not be reported in the newspapers, but it’s certainly familiar to the Israeli and U.S. governments and the ambassadors. What this reveals is the profound hatred for democracy on the part of our political leadership."

Worldwide Economic Crisis 2.0 or the Collapse of Neoliberal Finance Capitalism (tags)

The present crisis is a consequence of the fact that exploding business profits found inadequate investment opportunities in the productive sector and turned instead to financial speculation. Deregulation created "law-free" spaces" with the abrogation of all political controls.

Open Season on Muslims in America (tags)

targeting innocent Muslims

Terror Targets Houston/Chicago -- Official Statement to Investigation (tags)

The Internet analyses of the of Ghost Troop have become legend to Internet Intelligentsia as the new samizdat. In his statement below to government investigators, Captain May is countering the fifth column that is the real power of Al-Qaeda. The editorial about our missions is accurate, as the archives to which it links will show. -- CSM Merlin Neadow, Vietnam veteran --

BTL:Wikileaks Documents Paint Grim Picture of Afghan War (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

W Bush's,Barack Obama's Mass Murderer Robert Gates Says Wikileaks Has 'Blood On Its Hands' (tags)


Wkileaks founder 'dissapointed' in Gates (tags)

"Secretary Gates could have used his time, as other nations have done, to announce a broad inquiry into these killings," the statement said. "He could have announced specific criminal investigations into the deaths we have exposed. He could have announced a panel to hear the heartfelt dissent of U.S. soldiers, who know this war from the ground. He could have apologized to the Afghani people. "But he did none of these things. He decided to treat these issues and the countries affected by them with contempt. Instead of explaining how he would address these issues, he decided to announce how he would suppress them. "This behavior is unacceptable. We will not be suppressed. We will continue to expose abuses by this administration and others."

WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries" (tags)

a powerful indictment of all wars

Erich Fromm and His Proposal for a Basic Income (tags)

Philosopher and psychoanalyst Erich Fromm never abandoned his vision of a humanist non-estranged society where persons were not commodified or mere goods producers. His book "Having or Being" was written at age 76.

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order (tags)

"The global debt crisis, which is beginning in Greece, and spreading throughout the euro-zone economies of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and ultimately the entire EU, will further consume the UK, Japan and go all the way to America.[50] This will be a truly global debt crisis. Government measures to address the issue of debt focus on the implementation of ‘fiscal austerity measures’ to reduce the debt burdens and make interest payments on their debts. ‘Fiscal austerity’ is a vague term that in actuality refers to cutting social spending and increasing taxes. The effect this has is that the public sector is devastated, as all assets are privatized, public workers are fired en masse, unemployment becomes rampant, health and education disappear, taxes rise dramatically, and currencies are devalued to make all assets cheaper for international corporations and banks to buy up, while internally causing inflation – dramatically increasing the costs of fuel and food. In short, ‘fiscal austerity’ implies ‘social destruction’ as the social foundations of nations and peoples are pulled out from under them. States then become despotic and oppress the people, who naturally revolt against ‘austerity’: the sterilization of society."

USAction’s Members Demand Firm Withdrawal Date for U.S. Troops (tags)

Brave New Foundation and TrueMajority/USAction’s Members Demand Firm Withdrawal Date for U.S. Troops in Afghanistan with Politico Ad Buy

North Korean Ship Sinking: Another False Flag? (tags)

Washington, not N. Korea the likely suspect


As Asian-Americans and speaking in behalf of the progressive Filipino-American community, the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) expresses serious concern over the crisis in the Korean Peninsula. The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DRPK) or the North Korea ( as the US wants to call it) said Tuesday it was severing all relations with South Korea and cutting communications links in protest at claims that it had sunk one of Seoul's warships.

Massacre in Thailand: Obama's Bloody Hands (tags)

When the White House is quiet as protestors are butchered in the streets of Bangkok Thailand, suspicions are raised. Silence often equals complicacy. One can only imagine what the U.S.’ response would be to a Venezuelan government slaughter: the U.S. media and Obama would loudly condemn such an act, in contrast to the muted response to Thailand’s blood bath. The history of U.S.-Thailand relations explains why. During the Vietnam War, the U.S. used Thailand as one of the main “anti-communist” bulwarks in an area that included China, Vietnam, Burma, and other countries that were challenging capitalism.

Never Turn Back: SNCC's 50th and the Ongoing Battle for Democracy (tags)

Full and firsthand report on the SNCC 50th Anniversary Gathering in Raleigh, NC, April 15-18 .

Attac's Bank Tribunal: The Jury's Verdict (tags)

This crisis did not break out over society like a force of nature. Financial managers spread the legend that financial crises belong to capitalism as water belongs to the ocean and that euphoric phases of bubble formation and the bursting of bubbles come and go like the seasons.

California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)

Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.

War Criminal Alex Haig Praised by Obama (tags)

People are known by the company they keep and Democrat Obama's praise for the late war criminal Republican General Alexander Haig is the latest sign that we are dealing with yet another fascist president, EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE LAST FASCIST PRESIDENT, GEORGE BUSH. The biography of war criminal Haig (1924-2010) is below.

San José Peace and Justice Award Honors Free Gaza Pioneers (tags)

The San Jose Peace and Justice Center awarded its Gertrude Welch Peace and Justice Award to pioneers of the Free Gaza Movement who sailed the first small boats to break the Israeli siege of Gaza. The award prompted the city of Milpitas to present commendations and Congressman Mike Honda to award Congressional recognition to the recipients.

Outsourcing War: The Rise of Private Military Contractors (tags)

privatizing war


The case of Prof. Sarah Raymundo's firing at the University of the Philippines betokens the sharpening political contradictions and hegemonic crisis occurring in what William Blum calls the oldest longest-held colony of the US, currently ruled by the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime praised by Barack Obama.

California Socialist Party USA Endorses March 4th to Defend Education (tags)

Members of Socialist Party USA will be joining students and demonstrations nationwide on March 4th to defend education and to support the rights of students and working people.

Anti-War Demonstration on Thankstaking Day (tags)

People were reminded--again--of American aggression and overconsumption, food was given to local homeless, and food scraps to coyotes/raccoons.

Enough is Enough (tags)

Enough is Enough

Drones: A slam-dunk weapons system or our ticket to hell? (tags)

"Whatever the short-term gains from introducing drone warfare in these past years, we are now locked into the 24/7 assassination trade - with the US's own set of non-suicide bombers on the job into eternity. This may pass for sanity in Washington, but it's surely helping to pave the road to hell. Haven't any of these folks ever seen a sci-fi film? Are none of them Terminator fans? Are they sure they want to open the way to unlimited robot war, keeping in mind that, if this is the latest game in town, it won't remain mainly an American one for long. And just wait until the first Iranian drone takes out the first Balochi guerrilla supported by American funds somewhere in Pakistan. Then let's see just what we think about the right of any nation to summarily execute its enemies - and anyone else in the vicinity - by drone. Is this actually what we Americans want to be known for? And if we let this happen, and General Atomics is working double or triple shifts to turn out ever more, ever-newer generations of robot warriors, while the nation suffers 10.2% unemployment, who exactly will think about shutting them down?

Obama is Absolutely Right to Re-evaluate Afghanistan Strategy (tags)

Gordon Goldstein's book on the lessons of the Vietnam War is required reading in the Obama White House. In an interview with SPIEGEL ONLINE, Goldstein talks about why Obama should think long and hard about sending more troops to Afghanistan.

*9:AM Thurs!*: Call-in radio w Alison Weir & JEFFREY BLANKFORT! (tags)

Alison Weir will host the Council for the National Interest's new call-in radio show, "CNI: Jerusalem Calling" . Her featured guest will be JEFFREY BLANKFORT -- anti-Zionist Jewish-American journalist, writer, lecturer and activist.

San Francisco recruits; Bllue Angels over the Bay (tags)

Each September the City of San Francisco, California, submits its request for a Blue Angels Air Show recruiting drive, which the U.S. Defense Department confirms each December, as it has every year since then Mayor Dianne Feinstein requested it in 1981, eight years after the end of the U.S. draft, six years after the end of the Vietnam War, and three years after the assassination of Harvey Milk, in San Francisco.

The War in Afghanistan and its Implications in the Philippines (tags)

For the Alliance-Philippines, the escalating US-War in Afghanistan has a very special implication to the revolutionary movement in the Philippines. It is not only because there are 5 million Muslims in the Philippines, but also because there is an existing civil war in the Philippines centered in the 2nd largest island of Mindanao. It also indirectly affects the Filipino community abroad as in North America specially here in the United States. The existing civil war between the MILF with the Philippine government and the NPA has dragged on for more than 37 years. It just intensifies in varying degrees in between negotiations; ceasefires and changes in the US supported regimes. The civil war that started when President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial law in 1972 has claimed more than 30,000 lives, and at present affected more than 2 million people and 650,000 refugees in Mindanao.

IF Stone: An Iconic Radical Journalist (tags)

one of America's greatest

Charlie Sheen to Obama: Investigate 9/11 Openly (tags)

Eight years on and in the aftermath of Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen's 9/11 challenge to President Barack Obama, journalists of the world's media conglomerates have been slow responders to follow the trail of evidence. Sheen posed numerous questions in a YouTube video directed at the President and held a "letter" of documentary evidence to back his claim that the official 9/11 story was a cover-up. The letter and its links support an argument that the 9/11 conspiracy fits an historical pattern of government-scripted attacks as pretexts to wage war.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)

the threat of totalitarian democracy

Bush, Obama and the Corporate Love Affair (tags)

An analysis of the great similarities in the pro-corporate and war policies of the Bush and Obama administrations in spite of the obvious differences between the two men.

Reviewing Marjorie Cohn and Kathleen Gilberd's "Rules of Disengagement" (tags)

Right of GIs to refuse to fight in illegal wars

Michael Hudson's "Super Imperialism:" The Economic Agenda of Imperial America (tags)

How imperial America is funded

Austria: Crash Instead of Cash (tags)

In 1978 the Bretton Woods system broke down since the US abandoned the key function of the US dollar to print money to finance the Vietnam War.. The liberalization of the financial markets started a mechanism in which the worldwide population loses.

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate (tags)

New standards for growing soy will destroy forests, livelihoods and the climate

Condoleezza Rice Challenged on War and Torture at Stanford (tags)

Stanford University students, staff, alumni, and community have called for Condoleezza Rice to be held accountable for war crimes and torture. Challenging her return to the University, they are petitioning for a probe into her alleged violations of international and U.S. law.

Terminate the Defense Department (tags)

Defense budget and american imperialism in the time of economic crisis; free, universal education and the question of market capitalism in the University; students as indentured servants to corporations;

The Resistance is Not Quiet: 2009 Anarchist Activist Conference (tags)

About 100 activists, college students, and community members gathered yesterday for the anarchist activist conference at Pitzer College in Claremont, California. The conference was titled "The Resistance is Not Silent," and topics of discussion included the environment, the internet, immigrant rights, urban planning, poetry, bicycling, the anti-war anti-hunger network of collectives Food not Bombs, and non-violence. The event also included vegan food, music, and tables where vendors accepted donations for literature and t-shirts.

Remembering the past to change the future – We must hold the torture state accountable (tags)

“Get the good old syringe boys and fill it to the brim We’ve caught another nigger and we’ll operate on him Let someone take the handle who can work it with a vim Shouting the battle cry of freedom” A U.S. Army marching song composed during the Philippine War entitled “The Water Cure” to celebrate a version of waterboarding used on Filipinos “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." Poet and philosopher, George Santayana

Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative journalist Seymour Hersh claims U.S. operating secret (tags)

Seymour Hersh created a stir last month when he said the Bush administration ran an executive assassination ring that reported directly to Vice President Dick Cheney.

March 21st Hollywood Peace March or The Revolution Will Not Be Organized (tags)

A re-cap of the peace march that was held on Hollywood Blvd on March 21st, 2009 complete with photographs of the day.

Mar Vista Neighbors for Peace and Justice Mourn Loss of Local Activist, Eleanor Belser (tags)

The peace community lost a staunch supporter last week with the death of Eleanor Belser, who passed away at her home in Mar Vista. Eleanor was 89.

Interview with veteran and peace activist Allen Nelson (tags)

Allen Nelson, Vietnam war veteran and peace activist from the U.S., shares his extraordinary experience in war, his personal transformation, his work for peace in and outside Japan, and his hopes for the future at a time when U.S. militarism shows no sign of slowing down.

FQS 39th Anniversary, Jan 30-31, 1970 (tags)

We the activist from the Kilusang Dekada 70 (KD70) remembers that thirty-nine years ago, on January 30-31, 1970, from the night of January 30 to the early morning of January 31, 1970 fought the Philippine police and army forces who attacked the progressive forces in what is now known in history as the Battle of Mendiola. Four activist were killed and more than 150 were wounded by gunfire and at least 600 others were arrested and jailed in the Camp Crame. Manila became a virtual military camp but the activist were not cowed and the series of mass actions were launched now collectively known as the First Quarter Storm of 1970.

How the Gay Community Got Chicago'd at the Inaugural (tags)

Back in the days of the first Mayor Richard Daley, when an alderman got out of line during a City Council debate, the power on his microphone was unceremoniously cut, whether he had the floor legitimately or not.

Excess Debt and Deflation = Depression (tags)

the worsening economy interview about Journalists for Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Those advocating this radical journalist's execution show a disturbing lack of concern about the undeniable problems of racism (and all documented police/DA/judicial misconduct) throughout this case. At the most fundamental level, the FOP-led 'Fry Mumia' campaign's lack of concern is racist....The FOP appeals to a racist lynch-mob mentality that has long infected the US, so calling this a 'legal lynching' is no exaggeration.

GABNet Demands Recognition of Widows', Relatives' sacrifice for War Vets (tags)

GABNet of the Mariposa Alliance applauds the determination of the widows, wives and relatives of Filipino World War II veterans to struggle against the official and legitimized racist discrimination embodied by the Rescission Act of 1946, as well as the sexism embodied by the removal of provisions for widows and relatives from the Filipino WWII Veterans Equity Bill. GABNet extends its support to AWARE, the Association of Widows and Relatives for Equality. GABNet holds that care and support for those who are mobilized for wars decided by governments should be a public, rather than a private, concern. It is ironic that the US government is always quick to provide funds for the reconstruction of buildings, roads, plants and factories but consistently stalls and delays when it comes to the rehabilitation of peoples. It was quick to provide war damages funds to the property owners of the Philippines, even as it passed the Rescission Act of 1946 which effectively deprived Filipino WWII veterans of equal benefits as the American GI.

Bush is (tags)

And so is Cheney

The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit (tags)

Former Congressional Candidate, 6th District N.J. "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." Thomas Jefferson

Jeremy Scahill: 20 Hawks, Clintonites and Neocons to Watch for in Obama's White House (tags)

U.S. policy is not about one individual, and no matter how much faith people place in President-elect Barack Obama, the policies he enacts will be fruit of a tree with many roots. Among them: his personal politics and views, the disastrous realities his administration will inherit, and, of course, unpredictable future crises. But the best immediate indicator of what an Obama administration might look like can be found in the people he surrounds himself with and who he appoints to his Cabinet. And, frankly, when it comes to foreign policy, it is not looking good.

Announcing Premiere of Vietnam: American Holocaust (tags)

VIETNAM: AN AMERICAN HOLOCAUST premieres Saturday, November 8th, 2008, at 7:30PM at the Culver Plaza Theater, at 9919 Washington Blvd. in Culver City, CA. This provocative, incendiary film was produced and directed by Clay Claiborne and narrated by Martin Sheen, after years of painstaking research using declassified, but until now undiscovered, Whitehouse tapes and National Security documents.

Leonard Bernstein’s “Mass” Speaks to Today’s World (tags)

Political and religious authority is crumbling in a crisis of faith. The late Leonard Bernstein put those themes, and much more, in his concert triumph, “Mass.” After eight years of Bush-Cheney, the priest/pedophile scandal, coupled with the costly Wall St. Bailout, the loss of trust in our institutions is rampant. If the people want real change, they are going to have to rely on themselves, and on each other to create, in unity, the world that they desire.

Assassinations, Wars and Meltdowns: Who Benefits? (tags)

America has been subjected to the some severe shock therapy over the years. JFK, MLK, Jr. and Bobby Kennedy were all murdered! Then, there was the Vietnam War (1963-75); the “Watergate” scandal; and the horrors of the 9/11 tragedy; followed by the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The latest hit is the Wall Street bailout, to wit: the economic and fiscal meltdowns. They all spell out the sharp decline of America. Is it by accident or by plan?

The Fleecing of America (tags)

Public and private looting.

The Purpose of the Bush Administration (tags)

There is a mission to the madness.

McCain asked to apologize (tags)

For bombing the kids in vietnam with agent orange

Michael Moore Dares to Ask: What's So Heroic About Being Shot Down While Bombing? (tags)

Like Iraq, Vietnam was not a noble cause. It's time we stopped letting politicians and the press perpetuate the McCain War Hero myth.

"A Matter of Integrity" (tags)

War must be considered obsolete. Officials refuse to comploy with regtulations. Citizens of the world must speak out. Our leaders have abandoned our citizens and the world's citizens.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.

What Will It Take to Defeat the War? (tags)

On June 28-29, an “Open National Antiwar Conference” was held in Cleveland, called by a newly minted National Assembly to End the Iraq War and Occupation. Over objections from the conference organizers, centrally Socialist Action, the assembly voted to change the name to include reference to the war on Afghanistan, and to emphasize the connection with U.S. backing for the Zionist occupation of Palestine. (The sponsors of the confab were so right-wing that they feared losing “unity” with Democratic Party supporters of Israel and the Afghanistan war!) What did not change at all was the popular-front character of the new outfit, tying it to the bourgeois parties despite the fig leaf of electoral “independence.” Making this utterly clear, it was decided not to call a national antiwar mobilization prior to the November elections explicitly in order to court those forces who wish to aid the Democrats (and therefore want to avoid making problems for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama). Here is the leaflet issued by the Internationalist Group at the conference.

