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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
Some photos from the Bernie Sanders rally. No photos of Bernie, and a lot of random comments masquerading as "writing".
 img_0142.jpg, image/jpeg, 2160x1655
The crowd was a moderate size, maybe 2000 to 3000, and hard to tell because people drifted in and out of this event at Lincoln Park. It was a modest turnout because it was on Monday morning and announced on Saturday afternoon.
People have a hard time getting a day off, and it's almost impossible over the weekend. Still, a lot of older folks showed up, and moms and dads with flexible schedules brought their kids. It's a park, after all.
I haven't been here in several years, and it appears that the Aztec-themed pyramid slides are gone. What happened to them?
The picture above are a couple ELAC organizers and the Compton for Bernie guy. Artist Daniel Mata has created a couple popular Bernie Vato Loco design shirts, and is promoting the use of German blackletter, bringing back the Eastside spirit of the 1970s.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
 waiting-around.jpg, image/jpeg, 900x601
Alyssa of AAPI for Bernie, a hardcore volunteer, in the foreground, and people waiting around for anyone to start speaking. I just liked this composition.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
 claudia-and-son.jpg, image/jpeg, 930x1032
Claudia Blauser is one of the key organizers at ELAC. She's a student there, and also has a son who is now attending CSUN. Her story is pretty amazing, and it was her son who, during an argument about education, talked back to her, and started the ball rolling to get her to go to college. She started out a DREAMer, a single mom, and now is married and has resident status, and will be attending CSULA. She's one of the key organizers at ELAC, the most public face of ELAC for Bernie Sanders, which started a year before the election, turning it into a stronghold for young, and not-so-young, Bernie Sanders supporters.
She didn't tell an important story, which is that her family was almost bankrupted by medical expenses, even though they had insurance. That story, unfortunately, isn't that unusual or remarkable.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
 juan-ramirez-signs.jpg, image/jpeg, 900x599
These signs are present at many eastside and LA area Bernie Sanders events. They're the handiwork of Juan Ramirez, one of the folks at the SGV NPJ vigil in Alhambra. He's been driving around the county for months, his car packed with dozens of these signs. I don't know if it's his innovation, but most of his signs are flourescent letters cut out of paper, on a black background. They work well in low light.
He's been advocating for single payer health insurance since the start of the Iraq war, over a decade ago.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
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I have no idea who these clowns are, but they were looking pretty awesome.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
 yolanda-gonzalez.jpg, image/jpeg, 900x601
This is a semi famous person I haven't met yet, but she's the public face of LA's super-volunteers, ever since she was profiled in an LA Times story. She was one of the people who regularly traveled to Nevada to canvass. I also read that she's organized hundreds of Democrats in the Inland Empire, an area well known as a Republican stronghold. Everywhere I look online, I eventually find her presence.
She's not the only one. There are many super-volunteers, but I won't name them because the list is quite long.
What bugs me is that the press, including KPCC, which is often OK, is still pushing the idea that Sanders isn't doing well with Latinos. Maybe he didn't dominate with Latino voters nationally, but he's done well with a group of hardcore organizer Chicanos in Southern California, who were early movers to support Bernie. Clinton-oriented-press keep saying that it's all "white bros", but from my vantage point as a supporter, it seemed like most of the volunteer leaders were Chicanos and/or women and/or people of color.
Maybe that's not how it is on the westside or nationally, but on the eastside, and the eastern suburbs, it's a different story. The leadership, at least, has been diverse in race and gender.
The signs in the background were painted by ELAC students.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
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Peri Shefik, I know mainly online. She's got some criticisms. The main one, though, that there should have been a Bernie office in the eastside, maybe LH, or BH or East LA, was correct. Opening one up three weeks before the election... OK. It should have been three months. I know, LA is a tough area to win in; there are powerful Democratic political machines here. But the volunteers and activists had been working hard and an office would have helped catalyze more support.
East LA was the site of the Moratorium against the war. Local students even had Honk for Bernie events at historic protest locations. People who participated in the marches were even present. Heck, one time, Rosalio Munoz, one of the protest organizers from the 60s, was there. Perhaps an office would have revived some of that spirit.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
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Alvaro was the mastermind behind starting the SGV Neighbors for Peace and Justice against the war in Iraq, back in 2002. He created the community group to make a weekly, visible presence against was and imperialism in Alhambra. I'm sure people thought the group, which I joined, was crazy. So what.
Say what you want about hold-a-sign events, and other community-oriented events: how many anti-war, anti-imperialist groups are out there that have lasted in some form for a long time, without people attacking each other and getting into ugly sectarian fights. This group and it's peers have cranked out hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of work to support Bernie, and other progressive movement activities.
He's broken away a little from the current ultra-left orthodoxy which is mocking the Sanders run, and pushing the Sanders story. I agree with him - the Left is missing the boat here. The Sanders campaign is remarkable.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
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I have no idea who this is. He's just got crazy red pants and may be napping. He's also not staring into a smartphone.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
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The crowd is getting a photo of someone.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
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This is a bit of a contradiction, but it's a funny sign.
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by johnk idVer:02cc9e0789d637667a0306bd06b0d59cd
Tuesday, May. 24, 2016 at 3:23 AM
 img_0138.jpg, image/jpeg, 2816x1880
I just like how people are relaxing before anything happens.
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