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Arbitron Spring 2003
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Who Put Up the Money for the Slate Mailerby James in Irvine Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 at 9:47 PMWho put up the money for the slate mailer?
Why was the money laundered through the so called International Humanities Center? http://www.ihcenter.org/groups/strengthenKPFK.html Why was the money not publicly accounted for?
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KPFK Problems Exceed Those Identified by Slateby Hymie Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 at 10:40 PMI agree with this statement that KPFK has problems and don't dispute the problems identified.
The prior general manager is gone, and that is good. But where are the solutions of this slate? I don't see any. They seem to think that replacing the GM is all that is needed. However, I think the problems of KPFK are much bigger and include the larger issue of the credibility and failure of the political leadership of the left in this country. The collapse of the anti war movement is part of the problem too. The continuation of the war despite overwhelming opposition also forms part of the problem. The political process no longer works here. Elections have become shams. People are realizing that they are wasting their time trying to change it or work in it. That includes going to marches and demonstrations and listening to and giving to KPFK, especially when all they here, especially from people like Ian Masters, is elect more Democrats. Electing Democrats is how we got where we are. The leadership of the political left has lost its followership and that includes the audience of KPFK. Without recognition of the larger issues from anyone on the the slate and with Ian Master's involvement in it, this slate inspires no confidence in me that they can better address the problems of KPFK than anyone else.
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And? Your Plan IS?by Listener Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007 at 12:05 AMGrace Aaron offers us no solutions in her article above. Dire financial warnings at Pacifica are nothing new. Several years ago, Lonnie Hicks, the CFO cited above, emphasized in the strongest possible terms the reality that Pacifica's base of support is aging, and reaching the age of retirement and of diminishing income. He described this reality as a looming disaster for the network's budget, and urged that an emphasis be placed on changing the demographics of the listenership, especially with regard to age.
I challenge Grace Aaron to post a link to even a single resolution that was put up for consideration during her single term as KPFK Board chair on how to deal with the financial crisis everyone knew was coming, and which Hicks had long-since warned of. I Doubt that she can or will offer any proof of any record that she demonstrated ANY concern about this as KPFK Board chair. Aaron wasn't looking for solutions. She was too busy hunting down scapegoats for that. Her vindictiveness is exactly why she is no longer chair of the KPFK Board. Even her own allies knew she'd gone overboard. So, Grace, WHAT EXACTLY is your SOLUTION? Vote for WHO?
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Response to 'listener'by Grace Aaron Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007 at 10:48 PMgraceaaron@gmail.com Dear Listener,
If you want to see solutions, all you need to do is go to www.CandidateSlate.org and look at the Platform. Here it is for your convenience: Platform of The Committee to Strengthen KPFK 1- We stand for RADIO YOU CAN HEAR. We will improve the broadcast strength and quality. We have a license to broadcast the most powerful signal west of the Mississippi and it should be fully utilized. 2- We will provide to our listener-sponsors financial and organizational transparency. 3- We will demand full compliance with labor laws, and Federal Communications Commission and Corporation for Public Broadcasting regulations. An effective internal grievance process must be implemented to ensure that disputes no longer become lawsuits.. 4- KPFK should go beyond mere compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and provide universal accessibility for the disabled. 5- We seek a qualified professional management team that puts KPFK and its listeners above any special interest group. 6- We will establish a professional and user-friendly production environment in which volunteer programmers get the training and technical support they need, so that the public is served by talented, authentic, informed and articulate voices. 7- We will expand listenership by reaching out to younger broadcasters to engage their generation's issues and interests. We will utilize emerging technologies to maximize the impact of Pacifica. 8- We will tap into Southern California’s vast artistic and cultural resources by offering internships and providing outlets so that the station's facilities will be used for the benefit of the community. 9- We believe that community radio should build bridges, alliances and solidarity, and to broadcast authentic voices from under-represented communities. Talent, insight and the ability to communicate should be the primary qualifications for a bottom-up approach to community radio. 10- Pacifica Mission Satement: “to employ such varied sources in the public presentation of accurate, objective, comprehensive news on all matters vitally effecting the community.” KPFK must increase its coverage of local events. KPFK should be there when news happens and cover it with the highest standards of broadcast journalism. 11- With regard to news, we embrace the Pacifica Mission Statement. As commercial media becomes more consolidated and “public radio” becomes less relevant, we aim to fill the void by being THE alternative source of information and to promote the station accordingly. 12- We commit ourselves to serve you, the listeners. and use this precious resource to improve our communities and the world It's obvious what slate I'm for -- I'm on the slate of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK! In peace, Grace Aaron
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Please respond to James from Irvineby Fern Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007 at 11:43 PMOnce again, the $64,000 question is, who put up the money to pay for the slate mailer? The "Committee" can start with transparency right here, right now!
