fix articles 3583, human rights Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : human rights

human rights

Dear Mr. High Commissioner: Help Free Assange! (tags)

Mr. Assange is a defender of human rights; an innovative journalist and creative publisher; he is one of us. He should not be locked up but standing with us in our office. Is he not persecuted for doing what every serious human rights investigator should be doing every day: investigating allegations and promoting truth, accountability and justice?

Housing is a human right (tags)

To guarantee the human right to housing, a fundamental change in policy would be required at all levels. At all levels - federal, state and local - the social housing provision should be enforced against private profit interests. The non-profit status of housing must be revived. Housing must not be a commodity, it must not be the object of speculation and profit interests.

The final system question Parts 1 and 2 (tags)

The enrichment elites of the West in particular have been trying for decades to extend their influence to the whole world. That is their declared concept. The worldwide "final victory" has been part of capitalism and imperialism from the very beginning.

Democracies against Autocracies & Decline of Civilization (tags)

The time of decadence, i.e. the creeping decay of civilization, in which we find ourselves again today, is characterized by fear, nihilism, radicalism and depression. The decline is seen as the unalterable end of a nostalgically transfigured past while life loses all meaning.

There is nothing to fear from China (tags)

Non-interference in the affairs of other states & emphasis on what united them for mutual benefit were important elements of Chinese notions of cooperation just as in Chinese philosophy existence presupposes coexistence.

May to December 2021 Honduras coup update: The impending exit of JOH dictatorship (tags)

This second half of 2021 in Honduras saw continued attacks against peasants, indigenous communities, human rights defenders, unionists, students, political prisioners, community journalist, and also, many killings against politicians – in the context of the November election in which the Nationalist JOH regime saw that at the presidential level, it couldn’t pull off another fraud, although it can at the parliamentary and municipal levels. In addition, inroads were made into beginning several model cities (ZEDES), to add to the long list of dictatorship footprints so that it leaves a nightmare to be unravelled, as FUERA JOH – get out JOH’ becomes a reality, twelve and a half years after the military coup against the Honduran people.

Children suffer strongly from homeschooling in Lockdown (tags)

The situation, which UNICEF described as a "catastrophic education crisis" at the beginning of March, continues. In addition, errors, stereotypes, misjudgements and trivialization prevail in the discussion about children, Corona and digital distance learning.

Whistleblower Network on Assange (tags)

" If the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is still to be worth anything, all politicians in Western liberal democracies must stand up and speak out. Those who - quite rightly - stand behind Alexei Nawalny must also stand up for Julian Assange. The credibility of our rule of law is at stake here. "

More Proof of the Covid-19 Lies (tags)

Stop COVID Mandates {The Legal Way}

Soros-funded Groups Increased Israeli-Palestinian Tensions To Influence 2021 Elections (tags)

Despite Biden’s public support for Israel amid the latest clashes between the Israelis and Palestinians, the left wing lawmakers appear to blame Israel rather than Hamas terrorists for the violence. To push the U.S. administration to rethink relationship with Israel, pro-Palestinian American elites have been using proxies. Over decades, left wing billionaire George Soros has been attempting to discredit the Jewish state and weaken the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in Washington.

What is Joe Biden's Israel Policy, Exactly? (tags)

The Biden administration thought it could muddle through with the usual pro-Israel platitudes, but rising awareness of Israeli apartheid is making that impossible.

Zero hunger, zero hypocrisy (tags)

Today, flight from hunger and war often enough does not lead to a new "home," but to a refugee shelter, homelessness, or deportation back into misery. In view of the worldwide crises and the distribution struggles still to come, where will this lead, if not to mass "homelessness"?

Palestinians in Lebanon: ‘It’s like living in a prison’ (tags)

Palestinian refugees in Lebanon are treated as second-class residents, restricted from working in most fields, banned from owning property, forced to live in run-down camps and barred from formal education.

Remembrance culture and the Cold War (tags)

"No to racism, anti-Semitism, the production of images of the enemy, and the slandering of history!" Russia is once again declared the enemy, but at a rapid pace now so is China. The new Cold War seems unstoppable. Enemy images are marked by a simple binary world view.

America's Post-Trump Reckoning (tags)

His startling disregard for expertise and science has resulted in the erosion and degradation of independent national institutions such as the US Postal Service, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Food and Drug Administration, the FBI, & US intelligence community.

Bolivia - the left returns to power (tags)

The Bolivian people have proven that reason, dignity and fighting spirit cannot be suppressed either by a military coup or by government repression. The election result has implications not only for Bolivia, where it is an important step towards the restoration of democracy, but for the entire Latin American region.

Five Theses on the Political-Theological Foundation of Church Asylum (tags)

Human rights did not just fall from the sky, but had to and must be fought for by those who are not granted them...This includes the unwritten human right to global freedom of movement.

International Scholars Raise Concerns over “an Attempt to Destroy a New Religious Movement (tags)

On July 20, LA local minority church members spoke out at an international human rights webinar titled “COVID-19 and Religious Freedom: Scapegoating Shincheonji in South Korea”, which addressed the recent issues of aggressive attack from politically powerful conservative and fundamentalist Protestant churches against minority faiths.

December 2019 Hondruas Coup Update (tags)

In December 2019 in Honduras, within one week of each other, a Tolupan leader and a Pech leader were disappeared and their body found within a week. There were attempts against black Garífuna organisers and community members. A lawyer was attempted against in Choluteca. Grassroots organisations also attacked in Choluteca and in Aguan. An organisation leader was threatened for opposing logging. Read on for this and other news

Sanctions Are Like Bombs (tags)

Venezuela is one of 41 states that depend on external food assistance to avert a humanitarian crisis. The US government is copying its blockade policy against Cuba. There is hardly any criticism of US sanctions. Six million, 60% of the population, are sustained by the food program.

The US Tramples on International Law (tags)

The US surprise attack on Iraq in March 2003 was a primal catastrophe. International law was eliminated and replaced by the imperial dictatorship of the US. Those who destroyed a whole people and have a million casualties on their conscience are not punished in any way.

The US under President Trump: Gravedigger of International Law (tags)

The US collaboratively built international law and its institutions and had an authoritative influence for more than 100 years.The US shows an unparalleled contempt for international law by recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Syrian Golan Heights.

Purim, Dr. Goldstein, Hebron, Twenty Five Years Ago (tags)

Something happened in Hebron twenty Five Years ago. What Exactly Occurred? This Article Reviews The Facts And Evidence.

The Goldstein Incident in Hebron, Twenty Five Years Later (tags)

After 25 yrs. its time to investigate what really happened in the Cave of the Patriarchs/Ibrahimi Mosque, in Hebron/al Khalil.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

1 year later, Viva L'Iranian People's Revolution To Gain Freedom, From the Dictatorship of the Mullahs

October 2018 Honduras Coup update (tags)

This month: a glimpse at what the migrants are facing, and protest marches are also heavily repressed, environmentalists defending land water and life arrested and kidnapped and a whole camp militarised for a couple of days during which one family was especially terrorised in such a magnitude and fascist way that all this violence, and the barely known violent eviction of the camp and of the subsequent night time highway blockade, was quickly made invisible by announcing two soldiers were shot dead in the confrontations. Similarly, farmers have faced evictions and persecution. Read on to find out more

Philippines – Duterte 2 Years on: Destructive, Divisive, and Despotic (tags)

When Rodrigo Duterte won the presidency in 2016, some even among the left toyed early on with the idea that a “maverick” president could just be what the country needed to stir things up, and jolt us from almost 30 years of elite-dominated rule.

Globalization: hope on the horizon despite Fake Liberals. (tags)

I consider the Fake Liberals as the greatest threat to global freedom and western civilization. They promote globalization, using racism as a political weapon labeling opposition as racist, fascist or white nationalists. Globalization has Corporate and right wing support creating the swamp which is being opposed.

Short Report on the Families Belong Together Protest in Los Angeles (tags)

Just some impressions and comments.

The Shortwave Report 6/29/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Spanish National Radio, and Sputnik Radio.

May 2018 Honduras coup update (tags)

This May had repression including of May Day protests around Honduras, and lots of attacks against defenders of land, environment and territory including one murder, a number of political prisoners released on bail but a few remain locked up, attacks against journalists, and the congress moves towards making compulsory both military service and bible reading in schools..

They Knew What They Did: Texaco in Ecuador (tags)

The world has created a system where businesses only have rights but no obligations. There is no internation al tribunal that can make businesses liable for human rights violations abroad. What is perverse is that Terxaco knew it polluted the land.

5 Reasohns for UN Agreements Regulating Corporations (tags)

Countless cases of human rights violations by corporations show voluntary self-commitments of businesses cannot ensure social and ecological standards. UN agreements create rights for persons instead of companies.

Debt, Corruption and Tax Policies Impact Poverty, Says Vatican at United Nations (tags)

During United Nations Human Rights Council meetings last week, Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, the Geneva based Vatican representative stated, “We can no longer frame the debt crisis as an exclusively economic problem. It affects future generations, as well as the social conditions that allow the enjoyment of human rights of vast numbers of people entitled to the solidarity of the whole human family.”

February 2018 Honduras Coup Again update (tags)

Much repression continues as the fraud dictatorship JOH regime continues in Honduras as does resistance against it. At least 3 have been assassinated this month, including a 40 years old community leader, a 33 year old organised farmer, and a 16 year old environmental activist. Read on for details about these and other attacks against a people resisting this dictatorship

Do Germans really want to align themselves with evil? (tags)

In Germany many women are being subjected to sexual abuse by Muslim migrants but their leader Angela Merkel seems captured by the EU and UN and unable to properly defend the country's culture and way of life. My recent book describes the creation of an 'evil' ideology at the UN.

Researching Islamic Terrorism in Europe. (tags)

Saving Western civilization and global freedom. I am seeking funding to research Islamic terrorism in Europe. My recent book describes some aspects which require further research e.g on 10 Dec 2008 the UN extended the domain of secularism to cover the whole Universal Declaration which showed that in the case of Bangladesh this certainly appeared to result i a major eruption of violence by Muslim extremists who are anti-secular. This indicates that the UN's decision may have led to a increase in Islamic terrorism globally.

The Shortwave Report 02/09/18 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.

Honduras: Amnesty International Defender fears for protesters trialled in army battalion (tags)

Taken from a video interview. Honduran dictatorship trials protesters behind closed military doors, supposed of breaking hotel windows.

BDS Palestine Movement (tags)

Sucesses of the 2017 BDS Plaestine Movement

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Time to Start Imagineering a Post-Ayatollah Iran (tags)

This article looks at the events in Iran, and asks how the US and Israel can help the Iranian people overthrow the Mullahs, to regain their freedom.

Philippines: We condemn extension of Martial Law in Mindanao (tags)

The extension of martial law in Mindanao to the end of 2018 by Congress comes as no surprise to Laban ng Masa (Fight of the Masses). Over the last year and a half, the Senate and the House of Representatives have been completely transformed into pliant tools of President Rodrigo Duterte, with the vast majority of the members of these two chambers surrendering their remaining shred of self-respect to become accomplices to Malacanang’s authoritarian agenda.

Slavery as a Human Right (tags)

Slavery lives in modern forms like debt slavery. Capitalist society stands in opposition to human rights and does not only realize human rights. Capitalism cannot realize essential demands from the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Philippines: Stop the killings, stop silencing dissent (tags)

This is the statement of a seven-member delegation of the Progressive Alliance (PA) and the Party of European Socialists (PES) that have visited Manila this week to assess the situation and to demonstrate solidarity in support for democracy in the Philippines. The delegation was hosted by Akbayan Party, a member of Progressive Alliance.

September 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This September 2017 in Honduras. Journalist who spoke up against biofuel industries locally was killed. Another journalist couple that resound voices of those who struggle who were attempted against a month before, this month received another death threat. Students' struggle and the repression against them continue with 22 new arrests against students and 4 arrests against human rights defenders who tried to intervene, with one student subsequently denied bail. A farmer was assassinated as the farming communities were militarised a month into a new mass land occupation. News on all this and more..

Facing a Possible State of Emergency (tags)

The danger of authoritarian "solutions" grows when the constitutional state is dismantled, undermined or suspended. Basic western values were betrayed in the so-called "war on terror." All persons have the same inalienable human rights irrespective of nationality, origin or religion.

The World at Risk under Trump (tags)

The US president sounds like a warmonger. When will the inflammatory words trigger a nuclear chain reaction? The Roman emperor Caligula could help in understanding Trump. He allegedly awarded his horse a seat in the Senate

August 2017 Honduras coup update (tags)

This August 2017 in Honduras. El Libertador newspaper owners were attempted against with gunfire. Two other journalists had gunshots at their houses when they were sleeping inside. Students struggle continue at the uni, they faced several violent evictions this month, smear campaigns, more charges, more threats and intimidation, and now that strikes have stopped classes for two months, authorities announced that lecturers will no longer be paid. Another blockading struggle against the installation of a hydroelectricity dam has faced massive repression this months including violent evictions and arrests, having their camp burned down, physical and psychological mob attack .. news including about these, see below

The Shortwave Report 09/01/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK Japan, Sputnik Radio, China Radio international, and Radio Havana Cuba.

PHILIPPINES - Akbayan slams Duterte's raid killings, threats vs. rights activists (tags)

Akbayan partylist condemns Duterte's public threat to shoot human rights groups. The threat comes at a time when Oplan Tokhang has reached its bloodiest and human rights groups are needed to watch over the government's operations.

The Shortwave Report 08/18/17 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Plantations Were Prisons: Mobilizing for the Aug. 19 Prisoners Human Rights March (tags)

Law Professor Angela A. Allen-Bell confronts the history and legacy of slavery head-on, asserting: "When it comes to African Americans, we have been incarcerated from the time we arrived in this country. Plantations were prisons. The change from incarceration on a plantation, to incarceration in custodial institutions, to incarceration where there are no physical limitations, but where one exists in a state of civic and political oppression, in my view, is nothing more than semantics. Mass incarceration started when slavery started."

UPDATED: List of 200+ U.S. BDS Victories! (tags)

By popular demand, below is a list of U.S. Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) Victories, originally released to commemorate ten years since Palestinian civil society issued the call for BDS.

Philippines: “Rape Joke” too sick even for Duterte’s standards (tags)

Akbayan condemns this latest horrendous remark of President Rodrigo Duterte making light of rape in front of our troops.

March 2017 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

This March 2017 in Honduras, its now come up to one year since indigenous activist Berta Caceres was murdered. There's a summary on the info out there who's arrested, who's not, and the links to US school of the americas of two involved in this crime. On roles of local corruption and international finance and the news on these. On dangerous smear campaigns and who they are targetting now. Also in March, community radio journalist received death threat. Another radio correspondent received death threat too, of Radio Progreso. A copinh community radio got attacked. A human rights defendered arrested 'by mistake'. Political cleaning contracts. And more unionised melon workers fired.

law in the USA: the SCAM of the millenium (tags)

See this report to better understand (than before) how so many millions of our people are illegally murdered and imprisoned by fbi and police

Israel’s Human Rights Spies (tags)

Haaretz: Israel infiltrates Amnesty International

Philippines: Unity Statement by February 25 Coalition (tags)


107 More Groups Oppose Neil Gorsuch (tags)

107 women's, labor, civil rights, abolition of death penalty, gay and other groups join the mass movement opposing Neil Gorsuch

Igor Sadikov urges students to "Punch a Zionist" (tags)

McGill Student Leader: 'Punch A Zionist Today'

The Lie of the Civilized Western World (tags)

"Terrorism is the war of the poor and war is the terrorism of the rich," Peter Ustinov said and thereby contradicted the media picture "we," the West who had to resist after being attacked without reason by barbarians. The so-called western values seem to be military values.

My book exposes the Human Rights Malpractice of the Liberal Left. (tags)

My book has just been released. It exposes the human rights malpractice of the liberal left. If it were reported in the mainstream media it would send shock waves globally because it uncovers major human rights truths hidden from the global public .

War on Facts (tags)

Trump's War on Facts may leave behind greater damage than Bush's War on Terror. While Bush and Rove created a fantasy world, Trump created a never ending nightmare. Trump is a semi-fictional figure. His election promises were fictional like his deportment as self-made man.

who, what, when, where, why, how (tags)

This post deals with:Occupy Movement Police

Trump and the Consequences: Democracy at a Crossroads (tags)

What appears here is another form of democracy, without the constitutional state and without opposition. Trump could operate with enemy declarations. Today Donald Trump is a radicalized Nixon. Democracy is always endangered and never given as a present.

Honduras coup update December 2016 (tags)

In December 2016, the uni students of the national agricultural university continue to suffer attacks including stabbings as they continue the campus occupation, in Tegucigalpa, military raided cultural centre Paradiso. A fake letter is published to manipulate how people see the human rights organisation Cofadeh, just as in Bajo Aguan and Garífuna indigenous black communities up north, distraction and confusion tactics are used against the communities that continue to fight for justice and land rights.

The Shortwave Report 12/16/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, and Sputnik Radio.

November 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

This November. Another massive repression against uni students, this time at the agricultural national uni in Olancho. In the north of Honduras Garífuna communities organise to take back their land, and doing so they are facing arrests, charges, violence and threats. This month the Guadalupe community was attacked, a number of youths involved had capture orders against them, Medelín was brutally arrested by police and faces charges. To read more on this and other abuses that occurred in November 2016 in Honduras, see the text/link...

October 2016 Honduras coup update – murders and many blatant attacks continue (tags)

October 2016 news in Honduras is here. Two farmers leaders of the Bajo Aguan palm plantations occupations were killed. They also tried to kill two Copinh leaders on two separate occasions on the same date when the sun was not around. Shameless attacks by state against those who protest, especially those of Copinh. Check out Melissa Cardoza's piece about this, that one tried to translate to english, but best to check out the original in Spanish if you hablas español.

September 2016 Honduras coup update (tags)

September in Honduras. A barber was assassinated after an angry comment to the president on his own facebook. Farmers setting up occupation were violently evicted. Indigenous leaders forced to go into hiding. Lack of justice continues on the Berta Caceres case, this month with an arbitrary arrest against Copinh, her file was stolen by someone robbing the judge's car, and the finance organisation FMO wrote one of the gross reports that doesn't try much to really look like it cares about human rights. This and other news, read on..

August 2016 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

Another month of terror this August 2016 in Honduras. Farmers attempted against on two unrelated incidents (unrelated except they both involve attacks against farmers who organise to collectivise and work on land), one was killed in the crossfire. Another media closed off for being one that speaks up. The government blatantly announced investigation, surveillance and tracking against a list of human rights defenders. It arbitrarily arrested two other women human rights defenders. Its uni authorities covered up murals in memory of the assassinated indigenous activist Bertha Caceres that students painted with love and rage. Another enviro activist spoke up about threats they are getting. A young politician with an activist background was murdered. Snipers appeared at a protest. Agrarian Department suffered massive cuts, embodying an attack on land redistribution, in addition to job cuts.

Macabre Crimes Committed By fbi, Tacitly Approved By Congress/SCOTUS (tags)

This study is about fifty years in the making and is a work in progress regarding gross and murderous crimes by our government in concert with fbi assassins.

Propaganda Countdown to WWIII: Armenians in the Crosshairs (tags)

True to their well-documented pattern, the Azeris felt compelled to come up with their own propagandized version of non-reality to show that they too can be victims of genocide --- ostensibly committed by Armenians.

Philippines: Duterte tells CHR, women's groups: Go to hell! (tags)

MANILA - Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte on Wednesday told the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and those who filed a complaint against him on account of his alleged offensive remarks on rape to go to hell.

Palestinian Human Rights Activists Receives Death Threats (tags)

A Palestinian human rights activist said Thursday that he was “terrified” by the hostile reception and physical threats he received while lecturing at the University of Chicago.

Divestment passes at UI Chicago (tags)

Text of Divestment resolution that passed unanimously in Chicago

The Shortwave Report 01/22/16 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and Spanish National Radio.

The Dream of Making Human Rights a Reality in Martin Luther King Day (tags)

  Summary: In honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, volunteers of Youth for Human Rights of Florida celebrates with residents of Florida at the Annual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Parade.                 To keep Dr. King’s dream alive, as well as educate the next generation of civic leaders, Youth for Human Rights distributed more than 1100 copies of “The Story of Human Rights” booklet.               The printing of these booklets is sponsored by parishioners of the Church of Scientology.               “Early in his research into the human spirit, humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard emphasized that spiritual freedom and enlightenment were unattainable to people who were denied their fundamental human rights,” said Ms. Kintzel. “He called on all Scientologists to dedicate themselves ‘to support true humanitarian endeavors in the fields of human rights.’ I am very proud that my church, working with like-minded groups can really advocate for human rights.”               To find out more about Youth for Human Rights International go

How NAFPS and Al Carroll Are Under Attack by White Racists...Again (tags)

Native Americans have been fighting for their spiritual traditions for decades against New Age cultural appropriation and commercial exploitaton. NAFPS and Al Carroll have been at the forefront, and for that, white racists have always hated them, slandered them, and demonized them. The good news is, the racists have always failed.

Mindanao, Philippines: Stop ‘Lumad’ killings, harassment - UN (tags)

Killings and harassment of the Lumad, or the indigenous people (IP), should stop and those accountable should be brought to justice, according to Ola Almgren, the UN country representative and humanitarian coordinator.

Let’s get One Million tweets for Oscar! (tags)

As Oscar López Rivera approaches his 73rd birthday on January 6, 2016 the National Puerto Rican Agenda and National Boricua Human Rights Network are launching a social media campaign (Twitter and Facebook) calling for his release.

Philippines: Lumads to AFP, NPA: Leave us alone (tags)

MANILA, Philippines — A group claiming to represent 33 lumad (indigenous people) tribes in Mindanao on Friday urged the military and the rebel group New People's Army (NPA) to stop dragging them into their conflict and to respect their human rights and ancestral domain.

Philippines: Rebel Executions Violate International Law (tags)

(Manila) – The communist New People’s Army (NPA) in the Philippines executed the mayor of a small town and his son on October 19, 2015, in violation of international humanitarian law, Human Rights Watch said today. Throughout its four-decade insurgency, the rebel group has frequently executed people found “guilty” by its so-called people’s courts, which do not meet basic fair trial standards.

Drug Industry Bandits (tags)


Further redistribution of wealth from West to rest very likely. (tags)

Top sustainable development goal is to end poverty which very likely means a massive redistribution of wealth from West to rest. However, to achieve this the UN has seriously violated the Universal Declaration it claims as its authority.

Israeli Fascist Brutality (tags)


Disbandment of militias key to Peace in Mindanao, Philippines (tags)

Akbayan Partylist supports the investigation of the killing of lumads particularly in the CARAGA region and bringing the perpetrators to justice. There is no place for impunity in our shared pursuit of just and lasting peace in Mindanao.

Protesters Enact Symbolic "Die In" to Unwelcome Narendra Modi to Silicon Valley (tags)

Over 2000 vibrant protesters from many different Indian American communities joined together outside the SAP Center in San Jose to counter Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision of "Digital India" and Hindutva. They raised many issues with Modi's leadership, ranging from forced conversions to Hinduism, Internet surveillance, arrest of political bloggers, harassment of human rights activists, blind eye to rapes, dispossession of small farmers, rewriting of Indian history, and the 2002 Gujarat massacre.

Blood in the Streets in Occupied Palestine (tags)


Israel Desecrates Islam's Third Holiest Site for the Third Day (tags)


August 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

The August Honduras update is up, a lot has happened, young fire torch leader murdered, taxi driver leader murdered, 14 farmers imprisoned for over 39 days without bail, child of the resistance Oscar now a high school leader now singled out and arrested in a students protests and kept overnight, and so many other things. Meanwhile the hope seems to be in more people taking direct action, with the realisable dream of a general strike, rather than what is catching more attention against corruption right now

Israel to Demolish 13,000 Palestinian Structures (tags)


Shell paid out $15.5 Million over Saro-Wiwa Murder (tags)

Shell pressured the Nigerian government to hang Saro-Wiwa and 8 other nonviolent environmental activists. Ken Saro-Wiwa was nominated for a Nobel Prize in 1996. Besides his work to protect the Niger Delta, he was an author. Saro-Wiwa's son Ken Wiwa wrote In The Shadow of a Saint about his father. Richard North Patterson wrote a fictionalized account of Shell's role in the murder in the book Eclipse.

Congresswoman for Palestinian Rights (tags)


Obama's War on Venezuela (tags)


Israel Bombs Syria (tags)


New York Times Mocks Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Striker Muhammad Allan's Life Hangs by a Thread (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Striker Near Death (tags)


July 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags) The July Honduras coup summary is up... this time a lot of the repression was against hunger strikers, students linked to occupations, journalists and human rights defenders. Things are getting to an impossible point for many and there is some hope about how this rage be channelled.

Israeli Doctors Refuse Force-Feeding Order (tags)


US Supports Egyptian Tyranny (tags)


New Russian White Book on Kiev Junta Crimes in Donbass (tags)


Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine Rages (tags)


Israeli State Terror Without Mercy (tags)


Israeli Settlers Burn Palestinian Infant to Death (tags)


Russia Challenges America's Orwellian National Endowment for Democracy (tags)


Israel Declares War on Palestinian Hunger Strikers (tags)


Illegitimate Show Trial Sentences Gaddafi's Son to Death (tags)


Unidentified US Navy Nurse Honored for Refusing Involvement in Force-Feeding (tags)

police state

Honduras Coup, 6 years on (tags)

6 years into the coup, the news for June 2015 of political persecution against indigenous peoples, activists, journalists, and lgbti activists. A look at the current situation of crisis and grassroots movement with the IHSS crisis.

UN Human Rights Council Denounces Israeli War Crimes (tags)


ACT: Ask Oprah Winfrey to Renounce Leviev’s Angolan Blood Diamonds and Israeli Settlements (tags)

US megastar and social justice philanthropist Oprah Winfrey wore diamond earrings made by Israeli billionaire Lev Leviev on the cover of the May 2015 edition of O, the Oprah Magazine. She wore the earrings despite the fact that Leviev’s companies have been involved in brutal human rights abuses in the diamond industry in Angola and in the construction of Israeli settlements on Palestinian land. Please join the call for Ms. Winfrey to support the human rights of Angolans and Palestinians.

Human Rights in Venezuela v. America (tags)

human rights

Israel Falsely Claims Hamas Supports ISIS in Sinai (tags)


High-Seas Piracy: Israel's Latest Bandit Act (tags)


Israel Is Murdering Khader Adnan (tags)


UN Report on Israel's 2014 Gaza War Postmortems (tags)


Saudis Brutalize Migrants (tags)


Israel Ducks Responsibility for Premeditated Naked Aggression on Gaza (tags)


MANILA – ‘Morong 43’ arrest, detention illegal — CHR (tags)

Five years since the arrest, detention and release of the 43 health workers dubbed as the “Morong 43,” the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) has finally issued a resolution stating that state forces violated the rights of the health workers.

Examples of Israeli Viciousness (tags)


CIA Human Experimentation (tags)


Israeli Smear Campaign Against Forthcoming UN Report on Gaza War (tags)


Israel Intends Force-Feeding Palestinian Hunger Strikers (tags)


May 2015 Honduras Coup update (tags)

May 2015 in Honduras.... it came out that high officials of a social security department stole $320 millions using companies, this ending up in the campaign funds for National Party's electoral campaign in 2013 and diverted to those who made this happen using ghost companies... assassinations, threats, evictions, law being blatantly on the side of money, all evidentially continue. Check the titles here in the May post to see if you want to read some of it....

Saudi Host UN Human Rights Conference (tags)

police state

Khader Adnan: Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Saudi Blogger Imprisoned for Supporting Free Speech (tags)

police state

Ban Ki-moon Supports Israeli High Crimes (tags)


72 Links: McDonald's & Unionbusting, Animal Agony, Human Disease, Environmental Devastatio (tags)

McDonald's announced this week its hamburgers will be juicier. Since the 'juice' in animal flesh is blood, is McDonald's saying its sandwiches will be bloodier?

Israel's War on Palestinian Fishermen, Farmers and Children (tags)


Despotic Saudi Regime Lobbies to Chair Human Rights Council (tags)

police state

Despotic Saudi Regime to Execute Prominent Cleric (tags)

police state

April 2015 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

In April 2014, assassinations, disappearances, evictions, threats and harrassment continue in Honduras, while privatisations including of cities deepen, and as authorities feel pushed to have a clean human rights image to receive 'development' loans, they denigrate those who speak up about human rights violations, and point to things that don't fix the human rights situation at all as if they were great efforts that will eliminate the violations.

US Wars Kill Mostly Civilians (tags)


350 McDonalds Shut Down Since January 350 More Scheduled To Close (tags)

Hundreds of millions have moved away from animal flesh. McDonald's is one of many chains feeling the change.

The Shortwave Report 04/17/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, NHK World Radio Japan, and Sputnik Radio.

Seeing behind the Global iron Curtain. (tags)

What I saw behind the Global iron Curtain which, in my view, exists between the UN and the rest of humanity. I describe what I consider to be very much of enormous and profound importance hidden from people.

Global Iron Curtain: Repressive States control human rights at UN. (tags)

American Professor describes the World's State Criminals as deciding human rights at the UN. In my view, a Global Iron Curtain exists with the UN hiding very much of enormous and profound importance from humanity.

Britain Imprisons Migrants (tags)


Kiev Junta War Crimes (tags)


USA Today Reveals Ukrainian Forces Include Nazis (tags)


Obama Declares Venezuelan Democracy a Threat to US National Security (tags)


February 2015 Honduras coup update (tags)

Another February in Honduras: two killings of journalists, more persecution, evictions, threats... and the militarisation with something like Plan Colombia that may soon be funded by the US congress, and more

Homo Economicus and Dethronement of the Profit Principle (tags)

Max Frisch summarized economism int he formula: "what brings profit is rational." Economism is a business ethics conception, a justification theory for profit maximization that declares ethics superfluous. Ultimately this is an "ethic" without morality.

Human Rights Transparency needed to expose cultural cleansing of Genius and Greatness. (tags)

I consider Human Rights Transparency is needed. Some interpretations of the UDHR emphasize individual self-determination while neoliberal variants seek to culturally cleanse the latter and therefore Genius and Greatness.

Gifted, highly intelligent victims of cultural cleansing may seek accountability. (tags)

Some of the gifted, highly intelligent victims of the UN's and State's cultural cleansing of individual self-determination are likely to seek accountability.

Philippines: The fate of peace in Mindanao hangs in the balance (tags)

Akbayan statement on the video of killing of injured SAF trooper

Palestinians Between a Rock and a Hard Place (tags)


University of California urges divestment from everywhere (tags)

Yet another reason no one will take the UCSA seriously

Anti-Israel Radicalism's Genocidal Nature at UC Davis (tags)

Again the anti-semitism at the heart of the BDS movement surfaces

Ethical human rights consigns UN's 'hidden collectivist agenda' to 'dust-bin' of history. (tags)

Ethical human rights is firmly based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights so removes the UN's 'hidden collectivist agenda' which seeks to culturally cleanse the world of individual self-determination.

Israeli Gaza War Crimes Investigation (tags)


Human Rights Groups Condemn Israeli Gaza War Crimes (tags)


US Official Insults Cubans (tags)


Expect Dirty Business as Usual Following Saudi King's Death (tags)

Saudi Arabia

December 2014 Honduras coup news update (tags)

This December 2014 in Honduras, a journalist murdered, a radio community journalist stabbed at, lots of evictions, etc...

The Shortwave Report 01/16/15 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, Sputnik Radio, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Message of Profound Importance to the UN. (tags)

Consider it of Profound Concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also Islamic terrorists should be informed that America opposed extending the secular domain to include economic, social and cultural rights which it has not ratified (also see PS. below)

Message of Profound Importance to UN. (tags)

Consider it of profound concern that the UN's hidden collectivist agenda seeks to eliminate God and Universal Truth. Also, Islamic terrorists should be informed that at the UN it was very largely America that opposed collectivization and secularization of whole Universal Declaration.

Appalling Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Prisoners (tags)


Who'll Sanction the Sanctioner? (tags)


Discussing ethical human rights and change in Pakistan following reported Taliban violence (tags)

Discussing possible change within Pakistan, whether the State could adopt ethical human rights or the possibility of an Islamic political party being formed with ethical human rights as its non-political and spiritual base.

Bahrain: Profile of a Police State (tags)

police state

Ethical human rights will not only turn America around but take it forward. (tags)

Mitch McConnell the presumptive leader of the Republicans who recently won a majority in the US Senate said that there is now a race to turn America around. In my view, ethical human rights will not only turn it around but take it forward.

G-77 Countries+China Rebuke America (tags)


North Korea: Longstanding US Punching Bag (tags)

North Korea

Torture in Israeli Prisons (tags)


PLO Security Council Statehood Bid (tags)


Lawless US Sanctions on Venezuela (tags)


Hard Truths in Occupied Palestine Media Scoundrels Ignore (tags)


Israel's Anti-Infiltration Law (tags)


Phony Kiev Day of Silence (tags)


Israel's Gaza War Continues (tags)


Political Prisoners in America and Israel (tags)

police state

Challenging Israel's House Demolition Policy (tags)


Honduras Coup Update November 2014 (tags)

November 2014 Honduras coup update - a long-threatened organised farmer is now added to the list of over 130 organised farmers assassinated since the coup, as is the 14 year old daughter of Globo Radio/TV journalist in the context of having a long list of journalists assassinated since the coup, UNAH uni students are told that protesting on campus is now illegal, and 2000 electricity workers are fired by the Honduran state as they take the street.

UN Committee Against Torture Criticizes US Policy (tags)

police state

Egyptian-Style Justice (tags)


Over-the-Top Israeli Policies (tags)


Unaccountable Israeli Settler Criminality (tags)


Israeli Ruthlessness 101 (tags)


Sham Bahraini Elections (tags)


Israel: Human Rights Abuser Writ Large (tags)


Kiev Imposes Economic Blockade on Donbas (tags)


Justifiable Rage in Palestine (tags)


Politicized Persecution in America (tags)

police state

Rasmea Odeh's Politicized Persecution (tags)

police state

Recognizing Palestinian Self-Determination (tags)


Loretta Lynch for AG: Holder 2.0? (tags)


Israeli Iron Fist Ruthlessness (tags)


HRW and AI Blast Israeli War Crimes (tags)


Lawless Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Out of the Darkness: UN's (and often State's) hidden agenda. (tags)

Brief discussion on linkedin describing UN's human rights omissions from international human rights law.

Reinventing Vietnam War History (tags)


Kiev War Crimes (tags)


Whitewashing Kiev Mass Murder (tags)


Stanley L. Cohen: Guilty of Doing His Job Honorably (tags)

police state

Biased Human Rights Report on Ukraine (tags)


Remember Gaza: One of History's Great Crimes (tags)


UN's Gross Deceit: ethical human rights needed (tags)

Desc UN's gross deceit omitting certain human rights to enable operation IMF (human rights free zone) which pursues elitist globalization. Activists serious lack of understand of political globalization which sees dominance of bureaucrats. Also, decimation animal population.

Freedom Walking for Palestine and BDS (tags)


Racist Extremism in Israel (tags)


Saber Rattling Ahead of Resumed Ukraine Conflict (tags)


Obama's Phony War on Islamic State Militants (tags)


Philippines: Dismantling the Marcoses' "Empire of Memory" (tags)

Statement of Akbayan Chairperson Risa Hontiveros on the 42nd year commemoration of the declaration of Martial Law

Israel: Guilty of Genocidal High Crimes (tags)


Holder Resigns (tags)


maps of disappearing Palestine (tags)

You've seen these ubiquitous 4 part maps at every anti-Israel event you've attended. Know how to debunk them. Understand why they misrepresent history.

Israel's Hannibal Directive (tags)


Israel's Ruthless Agenda (tags)


Israeli High Crimes Against Peace Examined (tags)


I demand right to inform Chch post-quake victims of human rights truth and ethical plan. (tags)

Christchurch, NZ, post-quake victims are facing severe discrimination, a human rights issue. However, they are deprived of hearing the human rights truth and ethical plan. Need to be informed in mainstream media to reach democratic majority.

Amnesty International Fronts for Power (tags)


August 2014 Honduras Coup Update (tags)

A monthly update of the political persecution and plunder in Honduras - see archives here:

Israel Obstructs Gaza Rehabilitation (tags)


Homeless in Gaza (tags)


Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination driven by the bureaucrats. (tags)

Describes a Cultural Cleansing of individual self-determination. Driven by the bureaucrats in the interest of secular, liberal collectivists it required a hijacking of human rights hidden by a 'divide and rule'.

Israel Breaches Gaza Ceasefire Agreement (tags)


Russia's Foreign Mnistry on Ukraine (tags)


Israel v. Palestine: MSM Unreported Truths (tags)


Israel's Genocidal Killing Machine (tags)


The Shortwave Report 08/22/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan,, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, The Voice Of Russia, and Spanish National Radio.

Capture of Philippine fugitive general Jovito Palparan hailed as victory for Aquino (tags)

Philippine security forces yesterday captured a fugitive former army general wanted over the kidnapping of two students, fulfilling a promise by President Benigno Aquino to bring high-profile criminal suspects to justice.

Investigating Gaza War Crimes (tags)


Mass Murder in Gaza and Ukraine (tags)


Memorandum 2014 (tags)

Both Germany and the US follow an economic policy without enlightenment. Slight economic stimulation will not solve problems of mass unemployment and corporate welfare. Tax evasion of corporations and tax cuts for the super-rich lead to suffering and a revenue crisis.

Panthers in the Hole: French Angola 3 Book Illustrates US Prison Crisis (tags)

Amnesty International France and La Boîte à Bulles have published a 128-page French language graphic novel entitled Panthers in the Hole. The book's co-authors David Cénou and Bruno Cénou present with visual art what Amnesty France describes as "la tragique histoire des Trois d'Angola" (the tragic story of the Angola 3). We interview Nicolas Krameyer, who is head of the Individuals at Risk / Human Rights Defenders Program for Amnesty International France.

Obama at LA Trade Tech (tags)

There might be some protests.

Responses to more religious political influence, also sustainable development. (tags)

Responses of human rights members to post which considers religious political parties would have more influence if adopted a secular, ethical human rights base. Also, my response to sustainable development.

Are Anti-Israel Activists Distorting United Methodist Pensions Action? (tags)

Institute for religion and Democracy

Religious parties more influence if have an ethical human rights base. (tags)

Secular ethical human rights, which are universal, can be adopted by any political party as its ethical base. This includes religious parties as secular ethical human rights virtually equate with the Golden Rule espoused by the major religions.

Summer 2014 National Immigrant Solidarity Network News Alert! (tags)

Summer Report: People Rise to Fight Against Mass Detention & Deportations In This Issue: 1) Why Immigrant Detainees Are Turning to Civil Disobedience 2) President Obama's Backhanded Maneuver Targets Anti-Deportation Movement 3) Judge Rules to Limit Mandatory Detention of Immigrants in CA 4) TFWP Moratorium: Mass deportation, racism Canadian-style 5) Texas Releases Hundreds of Immigrants Due to Lack of Space in Detention Centers

Human rights groups close ranks after Pope urges UN resist Culture of Death. (tags)

Human rights group members ignore posts in which Pope urges UN to resist Culture of Death and UN Watch reports the rise of repressive States to prominent UN positions.

Hunger Striking for Liberation and Justice (tags)


Washington Wants Maduro Dead (tags)


Political Prisoner Nabeel Rajab Freed (tags)

police state

Asia-Pacific Left activists say 'No to another coup in Thailand!' (tags)

May 23, 2014 - We, the undersigned organisations, strongly condemn the latest coup d’état staged by Thai military under the leadership of Prayuth Chan-ocha.

WRITE! for Justice, Human Rights, and International Law in Palestine (tags)

Letters needed

Justifying the Unjustifiable (tags)


Hidden neoliberal absolutism more evident in rise of repressive regimes. (tags)

Effects of the UN's neoliberal absolutism on 10 Dec 2008 has been hidden from the public by the UN and leadership of major human rights organizations but seen in GFC 2008/9 and now the rise of repressive regimes at UN.

The Shortwave Report 05/09/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Spanish National Radio, the Voice of Russia, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Obama's War on Ukrainian Freedom (tags)


Unprecedented Settlement Construction Exposes Sham Peace Talks (tags)


Russia Bashing Continues (tags)


Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)

Repost (correction). Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, the latter virtually seeing themselves as God when reinventing the UDHR to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.

Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)

Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, seeing themselves as God when reinventing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.

Duplicitous Human Rights Misinformation on Ukraine (tags)


Ukrainians Resist (tags)


Navi Pillay: US Imperial Tool (tags)


more about human rights in the U.S. (tags)

My human rights postings keep disappearing from London craigslist

One-Sided Human Rights Council Vote on Syria (tags)


UN Human Rights Committee Denounces US Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

Israeli Crimes Go Unpunished (tags)


'Profound' Arrogance at UN creates elitist human rights (tags)

Describes the 'Profound' Arrogance of bureaucratic elites at the UN in disregarding history, as it they 'know', to reinvent human rights to emphasize elites rather than individuals. Discussion with Islamic Assist Professor of Law on global ethical human rights.

The need for United Front in the Filipino People’s Democratic Revolution (tags)

The Filipino people’s democratic revolution constantly needs the revolutionary united front because this is the effective way to arouse, organize and mobilize the broad masses of the Filipino people in their millions in order to advance and win total victory. The need for the united front is more urgent than ever as the socio-economic and political crisis is rapidly worsening and inflicting intolerable suffering on the Filipino people and they must intensify their struggle against those who exploit and oppress them.

Israel's Racist War on Palestine (tags)


Sanctions Wars (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza - Again (tags)


Global turn-around: to persuade Western Powers to adopt 'bottom-up' ethical human rights. (tags)

Major Western Powers invited to New Zealand gives opportunity to adovate a global 'turn-around' by adopting the 'bottom-up' emphasis of global ethical human rights (developed in NZ) to replace 'near absolute', 'top-down' control of 'neoliberal absolutism'.

Israel Accused of War Crimes in West Bank (tags)


Flashback to 1991: "Kuwait freed, Iraqis crushed" (tags)

"The [1991] war on Iraq was portrayed in the U.S. as a war without casualties. Yet, on the first day of air strikes against Iraq (Jan. 17, 1991), the U.S. dropped explosives equivalent to the explosive power of the Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Throughout the duration of the bombing, explosives equivalent to seven nuclear bombs were dropped, in addition to internationally banned biological and chemical weapons."

Briatain Harasses Human Rights Lawyer (tags)

police state

PA and Hamas Guilty of Rampant Human Rights Abuses (tags)

New report from Arabs in Judea, Samaria and Gaza reveals systemic abuses and oppression by PA and Hamas governments.

30 Kinds of (approved) TORTURE currently being used by the C.I.A. (tags)

Bush administration’s program of kidnapping “suspects,” a covert operation also known as “rendition,” continues under the Obama administration according to Reprieve Founding Director, Attorney Clive Stafford Smith. The following is a partial list of C.I.A. forms of torture:

Olympic human rights in U.S. and U.K. (tags)

Who are they to preach to the world about human rights?

Good News and Bad from Palestine (tags)


'Reason Lost' at UN which crosses line to authoritarianism and its not working. (tags)

The UN by crossing a line to authoritarianism and creating ‘neoliberal absolutism’ means the Rule of Law they promote is not based on reason but rather elite interests.

Remembering Shulamit Aloni (tags)


Venice Hosts A Day of Action For Rights of Homeless (tags)

"We will not obey unjust laws or submit to unjust practices,” wrote Dr. Martin Luther King. And so it was: public feedings, parade led by Superbroke Brass and Tin and Strings Electric Marching Band, sit-in after sit-in on the Boardwalk, and a sleepout at the Venice Circle.

UK War Crimes Exposed (tags)


Philippines: Shield Yolanda rehab efforts from 'disaster capitalism' (tags)

Amid allegations of overpriced and substandard temporary shelters constructed for survivors of Typhoon Yolanda, Akbayan Partylist urged the government to shield the rehabilitation efforts from possible “disaster capitalism.”

"COINTELPRO" U.K.: Exposing the integral role of British human rights "lawyers" (tags)

The purpose of this article is to show (beyond the obvious of why), who & -how- the biggest “Human Rights”...lawyers in the U.K, not only, work hand in hand with, but are integral -to- COINTELPRO style, state operations, in the U.K.

Great World can be achieved by Great States ensuring an ethical human rights 'bottom-line' (tags)

Describes what I see as the UN’s gross neglect of duty re UN Charter (in my opinion, a ‘global crime against humanity’) to uphold UDHR. Also I consider greater political and national unity is planned to execute a ‘near absolute’ control in States.

Criminal Unaccountability (tags)


What people have not been told about GFC 2009 - West in 'permanent' decline. (tags)

The global financial crisis of 2009, which affected the West far more than other regions, was, in my view, a consequence of a UN decision on 10 December 2008. In my view, it was a deliberate decision at the UN that the West would go into permanent decline.

US Universities of Shame (tags)


Israel Attacks Gaza (tags)


Remembering Eyad El-Sarraj (tags)

human rights

Digital Age Privacy Rights (tags)


1,000 Days and Counting (tags)


Human Rights Day 2013 (tags)

human rights

Honoring Lynne Stewart (tags)

police state

Britain's War on Press Freedom (tags)


France Lies for Israel (tags)


Fraud, Intimidation and Vote Buying in Honduras (tags)


Israeli Police State Lawlessness (tags)


'Divide and Rule' at the UN misdirects Occupation's discontent towards the two percent. (tags)

The Occupation - often with good hearts but heads not straight due to the 'divide and rule' which stems from the UN.

Israeli Unaccountability (tags)


Posts on social class discrimination and global ethical human rights (tags)

Many neoliberal States, in my view, execute social class discrimination but it is hidden and societies kept 'class-blind'.

Targeting Press Freedom in Palestine (tags)


Mass Surveillance Violates EU Law (tags)


Healthcare Professionals Involvement in US Torture (tags)


Gaza Running Out of Fuel and Medicines (tags)


Israel Attacks Syria and Gaza (tags)


Israel's Deplorable Human Rights Record (tags)


Global ethical human rights will give the Lost Generation of Youth a future. (tags)

Global ethical human rights will give youth a future. It's really a macabre understanding of human beings which sees only absolute control to crush potential as the way to achieve peace. In fact, in my view, it creates slaves and dangerous States which are not held to account.

Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Lawyer Anas Barghouti (tags)


Shaking Voices (tags)

Some in the U.S. are fearful of speaking out against the wars and social injustice because of the surveillance state.

Israel Avoids Human Rights Scrutiny (tags)


Lawless Drone Killings (tags)


The World War against the Poor (tags)

More and more money capital concentrates in the hands of the rich which they let `work for itself.' Every day $1.5 trillion circulates around the globe and changes hands. Only two to three percent of that is needed to handle the business with goods and services. The rest is speculative excess.

Appalling Human Rights Abuses in Bahrain (tags)


Netanyahu Exceeds Sharonian Evil (tags)


Human Rights Watch Misinformation on Syria (tags)


Impeach Obama Now! (tags)


Comments on Helen Clark’s refusal to discuss global ethical human rights. (tags)

Some independent human rights professionals made comments on the refusal of Helen Clark, Head of the United Nations Development Program, to discuss the global ethical human rights alternative to neoliberalism

Israel Attacks Palestinians During Peace Talks (tags)


Roger Water's Calls On Musicians to Boycott Israel (tags)

Pink Floyd star Roger Waters has published a long-awaited open letter calling on his fellow musicians to boycott Israel. The letter explains that Waters has been part of the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement for seven years, and has been mulling the letter over for some time. He condemns Israeli human rights violations and explains the reasons to act:

Helen Clark ignores question on global ethical human rights. (tags)

When Helen Clark, Head of the United Nations Development Program, was asked during question time after delivering a lecture why the UN says nothing about the new plan for the world, global ethical human rights, she ignored the question.

Mubarakism 2.0 (tags)

police state

Torture by Design: Saying No to the Architecture of Solitary Confinement (tags)

Friday, August 16 marked the 40th consecutive day of a multi-ethnic statewide prisoner hunger strike initiated from inside the Security Housing Unit (SHU) of California's Pelican Bay State Prison. As the horror of solitary confinement comes under increasing scrutiny in the US and around the world, human rights activists are confronting this public health and safety epidemic from a variety of angles. One group, called Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility has challenged solitary confinement in US prisons by recently launching a petition asking the American Institute of Architects to amend its Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct to prohibit the design of spaces for killing, torture, and cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment.

To question Helen Clark regarding UN silence on global ethical human rights to rule world (tags)

Hope to question Helen Clark, head of the UNDP and considered one of the world's most powerful women, why the UN has failed to inform the global mainstream of new plan to rule the world, global ethical human rights, for over five years and despite the significant support it is receiving.


Women political prisoners in the Philippines experience torture under the neocolonial regime receiving US tax dollars in aid. We need to protest this barbarity and call on Congress to cut off aid to the Aquino regime and its brutal military and police agencies.

Philippines: Another labor leader killed; second this month (tags)

BARELY two weeks after the death of Antonio “Dodong” Petalcorin, the transport leader who was murdered by a paid assassin in Davao City, another local leader of NCTU-APL in Cotabato City was gunned down in a brazen daytime attack again, which makes a mockery of justice and underscores the reign of impunity in the country.

Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks: Rebooting Failure (tags)


Duplicitous Committee of Inquiry on Syria (tags)


XKeyscore: Instrument of Mass Surveillance (tags)

police state

Longstanding Bahraini State Terror (tags)


On Philippine President Aquino's Midterm Year (tags)

Deeper reforms needed to curb inequality

Israel: Talking Peace, Waging War (tags)


Philippines - NDFP says UN report on use of child combatants by NPA (tags)

MANILA – The National Democratic Front of the Philippines’ Special Office for the Protection of Children slammed the report released by the United Nations Special Representative for Children in Armed Conflict (SRCAC) which alleges that the its armed wing the New People’s Army (NPA) has been using and recruiting children.

