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by Patricia McAllister
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 at 12:55 PM
PatriciaMcAll@yahoo.com P.O. Box 86562, Los Angeles, CA 90086
Minister Tony Muhammad was savagely beaten by the LAPD. We are going to the Parker Center to speak to the new police commissioners.
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Appearing battered with a swollen face, the western regional director of the Nation of Islam, Tony Muhammad stood Friday with community activists, who accused Los Angeles police of beating the leader without provocation during a street vigil for a Hyde Park slaying victim Thursday night.
The incident prompted a day of press conferences and demonstrations, with Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa speaking on live television promising a full investigation and urging the community to stay united.
"The attack was unprovoked. He was wrestled to the ground, pepper-sprayed in his face, and once he was on the ground he was kicked brutally and punched in the mouth," said Bakewell, a longtime activist and founder of the Brotherhood Crusade.
The Community Call to Action and Accountability will again stage a protest at the new police LAPD commissioner's office.
When: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 at 9:00 a.m.
Where: 150 N. Los Angeles Street Los Angeles, CA 90012
Please come out to show your support for Minister Tony. We are also still trying to have the officer who killed 13 year-old Devin Brown fired!
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by Patricia McAllister
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 at 12:55 PM
PatriciaMcAll@yahoo.com P.O. Box 86562, Los Angeles, CA 90086
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Over 70% of the LAPD are white, and they do NOT live in Los Angeles, but they live in the suburbs. Why are they killing Black children/men/women, and not white kids, and white men/women?
We want justice, and we want it now!
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by blackmenworking
Tuesday, Aug. 30, 2005 at 4:01 PM
and who authorized her to speak for black men?
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by Anti-Racist
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005 at 2:35 AM
Since when does one need to have permission to report on an event? Further, how is she speaking for "black men", she never put words in their mouth. Third, since when does one have to be of the same race and gender of another person to stand up with them against hate and injustice. Does this mean that if I (as a white male) come across a group of white males trying to rape and/or kill a black or Hispanic female, I should just mind my own business? Does the fact that I am white not allow me to jump in and stop the action; to fight for that woman's rights not to be violated? Would I be speaking for her if I demanded that the group of white males stop? My experience says that you are likely against the Nation of Islam (likely a cop), and you are trying to derail any potential support that they have.
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by fuck Pharoh-con
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005 at 5:56 AM
Congrats to the pig for beatin' this fool down.
The left could learn something from this pig.
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by No duh Sherloque
Wednesday, Aug. 31, 2005 at 7:07 AM
Over look the racial profiling, selective enforcement by an upper echelon of insider corruption and cover ups and you might have some point. Who am I kidding? The real criminals are the scum that feed off of the system like the beneficiaries of prison labor and the police industrial complex. Get stuffed.
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by james r bath
Thursday, Sep. 01, 2005 at 8:13 PM
I WENT TO YAHOO CHAT THE TIME IS 11:00am wed--- THIS IS JUST HOW ACTUALY SOME FEEL ABOUT KATRINA---THESE ARE ACTUAL PEOPLE ON THE WEB RIGHT NOW.....TELL ME YOU DONT SEE HATE--YOU DONT WHO THESE PEOPLE ARE THEY COULD BE COPS/TEACHERS/YOURE BOSS/ YOU DONT KNOW---THE QUESTION IS -------IS THIS THE AMERICA WE REFUSE TO SEE????? ACTUAL ON LINE POST TIME 11:03 PM.....YAHOO CHAT You are in "Politics Lobby:3" ( Talk about current political events. Send free holiday e-cards at http://greetings.yahoo.com! ) niggas_killinglooting_neworleans: NIGGARS MUST HANG,, SHOOT ALL LOOTERS pure_bull2006: "One man with courage makes a majority." -- Andrew Jackson champion_of_virginia: looting is bad stuff, i agree there highspreedecore: nigger har har momentofentry: i swear they act like they dont have souls rhopps001@sbcglobal.net: LIBERALS LOVE THE FRENCH! annie_lucci: they should make those looters drink that water that they are shitting in xxxxmurray: champ, that vendetta thing, is your mum from Italy south? lol. hemmings_way_1: Not according to STATISTICS, Judas xxxxmurray: champ, that vendetta thing, is your mum from Italy south? lol. hemmings_way_1: Not according to STATISTICS, Judas pure_bull2006: There is a genetic differences between the races. highspreedecore: yeah..."THEY"....you mean.....Niggers har har xxxxmurray: south Italy. pure_bull2006: Thats a Fact. momentofentry: ppl r dieing while ppl want to steal enough nikes for a family phobosmirror: lol The_Tongue_of_Judas: LOL is it common? highspreedecore: "genetics" Niggers facts..har har SEE THESE GUYS ARE ON LINE RIGHT NOW GO TO YAHHO CHAT AND SAY HELLO SEE HEAR THE HATE FOR YOURE SELF--------------NOW IMAGINE YOURE WHO THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT.......THATS JUST ONLINE NOW WHAT DO YOU THINK THEY DO IF YOU GAVE THESE ASS CLOWNS A GUN AND A BADGE??????
