fix articles 7163, political rights Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : political rights

political rights

May to December 2021 Honduras coup update: The impending exit of JOH dictatorship (tags)

This second half of 2021 in Honduras saw continued attacks against peasants, indigenous communities, human rights defenders, unionists, students, political prisioners, community journalist, and also, many killings against politicians – in the context of the November election in which the Nationalist JOH regime saw that at the presidential level, it couldn’t pull off another fraud, although it can at the parliamentary and municipal levels. In addition, inroads were made into beginning several model cities (ZEDES), to add to the long list of dictatorship footprints so that it leaves a nightmare to be unravelled, as FUERA JOH – get out JOH’ becomes a reality, twelve and a half years after the military coup against the Honduran people.

International Scholars Raise Concerns over “an Attempt to Destroy a New Religious Movement (tags)

On July 20, LA local minority church members spoke out at an international human rights webinar titled “COVID-19 and Religious Freedom: Scapegoating Shincheonji in South Korea”, which addressed the recent issues of aggressive attack from politically powerful conservative and fundamentalist Protestant churches against minority faiths.

Philippines: We condemn extension of Martial Law in Mindanao (tags)

The extension of martial law in Mindanao to the end of 2018 by Congress comes as no surprise to Laban ng Masa (Fight of the Masses). Over the last year and a half, the Senate and the House of Representatives have been completely transformed into pliant tools of President Rodrigo Duterte, with the vast majority of the members of these two chambers surrendering their remaining shred of self-respect to become accomplices to Malacanang’s authoritarian agenda.

PHILIPPINES: 8,000 killings proof of policy to kill (tags)

Akbayan Partylist condemns President Rodrigo Duterte’s denial of his policy to kill under the War on Drugs.

Irresponsibly Bashing Venezuelan Justice (tags)


Repressive Israeli Administrative Detentions (tags)


Obama's War on Venezuela (tags)


Israel Denies Medications for Palestinian Prisoners (tags)


Propaganda Accompanies Kiev's Buildup for Escalated Aggression (tags)


Ukraine Provoking Confrontation with Russia (tags)


Hyping a Nonexistent Russian Threat (tags)


Juvenile Lifers in America Without Parole (tags)

police state

Obama Declares Venezuelan Democracy a Threat to US National Security (tags)


Medical Neglect in Israel's Gulag (tags)


Appalling Israeli Treatment of Palestinian Prisoners (tags)


Bahrain: Profile of a Police State (tags)

police state

UN Committee Against Torture Criticizes US Policy (tags)

police state

America: The Real Evil Empire (tags)


Israel: Human Rights Abuser Writ Large (tags)


Politicized Persecution in America (tags)

police state

Israel's Reign of Terror on Palestine (tags)


Lawless Israeli House Demolitions (tags)


Deconstructing John Kerry's Big Lies (tags)


Mass Surveillance Destroys Freedom (tags)


Momentum for Palestinian Statehood (tags)


Political Prisoner Nabeel Rajab Freed (tags)

police state

Mass Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)

Repost (correction). Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, the latter virtually seeing themselves as God when reinventing the UDHR to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.

Dissent within after article, Profound Arrogance at UN. (tags)

Dissent within human rights groups grows after article Profound Arrogance at UN, seeing themselves as God when reinventing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights to emphasize elite interests rather than individual rights.

UN Human Rights Committee Denounces US Human Rights Record (tags)

police state

Willful Medical Negligence in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Kerry and Lavrov in Munich (tags)


Israel Targets Conscientious Objectors (tags)


Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)


Digital Age Privacy Rights (tags)


1,000 Days and Counting (tags)


Israeli Persecution of Human Rights Lawyer Anas Barghouti (tags)


Palestinians' Right to Resist (tags)


Violence, Instability, Torture and Deaths in Libya (tags)


Occupation Harshness Belies Dead on Arrival Israeli/Palestinian Peace Talks (tags)


Impeach Obama Now! (tags)


Greatness or Mediocrity? Global ethical human rights or Neoliberal absolutism. (tags)

Do we want a great society based on ability and hardwork (often includes character) where people can reach their full potential or the prevailing mediocrity, with its descent-based 'bi-cultural' elite and, what I see as, 'arrested development' ?