Greatness or Mediocrity? Global ethical human rights or Neoliberal absolutism. (tags)

Do we want a great society based on ability and hardwork (often includes character) where people can reach their full potential or the prevailing mediocrity, with its descent-based 'bi-cultural' elite and, what I see as, 'arrested development' ?

Professional comments: global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism (tags)

More in the professional sector prepared to discuss global ethical human rights to replace neoliberal absolutism.

Obama Blocks Snowden's Asylum (tags)


When Is a Coup not One? (tags)


Venezuela Grants Snowden Asylum (tags)


Quelle Surprise: NSA Spies on Europe (tags)

police state

Kerry's Shuttle Diplomacy Excludes Peace in Our Time (tags)


One-Sided Anti-Syrian Human Rights Council Resolution (tags)


Filipino student groups summon Philippine government agencies, raise education sector woes (tags)

Various student groups today summoned representatives from various government agencies such as the Commission on Higher Education (CHED), Philippine National Police (PNP), Commission on Human Rights (CHR), and the National Youth Commission (NYC) to a dialogue to air out the various issues and concerns of the education sector.

North Korean economy surrenders to foreign currency invasion (tags)

Chinese currency and U.S. dollars are being used more widely than ever in North Korea instead of the country's own money, a stark illustration of the extent to which the leadership under Kim Jong-un has lost control over the economy.

Iran's June Presidential Election (tags)


CIA Global Renditions (tags)

police state

PHILIPPINES: Millions of Votes for the Democratic Left (tags)

While the Commission on Elections has yet to announce the official results of the 2013 partylist elections, we would like to thank the Filipino voters and everyone who have made Akbayan Partylist's sixth straight electoral victory possible.

Lifting the Fake EU Arms Embargo (tags)


Israeli Pillar of Cloud War Crimes (tags)


UN Human Rights Council Duplicity (tags)


Honduras: State-Sponsored Death Squad Terror (tags)

police state

TELL THE WORLD: Ethical human rights, develop, globaliz to replace Neoliberal Absolutism (tags)

TELL THE WORLD. Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace Neoliberal Absolutism which now prevails. The latter rarely use direct violence but control by keeping people ignorant so the mainstream media have never informed the global community of the ethical alternative.

A letter: Neoliberal Absolutism and global ethical individual rights plan for youth. (tags)

The young need to know there is a plan they can peacefully fight for which will give them a future. The following includes a brief description of neoliberal absolutism which involves very extreme top-down control denying them their individual rights.

The Shortwave Report 04/26/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Philippine Senator Guingona’s mom hurt in NPA attack (tags)

Guingona, mother of Sen. Teofisto “TG” Guingona III, was returning with a six-member escort from a town fiesta in Alatagan when they were “ambushed” by the rebels

Palestinian Prisoners Day (tags)


Globalized Torture (tags)


Deplorable Bahraini Human Rights Violations (tags)

police state

Destabilizing Venezuela: Longstanding US Policy (tags)


Wheels of justice in the Philippines must turn quickly and judiciously on Burgos case (tags)

Akbayan Partylist today called on President Benigno Simeon Aquino III to "shake the military establishment" and "weed out the corrupt, murderers and traitors" among its ranks. The partylist group made the call after the Court of Appeals' decision to hold elements of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and the Philippine National Police (PNP) accountable for the enforced disappearance of Jonas Burgos in 2007.

Institutionalized Barbarism (tags)


Israeli Murder by Neglect (tags)


On the death of president Chavez/No hero/No dictator (tags)

The late Venezuelan president Chavez deserves appreciation for his social ''Bolivarian'' programs and his anti imperialist engagement. However, reprehensible sides of his reign are the repression in Venezuela and the oppression of the freedom of expression. His friendly relationships with dictators like Assad, Lushenko and Kaddafi are disgustable. Therefore he doesn't deserve the unconditional praise he gets from his leftist admirors.

Honduran Police State Repression (tags)

police state

Holding Harvard's Crimson Accountable (tags)

managed news

UN Human Rights Council: US Imperial Tool (tags)


Gitmo Atrocities Continue (tags)


Turkey Targets Press Freedom (tags)


Hamas killed Baby in Gaza, Blamed israel (tags)

UM: A Hamas rocket killed 11 month old Omar al-Masharawi, n not an Israeli attack as previopusly reported

Jewish Voice for peace or "Jewish voice for Stupidity" ? (tags)

JVP does not speak for me

Video available: Captured UN's decision means peaceful revolutions justified. (tags)

Video available: discusses the Captured UN's 'permanent' rebalancing of global power from the West to Developing Asia (including China and India), the 'grassroots-up rather than Beehive-down' approach to rebuilding Christchurch and the cowardice of the domestic and global establishments in refusing to discuss the ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization for World Peace - to replace neoliberalism.

Israeli Murder by Torture (tags)


Washington Whitewashes Israeli Murder (tags)


Two Years of Bahraini State Terrorism (tags)

police state

Top NZ Labour MP support for global ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism (tags)

A top NZ politician has given some support to our council's promotion of an ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization for World Peace. It would replace the present world's dominant ideology, neoliberalism.

Impeach Obama: A National Imperative (tags)


Dissent, ethical human rights, to create 'thinking culture' for progress. (tags)

Dissent, shut down under neoliberalism, is taking New Zealand, prompted by the Chch earthquakes, from a 'stupid culture' to a 'thinking culture' to enable progress. I consider the global ethical human rights plan far superior to neolib.

Mavi Marmara Massacre Whiteewash Redux (tags)


Israel Commits Crimes Without Punishment (tags)


Reforming Prison’s Harshest Tactic –The Angola 3 case may help change the... (tags)

The Angola 3 case may help change the arbitrary and sometimes abusive use of solitary confinement.

Israeli State Terror Crowd Control Weapons (tags)


Down with French military intervention in Mali! (tags)

Commencing on January 11, the French government launched a military intervention in Mali under the pretext of “saving” the country against an alleged imminent terrorist threat and in “response” to a request for aid by the “interim president” of the country. But for several months the present “socialist” government, in continuity with the previous Sarkozy government, has multiplied its diplomatic maneuvering, its pressuring on the Government of Mali and the material preparation of military forces to organize a military attack against insurgents in northern Mali .

Down with French military intervention in Mali! (tags)

Commencing on January 11, the French government launched a military intervention in Mali under the pretext of “saving” the country against an alleged imminent terrorist threat and in “response” to a request for aid by the “interim president” of the country. But for several months the present “socialist” government, in continuity with the previous Sarkozy government, has multiplied its diplomatic maneuvering, its pressuring on the Government of Mali and the material preparation of military forces to organize a military attack against insurgents in northern Mali .

UN Mission Condemns Israeli Settlements (tags)


IN PSYCHIATRY History Always Repeats Itself. (tags)

Watch the Excerpt “If some doctors harm—torture rather than treat, murder the soul rather than minister the body—that is, in part, because society, through the state, asks them, and pays them, to do so.

Ice Skating For Human Rights. (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida held an event called Ice Skating for Human Rights at an indoor ice skating rink in Clearwater.

Medical Neglect in Israeli Prisons (tags)


PHILIPPINES - Akbayan Celebrates Compensation Act to victims of Martial Law (tags)

Akbayan Party-list lauded the conclusion of the bicameral conference committee (bicam) on the Compensation Bill for victims of human rights violations during the dictatorship of Ferdinand Marcos, calling it a “victory of the Filipino people and of Philippine democracy” after a decades-long struggle of advocates and victims of Martial Law abuses for justice.

Lynne Stewart's Struggle for Justice Continues (tags)

police state

Navi Pillay Targets Syria (tags)


Western Sponsored Aleppo Mass Murder (tags)


US Law Prohibits Transferring Guantanamo Prisoners to America (tags)


New UN Report on Syria (tags)


Cold War Politics Heats Up (tags)


Bahraini State Terror (tags)


A Western Rebellion could ensure global ethical human rights 'bottom-line' for all. (tags)

Rebellion justified.The adoption of a human rights instrument by the UN General Assembly in Dec 2008 led to the Global Financial Crisis in 2009.Involving international h.rights law it strongly favored Devel Asia, incl China, over the West.

Human Rights Get Short Shrift in Israel (tags)

police state

Palestinian Hunger Striking Steadfastness (tags)


Tortured in Sinai, Imprisoned in Israel (tags)


Holding Israel Accountable (tags)


Philippine Statements on the International Human Rights Day (tags)

1) Akbayan on the Observance of the International Human Rights Day 2) Workers hold Jericho March at San Miguel in celebration of human rights day 3) Pahayag sa Pandaigdigang Araw ng Karapatang Pantao 4) Another World is Possible! Reject the Policies of Neoliberalism! Protect the Working Class!

'Grassroots up, not Beehive down' for Chch - reflects ethical, bottom-up, human rights (tags)

'Grassroots up, not Beehive down' for rebuild of Christchurch post earthquakes - reflects ethical, bottom-up, human rights approach also for New Zealand, World promoted by our council. May also have implications for rebuilding post-Sandy in the US. PS. the 'Beehive' is where parliament meets.

Israel's Genocidal War on Palestine (tags)


Bangladesh Sweatshop Fire (tags)

class war

From hidden to face-to-face: Seeking truth and global ethical human rights. (tags)

Following continues a discussion between myself and the President of WPEA. It gives a simple way the UN can get the global ethical human rights vision into the mainstream. In earlier discussion I describe its omission a "crime against humanity".

Message of Solidarity to Gabriela Women's Party on its 11th Congress (tags)

We, the International League of Peoples´ Struggle (ILPS), express our warmest greetings of solidarity to GABRIELA as you hold your 11th National Congress and celebrate your 28th year of activism and service to the Filipino women and the Filipino people in the struggle for national freedom and democracy.

Abbas: Collaborating with the Enemy (tags)


Righteous Indignation of Israeli Mass Murder (tags)


Gaza: Victimized by Israeli Terror Bombing (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 7 (tags)


Israeli Terror Attacks: Day 5 (tags)


Bahrain Cracks Down on Freedom (tags)

police state

Turkey Tries IDF Commanders in Absentia (tags)


America's Deplorable Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

Caught in the Act (tags)


Remember Bani Walid (tags)


Big Week for Justice Department Vigilantes (tags)

police state

European parliament approves EU-Israel trade agreement/Letter of protest to mrs Ashton, EU (tags)

With the approval of the European Parliament of the ACCA trade agreement with Israel, the EU sets further steps in supporting Israel, despite its occupation, illegal settlements policy and warcrimes This and the EU international role of political, economical and military domination and exploitation of the Thirld World, the inhuman asylumpolicy, the wars in Kosovo, Iraq, Afghanistan and the Trojka starvation of the Greeks, makes the Nobelprize for Peace to the EU a mockery of Justice

Israel Wages War on Human Rights (tags)


São Paulo, Brazil: Military Police conduct massacres of the population every day (tags)

LETTER OF THE “MAY MOTHERS” (MÃES DE MAIO) FROM BRASIL TO PRESIDENT DILMA ROUSSEFF São Paulo – SP, July 23th 2012 “For those that ever lived at war, peace has never been” Racionais MC´s (rappers) Regarded Ms. President Dilma Vana Rousseff

Beating Up on Russia, Syria and Iran (tags)


Palestinian Authority to Hold Sham Elections (tags)


PHILIPPINES: Akbayan pushes for institutional teaching of Martial Law atrocities (tags)

On the 40th year commemoration of the declaration of martial law, Akbayan Party filed a resolution urging the institutional teaching of the atrocities committed during martial law under the late dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos in all levels of education.

EU Wages War on Free Expression (tags)


Israel Encourages Settler Violence (tags)


Israeli Crimes Without Punishment (tags)


Living with the Enemy (tags)


Carnival blast victims stage rally vs Philippine rebels (tags)

DAVAO CITY -- Victims of the latest grenade attack in a remote village here, including their relatives and supporters, staged an indignation rally in front of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) church in this city Thursday morning, a military official said.

The Shortwave Report 9/28/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. NHK World Radio Japan, the Voice of Russia, Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, and Spanish National Radio.

Atonement: Not in Israel's Vocabulary (tags)


Fatah Israeli Collaborators (tags)


Occupation Hell in Palestine (tags)


Syria's Divided Opposition (tags)


State Terror: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Living Under Israeli State Terror (tags)


The Shortwave Report 8/24/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice Of Russia, Spanish National Radio, and NHK Japan.

Do US Prisons Violate European Human Rights Law? --Interview w/ Hamja Ahsan & Aviva Stahl (tags)

An important ruling is expected early in September from the European Court of Human Rights, regarding whether or not US prisons respect human rights enough for the UK to extradite ‘war on terror' suspects to the US. We interview activist/journalist Aviva Stahl from alongside Hamja Ahsan, the brother of Talha Ahsan, one of the appellants that will be seriously affected by the September ruling, imprisoned since 2006.

Top academics rebel against State capture in favor of truth and ethical human rights. (tags)

Top academics rebel against State capture and discuss ethical approach to human rights,development, globalization to replace neoliberalism and omitted children's rights. Former emphasizes bottom-up, unleashes potential the latter is top-down, crushes potential.

Bahrain Imprisons Human Rights Leader (tags)


Israelis Against War on Iran (tags)


War Without Mercy in Syria (tags)


Bahrain's War on Freedom (tags)


Crimes Against Humanity (tags)


New York Times on Israel's Democracy (tags)


US Proxy Al Qaeda Death Squads in Syria (tags)


Support shown by UN,US,maybe NZ for ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism (tags)

A new idea, an ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization to replace neoliberalism, gives people a choice.The ethical human rights approach is being supported on the social networking sites by the US government, the UN while the NZ government maybe sympathetic.

Intense Anti-Assad Propaganda (tags)


PHILIPPINES: Much has been won; much still to be fought for (tags)

Akbayan on President Aquino’s 3rd State of the Nation Address

Washington's Plan B for Syria (tags)


Scoundrel Media Warmongering (tags)


Human Rights Group Calls for an Immediate International Arms Embargo Against Syria's Gover (tags)

Interview with Sanjeev Bery, Amnesty International’s advocacy director for the Middle East and North Africa, conducted by Scott Harris

Duplicitous Human Rights Council Report on Syria (tags)


The Shortwave Report 06/29 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- Highest quality broadcast, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Radio Deutsche-Welle, Spanish National Radio, Radio Havana Cuba, the Voice of Russia, and NHK World Radio Japan.

Manifesto for Global Democracy (tags)

The Manifesto is a pluralist statement on the need of giving global answers to on-going global crises such as nuclear proliferation, climate change and financial instability. In order to do so, it proclaims the need of extending democracy and citizenship beyond national borders, democratizing international organizations and moving towards democratic global institutions.

Commemorating Anti-Torture Day (tags)


Destroying Susiya Village to Save It (tags)


Israeli Declared an Apartheid State (tags)


Palestinian Footballer Wins Release (tags)


Solitary Confinement on Trial --An interview with law professor Angela A. Allen-Bell (tags)

On the eve of Tuesday's Senate hearing on solitary confinement, we interview Angela A. Allen-Bell, a law professor at Southern University in Baton Rouge. The newly released issue of the Hastings Constitutional Law Quarterly features an article by Prof. Bell entitled "Perception Profiling & Prolonged Solitary Confinement Viewed Through the Lens of the Angola 3 Case: When Prison Officials Become Judges, Judges Become Visually Challenged and Justice Become Legally Blind.”


When two Americans raised their fists in the Black Power salute in 1968 no one paid much attention to the third man. After all he had not raised his own fist though pinned to his chest was a button demanding equal rights for all mankind no matter what their color or creed.

Major Support: Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace neoliberalism. (tags)

Embedded tweets show major support for the ethical approach to human rights, development, globalization to replace neoliberalism.

Gaza Blockade's Fifth Anniversary (tags)


Stepped Up Russia Bashing (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Strikes Continue (tags)


Targeting Bahraini Human Rights Lawyer Mohammed Al-Tajer (tags)

police state

Russian Journalist Exposes Propaganda Lies about Houla Massacre (tags)


Baghdadi Mahmoudi Faces Torture and Death in Libya (tags)


BTL:Jailed Palestinian Hunger Strikers Win Concessions from Israelis on Improved Prison Co (tags)

Interview with Saher Francis, human rights lawyer and director of Addameer, a prisoner support and human rights association based in the West Bank, conducted by Melinda Tuhus

Obama Plans War on Syria (tags)


Troops do NOT Protect Our Freedom (tags)

Our enemies are not several hundred thousand miles away. They are right here in front of us - Mike Prysner Right. We need to blame the politicians criminally responsible, that Alex Jones forbids his cult to fairly consider as empowered.

Israel's Enforcer (tags)


Continuing Palestinian Hunger Strikes (tags)


Distinguished NZer opens door to debate ethical human rights and rights omissions. (tags)

Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace neoliberalism. Etablish has always refused to discuss many rights omissions. Now a distinguished NZer is supporting the ethical approach which involves incl all omitted rights and releasing human potential.

Hunger Strike Aftermath (tags)


Waging Total War on Islam (tags)


Hunger Strikes Highlight Israeli Injustice (tags)


Activism for Justice (tags)


Arroyo, Philippine military, police face torture raps from 8 of Morong 43 (tags)

MANILA, Philippines - Eight of the 43 health workers collectively known as the Morong 43, who were arrested in February 2010 during a medical training, filed criminal charges against former President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and several military officials before the Department of Justice.

Israel: Profile of a Police State (tags)


South Coast Advocate (tags)

Action Alert to Oppose the Elimination of an Oversight Committee which has reported on jail management issues impacting the homeless and excessive use of force/ abrogation of Fourth Amendment rights of the homeless.

Israel's High Court Spurns Justice (tags)


Action alert: STW office raided by Israeli military (tags)

At 1.30am this morning ten armoured jeeps of the Israeli occupation forces and intelligence surrounded and raided the offices of Stop the Wall in Ramallah. Israeli military stole 2 laptops, 3 hard drives and 10 memory cards containing files and photos as well as archive material relating to the work that the organisation does in opposition to Israel's apartheid wall and the attack on Palestinian human rights that the wall and the settlement represent. This is a renewed attack upon Palestinian civil society and their struggle against the physical and psychological oppression, land confiscation and ethnic cleansing policies of the Israel.

Palestinian Prisoner Unity (tags)


Israel Toughens Prison Harshness (tags)


Hope in Chch rebuild, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential. (tags)

Despite all attempts to crush human potential, the purging of 'tall poppies', social class/socio-economic (wealth) discrimination, suppression of 'bottom-up' development hope still remains with the ethical human rights, development and globalization to replace neo liberalism and massive rebuild following tragic earthquakes.

Palestinian Rights Activism Endangered (tags)


Israel's Gulag Prison Hell (tags)


Land Day: Why It Matters (tags)


May 1 Calendar of Events in LA (tags)

Copied from the Occupy LA list.

NGOs Promote Wars for Profit (tags)


Grand Prix State Terror (tags)


Protesting for Justice in Bahrain (tags)


Grand Prix Hypocrisy in Bahrain (tags)

police state

Philippines: Promotion of Morong 43 jailer enrages victims, rights groups (tags)

MANILA – The recent promotion of Major General Jorge Segovia, former commander of the 2nd Infantry Division of the Philippine Army that carried out the illegal arrest of 43 health workers in February 2010, has outraged human rights groups.

Collectively Punishing Palestinian Prisoners and Families (tags)


Mass Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike (tags)


Israel's Lawless Settlement Project (tags)


Calm Before Greater Storm in Syria (tags)


Abdulhadi Alkhawaja Near Death (tags)


Abdulhadi Alkhawaja: Dying for Justice (tags)

police state

Palestinian Hunger Strikers for Justice (tags)


Rosendahl’s Legacy: Gentrification and Sweeping the Homeless Out of Venice? (tags)

Allegedly Progressive and openly Gay Los Angeles City Councilman Bill Rosendahl may go down in history as the most divisive leader Venice has ever had by continuously organizing with and siding with people who hate the poor and homeless people of Venice.

Hana Shalabi: Not Quite Free at Last (tags)


Bahrain: A Case Study in Despotism (tags)

police state


The Alliance News today learned that o March 29, 2012: During the 43rd Anniversary of the New People’s Army (NPA), the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) had praised the leadership of the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and its peace panel for their steadfastness in asserting the right to self-determination of the Moros in the face of consistent plot of the Philippine government to hoodwink them to capitulating.

Challenging Israeli State Terror (tags)


Terrorizing Palestinians Daily (tags)


Israeli Court Enforces Hana Shalabi Injustice (tags)


Keeping the Syrian Pot Boiling (tags)


Palestinians Denied Essentials to Life (tags)


Gaza Siege Harshness Continues (tags)


Freedom or Death (tags)


Dying for Justice (tags)


US Afghan Detainees Sent to Torture Prisons (tags)


Condemning Israel's Racist Occupation (tags)


Guantanamo Prison's True Secret: Jason Leopold in Conversation With Andy Worthington (tags)

Activist/Journalist Andy Worthington was recently a guest speaker alongside investigative journalist Jason Leopold at the UC Hastings College of Law, in San Francisco, hosted by the college’s chapter of the National Lawyers Guild. The event, entitled “Ten Years of Guantanamo,” was held amidst protests around the world calling for the prison to be immediately shutdown. Worthington, the author of “The Guantanamo Files: The Stories of the 774 Detainees in America’s Illegal Prison,” has been documenting the array of human rights abuses at Guantanamo for over six years now.

Israeli-Style Ceasefires (tags)


Israel's Latest Ritual Slaughter (tags)


Israel's Rogue Killing Machine (tags)


New York Times Wages War on Palestine (tags)


Israel Terror Bombs Gaza (tags)


Israeli Buffer Zone State Terror (tags)


Resisting Israeli Oppression Courageously (tags)


Bahraini Kangaroo Court Trials (tags)

police state

Palestinian Oppression: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Fadi Quran Victimized by Israeli State Terror (tags)


Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Brutal Bahraini State Terror (tags)


Khader Adnan's Struggle Continues (tags)


Khader Adnan: Dying for Justice (tags)


Wrongheaded UN Vote on Syria (tags)


Solidarity with Khader Adnan (tags)


BTL: Rabbis' Group Fights for Rights of the Oppressed in Israel and the U.S. (tags)

Interview with Rachel Goldenberg, co-chair of Rabbis for Human Rights, North America, conducted by Scott Harris

Ethical human rights, development and globalization is needed to replace Neoliberalism (tags)

It is argued that top-down, bureaucratic neoliberalism threatens to seriously slow the rebuilding of Christchurch, New Zealand's second largest city, following devastating earthquakes. Instead an ethical human rights, development and globalization is needed.

Khader Adnan: Day 60 and Counting (tags)


Israeli Hanging Judge Sentences Khader Adnan to Death (tags)


International Day of Solidarity with Leonard Peltier: Clemency Now! (tags)

“It was wonderful to see people going out of their way to participate in these events. I believe we definitely need to continue to educate people, especially young people, as to who Leonard Peltier is. I think there's a concentrated effort made by various governments for us to forget who he is. . . . [P]eople also need to put more pressure on President Obama, put more pressure on the U.S. government for his release." -- Corine Fairbanks of AIM (American Indian Movement) Southern Cal

Murdering Khadar Adnan (tags)


Prop 8 Struck Down by Federal Court (tags)

Yesterday (February 7, 2012) California proposition 8 voted on in the 2008 November 4th election stating that “Only marriage between a man and a woman will be recognized,” was overturned by the federal court. A victory for human rights, regardless if one is gay, straight, bisexual, anything in between or beyond. This battle between supporters and those opposed has been going on for over three years. Yet the fight for equality has been going on far longer than that.

Israeli Political Prisoner Khader Adnan Near Death (tags)


Profile of a Rogue State (tags)


Independent Libyan Fact-Finding Mission (tags)


UK Government Suppresses Truth (tags)


The Torture of Mumia Abu-Jamal Continues off Death Row --Supporters Demand Transfer (tags)

After being transferred from death row in December, Mumia was put in ‘the hole’ at SCI Mahanoy’s ‘Restrictive Housing Unit,’ where the conditions are actually more restrictive than when he was on death row. Supporters, including the National Lawyers Guild (for whom Mumia serves as Vice President) who has set up an online petition, are calling for his immediate transfer to general population, so that among other things, he will be able to touch his family for this first time in about 30 years.

Abusing East Jerusalem Children (tags)


Sinai Torture Camps (tags)


Racist Israeli Supreme Court Decisions (tags)


The Shortwave Report 01/13 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of international news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio and the internet. With times, frequencies, and websites for listening at home. 3 files- HIGHEST QUALITY BROADCAST, regular broadcast, and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. NHK World Radio Japan, Radio Deutsche-Welle, China Radio International, the Voice of Russia, and Radio Havana Cuba.

Palestinian Liberation Requires Unity (tags)


Racist Discrimination Against Israeli Arabs (tags)


Targeting Journalists in Iraq (tags)


State of Human Rights in Israel (tags)


Saudi Arabian State Terror (tags)

police state

Gaza: Remembering Cast Lead (tags)


Kristallnacht in Palestine (tags)


Lawless Israeli Oppression in Palestine (tags)


Treating Palestinians Lawlessly (tags)


Philippine police asked to respect human rights (tags)

Akbayan Party to PNP: Respect People's Right to Protest, Observe Maximum Tolerance

Critical Health Issues in Gaza (tags)


Human Rights Day (tags)

human rights

New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly (tags)


International Solidarity Day with Palestine (tags)


Death of Gaddafi/The National Transitional Council's bloody path (tags)

The resistance against the former president Gaddafi was legitimate However, the rebels not only allied with the NATO, sacrifying real Libyan independence, they also commit warcrimes with little distinction between them and Gaddafi With Gaddafi gone

More Police abuse of media covering OWS in three states (tags)

three links on stories regarding OWS related police interference with journalists

Gaza: Good News and Bad (tags)


Egyptian Military Power Grab (tags)


Israel Steps Up Police State Crackdowns (tags)


Human Rights and Racial Justice (tags)

Human Rights are attained and maintained through struggle, organized movement building

National Human Rights Conference Comes to Los Angeles (tags)

Conference Moved from GA in Solidarity with Just Immigration Policies

Sexual Rights and Gender Justice On Tap for National Human Rights Conference (tags)

Human Rights Group Affirms Sexual Rights Are Human Rights

Gaza's Suffocating Siege (tags)



The EPCC NEWS learned today that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today slammed the Tan political dynasty for using Western Samar’s possible recall elections to push militarization and warlordism. The EPCC NEWS quoted NDF -East Visayas leader Fr. Salas :“We condemn the maneuver from the Tan dynasty through the provincial office of the Commission on Elections in asking for the deployment of the military and police to oversee the signature verification for the recall elections.

Out-of-Control Israeli State Terror (tags)


Philippines: No state burial for Marcos is step toward justice (tags)

Akbayan Party lauded President Aquino’s declaration that the administration will not accord a state burial for the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, saying that this is a positive step toward the issuance of justice and rectification of Marcos’ atrocities during the Martial Law.

When Life Transcends Art. (tags)

A story of 2 women in hunger strike in Greece that can easily be in the front line of all those people who fight for a just cause like human rights, regardless if it is connected or addressed to race, colour, sexuality, gender, class or religion.

Israeli/Palestinian Prisoner Swap (tags)


Iran Falsely Charged with Fake Terror Plot (tags)


Israeli-Style Peace and Justice (tags)


Philippines: Communist Rebels Target Civilians (tags)

(New York,) ? The rebel New People?s Army (NPA) in the Philippines should immediately end unlawful killings and detention of civilians, Human Rights Watch said today. The NPA, the armed wing of the Communist Party of the Philippines, has admitted to gunning down civilians and detaining others in recent months.

Palestinians Protest Israeli Prison Hell (tags)


Israeli State Terror Belies Wanting Peace (tags)


Videos: Mary Robinson and Thom Hartmann (tags)

Thom Hartmann speaks on "Let's keep feudalism where it belongs - in school textbooks. Mary Robinson speaks on "The War on Terror was a Mistake."

State-Sponsored Murder: Official US Policy (tags)

police state

Message from Troy Davis and More Actions (tags)

Troy Davis was sentenced to death in 1991 for the killing of an off-duty Savannah policeman. Davis was found ?guilty? based on dubious accounts that he confessed to the killing and questionable ?eyewitness? identifications that included false eyewitness testimony coerced by the cops. Seven of the prosecution?s nine ?eyewitnesses? have since recanted. The only holdouts are one man who may be the actual killer and another who initially denied being able to identify the shooter only to pin it on Davis two years later. Three of the eyewitnesses say their testimony was coerced by the police. New eyewitnesses have come forth identifying another suspect. The news on Troy Davis is very bad. Despite being innocent, the Georgia Parole Board has OK'd his execution for 7 PM today (September 21st). Yet the fight to free Troy Davis isn?t over, and if that fails, the fight to overthrow the evil system that murders him will continue.

Ban Ki-moon: A Record of Failure and Betrayal (tags)


Implications of Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Systematic Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terror

UN Report on Mavi Marmara Massacre (tags)

high seas massacre

Israel's Operation Summer Seeds (tags)


Eretz Yisrael: Lawless, Corrupt and Dysfunctional (tags)


Daily Rogue State Israeli Lawlessness (tags)


Repression in Israel and Bahrain (tags)

police state

Philippine peace process gaining headway (tags)

Upon assuming office a year ago, President Benigno S. Aquino III declared that the government was ready to resume peace talks with the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the Communist National Democratic Front (NDF) without pre-condition and repeated it in his first State-of-the-Nation Address (SONA).

Filling Prison Beds for Profit (tags)


Israeli Home Demolition Terrorism (tags)

state terror

global human rights violations by usa (tags)

See my report supported by overwhelming evidence of the fbi/cia (etc.) efforts to attack innocent persons and others via *inhumane methodology.

US-Style Free Trade's Dark Side (tags)


Brutally Isolating Detainees in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Bahraini Unrest Stirs Unease in Washington (tags)

state terror

Successful Fair Trade Fashion Show Benefits Youth for Human Rights (tags)

To raise awareness of human trafficking and the garment industry, Youth for Human Rights of Florida successfully produced the Colors of the World Fashion show in Ybor City this past weekend.

Denying Palestinian Children Education (tags)

state terror

Closing Guantanamo: President Obama's Failed Promise (tags)

Nicolas Mottas and Myrsini Tsakiri write about President Barack Obama's broken promise to close down the "modern Auschwitz" - the Guantanamo detention camp.

Crackdowns, Torture and Intimidation in Bahrain (tags)


Is America Fascist? (tags)

Before we can determine if America has succumbed to fascism, we first must have a good definition and understanding of what fascism really is

Freedom Flotilla II: Final Thoughts (tags)

Israeli terror

Israel's Knesset Passes Boycott Prohibition Bill (tags)

Israeli fascism

Dueling UN Flotilla I Commissions (tags)


Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked but not Defeated (tags)

Israeli terror

Summer 2011 NISN U.S. Immigrant Alert! Newsletter (tags)

Fighting injustice: Anti-immigrant laws blocked in Arizona, Utah, Indiana, and Georgia!

Urgent Appeal: Crackdown on Malaysian Socialists (tags)

Manila -- Around 70 members of Partido Lakas ng Masa (Party of the Laboring Masses - PLM) held a brief picket in front of the Malaysian Embassy this morning to protest the arrests and detention of 30 activists belonging to the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM).

The Degenerate Under her Regenerating Obligation to Recompense for her Human Rights Viola (tags)

The Alliance News recieved a report from the NDF-Southern Tgagalog last Thursday, July 01, that former president and now Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) was rushed to the hospital due to pinched nerve. On the same day, the United Church of Christ in the Philippines (UCCP) filed a P6-M damage suit against her for extrajudicial killings of five of its members and abduction of another one during her term as president. UCCP filed the complaint through its general secretary and executive officer Bishop Reuel Norman Marigza. According to the 18-page complaint, "numerous church pastors and leaders were either liquidated, harassed, unlawfully detained or tortured with impunity by military agents and operatives, who, by law, were then all under her ultimate control and command responsibility."

FBI Entraps Two More Muslims (tags)


Israel Toughening Conditions for Palestinian Detainees (tags)


Violating Palestinian Right (tags)


Ban Circumcision and Female genital mutilation (tags)

It is tragic that we are adopting a barbaric ritual of male circumcision and female genital mutilation that belongs to Iron age in the twenty-first century. From the moment of birth, every child has all the human rights of any other person - including the inviolable right to freedom from non-consensual, non-therapeutic bodily alternation. Muslim and Jew Males and females are being denied their inherent right to keep all the body parts with which they were born. Fixation of Muslims and Jews with physical matters like on diet, bodily cleanliness and circumcision reveal their spiritual improvishment.

Medical Care in Gaza (Part II) (tags)


Entrapping Innocent Muslims (tags)


Medical Care in Gaza Under Siege (tags)

state terrorism

2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Bahrain (tags)

state terrorism

Radio, A Powerful Tool For Human Rights, Celebrates Over 100 Years Of Free Expression (tags)

This week marks more than 100 years since the radio was patented on June 2, 1896, an invention that changed the world and the ideas of Human Rights such as Right #19 ?Freedom of Expression?. History was made when arctic explorer Robert E. Peary, in 1909, radio-telegraphed, "I found the Pole". Today, history is still being made through radio, as an array of human rights issues such as discrimination, religious beliefs, torture and other controversial subjects are discussed around the world on live radio.

Torturing Bahraini Doctors (tags)

state terrorism

Naksa Day Commemorates Decades of Israeli State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Continuing Bahraini State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Doctors on Israel's Forty-Four Years of Occupation (tags)

state terrorism

Mindanao, Philippines: Community wants GPH-NDF to leave them in peace (tags)

LANTAD, Balingasag, Misamis Oriental (MindaNews/25 May) ? The people in what used to be a ?liberated? zone of the communist New People?s Army (NPA) has approved today the ?Lantad Manifesto? asking both the Government of the Philippines (GPH) and the umbrella organization of the armed communists, the National Democratic Front (NDF), to respect their right to self-determination and peace.

FBI Director Robert Mueller Must Go! (tags)

Public corruption has reached a level never seen for a century. Corruption of the justice system in Los Angeles County and beyond is at the core of the current financial crisis. Unless corruption of the justice system is addressed, economic development and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve.

Killings, Detentions and Torture in Egypt (tags)


Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports (tags)

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports The City of Santa Barbara is poised to push homeless out with illegal legislation which violates the US Constitution. Here is the report they never released to the public - or even discussed!!! Because frankly, they don't give a damn.

Mixed Reactions to Obama's Middle East Speech (tags)


Obama's Middle East Hypocrisy (tags)


Stealing Palestinian Land Dunam by Dunam (tags)


New Zealanders must ?speak out? about omitted human rights or be reduced to mere ?numbers? (tags)

NZ has been taken over by an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism, which aims to destroy individual and collective potential yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually has a 'name').

America's Appalling Human Rights Record (tags)

human rights

Racketeering complaint against David Pasternak and the Los Angeles Superior Court posted b (tags)

?Rampart?, the movie, starring Steve Buscemi, Robin Wright, Sigourney Weaver, and Ice Cube, is expected to be release soon. ?Under conditions of the justice system of the United States today, a Hollywood movie is the best chance to finally get the Rampart-FIPs released. It is a Human Rights disaster of historic proportions. International scrutiny of the US justice system is urgently needed.?

Bahraini State Terror Continues (tags)

state terror

East Jerusalem Palestinians: Lawlessly Revoking Their Status (tags)


Richard Posner Asked for Ethics Opinions re: Racketeering in the Los Angeles Courts (tags)

Richard Posner, University of Chicago Law Professor, Asked for Ethics Opinions Regarding Racketeering in the Los Angeles Courts, Bet Tzedek, and ADL


Obama uses picture to disguise serious infractions the International Law.


We will do what want anywhere - the White House said.

Lomas v Bank of America - Fraud and Extortion continue in the California Court of Appeal, (tags)

The case in the Los Angeles Superior Court, where proceedings were secretly noted as "off of the record", was opined as Fraud and Extortion by Bank of America in collusion with Judge Peter Meeka and Clerk John A Clarke. The California Court of Appeal, 2nd District, appears ready, willing, and able to follow suit in conducting a pretense appeal.

New Israeli Discriminatory Laws (tags)


Philippine CHR: We didn't clear the AFP in Melissa Roxas case (tags)

The Philippine Commission on Human Rights (CHR) said it did not clear the military in the human rights case of Filipino-American activist Melissa Roxas as accused by several militant organizations.

Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler is provided with additional evidence of large-scale c (tags)

The US courts computer systems - PACER and CM/ECF - enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in the US courts. The systems undermine both Human Rights and Banking Regulation in the United States. Prof Yochai Benkler, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to review the evidence and provide an opinion.

Pesante-USA slams Philippine CHR for Clearing the AFP on Mellisa Roxas Case (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA), human rights group based in the United States today vehemently condemned the Commission of Human Rights (CHR) report that cleared the AFP on the abduction and torture of a US-based activist. The report, signed by CHR chair Loretta Rosales in February but released over the weekend, concluded Melissa Roxas was indeed abducted and apparently subjected to cruel treatment. But the Commission said it did not have enough evidence to put the blame on the military. The CHR also refused to use the word “torture” for the abuse Roxas suffered because “state actors” could not be pinpointed. Pesante is disappointed that Rosales a former political detainee and a victim of torture herself will clear the AFP of torture and wrongdoing. Pesante stated that: “ Rosales will join all traitors like Tayag,Tiglao, Barican, Morales and Olivar all former activist who have sold the Filipinos down the river.”

Brutal State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

state terror

2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Haiti (tags)


Commemorating Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)


Habeas Corpus in the United States - the case of Richard Fine (tags)

Due to the unusual cast of characters, the number of court cases filed by Richard Fine, and the meticulous documentation, the case as a whole provides unparalleled study of the justice system, Human Rights, and civil society conditions in the United States at the beginning of the 21st century.

US human rights report shines spotlight on Penan tribe (tags)

A new US government human rights report has highlighted the Penan tribe’s battle to protect their rainforests in Sarawak, in Malaysian Borneo, from logging. 

Poisoning Mother Earth: Fukushima and America's Gulf (tags)


2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Egypt (tags)


“In financial crisis, no prosecutions of top figures”… Because of widespread corruption of (tags)

The widespread corruption of the US justice system is a key factor in the financial crisis, which is often overlooked.

Remembering Vittorio Arrigoni (tags)


Lomas v Bank of America – Fraud Turns into Extortion in the Los Angeles Superior Court (tags)

The case should be properly considered now Extortion, and no longer Fraud. All sides are now fully cognizant of the true nature of the litigation. Given the number of cases of this kind that have been recorded in the Los Angeles Superior Court, the Court should be considered a racket.

Chatting with the US Marshals… "Fool me once... etc." (tags)

Mutual interest, but some basic difficulties in communication…

Lomas files for disqualification of Judge Meeka, calls “quits” to charades in the Los Ange (tags)

The case is opined as Fraud on the Court. It is doubted that Judge Meeka will comply with the law. Los Angeles judges do not consider 'quits' part of the game of charades.

Goldstone Commission Members Affirm Study Findings (tags)

Goldstone Commission

Harvard Law Prof Benkler is asked to review computer fraud in US courts (tags)

Harvard Law Professor Yochai Benkler has been asked to review the evidence of large-scale computer fraud in the courts ____ Computer systems enable the routine churning out of fraudulent records in both the state and US courts. The key systems are Sustain and eCourt in the state courts, and PACER and CM/ECF in the US courts. Prof Yochai Benkler of Harvard Law School, an expert on computers and the law, has been asked to provide an opinion. ____ View a PDF version of this press release at:

Police State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

police state

Border and Community Vigilantism (tags)

state terrorism

Fraud by Bank of America in the Los Angeles Court (tags)

BofA, Brian Moynihan are Asked to Disclose their Attorney of Record in the Los Angeles Superior Court. ____ Ongoing refusal of the US Government to subject Bank of America to the rule of law, combined with "corruption of the courts and the legal profession", undermine the US financial systems and violate the US obligations in international banking accords and Human Rights conventions.

Bribing of state and US judges by Bank of America must be a serious concern! (tags)

California Judge Peter Meeka Refuses to Disclose Financial Benefits to Him by Bank of America, Accord Due Process ____ Bribing of state and US judges by Bank of America must be a serious concern.

US law schools faculty members finally waking up! (tags)

Previous protests were mostly by individual law professors. The two letters show that US law school faculty members are finally finding their voice!

Police Brutality in Honduras (tags)


Loopholes for Criminality in the State and US Courts – False Appearances by Attorneys (tags)

Regular citizens are not the beneficiaries of such loopholes. The privilege is reserved for large corporations (particularly banks) and government officials.

BofA and its President Brian Moynihan - Public Corruption and Racketeering in Lomas v BofA (tags)

Ongoing tolerance of racketeering by Bank of America makes mockery of laws established by the US Congress in effort to restore the integrity of US financial systems. Real estate and financial institutions fraud under the guise of court actions in the Los Angeles Superior Court goes back for over a decade - a hallmark of the LA-JR (alleged Los Angeles Judiciary Racket).

Sandor Samuels is asked to stop fraud against California homeowner (tags)

Bet Tzedek - The House of Justice - President Sandor Samuels is asked to help in stopping fraud by Bank of America against a homeowner in the Los Angeles Superior Court ____ As Chief Legal Counsel of Countrywide and Associate General Counsel of Bank of America Sandor Samuels was integral to one of the largest frauds in the history of mankind - against the US taxpayers, against shareholders, and against homeowners from coast to coast. More recently he expressed his commitment to "repairing the world".

California Judge Meeka is asked to declare benefits from BofA (tags)

Lomas v BofA (KC059379) – California Judge Peter Meeka is Requested to Restore Due Process, Declare Any Financial Benefits to Him by BofA ____ The case is opined as Fraud on the Court through collusion of BofA, California Judge Peter Meeka, and Clerk of the Court John A Clarke.

Lomas v Bank of America (KC059379): “Request[s] for Judicial Notice” - Fraud on the Court (tags)

Lomas v Bank of America (KC059379): "Request[s] for Judicial Notice" filed on behalf of Bank of America for the March 23, 2011 Demurrer on Complaint - part of Fraud on the Court in foreclosure procedures. [5]

Habeas Corpus in the United States (tags)

Availability of Habeas Corpus petition forms does not amount to the safeguard of the right for Habeas Corpus.

Remember Libya: One of History's Terror Bombing Victims (tags)


Revisiting Israel's Terror War on Gaza (tags)

terror war

18th World Water Day: Uphold right to water, Philippine Pres. Aquino told (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – Disappointed with the muddled position of the current administration in recognizing one of the most basic human rights, around 200 members of the Freedom from Debt Coalition took to the streets Tuesday urging President Benigno S. Aquino III to step up and uphold the human right to water.

Military actions against Libya/Libyan resistance must rely on own strength (tags)

By applauding the Western military actions against Libya, the Libyan resistance doesn't rely on their own strength, but will be bound to either a Western occupation, or a far going Western influence, when Gaddafi is defeated

Los Angeles Jewish Community Should Investigate Alleged Racketeering Among Its Leaders… (tags)

Los Angeles, March 22 – Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, launched a petition, calling on Los Angeles Jewish community to investigate allegations of racketeering by leaders of its organizations. ____ Please sign the Petition:

CCMS – the new California courts Case Management System – a looming danger for Justice and (tags)

Sustain, the case management system, which originated in Los Angeles County under the tenure of Ronald George in the Los Angeles Superior Court, was opined as fraud. It is by now implemented in some dozen states! CCMS was an initiative of Ronald George as Chief Justice of the California Supreme Court and Chair of the California Judicial Council…

Abusing Asylum Seekers in the Sinai (tags)


Human Rights Walkathon Seeks Education to Prevent Abuse (tags)

500 people gather in St. Petersburg Florida to end torture, abuse, child labor, human trafficking, and inhumane working conditions.

Obama's Lawless Authorization of Military Commissions Injustice (tags)


World March of Women in the Philippines (tags)

Today, women in the Philippines and all over the world gather in different places and spaces to show our collective strength and make our collective voice heard as we speak out our sufferings, challenges, triumphs and aspirations. Our voices are joined together as we resist the abuses and marginalization wrought upon us by economic policies that discriminate against giving women productive employment, just wages and benefits at the workplace, and opportunities for livelihood and income; by societies that allow, or even promote, violence to be committed against women with impunity; by governments and public institutions that turn a blind eye to the human rights of women.

War, Prisons, and Torture in the US & UK --An interview with Richard Haley (tags)

We launched "Stop Isolation" because the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is considering the appeals of four British citizens--Babar Ahmad, Syed Tahla Ahsan, Haroon Rashid Aswat, and Abu Hamza--against extradition to the US to face terrorism charges. The court's long-delayed judgment is expected in the next few months. It will be a landmark in the development of human rights law.

Out-of-Control Human Rights Abuses in Iraq (tags)


Black Label Drugs (tags)

Now, thanks to the growing media coverage of these harmful drug side-effects, increasing numbers of people suffering from depression, anxiety and eating disorders are turning to safe natural solutions from naturopaths, acupuncturists and even chiropractors.

Prof Erwin Chemerinsky is Asked to Take a Stand on US Court Corruption (tags)

The validity, integrity, and transparency of court records are at the foundation of Fair Hearing/Due Process and the Human, Constructional, and Civil Rights of the People. Widespread corruption of the US courts is key to the disintegration of socio-economic development and civil society in the United States under our watch.

Why isn't Wall Street in Jail? (tags)

Judicial corruption is at the heart of the matter.

CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human R (tags)

CCMS – California courts’ new case management system – ongoing concerns of serious Human Rights violations

Walk for Your Rights! (tags)

It is the violations of basic human rights that occur every day around the world which unites groups like those which will come together in St. Petersburg, Florida to walk and speak out for human rights on Saturday, March 5th, 2011.

Continued Middle East Protests and Violence (tags)

liberating struggles

BTL:Human Rights Groups Pursue Indictment of George W. Bush for Authorizing Torture (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Does "Indignez-vous!" in The Nation mag deny Hessel a bestseller in the USA? (tags)

Now Stephane Hessel has another reason for outrage, though at 94 he may be exempt from personal ambition and he always has been selfless, and that is the chance to also have a bestseller in the US.

Arab Street Celebrates Mubarak's Ouster (tags)

liberating struggles

Deliberately Misleading Testimony of Acting Inspector General Cynthia Schnedar, US DOJ (tags)

Given the abundance of official, expert, and media reports of large-scale false imprisonments, widespread corruption of the courts, and unprecedented fraudulent dispossession of homeowners throughout the United States, the testimony by the Acting Inspector General must be deemed false and deliberately misleading.

"Globalize the Struggle, Globalize the Hope!" (tags)

No to market-based business deals proposed by the governments of industrialized countries and transnational corporations, the thousands of solutions to the climate crisis are in the hands of the people.

Essentials on the situation in Egyp (tags)

"Then, over the weekend, came the public statement by Frank Wisner, the former ambassador to Cairo tapped by the Obama administration to serve as its envoy to Mubarak. Speaking at a security conference in Munich, Wisner declared, “President Mubarak remains utterly critical in the days ahead as we sort our way toward the future.” He added that the dictator “must stay in office in order to steer those changes through.” The State Department immediately responded that Wisner was speaking in a personal capacity and had not cleared his remarks first with the US government. While mortified that Wisner had the audacity to say publicly what the administration—behind all its phony rhetoric about democracy—is actually doing, no one disputed the content of Wisner’s statement. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs found a somewhat more elegant way to echo Wisner’s view, declaring that the issue was one of “process not personality.”

Mubarak's Thirty-Year Dictatorship (tags)


George Bush: Preliminary Indictment for Torture (tags)


Field Notes on American-Style Democracy (tags)


El Salvador's Sweatshop Economy (tags)


Criminological Perspective: Collapse of the US Justice System and the Financial Crisis (tags)

Like the Great Depression before it, the current financial crisis in its essence is a system-wide integrity crisis. Unless integrity of the financial and justice systems in the US is addressed, socio-economic and civil society conditions are unlikely to improve in the foreseeable future.

Abusing Palestinian Children (tags)


Political Prisoner Ameer Makhoul Update (tags)


Revolutionary Middle East Change (tags)

sweeping change

Salah Hamouri: One of Thousands of Israeli Political Prisoners (tags)


The 1998 Rampart Scandal Continues to Reverberate in the LAPD (tags)

Below are: 1) The 1998 Rampart Scandal Continues to Reverberate in the LAPD, January 27, 2011, by "Jack Dunphy", an LAPD officer, calling for the repeal of rules requiring financial disclosures by some LAPD officers; 2) The Rampart Scandal - A Response - by Joseph Zernik, PhD, Human Rights Alert (NGO), January 28, 2011

Dexia Holding v Countrywide and the Sub-prime Crisis - the Scope of the Fraud May Begin to (tags)

The complaint signals a break of ranks in the tight formation of banks, attorneys, judges, and regulators, and rebellion by northeastern states against fraud epidemic that was spawned in the southwest. "Corruption of the courts and the legal profession" is at the crux of the fraud.

NDF-GRP Panels Held Preliminary Talks in Norway:Talks to Resume in February (tags)

The ALLIANCE NEWS, the news service of the Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) based in the United States reported today that the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Negotiating Panels held preliminary talks last 14-18 January 2011 in Oslo, Norway and agreed to resume formal peace talks. Formal talks could not be held for six years during the regime of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo because of the latter’s conspiracy with the US to put the Communist Party of the Philippines, New People’s Army and the NDFP Chief Political Consultant Jose Maria Sison on the US terrorist list and its refusal to resolve the socio-economic roots of the armed conflict.

