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world war

NATO Summit: Collectively Losing Their Minds (tags)

U.S.-led NATO could not launch its economic, information and proxy war against Russia without cause. That cause would be Russia invading Ukraine to defend ethnic Russians in a civil war that had raged since 2014, sparked when the U.S. helped to overthrow the democratically-elected government that year.

A Phuilosopher's Critique (tags)

Because the declining middle classes are unable to see past individualism and economic self-interest, they stick with the fantasy that any loss of purchasing power is a temporary glitch awaiting systemic resolution – as if Capital were an eternal and inexhaustible mode of wealth creation.

100 Years of Balfour Declaration and Continuing (tags)

The focus on the ongoing genocide in Gaza by the indomitable power of Zionistan (see ) is missing the real prime-movers of this genocide of Palestinians. Of course the Western World that obligatorily moans the Jews' Shoah TM in World War II has not just turned a blind eye to the Jewish Shoah visited upon the Palestinians, but is openly aiding and abetting it, squelching even the verbal opposition to Israel's premeditated Barbarianism in its mainstream presses and officially sanctioned narratives.

Bread And Circuses - The Curse of Busyness (tags)

Practically what it has come to mean thenceforth, is techniques of behavior control; how empires, rulers, oligarchy, the powers that be behind the modern state, etc., should keep the masses, hoi polloi (in Greek) busy between struggling for food and entertainment, so that the empire, rulers, oligarchy, and the powers that be fronted by the visible symbols of the state, can continue on with their own business of pursuit of narrow self interests while maintaining proper illusions.

The Looming War Against China (tags)

In the United States, in the wake of Ronald Reagan's tax cuts for the wealthy & state-undermining deregulation, & Bill Clinton's "Third Way" takeover by Wall Street, there was an equally devastating shift of wealth & income to the finance, insurance & real estate (FIRE) sector. The "Third Way" was financial capitalism that made its profits by exploiting & indebting industry and labor.

Beware the Anti-China Sentiment Pushing Us Towards Another Cold War (tags)

If the United States can’t learn to cooperate with China, our future will be one of constant escalation of wars and threats of wars and all that comes with them—including massive refugee flows, environmental destruction, and rising poverty.

We are Zombies (tags)

Zombie movies are an apocalyptic genre, in which there is an inkling that the given social order cannot last & has reached its development limits. The first great wave of zombies hit the Western culture industry during the crisis period of the seventies of the 20th century, when the "Golden Age" of post-war capitalism, full employment and mass consumption came to an end.

Elisabeth Bronfen: "What amazes me most is the stubborn ability to repress" (tags)

We've greatly reduced the required reading... Five short stories by Edgar Allan Poe, plus the one compulsory piece of Shakespeare from the basic course and vampire and fantasy stories. If very little is read, diversity goes out the window, too.

De-escalartion instead of war of attrition (tags)

The call for negotiations alone is no longer enough. In a situation in which parts of the Western alliance are struggling to find ways out of the war & at the same time more & more heavy weapons are being supplied for a war that will last for years, the social left should campaign more strongly than before for "mutual de-escalation" & security guarantees, for European independence

Climate catastrophe and `freedom of consumption' (tags)

It is not five to twelve, but five past twelve, as philosopher Slavoj Žižek writes. The fact that climate change is a fact (the details may well be debated) and poses a serious threat to humanity is something that the last fool should have realized by now.1 It is also clear that the emission of CO2 and other greenhouse gases must be radically and rapidly reduced.

The UN Charter must be the heart and coul of any new peace architecture (tags)

The Ukrainian war will also end one day, and we will have to strive again for a new peace order to "save future generations from the scourge of war." A peaceful and fair world for the soon to be 10 billion inhabitants of the earth, 9 billion from the 'Global South', must be built on the principles of the UN Charter. The UN Charter must therefore be at the center of every peace movement.

Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)

We are now in a situation where the best-case scenario is that this war will continue for years as a slow, bloody war of attrition with hundreds of thousands more dead, with progressive destruction of the Ukrainian economy and infrastructure, with progressive impoverishment of the European population. The worst-case scenario is a global nuclear war.

The greatest show on earth (tags)

"It takes considerable fragmentation in the media portrayal of these crimes and radical recontextualization as a 'struggle for democracy and human rights' for crimes of this magnitude, as well as their historical continuity, to become virtually invisible to the public. Although all of this is extensively documented, these crimes are virtually absent from the public consciousness."

The continuity of the lie (tags)

The U.S. public has once again been wheedled into sinking billions into another endless war. The script by which the pimps of war usually lure us into one military fiasco after another - including Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and now Ukraine - always remains the same. "Freedom and democracy are at risk. Evil must be vanquished. Human rights must be protected."

Noam Chomsky on Why This is the Most Dangerous Point in Human History (tags)

We live in a world facing existential threats while extreme inequality is tearing our societies apart and democracy is in sharp decline. The U.S., meanwhile, is bent on maintaining global hegemony when international collaboration is urgently needed to address the planet’s numerous challenges.

Ukraine and the powerful resurgence of US empire (tags)

"NATO is not what it claims to be," reads the headline. Contrary to the claims of its architects and defenders, the alliance's primary purpose since its inception has not been to deter aggression from the East, much less to promote democracy, but to "bind Western Europe to a much broader project of a world order led by the United States."

Everyone wants peace (tags)

The visions of a possible peace in Ukraine differ among all parties. For Russia, it is a matter of ensuring that Ukrainian territory no longer poses a threat to its own security. Therefore, it primarily wants to achieve the demilitarization of Ukraine. It must not become a deployment area for NATO.

The end of the "Golden Age" of cqapitalism and the rise of neoliberalism (tags)

The rise of the neoliberal world economic system marked by the dominance of financial markets – whose financial superstructure collapses over us – resulted from the radical economic crises of the early 1970s that seized nearly all western industrial countries.

The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression (tags)

This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev.

Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment - And Things Should Stay That Way (tags)

The time has come for progressive nationalization and socialization. This includes the financial sector, because only if we gain control over the financing of socially necessary areas of production will it be possible to ensure that we as a society can plan our future.

Covert wars in the shadow of international law (tags)

In the years between the end of the Cold War in 1991 and 2022, the United States has carried out at least 251 military interventions in almost every country on earth. Going back to 1789, there were a total of 469. In all of these interventions, the United States formally declared war 11 times.

Why do the lambs remain silent? (tags)

James Madison (1751-1836), one of the founding fathers of the constitution, proclaimed that every form of government should be designed "to protect the minority of the opulent against the majority".

The US empire and the complicity of intellectuals (tags)

Interventions have always been dictated by the geopolitical and economic interests of the country. In fact, the United States is no exception to this rule. On the contrary, every empire acts in this way (see, for example, the invasions of Russia by Napoleon and Adolf Hitler).

Can state-capitalist China inherit the USA as hegemon? (tags)

China's growth is also running on credit, and the People's Republic is similarly highly indebted as the descending Western centers of the world system.10 The Chinese deficit economy is generating even far greater speculative excesses than was the case in the U.S. or Western Europe,

Re-nationalizing Soviet History and Who breaks the international rules? (tags)

The construction of differentiated historical narratives that overcome one-dimensional perpetrator-victim polarizations in discourse with other affected nations and integrate one's own complicity step by step is an extremely laborious, painful process. It will probably take decades.

Is it possible to negotiate with Putin? (tags)

For Putin, the intention to admit Ukraine to NATO was a breach of "the agreement made with NATO after the fall of the Berlin Wall not to expand it" (2:34:20). As the Americans claimed hegemony according to their "Monroe Doctrine," Putin considers Ukraine his "backyard."

The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle (tags)

Toward the end of the Cold War, capitalism created a military horror: the neutron bomb, a weapon that destroys life while leaving buildings intact. During the Fourth World War, however, a new wonder has been discovered: the financial bomb.This new bomb destroys the polis (nation)

Four taboo truths about the Ukraine war (tags)

Like every war in history, the Ukrainian war has a prehistory that does not begin with Russia's invasion of the neighboring country nearly a year ago, or even in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Second, the war has an immense potential for escalation.

War poker and Imperial moralism (tags)

After the fall of the Soviet Union, the "war on terrorism" began, which, according to George W. Bush, would end "tyranny in the world." Korea, Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq - the U.S. democratic crusades not only cost several million lives, they also brought the restriction of freedoms.

In Disaster Mode (tags)

"One must expect a tsunami of global inflation, further impoverishment and mass migration (of cheap labor) - and all of this will be blamed on Putin. One must expect the return of pandemic threats that support ongoing efforts to globalize vaccine passports and the digitization of life."

UN Charter: Negotiations! and Good wars, bad wars? (tags)

The seriousness of the escalating conflict over NATO's expansion to Russia's borders, which has now led to war, has been clear to all involved since at least 1994. Russia has repeatedly warned that admitting Ukraine and Georgia to NATO would violate its elementary security.

Total victory over a nuclear poweer is not possible without nuclear war (tags)

Neither side in this war represents any forward-looking political idea. It is not a war for freedom and democracy, but an imperialist war over whether Ukraine will remain a semi-colony of the US and EU or become a semi-colony of Russia again.

January 30, 1933 and Media makes politics (tags)

Edward Bernays, an important developer of modern propaganda, wrote almost a hundred years ago: "The manipulation of the opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate form an invisible government..."

A terribly powerful family (tags)

The unbelievable to outrageous story of the Bush clan not only illustrates the neo-feudalistic beliefs and networks we are dealing with in the ruling caste, it also proves that the power structures often referred to as the "Deep State" are real behind the façade of official government...

No nuclear war in Europe! and Glorification of violence (tags)

The well-read do not believe in Russia's sole guilt anyway. They remember the promise made to Gorbachev not to expand NATO eastward. They know that the U.S. organized and financed a coup on the Maidan in 2014 to install a puppet government.

The coup from above and The Decline of Civilization (tags)

Ignazio Silone (14), an important theorist of Italian fascism is reported to have said: When fascism returns, it will not say: 'I am fascism' No, it will say: 'I am anti-fascism'." And I say: we are on the threshold of an internationalized super-fascism.

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

Russia's war against Ukraine and What are the war aims? (tags)

Erich Vad is an ex-brigade general. From 2006 to 2013, he was the military policy advisor to German Chancellor Angela Merkel. He is one of the rare voices who spoke out publicly against arms deliveries to Ukraine early on, without political strategy or diplomatic efforts.

Negotiated Solution - No Alternative! (tags)

NATO intervention seems unlikely so far, after U.S. President Biden ruled out direct military intervention even in the run-up to the war...Nevertheless, a further escalation of the war cannot be ruled out. At present, the powerless left has only the option of fighting for peace. (TKonicz)

Reflections on the Political Crisis and Right-wing Populism (tags)

The policies of neoliberal globalization have driven an enormous strengthening of transnational corporations and finance capital, and at the same time the division between rich and poor, between the top "1%" and the rest of the "99%"[28].

War in Ukraine. Nato taboos fall (tags)

This military-scientific glorification of a war that has long been hopeless for both sides, which is also supported by some media, leads to the postulation of the prospect of victory against one's better judgment. What is meant, however, is more likely a victorious peace.

The American century was yesterday (tags)

"The people can always be made, with or without the right to vote,to follow the orders of the leaders. It is very simple. One need nothing to do but to tell the people that they are being attacked, and to reproach the pacifists of their lack of patriotism and putting the country in danger. This method works in every country." (Hermann Goering,1946)

The geopolitical confrontation between China and the West and Peace logic (tags)

The main issue is monopolarity or multipolarity. And this also raises the question of geopolitical hegemony. In other words, whether Western interests will remain supreme and Western value systems will therefore be of universal significance?

Russia's war in the mirror of western international law nihilism and propaganda (tags)

With Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine and the Western response, the world may be headed in leaps and bounds toward the nuclear abyss: The escalation dynamic is gaining speed. More and more conventional weapons are being moved by the West to Ukraine.

In the Trap of NATO and The Collapse of US Hegemony (tags)

Even before the outbreak of the global Covid pandemic, it was widely recognized that U.S. hegemony was in irreversible decline. In August 2021, the Taliban captured Kabul as U.S. forces withdrew. Only about six months later, war broke out between Russia and Ukraine.

Against the cannabilism of capital (tags)

Negotiated solution - No Alternative! (tags)

Does anyone really believe that more and more state-of-the-art weapons, no matter how tough sanctions and huge financial injections could produce peace? ...The survival of humanity depends in part on this business of death no longer having a future.

Peace and Provocation: Is Zelensky intent on WW3? (tags)

A quiet voice inside you could be saying: "Thou shalt not kill!" So you take the rifle and break it over your knees. Then you have them all against you, the press, the priests, public opinion. Then you're a contrarian, a fantasist, a pacifist. But you said 'no' to say 'yes' to yourself."

Ukraine war - a new stage (tags)

One of the peculiarities of this war is that it remains a war of aggression by Russia, but some characteristics have changed. When Tsar Putin gave the order for war in February, the war was against fascism in Ukraine...Putin's order for partial mobilization is also good news. It means that nuclear weapons will probably not be used.

For an anti-imperialism solidarity (tags)

Ukraine is not an imperialist state, but a young country whose independence and own nation-building Russia does not accept. The governments of Europe and the United States share responsibility for the escalation of geopolitical tensions.

How the West betrayed Mikhail Gorbachev (tags)

Gorbachev wanted to transform the Soviet Union from a closed, repressive system into an open, communicative socialist system that would be part of the European family. This effort was called glasnost (openness) and was advanced through the reform movement called perestroika.

The birth of propaganda and The war of perception (tags)

One of the founding fathers of modern propaganda, Edward Bernays, therefore also openly admitted that especially in democracies, where the majority of people decide, the control of thoughts and feelings is a central tool. "Public relations involves 'the engineering of consent.'"

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness! (tags)

Almost no one asks what an economic policy looks like that no longer subordinates everything to economic growth: How to reduce the debt mountain to a reasonable level without GDP growth? How can pensions be secured without GDP growth and employment be guaranteed?

Opportunity instead of crises and End this madness (tags)

History teaches that major course corrections usually emerge from crises. However, far-sighted economists and politicians should start thinking today about how to shape a future without debt crises, without ecological and social exploitation, and without compulsive growth.

Total Competition or Repressive Administration of People (tags)

An awareness of the monstrosities of our glorious capitalist society is the first prerequisite for thinking beyond that society.:..The regularities of capitalist society are not laws of nature, so they can be abolished in principle. With such abolition, a new society can become possible.

Guidance to the system change, Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

World War II led to U.S. domination of the political West, which was able to make its mark on the part of the world it more or less controlled. Led and dominated by the military-industrial complex, any efforts of autonomous state developments that contradicted its interests were suppressed.

Hysterical Populism and the Appetite of Leviathan (tags)

The relationship between economy and social order has been turned upside down: economy is no longer a function of an overarching culture, but conversely, "human society has sunk to being an accessory of the economic system" (Karl Polanyi). RK was founder of Exit & Krisis blogs.

Making yourself comfortable in capitalism (tags)

"Whoever has a wife should behave as if he had none, ... whoever buys as if he were not the owner, whoever makes use of the world as if he did not use it" (1 Cor 7:29f). Paul is speaking here to people who were "called" as slaves into the messianic church (1 Cor 7:21).

The New NATO Strategic Concept: 6 Articles (tags)

Collective pressure in a broad societal dimension is necessary for a cease-fire - in a viable European security architecture... At the core of a sustainable compromise between Russia, Ukraine and the US could be a guarantee of Ukraine's full sovereignty and military neutrality.

Negotiating at last and The Russian-American Friendship (tags)

Russia's war is a response to NATO's eastward expansion, long criticized by the peace movement,and to Western policies of rearmament and confrontation, by which Russia feels existentially threatened. It began as early as the 1990s with the expansion of NATO.

A new quality of crisis (tags)

From the systemic urge to self-destruction arises the survival necessity of the emancipatory overcoming of capital. The capitalist regime of constraint must be transformed into history. The struggle for the transformation of the system has to be the central moment of left practice.

The window of opportunity is closing (tags)

Oscar Wilde wrote: "A map of the world in which Utopia is not marked is not worth looking at, for it undercuts the shore on which mankind will eternally land." "Disobedience, for anyone versed in history, is man's true virtue. Through disobedience came progress..." (Wilde 2014)

The cost of Trump’s chaos just keeps accumulating (tags)

On January 20, 2021, Donald Trump departed the White House on a helicopter that took him to Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, where he delivered the final remarks of his presidency to some of his supporters. Before boarding Air Force One for the flight to Mar-a-Lago, his gilded palace in Florida, Trump promised them, “We will be back in some form.”

Tax evasion and avoidance and Democracy at a tipping point (tags)

The biggest losses from tax evasion and avoidance are caused by multinational corporations, followed by wealthy individuals. Sums in the triple-digit billions up to one trillion. Euros are evaded annually in the EU. 21-32 trillion US dollars are undeclared via tax havens

We need a real debate on the Ukraine war (tags)

The longer the war in Ukraine continues, the greater the risk of a nuclear accident or incident. And given the strategy of U.S. President Joe Biden's administration to "weaken" Russia through large-scale arms shipments. The United States and NATO are in a proxy war with Russia.

The real Zelensky (tags)

A possible oil and gas embargo against Russia, for example, will bring the social question to the fore and bring many people to the streets. More and more voices, it is hoped, will then rise up against war and the militarization of our lives.

Open letter and Breaking the logic of violence (tags)

The delivery of large quantities of heavy weapons, could make Germany itself a party to the war. A Russian counterattack could then trigger the mutual assistance clause under the NATO treaty and thus the immediate danger of a world war. Zelensky's outlawing of parties is dictatorial.

Ukraine's decoupling was foolish and dangerous (tags)

Promote peace, don't fuel conflict. There are only two ways to end a war. Either with a negotiated settlement. Or with the annihilation of one side or the other. That's how wars end, unfortunately, when there is no negotiated settlement...There must be a diplomatic solution.

Nuclear deterrence and Negotiate and peace now! (tags)

"I believe the Administration's recommendation to admit new members to NATO at this time is misguided. If adopted by the United States Senate, it could go down in history as the greatest strategic blunder since the end of the Cold War..." Jack F. Matlock Jr, U.S. ambassador

NATO: The founding lie (tags)

In the run-up to the founding of NATO, those responsible in the USA knew: The Soviet Union posed no military threat. The weakened power could not sustain an attack on Western Europe even if it wanted to: The Soviet Union's economy is largely destroyed and technologically obsolete.

Imperialism (tags)

It was the West that, immediately after the end of the East-West confrontation, once again made war a "normal means" of international politics. Russia is now following suit, more than twenty years behind.

US empire strikes back (tags)

Russia and China are no match for the United States’ Instruments of National Power. The Pale Blue Dot’s existence is at risk if nuclear weapons are employed by either one or both sides.

Stop the war! (tags)

At Easter, "a strong signal must be sent against a policy of military confrontation, against a new global arms race and against an increase in the arsenals of weapons of mass destruction," is the reason given for the call to actively participate in the Easter marches.

Waging war or building bridges (tags)

"NATO is de facto at war with Russia and using Ukraine as a tool to do it." And further, "Everything about NATO is hypocrisy. They declare themselves the 'peace alliance,' but their history is nothing but war.

US: Domestic political gridlock and The Ukraine War (tags)

The Ukraine War: In Asia, Africa, and the Arab world, the prevailing view is that Europe is heading for disaster - and that the international order is falling apart. In much of Asia, Africa & the Middle East, the reaction to the war in Ukraine has been restrained. It is resounding silence.

Lay down your arms! (tags)

There are successful examples of non-violent, civil resistance in history. This spares human lives and, when things go well, achieves its goals at least as well as acts of war could. Ukrainian pacifists are trying to show a way out of the spiral of escalation.

Armament Madness (tags)

The people of Ukraine are suffering. But who benefits from the "turning of the tide"? The war is a crime, and Putin bears the responsibility. But Western politicians were not sleepwalkers. An appeal brings the conclusion to the point: Lay down your arms! Peace logic instead of war logic!

Preserving Democracy and the Welfare State (tags)

We are confronted with war and endless suffering, with flight, with poverty and social insecurity, with a global pandemic... The arms buildup planned for decades will not end the deaths in Ukraine, will not make our world more peaceful and will not make it safer.

Biden and Putin play with fire (tags)

It is no exaggeration to say that what is currently unfolding in Europe represents the most dangerous moment in recent history. The Ukraine conflict is taking us as close to a Third World War as only the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962 last did.

"I feel like I've been transported back 80 years" (tags)

People are desperately fleeing from bombs and rockets. I feel transported back almost 80 years and become pensive. Europe had sworn to itself: Never again fascism! Never again war! The scars remain - at the age of 94, I feel them more strongly than ever.

Putin biographer on the Ukraine war (tags)

The sanctions will hit people hard. In Russia, the domestic political climate has already intensified. Putin will pay a domestic political price for this. Anyone born in 2000 consciously knows only Vladimir Putin as Russian president.

Truth dies first and then intelligence (tags)

The war in Ukraine is an exception to the rule of thumb that in war the truth dies first. The truth was already dead before the war began... War is the greatest crime imaginable. War creates endless suffering, whoever starts war is a war criminal. (Note: There is only one exception)

For a free and sovereign Ukraine (tags)

We cannot accept the intervention and military repression of the population set in motion by Russia; it is equally unacceptable to open any space to the representatives of imperialism who are trying to expand their rule by means of wars that ensure profits & more power for capitalists.

Shooting resumes in the Donbass civil war (tags)

Not so long ago, Ukraine was committed to neutrality. If Ireland can be neutral, if Austria can be neutral, if Finland can be neutral, then why not Ukraine? After all, this was the official Ukrainian policy until the neo-nationalists came to power in 2014.

Wars hardly achieve their intended goal anymore (tags)

The third Gulf War ended Saddam Hussein's rule but resulted in hundreds of thousands of deaths, the emergence of IS, and a dramatic crash in living standards. Intervention in Libya succeeded in toppling Gaddafi, but turned Libya into a failed state.

America's disastrous 60-year war (tags)

America's 60-year war, a losing proposition for many, turned out to be a clear winner for a few, In his book,1984, Orwell wrote about permanent war as a way to consume the products of modern capitalism without a higher standard of living for workers..

I don't want Russia and China marching arm in arm (tags)

We should also take a step back and look at somewhat longer horizons, not just the moment - the aim must be to win Russia back as a partner. One sentence by Egon Bahr remains true: "Without or against Russia, there will simply be no peaceful future on this continent."

Constant State of Emergency (tags)

The wars are waged by special forces, while the population is kept quiet in a permanent state of emergency under the slogan "war is peace" by full technical control, including mental and health surveillance. Anyone who questions this kind of peace is threatened with annihilation.

The West and Russia (tags)

Any NATO expansion that moves closer to Russia's borders must appear to Russian nationalists as a threat; to moderate Russians Bertram concludes, "It is therefore either thoughtless or dishonest to declare, as the West does, that NATO enlargement is inevitable."

The bone of contention (tags)

Russia really wants only one thing: to prevent Ukraine from becoming a full NATO country. Against the background of the current overall political situation, the West's behavior points to one thing above all: Its own population is to be kept in suspense by a succession of shocks.

"The US is lying to itself" (tags)

The U.S. government, he said, should recognize the "brutal fact" of spheres of influence. Washington cannot continue to claim that "only brutal tyrants like Putin want to influence neighboring countries." Because the U.S. would be "lying to itself" by doing so.

The Curse of Financial Entrepreneurship (tags)

We are not prisoners of bad decisions made in the past. We can and should rein in Wall Street, break up its five giant “too-big-to-fail” banks, support local and state banks, resurrect the Glass-Steagall Act’s divide between investment & commercial banking, tax all financial transactions

NATO ignites (tags)

The instrument of using half-truths is found in Nato propaganda where it cherry-picks Russian law-breaking in the Crimea crisis to portray Russia as a threat, forgetting the Western-blamed law-breaking in the weeks before: the pro-Western Yatsenyuk "interim government."

The pulverized humanity (tags)

Endless lockdowns, police-enforced quarantines, travel restrictions, compulsory vaccinations, the suppression of scientific data and scientific debate and large-scale censorship are consistently examples of dehumanizing measures.

The State of Unclassified and Commercial Technology Capable of Some Electronic Mind Contro (tags)

covid is, among other things, a vast cover story for a lot of biotech and electro-chemical weaponry being deployed by the political servants of royalty worldwide...some is prudence, some is about cleaning up loose ends, ala gulf war problems still hanging around...these other deaths, these assassinations i talked about 3 years ago, when i saw it coming, are now all "Complications" from covid. they must have their deniability and lies. here in america covid is coup #2 within the continuing conquest of the world government over our founding documents. 911 was coup #1 of course. its all about perception management at all on.

The Trojan Horse and Away from the Herd (tags)

In "Away from the Herd," the author compares the modern plight with docile submissive people in WW1. "Tagore criticizes modern civilization, which is crushed by materialism. He compares it to a giant giraffe: intelligence has grown into excess and has departed from the heart, the body is wasting away.

Biography - William Patrick Hitler (tags)

William Patrick Stuart-Houston (né Hitler; 12 March 1911 – 14 July 1987) was the half-nephew of Adolf Hitler. Born and raised in the Toxteth area of Liverpool to Adolf's half-brother Alois Hitler Jr. and his Irish wife Bridget Dowling, he later relocated to Germany to work for his half-uncle before emigrating to the United States, where he received American citizenship (in addition to his British citizenship) and ended up serving in the U.S. Navy against his half-uncle during World War II.

The Missing Link: What role did Reinhard Gehlen play in Babyn Jar's massaka? (tags)

It was mass murder in chord: 80 years ago, SS murderers shot 33,771 people near Kiev. Few were convicted. A German lawyer now wants to bring one of the last alleged perpetrators to court. But what role actually played the "founder" of the Federal Intelligence Service, who in addition to the Iron Cross II. Class, War Merit Cross II and I Class with swords and the German Cross in silver ( 1945), was honored with the Federal Cross of Merit in 1968?

Swedish neutrality refers to Sweden's former policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, whic (tags)

Swedish neutrality refers to Sweden's former policy of neutrality in armed conflicts, which was in effect from the early 19th century, until 2009, when Sweden entered into various mutual defence treaties with the European Union (EU), and other Nordic countries.[1] Sweden's previous neutrality policy had originated largely as a result of Sweden's involvement in the Napoleonic Wars during which over a third of the country's territory was lost, including the traumatic loss of Finland to Russia.

Rescue Plan of the Biden Administration (tags)

Thanks to the rescue plan, the US economy is expected to grow faster than at any time since 1984. The rest of the world will also benefit. Families with children will receive tax rebates. 70% of Americans are in favor of the plan.

The big crash isn't just hitting the stock markets (tags)

The author reminds us that "never in history has a crisis been solved by printing money." The states and central banks had "maneuvered themselves into a dead end from which they can no longer get out" through their own fault.

Workout. The Crisis of Labor and the Limits of Capitalist Society (tags)

The Third Industrial Revolution represents a qualitative break in the history of productivity growth. This is because microelectronics facilitated a radical reorganization in production overall such that labor lost the central importance that it previously had and the application of knowledge became the main force.

Capitalism as the religion of indebtedness and debt (tags)

In capitalism, the fundamental social relation is neither exchange nor production. Rather, it is debt that dominates and supersedes every other way of recognizing and valorizing the measure between people. Those who have money are creditworthy, manifesting the sign of God's grace.

The richest animal on earth - Nazis and animal welfare (tags)

Was it just conditioning or why did dogs collaborate with the Nazis? And why are there are only few rich cats?

Myths and hidden Links listed: Schwarzschild universe, Naziufos and Secret Societies (tags)

While the world facing Boka Chica turning to a "Gate to Mars" we should review what is discussed rare regarding Extraterrestrials and the Roots of Spacetravel. While more nazi based conspiracy theories about a Kabala (pedophile Freemasonry and Satanism, etc.) going viral, we need to remember there were also Freemason Astronauts and leading Satanist representing the better Side of Humanity... to go to places no human were before inside the observable universe. You'll be surprised like the guy that "calculated that Schwarzschild radius of the black hole with the mass of visible universe is equal to the radius of the visible universe (13E9 ly).", will you?

How much children were killed by Nazis in World War 2? (tags)

During the Holocaust, children were especially vulnerable to death under the Nazi regime...

The "Great Reset" and the Deep State (tags)

Taboo truths, about which the authorities remain shamefully silent, can indeed be kept under the carpet very well for decades. The course of history is massively influenced by these informal, unelected structures that operate in the interests of the old elites.

Time to end the panic mode (tags)

Tyrannies reverse the rule of law. They turn law into an instrument of injustice. They cloak their crimes in false legality. They use the outward decorum of courts and trials to disguise their criminality.

Lessons from the First New Deal for the Next One (tags)

Chicago School Economists Got it Wrong. Strong Antitrust Policy Boosts the Economy (tags)

When mergers increase market concentration, we know that competition has been harmed even if to a small extent. Since this is the case, it makes sense to ask the merging parties to establish that the merger will provide benefits to the economy.

Top Economist: As Pandemic Recedes, a Chance to Rethink Unemployment (tags)

The Chamber of Commerce, for example, has pushed the U.S. to stop expanded unemployment insurance benefits so that people will be forced to return to low-wage jobs. Some Republican-dominated states have jumped on board with this idea.

Germany Axis Alert Puzzle (tags)

Since Sig Sauer was spotted in India more information about the Axis appear in Internet which analyses who were involved inside SS at 2nd World War. I just quoted some "random" rare puzzle pieces to inform...

Learning to Feel Collectively (tags)

The starting point of the upheavals are the anti-colonial movements that have been spreading across the globe since the end of World War II. With the Black Civil Rights Movement, they penetrate into the heart of the capitalist world system starting in the mid-1950s, where they politicize liberal students* and the beat culture.

Austerity's Hidden Purpose & From California Economics to Bidenomics (tags)

For governments pursuing austerity, spending cuts mean lower national income and fewer taxes. Unlike a household or a business, if the government cuts its spending during tough times, it is cutting its revenues, too.

No Health Emergency (tags)

All of a sudden, what has always been a taboo subject is being discussed in public: the question of whether the political leaders and their scientific advisors have overdramatized the threat posed by the virus and whether the lockdown strategy has overshot the mark.

The Perpetrator-Victim Reversal (tags)

The West refuses to give the Red Army credit for Germany's liberation from fascism - instead, it diligently stokes the Cold War with Russia. France and West Germany were liberated by the landing of the Western Allies in Normandy - but all of Eastern Europe must have shaken off the yoke of Nazism all by itself.

The Corona Complex (tags)

The seizure of power that we are currently experiencing must necessarily be a form of foreign domination. The population is not consulted on large-scale planning agendas, such as the Great Reset. We encounter this foreign domination, on the one hand, in the form of bundled interests of large power players

Corona: When will we ever understand? (tags)

The Corona measures of those currently in power are intended to prevent great calamity. They are used to justify the most severe restrictions on constitutional rights, the likes of which have not been seen since the end of World War II.

Asia's Future (tags)

"Europe derived great power and huge profits from colonizing Asia, Asia has grown amazingly because of American and European outsourcing, and now the United States and Europe are propped up by infusions of Asian investment and talent. This is the true nature of the global system, not multipolar competition."

Remembrance culture and the Cold War (tags)

"No to racism, anti-Semitism, the production of images of the enemy, and the slandering of history!" Russia is once again declared the enemy, but at a rapid pace now so is China. The new Cold War seems unstoppable. Enemy images are marked by a simple binary world view.

Pandemic leads to massive concentration in the marketplace (tags)

“We need a much more democratic system, we need to democratize all bits of the state – we need collective power"

America's Post-Trump Reckoning (tags)

His startling disregard for expertise and science has resulted in the erosion and degradation of independent national institutions such as the US Postal Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the FBI, & US intelligence community.

Why capitalism compels renunciation and we could work less (tags)

How much human and natural resources are squandered on taxation, trade and advertising, how much on labor administration, justice, police, prisons, armaments, military? How many people work overtime without end, suffer heart attacks and burnout, wear themselves out in the brutal competition?

New Prosperity. Is a paradigm-shift necessary given the limits of economic growth? (tags)

Politicians and economists have adhered to the principle of steady growth. One possible explanation may be that "central areas of society, politics and the economy.... are existentially dependent on constant growth"

The US election as a turning point (tags)

We seek emancipatory methods of decision-making that organize social life without leaders, command and obedience. We need enlightenment, a free press critical of domination, counter-publics, and social movements that fight for the dignity of all people. We will write history from below

The long struggle for a post-capitalist society (tags)

The (Corona) crisis has relentlessly exposed the inability of neoliberal capitalism and its political personnel to meet the elementary needs of the people. Even if it is not felt to the same extent in Germany due to the depressing political conditions: the neoliberal offensive is in a deep existential crisis.

The New Deal and Self-destructive Donald Trump (tags)

From 1929 to 1932 industrial production halved and in a chain reaction over 5000 banks went bankrupt. Farmers' incomes shrank by 70 percent, unemployment rose to 25 percent, and there were no welfare state measures to cushion the misery.

Big Pharma profits at any price (tags)

"Almost all innovations today come from public research," says Marcia Angell. This often results in spin-offs that are then taken over by large pharmaceutical companies. "The pharmaceutical companies also locate themselves locally around the universities so that they can only cross the street to buy a patent.

The election as a farce: Donald Trump and the rise of the autocrats (tags)

To elect a demagogue is always dangerous, but it does not condemn a country to the collapse of its democracy. Strong institutions can keep corrupt or autocratic leaders in check. That is exactly what the U.S. Constitution is designed to do, and for much of our history it has been successful in doing so.

Trump's fight against the law (tags)

Trump stands for the rejection of the universalist traditions of the US, for the abolition of the rule of law and the reign of the lie.

The Divided Nation. White Nationalism in History and Society (tags)

Americans have always valued their liberal heritage and their political system which tends toward the vital center. Two souls dwell in the American breast to speak with Goethe. White privilege is a defining factor.

Dirty tricks of the autocrats (tags)

Donald Trump tries to get re-elected with partly illegal tricks. This is undemocratic and dangerous for the USA and its allies. Defending democracy is becoming the challenge of our time.

Avoiding the Trump Trap (tags)

As US President Donald Trump's popularity continues to drop ahead of November's election, he has sought new ways to stoke the public fear and panic that led him to victory in 2016. The best strategy may be to make Trump's demagoguery a theme of his campaign.

Against the neoliberal denunciation of the welfare state (tags)

No economist is so misunderstood and misinterpreted as Adam Smith. Many consider him to be an advocate of the "free market" and narrow-minded egoism. What a mistake! Smith saw an important and strong role for the state.

Can U.S. Democracy Be Fixed? (tags)

To distract and divert, scapegoating becomes a core tactics of these moves away from democratic cohesion. In a world of inequalities and global warming, there has arisen a frightening receptivity to blaming the stranger or the other

After Hiroshima (tags)

The fight for nuclear disarmament and the fight against climate change belong together, Rhodes said. They are the great challenge to the young generation that is gaining authority in the world. To pass both, he said, is the chance to renew and preserve the world.

The turn to less: Corona and the consumption dilemma (tags)

The Corona crisis could be the beginning of a better normality. Corona could make a turning point in history. The global North has benefited from unequal trade relations. Global employment has lost its role as the center of life. We must get out of the old path dependencies.

Our normality is not returniing (tags)

If the government's response to the debt accumulated during the crisis is austerity, it will make the situation even worse. It is therefore right to call for a more active and visionary state policy that shows a way out of the crisis. What form will these policies take?

Shir HaMa’alot: 15 Steps to Extending Israeli Sovereignty to Judea and Samaria (tags)

Policy Steps for integrating Judea and Samaria into the State of Israel

The Forgotten History of the Financial Crisis (tags)

In the United States between late 2008 and early 2009, 800,000 people were losing their jobs every month. By 2015, over nine million American families would lose their homes to foreclosure—the largest forced population movement in the United States since the Dust Bowl.

Israeli Policy Ideas: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

A Jewish Affirmative Action Plan, To Right a Historic Wrong

Israeli Policy Blueprint: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Jews R Indigenous, Arabs Invaded in 7th Century.

The Bank Of Israel, Gold, And The Third Temple (tags)


The Legacy of John Kenneth Galbraith (tags)

Near the end of the twentieth century, the Brookings Institution calculated America's total military spending since World War II, and concluded that it amounted to more than $20 trillion--with more than a third of that spent on nuclear weapons alone.

Fighting the Causes of Flight (tags)

The refugee debate is back but only the symptoms are in the spotlight. Refugees are fought instead of the causes of flight. The political failure is as dreadful as the forgetfulness of the media and politics. More than 70 million persons are fleeing from war, persecution and conflicts.

"We Gotta Get Out of this Place" (tags)

"Bourgeois theorists have always believed capitalism to be “everlasting” because, they claim, it is in accordance with “human nature.” For them, all crises are only cyclical and transient:" This interview is from, 2/23/2016

Market Economy: The Superrich Endanger Democracy (tags)

It is easy to influence politics with a lot of money, and civil society is often just a nuisance. In the US, this problem is everywhere, but Europe is catching up.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives and discussed.

Please Disrupt Capitalism! and The Return of Hope (tags)

The old quotation from Gramsci describes our plight: "The old dies and the new cannot come into the world. It is the time of the monster." The Good News is that the time of no alternatives is over. The Bad News is that the wrong alternatives are discussed.

An Israeli Policy: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

A How To Guide For Annexing The West Bank

Israeli Policy Prescription: How to Annex Judea and Samaria (tags)

Annex Judea and Samaria Now! This Is How, a Policy Analytic Approach.

Lawrence Ferlinghetti turns 100 (tags)

See and hear Ferlinghetti take on conquerors, bullies, and xenophobes, underwear, and other subjects in the readings here from his throughout his career, including a full, 40-minute reading in 2005 at UC Berkeley, below,

Passionate March in Support of Venezuela (tags)

One of two events on March 16 in L.A., this one near MacArthur Park, actually took marchers into a busy street (as pictured below).

Trump: A Disaster For Animals As Well As People (tags)

126 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals People Birds Fishes Butterflies Bees The Watershed and Mother Earth

Voiceless Animals: 2018 Candidates They Oppose (tags)

The animal abusing Repubican senators up for reelection are listed. This year's house races are easy to determine. 220 of the 235 Republicans in the House voted to bring aerial hunting and bear cub murder to our national park in Alaska. 220 Republicans voted to allow the murder of nearly 1000 sea lions because they eat salmon that fishermen want.

Affordable Rents? A State of Emergency Intensifies (tags)

Rents explode in cities after massive sales of public housing to brutal investors. In 1987, there were 5.5 million social apartments in Germany. Today, there are 1.5 million. Land speculation was prevented in Vienna. The Vienna Housing Fund buys up possible development land.

Please Vote Against These Animal Abusers In Nov Or Early Voting (tags)

Please vote out the 52 Republican senators who have a terrible record of votes for animal abuse and slaughter. Please vote out the 220 Republican House members who voted for aerial hunting in our national park. Please vote out all who vote for Donald Trump's agenda.

Greedy Animal Researchers Hide Truth About Alzheimer's From Public (tags)

The prime causes of Alzheimer's are known and are the homocysteine, trioxypurine and animal fat in meat and fish. These 3 block the arteries of the brain.

Neoliberalism or New Freedom for Corporations (tags)

"The interests of merchants always differ from public interests. As a rule, they are interested in deceiving and misusing the general public" (Adam Smith). Keynes established that the market alone cannot ensure the prosperity of everyone.

Systematic Lies and Disinformation From Above (tags)

"In Oct 1962, John F. Kennedy, a level-headed president, sat in the White House and spoke with the Soviet leader Khrushchev through a secret "back channel" behind the backs of his generals and secret services and prevented Cuba's bombing and invasion.

Ultimatums instead of Diplomacy (tags)

In what phase is NATO's confrontation with Russia? Contrary to a promise to Gorbachev, NATO expanded eastward from 16 to 28 states. A military system is built along the Russian border. Military maneuvers with 10,000 soldiers are staged at Russia's border.

As Trump consolidates his power, the history of 1930s Germany repeats itself (tags)

Compromises, concessions, and countermeasures are necessary in America after the budget attacks on the poor, seniors, the disabled, students and chidlren.

Crash on the Horizon (tags)

The systemic reasons for the crisis are more important than a sudden fall in prices. Stocks are held on average 22 seconds, not 6 months or ten years. Real-capitalism is a plus-sum game. Financial capitalism is a zero-sum game.

50 Of Many Ways Donald Trump Harms Animals (tags)

Virtually every species has been negatively affected by Trump, Zinke, Pruitt, And Others In His Regime

Last Time Iraq, This Time Iran, Time For Purim (tags)

This article reviews Iraqi & Iranian behavior toward Israel, in the light of Purim.

Palestinians, Beware Jewish Days of Rage, Hanukkah is Coming to Israel! (tags)

This article surveys responses to Trumps declaration on Jerusalem.

100 Years Ago African-Americans Marched Down 5th Avenue to Declare That Black Lives Matter (tags)

On the afternoon of Saturday, July 28, 1917, nearly 10,000 African-Americans marched down Fifth Avenue, in silence, to protest racial violence and white supremacy in the United States. New York City, and the nation, had never before witnessed such a remarkable scene. The “Silent Protest Parade,” as it came to be known, was the first mass African-American demonstration of its kind and marked a watershed moment in the history of the civil rights movement. As I have written in my book “Torchbearers of Democracy,” African-Americans during the World War I era challenged racism both abroad and at home. In taking to the streets to dramatize the brutal treatment of black people, the participants of the “Silent Protest Parade” indicted the United States as an unjust nation.

Capitalism as Regressive Descent Society (tags)

The escalator is going down and no longer up as in the "social modern age." The social trend drives toward precariousness and the accompanying social descent. Social institutions and securities are being cleared away.

Jewish “Defense” League: Nazis in Skull-caps (tags)

The recent arrests of JDL members for assault and hate crimes for a brutal attack on Arab, Jewish and other protesters of AIPAC (the right-wing, pro-Zionist lobbying organization) sent me to the archives to dig up some reportage and investigation I had done for People Against Racist Terror in the 1990s about the JDL. I had been physically attacked at least twice previously by JDLers, once in Brooklyn in 1968 at a sit-in for open admissions for Black and Puerto Rican high school grads to Brooklyn College (then 99% white, mostly Jewish with a small minority of Irish Catholics). I was attacked again by the JDL at an anti-Klan rally in Los Angeles in 1983, by Irv Rubin and Earl Krugel (who pulled a shiv and shouted racist threats at Black marchers). The JDL is and always has been a stone racist, reactionary, pro-imperialist, organization, breeding ground for Meier Kahane’s genocidal Kach party in israel. I use quotes around “Defense” in the title of the article because just like the so-called Israeli “Defense” Forces, they are an aggressive, abusive bunch, and have always attacked Arabs, leftists, people of color and especially Jews who don’t buy their lies.

Where is Our Personal Freedom Going. – Robert Tronge (tags)

I think it is time to take a look at where our political leaders are leading us. America has always been based on the concept that all men are free and there should be no barriers put up barring a person’s liberty or freedoms regardless of any defining characteristics that a person has. The most obvious examples are race, color, creed, and religion but there are also others.

Reasons for anarchism. (tags)

What is the future of freedom? What does a free world look like? Anarchism is the best way to guarantee the freedom of humans and animals, now and in the future. Anarchists want to eliminate government and other forms of hierarchy.

„Will and not Can“ (tags)

I got mail from Gewindeberg. At least that is what it says it is. Or was. There was no return address provided, with the explanation that it was not from this world. But it was addressed to me and arrived as a letter on a few sheets of paper, though without a signature, with the explanation that this was the only way to achieve authenticity on a spoofed channel. It carried a stamp displaying a view through a microscope. This is so unbelievable that I have taken some time to decide what to make of it. But before that, I am going to publish it for you to come to your own judgements. Here you are.

US Election as a Turn of an Era (tags)

Karl Marx modified a Hegel quotation that world-historical events always occurred twice, the first time as tragedy and the next time as farce. Since November 9, 2016, we know they can occur as tragedy and farce at once.

To Defeat Trump … And the Democrats, Fight for Workers Revolution (tags)

After all the media hype, suddenly it turned out that Republican Donald Trump was elected. The racist, sexist, immigrant-bashing, woman-molesting Trump would be the next CEO of the United States and commander-in-chief of U.S. imperialism. In deep shock and disbelief, tens of millions asked, how could this happen? In Muslim, Latino, African American and immigrant families there was raw fear. Soon mass protests began, with many chanting “Not My President” (as if Democrat Clinton, a certified warmonger, would have been?). At the same time, racist incidents multiplied. It is urgently necessary to fight back, but the question is how? The answer depends on understanding what happened, and why. Trump certainly mobilized the hard-core racist vote, and better-off middle class voters. But what put him over the top was the vote of residents of dying small towns and white workers in the Rust Belt, who have seen their jobs destroyed and cities devastated. The fact is that with their economic policies, the Democrats pushed millions of workers into the arms of Trump. What is urgently needed is to break from the Democrats, Republicans and all capitalist parties and build a class-struggle workers party. Such a party would fight for a program of mass workers action against the deportations, for workers defense guards against racist attacks, and to oppose the imperialist war drive in a struggle leading to workers revolution.

Bloody Duterte (tags)

Nuclear Shudown News Aufust 2016 (tags)

Nuclear Shutdown News chronicles the decline and fall of the nuclear power industry in the US and beyond, and highlights the efforts of those who are working to create a nuclear free future. Here is our August 2016 edition:

Why You Don't Hear About All These Bankruptcies (tags)

This is the root of Americas problems. Couple with deterioration of the voting process, and the power of the jury, our country is about dead. Americans imply consent to all this international legalese in numerous ways, but mostly by spending the cash of the federal reserve banking monopoly without qualifying that at every opportunity with the statement "All rights reserved".....b

Fusion Green Liberty Party 2016 Presidential Campaign (tags)

The Green Liberty Party is a fusion party that combines both Green and Libertarian concepts. Primarily the GLP is concerned with ending the rackets called "war on drugs" and "war on terror". GLP candidate Mark Paul Miller will use the Office of President to research, expose and stop these two government rackets that have taken lives and money from U.S. voters. It is possible for a write-in candidate to win the election if they get enough votes

53 Of The Ways The World's Military Harm Animals (tags)

The voiceless victimes of insane immoral illegal wars

Hillary’s email revelation: France and US killed Qaddafi for his gold and oil (tags)

poster's note: Hillary's emails show 143 tons of gold held by Libya as well as oil were 2 of the factors along with others in the bombing of Libya

Propaganda Countdown to WWIII: Armenians in the Crosshairs (tags)

True to their well-documented pattern, the Azeris felt compelled to come up with their own propagandized version of non-reality to show that they too can be victims of genocide --- ostensibly committed by Armenians.

Why are the Lambs Silent? (tags)

Techniques-fragmentation and propaganda- make serious violations of moral norms by the ruling elites morally and cognitively invisible to the population. With many examples, professor Mausfeld gives insight in the management of our democracy and how people are kept in apathy.

Turkey's Downing of a Russian Fighter Jet Moves the Doomsday Clock Very Close to Midnight (tags)

To NOT Have the World "Go Into the Dark" (Per LBJ's Daisy Commercial Warning) the Mainstream Media & Administration Should Discard President Obama's "Look Forward Not Back" Iraq War Policy & Investigate & Report On Its Real Origins, Goals & Relationship to the Present Crisis -- the Solution to Which Is U.S.-Russian Partnership.

“None Dare Call It Conspiracy:” How U.S. Elites Made Islamist Militants the New Red Menace (tags)

The American Establishment’s Quarter-Century Scheme to Replace Defunct Soviet Communism with “Expansionist” Militant Islam. And Why We Need Former U.S. Senator turned diplomat Gary Hart, Who “Thinks Differently” About U.S.-Russia Relations, to Join the 2016 Presidential Race

Fall 2015 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Alert! (tags)

Migrant’s Human Rights Violations, Syria Refugee Crisis – Proudly Made by U.S.A. + Dump the Trump!

Walden Bello runs for senator of the Philippines, pushes reforms in governance (tags)

Rep. Walden Bello resigned from Congress on March 19, 2015, because he could no longer support a hypocritical good governance policy under which President Aquino went after his political enemies but protected his corrupt cronies. His resignation was also an act of protest at the president’s refusal to accept command responsibility for the Mamasapano tragedy. He felt that his voluntary stepping down was the ethical thing to do since his party Akbayan, of which he was the principal representative in the House of Representatives, maintained its support for Aquino.

Ockham's Razor (tags)

Pollution, wars, crime, terrorism, drugs, diseases, disasters, etcetera, are all related with each other and deliberately created with the same goal.

A Formal Response to California’s Death With Dignity Act Legislation (tags)

Recently a major and moral decision was made to quell California legislature as to whether people suffering with terminal illness should have the right to die with dignity. Democrats did not have enough votes although the legislation might come back later in the year? To the extent that there was much of a debate in the news it has been one-sided with a chorus of status quo preventivists. Religion has once again slammed up common sense and compassion

White Supremacists tied to human trafficking and a series of unsolved murders (tags)

This is an long but worthwhile article that specifies the link between white supremacist hate groups in the United States, human trafficking and a series of unsolved murders. I hope someone uses this information usefully. I hope this shuts these morons up for good. We all deserve to live in peace without any white supremacists causing any more problems for anyone.

Kiev's Ongoing Aggression on Donbass (tags)


Omar Khadr: Free at Last? (tags)

police state

Deepening Sino/Russian Ties (tags)


US Council of Muslim Organizations statement on Armenian incident (tags)

Founding members of USCMO: American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), Muslim Alliance in North America (MANA), Muslim American Society (MAS), Muslim Legal Fund of America (MLFA), Muslim Ummah of North America (MUNA), The Mosque Cares (Ministry of Imam W. Deen Mohammed).

Socialist Animalism (tags)

Free collection of articles.

Iran: The Leading Proponent for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World (tags)


Renowned War Resister Juanita Nelson Slips From Her Body (tags)

Juanita Nelson's first public act of courage occurred on a train from Cleveland to the South when she was put at the Mason Dixon Line into a Jim Crow car. Nearly 8 decades of war tax resistance, sitins at segregated restaurants, organic farming, simple living and peacemaking followed.

USA Today Reveals Ukrainian Forces Include Nazis (tags)


Prime Cause Of Alzheimer's: Homocysteine In Mammal, Bird and Fish Flesh (tags)

There are many causes of Alzheimer's but the primary one is homocysteine, a protein in mammal, bird and fish flesh. The metabolism of homocysteine causes amyloid plaque to build up over a lifetime in the brain.

BACKGROUNDER: The Palestinian Claim to a “Right of Return” (tags)

Do Palestinians who fled Israel in 1948, and their descendants, have a legal or moral right to return to their former homes in Israel?

Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies in London (tags)


America's War Agenda (tags)


NPR And Alzheimer's (tags)

NPR's 200 million dollar investment in McDonald's stock makes its news coverage often nonexistent in regards to the toxins, environmental devastation, energy waste, and animal agony involved in murdering trillions of animals, birds, and fishes for human appetites..


A re-assessment of Carlos Bulosan's life and works in the context of his birth anniversary this November and Filipino-American Month.


Reviewing Carlos Bulosan's life and work in commemoration of his birth anniversary November 1911.

Sino/Russian Alliance Challenges West (tags)


Washington's Bloated Defense Budget (tags)


Big Lies Launch Lawless Wars (tags)


War Winds Near Gale Force (tags)


Nuclear Bomb Witness, Mobile Audit Club Daily Forewords, ISIS good Sissies like Reid Fag, (tags)

Robin Williams was led and coaxed helped to his death by those who did not care for him. Our leaders, some of them have tried to do the same to many of us. It is time to awaken to the facts revealed by Mobile Audit Club's Saintrambone

Selling NATO's Killing Machine (tags)


World Humanitarian Day Hypocrisy (tags)


The Shortwave Report 08/22/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan,, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, The Voice Of Russia, and Spanish National Radio.

As Quartermaster Memory Returns, Nuclear Disaster Directly off So Cal Coast 1983 (tags)

Radio active carrion or fresh seafood from the California coast? I was witness to the flash and later I was witness to the radiation and to this day show the scars. Here is the latest from Mobile Audit Club, as my memory returns.

Learning from Roosevelt: HIs "New Deal" (tags)

The Civilian Conservation Corps helped overcome the basic pessimistic mood in society. Within a few months, 500,000 young persons had hope again. The government should intervene in case of an economic emergency.

