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by Leslie Radford, KPFK LSB candidate
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2007 at 6:39 PM
Years ago, in the days before back in the day, Pacifica waited three years
for its license renewal while the House Un-American Activities Committee and the
FBI tried to pin Communist conspiracy charges on the network. A decade
later, in a free speech fight that stretched to the U.S. Supreme Court, Pacifica
fought for the right to broadcast George Carlin's "Seven Dirty Words"
Years ago, the police busted into KPFK and hauled the manager off to jail as
the programmers aired the Patty Hearst tapes, secretly hand-delivered to the
station, as I hear the story.
In 2003, General Manager Eva Georgia brought all the resources of the station
to sponsoring international anti-war protest, and the station brought 60,000
people into the streets, the largest anti-war march in Los Angeles since
Vietnam. This is the woman leading members of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK
sought for years to drive out of the station.
Today, as I write this, Los Angeles County Sheriff Lee Baca, who smashed the
South Central Farm encampment and tore up the food, is in the studio as a guest,
and the host, a member of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK, wraps up with
"You're a good man, Lee Baca."
What will KPFK become?
KPFK must serve the future, not the past. It should serve those
who seek to preserve life and foster liberation, not those, like Lee Baca, who
destroy the hope of us all for a new and better world. The issues for
activists of today and our future are enormous. Dismantling a world
empire. Liberating the people from the social control of brutality,
terror, surveillance, incarceration, and genocide. Dismantling the machine
of perpetual war. Rescuing the ecosystem. Overcoming Euro-american
cultural supremacism. Surviving technological, economic, and societal
disintegration. These are the defining challenges confronting the 21st
century. They demand leadership from those who will live with the
consequences of the decisions we make now. Will KPFK take the lead?
The question of KPFK's future has become an ugly "debate" at Los
Angeles Indymedia. What you read in L.A.
Indymedia comments is an authentic reflection of the culture at KPFK now:
name calling, snitchjacketing, mocking people with literacy problems or learning
disabilities, intimidating other independent media. "Politics"
today inside KPFK is little more than scapegoating, hunting down people who
speak truth to power. The Committee to Strengthen KPFK struck the coup de
grâce: a petition denouncing the general manager because she was being
sued, and spreading unproven accusations to the mainstream media.
Eva left, after suffering through five years of what you see on L.A. Indymedia
and much worse. And now they're coming in for the kill, an election that
will determine the next general manager.
I got sucked into the mire. L.A. Indymedia asked me to repost an
article from my website
here, and I did, knowing full well that the vitriol at KPFK was toxic.
Nobody has proven that anything I wrote was wrong, but such is the outrage of a
bruised privileged class. They can take their unproven crap about
the general manager to the L.A. Times and the L.A. Weekly, but how
dare I tell the truth on an open publishing site? L.A. Indymedia has
caved: they distanced themselves from the article with a disclaimer the likes of
which I've never seen there. They allow personal attacks to remain in
plain view, a part of the "debate" they called for. But, knowing
the pressure, the threats, I can hardly blame them.
Except that L.A. Indymedia is open publishing, people. You wanna pitch
some other story, you wanna try to spin the facts, you wanna promote your own
candidacy or candidate there, go for it.
But the Committee hasn't done that and and won't do it. Their
supporters' debate of choice is anonymous smears, snitchjacketing, mockery,
fear-mongering, implicit threats.
KPFK, bastion of radical free speech, at the end of this election in a little
more than three weeks, could be the voice of a faction of the Democratic Party
and their allies, the voice of those who posted their vicious attacks on L.A.
Indymedia, the voice of Sheriff Lee Baca.
TAKE OVER THIS RADIO STATION! Do it for Will Lewis, the
former KPFK manager who refused to give the Hearst tapes to the FBI, for Carlin,
for communists, for anarchist Pacifica founder Lew Hill, for radical-ass, in
your face radio--take over this station.
My words here are carefully chosen: vote the fuckers out. And vote in
fresh, authentically radical voices. Vote for Kahllid A.
Al-Almin ,
currently in jail framed by the LAPD. Vote for Joaquín Cienfuegos
of Copwatch, vote for Rufina Juárez who led the South Central Farm
resistance, vote for Lawrence Reyes of the Puerto Rican Alliance and a
former affiliate of the Young Lords Party. Vote for Schyna Pour , a
budding high school radical and daughter of anti-Shah Iranian Reza Pour .
Vote for Jubilee Shine who organized the rally to stop the minutemen from
taking Leimert Park. Vote for former student radical against the Shah Moe
Mansour , driven out of his country decades ago. Vote for anti-racist,
anti-war activist Chuck Anderson who screams at the system from inside
the darkness of Orange County.