20,000 Anti-War Protesters Plan DNC Camp Out at Denver City Park (tags)

Neighbors are bracing for 20,000 anti-war protesters planning a five-day camp in City Park during the Democratic National Convention. The city issued an assembly permit for Tent State University to bring the tribe of college kids from across the country for an "alternative university" Aug. 24-28 in the southwest corner of the park.

Canada's Opposition Votes to Grant Asylum to US War Resisters (tags)

Note that this is non-binding ...

Socialists strongly criticize McCain’s Iraq War timetable (tags)

On March 19, 2008, the U.S. occupation of Iraq entered into the sixth year; now Republican presidential contender, Senator John McCain is saying that “he believes the Iraq War can be won by 2013,” according to the Associated Press. Socialists, nationwide are sharply critical of John McCain’s irresponsible statement to suggest that U.S. forces will remain in Iraq and Afghanistan for another five years.

Conscientious Objector Status—Who Should Decide? (tags)

It is a fallacious and legalistic straw man ploy for any society or organization (such as the Department of Defense) to arrogate, as definition, that an individual must oppose “all” war on religious or ethical grounds to be considered a “conscientious objector”. Simply to be “conscientious” means to act from one’s “own” conscience—not from the collective hearsay of any particular group or on legalistic grounds of some corporate presumption. The individual conscience is the moral compass of conscientious authority.

May Day Strike Against the War Shuts Down All U.S. West Coast Ports (tags)

On May 1, every port on the West Coast of the United States was shut down to demand an end to the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan. The historic May Day walkout by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) is the first time ever that an American union has struck against a U.S. war. The union ranks defied the rulings of an arbitrator, who twice ordered them to go to work. They overcame the capitulations of the ILWU leadership, which didn't want the work stoppage in the first place, tried to water it down and cowered before the threats of legal action while waving the flag. The employers' Pacific Maritime Association (PMA) declared the May 1 port shutdown an "illegal strike." But after all the huffing and puffing from the bosses' mouthpieces, the dock workers pointed the way to defeating the imperialist war by mobilizing working-class power. In the end, it was more than a work stoppage. The dock workers' May Day strike against the war was a first step, a show of what it will take to bring down the warmongers in Washington. Their "symbolic" action was felt all the way to Iraq, where dock workers in two ports stopped work in solidarity with the ILWU. But it was only a beginning. What is needed is not only industrial action but a political offensive against the Democrats and Republicans, the partner parties of American imperialism, to build a class-struggle workers party.

Sen. Mikulski’s Warmongering Exposed by Peace Activist (tags)

The Iraq War is crashing our economy! We also now know that it was launched by the Bush-Cheney Gang based on 935 certifiable lies. Yet, Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) continues to vote to fund it to the tune of $514 billion. Her excuse is that she “supports the troops.” Vietnam War veteran, nurse and Peace activist, Ms. Madeleine Mysko, isn’t buying Mikulski’s dubious line. She wants the war ended and the troop brought safely back home, now.

Ron Paul Is Right on Peace, Liberty and Ending the U.S. Empire (tags)

Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) has taken a lot of hits during his campaign for the White House. What scares folks about this guy? I went to hear him speak, on April 14, 2008, at Goucher College, Towson, MD. Unlike some dubious liberals in the Congress, Rep. Paul voted against the USA Patriot Act. He also wants to end the Iraq War and bring the troops home, now; and to dismantle America’s global empire before it bankrupts the country. Sounds like Ralph Nader to me!

One Day @ The Scratch DJ Academy (tags)

For Workers Strikes Against the War! ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Against War (tags)

In a major step for the U.S. labor movement, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has announced that it will shut down West Coast ports on May 1, to demand an immediate end to the war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East.

On A Roll To The Oval Office (tags)

"The presidential race isn’t just Republicans vs Democrats. lndependent candidate Frank Moore wants to become the first disabled president since Roosevelt." This is a re-post from the UK magazine, "Disability Now".

3/19 Lee Siu Hin: 5 Years of U.S. Invasion At Iraq/What's Going On In Tibet? (tags)

I still clearly remember on the evening of Tuesday March 18th, 2003 (Iraq time morning of March 19th)....

Obama’s Blood and The Forbidden Truths (tags)

"The latest media furor was over videotaped remarks from Obama’s former minister, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright Jr. The bloodhounds were soon barking and snipping at Obama’s heels demanding a renunciation of the pastor’s words."

AJLPP Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the War in IraqMarch 15-19, 2008 (tags)

War is Hell.” This statement of an American civilwar general, General Tecumseh Sherman, best describesthe present war on Iraq and Afghanistan. On its fifthyear, the Iraq war surpassed World War II in lengthand the Vietnam War in expenses. Studies by Nobel Price winning economist Joseph E.Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes show that it will costU.S budget between $1.7 - $2.7 trillion by 2017,exceeding the US war expenses in Vietnam.

ALL OUT: March 15 Mass Protest in LA (tags)

Join Thousands to Protest the War on its 5th Anniversary - Stop the War NOW!

Iraq Soldiers to Testify about War Crimes at Winter Soldier (tags)

To listen to the parts of the historic Winter Soldier broadcast in Southern California, tune into Pacifica Radio's KPFK at 90.7 FM in Los Angeles and 98.7 FM in Santa Barbara. You can hear the full broadcast online at The broadcast runs from 6am-4pm Pacific time (9am-7pm Eastern time) on Friday, March 14th, 6am-4pm Pacific time (9am-7pm Eastern time) on Saturday, March 15th, to 7am-1pm Pacific time (10am-4pm Eastern time) on Sunday, March 16th.

WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq & Afghanistan (tags)

WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq & Afghanistan, Eyewitness Accounts of the Invasions, March 13-16, 2008, Washington, D.C. In 1776, Thomas Paine wrote: "These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman." In 1971, a courageous group of veterans exposed the criminal nature of the Vietnam War in an event called Winter Soldier. Once again, we will demand that the voices of veterans are heard. Once again, we are fighting for the soul of our country. We will demonstrate our patriotism by speaking out with honor and integrity instead of blindly following failed policy. Winter Soldier is a difficult but essential service to our country. Winter Soldier: Iraq and Afghanistan will feature testimony from U.S. veterans who served in those occupations, giving an accurate account of what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground. The four-day event will bring together veterans from across the country to testify about their experiences in Iraq and Afghanistan - and present video and photographic evidence. In addition, there will be panels of scholars, veterans, journalists, and other specialists to give context to the testimony. These panels will cover everything from the history of the GI resistance movement to the fight for veterans' health benefits and support.

ILWU to Shut Down West Coast Ports May 1 Demanding End to War in Iraq, Afghanistan (tags)

In a major step for the U.S. labor movement, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) has announced that it will shut down West Coast ports on May 1, to demand an immediate end to the war and occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan and the withdrawal of U.S. troops from the Middle East. This is the first time in decades that an American union has decided to undertake industrial action against a U.S. war. The action announced by the powerful West Coast dock workers union, to stop work to stop the war, should be taken up by unions and labor organizations throughout the United States and internationally. And the purpose of such actions should be not to beg the bourgeois politicians whose hands are covered with blood, having voted for every war budget for six and a half years, but a show of strength of the working people who make this country run, and who can shut it down!

WINTER SOLDIER: Iraq & Afghanistan (tags)

From March 13-16th, U.S. veterans who served in Iraq and Afghanistan will testify to what is really happening day in and day out, on the ground in these occupations. To provide a preview, we've created this short film. The film features three members who will be testifying at Winter Soldier and includes videos and photographs of Iraq from their deployments. This video contains graphic content. We need your support to help make Winter Soldier a success. Please visit to find out how you can help.

The Republican Candidate (4 and 5) (tags)

If this is a subject of interest to you, in the United States today there are five Cuban prisoners, separated one from the other by thousands of miles. They have no area that can be sarcastically called the “Hanoi Hilton”. Their suffering and the injustice of which they are victims will be known the world over; don't doubt it for a minute

Dear Americans by Helmut Schmidt (tags)

Will America stop consuming a large share of the savings and capital formation of other nations? The trust of Europeans in American leadership is shaken today. We want to love America again. But we are skeptical because Washington seems focused on only troops and finances.

A McCain-Lieberman Ticket in 2008? (tags)

Will the presidential election of 2008 reprise, to some extent, the 2000 event? Don’t be surprised if Sen. “Turncoat Joe” Lieberman (IND-CT) ends up as the V.P. choice of Sen. John McCain on the GOP ticket. At every photo op during this election year, Lieberman’s mug has showed up next to McCain’s. Lieberman helped to drag Al Gore down to defeat in 2000. Will he do the same for McCain or will another Israeli Firster get the nod? Stay tuned.

FQSN-USA Statement on the 38th Anniversary of The First Quarter Storm (FQS) “Battle of Men (tags)

We the activist from the First Quarter Storm Network-USA remembers that thirty-eight years ago, on January 30-31, 1970 fought the Philippine police and army forces who attacked the progressive forces in what is now known in history as the Battle of Mendiola. Two years after, on September 21, 1972, President Ferdinand Marcos declared martial in the Philippines and plunged the country into 14 years of dictatorship and blatant fascism. Today, Philippine president Gloria Macapagal –Arroyo is trying to institute another kind of martial law, an undeclared martial law in the guise of fighting the “US war Against Terror”. FQS activist like Randall Echanis, Elizabeth Principe, Philip Limjoco, Leo Velasco and others were arrested without charges and held in jail. Militant activist who are serving the people are being thrown in jail and incarcerated.

Vietnam Comparisons (tags)

Nixon was elected in 1968 because he loudly broadcast he had a "secret plan" to end the war in Vietnam. He knew the war could not be won any more but together with Kissinger delayed the withdrawal for six years to achieve an "honorable" peace.

The Case for Socialized Medicine in the United States, and the Struggle to Achieve It (tags)

The California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee blasted insurance giant CIGNA for failing to approve a liver transplant one week earlier for 17-year-old Nataline Sarkisyan, who tragically died just hours after CIGNA relented and agreed to the procedure following a massive national outcry. “CNA/NNOC Executive Director Rose Ann DeMoro called the final outcome ‘a horrific tragedy that demonstrates what is so fundamentally wrong with our health care system today. Insurance companies have a stranglehold on our health. Their first priority is to make profits for their shareholders – and the way they do that is by denying care." "It is simply not possible to organize major protests every time a multi-billion corporation like CIGNA denies care that has been recommended by a physician," DeMoro said. “Having insurance is not the same as receiving needed care. We need a fundamental change in our healthcare system that takes control away from the insurance giants and places it where it belongs – in the hands of the medical professionals, the patients, and their families."

The Cart in the Speculative Mud (tags)

Liberalizing markets leads to instability, not growth. Developing and thresholdc countries suffer grievously through US speculation. The New Year is a time to abandon myths of American exceptionalism and corporate beneficence, mending our own pockets and footprints.

ChooseYourVote.Org Interviews Presidential Candidate Frank Moore (tags)

Choose Your Vote (dot) Org interviews 2008 Presidential Candidate Frank Moore.

Big Oil and the War on Drugs and Terrorism (tags)

The "Big Oil" chessgame, aided and abetted by the so-called wars on drugs and terrorism, has made most of humanity its pawns and has expanded corporate control over our lives.

Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert (tags)

Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investments and a perfect storm for consumers as the housing slump spreads. Under the conservative definition, man is the servant of money. Long live alternative economics!

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 2 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (Links to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")

Film Night at Flor y Canto: March 2003-September 2005 (Part 1 of 2) (tags)

To mark the five-year anniversary of the Eagle Rock Peace Vigil, here is a list of films shown at Flor y Canto over a two-and-a-half year period. These almost-weekly screenings were an outgrowth of the Eagle Rock Vigil. (A link to the rest of this list can be found below in "comments.")

Iraq's Laboratory of Repression (tags)

The Bush administration is turning Iraq into a test tube for modern techniques of repression, from sophisticated biometrics that track populations to devastating weapons systems that combine night-vision optics from drone aircraft, heat resonance imaging and deadly firepower from the sky to kill suspected insurgents. The harsh repression surrounding the “surge” has drawn far less U.S. press attention. The grim reality, however, is that an increasingly desperate American military has stepped up its indiscriminate killing and jailing of Iraqis, especially “military-age males” or MAMS.

Bill and Hillary Clinton did Irreparable Damage on Global Warming (tags)

Are you going to let them continue until we are no more?

Fresno, CA- Veteran Needs Food and Shelter (tags)

Socialist Party USA and Peace and Freedom Party have been sharply critical of the Democrats and Republicans, due to their failure to make ending homelessness a national priority. As a result of this failure, the nation’s homeless population may experience sharp increases within the next two years due to the recession and inflation. Federal assistance is now imperative.

DISPATCHES FROM AMERICA: Masters of war plan for next 100 years (tags)

"We think urban is the future," says James Lasswell, a retired colonel who now heads the Office of Science and Technology at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. "Everything worth fighting for is in the urban environment."

Why is the antiwar movement so weak? (tags)

SINCE THE start of the Iraq war, antiwar sentiment has grown dramatically in the U.S. In 2003, 23 percent of the U.S. population thought the U.S. invasion was a mistake. Today, that figure stands at 58 percent.

Watada Hearing on 10/19: The Whole World Will Be Watching (tags)

Watada trial postponed - hearing on Friday, October 19 on whether trial will go forward on October 26. The Iraq Moratorium is October 19. The national mobilizations to end the occupation of Iraq are on October 27. Let's take action, together.

The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.

Something Is Rotten: Israel (tags)

The cat is out of the bag...

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends Us? (tags)

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends US?

The Anti-War Movement, the Troops, & Some Lessons from Vietnam (tags)

Life inside the U.S. military reflects the conflicting class interests in this country, often in its deadliest forms. While technically a “volunteer” military, the great bulk of its recruits come from working class families and are largely joining because of a lack of job and educational opportunities. For them, signing up is a chance to acquire the skills they need to get a decent job once they become civilians, though, in reality, military service has little to offer in this regard. On the other hand, the majority of the military’s professional officers and policy makers come from more privileged layers of the population. For them, the military is a career where they can take their “rightful place” lording over the grunts and climb the ladder as they would if they were working for a corporation or financial institution. Because of this divide in opportunity and expectations, which is rooted in class inequality, the great majority of soldiers are subject to the arrogance, lies, and disregard for their personal well-being at the hands of their superiors, as are workers are to the capitalists in civilian life.

September 11: The empire and its lies (tags)

Cuban President Fidel Castro on Wednesday reflected on the six long years since the painful September 11 episode in the US, about which it is known there has been deliberate disinformation...

Howard Government: over 5000 edits on Wikipedia (tags)

Public servants have been found to have edited Wikipedia entries. Staff from the department have been found to have made edits to Wikipedia entries on topics such as the "children overboard" affair. Treasurer Peter Costello's page was also edited, removing a reference to the nickname "Captain Smirk"...

George Bush Meets Graham Greene (tags)

In any case, here’s the Bush statement today: “In 1955, long before the United States had entered the war, Graham Greene wrote a novel called ‘The Quiet American.’ It was set in Saigon and the main character was a young government agent named Alden Pyle. He was a symbol of American purpose and patriotism and dangerous naivete. Another character describes Alden this way: ‘I never knew a man who had better motives for all the trouble he caused.’...Maybe someone should tell him that Pyle, in the novel, helps arrange and then defends a terror bombing that kills and maims civilians. Or perhaps Bush only saw the misbegotten 1950s movie based on the book, which obscured Pyle's guilt.

Bush on Vietnam (tags)

There they go - off to war - where we never went.

Frank Moore's Presidential Campaign Speech Last Night (tags)

Last night, 2008 Presidential candidate Frank Moore delivered a campaign speech to an enthusiastic crowd of seniors, staffers and youth at the Claremont House retirement community in Oakland, CA. The text of his speech follows. Moore’s campaign has gained increasing popularity and media attention over the summer. He is considered one of the most interesting alternative candidates for President, and was just interviewed by London's The Independent for this very reason.

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban (tags)

The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997.

Tom Hayden receives first-ever Los Angeles Free Press Lifetime Dedication Award (tags)

Tom Hayden receives first-ever Los Angeles Free Press Lifetime Dedication Award

Tom Hayden is given the Los Angeles Free Press Lifetime Dedication Award (tags)

The New York Times book review has said; Hayden is "the single greatest figure of the 1960s student movement.”; Nicholas Lemann, national correspondent of The Atlantic has written "Tom Hayden changed America"; Forty years later he was described as "the conscience of the Senate" by the political columnist of the Sacramento Bee; When he retired in 2000 after eighteen years, including chairing the committees on higher education, labor and environment, he received the longest farewell of any legislator in memory, according to the Los Angeles Times; "His journey is our journey through the tumultuous and disillusioning decades, He is our Everyman, he is us." – Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Dow Chemicals new slogan says it all (tags)

America's drug companies and chemical manufacturers have become expert at creating slogans and catch phrases to disguise the deadly effects of their products, but Dow Chemical's latest offering wins the award for creativity.

Memorial Service for Ferd Eggan (tags)

Ferd Eggan, writer, activist, revolutionary, died 07/07/07 of liver cancer related to AIDS.

