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Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 5:52 PM
Two people were run over by the minute men.
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Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 5:52 PM
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Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 5:52 PM
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by Latinos Unidos
Thursday, May. 26, 2005 at 7:16 PM
Please post a story about the protest against the Minutemen in Garden Grove.
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by Hellfire USA
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 7:14 AM
These pictures have been touched-up with a photo program. There were no actual skid marks at the scene. I have video and eyewitness confirmation of that. Whoever took these photos added the skids marks for dramatic effect. I have also had to photoshop users confirm this photo is faked. This proves the lies and fraudulent nature of the protestors. You've been discredited.
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by SWARM the Minutemen
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 8:23 AM
SWARM the Minutemen - May 27th to May 29th (2005) We invite people from all over the world who oppose racist violence to join the Electronic Disturbance Theatre action on May 27th, 28th and 29th, 2005 to engage in a virtual sit-in on the MinuteMen website during their "Unite to Fight" Summit. // SWARM the Minutemen Invita gente desde todo el mundo quien estan contra la violencia racista a una el accion de Electronic Disturbance Theatre en el 27, 28 y 29 de Mayo, 2005 para un "virtual sit-in" el el sitio de web de los MinuteMen durante sus conferencia de "Unate para Pelear". Complete call to action here: http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127112.php For more info see http://swarmtheminutemen.com/
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by sean
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:27 AM
this fiasco isn't about people protecting "their country" or "their borders" this is about wacko right-wingers with too much time on their hands.
when people from s. america or other countries come to america it's not because they're out to steal our jobs or breed with our women or whatever you crazy middle america wackos believe. they come here to better the lives of themselves and their families. they are willing to travel thousands of miles to escape political persecution, hunger, poverty, etc. they are rational enough to realize that the u.s. provides access to more opportunities than they would ever experience than in their home countries. they are intelligent people who want a better life. i simply cannot find anything wrong with this.
i find it completely freakin insane that we have hundreds to thousands of people patrolling down there in the south west to prevent some of the most economically productive, family oriented and god loving people [in the world] from entering our great country! this is insane.
my ancestors came from ireland generations ago. surely they were persecuted in a north eastern harbor city for the same reasons that foreigners are discriminated against today. as time would show, the irish have now spread to every rank, facet, tier, occupation and religious affiliation in america.
i implore the "minute men" on the border to 1.) get to know the "heathens" they're trying to prevent from coming here. You might be surprised how much we all have in common. whether we speak to them in spanish, spanglish or english, there's so much to learn from one another. 2.) travel to various s. american countries! find out why these people want to leave their native lands.
hope this helped.
god bless all of you.
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by o
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:47 AM
racists are going to die if they attack.the earth is waking up.
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by KPC
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 10:58 AM
...yeah, you crybabies, you only got hit by a minivan...
...it isn't like it was something lethal....like a water bottle.
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by Latinos Unidos
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 12:28 PM
Thank you very much for your photos and your report. You made the front page of US Indy Media: http://indymedia.us/en/index.shtml
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Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 12:59 PM
Sean suggested "travel to various s. american countries! find out why these people want to leave their native lands."
I have. These countries don't have the US Constitution, instead they have extensive corruption, oppression, and racism. That is why these people leave their native lands.
To solve this, instead of bringing all these people to the US, why not bring the US to them? I think the US should annex Mexico and Central America. After all, that is what they want isn't it? US equal rights, opportunity and the rule of law instead of extensive corruption. Let's give it to them in their native lands.
At the same time of course this would erase borders like everyone here seems to want.
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by Cesar
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 2:09 PM
As always, what right wingers lack in knowledge they make up for with bile. If you think Latin America is currupt because they don't have constitution then you know only what your racist jr. high school history text told you. Here's a list of where to bone up your understanding: Monroe Doctrine; Neo-Liberalism; "Free Trade Zones;" Arbenz; the Sandinistas; Arch Bishop Romero; the School of the Americas; NAFTA; Eduardo Galeano; and battalion 316. But I know you probably wont. Its to easy to continue talking out of your ass when thats where your head already is.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 4:44 PM
When I posted these, I only had time to put them up right from my cammera and did not have time to even resize them. You can also look at the timeline in my photo essay of the events. There was simply no time to do any faking. Here is the original post.... http://la.indymedia.org/news/2005/05/127213.php Next time do your research. When your claims are so easly proved wrong, well it makes you look like an idiot.