Responses to more religious political influence, also sustainable development. (tags)

Responses of human rights members to post which considers religious political parties would have more influence if adopted a secular, ethical human rights base. Also, my response to sustainable development.

Common Sense vs. the Lone Gunman (tags)

thoughts on the JFK assassination

Struggle for National Democracy (tags)

This book by Jose Maria Sison is a historical record of the legal struggle for national liberation and democracy against U.S. imperialism, feudalism and bureaucrat capitalism in the 60s and early 70s. It was the principal legal study material in discussion groups and schools of national democracy which educated the youth cadres and militants from 1967 through the First Quarter Storm of 1970 to the declaration of martial law in 1972.

6 of the US Wars Initiated By Black Ops (tags)

Afghanistan, Iraq, Vietnam, WW1, WW2, Spanish American War... were all initiated or expanded in the US by black ops

1983 Nuclear Bomb Pacific LA View, Memory Executions, of USS Reid FFG 30 , USS Dier Fag (tags)

You should be aware that a nuclear bomb detonated in view of LA likely under the sea in 1983. I am having memory recollections of likely executions at Long Beach Naval Station, war at FDIC 10 years later in San Francisco

Democracy and socialism (tags)

Democracy is the most popular word in the vocabulary of politics but also the most brazenly abused.

Ho Chi Minh And The War In Vietnam (tags)

Ho Chi Minh mistakenly thought that the US government, founded in revolution against colonizers, would help Vietnam free itself from the French.

Sino/Russian Unity: What Washington Fears Most (tags)


New York Times War on Truth (tags)


Fact Checking Scoundrel Media Lies (tags)


Captain America 2 (tags)

Reflections on an irrelevant movie.

Summer Reese is the Pacifica Foundation’s Abe Lincoln (tags)

Is the Pacifica Foundation Board Trying to Dissolve the Foundation’s Five Station Union, Place Each Station’s Broadcast License under Local Ownership, Sell WBAI into the Commercial Marketplace and Distribute the Proceeds as "Endowments" to the Remaining 4 Stations?

On National Democracy (tags)

The concept of National Democracy aims to overthrow feudalism and achieve independence from colonialism.

NATO Plans Global Dominance (tags)


Debunking Western Propaganda (tags)


Pacifica Radio, Rwanda, and DR Congo (tags)

As the stand-off at the Pacifica Radio Foundation offices in Berkeley continues, I have to ask myself why Pacifica matters. Is it worth such a constant struggle? One reason I answer yes is the truth that makes its way onto Pacifica airwaves about Rwanda, DR Congo, the whole Great Lakes Region of Africa, and the US/Pentagon responsibility for the most lethal conflict since World War II. News reports about this are not consistent across the network, or across the broadcasts of different stations, but some of Pacifica's reporting on this fulfills its oft repeated claim to bring you news that no one else will. This is one example: the voice of Keith Harmon Snow, included in this 02.12.2014 KPFK report, is heard on RT and Press TV, but certainly not on NPR, or any major TV network outlet in the U.S. or Canada.

Cheerleading Potential Disaster (tags)


Protest Against Latest U.S. Meddling (tags)

“Nobody should be fooled here, especially left forces. History shows you what the U.S. is about--they're not about democracy, they're about profits by any means.“ – John Parker, International Action Center

Heading Toward East/West Confrontation (tags)


Anti-Russian Propaganda Rages (tags)


Food Borne Illnesses (tags)

There are thousands of food borne illnesses. Knowledge of foods to avoid preserves health.

The Snowdown - Wikileaks - Sibel Edmonds - Whistleblower Effect By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

Just look for the core-lies and unquestioned axioms of empire that are typically retained in the “leaks” and reportage which, in order to sound credible, often openly expose what is mostly already known anyway or judiciously employ some variation of “Limited Hangout” wrapped in a veneer of dissent, 'freedom of the press', and often accompanied by the facade of angst and opposition from the state to afford a veneer of legitimacy to the whistleblowing revelations of supposed state-secrets having caused some great harm to the state. The extravagance enacted in the mainstream media, alternately making heroes of the whistleblowers and demonizing them, is a giveaway to the circus show being enacted for plebeian consumption.

Ongoing Operation Gladio Redux in Pakistan Written by Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

The sorry fact that the entire establishment of Pakistan, in toto, is self-servingly pitching that imperial narrative while continuing to permit her sovereign territories to be droned by the sole superpower, with occasional outbursts of bravado by her own military in equally futile military operations which mostly kill and displace her own innocent civilians, which in turn naturally seed from amongst the angry and traumatized survivors a continual supply of new recruits into the same terrorist cesspool of suicide bombers, bespeaks of the validity of the common man's rather empirical opinion that childish fools and brigands and blackguards are ruling Pakistan.

32 Causes Of Memory Loss and Brain Deterioration (tags)

Radio and tv making hundreds of billions from meat and fish advertising are not reliable sources of health information. There are many ways to counteract past brain injuries.

Militarism in Germany (tags)


Flashback:Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's cheerful mood in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks (tags)

“We have assembled here today [...] in order to bow our heads in sorrow and deep mourning over the deaths of innocent citizens in New York and Washington [...] [perpetrated] by criminal terrorists of the worst kind that the world has known since World War II, and even beyond.” said the then Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon during a speech at the Israeli parliament Knesset fıve days after the 9/11 attacks. However, some photos taken in the three months after the attacks betray a strikingly different mood of both Mr Sharon (1928-2014) and the foreign political leaders with whom he held consultations...

Fukushima Japan’s Nuclear Weapons Program Revealed by Akie Abe (tags)

This week Japan’s first lady Akie Abe revealed the existence of Fukushima Japan’s nuclear weapons program.

Beware of increasing medical torture at fed and state hospitals, beware of hostile federal (tags)

A new con job by criminals or government on unsuspecting craigslist landlords. Also forced injections of journalist leads to censorship of his newsposts at google. Protect your young from federal and state abuses and lies

America's War on Humanity (tags)


Marilyn Manson video commemorates Abortion survivor and USA Holocaust Victim, slo-mo-tion (tags)

California has the largest prison population per capita in the USA and the USA has the largest on Earth. Marilyn Manson's video choreographer celebrates and SLO and Mobile Audit Club and more, Kurt Brown saint Ram Bone alleged survivor of abortion by FDIC murder

Human Rights Day 2013 (tags)

human rights

Anti-Iranian Israeli/Saudi Alliance (tags)


Challenging Wrongful Convictions (tags)

police state

Labor Needs to Recalibrate and Fight (tags)

While the U.S. media has been obsessed with the in-fighting between Democrats and Republicans, as well as the recent government shutdown and the global/domestic ramifications of a possible government default, little attention has been paid to a looming disaster confronting working people: Obama is again threatening to cut “entitlement” programs, meaning Social Security and Medicare.

Longstanding US/Iranian Relations (tags)


Another Fake US Terror Alert (tags)

police state

Anti-Assad Death Squads Responsible for Gas Attack (tags)


Obama's War Plans on Syria Unchanged (tags)


Would Obama Open a Pandora's Box in a Strike on Syria? (tags)

"You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake" (Jeanette Rankin). "Every war has two losers (William Stafford). War is a horror and racket that has served as a profit-center and evasion. Orwell warned that war could become a domestic necessity to divert the people.


People gathered here on an unusually hot day-for SF- to rally and march in opposition to US plans to stage military attacks on Syria.

Israeli Lobby Targets Syria and Iran (tags)


America: Addicted to War (tags)


Lon Snowden's letter to President Obama (tags)

Dear Mr. President: You are acutely aware that the history of liberty is a history of civil disobedience to unjust laws or practices. As Edmund Burke sermonized, “All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”

Russia and China Prepare for Global War (tags)


A Justice 4 Trayvon Martin Scrapbook (tags)

Links and photos from Sunday through Friday.

Uncensored Manifesto from Retired LAPD Officer Christopher Dorner (tags)

Uncensored Manifesto of Christopher Dorner

Santa Ana Police Department: taking payoffs to jail the innocent (tags)

In Santa Ana, real criminals never need fear arrest as police get $ to arrest law-abiding fathers, brothers, sisters, and children who have committed no crime except for failing to have their proof of citizenship. Do you have yours?

First Time in History; Democrat Cuts Social Security with Chained CPI (tags)

The upcoming cuts to Social Security are being done by a Democrat President who is supposedly the party of the elderly, the disabled, veterans and the poor. The cuts to Social Security under President Obama include the "chained CPI" that would reduce the regular cost of living increases to the checks each year depending upon the rate of inflation. There is a bipartisan effort to block the latest Social Security cuts being led by Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont who has a petition on his website telling Pres. Obama "NO CUTS to Social Security!"

Why Don't Politicians Care about the Working Class? (tags)

The national debt is not the most important problem to address. Reversing the polarization of the labor market is much more important.

Manzanar Committee Calls On JACL Board To Honor Intent Of Power Of Words Handbook (tags)

Repost of a press release regarding JACL wanting to tone down the language on a plaque at Manzanar concentration camp.

U.S. Cannot Tell Iran to Abandon its Nuclear Program (tags)

Interview conducted by Iranian journalist Kourosh Ziabari with Mark Vorpahl

Destruction of heritage sites in Syria raises questions about cost of democracy (tags)

Syria, similar to Iraq and Afghanistan, has suffered the loss of thousands of lives during civil wars. But it also has suffered culturally from the ravages of revolutionary conflicts by the destruction of ancient heritage sites that have stood for centuries and, like a human life, can never be replaced.

Philippine Leftists launch election campaign to take on traditional politicians (tags)

At a one-day assembly of more than 500 delegates on November 28, the militant socialist Party of the Laboring Masses (PLM - Partido Lakas ng Masa) introduced its candidates for national elections scheduled for May 13 next year.

Stagnation, not growth, is the norm for mature capitalism (tags)

The dynamics of a mature capitalist economy result in stagnation and financialization, creating deepening inequality.

Fiscal cliff is a hoax, may be bipartisan excuse to kill off U.S. poor people! (tags)

The media hype about the so-called fiscal cliff is just another bipartisan excuse to increase the gap between the wealthy and ever increasing number of poor people in the U.S. Notice both parties are advocating large cuts to social safety net programs when people are already struggling with poverty, while U.S. military bases remain operational on foreign soil through the Earth and only Presidential candidate Ron Paul was willing to save money by closing ALL overseas bases.

Austerity — the 1%’s Global Battle Cry (tags)

Whether we are left with the Fiscal Cliff or a Grand Bargain, workers in the U.S. face massive cuts to programs such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, unemployment insurance, Food Stamp assistance and other needed social safety nets. This is an example of “austerity” which has largely been pursued in the U.S. until now, on a statewide and local level.

Why is Obama Silent Over the New Congo War (tags)

The last Congo war that ended in 2003 killed 5.4 million people, the worst humanitarian disaster since World War II. The killing was directly enabled by international silence over the issue; the war was ignored and the causes obscured because governments were backing groups involved in the fighting. Now a new Congo war has begun and the silence is, again, deafening.

“Killing by Remote Control”: Medea Benjamin Exposes Drones (tags)

Medea Benjamin, veteran peace activist and author of the new book "Drone Warfare: Killing by Remote Control," spoke in San Diego October 20 and showed photos of victims of U.S. drone attacks because the mainstream media are deliberately keeping these from the American people. She called on the peace movement to put massive pressure on the Obama administration to stop the drone attacks.

A Pretty Good Election, but the Right Still Rules (tags)

The November 6, 2012 election turned out fairly well for progressives — from Barack Obama retaining the presidency to a true Left-wing Democrat like Bob Filner winning for Mayor of San Diego — but the Right is still strong. The issue agendas and terms of discussion continue to be dictated by an increasingly militant Right wing and America's pathetic, ill-organized remnant of a Left no longer has the power to put pressure on the political system for progressive reforms the way it did in the 1890's, 1930's and 1960's.

Christian Zionists Encourage Military-Industrial Complex Never Ending War (tags)

The Zionists in Israel and the U.S. (Christian Zionists) are encouraging the proliferation of the military-industrial complex with their escalation of religious warfare against the occupied Palestinians. The AIPAC lobby and military weapons contractors give campaign contributions to both Democrats and Republicans, making both status quo political parties of the U.S. puppets of greedy individuals bent on never ending warfare with soldiers and civilians paying the ultimate price with their lives.

Greece: Profile of a Failed State (tags)


Venice Beach Holocaust Denier runs for Venice Neighborhood Council (tags)

Homeless bashers maneuvering for position to further their anti-humanitarian agenda.

Appeal for Executive Order for Full Recognition of Filipino WW II Veterans (tags)

“Everybody should play by the same rule.” Mr. President, we appeal to you for Executive Order for Full Recognition of Filipino WW II V... eterans . We are the Filipino WW II veterans and their widows who have defended this nation and decisively won a war to keep Americans safe. Yet, to this day we have to fight for the basic right of full recognition of our US military service. This year, the US Congress due to direct opposition of the Republican leadership has failed to approve an equity bill that would have reversed chronic injustice and racial discrimination. We appeal that as we bring the fight to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco on November 5, 2012 , that you issue an Executive Order to provide full recognition to the Filipino WW II veterans as full American veterans.

Good Guys We're Not (tags)


Nobel Hypocrisy Wins Again (tags)


Karl Rove, Netanyahu and Islamic Uprisings (tags)

The hate machine, lie machine, and the money machine are all on full blast with intent to kill any chance progressives and liberals have standing—especially President Obama and some Senators. The Republican strategy has been to deny, ignore, deceive, and attack. What is also becoming known, since there is now no other viable alternative candidate in Ron Paul, is that the Romney/ Ryan team will likely be a huge disaster in the making for a majority of Americans. So despite what well seems like another stolen election in the making, such as with disenfranchising voters with new State laws, alienated, apathetic, disappointed, disheartened, angry, resentful, confused, Americans, and all independent minds must get out and vote in huge numbers this election—because this election still deeply matters.

Bogus Iranian Nuclear Threat (tags)


Labor Radicalism Alive & Well in U.S., Smith Says (tags)

Author and activist Sharon Smith came to San Diego to speak to Occupy San Diego's Labor Solidarity Committee, the International Socialist Organization (ISO) and other community members September 1, but it was her unannounced co-speaker -- a teachers' union activist from Chicago identified only as Becca -- who galvanized the crowd. Smith used the Chicago teachers' union struggle as an example that radical labor activism in the U.S. is alive and well despite decades of repression from the ruling class.

Qaddafi lies live on after him (tags)

While no one deserves to die in a war, of the estimated 30,000 Libyans to die in the struggle to overthrow Mummar Qaddafi, no one else can be said to have had it coming more than Mummar Qaddafi. Not only did he rule for more than 40 years by using terror, he had tens of thousands murdered, he conducted his 10 month campaign to stay in power with the utmost brutality. Most of those 30,000 souls were Libyan civilians killed by Qaddafi with artillery, tanks, snipers and cluster bombs. He targeted civilian to the end and so made the UN mission to protect them synonymous with ending his rule. So I find it odd that many on the left single out the killing of Mummar Qaddafi to demand investigation and justice for.

Risking Nuclear Armageddon (tags)


Anti-Iranian Hysteria (tags)


Going Viral: Moors' Law for Oil says $7 a gallon gasoline in '17 (tags)

Moore's Law for transistor count is ending, but now there's Moors' Law for oil and it says gasoline -- US national average -- will be $7 in 2017 as oil reaches $120 a barrel. The law is named for Kent Moors, a professor Duquesne U. Specifically, the price of oil and the number of cars in China, which drives it, double every 5 years. These murderous prices change everything in society.


The whole of greater Manila region and its suburbs were hit by floods as high as one story building, caused by a 36 non – stop hours rain caused by southwest monsoon ( Hanging Habagat) from the south aggravated by three typhoons that brought torrential rains. Millions of people living in the National Capital Region (NCR) were affected. According to the EPCC NEWS, It has been raining non-stop in the Philippines for more than 11 days due to the arrival of three thypoons and the presence of the southwest monsoon. Millions of people were affected in 20 cities and 9 provinces in the main island of Luzon. Electricty and water were cut-off aggravating the situation. According to EPCC-LA Philippine sources, the floods were aggravated by 5 dams (like Angat, La Mesa, Ipo) around Metro Manila remained opened to avoid the dams from breaking. Add the high tide from Manila Bay, flood pronged areas like Malabon,Navotas, Quezon City and Manila became a lake and a part of the bay.

Out of the Slump: The Only Road (tags)

A real analysis of the United State’s economic history is rarely discussed by politicians or media alike, since the conclusions that would be inevitably drawn would be out of step with what politicians are currently advocating.

Inequalities, Taxes, and More Inequalities (tags)

Thanks to Occupy, most working people are well aware of the growing inequalities in wealth. But for those who lack the specifics, former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich provides a useful overview: “…the rich have been getting a larger and larger portion of total income. From 9 percent in 1980, the top 1 percent’s take increased to 23.5 percent by 2007. CEOs who in the 1970s took home 40 times the compensation of average workers now rake in 350 times.” (“Confessions of a Class Warrior,” August 22, 2010).

The mainstreaming of anti-semitism: Salon partners with Mondoweiss (tags)

Mondoweiss is not simply a far leftist site. It is not simply a hate site. Mondweiss is a virulent pusher of anti-semitic tropes.

Why Hillary Rod-Iron Clinton Should Be Retired (tags)

Hillary Clinton seems much a mess. Possessed actually, as her appearance, attitude and demeanor, at times, suggests she is in some movie and her character is veering to evil antagonist or machination machine—militantly bureaucratic and all gang mobsters of huge government might imply. Enough with feminist, protectionism claims she is being judged because she is a woman to different standards. Yes there was a terrible and concerted propaganda war to incite hatred against Bill in any way possible as well as everything Democrats ever stood for (or purported). Yet now she is equally manipulated by forces beyond her ken as psychologically blind invalid—because she has need to lash out at something—something society and powerful special interests will allow her unconscious anger to focus. One doesn’t have to understand the likes of Thomas Scheff’s Emotions and Violence: Shame and Rage in Destructive Conflicts to realize where she is coming from and likely to go. Deliberate and accidental humiliation does indeed motivate people to engage violence, which seems the very modus operandi of both Israel and the United States in relation to several Muslim groups.

Manifesto for Global Democracy (tags)

The Manifesto is a pluralist statement on the need of giving global answers to on-going global crises such as nuclear proliferation, climate change and financial instability. In order to do so, it proclaims the need of extending democracy and citizenship beyond national borders, democratizing international organizations and moving towards democratic global institutions.

Spain: The Latest Shoe to Drop (tags)

class war

Non-Intervention: A Foreign Policy for the American Citizen (tags)

The policy of interventionism as practiced by CIA drone attacks with 17% civilian casualites is part of the reason why recruitment for Al Queda and the Taliban is on the increase.

Insurgents Named Responsible for Syrian Massacres (tags)


Obama's Insult to Poland Shows US Ignorance of History (tags)

The world is finally waking up to the profound ignorance of history that exists in the USA. The current president, born in 1961, is so removed from any connection to World War 2 and European history that he referred to the Nazi death camps in Poland as Polish death camps when giving an award to a former Polish resistance fighter, Jan Karski. He has apologized but it should embarrass all Americans as this allegedly educated American, a lawyer, has no concept of history at all.

The Taft-Hartley Act: ‘Neutrality’ as a weapon (tags)

All the new rules put into place by the act were directed against employees, despite the neutral-sounding language.

The Nakba: Before and After (tags)


The Left, Labor and Occupy (tags)

Barely half a year after it burst on the scene, the Occupy Wall Street movement is splintering left and right. This was inevitable in a movement that was united only in what it opposed and could never put forward a positive program, whether of reformist "demands" on the capitalist state or of revolutionary action against it. Liberals, who latched onto Occupy hoping it could pressure the Democratic Party in a more populist direction, want to expel "black bloc" anarchists. Reformist social democrats rail against "ultraleftists" in Occupy and cozy up to the labor tops. On the other side, many (but not all) anarchists oppose unions. Some are simply arrogant petty-bourgeois labor haters. Others are grappling with real problems, but with skewed analysis and dead wrong conclusions. Discussion of recent workers' struggles, from Wisconsin to West Coast longshore, underlines that the key question is leadership, but not just replacing one set of bureaucrats with another. Unions have always faced vicious anti-labor laws, but we have the power to defeat them. It is necessary to drive out the pro-capitalist bureaucracy, the labor lieutenants of capital, in order to turn the unions into instruments of revolutionary class struggle.


Los Angeles--Today, the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) stands with Armenians across LA and the United States to commemorate the 97th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide. We must speak out and acknowledge the 1.5 million who lost their lives in the genocide in 1915. It is very revolting that until today the Turkish authorities and their allies in the United States refused to recognize and still denies the genocide also known as the “Great Calamity” which became the model of a later Holocaust by Nazi Germany in World War II.

On Philippine Foreign Policy (tags)

1) Needed: Firm but Deft Diplomacy, not War Games 2) Akbayan to Chinese government: Defuse standoff, pull vessels out of Scarborough shoal 3) Akbayan condemns North Korea’s planned rocket launch 4) Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) congratulates Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and the National League for Democracy

Paul Wellstone Award ?:Hillary Clinton,U.S.Mexico Ambassador Anthony Wayne,Afghanistan (tags)

I couldn't believe it when I read that W Bush regime and Hillary Clinton call boy Anthony Wayne of Afghanistan Kabul Embassy sex slave and heroin trafficking infamy had won the 'Harvey Wellstone Anti-Slavery Award' and considered writing that organization a letter of protest until I realized I'd be addressing it to his and his crime boss Hillary Clinton's own U.S. State Department - part of the very U.S. and CIA government fascists WHO MANY SUSPECT PLAYED A ROLE IN HIS DEATH !

Does George F. Will Write Like a Weasel (tags)

Recently George Will wrote a column as to whom Mitt Romney might choose as his Vice President. Within the context of exaggerated hyperbole Will proposes Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan or Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal. Thus this aging crank spent more time with blatant labeling of Obama (and the “entitlement state”) rather than making much of a case for either of his choices. If cartoonist and author Scott Adams wrote a book on politicians then George Will’s writing could easily inspire several chapters. What blowhard has written with more insinuation, illusion of logic, confusing sophistry, guilt by association, and whimsical vagary than this pretense of intellectual firepower? His political biases are almost always more prevalent than an ability to write clear and rational arguments.

70th Bataan Day, A USAFFE Scout Remembers (tags)

he ALLIANCE NEWS reported today, on the 70th year of Bataan Day, that Sergeant Dominador Figuracion, 92, begged off from talking about the Fall of Bataan to the Japanese Imperial Army on April 9, 1942, and how he and some 70,000 Filipino and American soldiers had been forced to march to a concentration camp in Tarlac. Around 7,000 to 10,000 soldiers perished during the Death March. About 26,000 of the 50,000 Filipino prisoners of war at Camp O’Donnell in Tarlac died of dengue, malaria, dysentery or starvation when this was closed in January 1943, according to historical accounts.

Imagining the Unthinkable (tags)


Oligarchy and Democracy (tags)

Jeffrey A. Winters is professor of political science at Northwestern University and author of Oligarchy, published by Cambridge University Press in 2011.

The Keynesian past is past: Nostalgia is not the future (tags)

Keynesianism would be much better than austerity, but would do nothing to solve the underlying structural crisis of capitalism.

Obama Plans More Middle East Wars (tags)


Khamenei 3 x Netanyahu 0 (tags)

To laugh a lot of bellicose irrationality of the fucking Israelis.

"A Hell of a Way to Boil Water": (tags)

Veteran anti-nuclear activist Ace Hoffman came to San Diego from his home in north San Diego County February 20 to talk about the dangers of nuclear power plants in general and two nuclear power plants in particular: the Fukushima Dai-Ichi reactor which melted down after last year's tsunami and the ones at San Onofre in southern California. The event was held in part to promote a march and rally at the San Onofre site March 11, the first-year anniversary of the Fukushima tsunami.

Where's OUR Religious Liberty? (tags)

The recent controversy over whether institutions owned by the Roman Catholic Church should be required to include birth control coverage in the health insurance they offer employees, the attempt in Virginia to require women seeking abortions to submit to medical rape, and the radical Right's reaction to the 9th Circuit appeals court ruling that Proposition 8 is unconstitutional raises the question: why does it seem as if only bigoted Right-wing churches have "religious liberty" in this country? Why are America's officially tolerated spiritual belief systems seemingly limited to those of the Roman Catholics, Mormons and Southern Baptist Convention?


Republican presidential candidate and Texan congressman Ron Paul showed his support for HR 210 and Pilipino veterans last week with a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada. HR 210, also known as the Filipino Veterans Fairness Act of 2011, was introduced by Congresswoman Jackie Speier (D-CA) in January of last year as a way to provide equal benefits to Philippine soldiers that fought alongside the United States during World War II. Though the bill has 87 co-sponsors, both the House of Representatives and the Senate have yet to make any votes to pass or veto the proposal.


GOP BET REP. RON PAUL SUPPORTS HR 210, FILAM WWII VETS TS “The one exception to what our campaign and experts term the most ambitious spending-cut platform in national politics is cuts to veterans’ services. In fact, Dr. Paul recently pushed backagainst President Obama’s misguided move to enact inauthentic spending cuts on the backs of veterans. “Dr. Paul is the only presidential candidate – Republican or Democrat – with military service, having served honorably as an Air Force flight surgeon during the Cold War era. “Dr. Paul also has a long history of honoring veterans, getting thousands of heroes the medalsthey

The Armenian Genocide (tags)


Democrats Are Not Evil (tags)

Whatever we think of the Democratic Party, like it or not, in the current political emergency, we are going to HAVE to align with them and vote for every Democrat on the ballot over every Republican — not because the Democrats are that progressive but because the Republicans plan a sweeping Right-wing revolution comparable to the changes Germany went through when Hitler took power in 1933, and the Democratic Party is one essential vehicle we will need to use to stop them.

Vada a bordo, cazzo! (tags)

Thinking is rowing against the tide.

Direct Representation for Taxation (tags)

This article proposes a new system of taxation, in which the taxpayer decides how his/her tax money should be spent. This takes the power of representation away from representatives in the Congress who are ONLY responsive to billionaire donors and corporations.

Time to Decide (tags)

"Nature and people are `fictional commodities. When they submit completely to market mechanisms and when markets are not regulated, this leads to people dying who don't find buyers for their labor power..."

Heading for More Middle East War (tags)


Targeting Journalists in Iraq (tags)


Longshore Workers, Truckers: Shut the Ports, Coast to Coast! (tags)

Following the nationally-coordinated police evictions last month of Occupy Wall Street and encampments across the country, on December 12 the Occupiers struck back. Ports up and down the West Coast were blockaded, from Seattle to San Diego. Despite a barrage of hostile propaganda in the media, opposition from union bureaucrats and heavy police repression in some places, overall the blockade was successful -- this time. The blockade was called in solidarity with longshore workers fighting a union-busting assault in Longview, Washington and port truckers seeking union recognition in the ports of Los Angeles/Long Beach. This support should have been greeted. But now the class war on the West Coast docks is coming to a head, and it can't be waged from the outside. Bay Area labor has called for a caravan to Longview. The goal should be a real occupation of the terminal by the workers to prevent the loading of the scab cargo. Longshore militants have called on the longshore unions to shut down every port on the West Coast, and the East and Gulf Coasts, to smash EGT's union-busting. Can it be done? Yes, but only though sharp struggle against the pro-capitalist labor bureaucracy.

Why the Establishment is Terrified of Ron Paul (tags)

It’s fascinating to watch the long knives coming out for Texas Republican Rep. Ron Paul, now that according to some mainstream polls he has become the front-running candidate in the Jan. 3 GOP caucus race in Iowa, and perhaps also in the first primary campaign in New Hampshire.

Of Korea, the Rosenbergs, Berenson, Anti-Semitism & US imperialism (tags)

On Dec 20, 2011, the first day of Chanukah, the Jewish festival of lights that commemorates liberation, Lori Berenson, a victim of anti-Semitism common in Catholic countries like Peru, finally came home. Coincidentally, the latest leader of Stalinist North Korea, Kim Jong Il, died Dec 17, 2011, so the US saber rattling under the guise of "human rights" was renewed on all airwaves. Ignored everywhere, including KPFA, was the anti-Semitic frame-up of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, by Democratic president Harry Truman in 1950 to make Jew, Communist and traitor synonymous to justify the war of anti-communism in Korea, in the US first stage attempt to destroy the 1949 Chinese revolution, leaving 3 million dead Koreans, and a devastated country.

Human Rights Day (tags)

human rights


“Justice Delayed is Justice Denied.” Scores of Filipino Americans attended the photo exhibit and prayer memorial honoring the 58 Maguindanao Massacre victims on November 23, 2009 last Wednesday November 23, 2011at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) Social Hall in Historic Filipinotown Los Angeles. The event was organized by the National Union of Journalists of the Philippines (NUJP)-US Chapter, the Filipino American Press Club of Los Angeles, Philippine American Press Club, Philippine Press Photographers-USA, Frontliners Media Group and F7, in cooperation with the Alliance Philippines (AJLPP), the Justice for Filipino American Veterans and People’s CORE.

Election 2012- Stewart Alexander Calls for an End to Attacks on Occupy Movement (tags)

Presidential Candidate Alexander says “Remember well who is behind these assaults on you; these are the men and women who are bought and sold like commodities by corporations. These are not just Republican officials, but also the Democratic Party that are assaulting your rights to free speech. Your calls for social and economic justice do not sit well with their owners. When the Democrats try to sweet talk you into believing they support the 99%: forget their words and remember their actions.”

America's New World Order Agenda (tags)


The Occupy Wall Street movement, Engels, and the Theory of Socialism (tags)

The theoretical foundations of socialism as put forth by Frederick Engels in his book Anti-Dühring are still valid today and schould for the basis of the OCW movements around the world.


Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and different community, youth, students, and allied groups are all the 11th Annual Veterans Day Protest March called “March for Equity, Justice and Peace” in Los Angeles on Friday, November 11, 2011. The protest march will start at 11:00 in the morning at the Downtown LA intersection of Broadway/Olympic and end at the INS Federal Building, 300 N Los Angeles St, Los Angeles, CA 90012. There will be a JFAV last assessment meeting on Wednesday, November 9 at 7:00 pm at the Silver Lake Medical Center (SLMC) at the Cafeteria Meeting Room, ground floor, 1711 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. All interested groups are invited. Pre-Rally Program The JFAV forces will assemble and hold a pre-rally program at 8:00 in the morning at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) 1740 W Temple St, Los Angeles, CA 90026.

Big Banksters on Wall St. Finance Military-Industrial Complex (tags)

Big corporate banks on Wall St. not only benefitted from the "too big to fail" bailouts handed to them by BOTH Bush AND Obama (how's that for change?), these banks also benefit from the multiple wars of imperial expansion the U.S. has waged in the recent decades.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Columbus Day Protested in Southern California (tags)

Report and photos of actions in Santa Barbara and Mission San Juan Capistrano. (Pictured below: demonstrators at Mission San Juan Capistrano in front of a Starbucks--mission-style.)

Six Proposals for Helping the 99% (tags)

Solidarity, social justice and sharing open doors while tax cuts for the super-rich only lead to exploding inequality. double standards and cynicism. Access could replace excess. The empire could be superseded by the republic.

Obama: A disaster for civil liberties (tags)

Obama is a police state thug, just like Bush!!!!

Video: Woody Guthrie on BookTV (tags)

Will Kaufman is a professor of American literature and culture at the University of Central Lancashire, England. His books include "American Culture in the 1970s" and "The Civil War in American Culture."

S. Brian Willson Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Because of what he was doing the day he lost his legs ? September 1, 1987, in Concord, California, when he was run over by a train he and his fellow activists were trying to stop before it could deliver arms to Right-wing governments and private armies in Central America ? and his involvement in the Veterans for Peace organization, most people who?ve heard of S. Brian Willson think of him as an anti-war activist. But he?s considerably more than that. At his most recent San Diego appearance September 4 to promote his book, a combination autobiography and work of political philosophy called Blood on the Tracks, Willson presented a far-reaching critique of so-called ?human civilization? and suggested it?s all been downhill since the Neolithic period, when economic scarcity forced humans to live in small communities and share equally with each other.

Philippines Anti-Bases Movement: Time to Assert National Sovereignty Once Again (tags)

With pride as a people, we commemorate a historic national event this coming September 16, the rejection of the US military bases twenty years ago

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Stand for Socialism against Modern Revisionism (tags)

Revisionism is the systematic revision of and deviation from Marxism, the basic revolutionary principles of the proletariat laid down by Marx and Engels and further developed by the series of thinkers and leaders in socialist revolution and construction. The revisionists call themselves Marxists, even claim to make an updated and creative application of Marxism but they do so essentially to sugarcoat the bourgeois antiproletarian and anti-Marxist ideas that they propagate.

Los Angeles City Council Passes Resolution to Support AB 199 and AJR 6 for Filipino WWII V (tags)

The Los Angeles City Council today unanimously approved the resolution in support of California AB 199 and AJR 6 in a legislative effort to recognize the presence and contribution of Filipino World War II veterans in our history books, To support Asssemblyperson Fiona Ma?s effort City Coouncil member Richard Alarcon introduced the resolution. It was seconded by Councilmen Tom Lebonge, Eric Garcetti, Jose Huizar,Ed Reyes and Bill Rosendhal, a Vietnam War veteran. All of them spoke to support the resolution to the delight of the crowd.

Tea Party America and How to Fight It (tags)

The recent debate in Washington, D.C. over raising the debt ceiling has underscored just how totally the radical Right in general and the "Tea Party" in particular have taken over America's political debate and the economic and social consciousness of a majority of Americans. The remnant of a Left that still survives in America can only fight back if it first realizes, like a rehab patient, that we've "hit bottom" and then musters the kind of internal and external discipline it will take to mount an effective counter-attack. Instead of critiquing ourselves in public, we need to settle our differences behind closed doors, present an image of rock-solid unity to the outside world and get rid once and for all of the insanity of "consensus decision-making."

Peace through strength is a fallacy: Mark Hatfield (tags)

"We seem to have lost sight of the fact that every dollar we spend on bombs and bullets means that we are underfunding programs to meet the Nation's desperate human needs: health care, education, our war on drugs, low income housing, prison construction, AIDS research..."

9/11: Who Really Benefited? (tags)

Forget so-called conspiracy theories. Instead look at reality. Dare ask yourselves who actually seems to have benefited from the 9-11 calamity. In light of the debt ceiling debates and continuous politics as usual of Washington D.C., it is time for the American people and individual states of this federation to look at a troubling set of facts. There seems to have been ?several? beneficiaries of 9-11 that don?t exactly fit the story line we were constantly fed by the propaganda machine and mainstream media as to how to connect the dots (which we were rhetorically asked to do).

Libya: Flashpoint for Global Conflict (tags)


DPRK condemns South Korean "anti-DPRK policy" (tags)

PYONGYANG, June 25 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) accused the South Korean authorities Saturday of maintaining an anti-DPRK policy, the official KCNA news agency reported.

DPRK condemns South Korean "anti-DPRK policy" (tags)

PYONGYANG, June 25 -- The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) accused the South Korean authorities Saturday of maintaining an anti-DPRK policy, the official KCNA news agency reported.

The Business of America Is War (tags)


Filipinos should not depend on the US for its own defense of the Kalayaan Island Group- AJ (tags)

If there is the best way to illustrate the lop-sided Philippines-United Stares relations is about, it can be shown when latest US missile destroyers will join ageing Philippine warships for naval exercises this week in a timely show of unity as tensions with China escalate over a maritime dispute. While US has modern missile ships it has given WWII vintage ships like all the war materials hands me down to its puppet state. And the bad thing is that the Philippines has to buy it not at a bargain price but a cut throat cost. For 11 days of the RP-US exercises start on Tuesday off the southwest Philippine island of Palawan in the Sulu Sea, close to the disputed waters of the West Philippine Sea where Manila has complained of increasing Chinese provocation. Officially the training is an annual event not linked to the territorial row, but it nevertheless offers the Philippines comfort shortly after appealing to its long-time ally and former colonial power for help in containing China.

Working America's Dismal State (tags)



On June 14, 1945, one of the greatest battle of World War II ended in a victory for the Filipino and American soldiers in Bessang Pass, in the Cordilleras Northern Luzon, Philippines. Before the light of day, on June 14, 1945, units of the 121st Infantry launched the final assault of Bucual Ridge, In dramatic but costly rushes they obliterated the last enemy soldier on Bessang Pass. To the end with flourish, the greatest feat of Filipino arms in modern times, the Filipinos secured the hill held by the Japanese Imperial army. It was a payback for the defeat in Bataan, three years ago. Presidential Citation No higher honors can be bestowed on the heroes of the battle of Bessang Pass , who avenged the defeat of Bataan and Corregidor than the tribute of President Elpidio Quirino in 1952 to the United States Forces in Northern Luzon (USFIP-NL) during the 7th anniversary of the Battle of Bessang Pass: ?To win the liberation of Northen Luzon in which the USFIP-NL played a a major role, you accomplished no ordinary achievement. Your battle of bessang Pass in eastern ilocos Sur in n1945, for instance stands out prominently as one of the major decisive battles of the Philippine Liberation Campaign.?


JUNE 12, marking the independence of the Philippines from the Spanish empire, would not have been realized without the martyrdom of countless Filipinos foremost of whom is Jose Rizal. Andres Bonifacio, the leader of the Katipunan rebellion, honored Rizal's memory by using his name as a shibboleth. But the neocolonial politicians today have only fulfilled Rizal's nightmare that the slaves of yesterday will be the tyrants of today. This essay pays homage to Rizal on the 150th anniversary of his birth.

Fukushima Mon Horreur - The Dream of Economic Reason Gives Birth to Tremendous Catastrophe (tags)

In "Anti-Duhring," Frederick Engels explained that nature also has a history and that capitalism tends to destroy its own foundations and nature. The negative is bound to the positive as conservation of energy is bound to transformation of energy.

We're not going slow. We're going Far--dispatch from an American in Spain (tags)

Report on the events in Spain surrounding large scale demonstrations and assemblies. 14 minutes of video.

More Myth than Massacre at Srebrenica (tags)



The Justice For Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) today announced that the San Francisco Board of Supervisors passed a resolution supporting the Filipino Veterans Fairness Act or the HR 210 sponsored by Rep. Jackie Speier last May 19, 2011 The resolution stated that the Board ? fully supports and urges the passage of the said legislation. In an effort to bring some measure of justice for the Filipino Veterans who fought valiantly with the US military in World War II.? The Board also ? directs the clerk of the board to send a copy to minority floor leader Rep.Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Jackie Speier of the House of Representatives.?

Thousands of militant workers march for higher pay in the Philippines (tags)

Manila, Philippines - Thousands of workers led by the Alliance of Progressive Labor (APL) and its allied organizations converged in key cities on Labor Day to reiterate their demand for better wages, improved economy, jobs, security of tenure for workers and an end to demolition of squatter shanties.

Pay For Your Own Security Guards (tags)

Starting at the end of World War II our nation’s race to outpace, outgun and implement checks for every new threat developed under the Soviet Union moved fast, hard and with narrow focus. Every inch of our nation’s military, espionage apparatus and government was tinged with red menace paranoia. Apparently it was not hard to abandon the perspective of our founding fathers regarding the use of our military overseas and overburden the map with proof of our overreach. We did not see it as that at the time, we became focused on, and at times way too caught up with, out-doing our mortal enemy the USSR.

The White Man's Burden appears Uniformly Distributed By Zahir Ebrahim (tags)

‘If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.’ -- Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Marcos is not a hero! Protest the plan to make him one! (tags)

FERDINAND E. MARCOS is not a hero to the Filipino people. His martial law regime sent hundreds of thousands to jail, made people 'desaparecidos' because of their political beliefs. He is now being elevated to become a "hero" and plans are afoot by his families and allies to have him interred in Libingan ng mga Bayani (Cemetery of Heroes).

Japan's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered? (tags)

nuclear disaster

President Hugo Chávez, backed by South American Presidents, Condemns the Attack on Libya (tags)

"Oppressed people around the world have only recently begun to unite in opposition to empire as awareness of the horror grows. In North Africa and the Middle East it began as a revolt against US backed dictators in Tunisia, then Egypt and spread to Bahrain, Algeria, Iraq, Lebanon and Yemen. In South America the rebellion grew out of the Bolivarian Revolution, spreading over the last decade from Venezuela to other Latin American states. Tonight, behind President Chavez' condemnation of the monster on VTV, Venezuela National Radio and TeleSur, Venezuelans have gathered en masse in Caracas and at the US and French embassies to declare their rebellion against the imperial war on the sovereign state of Libya."

Commander Faustino " Peping' Baclig, 1922-2011 (tags)

It is with deep sadness that the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) announced today that Commander Faustino "Peping" Baclig, founder/chair of Alyansa ng Komunidad, JFAV , Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE)-Los Angeles, Golden Agers (GALA) , Seniors for PACE and the pillar of the Filipino World War II veterans movement in the United States, passed away today at 3:00 am, February 27, 2011. He was 89 years old.He was born in Cabugao, Ilocos Sur on February 14, 1922 and died on February 27, 2011.

America's Total Surveillance Society (tags)


Curtis Dixon: The Art of the Leather Bootblack (tags)

The Leather community has a lot of folkways non-Leather people are often baffled by, and one of them is the importance of the bootblack. Curtis Dixon has been bootblacking for almost a quarter of a century and has won several major honors in the craft. In this interview, celebrating the upcoming San Diego Leather Pride events in March as well as the California Leather SIR/boy contest in San Diego in May, Curtis talks about what bootblacking means to the Leather community as a whole and its importance to him personally

Elijah, Amos and Jeremiah: Prophets as Uncomfortable Critics (tags)

The Old Testament prophets condemned war and accumulating riches as attacks on society and the poor, as forms of idolatry and blindness where fellow persons are degraded into non-persons. False prophets are described as broken cisterns that can hold no water.

'The Egyptian Revolution enters a new stage' and more (tags)

"The struggle that is now unfolding in Egypt will be of a protracted character. The responsibility of revolutionary Marxists is to develop among workers, as they pass through colossal political experiences, an understanding of the necessity for an independent struggle for power. The revolutionary Marxists must counsel workers against all illusions that their democratic aspirations can be achieved under the aegis of bourgeois parties. They must expose ruthlessly the false promises of the political representatives of the capitalist class. They must encourage the creation of independent organs of workers’ power which can become, as the political struggle intensifies, the basis for the transfer of power to the working class. They must explain that the realization of the workers’ essential democratic demands is inseparable from the implementation of socialist policies. Above all, revolutionary Marxists must raise the political horizons of Egyptian workers beyond the borders of their own country. They must explain that the struggles that are now unfolding in Egypt are inextricably linked to an emerging global process of world socialist revolution, and that the victory of the revolution in Egypt requires not a national, but an international strategy. After all, the fight against the Mubarak-Suleiman regime and the Egyptian ruling class is, in the final analysis, a struggle against the entire Arab bourgeoisie, the Zionist regime in Israel and American and European imperialism."

George Bush: Preliminary Indictment for Torture (tags)


Marriage Activists Discuss “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” Repeal (tags)

Members of the San Diego Alliance for Marriage Equality (S.A.M.E.) discussed the bill Congress passed last December aimed at repealing the “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy excluding open Queers from serving in the U.S. military. The discussion, at their regular meeting January 11, revealed mixed feelings; S.A.M.E. members supported “don’t ask, don’t tell” repeal as a civil rights issue, but many of them are also anti-war and want Queers to have the right to be in the military — and the good sense not to join.

The End of the "Golden Age" of Capitalism and the Rise of Neoliberalism (tags)

"The central point is that the financial sphere has the potential of developing into an autonomous subsystem of the whole economy with an enormous capacity of self-expansion..Like cancer, it has no internal control mechanism. It can only be brought under control by external interventions"

The Logic of Imperial Insanity and the Road to World War III plus many mirrors (tags)

"Obama wasted no time in rapidly accelerating America’s imperial adventures. While dropping the term “War on Terror” from usage, the Pentagon adopted the term, “overseas contingency operations.”[4] This was to be the typical strategy of the Obama administration: change the appearance, not the substance. The name was changed, but the “War on Terror” remained, and not only that, it was rapidly accelerated to a level that would not have been possible if undertaken by the previous administration."

LA IMC Censorship on the Arizona Event (tags)

it seems that a concerted effort to hide the events in Arizona is now taking place on this newswire


Rep. Jackie Speier on Thursday introduced a bill in Congress that seeks to make Filipino veterans of World War II eligible for the same benefits available to U.S. veterans. Speier held a news conference in San Mateo Monday to outline the bill, which has been referred to the House Committee on Veterans Affairs. “It gives full benefits to every Filipino who served in World War II,” Speier said, estimating that approximately 50,000 Filipino soldiers survive.

Shield Act Targets First Amendment Freedoms (tags)

police state tactics

Manning Assange Bring Regime Change in Iran Foreign Minister Gone (tags)

The keyboard is mightier than the sword.

On the 69th Pearl Harbor Day, Fight Racism in the United States (tags)

The Day that will live in infamy” Today, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), AWARE and MHC marks the 69th year of the infamous Japanese fascist sneak attack on Pearl Harbor naval base in December 08, 1941 ( in the Philippines, Dec.7 Pacific Time). The public should know, that at that time the attack coincided with the bombing of the major cities of the Philippines and two days later, the Japanese invaded the country and the Philippines was involved in a colonial war not of its choosing. JFAV with People's CORE marked the day with a memorial meeting yesterday in FACLA with a private ceremonies and meeting. Scores of Filipino World War II veterans, widows and relatives as well as advocates attended the memorial.

The Fox News Election (tags)

The November 2 midterm elections were not only a decisive rejection not only of the Obama administration but a full-scale endorsement of free-market economic policies and lassiez-faire capitalism — albeit by a much smaller segment of the American electorate than voted Obama and the Democrats into power in 2008. Millions of Americans voted against the party under whose watch unemployment has risen from 6.2 to 9.5 percent, and bought into the Republicans' critique that the reason for Obama's failure is he's been too much of a progressive, unduly burdening the private sector with regulation and taxation. Thanks to talk radio and Fox News, millions of Americans profoundly believe that Obama and the Democrats are far more radical than they are — and as long as they remain on the air and have their current level of influence, U.S. politics will continue to move even further Right.

ILPS Condemns War Provocations by the US, South Korea Puppets vs DPRK (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples’ Struggle, condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent and ongoing provocations being made by the US and the South Korean puppet government against the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), a national alliance of Filipino World War II veterans, widows and their relatives, youth and students and community advocates and their allied organizations welcomes the a new face in Filipino-American leadership in the National Federation of Filipino-American Associations (NAFFAA). JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia, in a statement after Thanksgiving Day, expressed great hope that after the Midwest region’s Michigan-based Ed Navarra became the new chair of the disintegrating national organization, things will become better for the the prime national organizations of Filipino-Americans in the United States. Garcia said, “JFAV is elated at Navarra’s statement that he wants to fight for more benefits for the Filipino World War II veterans who are dwindling in numbers.” JFAV pointed out the fact that out of the more than 46,000 war veterans who applied for lump sum claims, around 22,000 were denied by the US Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA).


The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent and ongoing provocations being made by the US and the South Korean puppet government against the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. We are one with International ANSWER Coalition in calling for mass action in the nation’s capital, Washington DC on November 27, 2010 to stop the war and end the tension in the two nation peninsula.We add our voice in a call to stop imperialist provocations for a new war in Korea. We reserve another strongest condemnation to the puppet Philippine government of Noynoy Aquino III for jumping hook line and sinker in condemning the DPRK as the aggressor party in toeing the US Imperialist line.

Urgent: Stop the U.S./S Korean Attack - Know the Facts and take action (tags)

"Here in New York City we were immersed at the IAC in planning an action on Tuesday, Nov 30 at 5:00 pm at the Tree Lighting Ceremony at Rockefeller Center at 50th and 5th Ave with the slogan: "Take back our Trillions from the War Corporations. Bring all Troops Home! Jobs or Unemployment Benefits for all". This holiday event traditionally draws many tens of thousands of people. Tuesday, Nov 30 is the date that more than 2 million workers in the U.S. will loose all extended jobless funding or unemployment benefits. They will be left totally destitute. So we were working with some of the workers loosing benefits on that day. So one proposal was to refocus with signs and flyers this action to include more prominently the U.S. threats against DPRK, the cost of sending nuclear powered aircraft carriers, destroyers, jet aircraft half way around the world while continuing to cut the most basic necessities here at home."

Remembering Chalmers Ashby Johnson (8/6/31 - 11/20/10) (tags)

a powerful voice silenced

Veteran Activist Tom Hayden Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Veteran activist and former California State Senator Tom Hayden came to the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest November 4 to talk about the "Long War," a doctrine used by America's military that suggests the U.S. will be at war against militant Islam for 60 to 80 years and Afghanistan and Iraq are merely "theatres" in this war. He also talked about the recent midterm elections and the frustration of white voters, especially white men, at the failure of either the Republicans or the Democrats to improve their lives.

Adnan Mirza: Another US War on Terror Victim (tags)

post-9/11, America declared war on Islam


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) in a statement today, scored the Supreme Court for its bad decision for exonerating Associate Justice Mariano del Castillo from allegations that he plagiarized portions of a ruling on World War II comfort women. The Alliance also commends Associate Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno for his dissenting opinion on the matter. In a strongly-worded dissenting opinion made public on Monday, Supreme Court Associate Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno said the court will be remembered for saying Del Castillo did not commit plagiarism because there was "no malicious intent" to pass off someone else's works as his own.

November 2 Election: Any Democrat Over Any Republican! (tags)

This is not the year for American Leftists, progressives and liberals not to vote — or to cast protest votes for alternative parties. The extremely Right-wing Tea Party has virtually taken over the Republican Party and, if not stopped, has a good chance of winning control of the country in 2012 and instituting policies that will result in a full-blown depression, a corporate dictatorship and, ultimately, the end of the human race through unchecked global warming. We MUST vote to elect EVERY Democrat on the ballot in 2010 and 2012 — AND we must mount a massive direct-action movement to put pressure on the Democrats to govern progressively.

Avigdor Lieberman: A Profile in Ultranationalist Extremism (tags)

a rogue Israeli politician


THEY PRETEND FOR THEIR FAMILY & FRIENDS TO CARE DEARLY ABOUT THEIR FELLOW MAN OTHER THEN THEIR FELLOW NEEDY AMERICANS.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Neoliberal Experiment and Europe's anti-Austerity Strikes (tags)

"The neoliberals are fully in control of the bureaucracy, and they are reviving Margaret Thatcher's slogan, TINA: There Is No Alternative. But there is, of course. In the small Baltic economies, pro-labor parties have made it clear that the alternative to government shrinkage is to simply repeal the debts, withdraw from the Euro and break the banks. It is either the banks or labor - and Europe has just realized that this is truly a fight to the economic death. And the first test will come this Saturday, when Latvia holds its national parliamentary elections."

Ex-Fed Chairman Paul Volcker Criticizes the Federal Reserve (tags)

"Altogether the 81-year old Volcker can hardly see anything good in the development of the financial system over the last 25 years."

The Road to World War III - The Global Banking Cartel Has One Card Left to Play (tags)

"The global elite have consistently used a strategy of arming and funding both sides of armed conflicts. While opposing populations kill each other off, they make off with their natural resources. When they confront a government that cannot be bribed or provoked into civil or regional war, they fund brutal death squads, attempt military coups and intimidate them by giving weapons to undemocratic neighboring regimes. If all that doesn’t work, they are declared a threat to national security and the US military, private contractors and NATO forces invade and occupy the country. These terrorist strategies are not limited to the Middle East and Africa, just ask our neighbors throughout Latin America about the School of the Americas. Contrary to popular belief, the horrendous torture techniques inflicted upon people in Abu Ghraib, Iraq were not an isolated incident. Many of those brutal torture techniques were developed over years by torturing innocent civilians throughout Latin America."

Can America Stop An Israeli “Nuclear” 9/11? (tags)

“The American people are afraid, they see disaster coming. Everyone is waiting to see what city is chosen to be sacrificed. Will it be Phoenix or Sacramento or perhaps Atlanta? This is the real fear, the “not so secret” fear in the heart of every American.”

Marriage Victory Celebration Draws 3,000 to Hillcrest Streets (tags)

Account of the marriage equality celebration that occurred on the streets of Hillcrest, the San Diego neighborhood famous for its large Queer population, on August 4, 2010 — the day Judge Vaughn R. Walker announced his decision in the federal lawsuit challenging Proposition 8. Though Queer activists and allies have since been frustrated by the court-ordered delays in enforcing Walker's decision, they can be proud that a judge ruled that there is absolutely no rational basis for a ban on marriage between two partners of the same gender.

