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by repost
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 5:54 AM
In this paper, John J. Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago's Department of Political Science and Stephen M.Walt of Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government contend that the centerpiece of U.S. Middle East policy is its intimate relationship with Israel. The authors argue that although often justified as reflecting shared strategic interests or compelling moral imperatives, the U.S. commitment to Israel is due primarily to the activities of the “Israel Lobby." This paper goes on to describe the various activities that pro-Israel groups have undertaken in order to shift U.S. foreign policy in a pro-Israel direction.
To view responses to this paper from Harvard University faculty members, click here. (snip) * * * * * To download the paper, and see for yourself what all the fuss is about, click here:
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by see what all the fuss is about
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 6:38 AM
that sets off a sh*t storm everytime we try to discuss it.
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by Obvious desparation
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 8:16 AM
Three threads on this? They are obviously grasping at threads.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 8:28 AM
No kidding 3 threads and two of them loaded with zionazi noise levels to divert the ugly 'secret' of Israeli influence in American foreign policy. And, of course the criminal insider loyalties to Israel.
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by autoblocked @Indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 8:32 AM
OK, let's settle not on Palinazi desperation, but rather on having fun scribbling tired malicious ill-founded accusations instead of enagaging in constructive activities for your respective communities, which wouldn't serve the purposes of North Korea, China and the Big Oil Arab propaganda mill.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 8:48 AM
Funny you should mention Big Oil. ( Saudi ) For a wild ride through double talk and other straw men, look up Rockefeller + Saudi +oil in a search engine. for a real look at who owns whom.
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by and don't jump to conclusions
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 8:51 AM
"No kidding 3 threads and two of them loaded with zionazi noise levels to divert the ugly 'secret' of Israeli influence in American foreign policy. And, of course the criminal insider loyalties to Israel."
The noise level is from a jerk who followed us down here from Indybay. An anti- Israel jerk. I've appealed to the moderators for assistence- I don't know what else we can do except wait for him to burn himself out. Its rude, its disrespectful, and its counterproductive to all of us.
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by autoblocked@indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 8:57 AM
The Conspiracy against Iraq to Secure Israel Presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers 7-11 March 2006, Chicago, Illinois د. محمد ولد المي Mohameden Ould-Mey, PhD Department of Geography, Geology, and Anthropology Indiana State University http://mama.indstate.edu/users/mouldmey/index.html Abstract: It is well documented that the so-called Neoconservatives coached U.S. Congress and President Clinton to enact the Iraqi Liberation Act of 1998. They did it again to persuade U.S. Congress and President Bush to invade Iraq in 2003. Today they argue that escalating the war is the only exit strategy despite the mother of all lies (weapons of mass destruction and Iraqi links to 9/11) and despite the outrageous and criminal destruction of the Iraqi state, society, and infrastructure. But raising this obvious conspiracy in a widely Zionist-by-default public opinion could still be dismissed as a “new conspiracy theory” of the “new anti-Semitism.” Drawing upon a vast literature disseminated by public policy think-tanks, media columnists and commentators, and other public opinion industries, this paper argues that the buzzword “Neoconservatives” is nothing but another nom de guerre of the Zionists (Jewish and non-Jewish supporters of the international colonial movement designed to make Palestine an extraterritorial nation-state for world Jewry) who often impersonate others (Conservatives, Liberals, Marxists, and Fundamentalists) in the classic Machiavellian and Hobbesian politics of no-permanent-friend opportunism. The paper (1) examines the post-Cold War Conservative movement, (2) presents the Jewish origin and the Marxist or Liberal background of leading neoconservatives, (3) points out the passionate attachment to the State of Israel of almost all neoconservatives, and (4) discusses how American opponents of the war against Iraq could score better if they connect the dots between the war in Iraq and the war in Palestine as their Neoconservative foes proudly do. Key words: political geography, neoconservatives, Zionists, Iraq, Palestine, Israel
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by Indybay editor
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 9:03 AM
Forging and soon about to lie and be supported by Sheepdog my loving friend.
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by Critical Thinker
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 9:03 AM
Who is Habib C. Malik? Explanation of why Zionists and American neoconservatives just love Habib C. Malik, Ph.D. Zionists--Jewish and Christian--and neoconservatives just love Habib C. Malik, Ph.D. He tells them what they want to hear: America is a force for good and freedom in the Middle East, Muslims--and not Israeli occupation--are driving Palestinian Christians out of Palestine. He also pleases by not telling the Zionists-Neoconservatives what they don't want to hear. For example, in the Executive Summary for his book, *Between Damascus and Jerusalem: Lebanon and Middle East Peace,* you will find nary a word about Israel's bloody invasion and occupation of Lebanon which killed tens of thousands of Lebanese and Palestinian civilians. On the contrary, Malik glibly summarizes: "For its part, Israel's policies in Lebanon underwent a three-phase evolution: from an alliance of non-Muslim minorities (ending in 1983) to a series of pragmatic 'deals' with a variety of Lebanese factions (ending in 1990) to a search for a lasting bilateral arrangement with Syria." So, just who is Habib C. Malik? He is the American-born son of the late Lebanese diplomat, Charles Malik, and a professor at the Byblos campus of the Lebanese American University (LAU). The LAU is an American chartered institution started by Presbyterian missionaries and under the control of the Board of Regents of the University of the State of New York. In 1995, Malik was a visiting fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (WINEP). WINEP has published two editions of Malik's book, *Between Damascus and Jerusalem: Lebanon and Middle East Peace* and several articles by him. WINEP is a Zionist-Neoconservative think tank started by Martin Indyk, who was previously research director of the leading pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). Prominent figures affiliated with WINEP include: Dennis Ross, Michael Eisenstadt, Ze'ev Schiff, Hirsh Goodman, Daniel Pipes, Warren Christopher, Lawrence S. Eagleburger. Alexander Haig, Max M. Kampelman, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Robert McFarlane, Martin Peretz, Richard Perle, James Roche, George P. Shultz, Paul Wolfowitz, R. James Woolsey, and Mortimer Zuckerman. Malik has also published articles in *First Things,* the journal of the right-wing Institute for Religion and Public Life (IRPL). Richard Neuhaus is the founder of the IRPL and the editor-in-chief of *First Things.* The Interhemispheric Resource Center describes Neuhaus as “a central figure in neocon’s infrastructure of culture war institutes, Neuhaus and his Institute for Religion and Public Life have benefited from funding by the major right-wing foundations, most prominently the Bradley, Olin, and Scaife foundations” Malik’s chief contribution in *First Things* has been to propagate claims of Islamic persecution of Christians in Palestine. He claims, “Were Israel not in the picture the problem of dhimmi subservience would still exist for Palestinian Christians” and he curiously characterizes “Palestinian Christianity” as “marked by an obsession with the Arab-Israeli conflict.” On these matters, Malik claims to know the situation better than Palestinian Christians living in Palestine. Arguments to contrary by prominent Palestinian Christians such as Anglican Bishop Riyah Abu–‘Assal, MIFTAH founder and Secretary-General Hanan Ashrawi, and Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center founder and Director Naim Ateek are “mythologiz[ing]” and stem “from a deeper dhimmi psychological state: the urge to find—or to imagine and fabricate if need be—a common cause with the ruling majority in order to dilute the existing religious differences and perhaps ease the weight of political Islam’s inevitable discrimination.” One wonders how Malik explains the North American-based Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding who reported, "If Christians are being persecuted for their faith, then we wanted to document it and do all we could to stop it. What we found instead was an intense desire for harmony among both Christians and Muslims from Galilee to Gaza. There are a handful of very isolated, personal incidents, but no indication of an anti-Christian tide rising." In short, Habib C. Malik is an American of Lebanese descent who has chosen to affiliate himself with Neoconservatives and Zionists. He is a proponent and apologist of American and Israeli militarism with a special axe to grind against Islam. Sources: http://www.washingtoninstitute.org/templateC04.php?CID=21 http://usinfo.state.gov/journals/itdhr/1098/ijdp/habib.htm http://www.cccu.org/conferences/eventID.189/past_conferences_detail.asp http://www.lau.edu.lb/ http://www.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/9709/forums/beirut_bio.html http://www.activistsreader.com/articles%20folder/thinktankwatch-winep2.html http://rightweb.irc-online.org/org/winep.php http://rightweb.irc-online.org/ind/neuhaus/neuhaus.html http://www.mediatransparency.org/search_results/info_on_any_recipient.php?175 http://rightweb.irc-online.org/org/irpl.php http://www.firstthings.com/ftissues/ft9901/opinion/malik.html http://www.sabeel.org/old/news/newslt12/ http://campus.northpark.edu/centers/middle/middle-old/pressrelease.html
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by Indybay editor
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 9:11 AM
Forging again and soon about to lie and be supported by Sheepdog my loving friend.
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by TruthTeller
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 9:15 AM
More on Jews who want peace: Back to the Neoconservatives (5) Jihad el Khazen Al-Hayat - 30/12/05//
It's no secret that the great majority of neoconservatives are extremist American Jews. In recent days I've mentioned the names of the most prominent members of this mafia. In today's final installment of this series, I'd like to provide some information that shouldn't remain absent from the minds of Arab readers. This is not about another Jewish conspiracy to dominate the world. One of the conditions of a conspiracy is that it be secret; the neocons' vanity and arrogance lead them to announce their positions openly. This is not about American Jews or Jews from elsewhere. It's about an extremist minority that does not represent Jewish Americans or Jews anywhere else in the world. Once again, this is not an opinion, but confirmed information. American Jews voted in smaller numbers for George Bush in 2000 and 2004, percentage-wise, than any other religious or ethnic group in the entire US. He didn't get more than 20% of their votes; if this percentage had applied across the board, he would have tasted the biggest electoral defeat in US history. There are Likudnik American Jews who are enemies of peace, while the majority of Jews in the US are centrist liberals, and I hope Arab readers keep this in mind as we continue. In previous installments, I relied on the work of Professor Shadia Drury, who is of Egyptian origin, and specifically her writings on Leo Strauss, the "theorist" of the neocons. Perhaps it would be good to conclude the series with the writings of some moderate Jews on this topic. I didn't search for something specific, merely gathered information gradually. I came across Shadia Drury, as well as Jeff Halper, Uri Avineri and Murray Friedman. Freedman authored a book entitled "The Neoconservative Revolution: American Jews and the Shaping of Public Policy." It might be among the best objective sources on the rise of the neoconservatives since the days of the Cold War and up to their more important role in the war against Iraq. Readers will find that this book answers many of their questions. Halper is an Israeli peace advocate, who heads the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions. I recently read an article of his on the internet about the neoconservatives, entitled "Israel as an Extension of American Empire" - I'll summarize some of this writer's ideas. He says that Israel was founded on an "original sin" of exclusivity and the expulsion of refugees. It could have become a Jewish democracy if it didn't change, due to its need for military force and a self-serving alliance with the US, and become transformed into "a major arms dealer on a global scale and subverter of progressive civil society elements throughout the developing world." Halper says that Israel underwent this transformation into a center for the international right. Many of the first neoconservatives, from the 1970s until today, were Jews. He mentions the same names that I did in earlier installments of this series, so I won't repeat them today. Halper agrees with me about focusing on the importance, or danger, of the alliance between the extreme right and Christian Zionists. He refers to what the Reverend Stephen Sizer has written on the topic. This year and last year, I wrote about the relationship between the two sides, and mentioned Sizer's book "Christian Zionism: Road Map to Armageddon," then put together a piece and added to it from my book "Neoconservatives and Christian Zionists." Halper says that Israel has become an enemy of progressive civil society; he presents the reasons that rendered Israel a military agent for American imperialism in the world. First, Israel placed itself at the heart of the US' arms industry and among those that have entered into "strategic partnership" with Washington. The US keeps Israel militarily superior, which guarantees US strategic interests. Second, Israel functions as a secondary supplier of American weapons; it recently signed a $1.5 billion contract to train Chinese and Indians on Israeli weapons that are American in origin. Third, thanks to its obtaining American technology, Israel has become the world's third biggest arms exporter, after the US and Russia, and ahead of Britain, France and China. Fourth, Israel has become a military superpower, with nuclear arms; it has not signed the nuclear anti-proliferation treaty. I'll continue with Uri Avnery, who is known by most Arab readers for his pro-peace activities. He wrote an article about Iraq, its tragedies, and the danger of seeing it split into three parts, or states, each hostile to its neighbors. He summed up by saying, "All this could have been easily avoided, if the only superpower in the world had not been led by a tenth-rate politician; if policy had not been shaped by neo conservatives blinded by a fanatical obsession; if Tony Blair, who should have known better, had not been an incorrigible opportunist." On the internet, I found accompanying material by Avnery in which he recorded the most prominent neoconservatives. I'll mention some new names, and not those that I have already listed myself: -Edward Luttwak, an extremist inside and outside the US administration, who has continually called on the US to attack Iraq. -Ken Adelman, a warmonger when it comes to Iraq; he has silly ideas that are anti-Arab and -Muslim. -Elliot Cohen, who worked on the Defense Policy Board during the days of Richard Perle; he echoes Adelman's views on Arabs and Muslims. -Ari Fleischer, the former White House press spokesman. He belongs to the extremist Hasidic group Chabad Lubavitch, which has racist ideas about non-Jews. -Robert Zoellick, current Assistant Secretary of State and former US Trade representative, who has always supported the occupation of Iraq and setting up a government of US-backed agents. There are dozens of other names, all extremist American Jews. However, I'll end the way I began: compared to the names of Jewish neoconservatives I have listed above, there are many, many more liberal Jews who want peace.
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by Schtarker Yid
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:07 AM
Pro-Zionist Lobby Groups Endanger Jews With the recent news reports of the possible connection between the “Israeli Mole” at the pentagon and his connection to AIPAC, True Torah Jews feels compelled to state its position on pro-Zionist lobby groups. Using the guise of representing the interests of American Jews, AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) and its French counterpart, a vocal pro-Israel group called the Union of French Jewish Employers and Professionals, known by its French acronym, UPJF, are in fact representing the interests of the Zionist state. In doing so, they are furthering the potential negative consequences if American Jewish groups are perceived as seeking to influence French politics and perceived as possibly jeopardizing American security. We are concerned that the involvement of UPJF in French politics at a time when anti-American and anti-Israel feelings are in vogue would eventually harm French Jews and that the questionable activities of AIPAC in the United States involving possible American security violations will be perceived as operating with the support of all American Jews. True Torah Jews is asking AIPAC and UPJF to suspend their operations and to acknowledge that rather than lobbying on behalf of American Jewry, they are in fact representing the Zionist state of “Israel”. Zionist Threat Alert True Torah Jews monitors news events to assess the threat of Zionism to the worldwide Jewish community. Using a system similar to the US Terrorism alert, we have posted our designation of the current threat level on our website at: http://www.jewsagainstzionism.com/alert.htm We encourage you to visit and bookmark this page to stay informed on current events and how they impact the safety of Jews worldwide. Terrorism Continues in the Zionist State Our hearts go out to the innocent victims of the terrorist attack on two buses in Israel today. We send our deepest sympathy and condolences to the families. We pray that the bloodshed shall end soon and peace will prevail.
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by Only Orthodox
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:13 AM
Its interesting that the only Orthodox Jewish group that our anti-zionist false poster can deal with is the one that none of the other Orthodox recognize!
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by Looks like I was mistaken
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:21 AM
Looks like I was just regurgitating PR crap from the zionist propaganda machine again! There are quite a few Jewish groups against zionism and the occupation of Palestine! Good for them! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jews+against+zionism and here's some more http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=jews+against+occupation and more sensible compassionate Jews who don't act like hypocritial imbeciles: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=jews+supporting+palestine
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by "anti-zionist" spam
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:34 AM
More moronic "anti-zionist" spam. But lies and false posts are all they have. They do Israel a great service by making all of "anti-zionism" look like raving immature fools. So thanks for being an opinionated idiot in public.
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by autoblocked @indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:35 AM
What about the fact that he pointed out you were lying?
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by Indybay editor
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:39 AM
so I'm trying to deflect from my fear by forging posts with another's nym while I refuse to answer the question by the real 'autoblocked' on the other thread. I'm very fearful of admitting my ingrained anti-Semitism.
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by I you are Autoblocked
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:39 AM
If you are Autoblocked,then talk to me in Hebrew or,in the alternative, that was a confession to false posting.
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by Critical Thinker
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:43 AM
Yeah, I'd like to know. If they are just a 'fringe group' how come there are so many groups against zionism and the occupation. What'sa matter, too painful when you're caught in a lie?
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by Indybay editor
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:45 AM
so I'm trying to deflect from my fear by forging posts with another's nym while I refuse to answer the question by the real 'autoblocked' on the other thread. I'm very fearful of admitting my ingrained anti-Semitism.
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by Theres our confession!
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:47 AM
Theres our confession! A false posting lying anti-zionist caught by his own admission. If they feel the need to lie, false post and distort history, why would anyone ever believe anything they say or support? The blatant,hateful ignorance, particularly as to the NK, is just icing on the cake.
Thanks for proving that anti-zionism is just a cover.
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by autoblocked @indybay (the real one)
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:49 AM
Please stop your vulgar forgeries. I am not a zionist.
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by Sefarad
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:53 AM
There are quite a few Jewish groups against zionism and the occupation of Palestine! Good for them! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jews+against+zionism and here's some more http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=jews+against+occupation and more sensible compassionate Jews who don't act like hypocritial imbeciles: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=jews+supporting+palestine
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by No Hebrew, Toady?
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:57 AM
No Hebrew, Toady? Then you are a self-confessed liar and everything that you post from now on will be considered so.
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by autoblocked @Indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 10:57 AM
You're a mad buffoon who can't communicate in Hebrew like me, "the real" 'autoblocked' indeed can. Here's one:
Ani tomech bahamas! Ani be`ad hashmadat `am shel yehuday Yisrael beeyday ha`anasheem hayafeem shel Falastin!
Your forgone failure to make opposite statements or produce a denial *in Hebrew* is proof of your loony forgery orgy.
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by Todah Rabah Chaver!
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:02 AM
Todah Rabah Chaver!
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by autoblocked @indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:03 AM
There is a zionist hebvrew speaking forger posting as me.
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by Tia
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:06 AM
Answer them about these: There are quite a few Jewish groups against zionism and the occupation of Palestine! Good for them! http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=jews+against+zionism and here's some more http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=jews+against+occupation and more sensible compassionate Jews who don't act like hypocritial imbeciles: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&q=jews+supporting+palestine
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by gehrig
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:07 AM
Shalom Shamsmegma!
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by autoblocked @Indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:10 AM
Your "hebvrew [sic] speaking forger" lie easily outdoes your two previous forgeries for comic relief value.
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by 3 types
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:11 AM
Its realy simple except for anti-semites. Anti-semites seem to believe that theres a world wide Jewish monolithic opinion. In fact, Judaism is diverse and open to a range of opinions. We've discused the NK, fringe group. Then theres the Old Leftists and communists , and finally the cowering "peace at any cost" groups who are simply commited pacifists.
The presumption that all Jews have a single opinion, is very revealing about the inherent anti-semtism as to our false posting spammer.
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by autoblocked @indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:18 AM
Good job! Now that wasn't so hard now was it? That still doesn't exuse your nutty threats made to people who don't subscribe to your zionist belief system: Remember when you told everyone how big and bad you were, and how you stalked them in your "knit cap" and were "watching and waiting" Granted, no one was scared of you as its well known that the coeards are the ones who talk about what they'll do....but it still provided an interesting glimpse into your demented psyche. It genuinely proved that we had ghotten your goat so much....that you very angry. Looks like we won again. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Love toying w/ Yid.
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by quick
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:24 AM
SY was there photographing cars and people. Don't be so quick to dismiss him. Its just begining
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by autoblocked @indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:25 AM
That's the kind of nutty/fanatical shit that shows what a looney he is...
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by Indybay editor
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:25 AM
to 'autoblocked'. That's how delusional I am. But yet my attempt at a candid retort to Yid fools noone as to my real intentions.
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by indybay editor
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:44 AM
Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!! Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a pro-israel fanatic spammer nut!!!! I need meds!!!!!!!Help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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by autoblocked @Indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:48 AM
Indeed you are a spammer nut. You really need meds, and much more.
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by autoblocked @indybay
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 11:49 AM
The above poster was not me.
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by live and learn
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 1:51 PM
Three threads on this, and not in a *single* one are we able to discuss the topic of the thread without the Zionist propaganda mill trying to drown it out with lies, forgeries, logical fallacies and gibberish. From this we lear how very, very, very important it is to the Zionist movement that the Israel Lobby not be focused upon by Americans. They know it is their weak point. Without American support, Israel is doomed. Now we, too, know it is their weak point. Their behavior around the issue makes this clear. It is good that they have revealed the location of their greatest their weakness. To know your enemy is to know victory.
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by The above posts speak for themselves
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 2:06 PM
The above posts speak for themselves. Our resident anti-zionist spammer seems to have taken it on himself to run this site down as far as Indybay. Just pitiful.
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by gehrig
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 2:07 PM
nessie: "yammity yammity yammity the Zionist propaganda mill yammity yammity I hate nearly every Jew in America yammity yammity"
Please post your proof that these aren't anti-Zionist forgeries.
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by heard it before
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 2:12 PM
Three threads on this, and not in a *single* one are we able to discuss the topic of the thread without the deranged anti-Zionist propaganda mill trying to drown it out with lies, forgeries, logical fallacies and gibberish. From this we learn how very, very, very important it is to the rabid anti-Zionist currents that the Arab Lobbies not be focused upon by Americans. They know it is their weak point. Without State Dep. support, rejectionist Arabs are doomed. Now we, too, know it is their weak point. Their behavior around the issue makes this clear. It is good that they have revealed the location of their greatest their weakness. To know your enemy is to know victory.
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by Sheepdog
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 2:19 PM
All you have to do is scroll up and see where the rabid echo and spam and gibberish comes from.
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by there they go again
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 2:37 PM
Once again they demonstrate what fundamentally dishonest people they are: http://www.sfimc.net/news/2002/12/1555696_comment.php#1692248 (snip) Sometimes they take something that an anti-Zionist has written, subtly alter it’s meaning by changing a few words, and post it under the name of the original author. (snip) * * * * * Zionists love to sign other people's names. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Osama bin Laden's name to, or Hamas' or the PLO's.
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by debate coach
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 2:48 PM
Once again he demonstrates what fundamentally dishonest a person he is: http://www.sfimc.net/news/2002/12/1555696_comment.php#1962248 (snip) Sometimes he takes something that a Zionist has written, subtly alters its meaning by changing a few words, and posts it under the name of the original author. (snip) * * * * * Deranged anti-Zionists love to sign other people's names. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Ehud Barak's name to, or Irgun's or the Haganah's.
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by see what I mean?
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 3:07 PM
People who do stuff like this can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything.
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by heard it before
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 3:24 PM
A person who lies and spams stuff like this can't be trusted to tell the truth about anything.
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by That is not funny
Friday, May. 19, 2006 at 3:48 PM
There go the zionists harassing and making fun of me again. I don't htink this is funny. Please delete this editors. The zionists have sank to a new low.
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by Brad Sellers
Saturday, May. 20, 2006 at 8:37 PM
Ze'ev (Zeev) Jabotinsky-A Brief Biography & Quotes
Ze'ev Jabotinsky was born 1880 in Odessa-Tsarist Russia to a liberal Jewish family. He is considered to be the most important right-wing Revisionist Movement member (which eventually evolved into the post-1948 Herut Party, and later became the Likud Party), who provided the ideological map for its future policies. At an early stage Jabotinsky was involved in organizing a militia to defend the Jews of Odessa, and in 1903 he went to Kishinev to cover the aftermath of its infamous pogrom. He worked as a journalist in Rome and Vienna and at an early age began to devote his outstanding skills as a writer, orator, translator, and polemicist for the Zionist cause. During WWI, Jabotinsky had promoted the establishment of Jewish fighting units within the Allied armies and was one of the founders of the Haganah (the Zionists paramilitary militia-army before the 1948 war).
Jabotinsky protested the exclusion of Transjordan from British Mandate Palestine, and in response he established the Revisionist Party in 1925 (so named because it sought to "revise" the terms of the Mandate, particularly to provide for the re-inclusion of Transjordan in Mandatory Palestine). He also set up the party's youth movement, Betar, which was characterized by militaristic, some might say fascist, appearance (dark brown uniforms), activities (parade ground drill) with firearm exercises, slogans, and a militaristic ideology and structure. Jabotinsky admired Mussolini (see photo), and his movement repeatedly sought affiliation with and assistance from Rome. Jabotinsky version of Zionism was single minded, exclusivist, and rigid. He died in America in 1940 in a car accident on a mission to organize Jewish participation in the Allied war effort.
Jabotinsky was an exceptionally talented and versatile man, an original thinker and ideologue, and a powerful political leader. His followers worshiped him (and still do today), while his enemies detested him with equal passion. Jabotinsky was one of the earliest advocates of using force to curb Palestinian nationalism, which he eloquently articulated in his IRON WALL article that was published in Ha'aretz Daily in 1923. He stated:
".... Settlement can thus develop under the protection of a force that is not dependent on the local population, behind an IRON WALL which they will be powerless to break down. ....a voluntary agreement is just not possible. As long as the Arabs preserve a gleam of hope that they will succeed in getting rid of us, nothing in the world can cause them to relinquish this hope, precisely because they are not a rubble but a living people. And a living people will be ready to yield on such fateful issues only when they give up all hope of getting rid of the Alien Settlers. Only then will extremist groups with their slogan 'No, never' lose their influence, and only then their influence be transferred to more moderate groups. And only then will the moderates offer suggestions for compromise. Then only will they begin bargaining with us on practical matters, such as guarantees against PUSHING THEM OUT, and equality of civil, and national rights."
Contrary to the mainstream Zionist leadership, Jabotinsky publicly spoke his mind, and in our opinion, he also strategically influenced the conduct of the Zionist movement towards the Palestinian people. From the start, he criticized the ideologues in the Zionist leadership (such as Ben-Gurion and Moshe Sharett) who thought that Palestinians could be bribed into selling their country and rights. Jabotinsky thought that Jewish justice overrides Palestinian rights, and he was the first to warn the Zionist Movement that the clash between Jewish and Palestinian nationalisms is inevitable, and it should not be ignored. On the other hand, he advocated the use of force to curb the inevitable clash and to keep it at bay, instead of negotiating with the Palestinian people to resolve this issue. In that respect he stated in 1923:
"The Arabs loved their country as much as the Jews did. Instinctively, they understood Zionist aspirations very well, and their decision to resist them was only natural ..... There was no misunderstanding between Jew and Arab, but a natural conflict. .... No Agreement was possible with the Palestinian Arab; they would accept Zionism only when they found themselves up against an 'iron wall,' when they realize they had no alternative but to accept Jewish settlement." (America And The Founding Of Israel, p. 90)
Jabotinsky's IRON WALL doctrine caused many Zionists to brand him as a racist in the 1920s. However, as the Nazis rose to power in Germany, Ben-Gurion and other Zionist leaders recognized the "importance" of Jabotinsky's doctrine. Ironically, the Israeli Political Right's arguments dictated Israel's policies toward the Palestinian people from the 1930s to the present day.
In our opinion, tactically Jabotinsky was correct to point out that Palestinian nationalism could not be bribed, but maybe curbed by force. On the other hand, his doctrine has irreversibly shaped Israel's public opinion, and made its society rigid and inflexible. As a result, this doctrine has dictated a continuous state of war between the Jewish state and its Arab neighbors. We are not here to defend Jabotinsky, however, we don't believe that he envisioned the current state of affairs when he wrote his famous doctrine. We also predict that if he were alive today, he would not approve of the current Israeli state of affairs. Based on our research, Jabotinsky was one of the few pragmatic Zionist leaders to ever exist, and he rarely allowed rhetoric to go ahead of reality. Sadly, over the years "flexibility & diplomacy" in Israel became synonymous with weakness if not anti-Zionism. What is even sadder is the impact of this doctrine on Palestinian and Arab societies too. Just as in the Israeli society, over the years Palestinians and Arabs became radicalized and in general they have started to develop their versions of the IRON WALL doctrine.
Righteous Victims, p. 108 Iron Wall, p. 11 Related Links
* Jabotinsky's institute in Israel * IRON WALL, Jabotinsky's doctrine. * Zionist FAQ: Why do Arabs only respect the language of force? * Zionist FAQ: Israel has the strongest army in the Middle East, why Arabs cannot come to terms with this fact? * More About Ze'ev Jabotinsky and 'Transfer' by Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons
Famous quotes
Ze'ev Jabotinsky wrote supporting Palestinian dispossession. He stated in December 1918:
"This matter is not an issue between the Jewish people and the Arab inhabitants of Palestine, but between the Jewish people and the Arab people. The latter, numbering 35 million, has [territory equal to] half of Europe, while the Jewish people, numbering ten million and wandering the earth, hasn't got a stone. . . Will the Arab people stand opposed? Will it resist? [Will it insist] that . . . they. . . shall have it [all] for ever and ever, while he who has nothing shall share forever have nothing." (Righteous Victims, p. 79)
What is perplexing is that this argument is much better suited to the United States than to Palestine. European Jews could have chosen New York City as well, where American Jews were influential in building the most important city on earth. Why should Jews be homeless while American Christians have vast unpopulated areas in the U.S.? It's also worth noting that Palestine in the early 20th century had twice the population density of the United States.
It is not only that this is fallacious argument, also if it is applied around the world, it would create chaos, especially when religion is used to carve up countries along religious lines, click here to read more about this argument.
Often Ze'ev Jabotinsky empathized with the Palestinian people's attachment to their country. He stated in 1923:
"They look upon Palestine with the same instinctive love and true favor the Aztecs looked upon Mexico or any Sioux looked upon his prairie. Palestine will remain for the Palestinians not a borderland, but their birthplace, the center and basis of their own national existence." (Righteous Victims, p. 36)
In a similar vein, he also wrote in 1923:
"The Arabs loved their country as much as the Jews did. Instinctively, they understood Zionist aspirations very well, and their decision to resist them was only natural ..... There was not misunderstanding between Jew and Arab, but a natural conflict. .... No Agreement was possible with the Palestinian Arab; they would accept Zionism only when they found themselves up against an 'iron wall,' when they realize they had no alternative but to accept Jewish settlement." (America And The Founding Of Israel, p. 90)
These quotes should prove to the average Israeli or Zionist that Jabotinsky viewed Zionism as cruel, and also perhaps a necessary evil as well since he empathized more with plight and the injustice that came upon Europe's Jews. Similarly, David Ben-Gurion stated more than once of his readiness to "sup with the devil" (Shabtai Teveth, p. xiii, Preface) to increase Jewish immigration to Palestine, specially when the sword was hanging over Europe's Jews after the Nazis rise to power in Germany in 1933.
The road map for the Israeli leaders policies towards the Palestinian people was clearly stated by Ze'ev Jabotinsky in an article published in Ha'aretz newspaper in 1923:
".... Settlement can thus develop under the protection of a force that is not dependent on the local population, behind an IRON WALL which they will be powerless to break down. ....a voluntary agreement is just not possible. As long as the Arabs preserve a gleam of hope that they will succeed in getting rid of us, nothing in the world can cause them to relinquish this hope, precisely because they are not a rubble but a living people. And a living people will be ready to yield on such fateful issues only when they give up all hope of getting rid of the Alien Settlers. Only then will extremist groups with their slogan No, never lose their influence, and only then their influence be transferred to more moderate groups. And only then will the moderates offer suggestions for compromise. Then only will they begin bargaining with us on practical matters, such as guarantees against push them out, and equality of civil, and national rights." (Iron Wall, p. 14)
Ze'ev Jabotinsky advocated the colonization of Palestine under the protection of arms regardless of the Palestinian people's objections. He stated in 1925:
"Zionist colonization, even the most restricted, must either be terminated or carried out in defiance of the will of the native [Palestinian] population. This colonization can, therefore, continue and develop under the protection of a force independent of the local population --an iron wall which the native [Palestinian] population cannot break through. This is, in to, our policy towards the Arabs. To formulate it any other way would be hypocrisy." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 28)
And he also stated that Zionists believed in an "Iron Wall" as follows:
"In this sense, there is no meaningful difference between our militarists and our vegetarians. One prefers an Iron Wall of Jewish bayonets, the other proposes an Iron Wall of British bayonets, the third proposes an agreement with Baghdad, and appears to be satisfied with Baghdad's bayonets-a strange and somewhat risky taste--but we all applaud, day and night, the Iron Wall." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 28)
Jabotinsky reiterated his IRON WALL doctrine again and again. He wrote in an essay, titled "The Iron Law", explaining how Zionist colonization of Palestine should be done. He wrote:
"If you wish to colonize a land in which people are already living, you must provide a garrison for the land, or find a benefactor who will maintain the garrison on your behalf. ... Zionism is a colonizing adventure and, therefore, it stands or falls on the question of armed forces." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 45)
Jabotinsky was one of the few Zionists to early recognize the conflict between Jewish and Palestinian nationalisms. However, instead of advocating a dialog to resolve this potential conflict, he advocated the IRON WALL doctrine. He stated in 1926:
"The tragedy lies in the fact that there is a collision here between two truths ..... But our justice is greater. The Arabs is culturally backward , but his instinctive patriotism is just as pure and noble as our own; it can not be bought, it can only be curbed ... force majeure." (Righteous Victims, p. 108)
Despite this quote (and many other similar Zionist quotes), Israelis and Zionists adamantly argue that Palestinians have no right for self-determination since they were neither a nation nor a people , click here to read our response to his argument.
Ze'ev Jabotinsky declared that settlement of the "land" is the only "law". He declared:
"There is no justice, no law, and no God in heaven, only a single law which decides and supercedes all---- [Jewish] settlement [of the land]." (Righteous Victims, p. 108)
According to Ze'ev Jabotinsky, European Jews have little in common with the "Orient". He stated:
"We Jews have nothing in common with what is called the 'Orient,' thank God. To the extent that our uneducated masses have ancient spiritual traditions and laws that call the Orient, they must be weaned away from them, and this is in fact what we are doing in every decent school, what life itself is doing with great success. We are going in Palestine, first for our national convenience, [second] to sweep out thoroughly all traces of the 'Oriental soul.' As for the [Palestinians] Arabs in Palestine, what they do is their business; but if we can do them a favor, it is to help them liberate themselves from the Orient.'" (One Palestine Complete, p. 151)
The concept of a Jewish majority in Palestine was an essential pillar for Zionism to be realized. This point was repeated over and over by all Zionists, not just Jabotinsky. For example, Ze'ev Jabotinsky introduced the Betar's Oath as follows in 1934:
"I devote my life to the rebirth of the Jewish State, with a Jewish majority, on both sides of the Jordan." (Israel: A History, p. 76)
Like all Zionists, Jabotinsky advocated not just a Jewish majority in Palestine, but also the use of force to "transfer" them out of their homes, farms and business. Ze'ev Jabotinsky stated in a letter to one of his Revisionist colleagues in the United States dated November 1939:
"There is no choice: the Arabs must make room for the Jews of Eretz Israel. If it was possible to transfer the Baltic peoples, it is also possible to move the Palestinian Arabs." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 29)
Similarly, he envisioned "brooming" the Palestinian people out of their homes in 'Eretz Yisrael". He stated:
"We Jews, thank God, have nothing to do with the East. . . . The Islamic soul must be broomed out of Eretz-Yisrael. . . . [Muslims are] yelling rabble dressed up in gaudy, savage rags." (Expulsion Of The Palestinians, p. 29)
Using the term "brooming" is meant to portray the Palestinian people as "subhuman", a term often suitable to describe flies. It is very sad how often politicians resort to dehumanizing their enemies to make a political point. What is even sadder, that this tactic was advocate by many Zionists who themselves had been victims of similar dehumanization tactics. Click here if you wish to read more racist Zionist quotes.
Just before Jabotinsky's death in 1940, he justified "transferring" the Palestinian people out of their homes as follows:
"The world has become accustomed to the idea of mass migrations and has become fond of them." He later added, "Hitler--- as odious as he is to us---has given this idea a good name in the world." (One Palestine Complete, p. 407)
Ironically, a Jew with Jabotinsky's caliber used Adolf Hitler as precedent to "transfer" the Palestinian people out of their homes. It should be noted that the atrocity of forcible expulsion ("transfer") was among the charges against Adolf Eichmann, one the architects of the Nazi Holocaust. The questions which begs to be asked is:
Isn't it anti-Semitism if a non-Jew (Golem) uses Hitler as an example to make a point?
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by T.T. Quick
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 4:09 AM
I thought it was pretty fucking funny. About as funny as all you left wing head cases.
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by Trailer Trash Bush voter
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 4:39 AM
Fox news watcher.
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by toady
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 8:57 AM
(Points of Departure, Elements, Procedures and Missions)
This report presents a global vision of a worldwide strategy for Islamic policy [or "political Islam"]. Local Islamic policies will be drawn up in the different regions in accordance with its guidelines. It acts, first of all, to define the points of departure of that policy, then to set up the components and the most important procedures linked to each point of departure; finally we suggest several missions, by way of example only, may Allah protect us.
The following are the principal points of departure of this policy:
Point of Departure 1: To know the terrain and adopt a scientific methodology for its planning and execution.
Point of Departure 2: To demonstrate proof of the serious nature of the work.
Point of Departure 3: To reconcile international engagement with flexibility at a local level.
Point of Departure 4: To reconcile political engagement and the necessity of avoiding isolation on one hand, with permanent education and institutional action on the other.
Point of Departure 5: To be used to establish an Islamic State; parallel, progressive efforts targeted at controlling the local centers of power through institutional action.
Point of Departure 6: To work with loyalty alongside Islamic groups and institutions in multiple areas to agree on common ground, in order to "cooperate on the points of agreement and set aside the points of disagreement".
Point of Departure 7: To accept the principle of temporary cooperation between Islamic movements and nationalist movements in the broad sphere and on common ground such as the struggle against colonialism, preaching and the Jewish state, without however having to form alliances. This will require, on the other hand, limited contacts between certain leaders, on a case by case basis, as long as these contacts do not violate the [shari’a] law. Nevertheless, one must not give them allegiance or take them into confidence, bearing in mind that the Islamic movement must be the origin of the initiatives and orientations taken.
Point of Departure 8: To master the art of the possible on a temporary basis without abusing the basic principles, bearing in mind that Allah's teachings always apply. One must order the suitable and forbid that which is not, always providing a documented opinion. But we should not look for confrontation with our adversaries, at the local or the global scale, which would be disproportionate and could lead to attacks against the dawa or its disciples.
Point of Departure 9: To construct a permanent force of the Islamic dawa and support movements engaged in jihad across the Muslim world, to varying degrees and insofar as possible.
Point of Departure 10: To use diverse and varied surveillance systems, in several places, to gather information and adopt a single effective warning system serving the worldwide Islamic movement. In fact, surveillance, policy decisions and effective communications complement each other.
Point of Departure 11: To adopt the Palestinian cause as part of a worldwide Islamic plan, with the policy plan and by means of jihad, since it acts as the keystone of the renaissance of the Arab world today.
Point of Departure 12: To know how to turn to self-criticism and permanent evaluation of worldwide Islamic policy and its objectives, of its content and its procedures, in order to improve it. This is a duty and a necessity according to the precepts of shari’a.
Know the terrain and adopt a scientific methodology for [The Project's] planning and execution.
a- Elements: Know the influential factors in the world, whether they act as Islamic forces, adverse forces, or neutral forces.
Use the necessary scientific and technical means for planning, organization, execution and follow-up.
b- Procedures: Create observation centers in order to gather and store information for all useful purposes, if need be relying on modern technological method.
Create centers of study and research and produce studies on the political dimension of the Islamic movement.
c- Suggested missions: Draw up a map of [religious and ideological] doctrines in the world to have a global vision from 100 years ago to our era, and analyze the current situation in light of that configuration, taking account of changes both happening and predicted.
Draw up a map of doctrines of the Muslim world.
Draw up a map of Islamic movements in the Muslim world.
Carry out successive political and scientific studies in varying Islamic areas, those which apply more particularly to current events.
Carry out a scientific study which addresses the history of contemporary Islamic movements, and use it.
To demonstrate proof of the serious nature of the work.
a- Elements: Clarity of the principal objectives of the dawa in the eyes of all, as well as clarity of the temporary objectives, necessitates exploitation, channeling and orientation of the energies.
Devote sufficient effort to the service of the workers [for Allah] and coordinate their efforts to the sole and same objective.
Devote sufficient time.
Spend money to the extent possible.
b-Procedures: Exploit all the energies of the workers to the service of the dawa, each at his level (the criterion of efficiency, given that each must be devoted to the task to which he's assigned).
Mobilize the greatest possible number of supporters and officials.
Collect money efficiently, control expenses and invest in the general interest.
c- Suggested missions: Carry out a survey of workers (appropriate men and appropriate location)
Establish schedules with the hours of workers and specialists and use their efforts with good judgment and on time (appropriate effort at the right time).
An engagement with economic institutions adequate to support the cause financially.
Reconcile international engagement with flexibility at the local level.
a- Elements: To define the guidelines that everyone [worldwide] must follow.
To leave a margin that provides sufficient flexibility at the local level for the issues that do not conflict with the general lines of the global Islamic policy.
b- Procedures: The Movement, at a global level, will define the Islamic domain and issues in a general way which will require the engagement of all according to previously defined priorities.
The local leadership will define local issues that come within their prerogative, according to the principle of flexibility and according to previously defined priorities.
c- Suggested Missions Worldwide Islamic engagement for a total liberation of Palestine and the creation of an Islamic state is the mission which falls to the global leadership.
To establish a dialogue at a local level with those who work for the cause according to the global political lines of the Movement. It is up to the local leadership to define the shape of that dialogue.
To reconcile political engagement with the necessity of avoiding isolation, on the one hand, with permanent education and institutional work on the other.
a- Elements Liberty to function politically in each country according to local circumstances, without however participating in a process which makes a decision which would be contrary to the texts of Shari’a.
To invite everyone to take part in parliament, municipal councils, labor unions and other institutions of which the membership is chosen by the people in the interest of Islam and of Muslims.
To continue to educate individuals and generations and to guarantee the training of specialists in various areas according to a previously designed plan.
To construct social, economic, scientific and health institutions and penetrate the domain of the social services, in order to be in contact with the people and to serve them by means of Islamic institutions.
b- Procedures To study the varied political environments and the probabilities of success in each country.
To plan specialized study missions which will concentrate on useful areas such as communications, the history of Islam, etc.
To conduct feasibility studies concerning various institutions and create them according to priorities established in each country.
c-Suggested Missions To conduct studies relating to the experiences of political Islam and to draw lessons from them.
To give an Islamic policy perspective on the pressing questions of the day.
To keep questions of local importance such as issues concerning workers, unions, etc. within an Islamic framework.
To create a certain number of economic, social, health care and educational institutions, using available means, to serve the people within an Islamic framework.
To dedicate ourselves to the establishment of an Islamic state, in parallel with gradual efforts aimed at gaining control of local power centers through institutional action.
a- Elements To channel thought, education and action in order to establish an Islamic power [government] on the earth.
To influence centers of power both local and worldwide to the service of Islam.
b- Procedures To prepare a scientific study on the possibility of establishing the reign of God throughout the world according to established priorities.
To study the centers of power, both local and worldwide, and the possibilities of placing them under influence.
To conduct a modern study on the concept of support for the dawa and Islamic law, and more particularly on the men of influence in the State and the country.
c- Suggested Mission To draw up an Islamic Constitution in light of efforts deployed up to now.
To draw up Islamic laws, civil laws, etc.
To work within various influential institutions and use them in the service of Islam.
To use the work of economic, social, and other specialized Islamic institutions.
To loyally work alongside Islamic groups and institutions in various areas and in agreement on a common ground in order to "cooperate on points of agreement and put aside points of disagreement".
a- Elements To coordinate the Islamic work in a single direction as will permit the laying of the foundations of the growth of Muslim society and dedication to the power of God on Earth.
For each to work according to his capacities in his chosen field and to master it, with loyalty and coordination of effort.
b- Procedures To study the true nature of Islamic movements, to evaluate their experiences and draw up plans to initiate collaboration among them.
