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Los Angeles Teachers Stage Civil Disobedience at Downtown Headquarters: Extra Photos

by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

A second set of photos from the May 15th U.T.L.A civil Disobedience

Los Angeles Teachers...
img_6162.jpg, image/jpeg, 486x600

In response to the Los Angeles Board of Educations layoff vote, 46 teachers subjected themselves to arrest in a nonviolent action at the districts downtown headquarters. The protest was undertaken despite a court order issued by Superior Court Judge James Chalfant which cited student health and safety as the reasons for issuing a restraining order against a one day strike that had been previously approved by the UTLA earlier in the month.
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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6149.jpg, image/jpeg, 521x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6179.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6215.jpg, image/jpeg, 486x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6362.jpg, image/jpeg, 515x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6393.jpgfxv08j.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x450

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6490.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6411.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6469.jpg, image/jpeg, 450x600

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by Robert Stuart Lowden Saturday, May. 16, 2009 at 4:01 PM

img_6522.jpg, image/jpeg, 513x600

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lets do like oaxaca

by resist Sunday, May. 17, 2009 at 7:32 AM

its time da teachers to move forward and ask 4 things lets take it like the teachers of oaxaca showed us we can
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California General Strike Now ; Labor Must Rule

by ^ Sunday, May. 17, 2009 at 3:51 PM

We all admire the teachers for protesting the possible 60 students per class if the layoffs are carried out. THIS IS NOT ENOUGH. Labor must carry out a GENERAL STRIKE to demand the (Democratic-controlled) Legislature TAX THE RICH with the progressive income tax, raising the taxes on those who make over $200,000 a year, AND DEMAND THAT THE NOVEMBER 2010 BALLOT have a majority vote instead of a 2/3 vote for all state budgets so that reactionaries like Nazi Schwarzenegger and his legislature friends cannot cut back on education and social services. In preparation, EVERY SCHOOL DISTRICT WHERE LAYOFFS ARE PENDING SHOULD HAVE MASS PICKETLINES EVERY SINGLE DAY SCHOOL IS OPEN FROM NOW UNTIL THE LAYOFFS ARE STOPPED. This must be expanded to all state workers as the entire state is threatened by the fascists. And, DEAR TEACHERS, stop voting for the Democrat-Republicans, the cause of all our grief. You must vote for workingclass candidates whose party never receives corporate funding, such as the Green Party, or any independent workingclass candidate. Remember Schwarzenegger is married to Maria Shriver, a Democrat, of the Kennedy clan. The Democrat-Republicans are the twin parties of capitalism, the cause of all our grief. A GENERAL STRIKE WILL MAKE IT POSSIBLE TO TAKE STATE POWER SO THAT LABOR RULES, so that we can eliminate prisons, police and the death penalty as well as JROTC in the schools, and promote more education and rehabilitation and finally have decent-paying jobs for all.
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Missed Opportunity-beginning militantcy

by Fight2Win Sunday, May. 17, 2009 at 4:54 PM

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The teachers one hour strike is an example of the growing militantcy of the working class and also the unwillingness of organized Labor leaders to stand up for the workers.

Out of the 27,000 teachers who voted for the strike 20,000 voted in favor of it! This is not even a week long or indefinate strike but for one whole day. The UTLA leadership adn activitsts in it did not plan for the state to outlaw it ( the first error) but secondly when it was declared illegal were not ready to fight for it. The whole city was behind the strike. Teachers assistants, janitors, so many people are associated with education that ging against the injunction could have electrified the movement in LA and around the country. There are bossnappings going on in France, Ireland, Canada and even in Chicago there was a workplace occupation. We can do it in LA! But we have to be willing to go against the state at some point.

If there was going to be civil disobedience then why not strike for the whole day?! I would also be willing to bet some of the cops would be more sympathetic to it because a lot of LAPD people have kids in LAUSD. In any case, it is a good thing that the teachers did something but it is not enough! I hope that the teachers will continue to protest against layoffs and that UTLA will organize the community to get invovled in the fight, their kids are being "downsized" just as much as teh teachers. If UTLA is unwilling to stand up against the state then the activists and militants in that union need to do somethign about it.
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There's Tension in the Air...

by Raise the Stakes! Monday, May. 18, 2009 at 8:06 AM

We need teacher strikes at various schools, we need student strikes at various schools, we need worker strikes, we need street blockades, we need building occupations, we need the reclamation of public space, we need everything!

there are potentialities everywhere.
there's always tension in the air
the city is a war-zone

Seize what we need to live.
Housing, Food, Any tools for means of production.
Expand, spread the momentum.
No more political parties, no more organizations...

All power to the communes!
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