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by Next Move
Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005 at 3:15 PM
The following was posted on the SOS website and was written by SOS founder, Joe Turner.
Hello Patriots: Since founding Save Our State, I have often spoke of my desire to expand the tent and to work with other demographics with respect to the battle against the illegal alien invasion. Time and again I have expressed my desire to work with the black community. I believe that the third world invasion of illegal aliens is having a catastrophic impact on the black community. Recently, Najee Ali of Islamic H.O.P.E expressed interest in working with Save Our State on the illegal immigration issue. I spoke with Mr. Ali this weekend and he subsequently put me in touch with Earl Hutchinson who is active in Los Angeles and who hosts the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable. The Roundtable is a non-partisan entity that holds regular meetings to discuss important issues in their community. Obviously, illegal immigration is becoming more and more an issue as time passes. Mr. Hutchinson has invited me to speak at the Roundtable on August 20th. He explained to me that he has received tremendous feedback from residents who are angry with illegal immigration and suggested that we will be warmly received by many in the community and at the roundtable. This is a tremendous opportunity for Save Our State and the entire anti-illegal immigration movement. To my knowledge, we will be the first such organization to ever step foot in the South Central/South Los Angeles area. I am very thankful for this opportunity and believe that with respect to illegal immigration that we will find common ground. With respect to activism, Save Our State stands to learn a great deal from the black community and I believe the black community stands to learn a great deal from Save Our State. I sincerely believe that when the history books are written, that this Roundtable will serve as a watershed event with respect to our movement. Furthermore, assuming that our organization is able to partner with the black community on this issue, I believe it will send shockwaves through out the political structures at the state and federal level...shockwaves that will reverberate with debilitating impact upon our opposition in the open borders lobby. More than any other protest or rally, I call upon each and everyone of you to support Save Our State and myself on August 20th. Your attendance will further communicate and reinforce our statements expressing a desire to work with the black community. Although we have members of all races/colors, the bulk of our membership (like just about every other anti-illegal immigration organization) is white. The presence of many whites from Save Our State who live outside their community would send a resounding message and result in an unquantifiably positive impact on this movement and our organization. Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable 3351 W. 43rd St. (Leimert Park) Los Angeles, CA 90043 Saturday, August 20th 10am - 11am Non-member suggested event donation: $5 http://www.saveourstate.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=3480&st=0entry30365
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by Caught Lying Again
Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005 at 5:23 PM
There goes your contention that SoS is a racist organization. Blacks also realize how badly illegal immigration hurts their community. The fact that Blacks want to team up with SoS should effectively end this racist clap-trap you've been lying about all these months. Time to get a day job, losers.
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by Pete Nice
Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005 at 9:30 PM
If this wasn't about racism then why is "aligning with Black activists" an issue. People can be racist against Mexicans/Latinos/Chicanos and still work with Black activists to achieve their goals.
The USA fought along side the Russians to defeat Nazism, does that mean that the USA supports communism. No.
Turner says that most SOS people are White and "live outside their community" anyway, he's obviously a divider by his own language.
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by Hex
Wednesday, Jul. 13, 2005 at 10:38 PM
is killing SOS
they are willing to do anything to worm their way out of it
they've realized since the first protests people will rally 10:1 or more against them when their racist agenda is shown
just like the "other" SOS is trying to wash thier image by dumping them, they are now trying to do the same
"Bring your bats fellas, if we are lucky, we are gonna need them...PING!"
make sure you tell THAT to the Blacks you're trying to recruit
If you're lucky maybe 1 or 2 will join you
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by Caught Lying Again
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 7:59 AM
No, SoS certainly doesn't support communism but IndyMedia sure does. They prove it every time they come out to a counter-rally and bring their communist banners and flags. Scum.
SoS has always made it clear they welcome American citizens of all races to join in the fight against the illegal invasion of the USA.
Problem is, you idiots support illegal immigration so you assume that anyone against it is a racist. That makes you cretinous riff-raff.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 8:25 AM
yeah, yeah: "No, SoS certainly doesn't support communism but IndyMedia sure does."
...dude, do most pitches fly so far over your head?
...don't look now, but you just caught yourself being an idiot...AGAIN.....
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by littlebopeep
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 9:05 AM
I find it refreshingly funny that the indymedia regular types, who have no problem shouting 'racist' at SOS in the streets all while standing under a sign reading ' go back to Europe WHITE TRASH ' now are somehow saying that SOS is trying to 'worm their way out' of their racism !
