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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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The Worldwide #WaveOfAction began Friday, April 4th at former Occupy sites around the world. Citing studies that “have proven that it only takes 3.5% of the population taking nonviolent action to create meaningful and positive change,” the originators of the idea have called for a three-month cycle of action beginning, symbolically, on the date of the assassination of Martin Luther King and ending, symbolically, on July 4, 2014.
In Southern California, rallies were held in Los Angeles, Westminster, Anaheim, and San Diego. A morning march from the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce to Congressman Xavier Becerra’s preceded a vigil for the “Robin Hood tax” (H.R. 1579). People rallied at City Hall at noon in solidarity with the #WorldWideWave with signs bearing messages such as “Normalize Tolerance” and “The resistance is here. You have been liberated.” Throughout the afternoon, Anonymous made appearances at the Los Angeles Police Department Headquarters, television filming locations, and with the Channel 4 news crew around downtown L.A.
People of Westminster, CA united for an all-day rally in Freedom Park honoring the civil rights legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Free food, screen printing, pageantry, and community spirit were present long into the evening.
The Anaheim, CA Wave of Action was called to bring awareness to killer police in Orange County as well as the rising numbers of homeless on the streets of America. Signs reading “Homelessness is not a crime” and “End Police Terror” were on display Friday evening during rush hour at the busy intersection of Harbor and Ball.
In San Diego, Civic Center Plaza was re-occupied for the day with a message of “Evolve, Survive, Thrive” and “UNITE in LOVE.” Simple but powerful messages including “Knowledge is Power,” “Disobey,” and “Freedom” were visible during the evening candlelight vigil in the public square.
The Southern California #WaveOfAction sites held a simultaneous candlelight vigil coordinated by livestream on Friday evening.
Wake up, get on the wave, and reconnect with humanity.
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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Anonymous #WaveOfAction talking to Channel 4 News in front of LAPD Headquarters, April 4, 2014. Los Angeles, CA #WorldWIdeWave #www
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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The resistance is here. You have been liberated. Los Angeles #WaveOfAction #anonymous in solidarity with the #WorldWideWave on April 4, 2014.
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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#Anon raising the flag at the Orange County #WaveOfAction (Westminster, CA) April 4, 2014 in solidarity with the #WorldWideWave #www
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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"End Police Terror" and "Homelessness is Not a Crime" rally in Anaheim, CA for the #WorldWideWave of Action, April 4, 2014.
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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"End Police Brutality" and "Stop Killer Cops" read signs at the Anaheim, CA #WorldWideWave of Action, April 4, 2014.
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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Screen printing at the Orange County #WaveOfAction in Freedom Park (Westminster. CA). April 4, 2014
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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The #WaveOfAction is a three-month cycle of action beginning, symbolically, on the date of the assassination of Martin Luther King and ending, symbolically, on July 4, 2014.
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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The numbers grew as evening set on the Orange County #WaveOfAction (Westminster, CA) April 4, 2014. #www #WorldWideWave https://waveofaction.org/
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by Jessica Lux
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 2:31 AM
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Evening vigil at Civic Center Plaza (San Diego, CA) for the April 4th Worldwide #WaveOfAction at former occupation sites around the world.
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by Lenore Albert
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 3:08 PM
lenalbert@interactivecounsel.com 714-372-2264 7755 Center Ave #1100, Huntington Beach, CA 92647
Thank you for reporting on real social events occurring in the community.
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by PrionPartyy
Saturday, Apr. 05, 2014 at 9:22 PM
A wave of action???
Seems more like the waves my mother and I exchanged as I went around and around on the marry go round.
Sure, homelessness (been there, done that) is NOT a crime. I (we, ALL stand behind that 100%!). But some homeless people stealing (STEALING!!!) public areas for their own use is (IS!!!) a crime!!!, duh. I knew (we know!) the difference between an overpass or some hyway billboard sign and a public bench or some park areas.
Oh and "end police terrorism".
Wow ! Way to go out on a limb there buddy. It is like where do I go to sign up to join up with people who DARE to object to police terrorism???
Hey mommy, here I go again around the ride.
It is no wonder that only 15 entities (counting a dog) showed up to wave as we circled around on the marry go round.
Hy mommy!!!
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by waving waving no where but the sand…
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2014 at 5:31 PM
Why do those who think they have the best of intentions act as BADLY and deceptively as those they always criticize and hate ?
there are toooooo few wavers in any of the fotos used to show off here about a "worldwide" action of any minor significance.
