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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
The Garden Gove Police Department conducted themselves in ways that were expected. They protected the racists, and attacked the people.
 21.jpg18qlta.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
This is the continued report (2 of 3).
This next picture shows people from the Minutemen / SOS group trying to ensight violence with the peaceful protestors. It didn't work, but you have to give them credit for trying.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 22.jpggf9gxy.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
They tried and tried again, taunting protestors, inviting them onto private property (so they could get them arrested). These militia types will try any tactic to get a rise from the people, but it simply didn't work. People would verbally engage with them, but not fall victim to their tactics.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
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There is one of the corporate media individuals in the crowd trying to get interviews. I think we should really think about how we conduct ourselves with them. Even though they are biased and usually work against us, there are many people on our side that see these interviews and will respond to the next demonstration. We need to get rational and calm people to talk to them. To appear non-biased (even though this is a joke), they have to put someone on, and if we only give them good solid points, that is all they can use. Yelling at the press does NOT help us.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 25.jpgvbqaxg.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
They guy on the left was from Fox. I watched their coverage, and was surprised to see that it was really the most balanced of all the coverage I saw. Then I remembered that this is the one weird time that Bush and us both didn't like the Minutemen. Really weird feeling!! Of course this is all relative and the coverage for us could have been a little more honest.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 27.jpgv4hdac.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
He went so far that the police stepped in and had to have a stern talk with him. He is a lose cannon ready to go off. Please remember his face and watch your backs around him.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 28.jpgikqvpe.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
At one point he was trying to debate a Native American for the news. I wish people had allowed for this to happen, as it would have made their side look bad. But later in the night he claimed to be opposed to the Minute Men Project and said he was not with, nor did he support the Save Our Street group. I could not figure out who he was, whom he was with, or where he stood on the issues. Confusing!
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 29.jpgvz4bll.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
I don't get these people, but then again look at Rice. There are always a few people who have self hate. I wander if he has any family living in the countries that are being exploited by our government?
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 30.jpgoryhcv.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x267
This is the van that hit the protestors. I guess people know this guy as I saw his name, and phone number on another post. There was a window broken on the car to immediately follow the mad man's van. This is unfortunate as it is likely the reason that the fascist’s charges were dismissed. Though these people are racists, hate mongers, and violent vigilantes, we must remember what MLK and Gandhi were able to do. If we could have stopped this from happening, then the media would not have had a choice except to focus on them as the violent ones. The car window that was broken gave the press what they needed to paint the picture they wanted to paint (though I was enraged as well).
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 31.jpgefskgw.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
The protest has now officially began (it is 7:10). The crazy drive has already hit the peaceful demonstrators (the only thing on the guys hood was the people that were being flung there when he hit them as his wife was screaming racial slurs at them). The police respond by letting the guy give interviews to the press, and then taking him into custody for the cameras (only to release him later). My guess is that they took him down to the station to buy him a beer and thank him for his hate crime. They then bring horses up to the crowd that is chanting, “Arrest the driver”.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 32.jpge9vgiz.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
The lapse in time is because I had to run home to post about the hate crime on here. The hate mongers had expected people to leave once darkness fell. They think this is a game and that we protest just for fun. If they had a clue about us actually not wanting racist vigilantes in our state, they would have known that we would not leave until they are gone.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 33.jpgeixnv4.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x600
We knew that we needed to drum out the hate, and people did just that. Dancing, drumming, and celebrating the people!
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 34.jpgqskrle.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
The police assemble in their riot gear to make sure that these extremists are allowed to plan their attacks on the poor people of the world. I wander if they would do the same if we wanted to plan attacks on rich white men!
