As the public sphere shrinks, the outcaste class of society are repeatedly marginalized. This
report about Long Beach library policy is one example of what happens when homelessness is so common that it merits roundabout policies to restrict their access to public libraries, which are one of the few places they can go to access restrooms.
The fast concluded on the 26th day when the governor worked out a deal to refinance the West Contra Costa School District loan.
See their website for more information on what you can do to support their fast! Fast4Education.org
The California Federation of Academics is calling for a regional protest against fee hikes and the ending of EOP. The demonstration will be at the Governor's office downtown, at 11:30 on the 26th of April. Click on the link for details.
The Cal State system has been the university of first resort for millions of Californians, serving a diverse economic population. For many working class people, it opens the door to middle class jobs.
(Taken from KPFK.org, written by Mumia Abu Jamal)
On March 8th 2004, women around the world in LA, England, Argentina, Uganda,
Peru, Philadelphia, San Francisco, in Guyana, in southern India, in Trinidad
and Tobago, in Spain, women will be staging the 5th Global Women's Strike.
A movement involving women in some sixty countries many involved in
grassroots organizations. Fighting for payment for housework, for clean
safe water resources, for housing, education, gender justice, and peace. In
a world where war is now our norm, the Global Women's Strike is part of the
vast throng against war and occupation. Not only in Iraq, but in Palestine,
in Columbia, in the Congo and in Kashmir. Their organizing slogan, which
unites strikers from a broad array of struggles, is deceptively simple:
'Invest in Caring not Killing.'
Events have been going on this weekend, and the main event is at Immanuel Presbyterian Church on Monday the 8th, International Women's Day. Read the events calendar for details.
Global Women's Strike Website
The eleventh hour to save the Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department is approaching. Among other things CA has been a supporter in putting on the Sol Festival, JUICE, and other innovative community arts programs that get combined funding from communtiy, business, and nonprofit sources.
Through Cultural Affairs, Los Angeles shores up underfunded school arts programs, 350 community festivals, community based multicultral education, and fine arts. Whether by chance, necessity, or design, the [aA]rts, crafts, and [cC]ulture draw from a common fund, administered by CA. Odds are, if you're in LA, you've attended a CA event, or used a CA facility.
A community action meeting is happening on Tuesday the 9th at 6:30.
Click the headline for the action alert, and visit the Cultural Affairs website to find out what they do.
From belladsx:
Who would imagine that at that concrete jungle intersection of Alameda And 41st Avenue in Los Angeles would sprout a garden so fertile that it nourishes thousands of people with organic fruits, vegetables, and herbs, many from throughout South America, many available nowhere other than here at the LA URBAN GARDEN, which has previously been connected with the LA FOOD BANK. Now, it is about to turn off the garden hose, the life blood of this inner-city agricultural community, as one last piece of Earth’s greenery gets swallowed up by concrete progress.
On February 29th, there will be a benefit solidarity concert at the garden, with Very Be Careful, Mezklah, Fandango Sin Fronteras, Fosforo, DJ David Bonobo, and DJ Late. See Save Our Garden for details. Go support!
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