Face it , you all know that the Brotha will not react to you the same way SOS does. Go ahead and try to crash the meeting ! They will be ready with more than 'baseball bats' !
Of course, I will be ready with only legal self protection devices, and do not condone any voilence, unless attacked or harassed.
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by Frescas Genitals
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 9:23 AM
"Bring your bats fellas, if we are lucky, we are gonna need them...PING!"
nah that's not racist - just ask the *other* SOS
IMC isn't at the border making it an issue - YOU ARE
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by Chop Chop
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 10:32 AM
"the Brotha will not react to you the same way SOS does. Go ahead and try to crash the meeting ! They will be ready with more than 'baseball bats' !"
Way to go with the stereotypes, bo peep. According to Little Bo Peep, who is an SOS (the guy with the red, white and blue hat) black folks will show up with "more than baseball bats" and "not react in the same way SOS does". Why don't you just come right out and say what you mean . . .
Good job spewing racist stereotypes.
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by pragmatic
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 11:25 AM
There is that one big fat half-black half-white or Mexican looking retard with long-johns who supports Barbara Coe and goes on and on about how immigrants will never move him from his land or some silliness like that. He was caught in that PBS documentary about undocumented workers last year and was basically the only person at those anti-immigrant meetings who represent South Central. There are a few other confused individuals in the African American community like Larry Elder and Austin Dragon of the South Central Republican Club (yes, such an entity exists, can you believe it?) But other than that there aren't many people who will be taken seriously, especially after Villaraigosa's victory which brought blacks and latinos together and finally took the conservative black middle class off that Hahn plantation for once.
SOS are no different from other entities like the mass media, the police, and the prison gangs that try to divide the community along color line. First they try to appeal to assimilated Mexican Americans, when that fail they go after the black community in an attempt to exploit black and brown tensions in Los Angeles--and granted given the retarded call for a military presence in South Central by community reacitionaries, there are some ignorant people that might be suseptible to SOS's rhetoric, but they just have to remember what the South did with Blacks that supported the confederacy (they still lynched them and bombed their churches).
Remember, when an African American escaped from a plantation and went North, he or she was also considered "illegal."
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by Fed Up
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 12:08 PM
Reverend John Rankin and Wife." (1793-1886) The life of John Rankin represents a deep belief in the right to freedom for all peole regardless of race. As a Presbyterian minister, Rankin started an anti-slavery society in Carlisle, Kentucky, amidst angry slaveowners. He eventually moved to Ripley, Ohio, where slavery was illegal although many whites in the area remained strong pro-slavery supporters, and risked working as a conductor and station keeper on the Underground Railroad. Rankin lectured across the northern states for the American Anti-Slavery Society, often falling victim to mob-violence. One time, pro-slavery advocates shaved his horse's tail and mane in an effort to embarrass and scare him. In 1829, Rankin established the historic Ripley College, enrolling the first African-American student in 1831.
American Anti-Slavery Society, "Constitution," 4 December 1833
Constitution of the American Anti-Slavery Society
Whereas the Most High God "hath made of one blood all nations of men to dwell on all the face of the earth," and hath commanded them to love their neighbors as themselves; and whereas, our National Existence is based upon this principle, as recognized in the Declaration of Independence, "that all mankind are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, among which are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness"; and whereas, after the lapse of nearly sixty years, since the faith and honor of the American people were pledged to this avowal, before Almighty God and the World, nearly one-sixth part of the nation are held in bondage by their fellow-citizens; and whereas, Slavery is contrary to the principles of natural justice, of our republican form of government, and of the Christian religion, and is destructive of the prosperity of the country, while it is endangering the peace, union, and liberties of the States; and whereas, we believe it the duty and interest of the masters immediately to emancipate their slaves, and that no scheme of expatriation, either voluntary or by compulsion, can remove this great and increasing evil; and whereas, we believe that it is practicable, by appeals to the consciences, hearts, and interests of the people, to awaken a public sentiment throughout the nation that will be opposed to the continuance of Slavery in any part of the Republic,
ARTICLE II. -- The objects of this Society are the entire abolition of Slavery in the United States. While it admits that each State, in which Slavery exists, has, by the Constitution of the United States, the exclusive right to legislate in regard to its abolition in said State, it shall aim to convince all our fellow-citizens, by arguments addressed to their understandings and consciences, that Slaveholding is a heinous crime in the sight of God, and that the duty, safety, and best interests of all concerned, require its immediate abandonment, without expatriation. The Society will also endeavor, in a constitutional way, to influence Congress to put an end to the domestic Slave trade, and to abolish Slavery in all those portions of our common country which come under its control, especially in the District of Columbia, -- and likewise to prevent the extension of it to any State that may be hereafter admitted to the Union.
