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by E. Valeryevich
Friday, Oct. 05, 2007 at 9:41 PM
March in defense of human rights, in response to the raids carried out on a scale meant to terrorize the workers and immigrants of Southern California. On Tuesday, 1,300 people were detained and in many cases torn from their childrens' arms.
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March for Dignity! Saturday October 6, 2007 2pm Camino del Sol Park (Corner of Rose Ave/Camino del Sol) We stand is support with her struggle and the struggle of thousands like Liliana, who are threatened by an inhumane policy of repression and criminalization of workers! Join us! The Frente Contra las Redadas, a broad-based coalition of organizations and individuals organizing to defend human rights! March with us, Saturday October 6, 2007 in Oxnard! For more information: Frente Contra las Redadas del Condado de VenturaEmail: todopoderalpueblo@ yahoo.com (805) 436-5901
Simi asks Chertoff to intervene in illegal immigrant stalemate
Anna Bakalis
Thursday, October 4, 2007
The Simi Valley City Council is calling for the secretary of Homeland Security to personally end a stalemate between the city and a local church sheltering an illegal immigrant.
Mayor Paul Miller sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary Michael Chertoff detailing a conflict between the city and the United Church of Christ, which has been housing Liliana, an illegal immigrant whose most recent home was in Oxnard and who is wanted for deportation, and her U.S.-born son.
Miller said the city approached Homeland Security before, through the Washington office of Rep. Elton Gallegly, R-Simi Valley. Both Chertoff's department and Immigration and Customs Enforcement refused to be involved, the letter says.
Protesters have demonstrated outside the former parsonage where Liliana is staying, and, the mayor said, the city had to call in local law enforcement to maintain peace.
"Had the federal agencies acted in their official and delegated capacities, this could have all been avoided," the letter states.
The letter is accompanied by a statement from the City Council that says the current situation is "a debate borne of a broken system and a lack of expeditious due process and enforcement."
On Tuesday, the council met in closed session and unanimously agreed to send the letter to Chertoff. The previous day, Miller and City Manager Mike Sedell flew to Washington, D.C., and met with an official at the Department of Homeland Security to discuss the situation.
Since Liliana will not voluntarily leave the church, nor will the church ask her to leave, the only option left, the mayor writes, is "for the Department of Homeland Security to exercise their lawful responsibility, provide final adjudication of the individual's status and either allow her to stay or deport her."
The letter is the latest in a two-week dispute between city and church leaders after Miller sent the church a $40,000 bill for police services following the Sept. 16 demonstration that saw about 150 anti-illegal immigration protesters and counter-protesters screaming across the church's driveway.
Last week the $39,307 bill was put on hold, pending further discussion. The city will not pursue the action legally, at the advice of legal counsel, officials said.
Liliana, 29, has lived at the church just over a month and is part of a national New Sanctuary Movement aimed at keeping families of illegal immigrants together. Her husband and three children are legal citizens.
Although Miller said he doesn't want to be the face of a broader immigration debate, the issue has brought a spotlight on the city.
Several days after the mayor resolved to send the bill, two legal organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union, called for an immediate withdrawal of the bill, saying it was unconstitutional.
The church remains firm in its resolve to keep Liliana at the parsonage, while the city continues to believe the church should take responsibility for the money and law enforcement time spent on what was a "direct result of their actions" after announcing they were sheltering Liliana.
The church did not return a call for comment regarding the letter.
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by E. Valeryevich
Friday, Oct. 05, 2007 at 9:41 PM
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Defend Liliana! Defend your communities!
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by Jim
Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007 at 1:45 PM
Fredrick advocates shooting & killing someone just for the simple fact that they are in the US illegally?
Sounds like the only one needing a bullet is Fredrick the Ignorant! You really think anyone takes you seriously after that vile bullshit came out of your mouth? Do you THINK before you speak?
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by Justice
Sunday, Oct. 07, 2007 at 6:52 PM
Apparently this dragon mayor took a correspondence course when he earned a degree in religion. Recall his ass back to the kkk heydays.
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by d
Monday, Oct. 08, 2007 at 6:34 AM
please email me immediately information about the comment addressed to 'frederick" refering "shooting" because someone is illegal.
If there was a comment htat was delteted b/c it was threatenning in any way, please copy it or advise me of it asap. thankyou.
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by T.
Monday, Oct. 08, 2007 at 2:18 PM
Being that there is something like 12-30 million illegals do you favor killing them all?