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SORRY, GRACE, NO PRIZE THIS TIMEby Listener Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 at 1:54 AMSorry, Grace, no prize this time. I'm NOT playing '"THE POLITICIAN PRETENDS TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION WHILE SIDESTEPPING IT AND SAYING WHATS/HE WANTS TO SAY TO PROMOTE HERSELF' game. Forget it, Grace. You lose this round.
SIMPLY PUT, YOU DID NOT ANSWER MY QUESTION, AT ALL. I asked you what you did as Board Chair to avert the financial crisis everyone knew was on the horizon for KPFK and the whole network. As far as I'm concerned, YOUR EVASIVE ANSWER IS NOTHING OTHER THAN A CONFESSION THAT YOU DID NOTHING, Even though the documents you posted here make a big deal out of the looming financial problems THAT YOU IGNORED AS BOARD CHAIR. You did nothing but scapegoat others, even though seeing to the station's solvency - and even direct fund raising - is a crucial part of the task of the Board. YOU DID NOTHING, AND THOSE ON YOUR TICKET WHO WERE ON THE BOARD DID NOTHING, BUT NOW YOU WANT US TO VOTE YOU IN AGAIN SO YOU CAN DO NOTHING - AGAIN - BUT CLUTCH YOUR POWER AND EVADE STRAIGHT ANSWERS, SO YOU CAN SCAPEGOAT OTHERS WHILE AVOIDING YOUR OWN RESPONSIBILITY - AGAIN AND AGAIN. DON'T FEED ME "PROMISES" YOU WON'T KEEP, DON'T FEED ME SLOGANS AND "PLATFORMS" Tell me exactly what you've done, Grace Aaron, so I will have a way of projecting what you will do if you are elected again. RUN ON YOUR RECORD, IF YOU'RE NOT TOO ASHAMED OF IT. You running on a platform calling for fiscal responsibility is like Bush running on a "Peace" platform . god help us..
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Please respond to everybody aboveby K C A Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 at 2:46 AMGrace -- or somebody -- please answer all of the questions posed above, James, Hymie, and Listener
All of them remain unanswered. I started out supporting you. But as all this continues, your committee's credibility is going down bad.
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Grace, Please fix your mess!by John in Venice Tuesday, Nov. 27, 2007 at 4:10 PMThe slate candidate committee has managed to start one of the ugliest episodes in the history of KPFK with this la indy media article purportedly by Lila Garret at http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210662.php.
Grace, you started this mess. Now fix it.
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KPFK INTERIM MANAGER ANSWERS THE FALSE CLAIMSby repost Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 1:15 AMhttp://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210763_comment.php#210773 Response to Lila Garrett by Jim Lafferty Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 at 6:11 PM jlafferty@kpfk.org 818-985-2711 My response to Lila Garret's "HAIL to the Jews" November 26, 2007 Dear Lila and Other Friends of KPFK: It always saddens me when someone I have great respect for does or says something with which I must take exception. Such is the case with your/Lila’s long e-mail accusing the station of tolerating anti-Semitism and losing audience and financial support. As Lila well-knows, there is a world of difference (at least there is in my mind) between “anti-Semitism” and “anti-Zionism.” And while I am very aware that defenders of Israel often fail to note the difference; that they, in fact, sometimes promote the idea that the two are one-and-the-same, that does not make it so. Indeed, some defenders of Israel have been very effective in crying “anti-Semitism” whenever someone sharply criticizes Israel, or Israeli policy or practices. I can vouch for this fact because I have been called “anti-Semitic” on occasions when I have criticized Israel. In simple terms, it’s a “cheap shot.” Certainly there is room on KPFK for genuine, non-anti-Semitic criticism of Israel and Zionism. Now, Lila has claimed to me, in person, on more than one occasion, that one programmer or another on KPFK has made anti-Semitic remarks on the air. And on the last occasion when she made this claim (once I was here in my new capacity as Interim General Manager of KPFK), I told her that: 1) I was, of course, completely opposed to there being any anti-Semitic programming/remarks on KPFK; 2) and, that if she would be good enough to point me to the actual show where the remarks claimed to be “anti-Semitic” were made (and we have transcripts of every show and so can easily check) I, and others, would listen to the show in question and if I/we thought the remarks were, indeed, anti-Semitic, I