Why World War II ended with Mushroom Clouds (tags)

"Truman himself, however, hypocritically declared at the time that the purpose of the two nuclear bombardments had been “to bring the boys home,” that is, to quickly finish the war without any further major loss of life on the American side. This explanation was uncritically broadcast in the American media and it developed into a myth eagerly propagated by the majority of historians and media in the USA and throughout the “Western” world. That myth, which, incidentally, also serves to justify potential future nuclear strikes on targets such as Iran and North Korea, is still very much alive - just check your mainstream newspaper on August 6 and 9!" "These conditions mean that we are back to an August 1945 scenario. However, the consequences of a U.S./Israel atomic attack on Iran will constitute the greatest crime in human history. To destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities will require the use of multiple nuclear weapons of various types delivered in diverse ways. The U.S./Israel will be guilty in real time of the very actions they claim to be defending the world from. The flow of oil from multiple regions of the world be at risk to say the least. Millions could die. World opinion might be cemented against us for a hundred years."

P3.1B ( $ 67 M) more for Filipino war vets (tags)

The EPCC NEWS based in Los Angeles learned through media sources in Manila that the United States has allocated $67 million (about P3.1 billion) for all eligible Filipino veterans of World War II whose claims for compensation were turned down and successfully appealed, it was learned Monday. House Resolution 4899, or the Supplemental Appropriations Act, included a provision for the Filipino Veterans Equity Compensation Program. On July 29, 2010, US President Barack Obama signed HR 4899 into law. Most veterans' claims have been decided and continue to be paid with the $198 million in original funding.

Preparing for World War III, Targeting Iran and Israel Mental (tags)

"The Israeli elite miscalculated utterly, and no mad scramble to control the damage will undo the deed or erase its consequences. Like the South African apartheid regime of the time, and segregation in the U.S., Israel’s 60-plus-year-old policy of discrimination, oppression, and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians is finally being acknowledged worldwide as a moral obscenity that can no longer be tolerated."

Obama Preparing to Attack Iran (tags)

f"Obama campaigned for the presidency quite explicitly as a warmonger in regards to Afghanistan, although his constant claim to have opposed the Iraq war left many voters with the false impression that he was less bellicose than Bush. In reality, Obama was always adamant about his desire to bomb and invade Pakistan in pursuit of the phantomatic “Osama bin Laden.” Barone comments: ‘It would be ironic if the professorial Barack Obama launches a military attack when his supposedly cowboy predecessor George W. Bush declined to do so….But I take it seriously when … nonhawks Joe Klein and Walter Russell Meade say Obama might bomb Iran."

San Mateo Congresswoman Speier to Introduce New Equity Bill (tags)

In an effort to keep the fight for full equity alive, Filipino veterans and their advocates met with United States Congresswoman Jackie Speier in her San Mateo office last Friday. After the meeting, the veterans and their advocates felt they found a champion in Speier, a Democrat running for reelection in California’s 12th District. In an exclusive interview with Balitang America, Speier said, “In January of next year, if I’m reelected, I’m going to introduce a bill that would give all Filipino veterans from World War II the same equal rights for benefits. That means the veterans will receive pensions and their widows and heirs will receive these benefits should they pass away.”


Thank you for your public announcement of your support for equity! I would like to properly address your questions during our meeting last Friday, July 16th in your district office in my attempt to further elucidate the case of equity for Filipinos and provide an educational tool for your fellow legislators and the American public as we further gather support now for your anticipated sponsorship of a bill on January of 2011.


The EPCC NEWS learned that the lawyers of Filipino women who claimed to have been made sex slaves by the Japanese Imperial Army during World War II have accused the Supreme Court of plagiarism in dismissing demands for compensation and apology from Japan. Harry Roque and Romel Bagares said the decision in Vinuya vs Executive Secretary lifted without attribution articles from the Yale Law Journal and the Western Reserve Journal of International Law and a portion of a book by the Cambridge University Press.

Combating Bullying International Day In Support of Victims of Torture (tags)

The United Nations’ International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is annually observed to remind people that human torture is unacceptable – and in many cases it is also a crime. On this day attention mostly goes to victims of war, prison and violent crimes, in countries of unrest predominately known for human rights violations. Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee points out that bullying is a form of torture here in the United States and across the globe, and a violation of Human Right #5, No Torture.

La Naval as a Religious Festivity in the Philippines (tags)

After discussing the history of the La Naval De Manila of 1646, we now discuss the La Naval as a religious festivity in the Philippines. According to historians, in 1593, on the death of his father, the Spanish Governor General of the Philipppines, Luis Perez Dasmarinas commissioned Captain Hernando de los Rios Coronel to have a Marian statue sculpted. He wished to give a religious imprint to his regime in the Philippines. Governor Dasmarinas whose name bore one of the plush high class subdivision among the richest in Makati and also was the builder of the famed walls of Intramuros asked a non-Catholic Chinese sculptor to make the statue.

‘8: The Mormon Proposition”: Two Movies in One (tags)

Director Reed Cowan’s film “8: The Mormon Proposition” is really two movies in one. It’s an exposé of the Mormon church’s role in passing California’s same-sex marriage ban, Proposition 8, at the polls in November 2008 and also a stunning tale of how a church that has institutionalized anti-Queer bigotry wreaks its vengeance against hapless Queer youth from Mormon families who, as part of their belief system, feel duty-bound to drive out their Queer kids and abandon them to homelessness, drug use, prostitution or suicide.

Israel: Strategic Ally or Liability? (tags)

srael: Strategic Ally or Liability?

AMERICAN ALERT: Israel and Iran (tags)

Worldwide, from Israel to Iran and throughout both U.S. mainstream and alternative media, articles are making an alarming argument of a U.S. false flag attack as the beginning of a world war. We may be about to discover the true meaning of the “Global War on Terror.”

The Global Political Awakening and the New World Order (tags)

"The global debt crisis, which is beginning in Greece, and spreading throughout the euro-zone economies of Spain, Portugal, Ireland and ultimately the entire EU, will further consume the UK, Japan and go all the way to America.[50] This will be a truly global debt crisis. Government measures to address the issue of debt focus on the implementation of ‘fiscal austerity measures’ to reduce the debt burdens and make interest payments on their debts. ‘Fiscal austerity’ is a vague term that in actuality refers to cutting social spending and increasing taxes. The effect this has is that the public sector is devastated, as all assets are privatized, public workers are fired en masse, unemployment becomes rampant, health and education disappear, taxes rise dramatically, and currencies are devalued to make all assets cheaper for international corporations and banks to buy up, while internally causing inflation – dramatically increasing the costs of fuel and food. In short, ‘fiscal austerity’ implies ‘social destruction’ as the social foundations of nations and peoples are pulled out from under them. States then become despotic and oppress the people, who naturally revolt against ‘austerity’: the sterilization of society."

JFAV /AWARE Marked the 65th Year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass in Los Angeles (tags)

Scores of veterans and widows, advocates and guests marked the 65th year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass, June 14, 1945 with a simple program, Monday, June 14, 2010. The rites was held at the Church of the Nazarene Hall Social Hall at 3401 W.3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90020 at around 9:00 AM. After the opening invocation given by Pastor Sonny River, the guests of honor , the Philippine Consul General Los Angeles, Mary Jo B. Aragon spoke about the significance of the Battle of Bessang Pass. The Consul General Aragon pointed out “ The Battle of Bessang Pass in June 14, 1945 is the only military victory of the Filipinos Arms against the Japanese imperial forces in World War II. The division size all Filipino forces was led by five American officers.”

JFAV /AWARE Marks the 65th year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass in Los Angeles (tags)

Honor our Veterans,Celebrate their victories! The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) will mark the 65th year commemoration of the victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass, June 14, 1945 with a commemorative program Arturo P. Garcia , JFAV national coordinator and Mrs. Lulu Astilla, AWARE president announced that the commemorative event will be held on Monday , June 14, 2010 at the Church of the Nazarene Hall at 3401 W.3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90020 at around 9:00 AM.

JFAV /AWARE Marks the 65th year victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass in Los Angeles (tags)

Calling on all surviving veterans of the Battle of Bessang Pass and widows or relatives of Filipino World War II veterans in Los Angeles. The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) will mark the 65th year commemoration of the victory at the Battle of Bessang Pass, June 14, 1945 with a commemorative program Arturo P. Garcia , JFAV national coordinator and Mrs. Lulu Astilla, AWARE president announced that the commemorative event will be held on Monday , June 14, 2010 at the Church of the Nazarene Hall at 3401 W.3rd St Los Angeles, CA 90020 at around 9:00 AM.

Lost Youth Employment in Illinois (tags)

an entire youth generation is being trashed


The US Senate has voted to use part of the savings from federal construction projects to replenish the nearly-depleted Filipino Veterans Equity Fund. The Senate voted 60-35 to use $67 million out of an estimated $103 million in savings allocated to the Department of Veterans Affairs to help the aging Filipino veterans. President Obama signed last year a Congress bill that set aside $198 million from the economic stimulus fund for the Filipino veterans. That amount was computed on the assumption that only 18,000 Filipino World War II veterans were left in the US and the Philippines. The fund would pay $15,000 for Filipino veterans living in the US, and $9,000 for those living in the Philippines.


Do Japanese want to give to the Americans the excuse for a new war?


As Asian-Americans and speaking in behalf of the progressive Filipino-American community, the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) expresses serious concern over the crisis in the Korean Peninsula. The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea (DRPK) or the North Korea ( as the US wants to call it) said Tuesday it was severing all relations with South Korea and cutting communications links in protest at claims that it had sunk one of Seoul's warships.

Look Out, Obama Seems to Be Planning for a Lot More War (tags)

"econd, while in the past the US concentrated on the ability to fight two big wars simultaneously, the QDR suggests that's not enough. Now, the Obama administration posits the "need for a robust force capable of protecting US interests against a multiplicity of threats, including two capable nation-state aggressors. Now it's two-plus wars - the plus being the obligation to "conduct large-scale counter-insurgency, stability and counter-terrorism operations in a wide range of environments", mainly in small, poor countries like Afghanistan. Other "plus" targets include "non-state actors" such as al-Qaeda, "failed states" such as Somali, and medium-size but well-defended states that do not bend the knee to Uncle Sam, such as Iran or the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, and some day perhaps Venezuela."

Open Letter from the Internationalist Group to the Spartacist League and ICL (tags)

The Spartacist League/U.S. and the International Communist League it leads are in deep political trouble. On April 27, the International Executive Committee of the ICL issued a statement “Repudiating Our Position on Haiti Earthquake,” headlined “A Capitulation to U.S. Imperialism.” After three months of “zealous apologies for the U.S. imperialist military intervention” in the name of humanitarian aid, the ICL suddenly declared that this was a fundamental “betrayal” and the Internationalist Group had been right all along in demanding U.S./U.N. troops out. While agreeing with the IG’s characterization of the ICL’s policy as “social-imperialist”and calling for a “savage indictment” of its own line, the ICL’s explanation for this betrayal – failure to have a formal discussion – doesn’t answer how an entire organization which proclaims itself revolutionary Marxist and Trotskyist could swallow this support for imperialism for months. Its origins can be found in years of capitulation to U.S. imperialism, notably by abandoning the call for its defeat in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. The Open Letter by the Internationalist Group urges those in the ICL who do not wish to continue gyrating in centrist confusion to examine the real record of their organization’s adaptations and capitulations to “its own” bourgeoisie over the past years.

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

Full Rights for All Immigrants, Now! Fight Racism and Bigotry (tags)

Mangahas Makibaka,, Kamtin ang Tagumpay! (Dare to Struggle, Dare to Win.) The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) joins the mass mobilizations in more than 350 actions all over the nation led by unions and immigrant rights groups to say no to racial profiling and anti-immigrant campaigns, in Arizona and everywhere on Saturday, May 1, International Workers’ Day. The racist law gives state and local police the power to act as federal immigration enforcers. The lawmakers who wrote and supported this bill said it was necessary to appropriate the tasks of the federal government because the federal government wasn’t doing “enough” on immigration. The already brisk pace of the federal racist anti-immigrant campaign just was not fast enough for the racist ruling class in the state of Arizona.

Growing Public Anger in America (tags)

Washington blamed for nation's woes


“US Bases out of Okinawa, US Imperialism, Out of the Philippines!” The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States expresses its most militant solidarity with the people of Okinawa and Japan and supports their just demand to do away with US bases in their homeland.

Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice (tags)

Britain and America partnered for injustice

Who is the Enemy in the Afghanistan "War"? (tags)

In 1994 the US brought to power the Taliban, Koran students raised in Pakistan's refugee camps. Attacking Afghanistan on account of Al Qaida would be like bombing Germany on account of skinheads. Do German soldiers only defend the US' superpower claim, not our security?

Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics? (tags)

Verily, if the origin of the word ‘holocaust’ meant ‘whole’ + ‘burning’ then surely the history of the persecution and killing of pagans and various heretical sects would qualify to this nomenclature? After all, how many supposed witches, were tortured and/or burned over the centuries? How many believers in the ‘wrong’ religions or denominations, according to those fanatics who thought themselves within ‘thee’ singularly right religion, were persecuted and murdered? We don’t know any kind of exact number but it is a frightening reality to behold nevertheless.

Next Supreme Court Justice to Solidify Right Wing, Neoliberal Control (tags)

Obama likely to shift the court more to the right

Youth for Human Rights Florida Promotes Human Rights Education across the Globe (tags)

St. Petersburg, Florida - Youth for Human Rights of Florida announced its participation in this year’s Sunscreen Film Festival in St. Petersburg Florida on April 14th to 18th by launching a petition signing for the teaching of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights in alignment with the ongoing Seventh Annual Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) World Tour.

JFAV salutes Commander Florencio C. Cadiente, age 89 (tags)

Another strong pillar of the Filipino veterans rights and equity movement has passed away. Commander Florencio C. Cadiente of the United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV), one of the pioneer Fil-Am veterans organizations in the United States based in Los Angeles, went back to his creator last March 28, 2010 in Los Angeles, California. Manong (Brother) Flor, as he is fondly known to the community, was born on January 3, 1921 in Narvacan, Ilocos Norte in Northern Luzon, Philippines.

“Rethink Afghanistan” Screens in San Diego (tags)

The Peace and Democracy Action Group of the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in Hillcrest recently screened Robert Greenwald’s hard-hitting 2009 documentary “Rethink Afghanistan,” which meticulously lists all the reasons given for the U.S.’s continuing and escalating military involvement in Afghanistan — from the alleged need to deny al-Qaeda “sanctuary” in the country to the supposed “liberation” of Afghan women — and demolishes them all. The March 18 screening was followed by a talk-back session with three members of the San Diego chapter of Veterans for Peace, who talked about their own experiences in Korea and Viet Nam and the similarities between how those wars were justified and sold to the American people and the current campaign to legitimize our Afghan campaign.

Holocaust Museum For Persecuted Heretics? (tags)

Still it is time for crisis-plagued modernity to look beyond last century’s WWII and Hitler’s propaganda and deeds, and even to the persecution of Jews in general over the centuries, to a ‘larger’ picture of religious persecution, and to especially contemplate an underlying psychology behind it all—that mankind might gain a more balanced interpretation of religion’s politics—because religions have been ‘especially’ political—as they still are today in our own time—and as they were from time immemorial—as we will ‘only’ begin to explore.


Should we bury the ethics because of the politics?

Funding Israeli Militarism, Belligerence and Occupation (tags)

funding Israel's war on Palestinian civilians

America's Permanent War Agenda (tags)

permanent wars for permanent peace


We broke the world and now you all will pay the bill - the Tio San said. Didn't it arrive the moment of giving a beating in him?

Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) (tags)

“Anti-Filipino, insensitive and unjust.” This is the reaction of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and Association of Widows, Advocates and Relatives for Equality (AWARE) on the defense being put up by the head of the Philippine Embassy’s Office of the Veterans Affairs (OVA) Gen Victor Corpus. By saying many claims are “ false , duplicates and incomplete claims”, Corpus is acting like a spokesperson for the United States DVA. He should leave that job to retired General Taguba of the DVA. JFAV National Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia pointed out; “ It pains us that a Filipino like a former rebel General Victor Corpus is acting in the service of the US Agency. Instead of protecting the Filipino veterans he even give credence to the spurious claims of the DVA”

Signatures Gathered for Human Rights Education (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida collected approximately 1,000 petition signatures over the weekend as part of a three-day human rights “Signathon”, with the purpose to get the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights taught in Florida classrooms of elementary, middle and senior high schools.


The Philippine Embassy Chancery on Bataan St. in Washington is an expression of the state of the Philippines Today. Old, decrepit and ailing like the Philippine economy propped up by the remittances of Filipino workers abroad. The ECPP NEWS elarned this from the Filipino writer Rodney Jaleco who said; “ blast from the past, the historic Philippine chancery finally reopens its doors in a few weeks. The old chancery stands opposite the present Philippine Embassy building along Massachusetts Ave. NW. It was purchased in the 1930s by Resident Commissioner (the Philippine representative to the US Congress) Joaquin Elizalde. It served as the seat of the Philippine government-in-exile during World War II.


Brazilian gays are angered.

Remembering Howard Zinn (1922 - 2010) (tags)

He'll be sorely missed.

The Michael Slate Show (tags)

The Michael Slate Show on KPFK 90.7 FM, broadcast January 29, 2010.

Fernando Lopez: Marriage Equality Activist Looks to the Future (tags)

San Diego marriage equality activist Fernando Lopez discusses his own relationship history, his involvement with Marriage Equality USA, the heartbreak of the Proposition 8 defeat and his own critique of the No on 8 strategy, the current Perry v. Schwarzenegger case and his outlook for the future of same-sex marriage in the U.S. A longer version of the interview published in the February-March 2010 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine.

Haiti's Earthquake: Natural or Engineered (tags)

technology can cause earthquakes

Imp Tossing! Keelhauling! What Not? 1/24 (tags)

Imp tossing probably started in Ithaca with their favorite imp, Terry Garahan pushing alleged suicides into the gorges from grassy overlooks - "This is my favorite spot!" Now I hear that they have been tossing imps from high rises in the midwest. Is this the rage of the future?

The Military: A Training Ground for Domestic Abuse and Gang Violence (tags)

When the military utilizes torture tactics, the atrocities rarely only affect the people the military desires to torture. Those torture tactics are used on families and communities and are passed down from military personnel to their children and possibly their grandchildren and beyond.

Fighting Company Union Ideology (tags)

The evolution of the company union in the U.S. is a history of both labor’s progress and its missteps. It is a story that, at bottom, speaks to the battle of workers to find an independent, powerful presence on the job — and to push this clout into the community to help shape the broader public realm. Unions came into existence organically wherever capitalism developed. As soon as workers were brought together by a small number of employers and compelled to make profits for them, the employees naturally sought to defend themselves. A living wage and decent working conditions failed to emerge through the good will of the employers, unfortunately, so workers took matters into their own hands.

Haiti 7.0 6 Israel Turkey Feng Shui Row Seven Signs of the Apocalypse (tags)

Truth is stranger than fiction.

The Death of American Liberalism (tags)

It’s no exaggeration to say that President Obama was the Democrats’ last chance to maintain some level of political legitimacy in the eyes of working class Americans. Now, after a year of solid pro-corporate policies, it’s obvious Obama has failed; and with him the Democratic Party.

Stop Police Abuse - Build Community Self-Defense (tags)

Police killings and abuse with impunity are systemic. We can't rely on the courts for justice, but must build inter-communal solidarity and resistance and the capacity for community self-defense.


“ MALIGAYANG PASKO! FELIZ NAVIDAD! There were fewer people because of the windy and cold weather but less than 200 Filipino-Americans led by Burlington School Kids and parents with SIPA youths with senior citizens and parents, braved the cold and wintry night to hold the 5th Historic Filipinotown Parol Parade last night, December 22, 2009

President Obama and the End of History - But Beginning of a New One! (tags)

These prizes are anything but “empty gestures”. It is both a payoff to tickle the ego of the 'errand boy', and a propaganda seed. In the expert hands of the Mighty Wurlitzer, such a gift can convince the masses of the most ridiculous absurdities, like the War on Terror already has. The proof of these statements of fact is both empirical, and historical. Watch Barack Obama crafted into a fine new global 'savior' at the expense of the 'untermenschen'. That's why the United States President, ceremoniously presiding over the most militarized superpower in the world which has just devastated two civilizations to smithereens, was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize while he rapidly accelerates his war prosecution to bring “peace” in a one-world government.


The Association of Widows, Relatives and Advocates for Equality (AWARE) based in Los Angeles marked the 68th year of the start of the Second World War and Pearl Harbor Day , December 7, 1841 with the induction of their new set of officers last December 8, 2009 The induction and dance party was held at the Filipino American Community of Los Angeles (FACLA) Social Hall last December 8, 2009 at 12;00 noon. AWARE,was formed with the help of JFAV.

DEAR SENATOR... about those M-I-L-I-T-A-R-Y T-R-I-B-U-N-A-L-S .....? (tags)


The Great Game: U.S., NATO War In Afghanistan: Is the Entire World the Target? (tags)

"The longest war in American history prior to the current one was that in Vietnam. U.S. military advisers were present in the country from the late 1950s onward and covert operations were carried on in the early 1960s, but only in the year after the contrived Gulf of Tonkin incident - 1965 - did the Pentagon begin major combat operations in the south and regular bombing raids in the north. The last American combat unit left South Vietnam in 1972, seven years later. The U.S. (and Britain) began bombing the Afghan capital of Kabul on October 7, 2001 with Tomahawk cruise missiles launched from warships and submarines and bombs dropped from warplanes and shortly thereafter American special forces began ground operations, a task that has been conducted since by regular Army and Marine units. The bombing and the ground combat operations continue more than eight years later and both will be intensified to record levels in short order."


Mall hosts human rights fundraiser. What do Ice Skating and Human Rights have in common? Florida?

The Seven Loose Pieces of the Global Jigsaw Puzzle (tags)

(Neoliberalism as a puzzle: the useless global unity which fragments and destroys nations) In June 1997, this analysis of neoliberalism by Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos of the Zapatista Army of National Liberation appeared in a European publication.

Youth Organize Worldwide Human Rights Walk (tags)

Youth from every corner of the globe will walk in our first ever “International Walk for Human Rights,” on United Nations Human Rights Day, December 10, 2009.

Submarines sunk (tags)

Reign of Terror begins

Submarines sunk. (tags)

Reign of Terror begins

Enough is Enough (tags)

Enough is Enough

Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty/EU Dirty Deal regarding human rights (tags)

With the EU guarantee to the Czech president, that the Czech State should not be exposed to property claims of expelled Germans after World War II, the EU not only implicitly consents with ethnical cleansings, it is also highly hypocritical, since the EU regularly points a finger to human rights violating countries like Sudan, Myanmar and Iran It is high time the EU should look in its own mirror, among else with regard to police abuse, racism and violation of the rights of migrants and real or alleged terrorsuspects

Epidemics for Dummies 11/18 (tags)

Epidemics for Dummies 11/18 Sat, 11/18/2009 - 10:18 — ConcernedCanadian The media is still hellbent on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines or worse; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)

The AIPAC is a danger to democracy (tags)

And it has spread to Europe

Epidemics for Dummies 11/15 (tags)

The media is still hell bent on terrifying you with their flu hysteria in order to inject you with toxified vaccines or worse; thus I will continue to expose that which has been hidden. (Matt. 10:26)


DVA DON’T DELAY, SPEED UP THE CLAIMS, YOU’RE BUSTED! Hundreds of protestors led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV)- a national alliance of veterans, youth marched from Historic Filipinotown in the Temple-Beverly corridor towards downtown Los Angeles to the Federal building to dramatize their protest against long delays and slow-processing of the veterans claims. The JFAV protest march started from FACLA compound at 1740 W. Temple St. Los Angeles, CA 90026. The march started at 10; 15 AM after an hour program inside the FACLA social hall. While scores of veterans, widows and seniors rode on vehicles provided by JFAV, hundreds of students from different colleges and universities marched the 2-mile route from Temple St to the federal building. This is the second march by the community led alliance towards downtown LA. The first was in 1997.


On February 18, 1946, the US Congress passed and President Truman signed Public Law 70-301, known as the "Rescission Act of 1946" - affecting close to half a million Filipinos who fought side by side with the Americans in the WAR against Imperial Japan in the Pacific. These Filipino Veterans who gallantly served America and suffered torture and even death in the hands of its enemy found themselves fighting the longest battle of their lives: 63 years of struggle to be recognized as full Veterans of Foreign War and gain all benefits accorded to such status.

Dr. Helen Caldicott Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Dr. Helen Caldicott, a powerful international activist against nuclear weapons and nuclear power for over a quarter-century, spoke at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego October 23 and painted a picture of global warming as an imminent apocalypse that requires immediate action to develop alternative energy sources and stop using fossil fuels. She also denounced the public-relations campaigns aimed at convincing people that global warming isn't a threat, and said climate-change deniers like Rush Limbaugh directly threaten the survival of the earth and therefore should not be allowed to broadcast.

What is "Neoliberal"? (tags)

Building community centers could be a way to learn from O Canada and break from the false religion of the market and profit. When the market and competition are made absolute, they become idols. CEOs are called job creators and workers "cost-factors."

Peace Prize for President with Blood on His Hands (tags)

When I woke up this morning I received an email from a friend telling me that U.S. President Barack Obama was chosen to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. I had to think a moment to make sure it was not April 1st. I have been around awhile so I am not easily shocked, but this did shock me at first. I have been writing about Obama for a few years and have followed his career in politics and could not imagine why he had been chosen. But as I was more fully awake it made perfect sense to me, given some of the past winners of the Prize.


An unholy alliance of truthists, sectarians, and voting system fanatics, led by an unwilling reject of the Church of Scientology, have used the new governance structure to take control of the commanding heights of Pacifica’s management.

“Voices of Honor” Tour Challenges “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” (tags)

O.K., so maybe you're a hard-core peacenik who wouldn't dream of joining the military or of supporting anyone who would. You should still care about the continued exclusion of open Queer people from the U.S. military under the so-called “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. Not only is the policy unjust and discriminatory on its face, it's also disproportionately enforced against women and people of color — so in practice it's racist and sexist as well as homophobic. “Voices of Honor” was a national tour which wrapped up in San Diego September 30 that featured five military veterans talking about the personal strains of living under “don’t ask, don’t tell.”

The justification offered for the new military bases in Colombia is the "war on drugs (tags)

"The justification offered for the new military bases in Colombia is the "war on drugs." The fact that the justification is even offered is remarkable. Suppose, for example, that Colombia, or China, or many others claimed the right to establish military bases in Mexico to implement their programs to eradicate tobacco in the U.S., by fumigation in North Carolina and Kentucky, interdiction by sea and air forces, and dispatch of inspectors to the U.S. to ensure it was eradicating this poison-which is, in fact, far more lethal even than alcohol, which in turn is far more lethal than cocaine or heroin, incomparably more than cannabis. The toll of tobacco use is truly fearsome, including "passive smokers" who are seriously affected though they do not use tobacco themselves. The death toll overwhelms the lethal effects of other dangerous substances."

The Decapitation of Pakistan by its own Military! (tags)

Pakistani military helped destroy Afghanistan, and they are now helping to destroy Pakistan. No Pakistani civilian I know, including myself, ever authorized the Pakistani military to destroy Afghanistan, or aid the United States in its own hegemonic plans on the Grand Chessboard. Do you know anyone? So from where did they get their mandate? I would rather have clean drinking water in my tap, damn it! What good are the bloody nukes when they become the raison d'être for our very destruction in this manner without ever firing a single missile at the drones that are killing our own peoples?

"Riverside Rejects Racism" Rally in Response to Neo-Nazi Demonstration (tags)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

RIVERSIDE, California -- In response to a planned neo-Nazi demonstration at a day labor site in Casa Blanca, Riverside's historically Latino community, numerous community groups united to oppose racism in their city. Over 30 organizations endorsed the rally, which saw the participation of over 150 people who listened to and gave speeches, shared fruit and water, and enjoyed music and a strong sense of solidarity.

Dialog is the True Alternative to War (tags)

Our world has lost orientation in a crisis of the market that believed itself omnipotent. A world without spirit is never human. Spirit and dialog give a soul to this global world. Violence and terror always mean defeat for humanity.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's Speech to the UN General Assembly (tags)

The most urgent challenge facing this body is to prevent the tyrants of Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Are the member states of the United Nations up to that challenge? Will the international community confront a despotism that terrorizes its own people as they bravely stand up for freedom?


We wrote this letter as a rejoinder to the steady stream of propaganda from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) and ever willing Philippine government functionaries led by Secretary of Defense Gilberto Teodoro and his lackeys namely PVAO retired General Ernesto Carolina and their paid hacks. But the glaring fact it is more than six months now when the Stimulus Bill was passed and only less than 3,000 Filipino veterans in the United States have received their checks. We want to know what keeping the claims so slow. The United States is deliberately using the claims as a propaganda tool to make the Filipino people accept their Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) and the proposed changes in the 1987 constitution that will give them 100% ownership of Philippine lands and corporations.

The Ju-Ju man said “Blaa – blaaa – blah”. (tags)

And that’s all we got.

The First Shots of the Trade War (tags)

With the G-20 summit approaching, cheerful talk of “international cooperation” fills the White House press-room. These comments carry with them the implication that “free trade” is integral to “cooperation,” a fact made explicit in the last meeting of the G-20. There, in the name of “united action,” world leaders agreed not to install any new protectionist measures. Since then, protectionist measures have flourished. Instead of global cooperation we have its opposite: international tensions are on the rise as trade disputes sharpen.


Despite the Letter from the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) to the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) dated September 4, 2009 in reply to our questions, the national alliance based in Los Angeles continues to receive numerous complaints from Filipino World War II veterans on the slow process of their claims. It is more than six months now when the Stimulus Bill was passed and only less than 2,000 Filipino veterans in the United States have received their checks. We want to know what keeping the claims so slow. Therefore, we are afraid and have to tell the veterans and their dependents that the claims will take another 18 months at most to be all be paid to tall of them.

Charlie Sheen to Obama: Investigate 9/11 Openly (tags)

Eight years on and in the aftermath of Hollywood actor Charlie Sheen's 9/11 challenge to President Barack Obama, journalists of the world's media conglomerates have been slow responders to follow the trail of evidence. Sheen posed numerous questions in a YouTube video directed at the President and held a "letter" of documentary evidence to back his claim that the official 9/11 story was a cover-up. The letter and its links support an argument that the 9/11 conspiracy fits an historical pattern of government-scripted attacks as pretexts to wage war.

Afghanistan: Back Door to War on Iran (tags)

Neocons support war with Afghanistan in order to get war with Iran

R.I.P. Ted Kennedy: The Senate’s Last Liberal (tags)

The mainstream media’s eulogies for the late Senator Ted Kennedy predictably focused on his success as a deal-maker, pushing a liberal agenda but in ways that compromised and often won the support of Republicans and conservatives. But Kennedy’s deals were based on the existence of a Republican party that, despite its different priorities from the Democrats, still believed in government as a force for the public good. Today’s nihilistic, Right-wing dominated Republican Party no longer believes in government as anything but a repressive instrument for benefiting the rich and enforcing the discipline of “the Market” on working people both domestically and abroad who dare to challenge the imperatives of lassiez-faire capitalism. What the times call for are tough, no-nonsense progressive resistance to the bipartisan Market agenda, not support of capitalist politicians promoted as “pragmatists” in the corporate media.

Triumph of the Right? (tags)

Sep 2nd, 2009 9:09 PM Despite the sweeping Democratic victories in the elections of 2006 and 2008, the Republican party in general and the radical Right in particular have reasserted themselves with a vengeance, especially regarding the health insurance reform proposals of the Obama administration and Congress. They’ve been able to tap into the same reflexive anti-government sentiment that has powered American politics at least since Ronald Reagan’s election (and arguably earlier) to block the reform proposals and set the stage for a Republican return to power that will render Obama as irrelevant historically as Carter and Clinton -- and without a mass progressive movement to push Obama and the Democrats back to the Left, the Right will succeed and triumph.


On behalf of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV) a national alliance of veterans, youth, students and community organizations and activist for veterans rights based in Los Angeles, California, points out the fact that as of August 2009, less than 10 percent of more than 35,000 Filipino World War II veterans who applied for their claims have received their benefits. Although you have reassured our fellow organization, the ACFV that the VA department is doing its best to implement the new “Filipino Veterans Compensation Law” as quickly as possible we still have to bring to your attention the slow process as more veterans fade away in the waiting process.


Tarantino: far away from the history and dived in the earth of the belligerent dreams.

We Fight Capitalism, Not the Crisis of Capitalism (tags)

Capitalism is a social system, not a natural law. Capitalism has proven it cannot end wars, prevent crises or make possible a good life for all people. Instead of solidarity, the capitalist social system teaches us envy and egoism. Now those who privatized the state cry for state bailout packages.

Ways Out of the Crisis (tags)

Investments of the state in the infrastructure, in educational- and social services, are urgently necessary. One positive aspect of the crisis is that the financial sector has begun to shrivel. The shriveling of the financial sector must be accompanied and controlled by the state.

Cracks Emerging in NAFTA (tags)

The once-solid North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) is starting to show its age. The 1994 trade agreement that laid the foundation for the economic/political integration of North America is encountering serious internal ruptures, threatening future “progress.” The problems are numerous: fights over trade, immigration, and military cooperation are all issues that Obama recently discussed in Mexico with his NAFTA partners, Mexico and Canada. The annual meeting that usually delivers plans for additional integration was instead used to remedy these heated issues, none of which were fully solved.

Death of an AIDS Dissident (tags)

A meditation on the recent death of H.E.A.L. [Health, Education, AIDS Liaison]-San Diego board member Jerry Colinard and the insistence that, as David Crowe of Rethinking AIDS and the Alberta Reappraising AIDS Society put it in a recent interview for Zenger's Newsmagazine, “If you’re an HIV-positive dissident, you’re not allowed to die of anything else other than AIDS.” Originally published as an editorial in the August 2009 issue of Zenger's Newsmagazine.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance:" Part II (tags)

the threat of totalitarian democracy

"Breaking the Silence:" Testimonies of Israeli Soldiers (tags)

Israeli soldiers reveal ugly truths

The Warsaw Ghetto and Gaza Strip (tags)

A comparison of the present fascist policies of the Israeli government with the past atrocities of the Nazis

Updated: Oakland's master plan to displce the poor (tags)

Oakland's master plan to displace the poor is fully in effect! This is the Updated article including the July 20, 2009, statement from attorney Steve Perelson, one of the attorneys representing the tenants at Oakland's historic California Hotel!

Filipino World War II Veterans Still Waits for Claims Checks (tags)

“It’s still a long waiting game.” The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) the national alliance of veterans and advocates organization in the United States continue to receive numerous complaints from Filipino World War II veterans on the slow process of their claims. “ More than five months now when the Stimulus Bill was passed and only 773 Filipino veterans in the United States have received their checks. We want to know what keeping the claims so slow” This was the remarks on the new and incoming Society of Guerillas and Scouts (SGS) Commander Nick Gadia of Los Angeles.

Michael Hudson's "Super Imperialism:" The Economic Agenda of Imperial America (tags)

How imperial America is funded


The Kilusang Dekada 70 ( KD70) composed of First Quarter Storm and martial law activists based in the United States pays tribute to Philippine Navy Commodore Ramon Alcaraz, a martial law and anti-Marcos activist. He died June 25 in Orange County, Southern California. Commodore Alcaraz is a World War II veteran and a survivor of Bataan. He belonged to PMA class 1940 and commanded the fleet of PT boats of the fledgling Philippine Commonwealth Navy that was placed under the command of USAFFE when the whole Commonwealth army as conscripted in 1941.


Commodore Ramon Alcaraz, PN, the man who defied Marcos, a known anti Marcos leader in the United States, a graduate of the Philippine Military Academy class 1940 and a pillar of the Filipino veterans' cause died last June 25, 2009. Ramon Alcaraz , a bemedalled World War II Filipino veteran is an authentic war hero who was promoted on the spot and decorated personally by General MacArthur in Corregidor for heroism and gallantry in action in January 1942. A torpedo boat commander, Alcaraz shot down three Japanese dive bombers during World War II.

The Great Divide-Iran and Leftists (tags)

A discussion of the great divergence of opinion among leftists about the situation in Iran

America's "Bases of Empire" (tags)

imperial America's global face

ADL Hate Laws Hate Freedom of Speech (tags)

The Anti-Defamation League (as its contrarian euphemism for an organization that does little, if anything, to fight defamation against Arabs and Muslims by rabid Islamo-phobes in the U.S. like Jewish-American Michael Savage) is “again” proposing another anti-free-speech bill disguised as the “Megan Meier Cyberbullying Prevention Act” HR 1966, which makes it a thought crime to “intimidate” and “harass” anyone over the Internet or on the airwaves.

Iran- Amnesia, Ignorance and Stupidity (tags)

Iran is experiencing a classic CIA destabilization effort. It has been done dozens of times in the past, but Americans would rather watch American Idol than read history. Also, as Gore Vidal says, it is "The United States of Amnesia."

PENDING TERROR EXERCISES -- 9/11 Truth Keeps Tabs -- (tags)

Ghost Troop, the All-American cyber militia, publishes a new website sure to be of interest to all who doubt the official story of 9/11. Forewarned is forearmed!

A Different Perspective on the Iranian Elections (tags)

The great strategic importance of Iran to the United States gives me a different opinion of the election than that of the mainstream US media or indeed most of the leftist media.

The USS Liberty Saga as Told by a Survivor’s Son (tags)

James Scott’s book, “Attack on the Liberty: The Untold Story of Israel’s Deadly 1967 Assault on the U.S. Spy Ship,” makes for a compelling read. The onslaught, on June 8, 1967, in international waters, during the Six-Day War, off the coast of Sinai, killed 34 crew members and injured 171 others. Israel claimed that it was all “just an accident...a case of mistaken identity.” Scott makes a very strong case that the assault on the “Liberty” was deliberate.

Israel cannot exist within the law. (tags)

It will always be a gangster and terror state.

Making Sense of a U.S. Owned General Motors (tags)

Now that the United States owns General Motors, many are asking, “What’s in it for taxpayers?” This is an extremely good question, considering that taxpayers may spend up to $100 billion [!] towards a company that’s currently worth around $450 million. (Wall Street Journal, 6/02/09) This large discrepancy in numbers means, obviously, that taxpayers could lose tremendous amounts of “investment” money if Obama’s “profit first” plan is put into effect. What is this plan? Strip the company to a fraction of its former self, using far fewer workers and making far less money in the hopes that GM will then out-compete the foreign competition on the world market.

Austria: Crash Instead of Cash (tags)

In 1978 the Bretton Woods system broke down since the US abandoned the key function of the US dollar to print money to finance the Vietnam War.. The liberalization of the financial markets started a mechanism in which the worldwide population loses.

Uranium mining and weapons contamination, on the Navajo Reservation (tags)

The uranium in uranium weapons that dying Navajo vets believed to have poisoned them might well have been mined in their own poisoned homeland, as the U.S. built its post World War II nuclear power, weapons, and war machine.

Condoleezza Rice Challenged on War and Torture at Stanford (tags)

Stanford University students, staff, alumni, and community have called for Condoleezza Rice to be held accountable for war crimes and torture. Challenging her return to the University, they are petitioning for a probe into her alleged violations of international and U.S. law.

Global Crisis: How Much Time do We Have? (tags)

"Rather, what began Monday, September 15, 2008 was the beginning of a terminal and irreversible collapse of the global financial system, which is part of a controlled Model through which other objetives will be achieved."

Raising the banners of socialism in the United States (tags)

The members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and our friends would promote socialism whether or not there was a worldwide capitalist economic crisis. But if there was any time to revive the socialist movement and build a multinational working-class party of revolutionaries, we believe that the time is now. We realize that we are not raising the banners of socialism and calling for revolution in the United States in a vacuum.

Piates vs. Emperors (tags)

New American Media, Commentary, Posted: May 07, 2009

Dissolve the UNRWA (tags)

In this difficult economic climate, as American citizens are seeking ways to cut costs, the U.S. government must consider ways to eliminate waste. The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) is not only a wasteful expenditure but, unbeknownst to most U.S. taxpayers, this U.S.-funded agency serves as an incubator for Arab-Palestinian terrorists. In the 60 years of its existence, UNRWA has done little to rehabilitate and settle the Palestinian-Arab refugees and much to foster incitement, hate, and terror against Israel.

2nd Renaissance (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support

Western diplomats walk out of Ahmadinejad speech/Hypocrisy and violations of human rights (tags)

Not only the Western boycott of Durban II and the attitude on the Ahmadinejad speech lacks a fundamental respect for fundamental human rights, it is also hypocritical seeing in the light of her implicite support for the Israeli regime of occupation, letting get Israel away with human rights violations and war-crimes

"Low-Wage Capitalism" Author Speaks in San Diego (tags)

Fred Goldstein, contributing editor of the Workers' World newspaper and author of the new book "Low-Wage Capitalism," spoke at the Malcolm X Library April 18 and described the current economic collapse as a classic "crisis of overproduction" in the Marxist sense. Though Wall Street greed and the bursting of the housing bubble played a part, he said, the real cause was the capitalist class's success in driving working people's wages down, not only in the U.S. but worldwide, to the point where workers can no longer afford to consume the products they produce. He called for a mass progressive movement to make explicit economic demands, especially jobs.


“The more the merrier” With this as a rule the Philippine and the US governments braces itself for more troubles as the Philippine Consulate in Los Angeles confirmed today that there were more than 32,000 Filipino veterans have applied for lump sum benefits since February 2009. During the commemoration of 67th Bataan Day in Los Angeles last April 9, 2009, Los Angeles Deputy Consul Daniel Espiritu confirmed that there were more than 32,000 veterans who have applied and are having their claims processed in the Philippines and the United States. The problem of more applicants for the benefits still plagues the veterans.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) gives the Filipino Veterans a red salute for the commemoration of the 67th anniversary of the fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942. We also pay tribute to both the living and the departed veterans of that war. Bataan is not only a symbol of resistance, Filipino patriotism and bravery but also a living testament of the Filipino people's will to fight and defeat fascism in the Philippines and the whole of Asia. Greatest Contribution It is one of he greatest contribution of the Filipino people to the free world in defeating fascism in Asia and liberating a large portion of the Philippines even before the Americans reoccupied the Philippines. In the process we lost one million people, our cities like Manila, Baguio and Dagupan and almost he whole Philippines were destroyed.

The Nazi Hydra In America (tags)

In 700 fascinating pages the Nazi Hydra documents how US financiers created Hitler and his war machine, launched a putsch against FDR and recouped Nazi assets to lay the foundations of today’s NSA and CIA and the rise of the Fourth Reich in America.

The Association of Widows, Relatives and Advocates for Equality (AWARE) (tags)

AWARE was formed after the passage of S. 1315 which excludes Filipinos veterans in the enhanced American veterans law of the 110th US Congress. This is the 2nd Recession Act of our time that discriminates against the Filipino World War II veterans. In its place, on February 17, 2009- the 111th US Congress passed the Stimulus Bill or the American Recovery and Reinvestments Act (ARRA) that includes a one time-lump sum benefits for Filipino veterans. But the lump sum has quit claim, no recognition to the veterans and no benefits for Filipino World War II widows. Thus on December 8, 2008, the widows and relatives of veterans banded together and formed this organization-AWARE in Los Angeles and San Francisco to fight and advocate for equal rights. The widows started to get organized at first to support he veterans struggle but later to fight for themselves. They held their protests in July 25, 2008, September 22, 2008, February 18, 2009, March 9, 2009 and March 21, 2009 in Los Angeles, San Francisco and other areas of the country.

Memories Of Madison - My Life In The New Left (tags)

"The Young Republicans were all dressed up—men in suits and ties, women in dresses—and looked like they were attending a business meeting at the country club. Even though the Young Republicans were all white and most of them came from Wisconsin, I can’t say that I related to them much. But I felt even more alien at the meeting of the antiwar committee. The attendees were dressed in a much more Bohemian style and there was a lot of intense talk about politics. And they were Jewish."

Lessons from the Great Depression: Christina D. Romer (tags)

This paper was presented at the Brookings Institution Washington D.C. March 9, 2009. Christina Romer, economics professor at Berkeley, is one of President Obama's economic advisers in the Council of Economic Advisers.

More than 900 Veterans Have Applied for Lump Sum in Los Angeles (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reported today than more than 900 World War II veterans in Los Angeles area have applied for their claims for benefits to the veterans Administration.. This was learned by JFAV through its senior coordinator Faustino Baclig who is helping processing claims. The JFAV have not monitored the number of veterans who filed their claims directly to the Veterans Administration office.

global economy, politics, jobs in the Chinese age: Johnson, Frank, Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

Same process - Same old story. (tags)

Same process - Same old story.

It’s Time to Grow Again! Let Hemp Loose.-Production buried by past needed now in America (tags)

"Hemp is anti-microbial and highly resistant to insects. It NEVER requires the use of herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers.
Hemp, unlike cotton, does not deplete the soil of nutrients. This makes it cheaper to produce, eliminates groundwater pollution due to pesticide run-off, and curtails farming community exposure to toxic and cancer-causing products.
Growing hemp reduces our dependence on petroleum products such as petrochemical fertilizers. Currently 15,000 lakes in the US are so contaminated by toxic agricultural runoff that NOTHING can live in them.
Hemp paper requires less chemical processing and can be whitened without producing dioxins. Unlike wood pulp paper, hemp does not harden, yellow, or crack with age. "......Boulder Hemp Initiative Project


• Extrajudicial targeting/punishment violates the U.S. Constitution, and has enabled crimes against humanity. Government intelligence, security, law enforcement and revenue officials are said to be complicit.

What is Marxism? (tags)

The Pork That Dares Not be Called Pork (tags)

The diversionary tactics of calling things pork and the real pork


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reiterates its stand on the long-standing battle of Filipino- American veterans to claim what is due them in the name of justice and equity. We would like to emphasize that this movement, waged valiantly for 63 years by veterans who are in the twilight of their lives, is beyond personal and family interests. It has to be viewed as an issue of national interest and dignity. Sadly, there are a few Filipinos who see this struggle in an unsympathetic and twisted sense. The JFAV would like to correct this sentiment and ask them to instead look at the veterans’ issue on the light of respecting the rights of our war veterans and honoring our dignity as a country. Filipino- American veterans all over America have unanimously agreed to accept what the recently signed Stimulus Package of Pres. Barrack Obama has given them. But will continue with the struggle for equity as they did for so many years now.

Obama administration backs immunity for author of Bush torture memos, Berkeley's John Yoo (tags)

In legal arguments before a federal court in San Francisco Friday, the Obama administration stepped in to defend one of most notorious figures in the Bush administration, John Yoo, author of legal memoranda used to justify torture and indefinite detention without trial as part of the "war on terror."


This letter is in response to the column by Mr. Rodel Rodis that appeared in Philippines Today, Filam Star and Philippine News, and another by Senator Leland Yee in Manila Mail in the March 4-10 newspaper issue. Both writers much like leaders of the mendicant Philippine government herald the passage of the lump sum as a victory for the veterans in that their war service is now recognized, and that they finally got the benefits they deserve and fought for, for the last 63 years. Just what kind of recognition and victory did the veterans get? The word “recognition” in the text of the Section 1002 of the stimulus bill signed into law by President Barack Obama pertains exclusively for the purpose of issuing the lump sum. As soon as lump sum is issued, the recognition shall immediately disappear. Notice how the text was very clear in saying that the lump sum was a “compensation for human suffering.”— not a recognition of wartime heroism and valor. If the intention of this provision is to tax-exempt, then just say the lump sum is non-taxable, but without a condescending term as “human suffering.”

Back to the main topic - those who only think of Palestine as ok (tags)

Back to fighting on indy and every other newsmedia too.- to those who only think of Palestine as being Right and Victim and needs to be rescued, let's get more info = to clarify if all claimed is so,- see what at least simplief disputable Wiki says about how it all began, tho the info is always being 'disputed' ................and each and many sides claiming and demanding to be RIGHT and claim the Whole and Only Truth......... yeah, so many versions of Holy Truths as there are colors in the rainbow...people who write love to claim exaggerations as 'reality' and their versions as "not to be questioned" even on Indymedia, NO FREE THINKERS ALLOWED HERE either !

Mar Vista Neighbors for Peace and Justice Mourn Loss of Local Activist, Eleanor Belser (tags)

The peace community lost a staunch supporter last week with the death of Eleanor Belser, who passed away at her home in Mar Vista. Eleanor was 89.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reiterates its stand on the long-standing battle of Filipino American Veterans to claim what is due them in the name of justice and equity. We would like to emphasize that this movement, waged valiantly for 63 years by veterans who are in the twilight of their lives, is beyond personal and family interests. It has to be viewed as an issue of national interest and dignity. Sadly, there are a few Filipinos who see this struggle in an unsympathetic and twisted sense. The JFAV would like to correct this sentiment and ask them to instead look at the veterans’ issue on the light of respecting the rights of our war veterans and honoring our dignity as a country. Fil-am veterans all over America have unanimously agreed to accept what the recently signed Stimulus Package of Pres. Barrack Obama has given them. But will continue with the struggle for equity as they did for so many years now.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) reiterates its stand on the long-standing battle of Filipino- American veterans to claim what is due them in the name of justice and equity. We would like to emphasize that this movement, waged valiantly for 63 years by veterans who are in the twilight of their lives, is beyond personal and family interests. It has to be viewed as an issue of national interest and dignity. Sadly, there are a few Filipinos who see this struggle in an unsympathetic and twisted sense. The JFAV would like to correct this sentiment and ask them to instead look at the veterans’ issue on the light of respecting the rights of our war veterans and honoring our dignity as a country. Filipino- American veterans all over America have unanimously agreed to accept what the recently signed Stimulus Package of Pres. Barrack Obama has given them. But will continue with the struggle for equity as they did for so many years now. JFAV believes that the veterans, and widows or legal heirs of the deceased ones, deserve the full rights of naturalization and welfare benefits, including health and pension which the Rescission Act of 1946 has denied and the Stimulus Package has only partially fulfilled.

Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Economic Crisis (tags)

economic conditions worsening


The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. The protests is in contrasts to other organizations like NAFFAA and ACFV who called for celebrations and gratitude to the US and Philippine governments for the long delayed benefits. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US.

Robert Jensen Challenges Patriotism, Industrialism (tags)

University of Texas journalism professor Robert Jensen spoke in San Diego February 21. His talk was billed as a challenge to the idea of patriotism, but he also said flatly that the industrial mode of production and the way of life it has allowed are no longer sustainable and the world's population will have to live in small, self-sufficient local communities. His speech also attacked "the coarsening of the culture" represented by the easy availability of pornography.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expresses its opposition to the lump sum provision included in the Stimulus Bill or the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Section 1001. Title X. In the Stimulus bill that passed, the lump sum bill still has a “quit claim” or a foreclosure to any claim for a lifetime full pension benefit. While the $15, 000 for US citizens or $9,000 for non US citizens may provide temporary relief, THERE IS NO PROVISION FOR RECOGNITION!


The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. The protests is in contrasts to other organizations like the ACFV and NAFFAA who called for celebrations and gratitude to the US and Philippine governments for the long delayed benefits. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US. * In Los Angeles, more than a hundred veterans, widows and advocates gathered at the Veterans Memorial monument at Lake Street Park n February 18th.

WW 2 Filipino vets, widows, students and activists Demand Full Recognition (tags)

The Filipino American community marked the 63rd Anniversary of the unjust Recission Act of 1946 last Feb 18, 2009 with different kinds of protests all over the United States. * In San Francisco, two hundred vets, students, widows, teachers and activists gathered in two separate events on Feb. 17 and Feb 18 to mark the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act with protest, amidst celebration by the mendicant Philippine government and some pro- lump sum organizations in the US. “To date, our military service and courage in defending the US during World War 2 have never been fully recognized, so there is a reason for us to continue the fight!,” said Philippine Scout Gomer Bondad during a forum held at the Rosenberg Library of the City College of San Francisco. * In Los Angeles, more than a hundred veterans, widows and advocates gathered at the Veterans Memorial monument at Lake Street Park n February 18th. Los Angeles Council President Eric Garcetti and Congresswoman Royball-Allard graced the occasion as guests of honor.