Yes, you hope the waves increase in size and numbers, but the title is mostly aggrandizing dreams and the reality looks like a costume party that few were attending.
then the ridiculous scene on Venice Beach that was you too ?
- trying to overtake or cause chaos at the VENICE DRUM CIRCLE ? Who was given "permission" by who is any authority at the drum circle ? or did anyone ask to ally with any of the regular [every weekend every year] drummers - who said they did not even know any "other" group was going to infiltrate to use them as props ?
And the videos on line that showed mostly young males trying to be heroic macho males by taunting the police and claiming rights they have never earned or even learned. Sure made this group look stupid if anything, and did nothing for the regular Drum Circle men or Venice either.
Who thought up that idea ?
To use the drummers as a way to create a scene to get PR - get promotion, be seen hopefully, be in the news....
and instead of gaining allies or friends, the results turned out to be childish shouts and attempts to antagonize 'the authorities in uniform' mostly.
Some of us even saw ' in real life' the beginnings where there were no actual organizers at their 4 pm Venice meeting...with no banners, apparently no plan or else it was to disrupt the usual scene and take it OVER for the wavers own show ? huh ?
Sad. Because some actual thinking adults might have wanted to be a part of an actual movement or beginnings of one that had serious goals, and not a theatrical anti-police-emphasis result.
sad. wave on. no one is waving back, even if you dream otherwise.
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by waving waving no where but the sand…
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2014 at 5:41 PM
https://www.facebook.com/events/226955717505341/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming pretending to be all loving and caring and peaceful but not acting it out as seen on the local NEWS casts of Sunday April 6 at Venice Drum Circle. where is the jarring hypocrisy between those images ?
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by crazy_inventor
Tuesday, Apr. 08, 2014 at 10:23 PM
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You can always tell when someone is operating under an agenda, because they simply ignore inconvenient facts such as the corporate environment or the owners while pretending 'their' station is the center of the universe, along with lawyers circling like vultures the nearly dead corpse that terrestrial 'public' radio has become due to corporatism.
Meanwhile belittle occupy tactic participants who are actually at the front lines, with that same old snobby attitude in accordance with the owners of those 'public' stations's war on the poor.
Pathetic but not unexpected when seen played out here, on yet another billionaire funded 'progressive' media holding.
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by nobody
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2014 at 3:26 AM
They give around one week or less lead time for their events. That, alone, is going to assure a barely-attended event (unless they get some entertainment figures).
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by crazy_inventor
Wednesday, Apr. 09, 2014 at 5:27 AM
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Well they're not the occupy tactic participants that matter.
The homeless, the working poor, people of color are the ones who's numbers are growing and who originally were the ones that employed the occupy tactic.
Everyone else is just playing catch up..
College students screwed by the same bankster crooks with loans they're stuck with for life, which was part of the next bubble are also included, record numbers of which live at home or work fast food and similar non-living wage jobs, again resulting by the economic violence you call neo-liberalism except when addressing it's destructive effects.
- addressing destructive effects simply isn't on the menu, hence we get here are fluff pieces disconnected from the real world - junk news.
Junk news hiding behind a thin veil of 'progressivism' brought to you by the very elite that create the destruction for profit.
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by nobody
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 6:10 AM
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I thought Occupy was already too hostile to local anarchists... and now this? It's rapidly turning into something without teeth.
What next - Marianne Williamson's charity capitalist new age Christian stuff? I heard she's popular with westsiders.
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 9:12 AM
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Of course what you call occupy and what I call ocuupy are entirely different things :
"It turns out the Occupy folks got it wrong. It wasn’t the top 1% of earners which posed a problem for democratic legitimacy. It was the top 0.1%, and within that smaller group, the top 0.01% who received most of the income gains of the last 30 years."
We knew that, but it's easier to say 1 %
"The insatiable greed of Capitalist banks and other institutions in America dooms us to one of the hardest crashes of any nation as energy resources decline. The rampant fraud in all of our institutions comes at a time when the political system needs to be reinvented towards a steady-state, sharing one..
..So far we’ve been staying under the net energy curve by pushing over half of Americans into such desperate poverty they can’t afford to drive as much, or at all, and live with less food, heating, air-conditioning, and other goods. How is a nation of individualistic, obese, out-of-shape and unhealthy people going to shift from fossil fuel power to muscle power in less than a decade?"