would immediately take corrective action and impose station-authorized discipline. To date, Lila has not done that. Finally, on the matter of Lila’s claim that listenership has gone down at KPFK, as has our revenues. I have no idea why she would say that. Let me give you the facts: The peak number of listener/members during the tenure of the General Manager prior to Eva Georgia, who just left the station, was just under 14,000 (13,800). The number as of last May, under Eva Georgia, was 17,760…an increase of about 20%. Listener financial support is up from an annual amount of $1,745, 000 under the General Manager prior to Eva Georgia. Under Eva Georgia is has reached $3,120,000. That’s about an 80% increase! I am also informed that KPFK has increased listenership more than any other station in the Pacifica network. (Obviously, I take no credit for any of this since it all happened prior to my hire on November 1st of this year.) A couple of final points. Certainly there were programming changes here at KPFK under Eva Georgia. No doubt some of those changes have worked out better than others. In this regard, some listeners have complained about the fact that we now carry Spanish language programming on KPFK. Frankly, I have never understood this complaint. After all, KPFK is a public radio station and one that prides itself on being a community-based public radio station. In a City like Los Angeles, with its now majority Spanish-origin population, doesn’t it seem only just and proper that we would have at least some Spanish language programming? I am proud of the fact that I am now employed by a station that does so, unlike any other public radio station in town! Finally, Lila is certainly entitled to promote those candidates running for the Board she deems best qualified. Personally, although I deem it improper for me to actually endorse any of the candidates, I can say that as I look over the names on both slates and on the list of independent candidates, I find well-qualified candidates on all lists. Perhaps more to the point, I wish we could all get beyond name calling (and I agree with Lila in rightfully calling out others on this serious offense; I do the same), and recognize that our differences do not make us enemies. No, none of the fine people working and doing programming here at KPFK are “the enemy.” Our enemies are Corporate America and U.S. imperialism, and racism and sexism and…well, we all know the long and sorry list. Indeed, in all of the years that I have been associated with KPFK, I really cannot recall ever meeting anyone associated with the station that, no matter what political differences I might have with them, did not strike me as someone who loved the station as much as I and wanted only the best for it. Certainly, I know that this is true of my old friend Lila! Regards, Jim Lafferty, Interim General Manager, KPFK
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GRACE ISN'T ANSWERING, GIRLS AND BOYSby Racists GO HOME! Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 1:45 AMShe isn't answering and she isn't going to answer.
That's because there is no answer to the lies and distortions And slander KPFK Interin GM Jim Lafferty just exposed ( (although he didn't quite say so, that's what he was doing, above.) That's because Grace and her cronies did nothing at all to avert a financial crisis when she/ they were in a position to do so. That's because there is no answer for Committee member Lila Garrett's thinly veiled white supremacist rant "Hail to the Jews." http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210662.php That's because there is no answer fo Commitee candidate Eben Rey's support for Right wing xenohobes like Lou Dobbs and Ron Paul. http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210564_comment.php#210677 That's because there IS NO EXCUSE FOR TRYING TO BUY OR CHEAT YOUR WAY TO AN ELECTION WIN http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/209842.php The sad truth is that it's an ugly, ugly picture we've seen unfold before us, BUT IT'S AN ACCURATE ONE.
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tHERE'S ALSO NO ANSWERby RacistsGO HOME! Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 2:00 AMfor Committe suporter Diana barahona's claim that KFK should be regarded "First and Foremost" as a CORPORATION, because everyone around KPFK knows that's just what the Hijackers said.
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What Lafferty's reply signals is ....by Tejano Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 2:32 AMWhat this signals is...
