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by Total Toto
Monday, Apr. 27, 2009 at 12:52 PM
We The People of the United States need a new “Declaration of Independence from Religious Oppression” in all its forms and insinuations. Zionism is based on the “delusion” that some “questionable” psychological character who once posed mythically as a high-god deity “gave,” or ordained, the Israel tribal lineage of people to the territory in Canaan at a particular historical point. We are supposed to be “past” the turbulent and insane ages of divine right for kings and it is equally time to recognize that we are also concomitantly past a time for divine right for nations.
Zionism Is America’s Existential Threat:
By Total Toto
“Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere.” Franklin Roosevelt
Despite what modicum threat Iran may actually be to Israel, such as its support of groups like Hezbollah, thee threat right-wing Israelis, right-wing Jewish-Americans, and right-wing Christians pose to the greater We the People of the United States, and our liberties, continues to be a very real concern. It was no small matter that Saddam Hussein supported the Palestinian cause. Does Israelis and American Jews really expect the United States to be against every and all who support the Palestinians?
Face it: Zionism is based on the “delusion” that some “questionable” psychological character who once posed mythically as a high-god deity “gave,” or ordained, the Israel tribal lineage of people to the territory in Canaan at a particular historical point. Yet such an idea is dishonest and therefore it is dishonorable. It is an idea the rest of the modern world should “not” respect.
Or explain how the Old Testament’s Deuteronomy 7:1-2 below advances “Divine” justice:
“When the Lord thy God shall bring thee into the land, and shall cast out many nations before thee, the Hittite, and the Girgashite, and the Amorite, and the Canaanite, and the Perizzite and the Hivite, and the Jebusite, seven nations greater and mightier than thou, and when the Lord they God shall deliver them up before thee, and thou shalt smite them, then thou shalt utterly destroy them.”
And according to the International Bible Society Bible it goes on to say:
“Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the Lord’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.”
What explanation, in a modern world of psychology, sociology, anthropology, biology, history, sociobiology, political theory, etc., can there be that such dictates or arguments is a one that ought be respected—because this was nothing but war propaganda meant to deceive the naïve and the lawless into stealing land that did not originally belong to them. This is clearly an argument for plunder and pillage against the inhabitants of Canaan about 3000 years ago. It is emphatically NOT an order from what one would assume to be a “moral” high-god.
This Biblical passages reveal a God of terrorism:
“I will send My terror before thee,” vowed Yahweh. “I will be an enemy unto thine enemies, and an adversary unto thine adversaries…” Exodus 23:22
There are many such examples. So how is it that so many millions of people could have through history been, and still are to this day, so deluded for some many centuries that they cannot recognize the psychological “authoritarianism” they were and still are being brainwashed?
World Jewry has no legitimate right to “any” land anywhere based on any form of religious prophesy—nor do any other people anywhere have some “divine right” to property. And this reality coincides with our American “purported” values and our very understood and appreciated principle of a separation of church and state.
We are supposed to be “past” the turbulent and insane ages of divine right for kings and it is equally time to recognize that we are also concomitantly past a time for divine right for nations. If Israelis want to continue down this path of stealing land and ordaining it exclusively to themselves then let them go in on their own without support from the people of the United States—a country founded on the ideal of equality—irrespective of race, ethnicity, or religion—in which our history is and was not perfect but we continue to strive toward such ends and Israelis and many Abrahamic religious peoples seem not to.
Why should we violate our national values for a people who are seem stuck in the pride of their identity—no matter how counter-productive they may be to themselves and the rest of the world? It is more than a curiosity that modern day Jews often tend to think of themselves as “so” cosmopolitan and learned, having studied a wide history and ideas from some many cultured they have interacted (while posing almost superciliously as if they have never stood on the shoulders of other sources), and yet they continue to support retrograde forms of authority in their apparent schizophrenic mindsets. Perhaps it is time American psychiatrists and psychologists have their heads examined?
One must have a low sense of self-esteem or a history of irrationality to presume in this modern age of understood freedoms and civil liberties to expect us Americans to honor and worship a god who is presented in the Judaic Bible to have said:
“How long will this people despise me?” God asked Moses, “and how long will they not believe in Me, for all the signs which I have wrought among them?” Numbers 14:11 … and “I will smite them with the pestilence, and destroy them,” Yahweh raged to Moses, “and make of thee a nation greater and mightier than they.” Numbers 14:12
This sounds more like a petulant, whiny bully than it does any kind of “great” god? Just maybe, we ought ask if some “psyches” just are not that lovable? Because he does not feel loved he plots revenge? Sounds so human. There are plenty of bully/babies that may be feared but they are not universally loved, liked or wanted.
Perhaps it is time Dorothy’s dog Toto to use his cynical teeth to pull the curtain away from the hiding Wizard of Oz, who may then loose much of his high-handed grandiosity, when found out to be little more than a fraud?
This Mosaic God bent on “greatness” seems more the low-bum, so much so that he resorts to afflicting “his” own people with a plague of “fiery serpents” and “they bit the people, and much people of Israel died.” Numbers 21: 5-6
You might as well expect educated Americans to believe that Pol Pot and Idi Amin were some kind of spiritual hero?
Face it: Right-wing Israel, AIPAC, and especially the Neocons were, and still are, a major force, granted along with other economical and investor forces, in promoting that the people of the United States “illegally” go to war with Iraq. They are partly responsible for this financial crisis that we face. Furthermore they continue to advocate indeterminate presence in Iraq, more involvement with Afghanistan and Pakistan and war with Iran.
But why should the national security of the United States, whose national values are “not” based on an arbitrary and tyrant of a God (didn’t historical Europe suffer enough of that), be sacrificed to this atavistic idea of supporting people who not only want to take Palestinian land, but also want to “push the Palestinians into the sea” under the direct orders of not making a sincere treaty, not intermarrying and not having any mercy—but to utterly destroy?
