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Pacifica Radio Covers Tom Cruise, Scientology Cult

by Fredric L. Rice Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 12:43 AM

Pacifica Radio features three experts on the notorious Scientology cult.

Here's an amazing hour-long audio featuring Tory Christman, Professor

Dave Touretzky and Gerry Armstrong. Christman was a follower of the

cult for 30 years, Carnigie Mellon Professor Touretzky has been a good

solid thorn in the cult's side for many years, and Armstrong was L.

Ron Hubbard's biographer who is responsible for exposing a large pile

of Hubbard's personal documents that the cult's current ringleaders

still try to keep hidden from the public.

The statements by Tom Cruise has given much momentum to another fresh

look at the destructiveness of this criminal, very destructive cult.

Thanks to Cruise's comments, another look at what Scientology's customers

are expected to believe and do -- or not do -- is taking place around

the world where the odd Scientology business offices remain open,

usually after experiencing raids and criminal indictments for espionage

and larceny -- such as in Madrid, Spain.

People who are slowly brainwashed -- at great expense -- into eventually

believing that they are infested with invisible murdered space aliens

called "Body Thetans" can be expected to have mental difficulties, and

exhibit the type of behavior Tom Cruise has been exhibiting. That in

itself isn't actually a problem: people can do whatever they want to

themselves. What is a problem is when they advocate notions that are

dangerous or deadly -- such as Cruise's outrageous statements about not

needing medication to work through physical, emotional, or psychological

difficulties such as those experienced with post-partum depression.

Then the outrageous, totally _wrong_ notions from such individuals gets

looked at and widely denounced least people actually believe Scientology's

bizarre, unscientific, dangerous notions and die because of it.

Professor Dave T.'s web pages I don't recall the URL for.

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L Ron Hubbard Sci - Fi

by Sheepdog Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 1:39 AM

I've seen much of his works in the library. Never read any on it though...

Liked Roger Zelazny or Paul Anderson, Alfred Bestor, you know, the usual gang...

Has anyone actually read his material?

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It's all just...

by fresca Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 2:04 AM

...natural selection.

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good web site

by hubbard was insane Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 3:09 AM

Excellent expose of the cult's activities and weird, wild beliefs:

(Xenu is the name of the galactic overlord these loons believe once ruled the earth and enslaved all our souls).

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Funny Uniforms

by johnk Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 4:14 AM

They wear those funny nautical uniforms. I hear that the Scientology executive offices have portholes in them. Maybe the religion is a hybrid of Star Trek and The Love Boat.

"Space, the final frontier. Come aboard, we're expecting you."

Mr. Roark (aka Khan Noonien Singh, captain of the Starship Atlantian Princess): Tattoo, that's Mr. John Travolta, an actor. He's been typecast as an semi-literate Italian American his entire career. His fantasy is to play a serious dramatic role, wherein he's abducted by space aliens and gains healing powers.

Tattoo: How will we do that? We are on friendly terms with all the species in this quadrant.

Mr. Roark: Simple. We'll influence him with my book, Dianetics, and force him to "donate" all his money. His submission to my authority will allow him to free his mind of past negative experiences.

Tattoo: Isn't that replacing one kind of psychological damage with another?

Mr. Roark: Well... Oh look, here comes the next guest, Mr. Tom Cruise. Another actor, but one with many insecurities. He's short. He's had a learning disability. But his darkest secret is that he's got Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder, a mild mental illness. His fantasy is to overcome his embarassment and feelings of shame.

Tattoo: That doesn't seem so difficult. Look at me, a 3 and 1/2 foot tall Frenchman. I've learned to love myself. How will you make his fantasy come true.

Mr. Roark: I will channel his frustrations into a seething rage against the system that fails to cure him. He will become a crusader against Ritalin. He will do my bidding and destroy mental health as we know it.

Tattoo: That sounds like even more denial and alienation! How can you do that to him? Teach him to be happy, like you have made me!

Mr. Roark: Ahh my little friend, I believe you, too, will find that your feelings of well-being can be fleeting. Happiness is temporary at best, but anger can abide you until your grave. These fine French wines and cocaine I ply you with aren't happiness and self confidence. I think you know this as well as I.

Tattoo: (frowning, stares at feet)

Mr. Roark: (to everyone) Smiles everyone, smiles!

(to Tattoo) Ahhh... our final guest Tattoo. Ms. Kirstie Alley. I remember when she was a sexy Vulcan the last time I saw her. Today, as you can see, she's considerably larger, even rotund. What do you think her fantasy is?

Tattoo: (sighs) to be smaller.

