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by KPFK volunteer
Friday, Jul. 18, 2014 at 8:55 PM
Pacifca.that small group of PNB board members are voting on changing the bylaws -- rules to go by that all 5 current stations should abide by. Votes on July 17 made a few changes and avoided other ones.
the main FAQ page is listed here where other informative articles are also available.
see updates that describe KPFK's abandoning his post - the prior gen'l mgr Duncan - and then the firing of his replacement, and then ...huh ????
what illogic is going on in there ??? who is running this " business" and how are they running it away... or into the ground ?
confusion seems to be predominant mode to insure secrecy, to avoid transparency, to secure control by some gameplayers with their own Private plans... and who knows what else is on the operating table,or who the surgeons are , or where bodies are hidden.
read if at all concerned about the trippings in-on KPFK locally. see website below.
or call the station's receptionist and ask your questions...like where did your money end up ? why aren't premiums sent out ? and who is still riding the unmerry-go-round at subscriber non profited corporation called KPFK: 818 -985-2711. x 0
no real LA KPFK volunteer will answer phones or reveal anything of their experiences at the real radio station..... since a private contractor has been hired outside the old system to take calls...much more anonymously of course..at a special price... if you have paid for membership there.
your non-taxable dollars at work to a privetized stranger co. hmmmm. what piece of this old radio station is falling away next ?
not worried yet ?
then maybe you, reader, never listen to 90.7 FM, so no worry. 1 alternative to mass mediamis being usurped or broken up or.....what.... can...be..happening..there...????
no one locally is saying anything aloud or on air...as usual.
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by anyone who,could care
Friday, Jul. 18, 2014 at 9:22 PM
more,info on what a few are doing or stealing or manipulating from the many ==== from the many member subscribers who are kept OUT, deafened, ignored, hidden in the dark or kept ignornant and ...whatever....else is not told or revealed
do we have no,voice ? no vote ? no representation ?? (do you know exactly who on the LSB represents you ?) or ever asks for your opinion or input ? or informs you of anything that is happening - to OUR paid-- for radio station ? why is this separation and isolation continuing ?
where did all my $$$$ donations go? for what ?? for this?????
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, Jul. 18, 2014 at 9:36 PM
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"why is this separation and isolation continuing ? " - because money turns everything into shit "OUR paid-- for radio station ?" radio should be free - I now have the 2'nd station on the air and it's hybrid analog/digital here's a story I already prepared a few days ago about it - ----------------------------------------------------- http://www.voxnews.com/index.php/component/k2/item/93-covert-infiltration "I, for one, am dispensing with the internet and am working to develop a MESH network which works on routers and uses the HAM system to connect meshes together. Anyone care to help?" I've found that most of the traffic involves moving streaming data around to/from what could/should be archives. External HD storage and 'sneakerNET' transfers to spread the archives around is cheaper & more reliable. My last few transfers would have either required obtaining data cable and stringing it, or wi-fi traffic taking days, tying up the network, so instead I simply walked a couple of external HD'S to my computer room and copied the files in a few hours. gained 22,826 audio tracks @ 78.9 GB and 25 movies @ 25.1 GB in a fraction of the time, effort and traffic it would have taken on the wire/over the air.. Now these sharers have the comfort of knowing their collections are backed up off-site in case their HD crashes, and they can restore them in a few hours via sneakerNET or days/weeks over the wire/air. These collections are of no interest to me (MP3's and movies I don't like) but I have plenty of storage. My personal collection (and all other important data) is double backed up here. I consider their own HD space primary backup for their collections, with only a single copy archived here. As far as MESH and alternate channels I've found TCP over UDP tunneling works quite well, works for both stock firmware on routers and digital radio streams.. The radio paths have some latency but less than satellite. I was doing full baseband digital on WB-FM but am now (as of yesterday) using hybrid digital, with regular music occupying the first 13.KHz and QAM from 13 to 23.KHz. This way no special soundcards are required and people tuning in hear just music and don't investigate further. 13.KHz is slightly narrower than the standard 15.KHz WD-FM allows but it's not noticable.. ----------------------------------------------------- this week's community affairs is about the wildfires - I don't consider internal station affairs nrewsworthy
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by KPFK listener
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2014 at 12:23 PM
Q re radio station: ""why is this separation and isolation continuing ? " A -" because money turns everything into shit"
wrong answer. literally, realistically, figuratively and economically.
