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by Intel Op Center
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 7:06 AM
We are working hard to get phone numbers, home addresses, and any other information available. We are also working to collect information on all the other people in attendance (SOS and their racist partners). This has gone far enough and we are working hard to bring their War on Mexicans to the doorsteps of the racists! Any further information can be posted here as well.
 sos_laguna.jpgzqjybe.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
The girl holding the sign posts as dixieland_delight. Here is some more info on her we have dug up. Her name is Megan Nicole Parigi and she is a student at UCLA. She is trying to start a band named Panzer, which is named after her Dog (who is named after the Nazi Tank). She lives in Westwood, CA and has two known email addresses iron_eagle1939@hotmail.com and mparigi@ucla.edu. Reports have come in that she is very open about where Nazi tendencies in her classes, and believes that the White Race is superior and needs to separate itself from other races to "preserve its blood line".
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:23 AM
 meg.jpg, image/jpeg, 690x77
here's one of the best reports - address is available but even an unlisted phone should show up here
likely she's got a 2G cellular or none
I did a little demographic checking on her
she's a shallow gold digging sneaky ass game player - is it any wonder she fits right in there ?
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by dth 2 fscism
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:24 AM
the one on the left is taking a russian class this summer at ucla. i've seen her on campus with a bomber jacket with a big confederate flag on it (dixie dolly or whatever) and a 'white pride world wide" patch on it.
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by Sheepdog
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:33 AM
And encouraged to entertain concepts of spiritual as well emotional linkages or ties with her fellow ... oh, nevermind.
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by Act Up!
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:48 AM
If we can get her address, we can plan a surprise protest in her front lawn. We need to organize crash parties to let all their neighbors know whom they live by. It would also be great to find out where these people work, what classes they are in, and where they go to relax. We can start writing their bosses and professors to try to get them fired or kicked out of school. Also, if they live with people, we need to expand out to them as well. This girl has to have parents, where do they work, what do they do? These nazi people are destroying the lives of poor workers from Mexico and their families, its time to start returning the favor. Has anyone contacted the UCLA MeCha chapter yet? They should send a group to her classes, and be there to “escort” her off campus when she tries to enter. If you search under her name, she has a lot of hatred for Chinos, Asians, Africans, and anyone else non-Aryan. Someone needs to print them off with her picture and hang them around the campus. Looks like we all have a lot of work to do, one fascist at a time. It is time to ACT UP!
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by Willie
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 9:57 AM
she wore the confederate flag bomber jacket to the Victorville SOS protest. I have video of it.
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by Willie
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 10:19 AM
Panzer is a pit bull . . .
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 10:46 AM
living on campus ? Usually a lack of information like that means the subject is in an institution (UCLA) but I don't know anything about whether UCLA has dorms. flyers with her name and what she does/stands for all over campus would prob be the best the pic at the top of this thread would be a great one to use, along with some of her writings on the back http://hkn.eecs.berkeley.edu/~alchen/parlor/after_life/backgrounds/fairest.html
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 11:07 AM
What the _FUCK_ do you people think you're planning on doing?!
Normal people don't try to find the residential address of others and _abuse_ other people's privacy like this. This is scumbag behavior that would be expcted from the _other_ side, not the side that's supposed to be against hatred.
Identifying the racists is a good thing, abolsutely, since it means their names can be given to the police if and when they instigate violence, but trying to find out where they live, posting their telephone numbers, and planning on showing up at their residence... That is _WRONG_!!!
My opinions only, of course, and only my opinions.
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by Act Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 11:07 AM
Here is a post from the great SOSer.... ******************************* dixieland_delight Forum Member Join Date: Dec 2004 Posts: 629 Location: On the frontlines and ready for action!! Re: Does this make anyone else annoyed? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting in from the belly of the beast on this issue, Los Angeles buses, even the Santa Monica bus (which is supposed to be a nice area, but quickly browning), are filthy, disgusting, disturbing, and smell rancid. I used to take the bus a lot, but at this point I just don't go anywhere unless I have a ride, can walk there, or absolutely need to go and can't avoid it. Between the blacks and their loud conversations/headphones, the Mexican women yelling in Spanish to their three or four poorly behaved and screaming kids, the nonwhite men eyeing me, and the stench, buses always remind me of why the multiculturalist fairy tale is just plain stupid. Heck, I've even seen nonwhites spank their kids on the bus; I'm not necessarily opposed to spanking, but those people have no concept of "situationally appropriate". It's a horrific experience, but I think everyone should ride the bus in a metropolitan area to see what our country could turn into if the multicults get their way. It's the sort of thing that just makes me want to do more for the movement and help US get OUR way. There are also the token crazy homeless people, who are a little scary; One time there was a filthy (I'm not just being mean, the guy was visibly caked with dirt) Mexican who kept walking around the bus screaming. Of course, it's not just the crazies that scream at people on the bus here. On several occasions I've seen blacks yelling at the bus driver for the most inane things, such as not accepting expired transfers, not stopping at stops designated for other bus lines, and some completely random things. Luger- Not only do they eat entire meals, they also leave their trash. __________________ There's no such thing as a lost cause if it's for the survival and prosperity of our race! ****************************************************** And SOS CLAIMS that they are not a racist group. Time to bring them down!!!!! I know their leader Joe has a meeting with some urban leaders in LA next month. Someone needs to put together all the evidence about the Nazi ties and mail it to them. Personally, I think someone needs to hog tie these facists, take their IDs, and drop them off in Mexico! Lets ACT UP!!!! http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2022098#post2022098
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by Act Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 11:15 AM
I respect you a lot. But tell that to the Mexicans that these people are going after. Tell it to the children of the Mexicans that will starve because of these fascists. Tell it to the African Americans that these people beat down in the middle of the night. Their numbers are growing, and they have to be stopped. I have respect for those who want to work the system, but these people have to be stopped, and they have to be stopped now. I haven't seen anyone make any threats, or do anything illegal, but if we can get even a handful fired, evicted, and financially ruined, it will send a clear message that enough is enough. Look at what happens when these people are left alone (Nazi Germany, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Palestine). The people have tried to do the right thing the conventional way, and it is not working. We need to step things up and run these motherfuckers out of our state once and for all. (Excuse my French...I mean freedom).
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by Amazed
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 11:27 AM
""We need to step things up and run these motherfuckers out of our state once and for all. ""
Isn't that the same thing that SoS is saying?
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by Act Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 11:34 AM
There is a big difference in running people out of town because they are working and running violent people out to protect people who are working. We lock up violent criminals to protect society, which is not the same as a kidnapper taking an innocent person. In the same sense, when SOS and their Nazi Partners start attacking innocent undocumented workers, we, as citizens of this great state, have a duty to stand up and protect them. If SOS wants to continue down this road, we, as California Citizens, are going to stop them. If we have to destroy a few lives (legally of course) to protect thousands of lives, I think it is justified. It is an offensive defense, while SOS is just an offensive attack.
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by John P. George
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 11:46 AM
Woonsocket, RI
"petal to the Metal Dude"
Free speech is not a crime, even if you disagree with it.
Stalking is a crime, including on the internet.
Conspiracy to stalk is a crime.
Threatening violence is a crime.
Right ON! Dixie Land baby! Now thats one babe who's diapers I wouldnt mind changing!
"I fear nobody"
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 2:15 PM
http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/131362.php he was posting death threats, hacking other websites *including several IMC's* - threatened this one the same way just a few days ago - kept saying he was "untouchable", unstoppable, kept acting like some big-bad group "WE WILL DESTROY YOU", wasting much time and many other people's money - intentionally consuming large amounts of bandwidth using *the company he worked for's own bandwidth as a weapon* now look at him - he ran away scared completely neutered once I *posted his name address and phone #* - using publicly available information.. If you don't want people to have your information DON'T PROVIDE IT - no one will be posting MY phone # for example because *I don't have one*. Megan is like kobe - preying on the powerless - on good people - for her own sick pleasure - no one's twisting her arm behind her back forcing her to go out *in public* looking like a clown holding up a banner displaying her hate for the world to see, joining in with like-minded haters doing the same. If she wants her privacy she should go home, shut up and *do some serious thinking* about what she's doing to other people. Action causes reaction. If you go out in public making an ass out of yourself hurting other people you should expect them to expose you for doing so... Social justice
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 2:31 PM
Aryan Supremacist/ Nazi SOS collaborator VINCE ESTRADA is shown in this pic vying for conterfeit Aryan status, along with LUPE MORENO, aryan collaboratist whore. Don't these sumbags have anything better to do than to harrass honest, hard-working Jornaleros??? http://images5.theimagehosting.com/DSC00434.1.JPG
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by peaceonearth
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 2:42 PM
hold on....this is going toooooo far. the statements on here are over the top. STALKINgand harassment are crimes. targeting a young girl and her familiy for harrassment does not make any of us look better...
remember garden grove...felony cases are being made against activists for this kind of thing ..
cool down...please
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by Act Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:00 PM
It is not illegal to:
1. Hold a protest on a public sidewalk outside of a home of a person who places him/her self in the public as a racist.
2. Hold a protest on a public sidewalk outside of a place of business where a person works who places him/her self in the public as a racist.
3. Hold a protest outside of a classroom of a person who places him/her self in the public as a racist.
4. Call employers of a person who places him/her self in the public as a racist, and explain what they stand for.
5. Call a person's family and let them know their relative is a racist who places him/her self in the public.
6. Warn potential residents of violent racists that live in their community when those violent racists already place themselves in the public by protesting for racist policies.
7. Use and publish public information about people who publicly protest when those people already place the information into the public sector through posts and using public records.
So, no, we have NOT gone to far, we have NOT broken any laws, and we will NOT cease and desist!
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by peaceonearth
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:07 PM
a "violent racist"?
what violence has this person ever done? did someone tell u it was ok to do these things to people. there is something called stalking. dont we have better things to do than this?
why are u so full of hatred?
no good will ever com from this kind of thing. it is a waste of time.
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:08 PM
have more details on the and those people ?
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:15 PM
that's exactly the problem with these people
1.) they ARE full of hatred 2.) they constantly try to say other people are too
to make themselves look better .
> no good will ever com from this kind of thing. it is a waste of time.
no it's not - it worked beautifully on kobe
and look what he was doing...
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by A Fly On The Wall
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:17 PM
Maybe you need to do some research, but Stormfront is an organization that makes heroes out of people like Buford Furrow, Jr., Adolph Hitler, and Milosevic (this girl actually wrote a paper praising Milosevic). They not only condone violence, they preach it. To even try to say that these people are not violent is so ignorant that a person would have to be living in the false reality that denies the holocaust happened. Now that SOS is working along side these people, well, its over...
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by peaceonearth
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:22 PM
u did not show any proof that this person is a violent racist....u do not like another web site...stormfront.
i think u just like to hurt people... and then u say they do it too....just like the torture in gitmo (cuba)...they do it so now we do it toooo.
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by peaceonearth
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:22 PM
u did not show any proof that this person is a violent racist....u do not like another web site...stormfront.
i think u just like to hurt people... and then u say they do it too....just like the torture in gitmo (cuba)...they do it so now we do it toooo.
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:33 PM
here is another pic of Gestappo girl MEGAN NICOLE PARIGI, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with all of her fellow Nazis from Joe Turner's SOS at the Baldwin Park 2 rally. This PROVES that Turner and the SOS are working for the "4th Reich" . I thought World War 2 was supposed to have ended Nazi rallies!!! click to see the Gestappo girl...... http://images5.theimagehosting.com/bp2_0042.jpg
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by A Fly
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:52 PM
Here is your proof...... Racism is violent, so here is a post that shows the violent racist. ----------------------------------- dixieland_delight
Joined: 14 Dec 2004 Posts: 13 Location: Los Angles, Mexifornia Posted: Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:19 pm Post subject: Lucky
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I guess I just lucked out on the parents issue; my mom actually encouraged me and hates blacks and mexicans almost as much as me. I have, on the other hand, gotten called names. A lot. At Thanksgiving dinnner when I was over at my boyfriend's parents' house. That was awkward, but I don't particularly care what his parents' friend thinks of me. I agree with the guy that said four-letter words make you look stupid. Just because I think that Occupied Palestine (israel) has no right to exist as a country and must be destroyed does not make me an "alien," nor do your beliefs make you one. Nationalists disklike other races because of THEIR flaws, not ours. Tell anyone who disagrees exactly where to shove it.
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by BorderRaven
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 4:52 PM
Try protesting on my sidewalk, in my 'hood.
646.9. (a) Any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or willfully and maliciously harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family is guilty of the crime of stalking, punishable by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison. (b) Any person who violates subdivision (a) when there is a temporary restraining order, injunction, or any other court order in effect prohibiting the behavior described in subdivision (a) against the same party, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or four years. (c) (1) Every person who, after having been convicted of a felony under Section 273.5, 273.6, or 422, commits a violation of subdivision (a) shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for not more than one year, or by a fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, or by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or five years. (2) Every person who, after having been convicted of a felony under subdivision (a), commits a violation of this section shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for two, three, or five years. (d) In addition to the penalties provided in this section, the sentencing court may order a person convicted of a felony under this section to register as a sex offender pursuant to subparagraph (E) of paragraph (2) of subdivision (a) of Section 290. (e) For the purposes of this section, "harasses" means engages in a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that seriously alarms, annoys, torments, or terrorizes the person, and that serves no legitimate purpose. (f) For the purposes of this section, "course of conduct" means two or more acts occurring over a period of time, however short, evidencing a continuity of purpose. Constitutionally protected activity is not included within the meaning of "course of conduct." (g) For the purposes of this section, "credible threat" means a verbal or written threat, including that performed through the use of an electronic communication device, or a threat implied by a pattern of conduct or a combination of verbal, written, or electronically communicated statements and conduct, made with the intent to place the person that is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family, and made with the apparent ability to carry out the threat so as to cause the person who is the target of the threat to reasonably fear for his or her safety or the safety of his or her family. It is not necessary to prove that the defendant had the intent to actually carry out the threat. The present incarceration of a person making the threat shall not be a bar to prosecution under this section. Constitutionally protected activity is not included within the meaning of "credible threat." (h) For purposes of this section, the term "electronic communication device" includes, but is not limited to, telephones, cellular phones, computers, video recorders, fax machines, or pagers. "Electronic communication" has the same meaning as the term defined in Subsection 12 of Section 2510 of Title 18 of the United States Code. (i) This section shall not apply to conduct that occurs during labor picketing. (j) If probation is granted, or the execution or imposition of a sentence is suspended, for any person convicted under this section, it shall be a condition of probation that the person participate in counseling, as designated by the court. However, the court, upon a showing of good cause, may find that the counseling requirement shall not be imposed. (k) The sentencing court also shall consider issuing an order restraining the defendant from any contact with the victim, that may be valid for up to 10 years, as determined by the court. It is the intent of the Legislature that the length of any restraining order be based upon the seriousness of the facts before the court, the probability of future violations, and the safety of the victim and his or her immediate family. (l) For purposes of this section, "immediate family" means any spouse, parent, child, any person related by consanguinity or affinity within the second degree, or any other person who regularly resides in the household, or who, within the prior six months, regularly resided in the household. (m) The court shall consider whether the defendant would benefit from treatment pursuant to Section 2684. If it is determined to be appropriate, the court shall recommend that the Department of Corrections make a certification as provided in Section 2684. Upon the certification, the defendant shall be evaluated and transferred to the appropriate hospital for treatment pursuant to Section 2684.
646.91. (a) Notwithstanding any other law, a judicial officer may issue an ex parte emergency protective order where a peace officer, as defined in Section 830.1, 830.2, or 830.32, asserts reasonable grounds to believe that a person is in immediate and present danger of stalking based upon the person's allegation that he or she has been willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly followed or harassed by another person who has made a credible threat with the intent of placing the person who is the target of the threat in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family, within the meaning of Section 646.9. (b) A peace officer who requests an emergency protective order shall reduce the order to writing and sign it. (c) An emergency protective order shall include all of the following: (1) A statement of the grounds asserted for the order. (2) The date and time the order expires. (3) The address of the superior court for the district or county in which the protected party resides. (4) The following statements, which shall be printed in English and Spanish: (A) "To the protected person: This order will last until the date and time noted above. If you wish to seek continuing protection, you will have to apply for an order from the court at the address noted above. You may seek the advice of an attorney as to any matter connected with your application for any future court orders. The attorney should be consulted promptly so that the attorney may assist you in making your application." (B) "To the restrained person: This order will last until the date and time noted above. The protected party may, however, obtain a more permanent restraining order from the court. You may seek the advice of an attorney as to any matter connected with the application. The attorney should be consulted promptly so that the attorney may assist you in responding to the application. You may not own, possess, purchase or receive, or attempt to purchase or receive a firearm while this order is in effect." (d) An emergency protective order may be issued under this section only if the judicial officer finds both of the following: (1) That reasonable grounds have been asserted to believe that an immediate and present danger of stalking, as defined in Section 646.9, exists. (2) That an emergency protective order is necessary to prevent the occurrence or reoccurrence of the stalking activity. (e) An emergency protective order may include either of the following specific orders as appropriate: (1) A harassment protective order as described in Section 527.6 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (2) A workplace violence protective order as described in Section 527.8 of the Code of Civil Procedure. (f) An emergency protective order shall be issued without prejudice to any person. (g) An emergency protective order expires at the earlier of the following times: (1) The close of judicial business on the fifth court day following the day of its issuance. (2) The seventh calendar day following the day of its issuance. (h) A peace officer who requests an emergency protective order shall do all of the following: (1) Serve the order on the restrained person, if the restrained person can reasonably be located. (2) Give a copy of the order to the protected person, or, if the protected person is a minor child, to a parent or guardian of the protected child if the parent or guardian can reasonably be located, or to a person having temporary custody of the child. (3) File a copy of the order with the court as soon as practicable after issuance. (i) A peace officer shall use every reasonable means to enforce an emergency protective order. (j) A peace officer who acts in good faith to enforce an emergency protective order is not civilly or criminally liable. (k) A peace officer who requests an emergency protective order under this section shall carry copies of the order while on duty. (l) A peace officer described in subdivision (a) or (b) of Section 830.32 who requests an emergency protective order pursuant to this section shall also notify the sheriff or police chief of the city in whose jurisdiction the peace officer's college or school is located after issuance of the order. (m) "Judicial officer," as used in this section, means a judge, commissioner, or referee. (n) A person subject to an emergency protective order under this section shall not own, possess, purchase, or receive a firearm while the order is in effect. (o) Nothing in this section shall be construed to permit a court to issue an emergency protective order prohibiting speech or other activities that are constitutionally protected or protected by the laws of this state or by the United States or activities occurring during a labor dispute, as defined by Section 527.3 of the Code of Civil Procedure, including, but not limited to, picketing and hand billing. (p) The Judicial Council shall develop forms, instructions, and rules for the scheduling of hearings and other procedures established pursuant to this section. (q) Any intentional disobedience of any emergency protective order granted under this section is punishable pursuant to Section 166. Nothing in this subdivision shall be construed to prevent punishment under Section 646.9, in lieu of punishment under this section, if a violation of Section 646.9 is also pled and proven.
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by Aphrodite
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:10 PM
Border Raven,
Hopefully they will make your day. By making your day, they will make my day.
I guess the first Baldwin Park demo, did not teach them.
You would think they would have learned from the Garden Grove incident.
Maybe if they had been hit on the head with a full water bottle, some sense could seep into their thick skulls.
The law is on the side of SOS. Indymedia people support the crime of illegal immigration. Indymedia people support violence.
Indymedia people are criminal violent people. Criminal violent people end up in prison.
Make our days brighter, F*** up again. Please!!!!!!!!
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by Aphrodite
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:24 PM
Hey retard Act up.
Illegal Mexican job stealing invaders, are not innocent.
They are the enemy and they are leaving.
SOS, is just the beginning. Americans are waking up. You have alot to fear, if you are a traitor who supports this crime of illegal Mexican immigration.
It is not just California,where the winds of the great storm are blowing. The winds are blowing across all of America and it smells like REVOLUTION, BABY.
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by Act Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:29 PM
Stalking is when ONE person REPEATEDLY persists to follow another, AND when there is a CREDIBLE threat to place that person in REASONABLE FEAR FOR HIS OR HER SAFETY. When people protest, it does NOT qualify as stalking. Don't quite your day job morons; you are not very good lawyers..... ----------------- 646.9. (a) Any PERSON who willfully, maliciously, and REPEATEDLY follows or willfully and maliciously harasses another person AND who makes a credible threat with the INTENT to place that person in REASONABLE fear for his or her SAFETY, or the safety of his or her immediate family is guilty of the crime of stalking -------------------- Warning the public, employers, and professors of what a person says and does in PUBLIC does NOT QUALIFY as a CREDIBLE THREAT to SAFETY!
So yeah, show up to these racist rallies, and don't be surprised when your face is on a warning poster around your work and home, and when hundreds of people hold signs outside YOUR home. The people are watching, and we will respond!!!!
As for the comments about legal always being moral, remember that Hitler made the laws, so technically, everything he did to the Jews was legal, while Gandhi broke them, so technically, he was a criminal. I don’t think anyone plans on breaking any laws, but just because you people don’t, it doesn’t mean that you are not evil racist bastards. Oh I forgot, many of you are Hitler fans, so this probably won’t make much sense to you.
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by Act Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:40 PM
You are in a fantasy world. Because you can collect a few hundred (at the most) racists to claim they are fed up, you think this country is near revolting. HAHAHA LMAO, that is too funny. Come on McVeigh, start the revolution. Every decade, some moron like you comes around saying it’s going to happen. Do everyone a favor and just put the needle in your arm for us and save the state the bill. hahah Revolution?!?!?! Who let this nut out of the asylum....