Request Filed for Impeachment of US Supreme Court Clerk William Suter (tags)

The office of Clerk of the Court William Suter denies applicants and petitioners, as well as the public at large, the right to distinguish, which cases were duly reviewed by the Supreme Court of the United States, and which one were not.

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit: Is the Docket Honest? (tags)

In 'Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ in the US Court of Appeals, 9th Circuit, verification of validity of the dockets by Clerk Molly C Dwyer is requested. The Clerks of the US Courts hold a key position in the safeguard of integrity of the courts and Human Rights in the Digital Era.

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’: Log Cabin Republicans Arguments - "handwaving" (tags)

In their opposition to the Motion to Intervene, the Log Cabin Republicans failed to do the obvious - produce the Certificate of the October 2010 Judgment. Of significance also is the lack of opposition to the intervention by the US Department of Justice, and the ongoing refusal of the US District Court to produce the Certificate.

City Heights Human Rights Fest Draws 500 (tags)

The first annual City Heights Human Rights Festival drew over 500 people to the streets of San Diego’s most ethnically diverse neighborhood Saturday, December 11 for a march down El Cajon Boulevard and a fair in the parking lot of Hoover High School at El Cajon and 44th Street. Besides speeches by local elected officials who represent the area, including City Councilmember Todd Gloria and his former employer, Congressmember Susan Davis, the event also included musical performers, readings and a showing of a short film by the Media Arts Center, I Want My Parents … Back, dealing with immigrant rights and how border enforcement is breaking up families. The event was organized not only to commemorate the 62nd anniversary of the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, passed by the United Nations in 1948, but to call attention to rights abuses all over the world and especially in Viet Nam. The impetus for organizing the event came from local representatives of the Viet Nam Reform Party, which exists clandestinely in Viet Nam and openly among Viet Namese immigrants in countries like ours that guarantee political freedoms. Among their demands is an end to one-party Communist rule in Viet Nam and an end to its ban on independent media.

Obama Challenges China on Human Rights (tags)

gross hypocrisy

Corruption of the courts and the legal profession in El Paso – Sealed in the Heart of Texa (tags)

"Public corruption is prevalent in the United States... Public corruption also is a Texas tradition"

California is not Alone: "Burlesque" in the highest court of Michigan and beyond... (tags)

Retired Justice Weaver may be unique as a judge that broke ranks with the judiciary. However, conditions that she documents in the Michigan Supreme Court are not unique at all...

Duvalier in the Dock (tags)

justice demanded

Request Filed to Inspect and to Copy US Supreme Court Electronic Records (tags)

The outcome of petitions and applications by individuals against government or corporation remained vague and ambiguous. The Office of the Clerk sent invalid letters, as notices of "denial", while no judicial records were found in the paper court files as valid foundation for such letter. So far, no public access was permitted to the judicial records in the electronic case management of the US Supreme Court.

US and State Judges Likely among Swiss Bank Accounts Holders (tags)

Circumstantial evidence indicates financial benefits by large financial institutions to state and US judges, who allegedly engage in fraud on the courts in tight alliance wit such institutions, in disregard of the law.

Corruption in the Courts, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, California (tags)

In 2010 the United Nations Human Rights Council Report summed up the situation as "corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in California".

Burlesque in the US Courts - Hijacking of the US Government (tags)

Commonwealth of Virginia v Sebelius in the US District Court – Constitutional Challenge to the Obama Health Care Law – Appears as Deliberately Invalid Litigation _____ The docket of the case reveals records that are inconsistent with litigation conducted in compliance with the US law. The clerk of the court and US Department of Justice Freedom of Information Office were requested to provide copies of the electronic certificates of authentication/attestation by the clerk of the records in the case.

Rabbi Susan Leider Joined Call-Stay the Execution of Kevin Cooper, Stop CA Death Penalty (tags)

Given the widespread corruption of the California government, religious leaders have been asked to spearhead the call for corrective actions.

Investigation, Impeachment of US Judge Jed Rakoff, Clerk Ruby Krajick Requested (tags)

The US Government coerced merger of Merrill Lynch and BofA involved alleged criminality by US and BofA senior officers, including Brian Moynihan and Ben Bernanke. US Judge Jed Rakoff and Clerk Ruby Krajick engaged in conduct of invalid litigation in alleged violation of the US law, and the publication of null and void court records in alleged violation of their Oaths of Office, as part of efforts to cover-up the alleged criminality by senior BofA and US officers.

‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: Request to Dismiss Appeals from an Uncertified Judgment, on Docket (tags)

The Motion and concomitantly filed papers have not addressed the controversial ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy itself, and have not sided with either of the parties in the case - the Log Cabin Republicans, or the US Department of Justice. Instead, the Motion has limited itself to arguments regarding the validity, or lack thereof, of the uncertified October 2010 Judgment, from which the appeals were taken. The motion has also addressed the validity, or lack thereof of the docket of the US District Court, Central District of California in the case, as a whole, and the implementation of the US District Court’s online public access and case management systems (PACER and CM/ECF).

Los Angeles Superior Court - Widespread Corruption and Refusal of US DOJ to Take Action (tags)

The Superior Court of California, County of Los Angeles, is the largest county court in the United States, with over 400 judges, serving the most populous county in the United States, with over 10 million residents. Official, expert, and media reports have documented widespread corruption of the court for over a decade, and consistent refusal of the US government to take action.

Lanny Davis: Lobbyist for Despots (tags)

anything for a buck

Israel's Knesset Targets Leftist Organizations (tags)

targeting dissent


THE PESANTE BULETIN based in the United States today reported that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas said today that the New People’s Army is undertaking steps to prevent civilian casualties over concerns of such occurring last Dec. 8 and Dec. 14 in Northern Samar. The PB reported that “In upholding the people’s war as just, correct and principled, it is important for the NPA to ensure the observance of the rights of civilians,” said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson. "This demonstrates the NPA’s firm unity with the people and differentiates it from the enemy, which is carrying out an unjust and unpincipled counterrevolutionary war backed by US imperialism. It is the people, not arms alone, who are decisive in war — contrary to the casual acceptance of so-called “collateral damage” as well as the willful targetting of civilians by the Armed Forces of the Philippines."

Alleged of Criminality by BofA and Misconduct in the State and US Courts -Robber Baron Era (tags)

Alleged of Criminality by Bank of America [NYSE:BAC], Misconduct in the State and US Courts, and Muzzled US Media Amount to a Robber Baron Revival Era.


The Brazilian journalists are abusing the freedom of press.

Besieged Gaza Two Years After Cast Lead (tags)

suffocating Gaza

Israel's Barbaric Solitary Confinement (tags)

same as torture

Surgeon v LA County - Opined as elaborate Fraud on the California Courts (tags)

The case is of the highest public policy significance. It reflects the conduct in concert of the California Government of all branches in a manner that undermines the prospect of honest court services in Los Angeles County, California, for years to come.


Human Rights Alert (NGO) Seeks Worldwide Submissions on JUDICIAL CORRUPTION for the 16th World Congress of the International Society for Criminology, KOBE, JAPAN, AUGUST 5-9, 2011.

Threat by US Marshals Following Request for Correction of False Docket, US Court, CA (tags)

In both threats the US Deputy Marshal Darcy Smith was employed to suppress claims of judicial corruption at the US District Court, Southern District of Californina.

BTL:Report: Palestinians Suffer Egregious Discrimination Under Israeli Control (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES - A four-time winner of the Connecticut Associated Press Broadcast Award for Best Feature in the non-commercial category, this syndicated, half-hour program provides a platform for individuals and spokespersons from progressive organizations generally ignored or marginalized by the mainstream media. Between the Lines covers a wide range of political, economic and social topics.

Julian Assange arrested/Attack on freedom of press (tags)

The arrest case of Julian Assange, founder of Wikileaks is politically motivated and therefore an attack on the freedom of press

Most Popular Publication in 2010: BofA and Brian Moynihan - Evidence of Racketeering (tags)

US mainstream media appear reluctant to report on evidence of criminality by BofA. A NYT editorial this week also expressed concerns of retribution by BofA against the NYT, if it publishes the WikiLeaks banking papers in January 2011.

Judgment in the ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy Claimed to be Invalid (tags)

In filing the papers with the US Congress, Dr Zernik alleges that conduct of Judge Virginia Phillips and Clerk Terry Nafisi undermines the Rule of Law, and with it - Civil Rights, Banking Regulation, and management of the Armed Services.

Kosovo's Prime Minister Accused of Running Human Organ, Drug Trafficking (tags)

"As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the 'safe house' individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic." Once organs were removed from the victims they were auctioned off to the highest bidder and sold by a global trafficking ring still "operating" today.

Dr William S Epps, Second Baptist Church, LA, Endorsed the Petition - End Death Penalty (tags)

Given the widespread corruption of the State of California justice system, religious leaders were asked to call upon the Governor of California to initiate corrective actions.

Rabbi Sharon Brous Endorsed the Petition Calling for an End to the Death Penalty in Califo (tags)

Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.

Archbishop Jose Gomez is Asked to Endorse the Petition to End the Death Penalty in CA (tags)

Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.

Rabbi Shmuly Yanklowitz Endorsed Petition: Stay Kevin Cooper's Execution End Death Penalty (tags)

Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.

Announcing 40 Scholarships in Authentic Journalism in Mexico, May 2011 (tags)

Ten Days of Intensive Training in Central Mexico: Video Production, Investigative & Online Reporting, and Movement Strategies for Journalists

New Evidence Filed with US Congress of Conduct of Invalid Litigation in SEC v BofA (tags)

The evidence shows SEC, Bank of America, and the Court covered up alleged violations of the law by high-level corporate executives and US officers through conduct of invalid litigation in the US Court.

Muslin Leaders Asked to Join Petition to Stay Kevin Cooper's Execution, End Death Penalty (tags)

The requests followed MPAC's stated mission of "promoting the Islamic values of mercy, justice, peace, human dignity, freedom, and equality for all." The petition called upon Governor Scharzenegger to stay the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose an immediate moratorium on the death penalty in California.

UCLA Hillel's Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller: Stay Kevin Cooper's Execution! (tags)

Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.

UCLA Hillel's Rabbi Chaim Seidler-Feller: Stop Kevin Cooper's Execution (tags)

Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions.

Afghans: Victimized by Conflict, Occupation, Extreme Deprivation and Genocide (tags)

relentless imperial wars

False Litigation Records and False Bank of America Banking Regulation (tags)

Actions by US Congress were asserted as essential not only for restoring the integrity of the US courts, but also for restoring the integrity of banking regulation and ending the current economic Depression.


Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.


Under conditions that today prevail in the justice system in Los Angeles County and California, it is inconceivable to continue with executions. California Gov Arnold Schwarzenegger should stop the execution of Kevin Cooper and impose a moratorium on the death penalty in California.

The Empire Has No Clothes (tags)

The UN reviews (or does it?) the human rights record of the United States.

Wikileaks Scientology Crimes Motivated (tags)

The world-wide phenomena known as Wikileaks has captured the fascination of citizens and governments alike, but what was the motivation for human rights and freedom of speech advocates to launch the Wikileaks organization? A documentary covers the foundations of this phenomenally beneficial organization.

Log Cabin Republicans v USA – ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ - Notice of Intent to Intervene (tags)

The litigation places the spotlight on the denial of Public Access to the ‘electronic document stamps’ and thus, the question of the integrity of judicial records and processes at the US District Court, Central District of California.


We cannot commemorate this day until we realize fully the freedoms that the declaration guarantees. It will just be a continuing myth and not a reality. The reality is we have to fight for our freedoms and struggle to guarantee it.


t is necessary to resist the prison of Assange with words and actions.

‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’: US Court Clerk TERRY NAFISI Asked to Provide Judgments Attestation (tags)

The Clerk of the US Court is charged with attestation of judgments and the maintenance of honest dockets. On both accounts Clerk TERRY NAFISI was previously found at fault.


It is necessary to continue the effort to study and to understand the reality.

Request for impeachment of RUBY KRAJICK, Clerk of the US Court, New York (tags)

In a matter, where New York Attorney General uncovered alleged criminality by BofA and US government officers, pretense litigation was conducted at the US District Court in New York.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Notice Given to Counsel for Parties of Alleged Fraud on the Court (tags)

Counsel's attention was requested for a matter alleged as Fraud on the Court.

Request for Impeachment of TERRY NAFISI - Clerk of US Court, Central District of CA (tags)

The request alleged that Clerk TERRY NAFISI violated her Oath of Office, including, but not limited to: denial of access to the courts, deprivation of rights under the color of law, and/or misprision of felonies; therefore - impeachable offences.

TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER is asked re: Immediate Moratorium on the Death Penalty in Ca (tags)

Corruption of the California justice system was well-documented. The Jewish community was vastly over-represented among judges and attorneys. Therefore, it should consider itself accountable for conditions of the justice system in California.

Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – Another Pretense Litigation by US Judge Virginia Phillips (tags)

US Judge Virginia Phillips appeared in the case with no due Assignment Order. Her "Judgment" was not recorded by the Court. Instead, the opposite Judgment was recorded - in favor of the United States. The Court continues to deny access to the authentication records...

Flotilla Support for Gaza (tags)

coming until siege ends

Human Rights Alert (NGO) Seeks Help in Documenting Conduct of the US Courts (tags)

Help sought in documenting the conduct of the US district courts in protecting individual rights.

Honduras: Latin America's Murder Capital (tags)

murders in fascist Honduras

Request for impeachment of US Judges JED RAKOFF, VIRGINIA PHILLIPS, JOHN WALTER, and US Ma (tags)

The request alleged that the conduct of the named judges and magistrate undermined Banking Regulation and/or Human Rights in the United States.

US inequality and New Zealand, a human rights perspective (tags)

New Zealand has been given another chance to free itself from discriminatory collectivism while the US seems to be still battling with it. NZ was saved by the emerging truth of human rights omissions and one of life's miracles, the major Christchurch earthquake (no one killed).

Human Rights Alert (NGO): US *** Stars*** and Most Read Records on the Scribd Site (tags)

Human Rights Alert (NGO) and Joseph Zernik, PhD, marked the 200,000th read on the Scribd site, launched in January 2010, by releasing the list of best read documents and most read subjects.

FREE THE 43 !! (tags)

Today we begin our hunger strike. This is the only course of action left us to end our continued illegal detention, there being no clear action by the government for our unconditional release. On December 6, we will be on our 10th month in detention. We were arrested last February 6 by a joint AFP-PNP operation based on a defective warrant. We were tortured physically and psychologically, deprived of sleep, subjected to various indignities, threatened with harm, denied legal counsel for several days and illegally detained until now. Planted evidence was used and false charges were filed against us. Our human rights continue to be violated. Every day in jail is an injustice to us.

NGO Monitor Targets Truth for Israel (tags)

Israel's war against truth

TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, and the Los Angeles Jewish Community, Rampart FIPs (tags)

Following initial request for opinion, additional information was provided to Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, TIKKUN's Editor

TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, is asked re: The Los Angeles Jewish Community, Rampart FIPs (tags)

Rabbi Lerner was asked to take a stand in efforts to repair a Human Rights disgrace of historic proportions taking place under our watch, here in California.

Human Rights are Immigrant Rgihts (tags)

Human Rights are Immigrant Rights.

William Suter, Clerk of the Supreme Court of the United States – Evidence of Public Corrup (tags)

Conditions that prevail at the US courts today undermine Human Rights and banking regulation, and contribute to disintegration of the frameworks of democratic government in the United States. Reform of the judiciary in the United States is also essential for addressing the current Depression.

Exposing Israel's Fraudulent Third Periodic Report to the UN (tags)

exposing Israeli lies

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: London Session (tags)

working for peace and equity

Students Celebrate International Day of Tolerance at Human Rights Walk (tags)

November 16, 2010 BOCA RATON, FL – Students and human rights advocates lined the streets around Florida Atlantic University (FAU) on November 16, joining similar groups all over the world for the “International Day of Tolerance,” first declared by the member states of the United Nations in 1996.

Statement on Anniversary of Maguindanao Massacre (tags)

The Philippine Government's weak adherence to human rights reinforces warlords' culture of impunity

California Ethics Questions for TIKKUN's Rabbi MICHAEL LERNER, in re: Karimi v Mithaiwala (tags)

Protesting and rebuking corruption of the courts was central to the teachings of the Hebrew prophets, and part of what made them universally admired. In pronouncing a clear and unambiguous stand on these issues Rabbi Lerner could indeed help transform California and the United States, as we know them today.

Ethnically Cleansing East Jerusalem (tags)

Judaizing East Jerusalem

Stonewalling Goldstone (tags)

trying to buy the findings

Are the United States and NATO are losing the War in Afghanistan? (tags)

In this study I will examine whether NATO and the United States have failed in their War in Afghanistan against Islamic terrorism between 2001-09. To do this I will compare their objectives against measurements of effectiveness (MOE’s) as provided by both political and military sources as prescribed by the intervening forces.

Washington Backing Indonesian State Terror (tags)

funding state terror

UN Human Rights Council to US: Ratify Human Rights Treaties, Abolish Death Penalty... (tags)

Human Rights Council to the US: Abolish Death Penalty, Criminalize Torture, Guarantee Habeas Corpus, Close Guantanamo Bay...


“With all boldness, as always so now also, Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain”. (Philippians 1. 20-21) We, bishops, priests and faithful of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente, are once again pained as two of our lay leaders became victims of the spate of senseless killings in the country. Our hearts bleed as we remember in prayers our brothers Benjamin Bayles and Jovelito Agustin, who were both killed for standing firmly for the cause of justice and peace in our land.


resident Benigno Aquino III is concerned over the detention for the past 15 years of Aung San Suu Kyi of Burma, a democracy icon like his late mother, former President Corazon C. Aquino. Last Oct. 28, while attending the Asean Summit in Hanoi, he urged Burma’s Prime Minister Thein Sein to free Suu Kyi, but predictably, the latter made no clear commitment. But while Mr. Aquino seems to be passionate in working for the release of Suu Kyi, he does not seem to be very concerned about the detention for the past nine months by government forces of 43 health workers, the so-called “Morong 43.” Last Oct. 14 Mr. Aquino said the case of the 43 detainees would have to be decided by the court that is trying them for illegal possession of firearms and explosives.

Western Shoshone Visit UN for Human Rights Review (tags)

Members of the Western Shoshone Defense Project traveled to Geneva, Switzerland to discuss the human rights record of the U.S. government pertaining to indigenous peoples. Despite the Treaty of Ruby Valley (1863) signed with the Shoshone Nation and the U.S., many harmful activities have been permitted to occur on Shoshone land "Newe Sogobia" including cyanide leach pit gold mining, military weapons testing, nuclear waste disposal and now the Ruby natural gas pipeline cutting through pristine sage grouse habitat and numerous indigenous archeological sites sacred to the Shoshone and Paiute.

SEC v Bank of America at the US District Court, NY - Opined as Fraud on the Court (tags)

Absent reform of the US courts, there was no way to establish effective banking regulation in the United States. Moreover, conditions at the US courts were opined as a cardinal sign of disintegration of democratic government frameworks, entailing risks to world peace and welfare.

Youth Walk To Assist The Millions Who Live On $1.25 a Day or Less (tags)

World Bank has estimated that there are over 1.3 billion impoverished persons in developing countries who live on $1.25 a day or less

California Attorneys Appearing in Pretense Court Proceedings: A Legal Ethics Question (tags)

California legal ethics question: What are the duties and responsibilities of an attorney when appearing in pretense court proceedings before a corrupt judge? – Correspondence with a California Attorney.

Emergency Convocation (tags)

It is imperative that you should sign the petition to the government of The Hellenic Republic for the granting of asylum to the Iranian hunger strikers. You may sign at the following address:

Computer Fraud Opined in the Online Public Access and Case Management Systems of US Courts (tags)

Human Rights Alert (NGO) submission to the UN Human Rights Council, was incorporated in the official staff report with reference to "corruption of the courts and the legal profession, and discrimination by law enforcement in California". Two papers on the matter were also recently published in a peer reviewed international computer science journal. The current paper expanded on the role of the US courts computer systems in enabling the "corruption".

Anti-Defamation League Demagoguery and Islamophobia (tags)

ADL's racism belies its stated mission

No Human Rights in Papua (tags)

No Human Rights in Papua

A courageous radical human rights agenda (tags)

The New Zealand government's response to the Christchurch earthquake was to assumed greater executive power to help the victims - necessary, in part, due to deficiencies in human rights law the same deficiencies which created a major tragedy at the bottom of the social scale over past 20 yrs.

Palestinian Authority Traitors Serving Israel (tags)

Abbas a duplicitous traitor

Earthquake Stricken Haitians Victimized by World Indifference (tags)

Haitians are slowly starving

The Cuban Five: Victims of US State Terrorism (tags)

US lawlessness

Nobel Politics (tags)

Nobel hypocrisy

Foundation for Change Honors Local “Changemakers” Sept. 26 (tags)

The San Diego Foundation for Change held its annual “Changemaker Celebration” Sunday, September 26 on the Prado patio in Balboa Park. Part outdoor picnic, part bazaar of social-change organizations, part fundraiser and part short commemoration, the event honored longtime local activists Larry Baza of the San Diego Democratic Club, Victor Clark-Alfaro of Tijuana’s Bi-National Center for Human Rights, and the Environmental Health Coalition and its longtime director, Diane Takvorian.


Gamu Nhengu, an 18-year-old promising singer from Zimbabwe who took part in this year’s edition of “X Factor” is in danger of being deported back to her home country. If she were to be deported back to Zimbabwe with her mother she would find herself in a society where women are discriminated against and humiliated – even more so, seeing that Gamu is young, pretty and by now famous.

Israel's Persecution of Ameer Makhoul (tags)

a prominent Israeli political prisoner

More on Washington's Failed Ecuadorean Coup Attempt (tags)

Correa knows Washington wants him ousted.

Lawless Arrests, Detentions and Torture in Iraq (tags)

ongoing war crimes in Iraq

Palestinian Authority Recommends Whitewashing Gaza War Crimes (tags)

PA complicit with Israel

Southern CA organizations to announce unity and denounce the FBI attacks against Human Rig (tags)

Southern CA organizations to announce unity and denounce the FBI attacks against Human Rights activists

Independent Committee of Experts on Gaza War (tags)

another UN committee accuses Israel of war crimes


PESANTE Bulletin based in Los Angeles learned today that more than 8,000 residents of North Triangle , Quezon City ( formerly the capital of the Philippines) fought the demolition teams of the MMDA and the Police to a stand still and stopped the demolition of their homes yesterday. The PESANTE BULETIN said that rocks rained on the northbound lane of Edsa and traffic stood still on the busy thoroughfare for several hours as thousands of residents in Sitio San Roque, Barangay Bagong Pag-asa, Quezon City, thwarted a demolition team’s efforts to tear down their shanties Thursday morning.

Guilty As Charged: UN Report on Gaza Flotilla Massacre (tags)

Israel rightfully condemned

Human Rights Violations under the US-Aquino III Regime Spikes Up (tags)

The Alliance-Philippies (AJlPP) vehemently denounces the crescendo of human rights violations perpetrated by the US-Aquino III regime’s armed forces and police units since they extended the Oplan Bantay-Laya II last June 2010. The Alliance said “"The attacks against civilians violate the Geneva Conventions and the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CAHRIHL), which give primacy to the protection of the rights and welfare of unarmed civilians in the course of the war"

Dark years of Marcos dictatorship ‘must not be forgotten’ – victims (tags)

PHILIPPINES. On the eve of the late former President Ferdinand Marcos' 93rd birth anniversary, Filipinos appear to be forgetting his legacy of abuse, victims of human rights violations during his long rule said on Friday.

Growing Thought Control in Israel (tags)

Israeli censorship

Florida Youth Joins Human Rights Defenders at United Nations During Geneva Summit (tags)

FLORIDA – September 1, 2010 – Last weekend Youth for Human Rights Florida President, Dustin McGahee, joined human rights defenders at the 7th Annual Youth for Human Rights International Summit, in support of making the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights widely known and used. Held in the United Nations Palais des Nations in Geneva, the event was also attended by youth from more than 30 countries and over 60 UN Diplomats.

WED 9/8: LA to Launch Divest from Israel CA Ballot Initiative (tags)

Californians committed to peace and justice for Palestine-Israel will launch the statewide campaign of California ballot Initiative 10-0020 with a signing ceremony in front of the Israeli Consulate in Los Angeles on Wednesday, September 8, 2010. Although California has adopted policies requiring divestment from Sudan, Iran and other nations, this is the first ballot measure in the nation aimed at changing Israeli policies through divestment by State agencies. It directs California’s large public employee and teacher pension funds to be consistent with their responsible investing policies and to divest from companies that violate the human rights of Palestinians. The description provided by the office of the Attorney General when it approved the measure for circulation last week says that the initiative “prohibits state retirement funds from investing in companies engaged in certain business activities in Israel.”

Honduran Repression Continues Unabated (tags)

Washington supports Honduran terror

New hope, new dream required following Earthquake: Letter to John Key (tags)

New dream, an ethical globalization, required after devastating earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand (amazingly no loss of life but enormous property damage). An ethical globalization emphasizes small/medium business development.


The PESANTE BULETIN gathered today that NDF -Mindanao spokeman Jorge madlos said that "the extension of the Arroyo regime’s brutal nine-year anti-insurgency campaign Oplan Bantay Laya exposes Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino III’s real “peace” plan. Aquino's plan the NDF says is to step up military offensives against the New People’s Army (NPA) and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) - daydreaming of inducing revolutionary forces to capitulate and to impose its demands on the peace talks consistent with the US Counter Insurgency (COIN) strategy." The NDF also said that He (Aquino III) appears to be in a hurry to please his US imperialist masters, especially in laying the ground for the entry and the increase in profitability of mining companies and foreign-owned plantations such as Xtrata in South Cotabato and Dole Phils. in Surigao del Sur and Compostela Valley, and a host of other foreign monopoly capitalist investments. The NDF Mindanao also said that AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Ricardo David Jr., in his declaration of a new counter-insurgency plan by Jan 1, 2011, bragged that the new strategy would focus on the respect for human rights, admitting in effect that nine years of OBL were replete with human rights violations.

On the Philippine hostage taking incident (tags)

Akbayan (Citizens Action Party) on the the Ill-fated Hostage Taking Incident at the Quirino Grandstand and the Necessary Reformation of the Police Force

Affects of Bullying at School often Overlooked (tags)

While the US National Statistics will say the violent crimes are decreasing in public school, bullying, either as an act of verbal or physical abuse, is a problem that is not decreasing.

Political Killings in Colombia (tags)

shocking crimes committed with impunity

Israeli Academic Freedom at Rish (tags)

israeli free expression endangered

By continuing Oplan Bantay Laya, Aquino shows he is no different from Arroyo (tags)

The PESANTE BULETIN based in Los Angeles gathered that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today assailed the announcement of the Armed Forces of the Philippines on extending its Oplan Bantay Laya campaign until January 2011 as proving that Benigno Aquino III is no different from his predecessor. From the news sources in the Philippines, PESANTE BULETIN also learned that While the world commemorates International Humanitarian Law Month today, the AFP will be continuing its campaign that has led to many killings of social activists and other civilians," said NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas.

Peru: stop to the plan to reintroduce the death penalty (tags)

EveryOne Group: “We have written to the Peruvian authorities, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Council of Europe and human rights organizations all over the world to remind them that Peru has signed the Pact of San Jose (which excludes the reintroduction of the death penalty) in an attempt to prevent the serious barbarization of Peruvian society”. ... Gruppo EveryOne: "Hemos escrito a las Instituciones del Perú, al Alto Comisionado de las Naciones Unidas para los Derechos Humanos, al Consejo de Europa y las organizaciones humanitarias internacionales a fin de recordarles que el Estado sudamericano ha firmado el Pacto de San José, que excluye la reintroducción de la pena capital, y para evitar una grave barbarización de la sociedad peruana ".

Gender-Based Violence in Haiti (tags)

One of many problems plaguing Haitians

Universal Jurisdiction to Hold Israel Accountable (tags)

UJ is a powerful tool if used

Gaza's Poisoned Water (tags)

Gazans are being suffocated and poisoned

Support "Protest the Pope" week (tags)

Support the mass protests in London against the visit of the Pope to the UK. Join the mass march on September 18th or make a donation.

From Goldstone to Uribe (tags)

The fix is in.

Request for full investigation into 'unseen' major New Zealand tragedy and reply (tags)

I very much fear that America is following the same path as New Zealand. It is the 'truth' not power politics or the 'money grab' which will help overcome the climate of fear and hopelessness. Obama, I think, needs the assistance of some of the America's top thinkers and spiritual leaders.

Recent Israeli Provocations (tags)

recent Israeli violence

The Repressive Citizenship and Entry into Israel Law (tags)

more evidence of Israeli lawlessness


The world can really be better... since the fucking American government doesn't make anything to try to improve him.

PHILIPPINES: Keeping an eye on Aquino’s commitment to change (tags)

MANILA - The new administration of President Benigno S. Aquino III begins with an extremely high trust rating of 88 percent – higher than any of the post-dictatorship presidents. This is a measure of people’s belief in the commitment of the Aquino administration to reverse the anti-poor policies implemented during the regime of Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo.

The Sherrod Affair and Etta Rosales (tags)

CALIFORNIA, United States—By now, Shirley Sherrod’s fascinating story is well known.

Gazans Denied Medical Care Under Siege (tags)

more evidence of Israeli oppression

BTL:U.N. Pursues War Crimes Investigation One Year After End of Sri Lanka's Civil War (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Youth Celebrate Mandela’s Birthday With 67 Minutes of Education and Music (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida Celebrates Mandela’s Birthday with 67 minutes of educating others about their human rights

Combating Bullying International Day In Support of Victims of Torture (tags)

The United Nations’ International Day in Support of Victims of Torture is annually observed to remind people that human torture is unacceptable – and in many cases it is also a crime. On this day attention mostly goes to victims of war, prison and violent crimes, in countries of unrest predominately known for human rights violations. Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee points out that bullying is a form of torture here in the United States and across the globe, and a violation of Human Right #5, No Torture.

Seeking a Safe Place to Live in 2010 United Nations Refugee Day (tags)

TAMPA BAY, FLORIDA - Every year 19 million youth flee their own country, seeking somewhere else that’s safe to live. Over 70% of them never make it. But that doesn’t stop them from trying. This is the message Youth for Human Rights International portrays in their PSA to help others understand Human Right # 14, “The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live”, for creating awareness on United Nations Refugee Day, and every other day.

BTL:Obama's Policy on Post-Coup Honduras Follows Same Old Washington Script Toward Latin A (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Italy: Judicial harassment of human rights defender (tags)

Petition for the Freedom of Human Rights Defenders: SIGN NOW

Human Rights Group Calls on Authorities to Free Two Pregnant Detainees in the Philippines. (tags)

PESANTE-USA , a human rights and peasant advocacy group based in Los Angeles today , two detained health workers accused of being members of the New People’s Army are pregnant and may give birth inside their detention cell in Taguig City if they are not released. Pesante learned it from the group calling themselves as the Free the 43 Health Workers! Alliance asked President Benigno Aquino III to release the accused communists.

Judaizing Jerusalem (tags)

Israel's aim - make all Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

State Terror, Israeli Style (tags)

more on the flotilla massacre

Death Squad Terror in Honduras (tags)

terrorist killings

United for Human Rights Celebrates Juneteenth (tags)

Slavery stills exists: it’s human trafficking.

Palestinian Centre for Human Rights 2009 Annual Report (tags)

another year of Israeli crimes

Occupied Palestine: Good News and Bad (tags)

Far more of the latter than former

Freedom is not an impossible dream (tags)

A New Zealand Tragedy

Palestinian Women Under Occupation (tags)

Suffering and heroism for over six decades

Easing Gaza's Siege: Bogus and Unacceptable (tags)

Israel's easing bogus

Filipinos: LEST WE FORGET! (tags)

We seem to have forgotten that once upon a time, not too long ago, there was this family, the Marcoses, comprised of Ferdinand (now deceased), Imelda (still gallivanting and traipsing the light fantastic in Manila and occasionally, kung maka lusot, overseas), and 3 children, including Ferdinand "Bongbong" Jr who's now running, under Presidential candidate Manny Villar, in the SAME Senatorial slate as political activists (??) Liza Maza and Satur Ocampo.

Gaza Flotilla Massacre: Goldstone Commission II Essential (tags)

independent investigation essential

Torture Research and Experimentation: Official Policy under Bush and Obama (tags)

Torture is official US policy

BTL:U.N. and Human Rights Groups Challenge U.S. Use of Drones in Targeted Assassinations (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Sitting-in for Human Rights, from Jim Crow to Juan Crow (tags)

The struggle for migrant rights--like the struggle against Jim Crow--is a matter of fundamental human rights and equality.

They're Coming: Freedom Flotilla Two and Others Planned (tags)

They're coming until the Gaza siege ends

Israel's New Initiative: Barbarism and Piracy at Sea (tags)

more Israeli crimes against humanity

Complete Interview Transcript with Richard Falk from May 31st 2010 (tags)

DB "The Israelis say that these commandos who they say were armed with hand guns and paint guns were only defending themselves from armed and dangerous attacks by people on the boat. Your response to that? RF: There are two lines of response, and this is an area where the facts are contested and difficult to disentangle at this stage. The witnesses on the boats themselves, particularly the Turkish boats where most of the violence took place, claim that the commandos landed shooting, and that it was only after the initiation of that violence that there was some attempt at defense on the basis of very contrived and primitive weapons, as opposed to the kind of weaponry that the Israeli commandos were carrying. Beyond that, it’s fairly clear if unlawful attack of a vessel on the high seas is occurring, the passengers on that ship have some sort of right to self defense. So that’s one aspect of it. The second aspect is that even if there was some kind of defensive violence on the ship, that’s no excuse for an unprovoked attack carried out in this manner. If Israel didn’t want the ships to go to Gaza, they could have diverted them, and if they did what the other boats did in the Freedom Flotilla, except for the larger Turkish one, it seems pretty clear that this was a deliberate attack designed, I suppose, to punish the effort to carry out this humanitarian mission, which would obviously have disclosed the brutality of the blockade of the Gaza Strip, which has gone on now for almost three years. The Israeli arguments are not really seriously plausible. Given the overall circumstances it’s very difficult to give them any kind of serious credibility, and this seems to me to be as clear a violation of international humanitarian law, international law of the seas, and international criminal law, as we’re likely to see in the early part of the twenty-first century." RF

Canada's War on Islam: The Case of Mohamed Harkat (tags)

attacking innocent victims for political advantage

Israel's Specialty: Targeting Civilians (tags)

how rogue states operate

Education in Occupied Palestine (tags)

effects of occupation on education

Vilifying Justice Goldstone (tags)

Israel attacks truth

Political Comeback Marcos Family Alarming – Victims of Martial law (tags)

PHILIPPINES - On April 27, 1977, urban poor leader Trinidad Herrera-Ripuno was arrested in Katipunan, Quezon City by virtue of an arrest and search and seizure order (ASSO) of then President Ferdinand Marcos. She was made to suffer brutal torture, which was meant to break her determination and spirit.

Border Patrol targets immigrant rights activist family in Southeast Riverside County (tags)

Saturday, May 22, 2010
RIVERSIDE County, California - At about 10:30 Saturday night, agents with the US Customs and Border Protection entered an apartment where a family was watching television. Although members of the family asserted their rights, these were not respected. An adult and three minors were arrested and taken to the Theodore L. Newton, Jr. and George F. Azrak Border Patrol Station in Murrieta.


Despite the election of Benigno Aquino III to succeed the corrupt brutal Arroyo, 43 healthworkers continue to suffer military torture. Five are confined to the military camp alleged as self-confessed New People's Army guerillas, while 38 were transferred to Camp Bagong Diwa, Bicutan, notorious for the massacre of Moro suspects. The five persons on which the fascist generals are concentrating their torture are: VALENTINO PAULINO, CHERRYLYN TAWAGON, ELLEN CARANDANG, JENNYLYN PIZZARO, & JOHN MARK BARRIENTOS. Carandang's children were taken from their home by the military," according to KARAPATAN, human rights monitor. Their relatives are threatened or offered bribes coercively to side with the military and incriminate themselves or their kin. We appeal to the international community to denounce this barbaric treatment and demand the immediate release of the Morong 43.

Israel's Permanent War on Palestine (tags)

decades of Israeli war crimes

Israel's Exclusion and Restriction of Goods to Gaza (tags)

part of Israel's slow motion genocide

Stop the Black Market Sales of AIDS/HIV Medicine. Please Sign The Petition! (tags)

Leaked Email. “there is a major black market scam being worked on the $30 million a year in HIV/AIDS drugs we finance... I could easily name the in-house folks but my lips are sealed.” Carol Payne Flavell, Administrative Employee of United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and Presidential Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (PEPFAR). Sign

Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Activists (tags)

Silencing dissent

Israeli Hypocrisy: Talking Peace While Preparing for War and Institutionalizing Dire Condi (tags)

Israel always chooses violence over peace

In the Streets for Human Rights: A People Without Borders (tags)

The recent immigrant rights demonstration in San Diego May 1 was inspiring, but a real solution to the immigration question will come only when we can disenthrall the American people from hateful corporate propaganda that pits disadvantaged groups against each other and convinces millions of Americans that their economic and social problems are caused by people below them, not people above. So-called “illegal” immigrants are just another in the long line of scapegoats corporate and Right-wing propagandists invoke to keep people confused and lead them to challenge each other instead of their corporate overlords.

Scientology Assaults Human Rights Activists (tags)

One of the problems with being on the front lines of human rights and civil rights is the violence that is routinely committed against those who advocate.

“The Right to Play” - Help for Children of Haiti (tags)

The recent earthquake in Haiti gave the world a small glimpse into the problems and needs of Haiti's children prior to the quake, but now they are many times multiplied. Nearly half of Haiti's nearly 10 million people are younger than 18, and many of them are orphans.

Soldier Committed Violence and Abuse Against Palestinian Detainees (tags)

IDF crimes against Palestinians

Los Angeles Marches Against Racist Arizona Law (PHOTOS) (tags)

Over 100,000 march to protest racist Arizona "immigration" law; diverse crowd shows broad support against law

“The Holocaust” still exists - Sudanese humanitarian presents shocking scene in Sudan (tags)

Sudanese humanitarian, Ramy Makar, presents UCLA students devastating account of human rights violations in Sudan

Philippine Human Rights Commission slams communist rebels’ permit-to-campaign fees (tags)

MANILA, Philippines – The Commission on Human Rights (CHR) slammed the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People's Army for defending their collection of Permit-to-Campaign (PTC) fees in various parts of the country.

European MPs and Ministers Assess Gaza Today (tags)

Think Gaza and imagine an image of hell

Art Exhibit Portrays a Haiti of Hope and Promotes the Right to Play (tags)

CLEARWATER: On Friday, April 30th, starting at 6pm, international photographers Gracia Bennish and Brad Kugler will showcasing their photos of Haiti at “For the Future/For the Children: Two Views of Haiti” exhibit at System Productions in downtown Clearwater. (34N. Garden Ave).

Philippines: Marcos Jr suffers selective amnesia - Akbayan Party (tags)

Ferdinand "Bongbong" Marcos Jr must be suffering from selective amnesia. In a recent TV show, he staunchly defended his father against charges of gross human rights violations given the fact that his father was never indicted for human rights.

Fabricating Terrorism: Victims of UK Injustice (tags)

Britain and America partnered for injustice

Imprisoning Palestinian Women (tags)

Israel treats men, women and children the same way

Rights groups slams Agra’s decision as “a massacre of justice” (tags)

Rights groups slams Agra’s decision as “a massacre of justice”


You are not well coming to Arizona - the legislator RACIST said.

Talking About Freedom of Expression At Sunscreen Film Festival (tags)

Human Right Number 19, "Freedom of Expression" is the subject for Youth for Human Rights Florida President Dustin McGahee and Alexa Vega, star of the blockbuster movie, "Spy Kids".

Human Rights Before Trade Rules (tags)

Bread for the World shows that a fundamentally different trade and economic policy oriented in human rights is possible and very necessary. Many rich countries subsidize their farmers so their foodstuffs can be produced below the real costs and sold cheaply on the world market.

Israel's Infiltration Prevention Bill (tags)

Israel accelerating toward fascism

Youth for Human Rights Florida Promotes Human Rights Education across the Globe (tags)

St. Petersburg, Florida - Youth for Human Rights of Florida announced its participation in this year’s Sunscreen Film Festival in St. Petersburg Florida on April 14th to 18th by launching a petition signing for the teaching of the 30 articles of the Universal Declaration for Human Rights in alignment with the ongoing Seventh Annual Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) World Tour.

Disappearing the Truth in Honduras (tags)


The PESANTE NEWS learned today that the PNP refuses to house ‘Morong 38’ . They were asked to return to Camp Capinpin, Tanay. Rizal. In line with an order issued by a Morong, Rizal court, 38 members of the so-called “Morong 43” group of health workers were brought to Camp Crame on board a Philippine Army bus Friday morning. About half an hour later, the Philippine National Police (PNP) promptly sent them back to the military’s Camp Capinpin in Rizal, saying it had no room for them in its crowded detention facility.

Wkileaks is legit...check it out ! (tags)

Wikileaks is doing some outstanding reporting, and seems to be 'legitimate' and thus needs more than just readers, they need more support [see bottom of their web page]. Join in FREER info/ speech/ transparency ..dont be a passive public , do something worthwhile NOW !

CBCP Statement on the Continued Detention of the Morong 43 (tags)

The illegal arrest and continued detention of the “Morong 43” in a military facility represent serious threat to the civil liberties of the Filipino people. The Catholic Bishops’ Conference of the Philippines (CBCP) follows with grave concern the shifting accusations of the military against the health workers, the conflicting positions of government authorities on the legitimacy of the arrest and detention, and the seeming lack of regard of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) for human rights and the rule of law. We are deeply worried about the wellbeing of the health workers in Camp Capinpin. We share the sentiments of other human rights groups that the presence of the detainees in a military camp makes them vulnerable to further abuses, psychological tortures, threats, and intimidation. Sustained exposure to psychosomatic strains may eventually break the fortitude and resistance of the Morong 43 into admitting under duress the accusations made against them.

Why Human Rights Education? (tags)

How important are human rights? Long before the phrase “human rights’ came into existence, men and women fought and died for basic human freedoms. In fact, this struggle has lasted thousands of years and still continues today.

UC Berkeley Divestment Vote (tags)

Write to the Student Senate. Time is of the essence.

China's Documentation of US Human Rights Abuses (tags)

China's account is accurate and revealing

Expected Obama Administration Backing for Indonesia State Terror (tags)

Obama to back Indonesia state terror

Haiti Post-Quake: Devastation, Depravation, Exploitation and Oppression (tags)

Haitians keep suffering under America's boot

Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)

bogusly accused Palestinians

CPP-NPA Permit to Campaign Fees: Fundraising or Opportunism? (tags)

The Philippine Left and the 2010 Elections The issue of the New Peoples Army collecting ‘permit to campaign fees’ (euphemistically named ‘revolutionary taxes’ by the Communist Party of the Philippines) from capitalist traditional politicians (trapo or rug) wanting to campaign in NPA strongholds has once again resurfaced in the lead-up to the May 2010 elections. The fees buy these trapo politicians a ‘permit to campaign’ in NPA areas. According to a February 5 Dateline news report, documents obtained from an NPA leader arrested in January this year, pegs the taxes from P30 million for a presidential candidate to P5000 for a candidate for local council. It’s a well-known ‘secret’ in the left that this practice of tax collection during elections is a lucrative source of fundraising for the CPP-NPA.

International Day against Racial Discrimination (tags)

When people fully understand human rights, they will demand their rights and respect the rights of others.

Obama rushed to hospital (tags)

With a pre-existing condition

Gentle Reminder: Human Rights Is Not a New Issue (tags)

It’s easy to forget.

Venezuela in Washington's Crosshairs (tags)

trying to undermine Hugo Chavez

Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States (tags)

The United States is the only country in the world that claims to be superior in every aspect, especially in human rights, and that lie is again exposed, this time by a report from China on the United States, all from US sources. The US is in fact a backward cesspool, the most backward country in the industrialized world.

The Lawfare Project's Anti-Democratic Agenda (tags)

LP is a guardian of Washingto-Israeli power

Europe attacks Kurds (tags)

At 5 A.M. on March 4, Belgian police raided the offices of ROJ TV, the voice of Kurdish people, BDP’s European office and several other addresses in Belgium.

Freedom from our social prisons require Rights Revolution (tags)

New Zealanders come home - you are needed. Submission below before UN Human Rights Commission today re NZ. Below shows NZ headed to third world status. Obama also follows UN and global elites - mass discrimination re social class.

Political Killings still major problem in RP, says US (tags)

"At long last, the US State Department have stated the obvious" The Echo Park Community Coalition (EPCC) News today through various news sources that the US State Department has reported that extrajudicial killings remained a major problem in the Philippines last year and that security forces and insurgent groups were both responsible. The “2009 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices,” released to the US Congress on March 11, noted that concerns about impunity in the Philippines persisted.


Millions of US taxpayers' money are supporting de facto President Arroyo's despotic rule in the Philippines. The continuing torture of 43 health workers may be an alibi to cover up the horrendous Ampatuan massacre and numerous corruption scandals, a preparation for martial rule by May 20. Fascist violence will surely be met by the enraged mobilization of the masses. The US public needs to protest the use of their taxdollars to fund Arroyo's extrajudicial killings, torture, and forced disappearances of thousands of Filipino civilians.

Citizens Fight Organized Crime Gangsters (tags)

Organized human rights groups have teamed up with victims of the notorious Scientology crime syndicate to fight back, among the latest advocates joining the fight being the collective known as "Anonymous," a collection of civil rights, human rights, and free speech rights advocates around the world, all of whom have managed to make great progress putting Scientology crime bosses and ringleaders behind bars, educating citizens around the globe so that Scientology now boasts less than 40,000 remaining customers world wide.

Israeli Settlement Expansions Continue (tags)

all Israeli settlements are illegal


The Philippine peasant Support Network (USA) vehemently condemns the latest decision of the Court of Appeals to deny the writ of habeas corpus to Morong 43 as “grave injustice perpetrated by the courts.” Pesante-USA pointed out that “ when the courts acts as conduit of the military to justify injustice by saying it’s the rule of rule, the court does not only fail the nation but betrays its people. The courts as US president Adams said “ is the guarantee of our independence”.

NDF-EV demands immediate release of Michelle Adelantar from GRP custody (tags)

The PESANTE NEWS learned today that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today demanded the immediate release from the Arroyo government's custody of Michelle Adelantar, a daughter of a cadre of the Communist Party of the Philippines and New People's Army. "In violation of international humanitarian law, Michelle, 17, was abducted and detained last Feb. 3 in San Jose de Buan, Western Samar by operating troops from the 34th Infantry Battalion merely because she was the child of a CPP-NPA cadre," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine: Barcelona Session (tags)

Explaining Israeli crimes

Children Sing and Dance to Help Orphans in Haiti (tags)

Orphans in Haiti will soon have a place to call home.

Children Sing and Dance to Help Orphans in Haiti (tags)

Orphans in Haiti will soon have a place to call home.


As the US-Arroyo regime gears towards its self-proclaimed deadline of crushing the NPA by 2010, the military and the police has also intensified its attacks against human rights defenders. AJLPP correspondents in Manila reported that it has documented 338 victims of threat, harassment and intimidation for the period Jan-Feb 2010.

Signatures Gathered for Human Rights Education (tags)

Youth for Human Rights Florida collected approximately 1,000 petition signatures over the weekend as part of a three-day human rights “Signathon”, with the purpose to get the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights taught in Florida classrooms of elementary, middle and senior high schools.

AFP Award Medals to Torturers of Morong 43 (tags)

AJLPP NEWS sources learned today that Philippine Senators Pia Cayetano and Jamby Madrigal and other groups Tuesday cried foul over the awarding of Bronze Cross Medals to military officers involved in the controversial arrest and detention of 43 health workers attending a seminar in Morong, Rizal, early this month. “There’s something seriously wrong when a government institution commends its personnel for committing an illegal act,” said Cayetano in a statement.

The Neoliberal Agenda is Over and The Despised Social State (tags)

Neoliberalism is the political-economic experiment of individualizing social risks and claiming growth and employment will be higher. This claim is refuted convincingly by the global financial crisis destroying enormous assets and causing growth and employment to crash.

Israeli Abusive Administrative Detentions (tags)

more Israeli lawlessness


The arrest and torture of 43 medical and health professionals in the Philippines by the Arroyo military and police seeks to obscure the ongoing Ampatuwan-Arroyo trial and rehearse emergency martial-law schemes to prolong the Arroyo regime's corrupt and brutal domination. US citizens: will you allow millions of your tax-dollars to support Arroyo's military-police in fascist abuses?

Human Rights defender confronts LA Superior Court Judge fraud ruining 1000's of TI lives (tags)

Los Angeles human rights defender Dr. Joseph Zernik, Ph.D. is confronting LA Superior Court Presiding Judge Charles "Tim" McCoy and Clerk of Court John A. Clarke about why they created corporations and refuse to disclose their financial records.

Human Rights Abuses in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Jews are also affected

30 Gaza high school students visit the US (tags)

The U.S. Department of State sponsored a two-week visit to the U.S. focused on human rights and democracy for a group of 30 high school students from Gaza

Child Slavery in Haiti (tags)

abusing Haitian children

Human Rights Walkathon 2010 – A Walk for Freedom (tags)

Think slavery is dead? Think again. Human atrocities, human trafficking, inhumane working conditions are as real today as they ever were. Times must change. The 4th Annual Human Rights Walkathon, dedicated to bringing home the message of human rights to Tampa Bay is gearing up for their biggest walkathon ever — and with it their message of equality for all.