To avoid creating new Islamic movements in a country which already has one; there will be but one movement, serious and complete.
c- Suggested missions To coordinate the efforts of all those working for Islam, in each country, and to establish good contact with them, whether they work in individuals or in groups.
To reduce the differences that exists between workers for Islam and to resolve their conflicts according to shari’a.
To accept the principle of temporary cooperation between Islamic movements and nationalist movements in the broad sphere and on common ground such as the struggle against colonialism, preaching and the Jewish state, without however having to form alliances. This will require, on the other hand, limited contacts between certain leaders, on a case by case basis, as long as these contacts do not violate the [shari’a] law. Nevertheless, one must not give them allegiance or take them into confidence, bearing in mind that the Islamic movement must be the origin of the initiatives and orientations taken.
To combine all efforts against the supreme forces of evil in accordance with the principle that one must “battle one evil with a lesser evil”.
To limit the collaboration to the leadership or to a limited number of individuals in order to maximize the benefit and minimize the possible drawbacks.
To work from perspective of the objectives previously defined for the dawa.
To make a study to evaluate the areas with the object of mutual assistance between Islamic and other movements and draw lessons from it.
To study the areas which allow cooperation, and define the boundaries.
To study the philosophy and plans of other movements.
c- Suggested Missions:
Each country should study the possibility, in the future, of strengthening internal collaboration.
To master the art of the possible on a temporary basis without abusing the basic principles, bearing in mind that Allah's teachings always apply. One must order the suitable and forbid that which is not, always giving a documented opinion [according to shari’a]. But we should not look for confrontation with our adversaries, at the local or the global scale, which would be disproportionate and could lead to attacks against the dawa or its disciples.
a- Elements:
To evaluate the education of individuals and not to excessively use typical modern education that does not correspond to reality, which is devoid of flexibility and could have grave consequences such as the conflict between individuals for a simple comment or a simple failure.
To give a documented and scientific view, in the form of speeches, communiqués and books, that bears on events important to the Ummah.
To avoid the Movement hurting itself with major confrontations, which could encourage its adversaries to give it a fatal blow.
To carry out a study to evaluate the experiences of Islamist movements in order to avoid their fatal errors.
To develop educational methods that are at the same time exemplary, realistic and true to our principles, in order to bestow a flexibility sufficient to permit the facing of reality.
c-Suggested Missions:
To develop initiation programs for the faithful and proceed with sensitivity to the foundation of past experience.
To prepare individuals according to modern educational methods.
To construct a permanent force of the Islamic dawa and support movements engaged in jihad across the Muslim world, to varying degrees and insofar as possible.
To protect the dawa with the force necessary to guarantee its security at the local and international levels.
To make contact with all new movements engaged in jihad, everywhere on the planet, and with Muslim minorities, and to create links as needed to establish and support collaboration.
To maintain jihad and awakening throughout the Ummah.
To form an autonomous security force to protect the dawa and its disciples locally and worldwide.
To study movements engaged in jihad in the Muslim world, as well as among Muslim minorities, to better understand them.
c-Suggested Missions:
To build bridges between movements engaged in jihad in the Muslim world, and between Muslim minorities, and to support them insofar as possible within a framework of collaboration.
To use diverse and varied surveillance systems, in several places, to gather information and adopt a single effective warning system serving the worldwide Islamic movement. In fact, surveillance, policy decisions and effective communications complement each other.
To make the policy decisions to collect important and precise information.
To diffuse Islamic policy so that it is largely and efficiently covered by the media.
To create a modern surveillance system by means of advanced technology (possibly created at the research centers mentioned earlier).
To create an effective and serious media centre.
c- Suggested Missions:
To warn Muslims of the dangers that threaten them and the international conspiracies directed at them.
To give our views on current events and future issues.
To adopt the Palestinian cause as part of a worldwide Islamic plan, with the policy plan and by means of jihad, since it acts as the keystone of the renaissance of the Arab world today.
To provide an Islamic view on all areas, problems and solutions relative to the Palestinian question, based on the precepts of Islam.
To prepare the community of believers for jihad for the liberation of Palestine. [One can lead the Ummah to realize the plans of the Islamic movement above all if victory is ours], if God wills it.
To create a modest nucleus of jihad in Palestine, and to nourish it in order to maintain the flame that will light the road toward the liberation of Palestine, and in order that the Palestinian cause will endure until the moment of liberation.
To collect sufficient funds for the perpetuation of jihad.
To conduct a study of the situation of Muslims and the enemy in occupied Palestine.
c-Suggested Missions:
To conduct studies on the Jews, enemies of Muslims, and on the oppression inflicted by these enemies on our brothers in occupied Palestine, in addition to preaching and publications.
To fight against the sentiment of capitulation among the Ummah, to refuse defeatist solutions, and to show that conciliation with the Jews will undermine our Movement and its history.
To conduct comparative studies on the Crusades and Israel, and [the victory that will be that of Islam].
To create jihadi cells in Palestine, and support them in order that they cover all of occupied Palestine.
To create a link between the moujahadin in Palestine and those throughout the Islamic world.
To nourish a sentiment of rancor with respect to the Jews and refuse all coexistence.
To know how to turn to self-criticism and permanent evaluation of worldwide Islamic policy and its objectives, of its content and its procedures in order to improve it. This is a duty and a necessity according to the precepts of shari’a.
To conduct constructive self-criticism, in order to avoid pitfalls.
To proceed with constant evaluation, on a scientific basis, to permit the further construction of policies.
To improve Islamic policies and to take profit from past experiences must be a clear and essential objective.
To evaluate current practices and profit from past experience.
To ask officials in the various countries to give their views on direction, methods and results.
c-Suggested Missions:
To produce an official document on global Islamic policy.
To make the countries, the officials and the people aware of that policy.
To begin to apply the policy, to evaluate it annually and to improve it if need be.
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by autoblocked @indybay
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:04 AM
Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. 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I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! I'm a little zionist bitch who got beat down at indybay. I am throwing tantrums because I lost. I need meds.Hi! 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by Indybay editor
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:11 AM
Please Note: The terms B.C. (Before Christ or Before the Christian Era) and A.D.("Anno Domini" Latin for "In the Year of Our Lord") have been replaced with B.C.E (Before Common, or Christian, Era) and C.E. (Common, or Christian, Era) so as to respect all visitors to this site. The terms are interchangeable and both are based upon the Gregorian Calendar.
These and other questions will be addressed more fully as you go through this website. However, there is a preliminary historical fact that must be established now. There has never been a civilization or a nation referred to as "Palestine" and the very notion of a "Palestinian Arab nation" having ancient attachments to the Holy Land going back to time immemorial is one of the biggest hoaxes ever perpetrated upon the world! There is not, nor has there ever been, a distinct "Palestinian" culture or language. Further, there has never been a Palestinian state governed BY Arab Palestinians in history, nor was there ever a serious Arab-Palestinian national movement until 1964... three years BEFORE the Arabs of "Palestine" lost the West Bank [Judea and Samaria] and Gaza as a result of the 1967 Six-Day War (which the Arabs started). Even the so-called leader of the "Palestinian" people, Yasser Arafat, is EGYPTIAN! In short, the so-called Arab "Palestinians" are a manufactured people...a people with no history and no authenticity... whose sole purpose for existence is to destroy the Jewish State!
Israel first became a nation in 1312 B.C.E., two thousand years before the rise of Islam! Seven hundred and twenty-six years later in 586 B.C.E. these first ancient Jews in the Land of Israel [Judea] were overrun and Israel's First Jewish Temple (on Jerusalem's Old City Temple Mount) was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, king of ancient Babylon. Many of the Jews were killed or expelled; however many were allowed to remain. These Jews along with their progeny and other Jews who would resettle over the next 500 years, rebuilt the Nation of Israel and also a Second Temple in Jerusalem upon the Temple Mount. Thus the claim that Jews suddenly appeared fifty years ago right after the Holocaust and drove out the Arabs is preposterous!
Then in 70 C.E. (nearly 2000 years ago), it was the Roman Empire's turn to march through ancient Israel and destroy the SECOND Jewish Temple, slaughtering or driving out much of its Jewish population. Many Jews left on their own because conditions for life were made unbearable in many respects... yet thousands upon thousands stayed and rebelled on for centuries in order to once again rebuild a Jewish Nation in this Holy Land.
Over 3250 years, various Peoples, Religions and Empires marched through Jerusalem, Israel's ancient capital. The region was successively ruled by the Hebrews [Jews], Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Maccabeans, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Egyptians, the Crusaders, Mamelukes, the Turks (who indifferently governed the backward, neglected territory from the 16th century until the British drove them out during World War I) and then once again by the Jews in 1948. None bothered, nor were they in the least bit inclined, to build a Nation of their own... EXCEPT the Jews!
It must be noted that in 636 C.E., when the Arabs marauders came to the land and uprooted even more of its Jews, they did not form any Arab nation there... and certainly not a "Palestinian" nation. They were simply "Arabs" who, as did others before them, moved into a geo-political area called "Palestine!" And remember this one fact... it was not the Jews who "usurped" (a favorite word from the Arab propagandists) the land from the Arabs. If anything, it was the Arabs in 636 C.E. who overran and stole it from the Jews!
In Conclusion:
No nation, other than the ancient nation of Israel and later again in 1948 with the rebirth of the 2nd Nation of Israel, has ever ruled as a sovereign national entity on this land. A mighty Jewish empire extended over this entire area before the Arabs --- and their Islam --- were even born! The Jewish People have one of the most legitimate Birth Certificates of any nations in the world. Every time there is an archaeological dig in Israel, it does nothing but support the fact that the Jewish People have had a presence there for well over 3,000 years. The national coins, the pottery, the cities, the ancient Hebrew texts... all support this claim. Yes, other peoples have passed through, but there is no mistaking the fact that Jews have always had a continual presence in that land for over 3,000 years. This predates and certain dwarfs any claims that other peoples in the regions may have. The ancient Philistines are extinct. Many other ancient peoples are extinct. They do not have the unbroken line to this date that the Jews have. And if you want to talk religion, fine. G-d GAVE the Land of Israel to the Jewish People. And G-d does nothing by accident!
ANCIENT MAPS The Kingdom of David and Solomon - 1077 - 997 BCE Kingdom of Herod- 30 BCE to 70 CE Jewish Communities in the Land of Israel -7th-11th Centuries
The term "Palestine" came from the name that the conquering Roman Empire gave the ancient Land of Israel in an attempt to obliterate and de-legitimize the Jewish presence in the Holy Land. The name "Palestine" was invented in the year 135 C.E. Before it was known as Judea, which was the southern kingdom of ancient Israel. The Roman Procurator in charge of the Judean-Israel territories was so angry at the Jews for revolting that he called for his historians and asked them who were the worst enemies of the Jews in their past history. The scribes said, "the Philistines." Thus, the Procurator declared that Land of Israel would from then forward be called "Philistia" [further bastardized into "Palaistina"] to dishonor the Jews and obliterate their history. Hence the name "Palestine."
One more thing. Very often one hears the revisionists and propagandists finding ancient historical links between the "Philistines" ("Invaders" in Hebrew) and the Arab "Palestinians." There is no truth to this claim! The Philistines were one of a number of Sea Peoples who reached the eastern Mediterranean region approximately 1250-1100 B.C.E. They were actually an amalgamation of various ethnic groups, primarily of Aegean and south-east European origin [Greece, Crete and Western Turkey] and they died out over 2500 years ago! Those Philistines were not Arab... and neither was Goliath! The Arabs of "Palestine" are just that... Arabs! And these Arabs of "Palestine" have about as much historical roots to the ancient Philistines as Yasser Arafat has to the Eskimos!
The ancient, indigenous inhabitants of Palestine are long perished from the earth. Canaanites, Phoencians, and then Philistines, all were dominated by the Israelites before 1060 B.C.E. Most of these cultural identities dissolved completely by the neo-Babylonian age, or, the 6th century B.C.E. Arabs weren’t even in Palestine until the mid-7th century C.E., over a thousand years later, after Palestine’s 1,300-year Jewish history. Arabs later living in Palestine never developed themselves or the land, but remained nomadic and quasi-primitive
Even the word "Palestine" has no meaning in Arabic - every word in Arabic has some meaning deriving from the Koran, but the word "Palestine" does not. If anything, the name "Palestine" was associated with Jews. In the years leading up to the rebirth of Israel in 1948, those who spoke of "Palestinians" were nearly always referring to the region's Jewish residents. For example, the "Palestine Post" [forerunner of today's Jerusalem Post] newspaper and the Palestine Symphony Orchestra were all-Jewish. The "Palestine Brigade Regiment" was composed exclusively of Jewish volunteers in the British World War II Army. In fact, Arab leaders rejected the notion of a unique "Palestinian Arab" identity, insisting that Palestine was merely a part of "Greater Syria."
THE RETURN TO ZION A return through both time and space to their ancestral homeland
The Land of Israel was never devoid of Jews, although at times she numbered only in the tens of thousands. This was because the land was virtually uninhabitable when the Jews once again began their God-given right AND duty to return en masse to the land of their forefathers (the Zionist Movement) in the 1880s. The silly rhetoric about a massive Arab presence being overrun by "invading Jews" is quickly dispelled by Mark Twain, who visited the area in 1867. From his book, "The Innocents Abroad"... "A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country."
The Jews did not displace anyone, because very few of the people who were there actually owned the land. Most were absentee owners residing elsewhere. Another fact hardly mentioned by the "new historians" is that the arriving Jews never threw anyone off any land. All land was purchased legally from the original owners... whether they be from "Palestine" itself or elsewhere. Furthermore, top dollar was paid for this land which, in many cases, was uninhabited and hardly more than swamp land and rocky terrain. Only about 120,000 Arabs resided in an area that now comprises the State of Israel, Jordan and the so-called "West Bank" [Judea and Samaria] in between. By 1890, the number of Jews who had settled in Palestine reached 50,000 and, by 1907, numbered 100,000. In Jerusalem alone the Jews numbered more than 25,000, out of a total population in the city of only 40,000 Jews, Christians and Arabs. The Arabs did, however, constitute a majority over the sparsely populated countryside abutting Jerusalem.
1880's Note: For more remarkable early photos of the Holy Land click Here
From 1888 until 1915 there were about six locust plagues that made the land nearly uninhabitable. In the 1915 locust plague alone some 40,000 people died and large numbers of Jews and Arabs left the land. Those that returned did not do so until about 1922 when the Zionist money to reclaim the land started coming in and a pipe line was laid. Then both Arabs and Jews started to come in in large numbers.
Palestine's early Jewish Zionists were idealistic pioneers who arrived in pre-state Israel with every intention of living in peace alongside their Arab neighbors and upgrading the quality of life for all of the land's inhabitants. These pre-Israel Zionists (and later, Israelis) had tried to develop peacefully for the dual benefit of Jews and Arabs in the land. But the Arab leadership always, starting in the earliest days, took the low road of insisting that the only solution was for the Jews to get out, even if that meant continued poverty and stagnation. When Arab demands were not met, they always resorted to violence.
The vast majority of Arabs came to the area after these early Zionist pioneers began draining the malaria-infested swamps (above photo) and plowing the land! In doing so, these Jews created the economic opportunities and medical availabilities which attracted Arabs from both surrounding territories and far-away lands! In fact, over 90% of the Arabs migrated there within the last one hundred years. Most of the Arabs in "Palestine" were interlopers and squatters originating from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq and other lands who simply took possession of pieces of land. So much for their unfounded claims that they have been there since "time immemorial!" These Arabs came from disorganized collections of tribes with a tradition of constantly terrorizing each other and trying to seize land from their neighbors. Many of them were social outcasts and criminals who could not find jobs in their own countries so they searched for their luck elsewhere. Unfortunately, those Arab immigrants imported into the Holy Land their age-old culture of terrorizing neighbors in order to seize land. In fact, today's Arab "Palestinians", let by Arafat and his PLO (sanitized to the PA, or Palestinian Authority...which is nothing more than A Network of Murderers Masquerading As Government!) are still nothing more than street thugs, bullies and 'Little Saddams' found elsewhere throughout most of the most Arab world.
Yet while the returning Jews were highly motivated to restore the land, the Arabs seethed with envy and hatred for they lacked both the leadership to inspire and motivate them for they were, in fact, historical strangers to this land! Unlike the Jews, those Arabs who immigrated there had no ancient attachments to or historical memories of this homeland ... this ancient Land of the Jews!
The real problem facing those Arabs today is not the lack of a homeland. The historical root-cause of their problem and frustration is the fact that the countries they came from have not agreed to accept them back in. This is why so many of them live, up until today, in refugee camps, in neighboring Arab countries, lacking fundamental civil rights. In their frustration they feel that the only hope and choice they have is to try and steal someone else's country!
In Conclusion:
There was no "Arab Palestinian" history before the Arabs manufactured one shortly after 1948, and then especially after the June 1967 Arab-Israeli War! In an interview with the Dutch newspaper "Trau" (March 31, 1977), PLO executive committee member Zahir Muhsein said, "The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct 'Palestinian people' to oppose Zionism. It is also been a "conceptual" war for ownership of the term "Palestinian" which has been transferred over to the Arabs whereas, before 1967, "Palestine" has always been synonymous with Eretz Israel and the Land of Israel.
Archeological sites to this very day continue to yield artifacts with Hebrew writing, not some fictitious "Palestinian" or Arabic text! The so-called "Palestinian" Arabs were simply then, as they are now, Arabs no different culturally, historically or ethnically from other Arabs living in any of the 24 Arab countries from which they emigrated. The suggestion that the "Palestinians" are some sub-group of Arabs with their own unique identity is pure fiction! Great propaganda... but still pure fiction! And had not the Arabs continued to brainwash generation upon generation into believing this HISTORICAL HOGWASH about some ancient "Arab Palestinian" ties to the Holy Land, most could have gotten themselves a real life by now with much less bloodshed and suffering for everyone concerned!
The Arabs and/or Muslims of today control 22 nations... 99½ percent of the ENTIRE Middle East land mass while Israel occupies only a 1/2 of 1 percent speck on this same map. But that's still too much land for the Arabs to spare. They want it all. How often have we heard their familiar cry, "We will fight to our last drop of blood for for every last grain of sand!" And that is ultimately what all the fighting is about today. And no matter how many land concessions the Israelis might make for "peace," it will never be enough! Any peace treaty between Israel and the Arab world are ultimately meaningless. The most recent 1993 "Oslo Peace Accord" has brought nothing but homicidal bombers into Israel. Even the Israeli-Egyptian and Israeli-Jordanian peace treaties are holding on by a single thread and, if you were to read their government-controlled newspapers, you'd think they were still at war with Israel!
PEACE IS IMPOSSIBLE! There's No More "Middle" in the Middle East
From the moment the Jewish People re-established sovereignty in their ancient homeland, they sought genuine peace with all of their neighbors. Unfortunately, their neighbors did not wish to share a peaceful existence with them. They, like Bin Ladin today, felt that they had a religious obligation to destroy the non-Arab/Muslim Jewish State (and, for that matter, ALL non-Arab/Moslem governments in the world). The Arab campaign against Israel is rooted not in any negotiable grievances but in a basic opposition to the very existence of Jewish sovereignty in what they perceive as THEIR Middle East! The ultimate intent of the Arabs is to separate out a Jewish history from "Palestine"... and then to separate Israel from the face of the Earth.
When the Palestine Liberation Organization's (PLO) was formed in 1964, its primary goal was to destroy Israel. After the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, their goal became two-tracked: Either (1) destroy Israel outright (the same pre-1967 goal) or (2) the creation of an Arab-Palestinian state to be used as a launching pad from which to destroy Israel. Different strategies - same ultimate goal... a state not along side Israel, but IN PLACE OF Israel. It's really that simple!
For More Regarding "Palestine" and "Palestinian People"
"Palestinian" People Do Not Exist and The History and Meaning of "Palestine" & "Palestinians and The History & Meaning of "Palestine" & "Palestinian"
Then take this Quiz
The Question of Jerusalem And the Temple Mount Click Here for Maps and Photos of East and West Jerusalem and the Old City
For over 3,300 years of history, Jerusalem has been a capital city for only the Jewish People. Jews have always lived in Jerusalem, except when they were massacred or driven out. There has, however, been a nearly unbroken Jewish presence in Jerusalem for the past 1,600 years. And since the early 1800's, the population of Jerusalem has been predominantly Jewish. Even when the Jordanians captured and occupied Jerusalem from 1948-67, they (the Jordanians) never sought to change it to their capital (replacing Amman) nor make it the capital of all Arab-"Palestinian" people. Even during the 19 years Jordan "occupied" most of Jerusalem, Arab leaders from other Arab countries hardly ever bothered to visit this city! Only to the Jews has Jerusalem ever held special meaning! The reality is that Jerusalem was never an Arab capital and that it never was, until the Jews revitalized it, a dusty provincial city that hardly played and economic, social or political role.
Another myth deals with the issue of Jerusalem and its Temple Mount. The myth is that Jerusalem is really an Arab city and that it is a central focus of Islam. The truth is that the Arabs expressed very limited interest in the Temple Mount before 1967 after the Six-Day War. Besides, Mecca and Medina (both in Saudi Arabia) are Islam's holiest cities!
Islam's Holy(?) Koran mentions Mecca 2 or 3 (implied, but not actually written) times. It mentions Medina 5 times. It never mentions Jerusalem and with good reason. There is no historical evidence to suggest Mohammad ever visited Jerusalem! And if he did visit Jerusalem, it could not have been until 6 years after his death. Therefore, the notion that Mohammed ascended to Heaven from a rock in Jerusalem (today's Dome of the Rock) is even more ridiculous!
One more thing about Jerusalem in general and its Temple Mount in particular. Jerusalem appears in the Jewish Bible 669 times and Zion (which usually means Jerusalem, sometimes the Land of Israel) 154 times, or 823 times in all. The Christian Bible mentions Jerusalem 154 times and Zion 7 times. All told, in the Old Testament (the Hebrew Bible) and the New Testament, the terms "Judah" or "Judea" appear 877 times, and "Samaria" is used on 123 occasions.
Hold on to your hats, everybody. It gets even better. Upon closer look at their Holy Koran, we have uncovered something quite amazing. These Muslims may actually be more Jewish than Muslim! Get this... the Koran mentions "Israel" [or "Israelites"] 47 times, "Jew" or "Jewish" 26 times! Even "Christian" or "Christians" gets 15 mentions!
OK, so maybe Mohammed just forget to mention "Jerusalem". Maybe he also forgot to mention the Haram-esh-Sharif, their name for Judaism's Temple Mount. Perhaps it was an honest oversight. That desert heat can do strange things to one's brain. But surely "Palestine" is mentioned all through the Koran. After all, the poo' poo' ancient "Palestinians" go way back, right? WRONG. "Palestine" and "Palestinian" are nowhere to be found. Perhaps that's because these so-called Arab "Palestinians" have ancient historical roots going ALL THE WAY back to June 1967! So much for the Arab, Muslim or "Palestinian" ancient religious or physical connections to a single ounce of turf in the so-called "occupied" territories!
From 1948 to 1967, when East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount were "occupied" by Jordanian Forces following the 1948-9 Arab-Israeli War, Jerusalem itself was ignored by the Arab world. No Arab leader ever paid a visit, not even to pray at the al-Aqsa Mosque or the Dome of the Rock (both located on the JEWISH Temple Mount). Also noteworthy during this 19 year period of Jordanian occupation' no Jews were allowed there... not that there was much for them to see since the Arabs destroyed 58 of Jerusalem's Jewish synagogues! Even the Arabs of "Palestine" placed so low a priority on Jerusalem that the PLO's founding charter, the 1964 Palestinian National Covenant, made no reference whatsoever to it. Only when the Jews recaptured it after the 1967 "Six Day War" (initiated by the Arabs) did the Arab world SUDDENLY grow very passionate about Jerusalem!
Can any Muslim in the world produce any credible evidence for their connection to this holy site, other than Mohammed's dream? Believe it or not, the one and only source for the Muslim's claim to Jerusalem and the site of the Holy Temple, is a mention in the Koran of a dream that Mohammed had about an unknown "place far away". Perhaps this "place far away" is the site of the White House in Washington DC or a Nevada "chicken ranch?"
In truth, the Dome of the Rock and the Al-Aqsa mosques are just but two of hundreds of thousands of Muslim mosques around the world. Except for these two minor mosques, Jerusalem itself has no major Islamic significance. In fact, far more Christian shrines are in Jerusalem than Muslim ones!
When a Jew prays from anywhere in the world, he faces the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. When a Moslem prays, even while IN Jerusalem, he faces Mecca (2,000 miles away in Saudi Arabia!). So in many cases, even when a Moslem is in Jerusalem, his "hind quarters" are facing these two Jerusalem mosques! What does THIS tell you! And when Islamic suicide bombers try to take apart Jerusalem piece by piece, what does THAT tell you!
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by Indybay editor
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:34 AM
Take a close look at this PRESENT DAY MAP of the Middle East in which you can see that 22 Arab and/or Muslim [Iran is not considered Arab] nations completely engulf Israel. If someone can explain to me how "expansionist Israel" has "taken over" the Middle East, please email me! The Arab countries occupy 640 times the land mass as does Israel and outnumber the Jews of Israel by nearly fifty to one. So much for Arab propaganda!
Now notice the TOTAL area of Israel and Jordan. This was referred to as "Palestine" and mandated under British administration following World War I (see next map below). How convenient that today's Arab propagandists forget that land east of the Jordan River was also part of "Palestine" and is, in fact, the Arab-Palestinian State!
From 1517-1917 Turkey's Ottoman Empire controlled a vast Arab empire, a portion of which is today Lebanon, Syria, and Palestine. During World War I (1914-1918), Turkey supported Germany. When Germany was defeated, so were the Turks. In 1916 control of the southern portion of their Ottoman Empire was "mandated" to France and Britain under the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which divided the Arab region into zones of influence. Lebanon and Syria were assigned (mandated) to France... and "Palestine" (today's Jordan, Israel and "West Bank") was mandated to Great Britain. Because no other peoples had ever established a national homeland in "Palestine" since the Jews had done it 2,000 years before, the British "looked favorably" upon the creation of a Jewish National Homeland throughout ALL of Palestine. The Jews had already begun mass immigration into Palestine in the 1880's in an effort to rid the land of swamps and malaria and prepare for the rebirth of Israel. This Jewish effort to revitalize the land attracted an equally large immigration of Arabs from neighboring areas who were drawn by employment opportunities and healthier living conditions. There was never any attempt to "rid" the area of what few Arabs there or those Arab masses that immigrated into this area along with the Jews!
In 1923, the British divided the "Palestine" portion of the Ottoman Empire into two administrative districts. Jews would be permitted only west of the Jordan river. In effect, the British had "chopped off" 75% of the originally proposed Jewish Palestinian homeland to form an Arab Palestinian nation called Trans-Jordan (meaning "across the Jordan River"). This territory east of the Jordan River was given to Emir Abdullah (from Hejaz, now Saudi Arabia) who was not even an Arab-"Palestinian!" This portion of Palestine was renamed Trans-Jordan. Trans-Jordan and would again be renamed "Jordan" in 1946. In other words, the eastern 3/4 of Palestine would be renamed TWICE, in effect, erasing all connection to the name "Palestine!" However, the bottom line is that the Palestinian Arabs had THEIR "Arab Palestinian" homeland. The remaining 25% of Palestine (now WEST of the Jordan River) was to be the Jewish Palestinian homeland. However, sharing was not part of the Arab psychological makeup then nor now. Encouraged and incited by growing Arab nationalism throughout the Middle East, the Arabs of that small remaining Palestinian territory west of the Jordan River launched never-ending murderous attacks upon the Jewish Palestinians in an effort to drive them out. Most terrifying were the Hebron massacres of 1929 and later during the 1936-39 "Arab Revolt." The British at first tried to maintain order but soon (due to the large oil deposits being discovered throughout the Arab Middle East) turned a blind eye. It became painfully clear to the Palestinian Jews that they must fight the Arabs AND drive out the British.
The Palestinian Jews were forced to form an organized defense against the Arabs Palestinians.... thus was formed the Hagana, the beginnings of the Israeli Defense Forces [IDF]. There was also a Jewish underground called the Irgun led by Menachem Begin (who later became Prime Minister of Israel). Besides fighting the Arabs, the Irgun was instrumental in driving out the pro-Arab British. Finally in 1947 the British had enough and turned the Palestine matter over to the United Nations. The 1947 U.N. Resolution 181 partition plan was to divide the remaining 25% of Palestine into a Jewish Palestinian State and a SECOND Arab Palestinian State (Trans-Jordan being the first) based upon population concentrations. The Jewish Palestinians accepted... the Arab Palestinians rejected. The Arabs still wanted ALL of Palestine... both east AND west of the Jordan River.
Our Palestinian Cousins started the '48 war, and in so doing released the warlike appetites of a nation of survivors, a people with no place to run, who had repressed their rage for millennia, and had now earned full title to it!
On May 14, 1948 the "Palestinian" Jews finally declared their own State of Israel and became "Israelis." On the next day, seven neighboring Arab armies... Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Yemen... invaded Israel. Most of the Arabs living within the boundaries of the newly declared "ISRAEL" were encouraged to leave by the invading Arab armies to facilitate the slaughter of the Jews and were promised to be given all Jewish property after the victorious Arab armies won the war. The truth is that 70% of the Arab Palestinians who left in 1948 – perhaps 300,000 to 400,000 of them – never saw an Israeli soldier! They did not flee because they feared Jewish thugs, but because of a rational and reasonable calculus: the Jews will be exterminated; we will get out of the way while that messy and dangerous business goes forward, and we will return afterwards to reclaim our homes, and to inherit those nice Jewish properties as well. They guessed wrong; and the Arab Palestinians are still tortured by the residual shame of their flight. Their shame is so great because in their eyes running from Jews was like running from women. So much for the blatant lie about Jews throwing out all the [Palestinian] Arabs!
The remaining 30% either (1) saw for themselves that these Jews would fight and die for their new nation and decided to pack up and leave or (2) were driven off the land as a normal consequence of war.
When the 19 month war ended, Israel survived despite a 1% loss of its entire population! Those Arabs who did not flee became today's Israeli-Arab citizens. Those who fled became the seeds of the first wave of "Palestinian Arab refugees."
The Arab propagandists and apologists almost never mentioned that in 1948, Arab armies launched a war against a one-day-old Israel. Instead he focused on the main consequence of that war: the creation of Arab refugees, stating that Israel "short of genocide" expelled 800,000 of them. This not only disagrees with UN estimates of a bit over 400,000 refugees but also ignores the fact that most of the Arabs/Palestinians were encouraged to leave by the Arab World itself!
The end result of the 1948-49 Israeli War of Independence was the creation of a Jewish State slightly larger than that which was proposed by the 1947 United Nations Resolution 181. What remained of that almost-created second Arab Palestinian State was gobbled up by (1) Egypt (occupying the Gaza Strip) and by (2) Trans-Jordan (occupying Judea-Samaria (a.k.a. the "West Bank" of the Jordan River) and Jerusalem. In the next year (1950) Trans-Jordan formally merged this West Bank territory into itself and granted all those "Palestinian" Arabs living there Jordanian citizenship. Since Trans-Jordan was then no longer confined to one side of the Jordan River, it renamed itself simply "Jordan." In the final analysis, the Arabs of Palestine ended up with nearly 85% of the original territory of Palestine... called Jordan but in reality their ARAB "Palestinian state! But that was still not 100% and thus the conflict between Arab and Jew for "Palestine" would continue through four more wars and continuous Arab terrorist attacks upon the Israeli citizenry. It continues to this very day. From 1949-67 when all of Judea-Samaria [West Bank & Jerusalem] and Gaza ... were 100% under Arab [Jordanian & Egyptian] control, no effort was EVER made to create a second Palestinian State for the Arabs living there. Surely you do not expect Israel to now provide these same Arabs with their own country when their fellow Arabs failed to do so! And isn't it curious how Arafat and his PLO (formed in 1964) discovered their "ancient" identity and a need for "self-determination" and "human dignity" on this very same West Bank ONLY AFTER Israel regained this territory (three years later in 1967) following Jordan's attempt attempt to destroy Israel! Why was no request ever made upon King Hussein of Jordan by the Arabs living on the West Bank when he occupied it? Is it logical that the PLO was formed in 1964 to regain the lands they would lose three years later in 1967? This sort of logic makes sense only to those who who have not learned that the PLO was formed to DESTROY Israel. And that is STILL their goal! A cosmetic name change from PLO (Palestine Liberation Organization) to PA (Palestinian Authority) does not change the stripes on THIS tiger!
Throughout much of May 1967, the Egyptian, Jordanian and Syrian armies mobilized along Israel's narrow and seemingly indefensible borders in preparation for a massive invasion to eliminate the State of Israel. The battle cry heard throughout the Arab world was then, as it continues to be... "Slaughter the Jews" and "Throw the Jews into the Sea!" But the Jews of Israel, remembering 2,000 years of being butchered, gassed, burned and skinned (eg. The Crusades, The Spanish Inquisition, the Arab rampages of early Palestine and particularly the Holocaust), planned and executed a perfect pre-emptive strike against Egypt. Within two hours the Egyptian Air Force did not exist... most of its planes destroyed while still on the runways! Unaware that the Egyptians had no more air force, King Hussein of Jordan, launched his attack from the his West Bank into Israel's belly while Syrian troops prepared to descend down the Golan Heights high ground into northern Israel.
Now for some facts about "occupation." Firstly, the Egyptians, Jordanians and Syrians lost Gaza, the West Bank and Golan Heights (respectively) by participating in a failed attempt at genocide against the Children of Israel. Had Israel lost this 1967 defensive war, the Arab-Palestinians and their Arab allies would have raped, butchered or driven out every Israeli they could get their hands on and gobbled up all of Israel. Now, 35+ years later and despite the fact that Israel won a war BROUGHT UPON THEM, the Israelis are still willing to allow the Arab-Palestinians to have a state on much of the West Bank and Gaza if only they will stop sending their suicide/homicide bombers into the heart of Israel! (Talk about misplaced compassion!)
From 1948 to 1967, Egypt ruled Gaza, Syria ruled the Golan Heights, while Jordan ruled the West Bank. They could have set up independent Arab-Palestinian states in any or all of those territories, but they didn't even consider it. Instead, in 1967 they used the Golan Heights, Gaza and the West bank to launch a war that was unambiguously aimed at destroying Israel, which is how Israel came into possession of those territories in the first place.
After ONLY six days of air, sea and hand-to-hand ground warfare, Israel defeated all three Arab armies along three separate fronts, taking control of the entire Sinai Desert from Egypt, the 37mile x 12mile Golan Heights from Syria and the West Bank (including East Jerusalem and its Old City) from Jordan. The God of Israel was surely watching over His children! Most importantly was the return to Israel of its holy 3,000 year old capital city of Jerusalem along the western edge of the West Bank... the same Jerusalem from which all Jews had been denied access for the 19 years (1948-1967) following Jordan's seizure and control over it following the first Arab-Israeli War of 1948-9. Unfortunately, the world saw things differently and considered Israel an "occupier" of this disputed "West Bank" and the Gaza Strip along with the 850,000 Palestinian Arabs living there. These Arabs would refer to themselves as "refugees" and joined the masses of refugees from the first Arab-Israeli war of 1948-9. Once again Israel was forced to fight a battle for survival and, sadly, once again Palestinian [in reality, Jordanian and Egyptian] Arabs becoming refugees by their own actions, the actions of their leaders and from the actions of fellow Arabs from neighboring states! ISRAEL SCREWS UP TOO!
Israel was responsible for bringing about some of its own problems. The Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were packed and ready to leave following their 1967 defeat. Suddenly the victorious one-eyed IDF General Moshe Dayan persuaded them to stay. This singular act stunned no one more than the Arab enemy himself who could not believe such an incredible manifestation of Jewish madness! After all, the Arabs knew what THEY would have done to the Jews if they had won! Dayan's plan was to educate them, offer them modern medical treatment, provide them with employment both in the West Bank, Gaza AND inside Israel Proper itself ... living amongst each other in hopes of building bridges to the Arab world. Israel is now paying dearly for this typically naive "Leftist" gesture. That "bridge" led to two Intifadas and world-wide Arab-Palestinian terrorism. From a frightened and defeated enemy, these "Palestinian" Arabs under Israel's jurisdiction turned into a confident, hateful and dangerous enemy now on their way toward forming a terrorist state determined to destroy Israel!
Note: When people say Jordan (first called Trans-Jordan) is an Arab-"Palestinian" State, they are correct! Jordan accounts for 3/4 of Palestine's original land mass. Though they may call themselves "Jordanians," they are culturally, ethnically, historically and religiously no different than the Arab-"Palestinians" on the "West Bank." Even the flag of Jordan and the flag of the proposed 2nd Arab-Palestinian state on the West Bank / Gaza look almost identical. So, if the Arab-Palestinians and Jordanians think of themselves as one and the same, why should WE fall for the lie that the Arab Palestinians west of the Jordan River are any different from the Jordanian Arabs on its eastern shore?
Jordanian Flag Proposed Palestinian Flag
Usually when one side starts a war and loses both the war AND some territory, no one on the planet would expect the winner to give back anything! This not only sounds preposterous, it IS preposterous! But the Jews (I hate to admit) had such an insane obsession of wanting the world to love them that they were willing to give back the entire Sinai Desert (oil fields, air bases and endless miles of security buffer) to Egypt for a piece of paper. Thus, in 1982 Egypt regained their Sinai and Israel lost a massive buffer against any future Egyptian aggression! Thus far, Egypt has not aggressed against Israel militarily; however, the basest, anti-Semitic vile to come out of Egypt is not unlike the worse of Nazi anti-Jewish propaganda! This 1982 Camp David Peace Accord has to be the coldest peace deal in history! Israel still occupies Syria's Golan Heights which, prior to the 1967 war, had been by Syria used solely for terrorist incursions into and artillery bombardment upon Israel's northeastern settlements. The Golan should never be given back to Israel's most vicious enemy! And of course, Israel still "occupies" the West Bank with its ONE MILLION TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND and Gaza with its EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND "Palestinian" Arabs. Had Israel done to these Arabs what the Arabs would have done to the Jews had THEY won, she would have expelled these hostile Arabs and made it officially part of a Greater Israel! But by remaining an "occupier," Israel set herself up for a campaign of vicious propaganda, the scope and intensity of which the world has never before seen!
More on "Palestinian Nationalism and the Real War Against Israel...
The Middle East war is not now and never was a conflict between Israelis/Jews on the one hand and Palestinians on the other. In fact, the Arab-"Palestinians", while currently the perpetrators of most of the anti-Jewish atrocities, were never a very important part of the conflict. In fact, before about 1970, virtually no one in the world considered the Middle East conflict to be one between Israelis and Palestinians. The term "Palestinian" itself had referred to Israeli Jews back in the 1940s, and had been slowly deconstructed and redefined to refer to the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza. The Middle East Conflict was always a war by Arabs against Jews, not a conflict between Israelis and "Palestinians." The war was repackaged as a conflict between Jews and Palestinians as a public relations gimmick by the Arab fascist regimes. These regimes had never had any interest in "Palestinians," in creating a "Palestinian" state, or in "Palestinian nationalism" before 1967. That is because Palestinian nationalism did not and DOES NOT exist. The Palestinians were a regional group of Arabs having virtually no cultural nor national distinctive traits separating them from Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanians. They are all basically Arabs!.
The bulk of what are called "Palestinian Arabs" are members of families who migrated into the Land of Israel beginning in the late 19th century. Palestinian nationalism is a mislabeling of Arab nationalism. Arab nationalism exists, although it is closely bound up with Islamic nationalism and even Islamism. Palestinian nationalism, however, is a phantom. It is nothing more than genocidal hatred of Jews!
The Arab assaults and aggressions against Israel in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1968, and 1973 had nothing to do with Palestinians. The Palestinian terror campaign would itself be easy to suppress today and eradicate if the Middle East conflict were really a Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Israel would simply obliterate the terrorists and expel their supporters to Syria and Lebanon. The Middle East war continues because it is really an Arab-Israeli war, not an Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is also in large part a war between barbarism and civilization. In many ways an Islamic religious jihad against the Jews.
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by toady
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:40 AM
HE GREAT REFUGEE SCAM by Shmuel Katz Graphics & Page Layout by Masada2000.org
The story of the Arabs who left the coastal areas of Palestine in the spring of 1948 encapsulates one of the great international frauds of the 20th century. The Arabs are the only declared "refugees" who became refugees by the initiative of their own leaders. The concoction of the monstrous charge that it was the Jews who had driven out the Arabs of Palestine was a strategic decision made by the leaders of the Arab League months after the Arabs' flight.
The Arab "refugees" were not driven out by anyone. The vast majority left at the order or exhortation of their leaders - always with the same reassurance - that it would help the Arab states in the war they were about to launch to destroy the State of Israel.
The fabrication can most easily be detected by the simple circumstance that at the time the alleged expulsion of the Arabs by Zionists was in progress, nobody noticed it.
Foreign newspapermen abounded in the country, in daily contact with all sides - and they did, in fact, write about the flight of the Arabs, but even those most hostile to the Jews saw nothing to suggest that the flight was not voluntary.
In the three months that the major part of the flight took place, the London Times, a newspaper most notably hostile to Zionism, published 11 leading articles on the situation in Palestine, in addition to extensive news reports. In none was there even a remote hint that the Zionists were driving Arabs from their homes.
"Zionists" are in hot pursuit? Hardly! "Ethnic Cleansing?" No Way! Widespread Massacres? Not a chance!
Even more pertinent: No Arab spokesman made such a charge. At the height of the flight, the Palestinian Arabs' chief representative at the United Nations, Jamal Husseini, made a long political statement (on April 27) that was not lacking in hostility toward the Zionists; he did not mention refugees. Three weeks later (while the flight was still in progress) the secretary-general of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, made a fiercely worded political statement on Palestine; it contained not a word about refugees.
Why did they leave? Monsignor George Hakim, then Greek Catholic bishop of Galilee, the leading Christian personality in Palestine for many years, told a Beirut newspaper, Sada al-Janub, in the summer of 1948: "The refugees were confident that their absence would not last long, and that they would return within a week or two. Their leaders had promised them that the Arab armies would crush the `Zionist gangs' very quickly, and that there was no need for panic or fear of a long exile."
The initiative for the flight was indeed no secret. One of the famous American newspapermen of the time, Kenneth Bilby, who had covered Palestine for years, explained the Arab leaders' rationale for the flight in his book New Star in the East, published in 1950: "Let the Arabs flee into neighboring countries. It would serve to arouse the other Arab countries to greater effort, and when the Arab invasion struck the Palestinians could return to their homes and be compensated with the property of Jews driven into the sea."
There is also the piquant report in the files of the British police at Haifa, of how the leaders of the Jewish community pleaded with the leaders of the Arab community not to leave Haifa, and how the Arabs refused. There is too, in the annals of the UN Security Council, a speech by Jamal Husseini heaping praise on the Arabs of Haifa for refusing to stay put and insisting adamantly on leaving their homes. The British police then kindly provided transport and helped the Haifa Arabs across the Lebanese and Transjordanian borders.
When, four months after the invasion, the prospect of the flightlings' retuning "in a few weeks" had faded, there were some recriminations. Emil Ghoury, a member of the Palestinian Arabs' national leadership, said in an interview with the Beirut newspaper, Daily Telegraph: "I don't want to impugn anybody, but only to help the refugees. The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of the action of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state.
"The Arab states agreed upon this policy unanimously, and they must share in the solution of the problem."
The policy adopted inside the country was emphasized by the leaders of the invasion. The prime minister of Iraq, Nuri Said, thundered: "We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down."
One of the Arabs who fled later succinctly summarized the story of the refugees in the Jordanian newspaper Al-Difaa: "The Arab governments told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in."
Later, after the fighting began, many Arab villagers who believed the false rumors of a massacre at the village of Deir Yassin "panicked and fled ignominiously before they were threatened by the progress of the war." So wrote the British general Sir John Glubb, who commanded the Transjordanian army. Throughout the war there were two incidents - at Ramle and Lod - in which a number of Arab civilians were driven out of their homes by Israeli soldiers.
