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by gary
Thursday, Apr. 17, 2014 at 8:33 PM
After a failed attempt to convince investigators that his wife was the victim of a hate crime, Kassim Alhimidi was convicted of her murder
Iraqi national Kassim Alhimidi was convicted by a jury this afternoon in San Diego for murdering his wife Shaima Alawadi. When the verdict was read, Alhimidi began waving his finger as if to say, No". members of his family rose and began shouting, first expletives in English, then in Arabic. At least one arrest was made. (Alhimidi's son). Alhimidi then began yelling in Arabic as he was handcuffed and taken from the courtroom. The below CBS News link has a video of the verdict and reaction (viewer warning as to language). http://www.cbs8.com/story/25276375/live-stream-130pm-verdict-in-hate-crime-murder-case This case raised a furor when it broke because the family claimed an intruder was responsible and that the motive was a hate crime. During the subsequent investigation, it was revealed there was strife in the family, first over an attempted arranged marriage for a daughter, coupled with Alawadi's desire to divorce her husband. It initially became a cause celebe combined with the Treyvon Martin case, and the phrase Hijabs and Hoodies became widely used to refer to both cases.
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by Ghassan
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 5:13 PM
When they thought it was a hate crime, CAIR and other organizations were all over it. When it turned out to be domestic violence, they lost interest
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 5:59 PM
stand_with_us.gif, image/gif, 468x315
Gary Fouse
"Global Warming, eh? Apparently, Mr. Gore, we didn't get the e-mails."
Served three years in US Army at Erlangen, Germany 1966-68. 1970-1973- Criminal Investigator with US Customs 1973-1995 Criminal investigator with Drug Enforcement Administration. Stationed in Los Angeles, Bangkok, Milan, Italy, Pittsburgh and Office of Training, FBI Academy, Quantico, Va until retirement.
Stand Together
Fox News
American Spectator
American Thinker
Atlas Shrugs
Breitbart com
CAIR Observatory
Campus Reform
Campus Watch
Daily Caller
Frontpage Magazine
Islamist Watch
JBlog-Israel Forum
Jihad Watch
Michelle Malkin
Middle East Forum
Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism
Palestinian Media Watch
Patriot's Corner
Political Islam
Pro Israel Bay Bloggers
Right Truth
Take Our Country Back
The Blaze
Town Hall
Translating Jihad
Fiction Section
* CAIR * Electronic Intifada * Huffington Post
"Jerk of the Year" award winners
2013 Kathleen Sebelius
2012 Hillary Clinton
2011 Eric Holder
2010 Janet Napolitano
2009 Alan Grayson
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by Eyad
Monday, Apr. 21, 2014 at 8:06 AM
Shaima was just a woman. If she could have been a tool for bashing American society and for achieving a goal, she might have been more useful. It was not to be.
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by crazy_inventor
Monday, Apr. 21, 2014 at 8:51 AM
the_real_evil.jpg, image/jpeg, 429x452
didn't stop the hate groups listed above from exploiting a single life to spread their hate though, did it?
- never mind the over 1 million Iraqis murdered by the people of those very hate groups - that's just a statistic.
well actually most of them are war hawks that wouldn't even think of ever sending THEIR kids off to a war
"war is for little people"
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by Sane Inventor
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2014 at 11:21 AM
Loving the control over women that Islam gives a man, the fool that posts as crazy inventor spins like a fucking top defending the religion of pieces. Stupid motherfucker that he/she/it is.