Don't vote for Grace Aaron, the head of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK, who
led the public campaign of lies against Eva Georgia, or Aaron's
supporters. Don't vote for Donna J. Warren who brags
about her twenty years with the Department of Defense as her qualification to
run KPFK. Don't vote for Ahjamu Makalani, vice chair of the California
Democratic Party Progressive Caucus or Democratic caucus members Linda Sutton,
Ricco Ross, and Dan Wang.
If you're not a voter, or if you are, spread the word on your facebook, your
myspace, your email lists. Use this article, use your own words, but tell
people: the station is yours by all that's right in the world, and it's time to
claim it.
The Committee and its supporters inside and outside the station won't let
that happen, of course. They've already concocted a joke of a lawsuit
asserting that the station should have distributed their glossy, high-priced
brochure in the envelope with the ballots or some such nonsense--after all,
that's their privilege--so that, if they can't buy the election, they can void
it. If they win this fraud of an election in spite of your vote, or if
they go to court to disqualify you, take over the station.
KPFK is your legacy, you've earned it through your struggle in the streets
and in your communities. Learn what KPFK was, dream of what it could
be--the most powerful radio signal west of the Mississippi, capable of
mobilizing sixty thousand people to take the streets from Santa Barbara to
Riverside to San Diego. The doors are open. Take over KPFK.
Claim it, own it, make it yours.
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by Leslie
Sunday, Nov. 18, 2007 at 8:25 PM
This is an opinion piece. This is a report. LA Indymedia has implied that the other article was an opinion, an endorsement, or "for purposes of debate." This is the opinion piece I would have written if I wanted to insert my opinion into this mess of an election.
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by KPFK Listener
Monday, Nov. 19, 2007 at 3:50 AM
Leslie, I agree with you completely and commend you for a job well done.
I never have understood how the KPFK ballot system works. How should people mark their ballots to insure that we get at least a few responsible people elected?
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by Leslie
Monday, Nov. 19, 2007 at 5:34 PM
Plenty of people strategize around this question. The first thing to realize is that you're numbering candidates in order of preference. Then maybe you wonder if candidate Y needs your vote because candidate X is going to do well without it . . . and a dozen other strategic questions. The beauty of standard transferable voting is that if you vote in your order of preference and candidate X wins without your vote, your vote gets partially credited to your second choice, etc. You can find a pretty straightforward explanation on Wikipedia. Strategic voting is generally less effective with stv than with the direct vote count your familiar with. One question I hear sometimes, is should I rank everybody? I don't, just because I can't bring myself to support even a little bit people I can't stomach running KPFK. Some people explain to me that I should, that it actually hurts their chances of winning, but I've never understood their logic, so I don't. For my recommendations you can print out my ballot.
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by KPFK Listener
Monday, Nov. 19, 2007 at 10:15 PM
I mailed my ballot today, just like yours
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by Let's get less serious
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007 at 1:10 AM
When asking for the reader to vote for her slate, Leslie forgot to invoke, Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Buddha, and Pee Wee Herman, all notable progressives and radicals of their time.
While vilifying the candidates from the Committee to Strengthen KPFK, Leslie only charged them with being members of the Ruling Class, demons of the Democratic Party, whites or wannabe whites, wealthy, elitist, police informers (aka snitches) and people who work for a living. She omitted the fact that some of them eat ice cream and a few were spotted attending a Dodger baseball game in 2003.
Roshak Radford should be writing a gossip column for the Enquirer, she's certainly got the imagination for it. She also seems to have lots of time to do the research and writing. Wonder what her day job is? On the other hand, I hear the Pentagon is looking for new recruits that are good at making enemies and pumping up hostilities. (Leslie got the nickname "Roshak Radford" for her ability to find "Capitalist conspiracies to oppress the under-served masses" in inkblot patterns made by leaving the Business Section of the LA Times out in the rain for half an hour.)
I cant hear KPFK when I drive up the Sepulveda Pass, for at least the last 5 years. Anyone got comments on that?
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by Robert J
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007 at 2:12 PM
Leslie didn't vote for herself on her ballot.
Don't forget to add her to that ballor.
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by Atheist
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007 at 8:01 PM
Good to know bush admirer is proud to be a fascist.
Should light a fire under those of us who consider ourselves anti-fascist. I mean ACTIVE ANTI-FASCISTS as opposed to passive anti-fascists like most liberals.
BTW, the people Leslie recommends voting for I've seen on the streets fighting for immigrants rights, against the war, and other progressive causes. THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTIVISTS.
Hey, Ricco Ross, heard you on the radio today. Just cause your a member of Progressive Democrats of America doesnt make you an activist, homie!
Ive been a registred Democrat all my voting life and that sure as hell dont make me an activist cause Ive never voted republican. Check yourself bro.
I got one of those slick fliers in the mail from the Committee.
Its receiving sh*t like this that turns people off voting!