Right-wing Israel and right-wing Jewish Americans, including right-wing mainstream media (the real Zionist bias), doesn’t even have the decency to share this land and its resources on any kind of an equality basis. Furthermore they have continued to manipulate one U.S. presidential administration after another. Their program over the decades has been to take, take, take, while they waywardly lie to the gullible and thickheaded peoples of the United States.
Furthermore they have pretty much completely and deliberately destroyed any reasonable establishment of a two state solution, defying all world sentiments, while they talk their delaying tactics to our American face. Meanwhile dim-bulb American White Houses and congressional legislators have acted, and continue to act, like their eternal patsies letting our house be more or less broken.
Furthermore Israel is the country that introduced nuclear weapons into the Near East, while they mislead the Kennedy administration, hiding their nuclear program (like how they accuse Iran of what they did), and have persisted in their double talk capacity to insinuate reality is just what words can ambiguate (as if the weapons don’t exist if they are not acknowledged?).
Do you trust nuclear weapons in a nation of people who delusionally believe to this 21st century day that God ordered their ancestors to kill off inhabitants in Canaan millennium ago because they worshipped other Gods? Do you trust these people to exercise sanity or the Greek values of justice, prudence, temperance, and courage? And yet we are suppose to attack Iran on Israel’s hearsay, or allow Israel to use our supplied weapons to attack whoever they want because of their belligerent temperaments?
It seems that Barack Obama is their latest dupe. He may be smart on some fronts but he seems the intelligence bumpkin on diplomatic fronts in the Middle East—especially his kowtowing to Israeli firsters and his appointed people to the State Department who are more answerable to AIPAC special interests. How much longer is the American government going to humiliate itself by giving away our country—such as letting them steal our secrets and delivering them elsewhere, etc., because our people and media have no courage to stand up for real freedom and justice or real national security?
The Old Testament has a fair deal of plagiarism. Noah’s flood story is such an example from as a rehash of the Flood Tablets found by European archeologists that helped establish the Akkadian and Sumerian literature of Epic of Gilgamesh formulated this “mad” god idea in which the God Enlil is incensed at humanity and desires to destroy humans with a vast flood. There are several examples of that kind of commonality from earlier Middle Eastern religious ideas making their way to Judaic religion—but the point here is that the God of Israel and any covenant thereof is not worthy of Divine Right status from American or democratic countries—even if there are also a lot of worthy messages of a spiritual nature within the Old and New Testament (which there arguably are) that do deserve respect.
It is time for a reality check. Are we suppose to continue to support warfare and oppression of Palestinians based on some scribblings and revisionism of high priests and clerics—because of so called tradition? Our nation is already on the financial brink. Now we should support more warfare against “Israel’s” enemies because they can’t get along with their neighbors because they refuse to deal with “their” existential reality—and they would rather inspire a nuclear conflagration than admit they are wrongheaded?
Democracy demands real information to real people for real government by people; whereas. the Neo-Con-Artist or Leo Straussian view supports fooling the masses with lies. And to what and whose ends does their influence in our country help? Leo Strauss is a good example of someone who with his elitist views says it is OK for the mainstream media and government to lie to the American people.
In what direction is the United States of America going with these people still in influential power—back to the Eastern and Roman glorification of monarchy and despots—or a renewed belief in the values our founders shared based on freedom and liberty for all people?
How much does it really matter if Iran’s President Ahmandinejad called Israel a “cruel and repressive racist regime” when their god of the Testament seems exactly that as quoted when it comes to war propaganda, that said it was OK to kill off the peoples living in Canaan?
Or why should the world be surprised if so many people and leaders in various states with the “same” historical mentality of Judeo-Christian oppression and delusion still can’t face reality?
The world can no longer afford more religious destruction. It is time for Israel to separate Church and State and let all live in “one” state of equality. It doesn’t now matter, in regards to history or modern Israel, about water over the dam. Being Jewish today is not some all-encompassing identity badge that automatically makes one’s life more meaningful because of a long and vicarious history. Nor does it automatically give one some badge of moral superiority—despite the persecution others suffered during historical times.
Furthermore criticizing Israel and Jew, as far as their attitudes, behaviors, or delusions is not invariably a result of anti-Semitism. What is anti-Semitic is the audacity of some “secular” right-wing Jews to dare to use the tragic of persecution and murder of Jews historically as a cover for their undercover deeds.
We The People of the United States need a new “Declaration of Independence from Religious Oppression” in all its forms and insinuations. We have a right and a duty to criticize psychological and spiritual oppression even as it attempts to prey on guilt, shame, history calamity or low self-esteem. Granted that some Muslims and Arabs are not saints but Israel and American Jews are not going to get a free pass here in the United States. Right-wing Israelis, right-wing Jews including those that “hog” the mainstream media, and “your” God are coming DOWN the mountain. So get over it.
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by PrionPartyy
Monday, Apr. 27, 2009 at 5:24 PM
When Jesus went into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan, what did Satan use to tempt him? Serve me and I will give you ALL the nations of the earth. When Moses went onto a mountain to meet with his god, he returned saying ALL the world is mine, Ex 19:5.
No wonder the God of the prophets and Jesus trashed the god of Moses so many times.
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by Lord Locksley
Monday, Apr. 27, 2009 at 6:12 PM
....because it isn't Moses who is speaking in that verse....it's Jehovah himself....."Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine".....any fool can see it wasn't Moses saying the earth was his......and clearly Satan was lying to Jesus in the wilderness of Judea....after all.lying was Satan's stock in trade....sort of like Prion Partyy
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by PPyy
Tuesday, Apr. 28, 2009 at 10:17 AM
Then Jesus turned down NOTHING, and was not really being tempted at all, which was the whole point of going into the wilderness to be tempted by Satan. DUH!
Satan rules this world until he gets cast into the lake of fire. And Jesus knew that if he just served Satan, as Moses did, that the whole world would be his too, as a servant of Satan. Just as the devil worshipping Moses admitted to.