We are only worried about the twenty or thirty minorities you and your idiot friends are going to kill in your drunk fits of rage, and the dozen or so undocumented workers that you will kill in the desert. If there were any real threat of revolution in the air, the US government would have picked you off long ago. Revolution...can't get over it.... Heil Aphrodite, the Aryan Master.... hahahahaha
There are SOOOO many of you…must be that everyone’s car is broken down during rally days, huh… hahahaha Yeah, we take multiplying pills at our counter rallies…that is why you are ALWAYS out-numbered 10 to 1. Go run off in the woods and burn your crosses, believe what you want! When we are done, everyone will know the real you, and no one will want anything to do with you. No business is going to hire a Hitler wannabe… HAHAHA Revolution….can’t stop laughing!!!!
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by Intel Op Center
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:55 PM
We have narrowed down potential address and phone numbers for Vince Estrada. Does anyone knows names he posts under, or what area he lives in. Here are the places we have narrowed the search to….
Modesto, CA 95350-0372 Boulevard, CA 91905-9725 Santa Maria, CA 93454 Santa Maria, CA 93458-8386 Acton, CA 93510-1875
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by Fed Up
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 5:59 PM
Act up,
"If we have to destroy a few lives (legally of course) to protect thousands of lives, I think it is justified. It is an offensive defense,"
Profound ...
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by Aphrodite
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 6:02 PM
Act up, obviously you did not see pics of the Laguna Beach rally.
The good law-abiding American side(those against the crime of illegal Mexican immigration) had over a hundred.
Indymedia people's side had 5 criminals.
Now why is that? Could it be, because Laguna Beach does not allow illegal Mexican immigrants to live amongst them.
Laguna Beach is made up of rich traitors who hire illegal Mexican invading criminals. Laguna Beach's rich traitors would not stand for their illegal Mexican invading pets to live in the same communities.
Laguna Beach does not want to become the third world cesspool that Baldwin Park is.
Laguna Beach rich traitors may hire illegal Mexican invaders, but they won't let you live there. If you do live there, they will make sure the public doesn't see you.
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by Aphrodite
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 6:16 PM
Act up.
See who the violent ones are. I mention REVOLUTION and of course, anyone who has violent tendencies (that being Act Up), immediately assumes I am talking of violent physical confrontation.
The REVOLUTION is happening in Congress and on the streets, but intelligently.
Act up, tsk tsk. Illegal Mexican invaders can be deported at any time. Why is this? They are breaking our immigration laws. These hordes of illegal Mexican criminals are hiding in the shadows of our great country. Waiting. Waiting for us to forgive them again, for breaking our laws with another amnesty.
Part of the REVOLUTION, is that there will be no forgiveness this time. NO AMNESTY, only punishment. I cannot wait.
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by Hex
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 7:05 PM
Fresca has adopted a new bandwagon after being fedup and annooryed
Free Press International 1991-2005 Publisher: Greg Ericson 1806 Veranda Drive West Columbia, Texas 77486 1.979.345.2168
Web Sites That Have Linked To FPI: Rush Limbaugh
Marco was right about FPI too... .
border raven's thunderous bluster is amusing - I think he's hiding something, maybe one of my itsy bitsy spiders should start crawling him as well
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by Suicism
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 10:32 PM
What are you talking about, "Work within the system???" She was merely recounting her experiences upon a bus, being made uncomfortable by ludicrously easily-agitated black folks, uncontrollable and callously uncouth Mexcian mothers, and crazy people running around a bus. She was merely recounting her observation, and rather than preaching VIOLENCE, simply wishes to reach people in a respectful and honest way. What, do you people have a problem with people being HONEST??? YOU are the real fascists, all you hog-tie motherfuckers. What is your problem?? Do white people really act that way on the bus?? Maybe if they're crazy yes, but when others who are suppossedly "normal" act the same way, it has to say something about their level of refinement in the cultural strata of society. I have no plans of hurting illegal aliens, or non-Aryans for that matter whatsoever, and neither does she. We just have a right, as white people, to live in conditions which frankly don't THREATEN us, don't INTIMIDATE us, and don't make us feel undeservedly uncomfortable by being forced to share space with those who may snap at any moment, and indeed attack US for "our race." You need to have some respect for the people who are REALLY being run out of their own right to a culture of their own. It has nothing to do with "superiority," and everything to do with preference; and if you "liberals" are suppossed to be so "tolerant," then there's NO reason why the preferences of "WHITE" people should go unrecognized, and indeed when EXPRESSED provoke rabid indignation and plans of violent RETRIBUTION on the part of the suppossedly "non-Fascists." You people are the most ridiculously brainwashed set of Fascist-Hypocrates that have ever been born. Get a life, and GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 2:29 AM
> refinement in the cultural strata of society
racism by any other name
> snap at any moment -
> Go FUCK Yourselves > hog-tie motherfuckers > GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!
looks like your the one snapping, and my how "refined" you are too :)
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by WWII Nazi Killer
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 4:46 AM
She was merely recounting her experiences upon a bus,
No, she is making stereotypical generalizations about people based on race. It not only demonstrates her ignorance, but also her willingness to attack people based on their looks. She is hateful.
being made uncomfortable by ludicrously easily-agitated black folks, uncontrollable and callously uncouth Mexcian [Mexican] mothers, and crazy people running around a bus.
This is important since the SOSers want to recruit out of these groups. Her membership into the SOS is the best thing we could have ever wished for. She proves that the elements that SOS is attracting are fringed racists.
She was merely recounting her observation, and rather than preaching VIOLENCE, simply wishes to reach people in a respectful and honest way.
By its very nature Racism IS Violence. When you are a racist, you help build resentment toward people. For example, I hate rednecks; I can't stand to be around them at all. I don't have the tolerance to give redneck racists a chance. Nazis and Racists do the same, the judge and attack based on race, religion, and/or sexual orientation. This is violent in its very nature. According to the SOS racist OCAngel, Robert Floyd said that she would get killed around his people. Then he chased down Naul, a counter protestor.
What, do you people have a problem with people being HONEST???
I am glad you are being honest about your opinions, it helps us identify you better. The only thing that baffles me is that UCLA has not demanded that you take certain classes that would educate you, instead of letting you take Russian classes and others of your choosing. By the way, your essay on Yugoslavian Genocide really sucked, you should have failed that class.
YOU are the real fascists, all you hog-tie motherfuckers.
Hitler was a fascist. Isn't that your goal? You talk like fascism is a bad thing, but I thought your type loved fascism (so long as the Aryans were in control). I am confused now...
What is your problem?? Do white people really act that way on the bus?? Maybe if they're crazy yes, but when others who are suppossedly [supposedly] "normal" act the same way, it has to say something about their level of refinement in the cultural strata of society.
Actually I HAVE seen white people act this way. Not on the west coast, but in the South I have seen redneck white trash do things much worse. You people also claim a lot of hatred towards Asian people, yet Asian people don't act like this often (generally they are very culturally conservative). You hate people for being different, no other reason. You can be as racist as you want, but if you don’t want public criticism, stay out of public protests.
I have no plans of hurting illegal aliens, or non-Aryans for that matter whatsoever, and neither does she. We just have a right, as white people, to live in conditions which frankly don't THREATEN us, don't INTIMIDATE us, and don't make us feel undeservedly uncomfortable by being forced to share space with those who may snap at any moment, and indeed attack US for "our race."
Your forced exclusion of a people is a limit to their liberty, and that exclusion is harming them since it is restricting their movement. The intimidation you feel is in YOUR head, and the threats are not real. I do not feel intimidated or threatened around people of color, and I go to South Central all the time. If you want to live by yourself, go to the Deep South. But don't expect the great state of California to turn into 1930's Germany.
You need to have some respect for the people who are REALLY being run out of their own right to a culture of their own.
I live in a diverse area with Mexican neighbors. They are not running me out of town, hell, we’re great friends.
It has nothing to do with "superiority," and everything to do with preference; and if you "liberals" are suppossed [supposed] to be so "tolerant," then there's NO reason why the preferences of "WHITE" people should go unrecognized, and indeed when EXPRESSED provoke rabid indignation and plans of violent RETRIBUTION on the part of the suppossedly [supposedly] "non-Fascists."
First, you do NOT speak for the white race. As many times as I disagree with our Government, when ever your people get power in a country, we come in and Kick Your Ass. This is because Americans hate, I mean really hate, your type. Second I am NOT a liberal. It only demonstrates your closed mindedness. Third, I never claimed to be tolerant. If you are violating rights (in this case, the rights of undocumented workers), then I will stand up. In contrast, if you are having sex with someone, you are not violating any rights. Therefore, cases of homosexuality are not about tolerance, they are about two adults rights to do what they wish, when it doesn't violate the rights of others. This is not about tolerance; it is about justice.
You people are the most ridiculously brainwashed set of Fascist-Hypocrates [Hypocrites] that have ever been born. Get a life, and GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!
Sorry for striking a nerve Megan, you can go fuck YOURSELF. You are a White Trash Nazi, and YOU want us to be tolerant. What a Joke!
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by The Voice of Reason
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 4:51 AM
http://news.baou.com/main.php?action=recent&rid=20293 http://www.nctimes.com/articles/2004/12/04/news/coastal/22_34_2112_3_04.txt What about the innocent police officers that are brutally gunned down by illegal aliens? You people find it acceptable to stalk and threaten someone with no history of violence, because of some comments and a political stance you don't like, but fight tooth and nail for illegal immigration, when illegal aliens KILL Law Enforcement Officers? These are but two articles, google pulled 509,000 results. You commies obviously don't have anything better to do, google "illegal immigrant shot police officer" instead of threatening law-abiding citizens who disagree with you.
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by WWII Nazi Killer
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 4:52 AM
She was merely recounting her experiences upon a bus,
No, she is making stereotypical generalizations about people based on race. It not only demonstrates her ignorance, but also her willingness to attack people based on their looks. She is hateful.
being made uncomfortable by ludicrously easily-agitated black folks, uncontrollable and callously uncouth Mexcian [Mexican] mothers, and crazy people running around a bus.
This is important since the SOSers want to recruit out of these groups. Her membership into the SOS is the best thing we could have ever wished for. She proves that the elements that SOS is attracting are fringed racists.
She was merely recounting her observation, and rather than preaching VIOLENCE, simply wishes to reach people in a respectful and honest way.
By its very nature Racism IS Violence. When you are a racist, you help build resentment toward people. For example, I hate rednecks; I can't stand to be around them at all. I don't have the tolerance to give redneck racists a chance. Nazis and Racists do the same, the judge and attack based on race, religion, and/or sexual orientation. This is violent in its very nature. According to the SOS racist OCAngel, Robert Floyd said that she would get killed around his people. Then he chased down Naul, a counter protestor.
What, do you people have a problem with people being HONEST???
I am glad you are being honest about your opinions, it helps us identify you better. The only thing that baffles me is that UCLA has not demanded that you take certain classes that would educate you, instead of letting you take Russian classes and others of your choosing. By the way, your essay on Yugoslavian Genocide really sucked, you should have failed that class.
YOU are the real fascists, all you hog-tie motherfuckers.
Hitler was a fascist. Isn't that your goal? You talk like fascism is a bad thing, but I thought your type loved fascism (so long as the Aryans were in control). I am confused now...
What is your problem?? Do white people really act that way on the bus?? Maybe if they're crazy yes, but when others who are suppossedly [supposedly] "normal" act the same way, it has to say something about their level of refinement in the cultural strata of society.
Actually I HAVE seen white people act this way. Not on the west coast, but in the South I have seen redneck white trash do things much worse. You people also claim a lot of hatred towards Asian people, yet Asian people don't act like this often (generally they are very culturally conservative). You hate people for being different, no other reason. You can be as racist as you want, but if you don’t want public criticism, stay out of public protests.
I have no plans of hurting illegal aliens, or non-Aryans for that matter whatsoever, and neither does she. We just have a right, as white people, to live in conditions which frankly don't THREATEN us, don't INTIMIDATE us, and don't make us feel undeservedly uncomfortable by being forced to share space with those who may snap at any moment, and indeed attack US for "our race."
Your forced exclusion of a people is a limit to their liberty, and that exclusion is harming them since it is restricting their movement. The intimidation you feel is in YOUR head, and the threats are not real. I do not feel intimidated or threatened around people of color, and I go to South Central all the time. If you want to live by yourself, go to the Deep South. But don't expect the great state of California to turn into 1930's Germany.
You need to have some respect for the people who are REALLY being run out of their own right to a culture of their own.
I live in a diverse area with Mexican neighbors. They are not running me out of town, hell, we’re great friends.
It has nothing to do with "superiority," and everything to do with preference; and if you "liberals" are suppossed [supposed] to be so "tolerant," then there's NO reason why the preferences of "WHITE" people should go unrecognized, and indeed when EXPRESSED provoke rabid indignation and plans of violent RETRIBUTION on the part of the suppossedly [supposedly] "non-Fascists."
First, you do NOT speak for the white race. As many times as I disagree with our Government, when ever your people get power in a country, we come in and Kick Your Ass. This is because Americans hate, I mean really hate, your type. Second I am NOT a liberal. It only demonstrates your closed mindedness. Third, I never claimed to be tolerant. If you are violating rights (in this case, the rights of undocumented workers), then I will stand up. In contrast, if you are having sex with someone, you are not violating any rights. Therefore, cases of homosexuality are not about tolerance, they are about two adults rights to do what they wish, when it doesn't violate the rights of others. This is not about tolerance; it is about justice.
You people are the most ridiculously brainwashed set of Fascist-Hypocrates [Hypocrites] that have ever been born. Get a life, and GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!!
Sorry for striking a nerve Megan, you can go fuck YOURSELF...
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by WWII Nazi Killer
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 4:56 AM
"What about the innocent police officers that are brutally gunned down by illegal aliens?"
Because a couple undocumented workers do bad stuff, you want to attack all of them?!?!?! Okay, using that logic, Timothy McVeigh was a White Make and a Veteran from Iraq (D.S.1). Looks like we better lock up all the White Males coming back from Iraq. Your logic is idiotic to say the least......
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by A Fly on the Wall
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 5:02 AM
You call us Commies, as you stand there and defend a person who calls HERSELF a Nazi. We don't care if she follows the law, SHE'S A NAZI YOU DIPSHIT! You SOS racists really pick great friends... Call us whatever you want, you are shooting yourself in the foot you racists!!!!! That picture you posted of known Nazis holding your sign is better than ANYTHING the counter demonstrators could have said or done. you DID IT TO YOURSELF! You idiots!
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 6:25 AM
one of the more extreme right-wing W.N. websites was pushing the Police Officer murdered by Latinos lines as thier calling - CCIR I believe
So all the right-wingnut kooks are circling their wagons and building a bonfire
each one has so few supporters they can't survive on their own so they're massing for protection
only problem there is the usual 10:1 ratio increases to > 20:1 for W.N. skinheads nazis
so while they grow some balls by chanting fairly tales to eachother they only go further out on the limb of extremism while our own bonfire is burning at the trunk
once it falls and they scatter like chestnuts we'll have a feeding frenzy
......chestnuts roasting on an open fire/......
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:51 AM
I'll tell you what I can't comprehend.
I abhor anyone that promotes racial discrimination, separatism, or extremism in support of isolating, subjugating, and dividing racial groups. That said, the constant playing of the "racist" card ... and the open advocacy for using fear, intimidation, and actions that border on violence and abuse as a means to an end is as abhorent as any 'real' Nazi. It's a very short walk from trying to destroy the life of someone through character assassination and violent intimidation ... and outright assassination of anyone that presents a challenge to your 'cause'. Is it OK to destroy the civil rights of anyone you deam as counter to your cause as a means of promoting your own cause ... which is presumably about the protection of civil rights for a group that is here illegally? Is that the America you want to live in? Are civil rights only permitted for the people who think they "in the right"? This is a very slippery slope.
By definition, foriegn nationals from ANY country do not have a RIGHT to enter the U.S. ILLEGALLY and do not have a RIGHT reside here ILLEGALLY. If you have an ethical or moral issue with this ... WORK TO CHANGE THE LAW!
There are a lot of people on both sides of the debate on illegal immigration that believe they have a righteous cause. That debate should be won based upon it's merits. As long as the pro-immigration crowd keeps beating their chests about racists and white separatists ... and maybe there's a handful of them out there ... you ignore the mainstream of people like me that you are completely alienating from your cause ... because I see people that are freely willing trample the civil rights of others, use fear, intimitation, and threats of violence as a means to promote their own 'righteous' cause. People like this are just as scarey, or more scarey, than any true Nazis in their threat to our American culture.
I have a problem with the pro-immigration folks that feel they can trample on other people's civil rights as a means to promote their own. I grew up on the border in a rural area. If an illegal alien came to my door, I freely offered them food and water, made sure no one was suffering from heat prostration ... and then called the border patrol. I think it's pretty well established that our country does have immigration laws, and a border patrol agency charged with arresting anyone entering the country illegally. If someone robbed a convenience store while you were getting gas ... would you call the police, or would you just say "that poor person is downtrodden and has a right to fight for a better life"? You may not agree ... but illegal aliens are stealing your and my tax dollars. If you want to promote illegal immigration ... go right ahead and pull out your wallet in support of your beliefs ... but you don't have the RIGHT to force your beliefs on me, and force your hand into my wallet to support them, and threaten people like me with violence and character assassination if I object to your hand in my wallet.
Now, it's clear there a group here that would try to destroy my life because I respected the LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY by notifying the appropriate authorities when I saw a law being violated, because they felt those actions were against their cause ... yet this same group of people won't define and defend their cause ON ITS MERITS by working to have the laws CHANGED! Now, I don't live on the border anymore, but if I did choose to take a walk along the border armed with nothing more than cold water, binoculars, and a cell phone, and did nothing more than offer water to anyone I found in distress and called the appropriate authorities if I saw someone violating our country's laws ... you'll call me racist nazi trash and threaten me with verbal and physical abuse, and if possible do everything you can to destroy my life ... justified by your 'cause'? Instead of challenging the opposition ... you want to eliminate the opposition, literally.
And you call the MM 'vigilantes'?
What you folks here represent in terms of a threat to the American way of life, values, and civil rights is far, far worse ... and you are blind to your own hypocrasy. You cry 'Nazi' ... but you'd better take a good look in the mirror.
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by r_
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:09 AM
why does the SOS webiste activism page have a photo of a protest in Ottawa, Canada?
are they really that confused?
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 10:13 AM
I am only going to make one comment to you, as I am not sure if this radical shift in the movement is the best one, I will stay undecided. I do want to comment about your statement that you are being forced to pay for the labor of undocumented workers. Do some research into multinational corporations like United Fruit Company, Tropicana, the lumber industries, Ford, GM, and dozens of other US based companies doing business in places like Mexico. The fact is that we have a drastic effect on their government (through pressure and trade agreements) and we are more responsible for keeping them poor than they are (organizations like the G8 are chiefly concerned with keeping the third world the third world to maintain cheap labor and resources). We are stealing their wealth away to subsidize our standard of living. Their hands are not in your wallet; your wallet is filled by their nations. The sad truth is that they are merely following their wealth to the land that is stealing it from them. If you want to send them home, fine, but send their money with them. As long as the United States continues to steal the wealth of Latin America, I will not stand in the way of Latin Americans following it north. We are the modern Rome.
And I know that a lot of the SOS people agree with the statement above, the problem is that they are not willing to fight for the rights of the exploited in the other countries. Why don't they demand a fair living wage for all people of the world? Because they don't want to give up their fancy houses, their fancy cars, and their fancy lives. They want the best of both worlds, they want the wealth stolen from Mexico, and they want it all to us. All that said, SOS is trying to starve out the workers of Mexico, which is a LOT worse than them losing a job because an employer finds out what they are doing. They verbally harass poor day laborers when they are in groups, and brag about threatening workers when they see them on their own. They have sent death threats to public officials in BP, and chased down activists in the road like in Laguna. So I don’t know why you’re crying foul when you get a taste of your own treatment.
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 11:16 AM
So the end justifies the means?
I believe it is a vast distortion to try and blame the plight of the poor in Mexico on the American people or multi-national corporations. When multi-national corporations have planted operations in Mexico, that's generally resulted in more employment at wages that are far, far better than what they would make selling gum and clay pots to tourists on the streets. I've seen Mexicali before and after the Machiladoras with my own eyes ... and the people there are much better off with manufacturing jobs there than they were 35 years ago when large neighborhoods were nothing but cardboard and mud huts. The American public isn't 'stealing' anything. Low-skilled manufacturing jobs have been moving to low-cost countries for decades and have generally resulted in better wages and standard of living in those countries. And, over time, those wages continue to rise along with the standard of living until those countries aren't as low-cost relative to the U.S as they used to be. It is beneficial to the residents in those countries for those jobs to move there from the US since it infuses foriegn capital into those economies.
Mexico has had a huge problem with political corruption, government fraud, and massive class stratification between the wealthy and the poor for many, many decades. It's indemic to the political system there. It existed before multi-national companies came ... and still exists today. The reason the Mexican government is so 'supportive' of the mass exodus of economic refugees into the US is so the can export a large part of their domestic costs for supporting their poor, and so that the very class of people that have the most motivation and gain to force change upon the established political and economic power brokers through domestic protests and political organizing ... have left the country. It's win-win for the Mexican government: shove the cost burden onto the US; export any potential base for popular dissent; and, reap the benefits of $15 Billion/year of remittances back to Mexico. Brilliant!
