fix articles 8748, spirit Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : spirit


Rav Kook, Teshuvat HaPrat, Teshuvat HaKlal and Shoftim (tags)

Return to Self, Land, and God. The Tzadik State of Israel

The rediscovery of the soul (tags)

How apt are the words of Friedrich Schiller: "The world loves to blacken the radiant and to drag the sublime into the dust". And further he writes: "But fear not! There are still beautiful hearts that glow for the high, the glorious"

End of a Career. Obituary The "Swabian housewife" (tags)

The "Swabian housewife" dominated politics. Now she was buried by her inventor. The state is not a business or a housewife but can borrow and become indebted to help present and future generations. System change, not climate change! Fight ignorance, not immigrants!


military consolation...


military consolation...

MARY MAGDALENE DIDN´T EXIST . 10 and last (tags)

the NT is a lie

For All Torturers and Murderers (tags)

50 years of my efforts to address heinous crimes by humans on humans leads to this report.

Award winning Lion Ark returns to LA to help Save The Lions (tags)

LA Screen Actors Guild, 5.15pm, on Saturday April 9

Fidel Castro's Remarks on the 70th Anniversary of Russia's Great Patriotic War Victory (tags)


VIDEO: Cholita the abused ex-circus bear takes first steps to freedom! (tags)

Real life Paddington bear relocated to ADI rescue center ahead of ‘Spirit of Freedom’ flight to the US

Rescued Animals go Back to the Jungle with Help from Peru’s Armed Forces (tags)

Dozens of native wildlife saved relocated to Amazon sanctuary in ADI mission

Cholita the Real Life Paddington Bear is Cleared for Take-Off with 33 Lions! (tags)

Funds urgently needed as ADI team prepares to collect Cholita

Paddington Creator Backs Campaign To Save Bear in Peru (tags)

Paddington Bear creator joins ADI to rescue Cholita.

Paddington Bear to Hitch a Ride on Animal Defenders International Flight From Peru (tags)

Cholita hitches a ride with Animal Defenders International

Dental Surgery For Lions To Repair Damage from life in the circus (tags)

Renowned veterinary dentist Dr. Peter Emily flies in to aid lions at ADI Operation Spirit of Freedom Rescue Centre, Peru.

Lonely Monkey Finds His Val-entine (tags)

An embrace with Valerie ends a lifetime of loneliness for rescued Pepe

Ninos Perdidos del Sur (tags)

“Who are you that you fear mortal man, that you were in dread constantly the whole day long on account of the rage of the one hemming you in?” (Is. 51:12-13). Pict. - My Mom - Mother of Israel, born in San Francisco 1919. and they already removed this.

Huge Rescue Mission Launched in Peru to Save Suffering Circus Animals (tags)

ADI calls for circus lion who attacked teacher to be handed to authorities.

The Word (tags)

A country in a moment! A nation in a day!

Darius Glover the art of Motocross Riding (tags)

Darius Glover embodies the spirit of a winner, he is paralyzed From the waist down however he lives life to it's fullest.

Darius Glover the art of Motocross Riding (tags)

This is about a courageous , young man that embodies faith and courage At all times. Darius Glover is paralyzed From the waist down however he lives his life to the fullest. He is the fastest Motocross Rider. He competes with able bodied riders and,wins.

Obama Violates Geneva Agreement (tags)


Save the World Stage (tags)

The World Stage is at risk. Gentrification is afoot in Leimert Park Village, and the WS might be shut down... for what, is unknown. The World Stage is an LA treasure. Read the announcement about today's press conference:

"Pope Francis thinks politically" (tags)

"We are a society that has forgotten to cry and to sympathize. The globalization of indifference robs us of the ability to cry." Full of wisdom, the new pope says: "The greatness of a society is measured by how it treats the neediest." Modern society is barbaric, bloodless and cruel.

Bush Does Boston (tags)

That is GHW Bush the “man of lawlessnes, the son of perdition” (2 Thess. 2:3), as should have been well-publicized for his birthday last year: , but his supporters delete every comment.

What Next for Libya? (tags)


Killing Rachel Corrie Twice (tags)

Gaza siege

Living without Borders Encuentro in Las Vegas, NV Feb 12th & 13th, 2011 (tags)

The Living Without Borders encuentro will be held on Sat, Feb 12 and Sun, Feb 13, 2011, in Las Vegas, Nevada, on the campus of University of Nevada, Las Vegas. Living Without Borders / Viviendo Sin Fronteras is an encuentro sponsored by the United Coalition for Im/migrant Rights in Las Vegas, which will bring together activists and community members, for a weekend of discussion, action, and entertainment devoted to freedom of movement and migration, raising consciousness, and organizing in our communities. This year’s encuentro will be devoted to the theme of In Spirit as One: En Busqueda del Mundo Zurdo. Register at

beliving in the power of love (tags)


Memorandums on Alternative Economic Policy (tags)

The social state, solidarity, sharing and social justice open doors while neoliberal deregulation leads to exploding inequality, generalized insecurity and disappearance of the public spirit.