I almost threw it away. At first I thought it had to do with the Nov. 6 school board elections or something. Except for Donna Warren, I DONT KNOW WHO THE HELL THOSE PEOPLE ARE! YOU NEVER SEE THEM AT PROTESTS OR ORGANIZING ANYTHING.
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by Atheist
Tuesday, Nov. 20, 2007 at 8:01 PM
Good to know bush admirer is proud to be a fascist.
Should light a fire under those of us who consider ourselves anti-fascist. I mean ACTIVE ANTI-FASCISTS as opposed to passive anti-fascists like most liberals.
BTW, the people Leslie recommends voting for I've seen on the streets fighting for immigrants rights, against the war, and other progressive causes. THESE PEOPLE ARE ACTIVISTS.
Hey, Ricco Ross, heard you on the radio today. Just cause your a member of Progressive Democrats of America doesnt make you an activist, homie!
Ive been a registred Democrat all my voting life and that sure as hell dont make me an activist cause Ive never voted republican. Check yourself bro.
I got one of those slick fliers in the mail from the Committee.
Its receiving sh*t like this that turns people off voting!
I almost threw it away. At first I thought it had to do with the Nov. 6 school board elections or something. Except for Donna Warren, I DONT KNOW WHO THE HELL THOSE PEOPLE ARE! YOU NEVER SEE THEM AT PROTESTS OR ORGANIZING ANYTHING.
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by Larry
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007 at 4:06 PM
Israel is not with the people on the mailer and has fought for good causes going back to William O Douglas for president.
The board needs experience and perspective.
He has my vote.
We all need Israel on the board.
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by Larry Z
Wednesday, Nov. 21, 2007 at 7:27 PM
Israel hasn't joined the slick mailer people and is staying independent.
He has supported progressive causes since the Korean War and has not given up.
He has my vote.
We need him on the Board.
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by Reality Check
Thursday, Nov. 22, 2007 at 9:43 AM
It's amazing when Radford and her group, who scream racism and use other smoke screens, show their true colors. At a recent town hall in Lemeirt Park, two of those on Kommisar Radford's slate, Lawrence Reyes and Chuck Anderson, in a public forum, called two of KPFK's programmers, Suzi Weissman and Jon Wiener "Zionists". She can use as much spin as she wants in her endless rants, but the bottom line is she, her slate and agenda is filled with hate and contempt for anyone who doesn't agree 100% with her twisted vision of reality. And whichever way you try to spin it agent Radford, racism does not belong at KPFK.
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by list
Thursday, Nov. 22, 2007 at 8:48 PM
Reality Check, I mean E. R., you are such slimey creature sometimes, You know that the word "slate" is by now a dirty word among KPFK listeners who are reading this. And you KNOW that's because the only SLATE running - the Committee to Strengthen KPFK, HAS TRIED TO BUY THE ELECTION.
You know even JIm Lafferty , the interim GM, stood up in the Board meeting and spoke against money in KPFK's elections.
lISTEN, er< THER ARE LOTS OF PEOPLE WHO READ la iNDYMEDIA WHO ARE COMPLETELY CONSCIOUS OF THESE KINDS OF TRICKS. These comments pages have been full of the debate around Palestine for YEARS. You fool NO ONE.
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by Reality Check
Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 at 12:01 AM
Hey people look at the hate and venom that spews forth as she attacks Israel Feuer. Someone who is not part of ANY of this debate. Someone with a huge, generous heart, who has donated countless hours over more than 40 years for the good of the station. Someone who is not brainwashed by Leslie propaganda. When considering candidates, you have to ask why do some candidates only attack others? Why don't they focus on positive actions they would take? Because they don't have any. All they can do is attack, and put down others. Hardly "progressive".
Oh and for the spin doctor behind all this, here's a definition for you: Slate: noun 4. a list of candidates nominated by a person or persons to run in an election.
The "LIST" that you've posted and paid money to advertise is in fact a "SLATE". Accept the fact that you too are promoting a slate.
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by Les Serious
Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 at 10:34 AM
Leslie appears to be opposed to the Democratic Party and even the Progressive Democrats of America and the Greens (Donna Warren). I'd heard that earlier in her life Leslie wasn't such a complete anarchist, but in fact did belong to some political parties. Maybe someone can educate us on her highness's history. Are any of her recommended candidates "Democrats" or "Liberals", "Tories" or "Wiggs" ? Maybe they don't vote. I don't know if Leslie approves of voting in regular elections. I know she supports Michael Slate and he boisterously dissuades people from voting during any of the presidential elections. It could be an "Anarchist thing" like "never go to Disneyland".