U.S. citizens arrested for asking Oaxaca governor about Brad Will's murder (tags)

Three U.S. tourists and one Uruguayan citizen were arrested in Oaxaca City on Thursday January 28 after approaching Ulises Ruiz in the city's zocalo and asking him about the murder of Indymedia activist Brad Will.

Passing the Torch of Equality to the Next Generation (tags)

Black Heritage Week, in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his concepts of non-violence and equality.

Youth for Human Rights advocates join non-violent message of Martin Luther King Jr. (tags)

People of different races, cultures and religions walked to represent Martin Luther King Jr.’s message of non-violent change for equality for all.


The youth of today are concerned about their fellow man.

Israeli Use of Painful Shackling As A Means of Torture (tags)

torture as official Israeli policy

8th ID offensives in Basey prove worthlessness of AFP ceasefire declarationJanuary 2, 2010 (tags)

PESANTE NEWS of Los Angeles today learned through news sources today that the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today said that continuing offensive operations by the 8th Infantry Division in Basey, Western Samar proved the worthlessness of the short-term unilateral ceasefire declared by the Arroyo government. "A unilateral ceasefire declaration is only as good as the word of its proponent, and meant for goodwill and respect," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson. "But the 8th ID offensives in Basey belie the Arroyo government unilateral ceasefire from Dec. 24-26 and Dec. 31-Jan. 1.

Israel's East Jerusalem Linked Settlement Expansion (tags)

continued land theft

Arresting Peaceful Protesters in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israeli oppression continues

White Christmas operation in Coccaglio 2009 (tags)

Christmas 2009 The ''White Christmas'' operation in Coccaglio, aiming the expulsion of all ''illegals'' out of the town, is not only a sign of utter racism and xenophobia, it also reveals the inhuman Italian asylumpolicy, which has hardened this year Therefore it is of great importance to undertake action against as well the White Christmas operation as Italian asylumpolicy in general

Human rights press release on Scientology crime (tags)

Human rights groups issue a press release to report major achievements in the fight for human rights for victims of the notorious Scientology criminal enterprise

Youth Walk on United Nations Human Rights Day To Deliver a Message of Non-Discrimination (tags)

On December 10th, 2009, hundreds gathered in Clearwater Florida to take part in the first ever "International Walk for Human for Human Rights" organized by Youth for Human Rights Florida. They walked to promote the message "Embrace Diversity - End Discrimination" in the effort to promote awareness of the importance of human rights as defined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Targeting Civilians in Gaza (tags)

Illegally targeting civilians

Imperialism is a Human Rights Violation!!! (tags)

STOP the War on Raza and Stop the Wars in the Middle East!!! December 10, 2009, 5:00pm

Philippine Govt creating a climate of fear to put country under Martial law (tags)

Philippine Democratic Left Parties statements regarding Ampatuan Massacre and the declaration of Martial Law in Maguindanao


“ Nililikha naming ang krisis. Ginagawa naming ito at pinatatakbo”- Mike Arroyo. Kaisa ng mamamayang Pilipino at lahat ng demokratikong organisasyon sa Pilipinas ang Alyansa-Pilipina (AJLPP) upang kondenahin at labanan ang E.O. 1959 na nagdedeklara ng batas militar at pagsusupindi ng writ of habeas corpus sa Maguindanao. Huli na at mali pa ang hakbang ng Rehimeng pilit kunwaring nagbabangong puri sa kawalanghiyaan nito. Nais lamang ilatag ng deklarasyong ito ang planong pagpapalawak ng batas militar sa hinaharap. Inilalatag din nito ang mga maniobrang legal upang gawing legal ang pasistang paghahari ng pangkating Arroyo sa hinaharap.


Mall hosts human rights fundraiser. What do Ice Skating and Human Rights have in common? Florida?

Honduras State Employees Forced to Attend Santos Campaign Rally (tags)

"On Saturday November 28 military soldiers raided the offices of small business collective RED-COMAL in Siguatepeque, Comayagua, a city approximately 2 hours north from the capital. The Police Commissioner issued a search warrant 15 minutes after the raid began with the purpose of looking for weapons, posters and any documents that call on the population not to vote. Ricardo Bueso, speaking to, reported that the military and police stole four laptops along with money from some of the organization’s sales The National Front Against the Coup d'Etat has called on its participants to remain indoors in a "voluntary curfew" in noncooperation with the fraudulent vote. Should any incidents of violence occur today it won't be from the Resistance, but, rather, the result of the regime's own provocateurs. National presidential candidate Carlos H. Reyes withdrew from the ballot last month, as did many Congressional candidates and one major-party vice presidential candidate: Santos' own running mate on the Liberal Party line is among those who reject this fraudulent process as illegitimate."

Venezuela: Anti-police impunity activist assassinated (tags)

* El Libertario, the Venezuelan anarchist newspaper, denounce the assassination of Mijail Martinez as the latest chapter in the Chavez government’s attack against base-level, autonomous, revolutionary and dissident organisations.

Youth Organize Worldwide Human Rights Walk (tags)

Youth from every corner of the globe will walk in our first ever “International Walk for Human Rights,” on United Nations Human Rights Day, December 10, 2009.

Czech president signs Lisbon Treaty/EU Dirty Deal regarding human rights (tags)

With the EU guarantee to the Czech president, that the Czech State should not be exposed to property claims of expelled Germans after World War II, the EU not only implicitly consents with ethnical cleansings, it is also highly hypocritical, since the EU regularly points a finger to human rights violating countries like Sudan, Myanmar and Iran It is high time the EU should look in its own mirror, among else with regard to police abuse, racism and violation of the rights of migrants and real or alleged terrorsuspects

Confronting Human Rights Abuses in US Prisons --an interview with Bret Grote of HRC/Fed Up (tags)

Bret Grote is an investigator and organizer with Human Rights Coalition/Fed Up!, a prisoner rights/prison abolitionist organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. HRC/Fed Up! is documenting human rights abuses in Pennsylvania prisons, and using this documentation to fight back. For more information:

US Rep. Jan Schakowsky’s Three-Day Fact-Finding Mission in Honduras (tags)

"Schakowsky’s three day visit from November 10-12 included meetings with family members of victims that have died directly from violence from the coup, media outlets such as Channel 36 and Radio Globo that have been attacked for honestly reporting on the resistance movement, and also a visit to the Brazilian Embassy where ousted President Zelaya and approximately 40 others have taken refuge for the last 53 days. The Chicago Congresswoman commented on her opportunity to hear a recording of some of the sounds bombarded into the Embassy and see the blinding lights set up outside, in addition to the crane set up for the military to spy into the Embassy."

Military supremacy leading to human rights violations in Eastern Visayas (tags)

PESANTE NEWS learned today that the the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas charged the 8th Infantry Division today of pushing its Oplan Bantay Laya campaign by intimidating the public and dominating the civilian government in the region. "The military is intimidating the public by coming out with an order of battle or liquidation list, and then going into schools and communities to conduct witch hunts and commit other human rights violations," said NDF-EV spokesperson Fr. Santiago Salas.

Netanyahu will be gone by Christmas. (tags)

He was boasting, last week, how he got rid of the Goldstone Report.

The Gaza War's Effect on Women (tags)

they suffered terribly

Behind the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign (BDS) (tags)

The hypcrisy of omar barghouti

Behind the Coup Regime Curtain (tags)

"Providing an example of what else these citizens in civil resistance are up against, the pro-coup media then takes the demonstrators’ attempt to remain within the coup decree’s 20-person limit on public assemblies, and portrays it as a sign that the resistance has lost steam. The daily Heraldo, for example, covered that same demonstration with these dishonest words: “The security lines remain, and an important number of national and international journalists, and, of course, demonstrations, which are already almost insignificant for the number of participants."

Venezuela: The murderers can not make justice. On the exhumations of the Caracazo (tags)

* Different organizations and individuals from Venezuela with tradition in the social struggles linked to different anti-authoritarian and critical leftist approaches, with whom we have converged at the space called INSURGENTES, set position before the exhumations of the Caracazo.

The Second Honduran Coup Came Today Because the First One Failed (tags)

"A significant portion of the Honduran population has gone underground overnight. Tipped off that last night their homes would be raided and they would be hauled off to the soccer stadium in Tegucigalpa where the regime already holds at least 75 citizens incommunicado – reports of the use of torture are all the more credible because the regime won’t allow any attorney, doctor or human rights observer inside the stadium to inspect – other rank-and-file Hondurans opened their homes to resistance organizers throughout the country. They are hiding from the regime, but they are in constant contact with each other, and with our reporters. Another part of last night’s wave of state terror came in the form of this provocation: Key human rights leaders and attorneys were notified anonymously of an alleged roundup of dissidents at a particular police station in the capital. They rushed down to look for the detainees, only to be greeted by the very nervous and heavily armed station police who had, simultaneously, received an anonymous phone call telling them that a mob was on its way there to burn down the station. Fortunately, cooler minds prevailed and once the human rights attorneys explained to the police the message they had received, both sides figured out it was an attempt to trick them into a violent confrontation.

American Jury Duty as of June, 2009 (tags)

An article on American Jury Duty

Today your freedom is being signed away (tags)

Today at the UN New York States are signing a treaty which by its exclusion of core obligations and the right to development will create a people more dependent on the State and Corporations as well as discriminating against the poor. Obama ( & other States) is following such policies.

Kin find activist tortured in Army camp in Cagayan province (tags)

Pesante-USA , an environmental and a human rights advocacy group based in Los Angeles learned today through news sources in Manila that relatives and friends of a youth activist who was reported missing for more than a week. They found him in a military camp in Cagayan province, allegedly beaten and tortured into admitting that he was a communist rebel. Noriel Rodriguez, 26, a member of the militant youth group Anakbayan, was held for 10 days in various camps of the Army’s 17th Infantry Battalion in Barangay Masin in Alcala town in Cagayan, according to the Tanggulan Youth Network for Human Rights and Civil Liberties.

How Israel Targets and Suppresses Opposition to Its Annexation Wall (tags)

Israel attacks non-violent demonstrators

“Future Without War” Author Discusses Women Nobel Laureates (tags)

Of the 789 people who have won the Nobel Prize, just 35 of them have been women. But among them are individuals with truly remarkable stories, Dr. Judith Hand told the Humanist Fellowship of San Diego at a program September 20 at the San Diego Public Library. They range from pioneering scientists Marie Curie and Barbara McClintock to writers Pearl S. Buck, Nadine Gordimer, Toni Morrison and Doris Lessing and peace activists Betty Williams, Mairead Corrigan, Aung San Suu Kyi, Rigoberta Menchú, Jody Williams, Shirin Ebadi and Wangari Matthai. Dr. Hand shared some of these women's stories in the context of her own belief that more involvement of women in the public affairs of the world can lead to a future without war.

Goldstone Commission Gaza Conflict Findings and Reactions (tags)

Goldstone accuses Israel of war crimes

PHILIPPINES: Melissa Roxas' fighting stance against Arroyo regime (tags)

Melissa Roxas, member of BAYAN-USA and the cultural group Habi Arts in Los Angeles, California, returned to the country on July 20 to face head on those who abducted and tortured her and her two companions and pursue the cases she has filed against them. She attended a Court of Appeals hearing on her petition for a writ of amparo. She also testified before the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) and the Committee on Human Rights of the House of Representatives regarding her abduction and torture.

Doctors Aiding Torture (tags)

complicit doctors

Israel wants US cover-up (tags)

of Israeli war crimes in Gaza.

Arroyo government plotted and carried out Fr. Lucero's murder- NDF-EV (tags)

-The National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas today , September 7, accused the Arroyo government of planning and carrying out the dastardly murder of Fr. Cecilio Lucero, a well-known peace and human rights advocate who served as parish priest of Catubig town and chairman of the human rights committee of the Catarman diocese in Northern Samar. Fr. Lucero was shot and killed by assailants in bonnets and military uniform in San Jose, Northern Samar, yesterday Sept. 6 while his two companions were wounded. "Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo herself virtually signed Fr. Lucero's death warrant," said Fr. Santiago Salas, NDF-EV spokesperson.


Deeply inspired by your promise of “Change We Could Believe In” during the last presidential campaign we would like to reiterate our support to your administration. We believed you would put a stop to the bankrupt policies espoused by your opponent, Senator John McCain and his fellow Republicans. With regard to the Philippines, our country of ancestry, we hoped that the “Change” you were talking about would mean a re-thinking of U.S. support for the administration of incumbent President Gloria Arroyo, whose record of corruption and violation of human rights has now surpassed that of the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos.

Global Systematic discriminationagainst the Poor due to be signed (tags)

International human rights law to be signed by States on Sept 24, 2009, systematically discriminates against the poor. The establishment is pitted against the independent peoples and the most disadvantaged. A mediocre nation and a dependent people are the very likely outcomes.

Amazing Organizing in Honduras (tags)

“Who led the march?” he asked, then answering: “The young people, and also children and senior citizens did. We went into the streets with our drums. Our drums have accompanied this process since the beginning. Last night at this event’s inauguration the energy was high because our culture was here with us, and with us the voices of the ancestors, as we go forward constructing the new nation, the new community. A better future for the community depends on each one of you.”

America's Tortured Past (tags)

America's sordid legacy

Open Letter to FBI Chief, Mr Mueller with regard to the release of the Lockerbie convict (tags)

The criticism of FBI Chief, Mr Mueller about the release of the Lockerbie convict, Mr Megrahi, calling it a ''mockery of Justice'' is contrary humanitarian values and a return to the Dark Middle Ages. Muellers point of view is the real ''mockery of Justice'' here.

U.S. Still Supports the Coup! (tags)

"Agency bankrolling “good governance” programs to ensure the “rule of law in the country” The taxpayer-funded Millennium Challenge Corporation has continued to move millions of dollars into Honduras since the June 28 coup d'état, but it is not alone, Narco News has now confirmed. The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is slated to provide Honduras with nearly $47 million in funding in fiscal 2009, which ends Sept. 30, 2009. Nearly all of that money (some $43 million) is scheduled to be delivered as previously planned to Honduras — which is now under the leadership of a putsch regime that President Obama has already described as “not legal.”

Stop the ICE Raids Now! Full Legalization for All! Alto a los Despidos Masivos - Stop the (tags)

Marcha for Reforma Migratoria - March for Immigration Reform! Los Trabajadores de Overhill Farms, American Apparel, Farmers Johns y otros llaman a todas las organizaciones de Derechos Humanos e Immigrantes y otras a Demandar que Presidente Obama Pare las multas a Patrones y verificacion de documentos que resultan en despidos masivos. The workers of Overhill Farms, American Apparel, Farmers Johns and others are calling to all the organizations of Human Rights and Immigrantes and others to Demand Obama to Stop Sanctions to employers, and employee verification due to the mass firing of people.

KD70 Statement on the Partial Writ for Roxas (tags)

For the Kilusang Dekada 70( KD70), the association of Filipino-American activists who are now residing in the United States,we firmly believe that the CA partial writ for Melissa Roxas is just a carbon copy of the some of the ruling of the high courts and other courts that upheld the concept of justice but contradicts the inequities of the ruling system. The recent The Court of Appeals decision on the partial granting of the petition for writ of amparo and habeas data filed by Filipino-American activist Melissa Roxas only successfully highlights and exposes the contradictions in the bourgeois justice system in the Philippines.

Juan and Pedro Enter the Honduras Oil Import Business, Coup d’Etat Follows (tags)

"Padre Fausto later chronicled his own share of detentions, which included being kidnapped by paramilitaries in Honduras in 1981 on charges of inciting guerrilla activity based on his concern for campesino and indigenous rights. In captivity, Fausto was subjected to a schedule of sitting in rooms with torture instruments and being removed whenever someone needed to be tortured physically rather than psychologically. He subsequently spent a number of years in exile in Mexico; as for other Hondurans in exile, Fausto boasted that Zelaya had spoken with him and other Hondurans for four hours the previous day in Managua, neglecting a group of visiting European parliamentarians."

Release of Lockerbie convict according to humanitarian values (tags)

With the release on humanitarian grounds, of the Lockerbie convict, Mr Megrahi, the Scottish goverment has acted according to the universal humanitarian values and fundamental principles of civilisation The objections of certain American political circles not only testify of lack of respect for humanitarian values, but are also highly hypocritical and based on double standards.

The Smearing of Mary Robinson (tags)

The Israel Worshippers (IWs) are clever! As I write, 1.5 million Gazans are languishing under Israeli occupation. The IDF’s siege of Gaza from Dec. 27, 2008 to Jan. 18, 2009, took about 1,400 innocent lives. To change the subject from Gaza, the IWs orchestrated a campaign against Mary Robinson, whom President Obama had nominated for a “medal of freedom.” The IWs’ campaign failed. Ms. Robinson got her medal and the focus remains on Gaza.

Lest We Forget: The Martyrs of Martial Law in the Philippines (tags)

The Kilusang Dekada 70 (KD70) commemorates the 26th death anniversary and the assassination of Senator Benigno “Ninoy” Aquino Jr on August 21, 1983. Aquino’s martyrdom gains special significance today, August 21 because of two reasons: First, the assassination was not solved though everybody knows who is the mastermind and second because of the rampant abuse of power and corruption under the present US-Arroyo administration. 
 Senator Aquino even during the days before martial law opposed the abuse of power under the US-Marcos dictatorship regime that does not respect democratic rights and treats itself as above the law. His martyrdom gains special significance today as we fight the US- Arroyo regime with a track record of abusing power and dispensing public funds without any concern for accountability. 

Stewart Alexander: Same-Sex Marriage Rights Can’t Wait (tags)

The leadership within the Peace and Freedom Party wants a measure to support same-sex marriage on the ballot in 2010. Kevin Akin says, “The fight for human rights is back on the ballot for 2010, and if it fails, then 2012.”

Youth Sing and Dance Portraying Human Rights “Freedom of Expression” and “The Right To Pla (tags)

“Annie Jr.” Opens to a Standing Ovation As It Promotes the Cause of Human Rights.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA strongly condemns the ‘s Myanmar court decision to convict Nobel Peace laureate Aung San Suu Kyi on Tuesday ( Aug 12 in Asia) of violating her house arrest by allowing an uninvited American to stay at her home. The head of the military-ruled country ordered the democracy leader to serve an 18-month sentence under house arrest. Pesante-USA exclaimed that “ The decision puts into shame the Obama-Arroyo meeting in which Obama congratulated Philippine president Gloria M. Arroyo on the Philippine advocacy for Aung San and Burma’s human rights situation”. Pesante pointed out: “ The US adherance on human rights for Burma is just lip service as it ignores the tragic human rights situation and the abuses of the Philippine military and Arroyo’s “culture of impunity” against all human rights victims in the Philippines.

“Annie Jr.” Opens to a Standing Ovation (tags)

Clearwater, FL – Spectacular, remarkable and entertaining are just a few of the words to describe the performance of the forty youth from ages two to seventeen, on stage in the Broadway production of "Annie Jr." produced by Doria Kintzel, presented by International Youth Theater, at the Francis Wilson Playhouse Theater, on August 8. With proceeds to Youth for Human Rights Florida, the kids performed to a packed house as the young performers sang and danced the story of Annie Jr., with opening skits educating the audience about Human Rights, including most appropriately “The Right to Play.”

Youth Sing and Dance for Human Rights Education (tags)

A stage filled with youth, from ages 2 years of age to 17, will not only sing and dance their hearts out for their audience, but they will also entertain them with skits that educate their audience about human rights, in a one-of-a-kind Broadway production of “Annie Jr.”, on Saturday, August 8, at 6:00 p.m. at the Francis Wilson Playhouse Theater. In addition to an awe-inspiring evening, proceeds go to Youth for Human Rights Florida, a group dedicated in promoting the education of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights to children and adults, to make a better world.

FLA Congressman first to visit Coup Govt in H (tags)

more about the florida republicans drug connections in honduras at miami indy media

Israel's Discriminatory Land Policies (tags)

Israeli laws sanction Palestinian land theft

MELISSA ROXAS: As Palparan Fails to Break Roxas in Manila, US Legal Team Files Complaint.. (tags)

While former Philippine military leader-turned-lawmaker Jovito Palparan fails to break the credibility of American citizen Melissa Roxas’ testimony that it was the Philippine military that tortured and abducted her last May during a hearing before the Philippine House Committee on Human Rights in Manila, official complaints of torture have already been filed by Roxas’ US legal team with the United Nations in Geneva and United States State Department.

Melissa Roxas: Torture, Not Political Affiliation, Is the Issue (tags)

The latest accusations of Philippine Congressman Jovito Palparan should bear no weight in determining the outcome of the ongoing investigation on the case of American torture victim Melissa Roxas. This must only be determined by the facts, including the evidence currently being gathered by the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) in the Philippines.

Melissa Roxas Submits Torture Case Before UN in Geneva (tags)

Melissa Roxas Submits Torture Case Before UN in Geneva. Visit Justice for Melissa Roxas Website at


Melissa Roxas, the first known American Citizen under President Obama’s presidency to have become a victim of abduction and torture by military agents in the Philippines, filed through her counsel, Arnedo S. Valera, of the Migrant Heritage Commission’s Legal Resources program, her torture claim by way of “An Urgent Appeal and Allegation vs. the Philippine Government, before the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture , Professor Manfred Nowak under the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva, Switzerland . The case was received at the Geneva Office at 4:15 P.M today , July 28, 2009. Among the specific answers in response to the questionnaire on the torture of Melissa C. Roxas, 31 years old, where the dates of May 19 through May 25, 2009 as the date on which the incident of torture occurred; and Kapanikian, La Paz, Tarlac , the Philippines identified as the place of abduction. The victim believes the torture was carried out in a military camp in Nueva Ecija, known as Fort Magsaysay. Fort Magsaysay, about 150 kilometers north of Manila, is the largest military camp of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. It is home to the Army’s 7th Infantry Division. It also named the Special Operations Group (SOG) and those wearing military uniforms as interrogators and torturers.

Youth for Human Rights International World Tour 2009 (tags)

6 continents, 12 countries, 55 days, 59.000 miles for tolerance and peace in the world. July 2009 – In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights Youth for Human Rights International circled the globe in the 6th Annual World Tour, to celebrate the outstanding work that has been done and inspire further dissemination, promotion and reading of the important document in educational institutions around the globe which is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

BTL:Message to Attorney General:To Restore U.S. Credibility, Hold Officials Who Authorized (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine

Music Plays for Human Rights (tags)

Tampa- July 16th - Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay and Jessy Leros, producer and performing artist, joined forces in a “Concert for Human Rights” in the Terra Sur Cafe' (a Peruvian restaurant in Tampa to inspire others to help increase awareness for our “Freedom of Expression” and to motivate today’s youth to protect this vital Human Right in our society.

Bottom-up rights, ethical globalization for a Great Country (tags)

A Great Country is inclusive - neo liberal social exclusion settles for mediocrity. Bottom-up rights are those excluded by the UN and States considered incompatible with neo liberalism. The discontented need to struggle for these rights which entail an ethical globalization.

Religious Leaders Demand Justice in Oaxaca (tags)

I am part of a group working in Oaxaca on behalf of the innocent man, Juan Manuel Martínez Moreno, who has been held in prison for some months and just yesterday was formally sentenced by the judge for the murder of Brad Will.

Former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) Writes From an Israeli Jail (tags)

Last week, former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) was taken to an Israeli jail after trying to bring humanitarian supplies to Palestinian kids. Although she has been released, this letter she wrote from the jail is so informative that it should be republished here.

Youth for Human Rights Group Sponsors Entire Refugee Camp (tags)

For World Refugee Day, June 20, Youth for Human Rights of Tampa Bay is sponsoring an entire refugee camp in the Democratic Republic of Congo with bed nets.

Reviewing F. William Engdahl's "Full Spectrum Dominance" (tags)

must-read on US imperial aims

An Open Letter to the People in Response to an 8th ID ruse (tags)

A group with the pornographic name of SABIK (Samahan ng mga Biktima ng Komunista) recently issued a press statement assailing the National Democratic Front-Eastern Visayas over a "child rebel" issue. The NDF-EV believes that the 8th Infantry Division is behind this group, since legal and moral predicaments hinder the military from exploiting the child, whom it claims to have recently rescued from the New People's Army. In these interesting times, it is important for the revolutionary movement and the democratic mass movement to answer such fascist and anti-democratic groups as SABIK (for publicity, we presume).

Mario Mauro must not be elected Pre (tags)

Mauro does not represent the values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, he is a promoter of homophobic and xenophobic ideologies and challenges European civil and democratic achievements.

Deporting Fathers in the Name of Homeland Security (tags)

Via deportations, the U.S. government is destroying families and harming children. Roxroy Salmon's case is one of many thousands.


In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, President of Youth for Human Rights International is circling the globe in her 6th Annual World Tour.

Human Rights Violations Continues in the Philippines (tags)

Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA , a US based human rights organization condemns and militantly protests the continuing acts of impunity of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) against the democratic forces in the Philippines A KMP leader, Fermin Lorico of KAUGMAON Negros Orietal allied with the KMP was killed right after a protest against GMA charter change in Dumaguete City last June 10. In another development, last June 9. In Mindanao, a well-known peasant leader Rene Penas of the group allied with AKBAYAN was also killed in Sumilao, Bukidnon.

Appalachia and Colombia: The People Behind the Coal --an interview with Aviva Chomsky (tags)

Aviva Chomsky is a professor of history and Latin American Studies at Salem State College in Massachusetts, and is a founder of the North Shore Colombia Solidarity Committee, which has been working since 2002 with Colombian labor and popular movements, especially those affected by the foreign-owned mining sector. She just returned from a Witness for Peace delegation (May 28 – June 6) that traveled to two regions devastated by coal mining: the state of Kentucky and to northern Colombia.

New UN Report Denounces America's Human Rights Record (tags)

America defiles human rights laws

Israeli War Crimes Against Children During Operation Cast Lead (tags)

Israel's slow-motion genocide


EveryOne Group, IRQR and a network of human rights organizations are asking the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the Turkish Government for international protection and asylum for Roodabeh and Ali, two Iranian homosexuals. Sign now:


3 Events This Week: Thursday-Saturday, June 11-13 Public Forum, Film Screening & Benefit Concert Presented by AJLPP, GABNet-LA, JFAV and ANSWER Coalition Filipino revolutionaries declared their independence from colonial Spain on June 12, 1898, 119 years ago. Two months later, the United States occupied Manila and declared war on the Philippines, crushing the young republic. Today, Filipinos are still in struggle for true independence and sovereignty. With continued U.S. occupation and intervention, and a culture of impunity of human rights violations forced on the people of the Philippines, the Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP), the GABRIELA Network (GABNet), Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) and the ANSWER Coalition commemorate Philippine Independence with fierce struggle in the United States. Join us at the following exciting events this week:

Obama's Outreach to Muslims - Empty Rhetoric, Same Old Policies (tags)

business as usual continues globally

What are Human Rights? (tags)

Human Rights are the rights you have simply because you are human

IDF bans checkpoint monitors from checkpoints (tags)

Checkpoints are sites of violence not only in warzones like Israel/Palestine and Afghanistan, but increasingly in the United States as well. Here we have counter-checkpoint communication networks and legal monitoring. Until very recently, Israeli human rights activists had the same thing...

Civil rights violations - petition (tags)

I draw your attention to a miscarriage of justice and ongoing civil rights abuses in the US, as described by the international human rights organization Fair Trials International, and ask you to intervene in the case of Anant Tripati who has been imprisoned in Arizona for crimes that he did not commit.

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change (tags)

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.

Peace and Freedom Party Pledges Prop 8 Overturn, Human Rights Fight in 2010 (tags)

"The fight for human rights is back on the ballot for 2010, and if it fails, then 2012," says Peace and Freedom Party State Chair Kevin Akin. Reacting to the California Supreme Court ruling upholding Proposition 8's ban on same-sex marriage, Akin reports that his party's State Central Committee is dedicated to whatever work is needed to wipe the constitutional amendment from the books.

Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israel's continued reign of terror against a civilian population

Youth for Human Rights International World Tour 2009 (tags)

In honor of the 60th Anniversary of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights International (YHRI) is again circling the globe, now on its sixth annual World Tour. The exciting World Tour 2009 includes Argentina, Australia, Barbados, Columbia, Jordan, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Switzerland, Timor-Leste and Uganda.

The Most Credible Challenge to Neoliberalism (tags)

The People's Age is near but will have to be struggled for by focusing on the 'bottom-up' human rights approach which are the rights left out by the Global Elites at the UN in their discussions of economic and social rights over the past four years which resulted in the 'we are all in it together' approach presently being adopted by States.

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (tags)

reporting Israeli war crimes

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change (tags)

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change (tags)

July Delegation to Venezuela: Human Rights, Food Sovereignty & Social Change The Alberto Lovera Bolivarian Circle of NY invites you to join us in July for a 10-day trip to Venezuela examining advances in food sovereignty and other initiatives for social change.

Youth Collect Petition Signatures to Make Human Rights a Reality (tags)

Youth For Human Rights International conducted the annual International Human Rights Petition Signathon to create grassroots support for mandating that human rights, specifically the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, be taught to every child in school.

US-Arroyo Gov’t fails to stop killings, Political killing Still Persists (tags)

he Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns the US -Arroyo Regime for its failure to stop extrajudicial killings in the Philippines and its avowed policy that the military should end the insurgency "once and for all" by 2010. The AJLPP beleives that this policy remained the justification of military officials in tagging political and civil society organizations as fronts of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army. These are some of the observations made by Philip Alston, the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial killings in a recent report. "Overall, the most important shortcoming has been the Government's failure to institutionalize or implement the many necessary reforms that have been identified. In the absence of such steps, the progress that has been made remains fragile and easily reversed," Alston said in his 16-page report. Alston said the follow-up report was based on information provided by the government as well as through consultations with domestic and international civil society, and by reference to publicly available reports and materials.


he administration of President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo has failed to institute substantive reforms recommended two years ago by the United Nations’ special rapporteur to put a stop to extrajudicial killings in the Philippines. And the President's statement that the military should end the insurgency "once and for all" by 2010 remained the justification of military officials in tagging political and civil society organizations as fronts of the Communist Party of the Philippines and its armed wing, the New People's Army.

The Inland Empire Marches on May Day (tags)

Riverside, CA (May 1, 2009) – Twenty eight groups from all over the Inland Empire —immigrant rights groups, unions, workers, students, clergy, and human rights activists— united today to call for fair, comprehensive reform to end abuses against immigrants, workers, and their families.  Students kicked off the march with a traditional ritual at UCR’s Bell Tower, and then joined supporters from Riverside and San Bernardino counties at Cesar Chavez Community Center to continue their journey to City Hall.

Racism in Italy. Mario Mauro must not be elected President of the European Parliament (tags)

Mario Mauro does not represent the values expressed in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, he is a promoter of homophobic and xenophobic ideologies and challenges European civil and democratic achievements

Western diplomats walk out of Ahmadinejad speech/Hypocrisy and violations of human rights (tags)

Not only the Western boycott of Durban II and the attitude on the Ahmadinejad speech lacks a fundamental respect for fundamental human rights, it is also hypocritical seeing in the light of her implicite support for the Israeli regime of occupation, letting get Israel away with human rights violations and war-crimes

EveryOne Group offers a gift symbolizing human rights to the Ambassador of Iraq in Italy (tags)

“We will soon be meeting His Excellency”, say the activists, “to discuss the situation of homosexuals in Iraq, the need to work towards peace in his tormented country, and the anti-Islamic sentiments rife in the West”.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) calls on all immigrant right advocates and activists to MARCH FOR FULL RIGHTS FOR ALL IMMIGRANTS! AMNESTY NOW! On May 1, 2009. The AJLPP West Coast Coordinator Arturo P. Garcia announced that the Filipino-American contingent composed of students, workers, activist will assemble at PEOPLE"S CORE on 1610 Beverly Blvd,. Suite No. 2 Los Angeles, CA 90026 from 11:30 AM to 12:00 noon and proceed to assembly area in Broadway and Olympic, where march starts at 1.00 PM The AJLPP with ANSWER Coalition encourages everyone to come out on Friday, May 1 for a Mass March and Rally for immigrant rights in downtown Los Angeles. Please see below for details and post widely on Facebook, MySpace and your own email lists.

Jewish Voice for Peace Says: Standing Up for Darfur is "Hateful" (tags)

Israeli Use of Palestinians As Human Shields (tags)

another egregious international law violation

"Hizzhonor:" Chicago Politics Under Richard M. Daley (tags)

last of the big city bosses

Asylum for 300 Refugees from Africa in Milan (Italy) (tags)

EveryOne Group is asking the institutions to grant political asylum to the refugees from Somalia, Ethiopia and Eritrea in Bruzzano (Milan) according to the regulations laid down by international law.

Investigating Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

evidence of Israeli war crimes

Save the lifes of 128 homosexuals in Iraq (tags)

EveryOne Group and civil society in democratic countries have taken up the appeal from the IRAQI LGBT association, based in London, which calls on activists and democratic citizens to take part in an international campaign to save the lives of 128 prisoners sentenced to death because they are homosexual.


The Alliance Philippines (AJLPP) vehemently condemns the House planned probe into the reported summary executions in Davao City, describing it as politically motivated.

 “For the AJLPP the investigation is nothing more than a political vendetta,” Arturo P. Garcia AJLPP West Coast coordinator said “The public and all the peoplel know that Mayor Rudy Duterte and Speaker Prospero Nograles are political enemies. And clearly, the investigation is nothing more than an abuse of the power of Congress and the ruling party. “ Garcia said.



BAYAN-USA Holds 3rd Congress in Los Angeles Amidst VFA Protests (tags)

Information about BAYAN-USA congress scheduled for March 27-29, 2009. Progressive members of the Filipino community representing labor, youth, church groups, academia, and cultural workers will gather in Los Angeles.

Incriminating Evidence of Israeli War Crimes in Gaza (tags)

Israeli war crimes

AI, EU Community Calls for Probe and End of Political Killings (tags)

Lawmakers of the European Union (EU) and the human rights organization Amnesty International (AI) have again urged the government to put an end to political killings. At the same time, Ambassador Alistair MacDonald of the European Commission condemned on Monday the abduction and murder early this month of Rebelyn Pitao, daughter of New People’s Army commander Leoncio Pitao.

Attorney General misleads the people (tags)

This article looks at the merit and veracity of a speech given by Attorney General Robert McClelland on Australia's democracy and the rule of law. The following article will disprove all his points and comments.

Guantanamo Under Obama (tags)

Obama proving no different from Bush

Scientology Virtually Holds Daughter Hostage (tags)

Scientology says it will "negotiate" with the mother to return her daughter.


The National Democratic Front of the Philippines condemns in the strongest terms the abduction and brutal murder of 20-year-old Rebelyn Pitao, daughter of Lencio Pitao, Commander of the New People's Army. We hold Mrs. Gloria Arroyo and Executive Secretary, General Eduardo Ermita responsible for this dastardly violation of Rebelyn Pitao's right to life. It is likewise a blatant violation of the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL).

Human Rights in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

serious human rights violations

US Discriminatory Immigration Policy Toward Haitians (tags)

Washington bashes Haiti.

VIDEO Israelis open fire at international activists & palestinian farmers (tags)

24th February 2009 Khoza'a, Khan Younis , Gaza Strip: Palestinian farmers, accompanied by international human rights workers, were fired upon by Israeli forces in the village of Khozaa, near Khan Younis, this morning. The farmers and human rights workers were attempting to work on land around 300m from the Green Line.

Targeting Israel with Boycotts, Divestment, Sanctions and Prosecutions (tags)

It's time to hold Israel accountable.

he revolution delayed: 10 years of Hugo Chávez’s rule (tags)

* A translation of a March 2008 interview conducted by the French anarchist Charles Reeve with two members of the El Libertario group in Caracas, the nation’s capital, which offers some stark insights into the reality of the situation.

Stars and Award Organizers Asked to Boycott Tainted Leviev Diamonds at Oscars (tags)

Adalah-NY and Jews Against the Occupation-NYC (JATO-NYC) have called on 16 Hollywood PR firms and the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to ensure that no stars wear Leviev diamonds at this Sunday’s Academy Awards. In a two week campaign involving letters and dozens of phone discussions with PR firms, the groups drew attention to Leviev’s violations of human rights and international law in the occupied West Bank where his companies build Israeli settlements, and in the diamond industry in Angola and Namibia. Leviev reportedly controls one third of the world’s diamond mines.

The Limits of the US as Teacher (tags)

"Ivan average consumer supports the new self-confident policy of the Kremlin and hardly worries about democracy and human rights. The West must free itself from the illusion its own values can be forced on countries. The change must come from within."

The Neo liberal elite seize their opportunity to increase unemployment globally. (tags)

The neo liberal elite seized their opportunity to create global unemployment when an ideological shift by the global elites occurred over the past four years at the UN from right wing neo liberalism (Bush) to left wing neo liberalism (Obama).

Racism in Italy: urgent action! (tags)

The Italian institutions have approved with an emergency decree the presence of anti-Roma and anti-foreigner patrols, the filing of the homeless and ghetto-camps. The “security package” encourages doctors to report “illegal” immigrants. In the meantime ten Tunisian refugees awaiting deportation have attempted suicide on Lampedusa. EveryOne Group: “The “Padane” patrols are the equivalent of the Blackshirts whose aim is racial persecution. Extreme Right ideology prompted by racial hatred triumphs, while we are amazed at the insubstantiality of the protests coming from the democratic parties against such injustice. It is no longer a matter of politics, it is endless horror that mainly affects women, children and the most vulnerable. Urgent and determined intervention from the international institutions has now become necessary”. others have been sentenced. Many cases of ill-treatment have been reported in Monza, Lecco, Varese and in other cities in northern Italy: cases of torture, rape and the stealing from young Roma of money obtained from begging. Two “patrols” who carry out these crimes are known as the “Company of Death” (who wear green shirts) and the “Barboso Gang” (who according to the victims wear police uniforms). Officially founded in 1990, the Padane patrols follow the philosophy contained in the slogan coined by the Leghista Mario Borghezio: “Sticks against immigration”. Three years later Gianfranco Miglio, the ideologist of the Northern League and supporter of the anti-immigrant patrols, stated that “Lynching is the highest form of justice”.The associations defending the rights of the Roma people and immigrants have received dozens of reports of abuse carried out by these patrols. Often these patrols are copied by groups of racists – such as GAPE in Tuscany – who have been the protagonists of attacks in which Roma citizens have died a terrible death: we remember the fire of Livorno in which four young children perished.Since the emergency decree was approved, parties and racist groups have started to recruit members. There is a real danger that the 176,000 Italian racists active with violent slogans and statements against the Roma people on Facebook – only a part of the Italian xenophobic and Neo-Nazi movement – will join the patrols in order to carry out these “authorized” ethnic purges.Before the accusations of the victims, the militia will be covered by the institutions, and their testimonies will be considered on the same level as those of “public officials”. The decree has also cancelled out the law that says doctors do not have to report the immigrants who turn to them for health treatment, and it asks hospitals and clinics to report “illegal” immigrants - in violation of the Hippocratic Oath. The renewal of the foreigners’ residence permit will now cost up to 200 euros: an exorbitant sum that will hit already discriminated against immigrants, people who are often already reduced to slavery by the power Italian law grants their employers. While the Senate was approving the racist package, in Lampedusa a group of Tunisian refugees faced with deportation attempted suicide by hanging themselves with their own clothes. As for the running of the Roma settlements, Milan has officialized the new “security package” which transforms every camp into an authentic “closed” ghetto with 24-hour police surveillance, and where Roma citizens are deprived of any rights. Deputy mayor, De Corato, after confirming with satisfaction the responsibility of the Milanese authorities in the humanitarian tragedy of the “clearance of over 100 camps, some of which of large dimensions” has announced for 2009 “the demolition of squatter buildings and settlements in private areas” and “more rigid regulations” against the Roma community. We must emphasise that in the city of Milan alone, there have been hundreds of episodes of violence against women from the Roma ethnic group. They have often been thrown out onto the street on their own (or with small children) following camp clearances while their men, who could have protected them, were taken off to police HQ to have their documents checked. “We are asking the EU and UN institutions, the democratic nations and the human rights organizations to join us in our campaign against the persecution of the Roma people and immigrants in Italy”, say the worried leaders of EveryOne Group, Roberto Malini, Matteo Pegoraro and Dario Picciau. “After the ethnic purge that wiped out or forced the majority of Roma to flee Italy, after the countless violations of human rights and tragic violence, Italy is now taking the European Union back to the times of the Brownshirts, the ghettoes and collaborationism.It has become necessary to take up a position of responsibility and intervene with determination to prevent these intolerant and uncivil measures being spread in the form of ideologies and “infecting” other Members States. The recent past has taught us that resolutions and warnings have had no effect, while the directives have been constantly sidestepped or ignored, and gone unpunished. Inertia is dangerous, and the presence of racist and xenophobic leaders in the European Parliament itself (even on the Civil Liberties Committee), and the re-emergence of intolerant and anti-Semitic ideologies, is symptomatic of a phenomenon that causes anguish and offers, instead of a Europe of human rights, the most sinister of ghosts”. Contact: (+39) 334 3449180 - 3313585406 - 334-8429527

Ceasefires, Israeli-Style (tags)

Israel never honors them.


Filipino Peasant advoccy group based in LA, Pesante-USA fully and militantly support peasant leader Randall Echanis who is holding a protest fast inside the Manila City Jail on Wednesday to mark the first year of what he said was his "very unjust" detention. "Pesante-USA is one and in solidarity with all activist organizations, relatives and sympathizers who also went on a fast and camped out in front of the Supreme Court along Padre Faura Street in Manila to call for the release of 60-year-old Echanis and denounce the Arroyo administration's "fascist stance" against activists." said, Arturo P. Garcia Pesante-USA coordinator

Israel Killed Everything but the Will to Resist (tags)

Palestinians are unbowed.

Al Nakba Redux (tags)

The liberation struggle continues.

Today in Solidarity We're All Palestinians (tags)

World outrage condemns Israeli war crimes

1/14: Palestine Watch:Latest News/Videos from Israeli Invasion & Killings in Gaza (tags)

The Israeli army continued its offensive against the Gaza Strip for the seventeenth day on Monday, killed twenty-six Palestinians, including 23 civilians, and wounded dozens of residents. At least 917 Palestinians were killed and more than 4260 were injured since the army initiated its attack....

Remember Gaza - One of History's Terror Bombing Victims (tags)

a historical account

Israeli attacks on Gaza/Dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population (tags)

By their unlawful and systematic character,combined with the blockade of Gaza, housedemolitions and extrajudicial executions, the Israeli attacks on Gaza are a dirty war against the Palestinian civilian population

1/9: Palestine Watch: Israeli War on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call (tags)

Latest Updates from Israel Invade Gaza: Israeli War and Massacre on Gaza Continues Despite UN Truce Call, Senate Pass Pro-Israel Legislation!

The Quartet's Hypocrisy and Failure in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Quartet's complicity in Israeli war crimes

Global Human Rights Groups Protest Slaughter in Gaza (tags)

Israeli genocide

Blaming the Victims - The Dominant Media Vilify Hamas (tags)

the blame game

Israel Bloacks UC Prof/UN Rappateur (tags)

Before invading Gaza, Israel made sure to blockade medical supplies and food shipments - and also the UN's independent special rapportuer. Adding the the SHAME!

Israel's Wanton Aggression On Gaza (tags)

Israel's crimes of war and against humanity

Obama v. Richard Falk on Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

Obama is as hardline as Bush

The Abduction, Secret Detention, Torture, and Repeated Raping of Aafia Siddiqui (tags)

America's war on Islam

Human Rights Require International Freedom of Movement and Residence (tags)

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 60 years old this week, has helped legitimate the supposed right of nation-states to regulate immigration, thus denying freedom of international mobility and residence, and undermining basic human rights in the process.

Human Rights Begins at Home (tags)

On December 10th, 2008, DAMAYAN Migrant Workers Association celebrates the 60th anniversary of United Declaration of Human Rights with the domestic workers, women, im/migrants, people of color and all oppressed people whose human rights are under attack and are struggling for justice, dignity and liberation. Filipino im/migrant women workers continue to face the brunt on the deepening global economic crisis and are subjected to rampant human rights violations perpetrated by bad employers, diplomats, governments. We demand that individuals and institutions be accountable for upholding the basic rights of all people as recognized in the United Declaration of Human Rights and the need to develop additional protection for domestic workers. Like Marichu Baoanan, a Filipina nursing school graduate and caregiver who filed 15 counts of trafficking, forced labor and racketeering against former Philippine Ambassador to the United Nations Lauro Baja, women workers from around the world have first-hand experience of abuse, dehumanization and enslavement. Marichu was forced to make the painful and risky decision of migrating abroad in the interest of her family's survival. While she expected to earn a living in a forieign land, away from her family and familiarity of her homeland, she did not anticipate the slave wage equivalent to 6 cents per hour, 18-hour working conditions and being subjected to routine insults, curses and humiliation.

Gabnet/Mariposa Alliance proudly affirm our participation 16 days of activism (tags)

November 25, 2008

LOS ANGELES - Gabnet/Mariposa Alliance proudly affirm our participation in the international feminist movement's 16 Days of Activism against Gender Violence campaign. Along with over 2,000 organizations in 154 countries who have participated in this campaign since 1991, Gabnet/Ma-Al launches our own 16 days of activism, beginning on November 25th, the International Day Against Violence Against Women, with a nationwide Speak Out Against Violence, and ending on December 10th, International Human Rights Day.

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine (tags)

a decades long policy

Crazed Scientology Gunman Murders Fellow Customer (tags)

In a phenomena human rights and civil activists have been calling, "Another satisfied customer" for the past 30 years, another insane Scientology gunman shoots and kills another fellow Scientology customer.

Massive Movement Erupts in Opposition to Proposition 8 (tags)

Ex-slave and Abolitionist Fredrick Douglas famously observed that power cedes nothing without struggle. The history of civil rights movements in this country also demonstrate that even the most fundamental democratic gains are temporary at best without vigilant struggle that can potentially challenge the power of the rulers against the ruled. Nothing has ever been gained and secured by simply relying on the institutions of the state and its politicians. Any implementation of progressive measures on their part has only been the product of independent mass mobilizations that have kept their forces in the streets until the sought after gains were won. We have again been reminded of this by the recent passage of Proposition 8 in California, a bigoted mean-spirited ballot measure aimed at denying gays and lesbians the fundamental democratic right to marry whom they wish. Last June, after decades of constant organizing, educating, and protesting on the part of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) people and their supporters, the California Supreme Court was compelled to legalize same sex marriages. The purpose of Proposition 8 was to overturn this gain, leaving 18,000 same sex marriages performed in California since June in question. However, social movements aren't like films that can be run backwards and then replayed in the exact same way. The narrow victory of Proposition 8 (52% against, 48% opposed) has resulted in the opposite of its intended effect. It has re-energized the struggle for LGBT rights to a major degree, so that many are calling this movement “Stonewall II” after that inaugural rebellious act of the modern U.S. gay rights movement fighting for their rights in 1969.

Massive Movement Erupts to Overturn Proposition 8 (tags)

March on Sacramento! Demand that Marriage Licenses Continue to Be Issued in All Counties in California! Demand the Immediate Overturn of Prop. 8!

PESANTE CONFIRMS HR RIGHTS GROUP FINDINGS: Rights abuses continuing in RP (tags)

Pesante-USA, a Filipino American peasant , environmental and human rights advocacy groups confirmed thorough relaisble news sources that human rights abuses are continuing in the Philippines with 21 extrajudicial killings taking place in the third quarter of the year, a local rights monitor said Thursday. Pesante reported that of the killings 19 took place on the restive southern island of Mindanao where the government is fighting Muslim and communist secessionist groups, substantiated and according to a report by Karapatan, an umbrella organization of human rights groups in the Philippines.

6th Annual Indigenous People Panel Discussion (tags)

Theme: Impact of National and Geopolitical Events and Trends on Indigenous People (In the area of Education, Medicine, Social, Human Rights and Rights for Self determination)


Ayon sa pinakahuling ulat ng grupong Pesante-USA, parami nang parami ang bilang ng mga sibilyang Morong binibiktima ng mababangis na operasyong militar ng Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) sa ilang bahagi ng Mindanao. Ayon sa ulat ng International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) na nahalaw ng Pesante, noong Oktubre 29, sa mga evacuation center sa Datu Piang, Maguindanao pa lamang ay mayroon nang 55,000 indibidwal na nagsilikas sa kani-kanilang mga tahanan, mula sa 35,000 katao noong Agosto. Mula Agosto hanggang ikatlong linggo ng Oktubre, umaabot na sa 127,164 pamilya o 611,753 indibidwal ang naaapektuhan ng mga sagupaan sa pagitan ng MILF at AFP sa mga prubinsya ng Lanao del Norte, Lanao del Sur, Sultan Kudarat at Maguindanao.

Tribunal for Speculators (tags)

The collapse of the delusional neoliberal idea frees our view for the necessity of a completely different society and a planetary social contract. Bankers are jungle highwaymen. Investments only pay where human rights are realized. The price of rice soared 83% within only six months.

NYCLAW ANTIWAR DIGEST -- 11.05.08 (tags)

"Obama will be able to work with his European allies to do a better job of selling the war to skeptical publics."


he executive clemency granted by Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to Claudio Teehankee Jr.and other high profile criminals reflects the ills of a justice system under the semicolonial and semifeudal rule of the puppet US-Arroyo regime. We in the Kilusang Dekada 70 asks: how can this government release a man who brutally killed two young people while it continues to detain more than 200 political prisoners on trumped-up charges? Why is it so easy for this government to show mercy to a convicted murderers than to listen to the cries for justice coming from victims of enforced disappearance, torture and unjust imprisonment?


