fix articles 44572, mother nature Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : mother nature

mother nature


Doctor exposes vaccine dangers and his whole village burns to the ground. Document all people in the stateof California, politicians, government officials, medical and media professionals who are promoting mass murders via covid-19 lethal injections. We must be sure the are convicted for crimes against humanity.

Fruitarian Diet: Most Nonviolent, Healthiest, Highest Food Yielding, Earth Protecting (tags)

Fruitarian diet causes the least suffering to other sentient beings including plants. Compare as well the 100 to 1000 lbs per acre of animal flesh to the 450,000 or more pounds per acre from centenarian fruit trees. Fruitarians weigh over 25 lbs less than the average paleo diet person, are the healthiest, the most energy saving, the most reforesting and earth protecting.

Ramsay Discusses Milloscope Development (tags)

“This week‘s Armchair Hour talk has the issues of the state terrorism against local dissidents in the aftermath of the nuclear waste irregularity and the massive losses in bee populations found by harvesters.”

Hundreds March Long Beach to Compton to Protest Los Angeles Sheriff Murder of Noel Aguilar (tags)

Noel Aguilar, age 23, was killed on May 26, 2014 by Los Angeles Sheriff's Department Deputies Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz, who lied to make it seem like their victim deserved to die. LASD falsely reported that Noel was armed, had shot an injured deputy, and tried to take away the officers' guns. A witness cell phone video released in December 2015 revealed that Deputy Ruiz actually shot Deputy Murad accidentally and then shifted the blame to Noel, who was shot four times at point-blank range while being pinned down. Noel's final words #ImDying became a rallying cry for a protest held January 16, 2016. Over 300 people marched a three-mile route to the Compton station of the LASD, where Noel's killers Albert Murad and Jose Ruiz report to duty.

Philippines: Climate Focus - Time to act is now on energy transformation (tags)

What could possibly be so urgent and life-threatening to drive leaders of people from a small and barely reachable island off the coast of Mindoro to leave their homes and travel 285 kilometers by land and sea over the period of five days just to reach Metro Manila? On November 27, a day before the biggest climate justice march in the country, they have reach the Presidential Palace.

Thousands Of Poisons In Mammal, Bird And Fish Flesh (tags)

Mother Jones reported recently that included in the food given to cows are ground limestone, sawdust, candy and candy wrappers, chicken waste (called wastelage by commercial interests) and crab guts. Natural News reported strange hairlike fibers in McNuggets. There are more toxins in animal flesh now than ever before.

Four Winds of March Against Monsanto Los Angeles Take The Streets of Hollywood (tags)

People of Los Angeles joined the global call to March Against Monsanto on Saturday, May 23, 2015, in solidarity with thousands of people spanning over 400 cities of the globe. In L.A. the march originated in four cardinal directions in the morning (North Hollywood/Valley, West L.A/Venice, South L.A., and downtown) and traveled via public transportation to the central rally in East Hollywood, followed by a march to Griffith Park for a non-GMO potluck and teach-in. Over five hundred people participated in #MAMLA #MAM2015 to say #HellNoGMO.

what's In Organic Uncooked Fruit (tags)

Fruitarian or frugivorous diet is the healthiest, most nonviolent, most reforesting, most perfectly packaged, most energy saving, of all food systems. . Fruitarian foods come from tree, vine, berry bush and fruit bearing plants' fruits, nuts, and seeds

Global Cannabis March Los Angeles Represents Drug War Prisoners Serving Life Sentences (tags)

On the first Saturday of May, people gather in over 400 cities worldwide to celebrate cannabis hemp. The 16th annual Los Angeles Global Cannabis March (also known as the Million Marijuana March) marched at high noon along Crenshaw Boulevard to Leimert Park on Saturday, May 3, 2013. #gcm2014 #LAGMM

Ohio Republicans Promote Human Disease, Animal Agony, And Disinformation (tags)

State agency justifies a lust for blood sports and the stalking of innocent animals... while lying about the hazards of meat.

The clathrate gun has been fired (tags)

The U.S. has to put itself on a war footing, recall its entire military forces and set them to work on the massive change over to renewable energy that the country needs to undertake, if it wishes to survive the fast approaching catastrophe. The enemy now is Mother Nature who has infinite power at her disposal and intends to take no prisoners in this very short, absolutely brutal, 30 to 40 year war she has begun. I cannot emphasise more, how serious humanity’s predicament is and what we should try to do to prevent our certain final destruction and extinction in the next 30 to 40 years if we continue down the present path we are following .