That is pure evil.
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by Mexica
Thursday, Oct. 11, 2007 at 12:58 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20071010/ts_nm/usa_immigration_dc;_ylt=AjnwJybwOlaknUhaaH8RShOs0 US Federal Judge Charles Breyer has BLOCKED the workplace raids, as of 10/09/2007 !
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by Question Authority
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007 at 5:35 PM
Regarding the previous post: Yes there was a court order blocking the SSN match process. That was NOT an order blocking workplace raids. If the post is in fact by a Mexica movement functionary, it would be helpful to be more precise in your work, since you are in the business of denouncing Latino, Hispanic and Marxist analysis and practice. The pairing of sloppy thinking with a spirit of angry animosity and polarization is not good. The least you folks might do is be accurate, if you insist on being so polarizing.
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by Union Jack
Tuesday, Oct. 16, 2007 at 7:02 PM
Can someone post a link to all the pictures they have of Save Our State and their allies wearing confederate battle flag gear in one place? Thank you. I would like to ask them about it next time they protest in LA.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007 at 12:34 AM
I viewed the footage of the public comments at a Simi Valley city council meeting. Check them out here http://simivalley.granicus.com/MediaPlayer.php?view_id=2&clip_id=178 And on the drop menu, skip to the public comments. It's worth a listen. Speakers include Don Silva and someone from the church in the center of the issue there. I find myself more in agreement and favoring, even as a dedicated Atheist, with the woman from the church. And this isn't because I've quit the Minutemen a couple years ago. This is, like everything I've done from that point on, from pure common sense and logical reasoning. The lady, who's name I heard as Ginny Mortonson, stated perfectly why the church is doing what they're doing. She explained the protesting groups trespassing and disrupting their services. Someone from the council totally bypassed that and asked her about the harboring of someone here against immigration laws. Thing is, let's say someone is driving on the carpool lane alone which is against traffic laws. Not speeding, tailgating, or driving drunk. Just driving. Yes it's against a traffic law. But does that make it okay for someone else to run him off the road? Or tailgate the carpool lane violator, using their horn, and try to distract him into exiting the carpool lane? Won't the city council and police department do something about the Minutemen and SOS disrupting the church services with their noise and behavior? Deportation is a very drastic measure and in this case, it shouldn't be considered at this point going from the law standpoint. Especially with the church's point of view on the principle that Ginny spoke of. Also because in time Lilliana, the person in the center of all this, may be able to find some way to stay in this country in accordance to immigration laws from a certain point in time(when such a way can be found). Deportation will only complicate matters and tear a family apart before a more reasonable measure can be taken. A more reasonable government and nation will provide refugee status until a more reasonable process of judgment can be reached.
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by 77
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007 at 6:53 PM
Are you still involved int he movement Jammer? What group is more mainstream then Save Our State? I don't want to join a group identified as a hate group.
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Oct. 17, 2007 at 7:15 PM
I quit the Minutemen about two years ago and SOS before that. I'm not a participant of any movement or group.
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Thursday, Oct. 18, 2007 at 11:12 AM
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Sunday, Oct. 28, 2007 at 8:04 AM
Don Silva is bad for the cause because he wanders off message.
What exactly is his issue? Illegal Immigration? Gays? His version of Christian doctrine? The North American Union?
Funny enough with just an I at the end the NAU becomes Naui.
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by SOS
Monday, Oct. 29, 2007 at 5:15 PM
The time will come when Save Our State is nothing in comparison to the other groups like No More Invasion because of the antics of Don Silva and the other SOS leaders who care more about media attention for themselves then in securing the border.
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by Grandson of Italians
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007 at 6:53 PM
My grandparents came over here with nothing just like the people who come here from Mexico. Lots of people hated the influx of immigrants who came to America from Eastern and Southern Europe because they weren't WASPs. (White Anglo Saxon Protestants). Instead they were mostly Catholics and Jews. But the difference is that they came over here committed to stay here and raise their kids as Americans. I am an American now because of this. These people also had to stay on Ellis Island for weeks at a time in order to gain legal entry to the U.S. Some even got sent back for various reasons. But there was a check. Why do you people have such a problem with this here in America today? Don't you think we need to make sure we are not allowing people into the U.S. that have criminal records or drug resistant strands of TB? Maybe we should have Ellis Island style immigration reception centers along the border so that people can come in legitimately and safely. People are going to come as long as we have jobs for them so why not make it work for them the way it worked for my grandparents? Doesn't every nation have the right to control who can enter its country? You should see how strict Mexico is with people who wish to enter in from Guatemala!