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 35.jpg0nmher.jpg, image/jpeg, 400x600
Maybe just upset that she has to fight the types of groups that gave her the right to vote, the right to be a police officer, and the right to equal pay. If her side wins, she loses.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 36.jpgyfyygj.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
It is now 8:56 pm and the protestors are still here, still remaining peaceful, and marching to blockade the racists in the parking lot.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 37.jpgqmqad5.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
Notice the orange canisters they are carrying, that is mace. They are beginning to assemble at the back entrance.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 38.jpgqquusu.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
They used the horses to walk into the crowd, endangering the peaceful protestors.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 39.jpggdggww.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
I missed the important info on this cop (face, badge number, etc.) and I apologize for that. He was taunting people with the mace, looking for an excuse to use it. It is now 9:00pm
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
 40.jpgyvigjo.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x400
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by deanosor
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 3:59 PM
The police of Orange County are like the police of Birmingham, or the police of India. It's not the righteous breaking of fascist's windows that got the police drop the charges against the driver. It's that the police are on the Minutemen's and other right-wingers' side. In fact in many cases they are the same people. Find how many of the Minutemen are retired "law enforcement". Ghandi and MLK were proponents of non-violent action and soem fo suppport what some people deem "violent action",whihc in this case is self-defense. A right-winger tries to kill some demonstrators, and all people do is break his windows. That's restraint.
As far as talking to the media is concerned, you tell them your story. Don't embellish and don't lie. Just talk naturally and clearly. Don't expect them to be on your side, but do it anyway. By the way, Fox local stations are often the best at locla news. Amongst other reasons is they have a full hour to fill at 10pm.
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by Unbiased_Va
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 2:07 PM
I know from personal witnesses that this report is completely fabricated! Hal Netkin's car was being attacked, his car wipers were torn off and his windows were being pounded on. His car was surrounded by yelling and some violent protestors...so in fear of not being taken out of his car as in previous riots. Hal Netkin slowly tried moving away. All injuries were exaggerated and nothing was serious. The reason he was not charged is because he did nothing wrong. He was a scared old man. The protest was out of hand... it is a shame that those who were hurt because they couldn't protest peacefully. If your car was surrounded and people yelling and beating down on your windows... I ask you, what would you do?
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by Unbiased_Va
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 2:08 PM
I know from personal witnesses that this report is completely fabricated! Hal Netkin's car was being attacked, his car wipers were torn off and his windows were being pounded on. His car was surrounded by yelling and some violent protestors...so in fear of not being taken out of his car as in previous riots. Hal Netkin slowly tried moving away. All injuries were exaggerated and nothing was serious. The reason he was not charged is because he did nothing wrong. He was a scared old man. The protest was out of hand... it is a shame that those who were hurt because they couldn't protest peacefully. If your car was surrounded and people yelling and beating down on your windows... I ask you, what would you do?
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 2:38 PM
I have done research of this guy, and it seems he comes from a multi-cultural background. I can only report eyewitness testimony (that is what the news does),and I did just that. Now the report from the young man injured was that he heard a woman yelling racial slurs at him when he was struct by the car. And it was a man driving. With everything happening so quickly, it is possible that slurs came from your crowd of racists, or that he mistook the man as a woman. I reported it the way it sounded. With that said, it was the Executive Director of the legal guild that was flung on the hood. No one is going to believe that he attacked your car, they are observers, and they have worked with hundreds of thousands of people in the Southern California area, with thousands of issues. You can try to claim he was "attacking you" all you want, the judge is going to laugh you out of the court room. These people are lawyers, they need to witness stuff because they either represent us, or they testify for us when we are falsely arrested. They do not engage in protests, and they do NOT attack people. To even claim that he "jumped on his van" is so unbelieveable, I would need video to disclaim it. Just because the cops sided with him, does not mean he was being honest. Your side will create your own relaity and say what ever sounds best at the time. Kind of like you guys saying I faked pictures. Bet you didn't expect me to have the video footage to PROVE you wrong. See, you guys are always looking the fool. Your sign should have read, "Welcome to Wonderland" The claim that they were faked. Every right wing wacko was so convinced that it made it to all these websites saying, "Indymedia Exposed" http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127222_comment.php#127276 My proof that you guys are fools. Do your homework next time. Just like the van, you create your own relaity and then call it the objective truth. http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127222_comment.php#127471
