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by geral
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 3:47 AM
gsosbee@gmail.com 9566220768 usa
See evidence of a planned, coordinated and unlawful effort by the law
enforcement community, spearheaded by fbi's own assassins, to find a way to
arrest me.
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This date (April 30, 2013)*two law enforcement officials in plain clothes visited me in my home in Harlingen, Texas, for two hours beginning at about 1:PM. They both identified themselves by badge and credentials and then explained that the name “gsosbee” was linked to a crime involving the United States mail, in the Dallas, Texas area. The two focused attention on my whereabouts over the past few years and whether or not I was in the Dallas, Texas, area at all recently. Clearly I was a person of interest in a crime that the two refused to detail. They also indicated that they spoke with others who use the name “gsosbee”. The two officers had copies of some of my online reports, as though the reports are evidence of some kind. About an hour into the interview Agent Rodriguez asked me if I am angry with the fbi or others whom I write about on my websites. I stated that such a characterization is false and that I can say that I am frustrated that no one in government, including the courts and the congress has made any attempt to verify the many felonies committed against me apparently by the fbi or their operatives. Then, Agent Rodriguez asked me whether I do my work online for the benefit of humanity. I stated that such an idea is false, that I do my work to defend myself from the assassins and the torturers who seek to do me great harm; I added that the people of this country also need to know what their government is doing to me and that perhaps even the world has some interest in the methods and practices that I describe concerning the fbi’s non-consensual cover research and human experimentation program of which I am an apparent victim. I also mentioned the directed energy assaults against me and the elaborate and recent efforts by someone to attempt to provoke a response from me on the campus of the UTHSC (University of Texas Health Science Center) at Harlingen, Texas. I referred the two officers to parts 19 (a,b,c) of“My Story In Detail at sosbeevfbi.com. At the end of the fishing expedition, I stated that I hope that the officers record in their report that I am reasonable and forthcoming about all of my answers; that I have no reason to lie and that all of reports are true. I also indicated that the fbi, contrary to Agent Rodriguez’ stated belief to the contrary, began a severe retaliation campaign against me when I reported multiple felonies committed by the fbi as reflected in my court pleadings and my ‘Affidavit 2007’. Agent Rodriguez hinted that such a report on the crimes that I allege is not sufficient explanation to justify my belief that the fbi is on a retaliation campaign of such proportions that I allege. I replied that his attitude is exactly what the fbi expects from all who hear my reports. Even the corrupt judge, I explained, who heard my complaint dismissed my statements against the fbi as insufficient to justify my law suit against the fbi. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Trey Knipfing, Postal Inspector, 14800 Trinity Blvd., Suite 600 Fort Worth TX 76155-2675 (817)359-2765, Fax: (817)359-2708 RMKNIPFING@USPS.GOV Conrad Rodriguez, Agent, Texas Department of Public Safety, Dallas, Texas RE: contacted me at home 4-30-13 for over one hour re suspicious use of my name to comit a criminal offense. threats, powders, ticking packages 1-877-876-2455 CONCLUSION: The fbi may have staged the above referenced crime in Dallas in order to cause the Director of Texas Department Of Public Safety (DPS)**Steven McCraw to open a full field investigation on me for the following purposes: 1) Determine whether I had any involvement in the staged Dallas crime; 2) Find any evidence of even one act of violence committed by this Target; 3) Determine whether my reports on line, together with any other element of statutory guidelines, may be sufficient to charge this Target with any offense, civil or criminal. 4) Determine whether an employee of DPS, possibly acting as fbi operative, is responsible for the crime referenced above in Dallas. As I have documented numerous assaults on my person by the fbi's operatives, the evidence suggests to some that the efforts to silence me from reporting fbi's own century-long crime spree is now in full swing, with planned & choreographed attacks on me and with high profile law enforcements' ongoing extensive background examination of me. The above referenced investigators are encouraged to be accurate in their report, showing evidence of concerted, planned & provocative attacks on me as I have documented on many occasions. The Director Of Public Safety must not permit his loyalty to the fbi's own criminals and assassins within the 'Burro' to prejudice his actions in this matter because much more is at stake here than simply his political success. Regarding the investigators, I urge them to thoroughly investigate my claims of extensive & abusive conduct toward me and to notify Congress of USA of their findings. Finally, as the two officials mentioned above showed great interest in my report shown here: http://portland.indymedia.org/en/2008/09/379206.shtml I suggest that the people of the USA need to know what the government here is doing to one of their own (me), and that such illegal actions against this Target may also represent a similar inhumane USA program worldwide against other Targets. We as a people must reign in the sometimes out of control departments of government (such as fbi/cia/dod) in order to preserve our own fundamental values of the worth & dignity of man. Otherwise the USA leads the world in the wrong direction. **Prior to his service as Homeland Security Director, McCraw was the assistant director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) Inspection Division, overseeing evaluation of FBI operations, strategic planning and execution and internal investigations.