The approved lump sum included in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009-- $15,000 for the US citizens and $9,000 for non-US citizens may provide temporary monetary relief for many. However, this is not a cause for celebration let alone thanksgiving. This is yet another piecemeal legislation that fails to address the grave injustices committed against the Filipinos when on February 18, 1946, the US Congress enacted the Rescission Act that deemed the US military services of the Filipinos inactive, thereby, denying them of their rights and privileges as American veterans. Of the at least 60 nationalities that served the US during World War 2, the Filipinos were singled out to receive unequal treatment as their American counterparts who fought side by side with them during the war.


The global economic crisis heightens the potential for social unrest in Asia, where millions of people suddenly out of work will demand governments take swift and decisive action, analysts said.In the Philippines, of the country’s 36 million labor force, an estimated 40,000 to 200,000 workers are expected to lose their jobs this year, the National Economic and Development Authority said.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) criticized the republicans in the US Congress for their unreasonable opposition to the $198-million Filipino veterans pension provision that found its way into President Barack Obama’s pet – the Economic Stimulus Bill. The veterans benefits is widely criticized by Republican members of Congress as having no place in the controversial and complex piece of legislation. They said the lump sum pension bill meant for about 18,000 Filipino veterans who fought side by side U.S. forces against the Japanese during World War II would “clutter” a bill that is already riddled with questionable and “wasteful earmarks.” “The Republicans like Senator Burr and Rep. Buyer readily forget they owe Filipino veterans a debt of gratitude for winning the war in the Pacific. They only want to bail-out the corporations not the people. Republicans and conservative” blue dog” democrats are outright ingrates!”, JFAV National Coordinator Arturo Garcia exclaimed.


A groups of San Francisco Filipino World War II veterans sent a petition to Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the San Francisco State Building to expresses grave concern on the fate of the Stimulus Bill on which the Filipino veterans benefits bill that now hangs by a thread. While the Stimulus bill passed the Senate last Tuesday, Feb 10, it will still go to a bicameral conference. The San Francisco Filipino veterans and their advocates sent the petition to the Speaker office last February 10, to make sure that it will not suffer the fate of S. 1315.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expresses grave concern on the fate of the Stimulus Bill on which the Filipino veterans benefits bill is now hangs by a thread. While the US Senate passed the Stimulus bill, it will still go on a bicameral conference to settle its differences and the veterans befits bill is in danger of being dropped again. Senator Inouye inserted the benefits bill and promised to resign as Senate Appropriations chair if the Filipino veterans bill does not pass. On February 18, 2009 is the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act that took away the rights of the Filipinos to get equal benefits. The Congress did this to the Filipinos out of around 60 nationalities who served the US Armed Forces.

Rebuilding the House George Smashed:Can America Avoid Fascism? (tags)

America can avoid sliding into a full-blown fascist state complete with concentration camps and right wing death squads if we begin to act now. If we fail to act wisely we will face that dreaded moment when the gestapo pounds on our door in the middle of the night.


Los Angeles – The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) expresses grave concern on the fate of the Stimulus Bill on which the Filipino veterans benefits bill is now hangs by a thread. This February 18, 2009 is the 63rd anniversary of the Rescission Act that took away the rights of the Filipinos to get equal benefits. The Congress did this to the Filipinos out of around 60 nationalities who served the US Armed Forces. If this is not outright racism, what is this?

What Obama Could Learn From Germany (tags)

The United States is experiencing its worst crisis in decades. Obama is trying to fight it by preparing one gigantic economic stimulus program after the other. But the hangover is inevitable, and if the desired economic miracle doesn't materialize, it will be a massive one.

Sonya Kahn Actively Seeks Out Armenian Genocide Events So “Whispering Souls” Can Be Heard (tags)

In Search of Armenian Genocide Remembrance Events April 24, 2009, Vocalist-Songwriter-Musician-Producer, Sonya Kahn wants to bring awareness of Genocide to the next generation so the killing will stop in our world.


The Southern California Pilipino American Student Alliance (SCPASA) held their 2009 Summit at the University of California, Riverside this Saturday, January 31st. It was attended by more or less 200 students who attended different workshops given by Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), FAIR. PWC and other resource speakers.KmB Secretary General Ernest Tamayo was the keynote speaker.


The Southern California Pilipino American Student Alliance (SCPASA) held their 2009 Summit at the University of California, Riverside this Saturday, January 31st. It was attended by more or less 200 students who attended different workshops given by Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), FAIR. PWC and other resource speakers.KmB Secretary General Ernest Tamayo was the keynote speaker.

Zapatista University Chapter 4: Science versus Politics (tags)

Here’s another free science lesson for Third-World farmers. The complete book can be read on my site. Feel free to translate it into Spanish or any other language.

Che 2 and Defiance- Movie Reviews (tags)

Two movies, Che 2 and Defiance with two different settings have two separate and different perspectives Defiance was based on World War II experience of the Byelorussian Jews fierce struggle as guerillas to survive the German pogroms. It was derived from the story of three Jewish brothers who went on separate ways- one joining the Red Army and other forming his own guerilla army. Essentially, it became a propaganda tool of Zionist groups in the face of their unpopularity during the Gaza crisis from December 27, 2008 until today. It heralded how the Jews fought the German, the common theme of all Jewish movies drawing sympathy from common people for Israel. On the other hand, Che 2 narrates the last days of Ernesto “Che” Guevara and his band as The National Guerilla Army of Bolivia and his less than 300 days struggle trying hard to build a new front against US Imperialism in South America.


We stand to educate and politicize the community on the issue as opposed to the advice of the Philippine government’s representative for veterans to “keep quiet for the next four months.” We empower the Filipino and the American communities if they know the historical injustice, facts and options as only an educated people can bring about real change to the how the US government regard the veterans. Veterans and advocates for genuine equity are on a crossroad now. Is it lump sum first or full recognition and lifetime pension benefit right away? This paper attempts to provoke discussion among veterans, widows, families, advocates and the public in general.

Local activists oppose police, minuteman harassment of day laborers (tags)

UPLAND, California - January 26, 2008 Supporters of the human rights of immigrants and workers filled the Upland City Council chambers tonight to support speakers decrying injustices against Upland day laborers. The Minutemen, who are themselves responsible for many of these injustices, also arrived to address the council. And while the council may have been more receptive to their racist rhetoric than to our pleas for justice, we maintained the moral high ground and refused to retreat.


Valkyrie can pass as a suspense thriller even if the people know in the first what is the result. It is always nice to know how men of principles act and improvise in their greatest moment of decision or indecision.

Valkryie- A Lesson in Failed Coup (tags)

Tom Cruise did it again. Acting an off-beat role of a historical character, an aristocratic Catholic German officer-Colonel Claus Von Stauffenberg who tried to assassinate Hitler during World War II, Cruise did more than his best to do justice to the man and his role. Definitely “Valkyrie” is better than “The Last Samurai” because it is not only historically true and accurate but it really dramatize the facts.


The Filipino American community send a letter to President Barack Obama on his first day in office, January 20, 2009. The letter to Obama was discussed and written by less than a hundred Filipino American composed of community leaders, Balitang America viewers and experts on the economy, immigration, and Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates in a community town hall meeting last December 10, 2008. The letter was read again in a broadcast yesterday, January 20, 2009 at the ABS -CBN Filipino Channel with a more than 300,000 subecribers and more than six million viewers.


On January 20,2009 a new President- An African American named Barack Obama will be inaugurated in Washington DC. To many, the dream that racism is no more is reality and the dreams of equality for all will be achieved. But not for the Filipino American community who still feel the fangs of racism at the hands the US Congress. On September 22, the US Congress House of Representatives passed the SB 1315 or the American Veterans Benefits Enhancement Bill, But they removed the whole section that pertains to Filipino World War II veterans. They excluded again the Filipinos, in a blatant act of racism in the law.

new century war: by Frank, Johnson, George Zhibin Gu (tags)

is global financial crisis leading to a new war? Why is a new world order troublesome? How to move to the next stage world finance, economy, management, jobs, politics and competition in light of emerging giants China, India? Get provocative thoughts from 3 educators Chalmers Johnson, Andre Gunder Frank, and George Zhibin Gu.

A Trillion Dollar Recovery (tags)

This article by the editor of The Nation was published 12/31/2008.

Traumatic Cycle (tags)

Once called "battle fatigue" and "shell shock" Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), recognized as a clinical condition in 1980, has been a part of warfare for those serving in armed forces for as long as anyone can figure. People who suffer from the disease often experience vivid flashbacks so real some act out what they re-experience. Other symptoms may be feeling distant from others, severe depression, feeling unable to be happy. Having trouble falling asleep and suffering uncontrollable outbursts of anger may also accompany the disease.


Less than a hundred Filipino American composed of community leaders, Balitang America viewers and experts on the economy, immigration, and Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates held a year end-Community town hall meeting last December 10, 2008 and after a spirited discussion read a letter to be sent to the President –elect Barack Obama who will assume office on January 20, 2009.

Filipino Americans Hold Town hall meeting (tags)

More than a hundred Filipino American community leaders held a year end-Community town hall meeting last December 10, 2008 and after a spirited discussion read a letter to be sent to the President –elect Barack Obama who will assume office on January 20, 2009. In a belated telecast on December 31, 2008 and January 1-2, 2009 of the community town hall meeting held at the ABS -CBN Broadcast Center at Redwoods City south of San Francisco, the Filipino American leaders were united and were filled with optimism with the coming New Year despite the threats of global recession.

U.S. Backed Invasion by Israel (tags)

Shortly after darkness fell on Saturday night, January 3, Israel launched a massive land invasion of Gaza involving 9,000-10,000 soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and heavy artillery, engineering and intelligence forces, with the support of Israel’s Air Force, navy, and secret police and spy agencies. The ground invasion came after Israel, for the first time, unleashed an artillery barrage on Gaza, striking a mosque and killing at least 11 people. By the next day, Israeli forces had reportedly cut Gaza in half, “bisecting” it between north and south.

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game


Maligayang Pasko! Scores of Filipino World War II Veterans with the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marched along the busy Temple Street sidewalks together with more than a hundred seniors, young students and residents from the Manila Terrace Apartments to Search to Involve The Pilipino Americans (SIPA) compound with lighted lanterns or ” Parols “last Friday, December 19. Meanwhile, the JFAV-San Francisco held their Christmas program with a potluck lunch at the Wolff’s House in downtown San Francisco last Dec. 14. More than 60 veterans and widows attended the Christmas party.


Maligayang Pasko! Scores of Filipino World War II Veterans with the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) marched along the busy Temple Street sidewalks together with more than a hundred seniors, young students and residents from the Manila Terrace Apartments to Search to Involve The Pilipino Americans (SIPA) compound with lighted lanterns or ” Parols “last Friday, December 19. The Parol parade started at around 5:15 PM. Filipino American organizations like People’s CORE, veterans, students and parents from Burlington School, Pilipino American Democrats of Los Angeles(PALAD), Filipino Christian Church( FCC), Lord of Harvest Ministry, GEPENC, JFAV, PANA, TWNDC and SIPA marched up Temple St through the sidewalks.

Bush administration claims U.S. military can police American citizens (tags)

The Bush administration indicates that the President is authorized by the Constitution and Title 10 (10 USC 331–334) to suppress insurrections, rebellions, and domestic violence.


More than 300 UHW workers and allies rallied and picketted the SEIU International mock elections at the Radisson LAX Hotel last night Dec. 11 in Los Angeles. World War II veterans and leaders from JFAV and other community advocates from the Filipino American community joined the UHW rally. UHW president Sal Roselli reported that the UHW submitted more than 80,000 signatures to protest the mock elections. He said less than 10% voted. More than 40,000 protest signatures was earlier submitted to SEIU International against the elections.


We, in the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) now, a full pledged national organization based in Los Angeles ,salutes and pay the highest tribute to Jack Tejada. He was a tireless freedom fighter in the fullest meaning of the word. Commander Jack Tejada is from New Jersey but he represents all the veterans in the United States wherever they maybe. He is regular lobbyist in Washington D.C He fought for our freedom as a soldier of the Philippines and America. And did his part in winning World War II. But he did not stop there. He continued to fight for freedom and justice for the benefits and the recognition that they truly deserve and was taken away from them

The International Crisis Report, from Curitiba, PR, BR (tags)

Adjusting to avoid the concentration of the financial system, maintaining that system under the domain of public power and invest in infrastructure and in social policies are functions that the state should recover from the current global crisis. That is what said the teacher called Alex Izurieta, senior secretary of

The Global Economic Crisis - Bad and Worsening (tags)

the crisis is deepening

Swimming Up Stream (tags)

Somebody had to offer a calm and serene response even though this will have to swim up the powerful stream of hopes raised by Obama in the international public opinion...


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) together with the Society of Guerillas and Scouts (SGS) will hold an organizing meeting for widows and relatives of Filipino World War II veterans on Monday, at 10:00 AM December 8, 2008 at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center at Fountain St/Vermont, CA 90027. The event will mark the formal entry of the United States into the Second World War with the bombing of Pearl Harbor by the Japanese in Hawaii on December 7, 1941.

The Federal Reserve: History of Lies, Thievery, and Deceit (tags)

Former Congressional Candidate, 6th District N.J. "I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt." Thomas Jefferson


The long wait for veterans benefits and equity still goes on as Thanksgiving Day sets in without the much awaited results from the US Congress lame duck session. According to JFAV representative and World War II Veteran from San Francisco, Mr. Reggie Nacua who went to lobby with the ACFV in Washington DC reported that the Senate instead passed in its hearings -the S. 3869 also known as the Filipino Veterans Support Bill.

Obama and the Economy (tags)

The economy elected Barack Obama President, and it will make or break his administration. Right now it seems likely to break it, as Obama's announced appointees to staff his government come almost exclusively from the moderate administration of Bill Clinton, thereby assuring the ruling class that "change you can believe in" means "change the rich and powerful won't have to worry about." Without a mass Left movement on the order of the socialists and communists who in the 1930's pushed Franklin Roosevelt to the Left, Obama's Presidency is likely to be yet another suck-up to corporate America and its anti-labor, anti-environment, anti-worker "free trade" agenda.

Prop. 8 and the Triumph of Theocracy (tags)

The passage of Proposition 8 proves that many American voters are committed to a basically theocratic view of government in which THEIR moral values and commitments should rule over others. It also means the Queer community needs to do some soul-searching over why people of color and others we considered natural allies voted for 8 in greater percentages than whites did, and whether "marriage" as a term carries too much religious baggage ever to win majority support for its legal extension to same-sex couples.

Barack Obama, new mouthpiece of ruling class interests (tags)

In renewing its great traditions of struggle, the American proletariat will have to fight the coming blood and tears policy of the Obama presidency

Not "Fascism or Obama": Fascism and Obama (tags)

It is all too obvious that anti-fascism renounces revolution. But anti-fascism fails exactly where its realism claims to be effective: in preventing a possible dictatorial mutation of society. The fight for a democratic state is inevitably a fight to consolidate the state, and far from crippling totalitarianism, such a fight increases totalitarianism's stranglehold on society.

JFAV Optomistic on the passage of the veterans benefits bill this year. (tags)

Taking time-off from its hectic activities to pass the veterans benefits bill pending in the US Congress, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) commemorated the 64th Year of the Leyte landing, October 20, 1944- the start of the Liberation of the Philippines with the proper rites at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) in Vermont and Fountain St in Los Angeles on Oct. 22, 2008. The veterans and their advocates are still very hopeful that the US Congress will convene the joint conference committee to reconcile the three separate bills for Filipino veterans. At present the S. 1315, HR 6897 and the Chat Edwards bill that appropriated $198 million for the veterans needs to be reconciled. The JFAV and the ACFV is still highly optimistic that the reconciled bill that will grant recognition and give benefits to the Filipino veterans will be enacted before the US Congress ends this year.

Filipino Veterans Commemorate 64th Year of the Leyte Landing at HPMC in LA (tags)

–Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) commemorated the 64th Year of the Leyte landing, October 20, 1944- the start of the Liberation of the Philippines with the proper rites at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) in Vermont and Fountain St in Los Angeles on Oct. 22, 2008. Scores of World War II veterans, community advocates and the Philippine Consul General Mary Jo Aragon, Vice Consul Daniel Espiritu, Errol Santos of HPMC and hospital personnel led the simple rites held at the HPMC auditorium. A Filipino mass was officiated by Fr. George Florendo to pay tribute to both living and departed veterans who fought in World War II in the Philippines.

US diplomacy tainted by 'militarization' (tags)

"Since the fall of the Berlin Wall [in 1989], the diplomatic capacity of the United States has been hollowed out," according to the 26-page report, "A Foreign Affairs Budget for the Future", which said a continuation of the status quo cannot continue without serious damage to the US's "vital interests".


he praises heaped upon the Filipinos who fought against the Japanese invasion during World War II did not impress a group of veterans who attended the commemoration of the Leyte Landing held on Monday.

On the 64th Year of the Leyte Landing (tags)

While we in the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) are commemorating the 64th Year of the Leyte landing, October 20, 1944- the start of the Liberation of the Philippines with the proper rites at the Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center (HPMC) in Vermont and Fountain St in Los Angeles on Oct. 22, 2008 in Los Angeles, it is gratifying to note that even the Americans have unsung heroes. I reprinted an article written by retired general Ramon Farolan about a great American hero, forgotten by his countrymen. The same forgetfulness the American public does to the Filipino World War II veterans. Some people only celebrates victories. They try forget the past nor study its lessons. Let this article speaks for itself.


The Filipino Community and all concerned Filipino Americans in the United States vehemently condemn the Senate's railroading of the ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) on Wednesday night. October 8th.. Pro-Japan collaborators also known as the modern MAKAPILIS, the sixteen senators led by JPEPA's sponsors Senators Miriam Santiago and Mar Roxas (whose grandfather was a Japanese and an American puppet) have compromised the country's national patrimony and sovereignty by approving a patently one-sided, anti-Filipino economic treaty.


The Filipino Community and all concerned Filipino Americans in the United States vehemently condemn the Senate's railroading of the ratification of the Japan-Philippines Economic Partnership Agreement (JPEPA) on Wednesday night. October 8th.. Pro-Japan collaborators also known as the modern MAKAPILIS, the sixteen senators led by JPEPA's sponsors Senators Miriam Santiago and Mar Roxas (whose grandfather was a Japanese and an American puppet) have compromised the country's national patrimony and sovereignty by approving a patently one-sided, anti-Filipino economic treaty. This is a reminiscence of how the Philippine Senate in 1972 passed the RP-Japan Treaty of Amity that opened the Philippines to the exploitation and oppression of the Japanese Imperialists.

JFAV Oct 10 Nationwide Mass Actions-Fight Racism! (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace! On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.

JFAV Oct 10 Nationwie Mass Actions -A Success! (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! No Justice, No Peace. On Friday, October 10, in Los Angeles and San Francisco,hundreds of Filipino American students, youth and veterans with their allies from AJLPP, ANSWER-LA, PCORE, SIPA,SEIU, LAANE and other groups held their rallies in front of the Federal Building in the two cities for Filipino veterans rights.

AJLPP Supports JFAV Mass Actions (tags)

Bailout the Filipino Veterans, Not the Corrupt Capitalists! The AJLPP urgently calls on the US Congress focused on the Senate to call a conference committee to pass the veterans bill, AJLPP West Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia announced. In this regard the AJLPP supports the Justice for the Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) in its call for nationwide mass actions against blatant racism and struggle for for veteran rights.


Today, we protest the racist attacks against the Filipino World War II Veterans. Again, the fast disappearing Filipino World War II veterans and the seniors were the first victims of the Bush $700 capitalist bailout. We gather today at the foot of the monument to the Spanish-American War of 1898. At proof that the United States occupied the Philippines and colonized the Philippines. And that on 1941, when the Second World War broke out, we have to fight a war that is not of our own making. Filipinos were ordered and conscripted into the United States army and were ordered to fight for the war. But the United States refuse to honor the wartime services of the Filipinos saying the fought for their own country. What a shame!


Today, we protest the racist attacks against the Filipino World War II Veterans. Again, the fast disappearing Filipino World War II veterans and the seniors were the first victims of the Bush $700 capitalist bailout. The US Congress again insulted the veterans and Filipino American community by passing SB 1315 bill minus their recognition and one billion's worth in benefits.

The Transparent Cabal (tags)

A review of a book that proves Necons are the driving force behind the War in Iraq

Peace and Freedom Candidates Ralph Nader and Matt Gonzalez in Oakland (tags)

Over 500 people turned out to hear presidential candidate Ralph Nader and his running mate Matt Gonzalez at Oakland’s Grand Lake Theater Sept. 30. The two are on the ballot in 45 states this year as Independents or on various party lines, including the Peace and Freedom Party in California. Several P&F candidates also spoke, as well as Cindy Sheehan, running as an Independent for Congress against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The U.S. Economy on FIRE (tags)

The current U.S. economic crisis didn't start a few years ago when banks and financial institutions started selling "subprime" real estate loans to high-risk borrowers and then repackaging them as "mortgage-backed securities." It began in the early 1970's as a result of a long-term plan by America's major corporations and business leaders to drive down workers' wages and extract more surplus value — and the workers' response, which was to take on more debt. Any real solution that benefits working people cannot be instituted until the power of the corporate rich over the political system is broken.

Ona Russell Publishes Evolution-Themed Mystery (tags)

Mystery writer Ona Russell's latest book, "The Natural Selection," takes her female detective Sarah Kaufman to Dayton, Tennessee in 1925 for a murder mystery set against the backdrop of the Scopes trial, the attempt by the radical Right of the day to ban the teaching of evolution in schools. The book deals not only with the progressive implications of the theory of evolution but also its racist and classist outgrowths, social Darwinism and the eugenics movement, and the way the Ku Klux Klan made common cause with evolution advocates to advance their racist agenda.

World War II veterans (tags)

When Japan surrendered on Aug. 14, 1945, we who had fought as regular army or as guerrillas suddenly became veterans. The terrible war was finally over and everybody looked to picking up the pieces in a regime of peace. From what I read in the papers, the pension is not much. But the feeling among most veterans seems to be that whatever the pension may finally be, it will be better than nothing. The Americans have pummeled the Filipino veterans into submission. He now goes around with a begging bowl in hand. This is the greatest insult and the most pitiful tragedy.

A Posthumous Concern, Another kind of Racism (tags)

VETERANS OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES in the Far East (Usaffe) here at home and in America thought that, at long last, the US Congress was poised to pass legislation addressing their generations-old claim for benefits. But as the American economy unraveled, politicians began sniping at the bills (pending before the US Congress) aimed at increasing the benefits of Filipino veterans. Filipino-American veterans groups and lobbyists began to fear that the promise to bring the bill to a vote in the US House of Representatives would fall by the wayside. No one, of course, predicted that the US Congress would be plunged into a crisis atmosphere by US President George W. Bush’s proposed bailout, which the US Senate and House Democrats have agreed to, but whose approval has been delayed and, possibly, foiled by a group of House Republicans anxious they will be defeated in November if they vote for a bailout.

RP's Sorreta Must stop Being An Apologist for the US Congress (tags)

We, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) take exception and criticized the apologies of Philippine Embassy Charge d’ affaires Carlos Sorreta that after the passage of SB 1315 minus the Filipino provisions “that the quest for justice should not be divisive” In the first we ask who is dividing whom? This is the first time that all Filipino veterans groups, the community and all our allies are united against HB 6897 which is a quit claim bill and for SB 1315. The fact that SB 1315 passed the US Senate with a vote of 96-1 is a testament of that unity.


Yesterday, we came to San Francisco Office of Speaker Nancy Pelosi to protest and express our support to SB 1315 and opposition to HR 6897 of Congressman Bob Filner. HR 6897. As we protest, we heard that SB 1315 passed but take out all provisions pertaining to our veterans. This says the Congress does not recognize their war time services and do not give the same benefits as our American counterparts have. It is an insult to Filipino American community and the historical contributions of the Filipino people who lost one million lives in the war.

OPEN LETTER TO REP. MIKE HONDA, 15th District,CA (tags)

We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. First, we would like to express our deep appreciation for championing the cause of Filipino World War II veterans. We are very thankful to you and the Congressional Asian Pacific Caucus that despite the grandstanding of Congressman Bob Filner, you are sincerely on our side. We would like to express our opposition to HR 6897 of Congressman Bob Filner which is a quit claim and an insult to our veterans and the Filipino American community. We want you to support the House version of SB 1315. Stay steadfast on the course- PASS THE House version of SB 1315 Now!


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV) and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal- HR 6897 confident that S-1315 still has a chance of passing. “1315 is alive and well,” stressed Eric Lachica, executive director of the American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. “ The house version of SB 1315 still can pass,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “ If the democrats will do their job, they can pass it. We do not want the Filner’s quitclaim bill. Let our voices be heard loud and clear.”

The Purpose of the Bush Administration (tags)

There is a mission to the madness.


It’s been 18 years running and with less than a week left, the house version of SB 1315 still hangs in a balance. The democrats led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi have not authorized the bill to be discussed or voted on the floor since April. House veterans affairs committee chairman Bob Filner, running for re-election in California’s heavily ethnic southern San Diego district, has offered a compromise bill that would provide a one-time, lump-sum payment of $15,000 for US-based Filipino veterans and $9,000 for those in the Philippines. JFAV and ACFV and other veterans advocates have rejected the Filner proposal, confident that S-1315 still has a chance. “The way we see it,” says Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) leader Arturo P.Garcia said: “The Democrats are not doing their job. We voted them into office to pass this bill. But now, they are not moving and making the same empty promises.”

Russia Resurgent (tags)

A history of US intervention in Russia and Russia's resurgence

It’s More than Nuclear Issues, Native Americans Tell Activists (tags)

The event at the First Unitarian-Universalist Church in San Diego August 29 was billed as a program about Native American activists fighting against nuclear testing and waste disposal in Nevada, but it turned out to be considerably broader than that. Speakers Ian Zabarte, secretary of state of the Shoshone nation, and professor Steven T. Newcomb gave their audience a history lesson about the U.S. government's cavalier attitude towards its treaties with Indian nations and the Christian-supremacist ideology that underlies it.

Stoking Tensions, Risking Confrontation (tags)

Risking world conflict.


e are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises.

Michael Moore Dares to Ask: What's So Heroic About Being Shot Down While Bombing? (tags)

Like Iraq, Vietnam was not a noble cause. It's time we stopped letting politicians and the press perpetuate the McCain War Hero myth.


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time and excuses are running out. We demand that your office and all the members of the House of Representatives to act now and house version of S.B. 1315 now!

UFAV Commander Maj. Crescencio E. Abad, 88 (tags)

Commander Crescencio E. Abad, past president of the Filipino World War II veterans group –the United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV) based in Los Angeles passed away last August 2, 2008. He was 88 years old. Cmdr. Cres Abad was a World War II Bataan veteran and fought under the USAFFE. He belonged to the 301st Field Artillery Battery of the 21st FA of the USAFFE. He was also a survivor of the infamous Death March. He later served as a guerilla serving under the USFIP-NL and fought at the famous Battle of Bessang Pass. He served as an adjutant and S1 of the 21st FA Battery of the USFIP-NL that supported the troops that forced the surrender of General Tomoyuki Yamashita in Baguio City 1945. He served under the US Army Philippine Scouts and was discharged from the US Army in 1949. He retired as a major under the Philippine Army and became a lawyer and an M.P.A graduate.

Cmdr. Cres Abad, 88 (tags)

Commander Crescencio E. Abad, past president of the Filipino World War II veterans group –the United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV) based in Los Angeles passed away last August 5, 2008. He was 88 years old. Cmdr. Cres Abad was a World War II Bataan veteran and fought under the USAFFE. He belonged to the 301st Field Artillery Battery of the 21st FA of the USAFFE. He was also a survivor of the infamous Death March.

SGSI Commander Manuel Aquino, 91 (tags)

Commander Manny Aquino, past president of the Filipino World War II veterans group –the Society of Guerillas and Scouts International (SGSI) based in Los Angeles passed away last August 5, 2008. He was 91 years old. Cmdr. Manny Aquino was a World War II Bataan veteran and fought under the USAFFE. He was also a survivor of the infamous Death March and later a guerilla. He served under the Philippine Army and fought under PEFTOK during the Korean War from 1950-1954. He later joined the Philippine Navy until he retired from military service while in the Philippines. Cmdr. Aquino succeeded Cmdr. Isidro Bathan and held the post of SGI commander until he was relieved by Cmdr. Jack Vergara in December 16, 2006. He was an active member of the army reserve and its honor guard. He was born on August 13, 1917 in the Philippines and lived in Carson.


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday


We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday.

Candidate Alexander Rejecting U.S. Threats Against Iran (tags)

The Socialist Party opposes the use of military force or economic sanctions to deal with the problems involving Iran.

War effects are not known by USAmerican young. Nor do they want to know for real. (tags)

WAR is a danger when USAmerican youth are playing games and have no real knowledge of the dangers of war damages.


Dear Ms. Speaker, We are writing to you on the matter of the pending House version of SB 1315 pending at the House of Representatives. We hold you, as the Speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party, responsible for not passing the bill in the house You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into vote despite several promises. Time is of the essence for these American veterans who were victims of the unjust Recession Act that was passed on February 18th, 1946. Of the 250,000 Filipino soldiers who served under the American Flag during World War II, only 18,000 are still alive with more veterans dying everyday.


Different Filipino Veterans groups marked the 67th year Filipino soldiers conscription day or the USAFFE DAY, July 26, 1941 with festivities and protests. More than 15 veterans and community leaders of Southern California. In a symbolic protest-- signed an open letter to Speaker Nancy Pelosi demanding the passage of the SB 1315 version in the house that has been languishing in the US Congress for more than 18 years. In a community forum sponsored by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) held at SIPA on July 25, 2008, they declared: “ We hold you as a the speaker and the leader of the Democratic Party responsible for not passing the bill in the house. You have the responsibility to answer why the bill has not been discussed or have not been put into a vote despite several promises.” The Filipino leaders demand that the SB 1315 version in the house be passed before the US Congress recess on August 31.

It's make-or-break for Pinoy vets' bill (tags)

World War II veteran Guillermo Rumingan had a teleconference with other veterans and their supporters and plotted what could be the last chapter of a historic run to push the Filipino Veterans’ Equity Bill. From Hawaii to California to Washington State to Virginia, they weighed their options that seemed to thin with each passing hour. After a triumphant 96-1 Senate vote to pass S-1315, which contained provisions for Filipino veterans’ equity, the bill is now stalled in the House of Representatives. Although the 110th Congress is scheduled to hold sessions until the last week of September, veterans activists are looking at the week beginning August 4 as the last window to realize an over 60-year-old dream. If nothing happens by then, all the historic gains achieved this year will come to naught. They had an appointment with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi last week, but she was not available and only one of her staff members faced the veterans led by Eric Lachica, executive director of the Virginia-based American Coalition of Filipino Veterans. "She wanted 290 sure votes for S-1315," Rumingan told ABS-CBN’s Balitang America.

What Will It Take to Defeat the War? (tags)

On June 28-29, an “Open National Antiwar Conference” was held in Cleveland, called by a newly minted National Assembly to End the Iraq War and Occupation. Over objections from the conference organizers, centrally Socialist Action, the assembly voted to change the name to include reference to the war on Afghanistan, and to emphasize the connection with U.S. backing for the Zionist occupation of Palestine. (The sponsors of the confab were so right-wing that they feared losing “unity” with Democratic Party supporters of Israel and the Afghanistan war!) What did not change at all was the popular-front character of the new outfit, tying it to the bourgeois parties despite the fig leaf of electoral “independence.” Making this utterly clear, it was decided not to call a national antiwar mobilization prior to the November elections explicitly in order to court those forces who wish to aid the Democrats (and therefore want to avoid making problems for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Barack Obama). Here is the leaflet issued by the Internationalist Group at the conference.

Long Beach Mass Action, July 10 Displays Community Unity (tags)

More than 600 people turned out in a two-hour march-rally last July 10 proving that the community is “the heart of Long Beach” The march led by the Long Beach Coalition for Better Jobs and Healthy Communities started with a picket at the Hilton Hotel at around 5:00 PM . Then the coalition marched to the Long Beach light house near the Aquarium of the Pacific where they held an hour long rally. Led by Hilton Hotel workers who are organizing themselves, Filipinos, Latinos, African- American hotel workers demanded hotel administration neutrality over their efforts to organize themselves.

Commentary: Guns of August spiked? (tags)

Commentary: Guns of August spiked?

2nd renaissance (tags)

Quinn contends that while governments can imagine a revolution they can't imagine abandonment. As he puts it, "..even if it could imagine abandonment , it couldn't defend against it, because abandonment isn't an attack, it's just a discontinuance of support."

Some thoughts on "patriotism" written on July 4 (tags)

Incidentally, the American soldiers who have refused to serve in Iraq are the ONLY ones with the Rule of Law on their sides. The rest have only duty, patriotism on theirs ...


With the subservience of the Arroyo regime, Bush continues the political-military intervention in the "killing field" of the Philippines, wasting millions of tax-dollars in suppressing the Moro insurgents and Filipino national-democrats, abetting the horrendous extra-judicial killings and enforced disappearances and widespread poverty and oppression, all in the name of the war against "terrorism," a code-word for popular resistance against global capital's greed and inhumane devastation of the planet.

Obama, at Last! (tags)

With Barack Obama having won the Democratic Presidential nomination, he'll face a well-established Republican attack machine and propaganda apparatus within the corporate media. This editorial in the July 2008 Zenger's Newsmagazine also argues that progressives should support Obama, but keep the pressure on him by street activism to make sure he doesn't cop out and govern as the moderate, pro-corporate Democrat Bill Clinton was.

What Can Israel Learn from Canada? (tags)

Whoever confesseth (his crimes) and forsakes them shall have mercy (Proverbs 28,13). Clearly, confession does not suffice. We have also to forsake the wrongs we have done in the past. This article was published on: on 6/17/2008

Conflicted on the vets (tags)

There is an inherent conflict in writing a weekly opinion column, as I have done for the last 20 years, and in being an elected public official in San Francisco, as I have been for the last 17 years. It is an occupational hazard that from time to time, I have expressed opinions which offended certain individuals who happen to be San Francisco voters. Most recently I wrote two columns about the need for the Filipino community to express our unequivocal support for the Filipino veterans equity bill, S.1315, which passed the U.S. Senate 96-1 on April 24, 2008, and which is currently pending in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Betrayal of the Filipino Veterans (tags)

Just as the U.S. House of Representatives was about to vote on S.1315 -- known as the "Veterans' Benefits Enhancement Act of 2007" -- a group of Filipino-Americans from San Francisco drove a polarizing wedge that could potentially impede the passage of the bill. Indeed, what was almost a certainty two weeks ago is now in jeopardy.

Susan Davis, Mike Copass Debate in Hillcrest (tags)

Incumbent San Diego Congressmember Susan Davis finally descended from the mountaintop and deigned to meet her Democratic primary challenger Mike Copass in a one-hour debate Sunday, May 25, sponsored by the League of Women Voters and Common Cause. The biggest difference between the candidates came at the end, when Copass criticized Davis for consistently voting to fund the war in Iraq and Davis said that, though she'd opposed the original war resolution, she felt a need to vote for the funding to "support the troops."

"Immoral Hazard" (tags)

Economic troubles are broad, deep and worrisome.

BAYAN Philippines & BAYAN USA on Labor Leader Ka Bel (tags)

The Bagong Alyansang Makabayan pays its highest tribute to our former chairman, Crispin "Ka Bel" Beltran after his untimely passing on May 20, 2008. We give our most heartfelt condolences to the family, comrades, friends and the millions of supporters who are grieving the loss of an outstanding fighter for national and social liberation and a beloved leader of the Filipino working class and people.

JFAV : A Tribute to Ka. Crispin Beltran, The Hero of the Filipino Working Class (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American veterans (JFAV), the alliance of veterans groups, student / youth, community organizations and veteran rights advocates in the United States and as a founding member of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) pays tribute and homage to Crispin Beltran, 75 , who passed away last May 20, 2008 in the Philippines Ka. Bel, as we fondly call him, was a representative of BAYAN MUNA and later the ANAK-PAWIS Party list group, BAYAN Chair, Past Chair and Chair emeritus of Kilusang Mayo Uno (May First Movement) labor center and was the first chairperson of the International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS) from 2001-2004. As a chair person of the ILPS Ka Bel supported the Filipino World War II and gave due course to the resolution of the ILPS in 2001 and again in 2004 ILPS Assemblies recognizing the contribution of the veterans to the struggle against fascism in World War II and the justices of their current struggle for recognition, justice and equity.

The fight for Filipino veterans' equity: A struggle against racism (tags)

After 63 years, the U.S. Senate finally passed the Veterans Expanded Benefits Bill on April 24 with a vote of 96 to 1. But can this act of Congress giveA back justice and equity for Filipino veterans who were denied their rights for 63 long years? The Philippines was a colony of the United States when World War II broke out in 1941. In a hurry to defend its colonial possessions in the Pacific, U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt formed the United States Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) and integrated the 70,000-strong Commonwealth Army of the Philippines into the 30,000-troop U.S. army in the Philippines on July 26, 1941.

Anti-War San Diego Congressional Candidate Hosts Forum (tags)

Anti-war progressive Mike Copass, challenging incumbent Democratic Congressmember Susan Davis from San Diego in the June 3 primary, held a town-hall meeting on Mother's Day, May 11, not only to promote his own candidacy but also to build opposition to continuing the Iraq occupation.

Bolivia: An acid test (tags)

The conspiracy to divide Bolivia must be denounced

FAIR –PWC Press Conference Held April 26 for LA May 1 Mass Action (tags)

In response to nationally coordinated raids conducted by Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) and the pressing problems of immigration by more than 12 million immigrants including 1.5 million Filipinos in the U,S, the Filipino Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR) and the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) held a Press Conference at the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) on April 26, 2008 in preparation for the May 1 Rally Immigrant Workers Day March-Rally in downtown Los Angeles. The FAIR press conference JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS was well attended by different immigrant rights, youth, student,World War II veterans and community advocates. Some of the speakers in the press conference were Paolo Espiritu: FAIR convemor; Aquilina Soriano Versoza: PWC Executive Director; Arturo Garcia: JFAV and AJLPP deputy coordinator :Jollene Levid: Gabriela Network organizer; Tracy Lachica Buenavista: Assistant Professor Dept. of Asian American Studies, Cal State Northridge; Carmina Ocampo: UCLA Asian Pacific Islander Law Student Associatio; Anna Sterling: UCLA Samahang Pilipino at UCLA; Nimual A. Ornillo: USC Troy Philippines president; Joel Baustita: March 25th Coalition and MIWON.


After 63 years, finally US Senate on April 24, 2008 passed the Veterans Expanded Benefits Bill with a vote of 96-1. This bill is generally an omnibus bill enhancing benefits to most US veterans. The provision of S.57 was partly incorporated in S. 1315 which will afford the Filipino veterans in the US to receive the same benefits as those of their US veteran counterpart. Those who are residing in the Philippines shall receive a monthly special pension of $300/month if the bill is finally signed into law. The Senate also voted 56-41 to defeat the effort of Sen. Richard Burr(R, NC) to redirect pension to wards U.S veterans. Almost all those who opposed the bill including Senator Burr and Craig voted for the bill. Democratic Senator Barack Obama who promised to vote for the bill and Republican candidate John McCain were not able to vote and were absent. Senator Hillary Clinton voted for the bill. Work Ahead “Our work has just begun our next target will be the House of Representatives to pass the bill and give justice, equity and correct the errors of racism for the Filipino World War II veterans” Arturo Garcia. JFAV and People’s CORE Coordinator said. For more than half a century, the Filipino World War II veterans have been seeking for just and equal recognition as US veterans. The house bill HR 760 should continue to gain support from legislators in the House with the passage of S. 1315 in Senate.

FAIR –PWC Press Conference Held April 26 for LA May 1 Mass Action (tags)

In response to nationally coordinated raids conducted by Immigration and Custom Enforcement (ICE) and the pressing priblmes of immigration by more than 12 million immigrants including 1.5 million Filipinos in the U,S, the Filipino Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR) and the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) held a Press Conference at the Pilipino Workers Center (PWC) on April 26, 2008 in preparation for the May 1 Rally Immigrant Workers Day March-Rally in downtown Los Angeles. The FAIR press conference JUSTICE FOR IMMIGRANTS was well attended by different immigrant rights, youth, student,World War II veterans and community advocates. Some of the peakers in the press conference were Paolo Espiritu: FAIR convemor; Aquilina Soriano Versoza: PWC Executive Director; Arturo Garcia: JFAV and AJLPP deputy coordinator :Jollene Levid: Gabriela Network organizer; Tracy Lachica Buenavista: Assistant Professor Dept. of Asian American Studies, Cal State Northridge; Carmina Ocampo: UCLA Asian Pacific Islander Law Student Associatio; Anna Sterling: UCLA Samahang Pilipino at UCLA; Nimual A. Ornillo: USC Troy Phil

Think Outside The Box (tags)

Let's not waste time cleaning up for the greedy.

US Senate Passes Equity Bill, 96-1 (tags)

The US Senate began deliberation on S.1315 or the Filipino Veterans Equity Bill on April 22, 2008 and today, with a vote of 96-1, the bill was finally passed. This bill is generally an omnibus bill enhancing benefits to most US veterans. The provision of S.57 was partly incorporated in S. 1315 which will afford the Filipino veterans in the US to receive the same benefits as those of their US veteran counterpart. Those who are residing in the Philippines shall receive a monthly special pension of $300/month if the bill is finally signed into law. " We would like to thank the leadership of the Senators Inouye and Senator Akaka and all veterans advocates especially the youth for making it a possibility for this bill to pass. This is our long awaited desire to be recognized for all our sacrifices during World War II," said veteran leader Peping Baclig, National JFAV Coordinator..

Week of Truth - April 16 - April 22, 2008 (tags)

There is a concerted effort underway to break 9/11 Truth into the National Dialogue by pushing a novel- The Shell Game to the top of the New York Times Bestseller list.

UFW Tells EPA to Stop Use of Deadly Organophosphate Pesticides! (tags)

Help support the UFW campaign to tell the EPA to stop allowing use of organophosphate pesticides that cause neurological damage in farm worker children and nearby rural residents.

JFAV Letter to The President of the Philippines (tags)

We, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), are addressing the Philippine government’s actions affecting our campaign for the Filipino-American Veterans who have fought in World War II and were denied their promised benefits fighting under the American regime. We commend the Philippine government’s efforts in lobbying for the Filipino Veterans to gain their benefits that they were denied at the end of World War II, especially from Ambassador Willy Gaa and Consul General Mary B. Aragon Seeing this support from our mother country, in addition to the growing support from our fellow Americans of different ethnic heritages, gives us motivation to push forward with this campaign of obtaining the benefits promised to the Filipino WWII Veterans as well as for reunification for their families. However, we are gravely concerned with the government's recent activities of selling federal institutions, especially the National Veterans' Memorial Hospital, to private developers in order to carry out Executive Orders 620 and 620-A, which call for the development of the East and North Triangles and the Veterans' Memorial area of Quezon City. We find it very ironic how our government, who has invested such efforts into our cause, can sell the National Veterans Memorial Hospital – an act that conflicts a stance set from the previous action. This hospital is a gift from the American government, to tend especially to the health needs of the Filipino Veterans.

Bob and Sarah Dylan and Paul McCartney on Saving the Environment (tags)

It’s all just common sense.

Hothead McCain (tags)

Wouldn't it be nice, for once, to hear a politician not so removed from Reality saying "There will be peace" ... ? Be wary of Electronic Vote-rigging ... And get those "Neo-Conservative" War Criminals behind bars and away from the halls of power.

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home (tags)

Exclusive: Iran, Syria, Lebanon on military alert over US Gulf movements and Israel’s home defense drill

Socialists: Re-Thinking Electric Cars and Automobile Industry (tags)

Today, it has become necessary to re-think the future of three industries to reduce U.S. dependency on oil; the automobile industry, the petroleum industry and the ethanol industry. The future direction of these three industries will definitely determine the quality of life for working class people for the next 300 years. The world will face certain economic and environmental disasters, including severe food shortages worldwide, if world governments fail to exercise proper controls over the automobile, petroleum and ethanol industries.

3rd American War Crime in the Making (tags)

Note that Obama has told AIPAC that he supports an attack on Iran ...

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making? (tags)

Iran in the Crosshairs: A Third American War in the Making?

Ruling Against Mumia Shows: No Justice in the Capitalist Courts (tags)

On March 27, the U.S. appeals court in Philadelphia reaffirmed the frame-up conviction of Mumia Abu-Jamal, the former Black Panther Party spokesman and world-renowned radical journalist who has been locked up on Pennsylvania’s death row for more than a quarter century. After previously rejecting Mumia’s request to present evidence of his innocence, as well as a host of issues showing that he was railroaded by a racist court, the Court turned down Mumia’s request for a new trial. It upheld the 2001 ruling by a federal district judge that ordered a new hearing on the sentence, but limited the “choice” to the living hell of life imprisonment without parole ... or execution. Mumia is innocent. He was declared guilty and sentenced to die because of his revolutionary politics and because for years he had been a thorn in the side of the racist rulers of the misnamed “city of brotherly love.” Around the world, millions have come out in defense of Jamal. This latest ruling, like all those that preceded it, shows that the exploited and oppressed must have no faith in the racist injustice system. We call on the workers movement to mobilize its power to free Mumia now!

Spring Fling in Iran? -- Updating World War III (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer conducts a timely examination of Bush administration war signals from March. Will we be attacking Iran this spring?

Boycott War Criminals USA & Israel (tags)

The Geneva Conventions: the core of international humanitarian law The Geneva Conventions and their Protocols are international treaties that contain the most important rules limiting the barbarity of war. They protect people who do not take part in the fighting (civilians, medics, aid workers) and those who can no longer fight (wounded, sick and shipwrecked troops, prisoners of war). Links to selected resources.

Israeli Policies Endanger Jews (tags)

A sampling of history for the rising wail of grief and pain in the winds and tides of power.

IMPEACH: Why I Believe Bush Must Go (tags)

... followed by jail. If we fail to punish this President for having lied us all into a war of conquest, then we send a message to all future presidents that it is permissible for them to lie us into wars of conquest. If, by our inaction, we send such a message of consent, then we bear the responsibility for the millions who will die in such wars. Their blood yet to be spilled stains us. It is up to We The People to take action. Congress has abandoned their responsibilities under the Constitution. Congress is no more capable of holding King George to account than Parliament was of holding King Charles I to account. And the American people are no more willing to sit still for it than the British were.

3/11 "Buffalo" Market - (A Date Code Decode) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence officer, offers a compelling case to prove that the recent record profits on Wall Street happened according to a schedule, or a "date code," as he calls it.

AJLPP Statement on the Fifth Anniversary of the War in IraqMarch 15-19, 2008 (tags)

War is Hell.” This statement of an American civilwar general, General Tecumseh Sherman, best describesthe present war on Iraq and Afghanistan. On its fifthyear, the Iraq war surpassed World War II in lengthand the Vietnam War in expenses. Studies by Nobel Price winning economist Joseph E.Stiglitz and Linda J. Bilmes show that it will costU.S budget between $1.7 - $2.7 trillion by 2017,exceeding the US war expenses in Vietnam.

JFAV Supports LA International Women’s Day March 8th Against the War (tags)

Money for Filipino Veterans, Not For the War! With this as the battle cry, the Justice For Filipino Veterans (JFAV) militantly supports and joins the International Women’s Day March led by the MARIPOSA Alliance and Gabriela Network in Los Angeles on Saturday, March 8. The International Women’s Day Los Angeles March 8th Against the War will start on Saturday, at 10:30 AM, March 8 at the corner of Olympic and Broadway and end at Pershing Square in downtown Los Angeles.

VOTE PSL in 2008: Support the Brattleboro Bush/Cheney indictment (tags)

The Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) is fielding a slate of candidates in the 2008 U.S. presidential elections: Gloria La Riva for President and Eugene Puryear for Vice President. The campaign expresses its strong support for the proposal to the Brattleboro, Vt. Annual Town Meeting to indict President Bush and Vice President Cheney for gross violations of international and U.S. law.

Brzezinski Seizing Control (tags)

- The attack on the US embassy in Belgrade, Serbia by gangs of drunken students is a classic Brzezinski operation. The tactic of having an incensed rent-a-mob of swarming adolescent patsies attack the US Embassy in order to gin up a crisis is one of Zbigniew's signature specialties. During the time that Brzezinski was running the foreign policy of Trilateral puppet Jimmy Carter, there were bloody attacks on the US embassies in Pakistan and in Afghanistan, both countries that featured prominently in Brzezinski's arc of crisis theory-

Phase of collapse of US real economy (tags)

It is neither a “remake” of the 1929 crisis nor a repetition of the 1970s oil crises or 1987 stock market crisis. It is truly a global systemic crisis, that is to say a crisis affecting the entire planet and questioning the very foundations of the international system upon which the world was organised in the last decades.

GHW Bush; Friend of the Devil! (tags)

America's stupidity blooms and bears fruit. "Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! Anti-NAPHTHA? Tear off their wings! (Dan. 7:4) The Lord's USSR 666

The Republican Candidate (4 and 5) (tags)

If this is a subject of interest to you, in the United States today there are five Cuban prisoners, separated one from the other by thousands of miles. They have no area that can be sarcastically called the “Hanoi Hilton”. Their suffering and the injustice of which they are victims will be known the world over; don't doubt it for a minute

Remember ther Recission Act, Fight Racism and Racial Discrimination! (tags)

On February 18th, we commemorate the 62nd year of the infamous Rescission Act. On February 18, 1946, the 79th US Congress removed the benefits and all entitlements for 250,000 Filipino World War II veterans by stating “their military service were not deemed active”. By a stroke of a pen,the US government removed the recognition of the wartime services and the sacrifices of the Filipino nation during World War II. For 62 years, Filipino veterans suffered discrimination and racism. Of all 66 nationalities that served the American flag, only the Filipinos were excluded from their benefits and recognition. To add insult to injury, the promise that they will given citizenship was granted later in 1990, when the immigration reform bill was passed.

America's Stupidity Blooms (tags)

"Woe! Woe, O great city, Babylon on the Potomac! In one hour your doom has come!" (Rev. 18:1-24) Bristol's World Beater USSR 666 "You don't know how lucky you are, boy!" 2/12 Khalid Mohammed returns! "You can check out any time you like!"

The Republican Candidate (tags)

In that already famous Super Tuesday, a day of the week when a number of States of the Union were selecting the candidate of their choice for the presidency of the United States from among a group of contenders, one of the likely candidates to replace George W. Bush was John McCain...

JFAV Pays Tribute to Rep. Tom Lantos,(D-CA), 80 (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV) pays tribute to Rep. Tom Lantos of California who passed away. JFAV learned that Lantos, 80, passed away at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in suburban Maryland. Lantos, a Democrat who chaired the House Foreign Affairs Committee, disclosed last month that he had been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. He has supported the veterans equity bill .

Fil-Vets ask candidates for bill support (tags)

Statements of support from the presidential candidates are being requested from Filipino American veterans and the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, Inc. (ACFV) before Feb. 18 to help pass their benefits bills and garner more community allies for the Bataan Day commemoration rallies being planned across the U.S. “We are asking the presidential candidates to release their statements of support for our cause clearly before February 18, the day of the Rescission Act of 1946,” said Eric Lachica, Executive Director of the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans, Inc. in an exclusive interview with BALITA. “We have been, and will continue to the rounds here in Washington D.C. to get the candidates’ commitment.”

Veterans for Peace President on Activism and IIraq (tags)

Gil Fried, president of the San Diego chapter of Veterans for Peace, explains the purposes of his organization and the national group of which it's a part; how he drifted away from activism after Viet Nam until Bush's antics in Iraq brought him back; and the "Enough!" vigils he and others in conservative San Diego County suburbs are holding every week against the war.


Despite the stormy weather, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), in conjunction with the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV), Peoples CORE and Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA), held a community action forum last Thursday, January 24, 2008, at 6:00 PM, The Forum was held at SIPA’s community room. It was attended by a fairly good size crowd of veterans, students and community advocates.Veterans groups like Society of Guerillas and Sc outs (SGSI), United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV) and the Veterans Federation of the Philippines(VFP) , lobbyists, organizers, and other supporters was present They were updated by ACFV Executive Director Eric Lachica, JFAV Coordinator Al P. Garcia and Franco Arcebal on the current progress of campaign efforts and relevant legislative bills in the continued pursuit of recognition of the Veterans sacrifices in World War II.