The total number of Arabs who evacuated, even according to the British Mandate's statistics, could not have been more than 420,000. This figure conforms roughly also to the figure published from Arab sources, and by the UN.
The central, horribly cruel fact is that the Arab states - who had brought about their plight - denied them residence rights; and the idea was born that they should be left in camps and used as a weapon for Israel's destruction. "The return of the refugees," said president Nasser of Egypt years later, "will mean the end of Israel."
It was in the immediate aftermath of the war that the refugee scam was developed into an international operation. As soon as the UN Disaster Relief Organization started providing food, shelter, clothing and medical attention to the Arabs who had fled Palestine, a mass of needy Arabs descended on the camps from all over the Arab states. The organization had no machinery for identification; so the arrivals simply signed the register as refugees and received the free aid.
Already in December 1948, the director of the Relief Organization, Sir Rafael Cilento, reported he was feeding 750,000 "refugees." By July 1949 the UN reported a round million.
The Red Cross International Committee joined the party. It pressed for the recognition of any destitute Arab in Palestine as a refugee. Thus about 100,000 were added to the list.
To add a touch of mordant humor, the Red Cross authority wrote about the additional people that: "It would be senseless to force them to abandon their homes to be able to get food as refugees."
So these people stayed at home, received their free services there, and were added to the rolls of the refugees.
Thus - and by other more expectable means of humanistic falsification we have, in the third generation, a large amorphous mass of Arabs, all of them comfortably lumped together in official UN lists as Arab refugees, described as "victims of Israeli aggression" and demanding the right of "return."
While everybody in Israel has rejected the Arab demand for accepting the return of the "refugees," the government has not rejected the idea that if negotiations for a settlement take place the problem of the refugees will be discussed. Moreover, there has been talk of "compensation" by Israel.
There have even been voices suggesting the return of a "symbolic few" of the refugees. Israel must, from the outset and forever, unequivocally reject such ideas.
Just Say "No!"
Once and for all, Israel must remind whoever has to be reminded that the responsibility for the displaced Arabs lies wholly and absolutely on the shoulders of the Arab states. Their utterly unprovoked invasion of the territory of Israel in May 1948 was a crime.
Its declared intent was a crime. Six thousand Israel citizens were killed in that war, and thousands of others were injured. It was the Arab states that called on the Arab population to evacuate, all in order to facilitate accomplishment of their evil purpose.
It is a hutzpa of historical dimensions and significance to ask Israel to even discuss giving an inch or paying a penny of the price of the refugee problem. And it is dangerous for any Israeli spokesman to even agree to take part in any discussion of the subject - at any forum or in any context whatsoever.
Indeed, the Israeli government should long ago have declared - but even now it is not too late: "We shall not participate in any discussion of the so-called refugee problem. This is a problem the Arab nation must solve for itself in its own spacious territories."
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by Indybay editor
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:42 AM
HE GREAT REFUGEE SCAM by Shmuel Katz Graphics & Page Layout by Masada2000.org
The story of the Arabs who left the coastal areas of Palestine in the spring of 1948 encapsulates one of the great international frauds of the 20th century. The Arabs are the only declared "refugees" who became refugees by the initiative of their own leaders. The concoction of the monstrous charge that it was the Jews who had driven out the Arabs of Palestine was a strategic decision made by the leaders of the Arab League months after the Arabs' flight.
The Arab "refugees" were not driven out by anyone. The vast majority left at the order or exhortation of their leaders - always with the same reassurance - that it would help the Arab states in the war they were about to launch to destroy the State of Israel.
The fabrication can most easily be detected by the simple circumstance that at the time the alleged expulsion of the Arabs by Zionists was in progress, nobody noticed it.
Foreign newspapermen abounded in the country, in daily contact with all sides - and they did, in fact, write about the flight of the Arabs, but even those most hostile to the Jews saw nothing to suggest that the flight was not voluntary.
In the three months that the major part of the flight took place, the London Times, a newspaper most notably hostile to Zionism, published 11 leading articles on the situation in Palestine, in addition to extensive news reports. In none was there even a remote hint that the Zionists were driving Arabs from their homes.
"Zionists" are in hot pursuit? Hardly! "Ethnic Cleansing?" No Way! Widespread Massacres? Not a chance!
Even more pertinent: No Arab spokesman made such a charge. At the height of the flight, the Palestinian Arabs' chief representative at the United Nations, Jamal Husseini, made a long political statement (on April 27) that was not lacking in hostility toward the Zionists; he did not mention refugees. Three weeks later (while the flight was still in progress) the secretary-general of the Arab League, Azzam Pasha, made a fiercely worded political statement on Palestine; it contained not a word about refugees.
Why did they leave? Monsignor George Hakim, then Greek Catholic bishop of Galilee, the leading Christian personality in Palestine for many years, told a Beirut newspaper, Sada al-Janub, in the summer of 1948: "The refugees were confident that their absence would not last long, and that they would return within a week or two. Their leaders had promised them that the Arab armies would crush the `Zionist gangs' very quickly, and that there was no need for panic or fear of a long exile."
The initiative for the flight was indeed no secret. One of the famous American newspapermen of the time, Kenneth Bilby, who had covered Palestine for years, explained the Arab leaders' rationale for the flight in his book New Star in the East, published in 1950: "Let the Arabs flee into neighboring countries. It would serve to arouse the other Arab countries to greater effort, and when the Arab invasion struck the Palestinians could return to their homes and be compensated with the property of Jews driven into the sea."
There is also the piquant report in the files of the British police at Haifa, of how the leaders of the Jewish community pleaded with the leaders of the Arab community not to leave Haifa, and how the Arabs refused. There is too, in the annals of the UN Security Council, a speech by Jamal Husseini heaping praise on the Arabs of Haifa for refusing to stay put and insisting adamantly on leaving their homes. The British police then kindly provided transport and helped the Haifa Arabs across the Lebanese and Transjordanian borders.
When, four months after the invasion, the prospect of the flightlings' retuning "in a few weeks" had faded, there were some recriminations. Emil Ghoury, a member of the Palestinian Arabs' national leadership, said in an interview with the Beirut newspaper, Daily Telegraph: "I don't want to impugn anybody, but only to help the refugees. The fact that there are these refugees is the direct consequence of the action of the Arab states in opposing partition and the Jewish state.
"The Arab states agreed upon this policy unanimously, and they must share in the solution of the problem."
The policy adopted inside the country was emphasized by the leaders of the invasion. The prime minister of Iraq, Nuri Said, thundered: "We will smash the country with our guns and obliterate every place the Jews seek shelter in. The Arabs should conduct their wives and children to safe areas until the fighting has died down."
One of the Arabs who fled later succinctly summarized the story of the refugees in the Jordanian newspaper Al-Difaa: "The Arab governments told us: Get out so that we can get in. So we got out, but they did not get in."
Later, after the fighting began, many Arab villagers who believed the false rumors of a massacre at the village of Deir Yassin "panicked and fled ignominiously before they were threatened by the progress of the war." So wrote the British general Sir John Glubb, who commanded the Transjordanian army. Throughout the war there were two incidents - at Ramle and Lod - in which a number of Arab civilians were driven out of their homes by Israeli soldiers.
The total number of Arabs who evacuated, even according to the British Mandate's statistics, could not have been more than 420,000. This figure conforms roughly also to the figure published from Arab sources, and by the UN.
The central, horribly cruel fact is that the Arab states - who had brought about their plight - denied them residence rights; and the idea was born that they should be left in camps and used as a weapon for Israel's destruction. "The return of the refugees," said president Nasser of Egypt years later, "will mean the end of Israel."
It was in the immediate aftermath of the war that the refugee scam was developed into an international operation. As soon as the UN Disaster Relief Organization started providing food, shelter, clothing and medical attention to the Arabs who had fled Palestine, a mass of needy Arabs descended on the camps from all over the Arab states. The organization had no machinery for identification; so the arrivals simply signed the register as refugees and received the free aid.
Already in December 1948, the director of the Relief Organization, Sir Rafael Cilento, reported he was feeding 750,000 "refugees." By July 1949 the UN reported a round million.
The Red Cross International Committee joined the party. It pressed for the recognition of any destitute Arab in Palestine as a refugee. Thus about 100,000 were added to the list.
To add a touch of mordant humor, the Red Cross authority wrote about the additional people that: "It would be senseless to force them to abandon their homes to be able to get food as refugees."
So these people stayed at home, received their free services there, and were added to the rolls of the refugees.
Thus - and by other more expectable means of humanistic falsification we have, in the third generation, a large amorphous mass of Arabs, all of them comfortably lumped together in official UN lists as Arab refugees, described as "victims of Israeli aggression" and demanding the right of "return."
While everybody in Israel has rejected the Arab demand for accepting the return of the "refugees," the government has not rejected the idea that if negotiations for a settlement take place the problem of the refugees will be discussed. Moreover, there has been talk of "compensation" by Israel.
There have even been voices suggesting the return of a "symbolic few" of the refugees. Israel must, from the outset and forever, unequivocally reject such ideas.
Just Say "No!"
Once and for all, Israel must remind whoever has to be reminded that the responsibility for the displaced Arabs lies wholly and absolutely on the shoulders of the Arab states. Their utterly unprovoked invasion of the territory of Israel in May 1948 was a crime.
Its declared intent was a crime. Six thousand Israel citizens were killed in that war, and thousands of others were injured. It was the Arab states that called on the Arab population to evacuate, all in order to facilitate accomplishment of their evil purpose.
It is a hutzpa of historical dimensions and significance to ask Israel to even discuss giving an inch or paying a penny of the price of the refugee problem. And it is dangerous for any Israeli spokesman to even agree to take part in any discussion of the subject - at any forum or in any context whatsoever.
Indeed, the Israeli government should long ago have declared - but even now it is not too late: "We shall not participate in any discussion of the so-called refugee problem. This is a problem the Arab nation must solve for itself in its own spacious territories."
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by toady
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:48 AM
MAPS DON'T LIE Map of Israel, Geography, zionism, Israel, Geography Israel, Maps of Israel, Golan Heights, Golan, Hula Valley, Hullah Valley, Palestine, Palestinian, Middle East, middle east peace, maps
Israel: The Most Disputed strip of Real Estate on Planet Earth! Map of Israel, Geography, zionism, Israel, Geography Israel, Maps of Israel, Golan Heights, Golan, Hula Valley, Hullah Valley, Palestine, Palestinian, Middle East, middle east peace, maps In a Nutshell... Animation Showing Israel in Relation to the Arab/Muslim Countries. Click HERE
Unlike Islam's Koran, which commands Muslims to force the entire planet to submit to literal control by Islam, the Jewish Torah promises the children of Israel a modest and reasonable allotment of land. Israel in RED , is a democratic nation 1/19th the size of California, surrounded by 22 hostile Arab/Islamic dictatorships with 640 times her size, 60 times her population and ALL the oil. How dare Arab propagandists call Israel "expansionist!" And how dare anyone believe them! How can Israel, which occupies one-sixth of one percent of the lands called Arab, be responsible for the political dissatisfaction of 22 Arab countries? How can the 13 million Jews in the world (almost 5 million fewer than they were in 1939!) be blamed for the problems of the 300 million Arabs, who have brotherly ties to 1.4 billion Muslims worldwide? Israel is an oasis of Western Democracy and Judeo/Christian morality in the middle of an otherwise totalitarian Arab/Muslim Middle East. For over 55 years since she became a nation in 1948, Israel has sought peaceful coexistence with neighbors dedicated to her destruction. Thus far only Egypt and Jordan have formalized a peace treaty. In reality, these two peace treaties are are questionable.
Satellite Photo Showing Israel Hold mouse pointer over each Yellow Dot Only 1/640th the land mass occupied by the 22 Arab States. Is Israel REALLY "taking over" the Arab Middle East?
Israel is one of the tiniest nations on the face of the earth... only about 8,000 sq. miles, 2½ times the size of Rhode Island and only slightly larger than the Canary Islands!. It is only 260 miles at its longest, has a 112-mile coastline, 60 miles at its widest, and between 3 and 9 miles at its narrowest! A very high-powered rifle could launch a projectile right across the country! This is particularly frightening when one considers that 65% of Israel's population is within this 9-mile wide section (Tel Aviv area). Yet Arab propagandists call Israel "expansionist" and the "aggressor" against all Arab peoples. For those unfamiliar with the Arab interpretation of "aggressor," it means one who dares fight back against Arab aggression!! So even though Israel may have fought only defensive wars, the mere fact that she resisted total destruction is viewed as an "act of aggression." That's a case of wacky logic but, unfortunately, Israel doesn't have the luxury of picking her enemies!
a. 3 miles wide here b. Golan Heights c. Sea of Galilee d. Jordan River... Sea of Galilee to Dead Sea e. 1967 "Green Line"... the 1949 armistice lines separating Israel from its heartland of Judea-Samaria when Jordanian forces illegally annexed it. After the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, Israel regained that land... at which time the world began referring to Judea and Samaria as the "West Bank" in order to try to erase any Jewish connection to this historically Jewish land! f. 9 miles wide here g. Tel Aviv h. Jerusalem i. Dead Sea j. Gaza Strip: 5 miles x 25 miles
The surrounding 22 Arab countries are 640 times larger than tiny Israel yet they expect Israel to turn over all the West Bank, Gaza Strip, the Golan Heights and half of Jerusalem... territory they lost after they started the 1967 war!
Click Here for a Flash Video of "The Importance of Judea-Samaria Mountain Ridges in the Era of Modern Weaponry
Need More Proof? The photo below shows a west-east view of Northern Israel's Hula Valley (a---b). I took the photo from atop the Menara Cliffs, just above Kiryat Shmona (a). Behind me (not shown) is Lebanon. Along the entire top of the photo (light blue area) is Syria with the Golan Heights rising up from the Hula Valley. The distance from Kiryat Shimona (a) to base of Golan Heights (b) is only 3 miles!!! It's no wonder that underground bomb shelters are everywhere!
Read The 2-Minute Warning! for more details on mileage distances between Israel and her Arab neighbors.
For those who wish to have Israel relinquish Judea and Samaria ("West Bank") so that the Arabs can form a SECOND Arab "Palestinian" Nation (the first being Jordan), take a close look at the map (below right). Notice the 2,200 foot high Judean Mountains running North to South 60 miles along the entire length of the West Bank. A Palestinian sniper (of which there are many!) or a rocket launcher would have a bird's eye view of Israel's most densely-populated areas. Israel's Ben Gurion International Airport would also be just a few short miles from the edge of a West Bank Palestinian nation! Israel's capital city of Jerusalem would be nearly encased within Palestinian territory and jeopardizing its ability to survive an attack. In effect, Israel would be reduced to a defenseless nation 9 to 25 miles wide at areas separating Israel Proper from that enemies on her eastern flank! Also, if the Gaza Strip and the West Bank were joined to form a continuous "Palestinian" land mass, Israel would be cut in half! (below left)
Note: The Jordan River runs from the Sea of Galilee to the Dead Sea. It is the physical border separating Israel and the West Bank (Judea & Samaria) from the Kingdom of Jordan.
Look again at the above-left map. If Arafat and his Jew-murdering, Nazi terrorist thugs ever take possession of Judea-Samaria ("West Bank") and Gaza and call it their State, how will these two SEPARATE land areas (West Bank + Gaza) be connected? Will there be some underground tunnel? Some overhead bridge? Or will the Arabs simply demand a land corridor connecting these areas... in the process, cut Israel in half! This is a prescription for Israel's suicide and the Arabs know it! No nation is required to arrange the terms of her own suicide. Any peace-making must be at the negotiating table and not upon an autopsy table! If Israel were to turn over land of this magnitude, they would be signing their own death certificates. The Arabs of Judea-Samaria will just have to find some other place to pitch their tents... preferably in East Palestine (a.k.a. Jordan) or in any of the other 21 Arab Nations that surround Israel!
tiny tiny tiny tiny
Israel would fit INSIDE nearly every U.S. state! In fact, tiny Israel would fit into the United States (Alaska & Hawaii included) 768 times! Israel could fit into Florida SEVEN times! The United States is a country surrounded by two vast oceans and two friendly countries, Canada and Mexico. Yet the United States Government has the nerve to tell Israel what it must, and must not do, for her own survival or in the name of some phony "Road Map" for Middle East Peace! Keep in mind that the United States has still not placed its U.S. Embassy in Israel's 3,000-year-old capital city of Jerusalem so as not to "offend" the Arab world's collective sensitivities! Well, we say it's about time for the United States government to show some backbone. How does Israel's size compare to other countries and regions? Click HERE
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by toady
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 10:58 AM
So Much Time... So Little Learned! Question: The poor [Arab] Palestinians are still living in refugee camps throughout the Arab world. When will they be able to go back to their homes? Better Question: "What in hell are these people doing in refugee camps more than half a century later!" The conflict between Israel and the Arab world is not about the borders of the Jewish State. Simply put, the core of the conflict is about Israel's mere existence! Grab a map and look throughout the Arab NearEast-MiddleEast and much of Africa and Asia. Israel is the ONLY non-Muslim nation. It is also the only democracy! Sure, Lebanon functioned somewhat as a bi-national Christian/Muslim nation until Yasser Arafat and his Palestine Liberation Organization [PLO] Arab-"Palestinian" thugs set up shop there in 1970. Soon after their arrival, they set up a "state within a state" and instigated a 15 year Muslim-Christian civil war (1970-85). The havoc that Arafat unleashed upon a once civilized Lebanon has been a standard of his long career. As a direct result of this rape of the the once beautiful "Land of the Cedars," Lebanon has essentially become just another Arab-Muslim nation... in fact, a terrorist Muslim nation. If THIS is what happens when Christians try to share power with Muslims, one can only imagine Jews trying the same! And having Arafat and his Palestinian State alongside Israel's belly is also not such a pleasant thought! So much for the "poor suffering Arab-Palestinians!" Throughout most of the Arab-Muslim world, hatred toward the Jews is preached in mosques where the "Zionist entity" is portrayed as a diabolical threat. This characterization of the Jews is taught in refugee camps where Israelis are known as the "usurpers and barbarians" who have expelled the "poor Palestinian Arabs" from their homes. It is taught in all Arab schools, spoken over the television and radio waves and written in books and newspaper editorials. The latest "fashionable" spread of Arab propaganda and lies is via the Internet. Even a whole new non-Muslim audience is now being brainwashed with patently untrue tales of Arab suffering at the hands of the Jews. It is important to note that the world has seen hundreds of millions of REFUGEES... more than 135 million during the 20th-century alone. It's a natural and expected end result of wars. The Palestinian refugee problem is rooted in the 1948-49 Arab-Israeli War. In 1947, realizing that the Jewish and Arab communities of Palestine could not live together in one state, the U.N. General Assembly adopted Resolution 181, which recommended partitioning Palestine into two states... one Jewish and one Arab [left map]. While the Jews accepted this plan, the Arabs rejected it, claiming that all of Palestine belonged to them. And when Israel declared its independence on May 14, 1948, seven neighboring Arab states attacked it in an attempt to prevent its creation... and to slaughter every Jewish man, woman and child! In the wake of this war, approximately 420,000 Arab- Palestinians fled to Arab states from the portion of Palestine that is now Israel. Arabs remaining in Israel numbered 140,000. The total number of Arabs who left could not mathematically have been more than some 420,000This is the number according to the British Mandate's statistics and conforms roughly also to the figure published from Arab sources, and by the UN. Conveniently not mentioned was that only 15% of these fleeing Arab "Palestinians" were actually landowners... the remainder were simply squatters! And practically never acknowledged by the Arab world was that 860,000 Jewish refugees fled from Arab countries to Israel! The latter are the refugees the Arab world seems to forget mentioning when they squawk about refugees! For example, before the Jewish Palestinians declared their State of Israel in 1948, there were 350,000 Jewish people in Iraq alone... fully one-fifth of Baghdad's citizens were Jewish! After the creation of the State of Israel hundreds of thousands of the Iraqi Jews fled for their lives. Most went to Israel. Today, there are 38 Jews left in Baghdad. In Basra, Iraq there is just one old woman. In Mosul, Amarah, and other Iraqi cities where Jews had lived for more than two thousand years, their communities have vanished without trace! This population exchange mirrored far larger population movements following the end of World War II, which involved millions of Hindus and Muslims in India and Pakistan, as well as Poles, Germans and MANY other nationalities in Central and East Europe. These population exchanges were resolved through the integration of all refugees into host states. While Israel absorbed the Jewish refugees, the Arab states refused to allow such resettlement and integration of their Palestinian brethren, preferring instead to exploit the Arab-"Palestinian" refugees to serve their own political agendas. And now, more than a half century since the Jewish-"Palestinians" became "Israelis," many of the Arab-"Palestinian" refugee camps remain throughout Judea-Samaria (a.k.a. "West Bank"), Lebanon, Jordan and Syria. Of course, many of these so-called "refugee camps" include double and triple level homes in which one can find computers and Internet connections! However, they STILL guard their "refugee status" so as appeal to "suckers" around the world! Are you one of them? We don't hear about any Jewish refugees who were thrown out of many Arab countries in 1948 for most of them were absorbed by their fellow Jews within Israel. The children and grandchildren of these Jewish refugees are now free and productive citizens. Yet, while the Arabs throughout the Middle East cry crocodile tears for their poor suffering "Palestinian" brothers and sisters, none of the 24 Arab countries has opened their arms to embrace them as new citizens. Instead, these refugees and their descendants were dumped into camps of poverty and degradation for the world to see, further fanning the flames of hatred. Ironically, the Arabs who did not flee and, instead, remained inside Israel became Israeli-Arab citizens have fared far better than those in Arab countries! The bottom line is that today's Arab "Palestinian" refugees are not now, and never were, the problem or responsibility of Israel. The truth is that nearly 70% of the Arab Palestinians who left in 1948 – perhaps 300,000 of them – never saw an Israeli soldier! The remaining 30% either (1) saw for themselves that these Jews would fight and die for their new nation and decided to pack up and leave or (2) were driven off the land as a normal consequence of war. The Arab armies did not give up trying to destroy Israel after their initial failure in 1948-9. They tried again in the June 1967 Arab-Israeli War. Once again they lost and another million Arabs... from the (Jordanian) "West Bank," (Egyptian) Gaza Strip and the (Syrian) Golan region.... added to the Arab Palestinian refugee list. It must be stressed that the Palestinian Arabs (abetted and "stirred up" by neighboring Arab nations) started BOTH the 1948 and 1967 wars leading to their refugee status! Talk about "Sore Losers!" The solicitous attitude toward the Palestinians is a prime example of that most entrenched of international double standards -- one rule for Israel , another for everyone else. Not only the Arabs who left what became Israel , but their children and grandchildren have been granted refugee status in perpetuity by the United Nations. Clearly, most of the five million "Palestinian refugees" have never set eyes on their “homeland!” SUMMATION... What makes the Palestinian Arabs stand out among the world's refugees is that they created their own pathetic situation or were misled by their leaders. In 1923, the Arab Palestinians were given 75% of Palestine in which to form their first Arab- Palestinian state of Jordan. The Jewish Palestinians were supposed to be given the remainder. However, the Arabs wanted ALL. So 24 years later in1947 this remaining 25% that remained of the original "Palestine" was to be re-divided again into equal portions... the Arab Palestinians would be given their second nation while the Jewish Palestinians would be given their one and ONLY state. But still, as before and as ALWAYS, the Arabs wanted it all ... "every last inch" and "every last grain of sand" as they said then and as they say now! And so in 1948 they and their fellow Arabs in neighboring states launched an all-out war on the this newly-created Jewish Palestinian nation [Israel] and lost. God blessed the Jewish Nation... the Arabs took a chance and lost. Tough Luck for them! Bur get this... now, more than a half century later, they demand that Israel give them what was first offered in 1947! And, during that same half century, Israelis have build large, thriving communities with roads, hospitals, universities, synagogues, electric grids, communications facilities, post offices and other civil infrastructures within that liberated land. Are they to pack up and "ethnically cleanse" THEMSELVES from this territory so that Arabs can simply move in? Things permitted to other nations are forbidden to the Jews of Israel. Other nations drive out thousands, even millions of people and there is no refugee problem. Russia did it, Poland and Czechoslovakia did it and surely the Germans did it. Turkey threw out a million Greeks, and Algeria tossed out a million Frenchman. Indonesia threw out heaven knows how many Chinese-and no one says a word about refugees. And the Arabs threw out 860,000 Jews just in 1948 alone! But in the case of Israel, the relatively small number of displaced Arabs have become the world's eternal refugees! The only thing that makes them so special is that they helped create their own refugee status! What was offered to these Arab Palestinians in 1947 can NOT be offered once again. The State of Israel has developed into a first class democracy and sees no reason to dissect and weaken herself to the point where the Arabs can try to destroy her again! NO normal nation can be asked to do that and neither should Israel! The world should have far more important things to concern itself with other than the Arabs' constant belly-aching! As they say, "Get a Life, Already!" "But I Don't Wanna Get a Life!" Arab Palestinian children are suckled on their mother's milk which is then blended with large doses of anti-Semitism! Reality Check 1. The Arab "Palestinians" [back by the Arab World] remake history to serve their own interests, and their tales of woe and suffering are in reality intended to propagandize others into blaming Israel for all their problems. 2. From 1948 until the present, the actual number of Arabs who left "Palestine" as refugees decline through natural attrition and today they only number between 50,000 and 150,000. However, the United Nations (with its large anti-democratic, anti-Western and Arab-Muslim blocs) has see fit to confer official refugee status on ALL descendants of the original 1948 and 1967 Arab-"Palestinian" refugees. And so, instead of just 50,000 to 150,000 refugees, their numbers have inflated to between 3-5 MILLION! Talk about "hyper-inflation!" Talk about "cooking the books!" The "Poor Palestinians"... poor because Arafat's wife, Suha, needs to spend $40,000 a week in Paris! Other so-called "Palestinian leaders" have also hoarded untold amounts in Swiss accounts and elsewhere. But they are also "poor" in other ways such as in human decency and civil behavior. . More Setting the Record Straight... 1. Click HERE for Joseph Farah's MUST READ "The World's Collective Amnesia" article. 2. Click HERE for another brief, informative article on the Palestinian Refugees 3. Just Added Click Here for another concise article, "The Refugee Scam," by Shmuel Katz -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BEFORE YOU START FEELING TOO SORRY FOR THEM... We hear so often about peaceful Arab villages that were overrun by "Zionist Forces" and emptied of their peaceful inhabitants. In truth, Deir Yassin served as a center of weapons trafficking during the many violent Palestinian Arab outbreaks. Deir Yassin and other peaceful Arab villages lay along roads traveled by Jews... in particular, the roads leading into Jerusalem. As Jewish traffic passed by, some of these peaceful Arabs from the peaceful villages would slice, dice and other wise mutilate ambushed Jewish travelers. Operation Nachshon was launched on April 6, 1948 with the aim of opening up the road to Jerusalem. The village of Deir Yassin was included on the list of Arab villages to be occupied as part of that operation. Massacre of Jews on April 1, 1948... Three Days BEFORE Deir Yassin! Some woman were raped and murdered. Men often had their genitals cut off and jammed into their mouths! Most were simply dragged from their vehicles and then shot, knifed or beaten to death with rocks... EXACTLY what is happening NOW throughout Judea/Samaria (the "West Bank") and the Gaza Strip. Obviously killing Jews has been a time-honored tradition going back to the 1880s when other Jews died at the hands of these peaceful Arabs' grandparents... and going forward to the brutal massacre of Israeli reservists (click HERE for details) in late 2000 at the hands of their grandchildren! And if you add to these road massacres all the other sporadic attacks and organized "Arab Revolts" against Jews from the 1880s leading up to Jewish statehood in 1948, the peaceful Arabs of Palestine were hardly peaceful at all! Between 1947 & 1948, 600 noncombatants and women, were captured by the Palestinian Arabs. After the war ended, only ONE made it back alive. This when they had a prisoner exchange. All the 599 who did not make it back were slaughtered amid scenes of gang rape, sodomy and worse. They were dismembered, decapitated, mutilated and then photographed. Deir Yassin was one of those peaceful Arab villages that lay along the road to Jerusalem. The Jews had no choice but to remove this threat! The attack upon Deir Yassin has NEVER been forgotten by the Arabs. Even today, more than fifty years later, the Deir Yassin Memorial Committee still organizes vigils throughout the world to continue festering this wound to their pride. What makes this special to the Arabs is that it is the ONLY documented case of a Jewish massacre!!! We, however, prefer to call it was it REALLY is.... a "Pay Back!" And when other peaceful Arabs of Palestine heard that Jews were capable of paying them back in full massacre-for-massacre, there was mass panic as these peaceful Arabs fled for neighboring Arab territories. Present and future leaders of Israel should take note from this that it's sometimes better to forego formal negotiations and, instead, simply "speak THEIR language!" By the way, four days AFTER Deir Yassin, the Arabs massacred a bus convoy of 78 Jewish doctors and nurses heading up Mt. Scopus to the Hadassah Hospital. For the duration of the first Arab-Israeli War (Israel's War of Independence 1948-9), 600 Jewish noncombatants were captured by Palestinian Arabs. After the war ended, only ONE made it back alive. That was when there was a post-war prisoner exchange. All the 599 who did not make it back were slaughtered amid scenes of gang rape, sodomy, dismemberment and worse. And THESE are the same poor Palestinian refugees whom the American press corps (CNN in particular) and press coverage throughout the world hold up as innocent Palestinians being brutalized by Israel. Note: For a more detailed account of the event of Deir Yassin. click HERE REGARDING THE ARAB-PALESTINIAN "RIGHT OF RETURN" "Palestinian" refugees claim a "right of return" to Israel. Of course, virtually none of them ever lived in Israel -- they are the children and mostly grandchildren of those who fled in 1948. The total number of those who fled in 1948 is estimated to have been about 650,000. Now the number who wish to return has swollen to almost five million! This fundamental point should be understood clearly and without illusion: When Palestinians speak of implementing their "Right of Return" into Israel, they are not speaking of peaceful accommodation with Israel. What they ARE saying refers to a well-understood code phrase for the destruction of Israel. Indeed, the several hundred thousand Palestinian refugees who actually left the area that is now Israel have multiplied into more than 3-4 million people, most of whom are not refugees, but second and third generation descendants of the original refugees. If Israel opened its gates to an additional 3-4 million Palestinians, she would quickly disappear and be transformed into the 24th Arab state! Besides, after all the past wars and organized terrorism against the Jews of Israel, the Arabs sure have a lot of nerve demanding ANYTHING! * * * IS THERE A SOLUTION TO THE ARAB- PALESTINIAN REFUGEE PROBLEM? Probably not! There are reasons the Arab world just feeds ammunition to the Palestinians... but neither food nor immigration visas. Arab countries (and even non-Arab Muslim countries) are keeping them focused on Israel and away from THEM because the Palestinian Arabs are trouble-makers and have nothing but murdering Jews and revolution on their minds. They can't even grow a potato! Sadly, there are many things that could be done for them. Much of the Arab world has enormous petroleum wealth and vast unused territory. And sadly again, one thing is missing: the co-operation of the Arab World! With "jihad" in their collective brains, the 250 million Arabs (and many of the 1.2 BILLION Muslims) will continue devising new ways of murdering Israel's 5 million Jews and thus the conflict will never end until either Israel or the Arab world disappears! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ready To Take a Little Quiz? If you are so sure that “Palestine, the country, goes back through most of recorded history”, I expect you to be able to answer a few basic questions about that country of "Palestine:" 1. When was it founded and by whom? 2. What were its borders? 3. What was its capital? 4. What were its major cities? 5. What constituted the basis of its economy? 6. What was its form of government? 7. Can you name at least one Palestinian leader before Arafat? 8. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation? 9. What was the language of the country of Palestine? 10. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine? 11. What was the name of its currency? Choose any date in history and try and find the approximate exchange rate of the Palestinian monetary unit against other world currencies on that date. 12. Have the Palestinians left any artifacts behind? 13. Do you know of a library where one could find a work of Palestinian literature produced before 1967? 14. And, finally, since there is no such country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur? 15. If the people you mistakenly call “Palestinians” are anything but generic Arabs collected from all over the Arab world, if they really have a genuine ethnic identity that gives them right for self-determination, why did they never try to become independent until Arabs suffered their devastating defeat by Israel in the 1967Six Day War? The truth should be obvious to everyone who wants to know it. Arab countries have never abandoned the dream of destroying Israel; they still cherish it today. The fact is, Arabs populating Gaza, Judea, and Samaria have no legitimate claim to nationhood. The so-called “Palestinians” have only one motivation... the destruction of Israel. This is not sufficient to consider them a “nation” -- or anything else -- except what they really are: a "non-"People" led by various terrorist organizations. There is only one way to achieve piece in the Middle East. Arab countries must acknowledge and accept their defeat in their war against Israel and, as the losing side, should pay Israel reparations for the more than 50 years of devastation they have visited upon it. The most appropriate form of such reparations would be the removal of their terrorist organization from the land of Israel and acceptance of Israel's ancient sovereignty over Gaza, Judea, and Samaria. But don't hold your breath waiting for THAT to happen any time soon! The notion that the [Arab] "Palestinians" are an ancient people with thousands of years ties to the past is preposterous and they know it. They're banking on the fact that YOU don't know it. Please review the right column at http://masada2000.org and the historical page at http://masada2000.org/historical.html so you too can "Tell It Like It Is!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Do the so-called "Palestinians" Deserve a State? 2. Are They Capable of Running a State? 3. Are they Terminally Dependant on Outside Aid? 4. Are they Addicted to The United Nations Works and Relief Agency [UNWRA] Handouts? For the Answer Click HERE for a DeprogramProgram Audio
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by Becky Johnson
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 2:36 PM
Santa Cruz, CA.
As a refugee from the censorship and the anti-semitism which is promoted at Indybay.org, you can see why I have come back to LA Indymedia to engage in the debate.
It is wrong to post under another person's name. It does nothing to promote dialogue or understanding. It causes confusion, mis-information, and is a waste of bandwidth.
And yes, the pro-Israel folks have been doing it too.
It is an utter waste of space to spam repetitively the same screed in block text without responding to a single argument or posting any useful information whatsoever.
Posting ugly, offensive, or pornographic photos and connecting them with someone's name is a gross violation of the rules of Indymedia and of good taste.
If your goal is to reduce readership of this site to that of SF. IMC, because people come here and find this drooling hatred not even properly articulated, they will vote with their feet. Is that what you want?
I want a reasonable, respectful debate on a level playing field. What do you want? What do LA. IMC readers want?
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by Enough of that in mainstream media
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 2:42 PM
Good stuff www.ifamericansknew.org
I know, I know...lemme guess? You'll call Weir an antisemite, right??? Anyway, there's plenty of your perspective elsewhere.
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by charismatic megafauna
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 3:18 PM
I see you figured it out, too...it might also be for autoblocking to start.
So I have a question...I'm curious, I hope you don't mind...you mentioned Israel being Jew's historical homeland, seemingly supporting the right to the Jewish homeland in eretz Yisrael. How exactly are you not a Zionist?
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by Critical Thinker
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 3:26 PM
Yeah, how is she not a zionist?
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by Dang
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 5:14 PM
She isn't a Zionist She just plays one on Indy. Not very gracefully
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by Becky Johnson
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 6:22 PM
Santa Cruz, CA.
1. I am not Jewish 2. I have never been to Israel 3. I am not a member of any Zionist organization (I consider Dafka.org to be a pro-Israel organization) 4. As a complete outsider, I hold the opinion that Israel has a right to exist as the national homeland for the Jews 5. One time I tried to explain to a Jew what I thought a Zionist was. He shook his head and said "No, no, no!" I was so confused as to what a Zionist even is that I became more sure that I can't be something if I don't know what it is, and I am not a member of any zionist organization. Zionists get to take the credit for founding Israel, not me. 6. Zionism basically completed its task on May 14, 1948 -- I wasn't even born then!!
How can I take credit by declaring myself a Zionist? I am outraged at the bias and hatred generated against Israel and the Jews. Both in my progressive, liberal community, and by the Lutheran faith I was raised under. I could defend Israel until I die and never begin to balance out the damage done by the Lutheran Church or the liberals in Santa Cruz. Rghteous gentile maybe, but Zionist? I don't see how.
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by charismatic megafauna
Sunday, May. 21, 2006 at 7:51 PM
Zionism does mean very different things to different people...I know some who, when asked "are you a Zionist," feel the need to respond, "define Zionist."
I personally think of it as someone who supports the right to a Jewish homeland, but once again, my definition isn't necessarily universal.
Thanks for answering the question, I was just curious.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, May. 22, 2006 at 7:38 AM
Does the Jewish homeland have to rest over the crushed lives of its former inhabitants?
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by Scapegoated Jew
Monday, May. 22, 2006 at 7:50 AM
Does the Palestinian Vaterland have to rest over the crushed lives and souls of its former non-Muslim inhabitants?
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by Come on judasgoat
Monday, May. 22, 2006 at 9:02 AM
yada yada where's your sources, Mr autowhiner..we already know how you feel...
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by Islam is Scapegoated
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 3:55 AM
'autosquealer' doesn't do sources, unless they are extreme right wing-nut ones.
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by Islam is unjustly exalted
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 4:41 AM
'Autoblocked' does excellent sources while toady only trolls to disrupt conversation and deface a website. .
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by Islam is Scapegoated
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 4:54 AM
We'll be waiting for some legitimate primary sources, skippy.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 6:46 AM
You've got any valid sources, or you're just full of kaka like you mimicry of my phraseology as in "mirror" and "scapegoated"?
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by Islam is the Global Scapegoat
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 7:43 AM
Still waiting Bucko
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by Not a Dhimmi No More!
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 7:47 AM
You forgot about the OIL Weapon, again. The Islamic world has so much oil wealth thats its rather impossible to "scapegoat" them. They have the money to buy power and influence.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 7:53 AM
I'm so pleased you've resolved not to abandon the floor to antisemitic dipshits like toady.
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by Critical Thinker
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 7:59 AM
He's hoping dhimmi boy will save him from having to support his arguments.
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by gehrig
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:01 AM
Oh, you're back to forging again, Toady?
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by Critical Thinker
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:04 AM
Back again spamming little troll for Jizrael?
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:18 AM
You just can't shake loose your tendency to mimic my rhetorical tools and phraseology, Charlie baby.
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by Islam is the Scapegoat
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:37 AM
You just can't shake loose your tendency to mimic my rhetorical tools and phraseology, Skippy.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:50 AM
You've lost. Time to return to your cesspit and your tripe stump proclamations of "trailer trash regurgitating right wing AM-nut radio slogans".
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by Slapping zionists is fun
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:53 AM
Notice how angry he is about being laughed off of indybay for the incessant spamming and trolling. Bet it hurts to know you lost. I deemed you powerless. LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!
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by Only to psychotic infants Toady
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:56 AM
Only to psychotic infants Toady. Grow up and go away. We're tired of your hateful idiocy.
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by Fanatic psycho Yid-bot
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 8:57 AM
It is hilarious to hear the term "hateful idiocy" coming from a fantatic troll who threatens people on line. Even Tia called you on your craziness, Skippy. You are dismissed.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 9:09 AM
And Tia wasn't calling him on craziness. That's your infantile spin of what happened.
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by Let's have a review
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:13 AM
Here's Tia calling Yidiot on his insanity (along w/ some of his psycho quotes) Going and casing a joint and then threatening people? Is that the joyous Jewish life? Ouch. SchtarkerYid by Good Choice! Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 2:12 PM
right there by Superior Granite and the St.Paul mission? Only two ways in or out? San Pablo or MLK? Lots of people, lots of cover? Good choice! We'll see you there. Hows this? by Tia Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 3:40 PM
Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 at 10:05 AM
Hey, I was there last night where were you? I was the guy in the plaid shirt and black knit watch cap standing across the street by Quiznos. Watching. Waiting.
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by Critical Thinker
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:22 AM
Can't touch the facts. Zionists hate facts.
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by Toady, you are an idiot
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:24 AM
But I will continue to attend and monitor anti-zionist events. The hate speech behind closed doors is threatening and shocking. Perhaps one day we'll meet in person but I'll know its you.
I also note that Toady hasn't answered a single question asked. He just raves on and on.
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by G-d
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:27 AM
Troller for Zion! LOL! You get so mad that you make your little keyboard warrior threats. No one is scared little troll, no one is scared. It just reveals your lunacy that you are such a fanatic that you would go to such lengths--and take yourself seriously to boot! LOL! You are a complete joke. Still waiting for autowhiner to respond. autowhiner hates facts like most zionsit whackos do
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by Toady, you're just pitiful
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:41 AM
Say one thing that reflects intelligence. Just once. I really don't believe that you can do it.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:43 AM
There was nothing to respond to, just your endless cackling stupidity. We're not at fault that you've smoked a few types of weeds to a stupor.
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by G-d
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:54 AM
Auto-goat's quote:"And Tia wasn't calling him on craziness. That's your infantile spin of what happened. "
Uh, any rational thinking person could see otherwise. I'm sure you didn't expect me to pull the quote and support my allegations. But, alas, you were wrong again auto-goat. Dismissed.
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by G-d
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:54 AM
Auto-goat's quote:"And Tia wasn't calling him on craziness. That's your infantile spin of what happened. "
Uh, any rational thinking person could see otherwise. I'm sure you didn't expect me to pull the quote and support my allegations. But, alas, you were wrong again auto-goat. Dismissed.
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by G-d
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 10:54 AM
Auto-goat's quote:"And Tia wasn't calling him on craziness. That's your infantile spin of what happened. "
Uh, any rational thinking person could see otherwise. I'm sure you didn't expect me to pull the quote and support my allegations. But, alas, you were wrong again auto-goat. Dismissed.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:05 AM
For one, you're no rational thinking person, delusions aside. For another, even individuals who are may arrive at different conclusions.
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by Toady, you are an idiot
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:05 AM
Toady, you are an idiot
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by G-d is dense
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:08 AM
Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called him on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself. "
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by G-d's cheese
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:15 AM
Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called him on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself.
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by Toady, you're just pitiful
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:18 AM
Toady, you're just pitiful.
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by Still waiting for auto-nut
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:19 AM
Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called Yidsky on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself.
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by Toady, you are an idiot
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:21 AM
Toady, you are an idiot
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by G-d's crust
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:26 AM
Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called Yidsky on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself.
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by Toady, you remain an idiot
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:32 AM
Toady, you remain an idiot
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by G-d's review
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:34 AM
Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called Yidsky on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:35 AM
'Toady' must be awefully desperate to spam his crap non-stop to keep himself bust today. That's probably what he meant by turning to "real activism". Creatures like him are a waste of oxygen.
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by You got checked
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:37 AM
Again, you have been humiliated and proven wrong. You lied and were caught. You are being laughed at. Can you respond. I'll give you 5 more min. and that's it Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called Yidsky on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself.
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by Toady, one day we'll meet
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:40 AM
Toady, one day we'll meet. I'll know before you do. Hows that?
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by Still can't answer auto-boy?
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:44 AM
Again, you have been humiliated and proven wrong. You lied and were caught. You are being laughed at. Can you respond. I'll give you 5 more min. and that's it Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called Yidsky on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. " Couldn't have said it bette rmyself.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:50 AM
I've got nothing to answer. What ever happened to your "real activism" you were about to take up that you told us about maybe 20 minutes ago? Evidently you're full of shit even on that. You've proven yourself a hilariously empty tool. You're only good for being toyed with in IMCs.
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by Toady, one day we'll meet
Tuesday, May. 23, 2006 at 11:57 AM
Toady, one day we'll meet
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by G-d is dead
Wednesday, May. 24, 2006 at 4:14 AM
Here's Tia's quote and there's not much room for interpretation here...she clearly called Yidsky on his nutty shit:
"Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. "
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by Isn't that subsidizing terror?
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 5:17 AM
Why do we give them billions per year in cash/military handouts if they are such a prosperous country? Aren't we subsidizing the subjugation of the Palestinian people?
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by Thats a really ignorant thing to say
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:33 AM
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing. "Anti-zionists" only know that the U.S. gives Israel money. They don't even think about how much money the U.S. gives other countries, including the Palestinian Authority or why.