Super typhoon Haiyan is climate wake-up call (tags)

It seems these days that whenever Mother Nature wants to send an urgent message to humankind, it sends it via the Philippines. This year the messenger was Haiyan, known in the Philippines as Yolanda.

Washington Brinksmanship Masks Class War (tags)

class war

People Power Alone Can Save Us! (tags)

police stat

Five Articles In One On Superior Health With Nonviolent Diet (tags)

The 5 articles are 1. Blood Sweat and Tears: Ingredients In Animal Flesh 2. Of Sex and Diet 3. Superior Brain Function of Vegetarian, Vegan and Fruitarian Diet 4. Fish Can't Scream And Their Flesh is Neurotoxic 5. Myriad Reasons To Be Vegetarian

Maligned for Doing the Right Thing (tags)

police state

Groups urge world leaders to reject “Green Economy” in Rio+20 summit (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Various cause-oriented groups warned the Philippine delegation and world leaders attending the three-day United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (UNCSD) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil not to fall into the trap of believing that the proposed "Green Economy" is "a tool and mechanism for sustainable development."

Mary's Revolt for Life (tags)

The civilization made and guided by men seriously threatens survival on the earth. The song of Christmas is not a sweet lullaby but a feminine rebellion against the world of death worshipers. The gifts of this earth do not belong to us.

New Zealanders must ?speak out? about omitted human rights or be reduced to mere ?numbers? (tags)

NZ has been taken over by an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism, which aims to destroy individual and collective potential yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually has a 'name').

Senseless Killings of Activists in the Philippines must be Stopped (tags)

Florita "Nang Flor" Caya, Elpidio "Jojo" Malinao, Noriel Salazar - some of the recent slain activists in the Philippines.

Coverup and Denial in Japan (tags)

nuclear catastrophe

PHILIPPINES: Keeping an eye on Aquino’s commitment to change (tags)

MANILA - The new administration of President Benigno S. Aquino III begins with an extremely high trust rating of 88 percent – higher than any of the post-dictatorship presidents. This is a measure of people’s belief in the commitment of the Aquino administration to reverse the anti-poor policies implemented during the regime of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

Can a Person Own HIs/Her Mother? (tags)

No one can own what exists in nature except nature. A human cannot own its own mother. However western ownership systems have been forced on us again and again that contradict our worldview and our values. Ubunto is another example: "I only live when you live."

Abandoning Capitalism (tags)

The sociologist Dr. Atilio Boron, professor of political theory at the University of Buenos Aires, is an internationally known radical political author. UNESCO awarded him the “International Jose Marti prize” on July 17, 2009

Ecological Justice Instead of Growth Economy for the Rich (tags)

"Now the market, the god of neoliberals, cannot help any more and speculators cry for the already instrumentalized state.. Studying pre-capitalist approaches is vital to develop a post-capitalist vision. The vision of the Bible is an economy of enough for all, an economy for life."

The%20One_and_Only_Solution_Part1.htm (tags)

You need to connect to the One's Heart: The heart of hearts, the real Holy of Holies

Doug Dowd's "At the Cliff's Edge" (tags)

an indictment of imperialism

Sixth Encuentro Tawaintisuyu Abya Yala Pacha Mapu Woumain - Venezuela (tags)

ixth Encuentro Tawaintisuyu Abya Yala Pacha Mapu Woumain "AGAINST THE IMPERIALISMS, CONTINENETAL DECOLONIZATIONS"

Mr. Potato Heads Off Food Crisis! (tags)

Like a microcosm of what would eventually occur throughout most of the world, people in the US became increasingly dependent upon the agricultural, chemical, and petroleum industries for the production and delivery of "food." Diets that were once healthy became unnatural and based largely upon processed, powdered, light-weight, (easily shipped and stored) grains instead of locally grown, nutrient-dense, fresh organic vegetables and fruits. This dependency began in earnest around the 1930s, the years referred to by some as "the Dirty Thirties." Those were years when corporate profits at all costs seemed to take precedence and business became more important than people. ...............................................................................

Crystal Lake Update (tags)

Today in the Angeles National Forest about fifty or sixty young volunteers from a variety of religious youth organizations (the UCC, "United Church of Christ" and many other groups from all around Southern California) gathered together with representatives of the Sierra Club, the San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders, and the U. S. Forest Service at the Rincon Fire Station in the San Gabriel River Ranger District.