FREE CD and videos addressing Human Rights and political and religious corruption in the United States.

Project Censored's Media Democracy Advocacy (tags)

Project Censored's holding the dominant media accountable.

New Coup D'Etat Rumblings in Venezuela (tags)

Bush continues to target Chavez.


The Justice for Filipino American Veterans (JFAV) coordinator Arturo P. Garcia expressed this stand and say they are seriously disappointed with Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Congressman Bob Filner, head of the House of Representatives Veterans Committee who said that "S. 1315 is dead because the democrats do not have the 2/3 majority votes needed to pass it." JFAV also expressed disenchantment with the democrats when Filner further said, "Speaker Pelosi can crack the whip for the 40 or so Democrats holding out but she won't. She is concerned that their (40+ Reps) re-election bids will be affected by this vote. [Filner] does not agree but [he] does not have the whip.

PHILIPPINES: Suspend US Military Deployments to Mindanao (tags)

A broad coalition of NGOs, social movements, and political parties from Mindanao and the rest of the country today called for all US military deployments in Mindanao suspended pending the conclusion of a fair and thorough probe by lawmakers.

Further Oppression of the Poor likely at the UN: America – both the Problem and the Soluti (tags)

After many years I devised a human rights approach to address the problems faced by societies, national and international. This includes immediately addressing core minimum obligations (i.e. dealing with the most serious violations), including the empowering rights to human rights education (re democratic support for human rights) and the right to development (re small business promotion) as well as non-retrogression (the protection of existing rights). However remarkably I was to find that the rights I focused on were virtually identical to the rights excluded by the complaints procedure due to be adopted by the UN General Assembly next month. I am now even more convinced than ever that my socially responsible ‘bottom-up’ human rights approach is the path forward while the global elites, international and national institutions fear any change that threatens their positions and lifestyles.

The Shortwave Report 9/12 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.


"The security cameras are just one part of a much broader high-tech surveillance and censorship program known in China as "Golden Shield." The end goal is to use the latest people-tracking technology — thoughtfully supplied by American giants like IBM, Honeywell and General Electric — to create an airtight consumer cocoon: a place where Visa cards, Adidas sneakers, China Mobile cellphones, McDonald's Happy Meals, Tsingtao beer and UPS delivery (to name just a few of the official sponsors of the Beijing Olympics) can be enjoyed under the unblinking eye of the state, without the threat of democracy breaking out."

War crimes in Darfur: The Arab League criticism on the ICC charges is rejectable (tags)

Regarding her criticism on the possible ICC charges against the Sudanese president Mr Bashir,in respect with Darfurian war crimes, the Arab League is showing a morally rejectable point of view and is measuring the double standard

Fears of a cover-up grow in the case of missing human rights activist in Haiti (tags)

Equally disturbing is the fact that the United Nations leadership has failed to recognize Lovinsky Pierre-Antoine’s abduction and disappearance altogether.

Save the life of Reginald Blanton (tags)

Petition to save the life of Reginald Blanton, sentenced to death in Texas due to racial prejudice

DNC Protest, Split, and the Principled Stand of Cynthia McKinney (tags)

"As the United States activated Navy ships and the Air Force to begin an airlift of non-specified goods into the former Soviet state of Georgia, and military exercises began in the Persian Gulf near Iran, I received communications from certain individuals among the Colorado Greens who were organizing campaign support events there, suggesting that I not participate in an anti-war program being organized by other individuals in Colorado." -Cynthia McKinney In addition, the Green Party of Colorado has issued false statements to the press and all over the internet claiming that Green Party presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney will not be participating in the Recreate ’68 events. Here is one such statement from Dave Chandler, co-chair of the Colorado Green Party, Green Party candidate for U.S. Congress in the Seventh Congressional District, and supporter of a Denver ballot measure that would seize the vehicles of illegal immigrants: “Cynthia McKinney, Green Party candidate for President, and Rosa Clemente, Green Party candidate for Vice President are NOT participating in any Recreate ‘68 activities. Both candidates, and the Green Party of Colorado, are refuting this announcement and are stating that neither candidate, nor the Green Party of Colorado, are in any way associated with Recreate ’68, nor will any of their candidates be speaking at or attending any event, nor are they in any way associated with the group Recreate ’68.” This is a blatant lie. Cynthia McKinney and Rosa Clemente will be speaking at the Recreate ’68 events.

Corporate Media Bash New Chavez New Enabling Law Decrees (tags)

Corporate media denigrate Venezuelan democracy.

"A Matter of Integrity" (tags)

War must be considered obsolete. Officials refuse to comploy with regtulations. Citizens of the world must speak out. Our leaders have abandoned our citizens and the world's citizens.

Gaza Under Siege (tags)

Continuation of one of the world's greatest crimes.

Tribunal of opinion (tags)

Human rights violation in colombia as a state crime

On the Court of Appeals Dismissal of Habeas Corpus Case of Jonas Burgo (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) its condemns in the strongest terms possible the recent Court of Appeals(CA) decision, dismissing the petitions for the writ of habeas corpus and for writ of Amparo of Mrs. Edith Burgos, mother of missing activist Jonas Burgos, who was believed to have been abducted by unidentified military men in broad daylight at 12 noon at the crowded Ever Gotesco Mall along Commonwealth Avenue on April 28, 2007. The AJLPP National Coordinator Mario Santos calls the decision anti-people and a big blow to the victims of human rights violations in the Philippines. It only exposes the Court of Appeals like the Supreme as a tool of the reactionary system to keep the people on the bourgeois justice system.

LA Jews for Peace support upcoming 'Free Gaza' sailing from Cyprus (tags)

Susan Sarandon's Double Standards on Palestine (tags)

Susan Sarandon has expressed surprising unwillingness to denounce her support for the Israeli Billionaire, Lev Leviev, who is has been criticized by a variety of NGOs for his involvement in building settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank.

Torture As Official US Policy (tags)

America's darkest hour.


Filipino writer Alex Pinpin together with four pesants,-Aristedes Sarmiento, Riel Custodio, Michael Masayes and Enrico Ybanez,were arrested by armed security personnel of the Arroyo regime last April 28, 2006, on their way to a May Day Labor rally in Manila. They were later known as the “Tagaytay Five” After two years, last July 4, the Tagaytay City Regional Court Branch 18 started hearing their petition for bail. After a stalled investigation since June 2006, the State Commission on Human Rights (CHR) finally ruled that the state violated the activists’ rights when they were abducted and jailed.

Free The Tagaytay Five. Now-Pesante-USA (tags)

Filipino writer Alex Pinpin together with four pesants,-Aristedes Sarmiento, Riel Custodio, Michael Masayes and Enrico Ybanez,were arrested by armed security personnel of the Arroyo regime last April 28, 2006, on their way to a May Day Labor rally in Manila. They were later known as the “Tagaytay Five” After two years, last July 4, the Tagaytay City Regional Court Branch 18 started hearing their petition for bail. After a stalled investigation since June 2006, the State Commission on Human Rights (CHR) finally ruled that the state violated the activists’ rights when they were abducted and jailed.


Thanks to Bush, US ciizens' tax dollars are being wasted funding the corrupt and brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines. Arroyo has been condemned by Amnesty International. Human Rights Watch, Asia Commission on Human Rights, World Council of Churches ,UN Rapporteurs, and numerous organizations for committing thousands of extra-judicial murders of lawyers, journalists, church people, women and union organizers, indigenous minority peoples. We need to put a stop to this outrageous inhumanity.

AFP officials are desperate in their military campaign in Negros (tags)

Military officials are desperate in their drive to destroy the New People's Army in Negros. Col Honorato de los Reyes of the 303rd Bde kag Lt Col Cesar Yano of 302nd Bde, Phil Army have also ordered their infantry battalions, Scout Ranger and Division Reconnisance Company Units to include as targets of their operations the civilians they alleged as "NPA supporters or NPAs" and the legal legitimate organizations of the people.

Petition against any ethnic filing of the "Gypsies" in Italy (tags)

We say NO to to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers.

Petition against any ethnic filing of the "Gypsies" in Italy (tags)

We say NO to to the the ethnic filing of the Rroms - with or without fingerprints’ record, which recalls the darkest years of European and world history! Let us not forget that the Rroms were often « guinea pigs » of repression and extermination policies, as those Rromani children from Czech on which the Nazis tested the "Zyklon B" before generalizing its use it in the gas chambers.

On the Recent 10-Day Visit of Phil. Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to the US (tags)

The 10-day visit of U.S.-backed Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (GMA) and ten of her Cabinet members to three states in the U.S. is nothing more than a spectacle starring a puppet president and her masters in the White House, the Capitol, and in the offices of Wall Street. The Filipino people have nothing to gain from this

PGMA-Bush Summit, A Meeting of Terrorist (tags)

The Alliance-Philippines (AJLPP) condemns in the strongest terms possible the President Arroyo of the Philippines and US President Bush summit on June 24 in Washington DC and the coming President Arroyo’s visit to the United States from June 23 -27, 2008.The Arroyo-Bush summit is a meeting of two terrorist. It is a meeting of the most unpopular presidents in their respective countries, a summit between a colonial master and a puppet. Up for discussions are colonial relations, pure and simple. The Filipino people stand nothing to gain from such a meeting of two of the most criticized leaders in the world

The United States, Europe and Human Rights (tags)

The discredited way in which the European Union suspended its sanctions on Cuba on June 19 has been reported in 16 international press dispatches… Such hypocrisy is made all the more evident by the brutal European measure to expel illegal immigrants from Latin American countries.

NDFP commends IADL for exposing violations of human rights of Filipinos in the Netherlands (tags)

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) Negotiating Panel commends the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) for exposing before the United Nations Human Rights Council in Geneva the violations of human rights of Filipinos in The Netherlands. The IADL, through Atty. Edre U. Olalia, Deputy Secretary General of the National Union of People’s Lawyers (NUPL), an affiliate of the IADL, delivered its intervention on June 11, 2008 at the 8th Session of the UN HR Council during the Universal Periodic Review of the human rights record of The Netherlands

Philippine Human Rights Group Stands by Concerns (tags)

On this supposed “independence day” of the Philippines, the Philippine Human Rights Watch delegation in attendance at the UN Human Rights Council 8th Session confirms its support to the joint statement delivered by the International Association of Democratic Lawyers (IADL) during the “interactive dialogue” yesterday on the consideration of the report of the Working Group on the Netherlands Universal Periodic Review (UPR).

A daughter's wish for her missing father on FATHER'S DAY (tags)

I wish I could personally greet you a Happy Father’s Day and give you a really big hug. But how can I? Ever since you were abducted, my only contact with you is in my dreams. Oh, how I wish I would see you and say “Happy Father’s Day, Tatay!” Nanay and I will surely remember you as I visit her today in jail in Camp Crame. You must have heard by now (through your captors or if you have access to news) that Nanay has also been abducted and surfaced after three days (nine months after you were abducted and disappeared). You must have been so worried for her. You need not be, worried though because we are all taking care of her. Even in detention, she makes good use of her ti

CHR probes NDF consultant’s torture claim (tags)

The Commission on Human Rights in Cagayan Valley has started looking into the arrest and detention of a National Democratic Front peace consultant, who was allegedly tortured while in the custody of military and police personnel. Lawyer Jimmy Baliga, CHR regional director, said the commission began investigating the case of Randy Felix Malayao, 39, without the prodding of nongovernment organizations and human rights advocates.

Amnesty Int’l warns of resurgence in extrajudicial killings (tags)

Amnesty International (AI) warned Wednesday that killings and abductions of left-wing activists in the country could surge again this year unless the government seriously prosecutes perpetrators. In its 2008 report on worldwide human rights, AI noted that extrajudicial killings and enforced disappearances across the country dipped last year due to international pressure.

New AFP chief dared to bring abusive military personnel before Congress (tags)

Taking cue from the statement of newly-installed Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Chief of Staff Gen. Alexander Yano to make good his promise to turn over to civilian authorities military personnel involved in abusing military detainees, opposition lawmaker Rep. Teofisto Guingona III yesterday challenged the latter to fulfill his promise by turning over erring personnel to the House committee on human rights. “Bring those erring officers before the committee on human rights of the House of Representatives so that we may know the truth,” Guingona said.


iulat ng Pesante-USA ang napabalitang malawakang operasyong militar sa Sulu at Davao, malawakang pagpapalikas pambubugbog at iligal na pang-aaresto ang tampok sa mga paglabag sa karapatang-tao noong buwan ng Abril.

More Americans shot in Mexico (tags)

Many Americans are wondering when the Bush administration is going to raise the travel alert to its highest level "travel warning," for American travelers to Mexico? How many American citizens are going to have to be shot, killed or kidnapped before the American government move to prevent needless deaths and issue the proper "travel warning," for Americans?

Denying Palestinians Free Movement in the West Bank (tags)

West Bank repression.

U.N. Official Calls for Study Of Neocons' Role in 9/11 (tags)

Interesting that this author desperately tries to make us hate this man, while veering away from any and all discussion of the actual facts involved in 911.

IneQuality of Life and the Butt End of the City Budget (tags)

Mayor increases police state with the 2008-2009 Los Angeles City Budget and reduces human state.

Killings still major problem in Philippines--US report (tags)

- Extrajudicial and political killings, including those of journalists, by members of the military, police and other perpetrators continue to be a major problem in the Philippines, according to a report of the US Department of State. In its 2007 Country Reports on Human Rights Practices released in March this year, the US said that communist rebels and other terrorist groups also committed human rights violations against civilians. The report said that despite intensified efforts by the Philippine government to investigate and prosecute these cases, many went unsolved and unpunished.

Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)

They no longer will kill Palestinians

Open Letter to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and Canada (tags)

We, the undersigned Canadian-based organizations and individuals, strongly condemn the harassment by armed men of Rep. Satur Ocampo on his return from a Human Rights Mission to Canada. We also condemn the threat of his imminent arrest. We are seriously concerned for his safety and that of the other members of the Mission, Rep. Crispin Beltran and Rep. Luz Ilagan.

Casilino 900: urgent appeal against the persecution of the Roma in Italy (tags)

The persecution of the Rroms (Roma) in Italy: EveryOne Group and the Committee for the Rights of the Roma of Casilino 900 have launched an appeal to the European Court of Human Rights following a serious humanitarian emergency at the Casilino 900 camp, in Rome.

Behind Bars: The Travails of a Political Prisoner, Randall Echanis, KMP (tags)

Randall Echanis, of the militant peasant organization the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, is not the only political prisoner of the Arroyo regime. There are currently 240 prisoners in detention by the count of Samahan ng mga Ex-Detainee Laban sa Detensyon at para sa Amnestiya (SELDA), an organization dedicated to helping political prisoners.

MILF doubts gov't can keep vow to UN rights body (tags)

An official of the Muslim secessionist group Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) has expressed doubts that the government would be able to keep its promise to a United Nations body to put a stop to the string of killings of local journalists and activists as well as to protect the rights of all Filipinos, even those who express dissent against the state. Khaled Musa, deputy chairman of the MILF committee on information, doubted the government vow, saying the head of the Philippine delegation to the recent conference by United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva, Switzerland, Executive Secretary Eduardo Ermita, �has blood in his hands� with the deaths of a number of members of activist groups in the Philippines. Musa hinted that Ermita may not be serious in making the vow as he has been a key government official during the country�s most darkest periods for those who spoke against the state. He noted that Ermita not only is one of the most influential officials in the present administration, being President Arroyo�s alter-ego, but also had held various key roles during the martial law times under the leadership of the late strongman Ferdinand Marcos.

LA Time Opinion Piece Sells Tibet Down the River (tags)

LA Times Columnist Tim Rutten did a hatchet job on Tibetan human rights struggle with his April 9 Op Ed in which he claims that protests don't do any good and implies we should just let the tyrants have their Olympics of Barbarism unopposed.

Defend Tibet: Boycott Beijing 2008 Olympic Games (tags)

The famous monk Lobsang Jinpa is dead. Long life to Lobsang Jinpa! SIGN NOW PETITION:

Japan rights group tags cops, soldiers in killings (tags)

A Japan-based international human rights group Tuesday joined the growing number of non-government organizations that have tagged the Philippine military and police in extrajudicial killings and forced disappearances. Human Rights Now (HRN) said a fact-finding team it sent to the Philippines last year had concluded that there were "reasonable grounds" to believe that in the many cases, the Armed Forces of the Philippines or the Philippine National Police were responsible for the killings.

Iligal na pang-aaresto at panggigipit mula Marso hanggang unang linggo ng Abril (tags)

Iligal na pang-aaresto at panggigipit ang tampok sa mga paglabag sa karapatang-tao ng rehimeng Arroyo nitong nakaraang Marso 10 hanggang Abril 3.

OIL IN TIBET and gold, uranium (tags)

The name of the game is always money, and when it comes to the CIA's war against China by promoting Tibet, that is certainly true. There is oil, uranium, gold and copper in Tibet. No wonder we have this latest hysterics over Tibet during the US oil war against Iraq and Afghanistan and perhaps Iran.

Ex-PUP president and FQS Activist Nemesio Prudente dies at 81 (tags)

Nemesio Prudente, the former president of the Polytechnic University of the Philippines and human rights advocate, died early Friday in a Cavite hospital. He was 81. One of the more prominent political prisoners of the martial law regime of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos, Prudente died following almost a month of confinement at the De La Salle Medical Center in Dasmariñas, Cavite, his nephew Dante said.

Boycott Beijing 2008 Olympic Games: sign petition! (tags)

EveryOne Group ( is promoting a petition ( and an international campaign to ask for an immediate halt to the harsh sociocultural repression underway in Tibet, a repression perpetrated by the Chinese authorities towards thousands of innocent people.

TODAY: Internet Forum by Cuban Students about the Cuban Five (tags)

The main purpose of the forum will be to discuss what Cuban university students and those in the rest of the world could do to help the release of the Five Cuban men, who were arrested for having infiltrated Miami- based anti-Cuba groups and trying to prevent criminal actions against the island.

Human Rights Violations in Israel and Palestine (tags)

Violations in Israel and Palestine

Shameful Defeat for SOS/Minutemen in Ventura County! (tags)

The Minutemen had a hard time selling their brand of anti-human agitation in Ventura County. The Frente Contra las Redadas del Condado de Ventura successfully delivered a "stealth upper-cut" by organizing a community response to this incursion by racists from Orange, San Berdu, etc.

Jonathan Cook's "Blood and Religion" (tags)

Israel's imperial plan.

RP human rights measures 'window-dressing'--HRW (tags)

Measures introduced by the Philippine government to curb human rights abuses are mere "window-dressing," an official from Human Rights Watch said Thursday. "The list of actions touted by the Philippine government as progress unfortunately seem little more than window-dressing," said Elaine Pearson, Asia deputy director for the New York-based rights group.

Israeli Coercion A Form Of Torture (tags)

Israel is not only guilty, then, of Collective Punishment, a War Crime, but of Torture as well.

Gruppo EveryOne: Save Tibet, Boycott Beijing 2008 (tags)

Gruppo EveryOne is promoting a petition ( and an international campaign to ask for an immediate halt to the harsh sociocultural repression underway in Tibet, a repression perpetrated by the Chinese authorities towards thousands of innocent people.

Save Tibet. Boycott Beijing 2008 (tags)

Gruppo EveryOne is promoting a petition ( and an international campaign to ask for an immediate halt to the harsh sociocultural repression underway in Tibet, a repression perpetrated by the Chinese authorities towards thousands of innocent people. The leaders of EveryOne, the authorities and people of goodwill who sign the petition below are promoting the Boycott Campaign of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games and sporting and cultural events in the People’s Republic of China. They will also be supporting the “Beijing 2008 Gold Medals for Human Rights” campaign, with gold medals coined by EveryOne Group being awarded to all the athletes who decide not to take part in the Olympic Games out of solidarity with the people of Tibet.

Violation of Human Rights in CA: Interview with UN International Attorney, Karen Parker (tags)

A raging human rights battle is brewing between the Department of Energy and the people of the greater San Francisco/San Jose area. Citizen activists and environmental rights groups are up in arms over the right of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) to explode toxic and radioactive materials into California’s air.

UN's Assessment of Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israel's continued oppression in Occupied Palestine.

Queer. EveryOne Group: Mehdi Kazemi is safe! (tags)


The Shortwave Report 3/14 Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

EveryOne Group: Mehdi Kazemi is face! (tags)


Kaso ng Masaker Sa Sulu Isasampa ng SBM at MILF sa UN (tags)

- Isasampa ng Suara Bangsamoro o Suara at ng Mor Islamic Liberation Front sa United Nations Huma Rights Council ang karumal-dumal na masaker ng mg elemento ng Special Warfare Group ng Philippine Nav at Light Reaction Company ng Philippine Army sa walong sibilyan sa Ipil, Maimbung, Sulu noong madaling araw ng Pebrero 4. Ito'y matapos absweltuhin ng AFP ang mga sundalong responsable sa masaker. Ayon kay Amira Lidasan, pambansang pangulo ng Suara, hindi kapani-paniwala ang resulta ng imbestigasyon ng AFP na nagsasaad na may nangyaring labanan sa pagitan ng militar at mga elemento ng Abu Sayyaf. Wala pa mang imbestigasyon ay idineklara na dati ng AFP na pawang mga elemento o tagakanlong ng Abu Sayyaf ang mga biktima. Inulit lamang ito ng AFP nang ianunsyo nitong Pebrero 28 ng Judge Advocate General's Office ng Western Mindanao Command ang pagkaabswelto ng mga sangkot na sundalo matapos ang sariling imbestigasyong ginawa umano ng militar.

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

Luis Posada Carriles: the versatile USAmerican terrorist still walking freely (tags)

While Arturo Hernández, Posada's attorney said: "Mr. Posada Carriles is not and has never been a terrorist"… "His lifelong ambition has been to bring democracy and freedom to his place of birth", declassified CIA and FBI documents, testimonies, and other compelling evidences suggest the contrary.

Francis A. Boyle's "Protesting Power - War, Resistance and Law (tags)

International law supports the right to resist state crimes.

Fidel Castro: Who wants to be in the Garbage Dump? (tags)

Today, by mere chance, I remembered that the OAS still exists, when I read a cable posted on the Internet which contained an article by Georgina Saldierna, published in La Jornada, titled “Insulza rules out the possibility of re-admitting Cuba into the OAS”. No one even remembered the OAS. Note how retrograde this line of reasoning is.

Leviev asks Academy Award stars to wear diamonds tainted by human rights abuses (tags)

Lev Leviev, the Israeli settlement builder and diamond mogul who has been accused of supporting human rights abuses in Angola, Burma, New York City and Palestine, is lending his jewelry to some attendees of the 80th annual Academy Awards this Sunday. Leviev has made a concerted effort to associate himself and his businesses with global elites, but a barrage of negative publicity related to these rights abuses has tarnished Leviev’s image, suggesting that, as NY Jewish Week wrote recently, “For Leviev, All that Glitters Isn’t Gold." Human rights campaigners from Adalah-NY have pledged to contact Academy Award organizers and attendees to voice their concerns over Leviev’s involvement.

CEO Salaries and the Minimum Wage (tags)

"After the fall of the Berlin Wall, capitalism let its mask fall. Capitalism did not have to be social any more since socialism did not exist any longer as a counter-movement..Most economic leaders act irresponsibly today toward Europe's people and the future."

Cuban Students Denounce Manipulation (tags)

Students whose images were exploited by different foreign media to present them as a sign of rebellion against the Cuban government spoke during a video interview denouncing the manipulations that occurred and denying that they were arrested on Tuesday

The Republican Candidate (tags)

In that already famous Super Tuesday, a day of the week when a number of States of the Union were selecting the candidate of their choice for the presidency of the United States from among a group of contenders, one of the likely candidates to replace George W. Bush was John McCain...

Rroms in Turkey: Int'l voice raised for SULUKULE (EveryOne Group) (tags)

Since November 2007, when Istanbul began its large-scale project of urban transformation, Sulukule, old and legendary neighborhood of Istanbul famous for its Roma population, has received its share of attention. Moving the Roma community to a new district is being advocated by an Italy-based social activist association

JFAV Pays Tribute to Rep. Tom Lantos,(D-CA), 80 (tags)

The Justice for Filipino American Veterans(JFAV) pays tribute to Rep. Tom Lantos of California who passed away. JFAV learned that Lantos, 80, passed away at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in suburban Maryland. Lantos, a Democrat who chaired the House Foreign Affairs Committee, disclosed last month that he had been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus. He has supported the veterans equity bill .

SULU MASSACRE (Mindanao, Philippines) (tags)

“Despicable, loathsome, ruthless…” These were the words of Anak Mindanao Representative Mujiv S. Hataman on the latest tragedy in the province of Sulu , particularly in the coastal town of Maimbung , which claimed the lives of a 4-year old child, Marisa Payian, 9 year old Wedme Lahim, teenagers Alnalyn Lahim, 15 and Sulayman Hakob, 17. Three other civilians were also killed, Kirah Lahim, 45; Eldisim Lahim, 43 and Narcia Abon, 24. A certain Pfc. Ibnul Wahid of the Army's 6th Infantry Division who was said to be on vacation was also killed.

Don’t tie aid to RP record, US urged (tags)

The administration has asked lawmakers in the United States not to peg the amount of Washington’s military assistance to the Philippines on the latter’s human rights record, arguing that the two were distinct from each other and must be addressed separately. “I told the legislators that the issue of US foreign military assistance and reports about extrajudicial killings in the Philippines should be treated separately,” Ambassador to Washington Willy Gaa told the Inquirer shortly before he flew back to the US on Friday. Gaa admitted that American legislators were greatly concerned about the persistent reports of human rights violations allegedly committed by the Philippine military and police. He, however, said the move of the administration of President George W. Bush to cut by 50 percent the proposed US foreign military assistance to the Philippines from the $30 million in 2007 in the 2008 federal budget was “expected.”

The case of the CUBAN FIVE, one of the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006-2007 (tags)

The case of the CUBAN FIVE, one of the Top 25 Censored Stories of 2006-2007 in:

Colombia: Full fire on guerilla, but total silence on state crimes. (tags)

The government of Alvaro Uribe has rallied Colombians to take part in a large march on Monday, February 4th under the slogan “No more kidnappings, no more lies, no more deaths, no more FARC”. and seeks to obscure the true face of the conflict: 75% of human rights violations in Colombia are committed by the Uribe administration and the paramilitary forces which are linked to the state. (Source: Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch)

AJLPP Protests The Arrest of Randall Echanis, KMP Leader and a member of NDFP Peace Panel (tags)

The AJLPP through its national coordinator Mario Santos today strongly condemns the illegal arrest of Mr. Randall Echanis, KMP deputy secretary general and a member of the NDFP Reciprocal Working Committee (RWC) on Social and Economic Reforms (SER), by the Arroyo regime’s police agents yesterday at Bago City, Negros Occidental. The AJLPP considered the arrest of Echanis a big blow against the cause of peace. Mr. Echanis was arrested by the PNP in Bago City while he was to attend a conference of agricultural workers in preparation for a KMP national rural congress. Negros is one the KMP’s strongest base where the National Federation Sugar Workers (NFSW) is based. He was flown by the PNP with haste to Hilongos , Leyte where he was detained.

Urgent petition: Save Sulukule! (tags)

Urgent campaign to save Sulukule (Turkey) and protect the oldest Rrom community in the world.

Only Tigers Survive: Scientology (tags)

As Erich Fromm would say, scientology fits in the world of the marketing character and the "unproductive I-orientation." Scientology is the glorification of an American ego-trip. Life is a game! Everyone plays for himself! Everyone can be a winner! Wars are only part of this game!

Drugged Gang-Raped and Imprisoned (tags)

Is Gang-Rape Allowed by Contractors in Iraq ? Jamie Leigh Jones was reportedly drugged, gang-raped and imprisoned in a container by fellow KBR co-workers in 2005 while working in Iraq on a U.S. Defense Department contract. Like the Abu Ghraib torture victims who still have not seen justice after more than four years, the abuse Jones says she suffered at the hands of private contractors over two years ago has not seen the light of a criminal trial.


Petition for the lives of Hamzeh and Loghman: two young gay men who are in love and who risk the death sentence in Iran. And let's not forget Pegah: the United Kingdom could still hand her over to the executioner.

Immigration officials detaining, deporting American citizens (tags)

Really interesting piece on immigration from McClatchy:

Israeli Oppression in Hebron (tags)

A case history.

Racism: Italy reported to the United Nations... (tags)

CERD will have to ascertain the violations of articles 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the “International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.” Italy, in fact, is accused of carrying out a series of measures, both on a national level and on a local level, aimed at hitting the Rrom and Sinti communities on Italian territory - from the 14 security packages to the emergency expulsion decree for EU citizens put forward by Giuliano Amato. The International Criminal Court of the Hague will evaluate the actions carried out by the Italian institutions against the Rroma to determine whether – and to what extent – any crimes against humanity were committed.

Pananalanta ng pasistang estado, Nagpapatuloy (tags)

Nagpapatuloy ang pasistang pananalanta ng AFP sa buong Pilipinas. Ayon sa ulat ng AJLPP,walang puknat ang mga pamamaslang at iba pang abusong militar sa bansa. Isang lider magsasaka ang pinaslang sa Masbate at isang lider kabataang Moro ang pinatay sa Zamboanga Sibugay nitong Enero. Patuloy din ang harasment sa mga progresibo at panggigipit sa masang magsasaka sa kanayunan. Ayon pa rin sa ulat mula sa Pilipinas ay nagpapatuloy ang mga pagpataya mga lumalaban sa pamahalaan.

Christmas message 2007:Against war,racism,poverty and exclusion ''illegals'' (tags)

Contrary the hypocrisy of the traditional Christmas-celebrations and the consumption-hysteria, the message is to work for peace, against racism and exclusion of ''illegals'' To say it shortly: the advancement of human rights, without distinction

U.S. isolated on the Human Rights Issue in CUBA (tags)

The recent Cuban decision to sign the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Civil and Political Rights is a clear example of the island's conduct when it is not subjected to external pressures...


Human Trafficking, a 32-billion dollar illegal activity, remains a serious problem all over the world including the USA. Nearly 40% of all missing children in our own country may be victims of trafficking. Recently, in Florida, two groups united to take a stand against this horrible practice.


Massive human rights violations--extrajudicial killings, forced disappearances, torture, massacres, dislocation of millions of peasants and rural folk--characterize the current Arroyo regime in the Philippines. US taxdollars are paying the Arroyo military and police to carry out such barbaric practices. US citizens, concerned with human rights, ought to protest Bush/Pentagon's aid to the corrupt Arroyo administration, and demand an end to US mililtary intervention in suppressing the Moro and National Democratic Front insurgents. In the following article, Prof. E. San Juan re-affirms the necessity of upholding human rights embodied in the UN Declaration of Human Rights, which is an integral part of contemporary international law, to which every nation should adhere as member nation-states. The article pays tribute to the self-sacrificing work of thousands of Filipino activists fighting for national democracy, social justice, and genuine sovereignty, in particular the staff of KARAPATAN and its secretary-general, Marie Hilao Enriquez.

Contradictions Abound in Cuban Five Case (tags)

Contradictions Abound in Cuban Five Case

PHILIPPINES: Gloria Arroyo is a Human Rights Violator! (tags)

Hers is a Morally Bankrupt Government with Distorted Human Rights Values! Malacañang’s (Presidential Palace) cash gifts, for whatever fabricated excuses and delayed explanations, has exposed the governance of Ms. Gloria Arroyo as morally bankrupt.

Pesante-USA Marks International Human Rights Day (tags)

The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante)-USA a human rights, Filipino peasant advocacy and environmental network in the United States, is one with all well meaning people in marking International Human Rights Day, December 10,2007. The Filipino peasant bear the brunt of repression under the corrupt and fascist US- Arroyo regime. Of the recorded 887 victims from 2001 until this year, 516 victims came from the downtrodden Filipino peasantry. The US-Arroyo regime had been so callous and brazen in its fascist acts that it can be compared to the US-Marcos Dictatorship for its cruelty.

Annapolis Hypocrisy Hides Occupied Palestine Reality (tags)

Sham peace process denies Palestinians what they want most.

History, Sublime, Terror: Notes on the Politics of Fear (tags)

"The new powers of violence that are out of the box after 1945 belong to the state. They are properties and prerogatives of the modern nation-state."

Depleted-Uranium, Nuclear War and the politics of Radiation: Read and act NOW (tags)

For Indymedia readers, friends and comrades in struggle worldwide against war, militarism, colonialism and nuclear industry: a brief review about “Depleted” Uranium, nuclear war and radioactive genocide-ecocide

On the November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them. Their call for change and their condemnation of corruption in the military and the high places within the US-Arroyo regime is understandable. The $ 16 pay-off for the ZTE scandal, the NBN deal, the rampant graft in the government, the payolas all stink in the air. The AJLPP also vehemently condemn the way the PNP manhandled the media. Many media persons were arrested and brought to Camp Bagong Diwa in Bicutan. Meanwhile, the AJLPP also commend the United Nations reporter for formally confirming their findings on human right violations in the Philippines. Philip Aston declared his findings and submitted them to the general assembly.

On the Makati City November 29 Incident and the UN Human Rights Report (tags)

—The calm before the storm, comes the small typhoons. The Alliance For Just And Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP) is not surprised at all by the dramatic action staged by military rebels led by cashiered General Danny Lim and Ltsg. and now Senator Antonio Trillanes IV last November 29 in Makati City. They have the right to defend themselves against the persecution of the unjust and fake US –Arroyo regime and have the right to express themselves in protest against the use of the courts against them.

SAVE THE PEAKS CALL FOR SUPPORT! - Legal Battle to Protect Sacred Site Comes to Pasadena (tags)

The San Francisco Peaks are a unique mountain ecosystem which are managed as public lands in Northern Arizona. The Peaks are held Holy by more than 13 Indigenous Nations. A small ski area is threatening expansion and attempting to make fake snow from treated sewage effluent filled with harmful contaminants. A coalition of tribes and environmental groups have unified to prevent the environmental destruction, community health hazards and extreme desecration that would be caused by the proposed development. Although the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocked the ski area plan, the case will be reheard in Pasadena on December 11th, 2007.

Racism in Italy against Gypsies: a New Holocaust (tags)

Human Rights Watch has brought to the attention of the international community the racism gypsies are being subjected to in Italy. Write me to subscribe the Campaign against the persecution of Gypsy People in Italy:

The young Iranian Makvan Moloudzadeh must live! (tags)

Sign the petition for Life in Iran: Send fresh flowers: one white, one red to say yes to a respect for human rights, no to the death sentence. Choose a company that guarantees deliveries to Teheran (Iran), Interflora, for example. Send the two flowers to: - President Mahmud Ahmadinejad - Pasteur Ave - 13168-43311 Tehran - Iran. We suggest you also sign the petition and send an email to the President of the Islamic Republic of Iran: - Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi - Ministry of Justice - Ministry of Justice Building, Panzdah-Khordad Square - Tehran - Iran. Email:

Demand Grows For bush To Reveal Details of Plan Mexico (tags)

billions to keep the price of illegal drugs up, but not one cent for the fence....

Iran granted a pardon to the yung homosexual Makvan (tags)

The petition for the life of Makvan and the “Flowers for Life in Iran Campaign” – promoted by Gruppo EveryOne and backed by Irqo, the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission and Amnesty International – have obtained a memorable result. “A sensational victory for human rights”, say Malini Pegoraro, Picciau (Gruppo EveryOne) and Paula Ettelbrick of the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission. The Iranian judge who annulled the death sentence defined the previous sentence “a violation of Islamic precepts and human ethics”.

Torturing Palestinian Detaineed (tags)

Israel, like the US, condones and practices torture routinely

INSURGENTES against Venezuela´s constitutional reform (tags)

* Various organizations and individuals within Venezuela, each with a history of social struggle and each bringing with them diverse proposals from the anti-authoritarian and critical left, have assembled in the space of INSURGENTES (INSURGENTS) to forge a position against the proposed constitutional “reform” offered by the republic’s President, Hugo Chavez Frias.

5th Annual Panel Discussion: The State of the Indigenous People of North America (tags)

Basic rights of indigenous communities, including the right to land and to cultural identity - in the use of language, education and the administration of justice - are systematically violated (Amnesty International Report 2002). Native American men residing in South Dakota fare the worst, on average living only to age 58 while whites live longer to age 79 (Times, Sept. 25, 2006).

Rally Tonight @ Artivist Film Festival *time sensitive* (tags)

Artivist choose to take money from Petrobras (big oil), this company is destroying the Amazon rainforest for profit. We say no more!

The Shortwave Report 11/09/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Spain, Cuba, and Russia.

Punishing Gaza (tags)

Israel's unending war on Palestine.

Film showing of "The Trial: The Untold Story of the Cuban Five" (tags)

Film showing of "The Trial: The Untold Story of the Cuban Five" featuring Danny Glover

November 2007 National Immigrant Solidarity Network Monthly News Digest (tags)

Monthly Newsletter from National Immigrant Solidarity Network

Call for the release of the Cuban Five (tags)

The Cuban chapter of the Defense of Humanity Network announced in Havana a new call for the release of the five anti-terrorist Cubans incarcerated for nine years with heavy sentences hanging over them.


National MDS Convergence When: Friday, November 9 - Sunday, November 11 Where: Loyola University (North Shore Campus) 6525 North Sheridan Road, Chicago, IL

The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.

Bush at the UN: a war criminal lectures the world on “human rights” (tags)

George W. Bush delivered his next to the last annual address to the United Nations General Assembly Tuesday. Taking the same podium that he used five years ago to condemn the world body to “irrelevance” if it failed to rubber stamp his plans for a war of aggression against Iraq, Bush cast his regime in Washington as the world’s greatest champion of human rights and its most generous and selfless benefactor.


Colluding with U.S. & Filipino reactionaries, Dutch fascist authorities arrested Jose Maria Sison, a Filipino political refugee, and raided the National Democratic Front International Information Office in Holland. This is a clear example of State Terrorism working on behalf of predatory imperialist capital. All progressives and democrats everywhere should protest this outrage and support the Filipino people's struggle for justice, equality, and true independence.


Mahigit nang anim na buwan mula nang garapalang dukutin ng mga operatibang militar ng rehimeng Arroyo si Kasamang Leo Velasco sa Cagayan de Oro City. Sa harap ng maraming tao, sapilitan siyang isinakay ng mga militar sa kanilang van, kasabay ang pagpapakilala sa sarili bilang mga pwersang panseguridad at pagbabanta sa mga tao sa paligid na "huwag makialam." Aktibista ng FQS si Ka. Leo Bilang mga aktibista ng First Quarter Storm Network sa Amerika, nagpapahayag kami ng marubdob na hangarin at panawagang Ilitaw si Ka. Leo Velasco, aktibista ng UP College of Medicine na sumapi sa Bagong Hukbong Bayan (NPA) noong 1971. Dinakip siya at magpahanggang ngayon ay ayaw ilitaw ng militar. Napakarami nang beterano ng FQS ang patuloy pa ring nakikibka sa iba'tibang antas at nagpapatuloy sa pagsusulong ng demokratikong kilusan apra palayain ang bayang Pilipinas sa pangaaapi ng Imperyalistang dayuhan at kamtin ang pambansang demokrasya.

BTL: As Gonzales Resigns... (tags)

BETWEEN THE LINES Syndicated Radio Newsmagazine --Weekly Summary

RALLY AUG.30 at 6;00 PM at Phil Consulate General (tags)

CALL TO ACTION: In Los Angeles, join AJLPP for the emergency mobilization to demand the release of Jose Maria Sison and call for the resumption of the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations Thursday, 8/30/07, at 6:00 pm at the Philippine Consulate: 3600 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, CA 90010. If you have questions, please call (213) 241-0906.

For a Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines, Free Prof. Jose Maria Sison Now! (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace in the Philippines (AJLPP or Alliance Philippines) vehemently condemns the arrest and detention today, August 28, 2007, by the Dutch authorities of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) chief political consultant, Prof. Jose Maria Sison. The arrest of Prof. Joma Sison impedes the course of a just and lasting peace in the Philippines. The incident derails the prospect of the resumption of peace talks between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) and the NDFP. The Filipino people’s prosperity and future depends on the resolution of the protracted civil war raging in the Philippines and the determined principled pursuit and eventual conclusion of GRP-NDFP peace talks.

UK condemns Pegah (tags)

The pressures of all the world are not enough for the United Kingdom, the Iranian lesbian will be deported if she will not succeed to proof her homosexuality. As everybody know, any Iranian woman can not speak about homosexuality and least of all to officially testify that Pegah is lesbian, because she would be immediately condemned to the lapidation.

The lights of Xanica (tags)

People in the Zapotec community of Santiago Xanica in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca continue to struggle for their right to choose their municipal president in an assembly by means of traditional practices and customs and to gain the freedom of the first political prisoners of the Ulises Ruiz regime in the face of threats, harassment, and arrest warrants on the eve of the municipal elections of August 26.

The Empire Tastes an Unprecedented Moral Defeat (tags)

GERARDO, Ramón, René, Fernando and Antonio are still behind bars in the United States, three of them in maximum security prisons, and all of them subjected to the hateful revenge of those in Washington who have made them the target of reprisals against the Cuban Revolution.



Philippine Democracy Under Arroyo’s Petty Tyranny (tags)

The rampant human rights violation under the Gloria Macapagal Arroyo government and her penchant for issuing policies that have curtailed the freedom of speech and assembly have been likened to the tyranny that reigned over our country during the time of the late dictator Ferdinand Marcos.

NeoCon 'Plan Africa' Oil Manifesto (tags)

“Along with Latin America, West Africa is expected to be one of the fastest growing sources of oil and gas for the American market. African oil tends to be of high quality and low in sulfur, making it suitable for stringent refined product requirements, and giving it a growing market share for the refining Centers on the East Coast of the U.S.” “National Energy Policy Report” Office of the Vice President Richard Cheney May 16, 2001

On the Line in the Port of Oakland (tags)

Dockworkers honored a community picket line in the Port of Oakland on May 19, 2007, and the shipping operations of a war profiteer were shut down for two shifts. Cargo did not move at the SSA terminal that day. It takes only two lines to sum this up, but it took two months to prepare.

US Congress Demands SOA/WHINSEC Release Names of Graduates and Instructors (tags)

On Sunday August 5, 2007 the House of Representatives approved a report accompanying the FY 2008 Defense Appropriations bill that demands the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (SOA/WHINSEC) release to the public the names of all students and instructors who attended the school during the fiscal years of 2005 and 2006. The directive also requires that the same information be available to the public in all future fiscal years.

China detains 6 for Tibet protest at Great Wall (tags)

Today’s protest is also directed at the International Olympic Committee for failing to fulfill its commitment to hold the Chinese government accountable with regards to its human rights record. In 2002, IOC President Jacques Rogge said, “If … human rights are not acted upon [by China] to our satisfaction then we will act.” (2) According to a report released by Human Rights Watch last week, “the Chinese government shows no substantive progress in addressing long-standing human rights concerns.” (3)

Lifesentences in the failed 21 july bombings in contrary with human rights (tags)

The lifelong verdicts in the failed 21-7-2005 London bombings are in contrary with the fundamental human rights of the convicts, since no llegal distinction has been made between this attempt and an actual committed crime This is a black page in British jurisdiction

“Braving Borders, Building Bridges: A Journey for Human Rights” Report Back (tags)

African American leaders will share their experiences on a human rights tour of the U.S.-Mexico border.

Day of Human Rights Awareness (tags)

Local Inland Empire and Riverside County organizations host an event on August 4th featuring a ‘Walk for Human Rights’ at 2pm, a speaker forum at 3:30pm, and an all-ages benefit concert at 6pm featuring Naked Aggression and No Reform.

Activists in Canada Give Tribute to Claver (tags)

In a tribute to signify their protest against the impunity in human rights violations back home, supporters of Alice Omengan-Claver gather July 28 to mark the one year anniversary of her death. Claver, wife of then Bayan Muna-Kalinga Chapter chair Dr. Chandu Claver, died a year ago from assassins' bullets in Bulanao, Tabuk in the province of Kalinga in the Philippines. The ambush is widely-believed to have been carried out by military operatives in the province as part of the counter-insurgency campaign of the Macapagal-Arroyo government called Oplan Bantay Laya (Operation Guard Freedom).


To the national and international media. To the people of Oaxaca and the peoples of the world. to all our comrades, both in the country and internationally, we ask you to organise urgent actions to oppose fascism in the state of Oaxaca.

EU prepares for hard-core Chad mission (tags)

As the EU sets peacekeeping plans in motion, the size of the force and the rules of its engagement in this hotspot remain key questions.


The Bafim5 Troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], never arrived because it was legal, material and geographically impossible to do it. BECAUSE. A) Months prior, by specific order from my Superiors, Bafim5 troops [Marine Corps Infantry Battalion of Fusiliers No. 5], had been relocated to other Municipalities threatened by subversives and self-defenses groups (such as in the populations of Córdoba and Zambrano, in Bolívar). B) To the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] (and the entire area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar), the military and territorial competition of the Bafim5 was discontinued, taken out, removed; and the military and territorially competition given, taken charge, commended, to the Bacim31 [Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31]. C) In consequence, the jurisdiction of El Salado [The Salted] and the whole area of the Municipality Del Carmen de Bolívar, were under the protection and territorial competition, of the Contra-guerrillas Battalion of No. 31 (Bacim31), and not of the Bafim5.

How to resume formal talks and have ceasefire in the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations (tags)

The Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP) must address and resolve beforehand certain prejudicial questions raised by the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) in order to resume the formal talks in the GRP-NDFP peace negotiations. In this regard, the GRP must do the following: It must stop the extrajudicial killings, abductions, tortures, mass displacement of more than one million people and other human rights violations perpetrated by the reactionary armed forces. It must declare that it is against the "terrorist" blacklisting of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP), New People’s Army (NPA) and the NDFP chief political consultant. It must indemnify the victims of human rights violations during the Marcos fascist regime. If the GRP wants to have a ceasefire during the peace negotiations, it must come to terms with the NDFP on the basis of the 10-point Concise Agreement for an Immediate Just Peace proposed by the NDFP and must agree with the NDFP on how to accelerate the forging of comprehensive agreements on social, economic and political reforms in order to address the root causes of the armed conflict.


World-renowned Filipino educator Dr. Francisco Nemenzo, former president of the University of the Philippines and head of the coalition, LABAN NG MASA, urges the formation of a revolutionary transitional government to replace the corrupt, brutal and illegitimate Arroyo regime backed by Bush neocons and predatory corporate elite. The following article provides a background to Dr. Nemenzo's principled critique of U.S.-Arroyo State terrorism.

Congress wants him out (tags)

The American people want him out


Of distinguished progressive lineage, Senator Jamby Madrigal of the Philippines takes a principle stand critical of the Arroyo regime's bloody and brutal repression of Filipinos backed by the Bush neocons. This article provides a context for the Philippine crisis and Senator Madrigal's views on U.S. imperialism in the neocolony and its complicity with State-terrorist repression.


The Anti-Terrorism Act (Republic Act No. 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007) is part of the global wave of fascist legislation and state terrorism generated by the so-called global war on terror under the Bush regime of the US government. Aside from being a tool of US imperialism, the Anti-Terrorism Act (ATA) is a repressive tool of the Arroyo regime for intimidating and suppressing the people’s democratic movement and the broad range of opposition forces.

G4 process is undemocratic, No WTO deal in Potsdam! (tags)

Trade ministers of the G4 countries (the European Union, the United States, Brazil and India) are meeting in Potsdam, Germany, this week try to stitch together a trade deal to which each of them could agree.


The Arroyo regime is hell-bent on suppressing the Filipino people and revolutionary people by murdering, kidnapping, torturing and driving them away from their homes and land. But the Filipino people and revolutionary forces have always strongly manifested their determination to defend themselves and wage resistance, punish the worst of human rights violators and plunderers and build the new organs of democratic power to replace the ruling system of greed and terror. #

Urgent Action for women in Ciudad Juarez (tags)

Members of an organization set up to fight for justice for women abducted and murdered in Ciudad Juarez, Chihuahua state, and lawyers working with them, have been threatened and harassed, apparently because of their work.

On Admiral Timothy Keating's threat to escalate US military intervention (tags)

Far worse human rights violations can be expected to follow from the statements of US Pacific Forces commander Admiral Timothy Keating that the US is going to tighten its "anti-terror military cooperation" with the Arroyo regime and is willing to escalate the long-running US military intervention in the Philippines in order to fight the New People's Army (NPA) led by the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) upon the request of the Arroyo regime.

The Shortwave Report 6/22/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

Hanging from the brush... (tags)

"They are hanging from the brush and we took the stepladder"...

Trillanes probe asked to open safehouses, secret detention places in the Philippines (tags)

The Philippine human rights alliance KARAPATAN welcomed the planned probe on extrajudicial killings of former soldier and now senator-elect Antonio Trillanes. KARAPATAN Secretary General Marie Hilao-Enriquez said, "We laud Senator Trillanes for this move to put the Arroyo administration to task for the unabated extrajudicial killings." KARAPATAN likewise welcomes the pronouncements made by top anti-Arroyo military officials who said that they will provide the detained senator-elect with evidence once he begins work in the Senate next month.