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by in the know
Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 at 6:26 AM
This is more proof that the indymedia has been completely infiltrated by skinheads and ragheads, of which there's no difference in ideology and stench.
Israelis don't drive their women back into burning buildings.
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by CUFI Christian Zionists Prevent Peace
Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 at 12:30 PM
AIPAC is not alone as a powerful pro-Zionist lobby group. Their comrades in arms (lobbyists) are called Christians United for Israel (CUFI) led by John Hagee from Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, TX.. CUFI leadership is inherently oppossed to any real peace deals between Israelis and Palestinians, as this will prevent their predictions of (man-made) Armageddon from happening.. Background profile on CUFI; Created in early 2006 by Christian Right leader John Hagee, the influential evangelical pastor of the Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas, Christians United for Israel (CUFI) is a Christian Zionist advocacy organization that promotes the idea that Christians “have a biblical obligation to defend Israel.”1 CUFI supports aggressive U.S. action against what it sees as threats to Israel from “new Hitlers,” who in the group’s estimation include Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. According to CUFI’s website, “Bible-believing Christians must speak up and stand up for Israel. We must act to do whatever we can to protect Israel’s 6 million Jews from the second Holocaust. We must get it right this time. Our faith demands it. The times require it. Silence is not an option.”2 Similar to the way the neoconservative group Project for the New American Century brought together different political factions behind its call for a militarist Middle East agenda (including ousting Saddam Hussein from Iraq), CUFI has brought together disparate sectors of the American Right—including Christian conservatives, Republican Party insiders, and neoconservatives—behind a vision of Mideast peace that is rooted in CUFI’s belief that Israel plays a key part in the fulfillment of biblical prophecy. CUFI’s executive board is comprised largely of conservative evangelical leaders, such as Gary Bauer, who share Hagee’s belief in dispensationalism, a core idea of Christian Zionism that holds that Jews must control certain parts of the biblical “Holy Land” as a precondition for the Second Coming.3 As writers Chip Berlet and Nikhil Aziz observe, “For some Protestant evangelicals and fundamentalists the text in [the Book of] Revelation is read as a timetable and script for the end times, complete with a massive battle between God and Satan on the plains of Armageddon, located in Israel.”4 This idea is in tune with the neoconservative notion, shared by Israel’s Likud Party, that peace agreements with Israel’s neighbors that involve relinquishing territory are tantamount to rewarding terrorists.5 Because of this confluence of agendas, neoconservatives have frequently joined Christian Right figures and groups in pushing advocacy campaigns. As reporter Jim Lobe explains, the Christian Right’s support for the Israeli state “explains the willingness of Jewish neo-cons to overlook the anti-Semitism of their Christian Right allies, whose own identification with Israel is based on a ‘Christian Zionist’ reading of Biblical scripture that recognizes a God-given right of the Jews to what both religions consider the ‘Holy Land,’ at least until the Apocalypse and the Second Coming of Christ. [Irving] Kristol and other leading neo-cons have long argued that other Jews should not be offended by this alliance. ‘Why would it be a problem for us?’ he wrote some years ago. ‘It is their theology; but it is our Israel.’”6 Neoconservative supporters of CUFI have included Elliott Abrams, the controversial State Department figure in the Reagan administration who was convicted (and later pardoned) for his role in the Iran-Contra scandal. As George W. Bush’s deputy national security advisor, Abrams, who has a long track record of courting Christian Right figures, discussed CUFI’s Middle East agenda with Hagee at the White House after the group’s first conference in Washington, DC, in November 2006.7 According to the New York Times, Hagee said he told Abrams that, “Every time there has been a fight like this [between Israel and its neighbors] over the last 50 years, the State Department would send someone over in a jet to call for a cease-fire. The terrorists would rest, rearm, and retaliate.… Appeasement has never helped the Jewish people.” Abrams essentially agreed with him, Hagee said.8 Other CUFI supporters in the hardline pro-Israel community have included the Zionist Organization for America (ZOA), which gave Hagee its ZOA Service Award and Israel Award (which, according to Hagee, was presented to him by former UN ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick)9 ; and Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT), who has spoken at CUFI events and likened Hagee to a modern-day Moses.10 One Jerusalem, a Likud-aligned advocacy group that is led by Israeli right-wing figures like Natan Sharansky and Benjamin Netanyahu, has also promoted CUFI and Hagee. In January 2007, One Jerusalem hosted a conference call with Hagee, whom the group termed “an honest, sincere, and genuine friend of Israel and the Jewish people. His support should be embraced and appreciated.” According to One Jerusalem, during the call, Hagee said CUFI had three main functions: “1. To provide a rapid response team of tens of millions of Christians to contact Washington, on a moment's notice, on issues pertaining to Israel. 2. To organize an annual Washington Summit that would bring thousands of Christians to Capitol Hill with the sole purpose of advocating for Israel. 3. To host a Night to Honor Israel in every major U.S. City.”11 Among the Republican Party insiders who have supported CUFI are several current and former congressmen, including Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), and former House members Newt Gingrich (R-GA) and Tom DeLay (R-TX). In July 2007, McCain, who received Hagee’s endorsement during the 2008 Republican presidential primary, spoke at the group’s Washington meeting to warn of threats from Iran and dire consequences if the United States withdraws from Iraq. He also used his opportunity with a CUFI audience to publicly affirm his Christian beliefs. According to MSNBC, “The Arizona senator concluded his remarks by commenting on his own faith.