Mark Bryan and Garry Eister's "The Screaming Bunny" Performance Carlotta's Passi (tags)

Mark Bryan and Garry Eister's "The Screaming Bunny" Performance 3/17 at Carlotta's Passion Fine Art A Benefit for "The World Can't Wait - Drive Out The Bush Regime"

Bears That Have Stopped Hibernating: More GW Consequences (tags)

This article tells of bears in Spain that for at least three years have not hibernated, rather they stayed active because there was plenty to eat and no need for the normal slumber. It also tells of many other plant and wildlife abnormalities attributed to the rising temperatures in Europe.

The Universe Is . . . (tags)

The Universe Is A Laughing Woman. Our planet has become a toxic landfill because men's rituals obscure reality.

Two colossal manmade disasters: Katrina and Alan (tags)

What becomes obvious when a Katrina comes along is that for the many "born to lead," there is only a scant few "committed to serve."

Earth Day Comes Alive! Audubon Center at Debs Park (tags)

Earth Day Comes Alive! Audubon Center at Debs Park Saturday April 23, 2005 9:00am to 4:00pm 4700 North Griffin Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90031

The Son of Man (tags)

THE SON OF MAN / / Anybody who supports George W. Bush is my ENEMY. George W. Bush committed 9/11 with his buddy, General Ahmad who funded the mastermind ring leader. That's according to the FBI. Any bushite who gets in my way, who says that isn't the case, I WILL KILL. \ \ / / Mr. Sattler, if you don't want US to arrest those responsible for 9/11, don't you thing we Americans should kill you? \ \

A special broadcast for the bushite nazi grunts (tags)

The reasons why, US true Christ like Patriot Warriors kill the enemy bushite for God and Freedom in America.

Blogger Challenges Jerry Falwell on Christian Family Values (tags)

"Whenever We Read the Obscene Stories, the Voluptuous Debaucheries, the Cruel and Torturous Executions, the Unrelenting Vindictiveness, with which more than Half the Bible is filled, it Would be More Consistent that we called it the Word of a Demon, than the Word of God. It is a History of Wickedness, that has Served to Corrupt and Brutalize Mankind." Thomas Paine (1737-1809; Original Founding Father

ENRON and Weather Control (tags)


Community garden soil phytoremediation (tags)

Starting a permaculture community garden on a contaminated landspace involves phytoextraction, using plants like Brassica juncea to remove the heavy metals like lead from the soil..

FIVE Peace & Justice books by MIKE PALECEK (tags)

Palecek is an Iowa author, former federal prisoner for peace; former Catholic seminarian; former Iowa/MN/Nebr. newspaper reporter; was the Iowa Democratic Party nominee for the U.S. House, 5th District, 2000 election. Palecek lives in Sheldon, Iowa with Ruth, Sam and Emily.

John Trudell and an artist discuss the perpetual war mentality (tags)

Everybody is trying to find a way out from the mess they're in and they're using dark age intellectualizations and remaining confined in these concepts that have been imposed upon us from day one. Our spirits, the part of us that gifted us excellent medicine to deal with our lives here, has been systematically mined by a severely alienated perpetual war mentality. Join Trudell and i in a kind of conversation that you are invited to participate in.

Write a letter for Anarchist prisoner Jeff Free Luers (tags)

Dear friends: the following letter was written - upon his request - by friends and supporters of jeffrey luers, aka "free", from portland & eugene. Significant events for "free" will likely be occurring in the following months, and we urge you to fill out this letter - using a real name and address - and sending it to attorney general hardy myers. Also, please print this letter out and pass it on to friends and potentially sympathetic people.

Kichwa Community in Ecuador (tags)

Sarayacu, a native Kichwa Community in Ecuador

Rally at U.S. Capitol to Stop Yucca Mountain (tags)

Environmental Activists Rally at the U.S. Senate to Protest the Shipping of Nuclear Waste to Yucca Mountain Nevada.


A Scientist has been forced to deny his work because it disproves the Global Warming Theory - the Inquisition returns!!!!

Oregon Anarchist in Prison for 22years for Torching SUVs (tags)

On June 11th, anarchist prisoner Jeff Luers will have served one year of his 22.5 year sentence for torching three SUV's at a car dealership in Eugene, Oregon in the summer of 2000. for more information on how to help support Free, see the website below or write his defense network at the below address.

Who Did It? (tags)

The Citizens Executive Administration (CEA-USA) is recruiting a new Secretary of Defense. Are you qualified?

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