Filipino Ambassador to US besieged by questions on ‘human rights’ during talk In Seattle (tags)

The Honorable Willie Gaa, Philippine Ambassador to the US wrestled with claims of illegal arrest and detention of Congressman and labor leader Crispin Beltran and United Church of Christ Berlin Guerrero, the unabated political killings of unarmed social activists—at least 850 since Pres. Arroyo took power, and the involvement of the death squads affiliated with the Armed Forces of the Philippines, during an open discussion at the Filipino Community Center last Saturday, June 16th. A member of the Ecumenical Fellowship for Justice and Peace, a church-based human rights group, presented the full page advertisement of the ‘statement of concern’ of the church and labor community, demanding among other things an immediate end to state sponsored political violence and the release of all political prisoners in the Philippines.

Letter to the international labour movement (tags)

On May 31, at 7:00 am, 150 police armed to the teeth invaded Cipla, a factory controlled by the workers, and "installed" an administrator appointed by the federal judge at the request of the INSS (Social Security). The management elected by the workers along with other selected workers were expelled or prevented from entering the plant. Armed terror has been imposed in the factory. One of the first measures taken by the administrator was to cover with a black canvas the plaque at the entrance of the factory which said: "CIPLA, company controlled by the workers." A marvelous national and international compaign demanding the end of the intervention at Cipla was launched just a few hours after the Federal Police carried out their war operations. Messages began to arrive to the Lula government and the Minister of Justice, Tarso Genro, who is responsible for the Federal Police and Luis Marinho, Minister of Social Security, from whose ministry the request for the intervention in Cipla came. Messages were also sent to the Minister of Labour and Employment, Carlos Lupi. This strong and immediate reaction gave us the strength and energy to organize the resistance against these riduculous events.

NDFP verifies that Prof. Sison is NDFP chief political consultant and belies GRP claims (tags)

The National Council of the National Democrat Front of the Philippines hereby verifies that Prof. Jose Maria Sison is the NDFP chief political consultant and belies the claim of the Manila government that he is chairman of the Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) and head of the New People’s Army (NPA).

Senator Joker Arroyo hits NSC over HR bill (tags)

Re-electionist Sen. Joker Arroyo has slammed the National Security Council and the military for their last-minute attempt to block the human rights compensation bill just as it was about to be ratified by the House of Representatives. In a privilege speech Monday, Arroyo said the situation “demeans and mocks the legislative process” because it shows that the “military can throw a monkey wrench even at the tail-end of congressional work.”

France urges RP to back disappearances treaty (tags)

France appealed to the Philippine government to sign and ratify an international treaty on forced disappearances in view of the pending assistance of local authorities by human rights experts from Europe in solving the unabated political killings in the country. French Ambassador to the Philippines Gerard Chesnel yesterday stressed the need for all democratic governments to support the treaty on disappearances, which will criminalize and put an end to rampant state-sanctioned abductions.

A Congressman of the People: Parren J. Mitchell (RIP) (tags)

Rep. Parren J. Mitchell, age 85, died on May 28, 2007. He served the people of Baltimore, MD, for eight terms in the U.S. Congress (1971-87). He was fighter for Civil Rights, who opposed the Vietnam War and pushed for the impeachment of Richard M. Nixon. Today, by contrast, Maryland is stuck with U.S. Sen., Barbara A. Mikulski. She supports funding for the Iraqi War, with no conditions, and condones the wrongdoings of President George W. Bush.

Political Killings haunt GMA in New Zealand (tags)

Protesters greeted President Arroyo and human rights was one of the main issues she discussed with New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark during their meetings here yesterday. After a bilateral meeting between the two leaders at the Prime Minister’s Office at the Parliament House, Clark informed the media that the respective human rights commissions of the two countries “have started a dialogue and are exploring ways in which New Zealand might share its experience and support the work with its counterpart.” The Philippines was called a “disaster area for human rights” by New Zealand parliamentarians and human rights activists, which said hundreds of trade unionists, priests, journalists and human rights advocates had been systematically murdered since Mrs. Arroyo took office in 2001.


President Arroyo was greeted with protest on Tuesday as Japan-based human rights groups gathered in front of the Philippine Embassy in Tokyo urging her to immediately end the spate of political killings in the Philippines and prosecute the perpetrators. Members of Amnesty International Japan, Human Rights Now and other groups also called on Tokyo to push visiting Mrs. Arroyo on human rights issues.

Open letter to the Rolling Stones regarding planned gig in Israel (tags)

Please circulate and forward widely The following letter is addressed to the Rolling Stones who are planning a concert in Israel. At this point we are soliciting endorsements from artists, cultural figures, intellectuals and cultural organizations, and others who wish to lend their support.

Human Rights Activist, Futurist Keith Henson In Jail (tags)

Protesting against the Scientology corporation's alleged crimes and abuses, world-renouwn human rights activist is arrested and jailed.


On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines backed by the Bush administration is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity." This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror and barbaric, predatory globalized capital's assault on the peoples of the world.


Karapatan Southern Mindanao Region said today that Compostela Valley Province still bears the name it earned for what could only be blamed to the military ¡V the Valley of Death. This, the group said, is a result of the continued rule of military brutality and fascism in the area under 1001st Brigade-Philippine Army (PA) of the Armed Forces of the Philippines. The group based this observation from its four (4) months report in its monitoring of cases of human rights violations in the region from January 2007 to April 2007.


The 2nd session of the Permanent People's Tribunal (March 21-25, The Hague, Netherlands) marks a historic milestone in the Filipino people's struggle for social justice and true independence from U.S. imperialism and predatory global capital. This brief report sums up the major achievement of the Tribunal, highlighting the role of progressive Filipina women in the fight for freedom and people's liberation.

Human Rights Activist Sentenced to Five Years (tags)


Five Philippine progressive party-list organizations headed by Bayan Muna and ANAKPAWIS on Wednesday endorsed eight senatorial candidates including Team Unity’s Joker Arroyo and Ralph Recto. The groups also endorsed Genuine Opposition’s Loren Legarda, Aquilino Pimentel 3rd, Francis Escudero, Alan Peter Cayetano and Manuel Villar and independent candidate Francis Pangilinan. Besides Bayan Muna, the other party-list groups that announced their support for the eight candidates were Suara Bangsamoro, Anakpawis, Gabriela and Kabataan Party.

Philippine Chief Justice Won Praises from KABATAAN (Youth)for Defense of Human Rights (tags)

Philipppine Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno won praises for his fighting words in defense of human rights and the sweetest praise came from the Kabataan party-list group, which gave him a mocha cake. Kabataan vice president Carl Ramota delivered the cake to the court but court spokesperson Jose Midas Marquez said Puno was at a meeting and received it on behalf of the Chief Justice. Marquez said Puno had been told about the cake and thanked the group for it. More than 835 Filipinos have veen killed since Arroyo assumed power in 2001 and at least 220 people have been missing. There at at least 215 activist have been detained as political prisoners, the most prominent is ANAKPAWIS Pre. Crispin Beltran who has been languishing in jail since last year when Arroyo declared a "state of emergency. Also in military jail are at least 60 officers and men including 2 generals, scores of colonels and majors who are being charged with attempted coup since 2003.

Helen Thomas Compares Bush’s White House to Watergate (tags)

White House reporter, Helen Thomas, gave a talk at McDaniel College, in Westminister, MD, on April 12, 2007. She labeled President George W. Bush Jr. as a very “isolated” individual, and said today’s White House reminded her of “Watergate,” with the “circling the wagons” and “siege” mentality, She denounced the Iraqi War as “illegal, immoral and unconscionable, “and asked: “Why do Americans tolerate such a dumbing down of our country?”

Femicide in the Aftermath of Guatemalan Civil War (tags)

Actress Samantha Mathis discusses violence against women in Guatemala, including the recent increase of murders. This article is adapted from her testimony before the Congressional Human Rights Caucus on September 13, 2006.

Some elements’ in RP security forces behind killings – US report (tags)

"Some elements" of Philippine security forces are "apparently" responsible for unexplained killings, disappearances, arbitrary arrest and illegal detentions, according to the US State Department. In its latest report, "Supporting Human Rights and Democracy: The US Record 2006," the State Department said members of security services committed acts of physical and psychological abuse on suspects and detainees, and even instances of torture. The report, which was released and submitted to the US Congress last week, said corruption remained a problem in all sectors of the criminal justice system, including police, prosecutorial, and judicial organs.

The Arroyo regime has scuttled the peace talks (tags)

Avoiding answering the question whether the Arroyo regime agrees with the report of United Nations Special Rapporteur Philip Alston that the military is principally responsible for political killings, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alberto Romulo makes the false statement that the regime has a standing invitation to the National Democratic Front of the Philippines for peace talks. The Arroyo regime has scuttled the peace talks. It has declared its militarist plan to destroy the revolutionary movement before 2010. It has flagrantly violated the Comprehensive Agreement on Respect for Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law (CARHRIHL) by committing crimes against humanity, perpetrating extrajudicial killings of more than 830 unarmed civilians, enforced disappearances on about 200 persons and frustrated killings on more than 350 persons, among other gross human rights violations.

* Philippine Government Apathetic Toward Human Rights Abuses * (tags)

UNITED Nations special rapporteur Philip Alston gave an oral report to the UN Human Rights Council yesterday of the preliminary findings and recommendations in connection with his 10-day visit to the country in February to investigate extrajudicial killings. In his report, Alston criticized key government agencies, particularly the Senate Committee on Justice and Human Rights, the Ombudsman, the Department of Justice, and Malacañang for shirking their responsibilities in upholding human rights in the Philippines.

Black Mesa Support Updates (tags)

Black Mesa Support Updates

Prisons in Venezuela: Extreme Violence, Extreme Indifference (tags)

° Abolitionist text about the facts of three Venezuelan prisons: Uribana, Guanare and Sabaneta. Traslated from El Libertario (# 49, 2007), the voice of the Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas

Progressive FilAm Organizations in Los Angeles Snubbed the March 26 PNP-AFP “Pulong Bayan (tags)

More than 20 Filipino American journalists attended the Philippine Consulate General’s “Pulong Bayan sa Konsulado” on Human Rights in the Philippines with deputy director General of the PNP, General Avelino Razon last Monday, March 26 at 3600 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles. But prominently absent were representatives from different Southern California Filipino American progressive organizations like the Alliance Philippines (AJLPP), Gabriela and other organizations who were also invited but who boycotted the affair.

Important Burma Human Rights Film Screens in LA March 27th (tags)

IMPORTANT FILM ON BURMA---L.A. is lucky to have the film coming to our town! This riveting story of courage and sacrifice chronicles the personal and political journeys of ERI’s groundbreaking lawsuit against Unocal for human rights abuses in Burma . Join the protagonists of the documentary, ERI’s Ka Hsaw Wa and Katie Redford, for an evening of film and conversation in Santa Monica at the Monica Theatre

Sports Figures Call for Gary Tyler's Freedoom (tags)

Tommie Smith and John Carlos were part of the most dynamic moment in the history of sports and struggle when they raised their black-gloved fists at the 1968 Olympics. Lee Evans was also a gold medal winner at those Olympics and a leader of the Olympic Project for Human Rights. Rubin "Hurricane" Carter was a top-ranked boxer who spent almost twenty years in prison for a triple homicide before being exonerated after an international campaign to win his freedom. Jim "Bulldog" Bouton and Bill "Spaceman" Lee were all-star pitchers for the Yankees and Red Sox who told uncomfortable truths about both society and the game that they love. Etan Thomas plays for the NBA's Washington Wizards and stands in the tradition of the previous generation of political athletes. Together, they and other sports figures are are asking Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco for the release of Gary Tyler. Read the statement to see how Tyler's quest for justice has brought these and other extraordinary figures from the world of sports together.

War Drumming and Bomb-ocracy (tags)

Isn't war the absolu9te negation of every human right?..The globalization of predator capitalism launched an attack on the whole world. War, the military arm of the economy, has brought us to the edge of a nuclear winter

War and the Misuse of God (tags)

No freedom of religion if religion calls to war, glorifies war, presents war as inevitable or promotes the hatred of humankind.

San Bernardino Marches Against the Wars (tags)

The War on Iraq and the War on Migrants come home in San Bernardino.

Open letter to Amnesty International (tags)

Apart from writing terrific looking reports, and with the exception of bringing much sought after relief in few individual cases, what level of global impact has Amnesty International had over the years? Its own ongoing reports on Israel-Palestine are of exactly zero impact, as empirically evident by the continual reality of new faits accomplis being daily constructed on the ground! In Project Humanbeingsfirst's view, this is entirely because the battles are often being fought at the "low order bits of the issues", when "the higher order bits" entirely determine where "the page faults" (in computer science geek-speak). This deplorable failing in our view, can easily be remedied by addressing the issues at the right levels of abstraction.

African, Muslim members block action on Darfur (tags)

The U.N. Human Rights Council will begin a three-week session in Geneva on Monday amid expressions of frustration from rights advocates at its early performance and alarm over proposals that might weaken it further.

The Shortwave Report 3/9/07 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.

An Appeal to Philippine President Arroyo (tags)

Stop agrarian violence and killing of farmers! Implement agrarian reform in contentious landholdings!

Hold (Philippine President) Arroyo Regime and Military Accountable for Extrajudicial Killi (tags)

The press statement of the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary and special executions Prof. Philip Alston and the report of the Melo commission put forward important findings and conclusions that hold the Arroyo regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) accountable for extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations from 2001 to the present.

US bishops mag-aatras ng suporta kay GMA (tags)

Iaatras ng pamunuan ng United Methodist Church (UMC) na nakabase sa Estados Unidos ang kanilang suporta sa administrasyong Arroyo hanggang hindi nareresolba ang mga nagaganap na extra-judicial killings sa bansa kabilang na sa mga taong Simbahan. Ito’y matapos na dumating sa bansa ang 17-kataong "mission team" sa pangunguna ni Bishop Beverly Shamana buhat sa California-Nevada Conference ng UMC. Layon ng grupo na pag-aralan ang mga nagaganap na political killings at mga paglabag sa karapatang-pantao sa bansa. Ayon kay Bishop Soli to Toquero, binisita ng grupo ang mga lugar ng Nueva Ecija, Leyte, Samar, Davao at Cagayan de Oro. Nagulat umano ang grupo nang malaman na maging mga taong-Sim bahan ay hindi pinapalagpas sa naturang mga pagpatay. Dahil sa natuklasan, nakatakdang makipagpulong ang grupo sa kanilang mga mambabatas sa Estados Unidos upang magsulong ng imbestigasyon at pilitin ng kanilang pamahalaan na iatras ang suporta sa administrasyong Arroyo.

Alston press statement and Melo commission report (tags)

The press statement of the UN special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary and special executions Prof. Philip Alston and the report of the Melo commission put forward important findings and conclusions that hold the Arroyo regime and the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) accountable for extrajudicial killings and other human rights violations from 2001 to the present.

Interfaith Coalition Condemns Jailing of Egyptian Student over Blogposts (tags)

The "Free Kareem Coalition," an interfaith group of human rights activists from around the world, condemned the sentencing of Egyptian student Abdelkareem Soliman for expressing his opinion on his personal blog

Statement of Prof. Philip Alston, Special Rapporteur of the UN-Human Rights Council (tags)

Professor Phillip Alston, Special Rapporteur of the United Nations Human Rights Council on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions in the Philippines

From George Washington to a Broomstick for a President (tags)

When Rep. Elijah E. Cummings (D-MD) met with President George W. Bush, in the White House, on Feb. 15, 2007, he got the distinct impression that Bush’s “soul was shut down,” and that on the Iraqi War that his “mind was shut tight.” Non-binding Congressional Resolutions will not stop Bush’s “Surge.” Cutting off funds for the war will. Antiwar activists are showing the way on this issue by taking their campaign directly to the U.S. Congress.

Buffalo River Dene Nation Seeks International Justice (tags)

Buffola River Dene Nation's Press Release announcing its attempt to seek justice at the International Court of Justice and the European Court of Justice.

Philippine Human Rights Victims, rights groups presented cases to UNSR Mr. Alston (tags)

Witnesses and relatives of about 20 victims whose cases were documented by KARAPATAN presented their cases to the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Killings Mr. Philip Alston at an undisclosed place this morning. Among the cases presented were those of Armando Javier, Jr. and Romeo Malabanan, victims of extrajudicial killings. Armando and his wife were shot inside their home on 2 October 2005. Armando was Anakpawis (Toiling Masses) Party List Municipal Coordinator in Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija and was being harassed by soldiers prior to his murder. Romeo Malabanan, a Bayan Muna Coordinator of Bay, Laguna was shot in front of their home on 23 December 2003.

A Review of the Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine (tags)

An account of Israel's ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians from uncovered official and other documents.

Hidden terrorism: the last days (tags)

The Israelis are trying, by a hopeless campaign, to convince the world of their loyalty and cleanliness, but they already revealed, through nearly sixty years of repression, their real intentions.

21,000 Troops To Become The Latest Guinea Pigs For Pentagon (tags)

In light of President Bush’s determination to send an additional 21,000 plus troops to Iraq, regardless of the position of Congress and the American people, the citizens of the United States must be made aware of the ongoing experimentation and outright disregard for our American troops. With nearly thirty-six percent of our Gulf War I troops disabled, we must hold those responsible for such negligence accountable for these atrocities.

On the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre - Manila (tags)

Protesters clench fists as they march during the anniversary of the Mendiola massacre in Manila January 22, 2007. Demonstrators marked the 20th anniversary of the Mendiola massacre, commemorating 13 protesters who were killed and 80 wounded by a hail of bullets from policemen and soldiers

Bayan Muna member gunned down in Northern Samar (tags)

A member of the party-list group Bayan Muna and chairperson of the Alliance of Concerned Teachers (ACT) in Northern Samar was gunned down late yesterday afternoon by a motorcycle-riding assassin in front of students at the University of Eastern Philippines in Catarman. Professor Jose Maria Cui, also a former secretary general of human rights group Karapatan in the Eastern Visayas, died on the spot after being shot in the head and chest by an unidentified suspect outside the Engineering Building of the campus around 4:15 p.m.

Haiti: Sickness Spreads in National Penitentiary (tags)

A newly released investigation into the deadly scourge of Beri-beri in Haiti's National Penitentiary uncovered evidence that the clash between the manufacturing process used in U.S. processed rice and the traditional Haitian rice cooking method has been killing poor young men behind bars and leaving others morbidly ill. by Jeb Sprague and Eunida Alexandra*

2 Filipino military rebel officers ‘mentally’ tortured, wives claim (tags)

The wives of two Filipino military rebel junior officers have claimed their husbands are being “mentally tortured” by the Army since their capture six months ago. Philippine Army 1st Lt. Sonny Sarmiento and 2nd Lt. Aldrin Baldonado have been kept in “bartolina” (solitary confinement) at the maximum-security compound of the Intelligence Security Group (ISG) at Fort Bonifacio since July 27, their wives said. They said the two officers were not being adequately fed, and deprived of reading materials and personal grooming items like combs.

Dirty War Against Defenders of Human Rights in Oaxaca (tags)

Slander Campaign Against the Mexican League for the Defense of Human Rights (LIMEDDH), and its director, Yésica Sánchez Maya. (Please see recommended actions below.)

Pakistan secretly holds hundreds in prisons (tags)

Police broke up a protest by dozens of relatives of missing people and detained some as they tried to march towards the military headquarters. Rawalpindi, Pakistan - December 28, 2006

No place in the Inn, asylum in Egypt (tags)

In contrary to the often hypocritical ''Christmas'' approach, The Birth of the Child is no sentimental story about ''A Little Child in a Manger'', but the reality of the exclusion of the poor, persecution by the State and seeking illegal asylum in a foreign country That's the reason, this Story is based on respect towards any human being, regardless descent or committed crime

Egypt: Baha'is must register as members of other religion (tags)

Egypt: Baha'is must register as members of other religion

Aracruz Celulose vs. Tupinik\im and Guarani indigenous peoples (tags)

Brazil: Aracruz Celulose responsible for acts of Violence against the Tupinikim and Guarani indigenous peoples

L.A. Area Organizations Issue Declaration For Human Rights For Immigrants (tags)

Los Angeles, CA…..December 13, 2006 ... The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) led a coalition of 18 human rights, defense and religious organizations that have signed the "Declaration of Los Angeles," approved by the Los Angeles City Council today.

David Hicks torture details (tags)

On 9 December 2006, David Hicks marked 5 years in the American Concentration Camp at Guantanamo Bay without a trial. Abandoned by Australian Prime Minister John Howard and left to rot.

Rights group condemns Arroyo regime for butchery of Filipinos and their freedom (tags)

"We condemn the Arroyo regime for its butchery of hundreds of Filipinos and our nation's freedom by presiding over gross human rights violations and insisting on a self-serving charter change similar to that of the Marcos dictatorship," said the Philippine human rights group KARAPATAN whose members and allied organizations joined the anti-Cha Cha rally today at the House of Representatives in Batasan.

Human Rights Lawyer , drayber Patay sa Ambus sa Bicol (tags)

Isang human rights lawyer at drayber nito ang nasawi makaraang pagbabarilin ng dalawang maskaradong kalalakihan habang pauwi na ang mga biktima galing sa paglilitis ng korte sa bayan ng Gubat, Sorsogon kahapon ng umaga.

AJLPP-USA Statement on the Death of Chile's Dictator Augusto Pinochet (tags)

The Alliance for Just and Lasting Peace (AJLPP)-USA greets the death of Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, whose brutal 17 year rule became a symbol of Latin American military repression with anger and regret.

Migrant Workers, WW2 Vets, Inter-faith Demand Release of Philippine Labor Leader (tags)

AJLPP to Mark International Human Rights Week; Migrant Workers, Pro-Filipino WW2 Vets and Inter-faith groups in NY, SF, LA and Seattle to Raise Political and Financial Support for Detained Philippine Labor Leader

5ht Day in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

November 17, 2006 Today I started out visiting a local health clinic here in Oaxaca, La Clinica del Pueblo, an absolutely amazing place that serves the poor people of Oaxaca.

4th Day in Oaxaca - A Report (tags)

The following is a report from a US citizen, in Oaxaca to witness the events here. Please remember that I am just a US person here to show solidarity. The real work, and the real revolution, is with the Oaxacan and Mexican people.

Many days in Oaxaca (tags)

Xochitl, a medic from somewhere in North America, has been writing reports from Oaxaca where she has been teaching and learning on the streets with the people in their struggle. This is the latest of a series of reports about what she has seen.

The Coup d’Etat in Mexico (tags)

As a New Regime Prepares to Seize Control December 1, Promising a New Wave of Repression, the Antidote Is Being Born from Below

Oaxaca under marshal law (tags)

The city of Oaxaca lives now under marshall law; civil guarantees and human rights are practically nonexistent.

NYPD Guns Down unarmed man as he left his bachelor party the day before his wedding (tags)

NYPD Guns Down 23-year-old unarmed man as he left his bachelor party at a strip club the day before his wedding

Make Dec. 1 Rosa Parks Human Rights Day (tags)

Make December 1 Rosa Parks Human Rights Day Friday, Dec. 1 1:00pm - Rally/March Dudley Square, Roxbury, MA

The Saddam-Hussein trial and the right of any human being to a fair trial (tags)

Not only I object the imposed death-penalty on the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and two co-accused, also the trial itself didn't meet the international standards regarding a fair trial

Palestine unites us: Towards the first Palestinian Popular Conference in the US (tags)

Palestine unites us: Towards the first Palestinian Popular Conference in the US Statement, Preparatory Committee, US Popular Palestinian National Conference, 17 November 2006

Please Email, Phone or Write Today In Support Of Tortured Filipino Anarchists (tags)

Please take a minute to email, phone, fax, or write in support of The Sagada 11, young anarchists falsely accused of a Maoist guerilla attack and tortured in The Philippines. Today, November 17th is an international action day for them! A sample letter and contact details for officials follow this short description of the background to the case...

TAKE ACTION: War Crimes Suit Filed Against Rumsfeld (tags)

Attorneys with the Center for Constitutional Rights filed a war crimes lawsuit today in Germany against outgoing Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, and other high-ranking U.S. officials, for their role in the torture of prisoners in Iraq and Guantanamo. Read the full article…

From Israel: Stop the Siege – Stop the War! - Join Our International Campaign (tags)

A month of protest: November 4 – December 2, 2006

Mary Robinson Spotlights Human Rights Abuses in Darfur (tags)

Before the word “Feminist” became fashionable, Mary Robinson, a Barrister, legislator and educator, was shaking up the “conservative” establishment in the Republic of Ireland. After serving a term as its first female President, she became the UN’s High Commissioner for Human Rights. Today, human rights, on a global scale, is her cause. On Nov. 1, 2006, in a lecture at Adelphi, MD, she exposed human rights atrocities in Darfur and elsewhere.

The Right of All People to Self-Determination (tags)

With the military strike against Iraq, the intervention forces have fulfilled the fact of aggression.. Aggression is one of the worst crimes according to the 1999 statute of the International Court.

China requires high court OK for death sentences (tags)

American continues to be a bigger, meaner, and eviler police state. China at least takes a step in the right direction

Ways to support palestine (tags)

26 ways to show solidarity

PROTEST OAXACA ATTACK / San Bernardino (tags)

National Alliance for Human Rights (NAHR) Press Advisory Human Rights Activists Protest Mexican President Vicente Foxs Use of Force in Oaxaca October 30, 2006

Illinois Congressman Jerry Weller,Refco and the collapse of Guatemala's Bancafe Bank (tags)

Illinois Republican Jerry Weller does indeed have a conflict of interest in Guatemala besides his wife Zury Rios Sosa,daughter of ex-Guatemalan dictator General Efrain Rios Montt.Refco that donated to at least one of Jerry Weller's political campaigns in the past has collapsed and been found to be committing investor fraud and hiding certain transactions that should have been accounted for as losses.This has led to billions of dollars in investor losses worldwide.

Watchdog warns NATO on civilian deaths (tags)

An international human rights group criticized NATO-led troops in Afghanistan, saying their tactics increasingly endanger civilians and are turning the population against the Western alliance.

U.N. expert questions U.S. terror law (tags)

Of course it's unconstitutional! It flushes the Bill of Rights down the toilet! But will the Supremes rule that?

Philippine Women's National Day of Protest (tags)


Twenty-eight Palestinians killed this week in OPT (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

Artists For Human Rights World tour Exhibit (tags)

Artists For Human Rights. Firs displayed in New York as part of the Global Summit on Human Rights held at United Nations Headquarters. The works of Over 30 artists, presenting their passionate and personal views on human rights.

Rights group: Prison dogs cruel and degrading (tags)

The use of attack dogs against prisoners here in the U.S.has been a well-kept secret,"

After Bishop’s murder: another IFI priest receives death threat (tags)

Fr. Antonio Ablon, a priest of the Iglesia Filipina Independiente (IFI) based in Cagayan de Oro, received the following text message yesterday October 6 at 4:45 pm: “Fr. Ablon, patay gani ang supreme bishop ikaw pa kaha i sample ka namo dinhi sa CDO” (Fr. Ablon, even the supreme bishop was killed, we will make you an example here in Cagayan de Oro) .

Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water (tags)

Israel Accused of Blocking Lebanon’s Access to Food & Water Israel’s actions during its attack on Lebanon continue to come under scrutiny. A top United Nations human rights expert says the International Criminal Court should investigate whether Israel is guilty of war crimes for a bombing campaign in Lebanon that blocked access to food and water. Jean Ziegler, the UN Human Rights Council's special envoy on the "right to food," said the presence of unexploded cluster bombs could affect the ability of the Lebanese people to access food and water for years. The United Nations is reporting that around 124 people in southern Lebanon have been killed or wounded by cluster bombs since the Israeli attack ended. The Israeli army fired at least 1.2 million cluster bomblets into Lebanon.

Trouble in the Pipeline (tags)

Hidden oil spills, cover up and manipulation of the media.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Cuba, and Russia.


-- The First Quarter Storm Network-USA recalls some accounts on the campaign of assassinations that the US-sponsored ultra-rightist military regimes in El Salvador and Guatemala conducted against their political enemies during the 1980s. The hand of the ugly American, John Negroponte who headed the dirty tricks department was ever present then in Latin America. Therefore, it comes as no surprise that what is happening in the Philippines is uncannily similar to what was happening then in Guatemala and El Salvador in the 1980s. Negroponte, after all, heads up the super-spy agency now that the US is waging a so-called global "war on terror" in tandem with shameless puppets like Gloria Arroyo conducting local campaigns like Oplan Bantay Laya (Freedom Watch).

The Economy of Gaza (tags)

In one of many reports and accounts of economic life in the Gaza Strip that I have recently read, I was struck by a description of an old man standing on the beach in Gaza throwing his oranges into the sea. The description leapt out at me because it was this very same scene I myself witnessed some 21 years ago during my very first visit to the territory. It was the summer of 1985 and I was taken on a tour of Gaza by a friend named Alya. As we drove along Gaza's coastal road I saw an elderly Palestinian man standing at the shoreline with some boxes of oranges next to him. I was puzzled by this and asked Alya to stop the car. One by one, the elderly Palestinian took an orange and threw it into the water. His was not an action of playfulness but of pain and regret. His movements were slow and labored as if the weight of each orange was more than he could bear. I asked my friend why he was doing this and she explained that he was prevented from exporting his oranges to Israel and rather than watch them rot in his orchards, the old man chose to cast them into the sea. I have never forgotten this scene and the impact it had on me.



Human Rights Experts: “Israel Committed War Crimes!” (tags)

On Sept. 27, 2006, two leading experts on Human Rights spoke at the Palestine Center, in Washington, D.C. Curt Goering of Amnesty International, said Israel’s massive bombing campaign in Lebanon, including dropping more than a million cluster bombs, was a “war crime.” His group is pressing the UN for a full inquiry. Joe Stork of Human Rights Watch called the Israelis’ destruction of Gaza’s only electric power generating plant a “war crime.”

PHILIPPINES: The Killings Must Stop (tags)

This is a Statement by European Church and Civil Society Organisations regarding the recent upsurge of political killings in the Philippines.

Should We Deny Lebanon the Right to Defend Itself? (tags)

Let me finally suggest a further two questions for her. Does HRW characterise Hizbullah's return of fire as a war crime even though its undiminished ability to launch rockets was what finally brought Israel's war machine to a standstill and led to a ceasefire? And exactly how much of a war crime would the firing of those rudimentary rockets be if it turned out that not only did they halt the war but they also prevented its expansion to include Syria and Iran?

Chia: Human Rights abuses (tags)

China has failed to live up to promises its leaders made to improve human rights for the 2008 Olympics, Amnesty International said in a report urging the International Olympic Committee to ensure that the Chinese comply.

Prof. Jonathan Turley: “Stop Being a Country of Chumps!” (tags)

A conference was held on 09/18/06 at the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA), in Baltimore, to celebrate the birthday of the U.S. Constitution. One of the speakers was Professor Jonathan Turley of the GWU’s School of Law. He accused George W. Bush of creating an “uber presidency” and violating the “Separation of Powers” doctrine. He also blasted the two-party system as a monopoly. Prof. Turley said: “We need another political party!”

Appeal to petition Israeli government to respect the right to education (tags)

The racist Israeli policies deprive and violate Palestinians' right to education and are used by the hegemonic power holders as a means of discrimination. Such discriminatory practices are apparent in not providing safe access to schools and institutions of higher education in unrecognized villages in the Galilee and the Negev, or by the militarization of educational spaces, the imposition of checkpoints or other militarized barriers (such as the separation wall) in the occupied Palestinian territories. The cumulative effect of these practices is a blatant violation of the right of students (especially females who are the most vulnerable segment of society) to study in an educational context that is safe and free from violence.

Protest the Migra (tags)

Protest the Migra at 10AM - 300 North Los Angeles Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012 next Thursday, September 21st, 2006.

BTL:Human Rights Groups, Top Pentagon Officials Oppose Bush's Proposal for... (tags)

...Military Tribunals to Try Terrorist Suspects ~ Interview with Jennifer Daskal, U.S. advocacy director with Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Report: Settlers continue to commit violence against Palestinians with impunity (tags)

Since the 1980's many reports have been published on law enforcement upon Israelis in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. All of the reports - whether published by official government bodies or produced by human rights organizations - warned against the failure of the authorities to enforce the law effectively upon Israeli offenders, especially those who committed offenses against Palestinian civilians. The conclusion that arises from all the reports is serious: Israel is abusing its obligation to defend the Palestinian civilian population in the OPT against the criminality of Israeli civilians. Years have gone by, committees have been established, recommendations have been made, and governments have come and gone - yet the problem of attacks against Palestinian people and property by Israelis has only grown worse, becoming a daily occurrence.

Cabua, not Palparan to the NSA (tags)

The World Council of Churches has condemned the killings and called on the government to disband the death squads, private militias, and paramilitary forces operating in the country. The church group also asked the United Nations Human Rights Council, wherein the Philippines is a member, to take up the issue of extra-judicial killings in the country. Danilo Ramos, secretary general of the Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas, said Palparan should be punished not commended. "His appointment (to a new government post) is like unleashing the butcher on the whole nation to carry out a bloodbath."

How Human Rights Watch Lost Its Way in Lebanon: The Israel Lobby Works Its Magic, Again (tags)

This sophistry is fooling no one, least of all, of course, Israel's apologists. They will keep up their relentless defamation of an organisation like Human Rights Watch as long as Israel comes under its scrutiny. By trying to appease them, our human rights champions damage only themselves and those they should be seeking to protect.


We are gravely concerned on the safety of two political activists who were snatched by suspected government agents on September 1, 2006, and remain missing for two days to date. The victims are: 1. Gerard Lavadia, 32, male, resident of Labangon, Cebu City; spokesperson of the defunct Estrada Resign Movement; a graphics artist; former Don Bosco seminarian; and, 2. Sharon Abangan, 33, male, fish vendor, native of Brgy. San Isidro, Talisay City, Cebu; member of Salvador Bantay Dagat Association; and campaigner of AnakPawis Party-List in Talisay

Criticize Israel? You're an Anti-Semite! (tags)

How can we have a real discussion about Mideast peace if speaking honestly about Israel is out of bounds? Publish something sharply critical of Israeli government policies and you'll find out. If you're lucky, you'll merely discover that you've been uninvited to some dinner parties. If you're less lucky, you'll be the subject of an all-out attack by neoconservative pundits and accused of rabid anti-Semitism.

Anger with the Establishment: Jean Ziegler (tags)

Free trade is like heavyweight champion Mike Tyson climbing in the boxing ring against a half-starved unemployed from northeast Brazil..Without social justice, the republic is worthless..The world order of globalized pre-datory capitalism seems like cruel absurdity

We Demand a Credible Independent Investigation of the Murder of Filipino Activists (tags)

The Melo Commission of the Arroyo administration is doomed to fail because her regime as the prime suspect in the killings is also the prime investigator. We Fil-am students call for a truly independent and credible investigation of the murder of Filipino activists.

International Church leaders Condemns Political Killings in the Philippines (tags)

Condemnations as well as outrage over the unabated and rampant political killings in the Philippines is swelling in the international Christian community. More and more Protestant denominations have expressed alarm over the killings, with the Methodists issuing a statement calling on the US government to pressure Philippine President Arroyo's administration into decisive action. This came on the heels of the latest Amnesty International statement condemning the Arroyo government’s inaction and apparent crackdown of political dissent.


The Philippine Peasant Support Network (Pesante-USA) , a human righst and peasant advocacy group based in Los Angeles, express its militant solidarity with the Cordillera Human Rights Alliance (CHRA) in its protest against several cases of escalating harassments by police and military elements in the province of Kalinga. The Cordillera Human rights Alliance (CHRA) reported that cases of harassments were reported from Kalinga province. ?

NDFP calls for renewed talks in wake of Amnesty International report (tags)

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) renewed calls for the resumption of peace negotiations, saying the government's "all-out war" against them will only "further escalate human rights violations and…further economic ruin." The call, issued by National Democratic Front (NDF) negotiating panel Chairman Luis Jalandoni came following the release of an Amnesty International (AI) report which faulted the Arroyo administration's "failure to protect individuals" for the continued killings of mostly leftist activists in the country.

Neocon Chickenhawks: A Small Tightly-Knit Clan Part 1 (tags)

This list of intricate, overlapping connections is hardly exhaustive or perhaps even surprising. But it helps reveal an important fact. Contrary to appearances, the neocons do not constitute a powerful mass political movement. They are instead a small, tightly-knit clan whose incestuous familial and personal connections, both within and outside the Bush administration, have allowed them grab control of the future of American foreign policy.

More reason to junk Anti-Terror Bill: (tags)

The continuing breakdown of civil government in Central Luzon and the human rights abuses committed by Jovito Palparan's troops could be a sneak preview of what could happen if the Anti-Terror Bill is passed into law, detained Anakpawis Representative Crispin Beltran said today. From the Office of Anakpawis Representative Crispin B. Beltran



This is a weekly summary of israeli War Crimes committed in Palestine (tags)

Illegal Settler Activities: Israeli settlers in breach of international humanitarian law continue to reside in the OPT and have launched a series of attacks against Palestinian civilians and property. On Sunday evening, 6 August 2006, a number of Israeli settlers traveling in a civilian car opened fire at a Palestinian truck that was traveling before them near Douma village, southeast of Nablus. As a result, Hussein Fahmi 'Ali Mardawi, 48, from Habla village southeast of Qalqilya, was killed by two live bullets to the heart, and his son, 17-year-old 'Ameed, was wounded by shrapnel to the left hand and shoulder.

Israeli Ambassador Caught Lying (tags)

Israel's ambassador to the United States, Daniel Ayalon, was questioned last Sunday in Washington DC as part of a press stakeout. Sam Husseini of the Institute for Public Accuracy was there to ask the tough questions. He grilled Ayalon on Israel's targeting of civilians and use of cluster bombs in Lebanon, Israel's nuclear arsenal and its lack of adherence to United Nations Security Council resolutions. [includes rush transcript] Israel's cabinet authorized an expanded ground offensive into Lebanon on Wednesday, backing a push towards the Litani river which lies 18 miles from the border. The decision came on a day of fierce fighting in southern Lebanon. Fifteen Israeli soldiers were killed in action - the highest number in a single day since the conflict began almost a month ago.


In these moments, - via radio broadcasts from the brave Oaxacan women who peacefully occupied the Channel 9 TV station last tuesday - APPO calls for a RED ALERT in order to reinforce all current blocking of local, state and federal government buildings and Channel 9 amidst the threat of intense police activity in the states capitol.


The massive human rights violations in the Philippines by the Arroyo regime have been universally condemned by Amnesty International, the United Nations, National Lawyers Guild, Reporters Without Borders, and other international bodies. We call on U.S. citizens to demand the cut-off of U.S. military and other assistance to the corrupt and illegitimate Arroyo regime as a gesture of solidarity to millions of Filipinos victimized by the tyrannical, militarist Arroyo regime.

Philipine Govt bars NDF from probe (tags)

THE government won’t allow the participation of the National Democratic Front (NDF) in an investigation into extrajudicial executions in the country, charging that the group itself is guilty of the crimes. National Security Adviser Norberto Gonzales said the government is considering the possibility of setting up an independent body to monitor and investigate the killings and disappearances, but the NDF will have no part in it.



Please copy, e-mail, re-post and distribute this as widely as possible. Also for those without Internet access.

Who's next? (tags)

THIS morning, I received a text message from a friend based in Baguio City. I'm translating the text: "Update from those who visited Chandu. He's OK now. Can communicate. Hope he'll pull through." That was the uplifting part, but the text ended: "Alice's burial on Friday." Chandu is Dr. Constancio Claver, a physician working in the Cordilleras and chair of the Bayan Muna party-list group in Kalinga province. Last Monday, his family was ambushed by armed men on board two vans. Chandu and a bystander suffered gunshot wounds and both are now recovering. Sandy, their 7-year-old daughter, was in the van and was spared but suffers from shock. Alice, Chandu's wife, died from her wounds.

This is a weekly summary of israeli war crimes (tags)

Annexation Wall: IOF have continued to construct the Annexation Wall inside the West Bank. During the reported period, IOF started to construct a new section of the Wall on Palestinian land in the west and northwest of Beit Jala town and al-Khader village in Bethlehem district. This section will isolate the villages located to west of Bethlehem. IOF prevented Palestinian civilians from organizing a peaceful march in protest to the construction a section of the Wall in the north and west of al-Khader village, southwest of Bethlehem. IOF fired rubber-coated metal bullets, sound bombs and tear gas canisters at these civilians. As a result, 5 civilians, including a child, suffered from tear gas inhalation. Moreover, IOF soldiers positioned neat the Wall, east of Jerusalem, chased some Palestinian civilians, including a number of women, children, workers and employees, from Hebron and Bethlehem, who were on their way to Ramallah. They also fired rubber-coated metal bullets and tear gas canisters at these civilians. As result, 4 Palestinian civilians were wounded, and two others were arrested.

Cease-Fire Now! Take Emergency Action (tags)

A Joint Call from United for Peace and Justice & the US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation Qana Victims Killed by Israel with U.S. Weapons Demand that Congress Support Cease-Fire Resolutions and End Weapons Deliveries to Israel Now! THIS WEEK: Call Congress and the White House Every Day NEXT WEEK: Emergency Week of Action, Aug. 7-11

Israel's war crimes continue unhindered in Lebanon and Gaza (tags)

In this moment, the want for international action is dire; at stake are not only the lives of innocent civilians but also the credibility of humanitarian morals and international values that have been held ransom by the belligerent forces of international politics and war machines.

Who cares about Lebanese lives? (by Latuff) (tags)

Copyleft artwork by Brazilian cartoonist Latuff.

The call that tells you: run, you're about to lose your home and possessions (tags)

The voice sounded friendly enough. "Hi, my name is Danny. I'm an officer in Israeli military intelligence. In one hour we will blow up your house."

Israel War Crimes. (tags)

Human Rights Council Special Session on the Occupied Palestinian Territories, July 6, 2006 Human Rights Watch written statement



The Hidden War on Women in Iraq (tags)

by Ruth Rosen

Information brief: History of Israeli-Arab Prisoner Exchanges (tags)

Israel's failure to release Palestinian political prisoners and its continued arbitrary arrest of Palestinian civilians serves only to highlight Israel's belief that it is above the law and that the Palestinians are beneath it.

The US-Arroyo Regime is a Shameless Fascist Puppet of US Imperialism (tags)

Philippine President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo had shed off her last pretensions on respecting human rights by naming her AFP Chief of staff and the most notorious military officials into her area commands. By exposing her nature as a fascist puppet, GMA now decidedly put on the military uniform of dictator Ferdinand Marcos and is ready to wage her all out war against all opposition, armed or unarmed

7/28-30 Washington, DC: National Grassroots Immigrant Strategy Conference (tags)

Together, We Build A New National, Broad-Based, Immigrant Rights / Civil Rights Movement!

Status of Human Rights on the US/Mexico Border (tags)

Shadow Report Submitted by Organized Border Communities to United Nations

Gov’t sticks to war, rejects Reds’ peace bid (tags)

MALACAÑANG remains committed to pursuing its all-out war against communist rebels even if exiled leaders of the communist-led National Democratic Front have asked Norway to convince President Gloria Macapagal- Arroyo to return to the negotiating table.In a statement, the NDF said it had sent its top leadership to Oslo on Monday for four days of consultations with the Norwegian foreign ministry. Norway had facilitated the peace talks between the Philippine government and the NDF before negotiations were scuttled in 2004.

NDFP Negotiating Panel Arrives In Oslo For Consultations With Norwegian Government (tags)

The NDFP Negotiating Panel has the concept of continuing to prepare drafts of agreements on social, economic and political reforms and testing them in working sessions and open forums with respected Filipino experts and GRP officials who belong to the regime and the opposition. Thus, a level of consensus shall be reached even before the resumption of the formal talks, and thus accelerating the progress of future negotiations.

Joaquin Cienfuegos: Report from the Struggles in Mexico 06/16/06-06/29/06 (tags)

The following is a correspondence from joaquin Cienfuegos, traveling throughout Mexico reporting on the struggles on the streets, the anarchist movement, the Other Campaign, the Zapatista’s, and the over all radical climate that is building. More updates to come. All messages are free for broad distribution and will be sent across the net. Please forward, and let this be an inspiration to a growing movement in North America towards internationalism.

EU's President Finland does not respect Human Rights (tags)

Finnish Human Rights activists, who have formed web pages, states about accidentally disabled people and the life of their relatives, that becoming an accidentally injured person in Finland may follow an arbitrary juridical murder and a life-time sentence into suffering, pain and shame.

Gunmen in Bulacan abduct 3 left-wing activists (tags)

Pesante-USA reprinted a report that said three left-wing activists were abducted by masked gunmen in the northern Philippines, a human rights group said Friday. The military commander in the area denied involvement while claiming the missing people were communist rebels. Two women student activists from the University of the Philippines and a male companion were seized before dawn Monday from a farming village outside Hagonoy town, said Marie Hilao-Enriquez, secretary general of the human rights group Karapatan.

Palestinian Choices and an action alert on Gaza (tags)

...a luta continua

Human rights in RP alarming — Oslo (tags)

A ranking Norwegian Foreign Ministry official has expressed alarm over the rise in political killings in the Philippines, describing the human rights situation in the country as “very difficult.” Speaking before a conflict and development seminar on the Philippines last June 20 in Oslo, Tore Hattrem, director general of the Section of Peace and Reconciliation of the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, noted that the situation has stalled peace negotiations between the Arroyo administration and local communist rebels.

Protest Israeli invasion of Gaza (tags)

Half hour vigil in response to Israeli terror in Gaza Sunset Laemmle Theatres, 8000 Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood, Ca. 90046 9:15-9:45

Sison expulsion easier with death repeal - Palace (tags)

The true intentions of the US-Arroyo regime is coming out. Executve Secretary Ermita has let the cat out of the bag--WITH the abolition of the death penalty Malacañang sees better chances of persuading The Netherlands to deport exiled Communist Party of the Philippines (CPP) founder Jose Ma. Sison. Executive Eduardo Ermita made the statement as communist guerrillas urged the government to respect the civil rights of their comrades targeted by President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo's revitalized two-year counter-insurgency campaign. Citing conversations with an official of the Dutch embassy here, who he did not name, Ermita said the only real stumbling block to Sison’s expulsion from The Netherlands was the death penalty. Meanwhile, Luis Jalandoni, chairman of the National Democratic Front peace panel, called on the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and “all organizations which uphold human rights and international humanitarian law” to “hold the Arroyo regime accountable” for the alleged abduction by government troops of an NDF consultant and his son earlier this month. Jalandoni accused the government of “crimes against humanity,” claiming it was responsible for “more than 180 enforced disappearances, more than 690 extra-judicial killings of unarmed civilians and frustrated killings of more than 200 civilian victims.”

Cuba in the Human Rights Council (tags)

Cuba in the Human Rights Council, UN...

"Internal" UN report contradicts Israeli version of events of beach shelling (tags)

If no one had been at the beach to capture the explosion's aftermath, the incident might have passed quickly with a few Palestinian condemnations and a brisk Israeli retort.

nternational peace conference connects struggles and unites in opposition to imperialist w (tags)

Over 150 participants from ten countries around the world shared and connected their struggles in the second day of a unique and historic international progressive peace conference. Participants of the “Towards a Just and Lasting Peace” conference heard first-hand yesterday the impacts of imperialist war, plunder and exploitation on peoples of the South and North. They also united in the need to support all forms of struggles for national and social liberation against imperialism in order to achieve a genuine, just and lasting peace.

Toronto activists expose Peña Nieto’s role in the violations of human rights in Atenco (tags)

Toronto, June 16^th . A group of activists denounced today Enrique Peña Nieto, governor of the state of Mexico, for having ordered a police raid on the villagers of Atenco, on May 3^rd and 4^th , resulting in the dead of two youths, the rape of 30 women, the beating of more than 200 detainees. Peña Nieto was in Toronto for the Metropolis conference of the World Association of Major Metropolises, which is made up of delegations from across the world.

Killing season in the Philippines (tags)

The escalating repression taking place now in the Philippines is no coincidence. Twenty years since the end of the dictatorship and three "people's power" uprisings later, Philippine society is hugely polarized.

BTL:3 Suicides at Guantanamo Prison Renews Calls for Closing "America's Gulag" (tags)

Interview with Retired Brig. Gen. Stephen Xenakis, a psychiatrist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Philippines: Anti-Arroyo Groups Brace for Bigger Fights Ahead (tags)

In a gathering of around 100 leaders from labor, peasant, urban poor, women and youth groups, the umbrella coalition Laban ng Masa is bracing for bigger fights in its bid to oust the Arroyo regime and initiate reforms under a transitional revolutionary government.

Crushed by Gate of Occupation (tags)

Rafeda Thaer, a three-year-old Palestinian girl killed at an Israeli checkpoint. “During 2005 some of the world’s most powerful governments were successfully challenged, their hypocrisy exposed by the media, their arguments rejected by courts of law, their repressive tactics resisted by human rights activists.” Sam Bahour writing from El-Bireh, Occupied Palestine, Live from Palestine

Mr (tags)

Re: (Re: Soccer World Cup 2006 in Germany / Interpol / Koeberg Nuclear Power Plant / 16 th June Soweto Day/Youth Day / Steve Biko Day)


100 Killed/ This Day in History: Tiananman Square (tags)

Activism*Human Rights*Global Unity ========================== Originally intending to do a write up commemorating the 400 injured and hundreds jailed and killed by the People's Liberation Army on June 4, 1989, I had the good fortune to interview a group of students from China. To my dismay, their views ranged from complete apathy to nationalistic rationalizations of the regime's actions (it was a long time ago/it was very complicated/those people weren't working). That view sharply contrasts with that of Americans towards, say, Kent State, where four antiwar protesters were shot by National Guardsment.

