fix articles 31331, influence Los Angeles Indymedia : tag : influence


The Consensus Factory (tags)

Many media companies are largely dependent on advertising revenue. Media that strongly influence the formation of public opinion prefer official sources from state institutions, which, however, reflect the views of the holders of power and accordingly process information in their own interests, Positions that question the prevailing narrative are often discredited.

Is our system capable of solving the big problems of the future? (tags)

How high rents for residential and business premises are, how much biodiversity there is in our cultural landscape isl determined by the rulers. Energy prices, construction prices, food prices are the results of politics. Desolate inner cities are made by politicians.

"The US is lying to itself" (tags)

The U.S. government, he said, should recognize the "brutal fact" of spheres of influence. Washington cannot continue to claim that "only brutal tyrants like Putin want to influence neighboring countries." Because the U.S. would be "lying to itself" by doing so.

Climate Change 2021, 40 pp (tags)

It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean, cryosphere and biosphere have occurred. A.1.1 Since 2011, concentrations have continued to increase in the atmosphere, reaching annual averages of 410 parts

Soros-funded Groups Increased Israeli-Palestinian Tensions To Influence 2021 Elections (tags)

Despite Biden’s public support for Israel amid the latest clashes between the Israelis and Palestinians, the left wing lawmakers appear to blame Israel rather than Hamas terrorists for the violence. To push the U.S. administration to rethink relationship with Israel, pro-Palestinian American elites have been using proxies. Over decades, left wing billionaire George Soros has been attempting to discredit the Jewish state and weaken the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in Washington.

Iran Nuclear Talks: Washington's Real Objective (tags)


Political Thriller Citizen Koch Premieres in Los Angeles (tags)

Citizen Koch director Carl Deal joined a political panel moderated by Lauren Steiner following Friday night’s theatrical premiere at the Sundance Sunset Cinema.

Koch Brothers-Style Free Society (tags)

class war

Greenpeace International Supporters Tell Russia's Putin "We Are Our Own Sovereign Nation " (tags)

Japan & Russia might be having problems over who gets which islands,but they both conspired to teach Greenpeace Activists a whale of a lesson..

Creating a New Deal for Today: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. (tags)

The American political process is threatened by corporate power on a scale we haven't seen since the Gilded Age?when big money became so powerful that we nearly lost our democracy. restricted the influence of money in government.

The Israeli Lobby's Poisonous Influence on US Policy (tags)



The Americans don't know the USA as they would owe.

Public Anger and Distrust of Business and Government (tags)

opposition to business and government


Call out for images and stories about innovative and satirical political pranks, scams, street art and direct action from the U.S.

What is "Neoliberal"? (tags)

Building community centers could be a way to learn from O Canada and break from the false religion of the market and profit. When the market and competition are made absolute, they become idols. CEOs are called job creators and workers "cost-factors."

What Obama's Trip to Europe Revealed (tags)

Declaring something a success doesn’t necessarily make it so. We learned this at the Bush-led G-20 summit only four months ago, when global leaders were expected to do something far-reaching in response to the world-wide economic crisis, instead of chatting about it. When nothing came of the meeting, we were told that the summit “succeeded” because it “laid the groundwork” for the next G-20 gathering, recently led by Obama. The four months between G-20 summits was one of rising massive unemployment and social misery for millions of people, creating an urgency that was unmet by the world leaders in London.

GERMANY: Notes on Neoliberalism (tags)

"The neoliberal revolution was the product of an historical development, a reaction to changed circumstances. In its course, many western states in the 1970s and 1980s reordered the relation of state and private power.."

Indymedia interferes with KPFK and Censors speech (tags)

This post was taken down by Indymedia - why? Isn't this a free speech forum.

Blackwater ‘Fire Relief’ a PR Campaign to Win Hearts and Minds, Timed Influence Voters (tags)

s Blackwater ‘Fire Relief’ Part of Larger PR Campaign to Win Hearts and Minds and Timed to Influence Local Voters? Potrero Residents/Fire Victims Speak-Out in Wake of Up Coming Recall Election - Referendum Could Put End to Blackwater West Project– Deadline to Mail Ballots to Voters in Just Two Weeks Conflict of Interest Questions Raised as Mercenary VP Allowed Through Sheriff’s Blockade With Supplies While Community-Based Relief Efforts for Potrero and Immigrant Residents of Surrounding Area Were Thwarted or Delayed

Ron Paul: Thomas Jefferson Incarnate [on Imperialism and "blowback"] (tags)

on Imperialism and "blowback"

Revenge for the Holocaust (tags)

Will end up destroying Israel

Manichaism (tags)

"In its religiosity, the US is more like an Islamic country than a western European country." Fuhndamentalism instrumentalizes religion to justify violence and revenge, distorts God's nature and replaces the option for the poor with the warrior cult.

BTL:Big Oil Buys Influence in Washington, Crafting Legislation that... (tags)

...Adds to the Industry's Record Profits ~ Interview with Bob Williams, director of the Politics of Oil Project at the Center for Public Integrity, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris

Shadowy Lobbyists (tags)

by Admin. (No verified email address) 24 Apr 2005 Here's a decent article I came across in the Reader.

It's not foreign terrorism that threatens us, it's domestic corporate power and influence (tags)

We’re told to fear the evil-doers overseas, but it’s our own American corporations, greedy to avoid safety regulations and flush with campaign contributions, that really threaten us with disaster after disaster.

The Future of the World at Stake (tags)

Every good republican knows the world is solid Kerry territory. A survey by pollsters HI Europe earlier in October found that, if Europeans had a vote, they would back Kerry over Bush by a 6 to 1 margin. Bush would win just 6% in Germany, 5% in Spain..