The problem isn't the Big Bad Capitalists here in the US ... except that they create the market for illegal labor here in the US and force the American public to subsidize their profits through taxpayer support of the costs of importing that labor force. The problem isn't the US public. The problem is the Mexican government and power brokers that maintain the class stratification and status quo in Mexico. Why couldn't Mexico do what India has done over the past 15 years? India had and has vastly more poverty than Mexico ... but they started a government strategy 15 years ago to EDUCATE their people and offer a means to attract high-skilled, high-paying jobs TO THEIR COUNTRY. Yes, these Indian workers get paid a lot less than their US counterparts ... but they love having those jobs and it is without doubt raising the standard of living for a vast segment of the population IN INDIA. The leaders in India were visionary. The leaders in Mexico only care about how to pad their offshore bank accounts while they are in office ... that hasn't changed in 100 years. The whole economy and political culture is based on mordida and 'official' theft. One of the largest problems facing Pemex today is theft of bulk fuel from refineries ... tanker trucks just backing up, filling up, and driving away ... a theft ring largely run from the inside by Pemex employees and officials. This is one of the reasons why the quality of fuel at the pump is so poor in Mexico ... the theft ring then 'cuts' the fuel with old motor oil, etc., before selling it to local gas stations. Who runs Pemex in Mexico? The Mexican government.
Yet, the very segment of people that have the most to gain by forcing political change have left the country ... and Mexican politicos are dancing in their mansions.
As I have said before ... I am in favor of LEGAL immigration where US employers MUST bear the costs of creating a market for imported labor instead of forcing the general public to absorb those costs indirectly and unwillingly. Then there wouldn't be any NEED for ILLEGAL immigration. If employers are FORCED to verify legal residency using biometric ID cards that cannot be created fraudulently, and foriegn nationals can apply for temporary residency as a migrant worker ... then this solves the problem. No more people dying in the desert ... they just take an air-conditioned bus to L.A. The only people left trying to cross out in the desert are the criminals ... drug gangs, M13, etc. No more problems with overcrowded emergency rooms, class rooms, jails, etc. ... because the companies that employ foriegn labor will have to shoulder the costs directly for creating that labor market in the first place, through paying benefits, payroll taxes, etc. And the migrant worker is more protected and less prone to exploitation.
If that results in a 3%-4% increase in the cost of some goods and services ... as estimated in studies ... then at least I have the choice to vote with my dollar on what goods and services I pay for.
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 11:24 AM
The solution to the hungry and poor in countries like Mexico ... and other 'third world' countries isn't to institute a mass-exodus to the U.S.
It's to force those countries to put in place progressive governments that stop the cycle of corruption and exploitation WITHIN those countries, educate their population, and place their citizens on an equal footing with the rest of the world.
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by Chop Chop
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 11:30 AM
There is a progressive government in Venezuela and they are enemy #1 for the US. What would happen if Mexico went the way of Venezuela with say, the election of Lopez Obrador. What do you think the reaction of the US would be? I'm sure thre reaction would be hostile. Hence, the problem is two-fold: the corruption of Latin American governments and the imperialist US Foreign Policy.
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 11:43 AM
This really isn't the place for this type of debate (this IS an open newswire, not a place for debate, though many try to use it for that), but it is a debate I would like to participate in. I will do some research (if you know of anywhere, please let me know), and we should set up a forum where we can "rationally" argue this out. This way, we can look at each other's response, and spend time doing a little research, and respond. You are one of the few rational ones I have seen on your side (the norm is reactionary), and maybe we could bring people in from both sides. I don't think it will solve the debate, but it may create more understanding on both sides. Just an idea. I disagree with you, but respect your "style" of debate, and want to encourage it in an ongoing forum. Please respond if you have any ideas.
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 11:48 AM
Chop Chop is right. Mexico tried this as well (nationalized their oil), and we responded with military. Latin America tried for a long time to develop and every time they started, European/American powers smashed them. We have a three hundred year head start due to our military repression on them, it is no wonder they are losing the race. This is more historic then a couple generations. How can a country compete when we have held them back for the first three quarters of the race?
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 12:11 PM
Ya know, I have to agree with the problems of US foriegn policy. Our government has a long tradition of proping up corrupt governments in the interest of either "national security" or "economic stability" (read: steady oil supplies) or the "war on drugs". Several (if not most) of those policies have come back to haunt us later.
As it relates to illegal immigration ... the business interests that benefit through the illegal labor market (by shifting the cost structure onto the American public) have our politicians by the right 'tenate' and the Latino political lobbies that hold up the promise of an emerging voting bloc have the politicians by the left 'tenate', and the oil company interests have our politicians by the throat.
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 12:31 PM
I'm not sure what would serve as a good 'nuetral' discussion forum, but I'll spend some time looking/thinking about where that might best be.
I appreciate the 'respect' for my style of debate if not the substance of it.
Regardless of my or your position on this issue ... it's a reality that there are some real structural problems in the current non-system of immigration laws, policies, unenforced laws, official ignorance, etc., that are reaching a breaking point ... a breaking point both politically and economically. The challenge to the moderates on both sides is to prevent the extremists on either side (the racists 'nazis' or the ultra-liberal 'anarchists') from stealing the core of the debate and also preventing the power-brokers in the business and government from squashing the debate and maintaining the 'status quo' ... they just want to keep the gravey train of subsidized profits and voting bloc demographics moving to their own personal benefit.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 12:35 PM
> playing of the "racist" card
I've collected abundant evidence the people of SOS/MM are mostly thinly veiled racism looking for a cause .
> fear, intimidation, and actions that border on violence and abuse as a means to an end is as abhorent as any 'real' Nazi.
selfresponsibility - if you behave as a nazi or hang out with and support them no do whine about being exposed as such. You would have nothing to whine about if it weren't for your own actions and *trying to hide them* from your employers, friends, family and neighbors.
'real' nazis murdered millions through a set of values and beliefs the core of which these people have latched on to as thier own - whether you personally do or associate with those who do the effect is still the same - you support the same actions against the most powerless of our society - EXACTLY what the nazis and their collaborators did.
mere exposure of your actions and collaborations in no way compares - we're not victimizing the powerless - we're exposing the victimizers
> destroy the life of someone through character assassination and violent intimidation ... and outright assassination of anyone that presents a challenge to your 'cause'
expose - theres nothing to 'destroy' if you don't provide the groundwork in the first place
all these labels dripping with fear & loathing are strictly the product of your own mind including the concepts of everything being the extremes of fear, violence, death.
simply a reflection of what goes through your own mind..
> Is that the America you want to live in?
> very slippery slope.
you drew your bathwater now soak in it
blaming other decent people who protect the victims of your aggression by splashing all your own failings and weaknesses isn't going to wash here no matter how long you let the water of whitewash run or how bubbly you claim your racism is. the greyness of the water comes from your actions not ours
> If you have an ethical or moral issue with this ... WORK TO CHANGE THE LAW!
you aren't the law and have no business enforcing it - we would rather work against you and others like you who attempt to take the law into thier own hands
> people like me that you are completely alienating from your cause
who cares - you're outnumbered 10:1 on that cause alone and if your thinly veiled racism is *exposed* the ratio rises above 20:1 or more
whining that there's a middle road of not yet proven racists is a waste of time
all your frantic screeching does is firm our resolve as we know we're on the right track
it's not us but the people who surround you that you'll be whining to and not about immigration but about your racist views - you'll be too busy defending yourself then to even worry about immigration at all.
it's them you'll have to explain how all those nazi's you hang out with have nothing to do with yourself.
if you choose to characterize that as fear, intimidation, destruction or assassination go right ahead - it only serves to show where your mind is
a single simple word covers it - exposure
> People like this are just as scarey, or more scarey, than any true Nazis in their threat to our American culture.
now you're just repeating the same BS (nazis aren't that bad but people who expose them ARE)
> our American culture. / American way of life
fuck your idea of "American culture/way of life"
We have the numbers - we are more the "American culture" than you are.
your greatest fear is being over-run and left behind so your "way of life" which was built on the exploitation of others comes to an end and suddenly you're no better then anyone else
poor whiny baby throwing a tantrum because he's shat in his own bathwater and now he wants to splash it all over everyone else so they'll be as dirty as he is
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:18 PM
Talk about twisting words ... WOW!
I'm not a member of SOS or MM. I'm just your average Joe citizen. I loathe racists, Nazi's, white supremecists, KKK, whatever that promote the subjugation and division of groups of people because of their race, religion, or number of fingers or toes. I also loathe people that feel it's perfectly justifiable to selectively ignore laws that they find personally inconvenient and advocate the trampling of other people's civil rights and lives as a justifiable means to your own personal end.
People who believe that such actions are justifiable are as DANGEROUS to the core values of this country as real racists. It doesn't matter which side of hate you are on ... burning a Star of David on a Nazi's front lawn, burning a KKK cross on a black's front lawn, burning a IRS 1099 forms on an anarchist's front lawn ... it's all still hate motivated crime. Yet you can't recognize that you condone the very things you hate.
But, I feel I'm pretty representative of a very large spectrum of people who ARE NOT present at these protests who still believe there's a need for change and will use their votes and letters to affect change. You can choose to alienate people like me, or you can try to rally the moderates like me to your cause. Right now I'd say you're definitely leaning towards alienating ...
Hex ... you call me racist ... based upon what? You know ZERO about me. It's just a blanket smoke screen you throw out so you won't have to take a stand, have an intelligent discussion of your position, and justify your actions. There is no ARMY OF RACISTS out there ready to take over the U.S. or the world ... there's just a bunch of people like me that are tired of paying for our governments broken promises and policies and are the start of a ground swell for change. Sure there's some wackos out there that want to join the parade ... but if you think that means everyone that wants change in our nation's immigration laws and policies is also a racist wacko ... well, good for you, you'll awake one day to find out that you're narrow polarized view of the world as consisting of either VICTIMS and CONQUERORS left you blind to a large segment of the moderate American public that will be a tidal moving force in the policy debate that you ignored and castigated.
Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you ...
Love you too.
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Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:27 PM
Timmy wrote,
"I have a problem with the pro-immigration folks that feel they can trample on other people's civil rights as a means to promote their own. I grew up on the border in a rural area. If an illegal alien came to my door, I freely offered them food and water, made sure no one was suffering from heat prostration ... and then called the border patrol"
Aiding and abbetting illegals-- the Minutemen, neo-nazis, skinheads, stormfront, national alliance/vanguard, the white nationalists and SOS would guns your brains out!!!
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:34 PM
That was really, really good. Probably not going to loose any sleep worrying about Nazi's marching on my front lawn though.
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:36 PM
If you want to debate the issues, you can go here: http://www.debatepolitics.com/ This is a forum designed for the debate. This is an open newswire, and the information posted should be factual in nature. Where as SOS edits and censors its posts, this site does not do that (except in extreme situations). Therefore, it is not designed for debate.
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by USA
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:38 PM
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by Intel Ops Center
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:40 PM
Just In, A Suspected Phone Number to the Nazi Megan (310)267-8570 or (831)277-4222 This was just emailed to the Intel Ops Center. http://larplist.phpwebhosting.com/listinfo.php?a=616 I can not stress enough that we have NOT been able to confirm this, and it is at least POSSIBLE that someone in LA that goes to UCLA could have the same name as her. If any more info is discovered, you can update it here.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 1:55 PM
> I'm just your average Joe citizen
"as abhorent as any 'real' Nazi." "more scarey, than any true Nazis" "as real racists"
"our American culture" "American way of life" "core values of this country"
so the average Joe defends nazi's and preaches a white version of "American way of life"
I see
> trampling of other people's civil rights and lives
trampling what ?
if youre doing nothing you don't want hidden simple exposure tramples NOTHING
"Average Joe" is now repeating the same BS three times
> which side of hate you are on > the very things you hate.
still splashing I see
try NO hate - it's refreshing
> I feel I'm pretty representative of a very large spectrum of people > people like me - moderates like me > a bunch of people like me > start of a ground swell for change > a large segment of the moderate American public
naturally - Mr. Average Joe - exactly the image SOS/MM wants to aquire
> an intelligent discussion of your position
You throw out the above - continue to do so (casting your own hangups and faults on others) and have the nerve to cite civility as yet another moral high ground
I'm not the one here raising a fuss - you are. Plus I make no claims of civility anyway.
> tired of paying for our governments broken promises and policies
You've already been pointed in the right direction - BIG BUSINESS
> some wackos out there that want to join the parade
According to my data the wackos (newspeak for nazi) are the marching band and most of the people following behind
most not some
you're arguing with the data I've mined no me - you can claim youre average that you represent most people but my data shows otherwise
As I said it's racism looking for a cause - an easy way to become more popular. All your wishful thinking doesn't change the facts.
Until you can erase the links and collaborations I've datamined your pleas carry no weight. You think you're slick and smooth and can get over on people here but I've been watching you - I just haven't chosen to respond until now.
you are NOT an average Joe
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 2:06 PM
> it is at least POSSIBLE that someone in LA that goes to UCLA could have the same name as her.
the screen shot I posted would show if there were any other Megan Parigi's
sometimes it even shows the same person several times if they move around a lot..
I know with > 99 % certainty there's not another Megan Parigi in all of CA much less UCLA
Report this post as:
by Intel Op Center
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 2:56 PM
 warning.jpg, image/jpeg, 1437x1860
The flyer has just been released to distribute throughout UCLA campus. Print, copy, and post everywhere on campus.....
The following post will be the pdf file.
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by Intel Op Center
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 2:57 PM
download PDF (66.2 kibibytes)
Print this one
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 3:57 PM
Yawn ... the usual twisted attack strategy of selectively pick a few words, turn them around, and use them entirely out of context so you can then 'prove' your own racist agenda. Old hat. You selectively edited out other parts of my quotes like: "I abhor anyone that promotes racial discrimination, separatism, or extremism in support of isolating, subjugating, and dividing racial groups"
Nothing I've said ever defended Nazi's or their philosophy. You're just playing Scramble with words you pick out of my text. The only thing I've defended is our nation's values of equal treatment under the law regardless of race, sex, religion, whatever, and the equal protection of everyone's civil rights ... your civil rights ... even if I'm disgusted by their philosophy, as I've said I abhor racist ideaology. The thing you refuse to accept is that once you say it's legitimate to violate anyones civil rights because you don't like their philosophy, political views, appearance, etc., that you open the door for your own rights to be violated. It's quid pro quo baby.
And somehow you twist this around to say it's "a white version of "American way of life" "? I didn't know that defending equality and innate civil rights for ALL people was some form of twisted "white supremacy".
OK, I'll bite. Since you 'exposed' me, what is your 'non-white' version of civil rights as they pertain to our 'American' value system, i.e., our "way of life"? Is it where you get to go beat the c**p out of anyone you find offensive and impose your will upon their lives, yet then want "protection under the law" for just you ... based upon skin color? Are other people's version of race hatred subject to your form of suspension of their rights, but your form of race hatred is protected because you believe it's righteous?
You could stand on a street corner and shout that all Gringos in CA should be rounded up and exiled to Siberia ... and I'd defend your right to do so ... and you wouldn't find me on your front lawn ... because in America, I respect your right to express your opinion, even if I disagree with everything about it ... because I recognize that respecting those rights is more important as our national heritage than my own personal dislike for your opinions.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 4:09 PM
I can see how white supremist scumbags might _deserve_ to be exposed to their neighbors however I believe it's still wrong to do so. It's stepping over the line and becoming just as sick and evil as the SOSMM scumbags.
My opinion.
I also find it amusing at the racist scumbags that think it's illegal to picket and protest against someone at their residence. It's illegal in some States, but not in California.
It's a matter of ordanances each City or Township hold as to whether it's legal or not so exposing these SOSMM white supremist scumbags at their residences _can_ land mistermeanor charges if you don't check the local rules.
Any way, I think it's wrong. Yes, these scumbags certainly deserve it, but it's still wrong.
I also see some white supremist asshole shitstains still trying to pretend that only "comm,ies" oppose white supremist scumbags. I guess that allows them to sleep at night.
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by immigrant
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 4:37 PM
...ok, then... 'they' deserve "it"... what is it? and how is it that you are the one who gets to decide? who died and made you king?
and if "they" are acting in a manner that is out side your comfort level..what with supporting the homeland security , and protesting and bringing to light the obvious disregard for our American Law and sanctity of our borders... then what is it that the illegal aliens deserve, my dear little illegal alien-tresspassers lovers?? hunh??hunh? you gonna go down to the border and take their members into your mouth? blowing illegals away should take on a whole new meaning with you folks... you'll be like " hey!! I heard they was going to be a SOS posse out there on the border..... lets go down(literally) and support us some illegals by blowing them away!" and after that scene, I don't know, maybe you guys will get some sense into your heads... Support America, even stupid heads like you should be able to figure that one out..
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by Sam
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 5:15 PM
Any more pictures of Megan in the black corset?? HOT
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by ucla student
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 6:01 PM
about the threats and stalking of a fellow student and copied the threats against her. I also informed them on the cyberstalking people have been doing.
if people (especially other UCLA students) try anything of the sort that has been announced here, you will find that campus police and university code does not take harassment of students for their constitutionally protected views lightly.
Sickening to what depths so-called progressive and so-called activists will sink as long it is for a 'good cause' - you should be ashamed of yourselves
I do not like her views
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by immi
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 6:30 PM
thank you ucla, despite whatever this young woman's political veiw's may be , i think that she still has a right to them. for crist's sake people!!! this is not communist china! or even communist mexico! lol ! or even cuba!!! or saddam's iraq !! or (fill in the blank here) !! etc......
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by immi
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 6:32 PM
thank you ucla, despite whatever this young woman's political veiw's may be , i think that she still has a right to them. for crist's sake people!!! this is not communist china! or even communist mexico! lol ! or even cuba!!! or saddam's iraq !!
ps. megan is still beatiful or (fill in the blank here) !! etc......
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 7:32 PM
The people that make these form of threats aren't progressives or activists. They don't recognize that the one unique fact about the foundation of our country is the uniform protection under the law for ALL people, regardless of creed, color, religion, or personal beliefs ... even abhorant personal beliefs.
It is the one thing that makes America unique in the world. You can despise someone else's opinions, philosophy, appearance, whatever ... but their protection under the law likewise protects you.
These are faux-activists that have no grounding or perspective for the rights they demand as it pertains to an entire society. They view themselves separate from society and not bound by it's laws. Because they view themselves as 'victims' ... this somehow qualifies them to operate outside the law as some grand equalizer. What they seek isn't equality ... they just seek to assuage their internal perception of oppression by replacing it with their own form of external oppression. They feel it's their 'entitlement' ... it's what they see as "pay back".
Equality? Civil Rights? Equal Protection? Concepts that only apply if it's convenient and helps their own personal cause, not concepts they see applicable to society at large.
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by Activist
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:13 PM
What do you expect when the racists can run a van into people, and cops just let it happen? What do you expect when police start raiding people's homes over a flashlight that a cop lost? What do you expect when journalists catch cops breaking the law, and end up paying a fine for it? What do you expect when the law has a double standard that lets the Nazi's get away with breaking the law, and the people who are not violating laws are run over, locked up, and harassed? If you want the just activists to play nice, then you better restrain your Nazi cops! But the people will NOT let you keep attacking people the way you are! And as far as many of us have researched, we are NOT breaking any laws here either. Nonetheless, I am sure the system will skew the truth to paint a picture that simply isn't true.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:21 PM
hate, grandstanding and trickery
> your own rights to be violated. It's quid pro quo baby.
Good luck - 'baby Timmy'
(The Hex stands for Hex anon /w encryption)
as to your chatter about quoting out of context I disagree - I simply rounded up your word games as a set of manipulative elements so show how often you resort to underhanded psychological tactics to "create your message"
You could work for a PR firm with that ability..
However I'm trained to spot such trickery so it WILL NOT go uncited and exposed on here
The rest is simply Timmy's broken record still splashing - and splashing and splashing
time to get out of the bathtub Timmy, have some cookies & milk and TAKE A NAP
Looks like this thread has a couple of babies throwing tantums now..
WAAAAAAAA ! campus police help me - normal people don't like me being a nazi WAAAAAAAAAA
I can dish it out but I can't deal with people exposing my own beliefs & actions WAAAAAAAAA !
I'll just play word games and try to trick them into submission by claiming they're worse than I am
oh crap it's not working WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !
poor baby better dry off and take a nap - it will be all better tomorrow - after mommy powders your bottom that rash will go away
hush now little Timmy, you can't always have your way - you caused that rash yourself by wetting the bed
I changed the sheets at least so poor poor Timmy won't have to lay in his OWN MESS
Report this post as:
by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:25 PM
hate, grandstanding and trickery
> your own rights to be violated. It's quid pro quo baby.
Good luck - 'baby Timmy'
(The Hex stands for Hex anon /w encryption)
as to your chatter about quoting out of context I disagree - I simply rounded up your word games
as a set of manipulative elements so show how often you resort to underhanded psychological
tactics to "create your message"
You could work for a PR firm with that ability..
However I'm trained to spot such trickery so it WILL NOT go uncited and exposed on here
The rest is simply Timmy's broken record still splashing - and splashing and splashing
time to get out of the bathtub Timmy, have some cookies & milk and TAKE A NAP
Looks like this thread has a couple of babies throwing tantums now..
WAAAAAAAA ! campus police help me - normal people don't like me being a nazi WAAAAAAAAAA
I can dish it out but I can't deal with people exposing my own beliefs & actions WAAAAAAAAA !