… He said that his own personal religious beliefs helped get him through his time in a Vietnamese prison camp, telling a story of a guard who drew a crucifix on the ground for him when he was allowed to go outside on Christmas Day one year.”12 One of the themes at the 2007 CUFI conference (whose attendees included Santorum, Delay, Lieberman, and Gingrich)13 was the threat of Islam and—in an appropriation of the language of fear promoted by neoconservative writers like David Horowitz and Daniel Pipes—“Islamofascism.” “The lure of a sympathetic crowd and the chance to trade pieties with the most popular televangelists in the nation attracted Sen. Joe Lieberman and ex-senator Rick Santorum,” the American Conservative reported. “Each preached to the converted: Islamic-fascism is the most dangerous threat facing the United States, and Israel is the frontline.”’14 One conference attendee, sharing her experience at the conference, wrote in a letter to the Concord Monitor that she learned there are “eight known terrorist groups in the United States ready to strike.” The most “eloquent and striking speech,” according to the letter writer, was made by Newt Gingrich, who claimed to worry every day because “Iran has sworn to wipe Israel off the map with a nuclear or biological attack; after that, the U.S."15 CUFI’s profile in Washington rose quickly after it was established, according to writer Max Blumenthal. “Over the past months, the White House has convened a series of off-the-record meetings about its policies in the Middle East with leaders of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), a newly formed political organization that tells its members that supporting Israel's expansionist policies is ‘a biblical imperative,’” Blumenthal reported in August 2006. “CUFI's Washington lobbyist, David Brog, told me that during the meetings, CUFI representatives pressed White House officials to adopt a more confrontational posture toward Iran, refuse aid to the Palestinians and give Israel a free hand as it ramped up its military conflict with Hezbollah.”16 Some Jewish congregations in the United States have been harshly critical of CUFI. At the April 2008 conference of the Union of Reform Judaism, the group’s president Eric Yoffie warned against allying with groups like CUFI. Pointing to Hagee and other Christian Zionists who reject a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Yoffie said, “What they mean by support of Israel and we mean by support of Israel are two very different things.”17 Yoffie’s remarks drew a quick rebuke from the Zionist Organization of America, which issued a press release praising “Pastor Rev. John Hagee, the Evangelical Christian leader and head of Christians United for Israel (CUFI), following attacks upon him by Rabbi Eric Yoffie, president of the Union of Reform Judaism.”18 profile article found @; http://www.rightweb.irc-online.org/profile/4777.html These actions by CUFI are nothing less than criminal misuse of their religion's not for profit status. Their use of religious doctrine warped to suit their needs of sponsoring military weapons contracters does not correlate with the teachings of Jesus Christ, the teacher they claim to follow.. Thankfully more sensible Christians have denounced the Christian Zionists as imposters to their religion of peace and love; "As evangelical Christians, we believe our faith compels us to speak a word together at this crucial moment. The Bible clearly teaches that God longs for justice and peace for all people. We believe that the principles about justice taught so powerfully by the Hebrew prophets apply to all nations including the United States, Israel, and the Palestinians. Therefore we are compelled to work for a fair, negotiated solution for both Israelis and Palestinians. We resolve to work diligently for a secure, enduring peace and a flourishing economy for the democratic State of Israel. We also resolve to work for a viable permanent, democratic Palestinian State with a flourishing economy that offers economic opportunity to all its people. We believe that the way forward is for the Israelis and Palestinians to negotiate a fair, two-state solution. We are encouraged that the Israeli and Palestinian governments have officially endorsed a two-state solution and that polls demonstrate that solid majorities in both Israel and Palestine embrace this path. We call on all evangelicals, all Christians, and everyone of good will to join us to work and pray faithfully in the coming months for a just, lasting two-state solution in the Holy Land. We call on all involved governments to work diligently toward this goal. And we covenant to pray for the leaders of all the nations engaged in this effort, hoping for them the blessing of our Lord who said, “Blessed are the peacemakers.” " article found @; http://www.christianzionism.org/ We will continue working for peace despite threats and intimidation from Zionists; "Gang stalking involves the use of multiple individuals to stalk, harass and taunt a victim, as well as to vandalize personal property. This can take place for many years, particularly since law enforcement and legislation have yet to catch up with the reality of organized stalking by groups. Techniques of psychological warfare are used against the target in a methodical and well orchestrated attack that often leaves the target a victim of ridicule among his friends and family because this occurrence is so hard to believe. However, the number of targets are increasing to the point that they can network with one another and find out that the same tactics are used everywhere. These tactics are intended to weaken the target to the point of physical and psychological collapse. The reasons why a person is initially targeted can vary. Sometimes the person may be a political activist. Others may have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Corporations apparently have even been known to hire these stalking groups to silence people who were once in their employ. These stalking gangs may be lied to about the target, thinking that perhaps the person is a deviant who needs to be driven out of town. The reasons are only limited to the imagination. In some cases, according to David Lawson, author of Terrorist Stalking in America, the person has done nothing wrong but is simply used as a practice target or as an example to others in the group to show what can happen to them if they anger the group in some way. This serves to keep the members of these stalking groups tied to the group through intense fear of becoming a target. It is such a terrifying prospect because the gang members are intimately aware that the lives of the targets are utterly destroyed. (See FAQ for more information)." article found @; http://gangstalking.ca/
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by fecal matter partyy
Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 at 12:58 PM
Some Nazi asswipe would have you believe that Jews want you to convert or die and for your women to be covered in burlap.
How many beheadings happen in Israel? How many rapes of 9 year old girls? How many stonings?
Islam is medieval. Stone Age fecal matter. How can "progressives" defend such?
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by PPyy
Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 at 6:59 PM
Zionists tell you that Hebrews slaughtering and enslaving the Canaanite tribes to steal a particular piece of land 3000 years ago gives Zionists a birthright of murderous theft of palestinian lands in the present. What "progressives" could fall for such filth???
Ohhhh, since Zionists are such better people, Zionists allegedly have a right to steal palestinians lands and murder the palestinians who dare to resist the ZIonist Ubermenchen / superior beings theft of Palestinian lands.
Your problem is NOt that we do NOT understand YOUR NAZI rant. YOUT problem is that we DO understand YOUR NAZI rant.
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by I don't have ADD
Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 at 7:28 PM
Perhaps Fecal Partyy is too goddamned stupid to have an attention span of more than 21 milliseconds, but in the interest of science, we'll try again:
How many beheadings happen in Israel? How many rapes of 9 year old girls? How many stonings?