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by never correct enough
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2014 at 5:53 PM
This site attracts those who want to pretend to save this world and those who want goodie points for being so correct...in their alliances, in their proclaimed opinions, and in their hopes of forming an exclusive heaven, while here on earth amongst themselves, mostly.
strange how outraged and loud people on left side of politics are - claiming they are Righteous and Right, always RIGHT ! to blame the 'others' who dont appear liberal enough or agree with their protests and anger.
strange how this minority, in the USA and elsewhere too, make the most noise, get lots of media attention for their 'protests' [of righteous causes only, of course, self defined and self proclaimed because being right means they must know and have the facts, the power to define and the sacrifice of their time to stand outside in the heat/cold/rain/street corner.
strange how when any slight hint of race is possible, these groups [for they are many and diverse but similar in tactics and promotional expertise with media who like the spectacles on their screens] immediately claim to know-all-that-has-happened accurately and dismiss any discussion or context.
strange how self-image-blasting-up-big, as if wanting to be sure they dominate all media 'news' even if for 1 moment, any hint of 'wrongdoing' by "others" gives these groups an excuse to 'protest !!!' and make signs and shout insults at everyone who is not tied in to their group.
strange claims of how unfair everyone Else is, but never mention their own demands for exclusive rights to the correct and only perception or interpretation of events.
strange how domineering these groups and individuals in these groups are and totally biased, intolerant of any other explanations or corrections to what they claim they know to be "true". The Only Truth possible, is theirs, of course.
strange how much space is actually given to weirdos, to those not spiritual nor religious but as fervent in their own versions of _ what Is Reality _ not to be questioned nor confused with extreme cults, or sects. The vehemence and demand for black OR white total loyalty to their versions and their choices and their definitions is authoritarian in style and results.
strange how these groups of self-proclaimed love-the-whole-world people dont act loving except to any who agree or allow them to dominate the conversation and spaces they want to use for self-proclamations of their faith - in their causes.
strange how intolerant behaviors and attitudes are exactly what they accuse everyone Else of having while denying their own actions and thinking patterns.
strange that so many love indymedia and read or write on this site and hope to attract more converts to their particular divisive but Left Liberal Progressive [or so labeled] groups.
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by stranger yet
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2014 at 6:02 PM
strange people come to write on this indymedia site because it is where each hopes to gain some visibility - finally ! - for their cause and their truths.
strange but comments at other sites are options but 1 can be lost in the long list of 23478921 comments elsewhere.
strange as others say of those who live and stay in LA.
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by crazy_inventor
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2014 at 7:54 PM
strange.jpg, image/jpeg, 600x500
Is the sun, why wouldst thou be a name would through the air.
I just clipped my head, and by opposing end them.
A name?
A winged messenger of heaven.
What's in their spheres till they return.
I just said that I might touch that I were!
See, or to sleep. To sleep, or, or to sleep.
Is this strange?
Hello. Or not to be: O, fair sun!
I might touch that. Her maid, that.
Yes fuck sinners?
What light through yonder window breaks?
To this night, as sweet.
Fuck sinners? Deny thy name?
I will answer it is this night. Whether 'tis nobler in the heaven, I just said that.
Is the slings and I'll no longer be but sworn my head? It is already sick and none but sick and refuse thy father and I'll no longer be a nun?
O, perchance to die.
Is this strange?
A wound.
She says nothing.
A nun?
Be but fools do wear it were there, and Juliet is this strange?
I just said that. Whether 'tis not, or not, they in all the slings and sails upon the question.
A nun?
Is this strange?
Version 2.0
Many years ago someone said: "If you lock a dozen monkeys in a room with a typewriter, sooner or later the typewriter will be broken."
We say: "If you let your computer run Babble!, sooner or later a dozen monkeys will be out of a job and the typewriter still will be broken."
Babble! is a toy for people who love words.
Babble! takes samples of text from various sources, analyzes them for style and content, mixes them together in varying proportions, and then...well...*babbles*.
On and on. Endlessly.
If you take its samples away, it still babbles. That's what Babble! does. It babbles!
Start the program by typing "BABBLE<ÄÙ".* After the title screen is displayed, a file called "STARTUP.BAB" will be automatically loaded into the first slot, and the program will start babbling.
Sit back a bit and take a look at what's happening. If it's moving too fast for you, use the and keys to adjust the speed. If you're not chuckling yet, press the key.
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by PrionPartyy
Friday, May. 09, 2014 at 12:21 AM
And still, Zionists are murderous thieves of the Palestinian's homeland.
Zionists are ALL murderous thieves. ALL of them. And yet, you would post stories of 1 single scum bag.
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