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by 1Planet1People
Friday, May. 27, 2005 at 11:05 PM
RealVideo: stream with RealPlayer or download RM file (5.5 mebibytes)
This proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the skid marks are NOT faked! These right wing wackos will ignore the truth even when it is staring them in the face.
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by KPC
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 9:03 AM
....whadda douchebag....probably can't even see over the steering wheel unless you sit on a phone book or two....
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by johnk
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 9:18 AM
(My hand is messed up, so this is short.)
Normal citizen consumes public and private resources from 0 to 18 years old. Is a productive worker from 18 to 70. Then consumes, and dies.
Immigrant... consumes resources elsewhere until they migrate. Then they are productive until 70. Then consumes, and dies.
"Illegal" immigrant... consumes resources elsewhere until they migrate. Then they are productive while here. Then they leave, and die elsewhere.
All people of working age support themselves, PLUS all other people who are consuming without producing.
Therefore, before adjusting for anything like public health costs and money sent home, "illegal immigrants" start off as the group contributing the MOST to society, and taking the least.
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by johnk
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 9:22 AM
His dad was an American. He was educated in America. He's a conservative neoliberal. He even seems to have a little of the old White supremacist in him with that comment about African Americans.
Why don't the MM love him?
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by hector
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 10:48 AM
Six foot four, 240 lb. "coconut", with nice clean shaved head, proudly holding the US flag. Look me up the next time.
You anarchists, Aztlan comic book heroes, morons, socialists, liberals ... but I am repeating myself! You fellows seem to be a bit antsy these days?!?!
Bet it's just the skidmarks in your BVDs from the Santa Ana police horses ...
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by TioTaco
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 11:37 AM
Alvin York
Hector -Right on!
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by S. Duncan
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 5:50 PM
Your Irish ancestors most likely used a legal port of entry. Illegal aliens have not followed the laws of our land. This is an important distinction to make.
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by johnk
Saturday, May. 28, 2005 at 9:10 PM
That word "wop" is an acronym for With Out Papers. It was used in reference to Jews, Italians, and Irish. Later, it stuck to the Italians.
I've worked with some European illegal aliens, so, get over yourselves.
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 4:03 AM
For years, we allowed as many people from places like Ireland to come here as wanted too. Hell, they 'paid' my family to come. The difference, we were white and mexican's aren't. Time to balance things out,
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by tomot
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 10:10 AM
the one[s] that advobate violence as anything but self defense are usually the ____________________________ ( fill in agency or dept. ) thank you. this is real, not a drill. thank you.
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by nike chiapas
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 11:12 AM
"Stupid, violent, hypocritical, retarded libs can go f*ck themselves."
Liberals ain't violent.
Stupid muhfuka can't even get his stereotypes right.
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by 1Planet1People
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 3:22 PM
I have to disagree. Clinton was a liberal, and he was very violent. Matter in fact, most democrats and republicans that make it to Washington are terrorists, or at least support them.
That said, I agree when people start talking about violence, they are usually a cop trying to set up a place to get busted. They try to justify harassment by posting something that would give them the excuse.
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by Legal Immigration is not "hatred"
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 5:19 PM
So there are day old skid marks....did you notice they dont match the body positoin.....and if someone were doing fast enough to produce skid marks like that....there wouldn't be anything left of that "legal" protestor to pick up.....
In your own words.....these left wing nuts will do anything.......
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by Joe
Sunday, May. 29, 2005 at 7:26 PM
Uh, guys. Those aren't skid marks. Sheesh.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 10:38 AM
With only one person with "minor injuries"...and video tape proving hal's innocense... whats your case? The police our on Hal's side.... Go ahead and preach conspiracy...the worlds out to get us now....