Is there a political philosophy (or two) that Leslie and her gang of nine do ascribe to? Political party affiliation should not be part of the LSB election, of course not, that went out with McCarthy, so we all thought. But obviously Leslie thinks it's very important. Well, if so, lets nudge her to reveal her own political affiliation. Maybe she's a secret member of the Masons, or a card carrying Amway Representative. I don't know, do you? And maybe she can document the political affiliations of her candidates.
Personally I think it's a tactic to keep the public weak by trying to "incriminate" them for belonging to political organizations. You know, it's fine if you protest and read the blogs but don't lobby your congressman, don't sign petitions and present them to politicians, and don't run for office. Just fume. It's easy to knock down one person who stands alone. It's a little harder to thwart the efforts of an organized group.
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by Les Serious
Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 at 12:53 PM
5 years ago Leslie Radford was part of the "KPFK Coalition for Justice" that professed to be the "defenders of Affirmative Action and diversity in Pacifica." In fact the group was 78% male, 22% female, 83% Anglo, 6% African American Male and 11% Latino Male.
Now Leslie supports a slate which is 70% male, 30% female, 60% white, 30% latino and 10% African American (the one African American, Kahllid A. Al-Almin, is currently in jail, according to Leslie, and hasn't been able to attend any candidate forums on or off the air. I have to say that is unique.) This time the agenda is less clear: ". . . vote in fresh, authentically radical voices . . . " , " . . . mobilizing sixty thousand people to take the streets from Santa Barbara to Riverside to San Diego." Revolution? OK, but what form of government will replace the one being overthrown ? Is this a democratic revolution where even the people who Leslie doesn't like also get a chance to vote? Leslie also seems to be defending the legacy of Eva George's management; curious when we see the decline of listeners and the increase in law suits. I could not find in Leslie's articles any platform or expression of specific policy or guidelines that would apply to the LSB duties described in the bylaws. Maybe scraping the bylaws is part of the "Revolution."
I know everyone says "Power to the People" and "Let's keep Pacifica Free." Do those phrases help voters decide who to vote for. My favorite campaign slogan is "Vote for me, I like kittens." At least the 9-11 candidates declare their intent: more 9-11 Truth programming. By the way, how come Leslie hasn't endorsed any of the 9-11 candidates (Bayard Condon, Tony Bird, Jack Linblad)? Wuzzup wit dat?
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by Leslie
Friday, Nov. 23, 2007 at 3:57 PM
From what I read on LA Indymedia, you can tell a committee supporter because they resort to pure conjecture, a vast conspiracy of "seems" and "maybes" and questions without answers. Of course, these are also COINTELPRO tactics, but I'm sure that's a coincidence. I'm "credited" with saying something against Israel Feuer, but he's not mentioned in the article above. The people I endorse are not as described here. You can find them for yourself at my website. I'm accused of fronting a slate, but the definition provided has nothing to do with the people I've endorsed. Then I'm credited with being an anarchist and a communist and an Amway rep and a Mason. I'm accused of being part of a slate that wasn't the slate at all, and of telling people not to vote. Of wanting to scrap the Pacifica Bylaws. Of being a racist. Of liking kittens. Most of that isn't true, some of it is. But when you tell me you're baiting me, don't expect me to snap at it.
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by just another listener
Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007 at 12:29 AM
"Les Serious is apparently so MUCH less serious that S/he doesn't even know that there is only ONE slate running as a slate at KPFK these days S/he accuses Radford of supporting a slate that doesn't exist.. .when in fact what Radford has done is endorse independent, individual candidates, Radford doesn't control who runs for the board, and she has a right to endorse individuals on the basis of their individual merit. If "les serious" were more serious, s/he ,might do some endorsing of his/ her own, and state openly where s/he stands and who s/he supports, rather than hiding behind the smear technique used above.
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by Weiss
Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007 at 12:29 AM
Leslie Radford wrote "I'm "credited" with saying something against Israel Feuer, but he's not mentioned in the article above."
This confusion arises because of the completely irresponsible and inaccurate comment by somebody, "Israel is an old coot who isn't with the slate because he's too wierd . . .He should have retired before he hit eighty."
Whoever wrote that comment wrote it as if Leslie wrote it herself as a personal response that didn't need a name, rather than putting their own name on it.
Whoever wrote this is giving the Committee to Strengthen KPFK an even worse name that it already has. Someone on the committee -- "Hey,, Grace are you listening?" -- should denounce that statement about someone who has worked tirelessly for KPFK and progressive causes over the years.
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by just another listener
Saturday, Nov. 24, 2007 at 12:42 AM
"Les Serious" is apparently so MUCH less serious that S/he doesn't even know that there is only ONE slate running as a slate at KPFK these days S/he accuses Radford of supporting a slate that doesn't exist.. .when in fact what Radford has done is endorse independent, individual candidates, Radford doesn't control who runs for the board, and she has a right to endorse individuals on the basis of their individual merit. If "les serious" were more serious, s/he ,might do some endorsing of his/ her own, and state openly where s/he stands and who s/he supports, rather than hiding behind the smear technique used above.