El Monte Iron Foundry Pollutes Community (tags)

A WWII Era Iron Foundry spews Ton of Particulates and Toxic Gases Just Upwind of the Rio Vista School and Headstart Program


Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), in conjunction with the American Coalition for Filipino Veterans (ACFV), Peoples CORE and Search to Involve Pilipino Americans (SIPA), will be hosting a community action forum on Thursday, January 24, 2008, at 6:00 PM, The Forum will be held at SIPA’s community room. JFAV is also hosting another forum in Carson on January 25 at 3:00 PM at the C and C Adult Day Care Center at 451 E. Carson Plaza Drive

What Mumia Abu-Jamal Never Learned (tags)

On the eve of the United States premiere of In Prison My Whole Life at the Sundance Festival on January 20-25, the battle for the life and freedom of Mumia Abu-Jamal heats up in the news media and the streets of far-flung cities while he awaits a crucial appellate court ruling and prepares to publish his sixth book from death row. Media activists present photographic evidence disproving the case against him.

Struggle Against Anti- Immigrant Laws and Discrimination- CDIR (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR)-USA expresses deep concern that while the presidential campaign is going to its high gear, the anti- immigrant advocates are on the offensive. According to the CDIR, the anti-immigrant forces are trying to frame the Republican Party debates to focus on illegal immigration and some elements in different states are passing discriminatory laws against immigrants. Candidate Mitt Romney kept on calling the McCain proposal an “amnesty”. At the same time, the Democratic Party is quiet on the subject.

Ghost Troop vs. International Zionism (tags)

Ghost Troops have occasionally become targets of the international Zionism. The Ghost Troop Commander, Captain Eric H. May, provides a couple of examples in this brief article.

JFAV Asks De Venecia to Stop Raising False Hopes on Equity Bill (tags)

The Justice For Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) scored Speaker Jose de Venecia Jr. announcement last January 6, 2008 ” that the United States House of Representatives, headed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, has assured that a bill that would provide $90 million a year to Filipino World War II veterans is being prioritized in Capitol Hill." The Speaker quoted Pelosi as telling him during a telephone conversation in California, that they “will try to organize a financial package” for Filipino war veterans. JFAV claimed that Speaker Pelosi did nothing to get the equity bill pass this year. "

The Cart in the Speculative Mud (tags)

Liberalizing markets leads to instability, not growth. Developing and thresholdc countries suffer grievously through US speculation. The New Year is a time to abandon myths of American exceptionalism and corporate beneficence, mending our own pockets and footprints.

Top 10 stories for Filipino Americans in 2007 (tags)

Filipino Americans can look back on 2007 with both elation and embarrassment.FilAms figured prominently in mainstream media news, headlining topics such as the 9/11 health crisis, boxing, TV entertainment as well as espionage in high places.

No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)

On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added.

Traces of the Authoritarian Personality in the Three Abrahamic Religions (subtitle of enti (tags)

We will examine whether terror is institutionalized in the psychology of some religions. There are many interesting and provocative ideas discussed. Arguably, this work is as controversial as it is timely. Such an intelligence estimate, if you will, would not have been written had it not related to many important and critical political issues and crises of our day (particularly as related to dominant “cultural clashes” as so framed by various think-tanks). But this work also significantly relates to political theory, history, criminal justice, jurisprudence, as well as social and political psychology etc.

The Abraham Lincoln Brigade - A Profile in Courage, Honor and Hope (tags)

The story of anti-fascist freedom fighters.

Big Oil and the War on Drugs and Terrorism (tags)

The "Big Oil" chessgame, aided and abetted by the so-called wars on drugs and terrorism, has made most of humanity its pawns and has expanded corporate control over our lives.

Morgan Stanley Issues Full US Recession Alert (tags)

Morgan Stanley has issued a full recession alert for the US economy, warning of a sharp slowdown in business investments and a perfect storm for consumers as the housing slump spreads. Under the conservative definition, man is the servant of money. Long live alternative economics!

No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)

The two Filipino World War II Veterans equity bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, H.R. 760 and S. 1315, no longer have the possibly of being passed in 2007. But S. 671, the family reunification bill that has about 20,000 immediate priority visas at stake for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of these veterans still has a shot of being approved this year. On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added

No Fil-Vets Equity for 2007 (tags)

The two Filipino World War II Veterans equity bills in the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate, H.R. 760 and S. 1315, no longer have the possibly of being passed in 2007. But S. 671, the family reunification bill that has about 20,000 immediate priority visas at stake for the sons, daughters and grandchildren of these veterans still has a shot of being approved this year. On the other hand, Al Garcia of the Justice for Filipino American Veterans in L.A. said that the non-passage of the equity bills was because of the solid opposition of the Republican party.The equity bill was vehemently opposed by Republican Senator Larry Craig. “If some people in the Republican party will vote with the Democrats, maybe there’s a chance that it will pass the floor. But they were solid (against it). We are planning to do more dramatic mass actions next year. Senator Daniel Akaka is promising that perhaps, at the 62nd anniversary of the equity bill in February, they will try to pass it,” Garcia added

A Native American on How Non-Indigenous People Can Stop Colonialization (tags)

The first event in the campaign to save the sacred San Francisco Peaks occurred at Self-Help Graphics on December 8.


Human Trafficking, a 32-billion dollar illegal activity, remains a serious problem all over the world including the USA. Nearly 40% of all missing children in our own country may be victims of trafficking. Recently, in Florida, two groups united to take a stand against this horrible practice.

WHEN GOD BECAME THE TERRORIST: Traces of the Authoritarian Personality in the Three Abrah (tags)

Arguably, this work is as controversial as it is timely. Such an intelligence estimate, if you will, would not have been written had it not related to many important and critical political issues and crises of our day (particularly as related to dominant “cultural clashes” as so framed by various think-tanks). But this work also significantly relates to political theory, history, criminal justice, jurisprudence, as well as social and political psychology etc. It has something of interest to many inquiring minds. Ideas here will not likely be easily dismissed—irrespective of one’s stance.

The Communist Roots of Palestinian Terror (tags)



EPCC and JFAV Marks 66th Pearl Harbor Day in Los Angeles (tags)

The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) based in Los Angeles Chair Arturo P. Garcia and the Justice For Filipino Veterans (JFAV) leader Faustino Baclig vehemently condemn the US Congress most especially the Republican party for opposing the veterans equity bills that resulted for its no-passage this year. “This is the most blatant form of racism and discrimination. For more than sixty-one years the veterans continued to be treated as second-class American veterans. They continued to be denied the rights and the privileges that should be accorded to them as American World War II veterans” Garcia exclaimed.

Iran Intelligence It’s all about Oil Oil Oil (tags)

Iraq War oil, Iran War oil, everything else is a red herring.

On Ken Burns “The War “ Documentary (tags)

On December 7,2007 will be the 61st anniversary of the Second World War for the United States. It is just fitting and proper that a TV documentary series by Ken Burns, The War- was made for this event. December 7 was called “ the day that will live in infamy “ by US President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It was the day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii. The Japanese surprise attack crippled the US Asiatic fleet and almost decimated the American fleet in the Pacific. Until now, for 61 years, the Equity bill is still languishing in the US Congress. Because of Republican Party bitter opposition, the Equity bills both in the Congress and the Senate is in limbo and the veterans are denied of what should be rightfully theirs

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003 (tags)

Iran halted nuclear program in 2003

AJLPP Demand Stop the Deportation of the Servano Couple (tags)

The Alliance For Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) national coordinator Mario Santos express its utmost militant demand that the Department of Homeland Security heed the call of the American and Filipino peoples not to deport the Servano Couple now undergoing deportation proceedings. The AJLPP National Coordinator Mario Santos expressed solidarity with the calls of the Coalition in Defense of immigrant Right (CDIR) and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV),both Los Angeles based organizations and many other groups,individuals and important personalities to stop the deportation of the Servano couple and let the Servanos to stay as American citizens.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) declares its unequivocal support for the Filipino couple Dr.Pedro Servano and his wife,Salvacion Capistrano not to be deported. The JFAV Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia noted that Dr,Servano is a prominent family physician in Selinsgrove, an underserved area of Pennsylvania. Salvacion,was petitioned by a Filipino veteran – Bataan defender and death march survivor,who passed away in 2006. JFAV also pointed out that the couple have stayed in the U.S, for the last 25 years and have four grown children. The JFAV, an alliance of World War II veterans, advocates, students and youth in California said that the latest decision not to detain them or deport them was a step in the right direction.

When God Became the Terrorist (tags)

Arguably, this work is as controversial as it is timely. Such an intelligence estimate, if you will, would not have been written had it not related to many important and critical political issues and crises of our day (particularly as related to dominant “cultural clashes” as so framed by various think-tanks). But this work also significantly relates to political theory, history, criminal justice, jurisprudence, as well as social and political psychology etc. It has something of interest to many inquiring minds.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) declares its unequivocal support for the Filipino couple Dr.Pedro Servano and his wife,Salvacion Capistrano not to be deported. The JFAV Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia noted that Dr,Servano is a prominent family physician in Selinsgrove, an underserved area of Pennsylvania. Salvacion,was petitioned by a Filipino veteran – Bataan defender and death march survivor,who passed away in 2006.

Blackwater aims high with unmanned aircraft (tags)

For nearly two years, Blackwater has been developing an airship to tap a growing government demand for aerial surveillance and security - from patrolling U.S. borders and coastal waters to guarding military bases in hostile lands.

British artificial intelligence expert, 84, and leading geneticist, 80, die in car crash (tags)

LONDON: British artificial intelligence expert, Donald Michie, and his ex-wife, leading geneticist Dame Anne McLaren, have died in a car crash, their son said Sunday.

L.A. Fil-Am vets rally draws over 500 (tags)

Nearly 600 students and supporters gathered to march for Filipino Veterans’ rights on Nov. 11 in Historical Filipinotown. The event, organized by the coalition group Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), was the seventh annual march aiming to raise community awareness about H.R. 1315, a bill that would grant Filipino veterans pension for their involvement in World War II. Supporters of the bill, which has yet to be approved by both the Lower House and the Senate before being signed into law by the President, are hoping that the rally will cause enough attention to the issue before Congress adjourns its session for the year on Nov. 16, or at the very least, to get an extension until December. Another bill being pushed for approval along with these benefits is the family reunification bill, which veterans would use to expedite the immigration process for family members still remaining in the Philippines.

Fil-Am Vets aim for equity at march (tags)

On an overcast Sunday morning with the scent of pan de sal wafting through the air, marchers took to the streets and neighborhoods. Armed with flags and banners, the procession filled the air with chants like, “Don’t say no-no to my lolo!” and “We want justice, we want it now!”

US dismisses IAEA report of “progress” over Iran’s nuclear programs (tags)

The Bush administration has rapidly rejected the findings of an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report finalised on Thursday, which found that Iran had made “substantial progress” towards clarifying outstanding questions about its nuclear programs. The US confirmed its intention to press ahead with another UN Security Council resolution demanding that Iran halt its uranium enrichment and other nuclear programs. The US ambassador to the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, declared that Washington would like to see more “biting” sanctions against Tehran than those imposed under UN resolutions passed last December and in March. The debate surrounding the latest IAEA report is not simply a rerun of previous arguments. Behind Washington’s demands for tougher UN sanctions is the barely concealed threat of a unilateral US military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. In response to a declaration last month by Russian President Vladimir Putin that there was “no objective evidence” that Iran was building nuclear weapons, US President Bush warned that Iran should be prevented from having the knowledge to make a bomb “if you’re interested in avoiding World War III”.

Fascist Rock Star Singing in LA Tonight (tags)

A top Croatian rock star whose concerts are a venue for indoctrinating in clerical-fascism is in LA tonight. In song, "Alas, My people," he sings that 'antichrists' and masons (fascism-speak for 'Jews') and communists plot to destroy Catholic Croats. The "Protocols of Zion" set to music.

DISPATCHES FROM AMERICA: Masters of war plan for next 100 years (tags)

"We think urban is the future," says James Lasswell, a retired colonel who now heads the Office of Science and Technology at the Marine Corps Warfighting Laboratory. "Everything worth fighting for is in the urban environment."

Wisconsin Death Trip becomes Hitler's Health Care (tags)

Sensing an abnormally strong Bush Nazi presence in the northern Midwest, I believe that the Nazis are trying to conceal that has been a stronghold of Nazism since the Second Reich, preying on anyone who challenges their stupidity.

Congressional Shame and Duplicity (tags)

Congress again betrays the public trust.

If They Bomb Iran You Get Drafted (tags)

the privileged rich kids of the 60's, protesting war, are now ridiculously walking around campus, bald and fat, with signs saying STAND WITH US...which in reality of course means DIE FOR US....those people are zionists all, and not Americans...don't fall for their lies...their kids are not fighting for israel, only you expendable, poor kids do that (if you are gullible enough)...

Why World War 3 is VERY possible (tags)

Following on the heels of President George W. Bush’s warning last week that those countries “interested in avoiding World War III” should align themselves with Washington’s escalating threats against Iran, a series of unfolding developments point to the danger of armed violence engulfing a broad swath of the Middle East and Central Asia and, indeed, posing the threat of a new world war. Six years after the US invasion of Afghanistan and four-and-a-half years after the invasion of Iraq, the continuation and deepening of the conflicts in both of these countries is setting into motion a political chain reaction of incalculable dimensions.

NORAD: From mountain to volcano? Sources say a risky situation is only growing more so (tags)

"In the faster, quicker, cheaper mode of operations, NorthCom is just bypassing [Air Force] test squadrons because they are too stringent and require too much documentation, and, if it doesn't work, they will tell the world," the source said. "NorthCom has set up the fox, Lockheed Martin, to test the henhouse door and certify it works."

Bush invokes threat of “World War III” (tags)

The press conference held by President George W. Bush Wednesday was, like all of his press appearances, full of non-sequiturs, evasions and political bullying. Bush called the news conference to present himself as an opponent of excessive federal spending, by which he meant a few billion for children’s health insurance in the bill he vetoed last week, not the hundreds of billions his administration has squandered on wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or the trillions in tax cuts for the rich. The routine of his 20th press conference of the year was broken only when Bush was asked about the visit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to Tehran, widely seen as undercutting the Bush administration’s campaign to isolate Iran and pave the way for military action against it. Putin took part in a meeting of the five states bordering on the Caspian Sea, each of them pledging not to allow their territory to be used for military action against any of the others.

Stewart A. Alexander, His Biography (tags)

Today, Stewart A. Alexander is seeking the nomination as the presidential candidate for the Peace and Freedom Party and Socialist Party USA; to give Americans an opportunity to have a voice in government and to determine the future course of America and our position in world politics. This is his Autobiography.

Media and War (tags)

The news media in times of crisis and war reproduce and do not question the consciousness and attitudes of the elites. Wars are seen as exceptional situations by the media in which patriotism outweighs the journalistic self-image of critically distanced reporting.

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends Us? (tags)

Can We End the American Empire Before It Ends US?

Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt in the New York Times again today (tags)

Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (Mearsheimer and Walt in the New York Times again today)

Top Tesla Assistant: Curious George (tags)

Some interesting Tesla history. And more.

Deliberate Lies, Strange Deaths and Agression to the World Economy (tags)

Fidel Castro denounced that the United States government is using unimaginable economic means to defend a right that violates the sovereignty of all the other countries...

Petraeus with a Kiss (A Critical Review) (tags)

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, provides a searing review of the performance by General David Petraeus last week.

who is george bush? (tags)

who is george scherf?

Rosh Hashana Message: Celebrate Jewish Glasnost! (tags)

Despite a Backlash, Many Jews Are Questioning Israel


Colluding with U.S. & Filipino reactionaries, Dutch fascist authorities arrested Jose Maria Sison, a Filipino political refugee, and raided the National Democratic Front International Information Office in Holland. This is a clear example of State Terrorism working on behalf of predatory imperialist capital. All progressives and democrats everywhere should protest this outrage and support the Filipino people's struggle for justice, equality, and true independence.

Labeling Terrorists VS Self-Righteousness (tags)

If right-wing straw-women like Condoleezza Rice so willingly label Iran’s Revolutionary Guard a terrorist organization for the purpose of building a phony case for war against Iran, then it is high-time we Americans examine the little discussed question of just “who” is pulling America’s puppet strings—because such a war is not in our self-interest?

False Flag Operations Defined (tags)

False flag operations are covert operations conducted by governments, corporations, or other organizations which are designed to appear as if they are being carried out by other entities.

Nazis in the Military (tags)

Swastikas at Hunter Airfield, and a Rabbi on the Run

Jose Padilla Trial a Fraud and a Sham! (tags)

According to his lawyers, Padilla was held in a windowless 9-by-7-foot cell with no mattress, pillow, clock, calendar or contact with the outside world. His period of total isolation lasted almost two years while, according to his lawyers, interrogators plied him with hallucinogenic drugs in an effort to extract information.

Afghanistan, the CIA, bin Laden, and the Taliban (tags)

The U.S. government was well aware of the Taliban's reactionary program, yet it chose to back their rise to power in the mid-1990s. The creation of the Taliban was "actively encouraged by the ISI and the CIA," according to Selig Harrison, an expert on U.S. relations with Asia. "The United States encouraged Saudi Arabia and Pakistan to support the Taliban, certainly right up to their advance on Kabul," adds respected journalist Ahmed Rashid. When the Taliban took power, State Department spokesperson Glyn Davies said that he saw "nothing objectionable" in the Taliban's plans to impose strict Islamic law, and Senator Hank Brown, chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Subcommittee on the Near East and South Asia, welcomed the new regime: "The good part of what has happened is that one of the factions at last seems capable of developing a new government in Afghanistan." "The Taliban will probably develop like the Saudis. There will be Aramco [the consortium of oil companies that controlled Saudi oil], pipelines, an emir, no parliament and lots of Sharia law. We can live with that," said another U.S. diplomat in 1997.

Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)

Re: WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation

WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation (tags)

WSJ: Jewish pressure forces cancellation of Mearsheimer-Walt presentation

A Forbidden Truth Dissection of the Insane War Ritual (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the design, motivational, and operational structures of the Insane War Ritual, as practiced by the human species in the 21st century.

THIS WEDNESDAY! Reflections and Songs about the Spanish Civil War (tags)

Wednesday August 8 at CSULA: "Silence, Memory and the Spanish Civil War" with music by the Xochisoneros.


The People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Donny Joaquin, the 5K Run/Walk Race Director. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the finish line.


Justice for Filipino American Veterans ( JFAV ) composed of Filipino World War II veterans and their advocates, ardently participates in the first Rotary Club of Historic Filipino 5 Kilometer Run Walk last August 5. The August 4-5 activities was capped by a 5-kilometer run on Sunday Aug.5 More than 400 runners and walkers participated on the event. City Council Member Wendy Gruel awarded the winners of the 5K Run/Walk chaired by Rotarian Dony Joaquin. More than 20 veterans and youth acted as watchers along the route of the 5K run from Burlington/ Court street to Commonwealth/2nd Streets back to the fiish line.

Pluristem Placentas,James D Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust Victims,U.S.Stock Fraud (tags)

Below is a link to and quote from James Dale Davidson and his newsmax.con's spamming for the illegal Israeli-U.S. penny stock pump and dump scam called Pluristem that hopes to get 'oil from placentas' according to the tasteless con artist Davidson.As you will see if you follow the link the Beltway connected James Dale Davidson received 20 million of the Israeli scamsters' U.S. penny stock shares. If, for instance, he can keep the price at or above 5 U.S. cents as he sells or 'dumps' his 20 million shares he will make a million dollars or more on this one penny stock fraud alone ! And that can buy more influence in Washington !

JFAV Marks 66th USAFFE Day,US Filipino Vets March on Capitol Hill July 26 (tags)

No Justice, No Peace! The Justice for FIlipino American Veterans( JFAV) and the remaining Filipino World War II veterans in California will mark the 66th anniversary of the 1941Military Order of President Franklin D.Roosevelt drafting Philippine Commonwealth soldiers into U.S. armed service. On July 26, 1941, Roosevelt ordered the formation of the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) placing all Filipino forces under the U.S Command. This is in preparation for World War II. retired general Douglas Macarthur was designated as the field marshal placing the 120,000 Philippine Army, Constabulary, navy and aircorps and all Filipino ROTC reserve units under US Command. But despite this very clear consription order for 61 years, the Filipinos were discriminated,


“Better late than never!” ( Huli man daw at magaling, naihahabol din!) The Filipino American community in Southern California and the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) hailed today the passage of the Equity Bill in the House Veterans Affair Committee headed by Congressman Bob Filner by a vote of 15-12. The bill passed the Veterans Affairs Committee hearing last Tuesday, July 17. Earlier Filner promised to have the bill passed by June 30. JFAV coordinators Peping Baclig and Al P. Garcia of People’s CORE also thanked everybody who tirelessly work for this efforts for the last 18 years. Earlier the U.S. Senate passed their version that will grant old age pension to Filipino veterans in the U.S. and in the Philippines.

WTC,9/11,Logan,Boston,Israeli ICTS 'Security'Trials:Judge Alvin Hellerstein Cover Up (tags)

You find below onlinejournal investigative reporter Jerry Mazza's take on this ongoing legal saga that has been dragging along for years,(when did 9/11 happen again ?),and proof that the 9/11 Commission NEVER began much less completed the task of a credible 9/11 investigation.

CUFI's Christian Zionists convene for Holy $$ War in DC (tags)

Right-wing Christian Zionist evangelicals of CUFI are fanning the flames of war with Iran, citing defense of Jews in Israel. CUFI depends on bribes to influence politicians and resettle Jews to Israel. However, Iranian Jews refuse cash offers in exchange for resettlement to Israel and remain a cohesive Jewish community in Iran.

amiri baraka on democracy now! (tags)

On 40th Anniversary of Newark Rebellion, a Look Back at Historic Unrest that Changed the Nation

The Earth as a Weapon (tags)

Please past this information to all who will listen before it is too late.

NASA Nazis Awarded Sancuary in America (tags)

Let’s look at the history of the NASA agency.

Anthrax Coverup: A Government Insider Speaks Out (tags)

Francis A. Boyle, a law expert who worked as a bioweapons advisor in the 1980s, has said that he is convinced the October 2001 anthrax attacks that killed five people were perpetrated by criminal elements of the U.S. government. The motive: to foment a police state.

Pinoy war vets win pension battle in US Senate (tags)

The US Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs voted on Wednesday to give monthly pensions of up to $375 for Filipino World War II veterans and their widows for their service to Uncle Sam more than 60 years ago. “Today marks a special and historic occasion in our long-standing quest for justice and equity for our brave and courageous veterans,” said Philippine Ambassador to Washington Willy Gaa after the committee, at a mark-up hearing, approved an omnibus benefits bill providing for a special set of benefits for men and women who have fought under the US flag. The measure provides a monthly pension of $300 for Filipino veterans who are single, $375 for married veterans and $200 for widows.

JFAV Questions RP Embassy Data that Only 18,155 Filipino war vets are to benefit from US (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) adamantly questions the number of Filipino World War II veterans are expected to benefit from the equity bills awaiting action in both houses of the United States Congress, as reported in major newspapers. Newspapers quoted the report of Philippine Ambassador to the US Willy Gaa that only 18,155 of this number remain alive, according to Gaa.?"After the US Army left in 1948 with its list of Filipino WWII veterans, the Armed Forces of the Philippines continued to list late registrants," But for JFAV, a community-veterans alliance based in California; “ the crux of the problem is that the main stream newspapers report did not report the other half of what Gaa reported that PVAO reported that figures of 33, 571 living veterans in the Philippines as of May 2007. PVAO also reported 54,000 living Filipino veterans in the Philippines in 2002.”

JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass: SGS Inducted in LA (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) commemorates the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang last June 12, 2007 at the Los Angeles City Hall. As a part of the commemorative events, Council Member Herb J. Wesson Jr. of the 10th Council District inducted the newly elected officers of the SGSI at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

Filipino World War II Veterans dwindling in US Army roster (tags)

Only 18,155 Filipino World War II veterans are still alive out of 260,143 veterans listed in the US Army roster immediately after the war, Philippine Ambassador to the United States Willy Gaa said. He said this “accurate count of surviving Filipino World War II veterans” came from the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office (PVAO) which maintains a list of survivors, and the Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) which has a roster of Filipino WWII veterans.

Homo Oeconomicus and Economic Theories (tags)

The neoclassical theory dominant today is different from the Keynesian theory that defined the decades after the 2nd World War. "Bad ideas flourish because theya re in the interest of powerful groups." (Paul Krugman)

JFAV Marks RP Independence Day/Battle of Bessang Pass: SGS Inducted in LA (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and People’s Community Organization for Reform and Empowerment (People’s CORE) and the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) commemorates the 109th Philippine Independence Day and the 62nd Anniversary of the Battle of Bessang last June 12, 2007 at the Los Angeles City Hall. As a part of the commemorative events, Council Member Herb J. Wesson Jr. of the 10th Council District inducted the newly elected officers of the SGSI at the Mayor Tom Bradley Room or the City Tower at the 26th Floor, Los Angeles City Hall at 200 N. Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90012

Resource Wars - Can We Survive Them? (tags)

Resource wars will destroy all planetary life.

AJLPP Oppose Another US-Arroyo Sell Out of Philippine Sovereignty. (tags)

SOFA, another grand sell-out”. This is how the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA characterize the treasonous action of puppet president when it signed the RP-Australia Status of Forces Agreement. (SOFA) The AJLPP never forget that the United States and Australia connived in supprting the US-Marcos dictatroship and its active involvement in the counter insurgency war against the Filipino and the Moro people since the end of World War II. Expect that the terrorism of the Arroyo regime is further emboldened by VFA and SOFA treaties and the military intervention and hegemonic superpower support of the US and its regional junior partner Australia." ?

War isn't back-page event (tags)

Saturday's (6/2/07) Daily Oklahoman includes a guest editorial by Col. Katherine Scheirman, USAF (Ret.), identified as retired in 2006 after a 20-year career in the Air Force. Her experienced and forceful statement is an important addition to the growing voices in Oklahoma against the war/occupation in Iraq.

AJLPP Oppose Another US-Arroyo Sell Out of Philippine Sovereignty. (tags)

SOFA, another grand sell-out”. This is how the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA characterize the treasonous action of puppet president when it signed the RP-Australia Status of Forces Agreement. (SOFA) The AJLPP never forget that the United States and Australia connived in supprting the US-Marcos dictatroship and its active involvement in the counter insurgency war against the Filipino and the Moro people since the end of World War II. Expect that the terrorism of the Arroyo regime is further emboldened by VFA and SOFA treaties and the military intervention and hegemonic superpower support of the US and its regional junior partner Australia."

The New World Currency Crisis (tags)

The US lost its absolute superiority as an industrial- and export-state..The US balance of payments deficit has nearly doubled since the 1980s..A hard landing of the dollar becomes more likely the longer the Asian exchange rate correction is delayed.

Rohrabacher at War: Rendering democracy in the homeland (tags)

Man of War: Congressman Dana Rohrabacher says that he doesn't care if 50 innocent people are falsely accused of terrorism, even, apparently, if it means killing American Democracy. This story was submitted to the Orange Coast Voice newspaper May 24, 2007 and will appear that newspaper's June edition, available online also at John Earl is the editor of that paper.

Bush expects everything to be solved with a bang. (tags)

Bush is an apocalyptic person. I observe his eyes, his face and his obsessive preoccupation with pretending that everything he sees on the "invisible screens" are spontaneous thoughts...

EPCC Joins Bus Riders Protest against Racist MTA Bus Fare Hike; How About Our Iraq Money? (tags)

Last May 24, scores of Filipinos belonging to the Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) and People’s CORE from Historic Filipinotown came to the MTA headquarters at the Union Station s to protest the proposed 200% MTA bus fare hike. They were in solidarity with the Bus Riders Union (BRU) and the hundreds of Angelinos who expressed their outrage over the bus fare increase.

People's power and U.S.Plutonium (tags)

Without a mass mobilization of indignant citizen the atomic secrets buried in the caves and bunkers of the Berici Hills around Vicenza would have remained secreted below the loads of cement hastily poured over them. The concrete may have temporarily buried the evidence had not the U.S. military decided to extend their bases and expand these perfect underground storage spaces for more of their weapons of war.


Unless migrant communities resist, the US government, Department of Homeland Security (DHS), and the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will continue attacking and terrorizing migrant communities.


VA Secretary Jim Nicholson, Resign Now! Hundreds of Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in several U.S. cities rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. The Veterans decision to ask for Nicholson resignation was made last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.

Zio-Christianity (tags)

And the Lord said: PAY YOUR TAXES....


Filipino World War II veterans, youth and students and their community supporters led by the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ACFV in four major U.S. cities held mass actions and rallied at the VA offices in Seattle, San Francisco ( May 7), Los Angeles ( May 8) and San Diego ( May 9) and called on Veterans Affair Secretary Jim Nicholson to resign. Last May 6, during a nationwide teleconference held in Arlington Virginia on the 65 year anniversary of the fall of Corregidor Day. Key ACFV and JFAV leaders decided on a unanimous vote to call for Nicholson resignation.

Reflexiones de Fidel Castro, HOY en la Mesa Redonda... (tags)

En la región de América Latina la diferencia entre los sectores de la población más favorecida y los de menos ingresos es hoy la mayor del mundo.


The Alliance for a Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the Mexican people with the highest militance and anti-imperialist salute of international solidarity on their great holiday Cinco De Mayo. SALUD!!! That is why we in the Filipino American community is takes pride with this anti-imperialist event with our brother Mexicans victory over the colonial army of France while America was embroiled in their own civil war. As Ho Chi Minh said “ There is nothing more precious than Independence.” That is the great historical anti-imperialist lesson of Cinco De Mayo


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of 5 veterans, 32 youth, student and 25 community organizations in Southern California, militantly supports the nationwide mass action on the International Worker Day, may 1, 2007 all over the United States/ On May 1, 2007 we will again march in Historic Filipinotown and join the march rally in MaArthur Park. We call for family reunification, justice for veterans and full rights for all immigrants, now! We strongly condemn the racist attacks and raids against immigrants all over the nation. More than 4,000 Filipinos has been deported because of such massive raids.

The Bush Temporary Guest Workers Program and the STRIVE Act Are Bad for All Immigrants (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) firmly stands for and demands amnesty and full rights for all immigrants and for family reunification for more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The CDIR also vehemently oppose President Bush or the White House proposal. Under the new White House plan on immigration reform, it calls for a “Z Visas” valid for three years and renewable indefinitely at cost of $3,500.00 each time. To become legal permanent residents with the green card, they will have to return to their home country and apply to re-enter to the legally and pay a $ 10,000 fine.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of 26 veterans, youth, student and community organizations in Southern California, militantly supports the nationwide mass action on the International Worker Day, may 1, 2007 all over the United States/ On May 1, 2007 we will again march in Historic Filipinotown and join the march rally in MaArthur Park. We call for family reunification, justice for veterans and full rights for all immigrants, now! We strongly condemn the racist attacks and raids against immigrants all over the nation. More than 4,000 Filipinos has been deported because of such massive raids.

The Bush Temporary Guest Workers Program and the STRIVE Act Are Bad for All Immigrants. (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) firmly stands for and demands amnesty and full rights for all immigrants and for family reunification for more than 12 million undocumented immigrants in the United States. The CDIR also vehemently oppose President Bush or the White House proposal. Under the new White House plan on immigration reform, it calls for a “Z Visas” valid for three years and renewable indefinitely at cost of $3,500.00 each time. To become legal permanent residents with the green card, they will have to return to their home country and apply to re-enter to the legally and pay a $ 10,000 fine.

Fil-Ams in US call for immigration reforms (tags)

Filipino-American community leaders are at the forefront of a campaign by Asian advocacy groups to press for humane immigration reform in the United States in the face of proposals from the Bush administration that seek to limit visas for parents, children and siblings of US citizens. No two issues inflame the passions of Filipino-Americans more than family-based immigration preferences and full equity for Filipino World War 2 veterans so it came as no surprise when key leaders like Alma Kern and Gloria Caoile began to mobilize community opposition to any move that could jeopardize those twin goals.

Terrorism Began at Deir Yassin (tags)

We are constantly reminded by our elected officials (and those who steal their elections) and the pro-Israel filtered media, of the acts of revenge that Palestinian and Muslim groups have committed against the people of Israel, however, we are almost never told about the brutal and inhumane acts of state terrorism that the government of Israel has been inflicting against the people of Palestine, ever since its inception.

JFAV Bataan Day Commemoration, April 9, 2007 in Los Angeles (tags)

Remember Bataan!” This was the battle cry of American soldiers during the Second World War. The battle cry was a call to avenge the American defeat and the Death March that the Japanese Imperial Army perpetrated against American and Filipino Forces that surrendered in Bataan on April 9, 1942. Today, after 65 years, the Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), the regional alliance in the West Coast of Filipino veterans, student, youth and community advocates announced that they will commemorate the 65th Bataan Day on April 9, 2007 at 9:00 A.M with simple commemorative rites that will highlighted by the blessing of the memorial monument and wreath laying at the Lake Street Park Memorial Monument at 227 Park View St. Los Angeles, CA 90026.

Documentary (tags)

The new philanthropy

Battle of Baghdad Cover-Up Four Years Later (tags)

nterview With CAPTAIN ERIC MAY Ghost Troop Commander

“Equity Bill To Be Passed by June 30, 2007”—Filner (tags)

“I wished we could to pass the Equity Bill by April 9, (on Bataan Day,) but we did not make it, I think, we can pass the Equity Bill by June 30.” This was the direct answer of Representative Bob Filner (CA- 51) of San Diego and the Chairman of the Committee on veterans Affairs to the question of JFAV Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia when will Congress pass the equity bill during the Q and A portion of the Forum on Veterans Affair Issue. The forum was held last Monday, April 2 at the American Legion Post 206 in Highland Park, Los Angeles. Congressman Filner also reported “that the appropriations are assured for the equity bill if it passes Congress before the year ends ” because the lower house have passed or earmarked more than $ 13.6 B appropriations for the veterans funding this fiscal year.

Tony Blair Sends Nick Faldo and Posh Spice for British Sailors (tags)

Modern diplomacy at its finest.

Iraq, Bush's God-Emboldened Narcissism and Parasitic Militarism (tags)

The moral priority is to dismantle the warfare state or the socio-economic structure that elevates the likes of GW Bush and Dick Cheney to positions of power..Arguably finding God further warped his character.

War Drumming and Bomb-ocracy (tags)

Isn't war the absolu9te negation of every human right?..The globalization of predator capitalism launched an attack on the whole world. War, the military arm of the economy, has brought us to the edge of a nuclear winter

Why aren't the Bush daughters in Iraq? (tags)

The president's family has set an appallingly bad example for wartime sacrifice.

War and the Misuse of God (tags)

No freedom of religion if religion calls to war, glorifies war, presents war as inevitable or promotes the hatred of humankind.

Open letter to Amnesty International (tags)

Apart from writing terrific looking reports, and with the exception of bringing much sought after relief in few individual cases, what level of global impact has Amnesty International had over the years? Its own ongoing reports on Israel-Palestine are of exactly zero impact, as empirically evident by the continual reality of new faits accomplis being daily constructed on the ground! In Project Humanbeingsfirst's view, this is entirely because the battles are often being fought at the "low order bits of the issues", when "the higher order bits" entirely determine where "the page faults" (in computer science geek-speak). This deplorable failing in our view, can easily be remedied by addressing the issues at the right levels of abstraction.

JFAV-Samahang Pilipino Conference March 10-11: A RESOUNDING SUCCESS (tags)

“All Out for Equity and Justice” With this battle cry, over 150 community advocates, students, youth and the remaining Filipino World War II veterans all over Southern California and Los Angeles gathered for a successful Unity Conference on March 10-11, 2007 in UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. The Unity Conference began at 9:00 a.m. of each day at the Moore Hall at the UCLA campus. On Saturday, March 10, 7:00 p.m, over 200 people came to an exhilarating three-hour Cultural Solidarity Night at 100 Moore Hall UCLA Campus Los Angeles, CA 90095. The cultural night featured the showing of the 35-minute documentary, “Broken Promises,” performances by spoken word artists, cultural groups and other surprise numbers and paid glowing tribute to our veteran heroes. Conference organizers awarded a plaque of appreciation to longtime veteran rights’ supporter, Allan Pineda Lindo, a.k.a. Apl de Ap of world famous Grammy-awarded hip hop group, “Black Eyed Peas.”

World War to World War 3 (tags)

Hitler was onr of the biggest criminals of WW2. Cheney is the biggest criminal of WW3

JFAV-Samahang Pilipino Conference March 10-11: ALL OUT FOR EQUITY AND JUSTICE! (tags)

“All Out for Equity and Justice” With this battle cry, the community advocates, students, youth and the remaining Filipino World War II veterans in Southern California and Los Angeles cordially invite the public to come and gather for a Unity Conference on March 10-11, 2007 in UCLA in Los Angeles, CA 90095. Veterans leaders like Commander Jack Vergara of the Society of Guerillas and Scouts Inc (SGSI); Commander Franco Arcebal of ACFV; Commander Peping Baclig of JFAV; Commander Joe Samonte of Long Beach and Veterans Federations of the Philippines (VFP; Commander Flor Cadiente of FACLA; Commander Eugenio Mondok of the United Filipino American Veterans (UFAV) and Sam Icalina and Manny Aquino of Carson full mobilized heir membership and will grace the occasion.

La Cucaracha Exed by LA Times (tags)

La Cucuracha comic strip by Lalo Alcaraz has been cancelled by the Los Angeles Times!

CIA files reveal 1950s Japan coup plot (tags)

By Joseph Coleman TOKYO, AP, 2007/3/2

The Lord's Press Release (tags)

The February 24th edition features secret words hidden until the time of the end. Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?



The Lord's Press Release (tags)

Heed my words and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. Bush Daddy says that the English made the Potato Famine happen. Lets catch the culprit soon. Then Bush Daddy said that the English Jews did it. So I reminded him that his Walker forefather was an English Jew. I've given them 72 hours to solve this. Do you think they are balking? I think their time is up 2/15/07. As for Ireland, I want to know what kind of people live there today. Was the Potato Famine a plot to uproot and supplant a population?

Support Ward Churchill. Stop the Inquisition (tags)

The following is an essay that deconstructs the charges of research misconduct that were leveled against Ward Churchill – charges that were obvious retaliation for his comments concerning 9-11. Please take the time to read this report. Internal appeals are now underway and it is possible that Ward Churchill may be fired from his tenured position at the University of Colorado at any time now. If this happens, we cannot let it go unchallenged.....


A Call for Compassion and Reason

Bush to propose record US war budget (tags)

The Bush administration will seek congressional approval of more than $700 billion in military spending this year, including $245 billion to fund the ongoing wars of aggression in Iraq and Afghanistan, top officials told the press Friday. The gargantuan funding request will be formally unveiled and sent to Congress Monday.

IRAN (tags)


Israeli firm gets Mexico border wall contract (tags)

..president is headed to court on rape charges, it's Prime Minister is being investigated for corruption.. But that does not prevent them from getting sweet deals right here in the U.S.

Local Soldier, Mark J. Daily, Killed in Iraq (tags)

Mark J. Daily, A 23-year-old lifelong Irvine resident was killed just three months into his deployment Monday when a bomb ripped through his military vehicle in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul, officials announced Wednesday.

The Coming Attack on Iran (tags)

Is Bush's War Winding Down or Heating Up? The Coming Attack on Iran On January 7 the London Times reported that it has learned from "several Israeli military sources" that "Israel has drawn up secret plans to destroy Iran’s uranium enrichment facilities with tactical nuclear weapons."

Lessons from History (tags)

Intimidation and double standards are destabilizing and make global peace problematic.

The Only Way Out of Iraq: Troops and Teachers Stand Down (tags)

Efforts to vote the US out of Iraq, to lobby the US out of Iraq, to beg the US out of Iraq, or even to march the US out of Iraq, misinterpret the causes of the war, and the locations of power where anti-war action might matter

Human Evolution and Religion—A Global Truce through Anthropology (tags)

Every religion in the world was created to serve the needs of humans who are evolutionarily equal, and therefore, have asked the same questions about life. Anthropologists have identified a number of universal constants of religion, and have discovered that different religions aren’t so different from each other after all.




Many progressive Americans are hoping for a more peaceful U.S. foreign policy because President Bush lost control of Congress or after he leaves office — but the chances of this happening are not favorable.)

Migrant Workers, WW2 Vets, Inter-faith Demand Release of Philippine Labor Leader (tags)

AJLPP to Mark International Human Rights Week; Migrant Workers, Pro-Filipino WW2 Vets and Inter-faith groups in NY, SF, LA and Seattle to Raise Political and Financial Support for Detained Philippine Labor Leader

Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of the Lord Rees-Mogg ? (tags)

James Dale Davidson is besides being a co-author and business partner of Lord Rees-Mogg,founder of the National Tapayers Union that other wealthy American scoundrels such as Steve Forbes and Richard Mellon-Scaife have backed or been a part of.He was also the leading promoter of the Clinton smear campaign along with Richard Mellon-Scaife who claimed Clinton killed his own childhood friend Vince Foster. The good Lard Rees-Mogg on the other hand at the same time was humorously enough hot on the trail of Monica Lewinsky's stained dress as you will find in a link below on this indymedia post.Apparently Luciane Goldberg is his kinda woman.

After 60 years the Feds still have not cleaned up these WWII messes (tags)

Another one of those articles showing that the Federal Government is one of the worst polluters in the nation. And that you can't rely on either the Federal or State governments to protect your rights or property.

On Sunday, Iraq war will have lasted as long as WWII (tags)

The Iraq war is about to reach a benchmark that puts it on par with World War II by one measure: Sunday, it will have lasted the same number of days - 1,347.

NY Congressman Charles Rangel wants to reinstate the draft. Is the draft constitutional? (tags)

So NY Congressman Charles Rangel wants to reinstate the draft. Is the draft, military conscription, or slavery which is really what it is constitutional? Let's take a walk thru the Constitution and Supreme Court decisions and check it out. Is slavery a constitutional method of supplying soldiers for the U.S. Military?

Government forces farmers to use expensive machines, which drives up the cost of produce (tags)

This article should be titled "Government causes worker shortage which causes farmers to use expensive machinery instead of cheap manual labor, driving up the cost of produce for Americans, and keeping Mexican laborers unemployed". But instead of blaming the government for the problem, the newspaper blames the farmers.

Plans for war-crimes trials at Guantanamo under fire (tags)

Another huge waste of taxpayer money . . . to carry out kangaroo trials that will never pass constitutional muster.

Kangaroo trials at Guantanamo (tags)

Plans for war-crimes trials at Guantanamo under fire


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of 26 veterans, youth, student and community organizations in Southern California, wholeheartedly supports and salutes the all veterans and their families on the solemn occasion of Veterans Day, November 11, 2006


With the slogan" “”Full Rights for All immigrants, Justice for Veterans, Now” more than 2,000 people participated last Saturday’s PCORE/JFAV Annual Veterans Day Parade and Community Health Fair in Historic Filipinotown , Los Angeles. The event started will the unveiling of the Filipino World War II Memorial Monument at the Lake Street Park. The memorial monument is a tribute of the City of Los Angeles to honor the contribution of Filipino Word War II veterans during the Second World War.

Wartime military spending fuels economy (tags)

War is good for the military police state? Well good for the people that supply the military war machine!


dale Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90026 With the slogan" “”Family Reunification and Veterans Equity, Now! , Filipino Americans in Los Angeles are all set for the 6th PCORE/ JFAV Annual Veterans Day. The Annual Veterans Day Parade and Community Health Fair in Historic Filipino town in Los Angeles will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2005 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.The event will start with the unveiling of the Filipino World War II Memorial Monument at the Lake Street Park 227 N. Lake St. at 9:00 in the morning. The memorial monument is a tribute of the City of Los Angeles to honor the contribution of Filipino Word War II veterans during the Second World War. Invited guests are Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, federal,state and city officials. Philippine Consulate officials, Filipino veteran, community, youth and student leaders

If Saddam Guilty, Rumsfeld Guilty (2) Tambien!! (tags)

Following Saddam's guilty verdict, we need to investigate Donald Rumsfeld as Saddam's acomplice as the knowing supplier of chemical weapons that fueled Saddam's genocide..

All is set for the 6th JFAV Annual Veterans Day Parade on November 11, 2006 (tags)

“”Family Reunification and Veterans Equity, Now! The Historic Filipinotown is all set for the 6th JFAV Annual Veterans Day. The 6th Annual Veterans Day Parade and Community Health Fair in Historic Filipino town in Los Angeles will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2005 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.The annual community event will start with the unveiling of the Filipino World War II Memorial Monument at the Lake Street Park 227 N. Lake St. at 9:00 in the morning. The memorial monument is a tribute of the City of Los Angeles to honor the contribution of Filipino Word War II veterans during the Second World War. Invited guests are Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, federal,state and city officials. Philippine Consulate officials, Filipino veteran, community, youth and student leaders

Schwarzenegger, Rove, Bush, and Fascism (tags)

Thinking about voting for Schwarzenegger--or not voting at all for Governor? Please refresh your memory about Schwarzenegger's family heritage, and please consider Schwarzenegger's own words: "I was always dreaming about very powerful people - dictators and things like that...people who could be remembered for hundreds of years."


With the theme: “”Family Reunification and Veterans Equity, Now!", the Historic Filipinotown is all set for the 6th JFAV Annual Veterans Day Parade The 6th Annual JFAV Veterans Day Organizing Committee led by People’s CORE /JFAV Steering Committee is proud to announce that the 6th Annual Veterans Day Parade and Community Health Fair in Historic Filipino town in Los Angeles will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2005 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

The Rise and Fall of the UN (tags)

One’s opinion of the United Nations reveals a lot about political consciousness; and because perception is usually based on experience, it’s only natural that people from different countries have opposing views about the UN and its pillar institutions— the International Monetary Fund (IMF), World Bank, and the World Trade Organization (WTO). In the United States, familiarity of the UN is limited to vague notions of ‘international democracy’ and ‘peacekeeping’, words that inspire the noblest of intentions; the World Bank and IMF on the other hand are institutions that invoke little reaction among the US public. How and by whom the UN was formed, whose interests it serves, and the actual history of its ‘peacekeeping’ missions are all things rarely examined. It is the purpose of this essay to look at the formation and development of the UN, and in so doing, attempt to show the evolution of the capitalistic system itself, which was ‘reborn’ upon the back of these hardly-neutral organizations.

McCain: Expand Iraq force by 20,000 (tags)

Four more years of war? Then vote for Arizona war monger Senator John McCain.

Veterans Memorial Monument to Be Unveiled at the 6th JFAV Annual Veterans Day Parade (tags)

“”Family Reunification and Veterans Equity, Now! The Historic Filipinotown is all set for the 6th JFAV Veterans Day Parade and other activities. The 6th Veterans Day Organizing Committee and the Steering Committee is proud to announce hat the 6th Annual Veterans Day Parade and Community Health Fair I Historic Filipino town in Los Angeles will be held on Saturday, November 11, 2005 in Historic Filipinotown from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Behind the love/hate relationship of China and the U.S. (tags)

A zealous distrust of China is something most American’s learn at an early age. The lessons include stunning visuals of atrocities, complete with attacks on helpless Tibetan monks and nuns, fearless democracy-seeking students staring down advancing tanks, and innumerable horrors of life within the totalitarian ‘communist’ society (yes they are still calling themselves that, and yes our government still clings to the word— as an abusive epithet— in a McCarthy-like attempt to browbeat). China cannot be defended if one is on the side of democracy, equality, and freedom, but neither can many of the US’ allies, past and present, who’ve had similar records (the US itself is looking more and more like China every day). Because China is outside the domain of US dominance, it is viewed as a competitor, and a threat; therefore, Chinese human-rights violations are a god-send for the White House PR staff, who look for any reason to conjure fear and create misgivings towards a country who, for purely economic reasons, is the prime candidate to face the US in World War III.

Boycott Terrorist States (tags)

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred, arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however, well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" - the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this effort, which we must defend together.

Is War with Iran the October Surprise? (tags)

A former Army intelligence and public affairs officer, Captain May, delves into the dark issue of whether the Bush admininstration has already planned its October surprise in the form of a war with Iran -- and whether the American Establishment is going along with the idea.

The Coming World War (tags)

US officials spoke of the necessity of a new world war right after Sept 11, 2001.. Perhaps permanent disorder is central, not a new order in the world.. Do they only want to fill their pockets by setting the whole world on fire?

Article on CIA Child Trafficing (tags)

They count on the fact that the more bizarre and perverted they act the safer they are because the average joe cannot even fathom the depths of evil that this agency perpetrates.

Beyond the Border, Sharing Responsibility for Immigration (tags)

A public forum designed to empower and inspire people to take responsibility for creating a fair, sustainable, environmentally friendly development plan with Mexico. Doing so addresses a solution to the root cause of illegal immigration.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

Averting an American Civil War (tags)

Politics unusual in America: Debilitating country’s internal strength seen as ploy to prop up unpopular dictatorship.

Bill strips terror suspects of many U.S. legal system rights (tags)

This won't stop the terrorist. But it will turn Amerika into a police state that Hitler, Stalin, Saddam or Mao would be proud of!

Bush and Islam (tags)

The wide gap between U.S. President George W. Bush's words and deeds vis-à-vis Islam and Muslims doomed to failure his speech at the United nations on September 19, which could neither appease Muslims nor pacify the ever growing Islamophobia.

Political Corruption in Israel (tags)

HAD HAMLET been a reserve soldier in the Israeli army, he might now declare: "Something is rotten in the State of Israel!"

'Tokyo Rose,' 90, pardoned for propaganda role, dies (tags)

Tokyo Rose, a political prisoner jailed by the Americans for non-exist treason crimes in WW II dies

Take action: EPA gives preliminary approval for dangerous pesticides (tags)

Take action: EPA gives preliminary approval for dangerous pesticides. There is still time to stop this travesty. The EPA’s public comment period on this decision ends Oct. 2. Please e-mail the EPA TODAY before this unjust decision is made permanent.

Democrats defend “our president” against international criticism (tags)

The pretense that the Democratic Party represents some sort of opposition to the Bush administration was punctured again last week when leading Democrats vociferously condemned the anti-Bush speech given by Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to the United Nations General Assembly.

Nuclear Holocaust and The Politics of Radiation (tags)

This event featured three speakers: Doug Rokke, a Vietnam and Gulf War I Veteran and the Army's expert on depleted uranium; Leuren Moret, a whistle-blower from Livermore National Laboratory, expert lecturer on the health effects of depleted uranium; and Veteran Staff Sergeant Dennis Kyne who served as an Army medic during Gulf War I. Because they speak out about depleted uranium (DU), all three of these people are constantly harassed by the US government and its agents. Both Rokke and Kyne are in extremely serious medical condition because of their exposure to depleted uranium and other toxicants that the military tells our valiant warriors are safe. You may listen to all three lectures on by clicking on the appropriate link below. Rokke's and Moret's have been transcribed. If you have time, please help us by transcribing Dennis Kyne's lecture and we will post it.

The Big Lie about `Islamic Fascism' (tags)

Now the neoconservatives are busy whipping up war against Syria and Iran to keep themselves in power and maintain the political dynamics of this 21st century revival of fascism.

Parallels between Nazism, Zionists striking (tags)

Take this, Bill O'Reilly! Someone had to tell you...


President Bush and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper have now been fingered in the softwood lumber money laundry.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

Mass Civil Nonviolent Resistance to Confront Lawmakers at U.S. Capitol (tags)

Invitation to join nonviolent direct actions with the National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance on Tuesday, September 26th, or Declaration of Peace on Wednesday, September 27.

The Big Lie About 'Islamic Fascism' (tags)

he real modern fascists are not in the Muslim World, but Washington. The neocons screaming fascist the loudest, are the true fascists themselves. It’s a pity that communist and leftist propaganda so debased the term "neo-fascist" that it has become almost meaningless. Because that is what we should be calling the so-called neocons, for that is what they really are.

"We are United with the Other America" (tags)

The US demands the right to a preventive war. The right to defense is perverted into the right to self-defense through preventive action (In 1941 Hitler appealed to the right to preventive war against the Soviet Union). The international order is buried.

The US Peace Movement and Hezbollah (tags)

Many peace activists may have felt somewhat bewildered by Hezbollah's smashing success in outfoxing and outfighting the Israeli army in southern Lebanon. Was it right to feel such a visceral satisfaction from these battles fought by a group that was also lobbing rockets at Israeli civilians? Where did we stand on Hezbollah, really? We who seek peace must ask ourselves if we have not also gone 'insane', expecting different results from actions that obviously haven't worked. To guard our optimism in the New World Order, we Americans will have to learn to see peace the way most Palestinians see it: as the inevitable fruit of resolute resistance to aggression and injustice.