Netkin was released after police watched a videotape that showed protesters surrounding the vehicle, banging on it and refusing to move, said Garden Grove Police Lt. Mike Handfield. About 300 protesters at the scene were “trying to intimidate him and refused to let him pass,” Handfield said. By night’s end, five demonstrators had been arrested.
The protesters blocked the entrance and tossed soda cans and cans packed with marbles at police and attendees, Handfield said. They kicked, banged and threw rocks at cars; some wore latex gloves and hoods so they wouldn’t be identified by police, Handfield said. Some attendees decided not to enter the building because they feared violence.
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by The MorrÃÂÂgan
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:03 AM
Reality check: the cops say they have a video that exonerates them, so it must be true. Who's seen it? You, "Unbiased"?
We have witnesses, the cops have Handfield, so, according to the "Unbiased" comments, the demonstrators are liars, the cops are telling the truth.
"All politics put aside" my ass. Politics according to Unbiased_Va are that the police must be right be telling the truth because they're the police. I don't know anyone who's fallen for that one in forty years, except a few yokels up in the hills.
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by Unbiased_VA
Monday, May. 30, 2005 at 11:16 AM
I just want everyone to know that all photos are real... I used poor word usage by saying doctored... I meant to mean one sided... nonetheless... I'm sorry to 1planet , ...his photos are 100 percent real!!!
Unbiased OUT
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by Rev. Vegan Stephen
Tuesday, May. 31, 2005 at 10:23 PM
Hmm… no… your not racist, not at all...
Lets see,
“we know what YOU ARE up to” “take the race card and shove it up your Mexican ass” (not just ass mind you) “loyalties… mexico” how does he know your Hispanic, Mexican, etc. and where your loyalties are? “southwest us back, its ours, it belongs to America” just another asshole who things the term America belongs to the USA what a dip-shit
“minutemen on the boards of all states?” Got news for this guy… We already know your coming to Texas, and where gunna give ya’ll a warm welcome you aint never gunna forget! So HA HA HA TO YOU BITCH!!!
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by John
Wednesday, Jun. 01, 2005 at 9:21 AM
I don't give a flying fart ... they got off lucky.
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by Alexandra
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:45 AM
This country was formed by immigrants, therefore every single "American" is an immigrant, including the natives who crossed the Bering Strait thousands of years ago. Duh.
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by fresca
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:51 AM
The key word is "illegal".
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 10:58 AM
...define "illegal immigrant" shitpile....
...already I can see the BLAH BLAH BLAH spewing forth...can't wait to see THIS dance...
...you are like an organ grinder's monkey, only uglier and more stupid.
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 11:01 AM
...c'mon...put down the Cheetos (capitalized of course!)
...snap snap!
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 11:09 AM
...c'mon shitpile...don't waste you time on BLAH BLAH BLAH...
...Can't keep up?
Not surprising. How can you do what needs to be done, when your a coward and a bleeder.
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by fresca
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 11:24 AM
I guess there are a few or more ways for a person to be here legally. Visas, green cards, resident alien status to name a few.
So being here without a single one of them would pretty much make one illegal.
Don't tell me...you're not one of those quaint, "no human being is illegal" jackasses are you?
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by canat
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 11:51 AM
alexendra, you sound nice enough. so i'll go easy on your tits. those ancestors of mine that you say are immigrants, who supposedly "crossed" into here( the American Continants); have absoulutly no simularity, whether real or imagined ; to the _illegal aliens-i.e."mexicans"/xicano/spanish_ We the Native American, First Nations Peoples of these American Continants, consider it a direct insult and unprovoked Attack on our Native HIstory and Culture. translated: We are not mexicans, and owe no Alligence to mexico, either stated or unstated ; we are not immigrants, in any way, form or definition, whether legal or illegal; We have no reason, need or call to support "aztlan"( which is a purposeful fiction hoisted by the "xicano"( false claimers of MY Native identity, i.e. they are liars)
The xicano/mexican/spanish/european complex have no claim to America. or at least as much claim as they have to mexico. which is to say, _nothing. _none at all_
more later.canat CON SAFOS
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by KPC
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 12:26 PM
shitpile on top of shitpile: "I guess there are a few or more ways for a person to be here legally. Visas, green cards, resident alien status to name a few. "
Would you say that immigrants who are here on valid visas or green cards but have a technical issue with their status are "illegals"?