For a United Anti-War Movement (tags)

The world situation is characterized by extreme political, economic, social, and military instability. Humanity has entered an unprecedented period of wars, revolutions, and counter-revolutions. This is at root a reflection of the crisis of the world capitalist system, with the crisis of U.S. capitalism at its center. Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and the relentless pursuit of profits. This leads to vicious competition between rival capitalists for control of the world's natural resources, markets and labor. Under capitalism, national governments negotiate trade deals, use diplomatic pressure, and often resort to military force to defend the interests of "their" country's corporations.

ICE raid detains 30 in Santa Barbara (tags)

Article summarizes reports about raids in Santa Barbara.

the Iraq War -- a Socialist perspective (tags)

The war in Iraq is at the heart of the instability in the Middle East – and the U.S. It is now the third-longest-running war in U.S. history: longer than the American Civil War, the First and Second World Wars, and the Korean War. Only the Philippine-American and Vietnam Wars have lasted longer. Although control over Iraq’s oil was a major reason for the invasion, it was not the main factor. Overall strategic control over the region and teaching a “lesson” to any country that dares “step out of line” was the main objective. However, none of U.S. imperialism’s political, economic, or military objectives have been achieved. Far from demonstrating its power, U.S. imperialism has demonstrated the limits of its power. The results will be far-reaching both internationally and within the U.S. itself.

Remembering the USS Liberty: Four Decades Later (tags)

On June 8, 1967, the Israelis attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 Americans. They insist it was an “accident.” Lt. James M. Ennes, Jr., a Liberty veteran and an author, said it was “deliberate.” A book, “Operation Cyanide,” claims the attack was a set up to blame the Egyptians and bring the U.S. into the 1967 Six Day War on the side of Israel. Will the U.S. Congress do the Liberty justice? Lt. Ennes doubts it, but he adds: “We can’t stop asking for it.”

America’s Robespierre: President George W. Bush? (tags)

There is a Robespierre-like clone residing in our White House! His name is George W. Bush. Thanks to a book by Dr. Justin A. Frank, entitled: “Bush on a Couch,” we know a lot more about him and his dysfunctional upbringing. Like Robespierre, Bush is a fanatic on both politics and religion. A “dry drunk,” he won’t seek treatment or own up to his responsibility for the Iraqi War. In the mold of a whacky Robespierre, he also sees himself as the liberator of Iraq!



A Congressman of the People: Parren J. Mitchell (RIP) (tags)

Rep. Parren J. Mitchell, age 85, died on May 28, 2007. He served the people of Baltimore, MD, for eight terms in the U.S. Congress (1971-87). He was fighter for Civil Rights, who opposed the Vietnam War and pushed for the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon. Today, by contrast, Maryland is stuck with U.S. Sen., Barbara A. Mikulski. She supports funding for the Iraqi War, with no conditions, and condones the wrongdoings of President George W. Bush.

Tracking Torture (tags)

"They Want to Keep Others from Doing What We Did. They Want to Shut Down Protest." To follow the progress of the trial of Jesuit Fr. Steve Kelly and Franciscan Fr. Louis Vitale, and/or to help, go to

Why Bush is Always Right (tags)

With his signing statements, the president blurs the separation of powers and creates a grey zone where everythiing is possible.. Bush's crusade has become a murderous fiasco.. The coming constitutional crisis could develop into a purifying storm.

Mothers For Peace Arrested on Capitol Hill (tags)

The “SWARM on Congress” campaign got off to a rousing start on May 14, 2007, in the nation’s capital. Cindy Sheehan spoke to the crowd at Lafayette Park; along with Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) and activists Kevin Zeese, David Swanson, Debra Sweet, Ann Wright, the Rev. Lennox Yearwood, and others. After parading to Capitol Hill, 33 of the estimated 250 antiwar activists were arrested there for refusing a police order to disperse.

Presidential Candidate: Senator Reid was Right, War is Lost (tags)

Reid is now opposing the Iraq War because the U.S. is losing; he initially supported the war and backed the invasion. The war is another imperial adventure by the U.S. and there is a growing divide, by those supporters of U.S. imperialism, that a continued war is weakening U.S. imperialism.

Look back in awe (tags)

At this war veteran

50,000 dead. (tags)

Is that all?

Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)

White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”



“Has Sen. Barbara Mikulski Lost Her Soul?” (tags)

Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) voted against the Iraqi War. But, since then, she has acted like an agent of the Bush-Cheney Gang by consistently voting to fund it to the tune of $411.3 billion. Mikulski says she “cares about the troops,” but Peace advocates in Maryland think that she has “lost her soul.” They wonder when Mikulski is going to say: “Stop this war!” She has ignored the mandate of the Nov. 7, 2006 election. Iraq is now Sen. Mikulski’s War!

Why Won't MoveOn Move Forward? (tags)

What may seem like clever politics, therefore, produces horrible policy. When politicians and advocacy groups like MoveOn play anti-war games of political theater while effectively collaborating with the war's continuation, they merely add one more deception to the layers of lies in which this war has been wrapped. Like Bush and his supporters, they are sacrificing human lives simply for the sake of perpetuating an illusion.

Pentagon Focus of a Spirited Peace Demonstration (tags)

The Pentagon was the focus of a spirited Peace demonstration on March 17, 2007. The crowd in the tens of thousands heard from over 30 riveting speakers. Activist Cindy Sheehan said: “Let’s stop this b... s...These b... s.... wars. It’s for the make them rich and line the pockets of the...war criminals.” She added: “We’re the deciders. And we have decided that we want Bush and Cheney impeached...indicted...and imprisoned.”


The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) joins hundreds of thousands of protesters in hundreds of cities and towns across the United States and all over the world to mark the fourth anniversary of the U.S. war and occupation of Iraq and the 40th year of the protest march at the Pentagon during the Vietnam War in 1967. Four years after George W. Bush hastily declared the war to be “over,” more than 3,200 U.S. soldiers, 650,000 Iraqis have died and hundreds of thousands including more than 30,000 American veterans maimed in an ongoing brutal war and occupation which was premised on lies. Onboard that aircraft carrier Lincoln,Bush said that he would make the Philippines the “model of democracy” for Iraq. But to Filipinos, it meant the death of 840 social activist, 200 misssing and the jailing of 200 patriots including two congressmen: Satur Ocampo and labor leader Crispin Beltran who were stripped of their parliamentary immunity.

JFAV-Samahang Pilipino Conference March 10-11: A RESOUNDING SUCCESS (tags)

“All Out for Equity and Justice” With this battle cry, over 150 community advocates, students, youth and the remaining Filipino World War II veterans all over Southern California and Los Angeles gathered for a successful Unity Conference on March 10-11, 2007 in UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. The Unity Conference began at 9:00 a.m. of each day at the Moore Hall at the UCLA campus. On Saturday, March 10, 7:00 p.m, over 200 people came to an exhilarating three-hour Cultural Solidarity Night at 100 Moore Hall UCLA Campus Los Angeles, CA 90095. The cultural night featured the showing of the 35-minute documentary, “Broken Promises,” performances by spoken word artists, cultural groups and other surprise numbers and paid glowing tribute to our veteran heroes. Conference organizers awarded a plaque of appreciation to longtime veteran rights’ supporter, Allan Pineda Lindo, a.k.a. Apl de Ap of world famous Grammy-awarded hip hop group, “Black Eyed Peas.”

AJLPP-USA Nationwide Mobilization for March 17 -18 Protests in Four Major US Cities (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP), an alliance of Filipino American and allied solidarity organizations working for peace and justice, anti-war and racism in the United States and a member of the ANSWER Coalition will mobilize for the nationwide mass protests against the 4th year of the U.S Invasion and Occupation of Iraq and the 40th anniversary of the people’s march in Pentagon. March 1967 at the height of the US War in Vietnam. Los Angeles and Washington DC will be the focus of the anti-war mobilizations on March 17 while Seattle and San Francisco will mobilize tens of thousands of the anti-war protestors on March 18. AJLPP will be present on the four major cities mobilization against the war and racism both in the east and the west coast.

The Franklin Cover-up by John W. DeCamp E-Book (tags)

This is a PDF version of "The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska" by John W. Decamp

Bush to propose record US war budget (tags)

The Bush administration will seek congressional approval of more than $700 billion in military spending this year, including $245 billion to fund the ongoing wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, top officials told the press Friday. The gargantuan funding request will be formally unveiled and sent to Congress Monday.

When failure... (tags)

is no success at all

State of the Union address (tags)

Bush draft

Dr. Suzan D. Johnson Cook Honors MLK Jr.’s Memory (tags)

Martin Luther King Jr., a hero of the Civil Rights Movement, was assassinated in Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968. His impressive legacy, however, lives on. For the last 25 years, the Enoch Pratt Library in Baltimore has honored his memory with a commemorative lecture. On Jan. 13, 2007, Dr. Suzan Johnson Cook filled that role with distinction. She called on her audience to do their part, “to make a difference,” and to be “strengthened by our struggle.”

Imperial Interventions (tags)

Interview with Gregory Elich about his new book, 'Strange Liberators: Militarism, Mayhem, and the Pursuit of Profit'

Diverse Political Views Unite in Opposition to Bush Policies and Wars (tags)

Conservative Christian anti-NWO activist and radio talk show host , Alex Jones, Meets with World Can't Wait's Sunsara Taylor to DIscuss Taking Back America from the Bush Regime

Statement On the US-Wide Anti-War Mobilization against the Bush “Iraq Troop Surge” (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) - USA, a member of the national steering committee of the International A.N.S.W.E.R., stands with the American people not only in opposing all unjust wars and racism being perpetrated by the imperialist system. For the Filipino American community, all imperialist wars are not patriotic crusades and a worthy cause to die for. We vehemently oppose Bush’s new policy of the “Iraq troop surge” or the Iraq alternative, for this is just a carbon copy of the failed Nixon “ Vietnamization” during the Vietnam War. It is now called “Iraqis solving Iraq’s problem.”

Bush gets his orders (tags)

from the killers in grey suits

Daniel Ellsberg: “Bush is Dangerous. He has to Go!” (tags)

Daniel Ellsberg of “Pentagon Papers” fame was one of the riveting speakers at an event at the National Press Club, in Washington, D.C., held on Jan. 4, 2007. It was sponsored by the World Can’t Wait organization. Ellsberg said that President George W. Bush and V.P. Dick Cheney have to go. He labeled Bush “dangerous!” He urged activists to push for a two pronged Congressional strategy: First, to cut off all funding for the Iraqi War; and, secondly, to investigate the serial crimes of the Bush-Cheney Gang.

New Radio-essays by Mumia Abu-Jamal (tags)

Here are several new radio essays by black death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, including this first one about the new US Congress. Abu-Jamal's case it at a critical juncture with oral arguments expected any month. After these, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals will decide whether or not to grant Mumia a new trial.

Bush having nervous breakdown, again (tags)

He thinks Barney is President, now.

Bush silenced Saddam fast (tags)

SEND THIS TO OTHERS President Bush and his handlers had their puppet Iraq regime suddenly hang (execute)Iraq President Saddam Hussein, after an unfair trial which made the verdict and sentence illegitimate, late Saturday night December 30 over the New Year's weekend when Congress was closed, to silence Saddam and kill him, before the new Democrat majority Congress starts on January 2 , to prevent the new Democrat controlled Congress from possibly delaying or entirely cancelling Saddam's death sentence - and possibly obtaining information from Saddam that might make the Bush regime look bad. But Bush and his PR agebts will never admit this. The Iraq constitutuion even prohibits executions on that day, which is the most sacred holiday of Islam, The Eid. Saddam carried the Quran (Koran) Muslim Holy Book to his hanging. If Saddam was a war criminal deserving of hanging, then why not also President Bush for his war crimes in Iraq , as Commander-in-Chief, killing many thousands of Iraqis who merely tried to repel the American invasion and occupation of their country...and the thousands of Iraqi civilians who did not fight, but were killed and wouinded by American artillery, American airplane bombings, American soldiers shooting them, etc...the vast majority of this not reported by the American news media, which is owned and controllled by very wealthy people who favor the Bush regime, because it serves them, the wealthy. This unjust, war of agression was started by the Bush regime based on lies, to steal Iraq's oil and for war profits of big corporations that fund Bush's Republican Party. But the Democrats went along with it, and even ow, some of them, such as Senator Hillary Clinton still support the war. Iraq was never behind 911, did not have weapons of mass destruction, was not building a nuclear bomb, was not a terrorist state, and posed no threat to America. Iraqi's did not start killing Americans until we invaded their country to try to conquer Iraq. It is their right to defentdheir own country from American invaders. THe American government gave Saddam a lot of military support for years when he was at war with Iran, but our government was then conveniently silent about his human rights abuses, The puppet Iraq government the Bush regime controls is a poice state, which has banned news media they don;t like (government censorship) and allows government death squads to roam Iraq killin whoever they want. THe standard of living and public safety are much worse than when Saddamw as in power. At least Iraq was stable then. American never really reconstructed Iraq after the horrible damage we did by massively bombing the country for days when we started the war. America is a rogue nation, a terrorist nation, run by politiicnas who are war criminals, for the profits of the military-industrial complex that funds these corrupt, dishonest politicians. Big corporations get these war profist and banks get big money from the interest on the $2 trillion war debt. December 28 Rolling Stone magazine has a big article documenting the $2 trillion war debt we taxpayers will have to pay. Money thta should be spent instead on universal health care. Not such wars of conquest. Like the VIetnam ar when we killed about a million peole in that part of Southeast Asia, after VIetnam defeated the French invaders in 1953, then we tried to take over Vietnam and Laos and cambodia. President JOhn F. Kennedy was assassianted (apparently by the CIA, just a few months after he said he was withdrawing from VIetnam, and said he would eliminate the CIA. His bother, senator Robert Kennedy was then assassinated by the CIA (Sirhan was under hypnosis at the time so Robert Kennedy, who wa srunning for President at the time, could not become President, as then he would have the power to bring to justice the killers of his brother John F. Kennedy. Martin Luther King was killed after he publicly turned against the Vietnam war. Apparently by U.S. Government assassin. Army snipers were later revealed to have been on rooftops at the time he was shot dead. So they must have done it. Both parties, Democrats and Republicans supported the Vietnam War. Many in Congress who are Democrats and also the Republicans support this iraq war, although some Democrats in Congress oppose it. All American politiicnas know that if they oppose the military-industrial complex war machine too strongly, they too can be assassinated by it too.

Veterans for Peace to light 3,000 candles in Santa Monica tonight. (tags)

On the Occasion of the 3,000th U.S. Troop Death in Iraq Veterans for Peace Invites the Public to Attend Special Candlelight Memorial Tonight New Year’s Eve at Arlington West in Santa Monica




Many progressive Americans are hoping for a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy because President Bush lost control of Congress or after he leaves office — but the chances of this happening are not favorable.)

Citing 1917 law, federal prosecutors pursue leak (tags)

Federal prosecutors are demanding the American Civil Liberties Union turn over all copies of a secret document it has obtained, in what is apparently the first time a criminal grand jury subpoena has been used in a bid to seize leaked material, the ACLU


Submit an article/letter on your views of the 1960s for our book!

U.S. leaders fail to see the folly in small wars (tags)

Americans are at a distinct disadvantage in wars against materially weaker enemies because they tend to separate war and politics, viewing military victory as an end in itself, and because the U.S. military is profoundly averse to counterinsurgency.

U.S. military chiefs borrowing tactics from Vietnam playbook (tags)

The tactics, an influx of military advisers and a speeded-up handover to indigenous forces followed by a gradual U.S. withdrawal, resemble those in place as the U.S. effort in Vietnam reached its end. (Looks like we are going to cut and run like we did in Vietnam - The sooner the better)

ANSWER Film Series: 'Sir, No Sir!' (tags)

Join ANSWER for a film screening, update on Iraq and discussion.

Call For Military Draft To Congress (tags)

reinstate mandatory military service



Freed from International Law: Book Review (tags)

With deep conviction of self-righteousness, the United States demands observance of international law from other countries but dems it irrelevant for itself.. Being an intellectual is a calling for everyone. (Noam Chomsky)

Philippine Women's National Day of Protest (tags)


Local Sailor, Charles O. Sare, Killed in Iraq (tags)

U.S. Navy Corpsman Charles Otto Sare, 23, was killed Monday in Anbar province when the M1114 High Mobility Multi-Purpose vehicle he was riding in was struck by an improvised explosive device. He reportedly was wearing body armor and other protective gear, including the military's new Kevlar helmet.

Politics of Oil and Money (tags)

How the Bush Empire controls America and its elections



Hello Iraq, Good Bye Vietnam. Hey!!! The US Military has finally figured this out!!! (tags)

Looks like the U.S. military has finally figured out that Iraq is just like Vietnam.

Press Briefing Re: AGUSTÍN AGUAYO (tags)

Agustín Aguayo is a Conscientious Objector and War Resister who went AWOL on September 2, 2006, when his unit deployed for a second time from Germany to Iraq. Today he will be brought by military escort to Germany or to Kuwait

Press Briefing Re: AGUSTÍN AGUAYO (tags)

PRESS BRIEFING With HELGA AGUAYO, Wife of Army Specialist AGUSTÍN AGUAYO, and Supporters Today he will be brought by military escort to Germany or to Kuwait to face prosecution by the Army.

Five Long Years with 9/11 (tags)

Israel also did not intend to strengthen Hezbollah when it initiated the recent war with Lebanon. Robert Jungk warned that the possibility of terrorist misuse of nuclear energy could necessitate a police and surveillance state.




We activist of the First Quarter Storm Network (FQSN)- USA commemorate the thirty-fourth year declaration of martial law in the Philippines that plunged the country into 14 years of dictatorship. Today, on the 34th year commemoration of martial law, we have to struggle against another tyrant who wanted to impose the same dictatorship under another label. We have to fight on! We still have to fight a war to win –the war against forgetting and revisionism. We have to wage a protracted war to remember, relive and reaffirm with our collective memories, our struggle for national democracy and the social liberation of our people.