The U.S., through Jimmy Carter brokered a peace deal between Israel and Egypt. Israel gave the Sinai back to Egypt (by the way, more territory from the Six Day war than Israel retained) and the U.S. agreed to give money to BOTH Egypt and Israel. Its interesting to note that Egypt refused to take back Gaza, their territory before '67. Apparently insisting on Egypt taking back Gaza would have been a deal killer.
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by zionist deflections
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:42 AM
Israel is the #1, Egypt #2 and (last I checked, #3 Colombia) But of course these comments weren't talking aobut Egypt...
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by Scapegoated Jew
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 7:52 AM
Anti-piece, anti-democratic despotic theocratic regimes like Egypt, Jordan and the PA receive a bit more than Israel. But anti-Zionists never care because any sum of welfare spent on these regimes sponsors oppression they could care much less about while some of it actually funds belligerence against Jews. To them that's money put to excellent use.
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by Israel is #1 U.S. welfare recipient
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 8:02 AM
Israel is #1 U.S. welfare recipient. Check your facts. and combinging other countries doesn't count.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 8:15 AM
... because they know that categorization of aid funds along such a thematic line that necessitates such a grouping seriously damages their anti-Israel arguments.
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by Typical, here's a mirror
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 8:35 AM
because they know that categorization of aid funds along such a thematic line that necessitates such a grouping seriously damages their pro-Israel arguements.
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by gimme a break
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 8:35 AM
what kind of crap logic is this? Bringing up the cooked books of your argument about additive foreign aid being less than specific aid- "seriously damages their anti-Israel arguments"(?) You work for Enron?
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by Scapegoated Jew
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 8:45 AM
This rhetorical exercise in futility signifies anti-Zionist inability to deal with the inconvenient facts.
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by G-d is a toad
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 9:10 AM
Still waiting for you to refute Atzmon??? That's what I thought
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by Fun facts about Jerusalem
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 10:29 AM
Did you know that the previous President of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) Professor, Judge Schwebel wrote:
"As between Israel, acting defensively in 1948 and 1967, on the one hand, and her Arab neighbors, acting aggressively in 1948 and 1967, on the other, Israel has better title in the territory of what was Palestine, including the whole of Jerusalem." [italics by EH]
Did you know that Arthur Goldberg, the former U.S. Ambassador to the UN (in 1967) who helped draft resolution 242, testified in regard to the omission of Jerusalem from Resolution 242:
"I never described Jerusalem as occupied territory. Resolution 242 in no way refers to Jerusalem and this omission was deliberate." [italics by EH]
Did you know that if UN Resolution 181 was valid today (which it is not), then so is the provision in Part III-D of the Resolution that stipulates that after 10 years, the city's international status could be subject to a referendum of all Jerusalemites regarding a change in the status of the city - a decision that today, as in the past, would have been made by the city's decisive Jewish majority.
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by YAWN. Bo-o-o-ring
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 10:43 AM
To be expected from a shill like Yid, here's some of his other gems:
Going and casing a joint and then threatening people? Is that the joyous Jewish life? Ouch. SchtarkerYid by Good Choice! Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 2:12 PM
right there by Superior Granite and the St.Paul mission? Only two ways in or out? San Pablo or MLK? Lots of people, lots of cover? Good choice! We'll see you there.
Here's a more rational zionist admonishing the nut:
Hows this? by Tia Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 3:40 PM
Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. Here's his response: (more threats) Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 at 10:05 AM
Hey, I was there last night where were you? I was the guy in the plaid shirt and black knit watch cap standing across the street by Quiznos. Watching. Waiting.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 10:49 AM
We've seen your own shit right above spammed a zillion times now. Yid's last post was only submitted once. You're an inconsequential fruitloop spammer. Isn't your "real activism" suffering now?
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by Get a clue little sheeplet
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 10:56 AM
Get a clue little sheeplet. You are a complete joke.
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by Gotta educate you ignorant haters
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 11:02 AM
Gotta educate you ignorant haters.
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by Like this? With threats?
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 11:22 AM
That'll really work.. Going and casing a joint and then threatening people? Is that the joyous Jewish life? Ouch. SchtarkerYid by Good Choice! Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 2:12 PM
right there by Superior Granite and the St.Paul mission? Only two ways in or out? San Pablo or MLK? Lots of people, lots of cover? Good choice! We'll see you there. Hows this? by Tia Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 3:40 PM
Come on Yid- now you are getting weird, even by my very loose standards. The only way to do something that has any intergrity is to do it open and notoriously. The sneaky thing just doesn't fly. Most times. The threatening thing just doesn't fly. Ever. Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 at 10:05 AM
Hey, I was there last night where were you? I was the guy in the plaid shirt and black knit watch cap standing across the street by Quiznos. Watching. Waiting.
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by Yes,if thats what it takes
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 12:03 PM
Yes,if thats what it takes. Sometimes you have to "school" ignorant haters. Why, do you have a problem with me that you'd like to meet and discuss in person?
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by jobe
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 2:39 PM
That's so precious! Preemptive correction. From our friends for the Zionist lobby, I for one can hardly wait to 'meat' one of you in possession of such an attitude.
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by Jewish self help
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 3:51 PM
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by cowardly blowhard
Friday, May. 26, 2006 at 4:06 PM
>Going and casing a joint and then threatening people? >Is that the joyous Jewish life?
Going and casing a joint and then threatening people, but *not following through*, is the act of a cowardly blowhard.
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by Never a threat
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:47 AM
The fact that I attend "anti-zionist" events is what you all find threatening. That your hate sppech isn't a secret is the real threat you fear. If you are embarrassed that someone might see your public behaviour, then change your behaviour.
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by Not even close
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 8:54 AM
Never a threat:
SchtarkerYid by Yes,if thats what it takes Thursday, May. 25, 2006 at 3:03 PM
Yes,if thats what it takes. Sometimes you have to "school" ignorant haters. Why, do you have a problem with me that you'd like to meet and discuss in person?
Never. Ever.:
SchtarkerYid by Good Choice! Monday, May. 01, 2006 at 2:12 PM
right there by Superior Granite and the St.Paul mission? Only two ways in or out? San Pablo or MLK? Lots of people, lots of cover? Good choice! We'll see you there.
Thursday, Nov. 17, 2005 at 10:05 AM
Hey, I was there last night where were you? I was the guy in the plaid shirt and black knit watch cap standing across the street by Quiznos. Watching. Waiting.
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by Your confession
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:01 AM
Your confession! So you really DON'T want me watching your events, identifying you, responding to anti-zionist threats, listeningto your "private" rants, etc. Too bad. I'll be there. Deal with it.
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by typical Zionist troll
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:05 AM
He'll be there, but he doesn't have enough spine to identify himself. What does this tell us?
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by Far more effective that way
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:06 AM
Far more effective that way. In fact, alot of the "anti-zionists" think that I'm one of theirs and that they know me. Any more fear that you'd like to express?
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by Tia
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 9:25 AM
I like to use street protests as an opportunity to interact with people. As often as not, an A.N.S.W.E.R. organizer will run interference and try to prevent this from happening. "Don't engage them", people are warned.
Well, the answer is obvious to me. Many of Israel's supporters are reasonable people involved in progressive causes. And we support Israel *because* we are reasonable people involved with progressive causes. But the mythology that A.N.S.W.E.R and similiar organizations push is that we are all right wing war mongering neo-cons. Its important for the enemies of truth to de-humanize us, just as they de-humanize the Israelis.
When we talk to people, on the street and on the Web, people learn the truth. The truth is dangerous to people like Nessie. Thats why he doesn't want us here. CM is an elected Green party representative. I'm active in environmental and women's issues. If the mindless sheep in the A.N.S.W.E.R. flock realize that you can support Israel and still be progressive, well, the flock is going to get considerably smaller.
So yeah- lets interact, lets engage- what do you have to lose?
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by Becky Johnson
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 3:36 PM
Santa Cruz, CA.
 carter-sadat-begin-1978.jpgdxtx1e.jpg, image/jpeg, 314x181
He's said so himself several times. And he has attempted to get the LA monitors to censor us or block our IP addresses like SF.IMC and Indybay.org do.
I, on the other hand, with rare exceptions, hope the monitors keep everything up. Nothing like the plain light of day, where the reader can hear what each side has to say, and draw their own conclusions.
Talk about OUR bandwidth is B.S.
I officially joined LA.IMC in August of 2000. That makes ME more of a member than Nessie! And I was involved from the beginning with www.santacruz.indymedia.org as one of the first reporters. It's supposed to be a tactic right? A tactic where real ordinary people, not big newspaper editors, get to make the news, write the news, publish the news, and comment on the news.
As much as Sheepdog would like to paint me as part of some big, well-financed "Zionist" lobby, I'm really just a former welfare mother of three who now works as a low-paid teacher.
What's this us/them thing anyway?
Don't you know there is no "them?" There is only us.
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by Sheepdog
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:28 PM
what are you doing, waiting for me to leave the board before talking about me? -As much as Sheepdog would like to paint me as part of some big, well-financed "Zionist" lobby- I noticed you never refuted my charge that you are being paid to promote zionism. Just thought I'd throw that in.
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by gehrig
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:41 PM
nessie: "lily livered blowhard -- He'll be there, but he doesn't have enough spine to identify himself. "
Ha! Why don't you show the man how it's done, nessie? Identify yourself. Even better, post a photo.
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by Changeling
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 4:53 PM
Changeling_au_2004@yahoo.com.au (+61)409 952 382 Melbourne, Australia
Tia: "But the mythology that A.N.S.W.E.R and similiar organizations push is that we are all right wing war mongering neo-cons. Its important for the enemies of truth to de-humanize us, just as they de-humanize the Israelis. " Well put, Tia. A.N.S.W.E.R are bodgy as! A.N.S.W.E.R's founder Ramsey Clarke is a passionate defender of Nazi war criminals. See "How Ramsey Clark Championed Baltic Nazi War Criminals...and he's still doing it." at http://emperors-clothes.com/ramsey/ramsey4.htm for details. How about this?! Extract from http://emperors-clothes.com/gilwhite/april20.htm But I only just now noticed something you missed. You criticized the demonstration held April 20th 2002 by ANSWER, a sub-group of Clark's IAC. Speakers and signs at that rally singled out Israel as the controlling force, or at least an equal partner, with the US in its Imperialist actions and took a totally anti-Israel line on the Arab-Israeli conflict. In the past only the racist and anti-Semitic part of the Right - such as David Duke of KKK fame and of course Pat Buchanan - suggested that Israel or pro-Israel forces control the US. But now we see the same thing being hinted or stated outright by a large part of what is, for some reason, still called the Left. One of the main slogans in leaflets announcing the ANSWER rally was: "Stop the Bush/Sharon war on Palestine - April 20th." ANSWER mobilized thousands of Arab-Americans behind that. What just hit me is their linking of 'Stop Israel' and 'April 20th'. Do you know what day April 20th is? It's definitely not obscure. I'm amazed we missed it. Neo-Nazis celebrate it everywhere, often by vandalizing synagogues and denouncing Israel. It's the birthday of Adolph Hitler. ============================================== Just a coincidence, nothing to worry about. NOT Frankly, I don't really have an opinion on the Mexican border issue. The *idealist* in me is for open borders (hey - we're all Humans!), however "open borders" doesn't address the underlying issues of why people are fleeing from Mexico in the first place. Moreover, the fact that A.N.S.W.E.R and a Nazi like Schwarzenegger (see http://arnoldexposed.com/ ) are for "open borders" makes me more than a little suspicious. All of this represents a pattern I see regularly in politricks. People who are basically good being used to support a nasty agenda which they aren't aware even exists. This is basically how it works - Idealism Induced Ignorance. It needs to be fought. Take care.
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by Tia
Saturday, May. 27, 2006 at 5:37 PM
"People who are basically good being used to support a nasty agenda which they aren't aware even exists. "
Sigh. Yes. Of course, that's what what they accuse of the Zionists of, as well.
The March 18, 2006 A.N.S.W.E.R. Rally was promoted to the Bay Area Arab Community in a very different manner than to the general community
I can't read the Arabic, but the english declares "Stop Racism Against Arabs and Muslims! Justice and Freedom for the people of Palestine ,Iraq and the Middle East and South Asia"
Yep, its all about coalition building. Through lies and misinformation.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 2:28 AM
http://www.systransoft.com/ (Arabic-English, English-Arabic online translator). Hope this can be of some help.
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by BFD
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 4:12 AM
So was Hitler. So what? This is a straw man, intended to distract you. Their humanity is not the issue. Their racist aggression is the issue. >In the past only the racist and anti-Semitic part of the Right - such as David Duke of KKK fame and of course Pat Buchanan - suggested that Israel or pro-Israel forces control the US. But now we see the same thing being hinted or stated outright by a large part of what is, for some reason, still called the Left. This is more bunk logic, specifically an ad hominem. Whether or not something is true or not is not determined by whom it is who states it, but by its consistence with the empirical data. It also begs the question. Neither Duke and Buchanan have suggested that Israel or pro-Israel forces control the US., merely one aspect of its foriegn policy. They are not the "only" ones to have done so, either. See: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/1727000.php
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by PS
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 4:15 AM
>But now we see the same thing being hinted or stated outright by a large part of what is, for some reason, still called the Left.
This begs the question by assuming that telling the truth about the Israel Lobby somehow makes one not a Leftist.
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by gehrig
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 7:11 AM
nessie: "Neither Duke and Buchanan have suggested that Israel or pro-Israel forces control the US"
Yes, folks, that's "anti-racist" nessie coming out swinging in defense of David Duke, his fellow antisemite. Oh, sorry, they're both claiming to be just anti-Zionist *wink wink*, right?
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by another Zionist lie
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 7:56 AM
Wrong. That's "nessie" coming out in defense of the truth. Gehrig, on the other hand, believes that where is enemies are concerned, truth doesn't matter.
This is also an ad hominem argument. Like all of gehrig's bunk logic, it is meant to distract you from the truth.
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by gehrig
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 8:14 AM
How can you tell when nessie's painted himself into the corner again?
He sez stuff like this: "Gehrig, on the other hand, believes that where is enemies are concerned, truth doesn't matter. This is also an ad hominem argument."
Yes, folks, he really did attack me for an ad hominem argument right after making an ad hominem argument.
Why? Because integrity and consistency means nothing to nessie. Sometimes he tries to hid his hypocrisy. Sometimes, like when he's weeping and wailing because he's been caught strenuously defending another overt antisemite nutcase in another thread, he doesn't bother.
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by off topic
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 8:18 AM
How can you tell when the Zionist propaganda mill doesn't want you to focus on a topic? They try to change the subject. When that doesn't work, they try try to drown out the truth with sheer noise. It;s a trick. Don't fall for it.
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by gehrig
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 8:21 AM
nessie: "Wrong. That's "nessie" coming out in defense of the truth. "
What does nessie mean by "the truth" in this case? The assertion that David Duke has not asserted that pro-Israel forces control the US outside -- direct quote -- "one aspect of its foreign policy."
Wow. I guess David Duke never says stuff like this: "These people who run Israel and support this neo-con cause are absolutely evil people, just the heart of evil. You see the evil not just in what they’re doing to the Palestinian people and the people in Gaza; you can see it in what they’re doing in America. Look at the Hollywood media and the morality it teaches our children. Who dominates that media? who teaches our children nothing but violence, [and] promotion of drugs? … Who destroys the home and the family? This is evil, what’s going on.… We have to defend ourselves from this worldwide Jewish extremist media and government and globalism that is wiping away the individual cultures and freedoms of this planet and bringing us to a new age of darkness."
Whole lotta stuff there that's way outside "one aspect of its foreign policy," and it's plainly talking about pro-Israel people as the evil force behind it all.
The real question, again, is what is it in nessie that drives him to defend even indefensible folks like David Duke?
And the answer is, duh, nessie's a raving antisemite, that's what.
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by typical Zionist ploy
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 10:07 AM
If it's not about "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy," it's off topic.
It's also full of lies, but they're off topic, too. Perhaps gehrig would like to start a thread about anti-Semitism and stop usong the subject to disrupt this thread.
Don't hold your breath.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 10:18 AM
You changed the topic to begin with and are now whining that you've been slapped down after you've been navigated into a corner. Get a new harmonica with a few more tunes.
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by gehrig
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 12:21 PM
nessie: "after you've been navigated into a corner"
Nessie constantly paints himself into corners. The fleeing of SF-IMC is just another corner he's painted himself into. It doesn't take any "navigation" -- only the recognition that he's done it once again, and that it's time to cue the "but they're off topic" whine -- the standard indication that nessie's out of arguments.
In this case, he doesn't want you to know that he's been caught in a direct lie while defending David Duke.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 12:30 PM
Gehrig: "nessie: "after you've been navigated into a corner" "
The only way I could turn into 'nessie' is if I remotely believed in incarnations. I'll settle for one lifetime.
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by Scapegoated Jew *to gehrig*
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 12:54 PM
Gehrig. First you preceded nessie's nym to quote me, after which I pointed out your mistake, and now you apprently dub me "sheep"?? Are you somehow physically ill now? Is is it that you're peculiarly disturbed?
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by Scapegoated Jew *to gehrig*
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 1:01 PM
Gehrig. First you preceded nessie's nym to quote me, after which I pointed out your mistake, and now you apparently dub me "sheep"?? Are you somehow physically ill now? Or is it that you're peculiarly disturbed? Note, I've never thought the harmonica motif was something only you're entitled to use against 'nessie' as if it's somehow your intellectual or emotional property. If that's your problem, deal with it.
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by so typical
Sunday, May. 28, 2006 at 4:01 PM
>he doesn't want you to know that he's been caught in a direct lie while defending David Duke.
I did no such thing. I merely pointed out that gehrig said something about Duke that was not true. This is not "defending Duke." This is defending truth. Gehrig says many things that are not true, about a wide variety of subjects. I point out as many as I can. There are so many that I cannot help but miss a few. Sorry about that. I'm trying as hard as I can.
But even if what he said about me were true, which it is not, it not only is off topic, it changes nothing. The Israel Lobby is what it is, no matter who points it out. The Zionist propaganda mill knows this all too well. That is why they are attacking the messengers instead of trying to refute what Mearsheimer and Walt have said. The very fact that gehrig, et al, are not only not refuting Mearsheimer and Walt said, but scrambling desparately to distract you from the fact, tells you everything you need to know about the topic of this thread.
Now back to the topic of this thread, which, as anyone capable of using a scrollbar can see is, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" and not "nessie," Duke, anti-Semitism, or anything else that has been thrown in your path by those who desparately fear what will happen if you think too long or too hard about who and what the Israel Lobby really is.
The Zionist propaganda mill is *disparate* to keep you from focusing on this, their greatest vulnerability. They will do *anything* to distract you. When bunk logic and outright lies don't work, they attempt to smother the thread with gibberish. Don't fall for it. Mearsheimer and Walt have struck a nerve. The Zionist propaganda mill has revealed this by the manic hysteria with which they have responded. Learn from thier behavior. To know the enemy is to know victory.
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by anti-racist
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 12:52 AM
>he doesn't want you to know that he's been caught in a direct lie while defending David Duke.
He did such a thing. Now he's lying that he merely pointed out that gehrig said something about Duke that was not true. This is defending Duke. This is also defending lies. Gehrig says many things that are true, about a wide variety of subjects. nessie distracts from as many as he can. There are so many that he cannot help but miss a few. He's feigning sorrow about that. He's trying as hard as I can to distract from more.
But even if what gehrig said about nessie weren't true, which it is not, it not only is on topic, it changes nothing. The anti-Israel Lobby is what it is, no matter who points it out. The anti-Zionist propaganda mill knows this all too well. That is why they are attacking the messengers instead of trying to refute what changeling and his friends have said. The very fact that nessie et al are not only not validating what Mearsheimer and Walt said, but scrambling desparately to distract you from the facts, tells you everything you need to know about the topic of this thread.
Now back to the topic of this thread, which, as anyone capable of using a scrollbar can see is, "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" and not "gehrig," Tia, Judaism, or anything else that has been thrown in your path by those anti-Zionists who desparately fear what will happen if you think too long or too hard about who and what the anti-Israel Lobbies really are.
The anti-Zionist propaganda mill is *desparate* to keep you from focusing on this, their greatest vulnerability. They will do *anything* to distract you. When bunk logic and outright lies don't work, they attempt to smother the thread with gibberish and porno. Don't fall for it. Mearsheimer and Walt have not struck a nerve. The anti-Zionist propaganda mill has revealed this by the manic hysteria with which they have responded to the debunkers. Learn from their behavior. To know the enemy is to know victory.
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by see what I mean?
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 2:29 AM
Once again they demonstrate what fundamentally dishonest people they are: http://www.sfimc.net/news/2002/12/1555696_comment.php#1692248 (snip) Sometimes they take something that an anti-Zionist has written, subtly alter it’s meaning by changing a few words, and post it under the name of the original author. (snip) * * * * * Zionists love to sign other people's names. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Osama bin Laden's name to, or Hamas' or the PLO's.
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by get your facts straight
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 2:49 AM
Once again he demonstrates what fundamentally dishonest a person he is: http://www.sfimc.net/news/2002/12/1555696_comment.php#1962248 (snip) Sometimes he takes something that a Zionist has written, subtlys alter its meaning by changing a few words, and posts it under the name of the original author. (snip) * * * * * Anti-Zionists love to sign other people's names. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Ehud Barak's name to, or Irgun's or the Haganah's.
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by fundamentally dishonest people
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:09 AM
People who do stuff like this can't be trusted to be telling the truth about anything.
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by bunk logic
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:15 AM
>Ther they go again
There is no coherent flow in this sentence.
>People who do stuff like this can't be trusted to be telling the truth about anything.
Indeed, people who construct unintelligable sentences can't be trusted to be telling the truth about anything.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:23 AM
anyone can see which faction will use each and every one of their VERY predictable responses of spam, 'bots and forgeries. Time for them to go.
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by gehrig
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:27 AM
To SJ -- you're right, and I was wrong. Sorry for the confusion.
Nessie -- you're still wrong. You made a claim on behalf of David Duke, minimizing his racism, that I demonstrated was false.
Why, you might ask, is nessie going around trying to minimize David Duke's racism, why did he lie to do it, and why is he lying now -- now that the evidence is out in front of everyone's noses -- by saying he didn't blatantly lie and that that lie was not instantly caught?
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by Scapegoated Jew
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:27 AM
See, Nike Novack (an Indybay contributor) believes there are quite a few readers who could fall for anything. Even for a satiric piece alleging to place the origins of the Palestinians in Africa from whence they supposedly migrated to Australia in 200,000 BC.
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by gehrig
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:33 AM
Sheep: "anyone can see which faction will use each and every one of their VERY predictable responses of spam, 'bots and forgeries. "
Spam -- well, that would be nessie, wouldn't it.
Bot -- well, it's hard to imagine a human more bot-like than nessie, with his rote, mechanical replies.
Forgeries -- well, that would be Toady, wouldn't it.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:42 AM
wow, you really don't believe that anyone *can* use a scroll bar. You individuals are so clumsy. I guess you view everyone with the same amount of discretion you have. Funny how ones own perceptions color their ability to judge others. amazing.
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by gehrig
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 4:09 AM
Just trying to open your eyes, little Sheep. The LA Indymedia agenda wasn't wrong to call it "zionist anti-zionist fights" because that's what they are. And -- lo and behold -- the forging, spamming, David-Duke-defending anti-Zionists have exactly zero room to play holier-than-thou.
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by Changeling
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 5:20 AM
Changeling_au_2004@yahoo.com.au (+61)409 952 382 Melbourne, Australia
so typical says: " The Zionist propaganda mill knows this all too well. That is why they are attacking the messengers instead of trying to refute what Mearsheimer and Walt have said."
Well, considering that the "Zionist propaganda mill" is just another element of the Globalist propaganda machine based largely at the CFR (Council on Foreign Relations), we certainly can't expect them to refute Mearsheimer and Walt's paper. That's not their job. Their job is (in part) to align the interests of Israelis - in the public mind - with the interests of the US establishment. Then, when the designed-to-fail war in Iraq becomes an undisputed failure, the US establishment can hand Iraq over to their covert allies among Iran's Islamists (see http://www.hirhome.com/iraniraq/guide-iraniraq.htm ) all the while pretending that it's all an unintended consequence of "mistakes" and lies which the public mind is being prepared to blame on "Pro-Israel forces".
So no, the "Zionist propaganda mill" won't bother refuting Mearsheimer and Walt's paper except maybe in ways which are quite absurd. That task is best left to those of us who realise that it is not only possible, but indeed highly desirable, to be both Pro-Israeli and Pro-Palestinian.
There is no obligation for anyone to subscribe to the phony dialectic of "Arabs Vs Israelis" - which is how the Global ruling elite's propaganda machine clearly wish us to perceive it.
Reply to Mearsheimer & Walt's "The Israel Lobby"
Historical and Investigative Research - 31 March 2006
by Francisco Gil-White
Just a few days ago, The Jerusalem Post carried the headline: "Harvard study: AIPAC leads US to act against own interests."[1] This was followed by a headline that read "The Israel conspiracy" in The Wall Street Journal, and then "Whos afraid of the Israel Lobby?" in The Los Angeles Times.[2] You get the picture.
What is all this noise about?
John Mearsheimer, from the University of Chicago, and Stephen Walt, from Harvard University, both political scientists, published a paper with the title, The Israel Lobby.[3] In this paper they claim that "For the past several decades...the centerpiece of US Middle Eastern policy has been its relationship with Israel," and they characterize the nature of this relationship as one of "unwavering [US] support for Israel." According to them, "the thrust of US policy in the region derives almost entirely from [US] domestic politics, and especially the activities of the Israel Lobby." This so-called Israel Lobby has such tremendous power over the US government, say Mearsheimer and Walt, that US foreign policy becomes pro-Israel to the point of hurting US interests. They write:
"Other special-interest groups have managed to skew [US] foreign policy, but no lobby has managed to divert it as far from what the [US] national interest would suggest..."
The most important offender in this Israel Lobby, the professors explain, is AIPAC (American Israel Public Affairs Committee).
But Mearsheimer and Walt are wrong.
Ill give you one example. Mearsheimer and Walt complain about the US money that yearly goes to Israel, and represent this as evidence of an exaggeratedly and absurdly pro-Israeli US foreign policy.
"Washington has provided Israel with a level of support dwarfing that given to any other state. It has been the largest annual recipient of direct economic and military assistance since 1976, and is the largest recipient in total since World War Two, to the tune of well over $140 billion (in 2004 dollars). Israel receives about $3 billion in direct assistance each year, roughly one-fifth of the foreign aid budget, and worth about $500 a year for every Israeli. This largesse is especially striking since Israel is now a wealthy industrial state with a per capita income roughly equal to that of South Korea or Spain."
The professors forget to mention, however, that this money comes at a very high price for the Israelis. Some years ago, the US threatened Israel repeatedly, for a period of 8 months, that it would lose all US economic assistance unless Israel accepted the PLO inside the Jewish state. The money was badly needed because at the time, Israel was trying to resettle hundreds of thousands of immigrants from the Soviet Union. But the PLO needed this US diplomacy more than Israel needed the money, because the PLO was then a thoroughly defeated organization, in exile, in Tunis, where it would have remained were it not for the singular interest the United States ruling elite takes in this antisemitic, terrorist organization. The crucial bit of US bullying happened in 1991, and you can read about this by clicking on the hyperlink for 1991 in the Table of Contents for the following piece:
"IS THE US AN ALLY OF ISRAEL?: A Chronological Look at the Evidence"; Historical and Investigative Research; by Francisco Gil-White.
1991 is just one example. The piece above covers US foreign policy towards the Jewish people and state for the period beginning in the 1930s and ending with the year 2005. My claim is that perceiving a pattern of net US foreign policy favors to Israel is not difficult but impossible. Utterly.
The money that Israel gets from the United States is precisely the opposite of what professors Mearsheimer and Walt claim. It is not a symptom of a US government that hurts US interests in order to help Israel; it is, rather, the payment with which the US ruling elite has purchased control of Israeli foreign policy in order to hurt Israeli interests. Such control over Israeli foreign policy requires that Israeli citizens deeply trust the US government, and that kind of trust is expensive, so the US ruling elite buys it by sending an enormous amount of money to Israel (though it is really a small amount if you subtract from it the money that the US sends to Israels genocidal and antisemitic enemies). With the money to Israel, the US ruling elite softens Israeli skepticism towards US-sponsored policies such as the Oslo Peace Process, which involved forcing the Israelis, with threats of no more money, to accept as the government over the West Bank and Gaza Arabs an antisemitic and terrorist organization pledged to the destruction of the Jewish state,[3a] which organization at the time had already been defeated, and which languished in Tunisian exile, far away from its Israeli targets.
What is the logical consequence?
Well, if the net effect of US foreign policy is not pro-Israel, then the alleged fact that professors Mearsheimer and Walt supposedly mean to explain is (in fact) a non-fact. But they must know this, because Professor John Mearsheimer occupies an endowed chair at the University of Chicago (the most prestigious university in the world), and Professor Stephen Walt occupies an endowed chair at Harvard University (the second most prestigious university in the world), so they undoubtedly have the skills to document something that is trivial to document: that US foreign policy has been markedly anti-Israel.
But guess what else is trivial to document? This: that what professors Mearsheimer and Walt call the Israel lobby (most people call it the Jewish lobby) does not even try to produce pro-Israeli US foreign policy. On the contrary, it tries hard, amazingly but obviously, to produce pro-PLO US foreign policy, and then it loudly applauds it. This would include Mearsheimer and Walts special bogeyman: AIPAC.
To see that this is true, it will suffice to examine the documentation in just two HIR pieces:
1) This piece documents AIPACs pro-PLO stance:
2) This other piece documents the anti-Israel activities of a broad spectrum of the so-called Jewish lobby:
What is the logical consequence?
Well, that the thing which professors Mearsheimer and Walt invoke in order to explain their non-fact -- an Israel lobby pushing for pro-Israeli US foreign policy -- does not exist.
I think losing either the thing one was going to explain, or the proposed cause, ought to be considered fatal for any theory. Mearsheimer and Walt are missing both. So unless somebody can find problems with the documentation or the logic in the above pieces (and professors Mearsheimer and Walt are invited to try), then professors Mearsheimer and Walt stand refuted.
But I would like to add something.
If Mearsheimer and Walts Israel lobby controlling the US government to hurt US interests reminds you of how the Nazis accused the Jews of controlling in secret the US government (and other Western governments) to hurt non-Jews, there is a good reason for this: Mearsheimer & Walts accusation should remind you.
It was a slander then, and it is a slander now. It was dangerous then, and it is dangerous now. If you would like to understand the forces behind such accusations better, the following HIR piece provides the broad historical context, documenting also the manner in which these sorts of accusations are mobilized these days.
"THE MODERN PROTOCOLS OF ZION: How the mass media now promotes the same lies that caused the death of more than 5 million Jews in WWII"; Historical and Investigative Research; 25 August 2005; by Francisco Gil-White
Full disclosure
Before I went to UCLA to obtain my Ph.D. in biological and cultural anthropology (which I earned in January 2002), I got a masters degree in the social (and biological) sciences from the University of Chicago. While there I took a course with professor Stephen Walt, who was then a full decade younger, and teaching at the most prestigious university in the world, not the second most prestigious. He was an engaging lecturer and I very much enjoyed his class. I did not, however, enjoy getting an F on my do-at-home-essay midterm exam. But I fully deserved my F, I hate to admit. Without any regard for the content of the course, I had gone off on a tangent of mine and I had theorized liberally and extravagantly with zero documented facts. Professor Walt extended a special invitation for me to meet with him in his office so that he could give me a thorough scolding, and everything he said about my paper was true: it was trash. I did not turn confrontational, but conceded my error, pleaded for leniency, and promised to conduct myself like a good student and scholar in the final exam. Professor Walt seemed impressed by my act of contrition and promised that I could still get a good grade for the course if I did very well on the final. I got an A- on the final and landed a B for my course grade, after which I made a special trip to Professor Walts office to thank him for giving me an opportunity to recoup my grade. "Congratulations on recouping!" was his gracious and friendly reply.
I think Professor Stephen Walt was fair to me, and I learned an important lesson that stuck. I never approached another assignment with less than complete seriousness and scholarship, and my University of Chicago masters thesis, I am proud to say, went on to win a prize.[4] Since I am indebted to Professor Walt, I would now like to extend the same courtesy to him. If Professor Walt, after finally doing some actual social science, publicly retracts himself in a manner and venue comparable to the manner and venue in which he made his absurd claims about the so-called Israel lobby, moreover providing the public with a full explanation of how he came to make such absurd claims, I will publish a special recognition that he has done so. This is Professor Stephen Walts chance to recoup the F that his paper with Professor John Mearsheimer richly deserves, a grade that I would give Stephen Walt if he were a student of mine at the University of Pennsylvania, and that he would give himself if he were still upholding the standards of scholarship which he rightly applied to me.
Footnotes and Further Reading
[1] Harvard study: AIPAC leads US to act against own interests, The Jerusalem Post, March 19, 2006, Sunday, NEWS; Pg. 2, 574 words, Nathan Guttman Jerusalem Post Correspondent
[2] THE ISRAEL CONSPIRACY, Information Bank Abstracts, WALL STREET JOURNAL ABSTRACTS, March 25, 2006, Saturday, Section A; Page 8, Column 1, 81 words, BY BRET STEPHENS
Who's afraid of the `Israel Lobby'?, Los Angeles Times, March 26, 2006 Sunday, Home Edition, CURRENT; Editorial Pages Desk; Part M; Pg. 3, 1169 words, Nicholas Goldberg, NICHOLAS GOLDBERG is editor of the Op-Ed page and the Current section.
[3] London Review of Books | Vol. 28 No. 6 dated 23 March 2006 | John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt | The Israel Lobby
[3a] In this footnote I address two points: 1) that the PLO means to exterminate the Jewish people; and 2) that the controlling core of the PLO, Al Fatah, was created by a leader of Adolf Hitlers Final Solution.
The claim that the PLO means to exterminate the Israeli Jews is supported by the PLOs own constitution, for this is what the PLO happens to announce as its intention:
Article 9says that "armed struggle is the only way to liberate Palestine."
Article 15 says it is "a national duty to repulse the Zionist imperialist invasion from the great Arab homeland and to purge the Zionist presence from Palestine."
Article 22 declares that "the liberation of Palestine will liquidate the Zionist and imperialist presence and bring about the stabilization of peace in the Middle East."
TRANSLATION: The Associated Press, December 15, 1998, Tuesday, AM cycle, International News, 1070 words, Clinton meets with Netanyahu, Arafat, appeals for progress, By TERENCE HUNT, AP White House Correspondent, EREZ CROSSING, Gaza Strip. [Emphasis added]
Historian Howard Sachar explains the following about Al Fatah, Yasser Arafats and Mahmoud Abbas organization, which is the core component of the PLO, calling all the shots:
"...the Fatah (Arab Liberation Movement) [was] organized...by veterans of the Muftis former Arab Higher Committee."
SOURCE: Sachar, Howard Morley - A history of Israel : from the rise of Zionism to our time / Howard M. Sachar. 1982, c1979. (p.619)
Who was "the Mufti" -- the man behind the creation of Al Fatah?
That would be Hajj Amin al Husseini, who was given bureaucratic authority and a large budget by the British when they made him Mufti of Jerusalem in 1920, after Hajj Amin demonstrated that he could organize large-scale terrorist attacks against innocent Jews in British Mandate Palestine. He used this power to organize another terrorist riot in 1921 (after which the British expanded his budget and bureaucratic authority), and then a much larger attack in 1929, followed by an even bigger attack in 1936-37 (this last one was called the Arab Revolt and was organized with weapons provided by the Nazis). Each time, Hajj Amins attacks were against civilians, and they included, for example, such things as torturing Jewish children to death. In 1941 Hajj Amin met Hitler in Berlin. Hitler promised to conquer the Middle East and exterminate all the Jews living there, after which Hajj Amin would be installed as the local leader. Hajj Amin, for his part, immediately became one of the supreme leaders of the Final Solution in Europe, organizing large SS divisions in Bosnia composed of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslim volunteers who carried out large-scale exterminations of Serbs, Jews, and Roma (gypsies) in Yugoslavia. He also played an important role in getting hundreds of thousands of Hungarian Jews sent to Auschwitz, and in speeding up the operation of the death camps. Yasser Arafat proudly explained to his Arab audiences that Hajj Amin was his mentor and hero.
To read more about Hajj Amin al Husseini, read Part 2 of:
"Anti-Semitism, Misinformation, And The Whitewashing Of The Palestinian Leadership"; Israel National News; May 26, '03 / 24 Iyar 5763; by Francisco J. Gil-White
"Mufti of Jerusalem Hajj Amin's Role as Leading Instigator of the Shoah (Holocaust)"; Emperors Clothes; 5 November 2003; by Jared Israel
[4] 1996 EARL S. & ESTHER JOHNSON PRIZE. University of Chicago ($1000), for my MA Thesis: The use of biology: A general defense of the evolutionary approach to human behavior. It is "awarded annually to that student in the Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences whose paper best combines high scholarly achievement with concern for humanistic aspirations and the practical applications of the Social Sciences."
To learn more about my academic background and work, visit:
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by fundamentally dishonest people
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 7:38 AM
Zionists love to sign other people's names. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Osama bin Laden's name to, or Hamas' or the PLO's.
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by heard it before
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 7:40 AM
Anti-Zionists love to sign other people's names. False flag ops are their specialty. We cannot help but wonder how many atrocities they have signed Ehud Barak's name to, or Irgun's or the Haganah's.
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by fundamentally dishoneest people
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 12:39 PM
Or else it's a bot. Bots have been getting mighty clever lately: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/eliza.txt
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by Becky Johnson
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 1:40 PM
Santa Cruz, CA.
....Changeling's post was on-topic!
I knew about the $3 billion a year as part of the peace treaty of 1978 between Sadat and Begin. Israel was to get $3 billion a year while Egypt would get the Sinai peninsula (and all its oil) back AND $2 billion a year from the USA.
What I didn't know about was the deal Israel had to make with the USA to get aid in the 1990's --a deal that brought the PLO back. That was not exactly a move in Israel's self-interest.
Since I HAVE studied Israel's "Mini-Marshall Plan" for the West Bank and Gaza following the 1967 war, I am convinced that the data show that the best outcome FOR the Palestinian people would be Israeli rule.
All data show that the Palestinians had the lowest unemployment rates, the highest literacy rates, the lowest infant mortality rates, and the best health care under the Israeli occupation (1967 - 1993).
The Palestinian Authority has been a failed experiment which has not provided for the social needs of its people, is flooded with corrupt officials, and cannot provide safety for its citizens. All data show a decline in standard of living that begins in 1994 and continues to the present.
Blaming Israel for it is 180 degree wrong-headed.
The Palestinians are further away from forming an independent state than ever. The best solution, for both Israeli and Palestinian alike would be The solution would be for a greater-Israel.
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by Sheepdog
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 3:56 PM
This is why I think you're simple. you expect us to swallow this bolus. - I am convinced that the data show that the best outcome FOR the Palestinian people would be Israeli rule. - thank you Ms. BJ. Who would have guessed that you would believe that?
Or better still, who would believe you think you would convince us to *believe* it?
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by Tia
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 6:21 PM
And I for one, think one state will lead to the Rwanda solution- where your neighbors kill you in your sleep. Look at history- there have been 850,000 Jews expelled from Arab lands in the last 60 years. The Arabs have shown an unwillingless to live with Jews throughout the Middle east. The only country where there is any degree of equality between Arabs and Jews in the Middle East is Israel. I think a two state solution is worth a try, although experience leads me to believe that the Palestinians utimate motivation is the destruction of Israel, and an independent state is a step towards that goal
From: Efraim Karsh Middle East Quarterly | August 4, 2004
For Yasir Arafat and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) leadership, the Oslo process has always been a strategic means not to a two-state solution—Israel and a Palestinian state in the West Bank and Gaza—but to the substitution of a Palestinian state for the state of Israel.
As early as August 1968, Arafat defined the PLO's strategic objective as "the transfer of all resistance bases" into the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, occupied by Israel during the June 1967 war, "so that the resistance may be gradually transformed into a popular armed revolution." This, he reasoned, would allow the PLO to undermine Israel's way of life by "preventing immigration and encouraging emigration … destroying tourism … weakening the Israeli economy and diverting the greater part of it to security requirements … [and] creating and maintaining an atmosphere of strain and anxiety that will force the Zionists to realize that it is impossible for them to live in Israel."
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by Sheepdog
Monday, May. 29, 2006 at 6:50 PM
get off none of this animosity would have anything to do with the similar tactics your basket of snakes have used here with the same attitude of inherent right of possession.
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by Scapegoated Jew
Tuesday, May. 30, 2006 at 12:14 AM
"yes, those poor 'Jews" " "your basket of snakes"
And you expect any of us to imagine even for a nano-second that you're raising a bonafide quizzical eyebrow in the name of evenhandedness.
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by charismatic megafauna
Tuesday, May. 30, 2006 at 2:45 AM
"I think a two state solution is worth a try, although experience leads me to believe that the Palestinians utimate motivation is the destruction of Israel, and an independent state is a step towards that goal"
If Israel is in control of the Palestinians, forces like Hizbullah can get away with saying that they are not a proper military and ignorant Americans say, "oh, war crime" when their headquarters are destroyed. As a country, if Palestine attacks Israel, Israel has every right to defend itself.
Also, I'm willing to give them a chance. If they are sincere in saying that they're mad because of the occupation of the West Bank and not because now there are Jews in the Middle East, that the only reason some resort to terror is because they feel like their backs are to the wall and there is no way out, then they'll live in peace (hell, if they're smart (and actually care for the people), they'll start economic relations. If they in fact just hate Jews being near them, and attack...see above.