Mr. Roark: Ha ha, yes, of course. Unhappy people always want to be something they are not, but, in her case, it's the social pressures that depress her. No, Tattoo, she wants to be loved by her parents.

Tattoo: I think I understand. Yes, I do understand.

Mr. Roark: Yes, you do. So, for her, I will become her father figure! She will read Dianetics, and submit to my will and wrath. She and I will turn Earth into a battlefield.

(Alarms buzz in background.)

Yessssss. Forward, on to "Battlefield Earth."

We are warriors, and in war, we will find our true selves.

Tattoo: (sulks, depressed, retires to private quarters to shoot self with phaser set on "kill".)

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Has anyone actually read his material?

by H'e'x Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 8:27 AM

I've collected the documents they tried to have hidden by court order and read them

The whole thing is a scam - going from brainwashing to murder.

They stalk and assassinate people who try to expose them, take anyone they can to court as a religion to try to silence them - websites that carry the documents are shut down (I grabbed everything I could from a mirror when yet another site was being shut down)

I read the book itself plus statements from former members exposing the cult plus Ron's notes (as noted above)

It's very bad news

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I've got most of the "secret" documents

by Fredric L. Rice Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 4:16 AM

The "secret" documents were part of the public domain since they were included in an affidavit -- the Fishman Affidavit -- that was filed in Los Angeles. I've skimmed through all of them, and I see that Kairin Spaink won her court cases in Europe so she now has the legal right to retain copies of the "secret" documents on her web site.

I don't mind so much the obvious criminal fraud -- whether it's the larceny or the Reed Slatkin Ponzi-like scams. It's the homicides and maimings that annoy me. The Lisa McPherson murder -- deliberate; they tied her to her bed with towels and starved her to death because she was talking about escaping. She even screamed at them that she knew they were going to murder her and -- 17 days later -- they did, causing a world-wide manhunt for two of the cultists who were snuck out of Florida to avoid answering questions.

The space alien infestation is just stupid, something that they don't tell their customers they're trying to scrape off with "auditing." That doesn't seem too dangerous to me -- except when you get people like Noah Lottick who killed himself clutching a handfull of dollars, jumping from a window after leaving a note stating that this was the only way he could stop Scientology from getting his last few bucks.

And that was _before_ a Scientologist kept taking money out of Lisa's bank account after they had killed her -- though I recall reading a court document, I believe it was, stating that they returned that money at least.

It's the "Narconon" quack medical frauds that maim people and wind up killing them. It's the expionage -- Operation Snow White here in the United States and the sought-after overthrow of the Spainish government in Madrid, Spain -- those are the things that makes Tom Cruise a spokesman for nothing short of organized, deadly crime.

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I have more than just the Fishman doc's

by Hex Saturday, Jul. 23, 2005 at 6:47 AM

a few years ago someone released some internal documents beyond the official court doc's.. the website pleaded for mirrors and within only a day or two was shut down but a mirror was around for only a matter of hours before it too was shut down

during that tiny window before the mirror was gone I had my spider crawl it and I grabbed everything I could and archived it

so I have some additional material that's pretty rare

it looks like this material has now been made available recently but what I have might be more comprehensive than what's available now

(not that it matters much - anyone who wants to look into it can see how corrupt and evil it is anyway)

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Hubbard's previous religious beliefs

by Meyer London Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 5:42 AM

In his classic book about Los Angeles entitled City of Quartz Mike Davis asserts that Hubbard was a practicing Satanist before he realized the money-making possibilities of an outfit like Scientology. Hubbard was also a paranoid right winger, warning his followers that "communists" were out to destroy the Church of Scientology.

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Fresca - is that you ?

by Hex Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 11:01 AM

or does Ned have his hand up your - orifice

wouldn't be surprised

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Hubbard was a Satanist

by Hex Sunday, Jul. 24, 2005 at 11:48 AM

that's accurate when you consider what he's done

I knew a Satanist once in a college rooming house named Bret

I was only 17 at the time and was scared of him

(everyone else in the house was too)

We would have parties and sometimes girls would start to walk in the front door then turn around and run - sometimes screaming - away from the house

Sometimes they would be drawn toward the basement door (which was constantly silently opening it'self yet always squealed when you shut or opened it)

they would run away screaming or afraid..

One time I sat right there in the room at a table where the door was and watched it while reading.