Rest of info in above comment on alternatives to even struggling with $$$ toppling local radio station - KPFK, Pacifica group - is probably helpful and good to those who understand technology and mechanics and all those areas - but in which the majority of radio-listeners know little to nothing. But some may try to join you and we hope they do.
Money is never what the advertised frame/illusion demands we believe it to be . However barter seems to never provide enough necessities are often stingy and limited in what they will give while wanting more back. Tried many barter-clubs, some can be beneficial sorta but not survivable thru.
Money is just a word to say, we can trade only if there is some govt/ some org, some King or coinage company insuring their offerings of trade...but only with their military forces insuring that we kinda agree to what any bits of metal or paper are suppose-to-be-worth. And they get to set the "rules and laws" that decree what happens if we disagree or dont pay them what they claim is worth what. And enforce their slanted versions too.
There is No reality to the actual stuff we pass around [as cash, money, bonds, stocks, papers or screen docs] ... or that gets printed by the billions by any private Fed Bank. It's just stuff to pretend we are 'holding something in our little hands' that then means it is "real"....but that money is Not.
Not telling anyone what they dont know here.. but wanting to remind us all what we are actually doing and agreeing to - to let someone else give us a physical [or digital ? ] 'thingie' that is to Represent a Value.
Like any and many other nations, who cant keep the value of their papers up to their promises, the thingie loses value, trust is lost and eroded and money is used for toilet paper, which is still not 'shit' -- It is useful as paper, coins are useful for jewelry decorations, and promises are reneged with fraudulent excuses and blaming the owners of money for the losses. The losers are the believers that money can 'last' and remain valuable. Winners are the trickers and frauders who took the good stuff away meanwhile.
Money is a convenience, and never a God, tho most people, young or mid or older, all claim to want Money more than almost anything else...even sex for most men, even children for some women, and even more than being godly, holy, or even promised an afterlife for some believing others...all trading away their lives for the symbolic thingie they think or hope will make them Powerful or Secure. Or think they can then be "equal" if they have enough of thingies. hmmmm
No way. None of the above. Money is helpful to use in exchanges.
Radio stations rely on money to pay staff, buy equipment, buy ADVertising and promotions, playing money-exchange-payola with PR promoters, and so when the paying-public distrusts those corporations [and "non-profit" does not mean non-owning-moneyor being more honest either] - they fail.
Pacifica and thus KPFK is in deep sheet financially and no one in LA is apparently openly giving all those payers who have already paid hefty sums of their earnings to the radio station's survival...so far.
The LACK OF TRANSPARENCY, the game-playing for Power and Control over what may be valuable [monetarily and with access to useful-to-get-more-money-airwaves also] of all doings at KPFK & Pacifica, et al has left many listeners and members/subscribers disgusted and afraid they may not have an alternative to NPR or music with commercials included.
Oh well...what's new ?
the Pacifica turmoil is apparently more secretive than ever, or equally to the worst times in it's his-her-it's story, and is worse than endangered, but only a few know or have a voice.
Any 'public members' attending the KPFK - local station Board meetings - can have 90 seconds to say anything, no matter how far- fetched from what can be officially discussed, but the public person is not responded to then by the LSB or it's members - and hardly any, if any at all, station staff are ever even present...nor seem to be involved.
What's new?
The failing, falling, cracking up of what costs Money to maintain, even a semblance of what it has been, at times valuable as an Alerting Alternative News source,is happening. And maybe it has finally arrived at it'send.
No openness, no transparent dealings or revealings of operations, agreements, methods, aesthetic goals and problems therein, so no more radio station. so sell the building to pay debts, let staff try to find other jobs wherever they can - Mac Donalds may or not take them, maybe Subway ? who knows.
The end, but not of Money, nor sheet, nor ideas, nor replacements... if they can become viable and useful to the Many, not just a few techys.
Hope you succeed crazy guy. You keep showing you do care...and respond, however it is.
