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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
The "United We Stand” festival kicked off on May 10th in downtown Los Angeles at the Belasco Theater with musical guests Immortal Technique, Wu-tang Clan, Rooftop Revolutionaries, A-Alikes, Sounds of Solidarity, Kellee Maize, and Chuck D of Public Enemy. Social activists on a #waveofaction at the festival included comedian Lee Camp, Green party political candidates Rosa Clemente and Jill Stein, March Against Monsanto founder Tami Canal, Emma Cape of Free Chelsea Manning, Diane Goldstein of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, authors Rosa Koire, Ellen Brown, and David Swanson, and dozens more.
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LOS ANGELES -- Hosted by the Free & Equal Elections Foundation, the inaugural “United We Stand” festival kicked off on May 10th in downtown Los Angeles, showcasing music, journalism, and political visionaries on subjects including the war on drugs, drone warfare, foreign policy, Internet freedom, election reform, corporatism, central banking, and the oneness of the human beings of the world. Originally planned for UCLA’s Pauley Pavilion as the launch of a 10-city university tour, the UWS festival location was changed just three days before the concert. Organizers effusively thanked the Belasco Theater for accommodating Saturday’s festival on less than 24 hours notice, after UCLA rescinded the offer for the scheduled venue. United We Stand organizers noted, “The Woodstock location withdrew a few days before the event and had to be relocated to a farm (outside of Woodstock). Keep up your spirits, Free & Equal intends for this event to have similar historic implications towards the goal of world peace.” With the success of the last minute change, “this event sets up an even greater path for future festivals.” Tickets for the event were sold via an IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign and though Ticketmaster; however, after the venue was relocated, free admission was offered to all event attendees (current ticket holders received refunds). After last minute communications about the change of venue, attendees lined up outside the historic Belasco Theater on S. Hill St. for admission late Saturday afternoon. When comedian Lee Camp took the stage, he joked “United We Stand! Now on the sidewalk outside the theater for hours…” He added, “sorry about that. We just did that because we wanted you to stand. United.” The spirited crowd responded with exuberant applause and cheers to Lee Camp’s joke about the logistics of the festival. He continued, “We’re here because we’re in the middle of some deep shit. We’re here because every time I turn on the TV, maybe the Mayan prediction that the world was going to end in the end of 2012, maybe it wasn’t a prediction. It was a recommendation.” “Look around. There’s economies collapsing around the world. No one’s got a good job. There’s dogs in sweaters and kids on leashes!” observed Mr. Camp. “We are witnessing the liquidation of everything we’ve built over the last two hundred, maybe a thousand years. This unfettered capitalist domination of the mental sphere…is an extraction…of anything and everything that matters to the average human being.” Lee Camp told the audience, “We’re putting our differences aside long enough to realize the two party duopoly is nothing but a sham. We agree on 90% of the structural issues in this country. Ask them what the differences are…in Wall St. or the military-industrial complex or the prison-industrial complex.” On the subject of the American mass incarceration, Lee Camp accused, “We have 5% of the world’s population and 25% of the world’s prisoners! Is that a bad idea?” Specific political policies mentioned by speakers included the Patriot Act, the indefinite detention provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act, warrantless wiretapping by the NSA, the web of debt created by the Federal Reserve, and UN Agenda 21 “sustainable development” social engineering. Poems, songs, and speeches also mentioned imperialism, war on foreign soils and by drone, the military industrial complex, the prison-industrial complex, and the corporate control of our modern government. After an inspiring talk by criminal defense attorney Freddy Sayegh on the subject of food justice, the crowd broke out into an impromptu cheer of “Fuck Monsanto” reminiscent of the battle cries at any American sporting event. Musical acts included revolutionary rapper Immortal Technique, founding members of Wu-tang Clan Cappadonna, U-God, and Masta Killa, the political hard rock band Rooftop Revolutionaries, independent hip Florida hop artists A-Alikes, funk band Sounds of Solidarity, and female rapper Kellee Maize. Due to the all-star nature of the five-hour evening, even headlining acts were limited to 15 minute set times. Immortal Technique opened his short set rapping his chilling song "Bin Laden," accusing the U.S government of masterminding terrorism. "Bush funded al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion, even though bin Laden was a CIA tactician, they gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose, Fahrenheit 9/11, that's just scratchin' the surface." He morphed into “The Point of No Return,” indicting the perpetrators of genocide and imperialism throughout history. Addressing the audience, Immortal Technique made a commentary on the power of