From War Against Terror to Anti-Fascist War (tags)

The government only wanted to divert from its failure in the anti-terror battle and cover up the war in a new way.. Fascists nowhere came to power without open support of at least some capital forces.

The Compulsion of Violence: Retaliation (tags)

Retaliation is giving back in kind. We are struck, we strike back. Both President Bush and Osama Bin Laden believe in retaliation; both argue that their strikes are answering attacks, that they are protecting and avenging their people. Both anathematize the other as ruthless and evil. And both are far from the forgiveness and peace their religions preach. In the Koran Allah says "My mercy embraces all things." In the Christian Gospel Christ says "Do not resist evil with evil. If someone strikes you on your right cheek, turn the other one to him as well." Israel also is very righteously into retaliation, answering the abduction of two soldiers with war. Are Bin Laden, Bush and Olmert, reigning leaders who affirm the great monotheisms, more than warriors? The fusion of political and religious leadership in these figures is volatile-they license crusades without check.

Dissecting the war on terror (tags)

After five years of post 9/11 government, U.S. foreign and domestic policy continues to be dominated by the all-encompassing ‘war on terror’. Events have since exposed this so-called war for what it is: a gross propaganda campaign used to suppress civil liberties and launch global war.

Bush demands congressional rubber-stamp for police-state powers (tags)

In the fourth of a series of speeches aimed at fueling public fears of terrorism to boost his administration’s failing political standing, President Bush appeared before an audience of right-wing policy experts in Atlanta, Georgia Thursday. The speech was focused on the demand that Congress move quickly to legalize the program of warrantless wiretapping of Americans, the existence of which was revealed late last year.

"We are United with the Other America" (tags)

The US demands the right to a preventive war. The right to defense is perverted into the right to self-defense through preventive action (In 1941 Hitler appealed to the right to preventive war against the Soviet Union). The international order is buried.

Anger with the Establishment: Jean Ziegler (tags)

Free trade is like heavyweight champion Mike Tyson climbing in the boxing ring against a half-starved unemployed from northeast Brazil..Without social justice, the republic is worthless..The world order of globalized pre-datory capitalism seems like cruel absurdity

The Troop Question (tags)

As the shaky ceasefire between Lebanon and Israel lumbers on, the European governments expected to ‘enforce the peace’ have been stuttering and stalling in the face of actual commitment. It was France who took the initiative originally, who as head of UNISFL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon), promised 3000 troops. After analyzing the situation further, an about-face occurred, and the troop level was reduced to 400 non-combatant personal. Italy saw opportunity and declared itself the replacement, promising 2000 troops; France, not to be outdone, reasserted leadership responsibilities, but with 2000 troops this time; Italy was then, thanks to its charitableness, awarded France’s old job as head of UNISFL. After all this, the seesawing attitude of the rest of Europe continues. These governments are demanding more definitive ‘rules of engagement’; they’re curious about the prospects of actual fighting, and are rightfully scared of being viewed as a foreign occupier in Hezbollahland. Bush is intent on seeing that his backfired war-effort is partially salvaged, and has insisted that Europe “hurry up” with military aide, since the U.S. has none to spare. It may be prudent to examine why Europe— who views Israel and the U.S. with apt distrust— is both eager and terrified to help them pursue their interests. Note: a working assumption will be that ‘humanitarian reasons’ is a sophistic answer, meant to lure citizens into obedience.



Permanent Goodbye to US (tags)

"Sometimes you get your best light from a burning bridge" - Don Henley, "My Thanksgiving" CARACAS - It was about a week before I left the United States forever that I watched Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. tell Charlie Rose something all of us already know in our hearts. "Today," he said, "the United States is hated around the world far worse than it was at the height of the Vietnam War." I remember the Vietnam War. I will never forget it.

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 2 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

Collateral Damage is Murder (tags)

...there is probably no term that is more repugnant and immoral than the one that discards the importance of other people's lives are mere collateral damage; especially when their deaths become incidental to the conquest of some military or political objective. As collateral damage, these people suffer the same outcome as fat discarded by a butcher...


The massive human rights violations in the Philippines by the Arroyo regime have been universally condemned by Amnesty International, the United Nations, National Lawyers Guild, Reporters Without Borders, and other international bodies. We call on U.S. citizens to demand the cut-off of U.S. military and other assistance to the corrupt and illegitimate Arroyo regime as a gesture of solidarity to millions of Filipinos victimized by the tyrannical, militarist Arroyo regime.

Bush seeks to extend Guantánamo procedures to American citizens (tags)

In draft legislation prepared in response to last month’s Supreme Court decision against the use of military tribunals for US prisoners at Guantánamo Bay, the Bush administration proposes to extend the practice of indefinite detention and summary trial by military commissions to include American citizens.

Conspirators as Illuminati: Bush Administration as Juntocracy (tags)

A parallel or shadow government, a Cheney-Rumsfeld-Bush axis, was established.. Groups, offices and departments were elimi-nated and ad hoc groups formed.. The NSC was developed into a kind of parallel govern-ment.

"Missiles and Bombs Threaten the Future" (tags)

The spiral of vengeance is not a solution!.. Perhaps a change will come in the US; perhaps questions will be raised soon.. The attack itself was retaliation for the US policy of the "big stick," retribution for the "new world order" that creates so much poverty.

Another World is Possible! (tags)

Globalization from above is a barbaric system impoverishing the majority of people and destroying the earth. We need another economic globalization, a globalization from below in the interests of the earth and the poorest.

Daniel Ellsberg Says Government May Have Carried Out 9/11 (tags)

Kevin Smith & Alex Jones

"Realist" as Swearword in Bush's Iraq Quagmire (tags)

The great historical crisis of the 1860s proeduced Abraham Lincoln; the "Great Depression" produced Franklin Delano Roosevelt. We can only hope the political system of the US will produce similar leading figures.

The Rev. Billy Graham is No Phil Berrigan! (tags)

The Rev. Billy Graham was in Baltimore recently doing his religious revival thing. For years, he was a crony of warmongering presidents, like Richard M. Nixon. Rev. Graham’s preaching never attracted me. However, the life work of the late Phil Berrigan, an ex-Josephite priest, had a profound influence on me, and others. Berrigan spoke the truth to power. He relentlessly took on the War Party and spent 11 of his 79 years in prison for his protest actions.



Army charges Lt. Watada with contempt towards president; Faces over seven years prison (tags)

On July 5, U.S. Army First Lt. Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: two counts of contempt towards officials (Article 88) - specifically President G. W. Bush, three counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133), and one count of missing movement (Article 87).

KNOW: George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI (tags)

Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public, all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts. Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals, don't want our soldiers to know that.


Appropriately, much has been made of the recent survey conducted by Foreign Policy and the Center for American Progress, which found that 84 percent (of the more than 100) of America's top foreign policy experts believed that the United States is not winning the war on terror. Not only do they dispute President Bush's insular and politically self-serving assertion that America is winning that war, they also "see a national security apparatus in disrepair and a government that is failing to protect the public from the next attack." [See "The Terrorism Index," July/August 2006]

Iran War for Dollar Hegemony (tags)

The run on the US currency has already begun. Preventing the IOB may help explain the extreme aggressiveness of the US toward Iran. Mending our own pockets and recalibrating energy and security policies are more sensible than the Bush doctrine.

BUSHITES REACH NEW LOW - dying for lies no longer in disguise (tags)

Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands, receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion. They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your cries for understanding.

People of Earth - The Son to God Speaks (tags)

There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they openly target for murder in Your names.

senator kerry finally gets it- a little (tags)

cut and run- you bet

URGENT: Take Action to Support US Military Officer Refusing Iraq War (tags)

Innocent Falling in Your Name - Myth - A Johnny Wizard Journey (tags)

America's corporate NAZI propagandists, who deny truths to be spoken in Humanity's defenses, are enemies of US all. The FBI states General Ahmad funded 9/11's Atta, and news professionals would rather have Your children suffer and die as terror victims, than allow Justice be spoken for my defense.

The True Red White and Blue - A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US (tags)

The True Red White and Blue - American Patriot Answers the Call to Jihad - A recording on the reality of George W. Bush's treason to US.

2 leftists killed in wake (tags)

The blood of leftist militants just won’t stop flowing. A week after men on a motorcycle gunned down former New People’s Army leader Sotero Llamas in Albay province, a lone assassin wearing a bonnet over his head shot dead a Bayan Muna member and a leader of a farmers’ group during a wake on Sunday night here. Bayan Muna’s David Costuna, 48, and Arcadio Macale, 60, president of the local Barangay Agrarian Reform Council, were the 19th and 20th militants murdered around the country in the past two months. Their deaths brought to 228 the total number of activists assassinated since President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo assumed office in 2001, according to an Inquirer tally.

Art of War : Gun Violence in America (tags)

600,000 Americans are victimized in handgun crimes each year. In 2002, there were 30,242 gun deaths in the U.S

I'm Not Paranoid, Am I? (tags)

Some people are delusional about other people being paranoid, but that might just be my paranoia to assume they are delusional.

Worldwide Wars and Anti-Military Options (tags)

The author suggersts three reasons for the nerve-wracking calm in Germany: 1) objective and very cruel mass unemployment, 2) self-stigmatization and 3) people don't think there is anything to share. At the end he urgers: Be IMI-Instinctively Mainstream Ignoring.

Air America Interviews The God Loving Bushite Killer Johnny Wizard! (tags)

Again, it only serves the interests of the enemy neo-con. No warring faction is going to exclusively, indiscriminately murder whomever, repeatedly, but for only the dying bushite dumfuk, as Creation's justly sworn enemies.

FOWL! Bird flu—What it’s really all about (tags)

In this enlightening interview, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny will forever change the way you view environmental policy, the pharmaceutical industry and the government’s role in the dissemination of public health information. Dr. Tenpenny looks beyond the hysteria and exposes the vested interests poised to exploit the fear being generated about bird flu.

Should Noam Chomsky Reset His Compass? (tags)

Noam Chomsky was interviewed for the 2005 book, “Imperial Ambitions.” In it, he addressed the Iraqi War, but he failed to take on the hawkish Neocons. Chomsky said the war was about the “control of oil.” He also ignored the influential Israeli Lobby’s role in agitating for the conflict. In the introduction, a colleague said that he “misses nothing.” Question: How can that be true, if Chomsky missed the six ton elephant in the room - the Israeli Lobby?

Dems Unite and Collectively Flip Duncan Hunter the Bird (tags)

Republican Hack Told: Get Out of Dodge and Don't Show Your Militaristic, Ecologically Insensitive, Anti-Immigrant Mug 'Round Here

Wars Based on Lies (tags)

The main characteristic of the hairspliter is reversal of the burden of proof.. We are at the next stage of the suspension of international law created after 1945 and its replacement by the right of the stronger.

The US Empire Versus Reality (tags)

The real danger confronting any nation, especially the US, is the belief that it is strong when it is not and maintaining a faith in the power of weapons and technology when they are wholly irrelevant-or even defective. This was surely the moral of the Vietnam War.


Clyde Young and Joe Veale Saturday, May 13, 2006 1:00 PM Warehouse Theater 1021 7th Street NW (doors open at 12:15) between Mt. Vernon Sq./7th street and Gallery Place/Chinatown Metro Stations






An exhibition of photographs by world-renowned VII Photo Agency photographers who recently traveled with Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) in Democratic Republic of the Congo in order to shed light on the suffering of the Congolese people as . . .

Student Protest for immigrant Rights Mounts (tags)

For two straight days, tens of thousands of high school students from California and Texas walked out of their classes in support of immigrant rights and protest the oppressive and racist HR 4437.

Women’s Rights Under Assault, Abortion Outlawed In South Dakota (tags)

The right to abortion was won in the United States in 1973 through a mass struggle in the streets that culminated in the Supreme Court Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

On the Set of Walkout (a new film debuting on cable TV) (tags)

"In those times, people were energized, and they were more intellectual. People were processors of information, whereas today you don't see a lot of that." -- David Sanchez, former leader, The Brown Berets

An Immoral War Coalition (tags)

Waging a new war that would exceed all the wars since the Vietnam War with the reason that Iran could produce nuclear bombs in ten years is even more absurd than the lie of weapons of mass destruction with which the Iraq war was justified.

Honoring Rachel Corrie Three Years Later: Two Questions for Peace Activists (tags)

Three years after the death of Rachel Corrie, two questions on the peace making heart of Islam - Sufiism, and the prospects for a dialogue with the west.


About ten million Filipinos are now scattered in the U.S. and around the world, chiefly as exploited migrant labor. Meanwhile, 85 million Filipinos--with the exception of a tiny privileged minority--are sufffering and resisting the current repressive regime in a rapidly deteriorating neocolonized social order. The Philippines has one of the most durable and vibrant revolutionary traditions in the whole world--the first Asian people to revolt against Western colonialism. 4.1 million Filipinos died opposing U.S. domination in the Filipino-American War at the turn of the last century. Today Filipinos are engaged in a popular democratic revolutionary process against U.S. imperialism and its local agents. Can overseas Filipinos contribute to the radical transformation of a world afflicted by the atrocities and terrors of global capitalism?


Join thousands in LA on March 18 to protest the war on Iraq on the 3rd anniversary of the U.S. invasion

Sloshed: Journalist Says Secret Service Report Claims Cheney was Drunk (tags)

And anyhow, what kind of a guy would shoot a friend, and then pack him off to the hospital and not go hang around the waiting room to see how he’s doing, instead of going home and having dinner and a drink?



George W. Falls (tags)

The unmistakable odor of failure hangs over Bush's so-called preventive war.. The Bush administration was increasingly overtaken by its own lies.. The majority of Americans in the course of 2005 noticed that president Bush stands naked,

"Superpower without Leadership" (tags)

The arrogance and hubris of this administration was responsible. A glance at the region would have made that judgment impossible. We in the State Department never believed our soldiers in Iraq would be greeted as liberators with flowers.

Peace, Truth. and Ramsey Clark (tags)

Why, the question is being asked, does a high profile American defend people and causes that are not only anti-Establishment, but anti-American as well?

Repost of NBC News story on Pentagon spying (tags)

The story says that they spied on last year protest in Hollywood


Look there is one reason and one reason only they're killin' Took....If he played their game - just wrote kidz books, he'd be alive at 12:05...But he dedicated his book to Angela Davis, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, Dhoruba, George Jackson, John Africa and Ramona Africa... And the Terminator sez that's why Took's goin t die - said it straight out in his statement why he was goin t kill him.... Took's not dyin because he failed to so-called reform.... He's dyin because he WOKE UP spiritually and politically.... There is nothin more dangerous to the white than someone like that.

Former Sen. Eugene McCarthy, 89, Dies (tags)

ormer Minnesota Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy, whose insurgent campaign toppled a sitting president in 1968 and forced the Democratic Party to take seriously his message against the Vietnam War, died Saturday. He was 89.

BTL:In Growing Numbers, Public Opposes Iraq War, While... (tags)

...Most Congressional Democrats Play It "Safe" ~ Interview with David MacMichael, former CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

US Military, President Out of Control (tags)

- Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950 What Does "Mildly Radioactive" Mean, Anyway?

Thousands Walk out of L.A. highschools (tags)

High school students in L.A. were part of the marches in the 1990s against the anti-immigrant Proposition 187 and the East L.A. protests against the Vietnam War in the '60s. But Nov. 2 was on a whole different level. In response to the call from The World Can't Wait, thousands of youth--many from proletarian neighborhoods--left school to take political action and make their voices heard. At Los Angeles High School alone, more than 1,000 students--the majority of the school -- walked out, and more than 500 marched to Wilshire Blvd.

Admit It: The US Has Been Defeated in Iraq (tags)

Congressman Murtha is right to call for a withdrawal from Iraq, as no amount of further combat will change the truth. This war is lost. Now it’s time to assign blame for the disaster and to punish the culprits.

Woman GI Publicly Resists War! (tags)

Army National Guard Specialist Katherine Jashinski, on active duty with the 111th ASG since January of this year, will make a public statement against war as a conscientious objector in the face of orders to participate in weapons training and deploy to the Middle East.

Opportunity Knocks for the Green Party (tags)

President George W. Bush’s approval numbers are falling faster than the values of Ken Lay’s Enron stock. Nationwide, Bush is at 39 percent, while in Maryland, he has dipped further to 33 percent. As Bush’s goes, so goes the GOP. It’s time for the Green Party to make its move. The Democrats are part of the corrupt Two-Party duopoly. The country needs an alternative. In MD, Kevin Zeese is running as a Green Party candidate for the U.S. Senate.

Senator Jim Elliott is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about our civil rights (tags)

Senator Jim Elliott from the red state of Montana is no fan of cyclists, so why is he concerned about what’s going on with Critical Mass in in NYC ? Find out what got this cowboy mad enough to write an article for us.

Ed Roybal Presente (tags)

An honest appreciation, not uncritical, of the late Ed Roybal and his major contributions to coalition building and grass-roots politics.

South Central Farmers Civil Disobedience Training (tags)

2nd Civil Disobedience Training -longer- Friday, 04 November 2005 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE November 4, 2005 For more info (909) 605-3136 10:34 PST JOIN OUR CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE AGAINST THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES, “STRIP-MALL” DEVELOPER RALPH HOROWITZ and THE LOS ANGELES SHERIFFS’ DEPT. Who: The South Central Farmers and Cindy Anderson For more info (909) 605-3136 What: 2nd Civil Disobedience Training When: Nov. 6th 2005, @ 12:00 noon 41st and Alameda

Why SMALL Protests - People Want VIolence! (tags)

she says that everyone cooperated and planned at every single protest and then she backs this up with lies from some lady saying that in the 60s rude behavior was intolerable. All of this is the kind of middle class mentality that lies so easily with omissions and generalizations. I wish Jeneine had just made this up – ignorance is easier to tolerate than pre-meditated lying.