"The middle classes will inherit the worthless and obsolete infrastructure, including their energy hog homes, just as soon as they’ve spent their last productive years paying the mortgages.
Watch for promises of economic recovery and new energy technologies from now until forever while the elite pick the pockets of the soon to be starving corralled populace. In the end the big bonus boys and girls will find sanctuary while everyone else gets the hard scrabble life.."
"There isn’t going to be any saving of anyone once the collapse hits hard (and continues getting worse from there on out). The police in every town live there among neighbors – everyone knows them. When things turn to complete chaos – no food or water, weather event, whatever – we’re all in the same boat. There’s no place to hide for a meaningful amount of time once the ability to grow food vanishes.
The survivors will have to live in an ever-diminishing world that won’t support plant life or sea life, and they’ll be inhaling radioactive toxic particulates mixed with methane and hydrogen sulfide with every breath. Things will be bursting into flames and/or complete chaos will ensue – think of the Watts Riots involving everyone, including the police and military. Law and order will vanish like the fantasy that “democracy” became. Even if it starts off cooperatively, i’m afraid it degenerates quite quickly when up against the survival instinct.
All that ammo distributed into every town and city in the U.S. won’t be enough and sooner or later they’ll run out but there will be millions of crazed zombies still running around in search of food, shelter, habitat, a respite from the continuing degradation, running from people with murder and lust in their eyes, or wide-eyed fear and complete panic able and willing to do anything.
It will be a constant grinding down – through, on top of all the climate change problems, loss of food and shelter, law and order, medicine, water shortages, no electricity, burst pipes of all kinds in a ruined infrastructure, raging fires, dead bodies everywhere with no one cleaning them up, rampant disease – so that no one has the kind of energy to keep up with the demands of survival when the ecological system is shutting down for very long. In other words any survivors will only be prolonging the inevitable.
I argued that very point with Mobus in his comments section and gave up on his childish grasping at some sort of super-sapience to come and save the day for humanity – extending our run as a species (for what, a “second chance”?).
Far be it for me to educate a systems scientist with a bias. i’m glad he finally owned up to the truth of the situation – it’s a bitter pill to swallow and believe me I want to be wrong about the predicament we’re in. The continuing evidence to the contrary is what wakes most of us up sooner or later."
"Mobus is an engineer. Engineers think they can engineer things. One of the main groups who suffer from occupational protagonism."
"I went out yesterday and ran into one of the handy men who are employed by the coop I live in. Roberto comes from Cuban, he was one of the raft people who arrived in 1997.
He loves America. Thinks its the land of milk and honey. Cuba. He spits on it.
We had a brief talk, no more than 10 – 15 minutes. That’s pretty much all I can bare before having to choke on the bile and vomit coming up on me.
You see Roberto wants to buy a house. It’s a great investment. He wants to leave something for his son. Of course it doesn’t occur to this macho freak or this imbecile that perhaps he ought to be leaving his son a planet on which he can survive.
I say none of the thoughts rapidly passing through my neurons.
I persevered, although why is beyond me, other than I am a masochist, and talked about the fact that there are 7 million houses on the market due to the mortgage fraud leading to the 2008 crash. Hey, things are better than ever he said.
I actually took a daring step and said that we’re not out of the woods yet and that China holds so much of the debt on this country that we’re all debt slaves.
Then, and hold on to your hat, about the level of intelligence for he masses or for life on this planet, Donald Trump says that’s a load of crap. That the debt means nothing because we have all this real estate worth billions, trillions. My head literally exploded and I just stood stunned.
Yep, this poor schnook, or is I who is the putz, thinks Trump walks on water. That what he says is true and honest. That Trump knows best and why, because Trump is a success, he’s got lots and lots of money.
Of course this poor boob has no clue that Trump inherited his wealth, he’s part of the .01% and the handy man will never been in that league, but he can dream.
You think he’d ever let you pull out the main line of heroin he’s got flowing into his veins.
Imagine what I had to shove down to listen to this drivel.
Then imagine as I get to realize this is the common man. This is the future. These creatures breeding and breeding and breeding like bacteria in a dish. They’ll keep humping an humping until each and every one of us is crushed against the side of the petri dish and with nothing left to eat they’ll start to die or eat each other, but in the end there will be the last man standing and it will probably be [people like him], the lucky dog.