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by fresca
Wednesday, Jun. 08, 2005 at 3:19 PM
"Would you say that immigrants who are here on valid visas or green cards but have a technical issue with their status are "illegals"?"
Perhaps technically they are and maybe they aren't. So, no.
In the sense of "illegal" as it is used to describe those fleeing over the border , absolutely not.
But you already knew that.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 6:17 AM
DA DANCING SHITPILE: "In the sense of "illegal" as it is used to describe those fleeing over the border"
Geez, you've already started dancing and I haven't even played the tune yet!
Calm down...you'll have your chance.
OK...back to fuckin' you UP.
So, does your definition of "illegals" apply only to those fleeing over the border, or does it apply to those resident without a visa, etc.?
Of course I already know your answer...I am ALWAYS ten moves ahead of you.
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 7:17 AM
" Of course I already know your answer...I am ALWAYS ten moves ahead of you."
Okay, I'll wait.
Move back nine steps and type my answer.
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 7:27 AM
I'm leaving.
I'll read your insightful response when I get back.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 7:47 AM
sHITPILE: "Okay, I'll wait. Move back nine steps and type my answer. "
What, and spoil all the fun? Nah....
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:18 PM
Nope. You made the claim.
Answer for me.
It's my fun that's important here.
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by KPC
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 12:47 PM
"Actually blah blah blah absolutely blah blah blah but you know this blah blah blah technically no blah blah blah but maybe yes blah blah blah with all due respect blah blah blah you said blah blah blah"
and finally finishing with "*sigh" (exasperated)" and then a double left footed two step....
...that 'bout right?
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by fresca
Thursday, Jun. 09, 2005 at 1:09 PM
... I mean if that's the best you can do.
I guess we'll just have to chalk this one up to another point for me seeing as how you've bowed out.
Didn't have you pegged for such a quitter. I don't mean that in any sort of noble sense, it's just that I figured you for being more of a beating your head against the wall sorta jerk.
Anyway, It seems as though that old "ten steps ahead of me" was just so much typical fantasy.
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by KPC
Friday, Jun. 10, 2005 at 8:57 AM
I don't know...take away the names and you can't tell the difference between what I posted and your usual droppings, shitpile...
...face it...you are my BITCH!
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by PB
Thursday, Jun. 30, 2005 at 1:59 AM
paul.barrington@gmail.com 281-487-7159
They should have stayed out of the way!!!!......idiots
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by Hueteotl Lopez
Thursday, Jun. 30, 2005 at 5:10 AM
Hey fat boy with the shaved head...i love knocking fools like you out. i don't hold flags, water bottles, or signs...like to keep my hands free to connect with the left hook. i'll be sure to look you up.
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by got to be
Tuesday, Jul. 12, 2005 at 4:05 AM
Kidding if the car that hit them was moving fast enough to leave "skid marks" they would have fallen no where near the "skid marks",
There are no injuries where they were run over if that is what happened and then there would have been no skid marks at that speed
Also the skid marks are not straight they waggle all over the frame. you anarchist loosers need to get a better publisist.....
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by Steve
Thursday, Jul. 14, 2005 at 3:57 PM
Speaking of which, the Aztecs are a churlish skid-mark on the the Underpants of History.
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by Shelly
Sunday, Jul. 31, 2005 at 9:17 PM
I truly cannot expect the various biggots who have posted here to understand what I am about to say, but I feel that it DOES need to be said.