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by 1Planet1People
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 2:45 PM
This is not like me, but I just published the unedited version of my response. I will usually just say, oh well, but there are things added that I wanted to say. So please disregard the last post for this one………. ********************************************* I have done research of this guy, and it seems he comes from a multi-cultural background. This does not mean he is not racist, but does bring up questions why he hates Mexican’s so much (he runs two hateful websites against Pro-Mexican/Immigrant Policies and People). When it comes to a story, I can only report eyewitness testimony (that is what the news does), and I did just that. The statement I took was from a direct interview he gave to Channel 2 News that night. I would not have run it, except I saw it come from his mouth. Now the report from the young man injured was that he heard a woman yelling racial slurs at him when the car struck him. And it was a man driving. With everything happening so quickly, it is possible that slurs came from your crowd of racists, or that he mistook the man as a woman. I reported it the way it sounded. With that said, from what I understand, it was the Executive Director of the legal guild that was flung on the hood. No one is going to believe that he attacked your car, they are legal OBSERVERS, and they have worked with hundreds of thousands of people in the Southern California area, with thousands of issues. You can try to claim he was "attacking you" all you want, the judge is going to laugh you out of the courtroom. These people are lawyers, they need to witness stuff because they either represent us, or they testify for us when we are falsely arrested. They do NOT engage in protests, and they do NOT attack people. To even claim that he "jumped on his van" is so unbelievable, I would need video to prove it. Just because the cops sided with Hal, does not mean he was being honest. Your side will create your own reality and say what ever sounds best at the time. Kind of like you guys saying I faked pictures. Bet you didn't expect me to have the video footage to PROVE you wrong. See, you guys are always looking the fool. Your sign should have read, "Welcome to Wonderland" The claim that they were faked. Every right wing wacko was so convinced that it made it to all these websites saying, "Indymedia Exposed" http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127222_comment.php#127276 My proof that you guys are fools. Do your homework next time. Just like the van, you create your own relaity and then call it the objective truth. http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127222_comment.php#127471
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by someone
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 9:13 PM
Incite, not "ensight"
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by johnk
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 9:25 PM
All this "they did this" and "they did that" accusation reminds me of that Runaway Bride fabrication. When someone screws up, point the blame at the guy lowest on the social ladder. Blame the Black Guy. Blame the Illegal Immigrant.
Yeah, the loud activists.... they gotta be to blame, because they're so.... upsetting.
And so many people believe it, because they have nothing but their fear to trust. Keep them afraid with more fear mongering, and they'll believe anything.
it's dark times, but truth is the light.
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by Apache
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 9:37 AM
"The exits are peacefully blocked"
It's an intimidation tactic. It's also a form of terrorism. If you restrict a person's ability to get away, you are holding them prisoner, it's unlawful for a reason. If you were surrounded by a throng of old men, (which is what they are) and they wouldn't let you leave, you would go through the goddamn roof.
If I see one more person bitching and whining about rich, white (American) men I'm going to scream. How about looking at the BILLIONAIRES running Mexico right now. I know it’s hard to do, considering that country operates like a Suisse watch and doesn't have any culture of rampant corruption at all. If you wouldn't mind casting your narrow gaze southward, you might notice the WHITE MEXICANS (of European extraction) who are exploiting the BROWN MEXICANS (of indigenous heritage) by allowing generation after generation to live in utter poverty and squalor. You’ll notice something most of the people on this board are constantly screaming about. Want a hint? Here, I’ll put it in caps for you. It’s…
See? Si? Understand better now, dumbass? Kind of like looking into the sun, isn't it? If you want to start somewhere, start there.
Oh, and for the record, it's "wonder," not "wander," you ignoramus.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 10:33 AM
Netkin was released after police watched a videotape that showed protesters surrounding the vehicle, banging on it and refusing to move, said Garden Grove Police Lt. Mike Handfield. About 300 protesters at the scene were “trying to intimidate him and refused to let him pass,” Handfield said. By night’s end, five demonstrators had been arrested.
The protesters blocked the entrance and tossed soda cans and cans packed with marbles at police and attendees, Handfield said. They kicked, banged and threw rocks at cars; some wore latex gloves and hoods so they wouldn’t be identified by police, Handfield said. Some attendees decided not to enter the building because they feared violence.