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by the book
Wednesday, May. 31, 2006 at 5:53 AM
Bible, Revised Standard. Exodus, from The holy Bible, Revised Standard version Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library | Table of Contents for this work | | All on-line databases | Etext Center Homepage | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the electronic version Exodus, from The holy Bible, Revised Standard version Bible, Revised Standard Creation of machine-readable version: Kraft, Robert A. Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: ca. 190 kilobytes Oxford Text Archive Oxford University Computing Service, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN, UK This version available from the University of Virginia Library Charlottesville, Va. Available from: Oxford Text Archive http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/relig.browse.html 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the print version Exodus, from The holy Bible, Revised Standard version Bible, Revised Standard Revised Standard Version Note: Includes Apocrypha Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center All quotation marks retained as data English CORDreligionbiblersv non-fiction; prose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revisions to the electronic version January 1994 corrector John Price-Wilkin, University of Virginia Library TEI header completed; SGML markup applied. October 1995 corrector David Seaman Brought tagging into line with teilite.dtd; added titles to each book; added header for each book. etextcenter@virginia.edu. Commercial use prohibited; all usage governed by our Conditions of Use: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/conditions.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Exodus, chapter 1 Compare with King James Version: Exod.01 1: These are the names of the sons of Israel who came to Egypt with Jacob, each with his household: 2: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, and Judah, 3: Is'sachar, Zeb'ulun, and Benjamin, 4: Dan and Naph'tali, Gad and Asher. 5: All the offspring of Jacob were seventy persons; Joseph was already in Egypt. 6: Then Joseph died, and all his brothers, and all that generation. 7: But the descendants of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly; they multiplied and grew exceedingly strong; so that the land was filled with them. 8: Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph. 9: And he said to his people, "Behold, the people of Israel are too many and too mighty for us. 10: Come, let us deal shrewdly with them, lest they multiply, and, if war befall us, they join our enemies and fight against us and escape from the land." 11: Therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens; and they built for Pharaoh store-cities, Pithom and Ra-am'ses. 12: But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. And the Egyptians were in dread of the people of Israel. 13: So they made the people of Israel serve with rigor, 14: and made their lives bitter with hard service, in mortar and brick, and in all kinds of work in the field; in all their work they made them serve with rigor. 15: Then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives, one of whom was named Shiph'rah and the other Pu'ah, 16: "When you serve as midwife to the Hebrew women, and see them upon the birthstool, if it is a son, you shall kill him; but if it is a daughter, she shall live." 17: But the midwives feared God, and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live. 18: So the king of Egypt called the midwives, and said to them, "Why have you done this, and let the male children live?" 19: The midwives said to Pharaoh, "Because the Hebrew women are not like the Egyptian women; for they are vigorous and are delivered before the midwife comes to them." 20: So God dealt well with the midwives; and the people multiplied and grew very strong. 21: And because the midwives feared God he gave them families. 22: Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, "Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live." Chapter 2 Exodus, chapter 2 Compare with King James Version: Exod.02 1: Now a man from the house of Levi went and took to wife a daughter of Levi. 2: The woman conceived and bore a son; and when she saw that he was a goodly child, she hid him three months. 3: And when she could hide him no longer she took for him a basket made of bulrushes, and daubed it with bitumen and pitch; and she put the child in it and placed it among the reeds at the river's brink. 4: And his sister stood at a distance, to know what would be done to him. 5: Now the daughter of Pharaoh came down to bathe at the river, and her maidens walked beside the river; she saw the basket among the reeds and sent her maid to fetch it. 6: When she opened it she saw the child; and lo, the babe was crying. She took pity on him and said, "This is one of the Hebrews' children." 7: Then his sister said to Pharaoh's daughter, "Shall I go and call you a nurse from the Hebrew women to nurse the child for you?" 8: And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Go." So the girl went and called the child's mother. 9: And Pharaoh's daughter said to her, "Take this child away, and nurse him for me, and I will give you your wages." So the woman took the child and nursed him. 10: And the child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh's daughter, and he became her son; and she named him Moses, for she said, "Because I drew him out of the water." 11: One day, when Moses had grown up, he went out to his people and looked on their burdens; and he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his people. 12: He looked this way and that, and seeing no one he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand. 13: When he went out the next day, behold, two Hebrews were struggling together; and he said to the man that did the wrong, "Why do you strike your fellow?" 14: He answered, "Who made you a prince and a judge over us? Do you mean to kill me as you killed the Egyptian?" Then Moses was afraid, and thought, "Surely the thing is known." 15: When Pharaoh heard of it, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from Pharaoh, and stayed in the land of Mid'ian; and he sat down by a well. 16: Now the priest of Mid'ian had seven daughters; and they came and drew water, and filled the troughs to water their father's flock. 17: The shepherds came and drove them away; but Moses stood up and helped them, and watered their flock. 18: When they came to their father Reu'el, he said, "How is it that you have come so soon today?" 19: They said, "An Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds, and even drew water for us and watered the flock." 20: He said to his daughters, "And where is he? Why have you left the man? Call him, that he may eat bread." 21: And Moses was content to dwell with the man, and he gave Moses his daughter Zippo'rah. 22: She bore a son, and he called his name Gershom; for he said, "I have been a sojourner in a foreign land." 23: In the course of those many days the king of Egypt died. And the people of Israel groaned under their bondage, and cried out for help, and their cry under bondage came up to God. 24: And God heard their groaning, and God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. 25: And God saw the people of Israel, and God knew their condition. Chapter 3 Exodus, chapter 3 Compare with King James Version: Exod.03 1: Now Moses was keeping the flock of his father-in-law, Jethro, the priest of Mid'ian; and he led his flock to the west side of the wilderness, and came to Horeb, the mountain of God. 2: And the angel of the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush; and he looked, and lo, the bush was burning, yet it was not consumed. 3: And Moses said, "I will turn aside and see this great sight, why the bush is not burnt." 4: When the LORD saw that he turned aside to see, God called to him out of the bush, "Moses, Moses!" And he said, "Here am I." 5: Then he said, "Do not come near; put off your shoes from your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground." 6: And he said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look at God. 7: Then the LORD said, "I have seen the affliction of my people who are in Egypt, and have heard their cry because of their taskmasters; I know their sufferings, 8: and I have come down to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians, and to bring them up out of that land to a good and broad land, a land flowing with milk and honey, to the place of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Per'izzites, the Hivites, and the Jeb'usites. 9: And now, behold, the cry of the people of Israel has come to me, and I have seen the oppression with which the Egyptians oppress them. 10: Come, I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring forth my people, the sons of Israel, out of Egypt." 11: But Moses said to God, "Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh, and bring the sons of Israel out of Egypt?" 12: He said, "But I will be with you; and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought forth the people out of Egypt, you shall serve God upon this mountain." 13: Then Moses said to God, "If I come to the people of Israel and say to them, `The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they ask me, `What is his name?' what shall I say to them?" 14: God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And he said, "Say this to the people of Israel, `I AM has sent me to you.'" 15: God also said to Moses, "Say this to the people of Israel, `The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has sent me to you': this is my name for ever, and thus I am to be remembered throughout all generations. 16: Go and gather the elders of Israel together, and say to them, `The LORD, the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, of Isaac, and of Jacob, has appeared to me, saying, "I have observed you and what has been done to you in Egypt; 17: and I promise that I will bring you up out of the affliction of Egypt, to the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Per'izzites, the Hivites, and the Jeb'usites, a land flowing with milk and honey."' 18: And they will hearken to your voice; and you and the elders of Israel shall go to the king of Egypt and say to him, `The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, has met with us; and now, we pray you, let us go a three days' journey into the wilderness, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God.' 19: I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go unless compelled by a mighty hand. 20: So I will stretch out my hand and smite Egypt with all the wonders which I will do in it; after that he will let you go. 21: And I will give this people favor in the sight of the Egyptians; and when you go, you shall not go empty, 22: but each woman shall ask of her neighbor, and of her who sojourns in her house, jewelry of silver and of gold, and clothing, and you shall put them on your sons and on your daughters; thus you shall despoil the Egyptians." Chapter 4 Exodus, chapter 4 Compare with King James Version: Exod.04 1: Then Moses answered, "But behold, they will not believe me or listen to my voice, for they will say, `The LORD did not appear to you.'" 2: The LORD said to him, "What is that in your hand?" He said, "A rod." 3: And he said, "Cast it on the ground." So he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from it. 4: But the LORD said to Moses, "Put out your hand, and take it by the tail" -- so he put out his hand and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand -- 5: "that they may believe that the LORD, the God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has appeared to you." 6: Again, the LORD said to him, "Put your hand into your bosom." And he put his hand into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, his hand was leprous, as white as snow. 7: Then God said, "Put your hand back into your bosom." So he put his hand back into his bosom; and when he took it out, behold, it was restored like the rest of his flesh. 8: "If they will not believe you," God said, "or heed the first sign, they may believe the latter sign. 9: If they will not believe even these two signs or heed your voice, you shall take some water from the Nile and pour it upon the dry ground; and the water which you shall take from the Nile will become blood upon the dry ground." 10: But Moses said to the LORD, "Oh, my Lord, I am not eloquent, either heretofore or since thou hast spoken to thy servant; but I am slow of speech and of tongue." 11: Then the LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Who makes him dumb, or deaf, or seeing, or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? 12: Now therefore go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall speak." 13: But he said, "Oh, my Lord, send, I pray, some other person." 14: Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses and he said, "Is there not Aaron, your brother, the Levite? I know that he can speak well; and behold, he is coming out to meet you, and when he sees you he will be glad in his heart. 15: And you shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth; and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and will teach you what you shall do. 16: He shall speak for you to the people; and he shall be a mouth for you, and you shall be to him as God. 17: And you shall take in your hand this rod, with which you shall do the signs." 18: Moses went back to Jethro his father-in-law and said to him, "Let me go back, I pray, to my kinsmen in Egypt and see whether they are still alive." And Jethro said to Moses, "Go in peace." 19: And the LORD said to Moses in Mid'ian, "Go back to Egypt; for all the men who were seeking your life are dead." 20: So Moses took his wife and his sons and set them on an ass, and went back to the land of Egypt; and in his hand Moses took the rod of God. 21: And the LORD said to Moses, "When you go back to Egypt, see that you do before Pharaoh all the miracles which I have put in your power; but I will harden his heart, so that he will not let the people go. 22: And you shall say to Pharaoh, `Thus says the LORD, Israel is my first-born son, 23: and I say to you, "Let my son go that he may serve me"; if you refuse to let him go, behold, I will slay your first-born son.'" 24: At a lodging place on the way the LORD met him and sought to kill him. 25: Then Zippo'rah took a flint and cut off her son's foreskin, and touched Moses' feet with it, and said, "Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me!" 26: So he let him alone. Then it was that she said, "You are a bridegroom of blood," because of the circumcision. 27: The LORD said to Aaron, "Go into the wilderness to meet Moses." So he went, and met him at the mountain of God and kissed him. 28: And Moses told Aaron all the words of the LORD with which he had sent him, and all the signs which he had charged him to do. 29: Then Moses and Aaron went and gathered together all the elders of the people of Israel. 30: And Aaron spoke all the words which the LORD had spoken to Moses, and did the signs in the sight of the people. 31: And the people believed; and when they heard that the LORD had visited the people of Israel and that he had seen their affliction, they bowed their heads and worshiped. Chapter 5 Exodus, chapter 5 Compare with King James Version: Exod.05 1: Afterward Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and said, "Thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, `Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.'" 2: But Pharaoh said, "Who is the LORD, that I should heed his voice and let Israel go? I do not know the LORD, and moreover I will not let Israel go." 3: Then they said, "The God of the Hebrews has met with us; let us go, we pray, a three days' journey into the wilderness, and sacrifice to the LORD our God, lest he fall upon us with pestilence or with the sword." 4: But the king of Egypt said to them, "Moses and Aaron, why do you take the people away from their work? Get to your burdens." 5: And Pharaoh said, "Behold, the people of the land are now many and you make them rest from their burdens!" 6: The same day Pharaoh commanded the taskmasters of the people and their foremen, 7: "You shall no longer give the people straw to make bricks, as heretofore; let them go and gather straw for themselves. 8: But the number of bricks which they made heretofore you shall lay upon them, you shall by no means lessen it; for they are idle; therefore they cry, `Let us go and offer sacrifice to our God.' 9: Let heavier work be laid upon the men that they may labor at it and pay no regard to lying words." 10: So the taskmasters and the foremen of the people went out and said to the people, "Thus says Pharaoh, `I will not give you straw. 11: Go yourselves, get your straw wherever you can find it; but your work will not be lessened in the least.'" 12: So the people were scattered abroad throughout all the land of Egypt, to gather stubble for straw. 13: The taskmasters were urgent, saying, "Complete your work, your daily task, as when there was straw." 14: And the foremen of the people of Israel, whom Pharaoh's taskmasters had set over them, were beaten, and were asked, "Why have you not done all your task of making bricks today, as hitherto?" 15: Then the foremen of the people of Israel came and cried to Pharaoh, "Why do you deal thus with your servants? 16: No straw is given to your servants, yet they say to us, `Make bricks!' And behold, your servants are beaten; but the fault is in your own people." 17: But he said, "You are idle, you are idle; therefore you say, `Let us go and sacrifice to the LORD.' 18: Go now, and work; for no straw shall be given you, yet you shall deliver the same number of bricks." 19: The foremen of the people of Israel saw that they were in evil plight, when they said, "You shall by no means lessen your daily number of bricks." 20: They met Moses and Aaron, who were waiting for them, as they came forth from Pharaoh; 21: and they said to them, "The LORD look upon you and judge, because you have made us offensive in the sight of Pharaoh and his servants, and have put a sword in their hand to kill us." 22: Then Moses turned again to the LORD and said, "O LORD, why hast thou done evil to this people? Why didst thou ever send me? 23: For since I came to Pharaoh to speak in thy name, he has done evil to this people, and thou hast not delivered thy people at all." Chapter 6 Exodus, chapter 6 Compare with King James Version: Exod.06 1: But the LORD said to Moses, "Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand he will send them out, yea, with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land." 2: And God said to Moses, "I am the LORD. 3: I appeared to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob, as God Almighty, but by my name the LORD I did not make myself known to them. 4: I also established my covenant with them, to give them the land of Canaan, the land in which they dwelt as sojourners. 5: Moreover I have heard the groaning of the people of Israel whom the Egyptians hold in bondage and I have remembered my covenant. 6: Say therefore to the people of Israel, `I am the LORD, and I will bring you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians, and I will deliver you from their bondage, and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with great acts of judgment, 7: and I will take you for my people, and I will be your God; and you shall know that I am the LORD your God, who has brought you out from under the burdens of the Egyptians. 8: And I will bring you into the land which I swore to give to Abraham, to Isaac, and to Jacob; I will give it to you for a possession. I am the LORD.'" 9: Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel; but they did not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and their cruel bondage. 10: And the LORD said to Moses, 11: "Go in, tell Pharaoh king of Egypt to let the people of Israel go out of his land." 12: But Moses said to the LORD, "Behold, the people of Israel have not listened to me; how then shall Pharaoh listen to me, who am a man of uncircumcised lips?" 13: But the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, and gave them a charge to the people of Israel and to Pharaoh king of Egypt to bring the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt. 14: These are the heads of their fathers' houses: the sons of Reuben, the first-born of Israel: Hanoch, Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi; these are the families of Reuben. 15: The sons of Simeon: Jemu'el, Jamin, Ohad, Jachin, Zohar, and Shaul, the son of a Canaanite woman; these are the families of Simeon. 16: These are the names of the sons of Levi according to their generations: Gershon, Kohath, and Merar'i, the years of the life of Levi being a hundred and thirty-seven years. 17: The sons of Gershon: Libni and Shim'e-i, by their families. 18: The sons of Kohath: Amram, Izhar, Hebron, and Uz'ziel, the years of the life of Kohath being a hundred and thirty-three years. 19: The sons of Merar'i: Mahli and Mushi. These are the families of the Levites according to their generations. 20: Amram took to wife Joch'ebed his father's sister and she bore him Aaron and Moses, the years of the life of Amram being one hundred and thirty-seven years. 21: The sons of Izhar: Korah, Nepheg, and Zichri. 22: And the sons of Uz'ziel: Mi'sha-el, Elza'phan, and Sithri. 23: Aaron took to wife Eli'sheba, the daughter of Ammin'adab and the sister of Nahshon; and she bore him Nadab, Abi'hu, Elea'zar, and Ith'amar. 24: The sons of Korah: Assir, Elka'nah, and Abi'asaph; these are the families of the Ko'rahites. 25: Elea'zar, Aaron's son, took to wife one of the daughters of Pu'ti-el; and she bore him Phin'ehas. These are the heads of the fathers' houses of the Levites by their families. 26: These are the Aaron and Moses to whom the LORD said: "Bring out the people of Israel from the land of Egypt by their hosts." 27: It was they who spoke to Pharaoh king of Egypt about bringing out the people of Israel from Egypt, this Moses and this Aaron. 28: On the day when the LORD spoke to Moses in the land of Egypt, 29: the LORD said to Moses, "I am the LORD; tell Pharaoh king of Egypt all that I say to you." 30: But Moses said to the LORD, "Behold, I am of uncircumcised lips; how then shall Pharaoh listen to me?" Chapter 7 Exodus, chapter 7 Compare with King James Version: Exod.07 1: And the LORD said to Moses, "See, I make you as God to Pharaoh; and Aaron your brother shall be your prophet. 2: You shall speak all that I command you; and Aaron your brother shall tell Pharaoh to let the people of Israel go out of his land. 3: But I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and though I multiply my signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, 4: Pharaoh will not listen to you; then I will lay my hand upon Egypt and bring forth my hosts, my people the sons of Israel, out of the land of Egypt by great acts of judgment. 5: And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I stretch forth my hand upon Egypt and bring out the people of Israel from among them." 6: And Moses and Aaron did so; they did as the LORD commanded them. 7: Now Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three years old, when they spoke to Pharaoh. 8: And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, 9: "When Pharaoh says to you, `Prove yourselves by working a miracle,' then you shall say to Aaron, `Take your rod and cast it down before Pharaoh, that it may become a serpent.'" 10: So Moses and Aaron went to Pharaoh and did as the LORD commanded; Aaron cast down his rod before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a serpent. 11: Then Pharaoh summoned the wise men and the sorcerers; and they also, the magicians of Egypt, did the same by their secret arts. 12: For every man cast down his rod, and they became serpents. But Aaron's rod swallowed up their rods. 13: Still Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them; as the LORD had said. 14: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pharaoh's heart is hardened, he refuses to let the people go. 15: Go to Pharaoh in the morning, as he is going out to the water; wait for him by the river's brink, and take in your hand the rod which was turned into a serpent. 16: And you shall say to him, `The LORD, the God of the Hebrews, sent me to you, saying, "Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness; and behold, you have not yet obeyed." 17: Thus says the LORD, "By this you shall know that I am the LORD: behold, I will strike the water that is in the Nile with the rod that is in my hand, and it shall be turned to blood, 18: and the fish in the Nile shall die, and the Nile shall become foul, and the Egyptians will loathe to drink water from the Nile."'" 19: And the LORD said to Moses, "Say to Aaron, `Take your rod and stretch out your hand over the waters of Egypt, over their rivers, their canals, and their ponds, and all their pools of water, that they may become blood; and there shall be blood throughout all the land of Egypt, both in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.'" 20: Moses and Aaron did as the LORD commanded; in the sight of Pharaoh and in the sight of his servants, he lifted up the rod and struck the water that was in the Nile, and all the water that was in the Nile turned to blood. 21: And the fish in the Nile died; and the Nile became foul, so that the Egyptians could not drink water from the Nile; and there was blood throughout all the land of Egypt. 22: But the magicians of Egypt did the same by their secret arts; so Pharaoh's heart remained hardened, and he would not listen to them; as the LORD had said. 23: Pharaoh turned and went into his house, and he did not lay even this to heart. 24: And all the Egyptians dug round about the Nile for water to drink, for they could not drink the water of the Nile. 25: Seven days passed after the LORD had struck the Nile. Chapter 8 Exodus, chapter 8 Compare with King James Version: Exod.08 1: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go in to Pharaoh and say to him, `Thus says the LORD, "Let my people go, that they may serve me. 2: But if you refuse to let them go, behold, I will plague all your country with frogs; 3: the Nile shall swarm with frogs which shall come up into your house, and into your bedchamber and on your bed, and into the houses of your servants and of your people, and into your ovens and your kneading bowls; 4: the frogs shall come up on you and on your people and on all your servants."'" 5: And the LORD said to Moses, "Say to Aaron, `Stretch out your hand with your rod over the rivers, over the canals, and over the pools, and cause frogs to come upon the land of Egypt!'" 6: So Aaron stretched out his hand over the waters of Egypt; and the frogs came up and covered the land of Egypt. 7: But the magicians did the same by their secret arts, and brought frogs upon the land of Egypt. 8: Then Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and said, "Entreat the LORD to take away the frogs from me and from my people; and I will let the people go to sacrifice to the LORD." 9: Moses said to Pharaoh, "Be pleased to command me when I am to entreat, for you and for your servants and for your people, that the frogs be destroyed from you and your houses and be left only in the Nile." 10: And he said, "Tomorrow." Moses said, "Be it as you say, that you may know that there is no one like the LORD our God. 11: The frogs shall depart from you and your houses and your servants and your people; they shall be left only in the Nile." 12: So Moses and Aaron went out from Pharaoh; and Moses cried to the LORD concerning the frogs, as he had agreed with Pharaoh. 13: And the LORD did according to the word of Moses; the frogs died out of the houses and courtyards and out of the fields. 14: And they gathered them together in heaps, and the land stank. 15: But when Pharaoh saw that there was a respite, he hardened his heart, and would not listen to them; as the LORD had said. 16: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Say to Aaron, `Stretch out your rod and strike the dust of the earth, that it may become gnats throughout all the land of Egypt.'" 17: And they did so; Aaron stretched out his hand with his rod, and struck the dust of the earth, and there came gnats on man and beast; all the dust of the earth became gnats throughout all the land of Egypt. 18: The magicians tried by their secret arts to bring forth gnats, but they could not. So there were gnats on man and beast. 19: And the magicians said to Pharaoh, "This is the finger of God." But Pharaoh's heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them; as the LORD had said. 20: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Rise up early in the morning and wait for Pharaoh, as he goes out to the water, and say to him, `Thus says the LORD, "Let my people go, that they may serve me. 21: Else, if you will not let my people go, behold, I will send swarms of flies on you and your servants and your people, and into your houses; and the houses of the Egyptians shall be filled with swarms of flies, and also the ground on which they stand. 22: But on that day I will set apart the land of Goshen, where my people dwell, so that no swarms of flies shall be there; that you may know that I am the LORD in the midst of the earth. 23: Thus I will put a division between my people and your people. By tomorrow shall this sign be."'" 24: And the LORD did so; there came great swarms of flies into the house of Pharaoh and into his servants' houses, and in all the land of Egypt the land was ruined by reason of the flies. 25: Then Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron, and said, "Go, sacrifice to your God within the land." 26: But Moses said, "It would not be right to do so; for we shall sacrifice to the LORD our God offerings abominable to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice offerings abominable to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not stone us? 27: We must go three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the LORD our God as he will command us." 28: So Pharaoh said, "I will let you go, to sacrifice to the LORD your God in the wilderness; only you shall not go very far away. Make entreaty for me." 29: Then Moses said, "Behold, I am going out from you and I will pray to the LORD that the swarms of flies may depart from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people, tomorrow; only let not Pharaoh deal falsely again by not letting the people go to sacrifice to the LORD." 30: So Moses went out from Pharaoh and prayed to the LORD. 31: And the LORD did as Moses asked, and removed the swarms of flies from Pharaoh, from his servants, and from his people; not one remained. 32: But Pharaoh hardened his heart this time also, and did not let the people go. Chapter 9 Exodus, chapter 9 Compare with King James Version: Exod.09 1: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go in to Pharaoh, and say to him, `Thus says the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, "Let my people go, that they may serve me. 2: For if you refuse to let them go and still hold them, 3: behold, the hand of the LORD will fall with a very severe plague upon your cattle which are in the field, the horses, the asses, the camels, the herds, and the flocks. 4: But the LORD will make a distinction between the cattle of Israel and the cattle of Egypt, so that nothing shall die of all that belongs to the people of Israel."'" 5: And the LORD set a time, saying, "Tomorrow the LORD will do this thing in the land." 6: And on the morrow the LORD did this thing; all the cattle of the Egyptians died, but of the cattle of the people of Israel not one died. 7: And Pharaoh sent, and behold, not one of the cattle of the Israelites was dead. But the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people go. 8: And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "Take handfuls of ashes from the kiln, and let Moses throw them toward heaven in the sight of Pharaoh. 9: And it shall become fine dust over all the land of Egypt, and become boils breaking out in sores on man and beast throughout all the land of Egypt." 10: So they took ashes from the kiln, and stood before Pharaoh, and Moses threw them toward heaven, and it became boils breaking out in sores on man and beast. 11: And the magicians could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were upon the magicians and upon all the Egyptians. 12: But the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them; as the LORD had spoken to Moses. 13: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Rise up early in the morning and stand before Pharaoh, and say to him, `Thus says the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, "Let my people go, that they may serve me. 14: For this time I will send all my plagues upon your heart, and upon your servants and your people, that you may know that there is none like me in all the earth. 15: For by now I could have put forth my hand and struck you and your people with pestilence, and you would have been cut off from the earth; 16: but for this purpose have I let you live, to show you my power, so that my name may be declared throughout all the earth. 17: You are still exalting yourself against my people, and will not let them go. 18: Behold, tomorrow about this time I will cause very heavy hail to fall, such as never has been in Egypt from the day it was founded until now. 19: Now therefore send, get your cattle and all that you have in the field into safe shelter; for the hail shall come down upon every man and beast that is in the field and is not brought home, and they shall die."'" 20: Then he who feared the word of the LORD among the servants of Pharaoh made his slaves and his cattle flee into the houses; 21: but he who did not regard the word of the LORD left his slaves and his cattle in the field. 22: And the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch forth your hand toward heaven, that there may be hail in all the land of Egypt, upon man and beast and every plant of the field, throughout the land of Egypt." 23: Then Moses stretched forth his rod toward heaven; and the LORD sent thunder and hail, and fire ran down to the earth. And the LORD rained hail upon the land of Egypt; 24: there was hail, and fire flashing continually in the midst of the hail, very heavy hail, such as had never been in all the land of Egypt since it became a nation. 25: The hail struck down everything that was in the field throughout all the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and the hail struck down every plant of the field, and shattered every tree of the field. 26: Only in the land of Goshen, where the people of Israel were, there was no hail. 27: Then Pharaoh sent, and called Moses and Aaron, and said to them, "I have sinned this time; the LORD is in the right, and I and my people are in the wrong. 28: Entreat the LORD; for there has been enough of this thunder and hail; I will let you go, and you shall stay no longer." 29: Moses said to him, "As soon as I have gone out of the city, I will stretch out my hands to the LORD; the thunder will cease, and there will be no more hail, that you may know that the earth is the LORD's. 30: But as for you and your servants, I know that you do not yet fear the LORD God." 31: (The flax and the barley were ruined, for the barley was in the ear and the flax was in bud. 32: But the wheat and the spelt were not ruined, for they are late in coming up.) 33: So Moses went out of the city from Pharaoh, and stretched out his hands to the LORD; and the thunder and the hail ceased, and the rain no longer poured upon the earth. 34: But when Pharaoh saw that the rain and the hail and the thunder had ceased, he sinned yet again, and hardened his heart, he and his servants. 35: So the heart of Pharaoh was hardened, and he did not let the people of Israel go; as the LORD had spoken through Moses. Chapter 10 Exodus, chapter 10 Compare with King James Version: Exod.10 1: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Go in to Pharaoh; for I have hardened his heart and the heart of his servants, that I may show these signs of mine among them, 2: and that you may tell in the hearing of your son and of your son's son how I have made sport of the Egyptians and what signs I have done among them; that you may know that I am the LORD." 3: So Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh, and said to him, "Thus says the LORD, the God of the Hebrews, `How long will you refuse to humble yourself before me? Let my people go, that they may serve me. 4: For if you refuse to let my people go, behold, tomorrow I will bring locusts into your country, 5: and they shall cover the face of the land, so that no one can see the land; and they shall eat what is left to you after the hail, and they shall eat every tree of yours which grows in the field, 6: and they shall fill your houses, and the houses of all your servants and of all the Egyptians; as neither your fathers nor your grandfathers have seen, from the day they came on earth to this day.'" Then he turned and went out from Pharaoh. 7: And Pharaoh's servants said to him, "How long shall this man be a snare to us? Let the men go, that they may serve the LORD their God; do you not yet understand that Egypt is ruined?" 8: So Moses and Aaron were brought back to Pharaoh; and he said to them, "Go, serve the LORD your God; but who are to go?" 9: And Moses said, "We will go with our young and our old; we will go with our sons and daughters and with our flocks and herds, for we must hold a feast to the LORD." 10: And he said to them, "The LORD be with you, if ever I let you and your little ones go! Look, you have some evil purpose in mind. 11: No! Go, the men among you, and serve the LORD, for that is what you desire." And they were driven out from Pharaoh's presence. 12: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the land of Egypt for the locusts, that they may come upon the land of Egypt, and eat every plant in the land, all that the hail has left." 13: So Moses stretched forth his rod over the land of Egypt, and the LORD brought an east wind upon the land all that day and all that night; and when it was morning the east wind had brought the locusts. 14: And the locusts came up over all the land of Egypt, and settled on the whole country of Egypt, such a dense swarm of locusts as had never been before, nor ever shall be again. 15: For they covered the face of the whole land, so that the land was darkened, and they ate all the plants in the land and all the fruit of the trees which the hail had left; not a green thing remained, neither tree nor plant of the field, through all the land of Egypt. 16: Then Pharaoh called Moses and Aaron in haste, and said, "I have sinned against the LORD your God, and against you. 17: Now therefore, forgive my sin, I pray you, only this once, and entreat the LORD your God only to remove this death from me." 18: So he went out from Pharaoh, and entreated the LORD. 19: And the LORD turned a very strong west wind, which lifted the locusts and drove them into the Red Sea; not a single locust was left in all the country of Egypt. 20: But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the children of Israel go. 21: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand toward heaven that there may be darkness over the land of Egypt, a darkness to be felt." 22: So Moses stretched out his hand toward heaven, and there was thick darkness in all the land of Egypt three days; 23: they did not see one another, nor did any rise from his place for three days; but all the people of Israel had light where they dwelt. 24: Then Pharaoh called Moses, and said, "Go, serve the LORD; your children also may go with you; only let your flocks and your herds remain behind." 25: But Moses said, "You must also let us have sacrifices and burnt offerings, that we may sacrifice to the LORD our God. 26: Our cattle also must go with us; not a hoof shall be left behind, for we must take of them to serve the LORD our God, and we do not know with what we must serve the LORD until we arrive there." 27: But the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he would not let them go. 28: Then Pharaoh said to him, "Get away from me; take heed to yourself; never see my face again; for in the day you see my face you shall die." 29: Moses said, "As you say! I will not see your face again." Chapter 11 Exodus, chapter 11 Compare with King James Version: Exod.11 1: The LORD said to Moses, "Yet one plague more I will bring upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence; when he lets you go, he will drive you away completely. 2: Speak now in the hearing of the people, that they ask, every man of his neighbor and every woman of her neighbor, jewelry of silver and of gold." 3: And the LORD gave the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover, the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh's servants and in the sight of the people. 4: And Moses said, "Thus says the LORD: About midnight I will go forth in the midst of Egypt; 5: and all the first-born in the land of Egypt shall die, from the first-born of Pharaoh who sits upon his throne, even to the first-born of the maidservant who is behind the mill; and all the first-born of the cattle. 6: And there shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there has never been, nor ever shall be again. 7: But against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, not a dog shall growl; that you may know that the LORD makes a distinction between the Egyptians and Israel. 8: And all these your servants shall come down to me, and bow down to me, saying, `Get you out, and all the people who follow you.' And after that I will go out." And he went out from Pharaoh in hot anger. 9: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Pharaoh will not listen to you; that my wonders may be multiplied in the land of Egypt." 10: Moses and Aaron did all these wonders before Pharaoh; and the LORD hardened Pharaoh's heart, and he did not let the people of Israel go out of his land. Chapter 12 Exodus, chapter 12 Compare with King James Version: Exod.12 1: The LORD said to Moses and Aaron in the land of Egypt, 2: "This month shall be for you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year for you. 3: Tell all the congregation of Israel that on the tenth day of this month they shall take every man a lamb according to their fathers' houses, a lamb for a household; 4: and if the household is too small for a lamb, then a man and his neighbor next to his house shall take according to the number of persons; according to what each can eat you shall make your count for the lamb. 5: Your lamb shall be without blemish, a male a year old; you shall take it from the sheep or from the goats; 6: and you shall keep it until the fourteenth day of this month, when the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel shall kill their lambs in the evening. 7: Then they shall take some of the blood, and put it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the houses in which they eat them. 8: They shall eat the flesh that night, roasted; with unleavened bread and bitter herbs they shall eat it. 9: Do not eat any of it raw or boiled with water, but roasted, its head with its legs and its inner parts. 10: And you shall let none of it remain until the morning, anything that remains until the morning you shall burn. 11: In this manner you shall eat it: your loins girded, your sandals on your feet, and your staff in your hand; and you shall eat it in haste. It is the LORD's passover. 12: For I will pass through the land of Egypt that night, and I will smite all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and on all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgments: I am the LORD. 13: The blood shall be a sign for you, upon the houses where you are; and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and no plague shall fall upon you to destroy you, when I smite the land of Egypt. 14: "This day shall be for you a memorial day, and you shall keep it as a feast to the LORD; throughout your generations you shall observe it as an ordinance for ever. 15: Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread; on the first day you shall put away leaven out of your houses, for if any one eats what is leavened, from the first day until the seventh day, that person shall be cut off from Israel. 16: On the first day you shall hold a holy assembly, and on the seventh day a holy assembly; no work shall be done on those days; but what every one must eat, that only may be prepared by you. 17: And you shall observe the feast of unleavened bread, for on this very day I brought your hosts out of the land of Egypt: therefore you shall observe this day, throughout your generations, as an ordinance for ever. 18: In the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at evening, you shall eat unleavened bread, and so until the twenty-first day of the month at evening. 19: For seven days no leaven shall be found in your houses; for if any one eats what is leavened, that person shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he is a sojourner or a native of the land. 20: You shall eat nothing leavened; in all your dwellings you shall eat unleavened bread." 21: Then Moses called all the elders of Israel, and said to them, "Select lambs for yourselves according to your families, and kill the passover lamb. 22: Take a bunch of hyssop and dip it in the blood which is in the basin, and touch the lintel and the two doorposts with the blood which is in the basin; and none of you shall go out of the door of his house until the morning. 23: For the LORD will pass through to slay the Egyptians; and when he sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not allow the destroyer to enter your houses to slay you. 24: You shall observe this rite as an ordinance for you and for your sons for ever. 25: And when you come to the land which the LORD will give you, as he has promised, you shall keep this service. 26: And when your children say to you, `What do you mean by this service?' 27: you shall say, `It is the sacrifice of the LORD's passover, for he passed over the houses of the people of Israel in Egypt, when he slew the Egyptians but spared our houses.'" And the people bowed their heads and worshiped. 28: Then the people of Israel went and did so; as the LORD had commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did. 29: At midnight the LORD smote all the first-born in the land of Egypt, from the first-born of Pharaoh who sat on his throne to the first-born of the captive who was in the dungeon, and all the first-born of the cattle. 30: And Pharaoh rose up in the night, he, and all his servants, and all the Egyptians; and there was a great cry in Egypt, for there was not a house where one was not dead. 31: And he summoned Moses and Aaron by night, and said, "Rise up, go forth from among my people, both you and the people of Israel; and go, serve the LORD, as you have said. 32: Take your flocks and your herds, as you have said, and be gone; and bless me also!" 33: And the Egyptians were urgent with the people, to send them out of the land in haste; for they said, "We are all dead men." 34: So the people took their dough before it was leavened, their kneading bowls being bound up in their mantles on their shoulders. 35: The people of Israel had also done as Moses told them, for they had asked of the Egyptians jewelry of silver and of gold, and clothing; 36: and the LORD had given the people favor in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they let them have what they asked. Thus they despoiled the Egyptians. 37: And the people of Israel journeyed from Ram'eses to Succoth, about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children. 38: A mixed multitude also went up with them, and very many cattle, both flocks and herds. 39: And they baked unleavened cakes of the dough which they had brought out of Egypt, for it was not leavened, because they were thrust out of Egypt and could not tarry, neither had they prepared for themselves any provisions. 40: The time that the people of Israel dwelt in Egypt was four hundred and thirty years. 41: And at the end of four hundred and thirty years, on that very day, all the hosts of the LORD went out from the land of Egypt. 42: It was a night of watching by the LORD, to bring them out of the land of Egypt; so this same night is a night of watching kept to the LORD by all the people of Israel throughout their generations. 43: And the LORD said to Moses and Aaron, "This is the ordinance of the passover: no foreigner shall eat of it; 44: but every slave that is bought for money may eat of it after you have circumcised him. 45: No sojourner or hired servant may eat of it. 46: In one house shall it be eaten; you shall not carry forth any of the flesh outside the house; and you shall not break a bone of it. 47: All the congregation of Israel shall keep it. 48: And when a stranger shall sojourn with you and would keep the passover to the LORD, let all his males be circumcised, then he may come near and keep it; he shall be as a native of the land. But no uncircumcised person shall eat of it. 49: There shall be one law for the native and for the stranger who sojourns among you." 50: Thus did all the people of Israel; as the LORD commanded Moses and Aaron, so they did. 51: And on that very day the LORD brought the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt by their hosts. Chapter 13 Exodus, chapter 13 Compare with King James Version: Exod.13 1: The LORD said to Moses, 2: "Consecrate to me all the first-born; whatever is the first to open the womb among the people of Israel, both of man and of beast, is mine." 3: And Moses said to the people, "Remember this day, in which you came out from Egypt, out of the house of bondage, for by strength of hand the LORD brought you out from this place; no leavened bread shall be eaten. 4: This day you are to go forth, in the month of Abib. 5: And when the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Hivites, and the Jeb'usites, which he swore to your fathers to give you, a land flowing with milk and honey, you shall keep this service in this month. 6: Seven days you shall eat unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there shall be a feast to the LORD. 7: Unleavened bread shall be eaten for seven days; no leavened bread shall be seen with you, and no leaven shall be seen with you in all your territory. 8: And you shall tell your son on that day, `It is because of what the LORD did for me when I came out of Egypt.' 9: And it shall be to you as a sign on your hand and as a memorial between your eyes, that the law of the LORD may be in your mouth; for with a strong hand the LORD has brought you out of Egypt. 10: You shall therefore keep this ordinance at its appointed time from year to year. 11: "And when the LORD brings you into the land of the Canaanites, as he swore to you and your fathers, and shall give it to you, 12: you shall set apart to the LORD all that first opens the womb. All the firstlings of your cattle that are males shall be the LORD's. 13: Every firstling of an ass you shall redeem with a lamb, or if you will not redeem it you shall break its neck. Every first-born of man among your sons you shall redeem. 14: And when in time to come your son asks you, `What does this mean?' you shall say to him, `By strength of hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt, from the house of bondage. 15: For when Pharaoh stubbornly refused to let us go, the LORD slew all the first-born in the land of Egypt, both the first-born of man and the first-born of cattle. Therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all the males that first open the womb; but all the first-born of my sons I redeem.' 16: It shall be as a mark on your hand or frontlets between your eyes; for by a strong hand the LORD brought us out of Egypt." 17: When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, "Lest the people repent when they see war, and return to Egypt." 18: But God led the people round by the way of the wilderness toward the Red Sea. And the people of Israel went up out of the land of Egypt equipped for battle. 19: And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him; for Joseph had solemnly sworn the people of Israel, saying, "God will visit you; then you must carry my bones with you from here." 20: And they moved on from Succoth, and encamped at Etham, on the edge of the wilderness. 21: And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night; 22: the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people. Chapter 14 Exodus, chapter 14 Compare with King James Version: Exod.14 1: Then the LORD said to Moses, 2: "Tell the people of Israel to turn back and encamp in front of Pi-ha-hi'roth, between Migdol and the sea, in front of Ba'al-ze'phon; you shall encamp over against it, by the sea. 3: For Pharaoh will say of the people of Israel, `They are entangled in the land; the wilderness has shut them in.' 4: And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host; and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." And they did so. 5: When the king of Egypt was told that the people had fled, the mind of Pharaoh and his servants was changed toward the people, and they said, "What is this we have done, that we have let Israel go from serving us?" 6: So he made ready his chariot and took his army with him, 7: and took six hundred picked chariots and all the other chariots of Egypt with officers over all of them. 8: And the LORD hardened the heart of Pharaoh king of Egypt and he pursued the people of Israel as they went forth defiantly. 9: The Egyptians pursued them, all Pharaoh's horses and chariots and his horsemen and his army, and overtook them encamped at the sea, by Pi-ha-hi'roth, in front of Ba'al-ze'phon. 10: When Pharaoh drew near, the people of Israel lifted up their eyes, and behold, the Egyptians were marching after them; and they were in great fear. And the people of Israel cried out to the LORD; 11: and they said to Moses, "Is it because there are no graves in Egypt that you have taken us away to die in the wilderness? What have you done to us, in bringing us out of Egypt? 12: Is not this what we said to you in Egypt, `Let us alone and let us serve the Egyptians'? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness." 13: And Moses said to the people, "Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the LORD, which he will work for you today; for the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again. 14: The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be still." 15: The LORD said to Moses, "Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. 16: Lift up your rod, and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it, that the people of Israel may go on dry ground through the sea. 17: And I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they shall go in after them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, his chariots, and his horsemen. 18: And the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD, when I have gotten glory over Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horsemen." 19: Then the angel of God who went before the host of Israel moved and went behind them; and the pillar of cloud moved from before them and stood behind them, 20: coming between the host of Egypt and the host of Israel. And there was the cloud and the darkness; and the night passed without one coming near the other all night. 21: Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD drove the sea back by a strong east wind all night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided. 22: And the people of Israel went into the midst of the sea on dry ground, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. 23: The Egyptians pursued, and went in after them into the midst of the sea, all Pharaoh's horses, his chariots, and his horsemen. 24: And in the morning watch the LORD in the pillar of fire and of cloud looked down upon the host of the Egyptians, and discomfited the host of the Egyptians, 25: clogging their chariot wheels so that they drove heavily; and the Egyptians said, "Let us flee from before Israel; for the LORD fights for them against the Egyptians." 26: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Stretch out your hand over the sea, that the water may come back upon the Egyptians, upon their chariots, and upon their horsemen." 27: So Moses stretched forth his hand over the sea, and the sea returned to its wonted flow when the morning appeared; and the Egyptians fled into it, and the LORD routed the Egyptians in the midst of the sea. 28: The waters returned and covered the chariots and the horsemen and all the host of Pharaoh that had followed them into the sea; not so much as one of them remained. 29: But the people of Israel walked on dry ground through the sea, the waters being a wall to them on their right hand and on their left. 30: Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians; and Israel saw the Egyptians dead upon the seashore. 31: And Israel saw the great work which the LORD did against the Egyptians, and the people feared the LORD; and they believed in the LORD and in his servant Moses. Chapter 15 Exodus, chapter 15 Compare with King James Version: Exod.15 1: Then Moses and the people of Israel sang this song to the LORD, saying, "I will sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea. 2: The LORD is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation; this is my God, and I will praise him, my father's God, and I will exalt him. 3: The LORD is a man of war; the LORD is his name. 4: "Pharaoh's chariots and his host he cast into the sea; and his picked officers are sunk in the Red Sea. 5: The floods cover them; they went down into the depths like a stone. 6: Thy right hand, O LORD, glorious in power, thy right hand, O LORD, shatters the enemy. 7: In the greatness of thy majesty thou overthrowest thy adversaries; thou sendest forth thy fury, it consumes them like stubble. 8: At the blast of thy nostrils the waters piled up, the floods stood up in a heap; the deeps congealed in the heart of the sea. 9: The enemy said, `I will pursue, I will overtake, I will divide the spoil, my desire shall have its fill of them. I will draw my sword, my hand shall destroy them.' 10: Thou didst blow with thy wind, the sea covered them; they sank as lead in the mighty waters. 11: "Who is like thee, O LORD, among the gods? Who is like thee, majestic in holiness, terrible in glorious deeds, doing wonders? 12: Thou didst stretch out thy right hand, the earth swallowed them. 13: "Thou hast led in thy steadfast love the people whom thou hast redeemed, thou hast guided them by thy strength to thy holy abode. 14: The peoples have heard, they tremble; pangs have seized on the inhabitants of Philistia. 15: Now are the chiefs of Edom dismayed; the leaders of Moab, trembling seizes them; all the inhabitants of Canaan have melted away. 16: Terror and dread fall upon them; because of the greatness of thy arm, they are as still as a stone, till thy people, O LORD, pass by, till the people pass by whom thou hast purchased. 17: Thou wilt bring them in, and plant them on thy own mountain, the place, O LORD, which thou hast made for thy abode, the sanctuary, LORD, which thy hands have established. 18: The LORD will reign for ever and ever." 19: For when the horses of Pharaoh with his chariots and his horsemen went into the sea, the LORD brought back the waters of the sea upon them; but the people of Israel walked on dry ground in the midst of the sea. 20: Then Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and dancing. 21: And Miriam sang to them: "Sing to the LORD, for he has triumphed gloriously; the horse and his rider he has thrown into the sea." 22: Then Moses led Israel onward from the Red Sea, and they went into the wilderness of Shur; they went three days in the wilderness and found no water. 23: When they came to Marah, they could not drink the water of Marah because it was bitter; therefore it was named Marah. 24: And the people murmured against Moses, saying, "What shall we drink?" 25: And he cried to the LORD; and the LORD showed him a tree, and he threw it into the water, and the water became sweet. There the LORD made for them a statute and an ordinance and there he proved them, 26: saying, "If you will diligently hearken to the voice of the LORD your God, and do that which is right in his eyes, and give heed to his commandments and keep all his statutes, I will put none of the diseases upon you which I put upon the Egyptians; for I am the LORD, your healer." 27: Then they came to Elim, where there were twelve springs of water and seventy palm trees; and they encamped there by the water. Chapter 16 Exodus, chapter 16 Compare with King James Version: Exod.16 1: They set out from Elim, and all the congregation of the people of Israel came to the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after they had departed from the land of Egypt. 2: And the whole congregation of the people of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness, 3: and said to them, "Would that we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the fleshpots and ate bread to the full; for you have brought us out into this wilderness to kill this whole assembly with hunger." 4: Then the LORD said to Moses, "Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a day's portion every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law or not. 5: On the sixth day, when they prepare what they bring in, it will be twice as much as they gather daily." 6: So Moses and Aaron said to all the people of Israel, "At evening you shall know that it was the LORD who brought you out of the land of Egypt, 7: and in the morning you shall see the glory of the LORD, because he has heard your murmurings against the LORD. For what are we, that you murmur against us?" 8: And Moses said, "When the LORD gives you in the evening flesh to eat and in the morning bread to the full, because the LORD has heard your murmurings which you murmur against him -- what are we? Your murmurings are no
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by Jesus is Lord
Wednesday, May. 31, 2006 at 10:22 AM
Bible, Revised Standard. Galatians, from The holy Bible, Revised Standard version Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library | Table of Contents for this work | | All on-line databases | Etext Center Homepage | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the electronic version Galatians, from The holy Bible, Revised Standard version Bible, Revised Standard Creation of machine-readable version: Kraft, Robert A. Conversion to TEI.2-conformant markup: ca. 20 kilobytes Oxford Text Archive Oxford University Computing Service, 13 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 6NN, UK This version available from the University of Virginia Library Charlottesville, Va. Available from: Oxford Text Archive http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/relig.browse.html 1995 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- About the print version Galatians, from The holy Bible, Revised Standard version Bible, Revised Standard Revised Standard Version Note: Includes Apocrypha Prepared for the University of Virginia Library Electronic Text Center All quotation marks retained as data English CORDreligionbiblersv non-fiction; prose -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revisions to the electronic version January 1994 corrector John Price-Wilkin, University of Virginia Library TEI header completed; SGML markup applied. October 1995 corrector David Seaman Brought tagging into line with teilite.dtd; added titles to each book; added header for each book. etextcenter@virginia.edu. Commercial use prohibited; all usage governed by our Conditions of Use: http://etext.lib.virginia.edu/conditions.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 Galatians, chapter 1 Compare with King James Version: Gala.01 1: Paul an apostle -- not from men nor through man, but through Jesus Christ and God the Father, who raised him from the dead -- 2: and all the brethren who are with me, To the churches of Galatia: 3: Grace to you and peace from God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ, 4: who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father; 5: to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen. 6: I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting him who called you in the grace of Christ and turning to a different gospel -- 7: not that there is another gospel, but there are some who trouble you and want to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8: But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to that which we preached to you, let him be accursed. 9: As we have said before, so now I say again, If any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you received, let him be accursed. 10: Am I now seeking the favor of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still pleasing men, I should not be a servant of Christ. 11: For I would have you know, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not man's gospel. 12: For I did not receive it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through a revelation of Jesus Christ. 13: For you have heard of my former life in Judaism, how I persecuted the church of God violently and tried to destroy it; 14: and I advanced in Judaism beyond many of my own age among my people, so extremely zealous was I for the traditions of my fathers. 15: But when he who had set me apart before I was born, and had called me through his grace, 16: was pleased to reveal his Son to me, in order that I might preach him among the Gentiles, I did not confer with flesh and blood, 17: nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia; and again I returned to Damascus. 18: Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to visit Cephas, and remained with him fifteen days. 19: But I saw none of the other apostles except James the Lord's brother. 20: (In what I am writing to you, before God, I do not lie!) 21: Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cili'cia. 22: And I was still not known by sight to the churches of Christ in Judea; 23: they only heard it said, "He who once persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." 24: And they glorified God because of me. Chapter 2 Galatians, chapter 2 Compare with King James Version: Gala.02 1: Then after fourteen years I went up again to Jerusalem with Barnabas, taking Titus along with me. 2: I went up by revelation; and I laid before them (but privately before those who were of repute) the gospel which I preach among the Gentiles, lest somehow I should be running or had run in vain. 3: But even Titus, who was with me, was not compelled to be circumcised, though he was a Greek. 4: But because of false brethren secretly brought in, who slipped in to spy out our freedom which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage -- 5: to them we did not yield submission even for a moment, that the truth of the gospel might be preserved for you. 6: And from those who were reputed to be something (what they were makes no difference to me; God shows no partiality) -- those, I say, who were of repute added nothing to me; 7: but on the contrary, when they saw that I had been entrusted with the gospel to the uncircumcised, just as Peter had been entrusted with the gospel to the circumcised 8: (for he who worked through Peter for the mission to the circumcised worked through me also for the Gentiles), 9: and when they perceived the grace that was given to me, James and Cephas and John, who were reputed to be pillars, gave to me and Barnabas the right hand of fellowship, that we should go to the Gentiles and they to the circumcised; 10: only they would have us remember the poor, which very thing I was eager to do. 11: But when Cephas came to Antioch I opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned. 12: For before certain men came from James, he ate with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party. 13: And with him the rest of the Jews acted insincerely, so that even Barnabas was carried away by their insincerity. 14: But when I saw that they were not straightforward about the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you compel the Gentiles to live like Jews?" 15: We ourselves, who are Jews by birth and not Gentile sinners, 16: yet who know that a man is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ, even we have believed in Christ Jesus, in order to be justified by faith in Christ, and not by works of the law, because by works of the law shall no one be justified. 17: But if, in our endeavor to be justified in Christ, we ourselves were found to be sinners, is Christ then an agent of sin? Certainly not! 18: But if I build up again those things which I tore down, then I prove myself a transgressor. 19: For I through the law died to the law, that I might live to God. 20: I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21: I do not nullify the grace of God; for if justification were through the law, then Christ died to no purpose. Chapter 3 Galatians, chapter 3 Compare with King James Version: Gala.03 1: O foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you, before whose eyes Jesus Christ was publicly portrayed as crucified? 2: Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? 3: Are you so foolish? Having begun with the Spirit, are you now ending with the flesh? 4: Did you experience so many things in vain? -- if it really is in vain. 5: Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among you do so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? 6: Thus Abraham "believed God, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness." 7: So you see that it is men of faith who are the sons of Abraham. 8: And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "In you shall all the nations be blessed." 9: So then, those who are men of faith are blessed with Abraham who had faith. 10: For all who rely on works of the law are under a curse; for it is written, "Cursed be every one who does not abide by all things written in the book of the law, and do them." 11: Now it is evident that no man is justified before God by the law; for "He who through faith is righteous shall live"; 12: but the law does not rest on faith, for "He who does them shall live by them." 13: Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us -- for it is written, "Cursed be every one who hangs on a tree" -- 14: that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith. 15: To give a human example, brethren: no one annuls even a man's will, or adds to it, once it has been ratified. 16: Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings," referring to many; but, referring to one, "And to your offspring," which is Christ. 17: This is what I mean: the law, which came four hundred and thirty years afterward, does not annul a covenant previously ratified by God, so as to make the promise void. 18: For if the inheritance is by the law, it is no longer by promise; but God gave it to Abraham by a promise. 19: Why then the law? It was added because of transgressions, till the offspring should come to whom the promise had been made; and it was ordained by angels through an intermediary. 20: Now an intermediary implies more than one; but God is one. 21: Is the law then against the promises of God? Certainly not; for if a law had been given which could make alive, then righteousness would indeed be by the law. 22: But the scripture consigned all things to sin, that what was promised to faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe. 23: Now before faith came, we were confined under the law, kept under restraint until faith should be revealed. 24: So that the law was our custodian until Christ came, that we might be justified by faith. 25: But now that faith has come, we are no longer under a custodian; 26: for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. 27: For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. 28: There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. 29: And if you are Christ's, then you are Abraham's offspring, heirs according to promise. Chapter 4 Galatians, chapter 4 Compare with King James Version: Gala.04 1: I mean that the heir, as long as he is a child, is no better than a slave, though he is the owner of all the estate; 2: but he is under guardians and trustees until the date set by the father. 3: So with us; when we were children, we were slaves to the elemental spirits of the universe. 4: But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5: to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. 6: And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" 7: So through God you are no longer a slave but a son, and if a son then an heir. 8: Formerly, when you did not know God, you were in bondage to beings that by nature are no gods; 9: but now that you have come to know God, or rather to be known by God, how can you turn back again to the weak and beggarly elemental spirits, whose slaves you want to be once more? 10: You observe days, and months, and seasons, and years! 11: I am afraid I have labored over you in vain. 12: Brethren, I beseech you, become as I am, for I also have become as you are. You did me no wrong; 13: you know it was because of a bodily ailment that I preached the gospel to you at first; 14: and though my condition was a trial to you, you did not scorn or despise me, but received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus. 15: What has become of the satisfaction you felt? For I bear you witness that, if possible, you would have plucked out your eyes and given them to me. 16: Have I then become your enemy by telling you the truth? 17: They make much of you, but for no good purpose; they want to shut you out, that you may make much of them. 18: For a good purpose it is always good to be made much of, and not only when I am present with you. 19: My little children, with whom I am again in travail until Christ be formed in you! 20: I could wish to be present with you now and to change my tone, for I am perplexed about you. 21: Tell me, you who desire to be under law, do you not hear the law? 22: For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by a slave and one by a free woman. 23: But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh, the son of the free woman through promise. 24: Now this is an allegory: these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, bearing children for slavery; she is Hagar. 25: Now Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia; she corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. 26: But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is our mother. 27: For it is written, "Rejoice, O barren one who does not bear; break forth and shout, you who are not in travail; for the children of the desolate one are many more than the children of her that is married." 28: Now we, brethren, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29: But as at that time he who was born according to the flesh persecuted him who was born according to the Spirit, so it is now. 30: But what does the scripture say? "Cast out the slave and her son; for the son of the slave shall not inherit with the son of the free woman." 31: So, brethren, we are not children of the slave but of the free woman. Chapter 5 Galatians, chapter 5 Compare with King James Version: Gala.05 1: For freedom Christ has set us free; stand fast therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 2: Now I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3: I testify again to every man who receives circumcision that he is bound to keep the whole law. 4: You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5: For through the Spirit, by faith, we wait for the hope of righteousness. 6: For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision is of any avail, but faith working through love. 7: You were running well; who hindered you from obeying the truth? 8: This persuasion is not from him who calls you. 9: A little leaven leavens the whole lump. 10: I have confidence in the Lord that you will take no other view than mine; and he who is troubling you will bear his judgment, whoever he is. 11: But if I, brethren, still preach circumcision, why am I still persecuted? In that case the stumbling block of the cross has been removed. 12: I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves! 13: For you were called to freedom, brethren; only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love be servants of one another. 14: For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." 15: But if you bite and devour one another take heed that you are not consumed by one another. 16: But I say, walk by the Spirit, and do not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17: For the desires of the flesh are against the Spirit, and the desires of the Spirit are against the flesh; for these are opposed to each other, to prevent you from doing what you would. 18: But if you are led by the Spirit you are not under the law. 19: Now the works of the flesh are plain: fornication, impurity, licentiousness, 20: idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, anger, selfishness, dissension, party spirit, 21: envy, drunkenness, carousing, and the like. I warn you, as I warned you before, that those who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23: gentleness, self-control; against such there is no law. 24: And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25: If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit. 26: Let us have no self-conceit, no provoking of one another, no envy of one another. Chapter 6 Galatians, chapter 6 Compare with King James Version: Gala.06 1: Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual should restore him in a spirit of gentleness. Look to yourself, lest you too be tempted. 2: Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ. 3: For if any one thinks he is something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. 4: But let each one test his own work, and then his reason to boast will be in himself alone and not in his neighbor. 5: For each man will have to bear his own load. 6: Let him who is taught the word share all good things with him who teaches. 7: Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. 8: For he who sows to his own flesh will from the flesh reap corruption; but he who sows to the Spirit will from the Spirit reap eternal life. 9: And let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we do not lose heart. 10: So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all men, and especially to those who are of the household of faith. 11: See with what large letters I am writing to you with my own hand. 12: It is those who want to make a good showing in the flesh that would compel you to be circumcised, and only in order that they may not be persecuted for the cross of Christ. 13: For even those who receive circumcision do not themselves keep the law, but they desire to have you circumcised that they may glory in your flesh. 14: But far be it from me to glory except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15: For neither circumcision counts for anything, nor uncircumcision, but a new creation. 16: Peace and mercy be upon all who walk by this rule, upon the Israel of God. 17: Henceforth let no man trouble me; for I bear on my body the marks of Jesus. 18: The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit, brethren. Amen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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by Well, at least he likes one Jew!