We’ll not stop, not till we’ve taken it all down with us, and for most they’ll never look in the mirror or do any self reflection. For the rest of us who are aware and want this to be different it doesn’t matter because in the end it’s the ones doing the damage that will take us along with them."
Modern culture is what frames 'success' as helping yourself rather than helping others. Within that narrative it's only natural to see only the agar being depleted and become obsessed with it, while having not a care in the world for the other yeast cells.
When you commodify your environment, you yourself become just another commodity.
"The human mind preferentially entertains future scenarios, if they exist at all, that are on the rosy and optimistic side of the ledger. Why? Because belief in a bright future or that good things await in the future are capable of releasing pleasureful biochemicals in the brain.
So no matter how many times you turn the lights out with doom and gloom scenarios, the healthy individual will simply flip the switch back to a future scenario that places them in a techno-utopia, agrarian utopia, heavenly utopia.
This is why people play the lottery (because they’re going to win), invest their money with scoundrels (because they’re trustworthy and a big pay-off awaits), or go to church daily or weekly (because the most fabulous reality imaginable is just beyond death. There is no end to optimism bias, it is supported by long evolved brain biochemistry.
The fact that Ruppert is gone, Orlov is turning his attention to a language project, Mobus is again concentrating on his preference for engineering intelligence, the Oil Drum is shut down, only proves that the Cassandra message, good for eliciting temporary horror film adrenaline spikes, is quickly turned off in favor of future scenarios that release soothing and rewarding dopamine and serotonin."
As far as I’m concerned you’ve scored a perfect hit on the target.
Every time I think someone gets the picture I’m utterly flabbergasted that the next time we see each other it’s as if that epiphany never occurred. It’s kind like a combination of Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Groundhog Day.
It’s absolutely maddening to me. It’s the boiling frog in the pot syndrome. This is why we’ll never make the changes we need to because we don’t really believe what’s happening. NTE is merely a side issue that distracts It’s what people reject from McPherson’s presentations.
Whether NTE will occur in 40 years or not doesn’t concern me. Merely considering the way we treat each other is of primary importance and that’s not very nicely.
Why don’t people consider that the major agencies have changed their projections of temperature increase to occur during the 21st century over the course of the last seven years. They’ve raised the expected increase and vastly shortened the time frame this will occur within..
..People are so disconnected they can’t grasp the enormity of what’s happening and can’t do anything as their minds reject the situation. They must retreat to Happy Land as fast as possible."
"..he had no idea of what was happening in the Arctic and the melting of the ice and so was clueless why that will have an impact on sea life. He didn’t understand or seem to know where all the heat has been going and why an El Nino now will probably be even more disastrous than one that occurred in 1997.
The only point I bought up during Q&A was that once the Arctic goes water temperature will increase by 79 degrees, the amount of energy once being absorbed by the ice. The ocean will heat up considerable without the ice to act as a cooling agent. I actually suggested they all conduct an example using a pot of water filled with some ice, put a thermometer in it and put it on a slow, low heat and watch what happens the second all the ice is melted. Do it with your children and grandchildren I said.
I will say that when I mentioned that the ocean will heat up to such a degree once the ice is gone there was an audible gasp from the entire room. This from about 80 whites (well they all looked like me) who were from well “educated” backgrounds and are considered successful according to our standards.
At the end a single person came up to me to ask me where did I go to school and what degree did I have that enabled me to understand the situation.
Well, it was like watching a balloon deflate.
As soon as I said I was studying this on my own and self educating his face contorted, froze, his eyes glazed over and his body lurched back.
For a fraction of a second before answering him I considered telling him a story about my background. I have no problem lying to people as they seem to love hearing lies instead of truth.
I could have told him I had numerous advance degrees from so and so school and that I teach at such and such a place. I guarantee that in the majority of cases the person I’m talking to will accept my lie on face value and go away feeling more satisfied than this guy did."
"The men of letters are not what they should be, always too busy looking for grants, meeting their teaching requirements, hobnobbing with administration officials, I doubt they have much time to think and if they did, they would likely guard their income stream and career goals above all else.."
"It’s like we’re all living in a never-ending 12-step program. “Take what you want and leave the rest.”
It does seem that the more of us there are. The more of us live in these huge cities where hiding and avoiding is easy the less we know each other and could trust each other."