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by KPFK public member
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2014 at 2:10 PM
The latest LSB local station board of 20-22 members occurred this weekend. Of the quorum required to start the meet advertised to start 1:00 pm was not met.....until finally 1 last person arrived at 2:20pm. huh?
a lot of LSB member names were announced as having an "excused absence" leaving everyone else in the waiting room dismayed and wondering why they bothered to drive so far, spend their Sat. afternoon, and believe any on-air announcements ? why bother ?
The latest version of a General Mgr. - now repeatedly shifted, changed, interchanged and almost a deleted position - called "interim" because the selection process takes so long and so few remain to end of paid shift - the latest staff employee raised up to the highest local position of GM did not show. He called at 1:10 pm [meeting was announced to start at 1:00 pm ] to claim he had an 'emergency' with no explanations and no one admitting to have any authority to question him and others about their absences.
Many public members came to see and hear from the manager. There was no written Manager's Report, a monthly requirement to the LSB, available or even mentioned. So no information, no revelations, no responsibility and no one accounting for how the process is being subverted.
The by laws being changed for all of Pacifica ? Oh, they were lightly briefly barely mentioned. the PNB, Pacifica Nat'l Board that reigns over 5 stations, supposedly, was 'announced' with no details, no how-many-votes-for-or-against given, and no explanations of any kind.
Transparency ? LSB never heard of it.
Responsibility ? Never knew anyone 'elected/selected' had to own it or anything more than the petty power-of-position on LSB.
Public comments by members, payers or not, are open for 90 seconds of whatever-anyone-wants-to-claim-or-ask because there is no response or action or discussion that indicates anyone heard anything said.
Public ? well, that is such a generalized word, overused and meaning nothing in particular, why bother with them ? Let them vote, talk, protest, shout, or just take what little is given, not offered, given with limits and no-questions-allowed.
Why would anyone ever bother giving another cent, much less than $1, to KPFK ever again if this is how the listener/subscriber/member/public is dismissed ?
Latest news and arguments at recent LSB meeting was over a private company who is OUTSOURCING work of taking pledges, calls to give away hard-earned monies to a failing radio station. Many questions arose in upset and anger and no answers, no GM available to explain his decision or acquiescence.
whatever.... many of KPFK people have given up. They no longer 'need us' as volunteers and only want our money. huh ? what ? which ideals are being exploited here ?
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2014 at 2:14 PM
a full power radio station has? a rough example : say the station is 10.kW (typical) and it's range is 30 miles now insted have 1.kW stations - you would need 3 of them for the same coverage, that's 3.kW, you just saved 6.kW 100.Watt stations, would need 9, 1.kW total saved 9.kW 10.Watt stations, would need 30, 300.Watts total, saved 9.6 kW the future of radio is grids of smaller stations because the power requirements of blowtorches are too inefficient. It's only our unsustainable fossil fool lifestyle that ever allowed such stations in the first place. a "progressive" website airing programming on such stations is shameful. IMC is too establishment, too wussy to do real radio, to be a part of the future of radio. So we get unicast bitstreams on the 'net (also very inefficient) and very limited programming over coal monster blowtorches, themselves establishment just pretending to be progressive. - this is why real climate news is never heard there, because reality is bad for business, bad for listener donations --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- the station has lots of techno-hopium programming that pretends there's business-as-usual "solutions" to the climate chaos predicament AND carries IMC programming AND is a energy intensive blowtorch station that depends on foundation funding and listener donations my community affairs which aired this morning: 12 July 2014 radio interview on SFPI with Rick Staggenborg is embedded below. A commercial-free version is linked here. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWZW1aTyeco I saved this video file (145.MB) then ripped the audio, EQ'ed it a bit for broadcast and it's about to play in a few minutes.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I've been broadcasting here for 16 years, station # 2 is now back on air, is hybrid analog/digital (like IBOC - 1 station provides 2 things to listen to), so virtually I'm broadcasting 3 programs simultaneously.. you're just a listener - a passive receiver of other people's A.G.E.N.D.A.S, agendas which incorporate monetizing commodifying "public" spectrum with all programming geared towards that goal, towards business-as-usual, status quo, establishment, audience share driven production. as a true community station which is self-supporting I'm not concerned, TAINTED with any of that.. listen to my community affairs linked above (just an example, but they're all about this subject and all framed this way) which is ANTI-business-as-usual, NOT telling donating audiences what they want to hear, NOT making them feel good or look forward to the future, etc, and the difference - the money turning every show into shit - becomes clear. PS - there IS another station there that plays the same shows I play - FREE radio santa cruz..