GMO Disease Epidemics: AIDS (tags)

Genetic Engineering (GE,GM,GMOs) is a nightmare technology that has already caused MANY disease epidemics -- documented but unpublicized. This is the 15th in a series revealing the epidemics, dealing here with a plague that has already killed 25 million people -- AIDS.

The Thirty Three Day War: From Mania to Depression (tags)

Uri Avnery is an Israeli writer and peace activist with Gush Shalom. He is one of the writers featured in The Other Israel: Voices of Dissent and Refusal. He is also a contributor to CounterPunch's hot new book The Politics of Anti-Semitism. He can be reached at:


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 1 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

The US media and the London terror scare (tags)

Since August 10, when British authorities arrested two dozen individuals in connection with an alleged plot to blow up a number of airplanes over the Atlantic Ocean, the American mass media has worked ceaselessly to create a climate of fear.

A History of Judao-Facist Terror Massacres (tags)

A Reference of Jewish Terrorism in Palestine. These are just some of the massacres committed against the Palestinians and Lebanese by the Zionists. If the raids on southern Lebanon old and new were to be taken into account the true magnitude of Zionist crimes against humanity could start to emerge. If one were to go into the gruesome details of the atrocities committed in 1948 the -mopping up operations -, the deliberate humiliation and massacres of Arabs and the desecration of the holy places of both Muslim and Christian as well as the looting of these holy places and personal property by the Israeli army and settlers; one might just start to appreciate what Zionism is all about.

Interview with Jurgen Moltmann (80) (tags)

Hope is a power in this life to begin life again, to be reborn in an affirmation of life from deep depression.. Hope continues like a star over our life.. We developed political theology to break through this prison `religion is a private matter'.

Why Democracies evolve into Dictatorships (tags)

It took only six years with Bush Jr. as President to give birth to a new generation of radical political activists, journalists, and commentators, whose main concerns are subjecting the insane policies of the President to exposure and condemnation; this, it seems, constitutes the foundation for nearly the entire realm of real political opposition in the U.S. The strategy here is limited to educating people about the destructive policies of the Republicans and hoping that in response, a protest or political movement will evolve powerful enough to either reform or displace those in power. Education of course, is absolutely crucial in transforming any dissident organization into an entity capable of action and results. However, by focusing only on the policies of the Republicans, without explaining the larger framework from whence they came, political education is greatly hindered, limiting the potential for effective action.

Petition: International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (tags)

We, the undersigned, demand that The United Nations General Assembly immediately establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Israel (ICTI) as a ‘subsidiary organ’ under U.N. Charter Article 22 to prosecute the Israeli Prime Minister Olmert, Defense Minister Peretz, Chief of Staff Halutz and Israel’s other top generals and war criminals for their infliction of international war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide against the Peoples of Lebanon and Palestine.

Boycott Now! The case for Boycotting Israel (tags)

But always, always, remember the goal and vision. Anger and hatred, arising from the Lebanon debacle, must be channelled not into retaliation and vengeance but into principled action. Armed struggle against occupation remains legitimate and, if properly handled (no killing of civilians), is a key tool. But the goal of all efforts, of every stamp, must be to secure security for everyone, toward building a new peaceful future. It's very hard, in the midst of our moral outrage, to stay on the high road. That challenge is, however, well-known to human rights campaigns as it is to all three monotheistic faiths. It is what Islam knows as the "great jihad" - the struggle of the heart. It must remain the guiding torch of this effort, which we must defend together.

Germany joins US, British, Israeli axis of aggression (tags)

Last Sunday, German government spokesman Ulrich William spoke on behalf of the chancellor, Angela Merkel (Christian Democratic Union—CDU), and expressed Merkel’s “great regret and deep sadness over the consequences of the Israeli air raid on Qana.” Two days later, German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (Social Democratic Party—SPD) began an interview in the Süddeutsche Zeitung with the words: “What took place on Sunday in Qana was appalling. The large number of civilian victims of the Israeli air raid is terrible and unacceptable.”

No Blood for Oil - Sign the Voter's Pledge (tags)

"No More Oil Wars-- Clean Energy Now!" This popular sentiment must find expression in government policy, and it is our job this fall to make every candidate running for Congress understand that this is what our people want. We should be circulating the VotersForPeace Pledge which declares that those signing "will not vote for or support any candidate for Congress or President who does not make a speedy end to the war in Iraq, and preventing any future war of aggression, a public position in his or her campaign." We must make visible this popular desire for peace, a rapid transition to clean energy and justice.

Why Lebanon? Think OIL, water, pipelines, and profits. (tags)

Why a war on Lebanon? Why now? A new article by Professor Michel Chossudovsky suggests it's about oil, water and pipeline routes, and offers insight into the war's impending expansion. The U.S. and Israel aren't the only nations with interests in this game. Other players appear to include the U.K., France, and Italy.

Operation Apocalypse (tags)

A former US Army intelligence and public affairs officer offers a disturbing analysis that the End Times movement has pre-programmed for World War Three, the end that they're praying to bring about. Has this new Jonestown Cult been brainwashed dileberately -- and what does that mean for us all?

Apocalypse No! an indigenist perspective (tags)


Apocalypse No! (tags)

“The time of warnings, passive resistance and conformity is already passed. All of us are now confronted with an enormous challenge: SURVIVAL" - Council of Indigenous Elders and Priests of the Americas

Trust the Government!!! After all Government knows best! (tags)

Jews, Japanese, Negros, Mexicans, Gun Owners, Homosexuals, and even Whites - trust your government you will be treated fairly.

Lebanon crisis reveals an Anti-Jewish Israeli State (tags)

"The Jewish people are commanded by Almighty G-d to live in peace with all peoples and nations on the face of the globe."

Operation "Save Israel's High Command" (tags)

"Israeli propaganda, except in the United States where there isn't any other kind, doesn't work its old magic."

CSPAN to broadcast 9/11 Truth Conference!! (tags)

author: Truthseeker

Lebanon, Iran, Syria, Sudan: coldly premeditated neocon wars (tags)

Before emotions and disinformation gain the upper hand, consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that by late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And don't expect to hear about this from Lieberman, McCain, Pelosi, Feinstein, Howard Dean, or the Clintons.)

Troops grow disillusioned (tags)

"Think of what you hate most about your job. Then think of doing what you hate most for five straight hours, every single day, sometimes twice a day, in 120-degree heat," he said. "Then ask how morale is."

today (tags)


Appeasement 2006: Europe capitulates to American-Israeli aggression (tags)

The international conference in Rome held Wednesday to address the crisis precipitated by the Israeli attack on Lebanon ended without a call for a ceasefire. According to numerous press accounts, US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice stood virtually alone in opposing any language in the conference statement suggesting that the Israeli onslaught, which has already caused close to 500 civilian deaths and destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure, should be ended any time soon.

Iran: The Next War (tags)

Even before the bombs fell on Baghdad, a group of senior Pentagon officials were plotting to invade another country. Their covert campaign once again relied on false intelligence and shady allies. But this time, the target was Iran.

Israel's "Shock and Awe" Bombing of Lebanon (tags)

by Beau Grosscup

On the 65h Year of the Formation of the USAFFE (tags)

On the 65th Anniversary of the impression of Filipino Army to the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFE) today, on July 26, 1941 different groups held different kinds of commemoration all over California.FAV, People’s CORE are calling all Filipino American community activists, youth leaders and all concerned individuals and organizations all over the United States to be vigilant and struggle to have the Senate Bill or any compromise bill pass with the amendment for Filipino American veterans and their families.

The next trick (in a series of tricks) (tags)

It will be just wide enough to allow Israel to grab the water! Once Israel grabs the water, it will rely on it (filling the settler’s swimming pools), and will never return it,

Rice leaves bloody footprints in Lebanon (tags)

At some point in the future, when the ill-fated American drive for hegemony in the first decade of the twenty-first century is subjected to critical study, historians will discover ugly parallels between the tenure of Condoleezza Rice as American secretary of state under President Bush and that of Joachim Ribbentrop as German foreign minister under Chancellor Hitler. All the characteristics of the foreign policy of the Third Reich as it set the stage for World War—its depraved deceitfulness, cynicism, hypocrisy, recklessness, fascination with violence and utter contempt for human life—are to be observed 70 years later in the operations of the Bush administration, for whom Rice serves as chief foreign policy spokesman.

What links Lieberman, McCain, Gingrich, Perle, Kristol, and Hoffa? (tags)

Senators Joe Lieberman and John McCain aren't merely "hawksih"; as "Honorary Co-Chairmen" of a pre-Iraq-war spin machine called The Committee for the Liberation of Iraq, they were leading cheerleaders for a war that now threatens to mushroom out of all control--unless we remove the Liebermans, McCains, and their fellow war cheerleaders from our U.S. Congress.

PART 1: World War III - what, me worry? (tags)

By Chan Akya

Mark Dankof's Article on Zionist John Hagee Vanishes in Canada. Why? (tags)

Mark Dankof's "John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism, the Coming War With Iran, and The New World Order" Vanishes in Canada. Why?

Death to Our Enemies - A God Exclusive (tags)

Again, soldiers everywhere, my friends, CBC, CNN, and FOXNews Zionist demon liar broadcasters KNOW the bushmob did 911, but forbid US to communicate freely for Justice. Instead, they wish US to war against each other for their demonic pleasures. Instead of me needlessly slaughtering ignorant ungodly bushite dumfuks, let's support the FBI's conclusion, on who TRULY funded the terrorist operations of 911 to nab the REAL EVIL doers. Or, suffer more from the tyrannies of YOUR cowardice to stand up for yourself as worth something.

One Man’s Direct Opposition to World War III (tags)

Religious fundamentalists' use of religious dogma as political ideology is quickly escalating from evolution vs. inelligent design to World War III and Armageddon. FREE audio book on how evolutionary science can be used to turn the tide against religious fundamentalism.

All Out to Confront Nazis in Southeast Wisconsin (tags)

shut 'em down

Happy Impeachment Day! (tags)

This is no time for political strategizing. Every member of Congress is sworn to uphold and defend the Constitution, and it is being gravely threatened by this president.

Chossudovsky interview: "Al-Qaeda Is a U.S.-sponsored Intelligence Asset" (tags)

Michel Chossudovsky, author of the international bestseller America's War on Terrorism, personally graced the jam-packed local launch of his latest book held at the Asian Center at the University of the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon City last June 24. During the launch, he gave a lecture about the imminent danger of a U.S.-made nuclear catastrophe amid the Bush administration's preparations for war with Iran. Joel Garduce of Center for Anti-Imperialist Studies (CAIS) caught up with the director of the Centre for Research in Globalization (CRG) during his short weekend stay in the Philippines and conducted the following interview.

Calderon as ExxonMobil's welcome mat via NAFTA/PPP (tags)

The historical pattern of ExxonMobil indicates their support for pro-NAFTA/PPP Calderon and possible takeover of Mexican owned Pemex by ExxonMobil corporation (restored monopoly)..

Hamas, from islamic revival-movement to Palestinian government (tags)

In contary with the leading opinions of the American-European politicians and media, the aim of Hamas, calling by them the ''distruction'' of the State of Israel, is not to kill or expell the Israeli-Jewish population, but to dismantle the zionistic State Model and to make an end to 39 year Israeli occupation and settlementspolicy

The Beauty of the System (tags)

A tale of shipping, blackmail and slow death in the lost Cul de Sac

A Century of Oil Imperialism (tags)

The current Iraq War, waged primarily to seize incredibly rich oil resources for the benefit of the U.S.-UK Oil Cartel, was predictable. This type of imperialistic evildoing has been going on for a century, and countries and individuals who get in the Cartel's way tend to meet violent ends.

Letter From Beirut (tags)

From a woman sitting on her balcony in Beirut

John Hagee of Cornerstone Church: Front Man for Zionism and the Coming War With Iran (tags)

Old Right Topic News Senior Editor Mark Dankof notes that John Hagee of Cornerstone Church and "Christians United for Israel" (CUFI) have now openly advocated a preemptive military strike on the nation of Iran, as reported by Julia Duin of the Washington Times. Hagee's cozy relationship with the Jewish Lobby and Israeli intelligence is reaching new highs--or lows--including the hiring of David Brog, former Chief of Staff for Senator Arlen Specter (R-PA), as the Executive Director of CUFI. In evaluating how close demagogues like Hagee and his Neo-Conservative pols aligned with Israeli intelligence are to touching off World War III, Dankof's references to Mr. Hagee in his recent review of Kevin Phillips' book American Theocracy are worth the reader's time, as well as a more dated review of Michael Collins Piper's Final Judgment, which chronicles the role of the Israeli Mossad in assassinating John F. Kennedy. Piper reminds us that Arlen Specter, probably the most Jewish Lobby-owned member of the United States Senate, was the Warren Commission's architect of the fraudulent "single bullet" theory, designed to obscure from public view the physical--and political--crossfire that killed the 35th President of the United States in Dallas. Finally, Mark Dankof's paper on the History of Dispensationalism for Westminster Theological Seminary will give the reader additional background on what fuels the Zionist--Christian Right alliance as it heads toward a self-fulfilling prophetic Armageddon fulfillment.

Lebanon, Iran, Sudan: Three more premeditated neocon wars (tags)

Before emotions get the upper hand, let's catch our breath and consider what General Wesley Clark wrote in 2003--that as of late 2001, the Neocon-led Pentagon was planning a five-year campaign of wars against seven countries: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Iran, Somalia and Sudan. (And let's not forget that Sudan has both oil and uranium.)

World War / Infowar Analysis (tags)

Chase Untermeyer US Ambassador to Qatar Ghost Troop Chaplain (Ret.) Dear Chase, I'm sorry I've been so elusive these last couple of days, as the last thing on earth I want to do is leave my former Ghost Troop chaplain waiting when he wants to meet. Alas, though, I can't help it! My cell phone has been misbehaving, and I just received your kind messages inviting me into Houston to have some coffee at one of our old hang-outs. I was wondering whether you were still coming to Houston for a brief annual visit, and appreciate that, now that you're here, everyone in the Bayou City wants a bit of your time! The majority of the "official" world likes to say that I'm an off-beat, off-base ex-intelligence officer, but the fact that the Ambassador to Qatar would favor me with repeated calls to get together and discuss infowar argues strongly to the contrary, and for this continued distinction from you I’m most grateful! As Ghost Troop has enjoyed a great recruiting spell lately, there are many readers to our ongoing and open correspondence who don't know you yet, so allow me to make introductions:

Krauthammer Has It Wrong: The Constitution is for Peace and War (tags)

He and the President are trying to justify dictatorship on the cheap by claiming that “everybody does it” during wartime, and then things go back to normal…except there is no war now, and the fake “war’ on terror will never end.

Johnny on CPAC (tags)

The REAL demons CONFESS to going into a house, WITHOUT reasoned approach, and slaughtering an entire INNOCENT family.. for nothing but their lifeless SATANIC pleasures. The 'cause'? "The [mass murdered unarmed innocent neighbor's] back door was open.."

Creating a Grassroots Democracy While Outlawing Genetic Engineering (tags)

Genetic Engineering is a nightmare technology that has already caused a number of deadly, crippling and injurious disease epidemics, documented but unpublicized. Outlawing Genetic Engineering by grassroots education/activation techniques will help create a Grassroots Democracy.

Tokyo Rose was framed!!!!!! (tags)

Iva Toguri, branded 'Tokyo Rose,' is 90 Was pardoned after rigged trial was revealed

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

The Zionist movement has maintained a striking continuity in its aims and methods over the past century. From the start, the movement sought to achieve a Jewish majority in Palestine and to establish a Jewish state on as much of the LAND as possible. The methods included promoting mass Jewish immigration and acquiring tracts of land that would become the inalienable property of the Jewish people. This policy inevitably prevented the indigenous Arab residents from attaining their national goals and establishing a Palestinian state. It also necessitated displacing Palestinians from their lands and jobs when their presence conflicted with Zionist interests.

Army charges Lt. Watada with contempt towards president; Faces over seven years prison (tags)

On July 5, U.S. Army First Lt. Ehren K. Watada was formally charged with three articles of the Uniform Code of Military Justice: two counts of contempt towards officials (Article 88) - specifically President G. W. Bush, three counts of conduct unbecoming an officer and a gentleman (Article 133), and one count of missing movement (Article 87).

KNOW: George Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI (tags)

Know, that all the emails that foxnews take from the Public, all the emails that cbc takes from the Public, and all the emails that cnn takes from the Public, have received my posts. Stating, George Walker Bush did 911 with General Ahmad, according to the FBI, and our corporate news professionals, don't want our soldiers to know that.

Becky Johnson gets trashed by the JTR (tags)

copied from

Geopolitical Chess Anyone? (tags)

There is a game in Korea called ba-dook, which is known as weiqi to the Chinese. It is a game of chess once played by the Yellow Emperor himself. Japan, America, Russian and Chine are now playing it and their game board is the Korean peninsula.

Hamas: A Pale Image of the Jewish Irgun And Lehi Gangs (tags)

The reality is that when faced with a superior military force, such as Britain possessed in 1947 and Israel does today against the Palestinians, terror is the underdog’s only viable weapon. Once a state has been established and legitimized, however, as in the cases of Israel and South Africa, the former “terrorists” tend to gain a veil of legitimacy as well. But legitimacy is now being denied Hamas.

BUSHITES REACH NEW LOW - dying for lies no longer in disguise (tags)

Again, realize, FOX, CNN, and CBC will all in the thousands, receive this information about 9/11's Ahmad, but will refuse to support honorable Police officers, our Humanity's cause for Freedom through Justice, or our beliefs in any religion. They, as murderous sadists, fascists, obstruct Justice for ourselves by refusing to report on the facts of why America continues to fight, dying sacrificed, while censoring your cries for understanding.



Europe’s leaders close ranks with Bush (tags)

On Tuesday, US President George Bush touched down in Vienna for the annual summit of US and European Union (EU) leaders. After brief talks in Vienna, Bush is due to fly to Budapest on Thursday for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Bush’s trip to Europe is the first in a round of visits over the next few weeks. Next month he will return to Europe to meet with German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Stralsund, before proceeding to Russia for a meeting with President Vladimir Putin prior to the G-8 summit in St. Petersburg, to be held July 15-17.

The Left's Israeli Lobby Denial (tags)

Unlike the lies and omissions of the mainstream, the Left is good on telling the truth about the Israeli oppression of the Palestinians. But its unwillingness to accept the Israel lobby's role in shaping American Middle East policy helps to maintain that very policy

People of Earth - The Son to God Speaks (tags)

There is no greater purpose served in killing a bushite, who wars Freedom for Humanity, all to cowardly help assist the escape of the enemy neocons for 9/11. Death to the thieving ungodly anti-American bushite, instead of the innocent they openly target for murder in Your names.

Re-Regulation of the Economy (tags)

"Finance markets become judges over the economy punishing mistakes with (threaten-ed) capital flight." Resisting re-regulation represses blind spots and confuses the goat and the gardener, the market and the fire dept and the problem and the solution.

Sir No Sir, a Fim Review (tags)

A Review of the new documentary on the anit-war movement among Vietnam era soldiers.

The Power of the Israel Lobby (tags)

Its Origins and Growth

STOPPING WW3 - We're all we got, Baby! (tags)

Easy actions anyone can take to prevent future US pre-emptive agressive war.

ANSWER Coalition: The Logic of War Crimes in a Criminal War (tags)

ANSWER Coalition Statement (June 2): The Logic of War Crimes in a Criminal War

Finkelstein Strangely Denies That Neocons Support Israel (tags)

Finkelstein is usually very good on Zionism but he really misses the mark on the Neocons. In his criticism of the Mearsheimer/Walt "Israel Lobby" essay, Finkelstein argues that the neocons watch over the American empire, but do not identify with Israel’s interests. As Mearsheimer and Walt have pointed out, the neocons were the driving force for the American attack on Iraq.

Europe’s ‘Green’ militarists (tags)

The days when the German Green Party opposed international military operations by Germany’s armed forces, or at least criticized them, have long since passed. After seven years in government, the party has returned to the opposition benches, but it has by no means returned to its former pacifist positions. The Greens are among the most avid proponents of a German military mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, one that could easily become the most extensive and dangerous foreign operation conducted by German soldiers since World War II.

No gay rights in Moscow!!! (tags)

Russian cops beat up homosexual activists who held a "gay pride" parade

Spoils of War Today? - Gulf War Syndrome (tags)

For our troops on Memorial Day - The Kings of Britain and France and many other empires were able to raise huge armies every several decades because the soldiers who survived the battles were rewarded with the riches that they could carry and women that they could rape at will.

Irish Free State: an entity without a backbone or a soul (tags)

The 26-County Irish Free State: an entity without a backbone or a soul of its own. No to the 26 county neo-colonial state. No to the 6 county colonial state. Support the 32 county Irish Republic. Work towards a new Ireland. Support the EIRE NUA proposals!

SOS Thread on May 21 Demo (tags)

It is not impossible that Joe Turner has hired someone smart enough to put an IP sniffer on This thread enables shy folk to read SOS worry free.

US Military Uses Dirty Bombs: THAT'S Why They Hate Us, GW (tags)

Our Military Complex and the Bush Administration has pounded into our brains that "they hate us for our freedom". In foriegn countries, the news is not that the US has "freedoms" that are detrimental to other countries. Their news reports are on subjects such as the violations of the Geneva Convention by the US. Their news reports are on subjects such as "Since 1991, the United States has staged four wars using depleted uranium weaponry, illegal under all international treaties, conventions and agreements....".


Before Israel became a state in 1948, Jews world-wide were filled with the Zionist propaganda that Israel would be a homeland for all Jews, a refuge for persecuted Jews, a truly democratic country, and the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy.

Zionism And Its Impact (tags)

Adherents of Zionism believed that the Jewish people had an inherent and inalienable right to Palestine. Religious Zionists stated this in biblical terms, referring to the divine promise of the land to the tribes of Israel. Secular Zionists relied more on the argument that Palestine alone could solve the problem of Jewish dispersion and virulent anti-Semitism. Weizmann stated in 1930 that the needs of 16 million Jews had to be balanced against those of 1 million Palestinian Arabs: "The Balfour Declaration and the Mandate have definitely lifted [Palestine] out of the context of the Middle East and linked it up with the world-wide Jewish problem....The rights which the Jewish people has been adjudged in Palestine do not depend on the consent, and cannot be subjected to the will, of the majority of its present inhabitants." This perspective took its most extreme form with the Revisionist movement. Its founder, Vladimir Jabotinsky, was so self-righteous about the Zionist cause that he justified any actions taken against the Arabs in order to realize Zionist goals.

Filipinos—Forgotten Heroes of the UFW (tags)

Filipino labor leaders played pivotal roles in organizing labor unions and fighting for farm workers’ rights


The following remarks are intended to supplement the author's paper "Blueprint for a Bulosan Project" posted in the online journal OUR OWN VOICE. This essay critiques the position of "leftists" in the elite U.S. academies who claim a "manifest destiny" to civilize colonized subalterns and peasant radicals like the Filipino writer Carlos Bulosan who (they claim) have failed to take "America" out of a transnationalizing U.S. Studies. Are we seeing a replay of the "Thomasites" who produced generations of neocolonized "little brown brothers" now serving U.S. imperialist aggression in Iraq, Aghanistan, Palestine, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, and in the Philippines, its former direct colony? "By the rivers of Babylon, there we sat down, yea...."

lies revealed (tags)


"Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" (tags)

For May 1, 2006, "A Day Without An Immigrant", Women Say "Capital Travels Freely - Why Not People!" A massive movement of grassroots women and men, workers and students, on the streets in the US is demanding that their work be counted and that this be reflected in what they are entitled to.


This is an announcement and an essay which goes into detail about the Battlecry Youth gatherings. G.W. Bush is part of this maniacal cult that promotes wars against Muslim countries, with young "christian soldiers" doing the fighting, laws that take away women's rights to make decisions about their bodies, and other anti-sexual and homophobic ideas...

CDIR -People's CORE Statement of the Cinco De Mayo, 2006: Que Viva La Raza! (tags)

The Coalition in Defense of Immigrant Rights (CDIR) and all its allied organizations in the United States send its most militant greetings to our Chicano Brothers and sisters and to the Mexican people in their celebration of Cinco De Mayo.The Cinco De Mayo, 2006 takes a significant feature this year with the success of the Greta American Boycott last May 1 and the series of immigrant mass actions from March 25 to may 1. The unity and the outpouring of the immigrant workers of all nationalities especially the Chicano people are tremendous and awesome.


By William I. Robinson

Washington renews demand for cuts to Social Security, Medicare (tags)

The Bush administration, echoed by much of the mass media, seized upon reports released May 1 on the fiscal health of the Social Security and Medicare system to renew its demand for drastic cuts to these two major entitlement programs, thereby gutting retirement benefits and health care for older Americans. According to the reports, issued by the trustees of the programs’ trust funds, the Medicare Hospital Insurance Trust Fund is projected to become insolvent by 2018, due largely to rapidly rising costs of American health care outstripping the payroll taxes that fund the program. The report on Social Security indicates that this program will be able to pay out 100 percent of benefits until 2040, when the trustees predict the fund will be exhausted—a year earlier than previous projections. After that it would be able to cover 74 percent of promised benefits out of revenues until 2080, when it would decline to 70 percent.

Carl Bernstein Says It's Impeachment Time! (tags)

It's Impeachment Time ! Carl Bernstein has this to say in Vanity Fair.....

Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error (tags)

Truly amazing audio performance called "Know Thy Enemy - Christs Comedy of Error"

A little perspective, please (tags)

Forget the Middle East: North America Harbors the World's Most Dangerous Terrorists

Pension cuts and inequality wiping out retirement for American workers (tags)

For a growing number of US workers, dreams of a decent retirement are quickly evaporating as companies shift retirement costs onto workers, in the form of deductions from already declining wages, in order to maintain profits in a competitive global economy. In the wake of the post-World War II business boom, US workers were granted certain limited concessions in a three-legged system of retirement security that included individual savings, government programs and private employer pensions. Between the 1940s and the 1980s, private pensions with a guaranteed payout (also known as defined-benefit pensions), became a standard component of compensation for a large section of the American workforce.


The election cycle of 2006-2008 has started, a time for all militants to run for cover. It will not be pretty and certainly is not for the faint-hearted. The Democrats smell blood in the water. The Greens smell that the Democrats smell blood. Various parliamentary leftists and some ostensibly socialists smell that the Greens smell blood. You get the drift. Before we go to ground let me make a point.

In Remembrance of the 91st Year of the Armenian Genocide by Turkish Authorities, April 24, (tags)

Every April 24, the Armenian community all over the world remembers the Turkish genocide of the Armenian people which began with the arrest of 250 prime leaders and intellectuals of the Armenian community in Turkey and their subsequent massacre in the hands of Turkish rulers on April 24, 1915 at the height of the First World War.

letter to president (tags)

wake up call

BTL:Use of Tactical Nuclear Weapons in Iran Would Kill Hundreds of Thousands (tags)

Interview with Dr. Kurt Gottfried, chairman of the Union of Concerned Scientists, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris



Pahayag ng JFAV para sa Martsa ng (tags)

Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) wrote this press release in Pilipino ( Tagalog for the benefit of the Filipino community who has more than 800,000 TNTs or undocumented persons in the U.S)commends the youth and students April 15 March for fighting for Full Immigrant Rights. Asa marginalized and a sector that is victimized by racism and discrimination, JFAV express support for full immigrants rights- nothing less!



The Iraq war and the eruption of American imperialism (tags)

In the field of politics, there are events which mark a fundamental turning point in the historical process. There is no doubt that the invasion and occupation of Iraq, which began three years ago, was one of these. In September 2002, with the decision to invade Iraq having already been made, the Bush administration published its National Security Strategy (NSS). This document set out clearly and unambiguously that the United States was now reserving to itself the right to use military force pre-emptively in pursuit of its national interests and objectives on a global scale.

All out for April 10 National Mobilization (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of veterans, community, youth and students organizations in southern California, commemorates the 64th year of the Fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942. It also calls for total and all out support for the April 10 national mobilization for full immigrants rights on April 10 and May 1.

Remember Bataan, Fight for Recognition, Justice and Equity! (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV), an alliance of veterans, community, youth and students organizations in southern California, commemorates the 64th year of the Fall of Bataan, April 9, 1942 Today, we mark the Bataan Day. Why is it important to us? April 9 is a national holiday in the Philippines. Bataan became a byword in the United States because the United States Armed Forces in the Far East (USAFFFE) resisted the Japanese conquest of the Philippines and held their lines from December 10, 1942 until they were forced to surrender on April 9, 1942.

A MOM'S FYI: "How to Impeach George W. Bush" Tom Delay, et al. (tags)


The Only Hope For the World (tags)

I see only one way out; a metamorphic leap of faith, an about face in the way we think, a decision to let go of everything that we, as a nation, once held dear, an understanding that the world will surely end unless we recognize the fact that we have no choice but to embrace our enemy as our brother, the one, without whom, we will never find peace, a brother-in-arms, enchained from head to toe, with whom we will either drown, or, together, might be allowed to live for yet another day....

Whatever Happened to Empathy? (tags)

Whatever happened to empathy? How did the world suddenly become inhabited by good, red-blooded Americans and a bunch of gooks, slopes, ragheads, hadjis and any other pejorative which makes them seem less than human? How did the world suddenly become us and them? How is it that no one's beliefs and concerns have validity except ours? How has it come about that the world is now divided between us, our few allies, and a world of terrorists?

Bush's Immigration Trap (tags)

Labor: Organize the Unorganized!

Uranium bombing in Iraq contaminates Europe (tags)

The average radioactive dose, according to official government index based calculations, was about 23 million radioactive particles for the average adult male in Britain and Europe.

V for Vendetta, a wake up call (tags)

New movie out on May 17 is sure to rattle the White House. Alan Moore and the Wachowsky brothers are giving us a wake up call -- again.

Nature of Good and Evil - Christ vs Antichrist (tags)

An actual audio recording of the Son of Man outlining the very real war senario of Christ vs. Antichrist.

Imperial Conquest, Torture, and a Little Matter of Genocide (tags)

Abandon all hope, ye who enter here....

Imperial Irrationalism (tags)

The new social and national demagogy entirely comaprable to German fascism conjures away the social question from mass consciousness..Rightwing ideologists know that the war goal and war are irrational.

America's Glorious Empire of Debt (tags)

Economists have all become like rich notables in the time of Trajan, doing the emperor's work whether they are on his payroll or not.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Official complaint to the BBC. (tags)

The English broadcaster, The BBC, has been disseminating anti-Iranian propaganda in recent weeks.



3 authors interviews: The China Factor and the Overstretch of the US Hegemony (tags)

3 books that can change your mind in 2005 about the geo-politic and geo-economic dynamics going on

LET IT BE KNOWN - Propagandized stupider than the fates will allow (tags)

Let it be known, that the senior management national news reducers of CBC and CNN, know full well, they would rather watch American Soldiers die as the thieving bad guys, than to defend God's America by reporting that the demon enemy George W. Bush, and his business partner General Ahmad, committed the terrorist acts of 9/11, along with Rumsfeld, Rice, Cheney, and Myers.

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict (tags)

A Canadian Soldier's Life Held in Contempt - The Verdict

The First Principle of Political Activism is Awareness. (tags)

Becoming a political “activist” does not primarily mean protesting against something. Rather, at least one primary aspect of becoming an activist, is becoming “aware” of what is going on in the world—but also becoming aware of what is going on within oneself (in respect to what is perceived to be going on everywhere else).

The First Principle of Political Activism is Awareness. (tags)

Becoming a political “activist” does not primarily mean protesting against something. Rather, at least one primary aspect of becoming an activist, is becoming “aware” of what is going on in the world—but also becoming aware of what is going on within oneself (in respect to what is perceived to be going on everywhere else).

Slave Labor: Made in the U.S.A. (Excerpt) (tags)

Under the influence of disgraced super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff, former House Majority Whip Tom DeLay became an apologist for slave labor camps — on American soil.

A Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity - Last Call (tags)

These are the only motions than were filed on behalf of Johnny Wizard's defense on behalf of our Humanity. A man arrested for threatening the continuing existence of the lawless demon anti-Christ, Our Mr. bush Jnr.

News Junkie Scott's Blog (1/15/06) (tags)

Salim Mawakkil reveals his true agenda.

Christ's Recorded Statement to America (tags)

"Holy Christ.."

'Energy Dissent' and the 2006 G8 Summit in Russia (tags)

Reclaim the debate! Resist the G8! In July 2006, the G8 will hold its annual Summit in St.Petersburg, Russia. Vladimir Putin says he's placing "energy security" at the top of the G8 agenda during Russia's presidency. The G8 countries consume 45% of world oil and produce 47% of global CO2 emissions. Their "energy security" is our energy grave!

Canada's Johnny Wizard VS. the demon antiChrist Our Mr. bush Jr. (tags)

Synopsis: I had been writing critically of the Bush Administration, when, the Secret Service top secretly requested I be arrested quietly for threatening the life of George W. Bush.

Mass Deportation to Mexico in 1930s Spurs Apology (tags)

It was 1931. The administration of President Herbert Hoover backed a policy that would deport hundreds of thousands of Mexican Americans, more than half of them United States citizens.

RIZAL IN THE U.S.A. (tags)

The anniversary of the death of the Philippines' national hero Jose Rizal this Dec. 30 affords us the occasion to reassess his work, particularly in the context of ongoing fierce class war in the Philippines between the oppressed, impoverished majority and the few privileged landlords and politicians bought by global capital. This is taking place at a time when the Philippines is being re-colonized by the U.S. as the world's imperialist hegemon. Would Rizal want the country partitioned to greedy transnational corporations and their national elites in the current terrorist war against peoples of color in particular? These reflections hope to provoke a re-thinking of what it means to be a Filipino with the Philippines in permanent crisis, using Rizal as a point of departure, especially in the light of its citizens becoming an embattled diaspora--more than ten million OFWs as exploited domestics and contract workers around the planet, while the country's rich natural resources, cultures and traditions are wasted by foreign profiteers of globalizing capital supported by local comprador parasites currently headed by the corrupt Arroyo regime. "O where is the hope of the motherland...."?

Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets (tags)

author: Leuren Moret

Canada v. George W. Bush - Trial of the Millennium (tags)

I again, near the end of your free time here, am asking for Americans to help me protect our freedom as it pertains to the false allegations that have been leveled against myself as a true living god by your seriously criminal demon leader dictator, the truly evil, Mr. bush Jr.

A People's History of UC Weapons Lab Management (tags)

Over the past several decades students and faculty of the University of California, often in tandem with nuclear disarmament NGOs in California and New Mexico, have conducted a series of campaigns to end the UC's involvement in nuclear weapons research, design, testing, and production at the Los Alamos and Lawrence Livermore laboratories. These campaigns represent an important contribution to the global nuclear abolition movement, which historian Lawrence Wittner has described as "the largest, most dynamic international citizens' movement of modern times."

'Tis the season: hold a peace vigil at your Congressperson's house (tags)

Before the Iraq war gets any worse--or spreads to other countries--let's take a stand for peace, in the spirit of Cindy Sheehan, in front of our Congresspersons' and Senators' homes throughout the holiday season.

Letters from Redeploying Soldiers (tags)


US Military, President Out of Control (tags)

- Nuremberg Tribunal, 1950 What Does "Mildly Radioactive" Mean, Anyway?

TRUTH FROM U.S. SOLDIERS ABOUT IRAQ: Letters from redeploying soldiers (tags)

Letters from redeploying soldiers

true friends (tags)

buy a dog it cheaper then selling Guns

High-energy radio-frequency directed energyweapons (tags)


CHART, TABLE: CIA Secret Prison Planes--What the MSM Won't Tell (tags)

The European Commission said last week it will investigate published reports that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to detain high-profile terrorism suspects. The Commission says the governments of the EU's 25 member nations will be informally questioned about possible human rights violations. News media reported also that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to jail top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and WE PROVIDE A LIST OF THE 28 PLANES, 8 SHELL COMPANIES, AND SEVERAL CIA-RELATED COMPANIES.

The causes of the recent rebellion by the French born youth of African and Muslim parents (tags)

The racism is a common place in European society. Nothing has been done to create a friendly society where immigrants can enjoy peace of mind and the benefits of growing European economy.

The Federal Reserve is Privately owned (tags)

The secret to enslaving a nation.

Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 3) (tags)

"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005

Report Back From the 16th World Festival of Students in Venezuela (part 2) (tags)

"[The U.S. ruling elites] have a lot to lose because Venezuela is setting an example. If the people of Venezuela are able to struggle and alleviate so much poverty and illiteracy and lack of healthcare in their country, then why can't we do it here as well?" -- Muna Coobtee, delegate, World Festival of Students, 2005

Listing RIght (tags)

Who would have guessed so many liberals had combat medals, and so many conservatives hid behind deferments?

Ending the Spiral of Violence (tags)

The US violates human rights in the name of human rights..The Occident conquered, colonized and carried out a never-seen genocide. .With the mechanism of globalized casino capitalism, we kill as many people every year as the victims of the whole WW2.


Self-educated at the Los Angeles Public Library in the Thirties, Carlos Bulosan, the militant Filipino writer and labor activist, died on September 11, 1956. His death anniversary last month provided the occasion for the Filipino community to celebrate his contribution to the revolutionary struggle of peoples everywhere for justice, dignity, and self-determination. Bulosan was part of the community of progressive Los Angeles-based intellectuals (Carey McWilliams, Sanora Babb, Louis Adamic, Ring Lardner Jr. and others) victimized by McCarthyism and fascist reaction. His example of resistance continues to inspire people of color everywhere.

what corporations are behind animal testing? (tags)

How do pharmaceutical corporations profit from animal testing and their "investment business with disease"? Some ideas on why the American Chemistry Council and pharmaceutical corporations continue to endorse unreliable animal research as a fast track to the commercial market.

Cindy Sheehan disingenuous in denying that she wrote PNAC Neocon/war for Israel paragraph (tags)

Cindy Sheehan did indeed write that her son died for a PNAC Neocon agenda to benefit Israel



Fed Privately Owned (tags)

Learn about the financial fraud that has enslaved you your whole life!

The New Haitian Revolution: Resistance to U.S. & U.N. Occupation (tags)

". . . Why Haiti has been persecuted for the last 200 years? Because it is an affront to the colonial powers to have slaves rise up and defeat them. It is a bad example. [Applause.] There are a lot of lessons to be learned, and they don't want it ever to happen again. [Applause continues.]" -- Margaret Prescod, Pacifica Radio

Political and Spiritual Corruption (tags)

Hope is what sets us apart from the rest of creation. We can go beyond everything past and present in the power of the coming, the power of the promise. This was Jurgen Molt-mann's discovery in a British prisoner of war camp in World War II.

British Troops Set Loose By Violent Jailbreak Had Been Caught, Red-Handed, Engaged in St (tags)

British Troops Caught Planting Explosives in Basra? Do you remember that British Officials admitted that they drew the borders of the Middle East eighty years ago in such a way as to expressly keep the region fighting amongst themselves?

Why is the Federal Government destroying National Security ? (tags)

Federal officials are more responsive to foreign interests than to American citizens ! The President believes in unprotected borders. The Congress aids foreign governments. The Supreme Court evicts private citizens from their property to enrich foreign private profiteers. WHY?

A Call to Resist (tags)

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and class less and free But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see A working class hero is something to be A working class hero is something to be - John Lenon

Lessons of `Lawrence of Arabia' (tags)

"Bush #43, what he has done to us and the world, embodies the putrefication of everything good that has ever symbolized America. In the name of Jesus, no less.."

Posters of Peace Press (tags)

The Center for the Study of Political Graphics, SPARC, and The Venice Arts Council Present A Venice People’s Centennial Celebration POSTERS OF PEACE PRESS September 10 - October 9th, 2005 SPARC - 685 Venice Boulevard, Venice CA 90291 Opening Reception September 10 2005 5-8pm Gallery hours M-Th 10am-4pm Fri 10am-9pm Sat-Sun 1pm-5pm

More Time for Life, Laughter and Love (tags)

"Fewer and fewer persons produce more and more goods in an ever shorter time through increasingly efficient technology, better training and growing labor intensity." Growth cannot solve mass unemployment.

An Appeal for Article 9 (tags)

On the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II, an appeal for international action for peace through Article 9, the war-renouncing clause of the Constitution of Japan....

Hurricane Katrina Confronts Imperialism (tags)

Some thoughts about the catastrophe in New Orleans

Bush as God's Warrior (tags)

"The religious fundamentalist gave the American superpower's mission character to the megalomaniac worldview. its soldiers bring freedom everywhere as the gift of the almighty God, not as America's gift.."


some minutemen are ex-intel using this on opposition to bush....the border guarding thing is an excuse...


A Story About the Stupidity of War and the Idiots Who Glorifiy It. A timely and powerful fictionalized account of a man who chewed off his fingers to stop the war in Iraq and to bring home the troops.

Scheme to Assassinate Wayne Madsen? (tags)

Is the Bush Cabal So Desperate?

Bill O’Reilly Wants to Suppress Abu Ghraib Evidence (tags)

The ACLU is fighting in court for the release of all evidence that might tie high level policy makers to the Abu Ghraib torture scandal. The Pentagon said the release of that evidence will “increase the likelihood of violence” against U.S. troops. Fox News’ Chickenhawk, Bill O’Reilly, agrees that it is not only unpatriotic to do so, but that it would “help the jihadists.” He also smeared CBS, NBC and the NY Times for supporting the ACLU’s legal position.

1970: Chicano Moratorium — 2005: Latinos for Peace (tags)

La Raza did its part in bringing an end to the war in Vietnam. Some of us activists of the Chicano Moratorium era are coming together with other Latino activists we have come to know around the country and with the newer generations and immigrants. We call ourselves Latinos For Peace.



Is Change to Win enough? (tags)

Changes are afoot in the mainstream labor movement. Are they enough?

Karl Rove Getting Leaked On--By Grand Jury (tags)

President Bush now says he will fire for convictions, not mere leaks. The consensus of lawyers is that Karl Rove will be indicted in the Valerie Plame outing case -- and not for what you think. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald appears to have a slam-dunk case under Title 18, Sec. 641, USC (which is NOT about outing a covert agent) just as the DOJ did for leaker Jonathan Randel, who got a year in prison. Karl Rove was abandoned by both of his parents -- the man he called Dad left home, Rove found out "Dad" wasn't his father after all (his aunt and uncle "outed" this at the dinner table), and his mother committed suicide.

Karl Rove: PARENTS ABANDONED HIM--George Bush Can't (tags)

Today Bush says he will fire for convictions, not mere leaks. The consensus of lawyers is that Karl Rove will be indicted in the Valerie Plame outing case -- and not for what you think. Special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald appears to have a slam-dunk case under Title 18, Sec. 641, USC (which is NOT about outing a covert agent) just as the DOJ did for leaker Jonathan Randel, who got a year in prison. Karl Rove was abandoned by both of his parents -- the man he called Dad left home, Rove found out "Dad" wasn't his father after all (his aunt and uncle "outed" this at the dinner table), and his mother committed suicide.

Free Speach? Not on Conyors' blog this week. (tags)

I got suspened for a week writingabout historical facts that affect National Security. I think its only fair to let me reply!

Vet believes 911 Inside Job (tags)

Originally posted by: Greg - Information for those that still cling in desparation to the hope 911 may actually have been terrorists from the East.

Vet says 911 inside Job (tags)

Who on the internet still believes the official 911 myth?

BTL:Bombing of London Transit System Renews Debate on How to... (tags)

Effectively Fight Terrorism ~ Interview with Rahul Mahajan, author and commentator, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Theses on Domination and Barbarism (tags)

"The policy of scapegoats in Germany and elsewhere devours the liberal foundations of society little by little and produces tears in the fundamentals of demcoracy.. A counterpart could be a new social contract for the 21st century.."

No More Moral Relativism: The US is a Terrorist State (tags)

When Bush and Blair decry acts of terror that murder innocent people, they should look in the mirror, long and hard. ------------

Impeach Bush protests in Salt Lake City (tags)

Protesters gathered in Salt Lake City throughout June to call for U.S. President Bush's impeachment for "High Crimes" such as international lawbreaking, killing innocent civilians in Iraq and the like.

A Mom's FYI: Reality Bites (tags)


Local Sailor, Killed in Iraq, Honored (tags)

Ceremony honors fallen sailor. Pomona man died while serving in Iraq.

Pew Poll - The radioactive image of the US (tags)

Anybody you know? The US and it's global War of Terror: In a group of 251 soldiers from a study in Mississippi who had all had normal babies before the 1991 Gulf War, 67 percent of their post-war babies were born with severe birth defects.*

Bush's Biggest Lie (tags)

It wasn’t the lie that we are winning the war in Iraq. It wasn’t the lie that we are fighting international terrorism in Iraq. It was the lie that we are bringing liberty to Iraq that was Bush’s whopper.

Worldwide Celebration (tags)

the 75th anniversary of "Sex Month,"

Conspiracy Reality (tags)

By understanding how this idea of conspiracies bring only the creation of an overactive imaginationto be met with arrogant distain is something that needs closer examination. Do yourself a service and read this.

In the fight for the future, CEOs are MIA (tags)

America faces a huge set of challenges if it is going to retain its competitive edge. As a nation, we have a mounting education deficit, energy deficit, budget deficit, health care deficit and ambition deficit. The administration is in denial on this..



Darth Vader and the New World Order (tags)

Alex Jones of compares the latest Star Wars film to the New World Order Elite.

Depopulation of a Planet (tags)


quiet war (tags)


Pasolini Murder Case Re-Opened in Rome (tags)

Rome police have reopened an investigation of the 1975 murder of Pier Paolo Pasolini after the man who was imprisoned for it recanted his confession. Was the murder political?

Wave at 'Bush people' with your left hand! (tags)

We all know that it's extremely impolite to offer the left hand for a hand shake or to wave a greeting as this implies rubbing the "unhygienic residue" of the left hand on the person being waved to. So when one sees unpleasant people...

Populist #2 (tags)

The Necessity of Constitutional Democracy to our Security

Oh for the Day When Journalists Were Journalists (tags)

Even in World War II, when the enemy was fascism and Hitler, a reporter like Ernie Pyle could write of the horrors and waste of war, and describe the carnage in terms that defied the jingoism of the day. Where are reporters like that in today’s media, where we aren’t even allowed to see the dead, much less write about them. ------------------

Students, faculty, community, native groups resist US military hegemony in the Pacific (tags)

Since 10 a.m. on Thursday, April 28, a coalition of Native Hawaiian groups, students, faculty, anti-war activists, environmentalists, and religious organizations have joined forces to occupy the University of Hawaii administration building, to demand the University cease all work on a secret Navy research project, UARC. This secret research is for the development of space-based laser systems, surveillance technologies, and sea-based mines. Live Webcam of the protest: Since September 11, 2001, the US military has embarked on its largest expansion onto Hawa'ian land, since World War II. The Army plans to take 28,000 acres of this precious land to station a Stryker Brigade.

CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism (tags)

CSN's John Patrick updates on China, media criticism

A Government By The Terrorists And For The Terrorists (tags)

You think you know what happened on 9/11?

Labor can't win in a house divided (tags)

Like no other time in the last 50 years, a united labor movement is critical to defending the working class and the American people. It is decisive to any hope for a progressive agenda for the whole nation, not just for union members.

The moral short-sightedness of prime-minister Balkenende and the EU regarding Israel (tags)

Although it is of main importance the Dutch prime-minister Balkenende has referred to the universal values in respect of the holocaust, it is striking that is lacking in moral indignation with respect to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation.


Amid ever more aggressive criticism of our ‘democratic’ mass media the question we should ask is whether our media’s much vaunted impartiality has become blatantly partial over the last years or whether the mass media has always been the serf of particular interests, interests camouflaged as the struggle to preserve the freedom of ‘our’ democratic world.

What is Neoliberalism? (tags)

Every search for alternatives must question the "great narratives" of the free market, efficiency, competition and entrepreneurship. Economic laws could be analyzed as social constructions and economic models as social models.

Fortress America (tags)

Beware of the coming police state, things are about to get nasty. Stay armed to the teeth is my recommendation.

I Cannot Support the Troops. (tags)

An open letter to all active duty U.S. Military personal.

False Pride of the "Super Outlaw State" (tags)

"Although few Americans realize that their country was the first to commit genocide, ethnic cleansing and use forced death marches, these historical facts didn't escape the Third Reich and Adolph Hitler. He admired the American government for their efficiency"

Patriots and Parrots: Imprisoning Tongues in America (tags)

It can be dangerous to engage in free speech. This year alone, 242 journalists, in countries such as Egypt, Morocco, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia, have been tossed into jail for their words, and one has been killed.

The End of Suburbia: Film Review (tags)

The documentary predicts that, as less oil is pumped fromthe ground and prices surge upward, property values of suburban homes will plummet.. The documentary postulates that the answer to the coming oil shortage resides in new urbanism.

Ward Churchill responds to attacks... (tags)

Press Release - by Ward Churchill January 31, 2005



. (tags)


Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Fri Feb 11! (tags)


Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Fri Feb 11! (tags)


Tsunami Relief Benefit Show @ Saddleback College Friday Feb 11 (tags)


Martina Gangle Curl: People’s art and the mothering of humanity (tags)

PORTLAND, Ore. — In the eight years since Portland artist Martina Gangle Curl passed away at age 88.


It looks at the recent concern of the UN for the Holocaust, as it yet continues to deny the Jewish People full rights in their homeland, and then compares that attitude to the present Israeli government's policies.

DoubleThink v2 point "oh!" (tags)

george herbert walker bush, a known member of the satanist 'Brotherhood of Evil Mutants' calling themselves "the Skull and Bones' was aCIA man for richard M. Nixon. During the infamous 'pentagon papers' scandal it was Bush who advisd Richard M. "tricky dick' nixon to resign -- because the lawyers and journalists investigating the ellsworth trials were getting very close to the sickening TRUTH --

Social Insecurity (tags)

Diverting our taxes into wealthy Republicans' portfolios is the American way: making the rich get richer.

Tucker Carlson is a Thin Idiot (tags)

The fresh-faced pundit, recently pink-slipped by CNN, is bummed that Iraqis aren’t more grateful for all America’s been doing for them, and suggests their ingratitude will likely be shared by the victims of the recent tsunami, what with so many of them being Islamic and all.

Alternatives to Neoliberal Globalization (tags)

All the alternatives begin with resistance agaisnt the neoliberal globalization that is increasingly aggressive and openly violent. The essential levers are redistribution from top to bottom and an economic policy promoting employment.

BTL: U.N. Considers Proposals to Reform U.S.-Dominated Security Council (tags)

Interview with James Paul, executive director of the Global Policy Forum, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Alex Jones' Rebuttal To Allegations Made By Michael Ruppert Concerning Gary Webb's Death (tags)

Ruppert's article is so vicious in its scope that it makes us out to be literal demons for simply questioning the circumstances surrounding Gary Webb's death.We will continue to exercise our first amendment right to ask questions in pursuit of one thing, the truth. Just as we did in the deaths of Princess Diana and Dr. David Kelly.


There is no question mark after the title of this article because the title is not a question. It's a declarative statement.

Coming World War Three (tags)

Congress must be crooked or crazy or both to have permitted the depletion of the USA arsenal of its most modern weapons for defense and to have delivered them without any publicity to the spurious so-called "State of Israel" creating a precarious situation in USA home defenses. This secret delivery of USA weapons enabled the spurious so-called "State of Israel" to renew its attacks against Egypt and Syria.

Federal Officers and Whistle Blowers under attack by Bush Administration (tags)

Bush Administration targest whistle blowers and Federal Officers as "Terrorists"..... Whistle Blower laws voided and civil and human rights under attack...... individuals even "prosecuted" for "being depressed"..... and for excercising civil rights...........

CHEMTRAILS finally's true, they're real (tags)

At long last, I've found an article to explains CHEMTRAILS and the reasoning behind them. It's well worth the time spent in reading this lengthy article to become apprised as to what in the hell is really going on..... Aerosol and Electromagnetic Weapons in the Age of Nuclear War by Amy Worthington

The Secret Wars of The CIA (tags)

John Stockwell is the highest-ranking CIA official ever to leave the agency and go public

New World Order 101 (MP3 5 minute speech) - please distribute everywhere! (tags)

This is an important message. Actually it is the biggest untold news story in the history of the world. It is mind blowing, therefore most people won't be able to believe it, although the facts and conclusions are unmistakable. This is the challenge the misinformed masses will ultimately face one way or another.