The Re-Nationalization of World Politics and the End of the Liberal Era (tags)

The empire has cut off its umbilical chord to the nation state and is no longer territorially limited..The US under George W Bush strives for a global monopoly.. Naked imperialist policy now replaces liberal globalization.. The US is resolved to undermine the existing world system.

Cindy Sheehan: Is Iraq War Another Vietnam? (tags)

On a sidewalk in front of the White House, on Oct. 26, 2005, anti-war activists, Cindy Sheehan, John Bruhns and Juan M. Torres, Sr., and others from groups, like “Veterans for Peace,” gathered at a Vigil to protest the conflict. The toll of U.S. military dead had just reached the grim 2,000 mark. Sheehan predicted the war will be another Vietnam, unless the people can bring it to an end.


Self-educated at the Los Angeles Public Library in the Thirties, Carlos Bulosan, the militant Filipino writer and labor activist, died on September 11, 1956. His death anniversary last month provided the occasion for the Filipino community to celebrate his contribution to the revolutionary struggle of peoples everywhere for justice, dignity, and self-determination. Bulosan was part of the community of progressive Los Angeles-based intellectuals (Carey McWilliams, Sanora Babb, Louis Adamic, Ring Lardner Jr. and others) victimized by McCarthyism and fascist reaction. His example of resistance continues to inspire people of color everywhere.

Bush Administration in a Budget Dilemma (tags)

The continuation of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will lead to a doubling of the budget deficit in the next ten years..In 2006 the reduction or elimination of 150 federal programs is lined up.

Sept 24: Vancouver Canada 900 Rally and March Against War and Occupation! (tags)

September 24th 2005 saw hundreds of thousands of people across the globe come to the streets to echo the demands of the Iraqi people for an end to war and occupation. Over 900 people joined Vancouver’s antiwar coalition, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO) to demand: “US/UK OUT OF IRAQ! CANADA OUT OF AFGHANISTAN!”

gannon and rove just tip of iceberg (tags)

Homosexuality, Gay Prostitution, Child Sex-rings, Pedophilia, George H. W. Bush, The White House, 911, Gosch/Guckert/Gannon, Hunter S. Thompson, Gary Webb, Mind Control, MK-Ultra, OSS, CIA, NSA, NASA, Secret Societies, the Illuminati, Blackmail & "Sex Magik". When will we tie all these things together?

Remembering to Remember (tags)

The times are calling for a refocus to active political movements. It would be a welcome change from the current acceptance of the war..I just hope that another celebrity doesn't change his name, pulling all our attention from the importance of dissenting patriotism.

“Iraq is a No-Win, No-End War!” - Max Cleland (tags)

On Sept. 15, 2005, a Congressional “Forum” was held on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. It was chaired by anti-Iraqi War advocate, Rep. Lynn Woolsey (D-CA). She accused the Bush-Cheney Gang of creating a “bloody and ruinous debacle,” in Iraq, and that it was long past the time to discuss exit strategies. Max Cleland, a witness at the Forum and a Vietnam War veteran, and ex-U.S. Senator, said, “Iraq is a No-Win, No-End War!”

Posters of Peace Press (tags)

The Center for the Study of Political Graphics, SPARC, and The Venice Arts Council Present A Venice People’s Centennial Celebration POSTERS OF PEACE PRESS September 10 - October 9th, 2005 SPARC - 685 Venice Boulevard, Venice CA 90291 Opening Reception September 10 2005 5-8pm Gallery hours M-Th 10am-4pm Fri 10am-9pm Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm

1970: Chicano Moratorium — 2005: Latinos for Peace (tags)

La Raza did its part in bringing an end to the war in Vietnam. Some of us activists of the Chicano Moratorium era are coming together with other Latino activists we have come to know around the country and with the newer generations and immigrants. We call ourselves Latinos For Peace.


A crucial demo to stop the mainstreaming of the Minutemen on Friday, August 26 from 4:00-6:00 p.m. at the Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel at 9500 Wilshire Blvd in Beverly Hills.


Cave Junction, Oregon - On July 23, legendary activist 72 year old Joan Norman was killed in a head on car collision on Highway 199 near the California border. Joan is dearly loved and revered by many; the news of her passing sends shockwaves through Southern Oregon and far beyond. Forest activists, friends, and family are now planning a solidarity forest defense action in her honor on August 2, 2005.

George Bush, our “Liar-in-Chief,” is Ignorant of History! (tags)

Baltimore’s patriots defeated the invading British forces in the War of 1812-1814, at Fort McHenry. Yesterday, President Bush, ranted at the Dundalk Marine Terminal, across the harbor from the fort, urging the renewal of the draconian Patriot Act. Bush is our “Liar-in-Chief” and he’s ignorant of history. What’s next? A surveillance device implanted in everyone’s head?

Join The SECOND Virtual Sit-In Against The MinuteMen (tags)

Join the and Electronic Disturbance Theater Virtual Sit-In Against Anti-Immigrant Websites, from Tuesday July 20th -Thursday, July 22nd To join, click here:

BTL:Bush Call to 'Stay the Course in Iraq' Echoes Pronouncements Made During... (tags)

...Vietnam War ~ Interview with Ray McGovern, retired CIA analyst, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

How the CIA cooked the Vietnam War up. (tags)

My comment which refused to load. This is insufferable. A comment which I was relating to the book, JFK by Fletcher Proudy, and the creation of the Vietnam War by our OSS/ CIA. Take that, bastards.

Calif. National Guard Unit Set Up To Deter Terrorism Monitored Anti-War Rally (tags)

Three decades after aggressive military spying on Americans created a national furor, California's National Guard has quietly set up a special intelligence unit that has been given ``broad authority'' to monitor, analyze and distribute information on potential terrorist threats, the Mercury News has learned. Known as the Information Synchronization, Knowledge Management and Intelligence Fusion program, the project is part of an expanding nationwide effort to better integrate military intelligence into global anti-terrorism initiatives.

GI resistance today: New challenges ahead (tags)

Today’s anti-militarist GI confronts a military that has changed enormously since the first Gulf War 15 years ago. The behemoth conscript military of the Vietnam era, with 4 million-plus GIs, bears little resemblance to today’s model.

Mark Felt Hinted at Exotic Antigravity Project? (tags)

Woodward: Deep Throat Leads to "Fantastic" Discovery

SPARK Screening "Hearts and Minds" (tags)

SPARK Screening "Hearts and Minds"

Analysis of government propaganda (tags)

[Line by line analysis of government propaganda and damage control (Subject text repost from Yahoo)]

Audio: HBO/NBC's JIM LAMPLEY on Election 2004 , "the biggest crime in [our history]&q (tags)

Audio: Exclusive Interview with HBO/NBC's JIM LAMPLEY on his Huffington Post firefight after blogging that Election 2004 was "the biggest crime in the history of the nation!" Plus: How The U.S. Press Has Sanitized The War in Iraq: Video/Transcript And Is Bush a Sith Lord? PLUS: How The U.S. Press Has Sanitized The War in Iraq: Video/Transcript

"Hearts and Minds" (tags)

UCLA Film Screening

Darth Vader and the New World Order (tags)

Alex Jones of compares the latest Star Wars film to the New World Order Elite.

Spark Movie Showing ("Hearts and Minds") (tags)

A Spark event at UCLA.

Veterans for Peace Joins 'Impeach Bush & Dick' Campaign (tags)

This article is from the Binghamton IMC: by Bing IMC ST. LOUIS--On March 30, a national veterans’ organization called for the removal of President George W. Bush and Vice-President Richard Cheney for crimes the group charges were committed during the invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Trouble in the Ranks (tags)


Private Jeremiah Adler wrote home on his sixth day in Army boot camp:

"’I am so fucked up right now... I feel that if I stay here much longer I am not going to be the same person anymore. I have to GO. Please help... Every minute you sit at home I am stuck in a shithole, stripped of self-respect, pride, will, hope, love, faith, worth, everything. Everything I have ever held dear has been taken away. This fucks with your head... This makes you believe you ARE worthless shit. Please help. By the time you get this, things will be worse.’"

Shortly after writing this, his unit was scheduled to ship out, and Jeremiah went AWOL (absent without leave).

Nader -- Restarting the Anti-War Movement (tags)

author: RALPH NADER Political movements require momentum, they need to consistently build and aggregate. When they take a lengthy break from organizing and stop the momentum it is difficult to re-start.

Republican White House Sex Scandal (tags)

News of a sex scandal during the Reagan and Bush years hits the fan.

Pentagon Threatens to Kill Independent Reporters in Iraq (tags)

Recently at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Eason Jordan, a CNN executive, told a panel that the U.S. military deliberately targeted journalists in Iraq. He said he "knew of about 12 journalists who had not only been killed by American troops, but had been targeted as a matter of policy," said Rep. Barney Frank (Dem) from Massachusetts who was on the panel with Jordan. "When we hear this statement with the knowledge that 63 journalists have been killed in Iraq, in addition to the fact that in a 14-month-period, more journalists were killed in Iraq than during the entire Vietnam War, one begins to get the feeling that the military clampdown on the media is more than a myth or a conspiracy theory'', Baghdad correspondent Dahr Jamail wrote. Some time ago the BBC's Kate Adie* openly said the Pentagon c.s. was out to kill 'un american' journalists, and gave an interview concerning those 'friendly fire' killings of her colleagues.

The Strauss Factor and the War Without End (tags)

Using the neo-con takeover as a successful blueprint, we can build another kind of victory, not the war without end but the end of war - a victory for the people and the Earth.

BTL:Bush Pick for Intelligence Czar Turned Blind Eye Toward U.S.-Backed... (tags)

...Death Squads In Honduras~ Interview with Peter Kornbluh, senior analyst with the National Security Archive, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

False Pride of the "Super Outlaw State" (tags)

"Although few Americans realize that their country was the first to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and use forced death marches, these historical facts didn't escape the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler. He admired the American government for their efficiency"

Bush Policymakers and Sycophantic Media Forget History's Lessons in Iraq (tags)

In touting the Iraq election as a Bush “victory,” they forget that the same thing was said about an election in South Vietnam in 1967—just a few months before the Tet Offensive.


A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, China, and Cuba.

Interviewing the Youth Anti-War Movement (tags)

Earlier this month M. Junaid Alam of Left Hook asked four of CAN's elected representatives about the political imperatives and realities the movement faces, including internal debates, the effect of linking up with anti-war veterans, the extent of right-wing harassment, and mobilizations planned in the near future.

Iraq 04 like Vietrnam 66. (tags)

Iraq 04 like Vietrnam 66. CIA working with “Moonies.” Ghost jets take insurgents away for “questioning.” Interesting reading. Please circulate widely.

White House-linked clandestine operation paid for "vote switching" software (tags)

From Online Journal:


En combattant la candidature de Ralph Nader, qui porte les idées progressistes depuis plusieurs décennies, pour donner un blanc-seing au clone démocrate de G.W. Bush, les notables du mouvement « N’importe Qui Sauf Bush » ont ruiné cinq années de mobilisation croissante depuis la naissance du mouvement alter-mondialiste en 1999 à Seattle, jusqu’au mouvement anti-guerre qui a rassemblé des millions de personnes dans le monde en 2003, et qui exige aujourd’hui la fin de l’occupation étrangère en Irak et en Palestine. Au moment où la prétendue "guerre contre le terrorisme" s'intensifie, le mouvement pacifiste reste à reconstruire.

Indybay Print Collective presents Fault Lines - Issue 6 (tags)

Issue 6 of Fault Lines has hit the streets!

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

William C. James, 24, was killed in action in the al-Anbar province in the Sunni Triangle Nov. 10.

CHEMTRAILS finally's true, they're real (tags)

At long last, I've found an article to explains CHEMTRAILS and the reasoning behind them. It's well worth the time spent in reading this lengthy article to become apprised as to what in the hell is really going on..... Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington

God Help America! Norman Mailer Interview (tags)

Reagan understood what America needed, `spin'. Hearing that we are healthy was more important than being healthy. Bush and his advisor Rove expand this insight one dimension by acting as though our security were extremely endangered.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

Flintridge Prep standout dies in Iraq. J.P. Blecksmith, 24, '99 graduate of Flintridge Preparatory School, was part of U.S. military campaign in Fallouja.

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events

Democrat AG Lockyer Attacks Abortion Right with Peterson Prosecution (tags)

Death penalty Democrat Attorney General Lockyer spent millions of our tax dollars running for governor by falsely prosecuting the innocent Scott Peterson for the murder of his pregnant wife, proving that he, like the Republicans, is anti-abortion. Lesson: Always vote your conscience and never vote for Democrats or Republicans.

Chomsky in 2008 (tags)

It's time for Noam Chomsky to make an independent run for President in 2008.

No to Falluja "cover up" (tags)

Dear friends, Are you wondering why/how the reports from Falluja have become so bland? Please read these frightening reports emerging from Falluja, consider sharing them with others, and take action to stop these horrors. jamie



Falluja: Blood lust dominates mainstream media (tags)

The Falluja battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters.

An open letter to the people of the United States regarding the future of humanity. (tags)

You Americans need to get of your high horse with all this "America is a great country" garbage. The American taxpayer funds a 500 billion dollar killing machine that has been committing genocide at home and abroad for hundreds of years.

From COINTELPRO to the Patriot Act: The long battle for justice and civil liberties (tags)

Jailed Black Panther calls for amnesty

Iraq War (Invasion) Being Lost By Americans (tags)

Americans are losing, or have lost the Iraq War (invasion).

Local Soldier, Killed in Iraq, Laid to Rest (tags)

Gloria Salazar, middle, mother of Las Vegas Marine Cpl. William I. Salazar, is consoled by family member Sammy Acosta, left

"WAR: Protest in America" Series Screening at REDCAT (tags)

Free daily screenings of a powerful anti-war film collection. Includes Julie Talen's "Sixty Cameras Against the War" which can be downloaded for free through

Poison Kool-Aid Party for Anarchist Voters! (tags)

A celebration of the San Francisco Bay Area's powerful embrace of the electoral process

Today’s Republicans Are So Not (tags)

You can call them right, you can call them wrong, you can even call them Ray; just don’t call them Republicans. The behind-the-scenes folks leading the GOP these days are running an (extremely) awful show unlike any previously presented by a major American political party, no matter what title is on the marquee. For more details, read on.

Kerry the Neocon? (tags)

Despite the ways Kerry and his supporters might want to spin it, the Democratic nominee--like President Bush--is a militarist and a unilateralist quite willing to undermine the authority of the United Nations in order to assert American hegemony in that oil-rich region.

Kerry and the War Issue: Seymour Hirsch (tags)

"The rapid ascent of the neoconservatives surprises him.. They thought the march to Baghdad was essentialf or the war against terror and that afterwards democracy would flow like water from a fountain!.."

Delivering the NO! at the RNC; The Battle for a Revolutionary Summation (tags)

As we sum up the week of protest at the RNC and look to the struggles ahead, we should think about those who will be cracking history books in the future. We need to think about this today as we run the streets and struggle to win hearts and minds, fighting for a whole different world. As we rise up to say NO! to this rolling juggernaut of imperialist destruction, we need to think about all those future people who will be learning about the historic struggles that took place in the early part of the 21st century. When the world was crackling with both danger and did history unfold?

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

How Can Kerry Beat Bush? Just the Facts, Man (tags)

If John Kerry is looking for a sure-fire way to fire George Bush and send him on his way, it’s simple: spread the truth about Dubya’s truly horrid record. For more details, read on.


“Israel would be a much safer place to live if it would give up warfare and weapons and become civil-ized, if it would give up expansion and land grabbing and become decent and humane, if it would care about the ‘other’ and not only about more and more land, if it would stop being an occupier fretting over ‘demography’ and become a democracy caring about justice, liberty, and bread for all. “

New Recruit (tags)

Destroying enemy bushite is a gift to Humanity, it is saying you care for the lives of the innocent a bush bitch nazi grunt freely confesses to targeting for murder. Liars are the bushite, who steal Iraqi resources, allow racists and rapists to commit their demon crimes in America's name un-challenged, and who absent mindedly bomb the innocent without just reason given.

A True Patriot Warrior (tags)

They just can't allow any one of US to publicly ask: what was the just cause, if the demon bush had complete unrestricted, one hundred percent access throughout Iraq prior to the conflict beginning?, following - that the unjustified war has only done what could be expected: LOWERED our ability to do any good. (What couldn't be done before the war began but for the rob and pillaging innocent pro-Iraqis part?)

The Lessons of Vietnam (tags)

The lessons learned by the US military in Vietnam and their relationship to US casualty figures in Iraq.

BTL:Former CIA, State Department and Pentagon Officials Call on... (tags)

...Current Government Employees to Blow Whistle on Bush's Iraq War Deceptions ~ Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former government employee who released the "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Big media's big mistakes (tags)

Those Campaign Commercials (tags)

What is this American Fetish About Military "Experience" for Presidents? (tags)

Why are American's so obsessed with having Presidents with military backgrounds? The record of such presidents has not been all that admirable.


"... LA artist Mark Vallen establishes himself as one of the most profound political artists of our time." - review

The Costs of the Iraq War Shock the US Public (tags)

"If Bush wins again, the attack is the best defense delusion threatens and the realiza-tion of the self-fulfilling prophecy of the American rightwing that sees a coming clash of civilizations between Islam and the West."