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by Monique Abu-Jamal
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 7:40 AM
I would have loved to have been a fly on the wall and witnessed the interview. They were fishing, but were unaware of the bounty of stupidity they were about to catch.
Were the cops rolling on the floor laughing their asses off when you recounted your delusions to them.
You tell nothing but lies then turn around and say "At the end of the fishing expedition, I stated that I hope that the officers record in their report that I am reasonable and forthcoming about all of my answers; that I have no reason to lie and that all of reports are true.
You are not reasonable, you are a moron. You have no reasons to lie, but you do endlessly.
You are a sad little moron trying to be important. FAIL
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by who the hell cares?
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 7:53 AM
speaking for myself, why does this author keep posting its balding mug? Celebrity craving or what? Plain stupid is what I have to say. Who the hell cares?
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 11:36 AM
 monique_abu-jamal.png, image/png, 550x600
it all gets hidden, I never paid much attention to it
- now this Monique Abu-Jamal is interesting, seems to go back to indybay 2008
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 12:37 PM
http://www.hutchinsonleader.com/news/government/hutchinson-police-and-officers-among-those-sued-by-occupy-minnesota/article_d70e7d75-c183-5468-9d08-fe916c1f2647.html there, ^ he's whining about being hidden here He's spamming, calling Monique a "Mr. Jamal" and accusing her of being "fbi, a police supporter or operative" in a dozen places, after she complained to him in a comment about his insane ramblings. - he'll probably call me one now too :) 'that crazy inventor fbi agent has been sending me hate messages bla bla bla' ;) here's the butthurt URL
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by talk about it
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 4:28 PM
christ, hex, are you compelled to follow each and every comment I make, like a pig in heat? For a spook, you're sure a compulsive asshole. Just like Yada, your *other* persona.
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by crazy_inventor
Friday, May. 03, 2013 at 10:02 PM
I was replying to Monique
- and you've got dozens of snarky, single comments that _no one else replies to_
but in case you're wondering if your badgering will cause me to disappear - it won't
give it up
you don't 'own the board' and aren't set to become junior G-man board moderator
-in fact this isn't a board at all, although you treat it like one.
how trolls try to shut down discussion :
1.) "straight out of COINTELPRO"
2.) "spook!"
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by yuks
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 3:30 AM
from the author of AHHHHH...The beauty of Islam http://la.indymedia.org/news/2003/09/82568.php and now it talks about Cointel.... like I said, what an asshole.
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by crazy_inventor
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 3:49 AM
"That was spoofed
by Hex anon w/ encryption Thursday, Sep. 11, 2003 at 7:33 PM
I didn't post it.. I don't mind factual information being posted however when my handle is used it's dis-respectful."
it was a WND hit piece from 10 years ago
OMG thats earth shattering!!!
- shows your real purpose here - to shut down any discussions and smear anyone else who posts here
at one point or another you've called _everyone here_ spooks, including the people who run the place..
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by snicker
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 7:33 AM
The indymedia still is a day care center for kooks. Massive fail. Even nessie knew to call it quits.
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by crazy_inventor
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 9:13 AM
for pseudo activists
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by what a flaming liar
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 9:19 AM
*Sure* you didn't. Now you're outright lying. How about this one? Plutonium Found in Iran http://la.indymedia.org/news/2006/11/188447.php I suppose you didn't post that either...
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by crazy_inventor
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 9:33 AM
 living_in_the_past_.jpg, image/jpeg, 483x500
daze of our lies
driving me dizzy
tears of endurance
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by Yup
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 9:38 AM
When confronted with a comment it can't respond to w/o exposing its own culpability, it goes right to the stupid graphics. Too bad, huh? And Yada running interference as its *other* persona. I don't shut down discussion, I post history and analysis, which acts just like a bright light on a roach.
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by crazy_inventor
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 9:49 AM
when my comment saying it was spoofed was right there
plus you've had ten years to challenge it
the old link game ended right there
- the picture is the visual announcement of that
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by what an asshole liar
Saturday, May. 04, 2013 at 9:54 AM
For a 'spoofed' post, you sure didn't mind commenting on and on and on.... What's the matter? Light too bright? Just scuttle back into the dark and grease where you came from.
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