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by This isn't suspicious, is it?
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007 at 1:52 AM
Check it out. Grace Aaron's post on the KPFK elections has been disappeared. SO have all of the links under "comments" to these KPFK stories. You know, someone had just issued a juicy challenge to Aaron, to get her to prove what action she had taken as KPFK Board chair to avert a looming financial crunch for the station and the network, and now it's just all gone. NONE of the comments on KPFK are any longer visible. Guess someone got upset because it was going badly for the "Committee to 'Strengthen' KPFK" slate.
Imagine that.
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by This is suspicious, isn't it?
Sunday, Nov. 25, 2007 at 9:22 AM
It's true. Both of these links come up cold (Nov 24 8:50 am):
KPFK and Pacifica Need Good Governance Grace Aaron 2007-11-21 9:25 PM http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210430.php
Response to 'listener' Grace Aaron 2007-11-23 10:48 PM http://la.indymedia.org/news/2007/11/210430_comment.php#210535
But this would be a technical goof, or someone wanting to cut-off any response from Grace Aaron. Dont you think?
There's still a link to the Committee to Strengthen KPFK website in Leslie's article.
Maybe we can get a post from the Indymedia webmaster to clarify.
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by Les Serious
Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 at 12:50 AM
Leslie, and allot of her fans, seem to have a severe irony deficiency. I think I saw Leslie Wednesday night at the Comedy Store, trying to buy a Sense of Humor, but she couldn't come up with the price, two chuckles and a laugh.
I only have limited time to research this but here we go:
- Personal attacks from Leslie: Grace Aaron lied about Eva Georgia, Donna J. Warren brags about her twenty years with the Department of Defense, L.A. Indymedia has caved, "vote the fuckers out" (I guess that means the three or four LSB members running for re-election).
- Leslie's slate: Though some say there's only one slate, from the Strengthen KPFK group,
- Slate - definition 4. a list of candidates, officers, etc., to be considered for nomination, appointment, election, or the like. link
- On Indymedia on 17 Nov Leslie recommends 9: Chuck Anderson, Joaquín Cienfuegos, Jubilee Shine, Kahllid A. Al-Almin, Lawrence Reyes, Leslie Radford, Moe Mansour, Reza Pour, Rufina Juárez, Schyna Pour.
- On her own webite: http://radiojustice.net/candidates/, apparently at an earlier date, she recommends 11: Alise Sochaczewski , Chuck Anderson , Jack Lindblad , Joaquin Cienfuegos , Jubilee Shine , Kahllid Al-Alim , Lawrence Reyes , Moe Mansour , Rufina Juarez , Schyna Pour , Summer Reese.
- In the November issue of Changelinks a slate was published as an ad under the title "Grassroots Community Candidates for KPFK LSB". It's the same as the one Leslie has on Indymedia Media. Whoops, someone got capitalista and paid for an ad, tcccch tcccch tccccch, your hypocrisy's showing.
- I also heard that Michael Novick, head of People Against Racist Terror, also had a slate of candidates he recommended (can anyone confirm, are you out there Michael?)
So it seems several people are politicking to get people elected to the LSB. That's a good thing, isn't it? America, Constitution, Bill of Rights, one person one vote, all of that. Good stuff. "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." Evelyn Beatrice Hall 1906. Don't trash people for belonging to political parties or for being white, brown, pink or black. Just communicate what you and the candidates you support want to do for the station and the network. How can they help, what platform do they follow? How will they implement the Pacifica Mission statement?
Leslie, I really really really want to vote for you as my number 1 choice. Please tell me what political party you belong to, do you support. Please tell me what part of the Pacifica Mission Statement you think is workable. Please let me know how you think the LSB could help improve KPFK and the Pacifica Network. How could the LSB help KPFK increase audience, educate the community, contribute to a lasting understanding between nations and between the individuals of all nations, races, creeds and colors; gather and disseminate information on the causes of conflict between any and all of such groups. (Pacifica Mission Statement). Now, please, be polite as you can when you answer. You know I love you and I don't want you to get upset or angry. Just help me to understand your background and viewpoint and the healing comforting warmth of your concern for the station. Lead me to the light about the "KPFK Coalition for Justice" from 2002, and how that was designed to support KPFK and the Pacifica Mission. This election has given us a great opportunity to discover your heart, mind, and soul and the purity of your intentions to help all of God's little children. We await your anointment. Teach.