Blood Money: The Human-Capital Equation of the U.S. Occupation of Iraq (tags)

When a state is determined to pursue war, and all forms of indirect symbolic protest actions have failed to sway politicians to halt their imperialist aggression, the only remaining option is direct action by the working class. One option is a general strike by workers that can effect the production and transpiration of military capital, that is the materials essential for the war machine. The other is to deprive the military of the labor it needs to fight the war.

Bush is his own Enemy (tags)

"In the slipstream of the Iraq war, he carried out one of the greatest tax gifts for the economic elites in the history of the country. He cut pensions and income support and promoted the privatization of schools and the health system. He cut the pay of soldiers.."



Club for Growth member Bob. J Perry funded 'Swift Boat' ads (tags)

Houston homebuilder, Christian zealout and hardcore GOP backer Bob J. Perry was funded, at least partially, the 'Swift Boat' attack ads since recanted by one Veteran.

Hiroshima Day, Art Slide Lecture by Artist Mark Vallen (tags)

Artworks clockwise: German Expressionist Felix Nussbaum's 1940 "Self-Portrait with Jewish Pass"; Mark Vallen's 1982 anti-Nuke "There Goes My Career"; Gert Wollheim's 1919 "The Wounded Man"; Atom Bomb survivor Takakura Nobuko's vision of a civilian melting in atomic fire; Vallen's 2001 "I Am Not The Enemy"; Vallen's 2003 "Not Our Children, Not Their Children" (published in the book Peace Signs).




MARK VALLEN: MORE THAN A WITNESS A Shenere Velt Gallery Now - August 26, 2004 A major retrospective art exhibition encompassing thirty years of work.

Protest Aesthetics- What the Left Can Learn from Las Vegas (tags)

From Issue 3 of The Journal of Aesthetics and Protest. Street Theater and the left in general needs a new relationship with "the truth".

The Death of Sgt. Van Dale Todd (tags)

Are Iraq veterans going to be treated the way Vietnam veterans were?


MARK VALLEN: MORE THAN A WITNESS A retrospective exhibition encompassing thirty years of socially conscious artworks.

Aid and comfort to the enemy: The Kerry record... (tags)

N.M. vets bash Bush's record on benefits (tags)

"I see firsthand the lack of support associated with (Bush) budget cuts. I've had two supervisors leave and neither has been replaced. They just consolidate the positions and absorb the budget. And those people over there are not taking coffee breaks. They're backed up."

Acting on principle: John Randolph’s life and legacy (tags)

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – John Randolph, a great light of stage and screen, was laid to rest here Feb. 24 at age 88. Actor and activist, Randolph shined his light through the anti-Communist hysteria of the McCarthyite 1950s.

Who and What to Remember on Memorial Day? (tags)

In Struggle and for the Liberation of the Oppressed

Military's officer corps: too political? (tags)

"There is a lot of dissension right now about the Iraq war plan, or lack of plan, within the uniformed community, both at leadership and rank and file levels. It may well be that more retired folks are speaking out because they feel that the uniformed folks cannot."

Tom Clancy Criticizes War, Almost Punches Richard Perle (tags)

"(Perle) was saying how Colin Powell was being a wuss because he was overly concerned with the lives of the troops, And I said, 'Look..., he's supposed to think that way!' -- People like (Perle) worry me."

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington (tags)

Iraq Setbacks Change Mood in Washington Lawmakers in both parties as well as some military leaders fear the occupation is heading for failure. Bush stands firm, but U.S. goals may be scaled back. By Doyle McManus Times Staff Writer May 23, 2004

BTL:Former Counsel to President Richard Nixon Declares that Misconduct in... (tags)

...Bush White House is 'Worse than Watergate' * Interview with John Dean, former counsel to President Richard Nixon, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Kerry and McCain Win BIG ! in Elections ‘04 (tags)

At least it’s not Bush, Chaney, Ashcroft and the Neo Convicts.

Stripped Geres? (tags)

If any of you saw the Moving Image Awards last night for Richard Gere you'll know what I'm talking about.

Fascism Never Resigns, It Must Be Removed. (tags)

"The last time a nation past the Patriot Act and Home Land Security the first questions they asked were- Who is the Jew? Who is the Communist? Who is the Homosexual?"

What's Behind the Attacks on the RCP and What's at Stake (tags)

On September 27, 2001, only 16 days after the 9/11 attacks on the Pentagon and World Trade Center, the Washington Times ran an article entitled "Communists, Go Home." Ostensibly in response to a long-planned Washington mobilization against the World Bank and International Monetary Fund by forces in the anti- globalization movement, this article was a very clear call to put communists in the government's crosshairs immediately after 9/11.

Bush must answer for torture of Iraqis (tags)

Army Major Gen. Antonio Taguba used blunt language: “U.S. Army soldiers have committed egregious acts and grave breaches of international law at Abu Ghraib … sadistic, blatant, and criminal abuses.”

George W. Bush vs. John "Me too" Kerry: Is this really a choice? (tags)

How horrible do the Democrats have to be before we say "no"? Now’s the time to build opposition to miserable policies of the Bush administration--and their "me too" counterparts in the Democratic Party.

Dali Lama says Iraq War is Justified (tags)

Dali Lama

Country Joe Band, 2004: 'Uncle Sam Needs Your Help Again' (tags)

Taking the stage at a community center in the small Northern California town of Bolinas, a group of four musicians quickly showed themselves to be returning as a vibrant creative force centered very much in the present.

Getting to know Senator Kerry (tags)

Kerry had battled the Viet Cong, the Nixon White House, and the extremes of the antiwar movement.

Troops in Iraq killed at rates approaching Vietnam War-era levels (tags)

The last time U.S. troops experienced a two-week loss such as this one in Iraq was October 1971, two years before U.S. ground involvement ended in Vietnam.

Nader, Russo sound Draft warning (tags)

"if students don't start to organize right now, it will be too late"

How To Prepare For Children At Protests: Vice Versa Is Not Possible (tags)

Protest zones are important classrooms. Attending protests with kids is different than attending protests without kids. But going to a protest with an affinity group, or as a street medic, is also different than going alone. How should we prepare to take kids with us?

Vietnam All Over Again (tags)

Like so much of humankind's history, our government will send the poor to kill the poor.

Final countdown for Bush (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff, on behalf of brave Iraqi people and their struggle against foreign occupation.

US: Fierce Falluja fighting recalls Vietnam (tags)

"And this is like Hue City in Vietnam," he said, referring to the former imperial capital where in 1968 US troops faced the most ferocious street fighting of the communists' decisive Tet offensive. Marines, who took part in defeating Saddam's armed forces a year ago, said the resistance they were now facing was tougher than anything thrown at them by the old regime's once vaunted Republican Guards. Sergeant James Ramsel, of the battalion's Alpha Company, said there had been no let-up in the resistance. "It's been going on all night; it's still going on."

BTL:White House Attack on Former Counter-Terrorism Chief Part of... (tags)

...Trend Toward Those Who Dare to Speak Out* Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. Defense Department analyst prosecuted for his release of now-famous "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

The Dem/Rep 9/11 Cover Up Conspiracy, Richard Clarke. (tags)

As we have seen in the recent history of the United States of America when the conservative elites and their pals the U.S. military throw a temper tantrum like when they murdered president John F. Kennedy for not handing them Vietnam on the presidential silver platter Republicans come out swinging on the generals and Conservative elites behalf, Democrats feign opposition and vote complicity to cover up the crime so that the entire elite control of the U.S. economy foreign and domestic does not completely unravel as a result of the public actually using the levers of what available democracy there is in America.

IRAQ: Low Army Morale, High Suicide Rate (tags)

New details on Army suicides have emerged; since last April, 22 male soldiers and 2 female soldiers had taken their own lives in Iraq and Kuwait.

Kerry Indicates He Would Continue Bush’s Pro-Sharon Policy (tags)

Abraham Foxman, the Anti-Defamation League’s national director, who was present at a recent meeting in New York City between Kerry and 40 Jewish leaders, reported that Kerry laid "to rest a nagging concern - that relentless Democratic criticism of Bush’s foreign policy implied criticism of Bush’s closeness to Israel." This is according to Ron Kampeas in a column published in The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. The article further quotes Foxman as saying that Kerry "tried to exempt Israel from the [Democrat's] critique of Bush’s foreign policy." According to Kampeas, Foxman characterized Kerry as "agree[ing] with administration policy on isolating Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat, [and] supporting Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s plan for unilateral withdrawal from Gaza and on the security fence."

The Protests have begun! (tags)


John Kerry Skull and Bones Link (tags)

It's Time to Break From the Two-Party System! (tags)

Despite all the propaganda from the "Anybody But Bush" Democrats, George Bush would never have been able to carry out his attacks without the active support of the Democratic Party. It was the Democrats in Congress who voted to support Bush's "war on terrorism," the war on Afghanistan, the Patriot Act, the Iraq war, and the $87 billion for the occupation of Iraq. Most Democrats voted for Bush's tax cuts for the rich and "No Child Left Behind." Sixteen Senate Democrats, including Senate Democratic leader Tom Daschle, voted for Bush's "Partial Birth Abortion" Ban.


Racicot was quoted as " Senator Kerry crossed a grave line when he dared to suggest the replacement of America 's commander-in- chief at a time when America is at war," while implying that Kerry was a traitorous renegade. Just to remind the snide Racicot, Kerry happens to be a war hero. He has the medals to prove it. The Army doesn't award Purple Hearts out for catching syphilis, in some Mexican whorehouse, while guarding the skies of Texas from VC infiltrators.

Of Neal Boortz, the Anti-American (tags)

After all these years of claiming to be a Libertarian, Boortz-by his own logic-is coming out as a Communist.

Democratic Party? (tags)

The Democratic Party is not a vehicle for ending corporate control of our lives. It is an obstacle to building a new society.

John Kerry/Jane Fonda photo FAKED (tags)

This photo of John Kerry, taken in Mineola in 1971 at the Register for Peace Rally against Vietnam, was doctored to show Kerry with anti-war activist Jane Fonda, and distributed via e-mail. (Photo by Ken Light / Corbis)

Is There A Legal Age for Political Dissent? Teens at Protests! (tags)

Teens and Protests...should we be sharing nonviolent protest training with them? Are protests age-rated events? Should a street medic treat a teen without parental consent? Much like sex ed for teens, these topics are thorny...

Impeachment Not Censure, You Morons! (tags)

Once again Liberals are showing their total lack of spine and total lack of ability to strike the iron while the iron is white hot. This is what happened when they declared their control over the peace movement that rose up against the war in Iraq by stating they were "backing away from more confrontational forms of protest like non-violent civil disobedience like blocking traffic in the streets of major cities" in the U.S. in March and April of last year.

A Republican's Case Against George W. Bush (tags)

"Bush is overwhelmed by the influence of religious zealots--both Zionist and fundamentalist Christian. He ignores America's own heavy guilt for the plight of Palestinians. He fails to recognize that more than a billion Muslims worldwide, along with many millions of non-Muslims, are deeply aggrieved at this complicity. " Paul Findley, former Republican Congressman speaks out about Palestine

The Liars War or the Case of the Vanishing WMD's (tags)


Bush the Deserter (tags)

When are they going to hang this guy?

Sen. Kerry wrongfully accused by Wise, Rush Limbaugh (tags)

"Hmm, didn't you mean Bob Kerrey? It was Bob Kerrey, Nebraska, accused of taking part in the killing of those Vietnamese civilians. Not John Kerry."

Parenting Versus Protesting? (tags)

Is it irresponsible to take kids to political protests? Are some protests safe and others not? How do you tell the difference? I interviewed 12 activists, 10 of whom are parents, 7 of whom are street medics on this topic.

World Social Forum challenges inequality (tags)

MUMBAI, India – On the sidewalk of a busy Mumbai street, two tiny children and their baby brother, clad only in a shirt, sit in a patch of dirt, directly in front of a cell phone store.

Protester=Criminal? (tags)

That these issues I keep hearing about--of the increased use of police and military force in this country--are real. They're not happening in the future; they're happening today.

Kerry Blood For OIl/Skull & Bones/War Criminal... (tags)

What Bush Skull & Bones Corporate Kerry Don't want You to Know/Remember...

U.S. mortuary sees no let-up from Iraq war dead (tags)

Nearly a month after Saddam Hussein's capture, American war dead from Iraq continue to arrive with somber regularity at the wind-swept Air Force base in Delaware that is home to the world's largest mortuary.... There, at the U.S. military's only stateside mortuary, the remains are identified, autopsied, embalmed, clothed in dress uniforms, placed in coffins and shipped to grieving relatives in the company of military escorts.

Dean and the world: the nonradical candidate (tags)

The real Dean, judging by his prepared speeches rather than his oral flubs, offers something much more like the bipartisan, Cold War, leader-of-the-free-world policy Americans know and remember. Whether that is the best policy for the post-9-11 world is another question. But at least let us stop pretending that in foreign policy, Dean is something radical. He is not.

Bring Them Home NOW (tags)

Another fine analysis from Stan Goff. We're not asking for any favors. We DEMAND. A great letter by Stan Goff, a former high-ranking special forces soldier, which criticizes "liberals" and anti-war activists for backing Dean. A great contribution to the "lesser evilism" debate.

Preventive War, Common Security and the State (tags)

Does the return of preventive war as a "norm" of international relations take the world back to before July 1914, and if so, what are the likely consequences? What does this tell us about the state system and the prospects for human survival?

The Imperial Gong Show Year (tags)

author: Tom Engelhardt, Great article about the MESS that is the Neo-Con Cabal. 2003 was THEIR year of global chess moves, and it ended as their "grand" theories "pitched over into the nearest ditch". 2004 is OUR year to rip apart the seams of their LIES and reclaim our future as if our lives depend on it. The Neo-Con Piñata is waiting, GO GET YOUR BAT!!!

BTL:Vietnam War Era-style "Phoenix" Assassination Program Implemented in... (tags)

...U.S.-Occupied Iraq Interview with Douglas Valentine, author of "The Phoenix Program," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

What Does Self-Defense Against Riot Police Look Like? (tags)

How do we utilize legal self-defense when cops go nuts? Why were 231 protesters criminally charged, and 0 police charged, in the FTAA protests in Miami? Tacoma Police Chief raped a woman, where should she go? How do we protect ourselves from cops?

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #2 (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done. Update : Bill was killed by the Apache County Sherrifs Department during a raid on his home in November of 2001. He is now buried on a hill in Eagar, Arizona.

The Campaign of Hate and Fear (tags)

Am I saying that critics of the war aren't patriotic? Not at all--I'm a critic of some aspects of the war. What I'm saying is that those who try to paint the bleakest, most anti-American, and most anti-Bush picture of the war, whose purpose is not criticism but deception in order to gain temporary political advantage, those people are indeed not patriotic. They have placed their own or their party's political gain ahead of the national struggle to destroy the power base of the terrorists who attacked Americans abroad and on American soil.

Sirhan Sirhan Is Innocent! (tags)

Reporting on a recent speech by Sirhan Sirhan Lawyer, Lawrence Teeter, in Los Angeles.

The other war party (tags)

Democrats are just as committed to advancing U.S. military, economic and political power across the globe as the Republicans. The means may differ between them. But the ends have always been the same.

The Democrats don’t deserve our support (tags)

There is no reason to assume, as many do, that a Gore presidency would have avoided war after September 11. Clinton oversaw UN-sponsored sanctions against Iraq that led to the deaths of more than 1 million Iraqis, and U.S. warplanes dropped bombs on Iraq almost daily during his time in office. And Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act in 1998, calling for the U.S. "to seek to remove the regime headed by Saddam Hussein." Clinton’s Secretary of State Madeleine Albright admits in a recent Foreign Affairs article, "I personally felt [Bush’s new Iraq] war was justified on the basis of Saddam’s decade-long refusal to comply with UN Security Council resolutions on weapons of mass destruction."

BTL:Pentagon's Operation Iron Hammer in Iraq Could Foster More Support for... (tags)

...Anti-U.S. Insurgency. Interview with Rahul Mahajan, author of "Full Spectrum Dominance: U.S. Power in Iraq and Beyond," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Bush Dishonors Fallen Soldiers (tags)

The Deserter-in-Chief, not content with cutting Veteran's benefits, Combat Pay, benefits for depends of those deployed, is now putting a blackout on those who have fallen in his ill begotten War to Steal Iraqi Oil. He will not even be seen anywhere near the Flag Draped Coffins of those he has consigned to death. What a Scumbag.

FBI Publicly Denies Spying on Protesters (tags)

Senior FBI officials took the unusual step Tuesday of publicly declaring that agents are not using the war against terrorism as a cover to collect information on people who demonstrate against the government. (Warning: Homeland BU**SH** meter at critical.)

More Vietnam Atrocities (tags)

Nick Turse has done a great job in proving that the My Lai and Tiger Force atrocities were not isolated incidents, but he misses something important. For a guerrilla war to be successful against a superior military, popular support is necessary. Disappearances, hideous methods of torture, mutilations, severed heads on pikes, leftists pushed out of airplanes over the ocean and chainsaw dismemberments are a US counterinsurgency strategy to diminish popular support by mind-numbing brutality and intimidation-shock and awe.

Bush to veterans: Drop Dead (tags)

Some more Salt for the hypocritical "Support Our Troops Scum".

What ''Homeland Security'' is all about. (tags)

Please circulate:

United States: US media subservient to the state (tags)

The Media Whores, marching lockstep (Goose Step?) with the Bush Regime's agenda has whored itself repeatedly because "War Sells". All those nice explosions and all that misery keep the Proles complacent and glued to the screen of the Programming machine.

America’s dress-up president won’t go near the wounded. But Cher will. (tags)

The "Hollywood Left" that pro-Bush/War Conservatives love to bash seem to be doing a better job of honoring our Soldiers than Der Fuhrer. Ironic? Or is it just a true reflection of his "character"?

