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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 2:58 PM
SOS held their anti-immigrant rally today in Laguna Beach. Seems like 40 or so SOS showed with a sparse counter-demo of about 5-10 folks. Many Socal activists are in Campo right now opposing the Minutemen (Border Patrol Auxiliary?)
 sos_laguna.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
According to the accounts below the Stormfront racists were also there and stood shoulder to shoulder with SOS (just like BP). Once again SOS stands side by side with white supremacists. According to the account below Advocate, Old Preach and other showed up and represented WN (White Nationalists). Earlier this week Old Preach lit up the indymedia board with his over the top stereotyping of African-Americans. Check this thread for details: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/132384_comment.php#132864 Account from “Baldy” http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?p=2024168#post2024168 Loud in Laguna Laguna Beach, California. Idle rich people, artsy fartsy talent shows, a temperate climate and great surf. Until…… White Racists show up! Approximately 40 pissed-off White people showing great displeasure at the Laguna Beach’s funding of a very nice shelter for illegal aliens. Dixieland_Delight and her boyfriend, Advocate (who’s not her boyfriend), oldpreach and a few of Dixie’s boyfriend’s friends represented WN. We mingled a little, made some excellent connections, bonded even more and woke a few people up to the fact that there is a troubled world outside their secure little beach community. There were 4 cops present. One was directing traffic into the Art Festival, two were watching me and one was in a SUV watching everyone else. A White jogger knocked one of the protesters sign down and was quickly arrested or at least roughed up by the two Baldy-watching cops. A bit of excitement in the first few minutes, for sure (see Jogger picture). The browns had a rag-tag group across the broad boulevard who, as it turned out, rely on the protection of the police way more than we do. I’ll leave my dramatic story for others to tell because I’ve been known to inflate my ego beyond the known universe. It was a good day. All the words in the world can not equal 3 hours of protest. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=218614&highlight=laguna+beach Account from Advocate http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3209&st=80 Great rally. After wards some friends and I "marched" into Laguna Beach ("LB") proper to eat and continue demonstrating. I have an 8' by 3' banner, professionally produced with white letters on a navy blue background that says simply: "DEPORT ILLEGAL ALIENS" and underneath it has www.SaveOurState.org. After displaying it at the main rally, I rolled it up and we carried it with us to eat in LB. The restaurant was accross the street from the grassy park between us and the beach. There was already and anti-war demonstration there and we had a 20 minuite wait for a table. Waiting outside the resturant on the sidewalk of a busy thoroughfare, we just unrolled the banner and held it up for traffic until our table was ready. You take your opportunities as you find them. After we ate, we went out and the anti-war group was replaced by an anti-drug war, legalize marijuana group. (!) It's as though they protest in shifts in tolerant, open minded LB. Well we moved down away from the marijuana group after they asked us not to interfere with their gig. There was plenty of room for all and the lady apparently in charge was very courteous in asking if we would consider moving and we were happy to accomodate her. Frankly, I don't want to be associated with pot heads any more than she wants to be associated with "racists" and "Neo-Nazis" so I was happy to move away. What an eye opener. The tolerant, open minded people of LB showed a whole new side. Many motorists were supportive with horns and thumbs up, but some others shouted obscenities and one tolerant, open minded "minority" pedestrian tried to start a fist fight with me. He was some kind of minority with a weird accent I didn't recognize, but not a Mexican. Afterward one of my friends say he was Arab or Middle Eastern. He just appeared out of the throng and started screaming at me. I could tell by the way he faced me directly, exposing the full width of the front of his torso to me that he was just a fat ugly pig with a big mouth...not a real fighter. As he got louder and became more physically threatening (!) I measured the distance and the angle for a preemptive thrust into his larynx. People with crushed larynx's who are gasping for breath quickly loose interest in fighting anyone. Luckily, (for both of us) somebody he was with friend pulled him back. He pretended to struggle with his friend and told me how he would have kicked my ass if someone was not there to stop him. How lucky for me! We marched the same way with the unfurled banner back to our parking area about a mile away. Walking through friendly LB, motorists called us "racists", "neo-nazis", etc. One tolerant friendly motorists slowed down, leaned out of the drivers window, gave us the finger and started yelling with her car still moving. Screaming insults and giving us the finger, she did not see the light change and almost ploughed in to a crosswalk full of pedestrians. I LOVE IT WHEN THEY DO THAT! Except for the fat pig who wanted to fight me and who appeared to be some kind of arab or middle easterner, all the others were white. I guess they don't like the idea of raking their own leaves and scrubbing their own toilets for a change after their pet Mexicans are deported. Well the white Southron's fought a civil war to keep their slaves, why should we think the white liberals will fight any less stubbornly to keep their pet Mexicans.