I'll just play word games and try to trick them into submission by claiming they're worse than I
oh crap it's not working WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !
poor baby better dry off and take a nap - it will be all better tomorrow - after mommy powders
your bottom that rash will go away
hush now little Timmy, you can't always have your way - you caused that rash yourself by wetting
the bed
I changed the sheets at least so poor poor Timmy won't have to lay in his OWN MESS
Report this post as:
by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:38 PM
 datamine.jpg7f5w3m.jpg, image/jpeg, 512x422
> copied the threats against her.
> I also informed them on the cyberstalking people have been doing.
poor babies - they can harrass people who can't fight back but the instant thier tactics and beliefs are exposed so that thier little game of hiding what they do to the powerless is SIMPLY EXPOSED they are so afraid of thier own mess they lash out and cry for help
PLEEESE campus cops help me get away with being a nazi and hide it from everyone except my fellow nazis
I can't be expected to deal with MY OWN MESS so I have to throw tantums
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by Activist
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:41 PM
 victorville_6-11-05_003.jpgoflnbi.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
You know, if you think about it, its not like the people here are just going after someone because of their views. She is coming out to act out against people of color. She is praising her friend for chasing people of color down in the street. She is saying F You to the people of color. F Us? No F U!
She placed herself in the public, which means that she forfeited her right to privacy (especially when the only information being REPEATED is information SHE has ALREADY placed in the public domain). Believe what you want, but the courts have already ruled that this is fair game!
Its no one else’s fault that she posts all this stuff for anyone to find.....
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by Another miner
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:54 PM
So be it.
Someone that may recognize this place-
----deleted---- ----deleted----
May find a lawful protest in his back yard because he allows such activity on the "open publishing" site he moderates.
Or you could call him at:-
and ask him his opinion.
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by Another miner
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:02 PM
 moderator.jpg, image/jpeg, 64x64
Have you seen this person?
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:09 PM
well I suppose we better call the cops too now and
open publishing is dangerous !
it might allow people to expose NAZI's - we can't haved that.
Nazi's are chock full of "American values" after all
whats' the matter - don't you believe me ?
I protest could be organized at that address but
1.) I bet he wouldn't care 2.) a far bigger crowd would turn out to defend him
something like 10:1 or more
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by Tim Duncan
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:12 PM
Hex, Wow ... you really are paranoid. I thought it was just some kind of front, but now you've got me convinced.
Maybe if you pick out every seventh word from my text you can decode a secret CIA plot designed to infiltrate your cause, subvert all your plans, and promote white supremacy. Yup, you got it all figured out ... you're just too smart ... can't pull one over on you. You're impervious to 'tricks' ... you can read people's minds.
Get a life. Let me know if you ever figure out what civil rights means in your own twisted little world.
Oh, and all that noise about splashing around, bathtubs, tantrums, cookies, milk, WAAAAA, etc. ... great information, tantilizing debate, amazing strategy, way to stake out the moral high ground and promote your beliefs on the issues and prove to the world the righteousness of your cause. I bet their just knocking down your door wanting you to be a national spokesperson ... because boy do you have a way with words ... the same ones over and over and over. You may want to look at expanding your vocabulary a bit though ... seems a bit limited.
Of course, you never did answer the question: what do YOU believe as your version of equality under the law and civil rights in the 'non-white' landscape of your ideal world? What do YOU stand for? Come on, show us the true scope of your brilliance. After all, if you can't be tricked by psychological games ... you're way too smart for the rest of us ... but how will we know your true genius if you limit yourself to simple toying with those that can't match your intellect. Show us the genius behind your version of TRUTH!
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:36 PM
> way to stake out the moral high ground
that's the point - I'm not trying to - YOU ARE
I find it much more amusing to simply make fun of you
after all PR blurbs are not pleasant so might as well "twist" them into something more fun
As to the bait and hooks about my scientific background I must confess I passed the milestone of worrying what other people thought about the subject years ago - in school matter of fact
Since I grew up with science I learned that life isn't all serious and technical - I do many non-technical activities to counterbalance the world of science
so approaching me as a science nerd isn't going to work either
science has it's place but fun & games do as well
the ability to laugh at one'self and at others is an important part of life
you should try it sometime
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:44 PM
Congratulations. You've violated my privacy, prying open the unlocked, but closed door. That's not very nice.
That is my information. It's from WHOIS.
You can also google search for johnk and "imc-la" or "imc LA" or la.indymedia.org or something like that, and find my personal email address.
Then, after that, I guess you can send me death threats that I can forward to the police.
Also, if anyone had gone to one of the IMC meeting a year or two ago, they could have met me.
If you look up my name on this site, you'll learn about other things I'm interested in. I'll save you all some time: nonviolence, good government, anarchism, socialism, racism, asian issues, anger, and freedom.
Other pointless facts about me. You all haven't seen me much because I am having an arthritis attack. I am overweight (if you can't tell from the photo). That photo scored an amazing 8.9 on "hot or not" but I really don't understand why. I live with my mom (so don't fuckin come here and harrass my family).
If I wanted to be anonymous, I would have used a pseudonym. I used my real name because it makes me a little more accountable for my words. It's an integrative thing.
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 9:53 PM
Tim wrote this: >>burning a IRS 1099 forms on an anarchist's front lawn
I laughed out loud. Anarchists disproportionately get 1099 forms, because so many do temp jobs. They also tend to not have lawns, or the kind of lawns that would be harmed much by a little fire.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 10:11 PM
My picture (well the one I released anyway) was available on the 'net so I posted it here myself a few years ago.
It being just exactly the picture I wanted public..
So anytime a person pulls it back up to try to apply pressure to me I just laugh because that's the exact effect I was intending when I posted it
As far as you go they seem to think having open publishing is a threat of some kind and so did the deed..
I pointed out several times people who are doing nothing wrong have nothing to hide and no reason to fear exposure
I only have a radio station to protect but I could simply turn it off then I'm as "average Joe" as Timmy tries to be.
They will always live in fear however since their nazi ties cause people to loath them
poor babys
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by johnk
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 10:36 PM
Tim D. and others concerned with immigration say that they support legal immigration, and oppose illegal immigraiton. I think most people agree with this, but, just as often, it seems that they don't know that under the current immigration law, it's incredibly difficult to be a legal immigrant. The present law divides the legal immigrants into a few major groups (doing this from memory, so correct me) - families coming over for reunification - marriage - skilled workers filling jobs where there are labor shortages - "diversity" immigrants, which are given out by lottery to people from countries with low immigration (There are also refugees, who aren't classified as immigrants. They're supposed to go back, but, typically, they stay. I guess their home country falls off the CIA's front-burner, and the threatening government isn't overthrown, and these refugees eventually become Americans.) What's missing are categories for "poor, huddled masses" and for the "hard working immigrants." Our self-image about immigration is at odds with the facts of the laws -- we are not the land of opportunity. At least we aren't to all people. People who divide immigrants based on "legality" fail to deal with the fact that the laws are unrealistic. Demands that the laws that exist be enforced, to the point of deporting all undocumented people, are unrealistic. There's more detail here: http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/topics/immigration.html
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by chc
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 3:57 AM
John, what is your point? Your reasoning is circular.
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by Tim Duncan
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 4:41 AM
John, nice to here from you again.
I think you're right, the current laws do need to be changed. The current immigration laws are PART of the overall problem.
There does need to be a better mechanism for people who are really are migrant workers to be ... well legal migrant workers. That mechanism needs to force employers to carry the true cost burden of the labor market they are creating and not push it off on the American public.
And the legal mechanism for gaining migrant worker status needs to be separate (and much easier) from the mechanism for applying for full permanent residency so it doesn't just turn into a blanket amnesty program for anyone that can hustle across the border in time ... like what happened last time.
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by Tim Duncan
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 6:30 AM
Hex, now you have me pegged as a water logged infantile nazi white supremacist propeller-head scientist. That clairvoyance of yours must be working overtime. I'm sure you'll find some new things to add. Take all the time you need.
It's pointless to argue with Idiots ... they just drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
JohnK, you and I may not agree on some points, but I appreciate and respect your willingness to present a well thought out opinion and support it. That's how we identify common ground and hopefully, eventually form a debate that moves into broader circles that solves real problems and makes the quality of life better for everyone ... and I mean everyone ... even Hex.
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 6:42 AM
What do you folk think of the organizational structure behind this new wedge being forged? You just have to know time is being spent, making calls to provide logistics for this and we don't really know who are making these calls for press, transportation, staging, MEDIA coverage, etc. As I remarked in some other thread, this is on the burner for a reason. Any ideas?
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:16 AM
> water logged infantile nazi white supremacist propeller-head scientist.
who said anything about scientist ?
again I've been watching you -
your pleas of innocence will do you no good here
I just showed the pychological tactics you used as well by listing them
claiming to be an average Joe is the biggest lie and tactic
pretending to represent a group of people begging to have thier minds changed by worthless word games is your second
I know about such tactics - public relation firms use them to manipulate opinion (to manage perceptions)
hooks like claiming to be average - to represent "most" people are the starting point that goes on to opinion manipulation
the popularity card doesn't work for you here and it *doesn't matter to me* - I have no peers you can play that card against on here
again such attempts will only ensure I keep an even closer watch on you, and that data is mined to EXPOSE YOU AND YOUR GAMES.
I've already noticed exactly WHEN you pop up, WHY you're here and WHAT you claim defend and attack
a person doesn't need to be a mind reader - only to have memory and attention span enough to see your tune change from one post to the next
I've already quoted some of your inconsistencies.
I continue to collect such data
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by johnk
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:16 AM
>John, what is your point? Your reasoning is circular.
How is the logic circular?
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by Tim Duncan
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:31 AM
> who said anything about scientist ?
Uh, you did: "approaching me as a science nerd isn't going to work either". But then, your statement is ambiguous as to the subject.
Watch, monitor, scribble down notes all you want ... in fact I hope you spend a lot of time at it chasing your own fabricated delusions. I've been pretty consistent in my statements here, I stand behind my opinions and I'm open to rational, reasoned debate with others that could have an impact on my views. I've got nothing to defend or fear from folks like you ... because I've hidden nothing. There's nothing under the rock that's not in plain view despite your delusional rantings. I'm not losing any sleep.
I've never endorsed or promoted any form of racism or discrimination here or anywhere else ... you just say I have in order to manifest your own version of fact from fiction. Whatever. It must be lonely in that paranoid little world of yours. I frankly don't care.
Or maybe this is just another PR trick ... a nazi plot ... a UN plan to take over the world??? Spin on that for as long as you like. You're just like a dog chasing your tail. It's entertaining to watch, but it gets a little boring after a while.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:48 AM
> i have notified UCLA police about the threats and > stalking of a fellow student and copied the threats > against her. I also informed them on the > cyberstalking people have been doing.
Law enforcement agencies and intelligence agencies greatly appreciate hearing from people like you. It lets them know who in their community is and what their difficulties are which allows them to better serve their community.
It's a good thing for people like you to do; email _all_ of your concerns to the FBI as well so that they can have a copy for your file.
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by johnk
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:49 AM
I think that there needs to be some kind of worker-visa program. It shouldn't even be "migrant" workers; it should be focused entirely on getting people to immigrate and settle in this country, with their families. It's more stable this way.
I also would like if employers would bear the full costs for social services for their workers. However, the odds of this happening are pretty slim, given that the largest employer in the US, Wal-Mart, is fond of externalizing health care costs by haivng their workers use the public health system.
I'd be satisfied if there were guarantees that the workers would be paid at least minimum wage, and all the taxes are paid correctly. (That was a huge flaw in the Bush guest worker plan - below-minimum wages. Also, the part where a boss could deport a worker by firing them was a little too reminiscent of slavery.)
Overall, workers need to all have equal status under the law. This would strengthen worker solidarity. A little more leverage at the bottom of the labor market helps lift the wages of all workers.
The anti-immigrant position on this says that by excluding working-class immigrants, working class solidarity for citizens can be achieved. I think that's absurd. People have been coming to the US to work at the hard jobs since before there was a US. Stopping this flow is tantamount to building a wall to keep out the ocean tides.
Realistic solutions should be pursued. They have a proven track record.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:50 AM
> the foundation of our country is the uniform > protection under the law for ALL people, regardless > of creed, color, religion, or personal beliefs ... even > abhorant personal beliefs.
Unless, of course, the person is black, gay, female, or not Christian.
Maybe you should go back and dfiscover once again what the history of the United States has been and what the current state of affairs happen to be.
Maybe you'll notice a little uncomfortable truths about what it means to be non white, non straight, non male, or non Christian in America under this fascist regime.
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by johnk
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:06 AM
>>>What do you folk think of the organizational structure behind this new wedge being forged? You just have to know time is being spent, making calls to provide logistics for this and we don't really know who are making these calls for press, transportation, staging, MEDIA coverage, etc. As I remarked in some other thread, this is on the burner for a reason. Any ideas?
Hard to say... but I noticed on the SOS board that there were a lot of "petit bourgeois" and straight up bourgeois "exploiting class" people on their side. The latter are basically people who are active in moving manufacturing jobs from the US to other countries, or exploiting (undocumented) wage labor here.
I think the "masterminds" are quite aware that things are converging in a way that makes racist organizing work. - We're at war, so racism in general is high. - The economy still sucks, so people feel the squeeze. - There are a lot of undocumented people around, obviously. - The elite are unpopular.
The main thing SOS did, openly, was aggressivly tap into people's anger, and encourage violence.
The elite/bourgeois exploiters support this because, fundamentally, it's working-class infighting that weakens their ability to create solidarity and demand fair wages. Also, at a cultural level, they like to watch the working class fight, because it reinforces their prejudices that we're all stupid and violent.
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by Tim Duncan
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:10 AM
Fred, you are right. There's the ideal, and there's the reality, and unfortunately the reality in our nation's history has often fallen short of the ideal. So, do we keep fighting to move closer to the ideal, or do we use past inequalities as justification in impose more of our own?
I am no supporter of the ultra-conservative agenda promoted by the Bush administration and his backers. In fact, I find many of Bush's policies directly in contradiction to what our founding 'ideals' are supposed to be about ... and do in fact try to suspend rights. It's scarey ... God help us if the terrorists succeed in setting off some tactical nukes ... there's the tragic loss of life, but the aftermath of Bush's form of Martial Law could transform our country into something none of us would recognize.
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:25 AM
> I've never endorsed or promoted any form of racism or discrimination here or anywhere else ... you just say I have in order to manifest your own version of fact from fiction.
Re: exposing nazis
"as abhorent as any 'real' Nazi."
"are just as scarey, or more scarey, than any true Nazis"
what the fuck is this then Timmy - do you actually think you can claim people who merely expose nazis are as bad as or worse then nazis then further down the thread chalk it up to my imagination ?
and your "American values" "American way of life" that just happen to involve EXPLOITATION of the very people your attacking
as I also noted...
so now Timmy wants to wash his own shit away and then point at other's and claim the shit he's been splashing during his tantrum isn't his at all but *imaginary shit* he didn't make..
loosing that smooth PR technique - decided to try character attacks insted
and hope we can't scroll up and SEE your lies..
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by Voice Exposes Hate-filled Indymedia Activist
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:52 AM
Fred has a rather disturbing problem. He HATES people whom believe in God. Far from all the flowery language used here at indymedia for peace, social justice, tolerance and harmony, a number of indymedia leaders are filled with hate and actively work to promote hate. They hate religion and religious people. But then they hypocritically turn-around and point the finger at others and accuse them of being full of hate. Well, let's see how peace loving indymedia leader Freddy Rice really is. Here's some of his posts and the URLs, so you can check out the hate for yourselves: "In amusing and brief article covering a photograph of sand dunes which shows a vague outline of a human face -- which could very well be Charles Manson but which believers in the occult will almost certainly pretend is Jesus Fucking Christ. " URL: http://www.groupsrv.com/religion/about137811.html And my personal favorite post by Fredric Rice: Title: God mother fucking damn! "Do any of you Christians think I committed a sin with this message postings' subject line? " URL: http://www.groupsrv.com/religion/about125956.html Fred, you're more sick than anyone else I've ever known. Get help.
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by Tim Duncan
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:04 AM
Again, selective context. I'll state the same thing more clearly:
What I said is that hunting people down, stalking them, and trying to destroy their lives because of their abhorent beliefs is just as dangerous, or perhaps even more dangerous, than the people with the abhorent beliefs ... because it is taking ACTIONS that violate a person's civil rights, even if it's the rights of someone you AND I both find abhorent.
People are supposed to be free to hold any belief they wish, and to freely express that belief as freedom of speech ... but it is not OK to ACT on that belief if it violates the rights of others or constitutes a crime. The slippery slope of ACTING in ways that infringe on the rights of people, where the justification lies in the perceived repulsiveness of their belief system ends up with people like the guy that bombed those abortion clinics. That nut should be on death row ... or even better, put in a room with 1,000 women with knives ... he lost the right to be treated equally.
I find Nazis repulsive ... even Hot ones in halter tops. If she ever ACTED on her beliefs to commit a crime against another, she should be thrown in jail and the key should be flushed down the shitter ... and don't say she committed a crime simply by protesting ... we all know that's protected free speech.
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:25 AM
isn't the point I just made - you've already done that (still avoiding using the word nazi I noticed)
the point is YOU JUST LIED ABOUT IT - tried to say you DIDN'T defend them and I IMAGINED IT when right up this very thread you can be seen defending them
I raised the specific point that the nazi's core values and beliefs led to the murder of millions - the exact CORE VALUES and beliefs Megan has
so no matter how you try to whitewash those values & beliefs they are still far far worse because they VICTIMIZE the powerless. I stated that *we* are not VICTIMIZING anyone but only exposing the VICTIMIZERS
you jumped into this thread defending VICTIMIZERS - call them what you want (or now don't want) but this point stands
so when you then claim you WEREN'T defending VICTIMIZERS and said I made it up that's a BALD FACED LIE not to mention an attack on my character
you just lied and I just caught you lying using your OWN WORDS...
twist, turn and worm anyway you like - it still doesn't change the fact that you came here defending victimizers and said people who expose victimizers are as bad or worse then the victimizers themselves
lying about it while attacking me isn't very "refined" or "civil" - yet another moral high ground you attempted to take.
your a hypocrite and a liar
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by Tim Duncan
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 11:15 AM
Hex ... the reason I changed 'Nazi' to "people with abhorent beliefs" is because you've been unable to see past the word to the point about civil rights.
I've never disputed with you about the Nazi atrocities of WWII ... they should have all been thrown in the gas chambers for their crimes, their ACTIONS.
But you can't criminalize beliefs. Just because I believe in the equal application of our civil rights doesn't make me a Nazi sympathizer. If I saw this Megan chick on the street, I'd protest against her beliefs.
Go spin.
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by Sheepdog
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 11:25 AM
It reinforces my particular analysis. A deliberate wedge for sinister ends. Make us forget we are brothers and sisters on this, OUR real estate even if the fences put up are ones of hate.
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 11:44 AM
damn straight
and I never will overlook the nazis either
beliefs (values) are what motivates people
When those values say it's okay to victimize other people who are powerless those values are BAD
there's no way to spin that into anything other than what it means
nazi values say it's good to victimize the powerless
if stating this fact is a "dump" of your whitewash idea that any values are great and deserve equal protection I'm afraid I have the numbers on that
10:1 - 20:1 50:1 - who knows how many but the point is *very few* people defend nazis
- no matter how you attempt to characterize it on here with me
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:48 PM
 pathetic.jpgmbwjvk.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Boy did all the indymedia slackers come out to face us at Laguna Beach. 5 protestors? That's completely pathetic.
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:57 PM
And the signs you losers brought to Laguna Beach were rather sorry as well.
"Vivi Zapata" - whatever, he died in 1919.
"The Police Are Guilty" - this is not Garden Grove, you fools. figure it out. buy a thomas guide or look online at mapquest.com
"Arrest Hal" - same deal, this is not Garden Grove, but a protest about a day labor center in LAGUNA BEACH and its funding from the Arts Festival.
And then there was some crap in spanish. Why learn Spanish? I don't need to get a decent paying job. Too bad you can't say the same for English, huh?
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:51 PM
still clueless
none of the signs say "indymedia"
It' like say CNN ran a story and people decided to protest something - say a group of nazis..
do you refer to them as anti-nazi protestors or -
CNN protestors ?
CNN has a forum too..
brainy spider are you
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by Tim Duncan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 7:15 AM
Let's try a little thought experiment:
Hex says "beliefs (values) are what motivates people. When those values say it's okay to victimize other people who are powerless those values are BAD period"
Hex has openly and aggressively advocated taking active measures to force people out of their jobs, schools, neighborhoods and otherwise destroy their lives justified by personal distaste of their beliefs. I'd define that as taking actions directed at victimizing other people.
While this Megan chick is distasteful and has abhorant beliefs, she certainly isn't powerful ... Hex says himself that her 'kind' are grossly outnumbered by the 'righteous', so such a small, loose affiliated group certainly can't have much 'power' in the face of the masses of the righteous. She's just a college student, doesn't have any influence, no authority, she isn't a member of any 'powerful' organization with the credible capability to impose it's agenda on others, has loose affiliation with a handful of self-insulated folks that seriously need to get out in the sun a lot more and are basically insecure in a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural world. The fullest extent of her 'power' is to hold up a sign on a street corner. I'd say she qualifies as being powerless ... she has no power to extend her belief system into broad actions, she has no power to bring any powerful organization in to impose its will, policies, or agenda.
Thus, Hex is advocating the victimization of the powerless because he wishes to eradicate their belief system, and he believes that his personal distaste for their belief system provides him with the authority and justification for taking any actions that goal may require, including violation of individual and civil rights. The Nazis of WWII eradicated millions of Zionists (the ultimate 'violation' of civil rights) because of their distaste of their belief system, Judaism. The Nazis of WWII believed that their distaste for the Jewish belief system granted them the authority and justification for the unrestricted violation of their individual rights ... after all those beliefs might motivate the Jewish to do something against the Nazi organization.