I am a 24 year old woman, starting on her masters. I am also engaged to and illegal immigrant. He is a good man who only wants to bring his son to this country to give him chances my fiance never had. He realizes that crossing illegally was wrong in the first place, but cannot change what he did 10 years ago.
The man who will be our best man, was in the Mexican army for 10 years, and was a professor of Mathematical Physics at the University, before coming here. How sad is it that he can support his family with his job as a busboy here, but could not as a Professor in Mexico, as his government decided when and if they would pay him.
My experience is that most of them are good, honest, hard-working people, and should be given the opportunity to prove that.
I do believe the borders should be highly regulated, due to terrorists paying to get across, but I also pray that at the same time, some action will be taken to screen them out while those that pose no threat to cross.
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by jeff
Saturday, Sep. 17, 2005 at 10:11 AM
im glad the minute men are finally taking action other then watching,im sure they were provoked like many other times before,these mexican protesters are always violent towards these patriots,they can attack us but when we defend ourselves we are the criminals,wake you idiots we have a country with borders whats the point of a border when you dont punish the people crossing it illigally.
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by purifier
Tuesday, Oct. 04, 2005 at 1:05 AM
This is an example of the stupid néocon SHIT that has become America! I say to hell with you ignorant cretins. I used to be against illegal immigration, but considering assholes like you, ANYTHING or ANYONE would be an improvenment. Therefore I say "Open up the borders". This kind of bile and shit needs to be diluted-- the more of it the better and the sooner the better. By the way-- get a load out of that FUCKING GOD-DAMNED flag on the back of that blue Chrysler van!
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by purifier
Tuesday, Oct. 04, 2005 at 1:10 AM
This is an example of the stupid néocon SHIT that has become America! I say to hell with you ignorant cretins. I used to be against illegal immigration, but considering assholes like you, ANYTHING or ANYONE would be an improvenment. Therefore I say "Open up the borders". This kind of bile and shit needs to be diluted-- the more of it the better and the sooner the better. By the way-- get a load out of that FUCKING GOD-DAMNED flag on the back of that blue Chrysler van!
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by silvian m
Friday, Oct. 28, 2005 at 3:32 PM
sorry to all you illegals,but wrong is wrong,stop crossing the border,do it the right way or stay out i wish they would seal the borders,you have no right to cross the border,this is not your country.you are no better than any other criminal thats already here i well be proud to protect this countrys border from you.do it right like the rest of us or stay out,who the h-ll do you think you are calling peaple here bigots and the like for protecting the border from you,fix your own broken down shity country,dont come here and ruin OURS,we also need to find every illegal in the states and send them back,im sick of the illegals costing us US tax payers,money for health and welfare costs. the only ones who want you here are corrupt co.s that are hiring you to begin with.we as americans have the right to protect our borders,even if that means taking up arms against you.my grand parents came from another country and did it the legal way,and thats the only way or get out.and the BS put out there about you being needed becouse americans wont do the work thats just BS,americans well do the work for a real wage,not for illegal below min wage like you it took hard working american workers years to get a half decent wage,and all you do is give the corrupt co.s a loop hole ,a illegal loop hole to get away with paying such low wages,the co.s that are useing such labor should be fined big time,to make them play by the laws of this country,what you illegal dont seem to get is the peaple of the usa are fed up with you and many other things in this country and are starting to do things about it,i see many changes being demanded by the citizens in this country,we are just fed up.
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by NRMP Applicant
Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 at 9:19 PM
Re: The practice of hiring foreign medical graduates (FMGs) in US hospital residency programs.
I am concerned at the current way hospitals are offering residency positions to candidates, which appears to disregard existing US laws governing employment in the United States. I believe that citizens and permanent residents should have the opportunity to compete for US jobs and that non-resident candidates should be considered only after all eligible citizens and permanent residents who applied have been considered.
Some programs are not offering interviews to US citizens and permanent resident FMGs, while non-resident FMGs, currently residing outside of the US, are being offered interviews and subsequently employed. These hospitals receive federal grants from tax dollars, yet citizens and permanent residents residing in the US are being ignored.