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by Thank you for asking
Wednesday, Apr. 29, 2009 at 8:44 PM
Latest Offerings from the Religion of Peace "He who fights that Islam should be superior fights in Allah's cause" Muhammad, prophet of Islam
Date Country City Killed Injured Description 2009.04.28 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A Buddhist man is gunned down by Mujahideen. 2009.04.28 Thailand Yala 4 0 A 16-year-old girl is among four members of a family brutally shot to death in their home by Islamic terrorists. 2009.04.27 Thailand Yala 5 0 A man watching a soccer game and Buddhist plantation worker are among five people murdered separately by Muslim gunmen. 2009.04.26 Iraq Kirkuk 2 0 Islamists slit the throats of a Christian woman and her daughter-in-law. 2009.04.26 Pakistan Datta Khel 6 5 Six people are blown to bits by a Mujahideen roadside bomb. 2009.04.26 Afghanistan Khost 3 3 Three local border guards are murdered by Taliban bombers. 2009.04.26 Pakistan Dir 12 0 A dozen children are blown apart by a bomb hidden in a football planted by Sunni hardliners to punish their families. 2009.04.26 Iraq Mosul 3 0 Two brothers are among three people gunned down by Sunni radicals. 2009.04.26 Iraq Kirkuk 1 2 A Christian man is gunned down by Mujahid. 2009.04.26 Pakistan Peshawar 1 0 A young woman is murdered by her family for choosing a singing career against their approval. 2009.04.26 Philippines Sultan Kudarat 1 3 Moro Islamists plant a bomb near a beach, killing one passerby. 2009.04.26 Afghanistan Kandahar 7 0 Civilians and local police are among seven killed in a Taliban landmine attack. 2009.04.25 Somalia Mogadishu 3 8 Three civilians are shot to death in a sustained attack by a religious extremist group. 2009.04.25 Somalia Mogadishu 8 15 Islamic hardliners murder eight people in a mortar attack on a residential area. 2009.04.25 Afghanistan Kandahar 5 3 Three Shahid suicide bombers kill five local guards at a government building. 2009.04.25 Iraq Tal Keef 1 0 A Christian woman is abducted and beheaded by Islamic radicals. 2009.04.24 Iraq Jalawla 7 24 A Fedayeen car bomber takes out seven Shiite pilgrims. 2009.04.24 India Pulwama 1 0 A 55-year-old man is shot to death inside his home by suspected Mujahideen. 2009.04.24 Iraq Baghdad 66 127 Two female Fedayeen massacre over 60 Shiite pilgrims at a mosque with explosives hidden in their purse. 2009.04.24 Pakistan Kala Dhaka 2 0 A man and woman are killed for having an unauthorized sexual relationship. 2009.04.23 Iraq Diyala 55 67 A Sunni murders fifty-three Shia pilgrims and two employees at a restaurant with a suicide vest. 2009.04.23 Iraq Udhaim 3 3 A planted al-Qaeda bomb kills three local Sunnis. 2009.04.23 Afghanistan Farah 1 0 A local policeman is killed in a Taliban ambush. 2009.04.23 Somalia Jawle 3 0 al-Shabaab terrorists assassinate three rival clerics. 2009.04.23 Pakistan Buner 2 0 Religious extremists open fire on a pair of local cops, killing both. 2009.04.23 Iraq Baghdad 32 52 A female suicide bomber successfully blasts thirty-two Iraqis to death. 2009.04.22 Iraq Duluiya 5 12 A child suicide bomber takes out five people at a rival mosque. 2009.04.22 Chechnya Bamut 3 0 Three Russian soldiers are shot at point-blank range by Islamic ambushers. 2009.04.22 Thailand Yala 2 0 Two local police are killed in a combination shooting and bombing attack by Muslim militants. 2009.04.21 Pakistan Taseer 2 0 A mob of Islamic hardliners invade a Christian neighborhood and terrorize the residents. Two Christians are killed as they attempt to defend women from rape. 2009.04.21 India Poonch 5 7 A young girl and mother are among two people blown to bits by a Lashkar-e-Toiba landmine. 2009.04.21 Iraq Mosul 2 0 A female professor and butcher are brutally murdered by Islamic extremists in separate attacks. 2009.04.20 Somalia Kismayo 7 15 Seven people are killed during an al-Shabaab assault. 2009.04.20 Iraq Baqubah 11 15 Eleven Iraqis are blasted to death by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 2009.04.20 Iraq Fallujah 2 0 Jihadis manage to kill two young girls with an IED. 2009.04.20 Afghanistan Uruzgan 1 2 Religious extremists kill a civilian with a roadside bomb. 2009.04.20 Afghanistan Khost 2 8 Islamists bomb a passenger bus, killing two civilians. 2009.04.20 Pakistan South Waziristan 3 0 A woman and child are among three people killed during a Taliban ambush. 2009.04.20 Pakistan Lahore 2 0 An 18-year-old girl is among two women shot to death by their family member on suspicion of illicit relations with men. 2009.04.19 Afghanistan Zabul 2 3 Three local police are murdered in a Taliban ambush. 2009.04.19 Iraq Baghdad 1 0 Terrorists assassinate a government official. 2009.04.19 Iraq Mussayib 2 0 Two Sunnis are gunned down by suspected al-Qaeda. 2009.04.19 India Doda 2 0 Lashkar-e-Toiba militants open fire on local security forces, killing two. 2009.04.19 Ingushetia Rostov-on-Don 2 0 A faith healer is one of two people murdered by suspected Islamic militants. 2009.04.19 Ingushetia Sunzhen 1 1 Mujahideen stage a grenade attack on a home, killing a woman. 2009.04.19 Somalia Merka 1 0 Islamic gunmen murder a humanitarian worker. 2009.04.19 Pakistan Orakzai 2 0 Two women are killed when fundamentalists blow up a house on suspicion of sexual activity. 2009.04.19 Pakistan Hangu 2 0 A man and woman are executed by the Taliban for having relations outside of marriage. 2009.04.19 India Pulwama 1 0 A former terrorist who renounced violence is shot to death by Islamists. 