words. “When I say autistic, I don’t mean retarded, but a genius alive in a world of darkness. But regardless, our world is heartless…. I’m out of shits I used to give, so trust in death, I see the lives I used to live, our future kids…under this tutelage. When I say hip hop, I don’t mean the music, I mean the culture, not the vultures!” Independent citizen journalism was recurring topic of the evening, with panelists including Emmy-award winning CNN International whistleblower Amber Lyon, Abby Martin of RT, Luke Rudkowski of WeAreChange.org, Mint Press News founder Mnar Muhawesh, Nick Bernabe of The Anti-Media, Brad Friedman of KPFK, and countless other authors and members of the press. One citizen journalist in attendance observed that she was “really moved that I saw NO MAINSTREAM MEDIA at #UnitedWeStand. Meanwhile, alternative media, social influencers and live streamers came out in force. The people's media was given full access to concert speakers, artists, and organizers. There was so much solidarity and cooperation between media teams.” The stated goal of United We Stand is to use “the momentum of the tour [to] unite and empower voters and build a base of supporters for young people running for local office in 2014.” The foundation plans to support debate initiatives to support “new candidates for office, especially those running for Congressional seats.” Or, as Lee Camp asked, “The question now is just whether we will put our differences aside long enough to tell the assholier than thou titans of dickery at the top to go frack themselves with a rusty dildo!” View Lee Camp at United We Stand (full set): http://youtu.be/nUH5x-gR304 Immortal Technique at #UnitedWeStand: http://youtu.be/nq9xPKpZCSw “Fuck Monsanto” Impromptu Cheer at United We Stand: http://youtu.be/rSWPBSXZdGI Rooftop Revolutionaries at United We Stand: http://youtu.be/3gpr2AbEQ9g Sounds of Solidarity at United We Stand: http://youtu.be/1LwSHVaCwYs Peace Signs at United We Stand Festival: http://youtu.be/0qwxNBHvY4g Gary Franchi: How Journalists Saved #BundyRanch from Becoming Another WACO (1:47): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vOCDiAe8EFw Rosa Koire Agenda 21 Exposed (3:10): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5mgRoZ72Xw Foster Gamble Free Energy (7:31): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuDLTbYIMM0 Jill Stein on the Green Economy at United We Stand (1:19): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7K-f4D2SQw Poet Nano Munoz at United We Stand Festival (1:48): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2DsfG056Eo Rosa Clemente Green Party Candidate Speaking about Race (3:23): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qySlvx2qIgc Sean Stone on POWER of Power (1:26): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrBwZw9RWRs Lee Camp on MSM at United We Stand (4:52): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAnsjmYNHJI Freddy Sayegh on the Monetization of Natural Resources (4:40): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8b0VUhESSsE David Swanson the War on Terror (3:44): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JewXDDxbLo Luis Rodriguez Green Party Candidate for Governor of California (1:31): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QsLZ2bK3DgI Ben Swan on Edward Snowden at United We Stand Festival (0:31): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i562nMYnd0M Fuck Monsanto! United We Stand Festival Crowd Expressing Their Views on Monsanto (2:05): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8nbAv54mJY Richard Gage: Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (2:42): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDEAAYmnItg Dan Johnson -- 19 Year Old Founder of People against the NDAA (PANDAA) (1:48): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxzKjQhatlI Nick Bernabe of the AntiMedia and March Against Monsanto on the TPP (6:14): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T88BDKVT3KU Chino XL at #UnitedWeStand (0:35): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=isP78IcTVk4 Immortal Technique at #UnitedWeStand (2:18): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nq9xPKpZCSw
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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Christina Tobin of Free and Equal Elections at United We Stand Festival in Los Angeles, 10 May 2014 (Photo by M.C.)
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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Lee Camp said, “We’re here because we’re in the middle of some deep shit. We’re here because every time I turn on the TV, maybe the Mayan prediction that the world was going to end in the end of 2012, maybe it wasn’t a prediction. It was a recommendation.”
Lee Camp at United We Stand (Photo by M.C.), May 2014.
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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Immortal Technique plays UNITED WE STAND (Photo by M.C.) Immortal Technique opened his short set rapping his chilling song "Bin Laden," accusing the U.S government of masterminding terrorism. "Bush funded al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion, even though bin Laden was a CIA tactician, t hey gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose, Fahrenheit 9/11, that's just scratchin' the surface." He morphed into “The Point of No Return,” indicting the perpetrators of genocide and imperialism throughout history.