Therefore, Hex I guess that makes you a Nazi ... because you believe that civil rights are 'conditional' upon a persons belief system, and that it's OK to victimize the powerless that don't meet your personal conditions for deserving civil rights.
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by Hex
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 7:48 AM
nice Timmy
how long did it take you to think that up ?
Everyone against nazis ARE nazis and nazis are harmless
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by Sheepdog
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 8:00 AM
Tim? Also Jahova Ws, Gipsy Homosexuals 'criminals' and anyone else who became the problem. The zionists actually worked with Eichmann, if you care to do a Eng/search...
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by Tim Duncan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 8:10 AM
Hex, you mis-quote me, again.
I didn't say everyone that's against Nazi's are Nazi's, so don't try to twist words. You can be vehemently against Nazi's and their beliefs without advocating the suspension of civil rights. You can protest against them without victimizing them. I am vehemently against Nazi philosophy and would open protest against it ... but I would not take that to the extent of performing or advocating actions that violates and subjagates their civil rights to my will.
I just used your own words to expose your hypocracy:
- Nazi's believe in the victimization of the powerless and violate their individual rights based upon their beliefs, ethnicity, and/or religion ... and is a BAD value system.
- You advocate the victimization of an individual that is essentially powerless and the suspension of her individual rights based upon her beliefs, ethnicity, and/or religion.
- Ergo: you are a Nazi and have a BAD value system.
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by H-e-x
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 8:58 AM
> You advocate the victimization of an individual that is essentially powerless
this is the heart of the fallacy here - your attempting to equate a white nazi citizen with an undocumented foreigner
doesn't wash
specifically there's 2 fallacies your playing on -
1.) a nazi and an undocumented foreigner are not one and the same to begin with, with since the nazi being a citizen has several guaranteed rights and privileges that the undocumented foreigner does not
2.) exposing citizens who engage in the victimization of undocumented foreigners is not equal to victimizing undocumented foreigners (see 1)
exposing persons who engage in victimization is not victimizing - it's simply and merely exposure
exposure does not equal victimization
If you expose a normal person - say *Johnk* for example - no victimization took place because *he's not doing anything wrong* so there's nothing TO expose
A nazi provides the ammo herself by BEING A NAZI
Nazis are unpopular in this culture and in fact in many cultures it's considered *a public service* to expose them.
In a few countries it's *ILLEGAL TO NOT EXPOSE THEM* - your just lucky you can get away with it here at all.
If exposure equaled victimization it would be illegal as well...
All these word games your playing are BS and a waste of time
Nazi citizens don't equal undocumented foreigners no matter what word games you play
Undocumented foreigners don't have the rights and privileges that citizens do
that alone makes it impossible to compare the two
and exposure amounts to NOTHING for a normal person - so that's clearly not victimization either
this is the last time I'm going over this - your BS word games are not going to change our exposure of nazis
just consider yourself lucky we're not in GERMANY where nazis are actually illegal and it's a public service to expose them
it's a public service here too - not "victimizing the powerless" BS
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by fresca
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 9:50 AM
hex clearly has no idea what you're talking about. The subtlties of the concept of free speech are lost on him.
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by ok
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 9:55 AM
ok then, nazism aside, does exposing the illegal aliens who break American Laws constitute "victimization"?
and so, why should anyone be against that? is it not also the American Citizen who is being victimized by all the added stress on our country (crime, jail, education, rape, murder, gangs, drugs, disease, terrorism( its already happening, I live here on the border, and know of 'otm's who are paying big bucks for mexicans to take them across) environmental degredation of border areas, etc, etc)
so, when can WE, the Ameican citizen, regardless of belief, sex, or RACE, get any relief from all this garbage??? is it now that anyone who expresses thier discontent with this illegal alien problem(regardless of origen), is now a 'victimizer'????????
its like "nothing to see here, move along"(remember officer barbrady from southpark)
you should be supporting Americans first, this is all our asse's I'm talking about....
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by Patriot
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 10:23 AM
John Cornyn, Senator from Texas and John Kyl Rep. from Arizona have introduced bill, stating that each and every single illegal must leave the USA in Five years. For every year they stay after the first year, they will be fined a $2,000 fine for each year after. So, the sooner they leave, the better for them.
Tom Delay saids that enforcement of illegal immigration crimes in the interior are going to be enforced. The border shut down, well made way more secure, before even talks of a guest worker program can begin. They are going to prove to law-abiding American citizens that our great American government will start enforcing our immigration laws, strictly and totally.
The guest worker program will only be available to legal immigrants that apply from their country of origin. Illegal immigrants already in the states will not be able to participate, until they leave the United States and return to their country of origin.
The REVOLUTION BEGINS. The winds of justice are blowing hard through the halls of the Great United States Congress.
Americans are going to have their justice. Thank your lucky stars, it looks like it is going to be bloodless.
And if our great Congress doesn't come through, the American people still have a back up plan.
I like the bloodless plan better. Violence is a terrible thing. Violence only hurts those, who inflict it.
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by Anti-Nazi/SOS/Racist
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 10:24 AM
"you should be supporting Americans first, this is all our asse's I'm talking about.... "
That’s what the Germans said during WWII. So, NO I DO NOT SUPPORT AMERICA WHEN AMERICA IS IN THE WRONG, I SUPPORT HUMANS, HUMAN RIGHTS, AND PEOPLE. Nationalism is a disease, but I guess that is why you love the Nazis soo much, now isn't it....
Patriotism is what you have when there is no good reason left to be proud of your country.
Also, there is NO way to say, "in this one case, its okay to work with the Nazis". As soon as you partner up with them, it is over, period. I don't give a shit WHAT you are about, I don't care if you want to end poverty, world hunger, or stop the alienation of an entire people by driving them south. If you are a Nazi and you show up to next to me at a protest, you will meet a size thirteen! I’ll do to you what my father did to your party members in Europe (they use to play a game collecting a point for every Nazi they killed, 10 pts for a tank, etc. He racked up 380 points).
And don’t even try to compare Nazi’s with what you claim is Brown Supremacists. Even under your definition, they want to exclude white people; Nazi’s want to kill everyone else off. They praise mass extermination of non-Aryan people. These people are more dangerous than any terrorist group out there. When people try to associate a group with Nazis it is because that will paint the group as bad, you guys ACTUALLY associated with them. You idiots already lost. Wait till the next protest when we hand the mass media pictures of all the Nazis in your group and sick them onto you to interview. We are, and will continue to expose you to the world you sick racist fu*ks!!!!!!
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by Anti-Racist
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 10:29 AM
Don't count your eggs before they hatch. You would know this if you had a clue about politics. There is also a bill to reinstate the draft. There are hundreds of bills introduced that have no chance of passing each month. Usually, the senators will introduce them because idiot voters don't understand that it was never intended to pass. Brag after it passes the house and then has a 5% chance of actually making it through the senate.
PS Delay is a rotten hypocrite criminal.
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by fresca
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 10:32 AM
" Patriotism is what you have when there is no good reason left to be proud of your country."
So where did you see that silly, nonsensical and wholly illogical gem?
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by ok
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 10:41 AM
dont compare brown racists? supremicists?? to nazis???
who should we compare them to then? ompaloompas???? lol ! a racist is a racist, even more if they are mexican nationalists !
still waving the mexican flag are we? or did u not mean that u dont support America? fine, dont... just take your stinking ass out of here. I wont miss ya!!
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Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 10:50 AM
Timmy wrote:
"Equality? Civil Rights? Equal Protection? Concepts that only apply if it's convenient and helps their own personal cause, not concepts they see applicable to society at large."
Neo-Nazis like megan nicole parigi believe in NONE of these concepts.They do NOT abide by the stipulations of the Constitution, so therefore, in my view they have forfeited their rights and protections of said document.
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:01 AM
>>ok then, nazism aside,
Oh yeah, I'll just ignore that skinhead in the white supremacy t-shirt you're holding hands with.
>>does exposing the illegal aliens who break American Laws constitute "victimization"?
>>and so, why should anyone be against that?
Ah, let's see . . . because victimizing people is wrong?
>is it not also the American Citizen who is being victimized by all the added stress on our country (crime, jail, education, rape, murder, gangs, drugs, disease, terrorism( its already happening, I live here on the border, and know of 'otm's who are paying big bucks for mexicans to take them across) environmental degredation of border areas, etc, etc)
Get over yourself, and get undeluded--you're pissed off at border crossers 'cause the people in charge don't want you to look at what's really happening, so they fed you this garbage to keep you distracted. If the biggest stress in your life is border crossers, get a real job. Or be grateful. Or fight US corporate and government criminals, if you really want to make your life better.
>>so, when can WE, the Ameican citizen, regardless of belief, sex, or RACE, get any relief from all this garbage???
Yes, that poor, put upon, abused, neglected American citizen. Let's try that one out in Bahgdad.
>is it now that anyone who expresses thier discontent with this illegal alien problem(regardless of origen), is now a 'victimizer'????????
Let's start with those who give up the couch and TV on their weekends off to drag their RVs behind their SUVs so they can pull guns on Mexicans, all the time pretending that's not a neo-nazi standing next to them. And their supporters. Better than paintball, isn't it?
>its like "nothing to see here, move along"(remember officer barbrady from southpark)
>you should be supporting Americans first, this is all our asse's I'm talking about....
No, you're talking about your asse and your (dream of a) ranch house and pension and closet full of clothes and mountain of toys for the kiddies and medical care for your pets and mechanical dishwasher and sprinkler system and ... and ... and .... And you're not willing to divide the cost of even emergency health care for migrants with all the other Californias. So let 'em die in the streets, cause you and that neo-nazi are "American" and the migrant isn't.
Now that's is a man guided by well-considered, ethical principles.
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by peaceonearth
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:07 AM
how do u get to be such an expert on who is a nazi?
Is there a class you take? Read a book? Psychic? Crystal ball?
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by Patriot
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:13 AM
I never count my chickens before they hatch.
That is why I said, if our Congress does not come through, Americans have a back up plan.
But atleast, it is obvious from what is going on in Congress that Americans are starting to get things stirred up.
The REVOLUTION is just beginning. It will be finished by patriots such as myself, and those as the Minutemen and SOS volunteers. No matter, it will get finished and there will be justice for all law-abiding Americans.
Indymedia people would be smart to get on the right side of the law. Whoops forgot you support crime and treason, such as illegal Mexican immigration.
Americans loathe the traitors that support illegals more than the illegals.
Atleast I know what a racist stands for, but a traitor stands alone. Once a traitor always a traitor, you never know who they are going to stab in the back next.
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by stan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:13 AM
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by stan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:14 AM
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by ok
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:18 AM
....they just point the finger at anyone who doesnt fall in line with their views.. ...anyone who is a free thinking kind of person.. ...anyone who supports America... ...anyone who believes in the apllication of law... ..anyone who is a dissident from the open-borders anti-American ask-noquestions lobby.. ...anyone who cares about old mom and pop who fought for this country, just so whiny little brats can bounce around and piss all over everything American.. ...and wait.. ...any one not mexican!!! ( I would have said 'white' but meicanz are white too ; ) > ... oh yeah, that megan chick too, I remeber in the movie "savingpvt.Ryan" , she was heavily mentioned as a agent of Hitler.. the 4th reich and all that jazz, she's what going down on the street, boy"n' girlz !!
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by Anti-Racist
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:26 AM
how do u get to be such an expert on who is a nazi?
For starters, you can take their word on it. But, with a little research, you can tell them apart. For instance, look at the woman in the picture holding you banner. Look at her boots. See the red colored laces; this is something that the Neo-Nazis wear. Klan members use white ones, and normal people wear the ones that come with the boots (black). There are other ways they distinguish themselves as well.
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by yeeaahhhh....
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:29 AM
so now any one with red laces is a nazi?? fuck you. its like saying anyone with a cock is a rapist. or anyone with a poon is a prostitute.
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Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:29 AM
this is why we out the Nazi scum at SOS. they make public threats!
Last Great Hope Posted: Jul 20 2005, 02:44 PM
Group: Members Posts: 552 Member No.: 374 Joined: 25-April 05
Alvaro Maldonado is often mistaken for Armando Navarro. Maldonado was in Campo and was the likely culprit. Maldonado can be found with other socialist weasels protesting the Iraq war every Friday night on the corner of Garfield and Main St in Alhambra. To be blunt, this guy is a prick who is lucky I have not already knocked his block off as he's come close to putting me over the edge at least twice now.
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by peaceonearth
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:30 AM
i reviewed back all of teh posts on this thread. this girl wears combat boots and doens't like third world riff raff. good for her. I don't like riff raff either.
If 3d worlders are deservign of a 1st world life style, why don' t they create it in their own countries instead of coming here to suck our blood, bankrupt our hospitals and wreck our public schools.
i rev'ed the Baldwin Park threads. Aztec costumes for Christ's sake? The Aztecs practiced slavery, human sacrifice and cannib alism. Are you guys going to revert back to eating each other after you kill off all the white poeple? Are you going to give up electricty and indoor plumbing that were gifts to you by white people?
when you run all the whites out of the country, will you follow them so that you don' thave to revert back to eating each other?
Your dopey monument in BP is another joke. Anti white message placed on monument that is white architecture in written language you did not have before whites came and gave you one. You loosers didn' even have a written language to protest with until white people gave you one.
no wonder you hide your identity behind computer "proxies" and other gimmicks so that you can't be identified after you threaten people. What pathetic cowards.
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by stan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:34 AM
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by H`e`x
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:41 AM
> they will be fined a $2,000 fine for each year after. So, the sooner they leave, the better for them.
I pay more than that just for working !
Ha ! I just landed a very well paying job *under the table* - just now on the phone
I get paid $ 25. an hour - for roofing
> If you are a Nazi and you show up to next to me at a protest, you will meet a size thirteen!
I agree 100 % - if push comes to shove I have a size twelve to add to the fray
Nazi's are not going to wash with me no matter what they claim they support or what word games they play to whitewash their image
Glad to see some support in this thread :)
> we hand the mass media pictures of all the Nazis in your group
YES ! hahaaa that's exactly what I intend to do - EXPOSE THEM ALL
> a racist is a racist
NO nazis core values are mass murder - as I said several times
they stand apart from ordinary garden variety racists
NAZIS MURDERED MILLIONS - no other racists have the stigma
> fight US corporate and government criminals, if you really want to make your life better.
they don't - they just want to victimize the most powerless class of people they can find - for their own pleasure and then try to call it anything else under the stars to validate it
> such an expert on *who* is a nazi?
hahahaaa that's the datamining ! hahaha
> Americans have a back up plan
I'm an American and my plan is to put my foot up your backside
didn't count on that one - think you can go around victimizing powerless people..
better watch out because you'll find other Americans *victimizing YOU*
> you support crime and treason
how do u get to be such an expert on who is a criminal and treasonous?
Is there a class you take? Read a book? Psychic? Crystal ball?
hey - try datamining ME and see where it gets you hahahaaa
> a traitor stands alone
yeah 10:1 - 20:1 is really alone
better count again
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by Anti-Racist
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 11:42 AM
Its just a fact that Nazi's wear red shoe laces, it does NOT follow that everyone wearing red shoe laces is a Nazi. But here are some clues that you can use in deduction. 1. She is a member of Stromfront (a Nazi Organization). 2. She claims that she hates Blacks, Hispanics, and Jews. 3. She wears a jacket with a confederate flag and a patch that says, "White Pride World Wide" 4. Her band and dog are named after a Nazi Tank. 5. Her Email is “ iron_eagle1939@hotmail.com” 6. She wears red shoelaces (which is a symbol her group uses to distinguish itself AS Nazis). Now based on the facts above, can you please tell me how you can actually believe she is NOT a Nazi, or is that bag over your head blocking your view?? Oh, and by the way, Fuck Me??? Hell NO!!! I don't sleep with White Trash Nazis!!!!!
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Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 12:30 PM
here is a view on the madness that is "Oldpreach" aka Don Silva from the SOS/NAZI WEBSITE:
Oldpreach Posted: Jul 20 2005, 04:57 PM
Group: Members Posts: 987 Member No.: 135 Joined: 7-February 05
I live right in the thick of it. If I were to even try to blog what it all does to me on a DAILY basis, it would be a full time job.
I will list just a few of the more annoying ones...
My son was beaten by an anchor baby. It could have been MUCH worse than it was. Guess what? If they would not have been here, you guessed it! He would not have been beaten. This is at the top of the list right now for obvious reasons.
Speaky spanny ? I get this all the time with my customers. They really think that I should be speakin spanny! When I say no, or a little, they act surprised ! Why ? Becuzz the dominant language and culture IS being displaced with Mexico's, bottom line. Don't like it ? Get off ot your couch and do something...anything...anywhere.
The simple every day event of watching my community get overrun by the tidal wave of illegals coming here. Hundreds of events and moments every day. It is just sad to see the hood I grew up in becoming a foreign land right before my eyes. It is enuff to bring tears to your eyes.
Blast you V. Fox ! Blast you King George! Blast you Ronald Reagen! Blast you Ted kennedy! Blast you CA Gov officials! You are selling my kids and grand kids down the river, you elitist scum !
it's NOT the fault of day-laborers that Don's son is too much of a punk-ass to defend himself!!!! (the punk OBVIOUSLY takes after his father)
and if he can't handle the fact that his fares speak Spanish he shouldn't be a taxi driver!!!!
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by Anti-Racist
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 12:51 PM
If 3d worlders are deservign of a 1st world life style, why don' t they create it in their own countries instead of coming here to suck our blood, bankrupt our hospitals and wreck our public schools. -------------------- To be honest, it looks like you are a real idiot, so stupid, that it is hard to even know where to begin. This statement is so arrogant; it appears you don't have a clue what goes on in the real world. My guess is that you live behind the Orange curtain in your own little bubble. Instead of me writing a complete book trying to educate you, I will post links to pages you can read. I am sure you wont though, as racists like you don't want the truth if it doesn't fit into your conception of reality. And as for calling the entire third world "rif raf", it is people like you that caused 9/11. Peace on earth? You want a system of global slavery, where they serve you, and do not complain. Anyway, here is your education..... http://gc2000.rutgers.edu/GC2000/MODULES/COLONIAL/default.htm http://encarta.msn.com/encyclopedia_761576293_2/Colonialism_and_Colonies.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spanish_colonization_of_the_Americas http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/central_america/guatemala/history.htm http://www.mayaparadise.com/ufc1e.htm http://www.cet.edu/earthinfo/camerica/panama/PCtopic2.html http://www.lonelyplanet.com/destinations/north_america/mexico/history.htm http://www.globalpolicy.org/globaliz/econ/histneol.htm http://www.heise.de/tp/r4/artikel/6/6099/1.html http://www.globalpolicy.org/globaliz/cultural/globcult.htm http://www.countercurrents.org/glo-stiglitz130304.htm http://www.stopftaa.org/article.php?id=42 http://www.globalexchange.org/campaigns/econ101/survey.html If you get through this, and are unchanged, then peace is NOT the answer, as it is only part of the problem.
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by H*e*x
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 1:05 PM
when I had to deal with bullies (3 or 4 at a time to get the best of me since I was a farm boy and bit stronger then the average town kid) I threw acid on one of them
never had a problem again after that
- but they used to chant "mad scientist' behind me - I actually liked that title though :)
peachfuz should tell his kid to study chemistry *grow a brain* because obviously his father didn't
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by H.e.x
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 1:19 PM
> sure you wont though, as racists like you don't want the truth
they don't read
and they're not the only ones on here who don't, I've found out
sometimes if you post a picture with a sound bite or two they might notice it - anything over a sentence or two goes unread
the reptilian brain just doesn't have the neurons needed for higher brain functions
they only pick out taunts, names, labels, generalizations, hyperbole, epithets and paradoxes
they find such language "interesting" - everything else is "boring" to them
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by A Man
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 5:03 PM
Act Up, you are a punk and a coward.
You dare threaten a girl? You are disgusting.
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by A Woman
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 7:00 PM
Act Up, you are a punk and a coward.
You dare threaten a girl? You are disgusting. ---------------------------------------- A Man,
How dare your sorry ass think we are any different from you, you male chauvinistic bastard!!!!! We can do anything a guy can do, and usually better. Take Hitler (who thought women were better in the house raising his nazi kids than in the workplace) and shove him up your nazi ass you fucking cowards!!!! Your women are just fucking lazy bitches that don't want to get off their fat worthless asses!!!!
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by H,e,x
Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 12:54 AM
audio: MP3 at 746.0 kibibytes
As I've stated several times.
Due to my "reptilian brain" I've had people all my life say "If I were as smart as you I would be working at some company making BIG BUCKS"
I always have the same answer
I'm an inventor and an artist and I DON'T WANT TO MAKE BIG BUCKS
I realize it's impossible for a person who had to take classes just to make big bucks to comphrehend this concept and so labels anyone who isn't *just like himself*
Big income means high taxes
high taxes means half of them are paying for a war I don't want
that alone is reason enough but -
high income means a lot of spending - spending feeds into BIG BUSINESS, something else I don't want
when you work for a company you spend your time doing *what they want you to do* - in the technology fieds that's usually I.P. related (forcing people to spend money on worthless ideas and thoughts)
I'm *exactly opposite* - I don't believe in I.P. and so I spend MY time *reverse-engineering* the products people like Gary make a living supporting
I'm now moving to 100% under the table income and very little sales tax (mostly trade-barter)
Although smart I use my efforts completely opposite of how the average persson does
so label that as you wish but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference to me or what I'm doing
I'd hate to be you
Now BA in this case is either Gary or Ned
Gary lives in "not much more than a pricey hotel" where he's in his "big metal box" sitting inside COMPLAINING about the "clop clop" of footsteps and the neighbors...