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 2:58 PM
 old_preach.jpgldhgsj.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
According to the Stormfront post, he represented WN (White Nationalism) today. Way to go, little bo peep, combine this with your racist postings on indymedia and you've really hit the racism jackpot this week. http://www.la.indymedia.org/news/2005/07/132384.php
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 2:58 PM
 a_fun_time_for_all.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 2:58 PM
 sos_organizer_-_ocangel.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 2:58 PM
 happy_guys.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 2:58 PM
 lbpreach.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x752
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 3:05 PM
the accounts of the SOS protest in Laguna Beach were taken directly from the Stormfront website and the SOS website
www.stormfront.org - www.saveourstate.org -
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by antifa
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 5:25 PM
Thanks for the detailed report Next Move.
This summary of events really puts things together. By keeping this is the media, even if it's just this underground site, it's helping people piece together this virulent group. Two recent facts, for folks stumbling onto this page:
* Joe Turner, Executive Director of SOS, incited an assault against a counter protester in 1996, because another counter protester next to him was waving a flag of Mexico. At the time, the counter-protest was tiny, and the anti-immigrant protest was large.
* A minimum of three (out of six or seven) protests by SOS have been attended, in an organized fashion, by National Alliance, a fascist white supremacist group, which has self organized partly because of SOSs efforts. SOS has not fought or truly opposed the facsist group.
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by nazi-killa
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 5:41 PM
..I'm supposed to be impressed by a bunch of ignorant crackers and tio tacos riling up "white pride" in white, upper crust Laguna Beach. Its like the idiots trying to educate the insane. I'm sure many of the pale-faces and their token minority upper class kin took a flyer, said "yeah, no more illegals," then went back to their estate where "Jorge" mows their lawn, and "Maria" cooks their food and wipes their baby's ass. These morons act like they're gonna fill in all those servant positions with crackers--why do you think LB supports undocumented laborers in the first place. Republicans and artsy-fartsy liberals love their cheap labor. The white supremacists at sos and stormfront are the same shit with the same smell. They don't care about economics--if they did they would be taking down the elite instead of kissing their ass.
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by antifa
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 6:13 PM
That "employers exploit day laborers" sign is questionable. I was under the impression that the people made better money on the street than by working for temp companies like Labor Ready.
It's the usual contractor/labor deal. When you're in a situation to be structurally exploited, sometimes, the best thing to do is leave the structure. Then you seek out other's who, like you, are willing to take a risk. The worker makes more money, and the client saves money.
The strucurally exploitative companies have to make some profit, and it gets difficult when the best labor opts to leave the system. So, they will do things to maintain a profit margin; what they do is fail to pay workers, undercount hours, and do a lot of other deception.
This isn't the first time workers opted out of structural exploitation. Back during the Bracero guest-worker program, people abandoned their jobs and went into the day laboring underground, seeking better wages and work conditions.
There were also the runaway slaves, a long time ago.
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Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 7:16 PM
Still smarting from the disaster at Garden Grove., the Progessives fail to do anything to confront the racists at Laguna Beach today.
