fix articles 17333, what is
Three Mile Island Nuke Plant Finally Shutting Down (tags)
The notorious Three Mile Island nuke plant is finally shutting down for good.
Philippines: 100 Days of the Duterte Presidency (tags)
This article has been presented and discussed by the leadership and organizers of the Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) to mark the coming 100-day anniversary of the Duterte administration. It is a contribution to the discussion among the Left and progressive forces on how to view this administration and the tasks ahead.
The Internationalist No. 39 is out! (tags)
To get your copy, send US$0.50 to Mundial Publications, Box 3321 Church Street Station, New York, NY 10008.
Development of Maoist Theory and Practice in the Philippines (tags)
The Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) was reestablished on the theoretical foundation of Marxism-Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought on 26 December 1968. Since 1995, it has officially used the term Maoism as synonym for Mao Zedong Thought. The adoption of the term is due to language alignment in relation to Marxism-Leninism rather than due to any change of meaning or line in relation to Mao Zedong Thought. Since 3 September 1993 in his message to the Symposium on Mao Zedong Thought in Manila, the founding chairman of the CPP has referred to adherents of Mao Zedong Thought as Maoists.
Pressure Builds for War on Syria (tags)
Pride Goeth Before a Fall (tags)
The current controversy over San Diego LGBT Pride is not only jeopardizing the future of the Pride events and potentially pitting board members against community volunteers in a potentially ruinous conflict, it's also opening doors for a real reconsideration of how Pride should be run and what its purpose should be. The author argues for an end to the self-perpetuating board of directors that currently runs Pride, a membership organization made up of volunteers and contributors, and a rethinking of the Pride events to emphasize community outreach and a celebration of Pride's liberationist origins as well as moneymaking and entertainment.
YouTube - Shut It Down! UC Berkeley Walkout & Mass Rally by Staff, Students & Faculty-The (tags)
A mass rally of more than 5,000 workers, students and faculty joined together against the privatization of UC.
U.S. Still Supports the Coup! (tags)
"Agency bankrolling “good governance” programs to ensure the “rule of law in the country” The taxpayer-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation has continued to move millions of dollars into Honduras since the June 28 coup d'état, but it is not alone, Narco News has now confirmed. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is slated to provide Honduras with nearly $47 million in funding in fiscal 2009, which ends Sept. 30, 2009. Nearly all of that money (some $43 million) is scheduled to be delivered as previously planned to Honduras — which is now under the leadership of a putsch regime that President Obama has already described as “not legal.”
Juan and Pedro Enter the Honduras Oil Import Business, Coup d’Etat Follows (tags)
"Padre Fausto later chronicled his own share of detentions, which included being kidnapped by paramilitaries in Honduras in 1981 on charges of inciting guerrilla activity based on his concern for campesino and indigenous rights. In captivity, Fausto was subjected to a schedule of sitting in rooms with torture instruments and being removed whenever someone needed to be tortured physically rather than psychologically. He subsequently spent a number of years in exile in Mexico; as for other Hondurans in exile, Fausto boasted that Zelaya had spoken with him and other Hondurans for four hours the previous day in Managua, neglecting a group of visiting European parliamentarians."
'Old Europe' Bails Out Idiot-run Free-Market US Government - Again (tags)
Right now, the entire world's banking system is being pressed to the limit of what it can do to prevent a worldwide crash of the capitalist system due to what one European banker called "a complete evaporation of liquidity" [Source: "ECB reportedly weighs dollar swap with Fed",, 13 August, 2007]. In layman's terms, that means that the world's banking system is running out of the funds needed to keep the capitalist credit system running.
American Missiles Smash through Treaty with Russia: The U.S. Won't Renew START-1 (tags)
The U.S. military leadership has stated for the first time that it has to decline to renew the first Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty. Chief of the U.S. Strategic Command Gen. James Cartwright claimed that the decision makes a possible strike in the war against global terrorism easier. In Russia, they are worried that the United States will have potential to make a disarming nuclear strike and, with the missile defense system in Europe, avoid a counterstrike.