"I just listened to the Gary Null interview with McPherson. I’m trying to contain myself.
Listening to Null’s voice always makes me feel like I need a bath afterwards.
It’s very soft, controlling and seductive. If I hadn’t run one of the Local Elections for Pacifica all these faceless voices and names wouldn’t have become fleshed out people with the same set of personality issues as the rest of us, perhaps more so because of all the money and power they have amassed."
True things are not always pretty, and pretty things are not always true.
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by indy reader
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 11:24 AM
long copy and paste quotes are not quite intelligible to most of us plain vanilla ordinary readers on this strange site, but oh well,
anything goes apparently, when irrelevant long paragraphs are thrown into the messy stew and have no apparent reference to the main topic started.
images are here used to attract attention to the copy-paste monologues are clever, but ineffective, because these not necessarily associated to msg, whatever it originally attempted to be
and then the same repeated plea for Help claiming we are going to soon be extinct and die too, because the earth is not as it has been recently. And obviously We [except for the writers' small superiority groups, of course ] are all at fault and have the power to correct the tilt and evolution too ... but who said so ?
But then, that's the beauty of Indy where anyone can write or copy paste anything and it just appears ! No responsibility or thought necessary, thank you. Just click and watch it appear ! wow !
And waves of what is who ? the few that claim they are 'worldwide' what ? And the photos of a small tiny gathering of people, displaying a few signs, make not a movement, not an action, not more than a friendly social get-together, even if they are outside on a street corner, any where.
So please dont use same propaganda techniques of pretending the messagers are more than they actually are, or more important or more in numbers.
They are apparently a few sign carriers, with their [hopefully] 'good' intentions to get Attention and Media-noticed... just like commercials do, with their paid ads, but here it is freeeeeee wheeeeee lookeee mee !!!
and if the wavers are trying to get more into their group, this mis-leading labeling only detracts from those activists who are honest and do Not pretend they are more than they actually are. The guise of being So Good because they are waving signs is questionable to everyone but themselves too.
The lefties, liberalites, do-gooders, and those liking to think they re now superior and know more than the ordinary joes and jills - do the same tricky lying and exaggerating that the 'other siders' do. These are pretending that they are more powerful, more in numbers, and more effective...than they obviously are.... yet when checked out, seen in person, in reality, they too disappoint. Wizard of oz old story of 1930's and before that too.
Why is it necessary or so convenient to lie to look like more ? Is that fashionable now ? A common tactic? How stoopid...to follow those who these despise and want to over-come and do de same Also called "branding" or exaggerating, which is lying in any other terms. stoooooo pid ...yep. just that.
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by imcer
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 7:27 PM
Instead of always trying to hijack comment threads, just compile a weekly or twice-weekly update and post it. A lot of the information is interesting, but when the comments are veering off topic, it raises people's hostility.
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 8:56 PM
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if the weekly community affairs just posted _starting with occupy news and ending with pacifica info_ isn't enough 'on topic' for the likes of this recent complainer who has 'hostility' towards the working poor & homeless while ignoring every other subject no matter how current and no matter how many actual people the issue affects, it doesn't matter since I simply ignore and skip past those comments anyway.
like with the occupy the MSM thread, I would include pacifica and media holdings such as this one right along with the other corporate media holdings they've protested against, and in fact do have my own signals on the air..
..in other words the hostility is mutual
a little passive-agressive browbeating from involved parties posting under agendas never stopped me before..
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by crazy_inventor
Sunday, Apr. 20, 2014 at 9:59 PM
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..notice the failbook links that you HAVE TO BE SIGNED UP TO FAILBOOK TO EVEN SEE and notice the failbook, twit-er and google pus links all over the site..
"Tech Companies Adopt Astroturf to Get Their (Wicked) Way
Companies like Amazon, Google and IBM spent far more than most pharmaceutical firms, the National Rifle Association, RJ Reynolds Tobacco, and others that we tend to associate with trying to control the conversation in Washington DC.
And just like these other lobbiers, tech megacorps are casting a lot of their money toward _causes that increase social and economic inequality_, like pushing for cheaper labor and tax breaks for the richest of the rich.
"increase social and economic inequality" - directly working against the supposed charter of IMC, not to mention violating people's privacy.. ______________________________________________
Executives at tech's largest companies, like Facebook, LinkedIn and Microsoft spend millions on lobbying indirectly through nonprofit groups that promote a grassroots image, but are in reality the tentacles of corporate interests that are just trying to forward their own agendas."