The supposed liberal residents welcomed the flag waving Save Our State members and cheered a surprise visit by Minuteman Founder Jim Gilchrist.
Such is the Strength of SOS. They have the courage to do into "enemy" territory of Baldwim Park, but the Progessives will not venture into Orange County.
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 9:04 PM
In an attempt at historical revisionism, Old Preach's name has been removed from the account of the Laguna Beach protest written by Baldy and posted on Stormfront.
The copy and paste above is accurate to the original as is the copy/paste of Advocate's account. Nothing was edited or changed by me as was claimed on the SOS board.
The editing was actually done after the fact, by the original poster (Baldy), when SOS's blatant racism was exposed.
Baldy writes this on the SOS forum:
"I put oldpreach's name in the Stormfront list to honor him, as is my way.
Oldpreach is a fine man and I would stand behind him no matter what.
To lessen the outrage from you, I have deleted oldpreach's name from the SF post, but not from our memory.
SOS people are the best and I hope I was of some assistance today."
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by Next Move
Sunday, Jul. 17, 2005 at 9:40 PM
This is taken from the Stormfront message board. It proves the SOS - white supremicist ties. Dixieland Delight who is an admitted member of a Victorville area white supremicist group writes about how willing SOS is to work with them and tells about how SOS has been used as a recruiting tool for know racist/fascist groups like the National Vanguard. She is writing about the Laguna Beach protest. Dixieland Delight writes: "this protest was awesome, and quite telling of how much SOS is willing to work with us and appreciates our presence after BP 2. We've gone from being segregated to our own corner in Victorville to being welcomed, and now a lot of them are interested in attending OUR events" http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=218614&page=1&pp=10&highlight=laguna Yup, I was the one in the black tank top. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/showthread.php?t=218614&page=2&highlight=laguna
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 6:54 AM
Just to make it easy to spot them, look at their shoelaces. The Neo Nazis wear red ones (usually with combat boots). If you look at the girl in the first picture, she is a Nazi. It would be good to start working on intel on these people. We could post flyers in their neighborhoods with warnings to people of color, homosexuals, and people of other faiths that there is a domestic terrorist in their area, and have a picture of their face posted. This would not work for all the SOSers, as only some of them are Nazis. But the non-Nazis could be a danger to people of color. I think it is also time to start organizing protests outside their residences. Any suggestions?
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by Great Idea
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 7:23 AM
 nazidixie.jpg, image/jpeg, 473x612
I agree, it is time to step things up a bit. Here is a poster we could use for the Nazi Girl.
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by stopsosnow
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 7:51 AM
But the non-Nazis could be a danger to people of color. I think it is also time to start organizing protests outside their residences. Any suggestions?
Yes email me
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by Simon P
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 8:03 AM
Indymedia commies!
You mean to tell the world that the Blacks at the Laguna Festival rally were rallying with Nazis?
WOW! Tell us more lies and show all the photos that tell the entire story LIARS!
There were BLACKS and MEXICAN AMERICANS THERE! Why aren't you showing all the pictures? Afraid to show the truth? LOL
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by Nazismustgo
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 9:05 AM
Why not start with the organizer?
/05 LA Times Laguna Rally OCAngel Posted on: Jul 17 2005, 09:13 AM
And I am making a comment at the city council meeting this Tuesday at 3:30. If anyone can come in support it would be appreciated. ----- If the Laguna City Council sees some pictures and postings from the Stormfronters, I am guessing the day laborer site will be there for a long time.
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by deanosor
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 5:22 PM
Why are Nazis allowed to giver full reports on LA indymeida a sif they are regualr people doing regular protests, snd then linking to the white supremacist, terrorist, and just plain vulgar site call Stormfront. This should be removed form indymedia at once.
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by Chop Chop
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 5:26 PM
SOS and the National Vanguard need to be exposed for what they are. . . racists and fascists. A report like this exposes them.
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by johnk
Monday, Jul. 18, 2005 at 5:49 PM
I'll hide that Simon P one.