New Heart, New Spirit and New Person (tags)

Jesus calls us to a new language and a new mathematics. "The world will be changed when people speak as Jesus spoke, in a liberating not a religious way so people are shocked and drawn by its power" (Dietrich Bonhoeffer).

Dialog is the True Alternative to War (tags)

Our world has lost orientation in a crisis of the market that believed itself omnipotent. A world without spirit is never human. Spirit and dialog give a soul to this global world. Violence and terror always mean defeat for humanity.

Connecting with your Spirit (tags)

The spirit inside of you came from The Divine Light. If you are alive, you have light inside of you, and that light is beautiful

Everyone Must See the Film Che! (tags)

After watching Che, my love for this great hero of the revolution has been completely renewed.


Today, we celebrate our misa ng bayan with great hopes for brighter days of economic and moral recovery and renewal under our new President Barack Obama. It is certainly heartening and uplifting to know that we have a lot to hope and be thankful for after this nation demonstrated great courage by electing the first black, indeed, the first colored man in history, to the presidency. It brings much satisfaction after periods of intense crises and conflicts under the Bush administration, remembering 9/11, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the economic meltdown that continues to wreck havoc on us andespecially the common workers not only in the United States but all over the globe. After passing through the bleakest of days we earnestly hope to see light.


Today, we celebrate our misa ng bayan with great hopes for brighter days of economic and moral recovery and renewal under our new President Barack Obama. It is certainly heartening and uplifting to know that we have a lot to hope and be thankful for after this nation demonstrated great courage by electing the first black, indeed, the first colored man in history, to the presidency. It brings much satisfaction after periods of intense crises and conflicts under the Bush administration, remembering 9/11, the Iraq and Afghanistan wars and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and the economic meltdown that continues to wreck havoc on us andespecially the common workers not only in the United States but all over the globe. After passing through the bleakest of days we earnestly hope to see light.


Oneness means we are part of something perfect and complete that cannot be changed or altered, and from which we cannot be separated

The Simple but Powerful Secret to Freedom Is Already Within You (tags)

In the “Language of Light” the Sacred Prayers of the Universe; Transmissions of the highest heaven will activate your “God Code Points”; Awakening you to your Higher Self and Return to God. Are you ready to be who you came here to be?

on the path of light (tags)

Welcome to the mutual study of ancient wisdom, here we are exploring the limits of our reality. We are a group that goes by the name Procyonlotor, the majority of our group observes from the non-physical dimension

divine inspiration (tags)

from me and the book of truth it is say the one who falow the spirit shall become imortal.we all have the power of creating the reality we want. the pivot is the use of the law of atraction this universal law of life visualise you self in the place you want

Deliver Us From Evil: (tags)

We in the Sisters' Association in Mindanao, an aggrupation of some 360 nuns coming from more than 40 congregations in Mindanao, renew our call for Mrs. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo to step down. We have been unequivocal in the past. We continue to be unwavering in spite of the perceptible absence of a uniting spirit within the Church. But we are inspired by the Church as people of God where the Spirit permeates to bring about righteousness and morality in governance and in our communal life.

best link of 2008 Powerful Secret to Freedom (tags)

In the “Language of Light” the Sacred Prayers of the Universe; Transmissions of the highest heaven will activate your “God Code Points”; Awakening you to your Higher Self and Return to God. Are you ready to be who you came here to be?

Five New Community Centers in Vancouver B.C. (tags)

The new community centers came about through the diehard advocates in Vancouver. Architects love to do public buildings. There's more of a chance to create community spirit. Community centers are infrastructure investments with multiplier effects in public spirit and counseling.

Holiday Season Hypocrisy (tags)

Consumerism corrupts the holiday season.

Christianity without Christ (tags)

Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) sought to introduce Christianity into Christendom when the state religion had become confortable and indistinguishable from the world. Kierkegaard like Boff calls us to authenticity in a world of reversible cups and self-righteousness.