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by radio listener
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2014 at 2:25 PM
thanks for all the info crazy guy....and your work...now shared more openly or missed by some many of us before..
the easy 'finding the cheap radio playing local station stuff' is what most of us do....easy on and off or turn away.
without much thought, effort, or time taken. yep, we are. easy does it.
will try to see how easy or difficult it is to listen to alternative ways.
but very glad to know they exist and are more exposed for all to listen there.
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Jul. 20, 2014 at 2:48 PM
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the community affairs I linked to lasts 2 hours, so you just skimmed over it then commented here
- go back to pacifica, whispering sweet nothings in your ear about "solving" the climate predicament with techno-hopium easy peasy fixes that require no effort or changes on your part, just some corporations turning a profit off of disaster capitalism, just like the pacifica board intends to turn a profit off of selling the spectrum you listeners have been throwing money at all these years so shareholders can get rich off it.
such deception and magical thinking suits you
and please _don't_ check out free radio santa cruz either - you might hear something you don't want to hear there as well
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by crazy_inventor
Tuesday, Jul. 22, 2014 at 7:04 AM
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And there is no viable alternative. No effective action. Nothing to rally the troops to do, if the troops could be rallied. Too late for Terra Preta, Humanure, Compost Tea, Earthships, Windmills, Communities… birds singing in the trees… too late. Too late for dragon flies. Some tried… yes, the beautiful losers.
We danced into the sunset. We’ll all be saying last goodbyes soon. Summer camp long over and shuttered, memories erased by frosty winds and frosty hair.
Our last will and testament has been drafted and its distributions may be read in the scars of our mines, toxic plumes gone ubiquitous, a sudden vacuousness in the fossil record that will be archived… geologically. The candle burns low, our moment here nearly over.
The grandest thoughts wither in the dwindling light.
The edifice crumbles as home and heaven implode. Pain becomes the loudest thing you ever heard, while waiting for silence.
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by crazy_inventor
Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2014 at 3:54 AM
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..and no break in the drought is expected
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by crazy_inventor
Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2014 at 4:49 AM
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notice any similarity ?
does the word UNSUSTAINABLE come to mind?
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by D H
Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2014 at 10:52 AM
who ever this person is, highjacking a thread to hawk 'global warming' or 'climate change' for a carbon tax solution, is transparent and stupid. http://www.whale.to/b/weather.html
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by crazy_inventor
Wednesday, Jul. 23, 2014 at 12:05 PM
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'carbon tax "solution" '
ah, the 'ol strawman rears it's ugly head once again..
kindy quote / point out / link to anywhere I proposed a carbon tax or said there is a solution to climate chaos
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by anyone who read this
Friday, Jul. 25, 2014 at 3:30 PM
why the need to vent anger and demean others for whatever reason crazy guys who write all over here with their own agendas and assuming it to be their own personal blog are pretending to care about the world but it is the environment, not the humans therein they care about, obviously.
to have to even skim the venom written above in comments by crazyinventor person is dismaying and irritating.
too bad this indy site has turned into not a 'share ideas and information', not just data, not just so-called-facts, but reporting in regular-people's ways unprofessionlly, sincerely, with the intention to make known whatever is thought, learned, heard as actual 'news'.
so to be berated here only makes this site another demised unchecked and checked out place that holds less or no more interest. too bad, for those of us who wanted to use la.indymedia as a way to inform others of what is learned, critically-thought.
but the comments that do not 'discuss' or 'comment' or 'question' but take advantage of the open format to deliberately inflict shame, hurt, insult and mean words..
not worth coming here
and 'free speech' can easily be abused as if bullying, insulting, hating is free too.
too bad. mean people have their spaces all to themselves, as they usurp by bullying cruelly and claim to be victims themselves. sure.