Not outside meeting the neighbors and being too busy all day then too tired at night to complain
or Ned who spends his time calling the Gay and Lesbian channel *complaining* - but more than complaining, playing childish games on the phone complete with background music cued up so he and his "great success" buddies can get their kicks from the infantile comedy of being obsessed with not Lesbians but *just* gay men (as grabbed off their board & converted to mp3)
(notice the lady asks him his name and he says NED)
Here's him doing it
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by KuKluxKlan_SoCal
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 7:09 PM
I know this girl really well.. Why not try and target out men.. Or is this all you sub-humans have going for you... It's typical among your kind to stalk beautiful white women...
If you dare try to invade her privacy, I will personally see to it that those promoting this activism against her will be destroyed.. Eliminated -- Nazi Style.
Take this message very seriously.
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by Hex
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 7:22 PM
 come_destroy_me_blowhard.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
> I will personally see to it that those promoting this activism against her will be destroyed..
I will personally see to it that you waste your time trying to FIND OUT
yeah - I take you REAL serious hahahhahahaaaaa
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Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 8:58 PM
.... she needs a good fuck......
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by The MórrÃÂÂgan
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 9:02 PM
To Megan Nicole Parigi:
Hey, 21st century neo-nazi woman. You stand on street corners posing for the camera while calling the pigs on unemployed people, but your boyfriend has to stand up for you here?
If you're woman enough to dish it out with a smile and a miniskirt, you oughta be tough enough to speak for yourself.
Or are you just a party girl hanging with the frat boys? Then stick to the parties and stay out off the streets, at least during the daylight.
>>>I know this girl really well.. Why not try and target out men.. Or is this all you sub-humans have going for you... It's typical among your kind to stalk beautiful white women...
>>>If you dare try to invade her privacy, I will personally see to it that those promoting this activism against her will be destroyed.. Eliminated -- Nazi Style.
>>>Take this message very seriously.
>>>Author: KuKluxKlan_SoCal
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by Undercover
Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 9:06 AM
KuKluxKlan_SoCal says ...
) If you dare try to invade her privacy, ) I will personally see to it that those ) promoting this activism against her will ) be destroyed.. Eliminated -- Nazi Style. ) ) Take this message very seriously.
But Brandon, the Huntington Beach police and the FBI are already taking this matter quite seriously. That's why they are watching you and your friends quite closely.
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by Anti-Racist
Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 9:51 AM
"I will personally see to it that those promoting this activism against her will be destroyed.. Eliminated -- Nazi Style."
HAHAHA Nazi Style?!?!?!
My Grandpa was threatened like that by some Nazi Losers, right before her colored the wall with their brains.... HAHA Nazi Style?!?! Does that mean I get to kick your ass till you kill yourself... hahahaha
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by Hex
Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 3:31 PM
 rude_off.jpg, image/jpeg, 404x396
> Megan Nicole Parigi looks like...
> .... she needs a good fuck......
she was a little washed out - blanched looking, but when I "corrected" her I noticed her nose
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 2:48 AM
Chill on the sexist comments, guys, and if you have an iota of conscience, you'd apologize. But that's not happening, is it?
You're supposed to be the good guys, you're supposed to understand that oppression from the oppressive group is one of those things the good guys aren't supposed to do.
Loosely translated: don't pretend to be anti-racist if you can't figure out that most of the same dynamics apply to sexism. You end up looking like frauds on both counts.
Maybe this is some b*llsh*t macho game to get KuKluxKlan_SoCal's goat, but you're using Parigi as the object to do that. Stop it.
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by Anti-Racist
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 3:03 AM
I agree, she is a Nazi, and that is it. It does not make a difference if she is male or female. The comments about her, saying that she needs to be... are inappropriate and should not be used. Though I did not make them, I am sorry that someone did.
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 3:41 AM
I'd have retouched the photo either way and commented either way - matter of fact I directed exactly the same comment to Jerry - here; http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/131362.php (told him he needed to get laid)
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 5:11 AM
Your datamining is serious and important work. Don't discredit it with cheap shots at women.
I do know that, in our world, a man getting laid and displaying evidence of his conquest is, in manly parlance, a victory. Saying a woman got laid and then implying a highlight on her face is ejaculate is, to men, conquering and marking her. When you say about a woman, it's degrading, dehumanizing, and reinforces the cult of violence against women. You set all of us up for the same treatment; you say to the rest of the men, "Hey, look at how to beat up on women on Indymedia! "
In our world, men routinely abuse women. Whites routinely abuse people of color. I, for one, won't put up with either, here or in Campo.
On these issues--respectful treatment of women and people of color--I'm hardcore. I don't know if your defensive response is ignorance or stubbornness, but, either way, I urge you to give it up until you check in with yourself and any woman who will talk to you about your posts and my responses. Ask her if you were over the top. Then come back, and tell me what you learned.
btw, you're not alone in this, and I'd recommend the same to several of the posters on this, the Fresca thread, and elsewhere.
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:08 AM
 abusive_women.jpg, image/jpeg, 800x600
> implying a highlight on her face is ejaculate
no I noticed she appears to be drunk
> beat up on women
well that's taking that theme to an extreme
based on a few misconceptions
A.) I didn't make the original remark - only commented on it in the context of (to be perfectly frank) drunken slut (I actually initally named it that but changed it to rud_off at the last minute)
B.) I hate drunks of both sexes - call that prejustice if you like as that was my actual point
As far as I can see you're overgeneralizing, being overly sensitive, thin-skinned and prudish
My response is not defensive it's simply honest - if I treat both sexes equally the only difference there is the one you make yourself.
I am well aware of the issue of abuse of women by men, how widespread it is both in this country and the world over. Enhancing a picture and commenting the subject appears to be drunk when taken in the context of *her writings and poses* is well within the expected behavior - you don't see *her* complaining..
> any woman who will talk to you about your posts and my responses. Ask her if you were over the top. Then come back, and tell me what you learned.
this is another generalization - specificly playing the popularity card - I know several women who don't think it's negative at all only honest, and frankly aren't as militant in attitude or as arrogant in assuming they know either my motivations and values or to speak for all women.
As far as I'm concerned Anti-Racist's reply was pussywipped - I just didn't say that because I wanted to be polite
SOS=NAZIS is the one who made the comment in the context you've objected to - my reply was to point out she appears to be drunk and is consistant with her stated behavior (a loose woman) according to the *data I have on her*
Saying slut for loose or pussywipped for submissive should not offend the average person - male or female. *If it does in your case on here* I'm afraid that's a problem you're going to have to work out yourself.
I'm aware of cunt and kunt being used towards Fresca which is a bit more than I would say myself but I don't find it offensive either personally
too uptight is an apt description for people who do
besides Fresca claims she's a male (I believe Fresca is female based on demographics) in which case those slurs don't even apply (well not directly - it's considered an insult to a guy's manlyness whereas for a woman it's a sexual slur implying men's sexual superiority
to a man it's a greater insult - but I bet with your hypersensitive attitudes you disagree
It will be interesting to hear you be as "hard core" about sexual slurs directed at men in the future to show *your* not prejusticed as I failed to notice any here or up to this point
women are abusive with men too - more often then you might expect
crying wolf on sexual abuse should not be used as a smokescreen for being simply uptight and prudish - if you are you should just say so
but I have no control over the other posters words - and some of them aren't likely to submit to controls over thier style
I will attempt to avoid known sexual slurs as "needs a good fuck" by taking a few extra seconds and clairifying my intent (she looks drunk all by itself)
but personally it's not an issue to me as it applies equally to either sex so no discrimination is involved
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by fresca
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:16 AM
Wow hex, a lotta wiggling going on there trying to dig yourself outa that hole. First you call this girl drunk and judge her for it and you can't even remotely know if she's drunk in that picture.
And then mor eof the same calling me a woman deal. It's obvious that I'm a guy and yet you continue to call me a woman because that's supposed to insult me. Talk about typical adolescent sexism.
Let me hip you to something hex. I'm not the kind of guy that's going to be insulted by someone on a fucking chat board calling me a girl. I'm not 7 anymore. You on the other hand are starting to get a bit of a rep around here as a childish name calling sexist.
Besides, if you honestly thought I was a woman you wouldn't have spent so much time screaming that my real name was Jerry Larson, clear evidence of which I've just posted on anaother thread.
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by - It's obvious that I'm a guy-
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:27 AM
To whom? I know from reading your works that I care not if you are male or female. You are, however a very sick little puppy. Male or female applies to humans, not sick assholes who try to point to everyone else as being mental.
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:39 AM
why did I know you would jump right on it ? because that's your purpose here - but personally I don't give a crap - about this issue OR you there was no problem to begin with - other than a misuderstanding and lack of information, like this ; ------------------------------------------------------------ more common then you think In 100 domestic violence situations approximately 40 cases involve violence by women against men. An estimated 400,000 women per year are abused or treated violently in the United States by their spouse or intimate partner. This means that roughly 300,000 to 400,000 men are treated violently by their wife or girl friend. Domestic abuse can also be mental or emotional. However, what will hurt a man mentally and emotionally, can in some cases be very different from what hurts a woman. For some men, being called a coward, impotent or a failure can have a very different psychological impact than it would on a women. Unkind and cruel words hurt, but they can hurt in different ways and linger in different ways. In most cases, men are more deeply affected by emotional abuse than physical abuse. For example, the ability to tolerate and "brush off" a physical assault by women in front of other men can in some cases reassure a man that he is strong and communicate to other men that he can live up to the code of never hitting a woman. A significant number of of men are overly sensitive to emotional and psychological abuse. In some cases, humiliating a man emotionally in front of other men can be more devastating than physical abuse. *** Some professionals have observed that mental and emotional abuse can be an area where women are often "brutal" than men. *** Men on the other hand are quicker to resort to physical abuse and they are more capable of physical assaults that are more brutal - even deadly!. A Common Dynamic: How Violence ERUPTS There are a number of commonly reported interactions in which violence against men erupts. Here is one example that illustrates a common dynamic. The woman is mildly distressed and upset. The man notices her distress and then worries she may become angry. The woman attempts to communicate and discuss her feelings. She wants to talk, feel supported and feel less alone. She initially attributes some of her distress or problems to him. The man begins to feel defensive, shuts down emotionally and attempts to deal with the problems rationally. He feels a fight is coming on. The woman feels uncared for, ignored and then gets angry. She wants him to share the problem and he doesn't feel he has a problem. The man will attempt to remain unemotional and stay in control of himself. He avoids accepting any blame for how she feels. He is also worried that she may explode at any moment and that she will certainly do so if he talks about his feelings. The man will start talking about her problem as if she could feel better if she would only listen to him and stop acting so upset. He fails to understand how she feels and tries to remain calm. He tells her to calm down and ends up looking insensitive. She begins to wonder if he has any feelings at all. She tells him that he thinks he's perfect. He says he is not perfect. She calls him insensitive. He stares at her and says nothing but looks irritated. The woman is frustrated that he won't reveal his feelings and that he acts like he is in control. On the other hand, the man feels out of control and like there is no room for anybody's feelings in the conversation but hers. Communication breaks down and the woman begins to insult the man. When the man finally expresses his disapproval and attempts to end the fight. The woman becomes enraged and may throw something. The man will usually endure insults and interactions like this for weeks or months. This whole pattern becomes a recurrent and all too familiar experience. The man becomes increasingly sensitive to how the woman acts and becomes avoidant and unsupportive. The man begins to believe that there is nothing he can do and that it may be all his fault. His frustration and anger can build for months ike this. This risk of violence increases when the woman insults the man in front of their children, threatens the man's relationship with his children, or she refuses to control her abusive behavior when the children are present. She may call him a terrible father or an awful husband in front of the children. Eventually he feels enraged not only because of how she treats him, but how her behavior is harming the children. At some point the man may throw something, punch a wall, or slam his fist down loudly to vent his anger and to communicate that he has reached his limits. Up till now she has never listened to what he had to say. He decides that maybe she will stop if she can see just how angry he has become. Rather than recognizing that he has reached his limits, expressing his anger physically has the opposite effect. For a long time the man has tried to hide his anger. Why should the woman believe he really means it? After all, he has put up with her abuse for a long time and done nothing. Instead of realizing that things have gotten out of control, the woman may approach him and say something like, "What are you gonna do. Hit me? Go ahead. I'll call the police and you'll never see your children again." Once he expressed his anger physically, the situation became dangerous for him and for her. The door to violence has opened wide. He should walk away. When he does walk away, she ends up more angry than ever, will scream obscenities at him and strike him repeatedly. She may even strike him with an object. ------------------------------------------------------------------ *** - note that women are more often mentally abusive and this sometimes passes for "hard core" one-sided enforcement of only abuse of women by men - not the other way around, not non-discriminatory not acceptable and shit-stirrers chiming in for the sheer amusement for the attention badly craved (fresca) are to be ignored Fresca if you want to discuss something I'm willing to share haunted house stories with you here ; http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/133522_comment.php#133628 IF you have any (that's an interesting non-loaded subject you can share with anyone - we used to tell ghost stories when we were kids - I used to have a haunted house for halloween every year too, my favorite was the "talking flame head")
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by fresca
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:41 AM
" not sick assholes who try to point to everyone else as being mental."
Now really, what's sick about me? ( and by the way...one can't be "mental").
Is it sick that I quite correctly observe the paranoid schizophrenia in sheepdog. I mean come on, is there anyone who reads his delusional rantings about fucking Chemtrail attacks from the NEW WORLD ORDER who can't figure this one out.
And is it sick to point out how pathetic a loser like hex is when he's on here day after day supposedly id'ing people here yet continues to claim they're different people pretty much everytime and all the while posting the personal info of some poor shop owner in LA who obviously has nothing to do with any of this.
So, that's what makes me "sick", to come on here and hand all the nonsense that a couple of hateful losers post back to them. Okay, so be it.
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by Un Hombre
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 7:28 AM
Of all the sick defensive bullshit I have ever read!
Hex, you are a sick puppy, brother.
You know what you sound like? You sound like one of the fucking racists spouting their fucking phony figures and arguments about "illegals."
This stuff is about fundamental social relations - you act like the mass murder of 11 million "witches" in the Inquisiton never happened - like 50% of all US women don't in fact, get raped, like similar figures don't hold for women and incest..
ANY MORE THAN THE FUCKING SOSers are "Victims" of "dirty" Mexicans!
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 8:06 AM
if the shoe fits
As I said I'm strongly against drunks - both male and female. The issue that Leslie brought up was based on her assumsion that I was refering to her needing (implied sexual violence) to get laid which
A.) I didn't post - I only quoted it to maintain the context B.) I don't care anyway - I'm not so uptight *highstrung* one-sided or prudish as to give a flying fuck
If you want to lay off your own hangups and read into simple dissemination of information as more than what it is - namely refusing to be pussywipped causes street rape - be my guest
I never brought up *any* of these subjects - first Leslie turned my pointing out Megan appears to be drunk into a whole spiel of other issues - abuse, sexism, half-baked concern and statistics for only women's issues
then you get on here and add further hyperbole by saying refusing to submerge my perspective within such a one-sided viewpoint equates with racism even nazism !
this is clearly outside the bounds of what's even being discussed
refering to someone as drunk has now fallen off a cliff into the chasm of race (it doesn't even have anything to do with sex much less race) and murderous intents (a mere observation of inebrience)
My observation stands - Megan appears in that picture to be drunk
nothing more or less
the context SOS=NAZI put her in *is* consistant with her writings *I read and posted the link to above* - that she's "loose" or in more vulgar terms - a slut
if you want to read violence, abuse, racism and murder into that you have an even bigger chip on your shoulder than Leslie does
beyond my observation on her sobriety I state for the 3'rd time - I don't care
I will make observations on *anyones* sobriety of either sex of any race because I dislike drunks - period
and that is non-discriminatory, sex and race do not enter into it at all
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 8:20 AM
looks like the difference isn't as great as you thought
so do I get to say YOU are a racist nazi now ??? ------------------------------------------------------------------------
www.dailytargum.com/news/2004/10/ 04/Opinions/Startling.Statistics-740424.shtml
In fact, the percentage of women who have been raped is a highly contested figure, ranging from one in four to one in 20. The differences occur to the ... .
1 in 5 men will be raped or sexually assaulted in their life.
www.gmu.edu/facstaff/sexual/sexual_stats.html -------------------------------------------------------------------------
maybe you should do a little LEARNING before you go off on a tangent
and keep in mind my observation was she appears to be DRUNK - not sex, not race
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:06 AM
http://www.sccadvasa.org/wissa/wissa.htm South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Myths & Facts Myth: Rape is a sexual crime, impulsively committed for sexual gratification. Fact: Rape is a crime of violence and aggression. It is intended to overpower, degrade, and humiliate the victim. . Myth: Rape does not happen very often. Fact: Rape is the most frequently committed violent crime in the U.S. . . PENDEJO said; .............................................. MEN DON'T WALK THE STREETS IN FEAR OF WOMEN (most rapes are from strangers on the street) .............................................. Myth: Most rapes are committed by a stranger in a dark place at night. Fact: The vast majority of rapes, up to 89%, are committed by men known by their victims-- casual acquaintances, friends, boyfriends and husbands. Nearly half of all assaults occur in the victim's home. . Myth: "It can't happen to me." Rape is an isolated, infrequent event that only happens to certain kinds of people. Fact: Anyone can be sexually assaulted. Studies show that sexual assault happens to people of all ages, people of color, lesbians/gays, people with disabilities, and people of every racial, ethnic, religious, economic and social background. . Myth: Rape is the victim's fault. The victim provokes rape by the way they dress, behave, or where they choose to go. Fact: Rape is NEVER the victim's fault. Studies show that 71% of convicted rapists planned their attacks. Rape is the only crime where the victim is consistently blamed. It is outrageous to believe that women "ask for" or "provoke" severe physical and emotional harm and risk of pregnancy, venereal disease and even death. . Myth: Rapists are sex-crazed "madmen". Fact: The overwhelming majority of rapists are ordinary men from the complete range of socio-economic classes, occupations and nationalities. They do not suffer from any psychological disturbance and are not the victims of "uncontrollable" sexual urges. All men can control their sexual urges if they wish to and no sexual urge ever gives a man the right to rape a woman or child. Most rapes are, in fact, premeditated and well-planned. They are not spontaneous, uncontrollable sexual acts. 71% of convicted rapists stalked their victims. . Myth: When a woman or a man says "no" shehe means "yes" or "maybe". Fact: The fact is NO means NO, no matter who says it or what the situation may be. . Myth: Women report rapes to get even with men or to protect their reputation. Moreover, rape statistics are exaggerated. Fact: Rape is the most under-reported crime. The FBI estimates that only 20% of rapes are reported. According to the FBI, fewer than 2% of reported rapes are false, which is the same percentage for false reporting of other crimes. . PENDEJO said; ....................................... YOU are NOT a VICTIM says PENDEJO. (rape is only a woman's problem) ....................................... Myth: Men cannot be raped. Fact: Men can be raped. One in Seven men will be sexually assaulted in their lifetime. Males can be and are raped, primarily by other males. The vast majority of reported sexual assaults of males occurs as cases of child molestation. . Myth: Men who are raped by other men are homosexual. Fact: Regardless if it is a man raping a man or a woman raping a man, rape is still about power and aggression. Sexual preference has nothing to do with rape. . Myth: "Just the accusation of rape destroys men's reputations." Fact: It is potentially devastating to be accused of a crime and it can have serious repercussions. However, men who are accused of rape are often supported, even transformed into heroes. . Myth: "Rape is a woman's problem." Fact: It is a pervasive societal problem when half the population lives in terror of the other half. Every man has friends or family members who have been raped. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Source of the "fucking phony figures" PENDEJO THE RAPE EXPERT claimed made me; > Of all the sick defensive bullshit I have ever read! > You need to get a clue. > GET IT FOOL? > WAKE UP. South Carolina Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault http://www.sccadvasa.org/wissa/wissa.htm
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by Leslie
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 10:42 AM
"Drunk slut" is such an improvement over repeating someone's remarks that "Megan Nicole Parigi looks like .... she needs a good ......" I'm proud of you, Hex, you're a big improvement over SOS=NAZI.
Do you know how trite your retorts are? They're right out of Men's News Daily and they've been around for 30 years.
--"you're overgeneralizing, being overly sensitive, thin-skinned and prudish"
According to you, any woman who calls out sexist abuse is a prude for calling out the abuse instead of revelling with you in the sex, and we're all on the verge of flipping into "hysteria" at any moment.
--"you don't see *her* complaining."
I don't see her here at all, which makes this kind of trash even worse.
--That I'm "militant" and "arrogant."
Why don't you just come out and call me a feminazi, to quote Rush, or femifascist, to borrow from Flynt? Next you'll be telling me I wear combat boots and burn my bra, I'm out to destroy the family and Amerika, and I want to kill all men.
Mostly because I said, in effect, that I don't want to fuck you. And now maybe you want to say something to the effect that you wouldn't fuck me more than I wouldn't fuck you. It's that male ego thing.
--That I'm speaking for all women.
In fact, I told you to check with other women. And just to try to make sure I can't win that argument, you add that, for referring you to other women, I'm bandwagoning or some such nonsense.
--"Saying slut for loose or pussywipped for submissive should not offend the average person "
I don't know about "should," but I'll ask the next guy I meet if he minds being called pussywhipped . . .