DOL has clear regulations that US citizens and permanent residents should be considered before offering any vacancies to non-resident applicants. Programs, however, are subverting these regulations at their own whim.
If a US citizen or permanent resident FMG applies for a residency position at a hospital and meets the criteria, programs should have a legal obligation to consider that applicant. Only after US citizens or permanent resident FMGs are found not suitable, should programs be free to hire non-resident FMGs. Not to offer an interview and go directly with non-resident FMGs from the start is utter disregard for US labor laws.
In any other field, obtaining an H1B visa is a very difficult process and stringent conditions are applied before approving the H1B petition. In medicine it is just the opposite. Requirements to look for eligible US citizens and permanent residents are not followed. Candidates are selected in non transparent ways. Hospitals are determining who receive visas and screening of these recipients is minimal at best. This practice should stop outright. Outsourcing of jobs is a bad omen for our future and it’s sad to see it happening with medical residencies because hospitals are virtually unfettered in obtaining H1B visas for candidates they hire from abroad.
We should be safeguarding the health and safety of our communities. We need to ensure that current laws are respected, that applicants are appropriately screened before being provided with H1B visas and that regulations stipulating that vacant positions be offered to available US citizens and permanent residents, before attempting to fill such vacancies by non-residents, be enforced. There are already thousands of FMGs residing in the USA capable of filling these vacancies.
We are giving carte blanch to people form Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia who have bypassed normal screening processes simply because they are/claim to be doctors. They are free to roam all over this country.
Personally, I'm less worried about migrant workers sneaking across the border. I'm more concerned about a highly educated & mobile group and the potential dangers they pose.
Why take this unnecessary risk?
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by NRMP Applicant
Thursday, Dec. 01, 2005 at 9:20 PM
Re: The practice of hiring foreign medical graduates (FMGs) in US hospital residency programs.
I am concerned at the current way hospitals are offering residency positions to candidates, which appears to disregard existing US laws governing employment in the United States. I believe that citizens and permanent residents should have the opportunity to compete for US jobs and that non-resident candidates should be considered only after all eligible citizens and permanent residents who applied have been considered.
Some programs are not offering interviews to US citizens and permanent resident FMGs, while non-resident FMGs, currently residing outside of the US, are being offered interviews and subsequently employed. These hospitals receive federal grants from tax dollars, yet citizens and permanent residents residing in the US are being ignored.
DOL has clear regulations that US citizens and permanent residents should be considered before offering any vacancies to non-resident applicants. Programs, however, are subverting these regulations at their own whim.
If a US citizen or permanent resident FMG applies for a residency position at a hospital and meets the criteria, programs should have a legal obligation to consider that applicant. Only after US citizens or permanent resident FMGs are found not suitable, should programs be free to hire non-resident FMGs. Not to offer an interview and go directly with non-resident FMGs from the start is utter disregard for US labor laws.
In any other field, obtaining an H1B visa is a very difficult process and stringent conditions are applied before approving the H1B petition. In medicine it is just the opposite. Requirements to look for eligible US citizens and permanent residents are not followed. Candidates are selected in non transparent ways. Hospitals are determining who receive visas and screening of these recipients is minimal at best. This practice should stop outright. Outsourcing of jobs is a bad omen for our future and it’s sad to see it happening with medical residencies because hospitals are virtually unfettered in obtaining H1B visas for candidates they hire from abroad.
We should be safeguarding the health and safety of our communities. We need to ensure that current laws are respected, that applicants are appropriately screened before being provided with H1B visas and that regulations stipulating that vacant positions be offered to available US citizens and permanent residents, before attempting to fill such vacancies by non-residents, be enforced. There are already thousands of FMGs residing in the USA capable of filling these vacancies.
We are giving carte blanch to people form Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Indonesia who have bypassed normal screening processes simply because they are/claim to be doctors. They are free to roam all over this country.
Personally, I'm less worried about migrant workers sneaking across the border. I'm more concerned about a highly educated & mobile group and the potential dangers they pose.
Why take this unnecessary risk?
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