The main report was a repost by an ally. Perhaps he should have written a little more of a lead-in and then done something to distinguish the story. As we can see, the fascists are starting to realize they need to hide their racism to build their alliance with SOS.
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by michael almeida
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 12:20 AM
anybody can stand "shoulder to shoulder" with save our state. we don't do background checks on who attends our protests. so why is it any surprise that 2 or 3 white nationalists happen to come and lift up a banner? i've never met these people, but if i do at a future event (i missed this one), i'll gladly confront them.
you open-border/communist/anarchist agitators can do all the finger-wagging you want, you can clamor to make guilty-by-association accusations, but it will never stop the truth and the law. the sleeping giant has already woken up, and that giant is the american people.
i will state right here, as an american of latino descent, that i will never stop debating, protesting, and fighting illegal immigration and lax immigration/border enforcement.
viva la migra.
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by lance_sjogren
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 6:21 AM
Well said, Mike.
One big difference between immigration reform advocates and those on the other side is that we condemn the hate groups that try to use our cause for their own despicable purposes, while I can't recall ever having heard an open borders leftist condemn the supremacists that participate in their demonstrations.
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by littlebopeep
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 8:12 AM
It was made know to me, while I was at the border confonting your voilent buddies that were assaulting peopleon private prop at the VFW, that you all were here talking some serious indymedia propaganda.
Well, I really do not care much about what spin you all put upon it all. I have come here openly, and have told you all the full truth every time. Nothing to hide here...we post all this on SOS and you all know it.
If I hold a banner with someone that says 'SOS' on it along with deport illegals, that does not make me a W/N, or a supporter of W/N, or anyother sep. group, including sep groups that you all have no problem with , such as the Brown Berets. You all are hypocrites of the highest order, and I suggest that you are careful from this point forward, becuzz I will not hesitate to file a lib/slander lawsuit if you do not represent the facts correctly.
Again, 1p1p, watch the content of what you allow here. Your consent = publishing = you are legally responsible.
Yes, I am not scared of being know for a stand for truth.
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by Fredric L. Rice
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 8:44 AM
WEhat's interesting is that this time around they have females among them.
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by Next Move
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 8:48 AM
Little Bo Peep, what was incorrect about the story? The material was taken directly from the SOS and Stormfront site with a little bit of commentary added. The fact is Baldy cited "oldpreach" as someone that "represented WN".
Obviously, when someone told him that was a misrepresentation he corrected his post and deleted your name from the original. This story was compiled before the correction was made by Baldy.
He even said in a later post that the reason he added your name in the first place was because he likes you and thinks highly of you.
Show where the facts are wrong and stop with the lame threats. Your name wasn't even given out. How could this be libel?
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Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 3:43 PM
here is another pic of Gestappo girl MEGAN NICOLE PARIGI, standing shoulder-to-shoulder with all of her fellow Nazis from Joe Turner's SOS at the Baldwin Park 2 rally. This PROVES that Turner and the SOS are working for the "4th Reich" . I thought World War 2 was supposed to have ended Nazi rallies!!! click to see the Gestappo girl...... http://images5.theimagehosting.com/bp2_0042.jpg
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 5:32 AM
"Again, 1p1p, watch the content of what you allow here. Your consent = publishing = you are legally responsible."
Just curious, do you think I am in control here or something? I am a media activist, which means I grab my camera, and go report. For as long as your group has been coming here, you don't have a clue to how indymedia runs, or what it is about, do you?
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by littlebopeep
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:04 PM
I know the game 1p. You are basically the mod/admin/overseer here, right ? If so, you are resposible if anyone asks you to do something about any possible illegal doings.
The owner/propri's are at the top of the chain. They are the ones i am really talking to thru you.
Just be careful, thats all. I am not a sue freak....but ruining someone's reputation without the essential facts is criminal, and you can be sued easily.