2009.04.18 Pakistan Khyber 4 0 Four men are killed in a remote-controlled bomb attack. 2009.04.18 Pakistan Hangu 27 55 A Holy Warrior rams an explosives-laden truck into a local checkpoint, sending at least twenty-seven souls to Allah. 2009.04.18 Afghanistan Kandahar 2 4 A woman is among two people blown to bits by a planted bicycle bomb. 2009.04.17 Iraq Baghdad 7 15 Seven people are killed when Jihadis lob mortars into a residential neighborhood. 2009.04.17 Afghanistan Parwan 5 5 Five security guards are gunned down by suspected Sunni radicals. 2009.04.17 Afghanistan Nimroz 3 3 A suicide bomber takes out three civilians. 2009.04.16 India Anantnag 1 1 A woman is murdered, and her son wounded, when Mujahideen intrude into the home and open fire on the family. 2009.04.16 Pakistan Mardan 1 0 A woman is killed when Islamic militants bomb the offices of a humanitarian organization. 2009.04.16 Iraq Baquba 1 4 One person is killed in an al-Qaeda bombing. 2009.04.16 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 An 18-year-old woman is shot dead by her brother-in-law for trying to leave the marriage. 2009.04.15 Pakistan Karachi 1 0 A lawyer is gunned down in a suspected sectarian attack. 2009.04.15 Iraq Kirkuk 11 22 Eleven Iraqis are murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber near an oil facility. 2009.04.15 Philippines Elian 2 0 Moro Islamists ambush and kill two locals. 2009.04.15 Pakistan Charsadda 18 5 A suicide bomber drives an explosives-laden car into a police checkpoint, killing both officers and civilians. 2009.04.15 Somalia Mogadishu 1 0 A government official is assassinated by al-Shabaab terrorists. 2009.04.15 Pakistan Jacobabad 1 0 A young girl is killed by her uncle on suspicion of sexual immorality. 2009.04.14 Thailand Yala 1 0 A villager is murdered by Mujahid gunmen. 2009.04.14 Pal. Auth. Gaza 1 0 A 28-year-old woman is murdered by her family in an honor killing. 2009.04.13 Afghanistan Herat 4 0 Four civilians are blown to bits when Sunni hardliners bomb a passenger bus. 2009.04.13 Pakistan Jandola 2 0 Two people are kidnapped and shot to death by Mujahid. 2009.04.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 3 A woman is among the casualties as Islamists set off a bomb along a city street. 2009.04.13 Somalia Mogadishu 1 5 Terrorists send a rocket into a Red Cross building, killing one civilian. 2009.04.13 Iraq Baghdad 0 4 Fundamentalists toss a grenade into a liquor shop. 2009.04.13 Philippines Basilan 1 0 Abu Sayyaf terrorists behead a kidnapped Christian. 2009.04.13 Afghanistan Nimruz 2 0 A man and woman are publicly executed by the Taliban for eloping. 2009.04.13 Afghanistan Khost 2 0 Two construction crew guards are murdered by Islamic militants. 2009.04.12 Afghanistan Kandahar 1 0 A women's rights activist is murdered by four fundamentalist gunmen. 2009.04.12 Pakistan Peshawar 1 7 Islamic militants attack a trucking terminal, killing a security guard. 2009.04.12 Iraq Mosul 3 2 Mujahideen gun down a civilian and two policemen. 2009.04.12 Iran Shiraz 14 160 The Sunni Jihadi Movement bombs a Shia prayer gathering, killing fourteen people. 2009.04.12 Jordan Basira 1 0 A 28-year-old pregnant woman is stabbed to death by her younger brother in an 'honor killing.' 2009.04.12 Iraq Yathrib 2 0 al-Qaeda terrorists murder two Iraqis with a roadside bomb. 2009.04.11 Iraq Iskandariya 12 32 A dozen innocents waiting in line for pay are blown apart by an al-Qaeda suicide bomber. 2009.04.10 Afghanistan Helmand 6 7 Religious extremists attack a police post, killing six local officers. 2009.04.10 Somalia Mogadishu 2 9 The 'Mujahideen Youth Movement' take out two civilians in a mortar attack. 2009.04.10 Pakistan Bannu 1 2 Islamists bomb a tribal elder meeting, killing one member. 2009.04.10 Pakistan North Waziristan 2 0 Two civilians are kidnapped and beheaded by Taliban militants. 2009.04.10 Thailand Narathiwat 1 2 Mujahideen gunmen fire into a passenger train, killing one railway worker. 2009.04.10 Philippines Basilan 1 8 Muslim terrorists attack a Christian village, killing one and kidnapping several young children. 2009.04.10 Iraq Mosul 7 20 Five Americans are among seven murdered by a Fedayeen suicide bomber. 2009.04.09 Algeria Jijel 3 0 Three brothers are massacred by Islamic fundamentalists at a fake checkpoint. 2009.04.09 Afghanistan Lashkar Gah 5 17 Two children are among five Afghans blown apart by a Shahid suicide bomber. 2009.04.09 Pal. Auth. Gaza 3 0 A 5-year-old boy is among three family members gunned down over immoral behavior. 2009.04.09 Thailand Pattani 1 0 A teenager is kidnapped and beheaded by Mujahideen. 2009.04.08 Pakistan Lahore 1 0 A Muslim man guns down his niece to keep her from marrying against the family's permission. 2009.04.08 Iraq Baghdad 7 19 Jihadis bomb a marketplace, murdering seven patrons. 2009.04.08 Algeria Kabylie 1 0 A cop is killed in a Mujahideen bombing. 2009.04.08 Pakistan Buner 5 0 Taliban fighters attack a local village, killing five people. 2009.04.07 Iraq Fallujah 3 7 A suicide bomber takes out three Iraqis. 2009.04.07 Iraq Baghdad 7 14 Mujahideen blow seven people to bit with a car bomb. 2009.04.06 Pakistan Manghopir 1 0 A 35-year-old Hindu faith healer is brutally murdered in suspected sectarian violence. 2009.04.06 Iraq Jalawla 3 0 Three civilians are gunned down in a Sunni drive-by. 2009.04.06 Afghanistan Khost 2 1 Taliban bombers take out two local security personnel. 2009.04.06 Pakistan Mingora 1 1 A village guard is murdered by Islamic gunmen. 