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by Mapache
Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 at 2:24 AM
Really, could you get any les serious? DEFINITION OF ENDORSEMENT http://www.elook.org/dictionary/endorsement.html # [noun] a promotional statement (as found on the dust jackets of books); "the author got all his friends to write blurbs for his book" Synonyms: indorsement, blurb # [noun] a speech seconding a motion; "do I hear a second?" Synonyms: second, secondment, indorsement # [noun] formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the union's endorsement" Synonyms: sanction, countenance, indorsement, warrant, imprimatur # [noun] a signature that validates something; "the cashier would not cash the check without an endorsement" Synonyms: indorsement # [noun] the act of endorsing; "a star athlete can make a lot of money from endorsements" Synonyms: indorsement DEFINITION OF "SLATE" http://www.answers.com/topic/slate "A list of candidates proposed or endorsed by a political party:" DEFINITION OF A PARTY http://www.answers.com/Party "An established political group organized to promote and support its principles and candidates for public office." Let's make it clear. There is only one "slate running for the KPFK Board, there is only one "Party" that has an agreed upon set of principles (as lame as they are), an "organization", a "Chair" (Grace Aaron) and MONEY TO THROW AT THIS ELECTION - and that is the Commitee to "Strengthen" KPFK. The independent candidates do not have a common platform, although they may share common sensibilities a stret level activists, they do not have a 'leader". they do not have a common website, and THEY ARE NOT TRYING TO BUY THIS ELECTION. What they have in common, from a public standpoint, is ENDORSEMENTS form those who want to see the old players, who have nearly wrecked the station, out, and from some who respect radicals and street level activists.
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by Santa Monica Listener
Monday, Nov. 26, 2007 at 9:43 PM
I finally heard Israel Feuer on the air.
After hearing him and reading what one person said about him here, I am putting him first.
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by sidestepper
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 4:42 PM
KPFK is it's listeners, subscribers, staff and repeatedly adamantly claims to be ABOVE all the garbage flying around, above campaign contributors, above unequal anything...and yet some people were given permission to send their names along with the ballot? who gave permission? how much did it cost ? who paid it for ? Why not everyone or no-one, as KPFK the great equalizer likes to create?
why is no one giving everyone out here information like this instead of just being angry, mean, hatefull, insulting and demeaning ?
why not open up the secret 'war' chest and tell all ? to everyone who can read these sites, as no one seems to be writing or answering anything on KPFK's listener forum...and I keep checking for where there is some honest open real communications, the kind KPFK mission wanted to keep.
Can we not 'get along' but act civil, and give and correct and share INFORMATION that is actual, accurate and not throw garbage [word garbage here] at any & everyone?
Who is anti-war when they - you ? - act like this ? dont worry only about EID's and guns, think of the legal ways to hate and hurt. It is readable on this site, now.
let's do something more clever than word-fight and lose whatever we really want KPFK to BE !!!
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by sidestepper
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 4:42 PM
KPFK is it's listeners, subscribers, staff and repeatedly adamantly claims to be ABOVE all the garbage flying around, above campaign contributors, above unequal anything...and yet some people were given permission to send their names along with the ballot? who gave permission? how much did it cost ? who paid it for ? Why not everyone or no-one, as KPFK the great equalizer likes to create?
why is no one giving everyone out here information like this instead of just being angry, mean, hatefull, insulting and demeaning ?
why not open up the secret 'war' chest and tell all ? to everyone who can read these sites, as no one seems to be writing or answering anything on KPFK's listener forum...and I keep checking for where there is some honest open real communications, the kind KPFK mission wanted to keep.
Can we not 'get along' but act civil, and give and correct and share INFORMATION that is actual, accurate and not throw garbage [word garbage here] at any & everyone?
Who is anti-war when they - you ? - act like this ? dont worry only about EID's and guns, think of the legal ways to hate and hurt. It is readable on this site, now.
let's do something more clever than word-fight and lose whatever we really want KPFK to BE !!!
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by Leslie
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 7:23 PM
I promise you, I'm telling you as much as I know. I don't think I know more than I'm telling, but feel free to write and ask me questions.
You've got the story flipped. The Committee is planning on suing the
Pacifica Foundation because the foundation wouldn't send out the mailers
for them.
From radiojustice (my site):
"Rumors have been whispered to incredulous ears that the Committee to
Strengthen KPFK plans to sue the Pacifica network because Pacifica wouldn't
allow the Committee to include their mailer with the ballots.
"It turns out to be true, on grounds that only a lawyer could
come up with: that because staff members were disallowed from endorsing
candidates by email, they were forced to pay to use the U.S. mails . . . .
"Ironically, the Committee To Strengthen KPFK arose to oust General
Manager Eva Georgia because a lawsuit was filed against her, claiming the
suit, as yet unresolved, was a financial burden on the network. In its
platform, the Committee promises voters 'An effective internal grievance
process must be implemented to ensure that disputes no longer become
I don't want to ask too much of Indymedia (who've already let a lot of this
play out here), so please check out radiojustice
for the down and dirty.