Visionaries Channelling Vital Depth (with art(e)) (tags)

This art(e) installment shares and gifts those who see the value of reading through these cruciaL aRt(e) spirit-uaL 'affidavits" with the visionary ideahz that i hav been experiencing and tasting and digesting,,,,all in a spirit of creative nonviolent becoming. Mostly art, few words from here

Hicks Update: Determined to Fight (tags)

An Australian son abandoned by the nation and his government has decided to fight the fabricated charges brought against him by the criminal Bush regime. You bloody little bewdy! Against all odds and after years of psychological and physical torture Hicks proves his mettle. The murdering yanks and the slimy Howard government COULDN’T BREAK OUR LITTLE AUSSIE FIGHTER! One can only imagine the forlorn faces of the Howard servile government who no doubt desperately hoped that Hicks would break and accept a plea bargain in time for the elections. The Hicks case as previously stated has all the ingredients to bring down the servile government of John ‘deputy-sheriff’ Howard.

Theology of Tenderness (tags)

The weakness of God is stronger than men (1Cor1,25). The soft will overcome the hard (Lao-Tse)..What is usually regarded as important in the world fades into insignifi-cance. Here tenderness is subversion! The last becomes first and the first becomes last



Lebanon crisis reveals an Anti-Jewish Israeli State (tags)

"The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations on the face of the globe."

Let There Be Peace (tags)

Speech presented by Alexander Yoo, Executive Director of GenderQueer Revolution ( at the 2004 Transgender Day of Remembrance in Los Angeles

Rebellion of the Spirit against Disorder (tags)

Liberation theology as a protest against suffering is not limited to one region.. Solidarity is really a basic quality of a person but is gradually lost in a culture of material values. We must hear the cry of our earth and the cry of the poor.


live event for local singer/song writer


View the trailer for Grenada: The Maroon Spirit, a new documentary film about the island of Grenada


GRENADA: THE MAROON SPIRIT, a new documentary film by Pumpkinhead Production Company to donate portion of sales to Grenada Maroon Fund

a post-'normal' booke review: chellis glendinning on recovery from western civilization (tags)

this review employs two main elements: orthodox "texting" and as well, permitting myself to art into another direction than perhaps previously anticipated. incorporated into this post is image, non-blunt points, rectangles, and other lines, along with 'marginal' commentary. All of this certainly cuts down on the verbiage and gets to "the point" (and allows for more broad input from those whose spirit just really ain't oriented to 'composing' formal ideas of text, re: "book reviews"). Lastly, this way allows people to leave *traces* of their spirit in a less mediated way.

The Future of Theology (tags)

"The social state is dismantled in favor of the globalization of industry..The democratic idea of equality is incompatible with ever-greater inequalities..If globalization produces third world conditions, theology of liberation logically becomes universal.."

URGENT UPDATE: Prison Bureau Moves Leonard Peltier Twice in Six Weeks (tags)

Prison Bureau harasses Peltier with two prison transfers and solitary confinement. Your letters, faxes, phone calls requested and urgently needed to protect his health and well being.

Baldwin Park 2: Statement of a Harmony Keeper (tags)

In Honor of All of you who made Baldwin Park 2 a unified and potent expression of the heart and will of our People .

Rebellion of the Spirit (tags)

"For me, this triad (justice, peace and preser-vation of creation) is a little summary of the good news of the gospel. Even if the nature of utopia is never to be completely fulfilled, it shows us the way like a compass."



Triumph of Spirit: Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu April 2005 (tags)

It is one year since Israeli Whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu was released from a cruel and barbarous imprisonment into a 1948 British Mandate that keeps him further imprisoned by a state that does not want him but does not wish for him to go free or live free.

Remembrance: Rachel Corrie 1979-2003 (tags)

The Power of Money and Expectation (tags)

Money is a means of power over people and not only a means of exchange.. The expectation of the future gives us strength in the present.. God's love is boundless and refers to public life and economic and political conditions as much as to the individual heart.

Can King Midas Be Healed of his Sickness? (tags)

Healings from the sicknesses that injure us is rare because our longing for wholeness is so weak, easily diverted and quickly satisfied with many little gods.. We expect wholeness and healing from king Midas.. Unrestricted growth is the king Midas principle..

The Secret (tags)

An essay about love, truth and world events

Angry Black Man Through The Pen Of A Black Woman (tags)

Angry Black Man Through The Eyes Of A Black Woman Pen Death is life and life is death, tour moils of the beginning, Knowledge the metaphorical, suggestions of inner peace. Within the walls of spirits, the tongue shall confess,

Angry Black Man Through The Pen Of A Black Woman (tags)

Death is life and life is death, tour moils of the beginning, Knowledge the metaphorical, suggestions of inner peace. Within the walls of spirits, the tongue shall confess,

PPD LA Pagan Pride Day ~ Awaken The Spirit Within ~ (tags)

Pagan Pride events provide an opportunity for the Pagan community to gather, and for the public to experience our religion and culture. . Pagan Pride Los Angeles will feature many Pagan authors, musicians, workshops, vendors & a Handfasting.