2009.04.06 Pakistan Mansehra 4 0 Three female aid workers and their driver are brutally murdered by suspected Muslim militants. 2009.04.06 Philippines Basilan 3 9 Three laborers are cut down by automatic weapons at point-blank range by Abu Sayyaf militants. 2009.04.06 Iraq Baghdad 37 100 Six coordinated terror bombings leave thirty-seven Iraqis dead. 2009.04.05 Somalia Mogadishu 1 6 A child is killed in an Islamist mortar attack. 2009.04.05 Pakistan Chakwal 24 35 Two dozen innocents, including four children, are blown to bits in a religious center by a Shahid suicide bomber. 2009.04.05 Iraq Mosul 2 1 A child and his mother are among three casualties of two terror attacks. 2009.04.05 Iraq Abu Ghraib 1 2 A civilian is taken out in an al-Qaeda bombing in a residential area. 2009.04.05 Jordan Sahab 1 0 A 22-year-old woman is stabbed to death by her brother for 'spending too much time out of the house.' 2009.04.04 Pakistan Islamabad 8 4 Eight embassy guards are blown to bits by a Shadid suicide bomber. 2009.04.04 Pakistan Miranshah 7 30 Children are among seven people murdered by a Fedayeen bomber. 2009.04.04 Iraq Mosul 1 0 A Christian repairman is shot to death by Muslim gunmen in front of his workshop. 2009.04.04 Thailand Pattani 2 0 A 60-year-old man and his teenage son are shot to death outside their home by Islamic terrorists. 2009.04.03 Philippines Basilan 2 8 A woman is among two people killed when Islamic militants bomb a fast food shop near a Catholic cathedral. 2009.04.03 Afghanistan Ghazni 4 0 Four construction crew workers are killed in a Taliban bombing. 2009.04.03 Iraq Baghdad 2 5 Jihadi bombers successfully kill two Iraqis. 2009.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two older Christian sisters are murdered by Mujahideen gunmen. 2009.04.02 Daghestan Khasavyurt 3 0 A local cop and his two brothers are kidnapped and murdered by Islamic separatists. 2009.04.02 Pakistan Koral 1 0 A Muslim man stabs his sister to death for marrying without the family's permission. 2009.04.02 Iraq Baqubah 3 0 Terrorists plant a bomb at a car dealership, killing three people. 2009.04.02 Afghanistan Heart 4 0 Sunni fundamentalists kill three civilians and a local cop in an ambush. 2009.04.02 Israel Bat Ayin 1 1 A 45-year-old Muslim slips into a Jewish settlement, stabs a 7-year-old and axes a 13-year-old to death. 2009.04.02 Iraq Baghdad 2 0 Two homosexuals are killed by their tribes in a bid to "restore family honor." 2009.04.01 Pakistan Upper Dir 5 2 Five police are slaughtered in a brutal Taliban ambush. 2009.04.01 Afghanistan Kandahar 13 17 A Fedayeen attack on a government office leaves thirteen people dead. 2009.04.01 Somalia Mogadishu 1 1 A civilian is killed when al-Shabaab terrorists fire at a vehicle carrying a lawmaker. 2009.04.01 Iraq Mosul 4 0 Two bombings and a shooting leave four dead, including a schoolteacher and a 7-year-old child. 2009.04.01 Iraq Mashtal 1 0 A Christian man is gunned down in front of his restaurant by Islamic terrorists. 2009.03.31 Iraq Kirkuk 1 0 An elderly Christian is gunned down by Muslim radicals. 2009.03.31 Philippines Alamada 1 3 Moro Islamists gun down a local soldier guarding a town square
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by just wondering
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009 at 6:18 AM
Wow, that's a hell of a list.
How can anyone demonize Israel in the least, knowing they're absolutely surrounded by medieval insanity, yet defend themselves and have created an oasis in the middle of a landfill?
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by I see what you mean
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009 at 6:29 AM
In an interview with Member of the Knesset Dr. Arieh Eldad in the New English Review...
Eldad: I was instrumental in establishing the Israeli National Skin Bank, which is the largest in the world. The National Skin Bank stores skin for every day needs as well as for war time or mass casualty situations. This skin bank is hosted at the Hadassah Ein Kerem University hospital in Jerusalem where I was the chairman of plastic surgery. This is how I was asked to supply skin for an Arab woman from Gaza, who was hospitalized in Soroka Hospital in Beersheba after her family burned her. Usually, such atrocities happen among Arab families when the women are suspected of having an affair. We supplied all the needed Homografts for her treatment. She was successfully treated by my friend and colleague Prof. Lior Rosenberg, and discharged to return to Gaza. She was invited for regular follow up visits to the outpatient clinic in Beersheba. One day she was caught at a border crossing wearing a suicide belt. She meant to explode herself in the outpatient clinic of the hospital where they saved her life. It seems that her family promised her that if she did that, they would forgive her.
This is only one example of the war between Jews and Muslims in the Land of Israel. It is not a territorial conflict. This is a civilizational conflict.
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by Lord Locksley
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009 at 7:32 AM
......."no good deed ever goes unpunished."
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by link to the interview
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009 at 9:14 AM
http://www.newenglishreview.org/custpage.cfm/frm/28165/sec_id/28165 Why haven't the leftists amassed in the streets by the thousands to protest the treatment of that woman, the way they amassed in the streets to prop up the Butcher of Baghdad?