Statement of the all-women US lawyers' legal mission, (tags)

Pesante-USA printed the statement of the all-women US lawyers legal mission to the Philippines from the Gabriela website. This is to inform the US public of the human rights situation in the Philippines. We, the all-women US lawyers' legal mission, came to the Philippines in response to growing international concern over the extrajudicial killings and political persecution of women's rights activists, political leaders, members of the opposition and the Batasan 6. Our presence in the Philippines is an affirmation of international sisterhood and the imperative for women to help each other amid worldwide growing repression and political persecution. In this country, such deliberate constriction of public space for women is symbolized by the persecution of women's organizations and their leaders, such as GABRIELA and Gabriela Women's Party, and Congresswoman Liza Maza, the representative of the women's sector in Congress.

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) 25 - 31 May 2006

NDFP condemns cowardly murder of Ka Teroy Llamas (tags)

The National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP) strongly condemned Monday the cowardly murder of Sotero "Ka Teroy" Llamas and the almost daily killings of leaders and members of the left movement, political party lists, the media and the church, which it said is perpetrated by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo's deat squads. In a statement issued by Luis Jalandoni, chairperson of the negotiating panel of the NDFP, he stated that Ka Teroy served as adviser to the negotiating panel of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). As adviser to the NDFP, Ka Teroy was covered by the Joint Agreement on Safety and Immunity Guarantees (JASIG) signed by both the National Democratic Front of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines. As holder of JASIG, Ka Teroy should be protected by the JASIG.

British human rights lawyer denied entry to Israel (tags)

British human rights lawyer, Kate Maynard, has been denied entry to Israel – faced with a claim that she presents a security threat to the state. Despite a court ruling Ms Maynard has been deported and future access to her clients remains in the hands of the Israeli security establishment.

PHILIPPINES: Local governor belies PDSP claims of communist atrocities in Bukidnon (tags)

The Pesante-USA published the article of Tonyo Cruz to dispute the anti-communist and anti-people propaganda of the soc-dem pro US-Arroyo regime PDSP- a social democratic party of National Security adviser Norberto Gonzales, a clerico-fascist stooge of US Imperialism anf fascists in the Philippines.

M20M Serves Congressional Rep with Action Plan (tags)

M20M (The May 20th Movement for Protection of Citizen Children of Undocumented Wokers) hand delivered the below Action Plan in person to a Member of Congress.

BTL:U.S. Rep. Murtha: U.S. Marines Kill Iraqi Civilians "in Cold Blood" (tags)

Interview with John Sifton, terrorism and counter-terrorism researcher with Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Weekly Summary of Israeli War Crimes (tags)


On Tuesday 30 May 2006 from 9 :30 a.m. onward, the Court of First Instance of the European Communities will examine the legality of the antiterrorist list adopted by the Council of the European Union in the case of Filipino professor Jose Maria Sison. Can the Ministers of the 25 European countries qualify a person as a terrorist and exclude him from economic life with neither evidence nor due process? The stake is crucial for all the defenders of fundamental rights in Europe.

covert operations underway in Somalia (tags)

covert operations underway in Somalia


A Statement of Unity from the OUR WORLD IS NOT FOR SALE Network:(


The US Campaign is a diverse coalition working for freedom from occupation and equal rights for all by challenging US policy towards the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The Campaign is based on human rights and international law, providing a non-sectarian framework for everyone who supports its Call to Action. Its strategy is to inform, educate, and mobilize the public so as to change the US role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to support peace, justice, human rights, and international law.

Weekly Report: On Israeli Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (tags)

Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Escalate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) · IOF shot dead a Palestinian woman the West Bank and extra-judicially executed a Palestinian activist in the Gaza Strip. · Two Palestinians were extra-judicially executed by IOF in Bethlehem. · 17 Palestinian civilians, including 7 children, were wounded by IOF gunfire. ·

Why is the Sheriff of Los Angeles County promoting Organized Crime? (tags)

Critics of Scientology's crimes and human rights abuses, and Leona Valley residents, announce a picket Of Sheriff Lee Baca's office

The Gran Boicott is on, and the troqueros are in (tags)

Update on the Gran Boicott locally and the latest word from the Port of Aztlan.

Boycott Against Immigrant Repression and for Gulf Coast Reconstruction! (tags)

May 1st – “May Day” – is celebrated by millions of workers throughout the world to express the need for worker solidarity in the struggles for workers rights and human rights. It began based on a struggle by US workers in the 1880’s for the eight-hour day and in opposition to government repression against the labor movement. The May 1st Boycott must also be a mobilization that calls for a major campaign to build Black and Brown unity as an anchor for the unity of people of color and workers in struggling for human rights and global justice.



Hypocrite-in-Chief Can't Lecture China on Rights (tags)

Bush himself has a pretty sorry record when it comes to violating civil liberties and basic human rights with a list that includes kidnapping, torture, indefinite detention without charge and even going after whistleblowers for “leaking state secrets.”

Riverside to Enforce Deportations! (tags)

URGENT ACTION Riverside, CA Sheriff to Enforce Deportations! April 11 Actions


POVERTY ERADICATION By Ruby BIRD Arab Countries To improve people’s skills facilitation their entry into emloyment sectors through integrated capacity building schemes (programs on social skills, human rights and business skills). Were noticed increased illiteracy, high school dropouts, gender gaps, and school graduates with limited life skills. For example : series of direct training workshops for poor and deprives youth have been held in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Palestinian Camps. Cambodia, Indonesia, Nepal Poverty undoubtedly has a women’s face. Two third of the world’s poor live in this region. The majority being women, two third of them are of schoolage. To help them to acquire appropriate technology-related knowledge and skills in order to help opening them the door to more job opportunities and increasing their status in the society. Girls and young women in those societies are a particular vulnerable group. Often, rights to Education & Training, Decent Work & Benefits of Science are denied to poor girls. Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan The highest concentration of the world’s poorest population, mostly having a female face. Need to break the poverty cycle of women in this region. Seek to demonstrate that it is opportune to focus on vulnerable adolescent girls caught in the process of pauperisation, it is crucial to go beyond the narrow perspective of considering them only as « people with needs ». Their rights have to be defended for the well being of all. To emphasize Education & Microfinance, Science, Communication & Information as well as Monitoring & Evaluation. Those components are closely inter-related. Central Asia & Afghanistan Continental climate with extremes of heat and cold, wet and dry. The region is prone to earthquakes. It is urgent to revive the traditional skills needed on the one hand to preserve the cultural heritage sites and on the other to build ecologically sound houses and public buildings affordable by all, including the poorest rural populations. To promote the right to good housing and living conditions affordable to all sections of the population and adapted to the climate. To promote the right to a substainable environment by using energy efficient construction and renewable energies. To promote the right to good health by avoiding harmful modern construction materials and promoting natural materials. Latin America To improve the lives of artisan and small-scale mining communities in the fragile ecosystems of latin America. The common factor is often the predominance of vulnerable social groups and widespread poverty. Artisanak ans small-scale mining largely depends on local ans sub-regional economic links. One of the most prinicpal objective is to improve social, economics and technical conditions, to reduce the environmental impact and poverty. To focus on Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Mining can cause environmental damages, to support the right to a healthy environment by improving methodologies for the biodiversity protection. By trying to diminish people’s health risks, we support the Universal Declaration of Human Rights « Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of employment, to just and favourable conditions of works and to protection against unemployment ». Young and female migrants in China and Mongolia The integration of migrant workers in the urban social and economic fabric through services including training in life and basic skils, vocational training, career counselling, family planning, health & rights awareness. The targeted group is young female migrants who suffer from double denial of human rights & double discrimination as female and as to promote migrants rights in the national, regional & local governements through : - advocacy on the ratified international treaties - legal assistance activities - capacity building for officials - awareness raising activities ans at preparing recommendations for new laws and regulations on working & living conditions of migrants. Exploitative migration of women and children in Africa Poverty is one of the main explanatory factors of human trafficking. This is a modern form of slavery. To fight against poverty by eradicating human trafficking, espacially that of women & children in Africa. To organize awareness campaigns adapted to local cultures. Poverty, an extreme discrimination is combined with gender discrimination & lack of education. The fight against human trafficking is organized around : - the right to formal education & informal education wich empowers potential victims against human trafickers - right to health which is often lacking in trafficked victims, especially the one involved in sexual exploitation - right to a decent work for removed from the modern form of degrading slavery that human trafficking represents - right to security & justice, especially for the trafficked victims who try to escape from the human traffickers - right to non-discrimination, gender & minority discriminations being factors of vulnerability vis-à-vis human trafficking. Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Benin To integrate a human rights approach in order to faster strategies & policies in the fight against poverty in Western Africa (Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Niger, Senegal). The reinforcement of human security & the respect for the human rights of local populations (particularly women). Civil society actors & representatives of programms, funds & specialiszed agencies of the United Nations are regularly invited for meeting within the framework of projects. UNESCO & the Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) - Goal 1 : Eradicate extremen poverty & hunger - Goal 2 : Achieve universal primary education - Goal 3 : Promote gender equality & empower women - Goal 4 : Reduce child mortality - Goal 5 : Improve maternal health - Goal 6 : Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria & other diseases - Goal 7 : Ensure environmental sustainability - Goal 8 : Develop a global partnership for Development. Arab Countries To improve people’s skills facilitation their entry into emloyment sectors through integrated capacity building schemes (programs on social skills, human rights and business skills). Were noticed increased illiteracy, high school dropouts, gender gaps, and school graduates with limited life skills. For example : series of direct training workshops for poor and deprives youth have been held in Egypt, Sudan, Lebanon and Palestinian Camps.

Coming Next: "El Gran Boicot" (tags)

Pro-immigrant coalition to paralyze US economy

Declaration of Jury of Conscience (tags)

The jury in the World Tribunal in Istanbul concluded that the invasion of Iraq together with the continuing occupation of iraq constitutes a violation of the core obligation of the UN Charter.

Why does Group of 184 hate Aristide? (tags)

Some reasons why Group of 184 participated in the coup against democratically elected Arisitide..

Archbishop of York compares Bush and Guantanamo to Idi Amin (tags)

Archbishop of York says Guantanamo is like prisons under Idi Amin.

BTL:Long History of U.S. Torture Precedes Current Pentagon Abuse Scandals (tags)

Interview with Jennifer Harbury, human rights activist, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris


Leaders address the most pressing and widespread challenges facing the African continent

Police Brutality Strikes Filipino Youth in Jersey City Groups Tag Cops Racist, Anti-Immigr (tags)

Filipino groups are outraged over what many are calling "a blatant act of police brutality, racial discrimination, and anti-immigrant sentiment" on the part of two Jersey City police officers who arrested and detained a young Filipino who was about to file a complaint against an erring cab driver. Alan James Alda, 25, a Jersey City warehouse worker originally from Manila, was startled when police suddenly "arrested and threw him into a detention cell" at approximately 3 am on Saturday after he asked for the names of the two police officers who rudely dismissed his complaint against cab driver for overcharging fare. The two police officers were later identified as Sgt. Dennis Halleran and Officer A. Nunez of the Jersey City Police Department.

5 REASONS to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

"You must end the illegal occupation." -Kofi Annan, addressing Israel in a meeting of the UN Security Council, March 12, 2002 "I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and West Bank could describe events in South Africa." -Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Police Brutality Strikes Filipino Youth in Jersey City (tags)

Jersey City, NJ-- Filipino groups are outraged over what many are calling "a blatant act of police brutality, racial discrimination, and anti-immigrant sentiment" on the part of two Jersey City police officers who arrested and detained a young Filipino who was about to file a complaint against an erring cab driver. Alan James Alda, 25, a Jersey City warehouse worker originally from Manila, was startled when police suddenly "arrested and threw him into a detention cell" at approximately 3 am on Saturday after he asked for the names of the two police officers who rudely dismissed his complaint against cab driver for overcharging fare. The two police officers were later identified as Sgt. Dennis Halleran and Officer A. Nunez of the Jersey City Police Department.

Appeal to Release Gopal Siwakoti “Chintan” and Other Political Detainees in Nepal (tags)

Mr. Gopal Siwakoti “Chintan,” a prominent human rights activist in Nepal, along with a number of other activists, has been detained in very adverse conditions without charges by the increasingly dictatorial monarchy. This is a letter demanding his release – please endorse as well as send a copy to the Embassy of Nepal.

Update on Border Angels Migrant March (tags)

Progress report from the March and Caravan by Migrants as they head to a showdown with Lou Dobbs and then to DC.

Indigenous women and military injustice (tags)

The six cases of rape allegedly committed by military officials that are documented in this report amount to torture and should be investigated as serious human rights violations.

The US Campaign applauds the Church of England’s divestment vote on Caterpillar (tags)

Caterpillar has been singled out by the United Nations for complicity in human rights abuses in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. In the past 5 years, Caterpillar has enabled the destruction of 4,170 Palestinian homes and the uprooting of more than one million olive trees. Caterpillar is also being used to build the Annexation Wall deemed illegal by the International Court of Justice in its July 2004 Advisory Opinion.

The Alternative Social Forum in Caracas: voices from the left (tags)

* In Caracas, Venezuela between the 23rd and 29th of January 2006, 10 local socio-political organizations offered an alternative forum and critique of national politics in response to the World Social Forum. The result was a smaller-scale event but self-directed and reflective of current self-organizing capacity. The alternative forum was independent, self-managed and borne out of years of experience of organizing in the Venezuelan context.

Indigenous women and military injustice (tags)

Unable to obtain justice in Mexico, and failed by other institutions – the civilian public prosecution services and civilian courts - this case, and that of Valentina Rosendo Cantú, another indigenous woman from Guerrero who was reportedly raped by soldiers a few days earlier on 16 February 2002, have been submitted to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR, Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos).

Allegations of abuse dismissed in Guadalajara: reluctance to investigate human rights viol (tags)

Reports received by Amnesty International indicate that the men and women detained were subjected to serious human rights violations, including torture and ill treatment, by members of the different police units, in particular while they were being held at the Jalisco State Public Security Office Dirección General de Seguridad del Estado de Jalisco and the State Public Prosecutor’s Office Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) in Guadalajara. It has come to Amnesty International’s knowledge that several detainees were coerced, beaten or threatened into making confessions or giving the names of those suspected of having carried out acts of violence.

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything! (tags)

REAL FBI officers who factually allege, with evidence and everything!

When is a War Justified? (tags)

What is the future of the United Nations when its most powerful member treats it with contempt? The law is still the law even when it is broken.. The conflict over anticipatory self-defense is the real reason for the crisis of the UN, not the skirmish over reform.

mr (tags)

The war machine of the United States can be stopped

Women’s Rights in Latin America and the Caribbean (tags)

In every country in Latin America and the Caribbean, women suffer acute discrimination. Often, the discrimination women face is related to social prejudices regarding appropriate patterns of conduct for men and women.

BTL:Court Reversal Upholds Civil Suit in Human Rights Case Against... (tags)

...Salvadoran Generals~Interview with Moira Feeney, attorney with the Center for Justice and Accountability, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus

Mexico's refusal to hear massacre case decried (tags)

MEXICO CITY - Human rights activists accused Mexico's highest court of upholding a "culture of impunity" Thursday after the judges refused to hear a genocide case against former President Luis Echeverria.

Digna Ochoa, Human Rights Champion, Murdered (tags)

Mexico (tags)


Christ's Recorded Statement to America (tags)

"Holy Christ.."

January 2006 U.S. Immigrant News Alert! (tags)

No Immigrant Bashing! Support Immigrant Rights!

Pakistan Massacres 200 Says Tribal Leader (tags)

Approximately 200 people have been killed in raids in recent days conducted by the Pakistani military, reports Nawab Akbar Bugti, the tribal leader of Baluchistan, a southwestern Pakistani province rich in natural gas.

Reflections on Christmas (tags)

In my christmas-message to the readers I reflect on the great contradiction between the real meaning of Christmas, being the appeal to human rights and respect and the hypocrisy, used by the ''christian'' polticians


WE'VE GOT THE VICTORY! MTU's (Migrant Workers' Trade Union) English statement

Mexico Admits Poor Treatment of Migrants (tags)

Mexico Commission Acknowledges Poor Treatment of Migrants Within Its Own Territory

What are Social Human Rights? (tags)

Who prosecutes those responsible that more than a billion people must live from a dollar a day while wealth constantly grows?

Support GI Resister Katherine Jashinski Now! (tags)

This newsletter will keep you up to date about how service women and men within the US military are taking action, and following their conscience in standing up for human rights, democratic rights and against illegal and unjust war and occupation. We will also let you know how you, your organization and your community can support them!


Look there is one reason and one reason only they're killin' Took....If he played their game - just wrote kidz books, he'd be alive at 12:05...But he dedicated his book to Angela Davis, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu Jamal, Dhoruba, George Jackson, John Africa and Ramona Africa... And the Terminator sez that's why Took's goin t die - said it straight out in his statement why he was goin t kill him.... Took's not dyin because he failed to so-called reform.... He's dyin because he WOKE UP spiritually and politically.... There is nothin more dangerous to the white than someone like that.

The CIA Eastern European Terror Prisons (tags)

A short article about the CIA torture prisons in Eastern Europe.

SOS in Glendale, Turner Arrested (tags)

A very lively holiday season demonstration and counter demonstration took place in Glendale over the issue of day laborers, Home Depot’s “racist” ways and the basic human right to work and eat.


Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Launch More Attacks on Palestinian Civilians and Property in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) Palestinian Centre for Human Rights

Haiti's election and human rights violations (tags)

"If you ever receive a fundraising appeal in the mail from Amnesty International, DO NOT SEND THEM A CHECK. Send it back, and put on it, 'What about Haiti?'" -- Kevin Pina.


A scathing indictment of Bush-Cheney policy broadly with a special focus on the Iraq war and in a little historical context.

Whistleblower or Drug Dealer? (tags)

Plaintiff Charles Schlund is suing George Bush for using high-tech TORTURE to silence him in order to prevent him from exposing *massive* high-level corruption in the U.S. government. The government claims that Charles Schlund is a drug user/dealer. Charles Schlund says that he does not use, sell or manufacture drugs. Who is telling the truth? Who is LYING? Charles Schlund's challenge to the U.S. government: TEST ME! Charles Schlund is willing to provide hair samples to be tested IN THE COURTROOM! His hair has not been cut in more than *ten* years. Any use of drugs in the last tens years could be detected. It is time for the government to put up or shut up. Are they willing to test him?

Cities for Peace (tags)

International campaign to promote the peace

Thousands to Rally to Demand - Closure of Controversial US Army Training School this Weeke (tags)

Mass Convergence at Fort Benning, Georgia November 19-20 to Close School of the Americas

CHART, TABLE: CIA Secret Prison Planes--What the MSM Won't Tell (tags)

The European Commission said last week it will investigate published reports that the CIA set up secret jails in Eastern Europe to detain high-profile terrorism suspects. The Commission says the governments of the EU's 25 member nations will be informally questioned about possible human rights violations. News media reported also that the group Human Rights Watch "claims records and other evidence point to POLAND and ROMANIA as countries that allowed their territory to be used by the CIA to jail top suspected al-Qaeda captives." We report that HRW knows that from tracing the movements of CIA planes and WE PROVIDE A LIST OF THE 28 PLANES, 8 SHELL COMPANIES, AND SEVERAL CIA-RELATED COMPANIES.

How Much More ? (tags)

How Much More Will The American People Endure? Our Mothers (and Thomas Paine) Warned Us About People Like The Disciples Of Strauss

Against Hollywood and Globalization: UNESCO and Cultural Diversity (tags)

The Convention on Protection of Cultural Diversity was passed at the UNESCO General assembly over the objection of the isolated US government.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. 2 files- broadcast and slow-modem streaming. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.

GABNet Holds Emergency Candlelight Vigil to Protest Crimes Against Humanity in the Philipp (tags)

Women’s group GABRIELA Network commemorates Philippine Women’s Day of Protest, holds emergency nationwide candlelight vigil to protest human rights violations perpetrated by Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and US President Bush’s so-called War on Terror.

We Can Win; Now When We Take a Stand for Human Rights It Means More. . . (tags)

With legislation on the verge of passing to close the "School of the Assassins", the time has come this November to stand up against violence, torture, and war! This Nov. 18-20 we ask that all those who stand for justice and democracy join us at the gates of The U.S. Army School of the Americas (SOA/WHINSEC), in Fort Benning, Georgia. In November of 1989, 14-yr old Cecilia Ramos, her mother, and 6 Jesuit Priests were murdered by a Salvadoran Death Squad attempting to instill fear in anyone who raised their voice against El Salvador's military. This November - as the 15th anniversary of the SOA Watch movement and support for legislation HR 1217 on the verge of closing the school - we need YOU, your family and friends, to join us at the gates in Fort Benning to end the violence and demand justice and freedom.

29 day of hunger strike for Turkish conscientious objector in military jail (tags)

Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, now on 29th day of hunger strike in military prison, after being sentenced to four years for refusing to serve

Man sought by Hariri probe reportedly in Syrian custody (tags)

BEIRUT - The best friend of a missing Islamist who recorded a videotaped claim to have assassinated five-time Lebanese prime minister Rafiq Hariri has been detained in Syria for the past two months, a human rights activist said Tuesday.

MT Karthik, former KPFK news director, interview (tags)

Embracing the Gadfly Interview with MT Karthik by Marc Herbst From the new Issue of the Journal of Aesthetics and Protest

Ending the Spiral of Violence (tags)

The US violates human rights in the name of human rights..The Occident conquered, colonized and carried out a never-seen genocide. .With the mechanism of globalized casino capitalism, we kill as many people every year as the victims of the whole WW2.

Most favored religion bill Must be stopped (tags)


Researcher Sometimes referred to as the “Hate Bill”, Senate number S.1145, if passed will bring TYRANNY to America. President Bush (reacting to Mrs. Mier’s nomination) had the audacity to say, it matters not what the American people think, it matters what Congress does. Please cut and past this letter and send it to your Senators. A closer look at the Bill shows it would end political dissent, and makes jail a possibility for others with different religious beliefs.

New, Creative not-for-profit Speaker's Bureau for community leaders (tags)

New, Creative not-for-profit Speaker's Bureau for community leaders like yourself.

HIV: Auto-Report (tags)

The tragedy of how intellectual property claims on murder evidence papers were used to recruit The Beatles and The King Family into accomplice in the AIDS onslaught. If you don't read it here, you won't read it.

21th bulletin of the Basque Observatory of Human Rights (tags)

The subjects we have included in this issue: - Cutbacks on the right to demonstrate - Conclusions on the Jarrai-Haika-Segi trial - Two police forces 11 incommunicado detainees - Behatokia addressed the UN Human Rights Sub-commission on the issue of antiterrorist measures and human rights - Greater distances and more accidents caused by the policy of dispersal - Iñaki de Juana Chaos: arbitrary incarceration

How To Succeed As A War Criminal (tags)

......lest we forget the acts committed against humanity, in particular the 23rd anniversary of Sabra & Shatila: September 16, 1982 with special consideration of Ariel Sharon's visit to the United Nations and the attempted arrest of Doron Almog in the UK.

Reflections on the London terroristic attacks and their aftermath (tags)

I'll show in my article, that in contrary to the declarations of the British prime-minister Blair and other Westerm politicians, there are evident causes for the London terrorist attacks dd 7-7. Further I also reflect on the aftermath of the attacks, especially regarding the newly proposed British terrorist-laws and the killing of the Brasilian de Menezes by the British policy. I'll end with a remembreance poem of Eddie Woods concerning Jean de Menezes.

California Minutemen Attempt to Send Message on September 11 Border Watch (tags)

A CALL TO ACTION-Join the Human Rights Coalition of California against the RETURN OF THE CALIFORNIA MINUTEMEN. Jim Chase, California Minutemen Founder has announced a Border Watch to begin SEPTEMBER 11, 2005. Join the Human Rights Coalition of California and other human rights activists at the VFW in Campo, CA to protest the racism of the Minuteman Project.

Iran hangings: Chronicle of a manipulation (tags)

A mislead gay and lesbian movement mobilizes against Iran at the height of conflict between the West and the Teheran regime.

STOP Jim Gilchrist from winning the Congressional District of Orange County! (tags)

The Human Rights Coalition of California urges the people of Los Angeles County to contact fellow Orange Country friends, relatives, and co-workers to STOP JIM GILCHRIST

Indonesia's Human Rights Violations Report (tags)

LEST WE FORGET How you can go about reading the secret Indonesian government report that investigated gross human rights violations occurring in East Timor during 1999.

Literacy in Economic Questions (tags)

The neoliberal total market was created through political strategies, above all the installation of dictatorships by the secret service and military interventions of the US, not through democracy.."

2.000.000 prisoners - the USA is the world´s leading jailer! (tags)

- - - The U.S. is the world's leading jailer, imprisoning around 22 percent of the world's prison population in spite of representing only around 4.6 percent of the world's population - - -

World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience (tags)

The World Tribunal on Iraq met in Istanbul from 24-26 June 2005. The principal objective of the WTI is to tell and disseminate the truth about the Iraq War, underscoring the accountability of those responsible and underlining the significance of justice for the Iraqi people. Here is the final declaration of the jury of conscience :

Theses on Domination and Barbarism (tags)

"The policy of scapegoats in Germany and elsewhere devours the liberal foundations of society little by little and produces tears in the fundamentals of demcoracy.. A counterpart could be a new social contract for the 21st century.."

Human Rights Workers Arrested by Border Patrol in Arizona! (tags)

Support humanitarian workers targeted by Border Patrol for saving lives and drawing attention to failed border police


Leonard Peltier continues in arbitrary solitary confinement at USP Terre Haute. His basic rights are being denied and his health threatened. Intervention by Human Rights organizations is urged.

Constitutional State without Human Rights (tags)

"A kind of worldwide dictatorship of the national security of the US is to be established..This policy of the worldwide totalization of markets abolishes a large part of human rights.."

Media Deception (tags)

The Censorship of the Corporate Press is bad enough, but we also have a problem with the so called "Independent Press," and sometimes with our supposed ally- indymedia...

A Network At War (tags)

Since ostensiblly winning a campaign to recapture the small progressive Pacifica network that spanned years, involving at one time three seperate lawsuits, and 10's of thousands of its active listerners, the tiny network is once again at war with itself.....Having, along with senior producer Ryme Kakthouda, joined in filing complaints of discrimination on basis of national origin and ethnicity at the last meeting of our national board in NYC, ( and with women angry about sexism, and the networks failure to do anything more than deny its existence, planning an actual march on Berkley to file similar complaints next month, all matters likely to head into litigation within a matter of weeks now, this seemed like a good time to carve up all the sacred cows.

Western Sahara: The Intifada You Haven't Heard About (tags)

A struggle for national liberation has been ongoing in the Western Sahara for decades. Largely unnoticedd here in the US of A. An intifada has been going on for days, even more unnoticedd.

Publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein (tags)

The publication of the photographs of Saddam Hussein by the Sun is not only a flagrant violation of the 3th Geneva Convention, it also violates the human right on dignity of every prisoner of war, regardless of the crime

Shocking reports reveal U.S. torture widespread (tags)

This week, Human Rights Watch charged that U.S. FBI agents operating in Pakistan repeatedly interrogated and threatened two U.S. citizens of Pakistani origin who were unlawfully detained and tortured by Pakistani security services. The two were abducted from their Karachi home last August, and released this April without being charged. During eight months of interrogation and torture, they were questioned at least six times by FBI agents, who did nothing to stop the torture — including beatings with whips and rods — or provide consular help. Instead, the two said, the agents threatened to send them to Guantanamo if they did not “confess” to terrorist involvement.


Academic freedom is central to resolving the conflict.

Human Dignity is Inviolable (tags)

The Christian faith is obviously losing ground. Disorientation and superstition spread. The merciless religionof the market has long replaced faith in the humanitarian God..Act so you always trat people as ends in themselves and never as means to an end (Kant).

Iraqis Endure Worse Conditions Than Under Saddam, UN Survey Finds (tags)

A major study by the UN and Iraqi officials found that life in Iraq has decayed significantly since foreign forces invaded, following a general trend seen in most sectors since the imposition of a global embargo in 1990.


In response to the June 3rd-9th Organization of American States meeting in Fort Lauderdale Florida, South Floridian activists are organizing to protest the OAS on four points: the FTAA/CAFTAA (the OAS created their "Summit of the America"); human rights violations and environmental issues the OAS ignores; and OAS failure to impede foreign (mostly U.S.) domination of Western Third World Countries. The protest will be held Sunday, June 5th, as part of a weekend of related events.

Minute Men Target Laguna Beach Day Laborers (tags)

**Please Circulate**

PEACE IN COLOMBIA National Vigil & Call-in Day (tags)

The San José de Apartadó massacre: In February, eight members of the Peace Community of San José de Apartadó were brutally killed (5 adults and 3 children); witnesses say that Colombian army troops are responsible. The Peace Community was formed when 17 towns and villages joined together in 1997 to insist that all armed groups stay out of their area. Since then, over 100 members have been killed or disappeared.

UC Riverside Gender Research Conference (tags)

UC Riverside Gender Research Conference ~Free to All, Free Food ~Activist Workshop ~Keynote: Dr. Sandra Harding, "Can Women Be Subjects of Knowledge?" ~Queer, Women's, Gender Research Presentations

April 13: International Day of Action to Stop Caterpillar (tags)

Human rights groups to demand investigation of Israeli war crimes at Caterpillar's Annual Meeting in Chicago on April 13 - Simultaneous protests scheduled for dozens of cities around the world.

The moral short-sightedness of prime-minister Balkenende and the EU regarding Israel (tags)

Although it is of main importance the Dutch prime-minister Balkenende has referred to the universal values in respect of the holocaust, it is striking that is lacking in moral indignation with respect to the Palestinian victims of the Israeli occupation.

The War Against the People: US Scholars Denounce Killings and Calls for a World-Wide Actio (tags)

Northampton, MA - The Critical Filipina and Filipino Studies Collective (CFFSC) condemns the growing spate of killings and human rights violations of political activists, peasant rights advocates and sympathizers, lawyers and priests in the Philippines. The Philippine military is targeting and murdering leftist activists and civilians under the pretense of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo regime’s “War on Terror.” The U.S.-backed Arroyo regime’s campaign of surveillance, abduction, torture, and execution is a campaign of terror against the Filipino people.

China's US Human Rights Report Is Ugly, But It's No "Caricature" (tags)

The New York Times was outraged that China, a human rights outlaw, would criticize America’s human rights record, but the Chinese report is in fact right on target, and should shame all Americans who care about the state of our own rights and freedoms.


Threats against the Philippines’ premier human rights lawyer linked to Hacienda Luisita massacre, derailment of peace talks and U.S. “war on terror”

Poverty, Market Fundamentalism and the Media (tags)

In the 90s as poverty and distress deepened, the media turned away..The media like the World Bank can't understand the causal link between extraordinary affluence and miserable poverty..The media treats poverty as an event but poverty is a process.





A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion, recorded from a shortwave radio. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Spain, and Cuba.

Reviving the Debate about Human Rights: Book Review (tags)

The author describes the development of human rights: the first generation-civil andpolitical rights, the second generation-economic, social and cultural rights and the third generation-collective rights.

Protests, Vigils to Mark One-Year Anniversary of Coup d'etat in Haiti (tags)

Protests in Several Cities to Call for Investigation into U.S. Role in Last Year's Coup, Ending Discrimination Against Haitian Refugees Speaking Tours, Vigils, Film-Screenings, and Faith Reflection Will Also Commemorate Haiti Solidarity Week 2005

The fairy tale of the Dutch tolerant society and the humane asylum-policy (tags)

In contrarily with the general allegations in American and Western newsmedia, not only the Netherlands is no open society for minorities, moreover the Dutch asylum-policy is violating gravely international humanitarian principles.

JDL VS. JDO: are there differences? (tags)

What are the differences, if any, between the JDL (Jewish Defense league) and the JDO (Jewish Defense Organization)?

Surprise, surprise! US puppet regime in Iraq is just like Saddam (tags)

The president, at his inauguration, said America has been called to end tyranny in the world, but from the looks of Iraq, what he is spreading is torture and dictatorship.

Human Security (tags)

Attention must now shift from security of the state to security of the people-human security The UNDP sees expansion of the security concept as a step to more peace and more prosperity and sets human security in the context of human development and hu rights.

It's Official: My Brother Died in Vain (tags)

Why My Brother Died After two years, the government has called off its fruitless hunt for WMD.

Memo reveals Bush OK’d torture (tags)

Memo Reveals Bush OKd Torture (tags)

Memo reveals Bush OKd torture by Tim Wheeler

Why do Homo sapiens Drive Cars? (tags)

Homo sapiens can be trained to do many tricks and learn many different skills. However, because we developed a complex "Word" language (attaching named sounds and actions to named concepts), we can also become tricked by those Alphas (male and female) who use our "Word" language as a weapon.

The Sabotagued Prayer (tags)

New evidence was found in John Lennon's murder during an investigation into the origin of the AIDS epidemic.

System Failure/ Movie Showing in Riverside, CA (tags)

Video Showing about abuses in the California Youth Authority. Video by the Ella Baker Foundation and WITNESS.

Christ Mass: The Birth of Human Rights (tags)

Christians all over the world tonight will celebrate the Birth of Human Rights, without knowing it. Seventy years after Spartacus, Human Rights were born. These new Human Rights were born of the humble Jewish Worker Bees, and not of the Jewish Ruling Class, the elite Levites of the Second Temple Period in Jerusalem.

Dutch violations of the rights of a defendant (tags)

With this article I want to express my worriness about the recent violation of the rights of Mohammed B, the suspect of the murder on the Dutch cineaste van Gogh, which is not only an attack on his rights, but can also lead to a further erosion of the Dutch judicial system, which is based on the protection of the rights of a defendant and a fair trial.

President Bush signed order to allow torture, says ACLU (tags)

News release and documents made public today by the ACLU points a finger at the President. The information releases indicates President Bush signed an executive order permitting inhumane interrogation methods against detainees in Iraq.

CKUT Radio: The Battle of Guadalajara Mexico - A Radio Documentary (tags)


Are We There Yet? (tags)

Saddam Hussein has been universally and rightly condemned for filling thousands of mass graves. Might there be a new killer kid on the block? For more details, read on.

Special Ops Threatened Govt Agents Who Saw Detainee Abuse (tags)

Breaking: Special Ops Task Force Threatened Government Agents Who Saw Detainee Abuse in Iraq, Documents Obtained by ACLU Reveal

Amnesty Int. Condemns Torture in Spain (tags)

Amnesty International has released a report condemning the torture of Basque detainees and immigrants in Spain.


Gross Corruption reported to CONGRESSMAN HUNTER and others only met with retaliation by Federal Agencies.. Federal Officer prosecuted for "medical/ mental incompetence" for whistle blower letters to Congress.............

The naked monkey facing the globalizatión. Do human beings really exist?(English/Spanish) (tags)

Oscar Sánchez Fernández de la Vega (google).- Author of the book: “Diez Horas con la Globalización” (google, yahoo, wanadoo, foro-los retos de la globalización,,,,, netbiblo…...) 1- The naked monkey facing the globalizatión. Do human beings really exist?(English/Spanish) 2- Tribute to Alvin Toffler: the fourth and fifth wave (English/Spanish)(This article-publish-it complements the previous article) 2.1-From the “Information Society” to the “Useful Knowledge Society “ 2.2-From the “Useful Knowledge Society” to the “Human Beings Society”


Many Scale Barbed-Wire Fences and are Arrested While Calling for Closure of US Army’s School of the Americas

Censored 2005: The Top 25 Censored Media Stories of 2003-2004 (tags)

Fred Burks of WantToKnow is fairly consistent in relevant informative articles exposure.

Caracas: the opening of a Libertarian Centre & social library (tags)

* The Venezuelan Comision de Relaciones Anarquistas (CRA) calls for solidarity with a project which is the first of its kind in our country: the opening (sunday 14th November 2004) of a Libertarian Social Studies Centre (Centro de Estudios Sociales Libertarios - CESL), together with a social library.

The New Corporate Liberation Theology. Part 1 (tags)

The US government has privatized and sold whole sectors of the Iraqi economy. Economic policy and tax laws are rewritten. Foreign firms can now buy 100 percent of Iraqi firms and export the profits. This is a blatant violation of international law...


A 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.

Arresting Vanunu While Burying Arafat (tags)

"Mr. Vanunu, who is a Christian and who claims his faith profoundly directed and sustained him during the worse of his imprisonment, gives much credit to the spiritual teachings of Jesus Christ."

Riverside Criminalization of Homelessness Event (tags)

Speaking event on the criminalization of homelessness in Riverside, CA.

U.S. War Crime in Fallujah (tags)

Human rights experts said Friday that American soldiers might have committed a war crime on Thursday when they sent fleeing Iraqi civilians back into Falluja.

UCRiverside Forum on Police Brutality (tags)

Stop Police Brutality Forum in Riverside with Peace and Freedom Party VP Candidate Janice Jordan

So-Called Mental Illness is Myth Masquerading As Science--new book will rock your world! (tags)

This dialogue between Dr. Szasz and his critics allows him to once again articulate the argument he has presented so brilliantly and passionately for over four decades. . . . A profession that fails to learn from and respect those who confront it with controversial and discomforting ideas loses strength and vibrancy. Hopefully, at least some younger psychiatrists will be encouraged to read this book. They will find that their intellectual and professional lives will be enriched.

Beyond State and Paid Labor (tags)

"Basic security is the positive answer to the crisis of the capitalist work society. The far-reaching uncoupling of labor and income contradicts essential premises of the capitalist exploitation logic and contains a dynamic that points beyond the system.."

Riverside Police Brutality Forum (tags)

Prison and Police Brutality Teachin in Riverside, CA

Riverside- Bannermaking Gathering for October 22 (tags)

Make Banners for Police Brutality Day

UN Report Blames Israel For Building Fence To Confiscate Land (tags)

Israel continues to steal land for Apartheid Wall/Fence devestating thousands of lives , creating more refugees and re creating racist ghettos . US tax dollars support this form of ethnic cleansing:

Madonna, Mr. Big and Richard Gere (tags)

The Israeli Tourism Authority has taken to inviting Hollywood stars to Israel to boost tourism.


Weekly Report On Human Rights Violations in the Occupied Territories (tags)

This week was the bloodiest week in the last two months, as 24 Palestinians, mostly civilians, including 6 children, were killed and dozens of other civilians were injured by Israeli troops. The difference between the suicide bomber and soldier(s) killing civilian population including children, is the IDF uniform and the US tax dollar in foreign aid .

Black September (tags)

September brings back memories of atrocities ranging from 9/11/01, to the CIA's involvement in the coup that installed General Pinochet in Chile (9/11/73), and to the massacre of Sabra and Shatila on 9/15/82. These tragedies are demonstrably intertwined beyond the coincidences of date and that they claimed similar numbers of civilian victims.

Preparing The Path of the al Mahdi: 911 X 100 (tags)

The young men returning to Allah realized that Islam is not just performing rituals but a complete system: Religion and government, worship and Jihad (holy war), ethics and dealing with people, and the Koran and sword.

Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein (tags)

Brief Case Study: The Demonization Of Slobodan Milosevic and Saddam Hussein

Guatemalan human rights activist speaks @ Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Friday, Sept. 3rd (tags)

Dr. Raul Molina, member of the Board of Directors of the Guatemala Human Rights Commission/USA and former Coordinator of the National University of Guatemala's Truth Commission, will deliver a talk about the political situation currently existing within that country.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.1MB) and quick download (3.2MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Germany, and Russia.

Amazing No Coverage of Jewish Community Center Attack Here (tags)

When Jew Haters burn down a Jewish Community Center It Is Not News to Indy Media, They Sweep It Under the Rug like the Fascists and Fascist Appeasers they are

Venezuela's Chavez Wins Recall Vote: CNE Announces Results (tags)

The people chose Chavez: the opposition failed to obtain more votes that those who wanted Chavez to stay. The "no" option obtained 4,991,483 votes representing 58.25%. The "yes" option obtained 3,576,517 votes, representing 41.74%.

BTL:Poor People's Campaign To Hold Protest March on NYC GOP Convention (tags)

Interview with Cheri Honkala, national coordinator of the Poor People's Economic Human Rights Campaign, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

GUATEMALA: 8 YEARS AFTER THE PEACE ACCORDS, Unitarian Church, Anaheim, Sept. 3rd (tags)

Learn more about what's going on in Guatemala today by coming to a special presentation at the Unitarian Church of Orange County on Friday, September 3rd, 2004 at 7:30 pm.

International Call for Photos, Art, Graphics, Posters, all Images! (tags)

International call for photos and art for use in an upcoming book called "Rebel Voices," to be published in 2005 in the u.s.

fresca (tags)

Let the whining begin!

'Battle for Broad' released on DVD (tags)

New doc on 2000 RNC Protest

Palestine in Numbers (tags)

I have to add one here, number of UN members in the General Assembly -189. Number of memebers who are from predominantly muslim countries or have political ties to said countries- 135

Greece: Olympic Games must not lead to a trade off of security for human rights (tags)


Wolf Guards the Henhouse (tags)

What's with the ICJ?

The ICJ vs. Israel (tags)

Israel is forvever.

The Wall and The Fall (tags)

Israel draws attention away from our November elections because so many American voters live there. However, the United Nations has a lot of explaining to do about other things around the world.

Action Alert - Western Shoshone: War not just in Iraq (tags)

Crescent Valley, NV - The United States Congressmen are mirroring the same deceptive tactics in Western Shoshone territory in Nevada as in Iraq, said Western Shoshone as legislation was pushed to compensate tribal members for Aboriginal land in an effort to seize it and open it up for mining, energy and nuclear corporations. While Western Shoshone maintain their Aboriginal land claim secured by the Treaty of Ruby Valley of 1863, their sacred Yucca Mountain is being gutted for nuclear dumping, their horses and cattle seized to make way for geothermal industries and the earth mutilated for gold extraction. "If the war on terrorism is about protecting this country, then why is our own government trying to take away our homelands?" said Mary McCloud, Western Shoshone elder.

BTL:Human Rights Investigation into the 1980s Murder of Thousands of... (tags)

...Colombian Political Activists Moves Toward Conclusion~ Interview with John Lugo, of Colombia Action, conducted by Between the Lines' Melinda Tuhus


Taken from the Mainstream media, here is a wonderful report on how our nation is, yes, using secret detention during this current War of Terror.

One Year On and the Swiss Authorities Try to Jail the Aubonne Bridge Activists they Nearly (tags)

One Year On and the Swiss Authorities Try to Jail the Aubonne Bridge Activists they Nearly Killed while they were doing an action against the G8 in Evian. On the 1st of June 2003, an international affinity group blockaded the motorway in order to stop an official delegation from reaching the g8 in Evian, two climbers suspended themselves from a single rope being stretched across the street. Nevertheless a police officer cut the rope and sent Martin plummeting 20 metres into a shallow, rocky stream beneath the bridge, while Gesine was saved by the quick reflexes of her support team who managed to grab hold of the rope. An anti-repression gathering in Geneva on the weekend before the court case (26th and 27th of June) is being held, bringing together support groups from incidents of legal or physical repression across Europe.

Skinheads fight their 'holy war' (tags)

Semyon Tokmakov stretches out his hand and points to a thick scar he got from assaulting a black US Marine six years ago. The attack cost him one-and-a-half years in jail, but Tokmakov says he has no regrets.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Ex-US Marine/Gulf War Veteran & Founder of the Human Shield Action to Iraq Ken O’Keefe announces ‘P10K FORCE’ plan to Mobilize 10,000 International Observers from Western Nations to the Occupied Palestinian Territories (OPT) - Launching September 11, 2004.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Germany, Spain, and Cuba.

Western Shoshone: War is not just in Iraq (tags)

Oppose the Western Shoshone Distribution Bill, S. 618/HR 884. Nevada Congressmen Reid and Gibbons, Gale Norton and our "National Interests" have taken a page from the influential Koch boys of Wichita, who were caught stealing oil from impoverished tribes in Oklahoma. "We want our fair share, and that's ALL of it!" It's 300 year old tradition in government: you sign treaties with the folks who rightly occupy the territory. Then you do whatever you please! And laugh all the way to the bank. The Native American Rights Fund has taken Gale Norton to court THREE times and WON each time, yet the Interior Department continues to act different from what they're doing with Western Shoshone. This is not government. This is tyranny masked as politics. So is passage of HR884, HR 2869, HR2772.

Aubonne Bridge Activists (tags)

In Switzerland three anti-G8 activists are now being brought to court by the Swiss Authorities. On the 1st of June 2003, an international affinity group blockaded the motorway in order to stop an official delegation from reaching the g8 in Evian. Two climbers suspended themselves from a single rope being stretched across the street. Nevertheless a police officer cut the rope and sent Martin plummeting 20 metres into a shallow, rocky stream beneath the bridge, while Gesine was saved by the quick reflexes of her support team who managed to grab a hold of the rope. The Aubonne support group are inviting everyone to take part in a public presence outside the courthouse in Nyon on the day of the trial or be in solidarity at your local Swiss embassy.

Critics of Cuban Justice Should Look at Their Own Treatment of Prisoners (tags)

The UN Human Rights Commission narrowly passed an anti-Cuba resolution last month. This essay looks at how two countries behind the resolution treat their own prisoners.

Geneva Accords on Treatment of Prisoners of War (tags)

Much has been made of the clear violations of the Geneva Accords by Nazi USA, but the provisions of these accords are not known to most Americans. Now is the time to become familiar with these accords, detailed on the website of the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. See:


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Russia, China, and Cuba.

What Israel Represents (tags)

Ethnic Cleansers with..a sworn army that routinely kills women and children . Honor only in REFUSAL ; all else is hideous life long complicity.

BTL:Human Rights Abuses in U.S.-Run Iraq and Afghan Prisons are... (tags)

...Widespread and Systemic * Interview with Carroll Bogert, associate director, Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Iraqi Rape Rooms: Under New Management (tags)

This is a sickening chronology of how the Bush administration lied about "liberating" Iraq to stop the "Rape Rooms and Mass Graves," but then continuing them "Under New Management"

Who Will Stop CAFTA Contest (tags)

Quest for Peace of the Quixote Center will run a full-page, New York Times signature ad in opposition to CAFTA- the Central American Free Trade Agreement. The 44,000 dollars and 2,500 signatures it takes is being raised from engaged citizens like you, who wish to proudly and publicly say "No" to CAFTA. The state with the highest number of signers (as a percentage of the state's total population) will be specifically acknowledged in the New York Times Ad. Show the country and Mr. Bush that your state will not tolerate CAFTA! See ad text below.

French TV screens images 'of US helicopter crew killing Iraqis' DOWNLOAD HERE (tags)

PARIS, May 4 (AFP) - The French cable television station Canal Plus on Tuesday will broadcast images, stolen in Iraq, of a US army helicopter killing three Iraqis, one of them wounded, who do not appear to be posing any threat

Conflict over Cuban Resolution on US Guantanamo Prisoners (tags)

Geneva, Switzerland.-

Artivist Film Festival (tags)

Merging Art and Activism for Global Consciousness

Venezuela Week in Review-April 17th-HOV (tags)

U.S.War in Venezuela

Cuba Requests Probe of Human Rights Violations at US Naval Base (tags)


Today in the MidEast (tags)


Cuban Human Rights Booklet on Sale Throughout the Island (tags)


14 Year Old Retarded Boy Used As Human Bomb by Terrorists (tags)

This morning a would-be suicide bomber was apprehended near Nablus. The suicide bomber was a mentally slow 14 year old boy who was often the but of teasing by other youths. His "handlers" told him the only chance for him to have sex with 72 virgins was to blow himself up at a border crossing.

Israel & Occupied Territories: US Country Reports on Human Rights Practice (tags)

We can assume this is why Israel did not wish to make an appearance at the Hague but sent instead a bus. All of these offenses needed to be discussed but Israel refused to show up and be present. The US continues to reward such behavior with American Tax Dollar$.

US Country Reports on Human Rights Practices :Israel (tags)

The latest US Country Report on Human Rights Practices in Israel and the Occupied Territories where BILLIONS of US tax dollars in foreign aid support the Israeli war machine and blatant disregard for International and Human Rights Laws

debunking the media lies about president Aristide (tags)

by Justin Felux the necklacing lie is going the round again in the New York Times and American Spectator

BTL:Human Rights Group Charges U.S. is Abusing Prisoners in Afghanistan (tags)

Interview with John Sifton, researcher with the Asia Division of Human Rights Watch, conducted Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Dear Mr. Bush (tags)

An open letter to the Bush Administration, Skull and Bones, and all imperialists. I'm pretty sure it will elicit angry responses for its friendly tone, but actually the letter puts these criminals on notice.

Elections or Resistance: Bolivar y Resistencia (tags)

US has military programs, bases or spies in every country in Latin America Only Cuba and Venezuela restrict US official activities. We want this entire military-espionage regime out! We won’t pay you anymore debt peonage and we take back all of our resources, our industries and our power

Syrian authorities break up rare protest. U.S. diplomat, journalists briefly detained (tags)

DAMASCUS, Syria -- In a capital awash with Syrian flags, banners of support for President Bashar Assad and pamphlets declaring his party's achievements on its 41st anniversary, the paper banner raised by about 20 human rights activists urging freedom for political prisoners did not fit in.

Colombia: Film Documents 'The Red Dance' (tags)

The Colombian documentary film "El baile rojo" (The Red Dance), marks an effort to restore collective memory of an experiment in reconciliation that was erased by blood and fire from the country's political map. The film's title comes from the name of the extermination operation against the Patriotic Union (UP), a legal leftist movement proposed in 1984 by the FARC guerrillas as a political means to end the civil war.


A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, China, Spain, and Cuba.