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, Jul. 25, 2014 at 4:52 PM
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- you know paste jobs on multible threads are usually called SPAM
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by crazy_inventor
Saturday, Jul. 26, 2014 at 4:51 AM
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"Around a decade ago I tackled the University of Auckland with respect to so-called professor of environment Chris de Freitus declaring that CO2 was innocuous and that burning coal was just dandy. The response was lock-down and closing of the ranks. The official response was that teaching students that CO2 was a harmless gas was not the concern of the Vice Chancellor’s Office and was a matter of academic freedom.
I also tackled the chemistry department on the matter: the silence was deafening, i.e. no response at all.
I tackled the geology department with regard to peak oil. The response was that they did not teach any oil geology and the matter came under the engineering department.
I tackled the engineering department and got a bullshit response, followed by ‘no comment’ and then total silence when I pressed the matter. Universities are businesses, and are dependent on keeping silent on everything that matters in order to get continued funding and a continuing stream of ‘victims’.
We were swimming in a sea of corruption and lies, and now we are drowning in a sea of corruption and lies, with practically everything, from unemployment numbers and GDP to the price of oil and gold, manipulated.
As those who have been following my dealings with the local council are aware, the entire top echelon of council officers is incompetent and corrupt. Box-tickers and propagandists abound, and are rewarded for box-ticking and churning out propaganda. And a new one was installed a couple of months ago. The vast majority of councillor are scientifically illiterate and financially illiterate, and not competent to decide ANYTHING. The same goes for the majority of MPs, the cabinet, and the vast majority of bureaucrats in Wellington. Anyone with a brain has no confidence whatsoever in central government, local government and local government, and little faith in universities. "
pacifica is a business, and is dependent on keeping silent on everything that matters in order to get continued funding and a continuing stream of ‘listener donations’.
.. ditto IMC
"It would be good to know correct forcing value (local warming factor) for methane but really it’s rather academic now. I am seeing accelerating global environmental collapse and accelerating economic collapse, with numerous bubbles set to burst over the coming years, and the people in charge continue to pretend everything is rosy….. sorry, getting better.
I have difficulty coping with the surreality of the world that surrounds me, and ignorance, stupidity and lack of urgency of even the best-intentioned people in local environmental groups.
If ‘the system’ is still operating 5 years from now, which I rate with perhaps a 20% probability, it will be interesting to review the results and analysis that SWERUS team deliver."
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by death warmed over
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 12:45 AM
yep.you too. earth has given up on humans. that mens you too. so ????
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by nihilism...regurgitated
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 6:03 AM
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- ah but they do don't they?
they're hogging all your sidewalk room and therefore must be demonized
but the environment? phuck it
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by yep
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 11:31 AM
yep. everyone claims to know everything best and Right. yep.
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 1:31 PM
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..when all you have is yep
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by yep
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 5:28 PM
pictures are always attention getting, yep. those who demand to focus only on their own personal issues and dont want to die, do.
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Jul. 27, 2014 at 8:09 PM
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it has nothing to do with me - we don't even have ANY drought here at all where I live
the subject came up because [someone other than you] mentioned building more housing there, which led to the subject of unsustainability - millions living in a desert, the aquifers draining, the water tables falling, the lack of snow cover, the 500 year (and counting) drought
all of this stuff matters
you don't
you come across as either retarded or senile (or both)
there's a name for your little horrible grammar, barely readable essays BTW - CONCERN TROLLING
but just as what matters is not about me, it's not about you either - what matters is what's in the charts and graphs I post..
no one's forcing you to read these comments - why don't you GTFO and go do something useful, like run radio stations, produce community affairs, design something, build something, repair something, etc
..or is concern trolling your only talent?
