Monday night at the Workmens Circle, at the end of a special meeting, the
KPFK Local Advisory Board voted by a one vote majority (12 to 11) against Pacifica
bylaws draft B.
the network has divided almost evenly on this issue and last night numerous speakers sadly noted the damage that has been done to long friendships and allegiances.
the LAB's decision brought some to tears, others to jubilation. many forecast the collapse of the entire national Pacifica network while others explained that the network had been saved.
the meeting was a wild and intense one, even for a decision making body whose meetings are roundly characterized as insane from almost any perspective. but the issues that were discussed in many ways define some of the deepest and most pressing tensions felt and dealt with by all community organizations today in the USA. like it or not, foremost among these tensions are divisions about
Pacifica listeners will have to
make up their own minds about the governance of their network but it may not be easy.
the relevant documents are very long and complex - this kind of lengthy and intricate and legalistic work is not usually done with scrutiny and rigor by vast nationwide grassroots movements and communities. this is a big challenge but it is one that the entire
Pacifica radio network will have to overcome if it is going to make real community radio a reality. and there's no reason it can't be done.
where do we go from here?
photos of 7/21 k-LAB mtg.
where do we go from here?
here's a bit of news i just found at i'm not sure what the implications are:
WBAI LAB 7-22-03"
Motion for WBAI LAB on Next Steps with By-Laws:
"We acknowledge and appreciate the arduous work done by listeners, staff, local and national board members throughout the network to develop a by-laws draft that is largely complete and an important step towards democracy for Pacifica. We call for the interim Pacifica National Board and the five Local Advisory Boards to immediately begin discussions to choose mutually acceptable outside mediator(s), without judicial intervention, to help negotiate a compromise on bylaws as quickly as possible. Such a compromise must include meaningful affirmative action measures for the composition of local and national boards, and should address other reasonable concerns by the various LABs about the bylaws. Any agreed-upon language should be promptly reviewed by mutually acceptable civil rights attorney(s). We support devising and implementing interim measures that would lead to rapid elections and could then be evaluated and revised after a mandated membership by-laws convention within one to two years."
some KPFK discussion
turned into a discussion of la-imc ---------------------------------------------------------------------
KPFK budget 2003 kpfk / la-imc intersection latest comments --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------