....."Pacifica’s long-delayed board election got even more delayed when the foundation failed to make a $25,000 postage deposit to secure the mailing of ballots".....
"This sound clip from Monday’s KPFK staff meeting captures staffer reactions to the work reductions and layoffs ....
[see site for link there]
"KPFK GM Radford stated publicly at the station’s local board meeting that the reductions of all staff to 50% time will not exceed 4 months in duration, but curiously presented a 2016 staffing plan with the 2016 budget which contains no full-time employees and several new part-time positions.
"This proposal, given Radford’s definition of a half-time schedule as 17.5 hours a week, would eventually result in a completely non-unionized workforce with no health benefits, as the current union contract in effect only provides benefits with an 18 hour a week work schedule.''....
"The layoffs at KPFK were for development assistant Sue Cohen Johnson, Film Club coordinator Donna Walker and webmaster Ali Lexa Al-Hilali. Walker’s layoff may cause a problem as KPFK has many subscribers to their film club and with every single employee reduced to half-time, it is unlikely any will be able to take on new projects ...
and more that is never ever revealed anywhere else but at this Pacifica In Exile site and at times reposted here and on
this man . my mothers husband is a con man . i have some thoughts that he killed my motther in san marino , for money, credit , status etc....you see i cant find a history on him before 2001. Gary Hansen is his name . claims to be a oil man . his business is called HANSEN TRADING in San Marino, CA.
PLEASE people be aware of this con man