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by crazy_inventor
Monday, Jul. 28, 2014 at 6:57 AM
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"1) Our first observations of elevated methane levels, about ten times higher than in background seawater, were documented already as we climbed up the steep continental slope at stations in 500 and 250 m depth. This was somewhat of a surprise. While there has been much speculation of the vulnerability of regular marine hydrates (frozen methane formed due to high p and low T) along the Arctic rim, very few actual observations of methane releases due to collapsing Arctic upper slope marine hydrates have been made. ¨
It has recently been documented that a tongue of relatively varm Atlantic water, with a core at depths of 200–600 m may have warmed up some in recent years. As this Atlantic water, the last remnants of the Gulf Stream, propagates eastward along the upper slope of the East Siberian margin, our SWERUS-C3 program is hypothesizing that this heating may lead to destabilization of upper portion of the slope methane hydrates. This may be what we now for the first time are observing.
2) Using the mid-water sonar, we mapped out an area of several kilometers where bubbles were filling the water column from depths of 200 to 500 m. During the preceding 48 h we have performed station work in two areas on the shallow shelf with depths of 60-70m where we discovered over 100 new methane seep sites. SWERUS-C3 researchers have on earlier expeditions documented extensive venting of methane from the subsea system to the atmosphere over the East Siberian Arctic Shelf. On this Oden expedition we have gathered a strong team to assess these methane releases in greater detail than ever before to substantially improve our collective understanding of the methane sources.."
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by yep
Monday, Jul. 28, 2014 at 2:59 PM
crazy guys love to control, insult, demean and attack when there is nothing else they can do because they do not yet OWN and Control Indymedia.
as written meanly above in his comment with a graph to pretend to cover up his 'insult/hate' message embedded therein :
"all of this stuff matters you don't
you come across as either retarded or senile (or both)
there's a name for your little horrible grammar, barely readable essays BTW - CONCERN TROLLING
but just as what matters is not about me, it's not about you either - what matters is what's in the charts and graphs I post..
no one's forcing you to read these comments - why don't you GTFO and go do something useful, like run radio stations, produce community affairs, design something, build something, repair something, etc ..or is concern trolling your only talent? "
apparently "trolling" is an attempt to discredit any other commentators' posting as this same person says same 'bad'-intentioned insults to others often as well.
freedom is another word for any malicious unconscionable person to misuse whatever is available equitably for all. Sometimes freedom is an open source to the sewers instead of permission for many varied opinions and discussions.
that crazy guy seems to think that all that matters is what "I post" he says.
could it be that he thinks only what he posts is worth reading here ? could he be so self aggrandizing to assume that ?
so since crazy guy wants the last ugly words to be the ones left, so he can think he has 'won' control and defined others in his own ugly ways, this lack-of-human-respect-for-others series of comments will continue until IMC decides to do a bit of monitoring or clean-up.
everyone, especially those who fear death and PROMOTE FEARS deliberately and salivating at that false sense of importance they have as "catastrophe callers" back-leaks.
too bad. he too will die, any time. water or not.
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by crazy_inventor
Monday, Jul. 28, 2014 at 3:23 PM
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"yep" is a substitute for data, measurements, science
"you will die someday too" is supposed to dismiss the unsustainability of living in a desert, by burying the issue in ambiguity
as far as grammar / spelling / readability of the concern trolling - the words speak for themselves
concern troll is concerned about data that sheds bad light on concern troll's living arrangements
- so attack the data and the messenger while continually playing the victim this concern troll was also the victim when attacking the working poor & homeless, too always the victim while doing nothing on here but attacking attacking the poor attacking the homeless attacking science attacking data and measurements attacking the messenger that posts the data
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by attacked
Monday, Jul. 28, 2014 at 5:15 PM
attacking attacking attacking attacking attacking victim attacking
get's boring.... those who claim to be attacked are those who do the ....... yep
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by concern troll
Monday, Jul. 28, 2014 at 6:22 PM
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attacking attacking attacking attacking attacking attacking
: : sob : :
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by crazy_inventor
Tuesday, Jul. 29, 2014 at 5:22 AM
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The Swedish Icebreaker Oden — now home to the 80 scientists and tons of equipment of the SWERUS 2014 research expedition aimed at measuring sea floor methane release throughout the Arctic this summer. Among the scientists leading the expedition is Igor Semiletov whose 2011 expedition discovered 1 kilometer wide plumes of methane issuing from the floor of the East Siberian Arctic Shelf.
Over the past few years, the Arctic has been experiencing an invasion.