Guilt by Accusation (tags)


Samer Easawi: Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Whitewashing Extrajudicial Killing (tags)


Amnesty International Denounces Torture in California Prisons --Interview w/ Tessa Murphy (tags)

2 weeks after the release of Amnesty Intl’s new report on the use of prolonged solitary confinement inside California’s ‘Security Housing Units’ (SHUs), entitled "The Edge of Endurance," prisoners initiated another hunger strike, with 500 participants statewide. In this new interview, Tessa Murphy speaks about her visit to California SHUs and Amnesty's report based on the visit.

EU Wages War on Free Expression (tags)


State Terror: Official Israeli Policy (tags)


Support shown by UN,US,maybe NZ for ethical human rights approach to replace neoliberalism (tags)

A new idea, an ethical approach to human rights, development and globalization to replace neoliberalism, gives people a choice.The ethical human rights approach is being supported on the social networking sites by the US government, the UN while the NZ government maybe sympathetic.

Israeli Judicial Harshness (tags)


Profile of Institutionalized Racism (tags)


Commemorating Anti-Torture Day (tags)


Distinguished NZer opens door to debate ethical human rights and rights omissions. (tags)

Ethical human rights, development, globalization to replace neoliberalism. Etablish has always refused to discuss many rights omissions. Now a distinguished NZer is supporting the ethical approach which involves incl all omitted rights and releasing human potential.

Israel's High Court Spurns Justice (tags)


Israel Toughens Prison Harshness (tags)


Hope in Chch rebuild, ethical human rights despite all attempts to crush human potential. (tags)

Despite all attempts to crush human potential, the purging of 'tall poppies', social class/socio-economic (wealth) discrimination, suppression of 'bottom-up' development hope still remains with the ethical human rights, development and globalization to replace neo liberalism and massive rebuild following tragic earthquakes.

Dying to Live Free (tags)


Israel's Gulag Prison Hell (tags)


Warning: Visiting Israel Is Dangerous (tags)


Mass Palestinian Prisoner Hunger Strike (tags)


Palestinian Hunger Strikers for Justice (tags)


Hana Shalabi: Hunger Striking for Justice (tags)


Khader Adnan: Dying for Justice (tags)


Khader Adnan Mohammad Musa: Israeli Prisoner of Conscience (tags)


Cruel and Unusual Punishment (tags)

police state

Palestinian Children Detained Oppressively in Isolation (tags)


Treating Palestinians Lawlessly (tags)


New Report on Israel Restricting Free Expression and Assembly (tags)


Israeli-Style Justice (tags)

police state

Out-of-Control Israeli State Terror (tags)


Life in East Jerusalem (tags)


Palestine's Rocky Road to Statehood (tags)


NATO's Genocidal Rape of Libya (tags)


Filling Prison Beds for Profit (tags)


Brutally Isolating Detainees in Israeli Prisons (tags)


Continuing Bahraini State Terror (tags)

state terrorism

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports (tags)

Target:Homeles-South Coast Homeless Advisory Committee Advocate Reports The City of Santa Barbara is poised to push homeless out with illegal legislation which violates the US Constitution. Here is the report they never released to the public - or even discussed!!! Because frankly, they don't give a damn.

New Zealanders must ?speak out? about omitted human rights or be reduced to mere ?numbers? (tags)

NZ has been taken over by an anti-human rights philosophy, 'discriminatory collectivism, which aims to destroy individual and collective potential yet human rights regards the individual as a person (and spiritually has a 'name').