by Tejano Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 2:22 AM What this signals is that the whole platform of the Committee to "Strengthen" KPFK is sheer invented nonsense, invented for no other purpose than to "get" the former GM, Eva Georgia. I am not an "Eva supporter" - mainly because she all-but sold her soul and sold out the interests of oppressed groups to keep these "Committee" people off her back and to keep power. She betrayed damn near everyone who might have been her authentic ally in a fool's errand of "going along to get along." It was never enough. Even though she is from S. Africa, Eva Georgia apparently never understood the totalizing nature of racism, and the endless lengths her antagonists would go to to destroy her and any hope of authentic power or representation for L.A.'s communities of color. Only now,as the lies of her enemies come unraveled in full public view, is their power apparently on the slide. Too late for Georgia. Her enemies and her advisors made for her a bed of nails, and she lay down in it, rather than wage an open, honest fight against sexism, racism and homophobia. They finally lynched her with these three oppressions, all of which were involved, if not in the charges laid in the lawsuit against her, then certainly in the Committee to "Strengthen" KPFK taking the scandal to the LA Weekly and the LA TImes in a final effort to destroy her. As far as Eva goes, it is too late in this case. The only real "blessing" in this is that the members of the "Committee" seem to have become so puffed up, so arrogant and careless in having finally forced Georgia out, that they have lost all perspective, and are now exposing themselves for what they have been all along. The best I can wish for the members of the "Committee" is that they learn a deep lesson about the evil of scapegoating and about the evil of substituting scapegoating and slander for taking principled political and moral stands on real issues. I doubt they will learn a damn thing. But may they have all the time they need to sit on their couches, with nothing to do but think about it, and with nothing to do with KPFK, at all
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What Lafferty's reply signals is ....by Tejano Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 2:32 AMWhat this signals is...
by Tejano Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 2:22 AM What this signals is that the whole platform of the Committee to "Strengthen" KPFK is sheer invented nonsense, invented for no other purpose than to "get" the former GM, Eva Georgia. I am not an "Eva supporter" - mainly because she all-but sold her soul and sold out the interests of oppressed groups to keep these "Committee" people off her back and to keep power. She betrayed damn near everyone who might have been her authentic ally in a fool's errand of "going along to get along." It was never enough. Even though she is from S. Africa, Eva Georgia apparently never understood the totalizing nature of racism, and the endless lengths her antagonists would go to to destroy her and any hope of authentic power or representation for L.A.'s communities of color. Only now,as the lies of her enemies come unraveled in full public view, is their power apparently on the slide. Too late for Georgia. Her enemies and her advisors made for her a bed of nails, and she lay down in it, rather than wage an open, honest fight against sexism, racism and homophobia. They finally lynched her with these three oppressions, all of which were involved, if not in the charges laid in the lawsuit against her, then certainly in the Committee to "Strengthen" KPFK taking the scandal to the LA Weekly and the LA TImes in a final effort to destroy her. As far as Eva goes, it is too late in this case. The only real "blessing" in this is that the members of the "Committee" seem to have become so puffed up, so arrogant and careless in having finally forced Georgia out, that they have lost all perspective, and are now exposing themselves for what they have been all along. The best I can wish for the members of the "Committee" is that they learn a deep lesson about the evil of scapegoating and about the evil of substituting scapegoating and slander for taking principled political and moral stands on real issues. I doubt they will learn a damn thing. But may they have all the time they need to sit on their couches, with nothing to do but think about it, and with nothing to do with KPFK, at all
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Just a few things Grace Aaron has done to improve KPFKby Grace Aaron Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 1:25 PMgraceaaron@gmail.com In the fall of 2006 Casey McFall, 2006 KPFK Local Station Board Treasurer, and Grace Aaron, KPFK LSB Chair, conducted a financial investigation of KPFK. Terry Goodman, another LSB member and 2007 Treasurer, also helped with this effort. A full report was presented to the LSB in closed session in late 2006. Recommendations from that report were approved by the LSB and referred back to the Finance Committee for implementation. Here are those recommendations:
RECOMMENDATIONS 1- A system of approval of expenditures should be created and adhered to so that no one person can spend money without justification or prior notification. 2- No reimbursement should be made for expenditures that do not have prior approval and are not delineated as adhering to a particular budget line item. 3- A system of prior approval and/or notification of sick and vacation leave should be instituted. Pay should not be given for sick or vacation leave taken without written notification (either after leave is taken as in sick leave or before leave is taken as in vacation leave) done in a standard way. 4- No one should be paid without a time sheet being submitted beforehand that is signed by the staff member's direct senior. 5- The Business Manager should be allowed to do his/her job without management interference. Termination, demotion or a change in job description of the Business Manager should require LSB approval, if not prohibited by the Pacifica Bylaws. 6- An inventory of all premiums should be done regularly. 7- An inventory of all fixed assets (computer equipment, audio equipment, etc.) should be done on a regular basis. 8- All trips, extended leaves, etc., by management staff should have prior written approval, including justification as being within a particular budget line item from the ED. This approval should include a ceiling of monies allowed to be expended for any particular trip, conference, event, etc. 9 - For the General Manager, an employee should be designated to confirm reported labor with clear guidelines for when they are expected by the Foundation to refuse endorsement. The designated employee must further be secure in the knowledge that they are protected from retaliation for any such refusal or associated demand for appropriate documentation. 10. Clear policy should be established to prevent abuse of authority to purchase items for review as possible premiums. Any items purchased under this authority should be added to premium inventory after review. 11. Station accounting staff should carefully review past reimbursement reports to identify and recover excess payments, particularly payments on partial shipments duplicated by payments on entire orders. 12. The Business Manager should review expense reports to identify purchases that must be added to equipment or premium inventory and establish procedures to insure that equipment receipts are maintained in a manner to allow for warranty service of such items during their warranty periods. 13. Compliance with established accounting procedures should be a specific element evaluated in the periodic review of General Manager performance. 14. Effective prioritization of employee tasks should be a specific element evaluated in the periodic review of General Manager performance. 15. Leadership in identifying the need and then establishing, communicating, and enforcing fair and clear policies in all areas of station operations should be a specific element evaluated in the periodic review of General Manager performance. ###### Also, the following resolutions which passed in the KPFK LSB with wide margins were written by me, were approved first by the Governance Committee, which I have been a member of, and were then approved by the LSB: Feb 25, 2006 The General Manager shall give notice of the existence of contracts to all LSB members and provide the text to those LSB members on the Governance Committee for review. Y - 8, N - 0, A - 1 June 10, 2006 KPFK management shall arrange that all staff paid and unpaid and all LSB members receive annual sexual harassment training. This training shall be budgeted in an ongoing manner and should be done as a requirement of employment by all in-coming staff, both paid and unpaid and by in-coming LSB members. The LSB strongly recommends that this training be done on-line to avoid excessive logistical problems in implementation, and to assure documentation. On-line training does not preclude additional in-person training. Implementation of this motion will be expected to have been accomplished by December 2006 at the latest. Y - 13, N - 0, A - 2 June 10, 2006 On-line [sexual harassment] training shall be made available to volunteers. Y - 11, N - 1, A - 2 June 10, 2006 The LSB requests that the PNB pass a policy that the KPFK LSB shall be informed in executive session of all imminent legal action and/or actual suits against Pacifica that relate to KPFK. Y - 12, N - 1, A - 0 June 10, 2006 The LSB members of the KPFK Finance Committee shall investigate any plausible allegations of financial impropriety and report all findings to the LSB in Executive session. Any LSB member may initiate this process by notifying a Finance Committee member. Y - 9, N - 4, A - 2 Aug. 12, 2006 Governance Committee Purpose and Role: To create and propose to the KPFK LSB rules, policies and guidelines that, in accordance with the Pacifica Foundation Bylaws and Mission, facilitate the functioning of the LSB. These duties include, but are not limited to, tasks assigned to it by the LSB and the following: 1.) Monitor compliance of the LSB with its role and duties specified in the Bylaws; 2.) Track the committee rosters and committee functioning; 3.) Advise and assist the chair in compiling a proposed agenda for LSB meetings; 4.) Track disposition of motions that are tabled, etc., and also ascertain and report on the status of the fulfillment of motions that have been approved by the LSB; 5.) Provide an additional avenue for listeners to bring forth motions for consideration by the LSB or any LSB Committee. Approved by roll call vote. Y - 12, N - 0, A - 0 I'd like to say thank you to some of the posters who have criticized me which has allowed me to expound on my contributions to the financial and general well-being of KPFK. Grace Aaron
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Grace, key questions still not answeredby Listener Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 2:12 PMThe question of the agenda of the slate candidates remains unanswered.
How do they propose to address problems of expanding KPFK audience and influence? Where did the money come from? How did they get listener names and addresses? If this committee can get my name and address, could George Bush not get it too? Are they seeking to keep Nader from being acknowledged on the air? Are they seeking to eliminate Palestinian sympathetic expressions? Are they seeking to push Democrats in general? With regard to accounting issues and resolutions discussed above, doesn't the Pacifica Foundation already have such requirements, including independent financial management and auditing of station expenditures, including verifying that expenditures come within budget items? If not, it should have. I think this is a national Pacific issue that merits immediate attention. Perhaps the national board should independently appoint a comptroller C.P.A. at each stations?