Local Soldier Killed in Iraq (tags)

For Soldier, Military was ‘His Mindset’ Cole Larsen, killed in Iraq, was the latest in a long family tradition of fighting at wartime.

Human Bombs and Marx: Aswer to "The Jewish Question" (tags)


Heroic Fallujah (tags)

US imperialism hits a stumbling block in Fallujah and Iraq as a whole in its drive for global hegemony and corporate control.

The onslaught in Fallujah: Shooting at a fly that has landed on a horse’s head (tags)

On the face of it, the siege of Fallujah seems to be going relatively well for the US troops. Most of the city has been captured and according to the mass media “Operation Phantom Fury” will be finished in a couple of days. However, things are not so simple. The war in Iraq was also supposed to be over, whereas it clearly is not. The same applies to Fallujah, where an official victory may well turn out to be a Pyrrhic one.

No to Falluja "cover up" (tags)

Dear friends, Are you wondering why/how the reports from Falluja have become so bland? Please read these frightening reports emerging from Falluja, consider sharing them with others, and take action to stop these horrors. jamie

Falluja: Blood lust dominates mainstream media (tags)

The Falluja battle is obscenely one-sided and, on the American side, thoroughly cowardly. The US military employs the most modern and horrific weapons to eradicate a few thousand lightly armed fighters.


Message from Ramsey Clark "Bush can run, but he cannot hide from the Constitution" "The election does not pardon the President for past, or future "high Crimes and Misdemeanors."



The Kennedy Curse (tags)

Despite having the same initials as JFK, Kerry was unable to reverse the curse that began 40 years ago.

Could Americans vote for a French President? (tags)

John Kerry very much sound like a French politician. He has the same superior and rather snobbish look typical of French high civil servant. Kerry is brilliant but one never knows what it means. He is flipflopping all the time. Kerry would be worst than French appeasers and French socialists.


The Gay Nation must NUKE THE CLOSET: Come out and use our real names! We must unify the Gay Nation, the Youth Nation, and Anarchy into a single concept and campaign, to overthrow the dark age and launch the Age of Light!


Bush administration ties to Middle Eastern terrorists, the overthrow of Benazir Bhutto and the CIA

Voting in a Culture of Occupation: An Interview with Derrick Jensen (tags)

One of the things that I want to say about this that I haven't yet said is that a two party dictatorship is much smarter than a one party dictatorship. If you really want to control someone, what you do is you give them the illusion of choice. Then they perceive themselves as being free, and there's nobody more enslaved than the slave who doesn't even know that he or she is enslaved. One of the things the Nazis did...

Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)

The close relationship with the Republican Party of fascist individuals and groups from the period of Nazi rule in Europe.

Genocide of African Americans (tags)

Approximately 50,000 African Americans are dying each month in America, according to the National Vital Statistics Report.

A MOM'S FYI: THE OCTOBER SURPRISE? Scaring Voters Sh*tless! (tags)

Quotes of GWB Administration & Iran....

Delusions of Empire (tags)

Another great article by Raimondo, telling it like it is. The sun has set on the neo-con agenda. Time for justice.

We The People, IndyMedia, And The Neoliberal Project (tags)

Consider for a moment how important the Internet has become as a source of news and analysis. Over the past ten years, email lists and websites have evolved into a formidable alternative to commercial media. They provide people all over the world with timely eyewitness reports on developing events, along with a broad range of analysis and opinion.

Kerry the Neocon? (tags)

Despite the ways Kerry and his supporters might want to spin it, the Democratic nominee--like President Bush--is a militarist and a unilateralist quite willing to undermine the authority of the United Nations in order to assert American hegemony in that oil-rich region.

US runs low on soldiers (tags)

A radio is playing Marvin Gaye's What's Going On as the Veterans for Peace create a memorial known as Arlington West on the beach beside Santa Monica Pier. They are placing 1008 white crosses in the sand - one for each US soldier killed in Iraq as of September 12.

Peabody Coal indigenous land comments needed (tags)

Your comments can help stop increased destruction of indigenous land & water, as well as air pollution and climate change affecting everyone. (tags)

No doubt you heard about us on national radio or television and want to learn more about the ISM and what to do about this subversive group that represents America’s and Israel’s enemies. In the coming year, it is our intention to reveal to the American public the key players of the ISM here in the USA, Canada and Europe and to educate the public who they really represent: the PLO, the PFLP, Hamas and other terrorists under Yasser Arafat. And we promise results.

Another world is possible: Countering the (il)logic of political violence (tags)

With the publication of his book The Logic of Political Violence, former ELF spokesperson Craig Rosebraugh is following in the footsteps of Ward Churchill, whose Pacifism as Pathology provided a gloss of intellectual credibility to the advocates of "Diversity of Tactics" during the peak of the global justice movement. An excerpt from Rosebraugh's book has begun to circulate on the internet. Will his advocacy of revolutionary violence appeal to a re-vitalised anti-war movement, or is fighting for peace about as smart as fucking for virginity?

Terrorism Began at Deir Yassin (tags)

We are constantly reminded by our elected officials (and those who steal their elections) and the pro-Israel filtered media, of the acts of revenge that Palestinian and Muslim groups have committed against the people of Israel, however, we are almost never told about the brutal and inhumane acts of state terrorism that the government of Israel has beeen inflicting against the people of Israel, ever since its inception.

Camps for Citizens (tags)

Camps for Citizens: Ashcroft's Hellish Vision Attorney general shows himself as a menace to liberty.

Greenspan Sounds Alert on Social Security (tags)

THERE WILL BE NONE FOR YOU!! For at least the fourth time this year, Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan issued his warning that the White House and Congress need to come up quickly with a plan to trim the Social Security and Medicare benefits that 77 million baby boomers are scheduled to receive when they retire.

Was President Bush's great-grandfather a Nazi? (tags)

Occasionally a know-nothing drops this horseshit: "Prescott Bush was a Nazi." Enjoy the straight dope.

Depleted uranium: Dirty bombs, dirty missiles, dirty bullets: death sentence here & abroad (tags)

Leuren Moret is a geoscientist who has worked around the world on radiation issues, educating citizens, the media, members of parliaments and Congress and other officials. She became a whistleblower in 1991 at the Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab after experiencing major science fraud on the Yucca Mountain Project. An environmental commissioner in the City of Berkeley, she can be reached at How ANY member of the U.S. military can ever support Bush is beyond me--it only brings to mind the unfortunate Kissinger quote below. PLEASE PASS THIS to Vets you know, who may be living in a bubble world and would like to know how their masters view them and treat them. What the U.S. requires is a good CLASS ACTION SUIT VERSUS THE PENTAGON ON DEPLETED URANIUM WEAPONS. It seems that there are more than HALF A MILLION U.S. TROOPS ALREADY SUFFERING FROM DEPLETED URANIUM IN THE UNITED STATES, ALONG WITH THEIR FAMILIES.

RICK JAMES - Funkmaster RIP (tags)

A public viewing will be held in Los Angeles Wednesday for funk legend Rick James, who died in his sleep Friday at his home near Universal City, CA. The viewing will take place from 5-8 p.m. at Forest Lawn Memorial Park ­ Hollywood Hills. A memorial service is scheduled for Thursday at 11 a.m. "Rick wanted everyone who loved him to be with him at the end and to celebrate his life," said Sujata Murthy, his record label's spokeswoman. As previously reported, an autopsy Saturday found no sign of foul play, but "no obvious sign" of cause of death, coroner's spokesman David Campbell told Associated Press. Coroner's officials are awaiting results of a toxicology test, expected within 10 weeks. According to AP, coroner's officials removed James' body from the mortuary because his death certificate was not signed by a doctor.


Takakura Nobuko created this painting based upon what he saw in Hiroshima. Despite the hellish devastation all around him, this one thing stuck in Mr. Takakura's memory. In his own words: "A Man who died apparently on the spot lies there with one hand pointing to the sky. Blue flames rise from his fingers, and liquid the color of Indian Ink drips down." Mr. Takakura was 18 when he witnessed this haunting reality in 1945. To visit an entire gallery of artworks created by Hibakusha (Atom Bomb Survivors), please visit:

"Wars are Good for the Economy": The Global Free Trade System (tags)

"The international free market was created artificially in the 18th and 19th centuries with the force of the English colonial state and did not develop naturally from the free exchange of goods as neoliberals constantly claim.."

Hiroshima Day, Art Slide Lecture by Artist Mark Vallen (tags)

Artworks clockwise: German Expressionist Felix Nussbaum's 1940 "Self-Portrait with Jewish Pass"; Mark Vallen's 1982 anti-Nuke "There Goes My Career"; Gert Wollheim's 1919 "The Wounded Man"; Atom Bomb survivor Takakura Nobuko's vision of a civilian melting in atomic fire; Vallen's 2001 "I Am Not The Enemy"; Vallen's 2003 "Not Our Children, Not Their Children" (published in the book Peace Signs).

Right Silly Arguments (tags)

How come so many screwball claims about the left from the right come right from left field? Why don’t conservatives balk at throwing so many verbal wild pitches? How many really bad baseball analogies can one introduction contain? Fret not: A look at a few of the ongoing dippy assertions made about liberals is now at the plate.

A Tale of Two Kings (tags)

Colonialism changes form, but continues unabated as it has for over five hundred years. While reading King Leopold's Ghost, I was impressed by the similarity between the fabrications and lies Leopold used to justify his actions with those used by George W. Bush to justify the Iraq war. The economic motivation and incredible hypocrisy of both men are also similar.

Your Next Vote Will Kill Millions (tags)

...the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, a.k.a. John Kerry — who has “recently discovered” he was half-Jewish on both his father’s and mother’s side after decades of letting people believe he was Irish — basically approves Bush’s policies of continuing preemptive strikes on selected countries...

Latino Vote Part II (tags)

Why Latinos are anti Bush. Its the issues.

Why I Plan on Voting for Kerry and Opposing Him When He Wins (tags)

The American ruling class must be peeing its pants for joy this election season. On the right we have a foaming-at-the-mouth fascist ready to launch the world into war, war and more war and on the "left" we have a kinder-and-gentler fascist willing to fight these pathetic wars and "do a better job at it" than the fascist on the right. What a choice for those of us who despise fascism and see Kerry for what he is - a different flavor of ruthless war criminal (read about his actions in combat during the Vietnam war)! Best yet, for the warmongers, he intends to suck up to the Likud even more than Bush does (and who thought that possible?).

The Forbidden Truths of the Genocidal Evil Human War and Military Structures (tags)

A Forbidden Truth dissection of the perverse and deranged human societal activities of warfare and military service.

Coverup At Boeing? (tags)

Internal documents suggest a campaign to suppress evidence in a pay-bias lawsuit

Resurgent America: Crimes and Times of Reagan (tags)

Ronald Reagan--the U.S. president from 1981 to 1989--relentlessly drove this planet to the very brink of nuclear world war--while preaching, with a fundamentalist fervor, that a nuclear Armageddon was "winnable." Now Reagan has finally died. And this empire, its leaders and its utterly shameless media are all honoring this monster. This myth-making, this utter reversal of right and wrong, says a lot about them and their system. And it says a lot about this moment in history--when American is in a midst of a new aggressive global offensive.

Women Raped Before Their Husbands (tags)

Statements and findings by non-governmental organisations and human-rights groups detail how one female detainee had been raped 17 times in one day by ‘Iraqi’ police in the presence of US troops. Another NGO reported of how one mother-of-four killed herself after being held by her hair and raped in front of her restrained husband, who was forced to watch.

Measuring men against the Greatest Generation (tags)

I want greatness with a touch of humility and self-doubt, unlike the "you will do what I tell you or I will bomb or torture you" crowd. Such control of others is not greatness to me.

Secondary Illiterates: The Crisis of Education in Western Industrial Countries (tags)

"Euroepan literacy and the schooling of society were not generous civilizing gifts to people but part of that process described as `inner colonialization'..Infrastructural institu-tions are not market enterprises but overall social conditions for the market economy.."

Drawing Resistance-A traveling Political Art Show (tags)

Drawing Resistance is a show of two-dimensional artwork by 31 artist/activists from North America.

Republican Congressman Admits War is Against Islam (tags)

Darrell Issa comes out and admits it -- the Iraq war is just the start of a crusade designed to "liberate more than a billion people." Turns out the war on terror really was against Islam after all.

Beneath the Shadows of Abu Ghraib (tags)

This article examines the Abu Ghraib prison scandal in regards to current U.S. prison practices and the death of Ronald Reagan

DDay News Report (tags)

Here's how the landings at Normandy would have been covered by today's media. On the coast of France, June 6, 1944

Bush, Rumsfeld confronted in U.S., Europe, Asia (tags)

The first week of June was not a good time to be George W. Bush or Donald Rumsfeld.


The criminals who got away with 9/11 are planning more far larger scale attacks.

BTL:The Life of Peace, Social Justice Activist Dave Dellinger (tags)

Remembered Interview with Leonard Weinglass, human rights attorney, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Ronald Reagan, 93, dies at California home (tags)

Ronald Reagan, the one-time movie actor who became one of the nation's most important 20th-century presidents, died today at his California home. He was 93.

The United States has become the wild card (tags)

Wars are very complicated undertakings that require very simple politics. The more complicated the politics, the more difficult it is to prosecute a war, and this war have become extraordinarily complicated -- almost mind-boggling.

Acting on principle: John Randolph’s life and legacy (tags)

HOLLYWOOD, Calif. – John Randolph, a great light of stage and screen, was laid to rest here Feb. 24 at age 88. Actor and activist, Randolph shined his light through the anti-Communist hysteria of the McCarthyite 1950s.

Transgender artists showcase their talents (tags)

Transgender artists expressed their talents from spoken word to fine art at "Trans/Giving" on May 29th in West Hollywood.

Drawing Resistance: a traveling political art show (tags)

Drawing Resistance exhibition at Flor Y Canto from June 5 - July 11, 2004.

Drawing Resistance: Political Art Show (tags)

"Tijuanna No!" by Winston Smith. Giclee print of original collage printed on Premium Luster Paper. Original collage is 14" x 48" Smith is one of the artists included in the show.

Ignoring Iraqi Death Toll Labelled a “Holocaust Denial” (tags)

American authorities have consistently refused to quote casualties other than among Coalition troops (805 deaths, according to a current UN report). The UN puts the deaths of Iraqi soldiers at 11,000, while estimates of the collateral deaths of Iraqi civilians from the war have varied from 8,875-10,275 (UN) to 21,700-55,000 (Medact, UK, November 2003).

Repeal the Feres Doctrine (tags)

On Feb 18 1996, LT Clark and CDR Lamoreaux died in an explosion caused by a GE engine defect the Navy brass knew about but chose to ignore. The Feres Doctrine prevented their widows from suing GE for wrongful death. Feres is a license to kill our own service members.

Tillman killed by friendly fire (tags)

WASHINGTON - Pat Tillman, the former Arizona Cardinals football player who died in April while a U.S. soldier fighting in Afghanistan, likely was killed by friendly fire, an Army investigation has concluded.



How Colonel Risked His Career by Menacing Detainee and Lost (tags)

Colonel West fired a warning shot in the air and counted down from five. He asked his soldiers to put Mr. Hamoodi's head in a sand-filled barrel and then fired a shot into the sand, away from the Iraqi's head... Now he says, "It's possible that I was wrong about Mr. Hamoodi."

Geneva Accords on Treatment of Prisoners of War (tags)

Much has been made of the clear violations of the Geneva Accords by Nazi USA, but the provisions of these accords are not known to most Americans. Now is the time to become familiar with these accords, detailed on the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. See:

WWII POW compares treatment by Nazis to US military (tags)

The guards at the infamous Frankfurt interrogation headquarters terrorized us by allowing giant snarling mastiff attack dogs to come so close I could feel their hot breath and drivel. Apparently in Cuba, Afghanistan, and Iraq, under Bush's military-industrial-complex has learned from the past. -- Ken Norwood, WWII veteran

The Hyena Press (tags)

Brutality starts at home (tags)

US President George W Bush condemned the incidents of Iraq prison abuse and those who perpetrated them, saying: "That's not the way we do things in America." But unfortunately, that's not quite true.

You too can become a Pioneer (tags)

Hundreds of wealthy Republicans gathered at the President Bush, Dick Cheney, and a host of celebrities gathered at the Ritz-Carlton Lodge here in the first weekend in April, not for a fundraiser but for a celebration of fundraisers. It was billed as an "appreciation weekend," and there was much to appreciate.

"Self-defense" is a right and a responsibility (tags)

“Freedom” is only a concern of the living! Feel free to contact Jacksonville ABC ( or myself ( for more info.

How Many Gods in One Heaven? (tags)

Analysis of the Fourth World War in the Middle East

U.S. atrocities in Iraq (tags)

Crime Expansion Results From Failures To Implement Mandatory Jury Trials (tags)




'You should be ashamed of what you did to Tillman' (tags)

Bill O'Reilly called political cartoonist Ted Rall "a far left guy" who "makes (Gary) Trudeau look like Rush Limbaugh."

Pat Tillman: Hero or Wasted Life? (tags)

An argument against calling American soldiers engaged in an illegal and immoral war "heroes" as is done continuously by the corporate media. This is even more so in wars that leave a radioactive legacy of cancers and deformed children like the present wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Dali Lama says Iraq War is Justified (tags)

Dali Lama

A Priceless Cake Walk (tags)

Psychologists have noted that young children are prone to "magical thinking" -- the belief that if one wants something to be true, it is true. The Iraq hawks have engaged in magical thinking throughout the Iraq mission.

Getting to know Senator Kerry (tags)

Kerry had battled the Viet Cong, the Nixon White House, and the extremes of the antiwar movement.

''We've been vindicated in asking for the 9/11 commission'' (tags)

I think what's scary is that we have announced to the terrorists that there's a nice time to attack us, and that's the month of August when everyone is on vacation and at the transition period when we have a new administration coming in.

Logic, Mythology and the Iraq War (tags)

The logical reasons why George W. Bush's rationalizations for the Iraq war are asinine and the discussions by pundits and so-called experts on corporate television are based on false assumptions and are ridiculous as well.

The battle on America's campuses (tags)

Despite the feeling that anti-Israel sentiment is increasing at U.S. universities, it is unclear who's winning the war of words that has been waged there since the start of the intifada

NESARA: peace information February 20th – April 9th, 2004 (tags)

“This morning from 7:30 am to 8 am, I shared the good news of NESARA on the ?Healthy Choices? show on KEST Radio 1450 AM in San Francisco”

A Tangled Web of Lies about Iraq (tags)

The continuous succession of lies about Iraq and the ever-changing rationalizations for an immoral and illiegal war against Iraq.

Nazi Influences on the Anti-Communist Delusions of the Cold War (tags)

Pacifica Radio's Larry Bensky recently ridiculed a caller who asked a question about possible Nazi influences on the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s. Bensky was apparently unaware that McCarthy travelled with old guard Nazis and fascists in the intelligence community, and the hysteria was their group effort, despite the uninformed denials of "alternative" media figures who should know better.

Today in Palestine the 31st of march (tags)


The Ultimate Betrayal (tags)

The newspapers on December 30 reported that 477 American GIs had died in the war. But what is not usually reported is that for every death there are four or five men and women seriously wounded. The term "seriously wounded" does not begin to convey the horror. Sergeant Feldbusch's mother, Charlene Feldbusch, who, along with his father, virtually lived at his bedside for two months, one day saw a young woman soldier crawling past her in the corridor. She had no legs, and her three-year-old son was trailing behind. These people pay the price because Americans lack the courage to throw the lying government out on its ass. Every one of those crippled kids looks at America with one message in their eyes, "You could have stopped this, but didn't".

Radiation in Iraq Equals 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs (tags)

So, Just how much Radiation have we dumped on Iraq? How many shortened miserable lives has the Bush Criminal Cabal created? The amount is both astounding and sickening. The War Criminals in Washington should be Tried and Hung at a new Nuremburg.

Saddam Hussein's weapons (tags)

Captain Ward Boston Blows Lid off USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

Ward Boston is right about Liberty attack

Democratic Party? (tags)

The Democratic Party is not a vehicle for ending corporate control of our lives. It is an obstacle to building a new society.

Claudia Jones — Dynamic champion of equality (tags)

Claudia Jones used her brief years (1915-1964) to the fullest. She was involved with everything and everyone having to do with the rights of African descendants and women.

Palestine was stolen to create Israel, hence the conflict (tags)

Most people don’t understand why the Middle East is plagued by violence. It is because Israel has stolen vast quantities of land and property from the Palestinians beginning in 1948 and continuing today.

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up/San Diego Union Tribune Article on Captain Ward Boston (tags)

USS Liberty Attack Cover-up

The Fascist Fraternity (tags)

A history of the close collaboration of fascists of different nationalities when faced with the common threat of socialism.

How to defeat Bushism in 2004. (tags)

The defeat of Bush will require an international effort.

The Forbidden Truths of the Human War Ritual (tags)

War is the cathartic reflection of the homicidal rage that is created within the True Realities of you citizen-slaves by the lifetime of abuse, trauma, and victimization that your evil, diseased, and deranged societies inflict upon you.

Bush's Immigrant Trap (tags)


Wages up for the well-off, but not for others (tags)

The gap between workers in the 90th earning percentile and the 10th has never been wider. Said Ann Owen, economist at Hamilton College (NY) and former Federal Reserve economist (DC), "we can probably project a future growth in inequality."

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network January 5th Updates Plus Special Event!!! (tags)

Editorial March 19th Flier link! 1.Iraqi Resistance Report: Updated News Reports Compiled by Muhammad Abu Nasr , from the Editorial Board of the Free Arab Voice. 2. Arab Socialist Coalition of North America:Open Letter to the US Anti-war Movement and Arab and Muslim Organizations 3.Iraqi Communist Party(Cadre) formally ackowledges Saddam Hussein to be the Valid President of Iraq!!! Response from the ICP-Cadre 4:Petition Endorsed by Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network: Defend Dr. Huda Saleh Mahdi Ammash!!! 5.DPRK News:"Anti-Imperialist and Anti-War Struggle Called for" 6.Socialist Arab Coalition of North America-History of Communist Involvement in the Lebanese Resistance Against "israel"-æÝÇÁÇ ááãÞÇæãÉ ÇáÔíæÚíÉ ***En Español*** 7. Diario de la resistencia iraquí Titulares: 1 a 3 de febrero 8. Coalición árabe socialista de Norteamérica: Abra la letra en el movimiento pacifista de los E.E.U.U. y las organizaciones árabes y musulmanas 9.El canje de prisiones entre Hizbollah e Israel: las lecciones de la resistencia

Stand Up For Justice: The Story of Ralph Lazo (tags)

Copied from It will be of interest to folks from Boyle Heights, Japanese Americans, and anyone interested in the internment.

A Republican's Case Against George W. Bush (tags)

"Bush is overwhelmed by the influence of religious zealots--both Zionist and fundamentalist Christian. He ignores America's own heavy guilt for the plight of Palestinians. He fails to recognize that more than a billion Muslims worldwide, along with many millions of non-Muslims, are deeply aggrieved at this complicity. " Paul Findley, former Republican Congressman speaks out about Palestine

Bush the Deserter (tags)

When are they going to hang this guy?

U.S. Intelligence: Premature Extrapolation (tags)

Several of PNAC's most powerful advocates are now senior members of the Bush administration, including Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Lewis Libbey, Vice President Cheney's chief of staff, and Undersecretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.

Americans respond to State of the Union: What about jobs? (tags)

George W. Bush delivered the 2004 State of the Union speech to Congress and the American people on Jan. 20, and afterwards many people asked: What Union and world was he talking about?

The Top 100 Heroes of Peace (tags)

Everyone on this list have spoken at great risk to their jobs and their lives.Not a few of them have lost their jobs and too many have lost their lives speaking out against the Bushes and the Blairs and the Sharons.Suicides, Plane Crashes, Accidents.One was bulldozed to death.

Latest deaths of U.S. soldiers in Iraq (tags)

TIKRIT, Iraq - The number of American service members who have died in the Iraq conflict since war started last March reached 500 Saturday after a roadside bomb exploded near Baghdad, killing three U.S. soldiers and two Iraqi civil defense troopers.

Immigration plan ‘chains workers’ (tags)

The “more compassionate” immigration system for undocumented workers proposed by President George W. Bush on Jan. 7 will grant corporations greater ability to pit U.S. workers against the global work force for domestic jobs, say labor and immigrant rights leaders.

Howard Dean Hype: The Pro-War Views of an "Anti-War" Candidate (tags)


Poverty in America (tags)

From Robert Rector and Kirk Johnson


Those wimpy, wussie, anti-American, no good commie, unpatriotic, French loving, treasonous, pinko liberal, anarchist, peacenik America haters over at the U.S. ARMY WAR COLLEGE, have dared to criticize George Bush's "liberation" of Iraq! CHOCK ON THIS all of you neo-con/neo-fascists who malign those against the war as "traitors." Will you now denounce the U.S. Army War College, the army's premier academic institution, as "un-American backstabbers"?

Jirayr Zorthian's Wake (tags)

Photos from the ranch

The Barreling Bushes (tags)

In case you missed it the Bush crime family is becoming mainstream knowledge...this should prove interesting...

Vote 2004: God's Champ & Internment Camps (tags)

"I really believe I'm hearing from the Lord it's going to be like a blowout election in 2004." -- Pat Robertson "Some of these Arab Americans are probably intent on doing harm to us." -- Congressman Howard Coble (R)

How Will Bush Deal With the Deficits? Connecting the Dots to Iraq (tags)

Bush administration's perpetual war and attendant defecit spending responsible for illusory economic prolificacy.

CHILLING DEJA VU: The Original, Eerily Premonitive Bush:Hitler Comparison from July 2001 (tags)

When this essay comparing Hitler's rise to power with Bush, and the tactics of the present GOP with the 1930s Nazis and Stalin's communist regime was first published in July, 2001, I was the recipient of a flood of hate mail and even a couple of death threats from militant rightwingers. But the comparison hit home: the article has been been circulating all over the world, reprinted in at least five languages. Unlike the lame, even bizarre comparisons rightwingers try to make between Clinton, Dean, et al. and Hitler, the similarity between Bush's regime and the rise of the Nazis is REAL and has evoked a shock of recognition in readers - or, as the title says, a "Chilling Déja Vu."

Anti Defamation League (ADL) #7 (tags)

Freedom of Information Act records show that the ADL played a major role in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s co/intell/pro racial matters' and white hate groups' operations targeting the civil rights movement as well as its opponents.

The Poisoned origin of Christmas (tags)

Thousands of years before Christianity even appeared, cultures all around the world were celebrating a similar holiday, with many of the traditions that we now associate with Christmas. What these cultures celebrated was the “Winter Solstice”... -----------------------------7d338a30f041c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="link"

The Permanent Revolution: Battle cry of the 21st Century (tags)

On the trotskyist review Marxism Alive 2 - October 2000

The Forbidden Truths of two recent george bush speeches (tags)

A Forbidden Truth rewrite of two recent public speeches made by the supreme leader of amerikkka.

CIA - Faked Terror Machine. (tags)

CIA AGENT MICHAEL MEIRING BLEW HIS OWN LEGS OFF WHILE PLANTING A TERRORIST BOMB American Treasure Hunter Michael Meiring is nearly killed in a fiery explosion in his hotel room in the Philippines! Arrest warrents have been issued for him and California based partners after his escape to USA.

Terrorist recruiters' wide reach The Syrian connection (tags)

19 Dec 03 By Lisa Myers Senior investigative correspondent NBC News NBC's Lisa Myers reports on the insurgents in Iraq and how recruiters range from Italy to Norway, finding fighters to send into the country to kill Americans. NBC Nightly News: Recruiting terrorists in Europe to kill Americans in Iraq. Network described as complex, well-organized. Since the arrest of Saddam Hussein, attacks on American troops have continued. Most of the insurgents in Iraq are Iraqi-born, but some have been foreign fighters. And many of them have been recruited from Europe. European police have arrested nine suspects recently on charges they were recruiting fighters to kill Americans in Iraq. NBC News has learned the network of recruiters spans from Italy to Norway.

Anti Defamation League (ADL) (tags)

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it. I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.

The Demonization of Slobodan Milosevic (tags)

Another brilliant article by political analyst Michael Parenti challenging the orthodox viewpoints about the causes of the disintegration of Yugoslavia.

The Health Care Epidemic (tags)

Health Care

War In Iraq: The Punishment of Abu Hishma (tags)


Declassified Documents of U.S. Support for Hussein (tags)

The National Security Archive at George Washington University has published a series of declassified U.S. documents detailing the U.S. embrace of Saddam Hussein in the early 1980’s. The collection of documents, published on the Web, include briefing materials, diplomatic reports of two Rumsfeld trips to Baghdad, reports on Iraqi chemical weapons use during the Reagan administration and presidential directives that ensure U.S. access to the region's oil and military expansion.

Betrayed by Bush, GOP's anger is moot (tags)

Small-government Republicans have been stirred up by conservative talk show hosts like Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity. But when the election comes, the libertarian faction's anger will be "almost irrelevant... Are they going to vote for Howard Dean?"

Group Contests Casino Owned by Extremist Backer (tags)

While U.S. Treasury officials scour financial records worldwide to stop funds donated by wealthy Arabs from flowing to radical Islamist groups, a small group of U.S. citizens is trying to shut down a major source of funding for Jewish extremists in Israel and the occupied territories.

Speech - Genocidal Correctness, by John Kusumi (tags)


Ethnic cleansing on the Jordan River (tags)

The euphemisms roll off of his tongue. "It's not genocide; it's transfer." Czechoslovakia and Poland did it to Germans after World War II. Forcing nearly 5 million Arabs from their homes is OK because "Jews are not Nazis."

Bush sued under RICO II (tags)

Here is a copy of the brief taken from

Billions for Bankers--Debts for the People (tags)

In 1901 the national debt of the United States was less than $1 billion. It stayed at less than $1 billion until we got into World War I. Then it jumped to $25 billion.

Did Reagan win the cold war? A myth exploded. (tags)

Before I disprove this myth, I want to point out the childishness, crassness, and just plain ignorance of the propagandists who make this claim. Such a massive global struggle, and one guy who stumbled in after 90% of it was over decides to claim all the credit?

The New York Times: a proposal for ethnic cleansing in Iraq (tags)

While plans have been announced for Washington to erect a “sovereign” Iraqi regime by the middle of next year, this hollow exercise holds little prospect for ending a bitter conflict that is claiming the lives of American soldiers daily and creating growing political unrest in the US itself. Enter the New York Times with a modest proposal for a bloodbath. It advances what it terms a “three-state solution,” based on the partition of Iraq along ethnic and religious lines.

History- 17 Years Later (tags)

A wonderful piece by John Bennett in a time of conglomorate-controlled media.

Assassinating JFK memory. (tags)

It is obvious that the neo-cons are now intent on rewriting our history -- President Kennedy was a whoring, drug-induced rogue and George W. Bush is a saint who, under no circumstances can be compared to Hitler

JFK, 9-11, and the REAL America: Tying It All Together (tags)

An organic reconsideration of US history and major "conspiracy theories" of the past 40 years, including those pertaining to the 9-11 attack, and how they shed light on America's present drift into fascism.

Self-Censorship: The LA Times and ``Resistance Fighters' (tags)

"The Los Angeles Times instructed its editors not to speak any more of Iraqi resistance fighters. Instead the words rebels or guerillas should be used according to the email order.."

The Fascism is getting harder to hide. And harder to fight. (tags)

Found this morons diatribe on DU and thought I'd post it here so all the liberal and anarchist wingnuts would have something to jerk -off to. Don't say I never did anything for you. Idiots.

U.S.'s 'Iron Hammer' Code Name 1st Used by Nazis (tags)

"Gott mit Uns" German Fascist slogan - 'God is with Us." The poster is from the Nazi war days... it reads, "This is how we fight, this is how we win!"

Anti-Globalize the Corporate Globalization Movement - DO IT NOW! (tags)

The Coward goes to London (tags)

The government of secrecy that is crushing democracy in America, destroying the environment, and ennabling criminal corps like ExxonMobil and Bechtel to determine who will live and who will die, all the while fiddling toward Armageddon goes to London this week. Let's hope the English have enough national pride to transform the impact of bush the psychotic traitord travels into another foreign disaster for him to deny an lie about when he comes back to America.

Activists Join Academics in Opposing Enola Gay Exhibit (tags)

DC activists are teaming up with prominent academics to oppose the Smithsonian's plans to exhibit the B-29 Enola Gay without referencing the human suffering caused by the atomic bomb this plane dropped on Hiroshima.

The Birth Of The 'Final Solution' (tags)

In the dark hours between Nov. 9 and 10, 1938, hordes of Nazis, party regulars, supporters and sympathizers went on a rampage in Germany and Austria. They attacked Jews in their homes, at work, at synagogues and simply out in public.


New anti-war campaign.

Is Veteran's Day as popular now as in yesteryears? (tags)

About two weeks after he died, his clothing and personal effects were shipped home in a large cardboard box. His watch was shattered, and stopped permanently at 11:20. We figured that's when he was shot. The bear claw he'd worn in a necklace around his neck was covered with blood, as was some of his clothing. They sent the things home with his blood still on them, and Joanne and I hid them before his parents could see.

Cannon Fodder (tags)

The Bush administration has cut veteran's benefits and forced wounded soldiers to pay for hospital meals. They have kept returning sick and wounded soldiers in horrible conditions on US military bases and made them wait months for doctor's appointments. Now, they plan to close schools and commissaries on military bases and privatize the remaining commissaries. Oh well, that is more money for Halliburton, Bechtel and all other corporations which profit immensely from war.

Cheers for returning troops? (tags)

The below story is horrible! How could any American help speed the war machine? We need to stay a peaceful country and supporting the troops is the wrong way to do it. I urge all that see troops returning home for this so-called-war to let the troops know what you think a simple "boo" or "how could you kill" would do. If the media, troops and administration see that American’s are not happy with what they have turned our peaceful National Guard reserve force into killers for oil they will see more disfavor. Every troop return needs to meet with protest to the war. These national guard troops are supposed to be here to protect the physical united states soil and for state natural emergencies like fire and flood not to go to kill others on foreign soil for his oil.

L.A. Times Bans 'Resistance Fighters' Term (tags)

Repost from the Reuters wire:

Assholes and Angels in Our Midst (tags)

Adventures in Meeting the Enemy

Wiesenthal Center 'outraged' By Poll Calling Israel A Threat To World Peace (tags)

As the tanks roll over the refugee camps in Palestine and the apartite wall goes up, with open blatant racist policies with the mandatory wearing of special ID badges of non- “jewish” people, While "israel" "legalizes" the Murder of Palestians and Theft of more Palestinian land the destruction of Palestinian Property and isreal drains billions in blood money from US. The organization said it was outraged at published reports that 69 percent of 7,500 Europeans surveyed called Israel the Top threat to world peace.

Fashionable anti-Semitism and anti-Israelism (tags)

Do not look for the Islamic community here to acknowledge that the United States, in little over a decade, freed Kuwait, saved most of the Bosnians and Kosovars, tried to feed Somalis, urged the Russians not to kill Chechnyans, belatedly ensured that no longer were Shiites and Kurds to be slaughtered in Iraq, spoke out against Kuwait's ethnic cleansing of a third of a million Palestinians — and now is spending $87 billion to make Iraqis free.

History-makers reflect on Salt of the Earth: ‘Even more relevant now’ (tags)

Anita and Lorenzo Torrez were a young married couple thrown into the midst of the Empire Zinc strike in Hanover, N.M., in 1950.

Re The Loss of Liberty (tags)

Re The Loss of Liberty

Banging Your Head Into Walls (The Evil Oligarchs Kill, and kill, and kill again) (tags)

John Chuckman is a Vietnam Veteran who now lives in Canada. "Not that there is no such thing as genuine terrorists. Of course, there are. Terrorism - from the Sons of Liberty and the Klu Klux Klan to black street gangs and camouflage-obsessed militia-nuts - is a rich part of American history. Please note that it has not been dealt with by blowing up whole neighborhoods of innocent people. "


new hampshire gazette reporter - tha last free journalist in the us - under 24-hr police "protection"

White House bans news coverage of coffins returning from Iraq (tags)

“Since the end of the Vietnam War, presidents have worried that their military actions would lose support once the public glimpsed the remains of US soldiers arriving at air bases in flag-draped coffins,” wrote the Post’s White House reporter Dana Milbank. “To this problem, the Bush administration has found a simple solution: It has ended the public dissemination of such images by banning news coverage and photography of dead soldiers’ homecomings on all military bases.”

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace (tags)

'Israelization' of U.S. Middle East policy proceeds apace

Toronto Star: Lyndon Johnson Ordered USS Liberty Cover-up (tags)

Lyndon Johnson ordered cover-up: Former navy lawyer

Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior (tags)

It is this obviousness with Bush’s stalking-horse Clark that offends even the weakest minds. The obviousness that the vast majority of all the people, all the time, never even see at all. Lincoln was wrong!

The Future of America under the American-led Empire: A Realistic Sense of it. (tags)

That it is high-tech, well lighted, air conditioned and instantly gratifying in such a gratuitous fashion, will make it seem, to many, a benign kind of tyranny. A kind of benevolent beast. These four horsemen will seemingly come bearing new gifts for all.

Libertarians and Conservatives -- Neither Side Really Gets It (tags)

The rift between libertarian and conservative movements in America today can be repaired. Mutual success can be achieved by cooperating on more critical subjects like dismantling public education in favor of home schooling and privatization.

Hegemony, Survival and Self-Deterrence (tags)

We are currently witnessing a major expansion in the US, hence Western, global military system.

For Bush Lover (tags)

Bush Ancestor's Bank Seized by Gov't

Ridiculous Liberal Posturing re Israel's Syria Incursion (tags)

Blowing up innocent children in Haifa is accepted as pretty much normal business in the Middle East. But taking out the supposedly empty infrastructure of a killers' training base on Syrian soil is terrible.

Yuri Kochiyama (tags)

On War, Imperialism, Osama bin Laden, And Black-Asian Politics

Conservative-Libertarian Split: Liberals Get It, Conservatives Don't (tags)

The left is aware of the emerging conservative-libertarian schism while the right for the most part remains in denial.

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM (tags)

Israel plans to invade Syria, says Malaysian PM

Israeli War Hero forced out as Refusenik (tags)

Brigadier General Yiftah Spector is paying a price for his principled stand in opposition to targeted assassinations and of the Occupation. His courage should be applauded.

Retired General Wesley Clark: Stalking-Horse for Bush Junior and The Grey Men (tags)

Should Wesley Clark win the primary nomination for president for the Democratic party, America loses and Bush wins; or Clark wins the general election and America loses. America loses and Empire the only winner.

The true nature of Arnold Schwarzenegger (tags)

Schwarzenegger’s mother had for many years lived with Alfred Gerstl, a prominent Austrian politician who rose to the top post in the upper house of Austria’s parliament. Schwarzenegger reportedly addressed him as “Uncle.” (Schwarzenegger’s father, who died three decades ago, was a police official who had belonged to the Nazi party.) Terminator for governor?

Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway (tags)

Bush Stance on Syria Hit Shows Neo-Cons Still Hold Sway

FBI Funneled Money to Hamas for Terrorism in '90s (tags)

During the last years of the Clinton Admin., the FBI funneled cash to the reactionary Muslim fundamentalist Hamas group for terrorist attacks.

Wave the Flag To Deceive (tags)

To justify the war, the scoundrel Wolfowitz dishonestly points his finger at a Muslim response to the invasion he orchestrated: "more than 200 captured foreign terrorists who came to Iraq to kill Americans." Terrorists daily praise Wolfowitz for putting our troops in their sights.

The Fascist Fraternity (tags)

A history of the colloboration of German and American capitalists in World War 2 to not only profit from war, but spread fascism as well.

TODAY NOON: Stop Arnold Protest Outside Wiesenthal Center (tags)

Jews, Women, Immigrants and African Americans Call on Arnold to Atone For His Sins on Yom Kippur Have Been Targets of His Degrading Comments and He Has Publicly Praised Three Fascists Leaders




Anti-Zionists collaborated with German Nazis - because nazis and anti-zionists are siamese twins

This is war by Ann Coulter (tags)

THE NEXT WOMAN PRESIDENT? HERE'S A QUOTE FROM THE RIGHT WING COLUMNIST...We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. We weren't punctilious about locating and punishing only Hitler and his top officers. We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war.

On how to make enemies  (tags)

What attracted my attention to this article was the idea of the existence of a US bureau whose sole purpose is to propagate ideas which effectively create new enemies of the US.

Time to Act (tags)

People as soldiers too, are actually, for real dying, no longer laughing, for no known reason but to criminally profit the demon bush gang on hopes for the next fixed election cycle, at the further victimization of Humanity suffering today. Falling US all for continuing with bush's embarrassing blunders, silly hijinx, and silently condoned murder rampages

You Führer G.W.Bush (tags)

It is commonly assumed that there (US) is no aristocracy, let alone a nobility, in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In his work, Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Genealogical Society reveals 19 presidents descended from Edward III. John Galt, in a soon to be published work, The Genealogy of the New World Order, has traced the royal ancestry of George Bush, which traces from Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, all the way down through George's 32 presidential cousins!

You Führer G.W.Bush (tags)

It is commonly assumed that there (US) is no aristocracy, let alone a nobility, in America. Nothing could be farther from the truth. In his work, Ancestors of American Presidents, Gary Boyd Roberts of the New England Historic Genealogical Society reveals 19 presidents descended from Edward III. John Galt, in a soon to be published work, The Genealogy of the New World Order, has traced the royal ancestry of George Bush, which traces from Charlemagne and Alfred the Great, all the way down through George's 32 presidential cousins!

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality (tags)

Robert Fisk: Iraq's occupiers suspected of losing touch with reality

Bluffs soldier witness to Nazi atrocities (tags)

As a member of an Army ordnance company, John Campbell remembers Gen. George Patton's words of advice about German soldiers in World War II: "If you SOBs meet up with a German, shoot him."

Wesley Clark: Hero or Villain? (tags)

The hidden and ignored recent history of Yugoslavia and its relevance to the presidential candidacy of Wesley Clark.

Mexico and WtO: La Bella y La Fea (tags)

Everywhere today, every aspect of our lives is being violently reorganized. Everywhere the system is at work dissolving us, our labor, our land, our culture into flows of capital.”

BOMBSHELL!" - General Garner is said to be 'livid' - "BOMBSHELL!" (tags)

The story. Jay, with the ORHA, prior to the irrational, unneeded criminal invasion of Iraq to murder untold thousands of God's children for generations with toxic, radio-active depleted uranium, submitted the "official" American war strategy to ALL involved war generals.

The Elites Know We're Right (tags)

The Elites Know We're Right

Israeli Irgun terrorist group (tags)

The History of the birth of the state of Israel is complex and involved. Many have sacrificed much to bring the Jewish State into existence. One such body was the Irgun also know as the Etzel group. The Irgun was a military group that refused to bow to political pressures in securing a state for the Jewish people. Much of the modern Israeli politics today stem from the Irgun and the organization from which they broke, the Hagganah.

$87 billion for Iraq: Another Vietnam? (tags)

President Bush stunned the nation Sunday night with his request for an additional $87 billion for the occupation of Iraq and Afghanistan.

Dali Lama says Iraq War May Be Justified (tags)

The exiled Tibetan leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner said some wars, including the Korean War and World War II, helped "protect the rest of civilization, democracy."

Lars Ulrich vs. Chuck D re: napster (2000) (tags)




Wiesenthal Center: Germany Sold Poison Gas Iraq (tags)

The following report, commissioned by the Los Angeles, California based Simon Wiesenthal Center, was completed by Paris, France based Middle East Defense News. It clearly shows how Germany, particularly under Chancellor Helmut Kohl supplied Iraq with its poison gas, knowing full well that Iraq's aim was to use the gas on Israel.

U.S. Hands Off North Korea! (tags)

With Over 7,000 Civilians Killed in the U.S./British War on Iraq and thousands more civilians dead in Afghanistan, War Crazed Imperialists Scope Out Next Victims!

Defending Dean against the Mean (tags)

Dean may or may not be right in arguing that we should stay in Iraq, but it doesn't mean he is hypocritical and it definitely does not make him worse than Bush! Your arguments against Dean resemble those of the warmongering patriots.

Ann Coulter nails liberals (again) (tags)

Another great article from America's leading political commentator, the great Ann Coulter. She once again exposes liberals for what they really are.

Reenacting Protest (tags)

They have Civil War reenactments. We need Civil Rights Protest Reenactments.

Is Bush the New Hitler? (tags)

Hitler's rampage of murder and war reached its end in 1945, but Hitler began laying the groundwork for his genocide approximately two decades before. Until Hitler began shoveling the bodies of gassed Jews, Gypsies, Poles, and dissidents into the ovens, many in the United States supported Hitler.

Dollars for Terror (tags)

Carol Brouillet, who prints the Deception Dollars, and reviews a book that shows (or at least contends) how Osama bin Laden is part of the CIA terror network.

Saving face, losing a war (tags)

"Bring 'em on," the man said. He is not a brave man, but he plays one on television. When it came his turn to fight in a war, he hid behind Daddy. Then he had another drink and hid from the National Guard. Then he had another drink.

Affirmative Action for Whites? (tags)

Do our white American brothers and sisters really want to end Affirmative Action (for them)? As this author reassesses his life in comparison to an African-American colleague, one might gleam that while reaping the benefits of racism has entered its most insidious stage whites must ask themselves "Might I actually be racist?"

A Beautiful Swedish Mind (tags)

The Swedes broke the most elite German code system years before the English, the Poles and the Americans would accomplish the redundant. And the Swedes did it in only two weeks.

The Great Myth of US Benevolence (tags)

A few thoughts about the reluctance of many Americans to accept the realities of US imperialism.

"Stop GATS!" Against Privatization of Services (tags)

"The `Washington Consensus' from the 80s promised that a neoliberal policy - liberalization and deregulation - would be good for eveyrone. In fact, local structures are destroyed, human lives are annihilated through hunger and poverty.."Trans fr German

Schwarzenegger's Nazi Problem: why won't he repudiate Kurt Waldheim? (tags)

Here's a question Jay Leno forgot to ask Arnold Schwarzenegger when he announced his candidacy for governor of California on last night's Tonight Show: "Will you renounce your support for Kurt Waldheim?"

WHEN RACE BURNS CLASS - an interview with J. Sakai (tags)

".... They were inviting me, an Asian, as a way of my joining the crew. Only, he said, 'You got to stop talking to those Blacks. You got to choose. White or Black.' "

The Worst Atrocity in Europe since WWII (tags)

Some 7,000 Muslim men and boys are believed to have been summarily executed after Serb forces overran the UN-protected enclave of Srebrenica in July 1995.

A Vast Right-Wing Cry of Treason (tags)

Ann Coulter, the right wing's dial-900 girl—a rail-thin, chain-smoking, hard-drinking, big-eyed leggy blonde who winkingly serves up X-rated ideological smut on liberals—is at it again. "Whenever the nation is under attack, from within or without, liberals side with the enemy," Coulter writes—or sneers—in Treason, her follow-up effort to the best-selling Slander. Like its predecessor, Treason sits atop the best-seller charts, riding higher than one of Coulter's signature miniskirts.

Collateral Language (Chomsky Interview, July/August '03 Z mag) (tags)


Growing World Poverty and Conflict Shows the Barbarity of Capitalism (tags)

Down with Capitalism

Taxes for Revenue Are Obsolete (tags)

Taxes are NOT collected for revenue, but for redistribution of wealth to the wealthy, for the social control of YOU!

Rickover's Statement On Coverup Of US Nuke Industry (tags)

"I feel that former President Jimmy Carter should come forth with all of the facts surrounding the Three Mile Island Accident, especially those which involved the radiation release and the dose to the public. "

Koreas Trade Machine-Gun Fire at Border (tags)

South and North Korean soldiers briefly traded machine-gun fire in their border zone Thursday, raising tensions even as Secretary of State Colin Powell expressed optimism about diplomatic efforts to resolve the North Korean nuclear standoff.

False Prophets, fake skeptics: Holocaust denial (tags)

Those who deny Nazi genocide have created a pseudoscience called Holocaust Denial. Whether they are cognizant con artists, or illogical true believers, they distort facts to a desired end in the guise of skepticism.

Nazi Jesuits (tags)

pp 162: When backtracking to the origin of this complexity of deception, it brings us straight to the real heart of the matter, the intense hatred of the Roman Catholic Church for anyone or anything that opposes her goals. It positively isn't a Jewish conspiracy, but strictly Roman Catholic, who have strategically used certain Jews for their cause's advantage.

A Continuous Procession of Clones for the State (tags)

I would never contemplate teaching kids to think that government should be about "doing something." That is the absolute worst thing you can do as a teacher if you want your students to have a respect for the freedom of the individual, the Constitution, limited government, free markets, and the founding of our once great republic. Inculcating kids with the crazy notion that government is constituted to "do something" every time life gets difficult or just inconvenient, only serves to roll out the red carpet for totalitarian government.

Ann Coulters Crummy New Screed (Character Assassination) (tags)

In short, Ann Coulter has once again revealed herself as one of the most destructive forces in American politics, repeatedly making outrageously irrational arguments and demonstrably false claims. "Treason" is the culmination of a dismaying trend toward factually misleading and inflammatory books from pundits such as Michael Moore, Sean Hannity and Michael Savage. These authors may delight partisans and make their publishers rich, but their work impoverishes our political discourse.

Justifying Occupation (tags)

I thought this looked like an interesting reference for those wishing to develop arguments counter to the Spin and PsyOps coming from the Mainstream NewsWhores.

Liberal alternative patriotism (tags)

Correcting some liberal misconceptions about five great Americans: Joseph McCarthy, J. Edgar Hoover, Richard Nixon, Whittaker Chambers and Ronald Reagan.

Libertarian Militia leader claims he was just preparing for WWIII (tags)

The Libertarian Party of Oklahoma posted Hertzog's letter stating that he would come out of prison "bigger, badder and better" than when he went in. The militia leader admitted to having machine guns, explosive devices and counter-surveillance equipment.

Fear Factory (tags)

This is just the latest and most egregious step in a fear campaign designed to prepare Americans to do whatever the administration wants us to do.

Who wants to be a Palestinian Refugee? (tags)

ZIon will Win!

War on terrorism is a fraud (tags)

These are two fine articles from earlier that have been published on Independent Media Center. The first one is about the war on terrorism and the second one is about the oppressive system and what we can do together to make a real change. They interrelate. The first article lay out facts about the violent hegemony of US and the second article present concrete solutions to the situation. Please, take time to read them, print them and distribute them.

War Crimes in the Name of Freedom: 227 Years.... (tags)

As Americans prepare to celebrate their Independence Day this July 4, 2003, with a grandiose glorification of ongoing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan—and wars from days past--it’s worth remembering those millions of civilians and/or non-combatants who have died at the hands of unconstrained and psychopathic American power.

Race Hygiene: Three Bush Family Alliances (tags)

President Bush can count on Will Farish not to betray the violent secrets surrounding the Bush family money. For Farish's own family fortune was made in the same Hitler project, in a nightmarish partnership with George Bush's father.

Pro-War Cliches (tags)

An analysis of the cliches used to justify US interventions and war crimes in other countries.

Listen to the MOCKINGBIRD (tags)

"You could get a journalist cheaper than a good call girl, for a couple hundred dollars a month." CIA operative discussing with Philip Graham, editor Washington Post, on the availability and prices of journalists willing to peddle CIA propaganda and cover stories. "Katherine The Great," by Deborah Davis (New York: Sheridan Square Press, 1991)

Our government controlled press - CIA Origins (tags)

The Sulzberger family and the New York Times lean left-liberal Democrat and are usually anathema to Republicans. But as Rockwell has oft pointed out, "neoconservatives" are really big government tax and squander interventionist welfare-warfare statists.

A bastard's manifesto: A call for corporate perestroika (tags)

Corporations are really all about colonialism, and the hyperinflation of their power through a top-heavy distribution of wealth must eventually tip over if our species is truly humane and democratic.

The Myth of McCarthyism (tags)

Broken Clock Leftist fifth column trash love that word "McCarthyism", almost as much as their other buzzwords. You know like racist, fascist, homophobe, xenophobe, ad nauseam...