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by Dave
Friday, Sep. 02, 2005 at 11:15 AM
There isn’t any amount of screaming, yelling, congregating, praying, or sign waving that your little ska-band of an organization can do to convince me that they are nothing more than an outdated and useless gang of decrepit hateful old thugs which you believe represents the voice of the African American community. In reality, only you believe what you are saying. The majority of African Americans don’t care about your group. But you never hear from them because they are too busy making something of themselves; bettering their lives.
Being loud and obnoxious does get attention, yet it is also the way that small groups such as yours—those representing an opinion that most likely will be unfavorable by most—try to convince everybody that you are right. And like those other groups the majority of the population, race notwithstanding, don’t care about what you have to say.
While you hoot and holler over these “injustices” brought upon your fellow members by the Los Angeles Police Department, I can’t help but think to myself that they probably deserved what they got. And perhaps they deserved more. When you disobey the orders of officers, you can’t possibly expect for them to respond with flowers, candy, and two tickets to a Lakers game. That’s not to say that there aren’t any corrupt officers because I know there are. But just because you are African American doesn’t give you the right to disobey orders given to you. And when you show signs of resisting, the course of action taken is done in response to yours, not the color of your skin. But alas, the race card is always present.
I’m law-abiding Hispanic male. If I should ever be ignorant enough to put myself in the situations you do, I’d simply do what the police told me. Sure I could kick and scream, but then I’d have all of those idiot Hispanic rights groups defending my actions which were clearly intentional and meant to provoke the officers and disrupt the peace. There’s no defense to stupidity, unless you are in the Nation of Islam. And Lord knows I wouldn’t want those puerile brains at La Raza coming to defend me when I was clearly wrong. They are as bad as you.
You turn every one of your community’s misfortunes into a rally against whitey. You want to “police the police” and request that only African American officers respond to calls in your community. You believe that the world still hates “black people” and that nothing has changed in 40 years. In short, you’re angry and you want things your way, all the time.
You incite crowds and shape their opinion into what you want them to believe. It’s never the fault of the victim, no. Always blame the white devil.
What the hell gives you the right to go about spouting such ignorant banter? The only reason you believe that nothing has changed in 40 years is that you don’t want it to change. Then there’d be no Nation of Islam if you gave up hating whitey. You’d have to go out and find a real job, realizing that the time you wasted rallying against those evil crackers could have been better spent in college earning an education. But no, you’d rather go around pointing fingers at anyone who is not with your little group—and it is little when compared to those who think you look like clowns. The police aren’t killing the young African American male; they are killing each other. But it’s easier to blame the police rather than the mother who didn’t raise their sons responsibly. And don’t give me the single mother jive because that’s no excuse. Go crying to my mother about it and she’ll tell you a thing or two about being a single mother raising two sons.
You are a minority by every definition of the word only because you choose to remain one. You and your fellow members have every right to make something of yourselves but because you still believe that you are being oppressed—you’re actually prisoners of your own mind—you use that as a mechanism to make the world feel sorry for you.
Well, I don’t. And there’s a good chance that my boss doesn’t, either. A former gang member, he’s been a successful magazine publisher for the last 25 years.
Oppressed? I don’t think so.
Yet the sad thing is, the media buys into this nonsense. It’s good ratings. It’s not that they believe you; if they ignored you, you’d be the first to call them racists. Seems you can’t win either way. And in the end, you never have anything to say except the same old biblical rhetoric that elicits shouts of AMEN and GO ON and MMM HMM from your followers.
So to Tony Muhammad, Danny Bakewell, and any of these attention-whoring, so-called community activists, a fancy term for “non-working troublemaker,” the world owes you nothing. I owe you nothing and I don’t want anything from you. Your group is only a blip on the radar of life, a blip that I wish would somehow get lost in the Bermuda Triangle and never be heard from again.
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by Овцы-со
Friday, Sep. 02, 2005 at 12:13 PM
-you’re actually prisoners of your own mind- And that wisdom from someone who has all the slogans from a condiscending ruling class spokesman, in one huge run on paragraph that never addresses the issues of racial profiling, selective enforcement or criminal conflicts of interest. As well as being a general cold tight asshole.
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by Get bent!!!