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by Leslie
Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 7:41 PM
You CAN request a new ballot if you do so by Friday, November 30, if you want to change your vote. And if you lost or never received your ballot, you can get one if you request it by that deadline. Write to ballot@pacifica.org to request a new ballot.
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by Listener
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 11:20 AM
Project yourslef for a moment, honest reader, intot he mindset of a "les serious" being. Ask your slef what drives a person to create lebels that smear others, what drives a person to issue little missives that have zero content other than name calling, demonizing and ridicule. Ask yourself how much respect for her/himself - or for you - a person has who expects you to buy into such name calling, who expects you to just "get" their hatred, who lacks even the respect for your intelligence to post a message offering up a critique of even so much as a policy or an action of those s/he is targeting for abuse, ridicule and name calling. What do they expect of you and your consciousness? How degraded is their view of people to imagine that Anyone would respond to empty rhetoric
"les serious" can't even be bothered to identify which post s/he is responding to, so mire is s/he in hatred, and so obvious to him/her are the causes of that hatred, that s/he expects the whole world to share in it, just by virtue of a little alliterative ploy like "Radford's Rogues."
What you see is a classic example of the scapegoating mentality, and of the racist mentality, of hatred feeding on its own delusional , self justifying and self-reinforcing dynamics, and evidence be damned - or invented.
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by Listener
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 11:20 AM
Project yourslef for a moment, honest reader, intot he mindset of a "les serious" being. Ask your slef what drives a person to create lebels that smear others, what drives a person to issue little missives that have zero content other than name calling, demonizing and ridicule. Ask yourself how much respect for her/himself - or for you - a person has who expects you to buy into such name calling, who expects you to just "get" their hatred, who lacks even the respect for your intelligence to post a message offering up a critique of even so much as a policy or an action of those s/he is targeting for abuse, ridicule and name calling. What do they expect of you and your consciousness? How degraded is their view of people to imagine that Anyone would respond to empty rhetoric
"les serious" can't even be bothered to identify which post s/he is responding to, so mire is s/he in hatred, and so obvious to him/her are the causes of that hatred, that s/he expects the whole world to share in it, just by virtue of a little alliterative ploy like "Radford's Rogues."
What you see is a classic example of the scapegoating mentality, and of the racist mentality, of hatred feeding on its own delusional , self justifying and self-reinforcing dynamics, and evidence be damned - or invented.
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by Les Serious
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 12:20 PM
Thank you ever so much "Listener", my point is made. I swear on all that is holy, I, Les Serious, did not make the previous post: "Hate and Mistrust by Listener Wednesday, Nov. 28, 2007 at 11:20 AM".
Some people: "Hate and mistrust those who do not hate and mistrust." We, who mostly don't, should not hate or mistrust those that do. We should try to understand. If someone has Tourette's Syndrome, try to understand and compensate your reaction. If you meet someone who is disfigured, try to increase your tolerance for their appearance. Of course it's not sane to disregard all acts of violence and deceit, I know you're thinking that. Some pacifists and clergy may want to give pardons to serial killers and just wait until they've had their fill. Most of us don't feel that way. It's reasonable to be mad at a killer, tyrant, thief, rapist, pedophile, etc. In fact, ignoring the actions of such misanthropes is itself a social failing. The fault comes when we add to the list of anti-social behavior: Communist, Democrat, Republican, Neo-Con, Papist, Wobbly, Cubista, Zionist, Mick, Feminazi, etc. There's plenty of grief in the world due to the evil acts of individuals and states. We need not chase up people for their political beliefs. Criticize, vilify, hold accountable individuals for their ill-considered acts, not for their thoughts or opinions.
I think it's more appropriate to examine the nature of the tirade than to supplement it. Re-read the Pacifica Mission Statement.
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by Leslie
Thursday, Nov. 29, 2007 at 9:29 PM
Could you forward me the "hate mail that's proliferating from the mal-contents aligned with Radford"? My email address is above. We could talk a little more concretely if you would, Since you don't claim I've sent any, it may be that I haven't seen what you're talking about.
But I'll understand if you want to honor the privacy of the senders and recipients. It is my first instinct is to not talk about other people's correspondence, especially if it hasn't come to me. However, if I see a way to talk about it without violating confidences, I will.
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by sidestepper
Friday, Nov. 30, 2007 at 10:29 AM
May I quote the above written by this hypocritical contradicting thus lying person?
here it is ....
"The fault comes when we add to the list of anti-social behavior: Communist, Democrat,.... MICK, FEMINAZI, etc. There's plenty of grief in the world due to the evil acts of individuals and states. We need not chase up people for their political beliefs. Criticize, vilify, hold accountable individuals for their ill-considered acts, not for their thoughts or opinions."
where do those with these negativized labels get their vocabulary? Femi-Nazi ? a description or an accusation of the worst kind? What is a "Mick", a mouse with the tail chopped off ? These did not fit with the claims of the writer who is telling us to NOT-criticize thoughts/opinions... huh?
am I suppose to be stupid or what ? not here, not anywhere.