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by canat
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 12:56 PM
the slave that came from Africa say the sound and let it rummble: AF-Ree-Kah! crasssh! booom ! bang!! my brother who was another his skin as black as mine! sweating under the yellow african sun we suffered the hand of man, our brother man made in our gods image. and yet, we are all his chiiiillldren..
But wait! A land that was free? a land that was lost? you see me? you see me.. the red who shines glow the storm who wills the soul.
this land now.. America! AH-Meer-ri-Kah.. say it loud ! say it Proud!! the blood is free, this blood is you, this blood is me
but the colonial masters mastubaters strokin thier dreams of colonial schemes bringing a new thing of redwhite and green splutt! another lie they try to seperate the brotherhood of man
a law we hold, trueth from above angering colonial masterbaters freedomhaters fry up in the sun like old time forgotten dung the fox is out of the bag he knows his time has run..
so run..then, you old liars, left behind in your lies and don't forget we Know now more because we move beyond the conquistorador's rusty decrepit crown but he dont wanna let it go..
Ah-Meer-ri-Kah never sleeps and holds on vigilant for the liars who tremble in thier living graves of their funeral minds red see's and shines the light...
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by stopsosnow
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 2:43 PM
Why are these guys siding with SOS?
Recently, Najee Ali of Islamic H.O.P.E expressed interest in working with Save Our State on the illegal immigration issue. I spoke with Mr. Ali this weekend and he subsequently put me in touch with Earl Hutchinson who is active in Los Angeles and who hosts the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable.
Is Hutchinson really on KPFK fm 90.7??
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by still pragmatic
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 5:08 PM
The appeal to Ali is a divisive tactic because it comes at a time when Islamic H.O.P.E. is involved in the protest against the racist "Memin" stamp instituted by the Mexican postmaster and defended by el gran pendejo and bush's homie Vicente Fox. So basically S.O.S. is trying to exploit any tension between the black and brown communities in L.A. which the Mexican government is contributing to in their stupidity. GIven that Ali is probably sore from his experience at the Mexican consulate last week, and the lack of any visible support in the Latino community for the black community's oppostion to the stamp (actually, there has been support from Chicano leaders such as Rudy Acuna and others but you wont hear about it on the 5 o'clock news). Mr. Hutchinson on the other hand is a moderate liberal activist and commentator who seems to have the good will of entertaining anybody with his insights on social issues. He is pretty tolerant of the right-wing wackos on FOXNEWS and MSNBC who appreciate him as a guest speaker since he's such a good sport. So it would make sense that he would at least entertain so kind of communication with the SOS people, especially when they are trying to soften their public image in California by separating themselves from Joe Turner and his ilk.
But in the end, history has alreading shown that focusing on immigration is just a red-herring that doesn't really address the issue. Peep the history of the late 19th century and the early 20th and you'll see that immigrant bashing gets you nowhere except spinning your will while the powers that be rape your retirement and send your kids to war. Get a clue.
PS. For the smartass above, slavery was abolished in 1850, but plantation owners were still importing Africans anyways. For some, the other route of escape was Mexico, where slavery was abolished before its demise in the U.S. That's why Mexico's current racism is so retarded too.
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by Chuney
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 8:55 PM
I told everyone that the Baldwin Park protest was going to hurt us in the long run, but the arrogant SON OF BITCHES didn't listen! Once the Africans get into this fray well...................DAMN!
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by stopsosnow
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 2:59 AM
Does not make sense. I see the upside for SOS but the stamp is history. Why are Ali and Hutchinson allowing Turner to do this>
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by stopsosnow
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 3:01 AM
Thank the hubris of some members. Could not see what SOS was doing. They know they can not beat us in the streets. Come on. Just tyring to get video to get their side off the couch,.