The Feeling of Existence (tags)

What actually is it that makes an object “feel” the presence of the other object when the two of them collide? Would it be possible for that object to “feel” the presence of the other object, if it were unable to “feel” its own presence? By what means then does it “feel” the presence of others? Take, for instance, that you are one of those who don’t believe that man has “the feeling of existence.” The question now is: “How then do you come to have the feeling that you are ‘always present’ and that you are always at the present?” Obviously, the feeling meant here is one that has nothing to do at all with your sensory feelings and neither does it have anything to do at all with your emotional feelings.

Shitocracy ('shit-&-'tä-kr&-sE) (tags)

The increasing influence of Texans in the national political arena has prompted the coining of a new term for a predominantly Texan form of hierarchy: "the shitocracy" (pronounced "shit" "talk" "crass" "ee").

Ex-Conservative Insider starts anti-Conservative Media group (tags)

A new poll Indicates concern about the power of Conservative Media; "By 46 percent to 31 percent, respondents said that conservatives have more power and influence in the media today than do liberals. Moderate and Independent voters also reach the same conclusion."

Savagely Stupid (tags)

...As I was listening to him go on and on about what a huge and growing influence of "liberalism", I thought to myself, what f*ing planet is this jerk living on?

Nazi Influences on the Anti-Communist Delusions of the Cold War (tags)

Pacifica Radio's Larry Bensky recently ridiculed a caller who asked a question about possible Nazi influences on the anti-communist hysteria of the 1950s. Bensky was apparently unaware that McCarthy travelled with old guard Nazis and fascists in the intelligence community, and the hysteria was their group effort, despite the uninformed denials of "alternative" media figures who should know better.


FOX NEWS CHANNEL has done it again. They got a civilian retired coward to threaten an attack and a general municipal punishment for the city of FALLUJAH. I am predicting more justifiable homicide as a result. Fox news also reported on another drug related insanity plea.

Is Bush a bigger liar than Clinton? (tags)

George W. Bush and his sleazy gang have but one guiding principle that dominates all they do. They use public power and influence for private gain and will do just about anything to keep the power in order to keep the gain.

The Regimes "tactical perception-management campaigns" (tags)

New DOD/Regime project seeks " establish a "road map for creating an effective D.O.D. capability to design and conduct effective strategic influence and operational and tactical perception-management campaigns."

Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy' (tags)

Cheney's JINSA/PNAC Neocon Hawks 'Hijacking Policy'

Info War on USA Public (tags)

Info War on USA Public

The Elites Know We're Right (tags)

The Elites Know We're Right

The Séance (tags)

We have oftentimes heard that there are people who have the ability to summon the spirits of the dead by means of a certain ritual. And some of us may perhaps have occasionally heard of the astonishing results of their practices. But is there any scientific explanation to this?

The Federal Government Bully in State and Local Elections (tags)

Consider the medical marijuana debate.  Federal law currently prohibits the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) from using its huge advertising budget for partisan or political purposes.  In fact, a broader law prohibits federal agencies in general from using taxpayer dollars to influence the outcome of local elections.  The need for these laws is obvious if we hope to maintain any slight degree of federalism. 

Maoists accuse US of interference (tags)

Prachanda said, “ The United States wants to extend its hold in Nepal, thereby furthering its own interests and influence on India, China and ultimately over whole of South Asia.”

To The Hollywood Stars (tags)

Now is always what time it is. But in all seriousness we need your outspoken influence, your improvised poetry and your desire for real democracy, and we need you to get visible. why Marty Sheen is a hero



Vote Now on Detaining Immigrants for 'Visa Violations' !! (tags)

You can Vote Right NOW on the S. F. Chronicle website regarding Detaining Immigrants for 'Visa Violations' !! The poll is just starting so you'll have a chance to influence lots of future voters over the next day or two!! ( See: )

Muhammad - the Most Influential Person in History (tags)

My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world's most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.

34: Where are we leading ourselves (tags)

This is a call for revolution We exist within a community of life Our choices influence the course of existence Are we leading or are we being led Will we choose peace or war

Why The U.S. Supports Narco-Fascism. (tags)

"The CIA functionally gains influence and control in governments corrupted by criminal narco-trafficking. Politically, the CIA exerts influence by leveraging narco-militarists and corrupted politicians... This is really NEO-narco-colonialism, whereby local criminal proxies do the bidding of the patron government seeking expanded influence. But because of the quid-pro-quo of protecting the criminal proxies' illicit pipelines, the result is still a functional narco-colonialism, involving a narcotics commodity in the actual practical execution of policy, with the very different twist of covert action."

Why The U.S. Supports Narco-Fascism (tags)

"The CIA functionally gains influence and control in governments corrupted by criminal narco-trafficking. Politically, the CIA exerts influence by leveraging narco-militarists and corrupted politicians... This is really NEO-narco-colonialism, whereby local criminal proxies do the bidding of the patron government seeking expanded influence. But because of the quid-pro-quo of protecting the criminal proxies' illicit pipelines, the result is still a functional narco-colonialism, involving a narcotics commodity in the actual practical execution of policy, with the very different twist of covert action."

Open Source Broadcasting Software Looking for Programmer Help (tags)

Broadcasting system that could allow independent voices to broadcast over the internet to a large audience without corporate intervention is looking for help from programmers Looking for Lefty (tags)

What does the influence of the Green Party—and the Democrats' consequent sucking up to the left—mean for progressives? Richard Goldstein reports—and provides a guide to the Great Nader Debate.

Remember Seattle! (tags)

What are the protests really about?

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