Human Trafficking in Israel (tags)


Israel's Lawless Arrest of Ahmad (tags)


Brutal State Terror in Bahrain (tags)

state terror

2010 State Department Human Rights Report on Haiti (tags)


Commemorating Palestinian Political Prisoners (tags)


Aristide Gets Diplomatic Passport (tags)


Let Aristide Return! (tags)

justice for Aristide

Police State Injustice: Canada's Security Certificate Process (tags)

assures gross injustice

UN Human Rights Council to US: Ratify Human Rights Treaties, Abolish Death Penalty... (tags)

Human Rights Council to the US: Abolish Death Penalty, Criminalize Torture, Guarantee Habeas Corpus, Close Guantanamo Bay...

G20: A Threat to Peoples’ Economic and Political Rights! (tags)

The G20 and its global economic agenda are an affront and a threat to people’s rights and welfare. The detention and deportation of Filipino activists from Seoul and the harassment and intimidation of a number of other activists at the hands of Korean immigration authorities are manifestations of the undemocratic and anti-people nature of the G20 and further exposed the illegitimacy of this group of self-proclaimed caretakers of the global economy.

The Cuban Five: Victims of US State Terrorism (tags)

US lawlessness

Lawless Arrests, Detentions and Torture in Iraq (tags)

ongoing war crimes in Iraq

Independent Committee of Experts on Gaza War (tags)

another UN committee accuses Israel of war crimes

Guilty As Charged: UN Report on Gaza Flotilla Massacre (tags)

Israel rightfully condemned

Political Killings in Colombia (tags)

shocking crimes committed with impunity

Gender-Based Violence in Haiti (tags)

One of many problems plaguing Haitians

Prison Abolition In Practice --Part two of an interview with Criminal Injustice Kos (tags)

Let’s get rid of prison rape. Let’s reinstitute rehabilitation. Let’s repeal certain draconian sentencing laws. All good and essential ideas. But very little – in some cases, nothing - will fundamentally change unless those ideas, and more, are advanced within a strategic framework of abolition.

Israel Prohibiting the Right to Demonstrate (tags)

Israel attacking peaceful demonstrations

Palestinians Denied Access to Water (tags)

a clear crime against humanity

Palestinian Detainee Abuse During Operation Cast Lead (tags)

clear evidence of Israeli war crimes

WikiLeaks "Afghan War Diaries" (tags)

a powerful indictment of all wars

Gazans Denied Medical Care Under Siege (tags)

more evidence of Israeli oppression

Death Squad Terror in Honduras (tags)

terrorist killings

Imprisoning Children for Life (tags)

only America and Israel do it

Imprisoning Palestinian Women (tags)

Israel treats men, women and children the same way

Imprisoning Palestinian Children (tags)

Children treated as abusively as adults

China's Documentation of US Human Rights Abuses (tags)

China's account is accurate and revealing

Targeting Academic and Speech Freedoms: The Case of Canadian Professor Denis Rancourt (tags)

academic and speech freedoms endangered

Freedom of Association Restrictions and Discrimination in Israel and Occupied Palestine (tags)

destructive Israeli policies

Chinese report documents human rights disaster in the United States (tags)

The United States is the only country in the world that claims to be superior in every aspect, especially in human rights, and that lie is again exposed, this time by a report from China on the United States, all from US sources. The US is in fact a backward cesspool, the most backward country in the industrialized world.

The Lawfare Project's Anti-Democratic Agenda (tags)

LP is a guardian of Washingto-Israeli power

Freedom from our social prisons require Rights Revolution (tags)

New Zealanders come home - you are needed. Submission below before UN Human Rights Commission today re NZ. Below shows NZ headed to third world status. Obama also follows UN and global elites - mass discrimination re social class.

America's Secret Prisons (tags)

America's global gulag

Palestinian Dispossession in East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing to make E. Jerusalem exclusively Jewish

Israeli Unaccountability and Denial: Suppressing the Practice of Torture (tags)

Torture is official Israeli policy

Israeli Abusive Administrative Detentions (tags)

more Israeli lawlessness


The arrest and torture of 43 medical and health professionals in the Philippines by the Arroyo military and police seeks to obscure the ongoing Ampatuwan-Arroyo trial and rehearse emergency martial-law schemes to prolong the Arroyo regime's corrupt and brutal domination. US citizens: will you allow millions of your tax-dollars to support Arroyo's military-police in fascist abuses?

