The fbi and associates target people for different reasons, but the goal is always the same: harass, torture, drive insane, imprison or murder the Target.
See my recent report on how the fbi has corrupted our society (including the media) and has created a secret, illegal, deadly quasi CJS by the use of abusive and fraudulent civil court orders. The media and their reporters contribute to the cover up of fbi/police atrocities by printing only the material fed to them, without inquiry into similar cases that point to a massive, hidden agenda by government thugs operating with the assistance of the CJIS,the fbi, the media, and others throughout society. Also see how the fbi encourages medical doctors to create false reports of ‘paranoia’ on some high profile Targets: Media: The following two cases show how the news media, etc., seem fixated on labeling the victim of the covert and unlawful operations as paranoid delusional.
1) Aaron Alexis. False statements by the media: “The feeling that one is being singled out for persecution by outside forces is a common paranoid delusion.”
FBI fraudulently validated that theory:
“There are multiple indicators that Alexis held a delusional belief that he was being controlled or influenced by extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic waves. “
My report: 2) Myron May. False and misleading statements by the media: “But other postings pointed to a paranoid streak.”