Unbiased OUT
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by The MorrÃÂÂgan
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:06 AM
Reality check: the cops say they have a video that exonerates them, so it must be true. Who's seen it? You, "Unbiased"?
We have witnesses, the cops have Handfield, so, according to the "Unbiased" comments, the demonstrators are liars, the cops are telling the truth.
"All politics put aside" my ass. Politics according to Unbiased_Va are that the police must be right be telling the truth because they're the police. I don't know anyone who's fallen for that one in forty years, except a few yokels up in the hills.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:13 AM
I just want everyone to know that all photos are real... I used poor word usage by saying doctored... I meant to mean one sided... nonetheless... I'm sorry to 1planet , ...his photos are 100 percent real!!!
Unbiased OUT
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by The Enquirer
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 3:22 PM
>>"It's an intimidation tactic. It's also a form of terrorism. If you restrict a person's ability to get away, you are holding them prisoner, it's unlawful for a reason. If you were surrounded by a throng of old men, (which is what they are) and they wouldn't let you leave, you would go through the goddamn roof."
AND especially, down with any WHITE HAIRED border vigilanted.
>>"If I see one more person bitching and whining about rich, white (American) men I'm going to scream. How about looking at the BILLIONAIRES running Mexico right now. I know it’s hard to do, considering that country operates like a Suisse watch and doesn't have any culture of rampant corruption at all. If you wouldn't mind casting your narrow gaze southward, you might notice the WHITE MEXICANS (of European extraction) who are exploiting the BROWN MEXICANS (of indigenous heritage) by allowing generation after generation to live in utter poverty and squalor. You’ll notice something most of the people on this board are constantly screaming about. Want a hint? Here, I’ll put it in caps for you. It’s…
>>"See? Si? Understand better now, dumbass? Kind of like looking into the sun, isn't it? If you want to start somewhere, start there. "
Tear down the borders to build an global indigenous resistance against all European racism! And the church too!
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by Feedbreaker
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 4:44 PM
Division engineering among the exploited is another tool of the criminal structure. Bridges, not walls are needed. Allies not enemies will turn the resistance. We are freemen.
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by 1Planet1People
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 9:49 PM
Please don't blame all whites for the problems. There are many of us that are on your side. I just want to state as clearly as possible, that there are many European-Americans that understand that this land was stolen from natives, and that we understand the struggles caused through racism, and that we are on the side of those who have been fu*ked over the last 500 years. Spain first screwed the people, then, Mexico tried to fix the problems, but before things could be corrected, red necked bastards wanted the land, and the Amerikkkas backed them. Though we are few, there are those of us willing to go to the line to restore justice. Please don't hate those of us willing to fight the system for you and with you. Though, it is VERY likely that one of those racists a55holes posted the post that divides people, we will not be divided. This is a struggle against the powers that be, and we, as citizens of the planet earth; we beat these powers. All power to the people!
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by cult of anzaldua
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 1:04 AM
"Voyager, there
are no bridges, one builds them as one walks."
"The actual physical borderland
that I'm dealing with in this book is the Texas-U.S., Southwest/
Mexican border. The
psychological borderlands, the sexual borderlands, and spiritual
borderlands are not particular to the Southwest. In fact the Borderlands are physically
present wherever two or more cultures edge each other, where people of
different races occupy the same territory, where under, lower, middle
and upper classes touch, where the
space between two individuals shrinks with intimacy"--Gloria
Anzaldua. Second Edition, with a new introduction by Sonia
Saldivar-Hull, author of Feminism on the Border, and an in-depth
interview with Gloria Anzaldua.
"What we say and what we do
ultimately comes back to us so let us own our responsibility, place it
in our hands and carry it with dignity and strength."