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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Immortal Technique plays UNITED WE STAND (Photo by M.C.) Immortal Technique opened his short set rapping his chilling song "Bin Laden," accusing the U.S government of masterminding terrorism. "Bush funded al-Qaeda, and now they blame the Muslim religion, even though bin Laden was a CIA tactician, t hey gave him billions of dollars, and they funded his purpose, Fahrenheit 9/11, that's just scratchin' the surface." He morphed into “The Point of No Return,” indicting the perpetrators of genocide and imperialism throughout history.
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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by Occupy Los Angeles OWS. @OccupyLAOWS
Thursday, Jun. 05, 2014 at 7:36 PM
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by nobody
Wednesday, Jun. 11, 2014 at 5:05 PM
"The stated goal of United We Stand is to use “the momentum of the tour [to] unite and empower voters and build a base of supporters for young people running for local office in 2014.” "
What is that? "Youth" is not a political position.
And judging from the videos, they get their politics from ranters on the internet rather than by studying actual politics or power. But there's always time to learn. Just stop listening to Alex Jones.
While I agree with their position against prop 14 and open primaries - I come at my position totally differently. I think that political parties are strengthened by closed primaries, and that 3rd parties are helped more than the D and R.
They're coming at it with "the top two parties suck, are the same." That attitude of disgust, along with the general ignorance about the primary system, and perhaps the desire of decline-to-states to have an opportunity to vote twice, is what caused prop 14 to pass in the first place.
They need to come out with something relevant. I <3 the greens, but the PF has better theory. It's too bad PF is overrun by starstruck people and people running for office.
The BPP and that Omali Yeshitali operation, Uhuru, had local strategy. They actually had power, did elections, etc. fought against each other. BPP got Lionel Wilson in - not optimal, but i'm sure they got something out of the deal. Uhuru ran an operation that tried to pass rent control in Oakland, and I read they did OK but didn't win.
I think the underlying idea is local issues, local organizing, and local power. It isn't to run candidates for major office, to build up the party brand - which I think is a hollow strategy.
It's also not necessarily to win in local races - unless you *can* win. If you can't win, then you make threats to split the vote, and get demands met by pushing a second-place candidate over the top... or by not pushing the second placer into the top.
So what you do is win what seats you can, but don't go in to lose a race or be a spoiler. You go in to win demands. Demands are what matter. The demands have to be winnable - you don't demand that the city handle a county issue; you don't tell the LAPD to get the Sheriffs to stop beating the visitors. You make real demands that can be won, and big demands that maybe can be won in the long haul.
That's why rent control politics have done well for the past thirty years in SaMo and WeHo. The rent control bloc has a winnable demand, and maintains the law through political power.
Local issues, local organizing, local power.
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by non young and still proud
Wednesday, Jul. 02, 2014 at 5:10 PM
We are all told to admire, help, give, join, and be 'like the young' - as if that were the best age or place to become politically socially active - or even useful .
Can it be that this age group has become not only rude, entitled and living in false "special" illusions but partially aware they can speak-up to-the-powerful too ? not just play music and face a stage of 'stars' but move together to do more than sit in a space and chant or shout. What else did these 'beautiful people' [as described on TV and movies ] do besides ...other than what pix show here ?
The pix here are bright and fun and those who could not, did not know, to attend will surely be envious of what they 'missed'. But anyone past mid age will be glad to know they would have been shunned, dismissed and assumed to be 'out of place' from what is displayed here.
the politics of change are not New, not novel, not original - but necessary. The work and efforts made to expose and unite is always a good move. The fun of music events luring people who otherwise are watching screens is 'a way' to get-together-and-agree-to-agree for that moment.' Good ! Do More...Have another event or five.
let the 'rest of us' who have had a life long good-time of going to protests, going to OLA downtown, writing articles, attending conferences and sharing our beliefs and experiences too, would like to see more opportunities...not just the music-crowd-adultants who will go to any music event they can or not afford.
The OLA remnants are working and sharing, but not seen by many, unfortunately. The number of members still working there may be few and rent-payments fewer if under-employed. How many dedicated organizers and helpers are there in this group?
and if criticizing the worlds we still live in were a new idea or phenomena, then we would all surge, gather in a last get-together anywhere, music, stage or none. This is a repeat performance, tho one that is useful every time it raises it's PR flags.
so finding after-the-events-are-over what happened ? what was the follow thru after the get-together ? What else was done?
and why did UCLA renege on it's offer/ promise ? tell us, expose the truth whatever that may be. We who did not get to have fun there want to know anyhow... .for if there ever is another 'next time'.
when where is next episode ? or who all is planning it ? or did this not encourage the group to do more ? what happened ??????? besides music, staging, entertainment and a bit of clever social criticism from the stars ?
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