Friday, Sep. 02, 2005 at 12:50 PM
"And that wisdom from someone who has all the slogans from a condiscending ruling class spokesman, in one huge run on paragraph that never addresses the issues of racial profiling..."
I don't wear baggy pants, have a shaved head, or drive a Suburban with tinted windows and a Raider Nation sticker on the back.
If you want to decrease the chances of being harrassed by the cops, then don't look like a rolling ad for Boost Mobile.
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by Овцы-со
Friday, Sep. 02, 2005 at 1:54 PM
I guess I should say " and a bucket load of moronic stereotypes" to go with the run on paragraph. Get stuffed.
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by dravenlee
Saturday, Sep. 03, 2005 at 2:42 AM
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There is another world were cops. lie and destroy lives and have no justice put against there actions....untill we can put in check the powers that be , erase white guilt and replace it with knowledge---and lets admit that we have no idea what its like to live in these areas were cops can act like gangs and the men and women get blamed over the actions of rouge police officers...who live by there code of dont talk dont tell..........
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by Aige
Saturday, Sep. 03, 2005 at 4:14 PM
october22_la@yahoo.com (213)303-1022 253 W. MLK Blvd.
This year, law enforcement in and around Los Angeles have stolen the lives of our children in outrageous manners, including 13 year old Devin Brown, 19 year old Bassim Chmait, and baby Suzie Peña. Down south, the government is applauding red neck vigilantes for their animal-like hunting down of immigrants struggling to feed their families. Around the country, thousands of South Asians or Muslims are still being arrested and detained without legal recourse. In New York, Juanita Young is persecuted by the D.A. on a bogus charge for her outspoken stance against police brutality. Lawyer Lynne Stewart is subject to 45 years in prison for defending her client’s right to lawyer-client confidentiality. Even journalists are going to prison now for exposing government corruption, a blatant violation of the so-called “freedom of the press.” And now they are trying to intimidate those of us that are standing up against their system of brutality by beating us down?!
The October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality stands with Tony Muhammad and everybody involved in the attacks down in Hyde Park! It's time to hold the murdering police accountable for the racist attacks and stolen lives of our loved ones! We must stand up against this system’s war on the people here in Los Angeles and all over the world! It is time to demand justice for all Stolen Lives!
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by Max Raymond
Saturday, Sep. 03, 2005 at 9:10 PM
Yes, it is sad that community activists can become victims of "alledged" police misuse/abuse of authority.But whats sadder is that , as a "community",Blacks /African- Americans hypocritically IGNORE our OWN abuse of ourselves.Young ,unemployed Blk men commit THOUSANDS of actrs of murder, mayhem, and chaos against their "own people" in Los Angeles , yet our commmunity "leaders" stress "understanding" and communications with our "wayward youth", not the correct hard line that NO ,WE WILL NOT TOLERATE murdering,drug dealing filth in our community ! There seems to be some kind of perverse love affair with the misery of drugs and violence in our community-We're all so quick to complain about abuse from "outside entities", namely the Police Dept, but quickly go deaf and dumb about the hoodlums , that ARE OUR CHILDREN,BROTHERS,SISTERS,NEIGHBORS!!!
Protest and march against LAPD? Why?!! WE created theANARCHY that they" are trying to keep from spilling into other ,less dysfunctional parts of the city. The bible tells us to "first remove the plank from our eye" before we worry about the "speck" in our neighbors. Try this- how about MARCHING and PROTESTING a crack house or a corner where thugs and prostitutes hang out ! what about protesting a liqour store or boycotting a "check cashing" joint(those places charge usury and keep Blks from PROPERLY saving and developing financial strength! )What about demanding that our "so-called" middle class and our sports stars invest in blk communities-"Magic" did, what about the rest? Or even MORE radical- get together with the Nation of Islam (who tend to be as self serving as many other religious groups in the 'hood) and found some storefront after school study centers to help our children become better scholastically. Welfare? Make young people strive harder for jobs- mopping a floor for min. wage is MORE honearble than "slangin' rock " on 83rd and Figueroa or Hyde Park and West Blvd!!! The Bible sez "we swallow a camel and strain out a knat" -African -Americans will ALWAYS BE VICTIMS until we GET OURSELVES STRAIGHT!!! Go waste your time protesting the "PO-LICE"-as for me, I'm going to start picking up trash on my block ,and passing out appllications to young blk men and women from every business I find thats hiring, and DONATING MORE money to the United Negro College Fund- In 10 yrs or so, I bet I'll have done more for our people than you so-called activists. P.S. I expect "hate" mail for this post- but,hey, its time to start thinking independently as Blk people- group "think"(herd mentality) is what got the "do-do birds" and the "buffaloes " EXTINCT............
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by Mr Raymond again.....