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by PPyy
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009 at 5:15 PM
That IS a hell of a list. And nothing in that list denigrates the Palestinian people's basic human right NOT to be destroyed by the murderous thieving Zionist crusader's chosen war of conquest for Palestinian lands.
I am sure there are people old enough to recall the glory days of crack. Would anyone suggest that Crips and Bloods doing their drive bys denigrates the basic human right of the people of LA NOT to be destoryed by murderous thieving Zionist crusaders? What about the basic human right of people in Portland or Seattle NOT to be destroyed by murderous thieving Zionist crusaders? That is what da dinks are saying, isn't it. That actions of individual Arabic speeking mulims living hundreds (saudi Arabia) or even thousands (indonesia) of miles away from Palestine is somehow supposed to make the Zionist's chosen crusade somehow less of an offense.
How about the tuskeegee syphalis experiments? WOW. Democraps and Republitrash sure are some sick twisted fuks, ain't they??? Ohhh, but Democraps and Republitrasdh being so evil sure as hell doesn't denigrate the people of LA's basic human right NOT to be destroyed by the murderous thieving Zionist crusaders, does it??? Ohhh, but actions of puppet rulers in Saudi Arabia, or people living is straw huts in indonesia are somehow supposed to denigrate the Palestinian's basic human right not to be destroyed by the murderous thieving Zionist cruasaders.
Da Dinks are so full of NAZI shit that I don't really think I need to explain it to you AGAIN. You must think that I am insulting your inteligence when I point out the Zionist's ubermenschen / untermenschen propaganda over and over, like you didn't get it the first time. Certainly there is a reason that the LA imc editors let that vile NAZI crap of the Zionist enablers remain and haven't removed the vile ZIONAZI crap. Though I can't figure out what that reason might be.
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by debate coach
Thursday, Apr. 30, 2009 at 6:04 PM
I choose israel because it's not backwards and medieval.
I choose Israel because it's created an oasis in the middle of an insane asylum.
I choose Israel. Let Jordan deal with it's cockroaches.
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by Lord Locksley
Friday, May. 01, 2009 at 7:36 AM
....that the so-called 'Palestinian Authority' has just imposed the death penalty on a West Bank Arab who sold land to an Israeli....no such restrictions exist on selling land to Arabs in Israel....talk about blatant racism
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by jay colbe
Friday, May. 01, 2009 at 9:46 AM
8-year old pays off "husband" to divorce him From the Saudi Gazette:
The arranged marriage of an 8-year-old girl to a 50-year-old man, who has two other wives, has been annulled in an out-of-court settlement, court sources said Wednesday.
The settlement, mediated by a new judge at the court, was not without lengthy negotiations between the girl’s lawyer and the husband who clung on to the legality of the marriage until the end of the working day, when he finally agreed to divorce the child wife.
The parties involved were tight-lipped about the settlement. The lawyer, who was hired by the girl’s mother, was not allowed to talk about the settlement to the media until an official announcement of the divorce.
The previous judge in the case, Sheikh Habib Al-Habib, had first refused to annul the marriage last year. But he later said he would reconsider the case upon the girl’s appeal on reaching the age of puberty or upon her mother’s appeal.
Earlier this month, Sheikh Al-Habib ruled for the second time that the girl’s marriage to a friend of her father’s was legal and binding. The father is said to have married off his girl to his close friend to pay off a debt.
The divorce settlement will hence annul Sheikh Al-Habib’s verdict on the case that is being reviewed by the Court of Cassations. The word "settlement" means that the new judge wouldn't annul the "marriage" until the "husband" was paid off and agreed to it...meaning that if the pedophile didn't agree, she would still be his.
Exactly like slavery.
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by PrionPartyy
Friday, May. 01, 2009 at 6:09 PM
Slavery need 3 things to exist.
Slaves, a people to be exploited as slaves
Masters, a people vile enough to exploit others as slaves
a political establishment that gives one people (masters) their blessing to exploit (destroy) others (slaves).
What is ALSO like slavery is when western interloapers give the Zionist crusaders their blessings to destroy Palestinians to create an exalted (master) existance for Zionist crusaders.
2 wrongs makes a right to some brainwashed tools. What about YOU??? Would ANY wrong commited by ANY Muslim make the Zionist's chosen murderous theft of palestinian lands less of an offense OR make the Democrap's and Republitrash'es support of the ZIonist's chosen murderous thedft of Palestinian lands anything other than an offense???
TO say one is an offense, in an attempt to rationalize the other offense, just showcases your own vile (NAZI) prejudices. Nothing less.
And we see you for what you are. The whole universe (including you) sees you for what you are. Pure evil. Deservingly damned for all eternity.
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by fecal matter partyy
Saturday, May. 02, 2009 at 4:01 AM
Slavery need 3 things to exist.
Slaves, a people to be exploited as slaves
Masters, a people vile enough to exploit others as slaves
a political establishment that gives one people (masters) their blessing to exploit (destroy) others (slaves).
That pretty much covers the young women who were driven back into a burning building.
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by PPyy
Saturday, May. 02, 2009 at 7:00 PM
to say one is an offense , in an effort to rationalize the other offense, just showcases....
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by fecal matter partyy
Sunday, May. 03, 2009 at 4:29 AM
This should make a mental cripple squirm:
Fuck Palestine, and nuke Mekkka.
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by fecal matter partyy
Sunday, May. 03, 2009 at 5:07 AM
In the name of Mohammed - fece be upon him.
What other insanity would have a woman who was raped also whipped or stoned to death. What "justice" is there to Islam? Yet some mental cripples, and terrorist propagandists like Fecal Partyy, would continue to copy and paste ad nauseum about the poor widdle Palestinians.
Fuck' em. Stone the Palestinians to death.
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by more from the religion of peace
Monday, May. 04, 2009 at 5:04 AM
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Latest offerings from the religion of peace
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