The Spirit of The IDF: The Ethical Code of the Israel Defense Forces (tags)

Purity of Arms The IDF serviceman will use force of arms only for the purpose of subduing the enemy to the necessary extent and will limit his use of force so as to prevent unnecessary harm to human life and limb, dignity and property. Human Life The IDF serviceman will, above all, preserve human life, in the recognition of its supreme value and will place himself or others at risk solely to the extent required to carry out his mission. The sanctity of life in the eyes of the IDF servicemen will find expression in all of their actions, in deliberate and meticulous planning, in safe and intelligent training and in proper execution of their mission.

Spirit of the Radio (Clear Channel and What is Being Done About It) (tags)

This Article Examines Clear Channel Communications and how Internet Radio is being used to resist censorship.

Stream Spirit Rising (tags)

For the last month in northeast Los Angeles, the spirit of the buried North Branch creek has been stirring. A series of art and education workshops, culminating in a Creek Celebration on March 21st, were created as the first step in building public support for the daylighting of the North Branch of the Arroyo Seco.

BUSH IN L.A. (tags)

Baby Bush made an appearance in the City of The Angels the day after Super Tuesday; rolling out his campaign tour at the historic Shrine Auditorium. His visit did not go unnoticed by the activist community, and the best and the brightest were there to make sure his visit would not go unheralded

The new Inquisition (tags)

Cronkite comments negatively on the depredations of the Bush Junta's "Grand Inquisitor" John Asscrack. Since Cronkite is a known CIA "Mockingbird" asset this could mean "The Company" is upset with Bush.

Quaker City Rocked by Peace Movement (tags)

Some pics from the Whittier Peace Vigil. A huge crowed turned up to support.

The Séance (tags)

We have oftentimes heard that there are people who have the ability to summon the spirits of the dead by means of a certain ritual. And some of us may perhaps have occasionally heard of the astonishing results of their practices. But is there any scientific explanation to this?



John Trudell and an artist discuss the perpetual war mentality (tags)

Everybody is trying to find a way out from the mess they're in and they're using dark age intellectualizations and remaining confined in these concepts that have been imposed upon us from day one. Our spirits, the part of us that gifted us excellent medicine to deal with our lives here, has been systematically mined by a severely alienated perpetual war mentality. Join Trudell and i in a kind of conversation that you are invited to participate in.

Feb. 15,....The Spirit of Los Angeles (tags)

The Heart and Soul of Los Angeles was evident in today’s Peace March and Rally where between 75 and 100 thousand passionate Angelenos took to the streets of Hollwyod to protest what is being dubbed as Bush’s insane and solitary march to war.

The Spirit of Resistance (tags)

Why do men and women stand in opposition to tyranny? Why is it that some would rather die than bend their neck to the collar?

Free Earthrise Peace Button (tags)

Spreading the spirit of peace and hope.

As devoutly Normal 'Reality' presses more upon our psyches, many will crack… (tags)

The trick is to influence a critical mass to crack excellently. Herein is a few short anecdotes meant to inspire the conscious-leaning towards ways in which we can utilize our strengths (as veritable David vs. Goliaths) towards ju-jitsu with the dominant mindset.

Wellstone’s Death and Activist Clairvoyance from Peace Spiritual Practice. (tags)

'Yes, says Paul From Then and Now' article, supporting links, and a question 'Did Jesus die for us to model accepting such martyrdom deaths or to teach us to prevent all such martyrdom deaths, independent of whether Jesus was a man or God?'

Talking About Revolution (tags)

Here are excerpts from the debate on -- the online discussion site focused on the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA and the strategy for revolution in the U.S.

Update on Family Spirit Walk (tags)

The Family Spirit Walk for Mother Earth is walking 800 miles from Los Alamos National Lab in New Mexico to the Nevada Test Site, "taking every step in prayer" for every living thing affected by the U.S. military and the environmental damage caused by military actions globally. The walk will arrive at the Action For Nuclear Abolition Nonviolent Direct Action Peace Camp on Indigenous Peoples' Day, October 11th.

Religion and Revolution (tags)

Issues surrounding religion have generated much debate on -- in the discussion over the Draft Programme of the Revolutionary Communist Party,USA. Here are some excerpts from some of the themes under discussion: the role of religion in holding back liberation, how to criticize religion without seeming to attack the believers themselves, and whether some forms of religion can play a positive role in the revolution and in socialism.

reclaim the streets! may 1st! May Day in OC! (tags)




c'Love obituary (tags)

Local Artist, C'Love, Has Passed Away There will be a service for her at the Women's Center on the UCSD campus from 2 until 5 on July 22.

Un-President Bush Puts A New Spin On "Earth Day" With His Message (tags)

"Earth Day" -- It's no longer for wimps!

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