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by Fed Up
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 5:47 AM
>>>>>> >>>>>>
PS. For the smartass above, slavery was abolished in 1850, but plantation owners were still importing Africans anyways. For some, the other route of escape was Mexico, where slavery was abolished before its demise in the U.S. That's why Mexico's current racism is so retarded too.
<<<<<<< <<<<<<<
FYI 500000 African slaves where sent to North American and more then 10 million were sent to Mexico, Central and South America...Hmm?
United States Northern Colonies such as those with high Quaker and Presbyterian communities, outlawed the importation of slaves in the 1700's
Mexico perpetuates the hate with an ugly charactor they call a beloved comic ...LOL..
Smart ass says cheerio...it's not a breakfeast anymore it's an expression of goodbye...
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by El Chivo
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 2:18 PM
I just received emails that Ali is not siding with Joe Turner and the SOS. I hope this is the case.
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by activism
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 4:38 PM
Hopefully, Earl Ofari Hutchinson, a well-known and respected writer, was motivated more by a desire to represent all views than by actual agreement with SOS. I don't think he will turn out to be like Joe Hicks -- at least I hope not.
The anti-racist movement does need to respond to this, but I would recommend that we emphasize making sure that pro-Latino, pro-immigrant people are represented on the roundtable, rather than boycotting the event or demanding that SOS be "disinvited".
An articulate and well-informed voice on this roundtable, which can expose Joe Turner for the ignorant, smirking thug that he is, will accomplish more for our cause than any attempt at censorship would.
Obviously, there need to be pro-immigrant people in the audience as well.
There REALLY DOES need to be a coming-together between the African-American and Latino communities. Many African-Americans are justifiably angry over what they see as economic marginalization by other groups, as well as school violence and even racially-motivated killings. (See today's cover story in the L.A. Weekly.) Latinos are half the people in South L.A., so they need to get along with African-Americans AND be present at this roundtable.
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by hudini
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 4:56 PM
...well himmler, what exactly is 'our' 'cause" ?????? the destruction of ameriKKKa?? the disenfracnchisment of aboriginal peoples, to be replaced by 'imposter' 'indios'? the reinstatement of slavery, for the reason that now we have superduper cheaper ' willing slaves from the latin countries?? just waiting for their jobs to be outsourced to asia?? waiting for the middle-classes of America to subsidize the society that everysingle person of poverty is scrambling over the wire to get here.... although they spare no oppertunity to put America down whenever they can...
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by littlebopeep
Friday, Jul. 15, 2005 at 9:09 PM
You know very well that the brothas, with whom I grew up with for some time, eat chicken wings, collard greens, drink forty's and wil NOT put up with the usual antics that are put on by the goonage that shows up to such protests as BP and Alhambra.
The day you muster some black folk down and brown, step back clown!!!
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by littlebopeep
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 8:02 AM
Its a joke son, and you missed it.
I have a great admiration for Black/African American/Americans of African descent. My bestest friend for years was black. So, its all just fun for me.
Tell me that white southern Europeans like me do not like pasta,tomatoes, Italian bread, and hummus ?
Btw, one trip to Central LA (and i have been there many times) will tell you who has the best BBQ ! I know one place on Crenshaw that will deep fry a whole turkey for you anytime you want! I have polished off more beef ribs than ol' uncle Ron Johnson.
I am basically half black by adoption, do don't shizzle my spin dizzle!
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by KPC
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 8:18 AM
peeper: "I am basically half black by adoption,"
...so what's that mean...that you have a license to act like an idiot?
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by beavir
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 1:38 PM
Hello to all the people who have somehow found this article on the web.
I need some clarification, and some feedback if possilbe.
1) " I believe that the third world invasion of illegal aliens is having a catastrophic impact on the black community." - I quoted this phrase from the article. As a Chicana (Mexican/American, for those of you who don't know what Chicana stands for) from Los Angeles very concerned for the well-being of her people, I would like someone to, well, how can I say this, back this up. HOW are illegal 'aliens' having a "catastrophic" impact on the black community? I may be ignorant, but I'm just not seeing the connection. Can someone give some examples.
2) I agree with a comment that was posted about two days ago that pro-immigration activists should be present at the round table discussion. ANY discussion can be positive for the desired group if the opposing voice is not present, so why don't we make this a REAL discussion?!