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Has Committee Lost its Goalby Hollywood listener Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 9:15 PMIs it possible that the only goal of this so-called committee in the first place was to get rid of Eva Georgia and now, that she is gone, it no longer has a purpose and is, therefore, just ignoring all the questions for lack of interest?
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GRACE AARON ANSWERS = NUT NOT YOUR QUESTIONby Pacifica Vet Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 at 12:00 AMIn Defense of Lich Doan
http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210498_comment.php#210888 by Grace Aaron Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 1:06 PM graceaaron@gmail.com The definition of a ‘staff member’ is defined in the Pacifica Bylaws. You can access the Pacifica Bylaws at the Pacifica website. For your convenience I’ve quoted the section that refers to this: Pacifica Bylaws ARTICLE THREE MEMBERS OF THE FOUNDATION SECTION 1. MEMBERS DEFINED There shall be two classes of members: (A) "Listener-Sponsor Members" and (B) "Staff Members", who shall collectively be referred to as "Members."… B. STAFF MEMBERS "Staff Members" shall be: (1) any non-management full-time or part-time paid employee of a Foundation radio station; or (2) any member of a Foundation radio station "Unpaid Staff Organization" or "Unpaid Staff Collective Bargaining Unit" which has been recognized by station management, or, if the station has neither such organization or bargaining unit, then any volunteer or unpaid staff member of a Foundation radio station who has worked for said radio station at least 30 hours in the preceding 3 months, exclusive of fundraising marathon telephone room volunteer time. Said volunteer work shall be performed under the supervision of the Foundation radio station management and shall not include volunteer work on committees of a Local Station Board. Radio station management employees and Foundation staff employees who are not employed at a Foundation radio station shall not qualify as Staff Members, however, such employees may qualify as Listener-Sponsor Members by contributing the requisite minimum dollar amount as set forth in Section 1(A) of this Article of these Bylaws. I spoke with Lich myself before he became a Listener-Member candidate. He did so because he did not qualify to be a staff candidate because he doesn’t put in enough volunteer time to be eligible. We actually went over this at a meeting of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK. We already had plenty of Listener-Member candidates (12 with Lich)!! It might even have been better for him to run as a staff candidate. It’s interesting how Leslie and others, who purport to be in favor of affirmative action, diversity and youth representation, are so eager to try to disqualify Lich, a young Vietnamese-American, and Donna Warren, an African-American woman. Hypocrisy is certainly a universal human characteristic. People who are fair-minded usually verify the facts before making accusations. To fail to do so just results in the mud being slung winding up in the slinger’s face. Grace Aaron
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Leslie Radford answers Grace Aaronby Pacifica Vet Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 at 12:07 AMHere, Radford answers Grace Aaron's Accusations that Radford wants to eliminate Lich Doan and Donna Warren as candidates. In my review of he material,it is clear that she called for no such thing.
JUST AS SHE DID WITH EVE GEORGIA, GRACE IS JUST MAKING THIS UP. RADFORD'S REPLY BELOW http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210498_comment.php#210888 Welcome, Grace by Leslie Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 9:17 PM Good to see you hear again. There a lot of questions for you on your thread. But I never made an accusation about Lich. I posed a conundrum I had a problem with--how can an assistant producer for a 2-hour a week show *not* put in 30 hours over 13 weeks? And for the record, I would have not questioned his candidacy if he had run as a staff member. His youth and "diversity" (Grace's word) shouldn't put him outside of the rules, though. And I have never tried to disqualify Donna Warren. Plz, Grace read carefully and stick to facts on the ground. There are enough people around here making up stuff.
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GRACE AARON''S "ANSWER"by O.G. LISTENER Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 at 12:27 AMOne can't help but notice that in her 15 point self - congratulations above that Grace Aaron completely evaded the question of what she had done to avert a financial crisis at the station.
