see above link for a full list of those elected in January 2016 to KPFK's Local Station Board [LSB] who will sign in at the meeting on Jan 24 @ 1 pm in WLA.
For address of LSB meeting and info see site and select "events" or see front home page.
'new' programs that include previously dis-allowed curse/ obscene/ sexual-
explicit and derogatory words have been heard at the recently shifted hours
of midnight to 3am programming, Mon-Thurs nights.
many prior donors, volunteers, sponsors have veered away from such sudden loud and unexpected angry expressions - and so turned away from KPFK.
this unusual and previously FCC prohibited language and 'slang' - that more often is used by rappers, 'the streets', the more deprived and undereducated, and also the criminal cultures, has been heard loudly and prolificately at KPFK.
and since that version of the American-English language is less preferred or heard by those who want and have worked to obtain a better education and social status, many stakeholders of long-standing have complained and left
the station, taking their $$$ and loyalties elsewhere in radio land.
this new emphasis of 'rebellious' cultures, and of minority groups, now insisting and inflicting their cultural norms and versions onto many others in majorities has turned majority voices and funds away from the KPFK -
even as that radio station repeatedly stresses it's need for more listeners, for needed money, for dedicated funders, and for more...more...more...
while these unexpected shifts and drifts in programming reduces what KPFK needs.
the hope that the younger styled and vulgar worded programers can also claim paid-up-donors to make up for the dismissed prior KPFK subscribers is dubious and may be a failing experiment.
Pandering to the poorest, or lowest cultural norms, and using the language mostly used in prisons, in ghettos, in anger and with violence may be a poor choice made by management. The FCC will not ignore nor allow 1 radio station to claim defiance of USA rules and norms, just because they think they are "special" and can-do-whatever-we-want too.
anyone who wants to hear the programs referred to above can listen to KPFK 90.7 FM at midnight - 3 am hours Mon-Thurs - to those who claim they are "awesomeness" and with that disclaimer, claim immunity from federal communication norms.
The FCC can also be reached and questions asked of the US federal government directly on line or by telephone. [Federal Communications Commission that regulates TV, radio and more, not just for 'decency' but that too ]
The underlying tones of racism in this letter, white citizen's council would be proud. Slander and gossip just to keep kpfk white friendly. Wasn't it set up to be the people's radio? For shame folks, vile classist and racism terminology.
And it was nothing like that described above.
And it was nothing like that described above.
It was precisely this type of racist clap - with slightly better editing and spell-checking - that was propagated by Steve Brown and his ilk at WBAI which led to its current state.
I want to disassociate myself and, to the extent I can, KPFK from the barely coded racism and classism in this. In the decade and a half that I've been involved in KPFK, the station has always used "the people" in whatever its slogan is. That means all the people, not only the white "majority" with money to whom this self-appointed spokesperson is whistling. As long as I have any say at KPFK in any capacity, I will fight against any call, overt or covert, that KPFK should pander to the privileged.
This sort of pandering makes the station irrelevant to everyone else. For all sorts of reasons from our Mission to finances, it is exactly what KPFK must not be. It is precisely the perception that KPFK narrowcasts to white, monied people that has cut the station off from a broader and more stable base, and plunged KPFK into the depths of ratings and funding. Unless KPFK is prepared to disappear as its perceived demographic of older white people with money gets older, whiter, and broker, the station has to boldly and without hesitation say WE ARE NOT THAT, WE BELONG TO ALL THE PEOPLE. Then KPFK might just find enduring support from and with the people of Southern California and beyond.