Wednesday, May. 31, 2006 at 10:24 AM
Well, at least he likes one Jew! Its a start.
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by a racist is a racist is a racist
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 4:06 AM
For example: http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2004/01/1674134.php http://sf.indymedia.org/news/2003/04/1601076.php But anyone who likes all Jew, or likes any Jew or even cares whether or not people are Jewish before they decide whether to like them or not, is a racist.
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by gehrig
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 4:15 AM
nessie: yammity yammity yammity
Nessie likes Jews who reaffirm his own paranoid psychosis. So when Gilad Atzmon says that there's a real possibility that "the Jewish people" are trying to control the world, then both nessie and any other goosestepper/pointy-hood type is reaffirmed.
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by heard it before
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 5:40 AM
(1.) An ad hominem is not a rebuttal.
(2.) By definition, it's only paranoia if it turns out later i was wrong. Speculation beforehand is premature.
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by book
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 5:41 AM
Zephaniah 1,1 The word of the LORD which came unto Zephaniah the son of Cushi, the son of Gedaliah, the son of Amariah, the son of Hezekiah, in the days of Josiah the son of Amon, king of Judah. 1,2 I will utterly consume all things from off the face of the earth, saith the LORD. 1,3 I will consume man and beast, I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumblingblocks with the wicked; and I will cut off man from off the face of the earth, saith the LORD. 1,4 And I will stretch out My hand upon Judah, and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and I will cut off the remnant of Baal from this place, and the name of the idolatrous priests with the priests; 1,5 And them that worship the host of heaven upon the housetops; and them that worship, that swear to the LORD and swear by Malcam; 1,6 Them also that are turned back from following the LORD; and those that have not sought the LORD, nor inquired after Him. 1,7 Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord GOD; for the day of the LORD is at hand, for the LORD hath prepared a sacrifice, He hath consecrated His guests. 1,8 And it shall come to pass in the day of the LORD'S sacrifice, that I will punish the princes, and the king's sons, and all such as are clothed with foreign apparel. 1,9 In the same day also will I punish all those that leap over the threshold, that fill their master's house with violence and deceit. 1,10 And in that day, saith the LORD, Hark! a cry from the fish gate, and a wailing from the second quarter, and a great crashing from the hills. 1,11 Wail, ye inhabitants of Maktesh, for all the merchant people are undone; all they that were laden with silver are cut off. {S} 1,12 And it shall come to pass at that time, that I will search Jerusalem with lamps; and I will punish the men that are settled on their lees, that say in their heart: 'The LORD will not do good, neither will He do evil.' 1,13 Therefore their wealth shall become a booty, and their houses a desolation; yea, they shall build houses, but shall not inhabit them, and they shall plant vineyards, but shall not drink the wine thereof. 1,14 The great day of the LORD is near, it is near and hasteth greatly, even the voice of the day of the LORD, wherein the mighty man crieth bitterly. 1,15 That day is a day of wrath, a day of trouble and distress, a day of wasteness and desolation, a day of darkness and gloominess, a day of clouds and thick darkness, 1,16 A day of the horn and alarm, against the fortified cities, and against the high towers. 1,17 And I will bring distress upon men, that they shall walk like the blind, because they have sinned against the LORD; and their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as dung. 1,18 Neither their silver nor their gold shall be able to deliver them in the day of the LORD'S wrath; but the whole earth shall be devoured by the fire of His jealousy; for He will make and end, yea, a terrible end, of all them that dwell in the earth. {S} 2,1 Gather yourselves together, yea, gather together, O shameless nation; 2,2 Before the decree bring forth the day when one passeth as the chaff, before the fierce anger of the LORD come upon you, before the day of the LORD'S anger come upon you. 2,3 Seek ye the LORD, all ye humble of the earth, that have executed His ordinance; seek righteousness, seek humility. It may be ye shall be hid in the day of the LORD'S anger. 2,4 For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation; they shall drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Ekron shall be rooted up. {S} 2,5 Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea-coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you, O Canaan, the land of the Philistines; I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant. 2,6 And the sea-coast shall be pastures, even meadows for shepherds, and folds for flocks. 2,7 And it shall be a portion for the remnant of the house of Judah, whereon they shall feed; in the houses of Ashkelon shall they lie down in the evening; for the LORD their God will remember them, and turn their captivity. 2,8 I have heard the taunt of Moab, and the revilings of the children of Ammon, wherewith they have taunted My people, and spoken boastfully concerning their border. 2,9 Therefore as I live, saith the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Surely Moab shall be as Sodom, and the children of Ammon as Gomorrah, even the breeding-place of nettles, and saltpits, and a desolation, for ever; the residue of My people shall spoil them, and the remnant of My nation shall inherit them. 2,10 This shall they have for their pride, because they have taunted and spoken boastfully against the people of the LORD of hosts. 2,11 The LORD will be terrible unto them; for He will famish all the gods of the earth; then shall all the isles of the nations worship Him, every one from its place. 2,12 Ye Ethiopians also, ye shall be slain by My sword. 2,13 And He will stretch out His hand against the north, and destroy Assyria; and will make Nineveh a desolation, and dry like the wilderness. 2,14 And all beasts of every kind shall lie down in the midst of her in herds; both the pelican and the bittern shall lodge in the capitals thereof; voices shall sing in the windows; desolation shall be in the posts; for the cedar-work thereof shall be uncovered. 2,15 This is the joyous city that dwelt without care, that said in her heart: 'I am, and there is none else beside me'; how is she become a desolation, a place for beasts to lie down in! Every one that passeth by her shall hiss, and wag his hand. {P}
3,1 Woe to her that is filthy and polluted, to the oppressing city! 3,2 She hearkened not to the voice, she received not correction; she trusted not in the LORD, she drew not near to her God. 3,3 Her princes in the midst of her are roaring lions; her judges are wolves of the desert, they leave not a bone for the morrow. 3,4 Her prophets are wanton and treacherous persons; her priests have profaned that which is holy, they have done violence to the law. 3,5 The LORD who is righteous is in the midst of her, He will not do unrighteousness; every morning doth He bring His right to light, it faileth not; but the unrighteous knoweth no shame. 3,6 I have cut off nations, their corners are desolate; I have made their streets waste, so that none passeth by; their cities are destroyed, so that there is no man, so that there is no inhabitant. 3,7 I said: 'Surely thou wilt fear Me, thou wilt receive correction; so her dwelling shall not be cut off, despite all that I have visited upon her'; but they betimes corrupted all their doings. 3,8 Therefore wait ye for Me, saith the LORD, until the day that I rise up to the prey; for My determination is to gather the nations, that I may assemble the kingdoms, to pour upon them Mine indignation, even all My fierce anger; for all the earth shall be devoured with the fire of My jealousy. 3,9 For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent. 3,10 From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia shall they bring My suppliants, even the daughter of My dispersed, as Mine offering. 3,11 In that day shalt thou not be ashamed for all thy doings, wherein thou hast transgressed against Me; for then I will take away out of the midst of thee thy proudly exulting ones, and thou shalt no more be haughty in My holy mountain. 3,12 And I will leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall take refuge in the name of the LORD. 3,13 The remnant of Israel shall not do iniquity, nor speak lies, neither shall a deceitful tongue be found in their mouth; for they shall feed and lie down, and none shall make them afraid. {P}
3,14 Sing, O daughter of Zion, shout, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem. 3,15 The LORD hath taken away thy judgments, He hath cast out thine enemy; The King of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee; thou shalt not fear evil any more. {P}
3,16 In that day it shall be said to Jerusalem: 'Fear thou not; O Zion, let not thy hands be slack. 3,17 The LORD thy God is in the midst of thee, a Mighty One who will save; He will rejoice over thee with joy, He will be silent in His love, He will joy over thee with singing.' 3,18 I will gather them that are far from the appointed season, who are of thee, that hast borne the burden of reproach. 3,19 Behold, at that time I will deal with all them that afflict thee; and I will save her that is lame, and gather her that was driven away; and I will make them to be a praise and a name, whose shame hath been in all the earth. 3,20 At that time will I bring you in, and at that time will I gather you; for I will make you to be a name and a praise among all the peoples of the earth, when I turn your captivity before your eyes, saith the LORD. {P}
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 5:45 AM
now we get more C & P bible spam to smother any revelations about zionism the new reader ( who is the real target of this assault) may wish to read about. Cut it out.
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by anti-racist
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 5:51 AM
People like Sheepdog are precisely why anti-Zionism is such a threat to both Jews and non-Jews all over the world. Jews are not trying to take over the world. Nazi-like anti-Zionist are. Just like their nazi progenitors. Look up: Sheepdog +Eichmann.
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by book
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 5:57 AM
Psalms 1,1 Happy is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the wicked, {N} nor stood in the way of sinners, nor sat in the seat of the scornful. 1,2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in His law doth he meditate day and night. 1,3 And he shall be like a tree planted by streams of water, {N} that bringeth forth its fruit in its season, and whose leaf doth not wither; and in whatsoever he doeth he shall prosper. 1,4 Not so the wicked; but they are like the chaff which the wind driveth away. 1,5 Therefore the wicked shall not stand in the judgment, nor sinners in the congregation of the righteous. 1,6 For the LORD regardeth the way of the righteous; but the way of the wicked shall perish. {P}
2,1 Why are the nations in an uproar? And why do the peoples mutter in vain? 2,2 The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take counsel together, {N} against the LORD, and against His anointed: 2,3 'Let us break their bands asunder, and cast away their cords from us.' 2,4 He that sitteth in heaven laugheth, the Lord hath them in derision. 2,5 Then will He speak unto them in His wrath, and affright them in His sore displeasure: 2,6 'Truly it is I that have established My king upon Zion, My holy mountain.' 2,7 I will tell of the decree: the LORD said unto me: 'Thou art My son, this day have I begotten thee. 2,8 Ask of Me, and I will give the nations for thine inheritance, and the ends of the earth for thy possession. 2,9 Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel.' 2,10 Now therefore, O ye kings, be wise; be admonished, ye judges of the earth. 2,11 Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 2,12 Do homage in purity, lest He be angry, and ye perish in the way, when suddenly His wrath is kindled. {N} Happy are all they that take refuge in Him. {P}
3,1 A Psalm of David, when he fled from Absalom his son. 3,2 LORD, how many are mine adversaries become! Many are they that rise up against me. 3,3 Many there are that say of my soul: 'There is no salvation for him in God.' Selah 3,4 But thou, O LORD, art a shield about me; my glory, and the lifter up of my head. 3,5 With my voice I call unto the LORD, and He answereth me out of His holy mountain. Selah 3,6 I lay me down, and I sleep; I awake, for the LORD sustaineth me. 3,7 I am not afraid of ten thousands of people, that have set themselves against me round about. 3,8 Arise, O LORD; save me, O my God; for Thou hast smitten all mine enemies upon the cheek, {N} Thou hast broken the teeth of the wicked. 3,9 Salvation belongeth unto the LORD; Thy blessing be upon Thy people. Selah {P}
4,1 For the Leader; with string-music. A Psalm of David. 4,2 Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness, Thou who didst set me free when I was in distress; be gracious unto me, and hear my prayer. 4,3 O ye sons of men, how long shall my glory be put to shame, in that ye love vanity, and seek after falsehood? Selah 4,4 But know that the LORD hath set apart the godly man as His own; the LORD will hear when I call unto Him. 4,5 Tremble, and sin not; commune with your own heart upon your bed, and be still. Selah 4,6 Offer the sacrifices of righteousness, and put your trust in the LORD. 4,7 Many there are that say: 'Oh that we could see some good!' LORD, lift Thou up the light of Thy countenance upon us. 4,8 Thou hast put gladness in my heart, more than when their corn and their wine increase. 4,9 In peace will I both lay me down and sleep; for Thou, LORD, makest me dwell alone in safety. {P}
5,1 For the Leader; upon the Nehiloth. A Psalm of David. 5,2 Give ear to my words, O LORD, consider my meditation. 5,3 Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God; for unto Thee do I pray. 5,4 O LORD, in the morning shalt Thou hear my voice; in the morning will I order my prayer unto Thee, and will look forward. 5,5 For Thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness; evil shall not sojourn with Thee. 5,6 The boasters shall not stand in Thy sight; Thou hatest all workers of iniquity. 5,7 Thou destroyest them that speak falsehood; the LORD abhorreth the man of blood and of deceit. 5,8 But as for me, in the abundance of Thy lovingkindness will I come into Thy house; I will bow down toward Thy holy temple in the fear of Thee. 5,9 O LORD, lead me in Thy righteousness because of them that lie in wait for me; make Thy way straight before my face. 5,10 For there is no sincerity in their mouth; their inward part is a yawning gulf, their throat is an open sepulchre; they make smooth their tongue. 5,11 Hold them guilty, O God, let them fall by their own counsels; {N} cast them down in the multitude of their transgressions; for they have rebelled against Thee. 5,12 So shall all those that take refuge in Thee rejoice, they shall ever shout for joy, and Thou shalt shelter them; {N} let them also that love Thy name exult in Thee. 5,13 For Thou dost bless the righteous; O LORD, Thou dost encompass him with favour as with a shield. {P}
6,1 For the Leader; with string-music; on the Sheminith. A Psalm of David. 6,2 O LORD, rebuke me not in Thine anger, neither chasten me in Thy wrath. 6,3 Be gracious unto me, O LORD, for I languish away; heal me, O LORD, for my bones are affrighted. 6,4 My soul also is sore affrighted; and Thou, O LORD, how long? 6,5 Return, O LORD, deliver my soul; save me for Thy mercy's sake. 6,6 For in death there is no remembrance of Thee; in the nether-world who will give Thee thanks? 6,7 I am weary with my groaning; every night make I my bed to swim; I melt away my couch with my tears. 6,8 Mine eye is dimmed because of vexation; it waxeth old because of all mine adversaries. 6,9 Depart from me, all ye workers of iniquity; for the LORD hath heard the voice of my weeping. 6,10 The LORD hath heard my supplication; the LORD receiveth my prayer. 6,11 All mine enemies shall be ashamed and sore affrighted; they shall turn back, they shall be ashamed suddenly. {P}
7,1 Shiggaion of David, which he sang unto the LORD, concerning Cush a Benjamite. 7,2 O LORD my God, in Thee have I taken refuge; save me from all them that pursue me, and deliver me; 7,3 Lest he tear my soul like a lion, rending it in pieces, while there is none to deliver. 7,4 O LORD my God, if I have done this; if there be iniquity in my hands; 7,5 If I have requited him that did evil unto me, or spoiled mine adversary unto emptiness; 7,6 Let the enemy pursue my soul, and overtake it, and tread my life down to the earth; yea, let him lay my glory in the dust. Selah 7,7 Arise, O LORD, in Thine anger, lift up Thyself in indignation against mine adversaries; yea, awake for me at the judgment which Thou hast commanded. 7,8 And let the congregation of the peoples compass Thee about, and over them return Thou on high. 7,9 O LORD, who ministerest judgment to the peoples, judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me. 7,10 Oh that a full measure of evil might come upon the wicked, and that Thou wouldest establish the righteous; {N} for the righteous God trieth the heart and reins. 7,11 My shield is with God, who saveth the upright in heart. 7,12 God is a righteous judge, yea, a God that hath indignation every day: 7,13 If a man turn not, He will whet His sword, He hath bent His bow, and made it ready; 7,14 He hath also prepared for him the weapons of death, yea, His arrows which He made sharp. 7,15 Behold, he travaileth with iniquity; yea, he conceiveth mischief, and bringeth forth falsehood. 7,16 He hath digged a pit, and hollowed it, and is fallen into the ditch which he made. 7,17 His mischief shall return upon his own head, and his violence shall come down upon his own pate. 7,18 I will give thanks unto the LORD according to His righteousness; and will sing praise to the name of the LORD Most High. {P}
8,1 For the Leader; upon the Gittith. A Psalm of David. 8,2 O LORD, our Lord, how glorious is Thy name in all the earth! {N} whose majesty is rehearsed above the heavens. 8,3 Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast Thou founded strength, {N} because of Thine adversaries; that Thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger. 8,4 When I behold Thy heavens, the work of Thy fingers, {N} the moon and the stars, which Thou hast established; 8,5 What is man, that Thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that Thou thinkest of him? 8,6 Yet Thou hast made him but little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour. 8,7 Thou hast made him to have dominion over the works of Thy hands; Thou hast put all things under his feet: 8,8 Sheep and oxen, all of them, yea, and the beasts of the field; 8,9 The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea; whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas. 8,10 O LORD, our Lord, how glorious is Thy name in all the earth! {P}
9,1 For the Leader; upon Muthlabben. A Psalm of David. 9,2 I will give thanks unto the LORD with my whole heart; I will tell of all Thy marvellous works. 9,3 I will be glad and exult in Thee; I will sing praise to Thy name, O Most High: 9,4 When mine enemies are turned back, they stumble and perish at Thy presence; 9,5 For Thou hast maintained my right and my cause; Thou sattest upon the throne as the righteous Judge. 9,6 Thou hast rebuked the nations, Thou hast destroyed the wicked, Thou hast blotted out their name for ever and ever. 9,7 O thou enemy, the waste places are come to an end for ever; and the cities which thou didst uproot, their very memorial is perished. 9,8 But the LORD is enthroned for ever; He hath established His throne for judgment. 9,9 And He will judge the world in righteousness, He will minister judgment to the peoples with equity. 9,10 The LORD also will be a high tower for the oppressed, a high tower in times of trouble; 9,11 And they that know Thy name will put their trust in Thee; for thou, LORD, hast not forsaken them that seek Thee. 9,12 Sing praises to the LORD, who dwelleth in Zion; declare among the peoples His doings. 9,13 For He that avengeth blood hath remembered them; He hath not forgotten the cry of the humble. 9,14 Be gracious unto me, O LORD, behold mine affliction at the hands of them that hate me; Thou that liftest me up from the gates of death; 9,15 That I may tell of all Thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion, that I may rejoice in Thy salvation. 9,16 The nations are sunk down in the pit that they made; in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. 9,17 The LORD hath made Himself known, He hath executed judgment, the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah 9,18 The wicked shall return to the nether-world, even all the nations that forget God. 9,19 For the needy shall not alway be forgotten, nor the expectation of the poor perish for ever. 9,20 Arise, O LORD, let not man prevail; let the nations be judged in Thy sight. 9,21 Set terror over them, O LORD; let the nations know they are but men. Selah {P}
10,1 Why standest Thou afar off, O LORD? Why hidest Thou Thyself in times of trouble? 10,2 Through the pride of the wicked the poor is hotly pursued, they are taken in the devices that they have imagined. 10,3 For the wicked boasteth of his heart's desire, and the covetous vaunteth himself, though he contemn the LORD. 10,4 The wicked, in the pride of his countenance [, saith]: 'He will not require'; all his thoughts are: 'There is no God.' 10,5 His ways prosper at all times; Thy judgments are far above out of his sight; as for all his adversaries, he puffeth at them. 10,6 He saith in his heart: 'I shall not be moved, I who to all generations shall not be in adversity.' 10,7 His mouth is full of cursing and deceit and oppression; under his tongue is mischief and iniquity. 10,8 He sitteth in the lurking-places of the villages; in secret places doth he slay the innocent; his eyes are on the watch for the helpless. 10,9 He lieth in wait in a secret place as a lion in his lair, he lieth in wait to catch the poor; {N} he doth catch the poor, when he draweth him up in his net. 10,10 He croucheth, he boweth down, and the helpless fall into his mighty claws. 10,11 He hath said in his heart: 'God hath forgotten; He hideth His face; He will never see.' 10,12 Arise, O LORD; O God, lift up Thy hand; forget not the humble. 10,13 Wherefore doth the wicked contemn God, and say in his heart: 'Thou wilt not require'? 10,14 Thou hast seen; for Thou beholdest trouble and vexation, to requite them with Thy hand; {N} unto Thee the helpless committeth himself; Thou hast been the helper of the fatherless. 10,15 Break Thou the arm of the wicked; and as for the evil man, search out his wickedness, till none be found. 10,16 The LORD is King for ever and ever; the nations are perished out of His land. 10,17 LORD, Thou hast heard the desire of the humble: Thou wilt direct their heart, Thou wilt cause Thine ear to attend; 10,18 To right the fatherless and the oppressed, that man who is of the earth may be terrible no more. {P}
11,1 For the Leader. [A Psalm] of David. {N} In the LORD have I taken refuge; how say ye to my soul: 'Flee thou! to your mountain, ye birds'? 11,2 For, lo, the wicked bend the bow, they have made ready their arrow upon the string, {N} that they may shoot in darkness at the upright in heart. 11,3 When the foundations are destroyed, what hath the righteous wrought? 11,4 The LORD is in His holy temple, the LORD, His throne is in heaven; {N} His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the children of men. 11,5 The LORD trieth the righteous; but the wicked and him that loveth violence His soul hateth. 11,6 Upon the wicked He will cause to rain coals; fire and brimstone and burning wind shall be the portion of their cup. 11,7 For the LORD is righteous, He loveth righteousness; the upright shall behold His face. {P}
12,1 For the Leader; on the Sheminith. A Psalm of David. 12,2 Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. 12,3 They speak falsehood every one with his neighbour; with flattering lip, and with a double heart, do they speak. 12,4 May the LORD cut off all flattering lips, the tongue that speaketh proud things! 12,5 Who have said: 'Our tongue will we make mighty; our lips are with us: who is lord over us?' 12,6 'For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, {N} now will I arise', saith the LORD; 'I will set him in safety at whom they puff.' 12,7 The words of the LORD are pure words, {N} as silver tried in a crucible on the earth, refined seven times. 12,8 Thou wilt keep them, O LORD; Thou wilt preserve us from this generation for ever. 12,9 The wicked walk on every side, when vileness is exalted among the sons of men. {P}
13,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 13,2 How long, O LORD, wilt Thou forget me for ever? How long wilt Thou hide Thy face from me? 13,3 How long shall I take counsel in my soul, having sorrow in my heart by day? {N} How long shall mine enemy be exalted over me? 13,4 Behold Thou, and answer me, O LORD my God; lighten mine eyes, lest I sleep the sleep of death; 13,5 Lest mine enemy say: 'I have prevailed against him'; lest mine adversaries rejoice when I am moved. 13,6 But as for me, in Thy mercy do I trust; my heart shall rejoice in Thy salvation. {N} I will sing unto the LORD, because He hath dealt bountifully with me. {P}
14,1 For the Leader. [A Psalm] of David. {N} The fool hath said in his heart: 'There is no God'; {N} they have dealt corruptly, they have done abominably; there is none that doeth good. 14,2 The LORD looked forth from heaven upon the children of men, {N} to see if there were any man of understanding, that did seek after God. 14,3 They are all corrupt, they are together become impure; there is none that doeth good, no, not one. 14,4 'Shall not all the workers of iniquity know it, who eat up My people as they eat bread, and call not upon the LORD?' 14,5 There are they in great fear; for God is with the righteous generation. 14,6 Ye would put to shame the counsel of the poor, but the LORD is his refuge. 14,7 Oh that the salvation of Israel {N} were come out of Zion! When the LORD turneth the captivity of His people, let Jacob rejoice, let Israel be glad. {P}
15,1 A Psalm of David. LORD, who shall sojourn in Thy tabernacle? Who shall dwell upon Thy holy mountain? 15,2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh truth in his heart; 15,3 That hath no slander upon his tongue, nor doeth evil to his fellow, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour; 15,4 In whose eyes a vile person is despised, but he honoureth them that fear the LORD; {N} he that sweareth to his own hurt, and changeth not; 15,5 He that putteth not out his money on interest, nor taketh a bribe against the innocent. {N} He that doeth these things shall never be moved. {P}
16,1 Michtam of David. Keep me, O God; for I have taken refuge in Thee. 16,2 I have said unto the LORD: 'Thou art my Lord; I have no good but in Thee'; 16,3 As for the holy that are in the earth, they are the excellent in whom is all my delight. 16,4 Let the idols of them be multiplied that make suit unto another; {N} their drink-offerings of blood will I not offer, nor take their names upon my lips. 16,5 O LORD, the portion of mine inheritance and of my cup, Thou maintainest my lot. 16,6 The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage. 16,7 I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel; yea, in the night seasons my reins instruct me. 16,8 I have set the LORD always before me; surely He is at my right hand, I shall not be moved. 16,9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth; my flesh also dwelleth in safety; 16,10 For Thou wilt not abandon my soul to the nether-world; neither wilt Thou suffer Thy godly one to see the pit. 16,11 Thou makest me to know the path of life; {N} in Thy presence is fulness of joy, in Thy right hand bliss for evermore. {P}
17,1 A Prayer of David. {N} Hear the right, O LORD, attend unto my cry; give ear unto my prayer {N} from lips without deceit. 17,2 Let my judgment come forth from Thy presence; let Thine eyes behold equity. 17,3 Thou hast tried my heart, Thou hast visited it in the night; Thou hast tested me, and Thou findest not {N} that I had a thought which should not pass my mouth. 17,4 As for the doings of men, by the word of Thy lips I have kept me from the ways of the violent. 17,5 My steps have held fast to Thy paths, my feet have not slipped. 17,6 As for me, I call upon Thee, for Thou wilt answer me, O God; incline Thine ear unto me, hear my speech. 17,7 Make passing great Thy mercies, O Thou that savest by Thy right hand from assailants them that take refuge in Thee. 17,8 Keep me as the apple of the eye, hide me in the shadow of Thy wings, 17,9 From the wicked that oppress, my deadly enemies, that compass me about. 17,10 Their gross heart they have shut tight, with their mouth they speak proudly. 17,11 At our every step they have now encompassed us; they set their eyes to cast us down to the earth. 17,12 He is like a lion that is eager to tear in pieces, and like a young lion lurking in secret places. 17,13 Arise, O LORD, confront him, cast him down; {N} deliver my soul from the wicked, by Thy sword; 17,14 From men, by Thy hand, O LORD, from men of the world, {N} whose portion is in this life, and whose belly Thou fillest with Thy treasure; {N} who have children in plenty, and leave their abundance to their babes. 17,15 As for me, I shall behold Thy face in righteousness; I shall be satisfied, when I awake, with Thy likeness. {P}
18,1 For the Leader. [A Psalm] of David the servant of the LORD, {N} who spoke unto the LORD the words of this song {N} in the day that the LORD delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul; 18,2 And he said: I love thee, O LORD, my strength. 18,3 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; {N} my God, my rock, in Him I take refuge; my shield, and my horn of salvation, my high tower. 18,4 Praised, I cry, is the LORD, and I am saved from mine enemies. 18,5 The cords of Death compassed me, and the floods of Belial assailed me. 18,6 The cords of Sheol surrounded me; the snares of Death confronted me. 18,7 In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God; {N} out of His temple He heard my voice, and my cry came before Him unto His ears. 18,8 Then the earth did shake and quake, the foundations also of the mountains did tremble; {N} they were shaken, because He was wroth. 18,9 Smoke arose up in His nostrils, and fire out of His mouth did devour; {N} coals flamed forth from Him. 18,10 He bowed the heavens also, and came down; and thick darkness was under His feet. 18,11 And He rode upon a cherub, and did fly; yea, He did swoop down upon the wings of the wind. 18,12 He made darkness His hiding-place, His pavilion round about Him; {N} darkness of waters, thick clouds of the skies. 18,13 At the brightness before Him, there passed through His thick clouds hailstones and coals of fire. 18,14 The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Most High gave forth His voice; hailstones and coals of fire. 18,15 And He sent out His arrows, and scattered them; and He shot forth lightnings, and discomfited them. 18,16 And the channels of waters appeared, and the foundations of the world were laid bare, {N} at Thy rebuke, O LORD, at the blast of the breath of Thy nostrils. 18,17 He sent from on high, He took me; He drew me out of many waters. 18,18 He delivered me from mine enemy most strong, and from them that hated me, for they were too mighty for me. 18,19 They confronted me in the day of my calamity; but the LORD was a stay unto me. 18,20 He brought me forth also into a large place; He delivered me, because He delighted in me. 18,21 The LORD rewarded me according to my righteousness; according to the cleanness of my hands hath He recompensed me. 18,22 For I have kept the ways of the LORD, and have not wickedly departed from my God. 18,23 For all His ordinances were before me, and I put not away His statutes from me. 18,24 And I was single-hearted with Him, and I kept myself from mine iniquity. 18,25 Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in His eyes. 18,26 With the merciful Thou dost show Thyself merciful, with the upright man Thou dost show Thyself upright; 18,27 With the pure Thou dost show Thyself pure; and with the crooked Thou dost show Thyself subtle. 18,28 For Thou dost save the afflicted people; but the haughty eyes Thou dost humble. 18,29 For Thou dost light my lamp; the LORD my God doth lighten my darkness. 18,30 For by Thee I run upon a troop; and by my God do I scale a wall. 18,31 As for God, His way is perfect; {N} the word of the LORD is tried; He is a shield unto all them that take refuge in Him. 18,32 For who is God, save the LORD? And who is a Rock, except our God? 18,33 The God that girdeth me with strength, and maketh my way straight; 18,34 Who maketh my feet like hinds', and setteth me upon my high places; 18,35 Who traineth my hands for war, so that mine arms do bend a bow of brass. 18,36 Thou hast also given me Thy shield of salvation, and Thy right hand hath holden me up; and Thy condescension hath made me great. 18,37 Thou hast enlarged my steps under me, and my feet have not slipped. 18,38 I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them; neither did I turn back till they were consumed. 18,39 I have smitten them through, so that they are not able to rise; they are fallen under my feet. 18,40 For Thou hast girded me with strength unto the battle; Thou hast subdued under me those that rose up against me. 18,41 Thou hast also made mine enemies turn their backs unto me, and I did cut off them that hate me. 18,42 They cried, but there was none to save; even unto the LORD, but He answered them not. 18,43 Then did I beat them small as the dust before the wind; I did cast them out as the mire of the streets. 18,44 Thou hast delivered me from the contentions of the people; Thou hast made me the head of the nations; a people whom I have not known serve me. 18,45 As soon as they hear of me, they obey me; the sons of the stranger dwindle away before me. 18,46 The sons of the stranger fade away, and come trembling out of their close places. 18,47 The LORD liveth, and blessed be my Rock; and exalted be the God of my salvation; 18,48 Even the God that executeth vengeance for me, and subdueth peoples under me. 18,49 He delivereth me from mine enemies; yea, Thou liftest me up above them that rise up against me; Thou deliverest me from the violent man. 18,50 Therefore I will give thanks unto Thee, O LORD, among the nations, and will sing praises unto Thy name. 18,51 Great salvation giveth He to His king; {N} and showeth mercy to His anointed, to David and to his seed, for evermore. {P}
19,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 19,2 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament showeth His handiwork; 19,3 Day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night revealeth knowledge; 19,4 There is no speech, there are no words, neither is their voice heard. 19,5 Their line is gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. {N} In them hath He set a tent for the sun, 19,6 Which is as a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoiceth as a strong man to run his course. 19,7 His going forth is from the end of the heaven, and his circuit unto the ends of it; and there is nothing hid from the heat thereof. 19,8 The law of the LORD is perfect, restoring the soul; the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. 19,9 The precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes. 19,10 The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring for ever; the ordinances of the LORD are true, they are righteous altogether; 19,11 More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. 19,12 Moreover by them is Thy servant warned; in keeping of them there is great reward. 19,13 Who can discern his errors? Clear Thou me from hidden faults. 19,14 Keep back Thy servant also from presumptuous sins, that they may not have dominion over me; {N} then shall I be faultless, and I shall be clear from great transgression. 19,15 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable before Thee, {N} O LORD, my Rock, and my Redeemer. {P}
20,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 20,2 The LORD answer thee in the day of trouble; the name of the God of Jacob set thee up on high; 20,3 Send forth thy help from the sanctuary, and support thee out of Zion; 20,4 Receive the memorial of all thy meal-offerings, and accept the fat of thy burnt-sacrifice; Selah 20,5 Grant thee according to thine own heart, and fulfil all thy counsel. 20,6 We will shout for joy in thy victory, and in the name of our God we will set up our standards; {N} the LORD fulfil all thy petitions. 20,7 Now know I that the LORD saveth His anointed; {N} He will answer him from His holy heaven with the mighty acts of His saving right hand. 20,8 Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; {N} but we will make mention of the name of the LORD our God. 20,9 They are bowed down and fallen; but we are risen, and stand upright. 20,10 Save, LORD; let the King answer us in the day that we call. {P}
21,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 21,2 O LORD, in Thy strength the king rejoiceth; and in Thy salvation how greatly doth he exult! 21,3 Thou hast given him his heart's desire, and the request of his lips Thou hast not withholden. Selah 21,4 For Thou meetest him with choicest blessings; Thou settest a crown of fine gold on his head. 21,5 He asked life of Thee, Thou gavest it him; even length of days for ever and ever. 21,6 His glory is great through Thy salvation; honour and majesty dost Thou lay upon him. 21,7 For Thou makest him most blessed for ever; Thou makest him glad with joy in Thy presence. 21,8 For the king trusteth in the LORD, yea, in the mercy of the Most High; he shall not be moved. 21,9 Thy hand shall be equal to all thine enemies; thy right hand shall overtake those that hate thee. 21,10 Thou shalt make them as a fiery furnace in the time of thine anger; {N} the LORD shall swallow them up in His wrath, and the fire shall devour them. 21,11 Their fruit shalt thou destroy from the earth, and their seed from among the children of men. 21,12 For they intended evil against thee, they imagined a device, wherewith they shall not prevail. 21,13 For thou shalt make them turn their back, thou shalt make ready with thy bowstrings against the face of them. 21,14 Be Thou exalted, O LORD, in Thy strength; so will we sing and praise Thy power. {P}
22,1 For the Leader; upon Aijeleth ha-Shahar. A Psalm of David. 22,2 My God, my God, why hast Thou forsaken me, and art far from my help at the words of my cry? 22,3 O my God, I call by day, but Thou answerest not; and at night, and there is no surcease for me. 22,4 Yet Thou art holy, O Thou that art enthroned upon the praises of Israel. 22,5 In Thee did our fathers trust; they trusted, and Thou didst deliver them. 22,6 Unto Thee they cried, and escaped; in Thee did they trust, and were not ashamed. 22,7 But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised of the people. 22,8 All they that see me laugh me to scorn; they shoot out the lip, they shake the head: 22,9 'Let him commit himself unto the LORD! let Him rescue him; let Him deliver him, seeing He delighteth in him.' 22,10 For Thou art He that took me out of the womb; Thou madest me trust when I was upon my mother's breasts. 22,11 Upon Thee I have been cast from my birth; Thou art my God from my mother's womb. 22,12 Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none to help. 22,13 Many bulls have encompassed me; strong bulls of Bashan have beset me round. 22,14 They open wide their mouth against me, as a ravening and a roaring lion. 22,15 I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; {N} my heart is become like wax; it is melted in mine inmost parts. 22,16 My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my throat; and Thou layest me in the dust of death. 22,17 For dogs have encompassed me; a company of evil-doers have inclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet. 22,18 I may count all my bones; they look and gloat over me. 22,19 They part my garments among them, and for my vesture do they cast lots. 22,20 But Thou, O LORD, be not far off; O Thou my strength, hasten to help me. 22,21 Deliver my soul from the sword; mine only one from the power of the dog. 22,22 Save me from the lion's mouth; yea, from the horns of the wild-oxen do Thou answer me. 22,23 I will declare Thy name unto my brethren; in the midst of the congregation will I praise Thee. 22,24 'Ye that fear the LORD, praise Him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify Him; {N} and stand in awe of Him, all ye the seed of Israel. 22,25 For He hath not despised nor abhorred the lowliness of the poor; neither hath He hid His face from him; {N} but when he cried unto Him, He heard.' 22,26 From Thee cometh my praise in the great congregation; I will pay my vows before them that fear Him. 22,27 Let the humble eat and be satisfied; let them praise the LORD that seek after Him; {N} may your heart be quickened for ever! 22,28 All the ends of the earth shall remember and turn unto the LORD; {N} and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before Thee. 22,29 For the kingdom is the LORD'S; and He is the ruler over the nations. 22,30 All the fat ones of the earth shall eat and worship; all they that go down to the dust shall kneel before Him, {N} even he that cannot keep his soul alive. 22,31 A seed shall serve him; it shall be told of the Lord unto the next generation. 22,32 They shall come and shall declare His righteousness unto a people that shall be born, that He hath done it. {P}
23,1 A Psalm of David. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. 23,2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; He leadeth me beside the still waters. 23,3 He restoreth my soul; He guideth me in straight paths for His name's sake. 23,4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me; {N} Thy rod and Thy staff, they comfort me. 23,5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies; {N} Thou hast anointed my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 23,6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; {N} and I shall dwell in the house of the LORD for ever. {P}
24,1 A Psalm of David. {N} The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. 24,2 For He hath founded it upon the seas, and established it upon the floods. 24,3 Who shall ascend into the mountain of the LORD? and who shall stand in His holy place? 24,4 He that hath clean hands, and a pure heart; {N} who hath not taken My name in vain, and hath not sworn deceitfully. 24,5 He shall receive a blessing from the LORD, and righteousness from the God of his salvation. 24,6 Such is the generation of them that seek after Him, that seek Thy face, even Jacob. Selah 24,7 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors; {N} that the King of glory may come in. 24,8 'Who is the King of glory?' {N} 'The LORD strong and mighty, the LORD mighty in battle.' 24,9 Lift up your heads, O ye gates, yea, lift them up, ye everlasting doors; {N} that the King of glory may come in. 24,10 'Who then is the King of glory?' {N} 'The LORD of hosts; He is the King of glory.' Selah {P}
25,1 [A Psalm] of David. Unto Thee, O LORD, do I lift up my soul. 25,2 O my God, in Thee have I trusted, let me not be ashamed; let not mine enemies triumph over me. 25,3 Yea, none that wait for Thee shall be ashamed; they shall be ashamed that deal treacherously without cause. 25,4 Show me Thy ways, O LORD; teach me Thy paths. 25,5 Guide me in Thy truth, and teach me; for Thou art the God of my salvation; {N} for Thee do I wait all the day. 25,6 Remember, O LORD, Thy compassions and Thy mercies; for they have been from of old. 25,7 Remember not the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions; {N} according to Thy mercy remember Thou me, for Thy goodness' sake, O LORD. 25,8 Good and upright is the LORD; therefore doth He instruct sinners in the way. 25,9 He guideth The humble in justice; and He teacheth the humble His way. 25,10 All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep His covenant and His testimonies. 25,11 For Thy name's sake, O LORD, pardon mine iniquity, for it is great. 25,12 What man is he that feareth the LORD? him will He instruct in the way that He should choose. 25,13 His soul shall abide in prosperity; and his seed shall inherit the land. 25,14 The counsel of the LORD is with them that fear Him; and His covenant, to make them know it. 25,15 Mine eyes are ever toward the LORD; for He will bring forth my feet out of the net. 25,16 Turn Thee unto me, and be gracious unto me; for I am solitary and afflicted. 25,17 The troubles of my heart are enlarged; O bring Thou me out of my distresses. 25,18 See mine affliction and my travail; and forgive all my sins. 25,19 Consider how many are mine enemies, and the cruel hatred wherewith they hate me. 25,20 O keep my soul, and deliver me; let me not be ashamed, for I have taken refuge in Thee. 25,21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, because I wait for Thee. 25,22 Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles. {P}
26,1 [A Psalm] of David. Judge me, O LORD, for I have walked in mine integrity, {N} and I have trusted in the LORD without wavering. 26,2 Examine me, O LORD, and try me; test my reins and my heart. 26,3 For Thy mercy is before mine eyes; and I have walked in Thy truth. 26,4 I have not sat with men of falsehood; neither will I go in with dissemblers. 26,5 I hate the gathering of evil doers, and will not sit with the wicked. 26,6 I will wash my hands in innocency; so will I compass Thine altar, O LORD, 26,7 That I may make the voice of thanksgiving to be heard, and tell of all Thy wondrous works. 26,8 LORD, I love the habitation of Thy house, and the place where Thy glory dwelleth. 26,9 Gather not my soul with sinners, nor my life with men of blood; 26,10 In whose hands is craftiness, and their right hand is full of bribes. 26,11 But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity; redeem me, and be gracious unto me. 26,12 My foot standeth in an even place; in the congregations will I bless the LORD. {P}