What really happened ten years ago, in Hebron, at the Cave of Machpela - the Tomb of the Patriarchs - or as the Arabs call it the Ibrahimi Mosque? . But a new study by Rabbi Dr. Chaim Simons, entitled, "Did or Did Not Dr. Baruch Goldstein Massacre 29 Arabs?" has just appeared on the Internet.

Please urge Sen. Feinstein to support Nepal garment bill (tags)

Dear California residents, please take ten minutes to write to Senator Feinstein asking her to support a bill which would help the people of Nepal, who are in dire need due to civil war and poverty.

STOP THE TRIPLE FENCE - Coastal Commission Hearing Wed. Feb 18th (tags)

The California Coastal Commission is meeting on Wedensday, February 18th at 12 noon at the Lodge at Torrey Pines in La Jolla to decide whether or not to allow the construction of the Triple Border Fence on the US/Mexico Border. You can attend the hearing and show your opposition!


February 7th 2004 Manual Arts High Los Angeles Groups like United Teacher Los Angeles Human Rights Committee strive to provide alternative life choices beyond military enlistment.

Songun Politics Criticized as the Greatest Political Crime (tags)

Bombay, World Social Forum, January 20 – It has become a worldwide trend for the world human rights organisations to deeply study and criticize leader Kim Jong Il’s human rights violations in the DPRK. The Sungun politics of inhuman militarism causes starvation in the Korean workers paradise, as the great marshal Kim Jong Il puts the sword before the hammer and sickle. Thanks to the superior Songun politics of the sun of the 21st century, citizens starve only if they do not whole-heartedly support the militant Juche-style socialism and the helmsman of the superior army-centered policies.

Israeli Army Kills 14 in Gaza (tags)

Israeli aggression on Gaza City and Rafah claims the lives of 14 Palestinians

Over 1300 Links on the US Presidential Election (tags)


Attacks on Columbia Women's Group Continue (tags)

Group refuses to back down.

Israel Wants US Report Held After the Hague (tags)

Israel has asked the U.S. administration to postpone publication of the State Department's annual report on human rights around the world, fearing it will be used against Israel in the discussion on the separation fence at the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

US documents implicate Kissinger in Argentine atrocities (tags)

Secret archives released by the US State Department directly implicate former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and other top American officials in backing the brutal military regime of mass murder, “disappearances” and torture that ruled Argentina for more than seven years, beginning in March 1976.

Nuns, Priets, Human Rights Activists Sentenced for Nonviolent Protest (tags)

Nuns, Priets, Human Rights Activists Sentenced for Nonviolent Protest at Ft. Benning.

[then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] (tags)

Demon Bush replied, "No, the intelligence I operated on [then subverted to steal American lives with by lying] was good, sound intelligence."

Wes Clark answers our SOA concerns! (tags)

“We don't know how lucky we are here - A major candidate is willing to listen to what we say and, if he won't do EVERYTHING we want, he'll at least do what's possible - and even give us the credit where credit is due. Other candidates would not have even bothered to answer. Wes Clark has acknowledged our SOA concerns, and that's more than any of the major candidates have. Indeed, all the other major candidates are happy to ignore our concerns and leave the SOA as it is - without even reforming it.”

25,000 formal complaints against the Spanish State to the U.N (tags)

The left-wing nationalist movement wants to take 25,000 formal complaints against the Spanish State to the U.N

Iraqi Resistance Solidarity Network Dec. 27th Updates (tags)

1. Iraqi Resistance Communique 2.Iraqi Resistance Report for events from Monday 22 December through Wednesday, 24 December 2003. 3.Boycott Coca- Cola.. Buy Quibla Cola 4.Appeal to UN/ Solidarity with the Fedayeen Attacks Sent to the Iraq Resistance Solidarity Network 5.German Stand with Efforts to Fund the Iraqi Resistance!!! 6. Resistance Committee in France Stand with the People of Iraq Against Occupation! 7.In Defense of the Intifada: Discussion in the Real Objectives of the International Solidarity Movement

The Poisoned origin of Christmas (tags)

Thousands of years before Christianity even appeared, cultures all around the world were celebrating a similar holiday, with many of the traditions that we now associate with Christmas. What these cultures celebrated was the “Winter Solstice”... -----------------------------7d338a30f041c Content-Disposition: form-data; name="link"

BTL:Federal Courts Challenge President's Authority to... (tags)

...Hold Terror Suspects Without Due Process. Interview with Ken Hurwitz, staff attorney, Lawyers Committee on Human Rights, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Colombian activists refuse to recognize justice system (tags)

Bogota — Activists in several rural Colombian communities have declared they will refuse to recognize the South American country's judicial system in light of mass detentions of suspected guerrilla collaborators.

Don't kill bush for me, do it for Jesus (tags)

Demon bush must not, under any circumstances, be allowed to survive from his evil onslaught he has criminally dictated against our God and Humanity as war mongering monster liar.

Epiphany (tags)

Corporate news censorship on our top priority world issues, such as the bush demon wars, are our rights to be heard over the evil wicked lies excused, as not relevant, or of YOUR dying concern.

Pilgrimage for Human Rights (tags)

Activists from the Inland Empire and Los Angeles are uniting for a 4 day march in support of immigrant and worker rights, especially in support of SB 60 and the UFCW Grocery store workers.

Asylum is a Human Right: A Dishonored Promise (tags)

"For a long while, the human right to asylum was a mere proclamation and never had a legally binding character for nation states. The human right to asylum is the hope of millions of refugees for a secure existence." translated from the German

PHR-Israel: New Clip - Violence Against Women (tags)

International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

Outsourcing torture? (tags)

We should be the champion of democracy in the world, and human rights can't be separated from democracy. But if Bush expects to be taken seriously on this issue, he'll have to address the contradictions in his own policies. Just months after Pakistan's Pervez Musharraf became Bush's new best friend, he won a new term in an election everyone knows was a fraud. To get a military foothold north of Afghanistan, Bush cozied up to Uzbekistan's longtime dictator, a Stalinist not much better than Saddam Hussein. And Bush still refuses to deal with Yasser Arafat, the democratically elected leader of the Palestinian Authority. And if Bush wants to be taken seriously, he can't condemn Syrian torturers while at the same time his CIA outsources its interrogations to the same brutal thugs.

Jewish Web Sites Opposed to Israeli Ethnic Cleansing etc... (tags)

This is a listing of Websites that are Jewish, and opposed to current Israeli Government Policies. The Zionists do not speak for all Jews.

UDHR 31st Article/ 28th Bill of Rights Suggestion (tags)

Universal Declaration of Human Rights, anti-corruption, anti-cultic, referendum, new people's branch of government. In spirit of green party facilitation/process, change, add, delete to improve.

The Learning Experience of Rakan (tags)

The Palestinian Political Prisoners We Do Not Hear About , the Children: The wretchedness of a 12 year old in Israeli military prison and the US Ambassador to the UN, a man known in Central Americas as one who "speaks five languages and knows when to be silent"

ART OF WAR: Dreams of Muhammad (tags)

IN MEMORY OF THE PALESTINIAN BOYS KILLED BY ISRAEL. These Palestinian boys were gunned down, often by Israeli snipers from fortified positions, that picked them out of the crowd, using high power rifles with telescopic lenses and silencers, who shot these boys in the heart, in the head. They were among the more than 140 Palestinians who were killed during the first month the intifada; killed before there were any suicide bombings in Israel, killed for daring to throw rocks at Israeli tanks, killed for wanting their FREEDOM!

The Chomskybot Code: Conduct In the Time of Terror (tags)

In spite of constant reassurances about the term "democracy" one is rarely allowed to criticize the country of Israel without suffering some punishing consequence for it. If you are a Jew you may survive the accusations of anti-Semitism but if you consistently express yourself online in any dissidence about Israel's current politick, you will probably not be immune to cyber attack.


A spoken-word, English-language, sound recording of the United Nations UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS is now available as a free download from

Silencing is my policy - lieing is my protocol (tags)

There are no Human Rights in a Law State.

Info War on USA Public (tags)

Info War on USA Public

Taco Bell Strikers Get RFK Humanitarian Award (tags)

I'm reposting this press release from the CIW. The organizers of the strike, who started out as field workers, got a big award!

Another Israeli Raid Against Civilians Funded By US Tax Dollars (tags)

"Israel's Channel 10 TV said that none of the dead were militants, characterizing the refugee camp strike as a "mistake."Residents said one of the dead was a doctor who was treating victims when a second missile struck. The identity of the other victims was not immediately known."

Rutgers Palestine Conference Report (tags)

Rutgers Palestine Conference Report

Reference Links: Jews against Zionism (tags)

Zionists, and Israel, do not speak for all Jews - not even a majority. Any attempt to claim otherwise is Zionazi Propaganda.

Wonderful Jean Ziegler (tags)

Jean Ziegler, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food, payed an official visit to Palestine in July 2003. This the first time a UN Rapporteur was allowed to investigate the situation in the occupied territories.

Schwarzenegger Threat: Progressives Debate What To Do Now (tags)

KPFA hosted an hour long discussion/debate on the subject of what progressives should do now that Arnold's poll numbers are strengthening. A variety of positions are aired, and while some of the arguments are the sort you would expect the debate is nonetheless thoughtful.

Pax ptir bello/peace is more powerful than war (tags)

Report from Baghdad from Beirut Indymedia

"Report From Baghdad" Part Four--Women in Iraq (tags)

This is a part four of the six-part series "Report form Baghdad" by Pacifica Radio KPFK Los Angeles Reporter Lee Siu Hin's July 2003 trip to U.S. occupied Iraq, to commemorate 6-months commemoration of U.S. invasion of Iraq (Sep 20), and to understand the future of Iraq. To view the entire series, please visit:

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 9/12/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, Germany, Spain, and Cuba.

ACTION ALERT - Support Poor People's March in DC (tags)

Poor People's Economic Human Rights marchers were evicted from "Bushville" on August 24th, with 17 arrests. On August 28th, marchers will reconstruct the Tent City with or without a permit. Take action to support the Poor People's Movement...

'LaVM 31/2002 vp' taking place January 1st 2004 and its planned becoming... (tags)

Short analyses on 'HE 52/2002 vp' accepted as a new Police and Enforcement act 'LaVM 31/2002 vp' starting from January 1st 2004. Citations from implicit explanatory memorandum assigned to Parliament's Constitutional committee appended with further explanations and grounds. All but one references can be found from internet for information validation. Raise of the second Holocaust?

This Christmas season should be designated as "Boycott Corporate America Time"! (tags)

Nov. 28-Dec. 24, 2003-This is the time when economic direct action against corporate America will be most effective!

Basque petition for justice and peace (tags)

Petition is to highlight the Basque conflict to the media and the public. It is to show that Basques want peace and justice. Please read, sign, and pass on this petition!

Iraq Resistance *Condemns* the UN Bombing (tags)

In a recent statement aired by Al-Jazeera, an Iraqi Resistance group CONDEMNED the recent bombing of the UN Headquarters in Baghdad. They suggest that the bombing was done to DISCREDIT the Iraqi Resistance in general. This UN bombing couldn't be yet another staged "terror" attack/provocation could it? Remember, false Flag operations are an integral feature of US (and Israel) covert operations. Notice how the Western "free" press completely ignores this story/issue and automatically assigns blame to the Iraqi Guerrilla Movement.

John Kerry's war record (tags)

MICHAEL BENGE Foreign Service officer and former Vietnam POW (1968) remembers John Kerry in Vietnam

HUNGER STRIKE! Activists Demand An End To Psychiatric Repression (tags)

Posted on behalf of Mind Freedom. Mental health reform activsits are trying to bring to light the quiet state of terror that exists in the so called field of psychiatry today. Educate yourselves about how psychiatrists are an alternative to the police and prisons as a form of repression and social control:

"NAZI"-Style Law for Israeli-Palestinian Couples (tags)

JERUSALEM - Israel's parliament passed a measure Thursday that would force Palestinians who marry Israelis to live separate lives or move out of Israel. The government said the law was necessary to prevent terror attacks, but critics called it racist.


LIGHT AMONG SHADOWS... an Art exhibit dedicated to the struggle for human rights in the Americas and beyond.

The Quality of Mercy (tags)

Releasing militants?while innocent administrative detainees remain in jail?Further Manipulations in the Roadmap....

The Recall - Bay Area Local HR Activist Van Jones helps start (tags)

I tried posting this to sf indymedia but they didn't reocate it in the local section - I'm guessing they don't want Arianna to run. But then, we're left with Gray and no revolution from the streets, so . . . . and surprising because Van Jones does important stuff in SF.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/11/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.0MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Spain, Netherlands, Russia, and Cuba.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 7/4/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, China, Russia, and Cuba.

The Invisible (Toll of the Terror War and it's Lies) (tags)

The problem goes beyond religion. A new xenophobia is abroad. In Connecticut, a resident told police that he had heard two "Arabs" talking about anthrax. Whereupon police officers arrested two Pakistani men suspected of having had the conversation at a gas station. They also hauled in an Indian businessman who was minding the station temporarily for his uncle, the owner. The man was held for 18 days and then released without charge or compensation.

Festival del SOL – 6th Annual Human Rights Benefit (tags)

June 21, 2003 - Downtown Los Angeles’ MacArther Park played host to this years festival. Light drizzle was met with sunny spirits.

Court rules HIV not proven to cause 'AIDS'. (tags)

After years of claims by the AIDS establishment that a link between HIV and immune supression had been established a High Court found the claim without merit and a unfounded deception. This is the first legal trail of the HUV/AIDS hypothesis and a historic defeat for AID$ Inc.

From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 Cities to Protest or Celebrate Court Decision (tags)

THE U.S.A. WAITS WHILE CANADA CELEBRATES: From Fairbanks to Miami, 29 U.S. Cities to Protest or Celebrate Supreme Court Decision on Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgendered Rights

6/20 Opening Ceremory for LA Peace And Social Justice Convergence (tags)

When: Friday, June 20, 8:00 - 10:00 PM Where: Arts in Action, 1919 W. 7th Street 4th floor, Los Angeles For More Info: (213)413-1778, e-mail: Web:

The appalling loss of humanity (tags)

"Instead of apologizing for not letting me see my son, they won't even let me have the photographs. I never believed things would come to this," al-Ahmar said on the weekend in a telephone call from prison. "Do you know what I felt when the judge refused to let me have the photos? That I am living in the age of slavery, when children were taken from their fathers as soon as they were born."

Violence in Southeast Mexico (tags)

As a dialogue between U.S. and Mexican state officials continues in Nashville, TN, police violence in Mexico intensifies.

Members of U.S. Congress Urge Court to Proceed with Genocide Lawsuit (tags)

"This lawsuit was filed not to embarrass China, but to persuade the defendants to end their persecution of Falun Gong ... it is highly consistent with the goals set forth in [U.S. Department of State’s] annual review of human rights." -- Members of U.S. Congress

Israel and Gaza: The News While Awaiting the Presence of Justice (tags)

"I am very pleased that President Bush has included in his supplemental budget request that just went to Congress $1 billion in Foreign Military Financing funds to help Israel strengthen its military and civil defenses. And that's just for starters." Colin Powell, AIPAC: March 30, 2003

Los Angeles Independent Film Festival (tags)

Los Angeles Independent Film Festival 6/11/03-6/21/03 screens human rights films and other topical independent films.

Shrub is coming to town! (tags)

protest the little tyrant when he dares to come to l.a.

Lebanese groups issue human rights warnings against Syria (tags)

Three human rights groups issued a joint communique stating that Syrian authorities continue to deny the imprisonment of Lebanese citizens, despite the findings of several international organizations. Now they fear Syria may be hiding mass graves...

US Faces Growing Charges of War Crimes (tags)

Several human rights groups are calling for the creation of either a war crimes tribunal or an international commission of justice. Additionally, several non-governmental organizations (NGOs) say they will pressure Washington to pay compensation for the killings of innocent civilians -- a common practice in U.S. law courts.

Selecting Regimes for Change: The U.S. is Unfair in Choosing (tags)

It seems that the U.S. government has become the expert on regime change. The problem is that they have ignored some of the worst examples of bad regimes because of valued trade status, being allied in the war on terror, and economic importance.

Human Rights Group Criticizes Hugo Chavez and Venezuelan Media (tags)

The Human Rights Watch is concerend that the Venezuelan government is not doing all it should to protect journalists.

UN rubber stamps US-UK occupation of Irag (tags)

Occupation of Irag

Afgan Massacre (tags)

Check this out!

Eight days in May Birmingham and the struggle for civil rights (tags)

The eight days between May 2 and May 10, 1963, when thousands of school children in Birmingham, Ala., defied the fire hoses and police dogs of Eugene “Bull” Connor, marked a turning point in the civil rights movement.

1,112 and Counting (tags)

The full text of the article that helped start the fight against AIDS.

Survey: Israel yet to grasp concept of democracy (tags)

The general conclusion of the survey, which is dubbed the "Israeli Democracy Survey" and will be conducted every year, is that Israel is basically a democracy in form more than in substance, and that it has yet to internalize fully the concept of democracy.

Gaza, the land of the sad oranges (tags)

Silvia Cattori is an independent journalist. she lives in Switzerland To those who went martyred for the land of the sad oranges… And those who have not been martyred yet…

U.S. Cluster Bombs continue to kill in Iraq (tags)

Though there are no reliable figures on post-war casualties from unexploded ordnance in Iraq, humanitarian groups say anecdotal reports suggest hundreds of civilians may have been killed or injured in recent weeks. Photo - An Iraqi man stands near an unexploded cluster bomb (AFP/File/Karim Sahib).


Protest Israel's *We have the right to kill you* visa for Gaza, and the brutal and illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine and call for an end to U.S. aid for Israel.

The War on Human Rights Groups (tags)

This is the beginning of the War on Human Rights Groups, perpetuated by the IDF and aimed in particular at those who wish to help Palestinians in the Occupied Territories and Gaza.

Sharp Rise in Press Attacks in Afghanistan (tags)

Reporters in Afghanistan are being threatened with death if they do not stop critisizing government officials.

Marcha For Social Justice In Our Communities (tags)


Americans have good reason to be afraid of their leaders (tags)

But now here's an irony that no one expected. Back in America, complaining about America is the one thing that's pretty much disappeared, lost under the weight of a collective patriotism and increasing constitutional limitations.

Oxy Petroleum: War for Oil in Colombia (tags)

Occidental Petroleum Faces Lawsuit for Its Role in Massacre in Colombia Plaintiff Questions CEO at the Company’s Annual Meeting

My Dream (tags)

Is that the whole world will be a place of social justice. . . like China, Vietnam, Zimbabwe, North Korea and, of course, Cuba. Viva Comrade Fidel!

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 4/18/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Russia, Spain, and Cuba.

Off the wire news (tags)

Anti-U.S. protests in Baghdad...Journalist Dies in 'Car Crash' in Iraq...Marines Raid Journalists' Baghdad Hotel...U.N. Human Rights Body Criticizes Israel...Iraqi Protesters Block Marines in Kut...$79 billion to pay for war? Ill. GOP Sen. Fitzgerald Won't Run in '04

Dying to work: Humanitarian disaster on the desert (tags)

SASABE, Sonora, Mexico – The Sonoran desert has a delicate, haunting beauty. Hundreds of species of birds, cacti and lizards have adapted to survive its lack of water and brutal temperatures exceeding 120 degrees. The list of these desert-hardy species does not include human beings.






Fidel Castro Rewards Free Speech with Prison Terms

Peace activist urges end to U.S. military aid for Colombia (tags)

MIDDLETOWN -- A leading Colombian peace activist urged a group of about 30 church members to help change U.S. policies on Colombia’s civil war and help implement peace and justice initiatives in his country.



Total war: resistance, humanitarian aid and the media (tags)

2003 is a year to live dangerously: of crimes against humanity and of heroic resistance; it is a time to reject the war and to extend our solidarity with the Iraqi people in this their moment of truth.





Get Ready for PATRIOT II (And the Fourth Reich) (tags)

The Bush Junta has already provided adequate evidence that they are not friends of the Constitution or the Civil Liberties Protected therein. If this Bill is ever allowed to pass you can kiss your ass goodbye. Here come the "Detention Camps" for dissidents (those who do not parrot the Party Line. All "Good Americans" Goose Step mit Der Fuhrer.










A little help for the confused.





One Rule for Them (tags)

Who does doublespeak and double standards better than the US?





War isn't stopping the IMF/World Bank from plunder and destruction (tags)

It's the height of irony that the IMF/World Bank force poor countries to cut social services to their citizens in order to get out of deficit spending while the current US administration has taken our country from surplus to unprecedented mega-deficits in just a few short months.





Israel's "Humanity" (tags)

For you Apologists - this article comes straight out of Haaretz. "On March 4, in the early morning hours, two crop-dusting planes flew over the Negev Hills, spraying field crops with a toxin that caused them to wither and die. Ten people, most of them children, inhaled the substance and required medical treatment. "

The PNAC and it`s connection to the Bush Wars (tags)

Who pulls the strings in US foreign policy< what are their goals and who pays the price.



If antiwar protesters succeed (tags)

To publish an unsigned opinion piece is an exception to the Monitor's policy. But the views expressed here, if put with a name, could endanger the writer's extended family in Baghdad. The author - known to Monitor staff - was born and raised in Iraq. Now a US citizen with a business that requires extensive world travel, the author is in frequent touch with the Iraqi diaspora but is not connected with organized opposition to Saddam Hussein.


!No al racismo / No to racist war! !No a la guerra por petróleo / No blood for oil! !Queremos Justicia / We want Justice! !No queremos guerra / Health Care Not Warfare!



The Great Wall of Denial by Gila Svirsky, Jerusalem (tags)

Why, I am trying to understand, are we Israelis so blind to this brutality? Where are the expressions of revulsion by decent Israelis? Why don't the major newspapers report these heart-wrenching stories ? Why didn't a single Jewish political party in the recent election criticize the government for its policy of collective punishment?

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 2/28/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Netherlands, Russia, Germany, Spain, and Cuba

Iranian Students Human Rights Report (tags)

Three Students have been transferred to unknown location, UN Human Rights inspectors still investigate

cfl alert (tags)



I would like to inform you that my son, Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi, is being held in INS Custody for 60 days without any legal bases. He is arrested illegally by the INS officers of San Bernardino, CA without any reasonable reason. Mr. Alireza Ghazi Zahedi is a peace & human rights activist. He has been faithful and great supporter of USA for advancing world peace. It is unfair and injustice for a great and peaceful country like USA to treat its supporters in this way.

Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

According to Article 147, to "willfully caus[e civilians] great suffering or serious injury to body or health" is a "grave breach" of the Fourth Geneva Convention, the most serious type of war crime. There appears to be prima facie evidence that "great suffering" and "serious injury to body and health" were "willfully" inflicted on Palestinian civilians during the gas attacks conducted by the Israeli Defense Forces.(62)

Unocal Gets A Second Chance (tags)


A Jewish Response to Rabbi Lerner Flap (tags)

A report from the "Jewish Voice for Peace" organization on the so-called "banning" of Rabbi Lerner by ANSWER

SOA Trial Update: 35 Human Rights Advocates Begin Trial (tags)

Defendants Aim to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism, Put SOA and US Foreign Policy on Trial

UN will sink into irrelevance -- Good! (tags)

The United Nations is on the verge of demonstrating finally and fatally its moral bankruptcy and its strategic irrelevance: moral bankruptcy, because it will have made a mockery of the very resolution on whose sanctity it insists; strategic irrelevance, because the United States is going to disarm Iraq anyway.

Venezuela in the News: Fraud and the Totalitarian Bias (tags)

The Washington Times | January 22, 2003

The Israeli poison gas attacks (tags)

After a few minutes, the gas started to smell. "Like mint," several people said. One resident later recalled that, "the smell was good. You want to breathe more. You feel good when you inhale it." A girl reported that "its taste was like sugar. The smell was sweet."(4)

Libya Elected to Chair U.N. Human Rights Body (tags)

Latest from the UN - that great source of moral authority.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 1/17/03 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Netherlands, Spain, Germany, Russia, and Cuba.

BTL:Reports of U.S.Complicity in Torture of Prisoners Triggers Demand for... (tags)

...a White House Investigation. Interview with Jamie Fellner, director of U.S. Programs at Human Rights Watch, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

5 Reasons to Stop US Military Aid to Israel (tags)

"I am a black South African, and if I were to change the names, a description of what is happening in the Gaza Strip and West Bank could describe events in South Africa." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Not Cooperating With Evil (tags)

Together we were about 300 activists who set out on buses this morning. Most of us were Israelis, but there was a significant presence of internationals, too, including the undauntable CPT-ers (Christian Peacemakers Team) who work in Hebron. On each bus, one person led a discussion about the strategy of nonviolent direct action, the importance of not provoking soldiers, and the commitment to breaking the law openly and nonviolently.

English translation of Pocket Guide for IDF soldiers (tags)

English translation of Pocket Guide for Israeli Occupation Forces serving in the occupied territories, distributed by The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories, B'Tselem (Visit their website link in Israel, below)

Saturday rally at the INS - protest against mass detentions (tags)

Highlights from the rally at the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) in downtown LA last Saturday, Jan 4, 2003.

Zimbabwe: Imposed Hunger Stalinist Style (tags)

The latest from sunny Rhodesia! The Washington Post | January 2, 2003

12/30: AmericasWatch - Looking Back 2002 to Look Forward 2003 (tags)

Occational News Services from URL: **2002 PeaceNoWar/ActionLA Suggests Holiday Reading/Film/Music Lists URL:


This is an interesting analysis of Billionaire finanical predator, George Soros, and his covert funding and sponsorship of the pro-establisment "Peace movement" in the USA. Soros' empire not only has its tentacles in the Peace movement but also in the (cough, cough)"Alternative" media outlets which have desperately tried to downplay and smear any questioning of US government sponsorship/involvement in 9-11 as "conspiracy theory." Soros has also provided funding to Indymedia(!) with its contribution to LA Indymedia during the protests at the Democratic Party convention in 2000.

Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Lott; are Anti Christ? Ver.3 (tags)

Bush, Cheney, Ashcroft and Lott; are Anti Christ? Ver.3



US Imperialism in Colombia (tags)

Colombia has always been and still is the coveted cornerstone of the US's geopolitical control over the entire Latin American region, and at whatever the cost, the US is determined to make Colombia the jewel in its imperial crown.

Towards Abolition of the Death Penalty (tags)

Professor Michael Radelet from the University of Colorado-Boulder presented the keynote address at the IADP event. Professor Radelet is co author of In Spite of Innocence and has been a consultant to the Illinois Governor's Commission on Death Penalty Moratorium, among many other contributions to the movement to abolish the death penalty.

Borrowing the Skeleton from Senator Trent Lott's Closet (tags)

A follow-up to What Really Happens at

Freedom House Homeless Youth Shelter (tags)

While we fight the move towards war and social service cutbacks, one small positive development is our opening this week of Casa libre/Freedom House, a shelter for homeless unaccompanied immigrant minors and inner-city youth.

12/10 News From Iraq: International HR Day Americans Tells Bush--No War in Iraq! (tags)

PeaceNoWar News Service Iraq News Summary: December 10, from Goshen, Ind., grannies collecting relief kits to a "die-in" on an Ivy League campus, Americans took to the streets Tuesday in mostly small, low-key events to protest a possible war on Iraq. More than 100 people were arrested...

Marze Por Gohar and the Quest for Human Rights in Iran (tags)

Marze Por Gohar (The Glorious Frontiers Party) envisions an Iran free of the sins of Monarchy and the excesses of the theocratically oriented Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI). Only time will tell in regard to the realization of its dreams.

The Right to Development (tags)

"The 1994 UN Development Program proposed a world social charter with the goal of building a society where the right to food is as sacred as the right to vote..and the right to development is a fundamentaql human right Brigitte Hamm is a professor in Duisberg.


5 homes have been completely destroyed during the last 18 hours in Bethlehem. 150 Palestinian civilians lost their homes this week alone. Over 15 houses demolished in the past 7 days

Freedom Bus on its way to California! (tags)

Serviced Bus New Freedom Bus delayed. The bus was serviced and repaired after being without heat for 36 hours. This delayed the arrival of the freedom riders in Kansas.

Thousands to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism (tags)

Massive Convergence at Ft. Benning, Georgia, November 15-17 to Close the School of the Americas


Among all the horrifying testimonies of sexual violence to emerge from Gujarat, one story has come to symbolize the collective suffering of the Muslim community. It is told and retold on news stories, in NGO reports, in eyewitness accounts: "I was running [and] I saw a pregnant woman's belly being cut open," states a young boy on Indian television. "The fetus was pulled out and thrown up in the air. As it came down it was collected on the tip of the sword."

Thousands to Expose Double Standard in War on Terrorism (tags)

Massive Convergence at Ft. Benning, Georgia, November 15-17 to Close the School of the Americas

UNEQUAL PROTECTION: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights (tags)

Thom Hartmann will be giving a talk on his new book at The Bodhi Tree, Nov 23, 3p. His new book UNEQUAL PROTECTION: The Rise of Corporate Dominance and the Theft of Human Rights (Rodale/October 2002) is an in-depth look into how corporations have hijacked democracy.

As US intervention grows: Colombian army lays siege to Medellín neighborhood (tags)

"We’re under fire from machine-guns," one distraught woman told the local media. "The bullets come out of the helicopters and fall onto our roofs. It is terrifying. This is like Vietnam."

Australian authorities send refugees to their deaths (tags)

Four years ago, Colombian dissident Alvaro Morales fled to Australia to escape death threats from Colombian government-backed paramilitaries. In May, the Australian authorities turned down his application for asylum. When Morales returned to Colombia he was shot dead by right-wing paramilitaries.

Sister Dianna Ortiz : Author & Torture Survivor (tags)

The Latino Museum of History, Art and Culture and Amnesty International announced today that Human Rights Activist Sister Dianna Ortiz will hold a symposium at The Latino Museum to discuss her new memoir The Blindfold’s Eyes: My journey from Torture to Truth on Monday, October 28th, 2002 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM.

Confronting the Warmongers (tags)

Challenging the justifications for war.

Pro-Democracy for China Rally O9 (tags)

Rally for Human Rights; Democracy; protesting Bush summit with Chinese dictator

Oct 3: Latest News From Columbia--More US Military Aids, Special Forces to Columbia (tags)

By: 1) More US Military Aid Released to Colombia (Center for Defense Information, USA) 2) US Forces to Train Colombia Army (Assoicated Press)

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 10/4/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.2MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. China, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, Cuba.

globalisation means war (tags)

The global Swiss banking syndicate that is backing the war effort

'Steamed At China' Pro-Democracy Rally O9 (tags)

'Steamed At China' Pro-Democracy Rally Oct. 9 in Washington (tags)

Upcoming lecture about information every activist needs to know about. The threat of new weapons of mass destruction.

Join Tonight's Protest in Santa Monica Against Ban on Homeless Feeding Programs (tags)

On September 24, 2002, at 5:30 p.m., Santa Monica City Hall, 1685 Main Street, join with civil rights and human rights organizations in protesting a proposed ordinance to make criminals out of private citizens who feed the hungry in Santa Monica.

Funding Shortage Hampers Chinese Democracy Movement (tags)

Funding Shortage Hampers Chinese Democracy Movement

Bush's UN Non-Sequiturs (tags)

UN speech dissected

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 9/13/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.5MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. China, Spain, Netherlands, Russia, and Cuba.

Appeal: New Escalation in Chipas (tags)

fwd from listserve.

Not William Bratton for LAPD (tags)

I am aware of the fact that the Metropolitan Police of Caracas have a black history for many years in violations of human rights. It is worth stressing that for almost two years the Metropolitan Police agents have been trained by United States agents belonging to the Bratton Group (headed by former New York and Boston police commissioner William Bratton). This "security" corps acts under the command of Mayor Alfredo Peña, who is a bitter opponent of the Chávez government and the social reforms that this government has implemented.

New Colombian government slams door on peace (tags)

When Anne Patterson, U.S. ambassador to Colombia, called on the new government of ultra-rightist President Alvaro Uribe Velez to summon the reserves to fight against leftist guerrilla forces, Uribe’s minister of defense, Martha Lucia Ramirez, did just that on the following day.

About the Heroic Struggle of Maclovio Rojas in Tijuana (tags)



Less than a week after being inaugurated as Colombia’s new president, extremist Alvaro Uribe Velez, has enacted a law that vastly curtails the rights of Colombian citizens and appears to legalise certain tactics used by paramilitary death squads. Civil society is bracing itself for the worst and already parts of the union movement are making plans to start operating in secret.


The Electronic Disturbance Theater will launch a FloodNet action or virtual sit in against the OAS and Mexican government, in solidarity with the families of disappeared and murdered young women of Juarez.

US is financing murder of possibly millions in Cauca (Columbia) (tags)

We must help to stop the murder... please read and spread the word.. public awareness deters the evil force

WorldWire: Global Issues Daily Headlines, Aug. 9th (tags)

Top news headlines on global issues, from WorldWire, for Friday, Aug. 9th

192 UC Faculty Say Respect Human Rights, Divest from Israel (tags)

Faculty at UC Berkeley have initiated a petition for divestment from Israel that includes all of the University of California campuses, inspired by the anti-apartheid campaign of the 1980's. Please go to to sign the petition.

Israeli troops kill Palestinian teenager (tags)

DUMDUM BULLETS!. Palestinian teenager shot in his back from close range.

The SHORTWAVE REPORT 8/2/02 ¡Listen Globally! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (11.6MB) and quick download (3.4MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, China, Russia, Spain and Cuba.

FTAA and Government Repression in Ecuador: an eyewitness account (tags)

Globalization is supposed to make communication easier. But when the leaders of Ecuador`s social movements tried to deliver a letter critiquing neoliberal globalization to Summit of the Presidents of S. America, they were arrested, roughed up, and their giant letter was destroyed. This highlights the need for international support for the massive protest planned at the 7th summit of the Free Trade Area of the Americas in Ecuador in October.

Committee to Protect Journalists is a Fraud (tags)

I hope everyone reads this...

The politics of murder (tags)

Pressed as to why the U.S. has not done so after twenty two months in which barely a day has passed without U.S. weapons being used to add to the mounting list of Palestinian victims in the Occupied Territories, Boucher said: "All we've ever really answered in response to these questions is to note that we have not made such a report, and should we do so we'll tell you. At this point we haven't."

Today's Voice: Bush As Corporate Reformer? (tags)

The Media tells us what is wrong with the world; Voice4change will tell you what to do about it! Our member organizations are busy organizing, so we want to bring their message to you. Our affiliates are doing great work every day. They need your support…We will be their link to you. Sign on to


Harvard President Summers sticks to his guns in support of Israeli war crimes and the use of Harvard's money to fund them. Under the Nuremberg Principles (adopted by the UN in 1950) this implicates him under international law too.

Deaths in the desert: the sad price of U.S. border policy (tags)

Three months pregnant, Norma Rodriguez Amado had watched her husband, Paez Martinez, as he left his home in Morales, Mexico, for the United States. He would support his family from afar, working in the states of Tennessee and Florida. After almost two-and-a-half years of living and working in these faraway places, Paez returned to Morales to see his son, Alexander, for the first time.

Human Rights and the Message and Mission of Jonah (tags)

Lutheran pastor Mark Dankof examines the links between the 8th century prophet and the modern human rights movement.

Human rights protest in Salt Lake City (tags)

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its third annual spring gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah to focus attention on human rights abuses and war crimes committed by members of the U.N.'s Security Council.

Human rights protest in Salt Lake City (tags)

The Committee for War Criminal Prosecution held its third annual spring gathering in Salt Lake City, Utah to focus attention on human rights abuses and war crimes committed by members of the U.N.'s Security Council.

The Deepening Crisis in Nepal (tags)

In order to continue the "state of emergency" against the wishes of parliament, King Gyanendra recently dissolved parliament. Human rights groups report that government security forces have been acting with impunity, engaging in torture and summary execution, and killing of noncombatants. Journalists have been tortured, report media rights groups. Yet the U.S. has promised increased support for the Nepali state. Now is the time to get the Senate to add human rights language to the funding bill.


In their most recent report on human rights in Colombia Amnesty International talks of "strong links between the security forces and the paramilitaries" and blames US military aid for inflaming the situation.

The Shortwave Report 5/31/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Spain, Germany, Netherlands, China, and Cuba


A new UN report confirms the guerrillas’ version of the Bojaya tragedy, where a stray guerrilla mortar shell struck a church May 2nd killing at least 117 civilians who were being used as human shields by paramilitary gunmen.

Human rights and all activists addressed... (tags)

An open letter of the China Support Network to all activists and human rights groups

Panther Rises In Red, But Flourishes In Green (tags)

Socialism or Green Direct Democracy?


The human rights director of the CUT trade union federation is still in hospital after police beat him round the head with bats on a May Day protest in the city of Cali. After being identified by military intelligence agents various other union and social leaders were also attacked.

The Shortwave Report 5/3/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.5MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Cuba, and Germany.

6th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism (tags)

Bulletin Number #1 6th National Conference On Raza Prisoners and Colonialism

Venezuela, Neither Chavez nor Carmona (tags)

anarchists declare thereselves opponents of both Left and Right authoritarians

Human Rights Abuses in San Diego Ca. (tags)

On March 25th the Border Patrol in San Diego attacked and jailed without charges a human rights observer. See the interview with him and a companero who was also there.

Sharon :: already 508.804 signatures online (tags)

there are needed 1.000.000 last 24h more than 30.000 signatures let's put Sharon on the just started international court!!! let's see if that court is a joke or not

The Shortwave Report 3/22/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of international news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Germany, Cuba, China, Spain, Netherlands, Russia.

Anti-G8 Organizing Links (tags)

A damn-near-exhaustive list of links to information about this year's G8 summit in Kananaskis, Alberta, and the actions being planned against it.

RISE UP 2002: Hundreds of activists join with Farmworkers at UCLA (tags)

The RISE UP 2002 Conference has started. Hundreds of participants collected at Perloff Quad on UCLA campus this morning for the opening plenary; and are presently filling the classrooms of both Royce and Rolfe Hall in the first series of workshops. The conference has been organized by the Coalition of Imokalee Workers (CIW)as part of the Taco Bell Truth Tour.


It is about time to call a spade and spade...


The WorldBeat Center Presents Live and Direct from Jamaica The Legendary Poet Mutabaruka

Peru Supreme Court Upholds Lori Berenson's Sentence (tags)

The following was dated "Monday, February 18, 2002" and was addressed "To All Friends and Supporters of Lori Berenson." It includes the Press Statement released by Lori's parents.

Turkish Ambassador Feb 14, 2002 @ csulb (tags)

On Feb 14, 2002 at 6pm at CSULB at the University Library on the 5th floor the Turkish Ambassador will be speaking and taking questions. Turkey is responsible for massive genocide, human rights violations, and is the reciever of masive US arms shipments. Let the turkish ambassador you stand in solidarty with the oppressed people of his nation and support them in rising up in revolution!

The Shortwave Report 1/18/02 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.4MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Germany, Netherlands, Russia, China, Cuba.

Poor to March for Economic Human Rights During Olympics (tags)

On February 8, 2002, poor, unemployed and homeless people from across the United States will lead a massive March for Our Lives on the opening day of the Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

The Shortwave Report 12/14/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 30 minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast-13.7MB & quick/streaming-3.4MB. With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast upon notification. Netherlands, Germany, Russia, Spain, Cuba

Dec 10 Anti War Demo Reports (tags)

A summary of RAWA support demonstrations for peace.

Rally for R.A.W.A.and Intl. Human Rights Day (tags)

December 10 is International Human Rights Day. In solidarity with the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan, a rally against repression in both Afghanistan and the U.S. will be held at the Federal Building in downtown Los Angeles beginning at 4:00 P.M. until 6:00.

International Solidarity Movement in Palestine - D15-J1 2001/2 (tags)

The International Solidarity Movement is converging again in Palestine from D15 to J1 2001/2 to bring the world's attention to the Israeli occupation and demostrate solidarity with the Palestinian people.

Murder of Mexican Human Rights Attorney Raises Questions about President Fox's.. (tags)

Roberto Rodriguez is a columnist and activist based in Texas. He spoke with Between The Lines' Denise Manzari about Digna Ochoa's murder and the anticipated response of the Vicente Fox government.

THE INDEPENDENT: UN Demands Pause in Bombing to Let Aid Reach Starving Afghans (tags)

Mary Robinson, the United Nations commissioner for human rights, called on Friday for a halt to Allied air strikes to allow aid to reach up to two million "desperate" civilians trapped in Afghanistan.

Al-Ahram Weekly: Caught in the Middle (tags)

A View From An Egyptian Weekly Online: Cairo is urging caution and restraint to a hotheaded Washington, warning: look before you leap, write Nevine Khalil and Soha Abdelaty. [Excerpts. For full story, click link provided.]

Sudanese People In War Fueled By China and It's National Petroleum Corporation (tags)

Read Paul Hays, Learn what Cable News Network Refuses to Even Consider Newsworthy. CNN brings you 1,000 hours about Montesinos, Quackery in Durban and Apologists for a declaration of war on the most important economic engine in the world: namely New York City.

'Shared Gabriels Ready The Helm of Global Consciousness or Spank Me Twice' (tags)

We, the Auto Immune of Global Economics, need some group self help before protesters are killed in D.C. during S28 and we fill our patriotic-caused cavities with recently age-liberated American youth among new war dead. Shared Gabriels are beating more than their drums: they are beating us at the consciousness game. Fly a Human Rights flag, too.

Will Bush Administration Respond to the Assaults with Indiscriminate Violence? (tags)

Between The Lines' Melinda Tuhus spoke with Joy Gordon, an attorney and professor of philosophy at Fairfield University in Connecticut, who specializes in the study of ethics and human rights.

California's Independence (tags)

If the Bush regime is so determined to launch a military conquest, then he should do so WITHOUT CALIFORNIA!!!

The Shortwave Report 8/31/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A 3o minute review of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 versions- broadcast (13.6MB) and streaming(3.4MB). Free to rebroadcast upon notification. With times and freqs for listening at home. Germany, Russia, Spain, Netherlands, Cuba.

Amnesty International Adopts Jailed Mexican Environmentalists as... (tags)

Folabi Olagbaju, director of Amnesty International USA's Human Rights and Environmental Program. He discusses the circumstances surrounding the prosecution of Montiel and Cabrera and why Amnesty has adopted the men as prisoners of conscience.

Western Shoshone Nation sovereignty under attack (tags)

Comprehensive history of fight for land rights that is coming to a crisis right now involving the Western Shoshone, the Federal Government via BLM and BIA, and the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the organization of American States. Urgent action requested.

UN Official: Denmark Will Act Against ex-Israeli Shin Bet Director Carmi Gillon (tags)

In the sharpest warning yet that ex-Shin Bet director Carmi Gillon may be Pinocheted, the ex-assistant director of The UN Committee Against Torture has stated that he believes Denmark should and will take action against Gillon, the new Israeli ambassador to Denmark. The UN Committee’s position that The UN Convention on Torture supercedes the diplomatic immunity provisions of The Vienna Convention, has been echoed by the director of The Danish Centre for Human Rights. Gillon was forced to resign as director of The Shin Bet due to the Shin Bet’s negligence in protecting asassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Oil and Slavery in Sudan (tags)

Talisman Energy is complicit in human rights violations ranging from slavery to genocide.

UN Official: Denmark Will Take Action Against ex-Shin Bet Director Carmi Gillon (tags)

In the sharpest warning yet that ex-Shin Bet director Carmi Gillon may be Pinocheted, the ex-assistant director of The UN Committee Against Torture has stated that he believes Denmark should and will take action against Gillon, the new Israeli ambassador to Denmark. The UN Committee’s position that The UN Convention on Torture supercedes the diplomatic immunity provisions of The Vienna Convention, has been echoed by the director of The Danish Centre for Human Rights. Gillon was forced to resign as director of The Shin Bet due to the Shin Bet’s negligence in protecting asassinated Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

Dagger Aimed at Sharon Really Meant for Israel (tags)

This week, Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, said that Sharon — now Israel's prime minister — should be put on trial as a war criminal for what happened in 1982. "There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity," says Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. I suppose this should make me sympathetic to the campaign to brand Sharon a war criminal. But I'm not, because I don't think Human Rights Watch is acting in good faith.

Dagger Aimed at Sharon Really Meant for Israel (tags)

This week, Human Rights Watch, a New York-based organization, said that Sharon — now Israel's prime minister — should be put on trial as a war criminal for what happened in 1982. "There's no statute of limitations on crimes against humanity," says Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch. I suppose this should make me sympathetic to the campaign to brand Sharon a war criminal. But I'm not, because I don't think Human Rights Watch is acting in good faith.

Work, Policy of Major Civil Rights Leaders Ignored in Struggle (tags)

Many of the new groups have cathchy names, a cellular telephone and maybe postcards of a mural that covers one wall. Regretably for the well-being of many they have ignored on purpose or out of slick pressures the teachings and history of an American Human Rights struggle: namely the battles for civil rights that were led by common people.

Elliot Abrams And His Three Monkeys (tags)

It's been over a week now since President www. Bush made his appointment of Elliot Abrams to senior director of the National Security Council's office of democracy, human rights, and international operations (if that isn't an office stuffed full of adopted idealism!)....

KPFA Flashpoints Radio: July 9, 2001, Medea; Neta Golan; Guatemala (tags)

KPFA Flashpoints Radio July 9, 2001: (link to audio in 'full story' text below) - California FERCed again, Medea Benjamin and Peter Navarro (10 min) - Young Israeli peace activist Neta Golan speaks up and out (24 min) - Human Rights in Guatemala, two genocide lawsuits filed (20 min)

Alert! Press Lynching by Libel Law (tags)


Interview w French activist/farmer Jose Bove after arrest in West Bank (tags)

KPFA Flashpoints Radio June 21, 2001 (link to audio in text below) - Interview w French farmer/activist Jose Bove after arrest in the West Bank. (15 min) - Lori Berensen convicted in Peru of aiding terrorism. Interview w Rhoda Berensen, Lori's mother. (9 min) - Upcoming United Nations conference on AIDS. ACT-UP NY acts out plans. (14 min) - Villagers sue Exxon-Mobil for human rights violations in Indonesia (14 min)

US Army Operated Secretly in Congo (tags)

June 17, 2001

Americans Blamed in Colombia Attack (tags)

BOGOTA -- Three American civilian airmen providing airborne security for a U.S. oil company coordinated an antiguerrilla raid in Colombia in 1998, marking targets and directing helicopter gunships that mistakenly killed 18 civilians, Colombian military pilots have alleged in a official inquiry.

MAY DAY Legal Aid Benefit Concert (tags)

Upcoming L.A. Punk Concert to raise legal aid monies for May Day protestors assaulted by Police in Long Beach

Election Records Fraud in Chicago? (tags)

Investigations by two non-profit show irregularities in vote, elections record keeping in Chicago. Is this the tip of a fraud iceberg?

Human Rights Festival. (tags)

SOL FESTIVAL 2001 4th Annual Human Rights Music and Art Benefit Festival

The Shortwave Report 5/11/01 ¡LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A weekly 30 minute review (13.6mb) of news and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. FREE TO REBROADCAST, please notify . Radio Netherlands, China, Germany, Cuba. Times and frequencies for listening at home.

The Shortwave Report 4/27/01 !LISTEN GLOBALLY! (tags)

A Weekly 30 minute review of news stories and opinions recorded from a shortwave radio. (13.6mb/mp3) Radio Netherlands, Deutsche Welle, Spain, China, Cuba. Foot and Mouth, nuclear power in Germany, Nigeria, Ethiopia, US arms sales, Mexico, Columbia, FTAA, US in Panama.

Boulder, CO Anti-FTAA Solidarity Action (tags)

An anti-FTAA and fair trade rally and march was held in Boulder, Colorado in solidarity with the FTAA demonstrations taking place everywhere. An estimated 150 people attended...

Tiannamen Mothers Working With Human Rights In China of NYC Have Shirt-Informati (tags)

Visit Human Rights in China in the New York City area, by telephone or web and read about their campaign to document and fight for the mothers whose student kids and working class kids died under tanks and by machine gun fire in the Tiannamen Square and areas nearby. Visit HRIC or Human Rights in China on your keyboard and in your favorite search engine.


Seattle Activists Face Prohibition On WTO Anniversary Events By City


Activists In Seattle Prepare For Possible Confrontations With Police On WTO Protest Anniversary

US death squads. Israel Colombia. Reuters articles. Human rights groups reports. (tags)

Holy wars and drug wars. The USA has to stop supporting and funding death squads. The USA is sending billions of dollars of support, military equipment, and training to governments that have been shown by numerous human rights groups to be directly and indirectly responsible for many death squad murders. What is particularly disturbing is that fundamentalist religious fanatics are often the strongest supporters of escalating this violence, and who refuse to compromise.

Info from US govt. source to prove Colombian military committed massacre (tags)

Four Colombian survivors of the 1998 Santo Domingo massacre will testify before a formal Tribunal of Opinion this weekend about the Colombian military's responsibility for the incident. Evidence will include documentation from a highly placed U.S. government source showing that at least one U.S. donated helicopter was used in the massacre.

The Wife of Hosea Williams SCLC Field Marshall Dies On August 24,2000 (tags)

Hosea Williams is a long-time and eliable beacon in the Civil Rights Movement/Human Rights Struggle iN the USA. He was the Field Marshal to Matib Luther King Jr., Ralph David Abernathy and Andrew Young. Every year on two days, he organizes a stadium filled feed the homeless day. People can get health-check-ups, dental care and haircuts. Respect this mans loss and aid his mighty cause.

U.N. Rights Body Calls for Lifting Iraq Embargo (tags)

Somebody is actually listening


Gore Family Continues To Profit From Occidental Stock Despite Abuses

SLaM NAB (tags)

SLaM NAB (tags)

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