. . . just asked, and he was offended.
--That you get to resort to name-calling because I asked you to back off the sexist remarks.
Mostly, that just proves a lack of real arguments and that wounded ego thing again.
--Women abuse men ("complete with twenty seven eight-by-ten colour glossy photographs with circles and arrows and a paragraph on the back of each one explaining what each one was, to be used as evidence against me." A dated allusion I know, but your dated rejoinders took me there.)
Yeah, well, and Condaleeza Rice and Alberto Gonzales are anomolies, too.
--And the granddaddy of them all, there's no sexism if we mock the sexual habits of men, too. After all, it's just boys' play, isn't it? There's no difference in the way society looks at men's sexuality and the way it looks at women's sexuality, is there? But of course there is, and that's why I'll leave it to you to denounce comments that demean men's sexuality... oops, but you just proudly said you make them, too.
Maybe it's hard for you to imagine, but my first post wasn't just to you--although you took it that way. And in my second post, the one that was addressed to you, I was clear again that you weren't the only one here that was being offensive. But I'll take your hyper-defensiveness and ad hominem attacks as a symptom of your overbearing, oversensitive male ego, which I just stepped on. Again. Oops. But don't admit it, don't wince--it's not manly.
But I've offended you, and maybe you're out there datamining me so you can take sexual potshots at me, too. But you have a problem, since I'm pretty much public, and it wouldn't take anyone more than a simple internet search to come up with whatever you want to broadcast about me. No technical Hex wizardry there.
But here's what happens when you cross the line into sexual harrassment. Women with a history that's not purient and monogamous (and most of us have one) get a little unnerved in our society to see Parigi's hung out for public ridicule. Which might just be a big part of why you don't see many women posting on Indymedia with any regularity. Or hadn't you noticed?
And get some new material. I'm sick and tired of sexists telling me there's no sexism, and that women who say there is, are prudish, oversensitive, hysterical man-haters. You sound like a stuck needle in a scratched album.
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by Un Hombre
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 11:12 AM
You know, Hex, I hat to repeat myself, but it's this simple.
Calling someone a "Slut" is no different than calling someone a "Dirty Mexican."
ALL such stereotyping and degrading terms are, in effect, concentrated _stories_ dominant groups tell in order to justify acts of systematic violence and suppression of other groups.
The words and the stories that go with them dehumanize their targets and rationalize systemic violence and oppression.
Certainly, not every woman who's called a "bitch" or a "slut" gets beaten, but I lay you 3 to 1 odds that NO woman has ever been beaten without being subjugated th these vile names.
It's as simple as that. You have no right to use such terms.
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by Tim Duncan
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 6:39 PM
Hex, while I strongly disagree with you on many, many levels, I have to at least respect that you stand on your beliefs as a matter of principle. You strongly disagree with the Iraq war, so you have moved into the cash-only under-the-table economy to avoid taxes and avoid subsidizing government policies you abhor.
Since you are so strongly principled and wish to use civil disobedience (avoiding paying taxes to a governmment you don't support) ... I'd like to suggest you show your true level of commitment to your beliefs and suspend all activities that take advantage of government provided services that rely on tax revenues. So, please extend your form of protest to permanently avoid the use of all public educational facilities, all public libraries, all public health care facilities, all public parks, all public beaches, use of public roads, all publicly funded transportation, all publicly-funded social benefits, all public emergency services ... you get the idea.
What, would that be imposing too much upon your "life style"? Have you grown up with these public services to the point you think they are an 'entitlement'? Well, guess what, our tax dollars fund your life style. If you want to operate outside legal society as a form of political protest, good for you ... operate ALL the way outside so I don't have to contribute my tax dollars to supporting your sick little ass.
In reality, your little form of 'protest' is really just self-serving, self agrandizing BS so you can feel good about yourself.
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 7:38 PM
> right out of Men's News Daily
no they're right out of my own mind - I don't read mags (except radio-electronics and sometimes popular electronics)
unless I clearly paste or quote "" ---------, all my words are mine
> According to you, any woman who calls out sexist abuse is a prude for calling out the abuse instead of revelling with you in the sex, and we're all on the verge of flipping into "hysteria" at any moment.
*any* woman, *we're *all* - speaking for other's on that popularity card again - I already stated *I know women who ARE NOT OFFENDED by such language* and compared to them *you* (not any/all) are a prude -
my you DO have a way of putting words in one's mouth don't you
attacking an altered version of what I said or meant is the classic STRAWMAN tactic
> I don't see her here at all, which makes this kind of trash even worse.
no it makes it NOT MATTER
> feminazi, to quote Rush, or femifascist, to borrow from Flynt? Next you'll be telling me I wear combat boots and burn my bra, I'm out to destroy the family and Amerika, and I want to kill all men.
that sounds - um - hysterical
again my thoughts are my own - I have no idea what rush or flynt say
this statement is rhetorical/putting thoughts in my head/strawman as well
fuck me/fuck you - egos
hmmmm those thoughts never crossed my mind either (see above)
Re: speaking for all women.
> In fact, I told you to check with other women. And just to try to make sure I can't win that argument, you add that, for referring you to other women, I'm bandwagoning or some such nonsense.
no you said *any* (all) "ask any woman" and I stated (3'rd time) *I know women who don't care* they have better things to do with their time & energy than going around trying to tell men how to talk.
Re: ask a guy if he minds being called pussywhipped
well of course ! it's *meant* as an insult - I've never seen a man yet who wasn't..
--That you get to resort to name-calling because I asked you to back off the sexist remarks.
Mostly, that just proves a lack of real arguments and that wounded ego thing again.
no it proves I really don't give a damn - the fact is I'm more polite on here than I am in real life - here - with other women, and they laugh at women like you
panties in a wad would be the most common remark - which is why your "any" "all" cards don't wash with me
--Women abuse men
--And the granddaddy of them all, there's no sexism if we mock the sexual habits of men, too. After all, it's just boys' play, isn't it? There's no difference in the way society looks at men's sexuality and the way it looks at women's sexuality, is there? But of course there is, and that's why I'll leave it to you to denounce comments that demean men's sexuality... oops, but you just proudly said you make them, too.
who are you talking to here ?
it looks as if your having a conversation with yourself and the shooting down the questions you're rhetorically asking ??
but I'll bite - I proudly "demean" men too - yes, exactly - therefore I'm non-discrimatory
I mean you can't get much clearer than pussywhipped can you ?
That's a BIG putdown to a man... (here at least)
Re: pussywhipping other men on here too
> although you took it that way.
No I simply was the only one who bothered to reply at the time
> hyper-defensiveness and ad hominem attacks
is that anything like hypersensitive and rhetorical strawman attacks ?
Re: me being "overbearing, oversensitive male ego, which I just stepped on. Again. Oops. But don't admit it, don't wince--it's not manly."
ha ! you really don't know anything about me - you assume I *am* "manly" and proceed to launch yet another rhetorical strawman
surprise !
> datamining me
whoa ! a bit paranoid aren't we - hell I barely even care enough to reply
besides attempting to exploit data like that would be "playing dirty" - I only datamine for specific *personal* reasons completely internal - no one on here, even IMC it'self has any bearing on my decisions other than to discourage me from posting the *results* if they want to.
that would be childish and vindictive and serve no positive purpose
Re: Parigi's hung out for public ridicule causing discouragement of women posting here
I don't care - at all
See you don't know me as well as you think you do
At the very least they would need to be scientists or otherwise into technical knowledge -
not too common
this isn't a dating board - the gender of the persons who post here is not important. if you want to see more women on here I suggest you take it upon yourself to start discussions that would interest them - besides browbeating men that is
> hysterical man-haters. You sound like a stuck needle in a scratched album.
Again *your words not mine* - you are what you are - I don't actually know what your values are regarding men but if your behavior on here is any indication, men you like must be brainless and pussywhipped for you to be able to get along with them
I am not - nor will I be
first off I simply don't care, then I don't take orders from even men much less women, third I'm already being polite compared to how people here are (where I live) - women included
fact is we just don't have women like you here (it's extremely rare - they are shunned for being too aggressive and militant when they talk like you do)
forth I'm not here to please you - or anyone else for that matter
I'm only slightly concerned with what the admin says - and only to the extent of withdrawing if we can't see eye to eye
nothing else and no one else has the power to alter my thoughts or language in any way on here *at all* - no matter what or who you claim to represent, and no amount of rhetorical or strawmen browbeating will help you either.
You don't know me - I don't fit in the holes you're trying to hammer me into - the best (worst) you can say is I combine the worst aspects of both persuasions - so be it
at least that signals that the "male ego proud to push women around due to dysfunctional sexual urges" thing doesn't apply
with my position in life there IS no urge to begin with so the whole house of cards you're attempting to build on that keystone comes crashing down before you even start
Re: difference between "Slut" & "Dirty Mexican."
one's sexist the other's racist
that's a difference
> systematic violence and suppression
hyperbole - grandstanding - rhetorical
> dehumanize their targets and rationalize systemic violence and oppression.
rhetorical - what slurs (either) do entirely depends on the values of the person making them
for example if a Black person calls other Blacks nigger it's considered acceptable due to the person's values of solidarity
other races saying it signifies racism (Well some white kids try to emulate blacks so much *they* use it as well as part of thier emulation so even that's not concrete)
the point being without knowing *my* values you can't say what slut or pussywhipped really means - you don't go telling blacks they can't use the N word simply because *you* object to it
likewise you will not be telling ME...
> You have no right to use such terms
I'll use whatever words I please - personally I don't care what you have to say about it just as blacks don't care what you try to tell them to say or not say
if you don't like it you can skip over my posts
Mind you I don't in the social enviroment here, say slut or even bitch (beeauch) on my own as it's *slightly* beyond what I consider polite *on here* - but that's *entirely my call* you have and will not have *anything to do with it*
- period
hey - what about pussywhipped ?
looks like that one's really needed here - probably will be seeing THAT pop up more often now
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by Hex
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 8:44 PM
> suspend all activities
the setup
> my tax dollars to supporting your sick little ass.
the fall
strawman !
> In reality, your little form of 'protest' is really just self-serving, self agrandizing BS so you can feel good about yourself.
you're right - I *do* feel good about myself
so someone else attempts to hammer a round peg into a square hole
well you know what they say - when you have a hammer everything looks like a nail !
It's against my religion to support war - and most of the tax goes to war - now what fit will you throw ? "sick religion" ?
hey - if more people protested like that there wouldn't BE any war - isn't that sick ?
Timmy can go ahead and pay all the taxes he wants to - while *again* ignoring BIG BUSINESS being largely tax-free and most going to KILL PEOPLE who did us no wrong
better to pick on little people - safer since all you have to do is run your mouth and *not actually DO anything*
yeah that's the answer !
Boy you're going to change the world with that technique..
But really do I look like a punching bag to you or are you still sore from your self-inflicted diaper rash. Want me to pat some powder on it for you ;)
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by A Random Reader
Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 9:24 PM
I was reading this string of comments, and it appears that someone has done a good job getting everyone way off track. Isn't this supposed to be about stopping this Megan girl from hurting us Mexicans? So everyone agrees that it is wrong to name call. Point made, now what can we do to get this girl to stop attacking us? Can we get her kicked out of school so she has to keep herslef busy working for minumim wage for the rest of her life? Can we get her evicted so at least MY family will be safe? Can we get her locked up for anything. She is a danger to my husband and kids, and I don't want her to do any damage. Please help us and get back on track....
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by typing with my toes
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 3:43 AM
When the Police do it, it's observation.; when the citizen does it it's stalking.
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by Anti-Racist
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 6:30 AM
download PDF (284.4 kibibytes)
"Cyberstalking, which is simply an extension of the physical form of stalking, is where the electronic mediums such as the Internet are used to pursue, harass or contact another in an unsolicited fashion."
If we are merely informing people of dangers in their neighborhoods, schools, and workplaces, but are telling people NOT to approach this person (as the flyer says above), then it is NOT stalking. The Nazis and SOS are working together because SOS is providing an acceptable means to publicly attack people of color. The danger is what they do when they are NOT in the public eye.
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by Anti-Racist
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 6:38 AM
 nazis.jpg, image/jpeg, 1200x1566
Here is proof that SOS is increasing their numbers by stacking Nazis into their ranks.
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by johnk
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 6:56 AM
I was told by someone who'd know that the ratio is about 9:1, women to men who are being battered by their partners. Women take a lot more physical abuse than men.
That's reality there. Men do get abused, but far less than women.
So, let's dispense with the idea that insults cut the same both ways.
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by Hex
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 1:41 PM
I did some research after being subjected to Leslie's attitude and found some info that clairifies where she's coming from -
After her multible accusations - including this word - misogyny (which I didn't even know the meaning of until I looked it up) I started looking into the whole subject. The official DOJ figures which I already posted already answers the question of ratio for physical abuse which reflects the *actual reported cases* via police records, however several sources also say the figures for men are under-reported as men are ashamed to admit it and also doesn't include prison, military and other institutions where it's rarely reported. Ignoring and ignorance of men being victims of abuse both physical/sexual and especially verbal/mental is a popular cultural blindness that scores points with PC "hard-core" feminists as it serves thier needs.
But physical abuse isn't the issue *here* as only words are exchanged so attitude and motivation play a key role in this forum..
The very first thing I noticed is mental/verbal abuse is also under-represented towards men in this realm as well - doing a search for Misogyny (an exaggerated aversion towards women) yielded 279,000 hits
But (and again I didn't even know this until I looked it up) a search for Misandry (sometimes called Androphobia, is the hatred of men, for being men) yielded only 14,800 hits
So this lop-sided cultural value shows it's ugly face in attitude as well.
Doing some digging under keyword misandry I found that "men bashing" has become popular and condoned in this society due to a number of factors -
"Misandry has been little discussed or investigated. Some masculists maintain that misandry has been rampant for thirty years, due to feminist advocacy, and has become a social pathology.
*Some feminists believe that, while misogyny is a social disease, misandry does not exist.*
Forms of misandry
There are many different forms of misandry. In its most overt expression, a misandrist will openly hate all males, and will hurt them simply because they are male.
Other forms of misandry may be more subtle. Some misandrists may simply hold all males under suspicion, or may hate males who do not fall into one or more acceptable categories. Entire cultures may be said to be misandric if they treat males in ways that can be seen as hateful.
Misandry in popular culture
The common perception of men as being sex-crazed and overbearing.
The common view of men only wanting their wives to bear sons and not daughters. See female infanticide and male infanticide.
The viewpoint that women are superior to men The typical sitcom male's bumbling ineptitude (especially fathers).
The tendency of men as unable to take care of themselves, but rather needing a woman (in the form of a mother or a wife) to take care of them. Gaston, a character from Disney's Beauty and the Beast, is such a man.
It doesn't take a graduate of pop culture studies to notice the mocking of men in popular culture. Most blatantly, it occurs in television commercials. For example, some dopey, but probably lovable, man runs around the house trying to install his computer (fix the television, buy a car - fill in your task of choice) and bungles the job.
Meanwhile, the wife calmly makes a phone call to the appropriate people (i.e., whoever the commercial is for) and takes care of it in no time, leaving the husband confused and glad that his woman is smarter than he. Besides, at least now he will have his toy.
Spreading Misandry is based on this premise, but by starting off with an in-depth look at Hallmark cards, popular movies (e.g., "Mr. and Mrs. Bridge"), and sitcoms (e.g., "The Golden Girls"), the authors go on to use this discussion of misandry (the hating of men; the sexist counterpart of misogyny) to comment on industrialization, shifts in religious understanding/readings, differences between moral values, emotions, and worldviews, and the place of men in current culture.
Common shows reveal the prevelance of man-bashing on TV.
In these misandric occurrences, men are aligned with technology, advancement, fraud, and death, while women are aligned with "higher" things, such as heroism, nature, emotions, and spirituality.
Quite simply, men are often portrayed as failures or downright evil.
Portrayals of this type are deleterious, to say nothing of the fact of how simple this worldview is. These misandric instances presuppose that men are inherently this way, offering little or no explanation of how they became failures to women or evil.
That is a huge defect, and are not how women's faults are treated in popular culture. Women, on the other hand, are given motives, while man are lost causes.
Today's politically correct culture allows for only one prejudice: misandry. Numerous instances show how androcentricism is being replaced by gynocentricism in both popular and elite culture. In this gynocentric world, signs of misogyny are watched for closely, and acts of misogyny are now morally and legally unallowable. However, misandry is allowable, excusable, and not seen as a problem.
Some people want us all to get along, and any prejudice of any sex, race, creed, etc. is unacceptable.
In point, political correctness and the culture are attempting to change the way people think through monitored language. But in reality, the use of PC argot merely forces people to behave and to respect one another, a far simpler agenda that still, however, has not come to fruition.
"Political correctness can never solve the problem of hatred. Those who hate can be taught that their targets are inappropriate and even that hatred itself is inappropriate, but they cannot be taught to ignore the fear that generated their hatred in the first place."
"Where do men belong in today's culture?" Spreading Misandry does nothing to place them anywhere, and has little to say on any good forms of culture.
In shows such as made-for-TV movies, "Fried Green Tomatoes," and "Sleeping with the Enemy" (in which sexual hierarchy has been reversed), even when there are unsubtle religious overtones: "Women once depended on men; now men depend on women. Women were once considered evil by association with nature, the fall from primeval grace. Men are now considered evil by association with culture, the 'fall' into historical patriarchy."
The spreading of misandry is linked to ideological feminism.
The mainstream prevalence of feminist ideology leads to gynocentricism, thus weakening the cultural perception of men.
Politically motivated feminists are not looking to be fair and even, which would reduce all prejudice, not simply anti-women prejudices.
Dissecting such second-rate movies as "Sleeping with the Enemy" and such made-for-TV throwaways as "She Says She's Innocent" shows the seeds of misandry being sowed in popular culture.
"Resistance to men's studies, for instance, is often based on the belief that only victims are worthy of study. The response among female academics is often as follows: 'Oh, please. Something like 90 per cent of the world's resources are owned and operated by 3 per cent of the population. All of whom are white males.' Never mind that 3 per cent is a tiny fraction of the male population, even of the white male population." (that 97 % of men are victims as well !)
She also accused me of being like Larry Flynt which my search revealed is the owner of Hussler mag - doing some searching on him revealed a big spat going on about how he's abusing women by exploiting them while claiming to be "liberal" and how it's feminists duty to "educate" us on this issue. ("exploitation" of men is never brought up, Playgirl for example - as with the issue of abuse as long as men are concerned it's a non-subject)
Basicly they want to deny pornographic materials *to men* while ignoring thier own porn habit, or worse eliminate porn alltogether.
And Leslie's arguments above virtually mirrored what I read about when I looked into it - showing she's a highly creative person and not just parroting party lines.
So my label of militant and prude turned out to be dead-on..
Just as with right-wing-nut propaganda I reject attempts to dictate *how I live, what my values should be and what to say* especially when a biased, knows-whats-best-for-all "politically correct" person who *doesn't even know me* attempts to garner popular support and browbeat all who don't follow the PC party line as a tactic to both force submission and to perform character assassination on any who refuse.
The main difference between me and the average person this technique might work on is two-fold
1.) I don't watch TV or "drama" type movies so I haven't been tainted by the new PC misandrous attitudes.
2.) I don't really care about misogyny either - this little bit of research is wholely the result of Leslie's attack which I suspected had more behind it than met the eye
I found it's become PC to push men around and attempt to force them to submit to the goal of doing away with pornography and any other issue Leslie's self-described "hard-core" attitude sees fit to impose on others.
I'm not buying and not interested
Facism takes many forms and being "hard-core" is an open admission of it - whether it's PC and popular or not it's still just plain old facism to me. Since I will never be in one of Leslie's "acceptable categories" there's never going to be a common ground on this issue.