It would stay shut as long as I was looking at it - but when I looked down at my papers *even for 5 seconds* ! and looked up it would be *wide open* ! silently - not a sound in the house

(it did it several times even with people at the table - as soon as no one was looking at it suddenly it would be open in a matter of seconds)

that place gave me the creeps

Bret's room was right off of that wall - his was the closest to it, everyone elses rooms were upstairs

Once he moved out when I walked in that room it gave me the creeps as well - especially the closet

I didn't see him myself but other people who lived there before I got there said he used to do black magic activities in there with most of the stuff in that closet and around it to the window

I didn't know that at first when I walked in there but those were exactly the spots that freaked me out

that and *the basement* - several people freaked out when they went down in the basement - I would get a *very* strong feeling like something was about to attack me when I would go down there...

it was a partial basement too with crawlspaces in some parts with no lights - something *could* hide there in the dark all the time and you would never see it - the dirt was up high from the basement floor so it could pounce on you almost instantly..

I was afraid to be in that house alone - actually was a few times too. One time I was there alone *overnight* - I was so afraid I refused to go downstairs except earlyer that night in the kitchen - I stayed upstairs in my room with the door locked the rest of the night

that night I was just sitting at my work table soldering something I was holding and I had a small power supply and a couple of voltage regulators just sitting there not hooked up (5.V and 12.V) and all of the sudden *everything* blew out (these regulators are supposed to be blowout proof too)

I was so afraid I just sat there thinking - it seemed like whatever was there in that house wanted me to go downstairs (which I would have normally done) and blew out my power supply to get me to

there was no reason for them to blow out - they were just sitting there, I wasn't even doing anything with them at the time..

that's the only time in my life I've ever seen things blow out for no reason

I'm not normally a superstitious person but there was something very weird - something very strongly evil about that house

I examined the basement door closely - the latch, the hinges - I never could understand how it would always squeal (the hinges needed oiled but I left them that way intentionally) whenever a person opened or shut it

I tried slow, fast, lifting up while opening, pushing down, pushing towards the frame, pulling out - everything I could think of and it always squealed..

I tried forcing the latch, pushing, pulling, upward pressure, downward pressure, sideways, in, out - I thoroughly checked it in every way I could think of

Then I went up stairs for a minute and *it was open again* when I came back down - after fiddling with it about 1/2 hour !

So I decided to just sit there about 8 feet away and watch it - it never opened so after about 20.min I got some papers to read - when I looked down for just 5 seconds and looked back up it was *fully open* !

that really freaked me out because I had just examined it and was sitting right there - I was determined to solve the mystery of how it could do that - after I looked up and saw it open I got scared and went upstairs

I never did figure it out

(it was such a strong experience I got goosebumps several times while typing this - 25 years later)

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BushAdmirer on Pacifica program

by Meyer London Monday, Jul. 25, 2005 at 12:40 AM

Good old BushAdmirer. Leave him to point out that the program has no credibility - even though it featured a biographer of Hubbard, a professor who has studied the cult for may years, and a man who belonged to it for 30 years. Surely none of these people would really know anything about the subject of Scientology. A quality program would have featured Ann Coulter and Michael Savage giving their expert opinions on the subject.

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The Jack Parsons history

by Fredric L. Rice Monday, Jul. 25, 2005 at 3:35 AM

> Hubbard was a practicing Satanist before he

> realized the money-making possibilities of an outfit

> like Scientology

Right, Hubbard and Jack Parsons went at it for a long time, engagin in ritual sex magoic in an attempt to create a "Babylon Baby" -- something that Alister Crowley thought was insane and dangerous.

I believe it was Sara Northrup who was the young woman who was involved in their ritual sex magic at the time, and Hubbard and her absconded with one of Parson's boats he was supposed to be selling and they fled together -- Hubbard stole one of his wives from Parson at the same time he was stealing the boat. }:-} contains Bare Faced Messiah but also many of the FBI records referenced in the book.

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BA coudln't address the issues

by Fredric L. Rice Monday, Jul. 25, 2005 at 3:38 AM

> Good old BushAdmirer. Leave him to point out that

> the program has no credibility - even though it

> featured a biographer of Hubbard, a professor who

> has studied the cult for may years, and a man who

> belonged to it for 30 years.

Tory Christman -- female.

BushAdmirer has no credibility so when someone or something else does, we would expect BA to be jealous.

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classic Fresca

by Hex Monday, Jul. 25, 2005 at 4:25 AM

classic Fresca...
anti-christianbigotry.gif, image/gif, 450x318

> Leave him to point out that the program has no credibility

Fresca's hallmark - she was posting as him - he's so sour grape anymore all he posts anymore is everyone's stupid

I guess by trying to push everyone else down that somehow raises him up ?

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