Basically, i am done posting here becuzz I do not have the time, and there are just so many unreasonable folks that want to get personal with us. getting personal and wanting to go to peoples houses is something that I would never do to you guys.
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by littlebopeep
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:12 PM
I think you got the essetials wrong. Never mind. All that I am talking about is what is still up, and that is that I am 'representing' W/N. Never have, never will.
My full name is on this site, and the connection is being made. This is libel. At this point, it does not effect my life really , so there is no damage. No dame = no case usually. So, can we At least just get the facts right about each other? That is all...
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by Next Move
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:26 PM
I didn't make it up. It was copy/pasted directly from Stormfront (Baldy's post). He changed it after the fact (probably after he saw the post here). If anybody engaged in libel it was him. When stuff is posted on a public forum like stormfront, it is in the public. Copying and pasting it from another website is not libel, even if the author later changes his post.
I intended on using the stormfront post to illustrate the fact that SOS and NV work together (you're name just happened to be there).
Honestly, I think you're probably a nice guy and not a hardcore racist. You're probably a passionate guy that jumps right into the things he believes in just like a lot of us.
I was not aware that your name was on the site here although I did put 2 and 2 together and get your name, etc from a newspaper article about a month ago. I have no intention of posting it.
However, SOS was/is being used as a recruiting tool for the National Vanguard (baldy's group) and that's not cool.
It's too bad you're not going to post here anymore. This is the only place for SOS to engage their opposition on the net, since the SOS site is heavily monitored and not an open forum.
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by 1Planet1People
Wednesday, Jul. 20, 2005 at 8:26 PM
"I know the game 1p. You are basically the mod/admin/overseer here, right ? If so, you are resposible if anyone asks you to do something about any possible illegal doings."
Thats what I mean. To be honest, I have never even met the mod/admin/overseer. I just grab a cam and go, post what I see, hear, and catch on tape. This is an open newswire where anyone can publish the news.
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by stoptheouting
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 4:06 AM
Putting someone's perspnal info on line is not cool at all. Anyone notice the only people outed were the Nazis and the Hispanic members of SOS?
I wonder if a White National in SOS is trying to get rid of the brown members?
White Nationals ARE showing up at SOS events and that is NOT good for anyone.
Notice the one person who was speaking up against the White Nationals has been banned from the group?
I don't want t out her because she is really OK. I talked to her at one of the rallys. She has worked with RAWA for years.
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by stoptheouting
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 4:12 AM
one of the Hispanics you outed has been banned from SOS as well.
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by Act Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 5:58 AM
Outing people may not be cool, but showing up at our place of work and then taking pictures of people wanting to hire us is not cool either. The Nazis are the easy target because they are stupid enough to make it easy, but this is not about political affiliation, it is about your people making it impossible for me to feed my family. You are attacking me, my family, and my people, trying to starve us out, deny us the ability to have an opportunity to benefit myself. I am legally here, and work as a day laborer (choice I have made), and your people attacked me for it (a LOT of us ARE legally here, but you don’t care). I will make a deal with you. If you stop showing up at my work, I will stop telling everyone where you sleep at night. Deal?
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 6:19 AM
Out me to the public and I'll respond two fold... Stop illegal immigrantion and the wholesale discrimination against others that would like to besides the Mexican population. Scream all you want but you know no Caucasian or African or Asian American would be tolerated standing next to you looking for work.
Out me...
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by Next Move
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 6:22 AM
Technically, Next Move didn't "out" anybody. If you pay attention to and/or read the actual material posted in the story here you can see that the L.A. Times actually revealed Baldy's identity and presumably he did so as well by relaying that information to the reporter. I simply put 2 and 2 together.
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by Intel Op Center
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 8:51 AM
We released public information about some dangerous fringe elements within your organization. This is because they present a clear and present danger to people of color. We are restraining ourselves to respect the citizens that may be ignorant, but not "evil". This is not to say that our moles within your organization have not done a great job in collecting data on all of your members. Here is an example:
Donald D. **LVA **Address Withheld** Van Nuys, CA 818-6*1-8**7 (At&t Wireless)
Our file has a lot of information in it about you and everyone else. I do not want to publish it now, but in the event that any of your members do cross the line, we will turn it over to the police and publish it in the news.