Bush renames Body Bags, Transfer Tubes (tags)

As the saying goes, if you can't convince them, confuse them. With more lies told each day by President George Bush, here is yet another one. The US Department of Defense changed the name from "Body Bag" to "Transfer Tube" to describe how the bodies of our young warriors are returned home in the dark of night, with no official count of their growing numbers, and no solemn public ceremony to honor their proud service

Oil Companies Protected from Investigation (tags)

Bush Orders Oil Companies Protected From Investigation! A Licence To Loot

Portrait of a cannon fodder in Iraq (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

Savage Intimidation (tags)

The My Lai massacre in Vietnam was not an isolated incident. As this article illustrates, it is a strategy of counterinsurgency warfare, which intends to eliminate popular support for guerrillas by "shock and awe." The US continues to organize and finance death squads and paramilitaries around the world who use this method. The starkest example is in Colombia, where paramilitaries are using chain saws to dismember peasant farmers who support the guerrillas.

The Crucial Alliance (tags)

Representative Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) proposes an immediate US retreat from Iraq. Fighting back in the Terror War is not optional, but that doesn't stop Kucinich. He'll grant a victory to terrorists as long as it helps take down president Bush.

Peace Train, All Aboard!! (tags)

Sunday Wash. Post on Peace Demo

White House bans news coverage of coffins returning from Iraq (tags)

“Since the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed the remains of US soldiers arriving at air bases in flag-draped coffins,” wrote the Post’s White House reporter Dana Milbank. “To this problem, the Bush administration has found a simple solution: It has ended the public dissemination of such images by banning news coverage and photography of dead soldiers’ homecomings on all military bases.”

Imperial ills: The Great American Problematic: The Youth and Imperial Justification (tags)

Here is but a taste of what the American regime, as nation-state, faces because of its manipulated misdirection into an all encompassing global regime: the American-led corporate global empire -- Imperium in Imperio.

Hegemony, Survival and Self-Deterrence (tags)

We are currently witnessing a major expansion in the US, hence Western, global military system.

Major US Vietnam War Atrocities Case Exposed by Ohio Newspaper (tags)

The Toledo, Ohio "Blade" has exposed a massive Pentagon coverup of US War Crimes in Vietnam that may have been even worse than the infamous My Lai massacre case.

Yuri Kochiyama (tags)

On War, Imperialism, Osama bin Laden, And Black-Asian Politics

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow (tags)

Award Winning Journalist Robert Fisk in California Tonight and Tomorrow

Samuel L. Jackson (by Latuff) (tags)

Actor Samuel L. Jackson during the 2003 Rio Film Festival, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In 2000, Jackson starred a racist movie called "Rules of Engagement". Please, read below article for details.

MidEast Policy and the Democratic Candidates (tags)

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is spiraling out of control, the venture into Iraq did not yield a quick victory and spillover of positive change, the U.S. position in the Middle East is more precarious, and U.S. allies in the region are more vulnerable to the forces of extremism. A new direction is needed.

Poor Americans continue to multiply under Bush as Republicans continue to ignore trend (tags)

A new federal report due out Sept. 26 will show poverty increasing even more. And still Republicans like Bush and Kelsey "Frazier" Grammer continue to ignore the problem.

The Truth about FEMA and the Future of America (tags)

This information can be backed up by the American Justice Federation

$87 billion for Iraq: Another Vietnam? (tags)

President Bush stunned the nation Sunday night with his request for an additional $87 billion for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Dali Lama says Iraq War May Be Justified (tags)

The exiled Tibetan leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner said some wars, including the Korean War and World War II, helped "protect the rest of civilization, democracy."

Between Irag and a Hard Place (tags)

War at home and abroad

Washington Post: U.S. battlefield casualties in Iraq are increasing (by Latuff) (tags)

Article by The Washington Post. Copyright-free artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

GOP = Goldwater's Old Party? (tags)

Antiwar libertarian bloggers and Internet columnists often link to left-of-center websites like Indymedia, Common Dreams, and CounterPunch while others consider voting for Democratic candidate Howard Dean.

"The Weather Underground" opens 8/29 at NuArt (tags)

On Friday, 8/29, "The Weather Underground" opens at the NuArt Theater.

FREE Butoh Workshop (tags)

Corpus Delicti invites you to Butoh Workshop on Saturdays from 1-3pm in Hollywood. Free to all.

Bush's War Machine Demands You (tags)

"I wanted to get out of this kicking-in-doors-with-guns kind of thing," said Hinman, who was looking forward to more time with his two children but is now serving at Camp Doha, Kuwait. "It was a real surprise."

Study discovers Conservatives see things in "Black and White" (tags)

Hitler, Mussolini, and former President Ronald Reagan were individuals, but all were right-wing conservatives because they preached a return to an idealized past and condoned inequality in some form.

Thom Hartmann: 'Want to win an election? Just control the voting machines' (tags)

You'd think in an open democracy that the government - answerable to all its citizens rather than a handful of corporate officers and stockholders - would program, repair, and control the voting machines. You'd think the computers that handle our cherished ballots would be open and their software and programming available for public scrutiny. You'd think there would be a paper trail of the vote, which could be followed and audited if a there was evidence of voting fraud or if exit polls disagreed with computerized vote counts. You'd be wrong.

L.A. Times Cartoonist investigated by the Secret Service (tags)

L.A. Times Cartoonist Michael Ramirez is no Lalo Alcaraz, he's a deeply conservative fellow that fully supports Bush and the war on Iraq. Ramirez created a cartoon that supports Bush and portrays him as a victim being politically murdered for his attacking Iraq. Now Ramirez is being investigated by the Secret Service for his drawing!

Working Clas U.S. Perspectives 2003 -2004 (tags)

Working Class

Warning! The USA Patriot Act and Other Dangerous Things (tags)


Ann Coulters Crummy New Screed (Character Assassination) (tags)

In short, Ann Coulter has once again revealed herself as one of the most destructive forces in American politics, repeatedly making outrageously irrational arguments and demonstrably false claims. "Treason" is the culmination of a dismaying trend toward factually misleading and inflammatory books from pundits such as Michael Moore, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. These authors may delight partisans and make their publishers rich, but their work impoverishes our political discourse.

Kucinich Is the One (tags)

This article can be found on the web at

israels secret weapon (tags)

for those who havent seen the BBC documentary that has israels govt in anti-semitic hysterics, here is the transcript

The New Domestic Order: What Has Changed, Why It Changed, and How It Matters (tags)


Fear Factory (tags)

This is just the latest and most egregious step in a fear campaign designed to prepare Americans to do whatever the administration wants us to do.

War Crimes in the Name of Freedom: 227 Years.... (tags)

As Americans prepare to celebrate their Independence Day this July 4, 2003, with a grandiose glorification of ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—and wars from days past--it’s worth remembering those millions of civilians and/or non-combatants who have died at the hands of unconstrained and psychopathic American power.

The ANSWER coalition is not your friend (tags)


America Betrayed by Cowardly Citizens (tags)

Today's version of the heroic Nathan Hale would fall to his knees, beg for mercy, and swear fealty to the British crown. A 21st century Patrick Henry would no doubt argue that homeland security trumps personal liberty. Benedict Arnold would make the rounds of the TV talk shows, lauded as an "heroic pragmatist." In a land of wimps, the dimwit is king--such is the dismal state of post-9/11 America.

*The Weather Underground* opens 7/25 in SF (tags)

On Friday, 7/25 in San Francisco, a compelling new documentary about the rise and fall of the infamous U.S. radicals whose goal was the violent overthrow of the U.S. gov't opens at the Castro Theater.

Corporate corruption and the Bush Administration (tags)


Bush unchallenged by media (tags)

"But Bush's fighter-plane landing on the deck of a U.S. battleship earlier this month, and his emergence from the cockpit in combat gear and mussed-up hair, was even more stage-managed (right down to the soft-tone sunset lighting and the "Mission Accomplished" backdrop sign perfectly angled for TV viewers). As for laughable, it's hard to outdo Bush — who went AWOL from the National Guard during the Vietnam War..."

call for entries for anti-war poster artwork and graphics (tags)

call for entries for anti-war poster artwork and graphics

Bush answers on 9/11 overdue (tags)

They are not overdue they are LONG overdue. The fact that a "mainstream" Press outlet is beginning to ask the questions that many of us have been asking for a couple hears deserves 2 cheers.

Weapons failure (tags)

Many reasons have been offered for the failure of U.S. weapons experts and scientists to find a trace of nonconventional weapons in Iraq. Israeli intelligence sources claimed these weapons had been moved to Syria before the war began, but U.S. intelligence agencies never believed it.

State of California monitored war protesters (tags)

Oakland Tribune: State monitored war protesters Intelligence agency does not distinguish between terrorism and peace activism

Homeland Security: When The Phoenix Came Home To Roost (tags)

In order to institutionalize his "legally criminal" social structure, Bush signed the Homeland Security Act on 25 November 2002, creating the Department of Homeland Security under former Pennsylvania Governor, Tom Ridge. The Department's job is to coordinate the anti-terror elements of dozens of federal agencies, and secure the US "from terrorist threats or attacks," be they genuine or provoked by the Bush Régime for black propaganda purposes.

Flag Waivers Continu to Gut the Bill of Rights (tags)

Constitutional amendment on flag desecration is back again Supporters say bill stands better chance after war with Iraq

The Education of a Peacemaker (tags)

"Nationalism is not the same as culture..This triad of chosenness, glory and trauma produces vicious types of nationalistic ideologies that are constantly threateing world peace..Nationalism lays claim on land and times.."


May 2003 marks the 33rd Annual Commemoration of American antiwar students being killed by National Guard Troops. Thirty three years ago President Nixon ordered U.S. Troops into Cambodia... widening the war against Vietnam... campuses all across the U.S. shut down in protest.

Achtung!  Are We the New Nazis? (tags)

Presently, American military veterans—rank and file former soldiers mostly--are speaking out against American Imperialism, as well as ministers, artists, reporters, scientists and educators. But the powerful alliance of media monopolies and corporate-financed political leaders sway public opinion to war.


this is an article that was up on the cs monitor website plz read and leave comments Title: Economist tallies swelling cost of Israel to US Author: David R. Francis Publisher: The Christian Science Monitor Date: Dec 9, 2002 Copyright © 2002, The Christian Science Monitor

But wait a minute GWB sez we won. (tags)

WASHINGTON -- President Bush will soon declare an official end to combat in Iraq, White House officials said Friday, previewing an address that also will outline his plans to rebuild the war-torn nation and sustain the global war on terrorism.



SARS And Bioterrorism; Green Testifies on Voting Reform (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Fox Wins the Media War Going Away (tags)

Who won the US media war?

NYC Cuts Workers, While Israel Grows Richer (tags)

Article about How Vast Financial Aid to Israel has Contributed to US Terror Risk

Not all Australians are 'willing' subjects of the Pax Americana (tags)

An anti-war protestor in Australia talks about the situation downunder. Wants to know, when will you impeach Bush?

Informers for a Day (tags)

15.04.2003 - In war-torn Saravena, a town of 30,000 in Arauca department in eastern Colombia, soldiers dressed as clowns befriend local children by offering them candy, rides on armored personnel carriers, and the use of the army's swimming pool in return for the opportunity to pummel them with pro-army and anti-rebel propaganda. Read the article by Garry M. Leech at Colombia Report.

The Real Heroes of Gulf War II: Conscientious Objectors (tags)

Thousands of troops have blindly followed the Bush-Blair-Sharon sanctioned mass-murder of the Iraqi people. Unnamed re the hundreds, possibly thousands, of U.S. personnel in the armed forces have applied for conscientious objector status since January. Though few have gone public, they emerge the true heroes of the armed forces, in refusing to participate in an illegal war of aggression on Iraq.

Urgent: Survey for Senator Kerry (tags)

Vote Today

William Mandel, American Dissident (tags)

"If you think that I am going to cooperate with this collection of Judases, of men who sit there in violation of the United States Constitution, if you think I will cooperate with you in any manner whatsoever, you are insane!" From William Mandel’s 1960 testimony before HUAC

RESIST DESPAIR: Paul Street (tags)

War has begun. Do mourn. DO ORGANIZE.

News Articles from the First 10 Days of War (tags)

Growing Crisis in Basra; CBS Reports Truth By Mistake; Public Might Put Two and Two Together; U.S. Strikes Iran"; Collateral Damage; War Crimes Aren't War Crimes When The U.S. Commits Them; Public Acknowledgment Of E.M.P.; Food and Politics At Safwan; "Even In Civilian Areas, They Will Be Hit; Flint-locks and Sedans; Signs Of An Expanding War Killing and Burying the Innocent; Iraqi Artillery Targets…Whom?

The Viet Cong Admiration Society Retreats (tags)

Peter Arnett's history of sedition

a true patriot (tags)

conscientious objector deserves our support


The battle between Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon.

How the Reformists attempt to liquidate the anti-war movement (tags)

Recent New York Times article outlines a well-organized, massive and concerted effort by the reformist wing of the antiwar movement to derail the antiwar movement and turn activists into election fodder for the Democratic Party.

The Delayed Toll of Modern Wars (tags)

The misleading nature of casualty reports which concentrate on battlefield casualties rather than the much greater total after the war is over.

The Peace Movement is Being Hijacked by the Liberals? (tags)

It's very easy after all hard work has been done for those that have without any democracy involved to take the reins of the peace movement and steer it nose first into the ground.


Los Angeles Black Community Rally for Peace & Justice WAR IS NOT THE ANSWER!

Iraq War Quiz (tags)

A quiz for the neo-con thugs

GULF WAR 2 TEST (tags)

found this on $$$ take the quiz and rate yourself below. $$$ sources are listed next to the answers $$$


How much do you know about Iraq War II and our great government? found this on

Big Brother Hits UN (tags)

Not sure if this is true but reads like it.

The Great Propaganda Spectacle (tags)

War as a television spectacle filled with lies, distortions and fabrications

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation

Good Foreign Policy a Casualty of War (tags)

This article was printed in yesterday's LA Times. It's a very good read.

The Great Propaganda Spectacle (tags)

War as a television spectacle filled with lying, distortions and fabrications

Al Jazeera back on the job in Iraq (tags)

"About 50 Iraqi civilians were killed in coalition bombing of the southerncity of Basra, the independent Arab-language satellite station Al-Jazeera claimed last night. In footage seen across the Arab world, the station aired grisly and explicit images of the dead and wounded, including a child with the back of its skull blown off and blood-stained people being treated on the floor of a hospital." In an unrelated story, an American soldier has 'fragged' three of his officers in Kuwait (using a grenade).

Civilian Interment? (tags)

The land of the free, home of the brave...and uneducated...perhaps

Ex Friends - Casualties of the War (tags)

I'm shocked at some of my friends!

RW: Gulf War Vets: Resisting And Telling The Truth (tags)


The Rot at the Center of the Empire (tags)

Of course, given the administration’s almost desperate attempt to find a “smoking gun” that will convince people to support the killing of tens of thousands more innocent Iraqi people in order to effect a “regime change” in Iraq, one possibility is that U.S. officials simply didn’t look too hard or too closely at the fake evidence before citing it as another excuse to invade Iraq.

War is not the Path to Peace (tags)

American jurists see a breach of international law in a preventive war.. Aggressive war is one of the most serious transgressions of international law..There is no exception..Global Action Prevent WarLCNP

BTL:Resignations and Leaks in U.S. State Department Signal... (tags)

...Growing Dissent Against Iraq War. Interview with Daniel Ellsberg, former U.S. government military analyst who released the "Pentagon Papers," conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Act of Congress Needed for Iraq Invasion, Suit Says (tags)

A federal appeals court is weighing on a rare and expedited basis a lawsuit challenging the president's right to wage war on Iraq without a formal declaration of war by Congress.

Israel’s foreign policy is the U.S.’s foreign policy (tags)

“Wag the dog” Who’s calling the foreign policy shots behind the scenes in the Bush administration?

"Young Americans for Freedom" hold anti-French protest (tags)

The NEO-FASCIST "Young Americans for Freedom" (YAF) organized an anti-French protest in Westwood, March 7th 2003. Here's a brief history of the jackbooted frat boy fascists.

BTL:Soldiers, Their Parents and Lawmakers Sue to Stop U.S. Attack on... (tags)

...Iraq Without Congressional Declaration of War. Interview with John Bonifaz, lead attorney in Doe v. Bush lawsuit conducted by Between the Lines 'Melinda Tuhus

Downtown Los Angeles CD and SoCal student walkouts make the Global Headlines (tags)

The Global Media couldn't help but put today's student mobolizations near the top of the world news, and at the top of most local news. And this mornings Civil Disobedience in LA, the highest profile CD of the day in the U.S., also garnered a fair share of attention. The following report was crafted for the LA Times; in the rest of the world, the LA CD was in the seventh paragraph of the AP's summary report.


"I, like many other supporters of the Constitution, have been asking since the 2000 election; exactly what drives the foreign policy of the Bush Administration. The answer is revealed in the doctrines of the Policy for the New American Century, (PNAC) "

Finally! A Peace Rally To Cheer (tags)

Thousands rally in support of Bush Houston crowd hears politicians, veterans praise president's Iraq policies

TRUST OR HUSTLE: The Bush Record  (tags)

“What you’ve got with Bush [George senior] is absolutely the largest number of siblings and children involved in what looks like a never-ending hustle.” - Republican pundit Kevin Philips.1

John Trudell and an artist discuss the perpetual war mentality (tags)

Everybody is trying to find a way out from the mess they're in and they're using dark age intellectualizations and remaining confined in these concepts that have been imposed upon us from day one. Our spirits, the part of us that gifted us excellent medicine to deal with our lives here, has been systematically mined by a severely alienated perpetual war mentality. Join Trudell and i in a kind of conversation that you are invited to participate in.