3) As far as a comment about the Baldwin Park protest being "Stupid," can you tell me why? I happened to be there, and although yes, some comments on behalf of pro-immigration activists were rude and unnecessary, "stupid" is far from the right description. The Baldwin Park presentation was a perfect display of solidarity among Chicanos and Mexicans in Southern California. Building Solidarity in any minority group is a positive outcome in our country.
4) I don't appreciate the comments about FOOD that are found on this page. This is a very serious issue, for my people, and for all involved. I'd appreciate it if people could keep discussions about their apetite in a more appropriate atmosphere.
PLEASE, if you can address any of the four points above, post something. I want to hear from anyone and everyone who has something to say.
- Una Chica de East LA
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by Chop Chop
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 1:46 PM
He's an idiot without a license.
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by johnk
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 9:08 PM
1) Chicanos caused the Black people's economic problems by causing factories to move from the cities of America out to the suburbs and over to Mexico and China. Don't you get it? It's a conspiracy!
2) I hope the discussion is more incisive than Earl's show was.
3) Do you mean to say Chicanos and Mexicans aren't just one single brown group of invading aliens intent on "reconquista"?
4) I love discussions about food myself, but that one above was embarrasing. I wonder how people who are half-Black by birth feel about their adopted ally?
PS - this is a joke. I'm up for real discussions too.
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by littlebopeep
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 9:38 PM
Chop chop...guess i was wrong about you. Go eat another reconquista burger.
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by littlebopeep
Saturday, Jul. 16, 2005 at 9:42 PM
No sense of humor = no one wants anything to do with you .
If you can't laff at yourself, and others when its due, you are really livin a dry life.
Or are you all just jealous of me for always being on the front page of indymedia ?
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by liz
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 8:55 AM
As far as the comment that illegal immigrants have contributed to the loss of jobs in the black community, that is absurd to say the least. If anyone really wants to know why factories moved to Mexico then you should take a class on Globalization. Globalization began with Motorola in the 1970's and soon after many corporations followed in what is called Outsourcing. Get real, latinos & illegal immigrants are not your problem, you are using them as a means to scapegoat. Your goverment has allowed corporations to set up shop wherever they feel they can make a profit. Educate yourself before you turn into a radical idiot that doesn't even know the background of your struggle.
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by johnk
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 12:18 PM
I was just joking.
The SOSers believe that the primary conflict between immigrants and African Americans is that they compete for the same jobs. This is true to some extent, but is based on the faulty idea that they were doing the same jobs in the first place. In fact, they were not, because on the west coast, many African Americans came to work in factories during WW2.
Things have changed drastically since then, especially in the manufacturing sector, with globalization, as you point out. That, more than anything, has impacted African Americans negatively (as it has impacted all working class people here).
The SOS position implies that Latinos caused globalization. (And according to their worldview, they do, because they keep harping on "globalism" as if it's something caused by immigration.)
next time, i won't try to be funny.
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by Chop Chop
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 12:22 PM
I knew you were joking Johnk... I read the subject line of your comment. . . .
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by liz
Tuesday, Jul. 19, 2005 at 12:42 PM
Well when it comes to globalization African Americans, Whites, Latino, Asians, ect...we are all competing against everyone globally (hence, the term globalization). It's not us against them, like you are trying to imply. There is nothing wrong with competition?
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by johnk
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 5:13 AM
It was a joke!
My point was exactly your point, I think.
The SOS's contention is that direct competition is the primary cause of problems. I was *joking* that, "yes, it must have been a plot by Chicanos to cause globalization to happen."
As if that could even happen!
Globalization isn't caused by an invisible hand, and it's not caused by immigrants. It's caused by global business investment attempting to extend their reach.
Emigration and immigration are one of the good side effects of globalization, because it brings people around the world together in ways that force us to understand each other (though some resist it).
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by johnk
Saturday, Jul. 30, 2005 at 5:44 AM
I didn't answer your question about competition.
Competition depends on market conditions.
If there's a surplus of labor, competition drives wages down, and that's not good, unless the labor was very expensive to start with.
If there's a labor shortage, competition for labor drives wages up. Again, that's not good, because it raises prices. It's good for workers, though.
There's another kind of competition that's more important than competition between workers, and that's the competition for profits. Workers need to compete more for company profits, and not let the owners get away with so much.
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Tuesday, Aug. 09, 2005 at 2:45 AM
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Tuesday, Aug. 09, 2005 at 2:49 AM
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