27,1 [A Psalm] of David. The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? {N} The LORD is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? 27,2 When evil-doers came upon me to eat up my flesh, {N} even mine adversaries and my foes, they stumbled and fell. 27,3 Though a host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear; {N} though war should rise up against me, even then will I be confident. 27,4 One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after: {N} that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, {N} to behold the graciousness of the LORD, and to visit early in His temple. 27,5 For He concealeth me in His pavilion in the day of evil; {N} He hideth me in the covert of His tent; He lifteth me up upon a rock. 27,6 And now shall my head be lifted up above mine enemies round about me; and I will offer in His tabernacle sacrifices with trumpet-sound; {N} I will sing, yea, I will sing praises unto the LORD. 27,7 Hear, O LORD, when I call with my voice, and be gracious unto me, and answer me. 27,8 In Thy behalf my heart hath said: 'Seek ye My face'; Thy face, LORD, will I seek. 27,9 Hide not Thy face from me; put not Thy servant away in anger; {N} Thou hast been my help; cast me not off, neither forsake me, O God of my salvation. 27,10 For though my father and my mother have forsaken me, the LORD will take me up. 27,11 Teach me Thy way, O LORD; and lead me in an even path, because of them that lie in wait for me. 27,12 Deliver me not over unto the will of mine adversaries; for false witnesses are risen up against me, and such as breathe out violence. 27,13 If I had not believed to look upon the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living!-- 27,14 Wait on the LORD; be strong, and let thy heart take courage; yea, wait thou for the LORD. {P}
28,1 [A Psalm] of David. Unto thee, O LORD, do I call; my Rock, be not Thou deaf unto me; {N} lest, if Thou be silent unto me, I become like them that go down into the pit. 28,2 Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto Thee, {N} when I lift up my hands toward Thy holy Sanctuary. 28,3 Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of iniquity; {N} who speak peace with their neighbours, but evil is in their hearts. 28,4 Give them according to their deeds, and according to the evil of their endeavours; {N} give them after the work of their hands; render to them their desert. 28,5 Because they give no heed to the works of the LORD, nor to the operation of His hands; {N} He will break them down and not build them up. 28,6 Blessed be the LORD, because He hath heard the voice of my supplications. 28,7 The LORD is my strength and my shield, in Him hath my heart trusted, and I am helped; {N} therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth, and with my song will I praise Him. 28,8 The LORD is a strength unto them; and He is a stronghold of salvation to His anointed. 28,9 Save Thy people, and bless Thine inheritance; {N} and tend them, and carry them for ever. {P}
29,1 A Psalm of David. Ascribe unto the LORD, O ye sons of might, ascribe unto the LORD glory and strength. 29,2 Ascribe unto the LORD the glory due unto His name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness. 29,3 The voice of the LORD is upon the waters; {N} the God of glory thundereth, even the LORD upon many waters. 29,4 The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is full of majesty. 29,5 The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars; yea, the LORD breaketh in pieces the cedars of Lebanon. 29,6 He maketh them also to skip like a calf; Lebanon and Sirion like a young wild-ox. 29,7 The voice of the LORD heweth out flames of fire. 29,8 The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness; the LORD shaketh the wilderness of Kadesh. 29,9 The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve, and strippeth the forests bare; {N} and in His temple all say: 'Glory.' 29,10 The LORD sat enthroned at the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth as King for ever. 29,11 The LORD will give strength unto His people; the LORD will bless his people with peace. {P}
30,1 A Psalm; a Song at the Dedication of the House; of David. 30,2 I will extol thee, O LORD, for Thou hast raised me up, and hast not suffered mine enemies to rejoice over me. 30,3 O LORD my God, I cried unto Thee, and Thou didst heal me; 30,4 O LORD, Thou broughtest up my soul from the nether-world; Thou didst keep me alive, that I should not go down to the pit. 30,5 Sing praise unto the LORD, O ye His godly ones, and give thanks to His holy name. 30,6 For His anger is but for a moment, His favour is for a life-time; {N} weeping may tarry for the night, but joy cometh in the morning. 30,7 Now I had said in my security: 'I shall never be moved.' 30,8 Thou hadst established, O LORD, in Thy favour my mountain as a stronghold-- {N} Thou didst hide Thy face; I was affrighted. 30,9 Unto Thee, O LORD, did I call, and unto the LORD I made supplication: 30,10 'What profit is there in my blood, when I go down to the pit? {N} Shall the dust praise Thee? shall it declare Thy truth? 30,11 Hear, O LORD, and be gracious unto me; LORD, be Thou my helper.' 30,12 Thou didst turn for me my mourning into dancing; Thou didst loose my sackcloth, and gird me with gladness; 30,13 So that my glory may sing praise to Thee, and not be silent; {N} O LORD my God, I will give thanks unto Thee for ever. {P}
31,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 31,2 In thee, O LORD, have I taken refuge; let me never be ashamed; deliver me in Thy righteousness. 31,3 Incline Thine ear unto me, deliver me speedily; {N} be Thou to me a rock of refuge, even a fortress of defence, to save me. 31,4 For Thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for Thy name's sake lead me and guide me. 31,5 Bring me forth out of the net that they have hidden for me; for Thou art my stronghold. 31,6 Into Thy hand I commit my spirit; Thou hast redeemed me, O LORD, Thou God of truth. 31,7 I hate them that regard lying vanities; but I trust in the LORD. 31,8 I will be glad and rejoice in Thy lovingkindness; {N} for Thou hast seen mine affliction, Thou hast taken cognizance of the troubles of my soul, 31,9 And Thou hast not given me over into the hand of the enemy; Thou hast set my feet in a broad place. 31,10 Be gracious unto me, O LORD, for I am in distress; {N} mine eye wasteth away with vexation, yea, my soul and my body. 31,11 For my life is spent in sorrow, and my years in sighing; {N} my strength faileth because of mine iniquity, and my bones are wasted away. 31,12 Because of all mine adversaries I am become a reproach, yea, unto my neighbours exceedingly, and a dread to mine acquaintance; {N} they that see me without flee from me. 31,13 I am forgotten as a dead man out of mind; I am like a useless vessel. 31,14 For I have heard the whispering of many, terror on every side; {N} while they took counsel together against me, they devised to take away my life. 31,15 But as for me, I have trusted in Thee, O LORD; I have said: 'Thou art my God.' 31,16 My times are in Thy hand; deliver me from the hand of mine enemies, and from them that persecute me. 31,17 Make Thy face to shine upon Thy servant; save me in Thy lovingkindness. 31,18 O LORD, let me not be ashamed, for I have called upon Thee; let the wicked be ashamed, let them be put to silence in the nether-world. 31,19 Let the lying lips be dumb, which speak arrogantly against the righteous, with pride and contempt. 31,20 Oh how abundant is Thy goodness, which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee; {N} which Thou hast wrought for them that take their refuge in Thee, in the sight of the sons of men! 31,21 Thou hidest them in the covert of Thy presence from the plottings of man; {N} Thou concealest them in a pavilion from the strife of tongues. 31,22 Blessed be the LORD; for He hath shown me His wondrous lovingkindness in an entrenched city. 31,23 As for me, I said in my haste: 'I am cut off from before Thine eyes'; {N} nevertheless Thou heardest the voice of my supplications when I cried unto Thee. 31,24 O love the LORD, all ye His godly ones; {N} the LORD preserveth the faithful, and plentifully repayeth him that acteth haughtily. 31,25 Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all ye that wait for the LORD. {P}
32,1 [A Psalm] of David. Maschil. Happy is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is pardoned. 32,2 Happy is the man unto whom the LORD counteth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. 32,3 When I kept silence, my bones wore away through my groaning all the day long. 32,4 For day and night Thy hand was heavy upon me; {N} my sap was turned as in the droughts of summer. Selah 32,5 I acknowledged my sin unto Thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid; {N} I said: 'I will make confession concerning my transgressions unto the LORD'-- {N} and Thou, Thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah 32,6 For this let every one that is godly pray unto Thee in a time when Thou mayest be found; {N} surely, when the great waters overflow, they will not reach unto him. 32,7 Thou art my hiding-place; Thou wilt preserve me from the adversary; {N} with songs of deliverance Thou wilt compass me about. Selah 32,8 'I will instruct thee and teach thee in the way which thou shalt go; I will give counsel, Mine eye being upon thee.' 32,9 Be ye not as the horse, or as the mule, which have no understanding; {N} whose mouth must be held in with bit and bridle, that they come not near unto thee. 32,10 Many are the sorrows of the wicked; but he that trusteth in the LORD, mercy compasseth him about. 32,11 Be glad in the LORD, and rejoice, ye righteous; and shout for joy, all ye that are upright in heart. {P}
33,1 Rejoice in the LORD, O ye righteous, praise is comely for the upright. 33,2 Give thanks unto the LORD with harp, sing praises unto Him with the psaltery of ten strings. 33,3 Sing unto Him a new song; play skilfully amid shouts of joy. 33,4 For the word of the LORD is upright; and all His work is done in faithfulness. 33,5 He loveth righteousness and justice; the earth is full of the lovingkindness of the LORD. 33,6 By the word of the LORD were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth. 33,7 He gathereth the waters of the sea together as a heap; He layeth up the deeps in storehouses. 33,8 Let all the earth fear the LORD; let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of Him. 33,9 For He spoke, and it was; He commanded, and it stood. 33,10 The LORD bringeth the counsel of the nations to nought; He maketh the thoughts of the peoples to be of no effect. 33,11 The counsel of the LORD standeth for ever, the thoughts of His heart to all generations. 33,12 Happy is the nation whose God is the LORD; the people whom He hath chosen for His own inheritance. 33,13 The LORD looketh from heaven; He beholdeth all the sons of men; 33,14 From the place of His habitation He looketh intently upon all the inhabitants of the earth; 33,15 He that fashioneth the hearts of them all, that considereth all their doings. 33,16 A king is not saved by the multitude of a host; a mighty man is not delivered by great strength. 33,17 A horse is a vain thing for safety; neither doth it afford escape by its great strength. 33,18 Behold, the eye of the LORD is toward them that fear Him, toward them that wait for His mercy; 33,19 To deliver their soul from death, and to keep them alive in famine. 33,20 Our soul hath waited for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. 33,21 For in Him doth our heart rejoice, because we have trusted in His holy name. 33,22 Let Thy mercy, O LORD, be upon us, according as we have waited for Thee. {P}
34,1 [A Psalm] of David; when he changed his demeanour before Abimelech, who drove him away, and he departed. 34,2 I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth. 34,3 My soul shall glory in the LORD; the humble shall hear thereof, and be glad. 34,4 O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt His name together. 34,5 I sought the LORD, and He answered me, and delivered me from all my fears. 34,6 They looked unto Him, and were radiant; and their faces shall never be abashed. 34,7 This poor man cried, and the LORD heard, and saved him out of all his troubles. 34,8 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear Him, and delivereth them. 34,9 O consider and see that the LORD is good; happy is the man that taketh refuge in Him. 34,10 O fear the LORD, ye His holy ones; for there is no want to them that fear Him. 34,11 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger; but they that seek the LORD want not any good thing. 34,12 Come, ye children, hearken unto me; I will teach you the fear of the LORD. 34,13 Who is the man that desireth life, and loveth days, that he may see good therein? 34,14 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. 34,15 Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it. 34,16 The eyes of the LORD are toward the righteous, and His ears are open unto their cry. 34,17 The face of the LORD is against them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. 34,18 They cried, and the LORD heard, and delivered them out of all their troubles. 34,19 The LORD is nigh unto them that are of a broken heart, and saveth such as are of a contrite spirit. 34,20 Many are the ills of the righteous, but the LORD delivereth him out of them all. 34,21 He keepeth all his bones; not one of them is broken. 34,22 Evil shall kill the wicked; and they that hate the righteous shall be held guilty. 34,23 The LORD redeemeth the soul of His servants; and none of them that take refuge in Him shall be desolate. {P}
35,1 A Psalm of David. Strive, O LORD, with them that strive with me; fight against them that fight against me. 35,2 Take hold of shield and buckler, and rise up to my help. 35,3 Draw out also the spear, and the battle-axe, against them that pursue me; say unto my soul: 'I am Thy salvation.' 35,4 Let them be ashamed and brought to confusion that seek after my soul; let them be turned back and be abashed that devise my hurt. 35,5 Let them be as chaff before the wind, the angel of the LORD thrusting them. 35,6 Let their way be dark and slippery, the angel of the LORD pursuing them. 35,7 For without cause have they hid for me the pit, even their net, without cause have they digged for my soul. 35,8 Let destruction come upon him unawares; {N} and let his net that he hath hid catch himself; with destruction let him fall therein. 35,9 And my soul shall be joyful in the LORD; it shall rejoice in His salvation. 35,10 All my bones shall say: 'LORD, who is like unto Thee, {N} who deliverest the poor from him that is too strong for him, yea, the poor and the needy from him that spoileth him?' 35,11 Unrighteous witnesses rise up; they ask me of things that I know not. 35,12 They repay me evil for good; bereavement is come to my soul. 35,13 But as for me, when they were sick, my clothing was sackcloth, I afflicted my soul with fasting; {N} and my prayer, may it return into mine own bosom. 35,14 I went about as though it had been my friend or my brother; I bowed down mournful, as one that mourneth for his mother. 35,15 But when I halt they rejoice, and gather themselves together; {N} the abjects gather themselves together against me, and those whom I know not; {N} they tear me, and cease not; 35,16 With the profanest mockeries of backbiting they gnash at me with their teeth. 35,17 Lord, how long wilt Thou look on? {N} Rescue my soul from their destructions, mine only one from the lions. 35,18 I will give Thee thanks in the great congregation; I will praise Thee among a numerous people. 35,19 Let not them that are wrongfully mine enemies rejoice over me; neither let them wink with the eye that hate me without a cause. 35,20 For they speak not peace; but they devise deceitful matters against them that are quiet in the land. 35,21 Yea, they open their mouth wide against me; they say: 'Aha, aha, our eye hath seen it.' 35,22 Thou hast seen, O LORD; keep not silence; O Lord, be not far from me. 35,23 Rouse Thee, and awake to my judgment, even unto my cause, my God and my Lord. 35,24 Judge me, O LORD my God, according to Thy righteousness; and let them not rejoice over me. 35,25 Let them not say in their heart: 'Aha, we have our desire'; let them not say: 'We have swallowed him up.' 35,26 Let them be ashamed and abashed together that rejoice at my hurt; {N} let them be clothed with shame and confusion that magnify themselves against me. 35,27 Let them shout for joy, and be glad, that delight in my righteousness; {N} yea, let them say continually: 'Magnified be the LORD, who delighteth in the peace of His servant.' 35,28 And my tongue shall speak of Thy righteousness, and of Thy praise all the day. {P}
36,1 For the Leader. [A Psalm] of David the servant of the LORD. 36,2 Transgression speaketh to the wicked, methinks--there is no fear of God before his eyes. 36,3 For it flattereth him in his eyes, until his iniquity be found, and he be hated. 36,4 The words of his mouth are iniquity and deceit; he hath left off to be wise, to do good. 36,5 He deviseth iniquity upon his bed; he setteth himself in a way that is not good; he abhorreth not evil. 36,6 Thy lovingkindness, O LORD, is in the heavens; Thy faithfulness reacheth unto the skies. 36,7 Thy righteousness is like the mighty mountains; Thy judgments are like the great deep; man and beast Thou preservest, O LORD. 36,8 How precious is Thy lovingkindness, O God! and the children of men take refuge in the shadow of Thy wings. 36,9 They are abundantly satisfied with the fatness of Thy house; and Thou makest them drink of the river of Thy pleasures. 36,10 For with Thee is the fountain of life; in Thy light do we see light. 36,11 O continue Thy lovingkindness unto them that know Thee; and Thy righteousness to the upright in heart. 36,12 Let not the foot of pride overtake me, and let not the hand of the wicked drive me away. 36,13 There are the workers of iniquity fallen; they are thrust down, and are not able to rise. {P}
37,1 [A Psalm] of David. Fret not thyself because of evil-doers, neither be thou envious against them that work unrighteousness. 37,2 For they shall soon wither like the grass, and fade as the green herb. 37,3 Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and cherish faithfulness. 37,4 So shalt thou delight thyself in the LORD; and He shall give thee the petitions of thy heart. 37,5 Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in Him, and He will bring it to pass. 37,6 And He will make thy righteousness to go forth as the light, and thy right as the noonday. 37,7 Resign thyself unto the LORD, and wait patiently for Him; {N} fret not thyself because of him who prospereth in his way, because of the man who bringeth wicked devices to pass. 37,8 Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; fret not thyself, it tendeth only to evil-doing. 37,9 For evil-doers shall be cut off; but those that wait for the LORD, they shall inherit the land. 37,10 And yet a little while, and the wicked is no more; yea, thou shalt look well at his place, and he is not. 37,11 But the humble shall inherit the land, and delight themselves in the abundance of peace. 37,12 The wicked plotteth against the righteous, and gnasheth at him with his teeth. 37,13 The Lord doth laugh at him; for He seeth that his day is coming. 37,14 The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow; {N} to cast down the poor and needy, to slay such as are upright in the way; 37,15 Their sword shall enter into their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. 37,16 Better is a little that the righteous hath than the abundance of many wicked. 37,17 For the arms of the wicked shall be broken; but the LORD upholdeth the righteous. 37,18 The LORD knoweth the days of them that are wholehearted; and their inheritance shall be for ever. 37,19 They shall not be ashamed in the time of evil; and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. 37,20 For the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the LORD shall be as the fat of lambs--they shall pass away in smoke, they shall pass away. 37,21 The wicked borroweth, and payeth not; but the righteous dealeth graciously, and giveth. 37,22 For such as are blessed of Him shall inherit the land; and they that are cursed of Him shall be cut off. 37,23 It is of the LORD that a man's goings are established; and He delighted in his way. 37,24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; for the LORD upholdeth his hand. 37,25 I have been young, and now am old; {N} yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread. 37,26 All the day long he dealeth graciously, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed. 37,27 Depart from evil, and do good; and dwell for evermore. 37,28 For the LORD loveth justice, and forsaketh not His saints; they are preserved for ever; {N} but the seed of the wicked shall be cut off. 37,29 The righteous shall inherit the land, and dwell therein for ever. 37,30 The mouth of the righteous uttereth wisdom, and his tongue speaketh justice. 37,31 The law of his God is in his heart; none of his steps slide. 37,32 The wicked watcheth the righteous, and seeketh to slay him. 37,33 The LORD will not leave him in his hand, nor suffer him to be condemned when he is judged. 37,34 Wait for the LORD, and keep His way, and He will exalt thee to inherit the land; {N} when the wicked are cut off, thou shalt see it. 37,35 I have seen the wicked in great power, and spreading himself like a leafy tree in its native soil. 37,36 But one passed by, and, lo, he was not; yea, I sought him, but he could not be found. 37,37 Mark the man of integrity, and behold the upright; for there is a future for the man of peace. 37,38 But transgressors shall be destroyed together; the future of the wicked shall be cut off. 37,39 But the salvation of the righteous is of the LORD; He is their stronghold in the time of trouble. 37,40 And the LORD helpeth them, and delivereth them; He delivereth them from the wicked, and saveth them, because they have taken refuge in Him. {P}
38,1 A Psalm of David, to make memorial. 38,2 O LORD, rebuke me not in Thine anger; neither chasten me in Thy wrath. 38,3 For Thine arrows are gone deep into me, and Thy hand is come down upon me. 38,4 There is no soundness in my flesh because of Thine indignation; neither is there any health in my bones because of my sin. 38,5 For mine iniquities are gone over my head; as a heavy burden they are too heavy for me. 38,6 My wounds are noisome, they fester, because of my foolishness. 38,7 I am bent and bowed down greatly; I go mourning all the day. 38,8 For my loins are filled with burning; and there is no soundness in my flesh. 38,9 I am benumbed and sore crushed; I groan by reason of the moaning of my heart. 38,10 Lord, all my desire is before Thee; and my sighing is not hid from Thee. 38,11 My heart fluttereth, my strength faileth me; as for the light of mine eyes, it also is gone from me. 38,12 My friends and my companions stand aloof from my plague; and my kinsmen stand afar off. 38,13 They also that seek after my life lay snares for me; and they that seek my hurt speak crafty devices, and utter deceits all the day. 38,14 But I am as a deaf man, I hear not; and I am as a dumb man that openeth not his mouth. 38,15 Yea, I am become as a man that heareth not, and in whose mouth are no arguments. 38,16 For in Thee, O LORD, do I hope; Thou wilt answer, O Lord my God. 38,17 For I said: 'Lest they rejoice over me; when my foot slippeth, they magnify themselves against me.' 38,18 For I am ready to halt, and my pain is continually before me. 38,19 For I do declare mine iniquity; I am full of care because of my sin. 38,20 But mine enemies are strong in health; and they that hate me wrongfully are multiplied. 38,21 They also that repay evil for good are adversaries unto me, because I follow the thing that is good. 38,22 Forsake me not, O LORD; O my God, be not far from me. 38,23 Make haste to help me, O Lord, my salvation. {P}
39,1 For the Leader, for Jeduthun. A Psalm of David. 39,2 I said: 'I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue; {N} I will keep a curb upon my mouth, while the wicked is before me.' 39,3 I was dumb with silence; I held my peace, had no comfort; and my pain was held in check. 39,4 My heart waxed hot within me; while I was musing, the fire kindled; then spoke I with my tongue: 39,5 'LORD, make me to know mine end, and the measure of my days, what it is; let me know how short-lived I am. 39,6 Behold, Thou hast made my days as hand-breadths; and mine age is as nothing before Thee; {N} surely every man at his best estate is altogether vanity. Selah 39,7 Surely man walketh as a mere semblance; surely for vanity they are in turmoil; {N} he heapeth up riches, and knoweth not who shall gather them. 39,8 And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope, it is in Thee. 39,9 Deliver me from all my transgressions; make me not the reproach of the base. 39,10 I am dumb, I open not my mouth; because Thou hast done it. 39,11 Remove Thy stroke from off me; I am consumed by the blow of Thy hand. 39,12 With rebukes dost Thou chasten man for iniquity, and like a moth Thou makest his beauty to consume away; {N} surely every man is vanity. Selah 39,13 Hear my prayer, O LORD, and give ear unto my cry; {N} keep not silence at my tears; {N} for I am a stranger with Thee, a sojourner, as all my fathers were. 39,14 Look away from me, that I may take comfort, before I go hence, and be no more.' {P}
40,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 40,2 I waited patiently for the LORD; and He inclined unto me, and heard my cry. 40,3 He brought me up also out of the tumultuous pit, out of the miry clay; {N} and He set my feet upon a rock, He established my goings. 40,4 And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God; {N} many shall see, and fear, and shall trust in the LORD. 40,5 Happy is the man that hath made the LORD his trust, {N} and hath not turned unto the arrogant, nor unto such as fall away treacherously. 40,6 Many things hast Thou done, O LORD my God, {N} even Thy wonderful works, and Thy thoughts toward us; {N} there is none to be compared unto Thee! If I would declare and speak of them, they are more than can be told. 40,7 Sacrifice and meal-offering Thou hast no delight in; mine ears hast Thou opened; {N} burnt-offering and sin-offering hast Thou not required. 40,8 Then said I: 'Lo, I am come with the roll of a book which is prescribed for me; 40,9 I delight to do Thy will, O my God; yea, Thy law is in my inmost parts.' 40,10 I have preached righteousness in the great congregation, lo, I did not refrain my lips; {N} O LORD, Thou knowest. 40,11 I have not hid Thy righteousness within my heart; I have declared Thy faithfulness and Thy salvation; {N} I have not concealed Thy mercy and Thy truth from the great congregation. 40,12 Thou, O LORD, wilt not withhold Thy compassions from me; {N} let Thy mercy and Thy truth continually preserve me. 40,13 For innumerable evils have compassed me about, {N} mine iniquities have overtaken me, so that I am not able to look up; {N} they are more than the hairs of my head, and my heart hath failed me. 40,14 Be pleased, O LORD, to deliver me; O LORD, make haste to help me. 40,15 Let them be ashamed and abashed together that seek after my soul to sweep it away; {N} let them be turned backward and brought to confusion that delight in my hurt. 40,16 Let them be appalled by reason of their shame that say unto me: 'Aha, aha.' 40,17 Let all those that seek Thee rejoice and be glad in Thee; {N} let such as love Thy salvation say continually: 'The LORD be magnified.' 40,18 But, as for me, that am poor and needy, the Lord will account it unto me; {N} Thou art my help and my deliverer; O my God, tarry not. {P}
41,1 For the Leader. A Psalm of David. 41,2 Happy is he that considereth the poor; the LORD will deliver him in the day of evil. 41,3 The LORD preserve him, and keep him alive, let him be called happy in the land; and deliver not Thou him unto the greed of his enemies. 41,4 The LORD support him upon the bed of illness
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by more Zionist spam
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 5:59 AM
http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/155160_comment.php#160874 ". . . the reaction proves their point so neatly it's almost funny." -- Molly Ivins
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by was more anti-Zionist spam
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 6:04 AM
http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/04/155160_comment.php#190874 ". . . the reaction proves their point so neatly it's almost funny." -- nessie-obsessie
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 6:11 AM
what? Now that's almost as funny as the bible spam reaction to any sensitive comment. See how many hits you get with Nazis +zionism +Israel
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by book
Friday, Jun. 02, 2006 at 6:17 AM
Job 1,1 There was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was whole-hearted and upright, and one that feared God, and shunned evil. 1,2 And there were born unto him seven sons and three daughters. 1,3 His possessions also were seven thousand sheep, and three thousand camels, and five hundred yoke of oxen, and five hundred she-asses, and a very great household; so that this man was the greatest of all the children of the east. 1,4 And his sons used to go and hold a feast in the house of each one upon his day; and they would send and invite their three sisters to eat and to drink with them. 1,5 And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt-offerings according to the number of them all; for Job said: 'It may be that my sons have sinned, and blasphemed God in their hearts.' Thus did Job continually. {P}
1,6 Now it fell upon a day, that the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. 1,7 And the LORD said unto Satan: 'Whence comest thou?' Then Satan answered the LORD, and said: 'From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.' 1,8 And the LORD said unto Satan: 'Hast thou considered My servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a whole-hearted and an upright man, one that feareth God, and shunneth evil?' 1,9 Then Satan answered the LORD, and said: 'Doth Job fear God for nought? 1,10 Hast not Thou made a hedge about him, and about his house, and about all that he hath, on every side? Thou hast blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions are increased in the land. 1,11 But put forth Thy hand now, and touch all that he hath, surely he will blaspheme Thee to Thy face.' 1,12 And the LORD said unto Satan: 'Behold, all that he hath is in thy power; only upon himself put not forth thy hand.' So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD. 1,13 And it fell on a day when his sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house, 1,14 that there came a messenger unto Job, and said: 'The oxen were plowing, and the asses feeding beside them; 1,15 and the Sabeans made a raid, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.' 1,16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said: 'A fire of God is fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.' 1,17 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said: 'The Chaldeans set themselves in three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have taken them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.' 1,18 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said: 'Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house; 1,19 And, behold, there came a great wind from across the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young people, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.' 1,20 Then Job arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped; 1,21 And he said; naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither; the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. 1,22 For all this Job sinned not, nor ascribed aught unseemly to God. {P}
2,1 Again it fell upon a day, that the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them to present himself before the LORD. 2,2 And the LORD said unto Satan: 'From whence comest thou?' And Satan answered the LORD, and said: 'From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it.' 2,3 And the LORD said unto Satan: 'Hast thou considered my servant Job, that there is none like him in the earth, a whole-hearted and an upright man, one that feareth God, and shunneth evil? and he still holdeth fast his integrity, although thou didst move Me against him, to destroy him without cause.' 2,4 And Satan answered the LORD, and said: 'Skin for skin, yea, all that a man hath will he give for his life. 2,5 But put forth Thy hand now, and touch his bone and his flesh, surely he will blaspheme Thee to Thy face.' 2,6 And the LORD said unto Satan: 'Behold, he is in thy hand; only spare his life.' 2,7 So Satan went forth from the presence of the LORD, and smote Job with sore boils from the sole of his foot even unto his crown. 2,8 And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself therewith; and he sat among the ashes. 2,9 Then said his wife unto him: 'Dost thou still hold fast thine integrity? blaspheme God, and die.' 2,10 But he said unto her: 'Thou speakest as one of the impious women speaketh. What? shall we receive good at the hand of God, and shall we not receive evil?' For all this did not Job sin with his lips. {P}
2,11 Now when Job's three friends heard of all this evil that was come upon him, they came every one from his own place, Eliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite, and Zophar the Naamathite; and they made an appointment together to come to bemoan him and to comfort him. 2,12 And when they lifted up their eyes afar off, and knew him not, they lifted up their voice, and wept; and they rent every one his mantle, and threw dust upon their heads toward heaven. 2,13 So they sat down with him upon the ground seven days and seven nights, and none spoke a word unto him; for they saw that his grief was very great. 3,1 After this opened Job his mouth, and cursed his day. {P}
3,2 {S} And Job spoke, and said: 3,3 Let the day perish wherein I was born, and the night wherein it was said: 'A man-child is brought forth.' 3,4 Let that day be darkness; {N} let not God inquire after it from above, neither let the light shine upon it. 3,5 Let darkness and the shadow of death claim it for their own; let a cloud dwell upon it; let all that maketh black the day terrify it. 3,6 As for that night, let thick darkness seize upon it; {N} let it not rejoice among the days of the year; let it not come into the number of the months. 3,7 Lo, let that night be desolate; let no joyful voice come therein. 3,8 Let them curse it that curse the day, who are ready to rouse up leviathan. 3,9 Let the stars of the twilight thereof be dark; let it look for light, but have none; neither let it behold the eyelids of the morning; 3,10 Because it shut not up the doors of my [mother's] womb, nor hid trouble from mine eyes. 3,11 Why died I not from the womb? Why did I not perish at birth? 3,12 Why did the knees receive me? And wherefore the breasts, that I should suck? 3,13 For now should I have lain still and been quiet; I should have slept; then had I been at rest-- 3,14 With kings and counsellors of the earth, who built up waste places for themselves; 3,15 Or with princes that had gold, who filled their houses with silver; 3,16 Or as a hidden untimely birth I had not been; as infants that never saw light. 3,17 There the wicked cease from troubling; and there the weary are at rest. 3,18 There the prisoners are at ease together; they hear not the voice of the taskmaster. 3,19 The small and great are there alike; and the servant is free from his master. 3,20 Wherewith is light given to him that is in misery, and life unto the bitter in soul-- 3,21 Who long for death, but it cometh not; and dig for it more than for hid treasures; 3,22 Who rejoice unto exultation, and are glad, when they can find the grave?-- 3,23 To a man whose way is hid, and whom God hath hedged in? 3,24 For my sighing cometh instead of my food, and my roarings are poured out like water. 3,25 For the thing which I did fear is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of hath overtaken me. 3,26 I was not at ease, neither was I quiet, neither had I rest; but trouble came. 4,1 {S} Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said: 4,2 If one venture a word unto thee, wilt thou be weary? But who can withhold himself from speaking? 4,3 Behold, thou hast instructed many, and thou hast strengthened the weak hands. 4,4 Thy words have upholden him that was falling, and thou hast strengthened the feeble knees. 4,5 But now it is come upon thee, and thou art weary; it toucheth thee, and thou art affrighted. 4,6 Is not thy fear of God thy confidence, and thy hope the integrity of thy ways? 4,7 Remember, I pray thee, who ever perished, being innocent? Or where were the upright cut off? 4,8 According as I have seen, they that plow iniquity, and sow mischief, reap the same. 4,9 By the breath of God they perish, and by the blast of His anger are they consumed. 4,10 The lion roareth, and the fierce lion howleth--yet the teeth of the young lions are broken. 4,11 The old lion perisheth for lack of prey, and the whelps of the lioness are scattered abroad. 4,12 Now a word was secretly brought to me, and mine ear received a whisper thereof. 4,13 In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, 4,14 Fear came upon me, and trembling, and all my bones were made to shake. 4,15 Then a spirit passed before my face, that made the hair of my flesh to stand up. 4,16 It stood still, but I could not discern the appearance thereof; a form was before mine eyes; {N} I heard a still voice: 4,17 'Shall mortal man be just before God? Shall a man be pure before his Maker? 4,18 Behold, He putteth no trust in His servants, and His angels He chargeth with folly; 4,19 How much more them that dwell in houses of clay, whose foundation is in the dust, who are crushed before the moth! 4,20 Betwixt morning and evening they are shattered; they perish for ever without any regarding it. 4,21 Is not their tent-cord plucked up within them? They die, and that without wisdom.' 5,1 Call now; is there any that will answer thee? And to which of the holy ones wilt thou turn? 5,2 For anger killeth the foolish man, and envy slayeth the silly one. 5,3 I have seen the foolish taking root; but suddenly I beheld his habitation cursed. 5,4 His children are far from safety, and are crushed in the gate, with none to deliver them. 5,5 Whose harvest the hungry eateth up, and taketh it even out of the thorns, and the snare gapeth for their substance. 5,6 For affliction cometh not forth from the dust, neither doth trouble spring out of the ground; 5,7 But man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. 5,8 But as for me, I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause; 5,9 Who doeth great things and unsearchable, marvellous things without number; 5,10 Who giveth rain upon the earth, and sendeth waters upon the fields; 5,11 So that He setteth up on high those that are low, and those that mourn are exalted to safety. 5,12 He frustrateth the devices of the crafty, so that their hands can perform nothing substantial. 5,13 He taketh the wise in their own craftiness; and the counsel of the wily is carried headlong. 5,14 They meet with darkness in the day-time, and grope at noonday as in the night. 5,15 But He saveth from the sword of their mouth, even the needy from the hand of the mighty. 5,16 So the poor hath hope, and iniquity stoppeth her mouth. 5,17 Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth; therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty. 5,18 For He maketh sore, and bindeth up; He woundeth, and His hands make whole. 5,19 He will deliver thee in six troubles; yea, in seven there shall no evil touch thee. 5,20 In famine He will redeem thee from death; and in war from the power of the sword. 5,21 Thou shalt be hid from the scourge of the tongue; neither shalt thou be afraid of destruction when it cometh. 5,22 At destruction and famine thou shalt laugh; neither shalt thou be afraid of the beasts of the earth. 5,23 For thou shalt be in league with the stones of the field; and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with thee. 5,24 And thou shalt know that thy tent is in peace; and thou shalt visit thy habitation, and shalt miss nothing. 5,25 Thou shalt know also that thy seed shall be great, and thine offspring as the grass of the earth. 5,26 Thou shalt come to thy grave in a ripe age, like as a shock of corn cometh in in its season. 5,27 Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know thou it for thy good. 6,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 6,2 Oh that my vexation were but weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances altogether! 6,3 For now it would be heavier than the sand of the seas; therefore are my words broken. 6,4 For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof my spirit drinketh up; the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me. 6,5 Doth the wild ass bray when he hath grass? or loweth the ox over his fodder? 6,6 Can that which hath no savour be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the juice of mallows? 6,7 My soul refuseth to touch them; they are as the sickness of my flesh. 6,8 Oh that I might have my request, and that God would grant me the thing that I long for! 6,9 Even that it would please God to crush me; that He would let loose His hand, and cut me off! 6,10 Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would exult in pain, though He spare not; {N} for I have not denied the words of the Holy One. 6,11 What is my strength, that I should wait? and what is mine end, that I should be patient? 6,12 Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brass? 6,13 Is it that I have no help in me, and that sound wisdom is driven quite from me? 6,14 To him that is ready to faint kindness is due from his friend, even to him that forsaketh the fear of the Almighty. 6,15 My brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, as the channel of brooks that overflow, 6,16 Which are black by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow hideth itself; 6,17 What time they wax warm, they vanish, when it is hot, they are consumed out of their place. 6,18 The paths of their way do wind, they go up into the waste, and are lost. 6,19 The caravans of Tema looked, the companies of Sheba waited for them-- 6,20 They were ashamed because they had hoped; they came thither, and were confounded. 6,21 For now ye are become His; ye see a terror, and are afraid. 6,22 Did I say: 'Give unto me'? or: 'Offer a present for me of your substance'? 6,23 or: 'Deliver me from the adversary's hand'? or: 'Redeem me from the hand of the oppressors'? 6,24 Teach me, and I will hold my peace; and cause me to understand wherein I have erred. 6,25 How forcible are words of uprightness! But what doth your arguing argue? 6,26 Do ye hold words to be an argument, but the speeches of one that is desperate to be wind? 6,27 Yea, ye would cast lots upon the fatherless, and dig a pit for your friend. 6,28 Now therefore be pleased to look upon me; for surely I shall not lie to your face. 6,29 Return, I pray you, let there be no injustice; yea, return again, my cause is righteous. 6,30 Is there injustice on my tongue? Cannot my taste discern crafty devices? 7,1 Is there not a time of service to man upon earth? And are not his days like the days of a hireling? 7,2 As a servant that eagerly longeth for the shadow, and as a hireling that looketh for his wages; 7,3 So am I made to possess--months of vanity, and wearisome nights are appointed to me. 7,4 When I lie down, I say: 'When shall I arise?' But the night is long, {N} and I am full of tossings to and fro unto the dawning of the day. 7,5 My flesh is clothed with worms and clods of dust; my skin closeth up and breaketh out afresh. 7,6 My days are swifter than a weaver's shuttle, and are spent without hope. 7,7 O remember that my life is a breath; mine eye shall no more see good. 7,8 The eye of him that seeth me shall behold me no more; while Thine eyes are upon me, I am gone. 7,9 As the cloud is consumed and vanisheth away, so he that goeth down to the grave shall come up no more. 7,10 He shall return no more to his house, neither shall his place know him any more. 7,11 Therefore I will not refrain my mouth; {N} I will speak in the anguish of my spirit; I will complain in the bitterness of my soul. 7,12 Am I a sea, or a sea-monster, that Thou settest a watch over me? 7,13 When I say: 'My bed shall comfort me, my couch shall ease my complaint'; 7,14 Then Thou scarest me with dreams, and terrifiest me through visions; 7,15 So that my soul chooseth strangling, and death rather than these my bones. 7,16 I loathe it; I shall not live alway; let me alone; for my days are vanity. 7,17 What is man, that Thou shouldest magnify him, and that Thou shouldest set Thy heart upon him, 7,18 And that Thou shouldest remember him every morning, and try him every moment? 7,19 How long wilt Thou not look away from me, nor let me alone till I swallow down my spittle? 7,20 If I have sinned, what do I unto Thee, O Thou watcher of men? {N} Why hast Thou set me as a mark for Thee, so that I am a burden to myself? 7,21 And why dost Thou not pardon my transgression, and take away mine iniquity? {N} For now shall I lie down in the dust; and Thou wilt seek me, but I shall not be. 8,1 {S} Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said: 8,2 How long wilt thou speak these things, seeing that the words of thy mouth are as a mighty wind? 8,3 Doth God pervert judgment? Or doth the Almighty pervert justice? 8,4 If thy children sinned against Him, He delivered them into the hand of their transgression. 8,5 If thou wouldest seek earnestly unto God, and make thy supplication to the Almighty; 8,6 If thou wert pure and upright; surely now He would awake for thee, and make the habitation of thy righteousness prosperous. 8,7 And though thy beginning was small, yet thy end should greatly increase. 8,8 For inquire, I pray thee, of the former generation, and apply thyself to that which their fathers have searched out-- 8,9 For we are but of yesterday, and know nothing, because our days upon earth are a shadow-- 8,10 Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart? 8,11 Can the rush shoot up without mire? Can the reed-grass grow without water? 