One interviewer asks, "So what did you have to do in order
to be true to [God]?" Anzaldua replies, "Believe in him, and this is the
great rip off: All religions impoverish life because
they renounce it. They
especially divorce the flesh from the spirit or the mind. To me, it always seemed like this
division is where the oppression of myself as a woman, as a lesbian, as
a brown woman, as a working-class woman comes in. To me religion has always upheld
the status quo; it makes institutions rigid and dogmatic"
"Most people my age or younger have
burned out and become disillusioned. It's the pits right now. Many young people of color have no
hope, do not see alliances working, do not see white people reaching out,
and do not see the possibility of
white people changing perspectives or allowing change to come
into their lives, but I do"
Interviewer: Well, I think
that many people do feel a powerful connection to what you wrote. And
it says a great deal about how you said it, that it has this effect on
Anzaldua: I think what's
probably one of the riskier things that I did in Borderlands/La
Frontera was to open up the
concept of mestizaje, of the
new mestiza and hybridity, to be non-exclusive, to be inclusive of white people and people from other communities.
And the risk was in having
again Euro-Americans take over the space. And I don't think
that's happened very much. I think it has happened with these people
with the short-term memory who forget to cite, but I think most of the
critics and the readers have been very generous with me.
"I am playing with myself,
I am playing with the world's
I am the dialogue between myself
and el espiritu del mundo.
I change myself,
I change the world."
Anzaldua: I think it began when I graduated from
high school. I went to college off and on--I would work a year
or two and then drop out for a year or two so that I could save money
so then I could go back to work. And I was doing my student teaching,
and I was still working in the fields when I got my B.A., on weekends.
I began to teach after I got my B.A. and I began to go to grad school
to get my M.A. in the summertime when the public schools were closed. And I think that's when I started
articulating the scholar, the philosopher,
the breaking away--the breaking away was after high school. And
I literally left south Texas, went to Denton, which is north of
Dallas, eight, nine-hundred miles--to get away from the constricted,
cage-like thing in my family and my community. Then I had to leave Texas completely in
order to really allow myself to become who I am, and to experience other realities
and other worlds and be part of other communities. I had to
literally leave the state and my community. In some ways I've become estranged
from it; but in other ways I've become closer to it.
Interviewer: I would
like to follow up on part of what you're saying here in terms of a
comment that you made in an interview with AnnLouise Keating. You
mentioned that your lesbian perspective had evolved. Can you say
something about what that perspective means to you now, and how it
influences your writing today?
Anzaldua: Yes. It has to do with the terms
and labels of identity. When I was growing up in south Texas the word "queer" was very much what we called these
people. Or "de las otras," which means "of the others,"
that I wrote about in Borderlands. Marimachas and
marimachos, jotitas, jotas, tortilleras: these were labels and terms in
the Chicano working-class community that I grew up in. When I went and
left home and became part of the women of color community and came out
as a lesbian, I started not liking to use the word "lesbian." When I would dialogue
with myself or with other women of color, I would use "dyke" or "queer." And then with
Chicanas I started using the word patlache.
And patlache is a Nahuatl word that means "dyke," "lesbian." And I started seeing that what the
white lesbian community was imposing on me was a Eurocentric view,
a label that derived from Greece, Sappho, and was very white and that I
wanted to articulate my queerness because it was different from their
queerness and so I needed a different kind of language. And when I came
out, the only community there for me were a few Chicana dykes and the
white lesbian community, so I embraced their books and their theories,
and the way they dressed and everything. And I think all of us do this,
we go with--if you're a dyke of color and there's not enough in your
community, you.... So I feel very close to the white dykes, and I have
a love of them and their community and their art and their writing and
their theories, but it began to
be very constrictive in that I thought I was in a cage and they were
defining the bars; and I needed to break out of that cage, just like I
needed to break out of the cage of my family and the nationalistic cage
of just being a Chicana and nothing more. I didn't want to just
be a lesbian and nothing more. In the first place, I wasn't a lesbian, because a lesbian
is somebody who is white and middle class. And so I started chafing at the boundaries
and limitations set by the white lesbian community and I
particularly started resenting the writing agenda--if you're a dyke,
you only write about this content. So I would be put into that
constraint both by heterosexual, Eurocentric society as to what a dyke
writer was, and also by the lesbian community into what a lesbian
writer was supposed to write about and be.
there are no bridges, one builds them as one walks."
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by cult of anzaldua
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 1:08 AM
That "Apache" guy is on the MM side.
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