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by johnk
Sunday, Feb. 09, 2014 at 8:51 PM
The website coworker.org is doing something very special and we should boost them.
The website http://coworker.org is a petition site, similar to some of the big ones online but it's special, because the petitions are about addressing workplace issues. It's not about fundraising for a political campaign, or about buying an ad in the Congressional Quarterly or Roll Call or about being lobbyists. Coworker helps people build community support to address problems in the workplace. This is a merger of "clicktivism" with direct action. It's chips away at the wall between "media" and "life". The following are some coworker.org petitions relevant to people in Los Angeles: Wells Fargo: End the Obsession with Sales Goals http://www.coworker.org/petitions/wells-fargo-end-the-obsession-with-sales-goals Forever 21: We Demand Full-Time Opportunities (forever 21 is HQd in LA) http://www.coworker.org/petitions/forever-21-don-t-punish-employees-to-avoid-health-care-requirements Walmart: Stop Cutting Our Hours http://www.coworker.org/petitions/walmart-stop-cutting-our-hours Walmart: Stop Forcing Employees to Work in the Dark http://www.coworker.org/petitions/walmart-stop-forcing-employees-to-work-in-the-dark I can't do my job through a video screen (Bank of America replacing live tellers with video-based tellers) http://www.coworker.org/petitions/no-more-jobs-lost
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by Aunt Bee
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014 at 8:25 AM
Thank you for providing a site for lazy entitlement class morons to whine about insignificant shit. Way to go!
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by crazy_inventor
Thursday, Feb. 13, 2014 at 8:57 AM
lazy_entitlement_class.jpg, image/jpeg, 390x310
End: Wells Fargo
Stop: Malwart
Die: Bank of America die! die! die!
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by Sane Inventor
Friday, Feb. 14, 2014 at 11:04 AM
Telling a bank to die is the stupidest thing ever, I am sure it is listening you silly ass troll.
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, Feb. 14, 2014 at 8:35 PM
derivatives-1_point_5_quadtrillion_dollars_.jpg, image/jpeg, 680x989
telling too-big-to-jail banks to die (boycott) illustrates the attitude one would expect on a 'progressive' website, concerned with social justice. not the admin banking there and posting ineffectual pleas to treat the worker drones better
..never mentioning and not concerned about the vast abuses and investments *this bank especially* is involved in
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by Sane Inventor
Monday, Feb. 17, 2014 at 12:13 PM
Social Justice = those who won't whining about those that will. Stick your social justice up your smelly obama, you silly little shit. Social justice is brought about by getting off your entitled ass and building a life, not by whining about the eeeevilll bankers. When you see or hear a moron spouting off about social justice you know immediately that they are nothing but commie ass lickers, not even on the level as a cock sucker.
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by sane inventor
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 at 10:13 AM
So what's wrong with having earned money and liking to suck cock, crazy inventor you fucking hate filled homophobe.
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 at 10:42 AM
billionaire_wannabes_defending_billionaires.jpg, image/jpeg, 500x328
so those huge stacks of pallets of billions of derivatives which are imaginary debts the bankster crooks made up that they say the whole world owes them, which they stole other people's money to bet with in the first place and none of them have went to jail for, are 'earned'.
I'm afraid you're barking up the wrong tree, I use cock sucker only in exactly the same context as the military and bankster crooks (closely intertwined) themselves use it - purely an insult - directed at the same mindset that considers it an insult.
"when in rome speak as romans do"
now go back to limpball
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by johnk
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 at 7:27 PM
You're so picky. Coworker.org is cool. It's teaching people how to create solidarity and pressure to improve work conditions. Maybe it's not the change *you* want, but is it better if people keep suffering at work?
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 at 8:16 PM
boa.gif, image/gif, 500x365
coming from someone who has an account with bank of america
I have a list of BoA crimes longer than my arm, the most egregious of which they were directly involved in attacking wikileaks which was going to release 'earth shattering' dirt on them, that they partnered with the DoJ in the nationwide sweep of the occupy encampments, they've stolen people's homes by filing falsified documents using 'foreclosure mills', that they didn't even have title to, on a massive scale, and when caught paid pennies on the dollar and numerous other crimes so many a book could be filled with them.
Having an account with them is a conflict of interest making your attempts to whitewash them and their employees, the overall effect of which is to justify and continue business as usual.
I on the other hand have been cataloging their crimes, have the exposed.su list of some of their most important clients details including account numbers, of several well known people, like the first lady, and have even personally produced satire spots and aired them in heavy rotation.
..so 'picky' isn't quite the frame that would apply
I checked out that lawsuit you mentioned and saw it was a turf war between one realtor and another, both of which are profiting by selling foreclosed properties.
How you managed to get in the middle of that wasn't specified (certainly no links were dropped nor the published story in question made available, for like _me to post here on my forum as another expose'_ for example, which I would normally do.)
You should run a hidden service or 132 yourself, then you wouldn't be subject to such legal pressures, but keeping track of all of them can be a chore. I found an easy way is to make a small hidden 10 second MP3 available, and have a playlist with all my hidden service onions, that gets played on repeat. The player then pops an error if any are unreachable.
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by johnk
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 at 9:50 PM
I don't have a BofA account anymore. IMC had one, and may still have one. Where did you get the info?
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by johnk
Friday, Feb. 28, 2014 at 10:11 PM
I pulled it down pending conclusion of the case. the information in the complaint indicated that the post may not have been truthful. the post was difficult to understand, and we had already hidden it, leaving a link to a pdf of the original material. i think the plaintiff, infoclosure, was filing a nuisance suit in hopes of having the material removed, which has happened for now. what happens next isn't known. a motion to dismiss is being (or has been) filed and we'll see what happens.
(we had hidden the post long ago because the post wasn't clear. it was this mishmash of copy-pasted public information, letters, photos of receipts from the courts, and uploaded photos.)
what surprises me is that, at least on two occasions, we informed them of the immunity granted to websites in the CDA section 230. i also informed them about the DMCA process (which we honor), and they did nothing to inform us of the alleged copyright violation. i also told them that we honor authors' requests to remove material, but they didn't seem to want to use that protocol.
after communicating with infoclosure, kurt francis, you, the anti-homeless person, and the range of commenters here, and looking at some of my old posts, i get the impression this site just attracts assholes.
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