Breaking the Silence: Women Soldiers Speak Out (tags)

Women soldiers expose IDF crimes

Guantanamo Detainee Deaths: Responding to the Defense Department's Whitewash (tags)

detainees were murdered

Targeting Muslim Charities in America (tags)

the face of a police state

Honduran President Zelaya earns high marks for governance (tags)

"MCC's eligibility criteria include a commitment to "just and democratic governance." The pattern of actions taken by Honduras beginning on June 28, 2009, is inconsistent with this commitment and MCC's eligibility criteria. For the record, under the Zelaya administration, according to the MCC fiscal year 2010 scorecard, Honduras turned in grades well above passing with respect to “political rights,” “civil liberties” and “voice and accountability” — the latter, described by MCC, as “the ability of institutions to protect civil liberties; the extent to which citizens of a country are able to participate in the selection of governments; and the independence of the media.”

Confronting Human Rights Abuses in US Prisons --an interview with Bret Grote of HRC/Fed Up (tags)

Bret Grote is an investigator and organizer with Human Rights Coalition/Fed Up!, a prisoner rights/prison abolitionist organization based in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. HRC/Fed Up! is documenting human rights abuses in Pennsylvania prisons, and using this documentation to fight back. For more information:

The Gaza War's Effect on Women (tags)

they suffered terribly

Today your freedom is being signed away (tags)

Today at the UN New York States are signing a treaty which by its exclusion of core obligations and the right to development will create a people more dependent on the State and Corporations as well as discriminating against the poor. Obama ( & other States) is following such policies.

How Israel Targets and Suppresses Opposition to Its Annexation Wall (tags)

Israel attacks non-violent demonstrators

Doctors Aiding Torture (tags)

complicit doctors

Problems Defending Palestinians in Israeli Courts (tags)

justice for Palestinians is a nonstarter

Global Systematic discriminationagainst the Poor due to be signed (tags)

International human rights law to be signed by States on Sept 24, 2009, systematically discriminates against the poor. The establishment is pitted against the independent peoples and the most disadvantaged. A mediocre nation and a dependent people are the very likely outcomes.

New UN Report Denounces America's Human Rights Record (tags)

America defiles human rights laws

Human Rights Situation in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israel's continued reign of terror against a civilian population

Israeli Use of Palestinians As Human Shields (tags)

another egregious international law violation

Israel's Illegal Annexation of East Jerusalem (tags)

Israeli ethnic cleansing

The Cuban Five Pending Supreme Court Case - Come hear about it!!! (tags)

The Cuban Five Host: Loyola Law School Chapter - National Lawyers Guild Date: Monday, March 23, 2009 Time: 12:00pm - 1:00pm Location: Donovan Hall Street: 919 Albany Street City/Town: Los Angeles, CA Contact: Veronica

Attorney General misleads the people (tags)

This article looks at the merit and veracity of a speech given by Attorney General Robert McClelland on Australia's democracy and the rule of law. The following article will disprove all his points and comments.

Modern Slavery in America (tags)

Slavery thrives in America. Only its form has changed.

Kevin Rudd and Robert McClelland must address judicial corruption (tags)

This story is about systemic judicial corruption in the Queensland Court system and the governments dogged refusal to acknowledge and address the issues of corruption and lawlessness in Queensland, Prime Minister Rudd's home state.

Bullied schoolboy wants Anna Bligh to address judicial corruption (tags)

This article details our fight against severe school bullying and systemic judicial corruption in the Queensland justice system. And the failure by government to address my documented and corroborated allegations of judicial corruption and the complete breakdown of the rule of law.