Emerging from the Gulf Stream, a pulse of warmer than normal water propagated north past Iceland and into the Barents Sea. There, it dove beneath the surface fresh water and retreating sea ice, plunging to a depth of around 200-500 meters where it concentrated, lending heat to the entire water column. Taking a right hand turn along the Siberian Continental Shelf, it crossed through the mid water zones of the Kara. Finally, it entered the Laptev and there it abutted against the downward facing slopes of the submarine continental region.
As the water temperatures at these depths warmed, researchers began to wonder if they would trigger the destabilization of methane hydrate stores locked in deeper waters along the shelf boundary. And, now, a new expedition may have uncovered evidence that just such an event is ongoing.
Methane Hydrates and Troubling Releases from the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
Oceanic methane hydrates form when methane upon or beneath the sea bed freeze into a crystalline ice lattice. It is a hybrid water-methane mixture that only remains stable at higher sub-sea pressures and lower temperatures. Normally, oceanic hydrates form at great depth (about 600 meters or deeper) where a combination of high pressure and low temperature are the prevailing environmental factor. But the colder Arctic is a sometimes exception to this general rule.
In recent years, deep ocean warming due to human caused climate change has accelerated. It is feared that this warming may unlock vast stores of methane laying frozen along the deep sea bed or in more vulnerable continental shelf slope zones.
This warming is also feared to have begun a process of methane release along a unique submarine feature called the East Siberian Arctic Shelf (ESAS). There rising temperatures are hypothesized to have sped the thaw of submarine permafrost.
Frozen permafrost stores biologically generate gaseous methane at depths of 10-80 meters. Methane hydrate stores are locked away at depths starting at around 100 meters. Submerged beneath only a couple hundred feet of water, these methane stores are much shallower and, therefore, are in a naturally unstable zone.
The East Siberian Sea zone is unique due to the fact that it was only recently flooded, in geological terms. The frozen permafrost has only rested beneath the Arctic Ocean waters since the end of the last ice age and much of it remained frozen due to chill Arctic conditions. But now, human-caused climate change is driving warmer and warmer waters into the Arctic environment.
As the warming progressed during the first decade of the 21st Century, researchers observed what appeared to be an increasing release of methane from these thawing permafrost stores. In 2011, plumes from the sea bed stretching 1 kilometer across were observed by an Arctic expedition headed by Igor Similetov and Natalia Shakova. It appeared that the 250 to 500 gigatons of carbon locked in the ice in that shallow ocean was destabilizing and releasing from the sea floor as methane.
Now it is estimated that about 17 megatons of methane from this store vents through the shallow waters into the atmosphere each year. But this may just be the start of a far larger emission.
Methane Hydrate Release During Past Hothouse Events
Though the ESAS carbon and methane store is arguably one of the most vulnerable to human-caused warming, a far greater store of methane hydrate is estimated to be locked in crystalline ice lattice structures along the world’s continental slope systems and in the world’s deep ocean environments. Since the Earth has been cooling for the better part of 55 million years, a huge store of carbon as methane is now thought to have accumulated there. In total, between 3,000 and 10,000 gigatons of carbon are estimated to be captured in this vast store.
Global warming science, especially the science related to paleoclimate, indicates that Earth Systems warming tends to dump a lot of heat into the deep ocean. The atmosphere ocean-interface along the equator warms and becomes salty due to enhanced evaporation. The warmer, saltier water sinks, driving heat into the deep ocean. At the poles, ice sheet melt sends out a wave of fresh water along the ocean surface. The fresh water acts as an insulator between atmosphere and water, locking the warm water beneath the surface and pushing it toward the bottom. This process, called ocean stratification, is, among other things, an ocean heat exchange machine that turns the ocean bottom into a horrifically warm place.
We would expect a similar process to be set in motion through human warming.
Ultimately, this combination of forces results in a collision of warm water with frozen methane stores and serves as a mechanism for their destabilization. If even a portion of this deep ocean methane hits the air, it can further accelerate already rampant warming.
Today, we may be at the start of just this kind of process.
this ^ is the methane bomb I've been warning about from NBL data - a team of 80 scientists are now there to CONFIRM this..
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