Please clean up your act and be More Serious, whoever Les S. is. Pay attention to your actions, views, and not slide bad bad connections into what otherwise sounds like a decent statement promoting courtesy.
How tricky you try to be. Please STOP this insulting-hate stuff.
Say what you mean that is thoughtful, helpful, informative and courteous & considerate, and leave the rest in your own mind to poison only 1 person, not the rest of us.
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by Leslie
Tuesday, Dec. 04, 2007 at 11:26 PM
Hail to the Truth
Lila Garrett, one of the founding members of the Committee to Strengthen KPFK and host of "Connect the Dots," recently wrote a paean to Judaism in response to an event that never occurred.
Garrett's essay, entitled "Hail to the Jews," appeared November 25 on L.A. Indymedia and was widely circulated by email and hinges on her claim that, "Lawrence Reyes and Chuck Anderson . . . at a town hall meeting last
week attacked programmers Jon Weiner and Suzi Weisman for being 'Zionists.'" The forum that most immediately preceded her essay was the Leimert candidate forum, held on November 11, and an anonymous comment (above) at L.A. Indymedia made the same claim and identified the forum as the one adjacent to the park.
Neither Reyes nor Anderson made the comments Garrett attributes to them, according to several people in the audience. When the LSB candidates were asked if they heard the offending comments, not a single candidate, including those on Garrett's slate, claimed to have heard the characterizations. Several of those surveyed volunteered that they had no recollection that Jews or Judaism were mentioned at the forum.
Garrett, a well-known and long-time producer and host for KPFK, apparently took the word of a single anonymous source to launch her diatribe. She launched into a defense of Judaism, identifying herself with those supposedly called Zionists: "Hey what about me? 'Wither they goest I shall go. Their
people are my people', you idiots! How dare you leave me out! If
you’re going to foment anti Semitism, at least get your cast of Jews
right," equating anti-Zionism with anti-semitism.
Garrett's apologia is subtitled, "If they inherit the earth, believe me, they’ll fix it." She follows a harangue against other candidates and a fellow programmer with a long series of quotes extolling Jews and Judaism, crediting Jews for "the perennial attempt to give human life the dignity of a purpose," and for instucting the world transformation, honor, and a higher purpose.
It has been insinuated that KPFK and the Committee to Strengthen KPFK are dominated by a Jewish agenda, and that perception has contributed to tensions at the station and among listeners. In reading the comments that follow Garrett's essay, it is apparent she has reinforced that idea. And if there weren't an impression of a Jewish agenda at KPFK, Garrett has created one.
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by Leslie
Thursday, Dec. 13, 2007 at 11:34 AM
Lila's response above just came to my attention. Here's my reply.
Fact check: you identified the meeting as a “town hall,” a public meeting. There was only one where the names Weissman and Wiener came up, and it was the one adjacent to Leimert Park. Yet you seem to want to assert here that, despite numerous witnesses, that candidates you name might have made those comments.
So, why should I believe you when you say there’s “no agenda”? Of course there is. The Committee to Strengthen KPFK was formed back in July for a very particular agenda, which was quite open: to replace Eva Georgia with a general manager of your preference. You brought in your Progressive Democrat candidates to help do that.
You oppose “jumping on the hate bandwagon,” Lila? After what you wrote about three candidates here, things that, however much proof you’re given, you won’t retract? That you will spread that hate, mailing it out to friends, having your publicist distribute it, without basic, simple fact-checking?
Let me tell the readers how the Committee will operate if they’re not elected. They’re already doing it for Lila, and I was cc’d a couple of the emails that say so. Lila contacted her influential friends, who wrote to everybody in KPFK whose email they could dig up AND THEY THREATENED TO WITHHOLD MONEY FROM KPFK unless Lila was restored to the air after being sanctioned for sending out her scurrilous email. Lila Garrett broke the rules, and they wrote in outraged tones, “Do you know who Lila Garrett is?”
They didn’t challenge the rule. They moved directly to extorting the station. They demanded that Lila be exempt from the rules, that Lila should be an exception, because they had money.
So the national elections supervisor caved, and Lila was back on the air the next week. The candidates she insulted still have to contend with their damaged credibility in a widely distributed essay that may follow them for years, damaged by the (in)famous Lila Garrett, and Lila lost an hour of air time.
Lila, you distributed this essay, disparaging those candidates and myself, far and wide. You used the notoriety you’ve gained because of station resources to influence the elections and damage human beings. Don’t talk to me about hate.
--Leslie Radford
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