Israel's Slow-Motion Genocide in Occupied Palestine (tags)

a decades long policy

BBC's Pro-Israeli Bias (tags)

media propaganda

Denying Palestinians Free Movement in the West Bank (tags)

West Bank repression.

New Orleans North American Leaders’ Summit: Misrepresentation in SPP Joint Statement (tags)

Bush, Calderon and Harper, in their April 22, 2008 Security and Prosperity Partnership Agreement statement emanating from New Orleans made spurious claims. They claim that “they are committed to democratic government, the rule of law and respect for individual freedoms”.

Breaking the Silence - Israeli Soldiers Speak (tags)

They no longer will kill Palestinians

UN's Assessment of Human Rights Violations in Occupied Palestine (tags)

Israel's continued oppression in Occupied Palestine.

Israeli Extra-Judicial Executions (tags)

Israeli crimes of genocide

U.S. isolated on the Human Rights Issue in CUBA (tags)

The recent Cuban decision to sign the International Pact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and the Civil and Political Rights is a clear example of the island's conduct when it is not subjected to external pressures...

Film showing of "The Trial: The Untold Story of the Cuban Five" (tags)

Film showing of "The Trial: The Untold Story of the Cuban Five" featuring Danny Glover

Call for the release of the Cuban Five (tags)

The Cuban chapter of the Defense of Humanity Network announced in Havana a new call for the release of the five anti-terrorist Cubans incarcerated for nine years with heavy sentences hanging over them.

Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide (tags)

The ugly face of US imperialism

The Cuban Five: Imprisoned for opposing Terrorism (tags)

The National Lawyers Guild and several legal and human rights organizations have called on the U.N. Human Rights Committee and the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Torture to launch a formal investigation of the United States government’s continuing violation of human rights of five political prisoners known as the Cuban Five.

"Unrecognized" Palestinians (tags)

How Israel discriminates against its non-Jewish citizens.

Reviewing Marjorie Cohn's "Cowboy Republic" (tags)

An incisive review of Bush administration crimes.


Of distinguished progressive lineage, Senator Jamby Madrigal of the Philippines takes a principle stand critical of the Arroyo regime's bloody and brutal repression of Filipinos backed by the Bush neocons. This article provides a context for the Philippine crisis and Senator Madrigal's views on U.S. imperialism in the neocolony and its complicity with State-terrorist repression.


On this May 14 election week, the brutal Arroyo regime in the Philippines backed by the Bush administration is facing the people's judgment for "crimes against humanity." This essay reflects on themes and issues surrounding the crisis of the neocolonial polity in the context of Bush's war of terror and barbaric, predatory globalized capital's assault on the peoples of the world.

Advice to Democratic-led Congress: to shift US away from contributing to global insecurity (tags)

The first action should be calling upon the UN General Assembly to invoke Article 22 of the Charter of the United Nations to set up an international Tribunal to charge Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld et al for Crimes Against the Peace.

The Saddam-Hussein trial and the right of any human being to a fair trial (tags)

Not only I object the imposed death-penalty on the former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein and two co-accused, also the trial itself didn't meet the international standards regarding a fair trial



The Right of All People to Self-Determination (tags)

With the military strike against Iraq, the intervention forces have fulfilled the fact of aggression.. Aggression is one of the worst crimes according to the 1999 statute of the International Court.

U.N. expert questions U.S. terror law (tags)

Of course it's unconstitutional! It flushes the Bill of Rights down the toilet! But will the Supremes rule that?

Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees: (tags)

Right of Return of Palestinian Refugees: International Law and Humanitarian Considerations




The massive human rights violations in the Philippines by the Arroyo regime have been universally condemned by Amnesty International, the United Nations, National Lawyers Guild, Reporters Without Borders, and other international bodies. We call on U.S. citizens to demand the cut-off of U.S. military and other assistance to the corrupt and illegitimate Arroyo regime as a gesture of solidarity to millions of Filipinos victimized by the tyrannical, militarist Arroyo regime.