Saturday, Sep. 03, 2005 at 9:42 PM
Face it1 There is racism in this country-nothing new,And to the people complaining about what is being said- well BE GLAD THAT YOU KNOW WHO HATES YOU !!!!!! Now what are YOU going to do about it??? Demand that they treat you fairly? Blk people should realize what REAL power is- Buy a home, own a business ,spend money in your own nieghborhood, then you'll have REAL power- Minister "pohny" tony Muhammad and that decrepit clown Danny Bakewell , have done NOTHING to make blk lives better in L.A.
Wake up!!!! Young Blk Men! Stop trying to be Gangstas' (dressing like bums will not get you thru a job interview).Young Blk Women! Dressing like a "video Ho" will get you nothing but the attention of pimps ,thugs, and low lives"(SO WHAt IF PARIS HILTON and A bunch of Silly White Girls dress like "tramps"- watch in another 10-20 yrs how "conservative and business like they'll dress, while you'll be suffering from the old days when you were a "freak" or boys called you a "dirty"!!!!! I sadly saw young blk men laughing and directing young blk women to "sell" themselves on Century Blvd near the L.A. Airport one weekend- in 20 yrs where will any of them be? The Men were smoking weed ,drinking, playing loud music and acting like ignorant Buffoons! now i saw the police (yep those ol' fascist LAPD) come up and ran them off- most werre complaining about being harassed by the "po-Pos" - I guess prostitution of our future Blk mothers and drunkiness of our future Blk fathers is BLACK PRIDE-Where was Danny Bakewell or Min.Muhammad that night to tell these young people what they were doing was wrong?-Blk folks -obey the law, put down the guns(we make ourselves our own enemies),stop smoking BLUNTS,dress clean and neat( atr least the Muslms of N.O.I . got that right), and live healthy,without making young blk women diseased and pregnant-Damn! but when you Homeys go get the 40 oz, at least spend $2 more dollars for condoms!!! When Black america lives pruder and stronger, the enemy will have NO CHOICE but respect you ( and even fear you)-look at the Asians in America -PAID!, The Russians-PAID, Soon the Hisps will be ahead of us and PAID! And why, becuase they work together and respect one another while we live and act like wild dogs in the streets.........
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by Guesst
Tuesday, Sep. 13, 2005 at 11:56 PM
Huh..how could you doubt that Tony Muhammad got targeted? The N.O.I. might be a 'gang' of sorts selling itself as an 'answer' to social problems, but does he deserve a swollen face? Seems in perfect form for America right now...in massive denial, acceptance of war & hypocrisy, unable to look beyond being trapped by the monetary system and its racial/class distinctions. The last poster is right about some things but then seems satisfied with integrating people into capitalism, as if that were the way out of the social problems that it causes and is strengthened by. Why do we all have to seel ourselves, because our lives are out of our hands....which is why rackets and gangs of all sorts flourish, because people are desperate and looking for, needing, something...the N.O.I can't do it but people as a whole can. We have to get out of, get rid of, the wage labor relationships of needing money to survive, and take the conditions of our existence in our hands. It's not as easy as asking for reform or more jobs, but I think it's more honest.
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by Kurt Brown, Saint Ram Bone
Saturday, Oct. 08, 2005 at 3:14 PM
USA, the Nightmare State
The beatings of the activist are not surprising. I, an ex federal bank examiner, turned informant, received forced injections and a couple of assassination attempts. No one cared then or now in the regime. I welcome the coming global war by the lower castes against the cut throat closed door government regimes and their corrupt courts as in Los Angeles that do not give us our rights to trial by jury or anything else. Remember, if the regime detonates a nuclear device upon us, perhaps this will be the end of all life in this universe. No more nightmares like modern day America and the world I wonder if many are human. The issue is not racial. It appears so on the surface, but those are usually the eyes of a simple person. The issue goes much further. I believe we have lost this nation and any hope of salvage. I fea factions of the government like a mortal enemy. I foolishly trusted them until my illegal arrest and horrid abuse in 2001. Support the coming world castes wars. Know technology. Know strategy. Know they have spied on all of us until they can now clone us and likely track our movement. Probably just for food for cattle or pigs eventually. Who needs the regime. Let the nation crumble into war and a resurrection of city states will follow after years of tumult, or all of our welcomed deaths in the American nightmare state of the lower castes. A gun is useless in the coming wars without other devices and apparatus. The regimes corrupt courts in Los Angeles give an automatic felony for gun possession. Bring some chemicals and life forms. Never again trust the regime or their bureaucracy or anything else they touch or approve. Mobile Audit club, videos of abuse with music. http://www.angelfire.com/zine2/democracyordeath/index.html The pic is of when I was falling down, beaten by government. I coined the sign from the pic as, "Government Leprosy"
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