Distro info on D-U exposure at military recruitment centers (tags)
Potential military recruits need an advance warning info about the health risks of Depleted Uranium exposure prior to enlisting
president bush to undergo major testing. (tags)
Millions of american people are starting to notice a very un american president and vice president these days. Every day more and more americans are starting to wonder if these 2 guys are even fit to run our nation anymore. The things they do sometimes seem a little crazy and often illegal. So some of the american people are hoping to find a couple good shrinks and maybe a few good lawyers to see if what they are doing in washington is really legal or illegal, maybe even a little crazy. There is a simple challenge to washington to pass a bill, its a good one, its a simple one, and it's a fair one, lets make it a fast one, say march 23, this will give them several weeks just in case their secrataries are slow typers or they forget how to spell there names or they are slow readers or something you know washington isn't the brightest city in the world and the bill is 1 page. Lets call it bill #4404150555 until they give it an official # Any man women or child that joins the military reserves the right at anytime they feel unable or unwilling to pick up another weapon or harm another person to trade in that gun for a guitar. The government that tought that child how to use that weapon that kills will be responsible to provide teachers to teach that soldier to play an instrument that heals so he may attempt to heal some wounds that he and his brothers may be feeling or creating. We would only do trade with countries that provide their soldiers and citizens the right to decide if and when they to have the right to lay down their guns and persue a life with more meaning and one worth living. Submitted by Jimmy the weed Zender american citizen living in Geneva on the Lake Ohio, maybe Bono would help me submit this:) John Mc Cain, wheres the love for your democracy and military men? Kennedy live up to your good name, help america find real democracy. We all owe them this people, they have all givin their lives so we may have this right, use it, lets do this for them, now! Lets "nickname" this "the bill we can all aford to pay" And if washington don't wanna foot this bill, they better all start hiring lawyers, oh they already are lawyers! Well, they will need more lawyers and they will be paying them out of there own pockets, now they would not like that, would they? this bill is good for america! We will ask some of our brightest stars to both sponser the bill and donate time to teach these young men and ladies to be highly skilled and very creative soldiers for life and healers. And a few big names would make things a lot more encouraging. As believers we must become less killing and more filling if we want to get to drink from the cup of life, God help us all! Now on the streets we call the first part a blood test, on march 23 the results of this test will be in and we will know if he has american blood in him or muslim blood on him, anyone will be able to decide for themselves too cause everyones got brains to decide right? This is a great place to draw the line and see if they want all americans to have the opertunities to be the best people we can be or just to do be un or under edjucated and easily manipulated so we can only keep doing all there dirty works. You know I am starting to woner if that is Christs blood or muslims blood on our hands, and if we don't stop now we may be suprised. Now if he fails the blood tests, we will have due do further testing now the second part we will be testing his brain, if we can find it. This test is known on the streets as the test for dummies it is 10 stupid questions, itis designed for stupid people who can only come up with stupid answers. the results from this test should show us if he has any common sense or in some countries it is called "sanity" left or not, we really need to know. Now if he fails the first 2 tests we better take the 3rd one for him, we will all be tested. And we must vote every republican out of office in november, except the ones who fought for our citizens and soldiers rights and signed the bill and only if they get it passed. This will be "nicknamed" america's blood test, this test will tell us if they sucked all the american blood out of us. And in november you will have our test results too, God help us all, please! Now this test is very real and millions of americans are taking notice. Every day is a test, and every day we are tested, let us pass this one. Hey old man, get out of that rocking chair and do something, and students and children teach your parents well. I know they will be telling you how stupid we are or crazy the plan is but you be the judge, is this test easy? will they pass? sign? or turn their backs on our soldiers and us too, us the people they promised to serve? You know it's not just iraqies and our soldiers dying but also every soldiers parents do, their children, brothers, sisters, and every one of us too look inside, the scars of these wars are in all of us no matter where we live. Demand they pass this bill into law, just the way it is let them add nothing to it and make sure it never expires, and don't let them screw it up. Also this governments been taking all our dollars I think we deserve a little change, don't you? tell them earn the money they take and sign this bill fast. Send letters to washington cnn and everywhere, tell family overseas take the test too and send your answers to Lou Dobbs at by july 4 incase we have a lot of empty seats to fill in november it is right around the corner. And be sure and find out what test your person in washington prefers to take we are giving them 3 very easy choices you know 1 Pass this bill now (easiest choice just sign it) or 2 take the test july 4 (anyone who failed the first test) or 3 test us in november, do not underestimate our hunger, you only feed us lots of elephant shit and the whole world is sick of that. Rock and Roll Everyone!
What is on researcher's mind? (tags)
About manipulating with mass media; short article on mass media abuse possibilities.
The Twilight of Vanguardism (tags)
Revolutionary thinkers have been saying that the age of vanguardism is over for most of a century now. Outside of a handful of tiny sectarian groups, it's almost impossible to find a radical intellectuals seriously believe that their role should be to determine the correct historical analysis of the world situation, so as to lead the masses along in the one true revolutionary direction.
John Trudell and an artist discuss the perpetual war mentality (tags)
Everybody is trying to find a way out from the mess they're in and they're using dark age intellectualizations and remaining confined in these concepts that have been imposed upon us from day one. Our spirits, the part of us that gifted us excellent medicine to deal with our lives here, has been systematically mined by a severely alienated perpetual war mentality. Join Trudell and i in a kind of conversation that you are invited to participate in.