"Palestinians and World Refugee Day" (tags)

Palestinian refugees constitute one of the largest refugee populations in the world and the longest standing unresolved situation of displacement.

The Art of Propaganda (tags)

The genre of entertainment films about war and the military is described as mili-tainment Presenting war as entertainment means ignoring intellectual analysis tohighlight emotional war stories.

Anti-Arab Racism Prevalent in Israel According to Poll (tags)

A recent poll confirms what many Arab Palestinians already knew - many Israeli Jews hold racist views toward Arabs. Israeli parties with anti-Arab platforms made electoral gains in the recent elections. What does this mean for the Arabs of Palestine?


A Statement of Unity from the OUR WORLD IS NOT FOR SALE Network:(

Declaration of Jury of Conscience (tags)

The jury in the World Tribunal in Istanbul concluded that the invasion of Iraq together with the continuing occupation of iraq constitutes a violation of the core obligation of the UN Charter.


Exposing the lies and deception in the corporate media

Indigenous women and military injustice (tags)

The six cases of rape allegedly committed by military officials that are documented in this report amount to torture and should be investigated as serious human rights violations.

Indigenous women and military injustice (tags)

Unable to obtain justice in Mexico, and failed by other institutions – the civilian public prosecution services and civilian courts - this case, and that of Valentina Rosendo Cantú, another indigenous woman from Guerrero who was reportedly raped by soldiers a few days earlier on 16 February 2002, have been submitted to the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR, Comisión Interamericana de Derechos Humanos).

Allegations of abuse dismissed in Guadalajara: reluctance to investigate human rights viol (tags)

Reports received by Amnesty International indicate that the men and women detained were subjected to serious human rights violations, including torture and ill treatment, by members of the different police units, in particular while they were being held at the Jalisco State Public Security Office Dirección General de Seguridad del Estado de Jalisco and the State Public Prosecutor’s Office Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) in Guadalajara. It has come to Amnesty International’s knowledge that several detainees were coerced, beaten or threatened into making confessions or giving the names of those suspected of having carried out acts of violence.

29 day of hunger strike for Turkish conscientious objector in military jail (tags)

Turkish gay conscientious objector Mehmet Tarhan, now on 29th day of hunger strike in military prison, after being sentenced to four years for refusing to serve

World Tribunal on Iraq : Final Declaration of the Jury of Conscience (tags)

The World Tribunal on Iraq met in Istanbul from 24-26 June 2005. The principal objective of the WTI is to tell and disseminate the truth about the Iraq War, underscoring the accountability of those responsible and underlining the significance of justice for the Iraqi people. Here is the final declaration of the jury of conscience :

Up Against The Wall ! Israel ! (tags)

People who attack the World Court for its July 9 Ruling on the Israeli wall in the Occupied Territories should beware.

The Real Butchers of Baghdad: G. W. Bush and His Army of Corporate Mercenaries (tags)

Now the real reason that Bush refused to sign onto the International Court and worked so diligently to evade the Geneva Convention comes to light.

SHAME-SHAME:Questions and Answers About the Palestinian Prisoners (tags)

Avigdor Lieberman as Israel’s Transport Minister on Israeli Radio July 7, 2003, was heard to offer to bus Palestinian political prisoners to the Dead Sea to be drowned, “It would be better to drown these prisoners in the Dead Sea if possible, since that’s the lowest point in the world.”

Report of anti-war Demo's from Portugal,Germany,Egypt and Tunisia (tags)


Towards Abolition of the Death Penalty (tags)

Professor Michael Radelet from the University of Colorado-Boulder presented the keynote address at the IADP event. Professor Radelet is co author of In Spite of Innocence and has been a consultant to the Illinois Governor's Commission on Death Penalty Moratorium, among many other contributions to the movement to abolish the death penalty.

Chinese Immigrants Organize to Gain Human-Economic-Political Rights in New York (tags)

go to: Or search with key words: CHINESE STAFF AND WORKERS ASSOCIATION.

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