The only reason we released this censored info is so you know that we are not stalking people, most of our work on current members are done, the only reason we are leaving the moles in place is to gather intelligence on future members. We need to protect the safety undocumented workers, and have worked hard to do so. When one person chases a person of color down in the street, we will expose that person, and all those that support that person. As you saw, an incident happened, and we reacted. We had this intelligence for several weeks before the assault happened. Therefore, we do not need to find you, we already know, and we are not planning on outing you, so long as you do not cross the line here or in San Diego.
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:58 AM
I'm not Old Preach.
I have nothing to hide, but I'm still alot more cautious in guarding my identity, then the casual internet user.
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by Voice Exposes Hate-filled Indymedia Activist
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:10 AM
< >
I highly doubt you work as a day laborer. You're claiming to do so to claim some legitimacy for your arguments. Most likely, you are a student. If you really did work as a day laborer, you'd know that 90% or more of those at the day laborer centers ARE illegal. Don't take my word for it, take the word of the liberal UCLA faculty whom studied exactly that issue:
Here's the URLs: 1) A News Article - the below is one URL, cut and paste in its entirety[http://easyreader.hermosawave.net/news2002/storypage.asp?StoryID=20025463&IssuePath=news2005/0113]
2) The full UCLA report by professor Abel Valenzuela from the Cesar Chavez Center at UCLA: [http://www.weingart.org/institute/research/colloquia/pdf/DayLaborerStudy.pdf]
You're outright lying, ACT UP. Now, you've been caught in your lies.
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by A Fly
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:19 AM
If 90% are illegal, that means 10% are not. The forefathers in this country said it is better to let 10 guilty people go free than to let 1 innocent person go to jail. I take it you have the opposite position when it comes to lynch mob justice?
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 12:12 PM
> alot more cautious in guarding my identity
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by Voice Refutes the Liars
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 12:23 PM
Here's the solution peabrain: Verify legal eligibility for employment at the day labor centers, then all the legal immigrants and citizens (if any) can freely seek employment, and all the protestors go away.
But it's not about the legals, it is. If you cared about the legal workers, then you'd have no objection to the above. But what you really want in effect amounts to a de facto amnesty. If not on paper, you'd like illegals to have all the same rights and privileges as those here legally, as if they did not break our laws coming here illegally. Sorry, not going to happen.
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by Patriot of all Patriots
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 12:35 PM
What a goof.
Collect all the data you want.
Illegal Mexican immigrant invaders are leaving here very soon.
You really should carefully watch what is going on in the Untied States Congress.
Get out and about a little bit and see what is happening all over the United States. All Americans hate and despise illegal criminal Mexican invaders. The only people who want illegals here are the traitors that hire them. We hate and despise illegal Mexican invaders. Not because of the color of their skin, but they disrespect us, by disrespecting our laws.
You disrespect all law-abiding Americans that follow the rule of law. You are a criminal by association. You associate with illegal criminal Mexican invaders. You support Indymedia people, who aide and abett illegal Mexican invaders. You support this crime and treason againt the American people. You are a traitor and criminal.
You are helping our country to be invaded by a foreign country. You are helping them to squat on my land. The great land of the United States of America. This land belongs to each and every single law-abiding American. Not to Mexicans or traitors like you. You, no longer have a homeland. This is no longer your country and you are not an American. Therefore, you must leave.
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 12:46 PM
Hex, post something about me than. If you noticed, my IP varies, and the trail leads to a few, none Biz addy's. Post something that you think you know. Verizon? hehehe...