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Loophole Allowing Programmer to Control Listener Sponsor Board Member Should be Closedby May Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 at 1:39 PM(Repost from original thread with Grace's "defense")
I find it difficult to believe as a matter of fact that Lich Doan did not qualify under the 30-hour 13-week rule. Regardless, someone like Doan, under control of a programmer, should not be allowed on the LSB as a listener sponsor position. Having separate listener and staff positions on the board serves the purpose of giving control of the station to listeners and keeping insiders at the station from controlling it themselves. This is a real danger. KPFK exists to serve its listeners, not the people who work there. The people who work there have incentive, time, and access and the ability to form slate committees to make the station work for their benefit. Separate listener positions limits the influence programmers can have and keeps them from taking over the station. Time and time again, Masters has told us he has his own ideas over how the station should be run. Masters has a vote in the staff election. Doan knows that while he may be an assistant producer on Background Briefing today, he may not be an assistant producer tomorrow, if Masters so decides. If Masters doesn't like what he does on the Board, Masters can make him not an assistant producer. Doan would have a conflict between representing listeners who would have elected him and Masters who controls his present professional position in the industry. If Masters can do this, so can any other programmer. Staff could take over the entire board doing this. Allowing such a situation to arise defeats the purpose of keeping staff from being able to dominate the board. The rule should be changed to prevent this from happening and to protect listener control of the station.
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More Questions for Graceby kpfk vet Monday, Dec. 03, 2007 at 4:17 AMSo, Grace, Did you approve of running LIch Doan as a listener candidate when you knew he is a staff member?
Does Lila Garrett's diatribe "Hail to the Jews" speak for the Committee to "Strengthen" KPFK?Does Eben rey's endorsement of Ron Paul, Lou Dobbs, and the Republican Party represent the position of your "committee"? How many of you back up what she wrote? IS yours a ZIonist group, per se? Does the fact that one if your founder, Roy Ulrich, will inherit millions mean your "Committee will KEEP ON BUYING KPFK ELECTIONS, and keep on suing the Pacifica network if they won't SELL the elections to you? Finally: WHO PUT UP THE MONEY FOR YOU TO BUY THIS ELECTION? Well, never mind, Grace. I know you aren't answering real questions these days. It's too embarrassing
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Grace if you don't answer questions, you lose.by Hollywood listener Wednesday, Dec. 05, 2007 at 11:40 AMGrace, if you don't answer the questions, you lost by default.
That's the rules.
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Grace Aaron Declared Loser in Threadby LA IMC Thread Argument Dispute Resolution Com Friday, Dec. 07, 2007 at 11:49 PMWHEREAS, Grace Aaron has made various claims in this post;
WHEREAS, various readers have raised questions going to the merits of her claims; WHEREAS, Aaron has not responded to these questions after repeated requests to do so; IT IS ORDERED, DECREED, and ADJUDGED: Aaron is the loser in these arguments. /s/ LA IMC Thread Argument Dispute Resolution Committee Certificate of Posting I, _____/s/______, clerk of the LA IMC Thread Dispute Resolution Committee, declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that I have posted notice of this judgment in the thread.
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DON'T WORRY GRACEby listener 2A Sunday, Dec. 09, 2007 at 7:12 PMWell Grace, your "Committee" LOST this round, big time.
You know LA Indymedia gets hundreds of thousands of hits, of course, and that must worry you. But, always look on the bright side of death. MAYBE given all the money you used to BUY THIS ELECTION, YOU ACTUALLY MANAGED TO BUY IT
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Don't let anyone tell tyou that GRACE IS A RIGHT WINGER!!by Programmer Monday, Dec. 10, 2007 at 6:15 PMGrace Aaron seems to be feeling a little defensive these days. Yesterday she busted into a programmers meeting, insisting she be allowed to speak. Since she's a board member, she was allowed to have her say.
She used her time to launch into a diatribe about how she's NOT a RIGHT WINGER. She let us all know, for our peace of mind that in fact SHE IS A LEFT WINGER. Well, you wouldn't have known, since her "committee has used every trick out of Karl Rove's bag of dirty tricks to seize power at KPFK - so it's probably a good thing she clarified the matter. We were, of course. wondering -)
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Just ONE MORE LITTLE QUESTION, GRACEby kpfk vet Monday, Dec. 10, 2007 at 10:07 PMWhile you were negotiating with Pacifica Elections supervisor to hold up the ballots past the deadline stipulated by the bylaws, didn't it ever occur to you how utterly AWFUL it would look for you and your "Committee"if you were exposed, as you now have been? http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/12/211387_comment.php#211400
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Looks like Grace Aaron Won a seat at KPFKby MONEY TALKS Monday, Dec. 17, 2007 at 3:34 PMThe results aren't final yet, but it looks like Grace Aaron won a seat on the KPFK board. These assholes RIGGED this election with money and with favoritism from the National Elections Supervisor, Casey Peters and the local Elections supervisor, Liliana Sanchez.
Peters should be fired - and SUED. WHAT A DISGRACE.
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