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by Dixieland Delight
Wednesday, Aug. 03, 2005 at 6:29 AM
dixieland_delight Forum Member Join Date: Dec 2004 Posts: 632 Location: On the frontlines and ready for action!! White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Initially I was disturbed by this, in the beginning I was annoyed The commies of Indymedia wanted to see my life destroyed Then my comrades rallied 'round, came to my defense Then LA Indymedia got taken down, and I am free of threats I know there's a poetry forum, perhaps this should go there But this isn't just a poem, so I don't really care The hunt was on for my address and my personal information 'Cause Indymedia's filled with freaks lacking reservation We do not assault them or threaten their families But when you disagree with them they will not let you be Nothing came of their threats or their battle cry "that racist" 'Cause if Laguna Beach was any clue, they're too scared to show their faces There is no active link now because the pinko site's been neutered I can share it with my comrades, since it's been saved to my computer I will not post all the comments, it would be far too long But for the record here in So Cal it's our cause that's truly strong If they're really this incensed we must be doing our jobs Here's a few choice tidbits from our race's enemies And pinko swine seeking to erode our privacy and liberty: (the pictures don't copy/paste): Quote: SOS Racists Identified We are working hard to get phone numbers, home addresses, and any other information available. We are also working to collect information on all the other people in attendance (SOS and their racist partners). This has gone far enough and we are working hard to bring their War on Mexicans to the doorsteps of the racists! Any further information can be posted here as well. sos_laguna.jpgzqjybe.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480 The girl holding the sign posts as dixieland_delight. Here is some more info on her we have dug up. Her name is Megan (I removed my middle and last name)and she is a student at UCLA. She is trying to start a band named Panzer, which is named after her Dog (who is named after the Nazi Tank). She lives in Westwood, CA and has two known email addresses (removed by me- DD) and (removed by me- DD). Reports have come in that she is very open about where Nazi tendencies in her classes, and believes that the White Race is superior and needs to separate itself from other races to "preserve its blood line". Author: Intel Op Center Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 02:06 AM [ignore Intel Op Center] [read more Intel Op Center] [add Intel Op Center to my favorites] [search for Intel Op Center on Google] Freaking idiot, who said anything about superior- better behaved on average and different, sure... I wasn't aware "Nazi tendencies had a location . Quote: Comments no phone # even unlisted that I can find here's one of the best reports - address is available but even an unlisted phone should show up here likely she's got a 2G cellular or none I did a little demographic checking on her she's a shallow gold digging sneaky ass game player - is it any wonder she fits right in there ? Author: Hex Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 04:23 AM Demographics checking? Since when does 20 year old white female=shallow, gold-digging or sneaky? Sounds a bit sexist, 'eh? Quote: the nazi in the boots the one on the left is taking a russian class this summer at ucla. i've seen her on campus with a bomber jacket with a big confederate flag on it (dixie dolly or whatever) and a 'white pride world wide" patch on it. Author: dth 2 fscism Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 04:24 AM Address If we can get her address, we can plan a surprise protest in her front lawn. We need to organize crash parties to let all their neighbors know whom they live by. It would also be great to find out where these people work, what classes they are in, and where they go to relax. We can start writing their bosses and professors to try to get them fired or kicked out of school. Also, if they live with people, we need to expand out to them as well. This girl has to have parents, where do they work, what do they do? These nazi people are destroying the lives of poor workers from Mexico and their families, its time to start returning the favor. Has anyone contacted the UCLA MeCha chapter yet? They should send a group to her classes, and be there to “escort” her off campus when she tries to enter. If you search under her name, she has a lot of hatred for Chinos, Asians, Africans, and anyone else non-Aryan. Someone needs to print them off with her picture and hang them around the campus. Looks like we all have a lot of work to do, one fascist at a time. It is time to ACT UP! Author: Act Up! Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 04:48 AM she wore she wore the confederate flag bomber jacket to the Victorville SOS protest. I have video of it. Author: Willie Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 04:57 AM her dog Panzer is a pit bull . . . Author: Willie Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 05:19 AM Don't do this! What the _F***(profanity is not allowed on SF, removed by me- DD)_ do you people think you're planning on doing?! Normal people don't try to find the residential address of others and _abuse_ other people's privacy like this. This is scumbag behavior that would be expcted from the _other_ side, not the side that's supposed to be against hatred. Identifying the racists is a good thing, abolsutely, since it means their names can be given to the police if and when they instigate violence, but trying to find out where they live, posting their telephone numbers, and planning on showing up at their residence... That is _WRONG_!!! My opinions only, of course, and only my opinions. Author: Fredric L. Rice Link: www.thedarkwind.org/ Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 06:07 AM SOS Are Nazis! Here is a post from the great SOSer.... ******************************* dixieland_delight Forum Member Join Date: Dec 2004 Posts: 629 Location: On the frontlines and ready for action!! Re: Does this make anyone else annoyed? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reporting in from the belly of the beast on this issue, Los Angeles buses, even the Santa Monica bus (which is supposed to be a nice area, but quickly browning), are filthy, disgusting, disturbing, and smell rancid. I used to take the bus a lot, but at this point I just don't go anywhere unless I have a ride, can walk there, or absolutely need to go and can't avoid it. Between the blacks and their loud conversations/headphones, the Mexican women yelling in Spanish to their three or four poorly behaved and screaming kids, the nonwhite men eyeing me, and the stench, buses always remind me of why the multiculturalist fairy tale is just plain stupid. Heck, I've even seen nonwhites spank their kids on the bus; I'm not necessarily opposed to spanking, but those people have no concept of "situationally appropriate". It's a horrific experience, but I think everyone should ride the bus in a metropolitan area to see what our country could turn into if the multicults get their way. It's the sort of thing that just makes me want to do more for the movement and help US get OUR way. There are also the token crazy homeless people, who are a little scary; One time there was a filthy (I'm not just being mean, the guy was visibly caked with dirt) Mexican who kept walking around the bus screaming. Of course, it's not just the crazies that scream at people on the bus here. On several occasions I've seen blacks yelling at the bus driver for the most inane things, such as not accepting expired transfers, not stopping at stops designated for other bus lines, and some completely random things. Luger- Not only do they eat entire meals, they also leave their trash. __________________ There's no such thing as a lost cause if it's for the survival and prosperity of our race! ************************************************** **** And SOS CLAIMS that they are not a racist group. Time to bring them down!!!!! I know their leader Joe has a meeting with some urban leaders in LA next month. Someone needs to put together all the evidence about the Nazi ties and mail it to them. Personally, I think someone needs to hog tie these facists, take their IDs, and drop them off in Mexico! Lets ACT UP!!!! http://www.stormfront.org/forum/show...98#post2022098 Author: ACT UP!!! WTF? I'm not in SOS for one, and why should opposing bad behavior be considered "Nazi", other than the obvious implication that nonwhites frequently engage in that sort of behavior? Whatever, they're pinko swine with approximately three brain cells apiece... Quote: Fred I respect you a lot. But tell that to the Mexicans that these people are going after. Tell it to the children of the Mexicans that will starve because of these fascists. Tell it to the African Americans that these people beat down in the middle of the night. Their numbers are growing, and they have to be stopped. I have respect for those who want to work the system, but these people have to be stopped, and they have to be stopped now. I haven't seen anyone make any threats, or do anything illegal, but if we can get even a handful fired, evicted, and financially ruined, it will send a clear message that enough is enough. Look at what happens when these people are left alone (Nazi Germany, Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Palestine). The people have tried to do the right thing the conventional way, and it is not working. We need to step things up and run these mother****ers out of our state once and for all. (Excuse my French...I mean freedom). Author: Act Up Link: Posted: Monday July 18, 2005 06:15 AM Notice that half the "genocides" this kid mentions were perpetrated by nonwhites (Rwanda & Palestine) and one of them didn't actually occur (Germany). "These people"? Well, they're freaking idiots and their site got shut down. It doesn't matter. Special thanks to (in alphabetical order, and you all know why you're appreciated): Advocate Baldy JohnJoyTree Konkwista88 KuKluxKlan_SoCal Mark_Neufeldt Mensch-machine Suicism from Folkcom Vegas_14 White Nationalists stick together and abide by standards of decency. Our movement has a future. __________________ There's no such thing as a lost cause if it's for the survival and prosperity of our race! 7/30/05: Laguna Beach II. Join us for the cause, PM me for details. "If we don't hang together, we'll surely hang separately" -Benjamin Franklin, American patriot "We're in this together now, none of them can stop us now, we will make it through somehow" -Nine Inch Nails, "We're in This Together Now", a love song for my race If you're getting slandered by the jewish media, it means you're doing your job dixieland_delight View Public Profile Send a private message to dixieland_delight Find More Posts by dixieland_delight 07-28-2005, 07:54 AM #2 Shockwave Forum Member Join Date: Feb 2003 Posts: 93 Location: Kitchener Ontario Canada Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wow, that was nuts. Good work shutting them down! __________________ "Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning" - E. Rommel Shockwave View Public Profile Send a private message to Shockwave Find More Posts by Shockwave 07-28-2005, 10:11 AM #3 Scottish Forum Member Join Date: Oct 2003 Posts: 126 Location: Dixie Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keep up the good fight! I am sorry that you face these threats and I hope you have some body to back you up if need be. Why do they hate us so? Because they say that we hate! [I have a pit bull too] __________________ www.christianseparatist.org Scottish View Public Profile Send a private message to Scottish Find More Posts by Scottish 07-28-2005, 10:32 AM #4 Scottish Forum Member Join Date: Oct 2003 Posts: 126 Location: Dixie Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,163821,00.html [Black]Man Charged With Hate Crime In Mall Murder __________________ www.christianseparatist.org Scottish View Public Profile Send a private message to Scottish Find More Posts by Scottish 07-28-2005, 10:43 AM #5 Fenris "Friend of Stormfront" Sustaining Member Join Date: Jul 2002 Posts: 1,753 Location: Washington D.C. area Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- They want to physically gang up on a girl and tell lies to her neighbors. These people are utter cowards and trash. Great work by the people who got the site yanked! __________________ www.nationalvanguard.org www.natallmd.com www.secondamendment.net Fenris View Public Profile Send a private message to Fenris Find More Posts by Fenris 07-28-2005, 11:41 AM #6 Jack Tar That crazy old sailor "Friend of Stormfront" Sustaining Member Join Date: Aug 2004 Posts: 1,443 Location: spending me pay in the grog shop of course Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Filthy cowards ,typical Red scum. And they claim they are the tolerant ones. Picking on a school girl excercising her rights ,trying to destroy her life. May this scum reap what they sow. Good work to those that got tat site shut down. Jack Tar View Public Profile Send a private message to Jack Tar Find More Posts by Jack Tar 07-28-2005, 12:01 PM #7 Daxx Forum Member Join Date: Jul 2005 Posts: 29 Location: Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out this item on san diego indymedia about la indymedia. http://sandiego.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/110189.shtml Daxx View Public Profile Send a private message to Daxx Find More Posts by Daxx 07-28-2005, 12:06 PM #8 LordVague Forum Moderator of Doom!DOOM!! Join Date: Oct 2001 Posts: 2,008 Location: Nebraskin Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This kind of stuff really pisses me off. I have been ambushed by these fools and very lucky for me, saved by very alert police. Most of these people are just thugs that will go anyplace they can where they might get a chance to hurt someone. They only take up the mexcriment side because we oppose them too. We need a new Rockwell. He would be where they are and be in their face. 'Fighting them in the streets', as our ignoble enemy likes to say. Just so they know we fight dirty too. Is there a group that meets these fools on the streets and protests them? I mean as a goal. Not throwing piss balloons and destroying literature like they do. But going to their meetings and disrupting, that kind of stuff. Or even going to any mainstream multi-cult event and disrupt. __________________ "It is time that we put the I can, back in "American".--Lord Vague Choose your weapon. Choose your ground. Face them as they come. LordVague View Public Profile Send a private message to LordVague Find More Posts by LordVague 07-28-2005, 01:49 PM #9 dixieland_delight Forum Member Join Date: Dec 2004 Posts: 632 Location: On the frontlines and ready for action!! Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Piss balloons are out of the question, us White Nationalists have class and decency We regularly go to demonstrations where they oppose us, such as Victorville, Baldwin Park, and Laguna Beach. They recognize most of us from those, so disrupting their meetings (not sure if they even have meetings, since they're not a cohesive organization, rather a couple of individuals with multiple affiliations) probably wouldn't be the best idea. Thanks for the support; the funny thing is the pinko that happens to go to my university and knows me by my flight jacket gave away his own identity because I'm not really taking a Russian class this summer and only one person would've thought I was (the white kid standing behind me in line when I was asking about the Russian class that had a conniption over the WPWW patch- the white kid that doesn't deserve his European roots). They must be terrified of us if this is the response our So Cal group gets. A bunch of internet chest-pounding and advocating illegal activity after they were totally outnumbered (their fearsome army of five 7/16 in Laguna Beach was typical- the fact that they outnumbered us in Baldwin Park is the exception, since BP is over 80% Latrino and all they had to do was go outside). Nice SD Indymedia article, Daxx! Yup, this is the opposition for you, total scum that can't keep it legal (little wonder, given that they support illegal immigration and have had protests against the police). Yet another victory for White Nationalists- if anything I'd say this incident brought the local group closer and for me personally, re-energized my resolve to keep up the fight. __________________ There's no such thing as a lost cause if it's for the survival and prosperity of our race! 7/30/05: Laguna Beach II. Join us for the cause, PM me for details. "If we don't hang together, we'll surely hang separately" -Benjamin Franklin, American patriot "We're in this together now, none of them can stop us now, we will make it through somehow" -Nine Inch Nails, "We're in This Together Now", a love song for my race If you're getting slandered by the jewish media, it means you're doing your job dixieland_delight View Public Profile Send a private message to dixieland_delight Find More Posts by dixieland_delight 07-28-2005, 01:54 PM #10 Baldy Loud & Proud White Man "Friend of Stormfront" Sustaining Member Join Date: Jan 2005 Posts: 563 Location: Pearblossom, California Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by LordVague We need a new Rockwell. He would be where they are and be in their face. 'Fighting them in the streets', as our ignoble enemy likes to say. Just so they know we fight dirty too. I nominate LordVague. Seriously, the new Rockwell doesn't need to be a superstar, just someone brave enough to speak clearly, often, and really loudly. Quote: Originally Posted by LordVague Is there a group that meets these fools on the streets and protests them? I mean as a goal. Not throwing piss balloons and destroying literature like they do. But going to their meetings and disrupting, that kind of stuff. Or even going to any mainstream multi-cult event and disrupt. Most of their protests/meetings are during the weekdays/nights when all good Whites are studying/working/looking for work. I'm always looking for opportunities, though. What happened to Dixieland_Delight is a perfect example of the cowardly manhood of the other-races. Without us, they would be nothing. With us, they are nothing. __________________ LordVague Forum Moderator of Doom!DOOM!! Join Date: Oct 2001 Posts: 2,008 Location: Nebraskin Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for the nomination. But I am not a Rockwell. But I am willing to stand up, even if it means getting beat down. So far, the police are on our side. As long as we keep it legal. But I do wonder what is gonna happen when one of these ARA/Commie jerks does get up the nerve to attack us where we live. Little can be done to avoid them doing something if they wanted to. At least nothing short of keeping tabs on them ourselves and posting 24 Hr watch on our people. I don't think we can do that yet. __________________ "It is time that we put the I can, back in "American".--Lord Vague Choose your weapon. Choose your ground. Face them as they come. LordVague View Public Profile Send a private message to LordVague Find More Posts by LordVague 07-28-2005, 03:56 PM #12 Daxx Forum Member Join Date: Jul 2005 Posts: 29 Location: Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- la.indymedia.org update from san diego indymedia.... http://sandiego.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/110189.shtml 1planet1people | 27.07.2005 22:06 Because there are many media activists that use the site, please leave updates when the server is down. We need to know if it is a hacker, an enemy (patriot act), or a tech problem. You have many people ready to respond, and who immediately looks to the SD indymedia site for details, please don’t leave us in the dark…. Enough said in summary, please respond..... haven't heard anything 28.07.2005 10:07 If it were a SOSMM attack or something, I would have expected that we would have heard about it. I do know that at least one other server was having technical problems for a short while but that didn't involve LA IndyMedia. I also would expect that the "Swarm the Minuteman" effort that ended on the 22nd, I believe it was, could easily result in attacks on the collective's servers in retaliation since SOSMM Stormfront National Vanguard et al. apparently think LA IndyMedia reporters and participants are "Communist leaders" and other bizarre notions, so I'd assume that they would stupidly consider LAIMC a viable response to the "Swarm the Minutemen" thing (which I thought was a dumb idea.) isn't returning ICMP packets so the machine is off the net. It doesn't smell like a net attack since it looks like the machine is turned off. Anoither extremely remote possibility is that this fascism regime seized the server and the progressives in thye collectives are under fascist restraint not to mention it. It's remote because we would have all heard about it by now. }:-} I've also been looking at Portland, San Diego, San Francisco and others and all the South Western Indies are different. LA Indy has people who actually talk about the issues, San Diego participants don't comment on submissions very much, and San Fran participants seem to rarely post comments to submissions. But LA Indy was the best so far that I've seen in terms of up-to-the-minute news covering Los Angeles issues. I could see how that could also cause neo-con stress resulting in desires to attack it. Fredric L. Rice e-mail:: frice@skeptictank.org Homepage:: frice@skeptictank.org Daxx View Public Profile Send a private message to Daxx Find More Posts by Daxx 07-28-2005, 09:04 PM #13 Vamaulius Forum Member Join Date: Jul 2004 Posts: 169 Location: Albuquerque, New Mexico Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note that they singled you out rather than say Baldy or the others, I believe because you are a woman. Vamaulius View Public Profile Send a private message to Vamaulius Find More Posts by Vamaulius 07-28-2005, 09:45 PM #14 DanKorps Forum Member Join Date: Oct 2003 Posts: 1,968 Location: Prince Edward Island Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This movement certainly does need a new Rockwell! Someone who motivates not only whites, but our MOVEMENT to get back on the streets. Heck, Rockwell marched on the white house with less than 100 men & women. We need more of that! Demonstrations send messages. __________________ Triskelion Music! DanKorps View Public Profile Send a private message to DanKorps Find More Posts by DanKorps 07-29-2005, 12:40 AM #15 ARVA Forum Member Join Date: Jun 2005 Posts: 62 Location: Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I believe a new GLR could happen. A Walking Talking Charismatic Knowledgable and ASS-KICKING LEADER. Now that would be something to see for this day and age. ARVA View Public Profile Send a private message to ARVA Find More Posts by ARVA 07-29-2005, 01:15 AM #16 Daxx Forum Member Join Date: Jul 2005 Posts: 29 Location: Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Update on LA Indymedia shut down. Apparently it's a technical problem associated with moving the server. Check this out at http://sandiego.indymedia.org/en/2005/07/110189.shtml tech problem 28.07.2005 14:49 From what I've been told it seems like a technical problem that should be resolved soon. It is nothing to necessarily be alarmed about. Pop moved server 28.07.2005 19:37 the people running the colocation facility moved the server's physical location, and have tried to restart it. i suspect that they messed up the configs in the hardware in front of the server and are having some switching issues. i'll go down there later and see what's up. jk Daxx View Public Profile Send a private message to Daxx Find More Posts by Daxx 07-29-2005, 01:59 AM #17 Todeskampf Forum Member Join Date: Apr 2005 Posts: 483 Location: Re: White Nationalists: 1, Commies: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Quote: Originally Posted by dixieland_delight (the white kid standing behind me in line when I was asking about the Russian class that had a conniption over the WPWW patch- the white kid that doesn't deserve his European roots). There are many other things he doesn't deserve. Quote: Yet another victory for White Nationalists- if anything I'd say this incident brought the local group closer and for me personally, re-energized my resolve to keep up the fight. I don't even know you but I'm just so damn proud to read this. Like someone else said, these ARA and assorted scum types are nothing more than the sociopathic freaks and maladjusted miscarriages of nature who'll go for the "safest" target in order to vent their mental illness and destructive tendencies. What they tried to do to DD is similar to the other psychopaths who harrassed April Gaede and her girls. The thing about human excrement of this type is that they are invariably gutless cowards. Stay safe and proud, DD. You are so amazing.
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by only the truth
Saturday, Aug. 27, 2005 at 9:34 AM
Until recently, Megan Nicole Parigi was residing in apartment on Landfair Ave in Westwood, Los Angeles. She may have recently moved however, as her summer sessions class has recently ended and sightings of her have significantly decreased. This noted absence may also be due to her having received her drivers license (it was taken away for a DUI offense). She often spends her summers at her mother's apartment in Monterey. While her family has not openly embraced white nationalism, she makes no secret of their white nationalist attitudes and leanings. Please, let me stress, you want to be very careful around this girl. I met her several years before she became a neo-nazi. During this time, I learned that she had spent a significant stint in juvenile lockup immediately before coming to UCLA. She also informed me that no less than two psychiatrists had diagnosed her as a sociopath. Predictably she stated that they had no idea what they were talking about, and admitted that she had received no professional help since the diagnoses. Megan Parigi has violent tendencies and will attack with little to no provocation. She delighted in smashing a young man in the testicles with a wooden sword simply because he "annoyed" her. She kicked a boy in the back while wearing steel-toed boots during a friendly pillow fight. She uses her dog (a pit bull) to intimidate others when her own threats are no longer enough, encouraging the dog to “eat” others. She also is a self-described gun nut, and has a cousin in Long Beach with a "miniature arsenal." While these acts of physical violence may seem bad enough, Megan also engages in depraved acts that endanger complete strangers. While working at Haagen-Dazs a while back she would frequently spread remnants of fecal matter on the ice cream she was selling. Why would she do such a thing? Because she was bored and frustrated with the work. It is important to note that Megan is frequently under the influence of narcotics and hard liquor. She abuses these substances on a regular basis. Thus, she may not fully be in control of her actions. This makes her extremely dangerous to confront. Until this girl is put away where she belongs, I recommend staying as far away from her as possible. By the way: you can find her live journal at http://www.livejournal.com/users/meganparigi
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by Leslie
Friday, Sep. 09, 2005 at 10:15 PM
Intel Op Center--
plz contact me
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by mike
Wednesday, Oct. 12, 2005 at 5:57 PM
do you really have nothing better to do with your time than follow some girl around everywhere she goes and destroy her life? get over it.
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by SOS person
Friday, Oct. 14, 2005 at 12:52 PM
I read some posts here, but not all of them and I'm not even going to attempt to. Unless I have lots of free time.
It looks like Dixie said that she's not an SOS member. True, she's not. Just because she held one of our banners, doesn't mean she's a full member.
As much as I see fault in Indymedia, I don't think the actions of those who seek to disrupt Dixie's personal life are reflective of the views and desired actions of all those who participate in Indymedia.
Doing this won't help anything you honestly believe in. Such actions can only make an opponent an even more angrier opponent. What's the point of that? If your views are genuine and worth looking into, wouldn't you rather have your opponents take a look at them instead of performing actions that make them paranoid?
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by Dolo
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2007 at 3:54 PM
Interesting . . . I can't be the first or only person here who has noticed this gal does not appear to be 100% caucasian, right? I saw another pic of her on a counter racism board/project which really looks Latina ( http://www.soychicano.com/forums/showthread.php?t=12855). Maybe she's one of those newfangled anti-immigration Latinas? Although the last names seems Italian. But those who know their history are aware of Italians mixing with Africans, right, lol.
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