..while _some other IMC's_ have Tor hidden service access with no failbook, twit-er and google pus links..
People get all upset about the NSA and other 3 letter agencies but the real spies are failbook, twit-er and google pus. The NSA media placements are actually distractions from these corporations that do the real bulk of the spying..
Whenever a failbook link is provided to anything for any reason, the topic can only be failbook because only failbook 'members' can access it, and so people and groups that rely on failbook need to know they're not only feeding the spy machine, but also automaticly marginalising anyone not on failbook. Also google actively blocks Tor traffic.
just because failbook happens to be popular with the censors that run the foundation funded show here doesn't negate these facts
personally I think you could use more 'news' like Gary Fouse posted, since theres nothing about climate chaos or even the exceptional drought anyway.
If I framed the issue as 'occupy the the looters & polluters' that would be 'on topic' but wouldn't really address what matters most -the actual conditions the west coast is facing right now. Nor the reason why - due to the head-in-the-sand attitude people living in this desert have and their unwillingness to face reality.
""the deadliest current threat to L.A., and to most of the Southwestern United States, is severe drought, so it’s pertinent to ask what hubris permits Angelenos to so blithely continue their irrational ways of life.
One answer is that it rained for a couple of days before the Academy Awards ceremony, which must have been reassuring to the Hollywood establishment. Another answer might be that the concrete-confined Los Angeles “River” runs through CBS television’s Studio City complex, where we visited the former set of “Seinfeld.”
Between the continuously rushing water and the realistic New York City streetscape, you might find yourself believing you’re not living in a West Coast desert at all.
"..we know that settling millions of people in a desert climate on the shores of the Pacific Ocean is an insult to nature, and that only because of political corruption and “stolen” water from up north are Southern Californians able to survive."
Occupy is about social, economical and environmental injustice, so any comment that expresses and exposes these issues is definitely on topic. The west coast is almost as bad as texas in this regard - simply ignore and bury it and pretend it will go away.
Or better yet do what they do - completely ignore man-made climate change but "pray for rain"
PS - love the 'highjack EVERY comment' claim - I don't even READ much less comment on most stories, because there's very little here that matters, most of the stories are garbage..
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by imcer
Monday, Apr. 21, 2014 at 11:03 AM
Just reframe it in terms of Southern Cal and post it, and it'll get pulled into the local stories.
Another thing to consider is finding a story, video, or audio piece that's connected to something in LA, and then expand upon it, and it'll get put into local.
The local IMC sites are mostly about local topics. If it weren't we would have to consider every single Stephen Lendman post, and no one has that kind of time to spend reading and evaluating text (at least not for free, unless we want to get on welfare). There's no way to compete with a smart retired person who can write all the time.
It's not about your ideas or your abrasive attitude. It's about being on topic and generally having a left perspective (as stated more or less in the various documents and disclaimers). I've pulled things into the local that I didn't agree with: chemtrails, bundy ranch, goldner's weenie drama, and a ton of other things.
Likewise, when things get reported, I try to conform to the stated rules about hiding. If your comment hadn't been reported, it wouldn't have been considered for hiding. Most reported posts get hidden - but many do not get hidden. We actually read the surrounding posts.
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by crazy_inventor
Monday, Apr. 21, 2014 at 12:09 PM
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when a person has only a narrow focus - say pacifica and bashing the working poor & homeless, then combined with publishing numerous pieces about pacifica to the point of saturation (publishing vs only commenting in existing stories) from a - yes, 'KPFK loyal volunteer' with a lifetime invested in such an establishment station and now retired, the volume of postings show.
The odd thing is, through the years of posting on here, commenting weekly community affairs and a strict interpretation of what's 'on-topic' has never been a problem before with the exception of one or two people characterised as trolls objecting to anyone posting in 'their thread' mainly related to exposing their misrepresentations.
So now this IMC has a new one doing exactly the same thing - bullying and browbeating and excessive publishing while always playing the victim, with an agenda and direct conflict of interest in the subject.
You haven't been around long - just a year or so from what I can see and don't know the history of this IMC, so don't know these details.