Could You Have Passed the 8th Grade in 1895? Probably Not...Take a Look (tags)

Questions: What percentage of this year's seniors and last year's high school graduates could pass the following 8th grade test required in 1895, even if the few outdated questions were modernized? How many college students could pass it? For that matter, what percentage of high school teachers could pass it?

The 9-11 Hoax, the Federal Reserve and the World Bank (tags)

Scientific calculation shows that the amount of time and energy invested by nature to produce one gallon of petroleum converted into kilowatt-hours at the present commercial rates at which electricity is sold amounts to approximately $1 million per gallon....

Democratic Party History: a Revealing Rap Sheet (tags)

A history of the Democratic Party's role in co-opting and diverting independent political movements, while advancing the agenda of the global capitalist police state. This and similar pieces can be found at

About the "Kill a cop for the cause!" Redding Murder Case - Pt. 2 (tags)

The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.

6/19 We Honor Ethel & Julius Rosenberg (tags)

The entire world honors the memory of Ethel and Julius Rosenberg on June 19, 2003, 50 years after the fascist US government, aided by their Zionist collaborators, murdered these two outstanding socialists and defenders of the workingclass to perpetrate fascism at home and war abroad. By defending their innocence and resisting fascism, the Rosenbergs literally broke the back of the Cold War. In these terrible times, with fascists attempting to make the USA as reactionary as Nazi Germany, their example is a lesson to us all.

AS THE ECONOMY CRUMBLES - June 16, 2003 (tags)

Summarizing the crappy economic news of the week.

Ariel Sharon: Israel's Prime Minister of Concentration and Absorption (tags)

"The failure of the Israeli legal system to act obligates the international community -- in particular the European Union since all its member states are High Contracting Parties of the Geneva Conventions -- to hold Ariel Sharon accountable, regardless of whether he is a private citizen of Israel, a cabinet minister, or the head of a government."

June 19, 1953: The murder of the Rosenbergs (tags)

Think back to the political climate of the early 1950s: Senator Joseph McCarthy on the prowl. Alger Hiss convicted of “losing China.” Eleven leaders of the Communist Party convicted of “conspiracy to teach and advocate the violent overthrow of the United States.” A U.S. attack on North Korea.


Only SLAVES and CORPORATIONS need to use capitalization of their names. Better check your ID to make sure they haven't used capital letters, otherwise your a slave without any rights... yes thats right!! check Roman Law

The Case For War Against Arab Culture (tags)

This war is actually a war between the modern age and traditional Arab culture. Lieutenant Colonel Ralph Peters (USA, Ret.) was assigned, prior to his retirement, to the Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence, where he was responsible for future warfare.

Outline of Bush Family History (tags)

Oct. 20 ‘42: Leo T. Crowley, the US Alien Property Custodian - seized the stock shares of the Union Banking Corp. of New York, whose shareholders were: Chm./Dir. E. Rowland Harriman (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Pres./Dir. Cornelis Lievense (banking functionary for the Nazis); Treasurer/Dir. Harold D. Pennington (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Ray Morris (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Prescott S. Bush Snr.(of Brown Brothers Harriman); ...

Solving The Enigma Of Media Manipulation (tags)

Most journalists have never told the truth about politics; they only are allowed to say what their bosses let them say. And almost always, if the newspaper or TV station is a big one, their bosses won't let them tell the truth about practically anything.

Brainstorming for Guantanamo, Bush Visits Auschwitz (tags)

While Bush prepares his own death camp in Guantanamo Bay, he visits the Auschwitz and Birkenau death camps to see how it's done. Flashback: how did Hitler sell the death camps to the German people? He blamed terrorism and evil. More Presidential irony in a Constitution-free U.S.


In clandestine meetings, over a period of months, the reportedly genuine documents were turned over to our research and investigation group by government officials clearly in an inside position to possess and confirm such data.

The masters of the universe (tags)

"Depending on the ideological prism applied, the Bilderberg club may be considered an ultra-VIP international lobby of the power elite of Europe and America, capable of steering international policy from behind closed doors; a harmless "discussion group" of politicians, academics and business tycoons; or a capitalist secret society operating entirely through self interest and plotting world domination. "

Bilderberg Black Out (tags)

To witness the annual Bilderberg conference is to realize how the “Lords of the New World Order”—the self-chosen elite of international finance, business, and politics—are allowed to assemble in secret and conspire with the connivance of the mainstream media.

U.S. Hands Off North Korea! (tags)

With 9,000 Civilians Killed in the U.S./British Wars on Iraq and Afghanistan, War Crazed Imperialists Scope Out Next Victims!

Unionists launch drive to win White House (tags)

DES MOINES – Nearly 1,000 union leaders and activists from the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees got a close-up look at the Democratic presidential candidates at the union’s first-time Presidential Town Hall here on May 16 and 17. In his opening remarks AFSCME President Gerald McEntee blasted the Bush White House, calling the 2004 elections “critical for AFSCME members and all of America’s working families.”

You Won The Battle But Lost The War (tags)

Today in the United States there are people who spit on the memory of your sacrifices -- people like Sen. Charles Schumer, who successfully pushes "gun control" laws that trash the Second Amendment, and Sen. John McCain, whose infamous "campaign finance" law made free speech a federal crime for independent advocacy groups. We shrink before officials who decree that unpopular opinions are "hate speech." We endure leaders who tell us that it's wrong to hate certain groups of people, but perfectly okay for those groups to hate and malign others.

Piracy is a Poor Type of Foreign Policy (tags)

Will we Americans simply be remembered by the world as just another band of pirates? Bigger but no better? Toward the end of the Golden Age of Pirates, the repercussions of resentment by land dwellers eventually overtook most of these buccaneers; those not killed in battle were captured and hung. 

U.S. Government of the rich, by the rich, and for the rich (tags)

How has the secretive U.S.-based IMF/World Bank economically enslaved poor countries?

Liberals vs. Conservatives? It's the Corruption, Stupid (tags)

" about contrasting our noble beginnings to where we stand today? Thomas Jefferson's vision for our nation is imbued with John Locke's interpretation of government of, by and for the people. "Great mistakes in the ruling part, will be borne by the people without mutiny or murmur," Locke wrote. "But if a long train of abuses. . . . all tending the same way, make the design visible to the people . . . it is not to be wondered that they should then rouse themselves, and endeavorto put the rule into such hands which may secure to them the end for which government was at first erected."

Secrets galore (tags)

But calling stuff "SECRET" to cover up Pentagon screw-ups that cost soldiers' lives or to protect war racketeers' pet scams violates what our country is about. Ditto the Pentagon-employed spinmeisters and the big bucks they waste annually hiding the truth from U.S. citizens unknowingly footing the bill for their deceptions.

Oil wars Pentagon's policy since 1999 (tags)

Top-level document found confirming OIL WAR is perceived as legitimate US Defense Department policy.

U.S. health care: Crisis, solutions, action plan (tags)

The United Steel Workers of America (USWA) hosted a national forum on the health care crisis at its headquarters in Pittsburgh on April 27.

Rational Fascism (tags)

A short history of the rise of Italian and German fascism and the reasons for the occurrence. Excerpted from Michael Parenti's book Blackshirts and Reds.

The Rational Destruction of Yugoslavia (tags)

Now that the United States has completed a so-called humanitarian intervention in Iraq, I believe it is very informative to look back at the previous one in Yugoslavia. A brilliant analysis by noted author and political scientist Michael Parenti.

Say It Ain't So, Geo (tags)

Resuming nuclear testing in Nevada is a bad idea. Building "battlefield nukes" may be an even worse thing. But what about when Bush signs treaties with terrorists?

BTL:U.S. Navy Leaves Vieques Bombing Range; Activists Now Focus on Cleanup of... (tags)

...Navy's Toxic Legacy. Robert Rabin, of Committee for the Rescue and Development of Vieques, interview conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari.

Achtung!  Are We the New Nazis? (tags)

Presently, American military veterans—rank and file former soldiers mostly--are speaking out against American Imperialism, as well as ministers, artists, reporters, scientists and educators. But the powerful alliance of media monopolies and corporate-financed political leaders sway public opinion to war.

neoconservatives seek to ensnare US in an endless series of wars (tags)

by Pat Buchanan Does all this explain why bush was brought to power?..Incidentally, and just to be controversial, its my view that sept 11 could have been orchestrated by the neoconservatives

Against Social Darwinism (tags)

"The conquest of Africa and large parts of Asia was not morally justified by anything. Only peace is morally justified. Today social Darwinism appears in the guise of Anglo-Saxon capitalism..Ecology and pure market ideology are in conflict.." Translated German

Against Social Darwinism (tags)

"The conquest of Africa and large parts of Asia by invading European forces was not morally justified. Only peace is morally justified..Today social Darwinism appears in the guise of Anglo-Saxon capitalism..Ecology and pure market ideology are in conflict."

Would the US Plant WMD’s – A Stroll Down Memory Lane (tags)

This article by ex-CIA officials discusses the question of US vs UN inspection teams looking for the notorious weapons of mass destruction. Also addresses the question of 'would the US plant evidence?......

Dumping Bush-Regime Change in 2004 (tags)

Makes the case for developing an electoral arm for the peace movement that can defeat Bush and the War Party in 2004. Stresses need for independent political action groups.

Will Pre-emptive War Make America Safer? (tags)

Another aspect of U.S. safety is threatened by pre-emptive war. The Founding Fathers realized that not all enemies are foreign. What keeps U.S. citizens safe is adherence to the U.S. Constitution. Losing any part of the Constitution is precedent for losing other parts. Congress - the American people's representative - now has lost the constitutional right to declare war.

Bush guts Health Care for Veterans; Michael Moore's Popularity Surges (tags)

Green news and opion updated daily

Did James Woolsey let the World War IV Cat Out of the Bag (tags)

When former CIA Director James Woolsey began talking about World War IV, a war essentially against all so-called Islamists forces that preach hate against America, did he let some the details of the Bush regime's long term plans and present actions in Iraq out of the bag?

The U.S. Occupation and the Resistance In Iraq (tags)


The Most Dangerous President Ever (tags)

I miss Ronald Reagan.

Bechtel corruption info. (tags)

Bechtel Corporation Info. -- Employees: 47,000 -- Current projects: 900 -- Countries: 60 -- Ownership: Bechtel family -- Founded: 1898 -- Major projects: BART, Boston's Big Dig, Hoover Dam and the Channel Tunnel rail link between Britain and France. -- Revenues: $13.4 billion (2001)

Practice to Deceive-- Chaos in the MiddleEast is not the Bush hawks' nightmare scenario-- (tags)

"In short, the administration is trying to roll the table--to use U.S. military force, or the threat of it, to reform or topple virtually every regime in the region, from foes like Syria to friends like Egypt, on the theory that it is the undemocratic nature of these regimes that ultimately breeds terrorism. So events that may seem negative--Hezbollah for the first time targeting American civilians; U.S. soldiers preparing for war with Syria--while unfortunate in themselves, are actually part of the hawks' broader agenda."

Shi'a Will To Power - Downfall of Bush, And The Neocons? (tags)

ronically, the Bushites will eventually regret getting rid of Saddam Hussein. In short order, Iraq will turn from a Ba'athist dictatorship into a Muslim theocracy.

Noam Chomsky and Oe Kanzaburo:An Exchnage on Current Affairs. (tags)

Noam Chomsky and Kanzaburo Oe exchange on current affairs.

How America Lost The War (tags)

We need, first of all, to get our terms straight so as to achieve a sense of clarity regarding the issue of America's moral standing on the matter.  Saddam Hussein was not defeated.  He was not overthrown, bested, beaten or destroyed.  Saddam Hussein was fired, relieved of his position by a nation that hired him for a dirty job way back in 1979.

The Real Heroes of Gulf War II: Conscientious Objectors (tags)

Thousands of troops have blindly followed the Bush-Blair-Sharon sanctioned mass-murder of the Iraqi people. Unnamed re the hundreds, possibly thousands, of U.S. personnel in the armed forces have applied for conscientious objector status since January. Though few have gone public, they emerge the true heroes of the armed forces, in refusing to participate in an illegal war of aggression on Iraq.



Tax Protester Provided a Prime Opportunity to Finally End the Federal Income Tax (tags)

The Justice Department has provided a New Hampshire tax protester with a prime opportunity to finally end the federal income tax by indicting him on 18 felony counts of violating the internal revenue laws.

Ignored looting indicative of US disinterest in WMD (tags)

All of Iraq, from factories and mansions to government ministries, party headquarters, and military installations is being picked clean by looters. Why is there no US concern that critical evidence of WMD is being lost and destroyed?

Killing journalists according to plan? (tags)

Yet worse to come?

'Hitler' Exec Producer Fired Over Remarks (tags)

This one is for all you pointy headed Brown Shirt Shills - Let's see - I see Psymon, I see frescass, I see caveman, I see ....


Vitally to make Global Jew Echelon to pay so long overdue reparations to worldwide suffered mass victims. At last to liberate our world from blood sucking hyenas slavery shackles. Whilst eradicating for good the factual anti-Christ plague on Earth. Mind you, when some still need referring to anthropology gurus or genetics expert analysts, the individual as myself got a natural God given faculty just to suss it at glance so uniquely typical our Jew kind of hereditary endowed Neanderthal features.

The Forbidden Truths of the Human War Ritual (tags)

All wars undertaken by nations are manifestations of the pathological mass torture, brainwashing, and abuse that the nation has itself inflicted upon each and every generation of it's own child-slaves.

Today is proof positive . . . (tags)

Today is proof positive that today's anti-war activists are moral idiots.

William Mandel, American Dissident (tags)

"If you think that I am going to cooperate with this collection of Judases, of men who sit there in violation of the United States Constitution, if you think I will cooperate with you in any manner whatsoever, you are insane!" From William Mandel’s 1960 testimony before HUAC

The hidden goal of war (tags)

The final goal of american strategists through the war against Iraq is to seek the worst terrorist chaos we ever seen in order to justify their future military dictatorship upon the entire world.

You! Write to the UN! Ask for War Crimes Charges! (tags)

Write to the UN! Ask for charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity!

Disturbing Similarities of History - The Third Reich and the Presidency of George Bush (tags)

I just threw this timeline together, so it isn't perfect; I'm still working on it. However, notice the striking and horrifyingly blatant similarities between the two...

Liberation Whether You Want it or Not. (tags)

The only conception of freedom I can have is that of the prisoner or the individual in the midst of the State. The only one I know is freedom of thought and action. Albert Camus

Analysis: The War Is Over (tags)

An analysis of the current campaign in Iraq and the real objectives of the war, with parallels to Hitler's invasion of Poland, the sieges of Stalingrad and Leningrad, and lessons from Gulf War I. Though the war has not ended, the main objective for the U.S. has been fulfilled.

a true patriot (tags)

conscientious objector deserves our support

Advise and Dissent (tags)

How anti-war protest movements have made the U.S. stronger. By David Greenberg Posted Wednesday, March 26, 2003, at 12:32 PM PT

Any person or state who gets in the way of the American Empire, beware! (tags)

It is remarkable that the US government is still going around dropping huge amounts of exceedingly powerful explosives on the heads of defenceless people. It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Brave Administration Willing to "Pay A High Price" In US Lives (tags)

It is comforting to know that our brave administration is willing to pay a "high price" in the lives of our sons and daughters to have their war.Referring to nights in World War II "when we'd lose 1000 people", he added: "There will come a time maybe when things are going to be much more shocking."

What to do with photos of dead Iraqis on cover of USA Today/NYT? (tags)

After seeing the past few NYT and USA Today cover photos, it doesn't seem that images of death are going to be the force that turns Americans off of this war.

Community College Students Fight Back (tags)

3,000 community college students on March 28 had a rally and march in downtown LA to stop cutbacks in their colleges

Boy in Dallas suburb predicts start of WW III day before attacks (tags)

Sept. 19, 2001, 9:26PM By R.G. RATCLIFFE Copyright 2001 Houston Chronicle

Vets tell Bush: Bring troops home (tags)

WASHINGTON – Behind a banner that read, “Bring The Troops Home Now,” and carrying upside down American flags as a signal of distress, war veterans and families of active duty soldiers marched on the White House March 23 to protest George W. Bush’s pre-emptive war on Iraq.

Human shields-turned-hawks (tags)

They arrived as Saddam apologists willing to die for the despot—but they left Iraq weeks later with changed hearts and a determination that Saddam must go. Many of the human shields who had arrived with much fanfare to “stop” the United States and Britain were swayed by the strongest supporters of Saddam’s ouster: the Iraqi people.

The War Show ["Pulse"/Fox/Thursday] (tags)

Tonight on Fox, the show "Pulse" looked into various facets of the war. Here is my description and a suggestions to balance what was presented.

A War in the Planning for Four Years (tags)

Zbigniew Brzezinski and the CFR Put War Plans In a 1997 Book - It Is "A Blueprint for World Dictatorship," Says a Former German Defense and NATO Official Who Warned of Global Domination in 1984, in an Exclusive Interview With FTW

Part 2 of 2: Can George Bush II say “steal oil” in Spanish? Yes, he can. (tags)

The warmongers in the Pentagon, including Bush, Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, and Richard Perle, are having a field day since Uribe’s election by routing the U.S. “foreign aid” money to U.S. “defense” contractors who in turn ship their arms to Uribe, so he can continue to kill thousands of Colombian political dissidents annually.

Boycott of American Goods Over Iraq War Gains (tags)

Europeans are boycotting American products in protest against the war. Maybe it's time for Americans to issue a call for foreign tourists not to visit the US, until we get our democracy back.

George Bush II’s exit strategy after seizing Iraq’s oil: Seize South America’s oil. (tags)

Bush/Reich/U.S. oil companies/CIA stage coup attempt in Venezuela to oust democratically-elected President Hugo Chávez. U.S. government gains control of media outlets, trying to incite civil war in Venezuela to seize country’s oil revenues.

Not All Irishmen Hate America (tags)

An Appreciation

All Americans are War Criminals (tags)

You are either for or against the war criminals in the White House!

Good Foreign Policy a Casualty of War (tags)

This article was printed in yesterday's LA Times. It's a very good read.

Al Jazeera back on the job in Iraq (tags)

"About 50 Iraqi civilians were killed in coalition bombing of the southerncity of Basra, the independent Arab-language satellite station Al-Jazeera claimed last night. In footage seen across the Arab world, the station aired grisly and explicit images of the dead and wounded, including a child with the back of its skull blown off and blood-stained people being treated on the floor of a hospital." In an unrelated story, an American soldier has 'fragged' three of his officers in Kuwait (using a grenade).

Why Shock and Awe should stick in our craw (tags)

All Crust, No Pie Why Shock and Awe should stick in our craw by Jim Washburn (OCWeekly)

Why They Call It Dope: Independent or "Independent" Media (tags)

An american journalist downplays the Nazi ties of the Bush administration. Another American journalist finds this somewhat odd.

Greens Call Bush Indictable for War Crimes. (tags)

"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." (Roosevelt) Please repost on other US Indymedia sites.

RW: Gulf War Vets: Resisting And Telling The Truth (tags)



Pope John Paul II can STOP THE WAR Ask John Paul II to go to BAGHDAD as a HUMAN SHIELD

Jewish Organizations Worried About Backlash for Iraq War (tags)

"Buchanan responded that, 'Like a squid, Mr. Perle is emitting this inky fluid of alleged anti-Semitism to cover up his own tracks of warmongering. Let one and all read my 5,000-word article . . . and judge for themselves whether the charge against me is valid or Mr. Perle is an agent of influence of a foreign power.'"

Distribute: Vets call to Troops (tags)

If the people of the world are ever to be free, there must come a time when being a citizen of the world takes precedence over being the soldier of a nation. Now is that time.

Families of military personnel and veterans speak out against war (tags)

The world has been galvanized into action against the Bush administration’s drive to war with Iraq. This is no less true in the United States. In all sectors of the U.S. population you will find anti-war sentiment – including in the armed forces and their families.

More anti-american pinkos for peace (tags)

"Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy." ~ Henry Kissinger ~ January-February 2003 edition of Eagle Newsletter

Making The World Safe...For Bankers (tags)

I do not neccessarily agree with everything Dr. Makow has to say. I sometimes find him a trifle sexist. However, this is provative food for thought so decided to throw it up on the wall for people to think about.

Vatican Becomes Anti - War Rallying Point (tags)

But in some of the Vatican's strongest language against a possible war, its foreign minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran said a unilateral military strike would be a ``crime against peace'' with no justification on grounds of self-defense. . ``We want to say to America: Is it worth it to you? Won't you have have, afterward, decades of hostility in the Islamic world,'' asked the Vatican's No. 2 official, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

Vatican Becomes Anti - War Rallying Point (tags)

But in some of the Vatican's strongest language against a possible war, its foreign minister Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran said a unilateral military strike would be a ``crime against peace'' with no justification on grounds of self-defense. ``We want to say to America: Is it worth it to you? Won't you have have, afterward, decades of hostility in the Islamic world,'' asked the Vatican's No. 2 official, Cardinal Angelo Sodano.

Afghanistan and Iraq - preparation for invasion of Iran (tags)

The invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq are preparation for the invasion of Iran. The goal is control of the most profitable export route for transport of Caspian oil to the fastest growing and soon to become the most profitable oil market, East Asia

Debate on How Nice USA IS: Arundati Roy Article (tags)

Nagging guy tries to defend USA with insincere attacks on trivia and history. We need to set record straight and make the US War Crimes the main issue around the world. Please join in and earn/learn... How about A. Roy and Shakespear?


"Recently, there has been a thunderous outburst of accusations about "hating America" with lightning strokes crackling towards France and Germany. Some of this storm front rattled into Canada when a member of Parliament, upset over Mr. Bush's relentless demand for war, made the mistake of muttering an aside about hating Americans,..."



Take the War-on-Iraq IQ Test (tags)

Do you know enough to justify going to war with Iraq?

Huge Protests Against War (USA/Bush) In Pakistan (tags)

While Bush is claiming this war is about American Security, huge anti-war protests are occurring in Pakistan, while the Pro Islamic party with close ties to the Taliban have swept recent elections. If, as a result of this war, Pakistan overthrows it's military leader (who supports the US) then this country and its nuclear arsenal will be run by a Taliban influenced Islamic government. Just one of multible senarios of Bush's (Sharon's?) war leading to World War III. Some Security!

Going Off to War Supplied With Lies (tags)

Doubt everything. Trust nothing. Believe nothing. Governments and the media messengers are lying now and were lying then, as witness this small sampling of the lies by omission and commission told by the American government through the press over the last 65 years.

First They Came For Jose Padilla (tags)



Please join us ... Asian Pacific American Democratic Club & Nikkei for Civil Rights & Redress (NCRR) 9/11 Committee. We are organizing an API contingent in the upcoming march on Sat., March 15, against the war on Iraq.

13 myths about war in Iraq (tags)

This piece was created by the entire team, using an online collaborative process. Email: is a project of Organizers' Collaborative; for more information, visit

Washington Post reports U.S. invasion of Iraq has already begun (tags)

The Washington Post reports the "first phase" of the Bush administration's invasion of Iraq has been launched "without much public notice."

One More Casualty In the War on Terror? (tags)

Has Alireza Ghazi Zahedi's detainment by the INS in CA lasted so long because he is a peace activist?

Fascism and the Republican Party (tags)

The relationship between fascist individuals and groups from World War 2 with the Republican Party and the corporate connections between German and American corporations. Not to be construed as implying the Democrats aren't imperialistic

Finally! A Peace Rally To Cheer (tags)

Thousands rally in support of Bush Houston crowd hears politicians, veterans praise president's Iraq policies



Report- Poems Not Fit For the White House (tags)


You Can't 'Contain' Saddam (tags)

Cold War doctrine doesn't apply in the age of terror. Wednesday, February 26, 2003 12:01 a.m. EST

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq.

American Conservative magazine indicts Bu$h's Madness of Empire (tags)

The cover story of the most recent issue of "The American Conservative" magazine is entitled, "The Madness of Empire" and is a searing indictment of the Bush administration's plans for attacking Iraq. web link

Cal State Fullerton International Film Series "PEACE AND WAR ON PLANET EARTH" (tags)

PEACE AND WAR ON PLANET EARTH In this new phase of globalization, at a time when freedom and peace are threatened around the world, confronting and understanding different viewpoints on domestic and international conflicts become essential to building a harmonious global society. This series of films (feature films as well as documentaries from diverse parts of the world) will encourage students and the community to discuss the burning issues of “Peace and War on Planet Earth.” FREE ADMISSION

Remembering The White Rose (tags)

Not All voices remained mute under the Third Reich. Will you oppose the Fourth? Remembering the "White Rose" 60 years ago, on Feb. 22 1943, three students of the Munich-based resistance group “White Rose” were executed for inciting young people to rise against Hitler - a fact that many young Germans today are unaware of.

BTL:Critics Say White House Successor to USA Patriot Act Threatens... (tags)

...Further Erosion of Civil Liberties. Under "secret" Domestic Security Enhancement Act, detainees could lose U.S. citizenship Interview with Nancy Chang, Center for Constitutional Rights, conducted by Between The Lines'Scott Harris



The President's Real Goal in Iraq (tags)

The official story on Iraq has never made sense. The connection that the Bush administration has tried to draw between Iraq and al-Qaida has always seemed contrived and artificial. In fact, it was hard to believe that smart people in the Bush administration would start a major war based on such flimsy evidence. The pieces just didn't fit. Something else had to be going on; something was missing.

Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys eh? (tags)

I agree with Molly Ivins about once in a Blue Moon. It must be a Blue Moon.


These are the stark facts. Current American leaders are proven liars, particularly in the recent cases with Colin Powell at the U.N. and the subsequent terror alert based on the lie of a prisoner. In a court of law, one lie disqualifies all previous and subsequent testimony of any witness. It is not improper to infer that the lies told by the Bush administration in these two instances render everything its lackeys have said as fabrications to hide some other purpose, some other action.

It's the CHEESE!!!! (tags)

From the fine "journalists" at the FAUX News Network. So-called "patriotic" Americans are boycotting French Cheese and Wine!

A New America (tags)

The peace protestors inspire hope in a nation that seemed headed for its own destruction.

'You No-Good, Unemployed, Communist Faggot' (tags)

It was Gulf War I, and I was marching up the old Post Rd. in Connecticut for Peace. I carried a sign reporting on the number of our soldiers that had been killed thus far, when a sleek, silver BMW pulled up alongside me. The profusely sweating, purple faced man, his bejeweled ringed, sausage fingers, tightly gripping the hand tooled leather steering wheel, spit in my face screaming, "You no-good, unemployed, Communist faggot!"

Bush: Anti-war protests no deterrent (tags)

GW says that anti-war protesters are allowed to express their opinion, but it is of no importance to him.

Bush Calls Protests "Irrelevant" (tags)

Dubya tells millions worldwide to get stuffed.

Diplomatic Riffs (tags)

It's funny that the president brags about having the support of Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Poland, Hungary, Lithuania, Estonia, Bulgaria and Denmark. Those countries together couldn't whip Iraq.

Area from Egypt to Iraq (tags)

The metamorphosis of tiny Israel from a midget to a giant is in the making. The grand design of Judaic-Zionist expansionist doctrine is to seize all the oil-rich lands from the shores of the Euphrates to the banks of the Nile.

AUSTRALIA +World NOWAR-round-up: Largest coordinated anti-war protest in history (tags)

Altogether 1 MILLION Australians marched against the oil war on Iraq and for bringing the troops home. This is a comprehensive preliminary round-up of the anti-war demonstrations that broke records in all bigger Australian cities, plus the world-wide coverage that will be printed in this weeks Green Left Weekly, Australia's largest indypendent and radical weekly newspaper.

W ... He'll Be Remembered as an Asshole: Peaceniks Win War! (tags)

Ben Tripp is a screenwriter, political satirist and cartoonist.

Dear George Bush- Fuck the war (tags)

Speaking the truth about the Bush Administration and their ideas of killing innocent people


You are making a difference people. Keep pushing the truth. The lies will fold.

Report Confirms Russia Armed Iraq, China, North Korea, and Iran for World War III (tags)

Bolsheviks Have Been Instigating World War III by arming Gulf nations and threatening officials.

THOUSANDS protest Rumsfeld in Germany (tags)

Thousands of Germans protest the visit of Donald Rumsfeld.

The future, at a crossroads (tags)

Space shuttle tragedy prompts review, angst for Practical Idealism

Fortune Magazine: After Sadam (tags)

"A prolonged, expensive, American-led occupation is also plausible, one that could turn U.S. troops into sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists, a la Lebanon in the 1980s."

"Elijah is Here!" 12/95 (tags)

Censored "gems" from the Messenger's portfolio.

The Real but Unspoken Reasons for the Iraq War (tags)

Although completely suppressed in the U.S. media, the answer to the Iraq enigma is simple yet shocking. The upcoming war in Iraq is actually an OIL CURRENCY war. The Real Reason for this upcoming war is this administration’s goal of preventing further OPEC momentum towards the euro as an oil transaction currency standard. However, in order to pre-empt OPEC, they need to gain geo-strategic control of Iraq along with its 2nd largest proven oil reserves. (This is a long essay)

AFL-CIO tells Bush and Congress: Get real on the economy (tags)

(see related story below) The AFL-CIO charged in a Jan. 27 report that, despite President Bush’s rosy claims, the economy is in worse shape than it was two years ago when measured by all the key indicators important to working families.



Where The Bodies Went: Censorship In The First Gulf War (tags)

UPI Correspondent Leon Daniel, as did others who reported from Vietnam during the 1960s, knew about war and death. So he was puzzled by the lack of corpses at the tip of the Neutral Zone between Saudi Arabia and Iraq on Feb. 25, 1991. Clearly there had been plenty of killing. Where were all the bodies? The story unfolds...

We'll Plant WMDs, I Mean, We'll Find WMDs. (tags)

Gee, it was almost as if Frank Gaffney and the White House official were reading from the same page, a page produced from deep inside the White House sell machine but had more of a corrupt police network sound to it.

Israel: America's Shame and Humanity's Stain (tags)

"I've never seen a president --I don't care who he is-- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles your mind. They always get what they want....If the American people understood what grip those people have on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens don't have any idea what goes on."

Iraqi People Fearful Of U.S. Weapons Of Mass Destruction (tags)

'There will not be a safe place in Baghdad,' said one Pentagon official who has been briefed on the plan. 'The sheer size of this has never been seen before, never been contemplated before,; the official said.. 'you have this simultaneous effect, rather like the nuclear weapons at Hiroshima, not taking days or weeks but in minutes'...

New White House document "Apparatus of Lies" - prejudice instead of proof (tags)

The White House yesterday published its latest witch's brew of half-truths, distortions, and irrelevant facts calculated to win public support for its impending invasion of Iraq.

“War on Terror” vs. “Oil and Money” (tags)

What are Bush's motives for war against Iraq? Who is the real terrorist? The Patriot Act...Protection or taking civil liberties? You be the judge.

Smallpox threat and your evaporating rights as a sheepizen of the U.S. (tags)

My title above, not the author of the Truthout editorial below..... Creep toward fascism (or run?). Vaccinations in the context of civil liberties. The ultimate rebuttal to proponents of Small Pox: "While these doctors state that smallpox vaccinations are dangerous, they are also clear that the threat of bio-attacks is slim and that even if there is bio-attack, it can be readily contained and mass vaccinations thus are not justified."

The war to annihilate Palestinian civil society (tags)

Not In My Name is a gathering of Jews, especially and primarily American Jews, who criticize Israel and seek changes in Israeli policies precisely because we are Jewish, because of those Jewish values we hold dearest

BTL:Peace Activist Philip Berrigan Remembered (tags)

Interview with Jerome Berrigan, brother of the late peace activist Philip Berrigan, conducted by Between the Lines' Denise Manzari

Stand With Our Immigrant Brothers on January 10 (tags)

Protest at the downtown INS offices, Friday, January 10th, starting at noon. Say "No! to registration and detention."



New Baldwin Play-LA Weekly Pick of the Week (tags)

The Pacifica Radio Archives Benefit Performance of JAMES BALDWIN DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP A New One Man Play Written & Performed By CALVIN LEVELS Tony Award Nominated Actor Making his Los Angeles Theater Debut *Levels intense stage presence beguiles* Pick of the Week - LA Weekly

The International Nazi Network (tags)

IG Farben was led, up until 1937 by the Warburg family, Rockefeller's partners in banking and in the design of Nazi German eugenics. Following the Nazi invasion of Poland in September 1939, Britain and Germany declared war on each other and World War II began. But later that month, Standard Oil executives flew to the Netherlands on a British Royal Air Force bomber and met with IG Farben executives.

Solidarity With Immigrants Under Attack: Demonstrate! (tags)

Protest- Fri., Jan. 10 at 8, 12 & 4:00 -INS office, Los Angeles & Temple St

Absurd Responses vs. Earnest Politics; Global Justice vs. Anti-War Movements; Guerilla The (tags)

The Bush Administration is drawing the United States and the world ever closer to a state of permanent military engagement, So what do we do?” the front of the card asked. The back explained: “Throw a party!!! Activism doesn’t have to mean droning speeches, dull chants, and tired slogans. To sustain the growing movement over the long haul, we need humor, theater, music, flamboyance, irony, and fun.”

Pacifica Radio Archives to Host New Play About James Baldwin (tags)

Pacifica Radio Archives is holding a special event -- a benefit performance of JAMES BALDWIN DOWN FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP, a new one-man play written and performed by Tony award-nominated actor Calvin Levels, depicting the rich, impassioned life of the great novelist, playwright, essayist and civil rights activist.

On the US arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants. (tags)

On the Mass Arrests of Middle Eastern immigrants in California The language of fascism is always cloaked in subterfuge. And it is just this sort of duplicitous language that the U.S. government is employing to describe the mass arrest -- under the dishonest pretext of 'voluntary registration' -- of hundred, perhaps thousands of Middle Eastern men, many of them Iranians, in the last week in California.

Red Light Indicator for Israel; Fear is No Excuse (tags)

The former Bosnian Serb President, Biljana Plavsic, has said "fear" blinded her to the atrocities Serbs were committing during the Bosnian war. Today She was sentenced to 25 year in prison.


NEWSFLASH Mr. Bush's new criminal edict now states Americans can rise up for America to kill him as a terrorist and be thought Just and God Worthy. I Agree with bush finally.

US Imperialism in Colombia (tags)

Colombia has always been and still is the coveted cornerstone of the US's geopolitical control over the entire Latin American region, and at whatever the cost, the US is determined to make Colombia the jewel in its imperial crown.

Counter-Realism (tags)

Social conflicts are always conflicts around terms and definitional power..Whoever has definitional power over what is reality and what is realpolitik dominates ideological semantics. Translated from the German

a timeline of CIA atrocities (tags)

the author Steve kangas was suicided in 1999

Anti-War activist Berrigan dies (tags)

Anti-war activist Philip Berrigan dies

Taxes, taxes, taxes: High on the Bush agenda (tags)

It has been written that the more things change, the more they are the same. And that certainly holds true when it comes to battles over taxes. True, the powdered wigs of James Madison’s time are gone. And yes, George Bush has replaced "Teddy" Roosevelt. But the issues are the same – who pays and how much.

Conscientious Objector Author's Perseverance Pays Off (tags)

Fukuoka, Japan -- Robert W. Norris, a Vietnam War conscientious objector (CO) now living in Japan, knows what it means for a writer to persevere. Over thirty years after being court-martialed as a CO and twenty-five years of writing, Norris has drawn upon his many experiences to write a novel and an ESL (English as a Second Language) novella/textbook. Both books are published by Jacobyte Books, an independent Australian publisher. Jacobyte's homepage:

Congress skips town, snubs kids and jobless (tags)

The 107th Congress adjourned on Nov. 22 after refusing to provide extended unemployment benefits to nearly a million unemployed workers, cutting the availability of Section 8 housing vouchers, denying health care to more than 900,000 children and refusing to provided federal aid to states facing the worst fiscal crisis since World War II. It did, however, find the money for a $2 billion Election Day pay off to drug companies and a promised $100 billion to insurance companies.

Setting the Record Straight- RCP on the Anti War Movement (tags)

In response to a article written on

Holy Jesus Man! Johnny Wizard is staying for snacks! Holy Jesus Man! (tags)

Holy Jesus Man! Have you heard the Revelations from India's government to the FBI now made public?, regarding the principle terrorist funder of Mohammad Atta being, the ISI's, General Ahmad? The bush administration's personal confidant, and top secret military strategist? See, it was Jim at MSNBC that informed US of bush's terrorist plan existing as once top secret presidential documents, and, that this same general, was also responsible for, according to several members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, ...

Proud and Insolent Youth Incorporated (tags)

The man who killed a Police Officer in Red Bluff, CA claims immunity because he was incorporated.

Toward Drug Legalization (tags)

From Narco News Bulletin. A Conversation with Gustavo de Grieff. Translated from the Spanish. Por Esto! November 14, 2002

neighborhood bully (tags)

ramsey clark on american militarism

Iraq okays UN terms, Bush pushes war (tags)

Iraq has accepted a United Nations Security Council Resolution giving weapons inspectors sweeping new rights but allows many pretexts for the Bush administration to provoke a war. The resolution warns Iraq of “serious consequences” if it doesn’t comply – and the White House has made clear that anything it defines as a material breach will almost certainly mean a new war.

“Not With Bush” World Peace Now Petition (tags)

“If you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists” - George W. Bush. Sign this petition and reject Bush and the “New World Order.” FORWARD THIS PETITION LINK!!!

did CIA fake terror bombings i philippines? (tags)

remember lavon affair in 1954? Has US done something similar here?

Pacifica Moves to Save Nation's Oldest Public Radio Archives (tags)

In an effort to save and restore more than 47,000 historic tapes that span half a century of radio programming, the five-station Pacifica Radio network will broadcast a national on-air fundraising benefit on Tuesday, November 19, featuring rare recordings from the endangered archives.


Seeping up from the depths...

World Peace Now (Not With Bush) Petition (tags)

This petition is a direct response to George W. Bush’s declaration, “If you’re not with us, you’re with the terrorists.” We the sane and peaceful people of the world reject Bush and his policies. The Universal Kinship Society requests that all who sign this petition forward the following petition link to all people on your email list.

Pacifica Radio Moves to Save Nation's Oldest Public Radio Archives (tags)

In an effort to save and restore more than 47,000 historic tapes that span half a century of radio programming, the five-station Pacifica Radio network will broadcast a national on-air fundraising benefit on Tuesday, November 19, featuring rare recordings from the endangered archives.

Best chance for change (tags)

The most revolutionary potential lies just beneath the surface...

Vote to Prevent War? (text) (tags)

Vote to Prevent War? (text)

whatever hapened to those good old freedom fighters (tags)

by Gwynne Dyer

Christ I'm Actually Rising! (tags)

Chirst has like, actually come to take out the evil bushmob single handedly! He walks and talks like he's just human... Wow! Don't miss this incredible revelation!!

9/11 In Context: Plans and Counterplans (tags)

The Global Fascist Terror State has arrived, the fruit of decades of planning, propaganda and provocation. September 11 was its coming-out party, and for us, the last wake-up call.

Wolves Guarding the Sheep ::: What Lies Behind Bush's WarFront? (tags)

Can the educated and thoughtful people of the world overcome the obfuscating and diversionary tactics being deployed by the White House and CIA, before “Total Space Dominance” neutralizes any opposition, or we’re all “secured” in suspect camps, whichever comes first? Will anyone ask the difficult questions, or does it all really just end with a whimper? Will America finally lay down their guns for a moment and listen to their veterans?

War On Iraq? Ten Years From Now, What Will You Tell Your Children?  (tags)

Read only if you have an open mind (and I know I'm going to get you looking even if you don't with this kind of summary ;-) Are we being lied to? Let me walk you through some history. Let me challenge you to look in the mirror and face your (future) children.

Manufacturing Anti-Semites (posted by Latuff) (tags)

Relevant article on anti-Semitism from Uri Avnery, founder and activist of Israeli peace organization Gush Shalom.

globalisation means war (tags)

The global Swiss banking syndicate that is backing the war effort

World Bank and International Monetary Fund strangle economies of Third World (tags)

The World Bank’s origins go back to the Bretton Woods conference of July 1944, when leaders from 43 nations assembled to start building the global economy in the aftermath of World War II. U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, hoping to avoid another worldwide depression, called for creation of institutions that would create “a dynamic world community in which the peoples of every nation will be able to realize their potentialities in peace.”

Dogs March Against War! (tags)

Dogs for Democracy/Paws for Peace will have a dog contingent at the upcoming A.N.S.W.E.R. march against war with Iraq on Oct. 26th in San Francisco



Post 9/11 Conspiracism (tags)

In most of these theories there were false assumption conflating Jewish religion and ethnicity, Israel, Zionism, and the current Israeli government. Sometimes the assertion was that Jews controlled U.S. foreign policy, while in other cases there were outright claims that the Israeli intelligence service Mossad had staged the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.

Capitalism, Fascism and World War 2 (tags)

The relationship of fascism and capitalism as illustrated by the events of World War 2

Zac In The Bush (Sept.21, 2002 version) (tags)

I explain why, arguably, 911 conspirator George Bush & his co-terrorists U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft, FBI director Robert Mueller and his predecessors Thomas Pickard and Louis Freeh ought to be shackled and goggled and flown to Guantanamo.

Bush Daddy Religion (tags)

It's stupidity!

Double Standards, Lies and Iraq (tags)

Examples of double standards involving weapons of mass destruction and what John Pilger calls the lying game about Iraq.



The Forbidden Truths of War as Practiced by the Human Species (tags)

War is a human ritual practiced as a toxic reflection of the genocidal evil that ultra-diseased human societies impose upon every generation of their child-slaves. This Essay exposes the Forbidden Truths on this issue. All Rights Are Reserved, Copyright 2002 The Seer of Forbidden Truth.

Union members run for Congress (tags)

Even a brief look at the make-up of the 107th Congress helps explain why workers are catching hell these days. Yes, it is true that there are “friends of labor” who have 100 percent AFL-CIO voting records, but they find themselves out-gunned in a Congress whose 535 members include 150 millionaire lawyers, bankers and other business people.

Bush Daddy Country (tags)

It spread like a "Serpent"!

Animal Cruelty: Al-Qaeda's Got Nothin' on the US Military (tags)

The world is rightfully shocked at the alleged puppy experiments of Al-Qaeda. Unreported by the U.S. corporate media are the decades of animal cruelty inflicted by the U.S. Department of Defense. This brief expose reveals a history of U.S. animal abuse that makes Al-Qaeda look like good samaritans.

israels willing executioners (tags)

this is from 1998, and may not be new to some people, but it is new to me

Debt "SLAVERY" and Mind Control (tags)

The illusion called debt and the clowns of the three ring circus, may they all burn in Hell!!

Ish Flory, A lifetime champion of equality (tags)

In Chicago the month of August is a special time for the residents of the South Side. Every year on the second Saturday of that month the community celebrates its past, its present and its future with a huge outdoor party kicked off by the Bud Billiken parade.

Bush Daddy Realizations (tags)

What a fool believes!

IS COLOMBIA THE NEXT VIETNAM? An essay by former Green Baret Stan Goff (tags)

Imperialism is the enemy of us all, and the FARC is on the front lines against imperialism. It's very simple to an old soldier. Remember Vietnam!

Transcript of militarized police forum (tags)

In light of recent Bush administration efforts to expand the domestic role of the military, "Declassified Radio" is re-releasing the transcript of a past program on the military's growing influence on domestic policing. This program, initially released in October of 2001, includes material from a September 25, 2001 symposium on militarized policing held at Judson Church in New York City. Speakers included Paul Richmond of the National Lawyer's Guild, "Covert Action Quarterly" writer Frank Morales, and Sam Smith, editor of the "Progressive Review".

Forbidden Truth:Mainstream Media Sellout (tags)

That Washington's media elite appears to be anesthetized to Bush's current drive to turning the United States into some mirror image of East Germany, China, or Pinochet's Chile cannot be overstated.

History Lesson (tags)

How well do you know your real history?


In a trial balloon by the regime to gauge public reaction, a member of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission (!) said in Detroit on Friday he could "foresee" a "scenario" in which "the public" would "demand" internment camps for ArabAmericans if "Arab terrorists" strike "again" in this country.

Freedom Under Fire (tags)

Excerpts from the 2002 NAACP Convention Address, Houston, Tex., July 7, 2002. This year’s convention theme – Freedom Under Fire – is appropriate in many ways. So, too, is the city and state in which we gather. …

Who are the Palestinians (tags)

encyclopedia of peace

Saving and improving Social Security: The Communist Party’s solution (tags)

Marx’s observation that the task of a movement goes beyond mere interpretation of events was never more apt than when it comes to the struggle to defend – and improve – the Social Security system.

Are we doomed to be a Police State? (tags)

It is time for some serious soul searching in america!!

Dissent In Pursuit Of Equality, Life, Liberty And Happiness (tags)

Sharon Basco is executive producer of Howard Zinn is an historian and author of A People's History of the United States. Sharon Basco interviewed him for

Why is Desmund Tutu silent on Egyptian aparthied. (tags)

Why is Desmund Tutu silent on Egyptian aparthied.

Beware of the Zionists lies and myths! (tags)

When the cult cries anti-semitism to silent their critics and to say that the world hates them because of who they are as a race, keep in mind that “Jews” have no race and are found in every race who wants to join the club.

Enemy of the State (tags)

The time has come to learn the truth about how you have been insidiously enslaved to a greedy few scumbags.

Enemy of the State (tags)

Awake brother and let me tell you a story of how a great people became slaves to a few greedy weazels.

Conspiracy Theories and Clandestine Politics (tags)

A useful analysis of distinctions which should be maintained between "conspiracy theory" (a pathological orientation) and "clandestine [or "deep"] politics". From Lobster #29, June 1995.

If I were a terrorist (tags)

An indigenous perspective on terrorism.

White House Assigns Itself the Power to Determine Who is a Terrorist... (tags)

White House Assigns Itself the Power to Determine Who is a Terrorist, While Denying an American Defendant Due Process and Access to Attorney. Between The Lines' Scott Harris Interviews Theresa Younger, executive director of the Connecticut Civil Liberties Union.

Pres. Bush & the Nazis (tags)

As George "War" Bush speaks at Normandy this Memorial Day, May 27, 2002, in an insulting attempt to cast himself in the image of a World War 2 hero, let us remember that the Bush family has a history of collaboration with the Nazis, and this latest American Hitler is carrying on that same tradition. His junior partners, the Zionists, also are well-known Nazi collaborators.

Germans Welcome resident bush (1) (tags)

Tens of thousands of Germans welcome resident bush as he lands in Berlin (more details on Germany's Indymedia)


POLITICAL MURDER & DAMAGE CONTROL : "The killing of popular politician Pim Fortuyn has pushed the Netherlands into its most serious domestic crisis since World War II. It is inevitable that emotions will run high as a result of this attack, but things have to be kept under control if we are to avoid further bloodshed."

Santa Ana Peace Walk bringing resistance to the Mall near you- #6 (tags)

bringing resisatnce to a mall near you

Santa Ana Peace Walk bringing resistance to the Mall near you- #5 (tags)

bringing resistance to a mall near you

Santa Ana Peace Walk bringing resistance to the Mall near you- #4 (tags)

Bringing resistance to a mall near you

Santa Ana Peace Walk bringing resistance to the Mall near you- #3 (tags)

Bringing resistance to a mall near you

Santa Ana Peace Walk bringing resistance to the Mall near you- #2 (tags)

bringing resistnce to the mall near you

Santa Ana Peace Walk bringing resistance to the Mall near you (tags)

Bringing resistance to the mall near you


apanese peace activists need your assistance in preserving their "Peace Constitution" from assaults by the pro-US lapdog Koizumi government.

Urge the Nobel Institute to reject the Bush/Blair Peace Prize Nomination! (tags)

They say that satire died when Henry Kissinger was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, but if a Right-wing Norwegian MP has his way, the Nobel committee will be spitting on its grave. Norwegian MP Harald Tom Nesvik nominated Tony Blair and George W. Bush for the Nobel Peace Prize for "decisive action against terrorism, something I believe in the future will be the greatest threat to peace."

World War III at hand???? Draft resurrection and blocking from the Worst (tags)

Apparently this site hasn't noted a bill going to congress, which is basically apparently seeking to bring back the draft. If this isn't a direct preparation for WWIII (with a situation like a North Korean *Gulf of Tonkin*-like fake "aggression" starting the Vietnam slaughter) then what could it be? And, are there ways we can still undermine the death cult ure mindset of social and cultural managers?

World War III at hand???? Draft resurrection and blocking from the Worst (tags)

Apparently this site hasn't noted a bill going to congress, which is basically apparently seeking to bring back the draft. If this isn't a direct preparation for WWIII (with a situation like a North Korean *Gulf of Tonkin*-like fake "aggression" starting the Vietnam slaughter) then what could it be? And, are there ways we can still undermine the death cult ure mindset of social and cultural managers?

Germ Warfare in NY? (tags)

What I find amazing about human nature is the ability to live in denial, even against overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It is a survival mechanism, but if left on automatic will undermine one's survival. Even the Jesish Kapos remained in denial until it was their turn for the gas that what we are going to do as well?

Nazi Germany's Reichstag Fore: A lesson in seizure of power (tags)

A nation is shocked when a beloved building explodes in flames after terrorists attack. A leader rallies his own partisans, and pre-empts the opposition. Scared citizens gladly surrender their constitutional rights. Years of war result. 2001? No, 1933.

December 10th Coalition For Human Rights-Public Statement And Call To Action (tags)

In response to the suspicious detainment of 1,000+ arab Americans, a new coalition has formed in NJ to organize for the nationwide day of action on December 10th. We will keep IMC updated on specifics of the action that the coalition plans, although we encourage organizations to organize autonomously as well. Please endorse this. This is the initial release, so very few, even some in the coalition, have not had the chance to fully confirm their endorsement. However, I can tell you members of the ARISE collective and New Brunswick-FNB are also involved. Onward!

Afghan Women: Solution for Afghanistan's Future (tags)

The Feminist Majority released this call to work with women in Afghanistan to rebuild the country.

Fuehrer Bush OKs Military Trials for Civilians (tags)

President Bush signed an order Tuesday that would allow the government to try people accused of terrorism in front of a special military commission instead of in civilian court. Compare and contrast with the rise of Hitler's power in Nazi Germany.

A Message to Troops, Would Be Troops and Other Youth (tags)

Know anyone in the military, or thinking about signing up soon? Pass this along to them. They may appreciate it, or not... but they deserve a heads up.

REVIEW #2: "Forcing God's Hand" -- Book re Christians Eager For Armageddon (tags)

"Anyone who wants to understand where the Religious Right is really heading ought to read this book…. The main premise of Forcing God's Hand is that Christians want the Holy Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt, knowing full well that it may bring on a world war. In fact, that's what they hope for, or more precisely, what they yearn for. They call it the Battle of Armageddon, which would end civilization as we know it. Of course, they believe that Jesus will rescue the faithful, and to hell with the rest of us."

Congressman says "NUKE 'EM!" (tags)

"They did it once, and they'll do it again... they'll shower us all in their deadly rain."


Around 400 people gathered in L.A.'s historic Little Tokyo district Friday evening (28th), for a candlelight vigil against hate crimes.


Around 400 people gathered in L.A.'s historic Little Tokyo district Friday evening (28th), for a candlelight vigil against hate crimes.


Around 400 people gathered in L.A.'s historic Little Tokyo district Friday evening (28th), for a candlelight vigil against hate crimes.


Around 400 people gathered in L.A.'s historic Little Tokyo district Friday evening (28th), for a candlelight vigil against hate crimes.


Around 400 people gathered in L.A.'s historic Little Tokyo district Friday evening (28th), for a candlelight vigil against hate crimes.

World War! (tags)

Beyond War.

Council On Foreign Relations: Expose The Criminals (tags)

The CFR’s Annual Report for July 1, 1993-June 30, 1994, page 4, states: "The Council on Foreign Relations is a nonprofit, and nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to improving theunderstanding of US foreign policy, and international affairs through the exchange of ideas.

Majestic 12 And The Secret Government (tags)

Before Majestic 12 During the years following World War II the Government of the United States was confronted with a series of events which were to change beyond prediction its future and with it the future of humanity.

Top Reagan Official Unmasks Ten Myths In Support of Higher Military Spending (tags)

Lawrence Korb, assistant secretary of defense in the Reagan administration, criticizes key underlying assumptions of Gore & Bush military policy -- FROM THE LEFT! From

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