One of the LIES commonly spread by Trolls is that everybody who supports peace is a Wacko. What do you say to a Medal of Honor Winner against Bush's war? What do you say to two of them? Veterans For Peace has sent an open letter to fifteen generals and admirals in the top ranks of the US Military advising them of their possible liabilities, under international law, to criminal prosecution for being part of a pre-emptive war against Iraq. Veterans For Peace, headquartered in St. Louis, MO, is an organization of men and women who have served in peacetime and in most of the wars of the last century, with 92 chapters nationwide.

No Peace without Victory (tags)

The Appeasement Mongers, and why we have to deal with them.

Cal State Fullerton International Film Series "PEACE AND WAR ON PLANET EARTH" (tags)

PEACE AND WAR ON PLANET EARTH In this new phase of globalization, at a time when freedom and peace are threatened around the world, confronting and understanding different viewpoints on domestic and international conflicts become essential to building a harmonious global society. This series of films (feature films as well as documentaries from diverse parts of the world) will encourage students and the community to discuss the burning issues of “Peace and War on Planet Earth.” FREE ADMISSION

The Blood Of Thousands (tags)

This is the way the Bush family makes millions. It takes the blood of thousands of innocence civilians

The war and premeditated genocide: What is at stake? (tags)

The great confrontation has been joined. We are living history. I believe we will win. Not from visionary faith, but from the conviction that what we are fighting for represents the best of humankind.

Toronto Star Column Hints at a Staged 9/11 as Pretext for War! (tags)

Roll over Chomsky, Corn and Albert! This one's dedicated to those self-proclaimed "anti-conspiratorialists" who won't even hear of the possibility and the REALITY of government/corporate/military conspiracies. Hats off to Landsberg for breaking the code of silence in the official press! Her subtle allusions to the events of 9/11 are to be commended.

ANSWER & NION losing the battle 4 the hearts of millions (tags)


Peace is Powerful (tags)

Hollywood Protest Article...(that I wrote)

Why we shouldn't go to War; Any War! (tags)

The United States Department of Defense has committed acts of intentional physical and psychological trauma, premeditated murder and treason. This is not a 'Liberal Left' vs 'Conservative Right' issue, this has nothing to do with Politics at all, this is about a Crime which was committed against our Military Personal while in the course of performing their duties.

Answering Moral Blackmail (tags)

Are millions of Canadian, American and In the midst of worldwide protest against an impending war with Iraq, the Bush Administration and its allies have trotted out their trump card...

Peace Activists Aren't Appeasers (tags)

Are millions of Canadian, American and European peace marchers "appeasers" because they want Iraq disarmed by means other than war?

The United States of America Has Gone Mad (tags)

America has entered one of its periods of historical madness, but this is the worst I can remember: worse than McCarthyism, worse than the Bay of Pigs and in the long term potentially more disastrous than the Vietnam War.

Disentangling the Antiwar Movement from the American Flag (tags)

(A downloadable PDF version of this essay is available at; feel free to copy and distribute this 8.5 x 11, 2- sided flyer)

AUSTRALIA +World NOWAR-round-up: Largest coordinated anti-war protest in history (tags)

Altogether 1 MILLION Australians marched against the oil war on Iraq and for bringing the troops home. This is a comprehensive preliminary round-up of the anti-war demonstrations that broke records in all bigger Australian cities, plus the world-wide coverage that will be printed in this weeks Green Left Weekly, Australia's largest indypendent and radical weekly newspaper.

Workers Action Says: DEFEND IRAQ! DEFEAT IMPERIALISM! (tags)

Workers Action Says: No to Layoffs at Home, Bombs and Sanctions Abroad! Not A Penny, Not A Person To The Military! DEFEND IRAQ! DEFEAT IMPERIALISM! Two Years of Bush: Two Wars and Two Coup Attempts! Is the U.S. Planning Permanent War?

Air Strike Would Succeed, Ground Invasion Is Excuse to Kill Civil Rights Activists (tags)

Civil rights advocates have become the target not of a military attack, but of traitors within the military who hope to execute civil rights activists by placing them on the front lines in Iraq.

Veterans Call to Conscience to Troops and Reservists (tags)

If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time. When orders come to ship out, your response will profoundly impact the lives of millions of people in the Middle East and here at home.

The State Sabotages Social Change Initiatives: History (tags)

Since COINTELPRO was used mainly against the progressive movements of the 1960s, its impact can be grasped only in the context of the momentous social upheaval which shook the country during those years. All across the United States, Black communities came alive with renewed political struggle. Most major cities experienced sustained, disciplined Black protest and massive ghetto uprisings. Black activists galvanized multi-racial rebellion among GIs, welfare mothers, students, and prisoners.

The Bush Oligarchy Rules by Smear: (tags)

The Bush Administration and it's web of smear mongers has smeared anti-war activist Scott Ritter. Evil dictators rely upon the assumption that their minions will refrain from sinking to the same depth of moral depravity when striking back. They're wrong! Here we go, and all we can say is that Bush asked for it:

Analysis of ANSWER and NION (tags)

Written by Michael Albert of Z Magazine and Stephen R Shalom

Front-line troops disproportionately white, not black Numbers refute long-held belief (tags)


GoogleNews: 3,630 Newpaper Articles On Anti War Protests In The Last 3 Days (tags)

When I typed “anti war”, “protest” in GoogleNews more than 31/2 THOUSAND articles appeared (all published within the last 3 days). As impressive as the numbers, was the diversity of newspapers. It seemed that EVERY town in American had articles pertaining to Anti War Protests, and almost all of them seemed sympathetic to the cause. Below is a random page of the 100 pages of articles. GoogleNews seems to be a good tool to find and gauge media coverage.

Tens of thousands in S.F. demand Bush abandon war plans (SF Chronicle) (tags)

From San Francisco to Washington, D.C., from Paris to Tokyo, hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the world's streets Saturday to protest potential military action against Iraq by the Bush administration and its allies.

36 cities tell Bush: Give peace a chance (tags)

Warning that war with Iraq will cost thousands of Iraqi and U.S. lives and waste billions of tax dollars needed for education and health care, the city council of Gary, Ind., unanimously approved a resolution Jan.7 opposing war on the oil-rich nation.

Call to Conscience from Veterans to Active Duty Troops and Reservists (tags)

Call to Conscience from Vets

THE STAGING OF 911 (tags)

Nobody will ever find out the real criminals behind the scenes.

Audio clips from the giant anti-war rally (tags)

Audio clips from LA's biggest anti-war demo since the Vietnam War. Keep scrolling down to hear more.

BTL:Peace Activist Philip Berrigan Remembered (tags)

Interview with Jerome Berrigan, brother of the late peace activist Philip Berrigan, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

Crit. Mass to tomorrow's protest (tags)

posted from list

Help Distribute This Call To Conscience From Veterans (tags)

Help get this statement into the hands of reservists before they go to the gulf. Leaflet military bases, schools etc.

Big Successful Anti-War Rally in Hollywood (tags)

A Thank You note to the people of LA from some of the event's organizers.

100 arrested at UN opposing immoral war (tags)

NEW YORK – “War against Iraq is unjustifiable and immoral. It will cost thousands of innocent lives, Iraqi and American. And I will do everything I can to stop it.” So said Rabbi Michael Fineberg before his arrest on the steps of the U.S. Mission to the United Nations, Dec. 10.

Retaliation Against Citizen Whistleblowers (tags)

Citizen Whistleblowers in San Bernardino County are being subjected to retaliation in the form of false arrests and criminal charges, code enforcement inspections, visits from animal control, verbal and physical threats and even death.

This Will Make You Angry (tags)

Article about anger is the fuel for activism and social change. Focuses on prison issues and hip-hop activism.

Road to war paved with LIES? (tags)

The road toward war in Iraq may be paved with LIES.


Since 1973, Israel has cost the United States about $1.6 trillion. If divided by today's population, that is more than $5,700 per person.

a timeline of CIA atrocities (tags)

the author Steve kangas was suicided in 1999

Anti-War activist Berrigan dies (tags)

Anti-war activist Philip Berrigan dies

Conscientious Objector Author's Perseverance Pays Off (tags)

Fukuoka, Japan -- Robert W. Norris, a Vietnam War conscientious objector (CO) now living in Japan, knows what it means for a writer to persevere. Over thirty years after being court-martialed as a CO and twenty-five years of writing, Norris has drawn upon his many experiences to write a novel and an ESL (English as a Second Language) novella/textbook. Both books are published by Jacobyte Books, an independent Australian publisher. Jacobyte's homepage:

Setting the Record Straight- RCP on the Anti War Movement (tags)

In response to a article written on

The ILWU From Bridges to Spinosa (tags)

Great article on the dockworkers

UNANIMOUS! Teach-ins on Iraq in Oakland Schools! (tags)

The Oakland School Board Unanimously (with one abstention) passed a resolution to plan teach-ins throughout the School District on the war on Iraq Here is the FRONT PAGE! Oakland Tribune article and below is the School Board Resolution, cosponsored by Board Member Dan Siegel and Oakland Education Association president Sheila Quintana.

Nov20 National Day of Student/Youth ACTION (tags)


Nov20 National Day of Student/youth Action (tags)


Working families say: We’ll fight Bush agenda (tags)

WASHINGTON – Despite setbacks in the Nov. 5 elections, the AFL-CIO, the National Organization for Women and other grassroots organizations vowed a determined fight to block the Bush administration from railroading its ultra-right agenda through Congress.

Vote to Prevent War? (text) (tags)

Vote to Prevent War? (text)


This article should be must reading for all American Patriots who are forever whining about "anti-Americanism"--not to mention anti-war Liberals who may be opposed to America's wars, but refuse to fight the American Empire itself. As this article suggests, America's current Terror War is only an extension of the Cold War. One that "continues under new names but, in essence, it is now a 'North-South' struggle--an effort to prevent the rise of any society that may set a credible example of an alternative to the capitalist model, and to prevent the rise of any power that might challenge American supremacy."

George Orwell Exposed Pacifists' Political Motives (tags)

An exposure of the timeless 'peace activist'.

Venice Peace March Turns One Year Old (tags)

“I’m an American. I have a job. I pay taxes. I vote. And I don’t want to be dropping bombs on Baghdad and killing people. It’s wrong.” --Venice resident Peggy Lee Kennedy

9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans (tags)

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

Manufacturing Anti-Semites (posted by Latuff) (tags)

Relevant article on anti-Semitism from Uri Avnery, founder and activist of Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom.



United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America Oppose Iraq Invasion (tags)

Resolution passed by United Electrical radio and Machine Workers of America Opposing U.S. attack and invasion of Iraq.

American Body Bag Count: You Are Being Lied To (tags)

American Body Bag Count: You Are Being Lied To

Iraq inspections pave way for peace (tags)

Iraq’s agreement to unconditional weapons inspections is a significant step forward, but the Bush administration’s negative reaction shows it wants to start a war regardless, former senator James Abourezk (D-S.D.) said Sept. 17.

Opposition grows to war with Iraq (tags)

Growing opposition to the Bush administration’s planned attack on Iraq, even from prominent right-wing Republicans, provides a “window of opportunity” to prevent such a war, Kathy Kelly, coordinator of Voices in the Wilderness, a humanitarian group working to end economic sanctions against Iraq, told the World.

FARC-EP Historical Outline and links to literature (tags)

This book gives a historical account of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP), one of the main insurgencies in Colombia, from the civil war of 1948 to the present. It also includes political and programmatic documents that outline the FARC-EP's vision of a new Colombia, without exploiters or exploited.


"United We Stand" against war, racism, poverty, and repression!"


The banner at the head of the Aug. 24th, 2002 ChicanoMoratorium March in Highland Park. Some 300 people participated.


A Poster of Ruben Salazar carried through the streets of Highland Park during the Chicano Moratorium 2002 Protest.

Iowa labor maps Election 2002 fight (tags)

WATERLOO, Iowa – The 46th convention of the Iowa Federation of Labor, AFL-CIO, opened here Aug. 14 with a blistering attack on the policies of the Bush administration. It ended two days later with a plan of action aimed at electing worker-friendly candidates to Congress and the Iowa legislature, with a special emphasis on re-electing Sen. Tom Harkin.


Join us to commemorate the 1970 Chicano moratorium protest march against the Vietnam War and no new wars today!

Transcript of militarized police forum (tags)

In light of recent Bush administration efforts to expand the domestic role of the military, "Declassified Radio" is re-releasing the transcript of a past program on the military's growing influence on domestic policing. This program, initially released in October of 2001, includes material from a September 25, 2001 symposium on militarized policing held at Judson Church in New York City. Speakers included Paul Richmond of the National Lawyer's Guild, "Covert Action Quarterly" writer Frank Morales, and Sam Smith, editor of the "Progressive Review".

History Lesson (tags)

How well do you know your real history?

Bringing the ADC Back to the Democratic Mainstream (tags)

A statement calling for the reinstatement of Michael Shehadeh, prominent civil rights activist, who was relieved of his role as Western Regional Director.

Midnight Special leaves Promenade (tags)

After ten years on the Third Street Promenade, Midnight Special Bookstore is being forced to re-locate.

DESMOND TUTU and IAN URBINA speak against Israeli Apartheid (tags)

The United States has a distinct responsibility to intervene in atrocities committed by Israel the single largest recipient of US arms and foreign aid. Israel occupation's end should be TOP concern for ALL Americans.

Dissent In Pursuit Of Equality, Life, Liberty And Happiness (tags)

Sharon Basco is executive producer of Howard Zinn is an historian and author of A People's History of the United States. Sharon Basco interviewed him for

Veterans: POW’s at Guantanamo & U.S. Tiger Cages in Vietnam (tags)

Why is the world concerned about the classification of prisoners at Guantanamo Bay, and, why are Americans so blissfully unconcerned? The world is concerned because, as possible victims, it can’t afford to forget. Americans are not because they have never come to terms with the evil our government committed against prisoners during the Vietnam War.

Final cartoon from We are all Palestinians series (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyright-free cartoon by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff on behalf of brave Palestinian people. Support International Campaign for Justice for the Victims of Sabra & Shatila. Click on the link below for details.

Tariq Ali Speaks Out Against War in Manchester. UK (video) (tags)

Well know Pakistani Anti-Vietnam War campaigner, Tariq Ali, speaks out against the Afghan War.


Lorenzo comes out with all cylinders firing. Chris Gatewood echoed some anti-Vietnam War rhetoric, pointing the finger back at the USA, and was silenced by the guys at the central office. Lorenzo recapituates the theme, and takes it to the next level. Something to consider...

Peoples will be independent (tags)

"The attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Center are the most important event in world history since the collapse of the Soviet Union."

Black Panther Party Cofounder Bobby Seale Relates Struggles of 1960s... (tags)

On June 20, Seale returned to New Haven, and spoke about the relationship between the radical politics of the 1960s and the rebirth of activism and today's growing worldwide movement for social justice(A RealAudio Version of this interview may be found At

Christopher Hitchens Discusses Why He Believes Henry Kissinger Should Be Tried.. (tags)

Between The Lines' Scott Harris spoke with Hitchens who explains why he believes Kissinger is a "one man international rolling crime wave" who should be tried for war crimes. "The Trial of Henry Kissinger" is published by Verso Books.

PsychWarfare: Genoa: Body Bags ordered (tags)

despite threatened mass protests, the authorities have ordered 200 "Vietnam War-style body bags" and set up a room at the city's main hospital as a morgue. Police and troops were being given counselling.... [ hmmmm, or brainwashing their consciences???? ]

The Shortwave Report 6/1/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of stories and opinions in English recorded from a shortwave radio. Free to rebroadcast, please notify. Times and freqs for English-language broadcasts. Radio Netherlands, Germany, China, Russia, Cuba. 13.6MB mp3

Peace Activist Comments on Former Sen. Kerrey's Forced Admission that ... (tags)

Peace Activist Comments on Former Sen. Kerrey's Forced Admission that He Killed Civilians During Vietnam War. Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Brian Willson about his personal evolution from a supporter of the Vietnam War to an outspoken critic and the Kerrey revelations.

HIP-HOP FOR CONSCIOUSNESS: The Imam Jamil Al-Amin Benefit Concert (tags)

Mos Def, Jurassic 5, Dialated Peoples, Planet Asia, and others to be announced are scheduled to perform at The Jamil Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) Benefit Concert on May 12, 2001 in Los Angeles @The Center in Watts. Proceeds from the concert will go towards Imam Jamil's Justice Fund and support for his family in this time of need. COME OUT AND SUPPORT THIS CAUSE IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE!

HIP-HOP FOR CONSCIOUSNESS: The Imam Jamil Al-Amin Benefit Concert (tags)

Mos Def, Jurassic 5, Dialated Peoples, Planet Asia, and others to be announced are scheduled to perform at The Jamil Al-Amin (formerly known as H. Rap Brown) Benefit Concert on May 12, 2001 in Los Angeles @The Center in Watts. Proceeds from the concert will go towards Imam Jamil's Justice Fund and support for his family in this time of need. COME OUT AND SUPPORT THIS CAUSE IN THE NAME OF JUSTICE!

April Fools' Rate Hikes (tags)

The Disneyland Democrats had their state convention in Anaheim, California this April Fools' weekend and still insist on following their PG&E whore, Gov Gray Davis, like the blind fools they are, as he leads their party to sure oblivion into the gubernatorial campaign of 2002

Who Says We Didn't Get Good Press? (tags)

So maybe it's only a free community newspaper, and it's not owned by a media conglomerate, but it's widely read in my town. This was the lead editorial in this week's Santa Monica Mirror.

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