I've always preferred to only comment in existing stories - rarely publish anything because there's two classes of stories:
syndicated and fill/click bait
Since no one's published stories are EVER promoted to syndication and front page placement, except the handful of people directly involved in the site, there's no point in wasting time publishing stories. In fact I run 2 forums and the weekly affairs and mostly just 'promote' the most interesting comments I find on other sites, similar to what goes on here.
When I bother to type entirely my own words, the attack-the-messenger tactic is to isolate and pretend it's just one person and so doesn't matter.
Yet if I paste _other people's words_ saying things I agree with, then the tactic is attack the comment as a 'paste job' and cite lack of backlinks.
- either way the intent is to focus on the messenger not the message.
If you go to the sites I link to, you'll see people talking about all sorts of things with none of this 'off-topic' nonsense because when you adopt a more global interconnected way of thinking, you realise that most of the separate categories you have on this site, on the left margin, are really symptoms of core problems which aren't being addressed at all.
This is why I comment examples of how other people talk and what subjects/issues they cover - to show that what they're doing and how they're doing it is more effective at leading to facts and reality.
Modelling after the corporate media is a proven way to remain fragmented and keeps people from connecting-the-dots and seeing the big picture.
..the big picture is 'off-topic' when the framing is intentionally narrow
If I publish what are now comments as separate stories they are simply ignored and provide only fill to make the site look more desirable without actually accomplishing anything.
Nothing is gained by failing to challenge and debate issues which are regularly posted, like the one's you mentioned - and to me (and the people who's talks I paste here) virtually ALL the published stories are like that.
I intentionally only select stories for possible comment that have comments already, and avoid stories that have no or only 1 comment, because that shows there's no interest and it would be a waste of time..
Being nice and pleasant on the surface while failing to address real issues is just another manifestation of BAU and maintaining the status quo. If some syndication publishers want to maintain the 'purity' and aesthetics of 'their' stories to the point of cleansing them of harsh comments that is also an agenda.
The facts are supposed to speak for themselves, and the messenger's manner and presentation is supposed to be secondary, not the other way around..
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by imcer
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2014 at 5:38 PM
By "on topic" i mean within the topic of the thread, which is the the "Wave of Action" event or events. Sorry if that wasn't clear.
Then I suggested you do a post to the newswire that had some kind of Los Angeles hook. That way, it could be put into the "local" section, where things don't move so fast.
I just heard Indymedia On Air on KPFK last night an the topic was climate change. Maybe you could link to that and write a critique.
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by imcer
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2014 at 5:43 PM
The Worldwide Wave story wasn't posted by an IMC volunteer.
Neither was the Kelly Thomas piece.
Peggy was getting stuff featured before she ever met anyone in the collective.
Noise Demo is not the collective.
The political prisoners was not either, but it was copied from other places.
TPP is not the collective.
Labor Video Project is not the collective.
Immigration Caravans is not the collective.
Right now, we're not getting enough stuff from the community. People are using facebook and whatnot more.
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by crazy_inventor
Tuesday, Apr. 22, 2014 at 6:42 PM
 2012-07-06-13.13.06.png, image/png, 457x600
I don't listen to other stations - I have my own stations to run.
The weekly community affairs airs on sunday morning at 7:00
re: the syndicated pieces
there's no way to tell who they are because the authors are anonymous
I have noticed nyc imc is like a festering pustule oozing zio puss and infecting the IMC network
- it 'otta be excised like sf imc was
I think you should narrow the topic of Worldwide Wave Of Action a bit further, say a tiny spec of plastic on one of those masks
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by nobody
Wednesday, Apr. 23, 2014 at 5:17 AM
I'm starting to wonder if this is some kind of rightwing merger attempt.
There are always people saying things like the far left and far right should merge because we're so similar. At least in what we ostensibly dislike, like the current government, and things like feeling some kind of apocalypse is upon us.
The "3%" idea is from the right wing militia people. It rubs me the wrong way, because it's vanguardist. It proposes to have a kind of coup that will topple the federal government. After that, presumably, there would be a state government, mainly, at least in their conception.
It's also inherently elitist, because it would move long before many people are getting organized for change.
And they also do the new ager thing. It's almost like fomenting a split between the newagers and the leftists who think mainly about economic issues. They also push MLK. That's like the most non-controversial figure, ever, these days. That and the nonviolence angle.
I like all those things, but meditation and nonviolence aren't what create change. They are just things to appeal to people.
The real conflict is between the masses and the wealthy. The 1%. Hell, the 3%. Not the 0.1%.
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