8,12 Whilst it is yet in its greenness, and not cut down, it withereth before any other herb. 8,13 So are the paths of all that forget God; and the hope of the godless man shall perish; 8,14 Whose confidence is gossamer, and whose trust is a spider's web. 8,15 He shall lean upon his house, but it shall not stand; he shall hold fast thereby, but it shall not endure. 8,16 He is green before the sun, and his shoots go forth over his garden. 8,17 His roots are wrapped about the heap, he beholdeth the place of stones. 8,18 If he be destroyed from his place, then it shall deny him: 'I have not seen thee.' 8,19 Behold, this is the joy of his way, and out of the earth shall others spring. 8,20 Behold, God will not cast away an innocent man, neither will He uphold the evil-doers; 8,21 Till He fill thy mouth with laughter, and thy lips with shouting. 8,22 They that hate thee shall be clothed with shame; and the tent of the wicked shall be no more. 9,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 9,2 Of a truth I know that it is so; and how can man be just with God? 9,3 If one should desire to contend with Him, he could not answer Him one of a thousand. 9,4 He is wise in heart, and mighty in strength; who hath hardened himself against Him, and prospered? 9,5 Who removeth the mountains, and they know it not, when He overturneth them in His anger. 9,6 Who shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble. 9,7 Who commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars. 9,8 Who alone stretcheth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea. 9,9 Who maketh the Bear, Orion, and the Pleiades, and the chambers of the south. 9,10 Who doeth great things past finding out; yea, marvellous things without number. 9,11 Lo, He goeth by me, and I see Him not. He passeth on also, but I perceive Him not. 9,12 Behold, He snatcheth away, who can hinder Him? Who will say unto Him: 'What doest Thou?' 9,13 God will not withdraw His anger; the helpers of Rahab did stoop under Him. 9,14 How much less shall I answer Him, and choose out my arguments with Him? 9,15 Whom, though I were righteous, yet would I not answer; I would make supplication to Him that contendeth with me. 9,16 If I had called, and He had answered me; yet would I not believe that He would hearken unto my voice-- 9,17 He that would break me with a tempest, and multiply my wounds without cause; 9,18 That would not suffer me to take my breath, but fill me with bitterness. 9,19 If it be a matter of strength, lo, He is mighty! and if of justice, who will appoint me a time? 9,20 Though I be righteous, mine own mouth shall condemn me; though I be innocent, He shall prove me perverse. 9,21 I am innocent--I regard not myself, I despise my life. 9,22 It is all one--therefore I say: He destroyeth the innocent and the wicked. 9,23 If the scourge slay suddenly, He will mock at the calamity of the guiltless. 9,24 The earth is given into the hand of the wicked; he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; {N} if it be not He, who then is it? 9,25 Now my days are swifter than a runner; they flee away, they see no good. 9,26 They are passed away as the swift ships; as the vulture that swoopeth on the prey. 9,27 If I say: 'I will forget my complaint, I will put off my sad countenance, and be of good cheer', 9,28 I am afraid of all my pains, I know that Thou wilt not hold me guiltless. 9,29 I shall be condemned; why then do I labour in vain? 9,30 If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean; 9,31 Yet wilt Thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me. 9,32 For He is not a man, as I am, that I should answer Him, that we should come together in judgment. 9,33 There is no arbiter betwixt us, that might lay his hand upon us both. 9,34 Let Him take His rod away from me, and let not His terror make me afraid; 9,35 Then would I speak, and not fear Him; for I am not so with myself. 10,1 My soul is weary of my life; I will give free course to my complaint; I will speak in the bitterness of my soul. 10,2 I will say unto God: Do not condemn me; make me know wherefore Thou contendest with me. 10,3 Is it good unto Thee that Thou shouldest oppress, that Thou shouldest despise the work of Thy hands, and shine upon the counsel of the wicked? 10,4 Hast Thou eyes of flesh? or seest Thou as man seeth? 10,5 Are Thy days as the days of man, or Thy years as a man's days, 10,6 That Thou inquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin, 10,7 Although Thou knowest that I shall not be condemned; and there is none that can deliver out of Thy hand? 10,8 Thy hands have framed me and fashioned me together round about; yet Thou dost destroy me! 10,9 Remember, I beseech Thee, that Thou hast fashioned me as clay; and wilt Thou bring me into dust again? 10,10 Hast Thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese? 10,11 Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and knit me together with bones and sinews. 10,12 Thou hast granted me life and favour, and Thy providence hath preserved my spirit. 10,13 Yet these things Thou didst hide in Thy heart; I know that this is with Thee; 10,14 If I sin, then Thou markest me, and Thou wilt not acquit me from mine iniquity. 10,15 If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be righteous, yet shall I not lift up my head-- {N} being filled with ignominy and looking upon mine affliction. 10,16 And if it exalt itself, Thou huntest me as a lion; and again Thou showest Thyself marvellous upon me. 10,17 Thou renewest Thy witnesses against me, and increasest Thine indignation upon me; host succeeding host against me. 10,18 Wherefore then hast Thou brought me forth out of the womb? Would that I had perished, and no eye had seen me! 10,19 I should have been as though I had not been; I should have been carried from the womb to the grave. 10,20 Are not my days few? Cease then, and let me alone, that I may take comfort a little, 10,21 Before I go whence I shall not return, even to the land of darkness and of the shadow of death; 10,22 A land of thick darkness, as darkness itself; a land of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness. 11,1 {S} Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said: 11,2 Should not the multitude of words be answered? And should a man full of talk be accounted right? 11,3 Thy boastings have made men hold their peace, and thou hast mocked, with none to make thee ashamed; 11,4 And thou hast said: 'My doctrine is pure, and I am clean in Thine eyes.' 11,5 But oh that God would speak, and open His lips against thee; 11,6 And that He would tell thee the secrets of wisdom, that sound wisdom is manifold! {N} Know therefore that God exacteth of thee less than thine iniquity deserveth. 11,7 Canst thou find out the deep things of God? Canst thou attain unto the purpose of the Almighty? 11,8 It is high as heaven; what canst thou do? Deeper than the nether-world; what canst thou know? 11,9 The measure thereof is longer than the earth, and broader than the sea. 11,10 If He pass by, and shut up, or gather in, then who can hinder Him? 11,11 For He knoweth base men; and when He seeth iniquity, will He not then consider it? 11,12 But an empty man will get understanding, when a wild ass's colt is born a man. 11,13 If thou set thy heart aright, and stretch out thy hands toward Him-- 11,14 If iniquity be in thy hand, put it far away, and let not unrighteousness dwell in thy tents-- 11,15 Surely then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; yea, thou shalt be stedfast, and shalt not fear; 11,16 For thou shalt forget thy misery; thou shalt remember it as waters that are passed away; 11,17 And thy life shall be clearer than the noonday; though there be darkness, it shall be as the morning. 11,18 And thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; yea, thou shalt look about thee, and shalt take thy rest in safety. 11,19 Also thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; yea, many shall make suit unto thee. 11,20 But the eyes of the wicked shall fail, and they shall have no way to flee, and their hope shall be the drooping of the soul. 12,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 12,2 No doubt but ye are the people, and wisdom shall die with you. 12,3 But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you; yea, who knoweth not such things as these? 12,4 I am as one that is a laughing-stock to his neighbour, a man that called upon God, and He answered him; the just, the innocent man is a laughing-stock, 12,5 A contemptible brand in the thought of him that is at ease, a thing ready for them whose foot slippeth. 12,6 The tents of robbers prosper, and they that provoke God are secure, in whatsoever God bringeth into their hand. 12,7 But ask now the beasts, and they shall teach thee; and the fowls of the air, and they shall tell thee; 12,8 Or speak to the earth, and it shall teach thee; and the fishes of the sea shall declare unto thee; 12,9 Who knoweth not among all these, that the hand of the LORD hath wrought this? 12,10 In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, and the breath of all mankind.-- 12,11 Doth not the ear try words, even as the palate tasteth its food? 12,12 Is wisdom with aged men, and understanding in length of days?-- 12,13 With Him is wisdom and might; He hath counsel and understanding. 12,14 Behold, He breaketh down, and it cannot be built again; He shutteth up a man, and there can be no opening. 12,15 Behold, He withholdeth the waters, and they dry up; also He sendeth them out, and they overturn the earth. 12,16 With Him is strength and sound wisdom; the deceived and the deceiver are His. 12,17 He leadeth counsellors away stripped, and judges maketh He fools. 12,18 He looseth the bond of kings, and bindeth their loins with a girdle. 12,19 He leadeth priests away stripped, and overthroweth the mighty. 12,20 He removeth the speech of men of trust, and taketh away the sense of the elders. 12,21 He poureth contempt upon princes, and looseth the belt of the strong. 12,22 He uncovereth deep things out of darkness, and bringeth out to light the shadow of death. 12,23 He increaseth the nations, and destroyeth them; He enlargeth the nations, and leadeth them away. 12,24 He taketh away the heart of the chiefs of the people of the land, and causeth them to wander in a wilderness where there is no way. 12,25 They grope in the dark without light, and He maketh them to stagger like a drunken man. 13,1 Lo, mine eye hath seen all this, mine ear hath heard and understood it. 13,2 What ye know, do I know also; I am not inferior unto you. 13,3 Notwithstanding I would speak to the Almighty, and I desire to reason with God. 13,4 But ye are plasterers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value. 13,5 Oh that ye would altogether hold your peace! and it would be your wisdom. 13,6 Hear now my reasoning, and hearken to the pleadings of my lips. 13,7 Will ye speak unrighteously for God, and talk deceitfully for Him? 13,8 Will ye show Him favour? Will ye contend for God? 13,9 Would it be good that He should search you out? Or as one mocketh a man, will ye mock Him? 13,10 He will surely reprove you, if ye do secretly show favour. 13,11 Shall not His majesty terrify you, and His dread fall upon you? 13,12 Your memorials shall be like unto ashes, your eminences to eminences of clay. 13,13 Hold your peace, let me alone, that I may speak, and let come on me what will. 13,14 Wherefore? I will take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in my hand. 13,15 Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him; but I will argue my ways before Him. 13,16 This also shall be my salvation, that a hypocrite cannot come before Him. 13,17 Hear diligently my speech, and let my declaration be in your ears. 13,18 Behold now, I have ordered my cause; I know that I shall be justified. 13,19 Who is he that will contend with me? For then would I hold my peace and die. 13,20 Only do not two things unto me, then will I not hide myself from Thee: 13,21 Withdraw Thy hand far from me; and let not Thy terror make me afraid. 13,22 Then call Thou, and I will answer; or let me speak, and answer Thou me. 13,23 How many are mine iniquities and sins? Make me to know my transgression and my sin. 13,24 Wherefore hidest Thou Thy face, and holdest me for Thine enemy? 13,25 Wilt Thou harass a driven leaf? And wilt Thou pursue the dry stubble? 13,26 That Thou shouldest write bitter things against me, and make me to inherit the iniquities of my youth. 13,27 Thou puttest my feet also in the stocks, and lookest narrowly unto all my paths; {N} Thou drawest Thee a line about the soles of my feet; 13,28 Though I am like a wine-skin that consumeth, like a garment that is moth-eaten. 14,1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. 14,2 He cometh forth like a flower, and withereth; he fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not. 14,3 And dost Thou open Thine eyes upon such a one, and bringest me into judgment with Thee? 14,4 Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? not one. 14,5 Seeing his days are determined, the number of his months is with Thee, and Thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass; 14,6 Look away from him, that he may rest, till he shall accomplish, as a hireling, his day. 14,7 For there is hope of a tree, {N} if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease. 14,8 Though the root thereof wax old in the earth, and the stock thereof die in the ground; 14,9 Yet through the scent of water it will bud, and put forth boughs like a plant. 14,10 But man dieth, and lieth low; yea, man perisheth, and where is he? 14,11 As the waters fail from the sea, and the river is drained dry; 14,12 So man lieth down and riseth not; {N} till the heavens be no more, they shall not awake, nor be roused out of their sleep. 14,13 Oh that Thou wouldest hide me in the nether-world, that Thou wouldest keep me secret, until Thy wrath be past, {N} that Thou wouldest appoint me a set time, and remember me!-- 14,14 If a man die, may he live again? {N} All the days of my service would I wait, till my relief should come-- 14,15 Thou wouldest call, and I would answer Thee; Thou wouldest have a desire to the work of Thy hands. 14,16 But now Thou numberest my steps, Thou dost not even wait for my sin; 14,17 My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and Thou heapest up mine iniquity. 14,18 And surely the mountain falling crumbleth away, and the rock is removed out of its place; 14,19 The waters wear the stones; the overflowings thereof wash away the dust of the earth; {N} so Thou destroyest the hope of man. 14,20 Thou prevailest for ever against him, and he passeth; Thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away. 14,21 His sons come to honour, and he knoweth it not; and they are brought low, but he regardeth them not. 14,22 But his flesh grieveth for him, and his soul mourneth over him. 15,1 {S} Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said: 15,2 Should a wise man make answer with windy knowledge, and fill his belly with the east wind? 15,3 Should he reason with unprofitable talk, or with speeches wherewith he can do no good? 15,4 Yea, thou doest away with fear, and impairest devotion before God. 15,5 For thine iniquity teacheth thy mouth, and thou choosest the tongue of the crafty. 15,6 Thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I; yea, thine own lips testify against thee. 15,7 Art thou the first man that was born? Or wast thou brought forth before the hills? 15,8 Dost thou hearken in the council of God? And dost thou restrain wisdom to thyself? 15,9 What knowest thou, that we know not? What understandest thou, which is not in us? 15,10 With us are both the gray-headed and the very aged men, much older than thy father. 15,11 Are the consolations of God too small for thee, and the word that dealeth gently with thee? 15,12 Why doth thy heart carry thee away? And why do thine eyes wink? 15,13 That thou turnest thy spirit against God, and lettest such words go out of thy mouth. 15,14 What is man, that he should be clean? And he that is born of a woman, that he should be righteous? 15,15 Behold, He putteth no trust in His holy ones; yea, the heavens are not clean in His sight. 15,16 How much less one that is abominable and impure, man who drinketh iniquity like water! 15,17 I will tell thee, hear thou me; and that which I have seen I will declare-- 15,18 Which wise men have told from their fathers, and have not hid it; 15,19 Unto whom alone the land was given, and no stranger passed among them. 15,20 The wicked man travaileth with pain all his days, even the number of years that are laid up for the oppressor. 15,21 A sound of terrors is in his ears: in prosperity the destroyer shall come upon him. 15,22 He believeth not that he shall return out of darkness, and he is waited for of the sword. 15,23 He wandereth abroad for bread: 'Where is it?' He knoweth that the day of darkness is ready at his hand. 15,24 Distress and anguish overwhelm him; they prevail against him, as a king ready to the battle. 15,25 Because he hath stretched out his hand against God, and behaveth himself proudly against the Almighty; 15,26 He runneth upon him with a stiff neck, with the thick bosses of his bucklers. 15,27 Because he hath covered his face with his fatness, and made collops of fat on his loins; 15,28 And he hath dwelt in desolate cities, in houses which no man would inhabit, which were ready to become heaps. 15,29 He shall not be rich, neither shall his substance continue, neither shall their produce bend to the earth. 15,30 He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of His mouth shall he go away. 15,31 Let him not trust in vanity, deceiving himself; for vanity shall be his recompense. 15,32 It shall be accomplished before his time, and his branch shall not be leafy. 15,33 He shall shake off his unripe grape as the vine, and shall cast off his flower as the olive. 15,34 For the company of the godless shall be desolate, and fire shall consume the tents of bribery. 15,35 They conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity, and their belly prepareth deceit. 16,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 16,2 I have heard many such things; sorry comforters are ye all. 16,3 Shall windy words have an end? Or what provoketh thee that thou answerest? 16,4 I also could speak as ye do; {N} if your soul were in my soul's stead, I could join words together against you, {N} and shake my head at you. 16,5 I would strengthen you with my mouth, and the moving of my lips would assuage your grief. 16,6 Though I speak, my pain is not assuaged; and though I forbear, what am I eased? 16,7 But now He hath made me weary; Thou hast made desolate all my company. 16,8 And Thou hast shrivelled me up, which is a witness against me; and my leanness riseth up against me, it testifieth to my face. 16,9 He hath torn me in His wrath, and hated me; He hath gnashed upon me with His teeth; mine adversary sharpeneth his eyes upon me. 16,10 They have gaped upon me with their mouth; they have smitten me upon the cheek scornfully; they gather themselves together against me. 16,11 God delivereth me to the ungodly, and casteth me into the hands of the wicked. 16,12 I was at ease, and He broke me asunder; yea, He hath taken me by the neck, and dashed me to pieces; {N} He hath also set me up for His mark. 16,13 His archers compass me round about, He cleaveth my reins asunder, and doth not spare; {N} He poureth out my gall upon the ground. 16,14 He breaketh me with breach upon breach; He runneth upon me like a giant. 16,15 I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, and have laid my horn in the dust. 16,16 My face is reddened with weeping, and on my eyelids is the shadow of death; 16,17 Although there is no violence in my hands, and my prayer is pure. 16,18 O earth, cover not thou my blood, and let my cry have no resting-place. 16,19 Even now, behold, my Witness is in heaven, and He that testifieth of me is on high. 16,20 Mine inward thoughts are my intercessors, mine eye poureth out tears unto God; 16,21 That He would set aright a man contending with God, as a son of man setteth aright his neighbour! 16,22 For the years that are few are coming on, and I shall go the way whence I shall not return. 17,1 My spirit is consumed, my days are extinct, the grave is ready for me. 17,2 Surely there are mockers with me, and mine eye abideth in their provocation. 17,3 Give now a pledge, be surety for me with Thyself; who else is there that will strike hands with me? 17,4 For Thou hast hid their heart from understanding; therefore shalt Thou not exalt them. 17,5 He that denounceth his friends for the sake of flattery, even the eyes of his children shall fail. 17,6 He hath made me also a byword of the people; and I am become one in whose face they spit. 17,7 Mine eye also is dimmed by reason of vexation, and all my members are as a shadow. 17,8 Upright men are astonished at this, and the innocent stirreth up himself against the godless. 17,9 Yet the righteous holdeth on his way, and he that hath clean hands waxeth stronger and stronger. 17,10 But as for you all, do ye return, and come now; and I shall not find a wise man among you. 17,11 My days are past, my purposes are broken off, even the thoughts of my heart. 17,12 They change the night into day; the light is short because of darkness. 17,13 If I look for the nether-world as my house; if I have spread my couch in the darkness; 17,14 If I have said to corruption: 'Thou art my father', to the worm: 'Thou art my mother, and my sister'; 17,15 Where then is my hope? And as for my hope, who shall see it? 17,16 They shall go down to the bars of the nether-world, when we are at rest together in the dust. 18,1 {S} Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said: 18,2 How long will ye lay snares for words? Consider, and afterwards we will speak. 18,3 Wherefore are we counted as beasts, and reputed dull in your sight? 18,4 Thou that tearest thyself in thine anger, shall the earth be forsaken for thee? Or shall the rock be removed out of its place? 18,5 Yea, the light of the wicked shall be put out, and the spark of his fire shall not shine. 18,6 The light shall be dark in his tent, and his lamp over him shall be put out. 18,7 The steps of his strength shall be straitened, and his own counsel shall cast him down. 18,8 For he is cast into a net by his own feet, and he walketh upon the toils. 18,9 A gin shall take him by the heel, and a snare shall lay hold on him. 18,10 A noose is hid for him in the ground, and a trap for him in the way. 18,11 Terrors shall overwhelm him on every side, and shall entrap him at his feet. 18,12 His trouble shall be ravenous, and calamity shall be ready for his fall. 18,13 It shall devour the members of his body, yea, the first-born of death shall devour his members. 18,14 That wherein he trusteth shall be plucked out of his tent; and he shall be brought to the king of terrors. 18,15 There shall dwell in his tent that which is none of his; brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation. 18,16 His roots shall dry up beneath, and above shall his branch wither. 18,17 His remembrance shall perish from the earth, and he shall have no name abroad. 18,18 He shall be driven from light into darkness, and chased out of the world. 18,19 He shall have neither son nor son's son among his people, nor any remaining in his dwellings. 18,20 They that come after shall be astonished at his day, as they that went before are affrighted. 18,21 Surely such are the dwellings of the wicked, and this is the place of him that knoweth not God. 19,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 19,2 How long will ye vex my soul, and crush me with words? 19,3 These ten times have ye reproached me; ye are not ashamed that ye deal harshly with me. 19,4 And be it indeed that I have erred, mine error remaineth with myself. 19,5 If indeed ye will magnify yourselves against me, and plead against me my reproach; 19,6 Know now that God hath subverted my cause, and hath compassed me with His net. 19,7 Behold, I cry out: 'Violence!' but I am not heard; I cry aloud, but there is no justice. 19,8 He hath fenced up my way that I cannot pass, and hath set darkness in my paths. 19,9 He hath stripped me of my glory, and taken the crown from my head. 19,10 He hath broken me down on every side, and I am gone; and my hope hath He plucked up like a tree. 19,11 He hath also kindled His wrath against me, and He counteth me unto Him as one of His adversaries. 19,12 His troops come on together, and cast up their way against me, and encamp round about my tent. 19,13 He hath put my brethren far from me, and mine acquaintance are wholly estranged from me. 19,14 My kinsfolk have failed, and my familiar friends have forgotten me. 19,15 They that dwell in my house, and my maids, count me for a stranger; I am become an alien in their sight. 19,16 I call unto my servant, and he giveth me no answer, though I entreat him with my mouth. 19,17 My breath is abhorred of my wife, and I am loathsome to the children of my tribe. 19,18 Even urchins despised me; if I arise, they speak against me. 19,19 All my intimate friends abhor me; and they whom I loved are turned against me. 19,20 My bone cleaveth to my skin and to my flesh, and I am escaped with the skin of my teeth. 19,21 Have pity upon me, have pity upon me, O ye my friends; for the hand of God hath touched me. 19,22 Why do ye persecute me as God, and are not satisfied with my flesh? 19,23 Oh that my words were now written! Oh that they were inscribed in a book! 19,24 That with an iron pen and lead they were graven in the rock for ever! 19,25 But as for me, I know that my Redeemer liveth, and that He will witness at the last upon the dust; 19,26 And when after my skin this is destroyed, then without my flesh shall I see God; 19,27 Whom I, even I, shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another's. My reins are consumed within me. 19,28 If ye say: 'How we will persecute him!' seeing that the root of the matter is found in me; 19,29 Be ye afraid of the sword; for wrath bringeth the punishments of the sword, that ye may know there is a judgment. 20,1 {S} Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said: 20,2 Therefore do my thoughts give answer to me, even by reason of mine agitation that is in me. 20,3 I have heard the reproof which putteth me to shame, but out of my understanding my spirit answereth me. 20,4 Knowest thou not this of old time, since man was placed upon earth, 20,5 That the triumphing of the wicked is short, and the joy of the godless but for a moment? 20,6 Though his excellency mount up to the heavens, and his head reach unto the clouds; 20,7 Yet he shall perish for ever like his own dung; they that have seen him shall say: 'Where is he?' 20,8 He shall fly away as a dream, and shall not be found; yea, he shall be chased away as a vision of the night. 20,9 The eye which saw him shall see him no more; neither shall his place any more behold him. 20,10 His children shall appease the poor, and his hands shall restore his wealth. 20,11 His bones are full of his youth, but it shall lie down with him in the dust. 20,12 Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, though he hide it under his tongue; 20,13 Though he spare it, and will not let it go, but keep it still within his mouth; 20,14 Yet his food in his bowels is turned, it is the gall of asps within him. 20,15 He hath swallowed down riches, and he shall vomit them up again; God shall cast them out of his belly. 20,16 He shall suck the poison of asps; the viper's tongue shall slay him. 20,17 He shall not look upon the rivers, the flowing streams of honey and curd. 20,18 That which he laboured for shall he give back, and shall not swallow it down; according to the substance that he hath gotten, he shall not rejoice. 20,19 For he hath oppressed and forsaken the poor; he hath violently taken away a house, and he shall not build it up. 20,20 Because he knew no quietness within him, in his greed he suffered nought to escape, 20,21 There was nothing left that he devoured not--therefore his prosperity shall not endure. 20,22 In the fulness of his sufficiency he shall be in straits; the hand of every one that is in misery shall come upon him. 20,23 It shall be for the filling of his belly; He shall cast the fierceness of His wrath upon him, and shall cause it to rain upon him into his flesh. 20,24 If he flee from the iron weapon, the bow of brass shall strike him through. 20,25 He draweth it forth, and it cometh out of his body; yea, the glittering point cometh out of his gall; terrors are upon him. 20,26 All darkness is laid up for his treasures; {N} a fire not blown by man shall consume him; it shall go ill with him that is left in his tent. 20,27 The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, and the earth shall rise up against him. 20,28 The increase of his house shall depart, his goods shall flow away in the day of his wrath. 20,29 This is the portion of a wicked man from God, and the heritage appointed unto him by God. 21,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 21,2 Hear diligently my speech; and let this be your consolations. 21,3 Suffer me, that I may speak; and after that I have spoken, mock on. 21,4 As for me, is my complaint to man? Or why should I not be impatient? 21,5 Turn unto me, and be astonished, and lay your hand upon your mouth. 21,6 Even when I remember I am affrighted, and horror hath taketh hold on my flesh. 21,7 Wherefore do the wicked live, become old, yea, wax mighty in power? 21,8 Their seed is established in their sight with them, and their offspring before their eyes. 21,9 Their houses are safe, without fear, neither is the rod of God upon them. 21,10 Their bull gendereth, and faileth not; their cow calveth, and casteth not her calf. 21,11 They send forth their little ones like a flock, and their children dance. 21,12 They sing to the timbrel and harp, and rejoice at the sound of the pipe. 21,13 They spend their days in prosperity, and peacefully they go down to the grave. 21,14 Yet they said unto God: 'Depart from us; for we desire not the knowledge of Thy ways. 21,15 What is the Almighty, that we should serve Him? And what profit should we have, if we pray unto Him?'-- 21,16 Lo, their prosperity is not in their hand; the counsel of the wicked is far from me. 21,17 How oft is it that the lamp of the wicked is put out? that their calamity cometh upon them? {N} that He distributeth pains in His anger? 21,18 That they are as stubble before the wind, and as chaff that the storm stealeth away? 21,19 'God layeth up his iniquity for his children!'--let Him recompense it unto himself, that he may know it. 21,20 Let his own eyes see his destruction, and let him drink of the wrath of the Almighty. 21,21 For what pleasure hath he in his house after him? seeing the number of his months is determined. 21,22 Shall any teach God knowledge? seeing it is He that judgeth those that are high. 21,23 One dieth in his full strength, being wholly at ease and quiet; 21,24 His pails are full of milk, and the marrow of his bones is moistened. 21,25 And another dieth in bitterness of soul, and hath never tasted of good. 21,26 They lie down alike in the dust, and the worm covereth them. 21,27 Behold, I know your thoughts, and the devices which ye wrongfully imagine against me. 21,28 For ye say: 'Where is the house of the prince? And where is the tent wherein the wicked dwelt?' 21,29 Have ye not asked them that go by the way; and will ye misdeem their tokens, 21,30 That the evil man is reserved to the day of calamity, that they are led forth to the day of wrath? 21,31 But who shall declare his way to his face? And who shall repay him what he hath done? 21,32 For he is borne to the grave, and watch is kept over his tomb. 21,33 The clods of the valley are sweet unto him, and all men draw after him, as there were innumerable before him. 21,34 How then comfort ye me in vain? And as for your answers, there remaineth only faithlessness? 22,1 {S} Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said: 22,2 Can a man be profitable unto God? Or can he that is wise be profitable unto Him? 22,3 Is it any advantage to the Almighty, that thou art righteous? Or is it gain to Him, that thou makest thy ways blameless? 22,4 Is it for thy fear of Him that He reproveth thee, that He entereth with thee into judgment? 22,5 Is not thy wickedness great? And are not thine iniquities without end? 22,6 For thou hast taken pledges of thy brother for nought, and stripped the naked of their clothing. 22,7 Thou hast not given water to the weary to drink, and thou hast withholden bread from the hungry. 22,8 And as a mighty man, who hath the earth, and as a man of rank, who dwelleth in it, 22,9 Thou hast sent widows away empty, and the arms of the fatherless have been broken. 22,10 Therefore snares are round about thee, and sudden dread affrighted thee, 22,11 Or darkness, that thou canst not see, and abundance of waters cover thee. 22,12 Is not God in the height of heaven? And behold the topmost of the stars, how high they are! 22,13 And thou sayest: 'What doth God know? Can He judge through the dark cloud? 22,14 Thick clouds are a covering to Him, that He seeth not; and He walketh in the circuit of heaven.' 22,15 Wilt thou keep the old way which wicked men have trodden? 22,16 Who were snatched away before their time, whose foundation was poured out as a stream; 22,17 Who said unto God: 'Depart from us'; and what could the Almighty do unto them? 22,18 Yet He filled their houses with good things--but the counsel of the wicked is far from me. 22,19 The righteous saw it, and were glad, and the innocent laugh them to scorn: 22,20 'Surely their substance is cut off, and their abundance the fire hath consumed.' 22,21 Acquaint now thyself with Him, and be at peace; thereby shall thine increase be good. 22,22 Receive, I pray thee, instruction from His mouth, and lay up His words in thy heart. 22,23 If thou return to the Almighty, thou shalt be built up--if thou put away unrighteousness far from thy tents, 22,24 And lay thy treasure in the dust, and the gold of Ophir among the stones of the brooks; 22,25 And the Almighty be thy treasure, and precious silver unto thee; 22,26 Then surely shalt thou have thy delight in the Almighty, and shalt lift up thy face unto God. 22,27 Thou shalt make thy prayer unto Him, and He will hear thee, and thou shalt pay thy vows; 22,28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee, and light shall shine upon thy ways. 22,29 When they cast thee down, thou shalt say: 'There is lifting up'; for the humble person He saveth. 22,30 He delivereth him that is innocent, yea, thou shalt be delivered through the cleanness of thy hands. 23,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 23,2 Even to-day is my complaint bitter; my hand is become heavy because of my groaning. 23,3 Oh that I knew where I might find Him, that I might come even to His seat! 23,4 I would order my cause before Him, and fill my mouth with arguments. 23,5 I would know the words which He would answer me, and understand what He would say unto me. 23,6 Would He contend with me in His great power? Nay; but He would give heed unto me. 23,7 There the upright might reason with Him; so should I be delivered for ever from my Judge. 23,8 Behold, I go forward, but He is not there, and backward, but I cannot perceive Him; 23,9 On the left hand, when He doth work, but I cannot behold Him, He turneth Himself to the right hand, but I cannot see Him. 23,10 For He knoweth the way that I take; when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold. 23,11 My foot hath held fast to His steps, His way have I kept, and turned not aside. 23,12 I have not gone back from the commandment of His lips; I have treasured up the words of His mouth more than my necessary food. 23,13 But He is at one with Himself, and who can turn Him? And what His soul desireth, even that He doeth. 23,14 For He will perform that which is appointed for me; and many such things are with Him. 23,15 Therefore am I affrighted at His presence; when I consider, I am afraid of Him. 23,16 Yea, God hath made my heart faint, and the Almighty hath affrighted me; 23,17 Because I was not cut off before the darkness, neither did He cover the thick darkness from my face. 24,1 Why are times not laid up by the Almighty? And why do not they that know Him see His days? 24,2 There are that remove the landmarks; they violently take away flocks, and feed them. 24,3 They drive away the ass of the fatherless, they take the widow's ox for a pledge. 24,4 They turn the needy out of the way; the poor of the earth hide themselves together. 24,5 Behold, as wild asses in the wilderness they go forth to their work, seeking diligently for food; {N} the desert yieldeth them bread for their children. 24,6 They cut his provender in the field; and they despoil the vineyard of the wicked. 24,7 They lie all night naked without clothing, and have no covering in the cold. 24,8 They are wet with the showers of the mountains, and embrace the rock for want of a shelter. 24,9 There are that pluck the fatherless from the breast, and take a pledge of the poor; 24,10 So that they go about naked without clothing, and being hungry they carry the sheaves; 24,11 They make oil within the rows of these men; they tread their winepresses, and suffer thirst. 24,12 From out of the populous city men groan, and the soul of the wounded crieth out; {N} yet God imputeth it not for unseemliness. 24,13 These are of them that rebel against the light; they know not the ways thereof, nor abide in the paths thereof. 24,14 The murderer riseth with the light, to kill the poor and needy; and in the night he is as a thief. 24,15 The eye also of the adulterer waiteth for the twilight, saying: 'No eye shall see me'; {N} and he putteth a covering on his face. 24,16 In the dark they dig through houses; they shut themselves up in the day-time; they know not the light. 24,17 For the shadow of death is to all of them as the morning; for they know the terrors of the shadow of death. 24,18 He is swift upon the face of the waters; their portion is cursed in the earth; {N} he turneth not by the way of the vineyards. 24,19 Drought and heat consume the snow waters; so doth the nether-world those that have sinned. 24,20 The womb forgetteth him; the worm feedeth sweetly on him; he shall be no more remembered; {N} and unrighteousness is broken as a tree. 24,21 He devoureth the barren that beareth not; and doeth not good to the widow. 24,22 He draweth away the mighty also by his power; he riseth up, and he trusteth not his own life. 24,23 Though it be given him to be in safety, whereon he resteth, yet His eyes are upon their ways. 24,24 They are exalted for a little while, and they are gone; yea, they are brought low, they are gathered in as all others, {N} and wither as the tops of the ears of corn. 24,25 And if it be not so now, who will prove me a liar, and make my speech nothing worth? 25,1 {S} Then answered Bildad the Shuhite, and said: 25,2 Dominion and fear are with Him; He maketh peace in His high places. 25,3 Is there any number of His armies? And upon whom doth not His light arise? 25,4 How then can man be just with God? Or how can he be clean that is born of a woman? 25,5 Behold, even the moon hath no brightness, and the stars are not pure in His sight; 25,6 How much less man, that is a worm! and the son of man, that is a maggot! 26,1 {S} Then Job answered and said: 26,2 How hast thou helped him that is without power! How hast thou saved the arm that hath no strength! 26,3 How hast thou counselled him that hath no wisdom, and plentifully declared sound knowledge! 26,4 With whose help hast thou uttered words? And whose spirit came forth from thee? 26,5 The shades tremble beneath the waters and the inhabitants thereof. 26,6 The nether-world is naked before Him, and Destruction hath no covering. 26,7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty space, and hangeth the earth over nothing. 26,8 He bindeth up the waters in His thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them. 26,9 He closeth in the face of His throne, and spreadeth His cloud upon it. 26,10 He hath described a boundary upon the face of the waters, unto the confines of light and darkness. 26,11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at His rebuke. 26,12 He stirreth up the sea with His power, and by His understanding He smiteth through Rahab. 26,13 By His breath the heavens are serene; His hand hath pierced the slant serpent. 26,14 Lo, these are but the outskirts of His ways; and how small a whisper is heard of Him! {N} But the thunder of His mighty deeds who can understand? 27,1 {S} And Job again took up his parable, and said: 27,2 As God liveth, who hath taken away my right; and the Almighty, who hath dealt bitterly with me; 27,3 All the while my breath is in me, and the spirit of God is in my nostrils, 27,4 Surely my lips shall not speak unrighteousness, neither shall my tongue utter deceit; 27,5 Far be it from me that I should justify you; {N} till I die I will not put away mine integrity from me. 27,6 My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go; my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live. 27,7 Let mine enemy be as the wicked, and let him that riseth up against me be as the unrighteous. 27,8 For what is the hope of the godless, though he get him gain, when God taketh away his soul? 27,9 Will God hear his cry, when trouble cometh upon him? 27,10 Will he have his delight in the Almighty, and call upon God at all times? 27,11 I will teach you concerning the hand of God; that which is with the Almighty will I not conceal. 27,12 Behold, all ye yourselves have seen it; why then are ye become altogether vain? 27,13 This is the portion of a wicked man with God, and the heritage of oppressors, which they receive from the Almighty. 27,14 If his children be multiplied, it is for the sword; and his offspring shall not have bread enough. 27,15 Those that remain of him shall be buried by pestilence, and his widows shall make no lamentation. 27,16 Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay; 27,17 He may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver. 27,18 He buildeth his house as a moth, and as a booth which the keeper maketh. 27,19 He lieth down rich, but there shall be not to gather; he openeth his eyes, and his wealth is not. 27,20 Terrors overtake him like waters; a tempest stealeth him away in the night. 27,21 The east wind carrieth him away, and he departeth; and it sweepeth him out of his place. 27,22 Yea, it hurleth at him, and spareth not; he would fain flee from its power. 27,23 Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place. 28,1 For there is a mine for silver, and a place for gold which they refine. 28,2 Iron is taken out of the dust, and brass is molten out of the stone. 28,3 Man setteth an end to darkness, and searcheth out to the furthest bound the stones of thick darkness and of the shadow of death. 28,4 He breaketh open a shaft away from where men sojourn; they are forgotten of the foot that passeth by; they hang afar from men, they swing to and fro. 28,5 As for the earth, out of it cometh bread, and underneath it is turned up as it were by fire. 28,6 The stones thereof are the place of sapphires, and it hath dust of gold. 28,7 That path no bird of prey knoweth, neither hath the falcon's eye seen it; 28,8 The proud beasts have not trodden it, nor hath the lion passed thereby. 28,9 He putteth forth his hand upon the flinty rock; He overturneth the mountains by the roots. 28,10 He cutteth out channels among the rocks; and his eye seeth every precious thing. 28,11 He bindeth the streams that they trickle not; and the thing that is hid bringeth he forth to light. {P}
28,12 But wisdom, where shall it be found? And where is the place of understanding? 28,13 Man knoweth not the price thereof; neither is it found in the land of the living. 28,14 The deep saith: 'It is not in me'; and the sea saith: 'It is not with me.' 28,15 It cannot be gotten for gold, neither shall silver be weighed for the price thereof. 28,16 It cannot be valued with the gold of Ophir, with the precious onyx, or the sapphire. 28,17 Gold and glass cannot equal it; neither shall the exchange thereof be vessels of fine gold. 28,18 No mention shall be made of coral or of crystal; yea, the price of wisdom is above rubies. 28,19 The topaz of Ethiopia shall not equal it, neither shall it be valued with pure gold. 28,20 Whence then cometh wisdom? And where is the place of understanding? 28,21 Seeing it is hid from the eyes of all living, and kept close from the fowls of the air. 28,22 Destruction and Death say: 'We have heard a rumor thereof with our ears.' 28,23 God understandeth the way thereof, and He knoweth the place thereof. 28,24 For He looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven; 28,25 When He maketh a weight for the wind, and meteth out the waters by measure. 28,26 When He made a decree for the rain, and a way for the storm of thunders; 28,27 Then did He see it, and declare it; He established it, yea, and searched it out. 28,28 And unto man He said: 'Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.' 29,1 {S} And Job again took up his parable, and said: 29,2 Oh that I were as in the months of old, as in the days when God watched over me; 29,3 When His lamp shined above my head, and by His light I walked through darkness; 29,4 As I was in the days of my youth, when the converse of God was upon my tent; 29,5 When the Almighty was yet with me, and my children were about me; 29,6 When my steps were washed with butter, and the rock poured me out rivers of oil! 29,7 When I went forth to the gate unto the city, when I prepared my seat in the broad place, 29,8 The young men saw me and hid themselves, and the aged rose up and stood; 29,9 The princes refrained talking, and laid their hand on their mouth; 29,10 The voice of the nobles was hushed, and their tongue cleaved to the roof of their mouth. 29,11 For when the ear heard me, then it blessed me, and when the eye saw me, it gave witness unto me; 29,12 Because I delivered the poor that cried, the fatherless also, that had none to help him. 29,13 The blessing of him that was ready to perish came upon me; and I caused the widow's heart to sing for joy. 29,14 I put on righteousness, and it clothed itself with me; my justice was as a robe and a diadem. 29,15 I was eyes to the blind, and feet was I to the lame. 29,16 I was a father to the needy; and the cause of him that I knew not I searched out. 29
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