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by SOS Supporter
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 12:48 PM
It is is all about following the laws, better make sure you after the violators of these CA laws as well:
1. Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses. 2. Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship. 3. Many animals are illegal to own as pets, including snails, sloths, and elephants. 4. Bathhouses are against the law. 5. In an animal shelter, lizards and snakes are treated under the same guidelines as cats and dogs. 6. No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60 miles per hour. 7. Women may not drive in a house coat. 8. It is a misdemeanor to shoot at any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale. 9. Nobody is allowed to ride a bicycle in a swimming pool. 10. It is illegal for a man to beat his wife with a strap wider than 2 inches without her consent. 11. It is illegal to cry on the witness stand. 12. Molesting butterflies can result in a $500 fine. 13. It is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss. 14. One may not carry a lunch down the street between 11 and 1 o'clock. 15. Persons classified as "ugly" may not walk down any street. 16. It is illegal to pile horse manure more than six feet high on a street corner. 17. Giving or receiving oral sex is prohibited.
Number 17 is real important. We SOS Members will work hard to identify anyone who has participated in violating law 17, I saw we lock them up and throw away the key. Yup, its all about respecting the law!!!!!!!
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 1:32 PM
> Patriot of all Patriots
hhaha .
> If you noticed, my IP varies
yeah but your address doesn't ;)
hey - I'll put it this way
what Intel Operations doesn't know about you I DO..
As you're well aware I like to wait until the time is ripe
So if they turn out to have incorrect information I will be sure to *fill them in*
I already dropped a hint anyway
mums the word
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 1:56 PM
LOL...:) you haven't posted anything. Address not mine. You still have some reason to think that I'm Old Preach. I'm not. I'm a California *Native* concerned about the future of this State, and the soceity in which my children will grow up in. Any more smoke and mirrors Hex?
I'll give you another clue. CGN9. That was given awhile back, and still no one can figure out who I am. Post the city that I live in, it's in LA county.
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by Intel Op Center
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 3:21 PM
Though it is difficult to know who is who on here (mistaken you for littlebopeep), we know who each person in the SOS group is, and all the details about him or her. We do not need to post everyone's info, just ask Don if this info fits, he will confirm it for you. We are now going back off line until we need to come forward again. It is our policy to only post when necessary, as I need to get confirmation from high up for each post I do, and this is the last one I have clearance to type. Just know, we are everywhere, we are in your group, stormfront, and the MMP, and we are watching your every move. You don't cross the line, and you will never know we exist; you do, and well, look on UCLA campus in the first six weeks of the fall semester.
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 3:29 PM
most of the time, but you can't fool me. Thanks for the giggles.
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 4:33 PM
the data I have is completely different but no I won't be giving out - just yet
I already gave as much of clue as I'm willing to give at this time
I decided to get even more data first beyond your name, address and phone #
like an actual picture of where you live or better yet a picture of you
all good things to those who wait !
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by fresca
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 5:06 PM
Hex, when the hell are you going to give it a rest?
You couldn't identify a fucking Black guy at a KKK rally. And I'm sure you've been to a few with your buddies kpc and sheepdog.
Clearly you've been mouthing off about being able to id many people on this board and you're never even remotely close. I know because at different times you've had me pegged as DIFFERENT people none of whom are even remotely linked to me in any matter. AND, I've given almost all my personal info away on the board and you still can't do anything with it.
You must realize on some level how ridiculous you come across. You must.
And now you're at it again.
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:51 PM
 pathetic.jpgl1ic7m.jpg, image/jpeg, 640x480
Gee, with all the picture of the rally, you forgot to post any on your side of the protest. Boy did all the indymedia slackers come out to face us at Laguna Beach. 5 protestors? That's completely pathetic.
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by Voice of a Barking Spider
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 7:56 PM
And the signs you losers brought to Laguna Beach were rather sorry as well. "Vivi Zapata" - whatever, he died in 1919.
"The Police Are Guilty" - this is not Garden Grove, you fools. figure it out. buy a thomas guide or look online at mapquest.com
"Arrest Hal" - same deal, this is not Garden Grove, but a protest about a day labor center in LAGUNA BEACH and its funding from the Arts Festival.