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by Jammer CC
Wednesday, Oct. 31, 2007 at 10:51 PM
Email I sent to the church:
To UCC Simi Valley,
Thank you for doing what you can to help Lilliana. Please continue to do so.
It's unfortunate that the Save Out State and Minuteman participants have been getting aggressive and harrassing people who are trying to drive and making a right or left turn out of the parking lot. The protesters even provide the video on youtube and don't seem to think there's anything wrong about it.
I used to be an SOS member and a Minutemen for a short period of time in 2005 and this kind of behavior and the hate group symptoms are the reasons why I quit those groups. And I don't want any simplistic or ignorant courses of action to be taken. I definitely do not want Lilliana to be deported.
I'm sure that if given the time and help, Lilliana can find a legal way thru a court decision or something to stay in the U.S. Of course the SOS/Minutemen don't want that but don't worry about them. If the church suffers any financial or legal risk, it won't be directly because of them. The most the Minutemen can do is maybe bring media attention. That's about it. Don't worry about any of their threats of taking away any tax status or anything of the sort.
Good luck with your efforts.
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by Jammer CC
Thursday, Nov. 01, 2007 at 2:16 PM
In terms of grammar and such, that wasn't one of my better letters. But I'm sure it will suffice.
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by Don Silva Watcher
Thursday, Nov. 01, 2007 at 9:12 PM
You should another group for immigration reform and border protection.
We all know Don Silva has trashed SOS by making it into his own personal fiefdom. He has made it into a religious organization, not an immigration/border security group.
Any suggestions? I want nothing to do with his group or other groups connected to it.
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by Don Silva Watcher
Thursday, Nov. 01, 2007 at 9:22 PM
You should another group for immigration reform and border protection.
We all know Don Silva has trashed SOS by making it into his own personal fiefdom. He has made it into a religious organization, not an immigration/border security group.
Any suggestions? I want nothing to do with his group or other groups connected to it.
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by Jammer CC
Friday, Nov. 02, 2007 at 6:24 PM
If you're asking me, I don't have any advice for that. I'd rather see more reasonable measures, rather than simply deport anyone who's here against US immigration laws. Mexico does not have thousands of brand new vacant homes premade and ready to be used by thousands of people going back there. People being alive is more important so I'd rather focus on that. Deporting many thousands of people at once will bring probably bring a situation much like post hurricane Katrina. I won't support something that would cause that.
My exact solution or solutions? I don't have any exact logistics figured out. I'm not a politician and I don't have field or work or profession that closely looks at populations of people, economic levels, etc. But I do know what I will oppose and the Minutemen/SOS is one of them. Especially looking at it from a cultural relations perspective, which is also very important. I've realized that a lot as I've seen this aspect in this issue. And of course the Minutemen/SOS are absolutely detrimental to cultural relations.
Also observe how there aren't hundreds of thousands of people doing what the Minutemen/SOS are doing. The number of people willing to participate with them are very, very limited because there are only so few who would do what they do and behave like they do. Notice a striking parallel with the church people that have been covered on the news today for protesting, in the name of their believed God, at US troop funerals with their anti-gay messages. Only a small number of people would and are doing that. You won't see many thousands of people doing crap like that.
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Saturday, Nov. 03, 2007 at 9:45 AM
>>>Grandson of Italians
My grandparents came over here BLAH BLAHBLAH .....>>>
they didn't have any visas, "papers", "documents", or "permission" etc, they just jumped on a boat, landed on this hemisphere, and were allowed to stay.
now that you're here, you want to slam the door on others who want to do the same-- just because they're not European?
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by E.
Tuesday, Nov. 06, 2007 at 12:41 AM
Did you make up with NMI or SOS yet BR?
Did they let you back in?
If I am not a racist, I am not anti-gay, and I am not into conspiracy theories what border security groups are there to join?
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by Oscar V.
Wednesday, Nov. 07, 2007 at 5:33 PM
Mexico has oil, gas, minerals, fertile lands, etc. Why is it so messed up? The country could be rich instead of being in the 3rd world. But its so corrupt with everyone taking bribes and the cops moving drugs. How come Canada doesn't have this problem. My cousin had to serve in the Mexican army and he also has some strong opinions that it is just rotten from head to toe.
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