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ALDO MORO DOVE SEI - 15.7.2023
2023-07-15 10:36 AM Caso Moro : tiri dall´alto, vere prigioni eccetera (text/plain)
La production du tout ignoble
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-15 8:37 AM De la vengeance posthume... (text/plain)
G20 Finance Ministers Focus on Debt, Development and Dismal Economic Outlook in Gandhinaga
Anjoulie Woodhead
2023-07-14 8:48 PM On Monday, G20 Finance Ministers hold their third meeting hosted in Gandhinagar by the Indian government. (text/plain)
Everyone wants peace
Rudiger Rauls
2023-07-14 2:18 PM The visions of a possible peace in Ukraine differ among all parties. For Russia, it is a matter of ensuring that Ukrainian territory no longer poses a threat to its own security. Therefore, it primarily wants to achieve the demilitarization of Ukraine. It must not become a deployment area for NATO. (text/plain)
Géométrie paraphysique
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-13 8:12 AM Liberté contre despotisme... (text/plain)
Who fuels war and profits from it
Matthew Hoh
2023-07-12 3:39 PM It is morally indefensible to support the strategy of fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian. Nor is it moral to remain silent when the U.S. pursues strategies and policies that cannot achieve its stated goals. This senseless pursuit of defeating Russia in the spirit of some kind of 19th century imperial victory is unattainable.
Les paraphysiques
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-11 6:42 AM Québec où les femmes font le premier pas... (text/plain)
The Rise and Rise of the Cult of the Ego
Paul Reynolds
2023-07-08 1:00 PM All types of people are convinced to buy something to ward off feelings of inner emptiness. A mix of clickbait hyper-capitalism will hoodwink an entire generation. "When you lose control, you reap the harvest you have sown" (Pink Floyd) (text/plain)
Artilects, androïdes, humains
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-08 7:24 AM C'est la transe des infects... (text/plain)
China's further development has priority
Wolfgang Mueller
2023-07-06 1:42 PM The focus of Chinese policy remains the economic and social development of the country... Despite the enormous successes in economic and social development, there is still a long way to go before China catches up and can also keep up with the rich industrialized countries (text/plain)
Liberté, égalité, fraternité
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-06 7:39 AM La soumission qui rassure... (text/plain)
Menstrues, urine, fèces, sang
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-04 6:53 AM Nous sommes du sang circulé... (text/plain)
The Great Leap Backward
Wes (Scoop) Nisker
2023-07-03 2:27 PM Scoop, the swami from Miami, addressed KFOG listeners in the Bay Area as fogheads. The United States would be much better off without the self-appointed burden of keeping the world “safe” and “free” with the threat of our nuclear weapons. (text/plain)
Les propriétaires du monde et des mentalités
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-03 9:02 AM Toute une soumission en faux conflits à l'ordre existant... (text/plain)
Paraphysique de socialité travestie
Patrice Faubert
2023-07-01 6:30 AM Convaincre qui l'est déjà... (text/plain)
The end of the "Golden Age" of cqapitalism and the rise of neoliberalism
Tomasz Konicz
2023-06-30 11:03 AM The rise of the neoliberal world economic system marked by the dominance of financial markets – whose financial superstructure collapses over us – resulted from the radical economic crises of the early 1970s that seized nearly all western industrial countries. (text/plain)
Sécurité de l'Etat
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-30 7:31 AM La vérité est devenue mensonge,le mensonge est devenu vérité... (text/plain)
Sécurité de l'Etat
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-30 7:29 AM La vérité est devenue mensonge, le mensonge est devenue vérité... (text/plain)
The long prehistory of Russia's war of aggression
Matthew Hoh
2023-06-28 9:34 AM This analysis is intended to convey that this war was not unprovoked and that decades of U.S. and NATO actions prepared the ground for a military conflict - a war long desired by some megalomaniacs and war profiteers in Washington, London, Brussels and Kiev. (text/plain)
Zapping, surfing, flashes, clips
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-28 9:01 AM Séparation, compétition, comparaison... (text/plain)
Authoritarian Capitalism
Ingar Solty
2023-06-26 9:37 AM The banks and auto corporations were bailed out and rescued and the ensuing public debt was invoked in order to cut public expenditures on health care, education, pensions, and public
salaries. Furthermore, a new race to the bottom has started. (text/plain)
Paraphysique de la prostitution
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-26 8:21 AM Car pour la célébrité, à tous les râteliers, il faut manger... (text/plain)
Car Plants Are Making Medical Equipment - And Things Should Stay That Way
Ingar Solty
2023-06-24 2:35 PM The time has come for progressive nationalization and socialization. This includes the financial sector, because only if we gain control over the financing of socially necessary areas of production will it be possible to ensure that we as a society can plan our future. (text/plain)
Parcours du combattant
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-23 8:11 AM Du landau au tombeau, parcours du combattant... (text/plain)
The Superiority Conceit of the West Crumbles
Ulrich Guhi
2023-06-22 1:34 PM When people in the West are confronted with the knowledge that the feeling of their own superiority was a deception or swindle, the awakening will surely be traumatic. We should not gloat because the people who have never known anything but western propaganda are deceived and defrauded (text/plain)
NE TRAVAILLEZ JAMAIS ou Le capital, impuissance orgastique
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-21 8:39 AM La biopsychosociologie de masse des violences... (text/plain)
Who determines the rules of the "rules-based world order"?
Peter Novak
2023-06-20 8:13 AM Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States - that is the global West, for too long imagined that it was the world. In fact, colonialist exploitation & forced labor - were the foundation of its power. But the world has changed. (text/plain)
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-20 7:37 AM Paraphysique que depuis mon adolescence, je pratique... (text/plain)
Capial in the 2020s (with Thomas Piketty)
Roosevelt Institute
2023-06-18 2:13 PM Inequality is not an accident. It’s not like the weather. It actually is being driven by the way capitalism is functioning. You know what we need? We need state intervention, we need government action, and we need that to be very, big. He proposes a wealth tax of 2 percent. (text/plain)
L'industrialisation de la catastrophe
Patrice Faubert
2023-06-18 10:06 AM La catastrophisation en mode de gestion... (text/plain)
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