And then there was some crap in spanish. Why learn Spanish? I don't need to get a decent paying job. Too bad you can't say the same for English, huh?
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 9:04 PM
>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>>
I'm not with Intel Ops
the data I have is completely different but no I won't be giving out - just yet
I already gave as much of clue as I'm willing to give at this time
I decided to get even more data first beyond your name, address and phone #
like an actual picture of where you live or better yet a picture of you
all good things to those who wait !
Author: Hex
<<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<< <<<<<<<<<
I'll wait... because the longer I wait, the longer you have to find a way out of your fabrication. This is incredible. Search away. Post whenever you feel comfy. Should I tell you my ethnicity and gender, so you can narrow your search? Wanna know the schools I went to? I spent some time in Bremeton and San Diego, also Great Lakes. Wifi, is god's gift to the secret societies...
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by Hex
Thursday, Jul. 21, 2005 at 10:06 PM
> your buddies kpc and sheepdog.
buddies ?
boy your really in the know
> many people on this board
this is a newswire (despite you trying to treat it as a board for your personal amusement)
> had me pegged as DIFFERENT
list them
ooh baiting again
Well here's Fresca's HATE TEST
Questions for Fresca;
1.) while your having sex what goes through your mind ?
2.) Do any of the thoughts of death, killing and hate that you gloat about thousands of times on here ever enter your mind during the sex act ?
3.) IF SO how do those polar opposite thoughts co-exist ?
4.) IF NOT how do you manage to keep those thoughts out of your head during sex ?
5.) Do you use those thoughts in an erotic way ?
6.) Do you *imagine the person your having sex with IS DEAD* ?
7.) Are you a closet necrophilic ?
8.) Are you overtly necrophilic ?
9.) what percentage of mankind do you wish were dead ?
10.) How often do you have these thoughts ?
11.) Do you ever have fantasies of killing people ?
12.) Do thoughts of death and killing run through your head ?
13.) If so how often ?
14.) Do you spend much time thinking about death or killing ?
15.) Do thoughts of hate or rage occupy your mind ?
I have a perfect score - every answer is no or Not Applicable
Fresca insists we must hate too because that's all she knows how to deal with - I pointed out to her last night sex and love are totally foreign to her as there's no element of hate in them - at least for normal people
on the test Fresca appears to be a psycho - answering yes to at least half the questions
that's why she refuses to - it shows just how messed up she it
since hate is a substitute for sex with Fresca the question naturally begs whether she's a necro..
Tell you what Fresca baby - you answer these questions and I'll release the info I have on you.
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by fresca
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 5:36 AM
" Tell you what Fresca baby - you answer these questions and I'll release the info I have on you."
Now which is it? You claim I've already answered yes to more than half the questions and yet you are dying for me to answer the questions. So which is it?
Hex, you're too deluded to take seriously yet deluded enough to have fun with.
And again, there may be ways to track people simply by reading their posts; given that you don't even have access to an IP address I guess that's called clairvoyance, but clearly you don't possess that skill.
Now, what's on the agenda for you Jewhaters this weekend? Celebrating your heroes' latest attack on civilization this morning?
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by H_e_x
Friday, Jul. 22, 2005 at 7:43 AM
Your thousands of death-kill-hate posts answer the questions but I would like *you to directly score yourself* like I did
evading them isn't answering them...
> there may be ways to track people simply by reading their posts
well again you've got everything mixed up
there are ways beyond IP logging to track people by what posts they read (not by reading thier posts) as was pointed out *I* know how to grab your IP by *just you reading my post* IF I WANTED TO.
For all you know I already have...
But that doesn't even touch upon the info I have on you that again since you won't even score yourself on a simple test (like I did) I will not release..
As to the obvious baiting of Jews, haters, heroes and buddies, you know where I stand on Waste `O time games
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